The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 24, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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rilllDELriHA,. MONDAY, OCTOIWR 2 1, 1861.
. THE MIS30UBinfVA8I05.
ana .jXTrneon i Ity Kastnrn of nnnirskl
I llt IletalHor tlf tight nt JIiwkiv
i'nllunt lrimi or tlm 4rrlHta
'form of IIih 4'iiltnlntlnn Jnckumn
I nd tnnnlrrll Kfmcnlicd by I'rire
It ItVariilnr OUIeora Iteseiinnass or Jtobol
llUorlfii to rlts Call,
I'bvkishbon CiTr, October 1!). General
famed here about 2 o'clock this morning frooi
reconnoi-siinc tip tlic river to Hoo'ivllle, on
: steamer IiuUUi, with two hundred mon. Ho
1 1 the AuaWsVi n' Hoi-beno'' and came don
I th point In ft yawl, ntVimpni'il only by
lP'-nin Hotrtans, of flocmville.who cane a pilot,
correspondent Ot tbu 'soio.Tor.andtlie boat's
w. TLcre were Borne guerillas on thcwiy.
J) t?'C Oencral fired upon thciu, bat th jv made
attempt VD tlic bout, ncanitijrinj- a,vsy.
Jt Tloonville, on Monday evening, O nori.1
'k obtained inlm-maiiou tbiv the pirolcd
1011 ganl.on of Ulasgow were witlnn eight
I lea of that plncc, under rhurw "f an c - irt of
1r Confederates, with a flai of trti-o, to gii ml
m from tbo bushwhackers, which was one of
6) ct itUiiions of the surrender, (joncril (',(,
I once sent out Captain (iiaie, ')n A iWgot'
I ice, to nifnl I he ConfcdiT'.tfe officer nod receive
je prisoner", as he did Dot want the HiiHs t
Ion! Into lioonvllle and discover the woakues
I his force.
('rem tbu olTicers and men of tin girrisoti. nr. 1
,-;o irom pnriocii cuinn, l n ame a van io.imv-
K : The (if.-ti: ii tr nt lilasgow coinmi'ii m arly
, Saturday ixi. ruing at da light, too shells ot
a It' belH roiuiiieneeil bur-tug In the streets,
ing tired In m Ihe opposite aide ot tho river,
f inn .Shelby b tuns. It npp. mod that Mi-iiiy
id two or three thou-and men on that nhlc.
fioot 8 o'clock some four thousand men, con-
fluting tho he'terpart of Martnaituka's Division,
I mpaiariiy untirr command oi .Mini n. i;.iuk, dark hud i ro- ed over iho evening pre
jiih at Airow Iloek, with two pir-ees nt artillery.
lie stain mnoiinili d the town, and cGtntrie.iecd it. lie mado sever d chirg-s, which
J'tre well rcpnlsed by the gallant lit-li gtrrisnn
Jtiiecr six luimlrcd mi n, who were wi! limit n
S inle pice of urtll'rry. Me.inwhile Hhelhy was
wvorou'ly tlicllirK the pNce tiom the op.i isite
no. Alter holding out until o clo. k, lieing
ailu..lly diiviii in on all siilin, Colonel llrdinir
a fon cd to nineinler the garrison, obtaining,
con ditions that hid men 'liouiil pirolcd,
id t'urni.-hed an escort tl.r t ic It-jhel lines.
nd that the otlh er should lie p 'rmfti : 1 to
.ieir fiik-ann", and keep their Lor es and other
'ropi rty.
lletween five and aix hnndred Koldiers, and two
r three hui dred citi.ens, Burrendered.
The RnlM'ls Imtlieavily : etween twoftud throe
'indrcd killed and wounded.
I A detac!nent of eicht men of the Otli Mix-
4'Mirl fonght ncnrly an hour in a tohuuco ware-
vuiie af i r the g:ori-on had aurronHcreil, not
howing the fact. They laid out tdxtecn dead
'.ehels there.
LieiiUnan'-Colonel Hynea, of th" 17th llllnoit
aMilry, Chief of Cavulrv on Oeneral l''ik'a stall',
Ind Captain lloliowav, A. A.U., wero among the
riBoncn. Lai, tain Memiiutz, ot tho Oaiiitia, was
Our whole Io-b In killed and wounded ia not
vex thirty or foity. I will forward a list by mail,
he 43d Heginnnt sullcred xeveroly. (.'.intain
)iiboIU was wounded in the head, and ni or
Eicht olheis. John McDowell was killed, und
robahly several others. Lieutenant Simons, of
Vno 63d United Slates Colored Intuntry, xai
.Hied. The garrison foiighi bravely. Their
utrenchnunls were prcttv good: but tho fort was
niaer.ible. Qnuntrell and Juekman were botb in
he lie be) army with commands.
uiianncti d met act utter me siirrcnner was to
lemand Colonel llvncs' hone, in violation of the
xpreas ftipulations that be should retain him.
ho nend is recognized tiv rrtoo a u ri'guiar
onfedenito officer; ao Is Ri:l Anderson. Of the
utter I have evidence, which I will tend you, that
-jinnot be ueniea.
Price encamped nt Marshall on Sunday night.
le and his ollicera ere greatly cn "ouinged tiv tho
'mall forces thut have api) lied n;Miust tlieiu.
hey talked loudly and euutideutly at Ul'is..jw
if wintering in thu R ate.
Audi rson, Jaekman, nod others hiveouli- te l
reut niiuibcrs ot recruits nor. h of tlui river,
they got fifteen hundred from Chariton, and
hove, fifteen biimircd lioui Howard, t ig thou
antl irom Donne, one tliouaand feoia llando ph.
it lit huudred from Callaway, and eight hundred
.iom Monroe.
It isidle further to conceal tba; the Rchel annv,
n this Slate, is oi iilnmiiug proportion. Th"y
iro constant. y gathering up arms from the un
upported garrisons tin y are captnrinr.
lirigadicr tii neral Wolf, of Sr. J. jiiis, is iti
wiiiinaiid hern.
I liaiiils of emiillas aro enmmitting doprodv
tious iiciOJH the river here. St. Sim.
skrtert or lrlont ami I-ili't ItcU
Iioiii YoiimrN lil Kouili.
On the Ui nltiuio President lirlghaoi Youn
Old cm pany left Great Salt Lake City io visit
our aeutheiu settlements, lie wss absent taeu'.y
nine dhys, r.nd traveled b 'laveen seven buu 'noJ
nnd eight bundled miles.
Of the twelve, fieorge A.Siiiitli,VilfordVvd
rufT, John Tavlor, K.ra T. Bens in, Lornuo
rVnnw I'Viifiklin 1). TtLdisrils ioilied tliM cone
f pany in Ureal Salt Lake City j Orson Hyde at
I Sevlir river bridge; Amasa I.ynmi nt l-'illin ire ;
and, on He return, Kiastus Snow joined the
company At Round valley. There was no formil
organization in traveling, for overy porson seeuie 1
to know bit place nnd duty, and not a aiugh
murmur of rii-eonteut, unh, or i'an.t
finding occurred to ruflle the coutiuiied peace
Uat prevailed dutiug the jouiuey.
Thirty aeven arttlemeiiia were vUited and
Uiirty-uiue lueetinga held, in which one hundred
and tweuty-tour dijcourcea were d' liveiej. The
teachings were rich in conn-el and good, sounl
lUklruction, which, 11 observed, will bring to tin
euinta nidi dual and teiiitiornl salvation, and wore
Impressed upon every honest he u t liy an uniisii tl
unction ot the tloly spin', ureatly eoiiyiu; tue
saints and urcngtlitmuij tlieiu in their most holy
TLe reeepilona given to thf lio ldent nnd his
company evidenced the universal co'ill Jruce dud
food feeliinrs of the people t waida t ic cousd
tuted authuritiea ot tile Chinch, '-ilia l'rosi.
deiu a viMt was made a time ol mbileo. leastins
'..and rejoicing: tho schools wore out, beaded bv
their teachers, and cUiklrui ,.ive their jayous
bows of welcome as wu pas. ed ; young men and
i miiidena sa d : ''Welcome, 1'iosideut Urlgbaiu
Xoung and company; tha stalwart tanner
Iiiecln.uio, and hinnsjriniin ce ised for a time tlieiv
labor to join In the geneml n ioicin: and imirv
luukiog, and the teraraul bued their sivrel
beads lu token Of Welcome. Companies ol horse
men mid bunds of music, with colors living, uud
lu snme li.stancea Platoons ol liciutilul girl
drcjbtd in while, met tho company toeecort tuoiu
Into the cnles and bid them welcome.
