if " " irra-itt Miami I I (Evening SUrfcgtapIt wri)Nr;pnAY, octoukk m, ism. SPIBIT OF THE NEW YORK PRESS. Lending Kdilnrlnta from the New r;irr. Tills Jii)riii;i. Till. I'KjDI.I.TI I'OI.I.V. i"Vem thf Ttr.ut, Tie Iht'.ln-r clcetluns- liavp nw.ikr-ncil do C !ii tapo chikIIi1 no fir lliu Vice I'rcsli'.cnrjr ti the rtcr-csailv tf nialilr.' rotm- ign a?.iin. W'lion put on the pi ni'c plRtfiirni !i ws oil cock-n-hoop for fare. Atlpntt fill, utirl for i wir-ks lie didn't cs' p. Nut i w p a wit k c.ul J bo put fro;n liitn indenting iint...r lie would Htnml, anJhnw. lint tiic Oi -tolicr ck'fii ins luve mmo liko tin. tiiickctdif it'-r nj.on liitn. Ho llutti red uur n I Ut pi-i-kcl nt II s'.in, tin n i-cokcd at W.tnl, tltti tin net t.iil fur N.-w York, ami here wi- liavi) liitn. Tl.p screnmlf- specrli wtilrli Mr. Pendleton de luded ut tin- Now York ll M, is iilioutllin m st ' i'ui;iu i Mnimiun wi- rjuvp una In t it-. ciniiin cl I iocs tl.is man t ike our people to lie i.iio's ? l'oc 1 e Inmy thin ileition to he a more child' Ki.me fd push-pin W hut wo want t i kn-it ii liin .i'Sition on tiie pre.it iiirtlnn nt tic ic or war Willi the lli-tmilfini tint seckf to liroak up our coriitiv. Is that p. -iVou tho Mine that, for f mr j chih, I e oi-cujiii'il in I'miics ? What ovplan i. tii n lnix I e to iruk oi' I'i i' ('oni;renional eti n ? 1! d pililisne I litterto 11 i kin does lint satisfy us. linns on ) inst so 'Ii a profession of hK'li rc'urj l( r tl.e Vnion and tiie Ton-:ltrl in an can do ft;ri:l in the lust per . lien of .litdnli l'. Ileniimin nrd John ('. I'.rt' kinriil;;j in tho I'nlted Sutra, fcepntp. Ill" pnh 'h. d letter to Wna.l dnei not satisfy tia. It Is onlyn claim tb it ho "voted nj-'Biimt no bill whl' li win cimtined simplr to the ui jirijjf i:pjil. a for the army and navy." The mp!iilnt is, that he did not vote "ni-thnm ; that ho fnithies-ly dodijed everyone of them Which did nut contain aomo item that would servebim as a pretext for a dlnct ncpitive. In bin New York hotel riivi:li, it win hoped that liu would try to clivir up his Conreional rceinl. ' A pumjilikt nuidn np of his votos, as appearing in tho Cotvrmunifi I llibe, had hi en Riven lil-n for that purpose. What does he do with it ? He look it orer and finds u typographic! error in a certain date, sei.cs upon It, and, in his (.peur'i, takes up and dismisses the whole siilikvt with tlieie werds; "On the M'lcnih iire nf iw iat.til,iet I am chume". with l aving-tul. J u -iln.t inrtain ri-NolntHilM nntii..,tii July. In; I Wow, ll iinv f vom Kcnrl.iuf u will exaniin,. tlm tJlvJn1, or tin' tt'e ot nly il tlH U9WMni('r ul vuur r iv. or wil! eni lw len ra-'Ol.e- 't..n. a will lln.t rltmt i '.hifru'-.i e la.nrt.idi.il ttin lib ,lny oi July, Iw.l rrom Ilea ar-i. I men in liaud and ler.-i-ry 1 le iv yrtu to lU.lrf.' ul tli cruill. Iitl.tj' il ttie wli-ile j.'.rfV'i'oi.' What hort of cownrdh e it it that can tlnu palter on a question that has to do with the very life of the natiou ? What aort if mend icity i a it that can thin style votes taken word for word from the uilloial paper of Coiifrrc-". wholly a fabrication becanse or error in a single, uiiiniHiitaut date He iiiiht n thousand linici better have kept an a'lso.uto ailence than thin Irsultour people and dorado his own niiinho id. What is wanted of Mr. Pmidlcton Is only a do tilal of his vote in Congress. Those votes aro matter of record, and nro well un lorstoo.l. To deny them otleew nothing. He can make nobo ly believe him. Wh it Is dusired is a plain ap.'cili cation of the practieal policy he intends to orry out if he becomes President. Should the Chicago ticket imccci d, it may bo he, mid not O nerul McClclIiin. who will bo' inaugurated l'residont on tho 4th of March next; or h may become Pi-csi-dont on any day oi thu four years afterwards. No man'i life is eert.iiu for an hour. As for Ger.eral McClellan, wo know that he has no policy, and will have n.uie, except what is Im posed ui-on him by tho KCheinera around l.im. Are we or are we not to understand that, as Punident of tho Vnlted States, Mr. Pendleton would bold, in principle., wh it ho declare I in his sent in Congress, that "the whole scheme of coer cion ifc impracticable; it is contrary to the spirit and genius of the Constitution ;" and that he would (.end rritnUllii Pierco and Millard l'ill tuorr, and others, to negotiate an armistice with the lU bels, in nccordan c with tho resolutions fircfccutcd to Congress last Pebruary by his col eauuc, Aloxatulur J.ong, for which he, with tweuty-one others, voted. If ho lias adoptod any diffcicut principle or measuro it is incumbent npoo hlin to in. ike it known. It touches the vital , intoieUs of tho couutry, and eiiiivocation con cerniiig It Is a ciime. It it. uln.ost beyond belief that there sl.ould be politiciane who believo that a Presidential elec tion can be managed in this terrible, crisis of the country by a little trickery of speech on the part of cundidttlo.s. Never, in our national history, Lave tho peoplo bees so thoroughly aroused to earnest thought and act. They know the vast intercuts at stiike, and will choo-io their ballots as for their very life. Candidates who at this hour nniteitako to w in their conlideace by fuUehood or paitcririr, can gel nothing bat iuilignnuon and corn. The Clilia'n nominees will wake, two weeks from this morning, wiser and sadder men. HAitn i i-. ! t7l Trtb'tnt. The liicluuond newspapers are snapping and tnarlir.f; because the authorities w ill not conliscato negroes, aud inukc troops of them. It is statod by these authorities that at least two-thirds of the Jlebel army aro absent without leave or license, and that the blacks are absolutely nocessary to supply deficiencies. This is certainly cheering luttlligcECO to everybody except the Clilcas oitcs, who cu hurdly look at t!ie- o facts other than dinuially, In view of the confl..catl in quistiou Which baa i roved sj harassing to (heir e'piita'ilo aoulB.lKcau.'C tho employment by tho Uubcls ol' blacks iu their army knocks all the coppery oon stitutior al icgiiiuriKB ag 'iust eon i-e iti.m in tho head, l or it the enouy empl .ys a lila.k to sho.it, or to dip, or to ciriie, there is no in no re ison for our not taking him, if wacan.anl iluln,' with lam as wv plcu'i', ihau for our liol uikm guns, buitgnt-waoiis, or Ii inn rs. llcrelofiirc the insmgeiits have insisted upon having a piuo wliit-'i,lit, and hive failon into cxtitmll.es i f inurd ious iviaili at iho few Id ick regnneiiUs which wc have, in tli" i.cl.l, protl.um ing tin ii inteiition of Kivlo? no . 