The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 27, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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$mmj .SFflcrjrapIi
WIT OP BM. ci srm TO M.W4RK
TM Newark Daily AHrrriier of Momlur
,BT'B"t"er"G'T,'r wrpe A. Custer, toiii-
mnJi"K ,,ie '" 1'tvlsion nf C.iv.ilry in (toni ral
Sied"' rrny, wa I" this city tsierJ:i.v, tlio
gnrt of Mr. Willinm P. KniRvll. Oencrul Cutter
r-fiJ A liir(!tia on Katnriliiy.liaviiiiriii cluir.'o
tta fc:itilc-llap9 cniturol from the K-jlics In tuu
ulile of Wcelnoilnv last, and nhKc"iicnt!y c'lno
la tbi city to ind a few hour witU lii wifa,
who tiM cf n stsyiotr licrc fur clays .i.-.t.
Be left P'i'n ,or Niisltiiir-tun lust evening, nn 1
irill return to liis comiiitniel to-i!uy.
-OenftaS Custer lcpro'Oii: tli.ettlio vl tiry of
Wedueilny whs tlie nrnst i'imit.ilc.t.0 flint li iio
n-hirh tins yet licun B' liii-veil in tin Slicini'i'lii ill.
jkftr the cimroe-iol' oiirr.iv.tlry ilu lirli-l tore :.
wire fi'interrd in utter ciiil'n--ioii. r oil
4-verytbln.e tliui could impeiio their lllqlif. I'm
ter'i Division pursued the rne.ny trotn 1 oYlool;
) the arierniwn nntil ' In tf;s i-veuin;., di ivin,'
tlxtn iDto tlie fields and moi'titani-i, enn'tni-n;
Whole ctiii!aniM at a time, timl putt Iiniiilroel-i
Ofthe fllttillve-s n-..'e vi... Vr. Our ,,. f,,:ir-lit
a thev Dv. r b.-ul fun ;!it In lore, i'colimr lie,
ajinibilairon of the ciiiiuy ilipendcd upon their
In the early rrt of tlio day, however, all tlio
dviiiiiY were Willi Ecly; huJ liad he! ticen
cvnteol "ith cnpmrin our ituus and t-i-,-iit Itifi
dnd prixoncrs. and driving our nrny iVmi i's
position, lis victory would Imvo been ono of tlie
noet sipna! of tlie wur. lint it lien lie uudM took
to f urne with the torec at Iti" comnniml, he in
vited the very disaster which bef"ll him. 1IU
Wvaiico on Xucmluy uUtit wns mode with greet
raciy and caution; his men wire ntripH-J of
their canteen and put in lif-lit inure 'uiun order,
aid by dawn on Wcrlnrniay morning were
massed In hattlo order insid.j of our linos, with
nothing whatever to olintruet their progress on
our eiicumpriierit Their ruptures of men and
Cannon were all (-fleeted hel'nro sunrise. Letu-rs
written by eomo of J'arly'u oitieern nt'ier liis
ovement cominenecd, nnd captured, by our
lorct, rxprcsscd fua; of tho result, chiiructcr
It.Idk the moTetneiit iu mud mid pcrilom, and
likely to lead to thu couiplutu destruction of the
enemy in the valley.
'The enthusiasm of our men after the defeat of
tie enemy i desrrd-cd by (ieneral ( iiatei as rauj;
ifieent, and their confidence iu ile-njin is so
greu thttan aimy one-third larger tbanonrs can
not now stand before tbem. It is generally
believed by onr oilicem that there will bo no more
leriour lithiiug in the vuliey, it bcins imp issible
for the KUhmond autboritiea to reintorco Kai ly'a
wutted columns, qomt Kuttered in disurdcr n;uu(
the lines of retreat.
"General Cmtcr stales that the cannon c:p
tnred by our force numbered over titty; ha
counted forty-nine at Sheridan' lieadquuriem on
Friday night, and several pieces had nut yet been
brought from the fio.d. General Custer' Uivisiun
captured forty -one piece and several battle-Hat;?,
including the headquarters' ilg of 11 iru
eur, which bore tho Inscription, 'On to Victory,
presented by Mr. Vf. T. Sutbe.rlin.' (Jcneral
C' also enpturtd a large number of wagon,
with many horsrs, males, ha. It I a curious
coineidtnte that theKelicl General Rameur wlio
was killed was a c asuiaie of General Cutter at
"Wvft l'oint. llefore hi death, Uamsenr sent for
the latter, and tho two, thus straagcly brought
together, reviewed, iu the presence of dc;ith, the
reniintm-snces of their radct liie.
Oor losse In the fight of Wednesday, as near
M had been ascertained when General Custor
lft the front, were about four thousand in killed,
wounded, and prisoner. The loss of tho eucmv
w me six thousand, and a stnitrglers are
brought in, will prwhubly be found to be greater.
"(itnoral Cnster, who, at the outbreak of the
War ranioJ a Urst lieutenant in the .5th Regular
Cavalry, and has bow p;;'i'al,y .tu0 sUlr"
njor-general within his reach, ia ?nlv twenty
Jbor years of age, and u splendid specim -m u
InUhed soldier, lie speaks in the highest term
of our New Jtrsev soldiers in the valloy, and
specially commends the 3d Caviilry, which he
My have achieved a better reputation, consider
ing the time they have been in service, tlina any
regiment in Uio dcpiutuiiut."
Captured Unit An IntereMintr
At eleven oVlorV tnnmlnff. General Custer
ti an interview with the Secretary of War, ar-.d
aid that he had been ordered by Gcnerul Sheri
dan to turn over to the Department the (lags cap
tared in the recent battle at Cedar creek, and to
present to the Secretary of Wur the men who hud
captured them. The following were tho lliu-s
presented :
Flag of the 2d onth Carolina regiment, cap
tured by Colonel George M. I.ove litithN'ew
York Volunteer. Flairof the Rith Virgir.ii In
fantry, caDtured by Sergeant David Il.Sehotiold,
6th New York Cavalry. Flag of the 4-tth Georgia
lnfantrv. camurcd by Chief Bugler T. M. Wells,
6th Kew York Cavalry. Vlug supposed to be
General Raiim ur i htadiiuaiier (lag, captured
tj Jane Sweeny, lt Vermont Cavulry. l!
wV IV.A lyth l.r,.;a lnfitnlTT r.intiirnrl hv nriVilLP,
Ulrich Crocker, 5th Sliehigun Cavalry. A battle
iliiff caDtured hv Caot. F.dwards. 1st Vt. Cavalry,
entmsted in the care of Conioral John Welch, fith
Hew York Cavalrv. in consideration of tho fart
tkt Welch vecuotured from the enemy the Hug
of tha l&tb. Mew Jersey Infantry, which bad
fallen into the hands of the Rebel in their morn
ing attack. A battle-Hug captured by Corporal
artanlel P. Reiiile. 871b l'ennsylvania olunteers.
The Secretary inquired of Corporal fleiglo if the
tail to which the uag was mstencu, auu wiueu
bore the appearance or having been hastily
made, was captured with tho Hag. Tho Cor
poral replying in the negative, the Scao-ary
asked how it happened that tho stall' wai not
caDtured with the color. "Why, sir," laid
the Corporal, "he tore the Hag otf tho stair
when I came close to him, and I took it away
from him." "Did be skedaddle t" inquired tho
Becretary. "He did, sir," was the prompt
response, "and I kept the flag." Flag of the
12th North Carolina lnlantry, captured ny oer
naut E. 1). Woodbury, 1st Vermont Cava'ry,
The start" upin which this Hag waa fastened had
nrldentlv been a very excellent jointed fishing-
rod, and admirably subserved the purpose to
WOiCh It OHO OOen applied. A uuuio-iiuk ep
ftnmd bv nrivate Ira Hough, 8th Indiana lntiintry
A flag captured by private Jeremiah Parks, !)th
Wew York Cavalry, a youth not yet eighteen
year of age, and who baa not yet becu in ser
vice two mouth. The Secretary expressed tbi
kope that before the war terminated Vmka would
Win a Major-General' commission.
Sweeney, who captured the !ia supposed to
belong to the late uencrui Jtamseur hcid quar,
tern, ia not yet elghteeu yeurs of ago. His ex
planation to the Secretary of thu capture, was very
amusing :' Me and another one of the boys,"
aid be, "saw an ambulance, ami ordered it to
bull. Say the driver, 'The General ordorel tlie
ambulance to go on. Buys I, 'What general r'
JSay the drher, 'General' Ramseur.' Says I,
That' the very man I'm looking for.' So thu
other boy and myself took General itamsi ur, the
urgeon, the ambulance, tho driver, and the
hor.-es." General CuHler explained that the boy
bad 00 a gray jacket when he made the euptuie,
ami bad thus misled the Oliver of Geiiaral K:un
teur' ambulance.
The Secretary ald that he would like to see
the "other boy," who Sivceuey stated was Cor
poral Frederick Lyons, 1st Veim-mt Cavalry.
Secretary Stanton then returned to these soldiers
tlie thanks of the Department and of the Govern
ment for their gallantry iu this cprcataud brilliant
battle, stating that each of them would bo fur
nished with a medal in cnmmcraorutiou of their
Jiravery, and, said ho, "to show you how good
CJeneral and good men work together, I huve
already appointed your Commanding Gcnerul
(Custer) a Major-Gencral. General Custer," hu
continued, taking bun by the hand, "a gullaut
0tccr always makes gallant s ddiers."