At Is'cphl, C. II. liryau, Bishop, a waou and
tram, was luted out tor Hie brass baud of that
Dlace. wbo couitcouslv tendored their services to
the Piesldent aud company during the trip. It
would be no easv task to gar too much lu malsc
of tbe brethren compos'ng that band j for they
I were ready on all occasions to awauen tno.r
f beauiitul strains, and both mau aad beast were
couiioncu nua lusniriMiu uy uie sweet inniiBiirn
of their music. The brass band of Neph
formed an lmuortaut Item in the rrcsldcnl
trip, and they will be held In grateful roinein
I ;, u ranee.
'' The land, where tbe water waa naught and the
sou nairen, ia now a land or nourishing citiea
.where frost, desolation, and sterility characterized
. rrgiong. now nrooucuve lanna. unity orciiaras.
J mid fragrant nower-bordeis tloaiish. The com
pany were reignled with melons, peaches, apples,
and other fruits of this lately barren aecun.
W beat and oor In abundance, are produced oa
the rim of the (ireat llasin. Wheravor the saints
bove settled God baa healed the watora and
blessed the land. It was said, anciontly, "Tbe
wildeniOi and tbe solitary place shall be glal for
them : aud the desert shall rejoice aud blossom aa
tbe rose. It shall blossom abundautly, and re
joice, even with joy and singing : the glory of
Lbanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of
Curmel and Sharon, they shall aee tbe glory of
the Lord and the excellency of our God." This
hm been verified before our eyas.
When tbe company decendc4 to tbe settle
menu soma of tbe "Kim ' they feasted upon the
fruit of the vine, tbe cotton-plant wai exposing
its fibre to tbe bnsy fingers of the gatherer, ana
every person teemed alive la the work of iiu
Movement aud telf-prett-rvation.
Jday the heavenly impressions received daring
tbe President's trip south In Kepteruber, 1841,
never ts elfttoed from tbe minds of the parucl-panta.-"
Gnat bM haU CV)
lKUAr -
- ,
Latest Soutlicra News
Tlx? Defeat of Early Acknowledged.
ik olnl to Th Rtenliif TcJO;i"'
Wasiunotov, October ',!ra.nil pipers
of Salurday, recclvei )fte to-day, havo only
short K-eountJi 0f F.Arly's defeat in the valley.
Tin v ,rknowkd;:e the lo J of nea'-ly all r hi v
artl'lco-, and give our cavalry ere lit for havim;
tinned our defeat into a victory. Thoyalo
a. rt that, apple brandy, indulged in too fr "uly
by Keliil tiliicers, added grcitly to th extent o
the dit.a-tir.
lloml'H Army.
lined in Mii lo tie gong into Katern Tonnes
e, mid beyond this inlen'.iou tnu Rebel pre-s is
ill nt.
I'rlro'a Army.
Cinnral Tiiec has i-mood a lon bun ouibe
order to his niiny, conratul itln.; It upon its p ut
Nlnvf for stofdtei-M.
Tho Rirtirr.ond Sentinel arg i.m i,i favor of c n
loy lug sin ,es aa aoldiers. and nioicovcr savs,
tlia; il the Suulh caiiii"! whip tho Nutb. it cu
load ns with snob a debt that wo cm never
recover lium it.
fribk Engagement at Milieu, La.
The Federal Troopa Evacuato
Bull's Gap.
AffAlr nt Ivet9nbnrs;.
From the llictiiiiond IHtfaUh, Oibtril.
Unlet reigned on the line, bolo Riclim md
je-ter'!ay. Tbe day was both foggy nnd cloudy.
and from our works n." iro-t tlic xani-ee lines
jearcclv anything ronld lie seen of Iho Yankees
I. ni their pickets and their enmp-fli-es, tho latter
indicanng their line irom uecu Unttoni nortii-
west to tho Darbytoivn road. I'or scvoial days
the enemy nave shown some restlessness in front
of tbo extreme left of our lino, which runs uortii-
ast from the Darby town towards tho diaries
City road, crossing tbe filter about si miles Ir-jin
the soutliriiaiern suburba of the city, and on
Wcdneaday night there was u great rumbling of
l in.kce v. a wns and artillery, nnd a eaiiomni; lo
and fro ot their cavulrv in this ijuartor.
I hey are either preparing lor another reeo-i-
nol'sanceor they apprehend an attack from ms.
it is cerium tin y Have massed sevoral divisions
bove Ihe Charles City road. T here waa a report
about 11 o'clock yesterday morning that they had
attacked us at thin poiut, and that a battle was
going on ; but the story was without foundation.
Ihe heavy tiring or our b ilrenes at Dutch Claa
no doubt gave rise to it, the closcnoss of the at
mosphere rendciing every souud of the c.iunoa
distinctly utiilit.le In tho city.
ery ueavy nriug was near.! down the river yes
terday evening, which Is reported to h ive been
done by our batteries at Chapm's, which opjucd
on the rncmv's lines. After diligent i'ldiiiry wo
failed lo obtain any filllcial coniirniatiou of this
report. There ia nothing certain, excent that tbo
eannoradc was tremendous, and was hoard in
the city with unusual distinctness ; but we ate
elspusi il to believe that it was nothing but ttio
nine old shelling we have been bearing any tune-
ever a month.
Hrniit I'repiirtiia; for toother
Front the liUkmoHti H'AiV, OrnitfrJI.
Agnin from Petersburg, as usual of lato, wa
luivo to report all miiet. The I'.rprrsi of yostnr
dny a.iya it is thought the enemy aro gettin;;
ready for another move, which may take place at
any moment.
I.ieuU' Tl. II. Anderson his been
permanently assigned to the command Ol' the
corps lately commanded by tieueral Dean regard.
There are no signs as yet of preparations ou the
part of tho enemy to go into winter quartern, says
the .Vyiru. 01 course not ; f ir if (Irani h is iwea
well informed, through deserters and scouts, ho
knows be has no abiding pi ice ne-jr l'etnislmrg,
and that he will have to hibernate in a more
northern or easterly quart T.
tjeneritl lliifler'a Ti-ot'Me with llio
lniK-li Ji (nmil iiml the Vlriui.i
t'TJmthr Riihmmul IV'... , nl,,;,' il.
Butler has, without doubt, his troubles in cat
ting bia miniature canal a n-oss the Dutch Gap
ii thiuus, uot thn lens' of which is the c itist int
boiuhardmeiit from our bauerics, wliicti keeps
his diKgurs, instead of dii'.vting, continually dodg
ing ot aquatitng.
rromptedby heredlta'y Yankoe cuimlng, he
lias at last devised a plan tiy r. tiich to stop our
murderous firo, by placing mi,''i of tho V.i'ijliiU
rei-ervea s be ciii capture in th. mo,-.t exposed
part of bis, tliinkin0' !lut this exu. d. -m
will induce our (juvcniinei.;. o it of oheur com
miseration lor their condition, to ce-e for tuc
future their liOiiibardincnt of ttviGap.
Mr. Mct'rea, one of the local defense tr opt
who, with Mr. ilouler, wautlered into the Yan
kee lines lie-lore they knew it. ca-ne up last lli it,
on patole, we fillet some an-.nge -neat
by which the c iptured reserves may bn relet .ej
in. in their perilous position. Mr. Henley was
still ut work ou the aaal.
An otliur who rearued tlu city this morning
from 'he iieighborliood ot Chaplu' Inl'oiius us
lliut there was a very heavy botub irdmeiit ol'
"lf.0 Uap" by our batiorii s last uight, widen
lasted scveial hours.
trout Last Touucsse, -1 iiloa Troops
lvui'itnle Itull'H 'Jnp.
