THE DAILY EVENING TELECRArn.niLADELnilA, L.?ATtmi) AY.CTOm (gt'fttinsj eteapn SATlUDAT, OCTOBKIl S2, 1!4. A TloX4. I.TIIIC. r(opjr the following atlrrlnff lyric from ad vane abasia of the ylfarific MotUhiy tot Novem ber . THE LAST It ALLY. BY J. T. TH0WUH1OOE. jally I rally ! rul'y I Aroneo the aluiiitiorlriR lunil ! 11) I rally I from tbs mountain 00 J Trtllcy, And up Irom ,n6 rerun atrun'l ! y oiii f the West, Amorict'a Iwat! Mew Ilampxblre'a nieu of mibt ! From pr rl.- hiic! ithu unlurl ILo Uag, And rally to the liglitl rml-s of untried heroes, Diafitii.rd in ralir-muii ami clnrlt! je men of the coast, Invincllilo lion ! Come ctery ono ro ths work, from Ihe tiabcrman fray u tho alt- apray 1 but on 1.CHR Inland iirviM, To ihe jonb wuo tills tho uttermost bills j) j ihe bluo Dortbwentern lalua ! And ye Frcedmcn ! rally ! rally To the banner of the Nor'b ! Through tho sheltered iluor of Uonil.igii pour Your awarthy Irginivi furli! K- - ineklan ! yc oi Tenn. ns e Who loomel i In tlefpot'a away To all, to all, tiie tiir:lo-i-u!l Of Freedom rounds to-day ! 1 11 men baU fiiibt with t!ie ballot, NVeajiona tho iust and Im'hI ' Aid the Oiivunet, with ulonl red-wet, Minll write ibe will 'l ihe rct! Anil ihe Imya ahull Uil men's places, And the link- maiden r.'Cit Bit doll aa -he aim with bergraaJaiu and '..nits An HLknown liero's sock. And tl htarn oi' berulo mo'hcr-i, Ana the deed ol ii e'no With their pnwt r to blesi ahull aid no lea Than ihe brave who give Hnir liv . The rich their koiiI shad tiring, and the old f hall help lis with their prat-era; Vole hoverinK lios s ol pa:lid gbuata Altinu us unawares. From the j;ba.-tly fields of Shiloli Mufer the phan'oin, Fieta Viigin'u'a hwamps and doath's white camp? On Csrmina sands; Fri'm Fredenekshuiji, and Oet'ysburg, I ire them gathering fast ; And up from M in.issas, what is it thut pas-03 Like ibin clouds in the blast ? From tbc VTl'detncfts, where bluoebcs The niimilcss skeleton; From VJckabui g's olaiiglitcr aril rcd-strcaked water, And the ticnebrs of Sonelson; From tbe cruel, cruel prisms. Where their bo lies pined aw.17, Fr m groaning dick, from sunken wrecks, luey gtber with us to-day. Anil they say to ts, " Rally I rally ! Tbc work is almost cone! Ye harvesters! !-ail from nioumaia and valley And reap the bells we won. We sowed for etn!U s yea's of :race, We tai rowed ar.d watered we I; Onr (Mcp Uec;!s were tbe scattered feeds : Shall ttey r'"i.-h where they fell ':'' And their briber, left behml tbern Is tbe iea-iiy roar and eli-li Cf tatnn'i ar..l sword, hr f n ani forj, Aid tbe car'. it-e' qu vertng liaih ; Xetere tbe T.vl citadel Jatt mo b.itc to iu (.ill ; From Gur:;'t t'.ens, from Florida.' fens, Feres -.bey caul, liny ci.:'. Tl ife-t"ood of the rrrint It e'.it f fs.4 awtj ; Ticxrr a.t at ter t ?-5e, Ail rs-Jf ca csr j-r.ii 5 i e.s.t ty i :lt Cr,:ar.ts i-f wii.M-.ij: Kit;, Ai: jnt towm t . ncrr crcwa If :'! liit 'trire i 1. Cli nor? r- i rz itiT-T. JU i : :ti c - of Tt-rt '. Ct' more fi .iiir. ra wr jortvet Al fc ri:c t--j!i trix;d ..wfr tlA lljjiil-. 2. i.t Lt3: T1'1 Tk-Z - r r'..r! .m- txTi..; is ite ,a.-d ! Tt ! rttttrs r.y frcua Uiouatala and val'.cy, Ye tltfEitll flCIti ti.e str.HM; B.-e -"i s 01 toe We-t, Anieru a's best ! Jew ti p aDd's men of niif!h' ! From p air,e and e;n uniuri the lag And ra.Jy to 'be Ubt! PEOCLAMATION BY PRESIDES! UCOLN. Thanksgiving on November 2 1. PEAYEH FOB UNION, PEACE, AND HARMONY. WaminniuK, fitt. il. lho l'lllowiiis proclama tion iironmluteil this iillernonn: in tkcJ'rui- cm of !'!! Uiiittii Muto uf America. A P.l'ICl.AM ATIIIM. It baa pleawiil Aiinl, btv Odd to prolonr? our Kalional lilo anollier year. iJelenditijt m with Ilia goarulati care a uuuii-uiliy iledii.M Irnio ubrfad, Ud Touehna Ihk in, iu ills mercy, many end Hi.'iiaJ mctorieacyor tliocnemv (w .o is ot oar IioumjIiuIU!, t ii. a oiao i leased onr Heaveuly KatUer to layor as well our c.ttaeiia iu ti.eir uuiuoi a our auldier tu tbolr campa, and our aulloia ou tho riyun uud aooa, Witb uuuaual Ueudli. lie liua mi only uufnienlod onr freo popit'ation by mancipation and by ln imitiatioii, hilo Ho has opoued. to ua now reaottrciii ol wealth, and has ajownail tLo luLor ol our woikioyinon iu every de partment ot iudui'ry Willi aLuudnnt lewnrd. Moreover, llu baa been p ea.eil to animate, and lnapire our mlndnand licurts v. Ith lortltude, courajo nd resolution auineient lor t ie irreat tilnl ol civil war into which e have Leen brouirlit by our ad licreLCJ aa a nation to the eauEO ol fiot'duiu and hu manity, and to a fluid to u lea.iinable hoe of an Ultimate arid duiiveiuuce iVout uil our duurora auid alllio tons. Kow, Iherolore, I, AnnAHAM I.incoi., l'roldent Of the Uniuid t-tuten. do heieby appoint and tet apart Uie laat lhurauay iu hovember next an a day which I deuro to Le observed hy u 1 my lellmT cnlavn, whercrer tlioy un.y then be, aa a day ol thauka frivluaT aud to Ahnij;hiy t.od, tho bunelleout Creator aud Kuler ot the universe. And I do timber recommend to my fellow citizens foreaaid tliat ou thut occanou they do reverently humble theniM' V' H in (bo, and Iron tlicnco offer op peulteut and lei rent prayera aud n jiieali.'iii to tno Criat liii-pofi r uf En-nla lor a letnin ol tho Inoatimablc bleiuiiiiia ui peaoe, Union aud harmony throughout the liuiti which: it Utu pleased II im to ii(rn aa a dwellin? p aee lor oui'-telvui and lur Our posterity throughout all Keueiations. In testimony liercol I havo burouuto set my hand and caused tbo aeal ol the Lulttd iitatei to be Hi xed. lione at the city of Wanhlnfrton, thia 20tli dur of October, lu the year ol our Lord onu thousand oiht hundred and sixty-tour and ot the Independents of the United Slates tbo cifbty-niutli. AbUAllAM LINCOLN'. Jiy Ihn 1' renlil. nl: Wat. II. bfcwauu, Secretary ot Slato. TLe estate of a deceased resident of I toll is, K. H. lias been confiscated, beeauso tho son and lieir bus been fur two years au olilccr in the Kulwl army. A story that General Hooker has been left Immensely rich by tho ueatU of a Mexican wife, j la thus dispoked of by th San Francisco Alta: "lit. General Hooker's wife was not rich when married tier, nor at any other time. 2d. Ueneral Hooker's wife was not a Mexican. 4. General Hoolter'i wife is not dead. 4tb. YMrai UooVer never bad a wife. filb. General Ctossm never wa, and never Will be." nlCo"0prHTc Company wal formally organi,ea on Vrid.y it. It upropood BTn ll T M ie tich tockbolder to lu,. a ,ta(5U ,oW Mnanugement of the asaociaUon. a. promlneut feature In UihJ enterprise U a provtaiun ia in by-liiwl for furniiibin peroons ia anodicate or needy circDOistanceS witb tlaeir fuel upon the moat liberal terms. Tbe directors w ill oommenoo irra lions as sooa as five thousand dollars ot the modi la paid luto tbe treasury. AhimriPi or rnr. tnia ititk cm. TIUL fouiirti:t TO inB 10TAL Mf.K OP I'Ji,N9Yt,VAKI. Beoas or rur lna TAta ctsm f'oumTnia, Tan irr-.riiii, o. t..t,r'il, llr iivl n"f rnlrW! Tha tmoht of ths flrl nil K im-ut Ums diemd uwst, ind npon lh vote of t ar citi n at hni I'f nnjh a da nttiuil by tlic tlovrrn niritt of our railiera, Kbd rv-r hrva soni la ttw ndl will not nve 1i itian twlTt ttnunanil anvorttr fif tha gotA no. 1 tii lasi tiniie, tl.i rr .ri, ot tho uiHrtrrti of tlciieisi M-' tiai. rlmnow r-4, anj tho only remit of im tl. uin to u':n him It t.: ii".. aid wtr inr .ri iu Hit r.l llifn by iiu failing tha aii'irnc of illiunJun am jag f ane'vei, ti. l a al fiiirr'rttn J.u a urr.hlr M.w to tro m on V Uln. .'