(Anting Sclcnrapli 1 K1DAY, OCTuni'.K 28, 1S5I. BFIEIT OF TEE NEW YORK PRESS, leading Kdltorlals from the w York I'lipirt Tills Morning. a ri:u ji:r in iui iftoMi, Prnm Ihe Ti flute. There If coarse hit ftinuain? stnry of a (rcn tlttnan hn run" n I o.tr.l n wo-otn si '.itn'ma', With lint ono ciu, ittnl -t i 1 1 hlcci'inrr limn tbo amputation of llio Mlur in siiifflc cotnb.it. 1'pon being coniioK.l with ,.r Iris hut lie Mijilinirly rei'liod ; "Oil, liner ltiliul! I liuvo tlio i.tlior man's eves In tny w.t p.M krt." Wln-n the lie bellion tirst riiU'tl it.- Iiuni. the sccc-sltm wi ar.ls t'il.1 u tli.it m ii.ic rn W.uii to riiisi, that pr5. wottld icrowr in our Mroctw. th it .mr stifnt tvnultl rot a; tlio jarrs thiit our iittnii.tciiiri'S would l i, iMcil, ilntt our lianas wmilil 1.1 1 1,10 Hint no'lup i-iulil sno 114 from n siviviiin. ei'iilrniir 01 h v.ilu I,, , , tint mi.iis roti 1 1 tn'c our t iltps, Unit our wivs an. I ( hil lion w.iul 1 h ovl for I r r 11. 1 , Bnl howl m mm. I'f ti e lilrf-ii,; ot (.oil, uono of those thltu hnvo riiiiie to p,i-s. No man ran citmly loolc Bl'otit Inm, mill my iliat c li-ivo not Inr-n, tlutt t not -till, cm 1 m ntlv f.ivnr, il. Wo h ivo.it Is trui', htcn suliji (M'd 10 IncotiM uienecu, sih'H m war alwnys lirin; with It for in.iiiy ti licl. i) of prime tat us, lit wo liitvo lioca coiui'O'kvl to jur pttni iti.r, I ut wa Imvo never b.-uti Miliirl silit of a i-iirrul latrine; you may wrtlk to Ii!:e:.er finot Inni tin- l',.mi ry wi'himt nci'ln any too Miifb .'rns, ns we run trstifr; cur tra la 'il coniri.irtc, loru'Ku ami domestic, ti l ,-. on pr litKblj ; ourniom vcl iiist tu :on rom tin solvent; v,i- t'I'l 'art' l Dtitni'ftu tnre rvirvthttiir tfp cotton fji oils ; tin re rc ni siu'n.s in our tli )riu;jti farcs of any Hlnrmim; il "Sttftttkin. It wa-thc firm opinion of Month. Ciiro'in, npnn all occasions, propi r anil improper, reiterated, tlint we 0011I1I not prnlotif; our lives for 11 year without her swo t uiul sustntniaR cotmitny, yet lie still live ami muvo iiwl Iiitvo our lirinit; wa are still ciintilid to stand fast by the l.in.l which wo love, with coinpmiitivnly littlu ion or comfort or evttti convenience. All tlittt lianlim far lieca. Imposed upon a tvo can couiinuo to benr, if need lie, lor years to come. It wc may crcili'. the Illcliinnvl liw, inr,r, the empty tups and pUttcrs tvhirh wor.i to ta ittll.o us are doing tervicc upon the dinner bo trdnof tb.it city. Moticy." wo are told and it ia a start ing confer! in "has ccnuod to bo a st.irnl ird ofTalueln the Confederacy." The O vernment keep! its niotiey.innniif ictory hard at work. A'ti.-W enf,'rve, prensinen mint, uuditorr and other olllciam r'wn, caeh is furniahed by the ton, With a very excellent quality ol c.tb, except that you can buy nothing with it, and cannot even pay yonr taxm with it npon crjual terms with thoso who pay In beef, squashes, potiitoo.s, and toba(o. "Uuvorniucnt,'' saya the Examinrr, "oilers an imnioniio milium on taxes paid la kind, by assessing provi-lom furnislie.I lor th it purpose a: tbo Whost iiurket rate." Ojvcra Uictit is evidently ' up to snuu." Uoveniment knows a thin; or two, ns well as the governed. Government i only tu s'l id I i?et rid of its printid rigs, and resolutely decinos to tiikc thtm b;ick again in piymcnt ot taxen. Why xliould it ) It cm grind out as much of tSo qiecr stufl'a it wants ono hundiod ImsheU per diem if it plea es and wherrfore should It receive in payment that whi'h I -of no value to itwiiatover? Viiy, tbo lion money of tuo Hparuns, every penny ol w hich wan an big us rt clu e-c-plala, and ofwhKli it took a mouniaiuoua pilo to ni ike a mas coinfortu'ily well oil iron inouoy, or lo.d money, or bra!i money, or leather money, which might be turned into ha'.!?, or bullet, or bojts, would be worth nomcthimt to the Davis treamry but greasy, dirty, tliuwy p.iper what is that gecd for, except incoiibiirntotiic r:ioftltii-traiiqU to be manufactured over ng.dti tor the sake of a little frt'hiic-s ? No wonder the Confederate tax-githerer pro fers corn aud potatoes. No wonder the Confede rate shopKeepen sell nt "one pound of t ilnceo per yaiit," or "ibne .'quaslies per lb." No won der the Coufeticia'e au'ho. iiics, wit'j a hungry am y to feed, do, by sirinuont ordinances, foroid the poor Cotifedeiuie shopkeepers to tako pay in kind. Ko wonder the huckster, savagely rojoct irig the tliniMCH, Insists (to use the Esamiiisr's words) dpnn "a small pittance In eatables;" and that mechanics "ri fii-o to work lor nnythinir but Iirovisions." Even tho farmers lira not allowed ! ivtnvllMU.. tl...!.. ' " v Him uiups ior iuu:sieusaoio machinery ." Mr. V iyIb' Oovernmcnt has re olvtd ittelflnto a grand vic;uahing do parcment, and niou ipoh.js, so far as it cm.lisu, lljsli.fj.vl, and grain. It is a prolty hard case when a mechanic is not ut liberty to work for his victuals. Society can scarcely bo in a condition of joy when it is us bad as a felony to make simple aud necessary exchanges. Grass or no grass in 011 stietts, wo have not come to that pass in Noitr York as yd. Tho Lxaminer tells ns briefly w hat tho Cm federate Government has douu for its sutijring stilijerts. "It has," suys that paper, ' flooded tho counirv with cenilluites of debt " certiiieates, tho validity of which not ouo human hein is fieble-miiided enough to believe in c.