The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 26, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    ). . it ' ... is -v r?
General Beauregard Assumes
"What tho Men and Women
Aro to Do.
Another Call for "Those Deserters.'
Wasiunoton, October 2b. The following h is
been received :it the War D.-pirtment.
Gayi.eha 11.1.1:. A U., October 21, ri.i Home, la ,
tXtohtr 2'). M .i.j-ir.fioM ml II.W.II .!'.. k,;.n:f
of Staff. 'Ihe fol!o.ii. is .1 copy of tii: u
of Ilcauregard 011 ux -11 in in command uf the
Army of the West :
II E Unit-U'. t Cits Mll.ITlKY DIVISION 0: I .Ml
West, 0-to'ici 17, lbbl. la wiutiuit I'-miui 1:1 I
nt this i t iticjl juncture of the Mili'ury Divi-.i n
'f the West, I n iio il to iny countrymen of nil
clntscs and sections for their generous eiippa-et
and confidence.
In a-signing ?nc (o tills responsible josiiiou, tlin
President of tho Confederate si vies has cxtoiilcd
to rue tho assurance of It's earnest support. Tim
Kxtcutivcs of your Sutcs tiuct mo vit It similar
expressions of their dootiou to our cause.
4 bo noble urmy ir. ttio In 1J, composed of bravo
wen and gallant oll'icers, nre not strangers tj nia,
nnd I know thru they will 1 nil that p tliiots o in
achieve. Tnc hi dory of tho pant, written in tuo
blood of their comrades, but foreshadows tho
glorious future which lies licforc theiii.
Inspired wi h thvse hi i'ht promises of success
I make this appeal to the nun and women 01 my
country, to lend me tho aid of tltxir earnest nn"l
cordial co-operation. Unable to join in t'io
bltody conflicts of the held, thoy can
do much to strengthen our cmi-o, ml
up onr rniikn, encourage, our soldiers, in
spire conlidcuee, dispel gloom, and thus ha ten
od the duy of our liual Hucce-g and deliverance.
The army oi Sherman "till defiantly holds tad
city of Atlanta. lie can and mast he driven from
it. It is oniy for the good people of Georgia an 1
the itrroundlng States to speak the word, and tint
wc rk is done. We have abundance of provisions.
There aro men enough in the country liable ami
able lor service to accomplish tins result.
T'oall snch I earn, ally appeal to report promptly
to their respective ooLiinuiads, and let those who
cannot go, sec to it that none remain at homo
who arc uble to strike a blow in this critical uu J
decisivo hour.
To those soldiers of the urmy who aro absent
from their commands without leave I appeal, iu
tho name of their brave comrades with who it
they havo In the past so of:cn shared tho priva
tions of camp and the dangers of tho battle-field,
to return at once to their duty.
To all snob, us shall report to their respective
commands in response to this appeal within the
next thirty days, an ftmucsty is hereby Knitted.
JJy nppeal is to every one of all classes md con
ditious to como forward freely, cheerfully, aud
with good In ure, to the wo.'k that lies before us.
My countrymen ! Respond to this c -.11 as you
Bate done in days that liave p issed, ami with the
blessirg of a kind and overruling Providence the
enemy will bu driven from youroil thu, -county
of j our wives and daugh'ers from insula and
outrages of a brutal foe shall be established soon,
asd be followed by a permanent and honorable
The claims of home and country, wife and
children, uniting '.villi t V- de. nanus of honor and
patrioti-m, summon us to the bold. We cannot
tiHre not will not fail to rcjpond.
Full oi hope aud eoniidoucc, 1 cuius to join in
your struggles, sbuiiig your privations, and
with your brave and true men to strike the blow
that shall bring hiicco-h to our arms, triumph to
our cause, and nraco to cur country.
Signed by
O. T. Hiim'Keoahd, (jon.ral.
The Prlvnto Jllwloryiif tlon.
vrutloi. I.-Hrr Irom Mr. VulIiiatiliKiiuas
'I tie run u iihi in it.
Ta Ute Hiittor of the .Ve-o Yurk .V. ir .
SlIHKMtX Hill MR, ClIH'AOO, OetObCl 2. I'l
the World of tho -Olh I observed aa articlo copied
from the Albany Argm, rola'ing to Jud.o Advo
cate Holt's "Great ;oppoibe,id Conspiracy ," and
which contains the following:
"Vr. Va'lnndijjhain was in a miserable minority
m the Chicago Convention. Ho sought to bo
Chuiroiau ut the C'ini;uili:.: on K nului ons, mi l
was iMiiten two to one. lie the opuosuio.1 to
lcCiell..u, aud after his letter of aocop;.uieo
threw up bis engagements to ipoak."
Now, I havo nfuilued in every spee-h, o .'pt
the tirt and I hava mad j m my in support of tho
Democratic candidates fir l'risideut a'l 1 Vice
President from any allmim to tin p Wife his
tory of the ;iiic!o Conventioa, and did no? pro
poee to rei'.r to it fu.-thcr t!ll af.or the c' cti m.
Hut 1 do not choo-e to stiller "lie foregol.i,; to
pss uunotictd even iid.v. Invoul.l ha duli juh. t
corupms uioreuii-renri s. uuuiou, in a sin.,11 way,
within ih" raimt eoiiip .ss.
1. Mr. Vi l in hull nu w is n-,f " in a nnsera'Pi
luinoilty at tho (,'ui. ao fJoiiv.-nti.n," a. id no ouo
knows it betmr than tue iin.u ( 'e. - idy, wao wmui.
and MaiJle, who inuor.-s tue Matciiicni. i n.,
hitler I ham) ovtr to ex-Miiyor Opjyku for ju Ig
oient. 2 Mr. Vallandighuin v:ih not '-beiton two to
cno" lor the UbainiiaiiMhip ot Hie Committee on
Kcsolalions. I hiouh the a.-tiiices ot Ca-aidv,
Tiliien, and other .New Vo,k politicium, Mr.
iullirie,of Ki mucky, received twelve votci to
bis eight tor th it post ; tint Mr. (Jathrio was liim
aelf alti rwarils imphutically ripiidn.ted by the
Couveiitioa when precnicd by ''the ring" us their
candidate lor the Vice- I'nv i lency. Mr. Vallan
ilighum wrote the hecoud, the ma crial resolution
ol the Chicii)io platlorin, and earned it Uiiouiili
!1 iui) Miu-i.oiiiiniiite una inu uencrui uoniuuttee,
iu spile of the mo.-t desperate, persistent opposi
tion on the p . rt of Cufsnly aud his friends, Mr.
Cahtidy himself, iu an adjoining room, laboring
. to defeat it. Hut the various subntituu s never at
iiy time received more than three votes.
3. Mr. Vullunilighiim did nut "trail the oppotd
tion to McCiell-iu," but routined liis eilort.-alino-t
exclusively to thv .pi stioti of platform, lie did,
indeed, olo ugainst (u McCIellan on the
(nut, but for him on the ivvited ballot, and
nnoved that the noiutnatiou be made unanimous ;
hereupon C'assiily threw up hi hutund shouted,
aim uu nun an ins tenons piocialiuoa ullan.iif
liiim a eiy proper man.
4. As to engagements to sjienk In support of
the IJeinocraiie caudidutcs, Mr. Vallaudighiiiu
Las fultllh d as many us any Democratic speuUcr
in any M ite, and is now here, in Illinois, on ihe
auuie ertuud ; and, without, lie may
ay that be hi s accomplished quae as much ol
pood fiT tue cause an Cassiily and his A,yus.
tlbe people lack "conlidcuee" iu Cussldy.
6. The secret of this aud similar assaults on
J the part of a certain class of New York politicians
' U lb it they cannot "use" Mr. Vulliindigham.
J Of one thing further let them bt assured neithrr
Y ean tluy A tit liim.
. ti. As to the charge of "conspiracy" bet forth
n Judge Advocate Holt's pamphlet, and the
eleven pec ticutiuus summed up by Mr. Horace
Oreely, I have ouly to say that so far as 1 am
nceineu, ther are absolute falsehoods aud
lubrications from beginning to end. Ther are
false iu the aggregate and lahe in detail. More
than that, they are as preposterous aud ridiculous
as they are wuhout foundation : and all this Mr.
r f Judge Advocate Holt, Mary Auu Pitiuun, and
f JMr. Hoiace Greeley very neil know.
i, C. L. Valla.s uioham.
The Chlcazo Trilunr states tht Ab.vamlnt
ftslne, Deiuoerailc candidute for folate Treasurer
fk Illiuois. recently said that i.n.i.,i
JMisaud loliin'.s had font to h L" It 1. not
wl - . -. .Ntivwuisiusjuiii;
I all I h.f nr. ISCMinv Mi l rul. - i . : .
UM Klldlirt' TOI0.
He Leaves the State of Georgia and
Moves into Alabama.
