TTTE DAILY EVENING TEIjEGUAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER .11, 18G4. 4 BAXIM UTEKNOOW VRWRPAmm. OFFICE No. 103 sTtHIRD STREET. trtf Tweaf Own frOorr, or KinnmMCmitFrt Waaa. fr Mt U rurlw,4B4 aalll u Rnbarrlftorl aaet Mw ncj at Hm rwjt.i.An rs AKkin i 0" Iktui air Tfrrr Otirra roil T o ftfcMnie.tnvarlafclrlii attyeroe In Pit perle enteral. aUtTerlUeeaeau taeerwel at th nanal rate.. A tlrwrel I ataate far eiten Jro iDoorUona. T drrMntiii. W.i fle e-a e taken of Ar.onynwoe t'ninlnimlraf'nna. WXI" lltMHien fnr In.i-ril in mint he null i.ti-lr-ateil kr IV mt awt arMieaa r.rthe writer wit mvrarerili hr eaMK-atmn. tnt at guarantee lor I.U ni.od fniih. We e en not aaartax.e ta return rr-jeote4 0nunotmic:itlija MONDAY, OCTOBER 31. Wi. 0!iR NtRdl Of MIJI. GoTernor W. I5hdfokt, of Mirylinl, ha lamed proclamation untoum-lug oM cUlly the tdoptlon of the now Corntittitlm In that SUto, ly four himdn d and spvonty-flve mi r;ty. "Noarly nlxty thousand vottm wore pnlM, yM the frlondx of ft-nodum aurcepded only by the trifling vote of tlirre lmn.lred and icvt nty-flve." Such will bo the soliliMniy of some of our i Itlzens upon reading tlio nnnlt, and regret will be felt that our friend did not give their thousands In the ratun of hummity Can any one, with the remembrance of the put be'ore him, dnem such an action stiy- ihlng but a glorlouk ? Let tu glance for a moment at thfl condition of Maryland In bygone diva, and cnniparc It the free Maryland of to-day. In April (hut little more than llireo yean ago), a band of heroes marching to defend the (apital and flag were ulnnoj In the utrejt o1 Baltimore by a pra-tlnvery moh. To diy, both the candidate for the Mayoralty of tli-tt city were strong anti-slavery men, and each claimed anccesa on account of hla being more oppoMdto "the peculiar institution" than his opponent. Can a greater chango In sentiment bo imagined? Then, to be cnlled a Union nan wa to cast a atigma on his character; to-day to be called an abolitionist U to be sure of an election to office. All hail the onward march of mind and civi lization In our sister StaU t Previous to the election of President Lix COLM, If your personal foo dusdred your death, all that was necessary was to declare yoi an abolitionist Under such a charge the strong est man must bow; family Influence, wealth, or character would avail hlin nothing ; death or banishment would ensue. To-day thirty thousand free voters are willing to go to this polls and deporit votes as Independent clti sens In (avor of liberty and law. Thus lu a lecal manner have thirty thousand citizen jmbllcJy declared themselves "abolitionists," and carrlod their State beyond the Influence o the evil genius, slavery. The ipirit of emancipation la Irresistible ; it will overcome all opposition, and finally make all of our glorious contineut free. Out of the fifteen States which were nnder the dark doma'n of that accursed god In 1800, there remain only Kentucky and M'sourt nd little Delaware whose soil la polluted by the tread of a slave. Onward t onward t Is the demand of the age, and onward marches the American people to the music of civilization. We are the first nation In power on sea and land, and we will make ourself the first country In freedom. ' The tendency of the thoughts of man is to aoar upwards and onwards, and we only yitld to one of the Instincts of our nature when we give to our fellows the rights whleh we hold ourselves most dear. In tills we are only ascending and advancing. We ay with Tenntbon "And I doubt not through all ages, one increasing purpua mcs, And the tlinnf hts of men are widened with the elicit of I lie snns." AGAM.AKT OFIM KR REWARDED. We have received with pleasure the news Of the advancement of the gallant Colonel C. H. T. Coi.I.18 to the rank of Brigadier-General, and we feel assured that all our fellow Cttlzena will unite with us in saying that no One merited the honor of such an advance ment more than be does. General Coli.iu entered the service in the 18th Heglmeut P. Yi at Sergeant-Major in the early part of the War. But genius and military ability will bs discovered In a free country like ours ; and the Sergeant-Major, of the 18th Is the Brigadier-General of to-day. We are rejoiced that the country will have the advantage of his experience In the high sphere in which ho will hereof er move. Both as a disciplinarian and strategist he has won honor, and as General we doubt not that Ids fume will be commensurate with his position. lie has our best wishes for success. II KM ATI llll V. The young idea begins to shoot singularly oon in our enlightened laud. Infants with glit toning heads, great startled eyes, and chubby arms, not unl'requeutly give evidence of suppressed talent or a high order, and amaxe and enrapture their progenitors by divers demonstrations of lacteal acuteness and flashes of nursery genius. As they emerge from long, loose, light clothes, break awi from the restraints of appointed guard! ins, and assume the awful respomdMlitie of lite, the'reagaclty becomes something profound and awe-inspiring. The American citizen, at the tender age of six years, Is considered to be a weuk-bralned unfortunate, a very dull Child, or a sort of unavo'.dublo mUtake.lf he or she la not Incessantly setting of good thii.; s, making vise of words of three or mnre Syllables, practising little pleasantries, tiulte original and imbrue, poking dry fun nt every body, and dispensing a liberal supply of -hrew d Ote'-rvaUoiis touching matters in iretierd. II any mother hapieiis to be perusing t'les-i lint s.sbo will Immediately delect a full ra dila tion of the idea we bsve advanced lu her Tor rale deiir. or her precious darling Susie. She will recall the many brilliant exploits, mental and physical, of her peculiarly gifted one; and we disclaim any desire to make the mildest attempt, in the way of argument, to convince her that there exists In the broad land a juvenile being who will at all compare with her's. Naturally, then, and as a sheer result of breathing the keen Co'um lilnn air, our young ones are vastly more clever than the young ones of any other climo. To tell the truth, they are often painfully, not to tay torturlngly, smart. They say so many capital things, and do such an infinite variety of amazicg deeds, that the general effect Ik quite overpowering. We are liable to be "token down," annihilated, or made laughing stocks of, whenever we are intro duced into their presence. They have it in them to crush us most effectually If they take a uotloik Wo regard them with wholesome terror, as diminutive voleanoi, an eruption of which may take place at any minute and bear ui down. It would really be pleasauter If Young America was not such a remarkable youth. 