1 1 1 a e t c to sa'ile Suluie s; while John flull sii mlc his wise head, and roared that h.s mav. ho d ng friend were rilit, and tl.at wo wer no better tliau Ii irli.ui .n to remrt to tudi hide im, blo-uly, and savugi experiments. W e shall now see whether, accord lug to their philo-o;itiy, a good biuee lor the goose is a hud ranee for the g itider. lint veiy iuiociitaliio is t'n; ut'xi' f u t, th at two tLirds of tho Kc'el army, with un rgrcgioiH want of putrl.i'dsm, havo takeu iiuto thomselves linnd tied, perhaps to tho uttermost pints ol' the earth to the II ire in desert or tho baulv.s of the On fton, or may bo to the Northern States to get something to eat, mid tu vote lor MeClell.in, ltavlnn ilic lijjitin;.: to bo dine bv tho dark- colored goods au 1 chattels. This statement of the piis:lluniiii(Mis departure of "tiv i-tnird, ' h is an exaggerated air, but e rtitiuly the Iti htiiond Buthorinvs would not nuae m.i'.'crs worse than tiny it-ally ere. li'they tod liieru Ii. It is enouih to ii;uke the Devil laiuh cliesrlly t j Lear ot the-e lnilit.try patriarchs we .noaii tiie- "on third," wlio, for iniiii of strength or s un ) other r.-.toii, have not leva:. ted :-al in", In their . ire lei.-Okiity, upon the slaves 1 1 c mi-j their reso.t,-. ieii,at v.trio.is tin; it a id in vari ui n.io-, hvvo . fought tor various t.ili, lor I inol I avos, f.r ilindt-r, tor the i.-t-iu'gtiu J of sit c.- itavax-ry, at well us for IreeJ mi and lllierty; b il to I'lili poor niscals li-'lit f;r their i.iilave..ieui, ris'i-n,' their lives to secure u lii'o-lo.ig misery, kidiiK their best friends nt Iho instairx of their worst enemies nothing like this, no diiina'ly 1 idi ro is, has h.ippuied iu history, except, peroap-', in tho luntoiy ill Spai ti coui'ort iljle repaiilio, tit' v. iiich tl.e citi :cns nl'.v..ys itppvarod 1 1 us to lut j leen geinriii.y Insane, iii ct tisepini :n ot'lo.v di.'t and the continual tituervisiou uf tue polio.-. When we -riiiOsd to mil.iy a fey ii' -.c'; oldiiiSj our lioiTililo rriio'.'.y iiji U.ily set i'o.-:li by tl.e iirttisli tiewtiUjH-rs a i l t-n-t or t.vo l-ii(-i i. m. us i.Ki,.bei!, oi' ' i.lie ,ie..!. tit I ) ii i.e vr.ier, il c C'uient..it"d w.'-ib-.l i.i tlu .i:nj l.c'a. Jt ef'er similar mmloii. hen t j'.v t'ley au) i.'lcc' ii'ia'ciiug in tin: s.wno w :y, ti-el pneous'y s.t'i'. fur:h the iuio-jusuai.; t i.'.'.y .:'eonil .' I' ll g l.etrncs to thur oa.i u; j ::nd be m .i'. Pu t ot tlicii plan is, not M'T"1 to restore, t.u LT.il.;), I u: to i'i .-tor. ei;utr.iband Mucks totiieir bereave 1 bud inconsolable masters. Tis.'so p icitio puli i i'i.ivs hi.ve not yet goiio so far a.- to propoio tlio ii:.-t..rntioa .f the Jit l-cl g'U'.s vlr.-'.i v..; havj t !.! I fttid this t'liilj.iy, hi to thu wholo ati I t-ut'ic hog, strikes us us a Utile iiiuiinsis.ent. Win is u tuuwiiho.it u man to v. ji,; p; Vli.it is a liinn wltli-uit u gun to .vorl. ? I :' v.-e Kcnd baek our contraband to t .ko th) p'a of tho "two-thirds" tiie paJe-l'cti ml warriors w!i ) have ib'candcd wo should rrally return tle m jim.cd and t'l'iipped out of whaiuror sp jILs oi'tho ocetiiy wo may have on hand, in g j.I or4or for killing uii, for dicing ditches that wa may t nil ie Into thorn, and for bui'diu? stone walls that We may bleak our soft h-.'ii Is ne; unit tlnu. a The ruse wi uld hardly be any bolter, even It' we should make a Ctiicauo peace. A oppiry Administiatiou would, of cotirto, among oUur YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, charming arrangemrnta, pive up all the "contra ImndH' upon wln.m It could lay its bloody ban. la. Truth wruld bo notbing-the national honor, nothitip humanity, nothing fu-iire conddera t ona, as ilnM in the haUnrol Ilrautlfiil l mag. Mil Ini t and charming is forgiveness! Noble will it l.e fur us lo put the public cnjtny nearly i-.s pofsd le in stilu m that wherever he takes it into hif mod hca I t rela I a ram, ho may have a pUiitytt M: rk to rohvvrt Into sappers mi 1-illl'lS. The ppor llile-l! the mi fortunate, miettblel n an l.c hue killed cat brethren, h5 baa deolo od nr tn HMitt , he fa-put tis 1 1 Infinite trouble Mid fvpfio.?, and for these favors we are to sen I liim le i k lila liifitiie rrer r nd thrni b.vk '1 "i"l order urd well conditioned send tha n beik in chain, and in riffle Ksn.'a, ginir.le.l by I'iC . liiicis of libeity w i'h Oe-irgp It. Met! elu:i at their hr lid, end v.pli Mr. I'endlet in to su a.-r.-i. toi ci tl.e I'of'ing. human r.Hfirr need sneli fitrrmo liiti tratluns of ius intlrmiiTof purpose na thci-o f Jmi. Unln'H i. i-l.r In Ki-l-.rl noman, The following note was recently nl Irexed to (ictiiTiil I) viu by a Keln-I woman in tl:r Hhen in loch valley. It wa arennipanicd by a Imsket of line Irnitr, and Ibmrrs: "Homr, Scptrinber 'H, ISrtl : ffen.-n.l T)-vin will 1 h asc aei'i nt a trilbim gift from n .' u:He. i n lady, who, ti gel her uit.i a liilp'eas t imily, have, b) bis pnsf me, liten deprived of almost (nc last mi ans ot siit. listener ; r:kI permit b r to say, if instances such s this add outre to tho r inse be reives, it promises to stand iinrivall d in ike ii.it Mils cf cn.ii?td ( ?l wailiirc. With ducr.speit "II. II. I'I Al l." flcneral Mtvin n-turned the foil, eying reply : "II i MMii Aieri i;.s Kicmn llin, aim', I'inn Dimsion. Kcptcmlii r lit; I. M tdai.i : Your liuit is tcpei ttully rct'iiued. Wi h rear,! to the comments In your note, I would simply ro. mark that tl ey pound 111 in the mo itUsot tho-e who laughed at and approved t o- burning of I.oum s over the In ads of our iiiioil 'iiilirig women and children, and whose soldiers murder ours in cold blood after sum nder. "I I'ave aliwiys endtavorcil to alleviate the miseries of war as far us Inv in mv