MONDAY. OCTonril 21, IM51. 6HBIT OF THE NEW YORK PRESS, Leading Kiiltorial from tlic Xi'v fork 1'iipcrs Tills lionilii?. TIIR W.fcR AXI THE rtlltlHI'l 1M TV I II; It is a nit n' ant ihltiff that ttio rcli'trlo'ii and moral oltmiint i.r tlic nation Is irccioly the element vrliirh i ntronno-t for wur. The flirt it lndiiut .Me. 1( is tier only nisnif. Nt to every msn w t! in Ms own s lierc of oWrvrition, lut It h us its ofliciul rof in the oniph.itic resolution, ppproviup the tvnr, winch hnvo br"n ml.)t.tot Iiy nenr'y cviry peat ..siica! omtiUation, with entire, or alu.ost piit;r, tin .nitriiir. It lound nn irrepn ...ihlo uitcrii c; in the an ritial mioiii.K il the Hoiird of lorelirn IMkHdi', the other cIhv, in Wiiri'ostt r, the Inr.vst rrlif iotm a.nn In jun in Aniirii' i, when tills IVt I'cir-jc aiinntiDcrd thnt out of inure tlnin tvio thoukand min ion iricH HliriMd thoro wai int one who wan not eiivultiitiK the e.mso of nutlunitl Unity and human freedom, with vmpnthy and Jirnyir, Hie tln-rim; of f'.wir thm'isiod f iimen nml lu men irom u' tnr..s of the Ninth, united tl a m.n in a repair vutc tliat tlic Oovertiini nt limit he Mist, lined and iholl 'licl linn cin-hi.d. Thi renrc u'liiut one hiiml vd and filty reunions ncWMii' rn in the livnl Nutns Nit o i ut r.f t n id -h, m arc out 'imkcn fir Lincoln. Th. re tirmiKmt twenty tlve tliinn.inil clnxifv. run in tie Icnul Miiex ; of thin number there dire r.nitldy nut liv hifd'ed wan are not for fie re c Ir, lion of our I'n -idcut. Of c mm, an a!- Int" u i animitv, wiih human niitiiri it in, muit he 1n. o-wihle. 1 heio Mime mind" so curiously made up that even the trace of Uod cannot pre vi nt their sticking, the pant. There woretory cl tifiui. n iu the .indgo lly men too. Thi re were hi-hops in Kn .i.iml who clunff to the lire-M !e to thi la-t, and who. on the epinei.pal bench in Parliament, voied attitit Wiluorfnrin's rcmluti n, th a the s ivu-tmdi) was "inronnlhtt nt with jumice, humanity, aui sjinul policy." Thero are ministers uf tho gospel, nml oven doctors of divinity, here In the North, who wor ship r-lavirv even utter il in Ui'ail.ns the prldsts of Ihil e lit their i-acied erne itlilo. .Siioh exeuiitioiM arc alwHs sure to exist, but the nnnm ilv U ruhor men'al than tuorul. It line eo:n.; qnenee. Tbo t'.ici (-till ntaml.s, tlnu tho wmilo lore of the religious and mor il senMinent 01 the -Country is on the si i,f tUe BUtlmoie plut'or.n, and against (but i f C'hieiro. This In a trtnumioun power. Wliniever the Combinations or the lit n of poli ieiuns, i in the sober thonpliffuli e's of tho rolij;ioun elein mi that, mote than any o'hor. Kivcn publie opinion its final direction. Politicians mav overbear i'. for time. They did so in l.sli, when, aginut the protest of thlr:y-Hvo lr.indre I New EnUnd clerjrnien, nnd of one hundred mid tiftT of t"ii most prominent of iherlcrvmcnol'tliin liltr, they repealed tho M sHi.nri Ooi:iiroml-e. Tho rcmoa atrancc was that the act not only Ojiened the door to an nnrinhieou.i extension ol slavery, but ;h n it would "proiluco alienation of feeling hntwaett different feetionn of onr beloved eon utry, agitation, and perilous iliunsion." The mnjorlty in Congress turned a deaf ear. Thiy n pealed tut ooiuiiromise at tho bidding of the slave power, und tho roult was a tr.iin of conse luences that led ktraight to thi. bloodiest ltebcliion the world ever saw. Unlit an it ii for prrs'-hers of the j?ospnl to mintfla in the ordinary political broil of the d:iy, yet when vital prince, pies are involved, when tne lite of the country in at stake in there (treat juncture., when pasnl m and prejudice should bo hushod, and cilia dis cretion rale tho hour, it is every w.iy meet tint Chrihiian minister, who lire isolatod from the political arena, v hie calling it is to study those great principles which are tuo only truo elements of nutionul s well individual ;ifo'y and pros perity, should sp'nH, mid boldly too. They have epokec most robly turtle rnio'n, and Imvoevery wheie lound a re.punmi iu tho Chriniiun noutl tnent of the people. llnwnrcwc to account for thlsextraordiuiry aecoid In tho suppnrtof ihls hymn who prei,ch relipion of pcuee ? If President Liuooin lias, as bis opponents sav, kont the country i:i this sea f blood without m ce isitvor r. as on, ho. shonid it happen that the very el.i'.is of tbo com munity which is trained to Imvo tliu i;ret0st a'l horretiee of blooil, should be tho very el.iss nicsst unitedly snstnia him r lias koiiio suddiui l)llndnes soiied tiieiu, that they cm no Iomvr distinguish between good nnd evil f Are their hearts turned to minder, that they slio:ild cling to the dripping sword, r..iher ac jopt tlu Olive blanch i The rc'ii.Mon of this Innd Is no such moekcrv. It ustidns thi- war. heciine. It hai ulwnvn lieca necusioeicd to CMimutu IiiWba the vital force nitbout t icii no Government, either lium.iu or fivir.c, can exiet, and boe.uise ti well un jer.s'ar.ds ttat force aleee cm nvo ht when lav is dellcd. It oi eri'S Hid ihiro in no such thi. if; cs co u I'Oin.dii'K with ic''lII:oii wi.nou: sa nuring law, and th- all lucre- ice Hint eouhl be gained by any of tlit) Nijf.arrf Clucrtiii dei ices won! I only boa dclHMon Hi d ii ,-nav'.'. 1; yc,;.T.s tor poa m with nn inteiiMty re wlenc etcceJcd ; butouly for tint true at d si'lld pea e v. hich a viudica'ed (lonnitu tiim aluno can give. Moiei'Vir, it its tuc heavt to abhor slavery an It de-ervts. It liink a j .y iu the pi o.iioBt of the hl'so.u'.e aim lli al lc-tniciion of Hinvery, end has been I'ritwn with ell tho greater conli lcnee to Mr. Linuolu, hcCtuuo ho has not spurod that accursed source of all onr woes. K very moral rousidtr ition is on t're, bido of the war; nud it in tn,s wliicii mil an, an ivicsistiuio strength to the '-.war flirty, mo ioy.ii ssnttniettt ot t:u luu.t lias much to oo with thin persistent lii'htu": ot iviiei- iion to ibc dentil, but t'.u lnvitl c nisei n, e of the innd more yet. THE 11SI:SIKCV IK KKW YtHttt. From Me rn'iiiif. We are often asked, "What Is tho piiect It NewYoik? Is it c i .aiu lor I.inoo'p r t.'ua Scy. ' tnoui bo re eltct d r " Mo. Those who in-.ull us .y asking for onr pihwe opiul ni nro few, nnd Hjrvw uu uuniivi, uui i.iusu u usit resoeci i; 'Ijr arc entitled to au answer w hich we can a Iter five them coll, it ve!y than otiieraise. It t. as follows : The vote iu NewYoik at the last four Suta Kelcctli.ns bas bton cs .. a.s follows: tiVt. Lincoln itJL'.