From the Hiekmand ItUpa'rh, ih-totvr'Jl.
The following olliclal desiiatub w aa received
yesunlay :
lli.Aiigi'AiiTF.iii Aioiv S'otnm-Ks Vnuosia, Oc-otior
I'i, IMil. Ik.n. Jriih-s A. Keilil .ii. Neeretary of Wiir:
.ltNni INevkll.r.ilh.- I'p ril l.'Al tl s H.ulllh nil tll ulgM
( tte N.lll lull net ttie raaa-a t bridge uvor M issy crt: -k.
li.loi'e- drtlhytil en lti 1-tii ll! rmi-i.y leirriejlvevaoiis'e.l
IIQ.l s oui, retirailu luwurus Kuonvlilu. i! nTal
aus'tiii U i.nreuliik'. ft. C LKIfi.
From Ihe hiihownd HVn.;, Otf. be,-21.
General Breckinridge's men ure not pertnlttod
to eat idle bread; but push ahead and keop
moving, lie has smoked, at last, tue Yankees
out ot Hull's Oap, their favorite place of refuge,
aa we learn from an oi'lcia! despatch received ut
the Wur Department last uight, which that
General Itreckinridge reports that bis scouts on
the nii;ht of the 16th burned the railroad bridge
ovor Mosay creek. Ik-fore daylight ou tho lfiih
the enemy evacuated Hull's Gap, retiring towards
Knoxvilie. General Vaughn Is pursuing.
UnnbOHt Usrbt at Mlllea, I.h.
i'rosi the Ki'-hmand A, fletoher St.
Momi.i:, Octolier 19. Yankee gunboats Uuilcd
on yesterday five hundred infsutry near Mtllen,
La. They were attacked by Captain Amos, with
a part of lfith Confederate Civulry, aud driven lo
their gunboats, losing between thirty aud forty
killed and wounded. Our lusa wa tlireo
wounded. The gunboats have gone to tho navy
Expedition from Bfewbom faiitAta Oor
loa, of tb Asir, Hilled-
rVwi the llu hmend D4f, Qrteher 11.
An expedition from the enemy's gunboats at
Newberu, consisting of about sixty men, with
two burgea oue carrying a twenty-four pound
howitzer, and tbe other twelve pound gnu
a'tacked a portion of Captain Jones' Comnanv G.
colli Uegiment, then on picket at tbe mouiU of
bwui creen, aiivn ig uiew back; and the Yankee
sncceedud in lauding.
Captain Jones, with the balance of his comnanv.
tome few miles distant, went immediately to their
assistance, engaged tue enemy, and drove them
to their guuboals, killing Captain Gordon, TJ lilted
States Nary, commanding the expedition, and
two men, and wounding two others, with no loss
whatever on our side.
AMMlrs at fiharlovtota.
frm th Rich Whit, October 31.
A tram port, with a regiment of troopa, left
Morris Island, oa Friday forenoon, and tailed
North. Tbtrt WMWOianofucHin thsjtieot.
Fatim-.k Pntxr, October 24. The fteamsMp
lltlffinn, from Liv rpool on the l.lih and l.jnd in
deiry on the HMi, pahsed this point to- lay. Tae
following aie the latest despatches received by
I owm, Oelotier 14. There in a better tone In
the money maiket, uud funds arc firmer; but the
beevine-s in comnii rcial c rcles continues.
The fri.jato .Vimuin Inid arrived i.irsh iroham
with a Spanish tetur, ei.ed uuder su-piciou of
Leirg a blockade runner.
Xlic ship S'iu!!trn (oi', of Maln i, v cmu
ten d on August 2S by the piiato Vj,-,, and
r leased un.ler Iminls,
tfmnuerrlitl ttilelflsr'ino,
rntton dull, and ilec'lncd 2d. for A'
lire uistiiUs d ill and ile -lininj.
Cen-o' Ks(i-i.'tsj far money.
I.I . niiiioi., Ot iter II. -Sales of ' fir
t'ie w, ek i l.atHl ln'cs. The ni arkei. L--dull nt a
cbrliiie oi'Id. p r I 'liuul fr Am. ric n, i.nd l.l.l t'
' I nt "tacr il.-s lip ions. Mid. King 0' o.ini Is
I in 1 1 d at '.Ml.
II end mils dull and d'-'-liula . Provisions
d ill. 1.. nl '',.n.
I ON mis, l Vfnl.. r 1 I. Cons i'j close 1 nt Ss J -f
SHj h r neney. Tae bullion lo tlic ila-ik of i'.u.t
I. lie! h is au r. .iscl CM 10).
rilnois I'en'ral l;silr'd slu.-n, .1 1 di s-
count. Urie s'a.nos It., li.
ii nits i nMPr iiosi'irvt..
Vot:u;r,ss M inhoc, (tc o'j.-r J . Til : tWj-1
ing aie anion '.he dc .t!is i i II -u,!'. 1,1 II npl a'
since the list report: C. AV. Hi die icU, o-s-'i
l'eniisylva-ila ; I). l'rcilcticl.s,.'t:i l'en:is Iv ania ;
Ciiotain Daniel 1'. I. inn, sJi I' -utisylv mi i ;
Lieutenant G.-orga M -N -ill, !W-i Iv tni.i ;
11. U ur'.sln r, .isth l'oa.isylvanii.
Tin: Cii'ttd Siao's mail s'er o'r H.'i.' r his
arrived from t.'ity I diif wi-tt ubjii! tl.iriy li.o
refng. is. Sue brings no ne vs.
I'lom flcrli.ii.lii fun flniimil."
! trial.
II alii' t , N. S., O amber '2. The n. w 'e im r
Jnm.H I ns arrived with 11 rmu l i advi.-es of til,
17th. She report that tlic pirate R -ainn mi l his
aSKiH-L.tes, Mho . a 'turc ! and burn ; 1 tls.- steaai
ship H.Htu .'.( wi r.' ou trial, an I t hit t lie t' i n
had refu-c 1 to bail tbnin. T!i : yellow f.vor in
al ating nt lienmida.
Mmnin iits if miockaiip-ITiimirs.
II ii iv ix, N. s () . tolier I. Tho steel blo:'r
iidt'.runner C'u'uml Lamb has sailid. Tlie "o
ut'enn ( ) sh rted yesierdny, hut pnt b 'ck and ill
anil to-day. Tbe fharlc'te aud Oltl Oimiaion are
still In fort.
t'ir nt Init'lirnlrr, Msm.
Ilosiov, O, tibei '2i The car house undstV.lcs
of the M.-tropolit oi Horse Railway Company, in
Porehi stir, wereOstrnjcJ by fi e yesterday
motning. The horsi s were nil saved. Tho losa
umouii'cd to I'rom ?U0O0 to ilj,nOO.
eui of ItelM't Arllllri-y.
,y trial Dt'tmti-h lo t'n- Oiii.-oorafl Cfimnerciat.
Kahiivii.m , Wednesday, October HI. All of
Hodilv's urtilieiy was i a tit u red on iho l'iili inst.
The itebel General Lowry was also made a
MeHmer "liierli-" at iin rriiile.
San I'iianl-isco, October 23. Tho steatushlp
America, lioui Nicaragua, arrived at thia port
Bpiclal DrsiKitclics to KvciiIiik TelcgrapH.
WAHUiNiiroM, October 21.
I'rom tli triftit.
From the Army of the Potomac there is no
news of interest beyond tbo fact that General
Weilel on Saturday opened on the Rebel gun
boats In the Jnmes river, with two new batteries,
near the lel'tnf Uutier's liuu. All thcjllcbcl craft,
cxeipt in n-.-lads, wero driven up stream.
Ilrnft In Maryland.
The Provost Marshal of Marylnud states, in a
card, thut a large proportion of drafted persons
have escaped from lliiltimore.
Yellow l ever t Now lirrt.