power. Ct tain abuses I ban- been to able to proven: so long as cu-tdin tcb rates llieni in nn enemv's country ; but 1 hae iilwavafiiinisht-d s afegiinrdseven a'ter tiny have been viol. ted and robbed of their horses and rouipnientH, by your own thieving cavalry; but 1 certainly nov'er before recoived mch a gratuitous insult, cveu from 'southern lady,' in return for the conrtt-sy. "I shall retain your notoas a rnrioity, and as a s)ieclnieii of a 'xnithrrn bidv's" cstiiaatiou of tin customs of civilized warfare. "Very respectfully. Thomas C. Dkvin, "lieneral Commanding ifngide, "Mrs. K. I). Pkm.u." " .SruiKM fob ymi R lltoiiTa!" s,tieale.l a McClellan orator In Nowark, mildly argumenta tive against the lawfulness of tho draft, and ten derly objective to tiie continuance of the war. A soldier on a pair of Sanitary crutches: "If you wasn't both a coward and a traitor, you would be at the front striking at the Rebellion. That's the only kind of striking that ought to b ilouc now-a-days. " "Tin: A ii my wii.i. Votr ton MeCi,Ei.t.AM, sir!" mid a gentleman in a Walnut Street car, with the aspect of one set apart by birth and education to the jews'-harp and speculating in gold. "Which army, sir ':" broke in an emaciated soldier in earshot di tani e of tho Copperhead ; "l.ec'8 army or Giant's ?" Gold tumbled. Ji-st think op it! a political party appealing in behalf of Its candidates and its principle to the cowtmli' f of the American people !! What an unendurable insult to tho bnvest rape on this earth what fatuity in politics, Inconceivable if it had not actuully happened, incredible if was not actually transpiring I S:.avi:iiy ( iiali.knoi n the United States of America to mortal combat. It Impaled i'self upon the bayonets of its udversary, aud writhes and tv, Ists there in tho agony of a death that pro inbcs toon to close tho struggle Tha Dctnocr.iU put on crapo, and rush on our line of battlo, aud fasten on our soldiers from behind and scream, "Stop this unnatural war! Stop it!" TiiF.ui: is notiiino in tho hL-tory of impudence to be compared with tho proposition made to the American nation by tho Democrats in tho Chicago Convention" Commit suicide that slavery may live !" DRY G00D3. JJXTR AOR 01H AH Y BARGAINS ist DItESS GOODS, SHAWLS, ITKMSIIIXll AM) DOMESTIC C00I8, Cem H!lr,g tin larat aid rholrcat display yat orf.-ret at ltai.il, AND AT ritk'KS BRLOW Tni3 COBItKKPOSIHSa HI DtU l l) VALUI. OK UOl.l). I-'lIIiNOII I'OI'IjINK, MKItlNGKH, AI.l'ACAS, WOOL. UK I.AINIUS Ac, vi itv (iirAi-. v.' liiiM- ro-rlv.-u at a ure.it sae.aiteo a lar ci of M.-d aui-; tli I'd DUl-'SK (lOODS, A .Tel. Lot uf SlEI'lOAN IiRHIVM A ! II l'.M.T1, Wl'irli v. a lah r.llar rely kiH,atid aro wl-II iv irdi tho a'ti nltr.u in Iiu..tk. J. COvvPFilTliWArT & CO., K. E.c .n.tr MM'll ai J APtlMt Htrr Mi, " V -1 I'll t.AtKL 'III A. 1 ?iiii:mizvc htoub,! I F.UJi STOCK, I A ji JII".vit tit: AhsoH me nt lp.e:s cco-Df, ClX)Myt MIAWf.s, M.VNfLKS, a: rMoi'itjmij .mi i.iarvr;it v. iUT. Ail!:MJN OK 1 MIT L MI S I A SOM-'JITi.l- M. tV; A. MVKliS A CO., -l(f) J-I(ilJTH M'KKiCr. J W i S.-vl'il t ( r ai-.-.t- A'C't. tlirnt l;il ifti D in f r iu mi K i :n u I.i-h-v! r.iuiim, I'I '.liB lit Wot Ml-I j nut J,,v lii.O.l'tia UiM t- i. ci t oi' I i th' Imvmi i' lilt i'ri'ini.ii Urn t- llit 1.1 (ll il I.Ulii V.1 T (, ,r ItlMI HI iku liil- l' ri.li' i, ::.. ,. ?'..ai.-i. Mil s'.it. - l' M K .: :! i i i 'tl- il - ml i'i - -; i r i.uiti -Ue- V i. t it. ; I'.'ifc,,!. I. ii) ' .if -t- i, .... .( i ii-n,, t : i, :,!-, 1,-jn 1 S- k ' -s, n.c .i ue "i tun v. t, nut :t p ul ( 'llli.ll tl :,f , 'i f.v lill I r- t.,V' i.i 1 tl' b,.'.l -U! !l i 1' U'-i' V J'"- UI..J Ht.C ' li.l.i, M;K J . .!; J.'nuoi.s, J , t.'-l,u ul -ii i n: in -')., f!..fc i-f in ii' ii.i t'itfii a ml t '. a-s ; iiA.ji: Ktr; tt:it oi a-! -,.. -( ii's ut HTt'.i'.iy r; tin i (1 !(; . 'Ii :i , a .' u ;..;., Htii..t, IJ'n ilr ; Li:-'. b , ( "'.tli. r n't n ml MU-Jt' M"i-i.i. im (.i.i.iBi (H-Kiii; il V'.4, Wuii ! .'i ii'i, .tiid vv .f.-r-i-t.i.Si In t-1 uur ,1,1, n. w ! i e ; i:;.-: ami W ii: 1 r..Jv - oi I i.'. (!'!' .t.l-i tl; ! ;i!U'-k I i u!i M U..v I'm ,n, lit, ii i .-it v..riv rd ..T'l ii'i'ii,; i.it i'i'i uJ (.f tit' c -tii-j,In yrctt vorictv, uiirett-ly chc..,). Ao.. 1 ihIm" c "ir. mii" nrd nM, nA cnnv.nre yount rvi'i hr.irn lm in,; f-lvi. Jmrc, tl .i It - Ht ll wuriji ;m -,ui.r uwu 'iit-n l i. u l "r Trluiii f at f o I .6-i Mi. r,( ,.f yji,j. 1.1AM I.(NNFKKIAI1H, o. 1' 1 N. J h.ili.l ha,t, Hi'coi.u ilbvr ftiove Artlj, ntxt lo inu torrwir. UO ilhr.ufjatUO.No.ts Ala II trwt, auov alwxi itieot. ... , . . i'liiiiivitJi.iiA. Th noit courleii-tu n tnnntt .' Lmllfi, Mlsnea. and ftiii'im'tt Mwiji :Jknig in ttm .iiy,iti fvery rcsptci fn-t- inn, wril'-h tor 8ivl, fiiihh, ULJubiUy, aut chtiuyii, Uav no eitfbl In Dm it.arkt. fckiru uuKiie lo ord,r1uliiai-cd1 aud repalrfd . rl ly Wi. f.HOPKISH. WALKING COATS, TTIEJUILY EVENING TELEGR DRY GOODS. 4 r Ay FOURTH AND APCfT, GOODS FOR THE LCIEc;. VM) lo mi- iwsr. av i Ann m'.i.i.inc, AI.I. Ol'li 1-MK?TN (JODBS ON. Ami i:3 ti Id ten liua a.tt snr.-J, a. r ar nl.i- t . r. IT. i III'. 1 ILK BAKI.MNH Til Ml CAN UK OlirMMiO t.l HMV ITI 1 . VjU Ol'IltW TO-DAY, I. y oiis Cinnl: Velvets, 40-inch. Whito Sils for Wedding, &c.f Eest Blue Silks in Town. Best Brown and VVino ShVes. Fire Black Silks, Wt Sillis made. Widows' Silks, with Turpi Edgo. 42d Highland Daid Foplina. 42d Highland Flaid Shawls. 42d Highland Flaid Cloikiii, Frosted Eoaver Cloths for Cioato, &c. Fuchest Al!-Wool Frintod Da L?i-ucs. Fir.e?t Acportmeut of Dross Goods. 40 Lots Goods from tho Lupin's Sale. Stiplo Goods to Suit First Families. Best Blankets, Quilts, Towels, &c. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. T. ft. W TioJr-raJa lliiycrs ai Itisttod to cvauilna tl.e K fllK:l or KIIAVVI.a ANII lV.