-rtilicutos which are luiruiy worth mora in Itichmoiid than tl.ey would l.e iu lUliiupia ecrtilioaios which fill their larg st possessor with a depressing seme of p..rsor,al iuwilveuey cert iiuuti; which are the sxornof the butcher and iho horror of the baker evititicates w hich cenify nothing except an Im pecunious; tieasuiy, and a Government which ouly escapes uctual Liegary by swindling. Grass In the streets would La' it blessing in comparison with such a sluggishly circulating mediU'U. Crass could, at a pinch, be oaten; but, boiled, fried, stewed or roas'od, wilb salt, oil, pepper, and luu-mrd at (Jiscretlou, who cou:d inai 0 a dinner tipon Jcilerson Davis's "Ceitilicatei f" There ate two ways l i which wa may look at the material sulfjiiug, which, by the confession ot its own joureiili'is, lion tortures the Confede racy. W e imiuiaily pity those upon whom the crimes and ilelu.iotis ot uinbiMous adventurers bave broui'.lit the c di-ires-cs, and especially we luay piiy 1 uuty woincu mat piling children. Cn lilt other baud, it IS eo' inh'lili'l'l to ruard with a ccr'iiin 10 npla-111,'V this diseipiiue of ataivation. i' ruily be icti.-g that tlio b s; iq tcitsts of the liuinanra e iu fie f ituro depend npon ti e cmiii turn of f.ls iu mre. tion, we fee the Same bund of lVovid' .nee iu the naled mir Lets of JiichiiiotiJ and iu the sallleieney by which we are surr ainct d ; and wo n dt.cr cjurao uliko from the curs: which lias tail 11 upon the enemy nd the many blessings which have bacn vouch aaied to outseives. A tiMMiiion nm iirniMiv. From the Timet. There Is joyous news in our columns to-day news which will carry relief lo tous of thousands of brave men sulK t ing ur ckr anguish as great as mortal can endure. greater, in fact, for thousands of them have sucoumbid nr.uer it; news which will bring reiier 10 hundreds of thou nndi of the immediate relatives aud fri ndsof thesiilterers; news wLIih will give a sense of relief to tho mil lions of this broa I continent, who have b eu lionor-strui k nt the long-contliiued and fearful utroritles of the Kehels couinii'tcd upon our frisotn is of war in thoir hands. A plan, oiiulna'ly at the instance of tlio Rqhel Conunissioiur of Km hauge, lias been agreed upon bo ween ti e I'niou mi l Confeder.ttu inili taiy uutfcoiiiics (fjeiier.ils (jiatii and Lea haing the chief correspond, ntst, by which our Govern ment is perniiitcd to eiul neei siury supplies of fix d, clo'.hing, nnd iiieriMui s to tiie starving, naked, end sick brave men whom the fortunes ot W ar have placid In tho power of the Ujluia. Iu feturu ior this, our Government is to permit tho liebel authorities 1 1 purchase abioa 1 such proper eiit plies as they n ay di sire for tho u-e ot their soldiers who aic prisoners in our hands. We suppose tluit the gro.-s number of prisoners on both shies rises over one hundred thousand about forty thousand of whom are I'nloti soldiers In Itebel hands, and tho remaining sixty thou sand are itebel prisoners In our hands. It is three years ceo, or sleu-ly ait -r tho firs', prisoners were taken iu this way by tii'i Rebels, .hat we begun to p.t nirli'.iiii r, port's f tiu in il tieutuii iit nf our nieii ia th- So ;th. Wo all rtinenibtr ihe iraetil u practis.-d no i.i th ,sc c 1.1 tured at ihill Kun, a.. J h -a : i b'oodof lie' Noithern pcop'e tiliuc-t lan dl 1 at tiie leeitil t.lts coming in i-muy instituws f.oiu t!i-jM) who bud beeu tho suiieivis, and iu v. ho-. fa vs and upon whose persons were the indubi'.uolc s:;is and marks ot the truthfulness of their uarrat. nu. Time passed on. and ilia prisoners on both sides Incieastd in number, toe preponderance bem;; fir a long whim with tho etteiny; uni wi'h the growth of time grnw aiivay.i the eviilouee of tho baibaiisin, or rather the s watery, or radior the deviltiy ol'tbe K.:hi H. Honor was pi'ed upon liorror, and c-ntinually they wore spread over a larger surface and applied 10 a greater number jf individuals, till labhy mid Hi He isle were iraignltkd into Americm and Andersonville; till the sacrifices of our men were ni 'isiirj l n t by lens, but by hut dieds a day ; till 'h'.- volumi of horrors swelled into that t rr.flc, W.rillin :, and nutbentic record styled "Narrative of priva tions and tiu ilea ill). 1 of Ut.it "d fttaUf (Uiieers and tioldieis wbllj Prisoner) of 'War in the bands ol the He1. el authorises, being tie report of a Commission ol Inquiry uppointed by the I nited Ktates Sanitary Couiuiisoiuu, with ail Appendix containing the ti s imony ;" and the accuracy and truthlulncss of which wuf ceriilied by the venernbie lr. Valentine Mutt, by Ur. pclahcld, by Jude ilare, by Mr. W'ilklus, kud Tter. Mr. Wsidon, rector of ft. Clement's Church. I'hlladclpliia. ' Thank Heaven ! thfre it now hops that at last those Inhuman harrors are about to be cloied wo are rejoiced that Mr. Ould took thr initial step, and we irustunr autl.oii.le wU se,. to the speedy consummation of the beneficent m asure. Ioltlon of iNor-Urn.ritl Mrhnflclil Tltt DwlHru tor )lr, I Itiroln. In a speech which ho dcllvcd a! l'rankfort, II!., a ft w days since, Major-Genital S. hoi'.cid used this uniquivocal liingaage: "When the war broke out, I was in a c jntHion to be ol iinmed a'eteivirc t that country t hi li had f dticated me.nniltowhu h I owed all I h id' r could hope lo be. I was in the regular nnny. V.anv of my assorlatrsnrd I pane l comrnnv then. ! nV of tin 111 bicantc trsitor". l or n.e, nit plutform r thru, ever has been since, and is now, the t. n o i rndlMdcd N'ailonahly at wh itcver crt and all baards. When I was iiferwards In coioni ind in Missouri, I told the Itebcls there that the and of MlMM.iiii be oripcd to the I nited Ma is, and not to MiMoii'i, and ihoi'gh it miv b -rome necessary to kill every Id del on that soil, and de-tror fvery dollar's world of pronenv, ol ev. ry name and nature tliereapon, it mn.-t be doec, nnd tho soil pres'ried to the Cnii n to w hieh it belong, d. Such was )nr pi it. form thin aui h it is novr. The I'e leril t'ni n must be pieserved in its in e .rity. We hear, iicw-a-dats, a gieat deal snl I abeu' the Cu'istitu. txin. Let I; be n v, rid. Toach li not without good nasoii. Hot may not this fa red instrument lie rnangcii, it need lie, to save the life ol a great nation i "We have now at the heads of our armies flen--tals who are able to command them. At tho bead of the nation we have a man who Ins all the while, through these stormy seat, .