The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 27, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADKMMirA, THUKSDAY, OCT015KU 27, 1S61.
rillCE TintEB CENTS.
aifinioND rn:ns or tuksbay.
Important Manifesto from tlio
Kcb.1 Eoujainin.
A Ilcavy Expedition from
South Carolina.
lito., 12 1 v., lite, lllci., X2tc.
Sn( tut (. 'ii i:inv Tfii-it'ii'ii.
Wasuis-ovis, (h t iVr 111c! mond p-ipcrs
(f Tue-day, rt'cilvcl U-ii', m'.vlci!t;o Mic-
hamlouh is lew a valley of humiliation to tho
Hrii.nln on NntliHiul riiimir-o-i.
Secretary It uj imin has written a Ihm ; oir u'ar
Tor the perusal of foreign courts on tlio
condition of tho Vnitt J Sia'-.s, and endeavoring
Lo piovo that wo (ah ever pay our tklt ; while
'.ho South, i tut i n'i! mt: I v upon gaining in ititle-
lf'Ct.dt nee, will cancel all its iu';"!tc luon ut li iins
1 ill J abroad.
0 Ominous).
A There is nothing l.t.r from I lit; gi'e it. Northern
Oryploiei'. The UcV l ar Di p ir, incut is vvon
fiderftilly reticent in reference to ilio lvlierea'iouts
SOf the llhlnnitoUS Illllll
rfint lu Tinkr it H' f'lvcmmit
The ltkhmond editors ai'et('iito contidetit tint
some move is ubout to ho nude by iieneral
'Oraut, who, they allcg-, Is now pi.itectc l o.i tho
south side of thn Appom tttox Iiy tour lines of
sVredunbls, redans, and rille-pits each interior
.ine stronger than the one in tront of It. Most of
bin artillery Is ported on the inner line.
A limit r,x,'HHu.
Tlie ':''' iy, "It is believed some
lievftnovcnienl of impcr aneo is on foot, .is scv
rl transports are said to have left Charleston
heavily laden with troops, and Bailed north
Jlct'l 1:1 I. W TO sri i TEWSVI.-
ByrcM Detpatch to 7?. Beating Tclnjnil.
Nt.w Yobx, October 27. It is said that several
delegations from tlio western portion of Pennsyl
vania have Just returned from Orange, where they
hnti an Interview with General McClellaii, urging
Mm to make a politieal tour through the Key-
m stone Stuto for the purpose of strengthening their
Kinking fortunes. MeClclkiu is under-
f stood to have accepted their invitation, and will
each Philadelphia this afternoon.
Halm-ax, Octnlier 17. The royal mill steam
ship Canada, from Liverpool, via Qucenstown m
tie Potb, arrived at this port to-dny.
The Pertia arrived out on the Hth Instant, and
the on the 1 J 1 1 1 .
The tiohtical news is unimportant.
It la denied that the pirate Semmcs lias left
Uvf rpool.
It Ls tl.onpht that a tre ity of peaec will be con
cluded nt the V lenna (Junlcrenee.
t'oiiimprrtnl Inti lllencP.
I.ivi'.iirooi,, October 15, evening. The sales of
cotton to-day nuiotua to OOU bales, tho market
ClOFllg i;Ul( t.
Uiead.-iuiii am onic i iovi.ions hum.
Vrixlnce ijuiet but steady. Petroleum quiet at
CPlOfri I'llt. for rru.le.
London, October 15. Kvetiing. Consols
cloned Ht HiOiU'-.i lor Uioncv.
Amkhk'an Stocks. r.i ic Kaili'"iia, 4o."..( 1 1 ;
Illinois Central ltal'.road, SOfiolJ nor cent,
tri Biuunt.
Ma it ink. Tlio ship .Vir.aii, from Now York
for Liverpool, put Into I'ayal on October vit:i
loss ot inaluuiubt.
Special Dcbpattlif to Evciilnj; Tclc;;ranh.
i AVabiunotok, October 27
f Tlie Ititltlmore Cnnos.
I Tie court-martial for tho trial of parties in
11 WIllllWll U14 JII 1 1111,11 U ll UJpiJ lll
hand oodf to Rebels, have removed their sittings
to llaltimore. Tho ea-e of Hamilton, Easter &
Co., which Is the most irupoiUnt one, is now on
trial. The evidence adduced on the part of the
Government is very atii agaiunt thi3 firm.
'Emtcr is estimated to be worth upwards of two
million dollars.
In the ease of Johusnn & -Sirtou the court havo
f rendered their verdict, and transmitted it to the
fkcrctwry of War. It is understood that they
Knave found this firm guil:y ou all the charges
prefcrrt d.
One good rcsnlt of these trials will be tho
lireukiug up of this extensive anil nefarious trutttc.
I.Htfst frm ftlcliiiiuiid.
Several aliens unived In Washington to-day,
iust from Hleliiuond. TUoy wero forced to leave
Duorgia 'ouie time uo on account of tlio procla
mation of Governor I3ovn, of Georgia. They
were i-ome six weeks in ilicl.mond before they
Jcould get through tlie lines. 1 ho relrfn of terror
in that city now they a-sevt is iViglitinl. Kvory
time that Ueueral Grant opens bis batteries upon
certain points tlie people r JU to aims, and every
place of business is eloed.
Voting li Ilio Army.
The ll-;h cw lorii or.inu;ei.s have giveu
every vote for JI". V'euton. There am bu1:
votes for JieC'lcilaii i.i any New Voilt nviiucut
five-sixths being fir Liu oin. Tno New Yoi
soldiers lire Koneiaily dis.-ardinj Seymour,
lin- IHnIo.vhI li rKs.
The disloyal clerks dismissed by Mr. Stintoa
ue trying hard to get bad;.
Since the clearing aay of tho tiiu'ier al ng the
iicJnu r.olrou J, and the adoption
tending out Ilcbo'. hViui) s on
suf.'ty guard, not an accident h n
not u gueiiilla has been
lino of the road.
i Boruliitf of n Steamer.
I JloxThKAi., Oetola r J7. The steamer . Ilex iiner
I was burned lust night. She bad a caro of UOOO
I burials of apples.
Wirnrrul Wuirru Ills Iteluru tollie Ariujr
I of lh I'oioiiiac.
Nkah Pr.TEitsHi uo,Octoher24. General War-
Ten bat returned and assumod command of the
(lb Corps. General Crawford, who acted as
' rximmsnder during the absence of the Corps Coiu-
jjoiauder proper, bus resumed control of all bis
division. Immediately after JrrivinSi General
Warren rode along tho lino, inspecting the foniil-
tXtlouj with the critical eye of an engineer.
Hsrksis by sjVltrmph.
y I NkwYohk, Ocudier 27. Flour advauced lCVit
. I Ih'.; mf si 14 Olio Imrrvli t SS !Hi-aae75 t.T Ski.-; ll 4
1 (u IS lortOi'Oi atiil $le';.,a 14 lot tlouiriru. Wtissl ad
oaci'd.'i.ic.;iiLi'i uniiur'uitiiat. (t.,ru sOvaui-ed lu.. wlih
but iwiill ssloi. Ue' dull. I'urW Una Al $U Ijt&ti'lb lol
Sirn. miu uuii u nii.'i .a. n niiKy auii.
Nw Yomh, October 27. Stocks are bettor.
f' hlcuo and lus-li lilun '.s,. ; Osuilierland proian ed ;
. IU),lii.r,li,lni,, Michlii HuuUi
jta,cai Kw Yoi itniiim. liiiij ; Unimt, lJ7iilu.l.
tr, Mnwun i, iwi jurte, u ; uua YaArCui-ua-
..Iln, M',i Trrtviury i S-lUs, iUD' esuyoi
llornnBe audAlox
i 'A f tlie plan of
j' ccuireil, and
lV ten on the
klslwM , io ; swill, w,
Tiirl cf tlio Cmnivials by Court
Martiol in EiHimoi'e.
Nlrr t .si to 11" I ii iitoi; Tet c,i-iiitt.
VMttS'TO, ('tobcr -7. L ist e'Cut:)R, 'ho
Xi'.iv.ry CoMini-sl'iii in tl is city, proiide i ovw
by Jlujor Genual Doublclay, ic civo l order t
livcccd to li.ilihuoie fur the purpose of try in.'
certain parlies ' di-rivedw itli openmq the civ.-! p-s
rcntalnliig the votes of N. w York soldi' r, uu 1
fraudulently siib.-'itutit' ' ' allots for tiio-o mi :in
ally voted. This trul v. ill bo one of avieh Int-T-'-t.
as a uuiiibcr of proniiivi". parties are iuiolii.i'ed,
and It is undi u! tediy one of mo-t 9t'i;icndoiu
j cliti. ,d hands n r i ord. 1 he. nain'Tv of
lcnt ballots Mib-litu:ed wili amount, it is lid, t
between 3 i.otio and a sa.'.i 'ier.t iruu'cjr l
carry any in the l iiion.
