msw. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. pniLADELrillA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1864. A i SATIHIDAV. OCTOBER 3!, 18M. OrnOIAL WAB GAZETTE. gsapaOh from llrarritl (Mrnat la Al- th ad Ritcl ih crp Rnl f Rb-I Attnrk on llnarark-Hnptur . r JH0 frloun Ttm Ailvonrnl PaaUlosa r lh Arnsjr Th RcHt-la Thritrnlissr Trinwo-NIHT' n Thomnn on th A tort. Washikoton, October 2S,9 T. M. Iopnt:hf from General Grant, recolrcil tlili cvonlnR, In form the Departnu ut that an adranoe in force, for the purpose of a re connoinsnnco, was made wekril7 by Warren and Il.incock. In tlie eyening the enemy attacked lluucoek jlforously, but were nptil-iud. The pnrpoo being accomplished, tlie troops were withdrawn from tho udvAiiccd poiitloii to which thej bad been pushed, nearer to their lino Of former occupation. The telegrams of Uunoral Grant fci-e all the dotiili received : CiTT Toint, October -27, lS.'.t. f r. M. lion. E. XI. Stanton, .Secretary of War: 1 have Jn -it returned from thu crocMnj; of the Uoydtown plnnh road with Hnti hor'a cie.-k. Our line, now extends from it! former left to Ai uiyiong's mill, tlienco fcjr the loutu bank of Ilatehcr'n crock to the point bore named. At every point tho enemy was found t- bn in trenched and his works manned. N j attack im made dnring the day further than t ) drive the picacta and caynlry inaideof the tmin work. Our casualties have beea li'lit, probably leas lian two hundred killed, wounded, and mi-sintf. Tho suiio ii probably truu with the enemy. We e iptured, howcTer, seven loaded teams on tlielr way fVn.n Stony cicek to tho enemy, about a d o.-.n b.ei' ntt!e, a trarel nr fnrirp, and r 'o I ( pri"0'ier.i On our right, Butler extended iiro iud wM toward tho Vorktoun ro.i l wi.hout I i ; i 1 i 1 1 s" point unciinrdcd. I fhall keep our troops out where they nro un ll toward! noon to-morrow, in hopes of inviting a:i attack. V. S. (J has r, Llout.-i Citt Point, October ii, l.-M 1. lion. K. AI Clinton, Secretary of Wur: Ttio attack on General Hancock proves to bo a decided lail irc. He repnl cd tlie enemy, mid remuined in his position, holding possession of tho Hold midnight, when ho commenced withdrawing. Orders hud been jiiv.iu fr withdrawal of thu 2d Cori before the iV.tuck waa made. We lost no prisoners except t'.io u;ual stragglers win are always picktd up. Oui tupttires for tho day on the south side foot up 010. Ihollcbel General Dealing in reporlcj killed. General Meado, iu Ms repoit, saya: "I am induced to believe tho success of tho operation, which was most decided, was mainly sloe to the personal exertions of Major-Goncral Hancock and the conspicoim ya! Ian try of Brigadier-General Egan." V. S. Ghant, Lientcnant-Gcneral. Beports from General Sherman's department to O'clock this evening indicate that tho Ilobel Army is gain threatening demonstrations towards Tennessee ; but there is no reason to doubt that Sherman and Thomas will be found prepared lor whatever movement may take place. The reports from MUtouii and Arkansas concur In stating the defeat of Price with heavy loss. Edwin M. Stamton, Secretary of War. AMUSEMENT. New Chebnut Stbebt Tiibatbb. The public f the present day, which has given celebrity, or t least, notoriety, to so many monstrosities, has Intervals of common sense, in which it refuses to be charmed by moire antique, Brussels lace, eionue dsit, anu a pretty iuce. Miss Olive Lot'" has no talent, none) of the requisites for the stage, and nor own play of Ereleen confirmed tho verdict of the public, so that Miss Logan leaves Philadelphia without fconort or laurels. We eongratululo the public vn it intelligence, and trust Miss Logan will un derstand that the tiling she can do is not to return to the sUure, from which once so happily she has escaped. Mrs. Bowers commences with an edition of Eatt Lynn. Of course she will play "Lady Isa bel" with both dignity and feeling; and no doubt the notoriety of her predecessor in this part at this theatre will attract large houses, from mere curiosity to tee the didcruuee between a coarse, blotchy-colored photograph and a mellow, artistic, highly-KniAhed picture; but we hopo to see Mrs. Dowers in better things than "Lady Isabel." Walxct Steeet Theatre. Mr. Buchanan appeared for his benefit , on FrIJay, in the char acter of "Macbeth," but a terrible hoarseness coming on suddenly, almot-t utterly took away all his power; it would, therefore, be unjust to peak of Dim. Miss Virginia Buchanan, young a she is, baa much dignity; her Voice Is tine, and her face capable of great expression. "Lady Macbeth" is too heavy a part for her, but iu another better suited to her, where extreme youth Is an advantage rather than a disadvan tage, we are certain Miss Buchanan will uavo tho wai inert sympathies of the audience. The manner in which this play was put upon the stage disgraced even tlie Walnut Street TUea tre, celebrated as it is for the incongruities, pov erty of decoration, and actual siua:lor of its stage presentations. Mr. Heme has not tho most kuuit glimmering of Shakespeare ; his "Macdutf " was an utter lailuro, lucking power utterly, und without either intelligence or toiling. The music was well sung, Mrs. Henri playnifj both the witch and "Hecate," On Monday Mr. Buchanan produce an interesting domestic drama called Waiting for the leidiet, which has been jot "up here under his own direction, with all the tableaux and ellects git en to it iu London, where it ran over one hundred uighbs. , Anon Strkv.t Tukatuk. Mad'lie Vcstvall terminates her engagement to-night. She has . "won during this tojourn among us not only jtoldcn opinions, but more solid testimonials of approval. Her line per.on, her sweet face, so full of expression, her iuipiexdvc voice, und her enthusiastic acting is certain everywhere to make a profound impression. On Monday, Mr. aad Mm. Barney Williams will appear. Ghovf.u's German opera troupe is anuounced. It brings with it memories of one of the linost musical productions we have witnessed in Phila delphia, Faust. The impassioned llimmer, the entle Frederic!, Hermann, with his magnificent dramatic voice and talent, M'mo JoliuanNcn, with her artu-tic stylo. But tlie manager otters to Increase the attractions aiready mentioned, llabelmann, the tenor that the ladies love, Mad'lie Hotter, a tiuinbed artiste, ouo who hid 1 all our sympathies, Carl Formes, Stcinecke, Tnniaro, an Italian tenor of repute, Graft', and many others. A new name nppenrs amongst the Indies as prtma donna toubntle, M dlle. Dzoiba. 1 Uere ure many others whore merit would deserve mention. .Besides individual merit thegr. at feature oi these sJeimau operas bus been tueir completeness. There is no laughing at the grotesque teunrs und eopranos that piuy lie sii.nll parts, for the Ger mans have music in their ouLs, and the lirst rusts would rather play a sninll part turn mar io enect or the opera, as tor tne on nesira it "was the finest we have heard and the largest, with the exception of that collected together tor Mr. rrys opera. Mr. urowr announces one opera uever heard in this country, Mireille, by tho 4i u ill or of Faust, and his whole list ia an admi rable out. Tub FitiNCii Thlathe 0ens in New York to-night with a piece written by Georges Sand. faxMt at the Italian Opera was not u success. 1-otti i not erjuul to the part of "I'auft." Susini bad not the Mbjhteet idea of "Mepbistopkeles" ny more tliau a German would have of the true pirit of "Figaro" or "Leporello;" aud Miss Kol . logg, though correct, was cold. M'rue Curozi Tuccbi ha roused tile enthusiasm of the New lorkem to fanaticism. She i, Loaever, a v7 rrea artiit, and justifies all extravagaucie of AMllogluui. 