jTIHIIE SUM A TO) rmcE tiikke cents. rilllJVDKLnilA, TUESDAY, OOTOHHli '25, 1SG4. PRICE TIIItEE CENTS. - ! latest Southern News I REBEL DEFEAT IN THE SHENANDOAH. A Muddled Despatch from Early. AFFAIRS IN NORTH QEORQIA. ATLANTA TO BE CAPTURED Longstreet Again ia tho Field. (LIE'S "CRADLE AND GRAVE" RESERVES. f uller tVnrMi filrtr of i:ntly' Fi-fpi( Its- ltriM lriii)'-liiir.llli!i, Frym Iht liit,,i,ni .V- 'if.'l-', tVf..rVr -."i There wa A grc.it interest telt ycstcrtUy to h-'ft from the vail. , i s rum.ri ot n serious ' d.s.iste. 10 i in tioops were im v.Ucnt on the streets. ' We Icnru from a ge,,ilcm;in w hn lui'i rstiuntort je'UTil.iy Uuirili'lg, Mllll who had rouv.T-l :li ,llu ers wniiii'i il id tl.e 'nt'le, that ,,u We-. n-Mly, tu l'.hii, (.e.inr.il V.t.-ly nii '0 the I'l'iii.v lit ('.liar cr. c, two miles ."ml :i liii.fiiur.li Of StrilsUurg. lie cuniuYtrly route, 1 tho 8'h an I l ltli Armv I ory, in Viniirs Iii 1 I thirteen slhe i nn TorjH, and drove tl.e:ii tlirtm-; l Mid.'lo:o,vn, ti,-,. tin ot Srast-urg, c ip.uring an tli-ir gnus- Ii u n .1 1 til prisoners, ramp eipupago, r nrlli were then rrinlolc d tiv r. ..i itm Vrps, when l-.nriy lull b.tvk to Mouir. J nkinu, twenty four mile south of Strashurg, 'iringiu I'll wnh l.iin th : ilur ten linn in: i nri-oiicfs. II 'brought oil' la- iiii nn i.i ry, tliou.wi ir i. In;, t'i'ic't he uhuniluMd t'.ui i-Hii.iroil tioni t.u' rib my. So t.ir fro'i! sustaining it reverse, his routed t-vi army ei.rp-, a:.'! "ti y n il luck niie-i til'' un" tie wire rtdiitti'ivd t,y ii lull rttr - nl fresh moil. Too ei.troy nr.- iepo toil to Ii ;: - nit tp) v-rv hci.vilv in Ulli"! anil wounded, wUi"' . Im ,Y re V .' to h'irc turn rhi i U t ne e,nnny old not n'ti'ti ,.t to fo'low w'-ic i n-ir nicr. full back. (Infer were rowivv I lt melt'. n lime transportation nt S .muton tnis ui'.r.i t' for thirteen litii died Yu iKec. prisoncis to l.; tor vtrdid buu'ti. Ar.ilttii'i Nimi.iiurv 1.1 ?'ii.'I'h ll.sinl..ti, (Ik tlllll'll Ulk luU'll'.tllftl'ill4 n,-t) .vae'ii liitileti. Fince writing the it . ..Itieiil de pa'-lies h ive Vfn meived, wliicli ti!i; ili.it ll.'ic.u; Kirlv tfltiickeil Mii'i.-lan'H c.iiu:i o;t ( eiliir oi'i'Mv IniTor (Uy on .Le l'Hii, ,'iiJ in in ivil ami i,rm:il tlm Hh iil lil'h ('o'.-;, .ino tlrovfi tin' d'li Uorp liynf.d KiJilii't'.ini, i'iipnriiK i inhii-. u ijivn of 'tll!i'ry uiid tliiio i'ti Ininilrcii (iiuiii.e h, whioii ;re sul'ly !iioh.;;,i mi; tun , lie eiu my snli-i:-itnTly madi! .ihimJ, mill iu turn Htiuckuii Ucui: i.il 1 inly, i-iiu-lii.: nin I ne to nivu way. On ihe ii treat ,hc ciiriny cApturvii tiiirty i-icctj ol arttlKry. Tli ri-niaituli r of th" ill Rnnto!) tloi" not diiFVr tiim that pu'tliKliO'l in :tio ic',iiiar,r.l'.n. I . Tbcre ui pwiiB to b ionio iliscri'ii'iury rcint.Te ,'o tbo nain'ii r i f cuninni lot. It' wn ertp'nn d itlitccD n t lost thirty, tlin net loss would b-! i ''". 'I bu urti'Ury w undumt m l was cui- :iy tho i i.tiuj 'i rav.i'ry. y. sti' . ti r:riiwr ;o.- nts First ,. ,'III'Cll'l (),.. "I'l.l.NCI Mini '.,. nr.' tc Charlf'.n H'-icmi.: O'ort.ri'll. .0 m Tbe ev-rolim.' mlic. rof Jiicliiiiitinl has cailud l)tj0u t!i9 hramntrr to my th it it Wilt throntth no B.f.iult of I; it that ii-. onn was not put inio tho &umi. Ih.l k. I.I. hi... n-. ...... I 1 ...I - J , itini iM:vbi;vi film lH'tUIl IU Oainp i.fo tlx mouths two. u nl tli.it with this his Jpdoty in th n.aitvr uiiil-d. This cliMrs up tno niuurr hu i..r hi viu Lmo:ini omri'i' ih c ineornoj, ut tnnf.ict stiil riiuuinn tiiut Ofjduii did inainij,''; to clmfe thu (.i fvn i'. t'p to tl.e v. rv da-' he u.li- i.'orjiled to the Y inker". 7 lie turoid in Orfdi u s e mo sluuvs tha, on tho 1st duy of April l:im lie was arrested ii I siirien- elTtit to the aiithorif.-.n ut t'a up l..'e as eoa ii.ili i; Im t-act out a wrii ot fiu'ieas rnnhtx. on hcgrcirtl t.'ins h ti i "(loi iieileil foou;':) r:" lus i'Vf 'v.is tr.--.st ir.,VLi nislv ".-ij elaxir.i'flv Trpi.f ) ; lo 1 it'1 tl.r 'i. ii.;m of ti'e most l.-ifn I oii'ii;I at X'm liT! n- t nittir "il tliiJ i.tui eo'i.-.". I'ei-i'li (1 fi' it nit w:-l li.t.V to eo'H 'ri.iiion, 40.1 ii'i."r.ii:lit :'n t t'u I'listo-lv oi the aotiioriiins t Ciurip J !. 1' .. is ft. n on tho l iiU it iv A i ' f k t . Si-. -'.oiid 'I cn, Ijy tl.e ju.l'.aiia: if tin- turti t, a .-onst-tip', im.l i' too 1 1 v i i ii.. ;,, ?it:di.d in his c.si. I)'; w.'.il j -ave b vossifi'.".i o u i"up.itiy si,! s 'Ol I itj Hoi ti. I I. Iiw.a ;d !' 'Iih. ' r. i.'.'iii'ii w l: I' i.'ic iiit 1 1 he dlf, ronu'jn (i h i liivmi t i -i i;.i tr.'.-f-w. .ti tr i. ; to.; s'r.i.-n uii'i flic il.v; i f A.ij'isL Di'tti'iiT, when '.ir i s 'u o.ji. " 'kV'iarii ol ''. Hi.- I'' i. I -i d ly of r.u At Ktfh 'tont f.'..a-ni.t, , o ; HiiiWh'1 r II 1. Oj'.! u, IV e of ta H.ehinou.l ' fci'trc, returned to IM :tu:i mJ evfuntt mi he JK. Oi'ifelti'iiir,' "ri.in, mi l' r . t of 'u i,-.l, laTiiij.' btiiii found in i'liiif (i'.o.i;.: UiokiiiK lor i'.e I .tuuiuc 'iiinii ele;,;u.i;.' .s me i .'.Msy upon. Ve I. ,ra - h.ki i ; :.: I iit'n :!'. "H it i . ir tiwit; anti. nil ' At tanioue'l i sl.i;. .' I'.: .ir ,IH I If ttl.KICk ts.u . flB'rf-ui ii tf jii J' i '.'f..'i .' .. niibi iiur iuU'j i inii .nunu 0 ' . j.lL ' ' mng l'lo'ei't.'.l 1 1 if .in i.i;., tiO eif tl tin Via, a:f40.iill.:U.s ar ; At- o:fa fi. '.lor ;'"i' ci, will im a iplicj tlim rid very soon tloin'i' ror-i; iind v,j:;i.r. i, il o I'-upy au i xiu.'y hold thai i.y tin,'' Vorrli. Aii.-.a-.ty 'hj iork i rup'dly tn . itn'i ii i' that vti pi.i.v, Uir i'.y IK I'lmminiii. M.i'i wit'j r'-e v .". r I t a.-iin, wait .line It a n-iMirp d-'pot lor in hoi v in jr. lu the pnij noi i.i io p iiae t tin: .'iieioy a,e i mi, Ut ot eo'u; lei -lj , for Me rvM.u hat tn. y 111 1.0 In: 111 .1:-: -..'i . 1,1. 'H. ' '.l: i.ts a ' in o'us Rre sn'tijii .I l' . iiiiilr. to in..; jh o.er ,he eiii opixi.siilou thin" n.'ty m.iKi,i'.. fio will mply d spl.i 'u to ;ii. ' i .. i;ive t.K Ity lit' o I : oesessiuii .i," .i'i, .m l tln.ii for a m i .sto I .m l 'ji'idr'l uiove hum tun Ii I'ni'oiy'. r-; o- h.m 1 ;1 ,n,is. r'ruui all qo irti i s 'in- 4C .us a e e . o'i. l'uu .iif i,rn iti.iiieiiii r. m ,,ni ii ir on ' i.Mi'ii i.ou; till AI.'U ITil'l. .ol.s-:.ss;(p, . o So i.ii t: ir I'l l I, , re ib loiii'ily n'ctim" .ui'. t 1 jvuii l.di'ii jI'mvi iiie priseiii'. uii.t ei. o.s .ii; pr.iiiau o.'.''- iiniiiiue b ui u.-" lo .; i . .i-i; in.,., . 'ui o; 1 1. : luy. Our nrinv on tiio fruii' will i;ii reae i'l f.iu unit pii" n h h o.se Ij .iivs will or tlK4 hi I'o : ii'i ips in i K " . ' ii t r. j ne fiiiii'ii v, ill nri'o'y ! . ,r , a,iiury unitii i.t t t uiy. It wiU ha a III' ' Kit S'.H' '.S H lie 4i'okIh iiiliiot in I! i,vl s.i .-t(l. I he Ma oq ii'e'V.'i.i'r . li i o.;, ',,) iur Atluota will ; ji: hi J u, . 1 .r.'i'. ltaJils: 1'C I'.'t 'ie U ' 01 'i'liti tiO"ps Hint uro r'."i !. ilimllflr) lit Mll.t'i, I illl.'