TP E JIJE. (GtM, PRICE TUREE CENTS. FIIIIADHLPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOHKIt 31, 1864. PRICE TIIREE CENTS. THIS iSVJENflW A 3 1 -JLJLLo t t t - 7 TIIIltD EDITION THE LATEST NEWS FROM GRANT'S ARMY. The Operations on the 27th inst. GALLANT CttAUOE OP TIIH SECOND, FIFTH, AND NINTH COIIP3. Our Losh but Fiftoeu Hundred. THE Cf.EMY'S LOSS VERY SEVCRC. lijht Huailrc.l zri Twci.iy-Eijht rilsc:;ers Taken, an, .Four Eattlo-Flai. lienor it r riiH An v ni tii i: P hhm u , V'to Lir 3d, A. M. sin o the army returned to its oM qnuTtrr on Friday, nothing of import. in 'o his truiiipirod. Tuo enemy's cavalry billowed our troops closely as tin y return': I, but were pre vent d from doing any d I'lriu of importance. The only ciptoros tbey m id.: at this t ma were some eight or ton ambulances -, hi -h hud t ken n wrong rood, but en u time they could not tret way. Tb tmr-cs wie rut 1 lose and run uil", and our men burned tbo J',mih. Th" Robcl cavalry mndc repented attempts ti charge, hut were ench lime repulsed with lns. During the diytho entire army ro iched tha po'llions occupied by it previous to the movo, when the enemy at once withdi-ov, mid tbey also returned to their former position. Our loses will reaoli about fifteen hundred, us near it' can he ascertained at nrcsont. Ibc 2d Corps, wkl-'h did the most lighting, hut Un officers killed, thirty-one. wounded, seventy Mvtn men killed, four biHished and eighty wounded, and about four hundred missing. The .Mb Corp lost uliout one hundred and thirty altogether, and the 'Jib Corp upwards of one tundred and fifty, mo tly In tun colored division. The casualties in the c ivulry division arc not Known precisely, future thought to be about t-vo hundred. Many of those claimed an missing will undoubtedly return to camp, ax tiic number of atragglcrs whs large. The loss of tbo enemy w.ih severe, nnd some any greater Hum our own, in Killed and wouude 1. H e bavo 828 prisoners and four battle-Hags, most of which were capturrd by the 21 Corps. The highest praise is given by all to the otlicors nnd men of the 2d and 3d Di isions, for their be havior during the day. Gem nils Engan nnd Mott, who com manded them, and General,; Smith and Colonel SIcAl lister, commanding brigades, uro particularly praised for the able manner In which they handled their men. The chargo made by the New Joroy Brigade, under Colonel McAllister, on the enemy, who had got In tbo rear of our forces, was one of the finest ever witnessed, and resulted in carrying the entire position. AH in quiet with tbo exception of picket tiring, which isquito lively at night. W. I). MeOitnuoit. ARMING OF THE NEGROES IN THE SOUTH. 'Dixie" Unable to Stand the Pressure. THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND SLAVES TO BE ARMED AND FREED. Nkw limn, October .11. Tiio II the I pipers, received here, appear to bo unanimous in favor of ariuingtho blacks. The editor of the .swWi iWiliiWe, in writing home to bis piper lrom Ri' huion I, says ; "The pressure brought upon the uutliirities b re favoring the aruiiti,; of liio lucks bus b e i too strong to resist. Hence, it i s with giu it itlu 1 am alilelistito otlicially th.'t iiriungeuiciitt are nut- tieiu ; m uli: to arm tor the .-priii:?, camp mpi 'idd.O'll slaves, wl,nc ma-tirs u.o to fco rjmpsi.s fled by the t' iu federate Coven. .u. nt. The sluvts thus armed are to h ire l ieir iree titui sin I lifty iicn:- of lun.l, ta:h of which insures llu in peiuiai.uiit hoaies in tbo. Si hi n. Mil t: I'lto'i I t ikm'i:. Nmt ok, O.MIvrUl Tb ! filloviu,' .id dlliouul news is brought by tb.: ( Ulj .;' M iu i ' .' r : 1 here lire rnntir; th :i tU ; m 'in; b.l.veei the Cy.jr of H'iss a :md tbo Kmp.uor Vapol, on will lake pla'-c at Nice shortly. The l'uris llourso clo-cj liat on the HlH at ('if. 10c for rentes. Vienna advices in rcur l to the Dauo-Gonnin question indicatu that Hie Confureuce will soon tie,n thv litiul ticaty ol pe ice. Advices fritn Mo Janeiro, lira. II, to Soptcm ber 2", repjit the iuli.s of j'.UO to oiuo si Csiuce. Tbo i,-re it banking tii ms of Sjnito &. Co., and Gumtrs, J'lppo & Co., have failed fir laie auiouuls, mid othur buipcu.iiiiis linuiedi dely fol lowed. Cash payments were smpcuded by Ihe Isiuk of lii.iil. ar nau Lceu cneiarea by jjr.uil a;aiust Vtuguuy. f ALt i'TTA, September 27. CottoM nod) are dull. l:xchaiij;c 7d. Freights duil. SiiAN(iHAi,.Sei'tcinU'i Jj. Shirtings uutUa'.icd. Tea diclinliiR. ilxi liance (,HA. 1 Arrived lrora l'hiluUelphlu, October li, sliip .Tiiifin.ut Havre; .V. I.. Vuni'nrj, ut l.ivcrpjji. t.iriW lrom Ua.timore, Oeiober IS, ; itmi Y'tsh, at Liverpool. Aiiive.l Luiu Ken 0:leimi, r-euuivi i t, nt ii' n t , feel, ;tl i 'iveipool, 'The ship J.a .ularrrs, from Hong Ko:i for Cork, '! .'!. IMP U tnll.l ut tlo 'l'l,r I I bv'.i.. .vbk h. i uuuiiiii is.ot, uear .'Htuvia. Ti e caw, ii..seiuerf. und im.tof tbi caigo were .-uved. 'i he chip 'nlamia, from Nun :anil.i, Je.pan, rr.n ashore on the North iicui thai.tliiii, August lO, uud had to cut away liir limits, lue i of Mnwltetfr had a sioriny I uuu uiinjjs in bieoiujje paajKurrj una a lull ci.rgi. Jot C'oLuirii, the prue fighter, is a passenger. TEOM BALTIMORE TO -DAT. LAyfcia'o the The Sccniny Tikyraph. bAHiMOKE, October III .To-morrow the new Constitution goes into ttTci't, and Maryland Is , forever free. The New York awiudler on clec ' tion fraud! are still held iu custody, and will be . flecplte all threats of Copperheads, tutUl they get ustlce done for their A prlvato letter received this morn!ur', with Newbern, Norlh Carolina, dates to the 2JiU inst., Kays; Yellow fever there and elsewhere on Ihe coast has nearly abated. No roJt'e ucw cases since the recent frost. Lrlvate news bere from Giant's way ii highly , neooruging, aud all looks well. Secasioa ors of disaster art posiUvt falsehoods. GEN. T. I? ANTS AliMV. OFEEATIONS OF THE 27th INST. Our Troops Alvnn. po Three Miles cii the L-ft Tr. Js tho Southrido 1 1., ful. THE LIST OF C,. j ALT! E 3. ic i - is 10 ij 1 1 i : i o i c t V tl.CC r.olll.Tfll' II'!'!' ''. .11 ti. .:ill'.)l" tin I'lilnnin-th 111 thoM' of in' ' 'ill in i which time our troops b id a.K.oi -e l Hitj in.!, n i.ii the Ufi toward- tin: S .u'ii i .; nilroij. Tin' nltji t of tb" wii. ile ill in . i;i ci, ri.'i'. and ii I'. w.s ibis little i.i.lcni . i 1,1 of a 'mi., a i l ii I al' around towards tin: i iuis le r.ii r id in J tlic Ho) n'on p'a-i! ro d, p. n IV: :r-ti.i l!ic str.i t j r Importance .,f w;.; b In I. iu.itu.1, i!..l it v. rv en1 t mivc.r.'nX'1 -n .-r a 'on ; .l.i n. . . tun nt, n ill so in l: ina :. apparent. l 4 ntioin. s. V.'pi. I) llrowu, II , P st IVn'.-t I mil. h. i l. li. M.ur.s, K, MP', i 1'cnn-ylt .tin tie id. f i. in. I O-tcr. II, 'PNt fa .u-vlv in , l"i;. ( bail' Smit.-., f,''t n I'cn , :;r;,, m , ,t (. W : . '' wall, A. I "'b l''T.. I(i i.,i, c ... I'. I'i.'.ci rs, I', 1 V.i Ii I'nn iln i lup. VV. Ho.'ii, I', 1 i tli I'loi.isy.i nii.'t ban I. in. l' liioiy, I), Pl-t I'eiMi-vlv.i'.iii, '.in i-", (' l'mi I--.ii t;, HI t I'cni.-ylv .ni i. ukl. Si p.'ciiit .Ijlin J. (tiitbt'i, I., Pl-i 1 "in., t!i' :'i. si iK'unt Win II. Jelirt s, Ii, Put I'e.iu , wri':. Ni rK'ent.t .1. W. IMvis, ), :i l' -M i., h-al. I li'iinas Chri-ty, I). ! 