THIS EVENIR IE rillCE THREE CENTS. 1 THIRD EDITION GLORIOUS NEW! ADVANCE ON RICHMOND. ACTIVE OPERATIONS. Grr.nt ITovm? Upon the Kcbcl Works. GENERAL HANCOCK TAKE3 TIIJ3 LKAD. Left viiv.g Advance FiiVrn II lo:. thrle nui,cnr,D rr.rscmiass CATTURKD. T.le., r.U: If.. .!., Kf-., .:. i:i4-. II i: iui e u r i: it i:mi hi i In Tin: i i), t;.,l., r .'7, !) I', lookcd-for advance of tin - l'"- 11(1 BJJttlllSt l(K lllnulrl .It t i j. i , Yitei Jay, th- (luil ..c 4.i r 4Li ;n , plctnl liy the wii'uilr i'.'.il of the -i'.hit the A-my ot th- r.jint.ia IV mi tl.c tr. m .i;t ul till I ongoing it ia ihe i' ar, rr.i'.v i m- : u 'tin,. The 1-t l:vi-i m oi'tl.j Jl I.' ii-.h. v.-,i',i .1 ,.t of tli."iU un.l !Uh Cor.n, liria tho entiio lit,.' from the App'imitt'ix on l,.; ri.rht, to en" thr. : mil,s we-t ill the Wc! 1 ni r on t.'iu id'. A I w.iK'in.-', h;i'g i0'r, etc., w.iii vut to tac rar :r City Point. At 2 o'clix-k til's morniii i--.; II t i:--j -I., with tlie 2d mill LI Divi iious r t s Cjy, m 1 along the Vaii;.-liiin Mad, running i.i;'j v.-,t, iinj after crissi, g llatt IhtV Uutifluun-I tin UtV-is lntreiiclieil In l.ewiy mudu work. Mo m ou-r chnrge-d ilu-m on the Hank and drove the cnuniy out mid took dome twenty, ma'ly cavalry, anion;; wh'.in; w.u Vie t'uV, .in acting Adjuunt-ti-jiiiiral, luit on wliut(J;a.!' stall he would not tell. The flth Corn took tlio S iiiirrcl Livcl road, and found ho enemy postod in Its junction with the Duncan road, which runs north truai the Vnitghan road to the iioyntoii road. From this they we-ro driven by our skirmish ers, with some, loss, the 1st Division having uhout forty wounded in tlio nlt'dir. The 3d Division of the eorria took tho advance, and crossing Hatcher's Iluu, connected with tht 2d Corps, In ihe tDcantlinc, CJeiierul Hancock advanced along it byioad, driving the enemy before him till he reached the IJoynion dank road, where the column halted and formed In line of battle on the farm of Mrs. Butler, tlio left reaching some distance west of the road, and tho right extend ing to a thick woods on the right. The 6th Corps had also formed and advanced through the woods two miles, but tho left of tho line failed to connect with the rfchtof the 2d Corps. The enemy fell back as wo advanced untd the line reached Hatcher's Hun again, when the Hobels were found behind strong intrench incuts, and brisk tiring ensued, but without much loss to cither side. At nbont 4 o'clock in the afternoon the enemy, taking advantage of tlio break in tho lino between the 2d and fltli Corps, massed Anderson's Divudon of Hill's Corps, and charged the right wing of the 2d, which gave way and fell back a short distance; but being leinforecd, the l itter charged and captured a number of prisoners. Our loss iu the uffair is not known, but is not believed to be heavy. A few minutes alter, tho enemy's cavalry, which had been cut off on the Hoyntriii road, mndc on atuck on Gregg's Division, directly in tlio rear of tho 2d Corps, and for a quite a sharp-skirmish was kept up. (iregj dis mounted some of his men and finally drove thorn off. In the charge made on the 2d Corps, two guns were said to have been taken by thu unomy, but thiy were subsequently recaptured. 1 Ighting continued at this part of the line till after dark, when a heavy rain-storm set in, pnt tii.g an end to the fighting for tho day. The Uih Corps occupied tho right of tho ad vance, bat did not Rain much grsund, the object beiag to allow tho led to got fairly around on the Boytiton plauk road. The colored division of tlicj 9th had some skirmishing with the enemy, but nothing approaching a light. They lost a few wounded. Gregg's Cavalry had a sharp light with the llobels in the f jrenoon, when they attacked tho rear of his column. Ha charged and drove thctn back, capturing a num ber of prisoners, and eight or ton wagons loaded with 8ti.pIies,Jtogotiicr with tho horses, mules, etc. The troops that occupied the country over which wo passed today were Bj'cler's and Young's Divisions of South Carolina and Georgia uoops, vyi-h part oi il;o's JJrlgnde. The left wing gained about rt.'tcen miles of country to-day, and Is now In a position to attack the eueitj's works on the tt ink. I General W'arreu had a narrow escape. While riding along the lino to-duy, a ball grucd his cheek and made a sli. ht wound. Ocionuu 28, 74 A. M. The number of prison ers takeu yesterday was about 11)0. Lite la-t evening, some Itebel cavalry captured three or four ambulances, belonging to the .ith Corp?, whieh got on tlio w rong road. I.ATIM I'lton TIIK fiOl' l II. fj liiui lu T'e Editing Ttlejra H. Wahiunuton, October 29.-Richmond dates of last Wednesday received here, give the follow ing summary of news from the "Confederacy": General Jljacg has taken comnrna at Wil Uilguton, N. 0. Early has issued A long address to his Army, congratulating them upon their late victory at Cedar creek on the morning of (ha ltyh and atiributei the subsequent disaster to tho propensity of both troops and oflicersto desert their colors for IVc purpose of plunde-riug uban doucd property of the enemy. He appeals to tl:ra to retrieve Uurir good name Ly bcinj more Ob-dleut to tl.elr otl.cors. tr Rebel e ditors are couiidcut that Graut will Mike a demonstration uear Petersburg before tUction day. llool s army is reportt d as being rapidly rein forced, but Dcuarrgaid is uot to succeed Liu in active command. Nothing later tlurn Grunt's despatch of this morning has been received iroia the Army of the l'otOBiac. All rumors of disasters tooarartus Are malicious (uise boochr. A r vital rKttnsir at Kr York. Niw Ve-aa, Octuber 28. The steamer rVmi MIrtropvli; from 'ortres Mouroa, brings at0 sick and wounded soldier from the front. The steamer Santa AfirMa, from Carthagcna and KlugDton, Jamaiea, arrived at this port to-day. Th tmer Kmpir Cty, from New Orloaai on th 22d, ha Arrived. The ictamar Albany, from City Point. brinl Lilt bib Pftlit 10A VbM Putts InXaatry. United Stntci Soldicra Votin ; for President -v .