Yellow fever prevails to un alarming extent at
XcwlK rn, lint it ia believed that tho heavy front
of Saturday night must have cheeked it.
A Metiellmi 1teKliii.-it(.
A majority of the 1st New J rsey Cavalry, on a
poll just taiien.nie lor MeClcllan. This is the
only iMcClellan regiment hereabouts.
A l.inroln Its'arltiieat.
A vote taken In tbo 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
was overwhelmingly for Lincoln.
liMortttiif .
fVojourmr Truth lectures ber j lo-aig'at.
Itsjiortil tC.b?l I.i(iouitrtion.
At I'ortross Monroe, on Saturday, it was re
ported that the Rebel gunboat appeared to lie
threatening to take the otlcu-dve near Dutch Gap,
tint up fo 4 o'clock P. M. yesterday, when tho
steamer touched ut Fortress Monroe, the Rebel
fleet bud not mudo any serious demonstration.
T'hcy lind thrown shells at a, working pj'ty on
tlic canal, but did not stop then' woik.
t npttire of Itobcl l.l.f -h.-.
Yesterday our troops captured no ir Roe'or-
town, Vi., John A. Washington, and Loivis Bene
dict, citizens of l'a.iiler county, belonging lo
Mo'Cby's batt'.illon. Washington is n despatch
beater for Moseby, and It is said that a. largo
batch of despatches were captmed iip.ui bim.
Rlorhndr ttiiiinem l'tilnresl.
The Navy DipM-tmcnt lias hes from
Admiral Tortcr stating the capture of the ste liner
'amlv, blockade runner, of six hundred tons,
loaded with bV) bales oi Cotton. 1 no capture
was made by the (."nited .States steamer I'ort
Reba.l Kfitrl nniel.
Riclimond papers of tneKth inst mt published
nn account of the blowing up and sinking of the
United Suites steamer Xiphoit. Admiral Porter
telegraphs to tbo Navy Department that bo has
received letters from tho Siphon, ditod the lHth,
making no mcution of a casualty to that vessel.
Furoliuful Trouble.
It ia stated that Commissioner Ulackford, of
the District Enrolmunt Uurcau, Is under arrest,
and that Dr. Keosby, examining Surgeon of tho
District Hoard of Kumlment, has been deprived
of Lis commission. The draft will be recom
mence' to-day to fill tbo quota of this District.
The Kerent Itry Uoosl A r real a.
Tbe trial of the dry good dealers arrosted on
the tlinrgc of supplying goods to the Rebel Is
to be continued to-day before the military com
mission, Getientl Frauds Fe.scnden, President
The rnse excites mticb Interest in this community,
front tiic number of the arrests made, and the
important testimony elicited.
General Custer was made full Major-Qeueral
this mornUig, and General Men-it t Brevet Major
General, la honor of their services la the lute
defeat of Karly.
ttnptnrftd Fins;.
The captured Hugs wore presented to the War
Department this morning by General Custer
and Captain Harrison, Brigade Inspector of
General Covins' Brigade, Merritt'i Division.
Hecretury Stanton thanked each of the flag cap
tors, ordered thetn medals, and directed that
they receive advance pay, with transportation
horn and twenty dayi furlough.
Colonel Joseph P. Collint, of the Twenty
ninth Indiana Regiment, a nephew of Dr. James
A. Collins, of Chicago, has recently died la
Atlanta. This it tbe seventeenth male relative
Doctor Collins has been called oa to part with by
tbe casualties of thu war an extraordinary
fatality to be visited bom family circle.
IIajor-(iencral George Crook, of Ohio,
Commanding Oth Army Corps, Army of tho Middle
Military Division, Under General Shheridan.
f - ' . , . ' w
',.'.. - rh. ss;:a
, , V i " l . .--"Vi
v joit.;i i:n i. linoHt.'K rRottii. .
This rllstiiii;ulslied ollicer per:oi'iiieil :m
import nut part In tlm lain battlo of Fitiliei 'M
Hill wilU bis iiHiiutry corps, (iciu nil C'iuiok
grndiiutcd at West Point in 18.12, with tlio
rank of brevet Second I.inutitnantof Infantry
Ho I'onitnnndi'il tbo 3d ltrlgnde of Cox's
Division in Western Virginia In IStiJ. On
the 2:!d of May of tlint yctir the Kood CoIimihI
IIratii nttacketl Chuok'h cnmninnd. The
action wns a Bovere one, butCiiooK ropuUed
the enemy with great slaughter. In this
rnsngoment Citooif was wouiuled in the foot.
During tlio winter he drilled the 3(!tli Ohio,
which, under his care, renched a high Htate
of efliiiency. He wu enguged at
his comtnand biting attached to tlio Otli Army
Corps, General Cox. Komi lifter Uo w:u sent
to Kant Tennessee?, w ith tlio nmk oi Brig iillor
Grnernl. CitDini waa nl'te.nvardsj ordered lo
West Virginia again, nnd lias rendered excel
lent ervico under Sihkl, Hii.irKit, and
SiirniDAN in tho viillcy. Hu U one ofOliio'g
luvoi itc SOIIH.
(Jiiotatii n of Ooltl at tho Philadelphia (Jol.l
Fxcliunce, No. M i. T'llrd street, second store :
t'A A. M U i:4 l'J '! -'I'M
II A. M -2f 1 P. M Jlr.J
Market strong.
Dr. llAvt.N & Bho.,No. 20 S. Third street,
'UUte US follows
Ann rican Gold
American .SiUer, i'a and
Dimes and Hall Dimes
Spiini.-h Qnaneii
Peiin. Currency
New York Exchange
. 21)
.. 2-HI
. 1 to ..
.. l'.IO
. ? .bs. 1 r, ,ii.s.
. 1-10" pur.
Statk or THsanouKTaa To da v. SUA. M.,
4(1. Noon,. IB. One P. M , .'i7. Wind, NN. K.
Dicision in TiinGiir Cosciikt Oasi:. At
nonu to-day, the cao of Jacob Tuein, Actuary of
tbe New V01 k Jewelers' Associitiou, who was
eburged with giving u' musical euterttiitiuicut
without a license, also with sett'iig Up a l ittery,
came up la-fore bis Honor the Mayor for
The Mayor said : In the aase ol' the Common
wealth vs. Thcin, charged wilb a violation of the
law prohibiting lotteries in thisState. It Is n evi-
lichee tliHttbecVendantliai' otM-nuil a pla-eof
business at No. 13 Cheonti slieat, where tickets
ure sold admitting 10 oouceiia.! i. u.-.-u
shown that the buyer of a ticket is entitled to
draw Irom a box mob enve.opc as ho in ly
casually bike hold t.I, -and thereupon, to receive
martKle corrcponding to ihe apeeiilciion upon
the eard found in such euvel 'pe.
Whilst such truiisas'lions may not be inc'ilded
under tho appellation of -u lottery" n-s It is toch
nically known, it is nevertheless founded tor the
tlistrilmtioii of property by lot among others
than Ihe owners of such property, and tin lot or
caidahich dete'i mines the di.t'iuutlon of pro
1 erty is a device in the nature of a lofery tit ket
purchased by the snme price that is given for tue
I c: ct ol admission to the eorni rt.
Alter a rurelul consideration of the clrcum
stiim es of this ease, and of thu 52J, .iiU, and ilth
set lions ot the act 01 Asseino.y, aiar. u .11,,
1 futn no ili.tibt that this defendant has
caused to bo sold devices lu tho nature of lottery
lie defendant was then held In SiPiM bail to
nnswer ut Court; also Sinn additional bail f r
giving a musical entertainment without a li. eose.
Dr.cMMi in roTATOi:s. There bavc been a
number of large arrivals of pouitoos in thlscty
from tbe east recently, and prices have declined
to three dollars per barrol. In New York the
ruts- Is 2 to 2 oO ier barrel. Tim reason for tbe
decline 'is the Immense crop in Miuuo and New
liumpbhire. In Vermont, also, thu crop is unpro
cedcutcdly lurge.
Stuksoi-ticon. Whoever has not visited tho
Slcreoptlcon at tho Assembly Building should
repair the neglect at once, at thia is tbo last week.
