THE DAILY EVENING TELEORAPg. rmLADELrHIA, SATUTIDAY, OOTOnEIt 29, 1881. SATURDAY, OCTOPF.R 29, 1S6I. BPIRIT OF THE NEW YORK PRESS. PEJMM RATH' B U.l.nTtXU W05i THE nr.Att JrYsm tht Tribune. 'Father," sild ynunp; Jerry, they v.ilkcil st'otlg, taking cure to keep nt arm's-lcTij-tli, an 1 t have tho tool well between tlti-ru, "'s il Resurrection M m ?" Mr. Cruncher emuc t f slop on tlio pnvomo-it lifforf bo answered, Ilmv slu'tikl I kmw ?" "I tlixiiRlit von knoweil everything, f.itUor," Sftlrl the" l)V. "Hem! Well,'' n iurneil Mr. Cniurher, oitii In apa;n, and I'liini! Ml" M- lint to t;ive his n-iki'S free plsy, ' lin's h tridcsman." "Whut's liis goods, father ?" aikcd (tie, lirik yoiiim Jerry. "Ills pood," mid Mr. Cruncher, nftcr turnine It over in liis mind, "in a braneli of s. ieinino goods." "I'sTsnns' tiodlc, n't it, futlier '-" tinted tho lively hoy. "1 believe It is something of that sort," si 1 fir. Cruncher. "Oh, father, I should so like to he a Ui stiricc tion Mn when I'm quite primi'il up!" Mr. (Jrtii.rtier -ootlieil, tint sliook his head In a (.rnve and i.u r il way, "It deicnd up m hew yon dewe:op your talents. Hs careful to de velop your talents and never to say no mnra than )OU can he p to uoHody, and there's no tell ing at the present time what you may couiu to be lit for." Unhappy rlii'd ! that Tour a.nhition to dese crate the 'rights of the dead budded in the un McCicllanli d o ir 17H M Had yon lived in ISM anur proti-SMorii miht have full-blown in'o tho Warwl kian, king-ni ikinR dignity of electing a Piiunion I'n -ldent with the b iliots of soldier' frho hare died in hnttlti for tho I'nion. The political resurrection of the b tttlo-fiekls of Vir ginia! Jerry Criitiehcr, Jr., think of what you hare lost ! XnE army or 1 UK. I'OrOTl4C THl'llH. dai s Movant: sr. From Ihe Time. The olhcifll bulletin of this morning contains tiewB of an important movement made towards the left, or towards th Sontbsida railroad, by two Corps of our army, on Thursday. General Grant moved out in this direction with a view of testing the strength of the enemy's line and works in this locality, and perhaps with other views which have not yet reached their consummation. We bad news two Hays ao that the Rebels, dotib'li as in anticipation of this movement, bid lieon massing their troops ou our left ; and (ieue lal Giant savstlmt at every point rcc mnoitred the enemy was found intrenched and his works manned. In the evening the Rebels atta-ked Hancock vigorously, but the latter gained a do cided success, repulsing them nnd holding pos tesslnn I tbc field until mtilnight. It is evident, however, that It was not Giant's design to mtko a pent ml iissatilt up m the enemy's works, for ho wl hdrew bis army from the advanced positions to which it bad been pushed. General, however, adds in his brief re port : "I snail keep our troops out where they are until towards noon to-morrow (Fr day), in hopes of inviting an attack." We are not yet informed whether the itebcls accepted tho iuvi tat on. We have pointed out more than onco a charac teristic of Gram's strategy, which has appeired frequently since bis army reached the south side of the James, and which crops out in the sen tence we have ju-t quoted. He has moved again and again to as to compel the eueiuy to attack him to be the atta king party. He has succeeded in this strategy admirably; for in each instanco of the enemy's assault we liave won the most decisive victories over him. Latterly, Lee has been somewhat chary of these attacks, but Grant has by no means given up his purpose of so niameuvriug our forces as to com pel him to continue them. The present move ment may yet have that ultimatum. CAM. THE ItOI.LS UNI AVri.V. From Ms Tribunt. Men like Belmont don't bot, ns bo is said to ' have been butting on McClellan for three weeks past, without being in possession of information which gives them nssurance of winning. Until the sacrilegious and treasonable fraud ou which McClellan managers have roposcd their hopes is fully developed, the Unionists throughout New York must d( uhlu their guards. Wiihout the loss of another day, tho duty ot canvassing the towns and wards mut be performed. Vigilance committees, composed of men of nerve and tiiiiullar witu their districts, must no Immediately organized all over the State. W MUST UK PKKI'AKKU TO SUITIIESS VUAX'US. Hut now, this very day, let the town-Alp and ward commutes throughout new York have accurate li-ta of the Union voters of la-t year nido up from the poll-bjoki of 1SG3 add to thtni all names t'nit stioutit nave ooen on mem and to these, all the numerous conversions of this year and then let the committees pledge Iritmttlves to their suered cause, that not one Uuion man In the towuship or ward shall tail tt C st bis vote. Friends, wc may be reposing In fancied security On a mine, turn out ttuuDis your guaras C ill the rolls summon the absent demand tho Mck galvanize the careless get evory voter into the ranks, and then drive this party of forgery and perjury into tinir lust aucti. IMPORTANT MILITARY ORDFR All frrsnns from lh lnurriit Misters to bo lt (lseri'il fore