TTIK DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII. PIIIIjADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 18G4. TuiAUA 71 4I flr4 1 UTIUIIW lUl U w , A AH.r a.rnnticoo HT.wsrArr.ft. jmCE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. -, lM fimra fonTf re. Ortrw, or kienriui nT P.a r.r ir t oacn, .nd mailed le Rnb.c'Ibe'S fat as ORr wram TtoLi.Au it. annum i oa. iiu. Iph irrr 0va ' Tc etoNTiTB.Inveriably Is advene. a A MM srep. A.ertleeau biaawvd at the till rntae, A Utaaral tnmiwnl saaa. mr ninM Inaer'loni. Tm Corrrpow.tii. fro aw of A non minus Communlcatloni. Jphatr I Wler-rtiHl far le-arti ai m'i.f be nulh.'n'l.aleit patheea-e and a.f1t-ea of th. writer not n-fc.aarilj tir ...altrattan, Mil ft a punt-Ant fnr hi. v..-! faith. We tanae .ndemke tm Petora rejected Corumunlcallofta. T ArtrrTtteioira. fWrviff ATt rm-ra tn the f'lrmlatlon wf Til. fjraNnv. Ti.BArn, nompeJHna tin in . to prr at an aertr f.r, w. ifcnt1; rt-oiioat that advent, eat ut ntiy handed la a aoe-n aa 10 o'rinik, If ..-ealhle, to .1 cure mmm tm kumUM Hi au or oar editions SATURDAY, OCTOBK11 22, mi. LOOK A FT KIT, Till'. NSM.nif'.ns. The Democratic majority on the home vow hi th) State Is ciphered ui to SIX vote. There were over rixtccn thotmantl t'ulou mnn Id the Slate entitled to vote who lid not go to Uie poll on the 11th Instant. So the elec tion Wf Dt by default on th-it day. The Stain m "let-ton the home vote," sy the New Tork Tribvne, "throuch too tnucli confldi-neo f ihcccm." It may be loot to us la Xovoin oer in Uie me way if we do rot gn to work In earnet, and endeavor to pcrsuiidu every D&n to do hi duty. Nearly twenty-five thou uid Union eoldlera from our State have tailed to exerclao the right of suffrage beeauo of tie remissness of their friends at tho North In 'ailing to send them tho necessary papers, poll-books, tickets, and regulations. The Democrats are making; the most desperate effort to carry Pennsylvania in November. Of course they cannot do this, but they may run the vote close" again, and this is discre ditable to our party to the Union. By a little extra exertion and watchfulness, aided by Grant, Siikrmax, and Suehidan, we nay carry the State by at least forty thousand majority ; and If the soldiers' vote is thor oughly polled, we can do better than this. VNPKRATION or T1IK Nal Tll-IOtO- roier.D coMsCKiiriosr or n laves. Tbe Southerners have said more than once, Ince the war began, that they would, In a certain contingency, set tbelr slaves free. They did not distinctly state the contingency upon the happening of which they would adopt the policy of emancipation. But it was evi dent enough to any Intelligent mind that tho only condition on which the institution of lavery In tbe South would be formally and deliberately abolished was that of securing Uie success of the' Rebellion, in the event of the failure of every and all other means. That the South would evor willingly part with the "Institution" while it was possible to are it short of sacriQcing tho South It-iolf, no nan of common-nense supposed. But strong M always has been the attachment of the Southern slaveholders to slavery, their repug nance to being conquered In this war for their Independence of tbe National Government is Oven stronger. Certain Southern papers have repeatedly declared, within the last two yciM, that rather than be overcome by the armies of the North, and reduced by force of arms to return under the jurisdiction of a Government gainst which they revolted, and of which they have freely avowed their bate, the so called Confederate Government would pro claim the emancipation of the negroes. , When, therefore, tho Southern press and Statesmen begin to adopt measures witli a vie w to enlist the slaves lu the Southern army, on the condition of their manumission, it may be afoly Inferred that the Rebellion has reached that lost desperate extremity which alone Could compel the people of tho South to give p the very Interest to save which they com menced the Insurrection. They havo made tip their minds that whatever may be the result of the Presidential election in tho loyal States, the war is to go on to the end of either their (ubjugation or independence ; and taking thit portentous view of the situation, they Bee that they must prepare to meet the Usua fcy drawing on nil the reserved resources yet remaining to them. It must go hard with the proud and impe rious lords of thousands of broad acres, tilled by their predial serls, to give up that cherished COrner-etone and attribute of aristocratic Society; but tho sacrifice, it seums, must bo made under the severe pressure of the war, fend the fact that the proposition to abaudou t h now being seriously discussed and recom mended in too loading Southern journals, is fta Incontrovertible proof that the Rebellion Is poshed to its extremest necessity. The Richmond Enquirer of the lSthl'inst., In a long and earnest editorial, openly advo cate the conscription for military service of a large proportion of the slaves In tho South, nnd says that it learns that "the planters in " Uie extreme Southern States favor the proposition, while some have signified their M readiness to free five, ten, or Ql'tceu of their " slaves U they will enter the army." In urging the measure tho Enquirer uses the following language : Tbe uault ut ttie late election Is still lu doubt, " and whether Lincoln or M (.'Lti.i.AN will bts "elected it is ytt impossible to ttcieruiine; tun "there is no uncertainty a to the qnen'l m of " carry to if ou the war. v netucr I.inl-oi.n or " MiOlilla be. Itiu next l'rcsitlout, tiie voice, " and the almost ununluions voire, of tliut pi'op!e ' is for a vieroii". pio.-e. uiion of the war. flic " duty of irt punuK to mei t that issuu will 0. before tlic approaching i-esiou of tiie l'on!eilu- rate C'ui'gie-; that body will h.tve liel'oru it, " fi r cousiuiiHtion, tui wiy uud means as well ot mcu an of money, tor carry lug on (lie war ou our pari. "The war cry of :he enemy, 'no par!i ri!h ttiKlion tn theJirUi no coinptdmis with Anvrv the riadnutntenl," fully inform our peoplu " that, in plain vernacular, the whiten of Unite " feiatci) are t lie i.iiljuiiicd to s'uvery.und (boir "slaves reuueeU to the nil.-eru'ile o imhtioii of " Yankee tree mgroea. This is ttie view of thu " people among our t'ni iiiies.uiiti this will b 111 J result of the war, whether settled by Lincoln " or McClkllan, if the people of iticse time " permit themselves to be conquered. " The conscription of negroes should be accotn " panicd with freedom and the privilege ot re " uiaining in the Suites. This in no part of a'loll " tiouiani, it is the exercise by the mister of the " nnquestloniible right of manumission ; it I ru " muuerating tlioe who defend our causu with " the privilege of freedom. N'or should tuis im portant subject be prejudiced with quesUom " about putting the negro oa aa equality with our " friends, brothers, and fathers. Many of tho sol " dlers in (heir childhood were fondled and nursed " by faithful negro nurses, and yet no queotion " of tijualny was ever raised. Many a nmn hai "manumitted slaves without ever beim; sol " jected to the suspicion of being an abolitionist. " Tbe Usues involved in this war are too e. M ailed in tlieir importance and charucter for us "to permit them to be compromised by being " degraded to a que.