1 i l'i'iii s I. mi i. Ic John (' plic 1 1, (', 1 1 tin IVmiM Ivan, i, Ic:. Iie lcri.k Kliode-, A.'Hsi Vnu. Iv I'll i. I.' r. 1. una I Doimels l',.i..tli t'en.. v I vuuu, liip. I. . 1'. Frct'iuan, A, 1 1'Jd Ten i-ylv .nia, lie i !. Il'ili MeKiirlaiid, II. 1 t .th I'. iiu-ylvani . ami. .(.lines M. TioiHiiinii, I, '.Hst I'.i., stiouider. J..I111 Sharp , (.', I I'llli IVn'i-y 1 : tii 1, lei:. II. r. (toliiu.s.iu, A, l i cli I'. iiiist tvani.i, It: .1 1 li u W. fins.'. I', I', 1 V.'i T' lins. Ivuni 1. c. t.'..rior'il t-icoi::e Capelbcrry, I-, I mi I'.i., ru'it It amputated. S, ni Lk iitoi-unt .I01111 S. .1 it,-,, -,1, 1), lopib rlpbt ankle. Fir-l l.i 'utcn.iut I ones s s-o ''.i':r's, A, l'Kh l'a., left arm uuiputntcd. John C inipb 'P, I, ." I -1 l'a., riijhi Ic;; aiiipu' it.'d. II. A. Wilner, I, .ulth I'u., he 1 I, - i htl . .Iin-o'i Sli!. r, K, .V'tli 1'c'in .v 1 1, r't;iit na'.'.s. Captain Cusncr, K. 'Hst rcunsvli inii, Icl,'. J. 1'. llnrdy, 1, 1'i.ith I'onnst Iv.niia, sliouhlvr. J. mies Wll-011, H, l-'i ith Ten isylMiuia, side. J. Ai.thon, K, 'Jlld Pennsylvania, li:p. Andrew J. Prodle, 1', ll-t'l'ciinsy!f.inin, shoulder. Jumes K. Hums, H, l.V'ith Peuu'sy IvnnU, wrist. U. I' iiton, U, h.'id Pciin-yWanl 1, arm amputated. H. K. Culp, II, 1 .loth l'ennylv:i ii 1, hip. Siiinuel .Myrtle, A, loo h I'enust Ivnuia, ankle. J.mies lineal, A, lootb Penn-ylv uiia, foot. J'llin Nightoon, 11, i'lst I'eunsyn mia, shoul.ler. Th'.inah Steinson, It, 1)1 -t IVnii's, Ivunii, side. A. Muderlugi', 15, ;ll-t l'cnn-t Iv 1 iia, icq anip'd. II. (i. An'el, 11, (list Pa., Ic;,' iiuiputatml. urge C. Pool, 11, '.list Puuusyitania, arm. tieorpe Carif, Hist Pi lilisylv.un i, urm. Kd. Hurt, A, Hist Peiinsy itani t, j ,,v. Corporal Win. V'lnco, K.'Jlst l' n '.ylvania,iir:u. A!vin Jones, A, Hist Pcnnsyl.aiii.i, bark. A. .shell, Hist Pennst Inihi.i, (trgeiint C. Crock, C, Hist J'en- Ivaniu, wrist. Joseph, K, Hist Pennsj it a da, arm. Hinry Madden, II, Ift Peuii-ylt uii j, Civ., arm. Aivin Simons, (j. 91st Penust Iv.mia, band. Corporal (. Phillips, II, ills'. Pennsylvania, juv. C. Honuiu, K,!)l-t Pennsylvania, lerf aiuputated. K. li. Manning, O. Hist Puin-ylt .nia, head. Win. Fag.ui, A, Hist Pi mist Ivam 1, thi.;lis. Hi'Im I Itefiorl llio tM-r:Kitit ol' I'liur. tln.y liist-Ui'iicral lli'io KIKt-a. Finn Hi,-'inonJ .SVlilliiW, -J.I. Tin: south a. 111,. The enemy on Wcdne-Jay ii'i'.t crossed over a lnrj;ij lorec, estimated to nuni'ier from twen'y to thirty thousand loon, to in.: n rth bl lo of tlio Ju;ii(s rtvir, at I) 'ip llottooi. V tcrluy morn- II g, aliuut 'J o'clock, they 111J1I11 un attack in lcuty force at; inst our tMreinc left, m tho (.'banes City iiniil, aii iiit four . n l a half miles bclcw the city. Our I) alien s op ned 00 them ut long range. The enemv's skirmishers a k i.iceJ, nnd were rapidly duven buck, l.aicr in llio day the in nny showed a disposition to udvan u .-.Utnn our wholo front, lint on every advance were eh"cke,d by our artillery uud tkiruii.'hcrs. I n ; diselinria of nrtilU ry nas very heavy troni :t o'clock P. M. until uichtf ill, and was di ti n:t:y hear! In the city. It proceeded inn our batteries on Ibc Charles Ciiy r. a I. T i: enemy en.let vured to turn our h ft, but the. n' ft was not muJe with iihic'i energy. It deems 10 lie the inipr.:o 01 that tins tnnvc mt nt on this hide ol the riv. r w s a inm feint, white the rial attack de o 1 toe sou h side. 1 hi io were rcpoiis ol lnr;;e ipu resof priMiuors, but we could obtain no rel i il particulnr.s of fitlicr g'fns or lo-ses in t!i.: o . 1 mus 01' yester day im tin r tiian Unit the 1 iicui y '.eiecveiywhure r pulsed with In . ivy loss. LtlL'll.j Nisi: o'i iock P. .M. l'i.c b mdred pris mem have iu.-t arrived, eap.ui". . n he Dailing.oa and Cli irles City roads. A despatch from Ihe oper nor a' Chatlln'a stttes that we also r'pul d the en "i. v 0,1 the. Williams burg road, capturing two huh. ,l prisoners and fi ur biihuIh of 'colors. Olliecrs,.1-Uroin til' front say that the en my were sev.iil times repulse 1 with Urrible lo-s iu killcl a...l wouudud. Our loss on the ninth si.le, tn.uikt 11 I uier. iii.l I'ro viiieiico, w.'.a nor, over tiv n y-io men in tho whole ihij'B proceedings. Tin: sor 1 ns: 111 . At 8 o'elo k yeiderdny m .. .ing Pie en.'iny 111: ile an attack 011 our evir ne right, on toe lluydtiiwii I'oinl, between tin; t . Idon and Mouth sice rid read, i.bnut seven -t southtvoist of PcUTburg. P.isfcnttcrs who . one. over 011 the ever lug tn. in n port tu. li:b 1,' as having been irv even:, the enemy li.-.iinf assaulted our position reveu times, uuo iter' sven times ro pulM'd, Miileiiu:; heavily i;, t 1 : 1 oneasiou. Tho iif tiling hud i.hi iiM'il e ben i-ie cars lefr. We regiet to lie ir, from tie mn source, that the brave und dadiing U,u 1 !i r-Ocncral James lit suing tuis uinong Hie killed. Ho was from Cainplii'll county, V ir,:iiii.i,.ii iy 'i years old, and 1 in of tin-iiio-t prninis ii,: t .,c utUcora of t'jo cavaliv .scrvi e. '1 he 1-4-l.s I 4Jcii. nil lb igiuber (ieneral J inns 1. cfiici r who fell iu the c ned:' n Mir bin s on the 2 li inst n , 'utrliiH'. ing, tho Kebel 'it on the let of born i:i Caiup- bill county, irgiuui, tit l-ii uns; at tha time of his tie lilt only titciiiy-:to years of age. At 1 lie c' liinieiieeu.eiit ot Hie l. . -::iion he raid a i'ii. pant of Y'lgima c iv ib v. .1 id attached him hell to ihe connc'iuil ol t' ! i. F., p irt cl ialing in ici'st ol the c ct.'i ' si, vhich that oilirer nt ,s e: gng' d. Ho nipi i'r re, iiiorv .y ' ' ni l of au in'lu t uiiai liniiilv coiincclio.i tti -i :'. ci'hii.gcxploits, to iliiii ii nt cr. de-, lieiuv 1". h i .' klier-genril und plaei dine, inuianl o' a . n i of V. li. F. Let 's 1 ii i -inn 011 ring the 'li s. .irt of t ao present year. He has Ikcii netit. iy on .raged imv the tpeniii : of the present cu'iipn'ii u' iin.-.t Kieii monil. Augc.M Ji, lMil, lie p irt in th" tn gngi inent resulting from (ienenil Urntu's move intnt agi'.iiist the We.don raiiro.'i.l. lie ti.:,:'f 'l (.'.nciai tin-gg s cavulryat Ram'i Hirtti- n, and eltitmid, iu his rejiort, to have tt. ice nsseiil'id (irecg, drlt 'iifr him liack ti Maloi.e's St.iun. On .s. pteinber llj he commanded ihe iii: t ol the att:,ti,iug column in the dash niudc byn''o llHii'pton upon Co.o'i's Point and a bind of tvc'ity-tivc liuudnd cattic itia-in ,' there, lie was nul,e.ULiiily engage I (October 1) in (in atincl. on Oerei.,1 G .'' c.ivali v In the oioyc lucid nguinst the Mouthside railroiid. A young woman, Ihe widow of a soldier and tin mothtr of an infant six weoUold, w.-placed iu the prisoner's box of the Police Court of Chicago, on Wednesday, to nnswor to a charge of druiikcuuoitf and disorderly condui t. There wire traces of youth and fairness left In ber countenance, but vice and degradation bad so etlcctnally wrought upon ber constitution that before ber examination was concluded nho haul; down in a frightful lit and was carried out. !io was Instantly discharged from custody. A soldier who had but ouc leg aud oai arm was leaning upon bis crutches la the New Huven depot at Hartford, a few days ago, when be was approached by a Copperhead, who loiuiied, "You'll vote for Lincoln, I mppoie !" "Yes, sir, I bhall." "What ! vote for Uie man who got you Into Ihe army, causing you to lose an arm and kf ?" "Yos, sir: 1 think I was lucky In being ouderOld Abe. If I'd been under McClellan digging ditcbei I should bavf Ui) la my grave long ago." THE KECFNT STATE ELECTION. THE SOLDIERS' VOTE. Tie Unioa Majority Eotwea'iTwelvo r.ntl Thirtrcn TUor.f ami. II Mies 10 in 1, t. t o' er II. - Tb" oft - it! s iMi.ts' vote re 'cive 1 ..t llio S.