This anuoumemrnt was received with tremen
dous cheers by the large uuuulier of person who
bad assembled in tho audience-room of ihe De
partment to wit i,e.-8 the presentation, while the
cnibarraiiicd look of General Cutter, us ho bowed
bis thank for the unexpected promotion, showed
that hi modesty waa equal to his couutgc
hutungtvn Mar of yctterduy.
"Recently at a railway station la England a
took a hasty plate of oup, and uufor
ir01 twaiiowed a rusty nail which was in it.
',wVdei1daU(1 uuJucLy
r2S!'J??t 'ltbt r tae 'te King Frederick
MniiafrV1! lKu. ,,!1 ieam-packe.t
wdVliwJ,!e,ttJr flve thousand rix-dallars,
Sollar. or TZLihT ttx'
iUrt.Mgmtuiui oa or our
tXaidoS aaual L'uim LJl?m. 'neindlng
UUmi. liofk, promen.doi byiorcht .h. a
wup-lu.w credit from the pea ,f m.m
to are lo U po Vrnu.d b- Ter liiurtiiJa. ,
rrmot IlBmbcrt, IraC,rendon, aud Ch.val
m..Vm h vjiuva v we vaoug ue fuew.
'oiiinrntoinlil.lri A. II. Ntihn.
i.nnnH or m won-OKNi nr, niTCHoocn.
t'AsiijoTo t irv, D. C, 'J lumday, October
20t hi4 To t?i Kditor of the New Yorh Tim:
I nolii-cd a fiuti-nient In the recently pulilidioil
l tur of fr. Stephens which needs contradiction i
aud yet I tnrct no eontr.elictlon of it in tlio
vnrloiH eiinilii iits upon tl'al letter wlii, h lin. c
fn Urn under my eye, i lthon,h the statement
tourhes a p-iiut of itu! i ll ir.n (er in the history
of r,nr ei mitry.
.Mr. Tl-hcT , ni tlie Vi '" Tr 'O I. lit of fie so
rlid Coniciei ni-- M-tteH ot tl," - ma' feel
hi, ut, d to asfei t what he d-n-s in li s let'i r, on tlie
r'oirt to vlileli T t'-li r;bi't li'iw lie emi protect
iime!( from the ic"i- 'ion of havi.i;; mado a
wi'lui ii'ii-tateinem, cei 't -in t'ie plea ol
r el" , T'loraeee, it difn dt rn eroeivc ; and
l:-,nor,ii re, ill his t.oili.iu, Is tl- t to IMS tupponed
on 0;e pndd . -1 i red f.
.Mr. M.'piict,s,!in iieii nc oi nie .uu.i iti,;nrs
dorti iee, (lo-eiilli-J. e. rts in,ioni t'ie oii-'inil
iiulein mleiice of the M.dts, an a ri e -rm - re.-o"-
m.ed In il-et null it, i-iili'.n linger v.-n li tin inde-
pendrrec of the country win n-lih-red, as rs'.di.
lied in lle tr.niy oi i , - i, nut IT averts, in ad
dition, thai the sunte dm-ttui'i was u .-."eTii. in
ihe ii-iiirailou ol the ptcstut (J'ii-iiiuliie.iiit Hie
1 Micii Siates.
It is with rciriid () tii i-- litter o-srrtiori ilpn
the pt: ti innit i f Mr. r:on!.rns rer,!,, c.irr, - i.v,.
This I an old question, a- I am v.v'l a-iar.-, eiul
notli.iii.- i tw Cin bo .iid uliuiit i ; I ut mini irir,
true i'im be uss'-r'. d of it. in din- l o lir w.cliou
cf t! e s'atemrnt oi N!r. S'enhen .-.
Iu the fiiM pi, ue, the iiri!;imil olonieswere In
no ii-ik li, e a u. !! pendent Slates un.i'T tho
Kr'dish (TO'eniment; ( if when tlr'v threw mf
Hair ik pindcin e I'l.on Kmlim.l, and the Con-
Jemtmn was torin-.'d. tiic ji iirin:i 1 ( o ,.a.e.:t m iv
be said to havo a: m i te-1 9-mi-j the deisien! of
what is now c'::.:Uinl as ho State Ui-lits doc
trine, ioii::h by no nieiiii" to the el nt sniisu-
iui rtlv elaimcd. Isitt mm ftunn flu l-iporttint
im-.iltrntion. that tiie tire .em I'onsili uii.oi i.r
the Vnitcd hiaies pn-w out of the la -t, pnvti-
ally ('cioi-i'istiaicd, tint in tho Coni, ii. ia:in 'he
Colon, c.s had tei forth certain prero M'ives or
privileges, tlie ever, isc of w hich li tided directly
to the destruction of the Conieileiaiion. H wis
precisely because the Confederate system implied,
or was bro-T-d upon, if you plen-e, to ) much Stain
independence, that tho wliolo country be'-ame
nwnrc of the reeesslty of estublisliiin u eoiltitu Goien incut, ihe dire t elf. et of which was
to coricct thu rf-vils inherent in tho confederate
.vtvtn; and, p.ihui.s, U'i ni:-n in tlio V nited
Mates is bctti r acqumntcd with this f.u-f than Mr.
Stipheps himself, thoueh, slteated aj ho cow is,
he linds it expedient to deny it.
Thrre ouch' to 1 e nothing better known in our
country thun tho frets, nnd the principles they
ir.vole, just set forth In tho brief statoinont
above. If any proof were wanted to idiow tho
whdomof our father in repudiating the Con
federate system, it may be seen in the monstrous
fruits nowcNbibitcd iu this coentrv in. the war
of the ltcheliiott, which is professedly ha'ed on
what is culled a Stale Kighti doctrine the right
ot secession by w hich tLe people of ono or more
Stie, having solemnly cntrred into a compact,
contra-1, r-grcemeiit, or whatever it may bo called,
claim tin rihr, on their own motion, to abrogate
tin ir ow n di libeiaiely assumed (ibiiga'lon.
The uletirdlty ofthe claim, mo-t assuredly was
mver mere clearly made visible than iu tho
inanrural address of our Chief Maid-drato, w ho,
iu view of the State Rights doeli in", aslvs the pe r
tii pnt ifiiestlon, which answers ilsolf : "How cm
n Union bo formed upon disunion prinetjilerf ?" It
rema ns for the present generation 10 givo to pos
terity the final proof that our Intberi were indeed
wise in fub-titutin:,' a National I'nion in place of
that inpc of sand, u conledeinto system, which
tho Southern portion of the country Is disposed
to re-establish, but which, If it could bo dons,
wi nld necessarily destroy the Republic, by plung
ing it into anarchy and endless civil war.
As between tho two purtieg in the ortb,onc of
which Is practically working for the Son-h, and
the other for the niahitcnanco of the Union, I
desire to take this opportunity of exprossiug the
most earnest hope 1 am capable of forming, that
the people of the country will adhere to tho pre
sent Chief Magistrate, ns the representative of all
the good to ho looked for in u government of this
country. Very rcr ectfuliy, your obedient ser
vant, E. A Hitchcock.
snrniDi's i se or cavalry.
Was3inoiox, October 23. General Sheridan,
in Wednesday' battle at Cedar creek, furnishes
the most striking illustration we have had during
tho war of tho legitimate use of cavalry, and
the results achieved on that occasion vie with tho
linCbt IllVtOriV peiIVUtUam.ia vt Vb-I u. .
Naioleon observes that the two main functl3n3
of cavulry are to operate on tho rnvmleui an
enemy by turning ms naiiK, anu to i-iuow up a
victory by a pursuit mat turns ueieat into rout.
Slieudan s ri-sposition ot nis linrsc in masses oa
either liank is in accordance, with the litiest ex
amples in military history, and the pursuit ol the
once broken Rebel linn matches the most bril-
iimit ex loits of Murat or ol Seidlit.
Th grand charte made ut 1 o'clock bv the
divisions ol Custer on the right and Mern'.l on
the kit, is dc'cribed bv eyc-wi'ncsses as infi-Tipi.
cent in the h-ghest degree. The charge was exe
cuted ut thu tiot, and doubled up both II. inks
of tho Rebel armv, pushing Us broken and
ill-located fragments across Cedar creek.
Wi'h this achievement, fin ordinary general
would have remained satislinii; but not so
Sheridan, an old dragoon himself, and know
ing all the secrets of what Marshal Snxo colled
the dome i f moment. Two brigades, Devin's of
Menitt s Division, and Velr a of Custer's Divl
sion, were promptly thrown across tho creek
Ch Bring the bridges at a gallop, under severe
iirtlilerv nnd musketry" lire, thev imnetuoiislv
chniged the Rebel Inmntry brigade, which had
h'Ciilett to cover the trains, ami l.eld a stioig
position, deployed on the crest of tho hill, south
ol Cedar creek. This force was captured aud
sea'tered, leaving the whole Ilebel army train a
'Ihe Rebel infantry were already whirling
through Strasburg, ami the pike, Ijr'four miles
from thut point to Cedar creek, was blockaded
with artillery waguiis, ambulances, .Vc. Cur
cavalry accordingly had now nothing to do but
deploy us foragers and secure Ihe rich spoils (heir
valor bad won. w nat these are the country already
knows through Genoral Sheiidau's despatches;
and w hen it is considered that this splendid pri.o
was Uiheu by a force not exceeding live huudrecl
mm, we may well exc'iiim witli Warslml Saxe,
"There is ro tcdling what cavalry can accom
plish. . .1.1 tmi'3.
t'clebrixlon r llio Aitutvcrmtry or tlie
Mirreiidt-r ul ( nrnnailis.