(JI5 Ku-iin TiJ.'.ia Lincoln's mu jurity, .W.lllil. 861. l)likliison...?:io,!i II Cti'iiiiplain. . . IS i,V,l Union nii.jjiiiy, ld7,-l i. 18C2. M"adswoith.'J,i,b:7 Seym jur. . . . .M Scjuiout'.s majority, 10,7V'. lBtiJ. Depiw 311,1117 Bt. Jutiu 2til,!)12 lTi:!ou majority, 2'),Iui. Thise are oilicml returns, niiout which n n c m Ibeno dinpiite; aud tho vjta for Lincoln lu ItstiU w;;s htiy thousaud hi.tiior th in any advero rote eer ji jllcd -he hasing ree .dvei nearly seven votei for every l cvt sir'iiiist him. Miymoiir, tlunigh nsfu! in 1 s iii, roecivtd nearly eight thousand les tl;uu were nolled for the Union ticket l,i t fill, when no i'iHi Jent, Governor, or He ircmnt stives iu Congress were to be chovn, but he receive' nearly si.i th iiis.iud . 1. .. ,1... ...',... . . .. - , ... , ...... ! Of" """il iV jun.uu U.U I J. 1 TliSlueill in 1 3 l'J. jl The otc for Li . eoln n 1 s lij ti.iviu-( t(een lifty I thousand higher thnu s i eVlr pu'led i:i th 'St uo tor aey '" or other o,ipoiiti u ticket, ij'the quetiou i.r our trends ammu.sto this: l4)ors Lincoln stnud tiny votes worse in Hour btn'e than he lid in IN'iO ? f Now, theie h sre been eh mans either way ; but, 'Vo fur as we can ascertain, tbeie have ii.-eu at east lour changes ro Lincoln forcvery oncaaiust mu. Amoi'K those to him. ever tiiiL'ue rudilv nstancen Daniel S. Dickinson, Lyman Tremjin, 'mucin ii. uuirmg. Pluses lavior, uoionol A. M. Vood (Mayor of Brooklyn), 'John A. Griawnld ilcpiescntutlve Iu the nrusunt Con jib-si. K I. frda l'ierrcDont. I'rancin Larkl 1. He. Ke. v Jight till a pago of mauuseri;it with the namns of c ew loiKers who opposed Lincoln in lStJO, and low su port him, evt ry one of which would b J j'eeogiiied as thut of au eiuinoutly respected and Of cour. e there have been chansn a nflm f. vayi but how inuny ) Wo could not name a !, iieu : who could ? We doubt that any man in I, he State could instance a docu changes against inciluof Now Yoikei-s whom he would pro ."ounce nualilicd for iho olticeof Justice of the tlVMCC. f Now, then, when say that wa think Liu oln's liiujoiiry in this Stive will bo larger in lHit f ban it wus iu lHtiO, we deduce from well nuder- tood premises a conclusion that no one can fairly ":'cui extiavagaut or nnw.trrautud. We assort I oat tho notublo changes to Lincoln ure at leas'. Viur (o one of those against Lincoln. Jleuca we I idge that his majority must be increased. How Vald we reach tin oppesito conclusion i f Doubtless, the iirepondcrauoe ot uaturalUatlons ', s largely against us j but we belie ai there have ' Von fewer naturalized tinea lsl(l thn nMln i.ut single year. Doubtless, we have lost and Ye IojIi g more than our ndvursuries by death ou ie baule-lield or iu hospital; but then the pre ' onderauee of nutlve voters coming; of ago is rongly on our side. In time of war, the young ctsu uuiuiaiiy aitucu tuumaclves to lao najlointl YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, TIJE cr patriotic side; and Mich Is emphatically the rase in nia war. The nuive votes for Mf!iellm will aii ly be rm.t bv men thrnuh!y hi I . bout d. indurau-d, iu the bnbit of voting whatevor is railed the 1'ennK rntic tl ket. Of Course, the mnjorpy may fall below our rr"' lui 10 : ,if'y thousand m .lorlty of the soldiers' rote( of IHTkI an now he overborne, m,uii,ime bs unoKcyss anvthing yetrutiiro well run be. In thin citv. we know thv Ih.i lb inoeratic PnsinniRts of l-tsn who will tio ittve a baity, ill c:ive support to l.ineo u and John, son arc tiiinier.iii. a'.d ilai v in C'Sing, an I wo In arot c r-e-p ndii'g chanites In other parts of the Mmc. No Imn sl,r nt ino-t enerm i:s, im pn redcnic' framlsni the h diotoxes orac-'ish-ir.g d, fest of he l.'niou rinies can reduce Prcsi. dent Linn li.'s msiotit to the Unity th itna id of la t Novi tuber. ..N i. i .. A dc -patch received advi-e- un of Hie defeat of John L. Dc.wst n pi rbnps the ablest Upaositlon mcmlMtrof Uongress from tho Scale 1- SmiMi Fuller, the I'nnn candidate. Mr. Diwonws eon i'lerably :ili ad in the homo o!e, but the soldiers luivc dure ti e business for biiu. This e -esiiH i it, 01 on t of the tenty fcur iii'."n''nri In. in l'i niisy, with a pM'iiblll.y of beitinn (lotlroth, Hint in rno chance of lartng'ont strnsa in d Dewiisi n. At most, the M-o a llani'en hu e but nijhi from Pt nnsylv.ini a, fAxvfioin Ohio, ami Ihtif fioin Inili.iiis toiinecu iu nil the htati s ch(H'ing their Keptescnt itiv-s In (t t ficr itisiiaa 01 ii:iitv-thrrr in the present Hojsv 1 hi-o lisnre i,( th. n.sjes fulliee to in-uro tho pH 'Si e ton ugh the nex' House of the Co-stita-tlooal amendinent ati jlis'-ing slavery tnrougli out the Union. Arie l'ori Tr-hunn. I.I ru t It V KKVIKWH. Tin: . M 1 1: ican roMn.icT. I'.y Horace tireeley. l a.-o .V Co., Ilartlord. lllia.s Ih cii truly faid that Yoltaiie was the father of c. niprehensivc history. B d'oro the appear ance or the "Life and linen of Louis XIV," this most important dcpartinimt of letters was nothlug more than a rhronlclc of events and a dry dotail i f facta. To the greatest writer of France, there fore, belongs tho credit of vlvirytpg this inani mate man, and of giving a soul to the dead, worthless body. To accomplish this gro it end lie selected some Central principlo, to which all nations would conform, and from this stand point reviewed the deeds oi all the nationalities, of Ku rope. Hit iiucleus was tho tendency of tuau to advance iu civilb.atiou. Mr. Grselcy hnn adopted the same stiand nl in. He has selected a standard by which hoeauun. tlrtnmlingly Judgo of American history, by which bo ran compare the advancement of one witn tha' ot another. Am orcnt ftnruiarH in f'ri fdom. Voltaire made all tilings conform m civilization; (iiceley, living iu a more civihaod age, tiihKes nil c ni'orin to freedom. lBkleir liberty en bin sun. be sees each of tha slam of tne Amorlcan Union revolving like Satel lites around this burning centre. Those withiu the immediate influence of its light become brighter and hriebter, while those bevond its power recede ftitther and further from its