-tiou of property. Tho ((ultjand freedom of ourselves and of our children, the nationality of our country, the V enjoying any kind of property, the ii r!fUkf OTer our heads, and tho very graves of ibLf b,ulrn n(1 friends, are Involved iu tho ' and i iu "llur makes slaves of all, white ors who i?m ' lIul, "moi'f? our conquer- "monfV ii.u ud erouni ' ? making we use that property P'oierty-5hl Justice and sound polieTa'mau4, "oa.Cttu,i ? - freemen of those who figut CJS TL1 Is pretty plain talk, and nothing hut the direst exigency could have drawn It forth in from one of tbe bitterest and tout tonarlmii orpnns of tho lUI-elllroi In the whole Mouth. Whether tho policy suggested will boadnptej or net, tho bare advocacy of It by tlio let Jin j Journal of tho Robcl Government at Kicli-n-ond pocs far to anuul all the violent il'imn rlatlous iilU-red In the South ngalmt the aetlon of the National Administration in employing negroes In the army ; wlillo t!ie nrKiimont of tho liichioond pnper that fnv dom should bo given to tho colored sjlJIor who cnllxts to fight for Southern dciice, fully warrants that proelnination of rresidf.nt Lincoln which promises lln.irty to the whole colored population In this co in- try, on the conJltlon th it neroei sliuld aid tho Government In cruablni out th? llebellion. some tiiixjs which wk n r.ui.:rr. It Is Important that our inerchvits ai 1 niaiif wturcrs should think more of the vahn to their interest of making themselves aid their city moro familiarly and more wld ly known throughout tho Union. Oaa in nns of accomplN'ing this object Is fdr tho hoalsor lending ineinlH-rs ol our buslnens h jinei to travel more in other Slate. This Is a highly necessary duty, In its relation to the tr.i lo of the city. Our citizens who have business roa ncctions In tho various Stales, and who d.i.-dro to extend tliem, could not nilopt a mrtro oITjc tnul mode of both spreading Intelligence of their ci'.y and multiplying tho number of their customers, (ban by making once or twice year excursions into the interior, and min gling freely nnd sociably with tho peoplo. The ltostonlnns and the Now Yorkers aro especially shrewd in this mutter, and they have reaped the advantage of their sajicity In the wide and profitable extension ot their commercial relations. But there Is another means which tho mer chants of Boston and Now York have used with signal success in spreading tlieir trado connections. They have built up, supported, and contributed largely to circulate, i'xc be yond their own borders, a commercial press. It is constantly remarked that a i'liil vielphli newspaper is rarely to be seen In tho towns of distant Males, while those of Boiloii and New York are distributed and read In all sections of tho country. It Is a fact worthy of serious consideration, that the vast foreign public, which derives its chief knowledr-j of the great commercial centres of the Union through thuir commercial press, do not pos sess that medium ot learning and appreciating the condition and character of Philadelphia. Those of our journals which m-st faith fully represent the trade, the industry, and the general Interests and sentiin.'uLs of the city, should not only bo widely circulated throughout the Slates, but our merchants bhould so employ their advertising columns as to render them completely reflective of tho metropolitan spirit, magnitude, wealth, and activity of the place. By this sort of policy they could be made tho best and mast Impres sive representatives of our projparlty, enter prise, and resources. Newspapers may bo considered as mirrors, In wh'ch the fe iturc3 of a society are broadly and strongly displayed. Strangers at a distance may discern in them the varied activities and pursuits of a commu nity, its multifarious proclivities and concerns, its distinctions of classes and callings, its intel lectual and moral temper and cultivation, the physical and social communications w.iieli connect it with tho outward world, the finan cial wealth that moves tha vast machinery of its labor, enterprise, and commerce, tho extent ) of its population and territory, tho number I and nature of its internal ltnprovomints, tho 1 multiplicity of its shipping, the ports with which it is in established inKveo jrso, the commodities that reach it fro:n transno iriuo chores, tho supplies that are poured into L from domestic sources, aud, iu sh irt, all Hut constitutes or exhibits tha civilization, tlirut, mid capabilities of tha emporium. It is with this view of the utility of tho naws- papcr that the merchants, bankers, m laults- turers, mechanics, professional m 'n, and tradesmen of all sorts, in Boston and New Yoik, employ tho pages of their local journals to express to millions of people thousand! of miles off what their store signs, and the goods exposed at their shop windows and oa tluir shelves and counters, expi ess to the population immediately around them. Thus they spread a knowledge of their individual busiuess char acter ; they convey an Idea of the aggregate commercial resources of their city ; and they attract custom from till quarters to which they extend the Cime of their market. The money i expended in newspaper advertising, aud in extending the circulation of their local news- I paper press, is well uud salely invested. It is repaid ultimately with an enormous interest. ' It performs tho double service of benefiting I the business men individually, nnd of pro- I looting the fortunes of tbe community in which they dwell. This matter is, as we have said, deseiviug of serious aud immediate attention. OI It llXAM l.S IX I t ROPE. The Coteri meiita of hurope aro sti . win; un wonted interest in our national tin nice and revtiine policy, applying dire tly by tueir ollieial ftinctiormrin to ours for tlio fullest lafortnition that can lie obtained. Koine inoutiis since Michel Chevalier, a member of the 1'runelt Kuiperor's Council, Seni.tor-ueijoilaior of Iho I,uu Anlo t'reneh treaty of commerce, and a well-known uutlor on political economy, lu'.cndiag a niojiil cation of the Frtnch tiaiikiug pyteiu, a-ked aad tibtaiui'd from t-ecretiiry Cliae all his reports, Willi the laws ai.d Hie progress of our new uat.oual Iiubkins ayat iii,tt well a-i the hen Lxiiiiiit whieh ti c oli cial puMiei'ioua atfdd of oui'.Sidt-.- haaks, li.tiimi'irK a dtc-ded Ictning ttie i-y-i-.'iii introiltiiid by Mr. I'liau-. Jlotu recently the i.ew King of W'urtcmh-irg and ti e Itoyal D ink ot Stii:t-ard have atked of the Tit'hMiiy Dejianriuiit a atoteinunt ot tiie lutional and of the ii vera! loyiil Slata (lel)ls; uud within a few days Kail Ujin;, IlritisU Miu iatu ef Fuieiu AlUirs, applies toourtitieretary of State for detailed information with renpeet to our (.yatem of taxation, Nation il, St itc, aud Muulc't pal; diHtinipiibhiiig in eaeh ease tlio direct, indi ric', nnd miscellaneous, and all tho tlaasos of Mitij t ts upon which they aro levied, with tho and regulations of thij branch of our;iil a ft. iu, for the purport.; of reporting it for tiiu 11 e 1 1 li- own f Jovt rnmt nt. The eal for aiithentic iiiiorinntlon f.-o-n rniiiee and Germnny wo uudor-dami to hivo bi en alreuily unaweied. Tht- Ht.ite Department will As boon ua j.oai-ililo rcoiid to Karl iL-is-.