1'U'iM rush of wisdom out of the mouths Of babes and sucklings maybe strictly Scrip tural, but it don't seem Just the agreeable , ......, or Titr AnniviiTsiTioit Anornrs sun. MiTU it mi A bi to ftl.AVKRT. By the proclamation of the President, just One of the thlng (br which the President lued, Nevada takes her place among the has been most severely and persistently abused t stars in our national banner. She romea In is his action In nterenee to Slavery. His uncontamlnsted with slavery, and by her opponents charge him with shameful Inc m- ( mines of Inexhaustible wealth will continue sixtency in reference to the wholo subject to attract tho wandering population of tho alleging that be lias pursued a policy in th ' Old World. She will rat her vote in Novem liist two years of Ins nd'iiiiiistratlun which j for ft r cor and .Iomnnon, In one ii iy directly conlrndiels the promises and engage" I re have a free .Slate and a new Slate ad I 'd to nienta he made on assuming his high olflce. They refer with special aatixCtrt'on to that passage in one of Mr. Li.m-oi.Vh speeches, quoted by hlinelf in his Inaugural ad lress, In which be declared a follows: "I hae no " purpose directly or Indirectly to interfere " with the Institution of Slavery in the SWtei " where it exl-ts. I believe I have no lawlul " t1j:ht to do so, and I have no liicllnatl in to "do so. Those who nominated and electc 1 "me did so with tho full knowledge thitl " had made this and many similar declnrn'lons, " and had never recanted them." When the foregoing asseveration Is con trasted with the emancipation proclamation, and other kindred measures of the Executive touching Slavery In the States where It existed, there would seem, at first sight, to be a pl .In I i a.i ...... ii.. i- n...i in llll OIIIU I. 41U11 p'ltt Utile I III mil show thot what the President has done does not, In reality, disagree with what he had pre viously said. It must be recollected, In reading the passage above quoted from his inaugural address, that it was uttered at a period antecedlng the com mencement of actual hostilities agilnst the Government, and when Mr. Lincoln ob viously entertained a hope and wish that those hostilities might I avoided. ITence, when he said that be had no purpose nor inclination to Interfere with the Institution of Slavery in tho States where it was established, ho spoke of the States whleh were not at that time com pletely and openly In a condition of open rebellion asalust the national authority, and whic h had not therefore forfeited their claim to the protection of the Constitution and the laws. And had the South not rob lie 1 ut all, but sought reJress for any of its real or supposed grievances lu the Union nnd under the Constitution, It is to be presumed that the President would not have departed in the slightest measure from bis original inten tion not to disturb the domestic Institutions of the slaveholding States. But circumstances alter cases. Principles applicable to one state of facts will not apply to another and different state of facts; and where there occurs a radical change of ad ministrative policy in government, we must be careful to see whether that change is not fairly attributable to the action of those who complain of it, and but for whose folly and crime no such modification of policy would have been necessary. When the South revolted nnd fired on Fort Sumter, the status of the revolted States In relation to tho Government was fund imunt- ally altered. That act of treason worked a lorfelture of their rights, to the full ext-nt f) which It was necessary to interfere with or abolish them, In order to put down the Rebel lion. It was their own act which made such a courso as the President has since pursued towards Slavery both Inevitable and justifia ble; and they cannot, therefore, reasonably complain of that which was the cons'-'quojce only of their own conduct. Moreover, a state of war brought at on?9 Into ploy the "war-power" and all the laws of war; and what the President saw and said he bad no right to do against the institution of Slavery In a time of peace, he felt constrained and fully authorised to do by virtue of what are known as the rights of belligerents. On tnis point the President has so ably vindicated bis Emancipation Proclamation in the letter ho wrote under date of August 20, 1803, to the Unconditional Union men of Illinois, that wo shall end this article with the following ex tract from that document. Mr. Linodl.v said : " You arc ill- satisfied with me about the negro. " Unite likely there is a difference of opinion " Let ween ou and myself upon that subject. 1 ' certainly wibh that all men could lis tree, while 'yon, I suppose, do not. let, l have nouuer i iiuituer i ' sUi'i'ti d nor p nor propoi-ea any measure wnicu is not consistent with even your view, provided " that yon are for the nion. I suggested com " 1 t-Pbi'iUd emancipation; to which you replied ' i a wihtd out to tie taxed to buy negroes. " itut I had not asked you to be taxed lb buy " negroes, except in such way as to save yon " from (ireater taxation to save the Union exclu ' sivcly by other nicans. " 1 ou dislike the Kinnnclpation Proclamation, " and perhaps would have ii retracted. You say " it is uiiCMiiHlitut oinil. I think ditleruiitly. I " think the Constitutio Invests lis Commtindcr " in Chief with i ho law ot war in time of war. " '1 he most that can be mid, if to much, Is, that " slaves are property. Is there, has there ever " in en, any quc.Mion tint by the lawaof r, pro "prrt, bo.u of enemies and friends, msjr bo 1 taken when citded? And is it not iiucdcd "whenever it belpi us aud hurts the enemy f " Arm if, the world over, destroy enemies' pro " ieiiy when they tau not ii'e iij and cicn dt-atrr. thi Ir own to ktep it fioui the ciejuiy. "Civilizid bclliKcreuM