TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAHT. PfflLAPEfiPniA, MONDAY, OOTOnEI. 31. 1861. ii, V MONDAY, OPTOITK HI, 1 I. BPIBIT OF THE NEW Y3RK PSE3S. leading Editorials from tlic rw I'iipirH Tills Mitriiliii;. Turk ant Rr.( oor.st(K i nm i:. from (V Tr c The si:r:tict It crai bio ili" i.t. h fr mi ci'i' Corresiionili lit, wliitli w i islicil i cit-.r.luy, and the fiillrr dHuiln nliicli hit piun ln-il.iy, jrH'Mn viiw i'f tlii' uii riiiuiif in drautV .ti.iii onThuifo'ay wlili.li may Lx teail'ly gr.i; prd. Tlio iimiilii r of men fiiM.d In the rec n n 'I' fcnP mn be i-tiii!li(l iili t Icii'ile a .uriiry; Ii-it It Is h Pl'-li lit t'l g..y i!! it was eseon'i il y n pintld wuvimrnt, Imvl'ip rrpinl f,u!ely to tl;0 ft'Ci fitli of tie a .r unt lr.tr e 'lumn-. The 21 tli.rps took lip i:t lino nf msrrit osrlr in the murairg l.y the ixticiiiu !e;'i, 'TiKin out in ;i soulhwt-t. r y dtrtcn.iii r tlio nu 'liart ruul, rroi!ii r h etc k etillcl II i clicr's run, nlii" miles from III lurnur loisiuuti on the' tinnk roul, un I tin B ni oritur ilir-'ctlr wi'-t tnai'l.i tliu Nimtlisiild rnilrOAd. Near a puce. callr d Artn.ttron.f'a suar tiiill and alter a in iruim' tiiuivli pf ill'tcoii mi id 11 an rock come upon Hie cucmy, and cou aidiTil le rl.iri:.hli,UK i.hiit'd. Vbile t' ic 'JJ h u i:iiin 1 tills advance frrntin I, the 5tli Cotpt wan twui'K rvuil ou the i.iurinr e rcnlt, rilii its It ft iuu n li il to ruunnot with Hancock's ri-'lit, tui. Ptli cVrps he in;; nvived f.ir stard by a (.till kss ilniiii"iii lino of minti, striking the im-ni)" w.uks Ilium-dint ly by Warren ' riV'tit. Tiie army thus disposed formed an are of aiiout liit'in miles ni longtli; and it K i a urul iLnt an so in a. l,eeilijrovured wa.il tl.o mon mint mennr, ho eh'tulil iltrrot the t ,i put of tils i trenfith to lind the point win re the puiut o Connection btA.cn the diiiVivat cirp, wus nrmki', oi when; there wan nucoiim . tion furtue 1 at all. In th s, wo tako it, Lee iiitiicvod a puitutl or momentary success. Tho weak point luy li-twcen the 2d and "itli Ciirps Upon that I.eo threw one division of II ill Corps, and Hancock", riv'ht (link was par tlally turi.nd. Tlnro win r.o psnle, nu (lis.i.-tt'r, no loat; but after a stout and K illutit tis'lit, our extreme left wi drawn In. llie line generally eras contracted, and nl.luiup;li there wa neiivy Fkirmi.-hiu (lining thu day tt nthir puln'i, rerowe Iofl Cfd aevire Ions upon the Iti'bjld.tho Crbl) Pt the drtv w.i , H'ROil when the line betwoen the 2d and 5 h Corps wi re piorced, anil tho recon Dol aaEC then and there came partially to an end. Thu co-op raiive movement by Ueneral ilntlcr, north of the Jhiiic, from the rlear an I full account of itnhicii we publlih elsewhere, will be seen to bavo be n admirilily timed, and to bare aerred the pui pon: it was sent to exceutc. Whortrcr Leo found the npport wh'eh eii!illed blm to strike to beavily on our left, he did not lind it trom tho H'dwl works on tho north of Klchreoiid. At every p ilnt alum; Ilmler'n front, rxtendinff out hs tar us the Charles City road, thu Kent's acre kepi to their guns and the Army of the Jamil will receive tho credit of having dono its full duty. jK rs mov;ui: is. from V Tribvne. The Army of the rotomnc m ide on Thursday One of those movement which depend o:i cir Cnmitances (or their character ami development. The movement was an advaueo in force, cap iblo Of being cbcckcd at the proper moment ns a com fletod reconuoissnnee, or of being pushed by a tuceewful attack to almost any event. A m it ten actually turned out, it wus something between a rocoonoini-aricc and an assault, resulting in a positive success and a counidemblu gain in p mi tion, but not crowned by a decisive dufcat of tho enemy. Since its lust movements the luft of the Army Of the I'otomae has lain almost within Htrlkiu1; distance of the tiou.liililo road. The posscssioa Of that road ia deemed essemial to the p -s.'Kk:oh Of I'etersburg; heneo General (irnnt hm ones more pushed on in order t) gain it. Ha b m, iu f ct, reached a point from wliicn ho may at any moment fall upon the railroad with cavalry, and render its nso by tho enemy so perilous and uncertain that It will be to them of slight value practically. To accomplish this advance nothing like, a freneral enpnpenieiit has taken place. Tne enemy kcem to have been Indisposed to re-ist until they were threatened at a vital point, and until a dis arrangement of General Meade's line gnro them an opportunity to full upon the Hank of one division of tho 2d Corp., wbieh had got further in advance than the 5th, which should have c m netted with It. but the alt ur which ensued was alight in itself, and not important except as de termining the character of the whole operation. This exposed division at first sulPred some loss, then went forward again and b'luarod accounts with the enemy. to far as actual encounter wont the ra-ittor rested there, but it wus deemed best to withdraw the 2d Corps from a position which exposed it i connection with the rein under of the line. That position ia three miles In advance of U it was before held, and so much vrottnd, theiefoie. goes to the credit of this attempt. It' General Grant bed chosen to persist, it H plain he miirrit hive bronglit on an action of magnitude at a point available enough to him, but he preferred to rest content with v hat he had won. Tne losses oa either side mciu to have been about the same, while all the advantage otherwise remained with us. 0 fRlKl l l It f (J i iini'ir iiv P litis fAtirio I'o.tsr. Among the curious Items of news contained iu tt-e runs letter wlii.h wo publish this morning, is that re ating to a project of cid iui.aiiou which the Fmpimr's Government has in view oa tho l'ucihc const and of which wa have heurd bouie tbing before, l'repuratory to the introduction of the military or the political part of thccntcrpr.se, twomiineiit civil engineers have beau employed to make an elaborate inquiry into the mineral and agricultural resources of 1. .wcr Ca'ilorriia. 