. 111. d tiny ..ilil"l i In-Hit ori. I itli -.jr nr. Ti harii k tl ; lui m tfn-iw m nnrni lur Ai r.iiiiii l.n. ulu In I'im a x l ii lit M.-uiu v Mr nun i- nil i n. tn ai 11.1M 'nn n' oi y . .iiiii il., I in. .ii aimI iff e..i'nltuH..n. KniTf i.ii .nir irip.l m:iu uuhlul I'rt'.Ji'.u will u-:y.o nil. n,i ral-.l In. i on .l..wi. ll.e I an. .Win-. v. r v ,1.. f. I IN. hM- hin tr. o -r hi ' l..c.'.i. m l il.i' nu n wn carrr ui m 't r.nnt win hi. . urn- 'iii if- ii-1 oi h mi iii iiimr vi'ill.itn luillir 111' il. Mt i.oii.I !'' it 1 Vil4lllliU. lam. mi.' ! : ' ii a uh ttiMM.ii. an I uli. r U i. -i -il " t' r'd v '"i d n li'i ! ui inir tin tlii rn Imtil'ii.' I i ii 'i In. l.n oi.nil Sir tli- l.i-t 1 -r Mil bv rm.'n o- .mr dil tn:ii. mi l in n e t...i iv "il mi ' y i vii'' iii Hie ii. Iivlty ui t io annul. in ,il.. d iiu ho'ti a .! l ' t u .it .ir. of li. i-mim nt: in. W Inn- ' In i r ri n... in. il id ii - le .11 in .if it. i"m lutmp., -lmill'li-ciii.i- inU-lil In' f. una l.v ni.n .-ui f-.f m.-n mr iivihk I'.i iu Hi. ir 'iiliirn; Inn. hilt tin' vri'li-'ii il IVoii. o iiu. in, .e Ii dir.', o Ii.ih., in. mid 1 el. m) I v i,in, i, n. i M-iiiil H in I -'in . IV n .w t J 1 4 1 tit i-i-. t on Ii. niri-ai'y ri tiUil hv Itn- ph'. n-r.l ihiil it u.ny n-in ini Ii at. .rii' in I hi- in ii it 1 1' a. Il l.'ll.'Vi n. niori'Mr. thai 'v. rv vim- Inr Mil 1' linn Aid ' i nill Inn I. in i-nini''l luvit4tioi t" Ji'l'mniiii Iilviri. lO'iiniiio Huh l r;ii. tvur.t.i wato linn, id . tir In ui'iir uinl in iiiimli i mli- rN oi nnr ii'iiH. 1 lie (d'tniino iinifdiuli- of m iinm-il Nnrtn wilt etnl tho Uil Wli III Ol. I' Hll 'Mi J lilt . in lO'Hl Ihi'll 'l Tin llil c i'li ill v iii .'iiiluit: ' I.ii iohii'I. I'.. .it. rtinit tiowaid and i. hi nihil' .Miuiii'th : tiv'fii- il.rulili.u id d - : it. t l tn ; by t"i' 'Ir a- d i -a .. '--i .-iMlly l.v il n.,.. tnri ; b farin ft (ii'Thnlml iili r. h i i. I.i f ' hut ii'tiiii in."i ; l tniik.n iiitiiiu o i fid' lu I rim: i. cry I'.yiii vnti-r n tho tel..: I'Jb in-liiltli:' la, r. i I'-Jim In 'Ii i'rv 1.1 I ii-1 il 'Ml it id ir ; I.J il i- in inf.. la ii In nun l. n oi i-i in ia wit ilidn in ovvv Ii.ti in it and r it, ii. n ii II ; liy tti imi iiip.-i iii.- uf thi p iii, .'e l' da. iliila a i.ii It., t.'ii :. iiKl t. a.i l n all tl o 4 ii. 1 11 ni m. in li o in-i tli irmikli i Hni i-i tt'';,ra,iiu ,, t no imlnotlr ill 11 1 .1 I 1 1 d Inr il l 1 nini.l e I-ii; I111 . .1.111 1.; ,i 1 r"i" ii tii lii.i a ( '1 !' ii'.i i .1 It ii tt-n 1 i-i nt'-ii ih, fml-v III ' IT Mlldl 1'itll IUv id llii' I Ili'Hl hv II In 1 urn V W,i 111 v 1 f tin hnit'irir i'Iihi ii.-li r nl tin-fiinii .t uiiU id the nii-al tf r II' . 0' " 111 rid in "Ii It. I-1.1 n 11 n: 1I1. n. 1 1 rj ;nvi-r of i,. c i-ntry, to the mmd wink I l.'i.iKiiiM' in it in in.' na.t I. nt tii' tutiir.', tu,-.'t'liu' all f r"D:il I'' n 'di r.ilU'ii.l, -ind nj (n 11 1 .iii.k .In; (,rl . ill;.-.' ,l - mi' - inr ll.i- i,ir '.n.rlv it.i1 tlu Tii mil. .-t us r,lit no f ffi rl 11 Id i I 1 It 1 ol'. n'f i l-nnl 1 liti cMiiiitfre wl;l en t'liiie tn do ,tn w li'iif ilntv. snd n l.oi Uj t u onr Instant, t'H 1 1'i'i 1. 1 1 d rmi'liiiii as inl.tni't' (lam 4 man e nt iiior ami n' elorv from tho Itnt idnn 1.1 hi jiiii c. m ahd Hie t.da nl it. c lii'li'dimn. Since tiien ril.f tmai, 1 na Inrni 0 Its .tit wirt:. 1 n.-ia .-nt l o'lislni: ita v-l 1. el. oi i -i u in- M,PI1 1nn l,t'i r.cid its v in,-'.i ir,l iw.iln hilling dnw 11 lin- valli y. II mdy n uiiiu. tls t.i si.iind Itif 1 bane iiltnin lli whnli' 'inn and wi.iii.:i our hil nti arnuiid utu lir-'tl i rs'is, unitcli 1 1 t.'.a ln-acot'iil, llnul trn u n. vl nli n-iads t... in Nm, itii i'r. la inn 'lit' iwir 10 no H Kiilll'0. 1 .i-orcf II. Mi C i l- Inn I. Iiinxjl Mi in-.ii ,-ni mi' " t. 'j vur-a k- in ral Mill a v itiT. a sili'i'Miinn n ii-t on! ; ,md l an- luilhtni hi t-.rv iidl .t.l.l in ;,ih i jiI ai-h liiat h,' ant Ii 11' n.r Iho l itvl l'iii'.' ill. mil mi cin inriu vntp. .el us all Ihi'Tli r', lulnT w lihmit i rnliit In iiii-'iinrv i I in lnir:i'.l n.uili r.. in ii'.i.rd l.r tl.e ui'iinitH ol m.r liritt lir'P.1li Ilia ll Itln'l I' I f'mn lin ,l.'l.': niril.Mid llel'nkn in-ni lis tit av..i a e lio., in teo intori-.l u! ri-lij. if n, Mi.l in in-hi n's cl ti e If pu:i ic ..f the Idtiiio, Ins Hi tu. n ,l reni-vls .11 In. tnrw-iird 10 tii i.'ry. ll, 1. 1 1.n til tU'Ciminiii'i ''. HI MUN riMKItO.V, Chllrraau. Vi 11 N FidtM , I DOINGS OI' T1IF. DKA.U.t. .Vi.cH Tueai hi.. On Montlay next, I'atlTr V st a I will p,ioar In the i'Ii.imcut of tho "Hp- trr Fi'itum -T lh r,' ll.e t lie l:i w.iith shv made lnv fl HT four ll illicit - ,ou iipni lie puSJic f I'iillfidel;!'.!!. llii-r v f in 'iifhclii' IV ;j pf:ir it u:i en tin. . w trin- uii!i sn.: u :nt't::t' n Cm 'n t!'P Fri'iirh of i. .-r !. ( 1. 11 1 . v. 1 n-pi, v rt- - t. r ( a l M Hit d M.if- .ri:t. .'IU j ;1 (II).; "iJ.-i.-r ii-- Cirtrt 1 n.r if 111 l an niul 11 4 mm ttpiutiis.' n.'pn- n' iv lie cl la M iiUt.u'Vc.whcli Mus t:ieu iTitirc If " (u''-;ir. In the n w tr-t"nof tT til. it nlltTHtlnrm hive tfll nifP ft' III ll.C ! KMiali, ttttt-fU OtlA t!.lt niiKett r m l !r It :i-i!'f m.u-t! and hM to tif i:it ri t. o ti. tT yi s ft-, siri t?j by ' lit- fniricr alnttti.l . b v., a. Mil tit i -iv 1 lt ub D i;f 'iiu' beAuit- Hi !-'C t i; .1 ot ri.n n. C(icp-irs. It is ("irc .'lv rv-ar to sty ti .u tr..- Airti Ht;ett Tnt-jitfe i I p it i Hiii(4i6ll.v '.,( ID i. UUial Btv.e of tatUiul CQftaitl- . rtt lr 'jr i ty f-T h i;ai- tl.u e-cihtic. Mr. Warrm . lb faiTf a c:n.n fif i'.o peculiar perfe'.ion V.h tc t pis lv :;:-iiy, in tl.c c:ira.wr of "Bllv r (n. - bcr i '.'V. ui tne filsa,i;ej't tv 'n- c-- ':tf4iriji-ri nttr ix n Mj'j1 t Mi-i ; 1 : . L Iv r r v.;; i,; TaV;.; n I'n'aJ- - t ".!: ! : . Wav-Til .i v nun ;s ;ti' T ol i. t . ;j f . rt v t- i, ..(., jr.ji :r..Q i ..-jf : out te rt : 7- !'V!''.iP f a. a: 'v.l lvj- a t V'un;: StB.i.Ei Thutkk Mi?s Thomp-on's rt; xf :.t tt t l' au crd tht tvea.n,. uq M n. f. NvKtn ft;--.-tin. v i;ls hs tUu-iittr Vir?..aa, n,;t apcat in L.riiu A$. t : a ;-t Mr. buchinan ha l.tcti 1 1 UI tl tl r n.,r.',l;r.K it mk im' in C.iihrn.4, ai.U Mli- l;iw III ,t.i-l.i.ia. ll. wiitt UD ti: a(a'! quaih tl i b ii'.i .i im iu i n.i.'.-iiafid a 1 tlic uin ne diauia, mid i4i a uint)! m.cj mii'nI c u e t, W i't- n n ii'1 d-iivhu r, Is ,n 1 1 vi-'iuv, 'u. nt i.n.l -u put hi-f fl,i lit' U'liUrU'es 1M X'JVi.oi.CU iu t cirei-'t jl:y Id 1 UIM' liL. iii,. ..ll- li poi e tie ft t"inii nl' t';v t'tlfTii ; nmJ I ' ' 't 'it v ui M. d ay i , - n.iu' ' V. !,i, !( inr tlh-ar'f il i- .thit". .11 '! ik I'liit? t at t. 