The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 27, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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A txutr tmMfooM f.wspiteb.
TIirBSDAT, OCTOBKU 27, 18rtl.
people North and South have !n!!vrn'1
jo learn or discover from the upoochm of Mr.
jwfsusoN Dwii anil the Sontbcrn nott s
pupfrs, what wa thp character of tlio Yom
tuaad to whlrh General rr.TEit Oimtavi:
XorlA'TT BnAi-RF..jAKn hud been ulned
" It the Eebel Government. IVo have Iiail lo
wait for an explanation of tho mutter mill!
HOW, when we have his order assuming cotu
mand of the faMilltnry Division of thn We-a,"
frhlch Implies an Imitation O want's
military detail work, and a promotion lor
JJeAUBEOABp. Until recently ho cninmiiiitlnil
corps or a department, but now lin In to
command a military grand division, compre
hending corps tl'armee, armies, donurtni'.-nt",
and States.
Be does not supersede the "bloody but uu
guccessful noon." lie command all, Iih IikI
Jng the corps ofLloutenant-GenirHl Sn.iMi:x
Dbcatih Lfe, Alfki:i Pdmh.kiio;
Stiwabt, Napoleox Bovapabii: Fi.--best,
RicnARn Taylor, and poasibly I"i
WABO Kiriit Smith. Hi lurl-dietion cover
the States of Alttbnma, Georgia, UksHxipnl,
Tennesee, nod Ka.t LouHunn. Indceil, lie is
to the West what Lee Is to the supremo
director of tho military iwintlons.
He eays he must titko Atlanta from us an 1
firnst do other great things, tlut look to the
annihilation of poor General Suermw. If
re nodcrstaud the military sit nation In the
Southwest aright, it will prove no nuconiiiiou
problem for General Beatbko aki to solva
to get Iloousafely back to Macon In a relivit,
of nearly two hundred miles which he U no-,v
nuking through Alabama, closely followed
and continually harassed by General Sni.!;
MAX. BKArREGABD'M former miinngeiui nt
In the Southwest was not very succoMful, and
we doubt if his reappointment to cornmitnd
there will be fruitful of udvantage for tho
General Pmce has been roughly Unudlod
In Missouri by Bosecrans aud his captains,
and he Is now In full retreat South through
Arkansas and Texas. Pursuit Is kept up by
our forces, and it to hoped that Geueral
Plkabostos with his cavalry may mnl:n
some Important captures, and possibly uso up
the "C-ESAuof the South" before he re icIim a
place of safety again. General Stkklv'b
army lies In the valley through wltieh rmcn
Trill probably retreat: und as ho in n lighting
Geicral, we hope he may (.tumble, upon
"Sterling" and give Mm a stern strapplu;?.
General Sheridan Is reorp;iilziii'' his
army preparatory to making another move
ment. He will not be quietwent lone. Tlie
Government la making strenuous effort to
clean out the guerilla band of Moseiiy and
White, which still Infest the fastue.!.i!i of
Northern Virginia.
The capture of General Dri'ii-: and stall'
hy Moheby's outlaws Is a modi dUirrAoiifiil
act, and should be thoroughly Investigated.
It must have been tho result of carohwnew,
as was that of the capture, nouie time niueo, of
Brigadier-General Stotjoutox.
General Gratst Is still preparing bv hid
great movement, which, the Rebels acknow
ledge, will result In the fall of llicUmoud.
Some days may yet elnp?e. be lore the rr:itvl
conflict will be Inaugurated, but wo have
every reason to hope that its succh will be
commensurate with the gigantic preparation .
We regret to read the resignation of the
Honorable LTenby G. Srnnnrw, Member of
CoDgrwu from tho Fhv-t District of Jfuw Yol'i.
Mr. Stkdclvs was elected on a strictly party
platform ; and w hen both his nemo ol houor
and his patrlotLsm dictated that he. should
withhold his support of tlioso measure advo
cated by his pollticid Mends, hu dwliuea to
lonsrer hold a seat as representative of a parly
Whose principles ami actions caunot be sup
ported with honor, lie says : t
" My labors as vonr voprc.ientative, during t1i3
first fusion of tile 'rhlrty-eUhthCongro.-;s, woro
"Kiien to tUo surpurt of the Government.
I'Urounhoiit the cioa I invorcd a i,:'irou
' cuilon of the war. mull tho authority U
" the Government sbouUI t.n re estftMnlicd over
' every part of tlie I'niicd States. I favorc.1 ami
st'nt'rted the inoa'-nrc.-, introduced br tlioso
'who were empowered to conduct tl'o (invrru-
ment up to March 1, lSM.imJ who wero .icitiis
" In obeuK-ucc to their oiliclal oaths 'lo disejarflu
i .i.., .i.,. tn ii, i.est i.r th'iir uiiihtus.
ii 1 ill fcta.irill I WHS oltTKnCd tO the
"taklr.p of anv sttpit to a peace ealcult.:d to
" weaken the national muuorliy.or lliat roiiuired
" ncgotia Ions wuu men iu rtouiauii ug
M ... l.nH ili.un ilir ir
" i ara row convinced, though with nuiou
" vestret, end have now to acknowioue my evm.
.imkn thnt tn r.ll tlirne rcsnei'ts mv c moil '
" is, atiit would continno to be, diaiinnrnv-.J by a
hti'go majoriij wi iuubv iij wiut-w utv.
Having by bis refilgnntiun freed himself
from all piw-t obligations, he 1 ileU-rmhicd to
act as bis conscience and commou-sense dic
tates, and support the election or AntiAiiAM
LlMCLJf and Georce Wn.LtM Critxis,
the Itepubliean nominee in his dis'.fief. if;
says :
In tte future, all mv eilorts from the position
" of a privti'C i.iixcn will le iltrcctcd to Uie hit
" pi rt ol such iiLtn mid such uic.iiuriss m 1 shall
" cou.iiicr beet cl nlu'cd to Hivtatn the honor of
' nay ci-untry, to duvelop its utvarallcio-l r,
tourcts, and to i "l'etu ite tt bcue'e out iusti
tl tutiotio."
Mr. J-TtnuiNs U a man of great. cultivation
of mUid tiud litri flnauelul ability. Atnorg
the members of the Democratic p o ty i:t the
lat Congn-M he took the lend, aud nc-iv d
the votfcS of the XoiV Vork am! other drley i
tions for Speaker. Ai'ier h;uitig shown him
self a man of ability, lie has comjil ted his
Ctme by proving hutulf a niau of h-jiior :'.nd a
DEMBIL .Hf(l.i:i.l.lX T TAUK Till'
By a specliil despatch iu anolher colttm:i,
ft otn New Yolk, It U auiioiinc.Hd tltat. General
McClellAN is about tontump rcnnsylvuub..
He is evpocted to arrive hero ihW cvenia,',
and should by oil means bti present', d to hl'i
ardent worshippers at that classic sltrltie, t!ie
'Contiuental Theatre." Tho d . speialo pro-!
pects of the Democratic leaders have promo! !
this forlorn liojie against tho hnpn gu tble iu
trenchments of the friends of liou'.loio,
bumaiiity, and ths Government.
THE fcl UOli.MMi NLATO.'t.
It is related of, who made Athens
illustrious for literature, nrts.und nnn', dining
nearly half a century of power, v hid) he luuia
lalned by conciliating her flcklo popultuc,
that, being desired by one Mho was dear to
him to take an equivocal oath, iu a matter of
life and death, be refused, with this incmurnMu
answer: "It becomes me to stand by my
friends ; but only when the gods aUo are with
them." Such was the morality of a polished
heathen, who was not conspicuous fir austere
rlrttip, twenty-three hundred years ago.
It ( to bo recorded of a Senator of the
U&itcd SUlf 4a the piiicWcuOi Chrltha j
century, and at tho heljrht of the national
peril, when religion called on patriotism to
save Its country. In which was Included
(iod's vln'blc church, and alt the benefice co
of political progress; and patriot Urn Invoked
religion to purify the nation, thnt It might
merit a remission of Its agony, and a restora
tion to the favor of the Supreme, tint ho stood
forth, a bold, bad mm, to seduee thousauds
of his countrymen to the commission of
I!i'.vv.Knv Joiison, of Maryland, the sub
orner, has hitherto been Cunidered as that
ilHractlon In our earnest, patriotic politics,
a border State conservatlvc-Vnlotiist, Imbued
With protilaveiy prejudices and nltachment.s
Mr, Secretary Sf.w.VislMlef patched Mm, It will
be renuinltercd, bs a special envoy to Now
Orleans, to release a largo nmouut of specie
which had been seized In (ranii'u to Prance
by Maior-Genetnl IJt"i i.':i:, who detained and
claimed It as Hebcl property, which it pro-
liibly was. After the Hccoinplishmcitt of this
mnnctpry surrender the plenipotent'ary re
tumcd, und took h".s seat In the Federal
Senate, when1, sometimes nebulous among
tbe stars in l'ne-sptin constitutional construc
tions, and tunnel irnes a rigorous political ne
cessitarian, he has oscillated between easy and
emphatic Unionism.
Sent. lor JujiNsoN is Accounted an aeuli?
lawyer, and may deserve a purely
reputation: but for knowledge and intellectual
excellence, beyond the palo of his profession,
he is not distinguished. Upon the whole,
while he la not of the first rank, ho Is a man
I of ability mu! artifice, and "the very wise, or
the veiy foolish do little harm." It may be
added that oppression has always Ibund In the
mere lawyer its most serviceable apologist and
Instrument, whether it has been a! tempted by
a king of the hotu:c of .Siir.vuT, or that
wretched American Prosideut whose namo
will descend to posterity associated wit h t hose
historical Infamies , the Ovtend Manifesto and
the Leeompton Constitution.