. in lid : uihaib.sm n:.d i jMii', a vl li it fe n si .1 ; tu Ufv iu i, i. re u 1 oi : T '111;'-! l.'lll l" t'.i"7 will h- ot II till! mareli I H' MltV, '.T!l r '.ttt m ry ec to the finny and wli.'io til 'y will ii i fctK'.c a vr.'tev' vi -u binil.i ure itn'.i- Hie plans arc f orklns yell j and in t'i-?ir ccr ilu aucveau wo see. the utter ditciunli iiru a id tal rout ot the eneiuv. To assist to the no i radio id. It Is the duty ot etery man ILulc to duty to into without delay, lake his place, and m ike m cnmp.tit'U a biilii 'iit uud glotious eudinj ot iu n ar. llnnln dourly Ouisrilrd by (iei 'i l lyor. HOife'M'a't'OitiihNo'l rut iih Arri vtiiA tie re. i in the twiioitiiii (lia.) iitni', Oc'obtr in. pioiiiinmt citiziaof AtUida, who wai de iced there until 'I liiirsday lust. iikiIuk tin) tol wing utattmcuts of t'.io eituntiou of Rifairu a ,ut point ; lie suys that the Yankee report o llirtr numoei'8 ot trains having arnvud ut that oint, loaded with supplies, are fulsej tint only ui tin ougli trains Iiiitu arrived uiaee Wheeler urted au his expedition. 'i he Yankee army has boon consolidated luto i re corps, commanded respeetiveiy hy Howard, lioinuc and b.fx urn. The two lirst hare cone J, fhf diroction of Chattanooirn. The hint in in j-i M ania, ciosciy jruaruea uy usnetui iviir.son i lia ry. wtih U cmni res or kilts every Yankee r ho shows himself cutuido of the ti caches. Iu Jdition to -the loss of horses from starvation, l 'any ure dying fcorn glaudors dboano t'atui iiid epideruit in its character. Ids Forllfi'tioiw at I.ynrhbiir. i Die Bichmtnd irhig, Otlcitr JO. VUe Virginian buys : We have recently made an amiontlou of the fortitieatious that (Jeneral Ls'.i ig consuueuna eu tho AminTst side or o river. Many ana important additions to the J 1- . ... , n,i,ln Th.m la rw. i .r. n , ':uty inHir saying now that the fortifica ioDS i the Amberst sido were too meagre and totally .' i.adoiuato io the purpow) of defenso. TacV . ua cosily Jiro ocoa uauKeu, aaa many ap i t...,.l. In IW HIT IllVII lnwn lhnruhA.dnMi 'iaclit to Ci city ve beeo thereby 0eu to a v airy force, foe une u ueariy perfect mow, Q we Shall soon bare works that will eoinmand 7, v puts arU rvi through which approach TSlIItD EDITION LATKST All JI y NHWS. Ono of General Loe's Aids Captured. SHOOTING OF A DESERTER. Prico Whipped in Missouri. !!., nr., rtc, ro i:t, r.t., r.t. lcll to Tho rvrnlng- T(-l'Krph. Wabhisothk, October 1.1 The mail steamer )ii tutor, from City I'oiat, brings np a number of oflh'i rs on leave. No chnnKis have taken place In tho position of sffulrs on tho James riyer. Of ltta the Hrbil nrt;ilorist,s and pickets have kept up a severe (ire npon the line of t!io Cd Corps, bir. u w casualties have resulted. P 'ertrrs report that I.ee is holding his ,Hinoi wiih net more than forty thous ind cfT vtWo men. lSi'Mii" I.vm h, of tlin f,;ld New York Ue-iuient was i-hnt ;n Friday for ifesertion, In tho presenco of the 1st Division, 2 I Corpn. it was his second ell- tie, nnd the I'rit ti'iie he r.vi.'cd a pu doii, but shortly af"r he ii.rain di'-er e l and went over 10 the c:n iny, rind, when ea;itiirud, had on a io !h 1 uniform. oti Situnl.iy Cn-vain M' l'li -rson. of tlm VVh Xe.v York C.ivi'iy, while scoutin.; in thu vi.'laity of '.Vair. nton, Y u, rnpinrcd I.i utenant II. 1!. Turn' r, an aid to Gem ral l,ec i ho also eaitured a man who pwe his lumu as Captaiu 1). . Mitorre, of the. ("th Virginia Civ.i'ry, but who is belii vi ,1 to bo tin-notorious Captain Ch ipunn, of Mof-el.y'ii command. Captain D. Martin, 8th Miehu'in Tnf.vi'ry, wli i arriii d here a few days a'o, In eb .uye of a squad if colored recruits and suhstitu'es, his b-en arnstcd for attetnptiin; to induo-j sumo of tlio men to d. fett. (icuernl Kickitts very low to-day. It is feared that he cannot recover. The news at the War D partment from Mis souri is good. Trice w -is whipped, and is ruu tilnfi to tho best of bin uhillty. THE VERPt'SOMT RAID. VnO THE HAIDERS ARE. George N. Sandcr3 on Hand. St. Johns, C. li., October 2.5 Nothing of spe cial Importance has taken plaeo In regard to the St. Albans raiders, who aro understood to have engaged counsel tho Hon. J. J. Abbott and Messrs. Carr and I,a Flamlne, of Montreal, and the Hon. J. II. Camoron, of Tjron'o. The exami nation is conducted with closed doors, only tho counsel and reporters being ad nitted. The notorious GeorRC N. Sanders Is hero, unnuKing tho cause of tho robburs. Ho says they iHdon to the lirst families of lientuekyiand toinierly were attached to John Mor 'an's forces, This raid, he asserts, Is only tho lirst of a Buries of plundering expeditious noou to t.iko plaeo ou tho frontiers of the States. II id he known before of tiiih aff.dr, he would h ivc prevented it, as it was conducted on iihi siii.,11 a scale. I'. S. J husiin, i iceu's conu ie! of Montreal, Is li .ri us coiin cl for too C .n.tdt in lathoritiet. '.yri'OKE OC tTKAalUtt "iiOANOKE," i t is nirrt rvKntTi.tnH. IlALti-Ax.N. S., October 25. TUo Btea-nship Marrm-urdata arrived last niht In seven days irum Uermiula, with the passaneis of the ca.i lund uteauier liounokr. Mr. I). P. Diirdon, a pastf Hfror, furnishes the foilowog additional p.irticiilnrs After the ttoaw'-te left IIiv i'i i, her engines weie slopped to receive p ik:ii.': i upproaebing in boats, who proved to bo V. ra I'deratos under Ciij'tiiin Iiraiue, nnd I.i "iteamit l'w, of Chcia ptukr r.otorii ty. Alter tho ca,it no, Uraine pro posed to C.tp'ain Ii.-ew to bond tlio yosiicl for .v.1 1" 0 it gold, p lyib'o n' II r iiit la llrainc to si cp the ciiru'o which ptopoit ion wasof sourso ret'iiS! u by Cuptu n Die..'. Hie Hmnoi-f arrived oil' B r.n'ut t on Thursday n 'it lit ',iiiv out of ..v:if, bur re 'eived a little from a viss. 1 NotUiii'; ip i:i,il ha.) lenej until Friday, ivlien her pis-ioinicr-. w,.re i.ik "i olf by tho .If- ''(. Tile linn o;- lia: , v '1'iable earjro of b,;lf to I'r.'eo, z 'i, au 1 sii.-,.ii'. iiraiue and his a- o.' i.ii ; we.eal1 li's rai d. C.i .i.iin Dre.v and li! crew loll for No Yorv i i the sehojuer ' il on the I'th i n- iat. rsto.v K.n;'.Tia r -r -s (.'iirik t'l'it.iets Irolit tit Keititiui;. . , ( II, ta i-li a T ' I: ' f ' ' ,r Tl. Ki Ai'iMi, Oetu icr '.). A.i iimnenso Vnifn me to.,: was hu'd h. io in i'e :u s.pi ire last ui-i'it, at whi'li the yre iet e e.i. i '. .nin provaiied. Or oic Francis Ti liii in el in of his charte tuist.c speed. c.s, and held an ... lien.ta of over ten thousand per-ons spull-b'i iu 1 for nearly two hours. The app'.uisi; wis re.il troiucudoiil. Uo hpeuks in roiiiv I e tu n').! lit. t. i'tvCM DALTFM0T1E TJ-DAY. Siprr.nl to tlr Th' Br nlnij 7W-..v V U. i.iiMoas;, Oetoti r 'i'. Cioveinor DrulforJ st,inJ8 firm in the deturraiu ill in to Issue his pioclamatio.'i, proiiounciue; tlio new Constitution to be the oi'tfMiii -. law of M irylan l ou and aftor tho 1st of November next, r. udless of tho law yers and their maidamus. He so expr essed himself to a committee of legal aud other gentle men who waited upon him yesterday. It is contended by the opponents of the Consti tution that the ligal homo voto was against it, und that the soluiers had no right to vote uuder the Constitution. Also that many soldiers voted who were not residents of the buito. Governor llradibrd alleges that the legal homo vote gives a niujority for the Constitution, and that the soldiers were fully authorized to voto. II will Issue his proclamation in a day or two. Many wounded Union men and Robots, from Sheridan's late ba'tlo, are arriving here. A number of IWbels aro takiug the oath. Large numbers of Hebol prisoners aro dally arriving. Tafsengers from Old Point say momentous movcnieuti are on foot In Grant's army. All is hopelul. Harkcui by Telejrrnplt, Nkw Vokk, October 25. Flour has advanced t(Hfi"c. iitleiof ll.iuO brr.n at 1 twntn Ti fur Ib: li. sSia IO lur OI,ij; nod tlO't.VivlS'iiu for H'ninura. WtU'Mt wlvauced Atv1-1 tlm liile. M. uulnyiorUnt. Coru Hijvyiiii'Wt to. .Willi tDiall .ll . liMl' dull. Puik ftnu ml H till') lur Mm. Lara una at WiJl.c. Wuuky II rai. OoJri.tlH. KeW Yokk. Octolier 25. Stacks are better. Ilflt-iiiiv and Itorst UlwiS. ft; CuiaberUud prtlwre4, S'i ; tllluoU c'iiuil scriii, llii; l bonag. 