henign until they are agaei reduced to system by the force of griivliatiou of that dark planot mnmy. i ioui staNery tho'e is but oua step to leln IlK n, and rebellion brings its attend int war. Mr. Gieeley lias, by a caieinl attention to his central principle, been able to lay lietoro the American public a most .systematic and clear Irs tory of the causes of tho w ar. Tbo wliolu wont ing of the Institution ol slavery ia laid out as in a chart lefore the eje of the reador. From the binding of the sixty slaves iu Virginia, in the early part i f tho seventeenth century, the bail bus gradually rolled on uu'il it boeauie a moun tain, and Inn led it-elf with frightful force ni iiust our Government. From tint time to ibis, wo say, the whole system is mapped out betoro the aticr s minu. The history of America mevious to tha War of Indt'i endem e is ably given iu a series of intui lcetiiiil essays, us interesting: and as brillimtas those j ublish' d in the ViicrA A nrriean Krrirte. The style ol the whole work is faultless, and the airangeinciit of the sub divisions admiraide. If, indeed, tbn nuthor is inclined to bo prolix iu certain cents of history, we tuu-t impute it rather to the etlusloii of a mind convince, 1 of the importance of bis uibjcct, than to a eavel. ss wnndeiing into del il. iu ;a t, the "Uondiet" in tlic crowning work of one whom eveu his cno- nms acknowledge to bo un able m in. Tm: Curter. or thk Alaiiama awn Si nn;;;, t'arluon, New York. Tic interest taken Ity the American people in the t cause of the pirate steuuicr Alabama has rcndLied a woik like the one boloro u.s ueeessnry, in order that tito popular curiosity .should bo trii'ilicd. Mi'. Ci.rletou lias shown his u tu tl discretion nnd tnlcipri.-u iu republishing at on o the Kug li'h euitiuu, nud thus making it accessible to cciy one who feels an intevo-t in the depreda tions of ilose corscirn, who have achieved as nitch infamy and notoriety as that uttainui by the ir models piruteb of 'i ripoli. 1 he woik las no cinim to originality, and is cniy u cempilatiun from the journals ot the kt! til s of tho Vessel hiToelf. U gives a fid I his tmy of all her cruises, tvid clones with a graphic though ii pint e account ot her I st great staigelij will the kiarmrrjr. The Wura i wi itten in full s.v in atliy with t:ie S mt'i, and tile leeliuga of the loyal reader are ions! int y harrowed by ptaw.s bestowed upon puutis and traiiots. The work beaie .s.gns ot cwd,. m h iste in prepaiaiiou, and the ciuduucbs of the style can iiaioly be pardoned iu woik intended to rank as a hi toi.i aud be lend by posterity. HAiti-Kii'g Hand Hook ton Tn vvi i.Kits in I'. i l.or.t amj uu. K.hi. Hy W. V. Fotridj e. l'.aipi r A biolhcrs. In ti e year wa Mc-atrs. Harper Ilrothors coinuKliccd the puhlii atiou of uu auutial Uutid Itook for the useol ttaelcis through ltluropeuud the l'.nst. The two nut us have aleaJy been ably reviewed, and it is om- duty not only to reiterate the aocrved pr.iit bestowed upon tiieiu, but also add much more in favor of the. present volume. ILe work is not su. Ii an will attain a iru -ral ciiculutioii. H was wrif 'n wild in such iutjn tionj but s a to ilnwol our cuuutry;noa who intend to gu elno.,,1. it will be lound invalua ble. The ineiaase in the safety nnd convenience of the uiovic cd travel linn in iu 'cd au iiutueuse iniiisse in the iiu.nin., ol wiu visit to.cign lu iii! ; ami to eai i ai d uii ol : acli we m t s.u Cerely lecoinnicnd tl.j wr'k bef.ire us. I; is j j,t .-neb a bi'OK as they want tot .ke i.ith tiieui as a judi , gnfcruiiiu, nud c'inpaiiioii. llni lit woik is not o o i valua'ile to those who aetuullv cross the hunt uecp, to m-Si-t the womUis ol th'- otit world tliu oituen whom thegieiii mtl ol cm buiige compels t orcMiam at Lome, can rcau, tt ins iireiuc,oi Paris aaJ L ja don, uf tho l'yrnncj- a,.d ll.e .nc. , aa i, '.villuut rising I rom Ins u-y ciiaii, can no ive, io lesser ikiice, the iiitoiinatioticod pi 'asme prucured Iiy the aciiuil loiiii a. Tun Yanki K (V.sin.r.. 1'y O. A. Fisher. I aiigl.acuy, 1'tiiiadclpt.ia. This is one ot the many wuikn of luiij'jun growth which have Soiiin.' up ander the Cover of the popular interest iu tho war. Tin; tacts ate all dciivedlrum the local events of the H jtcllion; and it will, wc suppose, dc ,ivea totnporary pjiit liuilv theielinni. the prodlictiou is loo per sonal iu its nature, I utng ratoi r tlu life of U. A. I'l' In r tl.iin a t le e deiilatid to Interest the pit!) lie. Though superior to many of its kind, it is yet only up to the Hau l trd of meJioci.t.7. It is fgoli.-iuul, and an a-ano e in only vslu itj 0 as another p.oot of tho debasing iullueucen of slavery. Hammond onVunkhkai. Dihuahks. J. D. Llp plncott, I'hilitdelphia. We have received from the publishers a copy of this valuublo medical work, wbich, though only cut a few weeks, has achieved a high repu tation, aud taken its place among the. atandarj works of the duy. Tills in the second production of the brain or the late Surgeon-General; and whatever may be the diiierenue of opinion as to bis personal eharaetor, all will unite in acknow ledging bin literary and prote.silon il ability. The work is w ritten in the form of a series of lucuret, and Ihe almost com-ersiitlounl stylo adopted renders the study of the work particularly sim ple. We pr.'ilict for it a permanent reputation, and a lHrge. Iinmvdia'e sale. Gancovnb, The Sanhal-wooo Tkadkb, By II. M Uallantync. Huberts iir.u. The author of this work has already achieved areputa'ion second to none as a writer of ex citing books for boys, and his present work will not detract from bis fame. It is full of thrilling interest, aud for variety of scenery aud cbuiactur is not to la) sui passed Ly any sensation work tiuit bus come under our uot ee. Q. W. 1'iTciiKH has our thanks for tho above work, and atso for a valuublo ILtlo book ou the guiuo of "iiiaiiue," which Is evidently written by one probcUm iu the game. WALKING COATS, DAILY EVENING TELEGRArn.riTILADELrmA, DRY GOODS. LE EODTILLIER BROTHERS, it a v k hr.M'RKb Tttun i'iti:rvcn BT Kill IV OHM, l'OiM.iPf iti-:iM, iiiMi'ina.MM tjtrji.s--i, 73 0IKT3 AUD $1 TER YARD, t.MlilF, I.OTft Of i) it I! H N a O O I H ritoj! AtxrioM. 19-11 No GI2CHESNUT STREET. 