The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 22, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 7

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Mrs. Lofty kc-ps carrlssc ;
e do I.
She htJ dapt'lod Rrcytto drew It,
None havi' I .
She's no pr. ii'lt r of her coselimtirt
Than nm I,
Willi niy b nc-t-yrd Intiifhinff itily
TrnmlliMit Ly.
T hide lilt" face lent the fcliotil J see!
Ut ilumb boy, and envy mo.
Ilcr fine htisli'itiil lim whit fingers,
Mine lias iiOt :
He can give lais hrdlu a ptilacf,
Mine a rut.
nor 'a fomra limne lem"iili the. Htirli;;ht,
Nfl'itr ciern.a ttlio ;
Mins comrn In the purplo twilight,
K Ir-Hl'S iuo,
And pry tlm' lie- wbo '.urns HlYs sundi
Will buM Ins luvcd ones in llii hauils.
Mrs. Lofiy linn lier jewels,
io have ;
!?lic wear her's upon her bosom,
Wf 1.
Stao will leave hi r' at ilcuth'8 p irloN,
Ily and by ;
I shftll bear l'ie trctiurcJ with me,
When 1 (In
Vor I breve line nod she li n i;old :
She counis hi;r wealth, mine'1 be toll.
$hc has those wbo lovo her station ;
None have I.
But I have one true heart bcaldo mc,
cilail am 1 ;
I'd uol rli msu it Inr u kingdom,
Mn, not I ;
Go 1 will wciRli it in the balance,
Ity tend by;
And thon the iliiii-renco He'll define
"lwixt Mia. Loity's wealth and mine.
Edmunds. obUiiucd hia comrulsjion in ISO I,
jutt ixty years ai?o. He was then a hardnomo
lad of alxtecn.ofa rcOncd nnd almost feminino
order of beauty. But that fair face und tuoia
luxuriant auburn locks wcro dosLinud to exerciso
o mrall influence on his future career. J
The regiimnt was under the command if tho
celebrated Colonel Tuck, bettor known na Mijor-
Uonoral Sir Denis l'ack. It was sent in l0r on
pn expoi.lUon to South Africa; and when Cape
town was captured, and tho enemy totally de
feated, it was ordered across the wi.lo Atlantic,
op the mighty La Plata, to tho walla of the
Spanish colon al town of llucno Ayres.
The occupation ol this place by tho English was
ahott-lived, and Its return to tho original ponos
Ws disgraceful to British arms. Tho English
had po.-scssiou of It but a few weeks, when an
.enterprising and ablo French ofllcor, named
Linlers, placed himself at the head of the nativo
nllitia, and took it out of their Lands. A second
Imetbo place was assailed by English troops;
Uoncral Whitolock attomptod to carry It with a
orco of l'J.OOO men, and not only failod in his
kttsmpt, but was captured with his whole force.
Kneign 3. accompanied nls regiinout in the ex
edition to l'ortn khI, and fought under the stan-
lard of Sir John Moore ; and indeed served In tho
frarimis operations of the army till the beginning
if 1809, whi n ho was captured by a troop of
a- rencn cavalry.
Thcro was a soldier-like entemrise about voiina
fKdmund 8., wbieh led him to oiler bin services
or duties of a umlcult and ilanijerou i character.
Jne of his lui orior otliccrs speaks of his sagacity
na spirit ot mtorprise, ana ol tne great aavan-
ige be (Mr l). J'.) derived lrom his knowledge
f the Spanish lnnKuagr, ueouircd, no douot,
rhen Kdmund was a prisoner la the wilds of
'Outh America.
Uut to our story. Onr entcrnrl-intt yonne hero
as ciipturcd by the French when eneacod in a
ashing and desultory operation under the com
mand of tir Robert Wilson, who, in person, sur-
rised and carried olf a small post of French
ivalry near Calvldella; but hero Sir Hubert
ana to niscost.or rattier to his lieutenant s
st, that he had cauuht a Tartar. A troon of
rench cavalry came to tho rescue, overthrow
nd routed Bir Robert Wilson's followers. nd
ade pusnncrs of many of thern, o.i.i among the
umber of our yn" uero, who was carried
verland verdun, in the east of Franco, a
atiou selecteu by tne i-rcncn uoyernment lor
nglih prisoners. Tho .journey was a Inug and
Ulcaic one; dui no arrived at iih uohiiis-
on iu the March ot 180'J, whore ho was placed
n parolo.
rossissraor a ciiecrlul disposition and gonial
dure, be eoon made a numlH r of triunils lunong
e frencn, wno vica witn eacn otner in trculiug
o handsonic young Knglisli ollieer with hospl
lity and kindness. Verdun at this timo was a
ry pleasant residence. Tbcro wore balls nnd
titiis iunumeraiilc, to which nil Knglisli oillcers
i paroie were luvitea. uur nero appeared at a
nnd bal manotie In frmalc costume ; and by lus
ucate tint ot cueeK, golden uiur, perfect sym-
tryoi iranie, ami luscinating manners, m in
ed not only to deceive, but positively to cupti
to the heart of a naval otllecr in the llritish
vice, who danced with and mado tierce lovo
blin, to tho great amusement of all tuoso who
re acqnamtid wun idiuuud s assmuod char
er or assumed discuito.
No man likes to be laughed at, especially in a
nic nail-room ; aim no uisiiKes it all the more
tie feels bo has given anything like occasion
tho laughter by making a fool of himself, as
n often do when desperately in love. In tho
s ol tho navul o:ilciT, young S. had committed
unpardrnable otl'i use, which could only bo
ned for at the point of the sword or the muxzla
who pistol. It wag no use to explain to hiin
arsumed characters were the rule at bal
ttyui-j, and tl fit the more campluto tho deccp
:i the greater the merit. Ho met nil such argu-
ts by savins that "the feolinesof an officer in
r Britl: h navy bad b. en trilled with ; and that
i man hH r.-v.,lnrl Kim In a.K a
rlor tho guise of a lovely woman, and who bail
fcrd things which ho should not have heard,
j -i give mm tue satisiaciion ot a gcntlomau.
Is the rule in duelling from nnd before tho
oi "Mr Lucius u i ricetr and"LiiDuiln Abso-
" is, that if one party thinks, or resolves to
k himself offended or badly used no matter
any iinpurutu person, or any number ot
li persons may think to the contrary tho
r party must lignt, Lieutenant s. was coin
ed, most unwillingly, to accept the naval oill
s challenge, ufter olfering every apology
eh one gentleman could oiler to another.
Ihey met the following morning, when Ed
lid, who perhaps felt he bud gone a little too
fa auowiiig me naval oincer to muko a tool of
self, llrcu in the air. Mot so his antagonist,
took deliberate aim and shot our hero
ftagn the side. lie then rushed up, and us is
rl on sucn occasions expressed deep regret,
paid maiked attention to his wounded
.id," for "they hucame friends ever niter."
fven protect us from frieuds or friendships
mis, ccmeiucu in oiooa :
o r rench police at erdun, who winked at,
Ihcr (ncouragt d, the duel, sot Into disgrace
cciunt of it ; and as some of them were dis-
od, a bad feeling sprung up among the in
laws oi me place towards me l'.nglisii
mrs on parolo, as a "quarrelsome and
lthirBiy set, wbo could not take a joke."
utcrjHiit S.'s wound was not as terious as
lat flrbt apprehended ; and us he possessed an
u lent constitution and irood heuhnir llosh. ha
; looa upon his legs again, and as ready for
' Xr lishting that is, for lighting Frenchmen,
fcnglUh naval ollicers as over.
on sfier his recovery he was presented by a
(eh tradesman with a bill for good'', which he
lonvlnced he had previously paid; but as ho
, not then find tho receipt and refused to pay
find timo, the tradesman brought him before
. (refect, who sent him to prison "till he should
iuo iKDi. xruiy tutu prison was a purga-
Ino lilm now alone nnd melancholy, seated
wooduu bench ol a French soonniii'i-
when he suddenly throws up his head, for
thouebt has struck Lim. which ttives a
to his pule and delicate face. 'Iho (iiies'ion
i he ut to himself was one which touched
mor us a iintisli oillcer. It was this :
s my arrest and imprisonment put mo olf
iroie r noes i no couduct oi tins tradesman
Ids prelect afford me the opportunity of
ng witu unniemisnea nonorr" A delicate
on. no doubt; for it was not to the civil
tmf nt of the State (to which the tradesman
refect belonged), that he bad pledged his
not to escape, out to tue military, nut ir
Utary department allowed tue civil depart
to override it, and to contino a man in
h who bad been placed on parole, what then ?
was a rery dillieult question, and we can
ue nun with a high and nice sense or honor
opposite views on it. lieutenant b. ro
to consult IU8 menus, wno agreed mat ins
" nmeiit rendered bis bberty of parole null
iid, and nllorded him the opportunity of
ng witn honor, mis decision oi bis iricnus
d his movements.
the question remained, Whither shonld he
. and in wuat disguise r lie nuaiiy resolved
d hi steps towards Iiottcrdum in Holland,
he hoped to meet wuu some .bngusn ship,
try tho disguise of a peddler, with agood
1 wearing apparel, which would aUoid hint
the opportunity, if oeccsaAry, of changing his
We are not Informrd as to the manner of his
escape from the debtor's prison at Verdun, but he
bad no sooner lot t that place and entered on tho
Ingh read than he felt the dlillrnlty and dangor of
his situation. He bail a peddler's park, it Is irac,
which would render hlin a welcome visitor iu any
Tillage or town of Francoi but be bad no pa-sport,
and, for want of this, was obliged to travel by
uight, and tJ betake himself to the woods by day.
A U w days after hi flight hs had some remarka
ble escapes lrom dilllerent bodies of gendarmes
that were hovering around him. The pursuit
through a wrod was nt one time so hot that ho
bad to adopt the apparel ol a French peasant clrl,
having hidden Ids pack in a thicket, llepairing
in tins gui-e to an aubrrcc, or inn, bo asked for
iclrislinient. While tin re bis pursuers colored
the room in which bo sat and inquire! of the land
lord coiiPernirg h m, giving an exact description
ol kis pi non.
Feeling that Inns were rtancerous plncci for
tliode wbo deviled to avoid observation, lie re
paiicd ton retired cottage and Ivggeil a nurht's
loduirg. His request whs granted. Tho family
corsistid of father, mother, two son, nnd an
only daughter. It was di elded by the old people
that "la Idle Ir.tcressanto" should havo tiic ha f
of tr.t daughter's bed.
Here was a predicament for our ban Isnmo
yonrg lieutinant! What was he to do ? To reveal
bis i l armier to the tamily t This might have
been data!' runs. To ivviaiii to tho ilau,;luer ?
J Ids would have bei n Indedealo. He managed
somehow to pi(irve, as lie imagined, his seen t
inti 1 1. Dining, the day l.c worni d with tho I'm u i y
iu t! c field, gleaning nnd blading up sheaves, for
It was harvest time; and during the night slept
ery soundly.
A an Iiishman would say, "he pild attention
to it." lie remained with this kind and simnle
tnmlly for about a week, and then took hisib r
ture; but .lust bcloro bo lelt, tho daughter in
formed him, with a sly smile, that she knew he
was not what ho scorned. Wo cannot inisTino
how i-he di-coveied it ; but there can be no doubt
that she was a very UutU sleeping ut the feet of
lion, junatr.
