4 tite daily evenino ,EQKArn.-rniLAPELrmA jiomcjsmi.m BIIOnHAHBll CO., JfONDAT, OCTOBER 84, 184. l" Ti' aiaffiimlnatlnaj review of the life of welter 8a Undor you mention tht he dcdi- , . ..jeric;f and Afp.inin"to General Jackion, . h4t ,1,;, dedication had been omitted in the Amtr.can "print. The American publisher itnitted It probably breanse they thought lhat it nkl be distasteful to Jackson' opponent, and . ,,nr0 tbo sale of the book In ttiio country. On Jcniprinf lb Enjllsn edition with the reprint It Lint f, and that this was not the only portion it d but that there la a long appendix, cntt ''Letter to an Author," which w u not re- tited lor Seine pcr-on.il reason alio. This Jlartice of trimming books 10 milt the Atnjrlc.n Larkct has happily been abandoued. 1 hare copied t h dedicvion, from w interest In (xnnrrtlon with Landm- and with Jnohson, and a'" from the curious coinciiieneo, which the h rli"K'l time haa wrought, in its application u the tabs f' tno oimlry at the present than, iic Bilgh' "pptre H addressed to Abraham l colu. F.wn the allusion lo France, at the end, kai an application now, although there la an oh. scstitv in the slan which contains it wliich you bit be ftblc to enlighten. (It ret' ra to Jackson's demmd of the claim') pint Franc. Ents. Evfninu Tost. pjo oKHBBAl. ANDIIRW JACKHOI, I'HIiMIUUNT Ok' v TUB INIT.-.D BTATKSJ. Happy may he the land ft'kcrf mortals with their eyes uplifted itand, While loqncnce her thutiilr rolls ; TUrp'.cr, whore no deceptive light TsutsIS n,t,n lssim'i stormy nlht, Oniiimg to rocks and shoals. flsrpte o '!, where n""1 nBl1 'nT Wis HiEbi t th-ir full length, noroverenst The skv above ha head, but Hio pure ray n,.9 brighter on the luture than the past, look lofik into the Ka-lnfur, Refulgent Western star! And wbcie the fane of Pallas , tauds, Jfeirrd to her xlory br his hands ; Thon elthorirtb nowhere else, shaft SCO ra;'mn .udacl.icf like then. How rare the ''?"' ' how grand ! Ei hold the golden scales oi justice 8' ami 8 If. balanced in a mailed hunt ! Jollowng 'BO ca.ui Deliverer ol Mankind, In th e svuiu we bud lh s spectacle rencwM, ' 61017 therc 1,0 Tu Kate thy country free, S.tiy biMi reached not there her plenitude ! Up ey ton ,,f Al" 8"ul ! Ye worn and weary, hoist tho nail ! For TO'iT own gle'ics aii l kv ners toil With aiv plough and lightsome Hail : . A laih-r's home ye never knew. Aftltci' home your -oin shall have from you. Ir,i y jour palmy pn.vea, yonr cloudVes days, Your world that demons toro nwuy. t jink no ! look uii ! the ll imine sword B..tn taught.1 aad behold yonr Paradise restored ! I 1 Meter was ord more bold Than thtonKli thy citiea ran, Let gold be weighed for gold, "" " Ltt man be weigh'd for mnu. ; Thou npnkett it; and therefor Praise Kh.11 miwn ihv later til thy earlier days. And bmid moreloyely this last wrca'h shall bind. . vvoere parent is i.ii ucAii. nkuivnMivic, Atlantic ruler! there Shall men discern at last the loftlost mind. Rise, and assert thy trust ! Enforcing to be just The race, to whom alone Of Europe's sons was never known (la mart or Blade) ' hoanenly maid he lmfHe o -r - & ........ . .ha hiiift 10 11 tnee w. ti ;,'i Anoarrl. and with trenchant nttm The hisning foam of Gallic faith cut thro . July 3, 1835. Ttai prophecy wa.iiev.r fmito.!.-r.VWJ n uOiilu ltd nyubl, aiion oj MrK li will He Di.4tl LuKgla.-Ic. i'rf '""1 ; TES GI01GIA 0A1IPAWIT, fhe The Nnrmotir t Unlton. from Ihi CartoMooye 6'cw'te, OiioStr 13. The surrender of Dalton Is no longer a matter f tonjectnre. Colonel Johnson, of the lltu Colored, nrrendered tha. post and garrison on the 13th. As there has been a good deal naid in wference to Colonel Johnson's conduct by oiti ers la this city, ou luer beer, billiard, and miu trel duty, we deem it proper to depart from our usual custom by discussing, briefly, tho tirim of the surrender, and tho circumstances under which the town was turned over iulo the custody f the Rebels. Owin to the inefficiency of the Oeoria Homo Gnard Cavalry, the scouts failed to notify tbj Colonel comniuBiiiug that tin infantry forco w.u in close proximiiy to Dalton, and thus the Colo Bel's own infantry Bkirmishi rs wore the first to develop the strength of tho enemy, abont 11 o'clock on the 13tu, when he received tho follow in hmtal nrilnr from General Hood. Lot oiliceri ana soldiers of the murk the lunffuaL'e HMHl'imni AltMY OV TDK Tksniixmkh. In tho V IoM. Phaety. The nebcin came thnndcrlnff Into Bis; banty , but pre vions to th- lr nrrlvnl all tho stri had len nmoy d. and their capinres in that plnce nmonntrd to only " forty-five men be longli'K to an Indiana regiment. They net rianhtd Into Ack worth, and found it drtJ, They then hastl'y moyed towards Alatoona, where Ihey l aptiired considerable spoils. icarnin fivm citlm-na, a few miles from the nine that there were large stores in the town, . .' . A. f.in.l.i.l l,u a nf HVI WHICH wii u. iuu- j . ... m n, the Jlcl l, Kboot 10,000 strong, expected, in raptnrlrg the plncc, to have "any work and rich booty. Anlving wiimo eonvement litanoe, a formal demand as M-nt in for the nrrenlor of the town. U ncrnl CoT'e, In comnmnd, peremp torily refused. 1 he g.irri-oii C'lini-.t id if 22 H) nn n, and, within the for's, ho calculated on being able to hold thopliice. The rrrcybH' ksnpproa tied, Ihtir lint Ot b.iti.c l.e.uly tinarciing 1:11: gnrrn.ni. Af:er coiidcrable iirti hry lirinrf, tiiey mMo sex-mi di'-peralc charges on the works: lint wei'O r. pultcd with li rrible si ingl r. For the num. Ji.ru eiicnpi d. ii i allowed f'nM has not been .... h il..iM,.rHlc t .'hunt? 1 umiK iiiu w ir. The Tli hi la wfirfi lio'st 'lior U!i:y whipnen, and drew oft, leavinff Ifi) hundred of thefr dead end wounded on the Held. The tiifht took place on the flih, and the nmnberof Hebcl wounded and the 1 afnre of thefr wounds may he caessed at when tmr unrceons, up to yesterday, ait'ioiiii n hniy as pos-if'lc, had not finished their work of aiiiputntmn. Towunls the end of tile fixht our aimi utiitiou wns a''imt exhriistcd, iind tho tin mi . laklni; mlvan'iiire of it, swarui' d inti and b hind a lurge brick house. It so liaiipeiK 't, however, that thre w.:r! exactly seven soliil sh it left, (ieiitral ('nrf c, to niakis the b. st pusaible u e of these, with well iliiect' d aim riddled the house troiu lop to bottom, and sent the fru'litcund ltelie's flying in contusion. Anu mat was tueir last attempt. The ItnM.sIn 'r.y of the KfIipi-s. From tho-c who were in the ti;:ht, I 'earn if as a pi sitivc tuct, Ihattlieaiivaiicing iteimis, niiiicir tit ht cli.irge ou 1 ur tliirmisli line on ncnintf oar line", yi -lied "tit lit the top 01 tneir yonrn, nur mh fur Mi Cli llan !" It to In" opened lloit nlnmst every inun in the unrrison was an nnti-McCiell an ile, which partly m ecunls for the warin recepiiun the penny received wh jje battle-cry was "Lit. hi Mac." I.afleil.v, the hero 01 toe 1 .meminomr.y I ns been linmlii d 11 hour, feted, and Idnl'zed smon" 1)( mocrats," pence men, aud toppcrhen ls, n-id now, to cup the climax, mo inline 01 "i.nne n ic t.iB at lust become the naitle-cry 01 ino eoii'ueiu lvebfls nnd tnnn rs 111 arms. A good jol.o is 'o'd in connection with tlie poiiln al 1 bu-e of tho lijht. In Company E, ol tbo 7th Illinois lUiiinieni, there wa". bef'oro the IliJit, une mini, nnd only one, who advocated the claims of .McClelUm. This man was in tae skir mish line, and heaid the n unc of his I'tvori'o a honied a om; 1 he who e Hfcbel line us it advanoed. Alter the fiirht, a bergcunt of the company went up, und ailtiresaing b:iu. said, "Well, Hill, what iJomiii think ot McClellun now r" Hill found himself in a tttfht place nnd didn't know well how to git clear, I lit, lit lu-.t, esi,ayiii a do-perato dodge, he blurted out, "I'll be d d if I ever was n Met lelhai imiu." - 'lino KittiHtioii. Hood's nrmy is in n very fair way of being cap tured. Sherman is completely in his rout, and will veiy likely have him surrounded in a short timo. At tins writing, the Itehel army is near Home, aliinit sixteen miles we t from hen. filieiiran is line, and movements are now on foot which will soon culminate tu (something de cisive. Kilicl prisoners here s.iy that Hood's iiimy is thorougujr dispirited anil demoralized; aim, as it is out of supplies, they look for its complete destruction orciptute. 