'ri' Louisville Journal publuiues figures to v thousand Are liundrod slave Uavt k.-.. f 'wnr, ln tnan one-fifth of tout tU lae, the war began. 5hs e, "l. Ute nJ Window. D. U considered a v.' "ud -Amherst College oft,, "' ai,, student to take is fttS. The, tie vliege art to be toweaa is the vo. THE OIL FEVER. GOOD AND BAD COMPANIES. HOW TO Ol'HUATE. Next to the question, "What ia gold to-day ?" follow the iucry , "How is oil ?" It is either ono or the other with those who, deserting the legiti mate channels of trade, nrc "interoited" either In gold or oil. Not only In this city, bnt in tlie Suite, the oil fever runs higher than ever. All our exchiirges received from tlio "Western country" the valleys of the A lb tin ny, and even from We-tirn Viiginia smell of oil,. aid are unctuous to the touch. In l.m'i) and lsiil, when the cont'i pion was wide rpn ad, thonwnd were all cic 1 ,y it. Now liiilliniis ot our people have been Cou taminnted by tin popular i, oinia, and eitbcr buy the "Murk" or i'c al iu oil. In 1W1 the pmdigmus development of the oil region was ahead of the wants of the worid. M ..ii Mini had not yet got ese.l to tht strong, rimtid tail valuable production. There wis mine ilf maml lor it. but not a dcnniHl cpi il to the mipolv. In IWi the whole ioik' of the oil region wms going. Oil ns MiTircd out in lui n t n'e onsn'.itii -, and, emptnuive'y s:ieakmg, ihiieviere no l uyeis. '1 no p'ico went down, down, un'ii It j.ot lis low as tw. iiiy-iivo cell s per bairillor crude p tnU urn at ll.e well', und it foal in this ct.r a c.7.-t.v per g ill. in, im iu Ji i,; the eioks. The oi Invc.sti rs I cc une very mil b ci-"' iito.r cd. I'd-ir i ioi.ey w.-s a 1 g oic. '1 In -r hoi i s oi b" (iivi.i. ..(1h w.ic iiid'dy ii pel'i d. 1 1', y li'ui pK'n'y of oil but n i c i C Mii-' s, and m t to cu'e tli'i ''il lio i c one from d nv.o ; w, il- wit. lie r I'M'.t.dilt; than to ojie!,d 1 ibor iu eathi i ing it. I i dcr tint Wfs lire the oil bti'inr ss fad '1 into r.o'hii ' ni- v. cod "pl-yed out " II ii.tois uho invi strd witti the i'ojie o, m I'iing svtitt nnil i"i be.'tiinei abindoni,.! t i i .vtr.J , I'li-imrs, end iot.'raeil tlnir r.oi.'k. if Ihey owed insialn ems iijk nv tl.ed sli;'fe thi V W"U!d not p .y tlem. 'I l ev e ei hnh d to let cvei! ;.). ( 'oim a rut 1 1 ely : fuaM'i;;, ine oil iivtm bed' ie a CCM'l t Wei 's 1111 Hl.':ilMhiicd, ill IT ii'iJ, e '!gi n- S, ti.iikr, biiiliiiio'S und all were iiot as tin y svtod, when it was oincovered tnat (lie ti'isme-s wa- w aihiers. Kvtn at this diy, wln u Ihe.o Ii is been an entire charge in the p-.-ospi-. ts ol the o:l huitii rs, Iter decaying examples of ii;.-idvis:d H ccuhdio.l n, c stdl jcui on tlie lulls and the val leys of Venango and Warren, telling in loud tones the : tor) of n want f pr k"ico in thj bo rdnii't g, ui.d ti want ot ui:li at tlie end. The vciiiii oi tlie '.rst lever were despoiled be-e.oi-e they win1 lntv. '1 h"y expected that il ia w i roil m t, jde'ded by the earth wi'b une mi plid bnn v, would In promptly adopted by lino klril. lint lui nkinil iniit bo tau.'br, and learns slowly. '1 hose who in Ibid-!! nbmdjiiod the oil regious ot I'cmi-y lvnniu, und threw iiwuy tin ir Invi sin, cuts, Ii ive little : utisl.ictiou ill view ing the tuin whji li tlie bti.-incs tuts taken in l!-0 i-l. Tl.i y know thai the oil region produces no n.orc tl nn it did w hen they v cro intere. -ted In its development, but thi y Know that what has made iliein poor has mailo others enormously rich. If they Imd but ''. .' on,'' they micUt have bv en 11 en t f wuilth upon mall capital. Tiiey rbked tlicir money, hut they ifuild not risk ih-hty. '1 ley could not wait, and so limy lost everything. We have oi eiy interest iu tho proper develop ment of the oil biih ness. but we are onoosed to tumbling rpcculutions, und to operations which would be more legi. iinatc nmonjr tboso "who right the tiger," than those who proless to act necordii g to linuncial rules and with intelligen e. There in money to be made, much money, by those w ho invest in honest, prudent, wcll-miiu-aged companies, which are intended to get oil out of the cat ;li, and not out of the pockets of tho rubroribers. There are good producing oil com panies, tliero arc bad non-producing; swin dles. Let every ono who operates in oil stocks do so with his eyes open. If ho invests in a sound producing company, let him not, liko the foolish victims of tlie first oil fever, hurry to get out of ' the scrape" because there has been a fall in prices, or a cessai.-n of demand. Ho should reflect that every business has Its fortunate and unfortunate times, and thut the reverse of tj-dity may had to great tucecss to-motiow. If ho holds on he will come out all right. If he sucri liers bis interests, he will regret his precipitancy hereafter. To tho party who invests in a swindling oil comnanv no advice is uecessnrv. His monev was l.itt from the beginning. No prudence can I recover it, end no iuitirsucuce increase his tOSs. Tin Aok of Invkntiok. W hile a large nnm- ber of Machines liav. been olTliroa to tho public, soul, of wlileti pni.c.i points ofexclk dc. and acknowledged mnrlt w.huv. long have exporlenoed, tlie nocoi sliy f a Machine ninr. perfect In its mcch.n'ciU struct'irc, combiiitnu, In Ui. hijh4t dtgre uinpUctty with rirra- 6iMly, and wkil. rapala of d'Una a greater ramj of foel, on. ttiat oould h. eu.ily understood and comprehended by alt. This, wc sr. happr to sio . has ben aceoiniihs'iod or ttio UtirH) .ienditur. of ca;'Unl, and the patient, untiring labor of year!). Kroui lis first liitroilurilon ttie 'I-'i.oio:vci;" has imIuoJ liostx o( rVicml. . and Ik recorded by our tlr.t fuinille. ai a loufrioltt iietjoi'y eoncliiilicly proving, what wc are moil h.ppv to uct uowlritc, the putilio tally appro rl.te the titiithj, Won'i, and il.tri!-;iiti c)ail'incd In tbo Klohkmt. M.veiii sk " Sold at No. o SI rauHinit street. Fortlie btia-fli ol our read. we will mention some of the .dvAutH'eb and iaii'rovwaents of the Klorene. over all others. It itioket four tiiti't t riit ntil 'hei, the luck, ln't, ihmhln lorkt and oi'ie knot, on one and ttie snuo machine ; e ich .11(4 ti bcliiK aitki on botU tultt of the tahrie., and neither of tla-ui will ravel. It liai the rertrtihl? frrl motitm, and by shnnlv Itirniinj a tbnuili-screw Ihe wotk wtn ran dtlcr to the rmntor left, or.laianv part ol tlai sumc.or Ittiten tlie emit of the .emnit without taming tu fabric, lliiretiy avin hand I'liaDKlns the tcnirth of tho stitch, and from ne kind of .rtch to another, eau readily be done wullc it e Macluae U 111 inotloD. Jiiery ttitrh it pei-feet in Utdj niuklnff th. scam secure and uiiliorui. Ji ia ahuoet noiwlci, aud eiin bo used whore tiulct Is pecesnarr. It. motions ar all -'itit : tliero arc no iprlo;.'. to u'et out ol order, nii-i lla .uaphctly i nablu tho iuo.t uiexic rlciiced to operate it. ii n-tii tit ott tff rcrii of the operator, ua .11 machinery Il on the top ol i he table. Ji im ftc Hmt i nr"1 I tie forbl, making nvo ttltcbeii lovach revoluiUn. Jit lUUh rolu'dnra ,)nlfifj, tlrnnlth. and tvnilu. It ittu t th-. Atoi'ie.l tir liit?t I'-oik wttli e.iuul laclllty, U iiliont fhnmn vft,-iltnn or mnrhiin-ri, Kvery Jlahuie ha oao of Jcticks' patent ticmiuei-s .ttached, euublius the opetalar lo turn any n ,,titt ol Itrnt iffirfl. It di-o. not reiirtlroAucr thread on Uic uiuler side than It dove on the upper. It will irw at vofr. tlie heavfe'-t senms, or from on. to lnere tlilikutaj t.f cloth, without ct.auc of ten..ioa or, brcnktns of thread, or .l,lii inn ullli-hcv It has a Uniterm am) clt-'eKiiUtlnti tension af tarcs'l. A turmtm 't .s - Virer," wtiuji !eot tlie itoi i, t ,tl Is fnrni.tied whh eu h nlae:1l.', Whde po..e.ine tin- ntovc und nun' other ndviinta-.'es . the t'lniciice ! ild at cirii-.ioliatau jlrices w Ua otucr llott cluni, iiuc.l.lnci.. Tlieie I. no rhk hi hnihi. Ihe Florrnee, as e-pey Machine I. witrraiui d to r;tve entire HrtllMaotion, or tlie monej relulltled. Wo cliaiKC behii; lil iile for loiirninu lo operati1 It. W e learn llml .in aireaey tor the h.i e ot mcc won. 