3 Souors, and the ch.iiu of t'ac Madrc Mountains. Hill ti.lt: 1 - I. . . "squatting" ou Ihe l'aclllc coast, is made tolerably clear, we think, trom the adinbslona mado by tho Jf Empiror's spokesman In tho Corpa L.Matif f many mouths ugo J Iu the l .mnus M ;;lcan debate wlii.-ti tn place on tho loth of May, the prime defense oilered by Minisnrs for the titian iai a;;,eeiueut which Imd then been provi-ionaby i uttred into with the agents of Maximilian, as band iiuo.i ) l-.j ll,. tl... ... .... I . .I.:. . 1 , - ...v ..... .uH ,IIV ,n.i lll.l,M tiuil WUnv'' IJ ,UJ V fionura mints under I'reneh diicction wu nd nrj Z duce un cnorniniia revenu-. a r v.mud tie t'rajiee would poeuniarily control. M. Araujmv, forinirly Mi xican MiniMvr oi Kimmce, lia i tin siigncity to project .his enterprise u a ha -leer lo the tomeahat t.xevssive b an which he wished to raise at the outs, t of Mii.xiiiitlcri's mnrr. He coi sniercd that it would bu wi-u Narrow 7-ib.:ift,(K 0 francs, liist .o ;uy o:f t'i.' hut i.s t ft credit.rl ol the lt.puiM -, n, x-. to maiu'.-tio a j iiiiiiii hrinj ior connuei: and trie iu uateu.inea J of oilier; further, to kept';.- Piaebiiery ot taa , Goieir n i nl in workir. r condl-wn until a srs-citi or taxation could lie eslaoli-hed mil put in five, ; V Jli d liiMly.tn pay lor ttic ooeuimtioii and irii o "ill till. l.lll,t:. .:..,)... ., ., ; . . . .-....... I' u.ii. nun ui :i iieneh mtlnaiy tune. lioastii g ot tho tesults which the tirolect of f Aranjuea pioniistd U cuiupa s, M. Hnilier nu 1 nouncad to the Corps l.u.isin'itr, Hint bvinians t rtf I.' fflf, HILII.ldl (..-.-...in.. . '2i 1 . Hi J i, i i . . .. - .. Ol . ..VO,!.!.! pitt-.ll TS could bo secured, and thttof this sain JO.oUd.ndi) w. bid be nilliclent to carry on the Government leiKiuy n simir oaianevoi tun millions oienaru tne enterprise ot I r inoe. Durln.; the aiuc reniarlviible detute. M. Dal;.,. l.,un, h,..l out upon this theme with c i greater spirttaud mow viniiur nuiiHiiess itian uis coitca;ae. lie said bluntly that Franco, and Kiu) in 1 h nl cv u.e to tho resolution not to permit the I'nitcd Mat. a to enjoy u monopoly oi the mines on the i l'aciliu const. "Wlii'e," said he,' 'California is pending on an avir.igo O' l(li),ttod,tw0 francs iu bul flion yiBily to New York, and while double this tau.ount may lie obtained from Mexico, Franca land Kr gland have allowed the U.iitod States to (approiui-te to ihcuselvj that Inexhaustible laik.' M. J)aIloi further believed it was emi. I n. ntly wife for I'r ineo, ut this particular juncture Ito . how Ibu world that sue ha 1 dot crminnd t) I"ituewlier pro'e'tloit over another (.' mstunti. j'nople in a lieiuisplierc which seemed on tho f j oint of being ubsoi bed by the Selllsh policy of 'ihe Monroe domino." A All thee utterances were madu not only in the W ii'Iht delilieriitions of tho Corps Lcgislatif, and V pon a subject that of the budget winch oil'ired .ooicasiou for mere rhetorical flourishes, but 1 peaktrs Utenirelves said what they did under it f lull sense id utilcl.il respmisibllity. France, In Vhort, as in the esse of Italy, will have m itorial I guarantees llmt sue shall he paid in full for her shi.re In the task of redeeming Mexico. These Kunrun.r. . ne wu una lu luo miuing rcglans of kv estern Mexico. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, a ot rur. Tr f r t tfiwr of T',r Kirnm ; T.-lf irti H Pin Some time after the return of the Pn'nco to Kurope, a statement Is Mid to have appear, d under his name to the effect that ho Iminiict of Gerrral M. f'lil'an why he did n it lay I'nnn l.h I ridirt s and cros his whole a inr over to the ri; ht bank of the Cnkkahominy, and 1 tl: t lie General replied that his mm were in ! m.i ! a ( oni'iiii n that If ordered 1 1 t;t. to nrk on i li e I. ;. gestluy won'd mutiny. This i st de l to l.i.ic o. riiricl ulioiit Ihe tlnieol the hittle of Fair i V 1", ' n 'le Idler purt ot May, sv It tl.irc ever been ai y ext'l.uic.'ioil of tliis -t in n i lit on tho part O' tho I'rin c f II s i.o.j. t i t hen npi of th" Annv id the I'o:. ll. i c ni il , I i' nciiialiilnnrc ith tb si ier.ee of w tr, iii v. h it h.1 slat, s, tact thu . Hou r ,1 hi:i ai.iiy at til .a' I i- :i) parent trod ln.t'i tai Mil time i 'c. m to t st;d. ii-.lt t'ic i il.'ti Old ih'is speak of 'lie I'r ni c ivalintlv iniHc.iti that In his i in', li ti e bruii c wiht to lime tiecn laid down, aril the whole annv assinit.ini on the r tht bi'.nl.. lie a Ih:. t wlii'e ori'y one co-j.4 vosonthB' liiiik.nnd coimmiiiicn'ion with tho rest of li e nnnr ili'ia'niloiit on lha two slight lit if I (the railroad btiiko nn.l 13ottmi brnlgei, r. Midden ri-e in t'.c s'rcs.ui might t ntirely isoi.Ue this c rps fiotn nil help, and le ve it a i ertaiit piry to the (nut. Ami rvm if tin -e meins id iros;i't; rimtrinid, liny wero si made qnalc to tllow of tho passai.e of a large amy, that the single corps on the right bunk inicht very well, ill all human probability, be nvi rps.wcred Lv n sudden atuick of the U 'bol a'tiiy, and cut olf betoro an elli i.