Cinunvuti, October 2'.. The ")um r -ini't
Kndhvlllc dcsput h says that Sherman is at
C.tylcavilio Alabama, near th river, ami
is pressing Hood, who Is rotre it in-.; to .Yards Oads
drn, in the mine tiia'e. Hood ill be compelled
lo movo iK.rth to the Tennessee, river, or south to
Jacksonville. lli army Is repotted to be desti
tute of slices an l fn d.
The railroad frmn Ch.vt.iv.oo;;.i to Atlanta will
be completed tomoirow (Thiusday.)
i.llHll,c of 'Furi.."
TtesTos, October J'!. The .';'.r..i.i s.iile.l to-day
for I.iVirji vjl, with st-.O'KI ill v..;, i,..
I ti. Relo Is Niiiil to llnvf (Inno tn Ktrti-
iinnil to licoricmiie K.arlv tins, Ono
I'lwf of Arflllrry l-ft l.rltrr r
I l.iu.l.a Iro.ii ilm l,re-.lil''ii t to Ucnrrnl
Mirrhlnn-I'lin Army In I II. is t'ou.litloii
!! lul Kcpoi'l oT tli HH.llll il'N l l.o
1'rnjii ily from tlio ttelx ls.
Hi: Ml II Mi I I, lis MlllMtk M II I TMlY Pt' tsTOV,
Oct .her '!', '2 V. M. MnU in this urmy have
resume -1 tin ir usual .piieiude. Our men are
enjo ing a respite atttr tho late !tt!e. Oai po i
tieii is n aviv the same as it wih before the battle,
w ith the exception ot our having in id i a lo I r
mcnt oc. the north siimini' ol' the M issanuttan
mountain. tJctteral Shcrf ! m has also adopted
other precautions that r. ill prevent another sur
prise on our Hanks similar to that of tho Mill
i'i nst it or rni: ititnF.t.s.
Our cavalry followed the enemv's fugitives
beyond Wo i l-iock, faking m my of the n pri
soners. UcMchmeiits havo been sent to scour
the country on both shies of the valley, picking
up small sipiads of Kcbel soldier).
wnniu: tub m.ur.i.s iiavi: c.osr..
Tlnri is no doubt that Ivi. ly, with tho remnant
of his nrmy. has rctrc itcif beyond .St oiuton.
Whst he will do, or what (ieneral lo will do for
him to give him another army. Is a matter of con
jecture. Tho Rebel Oeneral' Uo.-cr, with a divi
sion of cavalry, Is at Mount Jackson. Hy some
it is said that ( Karly has gouo to llich
monil to report his dKister in person.
I'lu.i'itHTY fvrri'itun rnot the nutiF.T.n
From Oaptiiln Crnrninshi;ld, the I'rovost Mar-shal-Uenetal
ol this Dcparttuciit, I umenibled to
g've a list of the property captured from the Rebols
in the bat'le of the l!Uh Inst., vi'.. : Twelve hun
dred prisoners of tho rank and llle, siity-four
commissioned olllcers, forty-eight pieces of artil
lery, forty euN-ons, three battery wagons, threo
hundred and ninety-eight horses and muics, with
harness complete; sisty-tive auibulanees, fifty
tinny wayou, lifteen thousand rauiids of artil
lery amniiiuiiion, lifteen hundred and eighty
small arms, several wagon loads, Including all
the medical storis of the enemy, and a large
ijiianiiiy of suia 1-urm aiumuuition, and a large
number uf battlo llags.
iir nn. oi NEii.M. iiamski n s iiooy to he sent
The body of tho Rebel ('enoral Il imseur w ts
cmbaiined in W inchester vos'eriUy, by permis
sion of Ui'tiural Sheridan, it will bo sjutto Rich
mond via City l'oiut.
Ai iongthc ollicers who acted a distinguished
part in ino batt'c of the l'I'li imt.,hon ira'ilo m 'n
lion should bn made of C in'ain lliipont, of the
S'h Vu.u iKSlatos Artillery, Ohlof of Artillery iu
(ieneral Crook's command, lie served in tho
Held curing the entire battle, and in very exposed
posiiioiis, and pardcul.iriy during tho cloJing
seines and success of Ihe day. The Rebel in
lined (filters speak in tho warmest terms of C in
tan Dii.ioiii's artillery practice, and think he
knows just where to throw slut to make them
A i.i rrr.u iiiom tub I'Kkhmiknt to m.NBit.u.
I.ti t nvening Asssistan See -eiary ('. A. Dana
arrivid here direct from Washington, hr'u ging in
ant. ir eh letter trom Pios'dcn' Lincoln to I) ii"
ral tShtriiian, th itiklug him and his gallant araiy
fur i heir r.c.'nt vu toriei.
The follow in is a copy ni'fhu letter, which wis
read to-day iu re0'iuient in -ho com
mand :
l".si:er i ivk M call's, W'A-msr. ins, Octolifi 'ii, IS'll.
M.or III. r-il Sheri'l Jii ; - Wall in .'. iilea-ure I toll ler to
Jhh uric ,nir lir ,ve .ir n Lh" 'liseki of tl miti-ui ami ,oy
'inn p.--hi .nr.l ilinira'iMn i.-kI kimiI.u tn f.- Oimm hiiu'i
opiTwilon. hi Hie siii'iu.,.! .ah v,, l,.y, un.l especially tor bo
Mnesui'l 'su.k uiOet-amr Itl. Yioir'illeiil ,n;r .ill!,
I am happy lo st i'n tha' Colon -I ToMes, Ciicf
tiuiirterniast"r of the il'pa.'(injnf, wh i wai
w untied by guerillas a fc v weeks ng i, isivov r
ing and has been removed to Wiiiehover, ca ).
for iis ho-ne in New Jer-ey. ue was in a h aso
viibii tho Jubcl hues duriin; the uattle of
the l'Jth.
Mr. 1) ma, in iddidon to the President's lcfr,
hroiighl u niiinlier of pro notions lor so;no of tho
i lllceis of this araiy, union : which arethofol
lowing : HrlLadier-Gl n' ra's C'u-ti'ran l,
of tho cavalry corps, arc rui lo brevet Myor
(leuerals of Volunteers; ll.iga lier-Geucal
irover, of tho I'j.b (Jorp, 1 is ulso roc:ivc I a
similar promotion.
Colonel Duval, who led the gallant charge
made by the M Division of ('pink's Corps at tio
battle of tho Upjrjti iu, a pi ooi. it. d to a brevet
hrigadior-Kenerali hip, .n is a'so Colonel i'owell,
('iiinianoi ig Avcrill's old division. The bite
Coloo I C. H. liwell, eoonn in ling iho regular
cavalry br g i lo, w is tj havu bue.i siaii a ly bun
dled ; but lnt tell .vhli'; il!ant!y leading his men
In the battle ol the l'Jih.
oiririvi. nni'oiiT n,' i.ossks.
The onh i il report of our lost -s in the ba tie of
tho aaith have not been s Kiniit'od yet to d'euural
olieri lnu, but it U lire. nine I they will sum up as
lollos: Army of West Virginia Kilted, 0');
wounded, .'lid; p i-on r', lb); to'al, till). l'Jth
Corps Killed, 4(10 j wounded, prisoners,
Ml); total, 1 700. (ith Corps Killed. 30.);
wuitnJcil, It'll 1 ; mlsMiig, I; total, Uot). Colonel
Kitchin.;'. Division Kilh d, wound-d, l.J;
mi-sii g, .'ni; toiul, i-ii. tiraiid total, sl'lv i.
A l:i:i'0SN01s-.NCK ami w imiir aiioi th or tub
1 1 1 it ith's Vfiiuy, October 2 . Colonel Nichols,
with his llth Mew York C n airy, made a roe m-iiol-sauce
yesterday up the Pike as far as Mowory
t'.ivn, ciipiur ng two er three Rebel scouts ou tho
way. liy them as well as tho citi.ens he was
informed that General Hosier's division of lt"bol
eavulry was ut Mount Jarkson, and that the rem
nants of Kariy's and I.ongstreet's corps had gono
to Richmond to be reorganized, nrmcd and
equipped, only a small portion of tho Rebels
who cm tipcd from us at Cedar creek saved their
nruis, and out of the formidable batteries with
which l.arlyhepcd to blow us out of the valley
but one piece remained. w lor JleniM.
M'lint Nlirriiliin AfroiiipllHlioit.
The results of Sheridan's campaign are thus
summed up :
Prisoners captured at Winchester (well).... 22U0
I'riFOnerscaptured at Winchester (wounded) 2)oo
Piisoners captured at l'isher's Hill amj
Piisoners ruptured on the march beyond and
since and Leloie the battle 1"00
Prisoners captured at Cedar creek '2000
Total prisoners s,j,M)
Cannon captured near Martinshurg 2
Ciiunou tupturcd on theOeiuan 6
Cannon captured at Fisher's Hill i
Cannon cuptured in Cavalry Buttle Ti
Cnn"u captured ut Cedar creek r,Q
Total H9
Small arms cuptured at Winchester 0000
Smull arms captured at Fisher's Hill lino
(small unuscuptuicd at Cedar creek (say). 5000
Tidal 12,100
Caissons captured at Winchester 4
Caissons captured at Fisher's Hill 9
Caissons captured at Cedar crock (auy). ... 12
Wagons captured at different points , oQ
Wsgons captured at Cedar creek. ......... loo
Chief of Cavalry on (ieneral Sheridan's Stair.
i-i : Viyy,'M.'i '. '
s. ,
Vv ,y'
M A JOK-(;t:M:it ll. A. T. A. I'OitttKIl '.