the i:irtiu. IIhaiiiivahtkrk Pupautmunt op tub East, Nbw Youk City, October '28, 18S1 Satisfactory Information bus been rec dved by the Major-General commanding that Rebel agents in Canada design to send Into the United Sta'es and ColouUe at different points lurjja nuiubers Of refugees, dc-oiters, aud enemies of the Gov eannien'. i:h a vli w to voto at the iiniuoieh lug 1're-idetitial'ion ; Hiid I' is not uuhkely, when tM- to the Rebel cms.' has been perb rn ed, tint they may be orea .ized for tho purp( se of Bhooiint' dow n pel eaole ci i.ens and plUUUelltlg pnvato proper ), a lu uic roeeui iie datorv imursions ou the Detroit river and at tit Albans. Ag 'inst these meditated outrages on the ruritv ot the i l etive (ran -hi-e. and these ne fti.,u aeia of ro'dwry, iiiceiii!iarism, an I uitir dor, it is tl.e determination of the M j i d nen HjniDiiiDili m to ituar l hveverv nos-ih e pre ait tiun, and to visi- on the perpetrators, if they sli ill - be detected, I tie most signal una stiiiim try pun unmet t. AM theclavses of p tsoks enumerated, whether r'tizen of illMir.Cit S'ates, who havu h en ia the Ki bel si rvice r engaeial In uets of ho tiiity ! the Government, ucs, rters tr im tbe. militii v Kirice ui tlic I'mimI States, or men dratie 1 or Ciibject to (Initt, who have tie ! ti ct oleltiL'i dntv to thi ir countiy, nro lave to piuiisumen for the (rim: s ihey h ivo a'icidy eoimmit-"!, an no ill be s-rare.l to arrc s- tae.n. l'or this nuiDi'se nil riovost inarluls and th tlepaties wiilrn this deptrfu.n nre pun- manuea to exercise nit t.os itiio vigrnnw nd to adojil tueu nansine-. us may tie ne.e-sary to iletect ptrtous e i.iitig in'o toe tmitcii htatc tor tbe purP' se of voting or of committing depre tiationt on private pioo.rtv, nnd to iirevunt tliui isiapo ; and it is curne-lly re omuiended to the t lectors H the Mnt s In this ili'i urtm tpje t m within their re-neetive election districts, such as may be re.i:lre.l tor their ou security, utid to ant the iniln.'ry uii'li n i'ies in lrustruting the designs ol Keliei .i gents and oiuis furies, or in bringing the perpetrators to puulsh inert. fihanld any of tbeso malefactors succeed In par pctiating their ( limes, etIVctive me:isiires will ho taken to prevent then return to Canada, und I. this purpose n.c.'i .1 dirctions will lie ttiven. am Buitahle guards for the frontier will bo provided before the day of election. A a lonlu r pre. an:: in, all persons from tho Insurgent M.:ti s, now within the dep rttucnt, or Who ii. ay come within it on ( r before tho third of Nov. ti, I. ei proxiino.are hiretiy required torcnort jnemsetves tor rceisiry on or oeroro ttia' nay nnd nil such perrons coming within the depart meut af'-cr that day will report immediately on their urr v. it. I li 'se who tuil to comply with th requirement w'll h- regirded ns sjdes or einissn rietot the insurgent auuiurnicsat Riehinon J,an. vnl ne in men a c. riimely. The ngistry in this city w ill be at the heal nuaitusot N 'jor-i n.'iioial John J. l eek, secou In ci r mnud in the departuient, ut No. 7 liked er street, and in all other places out of the citv ftt the olllccs or the neatest provost nnirsha s Tbc ngistry will contain a complete description of tbe persons reporting, and ulso their places of t i" lice, which must not be changed without ui t to at ihe phue or registry. li C;hiinaud ol Major-. ieneral 1U. 1). T . Van IH-bk, f tloloriel in d Assistant Artiutant-Gencral. Ofl'cl d-CiiAiiLBS Xmi'is Dix, Major and A,'d de C'ttinp. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, OBITrART. Ti ry Rot. n. W. fnhf II, I. D. A private telegram from Boston, Massachu setts, annonnecs the Had lnte!ligoncead to all Irish Catholics, at least that the eminent divine nd profound scholar, the Very Rev. 1. Y. Ca ul, I). D., Is no more. This will astonish many four readers, for very few of them knew of hit Illness. Ho died at fto-ton on last Thursday, October 27, where he had licen staying for some weeks. He wet. t there to lecture tor a charitable tirpose, but took sick quite suddenly and never covered, ills uist a-o .was a sTltenini; or the -Bin, having been siinstrurk in Hrooklvn last summer, from the ellccta of w hich ho never quite recovered. 1 he subject of this sketch w as about sixty-fn ycais ot age. ami was a native or (Juecns county, Ireland. lr. C'ahdl was, bv hi- mother's side, of I nt.lsh e.vtraetiou li s '' wo ild imllcnuj s much. In stature, be was bevond the ordinsry ie ot man, being about six left live Inches In ei:bt. He was originally intended for the Rriuv ; ut h more glorious llehl of opera lons was his stiny. Ileri jirtod t tip physical, nnd enit'ieu the spiritual Hrniy of the Lord; and while a ere youth entered upon bis studies for the icrcil ministry, lie s'uilied at Carlow Collegu ir some time ; after which bo went toaJosuit stimtion. w lu re he won intii h distinction In lie time be entered Mayrooth College, where he rend a full rour-c of theology and philosophy. niter tho ditini.'ulshcil Dr. Dvlahogue and Dr. Mciliile, now Ari h bishop of Tuani. In Hebrew be had lew eqnals. and In Greek, "rencb, (iemi in, and Italian