The nnnics of the parties implicated in t'T.s
truiis.ietio'i have not bcn mad.! nubile ,u y t,
but as it U un.lei.-to d the Cjt'ioiis.i m will
hit with open doors, they will d iubtles.- ':oon b:
m.ule kiio i r. 'ibo Military ( ' .:iniis -io i t try
this case is composed asl'jH.v.vs M
Abncr D'Hibleday, l'rc ident ; I'.riT Ji. r-t ioii'-r ii
I'r.incis P. Kcssendcn ; (.'a! oiicl II. Hutlcr I'ri 'O,
2d IYnr.tilratiia Cavalry;'-C donel
V. A. Parker, M:h New II inipsliiro Volunteers;
Captain J. II. Piat, A. 1). ('.; O.iloa. I Join
A. Poster, l75:!i New Y'oik Volunte is ; and a
gentleman cf h'gh lOoHl attainments as Judjo
MnriUnir IMn lo-iiii nmnrrnf le I'rnii'l
I ion otrlnri I'liplr l.fttert icii"il
m(t the Voir Clinuiceil.
'AnisoriN, October 'JH. The Military I'aui-
uiis-ion, Mai ir-' jeneril lioutile.l.iy, I'lvai'lunr,
was ord red to u-pend th. trial of the blocl. I b -tradrrs
to-'lay, and proceed to Llaltimore fortli
witn t ' invc-tixitte and try a rcecmly discovered
ease of most sstoundim? fraud and forgery con
uci ie.l will, the New Y'oik Statu soldiers' vot s.
The eomria-sl.m will leave by the liist tram to-
nn now moriiiuir. 1 Im charges are, m bnet, sub.
stitiiiiiig "MeClellan" for ' Lin 'oin" voo s iu tli3
original fm elopes submitted by the soldiers, an, I
in torginj: iiaiues thereto. One box, over throe
feet long, containing many tlioii-ands of these
fiaiulul lit otes, has boen 8. iivl. Others n.o
known to havo beeen s"nt to New York. The
ih rcloptueiits in Hi'-; ease luomiae to be of tiiu
most 6taciliig cl'aracier
l urtlirr l'nc l ulilrH.
YVasiiixc.ion, OetoUir Jtl. Astounding dis
coveries lieen maje by the Government of
intended Itauds in re :,ird to soldiers voics. l no
grounds oi tbe oi.iidmee of the Icadiuj IVmo
ciats of b ing able to cany New York are now
A systenintic and wide-sprend eonstiirey h u
licen brought to light carried on by agents hero,
at Paliimore, Harper's Kerry, and in tho Army of
the Potomac, under the immediate supervision
and direction of the party in Unit State. Several
of tbefio ai'ents have been arrested, and are now
in jail, and others will be arrested as fast us proof
can bo collected, and proper provbion can ba
made for their trial.
Men now in eu-tody have been actively cng iged
in this business lr weeks, and, i'S one of the
pauses involved declares, forged ballots of this
kind have been forwarded iu dry-goodi boxes
inn ro isew orii una Ainany.
Judge Holt, tho Jutlco Advocate-General, hns
bad the papeislaid hrforo him, and has prepared
a brief report on tho subject. Ho pronounces tho
ei ime thus commiticd to bo ono of the most
serious character, and it will bcdea'twlth us such
by the tiovtninitiit.
A Military Commission 1ms alroa4y been
ordered, and will meet to morrow morning in
liuiiimore, under tbu Prpiiileucy of Ornernl
J)"iitiiedny, lor the trial ol two of the leading
actors in this coi spiraev, who are knoivu loliaio
been in d'ici tand consiant commiiuicatioii with
lending members of the party.
The ti st 1 moil v in their eases, which I have 'icon
nnd read, is full, diieet, at. d conclusive. It will
leave not the lightest room lor doubt tint a
;nipie conspiracy b 'S been at work lor mouths
in maturing and executing a plan for defrauding
the soldii is of their votes, and for overwhelming
' li e ,;Uiirage of eitia Hi at homo, by tho forged
votts oi thousands and tens ot l.sot sol v-ho have fallen in battle or died in tno
hospitals, or wh have never existed.
In Min'.B ea-es seal, d envelopes contiiuiiig
"Lincoln" ballots Lae bceuopcned'id' .McU el-
lan nallots li. ce D"en substituted ; out tlio m mi
reliance of the conspira'ors has bceu in tho
forgery of signatures of pretended soldiers to
papers traiisuiitiing ".UcClelktn and Seymour"
0l( B.
'i he court martial which meets to-m irroiv for
the puipove ol trying the parties already arrested,
will make short Murk of the ease, and tlio Gov
ernment will not hesitute to curry into eifeet
wlnitcver sentence tm y may pronoun :e.
Utlier parties imfilieuted will be sent tietore
them us rapidly us possi ble ; nnd all the agents in
the stlair are under tho vigilant survcillaneo of
the Government.
You miir-t not be surprised if these diselo-nros
and arrests should touch some persons high iu
political autnoriiv.
Among otiicr tnitcs oisi overea tn tuis city was
the headuarti rs of a set of gcuUcoica bu.ily
trSiieed in iellug ui comtut. -.-iou.s ot Hgeuc,
signed in rilank, and stun of tlio I'lirtieri Invoivetl
theru;l' es l.oht commissions. .V. 1". Tnh'
Ilis Love for his Mother's
sipeot'it to Tlie r.vMilnx TelfKrnpti.
H i TutoitK. Octotcr 7. T am rjorniitted to
send you ibe folio in,' interesting lector for p i1)-
Iication ;
lander Irom Juilira Taney.
Vv'asiiini.ton, May ii, LSiil. My Dear Sir : I
lcaicc'il lu culcu' illy loino luouths ago that some
kind and pious baud had removed lioni the toino
oi n y belovet mother the mass oi ruobidi
which lor llfty years bid accumulated up in it,
and restored it to tlu condition in which it was
when placed there by her weeping children. Un
titling iti a distant place, I could not myself guard
it tn m ueseeraiion.nor even the ordinary uiiury
tit lime ; and you may readi.y Imagine how giate-
mi i feel to tho unknown Ineini wliobtd, un
riBked end without my knowledge, performed
the auty for tuu.
I have ottcn iii'iuireJ and tried to dlseovor to
whom 1 was indebted for on not e) kiud n
pit us, bi t without success until a few days ago,
mum my e.eeneni iiienu auu rormur p utor, tho
IN v. I'uther Mi Klroy, called 10 sd j me, and from
liim 1 learned, for the first limo. that I owed it to
you, to whom 1 Im I hitherto been an entire
stiabger; but you are not now, nor can you berc,
uitir, be a strauer. i am. niostgrutclaftor your
kimlness, and when the brief space of life in this
world which may yet be vouchsafes! to mo shall
brtve passed, and I am laid by the side of my
n. other, 1 bops you will b near, and will feel
assured that uuiong ray last thoughts will be the
memory of your kindness. With, groat respect
aud regard, your grateful friend,
It. B. Ta.vut.
To Mr. II. MoALruB, Frederick City, Md.
l.Mler from Mr. MeAIr.
V .faw l)U tL.j. T.' ... . .
iiiMiLnivni wnj itj i-.annjlHUtl HU(l
venerable Chief Justice : Your highly valuable
letter of Gib instant was duly received ; aud for
your kind expressions of regard I beg to return
my sincere tt auks. T ito pleasure derived by me
in the pciformaiiee of that passing token or re
spect to the memory of your good mother, more
limn repaid my trouble. "Now that I kn iw your
tomb will be by bor's, mid that of my own loved
ftither und mother, it shall be my pleasing duty,
and that of my children, to watch over the graves
ai d the tombs of both, when you are laid by the
side of your mother. Many years heneo 1 trust,
1 tiope to ue lisar to mmgie my tears vwm those
of your many devoted Irieuds aud admirers.
W Ith highest regard and respect,
Your oLwdisut senaiit, Uvou MoAxkk.
lnrt 'ftilnrs f lti l'Hiinri if',irn, fiitir.
Ia'itisiu it", Va , Oc'ober J't. The ita-nl'i s
main- enotber y,"ierday of a brt,' inVr
g nt ral. ti.' Dulie, w''o" b t I beoa to the
I'r-nit, was riding down the pike from Win Iiesier
ill : ii aic.ieibifce, w iih nn escort of caviiiry.
T be ao.l't.laiii e iro. ccde I a' n more r phi
than the c.i..i:iv . and h I'.inc made a e nstd. ra
id.' sap In twee n ine r,cral and his tntrds. 'he
em ril as d i-licd l i at'd gritil ,-tl the v,iiole an-bsi'un-
0 I arty, nbiskin.T tlieut oil' b fore tho
t si "it i iiine up. 1 lie cavalry w.u iu tnolv -U'l,
but e in e .n sifiv.
IH i'ti. r ll.i-.i'.' the dir't' .r at tV.
p: nit, h is m at t ' P. ai'icor.' t vo tlini
l.'i'iiir- d uouiid.d nun siii'e t!.u l.i.t b it 1'.
i l,i re are a Vint one tiio'i' and ttirej lei a;red 'cit
at Wim cr, li'id : tno nicy or ;it:y tier.'.
i i n ral t 'iir'. r i nd ( u t '.ih ioo: a a-d Wli't
leu tbu tnori,;".; i.'i- the, Ivoat Mill a pii '".'
Cic oil.