1 was talking to a gentleman about an hour -li.ee. who left Atlanta ye-fcrday. lie crossed tfe Chattahoochee on iho ears, the hridgo being tlicroiighly repaired. There was only a small part of it swept awuy. The tr ick is destroyed for a few miles near Ackwoi tli, but will soon be in runiiinir order. To umi" up: The road between Chattanoogi ..lid Atlanta is now almost intact. Tin: Rebel aimy Is completely cut off from iis b iso of sup plier, and rannot conveniently retreat; and it niny he set down as something miraculous if it Is rot prevented from further raiding, by either iis capture or destruction. Stirring and exciting vews imy soon ne expccic.i. t 'iia.i 1 " Mil fsOVKHEIOKH. The Boston Bulletin says it is a melancholy circurr-stance that great persons should be sub ject to all thoet indexes lo mortally that o0 common in their visilations to little pooplo. hm-nerii-a mid kinus lieins made of clay, und clay being liable to all sorts of damage, It follows that not even palaces can keep out disease "id dirttaso is often tho herald of death. Iu the articles of dUci?e and death, therefore, we all stand npon a common footing, and that is protty much the only hind of duality that is known amonc men. ortnatis ever nheijr uU among theui, all the talk about equality that is so common at election times being hut tai, and very ridiculous Wi too. Men may be the ncr.i callv eiiiml before the law, but praeti e is ipnto another thing. It any one should think that, pi ;c- ticullv, the law is ttiifciiiiiiiiiy-recoKi.o.u,t we aiivise bun to "go to law." If Hint shi. not euru l.im id an extraordinary delusion, we thiuit it wimld I c well loi biin to put bin ufluiis m order as siicediiy us possible, -for he must be in an in curably I ud mental state. lint, while we are all subjects uf King DaUi, who is not a eouhlitulioiml sovereign, nut. inn ,,,.o iui,iiitr, of uioiuin hs. anil, while kin-t are JJATIONAL UHIOU TICKET. i ron rurMntniT, MIKAHAM MNOOI.N, Of rt.t.inoiii. roa TuiH-rRiciiN, ANDUI.W JOHNSON, ()- Tt.NIKfSI'K. l.LKCTOUAI TICIUII'. aiAATuRMI.. tuH ' K V'.vk iiah.. rr.niii.iiia. 1. H BMM.bAM, l),.r i;;um.r. M. CHILDEIFS CLOTDLUO EMPORrUtf, , ' Wo. 4 N. ftlGHTB 8TRBET, ' rtt)l.lili'HiA. I Felirt I' Klne , 'i. l. lnTh en I'llSlt . II- 1.1 J IHiB.ni, 4. WIIIIATn II Krn, 5. Ierti.n 11. Jish, K. 1 1. rli M. ln.nK, 7, ll or i ll 1'Hrk, . W II lain I Int, (l. J .lin A llntl"1. In. Ili.-boe II O-ivIl, II. 1 ilunri. Ilall'i v, l'i. 1 tiM r lt V. UhiI. si rnat UTATtVK. IS. Kilns w. ll', H. ii.irs ft. snirla-r, I. '.. Jul, 1 Wl.irr, in, Isond. Mri'ofianshy, 17. Inviil W. W.nli, IS. I.ioic rii-n.'.li, 111 J hn l-ktl.tn, yii. H.miipl IS. l'le, VI. f-.vwrnrJ lll.-r.T, II. Jelin V. Pr.ni. vn f t 1 w 1 r m .inwsiTi. VI Jol'D W. Illsni. 'mill. if ' J r 1 r ''-tttiSai a. I) AXJl'IIIIV AND COLOItADO GOLD MINIKQ COMPANt." 3S K I M ON OAMKKON, 9-8 C1I MltM AS. BANK NOTICtS. tJlRAUI) BANK, PHILADELPHIA, (Kli.hfrli', hti4. A ffnofni mvti n i-r tif Hlo 'kholtli-rt or" tit t Hank will t- iii-Ul nt V liMiklnv liou-c on V )S)V, In; lf1t il 1 j "f S mht-r nvxi , nt 2 o lick i lo oi.fc.4i r umi ih: Mh- w hth r tr" It-mk n lull iV t rut- nn Aii"t imi' ii t'-r irm lntlrli nt HiiVinr, umi) r ilif Uwh tin I'mffMl Ntai"-; and whrtW it i'i:iu wc1 .:"' 'he p(i r coiifcrrt'tl hy (' c At oi I ht L, -Ul.t.- tme ot thifi HtMr. ifiiiilftJ "An A--t u ia'ilni': M:. i mki of this ('(.niiiiniv4 nl.h V- Itt ftniH tiH-.(KlrfU 1111 for h!t'iKia tr'1T 0'- Ihwh oi tho 1'iii(m s( atct, " iii(ii'nviM ? A l (funt. 1H4; mi rt to iHlic any fiirihor ad ion tluL nui.. In in d'Hnin'. Tl,f Ii rt.on for Dtrprt-r- will lie hi Id ftl Oif pU-fl cm '(' -if in' -tin) . No'inhvr 'l , b''.t't. n tin- Ihmii uf 10 A. M. Kil l f M. 'I l, m rniil ii.f (!. jr of tli1 St-chtiilt(rH, inU-r trio fnnir,wlli h- I'M nt llio IlAiiKiiiK ! J"U'. oil I t'K-i- .ilir Itt ilAv ( Novt mi'-jr, t riit'i'ioi-t. i. w. j. scnri i:it, 10-19 uftn'noVl I'Htli'tT. 1 ?(7. 'I. 'of nr.-.M-rfniiUii.v!w .r'-k.l ""'" ,9c"r ,,eB lilaU'l CHII.Dia.N'H C1.0T1IINO. O.I-rlll uir.iatt.MHANW, ma miasm Ck.il.ian In -r.n viirirlj.ln the lt".t styios. '1 rinr wikmanshlp, HhiI llintict. i.s'.l lo-Mia-O'.S- 1III.SSMAK1!0. . Th t-iiMic am luvtud to cull nl ninni'iio. M. SIIOKMAliKK CO., . ,-vvmi, Jin Ko. 4 . KIOIITH 8THKKT. SHIPPING. iiBoijariri Steffi J HIGHEST PREMIUM (i t 8 K W 1 4 No. NO M A O H I N fcJ 8, 730 Ol'lEf-iNTJT Btmnt.. I i COMMON W V. A I. T II DAN K. I'll 1 1. t 1. 1 i in a, OriD'.i'r I.', Into. Hlitit.nl i o. n-.n t.ii l.n.-' li.is iv .11 I... li.M at tiift 1' it k ... v li. ip-c on .l't iiai . itie vmi ii..y oi mm'iiio.-r U. t, In lui eti I lie lililir'i ol MIA. V S ill I'. At. In. i"lHi:tJ TH'Htintl nl tlie stuiiVli 'l-l.-rs will b. h.-l.t At lie '...i'aii;-Muuils uD tUtHUAi Sovcml.tr 1.IW1..U in, k a. M it. e:. vit-N.i, li.-ai-mwf-lot Caslil:r. -;..- -N o T I c I-:. 11AK OK M.PTIIKIlSt I.IHKItTir.S llnn i.e. i.i i IA , I '.' I lier 1M, IS ! .tllfft I hi r. t)V jlv.l.,i.ret'r.ljl ti. Mel Ion J ol til.! not .11 II..' I. II ml Asl.'ll.l.l il 111.' I ninnu'llweilUll ol' I'cim i I vim is, cm ill. d - -A ll .icl eli'itill.a; llnue sol the Cotiiinoti W' nllh lo l.t'Lonie AMociS'ilHts l..r tin: iuriose 1,1 liaiiknik iiiKt.'i lliol:.vi. of tl.e Lnlli il maws,-' A.irvai 11 .liiy ol .Vhkii1-'. A. 11. 1ts.t, Hint tin. Stu.'iilioMcri ol lUr Hin.k ol Noflllt Til Lil..Ttlc llUV" I 1.IH (ln vo'n.l lo ll-CillUO -licit tin (is- ocli.tuai, ami IhA' it' Direct tb have ijn.cn.nl llir initli'.rily of Hie o in rx of in.u ttoin I .vo-Ihir.ls ot tlaj etupiisl .stork li. make ll. r c tiJIcsla raqnlrrd tbcrt'rl'r by ll.i li.nnil il.e l iiltril Main. 1U S1S1.I W. liOMMFKE, Cahlr. NOTICE. C'OllS K.t:lIAMlB BANK, 11IU.I M.I'IUA. ll.'loDfr Zll, ItW. Motke In tn rrliv irlvr.i, aKT'-e'tililv lo Hriiooil '2 of trio a t of lit l.si.ital AfH.'ml.ty ol lli- r.minoii.illli ol friul- IvHiii.i. rnllllril --An act enuulinw Hanks of the'-oin iiioitvMHlin lo l.w-ine Ao.o.'tate'itt tor tne tiu-ir.tic of llrnliiii'.' uinlrr the ln of ll t t-iiltcd fttnss." approve 1 t( I' 'J "il ili.y of tusil't. A. .1. ISi.l. Hint III.'. Htai kliol.l. TROT lln ('..in I'.xclnmtt- Hiir.1l of l'tillii l.'l'li' have tins ilay .i.Htl lo hi'i oiiii' mi'ti an Asso.nnlioii ; untl Ilia', its HI ee inik have i.-nciiroil tin' onll.orny ol the owners ol ni.' llnn. im. Ihlnl- ol the O.mltul t -ck :unii.V-llir ctirtillc ito l'i .iiir. il tl.ri-lor bl the- la t ol tlio I'iiMmI Miau-s. lu Hl-itut ,1. w. leiliUK .i.asliicr. X0T1C K. THE l l'IY BASK. I'lill.AliKi I'IIIm, UCI' Dcr -si. inn. Kutlro Isler. l.y klvcn, aurei-ab j to saaioniof tlioact of fl e tltnirnlAni-nil.lv ol ft e l.'oliimninv,nllh ol I'enn mlvnllltt, enllli il " All il' l HI it) l"K Hanl0( U. IJojii iiiin- wrafh l Ixpc-olne stiioc'yin.im .... ioo .ui v.. um.erll.elv.ol ll.o (.ulna istales, A..rovm lUc i d ilHyof August, A. 11. lst-4, M-nt tlia Htnckliollers of the i a v Hsnk Iiiim' '111 tlav voie.l to l.ecomu sncli an S"cia tioi. umi that i' l)ir-.cl.rs have prouucfd tlie aui hnriiy of ino ovMifrs oi more tlisn two-tlitrils of the Cmp-ln! Mock to ..keilii'iclllivale icpilo U tl..'itol !, the laws vf '.kJ, t nit. J S-aieS. IU 21 . ut PIANOS, COTTAOB KXCI'.t .lor llri'fiiiR. llsrui'itilumii, anl .M.-ly- 'touini, nt MARHI'M MfHKI HTOKR. No. inn! OIIEH.Nt T riir. et. J-ii-J'i'V'es) .jrr:f 1 . . tfvt.i i xru i I 1 ' Alilli v ii.vy.iisi it,. , I nrtv rNFM'Vl.I KP bill VVT. L AI.I.KI. In lnnly S..m iii'tt l'oi r. il.A'tiix.i B.i.c. taliy lor r.lniich. nit Hrl,..!,,.. Inn f, .mil lo be .Hy w 11 uilaptwl 10 iho Wot ami I ri-wiisskooiii. lor.sleiaiyi.y pKT(f.Bi ! No. IS M. KKVIVN-'-ll MrrU ti. cen.plft scrlmil -at Iho 1 crmci lcki ir.a octiviuxitb u IlkDO. c AlU'KTINGH. PRICES REDUCED. r.v 17 artlclo fn nr ttoci will lis sow t tn very lowest myrket ri.tf, J'Olt OABH. CIIARItftr.D B? BIA'IX OF ruNHSTl-VAlIIA. CAl'ITAli HTOCK, Sl.OOO.OOO 2(10,000 Shftre-P Vulne, ". 