-ll, nnd it may be expected that the authoritative publicity which will be ( ft our atfair., do r vtd iruui tl.etie doeiimcnta, will iu far to put na and our allairs riKhtly and truly before thu petip'e of Hmojie. It would he exceedingly dj airable to have a almilar expo-te of the revunuei. delitH, and resources ot the itebel tst itea and of the Confederacy, junt to eomji.ire their peouuiiiry with their political independence. They are, probably, on a par juat now, and equally ready for tootiuK up. The hint we heard of the Confederate debt, from a "reliable gentleman," was their ticcrotarv Meuiminger' report to the Kebel Contrast, la wbirh he put the total for the lut of July lust, exclusive of foreign louna and of lumping ( s'Jeai that an additional hundred million of Treasury notei had bet-u iin d ' nincc the date of thu above behctiiilu"), at fourteeu hundred aud twent -vevt-ii millions four liiii,(ii'ed and forty eiaht ihouniud aeven bundled aud acventy-eight dollars. How much it has jrown since, with all amy suppli at thirty times their gold prices, there are no means uf guetnug und no p irticular Uiteiett in kuowiiiij. i "TIIK KI'MF.KA Oil. '4W ! V or WK1T VIIUJIMI . Capital, $1,000,000, divided Into 100,010 shares at $:0 aor ahara. MabanrlaUnn f.rU, tl'-'4 per ahr 1 bla Cvtnoaar oaa a'rtiaal ihamd.l taiuihln latij an4 taast in tha Kantwb VaOy, al'ua'n on Mtraa N'anfc an1 Campboiea Nun brat che. of Hull arrck. an! wMti'a fir IIf or lha 0'ilorli-rr. On ll"m? Kfwtli Ihn rompAt.T nitti on M, whlh la nnw rnni4tf: la tnly -llirce hnrTlH (rf til. icr ii iy. Tint trull If only tlo-0 ht"i,irnl airt tn fitly-ne rn fa.-t dctp, Thn Hti.rl,.lot 1. lit t now .rt--ai lrif tn t,i t r to tlin iop b ,t thi' t ile i t i' I fc'trrtm'-tlltiif nit, triil. t arr irntlii rroia otir Lm.tlrril u i hp I tlti'tirw) Mti'l Mxlt iiA'rtvt nf tel a-r df . Ii it v.t a to ta-l- wf car ii-rtj-u-a a Into aw.ttitit. IP lh NtitClli', w ill al ll.t.k't Nt--k, linir I, irnl Iff hitittltftl ar.1 alM.Ii . p ! ' t, wltn p'i.hi i,nrlr tp-l ,t oil In IIip W'-ll Tltr land on a Ii t h lilt wnl I,, , oa a ponlu.l It-ap. 7 hp lln'l t'ri-fk II-.iii.i civ nn a ana tltltd Itilfriat, ' C"n,.i. b tvp llintiil inrftr I wit tltir la. At rami lu'll. run. tlif tiiiiiidki.j o.n In leo a tra!: of llilr'y-tlirto air ., r,t kI.i, re I by i; ant tn.'tli aiMineot. tiie biat nil tpirlMii? In tie S; ito Tn ifn-,1 Ttu k nail, linn ln, llro lnonl rd lia .!,, alulnt tit : a prnp'Tly. Hook oratitipprintHin arv rew .rf,n at the Compar.y'a Olln. konir. Xn Jit. Met. htn a Kpliit,a. A unJted numliar of iharr., nnlv will lie nold. 4'1'IN J. KlIOMtilt, Intatarar. Krtan Ilia 'rillalmrn Dally I'oit" of Sonbnnkor , LS'il. Mttn. HiniKK Iha 'Win" Iihk lnt'll .tt.-.r y: Wt It-art ir aa a ,t mifnian rna a rirni y.'ttrd tr fmn 'It aaiti emttii p ih a i on .m ni iba 11 iri.-n oi tj'tm -a ty atttn k a v. . Ii no llntn- N- rk . In ihal o ut . I, vill a IbiMi.ati'l bpitol til nil nr aty r ar t. aPi'tt face me til m Ida pn'i ift In t' 1. vicinity, and tlta iin laver U irvval'itiK to a lenrlul CAtnnt." arrlwl IIAnTI.I.Y-WA!,TON.-On lha JOth In.tmt liy tha Ilnr. A. I nriHTi w, Mr. JHHKI'11 IIAIlll.l.r in ailri.l lA A. V AL10.N , bolli ol tnlA eit, lUo.awara IntlTia iilfiiAP enpy.j IIII.ICIIAI'I.n -On luaa.tar, nrtnbar lsih t, Ika l:,. Dr II. A loHrdmun. wll.i.iA.M II 1 1. 1. ail.lVK I li t M. i HAl'I.N,t.auliterol hit. Wlllla.n C.iaj.a. all 01 till-- eltjr. lliiil)-fAKI.Il.r..-On tha 19th Initant. at tha f'liuri Ii nl ibo Ailvrnt ly fno lti-r. .lolin W. Claxttia, Wil 1,1AM . IKliill tn MALKIK a CA.lLtLt, lulb it l bilHilf-iilila. No card. M'l.l' ri'iKWAHr t Lackawanna. Turanr, Ort. 4il A. I. ISM. by tha liar. K r-rliton, 1). I). (IK I II. h I l.l- It). t. V llkiamirro. to MAKi 1., rllo.ll daugh ter ol A'r. J. tin Hlt-taarl, til t!-r inrtnnr plaua. MAtiAIKIK--IIIIM1WA V.-On Kllllt tUy Tolllns, Trntl. mi-lilh, '-(nh ISt.4 al Ilia rr-tliipnra ol tha brnlpT4 fnthpr, hy Krlenn'e rt-rt monr. In the prracnen oi Mar r IMirr. I.I)hAltl M AIIAKi.l'. tu SWtVII IV. IIIOU W A V UaURliler ol 1 l.mnai Uliiovay. all ol thin oity. HI KM K I.Ol Ullltll.llK. On t laDthlii.t inl, at tha rrt".iy;rrian ( h.tri'ti, lnn o-l Iralanil by lint lt-ir. W n. Mai I.I, Itatisti-il by Ilia liov. II. Manna, KOIIKItr hl'LNi K. M. It. nl Ibo 1 rnty thlnl itt-nnnl Itnaii'ry, tn ANNA HIM'I.AlK tliimlilir ol tha lalo Kar. Win. Lnui'hrltlro, ul rnllalnliliia. Wll.stiN - At ,-l I.N. ;t;tnbar JiUh. by Rit. f ha-loa II 111 ,r. JOHN HII.H N In Mlan ANMK K. AtnTIN, both ol Nowat k, (tVllniliiKtnu papnrl p 0iuncOty.) I.K( I1TI.I, - On Ilia 4tli inaia it, at kbiltm mil, Vt, lii Iho 4 tl yi ut nt lil, ao, J At. Oil II. 1.1. 1. 11TL, lo.nnorly 01 l'lilln icljitiln, l'a. ..tJ. roori'.lt. On tho monilncol Tnnrnrlay, Octnhor J ith. OHl! A It VAN TAm.sK.I. tmlvao'tnl W llliam P. and l.,Ua-Ik-'Ii II. ai.n r, In t lit- ltth vmtr til his a;o. 'I hp rt'lu-ivr-n and irif Hint or tha fttinil art InvitoJ to attt-ntl the linit-rnl, I mm Hie rril:etn-p ul bin n:ir -ntn. No. .In N. 'I wcnil'-ih aircot nil Sunday nlto-n inn, at 1 oYlnck. To pr- ci t tl to t'oitar lllll ( rint'tcry, r'rank orj, KLtNAIl vN. At Cniinlrn. X. .1. on .;nln Ihi 1' 111 Inntunl .K. I I'll I). KLANAIiAN, only noa of Itn.iert 1.. ami parali 11. I'lauutaQ, .'u Ibo l Ah year ol his I''. lfa n-tallvoa ant frlntidn nro nnppctfutr inrltoil 10 at tt'inl his tlnorai, iloin tint ra-tlon-'a ul bin lalh-T, N. W. corner nl m.-c-nil uti.l -tntp -t-optn. ou iin la ait.-rno in, at I o'c or.. Kinifral lu Dmraail to KI.iuzor CUarcb Ct lut-tt-rr ClirlstiMil nil-try Tlnril Ill VL on II. i iM-nlnBol urn .lai ,lu tliso,h aar ofl or nst . H . A MN IIK1 1.. 1 1n-n allvt-s ami Ir eml.H ..f the rttu-ly aro riMpoelfully Int itctl t at t-n.i ln-r liino-a ,lnui tlm ri'-l.l.-nca uf liar m, Mi- tv. IU 'I, No ';.'" Wtd sl;ei',on Muudiy artcrutan, iMtb irat ,nt i l. t i. JACK. -At Wiluilnplon, Pol., Octnhor, lith. 'sal, of tl-nle. pueutin-bla A 1'Kl- W J At'K. In the Mill yrar oi lila hup. Ttir tt-liilivf-n and frlenda ol tha fiirnlly nro Invited to attt-iid ilu tunirHl.frnin bin Int.-rrnt.icn'-r. No. 6 .IMarict stru t. tMltmuiilon, licl., tltl.n day. October lii, at It o'clntk A. M. hKI.M. nti the 21-t lnt ant, MILTON rLV.tT, Infant (ton ol William and il.irrle t Kolut, aited 1 yoar aud 28 dt.ya. 'I bp relallvoa ard Irlonfla r.f the fnmilr are remactfally In-llc.I toult-n.i the luneral, trout tin. real lenca ol lilt pareiila. .No. l'lno atrpttl, pin Mh t'nnb'ti N. .1. on Hum)") atternunn. tit 'J o'clock , withont lurtbor uotica. tl'.rll more i ni-cra please eo-y. I.H.Alt On the mnrninenl the Slat Inatant, (ICS 't AVI Hit. 1KLAH, llttttery 11 -oeond l'enntylvan:a lit ary Arilln.r, auu oi Ciintaia Hour l.ciar. lu too U.h ytt.r et I I- it, e. iv.r trit nd- m the larrlly and thomfn'b-rt ol hla Com- finnv In lh- city, ure Invite I to atlen.l the l.tu -ra , Ir na ii- ii:tl'er'e n sbu ik-p, No 4-17 Ltnnli-'-rd trcol.ou M-inday attcnioon at 'I o'clock, w tboui mrtho n dlo. le( A r ri:l.V.--n lite ith Inntant. CKU LI A ftlct-'AKl-'l l.V in the S4tb year nl In r n.e. 'Ih - toiat vt-a and Iriendn nl the -a. .tlv aro rna f tilr Int itrd to atten i tha lunprnl, trnni hor late rattd-nca, Nu. 1410 S. F'-t nt atrcct, ,t:.ove Matter, oa ajnia ittor nut n, nt S o'clock. S.UHTI A.-On thearth lost lit. M AIlQAnET, d.vnrh tcru. l;rldiot aud tne lute ino uas M artba, aed 3 t-ar4. i i.n rittiviA and ul t iu la.nllv .re r nD-.tcttaliy lmltid in attend the fuiinval, Irn.u tho rral.V'nort of h-ir, 1 v.piity-li atrrat licluw Tlno. on Hunday I out nit-un nl 1 o'clock will-oat furiher notice. Inlor- u enl In I ell.edral Cemetery. ' NTltA'l TON. On the SUlh tnftanl, Mra. ELIZABETH filllAiToN in ttio U'.lh y.-ul ol l.rr uire. i Her rclnlivt-a and Iricmls. and thnno ot tho family, are rri-rM cttui.y ilivin d tn attend the Mineral .ru n br lata ft- litcm-e, rra-- of Nn. It.3 Vnnhorn aire t, on -nnday, tho u! Innihi:t, nl 1 o'clock, v-lttiGiit lurtticr noti e. 1 (-MITII--OH tic l-.'tli Instant, of o.iniin received nt : t' a buttle liM.r Wim heairr Va., I'.M'L A. N.VITII, Col .r llcarerof fuininn A, One miiid-vd-stid-thlrly-'Itih'.h ! lutill-it-nl I'. nn. Ivania Vol'.lnltiorn In Iho yid year of ! bin I lie, rlcejil inn nl l.pnrue M. and ie Hmt li. TM-rel t .v. a and Irli n t- ot tiie lamlly, ami ui.nn'iern Of ; lila recline ten t.ulv, ar- re-iiecllully .nviied to attend I tlip l.ine-'i , lioni ihc rca (lencc of hla pare-ila. IH-Ksla i i Ir ol, l.rldi -I'l'Oi t Mnllliit in. ry county, on Huuday af ternuoii tni-'l it I: ati.iiL at 1 o'clock. 