do all la their pi ver to "help tbenibtlva or hurt the enemy, except "few tbii'ja regarded us b.iri arous or cruel. " Among the exivptioDs io the inaviiiicic of van " qui.slit d foes and iioU'Couihatutits, male and " Inutile." IM IT THIIill'.kV U TltKt4? Mr. Fkniilktoniii Ids recent letter to Hon Joll.S B. llAhltl.s, as lu his roeetit spoerb at the serenade (riven him lu New York City, h is a prcut deal to say about his devotion to the Union, but nothing to say nliout tin w tr. In other words, he puts hlm-elf upou the llrst reso lution of the Chicago platform that the Demo cratic party iilwnys has been and nltvay will be In favor of tho Union, but says notliln ; alKiut the second resoltitl ni, tint the war Is n n.llure, and that itu ttnni- !lee ftillotred by iierjo tiatlon lathe .inly way to restore the Union. Jiow this second retoltitlon, which Mr. Pkmh.kton Ignores, U the main point In th ) platform and iu th" canvass. It was writt n by Vai.i.amuoiia , lint particular frleul and leader of Mr. Pt;MU.r.TON. It is the weak point lu the Democratic line of b ittle the thing they feel most dangerous to their cliunce of success the thing they have tried to cover up and divert attention from thy thing upon which the whole campaign hinges. When the Keystoue Club came back from Chicago, they bore la procession banners, with the motto: "McCmci.l AN', I'knui.ktov, and Peace," which was candid. Aller tho fall of Atlanta, and McCi-elxan's letter of accept ance, our city was placarded with Democratic bills, w 1th tho motto: "McCi.iji.lajj, Pkn dlkton, and Victory," which was discreetly non-committaL Now the battle-cry ol thi bold Democracy Is "McClkllan, Pkndi.k ton, and Union," which is a brazen attempt to substitute a false Issue for tho real one. The question which tlie people oak Mr. Pendleton Is thin: Are you lu favor of flo'i'iiig tue Rebels till they submit, or of sub mitting to them P We arc not surprised that be does not answer this question, but It Is the veriest folly for blin to suppose that all this bosh about his devotion to tho Union will be accepted as a satisfactory answer. Speak out, Mr. Pemilkton, be Irauk, anil tell us, Are you for au aruihtlce or not ? Oil-wells Viavs been struck in Southern Ohio and Mortliern Kentucky. Of course there is a gici taxiuuuut iu thai rttfiou. the I'ulon. tnfiorf lt lh. iiltiln- Inlorest. A 1 1. iNjf mora mm e.iTio m si-iivni u in p, j. yii- watiiiis. The following tclenrniihli corrfSBOn lenee (.-ays the Ssn l'lnneiseo Jlutflin) Is Mlf-expUna'oiy, ai.d come a inforn atlon of ereat tn.p irtsnro to the AtncriesB h'pini( Interest on tlio I'.icllic const : "II Aii'iesinMOi PscMirMiNT ov Pacm,:i,1 t A KraM'Ii-ci:, ' I'-euitH-r a-j, 1S",. H n. WH ilKm I'ltt l i's-" nd n, H en t uy "f tiie 'I'rensurv, VrHI ini'toti, 1. V. : - Hsrlng jnt returneit tmm a iuih'ar to'T i f Inspection tlin.ii;ti tlir Straits ot u1 Ai'mirslty Inlet, and Piiitct Nuand, n1 Imviiip txvu h uleil to liy Amurti an citizens, r'en lenih k Inrne lntirets in th-iso waters, u reprc M-nt to vou tho elfi t of the recent Ins'rue. lions In-m the Treasury Iep.irnncnt fiirMildim; Iiittian vessels to lual or tin land there, sivs at vessels hi nmi ir lininu tnerc. S ive pmt ..f ct.try Port Anglos 11 leave to si.iK mai i no commerce or our " : . T"-: . . .i-ec in thi.t citrcl is exclii-ively in lumtier, lied IkiKdv in heavy spars for foreign msike'e; contracts aio now Ijein? fullillcd fr.r Avstialia, Krnnce, Knpland, India, and oihur Kiimt ies, mid foreign sliips have ten chattered imd "re now on tlie w iv to fulfll these c.n.lia t- Whilst I was nt Vnneotivor Island tlie lirilisli A'miial and C "loninl (lovrruor informed n,e of tonipn vc-i-tls havinp eouie lu hound for the t tind to load for Anstrnlia and titlnir rcliisej n tn.nre bad ome over and landed at Van"Ouver Iflsncl, wl.icli h.ik the advantage of having a free pint stViitorla. ( rik notliing In miyinK tht the n pii); tion, whatever remote and contingent clli et it nmy have on Aineriean shlp-liullding, will Lave the inevitable slid Immediate clfeet to build up our rivsls, to di streythe foreign com merce on the Sound, and ruin our lumber inte re', is in those waters. "Ihvin MrltowKi.i, Msjnr-fiencral." "We concur in the lorcnoiiiK, and lg to sug pest that foieij-TJ vosseli lie allowed to pass into nnil out of the Anicric in vra'i rs in the I itrie.t of 1'i.rt AnM'losat. heietofure. Vessels waiting. Your decision by telersph important. "I''. 1-'. Low , (iori rnnr ct California, "Ciiaulms Jamfs, Co'lecor S.ui Francisco." SK( RKT.VUV KKt SHNDEM's Itl.lTV. "WAi-niNOTov, September 20, lHol. Major Oircal McDowell: Foreign vessels will' be permitted to load and tinlosd in ibo District of Ptiget Scund as heretofore, until further orders. "V. I'. Fl SSRNIH M, "Secretary ot tho Treasury. " SEVADA ADMITTED A3 A STATE. Prtidmnntlon by Hie President. I1Y Tilt l t-.KSIM NT Of TUB I KtTFD STATUS A PUOCI AUATIoN. Wii-reat, the CmiRress of the t'nltcd Stacs passed an act, which was approved on the '-'1st day of Mnn h ln-t, entitled ' An act t j enable the peop'e of Nevada ' form a Constitution and State (iovernmert," and for the admission of such State into the Union on an ciusl footing with tho original States ; and whereas, the ssid constitu tion and State (Jovcrnntcnt have been formed, pursuant to conditions prosiribed hv the filth i-ei tion of the act of (!ungtvss afwresald, and a copy of the constitution and ordinances have In en fcubmiited to the President of the United Ststes ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, Abraham Lincoln, l"resiilent of tho United States, in ac cordance with the duty imposed upon me by tho at t of Conerem aforosaid, do hereby ih cl ira Hnd firocliiim that the said tiiato of Nevnilii is admitted nto Hie I'niou on an equal footing with the original States. In witness w hereof I have hereunto set my bsnd and caused the seal of the United States to be i' Mixed. Done at the city of Washlnptou, this thirty first day of Octo'ier, in the year of our one thousand eluht hundred and sixty-fonr, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty Dinth. (Signed) Auk.miam Lincolw. lly the Pretldent : William K. Si'.wabi, Secretsry of State. A CEUSHIN3DA7T0B PEUE. Itelrenllns; Nontli In Urewt IVIsoriler Price AbnnilonM III I'lilililer nrrow t rape or Mvnnil II Price I.osen IIH tjtni ItHltery. UNITH) STATKS MlI.ITAltV Tnt.KORAPIl, Mui'Mi Cut, October 'i. To brigadier-General Uavies : I reached here at daylight this morning, alter a forced and rapid march from i'aola. This town Imd a narrow escape from tho enemy's tl.mkeis, in plain view on the heights around tho tow n, where the battle opened six miles distant. 