Ik Ol.l f"l(.,io-l iMy.s. i c ;hiim
I..!.-ii Vein:. I fllrly-t VA'I Ir.ull I mi
2:'i Ih 'imiI nil Our IMwi l lvi I'li.iu
refill tr,ii. i 11 Imi h'l i in 'it l!il
I 'miti .isnii'iitoni t'ofmiel iiiiiliiirai
Mii-i r. M itr' itv Pin.' iv, Cam.- vein
? i in Ci i kk, O-tobcr J . The ar ny iKCiiai'--its
old i es.ucti. c tail coi n , diviMO'i and b k'a l.'
I'Hvi. ltn -ame cactping-a'-oand nt1' it iio'ii
whicb ihiv were duvea by s.iri'tise on I lie ni'.'ii-iia-'
o: the 19'h. 'l'i:e eneci was 'Ir.vcu u.s fir us
Iv'cnliuig. and tiie eavaby now r poi t "uouo to
be f. nnd."
Tfry sii id lied otr upon all -ble and mount iln
lo.ul", and nn wieotis and casons do vn iti'o
sivnn ps and almost iinpen' tr.ibte wo "Is la hopes
to chute, piii suit, but they were hu:it"d out, i,ud
our uivahy "look everything on waeels." A
train tl.ite milis long consisting of our own
va;;on and aiiibii'a..ecs re. ap'are I, and those of
tiie cneiny , ere sci ;i coming in over Fisher's
Hill yesterday. Tlio number of cannon lio.v
reported captured is li('y-vvcn, with niulcs, har
nc .", and appli nn e- to boot that is to fay,
lill'IS Clplureil i7
Otirowu taken hark i
Captured over and above our lo-'ses. - 'VI gun'1.
Live ihott'.and pi i-oru rs ivihj taken, iu round
mimbers. One thoU'iind have eane toi'iar.l; ihu
rest will follow soon. Small arms captured,
about liv thou and. We look till their medical
wagons and ambulances.
uio i LANM.n mi; ttvxK siiviati Ni,
Tho Heli 'Is among tho wounded and. others
assert that the credit of conceiving; and urging
the Hank movement upon our lines tin i tgri
Lmay vallev, is iluo to General Gordon, Moth
Knr'y and 'tordon aecompaiiie I tho noops over
the mountain. Tho cau-e of their sad reverie
is ntuihutcd to luck of diS' ipliuo in tho Jtobel
As soon as they had carried ihr position and
found tliei.iselves in ioc-iouot' our abandoned
camps, they threw down their arias and began to
plainer nnd iuarrel over the -noMs. (Jiiieral
Gordon, seeing the prevailing ilemoiali ition.
nncthrr dil'leuity of keeping til' trvpi in line on
in i cunt ol the large number of stra r tie: s, it is
s ill, inlvi-c'l Kurlv to t ike what plunder he had
si'C'iied and I'ali back at unco.
Disregaidingthisailvlce, It gave oi:v army liiuo
to r cover irom the first snrp' isc uion , it ita'
us Shi lidan, and turned a ilisgracelul disaster
itito one oi the I'Oir.plct'-'St victories of tho war.
No one now believes it posMhle for such n sur
prise and skedaddle to occur ngain.
It is dearly-purchased experience ; but, vvhl'e
lamenting the loss of brave men, we now sec that
it whs a deserved chastisement, for undue eonli
dtnc", and will be a valuable lesson. Thos;
familiar with nil the circumstance assort that
theie was no lack of vigilance. A court of in
quiry will no doubt sett'u all tho-e disputed
points. G ii'd judges n-seit that had Sheridan
been here he lOtild not have prevented what
0 cut red.
It ivas fortunate for his well-earned reputation
that 1c' v.. is not here. His timely arrival; tho
arresting of a general and disorderly retreat
on llailtonn.or some oilier place, and hurling
back his scattered forces In reunited ranks upon
the enemy, driving them in panic, rout, and
disoulcr fir beyond their original starting
point, and the capture of so mtt"h of their materia!
of wur, udds a crowning wreath to his fama as a
communtlcr, as there has not been during this
war pei haps in tio other an iintanco where tin)
pi W'er ol ono m.iu vviui so strikingly exhibited
ovev an urmy.
The troocs are nleised with themselves, and
each man now believes he can w hip a stack of
wild cats.
General llain'Ci'.r, who died at General Sheri
dan's hc:iiliimrtors, stated that there were twenty
tlin o thousand Infantry in tho attacking pirty.
Of these, two divisions pas.vd the .V. iss.uuuiuen
Moiintaiii, luiiri hing all night, so us to coma in
on our left liuuk. They marched iu sinule tilj.
The letiiaiuder, eleven thotKaiid, attacked in
1 1 1. r.t and u'a eig tbu right, after, the first shock
had bet n felt on tne h it.
lb sides tin se, a eoii-ider.ib'e body of cavalry
1 nine over the mountain, und pu died rapidly up
tl.c pike alter our wort s had heeu carried, lor the
purpose of capturing our wagon trains. It was
here Ihat Colonel Thobiti D, c nu n mduig the 1st
Division of Crook's Army of West Virginia, was
treat hcrmi-lv surprised and murdered. The act
was nothing less.
Ho was rallying his men, when a man In our
ow u uniform approached, linn, of course without
suspicion, and when getting cl ;o by his sid i,
rem irked, "That is a lino i.orsc you urc riding,
Colonel, you had better give him to me," an 1
itptncoiiitcly presented his revolver and sh it him.
The Colonel su'doiu carried any weapons on
his person und bud no means of defending linn
scll. Ho wus roi'lM'd of money, witch, and
clothing everything. The dastarj, a Kebel
Lieutenant, who committed this act, did not get
the horse, it was recovered. The Colonel died
lit mi' luight. Atae Vork Tribune.
This reckless young scoundicl who is aaid to
have been the leader In tho capture of tho
JfurMoAV, and previously of tho f.'Acsirpen-, was
just bctoro the breaking out of tlio Rebellion, a
lounger a Mic ivvbcr, who iusi-tid upon having
it that the world owed bim u living. Uij first
venture, so ttr as is known, was in Williamsburg,
Long island, vvlicro ho became a. 'jimmied with a
young woman of poor but rcspeet lble connections,
w hom ho eventually tnudo his wife. After uur
riagc, they went on what is technically called a
"honeymoon" tour tlnoii.,hout tho West, stop
ping at tho leading hotels by the w y, unci stop
ping out to the time ol the "free list."
Arriving at tin extreme point West, tho "Lieu
tenant" bulling that he was "played out" on that
line, left bis wile us security lor the hotel bill.
Tlie landlord in tiiis ca e dc lined the arrange
rr.ent, end the young wile returned to Williams
burg, where she resided lor a sci i s of months in
the lamiiy of a e:itiuninn not remotely connected
with t lio of the llrooklyu journals, where ahe
was retained us nn object ot merry. At leugtli
the "i.ieuteiiuin" dropped hi r a note and sin
hit. This vi as ubout the lime, when tlie Ktoelion
roko out. A few mon'hs only elapsed before
Mis. II. returned to Williumsniir; loaded down
with luxurious apparel, so much so as toastonish
her old friends with the sp'eudor of tho traus
foimai.oii. Htr purse was lined with gold, aaj
she wus unaccountably rich.
Lieutenant liraiuc was cngiecd in the secret
servi' c tt the Pebel Government. '1 his was tin:
secret of the "cl.ougj" on tho part of his wife.
Mrs. liraine depsrted from that region, nil I
nothing was heaid of tho liraine family ag lin till
the 'In injicuAf allair came off, and ai'ier another
interval, in the capturing and buruiug of the
loimo.c. for a young man, no is aoout as rs.k
Jest as is lo make l(im, a tUsliiug pirate,
I appeals that be has iulicu into Tint'sa unmis at
lb rinuda, but under a very different cxcioiso oj
govcrmnental policy thiin that whie'U wag meted
out In the Chesapeake piracy.
General l orbert A 4 orrot lion.
re IU i' tfi Ecatinj Ttie n ai h-
tsia : In your sketch of Major-Qeueral Torbert
you pay bo "is a native of Kcw Jersey." In this
you are mistaken. The Geueral is a native of
Delaware. I knew his father, and an acquaint
ancs, a native of the samo county where tho
tiiiber resided, tells we be knows tbe General,
and that he is a native of Delaware, but that he
went to reside in Now Jersey alicr having spent
some time at West Point, and treat to tha war iu
a regiment from that State,
I am, sir, &c, IiaAWAaiAf.
We make this correction with pleasure., and
should huvo stated in our sketch that General
lorbert graduated bigb iu bis class at West
Poidt, and was a capiaiu in the otb United States
Infantry at the breaking out of the present war.
On Tuesday, tbe upper part of tbe body of a
ix weeks' old in ant was found lying la the
streets of Chicago, The remainder of the corpse
bad been devoured by the dogs. Mo clue to its
origin or tbe manner in which it curue there could
be obtained.