'i uf im '.,-.,t-'n r.t . ' I i- . ill ' .i ..iitik-M tu e, !'. V rj Matujr jp's Crutrtu, to bii I ll JH ri ' Pri ..i In .i ,-. II. h. . ?! Vi" I. -'a Oivit i t! jari.,'i . '.ili ia'.t I t dl'.I.i: favor a .,'.'.,', a i.-u. iiay. r r r 'l:,i u j ; I, it, s.-y ii..: T, I. J X" j .'.llll il,,.'! l -ii.,f'. ! ll' a l. , i n i ;i .an , n 'n I i.'n 'i ' N .,i,. uil a 'mull i t Otr.uuii j.ia iu tlic i i u-i i' :a l l.-j I . . .-1 - .1 i' D " :i t l'i.- 0 '.- i ., In t a: ri i il U : !r 1 1 ur.i iii il . nil vi 1.,,) iu i.. in i - r '..ii. : ' ! ii , r i t r..r i roni imi. evi a -hire. plkso.mai, orin:s, from K AI'Auuail f;i"ii. if the I1A (,) (V 1 ;l.'.i ll.luili't'. iaritl-V. P f. IIRNSvN. I'Hl I.Mt STItr'.F.T. V). I Pi i.iili ll tnu .-- I eta u ill .li'iirni .iu 'H tl,e ili-.ittiof jnui liru lijr, . l.. llo.iiijii j mi i loo iiliiv-ia m yunr Ma. Miv I us l,i en i li k an .in t.'i. win .; 1: ii nut iliu.ixtil s.'ni will ricuiir M!i- .ii.ifi"i inn, Ii tu mi. yn i. uim a l will. l ul. i r 1 i' i I uiua I. si linlu In-e.nnli'-n vui iu.i'tiiuiia.4 AriKtlt. rtrvti. T. t: t.m i, I'ltii.itif.t.vnn : nr. vtt Hi.- V i iii sill it. Via. I A. l.r.slt. ll i,iitii. y iii ili-it lii.r a. n.t'iii.iaiii I'. '1 l.iwa is a i 1 mih-i- ui am ui l-'.iri In-', a: il b an l,iii(i ilfiil Kii.iU itl" iv.iof h i.r v.inr n.ili'W, ind ansA.,'1- iti.i Sr-.v Y-uk ,V ri or riiliu'li ljil.-n I'm', i s tl. Milix.nJ Hiutn-i. A.W. If" 111' ll VCN ll, JCI 7. Ivil-T. R..IOVVK4, At Li.ii.u. . I .ii a J. i'. ..a-iin iilu.i feti-. e' , ii ur ival I'lit, l'l:lhn'i'li'. i.i, I'a : M. in in I,, i u I'liiim .1. II I " 1 1 1 r -si n. as i.iiitiiicil in llii U'tli blt.,ni'..r i.'natiin s 1 1 1 . 1 1 '. l'li-usii line uul mlii'iu lie Is i-iie I T liiui. 11. T. d. tf-' ' '.. i ii - , nn, ill. 11,1 at. fl l. nil, mil M ity ll' I !' 1 1. ini' .. -I ii In" nli'. 1 i.i sin ii.c I. e it. i' I .lift Kl lAIIKTII Mm fill 's. riii:iiili l.tiia, fa. : ili-l W'' liw linn' -i'. ll VI.IIS i. I .iit fiv a l.tsii IV I will m in! h, r in-n ul nn' i. a .i,,.!. rliiuii . tain n-nv unt anl al.ii-tu lli in tu I.i ainui a lli iiiitli . 1 1 . 1 1 1- lu lile; ui i-unli I. ri urn il l s, n, t ii in, lit (-iiu wruti' ft .M.try r ea . untl w ill .lu in li initu-i; ii v ; ol.d nui-t ilolise'Msa I am ii-iy mi s 1. ua in i, ''in- tru ll inr I w .oil hit, ii n iulii!'1, i.i Irli.aili w,l li 1 1 u illll it I In: ri iiua IIU'. Kill- tnn.t t.iku t ii . f " ri I'li., l.i , ai,.i r. . v l.. n.j p.-i sun iis, wlii.-ti am .I niu l.i'.l iiiii.i mis lu tlu- H'rfi'iiOi'l A-'i.i'ie.T, My tt.M.lnl iovu iu ..lur.. ai.ii k liitt ri-ineiiiurani'i: lu una ii. nl ull. Iir i:t llMOSii, dc II, l-r.i - to Hit, IU l- t.nua I'U.ioii.lili, I'til tut-l,.l, in :-l).ir liiiHluviis vVd HI MM', t ll ) "l I lll-t i l'.-i.'i!l..l. Il'll P W ll'IVa 11 't'll'lft Ir.'li. , i.- v- li.tli la a l,.l.' lnu'-iti'l hi v," nreviy m:n.iis lu lu-ar l.n'ii v.u:. v.e lire vii tu wriii- tu in i uf iu t y In-.:; ul ir.n e ul ihtmuiui l'.' ari lu it-mil lii'rtlih, Hun k t..'ll. tlutl'iula. '.'ua l.u.u yu'i iu .11. 1' s. si., u'.: i t; t, a fc i t. vi r .s. vjaiM.-ati iirui.i' I iiu s lus ii In ii-.i'"': is. iiu a III '"ultra l.t ur u'i ua by It'le L'lf us lOUit-liill'F. uui.iil Ulni. J. ii . If I'AT Hl'llV. I'Mli.AliKl.i'lll :-KAMI I.V AMI) m.i i-;t in Hit i ..Jin iiii in ni :ii.i' ii-:i!i li. llmv i.-. inv;i:i'r 1 i m iry ui. ti .1 lu -im' : ti ',1 li.-r tu j.i.y mo a vlMt t a" u a-s: i t nn, us I 'i ' l ix i',-n.ib-l.v ansuiia tu n't si a,'u r :, lin a s' ;,a'ii:i n Mtt . (N.nvu la hIiii ni. l.'. lb UIIX sai lo toft 11. uud K. Ailsru.t lli-.r lo. ii. II. I DltNKi.Hll'H, Kl . tin ,'lllii alreiM, Uit-iiiaulid. BI M AS MOKTAM.V V I SIi.:l) IIS Till', l.ixm Inar Pt-'iT'liuilf. In a1 II n wall Hip im inv. OctulnT I Isi.l. ami ilirJ ui-liliir' l-iil.atA. I'. Illll :..ria leu pilal. Clia'a a A. ilt'sv. Ccii.nauy J., M Murv laud lu'ancry ttMU 2f i ura. tt-fAHt'V.l. I). MAUHHAI.I , VltH. F.T.tZ AliKTII nr.. in-, anil V rs.inry Ann ll olll, l'liltailijililu. 111. i I our tallisr ill.-ll hUCi'i-llll III IH'Ui. i ll IIU' 1 ill) Itl.lal.t ta el liiii In urt. ilia ruuiains ws-tu lutuirtiil m tsliuekoe lull Ctini'ttry . tir f t'M Ei I sr. it c. ii, Kuiiuiil II IV -Viti ' a-il. in el A 1 111 V ul I'olouiai-At V 1. Mlh VliiOma liilanti) . 1V..-I v a. t- ki n ni sun. t in int. n, ti r, V. 11 im i ul t. triitii in!" f.'f . Illli . P. l.lsO" -DO'TOIl vu r t iv rp. liuM. uul li. t'Ci ll. JaniU'.un ,u.i, , 1. r iy a drill !' il, IH-ai' IV.Ui'lii'f .i' t a. . i ";, a'.d x ..i . ni' 'y a-ul II'" uill ti' i-i ir 1' rat i J ul l' t uny i. '' ul uiiir.i'U',iiii in. lai'ir) lliruuyli li.t ilii-Uiuoiiil . I. UK .'AV! -OS. ItT- K1I.IKK.INI I'K ACVION WiT.I TUT I '11 i:s ot l.i-litiat I'-iillii li!;.i', al fca I . Uli', a., t'l luu .' J IJ A uc h lilli a.tllanlii li.'iiuit lilt; t- .i. pitiiy uilu a . i: "li-, .f itu I . rut' i.tit-JU, S'-i xniifiii ii'i-nniti, tMiui'tiiT it. iu. ii it"L' liii-ul Ki iilLt k MuiiiitiU i.iau.., i'li cut ami uS Miijui l.ilwarit ClUlclitli'l'l, ul 1. uulfc l Ult-, liy. .UilBU- 1J iuiu-aunu iUoiuntlia, laritrN.IAMIK till TXKSSnM.I.F.ll'F.t.IlKr.AWAItK lourauii latsiiii mo; lui. VMi,len ipin'-i.tii-. Itenlll ti'iuiiln viitli rnt-i luu i. ind nut r:avt' auy tuur. uli tin- kali ait: lie ia in 11 ami cuiiKaeiii 1 cuuia o-tf tiu mti.oiit tnu. bin la alio with uie MAJOli Lull. llr- PEl KHHIllIltli, V.. Ot'TOUKB Ii, ISKt.-Mlt. Jm n ftt'iudi . al 'ui tri'sa Muiirue. a. : An IniiH-mnliuu UI air. William return., an uiu 11117..-H ui iriuniu'iiu cuenly, Va , a lio via. t-aptun il un hia lann near tlir city of I'Mrrabiirg Va., by a raiditi;: party on lite 1st of b e liu.Uer, will bv u."St liiaiioullv liK-uiveil tliruuth tha cuuiuii. of ilia New Voik iuitt .Vffj.iir auy oilur Mirth n imtxtr. aum. Wal. I'LtllbtS. ly-mciiunNP. VA..0C1011F.K 11, l;i.-TfiKSA- in.ieo.l'alur'ii.N.J. I .an loiiri'daunululUieSihliiaLaut In U ..(mill'. W as kin, I tu kam thai all war well, I rami a t-xiiri-ta mr arali-ti:l lt-flliMa lor your earo of iny Ininr t'.y. Mi.tur W liuwurtii and family anil sally llaalcr ana laiuiiy aia aii welL H i au uolla la lol 9 10 W. T. It. Iley. Dr. Beuuin, lor forty year pastor of the Yint Presbyterian Chuich In Troy, New York, baa Uft tor Ula new taome at Carboodale, Illinolr, POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS. OrigiSi and History of System in Ho gland. tho STATISTICS OF ITS rnOOBESS. Its Intrcductiou iato the United States. In view of tho. Introduction tif t'i! pontil monry ortlir fvHttn int.) the L'niteJ 8tnta, it h liiMritetivo to review the, history ami progress of the mtii cy Older tii urtmtnt of tlu 1' (illlee. Ii n, list ni t, houever, In' pre'iimed Unit a fiieec hinnUr to that wl.i. li ha. nttcnileil tho system in the mother country will Wo uttainetl bete, fiom tho vt ry fiet taut it will nut lio of th:it ttdvunltifo to the peophs of this country at It in there, l'ersons in 1 nc:liu; J who deslio to transmit (mull Fiin-.H by trail to;t pliiees li.ivo no tilteii.ative but to make use of money orders, from