This dashing and dis.iuguished young cavalry
leader is rii.icg rapidly In the estimation of his
commanders, his soldiers, and tho people Wo
present an admirable likeness of tho hero to day,
and doubt not that it will be recognized hy many
Philaaolphiaits, his companions aud friends. II tt
few men have so noble a history iu this war is
General Torbert, and yet ho has worked his w ay
upward from a very humble position, llts
genius has proved to his ambition .'ill his
expectations, atij those of his friends of hi-a
have nil been handsomely renlied.
General Torlnrt is a na ivcof Now Jer-ey, and,
we believe, has received a partial inilit iry edu
cation. Ho entered the sorvicu in IS il as Colonel
of tho 1st New Jersey Volume is, an J served
with en dit throughout tho Tcnlnsular campaign.
At he battle of Antiotnm he commanded a bri
gade of New Jersey troops, and handled then
whb marked ability. Indeed, he gained so great
a distinction on that occasion as to be specially
noticed iu tho report of flen.ral Cot,
his corps commander, (.ieneral Torbert
followed the Army of the P jtomie in all
of Its subsequent movenie.its a id x lnove n tn'.i,
i'.eiuiMing him-elf with credit; ou all o.t isio is,
and winning the commission of origa licr-u'eiio-r
il. When Oeneral tis uimed c nirnaud of
our urmiti ho commenced a weeding ou'.,"
which w is mo.' 'g, om : u :ir oy 1 nl
to those yeiin t til k rs who !,id priu med .to I it
able fiats of valor, (iene.'.il u. ut h aid of a ol acquainted with Turb.ri., in 1 it en te
nssigi cd him to thu eomm lad of a c tv.i.ry oris; id ',
under Ot neral Sherid in. -Vfi..- p issr-thoci ;!i
a'l of vualiant Sherr) V rai is, porilliiig life an I
lie bin many eases, ho prouutod to :no co n
mnnd of a division of cava rv.
When General Sheridan was inide ccunian 'cr
uf the Middle M btary i.t, (i :n..r i! loroji t
was ordered to join him in einugi of m ,st 01 ill ;
cavalry of the Army of tho I'.c imi", mnl wis
soon alter 111 ulc Cni' f of Cavalry on the s .tlf of
(Ieneral Sheridan. For his il.Htm'gaisurd oericca
during tuo sumitei, he was brevutssd a maj r
gcreral ol YOluiile trs.
ll.s lust and great, st vi. tory w ,3 l':o ilfi'r o '
ravalry n ar Sir asburg, Vu's.ii'i, in the ...rni ro i.
ot the !tebel (,' Ko-se-, th s "Siv :ur
i t" the Vtil'ey." Hut the (itne-d ,u .t
own story in the tollowiug letter;
LETTI-tH I'llOH (! ltN K!'. VL I'llln.'.LT.
"lIlAl)Ot'.M'.li;ilH Ol- -mi! CU.UIII Ol' TI;;
Mioiii r Iit.n iiY l)i tsios, s 1 hash toi. ( ti
ler 12, ISiul.-My Dear I):-I : ,u gl id to I
able to s .y to yju that we have l.jur;li. and won
one 01 the most decisive cav.ib) vi .M-tes of the
war. On the 9th In-tant vr mar 'h.d f inn ("imp I wo divisions ( 1st and ii I, ti 'nereis M )-ri:c
nnd Cus'er C', and ana ked '.
lios-er, comiiiuuding all of tuo ileoil cavalry In
the valley, about ban).
"1 had about lour th msand men. Tue light
com mi need anout lour miles south of Sir isbur,
and ended between Mr. Ju'a,m i:,i 1 New
mark, t, a distance of about uiiies iVom
ihe starting paint. Wo v. hipped tie.n Mil,
capturing tlrct 11 pieces of ai .i.iery, I ill i'-y hid
1 xiept 0110 gun) nil their aiutnil ok is, ir.l iiuc.i
train, lorges, cat tic, one hundred and siity priso
ners in fact, ewiyil.iug li.ey had w .r.u po-s- . s
ing. Wc scitn red th.iin all ovtr th-? le.nmtans
ai d y alley. You can htuillv i.ingin: a m no
c. mphte airair. I am glui'to say 1 i.- iptd
"In haste, your sincere friend,
"A. T A. 'foiu. Kiti.
' Urevet Mnjor-Ooiieral, uni C .iel "t Cavalry."
(.e.ieral Torbert has been ma le a full
majoi-KCiierul for this vlctoiy.
Noiliinnllou or It. 11. W.xxl lor Cosiif ireus
1I l ll.K N.
The noiuintitingConvention of the Fout-th ("ja
pr s.-iomil Distra-t met last evening at. the V.vh
Ward Hotel, corner of litre and Da, mo sti-e.-ts.
l'wn the lii st ballot the lion. Kenj oni 1 Vo ,d,
mtmbir from tho district during the I ts', t v i
Coupressionul tonus, received a un..n!timus and
enthusiastic renominalion. A comi.iittee was ap
pointed to wiilt upon Mr. Wood uud inform hiiu
of tho nciion of tho CoHVetitinn.1
N l.ile the committee was absent on this mis
sion, the Convc.itlou riniained in session. On the
return of the ci iiitnitue it was announced by the
chair that Mr. Wood had declined becoming
nfain a andidnte. Another ballot wa- then
taken, w hich re-ultcd iu the nomination by accla
inalion of Morgan Joues, Ksip, who had already
l ien put forward by another wing of the city
D. niocracy.
We muke the following extracts from Mr.
Weed's letter:
"The compliment you extend to uic in this
tender of reiioiiduatioii is enhanced by the cir
cumstance that its uccrptuucc would insure my
rc eicclton. It gives 1110 to understut.d, more
over, that my constituents approve of my
political courso and adopt the opinions that
I lave expressed and defended, both as a jour
lialist and as a member of Congress. There Is
110 possibility of misconception in regard to tuoo
opinions. My record is beioie the world, traced
In characters that all Can read and UBdiri-tand.
It embraces hostility, under all circumsiances, to
Ihe doctrine of au armed coercion of the States
and it attests that I have never voted a dollar or
a man lo assist in the prosecution of this unholy
war." -Vtw York Tuiut.
A Kiicreaafal Empedlltitn.
Colonel Noble, with a few of his command,
started out from Jacksonville a few day since,
for the tow n of Enterprise, where he had pre
viously learned a town meeting was to be held
In the court-boute. The Colonel arrived there
after dark and sunounded the building.capturinf
Captain Wsttoo and twenty-nine men, iueludiug
forty horse belonging to a guerilla band.-.
fort iloyal (5. C.) A-rtct UvulH Octvbtr 15,
t' M. u
J. r"'
-t;. sv -;5-t3c--
' '
S- 'SU,
'.c.v r'
-v "
js, .
Letter from the President of the
Lincoln and Johnson Club.
Wa.siiinuio.n-, October 2.1, IsC.l. To the editor
of the (V.,,.o, !-. Sir: From the tone of tho
editorial in this morning's rn-tmirlr, hea led
' I he I-'lig J)ur,ii:ig," ouo would be led to infer
that it was an intentional or wiliul act, 1111
niiited by om one in t!iero"esston. whilst it
wis passing under iho MoClellan and Pendleton
flip, which is by no means the cii'c.
In order to set too matter light, I desire to
present the following very brief facts in regard to
tho whole allalr:
As the procession was moving along it was
greeted at mat y iiu' : 'y hisses, yells, uad by
stones and other missiles thrown into the ranks,
which was not resented to any extent by thus 1 in
tho procession. When it arrived at ihe Mct'
("ub ile id piarters, on I'uiiiisyl vania iiventio, tho
crowd assembled there used tho most ias iiilug
jeers and epithets, uid particularly to the soi-
I diers, but 'ho procession moved 011 without pa-
1. 1.11 i.iieiiii.iu iu uiesu llisillis.
