i THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAm. PlffiiADELrniA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 18G1. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRO STREET. mm TnH ejamr. Pa Corr, a fctoerraaa oa-ira Paa tTHMt, wee OaiTiT, end aaalksl to Hob. orl bare eat at-at rev at !" muiu i Ani o lu aw rim rear, ma two Motmu.fnTwtaklra urnrm fg, a, aerta .roWM. eUl.aa eteiaaaarte hmrwl at Ik ainal ntea. A Hbaral team! eaaul. far ea.:nd.d laaartama. Taa rtrrMpoiiKiU. 1r.atie. .an be taken of Anonymnua Ot.tnmnnlcat'orti. f aiir- e la mTidprt or IB..-rtt ti, eiu.t b- aiitrn-niritd e, tf .awn end eddreaa of the writer not net-,t.aril for B.uetK-a-.ien. bat aa m al,eranl-t fcr bin K""d I 'h. We jaaeart oadartaae te nun raiectcd fon.aauarVatl.Ba. To Aiert larr. (Vwtnf fa the er-eet lrw-ra m the rtrmtatfaw, M Trie feiraiiiN Tai.puaAFH, e. mrt.lire na to .n pr.a at An vy1ior, wc a'af ni:j r.-'iurnt that artvpr.1 .-no-ni. mar , handad lit ea aon .a iti ncim i, lr .tiaBlliM, to at-ca ikeaa ea teirtia la all of onr edition. FRIDAY, 0CT01JKR 28, lft.,1. "jirRDi:K wn.t orr." Tuk TsLEORAnr yptrl,iy piillish"(l tho Bewa of n nstminillng fraud which lmj bnn tommltU'd hy eorno porjured Copporlic.itl.ioo the bUol of the New York soldiers. It appears from the fact forwarded, that the cotnmis lonfrs of Democratic iientuas'oa hnd, liy soain Ibul means, so well known to the members o ' fbX party, poewessod tlicmwdves of the boxes Which were to be forwarded to the Secretary Of State of New York, contalnlug tho proxy balloU of soldiers, and had, to uso a profi!.i lonal phrase, "stuffed them" with Democratic ticket in place of the orig'iml. The fraud N 80 gigantic In Its proportions as to Include Oyer thirty thousand votes, and to compel the whole election to be held over again. We expect to hear or frauds of this nature until alter election, but wo will tell our Demo cratic opponents that It Is useless. The voice of the army Is too decided to be Influenced either by force or fraud. Although they aro adepts In the art of swindling, their energies TrVl be wasted and their science lost. That soldier who Is battling for the Union Till be iound voting for the Union. The de votion which they have exhibited in offering their lives on their country's altar will prompt them to deposit their ballots for Abraham Lihcoln, the soldier's friend. It Is useless for you, Copperheads, to stuff ttoxes. Vibe soldiers, deceive officers, or send Democratic tickets headed "Union Soldiers' Votes" they are all of no avail ; the country And the army are both determined to re-elect Our worthy Frestdent, and no force or fraud can prevent it. But the energy of Government may, nnd doubtleis will prevent the repetition of all Bucli wickedness. The culprits are to be tried bj court-martial, and if guilty we hope that no falae clemency will interfere to stop or palliate their doom. They have sinned against the military law, let thcin be puniahed by miil- ' tary law. Then will the soldiers' vote be fitirly taken, and the Union ticket triumphantly elected. ' We hcartilj say "God grant the consumma tion r , A Solkiem's Sentiments, The gallant " young Brigadier-General Geokok A. Ccn- TEB, who has so distinguished himself in the ' valley, has written a letter giving hU opinion On the Chicago platiorm. lie says: " I am a peace mart ; in fuvnr of an 'armi.-ticc and of MiidinK 'Pence Commtssiunuris.' I ' dt lre an honoiuhle and lusting pcaiu. The " 'Peace Commis-ionem' I am Iu favor of aro " those sent from tlie cannon's mouth. Tho " em y nrniitlLe I would yieltl to, would be that . Ii icta ty me yomie 01 our oayonets. AH AMTOVBID1NU ruRUEKY We cannot now remember any oatrage on body of men, and an entire nation, which duals or approaches the enormous fraud that the McG'r-EixAiT-PEjfnLETOif party baa Just attempted on the rights and the will Of the New York soldiers now in the army. It la astounding, and when the first reports ol its discovery reached us yesterday, we were not trcpared to receive them as true. We could realize that the so-cal'ed Democratic party were In great distress at the prospect of their defeat on the 6th of November, but it was lard to believe that it would resort to such a wanton , violation of all principle and of all honor. Yet it has turned out true, and to day McClellak's friends stand before tho world branded with an infumy which shall constitute their eternal disgrace. Apprehending disaster to their cause, and knowing that the soldiers from New York, as from every other State, would give five votes for Mr. Lincoln to one for McCi.Ei.r.A.v, tho Democratic leaders iu that State had agents Appointed to tnke the vote in tho army, who would enter heart and soul into the gigantic fraud which they designed palming off upon the country. According to the confession of M.?J. Fkkkv, one of thesu agents, tho plau Was to till up the printed bluuks with the names of officers and soldiers who had been la the army, but who were either (had or no longer connected with the service, la addi tion to this, it U substantiated tint they forged the names of soldiers in t'ie army to these blanks without usking them for whom they wished to vote, thus giving thousands of Suffrages to M Clem.an uud I'K.vbi.RroN Which would have been cast for the Union candidates, Lincoln and Johnson. The magnitude end heiuousness of the fraud Im appalling, and lu the history of our country at least, has no parallel ; uud a party which ti stoop to such turpitude will not ston at any crime. After this we arc not surprised at the thieut mndelu yestcrduy'bXc.wYork World that "the times demanded fowthing stronger than worls,"uud that tho point where forbear ance ceases to be a virtue in near at html. If the will of the people is that the present Admin istration be re-elected, then, it i i f:r"."huduwo.l by the World, ''something stronger' is to tako the place of w ords with its party. Whut doe It ucon, if this dai k iiWuiuaiiou does not look to revolution and resistance to tli Govern ment? The World has a character for political dishonesty and luck of morality which ii already well established, but it should now Cease, its twaddle about "fraud.