It is an exhibition of groat merit, and should be
soeu by every one who baa a lante for the beauti
ful in nature or art. The Ghost Scene pun tkes
of the marvelous, and adds much to the pleasure
of the evening.
Citt MoKTALUv. The who'e number of
deaths reported at the otliee of tbo butird of
Health for the past week is 29r, of which 21 were
from tbe country. The deatha and Interiueuta
ot soldiers numlercd il. The nativity was
aa follows: Uuited States, 222; lotein, oi;
unknown, 20.
Raom-no or Okb Hokdubo Pay Mat.
Measures are on foot to give the l2d Regiment
P V Colonel William B. Thomai, a fitting re
ception. The regiment, enlisted for one huudred
days service, has been constantly on active duly
since it left Ue city.
Caooht in tub Act. William Alien was
arretted at Sixteenth and Washington streets, on
Saturday, while in tbe act of loading his cart
with a quantity of iron belonging tJ the Balti
more Railroad Company. lie wat held foe
further hearing by Alderman Lata.
Narbow Ebcapb bom DnowsnKO. Charles
Eenemen tnado a narrow escape from drowning
about 18 o'clock yesterday morning. He had
fallen overboard at Waluut afreet wharf, and
was nearly exbaostad when rescued by officer
Morrta, of the Krrer tad Uerbx PoUco.
. v. j-ij
.il. ' -
Sea) city or- II i.siDt n, r.s. N vci In the
li'stoty ot' the fi air great eitii a of the X-jrt'i b 1
there lie. n a time when there was a grcat -.r de
mnnd lor liens, ", and less bousi to meet the
dcmi'iid. For an owner to place a sign upon his
residence announcing Ins willingness to let It, is
an indication of great moral bravery on his pari,
lluiiug the Id voliitionaiy Wm, bitter complaints
v eieiii de because of the Invasion of the hoii'-es
by Mih.ieis Ml, cited there; but now when a resi
dence is Inl-irt td Hie owner has to stand au
s on l y u veiy laige pioportion of our city popu
infn n.
Persons who are willing to piy$ioO n year,
visit a brown stone house, nn.l go into eve y
room from cellar to garret ; aged females who at
tend tiiiiernla lor the sake of tbe ride, call in, lad
after being shown through, smile and re.intik
"they'll call uitain." lu fact, every one whom
curiosity, Inclination, or vinilictiveness leads,
is sure to give the unfortunate owner a visit.
Several esiisea ni t) be assigned for this great
demand. First, those capitalists who havo been
in the habit of investing in houses, and receiving
live, it perb.ip i six pur cent, on the amo unt in
vest! d, are unwilling, when they c in receive rive
1 per cent, a month lu oil stocks ami (iovcnamnt
i securities, to engage in an enterprise yielding so
Hu e, comparatively, as do s iho ere 'lion of
homes. Consequently, the increase which h is
been annually remarked lu the si.o of our city
. has greatly diminished; und aa tlte increase of
; population still continues, pro luces a great rush
alter such as have been erected.
Secondly. The arrival in our city of the iui
nifr'c iiiinib, r oi' refugee a from f ho South his
tilled en ry boarding-hou-e, uud the cry is "sti!l
t'ney come 1" Last winter uot less than ten th ti
' amid of this unfoi tuiia'.e class of ci.izcns cro vdo I
our city ut one time. This year a 111:1. h birder
number will arrive, and the demand for places to
1 Ine w ill consequently iucica o. To procuro room
I in a I'oatding house is tho business of a week.
; We have met with Indira who have visited not
j le a than forty houses in thclrcndeavors losecnru
rooms, und have every where met with the
mine old reply ol "Very sorry, fun we'r e fuU.",
! The prices of hoarding are 'becoming fabulous.
so that lor a gnod-a.ud family It is mil 11 '-helper
to set up a Louie of their own. There, with such
01 fbe returees as h ive micce led in bringing
ewuv propel ly, arc always on tlm watch tor
vacant houses ; aud for months bet'ord tho time of
vacating the oe. upnnti aro dis'.ura.d by persons
culling to engage tbe place as soon as it is vacant.
Now, however, the tide bus turned towards tin
Wi at, 11ml ihe rupld erection of new residences at
Piifsbur;.', Mendvlllc, and will shortly
relieve our city from this strain, which it has
been for the last two years.
AmiKsT oi HoxrL Tmi:vi:. This morning,
about 7 o'clock, Detectives C .rlin and Stjvet:
took into custody two young men who lia-l
registered Ihelr names af the American Ho'-ol as
Joseph Martin uud Charles Martin. Tln-y are
Bii-i eclid with being profession il hotel th! ves.
Within a week or two several pnrties have been
robbed at the hotel, and the prisoners have been
caught prowling around from room to room In a
rather suspicious manner. One gentleman lost a
gold watch nnd slaty-live dollars 111 money. A
morning of two fine'e one of tho rison rs waa
deli. tc.l in the a. tof robbing a hoarder. Tbe
thief vi-ited tlte ljuer's room about 7 o'clock in
ihe 11 oming, end iiuio'ly oiened the door und
li en kit, to see whether the per-on inside was
awake; If so, be wou'd bo apt to look out or
ill nmnd the cr mc of the intrusion.
'I lie bonnier happened to be awake and in bed,
and suspecting thai all a uot right, lav .lU'Of.t.J
watch lutnre 0ratlotia. Presoitly the anealt
minimi, and pterin into the face of his sifp
no.ed iiiifeiiiciu-vbt:in. commenced to seircb
the pockits of hi el' thing, whi -h was lying on a
clair ut the bead of the l ed. Th hoar ier thi ik-
j lug ibiiige bad gone far enough, jumped up and
I a-ked the Intruder his business. Tho fellow for
' a liiou mt was nonplu-sed, but pooh recovering
i bin. si If aid, "Is this not Mr. Wilson's room ?
I Ab! I see my mistake; I thought I wa in
j li 0." With this he shot out liko an arrow, and
1 before an aliirin could be given made g aoj his
' escape. Now it ao happens that there la no room
No. 100 in the wliole hotel. The thieve will
l.iive a bearing at 2 o'clock thia al tera win at the
Central Station, whon all wbo havo recently been
roi bed st any hotol would do well to be present
and endeavor 10 rccoguiMj sua scamps. 1 no j.'
toners botb present a respectable aparanco, and
one of them baa such an luiioceut I00U that ho
might be taken lor a young parson juit branch
ing out.
Committer on LinnAiiiF.a, Collkobb, &.C.
The Committee on Colleges, Libraries, and Lite
rary Institutions of the late Sanitary Fair have
not yet concluded their labors. Although the last
appoinicd, and their ground being already occu
pied, they have succeeded better than was auticl
pnted. L'pwards of sixty shares of the Mercan
tile Library Company, donated by the members
to the Committee, have been sold, and they are
about isiuing another circular requedlttig addi
tional shares from such as may be disponed. Thoy
could i-cll ever forty more u they had them at
their diftpotiat.
RontiKu. A young man front the country
was enticed Into a low den in Trout street, on
Saturday night, and alter indulging freely lu
liquor become etiipefied and fell asleep. Upon
recovering his senses be found that he bad been
robbed of everything of value which he had about
bim. His studs were taken from bis shirt, his
pocket-book gone, also bis hat, shoes, and coat.
He waa throat into the atreet almost naked. Ue
made complaint at the Police Station, and Annie
S oodriilf and F.Uen Meyers were arrested upon
the cbaige of committing the theft. They were
committed by Alderman Carter.