-s noons.al lirtra t.i suit ta -m. lo-iJ. mwstta fl'IIl-J TO 1IUV LINEN GOODS. .i. KniAwumixaH & co NOKTHWBnT COIMKU EIGU1II AND MARKET 8TUKETS, Favr al.vajs In aio.k a (nil Una of SI OTOa TABLE USKNS, llauvkand Hpt. IIIISIl TAIII K I.INF.NS, luai.Aun.tRrxH. BAi:N.41.KY TAIll.r. I.INKNsi, rvtra hcavr. TOWKI.H, NAl'KINS, a ANJJ DOYI.IES. S1IKITINO AM) ril.I.OW LINKX3. I at.ernl tndawirmta Is HMtls, IVjard of Kchocl., and liuri'linaars ot laxue liitl. tl-r-mwf lnl irTiaii noHiEur iu;taii. and wiioi.ksai.k. a. SI. HAI'laUKJII, No. 902 ORESHUT STREET, Ma now Iu if or a full avurtimMit of tUe ctiubrntwl uia.e ol KNCI.IMI llOHIKHV, IK nAllllllliOAN IIOSU AN It HALF HUE, HUKTILK'N I!OHB, HlllRTI, ANTl DUAWLUH. L.tTEat I1LAVV KII.K HIllhTS AM IlRAWKUS, IN AI.I. fclZl-.lS, FOH C1KNTLKMEN. 10 7 M M I'.N SK ltKUlKM'HIN IM TIIK JItK'I3HI or di:y oooo.s. JAMES F.. CAilFBELL d CO., N. 727 ISIMT STP.KCT, oriKi: 'iiiEin entii:k stock or DRY GOODS, CONSJS'i'IXO in paiit or Ai 1 wmi .s. I'm I.I s unit I.l.l'.s, 1 I i-.i l.ISKs.. I I AN I I. tl j 1 I'Ai as n.i Mini v'U.s I.LACi. aaa I .I.M. V nil.Ks. mii i'i.s, rn.ovr.14, I.1M.NS1, rt ti.Th HO Ills, I I A1. M'.l.s. lil.Kf.r, I s'i:N nr. I cninix Hlli". 'I'l.M.i, II LI' I'M. A MS. ui'.l ( 'l.tl.l KIND CIOI U.S, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. T.i 1 - c li av-tu mvur-ttie p Id 't w havi' icrk 1 i'iiv. p o erv ailU'lc iu uur t a-;i uv Lavo it In our p' wc-r t. t.: Vr It A HE DA It GAINS. lG Min TvliOLi:'ALl: KOuMtl I I' sT.l IKS. Mi:kinov.s, i'ori.ixs. J-. .s K.,i"-li'ii'i , ('.: I'l.v 1. All .Kill, iil Uui:'". t. .il..'.'... Or.-.. i;.l..tt. i:.:aul ii ' AMI-l;! I.I. liv.'s, Nw V-'i l hi. vSC 1 stifr. l. cil:;", s:j awi.i. i e lltl'.e: lei . , 'I.-.. (.i... 1 s, 1.1... '., .'.i'i V. V" O'l-. C'l..i.p..t Jas. ..Mi'.u'.. :. , .'il. , .No. '.'.; Clll '-Nl l tin I. IrLANNKI.S, IlI.ANK KTS. i.ii.tn auJ c .ii.i.i - .o. tiias. C'l.cupu J.l.l(.OAV!l IlKl.t CO.'S, So. ;.;C',Ii..-,Nt:it,'r.'Ct. I.L1VIIO WANT OOLil) UUY U00D3 AT 1 V ijic virj loe't I'll- i'ii. nt if-Kt ifr.in at jAi. h. c. .! s-hki.i. fn. s, 10 4 tt .''. VIIKiSVT Hlr.ut. jUN KliiilM liL'N NO IUSK!!! We refund ihf iminoy, If d.mtd, fcr tv -y lot i.f SUrU v l.li iail in ai. v r. b- c !. tiMi blllidS, riXR SHIUTS, CI'T 1KM;TIIWISI. iik Jit -LIN. Wide cf vs'i'w York Mill, lusl'n, and vi-ry Mi e I lni'ti Jli -i'lns. Hrilyf l'76. l'ul prlct-f.i VAiiliauitillti Milia Mi'uh.i, usd lino Linen lii.soiiii. Only 4 ill. I -oal rirl. car i'i OtMiiJtMKJi Kt UNlSHIS-a C10OHS OLMXi,ili.: l lUiNISIllXO oooua. SMI 1 11 I; ,1 JiihS. t--fa Ko. 1JAI C'llKHNUr hir.-tl. VERY LOW PRICES, A PH. PIIIL AD E LrHI A, JJ HllOUMAllKll Oc CO., OIHLDELK'3 CLOTHIliQ EMPOMUtf, No. 4 N. KIUllTIt SrUGKT. rillLAl-KLPIlU. 1P& l t-'i , ';.v.v ..:-' ; .'-"i..,V .:'i , !.-r W f ". :.'.g c ropivifvtji inTfc mi- Ul ;tetu' n to oar rtfant atot'inrnt vf CTIII.DKKN'K CI.OTIIINO, C. n.pit.tnK l-.OTS , C.tKt.sV, IM VMS , u: MtS'l I l.i'.tiina in aTi-r vnrUt, tn tli lAtct st'.CJ, anil of e-i a. r or o.kn.aui-l.if. Hlcll atttlitlati at.l I MIKSKH DHKHi'f IKHCiJ; The nubile are invttrt to rail an.t aaaraliw. M. KllOHMAItKll.fc CO., a.7 w.nilm t N. K.KIIIIII RTtiUtT. J AI !!; FANCY l-UUS. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AIIOVK MI VF-MTII, Al 1118 01.11 tNTlHMaliKD STOSH, Importer and Manufacturer of LABIi:g AM) ( IIILDREN'S MaawsrHncnt of rANCT FUltS for L..II01 and CUIJrm la o.iw ootnplis:, ambraclnc E VKUY VARIETY THAT WILL UK WORN DUElNfJ TIIE COMItvU SEASOX. UisrMiiir tha name and nurnbar, JOHN FAREIRA, N.. 71H AUCII HTHMET, Ali-ira Haventti, I II Ave t.U I'ABTNF.U. Oil CONNFX"TIOM WITH k'KX OIlll-'.ltiilOKI.IK TUF.CITV. ,'J)i f" U M I Ii E or FASHION. Email Profits. Quick Sales. HATS AND CAPS. NEWEST STYLES. Luwaal Pile, in Hit- city. ft 'niw-Sm Nn. 40 M. Kixm stitnitr. c A. It 1 i: T I N U H . PRICES REDUCED. Fv.ry art, tic In our alu It will ha aou at tha .-rv loneit mhtket raten, FOB OASII. BELVE L KBIGHT & CON, 10-I-lm Ko. HOJ CltthhUT 8TBKET. JOItNJJl.IUH at JtA-IClCIl, Ko. 71! CHLCNDT STBEET, Have tlio iili'AjttLro to aimoouco that I hay ftr mow iro larxd tu funtl-li A HEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, SUITAItuli OR DWELLINGS, STOKES, OITICES, ftc., Wll.'Cd CAtlFK 10 li-lm I.ICJI IT1I JtY KI.1-:C!'J'UIC1TY. QHOVX-ilt At- IIAJlCllfei HIGHEST PREMIUM 73m9i-m Yf- xnrrrnfrKK M.auiivai B fl i-M. ft '-Sa. ! Vii MUlAl A9 n XWt.JMii; y 'TT.ia-if.t.iPFMri llvvvfti fTTfiiin TT tt Urtir-I B K W I N G MAOHlNbd, i No. 730 CH KSNV.IT Ht.i-ot. ,SES'- I'lAN OS, COl TARE EVCliL- -J'tj .Im' l.Mrai!., llaiut'iitiuiiil, auU Mol-- U6JI1I, :.l HAKS1IK SII'SIC moiiK, 10 T-lut .No. 110.' LIIKSMI nitrat. fflYI COTTAGE OKOANS, Not only iMxri-.l I- D but irNKit: AI.I.H1 In purfiy o i.' nt ai.d l'.itMr, i-i'fcirned rspccui.y for cnurlxt and Hi tifitiis. (.ut ti tinn tu h u(ti..lh .-! it. ai'led loiba rariut utd brawila Kcui. I 'ut t-tle un'.j by t.. M. Bltni'F. Ko. IS V. KKVKSTM Hlrw-t Atao, a complrtii tsaortutui ot litu i'erlact &1.-wko c.ii.i. ...mi on tiunti. au lii-aut TJDMUN1) A. feiOUOJJIt afc CO., COMinSCION MERCHANTS, AND S3IP AND STEAMUOAT AGENTS DOCK STKIiKT W1IAHK, riMLAIiKI.I-HIA. liVMi a. for l, n, ( Au. vir.tl 1- .11 l .. t .ti ui n T. sin in s, M-tf -0rfc1 Y'.S TEA WA KEHl 'I'SE. E-STA- J kuMiidlu It-JJ.-li-'l-'frmi-' '' 'tlt-r-n "ii a 'Jc.'i-, V 'iil-., a"d Llna'.ra. C txic llu on ' 'tali's, 1 .. IM-i. v -n . I'i. Itxs fli.d Hau-.-ei, I a -t'lsl. nl.il Ri-otctl .im1 il r. Csi.i.ea M.'ut., Fruits. 1111, ttc. .Sii.; ' il' I 1 nt Ui' V. '.I: : u'. .11 fcu. lis 1. fi.i'i'Ml M;wt. 1 ly J".ii - n. 1 - v. T 1N-N M.N D-N y-AW l 1SDIAS SMiiKlV.l fOIM'.X )! '1 i.i. oilJ-ri'i..i.i..' i '1 1 I . i" .1.1 n'j. ..iJ fr ru thi HN1..-T Lt:AK. And eurr.'-.tly rf 01 num mis .-- 19 itll C::l(.iUun of 1 .1 k 11 r Tt. Bold fclM. rj't... , r nnyK HTn,.K JS... tll CllKsNI T Sir,., t, 10-i-iiinJ Djvi.t..t i-i-il.jina. "jk TOMIirCAVTAlNS ANT) 0WNF.H1. y j?,-TI.IimltrslTi'dMili.r laiad tl a aiENMIN,,. ljis IS( ilKvV IHH'K.tetlo inutnl t' tri.-nia an 1 ir, oaii. 1.. o: tl.e .i.f,ti.ot le I' pnunrid wirli Intr i,m ( t.clowt-a M. a.'di'iiotlala tl.twiu tiaviiiji vt'llul. to l.a ra).i-4 or r. .'f in d, ami btl"s rr.u iKi.l al..u- ar.ar,ti ai l t.uit.r, Kill iile p,ri"uAl aittwuoa W asl tout, to. tni.iod to him ior r.i'alfi. topiaiin or Aii'in'i tO'tti-rarr.nltra, and al.hlr.l.ti hATlnr Ti-aM-la i railr, aramlUltid to rail. LiiJ lit 1"' ' Jtf '' ailfftcdta' P.i!Bnl V. lall'i' l'..a:-'fctioL',"or Coi..or I'alut, for U10 pr.. , v. tK.n of vi-iMia' boiu-n., 'or un 'y . I ua luuomcd U flintlal. U.a aftine ou fovwaoni t.