Wheo, however, ali itit tw 0 tlrr ls of tho pia
cissiou hud passed, 11 number of st mes were
hurled into the ranks, one of which kno ke-la
torch irom Ihe hands of a Soldier; at tho same
liinnict a ru-h was made by tin-so ruitians to
giub ihe torch, and simuit ineoisly a largo iiii-h-br
bciirii g lurches 1 us'icd to the res tue. l'n s
occurred mine di i-.ely uuder the II ig, nnd in
the muist of thu nich e, one cor ior of the
cotton aoai hid to tha end of tin tl ig,
which was considerably frayed out by the
wc-ohev, look lire, over wineii circumstance
the McCleilsnitt s gi " ttly rejoiced, and cried o it,
"h t i' hum," without any u.iciiipt being ma la at
lirt to i Minj.uish it. Whether '.h.t Hag to ik lire
aei -dentil y irom one ol tho number of torches
which wcio promiscuously thiowu abeut iu the
1111 lee, or vaa i.'io iuien'ior.til act of somo one
mceii-ed by tho outr.ig;, 1 am unable to sav,
ler do 1 believe a ;y one else can positively
These an- the siuinlo fa ts in the case, and the
I ublic tn ti -1 tbcret'ore jtijgi for -.hcnuclv e-j s lo
w ho a.lsl ) bl.i'iio in this :u! lir.
"l'w-o wionjs ,ic- a- m ike a rl -lit," but, I do. ire
to tui in oa one cir t'iai-tauc 1 here, just us a
reiniTl. r to these. jMeCiellani es, who aro so
Ii .1 rur-yti irk n at tho accidental bin ning 01 their
banner, that about lour years ago tlus same
pari y they no.v rcpiosent made a ire.
nriai gidaud unprovoked attack iiaou the lte hiailiuaiiets it) this city, when no one
was pics, ut lo resist tin in, and doliher.ltcly i iv
up a tunje. Amrrhnn ,t'"t, s.nashed in win lo.vs,
and did o'.lu r damage to the uiiutiut n( over
t'K.O'l, lor which no re; ara'.ioii was over made.
Abo, thai 011 tue o'-ea i in of thoir l ite proces
sion in front cf tho Union lIead.uartoi-sn Nui'h
street, tin y attempted 1 ) pull down aud destroy
the beautiful American liag there susui-udod.aud
wen- only provunu d from doing so by tho st i n
ri.-lsfaueo of the l.'nton men in aitonda-ico.
Aa many mbrciires'intatioiis me all i- about
this 11. u .ruinate occiirroiiee, 1 de -in the a'l ivo
1 xplati.i'iou due to th 1.-0 eompj-iiig the proc-es--ion,
us well as to the club over which 1 luvo the
honor to pre- ide.
Viry lespictiully yours, &c,
1.V W IS (ll.KI'll IXIt,
Pribidcnt I.ineoln and Jo'.iaso.i Cn.ib.
-II 111. (it-urge W. Summers and Judge J n k
fin head tho Democratic electoral ticket of Weit
Tho loyal m'n of Ne-.v Jersey, temporarily
rcsid r.g iu Washington, have firmed a Union
As.,,1 i,uii,n. whieu n-i'V numbers upwrd of one and liity members.
Piate or- Tiif.MiouKiKa To-Iiat. 8ix A. M.,
12 Ntant. ."..J. One P. M., ooi. Wind, N. by F.
A HtiAur TiiA.NsM Tiox. A week or two since
a ilis.liatged soldier was arrested and commit
ti d to pi-bon up. 11 the charge of assault and battel-.
The suit was brought at tho Instance of a
Mr. KvanB, whoso fiicnd it was that had beoa
assaulted, and who was too seriously injured to
pron cute the case. After tho soldier had been
commuted, an Individual called upon Mr. Fvuns
aud tcpre entcd himself as Mr. Stokley, the
member of Common Council of the Ninth Ward,
and a friend of the soldier.
The lutter he stated was willing to re-enlM in
the army if tho case could be settled. Finally it
was ugfead to withdraw tho suit if the soldier
would p.-y out of his b-yiinty the sum ot 17
incurred fi r uiedica' treatment. This was agreed
to, and the soldier was enlisted. The party who
called upon Mr. Kvaus succeeded in getting the
soldier to pay over JM2 of his bouuty, stating
that it would lake that amount to settle the case.
Ho further said that one hundred dollar was
to be paid to Mr. Fvuns. The soldier, after his
ielt, complaiued of having lateu badly bled by
Mr. Evan and others. This reached the eais
of the lutter, and final'y the soldier and the purty
who bad effected the release ot the soldier were
brought together. It was then found that the
individual in question wus not Mr. htokley, nor
any relation ot his, but bud u-ed the name of this
gt ut.erunu lor the purpose of carrying out what
ever design be may have had. The money has
been demanded back by the soldier, and if not
forthcoming at once a suit wilt he commenced.
Mi ktino Of the Sons or Titut-ERAUoii. The
twenty-first annual meeting of the Grand Division
of the 6ous of Temiseruuce of Pennsylvania, wa
beld to-day, at Franklin Hall. The Grand Master
T. It. Davis, Esq., presided ; and Mr. J. W. Mar
tin, (.rand Scribe, acted at Secretary. A full
representation from the country lodges wa
present. The lodge took rvces uutil this
"Mi stkrkd Oct iiy M:siaki ." T te hateful
ta'luenco exerted by Copperheads iu olllee is not
restricted to tho civil department of (lovern
mcnt, but is extended to tho unlit iry -ertieo. In
fact, tho power of a military Copperhead is much
greater than a civil one; for In the crvleean
ollieer has absolute control over his inferiors,
and whether be ncn this power right or wrong,
be does so absolutely, as the War Department
seldom hoars of his misdoings.
1 Inro are at tho present tlmo in this city in 'ny
able lovul otlicers, who have been mustered out
01 service by too comprehensive an application
1 f the or ler relative lo discharging otlu ers. l ae
otigiu.ili rder from the Department diroete-1 tho
liirons mustering ollicers, wlu uro deta iled
1 f'icers 01 the regular army, to niti-ier out. with
thoir cotiii nnles or regime ts nil oilicets eve- t
hi. b as in their opinion deserved, through their
Mheieiicy, to bo retained in tho service. I lis
order was made to act most perniciously t the
service by a too nice construction, or by a system
( f favoritism. Many of tho mustering oiti ers
are not absolu'e enemies of tho Uovertiuient, hut
siiip irtir- ol MeCU-llan tacitly.
Accordingly, it wtis found that only such ot' -ers
as agreed with them iu opinion were dcvied
Bullion nilv valuuble, in some instiiicc. to be re
tained in their rank. .Many Union 01l1cersa. ro
nitisto'eil nut, and many I loin crais roume I, m
a-c. idaticc w i'h the will of these nettv deso .n.
j Aceoidmgly, to remedy this evil an I iniu-1. ?,
the S-cictaiy of War issued 11 sec md order, di
' reeling all 10 bo dis- hargi'd with the r i.nnm.i l is.
; In a. eonianco with this ord"', m-iiiy of our a il. st
nnd most pa'tiotie olliecrs have been S'l'.nin o ily
d:sciiarued ficm service, while their ejmtii' ids
IniYcat onco n'-vuli'ted and b 1 1 n. ol-.i ers
placed ov. r them. l)i itisf.i"',i i.i a n .ig 0 nil
j ! iiiiii.i1iIit and men is the r-sul'. l'hc m -n
I tiesiio their old otlicers, an 1 the oai -eis ii-.mii-
uiguani at too undeserved loss ot t ic r well
cat ed con. missions.
An instance of an ol'.u er, an a lia! i'it and daif
1 lib e- hn oni.' under o n- no. ice. Dan-ag his
nl-scti. c liotu his regun-.'ut on speci il d isy His
i.-mm, nt was niuste,re..t out, and he along -ve.'t it.
la I- six V. ceks be com lulled 1. 1 ills ell. if - C I II :l I ICS
Of 1 is post h. 1,10 ho ICC IV. d ll.A-Mt h'S d is-
c 1.1. ;e. r.e.u llu n he re ved a ea;l '.' 1111 ' .3 1 -i-mac
lii g - lib 11 I 01 t o n to In' . ; i-i 1 ;',e r teca '.of
hi: disc! 11".' piwen'cd hbn final ftild dntt tha
ci limiiinil. Hundreds ol .in-al u- cases o -.cur , .aid
the da-el;. irm d o.acors f.-i I v.a , - ire oat lie , 1 ,
jeer, ai. o In erne a- s ni..v - 1 -. oc r tithe
oj pi.nii'ii, ual I at. oi v ei-s in ',- tn a-- b lo-'.
II the Y nr lb mitui nt, c ul l b-i' uti lcrs.e.ii.l
the wi ll, ngol Hi s or.ier. a siiiglc sen' atic'tiic
pen .11 Id n pi 1 ily the evil and n,( uo ' ' J crn
lucnl the ud am.igc of the a'liiitr, esp rie-i -e,
and 1 -I'lioii-ni ol many m ii '! d-:v ited sons.
Sine- t, ciinc'i's .uc ni.v aitlrmt .su cro-.i -,
tlooigh tic luasappli-atio:i of ties' order by
ct-.rehss ir win ci (fli-ers; anl one tha' v.h
engaged n- I'bhi's 1 1 ' r ihe other day had to
1 0 si-, vr.l by hi git al olliecrs of other corps.
