I; TTIE DAILY EVENING TELT.GIiAm. rntLAPELTOIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18C1. FRIDAY. OCTCTIER, 2S, 114. "How it ioi,nTo.imf ST OBOHOU COOMB. There was a time when If we met A friend nnon (he atroot. Be talked on common tlicinos tho war, The cold, or fdao the heat. And took an Inures! in nnf' health : That time has pas.el away ; Now, no one asks tin how w do, Bnt, "How is gold to-divy " Thee words pervade, the atmosphere, At weddings, funerals, ball", Ho mutter where ; npuu your c ir The anxious question lulls. Yon gi to see tliu fttrl yoa I iv;, To drive yotn circs away j Yon kiss, and then "tie i ij-j : "Oh! How is;go,l t-i-duy f" If pold ii np or gld la down, Sviiat good for mn to know ? There Is no jinuln In my purse, My funds are ittu yto; And so 1 hate the endless cry, And lona; to ior awey To lands of peace wbero no one asks, "Well, How te gold to-dav ?" SPIECHES OF HON, S. V. CHASE. An Enthusiastic Reception. Speeches of Mr. Chnco at tlio Jlond quarters of tho Union Lcnruo and Kepublicau Invincibles. AN OVATION OF THE TEOI'LE. 1 Ivp Thou nrd 1tl i n Ttirr'-tl A'v.iy. t the linno rm Tart) , ti.-li'. lust ''"... I t jR.H , Chc-lltlt Ml ' was rail- d l i"i lii ; r mark., introduced il tin if tV1 N itiniuil 1'niim ? V. l!n: I. all t the Citi 0 Mi n m M-Mi h ii I, '.-), :--W, mid, after :i few ic n SaIiii ni i'. i li.inr t'l tho atulicn ', when ih it ill p.jke a follows.: .Mr. t tin" l.'putti mm o. ilii I nil n 7i lip el I hilui ephiii : I 'lis It j 1 genii i.i.in THE WH T.11.IT. M. c, nor Uesb, uur I'.sb, nor fowl blow a moth is, prave hh owl, And Ms stn'ns trim to flu 1 Is perplexing to the mind. Yet to uote we ought not tail That the Uebel made him quail j If no IikIiUhk corli he bo, Chicken-hearted then is he; Therefore him wo timy a-eribo To tho Ualena-conn tribe. .V. 1". livening Foit. it I n il it iii-i I him t ten pn u-id tn 1r liutluug lilt t'l le -l.n whs., vrr nrk in i- l-i t lake Hie rr-i, ci.-il i..l; i ( A cumi-i . I t.lm I.' i t hll (i til ini .Ul . I I -I' v. i.ui ,s mn ucy in mi i i SWert M Ui II- I'T H'Vi i the v.imi ii imu 1 . ,ii! tt irrint nation lii r i.i (iIuum ) I h i ', em i Will il.!'!! til tltf V I'i I' 1 whnl 1'Ci.iiri. In i.'c i ii l.'i-ri r't' A. i i i uu uii-1 linu ii I t" .r"ti I ,w ri;l- -it. li.n r:u i.l n.i-lll i' 1.1 -.1 l;l", I cili lll ill t' i- in I I'-, n luy t. UK ' lo ilo. Hint n..t nun.. I In I lining ni'Ul I think li. it. ' ui-iuiit to in:k i.i mm hi ..it ii...n to hull il W'.nl til ii In lit I Ull'l t'llllll-i. It it iih , Ii m i.i vi r w- 'ii v tl.i1 e ir ur li'tijini: in i. 'i wnuie ut u rtl. tui.e j i. Mi e. lA il, in H lure lu Ii i til inl ii n. in ni I Mail my i'ii ut r 'iii-i i. cui, vih -t t n ti , THE GREATEST BPS IN THE W02LD. JM rint Tbnntler lit Trlul n Sticcs-'i The ttreut Incemnkr of Mi A ice, Ac. Fort Hamilton was the thcutro of a very intcr tting and Inetructlve sccno yesterday. The trial f tte great twenty-Inch 11 oilman g m cmnc oiT there lucceiefully. As the event w.is noticed to cenr in the Jlerald it was widely known, and consequently there were present at the trial a large number of citizens, as well as military nnd aval officers. An excursion steamer, with a good band on board, came down tho bay and rem lined off the fort at the Uiad of tho wharf during the time the "test" was being mado. The btind playod patriotic mut-ic, and the steamer displayed tho national colors; and all tho clrcumstunees, in cluding the ptreno loveliness of the day, mudu up lively as well as Interesting occniiou. Around the gun wits a crowd of several hun dred, eagerly engaged hi minutely examining (uid wondi rmg at its huge proportions. Though this gnn has already been de'enhd In the BeritU, it will not lie out of place here tj say that it weighs ncarlv one hundred and seventcea thousand pounds. The din iuge is in proportion. Its diameter or thickness i Hourly six feet at the luecib, and its bore is twenty lucbes. Tho solid hot it tt.W8 is one thousand and eighty pounds In weight, and the rtgular charge ot powuer is ; one handled pounds, which may bo increased to one bnndred and twenty-five pounds, if great targe or extraordinary momentum Is reuuircd to be imparted to Us terrible missiles. It is calcu lated that there are few armored ships alloat whote tides this monster woild not ciusli. TUB FIRST SHOT. The imn was first loaded with tho regular charge of powder (ono hundred pounds), a blank Cartridge, and tired amid tho applause of tho nectators. The report was not louder thun a ten- poander 1'urrott loaded with solid shot, nor wat It sear so shrill. Probably it did not create so great a concussion of the atmosphere, and eould not te nearu ao iar. un cauuiiuiiik luuuatQi - ua-.... I ... a ...i.l.tii.l tl..., il 1,.1 mil irfj V11TJ BllUV.li. " iiviiiu ii. . ! umv miij sleisned to roll itself back disdainfully about two feet. Tho air was sulphurous for a considerable. distance around tt. TUB SV.CONU SHOT. This time the "big fellow" writ loaJod with fifty pounds of powder and solid shot weighing one . . 1 I Tku.li.llM.oilriuilll thousand and eighty pounds. The shot was driven aix hundred or eight hundred yards, whon it trnTinod In the btiv. ncochetteu two or tQree tunes. knocking np Hashes ol spray as Urge as u ship la full nail, and twice as liiuu, and llnally dtsap u-urnd in the water. On examlnine tho gun after this discharge, it was found to have moved n Its carriage Just enough to suow tu.it it kuuiv bow to wotk, and worn cusy. THE TU1UD AND LAST TRIAL. Th flnnl trlul vesterdav was by fur tho most tatereetiug and important of oil that preceded it. Great imiatience for the result was manifested by the apectators. A heavy concussion of the ciound as well as the atmosphere was now looked for, and there was just enough of auxlety for the iafety of the giant, who was now become a put atnoug those who were not familiar with its powers, as to lend the additional charm of excite ment to the interest hitherto felt. The gun had now in a full charge of ono hundred pounds ol powder and a 10&U pound bull. At letig;U it was loadtd.aadltwas announced that tho fuse win about to be lired. tverv ono ruahed nut of the - r.rf .,,v took shelter behind the redoubts or the fort. The fuse hissed and (lamed, but while all waited breathlessly for tho hVh it only tamed out to be "u uasu in tue pan. iu iu failed. An officer then went tip, who must have bad great confidence in the gun, uud snapped tho cap, and off went the big gun. The report was very little loudor than tho ono Which Immediately preceded it. There was no perceptible concussion of the ground, and indeed veiy little of anything to lead you to think that the greatost gun known to cxiit had thon been fired. The shot whirled through tho nir from tho angle of twenty-five degrees ut which the gun was elevated, and after describing a beautiful arc, which was visible to tho nuked eye, dropped hito the water about lour miles off. Tho noino made by the collision of the bull and the air in the flight of the former was lilio the wail of a giant. It was something like the peculiar noi-o Biade by a hurricane passing through a ship's rigplug. It was the scrcum of the ea,'le. The volume of spray thrown up by the hall ?ter its contact with the water was so great that we could not sto whether it ricoche ted or not, though uiimy said it (lid. On examining the e fleet on tbe gun it was discovered that this titu the giant w.is foaming a little at tb'j uwutli, the smoke of tbe burnt powder still cooiinjf from tno muxsle. He had consented to roll biimelf naeii live feet, but lu other re-pects was just us before. CONCLl'nloK. The gun wan now tested. The range is to be tested niiiietuturcdnysO.it at the proper eleva tion, and witu ono hundred and tinty-tive pounds of powder, it is expected to be between live and six miles. The following Recount of the method of testing the rfun was written by J. O. Daraard, General UriutV Chief of Kiighuers: Captain Kudnnm's method coa dsis ciicel.illy in turning tho gun hollow, itiite.'.d of s ilid, uud by means of a current of wutcr 1 itioda. ed into the c re w hich forum the mould 01 the bore, cool lug from the Inteiior. To insure the cooling shall tie exclusively in crnal, tl.o exterior of the mou'd is kept heated during the whole process. The ii....i i.f thb, is cit.-ilv seen to lie that the interior n:tal (Immediately above tho bore) soiiiiiie l first, and as tho more distant portions so:i lily there is nothing tooiipose their contraction. 'I my therefore a.sume the folid state without cutsmg those injurious strains ill the metal caused by tho ri nnii ffiH. In realitv. when the coolin;: Is pro- n.ri. n.oiuired. the interior metal aboat the bore fa In a state of compression, and the exterior in ft ,.ti nf i,.ifn exactly as theore shows it should be to get tho maximum stremith of the whole thickness of metal w heu subjected to internal Not only this-, but the metal about tho bore first cooled and in eoniaci whu me eooiiuj nullum is. as it should be, tho hardest uud rlrari-ht. lie the solid casliuq r.nxcJn it has been fchowu that the rusults us to both tucne cu'.Citious nf tension and cf hardness were just tLe -ovrsi. Hence the practical limit to Increase of treneth with thicKuosS by this pioiess. Ihese i,..,.r..ii, ui ci.n.iueiut.oiui lone been fully cm linued by experiment. tjeeral gnus of smaller rutiiira wro cast and subjected to severe wsts previous to attempting ao unusual a calibre. Tho llnCh gUU OI WUICU 1 UOW BJTUa u-s winm- jected, up to present uaic, v iuioi. uuu:u uu lifty rounds, with full charge. The average charge tas been thirty-hve pounds of la-go atrained powder, with shells of three bundled and eight te three hundred and tiiitty-eiUt pounds weight. At Uia three hundredth round f no Liter mea surement hu been made, I believe), tho deUcste appiien to tu, 1,6 failed to indicate tLe Vina!1 "Wgeuiciu or Ucteiioralioo of any 'nrt'' the taiilo-f the gnn made as n expenmem to te-t the practicability of casting runs of extiaoruinary J,r, u.d the j wticicucy. The retult has couvlacwl ourdnance To tlleer. that it i not an extreme xJy t pn can probably be m-de, aud ,1 but used with facility and Iticieuey. Kuornloiil and expensive a they are, sueh guDa m. proi, their "iuiaion," and a few of them la our Import, ant aeacoasl batteriea will probably be lierualter Onemad an eascutial part of their arautment. V. atliLl.ou tu I lie tiiinitriii " i I H "I ireiiiL' t-l riW '(' t'M.'t tl.e uioi'lioii hi I in.' oi-ioiui uri'iiiii.ull 111 Sf't ll'SIO hull" Ml 1. 11 ii ll i. .c. l ol ion .' s tilllt It M l.ot viorlli win .'. I I nn-.iiler sun Si i-ill-el. 1 I. en uie in iiurs.loi.iib'v H a'' it limliv ul.o .i vote HI. II the ii( p. ml li.li to l.j m . .1 s una .Ion . is Im u v.iri- UUS ll.l tlM' llllll llll l:l'l HI. (Ill l. 11 111' II :itl -I't H 11 lilt I c; to. I't li- In oilmen i'.it tliAl i-verylloiiif Ililol'tKil.l I lie vl.ti.r luinl, p-ilil 1ml OlllV 111 tlil iui.il, nut ill l.limi e, lie. -e who d.i.like IC'-i'til.lu-. ui li s.iliilHiiip. hi 0 nr.. rclrti niilv lo tlin iiiiitiiii'iiniii-o Ot ttiC t llloll. ami to ti e t'l'l lietlllly ol llos l(iiulillo oi ours, Hie in s. input li lilll the 01 lio-iluili p.irty. jr.d I li joicn In ki.nw unit mi mail u .'iin i-i l I tite tlf I iiuiii tieke I wi isi:.i wrt bus not ;ln-.iiiiin. v.-iili fian tin HcUiKiwli i'.p'liii-nl to Lint, Mist he riive Imu n.eti a isi.il ns hitb (Apii.aue I oiim wuat n.ir, tins couutri never can ie liikcii us, or ui-M-veii-.l. (i liters. here tui-li vo nave lound tiiu lino winch uii mes uie two pui lies. Vv r sre tolii, tent. en. en. th t lb.' other shin are I'l.inu nien, uiui ei-iiui'w on ill llie ems t.i-lii.- I shw a tisiHr in isew Vuik wiucli liu.l Un iieliet oi i.i.s. col.K SHU ilotl si on lu ail.'il ltm.ie:il tu k.'t, and that ol Met i.ixi.as uiui t'r.M'i.Ki'o neaili il l iuou ticket. (I.siil'Ioi r ) U el, Imu to accept il-e ill n nal:on. lilli Die lovo ui I'nioii tliul eiiuiu.-lcrizi tl e oil.er sit e is not cxui lly that winch vie prolcss. Fur we are rndiciiliy Lniou. il beers. i hai is Uiu imsie tl.at lin-se gviitieuien tiroposu as tlio tiest n:oi.e ni snviuir ihu t i.toii, tutiinir bit their proposi d love nil II in ciiriimtT 11 you wain ii piece el wink dole, you will inquire not. only wiin the woikmaii is, hut bo.v lie ilot's Ins work. Auwwh.it do lie pri..o-ef 1 1 icy piopc suusa uieaiis ot miviliir the IJiiIoii. mi hunieii ute ce.-suliun fit hosllllties and ullin.atu iiny4itiiitii.il, w.lh n viiia In ih-' u Innate ri constriiciiun ol lint ttnoU miller tlio l ederal ( on sliluliuii. J.uw, I iisk, will mis thing werkf 1" there anv lioi e thai by a tv nuiion ol nosMitiiis wo cnu mvi'i the l u.onr And ilii-n I waul lo Know vtllli whom wc i.re to ilenl. I liave lead a Kreut inanv nccunnls oi I lie sm leliesnud siimi.s ui .south eru (iciitli nien, mid I huve ei. tu usi a sIiikIs iu atniuc in v Inch uny one ui tlieni iiroiiiises In reen i- Stllict tl.e t llloll UI 1111. incy -av im y whui, iiiih- ucpindcLcc ai d will lake nothing short u it. I hey fcuy, KIVG US llllll IlIlU Vie HUT SUllsin-o. ..in nn-mi ( Hi ndi mte Mules. iueliidiiiK Ki nlncky, Missouri and Maiylitnd, uud ao will be saiisii.il. Wu wuut lilit on 11 ou ont see io rerioin mo uiun. owtl en, lu ino lirsi. i.ine' uro wo ini'iii. u mr that What man Is .lie n hero willinif to ifive ill) ono toot of Anieiieuii temtury to Uie Helielr i liatwe waut is a L n. ou Unit eiiu.rucn.i all tlio o.u tstanis, nil the territory that was ours wlu n the Kebclhuii lirnko out (iiiua sppnii'ii; in tear uown n.ai euren unui- lug WUiell uijes ny inn nuino ui "fsi-.irn anu iiarti, wh.ch now neflles no uiuch til uur old terr.tory, and restore ihe O.U "rtiurs uud Ktil.es," living ad over the licpuLiic witheuta rival, idlest cheering'.) 1 but ix lv Inn vu vsiint. We euiiuut inke tho Union asihey wish it, oven tuenil tho war. We ehuusu our own n. nitni-ilnr It. What is it, llienf ( citnln Inillviiluuls south of Ulusiin uiui Inxi.ii's line, thr.si or lour vears aito, n ooMi lu Ibt tl.euiH-lves uu ill ltt bouiuii a.'ainst tliu Coiisiituiiuu. Mr. Lincoln was llloll i'rotiduut, just iuamruiate J. and liaviuu; lust taken the nuuiRiiral outh to prcs-eive, tirolccl and delouilthetjo. stitiulou ni i he iinin i Males. Hint seo tne . tniiiiiu.iy exe cuted. W ell, 1 suvpi.so iluit no one will contend mat tlm iinlittii ir ol l us s aliuiua in uoneiuuii ausoivuo AllltAUAM l.im unw iroiu llini iiwiii. .n .u...... to vreierve, .roleetuud de iniil the Constitution, hs I have said, lheso nidi lilted tiiemsclvea up and Hred ou the IIuk. luey nuulo w ar ou tho iioverniiieiit ot tlio I iiilod Mules tiiuitiiiuiii'r trensou amiinsl tliu (joveriiiiient, lor ticu.oii (as dullned in tliu (on siiiuilou) is Icvvinit war amiinst tliu IJnitod Mutes. Now ti.fi, wus iir. Libcoln to succuuiu to traitors, or wus ho to do as he did that is to say lo Ihu American people, iliis is yuur work; tins I (jusliluiioii Is loins. 