-," and turn its attention to tho sliumo blistering on it j o'vu forehead, nnd talk of its very Immaculate party. It will have enough to do to s:i!ve this hideous burn ovar between now and the bLh Of next mouth. AJas, for the "young Napoleon!" This hovektpment of the manner In which he was to be elected brings his prospects to a sudden , termination, and dashes all his asplratloiis to Broui"t. Thousands of men who might voted Ma ticket will refuse to soil their . "ytouchina a thin? so nnlluted. so black -wVth tufa tinmv 1,. i . mi no Ion. K,.7." " lUL uru,y wairiors wm o "uttl. H0J, sttriuu .it' I..... . . BohUers have the correct lUey wW ii. .tt, . the .ncaking largeVho B',urn V''n their H.'lita , hRV soa8ht to Steal their rigliu, dtgrnue tue . rights, degrade tl,l, ,.,. " ,.,7 Z. , Insult the memorii s of their omi , Lot the people of the country coualder well how, lu Ibis wlMi! efljrt to deprtva Uusr j uvii.uu..a ui uiu .11.11. .u tuio or Ilia Innn Of tbolr choice, .hi Democratic par,, 2 vi- j-wy (ntf Into the hnndf or tun lu-iu-ia. 1 p trm that Mr.wiiii"''" oircimn mny lurmmve the Rebellion III a short time, and th it with it end comr the end of Blavcry, th.-a Northern aympnthizor.-i will heaitate at notliln? which mny tend towinls electing McL'i.ki.- i.an.aiio noitiing out tun nojie to l .c iicmi thnt they mny yet establish a "Confe Icr icj and dlsnolvo tho Union. The gicnt jirolimmna ol patriotism, and the claim act up by u. Fraud Party to be the snvlnr of the country, are but baltH thrown out to catch the unthink ing portion of our people. A beautiful set of men to save the ctmn'ry from mln and dl.-grace, are thean ,ew York mnnagera of the aoldicrs election I A man does not t mat a thief and rr;:er in Mis houaewhen hia character H discovered ; and the people of the free States will tell thec acoundielM, on tha 8tli of November, that they cannot be entrusted with the intercata of th" nation, alnce a pnrty which stopped not at crime to secure power is more fit for the inside of a penitentiary than it is to nvtnagc the aflnlrs of a Government. McCi.ki.i.an Lorii.s MisHotiiii. Genera Stkhmnci I'kicf. has lK-en badly defeated in 1 Missouri, as aUited in Tiik Tki.euiiai'ii of yesterday. We regrot to grieve our Demo cratic friends, but all Viclr friends' efforts to carry the Slatn for McCi.km.an have f.iilud. The Sterling rrice they offered to pay for that commonwealth has been refused by the loyal people of tho young Iron Statu. Let Camkkon in Pennsylvania do as well as tho gallant Kohkcba in the far distant West. ItF.FAl'f.TIXU. In times of great public excitement, when the country Is convulsed cither by internal or foreign war, an excellent opportunity is pre sented for unscrupulous officials not only to inflict a moral Injury upon tho Government by factious opposition, but also to materially deprive it of IU life-blood by robbing it of its funds. In times like the present, it is Impossible, for the Executive or his Immediate advisers to inspect the actions of the extra thousands of employees! called Into office by the emer gency. They have done their best, and have succeeded far better than could hava been expected. The number of cases detected and punished are tho best monuments of their watchfulness ; and a grateful peopla do not hold them responsible for what it is impos- eiblo to prevent, but will rather give thorn thanks for limiting the evil to such small dimensions. There aro, of course, a certain elas of Locofocos who arc addicted to f iuit-fliiding, and who blame the Government for ull tho acts ol its subordinates. Now let us say to such men as theso, that you are more to blame by fur for the existence of this evil, than the Administration is itself. The Government does all in its power to stop the crime, while you receive tho criminal as your friend and equal, Invito him to your houses, and receive him as a gentlem in. If a hungry child steals a cake it is at once seized and committed for larceny; If an o Ulcer of Government, In whom the President of your country places confidence, elopes with hun dreds of thousands of the funds at his disposul, you mildly call him a defaulter. The Government does Its duty, prosecutes the criminal, aud removes him from office; but this can effect no reform so long as society treat him rather as a successful competitor for some honorable prize, rather than as a base robber, fmore criminal, ten timos, than one who breaks into a house jnd robs its sleeping inhabitants. More criminal, because one injures only private persons, while the other not only injures a nation, hut tdso coins money out o ' the lives of Its brave defenders. To mak money by furnishing medicinal stores of infe rior quality is rightly characterized by Mr. Holt as a crime of unparalleled atrocity. Can a civilized man imagine any one calling inn self a Christian, mixing, to gain a few dol lars, copperas with green tea, intended for our wounded soldiers? Yet such a case actually occurred, and the parties who were guilty are still teimed by aged ladies as "My dear Mr. ," and by gentlemen as "old fellow," and greeted with shaking of hands. It s by such a course as this that defaulting is prcpngated ; it Is by such actions as those that Government thieves are encouraged. It ii not the Government which Is reapon-dblu for thc-eo crimes, but it ia those veiy croakers who are ul, lining it. If society would only do its duty, only frown down these puckers of the nation's blood, the evil would be remedied. 11, after having ben de.clurid "Ineligible to any oflK-e of public trust or honor;" if, after having been deprived of all their ill-gotten spoils, they were to bo treated by society as outcasts, as jail birds, then would they have no object in the coui mlfEion of their crimes. If thej were discovered they would lose loth wealth and respectability; if they suc ceeded, popular fcelin-r would stamp them as defaulters who went unpunished so that, whether ihVovcnd or not, nothing could be act ciiii'Mtlx-d by thc!r deed. V hen soi h ty takes this stand, and default ers lire held lu the abhorrence, which i-i their (iu. , then, i.i; l not till then, will the Govern ment cense to he dc.tpoiled by iu unfaithful M-rvt'iits. To Waii IJ i-. mi nAf.-C, L.Vai.i. wiiru jiam s, in his recent letter, that it was ha who diitfted the n.ate.ial part of the "('hii-a,'o I'latliinr," Uiid t. i.(i It through all the committee-it in op.o.,iiioii to Cas'hihv, of the -I.;,!'