-nl n inlorcs DifM could ci oss to its aid. In fact, o:t Hie list of Vay, we know the! the ineny, pro'i'blv hoping that the storm of the previous night ha I wnshed away tl.c btidre, did lull on the exp iscd pit s nnd almost ann hilnted it ; and nut tor the stnbbi rn fighting of our brave nan, who cm tested ev, iv I, ait of t lie (.'round, and o .Intel the incmv to consume ut least two hours in petting i vir .n mile of the raid, an I thus 've time lor the tr ops on the lilt ban!; to come M their ni.l.we should have Ins' an entire c rt-. with all its material. Now, can it lie taut General M.Clcili.n. to excuse Ids own wast of skill or enterprise front the Prince, dclihcr.ni ly slandetid his noble nimr, and caused tho l'lenclnnan to believe that the Army of the rotomitr was In such a shameful state aa to mutiny, if onleiedtopei lorm n duty inrnlving a few hours' labor ? That alt.r toil and dHtigrrs unsurpassed in the history of ar, it had finally become a mere rabble. Wc know that it was not a nu re ra'ible; wv know ihat t'tis same army at terwards sustained, dining a retreat of si ven linvs, the most ob-tinate ussittlisuf a toe, Hushed with stn cess, ami vastly snperior in num bors, and ytt never failed w hen a fair Iii Id was given of checking his advance; and on the la t day nf that disitroua "change of base," when its commander is raid to have abandoned all hope, wo know that this same army of the l'lilomac turned on its pursuers, and gave them a blow at Malvern Hill, which sent them reeling back toward" Richmond, brolcou, routed, and trembling, lest they should be folio ved nnd w hipped out of their simnghold of the Rebellion. Wc know then that tho nnnr trrr.t not a mutinous rabble, but tho iiiicstinn I-, Did its conitimnder so represent to the French Prince, or did the bitter tnisrcprc.si.nt the case ? ,. The students of Yule f 'olleg.; had nu enthu siastic Union meeting last week. Speeches wero made by home talon', and litter; were read from Ivlnard F.verett, William C. llryant, Charles Sumner, and others, written in amwer to invita tions to be present. There live In the patich of St. H lyainnd, Quebec, a man who has completed his hundredth year during the past summer. He dos not look older than if he were seventy yea-s of age. A musician in his youth, lie still delights, now mid then, in pluying on bis violin. DRY GOODS, Q1.0AKH. CLOAKH! J. CIIAMUKRS, No 810 ARCH SI'K I-'.KT. Op' ninji dull RKNC'I Bf.A VV.H CL0AK1, H.KNril TltH'OT OLOAUrt. 1-XjtIiMAl K CLOAKS. WAi'l.U-l'KUOr CLOAKd, At remrtrkably low prlrn. rVAGQ & rUO.,COnNl.U OF TKNTH AND J. l'ISK.opcn llUKilm t'rnni Hiicfi . 1 lot lituvy Htl wnol Iamxk IShAwU, 1 lot bluck mid wl.ite and bUck uuii rcl all wut siilrt ii)K y litniiPla, HIS cents. 1 lot tit'iim' Merino I intorNhlrtJi, $150. 2 li.tn iRdim iiih nc K ami Jny flUf-cs Merino Vcats, I lot ItillNL'sj Mt rlllO rniltrral.l. Iti t.i ''I lonhf .. rnnl i in pi .'ii, 1 let Inrili'i'hl'ick si1k tifcr-iinrtl f;lnv HI is-iiU 1 )('t fCrU duzen) blm-K and white hoj! Cnd- rti cvvc. IS c n a 1 lot lti'U- I'ariH Silk Scarf, 7,- ror.m. I lot piitN' 1'jirl- 'lo.h iliv.(t, very nnf, jt"?"t. il li t- lml'i'H' new mylc fialiov Allk .Nt v-kli' i, f I . :Uui lulid,' v. rj ilm linieiMe iii ad &.Ut 14 reniitu 'J lots lillL-le ltuttrtns. bl.ick and colont. M rrnm in t nor i doen. 1 let Htfi Prcsf Muttons. I'i'f cetitu; nNo. Oilt Hu to i. j it 'i 1 1' uoCHr i.iiicn i tliar. timerrtht ht it , iu ifii.t. loin MoriKt'i. 1'iiltUiOliUHll'it, '1 CPIlM to ' ! tit, 1 loi tlm k cud coium tau nt Ilia ad, U cenu pt r dzo hk' 111. 1 lot cl.tMreH , l.lii co'ors alt wool SlmwN, $ 7,'i. 4 lois ucfiiK i oti on ll till Hon-, 1 1, J.i, a.,t ii mi In vent. U t Hcnti It h rolnrt ItHlinnriil Skirt-, .. Albn, rtvtTiii lou tiictirt intf mitl laii -y hrcsjjt (i otla, ltoijii t Mini '1 naniuit; HIM.ons, MtlKn , (jldyt-h, sir. NI5W 1lJlllVINC HXtU13. FALL STOCK. An l'legiint Assortment , riEEEB GOOD?, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, AM) MOIJllcslXJ BlILIirWlt'.Il V. IHE ATU.SION OK TUG I.AU181 14 SOI ICIU'D M. & A. MYKIIS it CU., No. lft CIlKSVI.'r ST le ur. 1J NOKTII KIOHTII STKKKr. 11. Jt'.J rul:d aNuvr Alrh. llrp.t H,.l,.. ti .n lu uiirli:.ni. r.s s oclcrf N! i. n,j raiiey;irniiiuiii., ui.-.i. I'lirais- liis b,it flint most U'tlnui, M'-itt-iii.i.t i l.a.ili,' iio.i ri.k li i.iii.toji. oV.i aitnis . uia llutiniM ol our nnii m.iK an t I n , ri.l'i.n, olli. i,u M,.r,,o s vis all u,., .,i I l.f uru l.'r.viinl tleml lirt .i,...; Ni. i, , ,.,e: is... wlitri : Puk'r :i, i,a II B.nt,,,,. i'i .iii m .r, , i ,. Ml h f1l..v,., U d 'I...VC., , trc i.r i n,aH..r.' ols' .1 a t'l.l., ,u V us, ban I- in! ae .1' li.r'i-:-..i 1 out!... 1 .i 'i ltna1n.1IM.lf .ni.l.s. .lk i i ll i-.ii.'-.,s, J.!t s( , ,, ' ;' '''Me.. !.... I ..i a:l .In u'ul .l!ui.;Ms te lliinlliu-. ui n st. . nr.-ie. til ,-r. iily t...!..,.. ,- ,-.-. ; U... .11-1, (I,,.,,),, , .,!, ,v,,... li....ti. : I ?i.t. .1 tiii'.ien s mi, .si i . , .j.J iti- . .1 t.r ; 1 1 ,ir it.i.u, 11 ii- nnii UMa w ,. '.r l I .Vi 1 1 i.im, me ft , a mni, .Is ; P.'n.li . 'Vi,it 1. a ,-. 1 1 ail gn..i, .. hi .1 ... I,--: f.i,,,. -im.i l'..i.,ri.. Ve i.m CI I.r.. ,n p-tl .r.e'.l N I it,,!-,"l (..If: s ; I u iiri -L.tt 'c' " :-ei! s. 1:1 atral vvtai, c it cli t .. .t do, I . .- C I. e. ..ii.' ap-.l .-tt, . I f .1, . 0 , lr.,.iT,. . i.(.ii,r.. on .in. 1 1 , I.i' e, 1' :. I, 1. ii-. u 1, . ri ... i .nr i.w 1 ..t. . st l oi. ' i-i r 1 111.0 -i.. . a. 11 (, ,. ., ,,( wi'.' m .m 1 on:. v.i-a aii'i vat, N.. 1.1 r. , -I. men n-r-t. S. . .,1., iln.f a: oe Aiel. urn. to Itie r.Ttl.'r. ll). s J J I N Mi ItlSlv!!! Itr.N iNO 111S1C!!! W Hte. .1 lit: nuini'v. II' U. lr:ti. I'..r tvo-y Utt ( m '-(, i ; i. ..i.-, i. : t. Hsi; sol, us, IISK Mill in .s 11 1 I I S1.TI1H la' ..I 11 ,1 I . Mm',. If X. I. Vi.ii, M..ls Mi,.!..,, aJ VIT' 1no l.ln, l I "a I'M l ;'. I -i.al ,rl.-,. y,i!ii.n.si !. .Mill, M- . ii:, ubI Hi,.- l.ioin ll.siu.. rn.: i: m 1 ,uai p,i.-c s -:,). ChM'l I.V'.MKS M H UMMlls 1 II0011S liJiMLLill.N'a KUItaiirtlll.Va 1IOOI1S. t-J-fm "Mil 11 .V. .1 l.llilM, Kg. l.'.si Clll.SMJl' .'.tre.it. ) JtOOP Mi I H I'S -0 JUsmifa.-tory. No. li.s A K( II utrct. tl-Ii AOuT4 SI .III atrCt, i'lcluJiii.liia, T.l.al and ivtall. Thenest o.-.Topl.-le aaanitui. -ut .,1' LaJle,', MUs.s', n t I i.n.lreii'a IKiop SKirla III the i Wi-.in . icry r.'i,.cct : rsl-i-iua, wl.uli n.r.lvio, 111,1 ,11, uurbilar, anj vliOii.ii. .s, llav-l.i nyial in th" luurliil. s in. u.aila to u.Uor,.ilurcd, anil r"i'r"1 . t WALT.lIO.'UfSS. PRICES REDUCED. Evtry artkle lo cur stovk wlUU ao!d t tt.a vci v l,w.t Btrtet rates, FOB UAH II. EEE7E L KNIGHT & BON, IO-1-lm Ko. 80 CH1C9SLT 8THKLT. WALKING COATS, DRY GOODS. Ar n rOUSTIT MiT AECTI, CCCTS FOR THE Lkdm. VM) IS 1111'. 