'crlul .Vat hint lh alt. ait hi-inu I st:ttihtic:l In all the trtnclLBl clues and ItotiiH In the lojal Hiutc.aitd ive . Uvim our icaCers (if they t iiiuiol c.ih r.t iht hahrt. iiin, 'he. nul strut to toiiil lor circulars and .At'iplvti (f senilis. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. PI - ' C L N' T U A I, OO.NORKUA.TIOX A L - y Ct orch Itey KbWMtDllAW KiS will canine tile rol'hc hilicri-an l'ust -r ti litis tlliun li to-niorrnw, st ( UNCI, lt'1 llAl.I.. lavinc M rvlccH at 10,'. A. .11. all 1 i S t . At. iliopnu ic arc cci'Ciaav nonea. tn. Moiu:nAi i'. imtNKiNd. siouaviah r-JJ Chi I el llu.l. l-l X 111 Hlitl lilllAltl) U.S. MiHAiA.S. (u-nv IT..W. 1"i 1". Al. subject, ' meat rate uruifcliiy. raruuc.ors weicoiuo. rr-.'T t'NlKN M V.. Clll lit'll, KOI HTIl f-TUKKT, i.eiew Arcl'. MOinatli, Oi-toln r 'i. Kcv. AN PIIKW l.OMlArltl-j uill prt acltlu the morning at lom o'clock, and Kec. A.ltllTI Mint -li III tlie ev, naia at o clock, l raver una i.xiancnce lucelliii; al Bsj o c. Wi-vi. TI1K OAUMKSTN OK Tilt: .IKWIStt IIMH o I'riett '1 lie next si riiion In this coiir-o win tje prei-clied ot tlie l liun ti ot the l.plplu,uy to-uionow eciniiif. nervice at uan pai icvcu. rintisTiAN rnnMis. l -X) .ion t .-li lU'kllOWlluil.Hlll- ft.I- tl,M ku. L un.l- iiis oci. ziui, iiot : oribwet.tvni Urancb V. fl. C. t, per B. P. k srrlnsteu Treasurer Arm I'otnmlttce. Y . M. i .A. lttiiton. Ma.a- chUMCtts, berjo'.epb ntorv, 1 re.H.iirer rillLAUhU'lll A. Cash Lauicr' Christian I omuiN-ioii Httcoud rrc.hv ttinan t'bureb, tlerutautowu, per Mrs. J. (, rrocceds oi a Parlor I air held al oilier Ladif-' Ausili.ry Ch' rouiiuiwloii ol i'n shvterlan t.biireh. alout street, W ct l'hlJadolpLia. pel Alio t. f o'llilcn Secre tary lis. I:, hi. a I'riH-eeup of . I'.tr held by the ("llowins llttl. trssiosin tkiOlts IW-Oll IVl-flO iMljd l;sj Kin., llitriiot, MaStili' und Katv . K Id l-ot b 00 Mt J 16 "i'OI 'oiiattui" aire. Jobu K.wkiimct Aniotint atkuowleittfed ohuiwhure In rehglou. papers Sl.s Tit SI ... tW.Stilo Amount prcviJu-l arkoow'.eilved.. S1.S4 M Jml'.ra rLreu0K, Trewurar. tore-ai kaowlwlcrosiiH of ill. t'nlted Htatni fhrts tlaa CotuinlMtoo. tor the week ejalhof oi'totHf K t . idot i 1'HlI.AUKI.l'llJA. Mrs. "A. P. D, one itarkaue. 'A trltsadoi the Army," ono puliajre Mr.. Joha MoAuter, one packaHe- tlitu Ueioioied freab) tonaa e bare a, pet airs. A. O. WcAu ey. one packa.e. flu Street Public kcbMl, per MIm ackson, v.ntr uouae wives. L. M. ticbwerfa.M. narltam. aiao tit p.cLayn.acaai.uie at lesurta la reugiooa Bew.papeni. 1 be v;oniaiision needs at oac. s tarvelr Inerea.en ..p- plv of lloepltal store, forth. .rnilet4opr.uns aatn.t in.t W. lOtl- ieiiuiuiiu auu Qnoruiui . army in uie Diieo.auo.u. n . IruM Ui.t tber. will Ue no delav In ntrniahuis au limoti dlate and laxa. additional auonlv ot overvtbltia wblete dl.te and larva additional .upplv ot overvtbltia wblea . n in '17 waj th. kHaric-ncid. tn 7 war .llevlat. in. .uherlriga of lb. toltUor ou OkVuOOlt H rrt ait. rhalrmaa. T. C.C., Is.. II BAMt kueeU Pbiladdphia. rOURTII EDITION ITtOM WASHINGTON. GENERAL BUTLER'S ADVANCE, NEARER TO RICHMOND. Capture of a Rebel Battery. A CALLAFiT AFFAIR. Skirmish with T.Toscby's Men. MORE V ALUAELE FRIZES. sit -. lito. ftpcr-liil to Tito lK-iilii(f l lee.r:i'i. Wahiiinoton, OcIoImt 'I'.). Till mall steamer Viftninr, from City 1'oiut, biiujs up a lirjo number of pumoiigi rs. (j'entral llutlcr is said lo have udvanfcd bin lines two and a half miles. On Thursday nlht, about 9 o'clock, one hun dred piiKed men ol the IHlt Corps, under cover ol darkness and a lit n vy rain, dptm cd u Rebol for tilirution opposite our ba'tery (No. fl), in the Centre of our line, tieaic-t l'ctei-.diur. They cujtunda Rebel lieu'enant-coloncl and eleven men, aud spiked the Ilobel guns, alter which they made et,(M their retreat. Yesterday morning n portion of the K:h Illinois and loth New York Cavalry, while scouriut; tho country in the neighborhood of Salem, FaU'ttior comily, Virginia, enme across a considerablo band of Mosrby's men nn I scattered thorn. Seve ral were wounded on bot't sides, but nono were Killed. Tho JCavy Department bus Information from Admiral Furrucut of the capture, by tho United Ma'cs steamer JW,of the blockaac-rurinor .i;,,n'e 1'inlrn, under III itish Colon, soma miles louth of Vchiuco, out of Lllernard rivor.Tcxat, with n cargo of seventy, thice bales of cotton. The schooner Cnjnptte arrived here ye.'tcrd iy nioniim; iu charge of a pii.o crow, having been captured iu Wnde's buy, on the 1'otomnc, on Wednet-day nitrht last, by the tender to the mor tar schooner, .l.o;i'i liny, I, Cant iin Nickcr.son, for having a blockade-runner on board, and goods from Virginia. The Coquette hails from Baltimore, and hud on board at the time of the capture forty-three hopcheads of tobacco, S'.'O bushels of w heat, an assortment of dried fruit, flour, poultry, Ac. The schooner whs running goods on her own account, and had also on board James F. 'Welsh, a notorious blockade-runner, in charge of a tinau tity of manufactured Lynchburg tobacco. lie acknowledged that he had brought it from Vir ginia, and was taking it to Baltimore; andthat one of the men, J. II. Cunningham, colored, who was on the schooner, had brought him over. Vclbh is well known in Alexandria, and is said to have been tunning blockade continually since the commencement of the Rebellion. The others on board nro J. C. Delivers, captain; James Deavcrs, mate ; W. Anderson, Lewis Garrison, llobert Mcnjery, boy; and K. Fontaine, pas senger. There was found on the vessel over three thou;- tand dollars in money and in tlraf;,, nnJ Welsh had on his person about $130 in gold and silver. They were tent to tho Trovost Marshal and com mitted to tho Old Capitol. rHEEDOM IN MARYLAND, GOVERNOR ' S PROCLAMATION. Bai.tihoiie, October 29. The Governor's pro clamation concludes as follows : .'Inri uheiras, The reults of tho said elections have been duly certified to me by tho proper judges of tho said several elections, and upon accutatcly counting and casting up the votes so returned to me for and against tho snid Constitu tion, including the soldiers' vote aforesaid, it does appear that thcro were 30,17-1 ballots for tho Constitution, 29,7!'9 ballots against tho Constitu tion, and thut there were 01 blank ballots reported as given against the Constitution, but not counted (the persons oircring them refusing to take the oath required by tho said Constitution); and there lieing, therefore, of tho tiggregato vote so cast, a majority in favor of the adoption of the said Con stitution; .Vote, therefore, 1, Augustus V. Bradford, Gov ernor of the State of Maryland, in pursuance of the authority so vested in mo by tho said act of Assembly, and tho Constitution aforesaid, do, by this my proclamation, declare and make known that the said Constitution and form of govern ment so framed and adopted by tho Convcution aforesaid has been adopted by a majority of the voters of the State ; and that In pursuance of Hie provision therein contained, tho sumo will go into effect as tho proper Constitution and form of government of this State, superseding the one uow existing, on the first day of November next. Given under my hund and the Great Seal of the State of Maryland, at tho city of Annapolis, on tho 20th day of October, iu tho year of our Lord eighteen hundred and Hlty-fonr. A. W. K11AD1 01:0. I)y the Governor William 11. Il.w.t., Secretury of State. THE SOI. IU Kits- llllt: I M,VItYI. VM. Haitimouk, October 'ii. Tho Court of Ap peals tit Annapolis has utlii iucd the decision of Judgo Martin, in refuting to grunt a mandamus against the Governor iu relation to the eoldicrV vote on the Xcw State Constitution. NM4'lo for t:iiro? Nkw Yokk. Octwber !?'