there being no p.iper money of les. amount than L! (SV'fl), while here wc tire enabled conve niently tu Bond in currency and postage-stamps combined uny hum u wish. In the following reirurk wo hnyfi ralealutad tl.c Kngii-h pound ster,inr. at livo tlollur-i, which iipptoximutcs to the C'l'l suml.irii. 0II1G1N or Mill KY OHIM'.IIS. Tho tyi-U m tiriinntetl in ihe re jitircmctit of n fate end cusy inei-.tis of tr.insniitiliiK money by the lliitich soloirru and s.iilon who wero then l:glinii(,rTipp( O .fcib In A -in, ami tirepar iiR toliht with tbe I n In Kurnpe, to their rt lutives in dif en nt purls ot' Uieiit llii'am nn I Ireluud. To mi ct this reiiiin nn nt three post olll -c elerkit, iimler ihe fniii of ",-tow v Co ," in 17'.'2, stnrled n n enterprise wliith hn mice yrown into a grout pte-tiil biinkitiK esiiilili.'liinort. TuiH was done wi'h the Biiiicliim of the ro.Mtmiisier-deiicral, but w iilidtit uny interii rence liy hiiu in the imiaiige 11H nt. The Bilvanttipes of the scheme iverc so nppi rer.t, that before long all clits- cs of citizens were allowed tu themivives of it. Encli of tho three puitners advuiucd S.ilHW to beyin the busi ness, m il iiurinj; tho time they enjoyed the mono poly of trannniitinilniiEll minim more than llft.v jcnii i ettecl an urnml prolit of ubottt SIOJO in. Ii. The fee Stow & (,'o. tiliargKij lor tranmiiin siun was Hil. in tiie pound . uriin (tiirco uud one 1 ult per cent.), oi.t of which they bad to 'cfr ty tho niliirics ot clerltj uud the commission to country po-tniiihur-. In iiddiiion to thin per ceiitnf.e, it the iimount exceeded rb), tiie reitiitier had to pay twenii -Iii e cents for a Government Btenip; nnd in nil oases ho hud to pay tho postage of his leitrr contu niiig the order; so that with the then high rates of posture the cost, of trmis inifsiou nvtruL'cd uhont live per cent, l ive j:umra (nboiit f.i(JJ was the hilic-t niuount that eonlil be remitb d in one order. Tho same ser vice is now peilDiincd at one-tenth the former cost, and this, too, at an en innoiis prolit to tho CoveiEiutiit, us uill be secu below. t n k feiiritK AiKii Ti'.n ii v rut; I'ost oi iter.. In tbc course of time tbo British Government befan to he alive to the u'lv.n,t:.gus which would be derived from pralt'tr tl.e money order sys'ein in the general esui'ilimoiieM ; therefore, on lie ecu. her ti, 1MH, about a year liefore the intro'lue tion of i onny postage, htow rt Co. wero nlvcii coinj.tiisatioD, and their liiuinesa bei nmo an t ll'cial dtpunnient of tho post till'ieo. The com nn.'itinap then reduced to a fixed charge of tvi tlve cents fur sums of S10 and under, and of tliirty-eix tents lor sums ot over SIO and not cx eecaing S-o, beyond which amount no order was If sued lint the reduction -was not sufficient to induce the public to pntronizc money order to any ex ti r.t, (or in additi'.n to the commission paid, as toe oireis weie isui;d on in p irate slips, the nmittvr was couinel'eJ to piy double postage (4 rMe hi trig then charged lor each sheet), and at tl e then b gh the cost of transmission was tl.freoy nmcb eutuinctd. This double postage was toon, however, obviated by the orders buiog rivtn at tl e head of a shtetof lciter-P'ipcr. A t Li-1 clirk ut.d two as-istonbi were nttirst enabled I to t o all ihe 1 umuco tliut e iine to the head odiee ; but this insines, whicli bad yielded a respecta ble j tot.t to Mow & Co., was done by the Uovcru RKi.l at a loss. RAMI) r.UOWTU OP Till: SVSTr.M. Two Important changes, lucvcr. sooa OJr.snd ti.e y. torn to tnl;e dc r.i. t. T!:r;e were the intrtiiuciion ot pi uny t-jstjgo and tho rcdtiction f the eonimissiiT, (,n money orders from twelvo and thirty -tlx tints to six tin 1 twelve cents. This Zonble rednetion tit uos'use an I e iinmiiiion t ok plnce in 18-10. Tbo iirouiioui clleet which this J nd, i lid tno rapidly increasing business ot tho lb'I'Uitn.ent, lire plninly ixliiiitu d iu the follOAint; able, In which is given tuu iiumDjr or orderj ssueil, ntid the ag:;u"Mtc ainoiiut for wliich they two i-sued in each yuir: MUlil.H AM) AH01NT0K MONF.V ORDllltS. Vo. 11 (h .ttl S .li'r.-iife 11 11 1 af. Si ib.i.G.'ii l. 8 ll.h? ) i.i,ii;H,ii.i 21, ;s"),s(j 22, Vl,"0d 2S.47i;)7',5 3-',lsi'i,S'lo ;i,2. i,2so ;i'.iii.i,H',ij I(l,7i.l70 40 7HI.215 42,172,'lOd 41,4 12, UK) i;,l:n,iiii I. 0 Ill , ls-S.'ILM iW,'.7;, si) 2,111,'jso 2 ir-t '-i ,w,o;i :i,l iii,l2 I 3,'ii.i ibU 1SI1 1K1-J Ill 1M4 lhl.O UK! 1H47 4,,lHfi ISiH 4,'Jo;i,(i.".l bin 4 2iM,vii lhAU l,4:i!l,7bl lMol 4,lbl,0-.i IKftt! 4,'J17.-i lhult 6,2IS,'2!H IS 4 Hiil 214 lH'i.i .0 ho7,f 12 lKiti 1'.,178,'IM ls.i7 c:isi),i(i:i inin j,(;hi,:i:iii lH.VJ () 'JO'.I l'lf lsiic 7,:27,i i'! 1 sol 7..'i7l,:r7 4')..iS 1,075 ii,:tl2,HVi '"," ltl,'i!lo .)'i,H2i,Hi0 tld.'.ioi,:) r fi:,;ili),S'.!,'i i;ii,2il,bi) tl'.i,2'J2 320 ,iill,SiO 1 Hb2 7 ,'Vi 7 ,04 7-,07,-.".-i The ftveni);c uniiual Increase of amount of money re tit i s for tho live yuu s 111, lin.,' lsi2 w is ;';! ter rent., the iner.u-o on tlio 1 tst of thesu Jems laii g fc pi r ci lit. The greatest rate of il:. if n.c in HO;-' it, lliu tin,." L ini'ilninil uau in ' hcotiiiiid, wliete it was 12 per cent. ; in the towns it wiis greatest in lliadlord, w hue. it waa not liKH tl nn 211 p' r ecu:. To slio.v the relative prcpoiiiou t f the orders issued, anil the amount Ii r which they wi re is-iimI, in cicli ot the three kineili.tiis, we will ijuo'c the year ISO:!, in wh cli theic were lastie.l in Kcgland oud Wales iil44,.Wl or.i 1 r m. 11 11 11 iu m 1 1: 1 to .s.'i7,'.':i7,7')', in 1 ci tin till, till. .r!'7 orders, amimuiinn 10 it l.l.'iS.lil) j and in Ireluud, u, i.i, (117 ordcis, nmoiiutiui; to $:M'.i,M). Tin ae pave a proportion of or ler to iipjinlation of 01 e 11 iiu to 1 vi 1 y three persons in Ku jl'itul niiil Wnli s, 10 every live in bcntliiul,uiid to every eleven in liel nnl, bcine, mi avcrar oi one ordur to 1 vi ry four pi v-mis in tho iiitinl Kinilom. On Jniiui'rv 1 , r i; ' tho limit ul s.iiiu or, lots was exti 11 lb d lo bod, with a projioi timiute in reuse iu the commission. This ni l account lor tho ii.cieu-e in the amounts for which orders wem ib-iitd in Hint year I eing fixator in proMiriion to the iiu re;:Hc in the number i-piied one order in innuy en-is uolrg duty where two wore previously required. i iioi rr and Loss, l or ten years after tlic post olllce took clnirgo of ll.e mom y order business, it was an annual loss to the Government. This whs partly owini? ti the expenses atuudiuff tbe of a dis trict stall for tho department. The chief clerk ond two assistants, with which tbo work was coinimneed in 1S.IS, hud, by 1B47, increased to two burdisd nnd twenty-six clerks In the chief oiiicc, wiih a large amount to bo paid for extra work, liv experience und tho adoption of a belter fiyetem, although the business has sinco doubkd, only hull' that number of employees are now required, uud uotUiuj; is paid lor extra service. Tbc renult Is that a turning poiut was reached at tiie end of the tiuth year, uud xiuce then the prolits ul