he excelled ail others in the co lege. Af.'cr eomplc'inir his course studies in Mavnooth, be was elected to the lMinboyne establishment of M.ivn ooth, where he pent sonic additional years perfecting himself n theology and occle-iastical blstorv. In due inic be was ordained priest, r.tid has been more or less before tho public as a controversialist ever since. Ho has held some high portions in tho 1 1 1-ti C'fcnrch. He was sclecte I for tho Profes sorship ot Natural Philosophy in Car.osr College when it was under the charge ol the distinguished Dr. 1oj Ic. The degree ef Doctor of Divinity was conferred n Dr. Ciihlll by tbe rope's own hands, an honor seldom bestowed upon a priest. The Doctor was also a great chenu-t, having studied that science from Dr. liarker, of Trinity College, Dublin. Ho was also a ramons astronomer, and for somo years delivered annually courses of lectures on this science to students in Dublin. His astrono mical apparatus, which he brought to this ccr.n try wltb him, cost several thousand dollars, and Is, perhaps, next to that of the late General Mitchell's, tho lust in this country. He came, to his country in the lull of IS.Vi, and has remained heie ever since, lecturing for himself and charita ble institutions. No lecturer has ever drawn together such largo audiences as Dr. Cahill, and no or.e has given so much talents and time, or was the means of putting so much money into the treasuries ot religious institution! as he. No other lecturer in this country conld have drawn such a number of people to bear him. His sermons were always very forcible and argumentative. He was a m in of fine intellect, of profound learning and lino social qualities, which endeared him to all who knew him. In him tbe Catholic Church has lost one of her brightest ornaments nnd foromost scholars. Ills tumiral will probably take place from Boston, on Monday next. A number of the clergy of this city will attend tbe obsequie s. gPEEDY AHD NOISELESS." EMPIRE &EWING MACHINE! OS 1'AHILT AND MANUFACTURING riMtP'SF.S OFFICE, No. 720 CHESNUT ST., (Opposite the Miucmic IUU). Tills Machine Is the triumph of perftctlaii In Sfw nii Wnehlnn, comtilnliiK many rare ana valuable tmprjrc- msnts not pursued by any other Machine. Having nslttier CAM or COll W11KKL, It Is toiphaltj call a nolae en machine. THREE SIZES ARE MANUFACTURED. FAMILY MACHINE, SMALL M ANUFACTCKIHG, AND LA1U.K MANCt'ACTCKIStl. The public in Invited to eiamlne this Maclilue at thair Akcoct, No. 7!iO C1IKSNUT STUKliT. Poldlers' Wives and Widows furnlthoi with Machines on nccoiumodal log terms. 1U iT 1JU rillCOil 5C YVUUUi J.Jj KOETH UXNTH STEEET, ABOVE AUCll. 1) 11 Y O O 1 H AT RKDUCRO HtlCM. BLEACHED AND UNRLE ACHED MUSLINS. At rotuetd prices. l.tbT MAKES Ol' BLEACHED AMI UMll.KA .'llF.D CANTON FLANNELS. ALL-WOOL FLANNEL8, 60, 55, 63, 75, 80, 0, and 95 rents. VIDE DOM ET FLANNELS, GO, C2J, 09, and 70 ci ntc. ALL-WOOI, SHAKER FLANNELS, 85, 90, 9."i. 1-00, and IrlTA. RED AND GREY TWILLED FLANNELS. FINE QUALITY VL UN RED FLANNELS. FINE QUALITY C-l KHIkTINU FLANNELS. HEMT QUALITY AMERICAN CH1NTZKS. FINE QUALITY liLACK ALPACAS. LADIES' BALMORAL 8KIKTS, Si'75, S 00, una ')'S0. I.41.1KS' AND l.I'MH' MI RINO UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS II S I K K Y , At fwdticid prices. LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOVES, At ledueed prices. Alairf of LADIES' III, VCK AND COL- t'Ul D CLOTH Ol,1- ES. MISSES' FLEEU V-L1N ! I) AND CLOTH GLOVES. KID GLOVES, BEST QU ALII Y I MPJUTED LADIES' AND OETS' LINEN CAr-.L;;.IC HANDKERCHIEFS A NEW LOi OF LADIES' NECK TIES. FE1CE & WOOD, IV. tV. rv I -J- if Htrnot. AllOl l. A't. it J -l-t IlIAI It t-IIIC, 4 MAM ILEA VELVET, Fr :u Aiirilc ti, AT REDUCED PRICES CULWEX STODDART & BHOTLTEIL Krs. 4.-.0, 1", .', ud l.'i 1 N. BX'OSI blue:, 10-l?-3t Above Willow. MER1NOES, 1'OPLINS. li. , Ji.piiib'litira, l inn l'tsl.ts. .i.itus,Ji-liit, ami llress r,o-"ids. Cl.'i.uul I AMI 111 IX CD 'S, ,Vu ;CHKHI'T Stre-t. WILKS, SHAWLS. O Lip. II nil Clo'lis. bio, cs, Llio ns. an.l Wt.lte (l-od. Cluap ut jam. It. CAJtriil'.t.i. .t Cil. B, S o. ;-i7 UIIKSM r Su. et. ;i.AN N EES, LEAN Iv ETS. JL 1 i. nil and C'.tion Suet llrirs, ( heap at JA.S. It. I AM i HI'I T. CO.'S, $. (iliJSSI T Htreet, 4 1 L WHO WANT GOOD DRY GOODS AT J V tl.e veiy k est prfi-eM. eivn find item at JAB. K. ('AMI'ltl.l.l, ,r C'n.-s, in 4 If No. jr. UHKMifUT Htrwt. frOLOKED X'AIl.VSIA.T'X'A.H FROJI THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT ItKDIJCKl.) l'HIOKH. OTJEWEif BT0DDAET L BBOTJELER, In ol. 130,454, and 4,34 N.ShCOM) WiniXT, lo-S7-St Above Willow. WALKING COATS, DRY GOODS. o WEN EVANH A CO., Bo. 45 K. EIGHTH STREET. WII.I. OPI'.!s ON MONDAY NEKT. from the late cheap hew tort Anclinn Palcp as Metsra. Vafi Wrck, Tow niend A Co. ; llio finm Messrs. John It. Mrr A (V., of IMS rll),thr.ilu1ng CHOICE AJID LEeiR&BLE OO0D9, AT IT.SS THAN HALF THE COST TO i m tout: AT OUR OFENINO ON MONDAY. Ifi (McrrM riM Toplm wnr'li V,'. yu iir oh nil wcol Turtun liuii1 r,.Hu n . A ni' ..ntl btn t ful urtit 5i',oiiI 7l- Cfiis". Worth l '2 t' Imp rt. iO yv tint'Hij I UthK, Mar. Aal cloil. to I SO. f, cef I l'(!'n9,!