Koi.i. oc IIonoii. Major-(Ieneral lSutlor lias
recmlly lssmd an order, speaking in tho highest
tetn sof tho (Ulcers and men under his com
tnand, and mentioning certain individuals who
were conspicuous for daring cond act In ha'tle.
Among those so honored wo notice tho following
Pennsylvania ns :
I'Mptaln itecti I'lav, .vstli p.-iin-Mvniitu Valiinii..rN. Tlis
c;nr-b uri-r b Inu lie pta ot'-a Ms ( ators- oa ia- loi-tl i
eatlens of it.ito iy llairlsini, ana was e .,-r-ly waainlej at
lliu net, IU-Is r coiiitiii ii. tell tl.r ei'Min Minn
fi-rennl I'a-ler.-soli T. I'l.mi tiell,. iinpitiy I', ',7t'i I'.nn. Hotel nt .aiitiirltti flip iit-t it-is..tii.r ut tin
lort, a B-t le 1; tslu 11- is ,roiu il-l tn a ll.-aieu
Heik, s-ii N.ilti.inlrl MeK.iun,r..nipaiiy It, isth r.-an-.vl
aiiln, aitviineeil In tr-.nt "l nur llu -s, ull.-r the reituNc
ul ('.' f lain. , ciiicnilii',- It-.'jel'i'-ilii iiii..r si-Vi-rc
I'lcK-1 Ore. He Is reeoimueuileil lo tin: He .-reliiry of War
lie a I'or i .ilfnitry.
l'urur..l Sanm.-I (-:iier.C.iiip.inv 1). Issth IVnnnvt
.itihi, ts rccainiatn1eil um- iin-aa! r.r anllsnt services in
lirli -itit: ml the ,-ot.a-- ut the ti'il sa-w V. rS.
.'. Ii. aaM'i lil ies lllneher, t,tlili.lll- II, ISSth I'elltls. I
vanlA p atileiltto first nutiansl ealers on the lu-Oilcatiotis
th t ! i ,. ol S.Ji. ill..r -.'tl.
C'on . r.d Wl thin (iri.lil.Conii.iiui I, ls4ifi IVnusytvAi.iii
Ibst iilaan-il liu eJlors ut lii. StillH I'll thu l-irlilKiillatH af
the cneniy.
'Ill-ixliae K i-ainfir, Clliipa'iy li. IsS-li t'eailsylvullia,
ti" s oni- ul tti. Prst !., ,i l-aiilata.
Hemeiiiil iVtlll.iin K. til'. sen, l.-rsi-mt .lutin I lailneira-i,
('oiiipiiiy I , an.l Sv-rwcna Ki auk l. Ils.vli , Company It,
1-siti v.-niisyti vnla, werr e.iii-pl -anus 'nr lennanrt lUrai
In ubirit?. rbi to btiilaylt the waiiu-lsil im ler ah.n.y
(lie, Sop' -.SI.
hirst I.U'Mteti. in J. W.sli.Tteht, e,innnintl. H7th Psnn
M Ivat In ha tianiiratilis m. l. in larthe i;ll ml innitnor
In which he iOiJ'a-teO the rpimptit b.ritif- lli-e on-raso-lnet
I. r ietite'innl Wll'l ira IF. Kves, Ceni-isuv o, t(7ili
PiMid) l sum, Uvtiavi-il wall usin:iiil ga laiitry In ticih
s Oiv -a nt Wlllia'si It. Martin, I '.uni my A, 'J7th t'ennsi 1
vain... i-cmm iii.liil IC. raiiip niy la ham ussuiici., ami i il
In- na n wtlti l ravi-ry .mil ail'nlritile nn. r.
l-..r...ra' I -n lit K. Ibirv, l -.iniu .nv II. '7lh I'.mi.isvI
vala, I. un a' ul eit l'ir spceial irallaati y hi h h nus.. tl a
.il ttio -.ellh i t S -pti-uii i-r.
I'tl, ste W II n-n lli'i'nrty.Ciinisiii. t).'i7lti I'wnuiyl
v.uil.i, is luiiiui .inly iit'-nti'iln-il l-.r .Ali.iiiry .
A Seniors fj u A Kin;. As ouo of the p isscng r
curs of tho Filth nnd Sixth streets Hue was on i s
down trip, about half past si: o'clock laste . e.v
ii'P, a number of females in company w ith a tu in
entered a tor. Thev li i I not ridden far b.-for-e
the person iu question cjmmcuccd to use 1 ui
guage of an irritating charaet-r towards a geii le
liu ii who was also a p ssengcr iu tho cur Words
i f uu unplea-ant character onsuetl, and during
Ihe excitement the per.on who commenced the
dispute exhibited iu a threatening manner u long
black billy.
'Ihe gi iitlemau towards whuu tho angry words
wi le Used left tho c :r soon after, but the assail
ing arty wis n irrowly watched, and nl'ter leav
ing the car was taken into custody by request of
a gentleman who witncs cil tho transaction, uud
conveyed to the N xth Ward Stati in House by
the police; and after being examined and tho
evidence of guilt lo ind on hi! p rum, was re
quir. d to enter bail for ids appearance this morn
ing, before the Alderman, to -inswar tho charge,
of carrying concealed deadly weapons. Plio
arrest was made hy Ollicers lleam, Sanders, and
Nr.w Cythoi.iu Ciiniicu. The new Catholic
Church of the Immaculate Conception, tho cor-ner-stone
of which was laid on Sunday last, will
bo lit!) feet loHg by .0 feet wide, of dres-c 1
brown stone, and surmoiint'id by aspiro. Ills
Mtiintpd in a most resiiec able portion of Camden,
dlrrftfly opposite tho City Hall, anil whom thore is
room lor some ot the finest buildings of thu city.
Ptsotiiii'Hi.T Hot si:. A woinn named M uy
Do Haven was aires'cd yesterday afternoon
upon the charge of l.cepiug a disjiderly house,
in llolivar l'lace, l-.losoiilh and R i'crlreots. The
house Is said to lie tho resort ol low and depraved
chiuuetoi's, who make night hideous with their
yells and cries. The accus d was held to
Cm ecu DEiiii iiioN. St. Pa lick's CitUoli
('lurch, of Nonistovvn, a very large and splendid
eilitiec, was dedicated lust Sunday by Rev. James
O'Connor, assisted by a number of eminent
Catholic clergymen. The sermon was preaehol
by the pastor, Rev. Dennis O llaruii.
Promoted. Dr. L. W. Road, who served as
Mirg. ua in the Ru.-siun urmy iu the Crimea, and
since the present war one of tho head surgeons in
the I Liinsylv.-tiiln Jie-erves, tins just liecn pro
moled to Ihe post of Medical Director of the !)th
Corps. Ho has certainly euniud ibis distinction.
Ai rim.NTU.r.Y Shot. John Dougherty, re
silling ut No. 710 X. Front street, was accident
ally shut In tho foot nbout mi o'clock last night.
Helindapistul ill bis pocket, and the weapon
was accidentally discharged.
l!i i in i iTMo. This morning warrants were
IsMicd for tho payment of the ciiy bountvto
eiithtv Yoliiitteers, credited as follows: l-'irst
Wind, -IS; .Seventh Ward, 'J ; Nineteenth Ward,
21 ; nnd 2 at large.
N.WAi.. The gunboat rivici Is now lying
iu the stream ofl the Navy Yard, ready to sail.
Tl e gunboat .Ycygtoh, which is to convoy Com
modore (sii'ibiing to Key West, arrived at tho
Navy Yurd yestciduy.
l-.xi KCTi.ti to Aiiitivt: The body of I.ictt-
tenuut-Ci loncl John 11. Kohler, of tho 9Sth Ilegl
mi m Pennsi lvauia Volunteers, who was killed
uiar Miiidlct'own, Va.p on the lt'th, is expected to
hiiive in this city to-morrow.
The' Vova for Montgomery county,
as fur as received from the Cist Regiment, up to
Monday last, was as follows: For Dullock, (il ;
Dover, 41. Scattered votes from other regi
ments : L'uion, 127; buyer, il.
A Boi niy-.i mi'ku. An individual giving the
name of Patrick Rcllly was arrested yesterday
iiKn the charge of being a bounty-jumper. Uo
w as banded over to the military authorities.
Foi'ND DaowNKD. John Hughes, uged, 50
years, was found drowued. yesterday In a small
creel,, near Darby road, Twenty-fourth Ward.
The doeeatud wo an inmate of the Almshouse.
Akbiyal or Hen a els. Within tho last few
days a number of refugees have arrived la this
cit'v. Thev cume mostly from Atlanta, and many
of them are quartered at the Refreshment Saloous.
IsisTALiATtoK of a Pastou. The Key. Ed
ward Hawec wa Installed last evening as Pastor
of the Crotial Congregational Church.
6ligut Fm. About II o'clock this morning
the house of James Magulre. back of No. 1429
Oeruautowa road, wa slightly damaged by lire.