1WW..UI-JOHN . ANUKltHON. IViecctto, . Tl,n.sA.ScM, c. M,:,,, llarrl.t.r. H'mi.m.B.KrMDi.n, ,Tot.a W. U.L', o RolmlP. Kii.tf, Minllra.tr. John . hlfi y, r. W. w;'e, f,nrir. Clarlf? H'(i, William 11. Rimio, Colormlo. I), l'. s-souTiiwoum, Secrftsry and Tioasnrcr. OmCE, Ho, 423 WALNUT ETRIET, Kfllltl No. 3. Anil'. nticM'tt l" I'linons tiav "'n piwiircl mm inmo of the C, n.i:.n.v lo its, mid nan iHen ai.j i. u,.- fn.rs J'ootli ana iarn-it with Ih moil Kraiiiyim-rssnBii. fsubsrrii.tioii Mini are nowoprn l tl.e om. ol ihr Com pany, nd at the Tr.aim-r s Offlfe (Inl'-rnsl Knvrnun), No. 4?; C1HNI:T Plrrot, rarioTi' and Meehani-'l' llanll In. Inliiif. To onpinal nl.crlhtri i M per uluro for a Pn lied nnuiticr f itisrci, i lu ulnrli, I'lii'lV.I. ts, r tiif. rroiitl.'ii can h oMalned at thcoilieioi the corupany.ailertlienthliint. 10-U lra JJ1 ,Iv"H AL.H VAUL1V, S.E.Cor. TniRDand OHESUT Sts., filler V. S. Telegraph Office. OLD STOCK ALE AT.WAVB ON HANI). BlUFhAM.ll.-J. WHISKIICS, OAl.lKOliNrA CATAWHA WINKH. SCOTCH AND AM611ICAN AI.KS AH 11110 WN S 10 CT. Tlili irlrlirnt. E old Hand hkvlrB I'cin nniovatcd atid tlmruiik-lily refitte-l wt:ll one or the ll-ielt nt.rkl of Mrs n-ilchoii"i l.'iiir In If il fltj , t le proprietor Invites tint cubl c lo uive Mra a t!l, conndent at tw Is of their ap proval. OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMERS TO N1UV YORK. TUB COASTWISE RTBAMsmrt-OMI'ASIY fl USCOf riHnr-CUAHS WJKEW bTKAMIIIls, V. V. MMHT. )lltl llitt;lior, JOHN OIIIMIN, :ln Ilowti, H ill mfi a rumlsr trl-wMk'y Una, oninni.-nr'ru BAlHrirAY, OOrOBEK 22, 18l'4, LKAVINI Plill.AnKLPHI A KVKRY Tri:SDAY, Till USDIV, & SATCADii, -'rria tbtiCompai.y's wharf, flrit atiovo Knee itredt, AT 1 O'CLOCK M., Aid from w.-wYoik, nr U, Sorth rlvi-r, oa lamcdar-. AT a O'CLOCK 1'. M. ...A ...!it..T...;M nc.Uii.ri w(".-o l)tl!lt et- prely for thli lorle. rrUthl received da.ly, hiu.llod li tv mntcrful Ban nrff, and .tellvurnl with Ui union JtipatcU. Toi luitbar pintii-ulsti, apD.y to WILLIAM J. TAILOU & CO., Vo. (HO . WHAItVF.S.HlILADKL'THa.anil 10-20t I'IKIt II,HtlllTllKIVMt.NK..y YOUK STEAM WKKKIY TO r.IVi:ii. RAILROAD LINES. X'OHTH l'KNNHYLVANIA RAILROAD. i fon IirTliLKIiKM, l .Y i r. . w H, K.ASroH, NAt'l ll C1II KK, BAILIli-OH, WI1.KHIBARH, WIW- UAMaroKT.rAif ARIU OaariSariT MnNDAV,-piinb.y IS. last. FMKaiasi Vhniniwiii, 1-buadclD'iia. daily (Suntnys a).il, a m"? lie A M. rrl for lhlihn, Alltalowa, tl.nrl, I hiii.li. Wllhrr-. lllian.srwrt. At aj, a M i A.Tnnin.Misti.si) for l ".via. town. At In 1.', A l (Arro,,i,,in.l. lon) for fort W.hlnlon. Al r. M. (AceoDimndaifoiil f" lo.ylestawii. AlillSl-.M (Kspii'M) fur lletnl. hem, Kstioil. Aa. 'Ilo. train rr.,,,1 s Kisl, n stolo P. .and s ia rtO oonnr-tloi. wlin tt, Ne-v .leri-y iTntral Ir ."sew York. Al S I I". M. iMah) f'-r Uovls-t-wn. ik. . , .... Aiftl'.l'. M lAroomnioU.nloii) f.r lloUilvhna. Allaa ti.wn. and Maucli Chunk. . , t, I', I'. M. (Ar-omnsoilstlm) f"r I ssllsl. II f M. IA, cmiu.K di.lon) l',r Ion W..itl.-fn. Iliroi.ih l iek. ln inn -t he pp. am. I at Uie le ket Ofr.'. Tlllhli mia.t, or UKKKM tUteel, In ord, Ui tu 10 lot-e.l ii.t'-t of fre. . 'J'KAINH ffilt PHILADKI.PIIIA l.av rn-tM- hem at .'. Ill A. M ,1 I ', noon, AH.! V4S t, K. l.oilr.low.i at li'ftA. M.,11 1. ,M.,i.nd6 .) P At. I..10... ,.li. nl .,-lo A. M holt Ws.hiniiton al ni-MI A M and 1 P. M. ON HI NIHH. F hilnil'lr t.U for Tii'ltiKli'm it 1 A. M. I-I ll.iil. ip-.la l, r lii,v,slo a at i I . M. liovh-.lovui l, r l l.ila clnl.ia nt ,11 A. M. Hul l. -In in f .r I'hh.id. h-lils at 4 I'. ,M. Illllnian's Him "I- I. seres- will .HI I f And .WIVfr hit. iK at me .lepot. end' ri may u'- h'ft at Ho. U4 1 .1111 .AI1P.I .I'll t A 1 liAlilIMDHF. KA".'""!.", "WILMINGTON, AN ijSt l Mo.ia.yl cxc-ptisl),806 A. '.' 3rt, 4 00. V W and 11-01 llfn fi.iw-m THOMSON 8 LONDON KITCUHNf-.U, or Kiiropcsn lianio. ftir lamlllrs, Irttc-ls, or put. la; l.isi'littlons. In tviinlv Ol'li-rtint siea Alun. Pnil.i ilrlnMa Hat eea, Hot - str I'nrimc.a, Portinlc Haulm. L'.wdown (IrnUn, Irrl.our.l stovci.lia n lloilnrs, M. wl,"le l-lnlo-. Kniirn, I'ooklnK Stovis, Ac, t whole ..h'H.idrc.ll.by t-m THoMSOf. D-O-fmw Bid No.2W N. MKl.OHIl NUnri. 10-1-lin EEEVE L. KNIGHT & EOS, No. RUT Cl'K.sNUT BTBKRT. c No. 710 CHLSKDT STREET, Have- the plcanuie to announce thnt thoy are now pre paitd to fumUli A KIW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, filll AULE FOB (t. Ai'.Kfti' LKtVlfl, Cashier. aiiisirBASK, in the coustv 01 I'HII.AIll'.Ll-lllA. . , 1'lill.AliK.i.ciilA, October '2l.,lS(.t. la hereby Klvcn, avra al.ly to foellor. II ol till-' But ot llu iKneriilAsntt bly of tlio Coininoiiwoa l-h ol l'etin Vi ' a.nii vell'h il' An net im.olinK llunk.ol llic.t oininon vJ.ulth lo beeomc A nsoelal'oiif f.rtiie purpose oi lla.Hvlnif. r.,"!'i the law. ol me I inlo'l Hliitua.-' approved t ,.. '.l ilWKLLWOS, KT0BE9. OFI'iCES, e., WlllOfl CAMBli 10-l.-,-lu LUUITKD liY KLKCTJUCITY. . i, luia innt l hi, trs.kliol.lsn Ol llll! .,,.,n,v riniaiieiuiii. have this K,n.',A'V''r .:;, o. : A.so,'.ali.,i.; and ne.l its . . ' .1 ti,., .iiilhorlivnt HlO Ot'IK'rl Ot 'rrha'., I w., .11,1,11' nf Iho'cpilil Hloek lo in iko la,; rliliriiH- r.',lliii'd ttl'.-t.-lor by tlielitvs 01 ll.o oii.iea St Ales ,1.1 liciierai uoou. , ..... . (ii(.Unny8 t,,ir sul). army, and tho Uoverumuit, 1 """g it ia tinel.-.iitnlc that the. ditlorenco is very of the laat sentence :- 1 O c ",)u ,.0nsidcr the conse, ponces of a 8tal Forces. lalio:i.leoTrfia.- Hir :-l ilemanu ino i u tavdiata ard uncondilloiial .urreud.-r ot the po.t ana K.o -ril, a under yoat loni.aal.d, and noonld Inn bo anceilol lo, aJI l.n oIKceri and loldmra will bo carol.-d in a """ 'y- II tha place It, cainea Dy ashtMiii, no pimuusu. "... ttken. Moat ,p.ctfol:,-, jroor .dienorvarjl Upon the receipt of this, Colonel JohnHon ret-nonde-d that ho would no. surreudi-r, audskir nii.liiiig iinineo lately enaued. An -ilmr doman,l was made, with un ciually cinijliatic res..inso. That, in the mecntimi:, the enciny hud Jlazi.ua xi. . ... . .nito. ,.v.ilrv .in tho Clcvclauil m so - ,l,.,ul I HI...' oil" no, toad, and a liaeoi' battle rantting tiomthe lunnai I , (H.. lt ib HilltOiiilUi the B.rliiK Place road. Vi lien the I iH ,e ,.llus0 airiui.lrH Lad developed ino real cuianu... ... aiiairs, JoiinKOntliPii sent one oi inn ,n s Rebels, proposiBR to evaeuato if he couM tie aati. tWd that Hood bad ten thousand infantry ami a battery of artillery. The result ol this message w.'S an lutrrv.ow butweca U -nural Hood ami Cotouet Jolinson, in wbiuu tlio former coolly -lomed the latter .hat b cm d not re arn to the fort, and that be could aurrsadur or Miller tlie cou- Minii that the pnemy had two corps, with an other in supporting distance, .lohn-on surre-u-slercd. ileo.ald not have resisted mitre tliau bttteu uuiiutea aKainat their artiikiry and ini'an rv nii if he had louiMit morn than he did he would have proved himself as great a. jackass as those person aro knave who urn disposed t ctnsnre. When such men as Jim Sujediinii endorse their conduct, It is hiMii timn that iientlc suen tn safe, places should talk less with their months. Coiouol Johnson und his olttVers hard been pnroltd, and are now on their way to Nmh willc to seport to General '1 hoinas, when Colonel Johns. 