OvHMNQ otr Slnday. Yesterday three men
In the Twenty-fourth 'Ward, aad tevea in the
Twenty-third Ward, were taken Into custody for
violating tbe Sunday law by gunning. T he police
have received peremptory order to break up this
Ukgai ptavcrK. . .
rrLiTCAL. A dense crowd assembled oa
8,ilnrday n ght at tho Hall of tho Republican In
vincible, to listen to a characteristic address
from Oeorgo Francia Train. Hie sp. cch was
witty and erratic, and was coaipoaed of abuse of
England and F'rance, nnd pa'rlotic praise of hie
iintlve land. His leading sentiment, and the one
greeted with most applause, waa :
I bene tn ths rneti", l'rn Kami tn.f P.ntnty.' I
ftiB'Iln rrdlK-e that Litsrlv, Fanallly, snj yr:.'ni-y
rf tlif liti H of Hie r p., which In km l,in,l h-.t trsn..
ist.'dHtssm. iiu. and l ie. Iru'lty. In Itns eoniilr, 1 una
tl sl iniiltr liisnl. HIi.Tinan, aul Hherldsn.Jt Is Inland j-,
I nvAiry. and Artltlerj. '
At a late hour Ibe meeting ajjouraed with
t heers for the I'nlon ticket.
A moilerate audience nasem'ilo't In Vnioti
I (M-ue Hall to bsten to the speech of Colonel M.
M. tlowinan. Thomas Webster, Ksq., presldod,
and Intrndii'td tbe orator of the cvcnniff, who
Mioko tor over an hour to an attentive audience.
Major A. Deenng closed the meeting in a witty
and patriotic ai'alrtss.
A large I'nion demonstration took place In
Hi r lis county a haturday. I he meeting and
tori blight pr -.cession which followed it weicvcry
luige e nd enthusiastic. Hu h a meeting In siieh
a place indicates that the I nlon men are dct.-i-inlned
to carry "the war into Africa."
To-night that ili-iutcresied stat-'stn in and
P'trlot, lion. llnnni'Ml llani ln, will ik tit
National Hail.
An nb.e end witty a. hire may also be ex
pccti d from Major A. Deering.
.y Iwi-osivo Wkii'omk Itev. A. A. W.llif,
D. D., of Iliih'klyn, pleached lieforo crowd, d
la uses icsterday morning and evening, at
Sivcnfhand Spring Garden streets, tho aecne of
bis Iia nn r pas'; ral labors, lu the evening, n-K
a 'one were the bidy of the church and galleries
tificd, but emin acei'inm 'dations were f.iriii dic.I
in tl.o ni-les, i.nd so great was Ihe crowd that
l.iiiulieda were tinned away from tho edifice.
Tbe dissensions w hich o curred lu thi church
nits r flit- re. icnRi'o'i i f this iloqueot d vine,
n suit, d, i.s is well known, in the establishing of
n M-coi.d 1 hiircti in another portion ot tho city j
I ut by ton. mon consent, last niulit the origitial
II npn gii'ii n turned out rn iooas to Honor one
wlaase mini . 11 y in past days had been so emi
nently ei.eci ssftil. The service yetterd iv were
1 1 the nn, st impressive character. Itev. Mr. tsiiy
iiiint, the t'leseiit popular pastor ot litis cliurcli,
iMliangerl iilpilawuh Mr. Williis ye-tci-. iv.
Amuivai, of Soi.thf.hh i hom Ghnkii vt. Stll'.lll
Nan'b AfiMY Fairly this morning there arrived
lu the city three hundred wounded aoldiers direct
from Sheridnii'a army. Through the courtesy of
Dr. Keni'erdinc, the able diieetorof transporta
tion, we ere enabled to lay the names of the
l'er.rsvlvnniai.s before our readers.
Msrlhi M.i" s. 'th Art
1 : An.ler.on. 1 w,h
am o- jrrrt-Al. vf,t'i
W. It striK--, do
Wllli.nii II. I'
r Ii. Austin, . ilu
Jel.n Krsnse, f.'IStti Neril.
Auarcw iiU'i.tine, a
v 11. in. clips i.i-i
.1. A. Ore ,rv. 1 1 1 li
hurl, s 11. in, i;ili
11. krsii.e.-, da
RiXKt This morning the Mayor leaned
wai rants for Ihe payment of tho city boiintv to
3ti men. Tin ao were credited as follows: First
Ward, H ; Seventh Ward,.7t Nineteenth Ward,
l'. The First Ward Is "fill ileliclent 'li7; Seventh
Ward, 47; Nineteenth Ward, 1 10; making a total
of 514 lor the whole city under tho last call for
iWi.OiiO volunteers. 'The extra city bounty of
JM50 will continue to be paid to all volunteers
until the quota of lhee wards are tilled, after
which flic bounty will be w Indrawn.
Tub Soliukbk' Vote. The soldiers' voto is
nearly all counted. This morning it footed up
2010 I'nion and fill Democratic. The wholo
vol. when comiUd will not add 11. ore than 101) to
the above nritnliera. The majority in the ajldiers'
Tote in thi city will be about l loO.
Sent to Four Di:i.awaiie. Sixty-nine Rebel
ofticeia, from lieutcunnt-coloncl down to second
lieutenant, raptured by Shi ridan's command In
the valley, pasBcd through this city on Saturday
on their way to Fort Delaware.
Hifli: I'BACTfcr. The annual closing practice
of tbe Philadelphia Rillo Club for prize will
take place to-morrow at the Washington Retreat.
Visiters are permitted to contend for the pmoa
nlleied to tbe best abots.
Imioiitant Sai.b. We call especial attention
to the advertisement of sa'e of hats, caps, fur,
wool, Ac, by 1.. II. Hntipin & Co., on Wednca
day morn ne, nt It)1, o'clock, nt their salesrooms,
No. 5o N. Third street.
Astiiay. List night the Hivtr und Harbor
Police picked np a bay mare found running at
lai-c mi Delaware avenue. Ii was taken to tho
Station House.
FATAf. Rust'LT. William P. Hamilton, who
was rim over by a car near the Baltimore rall
roi.d, nnd who had both legs amputated, died on
Nutiirjlay at the Hospital.
Ol'CNINO of tub Mr.niCAt, Com.koks. Tho
Medical Colleges of this city have coininen -cd
their fall ami winter session. Students from
many of the Southern Slates ore present.
Retiiinkii. The gunboat Tinnikrogn has
arrived off the Navy Yard from a short cruise.
She le under tbe command of Captain Me.ulnian.
To PiiiieiiASECkOTiiiho at Low PutcBB.make
a ai-lts-tlen froiD ear stork 01 Kf:my-maip. W11
aie Bf)!m.' yisids equal lu nly, lit, muke ant ina-cii, '.'t I.. .',n j e ca :tl. Unr, r than is luiw rlui-v.l I'or tins
'.lm gioits ms.ts Ni re dcr. W Iikvs s'l stvli'S, sum, anil
eri i", of l:a)ti.n.i-M pit's, Ynmli's, and lloi '. All oan b
iiitlsil ilo.i,uitlU or iroui.'a.
Tower Hall, No, Ids Mark.l so in t.
Gi-NTl.rMFN'H Hats.A!I the latest styles at
diaries Oskforil A ftuu'i, l.'ontliuiiul lloil.
Fail CtOTIIIIO AT ("has. Stokks t Co.'s.
I Adriutlniin ati iisj. stuses .v, 1:0. .
I all Olodiln, M 'has. H-.'.le. A C". .
"One I'nce."
'lire I'nce."
'One lrl,-."
linih-r Ihe I'uuiiiii'iual l..le.
I n1T Ihe I'eMOtii. ma1 If tel.
l'uurUiu' uniiiisuuii iletul.
Lanii-h' Friia. An eles-aut as'ortniuiit at
(tl. wat OskforU A boa ',Uuiitinuial 11 aci.
Tun Qi-kbtion Dfchjhd. The introdnetion of
a kuwing machine In svery well ri-ntiUI. d houssinotij ft nj
lonser a matter 01 taste ur citiieinu'ies It ha bucunis a
niluie neten.tij a pinent sooneiiiist and prii.arar or
In a!th ai d fire. In viewer this tact ihe n.iMti.mai to
the molt compk.te and re.lahlA sei. Iny machine tn all
rn e-t bee. aiics a mailer of suBn-leui imhao tiu'i'irtau si
loceieunil the at'eiit on ia 1011. n tints. 11 a, that
where lie-re ure prveral uMcbiiic ot mutooMeil iiirn. It I
s, ' 1111 hat drlirate mullet 10 1 1 . riinlii.itd very iivcsp.
liiflv ill tsvor ol any sinitlu one.