'I'AGG & ItllO.. UOKNF.R OF T K NT TXn l J I I ) ., n.. n lieui n u tn It Ii is 11 us, - ni'raie tcslm- ral 'J.-. atvl tic S ion msn , c Hm K liese. U, a.'., sna 4 x. I'Ulsans ,r tl'ii Km c:i ( I ,lti wlevcs. s .e. Anil tt. I l"l lane .1,.,,, in jr l .-k k ,l s,-. im, tl W. 1 !"l irins' i,.e Siai Lna.-.tnr's, SI ."l 1 lei cl ildree s mrrfi o nn UT-vesU, 8ie. to $P!l t let Isilies' ni' ino nrars. $ '."sl. I ! l moil In.Til. i tisi.-.e v, ., ml rulars.Ruc. 1 lot icHihor it-nicr-. r.ic. I let i CellOl' S tl-ise, ,lea'.,' I ! t h'si-k feiim ,nii, ,fr eoicn ,ln-lns. I ! I lejruli. s,ll hs. k cei-'i,.,a.v. I M n c tin, e inn k t ,w, ,, tie. I let jilt wrsl ten,. .'i,w., t,l Aise, .several lets Hrria ilocil, -Srrll. Alr, Flsn nel f..r si i tin.-, H' :cs- ;rck Kiaenela, tine ir .ni iri; l.ltf na. au ce'ra rrlaolli.f, lie p .-skirt lln'mirsl M-irn,c A,-. Ni h lioal Auction .'ally. Hamiiu, 10 .' I 11 JMMKNSK KKDUOl'lON in tu a l'llIOIab or DltY OOIH. JAMES R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 (KKSMIT STRKET, OFFEU THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING" IX TART OF Hit 1,IM! ... rot i.i nm sd itr.r.s, tllMU.INK.s, I I AN I'LAI OH, al.t'AI'AH nS VOIIAIK.M. ULAOK. sail KA.SL I BILK, Hit AWT ,S, Ot.OVM, J.ISHNB, WitlTK il.),llS), M.ANsr.L,". III. t am. KM, IlNtN Atlit fill TDM HIlKf.TINIMl, HKri.l.I.A.M.S, and CLOAK1SU l l.Otllrt, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. V t. s have to tiinn tha public that w liare markM dawn every anielr in imr now have It la our pewtrtooner HAKE BARGAINS. 10 Mm WI10I.K8AJ K POOMH, UP STAIRS. I JfJSW MOOltNINCr HTOUB. FALL ST0(X. An l".l?p:aiit AHHorlmcnt EEESS COOT)?, CLOAKS, PnAWLS, MAKTLE3, A A I) ! MOUltNINO Mir.I.IPfUKV.1 I Tltr. ATTKMON OK Tllr, LAUlf,, t SOlICITtD. M. it A. MYK1W fc OO., Nj. 0I1 vJ I IU SMUT rt't'KEF. r. HIE l'l-A(!i: TO JIUV LINEN GOODS. a. v. feTKAWjminoia co., K0R1UWH8T COllNfcU KlOilTlI AND MAliKKT 8TRE15T8, HaM' ali. iivs In atnek a full lino :a' M O H II TAKI.X LINKNS, li.uiarkane Moot. IHI Ml i aiiI.K I.IM'.MM, liamuk. and Boot. U.s. I:. -si h.V TA 11. K I.tW:NS, mtr lieavr, TOWl'.I.S, NAl'KINS, AMD DOYiMliS. S11KI1INO AND PULOW LINENS. I.'lurat h dcceiernts to ita.. H iartfins SohooU.and piM-clia-sr. ct I art c let. 9-it-iawMin -p:RAQB.bLilL3.Y 13AEOAIN3 IM PRESS (SOODS. SHAWLS, I I LMsIllNti A3) D0.1IKSTIC GOODS, l.sui; rtaliiK tbe tamest and cnolceat di.utay yet offered at listaU, AKO AT Fltll'K BKI.0W TUE COBHKHrONDISJ HKbUCXD VALLK Of UOLU. 1'RKNOII POPLINS, MEIIINOKS, ALPACAS, WOOL DR LAINES o., VKBV CUEAP. Wa tava iclTd at a t'rsat lacrluoe a Urge Block of Uadlaai-prlcod GOODS. A Jot Lot at AJIEfMCAN DELAINES AND flllNTS, Whlca w atuJl otTar very lew, sad are weli worth the atteniioa of buy era. J, C0T7PERTHWAIT & CO., 8. Loonier KLHTII aad ARCH Btreots, t-im FHILAnKLPIIlA. ((in HOOP BKIRT8 " i'rtCi VZO XIanufaclerr,iNo.C AK('IIgtTrt. ALwvs Slut, atrsiat, A'lUUstwNWlUk. WVlMals aid Batafl. Thamoat compu te aaaoitauanl U Ladlasl', Htsacs', and tnilldmi'a lleop Sktrta in iha eity.ln aviary ruafrct ft.r,t c laaa, avlilch for atyla, nmaa, aamliUli, aad imis. havo nu actual IB the kimi hat, ' nun. mad le vrdw.aJujad, and raeatrad. I U Wit. I. 80PKIHB. YERY LOW PRICES, DRY GOODS. Ay 13 FOULTH AND ARCE, GOODS FOR THE LADIES. 100 IS TDK BASH WK A lift SEI,USr AU, tUTIl Kt)HH(N CJOOD-t ON And a uid ha. now ats fince1, rs. arr able a oitt HMHK H.Wtll.M VH THAU fAN II K OIITAIVKII ftLNKWIIKItK. wiz ti'i:r T-iAYa Iyors Clcak Velvets, 40-incb. White Silks for Weddings, &c, &o. Eest Blue Silks in Town. Eost Br own and Wine Shanes. I ico Black Silks, bf-st Silks maies Widows' Silks, with Purplo Edgo. 42d Highland Plaid Toplins. 42d Highland Plaid Shawls. 42d Highland Plaid Cloikings. Frosted Beaver Olotha for Cloaks, &c. EicheBt All-Wool Printed Da Lainoa. Finep-t Assortment of Dross Goods. 40 Lots Goods from the Lupin'8 Sale. Staple Goods to Suit First Families. Eeibt Blankets, &c. EYRE & LAND ELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. P. 8. Wliolraala lluyeia art ln ltd to Skaoilns tha New Block bl HIlAWI.lj AMI IIKKS.S (iricoa io auu tncm. HP.TAIL AND W1IOI.KS A I.K. a. At. UAl'LICKHI, No. 902 OHESNHT STREET, Ilu now in i'ort fitU asrtmrsut of tM (ifriM DIAL us off KNCIIaISU IIOHIKltY, IK It M IlltlO AN HOHK AND H,.IT IIOMC, HKKTTLE f IIOHH, SMIUrrt, AND DltAWICKS, KM HA UKAVV SILK HMIhTH AM DRAVTtlH, JN AIL &IZMH, FOU GENTLKMUN. in. 7 MVi NKTH EtailTU STRKET. 103 J fMvtintl Mnf atxjvu Arrh. flrnat K'1n( la mx Itam.-nse Mtock uf Ht:ie and t nnoy;i rimmlitrca, giu J'n.IiK the ti it tiud iiuiat Utiili HuhVtj n-tir(-n .f nl mf Latum' hien 4'lnak Triuiuilti, Oiim uiciitN u.Q lluttoiix of our own tnke nU Im pi.rihtlon, Hi Ik. una Merino Hi-tta, all m !( of t tlk ntKirt eniile tU ad lrhin; Ne;U otiAr Uxmn ole wlit ici HiiLir (.Imp, and 11 .:lf Ihnuxii, Ci'.lti MiTnointl HI k O-ovt-r, Kl (tlovcM of Im.t uiaker. IHtrk and Cotoud Vi -iM.'HlmwU ami Sc irf llonlori.aU wtatha ; Katirjr lU. k nnd title ( ombti, hitk 1 lt kihrMum, Jet, ."Uwl, hihI illlt Urt Iturk.rtn. tk iMIi'x of mil v Art Hfld t-isv i sMkfi HufMiiiifN ui ft I Hi.k-n and Jitvintj at iiro iUy niliici'd rjei; WcmiUcii Crmd. Ntiai, Nublin, ltiMHlt ; I.niltri .CtilMrt'ii i, and MIum f4tjckiari at tin t'hi'Mprat pilcfiii Jlrilr Holla, Watartall HuUt, and Wafer t:iilMt.ttt til om own tmpiMvt-d meUicdii; Hla k and Wntta , of all rJ- and atyttti; lilark and t iilin j V;vft HiMiona, in irtent Vfrwty at r.dui-fd nrfi j l.a and ;cnia' Nockiit i, iu great vailety, axu-ojialjr olmap, Ao.( Ac, &f. Laiiivk en me. one and MI, and ivtiTinee yoafiio-lTn hofttra bu iiiR ulst-wlieie, thrt It Ii w II wortli tu yiutr iwn Int-rtiat to pitt-linftr viMir Trltiiminiiii at (he (!'ia 4rori of Wl4 MAM I.ONShKHi AhTKK, No. H. (LHJIUU Hlit, tit iniid doi a.Kivs Arcli, m.xt to tlic corner. H i-uinoks, vopuns. lt"n, t pinurittipa, t'lan I'll Ida. Aiottt ua. atuliHirb. ar.l tit'n'r I"hi hidi. Cli'.ap at JA8. H i AMl'UhlJ. t,H.'H, No7?M'UKSHtt I' rt t ro. -t. KJ Ivejniiit cioiltA. (JiuVOB, l.iiu'O. and U'hltr ttood4. t'li' Ap at JAU. K C MI'itKI.I. , Prt.'S, 7?7 01IHSN() r Hirtit ILANNKLS, Bl.ANKKTS. L J IlisB ftllil c'tltlfHi Httctlnf a. CUonoat JAii. It. ( AMI IlKt.r. 0.'S). Nn. 1i7CIIK.S IS (il Minwt. A IX tt llUWANTOOOU VHY GOODS AT the very tonsat irloa, can rind tbrtn at jAa. is. i:a si ritr.i.i. nu.