.'1, find (,!l:ct War Dem.icrats. Ale yi. 'i wiliim; In lllit iiinlc.r a liaiuiei', the mot'tss of wliieli were written by th tK-i'.fa- Vai.i am.k.ii am ? Think before you ceu.n.it yourself. ltVr('l!OV,'!HJt(l IM 111.14! VKllU'I.VS. We of this flee lan l enjoy a an al many but we are a!..o o!)!ie,l to endure a va.-t number of di ico:iil'rt -i, one of t'uu mo.-,i, i;;.'.-rava.iiig of vihich is bein.-r packed into public vciiiclos as if He w-re comnr.'ilile dry pcoils or Uied lie.'iiiiyj. lu England they won't stund thw uort ol thing. An action was recently brought ngaiust tho Xorthcasfern 1 full way Company, by a solicitor residing at York, because the conductor of the train ullowed a company of a dozeu laborers to rush iuto the compartment which he occu pied. He alleged that the company bad no right to crowd Into the car more passengers than they could conveniently hold, and accord ingly brought the action In question. If a few spirited individuals would serve some of our own railway companies in the same way, a reform might, perhaps, be effected In what is often an intolerablu nuisance. When a passenger pays for a seat In a car, he buys the right to that privilege ; ami if In con sequence of the vehicle being overloaded he la obliged to use hU legs, as we ourselves hare ,t . ..... " T"? j etu broken ou tho company' part, aud they oi ght to be made liable fur damage for the breach of filth. Not milv the safety but the lii(i;idmd coiDfort of pa.s:'(Migers Is too often overlooked In this country, mid it la time that a re (tim In Mil respect was Instituted. Do Yovh Dt tt. The duty which every loyal ii an owes to his country, To-Dat, 1 I ir ay, 0 Toiif K V. IKU, Is to see that hit li! rnc Is correctly placed on the assessor's list. This afternoon is yourl.it opportunity. Never mind your dinners, thv-.e you can ijet every day, but to-day la your only ( lmncn of an H.'SCKament. l,oyal wive I do not iive your hushindu any dinner until he tells you that be has attended to the duty he own to his country, and then you do your duty to hlmt A 1'nrcsn Acikhhion. Wf.nih'.i.i. Tutt i.ii'H, who at flr.it opposed the election ol Pre sident Lincoln, has now taken his place In the rnnl..", and marches to thtt music of the Union, lie recently nuide a speech at Cooper Institute, In which he said: '-Ifo hoped that " the Confederate gunboiit which anchored off " Chicago on the WHh of August nnd Invited " McCi.f.i i.an k be Its captain, would meet " the lirarnarric and join the Alabitmq in tho " di pths ol the ocean." " N Mr. Pnn.i.ii'H, like a true man, know what wan Ms duty, and knotting has fullllled. "tiik r.i ki:ka om. roti i an ir of west iiihima." Capital, Si, 000,000, divided into 100,000 shares a' $'0,er alii.ro. Htioieriptlon )!, $r.V por hare. TM Cernpii.F own toa c M Uie motl valuable land and 1AM'H in tat Kaaanh Valley, situate on UorM Keck and ( amv?ell'4 Utto bint rhes o( JkiU ereek, ao4 wllhia flvo mtini of the Ohio river. On Home hook Ike eomrAnynwnonewell, which It now pumptpc twenty. Hirer hert.'U uf oil per day. Title well Ii only throe hundred ard teiity even feet deep. Ilia Kupcrlnli-iirVnl la row repcilns to bore to the di-pth of Uieoltar vtjlU aurroumlirifi tit, which are prodniingfrom ene hur.dr.-d lo oi,e huutned at.ri aUiy barrel! of oU per day, when we arc aalUIti d we gan produce a like amount. 7he.ro i ar.otlu-r well at liorve Kork, now bwd twe huiidrnl and alxty-llve feet, with alxiit thirty feet of oil In the well. The land on which tlila woll la located la on a perpetual luaar The Hull Creek Company own a euo third tntereflt, our euiup&n) have thebaUuceof two-Ui!rda. At 'anipbeli'a run, tho company own In fee a trart of lllrty-thrce acrea, coThlderutl by KeoloKltU and inlnlnt elurlneera the beat oU territory la the State. The uri-at Tack wall, Bowing five hundred baircla, edj.ilua tl .La property. Hooka of auWrlpllcn ara now open at the (,'ompany'a Office, Itnow Nti. 'is, Mttrohanti Kxchance. A limited numhyr of iharea only will he aeld. JOi.-Si. KKOUGU, Treasurer. rem the "riUi.borir lially Pout" of SepUmbor 9, IS'll. MOlL firniaa. The Wheellna Inti'llfarenrer' aara: We learn In m a (.enll.-liiail alio arrived y'-aterdsy rnia l'lt-aaiiijt eounly lli.nt ol. Moiid .y the llnrl.tn OH C'tu.uauy attiickaw . il on llore N't-uk. In lhat o-mut), which will yield a IhoUHuud bairela or oil per day. l ( ere is .treat t-R.'.ieauj.l on the uhi.-cl lu ti.ia vlciniiy, and the ull levur la prtvuihn- iu a fearful ex tort." "jlarrleil. ArIIc:KH-IinTOIll'.l!. On tho J7tli lniant. by the Vtev. tienrire Pane llii;.rtlnian, .1. KHWAHI) AOIllCltM to I.AI'KA WA'I'I HON. oltiett djuHliter ol WashlnKton llu cher, r.ti... all ormiactty. MAKltlO'lT BKOWN.-Oa Thursday, ttieMtli Inal , liy It.-r. Albert barnea, Wi. II. MAItUIOTI', ol Mil v. nuke , aud LI.I2o.lll.TlI, dauKhterul Jan. 1:. Ilrowu. o earda. alMl. AV.BOTT. On the evenlnB nf the -ifilli Imiant, Lot ISA J , lliil Wlleon Abtiutl and daUKllt.r ol VU Ham II. Ixive, in the Jitl year ol her ae. 'I Ue relativee and trientirt of the family are Invited to attend tho Mineral, tiom the residence of her hiiahaud, !no. Ul V Kllth at. tltia iHixtl. day) niurulnK. '2-itl. Intl., i.tll o'clock, without lurtl.er DuUco. To proceed to bouth Laurel Hill. COHKIvl 1T. On the 2f.lli Inatant, ol ronanmpllon. AlKl,AlliL V., (lu;f:l,tor ol flemulro P. and Catiiarlue t'uelfldt. areu 24 yeurri anil 7 niontha. '1 be reletlvea and trlenl ol Ilia lamlly are reapitrully tuvlltd t attend the luneral. Iroui the re.uicnctt ot ht-r ttareitta, No. V1U t:arter etreet, on Huttirtlav, th tlllih Inttant, ut 2 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel iilll Ceu.u-i.-rv. HOIIKIiTKON.-On the cvenlnu of the 271U inal . orcon vuiti(,Df, I LI .1AM 4 It t'UL IE, the b.-lovetl aanof Jamt:a aud Catharine K-tncitaon, t.gt-d 3 yeara and 4 in'tntht.. PA1,F..-At AnfleraonTllle, (la., .Inly , 1HH4, TtlOM AH a.ai.l'., Co. M, isihl'a. l av. (Audersoa TrOJpi, lu the 'ilet year ol hie aire. XXAJLaXa OF TIIK REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLE 3, MARKET STREET, BELOW THIRTEENTH. By Invitattvu of the t'ltfti. Gov. lllCII AllO YATEH, AND lion. OAI.UHIIA A.. OltOW, WILL AllOI'.t'.SS THB PUIIMC, on SATURDAY EVEPJ1NG, OCT. 29, AT S O'CLOCK. TIIK I.AI.IVS ISYIUDU ATTCSB. lD-?