--:T''t'.vV. ;-'-rov ' THE SOLDIERS' VOTE FRAUDS. FINDINC OF THE COURT. TLo Culprits to bo Imprisoned for Five Years. Nimm-IiiI IoTIip DvciiIiiic Tflrirrnpti. Wasiiinoto.n, Octoljer 2!l. It is rumored that tlio ('Hiding of the Court In the case of tho Haiti more forgeries of the soldier votes is Ave yea's in the Stato Prison. Colonel North, tho St tie Agi nt here, will probably soon bj released. Seees-lonlsts here aro cro k:ug over Grant's rcconnuissunro, claiming that it was a failure. There are no grounds for suc'a a statement. FREE MARYLAND. Gov. Bradford's Proclamation. IUi.timoiu:, October i'). Gov -rnor Uralt'ord has Just proclaimed tlio row Vc; State Constitu tion of Maryland. Tho fiicujs if jho measure are honoring the event by a dhplay of bunting. The Amerii an has just put out an (muicn -o tl ig beuriDa the iuscciption M-'.-ee M i luuei." Kirt wr-Sw !. Sptcial D' ti-atcfk to TVw EkMhj Tr itupft. Nj:w York, Oct. 20. The shipment of gold liy steamer to-day is t70,0X). A nuh larger sum was expected to g forward. A New Sif -ial thtlfk la J?. EeeiiiHj I,: aj.. Washinoton, Oct. 2:. Colunjl Charles 11. T. Collls, ol Collis" on aves W .'Xx I'onn ylvanial, has been appointed hrlguli.r fi jr.eral. TEE ELEQTION IN V :ZT VIRJINIA. Votrrnor Horrmnii Kr-f - lel Wteliont SiiNilou A llrievj l iiioa lMurll.v In tho NIhIo. Wiikbi inci, V, Va., O t.iimr 2. Tin el"jtlon in Ibis St.ito yest:rday pw-c I of I'lictly, ami the entire Uiiiou ticket is b"iie .it to have been elected. Governor A. J. lior'-mau had n j opposition. and Is re-elected by a heavy mic. Keturiih from six coiivlm pive Ha'i'iard (I'nlcm), tor C ngrcs, over 12 0 majority. The I.ei-liuuro Hit I local tliccri are largely Union. nil. I. tviii:iis b.ii.i.i:i. Pi. Lori.s, O.ioli, r 2S Vn eilk'ial destmtch just received at l.c.ij i l .rl: u, iVom St. Jose;h, suys: ine guerilla riPm.', Ilol Anderson, aud seven of his men, verekiU! ye.crduy at Albany, iu lisy co'n.ty. Six men will be shot,hcie to in rctilia tion for the murder of M ij:.r V.' lson nr. I his men. Mliltlll;lil'il Ki lliKiui r ;ii. ot I.lfr. Ni. i'anr, OctoVr 2!. T.le :" !io,iu r Arara t, of Sn'em, Captain Jameson, fro.n Philadelphia for Uoston, foundered ar.d vtas sunk o'J lieaver Tail this morning. The rapt tin and one of the crew weie taken oii by th ) t .hilt ;., ; st ttr. Mr. t'lindngie, the mate, a ::r. liopiein, an 1 others were lo.-t. Tii "4'iiuimU" t i:.imioi. PomtoN, Oetj .tr 2'. Tho stcmner Cunndn, from Liverpool via HallCx, is liclow, and will be no about uoou, Uer aelvices have k-eu pao i:tted. Tkr Hm.r.Kss of tiik l'lirscii, I mar add, has bee-u cuuialied In her abseutfo from" ton. tii.o wns t Se huu'.bai k, a Gerinim watt-ring, when a trial tunic up iu a Parisian court. A per son named Jared, surnnmcd Jules, hail sued a si histcr, ol hiuh iotiid nntut, for a comlcxion bill, the item of whieh was a half a gross of l-.nmil, or Knaiuel of Paris. The defense tet up was that tho Fuamel had failed to change her complexion a cement of aallowness, spangled with iiuddiug stone pliupie to the roseate hue and alabaster surface of ulh. But old Jared, a deformed, quasim-siish character, stoutly atlirnit d that bis Ktuall de Paris was used by all the beauties in the realm, in cluding the l-'.inpress. lit was subdued at once ; thecrlers called silence, but the aged enameler would Mve his Icstlinonv. He pre-Mtnted his receipted bids for a gross bf the enamel lor the Empress' personal use. TUe thing got into the local reports aul friii Uetotu tLe Kuipre-ks' adherent stormed ; the Emotiror lather liked it; all the public joked and made me rry, aad now we know where the completion come from. Ladies of quality, beware bow you five receipt for our nostrums. You must neoels Lave recourse lo beauUiiers, but do not touch ink It will ifluatter you. Indon CorrrspondeiU of S tv I ork Sunday Hvrcury. ThA lute Dr. JosUth IVescoU, of Farmington, Maine, devised the plan of a State A'ylam for the insane, and a a member of the Main Legislature carrie d the project through and se cured 1ti eslnblibhuient of that Institution A' Augusta. OITY INTELLIGENCE. fTATB OF Tltr HHOMKTEH To-DAT. Six A.M., '74 Noon. .'7. One P. M., 58. Wind, W. N.W. Tin: Koi.mki s' Votk Ofi icim. Voru of thk itt. This nl'ien oon the Re urn Judges (In shed their of counting tho soldiers' v ito, i nd makii g out the list of oilieial majorities fur tho various candidates. The following is (lie vote as polled by tho soldiers : Siikkifi'. Howell, 1'., 11M9; McKib'ion, D., i,N' 1220. lliiwcll's whole majority N'.lUi. Hcoisn;ii oh Wn.i.s. Adams, I'., lSfil j Alox onder, D., 1224. Adams' whole mujjtiiy H7!o. ( i i:mk or On Ch ans' Coi iit. Mcrrlck.l., 1S02, Jlcgaiy, 1).,; majority, 1Vj2. Merrick's whole nnijorltv, t. It km iv'i ii o"f t.h. O'NYill T., 1S'7; Mel loy, D, r,:'1; iimjorlty, lilo. O'Neill's whole majority, H.'ViO. Ciiy CoMMiR-iioNFit. Dickson, V., 17)7; .lohiif hi, 1)., ti l'2. .Majority, I nil Dickson's wt o c imijoiiiy, HJI.'l. Conoiiksh. '!; Iihtrht. Hutler, IT., 3i"n ll. ndall, 1)., 210. JJaiorirv, 2ol. Smmi Ihstrt t. O'Ni ill, I'., -117 ; U".iily, I)., Vi'l. Majorilv, .')0H. "JVhI ;?.-1 vers, I'., -ii'I; lluckn il:er. I), I.. 'I. M ijoiity, :i7D. . M iistrirt. Kcllcy, 1"., CIS; Northr 1 1, I).. I V'i, uj..ritv-, ill"). I ifih lUsti i.-t. 1 'buyer. I'., 2 :i; ItoH . 1)., 1 ). Ma.ioiiiy, Srnatur Third i-.V. Shcpiia-d, I'., I'd ; Donovan, D., IHJ. .Majority, 2o:). Donovan' whole lo j. lily, 2 i7. Ill I'M'HKNTA-m is. h'iiat ).(,,',. I'lubr, If. 1M; Miehle, I)., til. Majority, 120. Srcoml Dutnrt. Itudoim oi, I'., 117' lt.ii-'wr, l,yt .Majority 2.i. Thud iJiUiiet. Josephs, 1)., 0!) ; B itlor, V., 71. .Majorliy 2. Ii.vilh D.itrict Watl, L'., H i; Moss, D., :J2. Majoiity, H'l. 1 '!: Di!firt. Thomas, I'., 'id; Ur.cincr, 1).. 23., .17. f-ijl: Hi ..'hi,'.. fo.lir.iii, U.,7t! l'u lie.', D., 27. Waiot't) .',2. y,r,n ii..(rij.