-ln(lt dm. color. t- $I C?1,'. !f.' pit tr,i r:our Himtto I'o.'ltni, hlnrk ftnj color. 1 7" v.-ctin f '."Ni. lOplet r flout I'tp1in ConK t T V, w ortlt $?. The abovr I't't'lii arr all rtonb e w UHti. 'JO i M tiiiv.', khadui. t i' t ti 1". Urohi ro- iJurticD. 0 i.rc. 1 1 Poj-!!n- ; 4 pr nt. ln tl'in cot Ii im- ;pi ff Kmnnd and PU'd Mohairs; it cents. Worth 'A ctnts. A bnr.iin. n.ACK SILKS. C'OLOKN IN DUhSS 5HLKS. Wc continue tn il our HILKR ut then low prle, ai v t not nth to ill appotut Imltf" from bin In cheap. BUOCnE AND BLANKET SHAWLS. 0 m-trr J liroche S"ht '. r.t ilou!0 to Import. 1O0 FU.l:ird, Colored, Thud, Woollen Lotll! Silt 8lliar Hifttli,at lUrnalns. tjQ cliclce and Kjtra HupcrHne lllack Thibit (Shawls. CHEAP KAI.MOR A LS LINENS. 1 Halniorats. rcdliri!-tr!ie t'.' W. H 00. .1':17. HO lllmk and While Plaid lloluiorais, ;:. Mi llnlmoralii, Ihoio ones, tt'7'; only prl-'e Known Is tl X). 0 Piilmuratu, nrlrei from Ji'r.n to $t4V, veryhandsomo. Mf pl-c Sl.lrtlng Lim ns, P, fttki,6."i, "0, 76, S7c, rlieap. SHIUTIN'O CI.OTHS-CI.OAKINO CLOTHS. Wo still continue to sell these goodi at tlio-e low prices a close out. MEN AND HOYS' CASSIMKRES. The above we hve fn.m 1I0 up lo 2-.'.'i, Brent teduc- tlon hum liih irlee, lluife why they sell o fnt. MUSLINS CALICOKS-FI.ANHELS. OurWuilIni wc are selling off rait, at U.ose ruinous tow rrirol. Wllliamsvlile and Kew York Mills, at competition pr'ces. Kxtra good all wool Flannel, 50 cants, ha consider a ftfcri4nin. 20 plcceb tdlKhtly aotled Klnnncl, 7o cents, worth T0r). ItaUardvKle FUm.ols,0,',;j,sl,b7cw and II CO.onr uua low price. Shaker I iaui.el., 75c. to tl'00, ureitly reduced prleei. Calicoes, v;,W,'2S.aud 31c, lean than we can buy tiieia aow. We wul sell you goods cheap until after the election. OWE IXWS Sl CO., cusir MAMMOiit inr ooous uotrsi;, No. 15 N. EIGHT H STREET. P. S.-Fclllneolf low, Hoop SMrta, While OooJi.C'a brief, Colored Cambrics !M cents, DrlllliKis, Linen lldlll., and Shirt Ituioms, a small lot for ti cents bargains. CAShKLIIKBttT, No. ii N. KKlltTH Street. (. J II Li A C K MOUSSKI-INli UK I, .VINES, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT REDUCED PRIOEP. CUE WEN BT0DDABT k BEOTHEB, Xss. 430, 45?, and 434 U. S TXEET, 10-r- it Above Wtlleir. rTBA0RDINAET BAE0AIN3 DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, rrnNisHiM. a iiosicstic goods, Cfm.rlslLj the largest and r'lol.-. st display et olforeit at b.etU, A KB AT rr.ti'LS Whl)T TItK. COUKEfiPOSDlSO fcl:llH'1 U VAl.L'K OK (JOI.D. I'llIiNOII 1'OIM.INS, M KRINOKS, WOOl, I)!'. L VINLS &c. VI M tUI 'L. Wet.ave reread a' a i lite a targe fttook of Ucd ana i rti rd DitKSS (HOIS, A Jjh Lo! ot Ailfcltlf AN btll.ALi AVI ' IlISTH, ft Meh hi tiler very liw,eud arc svdl wortb tho at'tlitl'Ii ol bu; or i. J. COWPfMWHT k CO., f. E.o.i.Kr NiMH end All 'IHtreou, 53 S I'll L'tlKLI'ItlA. T A 11 J I I? It 'V O IS te HON, I I Ko. lOOi CIJESXUT STREET. IAlUsK STOOK OK CHOICE E I R S T - C L A S S MILLINERY GOODS, GOLD 13 OUR STANDARD. Having purchased at lti, wc are enable! to otter C.o jJs vtrj Ion. lu-l-suuhlin A liberal rednetk'B and disconnt to the trade. JLL-WOOL OASnLIERE PLAIDS, J KOM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT KLDtlCED I ltlCES. 0UEWEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nol. 430, 41i, and 431 H. BKC'ONO BTBEET VO-jr-at Above WUlow. VERY LOW PRICES, DRY 000DS. JJLbACIC AIA'ACAH AND kOHAIBa, IN MF.UICM AHD riKE 0RADE8, I'BOM THE LATE Al roTION S.L,ES, at n.rvciu ritii EA. CUEWXN ET0DDART & BROTEES, K)S. I"0, fiS), nnd 111 M. SEOOMH STItKKr, t9-i7.H Above Wlllew. fit Ar rounra and aroii, GOODS FOR THE LADIES. 190 IS THE HASH WE ARE SELLING ALT, OUR KOUEIOS OOODS ON. And aa tlold has now advaneed. we are alte t rIT"r Ill.TTKR BARUMl.'B TIIA CAN II R OBTAIM.U M.SLW1I! UK. VX3 OI'llN TO!AV. Lyons Cloak Velvets, 40-inch. White Silks for Weddings, &c, &c. Best Blue Silks in Town. Best Brown aud Wine Shades. Fino Black Silks, b-pst Silks made, Widows' Silks, with Turplo Edge. 42d Highland Plaid Poplins. 42d Highland Plaid Shawls. 42d Highland Plaid Cloaking3. Trosted Beaver Cloths for Cloaks, &c. Eichest All-Wool Printed De Lainos. Finest Assortment of Dress Goods. 40 Lots Goods from the Lupin's Sale. Staple Goods to Suit First Families. Beit Blankets, Quilts, Towels, &C. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. T. fl. Wholesale Hovers are Invited to earaln the New Htoek of HIIAWI.S AN1 DRKSS OOOKS, sl prices to suit litem. 10 mw.ltu J ) LAC It HIL.I4.H. OF ALL li HADES, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT REDUCED I'UICEB. 0UEWEN BT0DDART & BROTHEE, Noi. 4 30, 401, anl 411 H. SECOND BTKEHT, 1017-Jt Above WIDow. lUiTAIIi AND WUOLEHALK. J. M. lIA-l-LKICill, No. 902 0HE3NUT STEEET, tlai now In store a full auortesent of tho celebrated makes of KNOI.ISII IIOSIBltY. IK BAI I1HIOOAN I103E ANU HALT U01E, BltKTTLE'S UOSK, HlUIlTg. AKD DBAWtiBil, EXTRA ILEAVT BILK HUIBTS AKD DRAWL, IN AI,T, BIZE8. FOR GENTLEMEN. 