Mot Mil l A AXIS THE H I Tl.i; Ol' I
illl.lll. III 1. 1.. part of our piper to-J ly will Iu
found highly important tn l we l-snihcntici'dd
st iter.eiit'i concerning General McClcl'an and
thoba'tli of Malvern II ill, which pr ve not only
his own ii terly ilcmoinliod condition, in a mill
t. iy seu-e, but that ftio cx'icmo contingency of
MirrciidTitng the Army of tho Pootuu: to Leo
Was B'-t ti ii I ly coat, lnplat'.'il. To this wo nppand
anoth r lit kin t';(. chain of ti stimony oti por
i" ai kr.ow a !..', aii.l bi'hi rt ttnp'ib i lie .1
On t' e tuoi n r.. -'a. ccr.ling ibe lat'lo of Mai
vt ru 1 1 i'l,a i'i --'.a .-i' ' d arrived in 11 uup
ti n 11 :r.l-, lion n the l.iiii' s river, 'v illi desp i elic
t .oin i 'in tain forgers, of tho lie'oid, to King
i fea r Go'it; Ian 'tigii. on tbe frig it" Mi .'.:
A si. on 1 me niter I", r ai . av al, do I'l l .'-Opiccr
care: mm ir, and i'i t ins deep' t c I'l'-ern ,,f
n on', tioed pi it. ly to a li w' Ir1 an is tin' lie
hud rc.sou tonelicvi: ilnr liciienil Me'Ciell a was
i u I oar I the ' nhii,, a "uallv cant. Miniating the
.-i.rii inler .a hm finny ; and the l'lag-O tlecr was
ili-tn smj'I veil 1 tic nppn In ltsioa th it tlri . i . -j
" C v.oiii'i be, If t 'nd not already b en , exe
cuted, t ulv s t'.'.ptam ll 'dgers h i t
him fit in it vm"i t l.e iissu'amo t.f adepii e
t o-opt tat , ti by the l.ary. '1 U,s cloo uy u .i-.
was eonarni'.al by Captain Case, the Ke :a.i .e
( giicer i I' Ibe lie, t. aim it w is we I n ink mo . I '.v
then to vihom i! was imparnl, in eonii b n ",
that i! had been d pal' had from iho '.'a. ..i.
l'.atlv in (he same' de.y a b ,nt came d avti tlio
river, Inning on hoard Trince lie Jouni 'e,
Count i'e I'aii ', lbilto de Cba' ires', mut a nui'i'ier
ol other members ol M 'CiCtlan's stall,
l ally loie gners (ono i,f wuom w e.i l aaaou
fi' Vlinv, a tain ater for IM- dl. tho convs ioud
tut ot the l.omlou (a il.illl of whoiii given
gl'ji'lny ae ontit ol the s'nto of alia Irs at II -rii
son's bar. Print e de J' iav illc, Ikotigii resti'vcl
and prin lent in nil b" sanl. s'lengtben' d t'te gtai o
npptet'et.sinii niistd in tho minds ot tlio.-o with
liotn the I 'lag-OilU'er and Oapt..lii ' 'nsc had con
veised. it will I c rt iollc' tail in this connection Put on
the m t day tin) Liverpool steatn-r left Now
Y"tk, and unit on louclnn.a tit Cork there was
sent foi n 'id a de spat h to th" effect that, a tor
several days' disastrous fighting and ret "oat, the
Armv "t lii'' I'ot nnae bail r. aciied the banks of
tie .lames, a'ad thnt licncral .Mel 'lellan wis on
board the guuhoat (,'it. i t, picoai ing t surrender
to ieiieral 1 cc. Ktiise'll was Iu New Vol !; vvtien
the steiuni r Milled.
llo'.v false and words w,re, no one
i nn in curat 'ly determine; but that, iu tho minds
of all observers, and more especially " those who
hud the cl '"est reiai ions w ith li. norul Mi',
they created the tear not say positive belief
that he toii'.e le plated tho surrender of 'he Armv
ol the Po'.oinae, thsre is no kind of doubt. I'd'.-,-hurt
( VicoatiA .
Mcs. D. V. Houcus. This distinguished and
faioiiio Philadelphia Ir.ignlienne is soon, to give
ue it :ontid of her most plea-lng and powori'ul
pars ai the New Chgsnnt Street Theatre. Always
proud tr meet her frieutls iti I'blladolptiia, Mrs.
Powers made some personal sacrltice j, pro
li sionally , in order to appear in this cny on
Monday i venin . next t tlst Instnnt;. Mrs.
llovifrs will probably open vvi'h .' I.ynnr ; ur,
the T.lttrriv. iit, drum itied lor her by Clifton W.
Taylcure, Ivrp .. t
e in t- assured by critics in all of tho leiding
cit'es, that hf ion of "Ludy
Isabel" hns Inst none of Its power to at'raet mid
charm an audience. In truthlike ad of tho art s
tlc en ations ot this gifted actress, it gro.vs with
icpcti.lon and cxpiuuts in pow er nnd mes-mng.
There is no surer test of jenius than this freedom
fiom mere iiieehanic.'il"reitcration.. l'.vorfrosh
and new. tlie concip'ii of tbe artist lives and
moves Ik lore os irsiiuet vviih changefuf und emo
tional lile, a'vai.ini'jg- nil the hiddou founts of
feeling in the heart, and in tho end snhtfuini' it
by the . sad pi'.ln s th . t sin rouuds the fate of tho
iiiisial, en. but not pinning Winn. in.
Altogether the performance Is ono woll worthy
of Mrs. Powers' established reputation as tho
foremost Aiurrlcun actress of the iresent day, in
u liiieiiientiinil Intellectual culture and in iiitcusu
pow er. DruiBiiti?.-d i speci illy for Mrs. Dowers,
the plot of the play vaiies somewhat fiom that
of Mrs. Wood's nov el, and sdvantagiioiutly so, vva, I ringing tl.e heroine closor to tho .sympa
thies of tne auiHern e. Of ubsoibiii'-; Intenvt, and
laculiariy tilted to Mrs. Dowers' pernltar poivorrt,
it la not surprising that it to unfailingly draws
crowiltl houses.
In K New Y oik Siiii'twj Mrctry, in a criticism
of Ponc-t's "Spartacus," in the p!uy of thj
Unto), "ays of Mr. John Me(,'tilh,tigh,tho promis
ing young Philadelphia actor, noiv supporting
Mr. Tom st : "It is great praise to say that any
urtist shoa'd ilividu attention under ths 'ivcr
w helming utworbed by Mr. Porce'd, and
yet this triumph, was achieved by Mr. MeCul
b ugh, as tl.e brother of ' Spartivus.' .Mr.
Mrt'uilough is nipidlv ri-iug into the highest
wa ks of the tlranuu To u tine person ho a ids an
explosive lace, and a g. od voice. In the hig' or
oxprcsMons of tlio passions ho oecaoioual y la. ks
a'lii'iilnii nnd I'Tce.
"Mr. Mt Ciillough's appeal to his brother, his
pet iti nee, bis revul dons ol tii itrcss, were exceed
ing'j line, ilis report of the horrililecrueiiixions
iuliicted .upon the Koinan gladiators wis in a
vein of i loipieiii'3 rivalling Forrest hlm-elf In
truth und iuteu .ity. Indeed so great u pjiut did
lie iiiako of ill is, "t luit tho audience (TVelcd his
triumph with a flattering round of i.ppluuso.
Ptatb op Tur.niioiiBTsa To-Dv. Six A. M.,
50. Noon, fil. Ouo P. M., (12. YVind, S. YV. by S.
Jssi h oi' I'atsnts Patents have been re
cently issued to tho following ronnuylvauians,
for their respective inventions :
Theodore liorgner, for Improved skate fastening.
Kdwanl Uiovvn, lor iuiprovciueut in vulve gear
for steain engines.
George M. Hay, for improved adjustable collar
for stove-pipes.
I -ewis Iln I, for portfolios.
John F. Keller, tor improvement iu seed drills.
Conrad Leibrich, for improvement in has;s for
tru' k locks.
C. A. Horse, for improved medical compound.
E. Seeiey, for improved comp isition for con
crete pavement.
Filward L. Walker, for improvement in hay
ilobert K.Colv'n, for Iniprovcmont in eom
blned gun ami pistol bayonet.
llci.ry Xseumycr, for improvement in foat bel
lows. Sanlerd E. Parsons, for improved coal stove.
llAsnioMr. TiiyxsiAUiiMiits. 'i'ranspiieneics
arc now being painted by the Artist,' Sketch
''Ciub"forthcSupervisory Comm;;tce for recruit
tug colored troops. All their leisure time is devoted
to the work, which is carrb d ou in tho various
rooms of the building at No. ltilll C'licsiiet stieet.
oceiitutd by the I ..nituiuee. It is intended tha
thev shall be placed ou the fiont of the building,
occupying all tin) blank surface from the pave
ment to the caves. A buttle scene, an arch of
libertv, a hand to-hand struggle between a Kebel
O'heer und a neuro soldier, itud portraits of mili
tary men, make up tlie pictures. Tun paintings
lire vet i.nlinislml j but the artists ure working
hurd tot oniplcto them before the closo of the
week. 'I'hev ure good both in design and exeeu
tiou, and will exceed In attraction, both to taa
loviisof ui tnnd ibe cuiious, any paiu'ings ol a
s inilur Mud that have ever been exlii'tited w our
Ci'lci.s. When tho paintings are ready to bo
put in their places, Mr. Webster, the Chairman
of ibe Cpiniui tee, expects to sigualiif: tiis occa
sion by apprciciiti'c exxruw,
YVoi fol lill.ilS from SniT.inA-j'j Atlvfi'.