0 will uk lor an investigation. Tho latter has been in tlie war lor three years, and his record does not need what we here seo proper to ay in bis defense. Seven hundred and litiy muskets against twenty thousand inon, with thirty pieces of artillerv, is too lunch tor a seiim tlie man to curry. A MkII from AtlautM. fremthe ChattaMkota liainit.W'h. Mr. le, Military Mail Messenger, arriyed nere from Atlanta yesterday, w.tli a lurKe mail froui the army at that place. He started last Tuasday. and rransuomd tin mail ahout twenty, rive mile. In wagous. For this success the army i. rtlY Indebted to Mr. Love, who ran areat neksaud endured ere-it hardsliip', i...iu nr ma, I forwarded Iruin iiooga otlice, eight days since, have arrived safe y at their destination, and each soldier has, doubt less, ere this, received and read Us mad. That lrtlouIim or Hood's Ad vimr-Tto tuts Iwa utC'llltu. Ccrrtfndence of IM ChMmooga Catrtle. Kiiros-roK, Oft., Octolasr ll.-The "situntlon" mt Trewnt U decidedly interesting, and, according toSnt indication., will ""f nate in lh9 capture or dispersion ot the lieool Oe'neral Hood. In keeping with bin usual reck kineair and daring, fool-hardf spirit of adven ftuM parted I from lirejoy with nearly bis whole imV. Uking only three days' rations and bent tZZuZlr aereriilg and snuuhing up Khormau's iintcimmuuieaUon. A wounded oilicer of his 2ff noTln ouri hands, .tale that the Rebel nerS. made speech to bis men before stiutitig, SSonn"ng that W would be eintpl .napsible how Georgia against (Sherman by acting on the dLimho STtnT their salvatiou depended on Cewnwyo, J" i,--,M1id eifoctuai r cut llln lll-Bl O. T. VEHKl'.S,Cinlilr. The Uirtjtt the CbuUu r,r . " . ,i.. ...li ill i.ri 1., , molitll'liii HI I'VIIVI II JUCH1M llllk uii no t it is a mutter oi no moment to anybody out of ..... n ll... it. il circle, savin and uxcaptmir, llio iloi tor and mxton, who look nt the thing from a i..,.i,.o .".mi of view, us it Is their right ami ,i. ... looli in II. lint let a monarch or a I'resi dcni beeouie u rioiibly iiiurspnsed, and half tho i..,ri.l o.ihars the whole ot it iH deeply inter- csttcl, nod even prol'uiinilly ngitatcl. A manor w omnn, whom not one persoii in ton thousand has eve a-e-D, cant lnne a lever or (he pout without millions tieuig matic to moc r m isy.h iia'l'ywiih hiin or herj nnd not even hourly I ..- . ....! jiiu ,1... .lu.tt .ml lor lut.il .mil. tuts Hiinice io Muia.j ...o ............ ......... not "ininKcy liin, as -s ';'"' of this, but a t-eiisi: ol interest. Tin sovertii-us of reully Imporiaiii nuuoas Brc, ana v. r n.uat I.e. men w ho ro.D.CM nt, iwrtain In iih i- ii.K. nnd who cannot, tin relore, fall ill witUniit areat interesis being allW tcd. Then.', is our French ncqtiaiiif(in:c;, l',m;,cror Niiio!eoii, for example. N'ot a iiUlo has b -cn un i 1 . lor a fortnu-ht j.ast, of an attach nmh r which he baa Millcnd, hut of Hie nature ami um tcnt ol which no one -et m to be able to o'ltam anything like ue-iurate knowletlije. lie huo rlifiiiniiti-m, In: hue rlieuinatic- gout, ho has s. tui c. h s Ulna anit loins lire oni. oi Bins, nun ill gnat pain; he has lliis, or thai, or t'o' her r. lninilcT ol his moituHty, by way of warning thai the minds ill the ill iss of fiis exisu.-r.i- aro favf running out, and Unit his big lile, lilie our little lives, miibt soon In; rouotlcd wi'.li asleep. The I'llect ia sein-ntionnl, us the Imperial gentle man docs not weur well, while illnc-s wonra hanl in on him. U is li lt that he culd not li uve this noisy world for the Silent Lind with out i mining it to beeomc more noisy than ever it., iiihi'k the Government that -France now knows hr is the Ficnch (iovernmont ; and the comnion convictiou is, lhat when he slia'l t.Hi mi.,, il,.- rriivc. Hi.! imoeral inoiiarchv will f.ll with hiin. Tlie hones nf li:s family would I e bulled wiih lilm. W hen he shall etscbaune the purj lc rot'e lor the wooden aurlout appointed tor ull 1 ting. Frniice is expected to cbuuKO her Government ; hut for what other iorm ol goorn n.pnr. whn shall sitv ? Is idie ) become a kingdom or a republic ? If a kingdom, will it be the kingdom uf France, or the kingdom of the French f Will she have the white bourbon for klii!, who calls himself tho Comte do Chambord, or the tri-colorod iiourbon, who is Comte de l'arls ? Would the restoration ,'n back to IKiO. or would it stop short at 1 r t S f If she should become a republic, would It bo a bine republic or a red one i These be questions, and it is because thoy can fairly be asked, that tlie Kmperor's lile is so valuable a one to others as w ell as to himself. All branches of the French opposition are now tolerably well united, aud they mulie a tolerably strong tree. Red, while, and blue coalesce in politics almost as comfortably as tliev do lu the imperial flag : but let the F.mpe- ror fall, and they would full apart. The tcinpcst that would certainly rise would uproot the treo aud scutter the branches. We may, should the Emperor's illness take a very ill turn, look out for great news from France ere many months shall be added to the snm of deported tune, NKAlilLlrtEANI MKCIlANIl'S; BtNK. 1-IIII.AI.I-.1.I 'HA. e,l"U-l .'' "" . M, flee Ik lierct.v given, loTcohly to hi-.i-Uoii '.' .-r lll.i net ol tl.e lleiiei'iil Alsi lillll.V ol lh- ;oiun v,e ... ... '-'- ,yi;,,,.en.,tle.l -All art c.nabilOK 1 ,1.1.1 of U. t - r.v.. nllh to isjinme a-..,-.ih.". - '"',-'" '".'".' V V " s. . " V : , , o:"ii. k , j-s i'i-llrnior. ami Vi'eclmn'r.- ll.ik of ri.ils.l.sp'.li. have. Ih-a d:,j voie.l to l.M', uio -net. n A.ssoe;a: ' ".;' 1 ll.liliv..-llilr,l of lllel--..pit.ll Htoek I" " 1 '. ' ' Aihlesio retimed tliervlor by Hie laws m Hie HuIimi. B'i'i'il!l'-ia w.ni'miTiiy. . lit . Cashier. N O T 1 C K. tUMUCkUAI. HANK I'F I'KNS.SYI.VANl V. I'll l.Al.FI.CIIlA. ' '00,.,ri O. l.s.r. Kotiee Is hereby lilv ax I'd ably I" seolloll 4 ot IM act of tin th in rut Ai.-embly ol the I ouilili.uv. eiillh ot I enii sMvunia, I'lilille'l "A'l Ael enali-ilnii banks of the Cim i,'oi i.ei.nh ll) Iwi.jouie A.'Koois.iona lol' Ihe. pu.'p.iso ot lliniHi,,' U"ditlrelawA ot the I nited Hatos," iipin.ned 1 CH. Ol Am list, A, l. Si,l, mat in, fso, n,.o...ui I il r C,,iiiu.er.-la Hank ol minsyivaina inivo on, nsi il lo bee, me.-u, n an .i-.soim , .. .'..v.- .- nrs linvi, pt'ooiKeil tl, auiiiortty ol tn it aura oi in .ie tli.ll, tv,o.l,lllll.,'l the (.' ,p-l.,l Slock lo lliako the ,'.T.lU tne reiliTfl r.iarelor oy tee miv oi -.... . I or III, i nor lUTl.oniar. 1,1, isooi,., . .-- H'-'i-.tOt '. rAI.Mlilt, Ca-liler. AJSl) riCTtRE FRAME MANUFACTORY. VyM. II. MORGAN, Ko. UOH N. Niyril STHKlVt, Clilt Oval l'liotORi-apli Kranim I. ll,-: in CONSTANILY ON JIAHD. rn - liavltif hniiiihl nwkt or my .iiwiis ioo i treat i lte, I aui enabled looft.rmy block of ITKbT-CI.ASS FUEX1T0UE At lie alt I'vanoe en ilil prices. nH'-:im Ko. l it B. KI.KY11N111 HTKKKf. & WRIGHT & SIDDALL " No. 119 Market. Btreet 111-IWKKS fKONT AUI) St.CO.NB STm'.P.TIs. t-.y,. will, m r. I . il. si l.l.AI.L. PRI'OGISTS, TUYSICIANS, AMI C.l.M'.RAL f!TOJH'.R.i:KPKIta, 0n mid at eureii. bliilnnent a lull ansortioont of Imported and Dotueillc Ilrtisi. Popular Patent Medicines, I'alnti, Coal Oil, Window class, Prescription Ylali, Ac-., a, an low prices w smnlne nnt-elaci kooiIh can be sold. riNB ESHKNTIAL OILS For Cnlecilonert, In full variety, and of the l-t qnahty. Cochliieiil, Beusal Indlso, Madder, PolAah, Cudbear, ftoCa A9I1, Alum, Oil ol Vitriol, Auuai to, Copperas, Extract of I.OKWOOii, cc, FelU UYM(' use, am...n ',"' lowest net cash prices. PlItlR SPK-Kfl FOR FAMILY I'm;, tlround expreniy for our sales and tn winon w inviie tbsattcntlou of those In want of reliable articles. Alio, jMjjaa, isrjxcu, jivhtaiw, "- onoffv. Orders by-mall, or eit poit, will meet with prompt at f.nllon.or apedal quotations will be lumlahed when re queued. wlUQl IT ft HI1 IDA!,!., Wholesale llr.ik Wiuehoiise, Jall-ly Ko.119 MA1-.KKT Htreet. above Trout, 0lAlll Jte CO., Al'OTHEOARIES, Denleri In ft no XiriiRwi J.crliu.ry, Tollot AVtloloa, and Wpoolaltles. HllAi:i)lJ.f, WINKS, Ac, soldonl) for MeJi -lnal pur- rin u.i posel. I,v" rKNUT STRFET. pool, ioii, I-tie nt Qn, i est. Tvti, Cork lls-hor. I . .. Ln..un ...uin. At Ilil, llvefliOOl. PI'' T "I'l. . and riuii.il. ipl ,a Heouisbip Company aro lirurcled lo tail a- follows: KI'IMII I'll-f .Inr.lsi .O , oh. r 11 CIIY in- w AMIII MH US. ha'ur.l.iv, October 2o. C I I V Ol' MANCIII .s'fl.ll. f.ii-iir.hi.v. :-'oi.