Pomticai.. A dense crowj assembled at the
ball ot Iho Hrpu!ilicsn Invisibles last niglt
to 1 stcn to ai O'ldr- is from lion. Hcn-y Winter
Davis, the successful champion of free Maryland.
The U'cetli'g was called to order by Thomas We'-)-su
r, Esq., who Introduced the otator of ttio even
ing, who was rcaived with cheers. Mr. Divis
spoke for n nr y two hours, an 1 was listened to
wiih attention and greeted with atnln'S". Af o
the cliwc of his remarks, Way no McVeigh, Esq.,
spike for a few tniniib s.
A largo Union iiik tin t w is held In WHmlng
ton, D. lawaie. (Oivcrnor Can n in and T. M
Coleman, 1-. q., of this city, delivered addresses.
An immense procession followed llu meeting.
A laryc Lincoln and Johnson tl igwlll bo raise I
this evening at Nl-ictceiith and Market streets. A
iiuinbi-r ol addiessts will bo made during the
eve nin,".
lion. Uiebaril Vanx nnd Hon. Moses THtos
spoke last nit lit at thu Continent il Theatre.
Arrival or Su a ami Woi-nheu Solpikiis.
1 his morning l.i) woiiii led soldiers arrived nt
lire id and 1'i iiiic st.cets, by tho Washington
tr uu.
Tin: Wife's Comi-hint.
"Dear (trorK1'," sopiua muu,
'-t;;li since w tlrsl ferd wril
11 ill one I rii-fyrfir hr.s pas.U away.
Yd EiTitlv do I rear
T lint I no more ant dear
To you as on our bridal day !"
Teh I Sophy," sal. I her unite,
"You merely sertas-ata
Idi.-'s real .-ams with lb. ;
I.tit tell ins hy the'ht
-My lovo lias IfS.eiieit a i(;ht
New with distrust yoi.r spirit nils i"
"Wl.y," Moptiv thus replied,
"When I wus llrst vuar hride,
Y'our Karl) was always neat and flui'.
lint now ysu must eontoj
Neiilcut. d Is yoar Ore-si
Y'ou cam not In mil stcbt to stuns I'
Ctorite answored -lie .are
To prove niv lov. f'llciio
Tlli.t Id lilt tlltl.t soon, il'lhat lie nil;
Ib-nevliititi you'll see me ib- -ss, J
In elotblti(t ol th-' best
And nowest stvlo, I'roiu t'owor Hull."
Vo lire selling Koiidy-iniitlc I't'itliiil.t. eia.d In every
le. peel-.11' c, rr, rui'-ni an.l w 'rt in 'im -I-, nay
Hindi- to ttiea.iite. nt e to .Ml per cent, luwer iiriees. Any
one can lie tut. -.1 aa well, or ln'tter, Iraai our stock, as
by Kuods made to iiu-;,w-itbaal del ly or tro-ude with
Uu- larcet uud most complete assortment la I'lillndi-lphla
to select from, comprising aU sizes, In Men i, Yoallii'
and Hoy s'.
Towf.r Mall, No. .518 Msrket siresf.
liKNs:rr at cu.
Tin: iihivl or a Fast "Tu t v." (leoi go
I'm. I-In I .wii li.-o-ee his arrlv. d, net 1. tram t.i
say lui ii . Itilrir.. and Is p.islii til. tVlcnds. .ieaiveic a
i cry last -'train." II is no: sail- tu ilde , ch turn - ml n.
Inn e a talliriM out a v.a.v srn.ll Itiin throws him otr tl."
li acts. He mi-s wus -at a lo .iiii'iio ii hi n t.-nd.-r liehio t ;
h- iii-ver t't-edH a phitiorni, hut pltehas rle'it lliruuirli Ii,
wluilricra II ilt-m 're or a lilc uu phinano. iinaiiia- wa.
y i ii can oo Train Is hy taking tihn to Charles Mioses
A' ( 'o.'s "one prl.-v. under 1 e Coiiti.ii-titai, mid lul Iho
suit la: a .. ai ' cl ll-w vl-slies dyed in tin . u d.
ClllI.l'HF?)' Clothinu.
Hoys' Overruuts.
The lun.Kt and li.".! assortnlflut In the cltv.
Al. HiooMAhcHiBl'u., No. I N. i.i-htr. i-re -t.
riKNTi.KMEN'a II vis. All tho latest styles ut
ft-arks Oaklurd A Hons, Contlmntal Ilulel.
Laiuls, if you wish a use iieyu or u vtn, uso
J vvsiv's Haih Toste. This i tiluaiile pr-paratlon esei'ci
the scslp to new ami healthy attlon, cleaiues It frum icarr
and dandrutr. prevent the linlr from luhini; oil. cimis tlioss
eruplive dbcises which oiU'a anpear oil tho lie id, an I in
a majority ofcfls.-H pruduces a tint- rowli of u2iv hair. It
also gives the hair a rleli nnd beauttriil app-'araucfi, uu
eatualkd l.y any ttilrig of tha kind, i'r.'pirod only by Ir.
lL.layuc A slim, Ho. itJ t lieaaut atreet.
Ki.'onomy in Fuel It is seldom th it any new
nrlieli-introduced to the puulio wbis it wav Into i.upuiar
fsvor us rntddlv or us eileetually ns tn Sio- e
piitcllli'd, tiiaonlai tiiri-d. mid s-'ld Iiy Mr. .Inlui S. Clark;
No. lts Market street. Ad who have tried this Ciik
Hlovnof Mr t lark's uru ikltulltvit wlla tne aduiinhlu in Sil
lier In w hicl. it operates. Thore la. In t'n.-t, si-aTeiy a tl ly
Inwhlrli Mr. Itlork lias not oiialomer. who are brooant lo
t !a aliirc neon the diri-cl I- .'.nail, aid .t on of trie til. ,vno
have na.d tlie Htovc In iins.tion t and. what is notalit'lu
r. maiKahio. ol'llir Ibciih inds soltl hv lien, tu Pua cay and
altp.irtaof the country, there has nut been s. Kiwln cuin
plauit that ihe Shove .Utl not do ail nisi II Is to
ii. Tiorin hy Mr. chirk. Ho tells his customers
il 1. thu best took tituve evnr invented ; taut for all kinds
ol liiiknuiii'id '' piiiiio-f. It Is tine'i'i.t ted ; t tat It is
no re iluruhio and coiivenl.-i.t than any utlier .st ivc In use;
Ih.a ls price is Ularo it.. iil.-r.ll.' . lint It c itistiiaes tell the
1 in nil i nun tit V ol our ton ot e nil In sl n.anlha In dullnr the
.'olSiok. li. anus, and Ii.iii1.ik lur a large laa.lly,aU of Jileli
lie wurrttnt. tu lie as repiesciited.
I he tact, ticreiore. no ci, nplaluts litii-o Ihii-u iu-i le,
i - tin- tio-l (hi.slide pi'uut that, tro'iir as am tho roiu-est-ntu-ItoilN
of Mr. t'lrlt reslio-aiiiu- Ilia puDtllar Ntov .s, inev use
so t il. true. We reeoinin.'iid nil our reatleis tvlai have agt
yet denu so, to give this Htovo a trttl,
"A Fstiv Mouk Plain Pacts." More of the
VI in nee Marliin.N n.e not In use linn all oilier 'win
it. chli cs . ..ii. blued ; 'si,' on are nut sola I i a year: -?l 0
an- no' In us ? iu l'hllad.!lihin. Hut thi-io are 0110114K In
11,0 to .-eta alsh I'n Mtpi-aiurlly mis ull oilier la-ally
nniehlii.a, ar.d uuln for It a liost ol Irientla wh , regard It
aa 1 lie liiio-u of IseinK .wai-.hitte., ho other maculae,
cuveis so Inrtte a mure 01' work as ll-o I'-pirenee. Ttio
Hah.., 01 the V'turoncc dtirlni; lliu that year I1.1 - o ootn ill ire
than Uiaiuie ic.o... 01 any uiicr .swuik minll 10 lor a eki'
per oa. .Sowing that a itiaerlmbialuis pul'iio can in-l tl.i
aim-. -itl-e tti" udvnii'.aEt-s of Ihe I n-rcue-i ovor all others
full Insiru.-tlona ftiv.ui wltlioin char ,13, wheoior you wiali
to pitrcnasu or not. t ery ninchuie warrant".' t l ulvc
rnlire uoM'ctl"n, or flie money returned. Ohlli nit lady
oeatil'01-s, Willi or wlfont inat:hiui)tt, s. nt to uuy part 01
II. e ei'y. hy the da v or w eek. ('a'l or send your ortl -rs to
tlia S'lur.uce dcwliiit Macldue Couiptiny, No. li.10Clio.nut
An Inviliaiile Annii.u or Fi iini rriti:.