.). The steamers r.Vy of U ns!titffttn Hud 'Ift'tunia suilvd lo day ior Lurupu with hUV00 in spooie. Ni - Yoi:k, OitoltT 2S. Arrived, scboonci Stirah M. S?t-rnaa Ooni Ticttiu. Mio l":.orls Imving spoKen on the -t!i, m lutituuo du. 41 niin , luiiKimde 71 de-i'. 1,0 iniu., the Lark Amelia J'r.ttt, cf riiiludeljjhia, for Havre, leak. A j ail of her cur'o was thrown oviTloird. SUo nas coruitip to Kew York for repairs. The Pti'iiiaer Joe ii inshore oa rumly Iloolc. hc will ho a total lobs. The iuti' hiuurjr uud hcilcri n.ay be favcd. Nkw Yohk, October 2,.. The Cotton market ti 1 lnur mi u HJirion tfi dcui-r, uud ti.ejHite arv.V. I.6tlT : milen ot 'i,V bUi. Nt a AiTo (ur j0 7-"11 tor (hio. nJ ln'J.Vf II Ti lr JSout..;iu. Win at ttmn niivancvii i'f', ( urn ix lV'i,c. better. C: ivItUms iv f 1 riu,tni tte cjiuititlonii are 111 rl iiir tl. Wlnvy niMI, K'(.et'i" fi Flvur, bhit. Wtiet, iitfimi bush. Orii, tt ( -t uun'-nn, Kkw Yokk, October 20. Gold fa quoted at (K- Htorkv ure b-fer. I'Iik hko oa llcxk li.lend, fi, ; l'iix'4-liu!tl iin-f'cri'cd, b'li-ii UlnM ( wnrul, tlit to. bomti. WicUlk Houtliurn, jH, ; hiow ork CVntrAi. . ltHii-1 aiu r'1, f' ; I'.railini,', 1K) ; lluddnu K.v.-r, lK-; WiiurHii,floVi Krte, H7l, ; Heve Aud ui d T-lodo. New ltstid, U'l ; jit Coiijioiu, , Ojie-Yeai CerUdcaies, V. - M'e have jut received from Southern iap?rd a telling lettrirom Senator Hill, of Georgia. Ia writing to an officer of the Confederacy, he throwi aide all refcervc, and thut unwittingly luyi before Northern eye tho true condition of the Rebel Government! aud a most pitiable condition is thu presented. Heiay:"Tlj6pHin fact ii ascertained that not more thun ou-third of the men tit for duty, liAllfiH IftliUuN IU A ft 4a-. A. . f pregent witii the artuieif la the field. Whore ara the other two-thirdi f The number of thona who have tiriton'i certificate! of ill health tn their povket b beyond fcttuitttiou." Z Bneh is a frank ronfessinn from one capable of knowing the correct state of th rase. The whole letter is desponding in its tone, and may serve as a eorrollary to some other news received from tho "sunny South." A cry for peace comes from the Legislature of Alabama; and were it nut conilod with the despalilng howl from a Senitor, minht serve the purpose of a Democratic electioneer ing document, bnt in its present shape it only adds another argument In fivor of a vicwons prosecution of the war. They profess their willino,nc to return tin tier tho government of the old Union provided the Chicago pla'form succeeds, but a id a little sentence which spoils the Democratic hop ,.s "provided our dstcr tSiaUs consfn'." Is It likely that South Carolina will consent without being beaten f Without the iron heel of war trampling d i" n ln.r ami I lying her cities wate ? As it is, It i-' evi lent tiiat Ala bama nilopts thee remltifions in order to secure tho bc-t terms tv B .ililii under the ciii'iimstancc.", nnd do wli it she can tonai'd1'. tho election of her friind, tho D.uiocrilie eaudid.tte. "Ita's will desert a sinking 'hip " To turn up, the Southern news is highly en. roiiraging to tl.o I'uaiu party, and should a' t as another reason for ie-e!eelini; Mr. Lincoln. r I i wi vi. it tt: t v n uviif M.-.V .Oltll AMI t. It 1 1: JtVII.HAV.. 1'ns.ieiip.c-r ItoWlieil liliu-rliMiiiiif4!l f'ctilh ol' one o( tlio If-ltiiiH. One of the nue-t d irlng outrages ever co-nmi'-ted in thij vlcnity to k place on the New York rind 1 lie railway on Thursday niirht, by nirau of billy two bundled of thu woist clu-s of bruiser", blacklegs, mid thieves that infest Nc v York and I'liilnih Iphia. The wcslern-bi'iiuil train from Jersey City at t-l-V o'clock 011 'l'tmriiley iit'toninon, carri -d out pbout two hundred riilhius from New 1 oi'i. arid l'liil.uU'lj I'ia to witness p. prlx" liijl.t wh: -h come oil vc-terdny somewliern mi the Kri) road, betivrrn ilof'ney Harris, of New York, und l'etei Martin, of Philadelphia. H0I010 the eirs hid left the l.oi g Dock 1, -vcr-il persons were relieved of their money wbilo passing through the, cm s in quest ot'seutfl. Alter tho ears had left, Hip mill in, becoming more bold, roamed through Hie cars, an 1 a', eve y st. ppine: lace h-twun Jersey City niitl Midilic town, sity-i miles 'iistant, ro'ii'd p issnt; :rs ns tin y were getting in or out. At .Mniilleto v i the tiiiin broke iloivn, mid about the same tiin-i tbeca tern bound iliMUgh express train came, up, avd .".h di taiued for some time iu conseri'ruiie. The thieves then sallied out In squad-", passed through tho express tiuin anil robbed tito passen gers, both mule und female, of watehe-i, jewelry, and money, mid in some cases used, considerable violence. One elderly gentleman from Kontuey, whoso numo is believed 10 be Wait, by a gang of rulllatiH, bundled iu a brutal manner, mid robbed of a considerable amount of money. Tho ill treatment be received is supposed to have brought on a fit of niioplc.w. At any rate, soon 11 tier tbo cars started lie expired, and his remains Were loft at Goshen. Citizens of Middlctown. who wore passing along the street, were also seized und robbed, and other ucpreiiationa were also committed before the riifltans continued on their jouruoy to witness the pric fight. The facts of the case were telegraphed to tho ofllcLrs of the company, and it is understood that they placed a special train lit the disposal of the police authorities of New Y'ork, and in all proba bility a considerable portion of theic men will be tuken Into ciiHtody. I.ATF.K I'tltlKl lARS,' CAITtnK OF BOJIP. OK Tlin T.lllE ItAItW.VY ItAfliEBS Tlfj;y TAKE POSSESSION Ol THE CAltS. Chief of Police Jordon, of Jersey City, was untitled yesterday ntternoon that a largo number of the prize-lighters who werecnguged In robbing paBfiongcrs on tho truins on Thursday night were on their way to Now Y'ork, aud would arrive in Jersey City about 7 V. M. ; also, tlwt th iiuu boi n ordered to CP",,. thrCi',Bii without "stopping 'ic station. Tho Chief, with a pos6c of about twenty men, I proceeded to the l'.i ie Depot and laid his plans lor capturing 1110 wuoie puny, as me iraiu neaicd tho wi st end of the l-'ric tunnel, the des peradoes broke open tho doors of the cars and put on the brakes, by which means the train was stopped sulllclently to allow about one hundred and lifty (nearly ail of the party), to make their escape. A number of men jumped off wbilo passing through tho tunnel. I pon arriving at thu depot, ten men, supposed to belong to the gang, were arrested, ami upon being taken to tins station hoiif c, gave their names and rcsideuces us fol lows : Samuel Rivers, No. 21 flowery; John Small, Philadelphia; llenjamin Caswell, No. 11 Leonard street, New Y'ork ; Stephen Gordon. New York; John Norton, No. IH9 Greenwich street ; Itol ert Mithonry, No. -LSI Greenwich street, New Y'orU; Charles " lieilly, Grand street, Williams, l ing ; Thomas Kelly, No. 2iil Tenth street; l'etur Hums, Philuda. ; John Megher, No. 71 Kldiidgo street, New York. Vpon the arrival of tho express train at 10 o'clock lust night, twelve more of the gang were ruptured. All of the parties were committed to the city ptison, nnd will probably bo djtuinod during to-day to a How of parties who were robbed to come forward, and if possible to Identify thorn. .V. 1'. 