-l'r,H'int, U.,l: M -M ikin. I).,2'J. Mijori'vlli. i;i,;fi'h ItUriir't. Kern", C, l.'J; Co ik, D., 25. Mi.joriV.4l. Xu th )i't.') '. (J ii,;!ey, I)., .12; I-o i'-f;. M..'ioiitv, ii'i. r.r., Truth Dis'i i '. l'.in-oait. U., 1 12 j l'ry, 1)., ol .Mi.ji'iiiy, !M. ''' "'sf.Vf.-8tnier, V., !ti ; IJoile.iu, D., 4.'. M.ijctiti , .'i !. Tv.lfih (..'F-W.-Sntphiu, I'., 1U; V.ii.ghin, !).?. -M .joiiiy, f'j. '.:,,, nth ln,,:,t. He .cr, C. ,(',, Dmu.iiy, D.. I '. .M yuMty.-.H. " T',r,:, t!tit -II. rd, !.'., li)i; .v-ind' l. D,l'. M.ijMity,".-). r,f.,:;l, ;., ,''.- 1).. Hivoi, C, liljS'ho- I. eld. D , .17. Maj.nitv, 1HI. SUt,lh ft.'i.V,f.-Si.ilth, I'., ', I; Wii'f, D., 22. Majority, 12. Sm nltnith lhtii, I., V , I2S; llaru.'H, D . 17 M lontv 111. L.u'''-ri'tti Ih t,Ut. M lier, I'., HI); Arnold, II. iMuii'y, lo'i. roi.iru-AL. Kichard ll. nry T) nx, lv spoke Uot u:,;lt at tho Union 1.: igne II ill to a large and alienlivo audi. t.ce. Goerar iirjujli, st tho concliiien of Mr. 1 iti -.' -nee h, m tdo A few r matk-f, which Here g.-, : ;.l with inu -h ciiihui.ikin. A lai-e Vn Ion inc. ti-u as held !.i-.t ni-;lit at Wiod'mrv; Hon. J. M. S.ov. i un 1 li l-vard M::p n, I .., ol'llil, i i'y, i-p.ii.e. An.i lii'r tmliri ;n hi! d a'. Se'vintccnth end l'o larMie.-t; linn. V. 11. Arniit.o:i mil L. 1' lii nvu, I s, , -,i..l.e. At the t'ohllii. n- 11 he- (iie,.I -h-i '..i'1'.i -riie.U i u, ami .11 eis tt uke. Vioi.enos of Tin. Hi u -, i e)i:iov ,!:, Tlii" p:i n:li:g, litc II I : nd 4 .'.'o n ,.;. load fil'olt'id from ih- il;.e i..g room of o -e o:' cor Mf.'ical t'o!h-:r tv.-.s fiip'.i.M cj. . i ii 1 : at Ninth aid Piikeis.n s-i- I-. Th; cul'il 1:0:1 histed of lef , iu ins, 1,'ul i.' prt!om ..f t:.e l-i. li. -in bod v, and cre.'.'.-d an i-.di -i-e e., iteni.oit iii ti c i-ii;;lil oihood. 'i I-.; elnry o: she man hav ii p then in chtirce was to s?eti.n' they were pro. pi ily burled, as Is customary. Why tl.oy were thrown e u mi open h t no one" knows. Tho mat lei wiit lepi.iltd to the UjaiU of U.lth. A-sAii.T am) IlAirnnv. This Wll lisiu EuII was before Aldctmati Carter, charged v iih ton mining au a.-ault and battery upon Joi n Little, r,t the residence of the latter, on Girman sir et, be low Third. The eiiuse of the iiflidr f-rt-w out of an intimacy between bull and Little's ife. Little e-auj ht Bull at his house liit rdeht, ami made hi asruull on lain. Dull being B large man soon oterpowtred Little, and beat him rathtr badly, 'i he lor.ner was arrested and he ld to answer. Little's wife was also held to answer the charge ol adultery. "Moni.v tub Root of all Evii.." Judge AHUon has co- unltted two children of a soldier to the Northern Home for Friendless Children. It was proved that their mother had received 500 of her husband's bounty monev, and, like many others unused to having so much cash at their disposal,got into habit, of dissipation, squan dered it ail, ahandoued her oltVprii.i.', and toi p her uboUe in ball alley. Portuuatelr lor the children, they could not have iweu bettor pro vided for under tho rireumstunres. Hilitaky Finulal. Tho funeral of John B. Ke hle-r, late ofliexir of the 1'sth Regi ment Pennsylvania Volunteer, will uke place to-uiorrow aliemoon, from his late residence, In Coates street. The deccawd was lunch beloved by hi men, and they (ell a number of incidtnts of bis fearles coarage In advancing in th lac of the enemy, with the nag of the regiment in fats (IWB liAbU. rilllJVDKLPIIIA," SAIUIMUY, OUTOKKIl 29, lSGl. and Vici-Presiicat in tho Tin: I-'amiiions. No ono can walk through any Of Our mammoth cstablisl motits that minister to tho wants of tho fashion; hie wo.'ld, without om lng to tho conclusion that expense is tho order of tho day. The ahclvcs and counters groan under the losd of luxuries piled up or temptingly dis played tall'etas, soft mid lustr.aiB la-'es that a bic.ith might riiille, nnd ex iiii ito p.i;! ns, rcg il velvets, and shawls that a ipi-.-u might he proml to don. On ono side is nil array of graceful hiking fotne white as a snow hi d, otho.s red a a llamingo and on the other; tartans thiu would pu..!e a Highlander to assign to any elan in all bio.ul S. otlaud plaids such as were never teen on l.rao or heather, liiouu uin or muirlnnil, but picturesque and striking, uevertho less, and admiraiily caleiila'cil to brighten up a win'er protnenude on ll-oidwiy or l-'ifth avenue, nnd contra-t ph-asanily with skies and snowy trees. The nio lor expense Is not ouly sho.vii in the (ilnlity of goods bought, but in the exutier nice of trimming used. Never ws there su.-h a mill i.a for trimming of all kindsas now. In in my li. stances ihe uiss, like the frame of a hiinina, is only (he ground on which t. work, being over laid l h trinimii g in every i iinci'ivitiile, in r itli.-r p. i once v I le, vmiety ol'dudgiii some o ld, sjiue i legin.t, ai not a few outre in ihe t-.xtrenie. Whin if is ivim-mb. red th it this la le is no' eim litud to the waist and sleeves, lint t ikin the Mow ing iimp'it'iilc of the kirt for its ground of op.i rations, no can forai some Idea of t'u c.i;'ti-.e Ih: t th" pri'M-i.t I .-l.i m i -flail-. .1 ieka-s. In, ip.ii.. s. i kinks, paletots are also profusely trim n nl. I. i, velvet, ami crochet being inueh used f r tha: j iirco-ov On liionaMe shops, mllliii'-ranl suchlike, have riven themselves up to the mania of hl.-h, i's with mi utimidon which is fearfully adiuir a i'e. A lady's lionn-'t a litllo pi ce of velvot m.d (loners to cap the climax now costs ono hiii.ilrid dollars, and cannot be iii-iiiniai iiir .1 la-t enough t.) supply the demand, hilks, satins, r.nd laee.. now cost their wehjlit in green'i inks. (iloviH uie worth what was formerly rousideied n week's f.ilarv for ninny people, while other st) li s of Tress have Increase.! In llkn ratio. Tho w inder of it ad is tli-U, spite ol the hiith prices the consumption Is greater than ever. Hut n -ver l.i lore was tho general eiendi'uieo( the ciiiz.-ns oi this luetropulis so li', so extravagant. Man Tii.