116; MlutaUna ajm. c.ru,irJS; .l,,w Volk CVitirU. l)i Icnn-rlvuuU (l.nlr.l, hi; Kin J ix'. I'sv,; lud.on lUrar, K'lVi ('iun, in; Miouri tu, 10)41 Kile, 7 ; On. Teur irimclrt. ll j OouhhiJ. IW , kssliur.. IU); Ooid, SIS. Baltimobbv Octolier M. Floor firm; sales of J.'.ue bbls. at 111 (' witrn txm, What U Jjicli; oiuhiT issdii quood tJ IMJ Sll and Kentucky wtiln Hi bo. v.iiuij,'iiiis1illlultSi lii.7V. Ur tertH arsfulM. Tho l'p m rittrt, Mnlnn. roRTTAxn, Oe.'ots r '.'.5 Captain Field, of tbe steamer .V, ir .'n,;Ain.i, rivcs additional partieti lars of the tire at Kastpirt, Maino. Tho esti mated ilaniano is ? oo,OnO. Tho wharves on Water Un i t, v hero the burned bulldin.rs hi kI, are mnrh b jined. Tlio alarm of fire was first raised at 11 o'clock on Saturday night by tho burning of a sinoke hotiso at North lind. Shortly after 12 o'clock, on Kundny raor dng, another lire broke out In a saloon on Un.oii wharf, which lerminined iu a general conllajfra tion. A s rong tior heiist wind prevailed, and the tide bcinr low, there was a scarcity of vat.'r, while there were only two avatlab e engin.'s iu town. Tho property was entirely hnrned, and them was but sl'ght insurance upon it. On some of tho buildings there was no insurance at all. Mr. MiGook, clothing dealer, is a sullVrer to the amount of f U,t'0, on wbi.U there Ii no iu stirniicc. The loss of K. K. she.1.1, dr.ig.;ist, ts epially liiaw, and nut insured. The 1 a-tport N.'iinn J oil'ice was burned. The teller ipli oilier, whi.-h was destroyed, is niy estalill-lii d over Urnili-h's bakery. 'I he Frontier Hank, W'kii h was also destioyed, has broil re Inoi ed to the Custom Home. Tiio femalei si: nallv d.t lu'iiislied tliein-elves in sivin;: ir i.uls and evt'i working at the emriiits. Murim llisn.tir. Chatham, Oe'ober '.'i. The scnooner J. I'. Jvhr.Mm, from New York for Portsmouth, with ' coal, went ashore on Nau-et beach on SiturJay ni'iit, linn necatnc a torai wrJi'K. 1 ne crew were suvid. 'I ln Mutls ,. ( it. "Kiiroim." Hus ins, Oetobi r 'J.i. I he nulls per the l.nnr ii, f t l.iyi pool, via Halifax, will close at i o'"l oek to-morrow ui..i'iiiug. Slio wi l sail uboiit 0 o'clock. uro. I". ri:.Mi.i:ro i m;v Yt:t. K ileitis m t llio . iv Viirh Hotel !Io IhUi'SJ i Mfiri'i'tl. Hon. t leorne il. Pendleton was sec na 1 d las' rijthtat liie N. w York Hotel by the MeC.olla.i l.i i;. on. an ass. n iati iti e oinposTd of fortnur s ! dien of the Army of the I'oto nae. An audience of si vt i i'.l thou anil persons having "assembled, Mr. 1'eudletou was introduced by Hon. John Vau lluten, when ho said : I il.ti,li . a i'., r IMs lo.iiiif.'statlori ot vimr k'nil iVrlins toss ,tri! inVM II. 1 hiu tin- in .re nr i! .1 nl I r II 4. i o.uiri friiiti nu n vvh.. h.ne nuio.l in .h.. ,-c ir 1 it e il uur , und IHTl'li-il tl 'ir live, tor lli.-ir eoiin-rv. ( I, . . 1 iv, , ,!',) aii'i'ju it as nn io',!i':ne 01' y,.ur 1 on rl.li-n--.j ui H 'lMt' yimr inei'di v v, lit, tin il. v -i.uii to i i 1 n hi ami tlie innti'..!! n. ( llinc i'lnr. foriit'orei-It I'o i'lir.o.i ) 1 h.ivi' rii-rlv fouiol 11 nfi-cssarv to riily to any per sena' Hltii. k. Ali ieml Ii is gust anrl' il me a p enp'i ,e, w toi-li ltr 11-lig im !,ii-e',i or ci, .Hint on Ii . Ii tor.' .01 1 in the .trni; . li rrof.'.-fs iu n.. u rts-ont ot' tin apt. ii . Bint V'i'i'. in I 'oir. ri'ss. .111,1 to iMi from Hi. 01 mriini. ill ty to no' h i uinli: li proi.'.N.'s in (ii- on iisliii i, me 't-'uloii ,io:r. iM.n.ul I' aiiiuiri'i', und in In, , oin ,n.,l from tin- t'.no-i.'.o udM.oe to whin It appoats for its liLtlit ai-c r.'rv On tlie f Avuib pit.o of tli At pamphlet I am cliire I iv: h huvinit vol. il n-.eisi , ituiii rt'soliil.ons on thr 7 li ,,f litis , ls.,4. Nosa., if urn ut you irrnl ipnacn will cxauilni' itio ttinl r, or ttis l ie of ony itally new-sptper of your cltv.or w 111 r eu tax Ins rc-.i.ke.'il n lie will und thti lloni,' esi t.ii. urn. d on the llli J.iv 01 .Inly, tset. (lirrat finnti i' -.l Kroui (hl s p. i liei 11 U' tramt .nd for.ie.y 1 Iu ive you ui jiidBi, of i'.imtc. llli. lily of II1.1 wholi; f.tirp atlon. I was tr.ru in lit.i 1 I l,, e lived all my lli in I he Nurlh wi'sl. I kn w ttie setillrnctit of the uroplf;. 1 n.-m ii"tie I'Btlrf h wl h It. Thr.v re -itim heil t,.v every tl-' of a tec Ut 11 at it In pri st t ' tin. l.'moii. l.o jd ebeTllU'. I t'nl.ke New York, lliey h.ivu uevur known ..u-)'her (tov rrniufiu ; ;.y nnvi-r t-xlstid as a pill lent poinnnnltv bi-tort' I Ia 1 ft llovernnii-nt ws 1' run' l.nn.l Ihrlr l,e.irls . , 1 .1 k lo tills liovrini'-iil wiih in li'.ser,b,i''li! ivimcl y. (limit app!a..t.) I'nilKo jou.Uii-y aro lullud puopio, cii.e.ly it,-i,trii 10 iutI iiiiu'p. As an inti-eml .n't c. in'rulliin; ooft'on .sf the If nlnn. thy have irestlv aiul imiwit llo-y leur ironi disunion, in il-i lion tiom the woile and tti Ins. of tint pp sU"i aul jiiiwit. (Cliecrs.) Their uitfrpst rc'iiilres that (luiysh-ued litvi- m eeity and easy tomin ml -rtlion wpri t'm ncu in, au-l litis they liiltnd lo li.ve liuih l,y H10 lii.ll vf Mnico.iuJ tliectt)of Ni wlork.hy eotuMoiiltoii and peiic,' If th,-y ran bt nil the f"rro nnil ,.,wiir wbn'h a t-'i'tnl-in popu laoon .nd a iruitittl soil kivd ti.aai 11 tliuy mu.i, (L,uud Clll'I'lS.) 'I l,e y beiluve tluit the first step toivafls matntalnintr the full n Is nn. loi.'on ol tiiMinnil Me 'I...II1111. (1 rt' it oin-or-h'K.) Tlay b-'JIrve that llio rwslor illon of I'm Ii .moor 10 o.nly to pcvi-r will pioilin.- 1,'iin.n. (Chm-rn ) T.iny b.-Io-vi- th. j o'u y of ill. s Ad iiin'so .it'on towards h.,"i Pot rioiiilo-.n an.l rJirih.-i-n Mri'i-ii l. tiul to tlie l ii'on. f 'I (oil's hi.' 1 l.eoioal .NK-l'l..iliiii,i:i In. Il,irr'9 u 1,.,-id nig l tlor, siilo ' N' Idiitr colitis, iition of prop-rty, nor 1 oiitu nl f,v(-i-tiii-,n. ut' piTsons. nor trrritort il orrfml.i- Itor oi Sf .i s rtor.-io e 1111. I'tlo 1 ot aluv.iry, lu nuj lio l',,r i rie in , rot-in itiou.htiif," (' Iu'.ts.) Illliin'u 'o. of Ai c. 10 ttilee ho n,i t: "Tlio tl i'i, i ival 1 ri .or.ii'lv toi mi ll l.v tl... i'm-i ..'si- . f il ilrlt nf 1 o'l.-iliin 111 mill.' tlipr'.nii'-o. To ri'siiir.. nd ...fi'si-r. e It a llko s iirl' ii, us I pn , ail 111 Uo-1- 1 ii., i ll. of .ueuoililtry a. id m t.ic .mat 1,1 tt e 1 toi (fli. rrs ) 'flu: lo:.'0--rnlli' I'srty Is plod d to an unsiyvrvliin it, I' 1 i to tin- I'liioi. ntnl.,1' tlie 1 ,111. It.ulon. k'ii.-.ts.) It in pl",!i:i I lo "1 lie r,.-,i,n a' ion of fp.ic - on tin h.isis oi't'io f i-.fi.r.il I'ni' n ol tin- I'ut'-." ( 1. 