Hire are, Inxiius f-aitt'iiv, certain mft'-hl'iei better
aihituiil h.r ertmn klti-.1 o heivv work. for essia-de,
run. il. i.aiini' i.ts In maauia ruin, tlisa ny o n.-r..
itic I" th. ica'Ul mas. uf nur , mlei 1 it Is 1110s' I 111 001 1 mt
to know walioeiialol.v whiet, one 01' the vurl .ns Rjivliis
uiael'iio xteic 1. Hie hist far 'ii'.ij, ., in lae vl . ,i
se isc or the una. We ha- he. n at no mail palm to
lurn..h a ii-iial'le ai.sisvr la tins hums, ion, nnd nliA we
shall fsy. ttierelme. eaie auitu wlll-i.e to have subi M-ted
to ho closest hv acl ial teste, liar ( a.T.vl If
nt u cario.-t e..n.-lu.i..r. has leen lo s.-i-rtaln ihe la
or, riant r"ilnnlei in a laii.ll) aeniiiK inaciiine, ooil l"0,
In ohsiiruiiij and emnpernic, I" di.e.iver eA' oi
iii moileuniilneilbi iti-li n ir(siaihrri!Kle of desira
ble poll.ta ai.d In HP-alest inneelliiu. ....
t'niler tlie tirat lii.iiiiiy, we Und ii M In or turna' valua
thai a mat l.ine ahoiil.l Sato 111 lorm anil self
reii alii s t'lisi--ii cf threat), and snoti'd ina'.e aa ureal a
larlity eH'ltches aa i.oii.U-. W a nlto l.sira than au la
st run. tDl havlnii t!ir let. 1 title ff't ei,..l, en.itilan: the
eu. rator It, faaieu on tlte emit 01 Iht- tenia, ana h ive W ilk
ruu either to me ni;iiv or ten wn.i"ut imm.... u.... . i
11 of verv ret advantaiiat and Iho aaaie may oa
sniil of a niaihlne whlJi makes every ttl'eli perleet ia
Itself, that It nolnelMi tn Its ni.reH., aud not liable u
yet out oi' order: la free fru.a the ohjeetioua o(
fcirlllfS, lOp-SIIITII, llll'l t-., ll'lU s-wn.i.1 a u...
lot'illhe ttre.s ot Die opei ator; that i-Otublnea In Itt
stit.-tii-i ihe Kreutuet amount ot itri-iorUt, elt.tlcity, autl
beamy; that purtoimt b'dti the heaviest and rtnett w.irk
with riiel lacitlly Hill'oul chiunrc ot teuaii.D, break of
thread, or tklpplnir tt tch. t; and Dial, withal, tewt the
moat rapidly, uud runsmith the vrcaioet eaae, aud ia to
,inn,l. It. rttiktriu'lli.n thai ll ran hen.tallv understood.
Lnder Ihe kocolid inquiry, alter havfus made a full and
impartial examination, Willi the be.t asslaUuce we could
command, we have to report tbe amnio inaehloe which,
aboie all others, cautant t the atsve deslruhle poluta in
g.euteat ptrlerUou. U ''XUe Florofict," Bold at Mo. SA)
ClleeDut tlreeu
I.Aiupa and Cuii.MtaN's Hats. Latest atyle
at I eaile. Oakiord A bWa, voatlaeatal Helol.
Tiiosn who contemplato having then like-
neetea mad should n r. Uelme 'l Gallery. Mo. (hit
Ari-fi aut.-t. tTorytypea, carte da vitUe, aud Ule-sue
pLoiourapua la ull colon made.
Cun.nBxn' Clothimu.
nevf OvLTeoae.. ....
1-Ue laryeet and beat ataoHment la the t-Uy.
It. btlue.MAJsaaACo., Ho. 4 M. EslhUl turaet.
The Oil Fitkb. We do not wonder that our
raaiuilatt are iMeomliw rampant ou Ike tubjeol of Olta
Thia ireat miae of aeaiia It yet In lu la'aocy. Tke tut
b, 1 tTons to laeeallmc la J-Olli" u WJ J"
Coal at tae pop.lar yard of W. W AMor, N. W I. , tllaU
street. viMtyaiwiieyandfetUiestlaruci.
Pubchasbm may rely upon getting the best
FMr. atctiulea OaktordA ion s.Otsatlaental HoW.
Mo' Ho! You'bb Obttiko Bald, abb Taitl
Weh iliat 11 a mlaiTtaae, aad aoiaoriuiei Man.
' bald when ao dae aa opportualiy oltera W nura
TooThair br a laitHrtl aad USeral of If. I. Jaya. f
La" T.ileVlt b.t UlUe aaort ol erloae. lia V. uakai .
r.r.tlVr, airttea te eealp W a ne aad kaalikf aotKMS,
?l fnwl "car aid .druir. ir.rll Ue hair
rntruni SRiU. f.... .r-pnve auuM wbiaa tfiai
raTei the head, and In a majority of " a
! rih of ne- kalr. H alao rl. die a nch and
l.i7"ape'e., neu.lleo ky anyUkluf ( tie ItiaC.
feared wlf -' SWWt,
Omen or Taa r.vrs Tmaoaiyat, t
Monday, Oetokat 'M. I .
Tbe Stork Market ia Inactive thi morning ; the) .
transactions are limited, but prices an steady.
Money continues eny. Loans on call are freely
tillered at G07 per cent, per annam. Prime)
paper Is scarce, and quoted at 8(a 10 per cent. ,
Government bonds are quiet, wilb aalea of FivO
Twenties to notl e at 101 j, coup-ina off; Sixes of
ISM are quoted at lOSfrvjIofl, and F.eveu-Thlrtief
at lfld(a 106.
Railroad ahares are rather dulli bnt prices are)
firm. Reading aold at 61 1, an advance of 4;
Mlnihtll at CO, which la a slight advance; Uttlaj
Schuylkill at taKa-tCi Camden and AmboyaS
1 IliJ, which It a decline; and North rcnny!vaulaj
Railroad bonds at ; 60 wa bid for Pennsyl
vania Ra-lroad ; .',9 for Philadelphia and Gcrman
town j 20i for Nor!ll Pennsylvania ( 75 for Lehlglt
Valleyi W for l-'.luiir.i and Willlainport; H foe
( nfaw issa common ; and 31 for Philadelphia and
Krie. j
Coal Oil shares continue dull at aliout form.
rates, with salct of MoKlheny at 51 ; PhiUipsf
0,1 at 74; Nobio and Delamanter at 12eJlil,aaI .
Densniore at K.
t In City 1'asBcnge r Uallroa.1 sharos there is very
little doing. Second and Third aold at 70, 2t
wns bid lor Thirteenth aud Fifteenth ; and 10 foe
(lirartl College; 61 was asked for Fifth and
Sixth j .'0 for Tenth and Klcventh ; 37 for Spi-uoe)
and rne; and 3J for Given and Coate.
Tdcrc Is nothing doing In Bault share', but-
holders lire llrm In their view. 1(13 w.u bid for
North America; 1 16 for Philadelphia; 61 for
Fnruirrs' ntid Mechanics', wbtcli Is an advaneef
29 for Mechanics'; 28.1 for Mannfactnrera' and
M ehanics'; 70 for Tradesmen's 60 for City; tl
for Ctiiuuitm wealth ; 071 furCirn Exchange anil
4S lor I n on.
Canal shuieB are dull and rather lowcr. 35 wat .
Id I for Schuylkill Navigation preferred; 7S foe
Lsbigh Naviga'lou; 97 fur Morris Canal com
mon ; uud 1 11 for Susquehanna Canal.
Goid has udvaneed 3 per cent, since Satnrd f
evening, nnd there Is more activity tJ notleo. 1
Opening at 21,14, advanced nnd sold at 213 at It
o'clock ; 2161 at 12; and 216 at 121.
A new banking house ha been started at No.