'J unes. VSnrrloda PFACON !IAHT.-(n the '.nth Instmit, tv Kri.-n.1V a n tiM-iiy. in the prt'fst nee ot Muyttr llury. i Jr A( 05i to CATIl.AJtlMi L. 11AHT, Uulh ol riiilailcl lhln. L.I I.T, 01tl.lT.-im ThurMlfly cvonlm.', 27(h Inntint, tiv Hi'litltiV. Uihhmi iJt!o, oi' IH-Iawttre. aMr 1 1 1 J ; il A IC i 4i. (.III. to M Ips lil.KVIK A , vminmt duuttlitur ui" tho hili- J iamilion oliUt.ui ilaiit.g ou, lcl. ,IOY- SAYL'in. On tlie 2tilti liiMt;nt. bv the II r v. T. A. Fonilrv, at the uiinnitie. No. lulll N. I rtmt mri-ot, Mr. M AKCI liLI'S I. .IUY to MI00 1 LLUhia A hAYLOU.ttilol tin i-IIV. IU fed. HITMAN AN.-KIIUt, Mi'pt.mtpr 2th, bnnUt rob bern, uiur Jiruol.V Kurntuo, Hticiiutiaouli Kivir, ft., a. tftla K. Al. lil-CII AN AN. VUM rominiary. Third Divifion Mxtii Corns f"n ollioorne BucUuiimi, Imi., ol Aui'hcutitrtit, Pm. An upright and ff-i-irnt oft'rrr. his Mud anl t-rntle initnturf t'iid'An it him tu ull who knMV him; liLs B.ul trtte fttfn a uloom ovor 11 lui;o circle 01 rvlutive und IrifiuU. ( HANS. On th '.th. :it her hii"hnd' re-Wei:ce. tn Pprlt'ih-ld tonii-hlft. M-.ntioinery couniy.MAUY ANN, v lui .i I'tt. r ('run-. 1 a-d M yi ant. 1 he n'itip-i i.;it' h i 11 are In vi toil to 11 1 fond tho ftine rnl, lr4iin tin Cluii-i )' i tin' t-van ellt-. ( utharinc ntruet. ut'UM' Hi VltitU, Oil llfhUa, tl.O Ulr-t lUalUUt, tit 1 o'clurk M. i.l lJlfcNM. TI it ir -i Ming, MAKV G., diiiighter of Tl. ui;.h i.nd Murv t;,tlj' i.n. Uic iflitiivt linil uuMid. of the family nro r'pertfully i liiMhd to Ht'cnd tl.t: l in ml. Inmi the ro- IiIimh'i; ot h'-r , Utl t i, Nu. i,i r. r- t-t, Kulijlin a I'.-uit, Citiudcii, S. ( J.. mi Al indu ii i ..t '. I'. At. J UYNJ-ON.-oii t'M l-.h instant. In Kent county. Murv j J'i n I , ANNA M., v i Nfitimiiul IKuftoii, aim duumor ui tl.c latr .Mcf.'H it- Iimi , of Kent county. KEY u l.e i- lukt 3IARIHA WINPEN'SY. ! onli limilitcriil Ai i-m1t and LUui-ith Lauky, uyed I ;enTN ti niiiitlirt tiid : i-- ys. . ' l i.t i liiihen him ii i-.iof the family are roipwtfuliy Invlttnl to attend I. r i-i' .al. t'nua her iur-niH' ro-i lrm o, UkIlc a iiiio m.-i .', i.u,' .itrct,;t'n.Lor.'ult. Twenty -ilrejt SriiJ, uu Muiid. ;. a . o'clock 1'. M., wiilioui iu;'iur notku. 1 .MONINC1 H. ANN, wilt- ot .In', II. r r- IbiIvi riruu Stur' Ot l'tlllo.'lltlKMll . I tutu) Am n lit ' attt-nd i lie lulu v , 'i iiiintjix lnt . 1 l'-.te, ull Suii'm 1 JH A ( ' K t A ' ceivi il tit the I;. ALU K. I "Hi . M'..on the2th Instant, MAHT i , nyer.aKi'dftu yearn. ,r iid ol tho family, nn Ame--i o. i, of the lndi'i.cndunt Ordttr ovi-nant I i rove, So. ii, af thj . i utti l Iinniii ure invlti it io i the renldiMice of he hiiHttutid, i;t fit) York rad, above the tuil t noon nt 1 o'clock, .i ..; -,( Ortotir 'i'i 1, from wnund ro- 1 CUuiJiu' It lull', WILLIAM T. .. ht bf 1et battle." .i .ul will be gUeu ulioiilJ bin body line nolh-f ui n It- nc-wTcd. RotiKUT!N.-o.i l o -ventpf of t!ie '.7th intt , ofron vi .Imoii., Wl l.l.l ,.. Al- 1 I'I K, l lie ImIovi'iI son ol .lamti it-..ti 1 Kil.utliie li- trrtM it, ii-d !' xeurh und 4 in"nt..b. 'J h ti ii-ntj and aciiuaintancf h ii tl.e tninl! am p-fDrct fully irvitfd to attend ttit IiiimtuI. irom tlio nidt ik- of hi" I'UiiM.ta, ah, V.i ri V iitux fctit-i-t, on huitduy at 1 O il-tk. 'li ioi eed h Uiunt Moiiah Ct uitUTj. WALK. -At Atidfronville, (la., Jnlr, IStil. THOMAS fALK, (Joti.tiKiiy Al, Mltornth I'cniis.vl vHnla t'ualr , Auilt rsou Troop, tu the 21st yvue ol hia iuj. V 001 iu d this m rolngm i:or$li l-ji hen, aVr n Un 4,1 r 'ik illiitnv, 1 l.l.Ar.LT.i K., w lc ofUoi;..toUu l.VJ. hue nt th e y ill en of the tmtfiai. JJMW. Me li. HHOWlN'iS ok ll:al NKSS, IvOIStS IN THE HEAD, DISCHARGES FROM TUK EMI, CATARRH, RHKUMAHbM, A6TUMA, SCROFULA, BRONCHIAL AFFECT' ION tf, THROAT P1FHCUXTIKS, lUeaird K;-ei, Lew of Batr, yapPU, EtiUrfemeat of the Lh"r, ltewuea of the Kldneye, Oouetlpattoa, Uravel, Pilee, !ntolty. Kite, Paraljeti. Kaikef Mtx4 lo tM Head, SCW NEURALGIA, mum QOAli AT 1'IUHT OOHT. 0ot Fries to Stockholders. $7 GO per Ton. IMMEDIATE DELIVEBY. COAIi OI'" HKHT QUALITY. CD VTlE, each entltlinir to OSK AWT) A HAtTTOlIt, atnratcoat, KVKKY Vf.AR fcr TWKMTY TEA1B, and CAHil lll 'liEMiH of promt t'tom the sale of ad surplus Coal.mny now he obtained at III) V, payahle In If o. "ub Bcrihhin and hall on Jauuary 0 next, ol the MCru M. BEAR MOUNTAIN FRANKLIN COAL COMPANY. ONWo 1 :I M. rriIIHI Hti't'ct, f:ic(k Ctpital, 1)00, GOO, in 62,1)00 Shjrcp. received VtoAiv.t; CV.p.'al, 12 00 GKar-s. finl.K rif ir.n of A Vfir". ;H: of 10 t har?--. ; . f '.0 V ..p I ,; . I ..ti "lui i'i, i iJ ; 1 1 .ti' ih.i.r , , .l ii'li m: mi . .P 0. I.'n-h -nt tie ViM' r to rrpr U. e e.fV vnr, inn- n nil n tinif Viv nl vft! at i o', fr J') vnr" , ut't Civil I'i'. ;-ii i t r j ti ri'iMio, i t iiio ii.m ,i(t ia i of II M.Ti.ll.,'- f Nh- k li.-Iil.-r ho do tin v.i"t fttif nnv vm tt. Ir iiiii ili.-n tit ru il f ill lv !.c Co!M.ifiv. iur th- ir f-c- '.il I1 i it. lh'" r lit l lui; r a i 1 out lo 1 1, ,i t- p - i ll it i.t tin- r Iur t .li CiMtl' i.'!s, tu 'i. h iri-y ;il o . i til. 'I u nn p.M ixlinr .intlK. ',!-!, i.- (', T. 'VOlFK, at IiONAI ( 'I'r n ) . 'ViM ,m-iiim. wirli (t.ii' Mimru' n'i I 'I iciImt )lutt i. nn vi iput lf-iil.;c I'rt M. n k. iar(.- Si i h n.l.i.-, H ill- ir.i'lw, fill it'l Mui',iii"H 'tin! A ' ir l m, i'i t- o: : ji'imi. i ai ii '.ir nt' i,i!nnK -', timf, ti lj-j r "";ri( ( uj 1. i i n tnis i r - nr. 'II" . U .f ii, o hiM ',;n. iv, t:hl.''ly of th- M' ' ll'iilh :ti 1 I' rost' Vniii, wl.l.'.ri. W't'i '' -t il i-'d.'f .1 111 I - ' !( ' ill t ii 1 , ( It ' 1 1 Wll'lilOl' i 'It 1."1J1. .ti y Iur n (ir v t o : i U nvlh. A I', lit Ii ..l it.. K- it-1; n j II nl. o . I Mt.nMi tli Tn'ru n oi Unit ( i.inji.uiy, over ViMvh U.J ti .l v ui o l. ftrl t Mioriv tioltlf'f i mflvoril'T thrir ('' ininiyof th iimi il !i . Vi, - I, Mir p IN .1, !ll -il' II. t'i n. N r,i',i(r SiiK'u1, nil it V.r rr n nt tc l , r"-c oi f7-(.ij n r tun, iUl rf.J M tl i Jvi" vitMtitltf iikiiuI iltit irii'oi ol tho ioi;u'iv'j (' n. pnl-, In thj fiorilit rn, IltJdl', ftml HoiiM.crn w tl.n ot il. c city. 'I l.c t (iiiinii avi .1 nil It Mining Work aro cl-ar o- il-jbt, Hint M i if" i ui toil mr ffttrM il ifi n iho c:i h pr.iivipio. J iT (':r ulur uittt iiliit np'.luii aily at the tCce, lh. 121 S. TTTIRD Str:.;t, 21 Door, (Oppositi-: lipard hank.) 1IOH!i OY IlIllK'.'TUKM. WILLIAM Sl'HMiKI.E, PRtluiVT. WI1.IJA.M I01', KOI1EKT P. KISl!, II. n. M'OI.I K, 11. SCnM'I.I.K. ln-ji a, n. jAitnr.N, na'Ri.rsr. riMIE 1IIG1IOATK 1'ETItOLKlTM CO.M J pni-y. '1 la1 Tni.toei of ttil. t'-imp.nv have tnli il.iv dm lured mlMdcndoI'li.NlirEKl'KNT.on iliecapital meek or the Cnmpanv, pai atito on the 1st ill' Noveiutier at ttedr Oltlcc, So .!! I'I MS Street, 'ill. milliter books will ,0 closed ou tin- tilth oMictohcr. I it A 1. lllilCKMliltlOS, fc?rct.irr. Kau VoiiK.Octoljor J.'.l-H-t. lu-2; at pF.RMANI.V rETUOLKUM COMPANY. "I '1 ho Trustees of thl. t.'omiuiny have ttiis day declared a dividend of ONK I'l'.lt Cl'.NT nil the capital Hurt of I till i'i Hipuny, pa.wihle on tlie lt of Nnvcmcr at their Oltlcc, Itn ;a I-INK Htnct Tlie IranRier nooks will bu cljBOdoa the VTtli ol October. CIIAS TIIROCK-MORTON, Secretr.