1 IT ol Vaa wntnnlcil, tin the llthd ly ot Aumunt, nl tin- bntnc oi Dieo I t.tioiu. Vu .and n et on t io lith tli-y ot the rane ninnth , lit Konrena ftlonmo. Va., Mer- a..t .HlfV.i II M. h'I'dl Klvlt. Ol Co.inianv M. Thlr tt milt IMitiavivaiiia Vrtt-ran CiivMl-'y, while nobly dn ltn.::nj: II l-lli a ol Ins cuuntn , III the 3)ih T'arnf bu) a a, ll o I t-loicil ai n oi .Inlin iiml WarKMn.t Htoikor. VA i.-ON.-Oa the 1'JtU Instant, JAMKs W TSOS, Beil 7" VP rft. 'll.c nilallvot nnd friend of the family! alno till m-rn-l-t-rrf oi Kuxl orni-ii b l.n.fto N'o. 1;,A. Y. -M-.oi Min.iy-ln-.k. an, the irfi (--nllv In itneral a-o rtiectfull ia vlt d to atiai 6 H o lunt-r.-il, irnm Ida late ro-tl Ion o. No. live 1 i-rtrn -titi-t Una dny, atH o'clock, lutoruieut at 1 btladolpbla I euictery. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. a. MOH AVIaN ClUI'tL, SIXTH AND U - C.IU Kl Avcptif, IU-v H, S ((.M-FvlW. r n'lT'i-w, 7- p. M Huit-ct. Moi!eri,io lirn. utr: I i R-'. n b and Ti nUnc s ftc M-' Trnn os thh ino of joiiha. ut iy ri,U.I-.n V .MI'r.KI.I.. at Hl'Hl Nil 41 A It il H It ' I.I, . V.) This Kvouiiig. t1 .--v. I A' t'.HJK SiUKKT M. K fllURC I Pm iK to niorr .w nt 1 a A. M. by Kor. Dr. ( an i at 7 k'. M. by lite l'mto-. t ftiX" WAONKR FltKK Ns7.TnTi: OKKriV.StTR, j Hh KS I'H HWft, above Col urn -laavome! I mine Fcrvlii: i-vcry Hinday mtinnntf nl H o'clo k. I fvv, ;vi.,sn.i;N ii:iiiytk!: n church, ! Mr. W.I.IJS at hH .. A(. and 7 I. M HPltINO O.MtDKN Ilil.L.-Mlt. JtMKHIK l.llH V III 1. V. Itri-nnli t. ,-r.i.v mm nv bl'KINIi tl AKHKN and Till ltrr.KM',1 .-Oroeti. Till. III-. V.t. HO. W. (i'Oll.riV WILL 1'ltKACU III lilt-.-oronri t uii. ri'cntio.iitl t liur.-i,. Vl.illl'l, - nii M ni rirtt ta. ou Mibuath, ut iu, A. jl. an-1 lai vu,. ST. I'l.K.MK.ST'S OIli'UeTlT TWhNTIlH'll i ami fill Hi: Y xir-nta. -To-morrow bol.iir tht ' It urlh Hun-biy ol Ilia leonlli t'ia a t-r io.iu aarviee will I be liniillt tl acrvl-.-a at m o'rlocrt. r v. II1.1H.INU MSTI KN I II ANI COATIi-l.-Iti-v. A. lASSllir. ti.-iiiurrow , 0K i Itov Mr. AM1-.S. tl ( lir.e.ti,tit Coiumldlon, ut I t. Duulul lu-iotlus tu-ni,ht ut IS. CI trONllRKO TIHN U. f'llttRr-, Iti'V. W. I. IlLillUM.rO:. . 11. II . ..I Ur..,,kl,n v ill i-r. ncii iii l.osi l.ttt' II LL, to-lawi-rotrat l-)" A.' Al- mill 1VJ I'. M. Menu tree In all. . I Mll.N Al. t . CillK. II. lot tir.l SlItKKT. b. l", Areh dcS-oer 2:L - llev. I'll A Itl.t-w .1 1.1 r. ! joii.N ALI.fcs m tiiat-vanlak nt is uv'i..'" ' " (.()I'KI.. 1A I IS TIIK liiltl-KI. Or" Chrli-t. titl;l whut do Mluiaiara ttr -mi-Ii uii.n fi...w irt'iii;h Ilia l.tiajii 1 01 t'tirHt." It. v.JliltN I'UA M 1II.U.-4 t.ti thla auhit-ft to--.-t.irrow at JS 1. M. C'liureh. ItUOAll an. i &AN.-.OM Htreoti. VAtlNKH fltl'.K-INS'i'ITI TK OK St'lKSCiK. (l.t .M 111 A Avonuo jiiU MiVKNTI- K.I 111 .St. I'rt:-i-l,l iir t(i-;i.t.rr.r.v HlliTIluuu, ut :li o'ciu'-k by linv. .iamhh V. MiM'lllvLL. All cordially luvltuJ. bulitiutb r-elioul al 'i o'elork. ItKV. A. A. WILLI IS, I), 11., Or IIUUHKLV.V, Nt-w Turk, ttlll iiri-,.. l. I.i iti l.'ip.i I liunh t hutih corut-r i;t I'.ntii umi M-itlN-j tlAK JiKS Mrn- a, tu-uiurrow at lui o'clock A il and 7i o ih ek I'. M. f ;?- i.i t n in: us "tuk mi.-mus and tat- "' rat'lt-rol W oman." by U.'v. Itll ll Mill nkw 1'iN, II. Il , at ( alvary Uantiat t'liiin'li IT K 1 It str.-ct. It'll. far, j. tn.-r. 't niK.ldv. Oct. 33 ul tiv'cloek, I', il. eta nt ttie tt.tor. '1 l.'aota .. ,- fa m A l ius oi- c i.ii'sr. Trt'LN f i: i n i-riinil oi -i-rifn,. I) T. li MllM'K IMS SuM.ifi rno.'ii, ii'i o'cIuck. Mt KLI.V i-. ill ami Wutiti, ulj,r(.t,'ou of t'i .Icw.." At A. M ., It. riiKMlL. Wubjuct, "I'liuWiso SVo.miu.'' All Invito., ft-''.. r- ItltOAH HlUHCl' M. K. ClirkL'll Mitw;u ' of hl(iAI and Clllt ISTI AN 8tr iVi-: uiuj t-nu rrow nt Ms by Ittv. ti. A. .-Hit V tM'K ; J, He:-. 1 .M 1 1 A N A , an Lum'rliMit; m(!.'tlu 3 H r. Al. Iuti-rtHiiiiK exhibition mil Wedueidwy utuhU IH u cl uk. 'l".., -Ys T A L L A T I U N OK ItKV. Kll WAKD - - II ill KH aa Taaiur t.l the tVntral I 'uiir-valli.ia t hiin:h, will tunc place at t'OM'KKT II ALL, un 1 iomI iv rveiiini', Ort. iolli, at TH o'clntk. K.rui. n tiv Kn . tl Kl'IK, II. D.,ot ll.iaton. Htv. Dia. lIUKf.KLINii 'ItlN and TOUH, ul Lroohlvu, will take part lu the I'HII.AM.LI'HIA THAI ' 1 AMI MIS4liitJ 'I iifi alxiv-uiktli tnnfiiit In ..c tliln Hocleiy will l Leid lu the Tuburuaolo lU'tlt J huuh, ( ilhwNC'r. uuar i-.lKhiecn'h nvrcct. oil Hah 1".".' "V-i.liK. -;t liwi.. at 7W oVlock. Itov. 1). K. 1I , U. I,, ltev. J. W. .MKAK. Kev. W. l. COB M I L, L L. and Uct. II. IH'HN. will tuk e part 111 mm jurci.un, t ylJe tlon Hill be laAen up to aid thu Borlt'iy. r IV;" VOUNU MKN'S CUKI.sriAN AS60- elatk.n. TUereKMiiarMoiitiily Wee'ingofthe A Rociat:. n wil le hid lo th'r room on AtONU VIT 1101. h wt.oi yt, t 7Si f. M , to wiikh ldi are rftiDBotr uUy1 ln 1:1 d. ir. v. cr,. I m. win UiOfWr All Kkf Oil 1 ( II 1 LtCrstilty. WllUOn IDf U ai-iiAkl w ho c 1 due l bualDCka In atcwdauea with u taaiidtus of the liibla aiiuire wvalth a uwciftidr, Au C inal, aa those who 6Mrrd iUia ta,chin.ij The rlf U o ol oitt ern o lurve for ti e nvt year will tuke p' Tfiwra wilboTUCVl Auaimifuu,ut4 wuvl i by au IllCltUt UiiUs 10 all ..t J ATliHT MlVi:iiTV. "CONTINENTAL HAT," itiu LADIl'H AM) II-HI:H. WOOD & CARY, No. 75 OHl'-SNUT KTKKKT. r.B.-OIS Vahet DonnaH made or or. Felt 11 at and Bonncta re.basd. WOOD & OAKY. asp Mo. 73 CBKSNUI BTIIV ET. fiOITlNOH AM ANI SWISS I i AGIOS, New NlylMt. WIN1X)W SITADES,: No. 7 a a NEW HTVI.Kf), TCELTT hbw ooloksi oAERmaros oo. AT Ttia MAlMIKACTUltER. I CURSHUT STRKKT. No. 7'43 riANO COVKRS, I AnCESP STOCK IW TIIK OITT, AT LOW PRICES. C1IKSNUT rTltKKT. fll COUJEtTliET & WILLITW. "TNo.. 1 4 and 10 S. HEVENTII Btrout, rillLMlKI.l'HIA. Manuraettireit or BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE FUHNITUHK, And the only r liable made In thai city. Alao, llnfnc-loom Fnynllure and ltoddtnit, comitaiitlf on band. O-lD-uuln-ira BUSINESS ITEMS. ftHrfrnltiM In ( lotliluff. I.nrfc'fcing in lothlnc. lUrnli'B In Cloihihff. iSMtga iu ciui lag. At ( tKAN VI M.K STOKK' Old StftU t. At (lltANVII.LK Htdkkh' O li Hi nnd. Ai UitANVlLLH liTUKItS' 0.U tilAUtl. No. f-Ort f hrniiut f-trcet. No, rtie-iiut atr-f t. o i'J i) i he n 11 irpi I. Mo. CO!) Cr.cMiut Hiruot. J4I'N MAllKKT. j Mrs- J NKr' .IONI-K jr.M'.s- .1 K I- fi 4 loihlnic IS. for. NavouUi aud cnnifT Bovc'ith o-n-ei Hfv.tnih c- n r evi!.li corner NuvoU'tl coriM-r H" KTih rorinT scvitn'tj coi f er Hf umli oritur St'Vfiitli c rtuT .StjVHii h rortrrr H.