-n, in 4-tr No. 7'7 OllhSMJ T Hlrost. UN NO KISK.!!! HUN NO Ul.SKU! w e n rurd the nionpT. tl di .ired. fur ertrrlotof Shirta wt.lcli tall lit nny rraneul. Mtik HlllKTfl, NH ni hts, OUT MtMUrTIWIS.: or UUSLIN. fifr.ilo of N w York UIHa Mi'alin.Ausl TSry fli s Llnea IIk-atii (inly St 7... I.sual riiN ,. WiiUuuartii, Miiia Musijii, and Qua Lloon Uoaomi. null SI .Si Uaurn prlrr S. MI l.i.N Tl.fJKKN h 'lUNiMHINrl (lOODS. lih.1 Il.tMI.K'rl riiKNIMtflKrt DOOD8. MM 1111 JAOOIlg, s-S-m No. lm OitBSNUl' Htrsvat. TAl)Ii:8' rA-lNUY i'UItS. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, A1I0VK 8KVENTU. aVT UI8 OLD BSTABLISUP.D STB, Im potter and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS. Vj strorlniant of F AMCT t Ult8 for La die, snd Chlldrea la now couplets, tmbrsotn KVEEY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORN DURING THE COMING SEASON. Eeniembcr Uis Dams snd Dumber, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 71B AltClI STHEKT, Abovs Sevacth, I HAVE KO PAKTNEB OR CrOSNECTlON WITH AK1T OTHER fiTOBE IN TIIE CITY. -30-i rr K H l' L I! FASHION. Email Profits. Quick Sttlei. I1AT8 AND CAI'S. NBWE8T 6TYLE8. , Lewatt rrUscs In tha city. ' liOUItNK, t-lViiw-,lra Ro. 40 X. SIXTH 8TREBT. ,A l li.NTk,D JULY 19, 1S64.-J O H K f tt 4. atulTfcT, Kltsra o rsna, rrcnoii iaa,r iijfhi( and tVouilnii on any kind ol Kaarkis iiaj.l, lor L.J .a, Uei U, sjS Children, fatertt siisirtttaa for alrci.-tiiny I'ajiU fli'Dl one lo fiva ! l.aa. mo. VUS RACJfi H&raot. Iiiansn M. IwJSj. liUll'U atuaat, k'lilUdatiilil. iiu w SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. MOf-TDAY, OCTOnER 21, FINANCIAL. Qi'iiciu i'on Tim WALK OK NATIONAL LOANS, So. 114 6. THIRD BTREET, Pilii, AiM.i'tii UNITlil) STATUS 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Tl. p rSio.,Ttt,(ra having heen (ha a cosatnt IIJ.i.t. portmn of ttia NKr ?lllt fin OKST. lli"l.n. IK 4 II I MU LOAN, are prepsnd te oltf r II on taTir..b.o term, to thrlr ciiatonrra, In liir(i or .anil aranunl.. In ll snda of dci umlimti.iiia f ;fs), lmsj, mo., nd IKXia, belli triU'etril snd coupon,. Th Intcrr.t comuirr.oi'a nn th, tat of MovnmbKr nst and la pisifihh- tn sold.aeinl anniiaili , on tne l.tof Star and Kcvenitier, A II i it r iMrrmuM t iSfcurlrtf. on hand nnd ft r sale, an1 lii(imalk.n slrro conoeiiitni Invo. im-ul., al our wiles,. JAY OOOKK .ft CO., Wo. lit 8. TIIIIll) UruKl.T, 10 f'-' rhlladolohl. IUM I' NATIONAL, Il.VrM Isl. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 SIX PES CENT. BONDS. Ttil, flark haa now flr all. theae reir popular and iaslrabM United ft late. Road., which he KtVE r I A ltd lo run from November I, 1HM, ocfose th. (Jove.-ument has Uie prtetlcge of redraipUoa. INTEREST, TEU CENT. VMll ANNCM, Parul.t. eroil-Annuil'i tn COIN. O. II. UI.AHK, ritEUUENT. Morton MoMiohawl, J CA8UIKK. 10 .,-llt gTOCHU ANB BKCUltrriKtjl BOUGHT AND SOLD O N O U M M I H H I U N , DE EATEN & BBOTHEK. Mo. !40 H. TIIIIll) Sllt'.LT. - JJ1113XML. aSIC CO. a So. 34 B. THIRD STREET. The new S-MT.OAnTtVai-le In amountt to i:iit. lssl HOMIH, list all kind, of OOVEIt.VME.VT I.OAN8 txHisbt and .old. lS-18-10t gSUTH aSc 11 A. IN IOIJ,lJI. No. 16 S. THIRD STREET, UANKKKS AND LIUOKIOUS. Rcclr,Mtockt,qiiarterniaateis' Voucti.n and Cli.oka.aiid all (. ovrmmaiit aVourltle. Uouubl and g'dd. (iniJi QIAJ..IiJfsON afc CO,, UANKiona, NO. lill 8. THIRD STREET, rUILADKLrmA. Oovernment Rccnrftle. ot all It.uec rtircbaaed and for Hal.. bloLka, bonds, and Uold and Mold on Ooia mitaloo. IMKUEUT ALLOVIVU ON DP.l'Oilfd. Colloetlaua Proinptlj fcfada. fp-i-tf QOLD, GOLDi aOLD, SILVER AND BANTC NOTES WANTED. DE HAVE h BSOTHER, al-tf io. wo i. TtORD iTitr.rr. JltliUlIi:. HTKKU CO., liANKiana, No. 30 S. THIRD 8TREKT, BUT AND SHLL GOLD, 8TLVEK, AND OOVERfclMBtsT HICOUIUTItS. U T o a K H II0COI1T AH1 OLl OH COMMtdHION. I ll JEW IOAIV. IN I0W LOAN. V. S. 10-40 JAY COOIf.Q A CO. . OFFER rOlt SALE Tilt NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, bKAIIIMO FIVE PER CttNT. IHTEKEdt IN COIN-, rtdecuatda enr time after TEN YEARS, at tnapleaeura of the Government, and paatil. lOUir VEAJid altur data. BOTH COLTON AND BEOISTERKO BONDS ars laaued rbrthit Loan, of .as denomination at th. 5-ao. Tha Internet on f.Ut and S10O. payable year! ; on all oilier dtaomlsailona, half early. Tha 10-40 lioiula ars dated Marca 1, Io4. The kalf-jetrly Interval falling due Meptenjlwr 1 and Mtroh 1 of each year ; audi 1st tltpteui tisr, tha acorucd Interett from let of March It required to o paid bjr purcluiiert In un or In ui;u ci usnct, add Ins fifty pef cant, tor premium, until furl her notloa. ALL OTHER OuVKKNallUN 1' HK0UR1TIKH BOUCiUi" iOii) BOLD. JAY GOOSE & 00., LiLW-tf No. 114 S. THIRD Si'ItKKT, IJ C NEW 7-30 LOAN. iV7. Siibarripiloua received, awl tha Notes lumitLad Ire. ol all ehaj-set, b OMMtC.B J. BOTD. Hanker, Mo. 18 8. Tlllltosuoei. in.j4.jni OIL CTOCK1 DttUiiiiT ako or.n OK l.UM MtHKIO, Bj ctoMut: j. Biro, Br"he'. 10-M-tal afo.UR.TiniUdlfoet. TN THE CRPUANS' COURT IN AND FOIl A the 1'itj and fount of Philadelphia. K-tal. of JAMKtt UHA1I4M, decsMaed. The Auditor t ppoliited by I lie Court U au. Ill, .elile, and adjust Hie ec cuunl of KktAHOm l.HAUAal, Adiulnl.lial ufdAUKU I'liAHAM, C.-eHaed, will meet ina pariie. la Internal at Hie ts alkerlli Uouae, on fkiUAT, Jfovevoer 4, lA, at 4 f.At. hi li inwtaij DAVJLI W. htUJtlliS, Auditor. OYERCOATS CHEAP, 18Qt. AUCTION 8ALE5. MACKFY-B AUCTION LAJtSBT RlssMt. ROOMS, So. tM - C' J?r,?7;.',"1',n"' "" wnlrinntjst OfanilMO. i,imMr....M Aji.iOon Smnl aad ia rill sliced Bt'm.aili tn of "wot. IM ks At th Rmiliauae. iioiiRKtirst.n nmnrruKB At baellinr. arui H-.ii. K Ol' MKItOllAkDInll At s ataiYa of Ik owrrra. Ce.n anil h advanced "lien di alred fn c jn.knnicnla f rHta lor rnldje aala s nvrs i.os d or ivii.tut trt AvntAn Wllll'lt GKANITK All lUMVIils K.luTllI v. HAhl,4r. n Tuiadar M'irnlnir, Ai Ii o"rlock, at Mari-ii a autloii tusima No tlCMht kn .lras. T:r- aitfntlon ot citjr and country retail atoreliaoeera it Ins,! I tin Im.r-ra n-r tle ponTiT. ran Kt ttilr gi .t carfull parted at Uianrll(-n rooms. KLOIIK OIL M 01 II. Ati, lr.o jnnla Moor on t:ku, saiioiii patt'rm, In pi re. ot Vj tn t;. ; aula. , I'l ' I.AWP4. At 10 o'olork, ls doran iv L rape, assorted. .. . . . IlI'Mt.KltH Alo, HO d.i?.n Cool tin lii.nnr.n. t.andt. J- . AUCTION JSALK Ol'1 CONDKMNKB Wi'iiimArii Or-i'.Ai's 0.ri-, . K.n.r luiiii i, WAsiimnTon Un , i v-i ,h. l, 1 wlllheaolit at Pnt.ui .iae I n,v tii hi'.eat bidoer. at ttie lime and p'area naoieil i,i-1..h-, via. IH.i, r-NSVI.VANlA, IHimtOAT. ctoi. r la. iv.4. VWI MIN(1TH.S, liKI.AWAHPt, THtRSIIlV. i. i,,i, jr, long, I'iNssti.viMs, triit;i:iAv. Mi U her 11. I-B4 TWO IinNIU.PU I UOItttCtH AT EACH Theee Po-ees have lienn condemned at anflt for Ike ens e'- nor vice o I lie a, me. lor road aLdtarinlus pmpjaet aaan,jod bargain! mar be ead. aold aloelf Stale, to eocsme2r- at 10 A. af . Tam.