Let us consider, for a moment., tho moral
attitude of this Senator, who has been luJus
trious in evil, although Impotent to secure lis
bucccss. Ho has recommended to a multitude
of people the taking of f ilse oaths, that they
might thereby obtain a political advantage;
and has assured thein that they would escape
the consequences of perjury in the courts of
Maryland. And tills, it appears, Is aequltlance
in tlie eyes of the suborner; for it is not Mip
posable that even bis presumption is equal to
an oiler of absolution for a breach of the
"superior law." Yet pel jury Is not only u
statutory offense, but !t is mulum In sc a vio
lation of the law of God, utterly nnjustlrtablo
to the Christian In any und every situation.
Deplorable, Indeed, would bo the conse
quence if It were not bo, both to individuals
and societies. An oi'th Is the public solemni
zation of that conlMoneo w hich Is the commit
of civilization. The man who, without com
pulsion, takes It lalsely to siib'rve the end of
covetousness or creed, takes iu vain to advance
his iietty occasions the awful nama of hi
Creator. And far worse is he a greater
criminal who undertakes tojustily the wrong
on principle. No casuistry, though it dropped
froni the pen as Bkt.ial's tongue "dropped
manna," can befog the reasou and conscience
of a good man In the solntiou of this question.
The early Christians might have apostatized
to this Senator's entire satisfaction by burning
a little InccnhC to the pagan gods with a men
tal reservation ; but they preferred, to be hewn
with the sword aud torn to pieces by wild
And what a tell and fraudulent, BVitt.iiu is
that to uphold which this devil's wickedness
has been aligned I Ayl evou in Maryland,
where, slavery, It has been said, was shorn of
its rigors, what a record of despotic. Infamy
(ices it present! The ten years' imprison
ment of the preacher (iitN'tN foy the oflonse.
ofreaiilngnbookwhli'h delighted thn civilized
world, iVom tlie ilus iian steppes to the placers
of Calilbrniu; the cruel wrong tmllored by
Maktiia A:n" Vnicirr aud her chil.lren,
soied by the villain Bi'Lr.iiN; tho gross out
rages upon Jamkh L. Ilowr.Jts, of ICent, au
upright nut'-slavery liirmer of proporty, win
was finally driven from the Slate, with the.
itvowed approval of such men tvi Ikkkiui.; und oil the
" blood
Of human Bai rilicc and parcuts' ten's."
And idler all, de.'.pUe the. snUuic efforts of
the past, despite tho chicanery of tho future,
rltwery is forever uiioiished in Maryland.
Thank God ! the crisis i come, and tlie black
One word, In conclu.-i.iii, to the poor putH
foggc.15 who would Htrangle the Infant Irco
dum in Ho FWitdilling clothes. You havo
lived in n M-ml-tlme of ideas, and In yoor
teehniciil Helt-sulUcicncy ill tie thought of ti
hnrvest of bayonets! 'J'he dij U comts when
Sfttrilltiitit iiuuil kru;) Mi'ii vHi. In'i- h'.hIio- cuiw
ir.oiiii'ei''f,; fo the ei'c of e.h'd't .illhjiXKli l
!.',i.iiii',l;r, umhe v-Vlhc. l.'o 'ilrn itmlrr fool
tlu i,).
viir.i, ,oi' fr.i-:."
The. gret Mrcitment adduced by th i
P'-mui'i jut: party in favor of I ho election of
their nniliilal.i'b t, that Iiiimeilia'fly upiu
itu Ii a loii-niuiii.ttion their "cniiiir brntiircu"
will lelui n to tlie how ,i 'hoid. iiiel ). .u. ' and
I'nion once mote bless, our buid. V, e , ill
not ili;i.ns vhhli ultei'iiati'.u War or a
"pub lieil-ittf puci; is prefiiable; bu; if it.
can be proved that the election of Mi'tff.rr.
i, x aiel I'l xo.i'i'-n will not hasten the
n stomtiuii ol'j i.ace nnd I'l.i iii, lint will rather
ri-tard huch a iw.ttlt, o will reuiovo the great
claitiis of tin- l;.:ii,iM i',ii y to the vines of that
portion ('" Ih'-ir p.-.riy who are loyal to tho
Con-tilution, au 1 ill -ire the f.'iiiou cl every
hi' .ird.
The h.tid cry ilia'. -Tiiii-u U th ono condi
lion of pi -act." has had a wouihii'lul eihi't 01.1
that pari of our co; iiiiniiliv who hold neaco
dciiri r than piim .pk tho form of Union
more, valuable than U. e stib.,tance.
'in Hi0, as. uri'.'.ioe of the,-:e men, th-y b-llevo
that imuieiiiateiy ou til.) siieeess of the IXmio
cra'ic pmly the Sutiili will lay thi.'ir
eiiii". and iviiirn lo tlie I'lIoii. Tiiis, they e.ty,
will l,e d. me by the of own freo
will, mid inu5. therefore be done through
i i lier tic Coiifedi into or !ato aujiorily,
y.i: Ji M Mt-ov Davis the Confi der.tto
Executive, di tun il.v iitu'i d to Col. jAgi i:i
ei.d Mr. ( ilmoi;!', (htciiig tin !r viif to him a
few months Mnce, (in i'it;b'c io ctrjui)i
ft iii it. would the j return to a union iriUt thn
JToi'Vi, Und Ki'ti "Unit iitdepinutnve tiiu
one eoiuHiton f;' ' itet suulhucnt equally
icr-e uoil more lemest than JIcC'i.Kr.i.AN's)
declaration, that Union Id the one condil,io:i
of peace.'' lleuco all hope tf the promised
cMisuuiomtiou, kQ far m the Co:if.'il'-rdtc au
thority is concerned, Is annihilated. "Dut,"
Kay our Democratic friemhi, ''the Stn'o, as
" independent govereignties, uru dusirou of
returning, mid one by oue they will detach
u thcmisclves lrom the Davis Government, and
" return under the old flag." Dut there aro
two weighty reasons w hich would prevent (tuy
such fin action on their part:
tlr.4. nintirhile a State UvrfiiT lh con-
trot of Vtf f 'oti' ihrtilt Hi rtuVs, (hri tnoit'.f
nof nIVrte 11 to tratr the Vavli (JorcrnmenU
The first lean who would propose such an
a lion would, like, those who oppo.ied sores-
slon, lm hung up to tho iicare-l tree. So that
in onlera.staff should return. It Is .lecessary to
free it from Itebel rule; to free it from '
liebel rule, our am ies must have It un- j
iler their control, and to do tlil t they must
fight; and how can they light wueu an arinlj- !
iccwlthtraBtUem from Southern soil? Aud
then, renditions believer iu nn Immediate
re-t'irstiou of the Union without war, wh -re
will your chrr'shed pltns be found?
We have laid flown u simple syll ii?i,:m ; It
needs no logicul cdtii allon lo see Its truth.
We lay down simple propositions, tin 1 d.-aw n
plain coiultision; let the Ajr. point out a
Ihllacy If It can I
frvcoiiilly. Thv ullr r,f th" srcci1-'l
Slniv.i ilo not ft' nlrc to rrfi-rii to IhD Uu'xm if
thiy covlt.
Only yesterday we received the manifesto
ol the Governor of nil the Itebel ,''.tatcs,which
concludes with these determined words:
"M'c dcm It not In ipp opri ito to dcrhiroour
" firm aiel unalti raolc piirjv.c, ns wo believe it
" lo be tint (.1 ottr fellow -ciiicun, to maintain
" Mir right of sclf-goveriniient, to cstuhlisli our
" ii ili pciult -nee, anil lo uphuld the riRlits and
" Mivrrti.ct t of the (states, or to pvriali in llio
" hi ton .j t."
Alter reading such words n these, It. is
needless to discuss the question further. The
election of General MoCi.l.l.l.AN would not
and could not hasten the restoration of thn
Union; and whatever maybe hh personal
desires, II cannot be done.
XX v ask tho.-,e member- of the Democratic
party who act Iroin conscientious motives, to
think over these matters, nnd reeom ider their
determination before they poll their vote in
n.r AHSF.SMI l.
I,( t every Union man throughout our State
gel assessed. The Doard for that purpose
meets to-day and to-inorrow. The foes of tho
Government are active on election day, and
may prevent your voting. In order to escape
nil dilllculty, got assessed.
i n it i.Asr oir it at ii wo.
A grand und nolemn convocation of the
Goveruor.s of Virginia, North Cnrollun, South
Oarollua, (icorgin, Alabama, nnd Mississippi
was held In Augusta, Ga., on the 17th instant.
Jt was the point farthest nway from the sound
of Yankee cotinon or the dropping of Yuukeo
chells; nnd, consenuptitly, the lilchmond
pspcin asMiic us that the council was harmo
nious nnd peaceful In its interchange of
thought on public policy uud the public
ThU gut.horing of Kohel Governors is blg
nitli tint, when we take into consideration the
resolutions which they adopted, and which fire
now published to the world. It, would be
nbburd to s.upposi! that these distinguished
representatives of Jsoutheru chivalry would
acknowledge, in no many plain words, that the
'"Confederacy" was In nn exceedingly bad
dilemma n very close, corner, tit b:;st.
The first " resolicd" boldly announces
'"that there Ik nothing in tho prusent aspt?ct
of nirairs to caiLso any abatement of our real
in tho prosecution of 1'iu war to the accom-plii-hmctit
of a pence based on tho independ
ence i,f tlui Confederate State:.."
Dut l,to glvo encouragement" to their "ijol in tho Held," it Is deemed wise to use
every exertion to luereaKO tho ert'ectlvo force
of the armiei. Then comes another resolu
tion, calling upou tbe Itlchmond authorities to
" oend to the Ui.ld every nblu-bodied man.
" without ei ei'tion, in any of thn Govern
" incut dep;;rluient.s, whole place can be filled
" by di.stdilod Holdlers, nenior ivsci'ves. or
" j'fi.'oco-." Now this looks like do tperatiou.