General Giant a.ssumed command of tho Divi
tlonoftho Mississippi on tho lllth of October,
roii. lie determined to celebrato thut annivcr
nry, as well as tho eighty-third national mini
ve rsniy of Iho surrender of Comwallis at York
town. Hence the victory of Sheridan over Early.
Thnt General Grunt hud ordered She ridan to
fight on the l'Uh, is shown, by the fact that
the I.lentrutint-Gcncrnl siiiel to n distinguished
gentlemen, who purted with him on the morning
Ofthe l:lli. at City l'oint :" You will hoer of u
batt'.o in the valley when you uirive lu Wash-in-'ton.
it is a singular colnc.'dniee that Ihe very hour
when She riuiui wu celeliratig tlie surrender-ol
Cornwidlis, on the l!th of April, 1 S 4, l,y whip
ping l-.nrij , ihe chiiiiis -iee of Iielwurd Everett
wan eiiiglngthc praiM of that same gailant leader,
in old 1-iiueiiil Hall, uuil iu llu course of his
remarks he. cxelaimci! ; "AjJ on this very day,
Oiel,'i;,d I'' 7, of ), tl,:y, the united Fri-neh aud
Auitritun armies, by the capitulation of York
town, put the ical to the lueltpendeneo ol tho
United .tiile--!"
On the ei;.'ljty-tliird annlvcrs'sry of that glo
rious clay uiludcd to by I'.veretl, tho traitor
F.iuly, at the hiud of an army of Rebels, would thut glorious "seal," but for the per
sonal , i, great skill, and cMiuCrdiuitry
energy cl tho gdiant l'hil. She. idau !
'The cd'tor of tlio Riehiu md Wliiii, who snysiri
hisitMieed tho C'dlh instant that Gisent was 0-
pectedto celebiate the surrender of Cornwullis
by cntci itig- Richmond and "(ilsntitig the spread
cngle aid p ayin;' 'Mail ( liiimbai In Capitol
Squnre, will ol scrve that Grant don t forget to
cclcbrutc all these national anniversaries, though
he may not do it In aeeoi dance witii the pro
giamiiio laid down by tho Rebel editor of thu
II Uuj.
The Or. at Kxhiblnon Ruilding of 1S V2. In
Hyde Turk, London, is in process of demolition.
Chnges of powder tired by uu electric machiue
are used to destroy it.
Immerse improvement are tftliln-r plaeo la
the riuee de lu Madeleine, Fails. The trottoir
round me church l to raj uu asphalts psvement,
six yard in wiuth.lho trees at present decaying
re to be removed, and a d mblo set of one spe
cies (diluted. The flower-market henceforward
is lobe arrayed on the four side of the square,
aud flowcr-bcdi laid out at each corner.
R derit k I.Murchlson, in huiofticlal canacl'y
a l'rendent of the Royal UeogruphieaJ Society,
ha proposed and announces that he and hi
"geographical irauus ' hare resoived to "brin;
about tie erection of a auitutile monument to
con.mrmoiate the exploit ofthe man who, of all
Europeans, tirrt croseeu central eqnamriai Atnc
from south to north, with hi eouipauion Grant,
and who ( setting aside all dispute respecting he
"ttrc f cbe Nile) unquestionably determined
tueext teat and position of th rett ffatvr
ww wheae the flovri."
Wendell Phillip is announced having
resumed his old position outside of politic.
Tt. Austin Jllnlr, a printer, formerly em
ployed in lloston, died at the residence of hi
mother, I.oekporf, New Voik, on cdO'S-dnjr.
AVIthin a few days, several wolvej Imvc, been
ten on the line of the (Inlri.rt R.tllioad, within
twcllt V-five Tl ile, Ol t Id.' l
'I he Frufclin Ci.nn'y ( Vt.) Court h is .-nn-vleti
d Mrs. .Martha I.. Clink of inam,l inhtor,
lor shooting Isaiah Ronill ird, of Allan ih, while
attcmpthi;: to t 'nto 1 r h -.i, In t',u d.iy-time.
A wi man, who l a I wreil In the n'tny a a
scld-'er fur three y, :irs in tho 'Jd Keu'iicky
Ciivaliy, ;ent to the f n.i.-.l h':i" in Xa h
viile, a lew i!-iys n:-., in eon i..ii:u-o of the discover)-
of her S'-x.
in a l'."-c ball .- im.t at l'.itor i,t Tuv-.l.iy,
fr.r tlie si.vcr htili and the cli.i.npiuii deo of Xe-v
Fi.e'ail.!, the l.-mell Clu'i rd' !;(. hi beat tho
IiBn.p-hir- Clu'i of Xoith iinot ).!, tlu icnro ii g M to Id.
l'r.l-!s of ll-l.ljr peteons V ( TO ariv e l i;
A'.'i .-h:n; t- n o:i Wed i. -,d y, h ivii:-; i-i tln-lr prv
set I -n a -itt.ii li.y of army i-lothin-; which
Led nccn stolen. '1 'hi y will bellied '-y Mil'.iry
(.' jntnissloi'.
Mrs. General r.ejnn lias er: a -pin of mules
from a friend, who waj-vved lliem a .dust hr
assertion that her husband was not .- ( 'no,) The i,.
The h t-er i; rs -" ,o in grecnbr.fks for the .l.-'vi-h
(.e of keel 'f " t'ie animals.
A octV-.I cn!"ilainni nt w.9 given by
fi'cni-ral Tl.'-l!..'!- Viauci's Men-.her at a hvlh',
Ttrincsc, on 'o"d:'.y, for the )iciie(-. of the St.
Maiy's Oipl-nn Asylum. Governor John sin nnd
n-tiral other dtstinjui-hcil gentlemen wcro
l l eSl nt.
A coldicr in he-pihd at 11' ici, (t.-i., vr:f,:s t.j
n Weste rn piq-er ; "I see my ii .tne re;iortcd in
Ihe Ir.t of deaths at thi i ticspitul. I knew it was
a Ile us Koon ns I si, w it. Hi re.-.fter when you cf my death, write to tie nnd Hud out li it is
to before publishing It."
At Haivaid College there at preent 110
graduates and lis") under-firiniup.tes, of which 17
are eiiviidty stiulcnt, 1 hoe, 11 seieiititic, 1
asiroiioinicul, and lilfl mcilicul. Of tho tinder
t raduates, SO are sudors anil 112 juniors, 102
nl houii res and Id freshmen.
Mr. Campbell Ca.e, of Tolland, Massachu
setts, is one of the largest farmers in Ihe country.
He hap f.ti t acres oflatnl in hi) home farm, and
o'O more near by. Ho cuts from 'MO to i'l tons
of hry a year, aud keeps 1-3 hor.-cE, Otf sheep, and
MO head of cattle, including 20 tow.
Tho slate qiianics near Rangor, Maino, hnvo
been worked about twenty years, and urc no v
producing a quality of sl.ite superior to that froia
any other quarries, American or foreign. The
slate is all cut by Wclchnien; Yankees aro not
patient enough to learn the process.
The pri.e-tteamer 7ifa'e was sold nt auction
iu TJo.-ton, on Wednesday, to J. S. Emery et Co.,
for frlil.WO. She l.i a Clyde-built, iron side-whccl
steamer, of about 200 tons, built in April last,
and cost 570,000 in gold. She hits two good
cnglren, built by the Greenock Foundry Company
in Imi-1.
General Custer w as observed by the audience
at firovor's Theatre, Washington, on Monday
nlfc-ht, wealing, for the firtt timo, tho stars of hi
rank ns Mnjor-Gencral. Ho gazed upon tha
"manly form" of Scte hcll, as he appeared In his
gre ntp:,rtof "Captain Cuttle," apparently with
nitirb approbation.
Lord Lyons nud Mujor-General Hastings
Doj-l!, commander of tho British troops in New
r.rur.swick, were in New York'.ou Saturday last,
nnd, by especial invitation, went on an excursion
tip the Kiut river, to visit the public institutions
cu Ward's, BiackweU's, and Randall's islands.
Georgo Bonthwick, of Kingston, Ulster
county, fell from the sccorul loft of his store,
on WcdiiCfday, and diod from his injuries the
fame day. Ho had rc-ided in Kingston ovor a
tstecmed men of that count. His ogo wi hity-
jiice ycurs.
On the night of th Oth Instant, at Fort Fwori,
a portion of a canal boat was burned. Two per
sons, Andrew Harp and his daughter, were iu the
bnut at the time, and were burned to death. The
unfortunate persons were residents of the town
of Wuwar.siiip, and Harp w:is in the employ of
the Pennsylvania Coal Company.
A lcadln." npothecary of Boston was brought
l.efore the Police Court on Wednesday, charged
with nsirg ccalea and weights that had not been
sealed for a year. The defcuso was that they
were not used in making 6ulos, but iu putting up
prescriptions, and that n salu by prescription
was not a sale by weight, ami not considered
so by the trade; that therefore sealing was
Georgo W. Crawford, a slater, met with a
severe accident in Troy, Wcdnoselay morning, at
tho Filth Street Presbyterian Chtuvh building.
He was engaged in slating the roof, when he
missed his footing and fell to the ground. His
thieh was broken, his lip badly cut, and his body
badly bruised. The distance which ho fell was
about forty-live feet. Ho struck upon his feet,
and w as very badly jarred.
Oirin Forbes, who resides in Kast Hartford,
Ccnn., shot and wounded his sou, a returned
soldier, while under the influence of liquor, on
Sunday. Forbes, lifter tiring, went homo, when
he reloaded the weapon with a very heavy chnrgo
of shot, but becoming stupid from the clients of
liquor, he fell asleep, and was found by ofllcers a
short time after lying upon u bed.