-.fs. Ono may cross our streets with out b. ing knocked donu by f.ut-drivcii hor.ies, Willi comparative safely, lint on tho sido-walks die is in constant danger of liein-r either in ilme l or Ml'ed outright, l-'oi- Inau e : on Green strict, between two ceru n stre. ts whieh we shall ni t mention, but which lo. ilit.v ought to Iu known to the police, t'lere is a house to which a cel'ar-k'Mitu Is attneh.-'l. T':i kit-dien is snnn (en leet below tho level of tho pavement. T.m sidewalk is very nurro .', and there being no gnnrl in ihc sli ip-s ol r -.i'ln.: ar um I (his said eel ur kit- hen, at t hrht one is in danger of bein ; preeiiit.ited into the opening. The. street is hut 1'iorly liibn d, anil if one is not. p i.sessed of extraordinary g od sijht, ihere is no sa'v.di on either lor liinii or life. WT I not i iirpiie e i i tin-northern p-irtol I h-: city leivu out the sp t tind rep-itt the ca e to the M i or ? If ih -v are tii.sni-e-slnl In their sea-i-'i they may b- t il I the vheie-ihf.irs by imperieg at the oiliee of Tun Ti 1 MiPM'lt. JrviMLi; Chimk in 'in is ("i i v.- One of the f.-dde t thin.! s lu city lite Is the great numVr of youi.g gills under tho age of sixteen who th-ong the (nets, ti 1 the lo.v conceit sal ens, ami are foul d in the low dnueo rella-s in every section of the city. At an early ace. l. y cmrnvqc their ' 1.1.1 11 ..lid ilisso'ute l.fe. The great nn61 of b'nc;-val! ers nnd dwellertiii ill-r -p-atulilt are men-i hiiiln ii. Mei.y of ilie-e have fa'.'i rs who are in the war or at sea ; many ot them h ivc brulcl 'T'i ! t, u ho abandon Huh- eliil lre a t- a life of n.lflo.y, and live on their earnings ; many ofthRK- .- a h arc (li-pr ncd In von I belief, and l.iC flttiaiice lo pin ru'c; many mo-.hnv, with uiore i-hiliiren than they c m siiiport, niui.i Mek. r.ess nod p .v. rty, s erving daily, are t io thank, ful to lake the food, and even luxuries, that their children c; n lui ui-h, to ill-pure to:) trii ilvhow spend the night or g in the m moy which luil f gladness to tiieir desolato hcanlistoi-.e--. lint the number and audacity ot these young girls Is p palling. Ticking Pceierrs. This morning I'ranci Flake was before Alderman McCahon charged w !lh having picked tho porket of James Ulnke of 4? 17. The act was committed last i.ight ut l'enii and South streets. The accused was commit'e-d to am-wer. Gamc Four well known sportsmen, Mr. A. 11. Vuucc, Richard Young, John Fair, and au attacht of tbi- e dice, bagged on the exteu ivc (arm of Mr. David Pcstrule the large amount of three hundred and seventeen panrkige, woodcuck,ani snipe during two days .hooting litis week. Hflp to Aksweii. John WIllinuK, charged with having stabbed Ouiid Welch, at a sailor boarding-house In lVnn str.ct, on Kundny last, ht.d a hearing before Alderninu Carter last even imr, and vas held in &2U00 bail to autwerut Court. Pkssfntatiok. Division A, of the Centi-al High School, have presented to Dr. B. II. aud, formerly Professor of Chen.tatry and Phytic iu that institution, a pair of handsome bronze liure, representing Columbus and Americus N'espueius Tub Polmers' Vote. This tnornins; the Return Judges reatstirdded and proceeded with Ihe work of counting the soldier' vote. Tho ta.k is a most arduous one, and progress very slowly. Fiui. Between 10 and llo'eloe-k last night a stable in the rear of No. K. Third (ree-t was uncovered to beou fire. The upper part of itie structure was completely burned out. Tub Coal Taadi. During the week jast ended 61,n;2 tons of coal were transported over the Philadelphia and Reading lUilroad, and 2-1,4 Jj by lhebehulkUlf;Tigitava Co4 VvmpAuy. Army of tho Potomac. l'.F.i.iomi h. l'.ev. Kingston f i jdd ir.l, 1). 1)., one of the most eloquent divine of thePr itestai t Kpisccpiil Church, will preach to-morrow at". er noon iu Ft. Paul's Episcopal Churah.Third street, I clow Wi lnut, on tho "Recognition of Friends in Heaven." He will nlso lecdtro on Wednesday eveniag on dWcnlt portions of the llible. Tho congreg ition is on of the largest and mist infliieiiiitii iu this city. 1'er.ious wishing seats w ul tie obliged to go curly. Wn t-t.ii- (ho following from (ho Now York Christian Adrt.cate and Journal, and freely indorse Its views, ns the drover Ik Baker Sewing Machine Is undoubtedly a great Ameri can institution : The l!i,.vor A linker fwlnit Mh hluo lias spi-;lil claims In j.iu lie att; in n very u.iTlr unit vah.uli',. III liiil-eli..l,l Ii. 1. i.iiv. Ihil IM. lii u-lil.w iMiHiiiiilo tl...u.inU 1.1 irn nUs Kho 111 toil Its niliioilorlty over Okun -tliliiB .Iki....iii,,i . ,i,,i,;,.c . ,! 1 liimi.'il It la only nn-osmiry jAaU- ...,11 tiiH.n II. pi-c.illailtii id ... i-.u ii. ui-uiu' aaviiuia aiM In Hit. lamMy over ev.iv olher one in im,i wii.e fl...e lulvHiiure. are w,,,u, u w- nroitdi.. orn-ii i.i .iu'o. in 11 a c iiuii irl son imr I.i, ilr.wu li, (ween iho Cravor ,k lls'ier ami I. It iii.'.'kra the only apjim f. .rni' .t bv 11 n.-a lm- 111,1 a I hi I. i ulili'li eiieli .inch ih la.ln.en.leiitl.v la :ke.l, and ivlllieut 0l, ell.l. n. e it.M 11 -I ih.-, .'it, i.e.-. l..r slr.-ntli. . Il num.'. thr onlv .earn ll.iil will n.liu i of tie- llin-ml '"K ' "' ule-ieiy li.uttli a 1 1 1 c 1 1 llliout Injur lo the aeiia li. weiir. ' :i. II Is iirni. eeas.iy to fus'i'li tlm eiuN i.rat una nin.le l.y U.l linn nil .'. I no. In rum- l.y tli. m i. Iliac Itsell', wloeiiit lln i' ot Ih. 1 limi.l noeihe l Tlie Js. Ilaker sllteli la Hie ..nlrone r.inurl nonilwo ..uln a.'.' a Iv. .nd I1I10111 win ling fi-.m, t.m l ' '"t" l.alilo Hum llaee to llvo liiuia tor ilei u.i.l. r Ihru.u. 6 A seuin lino I'.irnu-il in inure elmlie than nnvallier mad.- bv 11 wl. g niac'ilnn, nn-1 N c..iisi,ii -nllv v. rv va'.i al li In nil 1,0. da It. tit are lo be- w, lied and stretched il.idor II. .. Io n. ti. 'll.e iiischlne H a laptrcl to all varlett.