When il comes to so clo.-e a Doiut as the
wiMitli av.iil of the gallant, young Southern
geiitlcuien who have all along considered
themselves ."ale from Yankee bullets aud
bjiyom trf in the Kiehmonil departments, aud
the. putting of their precious bodies In that,
fore front of battle deseribedjby Geoiiof! II.
Pknw.kton, then truly does li look as if the
"C'onCdoracy" was toileting to its fall. No
doubt these Uichmond clerks will think po;
nnd, peiadvcnlure, they may indignantly sug
gest that the nix Governor, no
ono of whom now rules over half his origiual
territory, i-should themselves go to the front. It
is a kind piece of advice to Juri'KKsojj
D.i 'i-, and one by which he tuiy prollt.
Dut. the floveniors do not flop here, bill
ct iitiime their sage counsel to t!ie Hichmoiid
power , urging Hie calling iu "'of all jirovost
and potguardd.' iiavo, ol coitice., hi largo cities
or liuporhiut. towns and localiticu say, for I
instance, the bevoral points at which these j
several Goornoi'n resitlc. Here tigaiu is tt j
conti hAw of weakness entirely unexpected; i
but tliis i.-, a libit which Da is "a HI h tidly bo
able to pee.
Tho' Trovn-t guar is noc"sary to pick
up tiiocc ''inuiimeraoh.' desui-t'Ti,' of whom h
! dpoakr so ilLspondlni'ly on his Southern
)otirney ; tittd to wiibilraw ll throughout the
; tionth w O'lld be to encourage ba'f the nvmy
i to dent rt.
The u"it I'l siolnlion urge the (iovernmcnt
and the Wtutcs to enact nt 'tugent Iam
rcL'tirftinr' deserters und si rainier j. ,vo that !
, ,
tlicy may pe speeuiiy n lurueu in mc
armies in tiie Held; but how in the D.inie.
... .,. ... ... .,. ,
Ul loioiiioo-ni us.- mr ii.-it ii, ui: ihiomuju
and ret ui ned lo their commands', if all the
provo-t guard is illtdi'.iw a IVonuln' country?
Do they cipeet to employ o'd un.n, erijiph-s, (
. invalids, auil women and thil hii to perform
I provor.1 thity ? i'orliaps 40. These tioveinoii
' uve like. Joi:'h iHiuiiselIi:r.i-
fhey ii'jith'.T give
!, pi'J'y nl tuhii e,'ii.r do they nlibrd
J tint "fonli-di-ree' any kim.-oiii! amwit of
Cotl'lorl. Tin; truth b", thoy d.- all b.i 'iy
1 sx'i'i'eil, and their wits arc wnol-gaiheiin
Ctiiieeriiing their nhn es tlu y bc'.r.iy unu aial
Hoiieitutle. 'J'htiy Mil to liO sent lurther back
hi tito iSoutli lier.rer to that "last ditch,"
wliosi! gaping mouth altviniy yawna in this
1'i.ce of the Kebcllioti. To la uie tlie safe. re,.
Diov d of the slaves, the Government ii a.-k vl
to ny.'Ui their nia'tor in th'.s benevolent
incvi mi nt ; mhI the poor negro, who is tlueat.
ci:u! with liberty by ilie npproaeh ofth.i Union
ft iics, i, to be hustled away into tho iuo lioi
of tl.oae Mates whoeo borders ere already in pi'-ses' ion.
Dut if thf.'Ught propi r and tho.-o Govern ,r.
tliiiik it hi.'lily proper sui h poilloti of ih'.e.
11 . iccii us may lie rciiiii'i:il arc tendered to
the iscrv'h 0 of tho Kcbel Governiiieiit. What
do our Northern t'oppcrhcids think of thutt
Doea it bhoek their of humanity and
propriety ? rrobitbly, rjuitu probably, It doas
niil. We shall tee, whth.r thU I Jca of arm
ing negroes will be adop'.ed, although we aro
Inclined to the opinion that D.vvm has too
much regard for his person.d safety to put a
knife Into hands which wo'ild cut liU owu
Taking Ihc whole question of tli's gnlioriia
torlHl council into view, wo draw thin inter,
ence from it action: That ill member tc.ol
their can to ls on th verge of rain. To
make a Ivt and fltvd i tent ' It' bel'Slf, they
met to advi-e I is he should do In the
exigency w hlrh bad i-lcri ; but. t!u ir sugges-
tiotis w ill pass unheeded, siree, in thcuisi Ives,
they are Impossibilities, arid i.ot at all fi a.-, b'e.
The "last ditch" Is N fo:fl thi tn. Mid the
t-oener these Kebel ;overnorii make up their
niinds to be. prepurod for ti" fearful luiif,-'",
the better. As Mire as doom, they w ill be
forced to make It, and imthlag thcyt.m do
will pn-vent Its occurretice. I,et tliii Nrii'h
ttke fresh encoiiragetuciit from the a tion and
al crm of these Governoi.i. Tue bii 'l.t. d ,y is
at baud when the Jicb-Uioii shall cud.
rwiT-riitu f.-im ti-'- ii '!"Mt . iv i:-,.
( o. W . M i.' l'Milil.n. si ll.i- l,sr ,no .r.. Ili-e,i . r I,
(r!, Mr. lUMi u Kon ,M -f VV.t.
A. I II .M.I V, ol (!i r,o:m.oii
Allltt ill . fin the I'vniinc ol llir "111. In ,'nnl ,
l.i , I , .1 , v. Ill i-t W l!""i Al'l.'itt Mel il.eiuh. I'nl Vll
limn It. l.i'Vt'. hi ihf lil y.-Hi-nt lur me-.
'I lir rrhitlTi.-i Anil Iri- of", oi tin-f.inillv oil. l-.vlti 1 to
stli nil llir line r.,1, 'loin Mm' !' -.1":i - if ln l IcM.-mul.
c. ii. , I iiih . it. i t t.n 'li c:ii' tn.'ri.ini '1 !i h: r.,
Mil nVl.Tk. rllli'-ill lurl In r li' III i'. lo pro.iril til
mitli I. min i nil.
HI I Mil K -siiICotiIv (iill.i :V, Irnti il,.l.i.s: Ml
li. IU I.I.Oi K . In It" i til . ' si' ' I In. .
'Ill fiiw' Iri, i 1 -.r, rt.' i ..lii'l- i"vltfil tr,
o!ti nil tin. iiiurral iltli"ii1 r;iril-r m,i.' , In, in rii'' ri,l
iliiii'i-iil t. lirut'ii'i-. No. t.ri'ui "hi M . nil I rnl,. ,
anii in.',,.., hi in o'c l".k.
COSI'I l.,T.-(ir llif 'i't!i lie ti nt. i.l r.,n-nnc,,tien
Alii I, I OK V.. di'iditir ol rl i: lii p t". nnd I 'stii
Co-l-'lill, n' filvl vi'.'ir- n n.l 7 liionlli..
I lip rr lni,vi i-nil n t,. ml. i-l Hi- In nlly pre r 'pi'rt!iillv
lie Id-il i, nil, , , t!.i-l,.iii nil. leii'i Hi" n -'-'li " in r
'Hn nu, f. I'ln I inn nwM, on HiaiUMtu, 1tc ",i,i
ll'-lniit, at i 1,'t-iot'K. 'I'd iifoi.-'iVi lot. iuiM ili.l O ie.'
i, ri .
A )l 1
i wilt, oi rr.rt vr
li In T I il 11 H T O V K h
at f OltTl' i:st.
(,' lMi't'iii Anox.
UVi.ttitiOet TO W. B. CAIUlfL,
No. 719 OETSHUT Btreat.
("N... 14 and 10 8. bEVf'.NTH Htroet,
JUiiofiHun'ri of
COTT AO 13 l1' 1 1 KNIT 1 1 lili,
And tlioonly retl il1 lundc In UiU city.
AUo, ICd'iij lin rarnlturc ud Ittdilriix, rrmiUntl
cnhanl. U-lii-iuUis-um
ntirirnliiw In tolhluj,;.
ll.irr.llis in ( letlilng.
r.iii''iiin tn t'lolhins'
naitj.iil.s ill itutMli.
1 flltlNVri.l.h BlIIKK' Oil 8tnlul.
Ay I IllANl II i.k Mloi,i..s' Old Hliifl'l.
At tl:; imi! l.i: Si',Kr -' 0 ' StiiMil.
At tin am ii 1,1. SroKi.N' old sjlund.
Nn. W. f 'hrunnt atrett,
No. mill (Mivinul ntniit.
Nn. M'll t'hnnnt lllt'c-t.
iin. W.i t'llvhnot ntrcft.
Jours' 4'lotlilni;, S. i:. Cor. Heventli anil
JUNKS' ('loihtn.'f. R. K. corner Sovcnlh mid Mirknt.
,o K.S' t'lolliinir. N. K corner syi iilli hoi! A,,:ri.itl.
.loNl.S' IMntlilitir, h. K. cor-mr .Suv. nOi r.nii M nk-t.
.lOM'K ( lot tin ,s. IC. rorfn,r M vioul, mm M,e-ki'i.
.lOSKS't'lutl'llii,-, S. I,, i-ornor Snwutli aiol ViirR,-!.
.lOSLS'tMofMny. H I'.. I-.H'IH'I Scv.-njl mill M liki-t.
.'.iiM-.S'l lotf.lni;, H K. Koii- itli mid 't'.iinv.t.
.11 .Nl:S' riotl.itn,', H. K. I'ornrT Sovi'liOl 'lil Mrliof.
JOSKH' I'lotl...., S. K. c iruiT Sim , si ti mill ilarsrl.
,1HNI'.S' f loltilin. M. I . coriKT Hi-i tiilli uli.l
JIIM h'i: olhlnr, S. K. tiirm-r Hovi'iilli ninl Murkot.