-nna. ruruut, " Jll4ja hTMITTT, Kti .uta-tn Mtraai liak, avjl-lf SeUar (vMuicaiiora Lttartl auaaC SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. WEDNESDAY, OOTOBKR 20, FINANCIAL. JIUHT NATIONAL JlfVN it. NEW UNITKI) STATES 0 - 2 0 SIX FER CENT. BONDS. TMa rta-k haa aov fr aal? llir-ao vmy as-f. .f s id druiraklr Hi Hrsl M:alai Iton.la.vliH li base I IVK 1 KABH to ii.o fivm Noveutt;tr I, lrfi.4, buforv tiie Otrorr, inert haa Uie pitfrlfbii tcdcu.4ion. 1NTERH T, G TKIt tKMT. I'h It ANXl'M, Frfalilt Bnii'-lna 'i!t- In iOftf. V. II. ;i.Altlt. ritK.iiiit:.-s r. jMavt-ttaiv McMit-liool, Jr CAtlir'K. in -. 1,1 Ql'I'lCli iron TIIK HAI.L: OI' NATIONAL LOANS, No. Ill S. THIRD STREET, run Am... nit IS M W UNITED STATUS 5-20 SIX PER GENT. LOAN. T1i 8ub itinera liarlnn Iwt-n tha luicoaarul Blditrrn for portion Of tha M;Bf H ID (U l-KK CKN T. (iOl.i HEAINNd LOAN, art-pif pared taollrr II on farnrilii t.-miatn Uiair rtimin-ra, In lare or anial! amount.. In Iiondi of dooomliiolloiu af (,-iOa, luoa, (kiOs, and limOa. bolli rtlatortsd and oonpona. Tin Intarait muiniancai on (lie lut of R ivembor niTt and I. nnrahie In lold. aeuil annn.llr.on tli lit of May and Novamber. All oilier (ioVTrnuiant Socitritlo. on hand ftn.l foraale, aiii Inntimalioii git tut toncorn.'iiB Inve.tiui'lit., itl our oftUo. JAY COOKE Ot OO., n. 1 1 1 . Tlllltti HTlll'.KT, 'r'-'ro fMladi-lphln. I) IIUALIOIj afc CO.. No. 34 S. THIRD STREET. The now - L'JAK for aala In amounli to stilt. Ist nONIltl, aad aU bind, of (IOVKII.NMK VT LOANS U-.uctit md .old. 10-W-Hrt NI, W LOAN. NEW L.OAN. U. S. 10-10 J A V COOKB Oc CO., OKKPR FOIS HALE TIIK KEW G0VERDJMENT LOAN, MiAlilNd HVK tt.n CKNT. INTK.KKSr IN COIS, rtd. t-uiaiile any tiuio after TUN Airs, at tl.e plounra of tho (lovemnje ut, and payaklo J'OU'i r VK.vJIi allur duU. BOTH COITON AND liKHI.4Tli.KEI IIONDHJ ara (.tatted furttila Ixiau, of samo danoni'natlon aa the 5--JIH. Ilu Intrt-at on I '.0 ami HOu payable yearly; 011 all otlierdt'Honil&atlnna, half yearly. The 10-40 bond, aro dulid March l.ixti. Tha half yearly l.itere.t falUnk dua H. pltuibtr 1 and March 1 of each year ; until lit .Heteta ber, ttie arcriml Iniora.t from l.t of March la rciuirod to bu paid by i iirclia.rra la amx or in m.:j.l i uruus. r.a.ld li.K (111) pi ream, f.r pn-mliiin, until further notice. ALL CT1IF.11 UUVriUMIUVr. bKo'UHllto UOUlllIT AMI .--Ol.l). JAY C00XE ti CO., o. . )-lf .o. 11 8. Tlllltll MTItKI'.T. gMlTII fc UANUOLPII, No. 1G S. TUIUD STUEET, UANKEUS AND 1JKOKKRS. Sicle, Stocki. CJnaitorm asters' V.nchcri and ( lietVi.aud aU Oorcnimeut 81-curltlaa ll'ttj(.'ht and Sold. miiU J" NIT XI I H T A T E 8 7-:'0 LOAN. The Hetrt-tary of tba Treuury Rlvca aotlea that aub lulpUona will ha received for ftiTos Ti-oasuty Fiotoa, pajahle Uiroe yetra trout Au.ruat l.v, luril, with eeutl an nual lnloroat at Uiar-raof auvin atid ttuoe-tonlha par ot-iit. ur animiu, pruiciralaud lutarest both to be paid Is lawful Uiuuey. Ttic.e notea win ba eonvertlhle at tha option of tha holder, at maturity, hito ill pt-r t-ai-t. told bearing bunda, payalile not lei. titan flva nor mart ttian Iwimty yeara rrulu tlielr date.al LLe Goternnifnt may eleot. Tlioy will beisKued In d. noinliiatli na or U), (iiin, IIIXK), and a. itj, and alt aulisciltiitoiii uust be for fiT.y dollara or aoiua n.ulilpl of tiity Uullim. Aa the UGtee drnw liitcrat from Aug-net K, persona .aKli.3 dupo.ltit iui.-iwii:ut to that dute mult p-sy the llilvr.'.t actTiitd fioln dale of Dole 19 date of deposit. Hi isslkutiiini will ar. Ri:i 1 ivkD by the Treasurer of the United Htiilej, at w a.-.titut.toii, the noyerai A.slllaitt Trea.rei'l una tlesl;,ii!ttud l iosr.jr!e., aud by ILa FIIiST kATK'.VAI, HANK OK FHlLAIiU.PIUA, PA., 8HC.M1 JiATlONAL ISA Is K OH-UILAIlELrlllA, VA., Trillin NATK'ilAL ItANtl Of rillLAIli'.I.l'IIIA, FA. ol K'fM -NATl'J.NAL BAMK Of FU1LA1H.U-1I1A, I'A., Ei a'l atUmiil Eul wiikh are depoalivlei of pnl ll n.'.i ; ir.d ll'i-li-li-.J MU. IlEM-i.CTAllTE BINT. 8 INi) B Usil'.l.S Tiirct'sl.i.nt if. couuiiy veil .'ve fu.thcr laonoi-tioii eud AlHHill 1.VJ.KY FACI'.ITV TO SIMISi'lil-lKiiS. Jl1tUJvt .S A; CO., UANJCi:itS, Xo. l'-l S. TUIUD STiiEiUT, riill.AHLl.lllU. tiovoji iiieiil Kcorrltii . cf alllsre. I'nrihat. il ami fir Hale, hti.cia, Honda, and Hold iloi.'it and boidou L'tui Di'.j.k'av I.VTKStST AIIOWF.W ON Dl:POMiT, IVPettlcii. Proni'itly Made. f"i-.f US Ni:W 7-30 LOAN. f. S'llwrr'p'ton. received, and the Kotea rurilJ.Bc J u .soi asi tua-,t., uy ClEOlti'.B J. BOTH, UaoLer, Ko.lSR TIIIUI) sm.t. li -2l-?r t I L B T O C K 8 J HOVOI'T AVD F.O!.T OH CUMMISHIOS, Dy iatUliUt; J. BOTI, Mrokrt-, Ho. IS S.rmKu street. 10-24-Jia OVERCOATS CHEAP, 1861. AUCTION SALES. M ACKI Y'8 AUCTION ROOMS, No. tit MAJUBt Rami. O. O. MACStBT. Aix-Honi-r, anheH. ran .tint meille M nf.l.l "I,"l"' V,'''- '' ".KI'IIAISIMHK, wl;.;'o7;'Pr.;.r;:v,;."":..v,lr? A":u" At Pwet1t.ff. and PROPOSALS. OITU'V. lH'OT COMMISSARY OP HUB- W "tivr.T 'K,T. C. Octi b'.r II lfiTI PltOllilAl.N roK HiMik Ponied lmiso-ftU In ilnltrt" nn Inviied nnttl Novcim. t 1 m- id "Mm i, wi a i' uir'iiwiumr inn n 11 i 1 1 ii-ij jt. l h (tlpt tAl IM ft f. r ft,m knriMTFi m rhu ti 1, i Ktsd t, ftini hid will b nHUiiid !r my quu ii'y lv.n dian lir wimi.'. r.Kio, ti.ut Im in iiil(i'Ht', an Ctrrnrh grndt 01 iPiwirnU nmi 'J.c 0Mnlni! ot the,u. an.: In ur.l, quantii.n.iltii'.y, t" thr (mmi rnm nl m dlrn-l ; dllvirr(l nt tho fJovirn t.,,, rt mifti in 1.1 uricrrnwri, u Uietriviivu or nil rMl i. hi. In -,ir, jh.n. r. 1 bi (- Iiitv of all I 1 111 rwant' 1 nb rompfotei wiUtltt I mlr i)n fnn the nixMiii.t- nt tht he.la I -(-., t will mail" in reniiii Hitia ot Iml'tMoftiiaflti, v. ... "luniuntii Ka uto v.iiViiniUHiu luar ttrrrui4 b'ir- Tw.il. TliP f!nrfrmii',nf lMttrfl'.n will k mari. iHa llif t I'ihi m n i'i mi, ami ntnp will ho inr-M.iMi ohich In h 111 t riniuij, m innijfv Ji,. ia wiitfii nn.nnj in tli vtrtntty wfti r? in.i.i.pf.icl Hi, huW ss ol tk veiy iupetlr 1t flour to be UnliMTcU m haw oak harrrU, hi-ail- AnoatlMif Btli'i'lKiTrf mttt ar nirvr (if i,t of rili hMrtrr, lin hk iiof tl urtlii mi fl.