-a of f i'irie., a.'l. 1- eael. . ., ijil y well, anil l e.ini -i . , .1 1 Ui! I H nl I0r lllll, I BCMllIK Olher than III. Ad:Ltlmo UiHldieJ Ihlea.l. 7. Il l uiore easily kept In order tlnn any oth-r machine, alio nee.l not l.e ttkell aparl to hu Oiled. H. '1 In- in . ch. in ew nui nun p kj!, silk, and linen llireud with e.ini r.tciinv. tl. Th- ma, h'l.r I. ..i sttin.'e tint Kll IntelllK. lit eliil.l ..f ten li jra eanr :lilv learn to ,.,eriilo and koep It In or l.r. I". II v retia-.i. oi ita siinp!!. ily ., e.aiat. ncu .11 ana e.e o niKiiiii eineiil It ia besi adapted to all ihc wants ol tlio 11 only. eoll'n v. rj inipnr'unt merit tills mncl.lnn hi. Ii that the lithl ir. hue bein,.' .1,1. p.iased acrnsa Ih ' naerilne fr..i;t t r. ar. .Iliecfl from the ..era'or,o'iv,ilnf the liability or ne. e.-jl-y .. ciir.' 1110 spine, aa Is 1I11.10 il en iisii.i. . I.ick hi.lclr nm. Ini,e. HUH another iorll lii.raejul by this tnichii.e, tne moat Inarvullona ol" all,N Ihi. : while Ii e s a s 1111 ll.nt will not rip in we tr, it may vny . ii-i j b r. ni .veil .: pleasure II the proper ni m be employ ed t uec mph. I, It, 1 1 e i.r.o.r link-r stitch Is ntc-illir to tl.lsir.cliln., and it . r.i-.i owenl bv tli.t'om .any witaia nn.uu Il beais. Jl dulcrae-i'e'illilly iVoin the' i ii-i a II -h.-bil-i-' atri.n;er si .1 more elastic. Tne I .ek-atlleli I. loriuej by eu s.iiiL tnii thn mis, a-11! iilaa i.iK the cim .atu p ilut ir.t. Ile.enln ol" I ha l.i'.ti.'. Tho slra a of wt. ir ci e.ilei ltlt-llou at ihe H.tit of eiosatni:, nnd break ir.e tlirea-l wlien alleteretl Ir. is e ,n ur.ilively eaav to riMwrlhe n s 11,1 ol I l.e II, re id Hit. 1 lint c III l-a ol ii-i Mbrlr. ; l.l:t Hli 11 tiitu y.....!. are sene.l, wlniit I lie thread llieui re'usar. na l.' k 11. I le lieu ic. it must he ap..iirellt 111 et tl.e.-e an In-no ero.siii'.' pom' In in eenlrtt, but ilm rue under ibut' d ""is' l.e p. roiioe I to ll il it .1.1. 1 .-r.iUht oti ti e '..61.1, It the ll.:hl au'c I. to pie-ellt a I air st iteli . "A t:t. h .1 Ir en bo I- aides la tt 10 I... y will, a locU-stlicri lea. ! hie r n f 11 .Is. II. 1. (lover A- llakcr s'lteh I lo f.. ruled of two trn nds, t' c under thread n. 1 er more than hail' the aiae nr tla le,.:.'. 1 l.i. un ler tbllaa 1. loeliloubly lln. rwoyen with t e Uj-per, p.obii.H th.i.itkh Mud aruiinil It. lojp. Ill-tf-,li. Il securely I.i tyllu' It Iw ce. A aesiil ILti. totui'll all Ibe str"iiLtri and ebiailclly of Ihe ba. X sllu li Like tnat a'llell, Il 1." in-. Ita .ireiik'tu bv eir.ipre.a- I. 1. il.e pi.rttclea ol' ll.e I'a'ule between llie ill'chas. and d.i.ili u tl. ilrafu be-iveen the acieral atlleln-a of tlm s. '.in ui-'eailirf e lice-i'r .til.;- It up .n a aln.le pu'ut, ui Is die ct.. ti in a l.s-k at.t. Ii mti' liiiie. a milt htia bleu uiuch o.eti-(.:oll aa lo the relative f e n. my 01 the t c. si.tche bin It i u.m rrene'ally e ia c. ib .1 lh..t f..r Int.ii.v feiit. where llirre we ah. in s' S as, II . tlp.vir A. Ilaker .Ifl.-t. U li.uiid l i be the iu...t ee..i.i uni ejI. Wli'Ie it uses out- ilf.h more thread lu luil..tu.'a jlien u: i Ih orretoji. U "-rrt.'ca li'.ne. as la the eato with til-' l-iek-.-111. 1 liiM:hii.e, w here ia asttiliv a waste of tour III I i s . fOui .nl .: l,e be, aniil. n.l at t'ui e.el of 1 ...-h 'CM : to V tl-el, must be A Id- '1 tl e I J.-i i.liitue la 1 teliilitt the I tills of Ihe .eiim. "o us lo pr-velil rlp:ini;. Aran.: t siierieiu e bit 1I1.11 a 1 l-over A Itaktr ti nil, lei I. IP. 1 1.1 1 el v Mie fo'ton, h.iv V... K.if.rlhJ us-r ap. i.i, tl S... l..r the lai.l. rout ,1a i.uieli stronger than tl let k sotcli -a am b lui- .1 "I N. s. oil au.l 70 eoltou. 1'un .110 11 hu more l.e ile-ireil as itl-tstrutiec 01" lue superiority of till, siheb.' Actual ei. rinieal h.j bhown on a lot k -lid I, ui 1. hi tie 1 a.. .1 arils of tin. i.i will saw lb:i-v-i,vi! i.r.l. of a.e.u, wltu a waste f tl.irlv-loiir y rd. el ectl.; w Ml" nut. a lh.. cr It.iker Mi. I. lie wlili II. e kittne niil.ibei' "t .1 ar.l i.f ti.rea.l-, there Here llflv r ei .11 l sent c, w ill, no w aslc at ail. 1 l.j se are la, tl t :..ili r, li-e.t al I.i ul! u I... e in iti.d I.K.k it.i. h and i iro virJc Ilaker Mael.i..eaiii n nneious fuuiilies, whor. thev u ny fi.ii.tli,ule l"r then. sell es. Till: Al'TI'atN I.F.AI-. BT THE OT TOWF.S BAt.t. 4 J'r.illeat of Autumn, danclug br. I'uuse In thy course and tell tn why 'ihou, wtiom I late did view ( l:id ia dress ol lively green, Art now so dliTerently seca, All roliod la criuisou hue!" A voke like tli.t which mtdHt the trses is wakened by the Autumn brut:- Seemed irout the leaf to steal. " Vjion the dog-wood's branch 1 pUvcsl, s t.ieb tlral does by Ita eli.ritriu- .sad. Vt-iutux'f upproacb ruveai." "Jack Iroat'i lint touch that chill tir ralraa, Our coata 01 this 11. y .rimson Our he.llbtul greeu Is loaf." Itat. eult. Hi. contrary, mankind iU In tiieir wa wiperieno. ftud, Aad prov It to Uielr coat. Por Uioae of yon do rrvaw raaaaia, Vt'ho, warned bv t'roat'. .hill touch ia rata, 81111 cbooao lo aha, w Ith fold. While ta Tut roooia at Tow.r tiall. or nrtcat. .0 tztreauadr small. lo assod warm clothinf bti. Haleet voor clothing froas our Ksady-in stock, aa Iherebr MXinre jioooji jual la ttplt, ut, matrrtai auA aoriiaiAi0, to any miwle to order, at 'JS to 0 por coat, loworpneod. ws bai . full an ooiaiet. awoitmoot of Ui atweat, c-boueat an nat daalrabl. .lyle. of gooda, pttrchate d at tht tmetf prie'flf aV seauo. for emik izelvKetlv and Mid for rait trclutmmlr, th.r.r.r., at ll.e kowoat price, poblbl, Au cm b alio atone trow our.ioek. vlibout delay or trobl. Towaa Sou. M htaitot stp.t ataasarx A Co. Ekccaa PuoTOOHAi-as giving yon latlsfaetion In tire ir as-Ci.racy a..4 beauty. Life-tin:. pbi.lugTapl.a la oil celora. Ivonaypea, aad caiKl i vlslto, at U. I . a.Huvi , (. aVie f nttet. An Odr to Onrvt-r.. ArT v n, noon wntt.n. I sppy the man who., rreabut care A few Vcn n. o" Mrea tmnnrl, 1 coo nt 1 but an oil vein there linn through hi. around. V h .t luniVor.l will supply hi. bread, .1 n.l -oKi.a o fit -i in out in yle, I ntli it ca 1 with t'li'h i aiii.l, " ll l rbap'a struck llo." It .t Titic n, Willi every rl-lnir, Iti ilu.t'., tike oil, soil irll.l.' ..lay, W'bo e weila y thou. and barrel, run Full every day. Pr ui.d -lee'i bv ii'i:ht eiooil meal, hi da..