- ri tjti j t);H c, up lo tins ib to, is us lol ' J'8 : C11 on 1 ; pi is 1). iio cr.o e ..... ,,,! : 1'i.i.Hl l't liie-'ty ..1-',' ) the T-AYxmonz ELi:cno:j FRAUDS. Oril'. rot Govcpuor y-yn-Jir. thv: liMnnii statu to n,: VIPiDlCATFD. . 1 1 f t , 1 !, 1 r id - I 1 r id -01 1 '' 1 : b in r, ,. : 1 .'(' 1 ' nt IV' V 'C . ti. -. I r v. .:; .' : i, 1 . , in t! e tniip ny - N- :','J. Il "re I . I ,. t , I d au'ii' no. ' ot ibe I'ni 1 I t'.'' -U. 11 .irn t i-.ivi.lg b I eimr :ini.nis t : le ini :be the ti, und tb. r. lor, to 1 p Ts lis !:iay l,e i.llpr s-i.l . 1 'il 1 .tin t in ', and li res. an I : 1 1 i ni 'ir i 1 .r fi I 1 iv ' " or io :'i -t -I s c, 1 '. 1 I A ll I '! ii) 1 1 .' 1 v and no o , ibe way ol the soldiers : '!i ballot, i..' 'Oi'dinj to irs l.nt-s ; K now 011, 1, Ibc itio of the St lie ol Ne v Yo: l you, . in,. s i J. i'..rk' r, V . ii 1. 1 1. ill: , s , i; it oi , do b-r -l'V .. 'poi'i'. li no b A : .1, -in I r-s t o- and iu l di tit' W d'initi Kelly , e tiuoii n T the Siatc of New York, and d 1 I'l'ii i.; an I iliitet yon and t i.l: ,f you I'mni'i ti proeei .I to tbo ei'.y of U'as'iin'jt m a,.i..!i ,. n-mi--ii n. is, there to in pi 'e i i-1 th" I l ' and 1 ireiiiu-l 11 c. .s n lit'oiti sa ii ."rris" : anil a! eged causes ll.ere if, to ike -'n il acii i't 111 the punnses us will (be It.vt ol i'i ' Sto'e the rigb's and litter' fs of its 'iti ', to the 1 nd th .t jus' I e insy be I 01 and tin' ill attempts to prevent lb" ild:ert 1V0 .1 tnis tate, in ibo -eivni: of the 1,'iiit'd Stit.'i, from votin .', or to 'lei'iniiil tb 111 or to cper e their ii 'ti '1 In voting or to detai.i or abertbe air. l ie c i-.r. by tin 111, in pursuance of the laws of tlii-' St it", limy be poMil ni:d puni-b''d, and that vua report your pro. e dn ' to me nub all convenient speed. (SicT,,.,!) Hon t 1IO Srviuh u, I). 'A 11 Jr., Privat" s cr tiry. TO-DAI'S WASniNGlON NEWS. Epfi'tol rispiitilM's to !'.tiil:i IflfKranh. Wariiixo tok, Oct ibor ."1. Hollies ol tlie 'lilidtiy 1 irimnttHlitH. The Mllli tiy t'o' n preside'! over by General Double, lay has returned from its luvesti g itii.n of the. election frauds iu II iltioiore, an I will resnme to-day the tri ll of Hamilton, Carter & Co., the h a y dry goods dealers of lltltiiiiore, cbarged with ftipplying gioils to the R 'IioIb. Tho trial of Colonel North, State Agent fir New Y'ork, upon the charge of complicity in ihe el etion frauds upon the New York soldiers' voti, ,vill probably come up to-morrow before this Commissiou, Itnuiorril Oiilrnirtts. Information has been received hero that Cap tain llu haniin.Coiiimisa.iry of Subsistence, who was captured near Cb.irlcstown, Virginia, by a band ot jjiiei'illas under the notorious Mr. Doilough, wes tukt 11 into the woods, where he wjs robbed, ar.d lie n murdered In cold blood. MeUonongh's fuinily mil charged with ImIiis oeeiissory Ii tho deed, but up to this time but one h.u been appre hend"!, Mis.- M try MeDonough.whO was sent here on Thur day uight, and co.uiuilcd to the Old Capitol. At lion of Mnrjlitntl Pitnvolknlileis. Rome sltivebolders of the lower count lei of Miny uiid uro holding on to their slaves, intend i: g to try the iiie-lion i.l the Courts. CmilrnclM AwartltHl. Tie (.'overiiment bus awardod largo cjntra 'ts for Hio eoll'tc at t'LJ cents per pound ; Porto llieo Uigur tit 21) cents ; porlt ut s") t j 1 eonts, with from one to livo per cent, oil', if paid cash. At rlvitl til ortit-rrH Iront !! Troit. The sti imer A'ejnor', n jw decailed us head fliiurteiB' bout, f.rrived b 're this moniiai?, from City Point, bringing up Major-General llal'erk, General 13 irnard, General Rollins, M ijor Cutis, and other stitVoillccrs from the front. NltlitrH Kf tiarulntf itutl ltr-itiillNt(tis; The mail steamer Daniel li'cbt,t, r, from City Point, brings up one hundred and tilty men of Ihe 1st Maine Cavalry, under command of Major Thuxti r, 1 n thiirwuy home, their time having expired. About tho same number of the regi ment were left ut the front, they luring re-uu-bated yesterday morning. l oii'ioiinitlriu "il our Illicit). llotbre the boils left City Point lively ou'.iuon ading beard in tho direction of llutler's advnnco; 011 the north side of tho Jauies river. Ttirt'tr '1'houMHiitl I'riMoitfris CHftltireil. The number of pi isoners captured by us on tbo reconnoissance on the south side of James river fools up larger than was at first reported, aud it is bebi veil they will amount to some three thou sand, Mime of whom have alrciJy been sent to Toiut Lookout. The ll'tMrir brought up this niomipg forty Rebel otlieers, fiom the rank of colonel down, captured 011 the 27th and JSth. RETURN OF A REGIMENT. SFEECH BY PRESIDENT LINCOLN Ecttcr Thinfi-s in Slarylini, Nlo'lill ! Tilt llvt'llllltr 'llvt'JtTII. Wamiimiiov, Oclobn III .The 1 2d M iss'Kliu setts l!e:;lnient of rmc Iiuudred d :vs' mou left lor home this morniiig, th, ir t. nuof service harln,' expired. IT irs t"US to tl-virdep irture tliey vi-it.'.l, ut 1) o'clock, ihe White House, first lYcsldeut Lincoln, ii on beiti;,' intiojuied to Ihcui, upoko Slibr-tutitiflly us follows : You have completed a term cf service- in the cause of your count iy, aid on behalf of tho nntion aud myself 1 thuuU you. Y'ou are going home; I hope you will ln.d nil your fiicnds well. 1 never sec a Massachusetts rc;;iiuout but It reminds me of the dlllleulty a resiine -it from that Stato met with on its pavsago through liultimore j but the world hus moved sluco then, aud I con gratulate you upon having a belter time to-day iu Hitlllmcre than that regiment bad. To-night, midnight, shivery ceases in Mary, land, and this state of things in Maryland is due greatly to the soldiers. Agaiu I thank you for the bet vice0 you have rendered the country. As the President withdrew nine cheers and a tiger were given for the next Treaidcut. Arrival of (lumisr Ncyiaour's sitiMMioner. Com. Washinotox, October 51. Governor Sey mour's Commissioners arrived in the rooming train, und are to bavo an interview with the President this uftorooon or to-morrow. Colouel North w ill have his trial to-day. The gcucral army hospital now organizing at Troy, New York, Is a large establishment. Twelve buildjngs are now4n course of construction, each of whit will hold sixty ratienta. Dr.Uabbard U Uic uxgVB in (barjp. REBEL THANKSOIVINQ DAY. rrocl.iination of Joll". Davis. Itlsmcit that fie pi ople of the Oonf. -b r u.i St t' s sli'-nld from time ! inne to aseiii:ilo ti a ,,. ivl . their .! I'ei 'bun! on Aliir.h y 11 1 1, 1 r 1 P. r .', v u. i-.ii h . i ir ilii 111 1 i.t - d ' - -, r-. 'o v o' - hip II b' Iy 1. 1 no, to ben I i.l pr t ., Hi- fiini't ol, a il in .. '"p: wuh r"t.;re..t s in. n t." on iln . h.i t, in.,,; of 11 I Hit -" an I Mier c f .1 ro t. net. 1 e: n , 'ti. . 01 t. ..';,,-- I'tl in fio' 1 1, i.i to ur ni .'i in i-'i'i mi ,i' -' Aitli i-l -ring cr - ti' ' I : , . 111 lire - nt. us "f Ids proicul ig ire 1,1 . lie in un' r 1 ' 1 nl v ictot ie- wi'h it Pi. Ii 0111 ar'nt 'l ire I, .,"i .r""ie.l, III tie I'rui'iu'lie-s well tvllie'i oi" I. 1, 'I lui-- liet'i, bl -ed, itii'l 01 t'iM ii'tiii-i e' 1 in 11: t aid : :n ude vi'li - bie'i 11 ' 1- i" - p r ,1 l.r In I and str.-ii J llCI.-' 1 O It .11 .11 1 I'l ' -aln e 10 'I e iniipi ! ue- g'.s -.1 our -n, ones. Allll "t US Hilt I ..f -l. I l !'. .Villi.' rf illM I-V vi 11 I,' at. I.,, to Us bis iiiti-.., .i-ir -.i-i u.te n.t ntt tl and re- C'ti d t.i.'in i - . ti ! 1- .o o: ; t,i r niccy or our best 1111.I In ve t liuve I .1 . 1 m bifle; tlmt not'') i-'her' -ru -till tit I in .-r.."r;.. ri-cn; Unit Isri'e list i is of o n-. t int r t ir li. 1 it ilev'i-t.ilt- l web nv 1 fe o ly. ib , c 1 -tnl Icons in r ved, j-.i I li.'in e-s 't-.ei. .1 .1, I Inldn 11 Pibru iih y in d oont in, a id ;' :' wi'h !'.'inli-ti niali-.'tii y tl ". pt !',,-s .1' a ' r.n e I ,it.' Im'i'U ee 'el l. elf I I s in. I t.,.' ' i- li. '-ioii ol :itio ities ti o 11 w iiu'ti Je i'U i, a . -.-e, me c-c .pe. N w, Hi.-efore, I. )e:l'e-s ei 1 ,vi ;, P. 'si I u' ol I'.c '1 ntii:. r.ite St .:es or uierj -.i, d 1 ... 1 li.i luv pro. ut.i. 111011, st'tioi,; ...nt VVe bies-l 1 v. til li'.. Il ll . t ill NllVi tll'l. V II.AI, t. .1 .1 ti to 'to p. ci..ilv .. '..n.d to i'i" woi'.lim of A'.in.'ii.y ti. il; iiml 1 di Ini-ue and i'tvoso it 1 t'i : p. pii ! thc-e Com', bra'e Si ifs to i--n n''V mi tie p. iv ii'iuesiti 1, in 1'ieir r .-t.e,"i.e ;.. Iu. . s of pub ic worsiiin, t lend to uniLo in pi .vi r to unr He. iv 11 .y F tlmr, t'i it 11 1 bj Iniv I lis tav..r noon ns ; tti t' lie ex ton over us 'In- pr ; ttini 01 ill a.untt.iLy arm ; to 1. II ' -.11.1 ":Iv II et 10 our iniprov onent, that we turn utvav lr."ii evil pith'iind wiU ti.;l.tetiiisy in His sipiit; t'.a', 111 re-toro ,p,',i 'e tn our beloved luui.tty, h'M'in; iti blee.lia ; wi.iti, ds, and securing to 'is the eimtinilttd e.iioy-tin-lit 1 I our ru'.t 01 scll-g iteruiiieut a id i i.l -peitit 11 e, and thi't Me grtinnlt h.'irk'Utius whWc we asenlio tu Him the po t r a i l glory o; our ileliterau :. Given under my hand mi l tho 'Oil of the 0 "i fi Pcr.itc States, at Kietinion J, ibis '.M'h day of Oitober, in the year of our 1. ir I l'l'.!. Ji 1 kusos 1) v is. Fy tl e Trefident: J. P. II: -vi amin, Secretary ofStvc. NEWS JOTTINGS. "Mr. Georpc X Sunders," says a M m'r. 1! paper of Friday, ''the woll-kn iwu a;;."it of the Moiitbern Conledericy, is in town." Charles C. Stearns, a student in Harvard Col li ec, h.:s been Hi ed SI.? In the C im'u i I v polic ouits lor break lint ntreet-lamps, an 1 S. M nri vteuthcr, niiother student, has been put on pro'it- ti' ii for iiitoxic.ition. The ttain which left Ttostin for Concord N. II., on Tuesday nftemonn, had a volley of stones tired into It at tbo Lawrence sta iou, brcakim; some of the windows In the cars and injurin;: n vcral poisons. 1 be horse mackerel fishery has been brisk this rummer and full along tbo coaat. The I. i t Unit thc'0 fish will take a baited hook has been known only for two seasons pa-t, and they arc now eaiight by huge hooks li.iitod with pnrgles. A young man in Boston married a wife a few weeks ago, went out into the b.ielt yard In thr evi rdrg, and has not l en heard of Hint's. Ills wife subsequently received a letter from him, stating that he had left her bee mse he was un worthy of her, and that, before she wo ltd receive the letter, he should ho no more. 'I he Superintendent of tbo Public Schools of liostou icpor'd that many of the pupils are over worked to such an extent us to constitute an evil of greet iiiiignituile. This evil exists in both tho upper anil loner classes, hut IC Is iiitc fully do vilo id, ai l more injurious In its ell rtj, in t 0 highest liivhd. n ., where the pnnils arc ompeiiiig for nicduls. The average attend meal is thirty two thousand. Potatoes are fa'ling. The HithlM j.) T, ;i.-t ays that the very best ipialitles se!l in Belfast for fifty-live ecnt.s and in Itmg ir for sixty cents a bu-hel. Tho Portland Anjus says potcoeswerj Belling in Sk ovlnvaii 01 S it irday last at fo-ty-two cents a hiudii'l. Tho potato crop iu tha. neli. in w ill piove 'ho best that h is g tthorei for many years. One gentleman has raised three hundred bushels of Jucksous on one acre. The wife of Oovernor Harvey, of Wisconsin, w ho has actively administered to tho wants of ttie Wisconsin -oldicrs during the war, was com plyutnted at Yicksburg a few diys ago with the gift of a handsome gold watch, purchased by the 2d Wisconsin Cavalry. Her little speech, in reply to the presentation address, contained this pretty passage : "Soldiers! May your every heart throb be as trtroi.p, steady, and'tiue ns the tick of yourtrei Mire gilt; your every wi-h pure as its polished gold : every lot ul aspiration lull and free, as my gratitude is to you !" Deacon David l iskc and wife, at Sbelbnrne, Mns'sachU'Otts, culebrntcd their golden wedding on the 12th Instant. A year ago their children planned a largo'ion, with Rev. Dr. Chandler, of Orccr.llcl l, to preside j but two of the children have since died Simud "D.iuu Urowne," nt Fredericksburg, and another at Cleviluiid and only two of the four children now living, out of a family of seven, wore present. October 12, HH, w as near the close of tb. second war with Great llritain, and Mr. and Mrs. Flsko spoke of the. prices of housekeeping as higher than tl.e present prices, und of the rapid decline of prices following the pea?e of the next spring. Much end ol the lifty years res's on war. The fu'iy-lir-t annual meeting of the Anieri ..n Antiipiari in Kocie'y was held at Won: vster, Man uchusetts, last week. The report of the libra ri.iu announces gilts of two hundred and forty five volumes and one thousand pamphlets since the last meeting. A paper on the e irlv settlement of irgiiiiii tas reatl by Rev. 10. 10. H tie, of 1! is toii, mid the followlngoilleei s were elected lor the en uii p year: President, Stephen Salisbury, of Wi.rcis'erj vice-pic-;i!ents, Rev. Willi mi Jeuks, of Pustoii, Li vi ..iuc In, ol Worcester; ferret iry of I'on.ifiU con e.-ipunilcnce, J.trod Sparks, of C on-biid;;.,-; ntcrctiiry of domestic correspondence Hi tj:'ui'n 1 . ThoinasjOf liostou ; recording sccrc liity, i'.dsvi'id Mtl'cn.of Worcestorj treustitcr, Nathaniel l.tii.e, of Worcester. Tie lite .sdoruMi Slurge.s, of CUieajjo, vho died last wt rk, Mas ono of the pioneers of the Wc-t. The Chicago Trilmne suy.s : " lie whs bri. u on (ho lith of A)nll, ITHfi, at Fair, fiild, Cto.l.. t ti. ut, ai d ill Iho sixl euili tiar of his age ivufeii-attd iu the War ol Isl'i, tiius tally cviiK-lrgn i.trii tis'n which h 's ever t huract-er-1i.d him. Mr. r-tuiyes'cuuii'ades in-arins dining thi.s lmiiioi'i.l lc i.'.uipuigu wire Messrs. George rt-alxidy and W.W. Curt oiau, aud by a strange toii.cideme all three of tho compatriots huvc become men of vast and commercial 11: tegiltv. Iu lslS he left his native State and moveii to Ohio, then tho 'Far West,' wheuce he moved to this ciir about ton years ago. tsuortiy after Ins arrival lie built tlio great warehouses of the Illinois Central Railroad, which still sumd. Long before the Father of Wulhers was uavlgaled by utiini he regularly built lint-boats and took them (or sule to New Orleans, walking home a uibtuuce of twenty two hundred miles. Iu 1811) he built iho V abash uud l.rie Cauitl from Torre liuuie to the Ohio, adtuusiug the money, which was afterward rwutbuised by the Statu." CITY INTELLIGENCE. fsTATl 07 TUKHMOMCTia To naT. Six A. M-, 10. Nooa,.ri6. One P.M., 614. Wind, N. W. Ittcm itiko. This nioruing warranto were Issued by the Mayor for the wjeiil of the city bounty of $450 to 117 men. ofwhom 00 were credited to tha First Word; 1 to the. 7 la Ward; 4 17 tv Wv MMlvVBlli Tiik !)' CH.tTic Pkoci nsion onSTva04'v N1011T, With the di graeeful pnicaedlngs that cl aracterlicd the poctsion of the Derooera-y a Sutiirday night, the I I, ns of Phdadelphia arc by ill s wo, I ae lUiiiD'ed. W hile thousaoda t ere ) i-w Une-.-es id the dis' nrbances, rumor has tit 11 a c .re or mo eoi'o'.b"r v rsious, la the truth oloneof wliieb, howrver, a majority c incur, atid it is this: 7'A i 'h1 riot.n i(eto.'roo'H J r-f , n 1. it in V "ic .. tiel 01 111 o t'i th' ittt.u'H ft' iitj lUi.'le ui, ytrfnt ic'itl it ut'9 xtru ti'io i'u tin- c'p tY'.oi iioMt. Proin ibf pj nt It'l 'lt 0:11: I 'll' -li I, st'Ce. mid ..s ' ir south as 1, eil b,,rd stfei, biittvl- an I 110: .oec irre I at loierv t s td 1 t crt le t intri!V''S. At tne So du n' V 1 1111 ii.:n Club II' ad innrters, r'tiiotiioiits'i airb iluinung, situ itu in Ciesnut. street, above Sixth, bn ks, I interns, und ottier in; - li s 'y re sIioaii.I a; tlio bull ion;, aim i l I 1 il mi', niinib-r. Tie 1: nidto no r u.sp i tuieics ' i.l I .neolii and J ibn-i'Tj w to very riiii'-h t rn I ei o 1 tin 1 vt -se ibi-tignrcd. "Ihe lar.cep't e glass ii lie lie. ii pin le. s, tttgri'icr with iho eo-t v c'.i.-s tlirtt m b.rnt Ihe rho.v w.ud ot' 1 nuu'li-'r - ol 11,1. st i s 111 liie v.c'iiii r, also a.n i-'lit' ! ti) lite non is. At tliLs point se.nnl pitioi s io". wile 11I o toed, uud a in tl name. I .1 1 tics C .111 1 j be 1, 'tho riv, icd at Mo. I l.-.l S. Tenth tre -t. ree.ivid a blow behind too le t ear, fiom tit" I lb els Ol Wlll'-h he lliC.l a l'"W lU'olli -I n'iT t vtsr.'s. The deceased .vas'-ix'y live yuirt . f or". I I 'llieer II ini.t"n was st 11 ' on t l : bet I wil l a Illicit, which uotle a lac i.i'od 111. 1 conn .el . woiiii'!. Kiker was sh k It 'it'ly Iternu ! I'b nil Ibe head. Ciiel ItnstnL'S r x' ivcl .1 H o t I "li the top ol tloi, but was not mii"!i hurt. ' Tito lar'.e p..n-s, aboiu tt feet by S feet, at tlio 1 store of M-ssrs, V ni teii-en (v- 11 .. iuion, N 1. '- V I he-mil meet, s one ili-ti.u v from I'm hoil- pi liters w re bioaen. I lid gls in til l st ire ol V. .."li.eiv Sou was also Hiim-iti,"!. A very fir.'" window p itoat the stum of Mr. t limb, on toe sotriierii side of th l wav, had n ho c knvchi il titron tti) itnoir tbo 1 over end. IT.e ril.ii-111 tin: noors an! windo.vs of irtn tille Mokes' -tore was smashed to 11 consider ittle i xttii , Ai-o, lac g ,iss iroei of H li nden's K piei.. '1 be g'.iss in the front of Mr. K. WelkM's eigir .mil t- hi.eeo .-'ore, I ' oniiiiitiiwe -lib it'iililiu, w ts In .'ken t. ti'onw, mid over two btitiilred dollars w ir b of cigars nnd fancy articlns siolon. The glus iu the 11 Ijoi iing stoto of s tmo liuil.l iog. kipt by Mr. TUt in, the agent, of tho New York Gift Comert Store, wis alo broken, but bothimr was, so far in we e mM learn, mob n. A pane ot pint" glass was abo broken in llird's billiard sal. .on. Iiur'ti'-r the riot, Mr. Samuel Tl f) iv, rcsld nrt in I (ih "tnet, liehiw tVu-liingion itveuuit, woo was Handing on the on''i side of Chesii'ir. strnot, above sixth, was struck hi tho stoma 'li w.tli a btick lie was seriously injnretl. It was useer Uiu.itl that finer of Irs ribs wr:rc broken. 1 Tim Anm:sTs. ' Chief liir'gies, nceing the conrso things hi I t il., n, f, urn ciiionioiied a largo fi n e of eili iyiit 1. the rs 10 loc ill ies where they wero most noe l"d. wtnv one iiuuiiini arrests were ma do. and on the pirsnii of every other person some oonecib d ib auly weapon was found. Wo give the names of some i f the wor t of the rioters : Henry Davis, John McDonnell, John Mailcy, Lathi Ci. niptoii, Charles Smith, Rn'iert Perrtue, George llinkel, John Keniblo, Junes Mahonev, Cu-ey, l'ntiik lliekcv, Koitert M'-Clemen, John White, John MeOuiro, John Harvey, John Jiickler, J.imes Hamilton, and An lirtw Liuotr. The above were all held to bail by Alderman llt itler. The following were lieird by Alderman P.. tel. el, having been arrested by Lieutenant l'diilin uud h.s corps ot oih.vrs : John W l son, John Sweenory, Jos. MeCracken, 1-aiic Mitcliel, Put. Pluiikett, John Fox, John M Ciimi, Joseph Diiiern, F'runk MeGnitlD, Robert MiLaughllii. Joaeph McGllligaii, Henry Dougherty, John Smith, John Hag.iu, Diaicl Hutter, Ciiiules Miller, William Devino, Chris. Lever, jPairick MeCue, Thomas H imilttm, Pat rick I'iiiU, I. T. llaney, and John Monuhan. Numerous ai rests were m ule in the npper part of ihe city, and, iu fact, all along Ihe route of the procession. Mti.trAHV. This morning the 5th Union League, National Guard, known us the l'JJtli Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel II. Nell commanding, arrived at Wost Phllalolphio. This tvii s n otie-hun.lfed-days' regiment, and dii g. oil unice. I'pon arriving iu llio city tucy made a gr ind street parade. The lliemeu's am bulanres tinned nut uud conveyed the si, k. Seven companies' of Colo., el Willlun n. Tht inas' Regiment of nne-hundrcd-d ys' men urnvtd home .vcsiertl.iy. They came utiexpeetedly, und of course had no reception. FoiibKD Nau rai izavios Paio: iih. Ten indi viduals have just been arrested upon the t hnrg: of having voted in October last, uhui for ;ed nil turalintion papers, gotten up In Hoi. Tlmy voltd in llolinesbiirg, 111 tho Twontv-tiilrd Ward. The Pillowing ure lis: names; I'll inns Ken nedy, Harney Oallimher, Mi, hint Volk, I din Cuvender, John llemy, Mieha"l Currieb, Wil liiiui Grii'lcy, Edward Dany, Thomas l'usr.ell, nnd The uins Hainlltou. They have all been held to uncwer by Alderman Day. Stahvko 10 Dp.atii by tub Umirit.. Infor MUtloii has just been received of tbo death of William II. Rowi rs, u son of Lieutenant Bowers, of tho Sixth Wurd Police, who died from the em els of starvation while confined as a prisoner of war in Rebel dungeons at Anders ouvilie. Tho 1)01 cased was one ol the crcwol the United States stiamrill irir Witrh, aud was token ut Ossibinv Sound on Juno l.i. lie was a brave young man, and in 11 cli ct emed by his old shipmates. I'oiMOM'ii CiiKiiSK. Tho family of Mijhaol Trcfz., residing' In Otis street, above Girtrd atinue, and lono-linj of six persons, wdio poisoiitd jtsterday by e-.;iu0' euctiso bought iu the neighborhood. At one time Iho parties wero sei'oiisly ill, ami their lives in danger. The storekii'p' r who sold the cheese had eaUia soiuo hip. fell, nnd sins also t iKcn seriously HI. Tuo poi-ou consiros 111 the c doriu ina'ter iiscl in tho cliee'C A case of this kind hupponct in tbo city abi ut a year rinco. Disti 11111x0 a CoNouuoAiiON. Ttire? hits, aged liuui tii let 11 10 eighteen years, whilo under the ti. lint-nee ol Ibiuor, went into tho Cohocksink M. 10. Church, at Gerinanto vn road ind ('olunibl 1 atti.ue, In si night, and ani'ised the osolves by iiilti'iupting Uie i-ro''iedin.'rs. Several of the n.iiiiiiiis uimertooK to exclude thorn from the bul ding ,wheu the young sramps sho ved light. The peine finally took ch.irgo ol then, an I this morning tie y wtre seiit to prison by Alderman Cloud. AniiMM To Shout. This morning Alexan der Purvis wus bcfoio Alderman MorroAt, charged with an attempt to shoot Fcrgcant Hamilton, of the poll e force. 1 he atl'alr happened iu S uith Tenth street. Purvis drew a pistol and threat jut I to shoot iu case ho arrested. Tho otileer paid no attention to the threat, nocked his pris 111 t, and lu 'ged him in the Si. tti, ill House, llo was cot. milted, in default of $liluil ball, lo answer. Tin: 1H7tii Riauiin.Nr P. V., Ttiuui Coal Ri oiMtM. lly a lutier received at the Coil Kt chuiige, we 1, am that this regiment, recruit d for i re hundred days, nnd st ilbmcd at !! )'; Island, lib, niiiler the command of Colonel John R. 11 11 li It, br 'ke camp oil the 2t:h instant, and is e jK'tuil to urrite hero ou Thursday evening or Fiiiiay morning 1 ext. Cnv MoitTAMTV. The whole number of dcathP reported by thelloard of Health last week it 270, of which 21 were from the country. Tho nativity cf thft persons were Cnited States, 221; foreign, SI ; unknown, 1-t ; from the Almshouse, : pioplc of color, 111; from the louuuy, 21. lit Mlis and interim nts of soldiers, 80. Coi.omtu Max Snor. A colored man.whose nt'inc we c uld not ascertain, was shot ou Si.tur- da;- night, at Tenth and Locust iirc tH. The F.iplith Ward femotiaey wore forming for the parade 11 1 tho time, and tho act is supposed t'j Lute Ken committed by one of the number. Cmon Pi.Avnn Mhktinu. Tho Presbyterian Churches of this city will hold a Union prayer meeting at the Foulhtiti-eot PresbyterUn Church, Rev. Kit hard Mulcry, to-morrow evening. Tltis will no doubt be one of the largest Uulou prayer meetings held for a long time. Dbatii or A Wkll-knowk Mkhchan't. Mr. Peter Perdicaux, for the last lifty years a mer chant of this city, died yesterday at bis lute residence, No. 21'J Pino street, iu the 73d year of his age. F'oiMi.iN. A female child, sixteen months old, was found yesterday momiug in an alley on Ridge avenue, aliove Tenth alioct. It was sent to tho Almshouse. Sakha y Ginning. Yesterday two tnca wore arrested in the Twenty-third Ward, and two In the Twenty-lounu., tor ounaay guumug-. j.uty were fined. raaoNAL. Hajor-Geaeral William W. Ave rill U axpec'Wd to paat through I'Ulladelphla y, PKwrvitTow iw Pini.ADri.pniA. A arrenask a irlvea to Mr I'snni itros, Imo crst e'laie lor tne Vie I'midsocy, si tatnr i1T walnr, at the La 1'ierr Hotpe. Mr. I'idi.b. Ton B.ade h s appearance and sixAe as follows 1 1 ei t-w r t, sens: I lltallk Von A.r wtiaritver uf p 'f soiinl etinipOiiietit Is Involved in this 011II. Itwuitld I t n re aiioeiatioii 11 1 md not av I am riantli. I ny 11. Ii.wimlil Le rti'l ariwrer uifetutmn li l.att ilnneii II ehitlvto injselt. c'lltiaio iho iiwulia in I ciiutvivai la. Von eitlfb utit the victory 01 tlic I unit tint I oiisiitnliiin. I do not iiirm i tti tl in tb.. c tv lll' o k tales ttere d e. nr d nid.'lt -lul-.-i'. no inn 10: get Hint in this ur, leu yinrs and morn aneiv urtls. iln- onslilutinii wait IViiiucit tu 111 ikrt s nunc pern-et Ibinoi til th'sso Mates, and it is nient Unit 1 1 re, t it the very s.tfi wlileh our lather Ir mI, hi Hit r-tt 10 ililei'entletiert and I libui, enoli rii'tisi lieil, nnd totitli inpit, and rcadcil o-, iho OiIht, tinit ts sliointl celt'ltrttte tbeit tnliinp. . s, lip, l' is II, e Iiciim- ol eoi.-'i'iibioial lilturlv. Here lllibeilM cm pes WHIi ll'-Clltreil IITviohlfc. ll"ll' tr-st s et-t Ii sink tn-ti tn-s l,er".ttiiiir.ii'lit"i. Il"rt tti" It. j-irv was neeiiri' t tn e tc!i 4.11cu. M.-l'ii the II n by iiiniiaiv gnuiiio anil its" ihsthir'il epp ic-tble 10 l 111 ' he t t'i' ell e -.,n- ill til" niiliLlrv st-ivie. t. Ami ail t. esc to chirttiiiiu. 01 pcrs inal rlirli itwen mr -nded to n, 1 tin' 1 be clnernil inJopiiini ol IbeV'ousli.iiiiiiii Ktol . soil I "ti ttie I'liton tit III -c .stalls, as d.-ienilod by ll. N't . West lov llm I'lliou. W'o t.chei-tt 11 to lie Ilia iti. .utility ot p'siee, lo-ospitrj.y tinii lit frty. i lott'lt ter ttie Kh, ties 01 the p int. y,. It ve .t 'or tne .ti.l 1 Tistttir v-orics wlueb luiu ; aroaad its aiiuie. Vt e mv orl t our tntb:eiit fn'lo'v edfynn tie-tcis' ln 1 1 01 v. Ic an ies) ne ttie t'lnoii, mid tv.t lent as. in, tl til I e tv.ll i'i i o. J tio ttlirns nl itityt In tliuatn Jt I lie t.t wh lrom Ibc Smiib in y mr 1110 -ribiir ni iSAl rliotv Unit it tt ill bo so. Ann it will be Ut meal. in y 11 tl'S'i 1111 It bv word er net I miv ill nut Ati-e now or lieiratter eoriirihiiie (o IIiai r'.u t. 1 hill wo '. Ill ll ve pein e and puis, .in ity, und all tlltl Idr: 1 ill l s t ble.l as 11 luitlou we bate h.iil III the p.t-tf . ton Inne bud n loxlit 01 uooieinir you must ho wrnrv. I tiitl net t' 1 s;--s lurilier on you. Ailtlul thin. k ton Ini- ttinr kiiiUiiess. PoLi if vi.. Colonel 11. .Stoehott M itthows, of M'irylaiiil, tlclivned no olopicnt address to a Inree audience tit C.otci rt Had onSr urJay night. At National Hall, Governor Vilcs, of Illiuois, and ex Speaker Grow, of this Stato. The (I tinan mretlug, which lHik place at Mechanic's Hall, N. Third street, was one of t!u uigest of iho season. T. W. Thomas, FOs.p, pi-o-siiled, and tb" Hon. Frederick ll-tss lurok, I'nltt d States Mini-tcr to 10. ua lor, .S.tutU America, niinle a thrilling speerh. At tho Hall ot the K puolictn liivineibles, this ivenli'ir, adtlresMs will lie delivered by Hon, John Cessna, Into Democratic Speaker of tbr Pennsylvania House of Representatives, uud Hon. Frederick ILmsiuirck, lluitod Sia'.os Minis. er to Reimlor. At I'u n League Hi'l, the venerible Dr. Mcign, of this city, and Hon. Lewis 11 irker, of Maine, up. ak. At Front and Stiii'h streets a large Lincoln and Jolin-on banner will be raised. Hon. William 10. Lehman and Hon. 1). Keilcy and 0 hers arc expected lo ppenk. Humor SmrooN'a Lkctuiik. "Our National Coo'lict" will be tho theme of llishop Simpson's Lecture at the Acudomy of Music to night. We anticipate a crowded honse. From tho eotnmon datious of thia lecture when delivered in other cities, we are led to believe that those who do not hear it now will mist a rare treat. Everybody knows that Bishop Simpson is an eloquent speaker on any occasion, but when be. bus a theme so lull of inspiration, 10 capable, of elicit ing the warmest patriotism, and so powerful for awnkeulng tho euthtiatasm of a largo audience, we doubt not bo wil be more than usually elo quent. Added to the attractions of tho speaker ami the subject, Is tho fact that tho proceeds are to be impropriated lor the boncllt of sick and wounded soliliors. While we pay to hear what is sold of our "National Conflict,' wo at tho same time arc sustaining those who ure giving to tint conflict all its glory, nnd who furnish the best illustration of the influence of its principles and ehiiracler. Let every one go. Emancipation. Ou Tuesday, Novcuibor 1st, the new Constitution adopted by tho people ol Maryland a lew days since, at tho lui'lnf-box, will go into 01 rinllou. It emancipate Iniinodlatvly and un conditionally all the slave la that Htute. To-day they am chattels. To-morrow's sun will shlu ou tlieui liiTmen. This grand event onirht to hs eel. 1 rati i, as Joun ADAMS advised the itti of July should lie commemorated, wltUaalutos, bcll-rtmtiiigs, scmnont, tinnUros and rejolciniri ot all kinds. Tlio coaiinitleelor suitervislnit tu reeruittueut of colored triiiiiis liuve pretmrtiil a scries ol tluo Iranspartiuciea enit Icuiittlcal nt Liberty and i'roeruss, tixeculed ut llio hirlnsst stylo nl art bv the Philadelphia bketoli li.b, to ue iiiuccd iu liont ol its U.-aU-tpiarlors, o. Uil'l t'lii-smtt strrtet, anil illiiinlnautd uu I'uitsdar i.ii'ht. lossido Ibif, wo undersiantl Ihe ebtiufts of ililleii lit cliurcli"s will be rung. Four Companies of 'I n friiitv-titth CiUli'd Staltss 1 'oloretl Troops, under ( o 1,1,1 1 ioniH Wavnk, will nn ratio and hist a salute 01 Iwo hundred guns. We hope the churches will also Is upeu tor pravnrs and thanksgivings over this siitiiQl tiiiinipbtit justieu. Ki'Ni itAi. ok Cm.. Tho cere-iiH-uies alti'iidinp the burial of f.ieuirnant-CiOouol John H. took placo yesterday allernoon lrom l is lato rvaitlcneo in Coates stroot, noar Ninth. I ho Ho i rl wns hirye, and attracted Ihe aUentiou ol the rt'eiPcuts aiomr tho route to tho cemetery. A laigo 1. under ot Invalid soldiers lrom the lioiultul wero pit'M iit, tngether with ineiiitiors ol tlicC.ty tlouncils. and a mimlMir of Gerutsn soclotios. l hu dootsLsed intercd tbo service in April, 1801, us Captain of Coin pauy K, Twouty-tlntt Utnriineiit. Col. 1I011N F. Hal i.iku. At tuo expirallou of the three mouths' ser vice, uud when the reaiment was reorganised at the Niiicly-eblilu, lapt. Kouluu continued in com maud ot ( outpauy K. On the UOlh of Noveiuber, 1MHJ, lie was promoted to Major, in which position lie served with irallantry uurll Juno 25, lMaA, whan he w as appomioti i.ieureuani-t o:ouui. or soine lime pust lie nau biH'U iu tne coinniajiu ot a brii;udo, and in every Laitie 111 the Valley lie won suub worthy msltiiclioii Dial no meeiveu lionorulile ami praise- wormy uieiiuon. uuu uati ne jireij uo would uuvu lukeu u liifth rauk. To riiKTiiASKCioriiiN'o t, r Low PiticBs, make a fti-kflliin rrtiio t ur .Itnili oI'Kcauy- m t ms tltriiit'nis. IVu Silt Mflllltu SfNJs Molltil 111 ttyn. ''. make sill tiim'.'riitt. .'in Vti lo Ml rr tent, tH'f IhaD It n-tiv tiliA. suit I'.ir tlis utre S'tsi. u.aoc 10 01I1 r. ttsluvasl stylet, tiim, it'iil .r,..- ul f'olliliu,' -.M..i', YoiHlt's, alia tlt'. Alt 041! bo nlictl wiilivci tltilaj ur trvulea. flesviiTr A C.n.t I tiwur Hal), No, oU Alarkol slrtiot. T.Altit a and CniMHicN's Hats. Latest stylo at Ctiarles Otkr.ol A .S"ii I, I'liiitint'iilal llalul Tint iniAC that ailopted the plan of "laying Iu hii tits 'tins u'l, as a s stem of e,tnoinv, In aiclrlp t lleu of a tlsft, nt not aioiiii In tils t: u- rnitinil. tlnr trit'iij lioittu In nut or ll, m.l k- Iri.-.l it. He .ni. I'.irt.-n w -..,. . n ei-tt-r u iiltuK,fil hl-iise i, hut i" .htl t to salttfi toin.plf ,i to.y .ensiti'tt li.i-rea-a in los wetii i by ' liynu In Ins eiollit't." Wi eun it ll liritvn tha'. our nteih .a ol pra v II. lint eef.ii'iiiiv Iti tl,n rlnthiliK line tt to purchase iiOtuyii ill t'tiarlea tilulsa Co.'s tint! price, uml'-r me t.'oittl u Utah Gi.NTi.r.Mi.N'a Hats. All the la'nst styles at t'barlt-R UaklurU A ttou t, Oeiitia. ntul llill. Tin: Toil ov Aai.s mauk a Hkciikatiom and a I'l y.aiKit. sit we rt-tlt'ct upn iht iintll havtc t. rtitolil iii.nii trip physical cMi.lltuli.iit. iSroiiali atit, liy t'.tt It.-. I . b il. .treyiCK io "1 I'm iietnlle. Ha it'll a cut p lest ma and Dlola lu point in Hie uitlibsi to ttie lie rtenu rt. prin Itli-tl in tne 1-lori-nt's' S-uvoni M ii iniie, aoitl at No. li ill t'littsDilt alre.-t, liel'tw Msveitlh. Kvery one ttf itie-t eclt tiia'ttl niseloiita is aurli'it-tl tt Ith a "Martiu-a Milt-1 ei. r, ' it niie.1 tul-diilt! a -i. el-.h'tt. liy wi.-.oi lie ttiirk i. .'I'd reri'ii', tv it tui lie U a i cirt or Ir.iu'jle lo ttie,!. All tlir-.c i,, .t: iilii'1 arj ."1.1 tvcli a niiartti. 1,-e lo .-ivi. i nlirtt a til-taioi.oi. or llio nuilii-y Is rt'Uirni. 1: ti. rt'iu iDo-' a-rrH inv-t ti.. ii- m-oicy m iti.t I'.orva e n illieut a pa licln in il k. Person, ti tv visltitiit (lie rily sl.oni'l rot tiiuit c.i ini at ttit ssut.iiShiutviii ami auiucl.rjf a llilit. Wist Vntoix'tt Pi riioi.rrM Lanhs. A few' i ll ti iel in West Vlr aula. ill. lo. Il'llt Hirer leita.'S "'i I'.iu-i.liiK stpriniia ; u ill Lu u 'eie.l IU tie. lull kul lur a Itu ilat t. A' -e. n i hoh e iTjpioly la Vi'iiaiiit-i eo.iniy. Pa. lueulieol .t'-iis 11. I.ovr. No. 10 . li'.iut street. Lathes' Fibs. An elegant Assortment at Chnrttb 0..kniril A. tiau ..C'eiloiullUI U Uiil. Tut: Ai riiOAt Hi.xo Puksidi ntiat, I'LrcTtoN has i susid tin. ii- nl, it s t u 1,1 . it 1 011 in l.iisni.'t. el all kin Is, i-v fieirn t: e Ce.d I ii-iln-ts. I' lit. mat j i ,i,r tioia lue in-01- ai on a: Ho, lai.-e s la yaoi VC. U . Aln-r. No. s N Mi il. st.t'. t. Alt. r silit Ha- intt auJ c!ie;iet cval iu lo t cay. Tun Sent i k ill ll.vvnv Coai. Cohpant l ave Isipe Is. lelie. I"t tllpplvnu' c-al. 'i'heir prioo- are 1 1 y h ot , uud (li--so tt ho ant e.iiti tlioiil.l ito a l.i tli.-ir uiot ra at ho, to Ui s''ii.".eil at Hie utusi-at priei't. i kvir lihitj Ni. lj aud lb'.T M.nkiU Siost. Tiii"Oii.StnscBinioNs"atlvertIedinanothor ci.Ihuui pifiriit unusual Induct liienla lo .utn.-rttiers. 7'lte Mn ra a ot u.. t-ulu: are sucu at spaiiaiUr to cotu a, ml It. rt'iirnASFitfl may rely upon getting tUe best t uis at C'liarlra OaktorJa Hou't.tJvutlucnlal Uoiol. GaoRna W. Fonn has much experience in the rs- lb-elioB of chitnis, lioiiiilU't, anil psn.l'.ii'' : ha ha. an Alderman tu the ofliee In cinislant alUsnJintce itr thy who rciuire tl. iswttiviis, Hiervny avoidim! me nuorisity ami stpii.-roi nani.K n.e oince for yurpixe. U It lu lnek aOreet, one door iflov Thlnl. Gkiimom's Tfmi'I.k or Abt, No. IU1 Arch Sim i i . Piililio atleiilloa Is rallrtj to the facikues eu kotl l vihit ssiaulisltiufBt tor Uie prutluviloii ut nsut fl.oloKripht. All Ihe litlest lm.roonionla are hrttuvlit lUlo nnulallittn kere, lucludinit the uew Cotnaliia H..II aVtotli-aulf and Sky Mslila.hy wklcb meant pietuivs ate Bia.le la uoieli Una Uian u.e usual uote, that arotdlim tl e t!iiful ttrain ol thv ttyce, ana e.euniit an anleialae atiJ ualural etlireaslou. Hie Ouerauns Kuoutt betas en the sacttnd ntvi.r,'ad of at itu. tup t the buUd tk, are patUculally aaol twettj to Ut Kmt or UUUia. PttoTOOAri. Themostartlstlc and tastefully ruruitSt4 etytee of f Itotosiaplts are H, W. ktOtosar't apot teaa Ure-eue txtt.rapl.i, la U, Ivoo typta, tail cael ft Tl1Kiie1 4V itM, FINANCE AND CO.MMCRCE. 1 Orrica or Thb Kvrsnt Tar etiBArta, t M.,i.4.y, (isttober i'l. i The Stock M rketlsdnll aol unsettled thi morning, and the transactions art limited. Gov ernment bonds are qnlet, with sales of S Os at lOojCn lol, coupons off; (is of 18SI are quoted at 106(Vi ItKil. In Railro d shures there Is less doing, btT. pr lies are steady. Heading openi-d at O'lJ: ad vanced and sold at ST, closing at 6'il; ant! Nor rtstown Railroad atfio-, 70 was bid for Puimj! T:mia lUtlroad, which ii an advaooe; 44 for Little Schuylkill, 69 for Mlnehlll; MtJ for North Pennsylvania; 771 for Lehigh Valley; 50 for Kiniira preferred ; 17 for Cutawissa e immon, 88 forpref.rrtd; Cl for Philadelphia and K-Htlinor.) j and 314 for Philadelphia and Erie. Pennsyl vania.',, ore selling otlhll; now Ci.y lis at 101 mid old do. at COL City Passcncer Railway shares continue dull, nnd wc hear of uo sales. 31 was bid for Sprue) nnd Tine ; 60 for West Philaile'phH j 10 for R tee and Yine; 2!) for Green and C-at; and 26J for Glraid College; 70 was asked for Second and Thlidj and IS for Areh. 1 There is very little doing In Coal OU tharei. Mint nil Oil sold al 2, and Egbert at 3. In Il:t nk shares there is lit leor nothing dolaj, hut tiny aio dimly held, 170 was bid for North America; 57J for; 6$ for Northern 1 ibf-rllcs; C) for Mechanics; IS for Girard; 90 for Western; SPj for Manufacturers' and Me chanics'; '10 for City; 3 for Consolidation j 93 for Corn lOxchange; and for Union. Cnnal share are dull hut steady, with sales of Schuylkill Navigation common at 32.'rT.T2, which ' is 1111 aJvance ; 39 was bid for Schuylkill Navlga-' titoi preferred; 00 for Morris Canal eommoo;1 and 15 for Susquehanna Canal. The Money Market is wlthont change. Loan, on cull are freely offered at 6(u7 Jbjr cent per . annum; prime paper is scarce, and quoted Mi K(10 ('cent. it; Gold tins advanced, but there Is less doing ; opening at 2'0O; advanced and sold at 22 at 11 " o'clock; fell off and sold at2'21J at 12 o'clock .; rullled and sold at 222 at 124 T. M. '"' PUtLAUKbl'lllA BTUCK KXCHAKIIB) HAlrM.OOT. 11. 1 Betxirted by UarkioD Co., Broken, M. Ul . ChM St. 1 BKKOKR BOAKOH. . . oosh Mintntm:k..M t:' Inn ah Keadlnf R..s10 117 InStsIl tti IsS) ti'. loo.a UO. a.14 ; a lis' sti Corn 1'tamrr.. 7'a Vt.Onh 3i th C'urtin OU i'i KOtlt .'io h an 4', IK'sh lm.11 di 5 1 ih lKIOi do.... ti',' litlah 1141 h Fcrn rt OH a si I1111I1 Eteett r Oil .'il I'll I' V110 .h I'niiin Isto t'n yiMish n)sii Hull Creek IS, I'm in 0 sti rirnsitnire M; lt-turi aa oiw t si ii; vt .(Mat o do., ao., Uo., s tl 1"S do , si do... bDvri msi do bkl w -2 do ;J do m'i do b m -I ' do .!' . .'. . ". il.. Kli.h KsaOliis sstj sou ah ;so sti uo rrnsiT no art). anno u B 5-is n,i do.... I'SS) do..., $titHl rennn ts SII7U co... tii i ll dt.... 10"', lot .Kg.llO't Kit, I'J an Bead. B.R..S10 V,V , I'M sh do ttiV li tb do IMAISSV ao.b Mtne-al oil .... 'J? : eh fjeoert Oil ' 3iii sh Sen. Navoom 0 3i M)th do bMa.'Vf lonth PretionCoal... A) M sh Norrlstown . DO hum Heatliisj B..b StiSj Kit , IKI over 0. tii".i a $ LSISlCilV III a;io do (lucent St. new., 6tb lb A 11. Top 1"! . a'e Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold ts 1 - s- it, a ' I' 1. 1 - 1 -,Hn., ., , I X, xciiaillst , ISO. o I a. . lotu vvivct, jtiwiiti .iiei . OA A. M 22.1 12 M 221 1 11 A. M 222 1 P. M 2221 Market strong ana octivo. . Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o clock ttvilay . Hill A't. ti4 Felton Coal "rk'tnl or) Hut Aloiimalll CuaJ. e irntuauu vii. ...... .. 11,', : Howe t KJ.tOU.. ., i Irvtaf Oil 7 '' S Peu Farm OU. N.Y.A Mill. Cull. .1.1', Orsen Ml. Coal... . V, N . Carboiidale 3 Newltrptik I Mler 1'aut Coal. 1 CUutonCoal. 1 i'4!lltnamore ai SV 1', UUItllVU,.,.,u Vi McElbeny It UiMru Oil.... . 1st , 812 ,. Huller Coal ...10 liliitnond t oal. IVnnMllill.f ... ..SO ,.i!l '.'1 O'nt.tead 1 31 Kotiks Ut'lamaiar. a H 'i lliblivd lsi , SVHiory rarv i'i 1 ; PeO-oleam Centre. U tlbtirt V l liliwelaiaad 7m Ji, Allasheny Klver.. VI Connecticut Kfyatoue 7aue.... 'Vi KsiTlsli.r Oil l.' Hilt Tank CiiiittiitaiiaJ 1 Kairrll I'i Oil Crtek t.'t Maple Shaila Oil. .Is', . I1 V,H llrtln tM Phllt A Oil Oraak. 1 si . IS' M.s lln'.Hk UII li'i Hull Crars M Vi 4 'a I'orD flaatto...... T 1 line,. t'i !): Keek 'Ml Ss, 1 Tarr Farm 3 1'erry oil Mineral Oil Ktymone Oil..., Ytnantto Oil l'nlon 1'etmleom, lteacon Oil tteiiixa OU i'i O obe IM t'piM-r Koorwieay I ,Tarr Hoiaottea4.. A l'lIII.AIkKI.IHIA TKAUK KKPOKT. MosiiAv, October 31. The "election" absorb the attention of tho mercantile community to tht) exclusion of business affairs, aud trade is very dull. 1 There la rather more demand for Floor, and ' ' about 20(K) bbls. were disposed of, in lots, at J fcTO 75 per barrel for extra; 8U'2i(uvS12 for low grades and good extra family and 91360 fur i ' fancy lots. The sales to the home eonaamata .1 are mostly within the range of the same quoit- lt tions. The market Is nearly bare of Rye Flour. . and It commands ffJ per barrel. In Cora Meal nothing doing, and prices ore nominal. - 1 cl The receipts of Wheat are triding, and we again Advance our quotations. Sales of ictskX) busliele red at jfl-Mi for Pennsylvania, ant! $2 6d tor- Southern. White ranges from $2' 70(2 80. There j is very little Rye here, and it Is worth If l-oi. Com comes forward slowly, and is held firmly. ' ' Sales ol 1000 bushels yellow at $l oVi,and sraaii i lota nt SI 72. Oau are iu steady demand at 8H0. Cotton is dull aud nominally held at 12). Whisky Hie demand is limited. Small salos: Pennsylvania and Ohio bills, at W3, anUDradga ' at fcl 70. rilll.ADI'l.riHA ATIXK HABUicr. ' Monday, October 31. Beef Cattle continue) very dull und prlcos have declined, with largo receipts, n ucliing uliout 3000 head. are . selling nt from I-'f". l''l cuts, the latter for ibolto; fair to good at Fbo 1 1 1 cents; and coin moo at from 0(o l2 cents U'' lb., according to i,uulity. The following are the particulars of tho sales : 223 head, Martin, Fuller & Co., Westoro, 13: 6li. ' 2110 V. tiatnawsty, uuestcr county ana West ern, 12(o lti . LTIman A Co., Chester county and Western, M('i ltiiS. Moore & huiith, Ohio, lUi'fJI'i. , , Gust. Shouiiierg, Western, lO.'uyl-I. J. k J. Chain, Penusylvauia, V't'?!, gross. 11. Thrill, Pennsylvania, OpjySJ, itrost. J. Kfldumridge, Pennsylvania, ItHaslll,. J. Suldoinriilgc, Ohio, 1! ,t)lil. Jones McClcsu, Western, It. , P. McFilh n, West ru, 12 II. Owen Sinltli, West. r, MptJlO. 11. C. Daldwin.' Chester county, 12 '31 . 2S5 Ii'iO 12(1 210 MO lilt) 123 loi 42 Ht'iis The receipts are large, reaching ab nt "ItO head; the mirke is dull, and p -iocs rv, her lower, with sales ut r-'lo 0 lotia tho I'M iba. n :tt. Sheep continue iluil, at about for .not- rates ; fiOOO head arrive sold at from "i-hi. (If IU. gloss, as to quality. Cows are unchanged; about 100 head sold at from js2o(u lo for springers, and from if 'la up to f ;0 per bead for cow aud call, as to condition. There arc two Irishmen lu Bangor, Maine, who receive uunually between 20,000 and $:10,KX) each iu gold, as dividends of the product of ft mine iu which they are interested in California, and in which they wrought for a time with Uioir own hands. Henry C. Doming, of Hartford, spolis to the Unionists of Sonth Windsor, Ct., one evening last w eek, and during his address the harness of his horse was cut, with the Intention or causing; an acrideat. The trick was discovered In season to prevent unpleasant cousequeuooi. LATEST M ARISE IXTELLICKSCE. aillUTEfl THIS MORSJ1NU. Ri hr Ephralin Auaa. llarrla, ( days from Fortnta Alonrue, iu ballitat to J , tj . A ll. 4. ltapnlar. a. I or Utsorsa tottarot, Weeks, 4 Oays Iroot Alexandria, to ballast lo l apialn. b' or arwut E ye, Towntenr), U days from New Orleans, la ballast W 1J. H btet.oii dt t o. Hehr Jotepli llitttns, oillatt, II tlayt from Kewtown, Mil., witU luuiitur W i. Tt . aeou. rrtt- HKADQUARTF.RS FIRST b ATTA- J-' lion, tatoa Campalsa Cluu, CvbuuuuwmIUi BulldUIKt, rhllaOtlimla. Octt.bei SI, l. A. '-all; roaud me rhtg bova ! A tptelal sniuia of U.e Olub Ulbe a. 14 THtM BVEsY I Nil, at S o' litaUauai tt-ri, fut toe outtetdeeaUuB of btuUtetaeal lutporu ice. Lei TTyry atwber be p. 1 la atbett4aae. Ity cvotn avd at 1. 1 i ) 0 '1