Ho liastci.ed from the cottage to hi retreat in
the wood, hero he bad left his bundle, and in
doing so got a glimpo of a paity of mounted
gendarmes, tho s.imo party th..t'hml followed
him to the village tho week befoio. They seemed
conscious that tho fox was stilt "in cover," and
1 ad not "stole away," which lie was now about
to do.
Later that same day fio ventured to peep out
of his enclosure, bundlo In band, and saw a
horseman approaching with a pillion-einldle.
"Will you give me n lilt ?" Inquired our fugi
tive, coming boldly out of the wood.
''Mon(c7, mademoiselle," replied the horseman,
assisting tho lieutenant to the empty seat behind
him. Tho horseman, who carried him in this
fashion for ubont two leagues, informed him that
he bud met a troon of cendaimc. who were
seeking an English oillcer that bad esca ped from
criiiin, j'.uuiuiid ninao no remains, out con
cluded that the party in pursuit, discovering
themselves at fault, were, to use a coursing term.
"trying back to lind the game." Under these
circumstances he folt himself comparatively safo
The question now was, What should be his next
disguise f tor be determined to discard that of a
iimnle. It Is truo It had somo udvantaces. and
bad saved him from the hands of gendarmes ; but
gow ns, bonnets, and petticoats have their peculiar
dangers ana temptations: no would buvo notblng
moie to do wiib them. Ho might have reussumed
the disguise ol a peddler; out be suspected that
the police were, by this time, aware of tho profes
sion oreiilling he had adopted on leaving erdun.
ue decided on nemg a sailor on mi w ay to Hot
terdiim ; nnd betook himself to a nciithboiimr
wood to make his toilet. Hero ho discovered a
diliclcrcy in an important article of dress wa
believe ho was minus a pair of bluo nether gar
ments which would never do In going to the
Mcthcrlumls ; so bo adopted the profession of a
Eoor laborer, mounted a rod w-g, und ornamented
is handsome face with a patch over ono of his
(yes. In this disguised condition, ho entered the
city of Koltcrduiu In the autumn of IS 10.
It was his object to procure a speedy passage
to England a dillieult matter to accomplish, as
tho war between France and England was then
at its height, and N'upoleon was doing his utmost
to destroy tho trullic between England and tho
Netherlands. Ho was compelled, under thoso
circumstances, to make an arrangement with the
captain of a smuggling vessel to lund him on tho
English coast; but this scoundrel, instead of
fullilling his agreement, informed the police
of his intentions, who forthwith arrested onr poor
lieutenant and put him in irons. A sad termina
tion this of his long journey and hairbreadth
He was detained at Rotterdam till instructions
were received of his destination ; und in the in
terim the greatest precautions were t iken to pre
rciii bis eseapc, a sentry being placed nt his
prisen door by day and night; tor, by this time,
our hero bad acquired n little character for break
ing prison, deceiving French pollcu, and bam
boozling gendarmes.
About Unco weeks from the period of his an est
nt Iiottcrdum. an order arrived for his removal to
the foitrcss of lilti he. Ho was placed under a
strong escort of trooicrs, and commenced a mis
erable march, w hich lamed upwards ot six weeks,
during which period bo was subjected to tho
greatest cruelty and indignity, being, on somo
oceaslons, when scarcely ublo to walk, tiod to the
tail of one of their horses and drugged on. Ho
was generally confined during the night In tho
gloomy cell of a prison in tho t iwn wherotho
party halted. During the six weeks employed in
this journey ho was unable to cbaugo auy part of
his wearing apparel not evon his shirt. His
appearance, ou entering liitcho, was that of a
miserable beggar ragged, liltby,iindeaduvcrous.
The dtu,hiug and handsome young Lieutenant S.
was never so completely di.-guised as now.
On arriving at the fortress of Ilitchc, he was
hcuiily tinned, and conlined in a dungeon forty
feet under grouud. Hero all dreams of prison
breaking were annihilated, and with them all
hopes of liberty. He looked upon himself as a
doomed man, und upon his damp cell as bis
sepulchre. It is not to be wondered at, that under
such circumstances his frame should break down.
He was seized with a violent lover, aud for several
days his life was despaired of. liut after a time
lie rallied ; and nt the end of six months, aud ns
the result of more humane treatment, recovered
somewhat of bis usual strength.
During this long period of convalescence he
was frequently visited by a French oillcer sta
tioned in the fortress, who seemed to take a deep
i'lterest in him. The oillcer for the time in
chargo of the prison guard had the privilege,
under certain restrictions, of inviting a prisoner
to his guurd-ioom. Tho French oilicer rclerrud
to took advantage of this privilege when it was
his turn to iuviie our hero. The result of this
intercourse w as, that a lusting friendship sprung
np between these two yonng men.
Hut friendship is one thiug, and strict notions
of lnllitaiy duty another. The French oillcer
ihlcrlcicd, aud interfered successfully, in haviug
bis friend's irons removed, and in having him
located iu better aud more wholesome quarters
than he had first occupied; but tho question
whlcbs. put to himsell over und over again,
although he hesitated to put it to his friend, was,
"Would ho help me to escape ?"
The desire ot escaping was again tho master
passion of his soul. The hope which appeared to
nave died out in his damp cell iorty feet beneath
the surface of the earth, arose and plumed Its
wings when the light of heaven was let in, and
the bund of friendship stretched out. Hope such
as this is iiko a caged eagle, that will break its
bsrs or its breast.
Lieutenant 8. could contain himself no longer.
He must put bis friend to the test, und see of
w hat material Ids friendship consisted. One day
he put the question to him rather abruptly, "Will
you help me to escape, for I am resolved to make
the attempt ?"
The reply wisj as decided as tho question wai
abrupt: "I will aid you to the utmost of my
"True as steel," soliloquized our horo, grasp
ing his Iris ud's htind, and retiring to mature his
"To break prison" in tho fortress of Bitche
ccmcd utterly impossible ; und, if accomplished,
to avoid detection utter doing so, and escape
from u place so guarded and surrounded by sen
tries, appeared as hopeless as It was hazardous.
Bomo other means must be devi-ed. After long
and serious consultation it was linally decided
that the wisest mode of escape was for the Eng
lish oilicer to walk out of the fortress in a suit of
French uniform. The attempt was in.ulu in the
iiu-k of eveuing, and succeeded.
"lliu where did he get the French uniform r"
I must request that the reader w ill ask no im
pertinent questions. liut I am given to under
stand that he found them iu his coll.
It iiiny appear strange, but it is not lcs true,
that Lieutenant K. should turn bis steps In tho
direction of Verdun, where he bud been so long
a prisoner on parole, w lure he was so well known,
and from which ho had escaped in tho guise of a
peddler. We must suppose he had good reasons
lor doing so. l'erhaps be concluded that Verdun
would le the very Inst plaue where the authori
ties would think of looking for him.
Early iu the morning of the tecond day, he
arrived weary und foot sore under Ihe walls of
Verdun, having perfoimod the whole journey, a
distance of thirty leagues, on foot. He had retired
to a wood before approaching the town, in order
to change his regimentals lor tho clothes of a
pi a-ant. These frequent changes of apparel wore
well calculated to buttle his pursuers.
Itcforo leaving liitcho he had arranged with a
friend at Verdun to nieit him with a rope ut an
angle of the fortress of tho latter place, which he
.1. ...I A ,.,lr, !!.. ih tliA wall W'hiin
be arrived at daybreak at the place of rendezvous,
there was no friend there. His friend hud mis
taken tho point. Imagine hlin now, exhausted
and hungry, hanging ubout the gates of Verdun
for nx-mid thirty hours, more anxious to get in
than lie loruicrly was W get out, comparing Lis
quarters in Ihe sponglng-bonso with the ditch of
tho fortress outside. Ho can stand this state of
things no longer; ho must make a bold dash and
get in, although ho had no passport. A was in
w iih hay appn .ached the gate. Ho took his place
at Its side, like a party Id chanre, aud entered
without inquiry. He was scarce'y within tho
walls beforo he saw un old friend, Captain H.,
roshli g up to 6a!nio him. Edmund N. placed
bis (nicer on the side of his noso and gave him
the go by.
Our l.ero felt that, under such circumstances,
the shorter be made bis stay In Verdun the better
for himself and hi! friends; so he forthwith pro
cure d n ldank pas-pert, and after applying him
self for n ft w (lavs wiih the most conscientious
diligence to the piaeiico of imitating: oiher men's
aiiH'Uiaplis, be succiedcd In producing n most
respectable and veritable-looking passport, with
the names of the pieleeis duly idlivd or forged,
lib tins Idoeunnnt, a new mn, in , renin regi
mentals, ami moiify in his puuc, he had no del'
ciil'y in lesviiii? Veiduii, ns an oidccr about to
join bis rigimiTt in Spam.
Our heio, w lioc destination wa., Ponleuiix, in
the south of Fiance, took l'aris In his route,
w l ere be remained and amitsid himself for about
tbrco weiks, dining which t mc he assumed tho
gtn b of a i i iiiiui.
He traveli d by a dilirenee from l'aris to Ilnv
dtsitx. In the diligence ho met two l'reni h o:ll
ci r. and one of them, in course of conve rsii'.ioii,
asked 1 1 i m if he i re a ! rend mini. "Mo," re
plied our hero, "I'm a I iiitchiiian, hut I have
livid n long lime in Fratn e." The ri p'y, as 1 ' 1 -in
" ml etMid, "-hut up" ihe rieniliinuti, nho
did not uiidcr-tahd Uoteii.
Ho was received mo-t kindly and entertained
most hospitably by a latnily at Itoide inx, who
premised eieiy assistance to facilitate Irs ob.iert.
II etc he rema ned two nion'bs without any feasi
ble mule ol es -up.' prc.ciitittg I'self, wuen ho re
solved, like Ca -ur, to commit himself and his
fi rutin s to the t a, which be loot, cd upon us a
f"tti.ui of the llMtish dominions. He might pro
mblv lull in with one of the vessels of the Kng
lisli Heel which was hovering about Ihe coast.
The city of 1'oideaux, as the readi r is aware, is
situated on tho river Garonne, which empties
Itsell into ihe liny of Biscay. Hero, nt Horde aux,
our hero nvehasid a small fishing-boat, laid in a
stork of pro, iiiops, hired n sailor as sieersm in,
and passed down the tlvor in tho jacket, boots,
nnd cl apcau of a French fisherman. On the
(veiling of tho Sicoml Jay they were In the
estuary of the river, and before them rolled the
Hay ol Biscay, looking ns lien o and open-mouthed
as ii shark. "Tho critter" as Long Tom Collin
snid of ti c harpooned w hale "w as iu its tlurry."
Hut, notwithstanding its swell and Hurry per
haps "fury" would be the better torm our hero
told the steersman to "sail out."
"Where out, sir :" inquired tho helmsman, in
"Out to sea into the bay."
"it would be madness, sir ; it would bo destruc
tion, 'ihis boat could never live in such a sea."
Did you ever try 1"
"Never, sir."
