TnuiiPAY, OfTOl.KU 2., ISO I. SPIRIT OF THE NEW YORK PRE33, lionillns; Editorials from tlio Sen Tapvrs This iWoriiin:'. Vork lr.Njm i.V. M .jwi;nn-i-. 're. Ik Tri'tivt. Thr 11 r r'tl a-Ki in to trim f.-r to t'ia T .-' v. inuri.-w- .m r. i ' iv. v.. a i i ' si. I i? itii 0t beany I'W." So w? ill n ho lie sjin it. In the nth, time wc iiiui:W to t:,i rimin Mr. Iaivron' In- i'f I"1,1 i m t! Inino vote on " i,.(,r mi- a rum. , .j-j nr.: t Uo Ofrk-iil flrriit-M tlic Mi n(,cr.clic full vote in 1I.I and tiic Uini.c vgic in v; 1... C'le't!. a. I'mitte.... Indiitnu. . . . Wisuuorpl;. I, ::.,ii ,s '.' I I '1(1. .". , 1 s. Ml To'ii' r In 1 IlHV. MHi's for lit.' rcmpcti'nr . fur liin comi ftl'tT tin u. --'"; t!' v.vtt! h I V t lie 'W (I. inn ur is i'i'iio 1 1 iliini:, il -..- i.f' ....l.l ,-c ..I' MM in cci.sciih- c. ui Vtavvsen's own vow im.w s 1 1 inuro in is 1 ven lv tin- ('.ill.... -,. lit, :'wt...ii of til- il',. .'., R liich r n.iits all i...--., s un the nt'iur .sol.; as its own (,,'iin in- i me i)i;rn nu !' 11.111 in. m a Iiouso Would i. mili'o the line ii" Irs nei:Mi .r's iri' tii'Kr), 1 iiwyon miiLn'ii reiativo ; tin of only 4 in. (.,,.. m1 i,(. MiKliern' vote put iliat r We nre wu'tm't I" re. 'inl Hint "fain of luvtrlv ono liiiniFu'iil, v, in e till II mid H Kr-'tv.iii'' over tli i 1'io'ialilc tletVut o' Mr. Ii.iwsoti. I'or tl.js eftor the ( in ''on our neighbor inil"o l that the I lenidCiaiH hail el'Voxl l." of the VI Ctiiivri'sni:eii. Of course, lie kr.cir Imtter, Mm-p tlir Tritwne ha.l ml,ili.' ncciim.o ITttiir.s, s?;oninp the stu'o ol llnj cue. Thy oiiur dry, lu.vvvv."-, tlio Mo? was s.i'i--fled wi'h 1.1 liotnocrnts to 11 Unionir,ts ; but that will not ilo it mu-t i'oiirile the ilet "it of ita cumlaiutes in tlu? Vtli nrttl SIViIi l)is'ri. ;s in a fixed fact; it imiht iirUnowIe.'ljo till) :'rcat tiro, nihility that the same re-nltwill att iin In the XVllh, XVlltli.Riid XXIt Dixtvir'.n.witli a in. Hilnhtyof the cainu curt in ttio tli nntl l Kb. In nunrl, tlio II o-..' miiit bo eon ent to tako lilioiit tuven or ot.slit Insun j of (ifieen meniiiers of(;oii;re-ii, and niny po-sililv hi olli ,'ed to put tip Willi un more tliun livo. jVaets are. Kini)!urn things lnio3t a had lor the Demihwy a ol ilitrs' votes. THE hi iorti:d IKA1'T A nt'I'IOV. 7m fV Jtnnhl. It lias liein widely repoi te 1 that tliero la to lie another Jruft immediately after the election. This sory is false. It was invented, of courso, for clijctiouccring purpo'ci by tho party which jnst now niakts it It- principal business t, lot tho people know a great deal about tho horrors of war iii.d the beauties of peace. Ibis party has spread Hie fiction industiiotiflj-, in tho hon to frighten a man hero and there, and thus to lnllu dice a volo ayainst Mr. Lincoln, who is uudee atood to he the fa'.herof all 'lie draft-? tlmiiRh, we believe, there Is no d niht that the man who (list urtfiid tho enforcement of the Urate was Uencral MeCleihm. Thore In not to be nnot!t?r draft, cithiM before tho elei tion or lift, r it ; but of course tho Government will oon want more met., and wo are tlicrcforu phid to ham that measures are liunllytobc taken to vatabli-h a seiisihle, pcr nitttieiit recruiting system. Men are not se irce In this cjunlry, and the last call Imi demon trnttd that by proper measures and a liberal bounty any number can be had. Men can be had in the Vetera t:atos for three hundred dollars, it is prop -.sci to oiler five hundred dollars as a permanent botintv. This sum makes an allowance lor the varintis expanses of the rc ruit, or even of tho-e who find him and bring him forward, and still leavei n goo J margin (or the benefit cf tho recruit orbU family. It give a good sum. also, a a built fortlie op.aa tlons and activity of that lame ntiinhur of persons Wlio will thus be induced to lend their energlos to the Rood cause of tilling; our armis. llucruit ing will thui become a permanent btisinosi in tho country, with niiuiliealious in every city an 1 village, and will, for the lirst tlinu in tho history of our w ar, be elective and productive of geca; results. Not only will this system en dilo the army to draw regularly I'ral properly upon our a popu lation, but it will also t ip for uur hcnellt tho iin mento lind di-contetued iiopuUtuui of Huron. Much 1ms bem xaid iu iiiitisli papjrs of tho Activity of United Ivuics army agents in Kngtwnl, Iroland, and (icvmany. I p to the pics'uit tiuio the army has not be, ti grea'ly In -rease 1 by their clVoits; but it may bo supnoslil that t'loe elfiits liave by this time made it pretty well known in those countries thur InrfTc sums are paid heie for soldiers, and that is enough. Iluudieds mid thousands of famtl'es that hava looked longingly towards a lite ol eouiparativo nlllueneo in this coitntiT, but hnnlly hojied that they would ever lave the means t camo hero, will now seo the way clear. Ono son can pay tho passage of father, mother, and two or thri'O fisien. Two sons en'i pay t'm pHSsa;;e cf nil the family, and have on oiih left to buy a farm in the fruitful Wcsteru acres. Let it be not thi'ticht that this is visionary. I'or gene rations the (jcrtiiuu and l'Vcucb. peasants have tessoni din this very way. Onr g m h is gone into the army to insure the comfort of the. rest of tl c family, in mi'lions of instances, in that very Class ot peasants who now h ivc t!ie most ardetit longing to come to the l iuteil S.