-r.ih, In 1'nlted Msles t'urrero. lij eidsirof tiii'iuarierniaaiar-i'ereiai. JtllhS A PRrv, Cn'on.l In ch-rxo t'ti ai lunsien 10 1-ti'tM u.isrt. rniaeier tlonoiai a Ollloe. PROPOSALS. lROrOSAI.S FOR FURNISIUNa THE X Paper lor the I'ablic I'rlnilug. Oreira Brrni:i'-VMnT nl riNTlt(0( Wsei'imiioN, ootottcr I, Iss4. ( In pirmerve tf the rr.v .iuua ol the aeMiuleeutli a e tlon rf Hie "Joltil lies lntlon In relation to the I'nti'te rrllillna," appruted .tune 1 1, lsi,o, (sealed I'mpo.ala islll h i laeeiied ai tma oltce mull Tl, KJSI A f , the nrst dav of, 1NW, at in ocoek, for Ilirui-hiMK ihe pan.r thai may be n-nrresl for tl . public pr inline fjr in. i ear ending on the tint ray of lirrruiber, Isiu ' fhe Mil.joitiest tut aperliito.,aa as esn be a eer laimd, the u.uanliiy rah kind ol puiier tsiat w.u be St,', in li ro : CI I AftK l-l N(AI.KNrKnt:D ritlNTINi. PAPKH. l' QMt ntiifc tii.o Di nil im. nt4i.4i iinP4iAi1flMr..i ,. i.:8i -rAi.r.NnritKi ihivtiko p.vrr.u. fw n ilu nne uiiDtir u dni r. rAlmiK nil. i (( feTMt Ctn. PAI'KK r-rMmfiitrrf!i priutmK perhard-iiiivdiirtliwpcp- llllv li.itiiii.ti In thm r. ain r t fin, . i i- " CLAiH 4-MAH At'sR '.(0 irrr iiop Due imp ppr, atiprl in1 ttn3frv4. ol futli , nifcy lrHjiuiel,ot.rnH,niJ'iiirin wiuiit with pRfor uiMiitiir 1: bv .'4 inrht., .ml w.-uiuii ttnt- frouudfl ui r ft am of -( lirM ill .ANSft-H.ATK 1'AI'Klt ft(J)nimnpitriiipiipai-rtl!. by. 4 inrlij. And ot Mich wolf M iht n ftrii m 6 n.inL tl. CLASH 0-WM IIHi !APi;U.1. fflKiO Ifimf quat m p. it, 1( ,y lo incl.ei . '( ii ami. II t rap, y ins inrlicv. riHuio iloul it- 1-f.p, hi b mcbea1 f-V reMnii Un y, IB t 201, In Ihk. 1h o if n ina Urtibic lii uiy, wh l) .ii luchea. ti ii rmm lollr po, n b .iinchsa. Ii 00 rrauit dOBhk fuito, f in M mrho. yio ream ui dirtiu. In t 2,i'iitclie. I'Vtrim' ryl. lwh il Inclii . Icur(!nm impirlul, V.'S by :tl inchM. W OOrvKnia, 'it b HH ii.ulifla, to weigh tarty pound pr nam. f(Hnrm,?! by31 luetic., to wclgU thirty -two pound 'A rt Iran)", 17 by welh twenty throo pouqjj pern-am, 10UO rtmna, w by 14 ii cl.ea, to wulgh twentr-thrre pjuads JOoOrfitmi. i!t by lit inche, to neLjh twontr-two ponudj per raam. J(0flma i-i,vir pppr. 'sovtl cn.nM, 79 hy 54 tnrha. 1 I.A.Mrt 7-PAP U OH IUSP ItKi'irF. BLANK. H4M pound ol wilting paper, to be put iip in ream of 4h amh.of audi wel;ht aod Uc m our he iT-tiiTnl,'y (a tint provMnni of the l.lnt irsol-itj-m afore M:tl, .-MMplraof the barartfr aud quality uf ptp'rri tuind icr cUi-uft l nr,(j -2 wilt In- lumi-h J to applica ita tlicrelor. i " pupwr Ik to bo put tin In nuire- of vh...(M h. nf 1 lu huiuiltaol two lentil tact,; t cU rotm to conuin ft-o lrf- ( t fchrt'lh. Unit rmity in ( i.r, tl.t km a, und wetuht wi'lttero'iiiiitrt; atd n bund't (.oxitlimlvo of wripp-rs) ai) ih uvui or ui.iicr live per cent. turn, the tamUrl wiUtit.wlllbe received and the wei'tM wilt (null cHuca te rti.nnu-d. ilo vitnoui hirkiiemi( in U naino liiu nip to u ke vp tha w eight will I cou-.M'rd u . I'lUMcn 'ftnt) wiotihct. Atlvhc pupcr (1rMp.Q,ned In clfuni 4,1, fi, and 7, mint c-niniu -iHJt er;t ci Klicctc to iliu n aiu, und no "om'-iuI ' quliei. 'locy a-c lobe of tlif bo t m.unri .it. fn fioin Mi!tnt?ratiunt Mi:d U Uu fcnat maimor, cut to a truo nlfcff, ud ptnuni.i and M.!s,mn mj,.y t-n vbi .iH'd. Tha pHpem in 6 are to be wh io or hut. la'd Ant, and of httfL vlLbt(iM'piiiiaiciiil('d tnibt' h(dul a ihut In riniiiaJ l.j tm ortin-. Uio lu c .ihmj , 4,'.nu.J are to wlil.e, aud ul the kje and wMyhu iitwilc4 lu U r-Cbdr le. The nkU1 imorveilof orrtci irtf n cn-alror Iritsoitaa tl'.v ot vm U i.nt tvei kind omnu teiiioi iniilii!ii i-.U).,i-, in be fnrj'li il at hurli t'uuta hiiu in AUtb tiuaniiuta n.l! I ..hi ic .tfr. n e uiay itij'Hrt . acli clokk wlil i e to.i-.fdi'red parteiv, and be snHeet o a e,uraie t-oiitri 1 1. but b .'ot m;ty outrr for mo or omif iii tin uum-ch Iti tuc ha:iis, prui No jinipo-al w ill tf iif-t.l. ,r t in; i . a t .it.;,r k-il lis tliu (mruiiHo tlirt the bl'itlT in- bi l'1. r, ii hi-, ' t n'-'r PMr,iuai ,).!, it he kC vpiou, w iJ tmtur into l'li Mitnl ttiitUiii:n iui i nuiMiib, to imuMi ihe aaioins p. iipuitd. lilai'k lot nu tor the pi.oHiil.-, t. Iti be f'irnihi.ed t'l 'I'll .ll(Mii.'J tmi e will he it !, ii.!, t jirador.iiio.i un'cit iti'bkiaiiiially nuff ina tle.owth. All II e pater in II e .nnaliir-.-j uimi Im- ddHverrd at hiv.l p'.a e. ua may be U ni.itud i.i V .mtaiiktun Ciy irxm.i uiai in ( , , wnu:D u.u.i lie tit Lvun-.l nt lti!lt. In the Mftte ol Kt'U York), In tf ihI onler, fioe of h!1 Aitd i er txira cIihirc ol e.pen..o i t .npii w t mjpee li n, etiimi, we;nlit. a.d iiietN-inuicm ui .Uu b up ana land ant, nnd be In ail ri'.i t. tttiiuluuon . llidilera -e rtiiuiitd t with thlr reiinl.. srmpleM of not leiH tlmn on iiiiit ol each of tie minL. of h lz inn n r. ami upon thfir piTpoHaia mity be I HMd,e.cit tn 1 aim . iu no esliil biddura w 11 tm re)ntrjl rbil to cotii mu to tin r (tuipl '. I'lOwtmL-imni be addjerd to MOtlV 1. li:i B'iim rtntei df nt cfttic Pubiie lrlhtln, rt'-.i.n,,,..!! and, udtreU ' J ri)oftal lor bt pi llnn 1 aptr." 4t FINANCIAL. JICHAIIu JACOIW, No. 40 8. THIRD STREET, GOLD AND SILVEE ld-U BOUOIIT AND SOLD. u N I T 13 I) STATES 7-30 LOAN. Tha Beorrtary of the treat imSsoa aotlea that sufc. scrlollera wall be received for Uoapoa Treaaais Bote., ee.enle thraey.ara trom Ausntt It, 114, witn teml ao aal tatareel at tha raU of aeeun and thna-laatha per aetit. per anatia, priuenalaad tntareat hoik to be paid In lawfal monay. aotea will ha eonvertlble at tha oolioa M tka holder, at niatnxltf , fcito