On Wednesday, Mr. John W. Thompson was
appointed Superintendent of tho Naval Labora
tory of the Washington Navy Yard, and Mr,
John M. Mcl-'arhuiel tore-man, by the Bureau of
OrdBimcc. Both of these gentlumcn havo been
employed in the laboratory for a serieo of years,
Mr. Thompson for over fifteen yours, and Mr.
McFarhind since boyhood.
There is n mysterious poisoning case nt M ra-chi-ster,
Connecticut. Mr. liuekland and his
family, and several of his neighbors, have been
poisoned l y eating bread; made by a colored
domestic, v. ho bus been arrested and lodged iu
jail. TLrte men have lo-d Iho use of their limbs
from the effects of tho poison, but no one has died.
As tho mail steamer from City Point was
neiuing the Sixth street wharf at Washington, on
Wceiucrday, a discharged soletier, recently be
loneirjg to tho Durycu Zouaves, named MeK'ee,
was taken slelt and died ia a few minutes. The
United Slates Sanitary Commission has taken
cliar.'ie, of tho bjdy, and will forward It to the!
friends of the dect-used.
A swindler, announcing himself ns a livery
stable-hci per ut Boston, tried to come ft shrewd,
swindling dodge at Westlic'.d, Masa., recently.
Ho bought a horse of John lloyle", of Sonth
wick, but not having the money to p.ty for It, he
made Mr. Il&ylo sign an agreement to brills Hi e
horse Into Wcstliehi the next day ut uosii. Over
this signature he wrote a noto for three liundra I
and forty dollars, and tried to get it discounted in
Westlicld. But his actions excited suspicion, and
he left suddenly when he perceived th vt he was
watched, leaving his carpet-bag, shaw l, and over
coat at tlie hotel.
Occ day lust week Mrs. JoshihClmnllne.who
reided in West Liberty, Va., mot with a horriblo
death by being burned. It appears that the de
ceased was sitting before the tire iu her parlor
when be-r dress caught lire, and every bit of
clothing was burned from her person before any
assistance could be rendered. There were at tha
time the lamentable affair occurred but two chil
dren borne with Mrs. Chapline, and they were in
another part of the bouse. Before they heard tho
alarm, the cloth lug had all beea burned, and tha
pertou of the unfortunate woman terribly charred.
In crossing a pond In Yarmouth, Massachu
setts, for the extension of the Cspu Cod Railroad,
discouraging depth of mud is found, estimated
at thirty-live feel, which rises to the surface
under the pressure of the gravel carted in, Slid
which become available aj a rich fvrtiiUer.
tluid rrmACT uuunu
For yon TtctvtiMra or lneonllnnr of Prim, IrrMMton,
Ia1SBinittN,a or IdeersU. nnf Iho MudiW er Blarneys,
Mi rrirmit Shift', Slttu in IA HhJhr,
C'c' W.i-, r.'rmf,r J2rtVl-,u tf mm. and all MMtM
1 U.t lilnrtel. r KHu.ii, na 1'. r ..e..l w. !Hn,-i.
IH l.MUOl.l) H
F rWi aliu .-.e. mi lug Exff.slve In li-rrctl -o. Ti.t
r ndlh Hon ei.ef aitM UiJ lilt V.ra.uV it'ortn ti rf.juires
tl.e s'll cf i.".t. fnf l ,'rnii;'N'n (rnd oi , i.ioralc ,"i(y,il,
v.lih JIi:i.m:ioi.D S F.vimcr lU CHU InvarliVy
elum, If iio tieiuuejit Is r,t.ajtta te, CUwmnWnr
liedllllj Ol'if c.'-.e-iic.
In sfTcollom pcculliu- to "ft-iAii.s," Is uncisolcd by any
Cll.r prrparatlcn, as la ChiorosH, or Retentk.n, IiTc-ga-Uritles
; riitnralnf , or Supprobsion of Customary IItac
aotloni; Ulcer.'itoO, or Fclerrous Fbit of the t'tormi
Lencliorrhaa, 11111 all eumplidnls luoleloat to Ike ttr,
rl-tther arlttng from hallta of itflpsUe.o, torriJonelw,
or h: the dechm: er c-l.tit cf lift,
mrnovuTD hose wash
Will raehcaBy extenidnaw from tha system D!seass of
tl c b'rlr.ury Organs aiibtik' froui Habits of Dissipation, at
liule .rj tiHt Ultk or no cl.anyc in itlct, no Inconvenience
or r-7 oiutt'; completely stipemlliis tliote unpleasant and
dciii.evoW r:(iiftf, CcmVa n,U .lfiitrvila alltlKio
In all Meeasti of the Vriusry Orraril. atlior c.lun In
"J'edi;'-or "ric'," from uhittcfcr caitid oi'ijlna'.lnj,
aud no leu.'er e how hng ttantUng. It Is pltassutin and oaor. ulitt:nedmW in action, anel mora
ati e'iiihealiis' tlun any ol Lhe preparatonsof hurl or l. on.
Tliosc mittailut. frcua llroUn Doun or Detente Cwtltu
li'c iu, 1'i oiurc '', Ximcilyalwct.
Too riuet'jr Bieit ti aiai that, huwavor slliht mayba
the- of tLe abovo disiiscB, it la oortala toulToctA
lli.m-j JAaitn, Jfrn.'al feiiiii, Ilan into, ami kit rot
krity. rUTI3ICUl.'S,FLEAea NOTICE.
Il comrokca of chu, CuWbt, and Juniper EcrrUt, t
Itrtetl irllli great ears an4 pr.par.el In vacuo Wr U. t.
ULUniOLD.Iim.' glst andtliemlst of sixteen xoars'ax
perlcno In :Uit cllj of Philadelphia, now proscrlLs
fcjti, nwttemluout of tba facultr.aoa tare been al
laltttd b Dte la tti United Slates aruij. and ar alto la
vary seawal use Id But Hospital and potltc Biuil'.arv
ImtltsUoni tarcmgLout tt Uod. DllveTe4 to an
adeicMs, cconDK4 t xrUH OttKUoni. Ctrcet
letters to
EVLi!QlE Vnt tni Cbetlllcal Warahou,
So, 804 Broadwar. Xw Tork,
Or HEI.IUJOLi) Uadlaal D.pot,
wo. to I. Testa itiwundlilLia.
Bwr of MtmarfeiM, Ak Ut rmJfBW'8.w
nituiw n Mtdat fron t J'? a. v. ti r u.
U Prsii rt vrm.rr W-ivia
r"R rnr wriRKT,
or if.i.iNOja.
fen vi' i.-ritr.tii psT,
OS I t.v.Sh.ssi K.
its ',Tom ct..'S V Mil t'.tl.l.. I'MI-cli'' ''!.
1 . I OM.Mili.V.ii, I;, ivi'l I ,u-i.
It i ;'iirai:NiA nvH.
I. Pol erl IV Kir.
M.irrci ,i Ci
a. Il.mi Item,,,,
: i-1 tv. n i.
l'i iirli II. siKiin
.1 iloi WL.r,
I .. . el M- ' i ,i"
.,iv -1 tv
I- I e- lien mi,
J 'li ll I' ll il.
Willi .ui l
inot n ii.. i... .,
I .mX - M. 10 nl ,
I I,, 1 1 -.,, .,
liliiou 'I Re lor,
.' I ii A ll -, .!.
l-:-', II e.i ie. ,!
I il l I". II
I I aile-i- t . Ii'k.i,
! ' ' .i
i t l.i ,
'. IVi li
( m i
,1 ',u W.
hf n Jtr ef ll. 3'te r i.(ral (', tnn.'t; .
f'll ll:HSf.
i:oRGK M11TTJ1-, .JJC,
I'-IO Ns. 1 -.1 X. BI'.i ONIi Str.-.-'.Pl.f.'
'p' t u
si J I. RG MAt'illXl. WORKS,
in Hi r.
' t.O.Ai, I t ell I I .
Wo arc rre-jinr. it to CU uolen to any e7:(rii f.,r oar wc.'l
now r,
li.rl'.lo.rr.ll n e. Ill luilnent-aiiuun Uieft.ihiiu, Hnmlii;,
ane w u. 'in:
W',1 ir vitt! tl,t altc ulioo of luimtilvturorf to ourai-n
lo v 'iri,a.
Ti:r-'fi havliu Ictnl t'if K k.S: i
I'HKW In it K. t-vs to iiftrc. lit lri"H'li an.l the
ir-int .i th itimt l:o in (irfpp.rcrt wiin In C d
facHltlfi io cc mtiuHl at UiMie J.nviim vii.J- to ho thJm
'rr npfitrt'l, ami bring a prrtrhrAl fVp-curienfr &11J
sa'.r, will flc iiTS' iinJ uticituui. t- u.U c
tftiftctl to bim ftr fi-airi.
Cpt.tii(. t-r Anti, Mp-CirrMMit-m, vrid MvV.Uiljt
hitvlinr vc-els to rpp'r, art kited 1' cm,
Htw 1 1 is thr ni ' nrv for ttir rul" rf' P.-itrii
H'' t.jiic i untiM -Nttrtij," ot cpptT I'ajnt, fi r U.e prcscrv.
t"ti of v-t;'tin' iKi'ts'tTiH, tor tliit, ciy,i ain pruparoj to
IV rim h ttisj eamc ou iav(rall tenm.