-nii,.r 1. And tmi moreedla Hainrday, ut n.-ou, fr.-al Tier No KIrrrAHHAilK ftYAHI.K IN Ctlf.Ul.NCY I'll.l I 0.1, m l'Sl (Sl Sle.., ..e J. Klri.1 Oabili lo benrtoll l'H' ,1 Hlrovsvc 1 1 I..111.I011... t.-. '" I irst . noiu to I'aris. . lis, II Hi. ..,' to fan l'il I'lMtralilnlolliiinhr'slM'tm Hte'T'i"-to I4::mn is. . I.tm lilss.iiK'Ts al-., loiwardod lo Havre, llreuieu. Hot ter.laui, Aot.i.ip.A-: . al ..pcl'lv lowiaies. K.ire. fr. n. lav-nxtol or lliie,-nlown - First Csl.ln. I..U Sim, t'HI- Ho-erake from I.. .oroool a:,d iJiivi-.is-town,7n. 'I hnio ivl o viih In send 'or their fnon.is c..n laiv tiekelt. hers SI -hsr rat. s. .... 1 or !i..lo-l no, ilu .l.'JH aply nt the Company 1 olllcul. ,l(.,l s ,1. PA I.K, Aio-nl. So. ill IV A l.M T rllreel, I'lu.a.l. lphia. Ht'SiON AMI rillLAOKI.l'lllA v2iiV;.- Hle.un-1 I" '-"'. sa'lios ll n. cel. poll on Te. I iii.AVm. i,m rrt'iii '" .'IM. itnw.i'mls .1. ,p. a. s .1 Whnf, Ooslon. Kru.n llrst wharf abov- i''"l "t .'...on s.ioi'.iuv.,..: rati. t-s4. Vh-s-e.iinahll. NOHM..N. linker, will sa.l'roin l'lvl.i..-l- pMu il r 'ioMo ,i , nrila . i . . I , , I , l" Hi 10 A. it., ,-,l Ihe tam,hn. SiMli. Miito.-ws. Imm ll.iston lor nilhii.eC hill, oo ssine day, ill 4 1". Yi. I ,..,: i. snd .-.l..iiitw nr....u.sii ns fna a reaufar Mo. . lAM-na in in ancl, .,trt punrtinillv ,-n Hi.-lir.tRva . Ii,sii,:ii,. s en. eied at one hail tho premium onai s'.d on ale v. -sils. 1 r.'h litnesen at fsir rs'el. Hhii,pers are re,.i.st( d io send Blip Eec. tpts and linil baJtiu vsitl, their a Is. , LI For l laishloi lanase iri.ivlns tme aMOHoLioiitloiii j al'l to 111 M.V -.VINSI'K t CO., j.f-lf Bo.n:i'2t4.1l.t.AWAT. Avonue. Z.rrZtiTltiKV YI iRil. DKSl'ATCli Jg JaV-afiy? and Biviiuur lanen, via ilnlawara and ...,i on. I'miiil. "flie uteun-ers of tl,-'u l,n are '.caving daily ni VI o'clock si ., and b o'clock f. M., from ttt.rsl plor abovo Walnol itrcet. f ur neiklil, which will b talien on aeco imodatlns lern.l.applv to W11I.L114 N. ilAXUD A CO., Ho. Ut . OF.I.AW tHB Aventia. RAILPOAD LINES. Cl.F.VF.t .AND, l.F.'l IK 11 T, I'llll'AtiO, HT. I'A.JI.. COl.LMia'8, It ri-rtitienle re.tllre.l Ih. l.-lor by ' JOHN A. 1.KW1H, Cnsliler. XUT1C K . l-V HANK uf COMMKIIUK. I'llil.AI'l Will.i, llelols.r -'(I, 1 t.l- Kll Is l:crol,y nlven, anns-abiF m section i ot act eiicrnl Assi iniiij ... toe . ,, , V V , . kjtVI.UIii.entllll'it "Al. Uf. r o.o . m o"-- Hioliv. , ft.lll lo l.ucon.u .U'.WO- .u. , - - II nil n k miller tlie sol tl.o loot",l H'ales. a,. i.l Ihe'.-.'.i ituy ol Anni.l, A. II. IMtl.tlmt Hie Si.,ckli,...ters ol llfl.k I ( on:ineice liue hub o..., o- "v. - ,n, mi AM...I ial,,,,, ; ami Unit II. nil. C'.rs .i:. .e io.'s,., . , llo anlli.TUV nl I lie ..wilts i loom i tan urn io u. Intal St, ,1, tr miit.e in the lah l ti e I 1 llfil .stale- 111-'J. "Ill NO'lICK.-AT A GKN1-.RAL MKKT trie ol Ih. HWirktiolders ol " I lis Hank nl Ivm -r.vtin.'. iu ' in t'( (.'iinli 'I l-liuaileipiiiA, Din it l.ai knit h., in.'-. In lb.,e t oi i'niiaii..'i.iuu. ".. PA V . I '( tot, el' J". lSlil. Ilie IOII0W1I1K pri-aiuoii: anu . c". -.-ti. a a en pis'i'S iiniiiiiiiiou-l.v : - , W hel.-iih, . lie inn cio.a oi ,ie nu " . ' ' ,-, in H e eounlv ol l-lillailelptiln. nam in-ieiiiio. ...o ......... auih.nivot the oi, i.ei. ,l two-liilid ol Uio .t.ltll I's-k ol ll.o ssi.1 Hani lo make Ihe rerun, - its ri ,ii re.l i.y li e kink ,' Ihe I l.llO'l .SI lie-S IO " . o...... ... r... . l.allk IT-10 n Na-tonsl vas,v-iaun lor , a, v.. i.,,l ha), Kink : lu.ri.loio, kesolvrd, 'I hat the llaok oS Fenn Towimfcip, In the com, trul I'hilailulpliia, man rwcums, ,.. uie . .. h.n bv eliuii.d ana cnnvi-rn-u ... -..v.. , i-arrj un: on the bnsir.e.s ,,i iwiimhk h,,',,-, . tulti hiulea. entitled XAM actio pros ... a .. . v,., l, ii, y. sr. nre.l bv a plfrliw ol l ulled Hialea Bonds, an t lo uiuvala .r Ilia . Ireuntion and itdouipl ou lUer.ot. ap t,ra ,liineS,l-s4 And the :im ol H e sail national iulo, utl-n .had be HO. M. N NAIKiNAL lAlk. And Ihe lllr-t r ot tlio snid Bnall are licrsliy anlt.oitied eu.lo aim pirl. iiu f-eiy net niauiT, anu ou, k to be done to tarry n.io uiu au,. , ,7, v , " tl.T' 01 ttlll, rr.olOtlou rt.ui ..." v.-,, es II, a u.ero, f f ,r llcnv days, n, llie --sunn uii r..au l int, d .'-taiea i.aeite, i iio.,.,i-i . v.-vs..t... - d.ipl.ia.und send like prailed noll e.oy mm or ovi.c. i..e, l-aell ItOCkbolder. aineeaoiy Mi o'o .,,.,u,,. - 01 111.' I.tul.iatnraof the Commonwosiui oi rroois,,. litiued "All ael oiiko.inti ". " -, '.',-. , : wiollli to b.s'.lue Asro. lal'ona P r Tie aurrwao oi us.in inu. under Ihe laws of tna United i Htaies,-- approvad 1, ,1,1 VS. 1ho. dAMKB U .1.1 10 Kl-tilll a m t: n ISA it 1 Wll.s.C1I.a AMD UTAH, CLOCK Kt5TAIlI,lSHMKNT, N. 2. comer FKt!ONl and U11EMNIJT Birseli, TMIaJ a. A'.ius.;l (.a 'Ilia I'ATKaX f.o.i'ai.iu:;g Tiury-i)AY clockb, A v.y unlrabHi article ft Churohm, Hotels, Hinks, ';"n"mV-tTFH F.ISB 0U FFH. i Xlt. KS I IM'AUIfcU A Nil HAKlUSiU). Jl-ly Wloei ThuioiTwa of ovory dincrl.Uo-u M A fit AY. N. K. CORNER OK SIXTH and MIVOK sir.,, la, buyi Uiauioiidi, Waienes, Oold, bilnsr.nnd laisn lirkota. VtUOnls I.N WANT OF KONLT AU blisllteil CODItdOotlal. L'AXJ,. T' IN-KK-NO-NE-AW rV .mk.aki u...nriN.: nontrcii alius worM-rcnowiiod lobaeci Is malinf.lured froia th FINKhr 1.KAF, And earneilly roc.ni.iii. b.la If i-n to all tleuUeuiea 1 iiMirn.iiB - P,',db''te'r."oFJ!LAROIA1t -T0HI5. Hv.lS.l CIIKsKUI tut ' el. IP--4 finl opisnlte dtafe 11 niso. T,MIM 171X1 A. 800IEltVCO., ,,J (JOMMTEc'lON MEKCHA.NT?-, AND SHIP AND STEAMfJOAT AGENTS UOCJK H'l UIUKT WIIAUV, rillbADlCLFUIA. Sl.vtl kl. A. socosn. f lat-tr a I a frt Mir ino. Uaia tni-si TWriDlClKAL COD LIVEE OIL. JOHN O. HAICKI. CO., Ho. W M IIKK T fl'I'RKKT, are now Tiviiii th.-lt suppllei fresh from ihe tlshorlei. The superiority oi their OIL in every r.-maK t, liai s'Uiied ft.r ft a reyu'HlU'ii and sale beyond any other found In tne aiarket. To maintain Ik Uiay are determined tou.p)y an article that tuay be ni'liel) relied ou lor trvaluuwa and purity. Bee toatlinn:ula of l iottksori of 11 dleal Colleges, aall , MrAi l i.i.l 'i l . firruks i. e.,l i.si.. BEAFNr'.SS, EI.INDNF.SS, AND CATARRH. ,1. 1KAAC8, M. !., Pt'ofesms ef the I :ye and l.ar, tieiits ull dies asei apjns tiiinlns la itealiovciufnilwrs Willi the utmost Mire s., 'lo-tlio nialB lioin Ihe in-iHl n-iiiiblo kouire. In ti e cltv eon ha leen at els olllee, N... Ml PINK utrict. Th. lied., nl Fw-ult.v are tnviled lo o tconin niv llu il pallinta, as lio hui no eerts lu Ilil prnotice. lo-atf FIUi.ADF.LFHIa 6UR0E0NS' -i,:u. I us 111 MTI kj.i II Mnrln liVi"'' ' NINTH Mtroel above Market. UnpturM radically ear. d h, K c. KVFlu.rTa i-ioiui ira raimu (ira.liiallim I'rcss.sr Trllsi. Hni.e'lor Hant'C Beltt, F.IwhIIc M:.('Ml'Kr,. tsupp-.rtars, unouiuer nraiwa, naapa..- orl. a. Orut, : es, c. La.Uel aU-.in.lod by Sits. B. O. EVKKI TT. ray-jo-ly "l-l'IHTK "VIRGIN WAX OF AN1TLLF.''. ) 'I his ox,iilMte Cosmetic has no o,iisl ler beanllt- iiv.wbliciili.s, ami uesurvins wm ,,u. v....... psicd from t-nie wliu. wax. h.u -c Us osl.ia,.iditiary.ii..ll lieif.r pies, rvliis ihe aSln. inaklnu 11 loll, fan, snuKilh, and li un.par. nt. II I- most ioil,li, alter Iiiivu.k, cures chapped ftsnils aud lips, r-niove pnapU-s, blolenea, tan. Irei alei, or hiiiI.iiiti. and InipaJ'ts a peurlv unt lo tt,e lace are.k, and arm", l-rire ;le. .VI. and 7.1 o-nla. HUNT O..XO.IJ3 S.WiVI'NTu utriet, suuno.si n.r.n.n i ,. Klr.iet. riHIK f'KKflSYlVANiA CENTRAL R.VII. A KOAD. 1-mi.AiiK.i.i'itiA to rirrsiiiii'n-iiK milks: Wlllirjl T CUAM.li OK CAUS. TI1F. HIIOltT LINK TfOflTP TO ALL 1-Olii le I-N THIS UHUAT WEST I The Ti.-V. toniro of the I'KKS SYLVA N l Y ('UN l ft VL KA I LRO 1 1 Is now located at Hie New I'aB.ennoi' In.