"Then you can know nothing about It. Sail
out, I tell you ; or I shall take tho rudder lrom
your bunds."
Tho sailor was stubborn, and, when coerced,
attempted to make a signal to a French guard-
ship which lay in the month of the river. Our
lieutenant, seeing this, drew out a pistol, placed
It nt bis bead, and threatened to blow his bruins
out it ho moved a linger or gave any alarm.
Iking In this way perfectly cowed by the resolute
conduct of his employer, ho implicitly followed
Ids directions. Hut some boatmen on Ihe beach,
suspecting that nil was not right, pushed out two
boats nnd gnvo cuase. llie wind, whicli waa
flash nnd frem the soulhcust, was in favor of our
hero's littlo craft, which carried her canvas w ith
ca r, aud rose on the bosom of tho swelling
billows liko a cork.
In the cour'C of two or three bonis the pursu
ing boats were "nowhere." At daybreak tho
next morning our hero fouud himself within
hail of the llritish tleet lving at anchor In tho
llasque Jioads. The sailors, when made ac
quainted wdth our lieutenant's history, received
bun with hearty cheers the oillcers and admiral
with open arms.
Here terminates the history of onr hero's
remurkablo escapes. At Waterloo ho was hit
wiih a round shot, which carried off one of his
legs. He lived till the next morning, but died of
the hemorrhage, In the thirty-seventh year of
his ago.
To swear Is a vulgar and wicked habit, forbid
den by the luw of God and tho usages of good
society. Hut it is often dillieult to know when
the dividing line between a mere ejaculation and
an oath is reached. Tom Hood called tho slum
ming Of a door by a person in a passion "a
wooden oath." In tho Hritlsh empire there Is a
penalty of a lino for swearing. Ily tho act of 10
Oioigu II, c. 21, it is decreed that a man con
victed ef profane swearing shall forfeit Is. If ho
be ft day luborer, common soldier, or common
sailor; but 2s. If ho be any other person under
tho degree of a gentleman; or .is. If ho be of or
above tho derjreo of n gentleman. A Scotch
psror, the Gla'gow ITcraUl, says on this point :
Do the penalties vary according to the strong h
of the blasphemy ? I hs Dukei of Wellington
seems certainly to havo formed somo conception
of a i Ics.-iiieaiion ofo.ulis on this piiuciplc. When
asked by tho Government ot the elay what ho
thought of tho propo-ul on tho part of the French
(iovi riinicnt to reinovo Napoleon's bones from St.
llelcnu, tho great captain is reported to havo
said : 'Well, 1 don't S' e why tliey shouldn't hitvo
Ms bones if they want them. Otlnrwiso they'll
say we're afraid. Not that I caro what they say.
I don't care a two-penny d u what they say.'
Now will any of our leal friends assist us hore f
What is a two-penny d n i"
Two profane men, Daniel N.alo and James
Scott, wore lately lined in Glasgow for swearing;
and the paper from which wo have ubuve quoted
further remarks :
"There are many other interesting fields of In
quiry opened np by the law under which Scott
and Daniel Ncalc have been lined. For instance,
docs the object cursed make any dilloreiu e ? Is
the line as heavy for cursing a stubborn donkey
as for cursing a fellow-man ? Would the irascible
old gentleman who bursts fonh with a savago
malediction upon tho stouo against w hich ho has
struck his gouty toe ; would tliu beuvy swell who
curses the omnibus that has spalterod bis clean
trousers w ith mud ; would tho fuddled youth who
is living to let himself in at two In the morning,
and breathes a half-articulate curse upon the
keyhole which won't lot him get the lateh-koy
in; would tho man who curses himself and tho
man who eur-es some other body would ull
these be mulcted in the sume amount, provided
the formula employed were in ull cases the same ?
Would it muke no difference that the malediction,
If It tould hurt a man, could certainly not hurt a
donkey f
' Then thcro Is the question of oatlu uttered in
one burst of passion, us distinguished iron, the
sume number of oaths uttered ufter successive
liiteivals, admitting of rellection. In tho Scott
case, Mr. Justice ltluckburn gave it as his opinion
that 'one big volley of oaths should be deemed
only tno offense.' And morally, there is cer
tainly a great difference between tho two cases.
'I hen there are the compound oaths, like the oath
that lti dmoiid swore when under examination
beh re a committee of tho House of Commons.
'It's the sacred truth I'm spukiu',' he roared out,
w hen tho opposing counsel was questioning blia
strongly as to his veracity 'It's the sacred truth
I'm spakiu', by the sowl of Dun O'Connell, which
is big, und your own sowl, which is very little,
my Lord 1' Would this bimembral oath be counted
as ono or ns two? Again, would a curse em
bracing the whole body enlitlo the blasphouier,
without incurring any fresh penulties, to curse
in detail the various parts of the aforesaid body,
es, e. g., the eyes ? on the principle that having
paid (piosj eetively) for a curse on the containing
whole, be is at liberty to curso at his leisure the
contained parts, nnd, as Coleridge puts it, 'chari
tably di-poso of the fnictionul parts of his oppo
nent's bedy nnd limbs to every conceivable and
iucoiiCe ivalde place that ever Uuevedodreainedof.'
"A still more important question, and one that
brings the subject nearer home, remains. Does
swearing, wbea put in a genteel dress, coiuo
within tho letter or Ihe spirit of tho la v i Is 'liy
(ieorge,' 'Hy Jingo,' or 'Ily the Holy Voltcr,'
puni-bnblc under tho net? Docs the vi.aeious
young ludy, with her 'O la!' her 'U my!' and
'(ji oduosB gracious !' escujio beciuso the oath h
lelt ircoiuplete in expression ? Strange, is it not,
to see in what resicctuble houses blasphemy linds
its way when it puts on its kid gloves i Aam,
does putting a curse in the form
exempt the bla-phuner from tho penalties of the
law us when he cries : 'Llcuco tike it!' MLitirf
It!' 'Ci nfound it!' Then what oi Mr. Mantilini
and his genteel little 'Demmit ?' This, by the
way, must surely havo been the mild form of
imprecation w inch tho Great Duke alluded to.
Hut Mr. Mantilini suggests another question;
for Mr. Mantilini, being a taction, cannot possibly
be brought Lcfore tho court to answer for uny
Infringement of the laws of tho country. Who,
then, is to pay for Mr. Munlilini's profanity f Is
it Mr. Dickens ? Or aro novelists to be alto
gether exempted except when speaking In tho
lirst person tot If they aro, what is there to pre
vent a man of profane tendencies to create a blas
phemous character, give him place in all his
publications, and through huu, as a mouthpiece,
send everything and everybody to the deuce i
and then, when challenged ubout it, to say : 'O,
that man is meant to be a blackguard. lie re
presents a wii ked class of people; but his vices
are not allowed to go unpunished. 1 Uftvc Uuugoti
biiu in the third vwluiue.' "
The most Important feature of Monday's pro
ceedings was the lectnro of Dr. Livingstone, giv
ing a digest of his African experiences. 6o great
was the anx oty to hear it that, whilo the Doctor
himself read it to a crowded audieuce nt the
theatre, It was also read at the Mineral Water
Hospital. The follow log Is tho main portion of
it :
"The slave trade Is a gigantic evil which meets
ns at every step In that roiintry. We cannot
novo through any part without meeting cap
tilled men and women, bound, and sometimes
gnpgcdi so no good ran bo elono if this crying
cil Is no; l ied with. The good bishop had
somo 2 ' 0 p cp'.e cinirJy at bis disposal, and
would soon have presented to the country an
example of a fr.o community supported by its
own it (lus'ry, w here fair do.dittg could bo mot,
which would undoiibiidly have exerted im
mense liiilueiice; lor wherever the English mime
is known, it is associated with freedom and fair
1 h.v. S'i:;c seem to ti ke pleasure iti tnmiir.g dow n
ilicir fellow-countri men ; but the lotq:?r lino
I like them tho better. They carry with them of law and jit-lice, and a spirit of
kii.dlini ss, ni.d wire 1 in a ditiiculi v 1 slionl 1
pie fer go n to an l.i giisbman in preference to
hV i.tbni for a d ; and a lor Lug ishwomen, they
do nmii ub'ci'iv make the best tviviS, mothers,
si-ti is, and daiqjhti rs in the world. U I . ;hii
e e nv cm n that makes mc, in my desire to see
slavery nhiiiishid and human happiness pro
tu b d, erdently wl h to l ave some of our coun
t ry nu n tran-i Itemed to a region where they would
bolh give and rei e-ive bt m lit, where every elecen
Christum 1-ng'i-bmnn, w hi ther Churchman o
Dissenter, lean. eel or unlearned, liberal or bigoted,
waul. I i. dually bciomoa blcs-niR by iiilrodiieing
n bitter system than that which Ins prevailed for
aces. We conducted Bishop Ma,kcnie and
1 city up to the bicbtam's, nnd alter spending
time oi lour days with them, returned, and never
had any more e onneciion with the conduct of that
iniss.oti. We carried u bout pa-t Mure bison's Cata
rHi ts. By these i lie river di si ended at live iliirerent
leaps of great be-iiuty, 1200 feet In a distance of
about Iorty inilis. Above that we had sixty miles
of line, dsCp liver, Mowing placidly on to Lake
N'yassa. As we sailed into ibis line frosh water
laku, we weto naturally anxious to know its
depth 10, 12, '20, ,10 fathoms then no bottom
with nil our line , and Jolm Meal, our sailor, at
last pronounced it fit for the tirent i'.a.trrti to
sail in. We ton -bed tho bottom in a bay with
a line of 100 fathoms, and a mile out could
t nd no bot'oin at I Id fathoms. It contains plenty
of fish, and great numbers of natives daily
encniro in catching them with nets, books.
sni ms, torches, nnd poison. Tho water remains
at out "II decrees, nnd the crocodiles, having
plenty of ti-h to eat, rarely attack men. It is from
twentv to lilt v or sixty miles broiid, mnl wo saw
at least 221 miles of ita length. As seen from the
hike it seems surrounded by mountains, and
from these furious stuims coino suddenly down
nnd raise high se as which are dangerous for a
boat ; t nt the native canoes are formed so as to go
f asiiy along tnc surr. i no apparent mountains on
the wist were ascendoel last year, nnd found t bo
only the enges of a great plateau ,'tnoo feet ubove.
tno sea. This is cool, wen watered, and well peo
pled with Manganja and Marani, some of w hom
possess cattlo; nnd 1 have no doubt but that the
first bardslilps over, anil property boused and led,
Europeans would enjoy Ide and comfort. This part
of Alrii a has exactly Hie samo form as Western
India at Bombay, only this is a little higher and
coobr. Well, having now a fairway iuto tho
l.lh amis, by means of tho Zambesi and the
Sliiie. nnd a inivipsi le course of river and lake of
UO miles, across which nearly all tho slaves of
the Ked f-ea and the I'crshin Gulf, ns well as
some lor Cuba, went, und nearly ull tho nihabit
i.i.ts of this densely-populated country actually
knowing how to cultivate cotton, it seemed likely
that their strong propensity to trade might bo
e asily tinned to iho advuntago of our own coun
try as well as theirs. And here I beg to remark
that on my first journey my attculiou not having
then been turned to the subject, I noticed only
a lew coses of its cultivation ; but in this I saw
much moro thnu I had previously any idea
of. Tho native cotton is short in tho staple,
strong, much liko wool In the bund, and us
gcod as I'pland American; a second has
been Introduced, as is seen in the nanio,
being foreign cotton ; and n third variety of
very superior quality, vory long in the nbre,
though usually believed to belong to South
Ametica, was found right in tho middlo of tho
continent in the country of tho Makololo.