.tnsi.'.s' CIoi'iiiu. H. I', ci.rti.ii-.Sfvi-nlh lent Mm-hiit.
.If 'M-..V Cliilllltv, S. K.i' io.i 1' Sni iill. mill M-nKot.
.WlNl'.S' ClottiloK, S. I-'., i-orni r Ki.vo.lOl unit Mlliki't.
.1iiM:H' ClntliliiH, kt. K. coi tii-i Hi vtii'.h ant Morknt.
.MINKS t'lntli'liif, . K. i.-rin 'Hi-i-nih iin'l Marki t.
.I'iNi.K CloU.ilu'. S. r. coriliT Si'M'litli ninl Hnil-I.
.lONtS'Cl itliln;:, rt. li. i' iinor .S'.'miiUi unit Market.
SmoUfitl nnl lU'inl Mwitit.
Mi'Mil'i,. Oavi.i iV tin ,i..:i,,
Arrlt and I'nnlii MrCi'fl,
iJiivc jtmt rwoifil ii lri't,ti 8111'i'ijr nf
l.iu: Al.i it in,
1J);ii e l.K r, li nu
A, . 'no. TiiMjI'l.-.
A.lui'lha dutvt cl liui;.
Rurtcliir Afiirin 'I'clcamnti -TSie Fn'1
r iien-iti .1 tine i tnivii site ci'iicu
In illIC Hu- -i.-oiicv of iIiut iln
fili'.o dwell inn n-r Dili city and
I . g itl'ilty. tl in tfi .i UiJ hy
f'S&d'h, ut'V.ilM- Hnno.i. ot'.t'i t!Li;.-ri..M
r4 'Vi-i.T r -n!v th? lr nn not vnr.,1'! i,.t !i
!i,,JW.,W-- .;j..w,u ,l.,.r li. ;Ul Dii,vHf..r. It
l, "l f" ' Is lllt.fMliu. I i li"tlt ii:ifi i:i;- thtf
Iioiiw tn on. leimr. .V loirylrtr nin.t
ff ! i Tripll to yntlf rriom ; lie rMlinet ll'. 'ml it. I n l. yo.iv.'
ni.i rleiic Hi New lo:l, It Ji iMiot llnleit II It W 'in nl
,l','l In ir(iu:et, tun nltil il iloiil,' , the v, .ti-loW!, 1111 1 duol i of
your liuiuc, II cu be itone, c:.i ll 'iml ie It .
JOIIa . ill l!l'f'.V,
i.. M IIULSM. 1 rtlicl.
VlniiONt Piitn.'i! CfO'H ! It A h O N i tt,r;K.HB BUOS
i ai;i- i-r
,t. 1. tintoai,
Sevnulh ftud Cl, .-4imt sliuoln.
'I e itl .1. t. in (, t'J tiol'licr i1. o t in, oo. ii lYoniil.'d iii tiifUc
j r r, i.n i,v. son. d nu km, i. j a Ci.-His
i ,u
!! HOt TV Ami) IHt'K V
) Wi!i,n i, I nllico,, M;li. i. eia . ul ' tll.i. tan ln.'O
ii .lu ' r i.ei u Kin- u iu uie s. r, nn.
t ; 1-KNKIliJj A 1 r.Mt
, Ti
t' nl n,.vii. M "u- r n,n ti.Miart
H. 'lUti 11, HI' I .MaTIU , Y. ml loiVt- ll.i-il 111 ll
ri(i: jtovi v. it u s i'v, A ..,
P'- H e lic'rn oi M il n-ii I Ha-eii-i
'I lll:''i: l l.AI MM, miJ all . :l.i rf ,i .,nl Hi '.,,., ui iiliie,.t, lio:ni,ti.v .n ;.. e l
ilJle.'!, or ilt'ii'v ti'-
(,T'.(I C: W. Ft H)), I 1 .'ii. '."rit,
11 y Ira 1 Oi E bTI'.r.f'i'. ...1:1 a., r b. iniv I Le I.
4 ( A J;Tl. ItJ'.I.UII I H I'll, I'liOPKIK-
u 'M'l.S (I'-' tl.MUM, I'.Iim; IMCeK AJ(I
Ins,,, I'm ,H, No. nl i M K ' It I i' si lll.i'.l', -I
i.'s'l I J ,;NI U, I 1'O.sf I H'l ll ':, I MM, Dr I ''III A,
I'A.- 1 eiiii, I, t. v i.m ilium nl il"' ii'iiiu'.' (,'-s. to 1 1' li-10 -
Ji l")lll IMtllllife ,1'Ml 'i'l 1, l, III'-!,' ll"li"..r Ill.-UlkH lol'
l.l.lltl 1011.11,11.1111.11' 1.1. ..t t -1M I 1 1 I IK .1,." I'l i I'lllil
r i- l.i ni, to ii.i I .nil '"nrili r .,''111 i". 1 t Hod '1.1 ir i . 11:10:
l,i: I I M I'. 11 , I n.!i lii'l, ' til Uielil t ' Is ,,ll.l'i'l"il -ii.iJf.ort
'".'.!; iniio.-j Ii.e ",ciu 1 ,u ,i:l 0. I i.J ' .,': iid
V ' 'till. ' t-i 17 iil
CN"i( I" - r:gfcTnr n,-
Al t ll.lll 'AM J-' I'i'MiS 101!
i-Al i;.
: r l?:i"
ft' p w 1 'fi'i
C '.j C ln-Dtls, 4 1
JI .. tt .
-I It.-,'' ,
t .1, ii'iJ M.t-
r t) nn! ii.-- J'r.n jttt . 'ill. irih ics ui 'iiirvitcu u'
...! ll"- .J- C S ;.(f.
t (11 .v 1 in ei'inii i fi it. it r d ('tin h' vl1 '-ii tip-It.-ti
il I tt 1Ik i lie t .'iii .', -i
ui )(.'!( Miaa.
h Xi.y.'i Urr.l.( VM. KKMI! K, Vrmhiiror.
II. T11K ti-Urr oY'uMMN n.tlASFOft
1 ii- 'uy tuid ir. u .,f riji'tii t a. M. i'liU i:,'.v hf.r ium lr?cn1, Ac, VI.
u h. 1 i.m i, r. i"i;iri;. i.l i" , o..;. m t'nv n'.
I1-; Sir !i(-ar-ti in-tict t r) tum uaj m n iui by tho
o urt to show vnu u Mii 11 cituK'u a i uui' " t mritiiouJ
! 'ni:d tn t, utnAtU m m ni-uvo cue, jy.juirn.tMtf ' ii
bl unt. :y,u t 'itii oi -,( m'' r, if nl M) u". I'tcK, A.M.
wtiis, it. OtCJCIK 11. VAN..iNrt
d il-tiur i-r i.i)j-Uii.Mt.
Tn)l.i MAifi K. Pnioi , F'.'ftvonil- nr. lo-.'v ijiimi
jfn l)lnnon.1, Wt'lie., Jierj riM,
K ll.lliK. Ac l
jll'il) A tlO.'H
,,ii, iitiiii iii:ii i, oi-ci-e,
C.,or a IlillilJ mnl OASKII.L btr.oti,
litioW li'.lill, Hid.
iiirf in wann-l im is: rc 10 iin.'l iimimpm of Mi or
Hi nfinl Sbrrl i,u 'it C'Muwiil.
Ihf 1 np l'lli!ctiC' or te Oftir r., llr.J V fi Bplin.M
firiill!cii phi i' 6 li tl y till. I'tTn. e rtiila CftVrtlri In (t
tii id. ifrultt llil n m nt ili 'lmto Levi urut ti i ctf.'ani
orC'ft'r; I .'ii.-'htr , 1c -I : tn r-fiiJ-l.
Atb OOl I'UMKKN'f t il l kOtMleS I'tlll.
Arpb '
le " 1 f No. fi. !, ;ct KTf:l CT.
Oi l It I. SWAlAIM 1 M.l.S COAL
'Il,'l,l' , JV.l S ft
H' l .
il .. HI''-
' l. lit H Ml
,!i,.! UK1".'
1 I f- l.-sn! cf tie,-, t h v
ir i, ! ol I n I', i.m rri: i k - r.
Oi C' I ilnill, IO III! I .t 1. 1 O: .!
tl ,!lM " Ml.ol, 'i ... of S::ilr '.
I l.i- 'I mrsiu l.o .1 i, .'.CI lie I
:!t in.h.iit
. ni't
i.t i ol
KI-.1 Ir I'll- 1 '!' to tli
I, I HI, ll'll I ,
Tre .
( o - r a i: tn v. u s n i v.-w sui'i yds
y lie M in k.
iii 1 . lull .'! i ' 'ilil
I il In . 'in , li,;)..
. Hi. -l; fl.iv r.
il U i
In hlr 'tl I'l,
, ,1 I
II lllill.
h in
in h.,;i., i,- t, . -'
tt;, .1' ot :l i urin v I',
I.l' I r-in-i! .'. H IV,
I I i1- X. Kit IN I .1 !i" i,
I i ! .-
O- M l
i :l. I
, 1 l.i'l. O. I
city o:;iHNAcrs.
1 v s o
S () Ii , T 1 O N
it I'l ll.l'rt till
IliWtl t-i ,,tnn
;ll I Irilin IUl'4, 111'
I lour ht.i,,!, , 1
1 11 "1 - -l, O-W-i'
1' ) ii vp' vm t ut-iirMrv i l.A lf. 1
C 1 l-i .11 r 1 hi 4n. ii- - i ( It ,1 n-.v "i
1 ' ii- in, liit j.ri'vt : f j.t il.M'H iff 11
( lit) fl.iiinr b -l ; 1 1" 'l V. Ji 1' ( I ""
t' till i ll.-
' 1 li lnii' l 1-1.1, tl c 1 I."'' iii'i'' In fitvi.roi im- it i'.ft mi
' 1 I .11 i' lrflinnii' li'vti;; 1 1 , ' tli" I (i llity (irift) t jr Vurl
I A-o i.ut -ns h lu-i j iinn In - it l" i.imii..t ( n..i'.