aiz per oeot. sold-twartus Son da, saebl not lata than dva nor anoru mas twantr year, from their data, at tha Ooveri.mout ma; eUet. They will be laaued In denomination of tM), 1U), fO, llj. and S..1XXJ, arid ail tub-thtitloin mutt be for Hfly dellart or souie mnttlylt ot tuty dollars. At tha notat draw tntsratt froul Annuel 11, pertona niakliis drpoalt, tubtriruent to that data must pijr tha tntvretl accrued from data ul note le data BcaacuritoKS wn.1. SB RiciniD by tha Treaaaror t the United Slews, at Waahlnsten, th. teveral A-iattiaut Trea.urer, and dul.iiated UteoAluuiea. and t the riJtHT SAI'IONAL BANK OF rTSTlAIlKLPIIl A, PA., BKCOND SATIIINAI. HANK OKfUILA W.LI'IIIA, PA., TIIIKU XATIOVAL PANIt OF l'lllLAOK.I.flll A, PA. roWtTH 'AT10NAI.ll.1!liOF fUILAIHXI'illA, PA., By all national Banks whlcfc are depo.lieitea of publl BM.ney;and rid-17-litl ' ALL KEKrECTABL BA.NltS AND BA.NKXU9 Tteiit'hont theoountrj will aire Pirthar InformtUoa sud AFIOKD KVEBT FACIIJTT TO StJBHt'BIBRKS. f.V TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND 0WNKR8. iSLixl Tha aadrr.lsned barlnf Ueeed the KKHHIfcU. n)t MM'kL. km to Isifonii aie sriends aud the u.irona ol llie Ii.H-k.that he la prepared with tuerua.t'd festtluea to axoooiinoate Ihuee lo be raired or rvvomd, aad bou.s a prarurel thlp-oarpanter and cauieor, will iilva prr.unaj mwulkss to ad veteaai au Uii.l.o 10 bun lor reuJr. ( aiualna or A.nt. Shla-Oarawitara, snd Waohtuirtt htslua v..elao replr.aiee..licJld i"oU. llavlnr Ihti a.'Br for the aele of ' V eilereledtt Patent aUullic Conjiiilo","or I oI'Ihu- ralut, for the prejiuva ,'jn of shomi.' fcoiwme, air Uiui cstjr, I aul prepared Is ruxuiak ineaaaMua favor alda unni. Jnlia H. HAMaflTT. fcenslnrftou Hotevi L)cdl. ehll-at Delaware venae.auoTo Lanrct .weed. WANAMAKtR & PI0VVN, 3 PROPOSALS. 1norosAi,8 KOR RATIOyJI. ' 't (JfAjirar..TKa-, Omc, V H. M. Toarss, f I '.P. ?iv!T"u rwelredat Una amrs, eAfltt 9 rck V.' ' M '" dy of .Novemher neal, for fnr. . Katir-o'to the ti, t 4tab tliaM .UH..H.. (tor ina rearliw,, vu.i ii rort.inoulh, Nw llMiui,.rira. Chartealossn, Maanchiiatll. . . A hrooalm. his loik. a rtiiadel4na, Peiin.slvanla ' l 1 ' ' Waftirh.nCit,liatrirt e'ColoinNa. I . lM.rsrt, naj Nosiolfc, Vlr-li la farh raili In renalsi of (('r.fonTth, nt a fwteid P rt aiiron. or one .ml r..n ..i. ....- u tUhuen otinc . of I.r. ad or flour, ortwelr ounoeo , o herduitasl.oreiieand a foanh pound ol a n moil I aadt , 5 : ,V,t'00'l,ll,,!'',r, J',"'nsoleVlituuartaof beinai ,. or in nan tin reo , ten o of rleo; or, la lieu Uirroef, ' rP- r.-S. one nun Ired aad sfirannoee of de.a.caiod " oiau ea. and om liunjied ouaee or rained vewetaklee i sea pound, ol rocee: i.r. in .1.... t.-r .... . w.i 1 "ind -vf lea: urtein uo ....... r...'.. ,...,. ri l"s "' r,-"tea. "r one aid one IB'irU, ' I.H..- , -"-"' " ' "nuiea or one and a half Thr;..';!!.1.',?",.",'.u' " "a ""i ouans al aeit. I aisnen ' . is,- . . i "a "f'"; ,h order or the (Ton.- , fcTui J T,Z ? I'' "" t me f.e.1, heer.enh.r l ' aula, or I.JI in. .Iml,. raimn, M ..oil oiialitr sitn aa n.r .ranalea. aall. Ave..!,, b. . .a .... . A'l rilirrin la-a.W.00, e.S-aqaamy. suw'-a "" c',"'!"," y tni fotljn jsrinj (nar. The .,nl..,v,M?i',, ' UfAHAHTIIII. hrreny s'naiantee tnat In r... the'"foreV.lnTfcld of ' ' forrel'01.... e d.ime.u, eceepted lie or ther tl .. o.-t ollir,. untr I. ears, m. tn. contract for the -.ana .III good and .ufllrlrnt aeaurlt...-. an li a. . .si a. e l la,! to aiorr into coniraclas aloreaa.d we u.ralil-e t., n.akr ,0. a ,i o,ri,.nL., i,,WMn , ' U,e .fti,l ai d I Urn vulob may be Jl'ne.a. A II , u.i.r.ntw. 1 !! " U ' u"r. I hrrfl'i rssitlrv lii.t tha abore nenseA k:on 10 uie a, men ul pn pert, and ab u make seed th- Ir ei'arartoe I o l in. a eytre t'nlte t etatnt Dlstriot safe, United 8'aie. fiintrtrt Airorur. or floll.xior. h'i prop l "Id unle.a aectnipaaiied fcr th'- at'Otetuarantfe. Kiov.repeia aulhorlard to ri"h tlia ahove will tl r pej.or roiif.aiuui.. th. dret Inaertlon to tbitomoe flvaa- ainlaa Ion. rn joaa'a to ha endorsed "Propoeale for Batlonj fee ts" aud ad-Jre..ard u, t l.aa undersigned . . w. n. r.Aoic. ir-W-twH fctaior and iruaria muter.' OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSAUT OF 8UB nisitjici.. WsiiiKnTn,rt.C. Octofcar I4.1SM. l'HOIIJMAI.S Full KLOIIK. Heeled ProfKMala in dupllrate ara In lied until Neeoea. ner I at 1 o l,wk M . ural.hlns 11 ,e Huoaieteuoa paituont with Tw.p Thonand(?lu) liarrale of flour. The pmpoaal. v. Ill 1 e 10: 'il la known at tnla KrpH at Nov. I, t and n, and bids will be euiarieiaid Isk aav ataati. : till le.a than the whole. Iiida niu-i l, in dupUuaW.snd niraaeh arade on teparatt) theoia ol paper. 'ih denier) of the Flour to eonimenca witttia fin days from ttie apentiiK ol tl et ida, and In aitnh quantlUes, dally, aa the IMv.ninient may dlrenii delivered at the tWerrn- nat-m si arenouM in ueoriremwn, at tea wfaarTee ar rati rsvad deesA an V aabiunlon. U. O. ; The delivery ot all floor awarded tone 0tataU4 wtlaiai twenty deva from the otenhif cd the tade. raiueul w'll Ive mean in rertincelee of bvdohtoilneM, or tush other fuudt UtetiovernmwumuaararordJs tnir.ement. The aanal Oovernment tnapeetloa w a be made uet fcsv i roiathe Klnsir It lofirived, aiot tMuir will be eo-eetod whsefc la not rVei.Ii urouiki. and made from wiaiai sroutd la tha vtVinlfy wloro manufactured, uukiaa of a very aaperkac qli ,1 Iv, Ihe lonr to be delivered ia new oak berrelt. ktad lined. An oath of at1ei;laore muat areompAjty tne old af aaefc Milrter, who hea not theoaih on die In rhiaottloe. and mm tod will (Voia parti., whe have aravlooaljr lal edmeonip:. with U1011 Mda,or from bidden not pre- vut 10 respoiio. ' ttsivernroent reserve, the rhrht to r-Jeet aiie aid fnr aar . eaue. Bnla to lie asMresasMl to the unileralsuesl, at Mo.tVl U etrael. end orttid "PropoeM. bar Flow." - IP H dt Capula and C. at. V. ARMY 8UPPLIRS. " Oiritii op Ai mr Olotiiino srrn RrpAQa, ' So 6UI Buoaowar, Mew Fnaa, UotonerW,, t;4 rsetd rropoaata wt'l he received at una srdtce)uattl It o'clock at. 00 1 llrkriUAV, tha s;tl Inst ,fur larmshlaf hy Uie iHvpot of Army Clothiau and aeiiieaae, r Knapaacka. faekins HOKOt, Iritni rtlicka, Hhvel Twine. . " Sevird Iiooicea, Ho. S. PanilileaortDeojrliiationtof whirk am be aeea aA Ihle '"' Ofhre. ' 1 Itiditere will ata'r the qaanmie, theyertik to delliar; the lime ihey can the delivery ol all toev aroeose to furniih. 