011 1 a piiiii.i-.i V. .. Iifli. vi. iii.i , wo know.fha' If tins ni.fy s'.ftll Im ri's'on-il in poivMi-, if this p..ll,'y rjliitil prrvail.tiio ttnoi .1 all I ri ilori-.l, .st.ito at. it S'ate will return t us, ao.i tl,e itiih of 010- tp. li-'lni' will rum" do-yn t 11 J from the vat.lt ol Hrioun Itself, ill token lout lel y apurovi'-i tloit etatt-ntiiuotiht ninth I linn t. ail us pui v?,lli uuitiira lion, and oisfli'' ami eoorlli Ifl'in. (I'h-crs.) tV In n ni-xt I uie'-t vou, I hove wo In ly hv. ulri..ilv en. ti'ts d -n ih.i ..-'-. A,-, 111 o-n'i-i.irn, I thi..' -...-i 'or sirir atli-noon. i,n-l w sn y.ui oj-l iilgi.i. il. j... l a .J Cla-L-lf. fiiUoweit '.iiii spceili.) (Jeiiirnl Slieriiian unit tho I'eei'ileiit 1 .1 I lei lion. To tht F.iiilor ij the HrraU: NO. 17 WllST TWHMTIKTII SrllKRT, NkW YollK, October i I. Having no i, ed in tho llera'ii of the ?Uth of September la-t tho subjoined paranrwh, 1 traiisrnittpii it to (.Icuernl Sherman, with tho renmrk : 'T feel that au expression of opinion by you contradict iry of tho enelo.-od sui'.emout, in a fonn avoiding evorytliiug personal, would be of importance. " 1 give you his rep'y, ma itol wi'h all tlie elevation of his noble charaiur. You will bo so kind as to m.iko it public. John C. Hamilton. llut wp lmvi' tiparfl s slat.in"nf ri-l ilivo to a tu lvat.' . tr f'oui 1 i'-ii'Tftl -siii'riimti.roiitalnlnir IIia tollownnf words. 0- W( Ids p. ties ul.e: ' : -"1 'ie l.'Vo l!i lll.le.y-nlou out ol ever; hundred -okliera In tin- ariuy ' Ih. Imirelli- I aruy of Mltoifa-".voiilii vofe il.r (l, n-ral Mc'leilao wh.-iln-r itn or W'tliotlt my enn.i'nt ; but II inv In'lucnr-p c l;i suf fi,o tsinr-ke ike iiunero ah inncast Ins vote in,: .fno way l'.haii not he wantinil." 'i'rns ri-p rt w- zwh as oim noun ton. in ho p-ev in-nt ill at my cin-les, Imt witti mt Touclutiif for it. accuracy, lis Ai'ur.VkTKiia MtliTAnv Division of tub MisclHHII'I't. IN TUB I 1KI II, KlNOhrON, (I I., Oc- tolier 11, ltjill. My Dear .Sir : l'liero Is no: nun word of U inli in :ho p iragrapli you sent m", cip Iroin the New York llrr;itt of .September 2'). 1 never thought, s. id, or wiotc that MeClell m would get "ninety nine out of every hii'tdicd" voios lu this army. I am as ignorant of tbe po litical bias of the men of tills irmy as you are at a die tu nee of a thousand miles, and l' would us sisin think of tempering with a soldier's religion as with his preference for men I have not and shall not attempt to iniluenee a vote iu too coming struggle. I believe Mr. Lincoln has done the best he eouid. With rospo t, Ao., V . I. 3MI1UM IN. John G. Hamilton, Esq. Oil Jli.Usir. Tho oil excitement on the Allegheny river, In the neighborhood of Franklin, is on the increase, and the famous Oil creek region is mentioned, as only of secondary Importance. Tho Sp'dator says that Messrs. Hoover and Pluinor have lulled their new well ou the island in tho river, taro miles below town, aud they ma salisliod il will yield lrom eighty to one huudied barrels per day. lukiug Into consideration tho locality and facility of golling to market, this well is as valu able as any on Oil creek, lhoro are other wolls in the immediate! vicinity that are yielding largely and every day will witness new developments, since a largo number of wolls are being bored, mid arc now reaching the depth where oil is found. On tho Allegheny, above Oil creek, several good wells have recently been tested. Ou 8 ig.ir creek the excitement has Rot up as far as Cood- crstown, and large sales of oil territory liavo recently been consummate!. A number of wolls mo being bored, and good shows of oil have been obtained. Look out lor groat developments in that rtgiou. On the Two Mile, 1'atchell, and Hold's Huns prospecting Is going ahead with much vigor. We hoar of extousivo purchases of territory by eastern companies on Sandy creek. Indeed, the whole region in the vicinity of oil producing districts Is now In market. On French Creek several new companies are commnneinir operations. The MeCoruiick and McKissick Com- any Has commenced pumping amiru weuf wi,jca Ids fair to be equal to those which have h,.n In operation tor the past throe yean on this same land. Colonel Thomas II. Seymour, of Connecticut. has at lost taken the slump for McClellan arid Pendleton. Colonel Seymour Is a thorough peace man. Governor Morton lately made application to the War Department for an extension of the turlougbs of the sick and wounded ludiana sol diers until after the Presidential election. Hon. Robert C. Winthrop. of Doeten. Is spoken of in connection with the Democratic nomination tor ooDgrassman in the i turd Dis trict of Massachusetts, now represented by Mr. lUoa (Vsitm). JIAJOit-GKIV. KDWARD 0. C. (Mil), Commanding 18th Army Corps, Army of tho Jamo3. '. ,s.- v. - i tBrnv'ii r '. a . - .- ..-;..- , CVV'. '''' V .tu. 'vV" 's ..V. .if -.Vxis. os..' VAX ft - . j "v . , ? .J.-4 f I.ii k-x x N sX-s W?iv' ' - &'";' ,3J f !-.i ' V ' , i- i.-' :,.-,V,sJ " " I fe.w. i-' ' .a j"? A I ; - , sv c; -nj: : - ' v V ; , J, , . -"i Hlitl r"7r-r ' j. . -, . , ' ,1 V 7' P':a SI AilMl-l.t-.X I K I. llltll. We present to-day an excellent po-trdtof this distinguished commander of tho IS'.h A-itiv Corps. As the comp inion and co'iipatilot of 1 10 lau.int'. d lliruey, Pliil.itlelphians will tike a peculiar interest in all that relates to his history. He is de-i rvii.g of this no it e, for as an execu tive iilliccr ho has never yet lu ulo a mistake. Ho has always performed his whole duty In a way to secure the admiration of his commanders, and the love and respect of his 6ubordinto o;llcers and men. His greatest feat ou tho field was ac comp'ifhed on tin 2H'.fi ol September, IS il, 1 1 tlie liatilc of Chatlin's (Chapin's) Farm, wiiere, while leading his iro ps to victory, he fell sevirely wounded, but not until he could sou the sneers of his movement. General F.dward 0. C. Ord. son of I.letitonau'. James Old, of tho War of 1M2, was appointed a C'mlet to llio West Point. Military Ae.uleiiiv liy General Andicw Jackson, during his last Presi dential tirtn, nu t gia,liia.cd from (h it ins nation in lMl'.l, with the rui-k of bn vo: isoninj I.L-utiin-unt ol Aniiliry. In Sept--ml'er, l'l.if), lie had pas-ed tno I'-wer itiades, und Has pr, mo ed to it C-tpiii.tiey. In the sumtiii r of Iriiil nu was c 1111-luir-iiii.cd as a Hrig.iderUcnrr.il of Vuluii'i ors, and lad riimiuaiid of a bii:ile in D iienl iMeCaii's l'eiinsy lvania Huserve lllvni aim l.e aced a prominent p.rt in tin bit le of Dr.aiii-f.viHe, which was tho li st lutt.'e th tt the Id eives were e -ng -ixc.l in, ii'i I that ciiii-ti-tuted rmlly tbe lirst triumph over tlio to lel.