-iv. Sr.w Yoi-k, October iW, MH. 10-21 St BANK NOTICES. frZj KOTICK. AT A GKNKRAI, MEIiT lt( of the Mot h holder of " I he hank of t'cuo Twnbhip. in te cuuuty of rhll.KU-lphlA, neI1 at the hankliia house, In thu citj of 1'hJlatlolpliti. on TlU'li?! JjAY, October V). iw;4, the following iiii-atuhlti and rosehi. tion wore (iiKcd uimtilnioiihly : Whrruitt The iMn ctots of the Hank of Penn Towruhlp. Jp the rouiity of Philadelphia, have proenred t!ie writtra auuiorn Z owners ol Irto-mliua u the tiplttl sterk I the said Hank to nmke tlie c rtiih nte r. turvl by the laws of the I'rdted Htatra to eane and t-onvert tl.e laid hank into a Wa'lonal Aimlatlon lor tatryin ou the bui ncMtetbarkniR: thertfire, Ilesolvrd, 1 hat tlio Hank of Ponn Townhip, tn the county of rntUdcliihla, shall hct onie, nnd the tawe It lit-rchy chainifd and converlrd trto an asswrtatloii for carrylnK on the hiihlnens ! banktntt nndor tlie luwuot the i i iin NiuiM. critiiifd ''Ah &vt to nrovlde a nattoual our- rency. m run d by n plei'K" ol t'uttfd Mtiiti'B Honda, anl to proldefor the clreulatlon and rcilomntlon thereof,' ap proved dttne ;l And the name ot the Maid natlinal atSnc-Btkn itiall bo TI11C VKSS NATIONAL HaNK. And the DlrocU-ra ot the said Hunk aro hereby uuthonxt d to do and piTform every act, mailer, and ttili.g nice usury to bo l ne to carry Into full and compU-te cth ct tbe inten tion oi it. In resolution- Ana tho CnltUT ihull pnhilih un til e t'loreof for ihirt Uav s. In the "North Auu'rh nn and I nitt dMatra Onzottf," a nenpaper of the city ol Thi a-dt-.phla, und send hkf printed uotiec, by roul or otherwise, to ci Ii sttrt khulder, arni abl to ttie provinlmie of aa act ot tl.o Lf k'lnluture of tin romiuniiwe'ilih of tc nnNylvanlii, entliU'd "An net cm Wine the Itankn of this t'oinmou im u 1th to hi iH-iuo Ashorlttiloue fuv the aurpuse of Hauk iiiK, unifer ihe lawn cf the Vnltrd Htaios." apnjvod AuivxiHt if-', Inn. JAUES ltU8 :i.L, m-y-:ut Cuthkr. Ip NOTICE. 1 AllMLhrt AND MKCHA'Nira- BANK. Pun am i,i-uiA, Urti bf r i i, Wit. Nf tire Is lioreby plvrn, axmbly to i-trti. '2 of tho net of thv (icm-ral As.-imblv of the ('oTiiniomvL-alth of l'cnn n hania, entitled "An art cm.hlwK Huiua of the Cj.u-lu-'tiinltli to lcenit' Afoila Uhh for the purpose i( liauKInu ui d r la as of the United fltatei," unproved Hit 'J'.'il dit of A ujj mhI, A. 1). lrili t, tliat tho Htockhuldias of the KainierH' uud MechantcH' Hunk ol PluUdidpliia have tliia d;iy vc.ti-d to hr. me mien an A-'hociation: and that Ita IMtrrtorr huve profun d the anthurhy ui tin? owners ol more than two-thlrtU of the Capital Htock to make tlie fcrtlfU'Mte ic'iulti-d ihcrutT b llv law a tf the Lulled jslntt a. lu.. -3--t W. lit .SIITOS. Jit., Cashier. trri- n o t i c k. :0.MMl(CIAL HANK OP rF.NNSYT.VAY! A. l'uii.APi I I HI A, Or tidier Notlrr Ib ticrchy plvrn, Ui;ro ably to beotluii 2 ol't.'u act of tl.c (h tP ial Afvcmblv of the 'oiiiiiunvvfulih of l'e:m 1mhiI, entitled "An Act rnnhlinK Hunks of the Com monwealth to become Axsocmil-iiis (r tbo purpose o HatikiiiK nidT the laws of tlui t iui'-d Mtatin," a.tprovrd the 'J2J tfav of Auu'UKt, A, 1. lstil, that tne HiorkhuMurs oi 'the tVmiM rrlid l.anU ot retin-vivui iu ti.tve thii dy voted to boo )ine vqyIi an As!u'iu:iiu ; uud thut Its llnet ors hn e primirt'tl the uinliori:y ol the on tiers uf umro than two-thlrilsnf thy Cap'tul StiH-k to inn ku thu cor ifl caie r-iul:fd therefor b the laws t ihe I'nlu J .Siatet. t or I iu i her luti tltulurb bLockludd r run apply to 10 8 i. PALMUItCaehler. ffT-'O' iNOTl C 10 . - ItANK t)F COMMKKCK. 1'ifit a oil i'mia. October iw;t. N-'tlre Is hrtehy given, agreeaMy to ae.-iinn'. 'f the act cf i lie tient-iiil Ax'-tmMy oi tho I'lu.inionwea tli of P.-ua M Uaniii. i uiitled "Au m t ennhiinK Hunke of tkeCuUi bionwta:th i hrcoiue ANsociaiioun U r tho purple of l:a!ikitK under the lows ol the I at ted H'hk . ;ip;ir vtld the-'j'd duy ot A neurit, A.I), lit.tilt the St-trKh:Uiier ot tne Hank oi ( iiiiiuer e Iihvo iiiim uhv votetl to hic.nus mrli an A-s i iatiuu; und Unit 1 . i ctr.- h;te prix-urrd tlie aidhiii it ol tlie t-wiu ifc of tunro la. in hvu thirdt ol ti.e t'jipuul Him I to m. ile ihr rertunvaii. rujiilri d t'lUi lor by tl.e iitwh o the I. idled KtnleM. lt'-U. -:i"t .HHIN A. I.KWIfl, I'ashler. p-T ." K T I C E. HANK OK Nor.TIlMtN MBKIiTIKS. PlMI.AP l.I'lilA, Oct jhiT H'Sl. J?utlce is berel.y (.'IveiiaUn cttbl to se tiotri of the act ot the ( i flu i .il A v rtuL'ly oi the i.'itiiiT.u.iiU i iilth ut' 1'enti- hiiim , t uiith d ' n ai t i-inti.hi.t: lianl oi the t'oniui-.u-wrulth to hi -ci mo Asioiluiloii i. ir the purpose ot Hdukin lil.Uer the bun i.t tiie tutted biu'ex," upprued the kl-d i'iyot Ai:t,u-t. A. 1. M' l. that lla- Ht-n i nuht.-rn ot the Hunk of N'jMIu mi Lihi rtiCh huvo I tils day vmed to hfiouui tuh an toM. t uition, at. I that it ln ct..- i.. - piuciuvd the nuthoril i t' Ihe o twi n nf iiktv m i Wn-tlili il (.1 the ;pi:nt ht i k lo innl.e tin. i-erllia uic it iputrd tliureiur by tin JiiWR ol the t Jiitid fclatt. lo yi-M'L W. i.l "MMKHi;, Cashier. riv OTIC K. ' f'KS J.XfHANi.K HANK, l'mi.Aiti i-ni . t. "1, !t. N'.tlcp la 1 rrrhv e.bly to Snrttou 1 i t f:e a.-t of tiiH.iiu r:il A huui.l of iht- 'uiiii.on6alili v Peun SjHaina.ei.idica "An ti;t er..ihhn- i.i:n. ..f t'.e foni ii.onueulih to heceine A---k1 Uii.ns fur ttio Purpiso cf HmikiiKi uii-ler t(.e hiwa of V e I utt-d htio-.M a; uiovd they'd cta vfAiwn, A. J. tl.ui th- htk holders of thefiTit Hank of I'Mtlm'.. lj hla huvr this day vottd to t (jliu u h- eli un A.iKcc'htwn ; mid Ua'A Us iih-ec-t' lf- bare prt . Pied tl.e autl on,y ol fie owuern ot nwro thanin-tl iidwt tl 'wx S'oel. ton,:ik'tli cenU'ciU miuirtd ti crUor by iU-j oi t.f ( n:;d Hta;i.-. r j - NOTICE. 'i;u; CITY HANK. , IVi! O'l.LrttiA, October ?0.1M. ttie Ic fr. by plvcn, rub.y to sedioa -' of the a-'t ol H e tie titiHl Atsembly ur tl e C"iimion wealth, of l uu Bylvauia, ei tiu-d ''An net t unb Iny Hunk of tue Camiun v ohhh to become Aat-orlailuus fur tlie piu posu ol ltauklux Ui:dortbeluviof tie Hmtid btftteh," ajipiovea tie yTd dayi'f Ai Miiid, A. 1. I-hA, tliat iLe St'-cLi..ktjia of t': I itv Itauk l ave this day vuied Ut Lecu.iic siuh un aaocla tiotti aij that its liirt c:.-r l.ateproeurod the autl.-.rii of in.- ui'mh' vi ii.uiu man ine iLUin 1.1 li i- i tpua. DlOeh to make toe (MtiTu.a;e rmtuied tm refv-f by tht- iawa ui the luittd Hiatbfl, io-L iw 0, ALnnitT i.r.vnt caihtw. NOTI 0 E. KaifcMNC.TON HANK, IN THt COU-NTr v' .iii-.Ul lrilJA. vii i . iMiLAintu ma, October id.lMfil. NotU lh liereby tfveii, hf rrtaLly tu tttou y l tl ( act oiu.eUeueiaJAanenibly ol Ik Comaioiiweahh of Pena t? "uV f' ru,lUl1 ' t Udit Hank of the Common. o M-V'lVecuJll'AVuC;llouJl01 tl'wcoi liaiikli.s. u tl A: 1?' tamt Wl iom t the J.l . 1 nk lu the P) tladilph'.a, havethU l.tiih ilJvS!10'11 u.ta Af.lalloiiian4 that Us MTnca?ra ad.o, " iiti1 mk btitia. rfr,l,uu tiiaroiur by tuoUwa ul the Uuacd tKM) (MKI LUM0X PAKKKNGKIl 11A.II- UialjJ'i2!!??"?"Jr '"ffy f'lnr offer f ul. t .uimn bond,, of u Li... fc.n.mal, m.t.,' M4 m- road an"?.?, T "t mnrtitair. nn th. Clarify ti '' l''-e. lb. tru.lwi aro llKl.-.U bii-nil J.1'!?"1 '" "uu" of ,u " I" n -f orimi "uiij mc' 01 tuul,i K- tu'" 10JI-1.1 WU.U.M r. KEMHIX,Tr.Mrw. fV II 13 T A O K A. P E T JI O L E U M COMPANY. Capital, - - - $CO0,000. DIVIDED INTO 100,000 A.IM-X, SDBSCRIFnON TRICE TO STOCK, M I'Kll HIIAUK. CASH WORKING CAPITAL, JS20,000. the riiori.iiTY or nna company comprises, la l.jascs and foe simplo, a'lout TWO Hl'SHKEII AND BEVENIY KIVE ACUL'S Of Ihe cliolcc.t Icrrlf jry In Wcifcm Virginia and Souther Ohio. t'pon this properly art the two great TACK AVELLH, ToKthr with tlx other well., being rafMly protecntcd, and with every prospect of incce... Tbo present produc tion of th. property will pnj- . dlviJeiid of Two Per Cent, a Month on the Far Value Of the stock, and a much larger yield It shortly expected. Ten thouiand ebares or thli stock, all that remain unsold, uaj be had at the subscription price, If applied tvr at the efflte of TAOZ BROTHER St 00., No. 817 WALNUT 8TBEET, Before 8ATVRDAY, lhe20tb last., on which day tio hook, will be closed. 