Eery lamllv lo I lie 1 old sli'linl lie stipii-li d wllh a "llrover
A Mukor Now iiik Y. netilne I neso aumlra ae a striime ila
a'e nut only the iiioat cclel rnletl In piliuut' in day in ilia
p.-rto' ol all kinds ot aowink- n-ipiired I 1 a lainltv,
tail Itay uro ori'aiuenul as uo atll -'o o( fur tltiire. -cp,.
wnreris nia .11' Hie agents In th a oily. No. 7a0 Cliuuut
street, arc daily thronitid Willi visitors In WiIiichh Iho
opean'lon ol Ih.-ao martilnuH, svhl-'h utsi more aluii.'e, tnai t!
noiaelr-a. 111010 oasll. 'i,e.iilcd, and ti.riorin a wider raiec;
ul w irk t'mu auv otl'.sia. ThC'llrosor .t llaker" S-Wlitji
Ma. hino, ill laet, bocoine a liouaehold nccoisiiy.
I. amis' Fitns. An elegant assortment at
l.'liarka Oaktord A Hon a.Coiit luuilal it nol.
Wr. Wehe Yekihiiuay shovn through tho
-ib-Udlu llii'tirclic .1 and ur.u lieal deo .lliic'lls o. Oa.
t'onimoiclall' illeyt) 111 Itrvant.rt rai'.ni .v lltiinis er. 'I'lila
Is oiilt on.' ul iw-nilv a 111 th ' OUIi-retit elllcs
kepihyih-i aamo tlrtlt, ilit'l we waiild advise rtntae wlia
d. aire a cuiiip'ii e aiiiii." .ulucali ill lo it. s. VV.
Cora -r -t'ii1U and I henicit stf 'tl.
On. Si iisi rii'itons. This morning tiio o.iice,
'oorlii nnd '.'alntif sirttet., was In s.'--it hy pi vsoas d..
alrona In aiiuscrlho 10 the siami tra"s id' ebl territory
111,11 tn 1 1 v tl -.cilt'eil In iiotitltoi-eol'iiun.
When it is ,.i,-isli.eritl that uIhiiii uncaotirlh at' litis pro
ports la bin 'nc iToiind, and 1 lia- itli tilt- I. u.a . fi a-' 0.1 tin-Alh-kli.-riy and lis tribtttarles, unit Hi it th-sy ale
ri.ittft.'vii '".(i.i.ita.and nr.- '.e''.-. 11 eatuicurei 01 lars
eat'lial. e ' art- nut sm prtsi d a the d'si 1. 1 ion mm esi. d
l i ai etui' shares, i .1 1 a til r: y a ll. 11 ctl .-tt, tit - 1 .1 an , uo
e n.'-s one ol at e I utitl ed "uri.-ilial so',- Ti'iera."
M.ulllC Ihe ftiihser ilt lulls ear 111111 t.i out 1 tu at rap! Ily
as ilavtli.t Una 10.11 nin :, the ll-t will rtsra lie lull, wltan
the .ut -colters can f.irm uiui or 111. ue emtip oi'-a uiii.ifit
1. i,i..i7i'.... ,-Iei t their t.tfl:"i s. eaeh saliscei-ier, ot
eoiirae.heliii' elifcililt' to the p iaaluu of a litrctdor or otllet-r
ol lltel-unuialiy.
We are pl. uo'.t to nhserie llliit I.. Monttramery tload,
K.ii . who. aa .'iiairuini of ll.o ' l.a'a,.-, lu uji", and
lies, nun ('..tnintltt e. "i the Urea' (tuntial 1 air, an aa -cs-ssl
utlv pi on d II llirmidi w ill act us Trasiee tin will
receda lursidi riptiuiia una duly acioiorvlt'ds'-all rouili-
t.itlces by nil II.
Ladies anii Ciiii.HiiiN's Hats. Latest style
t Cliailea Oaklurd A ami a, ( onlliieiual Mold
The Arino.M hino Phi;siiii:nthl F.i.i.ciion
la n .w tlte uirvt-'sal ili.-me. ali kinds L,niure
or tea-. I'aapiitt tl In vu-w or tho cam-nan aiisaeiiie. e-i
ct ptllla the Ci"- liilsliu-aa aa llltistr.ili d ut tile cel. hratAd
new yurd 01 W. W. Alter, No Sti7 N. Nln'h atreet, fie
aciusiid fur Ins antieilor Coal was n.-ver to itredt a. at
pn a. nt, owlt.u to the tact linn o. ;u7'-r- i t i"ix ccoja
Pi iirit varus may rely upon getting tho best
r ma ut l luiries uakturdA oll s, Uotel. the Finest Photookaimis made
arc II. L. lit iinei'a atbitlral le hfc-aiii l-h iiosiapht 111 oil
. ...ira, Ctit-t,'. de 1 lalte, uud liuii lype.. lalvu lain a cat'.
No. t.Jl Audi alreel.
Mu. M. fi. Bnow s's " Metaphysical Dis
eoieiy," tuts the root ol everv tlln-Hae, I'rlee . Mo.
410 Aich ati'vct. bee advct-t'at-tuuut 111 aatitlio.- coluiaii.
Br'a.l. Vf. Bpnicer, iicncer.Cl.atleatoa Har.E. A.Rsntler
Silo lltor-je Killa-ni. Norwood, Ba'em. dt.
Skirts. A lUiiimoiid. Halne, lloal.n. II Tooper,
ttclu Martha, ttobbuu, Bu.ton, W .Hunter, Jr.
llerruie Commerce, Kohln.on, H days froai New Orleans,
With mJse to Curtll KnUihl. k.ii...
Ititniiie tscoiiand, KoUma, S days from BosHu, la ballait
nu.'wii!.L,ldays from BoHoa. In ballast lo
.uiT.udr(re.a.),riek.r,S days frost Kew Tsrk.
R. tto Kew T.rk.
8.'-Vr 'i I"8Kiriaoil, tlsm.t days frura hew Ueauwd.'ia
b bcVr is.' 1P i"i'" ard, Mcntim. days fro Fartlaal,
wlta niuae teCfuweli A ColUna.
Htptrttlftr Tin ZvflM'aiT TtUgraph.
Nrw Oaia.aKS Btu-qiie Commerce, Rtblnsen 8t b'jls
Blwia.sea Set) empty eaaka II bale! rasa Varus a & nlsbl.
Nv lliusomi fXuI Uveal: Veailea, (jlbbl Js SLil
UU Bhls.l U.
Ornca or Tn Rvrsota Tn o ir-n, I
Wed Ootober Vj
The OoM Market collapsed yesterday, anoT,
afb r felling at 21SJ, broke down to 212, at tha
Fifth Avenue Hoard. It opens this morning at
Heading Is trong before Board, tolling at 01 f,
with a freo demand. Tho bears in thi stock, a)
we have reveral time predicted, are about to
receive a pretty sevore punishment.
The Stock Market Is steady this morning, with
moderate uansartlous to notice. Unfed Btatee
bonds continue quiet, with sales of -20s at 10l(i?
101 1, coui-ons off, and now do. at 101 J, which In
an advance ofl; fis of 1SST are quoted at lrM'fJ
1 Of. ; and 7 .10s at lOSf? KM.
Bailrowl share are dull, with the exception of
Rending, which Is strong and on the advauefl,
with talcs at 0l,p. 62 which is better j Little
.Schuylkill lluilroad sold at t.lj; Northern Cou
tral lluilroad, 01; and Camdon and Amboy at
IIS; ',!i4 was bid for Pennsylvania lUUroad; 69
lor Philadelphia and Oermautown; 59 for Mine
bill; 2!) for North Ponnsylvania; at) fot F.lmlra
prefirretl; 18 fir Citawissa common, 37 fot
pteferrcd ; ill for Philadelphia and Baltimore; 49
'or Long Island; aud 31 ; for riilludclphia and
New City fis aro selling ut 102, and Pennsyl-
vttitia as at !I2J.
In City Passenger Railroad shares there is
nothing doing, and prices ure without change1.
24 was bid for Thirteenth an! Fifteenth; 33 for
Spruce and Tine; 9 for IUec and Vino; 2D foe
Green and Coates ; and 2i'! for Uir.ird College ; 79
was asked I'or Second und Third.
Thire is rather more doln in Coal Oil stocks
but pikes are unsettled. Oil Creek sold at ilQ
0; Dalell at S?; Noblo and Dibtmucrnt 11;
Maple Shade at lii; Densmoro at 81; and M-elE-
heny at ti.
Hank shares eontinno flrm.w lih sale of Me
chanics' nt 2! ! ; and Corn Exchange at 60: 1H3
was bid for North America; 1 15 for Philadelphia;
ou lot City ; ;s Tor Cotisolbl itiou ; 47 forCxo,
monwealth ; and 70 for Camden. . ,,
Canal shares aro rather lictter, with sales of
Morris Canal common at 974, which is nn al
vunce; 274 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation
common, 3(iJ for preferred; 70 for Lehigh Navi
gation ; and 1 IJ for Susquehanna Canal.
(iold is active this morning, and prices have)
slightly advanced, opening nt 21 JJ, fell off and
sold at 213 at II o'clock, rallied aud sold at 2!
at 12, and 21 1 J at 124. The natural courso at the)
present time is downwurd, but speculators are)
circulating all kinds of stories to edect a rise.