,huv n. it witt,
Kniilt,toi Wcrt-w luc)r,
mhll-tf Delaware avenae.atv l.tvvl av .
j A on c v..
Pi'll .-.I'l l nir t.OW.jlMT'.ft, t'.t.
ts h. n ljv chf n(ii,Tc:nljiv lo !rcti-'irj ol IU- nt
oi iiu iI A-m hiI Iv oi" rho t'l'MiinonwrnMI of 1 curi
; Iv.inia, ndtU U a u .11 1 ciiiiidinn t;not of iho ;imin-in-yvt';ilth
t .1 lic'como A'otK'lailotis for llu1 jmi odu 01' li.irikuiK
TUMiM- tMp law t ut thr LiiUe-t Sla'cn," npninvci.1 tlio Wit
diiy (if A nun s 1 . A. It, I'Vl, tho H'.i' klMiMi-rt vithu
liank nf ISuiMH rn Jiliiri ticw lun r tl'iii d'iv vturtl Ut hoeotn.j
fiiK li an tissi 1 lalinii, (I a( itn l)!rec! rr liavr prucMied
tlit anlriorlty of lic ow n rn fit in . re iIikm t w-tli!rlE -f the
i'.iiiiul 'tm k lo in il c Hit t'cintiijaio M nuiml thcn-iur uy
tlx Ian h ot ilc I nil' 1 StatcB.
io--i oot w. .r,UMEiu, rrthUr.
vv- no tIck.
CtiUN 1 XrHANCt: nAMC,
ritir.ALii 1 m v, Ort 20 I'M.
Votlft' U l.f n i.y ;. ivrn, au-rec.iMy ti ecli'jn til .h ft t
of d,e .cm'tftl A hM-iiihiy ol" tit. t-'uiiiiiiniiwonlili of I'cun
ftyli ttniii, entitled "aii act ftiittiliiu Manlsn i-i t a t om
Tiiiinivoaitti to in-C-iiuo A-oei.itiium i'-r tno pnrpo-zvof
Hmikiiij untier t'10 n 01 tl.e I'mtt'd State?. " ajiiimvcJ
tl.oJd iUxy f Ai'Kiiv(, A. J). that tiio ht-K-klioidrrs oi
tl.f'Cin !.xe:i;ih'.u Hank "f l'lilliul. lohll him- thi-ttuy
votrd to ui coin: iiw li mi Aaoclation ; nail (tint its UI.t-c-torr'
hai t' pidi nnd the- authority of tlin ovvhiti 01 ni-no
than! w w-ililrel - .il tlie rupital f'-k loi'inkuiht cortilit itt;
p 'Htircil tl.rilur by (llu laivn of th'- I'nlu d Htatci.
Hi-W-HH .1. W. TulJirtV.t arhhr.
Tin; CITY l.AKir.
riiP.Ai.Ki.1 iiiA,Ocl1.bari:". IPfil.
Knlloi i 1 errd' Klvcn, aTci'ably to nettion i of th at
iif tl.nUcnrralAtscniU.v 01 t c (.nnimfitiwrrtlth f I't ua
fjjlvai.ia.v'.Milid "An art n,.h lni; KuiikM d L.o Ooiiimni
velih to tiewiiiG Aaxuci-lDiis lot Hi purpose of lifmMnj?
mitltr tt.o la w u of 1 1 1 1- I'nited State s, ' ttpprowd tlte '
dtiyof Atluiiflt, A, 0. 1hH, that tl 0 Mm klioldiTi nf Iho
'ity Hank lni e 1 hit Jay voted to becomu ncti uu asficln
tloa ; und thot us DUcriors have 0 roc u red ttic auihority of
the owners ol mere than tTTo-ihirds ofthe Oaplf al ritock to
ir.ike th" miuikatfj rcnUrca lueitlvrhy tiic laws ot U
t'nlttd S-nicti.
10-yi m o, i.kwih, faMdei.
Vf rilll.ADJ.Lriil.V.
l'irii iir 1. i'it 1 a , Ock'hor ?". lni.
Xotlre I- hereby given, a. rcouhly 10 2 01 (ho art
ofthe Ui iiif-al Aflsi-mtdv of ihv ( oinnicttw e I h (f IVnn
K tMtti'ii, n. t it led ' An a I ciiaoliinr I'aol.Hol thu 'on in nm
tveaith to he inv A.ieiot laliouM 1. r th pin posr 01 lukin.?.
iiiitr the lau s ol th" I'nued Statcj," upprovcd iJ-fiJi!
da of Aii.-uit, A. I)., Ii01, tfirit Hit- t'cKhnl,U ri oi" th'
K nsiii t ti'ii l:i;k In the cour ty o lf lphl 1, t.a.e tlni
i'a vottu to hec-uic Mie li nn Aociail n ; and tint ha
lurt i h.ri-ln. pro' iiM d tliv uui tion1 y ol thu ovu n of
Iiiitu than tvv.i ihirdi. ot tho ('upltnl Muck to niukt! tlm
ri iti.uaic rt-nilica tlicrctr by the of tho Uaitttl
I't-Jl C. T, Yr.KKK!,C.i'hio-.
I'll II M'l.l.l III K. Of tiiUf r -''I, l"Vi.
Notice I-liorhy stven, Hre"hiy to M-ction "J jf the not
of the (iciM-tal AHfindiiy ul the ('onitjinim eaUti of 1 nu
by Ivan in. t mith d "An act tnnMln Itari.s ot the ('om
iiionui null lo hofomi' AHociaiioiis (or tho puroo of
lltiiikhni ii'ih ni.e ian of the rutted ;ita'e," uid'rovttl
Hie 'j'.'d di'.v 01 "AiiKiist, A. 1. liil, that tim Htockii'dder
of the r,t,-irurs' und Mecliniiii's' H ink oi IMiH idiljnia ha ti
lliin d.iy ot"d to bev in su; h an Atc atlon ; and that
im Hheotorn have procured iti) authority ot the inih rt
r j ri r tli mi two-third of the 'fipita! Stuc k to ru ikt-the
rcitineato iC'iKiictl tmre..ii,r b ihu U n ol tho liiUji
Hi-.'l-:0t AV.I l.SIITo.V, .IK., C-i-hk-r.
N O T 1 0 E.
1'IMl.AI'r .t'llIA.K-totlOr '.II, IS,.
Koti'-e U lipn-hy ;lMn, urro aily to cctl ui J 01 thr act
of th (lem-ral Afutnhtv ot th t'omm nwcaiih of l'cim
j!flnia, fiiiitied "An Act eimhhntf Hanks ol the Oom
monvtculth to heo.ihu A4LMciatl"Uii lor tho pur,'0-e of
HanMiiji niiu r lhe Uwh e.j the l oih J h tttev" uporoved
the Ca of Au-rn-l. A, 1. ISil, that tilt' H'o fcHoldern
of th C'.iiin.eret iM'.r.nk oi Petin iv.u Iu have tfii dv
-ited to Im coiu -Ui h an Anoclaatm ; aud that lt Inrwet
om Ik.v tpriH-ur tho am kirity 01 tiio ufijcn uf morn
tliiiti two-thltd of tli 1 'rtpitnl Sf.rt h to in. io the t'er. lo
cate rci.ulud ihnrcier iy the 'aw 01 the I nitcd S'tiira.
Jr lmthtr iitrlicnlais HiochhwIU r- ran mppK to
Ju-21-Ot m c. l';, i'n-hier.
r,in em i riiiA,). tftlnr-i,lutl.
Jil iti-. I' liovelir plvcn, ,fr. lily In Br-ell'iirJ nf llu, net
Cf Ihe I nil As clul,ly ut tl.u l-i'liilniniweft Ih nf ri-ua-..vltiinii
enlill. J 'Au u. -I viiuleinx .e.inki ur ihoe'i.m-Oliiliw-alh
In h'-rnnie ..s-,n.u:li,iia 1'er tlnl inn itwo nl'
Hai.Hn4 ini'i. r llm lu-.vs of Hie i:.i:t.-.l Hliil.-n.1' iipiir ivnl
tin- I elily nl Ai-i ml. A 1) 1M, llnil lliu Nniokh ielnla Ol
Inei lunik ol I'm.. in eica Iwimi thih el:iy vnL-il lo lnn-ulel
iiilcli mi A -sni liiiitiii ; uml ilmt It. H" i Cor-. Inive lUDi'iired
llu- a iIIh I'll-, ni ihe iiwiu.rn nf muie tiuui l vvo tlimlti oi (he-
I UJilUI h(n, k tn 1.1. lie llll' e-ertillcute ri illltieil llieit lur t.y
liie iiievs in me- i niieel nini' M.
lei--.'i j,.t .IOIIK A. I.KWI1, raililor.
;" MVllCK. AT A OKNKItAI. Ml.l-'.T
-J tni of tin- Stnrkliolili r. or -1 hb hunk nl re;i
'l.v. llsVhi. ' lit tlu c.-uoty nf I'liilaii'-leliiii, lull ft the
liai ktnn h . ui. .Ill ttiwi!l) nr l'le.!,l!.l,i., on '1'liru--
li.ll . iM-l iiu-i in, i:.. . i:k- ii i!uwiri. ,ri a.unie; ai.a rcswlu
lien w.'re it ih-e'tl lllii'iili.n.'lvly : -
Vt'helriij. 'I he I'll i ct . I . nl till; llHllk nl Tann 1 onjl!.lp,
in niei "iiniv ni i-i.ini.n ijn.i.i. n, i (i.-.h nri'ii mo evntl.-ri
null ..lit iy! ilia owie-rn eil leMi.i.ilirth of the I apttil auu-k
el the niilil lliti'M tn rial e the t erlilii nl. rrniMicil ty 11 r nl tile- l:lli-.eit Klu'i-a lo 0-H.1 ,0 ami e o-i vi-i I f he- l.elel
leiei.k 110 a Nil Innul a -0. laij.m le-cflirylii;. on the eiuii
111 ri-.r.k 111 .-: : tlLie-t'i:?.