-pot , I the Conirai.v, TlllKtlKTH AND MAlthLT Stie-ets, rillL.M.KLl 111... TIIKOHOn TICKKTt Co, t,e procur. d to lMHANAI'fll.H. TltYTtiy, NT. I.0I-I1, OINCINN VTf, I F.tVK.MVOlt fll, LOUISVILLE, K A NS8, C'AIHI, VlUKELINO, .... And all principal points. Daekngc checked to deoiiiuui n. MiaADEI.I'ltfA AINU K1HB I!II.HOAII. FhlUdeli.hia to Erie, I'd nnlei, wiihoiil chaiu.e oi Cars. The Shortest, tyilciesuniid Cheapest lloitto To Tne OIL KE010NB OF ,'KNNSYI.VANIAI T1IK MAIL TKAIN, at a A.M. for Dowiiinstown, t.anciisiei-,(.o,uini-l..IIa:--ll-hiirk' rittsbcrs.aiid.'illliit'rrai-diale p.iluts.uiukesi'l-ise cot m otion at llarrl-.l.nru with the trnlns ol llie Nnrihorn Ceinrnl Uuilway lor ajnoury, niin.usuu: i, i.vs .......... Iianville. Uup. n.llloouisbtiiK. ll.-ech llavoii.Miieksuiiiuv, l'lili'OUIti. Ml -k--li.il, Wyinnlilk', l-iltstoll, Hirst tm, Fiii.ha, bull,ilii,lluehesler,(Jaiiuu.iaiaii.i, Niaaara lain. tNo chanre of cuts lietweeii I'hiladelptila ui d Loelc llaieti 1 Will, the Cumberland Valley llnilrond f ,r( .ir ; , . ... ........ fli.a iii.L.H. stowti. At Columbia. lvun ti e Voik and YYrlihtevlue K illway lor York, llsaovei, ami icattyslaTK. ..ii in A.M.. for I'liistnirj and the neat madci eonnec- tbin at l.sndlsvllte with Iho Reanln.': and I'oliuu iln Itnti roa,lioi'i:pi.iaia,l.a,,iind llc.idiin-. At ilariisbunj wi-h ihe I un.bMlsn.l Vnl oy and Norlheni Central Ha Iwnys . u,il.Pkb.i... .l.,nru,lo.vil. .SO IliniiroVO. Hl.ll- bury.eio.' At ITtManK Willi ihi.uwh trains on all the i. ....... i... . ,n.,u in, in t, al mi ni-Nona In Ihe Lakes, wast to the AllmisBlppien.ltho Missouri rlvorl, and Konlh ale Koulhwest to all points aecoastbli: by ll.ilh'oad nouii.wisi .op. i. . , ,,.MMOI;AriON. at S'llo I' M.,rons Ms Colnmliii. nli. l'e 0 ainei-flou 1 n'Ad.i win, the York and W riiihuwil o llailroiul lr York. Ilan'i ver in. (I i,eiiy.iii,ri:. I his Hutu "t"!" al all luiei mediate poiins. ai d reaelies llsrii'-biiik' at . t' t - At. ' Till': I 11113 I.MTlt-is, a, k V M . rims 11-11, l.l'll without Cl.ftnslfl Of Cfies, lor Sll:l .,.i,.. rland. L, ivH.nrK. Milton. Wntsontown lien-art. Monti ouicry, Mtuinv, YVI'll.iniHnort. It.i'n.vo liratw.rod. Ml. Mary'a, Wain o, i.'oiry, va . lior.i, we i,-. At C- rrv ci une. tln li nisde wilh (ill creek iliaa-oa.. .... -ri.,,. uin. ,ia Hloiivi 's. a..d wit-.: the .Miami' ...... u..,win.. i',.n, i.ir t-'i tnkliii. M-'advl In, and J.ilns-sK'Wii. Ilus Irani c .linnets ut llarrisbura with the lialuuioie Kapreas f.u- I'ltlaliurg and all west-au points. TnK pun A,,KI.F1:IA FXPUKSi, at PNfiV. M., lima tlir.uu'ti without ehaa e ot c.irs tn I'lit-bn.R. find lli. ee eoliU' Cls u nit nil iliverwlua i.iu.ls, Holfl, Isoulh, ami 'ct Sle- pnm cil'S run ih.oll ;ll il:i OAs inun t Piin-bors. A tarurli oar l.-r Wllllaaisp-.rt r.n.l in.erm.'diaie tioutls la attaene.l to Uus Irani, and rcneties W illiiiine -on al i'.Vi A.M. 'I he I'Mlad. Ipt,u F.x press lesi-ns dally. 'I he r.rle rxiross ieaves ihilly, es.-onl S tturday. A.latlur tra'.us leave n.lly. cs. ent Sunilay. ON Kl'-MIAY II e cars ol llie Market Hiieet I'aaseiwer Kallway wllllcaye 11, 1,1b streei at 7 I.. I- l , tocn.ciocl well Hi- l-.ri.- I'.s-lire-i,alKt nl 111 F M. lo onnu.ct Willi .lie 1'hll .(lolatlU r.xpio.s at llie l'hlliel.'lphis depot. ' l lllllNil 'His: VVF.V.K. rxn-Pt aunilay, th rare of the M ,rl.ci str.-at FasioiiKi r ... ....ll l...u.. k .. atr... , vt.r V I W O m 11111 OH . C-lll- mriielisf one hour nrcvioiis lii Ihe tlineof departure of I. .,, 11, ,1 Hi.. 1.. si M.r will leave III, ill m nol-'s prior to the ai tins lltuoof ra:h tram fisim tire rhdadelpaia dti-ot. lUktie. OF OCH-4. On and att. r Mii'iliAY,o.ou.rin,l!(, Paispnserfra.ns leave -hl,ei,ins n.r ,..,I,. ..r.. .1 I H i K.siuass. i i ; sc. l :in "d In Mi l'. M. Chester at ', 11 1.'- A. r'wiln,li,ul.m si 4-?n fMnda-.-s excepted), 8116,11-WA. M.. 1 .si, .-.in, inn. f. i. h; '"',', p li Ji,-w Cl's'le al A. M n"l I "' I w. I.,ov.t s. S-n.-. A.M. and4-is.F U. X(iif..,a ... KlM A. M ,a,,.,.ry .,H-,, A. Vo,, ril 1 1 AMI.l.ll I. A leave HalliLiere at K-4i, I'T-l A. M. I bant CK), lit, 6 "jr. mot p. .' P. M. ....... ,. , ., .,.M.. Wlliolaelon at I 4s. ,--.,p-i- a. as .w . - 4-'i'l. n It, ai d -.1 1" I'. M. Fslivin.ry it li'''" Yllnmd at :0 1'. M. Iionrnts ll . YI., Sl 'l -I V' F. M I.rs Cnsll- al S '0 A. M , sn-l.i'l'l P. M. ...... Clieitor T 'I.V. A.a..l'l.n.,4l'l, b-nO.T-JO. V) F. M. . . . . ....... 1 . sis ll,..m,'refor!1sl!.'tiiysp.i in-cniiciiaiw s-auous ai o "i:, F. ,M . . ....... . I . si .-Ilaliiiuore tor 1'over anu iinria, ,.,aa. .avu, 1 ll P.M. TRMVM F0Ii pAf,TtM'lt:Fl I av. ctitsier at s III . M , I "'' and 11 on P. M. Lave WTIncnifuiii at !:!, DM A.M., il 10 .in, ll'W Vo leht Trainn, Willi l'sss -itkcr Oar atUchfd, will rn as follows : ... I.cavo H ilinnidion for Peirnl'teind liit.-rm. d iloplaset "VlNiiAlV-nny alt ,i A. VI., IV WF.IL, flora Pkllap -Ir-'oh-a lo I a't'niore. M Fr, i l I'M! id 'i.lna to Wum,lut-n l 4"K) A. M., 10-SO, ni'ro'n v I'.i'u' ton to Fhilade'p'os at l'4s A. M and IcSS F. M Only at lu-A, I' V , ir on l-:.'ll-,, ire to I'll'la.le.lihla, Rl II F. KKN X FY. f Tlt'Onmei'dent. AHUANGF-MI'NTB OF loi'l OlH, NKW VOKK I I -KS. lUUta 1 he Cam. ten and An.be) ntm r nllad.-ipaia and Trrslton Ba'lroa.: c- anies' Line, man clillsdotpliia to New Ifotk aad WAI,m'T TKl'.F.r W1I AHP, WTI l-.ivr ss I',. !',, . viz. : FAM. AL li A M., via Caind. n ftuuAnboy, O.and A. Ac- comihcduuon .- Ais A. l , via Caunlin aid .Isrsuy ,!luy, Morning E-J,r. ri vv". e vt) Al J M . via Coruden and Auilsiy.O. and A. Acoi.io- m t.atioi I'll At '-'P.M. via Camden and Amboy, O. aud A. Kx- , pie.i 3-n All F. M.,vla Coo. den and Araboy, Acconionslation (I relkdit und Fnsneune-) Vim At IIP. Ai., v,a Caiud'Ti and Ainlsov, Accommodation (Frelsht and l'al,",K"r, lal Clou, Tkikel I 2,1 Class .1 I'M At " P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommoda tion (Fn-pih. and 1'aasenaer), lat (Jlan Ticket.... Ivt Jd Class do 1"0 ForMfttuh Chunk, AHenti-wn, IU tlili'liero, Helvhlers,. Eaaien. I ninbertvlllc, Flvnimi n-.i, Ac , tui P. U. Kit I.ai '.haiivlllo und Intel till- lisle SOiHons, at 5 P. M . F.-r Al.. nntl Hotly, Kvaiiiviilo. I'viuberioii, aud Ylaoeas. low... at li A. M.. -' :-.1l f, 1'. M ror i rt'cnoio at a. ji. mu i . ji. F, r t'almvin, Klverti.n, t'elanen, lloy.-rly, Tlorllnijtpn. Flieiiro,lloi,l( iit(,v.n, A c. al a A. M., l'a M-, I. .l-.sl, A, and o F. M. The ;i ;.Oand P. M. luiei run Uiraet throuia toTrcn'on. . .... F.-r Faimyra, uiverion, lieinnco, oevcrij.. a,.u nuiaai. n at 7 F. M. Ht.-aintsiat Trenton, for inland, llnrll ikton, lieverly,. Torreidhle. nnd I acoiiy at I' oll A. VI. anttl m r. 3a. 1.1 s r.rv ri(i":.ii ivci.xl.'xi.ier.s iir.rsjk Will leave as roltowi: At 4 A. M., (niiibt) via Kensington and Now 1 ork, w akhiiKlon and New 1 oik .nan i ' Al H IS A. M., via KenilliKton and Jene.y Ctty k- ,. Dr.ss :.:.- 1 H At4-:aiF.M.,vtaKuuatnMiii und Jersey ,ci!y;B- llrea , ... " At '.'..' P. M., via F.enstuvton and Jersey Uliy. W nalillii.'t"li nnd tsew lors r.-vi.ro.s Sunday lines leave at 4 A. M. and I; 4S P. M, be no line ot 4 A. M. ( Mkhl) on Mondays. For w ater l.ati, Btrounsnn li, peranum, r, mw Mntitri e.Orcnt llclld, Mai, eh Chunk, Alleolnwil, lloltile bi'Bi. Ilelvlil, re, Fallon, Lainheriv illc, Flwiiintrlou. rio., at 716 A. M. TI Is hue cenue 'ls wiih the train leaving Biio for ilonch Cbutikat a.in f si. ..dm For l.amls-rtvllie and ino nneuinie amo-'... . - . . For Urlbtol, Trenton, c., at 7 Land U 16 A. M . and a P" "t- . . .... ,..,..:... nai..h,,.. Pn4 For llnlmrsniirP', I aeony, it i-ii.uo,-p. .., --.'. - Fraukford l n A. M., .', ft'46, and h F. Al. The 11 A. At. Lina runs to llristol. .,..!, v .r..in,a,M fi. lor New lora nno nay i.ou. ""'-.' l). poi,tntii'ihe em s nn Firth To-!t, an..vo u al lot, half an hoiir bcn.ie departure. Th" Oars run Iiiki Hie lKpol, and on nrrlvnl. I each irnln run tutu the ltoiot. naJ,0 Filly pounds ot b.ir.:ate oiuy alloaed each paascnuor. Passeiik-ca am pi lied fr. in t 0 leu any thin- as ImasaKJ Inn their ea.li' apparel. All l.a.tk'C over lllty poniida to be paid. or ox'r,!. Tlio Company liant lli'ir r.