Nearly two luindi'cd more wounded soldier
from feherldiiu's urmy urrived yesterday uiorn
ing at tho Citizens' Y'oluntcer Hospital, Drojd
aud Prime streets. Thefoilowiiigl'ennsyiva.,laus
were among the number : Michael Mahlor, Co.
11,; John llolelms, L, O.h Cavalry; liloiond
Harry, IS, fi b Cavalry; 11 A. Cutiniugnnu, Ji,
!5th; Orion S. Duller, L, 12 h Cava ry ; V ats on
Stiiuton, C, Iblih ; John Couster, H, 87th; J.iui"s
Poiter, L, Ath V. S.; Conrad Fleck, Cl, Pita
Cavalry j Heruiou II. Schuistering, L, 1 lib Cav.
L.AtNtH. The stcnmsUip Cleorgt Appoht was
launched thhi morning front the hlp yard of
John YV. Ly un, foot of Iteed stroet, in very hand
some siylo. She Is owned by the Morehauts'
Mil ers' Steamship Company of Baltimore, and
is intended to run between Baltimore aud Boslou.
She refetstors 1500 tons.
A Stw StSDAV rAi-LB. Mr. S. E. Cohen, tho
enterprising editor or the Campaign Dial, Intends
to commence the publication of a new 8miday
paivcr, to bo known as the Sunday lU raU. T ba
im ution of Mr. Cohen's name is a sullicient guar
stitee for ability ftud truth in conducting his new
rtasoKAi,. Major-General George B. McCTel.
Ian Is txtwtcd to arrive In our elty to-nlgUt.
Colouel Herman Diggs has been apiwlnted
Quartermaster lor this Dopartroeut, to saccesjd
Colouel Ueorge 11. Croemaa, retnovoel.
fsf r.r. at . Rf.ii.Ko in nr.rr.
It v.o. ild bo a curious task to inves.'.galo the Cor.tri' iito towards supporting I'io
ctac'i i title of travel that tikes plseo Ix't.vcoa
this el'y and the gr.nvt t il es of tho North ;fn I
YVe t. Oti then it ua ds connecting vvi.h the South,
the travel partakes mainly of a military char
acter. '1 here are cnli ted men who jmnv y to Wash
ington fur of being dlsirinjicd a mong
tha skeleton regiment of th ) Army of the
Potcllillr ; till'' IOC I ttic.TS Ifld SguiTS wlle.i-
tciii" ol" tur'otigb b ve e('i,cd. and w ho ur.
about to rci"'ti ilicir tegunen' i el tne fmut ; tii re
are men a,"i ivomcn vv lio tntv. l .s-nita lor the
pur of si cl i . sg i; l',ieinls ;.'id I'-ltives .it the
d'liiTent bo fais, v,!;o go ti r""ier t'lrtlcol
In dies of bin bands or sons, or to meet thos" who
huvo been re i' ved troni duty ior a da. or solo
vi-it V i"bi'i 't 'ii.
And tin n, again, there are ctrn'riietoi ., sutlers,
politicians, ami o'.h i.s, ail oi' whom seek io trans
act he dress ith the ( inv ei irneii!, and t ae oo'O-'t
1 1 vv li i e mission can he det ' ted u'litajt 'it lac
lirst k'.a.irc. This I'a. t will m i 'e appa cut to
nn y cue v ho w ill tiko Ike iio.t:, ro irt the
depot at Pre-.. 'I and I'u no str -aj ', b Ii hour or
so before tin departure of tbe ceiling tram.
Hut nt lie' Ih nn .y b .mi i linl'"i l I', pot, now
removed to Thirtieth and Mirkc. str. e's, the
chiuaa'cr of the passing, m is tot illy mi'ngcd.
lu the ear al. ic'i drops us oecip oits at II on ii
burg there may bo ilienrneil a sllgln HoriuKbi'g
ot' soidicis these pibo are either iLbiiued lor
Camp 'ur, in, t r w ho se k W'tishi agioa re mi t bi
cipital of our State by the on lot of the Northern
tViiiral lliiiway. P it we'-t of tills point the
liavclcrs, wuh out tcv exceptions, u-.'o entirely
civ ilians.
'1 here are merchants who go to the elites of the
'st lor ,h pui pose of e.vleudiiig Hi ir !a-iiiess
eoiu.i cii.'i.s iu the l'.a.-t, er to ncipi lint llicm
sclvis wuh ihu la.-t ipiavier's tratisac'ions of
lions, s a. ready establishe.! tl.ste. 1 here 'are
otln r nn n, young uml mubilo agnl, wlio li.ive
bade lar. wi ll to' their homes in the North, n-id
u boj. ii' ca y to towns aud c tieswiiirli, like Jack's
beaii pnic, have sprung up over nlglit, there to
seek new lortunes or recuperate wasted ones.
Then, too, there are lueu, women, und children
of a 1 nges, till degrees of education ami nation
nlities, who Iriv e t scain d the crowded ei'ics, with
their y teueiiimta und pestilent lat u'.m
si betes, mid v bo tiavclus ciiiiguiuis to these
rising villages ami tow ns. I hese arti those c tiled
out. by reason of deaths, birib, and marriages.
Those wdio a i c about, tore new old ties of ac.pauait
unce and friend-hip, long since severed because
ol ub.-eiii c, and the tlio.i-an l and one events of
life, vvhii h, us we remarked when we e miiucncod
ibis uiticlc, would Ik- a curious task to luvcsti
g.itn. 'J here ore those, too, w ho, by their aetion, givo to I lie belief that the contemplated rail
way trip will be a great novel'r lo tliciu. Hut
once br fore In their lives, it ni'y be, havo they
ever traveled hy stem. 1 hey present Ibems Ives
it the di pot an hour or so be lore the departure
of tho train, and are constantly importuning tho
ticket agent as to the liiuo vv ben the train si irts.
They lire tin sc d in bc:r best clothing, as though
there was us little danger of its 'icing soiled as if
seatt d in tin-it own parlors, while they carry with
tU'in a redundancy of baggage would" provo
ample lor u trans-aihintic nip.
An escort of a bali-decn or more relatives pe
coinpiinies tliciu 1 1 the depot, all of whom insist
on passli'g lhmu;li the ga o to led the traveler
luiewell. This being refused, the ticket-taker aud
thoso connected in any capacity with the c jinpany
are voted brutes, while, at tlie same timo, a solemn
vow is icjjlsterca not to patrumzu tho road any
'i hen there are those w ho. In face of a crowd
eager to ei.tcr the cars, hold a discussion wi'h
this same tit ket-later as to tlie right ol tuo Com
pany ti rhargo fare for child under n certain
age ; thoso whoso tickets ure anywhere else but
in their bands ready to bo prcacsi'o 1 when dc-
n.aiided; those who want to lug a lingo trunk
through the gate, and then return for their ticket ;
und those who insist upon violating nil ol tuu
rules which tho Company have adopted lor the
comfort and protection of the traveling pnblie.
t ncro is tne last kiss to oe given, tno last em
brace lo bo bestowed, tho lust message to be
delivered, nil of which havo been repeated over
nnd over ugaiu for tbe last, hour acts which
always serve to cieato u hitch, no matter bow sail
the rirciiuiotunces ol the departure may tie. lucre
tie very nervous men who urc cimtiuuiilly
forgetting a certain brown parcel, and very
forgetful women who ure continually sh lin
ing at the height of their lungs, " "Hatsy,
or Jane or, where is that baby r" Thorn
are talis nnd shouts of; a drunltea
man Iiimbbiig iu his pocket tor a ticket he has
nut purchased, tint rumbling of cirri. ige-whools
on the outside ot the depot, men running to and
fro In every direction ; me mini "an ntinard ; tlio
sharp shrill whisilo i f the locomotive, and titeii
darkness nun silence where an ncure was bright
ness and confusion.
A YoiNu BitniNNKti. This uflernoon at 2
O'clock a li'tlo girl, aged 11 years, will hive a
hearing before Alderman Ik itler upon the charge
of larceny. She rcsidid with a Mrs. O'Shatig
hencsscy, in Harmony court. Yesterday that
lady had oeeasioa to go out, and during her
absence the little girl broke open a trunk with a
hatchet and stole 110 in greenbacks. After
geiting the money she started for South street
ami invested tho greater part it in a second-hand
junk shop. She purchased a comph tJ onttitof
en thing, a nreastpiii, new n ii. mocs, imu oiner
articles. She tell across Bomo of her little friends
and all bauds had their ambroty pi s taken. Fifty
dollars of the money she lost. We understand
her mother is a drunken sot, and has never taken
any care of the youthful ulfcudcr.
CiiAiini.D with SrAPiiiNO. ThlB morning,
John YVilllams was beforo Alderman Carter,
upon the charge of having stabbed David YVeleb,
last night, at a sailors' boarding house at lYont
and Sonlh stroets. YY'clch was stubbed iu four
places, and, on account of tho superfluity of fat,
tliokiiifu Jid not penetrate to the vital parts;
otherwise too wounds would bavo proved fatal.