'lh bus hem a crushing day fur Piice, and his retreat is in gn at disorder. He Is ahanduning everything, and is so closely pressed that I don't think he will be able to molest Fort S'-ott ui'icti. Colonel Moolight moved on the enctny's II ink for that pIhcj at the same moment tho battle was r..i-i i - , , ,-kl r,, w. j i,iui,.. i,., ,.,. tascti from the enemy ut 6-age. S. 1). Dhakk, Lioutcoant-Uulonel 17th K.V. I. Obnsral Mow ee Ohiirbku to Ati.awta. The St. Louis Jhtnocrat states that General Mower has lacn relieved of tLe command ol tlie d:viinn which has won eo gallant a name in the Vest under his leudorship, and Is ordered hv Gem ral Sherman to report fur duty Immediately Bt Atlanta. Tills loots like an etrly resumption cf active operations in Georgia. "i nt: x iti KA on. company or VIKtJI.MA." Capital, 91,000,000, divided Into 100,000 shares at t'O par share, saitifcrlptlon iirtan fl-M ir atiare Thi Cmpai.y own aa at' tha aaoat valuable Uad and leaa-a In the Ranas'lia Vallf j . alttiata on Horaa Meek and Caoiilcll'a lom tirat chi uf Itbll ereek, and wlikla Sve Dillon uf the Oh!i rlvtr. on lliTie Mrl. tin1 ronipaiiy ownonewell.whloU U now putijlni: tn'ei.ty-tl'rt'C hart, la of oil r ilaj. Thll weU U only thrre lini.ilml and twi-nti -auvou fiat deep. Tha Hup'jrhitei diM h utyv pu pailnit to here to the d'U b of tin- Dth r ivelh hurriitinithift ua, ivhicii are protlacliij; rruia one huiulri'U lo oaf Luialied and sixty barrula of oil per day, wln'ii we a:e i a:U(t-d we can produce a like lauuiiL Tlaii1 k ui .n'hrr well at liurac Nuck, now bjn-d two huititrrd ard aimy-lUe fti't, wltk almut thirty feet of oil ! ilw well. The Inud on whli li this well la looaied la oa I a eietual Icaae Tim Hull t.'n tk Comtaay own a 6iM tliiitl inn-ri-Bt. eur c..liniauy havi- tlietlaKiicrof two-thlrda, Ai i..iiii Im-i" riin, Hie cisnia ir uwn In i'o a tract of thirty-Hat r ari n. cm kiih-reJ t.v KcolOk'Utv au t oihilat en.ti ieik tlie tHfct oil territory lu the State The great j Virk well, lluwlua live hundred ba'rt'bt, adr'trta Ihla I .n a. rl.r l.ool.a of Mtt.hi'r il li'ii si row i pf n ut the t'maiiAiiy'a j Oftici-, K' No ?s, M .rcli -u r l:chinna. I A he. hill ihiilSiu ol thniei only wh he bold, j Jiiu.N ,1. KitOUrtit, I r. murar. I iom (t.e l lii! I.iert :all' 1'o.a" of Koi'to'iihor 11. ls:i. "On. Hiiusi 'it Vl'lnitlma 1 lit. ii-arni-i r' aayii: v't li-arl In in a iintli man wit.t a'l.ri'il yr.ti-riliy froo l'l ns oil I'uijhiy oil liMH ty Itie ItJrton Oil oluiair tli.ilir. imII oh ti.lAI .V'. hi ili:' i' Bill , wi.ii-n w,U :t d a th.-tiMitia L.ti. U of oil ye' tiny l" en- Is rost ii lui ot eo tii - --l' . -l ir. 1. 1 vic,u.:y , ucl U.e oil 10'. or la I -I VBI'll fc' tr :l ll l.r.ll! ll-ilt." Turrled. ( OlM' --On the 2.1th InxUnt. hv the lldv. .1 II. K. niiar.i. Mr. .V I I.I.I AM rOi'lfcS m MU CAltO I.IN'K .MlLl.EU. eolh ui Ihiscltv. Ji in Es IIOZl EA On lh a ! Instant, hy the Rev. Dr. H Tnonil, .Mr. J. ItAKItlH JONES to ALICES. IKIIE A, both ol lliiH elty. W MtltlOlT IIROWN. On Thursday the 77th lnt.. hv Hi,. Hit. Albtirt llarnra, WM. II. MAIIItH'IT Hint I 1.1 a e,i l li iiaiiijhi.r ol Jauioa 11. lliovvu, .ci., ulluf thmcllv. NoctirjH. It It 'II M AN lit' HT- On tho evening of Cm t!7(h, hv tho It.-v. I', linrliuuxli. ALFIIEII 11. IIH'UMIV, ot Nilleui county. New .I.Tai'V, lu K ATE W. IIUIIT, UuUfll tcr ol E. It. Hurt, oi thla city. No card. reied. Til'NN. At City Point. Va In the 17lh ve.irot'hla a, TlluM tt 1'. Ill N.N, ll i.h Jd'almeiit 1". V., .'nil Army C ip,t eldtral aoo ol (larrcll aud -daruiat Xliliiu, ul' t.aa city. T iiia la the tilth luclnhi.r rl thla family lost lo the war. lit, notice 111 Ik- -neil of lila HAUIL'ION.-On Saturday ronnilni; thn Mth Initaut, In II.OIV..1 year of i.u ).!, .1 KM. P. HA.MILIII.N. Th irflotiv.l uml ol the lauiily uro r.j.Hiicctlilly Ihvit. d to utti-i.d tha fuii.Tal, (rim tlio ri!h.'UJo ot lib ai'ii-iu-law. Wui. Ilolti'tton, bolliiu.ini avonuo, fait ol rimlcth utrti't, ou TuuHuay ailcruoon, nt 1 o'olooia. un. rul acrvlci-a in tho llorcan Itaotiat Clejih. HANI Oi KM. On sunilay, October iwth, HOUEBT HANI'ut'KH, Hr. . lu the ootn year ol tiU ue. 'the male invuiiiera and trien.ia of tho latnlly are In vited ui attend tlm luiii-ml, iroio hia hue io-ulcuje. No. 3113 Vine street, on We l.,ii-.luy , Nuveiulier l. at 1 o'elo. a P. at. lo urocoed w Laurel Hill. tUallluioro jiairi elea copy ) JACKSON-OcioberWth. at hU realdimoe In London Irtove tuwuahlp, t 'healer vouuty. Pa., WILLIAM JACfel btlS aed to veara. r'uneral taken nlace on Thhd diy morning, November lrt, lo uieet al the h"Ue at 11 o'cioek. JMcMll.l.AN -On tlie Inataut, McMIL J.A N, IU the Mlk year ol Ilia aile. Ilia relailvea and are reapeettullr Inrltnd to attend the liiutral, lnru the rtial-lenea ol bl aou-in-law, Wllh.ini Pool, on the Aii.vluiii rond, near tha tun aaii, ua 1 ueadav aitcruoon, Novell, bar let, al I a cloca. To ,roceod to Cedar iiilL FFKIiRl VPX.-ib Sunday momlnj. Joth Initaut, 1'IEhi(K PEKIiltlACX, lu tlir 7lih yenr ol lila ate. jue uvtwe iil ho (ivvB tit awluueral. . . i fj A It 1. I wn t. ot fta m r I '. N T l K 15 N T O O K O h' LACE CURTAINS AT fOKTT r-r.K ct Mr. I.UHH THAN COHT r iktfonrAi to.v. I. E. WALRAVLN, aijcf isso to w. n. CAitan.. MAKONIO HAI.I., Fo. 719 CIIESenrr Blrcet tUUitlTti.1 & W1LL.1I.TB. Hnos.. 14 ui. 10 8. BKVENTH Htrs-nt, ritiLMiri i iiia. I RnvfaeturerS of BKAl'TIFt. I. C )TT A (IP' I 1 1 1 1 N I IU 1 1 1, And Hit only if llhn made tn thla elty . Alao, I!n!tif temw FornUiira and BrdAlnr, roaistantty en l and. ls-inUi m BUSINESS ITEMS. Jtivne'tt Ilialr Tonlr CLt.ANStg Tiib 8 jai.p ruovi st'i nr. J AT HE'S II AIR TO.MC I 1.5IOVL8 ALL DANDHUI-f FROM TIIK HAIR. JAYNK'S HAin TONIC Ct;r.K.S LKI PTIVE DIsKASES OK Till'. SCAl.P. JVSK8 11 A IK TONIC f.XUTf 3 THB 8CAI.F TO IIEALTDY ACTIOS. JAYNt.8 1IA1U 1OM0 I'KI.VFTB TIIK IIAIII FltOM FAI.USd H"K. JAINK'S IIAIlt TONIC l'ltEVKSTH I Kt.MATt