10 7 ALL GRADES AND SIZES, CDEWEN ET0DTART & BROTHEE, Nob. 4 50, 4 3'i, and 131 N. BEOOHD ST8RET, 10-'7Jt AbovtWUJow. QI.OAK AND MANTILLA Manufactory, and Shawl Emporium, N. W. Comer AltCH Md TENTH BTEBET3, PHILAlll'l.rlllA. H. WKI.N1I & CO., Whore ou can see Bplendld Assortment of the CHOICEST NOVELTIES, Where von ean re the best Manufactured Oaraen j, and where ou can procure the Oi.Nl'lMS WAttU l'BOur CLOAK 4, Altho i.owisax rniowa. LadloBWlil find It to their tnterest to purchase Uuar t kks aiid nliawls at thie sslabLeutunt. W-tvtha-iia . WKI.SU A CO. jARCELLLES 00UW1ERPAHEB, FUOM THE LATM AUCTION 8ALES, AT REDUCED FHIOE3. 0UEWE BTODDART & BROTHER, Kos. 430, 45'4,and 4 34 N. BKOOND 8treot, 10-27 'H Above WUlow. JjllEROIDER'ED CLOTH TABLE, PIANO, AND MELOUKON COVKIiH, TUe largest sssor'.mciit to be found in the city, rOIi BAIX BIT f heppard, Van Harlinsen & Arrison, UOIBE Fl'llNI8IUSa DKf O00OB 8TOBE, 10-lR-tuths-Ct No. JlOti ClIKSytJI BTBEET. 1 )AX-.lHOiiA.I-i BKIIITW, FliOM THE LATE AUCTION SALES, AT REUUCEU 1'ltICEa. CDRWEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 430, 43i aui 434 N. SECOND 8TUELT, 10-J7-3t Aboro Willow. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. OIL STOCKS. TIIK UNDKUHKINHI.) IIAn I OK gAl.t. a win par n articular attention to the p-irrlia.f t'f aU tl.e Ooilrable and rrsjlar dlvtdod partftt PETROLEUM STOCKS, fuch as tlio KOhl.F. ANT) DKt.AMATV R, PlI.XRf.L. ttcU.lll NY, Mc('I.INTU('R II l.r.of l'l,.l.l.l h,. end tlKUMA.MA, IIIIIIIOAtF., aad atllRKIlllt)CKEU, of Nf V rk. IOIIN l'dNDIU, No. M PI. STKRKT, Booal 8. lM tnj New York. J A1MEH' I'ANCV l--UltM. JOHN A. STAMBACH, iMPOtiTiiit anu MANtivAfrrtms or LuVDIKH' FANCY FUHS, No. Hiti AltC;il STKK.I'IT, lLOW NINTII. CnPAPEST PLACE IN THE OITT Te Bolit from a first class assortment, Cin.Ut!u( of HUDSON BAY AND MINK SABLE, EUM1NE, CHINCHILLA, OEUMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN BQUIHUBL, Ao., Made Into all the lateat styles. Theee goods were bought when noli ranged from 160 to ITS and are belug sold at small advance oa oust at the rate. KVFkT AKTICI.E WAltllANTKJl TO I1K AS BR- rttESBNTKO. Bewafactloa riaranteed. is-ll-tutlii .tas JAIIi!;W EANCY "U11H. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVB 8KYENTU. AT nil OLD HSTAULISUBD 8T0tt, Importer and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY ITUXtS. Mr assortment of FAMGT FUR3 for Ladles and CUllrcn la hi eoaaplet. eakraotai EVEKY VARIETY TUAT WILL BB WOaN DVUINQ TIIK COMING SEASON. KonieOBber tha Dam And aamker, JOHN FAREIEA, No. 718 AIIOII HT11EKT, Abova Bevsctk, I HAVE hO PABTNIt OK COSME0T1ON WITH AsTT OTIUUlbTOttEIS 1I1EC1TY. -M-tat O. TIIOMl'HON, TASIIIONABLE TAILOR, N. E. Corner Seventh and Walnut Streets, rillLADELPHIA. M. B.-Ilavln( obtained a celebrity ftt cutting OOOD-FITTINQ TANTALOONS, Kaklrt It a sptctalty In mr business for some years past, It U thought ot sufficient Importance lo announce the Uot In thin manner to the public, so that tuono who are 41s saUefled may know ol ruy mvlbod and give mo a tr'al. 10 r-lm HUUUSIAKKll A CO.. CHILDREN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No. 4 N. EIGHTH STREET, rrHLADKl.PIIIA. l' : - . V. y. Wereipeotfullrtuvtte special alteutlun to our eleuaul aiaof tmeut of CUIL-DlMiN'S CIXT1IINU, Comprising ItOTB', tllltLS', INTANTH', and MISSLd1 Clothing In avarr variety, lu Oie late.t styles, and of uie rlor woikinanshlp. Hpeclal attention paid to ItlHSKS' IUKSSM.UilSiJ. The public are invited to cull and exaiulue. M. SlIOKMAKKlt CO., ec7-wsmlm Ko. 4 N. EIOHT1I STIILI.T. QlXOVlillt e!fc IIAKE1V8 HIGHEST PREMIUM BKWINQ MAOtllNKB. -M No. 730 CIIE8NUT Btr-t. PI ANOS, COTTAGE EXCF.L. E Ja sior uiveue, iiariuomuiua, and AtviO" MARS1,.( M,.,n nroitE, 10-7-Im s- iluJ ciiiunui' airv.L Tfi IMTY'H fflTIn COTTAOE OltGANS, Vol only I HTV CKI I.ED but UNF.IJU ALLF.n tn purity fTMie aod rower, dveisiied esiei-iiiliy fcr tJburolies end Bchools, but li'tind to be equally well uSaplod ts) the fariuf and brawisuj ivoviu. I ol sale ouiy by B. M. pRtTCM, Ko. 18 N. BLVNTtl Hlieob Alee, a eompleta aisorttueut at the ferieu Meiudaoa oustasitly ou lisuid. aum-3ui OVERCOATS CHEAP, k mm i VT Pkl 1 -1.1 a i AMUSEMENTS. MIEICAH AOADEMY Of MOSIJ. LEONARD GEOVIK, . . . Director. GHOVER'S GRAND SEASON OF TEN NIGHTS ONLY. O'o itvr;v llmitid It? pni Atftii.rr.t lo tli hIrMh ftn nrunrt d, nd mih-oi Uo rif 'tl ; uor run uy futthrr rwCB of (irmd 0 tm b Utn during (he fJ and winter in th)nt ) 1 he IMrf r'or n t rft ttt nmtgr mcnt, emtraclD ; al of tho r'H rl l Af rrrlc-ind TtiCMtrYt In th Rtil.Wrlt, nd st htw Orlt-n ut. prevent tt-.c pmiltUit7 of anotlitT ft-on,pr fiLtpnOJnK th rcu-nt on, diirlni the entire ct oid'K term of hlf rotitricte nd the enUtence or the ptTfcnt o (rtil-'tlrn. The lurtctor U) -p' l.J iJlensnre-rctumlr.g to th flr'd i-r (de Mr-t ta-lurnj.j i i UerLiiin Opf la Aixanca im being t to rrveent T1!K IASGEST AM) MOST rKRFKCT C1HANU GERMAN OPERA COMPANY IN THE WOULD. RlAryof tie 1 vers rf nirmtn Optra tn thra cllr ara Iritutllnr vilh te Im'ory c( Che (irrrd Orrman Opara Comi'inx sli ce he ! e aiiiii:cl ihe Iirtett. which haa beir ore of uiilntcinij ted iiutCHi; an tat the Acadrm rf Mtiiir, is w era, and th Amdaror of Muttc, Itovtoa (whera tlm C't mi my U etill rnRaiid), Uie luccaee hai trainee at'ed a ay tiling tltlietto ai;alntd bj Urjuid Opra In America. HIh etvi.ecla) rmoy, Mr. AIOTTH IvinnKl.tO, has paftiod the vprlng and ummcr at the price pal court cIUm of Kurope.angantnR fur UsUicaaon several NKW AKTIUTH, purchanlng (or the Director A l.AKOK AM) KM'KNIVK WAHDVOltF, aud OHEKAH ntw to the Amariean mtiu. The follow ing artiiU, emlcent inUarioaaand Italian Opera, comtttute iiovrintH (.RAND GERMAN OPEIbA fOMPAXT, SEASON OK 1 SC. '.'