-it s. Tints, this jstetn of periii'incut bounty, while k ni l keep up tho Hi ry, wiil alto proon great system of inducement to einigrati, n. rrnpcrly worked", there Is hardly a limit to what can be dot.e by such a sy.stciii b:th h Ti! and in liniopc. It rin ie made to five u.i hs'.l'a million of men by next Mty and hh nil I do so. This tysti m will, c have no dntibt, most triuinphiititly prove that we Mnuild h '.vodoue better if we never had any draft it: all. Tlili l.AHI VII.I.UM. The Democratic party is doomed to ip out like a Chinp-e lire-work, to ! f l!o..' 1 mt only by uttor darkness aud notUiuiuss, bat by i;u intole rably bud smelt. It is not already dead, but it nlrcady ninketh. In dtp r.fe a'tem;ts to pro. long i: existence it rc.-ortu to fraud :, itself up with lies, ntteinp s to obtain pos-c ision of tlio GovciMiunt by villain, es h'thuito unknoivn In OBJ political ctnvas:., and fiiliul-it'tut, propj;es Dy conspiracy aud insinicetian u iuolvo tUo whole li.nd in a nsw und bloo ly ehil s ir. Tn l.ite.-t di vflopmcnw wbl I found in ties, patch's Irom Vu-liiiiion, tmit' -Iimt th's morn ing. The Mi'Cb Un.iites have, for .la-s pi-t, be :n in an iiniiMi d!y jnt.iU'it and cuitid-nt slate of mind, 'odd has ien rapidly, wldi itit vNilila cati'i,: b ts on tl.n cl.c'ioii u'nve U-eu otl j.i d freely ; ui d nil tlio i,;ns of lencvfi t eoiitidenct! in a failing ci uss lixa apparent and utrikin1.'. 1' Was c' ti,att!i. ic a'.s nomo t.i llui'UUK at woik kno'.vu i-iuy to the ftvored fev owe new and stupuudoat tV.i'td.i: i ouiu ' tuied, on win, ii He' i on-;i!r ii,,rs relied to di the votes of boue-t men, ud put tk''tit-elveii tnu xiwer. 1! .;l!cd hitherto in evi r; ttiin r e'.-:e; tile prep.i ratlena for insurrection iSiva'ie l uu 1 t'lt irde.! at; tin-t; iStato elections lost by tl. un-vervir. Iu., i: II Vol the j,eo,ie; men -lire" . ta.'.eiu vervwlicrj to d' feat a tiiiiolult at h J'.ini vote ; liie C'jjipor lieiuls have, now flayed ill ar e i, ,1, v, hieii f'liay boped and believed would baa trump. It is a (ittiiit. cud of nil their ivhcine.s that the '"iciny in tlio rear hould nueuipt to the.'U thu soldiers at the front out of their votes. The liovernnieut hiiN t';e elite to tics' whole 1) id nni't base binine-;, t!m tle-itof .-oldiers' lejtois mid the substitution of M, Uellati for Union lots; tho forcery of iMialieiV names ; the votimr lor the overthrow nf ti.n Ui.i 'il In the n lines ot ImH' who had laid down their lives to uri'i.TV-l it all the knaveries that liio ai t-of tu'ei't and Jor.iii ry i-mid mp;.y to ma've the vote of our brave men iu the held rcem 1 1 be that which It is not I No womhr the conspirators were iubilant I '1 he plot u. us ingebioiibas it ij viU iiiijiis", and had it rot been detected in time mielit have worked intiuito nii-clih f. lint, it is discovered In "o d eaon, and Its ilineovuyls its defeat. Co ip jr tint) gold v.ll! tumble to-day toyetlier. New Oil lis. The Cuba Veil, on the Carpi ntcr farm, which vras buined a short timo l iuco, i now pumping over luo bundled barrels per day. O. AV. Coch rane .1 Co. bored this well, an 1 u largo share of tlio worU'.a;? i.itercit. Tlie l'lililip Oil C' have ouv-iiiurter ia.ei'e ,t. Mes,rj. J hu Mewhlnney, Davis, Jiuiii, and Owen have nlsu inuavsts in "this well. The wed Is now pro di cing lull Iwo hundred barrels, wi'h a gjod rirospeet of increasing. The well rf Cap' ilii L. Oruuiitvtr, upau tho Sniith farm, ou Cherry Jluu, wth h we noticed lastweik as piodueiu ei.ty baiiels per day, bus since increased its pro dilution f one hundred btirrols. This upieirs to be the care with most of the wel's strucli on the lavoud lotsiliiy ol Cherry lluu. They iucrvuso alter biitig ttruelu TTTE lllff from llntrrinir Andrew. Oofcrnor Andrew ae s-pt.s his nomination for Oovcrnorof Mns-arhusetts, Rritmg as follows; "A (irvent ronv. Hon of the instlce of onr na tion! cause, and ca-nest f.dih In the Idoas it re-pru-cnts, i.ndiu the rrliu iples and tidi-lity of the AiriTican s-op!o,i ll unite In riving assurance that the Kinggli-, of this ev, ,dlul year will cud m the lr al triumph ol the I nion, of lilioriy, and the honor ot ibr Aim ru-an nunc. ' it , h:i M. ti,e will of thp elector of the r inmioiiwfctii, to cmtirni vour nomina. t.op, ( hope rot to tail t di ioU' mvs. ir, wlthont re-irvati' n (as heretofore 1 have eudeivored to do, m ti e i icici-c of the (unciions of the place ni..-iil to i n ), to the work it involves. Ccn '"! rut ons re'rona: to mysoK, ns well n a desire not to accept, ct n tiom the imhdijen. e of tlio pc tile, mi undue tenure of the otM e, had aires lv fiuliu. dthc hope I but I niielit appriipriatclr retlr'o witl rut un improper u'xn. liniment . f .vpe.nic tines, act iabois not ra ilv liiiu leried. "1 lie t.lTcs id i veil's mm- leads to the con fidi nt belief timt the i in ums'siices of another jnirulll relieve a- nil liom in inv iluties, Irom .!ii(h, lor the la-t ft: u r years, we' have en'oyed no cxi inption. "A. CHling, probably f.,r the last time, to the Mil. tin es ol'iny ledow ei'i, i ns. 1 drsire to eont'ess tla obligation umh r w hich their foriK armn e and L'er.i ro-ity of judgment have plpe-d mo, for hi' h no rut u i n i po-iblp, sine that of grateful Jmcity. 'I n'm, s:r, wilh lii;di p.'rem, yo-ir o',, .-. d and obt.liir.t --maul, Jmi.v A, A xnr i w." Hie ItoMill In Ohio. A letter d.ittd at Coliinibu., (liii (i, t,,ber Miy -: "The tottitii'' of the late tlntim, hcina wiin exee.i;o,.s tlie oilicial ti -(ire-, in l.e th v ,,, i,,n-.',i,., i:o-in- to'o -ji, oo i, an in cr. aveiir ov r . i.oi'o on tut vote nf ,-.. fut i. ionsi'o i i.h ii; i s noine any hKtyear " " f - v-.oien i- irii.uty ( xphnne, o, ,v lie i woo me ticrum 1 1 l?se , VC , lltlil Olhe ttiia.g I moil sv lions, polled oniy t hv- o i'.i -i : u .