Reported by Clark son at Co., Brokers, Ks. Ill 8. Third Sta
BtfllKB BOAItlia.
S.-SS1 V M U-Wia ItKl,
l.l ah Mania rtliade.. lasi
Ion ah Keadlna- R IU
. . t?4
ik) SI'J
ill SIX
100 an no...... .nai t
liataii AliiTncuy K'v. 1 '.
us. ,11 ao oi.i
Uiaishl'orn Planter..
luOak do. ...a this
CtOah ItllkeS till ..:'d I'i,
VSH) ah Kessb-r Hani. Uri 1 'i ,
bn ah llul.aiiitock.lil i;a
HOsh di II
VKlih S. V. A M..US) l .i
year wii It'
ion ah Union Vol ffi
ano ah do Jli-
Hlsh MeEihonyOU... sj
6P1.I. do Vc
110 sn .Miuio.t liej.o.l It' ,
ji..,u Eieelar OJ...I i l&
wnu. s. 6-ao tot
Jisi ab Denanvsrs
Sill do M'.
S-Sal It. . Use!,
tb) do I'i4
I'O I'enna .'is c s'4'l
('.KM nr oa It PS I
.' ..purity Ba. new lire
'i I'lttali'irk-.'.s scrip 74
easi ciics'k ii ha iiu
111 ah Met h Hank.... tl'.','
:t ah HiiAlt'ton Coal . .a
90 ah Oil Week ,'!
.Ki ah Halell OIL... S',i
1 ,11 .K V. t.l. . .1... . . Mi l.llwnyOll..
la'ilah Sis-d 11am .... t
4-slah Sha li
.'. a. N. Central .... M
atmaii Iteadin u si'
list ah do...boklnt Sltf
sal an do eSol'si
bsih do siJ
elSian dO....J30.'l 1-1
11 tl all do tHl'i
it. all Lit Men K IflsJ
life all do WO 40
4.0 ih al iple Shadoll! IS '
1 all tlilsh Valley.. TT
10 ah Morru Cau.... 74
Uuolatlons of Gold at the Plittadoluhia (laid
Fxcliangc, No.3t ti. Third street, second story:
14 A. M 2I3 12 M 21
U A. M 211) 1 P. M 214
Maikot firm and uctivo.
Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal Oil
siocas ni i oeioca io-uay
lid Ak.
Mil.-Mountain Coal. A . !'.' (Inranle Oil..
N. Y 111.1. Coal. .11',' It; franklin OH
tlti.-n Mt. Coal.... i s, llouua OU.,
is. , riiiiiihimii ., a o irvuia- uu
Kuw Cr.-ek 1 I sj r-pe farm Oil...,
IVeder Ham Coal. .. 1 lliensmore
Clint. ai Coal I 1'.,' HaUellOlI
l-.utlcr Coal II ll i.McElheny
lilumoiid loaJ '.0 Ul lltnoeiteOU ..,
tlwatara... 11 'Omstead 'J
American Kaolin.. .. tt IMtSileaUolanjauv.lO? Minlnu
21 H-blmrd 1 si I
itory Kana 8'.'
'i', i Hruner 4
1 '4 : 1'etmluum Caaire. j
i'iiKulM.-rt 3'i
i lluiie laiaud 1
2Sa AlleKllauy Itlver.. IV
Ctirtln ast
Keyalon" 7ane..
I xcelsior OIL...
Kill Timk
Tairell I1
Oil Cr. 'k r,
Maple Shade Oil.. lii
SlrCltntuek )l
l etiliaylv una l'el.. 1
l'erry Oil a
lii4 I'lula&oil Crook. 1'?
(I Hull Creek.
1 d (lermsiila......
il.'a' 4 (torn Puinler..
1 'i'i Hruss 'i Kock Oil
K Tarr Kano
Mineral Oil.... ..
K.Onlun.- Oil
Union l'etrolenm.
Ileaeou (ill
beurae Oil
1",' .', U.ilH! i
X -. Sch. Oil C 1$
la iLppor Sa: Ul. nay &
The following nre the receipts of Flour and
Grain af this port to-day : Flour. 1200 bbls.:
Wheat, u2tH, bushels; Corn, 2t)0d bushels; Oats,
4 ,00 bushels.
The following is the weekly stutoment of tha
condition of thu JJunks of ilostou :
Cupitnl stock 27,210,000
Loans and discounts
Due from other banks
Duo lo other banks ,
tin ulu'iuti
Tho following is a statement of coal trans
ported on the Delaware and Hudson Canal :
'or the loe.-l" eiuiiita for ltd
id tl. I-s;i. jea.oai.
rielae are and litid-ou Canal Co is',?.'. 7ia,.i4k
i.aiiiij it a ma com iu u, Oi
Tola1 tuna TJ.l,
For tho same p.ilod last year:
r'or t Mei.
Tit taware and Hudson CannlCo -.'S.ri.lT
I'eiins li aula Coal Co en, a;
Total tuna....
.1.-.4U l.eii.asi
i'iiii.iii:i.riii i TitAiit: iteroitr.
Wehnesoay, October 20. Thore is a steady
liuiiiiry for ilu.-rcltron Bark at yesterday's rigure, but too
uiurkci it vuiy issirly aupidled with tns article.
'i'bc e-dton Market ts dull, and piicos are wholly aonhiaj
al tl IK ull US tor tllddliaiia.
froviaiona are uulet,aud prices aru about tha axuoe a
last u,uottd.
Cloversed ootui-i In quite freely, and the demand rather
excel da the supply; it la taken at ftO "i SI lbs. lath
ubBi-i.ce of sales w quote Timothy at So VaV7a, Max
seed mecu with a fair demand at Si toed) I ti ft bushel.
T he iiuletneae wldcb liaa pervaded the Klour Market tor
enmt daya past aull coutliiuee. liotu buyer, ami sellers
uu uii.tii In tne.r views, holders bein ludl.poied to ba
poae oi their Block at anytli ns like a decline. The sales
nre liiiuUd lelou oarreiB soal Wcaiern extra al SHI 7a, uud
ynn Ii iriele do. extra taoiilv at SU. ( He demand Irom tlia
r.-uiiera ami baker, la moileraie, at from HI ai uu to SUM)
ior couilnoli aitieilino and fancy brands, aa In quality.
Kye Hour la acuree, and commands j. Cora Meat 1
unlet und noinlual. . . ,
Tin- lec-lpla ol Wheat dunns the paai. lew days hava
been excudaiflv llgi.l.aud the market la now nearly ban
ol the article. lloider have obtained an advance over,
yeslcr.lai 'a Iburea ot about K cents. Sa.ea or 4"00 buah.
at S -4.i rl V' lor Ivuo.yO aula red. $i'aO for aoutherit
red "ana '-' tU lor Kentucky white. lte Bells Blowly at
SI .'ss.. IM) VbitBo. Cum la Iu moderate- re'iueet at a it
advance, h.les of SeuO biiBli. yellow at (1 Ka, and Sta)
buah. new crop at U nu. OatB are steady at (too., with:
sale a ot st.l imsh. Hurley Malt Is uncuaimed a saleot
701 bnab. ilurlev la re)orted at It-sS.
I rei hta are .erv dull. The oiterlnss to Liverpool erm
tinue utrciucly lls'ltl, and our .luotaUoriB are euUreljr
iiuiiansl. There ha. been aomeln iuiry tor Feltoteum vea
atla lor Europe, and 8b. Y bairel Ib I be curreiit soiiii rate..
A ianu.b baroue.ii.T toll", was chartered In llew York,
fr.iiu l'l.llBdeJ.bla lo Itlo Janeiro, Hour, e?iiu
l hiak. !ia. advauced. hales ol Ooio at l tW ; Peonayl.
vanlit rl .S, and liruu.. 1 iuujlaf.
Harkeia by Tele;rapal.
Nsw York, October 20. Flour lOfff l.5c. lower t
saleaorsX.iO barrela Klate. at s snuja w); Ohlu SIO JeayU j
and sloull.ern tlo i"(ill fi. Wheal declined baeo.;aalc
unltupuiUnL Corn nnu ; aalfB unlulliortaut.. Beef qnleu
Pork needy at tw solaria M. Lai aieaAly at aXku.i wa.
Vi luiky dull.
Eighteen minister of the Oospel were elected
to the Legislature at the late election in Vermont.
The living ex-Qoveruors of UassaehussM
will vote for President next mouth a ootts
below :
I'or ihi-o?ti Bi. (lovernof Llneoln, ei-Oovern.u-Ml,
ea-lK.vernor CUilord, ea-iloiri,or Jeul "
Oo.emor Waaldums, ea-(.overnor hanks.
Fvr AI. Cielian U Uoveruor uarSuar. .
-The following Democratic
Congrs havs been made la iUM '
4 , l, ,J4
Vr (A
j anon.
I .'!