. CAEL A1.3CLTDTZ, .... Ooadaotor. Mad'UsMAKIK inKnpitin, rtma Ifonna. Madams JOIIANNA KOTTI B, Prima Hon . Madams BKBTI1 A JOIIANNHMf, Pnsoa lonna. Madile ROI'IMK D7.HIRA, Prima Mout.reue, froui Imperial Opera Douse, Tlenna. Med lie PAUI.INK CANHHA, l'ritua Houbrotie. Ma!aua EKNK.HTK LA BOCIIK, Horon.e tonaa. Madams PAULINE UKttCIF.U, Heconda lioona. M. FIIANZ HIMMKIt, Tenor Itobusto. M. THEODORE IIAHKT.MAN, lvnore L rlc. 8lg.Ont8K.PPK TAMAKO, Tenor I.trlc, llujal opera, Milan. RAKI. KOK.MKS. Tboronowited Uasso, Mb first appoeranca since his return from Kurope. JOHF.PII HKKMANN.H, Tbe celebmiud liuiiso Prorunda, M. lHMXIIll'. LKIIMANN. Pilmo Darltone, ojl Upora, Herila first appearance I Ameilca. M. HEINIt'CH HTKINKCKE, Pruno tiarttouo. M. ANTON OHAVr, 11S.BM ttUlfO. M. EfK)UABI nAtMV.K rtuio Ki.alAtlTIN ZINhllUll lenor N.tTT l.FIIMAHN As. AI.I'HdNHK I KCnrt lurllooe bliss lliKlil.tjA V.iA)U irouiiai bansouse THE GRAND KLTKRTOIRE Selected for the SEASON Iff Plin.AIiKI.rni A com prises : FAl'HT Oounod MIKEILIJ (second tlmo In America) oounod This Is Gounod's latest Opera has only bees presented in two European Opera Uousos prior to Its presouta'lon by tlis Company. JKWE.SH TTalevy LFS UL'OVEMOTH M KOIIERT LK DIAIILK Meyerkee DLK rUEISJCllinZ Von Weber MAHT11A Vol Plotow WILLIAM TELL Bosslnl DON JUAM Moiart ANU DAA1E BLANCHE Bol 4-au oa, NIGHT IK GRENADA Kreutaer NO OPERA WILL RE REPEATED. The above Git AKD KKrEKTOHtK canonlybe presented In tl.e KNTlllE WOKI.I) by this Company In the same nuir.beroriilKl'ta. Tbe Operas arc preaintrd here aftir the most tiiorouub study and rehcartials.and Id eaoh Instance have been presented ouce or twice bei'ore this season In New York aud ltobton. THE CASTS WILL PKE8EMT KALLFOKMK8 In his most ccl.liratid roles, uan of which have been wrltun exprnSrly for bios. JOShtH IIF.HMANNH In his sri'at spialtie, in oversu ol which bu is noar aokuowleuxed lo Biaud without eiual. Tbe Prime lK.rne, FRLDKUKtl, ROTTKR.and.TOIlAS IiK.N.Id Ihclr stroiiKest assumptions. Too Tenort, IllMMEIt, UAIIKLMA 1, aad TAM. RO, In their most effective roles . Messrs. TAM AUD aid I.F.IlMASN, a"d Mad lie'llA make their first appearance In tuls city. Notwithsiaiidieti an capMi.e iiniiriCL-d.-i.tid la Anier'ra, tUie wul be NO ADVANLKIn JIII71TH I'' ADMItSHIOfT. Dtrs Circle, Pet'iai't, and rro.iit Circle, ONE DOL LAR. (Kucured aeat Fifty Cent, evti a ) family t'lrc.e, IIFIY (.ENTM. Ua lery.TWEMl V FIVE CENTH. lie-lhesale of t-EAhON ktllte)r'KIPT ION Tlt'UI OM.Y, will eoKmt-nce IjAl'UitDAY, October J, at (.OU1.HB Ml Hit: SlUl.iS. The Director rariie-liy hopes tliat the lovers of Open will ansht iu Mcuilns a Imye season na.e.'lu vier of the v ry treat t-xpentip and uecessnry risk attending an operatic entirpriHe of auch UiAKi'lticuiic-s. With tills hops he places the trite ol t; acitptloii Heats at the foliowiug ver niudi rato rutei, and otH r a scheme enibrac.luif A BE.VT IOK EACH KK1UT. A HEAT FOR EVEItV OTHER NKUIT, (alti mating fiom cither the first or tlio second Opera), aud A fcliAT lOli TUE FlltBT FIVE KKillTS. Seon Secured Seat (Ten Operas) $12150 Alternate Muhts Rccurid Bcuts (KlvaOperas) Flr.t Five Operu riileforHlmloliicra nlkhti villi not commence bel'Te TIII'ltSHAY.Koveinber It, IN. I. lO-js-Jt AY TALN L'T SIUKKT T11F.ATUE.'.Nl) OM.A KIHII I ! t.ltFAT IlOtlBI.K BILLI THIS J LVKMM.i,tK'tubI XJ.lecl. i In wliUk lll a.par tilt. Jll.KKAV WTMAWAM, And Ma tulvn;t'.l uml tieuutllul itaukliii-r. IINS MIKIIMA llUeUANAN, In the xilliii ilrunm. niiltl il ,, NIX I.KOKKKM F ClttHE. To coududc Willi It e notialar .iraiiiu m MCK lh' lilt. tVOOPH. JWius Raleb Hia. Bpol .Mi KEtV BPOnAKAW Hoi Oilit. oiitu iroui UU a o'cloca. curuin rises at .X Tb?em1!LY nviLDixoa. LAST WEEK Of TUB t.KAjrD BTESE0PTIC0H. Maimin. ent irnramnuis a.Vtiis' XIOUT TIU3 WEEK, Ticketi. iVi wuta 1 vliUOreu 10 ueiil.s liefUt ai S odooa.. lO-'JS'M WANAMAKER & BROWN, AMUSEMENTS. Mi(. JOHN DKKW'rj NKff AttCH 8T. lilM'l l.K. POHI1IVI I V HT MdllT or VEHTVALI. TWO (iLoRtorrl l'e:!KH. Till (l-atutdai I I I N Nil, October V, IM4. I UK hUltlAND. Al e.isrtro Vsarolll VSMTVALI In ti eft it.e wki sin- -iflent'e ZlteJta," andotAor aBTe. Te f.ticju-le Willi tli "in mi n I nil of TIIK III1 FAKKKKi . Or.. lark ai.O J.CB. b llrolber. rVptari J Rtimt Ja Hhcrman Mr. Card Ma. an ihe lps MI.b OraliaJs) .VMK AM) Yh. Bl:NKY WILLIAM I. VKW CIIK.SNUT IS'iH F. K T T If K A TRR. I.K' Al'li I. HOVER UH.LIAM E. Sl.V.t.Lea- swi lint Manevrra. '1111 '.liin,a ) AI'TI.RSOriN. at 7 n'elook, M:t. II K III. ANU KAMII.I MATINF.H, W ti. UI be pn si rol in. Knitrv Tinrvrs THIS) (KaliiMlay) FVKN'M,, Ortnber M, 1.K4, l Arl MUIH' OP MMHUI.lVe, iAHsAM. Tl.e 1-enorm.aree w III commence with t. t.LFl'.N To corrli'ife whh the tne'. ( ..meilietta ol A Xit ill WHO MF.VER SAW A WOVA W'KliA,Oct.,Ur ..1,HI.. 1). P. HOW IKS in EAjr 1. 