Kii"lvia. 'I hat the ilanV of l'.-nn Town, hip, In lhe
CJHIII3 i-l l-hhrtji tlite l, si nil t, i ,'Iiitf, al ll ll j .a'ue! II
licre'in i-li.tnufel ami ioiivirto.1 Itto an n--i,i-h:ti n fir
e-ari j inv on tii,. nn Irc.h el uiulhllisr llleh-r iue I ,in en ti
I 1 il' el .iti enlilii ,1 "An net t., r..v i.le .1 r.Clinrtl cur-
reay- i- nn ill), a I'lfteieni ttnte 11 , .nl to
pr.nih i.,r Um elrenUui," Miel i,l -rui'ln'lt Ih.-te ,t. an
prnei.l .lulu ;. 1-,,. Ami tlie n:i, ue ui the I niell.lil.l
ntc c 11.1 11 ni iiir: i-h; A 1 I. ha.k
Ann Hi.- l'tiv.'i i 01 II -:.!, It. ml. are h rehy i,iitli.,ri'eil
lo -t j unit ,i i-.,,-iii ceory net. mailer, uml thu iiei'.-,8iry
,.. v.- ,v ,-., 1 lino inn ;m.u coiuiii, tu elleet tt,t- liltell
1 11,1, jl ihh r.'m lu-ieit. Ai.u ll.e e a, liter -lull iiiiiili.h nn
th iheie-' l l.,r l!"lly il.ijs lu tho Wnrili Ainnni-.iu mid
e nn .1 1.1111,1111, a iii)i.-M'aiHi- ni the cuv c: I'll
re. in, in, unit si nil nKn iir'nleil iininj,.,liy nj,i ,,r nilitTivi-.t'.
to l'.eh .ti.i kin Uler, ftl;ieealily 10 tni ,riivilniia of au rl
l'i Hie 1., inlu 11 i n 1 if tht Huuiiuoiiwe'illtl ol i'elllisyliinlii,
ini'ihit "An net 1'nuLlliH- thu II.111I.4 i.l' tli r,ii,i-o,i:i-MeJllhtn
tei niiie A.iK.-Mili,llM I, r lie Pill pnsn- ol lluiii.
Inn, nnrur tin- laws of tho fiiliiO Stan.." anproveil
.liltnui lolrl. ilAUM HU.SSI.I.l,,
I" tl-tttt :.itUier,
inr th. 1 uiti a Ntaiee tlitimo c-orps, ftble-tinil.t-U u.m
ii, nci'i.rin mo iiitiie. 01 a aoinier at our aiy luu,
ana no board tnitcel blatks aiiloa-ol-Wiar ou loiia
lermef arrrlre, Four Vcara,
lietttT (ioniiii.n.atIuu thai: ttif snnv.
ALL tiik loi ai. iiiii'm iks paid ipon euUat nent.
Murlii'a.-eii-l,e l'i1e Mna.iv.
e.r all iltrUijr apply at the Hecni!tii
Vo'.U 8. FRONT gtrrot, below Spruoc Street,
between lUuouri 01 and i oUoe-k-.
aj-tr Malar aud Ut-utkluii oiBcer.
OflVari and ioliU?ri vlnllln the city on flirliiiakii, aeedlnf
PW-UKDH AJIU OTIIKll atlU'lAktr Eeil'lPK-KSreJ,
are Invited t Iho eateiiitve
AkSOM Biroet, ahov Blvtli Street,
Mad to erilerat th. ihoruat ootiea.whiek T rtchaee and
auaunlneeDc nlialkuu. onuip.ltU'i, tin oihor bnaii lo U,a
eonntry c.jiihlnuia lh. tl.lMi ACTI1RIM1 JiilYJ.IHt
Willi IUC i-KiCTJCAX ttWOitU klAJaLaf. I t
No. IIO Mnrlrft Rtroot
in iveri 1 host sr'-OND "trRi.p-.Ts. r. 11. .,,,,..
r.i-si-iiaf. iuKt KKi',
Can ! run .. M-.i.n...tafi 11,.f Imporfa
id !ci 't l'i. 1-nMit m. ill nie., i-si.r i,
C Oil, IV ill,..., I'rr, rii.tlnn Viiil.. ,i it.w
lilicc. as J.I hnii.r Or. l-i lns i; In can tr Rol'l.
I INK. KHi; 11,1,
Fire iil-el' n, r. In l-el Slid nf tliKhr-l unAlltr.
' IS. il ul ! iI'um,, l'i, (i.l..,'r,
Ki"'a A li. A lie ii, nil nf 'u rl.ii.i,' to. 'i, ,'rra, Kxti.e-t
,.f Ii.ho-mI. A'-., l ni: hvj i:h' it.n, .-ilnj, .
InWi-ilt ll' t r il'll lire,
ft in; n li l s v,'. f.eMil.v t'NK,
tirnrnil -. t-ri,
It," fitei th ii i
Ah.., .'.,
' -...
Oi,:, 1. 1., r.
ti tllh 11, ni
I'll it. .1.
lyf.r 'e i .-lies .111,1 1 ,rin, h em lovii
It ,e M itnt i f ,, i',;., nrtli In.
' -, ' '.' . .V I .s T.1 A ', .t -., Of c.r
i. r 1 '
, I nun
I e,', 1 ," n.e.-' v.l;'i fr srt;t r'.
'th in r ill lie fiiinl-tnil v. ti. a re-
WiaCillT A SI1"I,T.,
ll'' -.ih Din V,, rite
N'n. 11" M.M-K I'T f'rri 1, !, ,vc I r
C.OIIAIU) .V. ..,
He .11. r. in tin
l'ci l uiiiory,
'J'oilot Article),
llll'l Mlti-lt,lt.lfMSl.
I'.rsAKWCS, WISE.1, .te., sold only f,.r M'.'.-lnal par-
e l'. tlOb-lm
VtaJ-VvJ HAMIVIK iiSilTLVK, No 14 Nortk
-MM 11 Bue t, alove Market. Knniurca
rndiialiT fired iivlt f. f.VBllKTT-' 1'rfnilnqi Patent
tlrail'iaiirv I'll.' itra Trues. 8'ipi-rlnr Kit.tlo Ili'lta
i'la.tic luccklrya., Hliouldar Itraeel, Saipoa-
l.aeiUm ultoniiiei tiv Mrs. H. C. FIVT.BF. TT. aiy-l
Il g, wi lie-nun., and 1 . rvi- iht roninli ximt. 1 1 Is ore
Vif' frcii m h:ti it, 1 . n- e Itn e, v1 n.ortlmary (.if II
th ? it r 1' rvm t'ie nkiii. ituikti it mil. fair, iri. it tt4
Iinnaj arenl. It in. lit i-r-'lhii k a-i r riirct
ci'0rid hutid- And linn, rt imivt-s ytu.;iis,, tun,
rriikii-,, tu nil. 01 ti. ai:d iriHiti a iar.v Hnt to ti.e
la m, ti- rk, and arnt. I'd e ;i . ;,n, ano r; ,nN. lit'Nf
A CO., aNtj. i. J .bA -M II .SUvet andNo.-ll H.I"H;1 TU
B'fi-t. iu t, :(in
OA la ArX" I'lIlW-X" JOHU",
Cost Piice to EtockLolclers $7 00 per Ton.
RTI.W.E.S, each oiillllins to OJfK AND A If Al.r TONS,
nt Hn t i nt, FA BliV VCAtt tor TWKS.TV VllMlsl, ami
CAt ll MVIMlMiS of pn.ilia from tin- anle nf all surplus
Cnal.tnii.v now be nlitntned nl f Kroi. pnyn'jle half nn vel-
seril.iiie anil hall on January j next, of Ue AlUfl At,
OJIIoo 11 H. T11IHO Htroct,
Stock Capital, $500,000, in 02,500 Shares,
Ecrieivetl Working Capital, 12,500 Eliarea.
FtiMrrlption of shares, 8; of in hfr, $oo:of ?'
ihuns,l7r; t-t r.0 UAro. SMbi of 100 ilmrOMa ft.'i; of
i-iioh l.ftl t'litltlfij the ho'uVr to rcof tve, vrry y. r,
otic and a hull tons ot c ai nt t ost, for 2d yours , and (! h
li.hh nils crry ti mou'Liscf thu prullts troin Iho sale ot
alt nindue cor.l
.StockholUtib uho do not Tviiiit finy conj mnyhavi tholr
noiJ.rtioD of co.'l tit Id ly tbe tJornp.iny, lor ihfir uKpvctnl
litnent, the pn. hts htm-.' p'd over to them, Independent
f ll.A -.,la.a- i-u.h flit Ilia. nil. 4ak .Via.1. mm ulen
1 het:oiTpuTiviiot!;cfc,-.iarfif and woU-butltCOAL WORKS.
ut MNAl.lS(N ( Trftnont), ScnnylkUl cotintv,
vfih e.Tttii'-ie Winlt:r and 'Junhtr Ifitit'. on etroih ht
Jin.lilt Iticahei . Kl-.oc Wtrlas, Ir.rnc IStctiin Kn .dm, Rull
itrtdh, fttnj all other Machinery and At,iaitn, lu tull
IniIit!oii. c ,11 in! '. Of Ti-.UO tuia to bt! iilcudtd to
l.'Oiotj toi,fc iKTtar,
Iho o:l Is of tie hcut fiiin'ltv. cltl' ll v of tho 1.1k ;
Ih.ith nti'l I'r-iLioije V lni. wtilcli, Willi niher
Munr.t.e i rnl Vein1. (".t i d within the lines of the Cum
pai y for niar.y two niik? tn eni;ih.