A tree of it wns eikht inches in diameter, or liko
un ordinary opple tree. And nil these reqnirod
planting not often? r than once in three years.
There is no ibingcr of frost either, to injure the
Crops. No sexmer, however, had wo begun our
labors among tho Manganja, than the AtVicau
l'oitiigucso, by supplying 'he Ajinawilb arms
and ammunition, to bo pnid for iu slaves, pro
duced tho utmost confusion. Village cfter
Village was attacked and burned, for tlm Man.
giiiija, nrmcil en!y witn bows and arrows, could
rot stand before tiro arms. The bowman's way
of fighting is to He In ambush, and shoot at
his immy unawares; while thoso with guns
moklng n great noise, cause the bowmen to run
aw ay, and the w omen and c hildren become c ip
thes. This procei s of slave-hunting went on for
some months, and then a panic seized the M.m
gaii ui nation. All bed down to tho river, only
un:.ions to get that between them und their ene
mies; but they lied 1 ft ull their food behind
flit in, and starvation of thousands ensued. The
Shire valley, where tbou'i'itds lived at our first
visit, was e onvi rb d into literally a valley of dry
loins. One cannot now walk a mile without
seeing a human skeleton. Open a hut iu tho
now ileterted village, nnd thcro lies tho unburied
ski leton. In son in I opened there wore two
skeletons, and a little one rolled up in a mat hi twicu them. I have always hated
puttirg tho blnruo of my f.iiiuro tipon any
ono else, fn m a conviction that a man
ought to succeed in nil feasible projects in saito
of everybody, and now 1 uin nut to lc undcr
sn od as c.istiug a alur on tho l'ortuguoso in
Euiopc. Tho Viscount Livr.idio, tho Vis
count do Sn' da Hundeira, and othors, aro as
anxious to see Iho abolition of the slave trade
ox could be desired. Hut tho evil is done by
the assertion in Europe of dominion iu Africa,
vlieu it is quite well known that they havo only a
few hall-castes, the children of convicts by black
womon, who have actually to py tribute to ihe
pure i. all vis. Wcro they ot the smallest benefit
tol'ortugnl; if auy ono ever made a fortune ami
went homo to spend it in Lisbon; or if any
flcusnre whatever could be dorived by the
'oitugueso Government from spending .'iO()i)
annuady on needy governors who ull connive ut
iho slavo trade, the thing could bo understood,
liut l'ortiifiil gains nothing but a shocking
bad name us the first that beg in tho slave, trade
and the hist to end it. To us it is a serious mat
ter to sco Lord ralmcr.-ton's policy, which has
bei n so eminently successful on tho west, so
largely neutralized on tbo east coast. A great
nation liko ours cannot get rid of its obligations
to other members of iho great community of
nations. The police of iho sea, must bo (main
tained ; ai d should we send no more cruisers to
suppress the slave trade, wu would soon be obliged
to send tliein to suppress piracy, for no trullic en
genders lawlessness as does this odious trade.
The plan I proposed required a steamer on
LukcN'yasa to take up the ivory trade, as
it is by the aid of that trctlo that the trullic
in Slav, s is carried on. The Government
scut out a steamer, which, though an excel
lent one, was too deep for the Shire. Another
steamer was then built at my own expense.
This was all that could be desired made to
unscrew In twoidy-four pieces and the l.mly
of .Vyio or l.udij of the Lake was actually
unscrewed and ready for convcyanco at the foot
of Murchison's Cataracts, when tho people being
swept nwuy in the manner I have mentioned, a
work was hindered which I confidently boliovo
would havo entirely changed the state of the
country. It was this steamer l.mhj of .V'jaus
that took me across the Indian Ocean, and in it I
purpose to try again. Were I yonng again I
would gladly devout my time to ihe missionary
work, but thut must bo done by younger men,
specially educated for it men willing lo rough
it, nnd yet hold quietly and patiently on. If
being bullied l ad ever mado mo lose heart, I
should never have been here la tho position
which by your ss I now occupy.
"I intend to make another attempt, but
this timo to the north of the l'orfnsueso;
and 1 feel greatly entouiiiged by t'.iu
interest you show , Us' it cannot be lor the per
son, but your s,mpa hy is given to the ciuso of
hiimui. liberty throughout tho world. It startles
ns to fee & gient nation of ourown biood despising
tho Aiiaum's ti.iiin lo huiutiuity, und drifting
he lplessly into a war about hi in ; then drilling
quite us helplessly into abolition of slavery prin
ciples ; then lending tue Afiicans to light. Mo
niigbty event like this terrible war ever took
pluee wiihont teaching tetrilde lessons. One of
these niav be thut, though 'on the side of the op
pressors there is power, there bo higher than
they.' Willi respect to the African, neither drink,
Bor disease, nor sluvciy can root him out of tbo
world I never had any ideu of the prodigious
destruction of human life that has taken place
subsequently to the sluvc-Lunting war till 1 saw
it, and as this bus gone on for centuries, it gives
a wonderful idea of the vitality of the nation."
f oyer read at ,eii iu! Science Corttjrtss.
It was Marshal MacMuhon who said to an
aid as be was rushing into tho Malakull': "Tell
General Pelissier that if wo aro blown up, ho
must immediately crown the crater with oilier
mon." If he had been under McClelluii be
would l ave been pronounced insane, and treated
as McCicllau treated Sherman. He eeut the
latter to coinuiund the UeiitoQ barracks as a
"ttmj tuuu."
llliOl'iJIMINO lrfft?t'
or tiik
N I' W YOllIt,
TUB coastwihk RTr.AMaiiiproypAsy s ijgpor
riHt T CI.AH8 Mt'lthW BlhAMRIlM, '
". V. KMJ1IT. S'nptnln Jnl!ns;b)r(
JOHN Jir.S(. it. il uin llowpn.
Will mkc a rrKulM t 1-wm') tlas, ouinionclng
SAIULDAT, OaiOBCU 22, 1034,
l.KAVIMI riill.AI)Kt.riII V V
Tl i:SI)AY, TUI USMV, & S.iTI'flD.lY,
Krura ttin Compary's w! arf, first ah no Kirs street,
And fiim Ki w VutV, Ilir 11, "forth rlvir, on lime days,
Tlitro bew Mnl iul-itrvr,t!.v! iivaruui Uadt ex-
prrMiij lei Ihti runic.
I'lFts'it re, . tied itslly, IiitmIIm" iti tli.' usixt enri'i'ul mn-
rter, mth itcth nsl with i!,e ileiAtcfi.
I'ot ftnthcr piirtlciiliri. ;ipty to
Nit. 0 H. WUAltYF.S, PIIILAhKIsPIli A, J
p-jo-a rn.u 1 1, nouth ktvkk, uf.w york.
l&srnS.nJr. I. lout (linn r.t (.'ut t i wn, l ot k Ui ttr.
- I in yi ii ki ov. u NU'dnn'.i oi l..Too, Nw Yutk,
ml I'hi r h.iKiiiil.ip l ouipai.y r tuUuJoJ to
ittil m ii'lli-v p ;--
l.l-t Nt't lei., Krfttir.Uv.OrloWr n.
OIY (r Asm S. P N. Stnriinv, OctoUor
VI I Y OK Ma KriUn.K. H:iiniii.v, N-.M'rifc r . fwzs nuccwAitxn tfniunli) t tu uon, fruiu Tier No
44 North Kh ft.
Fir-t film, fir.) io sijrr-i f'.0 fi
Ktrnf Cutiln li l. lulmi I .n tit H'i-riu-c to l.nn.lon... !
f trtt (' tr. n (i 1 irii.. 4 Mtf ru- to r-rii . hum)
Kl'.tt (o HitiulM ulMVlMt Hiotr U.tiuh'itv. 71.IO
ra-sM-iiMTi hNo f.i wai ilt ! t llttrr, lUtmvii, iiol
trrilmn, Ant" tup, Au., Ht eiuftlly low rfttct,
turn u ri; l.iTjto"l it ij'uvtiftoft a ft 'it CuMn,
f i; u, fi 7, fj!u Htr-tfrau" frnni l.i. i-rin-ol and Quxtvis
Utvtn.f.i). I h nts win. v iit to leud ivr tUulr ftloiidn caa
Iniy t(e Vc1 1 tit it i tl.eio rut in.
Vol uiiwiuHtiou Ait)'1) f( the Company f-rtlooi,
JOHN ii. 1A1.K, Afit,
Ko. Ill WAI. NUT direct, I'hi'aaWpUi
ttuSm ifrfci "-"- l.tno, lalllng i m Otioh port na
h. 1 4. IbA'A i H. in m llrft w hurt iitoe PINK htnet.Phii-
mipluft. Hi d I.ouk Vtlmif. UoNlnti. trotn Arst whavf
iihivp i inr Mire t, on Afutmv.ii'toncr i t. iwi.
'I hf tcni!ihfp NOItM AN . r.itl Mil'Mm Ph'liv!H
phin for lttion. on Sntun!fty, Odoi't-r JJ. it 10 A. M ,
rtt (tie Uftiiuhip H4ON, Mantiowi, iivm lUnUin lur
rtiiiACeipiua, iii lame any. bi r. n.
1 In tuw si ui nLlBtiuiti&l itcAinithlni form r(riiUr
lim, ial!fiK frcm em-h port pumttmtl fin H-ttunlsAi .
liiniiiiimvi iUuctvU Htunu-l.aJ Hit isruuiiuuioua-cJon
llir Vl'sHi'M,
Fri'Ul.tM tkrn nt fair ra'oi.
Khippprn iirr rciietcU IobccJ Blip tt:colit and BlUl
or V tvlxl or I'tusiiga (Ihn virtu fln AcrommtxTdtloiM)
inf-tf Nn..T H. i'KLAWAUK Aronufl.
!. in tin it 1 ui if 1. Tl ttvMiifiB o( tlif.i linen mr touring
daily ni I'J oVIocV M.t auU b 0 clock I". MM lrom tbir4 plur
Aliove Walnut turret.
I-or tiot.M, ithicti will b tnken on Arrommodaflnf
to. iv, a. Hpplv loWU.l.LLM M. UAJlUU it, (JUM Ho. LH .
PI I.AU akk Avenue.
X iidAU.
l'lai.AJ'Kt vinA to PirT8inT.o.-rfi milks:
RAIIJiOAl) la now liK iin-il At thohfw Paii-nvor In-not
01 thi- Coinrnnv, TllUcritlfU AND M.UtKLf h trout a,
a 41114-11T-1.1 1111.
t'un t'n pronirrd to
I'Ki I'oir,
Kl. PAIM.,
HT. 1 01 IN.