ItB finK.YNE'H. ?l f AYNE'fl IIAIB TONIC FI1KVENT6 THE FOItMATION Ol' IIAI.II HltVr.S. JAT.NK'8 I1AIK TONIC CAt'9F.8 THE OII9WTH OF NEW flalll. JAYXE 8 HAIll TONIC HL0I.O1 IIE9 BALI) MEAllS WITH NEW HAUL AYNE 8 II. M K TOMO rlEANSKS THE HAIU I ROM ALL IMFUHITtEH. JAYNE S If AIR TONIC WILL riENUEU THE UhE OF A WIO I' NNECEHiAKY. JAYNK8 HAIR TONIC will isF.ritoin'C'it iiAtn lost ih bu-kness. JAVNKS HAIR TONIC EEK.ra THE I1AIU MOIST, AM) THE EVII.1 FROX 81'I.ITTINO. JATSE'8 HAIR TONIC AS A IlEACTIt 1ER OF TIIK HAIR IS fNLtUrASSEll. JAYNE'8 HAIR TONIC (.IVE.S Till) II AIR A BICII AAD UI.OSSY API'KAR AN'CK. .1AYNR S II AIR TONIC WILL FItOMOTE 11IH QltQWTil OF WUISKEKS. JAYNE'H HAIR TONIC WILL Ql K KI.N THE DfcVELOPMENT OF MOUS TACHES. JAYME'8 HAIR TONIC Afl A KHEBSINU FOR THE HAIK 18 CNEXCEI.I.EO. JAIMVS HAIR TONIC 18 HK1.U.HT1 UI.LY I'EIIFf'MUn. JAYNK 1 HAIR TONIt: PlIOfLIt LE ON THE TOILET TAIILE Ol' r.VT.KY I.AliY AND (II'.NTLEUAN. .1AYNE 8 IIAIlt TONIC Will pleaHO the moat faathllouH, nnd Its oonthiitrd uao will kvrri tha hair and scnlp la a clean ami healthy con dition. Frci arrd only lyUr. I. Jav .i & Sun, No. 3U Ctiiintit itrcot. IVrrr A '., 4'lolhlnK, Tliird (.it'aliltt. FKKKY A CO.,,lollUn,Tliin1aniICrniit. I KIIKY A (X)., t'hilliina. Third and Ctii-intH, I'KlillY A I'll , CinhMit, 1 him and Olicnuu I KKHY A Ul,l lolliilia.Tlilidandfroaiiut. 1KI1IIY A (X , t'lulhll.K, Third and CooalluU I UlllY A t'J ,1'loOiiiis. Tnird and (inaanut. I'ElillY A CO ,Clnlhylia, Tblnl aud Chiiauut. I'KKKY A ro.,CliMhn , Third and I'hoaimt. 1'l.lmr CO., Coiliinu, Third and Chsaniit. I'KKKY A CO., ('lAtnlluj, Third and llliuanul. I KUItY A CO.,, Ttcid and Cl atn it. I'Kltl.Y A Cu., l.alluii,Third and Chnanut. 1 EKKY A CO .CI.ithhiK, Third and Chnauiil. I KKlir A CO ,(IUiUilnii,TlihdandClli'iiut. lUI II Y A CO , CluUilng. Tltlril and :hMiiut l'KltltT A CO., Ckitnlna. Third and Ohsmiit. I'KIIICT A CO ,Clolhliia,ThlidaudChoiint. I K II I, V A t O ,( ii.thlli. Third and Cl-aanilt. I'tUlir A 10 .t'lolldna, Third aud ChainuU and Barirnlaa In I IoIAIuk. Itan:aua tu (.lothlng. luri.alna In Cliitliii,a Bargaini InCknl lng. At OU4KVU lk Shikkh' Old Htand. Al lliuNviu.H Hiuki.s' Old Htaud. At tilt ih vii. lk Htiikk.s' O d Hland. Ai Ukan I1.1.L Siuki.' Old Eitaiid. No. 1X1(1 ( hcilint it.oct, N.:. tV t in .i.iii li.y t. No. rC' f hcaiiiil atrcrt. No. WW Chkiuit alitivt. II uo Itualllj' fhniiminM. Alcaara. 1iaih A Klcitaitna, Arch and Tenth Hlieeta, Hay a ml raetlviKt a y rcali Inipoilatlon ua Chart, a fli'iria'wk, l'l- I lli'l Ul. i'l, Aluitani Cllripiot, tirci-n Boat. M.itiiin Co., T.iuciii'r, And othrr aurrlor brimdi of Chanipauni'a. I'IhdonI I'lnnimt BUCK A COB M A H O N A Ham i.i V'ft CaliiNKT Oht.ANS. MASON A n wi.iva CAIIINKT OIH.ANH. UECKEK lilt') fff n FIAN08. II INOS J. P. iiuitt.n, 8,'vcntb and illi.'a'iilt i.j,v.e. Vrf'AftJT. ' ANTK.r) FOllTV (10) CARPUS' IT.HS. Aud v Imnicaiulclv. rtrElM IIL'.S. lo-.S i liEAfll ard I oVIEl "W'ANTl-'.l) TWKNTY (JO) VIIITHWASII- 11 era. Apply lluujeilliitely, bTEAM MILLS, I I" W :1' llEACII and CtlATEN Hlreet-l. f l VKNIMlKU llOL'SK WANTKI), IS jij'. went VV'nliiul. or I.o(Uat,or Areh, or t'heeuut siraet. A.l.lren "Furnialied ll.juso, at tula oitloo. 10-6 FOR SALE AND TO LET. (PI TO HKNT. THE PKCOND l'LOOIt, i-jj. No. Ill 8. Hunt Hlreel, :V) feet deep. Alao, a at. ire uU Leilna airert. Aoply to .lulls' Ii. 1,'iVE. lo fi. t No. 1', 8. 1 Ru.Nl' Street. CCliinSSIOH MEE0nASl3, AND fslllP AND STA11E0AT AGENTS DOCK STltlCKT WIIAHr', l FUlLALiEI.l'HIA. T.U NO A. Hll flll, ) K.'IIIHA b all T 1 V, aiainax t. cjiiiaa. I lal-tf CMU'STY'S TEA WAHKHOUNK. ESTA J Ituautd lu lboo.-iuiporter ami txiaier in Fine laua, Wuiaa, aud Liquor. Choice Havana ctKera, i iu.i A lilaekwell'alliklea and Baucei, F.UKllaa and Scotch Ale anil Purler. canned Meat a, Fruila. Bcap, Ac Kevj Aleaaet 11 up vtl era, At No.llS RKCOND PCeel. I 'JH-ly JiialU A U. COt HI T. WANAMAKER & BROWN, J A. T l i M T , WOOD & CARY, No. T'-irs OIIl.HNt'r S T Kit', I'.T. LADIIS' AND HISHEV IIAT3, IIEHT MTl'VIal-:M, i.tvur j'itic " NEW CONTINENTAL HAT." M O II Ii R A T P I. I C It H . and HoTtut ifch;il. WOOD A- CAltV, No. 7'i. CIIKHMCT 8'f P.I F.T. AMUSEMENTS. MiRICAH ACADEMY OF MUC-ItJ. GROVER'S GRAND CrI31tMA.IV ()1M;K V. PKASON Of TIN M011TS O.SLY. tPoillM-ly Itnilted hy enrai:em' nta to th" nUla an nnnifd. ei.d em i"t he cm, need ; nor can any l.irther ieain oi l. tand Opera be given durliia- the ta.l and vi lnler in tl.!icily.) COMyttiMl VONIIAT, NOYEMIIKIt 7. SEASON H ltltl HiniON TICKtT-i fur aale now at JOCLl'8 MfSlCBTOllF.. . The IHreelor eiirne.tly ho.ei Itn.t tle liera of OjMra Villi UMflst In i.ceiutiill A liir,;i heaaoll Mile, lu view ol tho erv i rant i-xtH-io-c and neeesa-iry rlak alten 'lni an oi"'riiil enteri rlseof t,ncl. niHiinllteenee. With ln- hope he pliieea the prlee ol hut ai:il(iltli H.-a a at ll.e l ,llowIiil vci moderate rntea, nnd olltra a acheiue oiuhiat lay A BEAT KOK EACH NMIHT. A HEAT FOIt KVEIiY OTHER NIOIIT. (i.llcrntttitig fioni cither tt.o ft tat or the aecond Otier,ij, and A BEAT 1011 THE FlItST 1'IVE N1UI1TS. Renar n SVnirrd Feat (Ten Opernal Hi raj Alleniiitc M'hta Hcciired Seata (Five OporuM (l-'.i I ir iH.c Opelita 6'3o KitT,- for Phvle Cnern ni'jLti will not commence he fore HUT:sliAY,Noeniberll, Iwit. 10 i.l ;it FAI.NUT SrilKKT THKATIti:. hLCONH WEEK OF THE IIENOWSEO AH rUTES, MH. McKEAN III CHANaN. And lila talented and heauMIn! dnul.ter. Miss VIKI. IMA HULHANAN. THIS (Meinla- ) EVKMSIl,Oelob.r:ll,tr,l, Wlllhe i.roiliieeii tor tvc frt time in till cliv, W All 1NU l'Olt TIIK Ei:lHCr: Or. till-. liAKK DEED IN THE WOODS! .ten ell an Po'Chladc Mi KKAN llt'CII INAN Mnh Itnael.laili Mi VlltillNI V IIIICHANAN Aai-lfteil hy the I'ull atrenutli of tlie Cotnpaity Un Ollicc open troni It HM 3 o'clock. Curtain rites at 7t( o'clock. MItS. JOHN DUKW S NKY AUCIl ST. TI1EATHE L.VfllAOIHIINAKY ATTItACI ION. Fh si vtci h ol the eiwaneinent of HIR. AMI MliM. ItAIINEY WILLIAM. IIOMIAY AMI TUESLIAY KYENINOH, The I.eBrm'iirv lirHtoa or TIIK h AIHY C'lltCl.Kl Or, CON O'CAHOI.AN ft HHEAM. Con O t nrt-lu n p, A R N E i WILLIAMS Mo'ahi-e Mra. l'.APNEY WC.I.IAM Alter Khlcl. li e Conie.l.i tta ol THE CCSTOMS OK TUT COfN TltV, Mellasa. ltli i.olr Mra. ItAIINEY WILLI AMS To coLOlnile wltli the Farce nf Ji l Eh' 11AHV. VKW CHKSNUT KTRKHT TUliATUK. i LKIINAHH (iltOVEK A WILLIAM E. H1NN, Les aeca uud Mni.a.rcea. MONDAY EVFNINI1, Octohra r.l , lrlBI , FlrMt nli I.l of. the dlstllitfoiahcd American Actrcaa and Philadelphia Fitvnrtc. MKS. P. P. HOWFKS. Who will appear, f..r the fln.1 time In llila elty, a "Lady lsaM.1 ' and "Mio'itine V ino," in r. W. Ta;. leiire a (the ori ginal author'?) cnioilenul play, In ' ncia. eth-d EAST LYNNK. EA8 I' LY N N E. In preparation, l.ADT AI'I't.EYS fElCEr. Buturdaj Al lei noon. It r.l 11 I. A It I AM I LY' MATINPF:. whn will he produced, lol the aecuad time, THE I OK TV 1HIEI.. t-SEMDLY BUILDINGS. LAST Yi KEK OF TUB tilt AND STEREOI'TICON. MaunlMcent pn.Krainmca EVE11Y EIGHT THI WEEK, iclecled fiom ONE THOt'SANIY VIEWS taken In all part ot tho world, l'l uh J Jilv lit, October- HTATCAItY EXCLUSIVELY. TicHiti- 9- cenia i children l.i cent. I ltuKln al H o'clock. 10-71 t.t" PERSONAU 1 MUUiL H.KINU, COLUMBIA. S. C NOT " I htpiuil n tiilup tr iu joii iiK Animcame. Hhoiinotr in Vatiiin-jtt.n, I'arrn t nt! I nt Murtln-lMirff ; Atmiola a,i mtf v n. DlivtT In altimr. i am t i.rtdos burK iM mlii if Wtits," riiilitih'lj.hiit. All well. Head ivrtt nnl tt I'hilftitf ijihia ,Kvi iiliir; rflrurAp)!." lo-;u.:'t Altriil K, Octobers). hict'ii.nnd. Vh., and ColumMa pujx-r pK ait copy. OILSt llSClUPTlONS.-BOOKS AHK NOW uinu tti f nrt jl.srilliotirt to hKVKS TltUI l.i OK OIK 'i KlHlT-'Y, in ta 5i'i If , Mit-ji-ct to n roalty Jo-im'S or iii-'rtna-:i's, u A i lii-H tc i'fl.1. fronting on tho Alleiitit h) iifi t diul it nli ilniuriu8,lii uriiiil intiT, tilt; tor, 'I li iitrttM rr-'ftO" M.1 IS m t,i ovf tiiwiieliip)ttn niiaiiiio Oiitntiy. Ihr'sr iirM-nliN are mntiffnttt to, itttjnht, aud nri' hi ttrcfh i.i-rin-'. nt ti e "K.iritr," thv 'TrffjIJrnt," tli 11 All m wi" and Tionfitu oil amt I tmhor i'mu-'atiT." In t;.i. ii.Uipii.c an )Nf. iV lUKI SH A KKS. at NK Tliors. M loi.l.BS KAOM. a mtmhsr of vhlil. Imvi alrtudy lnon (Bh?n. Il tletlnMl, iwonr more ittTii.ii i mi titii t"rffl.'T if.d taki- a Lar, Whu Hie (.Minuet of ti(fr.ttit'nH an tkn. thf tuhrrt'-'f can ifL anl t-it t intt'Ki i, to a ('uui)iany, elect lliclr oillcrri ft ID aui -rtt' 1 riiiU'lvt, i'c. t . r 1 1'iii'MF w other fiiit.rn; atlon, ad tire a or aptilv to tlu- u ('i t iiinttl, IJ wlii'in 8iilMTii'iou-. will If n v-lved. Ji:i 3( IH'M'AN M. Ml TrllKtiN. onuc .s. r.r.TUToi l ocurii tni walnut Htreeu. OF COAL, XV I.OWI'ST MAliKKT K.UF.S, Tu ha h ;d .il ScLuylkill J av'n Cc;l Comoany'i Depot, Nn .lHii i d Hi MAi Kl.T aSi, N. I.. 'ar ii.otto 1- t'lCK P.VLEH AKD tttf ALL rnonT8. 10 THOMSON 8 LONDON KITCHKNER, or Kiiiopi'iUi UiiitKt'.f -r rat .UU-t, hti'lti, or puhlic limtitntiotn. In t -vMity dincn-nt ntet. AIho, i'lilU ilcintiia Hiinrit. Jlnt-atr iiriiuc.ia. i'on.i.ilt Ilcnti Ti, LtwluW 11 Oratt nt rtrctxiunl HLovtti. K h 11 iiltirtt Ht-'wl,...f IMhit'H, Hroiier-, t uokhiK stovti, Ac., al wluWo Bic und rutftll, tv fit! utanurm-'tiirtTr., t UA.St'. HH.Mtl'R TnoNf lOH, TO CArTAlNS AND OWN KRS. kaWaWrU- iii" mic in, iitti iiuwiiii itjnri inv ntni nit Tt. cn;.v7 ivi('i be, to iiifcna hta fr.amtaand it 9 cutriDbt-i Uit lie U pnpaiad wit I, Imirtatitd uctiU' to i tf BiiiodHief llup fiavirg vi'vcuU to ralitd or rtpoAi ', and l.tiun a practical ahip-car)utcr and c-u'hir, ri th p-inmaJ nUftaitioD tu &U vela vu-tvm-irU to him ir rfpaxrt, (ui (fUr cr Anmitk, HMp Oarrnteri, tod MacblnUt tit.i.K v.'ih!i tj ra, air, are lklu d to cull. lluvtiaf ih awut y i,v Die of "Weitenttdra' Paenl Wi la'llc t'i ui;-.H'U.n," or ( u.-por 1'alnt, for tha pjbfrv tlon ( i.iiii' Iwtbirni, (of ton city,! iua prvijand ta luiukL Utvaiuatyufuvuiabla tcrmi, JilK H. TI A W II ITT, Kw.nUU'Vm Sorww !)!. artil-v DtVaw&re ivunuD.uwtt Laurel at raai. SPECIAL NOTICES. tr TWENTY-FOL'llTII "WARD. AMOS ,P, KEI'l', F i ,TIIOK. J. tVolll.t l.L, Ek'.,an. N. K.lCIIAKhON,E.,Hlll addreaatho Lineolnand Jol.-iaoni'luj, ai then- 11,-a t-iuiricrt, M liKt. r ritroel, ahoa., alrcel, TUIr KVK S I Nil, :M-t Initaut. Publ.c Im lied. CHAHLE1 liirilKNit. w Prv'Uaut ttcuu Cimila-. II. M .kKia, Rccratury. K FINE CLOTHING, . lT "0TJI: HATIONAL COflFLIOT." H. Inrltallnn a tha C.M1EUMAII-S CI1RIHTIAN CCUMiMllON, BltV. flllHOP at. S1MPS0!. I.n., Win d-Hrar . -tore on "OCR M tTIOMAt. CflH- I LICT,' In ih AVI. mi AN A.'AHtMt OP mHC,on UPNi'AI, OCTOIUH )l, i a ooarter to H o'tlork. Th'i lctari I ai 1 1 r n ddlrrr4 hf-.ra larva a-i-1iMrea In Ml., r ril:ra. u i llnci a IT. ta T! till- K. Cf I nut atn-et ; at 1 -Itr at , i.imI at It ( Prm:iali tor t. ralrtUra. i -ctrj! aau. .a ol Itlaiiop .s, o- a"V at Mar'len'a, Ma. r.rK! CSr,. Mtee i.l aliia'. No I N. r .ir -ta til lo - OB I a ceenlna 1,1 hr l.aet.irrt. ocricfli ol a'ek ar.d w".uni-d In 41 UT IU I.L. Dl' T1IH UNION LEAGUE, ClU'.SNVl SIKttl'.T, AII')E TVTI'.I.VllI. lly I-rliatlon o i.l.nUi.111 C. l-.i'i-'u .-Mtie i T-::,Aiidra a taa 1' iblic, ox rtiovw cvkmmj, mt, A! Tl0CI.Olt, ln. ( UAlll.KK D. MKKJS, HOK. I I'.WIS BAHKKR. Tilt LAI'Iffl AET. INVtlPItTO AT1ESI). Hall of U'? republican Invincibles, K.MtKlT. tllilVE TWFLITU BTRKET. 117 InTtiftlliiti 01 tlm Cnloa I.aai.n'',tha foUowla aentla-in- a 111 Addrcaa ib Pvblio, ON M0M)A EVEMaNO, OCT. 31, HAIL OF TU!' RKPI B1.ICAX IXVIMIBLIS, llos. JOHN CKSSKA, IIiK. HtKD. hassauhkk, atuilitcr to E.)tiadoc. THE LATIKI AHK INVITED TO ATTEND. lll W it 81? i:t a. is c;i i" A'X"u rv. Till'. MUri-I'.YISOKY COMMITTEE FOR, IUXkUII INQ COLOKKD TROOrS Inlcnd wtlbrallnj the tlRANO VICTORY of RItiHT (KH WkONO ii. t aehh veil In Maryland, whrrcbjoiar loO.fat) t.'hr'st'an H wca hnvr b an made 1'liEE uncon UIIIodhII v, on Tl'KSKA y, NOVKMIIElt 1, Tha dn v tlio new Contltiillon will go into oiteol. TIIK llt'll DIM! KO. l'HO CHEKNUr STHF.ET Will be llF.Cr.:.TEt nnd HltH.LlAKTr.Y ILLL'Mf NA1LD bj TBAHPAIiENCiE8 cublriniitlc Of Lir.tHTY and rRoanuHa, SaluU w 111 bi Bud during the day, and rhlim-i will ! ritn?. LOYAL MEN smj Kthlzlns In this triumph arc Inrltrd to dlapiay 1 tatfa daring the daF, and IMamlnata their houiea at night. Further arrnni;aiii'nta for tba Celebration will be an nounced In dtllj eapari f to-lnorrow. 