the department huvo increased in a greater ratio than in ni.y other branch of the post Tbe business iu lnlnnl continued io lie done at a loss until very leceui y, but during tlio lust year or two the money order trausaetiuus in that country biive Iwcouie seif suiiportitit'. In 1MN, the lu -l ytur thut tho money order system was u cliureo tion the resources of the post otllce, the lo-s whs s2f,726; In the previnus year it had bem So.'l.omi. The progress from that period will be iound in the iubowitig table : I'ROl ITS Or TUB MONET 0Rbi:B SVSTrH. J'l'irr. I'rttr. lsib $.1,010 lnui $'101,2i,0 lStO lH.lrt'J lH.Vi 1 1 ).;70 :i7,lrtri 1S17 120,874 1H.V2 5,1,4 tVlH.'kS 1'2U,&HI) 1 H.V 70,74.'i 1 1 KVil 1 4rj,575 1 K64 bO.SSi 1 1 UoO 112,370 Tbe apiarent decrease in the last year was owing tu tbo stock of stationery, blanks, Ac, having been allowed to run down in tbe previous yenr, in consequence of au anticipated change. The commission received on money orders In Ihe I'nlUnl Kingdom in iw.2 was lf'.M,771, being an ineieaae of st'),4IO over tbe pruvlous year. Tbe post othce authoriues have beeu at various times urged to asue orders fur small ainounu at a less charge tban that now made, dccending even to as low a coniUilssiua as oue penny 1 but they bare rleellneil acecIng thereto, a so smill a charge would lie att inlfd with loss to tho dn partmrnt. However, to meet thia demand, post age stamps sent by letter may now lie convened Into trolly at tbe money order offices at a rhargo ofOiJruT cent. This lm ratnrally withdrawn from tbe money order system a large amount of business. which would have gono to swell ttw increase lieynnd what ii is. 1 no amount of post, age stamps rhiingcd Into money, In aarordanca wiiu mis r gitinti n, in iyt2, m lyomion aioac; reached nearly J?1ki,(m. Nt Mimii op mom v OFFtcra. Tho nunilier of monny ordnr riftlcoa in the United Kingflmii on the 1st of J iniuirv, H'i t, was 2879. Tl.eintin! numlicrof post olli xis ut I ho fiiiiic p.riod biing lour to live limes th.U number. On Deermher 24. lHM.npw.irflu of 4 1,000 orders were puid during' the day. The biidinoss is gene rally very great at Chri-tmas time, yhich proves Ihnt the ays im is in' de uvnilahliJ for the p'tr t ha e of picsetils at lha'. pi riod.ur M10 forwanlinj; of gifts In money. The number of orders paid in London Is ilotiblo tha' is.iie ljnnd In all lurgo, und csiicciallv iiiiiuiibicliiring towiis. tbire is a great t xeess or pin 1111 n's, whilo in tha lisiii iu- able cities anil small eouniry iti.vns iu.; reverse is tiie eiuc. 'I hi. ct'liebision is plaiu. thai money onhrs aro much ired fur the purehusij of goods in the t in aper marts. Tbe number of unclaimed orders is very small In proportion to Hi" business done. I'l lS"-0 tha amount was rfl-'.1 J". ricmg o ily one-tilti'".u part of Tte r ' cent, on the tranc.'i'ipa of thi year. The uncliJiiied amount Is p lid over to a lund for tin- nssistiitic of po. t olilcc oilici ils in tlio uusar atiee 01 tl.cir lives. (,'oi.onim. monky onnr.iia. The money order system was exten.lod to ('nniida in .lune, 1,1 H, nnd slnie then many other of the llillisli colonies have beta brought within its scope. It hud been established previous to this date, (in May, IS.11), iu Malta und (lil.ralnr. Money ordcra aro exch inirr-il Im t cen th: millier coutilry and the colonies tu 11 rate of commission etimcwh'it hiither limn that charged for orders passing within the limits m tiie I'niieil King. bun. The urtlcrs reenivetl from C'anii In in I WW ou.otinti d to .I7",'W0. The number of orders Issued in Knglaud lor in th colonies In 1H,i2 was i.'ll, and Iho iiuiouiit lll,4:)i. As may be supposed, iho execs in orders pasHiug between the colonies and the United King. lorn is in those sent to the hitter people who h ivu emi grated forwarding money to Ihoir relalivos whom liicy have left at homo. ROLDIKHS1 AN 11 SAII.OI1S MONKV ORDKHH. l'acililirs fur forwarding money home were givui to the soldiers during iho Crimean war, und arcnowgivtn to sailors on board tho ships of the navv, wliich ml;;ht at tho present ti 1110 be udopted by tho post cilice authorities of the L'iiited States with groat advantage, and would be a boon to those li 1 aro ti.rhling our hiule.s on land and sea. At the liegiunin of lH.'G, tovv.irtls the close of the war iu the Crimen, the money oiiler SNSlim was extended to Constantinople, iseutarl.'atid lialaklava, to ennbie the SJldiers and sailors stationed in the East 10 remit money tu their families at home, mid the sum thus trnusr in it it il dm ing tlic year amounted to not less th in j.'liO.coo. lhc (ijsiein has also been lutrooucod inlo uil tbe ve.-tels of the royal navy on foretell Fcrvice, the paymaster ol the ship beiti,! tho ugeut of tlio posr.olliee, und on powered 10 gran iiimiey orders upon any olilcc in the United Kingdom. when "Jack receives ins p iy, be is tuns iii.tuce t to forward to his wife or rrlutirca at luimn tbi earnings which he would lie not unlikely to biiiamler a way 111 tiio 1 i 1 t p: rt the ship t tuclic.s. ciiti-.r otni.K in LONiuiN. I'rom the nmnbir of clerks which wo have already sinled a e employed in Ibis oilie.e, it will be easily understood that I; Is a bulking csiab- lisLiin nt ot no mean dimensions, iho business is conducted in 11 lingo building separate from, but -veiy noar to tbo general postoiMce. I ho Im.c ltunt comprises diminutive streets and alleys, lined on each side with tied up pvkages of letters of advice and receipts, s j methodically arranged that, when required, any single order can bo tttrticd to at 01110. Tbe principal room in which orders are isBiicd nnd paid smacks straingly of bunking, ns in it notning is ncard or seen tint tho chink ot money, talk about money, and money and its paper representative. 'lhcre is a long counter covered with bowls filled with coin, and scales for weighing gold, with an iron grating In front, through which tho clerks at the back Iook like cu:;cu lions; how ever, they aro very tame liritisb. lions, and are n.ore likely to growl at nn obtuse customer than ... I.i.n l.i,, It, I..- in ,h.i vn.iv n ...! 1. combed witli pigeon-boli-s, filled" with orders and advices, form 'he i .n-tti round to tho picture, J-.aeh ol ihc: i b con-boi 'S represents i raonoy ordiro.lie.'