And Ail principal poluU
BAggncc checked to di-mUiaUvU.
riUUdt'IjiliiA to Kric, 4M milofl, without rhanuo of Car a.
Tue tiliortot, iilckt Mt.and CueApt Uouto
lilK MAIL T K I N ,
At1 A.M., for low!iiiiKl3wn, I.Ancantvr, ro'umlla,!fTr
il lmru PuishniDf, nnd .til lnt rrardl-iu- p lnw,m.ik,N clono
rni nrptloti at 1 liirrciiur witli t!u trnina of ihr Norihi'm
Centtiii Uiilluar for Hniitmrv . U iliimuport. Look llnvfii.
1 iniiviiH. iii pi ri, iiiiKHUMriiij. r.'X.'u imvtMi.siiicKiiiMHtv,
t mouilt. Kit x-ton, Wyomlnjf, I'lUvtdit, K -ra' t ut,
y't'iuitn 'ufTalo, idHtioviAr.C.imiiiOrttirurt, Magait PaJil
f No i li iiT P iu i a,u li ttvncii I'iitliitlclpM, 11 nil I.'H'k
lur.) 1.1. tuw ('iinn..,rlJ Vsuiw.r naHroA.I.rfur
iifclo. 4'hAiiihi rihnrir. t d Knf-- ..' At 1 'Hrnntiln.wUfi
IN York mid Wrllitsvlil JUilway tot ItfiJ "'"iovor. nJ
Till! KAT I. INT,
at U 40 A. M , for PltM'tiiv And V.v vvvnl, ihaVi Coniio,1
tJan M l.tindhll:o with tf.c K.-n.tiiiK And t'oMmMa li -inroad
lor Kplirnta, l.ttlj, unit llculliu'. At linn inhurir wl h
tin 4 uiiilit'iltuid nlitj' und Nortlirru CivitraJ liailw:iyn
ii-r CiriU.'e, MilU r,itiirk', Ji o'rtovvn, H(litiK,rnvo. rtnu
bnry.oic. M I'ltihl-nr with tlnouh ti-nina on all tli
divi-itit ii rnjiiin fri-iii fiat p-t'iit--Noiih t iho Liken, Want
to tlic y Ismshljipi 11 ii I tl.c MN.4 url riven, tnid Houtli and
huUllli't lo H J jKliils .id I'lr-XIt' I.) IUUlOA'1
at '2 -.10 1. m., nit ib i t'olmntil.i, w icic c timovtlun 1 4 mado
ith tin- York and Vrirlii il a KaWroud i-r . rk, IU11 -t-r,
and i - 1 1 f r . 1 1 ri-r. 1 1 1 Ik train Nt.-pi nt All ltit fiiiOJuto
puiuiiti.d riMctiiii Hun l-l nti nt 7 i.'il'.il.
Al H P M., mn tliioiih w nliout oi aiiL-o of enrn, for Hun
l.ory. Northuiiii'Tl.ttid, I,l-liiiri,, Muton, 'ulnoiitown,
I i-w ait, alolitkntiH-ry, Vuucv, Wl 11 import, Ktuovo,
hriliniMi, rtt, Mar ;t, Wiirmn. Cm ry, Wu .-n.ird, Krio,
f tc. At C- Try c tnnr ti.tu li muJn with Oil ?ici-k lUhroad
fur Tfiunllio and Hlmt 'r', Aid wiui th Atl-ittf lo ttnd
(iu nt Wi Hiern JLulroadi for t-i-uihllti, Mc-idvi le, au-1
Jan.i-Howii. Th in tntm eonnft t- at ILtrrmUurK wittt
tUo litdUuiotQ KxpruBa tor Pitu'jtii: and aU won torn
At fi'i' P. M., ntna tiirtu'ii wiiho-it iintiii of fan lo
I'lttsburiT, m.d Du re runm rta w nil divcr-iiu io:nlit,
K'Tih, MoutJi, Aiul Wi'st. !l(i-iinH c ira run ih-oiuh with
tliiK irhin lo pitt'.burfr. A tiirouj-h car fr Wlllimufp nt
and tntt nnpdiata poiiita la ate vlieu tu thi tr.iiu, and
rem hex il!irtliiiort At I'M A . M.
I he I'liUiuii'ipf la h x i n nu Ipavi-H d.dlv.
The Krlo Kvpren 1 avi- i;iiy, orpiiMitnrtny.
Ail wttiir ttiit Ji-avp tu Cy. except Jiuudny.
OS hl'MlAV
U'O cam of tho Market St met PHi'nf;er H'lilwny will leave
lh'l.Ih Ktrool t 7 L' P. M , to rou timet with thr Kno Kt
prrxi, and At to P M. to conueat with the Vtxll aU'IptilA
l-:.piena At tlic Phtlnd,dphii depot.
M'liiau THE WKKIC,
evrrj t Rnnday, thiTArs of the M-irer Htrfot Pussenfcr
rtiillt-ay will loiive trout stnit ovory two miniite.i,i,'jiu
DHiiftrif iujo hour pn vioiu to tha tlmaof do.itirturo f
4 ii h ifMin, nnd tin- lnt rar will lene thirty tutiutoM prior
to the Btuitiiig tnuuof Ach tiAiu from lUv I'liUaJelpkiA
dt jot.
for the ai cotntiiodatlon of p rnona llv nj out of town,
or locaiod ou or near tho Uncut I Mi n-nd, niAy he pur
1 tiHiM-d li,w 1 an-8, good lor tlfty-four trip, If ued wiioin
Hit mouth.
At rfi!ticfd Htes lrom local (art1, aiid rood for twihn
uionth 1 rum d.iM1 of lnHUf. Iortwcmv-AiK trip ueiwveti
iui twup'-int t or tiuui'l aor tlrtui.
for tin Uf ot i liniartt rittitmliii ' atliool In the city, at
vtr.rli w ratofc.und cnUUlug liuoIiTa tu Mirlpl.U uved
ti.iii k A month
for litntmr Inform Atlon.ftn ply at tlie Panontror Stttlon,
cutmr tl 'Ihtrtieth Ai d Mari i t strteia.Piit.a jt-lphlA.
JOiiS i . Jr .Tl. kct Agont.
An FmUrant Ai onuiioiiatiun Tiam lenvei N. HT
1 ( k Mm tUily (Sin data e?.i-pti'd). at 4 P. M.,odvrin
a c. i f mi u h If un ri j o: ti a 1 1 tofaimll- bkojok Woal, at one
hall ihe llsiiAl rntfn Af fnre. raillcidir itllcnilin li paid
lo UaivAKC. tor Htiirh ttircki are (ttven, ajkI bagiitHfe
forwmd. d tiy mmim- truin nitu p.ii)t-iier
i ur lull iiili-rmaii'in, npr)v to
HI ANC IS J Acffiit.
S. Hi bOVK Stnot.
Thatfllceot Mmiit't HiU'miui-Kkpn-at ii hinted nt thA
touii,. it( oriicrol Kl.l VI N l ll and M AlikK T Stroci,
Ki t te ad iriici t lur the movement ot Imwttx' will re)lvu
Jiron pt Httenti in. Au agi'lit ( thin reha'de Kk.'iVm
I 'onijany will jih-sh throiiAh each 'r.i'n heiiio ronvUltin the
dtp t, and tnKt up chi'i-K! and di-livor hiij-'j,':e lo any put
of the 1 ty. 'ihi traveling public aro A--urcd that .' u
tnttrtly rttj oiutt i .
w III r.ot Akiiuo Ai rnk tor huir u-, evei-pt lor woArlr.jr
nppuiel, And 1 mil thrlr lAspiiimil-dltv to one Hundred
Pol I urn Iu alne. Ali ba-aKiii en-tllM-t thut amount la
ftlue will v at the rirk ci the onuor(uulu-i ukcuby
bp, tin I control.
P.v tlifs rotito fre'rhta ol ad d.-iur idlon ran t forwar-lt-d
to and ir-ni uii P -nt on tho oi iihio, K. nt 1 kr,
InillHIlU. IHIiiMlH U'i.1 (.iik.ii . Inu :i .ir io I l,vrii.r ,
I i'I.i ft, or Iu !.. J, lint oil tho k'Ahh' rKcl t Of tht Wost
: hy M'ti nit ia iroiii Jiitshur,',orti)all laao puxti j iti-mra
, In tu 1 1 H ,
'I he , of mv'-J. t and iron 1 a.iy p ilot pt t'ip W.'st
i ! tlo- Pi mis , ..mii Ciiiir il K.'i r m.I .ire m ul ;mu m
1 I.- or,. hie tl, ; f( i t, , otinr uii 1011 1 u io,( i.iP-f. L !.
' i (..mi .(ii,! i,!;,, flN j,, ,. tnui.pu . ' ir
I tr vht tol!n ro;jp,t'iy Ull Kl Mi'll c 'li'J'-a.U ou lis
. up- edy'inr t.
i or I'm -hi rontrnefR (r shipp nu diieci!oii3( apply to ujr
Sil'ltes, tho Aim 11 -t ui tho t 'oiiirun v.
. U. M.Nl.alO.N, J.l-hlmatlphiA.
II. II. U.'l'HTON,
Cicr.fral Kh-:k..i Arfjii, r'i:Udi!phIa.
General 'I U-ket Act rr, I'hhiidcJphiA.
et i NtJCii 1,1. WIS,
- " Siipiril.tliiidcilt, AI100BH, P.l.
On and aftir M.U'A) , April 1, 1,1, u.t Train wtUleavt
A." K.lli.v i :
Leave J'hl'adi li Ma. from the Iiepot, eotrer of TH1RPY
F1KM ind MAIihti Mrutia, tl A. M . 11 U6 A.
1'. M., i:w p. M., C-4.'. P. M.
Phliadt'lj-hiA Popot thru Ked from V.HllITKKNTn And
AlAKKti' birt-vta to Hi lit I V- 1UM' aud il.Vkh.Lr
1.9 a. v West f'hi'Ster, from the Depot on Ynt M I1KKT
Btrrei.e-Vo A. M..7-4.V A. M . 11 A. M . -J l 1 1 , i u
I Ihe cars of tho V4 Philailelphl 1'am.eiiKiT UaUwuV
j roiapHiiyt Mark.-t trevfnlU coinej l(o.wr to d
1 bvux Ui PlillAiUlplilA lo
I OS SLNIAYS, PWlade'phla At fi 'Mt A.M. and 2'Vi P. M.
l.eeve H eat 4 'hi -der at h A M. and i ,t P. M.
Tramn leaviiw Phhade phi at 8 A M. and 4'W P. M.,
and ou huatir at 7'4 A. M. and 4 46 P. M.,conne..'t
with triuna on tho Phiiadelplua aud lUltunor CenUal
lt)lrd lufOxt rd and lntoruo-dM' p. lo(a.
1 4 1 ilLMtl ttl),avDaJouplaUndei4.
On fir SirMHAY, iiisi..r K, Ihi Ti.(t
Ofllor ntth I'KiinxIriutla IU lr..d wlli tv .1 tho P.-n-cr
l-ii-,i. T11IKI1K.1U sad M.Mlhtl' Huteu, Wilt
riiiltdiliihis, ami u s
Wll.l. .!. Til.