-vtsn'h ror-n-r Sovcutli Coriitfr St v-n h And Urkf. and .inrKi't. tKl Maik-'t. ami Mirkttt. and Ma kt-t. Mini VrMrktt. ft lit VlMlkOt. toil litr tui l Firk-it. and arkt. !Othli K H. I lllll it. H f lot "liif. 8. (')'.t' lfikt, I' luff. H ( lotMI'K H I' lliirf, H. Ciol.HIlL', i J'NKK' l.N' I U Ih'i K (' iihti'K. (' Ot 'I'll. H. I'l'-hinii, H, rii.tiiiiL. m JONrr t'OKKH .14'NhH ,MS KS all 1 KM" . C-'1 1 t'f HoVlMitli 1'ornpr fti-vfitih 101 nir Hovfii'h nT Ht-vrntf cot nrr H.'v.'iilh 0 tner UuVfUtU MHO M-ktt'. and Wn Lot. r.d MMTtiot. aiil Mnrki-L NIXl 'alkft. A!.d Market. ( 1'Mhiri; H. iK-M'M' I'. Hi UK, H. tH ' v M H ( MMtirf. H ItuNptxrry HlnvM Npni'Wliiair VtlNKl . linnT 1KLK'I0U8 I'RINK, IKf IT, ftr bA e by TlAVIJ) .V!T)4, Aifif AttU laarii dntur.TS, J,M,ECTRICITY, LOOK AND LIVE A WOUD TO TIIE VTI8R 18 b.l'lKIClKN'l I All Ol'faht-o condition, both a onto and chroulo, wliore Ci' re U MUl'ty onuuttU hit to if net, ari ertnaiienIj cand. by n rsntof, at No I-0 WAl.NUT ritrtwi. I'hllh. deiliMit. untl 111 CAk( ol a fuiluio 'nmmit obillnatoiualaaJlui nu fliarn? It mftde. KUvtrlcui limtltiition, 08tAlUhMl about fle )eiira at,o by l'rt'(tior UOLLK. Ruad Uie following : - A i ot maladies prevails to a frarful exu-nt In eoia- iLiiniiith, dot in Ink- I') Ono jouth, of thjtli bv. aiinoall tu yi uniljr ttravo. Tlieuo dlM'tita are verj lmp3rlccily unticn.t( od. Thlr uxtcniHl murlfoiiiaconi or iiupt.wn arr tt rvi u. 1. U'liiy, ri lamtU.n, aud Kreat eatiatution. DiaiaisuiiKi, or waiitmK and conKUinptlon of tbe tunuea of tlio v-iM'ii- toil) , dhortncioi of broatliliiK, or Wo btirrlud tr(-uOiiig on utociid'nK ft hill or flight of atalri, palnltatlun of Uie litiri, AHthina, bronchitis, aud a dry, anre throat, trrmhliiiK and hlln,j of ttie ann and lower llnihi, aveiaioii to aocloty, biikjlnraa, a nil to atuUv : aometluiea dliiinexk of Uie ijtiilht, losa of memory, dlzatnaai of the licul, mtiaiyla, j-mn In vnrious parti of tha botii, I'atu In tbe back and lower lluiua, lunibii&o. dy- p petit, ciiiutipatli 11 of the bo i ts, dtrraiiped aocraUuna of tlir Itidnryit, and many other flaudi of the body, iro duch u virulent iinoacit Intiotli male ami finiAlm ; llke v l lUny, hU)ria. and tluicrt ut lurnu of nurvous bjiaknig. hoA.thtMi, pinot -itlMe eairi out of evcThua dud ui All the HiKve numi'(l di'n-ei, and a lioit ofutheri not iiitinthl, uh conMiuiion of thpltnif;i,or of thesjdual ntn tog, l av tb-lr orttyln In the pelvic vtncora, heneo the want of utttjur-i bj any ul tl.e old inudtual iy uUijis of practice. DISKAHKS OK FKM Vl-RH. rn!ittiii Utto-I, l.i iu'oirlMi a. AUAi-aoirno'it, and Iyi n.fooi ilitvfc AH f atsivo iiMmiiti-t. niitl ot'ivr liMrlna C' toooiiU havi- Uittlr uriat'n In a l- tta oi Uie vUl powr o ihf iOy Uroulu on by liiiure, eoci.ini, dwitiry huhitt, it-riiiail atuira,atortli)iilMiitl Uie u ol oiikvartiil u..'iltt'iitt. Hon. e i f itiu 1 vciihttr t.. inpiouia uru (IrticxiitK paiiiii tiiioit(.ti ihc li'ti and ia'k, wtriktifmM ul iii Hints and t-xiritijf lmu'iior and 0 tl I t thro-iirhMU ttiu entird hwifin int) tMifuu i1ouihhi iroui IOC- troiili.jMite n)Miit(ii ar aiioost iiMiitntiiiinoaiv. Uoimnmpilon, Dt - p'1-.i. t'uiaia-ia, IMniiy.!, lfnrnitnt HlinoneiH, Kitu, and liD-m lty. Hnu Lvi:ti Itin.ry, aru Hot nnv:i runoii. No uHet-niAl or ifilitlild riineiy ha ver tmt'ii fnitnl for Ih'-iki' ttia'tiiin comt.Uinftj till otir lutt fi,(-ovttry In ini uie ui r ii'rirti;ii in im- a'.' cu wan inti pttinvo and nt native iM-iarumii'ii ot ttm 1 trnu. tlruana. Wc nv-p full III uuriiiif wll ot the ahove di:itiM, t:ctitit In casie of orn jii.c ii-riuik''nif nt. or re Minifies of the naiu. Mr- Fulton, a lady 01 reai tsxj'enwue and ahUUy, will OfcVf eutir' 'iiarK 01 treating 111 ilv mdl avpaxtmuut, t'onitultatioi) fn o. 1'ltOF. C. M. ItOlj.f. Lecturer, I ANS. W. B.lirowr.M.Ii., 1. ShedU, M- D.,a.AV. Hcckwlth M.I'. Atlli-s (.11 letter to lir. W. J). UltOW.V, NTo. 120 T aj.n L I .Siivc:, 1'iiiladi van. lu 4-:ut IttiritlHr Alarm iVIoirrnpTi Tlio IMiMm (in-iiiiui ui:ii iiutt 1 imvf Miocft J-tt In obtlnli.' tif u :'iifv of tlni V .iii ablo liivtu ion for thu city mi-' 1 , Viclnlly. It ih o)ttr.ieJ byt'lt :irl clty.ilm a ann- h ull ithT telfcrsvoh rnly I In' m Irt-n arc n t vlnihle Ki h t window and door il un operator. It In Introduced whhout U.-f&' ihk the tiouHM in itoi loiiit. A biiriir inist i let ranh 10 yonr room ; lie cuuuot uvoiu it. lu au yvnn iiii-rleure in Now nrk it lias not tam-d. If It li au ,tct 10 pi otert, beonl a douht, the window and d Kru of jour ho uie. il can be uoue. ittu ana ko it. JOHN . MI'IIPIIKIT, Ko. 9; S CilKSM'T tilttvU IMaiioh! 1'Ihuon! fiTi.f K A CO 8 MASON CAUINfc.T tilt. A Mi. UKCKiiUi BJ108 MASON t HAMI.IN'8 CAIIIM'.T OltCiAI. PIAVOS. j. t. ooin.D, Seventh and Obaaaut ilreeU. WANAMAKER & DROWN, I A. li 1 I WILIs OUT, MY i; N T I U K HTOO IC C) K LACE CURTAINS AT KOKTr I'KR Tr.NT. ,KHH Til A. JS OOHT OK IMI'dKTATIOM. I. E. WALRAVEN, fllTCi KHSOR TO W. a CAKKTL, MAhONIO IIAII, Ho. 719 OIIEBinJT Street, JjlLLII'S CHILLI D-IKON S&rE bTilX UlR olAnh OK TUK RITLATION. rJ lio ICiicin y Dure IVot Attaolc. liTTHK RUIK Art F1 AIU.IHHKD IN THECOl'EOF H00B, lit ML-HT UK TliONOUNCKD ".NO (IKNTLJCMaK. TO TIIK PU1U.TO. WrotlcelntherhllHdolphlatJtu;irLln'of the 10th an4 lltii li'nt.,aiTl other newpRperi of later date, an article leadrd "Philade lphia anaJnit tiie Wor d." and although wfilt' ut jlcnrt'jre, fwfny, ita Jnttt stnt'-ment,, ami iVfi l.ny'iMh rlearly tetAtllb Its patcrnily Da id Kvaun, thoi ait the nun. Wt tindtrMand the rule to be, ai (-ttaiilMied In thn code of lior.oi, that the nian who ?a.M down the (;uAi:nnr tunkei U el.Alien . If taki n up or accp cd bj his oppoiioit.U bound to inn'l Mm li"iiorbl nnd f.iirly, or ev r Atr tJ be pn P(unct d no tenilt nun, and to be rnnsld' r'il an nn woi by vt noti . I ho writer haH voliintnrtly plartd hlm fli 111 jii-t tht portion, and wo now my Hint lie Is en tirely teiu-ath our nolle, aud w e ronounco hlin "no Klrm. lie Ft ate. 1 that Llllle'a f-nfc was neither fire nor burttlHr-prnof. Hteoiul Ilv ehtillcfii.ed anybody t tcbt t:ioi St WaiMin' Safe w ith Llliio' lite ain(t t mi (tautif Low lit- should open 1,1 II u , hh he nftlit, to thou nit 4 tcrHy, 'jl.lrd, lie atu'ed l.o could open Any of l.ld.e'e ha.ia In tite lu two hoUre, pciif.-liii,' a number ot Hank sSa'ch. ai d otliern. We have publicly accepted all thcio propoaitloni fairly and itijui.iol on hm own terms, (lit oitdl-.loiiH bcins ciiiul a a Itre-proof, and givlny Imn ono-tiulf moro thn ho aked.or than wc arked to open Kai n X Wntton'), be ld( S r-ntihiK lo place any amount up to $:. -Oal a forfei ture HrVli-st a tike Hiiiomit, ab he nilyt t diet. Thin I not al' ; we have catli d upon him tn t nt Mllie't 8area entirely at our rink, mcrdy to try Mt ti'tccnti and in niaklit( his atatdui iiIb; but he neither cor-.q fo-ward Uko an hone)t man to prue he aMteitiona by a t"4t,nor ha lie rendu any response to any of our propoiltlnon, 1 lureh ie, wo hm e the right to a h li ''no genttman' h) ilit ru e. and w ere it not for H e lale tittitctncutiin the aiticle rt-femd to, we sh jiild now paM Mm bv unnoticed. Thl article ahyh in ubntance Kvana A Waiit n have roceh ed Ullie'e ml Iron Humbug fn-in a hank at Mllford; that It had Wen r.bued; tlmt It eo-t '"0; tlutt It ni HiiaTatitecd Lillle att lUnk bafv ; and calls upnbaiikon and other 1 to examine It, etc. Hiin Falc whi a No. 4 Merciintllo Pufe, and not a Rank Hate at ull. The ca-h price At the time It was anhl was f .'TO Ibo hafe w a eold ii)n.e four yearn ulnCi- py atrarel up uent to a man who ttavn bin no 0 at four months lor $0it, which note he haa never paid, and the Prcl'lout row haj a thla man mm the neut of the bank to buy thj ftUe. Ihe purchufcr knew It wai Dot a Hank Safe, and did net buy it at such, and tho President oiikMIo know it ; for a hort time before (lie purclinne he called on the agent at rhiiadt lj hla, and wai ihown bth Mercautl'o and Hank haftn.atid waa ollered a regular Hank Safe, two Inches tldrk, and much laror than tbe one purchaaud for $ l.V), ten 1 ere nt off. how, If the hank paid thoir aKent00, supponiiig It to be a Hank Safe, they were both iivjcrf aud jtrtuWoo', w bile wo weio only swindled. As to the rub b ry. it Is a tact well uu leibtood and admittext in AlilfjrJ, thnt three s iei tilH' burslars wotked on that Hfi dii'lng Satuiday tuttht and ISuuday up to about 10 o'clock P.M., to strtrd a hole through tho door in liont of t in lock (the only practic.ib'.e w-a; t.opcr-4te on Ullic'a Hub ). A I iece of tne dtor ueartiio lo k wan aftnrivardit trknl b the in Milfo-d with an upright drill, and pro tioui.c d iau-oi:glil,) drill briiT (tliii plvco cf the door can be seen