It seems that both tho men were prisoners of war
lit liiclimontl, and while there, Williams alleges
that Y ch h did all iu bis power to have bim liung.
I test idght the two mi ll met, and Williams took
bis revenge by using u knife. He was committed
for trial.
Sunt to XonniF.Rx IIomk. This morning
four little outcast chlldicn, aged respectively
three, live, six, aud seven years, wero sent to tho
Nuithern Home for Friendless Children. Thoy
resided with their parents, both of whom ure
drunken and worthless chunicters, in the Jline
teeii'h YVaid. '1 he mother loft homo a few days
since and the lather sold out what little lurmnire
they ptf-ess'.d, got ilrui k, and left tlio children
a'otio lu tho houso without fnooroue morsel to
eat. They were discovered by tha palico, who
dapci.'td oi them as above.
Sad Case or Scit'inc This morning Mrs,
Abel, rc-ii'.it'g with her lmst'iind iu Lawrence
street, above, Ji ileisou, Seventeenth W ud, com
mitted Filicide by hanginif herself In tho cellar.
The uulortumitu woniaii arose irom nor neei tins
morning us eheetlul as ever, got her husband's
bieakii'st, and as soon as he h oi t.i''iii his depart
ure io his work, she eoiniir'ttod t1v a t. She ad
justtd the roo to one of the joist, and push' d
the chair oil which sho was standing; Irom under
bir. She leaves live or six children.
Sons okTkmi'Eiiakck . The Grand Division of
the Sons of Temperance, at their session la il
evening, elected the following oilleev.s : G. YV. P.,
II. Franklin Deuuistii; G. W. A., Joseph P.
Uouikj G. Scribe, Joseph W. M utiu; U. Troa
sunr, Abraham Drown; G. Chaplain, Rev. Jere
iniiih Pustcrlicld ; U. Conductor, William 11.
Siuulliiig; 0. Sentinel, Andrew L!yorctt.
Siai'MMi Case. David Weick, aged thirty"
years, a sailor, wus slabbed lost oveuin,;, lu a
quarrel with another man, at No. 021 Penn street.
Ho received four punctured wounds In the body
and one iu tbe nrin. His injuries ure not serious,
lie was takcu to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
F'iN:iAi of A Clehoymam. Tbis uiornlng
the fuaerul of Kcv. Levi 11. Christian, D. D., lato
of the North Presbytoiian Church, took placo
place from his lute residence. No. 6.10 N. Sixth
street. Tho services took place iu tho church,
Sixth street, above Green.
AtciDFNT. Joseph Hubbs, aged fovea years,
was run over by a passenger car, In Fifteenth
street, aliovc Thompson, yesterday afternoon. lie
jumped from the car while lu moliou, and full
w ith bia leg under the wheel. Ho was .taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital.
Bit niniHO. This morning tho Mayor Issued
warrants for the payment of the city bounty to
Arty-two men, of which number the First Ward
was credited with twenty-four, and the Nine
teenth Ward with nineteen. Four were credited
at huge.
CmcKET. The cricket match between the
Young America and Philadelphia Clubs will take
place to-morrow and Baturday at the Young
America grounds, Germantown. Vi 0 advise ail
lover of the sport to be frvecul.
Railroad Atcim hts. A fc days s'n e a
young man was k.lled in tho interior of the State
from birg --trnck by a !oe nootive, while walk
ing on tho track over which the engino was
Tlie death of thli yoanit tnun adds another to
tho long list of lives -aciiii' C'l on our
tlirongh Oie 'arale i-tioss or linpni.h-n -n o'' tie
traveling public. Scvi ii-ei.;htlis of the accident
on our roatls ocrur tbro i. h persons wa king on
tb" tun k or in .ilieun ting to g I on or of the
ears while ir. ni'Vion. Aecuiciitsare alto ireoir n
Irom p' roi.s attempting to 'he tr. k in
limit e i en apj I)., bnn ti .iu. In ( It.'i am
casualties trim the cans-s n unci w .ml I b- of
raie orenrr; nee. flu re. a id is very jir tlv
iiw.nded us private pi-ipcrty. It is a pi nil .don the tiaV'i. or t.) tri p i s
ir, r I' In any way. so tlr't so far IV nil Io n-'
used us public highways, like many of the roids
brio, Ibe pub ic is cxrl ided from then as fa- us
praci'f ib'.c. Tint, this is not at. It is a'-:,) a
vii'l. tien of lair to i'Ti " tlio tiuclt iu front of an
iti'pro.u lii'ig train, or to attempt K'K'uig on a tram
while tn n' ti' ii hi. Tho penalty I iran . ti'.n-e of 'bis
k tnl is si", and the law farther provides, tii it
the mime o' Ibe otlernlcr and hisaddtess may be
pos'cd in a eoiispicions pl.ii e atea liof ibes'a
ti n.s iiiocg tiiero iil for the period of ono year, as
u w in h g to others not to off ml in tne sumo
way. .'uch are tl.e safeguard Ihr uigll which
ue -im its ai'- prevented on i't gllsh rail vays, an 1
it i sh '-e we and tbe fast that the lines there me
all enclo'ed, our leaders will real lily understand
why so many p.'op.o are killed aii.lm iimedo .'ery
vi-: r on ot.r roads, while w few .no injuivet oil
'ibe o?cn character of the roads hero makes it
Iti.l.oss.blt ,'r. exclude the public from Ihelr ti .',
as :n li'ig'antl, l ilt a little legislation of the right
kind would go far tovvar Is preventing a lago
number of th" accidents occurring under Hie
present order ofailaii s.
National Fmii ton S i: a m i sr. Tho graat f di'
to be held iu Huston, for the bened. of disabled
sailors of the navy, comes off in November next.
Our raw has been of essential service in securing
important victories to our biava soldteis in the
fie 1. 1, and tho names ol timers and men b ivo
bi en itisrilbid high on the rolls of fame for vic
tories achieved on the ocean.
Greenwich Hospital, In, is a model of
the kind. There the old llngli h tar, bereft of a
leg or un arm "upper and lower timbers" may
bo seen any day, bubbling aUait on cut li or
cane, happy In rell-etieg on well spent years on
the briny deep, In tlci' nteof old Kngbtii l. Why
should wo not have such an asylum r Our internal
resources are immense. YVe aro a groat nviritimo
nation, and our seamen aro nmoiig tho tvst
iilloiit. The sails of our conmoreial marine
whiten every sea, ami our navy may bid deilance
to all the navies of tne world. Let, then, our
weather-beaten tars Of tho navy find a comfort
able home nt last.
Tho ladies of Doston and vicinity have taken It
no with zeal and energy, and Influential ih'odIc
of other Slates are no v cordially co-operating lu
the laudable enterprise.
Political. A largo crowd ajsCinblcl iu
I'nloii League Hall lust night to listen to an ad
dress from Kcv. J. YV. .Tuck-on. F.dwin Greblo,
Ksii , presided. Mr. Jackson and A. W. Benedict
spoku to an appreciative audience.
At tno lontincuiai aueaire nan. iiovernv-
Johnson, of Maryland, spoke la ,t night ou thd
Issues ot the Day.
An Immense torchlight procession and mentiug
ramo oil' in Camden, New Jersey, last night.
Jin lee. Keiley, 1 nomas .U. Uoleiiian, l.S'p, and
other, delivered speeches.
A Joke. A wag started tho report this morn
ing, that Mr. Thomas C. Carpenter, tho attentive
clerk at the stnmp-wlndow of the Post Olllce,
had been rent to Fort Delaware. Of course, the
numerous friends of tho gentlemen wercastouuded
at such a rumor, and on Inquiry ac the depart
ment we aeceitain that Mr. Carpenter was not
an unwilling parly to tho transaction, inasmuch
as business called bim to tho Fort, aud
to-morrow ho will bo at his post as usual.
To Pi nciiASi: CiOTHmn at Low riitetts, make
a isicrilen (Vein our slock of Kk ov-m imt lUr'tiem. Wo
arc sellluv uootll tn jir.vtf, fit, mule and ma'eevtl.
from I't -'si te ftitl. fotftatliail U Haw tlliii C'l I'arthB
skiii gttHis uiano W) ortior. vv nava an -i les, si.oi, utia
ITi.-t s ul IMotiiHie Men's. YnntlCi, and llovs . All can le)
sulltj fviliijutiltils ur U'ouljls. A; Co.,
Tower Ball, Xo. its Mwtct
The AnniVAL op a Fast "Train." George
Kvarct. Is lu town, tlitwue h.ia, tail Is trylnn ui
miy iiinii.' tlacM, and Is exp-isin.; uks irienti. tieoran is a
itiy last "tru. n." It is uot sifl'lirida with linn -upt til e a falllnt nut a v ci small lhui liirowd tiiai oir tfio
tr.t.-k. He coos a locoi.mti.t' er a ten-Ier hi'hithl ;
lie i ver litotls a iilHtiorm, tint pitches rii;iit t.'irosrfli It,
w la ttie i' a I '..illlin. ire or a I'lilcsjii inatlunil. 'Yuti nnlv ini
v ..a can jott that Trnlti In ttv Mklnv hint tn Cli.irlos Hral.od
,v t u. 's "file lirl-'f, lol'ler t o t.t, uad lut llio
' in by a mi: ui nnvv ol'iihcs dyt d la tne wool.