-, 'I oceih. r ii-1 a . -. 1 sitli rt creu ion . And :i.eka at pat sold rlcbl awn So hesitation, ibn. U-t me ive, b,i' bow, unknown. II vu'i 1. in Is n.i ot l.tioti., And STOhl a A I'e., an I they nion. To make lny clothca. "TiivM loo."TTiW inn o allu-lon wlialeve,' 1,1 " ll 1 in 1: 1 i: .i n.i.iaie l lo In 1 1 a 1.-ir or ta-.i ..rt. e. ai.d I.a. ..,.' iet li .1 ...uit.1. bit 1. 1 1, i.n ,.r !" 1 a 1. lis o. I'll iiou e ot i; re I aieled. at Kourtli an.l .1 1 1 i' ' ri' t. - .-.tiriiist h. 1 iio.r est..' p . n,., ,. Wi, I lie cl 01. e. I icise's, silk-, t 0,1 '.,. .ia v . . . .a liirfi. a i.i .iter .1 e s Kis-es o .1 t t,i ', 11 1, ., 1 .1 j . ,, a It: 't er. i i. i.s p.eai b.. c. n-l'l. ably .1 1. in, ,-d -p. II- ! : i lb a, I-;.' .- 1 i-i, a -u ... , ,1 ... pr,.. ut , .t b ir.' tli'i'l -'n I e elf . t-e I e'.ea h .... is pilli In. e Oil- . II-' in. I cei -a..' tlie .h net a li e Ii iw 111 coll tt I' a .utt! Jl . ', , "u ia t- tlrure b .u.jut, this m. ruing. (ii vti km 1 Vs. irT. Ml tb li"ct styles e' l.akl. nt .a He n t i.tiii'i, ni,,I lioiei. lit Wist ViiKiiMi Pi.Tiioi.r.t'H I.evna . r iM" , Ii t. ,ct. In 11 e t i It . tin 1. I"c,,t,i, m -., few I 'hr. c Id., market 1 r a littrnli k s;i. ins; mil be on, re I 111 1 re; rl;. l-l eti-u.k' V : -If v. r.i. I. I. Hi:. .1 .s. I 1 nt siroet. Tim On. Si rs, tin it,.s advertised in nno'.her :.l unnstiiil linbie ii.-u(a to s .ba Tilt Ts. Ill' 1 ii.v nl th. i.rtle , N. I.. tier .11 I o trill and Wain..'. -' '" Hill', r HI'. "l lnllll... l 1 t. Il .t-BTeil. WS inikl t! II. at the ol una cllle.piU. are .llcll as to 'I'll i.rj c. Iii'itt nil It. Tim l ArtiuoNAM.K cut of "Tho'iip. in's Pints" 1. irltlie. .pii. leti- .t. , I, in 1. inn. ti ns t'e t I. . out ,..a ill ll.e sl le, aim t' w ho p. tt:oule b'm nlai s r .11 it.. 1. d I. ni it-, a vent cintiii 01 pi 1. 11 al kuo.i I. iU'ii in it s p. ci.l't.r ait II- ha. . Cue s-ca ty sel 'ct tVonl a' thu i.urtbi-iist eornei ol rtsicnti. tiiid l alutit. I, Aim s ami C.i ii.iiui s'h H eT. Iilest slylo at e'l.arp s Oaklnitl t, I 'oailneiual llaiel IIi iiniiam has cvety thing In tho wav of Gis rtosei. 101,1 'Mu.low and ll,.or rtmpi lo tni'l n a lintise . ..iiilcitnli e limine the lie lenient season, il-ve him a ttill.N l: comer 1. 1'u and r.'titti .'ree-s. Uaviiu tin d lius'iv.s, and l..n cxp'trieiice, Ue la sure to line 1 ttilhiAititJii to his paoona. I.aihih' I'iiis. An eiegant aortmeMit at t 1. Aries O.tklorii ,V Hon Stt'onl'iiculal 11 Uel. Tin: Ghhat 1'iiioim in till Stocks in this ciiy rnoflnnee niiab tt d. Kortinea nrebef't,' n.el'.nV by spei'ii'aOrif In this tth! tin -tuou. nui.i t , Were losl bv I ne overiaitltliil in ''l.atv s ll.iblile " Ke, n ,tnv, bi.wever, la alwiiva a virtu. ' l' wiiv to enforca It la bv ialronili K sir, IV. W. Alter, 2so. 11 .7 .N. Mntli sireit.for ill Ihec'o.l yo'J want. Pencil ABKim nmy rely upon petting tho best I'lita .le-harleaOnklord Hon 1, OoulluciiUl Hotel. limit Ai'VRovAt.. Mrs. S. A. Allen lately re- ci Ii f.l a leller from a lady, atmhnr Unit, at the .ih-k'sU iii ..' 11.. luejous friend, she purehase.l a bo't'e of Mrs. K. A. alb 1. a Woriil a llmr It. atorer and .ylonal.satnuin, n lulr 1 le.sliiK. and iiatue a lew tltni'.s. her hair, w nlcli iva. tlli.le art y, waa restored 10 Ita youllilnl color, and new lour was Is at an'c.rni,-. No ladr'a lull, t laeoinplel.t wlili nul lbee preparalloDa. Kverv Drilgmst sella thorn. Mns. M. G. Ruown'k " Metnphvsicnl Pis. cov.y," kill. Ih. root of .vory dlaeaaa. I'rko S-1. Ho, 410 Arch atrc.t. He-a a.lvortla.uient hi another eol.unl. 1.KHAI. IKTt:i.I.taE9i'E. Coi-nTop Common Pi.iias .Tadges Thompson, Allison, und I.ndlow. The full beuch of judges wit hub 1110111111K iu oeiivur optniofiN. A niifuner were so delivered, appertaining bo.h to the Com mon Pleas and Orphans' Courts. Cot'ltT ok Qi'Aicri.ii Skshionr Judge Thomp son. Chniles Mewart, (he keeper of a sailors' bourding-house, No. llti Almond street, was con victed yesterday upon two bills of Indictment, the one charging tho drugging of one Joseph llrlggs, a resident of Franklin county, iu this State, and then while iu a state of stupor eouvuving hiia on board thn barque InUian ISrtle, a vessel about to sail for Martinique j nnd tho second witli tho lar ceny of tweiity-uvedolliu-s. the property of said 0 'l-'K-. The latter,when he recovered his consciousness, discovered that ho wus on tho vessel, thon somo miles d wn tho river on her voyage. Ho watched his opportunity, ami when uno.'iserve.l, sprang oveibouril, having Hist thrown over a board, by menus of which, in au exhausted condition, he reached the shore. He came to the city nnd hud Stewart arrested, with Ihe result ubovo stated. S.owurt is a noto rious character. Ho was convicted before Judgd I.iioTnw about two years ag i, on tho charge of robbing a sailor who stopped at his house of a considerable sum of money, and was sentenend to an imprisonment of eighteen months. Hi solved all of this term but about one month, when ho was pardoned, only to resume his old ways. in reunion 10 1110 .iiaiu names wiin-11 may eject to curry on business under the National Barking law, the Court this morning made the following general order : "It is ordered that such plates and dies as shall lie delivered to this Court by any hank under the provisions of tho Hth section of tho Act of Assembly ol Augunt ira, lSijl, entitled 'An Act enabling tbe Banks of Ibis Commonwealth to become Associations for the Purposo of iiinihii'g utiiiir the Laws of tho United States,' shall be dcposl'cd for safe keep, ing in the Western Bank of Philadelphia, the clerk of this Court having first sealed tho box or package containing tho said plates or dies, and the deposit so made shall not bo re moved from the said hank except upon an ordor of this Court, countersigned by one of the Judges; nnd the fact of any deposit be in so made shall bo entered upon tho minute of the Court, and tbe ro 'Cipt of the Western Batik there for shall be filled by the said clcik." The Citv Hunk and Bank of Northern Liberties. the Philadelphia Bank, und Farmers' and Me chanics' Bunk, have elected to do business as nntionul bunk. The Philadelphia Bank delivered up Its nliilcs this morninri. The others named will deliver up theirs on Tuerduv next. Heiiiarii Murruv, cburKcd with bavimr earned the death of a man mimed Knru.s. at it bouse in C111I1011 sticet, in the vtur iti'iH, bad a further In in ing ttilb morning on Uv.u cur.iut. Tho tetti- niony rhowed tho l.iet that the. prisone" kicked th t cased in the head with his tnait, nnd tint thj latter was never conscious alu rarJ. The evi dence w as not concluded: n lieu our report closed. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ornek or Tun Kvi.-.u,a T:.rr.xrn, ( ts'dtiod 'e, noj.ber 2'i. ( The New Yotk Petroleum llxehaneo h:- been fully, aud will commence operations 011 Tuesday next, November 1. This assocla ion Was piojtelcel l.y some of the leading Genu in banking houses in New York, and has met with a tucciss as great as the petroleum Interest itself. The list of members of the F.xchange en, braces the names of nearly all tho leading capitalists and stock brokers of that city; and we predict, from what wc learn, that it will be one of tho largest business institutions in tho country, and that in a very short period the transaction nt that Board will rival, if not exceed, the dally amount of sales ut the regular Stock Board of New Yoik. The extraordinary amount of business done in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, nnd Baltimore In petroleum requires inch au oiganh: Ion, not ouly there but In this city ; and we are only sur prised that some of our enu riuislng oil men have not started an Oil Hoard In Philadelphia long ago. The formation of Oil Stock Companies', and the developme nt of the wondorful region of Western Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, aud Ken tucl.y, originated here ; and at this time we have upwards of one hundred compuale in Phi ludelphia alone, mo$t of which are reliahlo, dividend-paying concerns. Kow York next caught tbe fever j and while the companie there, a a geucrul thing, have larger capitals, experience 1 hourly provingtbutthey are mostly as reliable aa our own, and the dividend a cor tain. The Investment In oil are very largo there and here, And while the (told end scrutinizing capitalist at first doubted the- (ecuritlo, tbey are now the largest operator in petroleam nock. The New York Board will offer them greater facilities than ever for safe investment, a we Are Dfornied by a member of tho Executive Com mlttee of that body that the (lock of no company will b sold at th Board except thee which bow conclusively that they are onnd, and have, and will py regular dividends as Ion;, at least, as th demand for petroleum cejatlnues ; and front the varied use makln of thl oil at boom and AtTvad, U U likely e) pcou, (Ytft BQre UU PRICE THREE CENTS. than cotton, or any other prodoc'.lon'of our won derful y prolill: country. Mony of the oompnnles in this eity will have tin Ir stocks Introduced in the New York Bo iri on Tuesday. Among them tht Den nore, Dal ell, McKlheny, M. Clintockville, NoMe and Dclamater, and others; ,nd mon wlI. soon be lrought and sold ther,. Any reli. able company that Csn .ailsfac'orlly answer the Interrogator,,, of the committee and will W two bnmlrrd and fifty dollar., can have " ir Mock, t pera-nl in ,!.. T(lc Pre.,.,cnt of ho Board l. Mr.FamnelTl. IU-d, TrwiJent of the Open b:ock Ilon.i , Now Tork Mr.Johnrondir, No. 3.1 Pine sirtei, New York, s one of the largest oporatot. in that city ia 1 itrolenm ste.. ks on con,n,lin. He to the cor respondent and agent of some of the houses in G-rinntiy d In Poland, and has tinns-nal facilities for placing Petrolenm stocks in l.uropean markets. Th e Mock Market continue, active, and price, i cady. I niicd State, boad. ar. 0 m, but Is not much doing. .V20, solrl atim s. pre ste there Is not perns oil ; new do. at KM1, ; and 8, of 1SSI at lO .i C" lOtl. Hailn-iid shares are ste idy, and Reading, M we have no:ic.,l for days past, continne. siring and in dimmd, with sales at ftHwr dosing nt the former rate; T.ittlo Schnylklll rail, road sold at tM(r, P.J, wbich Is an advance! Nor 1 1. town at CO; Mi.iehlll at J.l,!; Lehigh Valler railroad i t 77A ; and Philadelphia and at 311 ll i was bid fur Camdeu and A.nbov rail- rewtl; Co for Pennsylvania; Ml fr North Pann Fylvauia; 50 for Klmlra preferred; 18 for Cata- vnssa common, 3SJ for profcrrcd; aud 43 for Long I-lnnd. Coal Oil shares ore more active, but DrirtB, ar uii.-ettled, Irving sold at 7s Nohlo aad Dola inntrc nt i'JilM. which Is decline; Rock At4r McCIinim kat lit j Perry at 4 1 Djiiamere at B. md l'gl crt at 3 , whieh is an advance. City Paesingor Railway sharos are unchantreiU 31 was bid for Spruce and Pino; 2"! for GirartV e .oiime ; ana 2.9 lor Green and Coates: 7li was asked for Second and Third; 50 for Tenth and Eleventh ; and 53 for Chcsnut and Wuluut. Bank Bhares are flrmer. with sales or Fannors and Mechanics' at 70, which Is an advance; an i Manufacturers' and Mechanics' nt 2i); 170 wa bid for North America, which Is an advance; 2.J for Mechanics'; 81 for Kenslng'on ; 8) tor West ern ; M tot City ; and 17 for Union. .1 Canal shares are rather lower. Schnylklll Navigation sold at 39 for preferred, and common' at 3il4 ; 71'i was bid for Lehigh Navigation ; 91IJ for Morris Canal common; and loj for Sosque, hiinna Canal. , Gold is active this morning, and prices have) advnnccd, opening at '210; rallied aud .old at 218 at 10 o'clock ; 218J at 11 ; 220J at 12 ; fell off and fold at 220 at 12J P. M. PHfrDKU'HU HTOCK EXCnAHa 8 AX168,OCT. Aaported by Clarkaon A Co., Broke, M. Ul 8. Third Bt BRrouK una una liiiti sn neaaing H.... .vki ab Curtln 0II...M au invill uu.. ........ 