at Mo. il 8 SKY K SMI Rtroal). Tho director and nicer of the hank admitted tho d or to bj all that li a titd be for Ita thickness, bu. Iho President wanted a Ko, It National linnk Hao, worth 1,001), In exclnuife even fi r tho old one, saying that David Evans had been to Mil lord iiiid had oft red to c.clmno tven for Evan k Wut soti'slUuk hiifo, fur which thy atktid abmt the same price, and a four auont decMned le accopt tuat liberal pro position, the b-uik took Evans It Watson', supposlriK, we pi rhiirut', their sorurlt) to b IncrenHcd. and lu t .Is re spict tiie) are ab d y duped, or more so now, thai thoy weie by the ate t .n the tlrat Instance Ahtuthe e3.aroJi.aMon of thin Hai'o. wo join with iho writer, and fi'(tuukt ull Into csted iu Sates to look ut the Lttrdnet-a of the lnn in the door Out was ground through, Its thkkncHS nnd solidity, as compared with a dourof .vat:k A W a; son's Men-ttntile Hule, which In sold at about the same pi ice, I satno rlzo, aii'i olleitil 11s a fuititlt nto, isext.lf you Ul cull on our AKOtu.Ko. 21 d.nKVtsni Mieet,ou cau sco Et;us Si VVaio-n Sat1iibt was opened by one of the iCrbc's ut tieit :.hi(;, with an old axe, h) cutting cut a top pttn !lnles ti un live talimtcs, androbbtd. Ihei.lljou Mill 1.0 t Mr JOHN (). WIL LIAM S. No 108 8. KOI ..Til Struct (.'orvcyaneorooU can ace Evmui & U'atsoi.'s Nu. .S Snte, JilO, tiiit has Jti't been opuneu b a tiencaii lock.-'iuilh la about tfiuy Iiilntt4h,b dnldiig a mail hoh- ihtitih thu door,iii front ot Uie loek, bicakiiig a thiu ehilU-d-lron plttte bet ween the door and lock, and by dlsHrranyinn a huiall portion of thu lock th-Uoorwfls oiei.fd witli ut powdcr.and In a way entirely practicsl for u burglar. AtttT these oxamluations. we tb nh ou will be fill y pn p.ired to appreciuie the dlf fertnee betwi en a Hafe lht tuk on selentlilc bur glars tkir.y b un to nptu, ilng pouUr ut thu'.nnda Hate Uat takts one uinn abjut tweusj minutes tu open w ithout noe or pow der. We ro not ssy that a hob cannot b-i got tlirouli c'lliltd iron, but wt d.j say tt is mre dillh ult, and taks longer to grtcd a hole throutih ehtricd i-on an any other mmU now In life. We say further, that there never has buen a two luch 1 a 1 1 k Hate rubbed aiude undr IjUIic's patent. At the same tlae c a Uuit that the 1 luc-u Mercantile Kal'o may bo ground through, gUiOK scieulitle lurUra thirty to tliit-hlK hours to do it. We ny, al.i, that two h'iurs Is an abuutlaiictt ot time lo mat Into the rest c jo.uioit )tank Halt' ma do on the principle ot Liane A W'attou', with plates ilveted toteiht r ; that tiie otiti r and inner duors can be dis-ec.od axd taken apart lu h ss Uuiu thuu that uvea, Wu will say fnrlher, ihut we will lurnNh a duplicate of the Na: opeixd at Mlltnrd, if auv responsible man, vrho la "a 'jvntfittian,' turuish one ofilviit.s & Watnon's best ltank 8nfe now in use, eren the unulUrul.ikcd the Ml Word Hank; aud wc wl 1 put up a y repeLth uiu against an t-tjuul amouiit, that two iu; atialloptu lc Kvjiu A Yt son Sale tooiitT.u'id iu iwhj pracilcal fir tiie burxLtr, than an; iwj Qit-u c in rUx a l.olc ihrouli Milio's .Said In I I out ol the lock, which is tho only pructicul way to open It, aiid thi" j only 1 S in ii thick, whilo our nunk Satos htivi.' lour 10 six ii.elies lu -, iH:ludiug liisldu hi.rhtri. Ong word ruon'.-Ii'lhe Bttuk of Mllford han pimhascd the Hank iSate, w hieh whs offered tho i'rosideut i'jrtO cAi-h, ih robbery would undoubttiUy have bevn pre vented. The attempt to rub tho West rhUauelphia Trust Fund, which had the same size bank Nate, pmbably by some or all of tho same parties, aud the t-otire failure, under the sjxmc fa vo ruble circuniitam e for the. burglars, proves this rnont conclutlvely. Ono other fuct It may be piui-er lo notice. 1 he public h.ivu so mactt conu Ji-jue In J-llljf's hui'e ihut even baukur hu. 0 pihchued the com inon Male, uud have beeu lu the habit of leaving it itiu in- from Huturdiiy to Monduy iu a elote oillce with lurfe. iiiuoimts, while it bus been hv universal Liixn tn wllb bankers not to trust the common bet lUuk Bate w lihout a watcliman; ami even with this preciutlon rubbtries aro constun!. As wj s.:id In a pr lous article we say now, to convince iutelligtul men, Uiat 1-11 to inehshect iron Is asKoyda 1 u.tecUon against either tiro or bursary as li ty '1 inch ihllled Iron: the writer has got a hunt r ad lo travel, and the greater his eilyiisthe rou-jht i- he w ill dnd ihe road. 1EWIS LII.L1B 4 Saifl. M. C. 8 AHI.EK, AKent, Ko. 2ll4.fiEVNill tfUeet. f CiKHMANTOWN 13AKGAIN, IF SOLD itakthis tali. 1 Stone rough-cast ItEBIDENrE, situate on tlreen. Hear JohnMiu oUeet; undei drulnaKU. Hionc Htiibir, li.'c ioiit'.and every couveu'eucs. I.ot :.'.6 leet froBt by lit; ic. t. w nl sUi with a purl of Uie Lot. 'lerius accouiruuiistiuu, ln ,ulrf un thv proiiiUvs. A. RICUAUDftOV. FINE CLOTHING, KSTATK. RRAL ESTATE. IIRAI. B1TA1K. Hf. AJ. KHTATK. IIKAL r.STATK. RBAL R-tTATB. M!W MONTHLY I ATAt-Ottl'K JlT OOT. MW WCN11ILT tMTAIOJOIt JUST Ot'T. HBW MtiTHI r CATAI.O tt:B JHHT OUT. f-OK l.KATOITlltlB IHrtTRIBUTlOK. KR OIIATlHTtH'H lilMTRIIUITlOH. rtK OktTI'l TOUH IiIHIltllll Tl )N. I:(iTAINH 'Vut0 UOHTII. ..OiJi,nno W0S.TII. CO.'-IAIN ...0',tfO WDHTH. GI'Oll KAL!'. NO l'KKSON WlSIIINaTO rtirtbnaa Itral Kita'a, ol'.har far tM-cnpanaj or In. -t-ftrraar! , ali.rtn'tl not fall In itm rn? "a atopo-. Always ot ( htmdrttl Pa t-':iri-- Of, 1 suit, if wr Irti, in ra.a of pttr eha.t, Imratdla-t- i-itH- .tinn t a- l had, or tarjr :Kin. t.r.t It'll. '. Mil I. It, l:ra' l ala'a H'otar, fn I I M HlXTIl 8lte:. Oniff hrra. from 7 A. M lll-l". Hi I". M . f-f TO It I', A I. FSTAT K O WN'V.US. I'artira dt atrmi. of illal-.fclnlr of Itt-al Katato (tilca.ty nan find tho. art bt'-l llrt rlaaa Itivl Kslnta Amtcrln thia rlir.l callinat-n tll'.'ll"lK 11., Nil. Ul H. kll T1I Mu-i tt. No Ofraaliin l aanlifli-e pn.ptirt y at ptl'.lic .alt-. ffi FOR RAI.K. HI'I.RXDID F1IIST-CI.VS3 aict-jarl lirt-lilii. an horrntt, atmra HaionwDo-t s'ra-t. I.ot VI f 'tt front hj III) fvtdc. Pries II I.W0 - la f - ai-ii-l-in. Na.t Hwtlllra; (now ampin. No. 715 Prawn alraat, twolrt roonia. I nt La ay Mf t. l'rtc ti0. I l.aani iiwa'llni M.t.uli atilri. Nm. 7"H and 710 Itroirn Blnst. IS t,y hi. fa. t. Krl- r Hd-ol. nfl'I.KMlll) 8IDH-YARD DWl'.LI.IVU, ra-1 alda nf Kri-lillin, ahoro Pt'P Ar. Twulra rn-ota. 1'rica f'.l.iKO. Vary siiwil r b .111 lw lllni, Hat sh of I'ranlllU a'raft, ni.rlh of Pt jilar. Twilte rrtuma. 1'rlco ftlli.tiol. F 'lir a!rcant aHayartf llwal liina, nn rrfti-t-ntb atroat, atw-rr- Onfurd. Ltrta U b 1U0 ft-at. Twelra roiini. ITIca J- (ax a, rb. fii T11RKK 2XKGANT DWEI.LINQ3 OX 1 l'.,-owt. alrnt, wcat i f Hlvtranlh. iMuhla fiont tl-wri nd v hit- I al s L-tta la ht !ki la a itrrat. I'rirs f '.'-on each. Klrrt-cU.a larira dt.nblt; Mantloo on t'haamit atrt---t Haa larir aide yard, and lot lis ft-i-t dotip to . atraot. bUtocn rg on. I'lloo $l,l"XI. Vary mat liw-aiini;, north of Wtlltea, wait of Twtalirtt straot. 1 ari.lra rooms. Lot W by bi. Prlte Inintorllate poaaras'on. fif bl'l.KNIHUl.Y llLir.T BROWN STOXB f.ijifrt.t-l lit oiling on Hpruce atrt-ot, wa st of .aarentt-onth. I'li.-a WiWO. Eiri-ant ftttr-atory Iiwollinic, on Via. atraat, wi-stof f.i-vet-nntli, marhla ! tl a Oral aturjr. lol 'll j 1 1 fi-t-t to a klrrt.t. l'nca Io,.'MJ0. Vt-ry cctiili-itt fiiir-ffl.i br.twn atone front Darot.lns on Wait l.ocan atiuaro. l'llce Hfl,fFiO. ats, NKAT DWKLLINO, WITH b)V. OX tiif. An li atrn t, wtii orTwont llrst. Konr story Lot H bj-lVafi-ct. rilrc$'K. Will-lull', nt-ai r.tur-atorr UwNIln,, Ko. ITliH Itaoa s n-c-t. Hfti'iin ntiim. Lot tl bj 10 fi-at. I'rlc t t.aJ. Iinmatllattj pt-atrsltn. Vrry iHttiuUfulljr loratad tlirfc-quartcr Dwellluit, Na. IdiO Cnnilnrr atrwtt. Ixt andliulMlnm '.n faat ; dapih 111 ft'o: t-HiTina slrtft. rilrrllltil. I'oaacaal'io -liven. ffi VhRY K LEG A NT, HELlGHTFOLIiY -lcratid liwolllni;, aouth side of llrcen llrcrt, woat of Twenly tidrd. Twolvan-oru. ltt W fcy 117. 