I ...Mile :
Aim) v) i i ." 1, J! Is ( I rirlvp-tr er) ft I (.0 t U U p- ni
t'M ot'n t. fiiii In plhc't u ilrafliln', it. atipi'U tfi'-.)-ilf-
h tv ,i"tit1 (i-r "in ir in . mnl n hotHi' "I l'"iii liifi-tin-'l
(i-K'i tluU.iT-i, jnirj tn filch r.iltititciT, 111
TiirHiian c of t : 1-iovr.j-its of it id nrdiimii' vt U
flltiirl Ir-in tlf t'l' 'I rt'HMiry, iv-i'ti fil d (t o-ip t'"y,
w (llir.nt 11 Mtfi't to in tic. hliditlit'tir tullv rifi'U r. il knl
Imr i'miii' ml inra t . tM-.t4iur nf ni'lo
rn' :i I'M in (limn.'' f ii'-st iii'-iiis : 1 1't-rt lo c, !.f It
l:r niwti, I'v i'f ,si !(: '.ii'l C'lniTi'ii 4Vmi n M nf I'm
t'i y .i t 1 1 .tl. I)-1',! '( 'I tvl thr Mil i... n-'H-f tct t . m-,,
pm, ',:(( m i)i I'tr-itlt nt t't tt.c .''tn.. m il t o
n !. M. Hl .tllM-it. S rih-y iTHur, Ir, -i ,M-rjJ I lie
t't nit ; t ri JfiniH' l j- ri-'i'. V- ti.- e-ltl' il l"i ciiil .IJiii. tt it
;Mh .I-'(; 11-mr i lt) ; mnl iiho t;..i! h" M-r"r t-' iii--tmr
it'i'itntid t r iiH'ud'in I: mi-v ii rt turn) - c m nc
TiTtV y itJ tiit FY". o M.irrtlif.l (ittid il.wiirirl-j Uicex
f 1 r-l "U' la lu 1 3 m wml v, rt-.Nrin ht trair l rn.l lo
Wfc.i' fci'il to In rtrMfi. i,'. All I tt:i 'C t til-1 ft flrrt'i in
I i . -h t Ol t- rit 'l I f.'ln'K'Sit i, hi: I'M.!, -r. Hi
Oh-Sin-r ! it it ? 10 in. c f 11 :n pr -I 'l't ru-i u-er.
tie iii'( fi'it((in'". In ti-'ttt.-i n hi. A i-'i t,
i 'nilU'i ' I rtr'lt ' I rt" it ten Or.itt !) tr-in-u of 1 hv
U.i, mtfil t- er qtntrt. unil i't win!, tire i!uu- on'.
M V X Sll'k J. li.,H',
I'll AiiU'ir ( oiuuiun Coun 1.,
Aii.'TAriM fin a .i;r,
A'H'ilmit cifik nf (.'oiiimn ('omit it.
.1 M V. H ,i NI,
rfsldctitof Mi rr( ''irl1.
4ti!i-.v..,' thi, tw Pitfi-f'MirtP itiij ol t) to K-r. Amio
r ' 1 1 1 . ciiu tl.oi.Sitiid ttv lit aii1m I'-ui (A. i.
AT,KAM1'.R Hf.MtV,
It Mnyor m I'f'i'ii'lt ijhi
Tc Make nn Adrlit.ona! Apprt.prtntti ti In V. nn
' t )u:itd ui ol lite I'bor, lor tlie t.n -nw- oi tU 1 - t
r tuti 1. 1 he Silct-t mil t'dr.nnr.ii ; tj -II- nf n,p i itv
i't l'lj.l.ta tl'. ('.('. lill. T i. .lim ol :litv-'i
Uioiivtiitit ni id tli'rty lul(rt 'h :ui 1 ti'.c 5.'t:" ii wri jy
I roprittu 0 t(. ii ii iiiMni i i.'Mriii hi? ii tie I'onr, t-. tc
ni'i'l'fit lu l In IflH'W ii! - it 'iu .i An 'rlini noi " rut Hied
Ai: ('(.! Mil in to iMrtle un A I'iH "in m!'il it. llii. I .i'f ..idii
tit Hu !-. i . f'T tin ' " ii'hh ni tl n yr.-.r lfi," ui-procd
illHi:.r 4. W1 n-tn i t :
Tn iti i.l 1. driui and Jiudiciiu i, 0119 thoUniiid
l!i-fti h.r.iKlv, w:nt-, w'llhi.y, arid iwrtcr. ciu U
l.UlKlll ii du lT
1 0 itmi nmiKviiui; fur lnHPitft! tir.d nu'n ' tiibitH.
nliic l.i.iiJrt d l 'at
To item 11. in-irkcimu tur limauo Asli,ui.iivt hu'i.lrod
i Idl.DKFN'H A-SVI.rM.
T Hi in 1', innrLciiii.' uud p:ii:1m-s for mations'
nnd miruc--' lal'K'N. "m- I nndn il nnd any do lir.
To tiern l!, Hmir. enrn. hi id torn uw&l. tlvc ttiouatind tivti
tiinulifvi d lliirn.
Id I'. di (. tx-cT. mutt: 11, pork, ena hdcon. tk'M tliou-
KBUit dn) iri.
To iti m: 1. Kn.'-ofifo. ru', titiir, nnd moln-ir. twelve
tln'liMtl lioll.M.
Ittn cofl'li, ntfiii.r, lard. Tire, 'or.
In iiiii'T, hurley, Ki:t, hi d i:-ir. U ice th'MtKiiui
d llitrit.
In !ti.i notrttfies. ucitiii. rn.d oilier vtv:tid.k. hi Moon
JiiuidfJ dotlatri.
'1 iti ni :', irn k'Ts tipnn. nuut, Mno-ar. and i-iuLlta.
three hntit'it d urxl fitly (it-llnin.
loit' in y ii.aikeutiii lur Old omeiih Amy uiu. ft .c
luin-Jiuti d llniH,
lo Hvju 21 1 dr) goods, Bt;vcn thousand 11 vo li 11 ad roil tliU
I i Item t.. Iio' lerv. ynni, lliti mi cottou.coiiihs. rccillrH.
mi trtrumtn,, live Miiitin:U dollarn.
J o iieai A: tubucto, hoiiD. limt). uiiu itarcli, u vo hundicJ
il. Ui.r.
In Item ..1. Vpirdunrp. crnrkor', tluwun. brunhci.
tr"iiin. Veur hi lint d mi. tlf 1 dollar.
I u Hi in '4 ner.f.1 n iKtlrn tu route, pium'i'n1:. cru lit-
tli 1;, uml niftier tl.niH.jr, tl.ree tin mmiik. doIUr.s.
I . itet'i V--. ri anil o'l. t ivrivf mm. in u finllHi'..
'lu lUiu o liinutiiru Mid hi law, ntnoti hundred dil-
lo Itein !;', J-nltiries nt oroiKr',i'cr, 1 ncirieci, pltiitiher.
iii.v inter ,1 :.k( i , im in rul vt at' tiinan, mid pidu : udl- ji'.uti j
hui.LtKtl tinJ Ik tu. ijnilnrt.
1 o item 1 1, t il o'.v und 1 uuMttc nlk li. uud mattu'lal lor
ni kil L' op. live huii'ir d di'll iru .
n.-ni i- ei.ftiu hiiiny ana weaving mftit rmiHj nvc
ItUllrBTid d- l-m.
To Uiiu e4, luuiLici und r i-mrs. two imndrcJ dul-
'loitem i7, nirow ami feed tor horpe and cos, and mr
pun hhe ol ni' IK, one tliuiuftua dollitrt
j n item t., rt'H m ueiH, humui inpeM, iiiiini:!. una tni-
renr tor lti' d!Hl oux, uud liib&nc UviurliucDt, it-a
tlti'Ut ;tTid oollni
To licrrtV1!, u pati to t it v oil'ce, hah, water tent, a id
hu nteiii.ii otlice expense, on Inindrtd dollttr.
'I o Itt-ni 7u, c-mI ot birvlny ihdcs a and ol
noii-ri fio' nt, nv liHin'rcd d'.lirtrn.
To it el.'. Ho, Urm i'.:or DiBfrirt, two t)uiiiunil dll:i"i.
loiiiml. Si 1'oor ii.-:nci, lwent)-tvy UunrtH'J
f nd irtv tt 'Htnft.
To item k. 'iliiu! Toot Ilulct. twenty ncven lmnjrei
ituti m i j rt l .t:'n.
itiiu-uiiH 1 iMirth rot r 3Ulrkt, twotuy tlve lum Jcd
'li. itf m M, I if tli I'oor Iisir'ct, two th itsan4 on' him
died fc.
'loliiui-", htxtti l'ottr liitrlcl, twenty two hundtcd
kl-.d llli UnlLl.fc.
T" ileu. htveiith I'oor 1'Utiicl, tuiuty-eihl hundrol
and tut) Of) in.
'l oimi-i 7, ,ikMIi I'oor lH-tvict, sevrntoen hnulrtd 11 ml
tlii di-t'.nrii.
lo lieu Ki, l'iut!i Ttor lUlilrt, cltivnn liiindrcd
i "itiu ri,Ti'iitli Poor rMiiel, seven Ituu 'red and ildv
'loltemHO. I'l.'veiiili Poor ll3ri , nine hundred dnl
tii And ttif HiTitnt tl".'reiii' Mnl I t
by thu iiiuromnn ot tlo I'oor iu cvii'ormlty wim
t. uiifc i-r' ii .1111:1 .
Al,KANM;it J. HAnrt'r.
1'ieslU' ill ol 1,'jlU'JlOD t U'llicit.