-2t "J'HE rAEIIEES' AND M0nAHI03 TSVIIOrVAI iIAINIC CI- rillLADELriilA, liNA.VClAL Atir.XT A5TD DKrOUTAUV Oh' TO UWTKI) S1ATLH, Il.-ciivea Bubactliiliona fur ti e NKW Tllltl K. VKAU -:iO 100 TltKANl'Kr NOTI'.S, which aio couv.rtllile al uiu'.uiiiy into alx ir cent. 1'IVE-IWENTY BONDS; Ala i fcr tho TEN FORTY 1WNDS, In'.ei est in tK-Iti i-uyiib'e ii. (loht. L iS liitwlm W. H SiriO:.,Jil .(.':l-hi.-r. )i i ii. a mu.fii i a A!l BEADING RAILROAD, c n a n u i: c v ii u r n. fN Nl) AFTV.Il MONDAY, OCTOftER 31, 'illB ACCO 't MoDATION TKA1M Ir Kitiii!;' Iriermt'dklc I'lii-is, Will Lnivi-t;.t-Ittiot, 'UliTiTl.KN'Ill AND t'ALLOWIIII.I. 6T.!CBT1, At 1 30 r. m. (J. A. NIUllOI.LH, 0EM:BAL Sfl'EItlNTENDKNT. Iu-?nt rrilK IMllltOATK I'ETllOI.EL'M CO.M I , ,t.y. Tt.- Tni-lw-a of Ihla r,nn,,auy haw tl,l. Uav ! ,. li.r ,1 a tin ul, iHlu oil.riill('KN'l'. on the.-Jpit.il -i o- tl.r r.,ui.nu . pa.t ultlc on llic 1-1 ef Mureuili.-r ill their Otl'c,-, No a-u-INK Htroct. The translcr uuo:.a will bv tJoata Ull tLe iU. til Oitob.-r. ( Has. TIIOC'KMOItTOJf, Re-jpt'arr. Kl VoK,Oitol,erav, rA. In..', f,t c i EKMANI A 1'KTllOI.kITM IMI'V J Tlie 'I ru-,lf.-l nf Mua t.'ninnanv hava Una tl.iv ,lt,'l,irfl a JiyWtml of ONK ItllCKSl on ll, (ii,lt,U attiik of I Ida t'ii,ony. pa.ul'lf on Ihc 1st of Novvmiirr t lluir Ouico. nu . 1 1 1 M.nir, it. luc iranatw kooka will be clued on tlie IfTt ki ul Oclolivr. '" THR0CKUORT0.S, Secroiray. Ki w ToncOclolwr.'.lsM. lu--.-; it II -eu'i balaa Otilu Fleccea, oow boln; opened ant fur ia).' by 8HOI1KII A CO., II tt.iv.;ilwnieje'uijul. Q A II 1. I Wll Ol'l a atv I'l N T 1 It 1-' S T O It K LACE CURTAINS A I KJKT VI'.K . . I ' I.UHM THAN :M-r or iM"iiir.v i i'i.v I. E. WALRAVN, iicCsor to w. n. CAiiKvr,. MASONIC IIA1.1,, Ho. 719 OHmUT Street BUSINESS ITCWS. I-erry ( Il4-All,t. A Co., (IuiIiIhk. Third nnrl r kiiiiv I KI HY in-ur 1'IKIlV ITI'f. Y I V I'll Y I'KHItV Clothlrs.l hiH OMIilLK, 1 h!t1 I ' ml It i . 'I Mi 'I anil ''Ir-aniiL ami t.'U'-ni t. at'd (-'iitn.iiit. ih ( cittti ica.Tiiiwi CIoIMiik, Third ......hti.u t Itlr.l a-ul r. .nut. and Clio- nut. and (.'-ii ai.nt. and Cl.taiti,t. and Tie.iuit. ami Chaaul. and . 'htt.niil. at(l t'le"in,t. and , In antit. and Cht-inut. nnd ht'kiitit. anil . Tt.et.1, nt. anil CU'tintit. and Cliaannt. CO , - . ro ro, Clitih it. mint . 'I.. II. i, l l.lrrt J-t It HY A I'l. II I, Y 1-1 RltY A I'l UltV A l-KlillY A 1'KKKT A l-Kli U Y A Vf HIIV A I'r'HHY A i rKIJY A I-HII'V A llkiir A co , C nlh-nir, Tlllrtl f'lnlMi.u Tl.lr.1 i .i CO CO CO I I, t' liiR. Th t"l lt,lhli.v,1'tnri OltttltliiK, THrtl ( ,ii:,.-. TM d 10 . CO Cloil.li.jr. Thlnl CO., i-htit iin n i,ira CtothiMir.Thliit .In. Mb.. Thlnl CO , ( o (0, and f eaiuit. and Ctieinuu ClothliiK, Third Itrtrirrila'a In lottiliiK llaralna In ( lothtna. Itarkatna in Clothtna Bargi.na lut'lviti lug. Al OatNvn.i.k an.au' CM an4. At llcnvn i r Nrt-itrs' Old Hiau-I. At (Iuanmi ri Hr.M ' O d HtAn1. At Oi-jhN. tt.i a. 8uiHan' Old ataud. Xn. f(M hcamit ulrcct. . ( ChfMint itrtt't. No IU M Cbanvt atn-.t. Ho. HOD Chi. mil atruct. I'lmo Vreerrlra fnr lhe (Ninntrr Itoa.UlDH tloliac and Uotul Uetpura andotljera can liare thrlr (U,pllft, ef Kinb OaiK Kiiiaa aar-iy packi-d and forwardod, free of ct-.a'tre, hy applying to lvia A lti,.-itKia, Arcb aud Tenth atroeta. rtanoa! PinnoMt 81ECK aV CO 8 MASON A HAM I.I W S CAIUNKT OltUAt.8. MA ROM A HAMI INH CAUINK.T DhCKEtt UllOS PLVNOS. okua:.. I riAsos. 3. K. OO0t.li, Seventh and Chcaaut atreeU. PERSONAL. IOK A ri'NHION-KOH A BOUNTYFOR A I'KI'.K Money Certificate torn Ward, Town, -'it, Couo y, HtntP orllovflmment liimnly for a frtnonor'a ly or a Teanter'B Wauen for an Ofrlf.ar'a Iar-rl-i for a Hncrultii g litlt tor boimihiK And LodRlnt Vulunteon for a llirp lout In the wni tor a I'roiturty inluraJ for a lust 4'lottitng Han-for tb lltn.harK ol a Mln-ir for an Invnllit 1'enMii n for ohs(hh on of Money Iue hy a Ur dllur in tlid Army orlSavy lor luformutlon ol Jllatlve or a Friend In the Army or Navy, or Marine l'or;is, or tie Revenue Hcivlre.or the Foreign IMulomntiC Kin ploy rail upon or write nt once to the Military nnd Naval Aki-ncy, wburo advlco and Inforinutlou ate R vun, free ol any cluiritc, at onrn. Tlie Miiltaty ant aval Avvnvy, Ko. 427 W M.NITT Htnet riiiiade1iba. .IO fcr.ril lu. PKVITT A COM V ANY. AH Inliirmation iT4n mtvuervncd upon at ofllc iul, and glvou torno- THR BAILOR (OOI.OHKD MAnTwHO OUTAIVKD nt ourullice yi-Hirnlut a lCt bill in anarcmiDt lor l'rlze Moury Unit v,an ud.iuHti d, In place or l(R w ill do w t II to call back at oncti". an tUr ItMiuicH thnt It due him atid In our himlx will n pny ut, more thnn h will luti, and w e an Ri'tiln both Account at tlift name time. JO fl.l'II K. IlKVITT h CO., Wo. m WAI.SI T Htroot, riillHdclibln Tho Military and Nuvnl Agency. TO HOUIKRh.-WANTKI), WOi: VDKD AN1S1CK 8olditrti' MscharKCs at tho Military anJ haval Akcdov.No. 427 WALM'T Mtrcrt. I'lilladc1rbla. joHhi-ii k. UKvn r tte co. gOXlI lilth', HKAMIilN'H, AND MAKINHS' CLAIM AGENCY. l(fl nol'KTV AND A ITA'SIO To ti t- (lichartid boldierwho l-ii, uet-nwt..uuit.d in battle. HiO 1IOUMY To Ihcae who l ave aerwd two yc&ra, besides a TENSION to thoac diaablad. 1(0 POl'NTY AND ltU'K PAY ToWMoua, Imhera, Mutheta, Ac , of thuse who haro died t,r hec o killed In the at n ice. $ I-KNSION A YiIAIl TotteWMt,wa ar,d rviduaej afntlipra of tho Roldiers, Hviit.;t-n, and Maru.t-a ho bare died in ihe ter.lce. PlilZK. MONP.Y. nCK PAY, -., Inr the heir, el Mi amen and Mnil iea. 1 1'K.-K CI.AI5IS. ai,d alinthar, a-nlnat National nnd Hutu uoteiumeuta, prcinplly c:iccitd. Addreaa or apply la GEOKOE W. FORD, Claim Agent, 10 it. Im POCK HTUKKT. one door beluw Third. WANTS. J? WAM l-;i)-TO RENT, A FURNISHED SLJi h' uac , (( liii di-i ato ale and Ki-ntt-ttly furnlhrl, fnr a Miiall lamiiy without cliiiilrt-n. l.t catinu In-tvveen 'J'entli aii-1 'r.M-mt'-th Htii-ota ami I'mf and Arch at. -acta. Aditn-sa I'. O. Uox2.,!m, Hltli partlculara. It JOLOllKll WAITUIia, WAM'F.D, AT THE ilK.U'JHANTS' HOTEL, KOKTII KOI l-.-IH 8TRKKT, IhN IlINISC. llOtlM WAITKIIR IUMKHIATF.I.Y. c IITY POINT, VIUUIINIA, Allicnl 7, IHOI. Oftitt iKi-or oi- riKi-Aiita, aumiksi OrivllAriNU A011NST WCHMHiD WANTED. UOO TcuiiiaU-i'8, SO WhculH-rlulilH w ii a ! ltltK-Knn.lt lia. WduwlU lec.