1 P N ... J-JRAln (il UM AN (ri'K A lURKrTOR'. fARf. in eiitinimriitK twon.l fhtn ol (Hand (iermaa Opera hi ih . iiijf u- Mrvrtor f-v-u that a lw wonte W ri'infr.,lnril..n mr b xwW n-t tnanfiropnut. I mi inn tlm teuton aivrn bn nnnr tb lormnr IirMr linn licit 14. in. tii lliAAtre lit tJu ritv, Hn obntrrr oMtMwrrsiri.inii fh fcfat toofl Utor wtlb wMoMhi Ofii rN frt HTclvnl. tl.fl fcm-ii -uurav l( uft ., K.rlhr. irf Ojrnflp performance om-nwl m.rui.i iroin a connuumiy rfowD(-d lor iu munioft. uuan4 rtUrrlmlnMiInn, lie brm to nnj, fh chlr ocr xnioa ol bin t ntt naininr tiotM ii rf nrt racciMi a Mwhar,n4 oMliev. rr lir, eMn.ntiurii hr ha made to or-iia a tsranu oeriuan Opera Compan quai to muj la H if If i CP. lie n e. (hat thin pnMir ahou'tV tnd doahtlav 3oe a t. rutin a I roomlnii ttritic tn liav'n bB tha am to -Iron. and enooura the rnta?rp"Lii, and Utrity, Id ltn at AfRn-e. In hav.nK aaliittt to tha areaaai araud aa- ition ui Ih (ffrnmn i'ir id AmctK-a Ininifllntv'lr ri(.in hta iat twawxt, the Tl-eec eMit aicial ati.t, Wr. Atlotth liirvieid, to KiiroM to pin ur new nlia a wanlrobo, and aur.h oueratl) no vi It ip a frrre lo he obtained. 'I Uw haa bw u vdul with much tliftirtilty and eRif-n.i.. lb rapidly Inraa dir THJpularftT ol (.Trajan art I ma In London, whnr Off men haa hrmn the Court lanuatie and tha tj traai nunihrr oi Jrman oprrati? entrprtMi anl rtaXei. on tho ri ntmiil, rrolfr It difflt ult to Indnr artuutoviirt Ainoflra at tli ia tiuie. IndArHl, tbe tnoat tAinpiinif oflera roiitirme lo I ai nt hem in in r yro, under a notion of I tic iiriou '.ennau Noerelftna, to ,tht liuportaat mani Imt ol the ronipanr of 'axi vn-nn. Ihrne howi pr, the lXrecior hM aorceaaded la re--Inn wltt. out nt option, etUo In enn Di( aerefAi ar titof itdi mi tn Italian and (.rnian opera. J oat, with ihe aitlt Im. ii Riit from Kuni a tir Sir. Blrgte d, ron-tittilo an orKaulatlon which tlm Director la To ti tled in annoum itm a the I a rue t German Operatic Vom panv In Ihe worM. hot hint- In anr Kaiopeeo op4ta muhU IL It a lu lit oi the iirrflf-utarlon o' ihaatronarivrt optraa every nlvht. without too girat fatif ua to IhO arli-i rnd with rfl.rlentcata. It will he that an orranlrattiB ao larn Rf thta wart atlt'nded Kith a gre-at outay, durliiH a ruiuou rat of cat lianas aad tliat Ui tlalljr exp-nditare la eaomoua. Ttioae a nualnlid the rot ot onlinar operatic) um enaKiiiff-a win reaiur unnenttana tnat no craaiur ax- If-i)itt I' an t-een aiiiieu in Amerii.a lor ?eara, pernnasa tirvrr, with rvu rrnce to oirora. An advanoe In tbe rata ol ad in I m Ion rnma a nereitr. nriatlo anarprianaot' a ctmij arativri tiifllur character have advanced tuelr rate. Tiieatrea have advanced areatly. Home Indne1 liavo afautned a orlc enual to that hitherto do man tie i at tlie heat opera home. Ih aalarlm 01 art lata hare, of con rate, advanced. The necetHriea 01 trlTlnx ooara evcrr detail have incnaaad In price Dean or qnlta Ooa uunnrtju pnr vrnb Hut apprrclNtltiR the fact that Oerman Onara la ret la It Infancy In thte country, the Dlntotor haa determined. durhiK tul feaaou iiot to advanoa the prtcaa. The very a rent ucceaa of hie aon mt terminated at the New Yuri Academy 01 Muxic.and hie aeattoa. atili In pronreaat nt the lloatou Academy of ftlualo, aeavu en' rely unnaraMeled In tha history ot Opra In Ameri ca Indicate that hi policy ao tar laaMae on, Th) free lint wiJI, howevor, uecaaearll oa aooiawhal our tailed. 'l he Direct or refer to the adrertlaement elaawhera Air the Arliataencairrd Uia Oper to be presented, and tha price of HiiMiTifition, which rommeuoei Haturdajr. Oci iCilh. at (Jon, .auHlc Store. ItCapCtit fully, i.RU.AUU U1I'(F.KI IXravtor. PROPOSALS. OKFICK COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, ha. fM WALNUT Htrwt. I'mi.Aiiar.rniA, Octohr fft, 1SSK. Rcal4 rmposals.ln slupLaata. will ba rGv1 at tMsi om,r until IJoil.M'k M on WEIlNF.fUlAY, Noveiobar t. Inns ltr snppb H'S nr tlie a.e of tha t'alleil Statas Araaa di'Svsrmi in rliiiaddUiliia, 4.WUO I'.APRKI.M KXTRA RrPFRFIMe OR HTTmSV. FA Mil. V FLOl'K (willed Ui ua stated!, to hava tiD itrnund within twenty da) a of data ot (has advertisement. Irons mw winter wheat, 111 weal coopi'red heai-llnid barrela. Kama of brmnA and place of manui.cture to ba stated In fine) To be delivered within ten daya. at a,n point In this city designated by UUa otrlr. Ramiilea In lMes muat be delivered with tlie prep a aals, tiut nut earlosrd with thrm, each sample te be) niaiked with biddur's naiue, brand, number o barraia, Ac. A printed eiipy of this advertisement mustbs atlaahao! to each prii4sal.andthe proposala mustbeapeoiAolai euam plvlna with all Its terms. F.acM nrupuBal must have the written guarantee of tw re,Knlbt persons for the fulfilment ot lias iMfroena)iit,wh4l villi alvuboiiUsli requlrvd. iilank furms Ihr proposals, eontalntna; Ihe form of (vmv. an toe. may be had on applleation at this nrnoe. Faytni-ni will be maia Iji aurh funds as may ho fill nllhai by the United Htates nr the vrpoae. I'n-p.i-als ta ba endgrstd "froposals for Flour," aai4 directed to ISAAC B. WtOOIK. 