WEST 1'llll.AliKI.I'lllA 81 AT10W
Af roixown
M.IITnln .. t SOOA.IC.
1 Mrl.1 iIiiiik, Nu. 1 loiM) "
Kl I. hip si u-.
I'm-kt-.tmrK Tr.ln, No. 1 ,t l-ik p. M.
ItftrrlfilMilr A'Tomiiiitiiliin 2-.)
I .LClnlor Aui'tuaiiislAl.un is , ltrn " i;i)
r;r Khtm " h-k1 '
rh.llllloll lil I M're"" " 10
A.M. AllltIV K
rlo fiproii at m A. M.
I I iIkiIi Fin -l " 7 0
I 'mil. Ac unimi ilnl en " X "
I'ArltissliiirK AcruliuniHlftlion.N.. 1 !' "
I ml I ir.. " 10 .11 "
l llirll'tr TiK'll " li S-t r. M.
1'ii-Sf I urn. Si,.- " f. I I "
Mml iWm " "
lliurisl.uif. ArcimuiiiUiiisn " 11 e") u
PM'Uctphil KTinrjii lov,., ,l,ii,jr.
Kiln " " T"r.t 3(itiir,lr.
All olbtr Trains Jielljr, rtu pl;.
TliiClrn( tl.r Mnrkrt Mnft l'iiiisnrr Blllwlflll
li' v,. 1 yhi h flu .t , la I. M ,. t . ci.nnr I n it.i llifi r:rll
ii rl al lo I. M., to i rt with ttm I'hl.'sJltiilils
.Are.ti i ll . wst ..i,,l,.,i a, .r..t
Tl.(r fllir MAIIKt.r NI HI.IT I K A 1 T,
A'aYIII en r f run. nir'ist re i-ry maml., r .Teni-iv In
i.nt. hitler nis ion. lo Ihi' t.m. of il. pierlni,. of .rl trln,
rtiul llii- l.ti nr ill live llilrl s inlntifnn priorlulh.. ,urt
in lllul bl rl' Ii 1 1 ml n lrom ilir (A'i-kI riill.:. )tlA !t.
Thr Offli'i ol MANN. llAniiAUK KH'KKUM ee 111 !.
I'." II Ha S. t. IIHiMIt eK Kl.l.l fN I'll AMI
VAItKr I Mr.i.1. mil in nil cill f .r and Ui
Iir.i. iii 11 ' . i..r all li mm a, li.'t,. i.f.'re.
1 II K I'KIM.T AT TIIK I nil SI li en KI.KVFNT1I A vr
HA'l UllDAY, l.'.th lualaill.
("n't. fliilai!. Ifl ta lM on IVmia. Ilallr.'a.l.
W...I PI ln.ti.lphla. el. i.., i II, I -14. ln-l ,-a
Mir.KIMTUWN K Ml. I ' Ull.
On ail 4 after MONDAV, Unj w, 1HC4, umll tirthaf
T.ra.f TMIadelrtila tl, 7, H.l la. 11, U A.M.: 1,1, 1 11
HV. 4..1. f.C. 7. 4, !, I". 11, ltl P.M.
Li avis ei. rmai,li.wn. B. 7. 7 HO. H. a ). !). 1(1 II. It A. M-
l.i, 11.4. S.IIS. 7, d, tl, 111. ll, an,l Iti I' M.
YhrH at wn, anil th. HH aud i Uaim up, do not ito
on Uie Cicrmant-s. n Uram ii.
l'IIKSI'T IMI.I. 7!A(l.nOAT.
Irara Phllrt..lp'ua, 6, S.ln.U A.M.i 1, S'.'.'.'l'.f.t
an.l 11 r M.
I.oav. I'h.lnut mil, 7-10, 8, 9 40, 11 40 A. M. 1 l'lO, I 40.
t 4ei, f. HI, 8 an.l in 111 I'. M .
Iava l'l;llaUol.hla S,8 ii, 11 lt6 A. Al.; li,S,4A,SH
Oi.tKio. aiul le r.
l.carc N.,rrliUmn,6,,,,7, T'M), 9 anJ 11 A. U. ; IK, H
SS and (P.M.
T hr train an, "111 iwp al WliialuYaon, Mauayviik
aiul e.uiaoi-ia onlr.
I,farpPliUs.i;'t'lil.S,8 84,lll4A M., 1H, ,H.H,
OS. " li and 1IM P. M.
I.aav. Mnnajruia,i,i,;,S't!0, HS'.ll.sf A.M., 1,1, T,
Slid HH V. M.
n. K. SMITH. nniral Rnpertrtr n,l,-nl.
Bival iHTat, NINTM ami I1UKK.H M(re.iU.
Tllllnlelll IN KIVK 110UIt4.
On anil artisr llllMl.ll , Aacu.l I, 1h;4, tralnj wlU l.ara
SsotesT V I N n Mtree'l, l'lillailtiila, urixy iiKiriilnx at S A.
At. (SumlnTi t xi'i 1. Ilsaca l. Ihe C'airilmi an-t At
lantic and ttarltatt anil Oolawara Ita Kailrtia.1. lo l'irt
elininoiiih, and by Dm C'aiL-nillliit in.aiii.r J.. il.iyt,
U. dt isT Atlantl.s itraot, llroohlyn; ratunilnir, Uiava At
luntlc Mtrout MS Uarl aeervdav (Muudari oa.:OitMlJ, at U
A. Tl.
Traveler fo the efty ftf Niw Tork are no. to f.r vumiie n tlelat line, tlie Hlalo r Now Jva..y
tiavlnfr praiiterl lo Hi. I'nnu'en and Ainleoy tlia
caolmlvo prle ll,.a. ol carrilnr panh.-nti.ri an. I Le
tw.u Uie rlili i ot Phllail.-lplila and New Vara. tTtltl-kf
W. r. eililM UTrt. eiwieral HupartnluidnU.
NOTll K.
Ob aud after atoHrAV,.!annry 4, MM. tha Trains for
Kew York. Iravliiff KeniltKt.m llelKit, Phllad.lpaaa. at
S 1 A. M. (Mghl),anil 1 : e. M .anU Iho tralni teaiinn
ew York at t) A. M. and 7-POI. M., wlU hareaftar tea rua
airlmlt i ly ll.r Una Unll. il rltatm ki.lli aad New York
and Wahlni'ton Pause niteri, and win not lake In uor lot
ouf any I'Miiiauie'r., i-n ial.l dtl.a.
T ha Iu A. M. and I'J Midnight l.lna. from KewY,,r!to
Waihlngton, and tin. II 40 A at. and 6 P. M. I. In., from
WaaliliiKfaan to tiew York, will continue a at proiit.nt, and
rarry paiienireri to and from the Intermedial ataUou aud
Jlalllnioni, H'anlilnlon, and Now York.
Lines IflST Phlladolphla, frOKi Kenilngtan Depot, at
lriftA.M ,4 00, and -4 P. M., and l-.w inielmaut. and
liorn Walnut Uti cot Wharf (via (tamd.o), al S audi A.
M., tt M.,4 ardfi p. M .tor ltow York.
And l..v... Nnw York, from Ihot of Courtlandt ilroot,
at 7 A. M . 10 A. M , li M ,4 andS P. V., and at 11 raid
nul.t, and lrom (ooto( Uareila Unsot at S A. M.. and t
r.M. win. a. em' z mp. it,
jaC-l Atjunt.
I'I'M'iHV.JIA.l nr. Hi'lUJ r Mill. I,, HU8
jl'Kll,IShA.('l;MI.KIII.As.u, AiiD
n lOAIINU VAl.Ltir,
"iftvo U Ccnn any., at TIIIKTKKNTTI and
( A I.I I .Will i". tlli'.la, Pulladolnlila, at Uio reaiowlns
Iiihui -
AlSOOA.V., for Kin.lliK, U-WB, Kttirl, Mtll
ttolnuihla. I.arrl.liiirf., 1'oitivlll, Pini'iTOTff. Taran jna
Hiua.uty, Widmtn.p'itt, Knnira, Ki.-hi-,tt'.r, Nlai('rf 'al i,
HuiIaIo. AIJe-,.uwn, M kntuui o, 1'liutou, York, ejarlule.
UiamlM-ri-lnirif, llnniloivii, Ao.
1 he trim niuniTia at HKAlilSei with Rait Peanlyrra
n'a Railmad train lor Alienluwn, Ac tlia leeadlnff and
(toliiml'ln toi Kplirala,'z, and e'.tluiiii.ia a.'d
with the l.rl,, j. Vail, y Uaiu f,,r 11 rrl.'iari., tc. ; al PR (
CLINTON wiih I'llnlau llallroHil tralna lur Wllke. aire,
WIlllNtnupore. l.oi'k llavin, P.liuna, Ate.; at HAHltllji
lll Kli Willi ''Noi-lKein ejviitial," "Cuuihorliiu.l Valley,"
an.l "sJrli.nlkiU nnd Himiuplianna" tram f.r K .rt'ium
tscrulld,VUIlatrisp-.rl York.t't'atul.i.r.iiuri., Pinerove jio
T eavti Phnmlilplila at A Je) P. M. for lieadlrur, Pntti
Till,., I'lnurove, liarrisburi.'. A.., cooaH-ctiiur at llarrti
lairu with l'enn"ls aria O.-nlral iralni f-.r Plltti r, .etc.,
hortham I'i niral Itallrnail tralni f.,r nunlmrr, Northuiu.
Iierlaml, KHmra, Ac., uml al Tort CUnlon with e,Vuwlita
liallroadlxaluifvAlilbuu, IViUlaui.voit, SUuiLa, Uuii.Uo,
TraToi Boh.Iii t atfi io A. M . Moppini. al all wayila
I Ion, ar.iv.ire. In rhltniti'lphlA at tl am A. M., 1. aniK 1 uiiaeieiinlua at i eio 1'. M. : arrive, la
Keaelni,. at ) P M.
Trillin. fur I'lilladelphla lea llnrrlshnrKll 7'.V1 A . M , anil
Pi'llnvillr al H ID A. M , arriving. In Phila.lonWila at VI nl
P. M. Afietliisnn train lease llnrn.t)i,ri( hi 1 i P. M.,
l'nlt.Tllloat 'l'.lnP. M., nrrlvlnz In I lil'oiloli'Ma at 7 P. M.
kliirket tialni. with a paviuTfp.r ,-ar attache'l, Irav
Phllaililphla al 1 P. M , fur Hoailinx and all way ntnlloiui
leavt' Ki'ianiw at li, nonu, and lme niualowuai li oul.
At. for I hlladtstj ala and all way itallotii.
All the al.ovt, trait; run ilaliy, Knnilal exoopted.
Huniiay tralni h avo PoiuvlUe at 7Do A. at., and Phila
dalpjjlM at S I' al.
rananier lor bownlnlt.wn anil Intorinelale poln'i
Uke tin- Kiel A. M. and! to IV M.triin. Irotn l'n:la.llitil,
relnriilns hum lioniiinstuKn at S tu A. M url It ii
Ia.T Kow York at!) A. M. and 7 P.M., paeilna lleadlii(
al IV allil and 1M f. M., and eoiine.-iiuu al Harrl.
bnrifwilh I'l-nniyLai-l Knltroud Bxpica txaliljt tlx l ltl.
blior. Cldrauo. and lite A eit.