-ii. eM,, , ,,m. i a iiiuion to tins an own mi esinnaie suo'vs mat vtthui t!n pa-t .17.1 1") voters have en'i red itm nm.i. i. i n,,.. fully thue-ioti it bs ofwiann support the I'nion VII til I. "The sohliors will put up the niejorilv at leist to ,.(. 1 here will be a much heavier vote in is ov cm 1 1 r, iu,, i i.ineoiu iiiamrtty ou the hotnc vote will jirobably reach i',n n). "There is no docb! of A-iilov's election in the Toledo district. The maioiitV n-ain-t him is only !:0, which will be wiped "out, with several niimircu to spate, ny the sold ors' vote. As far as neurit irom, tt.e bbiecoats have supported him us wen as me oilier i t. ion cii.didati.s. ' The Suffolk tL. 1.1 Idrohl, recently a M ( Iellan paper, has abandoned the discussion of political topics. DRY GOODS. JUACIC ALI'ACAH AND 1I0HAIR3, IS iir.MI M ASl 1'IVE liKADf.d. VHOM THKLATKAI.'OTION HAL, lis, AT I.MllTEO rillCES. CURVTEIV 8T0DDART & BKOTEEE, Kal. fit), sl!, anil 151 N. bEC'OSU STUKKT, in-;:.3t Abuve Wil'iw. JJXTR AOS DENARY BARGAINS IX DliESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FntMSIIIXG AD Dfl.Mi:.STIC GOODS, Comnrlslttf the Urg"t an.l choicest flimsy yot olercJ at KeUll, asd at rr.fCES iiklova' Tlir. coRr.r..spoxinKti Ili:lil'Cl:! VAI.LK OK (iOLt). FKUNOII I'OrLINS, MKUINOlOS, Afil'AOAH, WOOL IJE LAINKS Ac., Vitur faiEir Wi'baro r.-colvcj at srett f Aeriltco a Isri 9toci of iKainm-irheil UJII.'.SS OOODH, A Jul) Let of AMEitlCAS- DKLAINl'.a ASI) TlilfTd, Wl.icl, w ihall gTm rery low, nni iro wdl worth tlio r. ttcntion cf bij-orfl. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., 8. E.eormr MXTtl and Altt'll Streets, M-3 Pntl.AlUiLl'IIIA. "OL01lKO lAll.V3IA.'X'"X'AH, 1T-0M 'HIK LATF. AUCTION' SALES, AT JiKOl Ci:n 1'iUOJ .S. cruRWEij r;roDDART & rrothei?, Kos. 130, 1 !, nj 4tit K.SttlMI srRIX.T, in-Ji-'t Aluvo Willow. 1' MliTil KKiliTH fsl'KF.r.T. tta M Hei-nnii ili Airh. lirest ifauoti-'n In oiT tiiu,,i l rtuick ut' Hi'le ftiid I nncy; i runniue:., in pri'inii the lost mill niost iii-inoa.i'ile A4't- uieni el i.seit s iti,..fl ( leak a riiiieitiiKH. OTiia. ina- ai.d UittiMin ef uur own m;'.o s'ul 1m- if-r'3ih a, MM; unit .Veiliii, SiivnS, all sik of fUK ui..! Ithtr.ili. Ui ml Do --fi,: .Si il. cliesner limn t.e .hv'l'e; In si" I Ilel ivi.U It.l. I llilll'ii. , I 'l.illi .Melllio Ami Ml K eil.Hr-, KU1 -o.j el IM- I., Ml mal pr. IllnrV, ailU CcWmd V. ils.'M ,i I- ::n ' Me 'rl !t(,re.n,.iU nmilm ; 1 auey llln-a ana M.lti I elnl.-, Si.L Hell Kll.liefi., Jet, Steel, nail (.IP. IP I l-.erl.ln. 'l.,.'k Tanuli or all e'firs ami !,'-; AlH.te Iti.innis el a'.l ,ii a flyleit ut Kreutlr rejleeii ne:-; lVu..)t,.( Cm,,., hi, Honffi.'l, Nubi-i., ilenfl;, : Luen a , rioieiea . , ana .so,,. ' Hlecloiixs at Ha, ra i -i 'i,.-. 1 ; ll.ilr l.'oUa. W at. il'all it.iiu, m, J VVdier- laill.l - et . UT l , lOlpr.-V .I ll.efl, ; V M,t WlMle l.rce el lilt ; an.l - una Ml Ii- ; l,U-k an. I I 'iileri it Veiviil Ml.U'im-, hi yei.t vuliety it. irle-H ; I.M'tiett' and (ieuls t.t . tali fc, la til'-l varlotv, extremely chee, Ac., Ac., Ar. L.-'iit f c' me, or,-' fin.tiel, and convtnea yourselves hfie-o Ino Ir.y ( I ' l i'T, tl. a It I.- iv, it v ,etli I . vu'ir ow n Int-rvU tn e rein, v.'l' l.'tnn It s at l.e (II, i. up Ml., re of W'H,. I I AM l.'ISM UM Mil fcii, N". I'-'l N. Klimi'll M'.te.t, tie . nil 'e el ill ,e. t Areli, nevl ti, Itu i.ornef. 1)-S J It 1' A C K MO I Si;i.lNi'; JJK I .A INKS, 1 KOM Til K LM V. AUCITON SALF.S, at itir.Di:ci;i pjticiiiy. Kfts. f i", I"'!, ai-3 IS ft N. RKC3:0 S'.KIJKT, 10 !::: Ali .vcViltl lw. M JilMMil S, I'Ol'MNS. It i n. K,e Une.j.l !i. ! itils. A ,uii u., i'.uL.ia ami ..a- 'irivii r.o.i'li, JAh. i:.nM 'i'.i:t,i..' ( it.'R, Ji ' Ml.SNI' 1 hlieet. C 1 LK S , i'AV. I.H. i; I 1.m. i.-, Li,,, -lis, met IV' 'Is iten.lii. OAS. It. i i Mf-i l.l I. e CO R, K... I'lll.SM I' Mi., i t. Clif.-l) at 1 ;i.:M:r.s', i lamc'Ts. i aua auil C-.ta n ftS' i'ttnir". 1.C: . ni J.IS. lt.( Alil'llliir ")qi Ku.I-.'i rltrV TlH-i'l. A IJ.ViUMVANT GOOD DRY OOOD.S AT J. V too veiy le'atst iirii e, r.iii Hint item al JAd. H L'A Vtl lll I I, fWS. So. 7Ji Cili:s.NU r su. tl. UN HO Rlfe'K ! 1 1 RI X HQ UIRIv!!! V VV a irfiiml It-e monrr. If ile.liml. r.. ,vir,. i,. . r co,i..i. A I.ltii leU la anv ri sre a. iiSY. billing, flNfB SIHFTH, C'lT T.rMiTinvisi: oi sc. i. is. Miole of ', v, link Mills ilii.iin, and very nre r.'ncn II .. out) f I siini j.rtc, $ii Wi:li.,i!VMlle Him WnbiPi, una lino Lluen Husonu (lll! IP I .'.II. I -11. ll u. Ire S V: 0. 01.-NH-iMJi.S 8 VI It- iMUNO C100I1R. oi:Niij.ui..ts s ri.uNiijuiN'd noons. SMITH Al .IV toils). t-t tut o. l.'.ai ( .'liEisMjr tre, t. i?.-)Q HOOP SKIRTS ,.no U0 Wmu"aui(.ry,i(o.6:s AKi'li stri-it, Do AtKira Al ith atiuet. I'lulaauljiiiUu Wlielciala and Raun. TheitiojteuBipliiian,tiueni,,r l.,lia', Mlssef, ant rtntearen'. Iti ssiita ui iro, cuy. In every reijiao- lir ,t--ia, wtarb lur bttla, nu..h, ilua'-Jlty, ana cm iciieaa, bave nti 'Uat in uia Kiaikbl. hiiru uado lu tdvrinlttr4, and reia'rrd. Mij Mijl, '. H0PKQf8, DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPn.-PnTLADET.PmA; DRY GOODS. OF At!, (!'.AIF.d, l llOM THK LATH Al CT10N iiALI'S, AT 11KIUC;KD l'KICKH. CURW IN 8T0DDAET & BROTHER, '' ". 11-1, an 1 111 N. HKOOND NTItbKT, l.niMVlHi. ItC'lAU, AND WlIOI.I'.SAI.i:. a. m. iial-Jjuicjii. No. 902 0nES2,UT STREET, lbi B'W i.i s. iro I'v'.l !v.;:iial of t!,e rsiolu .i!f I li. A! t- el I.nci.imi iiohii.;i;v, IM r.ur.i.iriiAV iio.