-lretle tluat rate, of (..veniatrnl pay, fttU'iim. ant! nitdical a'ttntiutioo. Trfttittialallun furi'lithei hy mtplyog at No .l rfcNNSYLVAMA Aeuiw, K'uhliiUn, D.C. K ,1. Sl'Jt,N(J, tl.tl'TAI , a ). M .(AM MS M h KI.I.Y, "-'it l.iUAIil'Kli:,!AHI Ml -t Ai;KSr Oll'll liri I'MON pas -ICNdMi Utll, 'Ill V'' ,('v"'AN1'1 iiM'3 lull I , . 1 1. i-i, la, -i-iL't r 1'iiIIhi;. t'liMj.a,,. ci-t-r t.:r aa'o nt par I'll-- l.i i-rtrit! t1;ti,-.,ir.,l tltt:l,.ih t,f i it cut. cti,; ,,u ht.titl-, cltar of ail tata, aiinti.il, titute, aud Ma lm Ipul. 'Jl.ihi- hirfnla aro eecnrctl hy a first mortme on t!,u it ad an, I it fruii. lii- . The lii.ices am I'lnrcii.e ll t mi l. unit 'l i-t-nias A. a). utt. 'I inn nr.- isani-u In aiuna c,f e:,on. and can be hnd on nn iIIc:iiimii nt the ollicu of tin; Vinpnny, No. Ji .Suir.h . .i . i. i i , mi ui-i. l'! '-'l-l-l Ull.I.I tM F. KrMllI.K.Trt-ftiuror. rv. M I N J-. V TO A N V A. ( 1,1,11 ili.:l.io!l.ta, Ki "j .uisi.it rn.' M i N ): V TO A N V M ( ) L'NT L" VN i-.l) J-xt.tj I'.aut, (il.ll I'S'l'.Utl.lMll.i) l.,HN OKI i K. Corner t-f 'JIIIUD i,d (11: ull. I, ijirvcta, 11, 1't.v I..,iii,.ir,l . J.lt.-.HMOil,S, WAll.'llLo, JliWULRY, ..'UN'S i,-., I. r n.V at l- kmajii; aiii.y i.ow rmrts. ICC-1 APIUSEMENTS. VEW CHK8XUT MRI irr THF.ATRK. il IKONAIill (lHOVXIt AWIl-iJAM.;. BI.N-.Lca-ae. a r.n.l Munaucra. THIS (1 ,ida) BVr.NtSO, Ortnhei 2. 1PH. BESBl'lT AhU Last Mt.ii f nti' UNK of MISS ol.HK l.OiiAN. 1 IliBT Tl.MK IN llll.S CITY OP F.vcleen Wallace 111BS OLIVE LOO AW L rd Kir, It!, k Cliilli.n Mr. K. aiordauilt To conclude Willi TUK LOTTERY TU'KK I'. Hulurday Allcrnin, NINTH (ill4M FAMILY MA Ti: M-.I-, whan will lie produn d TIIK FOHTY TltlEVKS. alONDAY.Uctnbur ULAlttd. D. V. llUVVIillH lu tA.lf I.Y N jKi:.MJjLy liU'ILDlNUS. 1-AST WEF.K Or TUK ..UAKD KTEBEOPTICON. Mamiint ent proa'rarameaTvTliT NHiUT THIS WEEK, evtei led lioin ONF TIIOPHAND VLEW8 taken In all parte ul tha world. riul.iy Mt,ul.Ocl. tMr etl ATl'AHYEXTLIISrVKLT. 'J 'icketa , tuiiU i iiliUuu U veul't UvuUi V, 4 v yJvV. JV-ai H AMUSEMENTS. AMIXtCAN ACAPEMY OF MUCIO, LEONARD GROVE R( . . . Director. GROVER'S GR.AND SAS0B OF 1'EN NIGHTS ONLY. (1 0- ''Ii . I !':ntU'. ?it eT-HHi'tm nti to th P .,.'s n i ruiirril. and a i. t be cx t n d ; rtr an a' y ftirl'irr rah- r of (.rnd Oj tra ht Kirrn tfurir.p (be fad and wintir im O u ) 1 ho Mr" dor rirrUtln( fn,r:rmonlf( Mnh'r i al o' ilir i t Irr'i at Arufrirlmaa 1 lintrf luthr Rait, Welt, a:. J at hew CtN'itnu. jircvpnt the p ib Idltiy or nm tiirr ta-.r-n.or m orCmj,' Oi i-r.'-cnt one, duilnif tnw entire o m i -k trrm of t in fotitrbrii ana Ibo e)atnre of tha Ihelirector tV especial pte.iiiiro-rfltiiinlnflt to tha iM i.f the flrt lrlun.il a c f Oern an Opera in America In beliig h a to prtaent TilK LAllCEST AXD MOST FKRFKCT GllAND GERMAN OPERA COMPANY IN TUK WOKLD. Manynf II, e ltvfrl.if t.eiman Opera lu tlua cltv are familiar Jlli tlie titit'ory cf tl.o flralid Oennan Ojtera C'omiaiij- alrco l,e l:aa ar.auic(-d the I.irpcttun, whtch liaa litcooM-of uiilnti-irtti't. d aiKtcas: and al the Acad-m if Mualr, h'-'W Vitk, al,d the A ademy ol Mulc, It jnton (wl.ero tlie C- mrany la atlll enaafred), the aui c.aina trnnac.acd aeythli.g l,itinrlt. atlaltic-U by tliand Opi-ra lu Arc(-rlt-a. 11, especial envcy, Mr. ADlT.i'II lillinri:r.l, ha. paki-id tl,p epr.n,- nnd .ntiimi-r al the prtnc pal cnurt-cltla .,f F.ur.,pc. ciifta nc fur ibis i-caann aerera'. KK er AliTlHrrt, piirfha.li f..r the Lire, inr A l.AIMIK AND F.xrKSHIVE WAIUH'OIII-', ui d OI'EU ASn. w to the American ata .-e. The f I'nwir.ir ertia. ernluim In Oet man aud Italian Optra, conatl.ute CSltOVElt'S CBIKD tKRMW OPERA COMPANY, SEASON OF lHCil-'O,"). GAEL AKS0I1U12, .... Contactor. Mud'iic maiiik FitFnrraoi. l'rinialionna. llalamt JuIUKN li TTl It, rrtma tetioa. M:idameKERHIA .T,:nAsw-EK, mm. lleniia. Mad He florniK n.icn. rrlmn St.ui ri.e, frnm Impurla O: e-a Huuss, Vienna. Mud'lle 1-Al'l.lNI'. CAS1HS A, rr.mi i-'onb ctte. tladarue EUNK-.TK LA ROCHE, 8cconra lunDa. Madame PAUMNK l.KltliEU, HccOiida ilonna. M.K1IA1.ZI1IM.MKII. 'J e-ior Rohuito. XI. TI EODOKE IlAr.KI.MAy, Tenure Lj ric. Blg-GH'SHTK TAM AUO, Itnur I.tr'c. li, yal t pora, Milan. KAIil. FOIlMKsl. Ttacrcuowiiei kaa.u. Ma drat appearance tln:e hts return irom i-.ur pa. JOSFP1I I1KKUANNH, The ccli lin.ti-d Ui-aao frofundo. M. IMlMlltr, l.KI'M ANN, rrimo Uailtnnc, ituyal Opt-ra, Itoriln nrat appeara-ice la Anitulta. M.UEINltUIH HTKINT-:CKE, l'rioio Itarlloue. M. ANTON (IKAtT, Basi.9 Burfo. M. FlIOUADD 1IATMF.R ,!KTIN ZINSIII-IM .... M.O'ITO I.KIIMANN........ W. Al.l'll.iMHK I'IKtnS...... tlllM'illLllhrJA WOOD I'aa.o I'cnor I'.aaan Hirltuue 1'nuiiei Xiantotiae THE GRAND REPERTOIRE Selected for tl.e SFJkSOS IX PUILADKLP.IIA com- priBt-a KAUST Ottimod W1HL1L1K (.Bccoed llruo In America) Uuuuod Thh Ii Oounod'a luleht Opera haa only aeon pretontrd In twoKuropt aii Opera lloniea prior to Its nrcacnta'lon by thia Conipaur. JMVESR Halevy LKS HUOVF.NOI8 M.-yerlner IlOllF.ItT I.K III MILK Meyerbce ! 11F.H FKK1HC1RITZ Von WoixT MAUTIIA Yon Hotow WILLIAM li.l.L Ruainl liON Jl AN Mozart AND UASIL III.ANCIIG Uold au ou, MGIIT IN (iRKNAUA Krcnlzer NO OrEUA WILL BE REPEATED. The above (in AND liF.PKllTO! HE can only be preicntod In the FN TIKI'. WOULD toy thia Company In the aame ntiiiiherol nihta. The Operna arepreaenu-d heroaftor the moat th-jr, ukI. aittdy nnd reliflnraala.aud taeach lu.tance ha.eb.-tn prfaeutcd once or twice bofore thia acuaou In New York aud Loalou. . THE CASTS WILL I'LESEST , K.'.liL FOI1MKS In lils inott celcbiated role., many of whii-l, have been wrlttru eu-aply for hint. ,'OsF.' H IIF.KMANNr in hla irrcat Bpetlaltlet, In ecveiul of Hhich ht- ia uoa- acl.liowli-Oaed to aland arlthout eiul. 'Jhc ITlmcIionne.FaEl.lCKICI.noTTEK.andJOllAll- iu their atluntteat aaaumptlona. The Tetiorl IIIMMKIl, HA III. I.MAS, and TAMAItO.ln their nitu-t ellecthe rolea . Hr,bra. TAVIaIIO aid I.KllVANN, a-d Had lie Iill'IIA make tl.elr l.l at piarance lu Ihla city. NolHlthhtandlra an expeu.e linprece U-tui-d In America, there Will be NO ADYAM K lu I'lUCrS OF AlMIsrtIOiV. Iir. a C'licie, l'uMuet, aud Par-jiKt t'licle, ONK DOL LAR. (Secured aeal-. Flflv Cenla t-lta Fan ily t'ire'e, FIFTY t'KNIH. ial.T,- WKNTY-FIVK tl.NTS. t "li t- a'e of M ASON KUI1H "IliniON TIa-KlTS HM.Y. 111 i t, nn,. HATt.tDAY, 0.t.t'..r l, at ..ill Lil-t. .ill H rlT.'UtL. T! r I) n pit-r t :iit:e.iy hi pi a Unit tho lovers of Opera v ,:i a -1st it, b.t uilni-a liiii'i-ai-ann aul.,.in elewofthe vuy ir nt ext.. nse aotl m-c. aaary risk attending an oj,. tti'li entt riirise of aucli mavniilctni e. With thit hope lie plans Ihe price ul utlL-rlptlcu Keats ut tho fallowing veo uioileratc naica, nnd oftcra a acheme embracing A SEAT 1 OK EACH NKillT. ',. A SKAT l'OIl EVEIIY OTllKKKKilir, (n't itKitli'K ftoni t iller the flrat or the second 0,irr,i), nr.d A SI.AT FOR Tlir. 1 II13T I'lVL Nil. II IS. r-t !m n Uec nrd s at (Ten );tt rj) i i ..