1'rlcalulX). I'osacaa'.on alTi-n- Kt-at KwalHnj. Kit. J.l H. Tnalftli a'.rart Price t Q3. To s- o It t all any dny at !1 o'clit'k. Now empty. Gplrndltl nianaiuit, north alilo of Oreen atraot, wast of Twt'tity.iPcoiid. Lot 4w by 170 ftot tlattp. Prloo $1.,UOO. Now en.ply. f NKAT DWELLINGS, HOUTK 8IDE OF lini.ritmlarOinln.tit,woat of Thlrtat nth. Krlto fstaio and. 4, -'Ol. Elra:ant maililt- front ahla-yard DwoIIIhk, 1011th ildnol tlrcan atrt't-t. wra' of rifltMtntti, first h )ue east or tho clmrrli. Filcc tll.htO. oar imply. . Bplctitlid now Dvti Ulnp, lonth sidaofContas strcnt, wct Ol Mnfloentli. Prtoi t'a'.0O. Kowrinply. 0 TWO NKAT THREE STORY DWELT.. tuB, Twantlt th strot'l, ahoa Coatee, having tltrte. atory tacit bulld'nrs. I.ot In hy loo. Prlt-e 'iuilatli. Three aplondldly built new aldo-yard llrrnllinca, south aldrufOii en tlrart, neat of NUictccntli. I'lk-i- $K)0. ImmrOlato poraeaslr-n. An offar U wanted for tlio property No. 118 Raoc at sot. Lot IC h Mi. an KEAT DWELLINO, No. 1214 MOUNT Jsi Vemnnatrtfl. Twelvrroora. I.ot ID by 90. TriceWKIO. Sf.rrand Dwelling, No. II K raHowalll atroat. Lot 1G by 11 feet to a street. Price li-l.'-O cloar. Neat lino' Hits. oat side of Krankliu.ahova Poplar twelve rooms. I'rloe ICWO, elear. Vrrj exrtllent Huainc.s Stand, Ho. 11!) Arch atroot, thrt-o atorlcti all Uirou.h. Lot 17 by 101 foot deep. Price '1700. Mow enit'ty. ak ELEGANT DWELLING ON ELEVENTH i-ialiect south of Mdan. Iirown stotin trtnimlitgs au.l niasth trout. Lot l; by !"i. Price $a-XK). Vt-rv mrerior bitl't litvi iii-m Nn. 81a N. Truth etrcat, tv. e vo r.Kiln. Lot 17 hy riO f.-tt deep to a street. Prlos (tlTIO. rlrar. Iinuiedittlo lamae.-slon. Rplt rdld lluhlnebfl Hiand. N .K. comer of Hlxtlt and Ilut tcliwotid atrt-cta. L'it 20 t-y 110 foet. Three stories all thioiil-ti. Prlcti $,-01.0 $.10011 wat.tod. EXCELLENT KAIiERY, NO. 329 S. Jaiii Third street. Trlct-:000. Neat Hwrlllnt'. No. 767 . Slxtenilli streat. Price $1010. Kent six-routed Iw('!ltn:.',Ni. 7C9 Maxtor atrrxt. I'cloo Jin ti, clei r. Vt 1 low Indtetl. Vt i oxorll. nl Hvtollluf;. No.1012 Lomltaril strc"t. l'rloo $j;7a', clear, l' nitcii. m NEAT, .WELI.-llUILT DWELLINO, "Ko. 410 York atnot, Konalnglun. Plice 'KW; subject to $7r- Rrotinu-rent, Neat alx-rormrd Dwelling, east sldo of Quince street, fcrond door below Walnut. ((Juiuco atroat is wen of Kleveiith.) Price $00.cleur. Neat slRht-roomiil Iiwrllliiy. south slJoof rirowti street. est ot Judtoii; lot It b 03. 1'ike $ Ml; subject to $C0 ground-rout. OKUltUE C. MIM.UIt, No. Ui H. 81TH Mtroot. Cull, or sen J for New Monthly Cain onus. ff LARGE DWELLING, NORTH SIDE OF Ji-iAirti Mi eel, aaat of Bixtli it-cot. Won d mae a a I k-lidld tloro. Lot 25 by 2S- feat deep to (Micrry alroct, wltt excellent tfb;c and coach-h.-uat-ou (bat frout. I'rioo $'2'.,iC0. Pok-aakli n Iven Iii C Cays. Urent Sacrirlco Three flve-roomed dweltinjrs, on Par ker street (Konslnttin. near rniDklord road). Lot 40 by TO. Price I'.'.WO, e'ear for all. f NEAT ELIGIBLY LOCATED DWELL-Ja-l liiC No. 4111 N. Twelfth atieoti lot 21 foot frout. Imine.'iatc ..ion. Imireillato poaaeavlon. aleuunt aldo.yard DwelUug. Franklin street, ahove I'tmlnr. Price $11,010. MiMint Mortah Cvmatory l'wo sploudld Lots at a saorl ftce posltivoly. On Odd Fellows' I'cmelery Lot, $rj). JIILLKtl. No 1.-4 N. SIXTH Hlraxt. Call or si nd fi r Ncn Mi.ntlil.t t'ntal ijua. m FOR SALE GREAT SACRIEICE.-SIX-I-irooioad Dwellinit. No. 71 Jellorsoa atroat, $1700, clear, llsrcain, piuliivt-ly, ImeUIng Ho. lt. Citron etreat. Lot Hi by Co. with Iwu.e nu roir. $H). eletr. Store and Uwa lion, No. 2.111 Ca'ljwtiUl straot. Lot 1 by DO. $i:0. neshiea hnndr.'ds of r.tlior bamalns. Call or send ibr new tuoutlily cutuloue. fft FOR SALE. NEAT TWELVK-ROOMKD Iiw. ll ng, No. !).'0 N. fteventh street. Lot 13 by 1)9 Prlo $40. KHisihly located Rtora and lrelllt(. No. IM N. Sixth street. Lit neArtv liio ft-et tloo j to a arraet. Prloa $'1M)0. Itcsldca bundrads ofo'berpropertlei. liKDKDB C. MILLKtt. Mo. 1M N. 8IXTU Straot. f GREAT SACRIFICES. EXCELLENT Ua-elliiu-. Ko. IU2 N. Front til tut. Lot 20 bj 83. I'tlea$fo. Kxeellant Itakeiy, No. KaO I. awn. nee street, and No. VA Orcliaid street, lu tho rear. Price $ IGOO vlear. Ni-aily new scvaD-ruorusd Ilwellluir, No. 816 Taskar street. LotlCbjliO. Pi Ic s $M cleur. Neat new dwolliu, No. l.M) Mcn-uio strvat ; lot 10 by a1). Price tl'.'OO clear. Now cluiity. SIX-ROOMED DWELLIXG, NO. 719 -SaJefTerson street. Price $l'-a) clear. Neat excellent Dwelling, Marshall street, above Parrt.ti. Price $&oV. Kliiht rooms. Neat ilx-ruouiitl Dwelling, No.210-5 Wluter stre: t. Lot 11 ly li ft-. I. l'rlte Jl'.CO. Neut leviii'ioonu-tl lltvelllnu, No. 15111 Wo-.d stieot. Lot 11 by Mllio'. I'nco $17110. m VOH SALE, ELEGANT, ENTIRELY tNtiw IiwellinKa, No. 1 ail, 1:01. 1 a. ll..l, mi, i.-'-.':l, l-iJU, and 1U27 y. Twelfth atreut All three atory frost, and liAtlnK lara'e Uirto-.tery douhle back buildtus, with all ti e modern inii-rovainenl In InT Prices i .7J0 to MX). l)t 17 feet 6 Uichta by H7 ftel deep. Also, the first lour new propertlaa on the. north side of ThompaOil strt-at, ca.t of Twtailti, ono uf u hkh la a S'.ora and liwellliif. Ixits 17 led tl untie, hy t-0 i.ot deep, l'rlce $ I.Kiv eacb llroad atrcot, south oi Oxford, went side, are four neat tour-atory, nsw side urd liwtUiuus. Price IJ.l")U each, llrosd straot, loqih of Oxford, wast aids, ar two neat four-story Uwelllutis, having Plctou stone front up to tho urstslorr. Lots 20 f. ot frout by 200 feet deep to a street. Price $10 000 each $7ito can remain. liesitlea mlU'ons of d..Urs' worth of other property. Evsry ieistm wlshlru; to piirehsse Keal Kstaia should call at once. Call or send for New Monthly Caulcguo. OK01K1K ('. MILLER, Practical Real Kitale Operator, No.l.'iN.lXrU8tret. REDUCED PRICES, nnv. AI. F.ST ATS ! RRAL RSTATBt RRAL KHTATK. RRAL R STATU. HICAL KttTATB. RRAL R1TATSL FARMS. FARMS. FaKMI. i- fAl,.V -4. rAKM,4. FAR Hi. FARaJM. FARM. rRH. n FOR f ALR. FIRHT-CI.ASS FARV ore setrs, only tna mile from Wail Caoiu-r. Very s , r:or Improvement. Price ,fijo. Mint bo at en to b.- alivrerlitted. Vtry supetlor Farm of fO aera. jutt outilda of tho kw otiau hralla of Wr-l ('holer. F ,ne larva Mantlon. Mara. Ac. A hn. 1 land I'rU-a $11,001. V cry excel 'cr.t Farm of 'aft acre t i has nn Impmvs'nonls. hut a nttini er of clio ee huh.iinj lots i only one mile freai Wralf 'heater, rr'ro $js per acre. ft MAT FARM OF 125 ACRES, N R VR aetno loralily a the aWve. I'rica $Lso par arm, Mr I ra'a Faun of Kt acre, three mitt frutn VTe4 f 1. eater: f.aa littprovenieiith, and on a p-.i'.Uc roa4 Prlo $Hf per a.-rn. Vwy e-.rell.-nt l arra of IM aarea, only lt( mile firm a n en the 1'entiaylv.irjiaCeutral tarrosd, all .a?i Iwtttly nuloa Iroiu Ui.. city; hat n-iod loiprureuiaau, aetr barn, Ac, Price $ Hi per ucre. fCi hlil'ERIGR FARM OF lf.7 ACRiMj -arat tate lanil, and splen ld Improvemen'a : rua'eal In IMa Iboroiurh lownahlp. Cheater fo.nty, ab -lit twenty two id tin fn m the rlty. Price $l'.