1W)B Iimi sh do ti; ) an do aft uu',- IMIsIl lb blU 117 llll lb do St.V HO ah do Ul I UlOsb do .167 .'KUshCurtn Oil.. bio '(' S.Vish do hli e-, nsiah do 414 Mllsll do M I'i souih do bin ), IKIlh Eivola'r Oil ii3 ila.ea Brud... m S"lh do ISMf Ml all do blO , SH0ahlfln.raIOII.... ' eon ah Cora l'lnler.. 6'X fsiOali do bk) 7 IfolUrl do o S'i 4.'! ah Kitberl (III WHlahHtory Karm.... S M'lb-'d. :m lilt.... 70 10U ah Kuyat'o emhJO -Jit riHST HOARD. , I , -81.C1.Q li (1 1 loll .h R.adlng R gnv I0f.i r.i.n a .a tllSKlU. B. tleup til fr o I til t il U.H.b-'Al...cuup.oiiV 'JnOab do!!!!'.'. .'.'ii lll'i ao reg.liil 1 nsi.n uo .aooH'? 1' ! IKiKl IwiBhl'crrv on ' . il do . d. Si.MO do., .lo i 'i'si ah llenainore . S'rfssi Keatlins b.U..a&.liu aiisn Lcbiyh Vol lids.. 107 WSl ah Klmrt (111. o'a inn sh I'reai.jnOoiil. III ah Manut ,t Mecll. '''i 10. ah l'ei.n 41 in '.'ivl lisisli liwni Oil 7 1 4KishKobie4; Del.., v'i t limih do US,' . 10 sh uo 11 I llltl ah Krulk OII 4 atcc'liutock.... le'. (an rt r .v arv, . ffvla . ra UeO sh Seh. Nav com., fsikh Lit Hcb K ar, ah do , V2 sh Korrlstowa It. aa'4 !;' iu an Allnelii 1. hl'C i'iy.. 77? I. .... sisj on lis sh t.diLh Va ISlshFhll. Atria 1"0 ill do bao ti Qtiolntlons of Gold at tbe Phlladolphl Oold Kxi hangc, No. 3 S. Third street, second story : 4 A. AI lilt, 12 M 2201 11 A. M 21(iJ 1 P. M 219f Market very strong aud active. Tin Havi.k Bito.. No. 20 S. Third atmnt ' quote us follows ; . , . . 3avJf, ata, American Gold 21a ooi American Silver, 4's and 's 201 ' Dimes and Half Dunes 200 .. ! iSpnni-th Uiiancrs pjj Pcnn. Currency di.. 1.5 jl, ' New York Exchange .1-10" par. ' Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil (tocks at 1 o'clock to-day ; Mi(l All.! Bii Fulton Coal 74 Orcanle Oft V Bin Mountain Coal. .'.' II franklin Oil 1 . M.Y.A.Mid.Coal..t:ii II',' lloivo. Ka.lrOU.. .. (Irei n Hi. Coal 4 a Irvhia Oil 7 N. eiarttoudale .... g Kew e'reek 1 Feeder iam Co.). I Clinton CoaL 1 Hutler ('.ail in lllailiell.l Coal '.() IViiii. Milling. t Colineelk'iit .. keystone Zinc... 1.".' FxcelslorOU 1!, Ills 'lank V Continental 1 Fsirell 'i'( Oil Creek o , Maple hhadr Oil.. in Mn nin, iik ei.i.... I'erry Oil Mineral Oil 1 Keystone Oil craneo (dl I'nloii Cetrolt'iiin., -JT Ilea, on (HI V ticueca Oil 9 3 , Pop. K.nn Oil 1 a.lienamore. ........ s 1 '.' l)alelll)ll Sl It. AAcKlhMiy. ........ av 14 , Itobei U OU '.'1 Olmstead Jl H .I'leAlh-la.ualor. 'jUllldianl 1 Vlu Htory 'rm. ...... g', I I'fMjoleum Cutro. 3 V- Ktfbert m 1', llok. I. land !', lUvar.. i; (-iirtin 4 LO l'kila AOII Crok. .. t.1. nun e-roek i 4 7 Torn riau tor '( "lj llrik-iia J', llock Oil i 'Tarr lanu i 4 l1 tl obe. ltf l'l'PT Hcmiomv... , li Tsirr Wumt;.iU'(i,. The followlitfi arc the receipt of Fl our and fir-iin at thin port toil ay -Flour, 1700 bls. f ' Wliuat, 4700 bujbolt; Cur a, 4ii0d busliolii OttU 11111 AOM. fill A TRAI; RDPORT. l S.vrrniAY, October Sy.Ia Co-U there g, ui rc acilvity, price are rtriacr. MurttDciryo ittkiarn iualng. ' '.tton li fi4nilnal tit $l''i5, cash. 1 1 iv I tour m li; uitr, .t tii'it tn vry It't'e com In,' torui tl, aiui tiu sitM-w tn rr ducvel i vry low d ,',irj . Ml t .'.JOUul.t U nt U-2 (lO'7V -r Hxum rao (h ri'-iit ii (Mi rn,Uy ariil Uii':y, ki.Iii quabtyr; a tout li tut barn m W. U. Tu jihh, trra k pt private. TlKra In t nit.nH homt? ii i .iihiiiiUiti dviaand it.iln nils ratitfu. In I; vr t'loui ADtl l out Muni no aikca nv come uiKlr wur n'ticf. r-ei.t t'ftw npwrtnl, an-l VniO bnth. wur M t2 : i" i T -i r '-U'lu for I'ui usylvuina levl; .Souti.rD rul It. ln-:ti at i-i t4): and wMit it Ji'Inn.J live ita ad vai ct-tl to tl0' . - Iu7. Corn it t:ari-u a id yollo. e in tn;m.fc M-.- '.l-i(. Oat are to fait' dcuijud at iWc Sj ih i ol lUrU y or Mali. Ilit i ittriaci iir I't'tu.lcam hai ben tfijrltleis anl tn- ciiva aiiH'v our lai tutli fj, but b"ldjrs nav beej n varr Mir. id lit: ii" vu'WM aul Cruile, owiDjf to tti-, p4iio iv .i iii'-n-e'i'R, hut aviui-d 'J'. V ifallon: tne uiia (un nl i:f-ttud i.i fkui ni .li, an.t buvn aad pllrM iiu.a U. ii anatt In iheii Ww : -.ii- ol . U'tU. CruJe at :,. i 4 it -.'MH' blih. la-fiud. Id LouJ. al t " 'ilc. ; lo 0 bDU di!ifral'lo wilMii .0 t o ; liJ bbla iKH-rro. Lfr d livery, at '... i J1-' tbl. Wt-voumar 4eltvert at 'ic t o ;M bb H at HO-iSVc.i KmuIuuui. hi Ion, a a. ;.'iulO; and Kaptba at4l' A ban(ue of bblg ' va- c aitrt--il f-.r I'ort. anI onkra at bd.; and a ban.uej ol 'w tibi. for the same deitinmiou on private tanu. TiiV evxp ita ibia wt k an, tu Havre, on Uio lnu, Pr bar nt l ' teit ie. I 4". j-'uHniis rcilned ; and to AiUtverp, nei bar, i u r f 'n:m Mran.vti tbe 'JM iu.-..W.'W,iaiioiiii do. VH. ii:ua,uiallbiaa-7T1.78 fur I'lmuviuuia aud Oliio. mi LITEST MIKIXE IXTELLIGOCE CI.EAKFD THI MORJITWO. HteamililoNorraan. baker. ll..t..n, II. M in.or Co. hi, onisl, p E. C. hjushi. OalUmhor, Stt lork, W. i . Tsy. Iliuae Virawse., Kleholi. Kaw Oilean. 1. Wrutht 8ins. hel.r I boaiaa Horden, rlsluiiijion, Kir.un, Quiotard ScilrTred. Reed, lufraham. Kew Haven, Captain. AtRITKD THIS 0NTa. Iiamahlp E. C. Kuljbt. liallauti.r, '.M hour rrosa Kear T oik. wits md to W.J. Tat lor A Co. rvi.r w. elulum, liickeravu.o days tromllailJaai.Coaa will, atone to e..iuln. tn ni a. at. Kdnard. HUuoa.trom Waahington, u bal la.l to A.I.. ( altell a ( 0. Mchr Vl eateni, days from Boston. with Sadie tot roTted L Cilbiu. Bibri Ura LUea. limy, from Fortress hal last chr t a atroiia, Foalor, t days from BsUm, labauaft te Workaian A Co. taauu.rMoniuir.Jon.,24 hour torn Kew York. iN avlae W ' . H. Uoird AC. CorrfpnnutfthPI,UmUiiMa rTn-a.iwS. ' La.wi , lleL. Ootobw XI , f. U. 1 b. luUowMur V Sr. .tin. arkteri-8Jra Owk.rad. t T'V"I heaue.a, lor lurtriat Knur.,' kuil. r-olif, "..JaJ!": Aiietia.ror Alexandria, all imn. I'.illele.UM : Jr..fiom Kaw York trWuinnrft.Bt a.uu. Julta, l New .o.H ",TlU. ' loar. aW, rarM hr-Myri, of Cars laiw. O'Zid I,ae4. Is oauw. .a Brookh.v.n , C.J VT ,,j r dl Im . tuta Cld kKUt i. "Ut a), U,hMT