Wv. 1. s-i.t.
ri. ik wt i' nirr.on ('(jiiiiclj.
Prol.l. ut of Su'o.'K 'owned.
Af.'ior.l fii' twenfv-i.Mirtr l-iy of dM.iVr, Ann'
I ou:ii oa - ti.'Mi.-;tiid 1-11 ill Mnidrt'dMiid ix.t four (A. 1.
Ai' m-kh n:s;;v,
It .M o or I p',d.idfl.)iia.
4 y V U T li K It NUl'P 1, K Mi-;N ir"
j T- ;u entitled "A'l ' iruiiiii w;v lo niiike at
A'l.irpt:lffi(i ( loirav Kvi.Hi-e3 In tiie Iti-ni iv.d of Cur
t.'io lul.tapli Kiki'-ul l.o cm. tl-e Jvxtuniioii tt llle liro
I I' L' 1.1 1., autl Miiitt.h'tiii'M ot iint .villi! In th.- II. m .
ri Tiit I Irr Cnn'inniit wml l i tiumibtiiH'.: rortain 'iro
I onipaiiifh, ' Mj'i "on 1 l May I'J, i.4,
n',i,4h, I '1 i.e rt-.-ii-ei aiij ('iiiuiiiou O'liinrUi of tho Cltv
01' Polling p;.i;i do ordeln, Tlui lim 11011 oi two
tl."ii' ;i"d liiiut'ri .I nnd Be . em y-in ( j.',
0'' ll 11 ' n.' .-.Ht'e r- (Htrei iii 'MOi)' luiei! T'i ItiO ..tperltt'
ti ii i'ittol ,lte PolU e nnd im Abrm Telegraph, m fot
To add to Ue?n iil, T;.e uni of osifl hiindriiit n1 flilv
(f'.'t'j dot ion. toi I...!- tt f.-t.n': !. ti i'ui -n tie l;,ni.u uC
1 i.i- Ni-noi, t.aioen miuiu 1 00. otun 1 .tuin-r .
Tn a-tl 10 Item 'I he Mini of ono hiniiircil und tifiy
i, in o :i;i i" pit, ; a irony atiaintri 111 tli'- Imu
iln Wi-Bi'-iii Cuiini&Tt' ( si..ani' .- ).
To it-t I t Hi ni -tl, Tt.e him of .-nt! li and tvi nnd (Kit
tl li) "toll'tii to pniee a rroiiL ;i(. (! tt, u U.c l.otut of
it.-11 it -I.- !! nee 1,11' iiu t omi Hiv i t aiif -r 1.
St 1 l 'nil It. in I, i jdfcfi' H !'' .'ItlMlitt iln III tllO ll'lLIRC
0'. Ji- i.l. '.0 I .i- tli- l "tii any ( .1 -;ti.i -i;, (Mc am.i of Uh'ik-
liin...i'i tl -iri lrntv-livi t '.. ilii.tir
iH hi i o .J i. e ft V")i;: npimiftt:'H III tin- 1iom( (f Hie
v 1 nu in 1 !.( .ii' ( lUMinei 1, ilo- sinu id li.riu liiui-
it" .Hi 'I Its i 01 - in . 1 La u-'llar.-..
ii'i'-.. 'I'.-11! e ;t L-.nty ai'i ut.tiiiH In itv hit rr tv
V-!-!:i.f l'-'ioi Jt'-Mj ( nn,i.--iy (-ti-fti.'e ), tlio spin 01 iUr 0
lani-lle-l :nui IV cut' -Itvu (y il.Ilar.
I:e(n-I, J plai-e ft i-i-jual .ipi'ar.ttn- lu tl.e hnva of tU
Atii'litt I), yv C-nupj'iiy, It.fniau of uiiO jiuudl'U tt.ul
bi e''i-nv 0 OI7,. itnll.iM,
ll. tn T. Mt,d 1 he I'l'li.-cTi If'vm;! tn the En-lne r'a
I'lt.t i li e l'liilailolpiilu Water-VoiK-. tttul iuv- a
Ou 1 1 u 1 ii m-i t 10 -.iiiu oiiu-.e, tho hum o, tit'il uiin.lrt' l
it-Hi M-vi'.i;.. ev.- ("i.') ti- 11 if
hi-f ti n -:. Wini'-Mii for Uie tiidd ai'iirtiviria' 'on clitdl l
r -vi 11 t.e Mhxvc in cjiii"tatit wuu lul-ik ordi
" 3' Al.KN A st'LH .1. II Mt'Tlt.
1'ri-tuuii!, ot Cow ti -li (. o tnclt.
Al-;: 'V'.W fl t IV O T,
Af i , ink i,:'c. ijitti -11 1 .rt 1,
.1 MI.S l.VI
I'resul nl ..t S 1 1 ..iiili :t.
AtTf- t I t' tu, ii't-'ii:--i .1. y , f l 1I1.T, Amio
f . Ut- l.e I ;.',(! lliul tip in li Willi ru! f.tul DMV-k'lT A. I '.
Ai.rx wiiv.u ii' Vi. v.
Jt .Mdy-.t-oifli l.ol.-:p' in.
1 1. To AmliifiiC i lie OradloK ufVeiunso nnd Chuivli
Mil ' :b.
l.t- oivr" t'te R'."t mi t 'omni'Mt f 'ontir-Mit of th
IV of PloSudehdlift, tl;l ilel 'n uiiiUnltll'r of
11 , im.i h ta- iiinl In- in n Uy ntdli'jri.r d aiid direi ti-d 10
Mai.. :o .la- u-aialjliHlitd ritde of U10 til,tli JoHoivilib'
bTip. Ih, i.
Ve uim;-, tit-tt, from NInetrrnlh ulreet to Tenty-llrot
-.tit et, in i:iL' J y w hi a, nt a cod' not cMicudnifc'
tin- Kii'n i! on iiion-iHiKl t !i.i hi) Uolia.-H ; and
I'Uiiu'i tif i.Croiu Mu-nr.oo to C't-tv ir'1!!, In tho
Hn.ti tit-rot id Wnid, ami tu 'nueli of Ctiov uroi", ttl On!
liitcrm et(.,T, as iif(i-ir.arv for tho r pur drmna 0 td'
I 1 .w tliu. t, bt u eo t lioi ekcccdli.a Uit imu ul evu
lituidifrd i.l.) liiMj uoMarn.
A t.K WHKIt .T. lTTlPf:R.
Pi evident ol touimai CotiatU.
AlsiiiiU Clerk of Comia'-n fSnntt.
Weii Id' III G' Hfk.'t Cotlio il.
AnproMid twentv-foiirtli dwy of Oetonef, Amu
l'om.nt one Utouaaita Hi I 'I Uuudit.d and nxty-ivur
(A. i. iy;ti.
It Mui ul 1'UiUdeviiia.
,J ATI1!' NCIVI'iliTV,
LAl)li:M AWl) M !-!- I
No. 7 Oid'.M; r s'l-mci-iT.
V. H. Hd VtJtl Innot wot. ou-t. Kelt liiili and
Hop 11 tt rt-)!Mi'i(d.
wool v ;.uv.
ji;ovji:itH cjit(ivi
o i nit j. 001 ia rs v
T!ic Law nl Atid tno-t Hticcpfa- Orand Oixre oi;:inl'A-tk-n
lutlitit" prvfctnttd 10 V.l .Vmeiican Pi.ldic,
t'N't V,
At Uie
711- c tire Advi;rlloi,.'iits ..III 'ipi-nar I i Ihc AtV-i ni-,i!
Ji,nninl ot '1 l.tirhdr-y, f Ii !.,Im r 7, . uii ill" uintil.B cmier,
of llir H .1. in;? ilay. 1'artli.iilar o'.t-'iiilon li i!U i.tct l.i
tl't mitioi'n, cmcnt ni'tlioir iWton,
niiif.'ti w ii.r, iNM.i.'ni: a
iJltiSlft, ,RAM CllOltl'S. tlKNI) ORf'Ur.'.TIIA,
Mi iii.(,.j'au:ii litrntroiirj;.
C-'M IiKEv.'TiJlt.
MISS. ,!flll
.TfillX PlSliW'S NJiM' ARCH ST.
vt si n vi 1 v r.wr wki k t-r vkstvai.i. '.
MomlMV. Ttiri iI:p . Wciinriilnv, Tliurit'.tiiy,
Hail IK. J ul if MniLiuiiii- I'lni 01
t,l lk ; l'llh IIKllKKW Volil'fXOTKI.I.KK,
itl. tiil'l't. o,'l';ll.l .vll :.,.
Thr Diu hriiii. Minn Arum ffw.t
I'.iiilin Mia Aiinf (ir.iti'ua ., Mr. CAi'iii'll
'Jn cunclude m itl,, fin:'' I'vrTin-. 1
lil.l'ltllll H lAlICK. f
Monday .Mil. AND HISil. ll.MI.Ni.V ll.l.l k.M-l.
K'T.W CHKSNTT .srnKP.T TtlK ATltl',.
1 LK'NAItli (iltOVRji tL Wli.LIAU t. SINN, L-J-tit
m il Mui'liurrH.
huh ( i in, r. ,.) i:Vvtsii, o. i iiwi s;. hoi.
I O'lUli ,L I t ul IM- n.J . ii , 1,1 ul Ml:, 1 ,1.1 VI. l.'-nlA.N.
V lin will Hi-r'Hr (';i.- r .imu., n Sl' iki fcnti'.rc i.i;:fU.'.l'.i ii
Tr;ii.'eily,ln nvcn''i.-.'.f
110.MK..I AMI AfL'I'.T.
.Itilii-t 01.1 Vi: L'H.AV
IMni.' : VI.. I." .n. li.iiici'
lu C'lil'iUllB V lltl I! ' UT, I.m :) iHK I'.ll Oil, t'.llilit
J nu..' venli'2, I K.M.i I HI' MisMn.lVE I.OLAN,
h,itiird'.i ,i!i.-ii'i fi'i,1.