. V'hen .moid r is presented for pay- n.eLt the cleik g'es at 'nice to the pigeon-hole Ui.;kid with Uie mime of tiie ollieo where it was i-med, compnrts il with the li tter of ndvieo, and if ull tbo formalities required uro properly at t'tidi d tn, the order is cislo'd. When unorder is teoiiiitd.a loiui is liiitu lo iho npp.iinat to 1,11 uo, and on the principal s itnund cummissiou be ing pa ll, tbe order is haii'led over, and u letter 1 .iiivice pupared to send to luu onico on wnieh it is erahted. Ti e Becounti of nil the rroniy-order olllcoi in re l.bited Kingdom arc posted up in this ontat) li-bxeni ; und io syitor.iaticully and rapidly is this done thai nearly thiee. ihou-and ic counts are eoiio tloougli, nnd tho tmhiuco ot Iho enuro il p.iiiiui 1 1 stiii'-k daily by tno o'clock, when tho st ile of Iho tiii.iTiciiil P 'sitiou ot' each olll e is l.m wn, us it atood at thu latest po-tal couiiiinni CO I If . n . The sit'i-oilices In the inetropo'Is exceed ono luu tired, nboiit half of which aro wiliiiti three in i lis of thu gent nil olllce; so ihat In IaiihIoii n pei'ion bns not to walk manv yards belore hu will find tin mi ce where he can obtain un ordir, or uptn which he can h.ivo ono in.iuc payable. Ki;ori..iTioNH. The regulations for the Issue nml payment of money orders are almost identical iu the United Stales and l.ngland, so that a description of tin se adopted in tbe lat er country holds good lu this. Tho monev order is n minted document with blink", which, when properly lilli d iip.Uuthoriz.oj . the po-tmiister tu whom it is addressed to pay i tho j traon luenl'oiied in the litter of ualviee of the postmaster is-ui ing it, the. sum named on tho ' face. Tho order bears neither the name of tbo ! remitter nor tbe receiver; the former is thorelorii . advheil to fend it in a separu'.o envelope to that ciiiiinining the inslru -tious, as in tho case of its being lust it is ot no avail lo the person lot whuce hands it muy fall unless ho is aware o tiie nnd addresses of both purlins in tcrcMcd, ami which nuly elscwhoio upiniar in tho leu. r ot advice that pastes between tuo post- nor-tors. '1 ho post ollieo is not lia'ilo for an order after It Is once pmd lu aciv rilintcc w iiu the legulutions that is, if it is properly r. ceip ed with the name of the puny to whom it is payable, and the exact raue niiu iiUdruss ot tne iciiiitter given, r l .i.gliind, if an ord r is presented through a hank, il is siillieierit that it is merely tronerly receipt tl There me ulso certain regulations in reference 1 1 is-uing ouplica'cs far lost or miscarried orders for Ihe trimeter of payment from oue ollieo to another, stoppage of payment, Kc. MONIY Ol'.llKIlS IN TUF. VNITED STATUS. Tho eommisoion to bo ehurg.d on money onlcis I-sued iu the United i-iiutes is ten cents uu amounts not exceeding $10; lltteun coins oil amounts above tflO und nut exceeding 20 ; and tweuiy ccLts above ?2i) uud not exceeding $ (0, beyond which uiuouut uo smglo oiiicr will be issued. The list of post olliccs at present designated al Itioney order oiiici s is only limited, but it is to be Imped that it will soon bo to extended th it every town bavin if a population of over oue thou sand will be included. On arriving In (fOpenlmen, tlio IViniQHfl of AV.iIch wielict to (lrca tor tltuucr, win;ii miJ tUnly ioiiitd hcmt'lf with "nuthin lo wuar." Some bltipid servant, who received oniers hIkjiiI tbe luf.'Kii'O, follovtud out liia iriMtnuuionn lur kavin it ul the palace, which he ttionglit tno int the rtthietf of lii-mhtotT, uml im when, h.ilf an hour heiure ihe dinner-timr, her IlnyiU iU:'Iitie-s cirtcred her drcivNiDg-rooni, the ncreMiary ar mtnt8 wht'ie-Aith to clothe und dut-omtc her hcautiful i-craon were nowlieio to lo iminJ. lieinMnrf wui lour or live miles tlbtiitit. ho unv Iielp frota there was not to he thought of; und the future Queen of iiRluud hud to horr w u ua-s to wttu. A man tshot himself dentl in New York ou Thursday, ou account of uiir- ult;d joyu. The delit of tiie ci y or tfir,r'; ii 12,y8:jt00. Clement Wehiter, Iw.t.p.tV ,1f of t, Trovideuce Vott dh d in tu r. - It is The New Vuh,u cu.t.Ati a "I'rotfrctiTe UlIob." lit. tit a, of HwVsn, is I'reaiJcnt. I he cotton Df'll la h An, il. t.t owupA hy W.B. MatLhevn, wtu eotirci CtujfA hy fire on FHdAf njfht. Mrh. George Toitr, of MvhfiftM, M., drowned Lerself la a dtainiiut wctk, iu Ct of meutal duitvnement. The I'lano-forte itool factory of I-orcnr-o Home, in Woiniorough, K. H,wm deitroya i hy Cr on f lidny. U. frl0(O)0. George CufUx, father of aeneml Oeorge R Cusur, of th Army of the roiomac. U an ingeni ous InTentor, and has recently obtained a patent for an Improved horchoe, in which Iho nail bola are countermiok and the bottom lurface in not grooved. Mr. Cuner roidea in Monroe,, Michigan, HELM GOLD'S REMEDIES. II rLUID EXTEACT BUOHU forNon BatfntltBOT InasrtlaanAS of Trlns, imunoB, Ir.fUrnmatliin or Uleeratloa ef U lMd4 er Rl4oya, JHittttt f Iht rreilrttt Vlmnd; BIM4 In IU iladaVr, Carvftti, flraval, r Bri k dull ;. and all IHwaiM of Us Blafltlr, Kldneja, and Dro steal ssattmnff . llKltMIIOIiDH TLVIIJ EXTRACT BUC1IU Frr WcalinaaaM arplrg from F.nrcisira ImllscraUon. Tha ronkttltrtlon onw aiTcrted with Vrgnnlc iriiam-Mmjulroa tlio aid ot mMllcliie to itrentfthrn und invtyoratt th lytem. which Ili:i.MIIOI.!'B EXIKACT lltt(!IIU Inriirlnbly ffcfi, If no tratintril i ubmltti'd lo, Conaiunptl nor Insanity may aaaiio. IIKIjMIiOLilJ'S FI.VID EXTRACT OK DVCUU, In afTcclbna pecnllar to TaiiAi as," Is tuieiitUed by any other pr" nratiun, as bi CliloroM;, or Ui tenli. n, Irrtgu- larlilca; rairtfulnoai, or Buppreokinof Cuatvranry tvao- nutloai; I'lccrottd, or Pchirioua fitata uf tlio Vtarui; I.euchon-ha a, aud all complaints Inoldent to the sex, vsliitlicr arlnb.g from hahlta of illaslpaliun, tupradaiwlea, or lu the tit time or ckai of hi; lIKIiMDOLD'H FLUID EXTRACT BL'CnU AND rurnovRD bose wabu Will rait. cally extern Inato from tho ajatem Dlaca ei of tbc Vrlnury Organa ariflog from Itablta of Dlsnlpitlen, al .- c.r; o, (! or l.o chavgt in ilitt, no inamvenitnei vrexfostirr; completo'y auperacdl'ig thoac unjitYaJanf and dutivcrvnt remctlif, !efit il Jtrnurv.ln alltlioao dlstaats. 1JBK lIKI.M)KiD'a FLVID J.XTKACT BUCIIU In nil riitf.sei oi llu Ui luftry Oryftn. LcUkw cxIsUmb Io wMak' or "Fewmle" from vhutever tautt ori)jinatinj uhu no .VA .'t vf ho lung Handing. It in pWatiftUt lu It. to aud oir. "JmmuiliaU" in Ui tin, ml mur trti.tLeiiItik' tlinn wiy of tLo preparation, of liurk or Iron. Tlioie uireiing from broken lct-n or DtJicaU Citmtit- lions , procure ih4 lUmedy at omet a he rcmlt r autU wr tlmt, howtver ilU,rM myby tticMluikof ti.e tovo Olwimes, H ! ourtla to uffwt hit SicUjf I'-atth, Menial .Puffm, JI'U i inctt and hit Vi ler.',. fHYBICIANS.PI.E.Uii: NOTICK. V j; MAKK NOSKCUKT OF INOUKDIliNTS. IU:LMUOM tt FLUID EXlliACT nUCIIU f rui'ic4 of Uwhut CuUlt,aud Juniper Berriti, U',t"J wltli ircut ctre and prciare4 la vacuo Ii. T. II M. HOLD ,Jr uk KM nod ('hciiilut ofilileeD prtn la Wit t)i.j o( ptiUa4olUJa, and now proicrtbad tU. motwu!au4 of tha facultf , and bavt btoa ad lU4l lo u in ta Unttd BUUt kiuxj, aod art abo la vtrr ffittertU we In BUte UotptUlfl lad pabllo SaoJUry f AitHaUofii throachoat tha luid. rrloa 91 mt boitU, or tffur4. DaUvrdkanf addrtM. aco(npaaits4bx U,talroUooi. Itroot lttn to LLMB0lD i Dr and CUmteal Warehouia. Vo. 60f UcxMdwar, Kw tork, Or HKI.HBOLO't Madlcal Dot, ho. 10ft S- Taatfa ttraH,rtiiht4)lpb.(a. ftawara ef aoantarfulU. Ak Ut QjaLHBOLD S, and taiaaoathar. rtiyatcUo ta attwdaaca froat T o'eloek k. M. to 8 f. U 4 ay Pracrtrti tTtnrwfawt. 