-o per aew. Neat laim of 117 acree.JS mnei fra-n Ekvtow stallo on the LAl.lnwre and l'hLadel.h'a ra lnal. Prlc $7$ er a. re. g& NEAT F 4.RM OF 75 ACRRS, 1 MILR3 i--rriiin TcUct.a.enaa'in atttl'tn, on l'hllatleL,tliJa anil liinliiiii-re raiiiT-nrl. Price $0-p-r aero. er ntat 1 aim ol 119 aires, In Yel Nottin:ham. near Oxlotd Ix-fiu'eh, CI ester county, at the very low Irrara a $o. lie.ldi-a a great nttnitn-r of oihi'i. Inf rmatl n of wulcit csn t.c ha-J al tl.e tiVtil'.fiF. ('. Mtl.LF.K, Practical Heal Kitata nperator. No. I I N. M1A11I dliras.. Call or snnd for New M-ntMy I a'a!ngue. ff SLl'l UIOR FIRST-CLASS FARM, TKX x- mlfc-e frm Uie city, on tt.e lYuna-Ivaola Central bailroad, containing 1$ acres, pitet $-Aifx. UKUKtlK C. Mf LI.HR, Roe! Cat Agent aud ltrnkart Nn. l it N.HIXT1I Rtreat. gV FOR KALE. FIRST-CLASS A No. 1 -Farm of Jem acre, near nowiilnntown, Phau-r onanly. Excellent Improvements, Ao. Price $11,100. This Is an extraordinary opportunity to get a good faraa. tlKtlltds; (1. MlLI.KR, No. 1.11 N. HIXTII Htroel. FORSAI.K. SVLENDID MANSION and Farm ot M aer. five mile from IlnstoL KliKantiy l.Kaiod. Tho Mu,slon waa built by one uf tha flnti or Siewati A ro.. New York. Farming ntenalls, Ac, go with Die tltlo. Price $12.oro. 1 Irat-cUa Fitrrn of 44 acroa, only half A mike from ttt fetation at 1'reitton, on the reiiiihylritu-a ante. Hssexojl tetit large frame Improvements. 1'rlco $10,000. Iinmedlat posaoaaklll., Ko. l'.l N. BIX ril .Street. N. It. All Ihe country projierty advertised by ma (ai Htiytltrel Is alwayi llrat-claas, us I take no otker kind ts dlapoac of. Call or send for New Monthly f-Atahigne. l A NEAT, LARGE MANSION AT -IMtya lane station, (lorrnsntown; cntslns twelve) rootna, five tm flrat flor; atahlo. coacb-bottse, ela gnnt gnnlan- l.ot lu feet front by 318 Inat deep to si ktrceit. l'rloo $V aJ0. Ml I.I.BR. No. l-,l N. SIXTH Stnast. 0 FOR PALE LARGE FACTORY, NEAR "(Icnuaiitown, en tha Itallioad. Large Lit, wliR Switch to connect with liailroad. Mtream of water runs through Ilia iiretntae. Steam F.ngiue, Shafting and all ooniileto. Latge Shedding, Ao. Possetsion given. Prioaj $lb.i.v. clear. ONEAT COUNTRY-SEAT OF 18 ACRRS, on tke Ilaverford read, 4'. miles from the Markst street t-ridj.-e. Fur aala or exchange. NEAT SIX ROOMED DWKLLINO, NO. -(tl6 N. Sixteenth strost. Lot Id by to feet. Prtoe $IU0. Three very neat nearly new rwa:llngs, nortn side of Itriunlj wtne atreot, went of Twont eth. Price $30AO Often. Ttealdes millions of dollars' worth of other proftorty, ooai stMIng of flrat-class Fantu (no others), Manalous, Country Scats, Ac, all within thirty miles ot the city. CROR'.H O. atlLLUTt. Practical Ileal Ratate Operator. No. llil N. 8IX1U Street. CaUoreud for New Monthly Catalogue. y FOR SALE, CHEAP, INLEED. NBAT Dwe'lli No. 21X0 lite atrett, twelve roomi. Lot 1$ feet o luetics by lib feet to a atroet. Price $bMiO. Irnmo d.Lte pos.easlon. MILLKli. No. 1M N. Sixru dtrvet. Call or send fur new Monthly Cutalogua. "IVliSri'llILADELPiaA LOTS FOR 8ALR ' ' CliKAT.-One 80 hy 1) foot, at $1 per foot. Ono lliti by 1(0 feet, at $1 per loot. One !2My 100 let, at $1 por foot. All ccmer lots. But Uttlo maney re.ulrcd. WANTS. fas 1I RNISHED HOUSE WANTED. IH wt al M lcnt,or Arch, or I'hcsnut etioat. attlo res "Furnished llottae," ut this ofliae. lo $ FOR SALE AND TO LET. df A DKS1UAUI.R DWPiMlNfi FOft mk falo or to l.ct, at TKNrV-llUdl1 and iH U JEAL ESTATE! EEAL ESTATE! 8KB KOLWKL178 KKOISTKB. Hi FOLWfcLL 8 KKOIB TER. REAL Iifi'l ATE. KEAL KSTA1E. RHAL F..4TA.TO. HKK KOI. Wi. 1.1. 8 KKCilftl KB. bl'.E rOLHKI.L'S ntoiHTF.n. CAI.L AT 1UK OFFICE, Ho. N. riKTIl STRWKT, lt And jpot Oopy. Cirn ini vnion rA8.KNoT?rTl-Kit- oM'l.V'UU way t OMi'AN v s uosvi run 8AI.K. 'I in Union Tn' tenter Rallwn.T f'uniany ofTr f-r naVa at pur cu tsiu dri'd thucnnrf ilriilm of six pr c-ut. rrii-oi: hom.b, eh ar of all tu s, hail nal, State, and Ms iilclfiai. 'I !.ihe bonds are secured by a flrnt moru:a:e of throe hundred t oumiik! d'-lini on the road ant) it fianhlr.oi, '1 lit-Irubtrrs sre ( larcnt c 1. Clark nnd Tnuunm A 8 oi4. I lie) nn I iin! In tn'ins or s.0i). and can lu find on aa pVr.iti'n nt Die villce of tiie l!ompuy, Ho. UW houtJi 1 Ot.KTli atreot. 10Vl.l-.'t VIM.IAM F. KKMHI.K. Trt'atnrw. MADAM K I)KM0Klisr8 UIUKOK Ol'1 FA.sUlOlS 1 OR NOVFMBEIt. PITOHKH'H. 10-21-?t No. HOH CHl'SNUT HTKEKT. OF r I C K CM IFF QUAlt TRRMASTKR, CiN- iNN'.n.OhivOrtojet 17, llt. lropnsnIi arr Invitf f br the UDderslp(Bfi until TUtCA' DO, aSovciiiljer l.H. 114, at ioVluck f.i..,fir li.6 Imuu dial. dtfJlvt ry tn ihi o partuient of AMill Lar'CKH WhvM-iin? Pstlern. Hsmples of which oinv ls seo a at tho tuvemmnt la siitfc.ton Yaiil, tornti ut Kinlitli and freeman sU-MUiCirs-cli nati. On u. Tn Ih- di-Uvcrsd ('' o rl)ari:e. at the V. R. IiiioUt Yard in tliU ely, witli ibv naiuv at the party furnlsliln distinctly marl- td on t uch aius. 1'artloN oiUTiu:- Ambu aut-s must dIstlcoi!y state 1st their bids th? nun her (lny nropi su to furnish, thu price, and tluio ul dt'livnry, nnd unut i;imraiitt'e thai the Amtio limi t) nhall l i In i'vitv rrisptct. enual tn Aimy atjui4ardt otliensie tiio-iuopohHl will not b- c n-idred. A guarantee , sUix-d b two rviip msl bit. persnns. mnt accompiiny itai'h lhl, stiiranTeiiiK Uiat Ute btddor will uplii tin, Aniiiliiu-ck a arc cd to hi in under bi pro- 4 .ttl. liida wlllbei.prncd on Tt'KSh AY, November 1, 1064, at li oVitM'k, 11., at llvs uiltc , and bidders are re-tiUi-stfil tu I e i rt nent . Award wi'l be made on Wednesday, NoTembar 19, )feo4. Itonds will itwiuirtnl that the curjlract will be fa I Ui Italy fin nil d. TUf,rams rtl.iilrn to propouli will not he norteed. Illanlt fonu of prt-pobttlt contracts, and bends may b Obtained at this utlici-. 'Ihe rihi tu rtjtct any bid docmsd unreasonable to rr hi rvtd. Kndrrse envelope "Proposali for Ambulaucos,' am address Colonel WILLIAM W. MrKIM, 10 W-Gt Chlel iitiarturuiaater, Cluu nnatl lepot. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO TIIR J.1 owiurnol prvinlses hereinafter di"crlbed, that wrltsl uf rcirz taciti upon the follow inn Oiulm. for Faviim, apMunt ".nd premises, will be Issued afwr three muutht from tills dstte. null's, snid c'aUii ar' paid. XXWld C. CA.S.mi , Alior n.-y lur Claimant, 'u V13 H. SIX KI CIIt to hep uf R. llucfclcy vs. Andrew M' Nee'y. owner, Ac. C. P. .lue Turin, Iw.l; Nu. 'J 1. it and I'm ma mulilfl un nonheiiht nide of Abu:;ll street, VU bet sunt heast of Aiiit . r sir tat, is ii.t,,''mlt Waril, cntaiiiiiij is ley front, and '. fast det p tu Amb-r ireit. CUiiu ViO r!' for pavlinr. iiiiie vs. Aaiiie V. V thnm Terui, 1H;-1: No, H. l.t and thrte a.ury btk tlwt lihiK un itout'nvest siflf of Ahi (v'lill utrt-et, umi nortuwi-ut sido ut L'nuui street. Ju ieel Iroat.iiJ leet deep, Chiim. $i-i i) for ptvl.t,,', Hume vh. san.f. C, I. .Juno Term, l"il ; Nn. 4. I.ot umi threti-itory l-rnk dv.ell n on s ntlieust Aide of Ami.r Hu-et and ioulJiwet Hide of AW all stivet, 10 leet lj-'ntf 2ii leet devp. 'la. nl!0, for tiaiiw. Hanie vs. John T. J- ios, owner, .Vf. O. V. Rtiptumhe Tern., If---; N '- l-"t ' tronrid nnd brhk i i :1 1 . tlfsr. situate vn northwesterly corner of (Jirard livenuo and Alorttm sireel, KiKUtecnth V ard, Im feet ou tiixtird a venue t b'i Kct det). i lamiS.tJ fur pavln. Hume vs. flame. 1. O. H;tt'iiilr Term, 1HH; K. f. 1 4)i and cel'urwallH on tho nortliwest side of iirnl avtnue.lOl feet suntiiivest of Nurris street, KUhtueiilli ard, theme nortt.we-t P Morton trt?et, M feet y im liea to a point, thunee vast M feet o.'i Inches to A p diit, tiic-ntei nnrtlieiiht to Unrrit street feel tu A pulnt In linn of Oirurd avenue, lol leet tu plaue of boKinninn- -laiio $ol Mt fur pnvliiu. lu-sW-sl ii n the orfuans' court in and for I L''"'"''-""?'r'p..d. -he Andltor M-ol. lid by th. Conrl to O'VVrt'Ial'.rol'jAur: count of KllANl'IU tlHAHA.M, Atlaalnui"at -r ol JAiIKH UllJluH "roa., will n.... 'VoU.lp l,Ts"l".,."a' Ihe Wrth.rlll l..ii..ou Ut " . J ' ' . t V. H 110 i;-inf'l 1V1I Vt . bt-LO-KIIS, Auditor. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. J