Ilea iirmi'L' Kxpremi train leave llarriabnraoo arrrrll of
tie Peiimyivaula Kkhtm from I'm aotirar at an., aail
710 A. M, pa.alni. iti-njlnx at 47 anil lo A. M , and
arrMitK at Ni-w York al lo A.M. and 4 n P. .M. si,.cp
ii ( ejaj. acrooipany Uln.fl train th.rot.tfb, bal ween Juriur
Cttr and rirtlMli', w Itlioo. elianae.
klull tram Mn iftl .:vei llirrlihurc at I IA p. M.
Malltralufor HnrrUlmru liases New York at li AL
Traltin It-ave I'oliee llle al aao a. M. and 3 ; P. M., re
tuinlita In, in 'I mcarora at K r, A.M. ami 4 UA .'. M.
Tram luavo Auburn nt ll 4h A. al. for I'liienrovi. and
Ilaril.btirt.', and al I'OO P. M. for Irauukt'ovo onlv ( rotni'n
It u lrom Harnhtirr l l'SO P. Al., and from 1'ltiejrove at
7lo A.M., audi P.M.
Thrauirh flnt-rlail ticket and emlC'SXt tlrketl to aU
the prli cii'll 1'oI.iIh in tl'M ,orili and W1 and L'rtii i.H..
'1 lie foll..wln UiAi'ti, are obtuliialdi' onlv al tha orHce.!
S IlKAliroKli, Trraiurer, K i. ll H. H)l h lfl HVoul,
I'hllaili .l la, or of U. A. MLOl.L-S, Ucn.ral oojioriuuin.
dent, Koadlns :
At?6 nereeiit dircout, butwt-tu an points tkiired,
for famuit-a and fliui..
(lood for WO nuin, beteieen aU jwuiti, st Hi le) eacli,
for laudlleH and Urm..
For three, tlx, nine, or twelve uionlua, fer holder l onlv,
te all pUiiti, ui reduc. d r.iei.
CM lie, VHP.
ReiMIni: rn ttin line nf tho road w ill he fnrnUhed with
eardn, e.ulilir.g tlicinalvea and wtvoa to ticLeu atuaU
1'XfnillRION TlfKBTH
From PMladelpi.ia lo prineipal, gof s.r Pitpr
day. fciiii .lay. urd Mw.Iht. at rts,l'icl fare, to be r.ld only
al the T h ki t Ulllct!, al 1 Ui IITKLN 1 H aud C'ALLU n lllU.
tloedl Of all di.srript.iais) forwarded to all the teWva
peaittv. IVcm lltr t'iru,.e!ij ' nvw frvt,l.t djul, laltOAJl
and Wll-l.oh ts;re..i..
T.fav.Phliaili-lrMu il.t"y at e'. A. M.,1 P.V.,an.K.P M.,
1' r H. ,i.!t:-. l.etiu.mi, liurt'.,!.tMrf, Lauvulf, i' ,rt e t.n
lot., at. tl L.0JUU Lejul-U.
Cl. ie at the Pttltait'lrh'fl Pi OiTre f..r nil p'a.-i on the
r.'l.l and 1'a briiiThefl al 6 A M., and for the principal
klallo.i, only ul i'l.. P. M.
KitiK Han. itiiAO. Io'l4.
T tin ureal lino Ir.ivvrHe Ihe Northern and Northwest
Counties .a Ptauisv Ivanta to the cttv of Itrte on Lake Kr...
II hash, en lea.ed bj the I'KN Ns'l I.VAS1A KA1LHOAU
CoklPAN., and under their uu.pUlos la biauat lupuli .
vp' lied tbroustboul its eatlre l.'nsnh.
It is now Ui lire for I'assencer and FroUht bu.fliaia frora
llarrlshurif to Pmporlum. ni iida-sl.ou the Kastarn IMvl- 1
sl"ii,an4 lrou. Sa.iliWd te kal l7ouiks),ea Ui WtMera
vtw o iaaair,ui TuniaiT rmi-APKLi'tni.
M all T re In leave. Mist A.M. j
i; Train teav.l lerao P. Al.
Can runtUroiuh wnuolT riusns botii walon li'e.e ,
(rains l.tiwota l luia.lel hla aad Lock liaeu,aiid tHlwia
lultlmere aiul la llivea. I
k.livimi aientinf elara ma the Kiprees Train both waya.
For Information rrfl.eaunn I' a. sender Imnuess, al
tie H. p.. comer ol KlVvUNTll and M.elitv!' Mi cola. I
And tor Pr.'ifcM busltn . t'l tli roninv's Ae.".:s j
N. II. Ktii fston, Jr.,eorfr SlATr.t.M'll and 11 LHK1 T i
Streets, I hlnMlelpn.'a. t
J.W,K.ii,oiils, k'lS.
J. W l-iil. Aool. M. S. 0. B P.Hni,.rl.
ll. a."irrTojj.
Oeueral Frasyht Ai-vnt. I'la'i d. '.'.t'aa.
LB Ml L.',
Ooisvfal Tli kit Amt, l'ln's.U '.pais
.iiirii'.i'ii r. pi.ri'j,
Jat-tf waaatal atanaaor, Wlluavupa
ilAllri. , ln Jv,"if,,FM. IWO KSTOWN, BASPOIf,
LIAMW'iiT ' WI1U"' WlLAVUAilt, Wli.-
! Ho.-, a.m Xxzttx!;..
All) ISP.I (Itprf), IMhU.m .
Hit. I rain If a.-Iii. KiMnn au-li. I 5' V ....
Al l it. P. M. (Mall) far l.,vif,e,,n 1 " rt
6 I'-I' M ( A'C..Tnn,,.lattoe IV-T
11 P. Irl. (Arcotnno'dtiilonl lor Kort Wi.tVlnrlnn
1 hrotiKlt I lki I. Inai t lie pr .enred al th.Tlokii
1 i I l.l i
, r.r ordn k. m7wi2
low est rate. f faro
Leave Petlil. l.eii. at C Ml A. M., 1J It, noon, and ti ll
I. yten.wn at .. :0 A.M.,1 P. M.,and tut. at.
l.nt.a ile at i.'la A. M.
nrt Wanlunnton al in-.'l A.M. and 1 P. If.
on hi Mm h
Tlillailelj hla f..r llUilel.m at w A. M.
l'liUeil. irMa for Ooy.eeioti n at tl I', at.
l...ii.-t s.,-, r I l.iia.e'.iiaanl i :) A.M.
l'.tl.l. lt. in f a 11 ',.:,( a' 4 P.M.
Ilillnian'n llaa.-e Kvpna, Will rail f,r and rlflfvar
hie, : nt the iiejiot. orderi mar bo Kf, at Da na
e.. ; HIKIi i-lrit!.
.1' .'' R LMSJ-LAhRnt
ItllA.M.P. OK Horns.
Onati.lall.r .'.'."Nli,Y,ucii.uarl''.ll64.
Pafieitiror t.,i:-i L iv-VMlalelrt u (r
M!:i"';;:T.;!1!;;d ikih!';w"' -
Met. at b Ho, 11 li A. M., 1 , I JO, 4O0, 5 10 aad ll-O
itnilifton at 40 fMor.rlav eTw-ptetli. s at IMS A
Tat.. 1 1-. ra...4'H'.f.:ii'.o:iii .,,,1 naop at.
fin I i at t, -K. A.M. a. t.l t-wi p, at.
Ik-vit al st.'. A. M. ana 4v P.M.
Uai..i,l ai (i is'. A. .M.
Malnl.ur) at mi .. A. M.
iiiAiN.i koi! rnTi.Anpi.ppu
tease at t l., it I'l A. M- eCapreil), 1 14.
ami If -a- P. M.
tl .li.tlacton nt 1 S. 7-r,, !l 15 A. il.,U'l.l QO, 1 4J, -.
Kiili.hnn at II I.'. A M.
n ui ma. or. m.
lioui ni 1 'o A.M., un-' .1 P. V.
Nov 'a!.' at 1 ."(I A. M . n,l Cm P. M.
Ieiier al a li, H .V, A. St ., 1 lJ, J to, 4 10, I N, r,
laave rii.ltlnioicf.i SilljlaryanJ UtormedlataauUeNas
t l"J l'. M.
I i as r iiaiiunora for Dover and Inturmisdiats autloas e
Ik1 Pal.
Leave Cweer at K'lO A. M ,a i,:, an.l Ita P. M
, 'jJ,TC WinilnKion at i'J., Salt, A.M., in and 1144)
Ki.tjit Train, with ranenirer Car attached, will ran
SI ti.llues :
l.eas c Wiloilngton for Perrvvllle and Intrrmrrlliliplinaai
at 7 Mi P. M.
1. 1 NI i A s Only at 4 .W A. M ., W M P. tt., (nm Phila
delphia to Baltimore.
Pr.aa I'liiiail. tiiiaa lo lYIliiiingtan si 4-30 A. M., lO-SSV
and II on I'. M.
I n m llm.otion to Philadelphia at 1 4JI A. M. and at
P. Al. CinlJ al WJl I'. M , fn in llalilraore Mi 1'liila.leiphia.
al 1J . P. h E N N K l . Supi.r-.nlend..ut.
i AllR ANOF.M KNT8 Or 1Q' 4
lOlM. kU' .OUK I.IKl-8. loO-la
The Canaten and Ami oy and Plata lelpk'.a and Trenttar,
Ltatiroad Ci'mpaniei' Lines from l'htladelplila to Hew York;
and W ay I'la. i i
Will leave an follow, via.
At it A M., via Cauidtn and Amboy, 0. and A. Ac
commodation (I'M
Atfi A. M , via Caindrn and Jifi.yOl, Morning
P.r. m tut
At li .M .. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. Aooom
At .' P. M. via Cauid.-n and Auboy, O. and A. El-
prr il Mi
At 1 P. M.,vla Camilen and Anihoy, Aocomtaisdatloa
(I reiK)it an.l PasenKer) lTf
At it P. M., via Camil.-n and Amboy, Arrommodatioa
(1 rcliilit and 1'a.aonai r) lit C'la. Tk-kul I'M
I'l I'la. il Ita
At7', P. M., via Onindi-n and Ambi.y Acomnmoda-
II..I1 (FretMlit aud Pamernre'r), lit Clan Ticket....
Jle tasi do
ror.Mamh ITiunk. AuYntown, Ilt'liiloheni, llelvtVlara,
I'anon, l.a'iibitrlvliU., Kltminxmu, Ac .H'.IOP. M.
pur Latnber(vlne and intTtiie-liate ntntlor.1, at 5 P. Tat.
Pit Mount) Holly, Kvanaviiie, Pemborton, and Vlnoaaa.
tow n, ae tl A. M., i and ftp. M.
1 or Krrehold at el A. M. and P. M.
Fit Palmyra, Klverton, lietanco, lleverly, Berllnvtoei,
Pk.roi ca. llonli ntown, Ac . at S A. H.,11 M.,!,!',!,
and (PS. The JIM) and & P.M. linei run d ureal Uhroiur
to 'I'rrnton.