1'Asl' VI 1' AIM-. cF.l.l.tNU All, il'K rulll.HIS OOdlH ON. A ...I s (i..'d I n w a.'i ui.e. t. atp a' I I., off f r.i.r.i.ii Ar..i.'i Tttat i i;k oiitmvi.h M MI.H li I III . w 1: tli:tV TCLIVVV, Iyorp Clonk Velvet, 40-i:icli. WLite Silkn for V.'cilttir.gs, Lo , cVc. Eest Bine Silkr, ir. Town. Poft Brown and Wine Shades. Fire Black Silks, best Silks raadi, WiiV.vo' Silks, with Purple Edge. 42d Highland Plaid Bop-ins. 42d Highland Plaid Shawls. 42d Highland Plaid Cloaking. Frosted Beaver Cloths for Cloaks, &c. Kiche.Et All-Wool Printed Do Lainoa. Finebi Assortment of Dress Goods. 40 Lots Goods from the Lupiu's Salo. Staple Goods to Suit First Families. Bett Blankets, Quilts, Toweli, be, EYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND AF'.CH STREETS. I'. S. Wliolesal,. I'.uycr'. ats Inittod to CMiiiilna t'.vt Ne Rt.krt MIIAWI.SJ ASH HKI..SS llnOliS.al (.rSi-s tn null tl.. in. Id it, uiivslm ' MAMII.LA VELVKT, Ftsm AtlrtloM, at nni)rci-;n vitici:.s. CUKWEN .VTODDA NT & UHOTUEll. ea. rl, 1 !, an.l Ir. I N. aK'.-ovn strut, ID-L'-M At.ovo Wlttoiv. JNIMF-NSIO KKIHTOTION IN TUB I'HICI'.H or I 1C V O O I H. JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., IK 727 (11ESMT STHHCT, Ol'FEU TriEII. ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN TAUT OP Mft:IKO. s, It'M.INsi na.l Itl.l'S, Ll'lNl.f INKh, ci.w h.aii a, Al I'll'AS anil M.HI )lt.s, ULAOK and I AM I Hit, KM. hii wi a, of.nvT.n. I.INKSH, WlllrV, liOHtl.S, KI.AN BI.. Hl.fNKsrij, ttvi v nr.i ruiTiis NiiKs riNtts III 1 1 1 I AMB, ai d I LUAMM. ll.urilsj, AT EXTEEMELY LOW RATES. Wt ten Uave to utst n Ihe pt.lUV thjt wo have mirktM dortntvt'O artklo In tur atock.uutl :i.iw bavo it la car pcntr to c-ll it HAKE 1 A H GAINS. m 4-1 m wmn r.f.u r. i oomm. t:i s-taium. JjXTEAOIlLIN A.ST BAEGAIII3 D HESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FritMPCIXG AM) DI)MF:ST!C goods, Com.rUleg tlw lrtet ant elwlc. at Oiiplay ut olTtrc.! at l.aln'l, im AT Uttf'KM Ul:l,OW TUB COB H'lrOMitKO LKDl'lT.U VALt'l. Ol' GliLO. I-'IIKNCII l-Ol'liINK, iii:kinc)i;h. AI.I'AOAH, WOOl, DP, J. A INKS Ac, Vl llV l IIP, VI". Wt riaia rer;v. J at a erMt .-i1e. a !nrj-n 8took of al'diou.-i ric. .1 lniKss (loons, A b I ,l o( IDHiU'A!, I1K1.AIM.M AMI I I I.NT.M, 'Mrl ive -V, n 1 fl vij ii,w,aii ar ncil WMttb th atnullea of t.u.. is J. COWrFfeTHWAIT ft CO., H. f .c l.ii NiS I'll atij Alt 'U Mtreita, l it l.il'l:L"HIA. Ki; i ,II. t ,N 1 1 WI It ll.lvSAEE. .1. M. IIAI'i.V i;.ii, Y.o. 902 0 HES?IP.T STP.EET, I'as aw In at 'ia a n il a.w.ttiri t.t is" 110 . Itbr.usd li.ai.e- ol i:n(Ji.issii nosiKiiy, IS BAU'ltKlOAN UOHK AN U Ilttr HOSE, UI1ETTLK 8 liOsE, SltlUrS, AM) liltAWKRH, EX1KA JUAVT BII.K HUIRTS AM) DK.VWKKs, jn all my.ua. foic qkntlkmkn. 10-3 MERiNors.rorr.iNs. Ji. a, l,.inliiii.., t ian 1'lalita. All aeu., ilulirtir., ai.il oti,,r liroai floods Client, ul JAU.il. l AMI'lll IX At CO 'R Ma CUIi.au t: t SUoit. SILKS, SHAWI.8. iilji itaiit ( loll.f. Oluvtia, Llt.enf . and Whit Ooota. Cheap at JAri. 11. i'asii'iiki I. a Co s J-ICIli:iMr8lret. ILANNEI.S, BLANKETS. I.iitia auil Cutt1.11 HliaeUes,, (heap at JAM. li t AMi HKl r. t co llo. 11 1 lltd.S LT BuL 4ILWI1OWANT000I) DRY GOOD8AT J . tii very kiweal iirle.a, can find ifcini at JAB. it CAMI Hl.l.t. t rO.'H in.f .r v.. 1 ,1 .. ., L j . ' VERY LOW PRICES, ADlUfj' I'ANf'V VUIIH. JOHN FAHEIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, a.'!ivk si vr.f rn, A ' 11 1 h : ti r si 1 11 1, m:i 1 11 s t ua. I;ijci!ter Mrtiiunftiucr of I. I' I US' AM) (TllLVStEn'S fr.'.ir'mnt of f AFff T I'V tt fi.r La lies and Ohll1rn. 1' e-l con.t'1. tr , csnWaciar. 1UKV VAU1KTV THAT W1I.I. PT. WJRM HLK'.NfJ THE CO.MIM; ftKAi'j:. I: o f n.t.i r tlio nams and mimUsr, JOHN F AREIEA, No. .ih Alien htki:kt, IVivl Hei-srttl, I HAW NO rtr.TNVK CIl ( (llNKntiN WITH AST oTUKuaroatvi.H niKcrrv. 1," t. TllOMl'BOPf, FASHIONABLE TATL02, K. ( orner Sex Htli mid lValont Blm-K riuL.iF.i.i'inv X It.- Itav'nir tlitaiui-4 a celsbrlt for citile (.OOO-HTriNCJ I'ANTALOO.NS, Mi.l.'i ? It a 1 Ult; In tuy t.tirlnsaa for aome eiita pa.t, II 1. It,, efilil 01 mittlrlent liniMirtanec to announea Ihe fa. t In this luni.iiftr in tho piiUlc, ko thM tlume who are 41a "atlilul car bho ol r.iy method and Kls m a lrt.il. K 2i-lia JJ HlHK.UAIl;il fc CO., CHILDREN'S CLOTHINQ OPOSIUJf, No. 1 N. FlfiHTK STUEIsT, rillLalI.MUI.. mm,., V-i.tisM'suiv .. .4 .'. ' I-; T, ;:iFfBtCV!-' WeroiptctfiiUlnvitt 8cUI ttentla Utur tqt i'ii)i,ni:EN"a ci.otiiinc, Crniprt.lns IIOVR', Illltl.S', INFANTS)', and itiaflKe)' lU thlpi; -n cm variety, In the lstw,ltle,,andofaui- r'orwoikrr.an'hip. Hpeclal alttntlou tt.t toattHRKB' IlHKSgMAKUI'J. The puhlic aro la lied to call and amino. M. S1IOEMAKEII & CO., ST-wsmllB No. t f. EIUU I'U UTlltLT. ri' J PI X Xj 1Z T or FASHION. Email Profits. Quick Sal eg. HATS AND CAl'S. NKWE3T STYLES Lwe,t Prtei-a In the citr. 1IOUKNK, a.l-'-nw-Sm No. 10 N. HI X TH Hl'&RBP. "gPLEDX AND NOISELESS." EMPISE SEWING MACHINE t I'JKI AjULV AND MANt TACTL l.ltfti PUltl KSCS OFFICE, No. 720 CHESNUT ST., (0j poalto Ihe Masonic l..la Mac'ilne U the triumph of iStfcUot! In Sew uj Ma-:hims, rr.mblein iLai... i.tro an-1 luiusiIe liflK DiailH not io:enrd bj Sly l.t it Jtnihll.e. Having nrltber CAM or COi. Wlli:i:i,, !t ll rts.ol.tllj call;- a r yl.f le., neicl.tn.'. T1IKEE 8IZE8 AKS M AN l' FACT lit EH. VA.M1LV MACiHNK.flaf.M.L M ANUV AlTt Bla-1, AND LAKI.K MAPI ACTCBi.Sll. pnhlle aro Invited tn t thi Us-Mue at tl.-lr Aain.j, No. "-' ClIKBNITT S'FHKIi'F. HMl liira' WU,s and Wid-iv. 4 fiimliliel aliti Marl.inei on ttieouimoiiatlnft Urrnf. in ? QllOVXill at IIAIiiaU'ts HIGHEST Pi.EMIUM H K W I N U M ) H I IM K V, -M No. TSO OlK'Nl-JT Btr.ot. W! , PIANOS, HOTTAfl K E XCKI.. D-a-a-sVi.a2 "'or lltaaua, llarnmnitiiu,, Slid alos A III lllKIUI.Kl MATtsira Meat" sioitn. 