9 U tuthi M IR8. H UB BACK'S NEW BOOK. FubliRiicd lVpxt Saturday. LOVE AKI) DUTY. v MIIN, II CJHItAt;!.. fif'Thn Wife aRlaier.or 11, ritliidaan Marrlaee," jfav alia 1 i'l ' I'li'T. a 1 - -r i ,.u ,-iu "Tie lim a MarTla.n," c. Trice $1 50 in Pap-r; or H2 CO in Cloth. UlVf. ANIl Pl'T v. B Mrs IIITHII A' K -Wcranni'tiral! too Fiiaiiiy tsa atiwar 11 n'l f n Im l' n is lin ll lae t'liarfti'in- a of thia Ittll AH 1 I 'l I . PI l 11 . HI- "' ,1... Ll', J. .. ....-. .J 1. 1- h ILr relief r ti n.a wn.l oi ilk'i I m er r-'.in iu- in.' "t ll.e traiti 11 al 'a Low si'tyt' i'ii .ut I. nt. Iroiu uie pr. la. fiN ni:ss-To voi.i.ow. I. VRf. WODIiR NHV I'.JPVItlUtir N iVKL. fiswii ti ti ivf OHivAi.n cm VI TIY Will Ht.sltV Wntin, ail h',r..f ' i r.-v vn It'll. 'I aril I all urn I ' Tiv .'" r. , "I'r farlii Milr, ". a' Mi-tirv,' ac.i'.r Hi al I i.iil.l'i ll i tns dsis iwn in m'M pii v ona In lis luil'ImlOiiu lu I:- jiHitnl liji ar an -' iimnt w lh Mi- " a i. iai ff "Vcr a '.on. l neo tl ju in IS Ou ni tl"' h. 1 1 . TUF. l.nsr f.OVF!. P lt:f a tilltr uf ".I it'n iir i yon," Una 1. an a.lrii'ra'ile aetali tii-i.iir.y in ua un.e. ti ''0 in paicr, t.' ioin 1 1 all. III. vm i dwi' ii i iir i htm. n Mrs. nn. mi. r i. ii. t.n I.. vi"i i. - r.l trial i.n'til M .icarv l..l'. Vi Inutuiiiatea Bil.llar tov. r lu ti Inra. I'tat- je c.aiUl. IV. TIIR HOI1KM1 INS OK I.OVflOV. By r.lwHH M. liilirn, itie "feiii'." In Parti i- mriit." Vi ith u I'll' a, i' ty llr. It N'lrl.ei Mirk.i.ifl. 1 1 ta t.col. ii.i la' s a r ti.nn if. e i n -t t - li i t i jl.i .11, in Lifa." I'lktSllll (jiij SI Hi In iiim'i. Ilrioia art I frie oi' tioslait' on ran-lpt nf ret. lit prtto. J.arly otdara frnra tlifl Traile lolklti-J. T. B PETFRON & Et!0TflER3, Ku. .'ton ft rSiKi'T nmKF.r, I'liOal.lp.-.lo, l'a. F. r iftlf hi a'l Honk aaUrr. It j ESME'K MAGAZINE I OU I'lTCIII'lUS, 10 K-H Ko. Mm IHKHS'fT HThr.KT. AMUSCMLNT H. "meuican ACADEMY OK M'JSIci Fl'TON'l llltAKD VOCAI. ANIl INS' KIM KM At. CONCKItT, llviler lin' Manafi-uiHiil at llm HKW vi'iiii ,n;'.v Ki.r.ttte A-a.( 1 1 no.s, atOMiaY 1.VI.MN a.Ucluher '.M.IsM. Mr. I,. M. (lOTTHfllAI.K. He nor a.lth.siru AinistiiAKlMifl, Prln. a ir in i.a h( 1,, - mi! id. lit. flr.t apiT iriini-o iu Arafirl 'S. Hail. HFNItll'TTV IIKHMKNt. 1IB5.IIISI I'MIM", l I JS M.I.I., air lm.O. AH It KM', Mr. .11 I. KB IIOLSIEIS. T1IR (IItlNI Oltl IIKSHIA. air. AOOLI II, Akiiaieal Director. TtCKr.TStl ncli.totietaj attlioOlllte No GlICIIK- 'I'T Stie-'t. Iti'.en on i :ita neiv it hml atltl'' Aei.l.Mny ill Meaic wiltioiit ex Ira ft: nme. en tlia day nt ttitt O ineerl, en pii'ai litaltiiu of Uie lie. els purcl. .i-ed al tiie i.lllce in vn It o. iiir.i.n. Actuary. tKKMULY llClI.llINfiS.-LAUOE HALL. Laat vy k nt tl:e t h irinlic: ami patriotic. Mit MA till: I'AtLISK (MIsIi.MaN, ins. I1.5IAI.K tl N ION KPV AMI SI'iiUT, vtlo ti.a liisl.llv iipienr...l to Ure an, I iialili'Mil'lo iiucleites ull "i wliiuii p'.'"li"iii'eo li.-r t ie l.i'ioiut-.i'l Ihe puael.t iltiy Mm wil' re a'o liar tiniilitu; esup a In in Um K-h-ls. wild aneeuntfi ni iiromiintiil lu t ei oil'i't rs. 'l no i .r.i nn Niei"ii ic .n i isioiy. M A'M Ml r.H l. VI K.ON KI.1IAV ASH IS A I I, It ll A V , eoniliu iii lnif at at' a, at .MAiuie.- p.i.-,'.i--jt.i'nta l.iiill lur, a nl Hall. l:iill'ir.'fl l-'i i'iita. iriHUK,0'jiinieii''a at b. Htcioc aiata tliiru.K tne tii.y. lu-ls lit VKW CHKSNUT KTKFKT THI'.TRK. 1 LKONAKh tHOVLU A WILLIAM K. HlNN.Li'H tk.v$ ami Matin-'iTB. Ltbt Mt-It oi the V-A.iLtN riiMHINATloN rOMAVV. Th' iM'TfurnibPCf will- 'imnw1 wllli fie Hrmna of ALL THAT dUribKaS Iii -NO 1' O M.I. Tntiv TwinHle Mr. Win W irrpu Alntil a itl-l- Ml .I-iii Orum hit i-litti .'him Vr Clui. lUrron Tu C4jiiciut..e iiu iii r'cue tinifnv tu mo Jtl.KAl 11 Or' I'HUAllOK. Mr. PiidUn Mr. Wm. Waurreii M1 US. JOHN UUEW'S NEW AIICU 8T. iiiRA rtii. TO Mi HIT (S.ittml iy), October ,18.1, rii-h'ei mil in. I t if KsTVAl-l. Kis'i.un.ili uuil astnshi of I'.'il HI'.MdNIO. Willi rew Siencry, New UieHat's, Now'iHfT. 'e. aKULLO visvrvAi.r 111 -r leli i he win aunt vtll' ARK Till: KTAlt." anil "I11iaV jIABCO." To 1-iuciui.e Willi the r.isriiiB l un e of A HirjII'I.VJ LI.IIACV. Ji rry Ombioiia Stuart JloMon Hi I t Idee oi'in in in i .i. ftontay, firkt lime, ilAMKA. PROPOSALS. IjJiniAl.S l'Oll FVUMKHING L Faptr lur li e l'uolic rrlnMng. THE W vs.!iN,ioN, CirtoiHT I, I s; ( In i urrufliH l1 iho r v a t s w tin "t.'viit.Ttiih c- Ifopit xhv, "Joict licssiit ui.t In reUiil'in "i ihe ut i: rriniliij., ' (.in.rovtil Juno ;.t. I'm.)', iSviiU'il rrripij.titH lll ( nee- ivfd -ii tt.i! oil. co 1 y .Sl AV, 'Im rtrit J.4 oi' N(,iiiUir 1N4. at U ocrck, tnr inrnii-ainK the ptp.-r I' nt tuuy be r,ii a for "lu t uOltc prititiu t.-r natr mi ll.e Mist ) il lfemvi, J t he nil'jonir.u lint rptciiK", it uiaily n can he a;cr ta1 ii il, Hit i,uuiitil oi cull k.itil ui' im.'cr thut wilt bd j. ijmifii . Uiii.AMi ii NrAi.KMn:iti:i) printino pa"K:. f.i: iMi'K liiui fin itrjunnv i-i (r. uiit:iti'ndt.'tU.t'jiH''ti.-ri"0 VI h ;,H I. cI.i-h, iul to wkIi ill touuiii to tiiy rcaiuof l.AHS 5f-t Air.M KM' I'ltl I I () r.t KK. iAAA ri fcu b fltiv 1'iln'ii k put '1' uiicr(j, o mctire V4 ly ; int-rit. un to w, tea III'." ti pulsus io iht i.ftiu tl f.H'rtHflrl. 4l.t ;-.-IZH AM' V T.VNDRKRL) PK I NTI NO V: rj .it. UO r jrrc -iiM erli o itrli.cti i i. r, Jiuni-i-ftdnnl miiirr- f nlvi ,!t ffil. :mtiv.M Jlh.,X Hl.-ltca, ui tU.W.'itll flit j pvi.uils io '' r it m 'l frMtnix-.j-s. i t i" t r. it.. ;i 0 r. irn ! Mi i. i'p i-Ji'iT xu utiil cdliMiilfrrtl, tif nti li ' n hUhin'.y ! f'riuKjMtii-llnrf lu v'l lit ult', ptj.r nif i'-urliii l ty -!l Iticcea, tial Wv)l-,uit.,j twnii' ptiuiiiU r n-itiii uf kh Ih et-t. hum l I I I "I" cn bru ri nm i peirti pla.: rup r, l.i by !A inelci, tin.1 of r uclt Wt .(-.lit I'r H'ii iir ii a bi n i Irt cl. t'j.ASii Wv M in . fAl'l-ltrJ. Si 00 tcainn 'iii'inn i s. 10 ' y l liu'lu-a. :i riaw vm cup, I ( by IU in!i.'a. ion 0 iiiiinn .i-ui 1 c p, '. hy iucIicm! mii renns d n y, hi by 2- Irirlu n It I U M'lilua ( (li.t (J i-1 1 , by 'M lllL'hi'8. 10 'J frunm li'l i'0'i. 17 bv '-'i 'lull )i (ni i run a dcubiv fj''o, v. I.'')4 m-' 'ilO reni-ii in uit'.in liv 71 Lin lif-l. HO rrtiiiib r' ai. V l -i) Ini'iiv. )ii)f'iitin imp' riul. - liy -H nn'h''a. 2l0r aiiii. lia by Mi 1; euen, ta wcl.-u forty pounda ptr rtm . ((K.0 n:nif.'?l by"Jl li.cliea, to noih thirty-two pound t.t-r tc. in. VH'O i.iuif, 17 by -5 liicbca, to v uU twouty thre pounda ptr r tain. JfOO rt!tiii'B, w by lit incli'B, tu wtijrfh twenty-Hire' p mnils l;if r. Htli. ireo ii hiuv lit l y -'i li.cliea, to wcUh lwen(j-two p-r r am. li(0 I'hiiin fov. rpui't-r. acor'fil .olof, lit bv i lr,fb M i'l ASM 7 I'Al'l.ll I UK l"lSl' lll'l'll K HlASi;" otO,' tup- 1. nit i-i wi bin.. pap'T, to in-11 11 l up In raiiii uf INI diint'.h e;n. 11, ui iui 11 ni'itiia hud di,u r. uihi bv in 1 it r il. A Ah v t.) il:.