110 S. Third street, under tbe name of William
Pniutt r & Co. Mr. Painter, tbo senior partnerr
bus bad a long nnd practical experience tn the)
business In Chicago, and Mr. William Weldon,
bis associate, in addition to a long service ia
lmnking in Ohio, baa been for several years tha
chief of the interest department of the United
States Mint in this city. They have formod de
sirable connections In ull the leading cities, North,
Sontb, and West, and will carry on all the)
branches of a banking, brokerage, and collection
horse. From personal knowledge of both gentle
men, we ran confidently recommend thorn trj
public favor and patronage. : '
T bo Pittsburg C'omaieivtiW of Wednesday last
reports that Mr. Hubbs, who owns a lease on thai
Smith farm, four nilk-a below Franklin, now the)
property of the Excelsior Oil Company, and who)
baa been pumping but fonr barrels per day, at
tbe depth of 408 feet, sank his well to the depth of
424 feet, and struck a vein which yields forty
barrels per day, worth between $300 and $GdJa$
present prlcca.
The Germanla and HIghgate Petroleum Com
panies, of New Vork, have each declared a divi
dend ofono per cent on their capital stock, pay
able at the ottlee of the compnniee, Mo. 33 Pine)
atiecl, New Yoik, on the 1st of November.
Reported by Clarkaon A Co., Brokers, N. 131 B. Tbire Stt
1.00 ah Riceliriiil.... tVo luo alt Shajiekai..... H
lui sh lte.uiiiiK K...c til KUmkey,t,ue..a .. 2 A
It.ith do ami
'Ji oi: S 5-2cs inls,
$.111 I,'. 8.
;.ioi'.s. in-' !.. m
t it t in 'it v lis, over 70. Wi '-,
M iOl.lly Ce. new Iri
'isian Lit Rch R..bT) 4
K) all do e 4 st
ho sh R.ia.l. K.K'i.ein sii(
ItlUah do. . tSOol ill 1
1 l au nineinu u
1J.S' ill In",
t 'lo N l a. ii tsi
iis.'k A: 11 in. lei
Msi alt Hie Mooiit S
.0 sh .11. KlteuvOil... tr'i
10 ah llulierl'.ial.... 11
11 ii aii 1 huiij.
iwi ani'enn miii ..tsju-'i
I th .'d aa HR. ... 79
hi -n bie ui... 1J
is b o.,
re 8 i
fop.. bo li
lis) h flenamnre .
xi tb 11. H.rop.
Quotallons of the principal Coal aad Coal Oil
;oal Oil
M Att.
Stocks ut 1 O Clock to-day;
nut Ate,
rmton roil V,
Franklin Olt
ms Mouii, am t.oai. a
N.V. Mid. Cel.. 1 1 X
llroen Mt. Coal.... 4',
N t rirholiCale..... 'i
Now Creek 1
Kte.ler ham Coal, t,
i:lln'oiil'ual )
r.t,tier Coal ..
Hi. atma 8
American kaolin., 1
keystone Inc. .. 'Hi
l .allorOU t ..
Big 1 auk I'a
Karrelt 5','
Oil t'reek b
tleplr shade Oil.. 11.
M.l inl.-tk till.... (!','
Feinisylitinla i'et.. V
foiry Oil U'a
all. era! Oil 'J Oil 1
Venango HI i
, Hewe t KddOU,
li, Irving Oil
6 Piai Karat Od...
3 .Oeuamore........
I McKlt.eny
I'a (imtad
11 :K.iao,iiola.uaur.llX la
lu lli.bliaid I S j
1 istory rarai V-i
aruner l.
'i-.U-etmleeul Ceulre- Sl
'Jt, ll.s e itland
tVrlAueheuj KHei.. IX
i', ituiUn SK
B 1'hllaAOII Orenk. 1 ,
17 'Hull Creek 4'(
t4 t teniiaina....
corn Hiaater.
4 ItriKSS
;) Kink iw
if I' sir Karat...
tt (1'nbe
. SVh. Oil Co..
Itnl'.n J'eirnlt'Um.. 'J
lleai on HI.
Bciieca Oil..
2 , Itpper Kconnray..
3 iTart HomosteAd.
Monday, October 2-f . I n Cotton nothiog doing-,
and holders nominally ask l-20, cash,
A aale of 60 bhdt. No. 1 Quercitron Bark at
JjM.'l per ton. Pi icc8 of Tanners' Dark are entirely
nominal. . ,
The Flour Market is quiet, hut firm, a the re
ceipt and stocks are very small. S des of 3500
barrels at $10 24 ' barrel for single extra, and
$il oO(Vi 12-60 for extra family. The sales to tho
l.on.e consumers range from $0 60 to f 12-50 foe
roinmon and fancy brands, as lu qnality. Triers)
Is very little Rye Flour coming in, and it
niandsfcfl. Corn Meal Is very ijulet, and wltboal
Falt-s to fix prices. V
There Is a steady demand for Wheat, with ealat
of 4000 bushels ut 2 3d for good Pennsylvania,
red ; 2-35 for Southern do. ; and Ja 37t)2 0a
for Inferior and good white. Small sales of Hysj
st s100. Corn comes forward slowly, and bf
auvunced 'le. J bushel; sales of 3000 bushels of
new at S1-C2. and small lots, from the curt, at
51 -( 3. Oats are tn goad re.piest at Mc, bnt there)
ere not much coming in. A sale of 6)0 bashula
liarlcv at inu.
In Conee, Hugar, nnd Molasses there ie very
little movement.
The demand for Clovemeed Is fair, and It anllf
aa fast as it comee in at from 9 50 to 10 S'M
lbs., for fair aud prime oiiality. 1 jntotnr
lower, and rangea from .5 to $Y6Q bushe .
Flaxaeed sella in a small way at '3 20 y bushel.
1000 bags Calcutta Linseed sold In Boston,
to come here, on private terms. Canary Seed
Wbiskv The demand Is limited. Balot ot
Ohio bbls. at $1-78, and Drndge at 1-75.
-k i sa
S.'Si "
.... as si
.... . 4?
Vi IsJ
llariue OrUndo. haaur, llaroaduoe, T. Walaonl A '"
luoK-uma bnaa, SstcJaorsoa, Alllwerp, J. J5. Heuief
BHg Terry. Harkteii, Kew Orleant, J
Brli Abby tllen, Ollmoni, fori llovj Hd.
Hctu r. A. bstwyar, Ivoed, Kew Lonaou, It. ttoUierutel.
BteamahlpE.C.Knbjhtjilellagher,) kours IroaiMeW,
otk. wilh nidae to W.J. Taylor a Co.
Hieamaisp li.leoiiny.l-nio,u kwlTOFortjs
Monroe, In tiallaiit lo K. A. Houd.r A C o. ,
Hargue B. Wrariil, Jr., Llnekau, I days ftomHew Tork,
id ballaat to I'eter WryjU A Co.
lirbt Wauam Creer, Jafuuoa, I dara front Baaalbrt, Is)
baluiet lo eaiaalu- a
liruj Ida. eliLeod, Oook, It day! front Mobile Bar, hi
ballast to b. S, Hteteoa M Co.
aU- Iowa, lanyard, 1 da tnm Hewport, Dal.,wlU BdU ,
dour to M. at. Laa. ... .
aasu Lucy, tiotniw, 1 day boat Branny wlao, BaL, with, .
aorn aieal to U. tl. Lea.
eiu-E.A. I'aUie, joaos, aays front Eutaert, wits)
ta,l.e lo E. A. Heedor A Co.
Boar U.X.T aiuajtaa, L4 wards, days (rout Betoa,M I
ballaat to captain.
hotu-a.tH4, Roblaaoa, lay (roa BraJati,M 1
kallaattocal.lala. ,
tkut j.k,tawi,i aays fro at rravUiaw.W -
stllatl to Catlaju.
Mteaaua-H. t Walker, Bheita, M toan fta JfoW ''' '
Wtiaeal4tto W.M.ba4 AOo. . J
BaK,, rim U" UMefV, Sr P'' Vl
... - --! .1