Air:un iiot tiici:cnihai k ui o.tU rxt' nti'l tn ttte mitipa
of i lilt. Couii'.iiiy, over Lkli thu Coal li dally sent to
Mr.c..hUict vntiv older tliPir t onl m anv of tho timmt
6hM'S. m I.nmp Coal, lrnkf-n,, Hiovo.or Nut I'.tui,
; ll al thr tiToai-m irst rit e ol $Ti0 pi r ton, flelivorcd nt
the lioiitic, witnin tho usual dii-rnces of Iho Cnmniinv'
l-m ardti, tn tho i-onlurn, Mia die, and Houtiiuiu p6f-
V e roinpuny and all IS Mlatnt; Worlis nro clonrof debt,
and all o ejiiiioi1 nie cairu-d on f n tho caih principle,
i'oi tMi uiar und rtiii'dcriptiuiib aw'l.) ai t:.o
Office, No. 121 S. THIRD Street, 2d Floor,
(orrosrrr: nmAED bash.)
I), h. wclki:, n. HcriMu-.u:.
10-LM A. 11. JAltllKN, Hl.eniTAST.
ciiAi'Triti:i hv si'iTu or ruNNevi.vAm.i.
SOO,0( SIinrt-M-1'nr Vnlnf, .t.
r,THilei,i-IOl'N It. ANDKlWOS.
Diii't'tni .
Tl.omas A. Kcott,
.S. II. Kiii.-i-!,
William H. 1 if en an,
llul'nl 1'. Hu e,
.1. !,n M. Itlli j,
llijilc I'eSIUtr,
,1.11110, fl. .Mauee,
T.C JlelinMtll, IUrriahjri;.
.1.1 n W. II ill, do
Inlin Itr.t'ly, do
W. W. 1(1 lie, l.iill inte.
illlatii G. Si. lite, f'elnriu!ee
1). 1'
soi:rni wo it i n.
Secret ut w 'I Tn-ii-,uri,r.
OiriOE. Ko. 423 7ALNUT uTiiSET,
itoott No. r.
Aiiitii.iilte;iti d sprtliiH-ns havo been proe urtil (Yotn some
o' tlie Cniiipiiiiy-a Ineics, and lulvo liion n-.8iiy. el liy rrn-
fehinra r.ontti and Clurretl with Ihe moat t-rutli vimr result 3.
Miunertplioii lima aro now nptMi ut tlie (itllco el'the Cmu-
pauv, uud at tl;o 1'ri a-iureir'u Oftle-e (liilernul lliivcliiie),
.Ni, iTi I'lll.-MT hi root, Iiiiuera' oml AltiehauU-a' r.auk
iniiliiiiiK. In nriji.nai iiiJ3crilnr Hull pnr tharo tor a
lin.lti-d iitiiulic-r ol .l.are a.
(-iieeiiura,painrl'lc-t or liifurmr.llon can he otdAliir d at
tl.i- iiilleii of the Company, alter ti.o 1711. lust. 10-lt-lin
JA SI X' M HA It 11 111 Il'H
iioL3ai.a aao aaraiL
I. B.corocr S1CCONT) aad ClIEhKUT Birextl, hkllad k.
aonKcr rea tlia l'iTrir
A very dnirabie arllclo fur Cburcoes. UoUlJ, Paiitl,
OeuliltiiS-lln'iae, Parlera. are.
A l.o, MAM 1 Al Tt KUt Or FWg IKII.D prs.
i JA" KS ItEI'AlKKl) AM) W AKIt A M I aU.
jali-ly Ciodi Trliuuiiiiai of ev.ry doaerlpUoa
V and atlkelK Mtraeta, buys lilajuiiuda, VYawbaa,
..old, bllvsr, and l.nan lk.ana.
iuo-sjc ia wur of
AU buslneis eokBdeutlal.
aul9 sn(
can lit' o.i
lll iu AII.H TO CI'RRI
NO CTUVCiR Of MKT lllfiilllHPUl
DOES Vot m-rr.itrr.atK with ui;sini.s ri'RrJUlTSl
('a i;t: tbKD wiiuoli Lit me. float
Prtr, i, M&w oi r eiuale.
ut b, ti u, any aoortsi. r nKm
Beia v. ay. Poal one.
Hole At. nU. !".":"
In 1 tuihauia
Jto. m f. VtVJki) Stravt
I -' -.1. ia !, M. I . rii.f-." i.f Ilia Fva n. rr,
treat, nil 1tifr.i.. A,li"it:ilnini ,0 hoAlMiTrtliainlMT. Willi
II -nlrnn-1 in-, . ... ri'-iim n'rie. ,r-i 'h. in-,.: rNl.laa
."nri-e. In tai. pltv run lia li.n al hlf firtlre, Ho. frll Clfl K
Htnat. Tin-Meelleiil lAinlt.iAr'' InvMiel to aeomnaLir
lliair fntii-iit., aa l- haa nn .-rta In hla prni-tlr-e. lo-stf
-r- W K ALT II, ll E ALT II, ASO
w" BKAl Tk.
Ifln,a ai1r'l,lik-f..;
If I., .-an... In Vint. n. 'tu'l,
It M a 1. 'en, unk tlvi-r,
I 'I' l.g, .1 .-.i! II. nil henr -11 IUTT I
I' I ha-, t a l'.,.i riVhn lii
l'i .1 If inline a'ne 11111 ;
II . nh h'. li t .-ra li li! to T t ;
irate, rl u itimi nhnttlrt'i Wral.Tnl
It 1 1 1, 1 ., ti i. 1.. ,-re a,nl :rn,
W... -I'l.fc. 11, n. . ,itn;
I' in I've a I n- ', 1 e r. ;
ll U '1.0 All ,n to i 'i'.;-If HAXTllt
If y -0 w ! .h a Hie "l :
ll M '1 Hl'll,e,H Ti-.,r J . 'f ,.,,,!
'I .-v.,y ..,. -,,.t , .,, u,,l,l ., .,,
Tac my n n ,.,'aTj wi.h ,.'1 nrt.l.
I"",; ''-"'us ''.-ilri,, v.all).nd lleaaty.
l.ill II .... pri ;i-i, ,,,r ,vrT ,,y
it,,.1',.H.''v'.',r',',Ri' '?. "i-,,M' ! MW
,:', V ' "r; " ', ' ' ' en.-a'lr. in1 vt ihe)
,;;." ' ! J-
(AUU 10 Till', I.AOIIS
1)11. I't l-'lM-'irl it'll. lil.S I'll.l.S fop; VRV.R,
li,l..:;il" tn c. lie. tn ii, re .'it' ,iin 7, an-l ri-t-.v . -j -.ine.l ,ie
,e,l ea.e. ,ni,J
a T. v., ,11. c.
'ml a-
Tl,e-i ntli an t tt !w le-w. ntnl havr ti'rn n.rr br f-D
I',,, 'er f i,i i.,n, '- .i -, I, ,i l, in I ,-1 .. tf ail .. -ii.-rn,n, a. l'i r
ii','riiliel"l -i . In imvim, ; r.i li I, iukkI hi
t, i.e.. tiii.i,-a- d hid-, 'e. Il ,-i i.s".l He'Ct. t,Hii,-',
l ets pn, I;. ,.r 'i, n.i . uti.n ol tln.ini .i,i,,rn fr n
an, Ire ii ii-il: , a. i r. a . .1 , il a. in pr.-vini an tn.
C.-C'l. e I. .;,,iii v i,. re 1 e i.t , ev ll i,.,t , ri,i It. r.nnaie
I ellll.llle Htllsleil. . t, ,,M .V. e. ,i.,li, , 9
cm i 'inn d n; ,ni f ii -I in i 'i'-i' i,, i, : in. m t-..t nnluten,
a- Ul' rep: run- .. i n ni -i .. I, line alter lie, llhiv
a ' 11 .' I'll. ,'Ii. lil'l.'i i !,!'., li hi Lie . We'll, 1 .rt vi'llt liny
j. . I : , i . i,, inn, , i, .-in i . , in, s ,r. . i-iunnonittsl.
I n ii I' 1, 1 1 i XJ-.k'! u'i," . ,. . . , 1 1, in inn e.e't. ti , .
l'i let ,l,ii ,-, I,, ,ni, r I ,, m ill anl ttttll
b tli ri li. n- nu I n ill ill-'
l llii tt. H ' ! AC, . v... -,s V. '-i.nt'h "Ireet.
II. I.t K SI li. No III M irV.t .lint
A Marshall, ii 1 1 er nf I nl' 1. emh iin.l irl .rrrli.
' e.iii' r inn i,, ei i i i r i.l --. - n ' am! i iriwi .tr, i, '
I . nit ,C I 'll. , S.I it! V .- er I -liv, t.
.Inl n. il, Ie ll.e, ie fi. Tu.-.-ili I, and
H. ..' . lit I.n i nr. i iiiml. n.
At Ittnil 1 ail tii li. , !al..