Oit, Rt iisc itit'TtoNs. This morning there vvas
ipctea livsly deiaatid iVir shares m;tlie v'rttua''lin..n tirrilorv
pr, s, t:i, u In ini'itiiLi' catuuiii, anil 'fine) a utuu'ior ol un
birli'tlein WHre i'aeslve.1.
Ah On ptait iu.ii,o.eil w III bo fatthlnlfy c irrlcd nut, an I
us a litis lie-on e'U.lari. it It v stili-, rhitl itn tiota
i .e.,i' Jes'l, anil altifl s lit tllel'd aiiine.t tuivnii, .it'lur invus
I'nat. -ii. w,i im sunn it I Itatdly lin e--ui'y t.a s'i.'s,.Bt to
On..!' liiii iidiiiit t a'aiiscnli", as lo the propriety ni'iluluc s.
nt 01 cc, ai lint li-t is ruiialiy illliuit up, nnd wlem ouu uiiil-dn-d
antist ripUous aru had, tin more u .'t tie tat.:n.
LAmr.s, if you vyish a rtyu iipmj or n.un, nso
Javns's Una Tosie. This valuable preparation etches
the scu'p to new and healthy action, clo:iuos It iV ita acurf
mid ilutiurun', iirovenid ttiu hair IV'tiii i'tilllngo'l', c.iroi tlinss
ertifaiviidUetises wfileti ui'.oa atiio.iroa the he id, mi.! in
a majority ef e'.ue produces a tine ..T.i.vth -a' ne.v l.'.itr. I
nlmi iMves tho lmlr a rich nut bea uli'iif aupearaoeo, ua-
rniialK-d by any thins of tho kla,. 1'n pared only hy Ur.
D. Joyce .V Sou, No. Jl'.' i Innnut street.
Tint Most Pfufkct Shvvinu Maoiiini: or tub
A'.i.. The ceiimu of the "Florence Hoirn AIicain"his
ht'eii, we may iy, a miireh Itro the atlc'iione
oi me p.oo e, if w. can jues's fiuua ine iirea a ol sieving
luu'Muc-hiiyinir l.uinabity that mA-itillv ho i"ea eohhut
anU itowitar at the '!' lorelieo'' ll'vilcs, Ho. tUt) elhuHtint
Hireet. 1 i.Ia ceieliratcd machine makes no less than f ,n,
t.iatate aud dlstiitet suteties. It Is itiioiy conslrui'ted,
and iu. terms a eri attr variety ol' work ttlaa auy n.hor
Hi'wins uiacti'iio tn utn. Kvi'ry mai-'Jlt.e Is aM with a
riiarntitcn to ko e tlie paruliuse'r puruiit miUifsctuui, or tuu
u ouey vs ill he reluiide-d.
limn ArrtiovAi.. Mrs. S. A. Allon lately re-
relieit a letter tVnin a Inify. stating Unit, at tfio mi-.-estlotl
ol niun'Toil li ielnl sho purc'iait'il a liotl.e oi' Mrs. si. .v.
All.DS Wuriils flair It. nt.rer. tea Zyl,'i,iJ,:iiaiii. oi 11 Ur
Ines-u'ir, sua af.ur at not in utina,. In-r liHlr, wnli-t m-ik
iliae i;re , wild rohinit d to Us ynnttil il e .lor. an. I no.v was htal ai'penr'tis. No lady' unlet iseotnpl. io wuli
oal tln'.o preparations. iit-ry lunl.t sells tlntiu.
rnKsoNsYVANTisoPiiOToiinAi'ii made should
n.lOoini'e the Hpletul d gallery ol' II. !'. llt-ituer. Ivjrv'S do V isile, and htti-tze Phot Jfei'aiiUs iu oil
liueililuUd. o.lii AitU tre-l.
I. lit; A L. 1M KI.I.IGl.ACE.
Ps'itm Status CiHt-vtr C ittnr Judgaj
Orlerund Cadwalader. Willi im H. Hodg-ouV.s.
v'il!lam Mliivard, Ciiited Stales Marshal, et ul.
The trial of tins caso which, as we have before
stated, was an ne'iou of trespass to recover
damages fur the alleged unlawful seizure of tlu
presses, typo, and other used iu tbo
printing ol tho Wost Chester Jrjlirsti.uitn, finally
terminated vcslerdsy, when tho Jury, aft )r hav
ing been out f r ubout Iwcntv hours, cuuio iu
Willi a verdict for plaintiff fur SjIH 23 damages.
Distuict Corur Judge Stroud. Gidil, Ben
nett & Co. vs. II. N. Burroughs. This was an
action to recover thn dill.'renco between the con
liartpiico of one thousand tons of pig iron ut
cyl'l-.".'! per ton, and the market price ot the -ume.
per ton on tae 20lh November, PiW, or tsJt 'i j.
Plaintiff ullcges that he purchased this quantity
of iron of the defendant through his agent, John
M on-head, at Pittsburg, Octobor lath, l-veli, at
jl'cV) per ton. Duloudant alleges that the ac
ceptance oi his oiler lo so. 1 at tho price Lainod,
wus ronditioiied, and that before an absolute
acceptance by piuintitf, the oiler was withdrawu.
Jury out.
B onmili'n J. CiUsoa llosrcn. Now Vork, VV. J. Taylor.lrCo
llann'F Ulcardo, I ulliaUo. Ilathados, B. A. Huuder Si On.
M. i r Kli .lotus, AUi4lt, WasaiasttMl, Caitiier.Siielaey
Si'hJ.J.'naV.1 Whilileii, riea.n'ort, II. A. Adarni.
M-.ltrlles. Mrn-re. lit. Mary,, Md.. do.
K. hr Jidille. Uoiarts, liosioo. o. A Heck.ber A Co.
Hehr A. II. Culii.Mliupliiu, Akaaudria, J. ti. U. a. Rtf
ea,'rCMdrla Fo.i. r Vortresn Monoo. TreUi & Co.
Bekr Jlerefiaui.fliUiii'i, AIeaaodria,i'aiUia.
Yolk , w Ul. udse lVT.J r"rM. OnlMOvMitU,
K,,,Jo?v'Laau& W 7 reisaoelt,!.
u$Z&A X.wH.v,l bal-
O-WiuTd -arson.. i iay. fteu. rrU4. with
"achr AirB,Uctn.r. r. rsrutas. Moar.s.1.
tas"rWMWBarrtt.from Bostoa, la ballut Is
'"tVJhilaryP . Haiioo, Hu-, from namptsa
Us!Vr Atienie'nln. lUco, froai Uamptea Roads. U bal-
'iaiueV'ii'Js Sowar, KoblBioB, frtm Akiiuirls, with
m0 W W . I'.CIjd.
Skip (arsnak, nowlaao, from LlTeraoo) Jljt alt , With
bOis ab in rsttsail tv V -fe iHV.
Ornes ov Tna Err) Twraitjirw, I
1 hor.dsy, Octoker ill.
The bears In Kcading had, yesterday after
noon, a tasio of tho punishment In store for '
them. Several leading banking honscs had large
orders for Heading slock, nnd "pnt thorn
through," without any regard for the feelings of '
the thorts, whose visages wero nther bluff. "
About rV,)Oft shatTS were taken from tho market at
pfle-s vaiying from filj to O-l, tho market t
closing nrm at the latter price.
Ycstt relay, Mr. McCalmont, the largo hoMcr,
on F.uglih aeeoiint, of Reading stot k and bond.",
converted .2,0 s.,000 of tho bouds into stock, "n
i how ing his appreciation of tho valuo of tha
slums, and proving coir lusively that the sto ck- ' ,
hol lers ure, onto more, abo it to recaivo soma
justice In the way of dividends from the manage- B
went. ThiB nc.vs came on 'Change about noon,
und the demand for the share exceeded anything
we have seen since last Apr", when the stock was
marked up to Se'SJ per share.
Tho Stock Mm ki t is steady this momlnir, bat
the transactions are limited. Uowrnmcnt bond
nro nil firmer, with sales of 6s of lbalatl06t;
"'is me quoted nt lbl .J, coupons off; nw do. at
l(i()', which Is an advance; and 7'3J at 108 1,
w hich is also nn advance.
Paihoad shares are dull, with the exception of
Kc!Uling,which continues excited and very strong,
with salts at fi -"Jf .l-lij, an adv.iuec of j; LKtlo
Schuylkill JUilrOAd sold at Wi'-t; 00 waibii
lor Pennsylvania K.iilroad; .'cl for PhiiadolphU
ur.d Gormantown; 2tl for North Pennsylvania;
'jO for F.lmlta )referrcd; 18 for Catawista com
:non, ItT l for p.-eierrcd; 01 for Philadelphia,
YVilmington, and Baltimore; and 31 for Phila
delphia and Kric. ,
In City Passenger r.ailroad shares there Is
rather more doing. Spruce and Pino sold at 31 1
and Gir.ird College for 2tl', ; 21 was bid forThir- '
tet nth and Fifteenth ; lii for Arch Streot ; and 29
for Green and Coutes; "0 was a-ked for Second '
nnd Third.