10-7-tia 'I'" lilK.SNIll Hlruat. if 1 si COTTAOK OlidANS, Kot only TV Tyrf T I.1CD but UVK'lUALr.F.I) In purity I Tne and i'evt,-r, ilt'..ninl .Necialiy f.T itliur.'l.... and Viuhoi.!,, tail 1 1 una lo bo .ini)l' w il iidaled U tile furlur and l.r.wina i.Miiu. iuriaieonl) by ,.. ic. M. mil ( re, Ko. IB V. RI.VFA1U Street, iiaa, a cci.u Vtn Sstorlnient 0 the l'aricci M. io!-..a c actiuitiy unhand. auh'-ia J JO Ii J IN Ci-CJ IA Htsi AND riCTl'EE FRAME MANUFACTORY. WM. II. MOIIOAN, ho. 140H X. Nlalll Sflll.tT, Gilt Ovill 1'liotoarapU Kruill, ,,10-'jn I OMIT A HI LV ON HANli. Ilarlnn bought Boat of any tuatcrlala befoio thalat treat rim, I am wahlcd to oil. r tuy tuel ot F1IIST-CLASS FUIIX1TUKE At a iniill advance on old prloea. I. LUT, 1" Sta No. 11 B H.KVK.M'U BTHbET. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. I; li FINANCIAL. THE FAKMLK&' AND LIEGHASIIJtV rsVi'ioiNAr. 1 fVrs 1 1 OF l'Hll,AIK.I.riIIA. h.nanciai. ti.v.si am Kt.ru iirnv i in, T'N'IM) sr ITI.S, ltv.r.- v.aert!!.,!, f. ti r M THIttV lltr.sl T'30 IOO 1 'KKAarttr NOTKS, .i a,. rn i. al ai.tMrey Into la ,it .npt. IIVETW1N1V llllNliS; A.,., lor lk lEN-FimiV lto.Mis. loa-rml c a liab paahla ir Isold. Ill sa ruiwlm W P. I 'SSI T ,l,h,. QFF1CK FUU I'll Id HAI.K OF NATIONAL LOANS, Nj. Ill 8. TIIIRD STREET, HIIL fill i IMltA IN 12 V UNITED STATUS 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. TH. Siibn ritieta hs.lna lsan th tttr.aftil BldJnr. for a portloB Of the NV'r (tl SIX PHI Or.NT. 1101.:) litAUlMl MJAN, avpiopacisl to oiler ll oa f.Tirlna I.STiiato their cn.tonirra, In larg.s or email anioiint.i, In llond. of doonnilnaOon. of ,tts, Itteo, SfiC,, and fX'l, r.ih relat(ed and tf,ti)r.n.. Tha liitorecl rmnmcuii on th. let of Move moor aett and la pajahle In RoU.MUil arnu:l ,on tho 1st of it a and Nov.mlHr. All olhor Uovtrnmert horuitlloa on ha. id and forialo, and lafo-rna'.iou sueu concuiu'ns tavoainiant,, at our ialle. JAY (JOOKH 4 CO., Ho. Ill 1.TIIIKI1 SlkKKr, I' 1 1 Phlladulphla. iijl.iam I'Aiivriiit k ct., BiNKKBS, No. 1H S. TIIIHI) STUr.ET, iiiii.Aiim.iiiiA. lV.atpr. tri Qevonunnt PerilTltk's -.fall kind,, lora'sn and lom..tir Fxcamso, tiold, Hilrer, and Vacurivi.c llune, Dt'Oittit and aolil. I'artirular etl..ntlnn paid to the porrliaao oast ia!A of Ht.Kkiaml Iti. nd,, on C'OBiuit.alon. lntefAt allowed oa iiepoi u; C'oUo-tUiul proniitly mados Iii 21-lm jJICHA-lUI. .IACOHH, BANKER, Ko. 40 K. THIII HTIIKET. GOLD AND SILVEH BOUGHT. VTOCi; AND STKCIi; BOl'OUT AND 83I.D OS C0MMISHIOH. 1UNKEKS, No. 30 S. THIRD STREET, auT and aat.L f.OLft, BII.VtK, AND OOVKKNatShT MBCLH1TIKS. H T O O K S ll'MJUHT AND HOLD OH COMlUllON. H jOX.T AND HILVEH, GOLD AliD SILVER, BOUGHT AND SOLD, MICHAEL JACOBS, IiVlD-Cni Hi. 40 8. TniKt) BTBF.KT. JEW LOA.lV. rl!iW LOAN. U. S. 10-4() JAY CUUKI3 A CO. . OVKKK I OU SALE TDK iEW GOYERN'MENT LOAN, BCAI 1N.1 riVK MSK CtNI. IStreUKSf IM COI, red. imalSe am tloir aflar TK V YKAK ', at thopleaaur of the UoT.runieBt, and paalil YUU1X VKAKi aitaf data. III'TII COl.TON AKf lili'ilHTltaK.l) BONDS art iMned furtbl, Loan, of .fi'ao ceaomioaikn a. tho A-. 1'he lAU're.t oa f.sij and SlOtls pa.va'ilo yoa'lyi on all otl.er df-norulcatlon,, b.lT yearly. Tlia 10 40 bond, aro doled llanii 1, tM The half-yearly Interest laillnydno srpuntber i and March 1 of each year; sntii t.t MepUai ter, tlic acetued Inti-rent froia l.t of March Is required to be rld h riircliAhfrs lu eniN or In i siial t'l'imi&NcT, odd tail ni'ty porceut. fur premium, tinliliiirther nntloo. A 1.1. Ot'HU; UDV MtNrUtT bKCUKniES BOCIillT AMI bOl.H. JAY COOKE & 00., Bihitl-tf No. lift M. Tllllill HillBl.T. gMixn & Han non'ii, No. 10 S. THIRD STREET, UANKKItH AND UllOKERS. in cic,ytoeks,Criartoraiaiters' Vouchor, and Choc),., and all dovemuent noeoi-ltloi Iiout,'Bt and Sold, tahis JlAUliOTf &: CO,, ' IIANKEHS, No. 121 S. TIIIRD STREET, rillLADKLriUA. Oovorsnioirt Serarlttci of all Iirniei Purchased and for Bala. Btooos, Boiula, and Uold Boulil and NoldoaCoiav IMtBEBT ALLOWED 0H 1110811 . CoUoetlonaPromiitlyMado. foS-tf OVERCOATS CHEAP, Af'M'V S Af(J". Ri:: Hit Vi", Nk ft MAKKRr atr .t C M " I'V. A ,r-. . , .1;. .... ,.,., .,,, M IKNltm. . t .y . f . I. , ' "'' -' iln.Hi.l.i k. , ho I .t'er ,t ,.nr. r K,t, r. . .. t . . "'AH AU n .Mif) Al the P f.1 ao.p. mt sv.li'ii.n n,ii-:iTiiii 1 t 1'r.ett r". .'i'' h 11. us mi sir.ttPii .mar At :l i .toe. i:. ..,, I oil III I r a.l.aliee I -.lie-. . ,.9I n o,i,H,M o, .1, f,r pnl.lK aalo. A1 I "( r OINUI M NV.i)" jVAttl'lsJtM A8. ' II i M.'ii.', " 'Ml 'll ..1,1 e. Oe . Cm . i;i ti.n '.jiAi'i n'r. O. l it r, k It, i'. t i Hiiir.,'., y V i. .,M'., I' (' , tlr',, ,r 17, att J 1 ( . 1 id ill I'd A 1 At v'l. nltl r ninirti' H nr, li 1 , i- -i 'r.i i-i. Hi' -1 1' id I'timrfu I. iv A I .nl T mm I I', -mi T-)i.l -(.; n't H . U'sflilhwinii. Con I I.I . Nit.fii.lr' II. I'M nl ! O . l k A. M , ft ll ol M . 1.1 1 KMA.-.1 Kits' MOi:l:i4,c;ii1u-i.ia ft? Ur.Ml lor A-i. ( At) 1 uter' TcoK lirMnlfi, tri1l-, ItnckftU. ''.n. i- l- ni kt Hlt' Ir i:r - .u.-. ht.tn I I'rMiiit", 1 1 ft ,t 1 1 hrrnp l.is.th:r. Idtiitoic ico", Ki ivi , unit tn-) e l-t 'l wt-rftp Ir.in f.ntl W-,.n TfiO. A;, Al Ot ? f, Mm. t M-mr Mrrcf , nmr Th ftpl;t fPtltMi P ( Htirfl, innii. .Ilhtfij fU it it-ft roini-lrlioii t tin n rl.ii iit.ritit i . ( tiititlsrr t AriltU'iorrt, Onrift, M-nia i W .Mitiillic Vt ftfoiu, Wntt h.Kl p, Himnn V n. ' 1, A c . i.ert ..-1i'l !(!( rr !' b? i vil-M to rfn( t Ih llrfi l'li.n f,r (.') tfr- Cm m tlit il' ' I tftl . 1 1'.ui t i-ti, in Ooteiuu'ri.t urdn. i n. nu k Kit, I-rl-,ftrt:fT'(lcncnl fftid C1i'tf Vnnrtrrnmi-u t, 10 '- 11', N Iti of ftkl.iitMioa. 