-siruil. billtv lor hat. use to One Hollar per pound, and a 111 not be) liable lor any auioimt beyond nl. exoi-t by special oou- tiait. r. . s .l.,ll.rt hsp riml nn -.Tln,jL'n-ft e xo'ess wi'i i . .,., --- pane '. the In.pois. O.'iltTs o, ., alieet. Wsl L1mTVi!im' HF.W YOISK FOR PHIL A PF.LPTUA WILL LF.AK i foot of Courtlnc ! street at 12 M. nnd 4 F. M., via .Im sev cltv auri c.i.iu.eti; a' 7 und la, V. vi., tj l li' (Nikht) via Ji-i ley City n,l .veil nil.'i''"' Vpi ,.1 ,,' lt:.re!:iv street, nl o -s Aii, I, or nnd Cinniien . M From l-i-rJso. 1 North Kher, SI 12 M., 4 and 8F.M. (l-retrht and Faasunaorj via ml.oy aint t'ata-leo. '''joilf "LINES i'OlT NLW YORK AND V an o,e stations on theCaiml, a and Auiuoy and oon- ueetliik' Kallroad I'M Thore will leit a No. -1 WALNU K ' 11. UA-X.MKH, Avut. . M.,aad ind 1 P.M., via WAREHOUSE. FJiTA- "-OCBTY'H TEA A .,..ri.l iii lsui li.ira.rtftr aj.d Ikpulor In e ins Tea, Wines, and Ll'iunrs. ' Otiofci- JUtiujhi Lus lah aud ft(s.tr.'i .'.: in sis, .4 HlarkweVi Pliklei and siaucet, ami Portur. Canned MeaJl, Froltl. Soup, ,'. Navy Mpaaos pot un tilth care. navy ..ips pu BFK)S, Rt., 1 ... y J.JtjHUA H. COi alT. TlISSOLL'Tl'J1 THE .1 h:elolore Cashier. MILITARY NOTICES. I amuu " "' . , I . . ,, ..... ...... n-A. rf 8sbexTnan's MPpue. uiiuct "-z- ibla ou his line ot communication, auuue, uk, for auUiitcnce on tlio .tore, they wouli gobble rTh.7.heir ffforu hare pnm . fallura! They hav) been comiaetely baffled ia the" wteiiptat destruction, and have accom VZhed nothing exet-pi toavring up a few mile, of stack botween Alatoona and Big Shanty. Hood atartfld from Lorvjoj on the 24 Instant, CToased Lbe Chiiitahoochesj about tweuiy miles telow wkKsre the railroad croese it near Atlanta, and iaimadlulaily at-at part of his army to gobble VP ti gunitM anil Jflw-ea botwwo bC siatl MbJ Psitiftrn ConriAY. Ihe Fans papers an nounce the death, of Madame the Dowager de Conluv. at tier reaideuce, the Chateau du Kcuoaurd, near Viinoutiert (Orne), in her eighty, i.li.th veur. having been born on the 30th Novem ber. 1771. tslie was of the same family as Char lottet'orday, the Norman heroine, being a dis tant cousin. Though ten year younger than i -Larimer, she knew her well, aud always spoke of her "as a young person usually serious and ceeorYod, having the manners of a well-bred lady, ....., irr tn the osaiTes and traditions of the Corday iatnily.but wbo could laugh on occasion, was very fond of cbildiwi, and. lored to skate their amusetuenwi. To the preent tim' Switzerland il open to allKroni h commodities, but France is closed to the fabric ef .Switzerland. A new treaty has been concluded, which give to SwiuerUnd and Frame all the auViantspos of the most favored . . ... r ' . . . . , 1 kl vl .. r ,,( a Cations, alSO SWUroa HI ri..l aniwvspias - contiu.uace w u, wav uutaui-av. wiTfTCTY FOR MARINES. WANTED fcrUie Halted Slatea Maruie llorpi, able-bodied im to pojforu. tlie douei of a aoUior al our Navy Variui, and oa boar UuUed auttui slum-of-war eu fwelsa auutu. Torui or service, rour isara. ItKlcr onoipemauon lhaii Uie amiy. ALL TbF. XO'JAL MOUNTIlKi paid upon enllitraent. klartnaa recurve Prise Uoooy- , . ,., For all furttwr luioraiatloa ailjr at the Kcoralttas "ml,Ivllo"'U B.FI10NT Street, below Bpruoe Slrset, Utwtea UrsUoura ot . aud o oiock . aaVtr Malor aud koorultiuf eiutocl. OfDesra and soldiers visiting Uie oily oa fnrloiishs. aoe,Ua HWOHUO AKU OTHF.R Mi LIT AJI I ByUlFMBo.r, An luvltad to tbs eatootivs f Altljr ACT LUlkO ESTADLISUMBirT or GEORGE W. SIMONS & BROTHCR, BANSOM BTIIKKT 1IAL.L, BAaMAOSl ttvwt, abovs Blalk lmi. FEEfiEilTATIOII 8W0BL.3 llaas toardevat the aAvassMt aotiea.whlok for rlsSnpas and B,pfruineDna okbiip eoonuy c.aalnpS n,aaTiineDr el.allpUrfe oomiietlUun, Bsi ouber houae In UiS nUT cssarbtnttif tke MA NUFAC1 (lal Nil jt.WbLKS WITH TO FkACTlCAL BWUsau MAaiL. TMXOKS BTOVK POLISH. THE ONLY LT krfc-asvey M AgMlW, iojost u, t oiitatfut i. CO-PARTNERSHIP under Uio flim nf HA Mb'kL N. 1 AY F.s ii KCN. is n-.i. day dlsiotvi-d. The builnusi wiu be aeitlid by tie tin. r- IhhikI, at Ho. Wf. 1M1CK rttrcot. Iltri c. iiv , ro, aai vivtup . nsw, l'hlUMlolphlA, fciplca.bwSU.Iiart. CO FAMirF.Kl(fP. Tbe underslmipd bave this day formed a co t ariuer.lilp under the arm ol DAVlltn iikw- IllhllM. for Uie tiaiiaaetlon ol a gnprai uaaauui asi lltokia-i.c lliiiui,a4 Ho, . ''";.K ra 1-rrtlw A. DAY! tli. I'lillsd, Iplda, OttoLor 1, 1HGI. rt a (vriiiriui n iiui.rtrtadnesi. Ouarterrosit'Tl' Veurliars and ckeaks.aud liovpniruout hocurul.is Kooo rally, IwukIiI and lold. A , '(V . iStocKB iknd Leotuit. bent lit aud uold oa Communion. ..v r. rsrsy-v 1 Vff I LtnTIX'T T VtHk rWA ulor iUmonU, WMfti4, Jtwtry ,l'Uv, .... .-.a in. i a sX rWVWIP. fit At IW1 aMilHni'" s-i ira-jsa., nrr.ar 1IIIK1I and GASklLL Blrootl, Oornar m . Lombard. K R -HIAMOiniB, WATCHtS, JEWELUY, UUNU k'.dAJtlvXBC.V LOW PRKS. QEOXiGE HT1TE8, Jit.. luUFACrTUEING MAOHIKIST AMI KNQINKKIt, 10.10 V. IBM HT. BBOOtrt) Btraet, rrdtadalakia. -IRIDESBURO MACHIMS WORKS, jto. oi tr ruf.T STUf.ET, Ws an pneared to mT?' tmtmA M '" Ann woorvtM MILL, as ai in Nr.KT row is" ' " , , Buaiaaua. Baal Wr-. lpsf . iv.Ma la, aaar a. oFafloaraesi m Wtnrl SSvewoyka. in AXJkiB JtSflBB aY BOB lu Jm W K A LT II, HEAL T li, AND BEAl .TV. If to aaln admlrtrik' eyri ; It to oause luvid-oua slshs t If I- hv a 0100011111' Hovsor, Fading, dylua lu aa bour MaAU'rr I If tr, have a host uf friends ; ll for vice to ma ;e amends ; ll with lush-bora blond to wed: If a marble ttoi.o when dead waaxTHt If in live threescore and ten, yVlehuiK Ihe aa k.ns asaln i ll to live a lUo of pwaeo ; 11 to die and so to ijman IIku.th I ll y..o wish a life of pleasures ; If yon value this world's ir. ajurosi If every cou-Sitt you would see. Take my advice, aud wl.h all Ikrtt. Then, having Uealth, WeaJUt.aad Beaut, You il ba piepan.,1 fijr svory duty. By a careful peroiaf of Pr. WILLIAM YOtfKfl-B New Book, THF. llAMKIAOli (lUll)K, which mould be rad by every one. Bold by nooaaeileri Kniiprai.y, tau p. ,op I'os ioi i omce, lSu. 1 Bi'UUCB tnb.kfcrf prioo cenli. au- xinxilTH V l-OMMl I A ITON TP'KF.rS for llsi a.'i'ommodali.sc ol ucrsous liv a out of town, ... a r t:,,, li..o,it ti n load, iua be p:ir- ,-lias.si ai low rates, gocd tor fifty-lour nips, If used witiiln Uie Biul.l 1. ...... .. ,,,oiifiw TICKF.T.S. at rei'.me.l Talis Ir.uil local tai'e. ami yo.nl ll.r twolve months irom date ot Issec. for iwruu six li ipl bol sen uny two points For niluilli sor uusln-.s n.ras. Milk.' l III. V rCl,IIOI. 'I llSvS.Trl. ,...!.. . ,,.n .,. .ei,..i,ir. aitritdiiu- school In the elty.at- vpti low rates, and cutlllliK liolders o Mtllpl.tl used . ...Ir... h . I, For 1.1,'ltii r iiiiiTini'.llon.anply at Ihe Passans'-r St itlon, iMicir il Thin iet I, si (I Alar let si ems. I'nru ieiiuia. JDIlfs F. VAM.KUH Jr .Tu-kvl A.eut IS-k HIT VII K r.MICIKTIOVI. AD Fiuliranl Aiaioa.iuoitalicli Tiaiil le vos No. LI7 Iiork meet da.lv IHur da. s ee. Pled ). at I P. '4.,ollerlus, u . .., 1,1 ., do ol trail 1 to faluill- BkoiUK Wclt.atolie i ...... I .i. ..f fun,. l'.irlie.:l..t- atlen.ion Is otl'.l lo boiuioe. lor vvnteh ihecki are iilwn, aud bas.iso foiHO'ded by siiu.elraln ivilb paaseiikerd. For lull inmruianon. ap,,ly to Flt AMTS Fl'SK.Koilsrniif Aront. .No. llli llOCK BtreeU u.vva itAlltlAllP. KPK1-H' Tho olllee ol Mauil'i lliu-uaia- Kxpnss is I ,c:,i d III Iho or,...r..f VI kVI-lN'TIl anil M Ills I'J r ISI! el-is. .!,,, ail ord. rs lor th movement of tundras".' will rsoolvo liron.pi alientlin. -n arieni CARD TO THE LADIES. DB. Dl.'PONCO'B OOLIIKK PILLB FOU FKMAl.LS, liilaulhlo lu eon-ectfns. rek'Ulallujf, and removing all irb.truutiom imia waatuvot' causes, anu always suixeaslui ai a provouuVu. Thse PUii aro notlititfr aew, and hava bcea nied by tha iHirtor for maay yours, both fu France and America, wllk uiiandioled succv.a in evoryea.se; and hell arsod bv mauy thouaajid ludioa wtio have used theut, t BMaatik FuTj public f.a- tbe allevlaU'tt of thole auffornui fmm any IrroKiilarlues whatever, as a ell ai to prevent aa lu creu.'