I Coal Oil stocks continue Inactive, but priest '
are steady, wiih sales of Mineral Oil to notice at
2 ; Noble and Delamuter at 1 1 1 UcCUiitack at 6 j
and Densinoro at 8J.
Bank shares are firm and rather better, with
sales of Mecbaules' at 2:)4; Ida was bid for. '
North America, which is an advance; 70 fot ,
Farmers' and Mochaoici', au advance; 23 for,
Manufacturers' and Mechanics'; 50 for City ; 33
for Consolidation ; 1 3 for Comoioniveallu ; anil
GO for Corn Exchange.
fcThero is mora doing in Canal shares, with
large sales of Schuylkill Navigation preferred at
37, an advance of and common at 20; 76 wast
bid for Lehigh Navigation; 93 for Morris Canal '
common ; and 1.5 for Susquehanna Canal.
Tho Money Market Is without change, and tha
demand Is limited ; loans on call ore freely
offered nt G7 l' cent, per annum ; prime paper -ls
st arco and quotod at 810 (j' cent. ;
Gold is less active this morning, and price!
are unsettled, opening at 21'l at 10 o'clock, fell
off and sold at 21 IS ut 11, rallied and sold at 21,' .
at 12, and 2 Hi I at 12J.
A despatch front YVashtngton this morning
says tbo subscriptions (o the seventy-thirty loan, '
reported at tho Treasury Department for Monday "
and Tuesday, amouutod to &57,700. The last
report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue
ehovis that tbe income of the Government from
internal taxes Is about 10,000,000 a mouth, or
nearly S200,0vi0,0()0. ,
ruiLAiiF.i.rtu a stock exciiamgk BALKS, OOT. 27.
KeporUd by Uarkson A Co., limners, Ma. Ul II. TUrA &W
Buroiir. BOAltim.
see in Reading U.... t i' lieu snCutt'B Oil..... '
:i n sh
ll I -I",,
d oil) t.1',1
do i- "U ''
il Wrn n'l u i,.i ', ,
do i i O.
do UJO i-l a i
.?! nil UeltllictiT ..tM
. fl sh
5.111 sh
lie sh
Kll mi
Its) sh do
2oii sh do ftf
I. 0 ih Culoa fot Sj-44
7tish do
lis) sii Maple Hbade.. IK:!
!H4) sh Kevstouo Oil., I'S
.VnOali ttxeelii r Oil... I'i
toriBfi f'eiiu M In ..1)10 n
let) sh DaiaeU Oil. .bo ,ri
lcn nil
tin e.,
U.hlhla. .Mining., l-.t
MUST 110 A III).
irsKilt. s. Ss, 'fll.rej.lrsvi;
.mi V S6-gi t'li-, i
S.'Ol'il tin IHO'i'i
;isio City cs, over ;0. :i'J I
ii.iil Co !it'"!
t-liC'lty ti. new IW
1 .-Hi Iliad. IHs tl-si).li.if I
yt o i;,,:n. A A C s.i In) I
flisst on I'd I
t ;' i 0 Sell N lla it In in. !'l
Um Sell. Nav. l. Ji.. 7
$j.m Pi-nna lis hit I
ill .li Mis li Haul If.?, I
II h Kvi'turkv- Ilk. .Iln
fie tii N. y . Ji M...)ii 111.
no sh Psnn Mln..b30 SI
'Jvnt III Mineral Oil ....
Msh Nome A Del... 11
nnsa HoC'llllliKK...,
4'Wsli lit'iismom ...b5 R
son li FihiI lasiu .... l;l
I'll sll 1'rcMui-lt Ooat. IU
:0 ill Huh. Nav esaa. 'i8
gsi sh Men N. pr ;i7
4'nh do..30of to ill
SO sn iln SeO.17
10 all Lit Sea H Wi
511 sit dn b-IO 44
III bh Rpruce A 1'iue. :il
-Alslitllranl Col.... -JtitJ
'.sthsti lteadkus il..... rti'4
1'W h do ti'.
inn sh do fij'j
too kii iwva iii.. ..... e
It sit I'eiina KR Ctl 'i
auusn irsria uu.,
ton th do IsXi li-i.'i
Huotatlons of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold
Exchange, No. 31 S. Third streot, second story :
HA A. M 215 12 M 215
11 A. M 218 1 P. M ..210
Maikct active.
Ds Haven Buo., No. 20 S. Third streot,
quote as follows :
Jhiyinf. temnl.
American Gold.... 21 ti 21 i
American Silver, 9's and Pa 204 ,
Dimes and Half Dimes.. 201)
Spanish Quarters ..,105
Penn. Cum ucy J die. 1-6 dis.
New Vork lixchruiiO ..1-10 " par.
Quotations of the principal Cool and Coal Oil
stocks al 1 o'clock to-day :
But Ait., Bill
Ftll-on ,s.
n ri.iuiinou..,i, ..
Ht; lrv.ii: Oit 7 V
ti Moun.ui i "al. li
K.Y.A V.iU. !'..:.. II
tjieeu All. Coa.... 4',
l.-'v lisiimuore....,..,. 8
o DainllOli S'f
I'S llcltlheuy i
1 tloneru OU ..
l' OlinnUiad 2
14 "l'lioieJial.lOVj
New t'rtia 1
Ki eder lioia Coat. I
C'ltntuii i'i
Holler t cel....
fiiuiiiond Coal.
, 11
Ainerli uu Kauhu.. 1
Key-toue .toe.... tt'i
Kxcel-torUU VI
His Tunk 1 '
larreil I.".
Oil t ieejt ',
Mnpie Hh-tile OU. il
ct'k ll.l... . S
I'etin.ylvaiila Pet.. 1
11 .Miory farm
J limner
'j t'etmluQut Caulre.
2; K.ljerl
1 .11 Hern Island
U'4 Alls.ilieny Hirer..
',;. , a 'ut tin
ii'4 l-tiila oil Crcuk.
Hull CrefS
I. 0 llerm.iua
JI Com Planter
4 liner..
i'i Kovk oil
I.1, Terr Kena
i'J Si l. Oil t'O
i I'pin-r t'eomnar..,
1 Tail' Homestead..
1 .
1'erry Oil
Xliia.r.l Oil
Kit) stone 1)11
t'n Ion Petroleum.
Benora Oil
Ortsu.o OU
5 'It
Tbo following are the receipts of Flour andl
Grain at Ibis port to-day .Flour, llbObbls.j
YVbeat, oitlMi bushels; Corn, 3009 bushels; Oats,
7700 bushels.
The Cleveland and Toledo lloaj oarned tht
third week in October:
l.lttd 32,752 1 SOI $ I2,7
lncreiiEC ,705
The Indianapolis aud Cincinnati Hoad earned,
September, lb04i
Pssseiigers. ..l.H Mails, Ac 2,T
Fieighl 19,611.
Total 106,593
and the lurgest mouth in the history of the road.
The Rock Itland Boad earned tho third week
in October: , ,nD.
lsfi.t a. Sltl.N lOOi t"'i""'
... 30,971
Thvbsdav, October 27.-Bark-The market it
netrly bare ai guereltron Bark, aa4 Ho. 1 Mill, la a I wall
way . wi " l"
Cotton U quiet and nominal st l'3ttil'-
Seeds o( all dcicrlpUoni an unlet.
. -,.. . ....... .. n.,r hare been sxtrenul UirbC
l IUU 11)1 WV.'M V- ' " - "
luoe cur Ian report, and the Kocki now in the haudi ef
hold ars reduced tn a eompaiaUvely low nKura. Th
l , i. arm hut tha demand Is xtreiaely UmlteA. I'M
sales lar export ars moderate, and lis reported at fait
lows i 700 barrels food Oblosxtra family at Utojll-Te -
. . , . ... . . .1'. In, .ama - - -
IHU Darrcu cbuiw .ah v.., - , s. .
I Bt.rkar Quality at HO-bS pu barrel, Tbe sales for tha .
mPP-y VI It uvu.. u... . v vh. m. n ai, m, uvua
t 7 tor mparflne opto $11 for fancy brands, as In qaeUtyr. '
la n.. aud Con Ifaal. tha aama naintnaa vjbJell ';
hai pervaded tho market for mom tint putatmsonluuK-s.
U'l...,. IS. anai-h. I a Arm .1 111. . w. , MfiOrds4t
yeelei-day.bul tiieie Is omparaUvely awllaias t ues J
way i eui.e. The oileiinsi Je ekueuicly hslo. J!2
or prune rennevavaiua rea, so ine eateoi oi -w - - .
are smAiiis at i SO, and Houihern do. at H M 1 1 '
ii unc mil w . .ui.n .j . i iv. - . bare ye
but there U vetry Untie bore. 'The mant ii Vr do wi
Id Corn, ana a n Ui demand al 11 -" " '!,juiliS
all Utili se). One. aetee'ty ;', "r, Eu,i ai.'i ,
and belaware, wlib ilo o' v Atxl at vas -
o( lee we tUoM Hwlf ali isW.
I A 'V buihel. , 4 si-ftlSl N tlf 9Ue
Wbuky le la saodeTSf " "
Hl-i-4(Wit. Ov-W 1S.