() .M-t i n, te ..;,:,th mc u n ,1 eu.iis (1'i.e t);,ei.i ) i t ni l 1 IVf ll,er.: i; 2j S,,le foi .Single Cpi rn niijl.ti villi hoi cuiiut-i.t.- lietoN TIII'lllAY,Nt)veribei-!l,ls.H. Ju .'n.-.'t TALNUT STRKliT THEATRE. Tll'l (I'll.liO KVKMMI.fWiiWrM.lWl. HKMiHrOF III. Alel.l.AN III THAU vM, t'n w incti ,i , .i.ion l,ie voiiu.- it ltd in- ntn'iii j ruuedienne, illMS Vlll.tlMA KL'. IIANAN, lll appear a LAlil' MAClttlll. l. KI AM 111 I'HANAN Art MACBETH, In Hhuk-Mpetue'a ireut 'I mgcdv nl' JIAt'bKI II, KIN.. Ill' hi 'OTLAND. hl.-h will be proouit d with all Ilia. original Alusic, c. louinrlBda with C'JI SIN llll-.llUY. ton. in riieiry, with aonm Mrs. f ll-nrl I x Oilice vpin troia li till V o clock. L'urUiu riaua at 7. a o cock. MRS. JOHN DRKW'S NEW ARCH ST. IHKa'IKF. Allt'VI I.L BKVEI IT OF VHSTVATiI, AN.) lll.lt LAHI NKIIIT 11 r ONF.. THIS (l-ridavl I VI NINi), October J, IhOI, Tilt MUll. AJSill. AllestandroVaasariMd VEST V A LI In wli.cb Biic wiu ainA- 'tt.vnt'e ilc'la," atidoth-r a-mrfe. AlttrahlcU Uiu LltlNDItil.fmiu Lucroiut ligia, by VKH1VALI. 'Jo cm, lude will, tlie rlnrioue Fan e of T'l l-AHIH AMI UACi Foil FIVR rOt'SDS, TO MOIiltyW, HATL'UDAY, Poaltively Laal Might Of VKVTYAI.I. fcvuday-ltQ, Ai-PWUS, ANY WtUiAUSt. A. T li M I' . v;oor & CARY, No. 7'-J,") C III'.SNIfl' STJtKl-'.T. LADIES' AXD MISSED HATS, AM. NIIAI'KH, lliinT r-TVLIW, KEW COIiTIKESTAL HAT." AT m o i r, r a t '. r n i c f. 3 . P. R.-OLD VJ.I.VKT II0NNET8 mSt Ovit. Folt Hale ai,4 Jtonnce reshaped. WOOD OAItY, Ko. 725 CIIXHXUT ST3KF.T. A 1LANTIC FOB NOVFMBER! SOtlTM I0C1NTH1 JUJCKST8! PlTtJMKK'H. lft -j-1-ll ilt) H04 CIlhiNUT 01IIEF.T. ry 11 11 SUNDAY HERALD, 1 Vlitiiili? XKWSPAPEIi, CONTAINING THIRT k'-TWO COLUMNS. I.OYAL.LUTINUEI'ENDI'.NT, BIay iBHitrloji hfl Vrcn n'Jrruicd nnf rpiufti mule id II . til lOlttiMH- "TJIF !! A " AM H rHv taDrOt OfilP- n .). Uic mii'ioci linn LPrn an ki u-iv awanffi vy uiir tMciHlii. We rt'i'lv n (!'iv hi- HiKtl -r that the' Cami'Uon Dial ' will t mne itf iMibMcfttin on 'ho lh-f Noveuiher in it. Id mis'on rhi-n hvlt.(; ca fircil fty l-.nitutlun ; ht'fi 1'1'K I'lAL," m hit: ti is nuiv thrco s-(iri old as n lUntaiiiff piiHl t Inai.t im 1 IiHiiy, wiJ contiaut its publicaiioo on-v in TI't"F M1'K fl Til ft. 7(, tula the nUro, however, of tho 4,0mi.ign IMal thru'' v iin l(i.vn ailinirt'd utr oourau will nnJ aluiiUAtit liitiir) locu In tuo SUNDAY HERALD, Tht 11 rat r, umber of h!ch ulll appear oa SUNDAY. NOYEMHIOlt l9 TWO PATS prior to the riesItlentUl Election. Ti c opuoiltion which we have nft(un'orp(I In the piibll caU'iii oi tlifl Cjinioahm 1:.I from IIh-bp who t'Oi lil hMclaktD txitptlde nnd ilemire at iti luicobi, eiiall ht luii a nuiati u at n e prntn-r jwri u. Tlie TKiaKitMAi'llu: hKW ui theda , up to the latest mtmcot oi um aiun, w m Appear in Wp Intend to publish n Runway Newspaper which will ht uri r o tiy the inmc venn jnni. A'-VKK I i.si Air H i i will he rt dived at nne. aud Sub- irrihtTh' NiiTCi entereu upon the Larrioru Hu jK", hi' I.M'Kt I'TIO N At ail subHcrlbort $'l (it) per annum, or HVK t KMH pir v(Mk, payable tu tbo Carrlom. AuvtrUum nti at tun usual raieit. S. JL COHEN & EON, rUBLlSIIEUS, IVo. lOU fe?. THIItU Htreot. "SUNDAY IJKlt IjD." fO PATiTSF.HSllIP.-The nndrrHlynrd !ia this Any ater-onatoi, hiuitcti with .i s.h, UKOKUE colics, tn the pl b.itrttt-ii oc the 'Hi:NlA 1JKKAUV Ihe flrtt iine oT viilt n win ne made on Novinibpr (i, lbi, unUdr tha fclj ir hih; i rill i'l rt. r..UJiiri.i ntii, AIi!ifiiKh nai fricixlH may think. I am IndlvlduaMv a 1 on.iii(it. luc t wonty-ortti yeurn active counrctlui witti tt Tifit. vf thin cttv. aadi-d to n y prt- ent uumcroui it:bilrKt'(inti, rr qiilrn torue amiiiiance lirncr, wnile loimtf An.- nra can ruit r thl. I at leatt run a ii In aeijiilriuK te manlv irait of lbr pereverance, H. E. eon EX, Ke. 108 8. TUIBD bTKBET. rull.AliH.l-lllA, OcULert. ISol. ln-2; jt SPEC8ALnNOTICE3, t-T'" NATIONAL PAILOKS' FAIlt.-AX eflurt ia iiioii: 1'i'ii it mmlo tn mtibiuli a Home," (rt c o ' rtuicn and marmt i disabled In oar iittral nfi-to'. It lh pn jKrsi tl io r lifto lutuU fur thv purp jie b aUieit at iii al HnUciit Flr. In Nl hfhl tn liukton, Mannch i s tt. ( n tin-!Mh oi N'oveuiU-r. to bo npcri ten flayi. I da ir.wiiHi T8 of tl ho'i-u rti' Itori-of I hi'adi'lpbia propone to co pirute in tb)B in out lati'ihb e and patriot c enurrwo by lun.lhtiiy a ibh i a ihi lair, to tie roit'toctud b a cm iijitiip ol luil Mi from fit it iiuiubt-r. Tnu hoimf ilio rtfit ttt 1 ruptli in bi'ba f of the nub'i-he irtid ai d aierltirl'n h.) o. , they at p'y witti niill1(-ncc to every rim ot ttiolr It Uc tt'fioiin tfi fti'l tl.e n by contribution,. In tn nev m artitle cf ihve an1 uii'ity, In order thnt I'hiimla 'nhia uny yf rriilltftt ly iri.rt'Mtfiiti'it. Oin.tribiitl no mtr ho Utt at tht) holditr' lb-UK', corner of Maee nd Crown Mrs cit, with Writ. I. HaiMoi-k, J, Treaurr, or at hr n ub Let-, Nu. bt-C 1'inc atrt-et.or with either ot tho b1 lowlntc HAHAfiFPH or Tin. riui.AbEi.riiiA f-0.nti:iLH' iiouk. Wri-. Will-am Mruthi-th. Nu S. iVnu Aquare. Vra. J. llnriitT, X . 1017 S Heeoad atreet. Aim. It. I Kii", No Hjiruce mrettt. Aim V (.1 boons, No U-'l K. 'i'l lid atiet Mi. II. liniok., V. Ko S. K.lnveuih street. Aim. P. . A. Homier, Nc. flue itret-t. A. re W. B. ltojd. Ko Uli !pnu Ht.eet. Aim. W.l hi-ihHtn, No. ;m N Bevetitlt lUe 't. Mm. J. rrott. No. vliw; W. ln-Iaucy place. Ar. Jiici-bn, No fyjn Hprure. wtreet ir. 1. Uudt'iitk. No htHi f'lue tttrt-et. Aim- Iavro, tt'o.V'il . Fourth street. Aim. Ir. WhIIci, No 'til A. r'-iur rreoi. Airs. 4). h llirtiT, Nt. (;; Hrti.-p mreet Aim. B. H Hull. No. 4-" 1 c- ri.