-i in the held In Kuitein Viigtnlti. Afier servpor tli roll Il tho CJiopaign on the . Pouiu-ul i, he ,v u ordeieo to tbe VVi si, and assumed cu.uiu md of a division ure'er G. ner il U. S. (iiniu. U-i dis to i. uih d liiinscil at Ink. i :i 'd other p iiur s, ,n I was thin tiriicri d lo Ne.v Orl 'litis, wh 'i',; ho operatod under the orders o' General Uitiks. When the Niuewenlii Army Corps leoiried Ninth, he rune with it us a Mijor (ieniral. Afier the re re.it oi th H -bel Guuo.al 1 1 1 r .fMii tie Slie'iauiloiili valley, G. nerd Jrd Wu tl'.. eu i. w icrjii. i ' ueti-.i.1! tir oit, wiio, uponhis arrival, relievid General "IS i!dy" S.nitli, hinl placeU Ord m eoiiiniand of tlie IHlh At my Corps, w bieb, wi'h ti.e loth Armv Corps, consti tutes the Anuy of tbe J .unci river, uuder .M.ijjr (if iH-ial 11, F. llullcr. Gmeral Hut er, iu oftleiaMy reviawltigthe movo nirnt in which General O.d received h s hoa.ir alile wound, holds the following I ingu igo : "In the pres. ut movement, wiiere all havo de served so well, it is almost iuvl lions to nien inii names. Yet jiisti'-e requires spe tal giilant afts to be i.oili ed M ijiir-lienerals Ord it'l l liirnoy receive the thicks of too Com in inning Union I lor prompt celerity of movement of tUvir corps Loth in time and manlier, thereby securing II, or. in.' li e.o-oper.itiou, althoUi;h moving over dif ferent lines. 'Their active promp'ne-s c uinot bo too niiie'.i commended, us au e.xii'i. pic i'l other op ratio is. To be able to give troops iu evict time is a q i.u ity as 'curcc as it is valu.t'ile. General Ord ru rehed a severe wo .n.l wlille direi tiik; the o-"i-pu lou of a captur-.d r; doubt." Tli Amount of Iliu I'litflle Oehf. T be Copperhead press, uetoig upon tho prin ciple, doubt Ii ss, that a lie well stuck to is as 1 1 us tin- truth, continue to ic'ti. rate their ,t .ii'-a -;iis respecting tlie daily mcieae ofilie piibl.o d-'bt, tint with this ttiiicei.ci. they have iti"icised the amount lrom w.l.uoo.ou I to l.D'i i.inui. In vl-.v of this nialicaiiis n n i: auce, me foltoiviug d I'.a ure given for their linorni i ioii : I be public debt on the 7th M ireti, lsitl (the d yon which Mr Cli.se culeiod Upon the ud.iiiu i tration), was : Ki.nerd ':"! S-7 III treasury Jole. oul-.tain.tiv te liu.4lt i.l Total deht 7tti March, lstil f,7il,4.',.',,-.'n:i A I ,1, O.i, 1 .1 of .Ill'V I ..S)-'i.'l7.His lis ,.. M II.' o.'l ! ) 1 eair uiomlu 1 1- das,.. Inrreiire per d:n tli M M In, r, use tn in 1st July, is d, fo 1st lj,lH'.),l,ii' iiwutln-elisi di.v... i;a.l,M.M I nt,e: sp per dli m St, lJo,91j lr.ernis from 1st May, Isil, (o illlliApill, Islll, It lllolilh.i '.'in da.il.. r.si.nr.,ll71 Inrrease por dieni Ii.iieast lrom '.'i.ili April, ls-,;i, to ill til H. pf.'.-lula r, tsi'l, 1.7 days l, 'i ;,': .'.i'i,I'S,71l Increflle pr dl-'in Inrri-ase ti.iu 1st .Inly, tsot, to l,9ii".,tiD aoili Si pieiiibiir, isoi, us, auys Lit UlUUllls. ...tl S'l.'i.lOi.S'tS Av.rape Increase per dlein alnca lt Julv.lmil Sl.S71.10S It will bo observed that in tho general average of tlie increase of the debt, the lirst four mouths of the Uehcllion are not embraced j If they were thrown into tlio term, the ell'ect would bo to re duce Uie per diem increase of debt to 1,4 Ul.ani, but these lirst Ho days are rejected beoauso their expenditure bears no tolerable propoitiou to the rutc of Incrcuso after the 1st July, 1601. -V. I'. Time). TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Despatches to Evening TelCKrapU. Washinotok, Octolier 25. r?yiiitRthiitertt Itlamtiued. Mr. Stanton has dismissed twenty employees from tbe Quartermaster's Department, on tho charge of sympathizing with tlie llcbellion. Political. The President of the Lincoln and Johnson Club hero has tendered money to tbe McClellan Club to pay for the flog tveidentatly burned on Friday night. So far, the McClellunltef have not ac cepted, but are busy getting up an ludignatton meeting. KJoeSlen Agent) 1st the Army. Election agents we now so numerous In the Arm that they ttrt puiwuice to OeuunCQrwit sr .4 ' -r s s ' i tr j " C's .,'... .t.V . f' ta. . .i - v y s 'y w so rS0 tieiieriil Taylor to Cotuiiiaiitt Kurileo'si S ivrfist. Vorrr fonilirirt otthr Ili!mnil Knqulr r, 0 toer .0. l.ieuti'Miut-Generul Taylor was in Jackson, Mlsnite ippi, on tho 7th, iu consultation with Major (lei-er d Guidntr, cotumnnding tho Dis triif of Mississippi and Fast Louisiana, and linunilier Gciictiil Adams, comuiandinii all the oivniry In tho dislilct. A corrospondo'it of the llnMirr suys : Among tho rumors afloat Is one that Gun nil Taylor is to be trnnsfoired to the Armv oi tlicTenni asoe, and to tako command of Ilardi e.'s Corps j mid ono report has It that Gene ral lin ekinriito is t sti'-ceed him herj, and niiothcr that General S. D. Loo is to bo sent In 'k. How true the e rumors aro I know not; hut I mid it pretty f;eiii rallv believed that General Taylor is to g i to Georgia, though public; opinion is divided us to his successor hero. .Vom venous. Oll'Y TNTF,LU.QrL0i3. BT.lK OV Till llllOMBTKB To DAY. Six A. M.p 114 Noon, M. Ono P.M., CO. Wind, N. 13. Gkni'Ink Patiuoti s m , Wbcn t'io draft wig iminliicnt over the Twentieth Ward, thine were j meetings held by tho pLopIo In thu N rth II i.,tts. Church, Klghth street, above M is'er, to take ! measures to avert It. The pastor of the church is Ilcv. Mr. Hall, who bent his entire oner,;! n to tho work. When thu subscription p iper imif round, Mr. Hall, who hail already g v, 11 ur;,e belore, now put down his name) lor inu doi ars. '1 be chun-h is anything hut rich, ami t-'ir sue u-.y of tbe pastor anything but I nge. Mr. 11 'Ts 0. m tril.ution was I ke tlie widow's mite, und. ad ie I to his lime and labor, it wis bis all. The ci i.vni of tbe wurd, re ill.inu this, got to te'her ,n nig'n when ho was not present and ma hi up for hltn a purse ol tl'2j. '1 his they oieseuted to him. Ho , accepted it. To the surprise of tho donors thuy learned sbort'y nfierwartls Hint ho bad given tho entires siiiu to the Subscription Committer). den , tb men," said he, "Gcm'tal Grant wants so'dinre j for tho Union. I can do better without this 'money llmii ho can do without ineuj I so please take itj I Ind t noon it." Tnii faet was 1 only leci.iitly known. The people showed their iippiieiiitiini ot siieti r.xiiteil pa.tiotistn. They laisi d a fuiid tor'bwi b. anil put in a sribs'tituta f i.t tl.e patriot pre-iohcr, and oidmed a full-length portrait of him to be p dnio-.l in oil, at. a cost of two hundred dolinrs. 1'ko pfeiuro was formally pre a nle.i a night or two af. AniiiNAi. ok Woi'MirU) Sobiiiuna. Ono h in dieii mid Ihlitecn wouiiiled soldieis arrived last night, and we c placed under the care of Doctor Kenilcnlitio In the vnrious boipitals. Throni?h the ffout'esy of llio Doctor wo have ibu list of the I'eiiiis; Ii iiienns : Suii.uel Payler, K7 h Pa. J. It. Miller, 87th Pit. Win. G K ine, r, h C v .G. 1). John, 47th Pa. J iioi l. n lcl ck, 47th! Wm. H. liar -ris, seigt. Pa. -i;t' I'l. Hubert W iters, 87th Pa. W.n Lords, 47th Fa. H c; tird N. Suiiin, l iSth Jos-p i rruiiic, ttu Pl Pa. J. II. Stuiuo, 8,-rQ't. J7th T.v.ni C. Oi sue, 17th Pa. Pa. Ait tou n HoMiciiiK. The Coroner commenced an investigation yi slcrd iy I1P0 tho cause of tho tie oh of John ft. Willi mis, who was sttbbed on lot Snfurihiy week at the tavern of Antonio Chough 1.0, Kit;lnh und t.'hristi 111 streets, be a lit .n named Joseph jii-geo. Several wi.nesfics wi re exti'iiiiietl, huso testimony w -nt to sh i-.v tin t 'he iil'.air was tin-re-til. of aqiurcl. Tlio Reetitcil has not yet b en rre ted. Tile c4m w aS postpond until Ibui.