1 inn hero mily as yuur ugent, nnd want tokin.lv whet her you will sustain mo m culling out seventy-live thousand im u tosuuhiiu mo iiinuiiiitiiiii.iu: my onili lo pivsorio, protect and duiiiid the I oiisiniitiou. (inner'.) And how ::lo riniis yjou iei oiiili-ul I'l.rouirhout the leuirth and briudth ul til a land went u stonu ol Indiana inn thin swipt oul ol new tho Intlo froth and ma u ot political ciintei liuli (ilidmiii), Slid wo liavo lioell cunyiiig on tno war n uiu thai, time until tho vie scut. In this, us in every wur, we have been v.uy tni v siieiri"s,iil. 1 will not sny ntiylhinu ol Hie maikcd .r.ihno iinilerlhoelioseii lender oi tlio op iesi lion. (LaiiKliier.) As I liuvo uiii-aily said. Ihu wai lms been conuco.ed throuirh a ternutioiis ol s.iccokS uuu i do.iatwti.tliutl.ini every war, and ivita linn steady ptufircss over Un: rnuuiy vliuli always marks a wu. cm ilucleil bv a a;reat jieep e wlt huil usl.eui-i and will taiipliiusu) resolved to put clown an in: iuni iicunt Ito billion. Isot absolutely iiiinilk-uiit, mr it is trieut and loiiuuiuble, but Jusl us suio to i.o iluwn tieloru tun i.-Miliiuoii and iieleriuiiiiitiou ui llio iieniile of tld- lepubhc us luesun is tu riso in ine east anu sni Hi the wst. (jiei.t aiipluusu.1 it intci ko iuu. I here is no liein tor it, un.e.-s our pcop.o ure wu mn tlutt it should succeed. And tliut is t hu real mius tiuu tu-iluv, win -ther wo will eonsent to tliu success ol tliu llehe Imu. 'lluil is tho ipinstiou tu Im deleruiiiiuci in l i nnsylvuiiiiiall over llie hind. Will wecive uur con-eiitr (".ovcr ') li wo no not It euunnt siiceei) i, II wo do it neiy. II we ure so ciHVou, so puur in spirit, tliut wo win not cuuiroiu the lieiel n.n. tin ii it will lie very nr. .tier lor us to tuko up the lam- million which uiu iitipnsinuii nun lln.lr p utiorni, nnd shv, "wo Iiiivd tailed, Mr. Jiu t'EiisoN U'.ii'i we b.g yum- piud.i n, uud pruiu.so vnu tliut you siiuil do us von ple.ifu in tlio luiuro." lblt Im will not ilo uu, uen unui:. uaiiiiiuu.so.; ii Is the very levei-eul hat i.e uie cumg to do. (Hu mmed ap)duusi' ) Is inert) altyliultir IU lie' prescm U'licei ui Bir.iim m liulieuic tl ut we will tail iii pull iug iIoau tho It IhU. liuiir Whcro doi s it .'-. a louttio d ii. iii which il is nut diiieii. l.i i k ut run's, ni Mi uuiii lli.ni: he mic tl.e nv r l icuirioiH KoaEi ll.l NS. (( heers.) At Jl'liAL 10a 111 V. with MlKlilliAM ill Ids heels, tt'liners.) At l.i r, wuiiin, to t ii w int. i. cu uy uitA.N i. nun eim- liig up the lull. ns and li e niliiiruiiniialcii old men lo iifip hull. 1-inuiii , look at iloon, sol:mir bnili iu auvaiuc ihut l.e would c-ul oil mii.ujias h criuiiiiiiiil- caliou. and now llyjin: he.oio imn in anuies i-cti-eui. (Applause. I 'Infill il..e:i nut s -. in lo I e u v.'i y jrieat Ciiiisc om i.ess ol eiici!i is un ineir s'-ie, n. ui .m OU OIIIS. (Loud ellC' lill. .) MIl.I'MAN ulld HllKitl- van uud IiIiainT un- le o ine. ml auow iio suen word us tai:. I his, then, is not un uu .pvuitu (11110 lor a I uilv ot leen -u iiM!: o (rre.it i.eo' ii to i mi "1111111 blu pie"tr lnro llie l.el.e!-. ((luers.! I hey must huvo beeu ) iniuis il by llm Miullu i n ui:nl"rs or koiiiu blither uiuliorily, ihu. wo v. eru lo be driven bel.iro the In els i t re'.elliin. l!nl who ev l lu-nie t lie lire- dictions litive e- rt-ini'v i en u inoiistiai. n io do i.i se propi-cts. (Appl.iie.e:) , Jhe only mo I u t nsouiii iioi the.r p lunn-in, un Vn i.amiI 1U.I ,V 11 nil t.it !', is I ill' ncoinl.ot w.iiell tne bent)IO"t btirr.aq ttnplta.1 t.7ht which the AI miKliiy r iiaranilcd to him as fudv as tin did to tho ntl rt ai.d moi lavorrd ( Uni l s'i,.l iu ) 1 hi wot lis m iM-silsti d lti doom ut slaverv, has bruksn tl a shsek les from the slave. VV lili the tlo mniaiinn ol slavery 1 broken we shad s our put. nc oreiipvina a tit.- d.fl.T nt poitmn among tlio 1'i wrrs u; tl e pnrth than that Much it lia pre vii nsly 'rfrentite1. I In-n r.n pumareh ol Lurope will lait ifl In-uli tl.o AueriCJii flaf. I Apu'aiisel. No r.uM.Han di-iit wu! dan. to tirniar Ins annies on tho eiU'l.iuiit nt Aneiii -i trcin-wrd anplau o), fur wo shad 11 vn tie a untied ami tiec iieop e. i he sorrows am! iti so ntn.i s oi this war wi'l soon na-s sway rend will Is" rf.ii.i.i.il'iu -d niil. 1 v Hi'' uiiilniiir liniuir it w!( miner ti.rmii h al t'u.e uti lie. d. pai to I heioes, l, ft i in s ai d li en ( lieor ). '.us, I. luw c tiwini, a woril un tins toxi d fpies- tloll ill Slllie'V. I t II ou e.ilul.inv lll.lt a I IIW l'l- l-.ll al ai.il cm i'Hiilioi ai uiiii-'lavei-y id. ai 1 have n-H ni d iif'in I in- ear i nit ,,. i . n i .ie 1 11,1111). :c, cui - c.ntlylhue wlioweri.- rt sini .Its ol V rirmlii, Inn w as Ji kpku-uin ii fired ft p'un tor ndoptlon ol tie tin I tlillotl Ol Hie rSI'lie ol irg.ll.a, which til i liil. list tinn .y tu Iniil Simiiui.i l lit.- ve-T I "Si, al.il no i.ui-- iv in V.irlnia llieu siciutieil i s exi'lu- PHCi f-lfi V i.i re No. th, Sou1 il, l.il.l nr tVe, lor It I hi II cm I. no i il the t II iliu V wlllcll II -iw colllcriS'-s lii liiiii Lv, iii. ui, li.iiuiici. I liuoi, .Mielnir iu and W.sio. sin. l!it di..,i.d to liu.ln lor Vir -mul the si. e. did In nor nt iiiauirtiriiliiie tills trioAt doctrine oi I- ii ffliim. Itm the t oiiveiitioii was not he d, uud nl ciliiM' tl.e t mi ii. uiu. ii WU' Hot llilolileil. Hut .1 1 I'I I l: -i in di 1 lint V,. .1)1 to i.otc up, un, I li it, me b ii.'iil 1 1 w ut .eil, so mr us tho Slate I ocoiutioti in Xiif i. a n.n i n) istiii .1. he proposi'd that in tin) irieitt Niiihwe-t in, i lot v s.avery and mi oiuut :iry h.iviiiit." t..- ion ver pi-i-citUt. d hv or. liu m,-". lor ... Il II !';ii. it V ol' til" Seatc V. Uc i , I III IH I. R Slltlt- c.i ni i iiii.i er toliiMiie it o(lo. iiiiii, uu. let-tu ' ino v .ii I-- ot ti e o fl At i ' ot t niifeili lilil-in. I liu-i it It- 1 1 i. rt li. hint vely ei In Icsive.y to IIIV jlliiillliellt, tint the t ei.tmii ul ol the ii.ilt.1rv at I .III time was lit i oeiil) in lilTnr ol I li! exclusion nt slavery. (A i p aii.e.) V e, in a I orln.n ol us, itdni'ted 'll.it nien HI U nicer I v." loli). I llie (Heat o Itleal battle ol I . uiui oi is o. v no i 1 wuut lo iiupiess ou your 1,1 1. 1 a i , thui we :ue leu ulna, in- exacting', h it It i n Iv i hi, ii ii. r v. li ut our iaii- r;i il.il, (Apilaii e.) I I.i u ei.iiie ine w .ii inter i.ur suce -s in iiu.-euus r, IMi ai.i. He . ui e ino' mell v, hv wll ell I nil .lu t.mt I i uu n ol llie nlavel.o'ili is ol tlie.suultl wtl'i bnmie.l ti.riil.'T lis ii pu it ic-nt or iuilnrstion, and iiuderlo.ik to i-t' l d s, nvery over tin) whole country, and sin, i n' iiuii e i veil lii ine e selo t l.eir one irreul Ilea. '1'nis wis wll. t w . ii-selid. Wo did it h. oiiuo limy w. re vi 1 1 i, . Ui l.eie iitilluilud lli.ll Hiti cliso of s un iv ihiuiiil mil le I'M' ii-H'il lo tree soil. Voj kl.nw In w li. nr tliey eutne to e-' nblisllin le i tl ei.itlilur as tl.e law ut the Intnl. lllll III.' eleetl II 'I A in a I. a o I.im ol.N i. revel. led It. We did not r.-l.el III IS. li, When we wile delealeil under f.C'l. I-IIK-mum, 1 1 cauti) we I en nil inilin Iriuh and Jil-i.ieii ul oi r eiicse, uud kin if wo would liuve anotle-r rl am i-in Isiil, and ivlien tliat liuin i-uuio. we availed mo. Ive ot it, and u i' led. I'mt wo did n-.t t'u'ii pn. . on- to it. Im Ii T'i Willi 1'iiverv in imy one ol the Man. Ni l t all. lr. I.im-ih.m piopo-e.l to irivo slnviri suds uvel.olilers ev'T) mod tin y wen; burly i i.t ,i Ifl to in. Ui r I lift t oiisiiiuiioii. I '.ul liny weru not sutislied in .ulmiit, Hint try aeuiii us .vo bd lu lsi.il, and wfvr l-eciuse iliev wire unwilling to no I e ine II e .i uplo I le v knew their cause was one w I ii'h the ii. hu judjiiii i.t ul uur vuters would never I iiiiure. so the slr.vc oligarchy took the sword nnd by tlio Iwerd thev sh'ill pensn. (l.ieat rluerili::.) Now, on o .oile.iv Dial, In m.s war, Mr. i.i.m oi.-s wus too ilow. I 1'oiiirna I llm. islit so my-ell. I t uiil,'lit they must be pui-lu d i nul. pi rliui, lue people had not ifl riaeneu ine uoier u.iu. i m-v . -i " be pi t to ictiuul, and I" neral .Mi I t km.an wus tneir tiueler. lontit lauirhter.) I never did tuink nnic.i in Hie "oih k Napneoii Hi" I'euiocmi' sny inui I.e wi a thwiiiied in bis j luns by vir. Lincoln. ii 1 km w loinetliiua about Ihui uia t. r. Aliliouvh, as been Isrv ol tl.o in s ure, i nul nut nuve uiiyining i.. ...wiili imliinrv ui.ii.rs. exceot to raise tlio tumls win rewiih to siisiaiu 'liciu (lainiliter and npiiluuse), still 1 suw what wus poiugnii. I know thai il ono muu evi r nld rvervtlune m bis power lo aid anotlmr, lr. I.I.MIH N tiled lo mil l. eneiai uu' i.ki i.s s, uiui hi him niuich on tu viciory. Hut uuiler llial i on . M-Klive t.eiioi nl, our armies never wuuld have ailiii vul the uverti.row oi ino no' eiiiou. lue n.n ho ur ul tin; ni'dit renders it itnpo.-wihlo to Ii aert tl.o eouipii tespei chol Mr.l UASi'.as lurnislied by onr Ib porioi', and with much ii)rn -t a mere synopsis oi tho n niitiuder oi his audress is sub Jiiiiiii: . , , , . . . .. . - . ... I...'!.. . I ..I n)...r..Mn ia H11.1 l-.Vl-iy Di e prUll'SSI'S IU ill' love "im - mil' T Kven the 1 euce nien say so. Then 1 want tu auow why they uun t ciuno ami ncip us pin u mu ui ni misery. ( l.aiiyhler. ) for bis own part ho believed that it still lived, and did the Deiuocruey sucoeed, as Iliev could not, it wouiu uo wurnuu uai; m in mf .... ..I . 1, . n..i. . Il i ,.m.t I'.irtt nier vewcr. no aij-ii.-'i . I.-II1.-II., "i... i.'.--and ability, the plaiiorms ol the opposing parties lu tno iiio-ei.t coutest. Ho said Ihu loval men in the lliiLelSta.es could not Lvo thero alter tlio eloso of tlio war. ii shivery was con; limed and the arrogance 01 tho slaveholdort permitted to cxiBt. Ho narrated, tu show the truth ol this luct, llio horiiblo treat ment or the I uion nun ot Missouri by bxaiiLiNO l Bii ii aim his num. lie reviewed tho Peace party in scnthinu terms in At an at Bmilallse. Hi) uracil tho poo.ilooi l'lu- ludo phia nut to bo uintent with holdout mass moot- . i. .i ii.i.pu mini i.ni.t. c.oiisiiler it hi-i persoi.al duty to work lor the liiilou ticket trom now until ..i i.. in, r hpi. in, mi in tho field mi Inokimr to us and wo must nut disappnint them. Ilo closed Willi a most cimptout appeal iu behalt of the Ciu- Ainoiin tne ail'ltellco woro uiiuen -....umr IHrKAUUK and luily. SALMON P. U11APB AT Tills I1AI.I. OIT Ills l l'UIILIC'AN INVlNC'llll.KH. Tho Itepubhciiii Invincililea held their usual meet Irg Inst evening at Nalinniil Hull. Market street, be liw Thirteenth. Mr. Hon DKit presided. Tho hall was well tilled, and speeches wore mado by Mr Amob Myeus, Governor 1'oi.i.ock and others. It did not Uiku long lo have tho news disseminated iimoiid llie uudlouco thut the great lion of tho day, the Hun. Kalmos 1'. hahk, would rctmir to Na tional Had alter his i Hurt at Concert Hall, and ad dicss the audience a-sembled tin rn. Althnuiili the speeches Ueiore Hi" Invincible Club w ere ll.n u sl'lig ui.il pulrioliu, slid wnon il beeaino kiiiivn that Mr. iiAsi: v.-mini bo pn'scnt, a vbiblc uneaiilics uud r. slle.sliess was lliilliili sted by tlio audiei.ro, which was only nvur when Mr. t uAsic lliaile bis appearance nil the pluliorin, When tlio auil'ei re insv and welcomed him with tho mint en thusiastic hecrs. Alter oidu hud beon r-stored, Ml.t iiABh wus Introduced lo llm iiuibeuiu by liou. BlMON AMKKON, Ulld Spoke US Pillows: The Kent. i men win) was speaking when I Minn in sad Unit it lo norm in i.li.i.su wus eioneu I'rrrideiit lie would think Cod had d'-crt-H the euuiitiy. H it Is true I lint l.eiierid Mi'i.ui.i.i cunmii l e mado I residenl ol the United suIm, then wein'iytuVo it for rrniued Ihut t.isl h n.,t di e. lied us, ui.d w e w ill 1 e a very hupp v people. an aie a liunpy pcoplo lo-nilit, hul you will be hapnier on the iluy aitirlhu e'.enu n. 1 ou will not expect 1110 to lay much lo you ul Una hour ot the nlirhl. My iriiud Mr. t aui uon is pleamd to think that 1 Imd Hinietl lug to do with trns.nl.anks, and that gmrl.ocks has had soinetlimc to do wild tno Na tini al siiei-iss. li is, no doubt, a good tlin.fr to have a iMitiunsI currency, so thut when you wind your boy to ban Kiuncisco he cull buv Ins duller with tho moi cy ho .nkis w it him irnui l lnlailelphia. Well, 1. 1. .n .i..- In.l I il.m't rlv uii,.ii lh.it. W o have In tho hold. When 1 was in el nrye oi th" Tieisnry lhi anineut I cuuun d it a irnut pnvilere to be aole to r.uso inonny ennugu i ..... L t.rnvi.-iiin lor iliu cnuiiurt ami support ol these biftvu I ois. Kut ai.er a I soldiiua iuu-i eiuiuro harilluss. And I snliuli .es wi-.ll that inmi.U-ra woii.d lmueh totl.ei.i l oni that Uxl winch says "Colil.i rs ei. onto hart ie ra." .... . ii,..v I...W. .1,1 to do it. mid Iliev do It cneortuily. lecausi eveiy snld.cr ire's that ho is nVlilliu mr Ida country. Il is llie cnlinlry ol bis luilu rs, in his wli" u, .1 i,.. . til iiien ilmi he is iiL-htiiur mr. Wn aieon" lu enle'. l-.veri win re vim eu i.iu nconue un iiiliera il the niliiK lliliidv. ami nl.cn u pail ui Hi s iuni ly la buns badiv, ami l li-- to o out t.oiu tho res', we have liotli IU' to do but lo iriic Un in a c'snl tl i.n.1. untl we lluve Hi U-) Lull mid am iloma It now i.iijisi, - in ii. 'i r- - - - THE VARINMI330UEI. nrfntnr Jmrel Price's Army-Its IH". jlftl iN.morHil-'P'" ,',r" ra IInlrd rrlswnrn-Twli Plrsj of Artillery Takn Ureterals Marmia rtnhe ana fnb'H In Hsnils-Prlcs BtiriU Two llnmlr.a of II is Wrtgons) Onr 1'arrn lrHin- Illin I'pll-oifll to Arhansma. I t. ly uis.tlet. S7 A de- patch Iron Ix-aynwortli to the Diep'itih m i:-"l'iui l has been driven bo low Kurt Sicolt, cNisrly lollowcil hv our cavalry. "We liavo en ture.l a lan-e number of prl'oni rs, Imluiliiiu ! r.'ls Maiimaiickk and aiili.i., uud tllio severul plceli nl artd'ery. "Hi.sirt'.ASti wi," ut l.ltlle r-iuili! I'e, twolvemilei sunt i id Katiias hv. with bis ini.itilrj , on I un'sy reeh' t. I.dt'ts. Oct. 27 Iiespati lie in the Hordi-r t snirs snv Unit a train Irntii Forth Hmith wns at. tneked bv " l.tishw huel-ers" souih ni fort stcoit KU.i,pn men were sillc-l, uud pint of the triiiu liiinnl. About fill. -en btiiidi.il rcluuoca tt 'com- panicd the train. A-.nin 1 'iernl's, tinder I upturn 1 svt.ort, entered Miirmnl"!!, a leiv miles Iron) Fort s-e .It, ft' Vi o'clock un Siilurduv niu-lit. nnd iiiunlered t olo- l.i Is K.Mnvi is, pm.M N, Hawkins, Met. oMrii.it, itAPWic x nnd Sui t, who w re . u route tor Ihu Ninth, tnovibi r with Sipiire 111 YNoi.oa and two ollur citizens. Thev l.uined a church, two stores uud seveinl ilwolllilu's. The Fedciiil loss ill the bolile of the 21 1 1 was "5 wound' d- Ihey were sent to Ix avenwor.ii on Muhilav. The Kansas lullilui have troue home. Martini Imy bus been abolished nnd buiineis re'llincJ. Five hlindn d llcbcls. under 1. 1 im uant-f iolonel M'TIamki s, crusted tlio Hannibal nnd HI. .tou ph Ituilrond, m ar Ilulklln.on Monday, going uorlh. A strnni! lerce lia been isuit alter Ihein. Advices Irnui Upper .Missouri suy that General S p li t hns cone Into winter ipinrtors at Kurt Hully. I he IMtinel nvo Iiiduins are lu a sturvlni.' coudiliou. LATIR. M . l outs, Oct. 27 I ho tullowinp is rcc-iveil In in reliable sources : I nir lorees bnve besm driving 1'iiii K rnpidly since Hunduy. At the lust accounts he was twenty-live or thirty miles southeast ol Fort Hcolt, Ins amiv muled and dispersed. On Tuesday wc had sevonil ll;;hts with him between Mound City and Fort Scott, In ell of which ho was badly whipped, losing IfH prlfmiern and ten or t velvo pieces of aitillery. Major-Cenoial Marm aiuiks and llrigadicr-ovneral Cabki.l are among (he prison ers, with several Colonels and other clliccn). lie was siram atlackc l yesterday lunriiing a short dis tance north of Fori Scott uud driven pell-mell in a southeasterly direction. lie burned Iwo hundred woi'ons vesterdar, lo pro vent their litdng captured. Js'iil liin.t Is stated about the loss on either side, bnt there sooins to be no duuht that linen's army is completely demoral ized ami rcattorid. llm tolcirrnph is working to F'ort Scott, but nut limit has beeu received ot to-day's operations, except that our lorcc-i aro still in vigor ous pursuit. i.enernl stkei.r, whh a heavy relntorcomcnt, Is at Fort Sniilh. with the probable view of contesting I'rh'x'b entrance Into Arkansas. 1 he ItelM'ls were chused ull Sunday nltfht, and con stant fighting kept np. T0URT1I EDITION INTERESTING FROM WftSHIJIGTOH. RUMORS FROM GRANT. EXCITING KEWjJ AT IIAND. Skirmish at Salem, Virginia. THE ELECTION FRAUDS. nr., ric i:ie l'.le. lite. MP., I"-P. T II T A t; K V E T 11 O L E V M COMPANY Capital, $500,000. HON. DIVIDED INTO 100,000 HIIVIIES, $.' liAC'II. surscRimcN price to stock, l'Eit hiiauf:. fUiieelul Tlia rpn:nir TelPirrnpli. Vasiiim.ion, ()eu b"r JS. 1 stcrday tnorninc; .1 picket fcit.ird of a Pi nnr y Iv ihia regiment, si tinned rear Salrin, Virginia, was att iched by a body of Mnsit.y'.s guerillas nn.l driven in. A portion of ti.e Hth Illinois Cavalry, being out scouting in tho vicinity, ctime up, nnd after pivcrul cliiirrcs repulsid the guerillas with the loss to the hitter of a number lu killed and wmiti'Ji il, whirh the ltclu ls, however, succeeded In fiirrjitig ftnni the ln;l l. Our troops lust ten killed nnd wounded, which were hronsht into Ali xnnJrii by the train which arrived thero at 8 o'clock'. M. Two of the He'iel prisoners, attached to tbli train ns a rtiard, jumped off on the downward trip, while tho train was in motion, and attempted to miil.c their escape. The train was Immediately stopped, a;;d a corporal nnd sjvcrnl men recup luicil llio priaiiiicrs nnd brought them bi' k ,to the tribn, when: they were safely secured aaj taken tu Alexandria. lntiorliiil Itninora from IJrnnl. The I nited Stale transport steamer John Jlroolm, from City r-oint. brings some news of intercst.frum the.front, hut which is of a contra band character as yet. New York HuI!trV Yotp. I'lpptlon l'ranil. Tho excitement is very great over the New York eleciinn frauds. One agent Is bore still under unrest. Further developments will Boon bo published. The Chrtmkk says: From the soldiers who detected the forgery in Wash ington, the hemhitiarlcrs of the system, we lcaru that they confessed to haviag been at work for sonio time; that they did not dare to trust their envelopes to the lllaek Re publican mulls, hut sent them away in boxes to parties who would take core of them. It Is hoped that sorno of theso boxes will be recovered ; but It is cstimnted that, at tho lowest, ten thousand votes liavo been sent from this city alone. Tho agents hero are not ono whit behind their Balti more coadjutors in villainy. .M:ir.vliml Politic. Maryland secessionists In the lower counties arc orgiiiiiniug to cant a large vote for MeClellan in November. Tho military authorities will urrost nil well-known llcboli who nppcur at tho polls. I'ersouiil. General Franklin is in Baltimore. Itetiini or Mini Lyons. Lord Lyons is back, ami had a long interview with Mr. Seward to-day. Vote in Nln rldHiii'si Army. A New York Utato Agent, just arrived from Sheridan's army this morning, cluims that a niojorily of the soldiers voto for McClclluu. Ho takes home tho votes to-night. A lleiiiuuil. It is rumored that Governor Seymour has made a demand fur Colonel North, now in tho Old Capitol. U neral ItieUellK' Condition. General lticketta continues to got better. Mr. Sisuiuu's iiAitti. Mr. Stanton is well enough to bo, at the War Dcpartmont tu-day. official. fl'l Solitlem' tote in Ililekn County. Sim ial lktvaich lo Tim Evening Ti Ujraph. Doylbhtown, October 2S. Ine returns ol the soldiers' vote in' Bucks county have just been opened hero. They aro as follows : Congress Thayer, Ul; Hobs, 35. Senate Godshalk, 131 j James, UO. Tlio Vermont Itnltl. MoKTiiKAi,, October 2S Tho procoidings in the enso of tho Vermont raiders liavo bcun trans ferred to this city. The prisoners arrived last ninht. and aro now in jail here. The ieraov.il was mado secretly, to avoid excitement. Ono deposition was tuken yesterday, and further pro ceedings have been postponed until next week on account of the Catholic, holidays. QUALi A-T FIllHT Ct)st 'I'. 0t Prioe to Etrockholderi $7 00 pr Toa. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. COAL Ol JJKKT Q1T.M.1XY. PnI(El, ssi n.tltllna to OVl: AKTi A HLKT071. at lift en.t, rVtllT Y K A ft forTK.NTV YKAl'M, and t'Aail IdVIHKMiS cf .rofllt rrorn tin-isle of all ulrptiis C.al.ms) BuW t otuslncd at 1101)0, .yaMf tiilf on ub 1. nb ua ami ball un Janaaiy 1 asvt, of the .VUri'AL BEAR MOUNTAIN FRANKLIN COAL COMPANY. OHieo l'-M M. Tllllin Httoct, (iiT TO-H K I.IHAItn BAVK ; Sink Capital, 500,000, in C2.500 Chares. RcBtived Working Capital, 12,500 Ckares. sac ot . .. .. . -; r tn.harM. $:' '.ir.s.l'..'.: ..f ."-I.. ins, 'it.'-.; of 100 .hares, tsA'.; V..0 stums. I'.e n. I..b .1 ate niiiilr. the hu'il. r In raeelva. vrv j ea rn. .ml half I .1.. ..I '' a' ul .OS'.f.-r 7" y. irs, ilu'l C. luviitrnii, i i i rv ii Dii.mlu.i.f it." proilis Imiu tl' all .11)1. Ill" ri.ill , ho., k liiil. u-rs vitio il" not sist any rial nisTbsve liu ir i,li....lli,inot "Ml liltiy t'"' I niunsuv. mr n rii e.piii-is l,.iiiil.lhi'r .llt. biiiit- t ..l mrrtii Ih. m. Pl.t. pi-lid' nt ol II. r nsi'lar cnh dUnl'-nila, to whl:h Uny are nHJ ;','. V!VB., ,..,..,.i.l.,rir p,lw,.1.,.llP'0W.WOIIKS), at IHiNAI.HsilN Hear Trsui..ii' ), "rl.uylklll roiinty. with run nlv Munni! an 1 'I iml.rr R.slil.. in et Hient Jli. r lln-alar. 11"!'- Woiks. Ir- Mt'-nl Hi.-t'iri, Bsll- niada. and ull olbi-r M.enln. ry soil Ani-aratns. In Pill lU.riaiion. es..-i!.i el lulling Iti.'j'O lens, lo t)v exu-inleil U 1: ii. i is' n.n. i r vi-sr, , L ,,, , ll.e (ml Is of ll, best nilsM'T.rtltetW of lb" I'.l.ieV llrslh iie.l I'r'n rn.e Y rl"-. v I lo'.i. wuli svrrnl iiinar isli.st.lel'. nl Veil.".. Mud wlIMn the lli.es ut ilieCuiu p. i v lor nrarly l.i miles In In ih. ..... , A biarrh of llie Ki'sil n ItviPimd rsl'nls to llie mine, or this company, nvor wilch tii Coal Is dally acut t "riiockliiiMers msvonlrr tholr Coal In any if theu-ntl sii.n vis -l.nnpCi.al, broken. I'.ik. Hinv.i.or Nut I'.is!, all ut Ihi-prm-iii rest rrusof $7-io pi r ton, drllv.cl at thr hiiuta, wltlilntbn ii'iisl ill.lanrra of the I iiminin) 'I v..l Ysiils, In lhs tionbern, .Mm dm, aud Bunii.srn p r- "'i'l'" '('oroi'uny'aml all Its Mlstblt Wo-kt ir,flnrof debt, ami sll "I rrallona are earrieit nn on Ike cash principle. For Circulars and Hutiai ripllona apply at tne & V;EIQI1T l- HIDDALL t ' No. 119 T.T-lutt. F.troft I t twfi n mi'NT AVI) ar.coxD aTrtrRTS. c.w.asi.rT. r.a.sipp.u JlKl'OOIBTf, riIT5ICIAN8, ' AT Ol NrttAI, fTfilltKKr.PF.RS, Canflnit at onrr-:. bllstincnl a full a.snrtroantof Imporlf ai d liomr.tia Drills. Pi i-u.sr Talent Medli Inrs. Paint c;il Oil, Window lilsss, l-re-. -lptmii Vial,, Ac, at a 10 pliiT. as fp-iiiiliie firiT-i c-. 'li. esn be sold. tit. rs'r.NTt i, oit.s Forfv iifi i'leprrs, In full irl"" . Btid .f ths best tnatlt C.-rtiii.Pi.l. Brn -ol lnd'is. Madder, l'.A A,h. Cn-!lira r...la A h, Ahiin.ilil ul Yitriul. a nua'.lo, Copl etas, Ktlra of I (i word. Ac, Hilt iiM.ur use, alu.ija na hand, b nr.: m t o-h 1-ilr.... IM'lil: Sl'ici.sl KOIS FAMIT.T fF., i;rettr.ii jrv--,iy f'.r cur p.iles nndtu which we invi II. t u'leiu'en ..l'tr....r In want i fnC'iilCii artlilss. Alo, JM1'.O, .SiWRCII, .iiL nlAtl), it., of tx otui'l'v. Urdus ty Mall, er city pen, will meet with fri-mrd." ti mien, lt aj' i.'ul .luelsilen, wul be tuiuistd wtiea ) r 1 illiested. Jal!-ly WUTOIIT ft S1I)TAT.I., WliOleal" DrilK Warrhou.e, Ko. Ill' MtllKIT sUrrpi , alnve rmnt J CEcc, No. 121 S. THIRD Street, 2d Hoor, (OrrORITK OIRARD BAKK.) HOARD OF IlIKKCTOIlS. WILLIAM f CHMif.I.E, PaismrKT. WILLIAM rOKD. ROBERT V. KINO, i. h. wai.v E, H. "CnilltKLF.. 10 51 A. B. JARDKK, flecnETAUT. AUI'IIIN AJS1 OOI-.OItA.lJO GOLD MINING COMPANY. CllAItTIllI-'.D HY STATU OF PENNSYLVANIA. OAl'lTAI. STOCKi iff 1,000,000 200,000 Khareii rar Y'alne, $5. r.eHi.l' iit-JOKN It. ANDERSON. Dimotova). Jinies R. Mamo, T. C. MeDnwell, Ilarrlsburg. John W.ltull, do John Brady, do YV. W. Wylle, Lancaster. William (I. nhute, Colorado. The t'nun.liiiu l oufereneo. Qveiikc, Ocuibcr 2H. The Confe.enoo closed its labors last night, and tho delegates have left ou their western tour. Thomas A. Scott, H. II. Kneaie, WlUlani 8. Freeman, Kobeil 1". King, John M. Riley, Charles De Silver, D. 1. NOUTIIVVOHTM. Secretary and Treaauror. OrriCE. Ko. 423 WALNUT BTRIET, noon no. n. Authrntlcatcd speclnuns havebfenpmcurad (Tom aome of the Comiiany'a lodci, and bavo been assayed by fro fcsiors Booth an4 Garrett with the moat Krallfylnirraaults. Subscription II. u are now open at the Office of the Com pany, and at tbe Treasurer s Office (Internal Revenue), Uo. 7 CIIEfNUT Street, Fanners' ami Mechanics' Hank bulltllnff. To original subscribers f,:i-&0 per share for a limited number ot'sbarci. Clrrulari, pamphlet,, or Informntlon ean be obtained at the olllcc of the Couipanyi aftor tho 171b Inst. 10-14-lm JAMKH II A 11 M B B H wnoioiaALa amo bataii. CLOCK KBTABUSHMENT, 8.X. corner BKCOKD and CHKBNt'T StraaU, PkllAd'a. A'iKNcT aoa TUB l-ATKHr KQUALIINO TUIRTT-DAr CLOCKS, A vary dealrabla article fur Obnrchoa, IIoulJ, Banks, CounUnK-lleuso. Farlors. Ac. AJso.WAM FAl'll HK.K OK TJHT. HOLD PKN8. CLOCKS liKl'AlUlill AND W AKKANIltD. jals-ly Clock TrlmmUisi of every deiuripuo YfM. A. GRAY, N. E. COKNER OF RIXTH yV and MIMOB t-trrel", buys Inamouds, Watches, Gokl. Silver, and Uian TlcSeta. 'IHOS. It IM W ANT OF MOLT CALIi. All bualnasa eonOdenUal. anlO M (;ODlAHI) .Sr- J(., APOTHECARIES, Iiralcrs tu r.na TriK lerfitmry, Toilet A-rtlclos, iiikI Mpeotaltle rinyl)lF WIKK.S, c, sold only for Medicinal p posaa. ' lw 8 l No. 1228 CHESNUT STREET. TYEAFNE5!s7BI.I'l'NKSS.ANnCATAnP I.) .i ia 4 I H. M . I) . Pii.fr. irr el IDs ! and I i,..,,i. ..il i..,n.r. n-,r,iituiiiinir ia hsstsivi-riirrutwr. , tl.e utir.e.t MIC1 eSS. Te.1iD3-niSI. IIOOl iiui.i.-ji- si.iiree. In ihr rltv rsn lis .ten at hie nfflre, rlo. uu I i m. ...... Th.. Mi. lit ul S'lirultv srr Invllrd Ui aei'oin,M Iimit B.tlrnti. as Lu hs. no .eerela In h.. pructice. 10 I'II1I.A1;FM111A BUK'iKOl IlAMitUK LNNTITUrn, No. Is IilM'll Bue-t, a -eve ilsrlsl. Hupti ...iirllvenrrd bv B ('. EVEKKfT'S ITenilum f tiradueutir i'rssinra Tnui. Huecrkir Bisstie , Clastic Muesli s. Hupporirra. eaooraar axasMw. oaa. lore e. tVurrims. Ac. Ladles etumicd by lira. B.C.EVT.8ETT. mrK- urillTR VIRGIN WAX OF AN1TI.LK' 1 Ibis aK0.ul.ite IVsmrUr has nn tal for bra . li.c.wiiiteiiiiia.anii pre.rivinK ii.euiiiiii"-'' rsiid from rule white was, hen e In extraordinary ' ties I. r i.rr.irvinii the ,mn. uisklna It son, fab, sm. and transparent. II Is mo.t somhlng after ahavlne.t el aiiprd bunds ami lips, n moves puiipiea. muni'". . . . ... .H.,i.,.-n ,,.l lun.uri. a nrarlv tint t i.. . n.H t..l .mil. I'rlre Ml. and 7 rente. Hv ' A CO., Jio. 1X1 N.HEt l l " Biriei. ao o.n o. r.i..; eltreet. "l''". WKALTII, HEALTH, A BKACTr. If to rata admlrtna eyes-. If to can," invldiou, stubs! II tu lie a liliuimlnR flower, lading, dylna in uo hour Bbactt I If In have a host of friends', 11 for vice to mate amends; If with hk-h here blood t wait; If a marble stone when dead WaAtra If to live threescore and tea, Wl.hlnit It'" as Ion sKaln) It to live a lite of psaee: 1 lo dm end c.i lo if eui-H tAArn 1 Ifyon wish a life or pleasures ; ; If you value this world's resauresi If every comfort you would see. Take my advca, aud wish ah lAeaf. Then, havlnir Health, Wealth. and BeaP You'll be prepared for every duty. By a f arvrnl perusal ot Dr. WILLIAM YOUstfl'S.:, - n.i.B- .uui.:i.' .11M11I.- vhli-h aliAiilA bB bv every one. Bold by lbyksellera gene-ally, and i Doctor ' office, No. 1 81'UUClt mitKT prl. eeiita. Mta A CAJID TO THE LADIES. BU. PITONCO'S OOI.DEN PILLS FOR FEM Iufallll'le In rorrcrtlnir. mrrulatlnir, and removlrs, obstructlom rrorn wnulevcr rau.rn.aiiu ainr. autceaslul a. a prevundva. . These nils arc noiliiag new, and have been oied", Doctor for many yenrs, both in Franca and Auierles, miimrulleJcU ancceaa In every easel ami he la ani h ..,.1 I ...Una whi, Suva il. nd llirnt. 10 BiaC 1 Ills pui.ll': Ilir llio niiioiuouu ui .uu.v .unu. s a,.. l.r,.iili.rlilr. whnlrvrr. a. well a, to arevellt r d crease of family where hralti will not perinil It FY peculiarly .dusted, or those ,upuo.uiit ttiemsetves cunt lorn d aiodust u.lns these plus wldle In tnat con! as the propi letor ansuices no responsibility alter tbe ilmenliii.i.. alih. .lieu llislr mildness would provcif nil.ehicfto health, otherwise tne Fills are recoinn, 1 till and explicit dmclliii.e iiccoiuiianvlng each bos' Price fl.oi six bosis I T '). Suld wholesale aud by the folii.wlnir liru.K'sis : I'.lliett. w inle a Co , No. M V. Fourth strceL a tVlh'ht Hlddsll, No. UU Msrkct street A Marshall, c-irnor of 'Ihlrtrenth and Market strsa rlier A isml'li.ooriicroi siaeond aud Ureen sireii' Dvoll Co., Ho. N Kie.md street. J.ilinsi.n, llolluviay A Cowdeu, and H. C. Pelilcour. I smuen. At tetull liy ad lrugi,u. Ladles, by sending . , ovp. nni.t.AR To rtlhrr acrnt. rs)i have the I l'lldM HI-'.NT CONFIDENTIALLY, t 1 By mall, to purt uf tho city or country, fl. D HfW'R, Vo.W, W.TmitTY-BIXTH Street, polluue. T)ATENTE1 JULY 19, 18G4.-J 0 S X Mill TKT, Klrve de Fans. French Hleara and Hcourli.ir on any sum oi weamiK apparwi, wr ii. .i,i .mi i'h.liiMii. Patent ai.naratus for str liaiits from ore lo five Inches, li'o. 7;w HACK aj I Urai.ab Ho. SKI S. M1NTI1 Hirnat. Fkibldelpbla. 8KIPPINQ. CASH WORKING CAPITAL, S20.000. l.i- It Ine eel-li ed l-lll'mr, c.tv. ueil ceelures lor an III niediule ces-ul.-ui ct lio-itili.io.-. I: Is very curious toiiotic.i t'mi tliu tiil tliln r llct tliomdit 01 wu 1I10 old r.iiliouo niasim. "Iimi't .tui d iipi.u llm ma' on in." ii-n si Isii . iiii r.l l lio i.M.iiiiiiii 1- 1.0 ai.niii 1- ri-sd to iiiui llnill. ivitu the ul viceol I11st1111.il-, Ii tins to Wirt,, a iei-i-r wiin-li shall leas nearly 111 e ilie i!ottorui as i.)-lld'i, and jet did' r inmi'it. Vlml. In- did not siioooud vmv we I. He plop sm iI ilevotioii to tho I." 1110:1. uiui -iys 111 case im iu is no oil. r ol reeoA'iiii,uii niide iioni the t.li t li ; In. mi. ho does nut av tloul wlimu, or t y whut iitiinl "'. In- 1. ill d' m it hi' du'y to mo secuie the wur. V e.l. tliell, there is I'KMil.KT.JV, u muu very 1 sllmahe in nil llie alks ol 'private He, who lius lroui tin; ticcjiiniiu' liru.Hl Hint thli wus uu unhidv war, aud retused to vole in-n or money lor lis carrv imf 011. ilut li--, ioi, hud impst-sicd upon Imu the iinporlunce 01' wriiinu a loiter, in whicu ho deciured liu uus iu Invor ol uie t' nl' u, aim lluil his Mute was inliiior 01 it. fiow 1 lio in that htute. Itis in.uvuroi tlio I'nioii. I Applause., It never showed it more si;.'iiilii-:iuily ihun v.lu-u she cave on bundled tliou-uud uiujoritv nir Jdiim Uuou.iii. acuiiial I mmi.ntL. Y allamiioiiam, or wln-n she yw sixty ihousiitid t :is year ou a reiiuccd vote Otfiiii 't lue re)ieseuiutive lit ihu same parly. (Loud ci 1 -ii in-;. I Mr. I :mii s-ric; uu.i I don't at-nn; in our Id us ot I'uioli. '1 lie I uiou purty, 01 Viluehl 11111 a luicu.-er, uud the Diunoeriiiic p.i: ;y, In wuich he Is ionirs, ho'd veiy dllb Mini pMicm'cs. Ihey tluul ill.) t niun re stoicd v ith til'; uluio poller unlouciicd. V e wanl the I'niou with nut a a an; tlii'oii.'iiiiut uur viisl cx teut 01 territory, (iircul ch.sjiin I did not know vnu had tfotu-n as lur am aucoit as this iu l'cuiisrl vaida. hut 1 tiud you aro alu-ad 01 mo. iLuuirhtcr aud oppl'iiisc.) Tho i-r.