10 3 1 -'it SJ" OIlANU lN1N It ALLY or iiir I'HtbHoi or LINCOLN AMU JOHNSON'. SO HOIIHI, NO SOUTH ONE COCNTltY; THE 8TAHS AND STRIPES FOB ALL THE LAND. ALL LHVEItH OF THEIU COUNTRY, ALL GALLANT VKIEBANH WHO UAVK FOCliIir for our l.l.DltlOl 8 UNION: all who hot-or onr P.KAVi: KOI MFUS AND8AtLOItS, all who huta TREASON, utid vi ould PIMSII TRAITORS ; all op;icicd to a l.IS JH.tCEFLL ARMISTICE: uU In for of tip AM', SHI.UMAN. fliEUIDAN. aud FARKA.lUr AS l'l. M L COJIMISSIONT.ItS; all lilend? of Uia CMOS AM) CONHTl'l IJ1 ION ; ail who dealro to tiunaiuli to our cblldrc tho hleHaluiri contcrrcd on ua h ihe I'M UIOT OK '70; all Americana, n itii-c and adopt ail, are 'nvlied to meet AT Itilil.PENllKNCF. SQCARaJ, ON 8ATVJ. HAY EVENING, November &, to tc4tll their de.n,on to tha C.ME OP onn COCNTBV. ( i MK ONE! COMK ALL I LET Ti t. WIIOLF-II'EOPLE COME, v ! PKIK I.alat rillT THE Ij-NK'N l -.. AMI SHALL UK PREHF.ItVED. A llliAMl Hi; i'l AV OP FIREWORK will talc placo at : .c . tae of the meeting. By order of the Nuttonal L'nlon City F.aacuilra ilnu tutttea. JOHN li. IICTI.EII, 10 at I hahman I'.imuilttee on M -etlnija. Uli" IHIliUELPtllA POST 0TFI0E, OCTOIIF.R , i;i. SP1CIAL NOTICE. THE MONLT Ohi'KIt KYMTEM will go IntociToctoD T1HBUAY, NuvuiuUr 1. IMa-ik applications caabaob- tainid, and a list of Monny Ortlur Otlicen that areaitab- lUhed een, on applinatloD ut the Money Order Depart nitutatthli OiUcij, autnince at tlie Knitter Uoom d.Kr, v hen all Information in ro Union thuratu can be irt:ured. The following arc the mti'i gf Ctnuulisluua eU..rved r Money OrUin AnOr.lernot ax. OftlinR !0 Over il'J and ut v.-i viUjik Our $JJ und ui tu io 10 Tent,. I ruts, , 'JCrtili. oordtr li.ieil tar lefa than $ and uu. excee n '.0. Orlcrn will be tu.Kid for thin it nt bttrer:i the huur of M A. M. und & J.M. C. A. WALUOJtN, i-ao t t-'f OKHCK SWATAHA FALLS COAL V-S I tiuipaiiy.Nc. J H S Fill RTH Ntr. nt. Pull AMil'iilA, October 90, IB1". . The Hoard of Iilrrcti.ra hir,i ihla day ih ciarul a lilvl-u.-ii.l al FIVE f-'i) l-Elt I F.InT. out of the ual earning! . if llioCoinpany to Lie lat tit October, paab.v ou aud alter ILe illat iiib'ant, tuar of State lax. Tin- Tranairt Ho. a Jl bo cloaed from the 2'.th to tha SIM Ina'ant. L.I 111. til. Ill', 10 Ai te ll '1 reaaiimr. AHMY, NAVY, AM) CimUN'S w-3' I'iothlnii .1. rad. huouid. r Slrapa, Wraalha, Ac, Ifiaivia varyrcdubedpruaa. F AKR, Morchant Ta.lor, 101 im Vo 10 NINTH RMUI.ab,vanieanuL REDUCED PRICES, RATIONAL WSl(t KOXfiT. ri rBRfHiiRirf, AIUtMIAM UNOIM.N, or ii.i.fN'Jii f i. vu -i i;rriir.NT. A N I IKI'.W JOHNSON. Or TKMNVaHHt'R. NATri.:i J,. uft v aVtMi, hah.. r.t.-lTv.rv 'i tin: i.Nt.i....v, ii. ivm i vuiitr ki.i I. P .f n r. Kli-t, j. ti. Morri'-" t drtKej 3. Hi if; lii'Hini. 4 1 ;ir II KfTT, f.. V.mifU II..?. A, fc. : a l- V V. I.l Da, 7, rfcr I'urttp, a niirm 7 a J. ,!4i , lltf lrl, 10 1 if'.-M ( on ,1, 11 a . iii:ioftv. It i, I ark . il t. n Fin. u- llii M iMf f h rtbrtvar. t.' . J .l.n V'1t. i;. iv'rt v, m .i4L 1 Tamp rf( urvl n pft ;i rr-rJ rirrrr, .'.'fin P. T9nf. ' I r.'.e" " row M rlinftf. ii J lio W. l'LAnond hf fHdcr ut tha 0vatOaUfl (VmrTHtc. H1MON UAMMHON, I'M W KM 131 DANK NOTICES. -- NOIICK. AY A (j KN H.RAI, MKKT ' ' hiif i'L tli hti.f Kliot-IiTB ol "Ih l'.nk f rr Tnbip n" il-p r.-uiitv f 1,h!la,l''!ihU, heH at tha tarktPfc boimr. In lairtl I iilUli hi. on lUl'KI- . frrti.rn i tl e f Howiuk Tcij')lf and rvi . i'n VTft, p4a.-.ri linn l.lfioii -jy : - Win Tnt, 1 h- Inn cu'h i f th Hani. f l'nn Towmlilt, In thf rt-nnt v uf Hlldrl(ii.a. Mtr prorttrod .? writNt anthcTiir o! 'Ik- uwi.iti t tn-u.lTl- Oi tr.t- rtti!ii it. f tr r-nid Iipb io nmkf it" r-rtlnriv ri-'piirrd tv h9 lawkot th-1'iiiiaii .inii to -ani:r nul ro'it-rt tli raid l.anl. to a .Nn 1-nAl At--rrlrtl"n UT carrj In; on U.c toui Ot 't-T baiihlnu ; thrrofoia, hwviwd, Ihat tt'f liai a of Fnnn TnwnMp, in th rrmrlvof I'tvlnuclphtH, Ktihli bfronit, and ihe aaro M liiTft.T Haft(:l ai.d cunvfittd litn an Amtclht.oB f'r mrr; '.iiir nu tni' hiiHni of lianMnK tinc the lattof"tfi I "tied hiAiex intuifd "An aft in provide a na'lrnat enr rcitr. tfM-un'd b a pidK oi I n red HtM a Itntida. ani t prt-vid- the rlrnlainn nd iid'niptKin thrier.' Bfi pnid Jant :t. k4. And the nanir oi tne nali nation!1 iu.vr a!.rn haH be IIIK 1'hftN MA1HNaL HaNK. And the Him-! r oi tha ?nu nnk arc hrtiif authonrHI' to do and iMTfortn every act. niaitfr, and tmrg keoMarjF tt. tu done tu rarry Into mil and ivtuij ji i i ll- ct tre inti a lion ol tills rrtoliith-n And it ft t'anhifr hail pub lh n't tit ti cro'f lur tltTiy da. In ihe "Morth nacrii-aa an4 t'nt d ataten Oir"tip.' a nrw-Hjiiiper f tnccltyoT I'M a di' i'hia, ami nftid likr (irintml Qitic, by mat vr other wua, to earl, mih Uholdrr, arrm ahly u te iiruvloneof aa a el the Ia iflnlatiire nf the I'omnumwanlui of PemtylTaaa( rntulf-d "An net enablinr Uu )iank f thliOomwa wealth to bf me AiuWaTii,ni f" r the of Rank Inir, ii nt or i he laws vt tn IhiihI btKtee," approved' AurriM 'V.lHt'rl. JAMK8 JaUH-'K-.l,, 10 al-:y CaaMert trf- NOTICE. l AUMKKM- AM) MK0HANK H BANKi liiir.AiKM hia, Ortubfr 14 Nf tlce f lirifhy iitfn, aKreohl? to r-ertlnn i vf th a-4 of thr ticiierai ARtPinhlr of tlm Comm(imaaith of PNia alvnmt riiiitlril "An act eiml!lnir Haufca of the Cai nmiwfrlih to lecom AMoclartoni for the nt iMnMnc wi dertnf la of tUe Vtutrnl HtaiM," apprvTAtl tl e'i'M dfy ot Auuiiit, A. I. 1;4, umt thtt HtAckh'ddert of th Km n.eri and Mrrhanlca' liauk of PhlladHphla hart thie day t 't d t hc me unt il an Avocation . aud tha lifc Dlrrt ti ri hme iirm un d Urn anthirliy ot tha ownerf f nii-tf thitn two-third- of the ('npilai Htgck to make tha r-rt'n 4te reitiiied thrrrfor by the lawi of the Uuit4 Htat a. in-vi-.'t W, hrffHTOV, .tH., CaMr. F : f N OTIC K. COMMKlit'IAT. HANK OK fr.VySYT.VANTai. rMii.Aivi.nitA,tctiber Vii, I'M. Notlri in lirri-hy plven. aura ahly to cton J oftheart of the tJ- in ml Ahs-iul.v id tlie Commonwealth of tfnn Dlvjmla, entitled "An Art t'lindlltiK lianke of the Com-' numwiaiih to heronif AahirciHUonii l-r tha purpoia o UnriMnc uiidt-r the Ihwh of th- C'dted Hiatal1, apvroved1 tin-?Vd av nt AtiuiiM, A. I. lKtt, that ihe Hto.