1 he kuapaacka to ba delivered In artnv afandaril eetr. Ian boaca. A in,pi nnitrantee must aooomnanr all nroaoaals. tire lortii tli. I II a contract ia awarded to the party Bam"al therein, he or tl.ay will at once alio bonda for tha la 00 1, A iieriormaucs' of a contract. Tne tinted Htatra ro.urvaa the lo relect any aart nr H e whole of the Urdi, at may k. deemed lor the laterau of the air ice. I'rcpr...ala hhnnld be en-tnTaed 'Pmoosala fjs" fhersl aula the name of the article hid for), and edjreaaed to . . 1 II. VINIOM, 10-21 Jt Bsputy l)u.rteriuior General, if. ft. A. o pKOI'OSALS 10R LUMBER. " Cim r QusitTRMHAjiTKa'a Orrioi, ' r Pai-OT or vI'a.siiimitom, tV'est'lnaion.Hct. 17, idiil (Soelid l'roro.sls will h rroclica at ilda Ollloe uaMt f.A'11 'KIMT.Oriobrr:1.'!, ISM. al lioVIck.t.,fordelrras M ihie depot ol Luiuherof the fnUowiiis amoaMt. kinds. ; and ii, a, niinoj'., vtr : l,fro,o.nir-etf.4 or 1 inrli Whlta Pin. rammon Onlllnirr. ou.uwnsif ti-4or l.H-imh wniia i'mc oeuunoo OulU '1 IllKO. ISO,!" fretn-4 orj In, h White pi common Outtincor. . lvXi,tlAiftet4-4os' 1 inch toiifuad and grooved rieur lnat. ,, ; e.'.,ii' t. ei ivt rteiDjock Pcan:!lr. li feet l,n. , t V. s'ltrtJ.4 Il.rn.rck Rcu.Ull'f. 14 leot loa. '.Tf ,IS, twr ,'j4 Memlnc-k dean. I nr. Ill fei-t Ions. , isms, km Jus ileniioivk noanttlu. is (bes lorni. r , U,.llsl li ol.' 4 lumiock Bo iiitllny, 'JO foot Lecw. .;,,is n iroi ;ixl lieicloc k Joist, II fhol lon. V,iso net ;,x(, tliuiloa mst, li tael lm. li.tvro ten vr. Ilens'ck .1 il.t, 16 test l.nif. it tret Sua tleminek dotst, yo fan livast. So.lasif.el (. Ilemlork Jolat, 4 leet tome. I a.VSKi f. ot r7 Hemlock Joist, 1 ivsh losi-. Wsl icet ;tl llrui och Jul.l, Ik feet virn,. 'i' tis. feel HxV lie nitock .lol.t, Its ft-et tone, in.lsai reel UxK Hemlock Joiat, U fiat ten. YlolKsl fiei ;l!i aiittln Hemlock doi.t. J feet hvae. 1 ib.lM 11 n isli ar.d 111 Uomloek dolat.VO free lone., f, .1 .-,,. ami In Hemio, k Joist, -'l net hus. I .Css msi No. 1 JS inch aawed Wh te p,ne 8tunaUA. l,&lflj(ibeal oiialny taweu 1 ajar tlblniilet. KM' ISSj Plaxtern n ! I a. Hani plot or thinitea and itlht projioead tor wfB fcs re. tttilred. hiua will be rocietveil aeparntoly for each kind tad uoaiiilty at abuve tpccldiid, or lor the whole ainoutt act. vartiMd tiir. 1 All of ihe above deaorthed to he good mnrohantahi ,,i lumber, xuulect u ti. tu-peiaion uf au In.peotor appointesl on ike furl ul llie Uovetnmrrit. Allot tin lumber rontr,srtd Ihr tn be deHrfreilJwtths ' thirty '') day. from dale nt contract. i I'rrf'Ctalt .irons duloval ysirfc.vtff nett bi rontintrria1L ,1 Au oaili ol alicKituice 10 the tultod tttalc UererruaoAt , mutt tccem) any aai-h pi-oioaltl, n. .The ability ol tho Milder to till the contract, ahoiilrl rt 1 he awanlcd him, muat be Biiaraiiteed by two resnestal. e bio ineiona.whoai) tifinaiure. mutt ha appended to ties.. 1 guarantee. ' The full name and peat r,fticn addroet of each bidder bu.i be leaihly written In the proposal- I ttonda In a sum ,,iuul to half or tne amonnt of tha eott . J. Irac;,aiaiesl by ibu oouu-actor and both of ni. auarrtntire, wM he leuiiod 01 ll.o auocoeslu; hiddar. Uhou aisnuus una) ooiitraoL The nsM to reject anv or nil b'da thit may h deeaaeal " lao hayh ia rrearvid by il, a liepot guartermHttor. 1 ProfO'tla inuat a plainly ainli.e,l uti tho enveJopa, ., ulkioiiu.ale lor l.iiuliui," aud eddrosiod tu tha uuaor titinrd. 1). H. ItirfurHK, .. Iirlxadler-l.anoia: and Chin tjunertnxiar, I'VIB lot i'.Krtoi Wahluai,oa. , nIDKSAND 1)AKK1'.I.8. 01F1CK DEPOT Cvincdxeaiy of bulisiatonoe, V,'A.,nii..iTOi, October IT.lwvl. w ill be toid at public aucti ir , on THURSDAY", Ootohmr 27. l-ftS,at ,1 aclock A. ei., at histh a treat wharf, Wtah Inatou, l. C. ot'tkidtUed II du. f ', liy lltdoa, more ar tost. Alto, lttoo Huiiar lio;hhoada. , I'm Pork Barrrla. NWi Flour 10 1,', l'.,:l,a do IL, n luaky d I.', h uh do 175 li-eiiai Kess. , WSJ Bniee. i..Vo. ate. Tarnia Ctub, tn ircaaurr not.a, at lb, time of tare, lu . Iv-ot li. lIKi-L. l.wuu-OeLaadU.a. . qUAHTEUMASTKR-OKNKRAL'a Oltioe, Flral InvLloal, nAniiixoroirRlrr.OUobor l.ltkak. rtimsKS! iiohhks:! iioiusksiii llor.ea aulTel-le lor Ani.lery and I avairv torvtee wfH be puichaxd at tllKtsllOlvO liKPOl', Inopen marud, tlat Kovtttiber 1, IH04. ... lior.ta will or dellvared to Captain L LowryMoora, A. if ai . aud be ,ui,iclrd to tha utual Uoverutneal tu.ptctloi. baiore belnr aocepted. Price 01 I avairv Horse., I74 eioh, price ol Artillery lloasaa, llSUeach. pajmcntwUlbsioiadaloreiA tjJJJ,,,m'BK,w ,' 0Uiiat plrMi lilvialon. 10 Ht31 QnarUiwaaiar-Uenerai't OUioa. OFflCE CHIIF QUARTERMASTER, Clim.ATl,iklo. Oclobei 17, land. J'ronoatl. are tneitcd bv tk. uailenomou uUl TUES Ji, ovin,l,or in. IS.I4, at J o'clock p. M , tor Uie lulm dlatodelrvrrv to thla Hepartinent of ASIM I-AltC't tt'twaUuf Pattern. Ktmplct of whiih mav be am-u el tha Uovornmeiit In apcction Yard, corner ul K.,1;U and r ittctnan ttrau.C'la cll nail, OL'o. . . . . 1 a he ds llvered fret of clnsre.. at th. u. S. In.oaotlon ai d ia no. eiiy. a Ilk ike name of th. narljr fiuumliliw . dltiliiCtlt uiarkt'd on recti Auiliu'auca. l'aitio oilerlnir Arahulam-ea nu,t disttnot'y atata la tiieir blda the iniivber they propeo. to ruriiuih, the orie.o. ' unil time ol delivery, and must suarantee mat Ilia Ainbii. i,ie... .h.ll be. in uverv re.ucci. eoual to Anuv Mtj..i.,rii clh.rwlse ttie propoaal will not he couslilar,l, A fruarnutee, feiued b two reapttialble ni-acir,, mttat acconipaiiy each bid, suarantaelus tiiat tha bidder will a.iMily ihe Auibulaucoa awarued to Aim uudoc his pro ptaal. tuda will be onrnrd on TrT.RnAY, November 1, W4, at 11 o'clock, St., at this olilcu, aad btddert two ro ' unrated to h; preaent . Awarda wul be Usui an Wednesday, Xo-eukar 19, lct-t. fs.-sid, will Ve required that tUs contract whlba faitMuUjr flilnlVd. J ciexrama letatttif la prnpoaula will not be noticed. BlrDk foi in. 01 prupoaola, couliaola, asiu Pui-l soa - ., pidiiltad at U 1. utto-e. IM 1 h. rKiit to njct anj bid deemed our'ton'" rctvrved, ., , I ndotea auvalopt "Propeaalt Aw Am !'"" 5IXTH AND MARKET STREtTS.