-n street. Aire. It. Kiinri , No. !1) N. Krunt ntmut. AIih T Itmld. No. -12 'ahtiiK on rt.i;are. Aim. (iibefpie, b. W corner I nieeiith aud Axoh. Al j a. J. araHn, So, Vti Hprtir r itraet. M'g. .1 Cat row, No. if; It Arch street. Aire Cuitia.No t'ii.e atit-et. AMU K. Kiiivlit , No Ju8. Flout itrect. At I Hi HoHiriKtwortn Dr. K. Wallace, No. 277 8. Fourth street. W in. Htiuihern, No Ji'.'l At't'kut ul reel. F. H. Hull, HtNeiith V.ttl-.I al Hunk jU.berl V. Ullig, o tat't hiiirm street. It. It . W airi; er. No 1 N. h v. nth i.lief. 11, Frank l'alm-r, N. Iimai Ciiemiut street. Fvkh Kurduii'h, W. c- rcu-r weiitloth and .Vrch. M liaddoik .Ir., N. 4 W Atarket street. t-apt-un Tu i ley . An. liii Mount Vianon street. lat-vi i oft, No Ti vtiet n htrri t. Itt;v .lunph I'erry. No.V4i M. fciont Rtreet. C nil thin J ' ib l , No. :'H V . I,- lmii H ilium. Tim Treasurer m kuow li (i;rs the tiiilo lug donations Kt'siiH V llai'Mull.. .. elut' J"lin ii rett.,,. J. Al llai'tlah, iu k'ooils Willlsiii P. Smith lit vahieii at ,1a o- r-e A Co j:. W.Clarke & Co afiimhain, Kuklitini A ( o Piu.tit A brother John It, Alyers Jy.... H. A W. W eli.lt AbKtnn, Hon A Co.. . John .iton,b"U Jn t o. Im v 1 J-1 A. lv.V F. U.W ou.ra.il. tb v F. 1- at)..tl- .... I. :o.h-l IJ x.Mit k, Jr.... i 1 n si'ti .V Co V li , All I'Mnii A Co.. Tn ilii I'tt'kto Co., ,l.iuif! 8. F-rrJe A- Hon.. J , n tie. dtoki-r, i.v l u..,. int v Wiior A Co,,,, Ko.-lvlull A WlNtn N. F. bli.'ririilr-'e (li-f-n e KbI.h Chults AUualtibtcr.,.. Henry l.twil V T. H. aUiiut ;iti f. & J. M flnnUlUI.... t ti.is.H Ifo.em It. 1'iuTik I'ahiior .las Curstair Miw..ar.. C. Hand Miss K Km she krs. Kini.' Airs. W. li. lH-nu-nt..., Airs. Jart. luUii!.tTty..., A!ra John CaiTow.,..,, 10 Jamt 11. Oniu ii I'-o XV, It.Alonroe lo Hi) Olios. Alatiar't t Co... 10 Wiltlfttn A. Iirown )i ion J. o. Mar well & Mon... ht XW Har't.y Fille.v 10 1'Hi Silvery A; Co lo lo) Ca-h jn l'H David S. Hiown li l.-o t'hihi,Ul(.hia lnnuliiT... 1 1 jM' lieuiain'i ome k U (.em Yi"'l) .i W . I'hll.'ip I. rooks... M Charles hlukt m A ' JJe ilrli n llloti.ei-,. tt .lothih Kisit riioL-k,... fl f.O v. M. I'i.eker 2 fa MIij K. Fiiislio 10 tti Mm, lloriic- U. 1 ly..., 'id Im ;tra. Niwvlord. b 2'. AIih. tV. ti, HomI r, Airs. C H. t.tiiur ft 2;. Mil. C. 1UII Mm J mil Lindsay..,, b 'Jo Mn.lJ.: aimvflth'.. 5 2' -Mm. Cnt!'ariljtf t leld., y if . Mm . Close 11 '-.Vi A. W'fiiiMm lo 2 W. It. li am h ud 10 20 Mia. Levi Tovlur 6 : Mrs. Ja. Alldtirdlco.... A 10 Mrs. K. it. File 6 b J.evl T. liutlt r f. lo Mr. i). W allaco 6 10 Mm. Hvrrimr 1 10 tvtniiiK Ttileyiaph lo 10 Alm.ii.A Huuder. MKS. D. tlADnODK. .Tn.. Treaflnrer Other tibscriptioiiailiaukuily jrutei U and duly c know-It- tin cih It rrf- OFUCK OF HIE WAHDKNS FOU J'orluil'liilad.'ll'iila, lo. llli WAI.NI T Hin-tt. Vim ai.ki i iiia, Oclulioi' ti, 114. hOTIlat. Aerlleallon having boea nail by th. Philadelphia. Wll Bilin loii antl llullii i, rt ltuliroaa t oui,any M llie b.tarjol Waidena lor a Llcn.e to iiupr.,.. Ibelr l'lr aout i or IVaOmiaton elrtet ti e Delaware rlv. r. a -llon will M I.Ud en the a.uie en W-W-a MaviWaaeilvVri,f1l'W- JlTj- UEAO-tjUAUTER I.I lflll.IOAN INVINCIIlUfl, hanoaaL IUll, rhlLvl.lbla. Oet. W.MeA. OHUKliS a. It I. Tl.eduh mil inret at t'flr Hall. TniS AfTKB- M.iiN. al 4 o'rli. V, t.i l" lo n. r'UIll, ra. 11. -I icaitta fir the rouna trip will bo mailf at the nil tl,aattprna.,n, Mr IS oV-lw-k, tlie price erwhlrawlli br ft; . nt. Ill Ilir Club a. Ill Iravetbe Hall nt 4 V P. M. ewlaalf . ai,a It la cartcit-tl tli.il ibn lnrinbera will lie preinpt la lrtinB nl tlif t ir.e .Intt-1. IV. All I ,n-.. In r-t,-an-ltn ol mmrt.re raaat be tutititl In tl, in iiiK'tilni; In l,e t-'.ne,! and HIM. V. 1 tjutptnmit litr ah- nt lllu Hall. I'y omIi r i,t C1IAUI.I.S Vf. SMITH, t biff Marshal. ' "OtlE NATION AL rOirLIOT." ' tr.vwi,,i, tf the IMini f-TATi a CIIKHTIAN ( tH.Ml.-eit'N. I.TV. -Ml:( P M MMI'SOH. 1 P., i-fitvnr Ma lii-tini. t.ii 'lOl lt NAT ION Al OV- 111., li. ,M- a-MLi'M-Ai A.'AhPMV Or' Ml'SIU, oa) K'Mi.ll tVIMVIl, (ii TOl-Ht 111, Al a gtiarti-r lo a n-clt ,-lt. lb 1 -rlar lav b. en tit il.rr-il ll .r. I.rra a-i ?lanra in 1 1: . r . i.;i,..it ...rtr(iei i.,,,.,i l.!,(,,.n ,in,.aon'B ( . H, !T. it j. C . t. Tn,-aala el Mn-'lrn".. N,t. CO-; Ohaa. r.ii.ir.eti at I i ikini'i.-p A Itl.-alna- .So. N. rt.tirUl am il ; a, il at tl,. A "tit n, .-o I e ...enlni; ol tlir l,.-la. 1 1-. ...J. rr ti.o (M-ti.tlt of .'..a ai,d wi-ino4 aeltitra liiiaat I'VIUJC MIJii'niNtJH. ADDRESSES WILL RE MADE 10 TltK C1TIZEES OP rHILADELPHLA, 1 I'J tl e ftlKWll:; fUHr.,i.lil:r,l Pi a.lora. aa fuU.ina FRIMT 1;VI;MN(.( OfT. 28, AT TI1H HALL d TEE UNION LEAGUE, II T Till HON. It. II. TANA, Jr. SATl'ROAT EVENWe, OCT. 29, AT TDM HALL tr THE UNION LEAGUE, COI.OM-L n. STOCKETT MATTUEWS, Of Maryland. TIIK LIIK8 AUK. ISVITEI) TO ATTKND. l M- oil suucKimoN-s. r-i.ti-ce p ion room io i m iuii"wn r- wcu-iiTnitu sa cceiraLie tructs in (ami, Min;itea in mo YKNANtiO Oil. VKlilOK. nun I'l riiir tan Buiuaiin wuaa iri inuui uavau vvras'iaewveB vrc now uid. No 1. All tT-at cariMn irnct. niece, of parcel of land contain-; irnr llrtv ut-ren. bema- ami Ni.uute in Ttoiusta tomuhia I Vtiiniiko c ii nt v . ai'tf State? of I'efitikVivaiiia. This iTfi-l l-env has a lame front on te Ttoneta creek, and Is about 1 four niih a tiom ihi AU-i;htnv rivr there la on the ereeJ aooui tvacnty acn i-otinn land bainucc niiiy a rario m 1 itina on tne norm sine oi u. iiis uucnies unmeaiaiMji vctueen two oil Loixpamcn. All tlot crrtaln tract. T-Iece. or Dareal ef land cnntalnfn one hiiiidml and ti'ty acres, bolnc aud situate lu riomit towiihlun. Yt'uaiiKn cotituy. 