-at dillcronce lwtweuu tho lartica 1. tliat wo want a Lniou with tiucdoui, aud noy want a L'. luu wil'i . ucry. Vi e.l, a leiliu lHinooi-ut said, toe other day, he wanted tin- Lmuu ao mton d that thev could Unit the lllsck Ki-nubli-curis. Well, ho dou't wuut auy such thurr. (J.a.ihter.) J , , rVOW, aynUl'inen, W o uu nut wain aiavnij mi uu restond. Vie be run in that way. 1 am Ires' to suy, as 1 always dlil, that iu time ot peace Urn National Government hud no rmht to lutenore with alavory lulhaHtatoa. I should have hiu (ilsd it we oould Lavestiuck Uto lieheillou dead by a liarhtuinir stroke) pvu thnurh s.uvury would huve reuuuurd. But a ii.... 1... ....... r. wiil,l otlu iwlaa. I bo time had com when tliis git-at uutlou was to bahoru again, and this struci'le has uot Loon eatisod bv the puuga oldnsolutiou, but uie paug. ui aiuw u...u. iuuu pi'iaui-e. ... . . Iiiero is iu my Jud(imeut a if real mission to be ac-eoiiiidi-hed by tins nation, though 1 do nol kuow what it la. No uian ran road the (treat .crull on whirl! Oniuipoteuoe lias wntlea th docrme ol luiurily, bnt it re.Uiroe uo pteternatural rtt to ac tliat lue tiiua bad ouiuo when we Mould ahow lorth budeuiablv tha true princlntoe of repubhoauisui aud the capacity ul the people to govaru tlioin.selyei, (ap plauwti wliau a would euipUaucaliir doc Ure that ih 111'- Ihei'r l-url ol'lli'i. iv.ok.uiid I am clad lo know uiE MtCI'l.KTY OF TIIH COklPANY C0MPBI8ES, llil'l.iuM- .nil cii lll lo t'.ie l.ol.ll nii'll wnoill thl y coliimai ll, ulld l.l.o u.e lielliillg tbeul do I lis) "V, uie I'ldlilt to eri'.h Ilo lielu llum. and Ihal la the ri u-oli liu' I Ipl.o-. ' ml e t limit c.iiiie 01 thl. ve ir. 1 hi ftlv III' ir Clliulii. tiles fie Hi v go.-d I00KIII.'. but they Cliil'l Collie III. I i. UDlil. r.l I He Irnui of .1 u- Inlie Iiu-cou.ii. 1 1I..11I in .1 i Hi Jin i -K. who runil.iuv in. m MHI U..I-. in Hi" ..ey. i.ti-at lull lit! I 1 U euu lie Ji Inlis- Ol C. iu.ii ipslt in. I . l lllll. -.) how. tin II ' I'd -, '' I I'i' l-sk tll, ever.- me. il vnu, to do loiir iuni. I' t'.; i" is am om- w u'ui )mi kiiol. uiidliu think Iii" lii'iii'liu'. - I" loin and rril-im Willi lion. A-k li.'n wU.l.ir II is worth v bile iii 1 1 w ii Ii the ii. mi mis vn'. "r w iicilu r it i. Letter Iii aland Hv h i ruii'i ami ii .'-.' ai.u. Ulld 1 1. 1 -e Vl I. o un 1 1". ine 1 ii .r. - I" l1 e na l. to ...n.-i I ii a I'w re.ii.iia-. i. In leases ai d fee simple, about TWO HUNI'RMI AND BtVESTV-l iVE ACKES i if the 1 1. lent trrtu.iry tu Western Virginia and Houihcrn Ohio. I pun Ilea .r. i sr'.y are ti.e twu yinl TACH Wl'.l'LH, .Mr I I' l-L Pi .ION i AM iolil lu d. III". HON. UUrr Willi the ill' ellllat ud- Inti. P. st- IHpIsIii s'm.'Ui. Dim. ham tun, Tiicsdny, i ico'ier l.s.l.-lo the Editor of the New Yuik 7' .u i rerun' me to si.y, In (;cnfiiil answer to the t.uuiemu . invi.a t'mns'to addicts Vuiou lue tin's iu thi- and ot'ier Mutes, and iu t polony for Hie cm jitiiiKciueut fu. that liuiitiK been lucventcd f.rtwi wccl.a Inuu '.ipeiikii'i', my pluns huve hern th rel'.v i:tranr'ed, and my expectation disappointed. Iu renuiuiD)!, it is the ndiiie und rciiicsiol the M ite Cotuuiitfie thut I spi-iik in the interior nf this titrtte, ut places runifd and pulili J, until the day of tliiti n. This iirianirciiicnt, I re .-ret t my, prtiei.ts a loputise in pcismi to t. timer m Kii'd inoi.t Ri ncr .us tttiJ "it'ii'it S it.ii'ati'ins, at pni'.tswl.ire 1 ilesirc l to k. ri.l..i.in! win. h.i'iul. r other c reuinstutiri'i, I shnttid have a ccpti d wtili uluerity and ;riitil:cutioii. bimeiuiy jours, 1). 8. I ii kismv. T.u th. r w.tti s'a oM.ii well., being ru; 1 lly p-oaecuted, and w dl. ei ' r; pri.-(.is.t of alL-cea,. '1 lie pr.arut produc tli.ii ul tr.t pi y, -rl.- wl'l .a a dl l.lruj of NiiireMi.iou of lbs Itelielllnil In llityll. New Yokk, October '28. President Jeil'iirJs, of Huyti, proclaims tlio lull suppression of the re bellion, find restoration of order In the Hepuhlio. Tlie St. tlliiiux ulrnu;p. The Toronto, Canud.i, papers publish some ad ditional items of news respecting tho prugress of the trial of the hortlor thieves at St. John. The Toronto Globe of Wednesday has the following despatch : Two dtposllious were taken to-day slow work. Messrs. Abbott untl Kerr appear lor tlio prisoners. All of them were Id. mined, allhoii;-'h others wore mixed with the prisoners nt the time. One wit ntss mudu iliu mistake of identifying u Montreal policeman as a raider. The .reposition will occupy to-morrow, and petlmps l ii l.-y. If cuiniii'tliil, cll'irts will ho made to have u pulilii: trial here. The charRes me liiurder, robbery, iitlutiipli'd arson, A: u. l lio pritoncs ric in goud bpinl. ,uud ure well treatjd. 1 heard t'icm sinninj;- Thero Is no d.inipjr of their escaping the iiiili'iny guurd and police at M. John, li'iite lew .-tian.-.f r.s l.ut those cntf.i:.' nl In the case. The Confederate Sanders, and Mr. liny, ot ihu London II. 'ft , wore piesent. A niun w.tli frlO.tiim was nrreetcd In Monire il lust nijiht. llio nii.ncy ho B"t irom raiiiers in M. Alliuns. lie will ht: M.ut out to St. Juhu to morrow. Colonel l.tniiitint'er has command of tho G iv ci imu tit police along llie stations to look al'.cr euiops. QlCOltC.13 HTITE", an., MANUrACTXTRING MACEINIST AND ENOlNKI'Mt, No. Hull N. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. UlUOI'JBNIlNa s ti in. io 1 llUDESilLKU MACHINE WOUKS, Two Tei Ci Lt ?. Hontb on tbe Par Value Of tl e .to. k.ai.d a rum h lury.-r yield 1. aaort'y i-ilnl. I T. n tl ., iii.in. 1 i.are .il'il.l. slick, ad t' ol r.-rnalu mis Cd ar...y be I. ad st t tic si.b.t ilidlen prus, If ayiuii J fn at thu i-n i. of tack sr.oTHi:?. l co., No. si; WALN I T s i r.V.i-T, in i n i;. Ko.litlN'. FltsiNT S.TULET, i-iiilai-ki.i-hia. We are prepared lo UU mdcra to any extent for oar well il'sTlMNKUY FOR COTTON AUD WOOLKH MILLS, Inrli ilingall recent Improveiueuia iu caliilug. Bpiuulng, and W raMuir ... VI c Invite tlie altenUon of manufacturera to oor eaten ahewiaka. ALFkKt) JBNKR A S0!f m1 TO rillll'OAl'TAINS ANU OWNERS. JJirla;. The andrrslgned bavins loaned she KUNMIMG li.iS HCKF.W HOCK. bes to Uifonn bis tri.ni'. and ih; pal runs ol U.e li.K-k, that he 1. prepured with uvoreaswd iuilliii-. lo aecoamnodata tho. bsvUig vesaal. to lie raised or repulrid, and bilns a practical ship-carpenter and ceulser. will ple pi-rauiial aiianUon to all vessels an trisiid to him lor repairs. , I'.iusln. or Ag.uia, Hiilp-Camantcra, and Macblulati bsvliiit vei l, Ut repidr, ute s.-lii lied t. cull. Having tbo aaincv for tbe suit- cf "Wsiterstedta Fslent kleisliie c.iiiiikjsIiIii'd." oi ci pur Taint, for tbe orr.orva t on o: veaiei.' l otiouis, lur lli.s euy, I am prepared to aim .i, ih. ..ui. on favorable b-rn,.. n fj Kcn-lntrton heftm l.-ck, MILITARY NOTICES. 1 lie) Aiile t'rup. l'roiu all soiounts which rea. h u, tho apple crop io this kc-ctlou is tnotnious this year; tuo tree in many ius;auce being fairly borne doa n with fruit. Notwithstanding ull this, they com mand a lively l'rlce in the market, and wU'ju botiKht by tha auiall measure form quite an iteia in the expenses ot the housekeeper. We look, however, as soon as th crop has beea rathcred iu, fur a great reduction, and believe that they will sell lur seventy-five cents barrel before Christmas. While ihe crop around here is so veiy htavy, it is a partial failure out West; and a very heavy business is now being don in ship ping apple to Milwaukee, Chicago, und other western towns. Cleveland appear to have beta the chief point flora which they are sent; aud tome idta of the uiaKtiltude w hich the baaiaes has assumed may be gathered from the tact that over 7000 hairels were shipped from there to Green hay, Chicago, and Milwaukee on (Satur day. The freight 1 thirty cent a barrel, and as they Mil readily at the points named at high prices, the busioeil payi. i'ltfairurj Vuviuctt. Br''.reHl I Itl'AY. w li la cur. J. lay 'in U i i I . i- -l 11 UNIS1II.I) ll'H.-K WAM'lli), IX r.t W aui.il. .1 1. s c... ..r A- -1 . ih t U .nut a-ie-l. A Lira. " eiu.auril U i.e. al m.s x " .. in C' A l.ll CIO . ) ill i a it T n r: n ? ii i r. w as hi no i x ill fllllK, C.il'lll' "I "I .TCI .11! Kill a, ! L.ali-I IU l l.n s m.a.ei n.. ' '. "S .. '.'.) i -mi i "U in k!l I.. . aet.l.'.. HKSKV t'LAI UbnilLK. 1 uo .Oleot """u;''sTr,V IlllTCHFlt A S'lV. a.. Ill .US 1SI a I SU.l l auia-i. railad't .-Vs. Oetidur XI. t-- ld-lH-liu DIsi801.ClION.-THK CO-1'IUTNKUSHIP kerMuf. .inui I au.l.rUie B-ui slid I I N srusi oj ".(a,, fc. Daviva, uinvui rartiiw, rtiliatelgbla. .lravl Su, !- flO rAltlaTaMtH"'--aa rd'r.l?el I SaS IM.S.r ? iAM lor Ui. I.."i"l amnal kaasXug u.4 Tllaa. ..- !"' ur-el. bis.au a,. Ua.itsasa. a rMHI , 4 t nVie, raiaa a. daviu. rblladilrbiA.Octy I, I. TJ CarWtcataa as liid-VHedaa.., QuarUrasaaler,' Vcs'rA.iiat n-sa.asi tau.vsma.saa twrliM . J.-. a.a.111 S.I Sold. (eta! is ' SLJ.'. i and loss, oa .IU(al. ..m.o.J. DV3a. ut la Isaaalil a4 avul as) lotuaui.tssa. Y- "OTIC K. i.l..SI.NI)TK ItASIK, IV THE C'OfSTY 01 lilll.Al'l.l.l lll.l. I'm I. Mil i l ui, October W.lsCI. Notice Is hereby given, aireeal.l In .ecltiui 2 ol II e a.-t i,' l!,i-lliln-l.il Aa .i-uibly OI Ihi- I imiulunwr.ijlli ul i'eiill s I. ami. , vi.iitkd "An act r nailing llimksul the ''oiiini'')) u i i.i t Ii lu be ouic Assucialluli, I' r tl.r pu I pu.col llunkliu;. ltu-.li-ll.e laws of llie l'iulc.1 htutle. '' uppi uveil theVJ.l i . i ul Aiisu-t. A. D., IHSI, tuut It's oti.ckt.uldur. vl tliu 1. i n-.n .ion nsuk in til. e )ur .y ui I'l.du.ii lpl.ls, l.sie ' las Cur vuli-d lu b.ccuic sucli uu Associ.it!. .ii ; and Unit It, I'liiilui. iuie piuecri-u ll.e uutbuinyof tne owiu-r, uf uu rc tl mi tw j ll.i.dsDf ll.e C..ILd Sleek tu luul.o ti e ini'.iuti; ri'-ii-uid tl.i-riivr hi tl.e Un-, ul Uie l.iiiid 1 V. T. YlllIUF.S.Cudiler. AC'Altli. Ll.l.Clll'rt A' CO., rROI'KlK 'l.ll.s. Ill II.MitAI. EATIs.i llulJCI', AM) III 'I... IMl'i.'.'H. N.i. HI Cllt-Ncr hi KI.F.T, Oi' l i'.-ill. I LMJtAI. I'OM i)r II I:, riill.ADM.PlUA, I A -'I ili.l. i . I') ui. 'tnou C II. i pilule pless, t. lh.-lr iiil-l.i.-'l a ..itluU SilJ Illcl.dS, tln-.r Vi.UUIl'.t IliAIlk, li'T Iti.i ,d i tuu. i .l Lieut lii'it KH-. r usly bc.luwuj; and I u iu.se 1 1 u id i .11 liirltii-r ..tliu- tiuns and liui-r ivi-uiiuit,, ma in e.n did. siur lu uii-iit t'.a coiitiuui-d .uppuit ai.-t paiio.-iAou ot Uu-acueiai puulu. ot riil.aJ -liihu aud luiuity. lu-17-:iu JJOOl'Eli'H A.JL.1 J VAULTH B. I.Oor. TEISDaud OHESNITT Bts., Under V. S. Tclegiaph OHirsj. OU) fclOCK AI.K ALWAYS ON HANI). ti tl hUAXDIl.S, WINES, OIN.1, WIUrlKIKs), WINEH. SIXTH Ff NNCILVANIA CiYALLYI. niCCKl'lTINfl OI' KICK, No. 63'i C1IESXCT STREET. lttcri'its wanted fur this celebrate j Itrlraent of Mu.ior-Oi-iit-ral Shtrldau's coDtmand. The leng cxperhiice of the Odlccrs, and the aplsn-.nd ropittullun eniiicd liy tlx nth I'entibylvania Cavulry' ni the Ui id, render Ibis a uioit desirable Kcuicnt for Veterans afC'uvalry or Int.iutry dc-MiiUb- to ra-enust. ALL OOVERN'MLXT AND CITY K0USTIE-) TA1D. Ai-piy t- Major CHARLES L. LEIPEE, Nj. ; CIIE'SKUT STUI El'. OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAM; ni:v YOIUC. HIE C0ASTW1HE hTI'SMIIItPCOMPA'JY'SZ.., i FIllSr-CLASa HCItLW hTEAiimtH. i I F. C. It Ml J UT. Militln UltliHb JOHN GIIINON, Hilaln Ilow.-' Will make a reKular tii-wekly Una, oemnurj EATUtrAT, eOTGBLS 22, 18C?. j 1 F.AVINli Flill.Al'KI.I'niA KVKBT TI KSDYY, Till IISHAY, & SITCC' Vtofu tin- Compti i wharf, CM abtv R&cc la AT 1 O'CLOCK M-t And frfm Kvir York, tr 11, Noith rtyr, on ! AT Jl O'CLOCK P. M.r Tlttit new and luLnt.tUl etc urn? ri ncri b prrisib for IU i. te. KrrUbt x 'tteO d ly, )itnJ,-J In th woticir 1 tier, nil cMt n d UD Die utu-otl c cn. a t',.- ...k,a.aa n.,'i..,.l... ar ..u I' 1 vi mniti j'oiin.uian, au j w rVlLLIAM J. TAYLOR 4; CCf No. 310 N. WH AI1VES, rtiII.AliEi.rina IC-?7-t 1 .1-1 l.f CALIFORNIA. CATAWHA SCOTCH AM) AMERICAN ALES A1XD 11K0WN 6T0UT. This eeietiraloa old staad aavlrg beea rcewvated and tlaarvaajbly r.aiteo, wii sue eg Us. aaest atocki of Ales and ehultas Lliuor, la tha oily, tha prop rl, tor Invites the public to give kits a oall, evaadsut m ks U of their av favaJ. I W naw-lra 13: b'JLNTT FOR MARINES. WANTED for the luii'-d riiatea ktuiiue Corpi, abls-budied lav j pHrlurai lue du'lc ol a eululer at our aiy larila, nd on buaid uuiis-ii Biaiss a-ops-ul-war via fuiaia,a aianuus. 1 enu of serrte, , Four Years. Uetter compensation diau the array. AIX TUt LOCAL 1100 M'tfc.4 paid neon eullitruaat. Marbius receive Tnze Muney. lor ad luiUiur tuaauiaiwa apply at the Kecrultlaf r.aadaaious, ho. UU S. FltONT Street, below Spruce Street, between Ike buius ul V aad ii u ciosk. C. O MoOAWI.I'T, au'-tf klalar aul Keoruluug oiSoaf . puiiLOUaiiH. OtlVori and lolJIsrs vt.ltlug the city on furloughs, leedhil feWOMJO AKD OTHKR MILITAKY aJvll'lPaiBNIo). Are InvUsd te the eatenalva MAKlTACTUHUia BdTAULDJUMBNT or GEORGE W. SIMONS & BROTHER, HANSOM ST11KKT IIAIjL., ANSOM Slreet, above Slath Street. IBLEHTATIOU BW0ED3 Made to .rderat the ahort-al ncrio.. Yr.us.7o t! nuvwiaoeahall- country c .asblnlng jl a ry i,,va l.f Willi tUt fstACTlCAi. twoam as an aw, a I'll'K 1 1, M'.ltTU BlVEK. KEwv -avtss, BTKAM Wl'illKI.Y TO Utj iiool. tooi i.i'ik at ifuie.i.iewn. Cork-a.Y ll.vni known .iraiuriaol It, a Liverpool, N. and fbiis.'i Ipl.ia Hicaiu.uip Cao-pany are Und. Sail as luiliiws . I t I I v OK W tstlllM. TON.gaii.rday.Oetobar 1.1. si CIW, B il'iiJsy. Nuveojl! ti. a 1 CHY Ol V.AM II1. .11 II. riAlurdas. Novrmb.-i j Ai d avrrv saccevdUig itaturdajr, at auon, liua i MUTl''lSOt:r'rA8-lAlir. rATAJSl.F. IN Cl'ttR T tr.t I ai m ad'Hiisi si-..a. .......... 1 1 ir.t Cabin lu I uiV.n Lu'" istratr it lomkrasS I ir.t f ul.in tu I'rtil... I si isi pii-eia!- Ml I an. . lli-i Dul.iiitu ll-uu'-rvt-i' 111 Hie. r. s-e tu kt i l.s.u... is al.u loiwi.i.1.1 n Hairo. llre.l V terdaia, Antnaip, Ae-.al a.,uady .-wraiea. o ( Is-r Ircui I IO-I..M.I or l,.u. rii.t-.w n . rlr , tl.'"?,l".', fllu. b rrra.r f.uiu iiu-n-.s andii i tiiwn.l-u. '1 L.'.a w :.u w wli iu .etui tur u.i ni buv tukels I en-a' then-ran s. t v ... iu.tl.ar luiiniuiioi. a. '.tea t.e Com! ear '.ll S II. llAl .. Af Wn 1UWA1.SI rsniert.i-uii.il fsfsja. BOSTON AND I'lULAJlK. SlVl. Zr s... I. III., aallll.a Ir.m aCl ??uhTiA . m.rn Si-.i w i rf nam tist: iiJ drlplua. ai d l ung W ksif. II. u.n. Dues on .k..... 1'is.y !ra. iji kalii.dsv.O. lotvar s. I4.. a is. si NuUUAh llaarr. Will sail rtoiU 4 1 obis lor iluiiun. on naiut nay, us i-)U-r at Is At 4 ' n ..... ......... .. l ....... .1. tl . ham , 1 Dr.. u.w .na ...m...,.- . , liiie.sallMigfliinie.il I-Tt ran. iuil) om rlaiuru , I In . ui aiu,c auwclsul al una ball Ibe yrauuuiil a-y j gale ve-sels. ' Freights laAra at fair rale. mraaa BMppms are r-siuniod to sen ecrpU ''tfjs Ma. Ml H.liKI.AWAKJt 3 lOK LIVEItfOOOL, "Killill Lb slap r rtl LAD f .I'M t A. Captain C , .,i s-u u. ala.ru. ur 1 1 i liit.l or t.a.aa.r auulv I IltolLaa LH'll Akll.iON Aul 10-M 101 WAl aliT it FOR NEW YORK. DES! ?, .aad I wl Da ure I. uaa via Uala ui , tiai aau anal. 1 ke Sleaoins of liia-a Unas sa) ' -i dally ai II e clock at., aad t o skwik t. at., hoar. V J above Walnut street. V for Ireiybt, v. hick wlU ba takea aa aeee,v. ,1 terms, apply to WILLlAkt M. fcAisUl OU I I' LaXAwAklt AveaMM. i il l