-tca liiv lonistly, anil fuitlifnliy held the helm stralg'11 nn to il.c shuns of Union. The clouds are nor brenl,;tiL' and wt can see in tlie d.Ht ince, to bo sine, but still we tan see through tho openiii,' In the tl. mis, the green shores o( peace an Union, whither we are bo mil. All wo want is to kicp steadily on. Live our armies the men thiv mid, be united in their support, keep the same l,one-t man. w ith his firm and steady hand, at tlio helm, aud all be well." Tho Kebfl I'lkr nnd hl Wire, A letter from Utile Hock, Ark., October U, says : Hie homo of this famous Rebel and org inier and leader of Indian regiments still stands in this plucc, a strikiug:monumctit of the folly and dow nfall of its owner. It is still nominnlly occu pied by Mrs. 1'ike, who, though now quit- aged, still dings to it alone and in its desol ttiou, to preserve it Iroui the clutches of Tcderal couii-ea-tion. In its best estnto tbo house was on 0 of snperb appointments externally and Internally, linished iird furnished without 'stint of expense. It is now tii-ordered and desolate ; and tho wholo private library of at least seven thousand volumos has nil been earrcd away, except some strag. glingroluines in foreign tongues, which the rude relic hunters rould not read, and left behind; nearly all the splendid collection of etigr tvingt lias ilisapieared, and a tine organ, pi mi, and harp have been apnrod the same fate ouly from their ponderoubtiess. Mia. Tike is a woman of Intense Tlohcle pro clivities, and has felt a 1 tho accumulated humiba I ions and defeats of her cherished cause almost as eo many personal aillietions. Her reason has fun! been losing Its siiDremacv. and she wanders vai antly about umidst the dreary wreck, seeming scarcely to notice ai.yttiit g that passes around her. Not many morning ago she w is found, by thofe early in the streets, running fr.inticallv abnnt at daylight, cn JrthnhiUe, ende jvoring to rally the ni lehbors to resist an intern il plot whi. h, she said. Gen ral steelo was concocting, to iDBssacio the v holo city, and was even then whetting a large knife to execute. Shu will soon be sent throngli tho lines, by Hag of truce, to her husband, at Washington, In this State. 1 his glited nnd erratic man is described to mo by an olliccr who once met him face to face In a despernto cavalry charge, ns a person of com ntanding dignity and force, lie lias a Hue mus cular tranic. tho voice of a stentor, and wears his nair at groat length, re chiug down to his waist. He sits his horse cavalierly, dashes over fences and ditchrs with 11 ma-'Uilieent contempt, and as be rode at the bend of Ids column, his long hair streaming in tho wind, and his powerful voice urging them on to the charge, it is little to be. wondered ut that Ihe supcrsti'ioita Im tclnation of the Indians regarded him as an oracle and a sort of demi-god. It is easy to divine the source of tho almost absolute power which he is said ti bave exercised among luenl. DRY GOODS. JIA.JIt ALl'ACAH AND MOHAIES, IS Ur.PIUM AKD FIVE OIUDHi, FROM TI IK t. TB AUCTION H A UKH, AT UUDl'CED PRICE?. CUBWIN STODDART & BROTHER, Ko. 450, 4t!S, and 4.11 K. BB(X)NI 8TUKKT, 10-i.T-at Abova Wtlliw. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IH DItESS GOODS, SHAWLS, rrn:si:ic axd domestic goods, Com; rllr the lareest sifl cfiolcoal aiii: jrot olferoj at Kstsll, e AKD AT PniCF.S I1K1.0W Tni5 COBItKHPONIdSO KHIJl'C'LD VAJ.OB OK 0LD. l'RKNCII rOl'I.INS, MKltlNOKS, AI-l'ACAW,, WOOL DK I.AINKS &o.', VKBT CUEiP. We have rseeivod at a great aaerilloe a largo SlueV of Mi 6mm jtltsd DUKss aoous, A Job Lot o( AMEItlCAN' DELAIKEd AND PKISTs), Whirl. shall ofTor very low, anil are wtil wurih th atleiiUon of tmywi. J. C07TEETHWAIT & CO., B. E.eorntr M5.TU and A tic II Streets, SSDat PH l.lIKl,"ItlA. QOLOllEO 1'AItAMATTAH, 1'ROM TllK LATK AUCTION SAI.liS, AT UKLH CKI I'KICIOS. CUr.TTTIT !3T0DrAuT & BROTHER, i.01. 150, Ji.aiid 4al x.Jlti'uMi sJ:i:iiUT, 10 -27-st Abve Willow. m') NOKTII I'.IGIITII STRKKT.-im. r'iruli.l iluer iiIpOvo Arch. Oieat Ki'dactlau la lair llaniensu Hiock uf bldilo and l'.llil';i rluiiiiaA,ttual I r;uiK ti e licKt sad li.'isl ittslneu YAo aisurt Icllit el' 1. sales' Jlii.l I'leall '! ilniloi ngs, Oi-int-iiu.es end nutlom if ear u'vu uidl.e und liu erri:i..r, Hilk siul Merlin. -runs, ml btict ..f Milk and CI I'lUilii II. u.l I,,, . ; V.MH el..'.iinr than I'Ui' v ! loe ; II n; l- Mia,., ana II. .vie II ,1" i,l ...in M r.:, mad Nik Itl.ous, l-:d ti'.oes 11' :li- Ire ina'ir, IIU-'k a'el t ..lend V. .H.'sji iV- aa l Sc M l C' :' I'", .,J v, .u.t ; I'lccy Unci to.d sals Combs, ni.k in It i'.coxn.-., J- t, alu. I, anil lilt ll.lt Illl I let, I U.k l'U'Seia Ot i C'lcli aild all !'! : ; U-lr Iliii'liM.;, 01 all s.'s I d slv; 'j at KriMlly re, m.ail rrrtu; tV.'-lKa lit'eilt, as st.'lK.K's, .Nubia, , llaoda; Lsitn v.l'htlilr, u s, and SIKses' si..ria.' at 11.4 ini j.,rtt ..-ii'e; II. or lU'tti, v Ai-ii't,!, II. .It, , ii:ul iVie. i' fi.ll -Sett, nt m.r own ImproTid icet't. ils ; 11! l' !s aad Wlnte I.scew 111' all trait' h Hiid alvle, ; rtit.A ami I'-iU.r.-d l i ''t Kil.liong, In u.rat vsrliy at ridueed .rlct ; LaJit' and 1. aula i.ecknea, In gitutt varlty, eiri-iui'. ci.eai, Ac , &e., Ac. I..nl,'i ciiis, rns and all, and cnvlnee vanrsstvri In fr re bni nit' t'Uetvl:nts, Hint II la well w orn. I., uur (,wn Int rebl In ron .-''aso 'f nr TilairOiii'S t tlie llioae Hroro ol Will 1.1AM J.0 AKUMAHI til, No. 1..I N. J li.lllll Sir.st, hcioud door uuote Arili, ntui 10 tho enraur. iu-s (J J II Ii A. O U MOl.'SSELINE 1)13 l.AINES, i'UOM THE LATE AUC1 ION SALKS, AT RtDUOED PKICKP. CURWIN STODDART & BROTHER, Vos. 40, 43 1, sad 431 X. BCOMO iritEET, K-n-st Abovtwuiow. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PITTLADETiPIIIA. DRY GOODS. jL.A.CIi. BIIIvH, or Att. otsAi'F.a, HIOM TIIK LATH AUCTION SALES, 1 I AT UtDUCKD ritlOKS. CURWIN BTODDART h BROTHER, N,.. 