-day. P.Ki'.witiiH' Union. The Fifth Atiini il .Sjssi'in of tho llrcweiV Union of the Unlt-d Stit- s will be held in P.altimoto in So'itonibar next. Tiie it'vr line ftom mult liquors, bv tbe pn unr systeni iniiiiiuriti d by the Government, fills shirt of the tun' ut nt coiitcmpl.itcd ; slinuld, ho vevnr, the siipi-csiloiis iidvain ed b tne committee of orew rs be ndopud, it i. heli.-v,d tint the revenue would 11 iieli ii.v Him of four iu, loons of dollars annually. 1 111 ouiso and Hoiini.iiv. Charles S 'dwarf was heard je-tcrdayat tho Central St itlon, ou the chargo of (li U' giuir, robbing, and enlisting without his eon-eut, .loa'ph Hil;: ;s. It appears that Brings wits Induce. 1 to a teouipmy him and then maile diunk, rolibe.l, und placed on board a vessel bound for the West Indies. He escaped during tho night and swain ashore, returned to the city and had Stewart arrested. After hearing the case Stewart was held to answer. Kjkctmi I'uovt a. Passknoku Cab. A con ductor on the Lombard and Sou'h 6troots Pas si nger Hallway has been bound over by A'der man Hcitler, 011 the chargo of committing an a-sault and battery on a colored woman, in elect ing her from a cur. The Alderman bound him over, as he said, not because he put the woman out ol the car, but because hs used more force than seemed necessary 10 eject her. Rkckuitino. This morning warrants wero issued for the paynieut of the city bounty to 64 ineu, credite d as follows : First Wrard, 24 ; Nine teenth Ward, 23 ; Seventh Ward, 7. We learn that nearly two hundred of Colonel Thomas' mou, expected home in a day or two, hare ro-cnlisted for one year, and will be credited to the words delieient in tboir quota. Tub United States Hospitals. During last "week, twenty-two hundred and three sick aud wounded soldiers were admitted into the hos pitals In this Department, making the total num ber at the present time sevouteu thousand three hundred and seven. During the week six hun dred were returned to duty. Get Assksskd. An extra assessment of voters for the Presidential election will be made on Wed nesday, Thursday, aud Friday, lu the various wards. Those who wish to save themselves trouble at the polls should see that thuy are aasessod. To Taxi Effect. Th new money-order system connected with tbe Post Office Depart ment will go luto eUvct o the 1st -' lStfrtBiUfr. roLiTtcAt.. The Union League nail wsu densely crowded last evening, to listen to ad dresses from Hon. Thaddcus Stevens and Don. William H. Armstrong. Iiong before the hour of meeting not only the seats but all the aisles were crowded to excess. Samuel U. Perkins, Esq., prtsided, and Introduced Hon. Thaddcus Stevens, who as grettid with tremendous cheers. He said ihat tbe audience would pardon him if be was not heard, and would lie consoled with tbe rellertlou that thrv nii-sed very lit t le- Ho pro ceeded to give a most sareastie review or General MeCollan, and gave a number of reasons for the re-en'Clion ot President Lincoln. Hon. w . 11 Armstrong followed in a klilng speech, when the meeting ai'tonrnrd Notwithstanding the dense ernwd which filled Conci rt Hall, it had no ellaet upon the number 1 stemmed at ttie 1 1 nil or the Republican lnvln c Mrs. where Hon. Hannibal tUmlm sooke for over i.n hour. Major Dot hug also delivered an ubie nildrf s. Hon. J. S. Dlack, late Attorney-Oeneril under Km tiHi.un, spoke lust nignt ut the Continental Theatre. i hut nblo and cloqnent orator, H011. Hilary Winte r Davis, who bus dono more th in any other man towards tnakiiK' Maryland tieo, speaks to nht tit tho Hall of tho Invincible). COMI'LIMI'NT TO A PllILAPKLI'llIA ReOIMIIVT. Recently the Anderson Cavalry, 11 troop which Was raised principally in this el'y, being ordered to rcpott at Knoxvlllo, Tennessee, to Gensrnl Elliott, General Oilltnan issued tho following order : "The General commanding takes plea sure in testifying to the nuiforin good conduct and gallantry of this ngimont, and takes this tq pi rtunity of thanking their roimninding otll -errs d -r their promptness ill carrying out all his dfrecili'iis and orders especially for tho maimer in wi Ich t In y drove a force of Uttbcls, doublo their own, trom Join sboio, across the W iiraitu river, a distance of nine miles, S ptember 2 ), IS'il ; und for their action at Rogerville, Octolier 7, w in u in the luce of a Hebel foiee much larger then their ow n, they crossed tho Holston river, u'PtiiTirg two Hebel licuUmiin'.suudcightculisleii men, with no loss." Noonday ritAVF.tt Mm: riNOs. Tbo prayer mtotingg, which buvc been for several years bold in our city, are still continued at llio rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, No. 1011 Chesmit street. The exeieises are of au ititerost l'ig character, nud iu their prayers tne country is not forgotten. They ure not i. well attended us they should be. but they have now icceavcd a now impetus, and will shortly become as popular us their cause demands. Labiif. Sale of Hats. Paiticnlnr attention of hat deahrs is reqitcstrd to tlio large sale of flue wcol rend fur hats, caps, Ac., at auction, as adrer tisi d in au tier column of our pjper to-day, by Messrs. L li. Uoppin ,v Co. The Ukai'ty of Womp.n. If a lady be not b autiful, if her features ure Irregular, nnd her hair conrso, she can at least possess tho charm of a white and glistening skiti. Powder wont do it, lotions wont do if. AM these things contain injurious ingredients. Ilegln tho use of them, end you cannot leave It off. No. Tne only way to enhance tho texture of tho skin is to apply l'.inail de Paris. It doesn't render it elf felt upon the face lilt iwelers or washes. It can even bo nppli d nt night, and removed iu the morning. The Philadelphia depot for tbe sale is M. F.tigeno Jonin's, No. Ill 8. Tenth rtrcet. Iwlow Cbesnut. It is rapidly coining into general use. A package lasts a long time. It is really moro economic tl tbe 'adies tell us thin the ordinary cheap powder. To Pi nciiASii Cko rwiNO at Low Tint'iis, make a srleitlon from tnr stock of Kkaot-uapk CUrmenrs. Wa toe m litem goo'ls ettiiitl In .if.Wa, A', inaie ant m,',oW, row. '.'fi tu .',0 r mil. Aoerr '.loin Is now ctiaraai fortflli san-p g.ods matte to order. We hvi I ntvle., si:.... a,ut prkes of t'fottio,!.'- Men's, Vni'ih'a and Iloii1. All oaa be fuliid wiuiouidilAy or ireubie. nxsvrTT A To., Towor Hall, No. 418 il.lrkl ttraeit. "Economy Am, thu Go." One mm adver tises sou to "sni e vour tntch"s and lumper bv"prtrclms Ina tha newemitrio fas luaekot;" aniUior to save, tli l-iee." bv uslee his I'.lue tint ceiiient ; and another, with a new biirmr, ak you n "s o. your ;." Now, w l .lok this lust .idvico tlio most souiiil an, I a-iil'cah of any tliln we hiivi. lately seen in pitnl. rVu eouitnend tt to those wfin are s;ei dlsi-iua-nit wn"thi-r"war Is rl,fit or not " Nost In eriler la tin. auMiigtif money, and that can be. Jsuaby utw-aya tui'eliiii-lii. vour clothes at tfei otie-prlea Btore of t'liiirlus Htoke. & (to,, under tlio I'outineutal." Tun "1'i.otiKNcn" not o'dy comblncn nil tho ile..