- nrt. l-.l inn of ibo h int rftluMn ororc tid. -iiini.i, , uf tlit 1 hur.u'iri uti'luii.ilitj of ti-M-rri'-u)ri'il b r t'ltt'r. 1 .v.ti 2 if Ii bf liiruibli -I u .ippi'a-uiitH thfteliir. '1 b.B Duiii:r li-1. I'- hut up in uiu ttn 01 niM ini ui ;h, and H-rfi i l flitt''-. I'lilK lliiiIA Hi i l' 'F. klt , .Hid wt'l'ttl tl:lharii'iiiirnl nnd l-M blind fl 1 H K III 11 V t) tif wri.UHTO Mtrvntf nvti urihiilir ihe -r nut. Iroiu thu -tun.lHrd, e rtxtnfd and tbe iiront weinlit will in nil ('!lH tr iri;l!id. WiIU. ai Viil lo ! Ibl'knt'-iiud lit tin- ffiiiM' inn . iir H' n aive ip iuu vtviui tviu tvu tomiac i a inluiUm il tn' c'l tran. AH ibr pui'cr Crviyn.itrd In claiai 4,5, 0, and 7, mutt .iitai I.) irr:oi ulin-ii. io iiu-r uiu. nnd no "outtid '' tpilica Tin v um loin ot tlm bv 1 muUi UU, frro Iioji ia.M. ti rhi.i ii." i'iiuIi il ia lb1 br.Ht inaniHT. out to a true ..tH ai.l Nirnn lv mid n-'I-mhdiIiiI.v cnvelonf d. 'I tie o iitrra In claa 0 rt t he Kb lo or blun. lu'd tlat, and ot' kii. li m l Aci-pt :in pprltirl in llif ktlittliilr) u in. J bt rfiuli d hv tills oitU i. 'JIumo In c HhUL'i Jf, 4, 6, am 7 prr to he w biir, andol ihe bUea uud wulltu aptcllcd in ti l' faCllUlnlf . . Thu riuM in rrone l of ordonnff a (troaloror less iiufin tif v m . mi h ..nil . it kind (untrit ld lor in all Un- cla .m m, Ubv ftirnMit d nt mkIi I hues mid io nucb iaii'lika an tbe unt.iif airviri niuv renuiie. 1 arb cltiP will be (onitidrri d ifparattdy, and te subject tn u fceiniraie cou tract ; but baidora muy utitr for tuu r mere it Ik clnuM'H In Lho anle rprup' anl. Kn rtif iuimli wi!) be coiir-ldi-rM iniii'i-a aromnaiiJed bv lho fcfiai. htet! lliat tbe bidder or bubb-m, ll bin or their UMifaai snail UU aci ri-ivu, m tmw imu u wiii(.inii, v lih Lood nnd tiutllt lint nurrtii s, to tin li' all tbo article p'oporictl. llluiik foiuit, for tbc proposal! m 111 be furulit-e 1 nt urn oiiite, nnd iioiii'.ull be tttVcii Into conaidcrauu tin'e.sB hiibvtnntially tinn-nuu tl.erewitb. All tlit- p .per In tbe tn'vcrul cUnaea mult bo dcdlverM at h plii' (, ua muy be dt'ulKimUd iu Wai-liiiiloii (.'ity (ext-(pt thai in ( Ii 7. bicb luuti be dibven-J nt i;ii!llo. In ti.e Mute ol Sen "lork), In k"nd order, liee ol allani t try extia ciiitiftv of expt-Uio and niiliect to tbelnpac- t.uii, roiini. wriKld, anil iniiatxirruieut ol Mio nuperiulcuib nut. und be lu all reH'tcU feaitiatiutuiy. liiriiu ik are rfuuirt-d t furnir-b. viitb their Drnnoualj iimpltsot not leA tliun ne 'iiiirc of tmcli ot tbekiudkof r-.ipt.-r Ulu IT. anu ii' u tiiihu mi ll iiiiiKtHi8 rainy ue I .im d, o eut in t iasM t ana i. i uo at c exarui uiaduri vil! be required rtMiy t J coinrm to tlu 'r t-auiplot 1'K.o.alswUlbe addreed to "'JOHN I. I'KIRKKS Buperintei dnt of iJie 1'nblk- PriutliiK. WitahJuvUiii ," atid cntiora ca "riopotam u r upMyin,, i aju-r.- w-u an SPECIAL NOTICES. THE UNDKU8IGNKU TENDER tlieir In cere ihnnki tj tlte meubiera of tbe Ir'iro Urpfirliut nt, and of tbe police Force, lur their her b en an promptly and obi-rrluily ivudeitd at tUe tire ou tholx pn-mUc., ou Uie 'ZX lnU 11 IT. it. jaiac. nun. fKSrT- COMPKNSATED EMANCIPATION. "Th. rl.tit nt tha llfivemmiiit tu aonronrlata ri)iane!illy lo iia own aen lce elaltul to elava liitxir, alicultl I a -..cried, anil lha rmhl of tha owner to enmixin aatlnn tl.ervti'r aliould lia ni.OKiiiaail. A ay.u-m o ifllcy, Uiu. omMllnllonul anil conasrvatWa, and par VaJid by U B IlilluiT.rca of I'iirlatlautty and frelali'm, unlil rcr. lie the uiort of alin"at al) trill. kral man. UK'iwral ateClUau'a lotler to lTaaldatil Uucofu. Ju' T.lHh-.'. " tf- AllMY. WAVY, AND clTJif'iri I ate, ta atjta uauvaa4, at ra4 fjy-. MaaAant Taiatr, 637"" rjr,,,J A.NO TORCHLIGHT PK00ESSI0N, In honor of t! rf-nt roll: Lai Vlctury atlilavad ky tlst ni:MOCRATY OF TENXSYLVANIA, II AS JiKI-'N l'OS.'rri)NFiD inn tub ritKMKfr, On n count of the Inclemency of the weather. V7ILLIAM Jtrr.OARDWSS. CiIll.F UABH1IAT,. Ort, fctr ', IM'.I. lia ; ' JIjVI.I. or TI1K UNION LEAGUE, CniSKUT D1REET, AE07 TWELFrH. TV f I ewlng tiaaifd si n:lt nun will atldrraa Iho asbUo etk this i:vi:ntni, AT 8 O el.Ol i:. COLONEL HCAVM AN, of Dclawaro. Till: I .Mitr.S ol.K IIVITbDTI ATfErD. 10-lB t3? ADDRESSES WILL BE MADE CITIZEKS Or PHILADELPHIA, Ity tl.c f jiloi ln,: OLonrule'.ica ?i,t ikor m fjllowi ; OX PIOXDAY EVEMXG, OCT. 24, II ALL OF TIIE TTKION LE&.GUE, HON. TIIATEECS STEVENS, HON. LEWIS JJARKEK, of Maine. Tl'CSDA EYEMXG, OCT, 25, AT NATIONAL HALL, MAIIKET S'lUEET, ABOVE TWELFTH, li v the: HON. II. W1NTEII DAVIS, of Maryland. WEDNESDAY EYE.MXG, OCT. 26, AT TUB HALL OF THE UUIOU LEAQUE, COLONEL TAYLOR, of I'.iat Tcnncssco, KLV. J. WALKEIl JACK.SOX. THfRSDAY EVEMXC, OCT. 27, HALL OF THE UNIOH LEAGUE, HON. SALMON T. CHASE. rniDiy evi:xig. oct. 28, HALL Or THE TJrnOJT LEAGUE, HON. II. II. DANA, Jb. S.VTrR'IAT EVL1C, OCT. 29, llALLCI TEE UNION LEAGUE, COLONEL II. STOCKETT MATTUEW3, Of MarylmiJ. TIIE I.A11E8 AHU 1SVMKD TO ATTKND. 10-2J-V Ca VNirKl) KTATKH I'lMtfHTtA V COMMIS w ali.n. 1 ah ackuowieiluiciiu lor tlifl week aud Ins on. '.utu, in a i llirf-ilun 1'i.ujiulaion, Iinioklyn and Long Ial anil 1. ranch, p.-i ti U. i ul.lwoii. i tasjror.... a5,000 Ot I'liriatitin i oninil-.iou, tlalrolt liranca, per is, ('. H ulkir, 1 rvalilont Jolin btuuit, cr l:ni.lanil ia4diliouul. l'llll.Ali.l.lllIA. lira. S. A. Gillette Hiiinuy li. li rt-eu Lii'lUa' Chrntian Coiumlaiilon. St. A.lcliael'a vancrllcal I.ulticrun church, tjermautowu, pir Mm. V. W. Nt hanor (additional) Tv t-lnli llapttat I'UurcU fl l.ra. 1 ii nn v ruttrmou, Alton lllluoll a (PIT lil'V. W. I). HU'Klrli ll.l Laillea' I briailan ;oiinnbaion Ifentral rresbvta nun ( uurcu KoriUeru Lilwriioa, pec Mr. Milrlila Collection hi ld at uicotlnu In Central rre.ib la riun t'lmrcli Allaa M. 1. JuckhOU '; Alia. A. Juckaou 1.000 Ul Ifal-f f 10 Jim. H. ratdaon, llnlmealiurn, (addltlonall Au.nmit aukuowicUHed tl.cwhtro Ui rui.uloua puivra 7 Amount previously aoLnowledgeJ MM. J. aVHiO.W- JOBEPn PA1TER80S, Treaaurer. Tiie Vnltwl Statoa Christian OommlMloa be(H loav to uckui'Wleilro the riKilntul il.e lullowiug aldluoua liiianllul buiroa up to ortomr 20 lol I'llll.ADKI.riUA. lpaikaiw, W. I'. Johuaioui I packago, Mr. Tr. CiU runi 1 paokuaia. lr. Uroadwelli 1 package, lira. II. l Krlchaudi 10 1jouiw1vm, Fmo Ktront Fuhllc Bcttool lipnnantowii. Loaaa, Chrlut burch Ladlra AIJ a. cielyi llildi'rtiuni aud Whitehall. I barrel I boxea. Ho Ultra' liclli-rHocitu OA other packaaea, a know ledge I laelii-ie In icIlKlona paiiir. , UfcOUUK ll. H'lllAKT. Chairman, fj B 0. 0. . j Ho. H BANK Street, Pulladelpbla. ' Ol'l'ICE 8WATARA FALLS COA .', 1" Conu.auy.lto.lrw 8 lfOt BTM Street, w- l.onuiau , aaw pMiLADaM'Hia, October M,1MI Tha Board of l.troctora hare Uiu day declared a Dlt , oind of MVK ) I'-1' Cat NT. out of Uie u.l aarnliwa tlieConipany u. the lat of October, payatilw va aud art. Uie Mat Inataat, clear of Klale tax. The Tran.iei Vaoaji will bo doaad from the IMh to U i 11,1 um. at. i.. H HLHKKT, I 10 Iii tlial Treasurer. 1 ffTf" DIVIDEND. THE DIIIECT0IV8 0"j aV3y theMoblrand l.el.maUr Petroleum Company tia.f thia day declared Uiaar alilh montblr of TE i yy.U t.KNT. from tha aanilna of aapl.aj.jair, payabi frr. of Hlau tax, ou tk Jfotl. lualaut lloiika rJaa l''ih V ra-op.nal.t. UKiiRilt W. iATilkK. . a h. a. . a. . a 1 li M flA I ... .. . . a 1 1 llaWiI 11. IWli 1 IU- lal M 1 'aTaMrtt LaW ' 1