- in tJilmnM-, ami no t l Ml lr tiMtAih in mi pft'tiivi wdn liavo im'Tlouxlv mi 10 mc'iiipi iui luwr unit, or irora nmcira uui irn fth( to lOxpolHl. ...vrrni. ni rf nrm tn r)-t an? htfi fiir nnj clf. Itttli tu h ail-'ri'ssi d t. tin iiii.h rwLgiird, at Ho. til u utiii'i.iJiUtir-ta "i'iii issis iit i-jtnr. ' H. f OK KIT HP!, .0 !M fit C aptntu ami C. ti. V. A KM Y y i: I V h I K S. Oi Ktdhot- Ki vt Ct urtiiNfi An p.firrr'Afit , J No fti IlKOAHtvAi, Mmr rKR, Ociuh. r Ih-v B.-V.-J l'r.H.mli wr i'i t- riTi-lviMl at tun c 11 . Juirli I? oYi.m i. hi. un 'i 1 1 lisi 1 a V, ilic '.7lti ItiHi., t,.r iniutiMiifr hy ronttari.at (hp Im-m ol Armj ClolliliKt aud K iHluauo lti Una city, KnpNapka, lnini httrka, Kluvel Twine, Scvir-d lUyitn a, Kn H. Pamioa nt fipsifKUtnn( wUu h can do tri at tlili fltrt.. ItuMflr wtil ilate qiisntilln lhav wlili lArii-Hvr; tl.f time they rau flniali tlic dduery ul all ther prmtuai'Lo ninil-li. '1 lii knapsacXi tii tadr!lvcrJ In army tandartl na-k ilift b utti. A ip'.rr piiarantep mmt apromanr all proponal., act Hrc Inrtli tiiat II a con'.rart la awardfi totbr part j nam-d tl.i tpIii, bo or tii- will at uihm) ah e bouila tvt thu falUiiiil Ihwitfiiuanr' ul a contract. Tho I mtrd Statoi. n-m-nM tl.r Hirht lo rajret anrnart or llif wliolp ol the tida, ai may bv dermed f-r IIip iiitvnt ol' Hi atrvK-A. rropoanla aJinuM ha fadnraeit "Propoiali Hr' (liar lata ttte iiama of Uie art Ick- bid for), ami ad.lrnai.v1 ti . . I'oI.hioW, II. VINTON, 10 tl -fit Pvputy ijtiarteruia.ior-Ueuoral, U. H. A. pnorosALS ioh lumber. ClM Ql.ARTKPMAITKl'a OPFTPB. DstWT or WaHiiisuri.N. W hlnfon, Oct. 17, ItM t Bcalrd lropoiaiM will hi rm'lvcd at ihla Oillca until HAH ICD A Y . Octnhrr :H( IR.il at I? o'clock M ., for d,llT..r r"'- -iiui-Ti wi mv iniiuwiiig MUlUsIDU, K, 1 DOB. and rti fstrlpttona, vl J, I i'Mv itMsi 14 01 1 inch While Tina ooromon C'nlHntT. M,(l0i( 4'tt;-4Sor l,Vii).-h tVhlta 1'ioe o mmoa Cn U- IfO.OtO fii h-4 or lnh Whl'c Plna common OatUnua. iKiMOlielf 4ot I Inch tongued and aruuveU fluor- 2r .t?n feci :ix4 tlpttiloca HcantHna. 19 fWt fona. V-'i.lMI Irrt ix HrmirT Hrnnilliig, 1 1 trot Ion. 'St, , (.I ,im I Id uilock MoaiiHiiiif, Hi fa lorn. A'lHaiiiH't ui ilinitorh, Pcanuinw. ih tt lomtr. J-'Mn fret Hi 4 llrm ocfc Hl uiI'Mu;, W foul lonif. V.N,U4i ftt ,1x6 1lnilort .Idtnt, It tt ln. V.VMi in-1 liPiolock oitc. li foi ItiDK. V.OUIitfM't :iiri Him loch Jnlaf B l(i fiMt Innir. 'J.'i tun ioei :(x llemim-k Joint, VO foat loti. V',(if'Pt iK Hemlock .loist, H ttt Ioiiif. '-'-i -Hi fc.-t Sx7 lli iulfM k Jotat, 14 feet long. V-'i (Ntifvot :t7 Hem oh JoUi, lti fivt long. Vft iTt-ix; llptnloi'k Join, 18 foot kin. . I'.lNHin-et .UK llemlixjk Joint, li tvt kxiK. '..tan 0 t :t?. and 10 Hnmlivck Jout, it, fpt Innv. '.ft,tt4i fHct H0 and H' Homlork Joial. il) fpr Km. U;um i. tt .Ul and li) Uemlo.-k Jont. i u at Umu-l.i.i-j sn j ift .u,;), 8nW(.(i wiui k,nn Httiiiglua. 1-0.(-i iHKt .(iiftlJi v sawed Cadar Hhingitt. -.'iMioriaMcriDt l.atlia. HampU'iot alilUKica and la I ha propoacd br will bo ro quit rl. lilda will bo roralvocl aoparatoljr for oaoh klittf and 'iiiaiiiiiT an mwm ajwrineii.or lor tuc wnoie ainuui t ai Yertiktil iir. All of the ahnro daarrllicd to bo (rood mirohantM himlM-r. suoW t to Uie. Inspertion of au luipectur aiplntv4 on the paitof H10 OovflrptucM. AII01 the Inmher con t rai ted foi to be deJlTcreUSvUhia Oilrty I 'M') tiny iroin date of contrai t. I'ffwxat from li$Uyal fhtrfif trtll not bf rontidrrd. An oath ot ahYKianc in the Unitod UUtui 0-verututat uiiiiit acc nir-nnv eat h propoaltlon. Tlicai.il.tyof the bhidi-r to fiU Ihe ontracl, al.ottlil tt he awarded him, moat hr Ktiaranlrcd hy two rvaposct hu pifMiiia, whoiia aiuatucua luuak ha appendel la Ui titmranti-?. The lull name and port office add reus of each blddor Dinat ho leKlhljr written In the propoaal. Jtunda in a sum cijonl tu hall ol trie amount of tho con tract, ahfrtnd hy the coutra'ti'r nnd both f hli if"aimt m, wl'IbetiKiuiiedof tho auoccsstul bidder, upon aigning tlto coniract. The riffhl to reject any or nil b'lta that majr bo deemed h" lili-li la rrfervtd by It I N'pot (.tiiartcnimnUT. rroiha!i initnt I t? plutnlv endttrocil on tho envelop. "In,pmftii( iir J.umJtcr, ' and addruhaud to (lio undcr blyiicij. I. If. ItirCKF.K. lirlKadlcr-uanoral and i'h h t g ua rtennnn ter, l't l' ItH lcpotut Wa,ttiiitOii. FINANCIAL. M' IC1IA12I.. JACOIIH, No. 40 S. THIRD STREET, GOLD AND SILVEK 1(1-13 BOUGHT AND SOLD. g-xxjcitw anu t-mcxjiirrnif BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN & BEOTLTER, S Ko. HO 8. TillllLi STB :KT. jiixcDic. &riciz 11 to.. IIANKKHS, No. 30 S. THIItD S T It E Ii T, BIT AND UBLL ClOLD, SILVKIt, M UOVKKNalF.NT SEOfolTtKU. STOCKS liOl'UIIT AMI SOI.II ON COMlUSMn's. 3 14 (JOL1). O I. I, U O L 1, SILY1CH ANT) BANK NOTKS WANTLD. anl-tr o. i n. teiiid irnvrt. JOO KING -CJ 1 ..V f-: AKD riCTCr.K TUAME MANUFACTORY, VM. J I. MOKO.VN, N.i. UH N. N1HTI1 StliLI T, Oil( Ot .il lMioTonjrrtplt I''raiti IU- ni CtiSiSTAKTlY ON HAM. VCICNITUKU liaviiv li'.'i.fl't n.'6it of mj irti.'i.aj I.eV.e ilc..t .mat i im, J .t- ii a' icti to iu r iu i.toi a ui A: a al i.-vaiu-i .n . M ji.es. T. lAVi'S., (tin Ms) Ko.rU H I'llCVKS IU hll.lFr. THOMSON'S LONUCN KITi HHNHit, ?.JJ or leir, -'il Itimi..-. I r lil'.-llli-s, li t. In, or M-'-l.o gtasl'4 losi.MilHiini.ln iitomv Ui'luii'ii' .lo. 41.... l-ni .t- 1 ii.lio.a Liim."., ll.l-mr i-iiiLat-a, r..ri..lil IIi l-ri.I.. .!un tJrsi.-., V.i. lio.inl -il.o . s, l. I. II i..-rs, HI. t. nolo l'lnt.', Hp. Iler, r.'Osini; Motel, 4.'., at wiioie aala and llaii, ha ll. inanuiaoliirri, "" ' '' tAsii.. Mil Mil K TfiiM.SOM, 8-S0-fmw-ein Ko.'iii N. HKt.-uMj .-intt. IN TDK ORrUANSTOUHT IN AND TOR J ih.- I'i.t iiimcoiiiiiynf l'hl'i'ipl'i. . Ktno ol MMl- SI (.11411 4M. Je-ejeJ Iho Vi lltor SI ik.IiiIi iI hy ll.iii'.iiirt U au.nt, i.llle. noil adikal the ao f'inlol (KAM'IS tiKAl'1"' A'llu'"'"""" t ikHLii I'i.AII M, c-e.i.od, tiui tnt'ot il.e p..rn..s tu luiL...tat H i. Well-, rll! Il.