-r. am half nosn, bl't'Tir l. .1 Iti ..sB, SIIIRTM, A Nil Pit l'Vliltl, 1.A1RA l.CVV SII.K M1IU1B AND lilt IWKKS, IN AIiL.Frzi H.FOIi OliNTI.HMKM. l" : LL-WOQL CACHMERE TLAIDS, 1U0M THE I, ATE AUCTION bALlis, at KMiocr.D rr.UKs. CLTR'V7EN STODDART & BROTHEE, N.)l. 1.10, H i, and l-.l N. BUOMJ MIltliliT, W n-3t Above Willow. M N S Ii 1 1 fcJ U I ; O T I O N I ft TTIR I'ltltlib) or 1IY GOODS. JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 niESMIT STRKET. OFFEP. 'iXlV.m EXTIHE STOCK Ol DRY GOODS, C'OXSISTIN'G IX I'AUT OF 5ii:i.iKor..i, I'OI-I.INN nd KKI'S. M'lNCLINK.-t, II. AN li.Al.iS, ALPACAS ant MO AII1S, I.LACk aid 1 ANCV MII.KS. SI1AWT1, Or.OlT.S, I i.L.ia, n in I I. uu iiii. 1'I.AN NKI.S, IIIANKSI d, T.tNI'S MM CHI TON SHKIt'l I NU.S, lttrt I.I.AM is, and CI.OAKlMi CL0T1I8, AT EXTKEMELT LOW BATES. Wcl rKli nvi t vnin lhopiilile that wo have muric sj dcn every ailleln In our atoeli.and now hi.v It iu oar pewor to oiler IiAliE LA 11 GAINS. lo-i-im vmouiUAM: itoo.vs, up staha ri'.OM THE LATE AUCTIOX SALES, AT nKDCCEI) l'IMCKS. CHRV. EN STOPDART & BROTHER, o. ISO, 1 j ), and 1.-.4 N. SlK OXIl SlItKliT. Above WuW. a. it it v n rv o rs t h t rv , So. lOOt CUESiNUT STUEKT. I.AItOK STOOK Ol' C 11 0 I C E V 111ST-CLASS MILLINERY GOODS, ijioaij ivci:.s, a.. -. GOLD IS OUR STANDARD. llaiit't inucliajcdat ltij, v.-c arc euatted toon"orG.d very km. 10-1-blullillu A H'ii ml v durtlen acd dUooanl to the (mdo. J I.ANKETB, 21 1 .A.3N IvUX'H. Al l. GRADES AND SIZES, At Ilcil iicocl I'llecij, CORWEN STODOART & BROTHER, res. J .1(1, 4 VI, ai.d 151 S". f liCOKU STBCKT, l'l-.'-il Abovo WIH.IH-. I.OAK AND MANTILLA KaiiUMctory, ana Sliawl Emporium, N. M . Corner ARCH and TKMTl STREETS, I'll II A DI.U'IIIA. S. WELSH .Vj OO., IVtiero j,,u rtiu Fees Splelu'ld A.sirtnmnt oftlO CHOICEST KOVKLTiliS, Wi-ero viii run put the be.l Mnii ji'ai tared (tarnnata. auu v.l.vr" yeu c.oi j rii. tne il.o CENLINL VVATKtt l'UOOF (.'LOAKSt, At tli. LOWEST l'HICEH. I ivaien wilt flint It In their to iiiiivn.i .e II, li- t'l ul. mm .si.iuv.'. a( lln, abh.l.iu.ait. S-ttn-tutl.s-t.'ai b. Wl bSII A CO. JARCIILLES COUTERrAlvES, lRCM THE LATE AVCTIOX SALES, AT EiiUUCED rr.iaiis. CUR7EN STODDAET & ER9T2E3, Koi. 150, tr, i, and 151 X.SKCOSiD StrJo!, It-:'? lit Abovo Willow. JjMEROIDEEED CLOTn TAELE, PIATTO, ASH) MELODEON CCJVLliS, Tho largest astorlment to bo found In the oity, ton IAIJS BY BLeppard, Van Harlingeu & Arrison, I10C8E Fl RKIBIUNa I'RY GOOD I BT0IU5, I018-tuih3-6t 9, IOCS CU31iCI STKEHT. AJIi; FAKCT 1TUIU9. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 713 ARCH STREET, abovi: sfiVEN'rn, A run old TAtiti;nrn sronr, Imjioitor acJ MdaufHchircr of LADIKS' A X D CHILDREN'S Wj Mortnifi!tof f AVl trtT.S ,r I.idlcs andriilllri'n ! nnweomil-to, mtirae!r. EVERY VA1II1 1Y THAT VIM. VTZ WOUN I'lniNCi THE COMING SEAsON. r.icienH or il.c natuo and narjtirr, JOHN FAREIRA, No. IIS akcii htki;lt', Al)-vc Minonth, 1 HA IE 2s0 P MiTNr.ll (Hi COVMtCTlOV WITTl AJV (th Kit h rot: i ; t x the i n v. AliJ.lJM l'AINC'V 1'UIW, JOHN A. STAMEACH, P.rOltTLl: AND MAXlTACIt'SUB OP N. H .'t; AltCII STUKKT, i-.ti.ow Mxrn. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE OITT Te 6f iiet ftooi a first -tiin assortment, C' tislitlus of HUDSON HAY AND MINK SALLE, ERMINE, CHlNCniLLA, GERMAN' FITCH, SIBERIAN EQl'IRREL, Ac, Mad.- Into all Itii latasl stylos. Thrap seeds Kire beiiKtit vlionRnlil ratiftcd from tr-1 to lTo And ure ln.a sold at toiall udvuues ou cobt nt Uia rale. KVKKV AI'.Ttl.'I.r. WArtnAKTVJ) TO BE AS Rt:- riiKshMr.!. Bit' fsctien fi'ininnloed. lf-lltn'h Hat c AKI'KTINCIH. PRICES REDUCED. F.v-017 artiiik la oer slwk will ho sold at the verr lowest mar' d istC', l or. OAHU. EEEvE L, ZHKnT & EON. JJ-l-IUl Fo. hOJ l IIKHSI T HTBIiKT. jOIsNiJI Utl at itAlvI JH, No. 710 CHEENOT STREET, I'vc tl.c a,nro tn annount? thnt tlcy vo novyrc 1 fticd to fui air-U A NEW STYLE OF OAS FIXTURE, SL'ITAIltiE FOH DWELLINGS!, STORES, OITTCES, Ac, Wlllfd CAXBE I'M", lai Ll;ilTi;U 1!V ELKCTIHUITV. fJULVER'S MEW DEEP SAND JOIST HKATER, IV1I I. IIUI.J." I.K.-S COAL AX1 MAKE WOlili UK If THASJ ANY FURNACE IN USE. COOKING ItANOKS Ol' THE MOST AITEOVBD TATTERNS. UKOISTKI1S AX II YENTIL:T'K3, KOI! 8AI.E ltV cirAitijiiiH -wiiriAsrH, 3 Jf It aln-Jnt X 1 13'! it A It is KT STUEKT. QllOVmi JIAlCliIlVH HiCHEST PREMIUM ilMHIiilliB S E W I N O MAOIIINHK, -ai No. 7..0 CIUliHNIJT Hiiv-t. r I A a U .S, COTTAGK EXCiiL- "ihouio, ii-iuiiiiiii, Ull'l ail'.4 .'.ejus, :tl M lltsll H MfStf! STOUC. 10.7-Jm no. nuj CHI..SSL r su.Mt. IJSTY'd fl'V1'i"ll COTTAQK OKOANS. K.t only lihnt'UTin hot I'KE.vfAIJ.KIi n im-'ty T' i,e ii.d l eu, r. o. s'i'tieil rveei l .u.v f. r Cniiri hen and W Vli e I'll l I' in 'l in V' ' it- J i n.,, ,w UJO I HI Ivf and JMMKHWv.'lei. Ii iSleouly by K. M niM'cr, -). 1? K.8I.Vl;s'TH Sos..,t. A'u, a ceiep'f (n afcOrtli.ulJt of tbu I'ufiuet ftt'iie.tenn Oi iil.seiiy cnljiiiiil. audi :1m J OOIillNCI-CiLu'Vte.'S AND TiC'lTEE FRAME MAMTACTOrv.Y. Vv M. H. MOUOAN, xo. aas x. M.vrii HntLtr, Gilt Oval ITiotorjitipU T'raiuon KilO-Jm C0X3TAXII.V OX HANI). L 1'avlrn brn, I t moat of my !rlrr!ult le.'vfo tlieUt 4 rial rl.u, I aiu eniUdad to mr.r niy stoek ol riRST-CLASS FTJIOTI'URE At a tmall inlV'.iioc m old inlets, I. LTJTZ. ttlO. "u Ko. 151 8. tuaviitri II s i kket. ruJIUND A. HOUi;itSt;0., C01IMIS3ICN MIRCHAKT3, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS " DOCK BTUIiKT WII.MIF, iran.AHu.riiu, " TIItTRSDAY. OOTOTJER 27, FINANCIAL. INI IClIAHLi JACOH, BANKER, No. TO S. rillKM STUIOLT. GOLD ASD SILVER BOUGHT. fTOl'Ks iT) 't r'M. ll'V Hilr AM' SOU) ox CMMtIt'.vf. I'J TyiLHAJI I'AIWTKH Xs CO.. II A -V K E Ii S, No. Ho S. TIIIUIl STItr.I'.T, I'ilTT M l M'UIA. Pi rvi In O-M-r-tiri -ni H'Ki l. tnp-ti 1 . m i;r, lo!'i, i of h kiniu. y.K HtlTi r, uiiti 1' nciii. iVrii.tiirtv ;i ni -ii teiil fo Hi. f jp I ftio ami ill'O nf ir.trrfst akoucfi cu 1i-,kimu; roll nisdi'. -firm piviii '.! 