NINTH llli'ANIi l'AH.1.1 t A'l INi'i:.
YWifiJUILV UL'll.lllMJS.
i.AtST tuxi: or tub i-uahu sTfcttKiri'ii'oK.
Atii-iilfl, out ,tii.rrmmi.i Ir.VKItV JiliWIT THfc? WtXIi,
hvk.ii'il uuia
tul'i n in nil pinu ill lix w.ulit. V
I riil .j Nl. lit, Id 'ti,h.T M'l .tTl'ltTKr.n-.m-l.Y.
'I li-.bts 3,' ci-lilB ; l-liililrcll 10 cult.. Jk-stn ai Ho'cloVt.
li)-i l '.I- "
K'.ilrlli aiiiieai'iure i,l' tlw ili-tiniTrislii'il TriiL''.lia'i nn.l
Mlt. Mil; I AN lll'l'HAWAH,
And lii. bi'iui'lml t -liini'-l il., Iil.'i',
.Ml Wltr.l.v ItU'. IIAS N,
Who Mill i i p. in 111 1:1 (Tlim iui ) I.VI.MNti. ilcloVr
27, m a i.lw li l sk.i. ,,t :i ! I l l h
Kul'.lll' IIH.
Ailnptci anfl ttiT.'iucl 1 y JUK,'.i:i liiiiliiii.
Ctiarlf Do iln r Mi U KAN l.lil'ilA VAN
.Mm- in an, I i:i ; : Ml A. iil'tii.v.s.iN"
'I'O I'ullCk'il'.' Wit tl I!., l';l'l' li'le r lin'! l,'
.Mil. AM) All!". I'KI I. It Ullll li.
A M'KKKlit KH SPA :. lilt,
i x ) y a i , , i ! i 'i l n i.) I -, i i;; n o i . s' r.
Munv in-intrlcs hi . c It n m f.!i'r.'ti.t'd uriif rot,:ifltH mt.le
to n to t iKil iil '.- "1 U S I! At ' it a lUi'y I t t :oi lJ 'iu:
lal Nt' i, a'r 'IlOi-.'I ii'ftl ii iiai t MOied a'1 - nr ri'f-!J"fi
upon liif t'oltct It s ijotMi Hiii ti'ly awaiu-.l h- o tr
ln'iidn. Wt-roi'hlo davl .it it t .j( tin' ' Cmi W';
I.iai, uljl ciniio IIk poUii m.m on tho ; ' t Now.i ill
next. Ju i n tlnjfi lia etired ny huiltittl-ni ; ie'i
"T!1K J'l wlili'.'i vi n.i'.y tnie i tti i. .Kl us (l P. .lll.Jij
and '.ifiiiel t I Iiuily, xxil, wal'ii n iU n,ildi.atiii v. t t.
1 llo.-K i l l I.M l fH.
Tote Hie plaet-, hor..r, of llie fumpii-rit 1I 0 '
tt)ic who lo've a:!a-i t". v o.ji'w wJH nu I ut-aad.-i.t
lliviarj locd in tin-
The nr ft tuiiiNT of v-YKh v,-i i,Lc:ir on
p'i 'ri" the UteClo-a.
'1 1 ( oe.y,ciUi-n l Iii' V. e . -nci em! '.'. J In V .; -uM-
(.itt-iii of I'm f!aln'nl- n Iti-t' :r.-m I in.) e! a bioill
liuve la' en le th niioe and plriiii. at iU euerca-,
ttt- lailv iitiinted ut t'.e (ri.t r . fi .-l.
I tie T KI.Ia.kapHIC -SJAV S oi i.fda, up io the U'.ftA
ixioUttiit ul I'Ul lic. tl -n , v ill .ii'pitii' in
Till'- Ht NDAY 3IXICA70.
V ttifftal t ni-'ih a So-i'ay h-pmr wlwe'i vvl!
lit lae'ee" LV ll-. I id'UC Will. delL't.t.
A ' - i.ii 1H' Mi n n :il I- rf Led at oir-a, and 8.1-
i( ill. I' t ( b '-wlei1. d icon tin CitlTle! -.' liu !..
.s 1 i J I' I IO SS. Aim I i-lib-ei K -r a .'It per ntntl!ti,
oi J-1 ' F. KS'lb pr w.ctf, pi'vanlc lo fx ('times.
Adfitiniaiid at "bt,ai fat- ,
8. E COnilN k LOST,.
IVo. lirt r TUini Btioot.
n') PAH I'M'.liSHlP,-The nnf tiv l n t-'i d iv
Hr-ot m i'ti hJintfil wit'i I in M'ti. (llili K t.olI'-'N, In i"r
pi,lNn-ail"H o' INC hl Nl'A lIKitAl.l. ' iho ilrst lh-ha
of l.lvli lil ho madf nn Vo fiiNiv (1, lSi.i, liildJI tuu
btvU Mod l'rttt of H. K. ;iIU-.S X NUN'.
Al;t,oitKh luii'iv irieii.S b.ttyiL:iiU I a.n IndfWdttully a
1 O'oinotive. jet flu twwaty-o M years artieo uonte.'cti'iu
wliti th Vttti- td thn vliv. aadtd to in.? pro-enl nuin nous
pubdeiiUt'in". reijuite iiio aBllnce lieiius n ol
1 l.toiij.' Aim ri- a'' can letter IMi, 1 at least e in a-d Kim
lo e.i I nut luo manly iraui of lalrf, pt,revw:aiiijC
ei r)',l.ujist.-, aud tohilvty,
10. 1)S 8. lUJltD blKKtT.
li.lj.4iiM.niiA,OitoUra7,lK,4. lVJ7?t
Gi vRNisnrn wanted, in
vent 'f lriiattar Arch, w Clw.flttl
A.l.t 'l t Itli
ty the Hon. VI 1. 1.1 AM B. IU1.1,
AT T1IK Ml hliJAt, I'llMt)
i t. r,t-' nn i sii kn wont
Tr ir,.-!, fi r fl-f l'irafl 0:l.rut, 'lli -Ji. f nU.
lor ,n' ft !'.- tin:'. ii
! In ti'l n 1 th
(.OM.VI.iM ON,
I Ml .'.If M VI Ks ( les 1 1 l
i.l . i t niior M
V' l ,'. .; ,r- i... I. r- ' i
V I.M I. li. li ' A.Mi.e'l. V
MI'VIia Y . ' '
At ft .)t ft. '
s h.. I.-,:.-, 1 ,,, b, , .. , .
i. it i r - .i , n ni..; i . 'i.i.i
Ml OS. It.
oi 1 1 i-, i r"ij
a i .i il i i t M' su:. M
:. f'f iOi i i; .1,
ui n -n
I. CI t
ie Ki
t r I
v s. fwk
, nt IS. I - lilfr
in d i",i iiiii
t ' K it
I I. I I J
I rlMl ' II
I'm it: m s ;i "i i rviH.
l.i' ;.' , l. .v. ;C. ,:i. I ' i'-. Hi I ,'l i
SillDV Ktl.MNt, K'T. -27,
f i 1 p
liV 1 11 f
IU N. .SAI.MiA- I1. l ilASi;.
HIIDAV l'llkMSt;. T. 2S,
A I 1 11.
HON. R. H. I ANA. tit.
svriKinv i:i;m, kt. w,
it '.ii.:
Of Mm y li-.ii il.
nu: i.'tufri Aitr is-viTKn to attksh. lo-nf-r
Soli-c 'idton I'n -ks to tre lollowinf woll-I'jt :itol anil
doliu .it il'aet - "i la li-l, wi'.tl ited in I no
VKNASi.o 'ill, )S,
niid oiler inn an adeute bastt tor ioor nDrpcooipanlM,
Mf ll'v oi-tii.
Ko. 1.
All tlmt e rtair tra'-t, pie u, or pur H of l-md fMitBiu
r)L illty acres, lit-'HK nnd eltimte m 'ffonor-la towiulup,
Yeioiit,!'. eonnty, ard sin -p of Pci:nny utta. Tlii pro
perty a In i ' ? lYont on tt c Tiene-.! creek, nnd in abont
tout-lodes irom ihe AlteKlienv i it or 14 on tho creek
ah. an tei,iv aerei. tionri; laii-l -h'i1:.ii.'f hill a ravlnw
reim on the north side oi It. 'J him ti:ia lion iiuait dinltiy
('-( I'tti Litotdl conipanlt..s.
All thai eertnln t-aef , pif. e. or purr l of jnvd pntainiiiR
ono In, n.lred aud iti 1 u'i en, beln.; unit si: nat'' tn I Ion en I a
toi.-li'H, Yeimnv-t i i'.iiy. 'IM- ,.iit;i. rly ! part o( th
Pt:;ion tr.u-i, aid uru Ii.i a latt-o ir in on lionet a
Ht .K. li h.t? a ar up h n- on it. j'.iI nn Jich y ouL,
tiieki.rj, .ind lic-inlo. k tli'il-iT. Tno;-.- aro iihoui llilrty
liv o r. rv honi'' uro'ind. ll alwj lOiinuoiii to t
i r.'pcnj' ot an oil C'JirpAnv i-.-j.v u'. w ;;..
No. ;!.
AU ihal certain tract, pleo", or jjvi-pI oi' laid hdn aittf
llllil1 HI 'I lOl.e.Ntll t '1 l;t. Ve!f..!V ewily. Til.- pro-
la ny i-on'aiiM liii y rt , ol v hU it mieo'i a -t ftslb
I'l'iii : i.t' ; It front- .in i.lie Ti"i.vM treo),, tHuv
i.a. uiJJJt), and a -it-iii' pa.t oi the pr-ci'l.v ol' nu oft
c mpiiny.
N o. 4.