-'i.'i.en milHY, Ku.HnQl...r ls:l, al 4 K M. (lo li lowf-i) liAVIIJ W. hl.LI.KIt.S, Audttar. WANAMAKER BROVN, PflOPOSALS. CtfSI.MTl.afcB Ol'FICK, UNITED HTATH Ko. 9f Jnr-'fll BrnrarT, f . , . tVl.Trvon.:, Mi. ,Oet..ar n. 1111 I raieil Pmcoial., in a 11 .11. ie, r.l he r.'ive.1 .1 tlrta office until 11 !.. on HattllilnY. October l. far liiiiii.hina II. a l iniefl Kiaiei snili.l.leao LleuartaiMti. di'llvne.! in Hnlllm..re.H irvl.nil, with- 1,000 tu iii i:ls iiiisr l.i;,i.irr kfw vvj Ol . l-hl Ml. JtK-8 l-OKK (wliirh to bael.iesll. to heliiMaalh.U.-i li . nirsl. Is full ko iti i.nk b.irtla, viu. tu n iron tiooe, timat l lis friMYnii mat n main, ana 10 he r-iai-4 WI1H1 Ihinj fl.va , f deiivore. To lie iMir t rej In li ., In.ia tt. orroutrart. I hrH .!T':".." . "' k. mi"' " pieaeoied a 1 a aaniitei t-rilie I ..ri; to 1.. ,i..ivetei, whioh will be re 'I''!'1 ""I' ".i rt 'iMtTLsD .t r0,fl00P(il Nfssi.M'ri,ii.,.liKK,UMSi.rtB. In ni-owal.- a ll.iorwraiieerro.ei.auil nark el In H im II in-.. In lit il lhen.it In li il.TI lora nalf.otawaril. One llercf of llamimilit hi' I n ae.'iliil aaa vampla 01' nsni. to bo lll verr.1 on if 1. emiiracl. whleh will be rejdnSHl IIO'll It ill lit 01) I, pjadp 100,000 l OtiMlbNKM WIK7KK HMOKRn BAOrtsf hlUf.s, 10 le put u 1. ri'h p.ece in a sen traui ail or wrai per. To I a naraed In tlnt tlerre., J.rr'iM,rI.l.Vt'rtd ' aA'' Crum U 41 RO.OOO iiii NbHorriiivn mo ro'rp.B.to betas 100,000 'l'MVh"uil (IRADK BROVTrf Uttritl.t till. nmco. four head lis.d. a,.d to b. al,rmj i, 1.1. .V.?. J .!".'' "l m rtJer r.,,....,. i' !U "' "n tirlosrej W 1'. ""' ifir. .lr..,,, D. Wl.l.Sy in tuar Ukine 4 aran.a cs arlmaaui '.'". J. n.u r.iliae one ounce iror-tn ainlvle lo I., ,o,e ,1 , n(R r d,o' in he arc-mp tnieo , e-lM.e Sf ells lielenl thn.t ,!, Ul. ttVtaU len d. i.aml Hie sole wit-m twain. n.3Z Horn itK ol awariL ,weol 11,0(10 FlilJMiH AliAM ANT1MK CA1I).F.S ft ba 111 omi.ea to Ih. K.on 1). Itr,4 ai ,.l K. llorie.1. llo,e. to he .traced wl" hk-k.-rj .imp.. T b (taU.wMsa uw 4an Iroin .late of award. .10,1100 rnrMiH (IDIIK IIAItO ItltOSTK HOAP.U Vb mi.ili hji billing ami out. rrom Rood mat-rlala. Oee from elar, eolnhle K'aaa. nr other adultera Uwn, to have no niiviettiantndor.tooo-taln nes mora 11.0 ililn nr rsnt. of water, ex To be Wf-H trlet before hsHna; packl. Tb bet tlrhvonsnn 1'. lr from dale of award. 10,000 I HI M).n 1 K-'Mi(l,l, k. llid.iers wiu aleaM atale tin; vitrloly of IVi)er, as Hum. Ira, 8lna. pone, I'eiiaoa:, air., liirnlanlnir aamplee; anal nlaonate the price per pound at whleb. Iher will Lave It aronnil. put upln ronrounrw napa. unit iai ked in boxoi eontntnliif twenl fire, noiiii.ia of l-rnoer. To be delireredm lea dara .from date of award. Ai luet tare re..iired. Jitmpie. me.t he lurnliheil of all Uia antctaa ofrereel. rlrpitiate .ro.oaals, m .hiphrm- t. muat be made for basfa nrti. leeniinierali-d.aiid Milder, may pronnae rr the whotw or any i.art of ea.;h. ITi.poaal. muat be mads on blaavk rnnna.liinil.hed nl this olllce. The eenltlrate atUrn.4 ba the propositi muat be Henrd hr two n-sponailila partiaa. Kxpn s. I'lirvrl a aamplea anuat ba prepaid, .r Ik proposal, will not he o.uaidored Kaoh hid matt bar pilmrd oiiy or tlili ad. ertiaemeni paated at iu head, mt Hiial be aptctlle in rouiplrlnit with all lie terra.. l-roiioeale mutt not he enrlnaed with the aantples.tMst he de.lt ol oil aeiiarate. and ejidoraed "l-roua.at. far 1. slalence Hlorea " I'eravn. not harlns; the preeU wietr ejC Starts ebar deaeulM-d, hut havtna anlclee ol a similar kind, are a llhartjr Ui arad In prov-oals far ntipl)rlns thees, which w reoeSre attontlon aet-.tdlnii to price and adaptail.a lo tba wnnte of the service. In all ca.ee not apMially eoeta41 the dellvw tito.t be made at Uie time sueolued. la eeasb of failure, the United atatea reirrvee the rltrtat of aur chaae elaowhere to nake up the delcleacf.eharalnff tba advnnee paid over contract prlea so the parts riiin,. a. dullr. AU .lores will he carcrvny tn.peeled and eompand irlMi 111. tetahn-d lampli.. Keturna of weishle, .Ifaed r nstular pubho wei,her, unit ba furnl.lied wkeoarar risiuUiKl. CVrtitli-etn ol Inapeetlon byproieaslonsl psekeri or la. apootors, other than the pane ihrnlatiiDC the prosH.lena, will bo 1-eo.iiired inrnteata, certlryinf on tha part af ua a. lh-r their rrraent iinalny and condition, and llifi Imass dl.tWe pm-eiUns Inspection. Thenirat. will also lie examines! and eaaeed sneak. parti, a trout this oitioe on 111 part of the United Metee. Onlreclora are exnfcted to hold their eooria wlUiaaa aapenae 10 the L'nlted Slates until rstuired Inrshlpaseaa. i-avntt-niaio oe made arter tne d.-llver- ot the eterae ar f unda ore on tuiuu ; if none oa hand, to be mads aa eooer aa teeeiveil. jxa.-h person . or erery n-mbar of a firm nfltsrlnr a pra. Misal, ntiiel a conip.ur it 1,7 an oath of allef lanoe to taa .; tilted Mtate. tiuvcrnnieul. If he ha, not atrea.de (lied aaa In thi. ottice. In addition (hereto a certtricate will he re quired letting forth that tlio articles e try. red th. ( .prem ium!, under the above adv.ttlaenient, ettiier halong ta Uia tarty hlilillne. ur ere to he purohnaed or received bv the of loyal clilit-iis tor deliver to the United Statae Oareres utent. ltidi mmt be legible, and the mtmbcrs, mast ba rrrirlisst 1 well as expressed hv llgun-a. All bids not complying itrictlr with Ih tarsal af ahaa. advartiattuent will b. rejected. rf. It. till.SLA.RI, . 