-iibt 'iiialttiea in a ftwinir Machine, hnl In ad UM n to these, very mac l,i nu has our 01 Jew. a. I pa'ent heuioi .ra aiiariirii, enaoilIlK I ne operaror to turn any Wl Ml ill ueia tmslre.l ; ami to avoid the stru'ii on tlio o; ea, bunt posluro, 1 a so .11 ph.'Mtlon. und raripiliifr er. more or le. usual In 0 1 rat nit Hewliu Mae nines, every "Kloissneu" Is farpiaaoil " l.-u "It onion's H. ifKeiv, r, ' whi. fi kuII-b tlie wrk ffsi r lielrles this, there no other maeb no which eo ciil, - So In atrt a ra 11:1 ofwoik. If .loea n-it re,itir lltesf Ooiae on 'he 1 1, ii, e tilde than It doe. on Clio up:mr. and iff Onusll dot thieful orsllk wlththe if -eaiuist O'-unoiuv. With a. 1 tliese a-Jv iiiteftio, ha price Is no hlnher than Hiat of ilnit ti atltih uiaelilnes. Kvary "Klnioneo ' ma 1 toi-a, fuoreover, Is told wlih a w-arrnn'v, written, if ruiuired, and unleis perlcnt. satlstaeu ,n is ni.en -he liii.ii. y 1. r.'lurix-d, and flarb nine, joe is kept lu pi-.r-eel. ouler one ia fioe of eharce. Ohllgluu ladv operators are S1ll lo tin: tioutes of puretlalorb, to K1V0 lust, ucuotis, w I, en os'stred. Ve ronilluue. ttiereftiva. tha! Initio narehase of Ri.wlm. Marti n, a the "Ftorei.re" liutniinein , n ,ld al Nn. C IA e'hi a-int tr.et. ha the tlrst cairn upon tlie attention of uli w l.u would display jiood taate aud sound judfc'oi,jil lu uiukuig thi-lr selections. OneBottm? Dtn It. That U the txpresslon of n.ary who have had their grey hiir re.t,,r,.j 0 p. iiatuialeclor, and their hsld spol cocrad wit 1 h itr a'ter n iltr one bottle of Alia 8. A. Ai-'ii'a Worlds Hair K sli rer ami Hair lres-.iiir ft u ii.-t a die. It can do nn fun in. ftiery one who bes it ed iheao pr-ui irations speak loi'd In tli) r pi aiso llyotlwlshu r-'.'oro your h nr as lii i .it i, and retain It throuKh life, without delay proouia tl ese prupaiAtluus, Ail di-oasiata keep Ilium. SKf i'iiF. por Yorimri.F or f ' miy a mi't artislie ft.id frulhliif liaeti. aa, llf-slo nhotorapa lu oil. I i-cry-t) pe, and carlo do visi.e, at H K. Atlui T'a, tfo. G .'I Arcb nl.t.el i.t uu, iKi i:r.i.i.i., k. I'MTEII StATKS Ctlt.H'tT CofllT Judges (flier aril Cadiv dader. Win. H. Hodgs in vs. Win. Millivi.rd, United States Marshal. In)his eiisi , which w is r'portod yesterd iv, tho evidence closed In the iifternonti, and Mr lli'ldhi nddte-sed tlirj'irv on Ih lntlf of tun plainritf. Ibis morning Messrs. Webster and Knox x jr defendunt. Win. H. Heed, i'.?q., will foboiv for pliiutld', whci urilor the litsfiiietions of the Court the case will be given to tbe jury. DiHiiiittT Cot-iiT J i lgn II iro. Chris' iani Wi lier, wldo.v of Martin H'ellrr, deceased, yi. The city nfPbll idi lo'da. This is au uetl m to n rov, r daniugcs for tbo death of tbe hus'iand of pliiiniilf, win was tlio diivirofa li; r beer wairu. 0 lug to the tiad eo'iditi on of a portion ol tlie cartway ot Girard avenue, hotivoen F.'ont und "econd atrrets, along whluh ho wa-, driving, it is alleged his iv ".'on heels dr-,iij inio ., rut, the sudden j lt caused by W'ii..h threy lion fiom his seat under tho wheels, one of which pasted over his body. Tue accident o.v.irred on the IH1I1 of Septeinbrr, lNtil, and 011 tho 20rfi ie ath resulted fiom tho Injuries rocoived. On tr'al. DiarmcT CoritT Judge Stroud. Alex indcr Wilson vs. George P. Wiittnkur. An netlon tf) rceovi r the difference betw een tlio price, $ U oO per share, at which plaintiff contracted to buy forty-seven shares of stock in tho SVatren F iuu dry nnd Mattldiio Company, which defendant fulled or relused to deliver, and the highest price at which similar sto'k has since been sold, together with interest, dividends, Hit. On trial. 'ltll.AHSo1.1'lll iaA.UK HCSHrK'r. Tiksday, October 25. -The supply of Quer rl'ron Dark la very much reductil, and So.l il tlim at $13 per ton. The i0ur Mai kot is extremely quiet i but there it mora tlrinneaa In prlcea. Itecelpts come la slowly, and tlio aiilra for alilpment are coni) ncd to lGoo barreli at Slo--.'j per barrel for eatra, llw ll-jo loi extra faiaily, and ia) S"J't, lor fancy brands, as In quality, gales l.u- the aueply ot ihe home trade are uinkmfr with'ti tne ramie ol ta,..o Humes, lei e Flour la acaice al ts. In Cora Matt) uo move ment lo notice. In Wheat Umro ts very little demand, and ve-y little ollcrhi. The aa'e.s are ennttned to IMS) bush Heuua. red at ttt if io,ti';iA iht bush -, Southorn sella at t.'-tifii we iiuote Kentucky Whlta from ii 40 to tw. Bye la quiet t iOO bfb vellow aold at 111 elft.ol-4. Oau are atead and Arm. at WK.iisti for I'enna.i ivaa.a, with satea of sum bush. In jianry anu ataif we nave no transactions worta uotiolug. Whisky Is In Unities request, at tl 74(ji)l'7tJ for l'ouuil vauia rutUlid bbls. and 1-7S lor Ohio. LITEST MJVBIXE IXTELLICESCE. Ot.RARKD THIS) HORKTHtl. Steamship E. 0. Kni.lu, OaJlauor, Mew kurk.W. J. Tay lor f o. firhr Kilen, McFaHand, Stockport, E. A. BouSer A Co . HehrJ. HoynU.li, Kead. Jeraey Vltr, da. K-:hr llwliM, Hill, Mew Vara, I,. Audeorlcd A Co . car F.. A. CuauuiufS, WTilrliiw, AJeaauarla, J . ti. A 0. t. keppller. , Sour W. U. Caivltl, Ilaker, rnavldeacs, Captaiu. AIKIVEU THIS) gOkKIHa. Sctir 8. 1., Crocker, lmlr.y. t day' Iron Taantoa, with IDdre to Twella A Co. Hclir Cartliaaeaia, aiolly, days freea New Bo4fur4, with ot! to J. H. A. AUeu. HeeirSarafi, Heirfoa.1 dnys from aew Bedford, with radaa to oaplalo. .... . sj.nrSaialiEli-abalk.Si'tly, days frooj Botton.wtth to f mwell A ColtlJia. Srnr '1 boo.as Uordan, WilghUngtoD, I daya (rota Fall Btver, an ballast to captain. atuhr Cora, kpence. 1 day from Braodywine, Dei,, with corn meal to K. M. Lata. aoi.rT.P. l4o(iuy,Diirboroni(h,I aayfrom Oaukiloa. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Omci OF Tua Kvamra) TiLMUirB, I Tuesday , OetoSsw SA. t The market opens strong, both here and in New York. Reading is in demand before board at 61J eash, and 61 S, buyer 30 days. Rock Island, which was yesterday 91, Is 9.5;jErle 97; and the whole New York list Is firm. The gold bulbs are Improving the timo, and In tbe absence of any news from Sherman, sr circulating itorle that Atlanta has been evacuated byonr forces: and gold, on tbe canard, Is tolling at 218. The whole) of the Secesh capitalists of New York tre In the Gold Market with their money, and are Circu lating all sorts of rnmors to effect a rise. There Is a better feeling In the 8tock Market this morning, owing to the advance In gold, but the transnclions are limited. Government bonds contlnne quiet, with sale of 5 20s at 101, coupons off, which is a slight de cline, and new at 100;0sof 1S81 are quoted at 10.5iJ(rf 108; aud 7 30l at 10,'106. In Railroad share there is very little doing, . I nt prices are steady. Reading told at 614, ' which Is an advance; Pennsylvania Railroad at Cf4 ; North Pennsylvania Railroad bonds at 954 , (n t'i; H.H was bid for Camden and Amboy Rail road; 4,'4 for Littlo Schuylkill; 60 for Thlla- . rielphia and Germiintown ; ,59 for Mlnehlll j 2!1 for North Pennsylvania; 76 for Lehigh Valley j .50 for l lniira preferred; 13 for Catawissa com mon, S7 for preferred ; 31 for Philadelphia. and Fric ; and 48 for Long Island. City Passenger Railroad shares continne dnll. Second and Third sold at 70; 21 was bid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; U3 for West Philadel phia ; 17 for Arch ; 2'j tjt Green aud Coatos ; and 2C4 forGirurd College; 61 was asked for Fifth and Sixth; .50 for Tenth and Eleveuth; 31 for Spruce and Pine ; and 10 for Rase and Vine. There Is very littlo doing In C al Oil shares, but prices are without any material change. Ex celsior Oil unid at 1, aud Daluollat 8J. Dank shares are firmly held, but there Is littlo or nothing doing. 