All iVat i:rl!ihi tr;ot, pS-.-p. or par. cl ofltind, f.oitMiii(rK;
tw ent mx. aeir-t, heini; and -lliniif in t'ornphmtor lown
ilili, t ntuifjo county. It i runt m htmu t inn, and ev-t.-nd-
iii-ro" i to Su-at ('amp niii.le-i u not only m ar tin)
in: k ii if V i eh" ta a stuvintH, tint m ar Lie Allegheny rlwr.
ll i pari "l li.e Vi Hido tract. Tliere air nhoul ciht a;rtl
Lor liit (.found.
No. 5.
All c. rtBln tr.'rf. pi- -e, o. p iroM of lan1, f oniainln;
sily acres, Ij'.'hi1 and -tu.att! if" "? on thu Ali"jtionv
1'ivt r, iii Picstet' .f low i;nhi,', Venanco t- ainty, about ndtl
May Pet ween tho mv. un oi pro) lent and Tiotitt't. It u.l
t' lit tl e Hut kaiiioin lann, a id aIo a-iiotn and it iu l lift
i'lin oa timio it .nn v vi e t-ial oi.couian:e.
Allt'.at certain uaet, pie. c. or Prircetcf land, r -ntairt-InrffMh.
nt.-.- Jk.ik ainlMtuato in lli koi v knMihhip,
V ill.o, o i: -iiuij. i i; in I- pa: t i ii. - Siitlnl tr.i'Jt it front
Ion Iftiutt r ra.i, is nr tl.n AI .!in tlv a , and ahoal a
mint Aiol a Pn.l tl"ill.v't ot lit I . ll ol leineU. Oft
ihjni-thc-u'it tract ilu-re nrt-iTgui l ucrua baring
So 7.
I All Iba ettuin trnet , pie, or p m-.d of ImM, trtntHlntne
I ill. a r t( hem ind otiia(- in t iia,.rae t iihip1 Vo-
! 11:1:11 . a'irl,',IY"nlli on mill n.-.ii' Mo- iiiodiJi ol a put
! -i .ptyiiiH Into llemio :k troel.. AUi:t .i acron linrlnt
I i r-Nhd. On tbtr, ir.n.1 Iri -v-ui'' u,-- !n oaW uud hickory
j Th .-.e c; i n e.m o tin'. roe, fi in- iittadrol nnd lltrefl
I it ; oi wt.ii P ono-t Minn In h. nrni ground. AntoH
in- oh ui all Ua -liai'i- o oil tlie Allo-.n.'ny uittl il
i H :lo iM ie. '1 h" i.dv;Mit;('s h"!n on II I'.'l'ltloil V. Iifra
; n.l m': Li -titpk t'd 't. ? . irora H.H, i.;iu ithout iraiotpjita
j ttt ti, ai d w n ii- muoY ino' r iaay Ul iuid ou liV properi
, It. It'i.J U OOiil.e, o'lviOtH.
A lio: ptiit,!.rt-.e it tlil.t.-tu (ha c trut-'t-i would rcinird
. ui tr-- ni"H. ' itian tii't La;or':v oi jt..iiii tae at com
: m unt', il Iti pi-opo.-a d to divalo He m Into miv hundrifi
lu'en ti o: one tin. -..-ami illl.i, Hum a', tiding tli
man oi iiodtnl ru him, .t wi ll a- tie; taa"tialifit. an Appor
I liuul lo bet Tl ' n :n n.l. ri-ni iu H ub uuderful Ui it Oil
' ai ni )n -ri'rtVhu t .ion.
; All ot uipic pivp- rile hivr. li.'en eV-ted for their ''Uxl
I bt'lt:' a:.d, hh V t n I; r-i'-'- u -e to u, r
! ui.omial! welt uied. 't io y wio uil motti iuom tit, ai
. ji' tt, and .tli. k'l'ifH UiiH ol eo.iiionlca h4viti in UiO
; -gmr a iviplial ni" at !e. t' r.t- nnlliun oi dtdlar
wliu-e "ptiv k" i.i beltnr i aui dv dl'- onetl oi
A all me au a. e, l'if ..'.ii j),i-i adopi d ;ir thu devdo-
ineitt oi Mil h h p-fiperir i . in i irhM l omo.iiiy a id liu
' ('(Mtitnutt ol i. k. 't i pi iu lien prop.-rt!i may ba cou
1 mik'ied , ;i.'i?ftv M- iln1 t . :. i'i iti n . o ;o or mm
, (.Aiiipana.- "n t !t-jt'i .i.-f, vhl - li e. liico -t tlio lot' "IU'.inal
i ism in i.i.: -. ivrt 'o .nU i ie lio-i-. tint lioli..- i'm.,,i,aud are
SiiO't . t lo l-.o f.iyyp y, (ej.n'i. or moh w.ittiovur, hut
will he a x wirli an un ;uf te-itai)l' ti:Je, tn .mc nmjis
P. rot;. i;..u . Tho uii rtte v ti 'i n, iip-tn .hi-, subritaii and -iOJitl i.atts.oi i! .un.o one or oviro etnapa-ilon, oleot
oiiicm iti!u atiDii "tiu'n.3' .a-'ii unt. iher bvit&
e .u.'tl.j cll;;' (u ih-.- po-Jiiou of an otluer of tlie cooi-
p: I'V.
? "no j. a r Oi,-1 ' ii "nf. rt-'n." "f oil tefiPory nmy b
K-MK'lt (I if In tie- I -H.'V. 'ii..; l-:lti( lit : -At TideMH" th
"Ki. ii"i i.i f v.I," have 3 d aM'tt olio hiniditkt
ha. ,. ! j.. d.-y t'.i l!ii'" w, r ; tV- J! y lin k" Um
w i,Mn t h' 1 1 t lln. ye:.ri t- ab-eit ':-iAj hanvls of
Oil. U i id in 1 1 II iu roj'-iuiiv b.!ir: W .-rkd.
Tn- N. V- and ln-;.t .Kite,-w I'-'cinrr? forth a t?on-i-lMii
h'.ri a:n oi me t.-iu oi -vit burols poi dv,
,ti it to ;-,.'i. oio i two loiiii-n i. diii's wnnh u;aiiy.
1 re .1-,m y WeM hi', aitdiil l.'.V dul'v. 'Ma Hyde It Nil
I- 1 ..nn, thirl '-. t-!i aero-. Ii.u he n eoiivtri. d mU
c..f ':i.t,i it vi i'l'iii' i)r, v. m rfi!'!.i'ii d-'Um i.
'I : e 'i.i.ti-.i ..i' oil In " a'e rt'in lo miiJoi wrl , r.vcrj
V tl. -it:. lliH d pet; O.l K'IOV J i:it) Cll ll'tlil 'll'-HOhl
civik i .eo"Mtiv,t I'mly iiual, li not e'ip)i lor to any iu
l! oil rtptoii.
C'iM uy i'mi, not far ii. n. i !' '"O prnp;-rtles, and
t lf-ei ien o It uik lhm. a .. ler -tl lo beet motr for
S' ' l. 't'uo .nU H ui fie -il'ii ) pr M'fi iit'n hit ' Mat Pet' 11 H"M
jo, ovf a $ :(.t h" rn el", liu via; h- in i ird w; .h h ylebti
j i-t.iiMi per moulii, ut: iuati one witlfii u:mt's per
I 11 Tho laioMntrro-t fwt.t. In on'i"fi.l to oti-!h V the oil 1
! in tin - v txa n ihe '1 ui- nuir h h-'i-l ai &
! TJ.f l'. iiiinhla t .mp tny h:r, t1' t a- ret h. t '"'
i I'.ltt la, t'.te 1 1 o1 1 1 rt....tlt:., h -iiir.o. ia .:UT' '' . 'I li ti hliK'lt
' h .M .in-Jiv m-i.i ai - i"-r -..:'re; o UuiiN'.id
J fonei- il ftl t'"1'' "-1',t v- ti liel-iO-O
' hli.U'-r-, V tiO-Jl f-l I :IU t AI..'', V..i 0"'':t. 1 f I ' V i'tF
U in. al.iiii hnui ui eri -t n t. ti 1 1 cj.
't ilK "t IJ'.V
to is f.jl'ov-'i No raoie Ui m ..: i- h-indn .1 tub-caption.
tiil he le'vtiv hot : ll AU olio ' 4.' be liipoied of
Ui wi Otic p r-ofi t-iil i tan t.iRr. an ur mora
i ni-". .itio-r P.r tl Od-M'ive or lr ott.t-if. I ivt pr
M to be ! ifl ul tiaJ t'Uic ol ai!bst.Tii':.fii tuo ivaiaiivU
Iht Ti'iiNi, I..Moe(,miur'. Ilonl, Ki-l, vin roMpt
for n.bscr,,'t:oi;i.t.w!t"ooritei'fti au- b may hf rtrnwii, ty Mh'.iti n.iuilunKt.1 b wait will 'hj uuy ac-uwW-
U Tile booV ata now opm. nnd Btihsrrlptl.Mni rem JvM bj
JiL M AN M. Ml I IM.iON.
On'cr N. K -rt'cr rf tOliltTII and W -UATT btr-rti,
IO -id llourK IV to a. Mcond story , (rout i'ooui.
ArrMCAtlon bavin, tJnhy tb PMladclplda. W:i;
v'a-'"1 V w.,i,i11irtr. ititiiroad t'oiupauy to tlio Uoarduf
K;Vi't' ",..,.a ii.?ir ri.r ........ ul
Una an ili'l. "' I '.. '" !! W.' .
iln. tor Warden Ion of fiilUiltli,iiu.
ll. '.Hi l
i'kJ olnhln,. tinlirol.lireJ. Bi onl. ritrnria, HrMtkt,
. Ui.tit ku.iirv...d,iil itijrUftOtfdpri,'i.
. Mwlnin Tiu.r,
lit I tt Vuntl U.i, klwv (.'UnavU