10 B 4t Captain and 0.8. Tola. QUARTKUMA8TE1V8 DEPARTMENT, Fnn Ai.M.rHia. Pa., October l, UaM. Healed rropo.als will be reeelvad at this onlossjHUlU O'cloiA M .on TCKHDAY, November 1 , 1HS4, for ttve InBiaa dlate delivery at Ue l.'tilted htalea Htora-bouss, Uauorsjc bm et Wharf. I'hlladet.r,la, Pa., of Iibi aubulaucea. complete, Wheallna pattern, bidders will siate,nith In wnung aad flnma. ant the lumber of auibuiA'ires they can deliver, and the) al oila.t lime they can deliver them la. The amlmlueee lev be eubliei ui Inspection. e'b bid must be guaranteed by two respoaaBVIa eeu eons, whose siftiacurcs masf be appaDdedlo she Kuaraotoej and cenlftetl to aa belnir rood and auflolent senarKv far the ranount Irvnfved. be the ttulted HUtea lilstrkit JedfS, Attorney, ot Coileeior. or other eublse) ostlaw, otassrwlasl the bid will not be oviisldered Tto riiht la reserved to refeet ATI kids deesaed aao hlidi and no bid (torn a deau4aaT ooa Lr actor will be rs-oi-ived. Iiv oider of Culonal U. UUjjs, Qaartennaster'i Deaart anint, V. 8. A. OBORUB It. PttMS. 10-JT-4t caolalai and A. ti. at CIIII'.F QUAKTF.KM ASTER'S OFFICJt. Tn KLFTli and Ollt ARB Htreeia. run.aiiRLrHia, Oetober TT, last. Sealed Proposals will be received at thlB ofnus) antll If c'clu.. M.onTlllltHOAY.theMday of Noveoaher seat, foraupplynif the 8chiiuVUl Arsenal with the toltawuag artl Us Unliorm Costs, artillery, army standard. Do do tulan'ry, Ao lo Jackets, cavalry, da Do ce h, bt artlll'rr. do II at Onrds and Tassels, artillery, do rlliin Muttons, s do Holt Ui pes, do Wranpit'H 1'aner. flflx 10, samples reajutred. Htraw FackinK Paper, do liurlapb, 4ii llioliea. do Hamples of sudi anlrles aa are required t bsarmsy stajidai il can be bi en at this office. F.acli bid must be Kuaranujcd by two rosponslbla aaar. sons, whose stunutures must be appentled to tlie fruaraa tee, aad certified In as help sood and sufficient eecarft' fm the amount involved by some puotie funotiouary ot saul United Hlau a. . lima l.oni defanlfln contractors, and taose that de not fvlty cumyiy vitti ihe wjuirtmtnt of this r1"T1'TfMiaitw will not tv ccnsldered. Iilank turnis lor proposals, embracluf tha terms of Misv guaiaiiti'e reuiitred on carli hid.oan be bad oa apn.loatlosi te this office and none others which do not ooiotaoe tskka aasraiilte w'll he considered. Norwlll any propoaal bo CoiisHleretl wbieli does not slrlttiy conform to tlie refuse niems therein staled The bids will U'e tha nnmVr andquantlty of ejuA toast of an lele proposed lo be dollivred ljetlverira mu.t cosumenca within tern days froaa the) da'eo'lbeawarl. I'ropo.aiH must be endorsed " Proposals for Army Fui pitui," suuus cn tha envelops tha naxtleutar artlol b d lor. BF.tlMAN Ittuns, CohMst. 10 IT dt iuarlenuAstor's Deparunant. Al.F. OF CONDl'.MNED ) tors' ntoics, Aiubulancea, Ate. QUARIKKMA. Cnu.r QitAHTannaaTaa'a Omrs. 1 Iiki'ot us Waouiuriia, V Waiiiikotos, I) . COeto' er it, 181 J Will be ar id at Fliolic Auclton. at the i -rnuieni Warav hi nie, aituaieilwr. the b'liiaie between Kaad t and T aren t.eth and streets. WashlnKUia, II tl.e FhllAV. Koverut.e- II. 1 o'chMk A. al , let ol jl Aim ItMAMI.KH blolltS,oondsmn4 aa unlit lit use. t. : Aiea, tarrirntcrs' Tools, ttruahes, tlrljl-s, lluokeU, handles, na It le Hlanketa. Rtable llrooms, 8'ovea, haws, hhoiels Inks, rautins. Halters, Hi rap Leather. Furlaal aviilvei. auu a usriie luloi ourup truu ama esiw Tiro. As., wt'tt.e sold at foot of Nlneieenin street, nert"liesapak and Ohio l, linnieillalely at er tha oomplellon of Ue) sule ahoe relWn d In, a number of Amhulanoee, Oarie, Mdli al Yt skoi a, Metallic Wacuiis, Wsoa UoUjm, Bprlsuj A"ec"i.'tul'hlili,crs wilt he reoulrert to remove tha I tores nil hill IWo in) ilayn from the data nt sale. Tfiuis cash, In uoveinioeutluudt J( RrrKKR HrlKadlcr-lleneral and Chief Duarfermastee, lO'JO IluN Iwiwi ot WasUiuBrtoii. A CAUD.-11KI.CHKB & CO., I'ROPRIK iw ni i;enf"ai wt orn. K, whlad.lpuia. 1 A -1 eliiler bi niediuin of the public prose, to their uu iierona patrons and Irlenda, tnelr warmest thanks for "biNl .Koi.ra-n.ent " boaumed; and nn l i U t" add mill llirtlur attra, lions and lini roveiuenls. and u i? ever) endeavor to merit tha i-onllnuod support :nu;Tirou.k. oi tho general Public t-Ula.l.h.a and Sleiuily. . , gOl-.lJlEllfcS', HEAMBN'S, AKD MARINES' CLAIM AGENCY. f H0 BOt'STV AND A rFITSIONT ' To Iht dlscharstd noldierwho has been wouulod lubtUfc 1KO HOl'NTV To these who have sen id two yrs. besides t r ES8IOH to those uiaablsd. Ill BOUNTY ASD HACK PAV To Widows, lalhers, Mothers, ikc.uf tllo.e who havaj tiled or been killed la the service). fa) FENBIOH A YEAR To tv Widows and Wldowad Mothers of tha Soldiers, fivsunin, aud -Uaxtnes who buva died lu the svrlcu. , PHIZti MONRV, It A OK PAY, Cn Dne the heirs of Seamen and Martnea. ' illr.HKl.AlM8, and all others aualnst iiational an J Btalo U. verniuente, prouipllj uoUoctcii. f AaiLreii or apply to GEORGE W. FORD, Cluim Airaiit. 10 M int DOCK BTREBT, one door s 151XTH AND MARKET STREETS.