103 was bid for North America; 14G for Philadelphia; CHJ for Farmors' and Me- ' rliiinics' ; 29 for Mechanics'; 81 for South wark; ' 47 forGirurd; 28 for Manufacturers' and Me chunp s'; 3G for Consolidation ; and 48 for Com- 1 monwealth. Cunal shares arc more active, and price are rather bettor, with sales of Schuylkill Navigation preferred at :iflJ(W'.Jfe ; Susquehanna Canal at 1.5( 16J; Wyoming Canal bonds at 100; 27 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common; and 74 for Lebigh Navigation; 97 for Morris Canal common. Gold has advanced 2 per cent, since last even ing, aud the market is active, opening at 2171, advanced and sold at 218 at 11 o'clock; fell off and ,ld at 217J at 12; and 2174 12. There is no change to notice lu the Money Market; loans on call are freely off red at 6(27 per cent, per annum ; prime paper la scarce and quoted at S(n 10 per cent. A despatch from Washington this morning says: "The subscriptions to the seven-thirty loan reported at tho Treasury Department yesterday are $729,1,50. The subscriptions for the last week -were $3,227,fi.iO." , ' rHn.A)Bi.rmA htotk exctianob halm.oct.m. kaporud try Claris, ,d iio.. iti oi.rs, N. m a. xslre Bv ,,n. ,. a R . w-. nr.riiBft nj.nin. iisn' n. F-4'..iievi-,itAi , li tt'sh ll'niie Island.. sun ah Corn I'lani .ban 7 I lis. ah no 0 f llli sh do I lo'sll do tij r.',, Visi.lt Reading K... . SIS' l'nih do c lil', blsl ih Story V'arin.llk) ';; lulisu do f) V tssj.ti MoKlhenyOII... 6V stsjsn d. b-jrj 5V MmihMoJlintouk.bje) ekl ntsi.n do 0 i HOsh do sv l'"l fl Hlbliard H 2 With Kie.ls rOU.... Is? Hi sO Iturtm Oil. .bp) 8 V 1U0 ah render llaui... 1 1 it riRH't 110 Attn. run n a a-tnia 101 "0 Ih H.Y. M..ba0 1J f'iiasi Wvom film'. ...tin ni0 ii A s, '7ft ...loo S inn I'l. It '.'d m hs...li l(Si IteadiDK bd. '70.C.1II11J r-liKiN I'a. II , H.o. Ijlf Iuu do is; 'H7 .thigh lis '70.. ..list t'-'inrifiiy tia. new io;'4 fsui do 10 j MS) ah llaliell Oil.. bo fl'af 40.1 ah F.sid Uara ,...1 -i :m in Kctl Nay nr.... ,isf Wish do tuOISiW I'si sli Hasq. Cnl 16 100 t do tSM) 7 stl Penna R8 l'lish Rea lies K .... Bis. luh'.'d,t :id Kit.... 70 6 alt Acad, of Music il llicw V. H.D-Jes nnw sin Hat ICO Onointlons of Gold at tho Phlla.lnlnhi. nni,i Excliauo(i,No.31 S. Third street, aecoad story : urn atretic, aeeoau Korj: 71 12 M '2I7 f 1 P. M 218.$ us A. ai .tlf II A. M 2IK Market strong Ct.oititioiiH 01 the principal Coal and Coal Oil siochB at 1 o Clock to-day : Hid asa.i laiioti Coat 7. a inera oil It .. Miuiinaia l.oal. .'.i, Stjiorwaolo Otl , N.Y. Mid. Ctoal. .11.',, Jii ,KiaiikiltiOII , llro-n Mt.Ooal.... lj U", Howe s F.lily Oil N I'aOion.lalo 'I 8 ilrvhi Oil Mewi'mk 1 1 V Fpe Farm Oil.. l 1 7. 1 a r-.-mrr iiauivoai. 11 in i nenaiuora etlliitnii foal, 1; tlaliollOt: l.utler foal 10 liiuniend Cual 10 S ataia.. Ainei s-iiii Kaolin.. 1 I'enn Mining 'JO f ouneellcut H fi is IMcfcaheny '-'I Kooeuia Oil.... oX 3Vi iu lliiuisteatl.. oble IMauuatar.lo'ia llibliai-d 12 (story Farm ' Of u ner 1 21 fi 2' a 4 1 ft 4V keysloui Zfln... l-ilslorl)U.... Itln 'funk f etitineiiial Karri II , Oil Cil-ek . V. 1'. ! 3'.' I'l iriileum feulro. KKbert. V Uoee Island V .6 'a ar. iiioiliieujr Mirer.. Ill fi f urtln ij 17 I'hila A Oil CruoA. 1 )4 HnU freok 4 8 .fierinanla 1 1. 4 f orn I'lauur SV K'i Hrlt'as djJ i Rock ri 4 V 'farr Farm !IS HcU. Oil Ju klaple Shade OH.. IS llcfoulook Oil..., if )-vfiiiylunia 1'et.. 1 I'atry Oil ;Hi Mitu-inl Oil 11 Kelatonu OU li VenaiiK" I'll ?i I'rlon t'olroleuiii.. '-') Ui-aeon Oil ii The lollowing ure the receijti of CoJ Oil at ti ls port to-day ; C'rudo, 67 i tiarreis; Itednod. 37U barrel. The lollowing are the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port to-day : Flour. 1,500 b his. ; Wheat, ti.5i0 buahels; Coru, MOO bushel; Oats. 611X1 bu-help. Seven of the Pblladclphia hanks have alrca ly given notice of the re eipt of Certilicates from the Comptroller of the Carnmcy, au hori.i'ig ihom respcctiitly tocommi i.ee tho bminesiof baukiug ntic'cr the National law. Consequently, the Farmers' and Meclian cs' Dank, tho Puiladelphla Hank, the oriheru Lilieiues Hank, tne Corn Kxelnnige, tbe Kensiub"ou, tbe City Bank, and tho Penu Township ilatik, with tbe prsiix "National," havo passod from the State coutrol, and are doing business us National Utiiks. 1 bo following National Banks wore author ized duilng tbo week ending Octolier 21, most of them bt.ii. g convoisions from State instttuiioua. cry lew new bunks aro now being organised :- juinrs. L-vafiiiA. e7ipfaf. First Heyslene Hunk F.ilol Hank f oiuiei tl, ut It ver t 'riners' and Steclianiea'. l i'tm Hunk I'l.liade fphla Kank .Oenesoo, 111 .F.rle.Vt .Huston, lasa ..... .f l.aili t 'Ail. N, il. ,.l'l:ilaletpiiia...,a, . .1'ellArt.lphlii l"iars) P'lTi.iaiti ou.ii O lisi.fsal 1 lAHi.ooa g, I.IS.I ei'i-aleiiiht . l.fMJI.ISVI . Otlt'.OSI fruei.isr) 40.1JJU , let AW,.su , Sl.Sii.IA) It.iuk a Nurlbciii L.ll'efllei..l'liiia.leliita. fi ru FsrHul'ko Hank I hllaueliih a.. Cay back PluladeliibU. . Total capital l'rco iuua.y aulliniLried At-urettate ... t M.lll I s The weekly avuiages of tne old H inks of the city of New York, on Saturday, Oeto'ier 24, 1M14, present, in Ihe aggregate, the following changes from tho previous exbioit of Octo ber li: Increase in Loans $381,494 Increase iu Specie 4H8,:t28 Decrease in Circulation 60,iHS Increase iu Undrawn Deposits 683,800 Including the Clearing House 0eration of the week, which show tbo inter-exchanges between tlie banks, Including also the riuu-ireasury bal ance at the clone of the week. Tho following Is tlie general comparison with the previous exhibit, aud also with the movement this time last sea sou , Oct. )4, lsrei. Oct.M, 1IM4. Oct.lK.lsS4. tTapltal ii'l,4,l.ociO on,iW7,7m ii.927,7lt Ix.ai .SH.ol i.sS ls.'.,7JS,7'-i lefi,:ii7,V70 Upeele W.siM.lllft Sl.OlO.mlO au,.V,0.lti fuculallou 6.-i'a,i'7 U.M.lirt 4,0..l,,7 (Irosf Iiepoaltj... W0,sa.t,,si o4ei,iai,iM) l:tJ,701,S'XI Eidiauigea 7S,l.-.',.llotl sVi.lStl.sol Hi,47l,7.til loilrawu 17,4s7,4.'l lfiO,Ble,SSH 1M,-I3 1X4 lu Sub Treasury.. So,uo5,s,.i0 W,017,Slo H.H7a,Ki, Another addition of about half a million of . dollarn la made on the present Bank return to the Sjiecie average. Th. line of Specie Deposit ia correspondingly advanced, while the Currency Deposits are fully equal to last Momuy, notwith standing the payment made through the week to the Treasury Oflice on the New Loan The lollowing table show the Import of tobacco, and tbe value thereof, luto Great lirltain, from l8oi to 1S03, Inclusive J?M 35,202,720 ,S,U9 J8"1 8a,47'2,390 . i,.540,; 6ei,6ti4,tiei3 , 2,tU.i , 1W7 43,447,960 ' 2,l"-'e , lt5 62 217 70 a""HWf JH69 60,67i:2.i4 6l,ori3,7'ii I'llHil i"i.,,l,Miii,,fiii lu.dii' ... a.,a ltvb2 ltW. 42,3eJ,t4 6j,IZi,lM J.017,1 I 5 If