10-tS 2t () IL SVBKCEirXIONS. KubserfMlon Books to tl.t ftdWIrir well-located and deslruhlv tract of land, Mtunted in thu VKNAMiO tMI HKtltOV, nnd otTerinfr an adiuate basis fur iwu ur more compaulea, aic how oi-en. So. 1. All that eertain tract, ph i e, or panel of land contaln Intc lifty a rtt, Llmhk and id'iinte in Tlonef ta townlilp, VJiutn.- county, ans Hmt of lonjivnnia. Tins pro leny has a laie trout on the Tuint.ta crcrR. and ia alout four null s limn the All theny river there la on the cre It ahoiu twenty ueres tvorinji land balance hilly a ravine runs on ttie north side nt it, l ull tract lies immediately i'ttuetn two oil coniiiaidea. ho. a. All thst certain tract, piece, or paroal cf laud containing one hutidrt d ai d tl'ty ai res, bi'ina and situate In Tioneiita township, Vi naturo enmity. Thl propurty la part ol the 1'caiton U.tet, and ao nia a Urfce (ronton Tinet ci ct k. It has a arceruvfno on it, and some heavy oak, hickory, and I. endue timber. Inure are about thirty -live aerca borlUK crinnd. It is ulso contiujua lu the property of an oil vompany now at work So. a. AU that certain tract, pleoe, or pa'cot of land hclntr and filiate in TtO'imta tow mhip, Venango ermnt y. This pro-lu-rty contains ility acri'H, ot whkh aiH:t tl liven aeion li bun it p ground ; It fronts on t i to 'llnnenta creek, a-uve a mUii, aud a1jcitu part of the property of uu oil cuioiiany. No. 4. AU that certain tract, p!ece, or parrel of hind, containing tw enty-six aer s, being and situate m (Jornplatiter bw u ptiip, Venitif C'liinty. It I runts on Hluari run, and ex tends acroM to 8iuar Camp run, belnj; not oufy near the turlaof thrhr tw o streams, but near tho Allegheny riv er. Il in part nt the Vaidt tract. There are about eight auix-e bono- giound. No. 5. All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land, contalnlifr slMy acren, bnint' and nituatu fronting ou t lis AllfKheny river, in rienUiuiit tnwntlijp, ermnj.n eminty, about mid way hcl ween tho towns ol l'rcrddnnl and Tioiie-t.i. It a.I j mis tine Ilui kuilic ru faun, and also .jiyiuj uud is lu the ImuiCdiute viemiiy oi eeverul oi.euaipanies. So. 6. AH thut certain tract, piei e, or p.ircelof laad, contain Iiik twelve m Tea, brink' and Mltui'e In Mi' iVorv tow nnlnp, Vuiaiuo county, 'Jhis is part f ihe Hulliil tract it fionu on lluuttr a run, la ne-str thu Alh'j-iieny river, nnd abuHL a ndle and a half northwest of the t'lnn of 1'luueita. On thu twelie-acre tract there uie about two ucrei boring around. Ko 7. All tfcat certain tract, pfeeu, or parcel of land, containing Ally at re, b inj; and situate In 1'inut.ruve t twusi.ip, Ve nanfcoeourty.lronfii k ou end near the mouth ol a run emptying into Iliiulork in'ek. Attuut six acres horii n ground. On this tract i some very heavy oak aud hickory timber. Thine seven OHtate- emhru v four hnnrlred and hree en . ; ot v. l u ll say tui'. -icmih is b. run; rriund. Ah w ttl b- observed ail tioictraris front on tne Albvlo'iiy and its trihuuiKN, '1 he adaiit.i(,'CH ufliein' on aiviKatioit wlxre oil cun Lm shipped itirrct iroui (lie well w it hint tranp irtn tlon, unit w In ii iitupie tlno er may be had ou tlie properly to h red tlie o!vine, i obvious. A the p u rid ae ol 'either of theo tractn would re julre more iiK'iiej Hi an the majority ol peiMns have at it -rooi-ed to dUido tie tn Into one hundred liiteieMh of one ilioi;.-und d'-liiu's euch, ihtis mhnling the man oi hti lit d ui'-ui.n, i-.s w 11 an the ea,dialbit. an oppor tunity m b& u f an u.ten nt in (his truly wonderful a w ell as iniii- -iiifkiTit; re-iou. Al' ol thi - e jTi'i'i nu t have h-cn w tec ted for their elit biiiiy. and, us iu;iy be een b tef- ieiice to a mtip, are uiirii'ally we'l IWatr-d. 'I ..iyaie ail cjntiguu to, wl jt'tn, und nre l-i,r-rrn laud t l eomtiuniei havldt. in the uj-i(.i;e n cnpihil of ut hast (hree million ol dollars, w I tote "Kiui'k" be Inn mi.Mly disp'jied ot A all aie nware, the utiiul ui!i'p!-d for the develop nii'itt tl ui h u prop, ny is to lm m a and lMitit certilieati k ot i k. '1 he iiUu hi re propuied tuny be cuii- uleiid t-t rU '- 'imry to iht or,a'ii 'iitl Oi of ove Ot lao' nuuprtiili iiki it cseejt-ie, wtuch v-'ill c--t tho l'T'iiitt,.i. si l;-i Hi hi- 1'r. l.rri to OUi ('111' tllOiifflllt, dolhi'ti faeh,aiid me an' Jtctin t . : ahy , lei. - 3. oi inr.ruiit, but will Ii' f .. if li tiiiiM- bti( n!i''le tile, In ftn,l9 thront ..(. 1 ,,r lihei-h i an, u,) -u mis suhstim ti'il and ft. . ' ..jii. i rc?.i.:.e ut more eotupanu'e, il- ct ollnu s u a; ion : ll.etn.'i i es, eaeh Mlhserlher bein equally eligible to ihe poitiou of ku oth ci of the coiu- I'.'MV. hi wc Weft uf t!te immeiHO vaUio of oil territory inav tie gailuied li mi the l'-liow it K laiCMtUti At 'MitiK'lUe'the "he' tiiotuit e welU ' have 3 ieMi d ab'jut one bunlred burrcls p r du fur thre' yeari ; the "th y im k" Weil haa within tin- last t'.ree ear yu-idt d ainut lS,ltw barrel of ull. a iid is 1 dl ou 'eesiullv be'ij' w.uked. 'ii:e Jobli- uud li-..iu.uti Weil is puuiirg forth aeon itmit fctr-ain ot oil, at ti e rute of Mn b inls per dnv e jtial lo tit 0, or over two miilW ri dollars' worth early. '1 he dersty we;i yi(.IL:k ubout .'ojU dully. The l.'yde and rbert 1 hi nil th ;riy-seven Men s. J.u hcon convert ud inLo coiupunies, reprtfceiduK over seven inilhuu dull urn. fi ho quality uf oil in KlMerunt localities varies. Krery v cil-irti'imrd peroii ki;owa tliat the oil lioia I'luue'a criM-k ih considered (tiUy i-'tuul, U nl supenur, t auy m t! p oi! riyiell. Ci.eny l;un, not far frim icmc of tl esa properttM, and c.Oicly reitLibi u tl.eiu,wiui uiivivd lu UoceLJt.r lust .r Two aei'oa 01 ti-. Mine prr-perties lia e 1111 ben '-t fur over teO.lKO-ni; cil I my b -i u lored wl.itli jn Id-i er, 01 nearly oue uuiia dlUis i'r tu.tld. The 'ai d Interest wlihh Is entitled to one-half t'.eoll) In t!.i e iicu-a on the Tmr lurm a uU at Aj'K'iO. 1 i:e (.'olim.h'a Ccmpauy huve I tQ acres In tee iiipl4 fi at Is, lice trout r aily, lease.-, or mortgaKCs. Th( irniock V oi'lmnjilty void at l'.'o uirahare: It tins biaiinuir. at fv.'-d per shuie. One pt ntli man, w ho hmd WOt) '.area, whiili cot l.Jiu ofttrd H.O.u-Al tor tui'iu. aJuny itui ar cnes miht be cited. TUK TF.UMM ert at fi L'owe : Ko more than ore hundred auberptlnj w dl ht taken. Kat lets thau oue abate wilt tie dhp ei of lo ury one peoti. but fcuoscr:ber6 can take one or mere abates, either for theuisolves or lor oU.env hive per cent, to be paid at the time 01 anb-icriuioft. the hi lance until ten da vs. It desird. two or mote torsoui can club V gether and tako a shure. Amoua ti i se w ho hurc alreadj tibicrthed, may Ue men tioned tho loJieMiiiK: W h. Lijoe, q.,of the Ami of E. H. Who! en & Co.. B'tuktra. Km. t ardif, Jr., also of this cily. J. li. turns, hsu, . I'. iladttphia. Y, m. Ahord, hi.. Pkiiadelphta. GtoiKe Ituiauiitinley. K.,.. 1'hUdi.lphi. Mr. t). k.. Waireu,ot Kolor(agli. air. Win. HUhins, ho. KOU 1 U.uut street. The miderlued, aud other. Ihe Trust, L. Miiiitgouny Bend, .. Vill receipt for iubucriptious. to whose order all rhecks may be drawn, andbywuwin ruuilttancea by wall will be tfuiysvckniiw- ludeu hoi further Inforeratlon or etreulare. address or apply to the uudeiftigned, by whom subbcrlutioui wil I e r-ived. M!M AM M allTi'lthSON. Cfnee N. K rerner of i'OUKTU aud WALM 1' fttreoti, 10-26 11- un 10 tc Hecvud sturj .fiout ruus. BANKER S. No. 1H) a. THIUI) HTIlHETf I'll ILADKLPHlk. Pnlrrs In Oorrrnment Feeurtiks of all klndi. Tore'1 f and iornpi,t- r.x'TtKet uoni, nurer, ana i ncurrent Money t incht and s-id. ranifulsr iit'euiton raid ta the perchae aad la'e ol Htt sa"d Hfrdn. on Comm'lon. Intercut allowed on lepota; t'ollrc'.lons premntlj made. 10 7 list ICIIAIJJ JACOMH, BANKER, No. -to S. TIMltli KTllKET. GOLD AND EILVr.R BOUGHT. E'H tlvl AND hlMirtl'. I'O'MIT AND SILO OH A'OTK'K IS HI KKHY (.IVI.N TO TUK ll r.Vti'i r- "i pr nn-" " t'"i I'l.if 1 d' -'M ihe-l, t'ir.t wrM of r r fttt'in iipun tl " I" lwiii: (J'.i in for Pvinu, ik'..!H't sin. I pi lui'i'j. will he issued ntkr ti.riiu months IlOiil this 'l ite. U III' 'is MIK1 (' llll.l - i' r ' l M.I. No vi IS. s 1 1 f't. -f ni-lAti,,,rV IlitrMi.v An.lri-w . -flv .,wnr.i. t Ar. I . I' .lime 1 erin, 1-1 . So i . t iid I I nuio ntshjo on m r;iirii-T ot ai, ..ill nr. w, V" f-1 ioiilhent of Ai... n ''.nt, .mi c M ini, Wui'l, e -tit tin -it I'-ff- front. him! tei-t i. p to Ain'-r sir.-, t. ' 'U'm flow ' for tavin. a e vs. s.u M'. v. I1 .tune 'lnn, Itl; No. :i. )t a: il 1 1,1 e Mo' hiiea -iwi 1, t c 011 s, ut irt-'-l il'te of Ahi .til street, him! lUTll.vs. st tnlv of Km io;l street , 70 feet tront, w lift dei-p, ( !:iiiu " lor vn. Hume vm. name. (. i'..iinu- 'fi rm, t : No 4. T,nt anrt three. H'.ry hrick duell'in on Ro'itlnnfit u!f f Ainhec Htn et niitl rutitliv est iih' of Ahitrnl street, JO fret I runt, j) fret iii . (. 1 'oi 1 1 $ i.;jo. 1 ii liu'. SHiue Join, T. Jm?!!, owner, Ac CP. Pepremher? Term, l-ili : l.i .'. L t,t L-rmoid nnd hrlrk in It tlnir. fifniio fn tior' hn . sterly cner uf tllrird arrnua an.l X. in ton s'li t. K. run Titli 1 f.l, - feet 0.1 Ohard ttvi.uea M' lt net p. 1 Hum M l'., (or p lm. fc'iiin's. ran e. I. ' Sei t.-inlHT Term, 14; Nrt. 4 I,'H and ci I iir v nils in'i t!i est skIo ot t.irurd avtnne, to rlni iiiK at l"t fn I sttuthWR-t from NnrrH street, l- l. Ijleenih W a: d. thun 0 iiorr.ust puml'rl Wiirt At irton Mr-t t. '.t' tiet !t li ehi'K to 11 point, tlifm e i ist M fori 5'j 1 Inches to a point, thence nm thcHHt 1t fet 7 Si luchee tu Jsorri Mnet, thence sonthcust HiuiiK Nun Is ire.Htl.'i fwft t Otrnrd nvenue. thciiee souMiweit rly ul-mjr drrd ave nueh l tect to place ot beKir.nlni-. 10-'-ml.t niULADKl.PIll.V AND BEADING RAILROAD. CHANGE O V II O IJ 11 . ON AND AFTER. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, THE ACCOMMODATION THAIS For Rending and Intermediate Haecs, Will LcflTelhe IK-pot, T1I1KTEENTII AS1) CALLOWHII.I, STREETS. At 4-30 I. M. O. A. NIOIIOIL.3, GENERAL SITKUIUTENDEKr. 10-2K-t A" WRIGHT & SIDDALL' No. 119 Market Street rr.TWEKS JllOliT AKD HCONO strebts. C. T.'. WRIGHT. F. U. DRUGOlBTsTTuTSICIANS, AND OKJS'EHAL fiTllhF.KEKPr.K8. Can find at nuresti blisli incut a full assort mentof TmporteA and Iiomesllo limits, Popular r.tcut Medicine., Points. Coal Oil, Window Glass, Prescription Vl.ils, Ac, at as low price, as genuine first-clans icihhIs can be sold. FINE EHREM'IAL OILS For Confectioners, In full rarfplv, and of the bett qaalMy. ('cchlnenl, Bengal Indls., Maddi-r, I'ot Ash, Cadbear. Soda Ash, Almu.OU of Vitriol, A nnaito, Cnpjiirafl, Kxtraot of l.onwood, Ac, KOIl U1T.1C3' use, always on hand, al lowest net ca.h .rices. I-l'KE HrlCES FOR FAMILY VHE, Clreund expresslj for our sales and to which w. larlte th. alt.tiUon of those ln want of reliable artlcl.s. Also, JSllJUO, STARVil, UUli JARiJ, dc, lr quality. Orders by mall, or cltr post, will met with prompt at tention, or spielal qnoiatluns wiU be I hrnlshed when re quested. W1UOHT & STDDALIi. Wliotesale Druii Waiehousa, Jsll-ly Ko. 110 MAHKET Btrt-et.auoT. rroni. WKALTH, HEALTH, AND BtALTY. If to rain admtrintr evea i If tu cause luvlt.'touR sltthsi If t4 b a blooinimr Mower, I adiiig. djdiiK lu an hour Biautt I If to have a host of friend ; II fur rtee to bui e am'nds ; If with hi uti-born tiiood to wed; It a uiarbie stoue wben dead VVbautmI If to live threesoore end ten, Wiahlutr die aa Iouk aKttUij If u live ft life ol pwwet If lu die ftud ko to yrsuit HiALinl If yon wish a life of pleasures ; Hyou value lids world's trcNSuree j If every c intuit jou would n?e. Take in; auviue, and with alt ihr4. Then, havinK HeaMi, Wealth, and Beftatyi You'll be prepared fur evurj duty. BraearefiH p4nisal of Dr. WILUAM YUUNO'S New PtH-V, liiK MAHKUt.B (ilHlK, whieA siiouid be iea4 bv every on. Hold by - liooaselleri gtite- allj. ftud at the Ioitora fflice, Ko. tW fci LUCK MKKtl't price U ceiita ftiift-f S1XUKT DISKASKH! SKCKET Dl6EA8Ji81 hAMIMTAN'H t.IKT! 8AMAH1IAN 8 4.IK1! Tiik MfT Op in aim frut thi. ts, a r liive curt lor uoyeuyM'K ';l,vet. sntirrtJiKH, Ao. Coiilanib ho hljieni). nu ii.ilsrtiu, 10 Mercury. fiily ten pills to be takih tu einct acme. ( lues in in m twn to four dm, uud recent cftsfl bl "tfieniy-iour iiours." Tn imred rv ft unduaie of tlie t!ol V(rltyot l'euniiunl;i,iiiie uf tUe uont etuiuaut loolgra aud liuiiilitf el ttie irt hi nt tlay. ho i-M't'-t rr, si i., mi nusiiK wti atk vkr, L't the w l.o Pave di-.-i-a o-itett.u euiod, or whi l ave I ot ii pt:rtid i,k lalauia Cpalva, or Murcury.ftt oi et ti v thu f AMAIIITAV B tilFT. rnl hy nu 11 tn a plum envebnni. 1'iiee, u'.ait puckuy--, i 1 e males, Vl.OOU I 1U.00& 1 1 ItLOOU ! 1 1 ItLOOD ! ! 1 1 BCItOrTI.A, I I.ti:i;, HOKK.S, P0TH, TETTEKS. SUM KS, ,Oit S. bv ra i li a OIC VKM.UKA1. Il-i:AS4, ic. AC KAMAU I' AN 8 ItOOT AN1 lIKltlt JVICKB Is etu led ti.e ruMie aa a po: Ittve enre, . BVPHI1.1H t'K VtNrJtKAL MKAHKq-ttft SAW A MlAN 6 liOOT ANMlt l.rtjt It K, Ie the nt st potent, tt riatn, ami eiH c-iual ri nit dy tvtr prem-nlti-d ; it reach v a end eiadloutea every panic e ef tl.t- venereal poUuu,ae lltai the cure Ik tliuroiiKh oud perm. taunt, lake tucu of tins pi.rit v.iu; remedy and br healed, uud do nut liana?utt your pobUiiiY that orwukU uu may repeut lu after yiftrs. IM) hT DKRPAJH t Altbotifti yon may be pn tiom;i:to tucurable.the 8AMA ltn AN h KCT and HKl'.lt JU It '. will r-ueve evrv veatif-eof iiupuilties fiom iie ay.iu, us wuUftiailtiii bad iiUcU w tuetvurv. IT-MAr-ERt FF.alAJ.F.St In uianv aifctlot4 irltit iJch ninnbrra of r'etnar sutler, ti.e fiDi.H AM) iitUii JI are moat bnp4,r adupted, in I Iccraled I tems, In l.eiuorriuea, in lieariic tlon. Kit Ulna ul thu VVouib,ieUntylftud forallcoiuplaiulft, iuciUent lu the sea. tionl by cipnss. Prlee $1 bottle, or 6 bottles lor 6 KAMAitlfAN H W Ahll If, In cane of Rvpiill., used In connection with the Uoet end Herb lulct-. uli dirci tlons. l'rire 'i' cents. '1'Ue ailicac.i of tiieae reuifdiits ia alike aokuowtvdjred br ibyiclau and patu uts. They are used in the l'iuie4 btutea lioipitnJ., Uius rtstoiftet Ueoiui u iuu otfruf Ui tie soldiers. tom the ltiilttmove"Hun :M WllA i UtK HUKOKON'R RAV OF THE tfAMAl.U Arftt fcLMKuUti: I UOSI ITAI-, I'OHT II VRaifALL, 'Baltmoro. lid., February W,l&i4. S 'I have f rent aatimactiun 1st atatin that I have used The KeweOles' ir VenorwaJ Itlatase in lu no9tHs(umai) fwruiSi that I nftva used Uiem with Jud Dirnt, O'serction, ai. l pr-iiwo, anl have frund theiei re.LKUid u my ftiiiicpaiiins prouiptJy and effectually. Ki'owlrw thair couijM!!. I ave tue lulleet eonfldancb In rrcy. aud as :ir aa fuj ve of Umui exijusUt ..cuuuuU.,a..ui. Mvutn(, MWEM "Asslst.nt luifHis ftth New Yorl ViU." Let If b. andeisitwj t.1.1 Uic. i-euiedivs .r. .sroouf mcL.Ud. 'J will yosiiiT.I) euro th. UUcaiw. fwr whluk th.7 are vlhsred. beWAr s.c.rpnAM, Ko.StH. KI'lHTII r. I'KKSIOHU 0 ., la-lilwi-Sia kg ,it, hACt intU r X 4 I I