1.111, I 1 1, an' 111 N. stDOMI HTRKtr, b t At- s W f r. Kl'.TAII. AND IUl,I.SAI,i;. aJ. M. JIAl'LEKlll, Eo. 902 OHESNUT STREET, "s n"w la at 'to a n.!l am :!m"tt o( f celebrate 1 mala" A r.Mil.lMl 1 lOSll'.HV, la ll.tLl.I.li.ilAN ll'isr AM) Iltir HOSE, ltiti:ni.i: s itu.si:, Minus, imi iiiitwr.its, lt.M BA I1CATT .S'lK SlilRli AN'J IiRaW i;ttts, IN AI.L. hl.I-H, FOll OKNTr.KMIW. la 7 AIL-WCOL CAfiHJIERE rL&IUS, I'UOM THE LATE AUCTION' .SALVIS, AT RhnUCltD TRICKS. CURW1N STODDART & BROTHER, M.e. IIO, I. H,, and 41 N. at.CiWb STUFET, lO-.l-H Abo Willow. plMENSE KKDUCTIOM tX TIIK riucua OP Dll Y GOODH. JAMES R. CAMPSELIi & CO., Ho, 727 milSMT STEECT, OIFEIl TliniU ENTir.E STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN TAUT OF jii'.niKOit.a, nu 1. ins i.r.ri ltr.rs, HIMil.lNSts, tl.A.1 I'l.AI sl, al.l'ACAS end anuiAtllst, l.LACk ai.iliA.M l .SII.Ksl, Mil vrt s, tu ovEn l.INr.NH, WIIV Illl.lHM, I I AN sFl.s, la.lnKl i s, II1KV ari l f'ii ((i hi'k.s'Ti MH, llltri.l.iMB, and ( I, OAK. Ml Cl.OI US, AT FXTEEMELY LOW RATES. Wi togli avt lo aaMirs the public that we liavs mark"! down ivert arlli lc In our atock, ami now have It in oar pc w er to oiler HAKE KAKGATNS. 10-s-lm WHO? I'3AI E UOOMg. UP SiTAlltS. FK01I TOE LATE AUCTION SALES', at nKm;cj-u I'laci s. CUE WEN STODDART ii BROTHER, Noa 4 50, lr, i, and 134 !i. 8E( ONr HTUK1;T, lO-'lMIt Aboir W lloir. JJEW MOUIilVlINGI HTllllE. TALL STCIK. An Ilcprnnt Assortment DSEfS 000DP, CLOAKS, PITAWLS, MANTLES, AMI MOUltrtilKCJ 3IILL.INlt:UV. II1E ATTENION OK TltC LAUIS5 M SOIIClTr.D. M. & A. MYEUS Jc CO., a j. tijij ciiE iMur .tu:i;n J)UAPiUi:,X,t-, IIlANIkKIH ALL CHAPES AM) SIZHS, At lleliietl lrloc-s. CURWEN STODDART & BUOTHER, Koj. 4.10, ir,-i, and 1.14 '. (.EC'.lXH STREET, lO-'.T-ot Above WUow. JiVN 1.0 RISK!!! Rl'N NO RISK!!! tv refni'il t l.o niiaiH.i', Ii c.e.iriij, lor evo-jr lot of Saitt, I lcli lull In any run rt. tl:.t blllUl'R, ViNr: aiiii-.TS, I'T 1 ksetiiw.'.i in Hi.ao. Minle of Nra lurk Ma's si lolm, and viiry lh.e LIuea lie em,. Oil l f l'7o. I ' Mt.al Uflce III Vi'iaiMnfcvi;;, miiib Ail,,',,,, aj fins Lintn JV.aouia. drii 1 1 Mi. Twin.; .n. e ; Ut.MLUU S I I liMalllSO mOIH UlSiiailBl'S Ki'KN'atllNO OOOI1S. s.M 11 11 fc J t ;iiti, '-r'ia No. Iu. CllKSNU r htreot. JoJAHEEILLES C0UK1ERPANEL1, FROM TIIE LATE AVCTION BALES, AT RKDUCKD rCIOK'. CUI;.WLN L'TODDART k VT.'SHiZU, Xoa. 4 i, 4"'J, ar.4 411 X.HK..!.iN0 St..,.', 10 il7-.lt Above 'Villjiv. 1 tJUN'Oi'S, i ni l.lN'st. It en, 1 111 llnti, I lau I'laldt. AII'Uia.Ja.olaius. and odor llrsri Cacdrf. 11.:.. at J.ts. J: 1 A a I M 11, 1 o. s, -1'" lillMi Sai V siinL S 11,1V'', MlAtVljS. . lltji.llirit l lo'hs. Olcli;.,laei'ria an1 Wlilln floods. Oicnpal J.V.S.H I'.iMi-iii-1 i, , -, 3 M". 7.7 l;.li : N M f si n-'-t. ;LANNi:i.S, HLANKKT3. " X l-laen aiiu Cttion HlKi tlofti,, Clltap at J Alt. H. CAM I'HPT.T, T ') ' 5' t'USts. SIT Slrert. A IX WHO WANT GOOD DHY O00D3 AT U V tlie wry lowest iira-ei, csu iind ihrtn at JAB. K.CA., I'll l.l.l. h rvi a 10 4-tf b.Jr1. S''i''-hNt; r sn c4t. 1IOOI' PKIRTH .i.n O ilmiufaciurjr.iio. li.'s Alien atnwl, 00 Above bllli elreat, , , . .. . 1'Waailuale, Wliokiale and Retail. The most eimplsti asaoiiiuent of Ladlei', Mlssea', a id rtilldren'i Hoop Skirts In tho cliy. In evet v ri'spsol fli t rlaaa, walrb for style, tiuiaii, aureeUUy, aud taistaaesa aave no eiitial lu tiia imukat. Mklru made to oidm.alunil, tad rrratred . Ml WA.l.UOfSJiJ, 'J' U M 1 Li u err FASHION. Buiall Proflta, Quick Bales, IIATP AND CAVS. NEWEST STYLES. Low.al Tiler, la tliectiv. 1IOUKNI1, eso 'n -t.n w. 10 y. hitj arunsr. 2 A1IJ l'ANCY I'UltW. JOHN FAR E I H A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, aUOVK. SKVENTIf, At nta 01.11 iturant isni'D sioiin, Iaipoiter ami Mannfaoturer of MDIi:S AND ( HILltRL.VS FANCY lUlSM. Mr asjattmont of PA KCT 1 1 KS for La lira and CM1 Irso I, now coiuiOrte, embraclnc IL EKY VAU1E1Y THAT WILL HE WORN liURING TllK COMMU SEASON. li 'Bioruber the oame and number, JOHN F AREIRA, No. Tlrt AUCIl HTltliLIT, Above BareLt1!, I JIA VF. 0 PARTNEII OK CO v.SECTIOM WITH AAT OTUKUMUIIKIN TIIKI ITY. P-tttu c A 11 l' K T I N ( H PRICES REDUCED. Ptveri arliclo lo oar ekca will be aold at Ihe verv loweat market ratta, V O It OAHI1. BELVE L. KFIGHT & CON, 50-l-Ira No. HOJ CIIEhNLT 8TRKI T. J)ItliIlllH .V. ltAlVlll, Ko. 710 CnratlT STEEET, MftTe ,1-c 1'U iiinro to unnranci- Ui.it thf arc now yrp rartd to furniali A NEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, SflTAtlLK FOR DWELLINGS, STORES, 0ITTCK3, c, IIU'U CAN RE la-15 liu I.KillTKl) 11Y EEECTEICITY. -VCKLHIOU WEATHER STRIP, An economical, eeicimt, end coniptete article for the ex otiislon of Ct'LP, WIND, RAIN, DUST, OK SNOW, I Y'rfm tho sides, tons, and boll'jms of vsetll.iilr., (rant, anil otiitr dovib, sa.li, and t reiub tvindoirs. lAiiltlAll'JIlEI), 8CI.li, Altll AI'I I.IEU 11T CIIAUI.KS HllllNIIAM, No. 110 S. TENTH STREET, ii iii; wi'm?t rmi.MiELriUA. QllOV.TJIl afc ItAItlUlt'e HIGHEST PREMIUM B K W I N O MAORINMtJ, 4-S No. 730 (JilESNUT Htrsiot. PIANOS, COTTAOE RXCKL- ir ,i"i 'iksii, IIWIUO.IIHU., IIU AIUIU VI 1 1 '''H IU, ut a a Hinmi-a Mrmn a'l.n.ii. A "j ,1 .. . . 10-7-liu t. lull CllfcrtNlil rlirovt. .jrjna-roj, COTTAOE OIl(-Na Vet on'.v rhlCKl-LTIi hiitrsraciiii-r., ,'Mil.l.li li"" u ri.i,i.jl,w",'";"i pu,nI hihooi.. bu, 11 ,,,,,, ,0 b ....iV" ip'iJr ai.d luawui. liis u.. iorsu.toul by raiior 9.. M. Bittrm, K. IS N. Rt.VK.MII HtrMt. ilea, s coiiisU titorUnem tf ilie l enect hlsioaeoa Ootikta1.11 on l.ai. J. aiiltf-am J OOICIISCS-OX-AHH AND riCTUHE FRAME MANCFACTOUY. WM. II. MOUC1AN, X... '4111 K. NINTH HTUEliT, Oilt Oval liotoKrniilt l''ruitiiw S'.10-:o COMtTASTLV OS UaMI). riUtNITUIlK Having bought matt of my viatsrUta befora tbe lut great riktt, I am enabled to oil r luy mUnk of FIItST-CXASS FUEMTUKE A', a tniall advance 011 old j ricea. T. LUTZ, SOU 3ru No. I ll 8 FLLVEN'TII HTItEET. ten zmcvrizMiwr Ita. li -sn creatrd In the nsUVborkn id or Ninth and Clivtnut atict't,, by crowd! of ttcll-f rcard maa DOIXUNO IN AND OUT Of a mall BKOAR 8 TOBE on the tipper aide of CUES NltT Btrcct, bftoir Mi th. it appear, tlio proprietor lias bioc t'UTTlNil HOWN tho prices ot lit. Humir. and To. bacco, to per tint, on all III. atorti, n lih h by tho way Is ei'rare c lltcikm, ti nt l- tt 1 JNl'TtlNCilNCI t n bts pti fit. i'.t il i' l.i'ae it 11 i.is rv-si.. a- rj, who alivaya o run jii.m KIN-NE-NO-N E-AW 1N1.IAN HMOMM1 I'Oilt'WI 1 1.1s woild-rci., ti lied '1..1..1. c; is ii .iuui.aared froai the MNK-T l.'MI . And oartintly recocuaen.'