L:lilICh,h. flrii.lin
To cllht r ntrn', ctl'i line e tlie
I'll. I. S ,-rvr i i'NKIIKN lIAI,T.y,
Hv nail, to i,i;y part nf tej eny or t'jiiniry, flea of
. n. nit r,
C-Tm o.?l', W.TIIIfeTV 8IMII Htiwt.T.
C A M A H I T A N ' S
ij K f ARI1 A N rt (.1 It"!
PAa'AHI'l AN SI f I H1J,
SAM elillAN S
f l Mill N
A l A 11 1 I A N H
f A I I r V- .1
Minimis st
ft IM WHTA N .1
I I L K.
I I 'll K.
Cl KB.
1 re nn: a,,
Rlrktaio, inc.
ami .ii'ii riiiimlv f,,r ilotterrlii, a. Ole.f.
Curea tn all e-nii'.-a tn ftnin two to llx
1'fie.e Mule or reiiialc-.rni hv mail.
U'i oi l- cu., Sola Asrnt.
hA.MAhi TA N S l RK.
H M A II t r., N l ft -nr..
!AM AKIT A NS rilli;.
SAM Altl I A . H 1'1'Kf:.
MA.MAItl rWH fl'HK.
TIIK (.lit'-AT sifiiUTi: ion Mi:iii-.T IHUMSES,
Ht'inliial Wniii.nass, lioine rlio a. l.lei.t, Al.
Fnh lox ciiiuins Jo l'dL',aud will cure lu liutu twotO
IK ihi) Trie . j.'i
It 1. al-n certmn to resle.e toni nnd power I. thoao wh
a.e fh tilltiili d Ly oiesh or aoy otlie-r eau.e, anil will
resti'ie all tn fun e i.'nr ,n venili, when ll,e rill, arn used
wlt.'iout ti.e liijceliun. In tlie.e. cue, ono 1111 llirce Uuie
u e.av.
Iheut hy muii J
C. ritlC't UOSE. rrnpri.tor,
liiix vi.Mi iVat uihe.
S ile Agenti, nvnrr t co
No. TV! N. Ba.OO.ND Street
Fe sure and a Tr. fv
HA M Mill Al H f'l.ltlA
BAMAhlTAN H 1,'Lllll,
SAM.VIlI I AX S l.LTil:.
8 AM Alt IT AN H C'liKK.
M M.slllTA 8 (Til.K.
PTiirr I'K KM llltll, S KIIH Dr! RfffOnr).
IS V 1(1 I- I'K Kit OKI). BYIU r UK KliUHtl).
nYi t i' nr. i:icciki. ciyuiii' im kujoiid.
mhi r nr. i:n:itn. myui i" i.k kiiiiiiiu.
SYltt 1' IiK hlt'oltl). HYIII I' lilt UlllllfC.
bVlltl' 1112 U:'" It I) HYIlt f His KlCOllll.
HYICI'P HE ltll'Olll).
HYM,P UK KlitOI.'l).
HYItI P DB IllCtllltl).
riYltt'P lK Itli OKD.
SYItl 1 HE KlO'HIl.
t?Tiirp j)K itiomii). syki'I' dp. Rinom
HYKI'P I.tlticonil. BYltl l' UK lllC!0l(I.
8YI.IT I. Hlt'liltl). KYIll'l' UK KllH)ltl.
ISYIII'I' l)K UK OKI). NYlil l I'K Illt'lJitl).
A eirtain cure tor all Inrtn of Venereal Dlaaaaoa. Uaed
In the l.uiopi'iin Ui'ipuala, ano tba armies tkrouUoai
I'm ,' Alnrrli a.
'1 his pi, parattnn la. n equal oa an eradicntor of thl
furiil of ilux ake, aril .trt'iiK'le'n. tl'C conalliiitlunKCnerally.
It willciro all linrea, rtpo'i. i'imiufi, Tnttera, or any
miptlolis, uo uiilltel liniu what oauae or ho loug llauili
Price t per bottle.
C. PHICK KOSK. rroprlalor.
liYu IT i t l).
TlYeiTT , CO.
X0.231N, riKCONI) Slrcet.
au.ln-Uilli uu
rii.le Atrrt.,
HnJi- A,' nia,
float Atcntu,
Bent to any ardrcs.
Ip to thu i til il feuiaiva have licun humhusncd ly
I'br.nUA, Al'iti'iniiiul Muiiorti r.,, Ac, for th) cure nf
It iillliik of the Y. nuiti and rnnwui lehl.try, wtdch man
can oi,l prove palliative, tl not Injinlnui. MiiMeif or.
lif,ao'l parlnnls Imve bei n usli n ,ueh at).urihttos, 'l-hey
rely en hie Cliltlin 1'itla, ami tlierahy oli.aiD aperfect
core by tlie use of only a fVv hncna. For eom
iniilDt nne hoa 1, wnrth a hnnd.-eil Ahiirmlnal hupporter,,
rrice, fill cents per linn bole A.u,, Duo I T A CO. Mo.
i.ii M. SKcOMi direct. 101-tuibalm
fl. liMf.IIT. Cieptitlil OHllnislacr,
JOHN Oil. NCI'S, ii.ti.lil Howen,
Will luiike a uvular tri-weibly line, ooaiincnclDg
SA1UEDAT, OOrOBES 22, 1864,
Kiniii the Corupar y i w harf, Crat abovo Ittico llre.1,
Acd fiom few VorU, l'ler 11, North river, ou larae days,
Ttieie ni-w pml uhitairtiul ateauiers wero built ex
prc' il fur 11.1. ionic.
'ieh,ht.-citived tli'ily.hatulltjdln the nioitcircfu! maa
ner, and rletivaud with tii' ntmost desputcb.
tor ruithtr pniili iiUrfc, ai-p'y lo
No. till) J!. WI1AIIVK.S, f BILAOLLPIIlA, and
1'i-aiit I'if.ii ii.N'i'-.Tii ntvi-.n, KEW YOnfC.
'.In:- nt i ui eniii wn, Cork Harbor.
Il l wn .a an " nl ten loveriionl. Newlorlc.
and I'liiit-iieiiiiii bie..ui.Lip t uu.puiiy aie luicuded to
.an ns t.illell n .-
1 ll .i- v AStll N'il'I'ON. Saturday, October ti.
t I, A I I '',', rSoll.i -lav. Novtiulnil .1.
i l l Y Ol' MANVIIKS' Sa'urday. Novemtisr 11.
Arid eeerv .,ne,-i,.. Jiii hatiuiiay, at noou, from Pier NO)
ll Nnrtn
I-'lrst Cal.,11 .tliiit") stor;e i;ile
V n.t Cnblii to I.' iiiltui ITu do Hteei-ji-ei to 1. 1, n Ion... liS in)
I ii ,t ( a'nn t" I'lina. . 111 W Kliinw to I'nrla .... H)'(S)
Hi st Calen to ll.inmr-'.'lui l.l 8te' nxa lu 11. unburn. '")
1'assni.e.eih nlsu loiwuidcl lu Havre, liiotuou, llot
teulalii, avnlcii. c , at e,i'ally low rales.
'.ires (rem l.iv.-rpiail or Cluccnatown : Flrit CaWn,
bl ei. l"u, -.''ei Hiemajie from Lie ornol and eiiieeiu-.
tnw u, fTi). 'i I. o.e ,vim wlIi to leud lor ihvir JiKudi oal
buy tiel.e'p heic at ihesnratea.
1 or luttliu uiuUoii apiey at the Companys omcefc
jeitis 0. ii.vl.i;. akcu,
tto 111 WALNUT GUreet, 1'hiiaUelplila.
e5m. IJOSTOM Als.ll 1'HlLAUI'lil'IUA
B-.aaru.tilti l.tni. anlllng ft-om ench port oi
KWCVH. tre.ui flf twhaiS above I'l NK. eTnnil,Pbila
tiiiplea. aid l.itia w anrr. 1'i.sinu. ijom nral wharf
ahuvo IINIl Hirer '.en halurday.Ocuiber Jl, MX.
The rteiimaliip KobalAl,. liaker.wiU lailfYoiu Phltildel.
phia It'ur Jliiiiloii. an Hainnlay. tietolii-r X, at 1(1 A. jhl..
ami Ihe it.auiah'p H iOS. Maitnews, from lloitoa fof
pliilaCelphm.oa aaiue day, al 4 1 11.
1 bt-ae nuw and auh.iauuaJ luiamahlps form a regular
lint , fcatlHiit li'om each port punctually on Haltirda-ye.
luminiti 11 cQeclvel al one ball Use sreiuluui cluvged
ale ve'a.ala.
leliiliia taken at falrrate.
8' Ippera are requeued to aeud Su Receipt! and Bin
Lad'u with tbeli- f.ood.. . .
I'oi rieiautorl'aiiaae (havin tin aomrnnrlatlotti
Pl lylo IlKMir wiSH'iK 4 iu,
JaJ-tf . m DlibAW AJUB Arean.
"intiim7.nhiJ-Mii.AP:i.pniA. cttain 0. r. rooi,
will ai.ll ui above. t'otxM or pa.aaiji anply 10
wniamiuauviv. ,,M0MAt KICH KliS )N ,k f! ).,
aFaKaili and awinaura Lluaa, via Daiawai ana
lliiiilaul anal. 1 lia ilaaujail of Uiel. bUM ar. laaelua
dall 11 lln'cloca al., aad. o.loca t, al., Iron UliMl plaf
above Walnut auei't
lor fiai.l.t, tue-k will b. taken oa aecomine.latlat leWiUlAM at. balkl a l,-o..i,o. LrtaC