1- .T I'M GOLD AND SILVER, UOUGHT AND SOLO, MICHAEL JACOBS, 10 -uVlf Mil. 40 8. TmiiD 6TREHT. jyiltWT IVA'jriOIVAL, JIANJC. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. BONDS. Tlili IU k has now fcr sMo Ihoaa vjry popular and eiirnble Ui Itcd 9tMoltonil,nliteli havo HVB VEAHH to rua froia November 1, l((,l, before tho GovcruBieut Uai tlie privilege et' rcdoDiitlon. LNTriiE.sT, c n:n cent, teu annum, ryn''l 8cuil-Jnnull,- In COfX. C. II. Morton SIoMi,-linr-l, ,Te CLAltK, PllESIIiEXr. 11 f.-llt KAI.K Ol' N.YTIONAIj LOANS, No, 114 S. THIRD STREET, rnii.MiLi.rm a. iv law UNlTi:i) STATES 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Toe RiibtcrtWe having boon the iBecosifiil Bidders ftir a Iiorlloli of Die XKW 5 ) BIX 1'tJlt CKNT. (WjLU BHAItlNll f.OAX, are pr.jnirLd t oiler It on rhvnraiiie tciinatit tlie'ir cusinniei,, la Urbo or email amount, tn II nds o! Conouilinition. el' 's's, luOf, COOj, anil Iffli. both re.rl.trrd and cenrons. T e Interuit roioueai es on tho lit of Kov ember next and Is 1'Hj-aMe n old, eeinl aonsailr.on II o 1st of May turn Mivtiuntr. All ollur Qovemmrnt SMurl(i on hand and for. ale, and lofo niattou gu-i-a conconiln luvotui'.'Utj, ut our oiilte. JAY COOlili A CO., Ko. lit 3. Tllllil) STUKF.T, 10 13-lm Piil'.sdilritile. I) ItlilAiiiL. fe CO., No. D4 S. THIRD STREET. Tliitnitw 5 COr.'iAHfors.ile In anonnls t.i t ilt. !'-! noXPS, aril all kinds of GOVKftXttCST tOAXS bc i'Bbt ..nd Bold. M-lS-lOt. i :av loan, wxjw loan, U. S. 10-10". JAY COOKK & CO., oi l ot: sm.i: tiii; liEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, EEALIKiJ l'lVK ITJt C12ST. )TI.t;!:sr IX O'lV, Kji'cmai.le any llaii-after TKS MIAIt l, at tlm pli asuro of tbiiUove.iiiiictt, ai.d piyidjle 10U1V YliAJ.S alier U..t. fcO J'll COL I ON A'l) ItKiJlSTUIIF.i) llON'DS are l.turd I'.T tliis 1 o in, of same) denoinueitiou as Uid 5 'J-ii. '11,0 iii'trebt cu Sous and siuj. tayuho yt'irlyt oo ail otjir denomlBattor.s, lilf carty. 'A'J'e 10 i'l b.mds a"o dutcd Jlnreb 1, ls4. Tlio b.iif yearly fntorest fullliiKdue bepteiuborl and Marob 1 of oaeb year; aiitil lt Svjitsui bor, the ncurui'd Inlurc.t from J.t of Mirch Is rvuUr, d to bol'ftld by purchiiier. In eets or lu i.tnAt. add liib fitly per tent, for premium, ii'iltl r:irtt or n.,Ucc. Al l. OT'lRtt OOVt 'CMMLKT KLCbSilltUl UOClillT AHU hOl.U. JAY COOXE & CO., B-bM-tf lio. Ill K. TI1IKU NiltBUT. TOCJite AiN J HLlCUltl'VlXitsJ KOCGIIT AND fcOLD ON O O M M I S H I O N , DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 18G1. AUCTION 8ALES. MArmPTR atjction MAJUOtl RtSMi. EOOMS, K, r C' C'Jlirer.'I;.""',",,,r' nl-nm.snu t nr-nv 'i' Akl'14' A''0 iniAniMK, At th. rianis.41' F"S1 At AtI,w(m,n..,1s,:,!RK,,0InrTOI"Tl''" AID a WZIX."" TV -An: V I '.HT1I-. Pit ri.i ,ui IIAU.PUl lll.l.wl.-j l 1.,,..'... ll. r.n uitl.i. ,or Aril,l.T)r and l i alrr aotTl-f w'll t s P,M, i:si.,i ,, iiu.sHOKO i'tfell', l.iootumar ol tia hnr.v l r I, yli. m ...n, o. H'.rsia mil he d, liver. d tn rplln T., tvwrr Mmn A. ij. M , an'l Im aun.'is'lrd lu Uh) u.ual loioii.unt Ii ceilon l,nere Ik iiiii nee. I 'I. 1'iit e ol ( a i si, v tier., -. I.Y, earli. 1 nre e' A i t i il. i n,,pe. ls"i's"h. 1 a.'iuent itiu t'.niieie loralx (to and more. .M.MI.S A. ItKIV. ft-'ltiinil I list livi.l..n, ""''I Q"rt,'i 'ua.lifr Ueuirai a (m, e. ItTKllM A STl T!'S 1 1 1 ; PA ET M E T, I'HtX A !il t II i l I'd I l. t..l...r '(7 I ." ' ' r(Tp""' i'. .! riff-ivM nt f.,i othef until li V I.Kls il ..mi I 4. I- iIA , Nora;W r 1, r.,r Ihn imm.. (ii .y n: v r r..l (l;-tui.ii sirt-e-hMUiv, lUuovor t Wl.f.rt. I'l H.iff. .. I f, . ,4 !" atiit-i.i..nci , o.ui'i rc, U 1.1 e'r pnttwn. M.idr.. .-tf . Ui in -tti vh an.l tt:"iro, nn.l tl.i- lU'M-v ..f Afi.'tt tt..-it tin V m i In.r. nr. I Ih n.tov t-inc (I.- v c.i:' tUht fuui 111. T' t to uo mib" fi lit inftpcMu n. t'.f.K Ii l-i I mtubt In- m it."n'ff'i bytwo rpppmnlhi pr- floin, 1 lirn' M.iiatiiri 11, , t.; r np( rn IiM'to U0 .7i.Ar.:il' i and ai rt.t if . i,i us, h in-, c... ! will u t .'l.'tu rm'ur 'v ;.T the mu'niit IrvoiTi-i'. N Ul 1 v'Vit stnt- Hi Tri.'t .ItI.o, Attoriir,(.i l ull, i-uir, rr Htcr pi.bllo vU'cht, uIIlk-ivIiQ 111 11 tiitl i.i It'll Li f niljtilcT 1 'li.- i-ii l.l i-. roi'hul m vcUH tl, t.Mx ioi mM t'lt. Mrli n ml 110 hxl irom u U'imi,hiii; citutfintd.r w ill lc fm ml. l.j Mid- r of iKiiI Ji m tn. I . S. A. it-, (.'iiartenua-li r Hi-pai t- (iFOIMR n. OKMK. li-?. lt l eptuin ami A. 4 if, Ol I-K ', Dl.l'OT C'OMMISSAKY OK HUU oiHii.hii:, Wl Mil Ti'K.ll. ('. fleteber !4, IVt. riioi nsAi ,,i: ri.nt ii. Pist. d rr,,..:, u, .u.j.'ic ,t,. an inviu d until Novom- 1"T I m l'l i , l- i M , f..r mm lilnu da N,il, ,icn. c llfl iwrlmeiil wlUi 1 we 'I hnusHii.t (i"i) ll.irroU of H,.nr. 'I tiu ;,ii.j,.mi)U ii, ec i,,r wluvt 1. I.n.,.n n( (til. Ii-p.,l ai VOK. l,y una i, a, t,i i, ui, wm uv, eiiteila'Di-d lor any iiiyiu- tlll less llllin the ,elo. Itid- inn-i K In duplicate, and forcarh arado on sepsj-ato itirss, of i't.ur. 1 In ilelli.n ,.f tlio tti.i.r to mmmeiMe wlibln Ave dasa from ll,e ..jM'hln--el llirtlit.. and hi ,i,rh ,,iuiiiiik.,,rlailv, nh Hie (Kiveritiiieni tnay .tiii" ! ; d, iterr.