. li e f to all Oen'kmgii of l.i.xiir.one TahI. Gold nbole.ais and n til at i.t.'.i'fl iui-i'iAnnitrt RTOiiK, u.oii t:iiB'm-r tmaet, lut-CnO cukiaii suui House. 1LUM V!1 A. tiOUDICHA CO., COMMISEION MER0nANT3, AND fcUIP AND STEAMDOAT AGENTS LOCK KTKKKT WIIAUK. ruiLAiiELPUIA. lrni'MB A. aornri, I Am hisai u CKTrl, ,11'llLN T. 601PSIU -a. , lai-tf COl'STY'8 TEA WAKEHOl'SK. ESTA blltliwl In 1100. Impoiter and liealsr lit V mo Tvas, Wint:8, and XJaors. Oliolee Havana risar., t na. A Hlarstti'tt rirkles aud Hauoaa, Enjllsli and Bcotcti Alu ami I'ortsr. Canned Moats, Frultl, Soup, Ac. navy aieist-i M up with cars, jit aiv.a." ", ,r"J'v e.nwwi. JyolltAU,tiJI.iT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18 FINANCIAL. ,Ull'r PfAXlONAJj MANIC. NEW UNITKI) STATES 5 2 0 SIX TER CENT. EONDS. T'.la Pa V ha. n w fcr aala tfcsss vtir popular aud Srrirabli tl lied s. sir, llonls.wMrh have l it K 1 RAUA to run fioni Novtaiboi I, IS'.l, hin'ore tba Ho. eraaiaiit has 1I1 rtiv li's' of reiUoij tioa. IKIEEL'ST, 8 riill CKNT. 1'EK ANNUM, Tu at. n-l!-Ai.Dinlt In ( 01 M. J. II. Morton McMiclineil, Jr., CAH11IKU. CI. AUK. ri:i:uENT. 15 v.-lit Ql'FICK FOR THU SALE Ol'' NATIONAL LOANS, No. 114 S. THIRD STREET, pnaADEiriitA. IS 10 XV UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The Siihcc ritcrs hiving been the urceveful Billion far 11 iMirtion of tho KKW ft-i SIX rf.lt C K N T. UOL,l ftAltMl LOAN, ere (trrpArod teorler tt oo furor i tctuuto their ctiatnmrri, (n Uro nr malt amount?, tn B' tidt of denomfnnilju f iv, Hnjt, iV-o, and iwCt, bvlh ri'fjlstr.c! nnd .oitroiif. Tfif Inttreit rmutnoicei on (lie lut of Nnrembernext aud It pavatlc Iu foU.it.uil aLBruillj.on the lit of Ma aud Ni-Vftuiier, All otburUovrnmert Mocurltlai on band aad fonale. an, lofutmatltn flic. icu cunournuig inotmrntfc, al our JAV OOOKK A CO., a. Ill 3. TUUil) STltliET, 10 l FMUdelphla. G OLII AN I HIJL.V13U. GOLD AND SILVER, JIOTJOIIT A.ISI) BOLD, nr MICHAEL JACOBS, 10-MCm Na. 40 s. Tnrun stsret. 1) iiK.xi:ii afc c;o. No. 34 S. THIRD STREET. The near 5-M LOABT for aale la smounts to suit, llttl IlOSHS, aid aU Mods of GOVERNMENT LOANS koUKht and aold. 1S-18 lot -IV1JL'3U1A-1 I'AINTKU He CO.. BANKERS, No. llO S. TI1IU1) STKF.ET, I'lllI.AlmLI'lIIA. Drati-ra 'n Ooverrimf tit Peciirlilft of all kind.. Fore'jfn and Iiiidis-iI; l-.ai i.nse, tl:-.U, Hitrur, aud tuouii-vut l(-ni'5 bought at.d anl.l. ttiiUui.r atii'i.t i.a rsid to the p arc-hate and sate of uj li' xds. ..u rouiiats-iii n. ft ike. skvfftj 00 i(reo,; f'oll;lloot prompttr Innri.t . lu-ii-l- Xr. adv. lOIIAIJX VCOMH. BANKER, No. 40 S. TllIKD STHEET. GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. IT0CK8 iNO FTEC1K IIOIOHT AND 83LU OK COMMISSION. 10-91 Cm LOAN. WEW LOAN. U. S. 10-40. JAY COOIli3 oi KEit von e.u.t CO. NEW COVER SMENT LOAN, UEAi.IMi FIVE Hit CFS f. lSlKI.KSr IN Col if, rcdLt umblo an) taut- alter TEN Tlt&ttsi,t the pla.mre til' iti. liovemniiut, ual (layUjIe l'OUl'T Vi:Al;S aiur date. 1101 II COVl'ON AND KEIHSTEBED BONDU are Isfcutid for till. Loan, of .auie denomination aa tlio 5-lM, Tho Intmst on Sous and SiOc. payable yearly ; ou all olla-r dennmisnllon., half yearly. Tbe 10-40 bond, ars dated Maria 1, IHtit. Tbe half-yoaaty Ifltare.t fallliif dus Mepi.tjibor 1 aud Uarob 1 of earn year; autll lit Nptoin ber, tna acorucd lutvreiit irorn lal of Murch la required to be paid by purchasers In sms or In lk.ial cuaaaNcr, add Ins futy percent, for premium, until lurtlier noUce. ALL, OTtlEU UUV'EIUNSUiNT bEi-UlilTiEsJ BOt'tlllT AMI bUUi. JAY CO0IE & 00., JiW-tf Ko. Ill 8. Tllllil) STREET. srj BOVOUT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION, EE HAVEN & BROTHER, I i v. tt) 8. tuiko BT&sir. M. AUCTION SALES. MACKVYft AUCTION BOOM3, Ko. m AA I St Alt KCT Rtmet, C C. MAsrr. Anstlnnssr, antMt. nontt;:nments ( .... WI. WAKKIt, Al KKlMIANI'lias, Of an aiieii. for otibi c.aisi la. Auruon Kootae, as lb WIS ettead per.ne.tiY tt tale, ot A.,b.r.eb.";e"ifc,1A,,,A;,D'r,V,K AIIwelt..(r...!,d''",'n0U"'r,l'","1;E At,.', tiers, l?;"0'1 j 8ALK F l'OlTMNKBriOKSK3. k mwiiif, tli asatt.'a Orri 'i . i Ulir, r.. m .I.J in n i'i ii'.s, ni.wiiiM. 1 tlri-aw.r Wilt l.e ...1! at rubllr An.-M m.ln tl.o i,lMt... iaa. . - lile. r.', 1 I' - " " (in T( I SD lT, Naionlt rr 1, Hf, T ' Cm a'ri Hi r i , On I HlliAV, N.ivrntbrr 4, h,,, IV t'nva'.lt llor.i'H. 11-a.., 1 -,,, i,o,n con.nined at unflt fr th ean;n el ci- l-l' Ihs trim . 1 r road acd larimns iarp jrs maay guivt ba'iraini may tn tlR.I l'.,r.' ,n .1 slaelv e..b t., , obi,,,' , , t ! 1 t M 1rtii.-f.,l,. in I titlrd Mni,. rbrrerey. l'yoiacrii ia- 'jn.i r. it-.4,t,.f 1, o,i,u, J A MS. 4 A. VKtN, r.i.,nil tn charge I'irii ii.rl.te ii'i.itrriun,'"r ilonr ral t lulu,-. ,) ..,t 1V UL A ll'll It MAVVl': 1 1 - ol . m ; It al 3 ri." i Ofro, rii.i 1'ivii n, . nooioa riTr.fMot.er 1,1 A llOP-'VS' Hl.KHS SI! : lli.lt.UKSttl llif.ea mnl,l. mr A -ile-v rmd l aiatn as-Tl-r will n nu liasrd at ulKtlKOl.l HKI-uT, liionen mui.il, 11U i.t'i en 1 1 r I, I'M. llolM-t W ill hri'. l,r."d to f .tptatl f. I.owt M wiia A. V. At . and br BufescteJ to U. U.Mal tvvorunient In ptrllop In ters I., 'nf eri -1 d I'tl-i ol f'tvt;r ,.e.e., SI sash. fi Ire 1,1 Aril tlri I'oi,,, Sls..