.e ol lanilly wh.sre hiudtb will uel peru.ii ft. Peiuales peculiarly situated, or those, sutriKisliia tLcin.olves io, are Lautlouod anainst usiiis these riui while la that coodlUoil, as the propileun- as.aaies no responsibility antbe ahovs aduionluoa, alUiourJ, their aulldacn would prevnut any D'laelilefto health, otherwiss the PUls arc recuuuueadeo. Full aud esplloll dlrecllooi aooouipauvins ea-'b box. PrioeSl.oraixIxisasiorfd. bold wUoiatal aad retail by the following, lrta-itth F.lllolt. White Co No. W N. Fourth street. Wtlk'ht A Hlild.il, Ko.116 Market itrsot. A klariliall, cmor of 1 lib Ice u Hi and Market itreets. -ZelslorB timlth.conier ol Hoiood aad Utoeu i-.tesn. vyou c co., AO. raj ri. Hecoud stieut. Jolimoo, llolloway A Cowdea, atwt B.C. lielacour, I andiai. At retail by all dru.atii. . Iriidlei.br Sondln OKK TJOLLAB To either arent, caa have the FILLS HFKT COKFIIlKtrnAUT, By sun, to any fart uf the eliy or coaniry, (re or B. T. HOW., e-W-lol Ik's, .46 W.THlBrY Blk ru Btvoel. sT.T. if this tellablo F.:-I.l'esi I'oiupaiiy will pass Ihrouah oacb train before resoklin: Ihe (Usiot, ana laso up ciipe. ... ui-....-. i,w , -, I... i,i il. cilv. The Iravellnu public aro a.bured lhat if it titfti ty reniiel-ilf-fc. nun ci-uvsvl VIVll it Air 110 All COMrAN'Y will rot assume any mk for luuvavc, es-epi for wearing aopaiel, and 1'iult their iopoiiil,illt.v lo one Hundred lu.iii.is hi value. Al. b..mato osi-ocdiug thut amount Id value will bo at the rl.k of tho owuer, unless takou by spttlulcoutraot. t. ti.is raaia rrsirdits oi all u.-aeriiitlon can he forwftrd1 to and fmm any point eu Iho railroads oi Ohio, Ktniin.kr i ni.. as wis.-nnsin. Iowa, or QtUsiiail. by rniti-oad dir. el, or loony p .I'll oil tho naviablo rlivri of tho Wiist by sieamvrs lroiu rituhum. or to all lake poiU byatcamen t i...Vu'.A. of-a-Kiul.l to nnd frnin any point lu tits WolC I.y the Peunsvlvunla Central l.allroad are at all times us t. ....rahl. as a'rnlrJ ii.rua.1 be oOiOr railroad COmbUlllea. M.T- (hai.u and alilpi-tis hitmsllns llie trunipn'tatL.n of iheir Ir.biin lou.is company oou iw.y ph.. v""..v . a..tu l-bl,..t for irekslll coniracie or Diiipi'tus uiibimw., .-r, " address the Aken's ol me coiapaiiy. B. U. IvINliHTON.Ji'., Philadelphia. 11. If. iltHWTOvf, UonoraJ Frelnht VKent. Phtfadntphis. IIF.NK1 W. OWINtSFH, Outioial Ticket Auent, FkUadelph.a. FNOCli LKWIS, 10 M Oeueral sjoaswlntendeut, Altoona, Pa, rliST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA Ifillliilil.. VIA MKK1A. Ou and a fit UibsiV, Aj-rU 1, ht UioTraUu will 1AT- s ..VJsMt.atnaVl fsam th Tlunni. rml tmt THIRTT riKH'i' amlMAllkrT HirwtJ.I l.M . U 04 A.M.,a a u aka a .oci aj O -A '. 1 ski 'F1iUadfl4lia llepot chanded from FIOHTKENTH aad HAFklil- BUtssiita tlultTV-FniBT au kCkKH-kT H Iriave West Ckcster. ft-ooi the Depot oa rsat KaKEBT Btrt at, y-sD A. M.( . so A. m., ii ' Tl.e ears at the West Philadelphia Paaaeniiar kallwaj Coenpanyi .MaiVd street) wtu coosej raapwMrara w noiu U.. Vra-HriAYB. Tasave Pl.NpdolphU al 8-30 A . M . aavd v-oo r. at. u. . . .. . a . .1 IU.lii P SJ arvpso ti ra. v i.rp.pw p. a p. ...... Tiaiu.leavUis Philadelphia at a A- at. aa r. my ..as.... v..,.. ., u .1,4 4 IS F. M.. ee-inessl wit), bun on Uie PhUadelpbla aud BalUaAOrt CesiBaJ Stallroaa M usloio and uiwru ooipi., y"""'- , lk-t UK W VOl, Ueuawal lUFOsialtud(ut. INCflF.ASKl) ll-,al'ATCfl. Tbe Cuaidi n and An.boy Kaiiruad ami i '"r".' ompan s 1-reli.ni i lues i,,r .s. o ...,r. ""-. '- Itr.H harf. on nn,' alter .laiiuai) n. ." lleiulriaclM:. abJi n, s win loaie .iw York all aa V-M. . . . .... t tn i. Ir n .I'M innsi (it'livcreu utiom - - Kn"n, Frlliceto,,, u.: lek, and all 1.011.1a on Ihe CaiuJeo and Amboy K'r? slk., on Ihe Ho.vt.l.TI,, ucawsrc, a,,,, r .." , "J - -- thv IT.-, hold son j, .uieso, ok, ''.,'"' "-'----- d Mo.ll.t llcllv ll.lll,s.l, reeeiven '"''',''"' li's o l-loek F. Al. tsuioll pacaaijs iui - UP t. 1 O t'lOCk 1. Al. ..,..,. Tno ltoivld. re liol.iw.ire lUllioad connects nt PhlnTpS- burt- Willi Urn I.el.Uh Valley lUllroa.l. lie- .-sew jvrssy llallroal eon... els Ut f.l'.i"".i. solrsl It. lit., a, I, uuu at .oar wuu w, ., BCaiip'Mmetnora-i.tnm, sperltyinv the marks and nura be'is. shippers and loiisl.ice.s, muit In every liistpnra b4 arid n I h each 1 1 of roods, or no receipt will l.s kiveu. Incrensed li.i-liiil. s nanus ouen mao., w. ..i., ,i..-v-...-.-tlon ol 1.1 I. h i OCK , a. iiv. rs are Ini ited lo try llu. rouW. When tl.e stock Is furnished In 'iitai.ti'ies of 1 rYO CAB LOA IJ.s ot moro, it will bedrllvareilJt Hie fait of JorUoth llreel, near Ihe lln.se Yaids, or at Pier No I North Fiver, ns tlie ship pets may iiesisna'e at Hie lime irf 11, shipment. WAL I Fll FIU.I .11 V S, 1'reuht Aseiit, tiEII.'ll. II A V V.HINH, F'eh;l,l AMcnt, jaA tf pier Fo 1 Nurili Hlvor, kew York. 'I.IRFCT PiOltTUEKiN UAll.ltUAU X f not if: I'lfll.Al 1 I.ITIIA TO NOl:fllvITERN' PKNNBVLp YaMA. CFMUAl. AMI iVK.-sl'F.K.S NEW XOltfi, kl llAlO AMI THK l.Aivr.s. its I'miatii-iiiti la and Tienioii Kalh'oad, Itclv.dei'o. ana Iielswaio Itmiioad. iK.'nwarc, Liiesawauaa, and Wottora , liailroad, Ht.d s:rle liucivav. ., Only two rhaiik-es bemceu l nuuuuipn.s anu iiniiaiuv . Ko ebanliik In tho nik'hl. . ;i.,7 vtll.O OF IlifOAll CA1 .iF.I Hiik'illt.errl Bleei lug-Cars .11 Ihe llljllt end of the Mule, ii. .a,., K'onl, l..iv Plila,leh,hia St 7'F. A. M.. from tha KiTiMint.,11 l.et-ol ol Ihe I'hibnn Iphia and front, , n ll.ill roail: cl.auae al Msaiml a i.T.unl to the liruii.l liaasecar oi Hie bets naic. I nckawauna. and western Ili.ilroad, audi ut lircit b. nd lo ibe Frio llalln ay, arriviUb' at nuuuio at l A. M. . C ine Houth Take ir.e tne uaiiway ciprosi iiuos Ituiiaioat lii-.'.-i I'. M.; cl. aiikc al (. rent uend u, mo us- lidte. I.aekawaulia.iuiu iviotein i.u iro .a.iiiMiu. ..ssmuh Cliiii k to the llnvldere Helanai'u Kailn ad Irani, wuica goes thruiish to Pinludeipliia. urrtvlns at .1 aj P. M. I'alhiTiser. hoihk nollli dine at llolawaro Illation oa th. Dolnwiiio, La, k iwaiiuu and Western liailroad, at la-.-O P. SI., aid bav.i t'liio lor anppnrat i.rea. neon, ssnj the Iset chai.k.1 Is lunde at 0-10 I'. M. Thoso golnn Bomb nakoiliu tlr.l clank'., al oieut Bend, at till A. kt., and have Uiu ! r biealuaat beioro lukina llolawaro, Lacka wniinii aud Western Ballrosd tralu i dloo ut llolawaro at 1 Tl ronsh Titkela to and from Buffalo. Dunkirk, Roche tT Klniira. lihaca, oiwcsu, Illoklismplou, Ureal Ueud, Birani.ai. IVilkesharro, Dv'awarv Wiiur 11 ip.Ao. Faje between Philadelphia and Uuftalo.SU. Ask,ore.aVlUltKt.l.tM. h q ATZMER, Agonl. tSuiI'ADEi.phia and ijaltimore ckx. 1 THAI. FAM.KOAD, OFKH TO OXFOUO-SI'ltlNO AOn tdiflorBl'DAY. Apilll. tbiit.th trains wlU leave I.F.AYE EAJITWABO. I.EAVE WESTWARD. S1'A'll0sl Oxford YVut drove... Aiondsie ltdllieU Ohadd's Ford. .ii J1 ,.W7 .TOO ..7 .7-4 Couourd H'ls? W.U. Junctiou.. s u Philadelphia fit-' WealChler....ittJ r.M.t STATIONS. A.M. P. K. I M Philadelphia.... H OD 4 , f. W est Chester... 7'45 4 4 4 01 W. O. Junctloa,. OB 1 11 417 Coucord It !3 ','B 4 41 Chaikl iFord,... 8'41 14 SssO Koonell 10-116 t ilt HI Avon ,u: lull 4 S4 We.t Orova ll V TD4 .,. i.,,.l Kl'.-Hi f'SB Ap..a,a.r lkei-ot lu PhlUdelpkl. has been ohansed iroaa Klahf-enlh and Market stieeta. to TI11U1 MAllkKT auecU, Walt FhHadelphla. Markol Sffeet Faa.onKerKallwayCwsCAaiveyFaiiaoiiars to an frea PaaKors go Uirouifh wfuiant ehanire of car, i Moturvn to sau Lj.uy.x waotl, aupMrtiitoadant. ! . s . n V IKHH "WEST JF.KMEY a tiir ilONHAT Mew AirauK-ment.-cin tattZl ilioii Oibor 10. IsM, Uaiaa wMI toava Iroea Walnut aim, Flar as SjUiiusi . . .,.., nf kf UlvUla ai B t or Cape May aud ana aai r . MIllvBle. BHdaWoo s,.le. and all flaoas south of "lX:2:i1. ,A.HU M..I aa It s, a. "p. n-.TTftllfsu. .....fane MayaUi A. H. . ; I. atiilsUle at 7 A. IS. and r. si. i .. Bldsat7 1tA.M..SPiF.M. , HaKaa al 7 A.M., aad i P. 11. u h WovdbaiT at J aad S 47 A. M.,Mid ? nd4 45 P.M. hila4s.,Ott. M.lSol (10-ej BaosyflMUapdsieV. 4