'mm i irx-fJf mi iiai nrvr p, I T 1 KiT TM-I. UiK, r)Aiilll,i;'I.M IH, WirUft.slJ at fitXMe AmHl n.to th hutbutt biJJtr, tl sl in.rt, It t. : Oi: Ti THUaY, N.ivemter I, H'i4, tNCftvi'r IIi'imm (Mi MI.IMV, ..rrmltr 4, I.'v( ftTftaj r I lr ). 1 m I ti l.ne hftn t-nt'ntnJ tinM lor tb Cava1i rrrv'tn ff' th uriny f'-r n.Aj nt'd TftinUii,, pnf,.vi mai.y gv1 bft'gft-m mf b" hsVti. li -rt-IC ajftrd l NtttfH roni nl 1 A. M Trnna-Citflt tn 'i iTiil wtii Ottnvuftjr. Hy onlr of ttt4iiftrtTuiA.sM' (l r. JAMH A. VKINt fnrfl tft fliitrgft Mr it DiTlikQ g iaVHrtt..-" (lntlt- rtU b O l, . 10 4T - U t A H T !l M hT F. H - G. K N K R Al 8 OIU , rir1 IMvlaioa, H .vMiiiatn4 Oitt CvtMotvfT . 1464k, ri'krs! uukkmi: mjk ; Hon f ru:tatli i r Ari lir n.t 'viff tfriiir w-U hf I'un lin J Ht (JIK-JHOKO l.KIV T, Ittoi.fti inftrket, t til iSovt iiiix r 1 . lrt4. liornr, will tt-J.llvrrf tl to f!i.(Mn I, I,orf M.r. A. Q. M , uO l,i kulrivtrJ to Cieft vul uortiLatat lliapi caon l n.rr I tilnp arrei ti it. I'rica rvlt7 hrt, ;ft pt-h, 1 r j tl Arvult ry H'TtM-t. lri'ffcc(i, I'VUt'iit will bvuiftJ tiii ( h it 4 mtv-t. JAV Krt A. K.KIN, Colvt.fl rirt liv.At.tn, U StM Quftrtm-4.iftater-ltea rtvl ftOi1)t4. PROPOSALS. QV AK'i K K M AST KlS DKPAUTM EN r, Piim aofj i-hi. Pa., ocittttfr tr, l!4 1f1 Putluli I It la r0fireit at ttti otlr uittl- IS P rlvtkll .on l lA V, NrTi.mbor I, tut th rii.f-. tli.iii-di Nr'ijr nt tin I nlt.Hl KUie ftwwt-huuif , ltror M'ml Wharf. Phl'ndi Iiiii, I., of I'.- fttnt'ulMtor, ntuiplot1, Win ellnjr pftttfrn, M'sitern will fat u lc, l-it tn rtiiiy( uil flfiirri, nnd tin- t Mil fit r uT ftuihu ftiiro thof tun i1l"rr. nt.il tho I tvtArt time (hf emu (U'4ier tlwtu 1b. ihe ftrntwlftaei o Uy ,' tub 9i t" In ,i c'li-it. ttfh hiJ wv-st tx tiuHrftntMti by two rojwifM pw rtii,hnM' j.tyi'ftturf tuuwt be r.rion4iKl o tut iri.ArAn. and dfUiU J to ft bvtii,.! trol mill virncloixt rUr fnr the mo nut li.iri.Wfd. tr tft l-ntsi SUici IHtitri Jmlgf, Attotip),oi tVtlU'oior. (t othac ullie ud0Tt OthtVtrlaft lh Bid will not bv oonaMerfttl.. ?v nitlit In rnid to rj.cl Vt hMt dwuiM too hli ftun uo bit) (rvm tv OcfAUiUci. cvauacuir wtU b it- Crlvfd. OEOKOn B. ORMVI Cupula to ji.Qlif. 1U01'OISALS l'OR RATION. Qi AiuiiMTTKii'fi OmrK. IT. g. M. rnRfa), I t , t W AU.NttioN.'olUtlK-lwUr, HM. i . , . pr,'lw,l, I reci KiJi Uus omce until 2 oei.K KM, oi HiftV.Mh of KovtViiber nt, (or fur iimiiiiiK Kat).tito Hie I'niud .itatta Mftriuc.t4 the W tnif tilatia. for tha year ; FVl.itii.miai, iSew Hampaiiira. Cliftrlratuvi ii, AfAantliuetlf. Ui.M'kli'i, N'w ork, rinUdajphia. Iiiptlvftnla. tVnsbiUKloB tiiy, District of Colnmhi. Lot. port, rn? ax Norfolk. Vlrirlnia. Kach rll.n to romMor thr-fourtha ct ft pom, of Im rk. or Dflom, or one and fourth ponnj of f resh or aalt b' nf; rlhbU'611 outueiior bruail or (hmr, or twlve ounra o( bartt bittad, or one and a fourth muml ol o irn mail ; and at the rate tn one lui tdri.l raiioim of tjiajlit uart or b-Ai.n; tr. In llu thi-reo', ten poundi of rlrr; or, tn Ilea tlirrrot", twice per we a,one huudrp'l and fifty ounooa oi daHainttd KiaUei, and una bundtfd ounce it mixed voUbii i ; l n iH-ui.daof coiU; or. In de u Hu-roof , ooe and htf Mundorta; lineon p-vin.l- of ufiri lour quft'ta of vine :nr; me Mind of piin candlca, or one undone-fourth outidt( adftmm.tiiifl candle, or one and a hall pound of Uilow; four pound of aoap, and two uft--is f -.alt. T'ie ratloiiK to bn deiiven d upon the order of the f!um maiHtir.g iMror oOfti h at tttion; the Ik esh beet', wither In bulk, or ly the ulnirU rauon, of good tiuahty, Hitn an C'iukI proportion ol the foie and bind (juaner. nerka and ln.liieB uilow Mli.Ui'd; the lMik, fu. 1 prime uie ork ; the tliur, etr auperhne; tt eciirir, k.h1 klo; ihe s'uar, Kood New ttrleaim, r hae in'rHien ; and tJic btanj, v.Dirar. rartilcu, 'np, nalt, kc., to be of goo J juall'.y. All fctihject to tnspiTtmn. Allbida win I bo accompanied by the follawinr guar ftute : KOHM OF (.UAUANTKK. The iradcrsliad, , or , lu the Rtatft of , "nd , of . in the Huf l . lierf) guaruntoe that in cae the tort n'.mv bid of . tor ratlom, a ahoe dbcnbed, be accept r d, h or they will, within ttMi dnya ftfit r the n retpt or the c tnuact at tli1 iHt otltce nnmml, exoeute tne contract ftr the atmft, with tfood and "iitheu-iit aerurinei; and In ettao the id - ahail iati to aner Into CMiirai t ft ato-iMmd, we (niarantt-. ti iuak tr the dttrcrunre tetwoer the oiiur of the raid and lltftl whkli iuuv be witi ted. sitnoh, A tiuarantor. t . Q.li (iuarii!o-. iHfi . 1 r.eithv ceiltfy that the above t.tmed are known to me Bit'ti ot pn ptrtj.aud ub etjuitka 8od tJicir puarftnt.-e l obeilKneil oytlic i nited Ntatra IMatrlct Jadfe, Unl'.od btaie lttnct AHoin y, t.r roJhc.nr. No proptjitHl will be conniilered unlet. a ftccoupanfed by the ftboveaiiftraitt- Nawhpapeia aothoiixed tn pahllth the above will tend Ihe pepr-i Loutainlni the flratinierUon to thli urtJoe for ex ftiniua Ion. I'roioaala to ba endoraed 'rrnmsaU for Ration for rti V and addreeu to U.e uadtrsigned W. 11. SLACK, !-94-m4t lior and QHtrte iuuiI t. FINANCIAL. gTOOICM ANII HKCUItlTIBtjl BOUOUT AND 801.1) ON COMMISSION, DE HAVTN & BSOTHEFf - Vo. UO 8. Till ItO STHKEr. TJ H I T U I) H T A T lu H 7-30 LOAN. Ttis e or alar of tt 9roa.'ui7 glvas aotleo chat .ub Sorlotiona will bsi rectSreS for Oupoa Troaaur. wte., pajolilo tliiooyo.n frooi AtaroM U, 111, Willi .egu oa bdoI latonoi at tho rau of scvett and ttu-tenlUa por oont. por auum,nrliie is aland intoreat BuU to bo paid la Uwrui oaobo. Tkooo owuj will bo ooavorilblo at tko ootloa of tho bolder, at uatunlr, ailo aU par soal. soM-boartas boadi, a) able not loe. liiao (r nor uoro llan tw.otr yoara froo. tiiear data, a. tho Oovoc anoni Ma. oloot. Thej wlii bo ta.nod la denomUiailutia or $30. $100, t-HO, 9tt0, and boooo, and aM sttliacnptluna aaual bo for tliij dollar, ar sooio nialilplo of flujr dollars. A. tho nolo, draw tntoroat front Ans-uot 15, porooaa asakkif dapu.it. .ubaiijuaut to that date bm.i pa tho Lotr.et acorutd trom data of noto la data ofdepo.lt. Bi a.cair-rioks win, aa KitaivaD b tlio Traa.arer tho United Blaioa. at Wa.Mntton. tha aovaral i,H.u., Troaauron aud doetauatod livpoaiiarlo., and by tbo rntST NATIONAL BANK OF FnrLADKI.rill A, PA., Si.COMl UATIONAL BANK OKfUllADIXI'UJA, PA., THIltD KATII KAL BAVt Or riilLAliKLfUl A, PA.' FOl ll'i'H NATIONAL BASK Or rUiLAl'Ci.l'lllA, PA., Itjr all Katloaal BaaLs which aro dtpoiltastcs of public tnou.y; and 10 17-lit. i ALL IlEHn.CTAV.lJS BANKS AND BANKBItS Thronshoat th ootintr will gtvo furtiier Information and AFFORD KVERT FACILITY TO SUn.HCltlBEKS. QOI.I), UUIiD, UOL1), EILYER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. EE HAVE3 & BEGIEEB, aul.tf kfo. lid , TDjKD TtECT. u NK W 7-30 LOAN. kr. bubarrlptlnn. received, and tko Kotea fumi.Uod ires M aU ubat ae., by GEOUliE J. BOYD, Hanker, Hu. leD.TlllKUatroet. 10-!H-!ta o 1 L STOCKS I.OICIIT AKI HfT.I , Ubl I i.-MMIStslOsr. ' ' liy ur.lllE J. BOYTr, llrokur, 1(1 4 TtS Bo. 18 . THIRD bir.ek. WANAMAKER & BROWN, PHOPOSAIS. JM-U: ('."-AI.S 1011 rUTI'MM. (''kii.hu T. H aO.rri r.V. V.C.. t u , IV ,.,i!s..TiM,t-lo'rr TJ, ao4.t. a a: . Tr. t- si, ..f (a. r, ci... .eira.rlr r ' i . ' , . .1 al H i. ...n .r mMi! i o a y. y l0f ,ne M dor Ji,.r,,i,. r r , vt. lr fit-B'ei inr t'.' t nltM aial. t at ii. i ,.,!. itn.l, t ii.. . or .ii.,b S-iairilo. I, r il.- i-ern at 'tn.n-, i il.r A.si.ia ii gqanria ester . I IM I '"l'. I i.llail.iolna. I rni .. I, a., a Ir, r ol f l"iuM t-.in'. , i a is - til r . , in .un, 'naii in l,'a a in ir froj tini io i i ii- 1.. rt'i ii. it . ' U.AH. NO. 1, K,i.w it' ,f Hue h.r...,-, fr.. frnol bar. l wici, . wi.i. io ei,ai, osnr. to l.t jard '.ti .tn,-' ts. I dtrsll f.,un ear '. I'.,, l i,,- Kf.,.y.ii om, tn fr. kaar. M Hirtirawii ,-,to ei, u ,3 uie. r.rd (.:..!. Kif didl. 9ta-.i. HaiK HOI. t .iivdl l,.li all wool, tor a nl- I iin. . a il d.s,. . -)() oliooana wmJi), I . is. Iki, .-.' (..ni. ; vi ,,r I. 10 ;ril ol ei-a.in i.ti,. , w, fwsinal ttV' !. in wi.itn Moiino-s por ... CLASH NO. 'luard. of 11 i.,i i hn ,m 0r,ok, "n4, ""l dtsl.M a.Jie. l.e, ta is.v.rd.f , , i.-.irM.no.,. for obi,,., aU weTi ri ,'.'"'0, "'" " -neboa wide, to wrll, i.i. itiioi o. per rard. l.M.llrojr lllaniel.. a I Wlk'.l. weLrl, h... ;":.'.,,J.!'Vr',, k Heel wtoe. aid frwa fsi .i.es. rprtr m.'le ol r-s.d n.STv wim.1 ic . iwiM'diim.loweiaii ln,vi poand. at daiooa. fair., free from treaao. " nor aaaoa.. 7,(i d.WMl l. ;'r?,?,Qu W.n(. W1(U, w. Wi.ll i.'. ..inn .-, i, ,a,rt wia w II, (SO. .on', whlio limn to, , BD uioheo wldo, b. wnlnh 11 otnirr, par yard wio, w- 17.1 f ant. t i. n riat,i.ei,kM.irawo.-o.I liMho. all. U'wriah I.ii'ie..poranl, wcbo. who, 4,N0 jnrdal oun 1i.-ali.il i, l,ark,. I I. AH NO 4, I Ct.lformCap..ooi., !eU. (raoe p-nMn I I.ni. L. ml ormo,lill..1ait,i.,ncbeaJarf. i nmii reiici.. 4 wi j'ailjtn,. Cn. (i.fib rovor),to bo aula, of a. as. ri.. tn, intliao wool, died ' 1 UK. fllo.ka. cusa so a. tKiHroofnaf I'un.iij (r'..il. 'J.'l' i-l. ,la Li I l.iiltolt. i rHict. ItOarus. teat lliiitoi., (Kaposi. L' if. pair. Ytl.01. Affta. l.refva' and Hraio AKatMi. I.si ... ' .a.i rl linl:,on irr .errant, and crpooa.. l,4i. ,lst rati let tin Hi,. n lor pi Ivaioi. . 7.. Lid Wi rstisl oa. ,!! j am. t edi.w lilinliiia'. t.i'O .aioa Kesl l'i.r.. IU' Mwurii. tr .e.ir-.nla. U Sw. r.l- ft., iniis.oian., 4ti llntn lt.n.ori,ooiii.ieie. so lr.m l!ut;a 1 I' lietu-r Ilnitn Head,. 1 0 ."halt' Innui Lead., loi' Iiiud' CVr.t. an sur iirum an. ka. 1 t.LAS.1 Utt. A ll'.l'O Anny B"Ot (it'.litlr paitnv. ci.Aaa no. . 1 ,'i 0 r'attrldj:,' lln.e. will out uuo.. l,Mt Lhioi ri t..-aia.i,n!, w in inaa. okarHM. I ,vs 1 1 irui'lnn t an I'ourliea. l.vwu iiiiri,li e Ba Haiti. I VOWaKl He.t,. 1..SH' V. .u,i 11. i.e. I awurd Irvga. rt.AH m. a 1, WO Tin atnasliu l .t eortt'.1ire-tiouj, a asar oaaiubt. a. . 1. 4143 KnaiipacKa. a. it liNV,r,.a.'L. ins. i:nii ns. frtiu AturWut b.ai;. Cl.AhS MO. 10. Ci.Aaa tiO. tl. For Hial ltw ar I rlmmmg Uio foitowlnr article i. m. i V, n It i:o.l. V nit. rni C .a . for aorueanu, earMiraU. Baulrlaao. and pi, a oa Fatiuve Coaii In aorfrcaata, comoralt, Baaletoau. Oii.l P'ltates. s Wooilrii Pant, lor eerpeasts, corporal., aauAMtaav anuprlval.a " linen l .nt. ior aertamll, corpora U, ajajkiAas. audpuvatea. " lauoel Him I,. I men aUtri., lii0I., llbnnclrtaeLl. bio and lime Jacket forliovt ll.il.a..,. Tlio ai,o o nientiotied article, nut con form la a li'sfc, t, to the araled alaiidartl palt. rn, la the o.lioo of Uo iVitaitoimaHerMariioCirp,, Marine Itarra-ii., iVa.hia. b n, h. C i A-l,lnt Jiiartrrnuter.ljce,alriaet!oro. V lwnblEtt a.t .roi,rhiadxlnkia;aadai tho Marlu Pioiii.t l, I'.mi lln, bow York, and Boaton, ataooaobia .etl., wl.eie lr. can be OKaiume l. And wliene.r Uioartlelea narnest above. or anjr porllas, of tlii ni. .hall 1.0 csai.ideied a. not full? oontorraius to.aais. tUttllttT v. Ill bo reacted, and tho ccniraclur wlu bo b. nnd to fu.nleli other of tho roqulred kinds aioaoo, or lite (vnarierruti. let will supply tuo doilsicac at t40Sas jirnse of llie cmtrai'lnr. l'nynt, ut will be uiado upoa the arcepttsl dt-Uverr of tho1 whole nuantllj which may fiiMot mo to lime bo orderraL wnlil olditiH ti n l tout, from loo payment -at ocaoiant rwidri esl under arat order unlit a,rond onlor is ailed, u, ' ten p-r cent, from account rendered andor aoooasl oasLor an:l, third order J, tilted, and so on unlit coatraol Is oesm pletcd. t. li prniHMal na.t bo accompanied by tho feUrwIaaT guaraiitee: , i . FORM OF OCAKA VTKB. Tho unilcr.lKncd,- , of .In the ft tat ol . nnii . In tho Bum of . borel.y Kuaranire, that In case tnefurmiotns bat of anpiilic, n. above deeoiltKat, bs bo nrreptcJ, he or they will, wlthua tea day oiler Hie r.celpt of tho contract at trie Boat oOto ,...tii, r.,..,. ,a i n rai l nrr ina ,amo. mm tmoil ana annidi nt .uretlo.; and In case til o eaid aaaSl fail lu enter Into contract aa arnreaabi, we jrnarantoo t B.nlie poort the dlllets-nce between tho oircof tbo saiA aua Uiai whicb may bo ao-pfd. A H, UtiaranUr, C 1, lauarajitas". T. F.Witi.r... ,,ova. I li.'reliy cerlil'r M'.st Ih. ahsne-named . oroi known to mo a. men of prup.rt, aua aiito to make rojooI IliiiruiiaianliY. u , In be .im eilhy ll'. I'nlied Blares lil.trlct Judno, Unitatl fili.ten lu.trkl Alt, rney. orColli'i tor. he, propc.al. will lv con.idervU unie.o accofapani4 bay the ebovi. 