10 :4-f,t Oaptiln and C. S., V.H.A, "VFFICE CHIEF QUARTERN! ASTKH. V IrtilH-iATl.niU, iIODIN If, UVn. lropofali ara Invited bv tha tmderaUmiMi until TUKS IXY, Novaiultar i.ltm, at 1 o'clock M., for tha lma dlata liaUTcrv to (hi a lNiartinnt of AMhi I,an:l wn,.iii.fr Pattm. Ram pica of which may ha actn at tho UuTommant Tai apm tion Yard, corner ot Kljjhth and f reeman atrteta Otav clinaii. OtiOs To Ira dhver4 fre of charga. at tha V. H. InapacWata Yard in thla cly. with the nam of ilia put furniahlat dtailnctly marked on each Amlm'anoe. Taitlea ottartntt AtniAiAnoDi muat AUtlBOt.y aiaM Itl thi li hula the uuii'tw they nropae to furulah. the urtoa and time of delivery, and niimt suarantco that tne Amtm lance ahall le, in every rcApect. aqual tn A no 0 twdaMU otherwiat the )inontil will not be coimidered. A (.naranter, ni);nfd by two reap nialble peraoni, ma at acroinpany each hid, tnarante'init that tha bidder wjS anpi'iy Uiu AmbuLantcii awaruc4 to hi in uudoc kta pn peeal. ltnia will be opened on TTKDAY. Korcmher I, MM, at 111 o'rlock, M.. at thla oiUce. und biddora ar f- jucatcd to be prcaent. .Awarda wilt bo made on WcdueaiUy, November 1 t.mda will e iwqnlred ttiat tlia eontraot wlU be .VfWwr fultlll-d. . Ttiicrrami relet fn to pmpomli wfll not be noticed. Hlajik fomia ol prt pofetiU, contraou, and bcoda nuur kB l't tuned at ihd otllct-. The riKUt to rcjtct any bid deomed onreaaoubta to ri acrved. l.ndome tuve1oie 'Tropoaala for Ambolai.cei, aaal addreta Colonel Wrf.UAM W. MrKTV, 10 3 Ot Chief Qiiartarinaater, Cine iuuUi DepjC. IHIOVOSALS FOR rUttKISUIlSQ TitB Paper lor the Puhllt Prlntlni. Ol FICE Bl rUtlXTKNOKltT OT PTKT.Tfl IhUKTlMO f WAHHiaoToh.Octooer 1 lt4. ( In pn MianfC rf the prviakitii of the acvonlfmnth ino ttonot the "Joint Keaotatlona In relation to tha PuMhb PrintlnH" approved June (. lMeti, healed Propoaala wOt he fexfived at thla oilice until Tl KriiAlf , the drat day ei .November, IHM, at I'i o'cock, for furnlibing the paaer that may be required for ttie public printing fuc tb year cie-ilnu on the drat t'av of lteec iuot, lHtie. The eiibjoined lint wpochk-a, aa nearly aa can ba aaear taitud, (lie qiiuutUof oacli kUid of paper that will b riiuiied a CI-AHH l-irN('AI.KDKltK PKIKTfNO PAPER, IT. biHtrcniiialliic pruithiB paper, timiiLleiiilered.to uaiiar V4 by .'-B Incliea, and lo weian llfi.y pound to tk ttum at eoUahccU. i i. ash -CAr.KrrERKi rRrwnim pappjk.' ff)G0 n-ab-a fine piiiitlrK paper, calendered, t me a aura) i.'4 h.v lodiea. uijU tu Mehih lilty-alv avunda W ti4 rnatta l theela. CT.AKS ;-HlZEI ANn rALK9DKRBt PaUVTIVa PAI'KU. U i) reatut mi erOi.e printing; paper, hard-aiced and atipar. cidendcrcil, to meauti' '( hv ;ti Inchea, and toiwetafe llfiy pounds tu the r am of ahcota. t l.AH-J 4-MAI' PAPKR. 'XO ream-HUpe tineuiap paper, hlvd and caleftderetf. ol hui h fUdi 'aaf way he re.iiiiitd, crrcaiiiillnK lo wouh with oht uieaxurlrtr ltf hy 4 Inchaa, afil WUUit, twenty pouiida p r r ui of iiibkUeeta. ri.A.SS .'.-PLATE P4lRR NH) rramit ftiiperune plate papHr, IU byM laoliaa,ta4 Auch W1-I4I1I lai it am h may In? roiiiilrt'd. L'J.AHH -WuiTlNi PAPhltS. yf-n reamt (jnario p t, lo t.y lu inchea, it rtaina ilat cup, Li ly 111 J inchea. Ji-1 u rectioa UoiilU CHp, In'o bv 'ii luchaa 0 rcania demy, (i by VfdS Imhos. MO Miama dunnlc deiiiv.vn hy .'i'i Inchea. Iff O rtmiiib toli'i-piiHt, 17 hy Ti Inchea. ii aj reiima doulile (oho. vi h, 4 inchea. VM) reama nuiiiani, lihy yt'inchea. M) ream- roal, I t hy 'il niche. Im 11 unih ijuiH rial, -Jj h ;il Inchea. i! (Xsreain, by li ehes, to weigh forty pouada pec ream. :.ihO ie,.ri,i,,.'l by til Inchea, to weigh UiUty-twe pomntf lt-( rat III, 'JOUt re not, 17 hy Inclua, to weigh twenty-three notta)Aa) per r win. l..i rcaina, by 'H inchea, to weigh tweuty-iUrea peuutU 1 er riHtn. lnfO rei.ui, -it hy22 Uichci, to welh twenty-two paund pr ream, tii 0 rouiiiM ru er l'&pcr. an-orted color, IU by 14 Inrbea. fl.A.Hrt i-PAPM: For I'(rolH(,K 1II.ANK4. !00ftn u piMimta 01 wiliiim paper, to li put np in raaaaa et 4 Hi) kliet-'n each, oi auch wehl and aUe aa iuar lie ",. red, At'ta- nhiy 1 1 the prm-hl mii of the totnt reeo'titfoa afore nuitl. 'uiinle oi the ehi.iHi'ter aud 'lUfihiy ol pmn-r ruutmt I. r t-UeiM-s 1 a- d win h-' imnnJiiii 10 apilicautj Uiex-eior. Thia p-i-er i to he put un In (Hires of " hceia etvjri, and in i.iiu..h:a 01 two renin eat:ij eui'h rvam to uoinaliiMM px-rf. t.t hl.rt'h. rmiuriuic v in eolor. thii knfaa, and weight win it T,..jinii-l ; and iMui-l a (c.m.1 sl.c ol' rppMrH u-fi' ivtr iii tr Me per c;ut. frurn the tni.I.Hrtl weu-iit, will t'C riH-eivrd and tf o pvia weluht will In tUl l ii-eit tv re-niireil. Mimdh 01' thf vuriou tlil'AiieiHea lu tin t-siiii. h:n 'l to tuasc up th weigutwill lu couiderod hit urn ul'fne .t. Ail the narer defrik'at.il In clnaai 4, ft, n, and 7, mmt c iitaini J per feet I" Uiel..m, anj no "uWnJ; " iiiiifiiB Tflt v 11 e lo lie t-f thr he t iu.ttrialw, five liuio fci'nittrati. ii,' rlii-i hetl in il. et lunmuv. cur to a true t..'e (ini mi i.iel,. ami - jo -idi.. .uh v ciMjIop tl. Tha 1 1 -rs hi - ( ro tt-1-; vlite tr Mue. la'il n.it.aiHlof mu' h hi 1 t v ' .'('' i-'t"1 "t ( ''Mltilrt) tn m .y Im rtmurcl hv tli's - !h, e. iieie in ;ai J. 5. and I nt. in 1 c hi'.t.iiiitloi iht hi.ca ai.l iwdiiiu tiwUiiui la he'riv! tlfc reiervcrtof oM-rinu-a irrAah'ror leenan t tv ul iu. ' aii.l tci v kii'diBiitravUu lor 111 o t ci a, l.: he li:n i-tUi'il .t ai.c.t liu iiU lUiU 'tl iiLiuUU(lu 4a lilt 1,1 h'H- h, rv.t ( -U-:-V TCi;lll'. m-h tHwa Hi,oeoi.:lered taparat -ly, and haatibjaot to a -i,uratee.oJiirit; hut bitloeta mv.y ui.er lor vtig or it 01c ' 1 i!m eii- in i'i'; I'r.'p'-aal 'no pnHi--:ii will b" (iini '-red imi.a accunpanleii by the L'in:riiiire tiat the h'd.U Tor buhleri, If hi or tucir iiii-n-i-ai c'luil heae4-epieJ,wnl uii lul l un ouluauou v ah f i4l itiA Mii'Me'it Mi'cr.en, 10 fiiulih tho niticica p.-oj ..act. iilnnk f .'i. is ''"" t!' PT' potrtN will ha furnished ut tLia or(ie. ai J i.oiiew.H bi- tukan liito coiuidvraijHjia un:i:i su! e,:ai.'t'al!v a.rei it 4. ti Ciewiili. All the p..j cr in the ' vLr.ii . i ihsc i mmt Ye delivered ai ati' h 'l;iea its mV h ihtjvi tt'fd in WKulihiylDii Pny (vxC4pt tliat In i-'k' 7. WiiKh U.U-.1 he delivare A At Muttohk, in H,i hliiU ul ISl-sv VhiVv), id K'ud urlvr, li'UC of ull Uidl ttiiyixim c'lMiKe 01 ci ue, ana nilntjt ti thv tuHpoo-w 1 n, ci'! tve'rlit, nv.il m.a-ii;niuent ui lUe rtiipyriiitemtv em, una Uc hi all rt tptvta i-utnlu-rtorv. Cith'Ci . are ie.iiuriAl to uinii.tu, v. ah their proposaJ. amii l-'i' of not le- tht-n on titiirt of ctn U of the lOoi uf ,j4n-r I Id f r, and n)-n ili ih their prop.nai atr bur-cd, I'.M'ipl tu (iaa 1 a ltd I. 'i oe a1 ot-oaaiW hiudwrt . H) li; (i 't td tlVUiv lu CJlil-Jl'lU to the".' DalOl rv i)' nl.-will b'' uu!rM'i-. tn - "JOH V l. Itf fK fttt.wiiitoi.fUiit oi'iht Pol. Ho Piti. tu, WadWdu'"- vi Oi rKj "k i nt.ii Ii r ht'i pliUi i SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS.