THE DAILY EVENING TFXEGRAHI. miL mtTUlX, VEDNESBAY,, OcTOIlKU 20, ' WKTiNESPAY, OCTOBRTt ,, 14. TIT2 IKESIDENTIAL QUESTION. "VIEWS OP A DISTINOUISnKO ruENcn niiLosoniEn. H, Laboulaj-o'3 Letter on the American Crisis. X iltatlnpnislwfd French prorosior Mi.l politi cal pbtrotonlror, M. Eilouar-4 lairyoulrtc.), wlio, bj Ms lectures 1n Trt on our Con.s-tr.ution ani M of goremmcnt han shown his thordth mmld( of tho Amcticun sy stain, nml wt.o, 'wOTtojet, during this whole strupgle hits cxhlli Kpd tbe warmest Interest In our giicci'.ts, has written the following trttir, Containing hit t.cvri at length era the hearirgs of the fbrthcotiiinc iVo aidcntiul cScctimi : Tnere art crttlcnl nioin-nfs Intheiirrof inlnn.alim (fee course 'hat ts lakea d.ichles tn..r future ; the iff at iia aad' lborty ofihetiation arc at stake ; an i.-i.taiit of weakliest aril all Is km; an Instant ol rncr.y-alust aaomenl and all ii saved. 1H in one of hcr crises (tut tie fnlted Slates I. Juto1tiI. Till' Prc'domlnl i lo -tj.ju may In. .re th. txlumph or roln of the Nor h. A.-entsniig lo tho Hit shall be drawn '.oni tho popular u:n. America may regain peace aud t-jnn the ,,f rrc, comitrm.n .aha saay tall Into u at liu nnlilc anarchy w.i, h Inn mi ll tkeSpanlsh Itepnblioa tbe prey of wretch's! dssimts. Hi! " laoBliliig-itock and play thing of Cm-opn. Two same uro-nr-pnsed to each other thai nf Abrnhsia Xlnrvtn and that of ilonrral Me' Il-Uiu, Hut n are h, re .f lltt'c Impiitancc. I.iM.'ulii, McClulluu, ant two h-iinni, which r' ee nt tbo opposing parties. And it is im tho aceesiiono' one of tin sepai.ies Hut .li pen I the 'I .-tnn-itoa ? the salvation of the Let u leave the men. there' ' tbrer their pa.t ability or mf.tuket -lo not svcii h in iho l,,,i- aere. The question In agitation Is s .m. tliii.ii ver. .lill.-ieu Jfem the .oeecss ot personal amhltlnii; it 1 im- tin- I nln.i, (t It for America a iu t ion of H e and death. Mr. Abraiam Lineoui rciirostiUs a i-nbsyor the mot .pr.lciious kind, which nia he snuinicd up in two son rners the or the t'nion, tlio aholiiion m t la scry. Evcrjtl.lim ,) it witj a. , , sn.y, and i.i.ty l.e eaally modified according t. cirouratUnecs. u, ntral McCkd'an protests hla devotion to the t'nion and hit VMro to ro-eslulilish peace and concord; hut tln-sn art ceneral caprosalons which hide the true Idoa ut Uie pirtY. At theTw tom.the poll..yot Oeiinr.ii Mi Clolhin Ii nut alecliied than that vf hit rival. To tiime nho In.w 13 read kt motto, hla bitnenr h.-iira the Inscr.ptlon. " I he re-itttiilhment of tbe fnion a' It n, slavery r"malnlnr .Au Internal iiucotiiur that it to s ly, sl.iTery r.:tniilnliit:. Toceaea aaiKainry atnift'le .uhI lo hrnie. haek peace, ' liy twtehltig up at any prlec the old cditlie of the Union tbeae arc t)i prawi4a oi ihu tleueral; they are nil bril- (iant; ot a rantt cannt an the m'i,Ti- of a pmlnnte l n the nuffrhif ol commerce, onthe l.issitiul.. pranoaaaaeh dcpirirablc condition! tu the Ainertean peo. Thejr would -not havolocn pror.oaed to thern two .jearaago. Hut ttieao varno piMiniaes, howuvor inojoat 4iieyaay ht, the cleaeral, become l'n aldeut, ouulj nt falrll. The force of erenti would be more pow crful than U atraaaaof a candidate. Without being a arophet one rn ARlrm that lleneral a:Clel!an would not way the torrent that at wishes lo let looae. Thetaecan o: tho (lencrallt -tlieiiialntenanceof slavery, aniilhemalnt.tanco..riiin,vcry ia the abdication of the Nurth and tha triumph of the JSoDtlL Therein la the daimor taut Um-ateiM tho anieri. an Voloa. It It the dnty of every friend of America and bertf tt point It oot. iVay did the South tccedu? Waa It for it question of lartfle, a difference of race or belief? No, all thosu fine jretextt have baxn lnveuti d to dazle Europo, no 1 those who have invented thein havo been the ilrst to laugh at ar eredtiHty. Tor OUiV years and more the South ruled the fnlon. The policy of the Mouth was the poll jy of tlio United States ; there weie no rreaidents except ihoic who had thetupportoftheS'iuth. How did the 8 mth succeed in tnarclitntthls prcponderatlnir iiillinuiee'' The answer la ajaiy. The South was allied by one of the pai tlea that amtatcd In tlie Surtti It adopted Hi mon, uu cundiilon tltatthete men would be. iin tlie auxiliaries and a.rom pheetorits paiaiont and Interests, ilever was bargain juuefklrhfiiuy kept. This party, always rea ly to t. rve a aeetianal polk, was that which entitled ittelf Item-wratlc, laottositlon to the Republican party -was that which t-day putt forward Oeneril lletTcllan. Wlitt It wlaltas, j it la net difficult to dlvtna: its pint aniwara lor Its future. I miy tK the gauth task to rule tut Union? Firaainale Jtaton, to malaUln slavery. It needed political domina--tkto to order to Insure Its Internal despotism. It need, d . tortltnat Washinirton. In order to hinder a ray of Huht ftaas penetrating the cabin of the nttrro. r.vory year the Caloa grew, every year some new free state caaae to add apotltsi star to tho federal fiat-; tho South, with Us lavet, coald only follow with a halting step the triumph ant progress of liberty. Yet, notwithstanding, It was aect'tarjp for It at any prico to maintain, the political tjaalilf slavery, a free state more, and the balance turned-the accession of liberty w, the dowafall of the . South. Such wis the policy which the South followed with a tenacity wortty of a better ca ne. In E irope It la the faahton, la good society, to admire the k. ntlcnejii ot ti, oath, to have it illirerent m for the peoido of the Horth. Europe It full of inarunlsus that disdain hands smirched and hardened by lull. Thro n s uaithinit aohlt In the Idleness of a,-"tiiHmuiu And what tiuer iten. tlsaen are there than the Houihorn plantors? Itravo, rash httractable on the point of honor, rich, hospitable, la. lsh- what morels needed to faeutuaUt society Tho reverse of the medal H does not wish to see. It It rlyht, for there Bathing In the world moio unaUjhtly and doilorthlt tlie anplollatlon of labor by Idleness, of weakness liyslnuiut!i asf destitution by riches. The (lospcl la rent asunder, humanity la trodden uuiier toot . but what matters bumaapy and the Uoipel? In the face of men ao daring, und of . women to well bred, how think that all this olefcanee hm fta purchased by tho sweat and blood of a wretched per) oniu'tly oppressed? . On Uu day when the paoitiv Vf "io Sort'i and West took re tamest their duties as mou, cltleiis, and Christians a the day when the cup of luiamj overilowed uuthe day ' when tlie Morth wat no lonier willing to be tho Julier ard armtdiefvant of tht South ontiat day tho South, with kta ehlvalrlc audacity, proiolly raised the standard of war; n played with tlie t'nion ami the Constitution m apltu'er plars with his slaves and hla dugs. Kverytiiiiui I per mitted to tentlenien ; there are neither dudes nur eoumry tor the chivalry. What can be demanded of a man wli hills hit feaiuw-cltieiis heroically, or di,t bravely mi the battle-Seid? Tlioie 1 socri-aic to great that ieuicrltydoc aot win It pariioil. ToUi s culpable atUek, ths X .rth replied hy sentlnrlts tMUten to det'nj tl.l menaced ciuntry. Itinalaj ,n fa: h.'on in Europe to pretend that the armies of I lis, jfrni, aie recur ted Irmn merceu tries. T.icrc srt ti jly t ntta. her of therein, I do not dny ; but,,,,, th sn hat not iiiven the best and pnrsm of t,; , j , 4ir.,I' 0 ,j f Uiose logen out luvr ntlons w-0 waicu men ,I ly on our simplicity. At Iiosiont vcw yrki at M,1a,tf,1liu thare It not a wi.g,hop or a store that has not a void; there It not a fetHy that l not In mourulnir. In Kiauee, in 17 n atvsrt was shown no m jre patriotism, no niure courage, no more devotion. t Tht war was en'ered upon w ith the sole cry, M lint.un the Union; save the country. Hut In pri.pjrlloii as the Sorth was dufeatad, and as it felt all the force au 1 resist, anee that there was In tht Aoiil'i, Its eyes were opened. The North had not provoked the w ar ; the North had no' vtcdatctllM Constitution; the North had threatened the Booth ntllher In lit liberty, nor In Its privileges, u,,r Its Interests; It bad never attributed to Itself the right to toucn slavery, It had recoiled bcr.iro the magnitude, of tho cuitstlon; but the tlruggle once more commenceil. It asked itself what cautet had brought about the fratricidal war which eot It to much blood, so many tears, so many tacrl cea. A word answered everything, It was slavery: It wat that turn of all vlllauics, at the pious Wesley justly called It, that has led on the South to lonimtt the greatest dermics. Jtwasfurtlie interest of Its lellltl.iiess and tunliltlon that the Bjuth had pllilestly dcttioyed tlia work of Washlm-ton and laid loltut hands ou the country. The till once recognl.ed, It sought the remedy. Mr. LlnooJawtttJie Interpreter of llena'Diml wish whn, to tlit mnlutenance of the I'ulou, as the end ot tl.e war, 'l.u added 'tht abolition of tlaiery. The two t!.:u,-s boil toguther so long at there 1st slave on tlio sri of free America, the Union will be ouly a word. T lio uattot will always be on the ove of a new exulosiou. What llKBirles this word Lrnioa'r Is it simply tM juxtt positloo ou U.t same territory of men divided lu aenii aneau, ideas, and interests f la It.onthtaoatrtry, acorn. aauiuty of men with the tarns faith and the taat wlil'r To put tht quaiticn it to ratolvo 1U Whf does tht tahabitant of Mains or Connecticut fetl lilmsotl the fel-w-oountryman aad friend of tlie fanner on the thores af Lake Superior or ths Paclrtt l' Iietaiiso both have the "o faith and tht tairt lovs, both know nothing but But will tht laborious, acououiical Vauku, , ot osamon tiiuality, ever live harinonlonsly with ."P''rrwtollvM r domination, who dctplset labor.,rse.. n,, u" "ncr of labor and tilt rl.tocrcy.f Wleneas, betwwn a free soma,,,!,,., and s ftoZTxr - - -"'"-g'.n tu" vp. Tho fHtt,theonlycot,iUu.UlM u Ualoasuarh. faataWshtsI t. . lasur .....t t".". alttapMsx. and UuU libeny .haul to u "'.'.acta iBti.nstt.tlis .ssm dsttu.the taaaautth.sndtiis tarn. sKtutry. Suck U tbs policy supported by Mr. Lincoln ; it It tht nly ont that Is rssuoaahlt, becaute it It tbs oiuy one that Is Just. It Is But U.t .North that oominsnctd . Wis tru.-gls, tot mon lhaa thirty yean, dsspus oB. ttnurtJ Ihrrj-f m1 rflf',IltutI, It bowM tfft prWI Urn of th HomH thnmrti rMct fnf the OnuUtnlif i, H ntiti fYtrjtMni,. lint net Ihtt tiit frUilryi hive out foitTi cf' U war, ttit Nurtli would b Innknt If It 4i.t notfrMftt ty 19 rtiry ntifortune lo ant annthlUt Mn-ory . to dfttrny r)ntiwre' at the ntnt blow hy the enuMnhmmt of Utterly. I t 10 nne ml take the uinln ni pit wiv1tr-M f not the men or the South that ! nv an, U Ii tli1 Ottit lniti(titttn that ha hllndril amldeitrfivcdthftu. I do not apiirtiv of l tl nfaf-infii thit hivehefti takrn In tho North. I Maine contltcallon, which no lonpcr br'ttni' to f tir t-r.iP: di not Hk to Yvat of trail fnnHrif into terr.ti.rlri. th- at' tliiit ak tr. re'iirn Ut ti 1'i'tnn ; ! have ni tn'r Y"rt.Un e n-T i"r liw ineMty. ni n .nd pruw rty hv trcAti d with r.nv imerittK'n, l-t tt.U P it he e.m,rmi!f' 4, h t Ihr prdl,.i! idil una' rMirn To ttip rt-1 'a' hoiii r- ttved UU -n ani'vlt all ' tie ntitlrd n'-ffd a -"in'-Ti nmnf ty it 'tutrt ran tiff bettrr; n-IUfl-Mi, hiir-..uiit , int'-r 't, iiruTlr tit-?), slo d, dri.iamt ti ; hut l.-t h re be no yract' tir a'avory. If yivt do no' kill It, 11 iMU kill y mi. "Mill iolf,rv,lt ho a.ild.N hh-h th N.ifth ta louvht lo tolfuw , fl Imi not ii i : tit. TtH ci.nlr l hnttR fd by fn ir nri"t (ttan'ilcr and alanilHi ; t tt.rth r ..ilriM:-nl tl..tti nl tin h. tinning of tvcntf ' 1 ndtnil t:.-.! ttiiit pull v t . not r-nrct-ftlvJ on fie first day ; tit'w''t Tf, ?( l on tho t.i(f, di yoM M-e 'nl'iRtl, a pnni-h;! i .in Ii .nr. and vl-tun r 'oiDprnm-tl a t.'n h It ha mi'Tc'o! y It ti very .lnr n-ni in r-,. life. amit-l f n.nfiit t rxwl prh iieyp and vtVirt-iv,im a fonrm nt y . I'-rtr t Morti , rlcvuin ittvi ifU-o rr tuedi d. It It thp -iiila I'iii h t;.1 In Hi, -in nn lltntc ho, thro'.h ''"'fs"i loiu covt'i'anffd w-fh w ; i s. iiuni ni-s 'W' f hihtrtiD to tuttci K.r the eri"t.t whlf h ilK-lr him cn lor "lid not title in Mi.-ir imaiu y. XT TifiNurtii has ii'it j f tini- l.r-d tt f -rv , la It true th.i It iitHN nut nnc il It ' ll.'vt.' Vnrv!rifl, Wt-itern Vtr inla, Tonnt'.-, K 'iifn ky, Mt ,' i, tftttrne.l te ths lint It) It not tntisie.' of L -tns.arn, 01" Ai kiitiftun, ahd of the oir' of Itir Misl.ipr't.' Ii It io f.rrlMc tntiy ttf M.rhaii'or of H'mIiII n.iih'n f- th c:ipMu-f r AUanu r -iliinir, ii the army uf , ol niii.' t Dm f!4nl. o' I i' H htiim end Ir Mi'iy mi.i iu-.-', ,n lti mi o,f itottitni:' Dt'-plf Ui' r-.ur t' e of Its n-.tdivr-i, ti- "H.T.r.v nnd laJt nl ol it Kt iktjI.s, ih .1 'V l-t p anting I" .r h.v 1 1 ti ; V. ha no loiiLiir an nnny t)i re r-, ( , v l it.i v will nt i if, II. H hew 1 ml it. All Its hop. n are d ' it .f.ioiteil im tlf n-e-N ..1 T'l'T.-jn', u tin- tMio!)ii -si ni m.', 'in ui'-j-aU-iirtii-a ol Knwl.tiul. To iint-ti the i o- k whh i! tmd beft-n-to r. nd tlift oitntry a 'uirpr It nee-Vd t!io OM.i t Btivv ol' lumKil pttwers; i..r-hi"M powt rs h.ivo Uilcd Ii. Kl-ig fotttm wan to brim.' to ftc nt of the Month iift Ai 1 t. u- nntl imcrrMed I-urt pe ;M:ij; 'ott -n In t.-Uye-t.-r.-ned in bdnU'ot tlio Vt Indier, a:nl Mvpi. Tip. opinlt.u ni th oiii tif, tb ws-T't. v. p t. In rt, 1 rt-yail- d ovi 1 ti e,l)in. titms'if I .uro.i -an c ilw:i-tt. l-'.n-.lend w-.uld p-rli ipa npl nid tlm rrnduu- er ot Aui'Ti' a, wl -) vonld d-!l. r Uvr from the mily rlvel.-,- tl.:,t ! ( ("n ail- ; v.-mM rt!-tore ... I,.-.- tl.. den. a uf (li Deal, aiid would u i Inir the St i-tu an n colony, and, ai It wen-. 1. h-fr.funt; but lva.:d4n I is the v .mntry of Wflis.T fur e ; Mm not dured mukf war tor tin- m.tlii:vi)Aii, c 01 laviry ; and what Knuland has not chirod do, )ii imp v. i I ilo. Kn ni iho lii-t momt'ut, - apprlsdl rl:c H nlh that It wohIiI never .in mount tuo iuoi jiI reproliation ot Knrune i;d tl :i not 11 pnn( e would dnr brn e put.llioptiion. I will ro lurth r to-day, mid will say every d.iy brlnq m rc icitny to ium tlie IntorpKt thut nil the Knr.peaii I' iw.ts. a "liikle onn exrrpted, havo Ui tho rihIii mance of tho Unit n. Tho tradition, of lTl nr re.wnl.f uiii, und, nvro utrwflrh ;'Und chfinrrl il piHU iune, n one In Fra ice that iL is 10 tlie intere-.t of the coimiry to nufntv ;it tht fMdiryol' Lou 1 XVI and Nepohon. Tho I'nlon li th? tlr.'st need 01 Amerini: hut II h a'vo onn of th"grentet ln torfsts of Kiaiue. Tiii'-ls tlio pilcu of tho liberty of the an, and w itfioitt the htx-rty of chn teas tho lntleponilenH) of France and that 01 Europe urn e'iimlJy m-neeed. AhatMhtnnd hy liurvp, ht-mrai'd In anl rtninT0d Rraclually by the North, the Mouth 11 eonderued to ex batiotlon ; It mini yield, and tin moment cinnot In- t'.ir ofT. the North puriit In th: polh-y adapted hr Mr. Unroln ; . t It, on all eli- mattituln atanypr ee tlie two conliiioti!i tht rc-r-ital lihmenf t"the rnioii, fin aholitlon of ilavery, and the 8outJi will he forced to bow to no. f-id'y. HhaieMf may ho the conituc -ol an army or a pcotie, there conirs a moment when hneles resltam-e Is nothing h v than nuit;uinary marlnt'ss. ILe Houthern Kncmla an eohlieru ha e fuutjht with an obstinacy and bravery to wtlchthelr ndverartes an; tho tlrnt to render Jnstieo, lint they hue been dcu-lvtd; their cause i bad and cannot fcuected. Lee end ItCaturcerd have done eniM.rli (or tho Iwinnrof thefla-i, it will tmn he time for them (o think of tlio la ins ot'hiiiiiaiiity and the country. Hut there it tor tho fluiithalitit chanre of safety, It in thst ottered by tloncrul McCVHun and bin party; it 11 a com pro mine at the exjtense uftite wretched neyro. Tht.f cotr promise t dlsktulsed under a fine phrase, fir ita uds ootu-B dare not ackuowlcdK that they dru-.v btt k. It in called Lsuaraiit.-enii the Couititutioital riclits of ea :h 1 State In the future. An admiral. lo euphemism for those who are tatlsiled with word ! In plain luthruiikre, this UKflns ti at tho North shall rcuounee muddling with scrvi- tude, and that slavery shah tie imilHbilned In tlie South ua Iouk 8 it muy pleat e the Suth to maintain It, It is to tho pilvllfi.d that tteneral MeOlullsii IntruutH tho caro of nbollBhlntx the privilege; wo may be sure that tho South will nut abuse the permission. The Mouth hue made war to ma in tain the supremacy ot tt;e slave pull -y ; the sla e Is delivered up to It in order to make pence. Tho North siih 111 1 tu. Through love of penoe. it accepts the eomp teiiy in this int.uny that Jt has reiet t- d for tur year- pa-l. Is, in nil Its crudity, what tho I'euiojratic par.yuii a compr mine . Ptrhnps there are n number of men in ti e Norih wli. wesryoi'war, and caring verj lit:l fur the miseries of slavery, would willingly re-dn themselves to thin arrant inent. Itut I 1o not fear to a-."ert t;(at thev would bo deceived; this arrancmont ti I npra"M':ak. Nothing is eaier, itul oite-i moro jtt, tiutii to 'o:iipro- mine C'.u-: rnin Intcrust1. : btit It Is imposnlhhi to omiirj mine botwoen rUht and mtustlee, hstwen servitudo and Uherty. Tosaerlt.ce four mlllljus of huni'in bcini,M to a politu.ul interest, tven t the sncutl'y of tho mora !"!, is a crime, und lik. all, mistake and a danger. Bipporte tlencrai Mut'klian to ho th-n rretld- nt, what win he doV lln will propose an armUth c to the Honth; coiuDd -winners will ho appointed coDvontiou, perhaps to rcKtilutu the de-ired uompriimise. itut tiie conditions that wIP he propotu tl hy the North are known in advaitce. Slavery will be Hhindoued to the Routh as concerning It ; nil that will ho asked nf tho Uebuls will bo that I hey will piea-e ti reuira to tho Unlou, What will tins '.Knnprjuiite be to tV N.rth'r the hss of four war of war, ot niil'ioiis ol UoUars, the usei-sa sa.irl ilce 01" blood iihed on scores of buttle ftohK T .e South will .a madly rent uiumler the Constituihui, mined thnttsani.s of fortunes, desolated Ih-nihands of faiudh n, altrr which It will return to Ihe Union, more Invidneraijlo, pn uder, anil morn Insolent than ever. For tlie Macks there will be 110 mure hope ; pr tit po ,r vvlilrew et tiihI .h pendence. tKr)etual ttenradutlou ; for the rich planters the tnti'Mc athn ot power and success. And Is It Imagined Hint on those conIitou the Union will be rc-estahli'tacd ; that b tvvecn a .lerjiocracy huntili. oled, alter o mnny und sii-di ;'enoioi'i sacrirtces, an J a triumph. int ariituerat y, a friendship . Ill sprint; up that will soon heal till tl.e wound of the war'r No, this Iwu-i tireaui . no one wi i '' : t. 1. , , lit U thgt Is ot by a. vain .iml.tti iu. 'T'tt- duj on uhich tJio Xartit ;hai! s. ribefo these ecnditlons, it will nun I 1 social j,-id politi cal add cation. At the twitom of t'ds ttuw eninpset any be written, A,nn ir.,. The A:uei U a of WasiJiittm will have di.tpi oaitwd I10111 the vvorhl, and forever! Peace concluded, what will he IN- utiltudo of the K .rth towaidi. the Hoiithi That uf powerU-tness und resina (iou ; for, in tine, it must not be s.itNiiod wiih wonls; If 11 jit Ido to the Mouth. U is hecmsw i eauii-.i lcdiH-e it ; it in betause, despite line npeeche-, at the h.itiom it a- knn. It it "Oil ' iiinulsln'd. If any ilhiHi.m in ihts re-pect p'eeHttt in t'lt1 X.irlh, the flrt.t European juiirpal w ill .urine to tll-slpate it. For thitty yi ars past, Europe Iism treated Ameilcau democrat y dinhiliifidly, becutut thin deal .cracy hat cmpniinded with n la very. T . repel this nni-ist ami Jnterusted disdain, tl.e North 1ms excused itself on tho pka that, through love of throuifh re-pert fr tlie CcuBlitutU.n, it le.-lyued Itseli to u jiiURtlon which it had Hot made. The ex. ue w 3 leltmnite ; it w.u accepted by men of good faith, liut on ihe d;t- when slavery shall be triumphantly re-D-tab.ished, wlih the consent uf tho North, w hen the chains 01 tho ne.;rn sli.ill be riveted by tht kbiiiu hands that are hrcUluy them at this moment, the North v. I!l not en-ape this terrible iiceusatlon of c im plhity. And then, what joy will there be amonu the one -mien of A!iirU..n liberty: W Unt rlef and sltamo lor all their frh iu's . Tl.e yreat liep.ibl.c will he dUhonor.-d. What ti-.utterH, It will be nam. the opttdous of Europe'.' An.erica untied will cure little ft.r the oil ( ontlnaiit. I'er hapk It wdl snou hn e actounts ti settle with thoiuwho 1 a.e luujincd at tl e dil..tai9. lie 11 so, leas e aildu puhli opinion, alfhjujh, like Ju the.U Is easier to braveit in woids t'.auto escape its Bind.!. Itut there is a trihtiutl widen none ran floi ;it Is c iii.:lenoe. On tho day when peace Is alut'd, wha1 will tU Nt rth think of luelt, and how will a unine Used V I my nothm' of theennressionj that will cntiio troin tho rtoiitii, and that will prove that if the North h:id taale a last t:ort all rut.ii.iMi.ct3 would have been cm-tnerel, and the Union re-estahllil-.ed ou the foemintion of liberty and e ii.ahly ; but after the (irt fojti riti. at d the tlr.-t re olc li'lfi of peate, what will be it. rMa-tloits? And then what Sitdness and buoiilulion will envue! How It Will tee! tiit tndh of that treat su.t hij,' of Franklin, "Th'jii wh .acri tlce Jiba.-ty to oMalu a mument "s security detune to obtain neither liberty nor security.' Yes, tt will say, the war was l.ard, the au fieri ugs war ex I re mo, the treasury notes were cons timing private fortunes llr.e the public treasury, but In tlie Hilda of then ca'auiltles wo wera fl.'hlim; Tor a holy came, wa ware giving our blood for liberty. Koliglon, tlio country, put Uieir hope in us. Tbe evils were aoubtJesi jreat, but aU the m ils would have been cured ay vie tory; witb it Uie Kepublto would bave reKahted its great ues and prosperity. But what this laws peace will never aure 4s tbe leprosy of alavery wliat It will navet efface la that black spot wbiab aulJies our eootliieat. for foar yeara et a bald tbe rock of Hlayphus suspended ; for want of a Isut eiht,lt Las la lien back and crushed us. Ileotefnili we must lire la perpetual oouiradictiou to the Gunpel by com pounding with injustice, aiid ail this to leave to oar cbg dreu wfcat ua have relvd from our fathers, au laouraote ariJ Oi. wlU dcUoy ths Cepob lc ana Ubtrty. Anr(f , rureU, rfm.tni-tlits U al that will V trtren by th cotnpron.Ua Which the pemocrats fclortfy In ad vaacp. ard which thry prvent as a claim to ennfldenM to tbe misled people whosa MitTrat' they demand. But, how aver aha metal this fttti promise mtscht ba to tha North, would the Piooth aoceptltlt I dare affirm thai it would. not. If tlenerul Mc hllan prvstis, this Will le hl grst disenchantment, and tho first punishment of ,t party. An arhvtovmrj f w In numt ef snd firmly netted, feels lis frertRth ard know- how to ffco-ie tr, ftjvorahl moment. What will the election of tiffs oral Meridian signify. If not thfit "-c l'e-necr.i. is r-V ic d.l) at its e foils I ave falbd,, forp 'c.t any p"." o. Ever ,-thlmr Is r. trrtoe In I)em-cra Vsae1ius as . at utr 'nih, !'. as as herotm. A Ie-nwr iry t at d.i aires war no Ioht wdl ar-ept any cttedliions, nm rv1ng the rijsht of -x" tatinn tn the 11 .now thoi wh h-r e lntsl'it. It I eert.!n th f Hctrv-ll' pi n :l t 1 y v., advantSRo.a.Mihit ltiills.-,.M rrnln H itu in-tan t'.a supremaryttTm h four years nf t. a- k.v- mhi it t( l,,v,.. Either II WIS! not return to the Unmn, or, If It rturn, it will be only In appearance, roiitliiiiK for ltnif a irp.t. rate posltk.n, prt.p- sintr he eclifton of New Enplr.n t. or li st fi'Mrje system Of two Tejrul j;, s .ndepen-leut iht-r- nslry, Mil rcpre. nted wtt' out 1 the amo Pn s'-b-nt -, in a wurd, the ..vcrrrnty i .it v 11 he rect-vntetl u- f ear iiifr' v tth It, tre Ho'ithw'1 viir'iilit. nnd w :' to trl itrph. 7 he true President of the I nh n re-tmsiru t-d by e In mo. n,t- win r.'-t m i.a iV.K'U Ila -i, but Jt C t 'Tt 11 I 'II V ii. V. Ill the Aineri-in .--.vt. racy sn ff t lrif tn he aj aiq ft luecd by n party that (,.; iidrty yeart has ulnavs mist, a ' In It k Tutu h in need .,( and thirst hie 1 ir p-.-oc thai K s rea.ty to sa--rt'h e to V. .he int. rci, the honor, the futnt nl Iho ronntn v Ann-mr I pecple. which lor ven. ban bine ni.h rr at itrdM, will the Jjetnot r.its succor tl Ir I " - ' ' " l" " '"I 1 1,1.11 ion, p m -mil aeeept the sh-iTueot r i-oiiipr irnlHey Will tt il nr.- ti..b)e unhltert. who, aiiit il,. r nitlcrtmii only ak t-i c nt tlmiethewsr. Am! Is it about to dismiss i;r i it, Mr ide, Hhorman. mid I arrr.. nt, to ..iter to th- admiral! mof Amc rlrs the p itrM.thH 1 1 1 men n k'ie, in ad . a nee. u he su reinai y -f the N,. nth, or to -epaiation .- If Am-ri- i hai oint to till., I, w h ha- ll tfetenerntt d ' In ittt hV, ,rj It wonh! find uittivent rxiunpl.;. ai d ditferent menmrtee. From 177o to i;;l, what miseries did not tlio ro. olutn.nMs sulTtr- soMirrs wiUi'int bread and without sh-, wnrth hsapap T inrreiity, lownw burr ed, flel ls laid wxta, yet notwiilistamlin,' t -f pt n handtut of Tunes whom nh.i ,,t tol'i.wi'd even iito ti.e -i.tvo, wh'WM er proponed to tr- at with the eii-inj . iic .nt-ii. s m H''i nri ft tthr hrs-hrare rtir Iwss arlt-th dlian the armies of ihe Kevoiti'lon. iua ceis iP slmo.,1 certain, victor nMircd. and tha N ith is fir ally on tlie vrve of a '.t..rtt.iis peaee, Anl i it at tlds muraent that tho Amcriv uii people w 111 K-sfen to n;t n who propose to,:V No, I will neve- he'lee that n i-ene-nii Pi1..n, which has ,ilrtt nior." ih.m t-H' e atomsh-d Enrop i. Hn tv rr y indp.T- v .a'n e Willi ii 1 r.itiiy .,)!-.' oiir..o lit, vt In 11 it! 1 1 1. 1 t t t!oi t it w iit crti-li the !iehe!ii .n. 'I I c bop.- m the o.' mil s of the p t at ..epuMk will he .iia oppoluicd. H.iuv-iu.:.d hy vie't.iy, mrfii'4th"iied Ity trial, Aim rh a w l!l tii slavery troin the w..rhl, art will ,;ive nn exnmpb- r I ' ! I c r iter than that oft -e War of liule p nth IP e, Twio - v J 11 have Ktvitrcl the irimrt) h of liberty poilib ill liberty tn 177ti, civil liherly in yui. Neither 1 ; reeve nor Home have led m murles so jr it. O il fro nil-, of ihe i nut d States, he not astonished at ''ie w.-ii mt ti ol mywi'iLs. 'Hie wurld Is insilv respniisiole, and the cau.e of A r. erica is tl at of liherly. 80 loni;u; tli re Is on the other shl M the Ailautlo a cwnnimfly of thh.'y million men. lit h u happily and pe ireably under the ;ov vemnient it has ch,er, with ihe laws that it ni.iki n lis-'If, Uhhcrfy will radiate en Europe as from ft shlnlnjf b"neon ; America, rid of hliveiy, will be the country of every ar lent weiil, every iM-m rou; heart. Hut If llhcrty Is eclipsed In ihe New World, darknesf. will enue In Euinpf ; and we shall see the work of Washington, Franklin, arid Hamil ton up it upon and ti-uhh n innh r toothy a school that b- lieves only In siren. th and nicce-s. TMh Is why we await with impatience th" President al fleet inn, rrui In;. ( d that the name that sh ill he drawn from the urn maybe that of the honest and uprhrht Ahraiiam IJncotu ; for thl name vlll Ite a presage of victory, the iriuniph ol justice and -t;:ht. To vote for Mt)lcllau Is tn tote for tie l.nmilik'lon of the N'tirth, the perpetual maintenance of slavery, end tho disruption of the ureal llepuhllc. To tvote tor J.Lucoln Is to vote for Union and lor liberty. EDOUAKD L M.OU LAYK. BANK NOTICES, KT. - COMMONWEAL T II li A N K, Pun tuKi i iiiA. October 17. l-a;i. The annual election for Directors will be held at the R mkire -house on -MONAV.the Jlnt day of Nuvopih-jr u. t, betw i en (he hours ot Hi A. 11. and 'i 1. .VI. 1 tie annual uict tina; ol th? Ntockh hhT will he held at the Himkintf-huue on TUEHIAV, November l,ls t,at lo 04-loek A. .M. Jl. C. iOI'NU, 10-ai-mwf-lot Cashier. ff-:,; iNOTIC K. " - llAlS'K. OF NOltTHERM T.I It E HIT P!11!. Pit 1 1. vhKia-iiiA, October i), IH;1. Ktdlca U hereby elveu.arteablv to oovtiotii of the act of ihe Aseiuldy of Iho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, cntnh'd n act t nahllim itaukHof Hi jf.'o'nmoti- weauu u nt'court AHsociations lor iho purpose ul ll ttikmir tiimci the laws .of the United (i tares," approved the V-ld ttuy of Atiuust. A. I. lhtil, that the Htoehhoidcrs of the Hunk of North! rn l.thcrllei have this day vo-cj to ttveoma siieh an unxiclrtlmi), antl ihat IU Dlrectjru have priKuo'd the nulhority if the ow u- rs of inoie thttn t wo-lhirds o tlie C:.pital Mo-.k to m.-ke'oi ceftilicj'o retjuireil then fur by me ui t ni ii v i linen i.iaita. iv-2i xt w. ';ufME'ti:, c-uhj-r. p-Tw- NOTICE. l'ltlLslJM,l.l lllA, Ocloijer 20, ISttt. Notice is hereby riven, aurectblv ( Ko.iuon J of thu a t ol the iscnnrid AMteniniy uf the Cemuionwsjal'h of Pona- byivaitin. entuiod ' An act eiiablni;, Hanks ! taeciom inonwiahn to hecoino As-,oclail ma lor the uu;pose of Itsiukii K uiiih r tre hi-.vB of the United l-t ites." approve! ti e'J.'o day of Auuutt, A. 1). IH ;l. that th- htoekholders of the Coin Exci.aiu:a U.Uik nf l'hiiailclphiu buvo Uim day vot d to la;i.D e iiieii au Ahm. laiiun ; und that its Id'ec tors ha e procured tho ant!, only 01 the owner of niie-e 1 nan two- third 1 ol ti.e Capita) Mi ick to niiisui e jrtitlcuto r tiu red tl.eiyicr b the laws uf the l.tiit.d sta-es. l'J-?l-:rlit J. V. TOttUKY, Costlier. fn.4" SOIIC K. "- 'im: eiTV hank. I'liii.Aiiut.i itia, Octub.r 20. l'Vt. JSctlcr I. 1 tnby alvpn, aiTteuoiy in sectnn "i of ili i ii t of th llrncrul Assembly nf tl c i:iiinrnunwi.Hlt)i of I. 'ii nWaiila, M.til' il "An act tnab Iiik Hunts nl t..e .Joi.u.1 .11. w:ttl;ll lo iKCdliifl Atsrcla.'.'His lir tl,c liiiivosi! .11' 1Uiikiii m.ii.r till" lnws uf Ihu rnluo MluUts," npfirnvRil Um! WiI llliyof Alltlll.l, A. ll. l,M,l, U:IU III. HtiltlKlii.lilura III 111. 'it Hunk limn (ilia day viile,l lo bi'Mimn ail ussik'ii' lion : (mil tlist its liir liavo.rucnn..l itii a'liii.irlty of tin.. onrs ol iihiii! than two-ihlnls nf tlie Haiiilal tot:k lo museum riiiii.-aiB iiUiict tlmnfur l)j i.'ic laws of tho l lill.i i H'UtUH. J6 1 ;.trt O. ALr.KHT LKWIM, ( ashler. 3 i , "NO T I C K. ' Kk.MlNi.l'N HANK. IV THU COI'NTT OK rilll.Aiii. I.l'lll . Fill I. A Ml I I'll I S. O'.'InliiT -0, tfil. Nollra Is hi r. hv Kiv.n, 1 r. i alily lo rcrllmi J ol'ili. . t nfllii' liriKr.ll Assili.lly of tin- 'oin ill. i i w.-.l 1 1 Ii ol' l'l'iin a. l.ama, vi mini "An oil I'lianilni; 11. ink sol Hie ' 'ominni. wi-hiiIi lo lioroiiai Assorlati'ins f rtlpurposi'm lliinitliii,.. r thu luu ol tin- l iiitoil Hl L.'s. ' upurovril llii.'Jj.l d.i) of Annisl, A. D., 1HHI. t nt (ho isloc:.lio!. rs ol Iho ht n.iiuloli It,. nk ill tm v ill r ly of PIl!;i,lvlihU, have Ihl. iiuy voii d lo tociimo tnuh an A-soi-liiUmi : ami Hint Its Din rlort hav. ,i.,imiu-,i Ihu uiilhoi ivol Iho otviariol' rclhanlwi ihh,l-ol llio -..,.ir jt Sloe to ),mV0 .i.. 2 r"'l'"'l'lJ "ll'"r Iholr.s ol tltM lf." lo-al f. T. VEHKKfl, tVislilnr. US? '' 'Cli. IAll.MI.llS AMI M!.0IIA.:."lr9 FIANK. I'llll.AI.I I I. O 'l In r -' I, tf'A. Js'i t!r Is lirri In ftwn, ri rtly to -erti.m 2 of Ihe urt of ihe i;t-ni'i.ik As'iinb't 01 iii Uoininjiio.a,i;i ol r nu. s Ivmii.'t, i iiiiiii il "An art i-ii i'i. in : ll.i'.ils ol tho I'oin. n "ii wi ah h lo hoi'mio- An, o'-iu' io; s tnr tho miriosa of llAKsinu in di'i Im' ia s of Hm I mteil Htaiui," nonovril Ihe '.',1 ily ol Ai'.'.isl, A. 1. 1-..1, that Mi. i Mt,,cRli-,iars of Hi.- Farmers' uinl Mis-haiili-s' rink oi lMiihuli'liihia have th'S d.o voi'-d lo In mo s.i. ,i nn : anil that Its Pllorlni's hu. ,rm'tiii,l ihe a.'.lln.l liy nl tlio uivniTS nl nn lo thun l c of tho ('..lutul Ht.i. k lo in ik-ilm t'l'ttll.Dillo loiiinud llurilor li to laws oi tliu rnlt.-S Hum'.. lii-Vl-:mt W. liliHIllKX, Jit., Cashier. ft J NllTICK. I O.MMLIlt IAI. HANK or PI'.SVSVI.V ANI 4.. I'm 1 1 Ai'i:i i-iiii.o.'t, h"r'i, ls.:. Noliif Is li"rrby ivi'ii, nuro' ai'iy to sooltin 2 oii:ioa:t ol Ihe lli in nil As-i-iuhiv ol tlio ( ninnioiiw I'nlth of I 'iiii .lv.ililn, enlilii-il "An Art .-11111,11111? llai.ks of the Com itii.Tiss calth lo lif-r nit- Ass ic!Hti'n. lor tho itlrposo of IWliiKIl l: niider ll,l-hivvs i,( (lu- I m: il rl'au-s,'' iiniiriivrd tln--.-.'n ta.i ol Aii -'list, V.Il. ls.,i, i,,,,! iho uio 1 1 lln-t'l-nin tri-lul Hank nl i'tiin-. ,y.i: .a h.i.o um d.y M-ti il lo l.i ix-lne u !l nil As.ui In-i'ili ; .im! lh;it lis liiroi l ors have prm-ori-il tie nnlhol Hy nl loo onniTs of liliro th:. il tivo-lhlrilsnl tl)s('i.i,li,l Klm-k to innlii' l'i,. rTiili-t-iili- ri'i;nli oil llioirfiir by li e Irt n of iho linili-il Ht.Ki-i, 1 or iurli.or Jin, l:enluls blOikhoMi rs run :i;.i 'I . to 11' Ifl- Ot ti. C1. PAI.MKH.'t'B-lilor. (X - N0T1CK. - UAMi HI' rOMSIEUC'K. I'm i. A in i on! a. IK loher sl. lvll. K-illi'e Is I.Preby uli on. aBro. aJilj to .0.-11. -n'j of tl.e net Cf tl.e I .i-lii-i nl As.em ly i l the i onniioiiw. allh of I'niu. hl;nii:i.i-iilitli-il "All 'net tni.l.ltu Hanks of taer,.in nionviiaih t'i brCOIni- As.neittliiii'S for tno litlrHN.i. ol list 1 11 ti llinli-r Ihe Iiim s 01 the 1'iufi-il St-iti-s. ' an-r ivoil the i'.ii .lay ol Annual, A. fl. lsiil, thai tho Hl.Tklioliter. ol ti.e l.ank ol Cninineli-e hne thi. day vnleil to hec-ime such an As.,, 1 1st inn: unil tint ll. IMrictors have iro:urel lln- aiitl.nniy o! t! . uwin rs ni mure tnan two o:" tlio 1'ilimal Uti.i k to mal e Hie oeltilluaU. nulllreil Ihotelol- hy ti.e laws ot the I mien .nates. Ib-al-iot JOHN A. LEWIS, Casliior. CT NOTICE. AT A OKNERAL MKKT- - .In ol the htoikhold.ia of " I he Hank of I'ena l.-nitlp.'' In tie , ,.unty 1.1 1'hlladi l.bia, luH al me haiMim ll u.f.lii Ibaeltyor l,hl,a.l.i,hla, on Tlirun. l.AI . iitiob.') Ikot.thc toliowiuu proamiile audrasolu. th-n Here j-tssod tiruiiilinousiy : WherMis, Ihe Inn elm ot the I'-ank ofr.nn Town. I, Is, in the county 01 Philadelphia. I.sva red the wnlti a aiill.i.rltr 01 Ihe oaneia ot las-tlilidt of the oaplla! stock ol lb. .al-l Hank to uiaka th. c.-rliili at. re.imro.l by ins lawsof th. I'nnsd Miniot to .bane and roiiten th. tald Hank Into a Mall -uul A.siHiallou lor carrynu on Hit bl..i-01-1.1, .1 banku ii ; ihMetois, Knaolwd, Itiat ihe Hank of Perm Township, In ths county ot I'liliudoliiliia, anall bccoin., aud llie .aaie la ln,hy cliie;.d and contorteil lito an a.-ix-iaioii fur carrynnj on Ul. biibUlMs ot baukinK under the laws of Ih. t idled bote., entitled "As act lo provld. a national cur rent., is, ore d by a pledf. 01 Hulb-sl Hi. let Bonds, and IS proMds for lbs rirculalios and r.d.mptlon aii proved Jane,ls4. And th. name 01 the s.ld national a!?.!"? U JU '' RATIONAL 1ISK. , , " 'fou rt 04 th. said Hank are hereby authnrue to do and .ertonai tvtcj act, mailer, and Hilu. soowary ll " u eomiilel. ,fT,t tli. mua- 1 H ' i?"1.'!'.'"" A"4 lL" '' Isc sliall publish -r.V ..Tfb!.U,""f,"''"" -Horlliamerl.aB antl nllrdMate. UatMIe," s of ell J of Pai.a. """i IV? IU I"1"' Boitae,kymi or otlisrwua, is .aeh si kholder, auraeaaly la lb. provi.lon. of an act 2.1 AAf.':U,u,t ""ao.IUi et renn.yuaala, williled "An art anabltnt lbs Hanks sf Ibl.Oomsaou Wtaltb to beiotn. Aasoeuuon. Rir Ih. surpiss. of Huk lii. uni! r the lawi sf n. funed Hiatss." acpruTad iHi i CL,lM- JAJU.4 fcUUHKi-l.. 10 atl .nn Catlilor. TOU&TH EDITION rnoM THE SOUTH. THE NAVAL BATTLE IN THE JAMES. hnpoitant State Rigbts Manifesto. THE SLAVES TO BE ARMED. "DEATH BEFORE SUBMISSION." Hood's "Wild Gcoso Chaso." ftprrlnl to The F.vciiliiir TolcifrHph. M'tpiiiNOios. O.'t.ibiir 2 i. liii liiiKiiid p iicrn of Monility la-t lmvc 'icrn rrrcicilhi:ic. Tin y Rnnoumo in of fourteen hint'lioil priv iti anil tliii ty-four oilii'uri, uipturuil I'riMii 5'lirriilvi'n army. itio IJiM.hont riiitit. In tlie firing on Vntunl.iy l ist nt t!ic Ilotul diet 011 tlie Jattu" rivi-r by li.iturk-s on Ilutlcr's li ft, cunsiilcralilo ilaniuye wus done tn tlio viminy. One flint cxi loilcj on llic ilei-k of UiQ trunbont t'r'tri, woumlini; two ninn. Tho Iron-clivl riin I'rnl' rkkdmrg was conoidcruldy Injarcil, one 01" nur sIicIIh oxplniKni; over licr (.'I'ltting nnJ w Inr Hcveiity-nix mon. Tlie liirhiroiitt Intil Imr Hmol.csliii'k intimly kIis away li-mviill- liicctnl lire. Tim result or ll mainn was (lie bl.cdmlillu ol' the vliulc lloet ii)) tli rivrr. Arinlttu; tlio The fiovrr.iorii nl' the Sontliovn Stitna liavn li S'.iril tt jiiin; inaiiifo-tii tn the Southern P""!''1'. roeominciiilins the nrmlng of do nnroiii 11111I the ml'iplinu of every ju.'tlio l slii -U nill lucre. 1.-0 the iiliH thcnesS nf tlio Ileliol army. Tiny u wit thai pe-.n 0 witli tlio X11r.l1 it. only )i)K.-il when the Confetlerai-y sh ill be i.'cii;,'. n'xi, and deil.irj cxt-ov.iiii'iuiuii is pre fur nlile do hiiiiuiKsInn . t.i'ii.'i'iil KIo.mI'n If(iirs. Sovttlicrn cdit irs .still Ijtlieve tlutt Ho id will talie Ids' army in') Dust Tennessee. SIli'i'lilttii'H I'rlNOsif'r-si. P A Icrfe number of Sheridan's nruviiicr.4 have been Kilt to lilinirn. lnt.'rtsHl lts'Vc'iiiir'. The n poi t nf trie head of Ihj Intern il Kevenuc IluTcnuwill Dhnw Unit the iueomc of tho (iuvern nicnt finin inti rnn! titse.s is ubout siutjcn mil lions a nionlli, or nearly two hundred millions' a yeur. LATEST FROM lVA3l!iN'GTGH. GEN. DUFIE AND STAFF CAPTURED. Wheroabouts of tho Pirato " Florida." INTERNAL REVENUE TAX. Canada and tho St. Albans Raiders. Hperlnl to Tho Fvcnliic; Trl.'irrnpli. Washinoton, October '26. lVssciif;i rs arriv- ing this morning by tlie westaru train report that liwt evening u body of Kcbol guerillas made a descent npon sonio of our troopj, stitioned aix miles beyond Martinsburg, and captured General Dulic mid bii entire stair. Tho full particulars hud not reached Marlinsburi; when the train left tlictc. 1'romotlou of Ocnoinl Kii'keltN. CJeneral Illekctts has been promoted to Brevet M3jor-t.icncr.1l of Volunteers for gallant conduct during llie war, particularly in tlio battles of tho prcnewt campaign under (ieneral Qrant, ol tho Motioeary miller Oencial Wallace, and the Ope quan, I'islitr's Hill, and Cedar Creek batiloa in Die Siieimndoali Ciiminl;;n of Ceujral Slicri.laa. I'r.mi t'iiy I'o I. it. Tho mail steamer troin City Point reports nil. im unehani;ei at the front. IVrHonn-l. f.'ercral W'col was at the Wur Dop if tmcnt this mornini:. Our Iti'litllouo with eni'li. Tbe Canadian liovorniuont wril answer all fair (leraamU miido upon It by ours in rofoieni'O to tlio Vermont raidoru. lf.Ntlliitiiii nt Kre, Washinoton, October 2G. The Navy Depart ment has received a communication from the commander of the United Sta'os sloop-of-war St. l.t.uia, at tfunti Cruz tie TcueriCo, Canaries', (luted September 10. lie says on the 2HU of August un Americ 111 ship approaehod tho an cborsgcof Vayal, making a signal of distress. I at once sent nn nlileer and boat's era '.v to lior relief. She proved t) bo the American ship Impounder, of Bolton, one hundred and forty-four days from Akiab, bound to Falmouth, England, with a cargo of rice, p'or seventy davs the crow Lad boen constantly at tho pumps, ami for three weeks had been on an allowance of fresh water, and dependent upon having showers fora supply. On uuehoiago thought to be perfectly healthy, the fillip was subjected to au ab.urd ijuardiititie of tbrco days, in which, of course, the ollleers and men of the St. f.ouis were included. l lie eiri.lct "t'lorl.lit." Tho Florida arrived at Santa Cruz, Tencriffo, on tho 3d of Augunt, and obtained a supply of coal and provisions, and left after staying twenty four hours. She disch' rged here one ollieer, who was an invalid, and one of her men, a Now Yorkor, who said ho was the only American in tho crew. A 111 iincr to tienrral 4Jrniil, Admiral Toiler is to give a graud dinner to General Grant and other officers to-day, on board his flagship, in Hampton Roads. (liirMtsoa of nn I'.xcliHnice of 1'rls.oner. It docs not appear that any ollleial information touching the reported proposal made by Gemini Hardee, commanding at Charleston, looking towards a general e xchange of all tho prisonors in his hands, lias yet been received by tho au thorities here. Hardee is understood to have In his depart ment butwecu twelve aud fifteen thousand men, brought to Charleston after the breaking up of the great prison-pen ut Audersouvillo, Ga., but lately transferred to Columbia, S. 0. The relief of this number, embracing about one thiid of tho aggregate of L'niou captives in Kebel hands, would carry joy to thousands of Northern homes ; und It is hoped it can be cllected without sacrificing tbe position held by the United States Government in regard to tho cartel, the provisions of which have been most perfidiously violated by tho Kebels. It is proper to state that the status of negro prisoners in not the only point ou which the Government takes issue with tho Confederates. They owo us, to-day, not less than thirty-five thousaud prisoners, that number of their paroled men having boon by them declared exchanged long ago without any equivalent rendered ui in return. The Rebel Commissioner of Ex change, Mr. Ould, has himself acknowledged that they owe us something like twenty thousand. They owe us more, by at least nftcen thousand, as I have already stated ; but why don't they de liver Dp the twenty thousand which Ould admits to be cow due ns f These are serious points, and it will not do to yield them i but If the exchange spoken of by General Hardee can be effected out side of these considerations, it will assuredly be cuubuiumutlon most devoutly (0 bo wished. Irrnnton evsl Nn1t In Ifrvt TrV Tr-I,y. ,("-( to IV The iti-tnitin Teklrnfh. Nkw Youk, October 2". Ths following arc the prices realized at the tale of Rcranton coal to-day, compared with the prices in September: A.-McowVr. ffn.'riw. Lump (r.i(K) T H.) Steamboat K V) H H I Ilrnki n h ',0 H 70 I'.tf,' 8-10 A 00 Stove H7 i 9 7 ( hesnut 7 00 8 00 Tlie Vermont ll,iil'. H-.tbr-r-. Mon'ikku, Ortob.-r '.!'). Sevcr-.l ile,. .itinns bare Inn taken at St. JohiiB, relative to the n-cnt Vcrroont bunk robbery. Others will be ta'.cn to dry. The prisonTi have all easily boon identified, an J if committed iVr trail will proba bly be tri -inferred to Montreal. Tlip enrimlluii etif'rn'f. Qi'imi:c, t'rtober 2'!. Tho Conference Is pro rceilp g satislaetorily. The financial fiici ions havr been settled. The Conference will adjourn this week. All of lfs amusement ) will be em bo ,kl in a bill to lit fiiibmilted to the different louil Legislatures. Hfnrltsa by Tcilccrnpti. Ni:w YniiK. '.VtiilKT Wl. Stocks ro better. ' hn .'ii;o mill I' .i s Isln' d :i., : t u'nlierland nrt iei rt d. 'l;is ; lllill is I -.-nlriiT . :ri.. K'i's : Ii. .1: il., 1 1;, ; Mi iim;,., H int!,. . rn.i.i. ' ; New lk t;.-nlral. I Hi; llr.idinir, s ; lln,!.... Ii Kir. l.'l ' i ; l .'inn, II H , .Mi.M.iin f.s, i-lS; r.rie, 'ii; I'l.e Yi ill I 'elfin, nl'-si i ; I'ri asu ry I'l'iip-.nt '.s. l-s,; jll.ti ml, li ,', : lllill, il'.'lj : s lice tin- t , -21-".. 11a 1. 1 1 mii in., October '.'0. I' lnur iU il ; Wi.stwn i-lrii has d.' l".",c, Wlicii! .ic.lluil ;,c.; .-.hre f !', ,. Whi. Vv dull HI 9l',i.. I'roWs.ris iIu'ilu,.. Votes I.'olfee linn ut :i:i,- lei ', r hi i. 'nt of ttid Ft.7. Cnidirn fi-orilnn, repnrtcd kill' d in tbe Into o pcil'tiiin netr Newborn, and .aid to hive bo loni'i il to the naval ser- iff, was tho comiiianilrr of tho nnny gunboat Itmn, of Oonnral Hntler's .Naval Ilricaile. H has b. en the custom id enn fniind ihe vess-i-ls and their comrnindui's belnn.'. ing to liut'er's ltiig.ide with tnc ri'K'il tr u.iiy. l.i oi i. imi:i,i,kii:( t'NIIKll SlATKK Cllllllt Cl 1 UT Jill)-... lirli r nn H .iiIh i: it-r. i II. 1 1 nils hlo s. w . , Ik n M illwn'il, I till' d Hlai.s .Miir.hi!. 'li. is im..-, m it: 'i ,v.m nn acti- li tn i.' -i. er U In, iho ihcr cl ii:e, s, i.ini ,111,1 ileti ni l II nl ihe W I s' i lies' r ..-i i". w,. - . ni- lliiil'd 1 eslei.h.y utli MI.I..II, Will. ..i. i It. l;.,,!, Ks., iii i k iiik I he el-, si in ai'iii'iiu ui tin i. hi l il',' ll. .Ill.'i ' I.I I"' 1, i; r .1 ii.e - y - .1 ..,i ..i ,u., I:, i! i, , i. 1 1 In si I .11 tl.; fl V..I i,.lil ii,'. II l.uivi, I r I in- s, , r . i It 11 e ll.sill.'t A 1 1'. iii y hi-l no g i over In ls.iu il w il , ni 1 r II. I,' ul l,-llll -'I'. K 11..' M-,llli. i: .,.1 :l... l.irn ll. 1. 1 u .. Less lo net In Cum innilli i. mllil!.. r- i i.-.t ni ( , -ll nm ss i ii 1.1 h" Inivc In i-,i any m n.- n oi,i, a ti It i. n i.i . n a limit, lnlc nrihll if" ll- lhe jinn it t'i I i-te u-nls I..-I .IITI'.-C In the rointN iih.ti... A. to lie tissiiii.trfinn Ihst tho pi-.'..-,MiiL' I hint ii in illn el. il l.v the l'i. s,.lei.t i i son i u.i -i,!,,. i i i in, i ,,,;,,,,(. ti e .lull) e snl.i thill ll.i e hs'l n,. t n any i i-i I. u.-i- sn i- n 1 1' t' 'l I o sl nu ll, nor iM init . I ,-i--i- ii. I - a i, ,i i i i,.in c h th. re h.ol b. en It u ; -i tl... , ,i ::. n ! ' ' f o I ' mrt - h i the ITopi rly uniimiihilili liti n. ;i,i, u, u , s . ii,,t , y iI.iiiiii; i'S .l.oulil l.i'.hi-n.l., sh,,, i,!!1,; i oij.--- is I'm. n," e- -sly nt .Ai ri Isllm e.utloil. ai d ot enn ill. j.ifi u.i n-ie -.i s to their Icailiniel ill. lies. A uu lion wns matte to-. w i - i ex.-i,.)il.iry niul ihellctlvr eiuun - s. As llieie wns rol im Hunk' in the use lo ?ilt,v th .1 Hie M. had .n I. '.I li om linpiip-r t'. . tint-s, th .1 u.i --. - 0 ,1 nottliink vimlit tlve iliiin.iir.-s ..ho'iiil lie i:lv,-n ; hm thg il.mi.mes oimht lo he suill.-ient to st. imp the s-l.ut e ns a ss liiilly lili'mil 'Itul nnillstiliiihli- one. As Ihe otllri is ..-I I, . law tiuKbt to he siipp. ried In Hie mst eo, cise of .mth irii , .o llu y hi lo In- lu lil insilv llnl, o tor ,,e I ol otiiuessliia when no iinlhnrlty Is slimvn. 1 h.- itlry wns illrei 'i-,1 to .sLlli me v.-rin.'i join iniiik' ii iruo conn tins uinrnli'if. At noon to day the jury i aim into eourl, niter h.-ivin? he n tnf; lln r .Inr" Ihe adtonrnniriil vesti-rilny, und -fited t' at they fouinl II Imp. ssltile to luieo upon a i'-ld.el The illtlieuhy, the lor. man siili), wji ns to the amount nf d.tiuak-iH. Ho suit! t: ut foino ot the jury were Csjki, e. to ui.,: v-.n.-ws-iwin., i. uiai oiiii-rs oi ii-eni ooutii uiak.- no ,...rcesio.s at all, anil nsl. d sihri'. un-t.-r (.'i. h . ir. u -u-stanei s, was to he none. I hey nskeil d. he .lis eh rn-'il . The Court thous-ht thnt ll w is th. d ityni tiieiurylo HHiee. II was ti mor. nuctlou of eiileuhilion as to ihn nn ount ordauinjes, as to whleh thero should in- n,, n. km inouiilal.le .hiheulty. 'I'he Court lefused to dischurfio thetu, und they aoniti ri tired. Dihtbict Cornr .Iudre Stroud. Wilson vs. tVhltnki r. Hi-rore rep.-rted. Verdh t. li r plalnllll, :I0-Ji. .losepll Conrad vs. I'ciin.yN ;:ni.i llnllrnuii l omnunv. Thlsivasnu ai lion to roeoler d; lor iniurv to twn horses, oceuslutn il L.v tlm ulh if.-d iie'tn,..ncc ot ttie'Uelelnl onis' nuents. The lu.rsoweie beaiK transported lotbo city In a ei.r of theeoiiipnny's. Snmi hnv In lln: ear caught flrefi-otil sr.'irks from the. Im omotiee, and, In-fore tlie tiro could be oxllnjiiished, tlm horses weru but ln-d sn b.ully ns lo redu 'e lln-ir viiiuo at one-hall. The inane mil tail of e.nli Were burned off and ihev ivcro olheru ise iniurcl. T he ilelensc nas, that toe hay va i pTii' ed In the ear l,y ilaliit,ll'sdlreclfnii,.nd llml IhceonijiairX Heienoticspnu sible for the ai-rident. On trial. Wuhera X l'eler.un s Joseph It. Ilu---lie. An acllm on u prniiii.sorv r.ole. Ver-llel lor laininls, t , tr;;. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, AND CATARRH. -J.1HAACH, M. I., Professor of the Kyo and Kar, tre:lt all diseases appet tulniliit ts iheahove lueultiers with Ihe mtnost siieceis. 'le-tim muls fiom th. most rejt ihlo soinei . In iho cav can be si en at Ills oftle.., So. ;,ll 1'iNK t t-ect. Tin-Ueilleal 1- acuity uro Invited lo aecoinpsny their rutieiits, as he has no secrets In his practice, lo-.sif IMIITE VIltGIN WAX OF ANTII.LKS. Tt 1 hts csiiii.ite Co.BBCHe ba. ilo eiiual lyr beautily liif. ivhnorilii.-, an. . cm Iho complexion, ll 1. pre ps icd Ironi puie white wax, lien o Its extraor.llna. yiilul. piesminR Ihu skin, in-ikmit it nofi, liii , sinmin, anil trsnsp.r. nl. Ii Is nio-l annihlca; after tbavlns, cures chapped hnnjs and hps, r. moves punplos, I loleuns, tan, frei-tlcs, orsunhiirn and li.ifarts a j. carry tint ;n t ie lace, ni cli, and arnei. 1'rlco ae, Ml, au-l 7i ecu's II"NP .V CO., No. liiilil.HiiVK!. I U Minrt, n. km iii i il BOett. i0 a Jul II 011'JL:iI'H ALli VAUI,TH, G.I. Cor. TniaUaaJ CHESUT StB., Uiidtr U. S. Telegraph Oiliee. OLD STOCK ALE AL.VAY8 ON HAND, eili IMUNMl'.S, t.INsl, TViJHKIiis, OALIFOr.NIA OATAWHA WINKH. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN ALES AUD DKOVN STOUT. This celebrate, o'd stand havlrc been renovated ami thorou'lily reS-.'.id. wnh one of Ihe finest stock, of Alet ardcholco l.hiuors In iho city, tie prorrletor Invites the public to gilt hliaacail, conildeiit a. ho Is of thslr ao puns'. 9-30 f.nw-lia (JOAL. AM" riMHT COST, Cobt Piics to Stockholders $7 00 per Ton. lilMELUTE DLLIVEBY. Co Al, )!' 1'iKS'l' QUALITY. SIJAHEH, ca b cntltiliiK to OSE AVD A DAI.PT0HH1, at, F.VCKY sbAit b.r TWIi'-irY YtAi'H, and l' 11 MVIlifMisl of promt fiora the site of all snroltit,io i iio.r be obtained nt SlU'Oii, payanl. half on sul Si'r.tiiio: aid lull on January ,' n.M, ol tbe .Muri'AI, BEAR MOUNTAIN FRANKLIN COAL CCMrANT. Olllc-o J'Jl H. THIItO Htroct. (oiTOsrru (.ieaud EAiiu i Etock Capital, 500,000, in C2.500 Clares. Eeseived Working Capital, 12,500 Shares. Subscription of 4 s'l.ires, J ; of 10 bite. $10;nf "0 khare.H,;,: ,,f ;, .hares, of JOti .uars-., ft..' : of !Mi shan-s, sjo.,0. ' i-aieb share eullllt-s the bolder to receive, every year one and a half tun. ol cal al cost, f..r '.'n years , nn J Otsl! I'll Ideud. every b tiioiiiut.of ihe proills from the sale ol all surplus eoiil. Htm kiKihlers ivlio do not want any coal may have their lirnpiutinn ol cnal sola by the Company, tor tneir espyclal bn,. tit, the pr.llts btnn; paid oiorto thcni, Independent of ti e iiii.ur i-iibli doideiidt, to vshicii Uiey aro also eiitaieil. 'ilel'nmpaiivpostoslniveaiiil wi-ll-l.ulltCOAr. WOltKS, nl I'OKAI.Iisu.N (near TreiiiotiO, Mclmylkill couniv, Willi exlinsii. atlnimi and Timber llinhls, an exe.-ll. iit ilouble llreaker, Mnpe Works, large Hteani KiikIiics, Kall roniis.und nil other Mai Inn. ly mid Apparatus, In lull operation, cupula, nl mlmns Hb.ijoo ton., u, be eucuded to l-.n.lMii inns per jear. Tlie t'oal Is of Hi. best quality, chiefly of llie lllack Heath and l'rlmroso Veins, which, Willi several other Miluable Coal eins, i-Meed wllhiu llic linos of the Com pany Im nearly two miles In IriiKlh. A brunch of the Ilea. link' Kailioad eit.nds to II, a millet ojiblt touipuiiy, over Mhlcb. (lit Coal Is dally teut lo hiocU.olders msv order ll.elr Cotl Inanref the usual ties. vi7..-I.unip Coal, I'.roacn. Km, Bioyo', or Nut t'oal, uU at the present cotl price ol 7ism pir ton, deliiered at tbehoiiie, within tie usual distances of Ihe Cnmpaiiv'a tumt of Ihe'cSy 'l0"h,r" '!. sad BoutUern por- Tl.i' ('oinpunj d MluliiB Workt are clearof debt, Slal .11 operations an. curried no on the cash principle. or Uiiuinr, aud Biibttrlpilous spply at ths Office, Ko. 121 S. THIRD Street, 2d Floor, (OPPOSITE tMUAUD BAKK.) 110A1 OF DIRECTOKS. William ecainELE, Pssaioiiir. WILLIAM roiiD, KOBtKT P. KIKO, ! H. W0I.rE, II. BCBMIELE. 10 ? A. B. JAJiWtK, BstmiUiT- H. M. C.. HHOWN'H GEEAT METArniBICAL MZ&rZiLY NfilFES IN TIIE HEAD, E1SCHAR0KS FROM TllR BAR, CATARRH, NKURALOIA, nnKUMATISM, ASTHMA, SCROVVLv, liRONCIHAL AFFECTION?., Til RO AT PIFFK.'I'LTI I'S, MsfSflfil Tses. Lose of Hair, Tlyspepsla, FnUrreinent of Hie Liver, IMteeece of Ihe K ldn"ys, Cnn.llf-atlon, l.rav. I, I'.les, Insanity, Ml., Paralysis, JU-b if mood to the ll. . nl, CdNHUJU'TlON, Vl'ttb oil .nil .very whb-b Infests Ibc barnati body, cured i ll'ctnaliy by MUH, HI. (J. HHOWN'H METAPniSIOAL DISCOVERY. I men .-. CKril l:s-. 410 ARi 'll Hlr.iet, rhlla.1. I hi... Nn. 11. I'.OMl Stri cl. V, w Ynra, i id at -No. ib r'IMIII liTn;,' s . n.!. n. Nn l.-irti t with In.ln n ..,.. No lii.a, ii, in ti.e eai n. It" -nullum up tl.e n ,.t il. ,,r i,-i. K- vires. " .' " " ' 'I . .,., th.. I cr. . ,.. I he MKI APIO SIC.. I. .SCV.I'V will ri-i -'l inn ' pot thnt ill im. nnd lustrnuienls Willrnl-h, Hil l l'i.,', -t'i'; I. "I l leees I.e-t.t. s. Titnh is in-. 1- ee. I rinflf pre Bll; frrorls l;,,....-,-. ritt il w.'l. Ii ulh- o n e ,it n ly L.aai soni.i or later s.iik I- to i.', il l. i la. In all Ihe lilitve.-se ill r I" n ilhl-1 so co-,..l,-i,e. .iv ll Ii.". .1 .ip ai eir.-r a. iho i'ici., i,.r. ,. m,. luotuea I ei'h t!,o Ih.lsnnl and n.eilxl i o:i .utlll.oii ol l no ra - , 'I III - .nil ln't nf thinr- 1-1 the result of iimnrinco P'l hi lel'i... nn II-pir; .1 thi.-o le. p-. ( .sto ml-nlnlst.-,. hi .i ll, ai i I,!, t.. t e p p,,., Min in i.tei, t n, ma orltv l.,',o' '. il In. in I'..' - '.. ii .III-, i. .h l'i, .sic-, i . - nl -. f. Ir exl.t,-, ci-in nn ( ,r, .j , t jln,( , n,.vfrr jM, tl,,,,.,., SI... 0 ii art limn tlie . ali.e. I Ie re a i in -I u 1 1..- a ti: .in, si .if tre ci inr ,-i. , . Hi 'HH'i-K. III... J.r. ! ICS I ..! ,, -I,' , to i ll in,, ir, ,,,,, In tlm, i oi, wrlh v. Ic, ti hi r:p t-i-.i. et on p ,r s,, , . '" ' li st.. nun., n -it'icr plijslci j i.,r nienl.,1 , , n ii,, t : o - li ,",.,, , t. i , . t , , l: . ile who crvuli .1 he hl tnsu 'i. dv elnni . sj-enks of I ns a i-.lh:,! w hi ilc. , tail li.e i ,.ui must l,e a kit a u or fs, wl". Wi lli I ll't(lll-t tl. iiIi'i. it,., .,., . . tn ,ii, nn, I in al any .11-es-e . I'eclitei ty, liid. r.on.ent nf iho iia-'t. or III,. I.H Win la to v li. l.ih, i Pel., i,.. Allsticli praci l -ll erslieat i.l Iii i s. In, I an,, ii .Ihtnii ot the .',is.: w-tiit-ever. 'I 'ni, ti c.' is uich.iu: le.a than a vast hospital. I he alaoi ni . i r liii.-n nf it,,, p, p , vt, , Clahy llieyol.n,.-, who areold W'lll dis.- ISO'.y he -in t-. hint into lile.t. K.'tl.ritl fsa. e p ru'livslli tiavUkl hcen beriavei nl dear trtents, who havo pihted Into lllll lnely iravi s I'.l hi inci pcnited on. I In .e en-eiiiiislaiice'i, i nn inniiv ntliers which nilirht be nn nil. ni, il, are an irresistible silmnltis to In., pernio lo ill niiinil ol every unn who has Iho lire ami h..inh ol Ihem. set, cm anil t heir In veil one- in ins '.amis i- .u.. ailinhlfstoiiln.' liieillclnes wlitcl, ll,.. ,.u,l...o .... .ii .'. know Ihoniunenr iintiii-eol. I savunderUiesecirc iinsiaiices Ia,,- ,i;-,ii ,o UCinilllUOl CVII-. Slll'tl pll Vsie t, lo liimish lli-tn "till a chart of bis character, tbat llic. may know his jns, Ac, Ac. ; lu ll i d eerv phvti- C'ln sl d he compel e,l I-, have it hum, up In Ins nille.- .it all hours. It la only throuah this channel that Hie public , an have anv K 'fetv or uuai aoicn .... ...i.., i. ... , im me may lu in llie im.i ... n ii. .in mure .uaiiiicii ir a bluektiuiiu than a ,-, j .. .nn. in ii is way Inherent nualincalhins, wh,-h are Itidlsnon sab.e in a phisiclan. are snro 10 he ,li lec-ed and .sliihlieil. c r e nn. uiiisersaeju'ine, moil -anils would leave the pro- hnauin winch ntiir.'iii'ir.iiiaiined uiem for. if nature .......oicn nn, .in re villi lie HO Sll llulllll qllall Ileal lO'l, a. ill onlr lo delect llie tirst entuo of dm a.e, ll la reinihilte and lllillspcns.hly ll.reHJiy to Inherit Casually. Mi-tn'itiy. elcal pnwer and Ciaistruetlvcnet. inns. ,.i,. i.m by all who would bo successful in lln. linn -in antidote capable of dt" troy llm the cause cf illteaso. 'I here Is no channel by w inch the causes enn be reached with certainty but Hie one I have discribed. therefore I lay with enntldeiicc to the world, Ihst II Is Inrouch iohcriilnif llteso rate ciinihin.itiiii or oharaclor In:. I I have been tnabl.d to detect the lirst cim dl- ase. I lie cause In not, us n an it t.p?:.r It t h-.. a illsease; I Is an lnui:. d law 1s t". en soul ami ooily, w hich. the Ap .st e Paul till. u, is nlway. waning annum eacli oil or. Tnis awr send, foitb st,.p,,atea .theao ati.ppa.rt produce.llBcaso in divei sliled lotnis, nrd If disease is experimented on or liimpered wnn it tales u lirmer I rip of lb" r.iii.litiitlon and muliipile. In other forms aim other locsilt'cs of the jyn,'busdollriy Ingilie wlmlo inucbUier ol the liumaii hentcnibcr, the Ptooineh anil tho T.lver have nothing to iln with Hie canse of the disense. The treaiiu of these organs, lor the came, bat tent millions to nn untimely krsve. With eonfidi nee 1 6ay to the world that my M.-tnphysl-el IMicsvei-y Is the only reinoiy cvurnT r. .1 to the world which will tlioroimlily annihilate iho root ni disease. 'I no il'sciveiy ci ni mr.o oistiiiut preparaiijus : one lor the scalp, onefurt'ii-eies, atidnne fori be ears. 'I'he.e w..rk lu oi,iiiiii,eli.,R, and a rike at the root nf ell .liseise When I '.n ail, I nn au every ilisca.e Holt cicr infested tlie biiunn b-xl. u A LADY IM Till: LAUT SI AOk; OK Ci'il SI'Mt'TIOV Cl'litu. From Ib.i l),"lon Tonrnai. Ji iv W.IMil.-l, Mrs. Snnr.yKlan,of Ifn. HfiWarrcit stnei.l Iii i.i'Mii'iii, uoceiLfy that I na .'o been aillicted for ten jenrs. My i i.-l.t mlo wai so parnlyz.ed Unit I could not he on it. Iluinis ihat lime I sutieicd from cu llu rh, si re ihni.-il ; vc.mld c.uiRh I'r.nn one to hro hotirs st a time; nut vcrr nervous ; sehloui cmild si, ep at iiieiit. I a lu ii: lei.r I.... yaurs since, widen reduced mo to a eleietou. 1 hud a. I tho i.,l,t.,l ad.i-e a id laeilieinei liiic e. .-on d .,i em.-, tin all to n- piir.mio. I i,t.t nelltiiin Ihe last state of consulnnlioll. I wis c.inilni.l lo lad when Mrs. II. .. Brown a lliseoiai V w., ,ei,t i, ,. n was applieJ a. c.r.hiiK to diiecuou. 1 rill bi h. Iter, t in ra'hei una lor s.iiu. lino My friends warled me te Klo up, .avlna It vconl4 kill mei uai I was trofur vine ajul too weak lo tryauythlnii lun-e I. nt inv mother laid I would dio If I did noillml rcllet In li.e Insc.ncrj ; ami as it was lie- last nl .l to cure me she i nl. I continue it. We soon I,, and Hint it wa. the circulation which wns ru-h nn I Ho my system whhli was As the circulailim kepi Inciensinir inv il s eute In nn lo break ua. It was six weeks artur I bctan to n ply t;io miitieliio bel'nio I co'ilil gainer strnnutn lo a , Into lio.ion lo see Mrs M ll. Ilrown.aud then I nad lo baw help. Tho bis-oihI nine 1 ventured I wont without help, ai d iho third tune I found my way without any dif ficulty. I rnvailtt.saf the MtitapSuaical Discovery in Mav.and tho result Is ol this iith of July, that heallli aud strenvlti it l-ist retumlnirto inv eiuaf i.itcd frame. ly I'.iia'yzeit siile Is re-iorcdtoviKor; lean i ow rest well on it. My ooiiiih, iu nen.ei.. nets, and son. Ibrn il arc .one. 1st. ep well All mvlr te,.iilaiiHia havo dl-app-ared, and 1 mutt ock ,-.o lo.b o thai, by the provileiiec ot id. I was dlrecleil to the use ..f Mia M. 11. Ilrowna Mcuphj .leal JU.tovery, and by It takin from Hit inoulli of Hie (travo and restore 1 lo mr luinll) and tricncs I know m diseases are none, and a 1-oiu ial clre;ilaiii but lakeli place, lo t epecl It will tuko tiuic to n-i.aiu my 1 ti ceeli ,.nd .irsuytli. KEiVAKKAllli (I Ki:OF 1)1 APMSSt CP TlVKMTY K Miss' KI'ANIll.Nil. T.JnbnA Neweointi, ol'i,.iiii.y.lilo cer'lfi Ihat I havo bt en cnlu i ly d'-at in n-y left ar for twenty years, and f-r the past six eurs my rinl vat has b:cu si deaf tiiat I cnulinot hear cji.,cii.ilt .n or p'lt.lle ol any kind. 1 could nol In ar Iho ehiircn In-lls il.i' while 1 Wat snliiis' in II e churcii. I h iv,- alsa been iro'i'.ied lor a num ber ol 3 e:,r. w Mb a v. ry sore lliroat, so thai I win oolig.d to ill. up ai, i, a in ctui'jlylor I had lost inyvouo. I had irmiblc lu luy besd. .crrlh.e u .I.e., alinost lo cianm. i-s. ill heed tell iiutub aiid stui ld, und wu. a sourie ui con.laiit troi.ble to uie. I tiled evi ry lemeilv' could I 1'ioushl of. I went lo auiltil ; but us tlu-.v wanted Ui use Instriiinentb 1 would liuve noil ins.' lo du H I h APout eueinjiitn since I obtained Mrs. l. ii hricvn's I'i.covorv.nii l used 11 iiceoiil.iur to the c arcclloi. s on ti.e h liles. And the ro. ult Is that tl.e neailnir ol boih cars Is p.-rlecliy r. slortsl, so that 1 can hear a. wclfus uny mull. I'he meat trouliMi in ni 1 c-ud is cnllr. ly V"llc. Mr bead f-'clu peril i-Uy easy und ut rest. My I hi out, w liich was so diseased, Is entirely cur. d. alio I base lie nvei. d my .-ne e iiKani. I wmild imt luke one tin iisnnd ilo lurs lur Iho beueiit I have r.i.tvt-d in the use 01 Mrs. Jlruwu s Melaptiysical ths.-ovocy. llK.MAllKAl'l.r. Ct'ltP OP HIS.illAlli.K-l KlluM TUB IAD, lUMCAKKli liii, AMI 1.0.-.S tn i.n:L- i kit. I i.ll.Al.l l I'ltlA. Hep'en ber 7, lull. I, ll airj' Man Ilk, Ji Iter. on siieei (feer .Mr. I'.r iw iiii"h!l i coal vardl, i ,o. . lnatilnw'n. do certify thai my ann Jntlnia t alk brain fever .it'll calairh on the bi-enst, which leit iv it Is ills, aurao. fiom ibc ear and iliaeasod eyes. 'I'he Olscharwes uuver ciiiscl. His tiers bi came nuilc larke and umiatiirnl, cnvelid w itb scab. 'I'l.e pillows had lo lie ehatuied during the nikht. so satorn.ed were they with the dlscliai get : It svould be llnpos.ible to dcscrlb" the con.bU .11 of Ills eves. My luniily pi yiiciin said he would go 1.1. nd. Ills Intellect auo beiamo Imnaired, that he cured not to be, or pluy with chin' u n. lie took no ol un ihtu.' around blin. 'oue Imt tlie parent on u-ll what our sutler. 114a were to look on our child in this toiiiliti'Xi. Most piovnleiitlallv , ul.oot ouo year ago, I taw Mrs. M. C Itrowu's "i.e:uphyslcal Libiovery" advcrilsid in toe J.t't' rr. 1 went lo tl.e Oihce, 41(1 Ardi atreet, ard procured the niedli-lne. Mv wife at.illtd It raiil.lally and Kerscs,erlyii!y. the roeilielne worked slowly at tlio e,fiiuiiik. but stillwe Hrsecrcd, and the result Is tli.t our son Is eutuoly cured of hi. disoasua- Hit luleiluot hcemu to have awakened out of the sloop of d. -alb. iiois cnnsiilereS now a briiilit and luteiliitcut In.y. Tho dlt chaiires Irotn nl. oar. have entirely ceased, and bis ears have becume small and nitluial. (Ill ayo, are eleur and mri iig. My wife and myself aro w.ll taUstled Willi the Teat ciiio perlnrnied on our claid by Mrs. Ilr.iwn t it etaiiby steal ihtooiery.aud uiosl heattlly coniiuouil ii Ut ail w Uo tuller. Mr... M. 11. Brown 1 CobhrnUd Poor lll Llrl'l Fat Water. SI per botl.u ; luuaU sU. t ccatt. avail. Houova. tor, SI m bvllls. A KPMAI1K Am.E Ct'KE OF nMNHNESI. Casisii.oi.C. W.Jaly s, 1h.. Mrs. M. U. Ilrowst 1'ir Mudatu: 1 have boon nuite bbnd In my rvht uyo for seven years. I bare beesi to several doctor., wtiotn te.rd oould restore niy aywlaht, Int they never done mt any good. I spent lurite snius of money In traveling to whine 1 heard Uiere were doctors who could bonent rue, but uoue 01 them could do sue any good. I tbontiht uiy case hopukms, until told by s rrlejid yuu oould relieve me. 1 .eat by s friend and piocured yisur ''Meiapliyaicai I'ts covery,' snd In twesity-ronr hours after tiui llr.t treat ment, I could .as quits duuiiictl. 1 sia vsry UisiuVral tor Diy deilveranoe, 1 lecsala yourt.Uuly, JOUK BELET. The Cli bialed rsor atkbard'l Eys Wat.r, I ; smsll siit.'M reatt. Jto. 410 ABCO ItrseC 1 Scalp Rensvstor, J. seitkwt-ius Hit. HQ AatC'O Mr . t;nHA It f fc r . , APOTHECARIES, (sealers In fins I'erliiincry, 'lollot Art lo I en, nntl HpoclultlAis, liriAMin-C, V.'IRK1, Ac. sold only f.-r Mi db Inal nr-po-et. (Ifl 8-lns No. 1223 CflCSrJUT STREET. I 1 ! l.A IT. 1,1 ' I .1 r ' . 'Vi r.v- is rs .V? IMSHAiiK IHs I I I liTF., No, 14 Mortal ,,. t net mi r 1 nnni nioini IS III Uro-, ve Market. Knetaras en-Ill ally Cor'd by 11 C.'S I'rei'i'ntn Patent (Irs'liiaiWig Pressor. Truss. Mujierlor Masti. Sts, aiiasllc Hic,clili,n. liuppnrlei .. Miouhlet BraMI, llatpm. tat lies altrnced by Vra. n. C. F.VKBE IT. atylVlp K ALT II, II K A L T H, -AND lM''l I'lVlsl'f -j.,. ll t M.wi t in. r. riPr, V .."I h, tl 'i a In m tu'ur -7.i! if ! I" f - hl'-B n ti.Vt nOi 'MM"; If 'or r4 to mmc nvii iuU I' -lth tMwb .1 m 1: 1 : A ..t.ilbif dt h(i wl.t n di sl'I vVAl rn I Tf to li o tfir.-oiirprc and icn, V7irtlil' K H HI liM K UMlilll ii i ;iv- n nr.. ,,i i. If t .lie to to a i TTkaltji ! jr j n i.i- I'fp i f r"tr .nrc n ; 1' jo" '" i i.l" wor rt i tr"iiitir-8 ; ' Il wi rj C4rntu t i.u Tul c ujj U .c, jr I wi-h -Ii'i ,i . Tiirn. hiivh'k, Pp.4:th, Whri.and lirtutj, Vun'U lu i-n ,.r ! fur . try ilnty. T.j ft cttrrf - ' Dr. WILLIAM Y.-'irtrn ?f P-v.k, ') Hi ,M :k (.i iiik, v bi h -nn-iM b rfii.l tv -vi'fy ,.n'. h.-ltl hy Ii .,.,,,. ir-n, prr.r-slh irnl it ih ),ii oilicn, u. sht vil' ftlJ.EUi; pri 8a cti.ti. ftii.vir A CA UK TO Till; I.ADli'.S. Dlt. M I'O.SOO IIDI.I'KV I'-i.illt' lo In coiie. .,i. r :.'! I'ti-ti a. ttoii I.-,tn i, 1: a, stn-c't l-t 111 a. a I'll. IS l'till H'.MM.FR, '.: !ni', aa i r 'n; iving; sll .' cicises ami ai.v.y j i rcvi nil e. The-e pill, are n.chlM' tn v . t.rd lamSisnniinnLih. j It... tor ic. luany jear,-. in i i.iecanl 1 iner'ai, wlm lop ir ill, u.t si. , ,n cv-rvian ; and hots vra.4 b. .nnny t' nm neil l-i'.l .Inl' i rs-'d Oi-ra, l (HOC". n.n i P' 'Is niihlii- inr th., ai.ov imi i, nl tl.n.e nincnng fMru ) unv trre-uiaritl. s intiev, r, w. 11 as to pre-..-nt an In- , n il-c ol ift.-nl, M I , re Ik In i p. .nil II. Female. 1 i i nil irly .it ni t.-l, . . r t: ., ci'itiolicl aeaiust tislti th I'li' iis' I ' to.iivca 'it, uroj i' I c pepi letor n sinin - , ,-..,i ,-n. nn, inn, ii. ns hltit v at -.-r me atmvo ",: at ii 1,11,. ir toil. 'tn s w-iiut l tir.iv..iii si,s I 'cl I .we tic l'i,!,. ate r.'-o .un. niled. i 8 " -i iei. ,ir In : pa, !, p(,x. i '.. .s.ilil i.hiilesale utiil nta 11 1 nil ntnt x i . licit il-n etlni I'rice el . o si hnsi s :' by tl.e n lln win j In tn . i.i I I It.V .t A (',,., N, . :.s s-. - ,. , ,fi str-.-el. l ''t A s;, 1 :l:. No II'. ri. t A M .ir-h II. i: itier ol 1 1 I t , enili nun Mai-lie' .'reelt. . ,- i;i. r a tuni n. cnrin-r '.; - u -. no a" ! I .re jn rlreela. I. .'I A- Co . Nn. : N St., n I -ti. .... .Inhri.. . ti. II. Itnrtuv A c..i,;. n, .,,.1 S. C. I'elin our. C:.n.,t, n . Al Ictail hy alt "Initials. L.i ,11c-, hy selii'ini: ONK POM.AIt To etth'-r n.cpl. can have th, Pll I 1 HI NT CilNI'llirX I TVI I V, I'.y mall, lo uny part if tl.e eny or con, Hit, fressf postage. ll H'lVtK. fl-'J-' ?m No. '.'I-, W. Till ItTY HI X fa 8:ri.elJ.T. jsJlXTil'.T DISK ASKS! M'.C'IIKT UISKASES! H I AM Mi (TAN H t.!l"r: KAMAKII'AN'M liltT! Tin Mnnr ('..tnaiN Ct in. ;i.j; i;s,;u. 1 ts. a in snii e cure lor l.'iSoKlllli. A. I l.H'.T. STIilClUUKS, ,t0. f ..niKiii. nn lolnerii', im r.nlsam. I o Mercury inly ten pills to ho mk n lu .-licet a cure. Cures inlr. nl two lo liior ilavs, mul recent esse. In tweuty-tour h-airt. Prepnr. d l,v a graduate of :be Hm. vcr.nv,,, ivntiij van..,, ,.t n... most tmn.eiit Doctors nnd Chemists of te.epns. nl ray. kn i.Mii.-rii., m. nt, ,ri.-1., m, cuwiiR w-iMrnvus. I.el Iboso lio Imvo ih sia.i.-d ol cett nig euied, or who havo 1 ci ii puracl witk, or Mercury, at once try llie J SAMAKITVS'S (HI T. Prut by mull In a plain envelope. I'lico, male packages, W- l euialos, t l. 1H00U! iti.oot): 1:1 (ml): :roD!l!t SCHOU'LA, Hi.CKItSl, 80HI.H, .SPOTS, TETTKHB mjai.j:-;, i. on.s. ' SYPHILIS Olt VKSKUKM. I'ISKASES, 4c ic. (AM.M.I TIN H POOT AMI IIKUIl JCK'KS , . ' cm '''' l'l',l!'.' as pi'sltivn core, MPHIU'i OK VP-NcliKAL I't '-K Iko BAM1- kllANS ltdOT AVD 'Icn. Is the m ist potent, certain, and eiicciual reinenv ever prescribed; it reaches and ernillcnlea every particle of tho venereal poison, to thai tbe cure is tin, lentli nnd pmui.acnl. Takt tben of nnd be ti.ale,!, and do mt li'Stitmlt to jinn -pt'su-i-iiy tliat orwhicli jou may repent In aftet years. 110 STiT DP.HPAIRt Althonah yon may bei.r.inoiinii-u incurable, the II AM A lll'l AN M ItouT and MK.ltH .TlUCKwlll remove every ve.iLeni iinptirl'lesfinm tbe system, as well at all ths bud ciiccia oi inercnrs . ri-.MAI.EH! KI-JkJAT.ESI In umny ntncitnn. vllb wWeh Humbert of Kcmal a suiier, tie Sum AM. liKlill ,tl ICKSare most hupnllT adapt. I. In I icernli d ( teiu.. In l.eucorrho a. in bcarluK down, I ailing ui iho, and frailcouiplaiuls llleliletlt to the se. Htm bj'CApre.i Price tl a bctlle. or fi bottlet ftir 15. HAM All l'i A N B WASH if . mi coes of .Svplulls. ns. .1 In coi. ii- cli. in with the Root mill Hcth.liilccK Pull directions. I'rUe 2'. cents. 1 he elll'.-ley ,.f ihe.e ri-nieilh s is nhko ackooivledred by physicians at d patients. Tin v are us, d in tho Pulled ntntea lio-pitals, thus restui'k'v bcaltli to tiiatty el our liiuve soldi, rs. J- rolii Ihe llaltlnmre "Sun :" VVllA I' I UK Sl l.i KflNS SAY OF Til 15 KAMAI1I I AN ., Ul lIKl IPS:, "I'lai Hi, sen r. l-'inir Mvesltm., I "Pcili iiure, Md., Kebriiai-v !. Imil. ( "I have crent salisi-icli..n in slutlna thai I have used ''llic iMtnaraan lliineiles' f.r . nei'.-al Ut.. a.e lu Ila n-ust cusa maiy li.ita . ; that I h ive us. d them with j.nU lnfiil. d.crili'.ii, nt d t-rn er.v, nut have found them respond to my uulic pattoiis piomti'ly and efTeclually. Kllnailis' llitir cniii) un on, I e tiie iulles. eontldenco In theh efl ency, and a.. :ar as my i:su of them extend., i recommend llnui ".r.piipn o. powrri, "A-slsliint Pureisin nth New York," It be,.oii thai Ihese n uieilies aie as recin rcended, and ivlli positively cure the dlo ssei for wbiok tbev aie oilered. HohUiy S.C.IiPlMvr, No.'JS S. F.inil I II Mti-eot. liliSMONo A: t) ) , 10-13 w t-:ira No. nl.i uai E Mirwt SKIPPir.Q. or Tin; OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMERS 10 NEW YOUK. THE COASTVMME hTEAMHIIPfVlMI'ANY UHOr riBHT-t'LAtill HCJSEW MKAMBItS, F. C. liMtaiT. 'iiitlu 4JHllavarbir, J4I1INJ jlIltK4, 4 n(latlu Itowesa, . Will make arenular tri-weekly lino, coiumenelng EA1ULEAT, 60T02LS 22, 1GC4, LEAVlNi) riilLAHELl'IKA KVUBY TI ESDAY, THlItSDAY, & SITCUDIY, From tbe Cotnpaty. wharf, ll rat above Hare itrett, AT 1:.' O'CLOCK M., ALd fiom New York, Pier 11, N'orth rlv.r, ou tamo dajt, AT ll O'CLOCK P. M. Tl.fee new ftuil lolntantlal stcunicm woro baitt exr prtnty for thla route. KrcLfht rvcl Pd dHily, l-arnJleo' In the caoit csrciul nan ncr, :)(! deirtrt itb the uttroct dcipa'.cti. Fur .Hither pnrtlculiri, app'y to WILLIAM J, TAYLOR & CO., No. 1410 N, W1IA1CVEH, PlilLAl'l-'r,Pll A, Slid lan-tit PIKIi ll.KOItTIIUlVKlt.SErVYOIlK, STEAM VVF.KKLY TO L1VF.R-J-'ri.aa nool- loin hlng nt Oitecii-icwn. Cork Harbor. I lu vieti known Mpu'.net. ol the Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia ntcunsbip loiiipauj ars bau-nded Is &..t as ti.llnw s : I'lli OK WArllllN'.TON.K.turday, October). l.l.ASi OW. Hili.tay. Noveinher.'.. flit' Ol MANClil.'-i Pit, balurd.iv. Xoveniber 1J. And ever. succevd!Ue- atutday, St uooll, from Pier X4J 41 Nnrth kiver. ItATKK OF PASSAIiR PAYABI.F. IS CI'KRENOr. Fits! Cabin I.k)lSl Pileiae .i(f(V) Urtt Cabin lo Loudon ITiita) Musrago to London. ., livtsl Urst Caoin to l'tiii... I'M tit) 8tecriu.- to Paris bil'taj First Ciibiutollauihr giyi oo Htaer.-gs to k.uubuig. 74.UO I'nsseniici's also toiwattleil to Havre, lirimeu, Kot teruum, Antweip, Ac-, at e.ually l-.w rules. Fares (rem lavetpool or :Firit Cabin, $1.'k,M7o, $:I0. H'.eeraite from Liverpool and locoiis Uiw n.t-70. '1 b, ie w ho w tsb lo send lor uiur likudt catl buv tickets 1 ere at Ihe-e rotes. 1 or luilbvi uuoioul.ou applv at the Cotnpany't offlcts. JOHN II. i'AI.I., sgelll, Ko.lll WAI.MT flrtet. PblludelpblS. ffm. BOSTON AND rillLADKLPIIIA SjaAMtuL rlleaui.l'lli Uiie, tallins froul eaeli port oal ball 111. AIM, ti, ia first wl art ahme PINK Mrvet, Phila delphia, and Long Wbaif. Ib.slon, Jirom first wbarf above PIN'L Htreel.on haturdar.Oi'tobar till. W.I. Tbe sleiiiiiship KOKM Aii. (taker, will sailflom rhUadel. phla for Jiosloli. en baltirdav, at 10 A. M.t and the .Uamsblp 8A0N, Matthews. (Tom Bo.Vou tut riilladelpbla, ot same day, at 4 P. M. ., These new aud suUlantial itoamehtpt lorni a regniac Biie,.allUigfioiu .arh nrt pumtually oal Haturday.. Insurances eHecl.d al ouc-bail lb. pr.mlulu cbar,ed at) Sale vessels. Cielitht.tak.n at fair rates. . Bhippers aro reituMted to .sad Slip Bectdptt and BUst jai-lf Ms. SiKl II. 1'EkA WAKE Ar.uuS. -ra. FOU NEW YOUK DESPATCH F TTia5Zand wiftturs Line., Delaware aud Ji ,.iii. ul anal. The sit. runs of Uiets line. ai. kvaelut dally al 1 ocleck M., and. . .lock t. M., Iroaa tkual pMC SlsDl t Waluut .Usset. tor rr.iebt, whtob will bs taken os tecommodsUiis terms spply lo WILIJAM 11. UAUtl) A CO., 0. Iii. HOAH aUie Avstvus. '