-.J at ihe Civdnt uieiit tv nr. In,,,. i- in i ,i-orit,ii.wi, al tlio wbnrvoe or lrpi.t In Wa.hinjlon. It. I'. Tim lb liver v el all 1 lour nnaidM lobe coniiilutid wltbla tenl lav r' Ihr i.iieiiti:g of il.r Payment will he miiilo In .'eriiiteaie. of tnilnMedneiii, er meli ntli. r funds aa tlio (ioveruiutiiii may luve hirilu-biir-ement. 1huiuiainnv(-mnientliaiHS!tloBwillbemade luat be Hire Hit t trm Is rv i'lyl, ami none will be aei'vp'.sl whloH la .Hit Ireuli mound, anil made from wneal unmnd la lha sb lolly w.-viru maunfacluro,!, iinlo.. ot a sorr aaoorlije .jiultr. Tt l'U,r to bo d"lhvreH iu new oak hirrou, bead lined. Ani-atliof nneubwe mnat aeeompanv the bl.lof each Milder, wtio l.a list tl,e ail, en Hie in tine olll,-.., unit no Iml t HI hu rtnlenaimst Os,m nartiet who Itsvo tailed toci'i'ipl. vvlih Uiolr blua.or fruia lndd ra not pro aenl to irsaiond. iK.vis-ieuii.t rr-.n tlio rletit to ro)iet anv l.ld for any es.ifie. t,, ti ad. I. e. ,1 ,, ,J,U iin.t. rittiitid, at Xo. JJJ v. -ui-,, i-iiuoi.vvi , loi'i'Mii. ir I mil r. ft. (IliliBNt:, 10 Si-fit Captuln ami J. H V. OE IT C E CHIEF ClUAETEUMA.STER, (:iM lHs vvi.Ohin, iietotiiir 17. isi;. i ropnul. am Invlti'J In-tho iiniiiukm ii unlit Tl T.S TV, Nvvmi.tMir :4, nt 1-? o el.K-k M.,for tuv tiniuo-Umlt-delivery to this In partment ol AM1U I.AMCES Whiv Hiu Pnttrril. f-nipl. . or wiilili tujiv to seen ..I tlio lliivernnivlit Tb f peetion Var.l, earner ol Kiplitb und Kicciuan atrcnta.Cin cu nail, oiiiit. To .i) delivered ftcw of olifirvie. nt the V. B.ImipaeMnn 1 ant ui IIiIk rliy, ith the-tmini' of Urn i.nrly furnialiliu di.-flrietly ieiitl.(-d on ceoli Aiuliu'ne.o. I'arllas oilei'llis Al'ilitl'aueea .1:11.1 dlvtlni-lv .tn) In IticlrtMdKthe niiipbor Ih. y l-mintac to f,irntli', tfn nrlea, nil-1 Uuie of delivery, anil uiust iiuhrantrss Unit tt.e Aiiitm lunces si. all l.e, in urcrv )enpet. uiual to Anuy Huniliu:d, (illierwl.1-. tl i- propo: nt Hill net t,e eensiilcreil. A .narintw, sl.-n.d I'.r two rosnmlMe reraona. most ncrnmpHny each hid, aiiaranteoliiff that the tiittdor win enpi'ly Hi. Auitnilnnei-s nvtamod to blui under auj pisir losal. itirta will bo opened on TVK.iliAV. Novrmbor 1. lsT.I, at VJ ovirsk, Al., at lliia oiliee, nnd bliMers axe re- .!" -Ust lo be 1.1 i-.rnt . j Awaida will be ruede ou It'odneaday, KoTciubcr 1!, tuulu'a' rcl"iri'J,1"ltllio caatract wttlbe faltlilully Tclrcrnma rplstlmt tn, will not bo nollcod. I'.lanli fuii'ij oi prep, ul, toiitr.icl., and bonds may bo oMnlned ni this ortii-i'. '1 bo rli;bt to re-et any bid deemed nuroasouablc ia re.erveu, l nd..rao onvclene "rron-aals f,,r Anihul.n.i,B anil l.lrr. ' Colonel WlI.t.l AM V. MeKIX, ftl.lur . I,rlurm..t., -!. ..tib.M. FINANCIAL. gMlXXX & ltAJVMOJL.X'11, No. 10 S. THIUD STKEKT, llANKLlLS AND UKOKKItS. poclo, Stock i, rjnai (rmatUTt' Voocliere and f'hcrtvi , and all Govv-nimeiit S'S'iulUcs lloubt and Sold. iuI'U pxtJL;jic. ferriKKJi co., llANKKllirl, Ko. SO S. TIIITiD 8TREET, BIT AND BFLL O0LD, 6LLVi:il, AMD (jOVLBNMENT BECl!iUTIK9. B T O O JC S I'OL'CIIT AXfl SOI.D ox coroiimiox. 3-14 G OLD, OULU, QOIiB, SILVER AJfD DANK !NOTK3 WANTED. DE EAVEH & ERQ1TLEE, anl-tr Mo. SO 8. THIRD iTliliBT. u N I T K U W T A T U 8 7-:jo loan. Tue aecrivUry of live Treaetiry sfyee aolke it ink crtptlona will be recotved for Coupoa Tmasnry Hitos, pajrUilo tbroe yearn frotn Aiikbm li, He'll, wl'.U aoiul-aa-anal Uitere.t at tbu rule of auven aud ihrce-U'uiiia per eent. per annum, prjiclJ and iuleroit bulb to be pjlJ la lawful t.ouey. Ttie.e ni tc. will be eonvunlhie at tbe option of lb beWur, at maturity, hito tlx per eeui. told-heiirtni Umds, ij able not lo... Ilian n .e nor Di'ire than twtntyyoara from tholr dale, aa Die G,,ren.mcnt may eleet. They will be taiued tn deneirluatloiia or , ,IH), rlisji), and t'oiM, and ail aun.iilptiuiia rcu.t bo lor Ilfly doUaxa or ome aiuttlple of tlily dolUn. Ai the notee draw inleieet from Angnat l'i, poraem aialviiitt depeslta subs, r.ucnt to that .lain must pay the biteiiti aceri id fium dateef uctc te date of dopoalt. rfc.7n'T..svwir.t!!i: B.-' iu eo by Ihe Tfoasnrer ot tin Urtail Stuim, at TV'iiilnnstoii.tbo bcveral A-jluUnt TrsntLiti. aud doltnilc J Di pusltn.-leo, and b the riltKT NATIONAI. r.AXICOK rittLMU'.I.l'mA.PA., tlil'ONl) XK OF l'IIII,A!)KM"UI A, l'A., TIUKD NAIIOHAL TASK OF rilltiADri.lMttA, PA. I'Ol Ifl M A AJ IO.N AL BAXK Of rUlLAin'.U'UlA, PA., ryaUXallerinl Paui which aro depoil!arls of puMIc liucy;tnd !') 17-Ut AIL ItEsrCTAI.IE JIASKB AXB BAXKBrtS Tl roube-it tl.e oonntiy lsillidve fuittcr lfoiTarti&u aud avi'Oud i:vki;t facility t j sunwuinsM. QLAIUtHOiV eSc CO., DANK KltS, Ko. UT S. TIIIUD STKEET, rUILAHKLl'IllA. Coveraintnt Sccnrltlro of all Innee PnreliaiK and tat Sale, btjeki, tlen.Ia, uuilvlcld Uo'irfU and boldoaLom nilntien. lMLRCflT AXL0WEO OX DKr xsiTJ, ColletteniProniUTMiide. ft'5-lf 1 T i1 NEW 7-30 LOAN I J . O.,.rJptlon. rvocived, aud lb Ketut fkiliiel-ad ue oi all by ocour.E J. botti. llanKer. Ho. 18 S. TlllliO BirceL 10-il-la o IL fil'OCKS Ui UfcUaltUtt J a BOTT, Hrjr, 19 li 5 191 9.THXVV PROPOSALS. IMWirC'FAIiS ton Alt' 1lVI.sE, WKAITWff PArEtt To.T 0i i tr,' !) pAryvtr itr, I . ... tMtelMW tt, l,4. f "' .'iPt ''"r'' be reeairMat tnia ljmrtiMii 111.11 1 1 be ih 1 .,, i i,wtt,i r(,t l; J tl.xk.Oofu.fX 1' ..'V .."f HI';n l'ir and 1 ivuie tor tl.e o, of IU ;'',, V. i r",', " ' Ulieifd, rr earaasa, at -l..i,t..ii. . New ..rk !.. ai ii--.i, N-. r. Il-Ir. ! 1 '."""" of eai ai.Kle.aiirt th. Qn.lltr a.,Ts,l rf .i lr.-A at eaoh Ag,rl twl . ,.cino I I.STKICT No. I AT WISHIVOTOK D f. .a.tdO ItltAMS Ol1 WntVHM. rVi"R. JO r t .i. un m .ii., i.i m,il.rlal and qilaiity fuliw f- USI to tbl nncr In u.r In i,la ilepM-tiaenf, aiidtofl,ia ixiiind. to the letin.and ewe) le.ln tocieitaitl Mill, etui Ire. 1 V' ? " ' T k k t n i) or papk ir. to il ,. Vr r ""' 10 " r P01""1 R.DOC ri'ti.Mis Of Jt'TP.,oroheraeltahle Twlno, ! -.! . and lu ba!l. lo il.l. one pouai ,,,.'"' b ' ral ".i.t thrl. MMK) simih (), cause hkmP TWIVK, about enr .lahui of an Inch linli.uo.1., w-lltwiUid. tili'l !1."nr'f 11 JS '? ponnds 1'. I... , . 11 1 1 N0 NSW MMIK CITl". 1,000 li ",S ,; '' IS" I AfKK. VlmlUrto be I " '" t,,", fstlmntf. of IA.000 r,'.? T-,V.'r, t'V.r.W' - ai ;rt..7.V'M,i,K ""'eTwiNr-.ei-Bi- ".' i, Kta drvniption for U- l'l'ii:nt NO. s ni1 fi lm w v lo.oim jitAMK or iv,KlnV.f."rAPRKr;.,D1n,w uiri o V devcrlpiiiin f Dial 7.IIH0 i''i M'ss ' or cniitvif. ,IFW. TRnw- :,1:'i"1,i,H,;,."t 01 " "R'5-!,& I. 'Ii.f r the I'll iK ,(, n.'artainluir Tilikh bio will la lta priii ie uj naiiKa, be luosi ed.aniauooua te ibe Deparu If ihe M.trlets sbeiibl be reennstrni tort, or Inrrca.el la rnmb, r, or aev ot lln ni iiivoeiilliiuo.1, llie ertlele. ahaUkei iiciiv. r, o hi m. I. pin. ,, or plan., .. u i'o.iiuiuiier -lien-ral thull d. 'i. li ne, et pm rate riere. - And thf r.'-initi.lrr-li.n. nil re.orvre t- hint If Iba prlviir. e i : -ln or roilnelmr Ihe ouauillr of th arinie re.iilrnl, If it al.atl bol.nin.l ni,. ea-y to do .0. ratnrli - ol ne.l. ar.Mi-s n, ,rr imu furnlsaed can bw e n jl i ilher of tl.i- iil.,i o Aiieni l... Hinder', will ber.d .ami,!-, f ,U( , aitTk-i as UirT nra rsme lo lunil-b v 111. II., lr l.l, I. p ta. h bidder raii-t ftiR.ieh.wtth hi. pmpotale. esiarantM CM hi. aMh.y l.iconil .v mil, I, I. hid; aim a rertlncate fmiw ln iio.'i.rjd loMiiisner, that ,nrh euaranuira are credible) and r.luiMe clnaen,. tnuai ah,o aeomiipanv hi, p-opoata. 1 no .uflirii ni ai.rvllea will he ruimred te a contra n. I allur l, the nrtliln conlract. d lor promptly. or tli. .irnshl.,Kr.rarileleol an lni.nor .iiallty to th w! coinrai 'i d for. will he cs)r,.ldrred a ant'loicnt cauio for lb leisctiirtiiif tiic l ontrncl. mud. In accordance wlih tlieie propoeala wUI net ie ceintiiliTi'd. rropo-al. rhusi lie marked on the ent.ldeoftbeenTelepw vllh llie iiam. ot th. urtlele er articles prs.poaod for, an thr h llor cm, lulu Uia Hum rnlttro-Md ti, the alrrt Aj.lauut ru,lnialcr.ijiii-ial, Wu,tiUiloii, I) ( '. lO-Tf-nt W. HEXXISOX, ro-tmai.t'vr (icnera.1. CTMTKNCE OIT ICE.CMTED 8TATK8 No. y Boi'Tn flrnswr, I ,., B.riiiia,Sli...Ortoberit, isfii. ( tsesled t ropn.ala, In diihtknte, wdi be received at tboe unlll M At., on HaTL'KUaV, Octotsir!. 11 tur fin ni-hli'a the I'MWl iate. rliih.t.ienoe DeoArua jnu ili'llveie.l in Kalllmore. Maryland, with F l.OtXIIIAKUKLN KlliST (( AI.ITV NF.W KES Oi: 1'KI .11; aiE.s.s IDitK (whieb to bottaUKl), lo hi- full aaiied. jiil Un. Bi.jt.le full ho , pod eat. hsrrfls. vvhh two iron hoop., msat lo be in. irom mat er slain, and lo he repack. wiihlii Iblrlv- .lav. ol .1, lirory. To be dellv- . ered iu ten dnya lV",i dm., or contraet. Thro b irreoj ot 1'erh out d to pif ucutcd as a saniplcl uf the I'or' to be .leiiveiet, which will be re tained until th. deliver.- la mud.. 50,000 l'Ol fill.l.VhS Nt'llak -CliKEIlHAMS.pirtna lu aei-ur.ite allpa orwraepcr cover., and packa4 in Ham th nc Tn bs dpllvcred In lk .lava floiu dale of award. One tloree of Ham. must b. rrisenicd aa a sample of the llama to b di-llv.Ti'd,iDiliisoi.iiui.ct,whicb wiilberetaiaesl un'tl tho dellvpry Is made. 100,000 ron sum new winter amokki racow 1S11IKH, to lie put up ee' h niece In a erparate) ' alii, or wrmiper. To be packed in tinht tieroee. I,, he delivered ia ti a tlt) day. from Uu. data in e, ,ii, rai-.. 50,000 11)11 N OH OK PRIME RIO CPER,te be In aacks. To l dolivared In L a are bvca .l.te .ii vvard. 100,000 i oiM) iii.ui or ade isBovrx arnis.w tie packed in harroh. trke aaiopU-a to ho im. ha ) this oitica. fnjlj bend lined, and to be delivorea witidu ten djy.' from iljtr of award. .'10,000 (Ml.LO.NR OK 'i'HK HKBT I1HAMTT F rt Kb ViNP,UAIi, madu only from elder me l xhbkr: l.e from all foralun acid, or Inmrioee) , ai-h.-.tauces, and ot a unilortu atreiutlb. tn Vk'Maby Vinegar Inklnr 'M uralna bloartranaui ' ot fou.b to ncutrnllen one ounce tnvy th -l.'ldcp incfcar a near the anme arreiujtb aa niny tic i to he put np in hall' barrel, of il rsu Ion. capacliy to bo made of white osk. Ilka eaniple In he usin at till, office. Eaok d.llyerv 10 he aceotiipiinled wlui a cerlldca'o of a emn l.ilciit Uuil the Viueaar ia of Ut ri'.iitirisl atreniitb. (nc-ballo bo delivered ut ti n day., and llie wu,ic within twenty day Irom flti.e ot iiwanl. iOe a-jM A.VAIAKTIXK CAXDU'.S (I b 11 ounces to the r .und). llrand mint he men tloncd. Ihixna to he atrapped with lialit (reea hiekeiy alrapa. '! be dellvelcdUl tea dart from ttaleof Hward. . 50,000 l'.'IIMih C.MiU HAUDBltOtaTH SOAP.U b , t.yb .lllin.' ami onlr ito:n pood mati-rialf. tree from c', aolul.K mas-, or outer adulin-a lien, to iim t- no iinp4) aul odor, lo con lata net Biore th ,11 Ih.riy per oenl. of waier, ansi to lie well dried heiute belnit packed. Te be) i i mi. .'i'ii'IV''' '". V' ,l"" lrom iMV award. 10,000 I1H (Mark), tlld.ler. will .tea islam Uio yarlely i J' aa mil air a, eflOKa. pore. I'ciiaiijr, Ac, Un nlanlint aauipieat and aia.i alnto iho pi Ice per pennd at which th slll hnro It irroiind.putiiplu loiirounee iiepere. nud p.i.'hcd In lea cunlaiulnft twenty -dr iieiimi. of l oniwr. Tobodcbvwudlatenaay Irom dn'o'Df award. ' Actual tare reiinircd guuipleh most be lurnlahed of all the article, offered. Ni-par.itepnip.aia,iii.fiiMiraue,inuatlHinaderr eoeh i1lih eniimi.iied,uiid bid .iuis m.iy propo.e for the wholn it any nun of ench. I'mp..rua must he nude on blsuk forum. fiirnUhed at liila odlce. The cettltlcate aUaohed l Uie proaal must bo unued liy two is .pon.lhle paruea. h.i.pvi'ss el arm s en ami. , Ira uinat ba prepaid. or lk plnKi.J, nut not be cuid. red r ach bid mu.t have a .i inted cop) of this nilvcrtiaeiu.-nt pUd at lu head. and latial be aililr Iri c.imlIMiik wlih all tla term.. rroboaala uimt not he onck.aoily.ltti the Lo lc. iv en d e,i,,ic,aud cudurn a "I'ropo.alj fur iuit. tlBlence MtolTs." I ersoiia not havinc the preclvevarlety ot Btoret ahey deem,, d. but liayinu onlclee ot a atu.itar kind, are at l.l.crt to send in for aupplyiru Ihem. whlohwM r.ocDe altintlen accjullnK to pr.ea andadaptaUtfa to lk ' w ante of flic service In nil ea-.a not apecially eaoepte I' e it. Hi en must bo made at ihe time apecliled. In eae ol ftniuie. the t'uitc.t dtalea reservaa tae rihibtof dimv ci,n-e el., w here lo make no Lin, dun. i.iii-ri.j.r.,i.. adynuce paid over cvnu act price to Uiu party fafUiuj tm All atois-a will be earrfultv fnaneelnrt .nrf enmnM . the iclulned .nuiplca. Jieiurna ol welshla, auiaed ky titular puliiio wcitlitr, ixinal be forul.liod whenemr tC'iiilrtd. - Ccrtiiicatr. of Inap.etlon by proteaslonal peekeraarta- I'cciistii. other tbiiiithu party iu rnishinc the win be re.inucd Urmcae, eertiiyinii on Ihe pari m tn l iter then rr. arm Tishiy :u,d condition, end Uie Inuua. diately preceding- ina.cllen. 'I h. mrau will niao hexsamlned and posael nrvonew parlies lr.,111 thla oittceon the pari of ta. luited 8tala. Ceiilraclora uro expected i tmia their rrMd. witness x,ei'-e to i lu- t-nlted Sisrea until roynlred lorahlpracnu I'amciHatobe inu.le atlor the .1, livery ot the .tore, of fluid, uie on bau-i tt ooLc on band, ui'be ma4e aa eeoei a received. E.icb, or every mcndier of a firm orTiirini a pr. ' Pianl, niiiHt .s-omnany It hy an oath of allegiance to th ult.'d Miatoa tlov eminent, If he bua not already died oa In (Jus i.ilicii. In aihiiliuii ihereto a ceruilctt. wilt e rw , guued M-ttlnu terlh lltat the urtictea o'tered the (Vovera-n-eiit. iin.ler the above n.ti-erllheiiient, oilhi'r belony to lite) part, bidilliie, or arc lo be purchaacrl or recelyed hy that ui loyid uiilAcna for dviivwy u the t'nitud Siaiee Uoveror-iu.-lit, mils must be licii.le, and the number, mu.t be wrlctea as w. tl a . hV 11, 'TireS. AllbiUan.,1 i 'uuudylnu atrlctlvwitb the term, of adverti.ciuuit wi.i be rejected. i M 1 O.ipt ,dn a ltd C.S,, U.H.A. iOTOSALS l'OH LEIIHEU. t'lllKf Q AltrKRM 4HTItS'fl Omci, 9 Pr. ftT riK Wamiix.i , Wfcsiiinrfiiin.Oct, 17, IrkM HCMlt'll Pr.ilWflalsJ Will h rf-mslVaiJ At liii! fllHx aalaa HA'l u UU AY . Uctober Is., 4, Mt uVluck M., fur dottrtts w thu diui ui Luiniior 4 tut foUon iiig aiuunatv, kiattiw w 1f rriptiiiiu, it. " l.tV"','-!! i- ct l l or ! incli WMto lno oommon Cullliw. r-j.O H-rt-- l ur l.'e-Ui h rVb:i ttu mouuoi 0 ! I life. 1T0 (Vfl tvu ,-t or 1 lnL White Pin eomntoi OuIUkioc. I'v.i.i.vUtttMor 1 Inch iviifiieU tad qrvQWd tir irn O'.t'O u i iix4 nemlAok flcantllnf, If fteet ton. 'J 0 it ( K t IK nt tuck N'.'ii:jiu(, U fMt lout, '.'n'.M'n f.-t ,ixl Hi'initrjt ricnitrh'.J6 ivaioju. .'-wc.lfit-t :i4 Uctuhck Hcntltiitr, IN ftt Joiiic "j,mi ft it:i4 turoiork Hc4iiLin,, iW tot lomf, ) It'Cl IK'HllvK-al Jolit, 13 foot l!K j,.,r j . tW-i 'i 1 1 is.lL! tt jrk e? Jt, li Join. 'J'Wtwt fx'i lU'intrck ilof.t, I6Tt lotf. V' not fi ct Hoiiiloi k Joint. W raoL liio. 1,0 U 1 1 't tl)uii"ck Join, l'i tt-ui loiikf. I i'.,,ut I. tit ;. Iti ti'iix'. Ji iMi it itei luiif. u (i jfoi. 's? liiiii'"ct. J.'i-t, li. fi'i IfutA. MX irt:ix UrniK-k Jo'.nt. H IV-i-t tvnj. m nj itet-K HiM-iii-ck Jtni't, I'J it-ec kmg. '.v.'' ei :f an J 1 ' ilf uloi-k .foit, la A ot innir. i m .4 f -fi 6'J jiiid 1" il.'L.i:K'tk Jihi, i'u fi-et Iouj. ui (, et tlV. 1 lU Mr:n!"i'k Jcifll, Ii ftot ton;. l.B'wi,.-"!' Ni. 1 J. (ut h mi wnl W l: Vine tihiugU 1,V i),i" o Lest i u h i I ' Bttweil ceJur HtiUitiloi. l'i.t lWriliMeril;. I.fMi. , H,;ujUiel fthiiLjIi's ana UllH prc-i.i)iCclftrwIU to re- Cl'IIVlt. , . , i.i. is will bo recfltlvdl s?pratlr fi cl1 nmnti. iti mlm i-ci.iiJoJ.of itjr Uw iil iuuit A''! V '.t'lc nt. r9 dewrii'Pil t l vooA mortrhantfit-btt ln .i.r, mi !!-fi t Uie iiim--, lutycUtr 'PUi , UH t lit I art "i 'I' Ot'VCDiiALliU Ailoi t1 rt.iit-H. itti fit to be dti4iTerdtw?tiI4 tli rtv I A' Ircm dale ol txiiilfftit. I'tfjiit'i now t.tfotfil ari'A'i7 hw te ronni tei. An caili of ftHi ja-ieUioe lo Hie rnitwl jUU- G-VLfuuical aunt inH'i'irtpmiy tnt-h prc-ptifcjtit'ii. 'iiu'.'ii un ui tli. m!i! ex to nil tho eonlr&ot, sliotild H, Iks tiwiuv.ttl hiiii,niu-t b,! KUiiruiiUM'a by two riKl-, bit' iii-rMiiu. wliva fejiLtituicti luunt be aiptfuJui to lull ninio ft i id nont nTrfl a J lron uf civih lki,LVu ITllll no irnunj niiuvu in ui tituu)i. lioiitt in ii suni iril tu hall of t'ie amonnt of tht to hci, fctt-iifrt by Uhi coulra' tor aiui botii of b,l urtTitirsil. id be iv iuiiwU uf uo kUiA.viti.iui biilvlvr, uptm fiufcj ro Ccriiraci. Tbe aigl-.t to n-je.-f any or ull bU that raAj be Auaitt. t. iit-wli it niiTprt by li-.e !uoi 'iitfcrttnuusKr. l'rt laiist b Uiuiy uditrMMl on tii cT'A "rrt.puktil iuet Luiubt, 1 auU uadiuuvd to ih ituWi kJllCiL . i D. H. nBR, 1ATKNTED JULY 19, l. O 8 K P H ' M01T..T, tlTe tlu PMii., Tuc 4 and tt,urti on any kind oi rfrnf wihwU fcr "'j ;