'iiaratitto. Kewapaper. anlhiirlr.ed to puhVah the abire will soBfl tlie tiapei cituioiuiua the Ur.t Ui.ortloa to the offloo for ea aaination. Ti e t..,ldor'a placo of bo, Ire.., or manufacturtBO; iktliill,uu nl, muel bo .pociiicaily stated la Uio aca-lo-al. i'r,.sikalfe to be endorsed on the envelope, -Prosooaaa for BLi.ttur. lor klaiiiic Curps fi.r IM;,,1 audaiKreisod to Major Wll.l lAat ll.sbtoa, iiiiarteruia.nr ct Marine Cor., 10-31 mil Waaliiustoa. CH I KK QCAHTKRMASTKU'8 OFFIOS. TTiil.lTll and UIKAltDatrrei. f HiLaiKi.i'iii a, October tT, 1S14. Realrd Prcpn.ala will be rco4vist at thie ofaaoi onta tf o ii.b M.I.HT1II lisnAr.thoUddav of November owat, li.r ,ui .ling tho bchujlkUl AraoualwlUi Uio folbwaBoi artUltn: I'i'liorui Coat., artillery, arm standard. Iio ilo iiimntry, do . I'o Jariet.,cava:r.v, do , r. Iio Co Iwl.t ar nil' rr. do Iiai Coril. and Taaaola, aruilery, do ..... fsltirl llntli'iia, , do r.oit ii.p,,, t V'raii.ln Paocr. .Ida 10, .amnl' - ....i.i Mraw Parkini! Pansr, - "2' liilrinp., 411 Inches aarr.te. of ' .-''1.1 , k stanriaril- . .rn shlrtol ail are roqnired to bo anaw y. . -art lie iron at tltia oftloe. . .-.si Lid must lie guaranteed by two reapoaalblo Bar. li.,wl,.e aiirr.atiirea muat be appeaded to Uio auaraai tee, nod cvrtilie l lo a. tielna ood and nulHciout aecenlv for the amount Ibvolred by aome public fuueuouarr aa Lkl t'nllfsl Stall.. ' m m.i. tin dirbmilnr contractor., and tho,. thalaVaia will not be eon.klirwl auroru,eMoak, l.lank . ruta tor pr.ipc.al. euibraclnn Ihe torn, of tbai (iia.anlre required on escli hid, ran b- bad oa ai.Diic.llZT Ii. tlii. , lltce. and none other, which do lint embcaoe ihZ iBaiant.e will he cn.ldereil. Morwlll aev tironiuilkl c.ital.icre.1 which d.r. not .irictiy conform lo liioruZuI Bietita Ihi rotit auled. rwHOirw Tin hid, will .ta.e ll.e number aadquautltr aaeab lu of iwtle'eprQpo.rd lo he d. liveml alotl ....'ibeaw.rti: " ' t. . I'mpoaaia amsl be eodoraiyl Prop.,, I, .,.' i-, Sui i.iir.." .1. in, .,n in. in,.i,... ,i. T".T.ror rar . k d liar piucoiaf ortaooo i IIKRMAK llinn. . .. . 10 ir at " -. wiunew. ijuarieriua.ter . Uoparunoat. OVV1CK COMMISSARY OF SUBSKiTliNOH. io. 0i0 WALM'I Clroi-t. fmni.i.Lriln, October M, 1SS4. ' Pealed Pmwao!. In duonoate. win hi rt.s.id i.u .. oflceunlil ll'., 'clock hi., on WBUNKailAY. h..,.... ' l.t. lor aiii,Kii.u fortheu.o oi the I nllud Auiea arav. lUih-ereil in I'lulndelpl.la. sl.tltiO 1AHI:H..S 1-X I'UA HtTpKlii'INK Olt BYTKA r.iaiia,, r ia.i'ii iwtiicn lo oo bioteui, to ha. a 1'i'Ci: uiotlt.d v. Ithiu twenty day. of tlute of lata e.lvertlciii.nt, from new winter wheat, tn won essnpcrcl bia-l-llnrd harroia. Nauio of brand ' and i.l.co of maniiltnro to be alaled In bn ptoi't-rtil. To bo daltveiwl wltltin t-n daya, at . ar. v point In tl I. city desunated bj Hit. oitlce. rl.Ollih . Ill Itu.t-. utu-l be d0.iv.ra wi.h Uia nraa. sal.. Mil rat i n. ..il with them, each atimii'e lo bse u.orked wiUi bidilitr'a tiamo, braud, number of barrobja A orlnlod ouov of trite adverli.ement ai'i.1 ba attaAka to e.oh pro o.al.ali.1 the propoaala mustboapociacia eosa pf.l lit with nil ita lerma. K.aoli priiposnl must linve the w-rltton irnerantoe of two. n..oi.ti,ill pt r.otia for ll.e fulflllucntol the aaroeUietit,wbA Will Rive omnia 11 ri.lllrvO. lllank fnrni, lor pronokala, eniitnlnlnir th. form oa awar- anti. may be hud ou appiio ill..it at Una uillce. 1'aTui. nt will b- nialc- iu such lunda a. iumv be AinhtuhAA by lite I ttin d Mtuie. lor llie pm-pceo. i'r.,saia to be endoraid PiuDnaala for Flour,' aa4 dlricti d to ISA Af; II. WIODIW, 10 al 41 Cui't ala and 0 . 8. Vols. OFFICE PEl'OT COMMISSA11Y OF 8UB-blaIl--NCK. WjaiMnTnn,T. V. October 14, 104. FROpiiKALs FijU H.iit K. Reatcd Prrasosaia In ttuLllCHto are Invited nnlll Vnnm- ber I al l'i o'clock M.. har iiimtshiiiff Hie rttilt.isiencu li- (.anuient with Two Tliou.am! ('Asm) rlnrrel. of k'loiir. i uo t1r.410.11u will fie ior what 1. known at tm. Depot as rso. 1,2 and 11, and bid. will be eiuertaiaud fur aujr u,uu. lily Irs. than the whole. ll.. iiili niUHt be in duohuftte. and foreftch rrade on .ttiirakiaav tieetv of paper. j ne atitverv or uie rionr v commence wnnm flvadft-ra from tle opt-Bintc oi the hn.a, and In Mich QimnUilut, ddily v 1 ,v.e, oaxuaao, uiav staat ssv,-. , vsil v el s,u say Mlfj fll V f rU iiuiit aihvtisij in Oi'orknuiwn, m( tho Waunoa or rail Ianil dwrt lu WasthiiiMU'D, 1. V. The Uttlvfery ot all Hour awaud -d to be coupleUd wltklA twenty davk rrom Uie opeiihitx of Uie bitta. I'aymeutwia be tu&d- in cert Mleatea of Indohtetlneaftr, or t,ut h other luuda aa Ue Govaiiuuttut aiay Lave itt ilia liurktmeut. Th L"ni;Ur.overnmnt inrrveotlon Wll he made Jnst be fore the Hou la rm-oiveai. ftnd iniua win hi tn.k la Dot mah ptrouiU, and tnstdj froiu wheat b round t th tisjiiiMj wucstu utdauutKiuiuu, ititieaa 01 a very lUDurKar Tho li'louf to bo deUverolla new oat barrel! . head- A Month of aTkOylanro mnat oecotnpanv the bid of acBt bhlder, who hak not theoaih 011 Ul in iin omnti. m bktl will be ouiei tamed froia porUniwho hv-e irtf' )." T ' cdto cviuiilv wiU Uisjtr UiU.or froix. iy4iJtu i"0" Ovist lo refttMjud, - .rn,uei.t reaomoa thorltfM to ret-- r' ,; 71 e.iu-e, liid- u le all.hva.stl t.. tht- unut wta- C bueet, oudoraid "fioi.-ijf yiour. oKyH& 10 M-ot 4"'ljJ SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. Ir'1