'ililn iironurtv ia nart ot th'l 1'canou tiact, and a m hat a hit:e 'font ou l ionftstal crt ek. It has a arue ravine ou tt. ami some heavy oak I hickory, and heiulock ilmbr. Tnere are about ihtrly I live aires borlna; pruiind. It fi it I so couti;uouf to tel Iruperty oi au oil x.mpauy now ai worx No. JL Alt that certftin tract, nlcoe, or p.ifel of land bdntf anJ situato iu I loiiHsta tuwiistup, Y enantro county, i hi.i pre 1 iit-ny coniAiiiK uny acreb, ot ni'-n unoui uitr cn a re horu ii u round ; it finnu on the 'i'iotiofta crefk, atm I Li: a iiii.'ls, and atuu; part of tho ir"peri' of aa inl Coionaiiy. All tl at ccrlnlu tract, u't'iti r .tarcel oflitnd.cmitAlnfnl tt my si bcri t, htMiis; and ttituaio in iornpltiitor tofrol hi 1 41, t i'ii ut ciuin it ttui t on rttnart s run, and ex I tfiHls Hcroff to FHtKirCa:up ruii.tieintr not only near ta I toi ls of these t o btrenms. out ne-tr tlie AUoiehetiy rtveil It is iart nt ihe Waldo tract, 'ihurtt are about eifcht ncrbl buiilig biotiuu. Vo. ft. All that certain tract, piece, or pair l nf land, ontainin.l aixiy nen s. uei'itf ana miuat jronttng on trie Aiinen -j river, in l'lexi". t towiiflilp. t iiaii-o county, atout mla wj ieiuen in ion im 01 rriiiieui una n uie.iia. it aa 1 Jiuns the HtH'kuthurn fwm and alio ml tot nt and ts ia la) I ituuicutHte Mt'imiy 01 several ol cooiuauies. No. 6. All Cat certain tract, pit t e, or parcel of land, contain I Inn tlvo aen t, In (hk aud situate in Hii kory townsliiil cnnmo t'4.uiiiy, -i .11 is prt tr uie Mtitiin uact It front-J on HuHter a run, ia near thtj Allt-uheaiy nvor. and atNKl mile and a half north went of tha town of fioiicsta. Oil this Ivtclve-kctu tract tliere aro about two acres buria,! urounu. Bfo 7. All tr at crrlaln tract, niece, or parcel of land, contain In fiii acriin. btinK at d ituatt) In i'iiirjve t wiisdip, Ve I iianu enui ty, iioiiiu k on i.nu near ine nioum 01 a run cnu'oinu it.io llmrock crek. Ahout aix acres borin I froiu d. On litis tract ia some, very hcavj oak and uit:krjj Thrisc afven estates emtirHce fmr hune'red and three aereh ; ot wi led any oiH' iout'h Is u-nn wround. Amki be obsci vetl ail thchetraeis fr nt on Ihe Allaneny and tt tribuui 11 . 'i ht ttdt Hiilai,s ofhuln on n.tvit(Atloii wher 01) can be shlMeil ihtert trom the well without train irta tion, (Hid w tu re uuiplc tliulti- may ba had on the prupuri, tti feed Ihi ni;i)f. Ji tihviollM, Ah the purctaicof either of 1hi-e tracts would reiulrj more money tnati nn- na.iorny 01 eroni nae ai con1 iiaand.it li 'roMired 10 dUnle th-m Into one hundrti iiitt'i 1 mh ol one thncHttinl dopura each, ilius ailurduiK V man of dn id m -ana, as well a the ca:itallt. an opp'tr tunny to set u t an it turt-st in thia trub wouderful as aa A liiiUey-inklu re: 1011. All ol ttieh iropi rues have been aelncted for their elifft bilttv. i d. iih nntv he teen h rt'ft'reu p to a uuid. ai unusually well ItHiaied. lYtyareall c-mtajuvui tit, a jotn una ur nrnwn lamia 1 1 ramimniei navmfr in in akuretfa e a capital of at leant three million of dollar whoe "aioek" in bcliiK rm idly disposed ol As ail are aware, the usual plan adopted far the develop met it i audi a (iropenj is 10 lotiu a torn pan y and tssa ccrtiikau h 01 u k. 1 he iUn her propostwl may be con aiiicH-d preliminary to tlie or;auiati Jit of one or mr cotiipaiiieiioii tlie-eeat t , whlfh willeont the lOnoitiuiHAi arnaritiiiit:HM hen fo only one tliousnnd dollars each, aud ai sutHi-ct to no ri vulii . leuM-s. or 11 iortu intra whauoever. bu w 111 be k t "-Mil an uu nn stioiiahlu title., In fte $impu UirotiL-l out. 1 he Muhs-'ileih can then, uuoit tnl auliataL i lial and solid ha -In. 1 rr'iiiie one or more conijianie. ulrc V otiio ra in iu aiiiontr ine'iiteivea, eacn suD.tcrindr oem e iuaiiy tllib'.e 10 iho pu luon of oilier of tha oo I'.tnj , Suo rideaof the hr.mcne value of oil territory mj b RHthttnd How the f.-l nwh-tc tit tsments : At ridemitatlr "Leoiifuiite ehV have vtehh-d aho-it one huiUre bartels per day tor three year 1 the "llvy 1rn k" well ha vrohin the last three yuttrt vlt di d attout H.t-OO batfela t oil. aud s till su iM-ivnll bo'tij,- worked. The N. hie und Uehiinatei well In p tunrg forth a eon etnnt ar am or nil, at tl ti rate of bt barrels per d eqiial to t 10. or o 1 r two million dollars' worth yearly 'Ihe.leiey wellieiitantieut daily. TheMydaaio Kul'eri t'nrm. tliirtv-tn-t c 11 ncrei. han been converted lot ct iupaiiies. repiiat-ntiiiK over 'vra mtlhoa dollar. Ti. I'ualtty of i' m -ntrrent local ait) a varlea- Eer ae'l li,joiUid peri-uu knows Uutt tlie oil Iron Tiotiesi creek I. (oniiitkrttl fmly tiuul, u not auierior. to any ii the oil region. Cherry Itun, nnt far from i-me of thus properties, an closely resetubluiK tl.ein, wns uiler'd In IjucuuiLnr last n 1 11 ai res ol the snnie properiien I.ave int been sol tor over s ii-u.iMaii one w a)iuii, 'it!,.T lor ttieisuivo. ,ir lor c. lit . to Ihi i:iil at U.-.L I, Lie ol anb llllllll. I u till... .ribni, tl.e b.tlaulja I, Fo will rt-e-li lift ka Iiriv bn ,irwif 'ili-t Tr-iatt a, I.. Vtr!-mn.-rv lloni f..r aulittTi .'t ,'.ta. to v.l. ?.' t'ltlfl nil cl: ami ly 1. hi m riiu,it..u.-.-a by m.ul v. ill be du,y ut.kr.ovf l.tinta. 'iliubtioki ale row t,pen, nn,1 a-ilr-crlptlnn. r.-c, l.-ed by hum an ai. .vriviiKSONf. 0ic K. E corner nf low: 111 an-i WAINI'I MirJel-lO-'Jj lloura 10 to 3. 8luiiJ atoi ,lront room. 1 OI'FICK 8WATARA KAI.L8 COAJl '-' C'oml,aii,J(o MM'HTH Hlreet. l':ill tin-, t-.IIA. (lutobur 2t. 1H-1I . Tl,efl arl ef Mri-ft.,1" h ne tlila day il..ir.1 a HIJ nn,,iol n w. (.'.) I'l. II i kni . uiitor 1110 uei eaiiiing. t. tli.'CfiMpnnv 10 the )nt or o,-tolier, payabluo'u uuU aitej tin' illfl Inaian, ili'nr o( Hule lux 7 Tlif Transler Boulu will bo cloaed from ie l.th lout", iii.i i. i,,n. 1.. U ll.lil-.lil . Id w itai Troaauror. KTTr- AHMY, NAVY. AND CITIZHN'4 fetMaa tiubroiiit-ma. piaouiiwroirniiB, nreat. c, Id atjl. wuio.aau,ai a.uawu or., Mrecaant Tili.. 10 1 ia ko. 19 WrVTlI Btaset, above Clioaaut , DEAD, AND SAVE YOUIt 11KALTII, TIMI 1 AHI alo.Nr.r.-im. basbktt la now curlu . of private dl.ttaaea v li. r, iiuaa ka liava iiti.trl lulled, and lu iuanvtua, m-ailji iiiio.d their patl.tnil loiLtitutltinB n itli tiieir aiedlrin.a. lir. B.'a ri'inadlos a,ft ruii ij t'K".. -"u na. no oao unon tl,eaateai ir. It Ahhtl T aiiarenU-i a cure la allcaaea. II. uaa , an Ct'liaui.eu at au noi:ra OI lilt- day and eveninii, at t!AKlKN TilH Blrot.l.. WfUVt W lU'lU t il ruvinf n. en nnrtid which y leu 141 ls pur uionth, or nearly one million do la. peii annum. W 'ihe lain tnlercht (whli h lscntltledtooneh.tif the oil I In t' ree uere ui the Torr firm is htld at $ iui.IjoO. 1 7iie Cohiinh a Ctmpany Imve 4"0 aenx in fte tim pit -L mat is, tree irom ro any, leases, or uiorirfabes. in ir six. v 11a origin. illy koid at per share; it has been sol W since ut tl0 pr share. One gentleman, wiv hud Af't al. tires, whK'h rout hi in $'0v-U, Wits ottered $ioi)tijQ fcj tln.ni. Wuny aimiiar cus- miht he uhed. 1 J1IK IKKMS m are as tonows jvti mum iiiiin onts nunuren nnpsonpn Vi ill le t.i . cn Kwt U a tlii'H cue shave will ho dtiio t' anyone person, hut MiMeribera can take uue or 11