(...h, I'aymont will be'r.ia lor sIa nnd mors. J AVS..1 A. KIr. Oolotiei I Irsl I'iv.hI'.i, rtti Qnartir-a,!ii tjinrral a Ornva. PROPOSALS. WJ-.Ll in aid tltKKO .ttliTiii 1'it.i ai; 1 miA., Ortohi r ?T, Iti'A. BrnVj P (-nr---.vi,. it 'II i ren-lv.-i ut tlll n'i. uutillf 1 1, t k M. ( li TH ( (J Mt A V. tin- itnv nl NfiVi-iutxr rx f-ir riilviitg U.c t(lnilkiH Ar-i-i:! with IIif following I'i. Hi imCftMi, artlllpry, arm ttumlard. lr do ini.iiinv, rf, 1 tint kotti,Mn rr. da Iv (.0 lu.it irti.l-rv. tV Ilfll Cordu and Tasaftla, i.riill r, d bi.trt Hutuiu, , (. I in It K- fen, d Vrm-i'iim I'aoer. rw t, iiinjloi reinlrtd. Himw I'nckinK I'aper. ito )ttn inpi, 4 iiu'ltt'k. dt H iti )tio nf n'li nrilc! i are le pilrcd be artny f.tji'irr'l t tli ftrn m tiii on'ce. h nrh l-'ti imit le mmrnnict-d lijrtw rrirnaibfo ar- .oui,Tl.ie Hltri.iitut -a liiiidt oe mjM tv.'vUl tt tin- i;u:;rii tn-, ,ml rlldrti ... ha r-eit-tf mid mil! (.ntlh .ent .fcuntv ftr tlx aiiit iiTit imolvfd ljf tujit- uiiulic I uncliunarr oftl.e t'ritttl sta.t. in. li fi.ii. UfrtinHlnr r..ntrartnri, and thite that do not hH? comity irith tin- te-fuiremtiittQ( thlg ttdverUtvmw.t. will int t fOB'(1frf( lilflnk 1 -ruta tor pn-prinin. tnibrariPir the termHof the ItiiriiHiitif rfijtiited on em-1. Mil, una b- had on auo loMlim to t 1 rtlce, atid nmm oUir wlitoh d nt emirao Uiii fjiuraiiWe will h coniilrreil, isnrwlll any iruwal bo c ii ttiU rrd wlitoh (it t not Ntrict.y ct iifffiu to Him ruulro- Uif Ml t( 01 04 11 HliifCil The hull wilt httitc tli ni'inSM andquantlt? of each kind of fir 1 .c i-)rfopiid t Imi dcliapred I i lfcrir8 mt.ft coniractico iiiin trtt duyt from tiie tin r i' tlir ahii1. fn-ntva'! mtit be rr.drpd Pmnaili fur Armjr 8n pit, iirtthiif cn flit euvciopo Uie parUrultr article b.ti ior. Hi imi w itrooR, '.ii..iipt, li) i7-6t iju.irtru;it"r'a Iicpiriuient, 1KICK Hfcl'Of COiMMIaSSAUY OF SUD- blfy'li-.NCK. liflitriT(y,I. C. October II, llM. ruoi'osAi.s ruu U-"l K. i Ponied Tnwi.tB lit ilTip:icA.t jfo In vlicd nntlt Notmu t t-r 1 at la o ilWk M , fiT tiirniKhnur tlie Hn!i,ntvir L)it- I la-Un nt wiHi Tw. Tn.iiv.aid(..n Harrel. of KltMir. 'I he tironoAala wtii t e (r wtiat tu knuwn nt thta HiMit a Ioh. I, t nnd t, and MfJ. will bo enlariainvd for any iaan ttiy letiH tlian t)n vrhcln. vh DMiti be in dupllcte,and foreachffrade on aeparata aliet Is of patter. 1 he den vi ry of the Klnur to commence within lire dava from tlie oufnttw ofthehM, and In tmch qnantitlet, dally, at the tlovtirniufiit m rtirnrt ; du.ivrrud at the U'TTn tnr.nt Warchoiirte in tjt!ortrtiwii, a& lUu wbaiTua or raii rGf.d (1eptt In W fchltia.t.'n. It. O. The dflm-rv nf all Kionr nwar1d to be completed within twtntv dav t'im tlte oprnlttK of tho I'aynient will l mdo in certulraiua of Indebtdneaa ( or u h otiter t uoda aa tbo ioyeriuui u taa have for iia -burm meitt. The uitml Oovemmenl lntrectivn will be made lnt he Air tJio r'lv.ir f rs-ivt. and ii'tne will be r.'pivl whwh li pot fnh icrouDd, and niAde frin wnen k round in Uio vh inity wluro uauulACturod, unhti 01 a very uportor qul tv. The Flour to be delivered!1 in now oak. barroU, head" Ifnrd. Anoatliof atletrtanra mutt accompany tho bid of each blildiT, who hns not the naUi on lllu lu Uiiaoi'Ilc and no bid will be MitenuiiMHl from partiei who have previously fulled to comply with tbuir blai,uf from blddeia not iru aeut lo rputkd, (vunu.eit resen at ttie rlpht to reject any hid for any ran. I Kl to 1e adlnhki d to the imrivrsiguod, at No. tli (i ueot.eudurspd "rrottosaikfor Kluur." 10 --6t Catauu aitd O. rt. V. FINANCIAL. S M1U"1I fc HAIVIOX.liI. No. 18 S. THIRD STKEKT, UANUKits anl ukokl;i:s. Siiaole, stocks, Qrtartorma.tera' Voachcre Aiil('lierk,,an1 U Oovernment suurltle. Housbt aad Aold. fntl.lS No. 30 8. TU111D BTUEET, BUT AND SILL OOI.D, SlI.VEIt, ASt) GOVERKMBAT HECt'lUTIKS. H T O O IC H noroiiT and sold 05 coMMtssroy. rut G OliDi GOLD, OOLI, BLLYER AND BANTK N0TK3 WANTED, DE HAVEH & BROTHER, ant. If M 8. TTtntD finrtf V N I T 13 D STATUS 7-30 LOAN. Th Heerstaryof tlit Treaaory (tvet otles that tab. aorl.tto a w;u be melted f.ar Oeupoa Treaaary Hum, payable Uwaeyean from Au,rust IA, lanl. with ..ul aa nual tni.teat al the rate of aeveai aud thtse-tuiht per cant, per aaaua, principal and interest both la be paid la lawful ntouey. 1 beee twtea will be eonvarllble at the option of th holder, at maturity, into tlx per oeat. sold-bearinf bona., payable not loa. than flv nor mora ibau twt,nty yetti from Hull date, a th f lovtn.aeui may let. They will be i.aoed la di-uominattona or IM. $if, ason. linnn. nd f'UuO, and aH aub.criptiona must be foe OAy dellara or sum maiupie ol lllty dollars. Aa U.e notes draw lulorert from Aofaat 15, peranas mautis dapotlta aubaciuaut to tliM dale mini piy u:e intero.t arcruta u oiu date of note 10 dale or daioalt. B; suRipiiiiswn.t an Kkcsivid by the Tieaiarsr at tin United State., at Waatangtoii.the several AselsUut a reaaiuera ana ae.isnatea ueposlttrle, aud by Hi riRRT NATIOKAL F1AKK OK PHIT.AI1EI.PI1I A, PA.. Hl.l'CNl) KATIuJiAL 1AK OKMHLAUELFHIA, PA., 1I1IK1) ATIIiriAL BANK OT l'lULAllKl.t'llI A, PA. IftlUllTU k ATION AL BAKK Of PUIL.VHEU'IUA, PA., By all National liauks which are doponltadaa of pu'allc moneyjand lu I' liiJ AI L ItESlTCTAltlK 1).VNK8 AK BtSKEIt" Taroitt.i.at th cramliy mil xtvo furttisr Informalioa ftud AE10KI) 1 VERY KA01L1TV TO HltBsjciaUEIIS. QXAIHiJWOIN aft CO.. HANKKHS, No. 121 8. TllIKD STitEKT, PIIILAHKI.I'IJIA. Covormnent Hecarltlc. ot all lame, l'uri'tia.o and for Bale, gtocaa, Hcr.J., aud Ould Bottsut and Bold ou Ccra luijsioa. ISTEHEST ALLOWED OS DEPOSITS. Coiieetleue Promptly Mad. frVtf TTT O NEW 7-30 LOAN. U. k. sjijbs,r!r.tion nxstlveU, atd th Notes fuiuisueJ u-e ft! ail ebai.u, by OF.OUOE J. BOYD, Hanker, Mo. 18 8. Tinilb Slie.L 10-it-faa o I L STOCKS UiXj'iiirr AKD 8ni.rt XM ttUIM.MI'sSltlts, UUEOUULJ.BOm, Itroker, Iv-H-tsi H.U8.TaUU)IIUIe. PROPOSALS. OVFICV, rOMMISSAUY OF 6 UBSISTBNOa, Ito. 6- WALMJl Itlnwt. I'MiLai.at.FTti a, Os'obar fe), 1 elt. Peeled rmpnaal.. In duoiie.in. will l.e rerelred at os OStrs until llo'rWek St., It l s S.HIl A V , S nswk , Is, mr .n..lTiMt for lbs ua of too Uaitod Slate axaa. deSorM In Hi'iadsliAia. ,IKI HANI'l.l.s y.ArA SnrPRHHS OR 8TT8. lAMlLV I I.UL'K (wl lcli to o .l.'.sll, to b. I set, , roni-d wlih ii twent; dat a of da ut tela adi erturment, Imat $..w wlntorwiieatln well cr.rxrrd b.il-;ii, berrela. tiama n, .T!!. and piece ..f mnui.rti re lo ha .late I la tho pnl-al. lo be ! isln within ten due, at , ant p. Ii.tlntiiit city dr,,iiiedl. thuoin. e. Srcoi lr. in lt a nni.t be deniere-l wltlt th. propo sals, but M wliH lm tb.nt, eash sample to l 'i'r ' natna, brand, uurabtr v( btrrela, A prlMed eopy of ihl, advem.emsnt maatbe attaS4 to .Mb I'l-o' Oial anntlir prop,H,aa mu,tke.poJflola oosa p.yien win, sll It. Isrm.. Lam (.roposal ina-l ner tl, wrtitea misrawto nt two re-ia n-iia,. per.on. lor il,,, fuidlraenl ot iu asreeaaeut.wa w laatM bole's li rn.,nirid. Iilank form, lorprooo.,, Mtitatinlnsthsfin-aof ant,-,, may be bad on si.d le.non .i is ..i.m l.v... i n...i u,.,; " " " " iijni.-,' v.ii ii ITotM,.,!. tu u, endorsed "1'iopo.l utrecud lo opo.ali far Plour," and 10 tt lSAaO B. WlOHIf, aHsitt aud J. 8. Tots. (jt.Ain MIMAS! Kit's DKPAUTMRNT, s., w,. Pl",' V"" rH,' ia., ostorwr tir. lac. S.ii... , '-"K.al.N. il.srl.ta,it,frtlie latins. I b..sM'harf. Phuad-V U"' !', r.D " ' '" e, v iieeiine pattern. ', ",.,;'. r''' "it deliver, aad Ik "h,0.,';'; rZ !,.',Vri,n,.;"",'ir a-btlanoe. to .o!rii"."'I"'!" """"'d Ifl. napmatM post. aniiW r I- ' to .Uk"m a WS"B "1 "" and .riilli-.l lo aa k-lmi cmd and 'iinnnl assMltv tar Attorney. fli t olles.o-, or etl.nt LUI.I.O iMiemr -" '-- U.r Mil -ill i.m be o.milaor.,1 " ' ouwlo l .e Ii;l,t U rcsrved lo rsH a't blda it.nnal tAA bioli( and no bid from a dolauAmJ eonJeeter wTbl Iiy otdsr of f'osmsl It. lllt.Qaartermtata.', Desarb- aueui, U. o. A. OEftRfiej . ovm, IMMI ttspta'a and A.u. ar. OFflCK (IlifF QCARrKUMARTPR. risi ISMTl.llh a. Ortooe. 17,14. I mp"al areliivlt. 1 bi ihe umletili arn ua'll Tum 1"! , Novitttl er I. ism. at 1 u clock Mlbr lh ml dlstedeavriv to tin l.ei arllornt of AMMI I.Aait'Ka hn'iins Pattern, dan pa oi wimh may be aeon al t r.e iloretnmetit to aptonon ard, comer oi KIhIiUi aud freeman slioota, Ola" in naii.Oiou. ' lobe dill, ered fn-n of rhartrt. at th U. 8. tn.paorlaoi an! t tlna cliy, wlih ihs nam- of th parly furniahiaaT dltilricil) tnnrked cn etch .tut, once. I'ai I'ea i. let Ins Annul anrea umat dlltleeily alat ka tl.i lthtdatha niirrlier tlisy .mp. to fliroltli, rhe BrVas, ann urns irf delivrty. and mutt iraarantre Uiat too Amkes. lancea .ball lir. In evsrt respect. eiial to Array dtaatdaro. otberwlse II e proposal "III .Kit In. conatdared. A i:ei-.uite. sU-nid b two rrapmslble persosi. meat arron.pany each bid. snaramesliul that th kldder wli asppiy Ihe Ambulan.ea an'aracd u aim under Sat pro- prsal. I'.i.tatilllbs opened on TfESDAY, Koverabor 1. 1M. at I. ii'rtaek, tl., at tl,:. oittce, nnd bidder ar r itiratsd to be prrient . awarda wul be made oa Wednaaday, Kovemkor If, Itond. will be required that UuieoDtraetwIUko (utkroJtw fulou.d. 1 slrirrama relatlns lo propositi, will not b aotaoeC l,lank lorms of pn.poaala, contracte, aad bouda mar bd ol 'sliidl a' llil. oflloe. Th riuhl to rijtot arty bid deemed anrtoaoaabl li reasrved. l.ndoraa nveloi "Propoaal. for Ambalaas.." aad address Colonel WII.MA V w. Vorrtr 10 M 6t Chief miarlomiaalor, Clno'nnaU Ikspet. T)KOr03AL8 FOB LUMBKR. A. CtltPP QraarKVaT AsTSB's Ovvtca. 9 DrnT ov Vt'Asiusi.ros. Vaanlna-tnft..rt-ir. lieu 8iald I'mpo.ala will be iverlveil at thta Offloe n8 SA'I I'sIDaY. t'clobtr J9, Isstl ot If o'clock M., for doUree at this depot ot Lunilierof Hi foliowlu amo ania, kando. and O'a.rtp'lone, vtr ' : l.Mn.u ii tret 4-4 ot 1 Inch While Plneenatmoa OtriUoar. ,'4l,uAI leet b-4 ot l '.-mrli Wult Pio oemmeatSaa. Inira. lro.no fret s-4 or J Inch W hit Pin common CnlUasav lm.tw Iret 4-4 or 1 inch totu;ued aad (roorod fleor- Itisra ?.r',rl frei lit ftemlork SrantllD,. I feet ton . '.1'i.tX 0 fret .1x4 llsmlrok rtoanlllus. 1 4 lent lona:. lid ISO lait 8x4 II, u,leck Mean. Iln-. V, ti Ions, la' 1 1 0 icet :ix4 Hemlock soanulns. la net lonst. t&'i.KO feetSs4 Him nek Ac.ultitiK'. W foot la;. V'j.ttn fot :iae llsoiloca .loi.t. If feet kin. V-' ,1.0 Hot llsll ll.li.lorl Joint, 11 feel Ion,. 5i,lsll tect t'.xr, llcm'nck J 'l't, 16 teat loo,-. Ut, US leet Uxti llinilcn-k Joist. W fast tins. i.',.(M f rtSxS Hemlock Joist, 'J4 frel Ions. tJ,la4l rsot ax7 lleun.sk Join, 14 fret Ions. ("' fret 3x7 Hem ock Jol.t, IS feet Kum. ti-', IflP net liar Hi inkxk Jol.t. IS feet wax. f ll.oiai teet Hxs Hemlock Jnlal, IS ftt Ions. V.',,IX, leet ;ix!l onil 10 HeaibKk J-l.t. IS feet U. ,(ti feet J at d 10 HeniKKik Jol.t, til feoi lone;, rsi.i t.i feet llxll and III Hemlis'k Jolat, ft tft long, linilio No. 1 IS luch aawed Whif Pine kUurailea. I,oi4i,ot ii best quality aanedcodar bulnsioe. v.'ai 1'lesieritiu l.a'ba. Rainplcaof .liirjuw. and laths proposed tor wtH k re quired. , jiuia win ne received separately tor eaoa una an iiiiuntli, aa above siiecided, or lur the whele am out V verliaeil for. All ot tbe above deacrlbcd to b good marohantablw luutlior, auoloct to tlie In.pection of an Inapeotor appelmtoA on Ilie pail of the Uovetnnienu Allot the lumber contraeUsl rot to ba dellvwd7Wltkdt llilily t,.') doys fri-m dale ol cotiuact. i'or-oaa II .M Ol.oynl frtt'ltr. rrltf not be eoeiaideraat. An oath of all. x'lunre to tne Tn'lnl lititr. 11 nTnraiaiad muai amimpaitv each propoaltlun. 'Ihrabilnyof the bidder tu H I th contract, tboiild kt tat awnroed hlni,uiuat be guaranteed by two re.peaot ble p. rot., yi liobo slsnaturtie muat b appead.t bad gttaiantee, Tb ft: It name ted post oWc address of each Wider! nonet bo legibly written iu tlie propoaal. llond. lu a aura sijuij lo half of tlie amount of tao eoa tract, alft-ned tiv the coutravlor and both of hi. gnarant.ro, wl'l oe te. lulled of tlio auoceaafui bidder, apott ataaaff bbt contract. The rlsht to reject any or all bid. that may b doasaoi too hkth la reserved by tbo Depot Quartermaster, pnipoaiLlB muat bo plaiul.e oiidoraed on tlie eavelop, 'TroiHiaala lor Lauibor,' aud addruaaed to tbo andor alsucd. i. h. ntroKBR, ttrlaadlex-(lncral and t'lil.r taartormaater, 1"lp lot liepotoi Watiitufiooi. eL'HSISTLNCE OFFICE, UNlThD STATES k? AUUV. No. HO 8'tiTH 8rana-r, 1 BI.Ttnoaa,kln.,OototwM, IHS4 I Reeled rmpoiala.lu duplicate, will be received at thA cflice until If Mm u RaTl liliAV. October rt, 14 It turuisiims the t'nlied Stale, aubtlauoso lloparuaeata delivered lo Baltimore, Maryland, Willi k.tlOO IIAKUKI H HHsr lil AI.ITT HEW 1CE1 Oil I'lllMKblEsrl l'OKK (whloh to .,J7 lo be lull tailed, loa.maat.tn ' -'rTJl oekbarrela, with two Una her "'' li.eli-oin ru.t or atalu, ' . , V. . e"..d"ln',,dy.yV' hnrreS M l'o dat ol oontraot. Tkroo .a i,. i' .a must be proaenled a. a tampn, , .atobe delivero i, which will be ro- nn nniit', J nntll the delii ery Is made. ou.uuui y,.iia sn; riLOaK-i,tk!ltl)HAMS,pala In i4'.si'atc . ip. or wrapper covers, nnd pacAael In Usui tl'-rci't. To b. delivered In lb day. fii'in date of award. One tierce of Ham. mast be presented a. a .arnpl of th Heiaa lo bo delit ered on ti ls culili'aot. which wlilberelaiaed uioll it e deih ltv Is made. 100,000 ior Mill NK.W IMKR RHOKKIt BA001T rlll'Es, lo tie pal up each piece in a aeparalo Stlp or wiapper. l o bo parked In Ugnt uoroeo, .- K dLiivutvtl iu till (lOj daya Iruaa tlio dab oic..1rt. ktlai .10,000 I'lJi'N IX OK PIttME RIO Ou. . tSSl T " ta " 100,000 l'lil I,N IIIUU OHADF. HR IVVH SUdlB ba be paraed in barrel tike oauiOloa to ba an ta ttil. olllc.fuhy ancd 7o be l,vd wlll.ln ten days from date of award HO.OOO '.r , l.K'.rALITT nr whUky ; fi fron. .11 reKn aoldi or tojnrlaM "bPtanpf-. r,j of , uniform a.rVnt i; SI Udtf Vlnej-ar aa iaivr Ue ttntiTtZ ma be; to ! put np in btUf birr a of tt mZZ kin. e-p-ctiy-toi.. made of whiu ok.ltv M.ph to he eon i thi. m. Kick drtdVew Uti- atc nipiiuitMi wiib a of c aa- luirjtt Cbttiutft thai Uia yinear la of tZm nMu n-d atronrh. One hatf to be d.Uvared ill ten dA,,a,i tho whole wiikin tweuty daja 15.000 I-Ol bDH AUAMAKTIKE CtWDLRfl fttt t ! ounce- to thap. unJ). l.rand mail ba meai. tluncd. Uu.etihatrappawtihii,flit grta hu;.v..y atrupa. lo by UaUei-udia in dajai tmui date o( aw ard. 50,000 l'OXJNON );((! HAHDBROWN lOAP,to b incdt by bo liuK imu only trow ut,.d mafnaia tut-1 flu c:ay, .lnhtf j.la,s. or otiwr adiiltorm t lull, to have no ncp ouaiitodor.toouiiUia mmt a,, nn iiiirij imt ct?i. ot water, aaa to he wi ll drit d befoie beluf packed. Ta a d-livt n d in U davn Hum Uite ol award. 10,000 1'OIMjs I'Km.Kfbint-k). Jintticru will eleaw Htttte tht vhrirty ot i'rpjt, at Auuiatra, Niaara pote, 1 eaaiijr. At., litriiiailtiti aatuil a; a4id !' mute tli price pr ucuod al wiuoh tha-r w U l.at a It k,ruund, put up in tour ouuoa paparau uud I'urkfd 'n fKixcj otntatulnaf twwity !) rouii(lr of I'ihht. To be dvUvurediu tea daya l rum datum uwird. Ardial tHia ii-iitirtd lKhii!t h ii.u -i be lutnfshcd of all the article offered. Hi i'itr:iic iri.;'fcui, tn tnj if muat t made tor aacftt arii liti.niinifittttd.auti hidderH ni.ty propote l,r tHtj wbolai or any pun ot euvo. rr"p.iabt must hb mada on bU?ik .brum, lutiutliL-d al tiiii oitice. The cerUtlcar attaclied ta tlit pronal uui at be aiuc-d h two rt jpottnible paruesj. KiriM rlurwt'b ou rtmupli'a oiuat be piL'paid.or tha) pnpo..al will not Itt ooiikidrrt'd, l:ach hid must have a piiuit d ct'i v oi tiifi ti'lvt rci-it in. nt (uiatt d ut Ita bond, au4 O-iitti br tpa-'culf iu fUir-lyn w ilti all its taj-iue. I'riipoBrtli nniit nut tie oir!tt-'tl wltlt tfie ininplei.bat rm.ilc lvirnl Bvi.aruu-, and cudorn ii "lropuala fur Bub aia: t iivo flt rt ft ' IVrai na im; htivln;' ti e .ncUc variety of ntorat above) dox.iibiil.hii' Int. 1'V ar; ii Vn ot n niinliir kind, are at hir; t" b t ' ? d in pr.tp -;,t '"r fi"'ilym' them, which will rc it't otuntl'iu acv.'it! nu tu pik and dtldptdiiloa to tha s Miir oi tJievei vitc In ad cta uot uptotitJiy exctjyuad tlio rit-IU uy in'it he itrt'U' nt rati tune apticliWd. Jnctti of fHilurp, thu I'nlted Htntn Wintl tho riht of piir clifiso el-CM lu r to iiiukii up tlio dtiiji iaiit y.clixrrftng Lke advuncupaidoker ctuuatt prua to thu part ftulioa; 4a All ntVroii w 111 bp c nrr fYtUy Inkprete J and comared wtt4 tlie iM allied ajitttplt H. Jlfioma of weiuht , tyaod by a rtefuiar public wether, muat ba furultUvd wkeuevtar required. CvrtiUcatci of Id.) tcth-n by proton. lonal p tvekera or In- (ecti n, t ilior th in the party furiiiah'ngf the piovlaloDa. will li retiind iormrava, curilfyiiig on thauartot Uiw at-Hi r liioll pi'Obi'ht noality ttud ooudiijuii. and ti.t immaL. i)itt'l' prt cedihK lu.i i turn, Tbaoi-ata willuno t t xtniinod and pasted npon b J parti' k irom tM oilice on the prt of the Uuitid Ktatea. Contractora are extit vU-d to hoid their kf.b.,ri- wiif.raA xpeuae to the Inluu Htatea uutU rai.ulrt-d tor abipateut. l ai intjuti to be matle after Lba d. livarv m th. .uaim af fiinila urv on h.uid, U uoue oa baud, to be utade aa ao aa receded. iuu b pur.on, or every umber of t Urm o(1rlBrP'" ral, lonat a couimuy u by au oatU ot alitmiain ' iam nili-d tinltta Oos criuiirnt. It be ha net air.ilr In tin utiu-t.. In addition thrlo a etrtifitaia wii m f- gulivd actitntf lurth that the artielea o'-r-! th9 ',,,1 jt-iit, utitit r tuo above atlvtiUfceuitiii, oi.i'r , v, .a rt t. I.ld..t't t.x. aa .aa ta. la ,..!,... A teT It ' l'f 1 ot lovalciUxcua lur dsllvniy to U.e t-oJW UvT8f lifii t. Buaabwri mud W wYttle iiidi moit be Up it ile, ana turn All but. not t tuio!)iiiJ i"'' ftdvaruaiiuvut wM b rvjvw- J. H.OaVAN.