Ir or l' in. yra, 111 vetlon. Titian co, Beverly, and BnrUa(
trn at 7 P. M.
htenuihoat TTenton, for Ilrlatnl, Burllnatoa, Pevarty.
Torre.dale. ami Taivny at H wl A. M. andl 10 P. M.
I.JM-..1 KK17.H ht.NeiKUlO.M 1KP0I
Will leave a follow
At 4 A. M., (ulKht) via and yew York,
Wahlnirl.n ami New lork Mail $tH
At Il ls A. M., via KinMufcliai and Jer.ey City 1-a-
free S'Sw
4-:xi P. M.,via Keauluktoa and Jersey .Clty'.F.x-
prefl tilt
Al l.'t.'i P. M , tla l.i'ioliil..n and J.raey City,
WmliiiiKton nnd New Vork P.aorrii I'M
Humley h.tei Irnve nt 4 A. M. and rl 11 P. M, Thera wH
be no line nt 4 A. M. (Slal.O on Vondl.
For Water llaii, Stroud. Inne, n,.r jnton. Wl'.ki-.harva,
Moutrr.he.Ornut liaiid, M.n-li t'iiunk, Alloutowu, l.etakv-1-etn.
lu lvtileii., Kust'.n, Lr.n.herlMl!... KleinlnKlon, Ac, at
l lh A. L Thin line ivTjnt;tlvi Itk Uio UiluluaeittgKMto4V
-T ..u ..uniikal ii an P. M.
Inr I.MnitHsrtvlIii. and intermrdteto station at 5 P. M.
For lirlnol, lii ntou, oic, at 7 L uud 11 la A. X., and I
For, Taronv, Wl.;nlantnlnit, BrtdisAblirf, aoel
hlankloril al ll A. 41., u, 0 4.., aiidtl V. M. The 9 A. M. LIB
rune 'o llrtMol.
I if 'Ki r New York andWayl.lnei Iravlmt Renirrurtnai
Iiejiot, take lite c ua on I Itih etrei-t, above le'alntit, half aa
Itour hetiire ileiarlnro. Thet'arirun In'othe Depot, an
on arrival of each train run lrotu tltn IkiimiC
Mlly pomnju ot t:i;n:...o only .illowcj paieieluar.
I'awsi ..,,ari, are pioliil. fo.l faKltor anvtMn,- nn baifs-aa
l.i.l their neHttnc Lppnri'l. All hHKL'ace over feftvpoumla
,,...,-,.,,,,,., .-.un. ,,,r (u.ny o,u ineir roNpoaal
b.liti lor buai'nh. t.i One IMIar per pound, and will no. aa
lul.ic fur uji auaiuui tityutid $liA, exoept by pt.oiai coav
"eham '. ".'-'' "re PvnT. will rail f.r ami deliver haw
-ate at the licpi.;. Ofuci. mho leu at o :l WALltlr
aun t. V-U. 11. laAUMr.U, Auouu .
rrom fo.d of roiirtliiu., tr,,.i u ll M. and 4 P. M., via
Je.c illy as it;e; aad la a. M.,tl P. il., an
Pi t Nkla) vln.leri.rj ttite und Ke.n.liiKlou.
rrnia f..l oi linn :av etreet, at li A. M. and 1 P. M .vkt
Amboy ami eauii ieii
rrom PUT No. 1 North Klvor. at U M., 4 and
ll ivlaht and Pu.- euiinerJ via A u,t,iy and Carndon.
A nil llie Btiitio.i ou U.e Cnm.lcn and Aruboy add eaa
Uoctinu ilniironilM.
Tl.e rnanlrn uml Ainiiov Itulirond urd Tranportatl'ai
Company ' Kre ilu 1 Inrs l,.r New I ork will leave Walaiut
Itr.-d wliaif. on un- alter January 0, dally (Muuday ea,
CepteC) al 4 o i'loi k P M.
in lui uing, tiio above Lint w ill leave New York at 1 easel
4 P M.
Pri jiht must be ilellvercHl before 8,'.P. M.'lo be for
war.ieil lbe .nine ilay.
Pielilit lor Tn-mon, rrinoi'ton, Kini,rilon, New Brunt
w irk , and .,11 i... tilth ou Un C' an.l AuiUay Kkllroad
also on tho Iteli hlere, l)e;awtui., ami I'luaiitu'tun, lite New
Ji T.ev, th. 1 reel. old and Jauii stairi.', an. I ttie HurNeKtoa
und M-aint hotly Kalhoiols, retelsta ami f.T-ardod up tai
I'.'.'a o'e-l.a k P. ft!, huiali parkU(,'e fur Mount lloliy recoiv4
U. to'i OVl.K'l P M.
T he ltelvMi-re l-i-lnevarp Itatlroad eonneeti at Pbinipa
bTn with Hi l.eb.kli Vullev llaiuaad. The New Joiaep
JI.iiItL.aJ eonui'i"a a Llia'.'.tti with the N.-w Jurany
I'euiral llmlroail, and at Kcwaerk with the Morru aai
Luiex lliiiln.ui).
A slip memorandum, ipectieini; the marki and nam
le.ri. .iapptra mIii! coiishaie. , Haul In itvuiy liislanoe ba
lent with i nrh IomiI i f .ods, or no receipt will be ulveu.
Inorcnsti li.el.l'l. a having b.en uiade for tlm traniortv
tion of l.l V. e l ol'K, ft .were are Invlli d to try 11. I root.
When tin. M. rk It. ruruube.llu iitiilitle of TWO CAN,
I. OA OH or mote, li will be 1, liver, d at the foot of Part talk, m ar li.e l.riisu YariH. or al Pier No- 1 North
Pivit, a. the ihl.. r may iteriknate at tlie time of Uia
litpmenu WALTi; It KIIKK.MAN, Krelkht Attent,
No ii.ifcl. 1.1'lawnre tivenue, PralaJaliiliia.
llt.l. II llAYMl'Mi. Prelllit Axent.
JaS tf Pier No 1 Nonh Hlver. Mew Yo.
lVlHKC 1' JN O R T II E 11 NIlTluIoAD
Jl Itol'IK!
li Pclla.teiphlu ami 1'ienton llallmail, llelvtdere, and
I'e-law aie Iteiliond. Iu lawaiv, Laukaanna, aud Wu.tera
liailroad, ai d rli' I'a'aeiHy.
onlv two ihat i'e, t.i'tni'en rhlladelihtn and RutTalo.
Ku .uauulttk In toe nlitht.
lt'7 atlLKn IIP UKOAI) QACr.P.t
Mapntni-erit 8li epiig t'a.h -u it e nl, l.l ei.d of llie routa.
tioinu Noiah. l.i-ai e I ln'a.'eipt.ta al 7' I-. A. M.. frian the
Ki aihtiiloli I'l'iad of the I'ltllaeelphta atid 'I ronton ItalU
rpnil ; ehnitki at M trunkal laink ta the Itr ai..iaiiHe care
ol the l'l-ii.w .,te, I ticl km at" a, uud Wet-lurn I'.AIlr.iaJ. and
at tiieui Ueud to ihb i'.rte llai.wui', arrliijiu at liuiialoat
t'.'i A M.
liotna hoitth. Take II.o F.rle Patlsvny F.ipresl frem
IlllllHlo At It1 .'.'. P. M.t rl.aliKe at On-lit iljml to the l.ela
I waie. laiei.iwutiiia,und A'.n-ni ltaiir..ail,un.ial ANuuaka
e'liiuik lo ir.e fte.s tdtre Oetawitrt! Itatlroad irala, woacA
g.a I ll Ton; h In PI iln'rtpha. arriving a. It 31 P. M.
I Piiso.. Tiers t..,.inrf (ti.rlli itlne at Delaware Million
t tin De.awarv, l.a.ktiwant.a ai .1 Western li'iO
'- P.M., aid have timo lor supper at Urea Iti'n.l, where
; lite la' cl;,l-'e is. tcaite at il'4n I. M. 'I'll.'se K'lnJ Would
' i akc I h.- llmt eliaiK nt I '.rent 11. nd. at li aa A. M , aud
ImvcliU'O 1. r bnnkiast beiole luKlmr Detasvaro, Lacka
! wanna an.l WetiriiHalliitl tioiui diuo ai Doiawaru a.
1 Trroihih Tlckele lo avd frnm n'lffato. PtinMrk, Rochet
' i-t, l liiiira. III. leu, ia"eia, ltlnltaro.K.n, elreat Hand,
Heranan, l l.l.eM.,iTe, I etawiiie Wrtl. r elap, Ac
Jaiulu liieeii Ph. I .lelphta and Uullalo, 11.
I Ask lor la-k, Is Hi. il- . .
I n i -i.u 12L,L01'ln-.A'on,
' TjIIU.AI'I'.I i'lUA AM) HALT lMe.i ith CKN.
i 1 Wiiaaiui, tn ta lij O.MOin SS'lliSleA
1 AllHA.Ni.l-Ml.- I.
On at a i.i-t 1 hliAY, Ap U 1, 1 -u-l.Lbe trains will le.v
as w :-
K K Hi SI l Alll. I Ifll "' "
s: ' . I. :.s.
AVest l.iove..,.
Cha. ,1 s ,'.;.it..
i- l.
r t.
, S id
, 7 .5
4 till
4 44
ii 11
. 7 i.i
..7 ..)
. 7 IJ
a .j iv.i i r ..tor.,
4 I t It . I.' Junction., a .iti
4-17 iVaioanl 1
4 II ChaJd'sPcld,... I' U
..! K.H n tt ll' Oi
6 1 un (at. I" Jl
Itatii l et i Inn H ii
s. in e-.r r.l .1"
Cnueer.t .'.'
w.e'..ii!ii. no.. H-iA
lii'lio'.ii.. a !' :-l
rt est e t e. i'r ;.t
Pasheii..r I'- p a in 1'
Pl..leeit h ji-t.l slstr."
ll.iiiriLlaa ha. i..Ln elian-td from
.re.n. In rHllti'Y-.Rsr anil
A1AI. a, r. r Mreel.
.At t'l.'tu leii.tna. Mark-it isirvwt
Paseni-'..t KseJlsnj CuJ ctiuicy I'ttjaciiacri w aliil faoa
tre Dep.... nuirl ao throne, without ehati.'e nf ca-,
Jul II EN U W -HO. Superintendent,
-lyjvti'l' J Kli.SliY R.ULKOAD LlNli3
11 New Arruiii'luelll. On md alter MONDAY,
Cetoher in. 1K.-4, liaius will leave from Walnut Direot
iter ai
ror cap May and and all places lotifh of Utllvlile al
For Millv'.lte, BrMi-oinii, Salem, nnl all ulaitei loulk of
W ooillany at tl A. M aud :l r.M
ror Wgu.ll.uiv, UlomesUr, o.c , al A. M., li M.,J an
Leave C .p. May aa ia- a A, M.
" Mtllvtlle at 7 A. M. ana 11 P. f.
" li,UvP.n at? I- A. M , i loP.M.
" KtiK iu ac I A. M.. and J P. M ,, , p ar
' W ooeibur, at i and ol AKK
mil4a.,Ov.l,lS04 (li-J levua-i-!-.