-k holder -ot the fVnin.erciHl Hank of Pennsylvania hare thla dy otid to h-come such an Amiocla'.lun ; and that Ua Jlraui orji liHVfc pr.n urnl the authority of the owners of mora than of thtft'tpltal Ntock to make the oenti- cult re)Ulivd ihan tor o the lawh ol the United Hiatea. Vvt tnrther purticularH Stock htjldcr ran apply to lu-vi -ot f. I'Al.MKK, Cantor. r- NOTICK. UANK 'K Ct'MMKHC'K. l'ntr aih i miA, (ctohr ?0. Ih-U. Vtdlro U hereby ((iwn, atrtaJjl tu eivtlona of tha aet tf tlie AtmMy oi tho imnnionwpa tti of Pena l)vaiihi.rntlt('d "An ai t enab-init liankt of tke mnwiath lo hrrontc Atmociailuna for the purpuaa ai HanKli under the- law s ot the United fltaten.1' apir.ra4 the TH tlay ot .iiMii4l, A. D. Intl. that the Hiockhoidera ol (ne rank of ( immune have thin day ynted to become bitch an AM union ; and that ft hinctori. have procured the antlioril) ol the ownt-rb of more tnan twi third of tha CtiHal Hu i k to mill- e tin ccrtilkaie requtrod thaiefbr bf the laws of the United States. JOIIV A. 1.EW1K; rhler, ri- NOTIC K. - UA-NK. OK NOKTIIflUN LIBKHTIKjl Pl!l!.4l I.IHIA, Ottt-tT 20, IH8I. Knt're Ii hereby Klvenrreabl. lo it:tn.n'i of the act of tlie tit-ui'ial AMtiutlj of the commonwealth of tenn nvlviinia, emitted "a n act enahlltm Hank of the Coniuoa wenltn lo become Associations for the purj of Itankiaf niTtier tht lawn of tti Lulled Hlaiai," apprtreJ the Id -Uyot Aumi.i. A. H. 'y-t, that the Htojki,oldtra of tba lnnk of N out tern LIU rtlee hare thla day roied to becma uch an f s hoc in t ion, ai. that ll Uirexstora have procured tltt ntilhoil'y of the on ik ra of mora than two-thirds ol tha Capital hto' k to iimkctl e cuttillcate required Uierelur lf th lnf nt tLu I lilted HLaiea. 11' XI W. (1UMMCUK. Cai lec. B-T " O T I C K. CORN fr.Xt'HANOE BANK, PhilaI' i. fin. Oi tidier 9l, IBM. K.tttce Ii hcehy ((Ivcn, aKrecahly lo Hoction i of the ant of ti e (.ciK-rHl Aiaunhl of Ihe t'ttnmoiiwealth of Peaa- ylv ama, entilled "An act enahhru liankn of thel'oia monvwaHb to became Asoclathns for tue outymaof l.tnikii tt under ti e law oi tta I nltcd Hlites," approred tl e .faMdh of AtiKtldt, A. . IHM. that Iht fttorkholderi of the C'f.rn fxchrtne ltnnk of Philadelphia lava tbldy voted to becotoe 1'ich an AMAoeiation ; and that It Jlfc tor hai o pu ureil the authority ut tho owner ot more than t v o- ttiitdja of the ('aprai m hK omake tl.e crUQctta rcpiire4t theicfor by the Jawa ol Uie Lnittd Hiaei. 10-31-; J. W. TOKltKV,(.ailf. NOIICK. " ' TUK CITT HANK. Phii.Aiiki.i'niA,OiH'ar 20 M- tlee v erebj- pUcn, areeab j lo aecUon 1 of the o4 ot tl.e ntral Amf ujl'ly of tl e uomiuonwealth of 1'can a Ivatim, iitiUti "An act t nb Iik Hanai ot u.e Oorna iai w eal'h lo bi tunic Aai-ocUt.ioni for the purpose of Han If if utiUoi the 1 h a of the I'nlled tate,'r approved Uia i& day of Aiiju'im, A. 1. lNr( that the Ntockhotdcra of tha . t itv Hank have ibid day voted to become met! an atnocla tlon , and tint Da Director have procuted the authority of the pwnm ol mur' than two-third ol tlie L'apltai. Slock t make the (ortlikate rtf.uiied tlarelurby thelwi of tha Lnilt ti S ates. lu-Vl mtt O. ALW1HT LKWIfl, Cashier. N O T I V K. KKHlNi;TON HAVK. IX TIIK COVHTr uk niii.Air.Li'i(iA. Pmi.Ai.Ki-r-HiA, October Vt, IMC Notice i hereby fftven, airerably it section it af Uie aot of tin tient ral Ankeiubly ol the t'oinmonweal.h of Peoa a; Ivanh. . n in led "Au act enaoMns; Hanks of Ibe Vininin wealth to trpioine Absoclat'ons f r tiieparpotte ol ltaatlnr. unufi' the law s ot the t utted Htates," approved the U of A tin,-'. A. !., hm, t iat the tocK honors at tba KcaHnfton y.BnV in ttte o ni'-ty oi Phlladelulda, bava tkia Ch Wi' ( tti btnimie Mich an Annoi'inllon ; and that IU liirirt'tT'-have procured the authority of tha owners ot morel), ut t.i ibinliol tiie (.ipltMl Atock lo make tha revtitU-ato re.(Lind tbcrcfor by the Uwa ol tbo UulU4 M(tc. I't-n C. T. YEHKK8. Cashier. IAU1 I.ANK, I'UILADiflLrHIA. Ociob r isi'.t. A lat eral mieiiiiu ol the Htockholdera of this Rank will I-. Uv'A at the ltanMuif houe on MONDAY, ill if I t tiny ot November letl at li Mock af.a ta . etn,idt r anil d :tde w hether thi Jtuik shiUI (s Ci uie an .s iatlR br ta builncs ot Itanklajr. under the laws of the I'nltrd Ninter, i and whether tt hail t veicua tin ptw r contei red hy tba Act oi the Letlala tuie.i till- Mlftte, entlil-d "All Act eiiaidiuii tlie biuks of ttiia 4'olnuv-iiweal h U tM-ctime as nc tat litis forbanklftf ut'er iVe lawsot the I nlted Staii-s," approved d Au ijiiAt, JJri; aud to take any tnrther actioo that ma ltd m c sisry. Hie eliMtion fur r I roc torn will he held at the tame place on th' an.e thij , November at, between Urn hours of It A- M. nnl i P.M. 'Ihe ai.n meeting of the Stockholders, nnd'T tit el iirter, vt'll he h"ld at the bankltiK'lbuse, ou TUKl HA 1 ,thc Ut da i f Novi-uiiM'r, ut in iwW M. Yi' L ttCUAPKKR, 10-iy vuu n;l cashier. r..-- COMMON WHAXTH BANK, y I'-ui AitKi vhia, Octobar 17, lttds. The annual e'uctlon tor J)ire'urs will be t eld at tha ILiinkinif bona? n .MUNli.4. , II i' VlHtdayaf abiovembor lient, between the I our ol iu A. M aud i P. M. ll eaiHMiMi muting of tho StocWh-'Iders will be held at tie lirthHiiK-houia oo 1 1 LSIaAV, November l,lK4,ai lUo clock K .M 11. ii. OVHH. lc ail-mwr lot Casbter, pO-?ARTNER8UI V. WASHINGTON J Hl'TCHKK, u Mtn h.tnt and Whol. -..lie Ix'rtlcr id l'roviBiins and l'ruU(.-e, h.ia uanucmieit with h'ra in liU I'lifiUiest bib bon, llk'iirtV CLAY ULTCUtU. Xuc style of ilitt ilrm will he WAHiiiuiov urTci'yrt a bok, Nos. Hi tuid UtJ Ji. l-JW.SI Nirft-t. Ph liidvti'hia, October ImH. 10-ii-lui P1KP0LVTI0N. TUK CO-rARTNERSniP hoietofore extsUig under the ttrru f hAMUKL X. 1MV-1-.H k hNtib in.s day diAootviJ. 1 lie b jsiness wlli aiiilid by tie iinisurninin d, ut Nc, 225 l0Liv H;ia. CIIa m. K.. Davii. oarritui I'arUttf riuladelplila, Bjptu.iHf aW, ibbi. CO- TAUT NEJiilir. Tha tin lersUnied l ave this dar ft ri,i. it at o ; aruurihip unhr tiie tinn f I A V j V.S liK 'iliCKH, lor ll.e Uauacilou or a Mineral ItaukliiK and UrokLiakv r.uina,at bv. i'J 1U K Mrot. 4'flAHMJi K HAVIES. PkliiJt A. JjAVU.3. D:llad -IphU, 0c Icier 1, YM. V. 8. rr'ftcAtes of J.,d btadntM, OuartTiiUra Vt ncaers und fhweks, ad GoVriuut fetcurith-n kno Trtllv. b'.iUKh. fci.d Sold. fliLl lisj lluaint-M Paer ui.d loans on Collaterals ri2li..t 0. Stocks KUd Loaub bwht umlsuid on Cianiay KIN.NK.NO-NE-AW IhblAN Hali-KlMt TOnX30l Tili wrU-rtbuwMvd Toh.Hcvn Is maimU' turaa trom tn Ai.i tarnntU raoou lutn is lcii to all Uentkiiwa df Luxurious Tast. S- b.. r.t Cfl VR HTOKK, 1 V J.O.W1 CHBiNL "r lt. 10 l-ltuil oaoaite lta UuuaaV SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS,