The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 22, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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THE 11 1. Mil BKIUADb
HT IAAt 'l I.I.H.
CharRO, gallitnt comr.ide', cluirRC !
Charge on, yo heiune of u'l ;
Clinrre till your ieowllnit tvr.inta
Hoteire yuur liuyemetH reietl.
Tour vcint with uneiiiil I ilior
For jr.v in v.itn li ive hied ;
In moulli-riiitf, rnotlrn cihiro
Your ch(ii-i".l yruri have sped.'
While in their iini'iiniie maii'iuti
In purple iin.l in guhl,
Yunr lnrelly mm'cpe n-vll'd
Dene at b. our luniv.'r'e lulii.
And now they "corn ihv. nun.l.irj,
With all it triw iiml gtiire.
They raiec the mockini? tr -anicr
Of lveiry, with itn lia'g;
But wheresoti'or t!iry mmtor,
Whatpvcr Huff 'hey hear,
"(Va tell them that their boudmon,
De fy inn tliern, are) triors;
la tren ti, in ghip, in lurtru,
Where'er they mulee? stAtnl,
They have flfjiiinn their legions
The hi ilk nun 'a huirt and h.iad.
Ye?, ilavoa of old Kentucky,
Atkunati, Tenncocc,
Of Omrnia, Siutti C'urulinn,
Wo miiHt and thull b I'r. e;
In Mif ir-ffchl, in cotton-lan J,
And where the tull riee,
We've toil'el, we've pined, wo'vo faiatcd,
Lanh'd on with crui'l Mows;
Our I'hlldicn huve been stolen,
Onr wives to ulavi ry ttnlil,
Cur be, onr driv-iit have been cut
Untimely in the mould.
Now, pn Hunt men, remember well,
Our tihis, our bli'C'litiir woes;
Think that in yonder R liel e uno
Are awnrminif thick onr fms ;
Think for each bhiw wc strike to-elny
Wc strike a tyrant low.
Ptrikc, then, for (tod nod I.ihcrty,
With Freedom in each blow;
Think of F rt 1'illow, ol that treneh
On Carolina' fliiip-;
Think of unsperiii nl;i'ii;liter
And ui avenged gore.
It bright) no, h, it brWhtena !
'lhe plori 'UH day m near;
The Ki liel tumps of Kiiiimonil
Arc wi'herniR in their lour.
The pabrcs el grim Stiendaa
Are rueins' in the Title,
While Sherman's stalwart veternng
Make (leor.Tiiin hecks Rroev pn'c,
Onr man liing ranks the) lilaek, the wlilto-
Tri ' i in ;ii it 11 1 itird tlic -hore,
H rutin! it life1 a 1 the land Willi steel
Till Treacon is no more.
It brlithtf n, uh, It briphlons !
Bright o'er the Northern sky
I see tho triple color
ComndnRlinp soft their dvc.
It I" tha Hume nf Liberty,
The watch-lire of the free,
Sliininp o'er the darkling forest,
And o'er the ocean waves;
A signal to the bondmen
That they no more nro slavos ;
That nevermore oppression
(Shall send tbcm to their grave?.
Ah, sweet that roseate morning
Khali dawn in purple skies ;
l.neh valley, plain, and mountain
Fnkiuilleel witli its elyud.
Twill 1 ght the Flu ir resplendent,
Fiom tlulf to Northern lako;
Where rough Atlantic (urges
Anil I'aeilic billows break.
O'er all the realm majestic
Triumphantly shall wave
Onrconeecruted banner,
The symbol of the biuve.
Far down tho Southern valleys,
lly elitf, and stream, and plain,
Hepoic the lacrcd ashes
Of onr dear brethren slain.
Devoted, noble kindred,
Wc sorrow still for yon.
We weavo tho white immortelles,
Wo twine the votive yew.
Live In our hi arts forever,
Yonr men orles fha'l be sweet
While in a Northern fxi-oni
The blood of life shall beat.
Sail Lakt Idler in (Ac Mtnouri K'i'UbU'an.
Tho work commenced muny years ni,'0, but
wns arrested in the year IP 57, nt tho time when
the Mormons exhibited a spirit of insubordina
tion towards the oilleersof the (ieneral Govern
ment, and (ieneral John-ton was scut with a
sufficient mllitury force to compel duo rcpeet to
the authorities of tho United States. All work
was then su-pended on the temple, and prepiln
tions were made by the Mnrmois to burn their
town and migrate, to sonic yet more remote plucc
of settlement.
These troubles, however, wero paelllcatcd, and
mutters resumed their wonted aspect. But tho
architect of the temple, for some reason, was elis
satisfied with the work done, and the entire mas
sive foundations were taken up and the stones re
laid. I am not stitllclciitly familiar with tho
technics of architecture to describe In professional
tirns the work, dine; but lliut wlii-h strikes
tvry oli.-cner 1 tho remarkable solidity of tho
Itone-woik. It appeals to be laid there to remain
a thoumnd years, furnishing un unyiuIdiiiK sup
port to the immense building that is to rest
upon it.
'J be foundation Is deep, the Btones large, well
elected, perfectly jointed with innumerable
arches, upright and reversed. 1 1 trust no archi
tect will criticize that expression. AS' hat I mean
tiy it is, that the arches, of immense strength, are
both right side up and bottom sido up. Isn't
that plain?) Tho tones comprising this foun
dation are hirge, square blocks of granite, brought
fifteen miles, and it is of similar stouu that the
entire structure is to be built. It covers a largo
(pacr, say 210 by UK) feet. 1 suw an outsido view
of the upper portion. Tho stylo of architecture
is scmewliat novel. The front view shows tlireo
towers, the centre more elevated I ban those at tho
Tho rear end presents a viow of three towers
also, the sido walls being strer.gthercd with
Powerful abutments, covered with pinnacles,
he walls are lofty, and tiio entire air of tho
building, as represented in the view I saw, is
Imposing. There is no excess of ornumotit. All
la substantial, dignilied, nnd impressive. This
building Is not for the use of tho congregations of
tho people, but for the priestly ordinances of tho
Church. The pcopifgiu their ussciuuiugcs will
meet In another building in tho rear, of which 1
(ball speak.
The w ork on the temple building appears to bo
impended now. 1 suw no workmen, uud I was
Informed that no definite period could bo assigned
for its completion. Immediately in the rear of it
is the beginning of the tabernacle, a building
intended tor the gathering of tho people. It is
projected on a large scale, mid on a very peculiar
dcrign, in maikcd contrast with the temple,
design. It is to be an oval building egg-shaped.
1 Was told that tho interior would correspond
with the shape of an egg. At present fifty-two
massive abutments of solid musonry, ten feet by
four, show tho exterior lino of the structure.
From the top of these abutments the oval roof
Will spring. The lloor will bu oval downwards,
seated with rising scats, us un amphitheatre.
There will be no close-built side walls.
As it is intended for the vast congregations,
ventilation and light are looked to, and the build
ing will be ncurly all windows and doors. It
rovers a space of two hundred and tweuty-fivo
feet deep by ono hundred and seventy-live feet
wide, and is calculated to hold ten thousand peo
ple. Here the teachers and elders will enlighten
the people, and their united sungs will go up.
The cost of these buildings must be immense,
lint all is contributed by the members of the Mor
mon Church iu labor and money. Their Hy.tora
Of tithing is ade quate to the work. When I
asked, "What is the estimated cost of the temple
and tabernacle ?" I was (nlormei with a smilo,
"Wc do not calculate things in that way. When
it is decided to do uuythiug among us, It is done
without calculation of cost, each doing his part."
I am informed that 1'resideut Young himself
is the superintendent and actual architect of the
buildings. F.vcry stone in them be lias insixjeted
and measured with a tape lino, and assigned to
its place. 1 am also informed that it is the pur
pose of the President, with a view t facilitating
the purpose of the enterprise and to lighten tho
bcavy labor, to undertake the gigantic and costly
business of turning a neighboring river from it
coun-e, and carrying it waters over to the moun
tain quarry, whence the gigantic blocks are ob
tained, and thus inpplyiug a large canal he
Intends constructing (or the purpose of floating
the stonei up to the very door of the temple. The
work already done here, under bis direction,
ahowi that ha is capable of doing this. He has
energy of conception and strength of purpose
utticiaiit for all such daring work.
Qi'eitiok! To any Debating 6octetythat may
want a subject for discussion, we would recom
mend the question, at to whether a dlsaonoat
tailor may be deemed a vegetarian on the gound
that be Uvea alniotrt eutirel opon cabbage i
Frtn Linden Paper.
A warm day in spring In New York oft jn means
a hot day, snth as oppresses lni lon in August.
The air seems full of gold dut heated to the
boiling point, and a native Americtn takes to Ice
cream and brandy -smashes remedially.
I was on the "shilling side of rtroadway" (I do
not know lhe origin of this derogatory designa
tion) on one of those h"t morn ugs In pnng,
when Iho metropolitan disposition to lee cream
Impelled me to a con feci iouer's shop. Tho bick
parlor of a former aristocratic h iusc was the refreshment-room.
Its large windows looked eastward, nnd the
roem was Hooded with sunshine, such as never
Dli cm s a Londoner nor is blinded with ; tor there,
are two siil, s even t the subject of sunshine. In
the warm heart of the light there was a brilliant
tn f parrot, fastened by a silver chain to a
perch, w here fhe se.-tne l t.i rest from pure choice.
She was singing as 1 never heard a parrot Sing
with human naturalness and rol'tcking j iyons
m ss The song, an ancient favorite witii a certain
class In the land of its birth, had met favor with
all classes in tho land of its adoption :
1 O, It'l my ullht on a ihlny ni-M, Ar,"
She sung it ail, without once stopping or break
ing down.
The waiter, who wiped the small table whore I
had re.itrd ui.i self and handed me tho daily pap.'r
lastcntd in n machine, le t it should run away,
remarked, "Twenty yrer old, if she's a day !"
1 gave my order, and then listened to the song
until It was tinlsli' d. as a respectful aidlenee
should, not Interrupting to applaud. Then 1 said,
"llravo, i'olly !"
The parrot turned lirr head, nnd looking at mo
sharply, said rapidly, "What's your name i What
do you waul I'an you whlstio r"
"What's your namor" i replied 111 Yankee
fashion, answering ono mu?tiou, or throe, with
anoi her.
"l'rctty Toll, pretty Poll, poor Toll! VoIIy
wants a rrackcr. I'olly lirown, I'oilv Iliown,
Captain John Drown's bird, ship Milni. Iioii'Mit
ol a niggi r king on tho Hold Coast for a pair of
red breeches and a roasting pig. Drought to
l'hibidclphi in eighteen liuiulreii forty. Don't
ou know tho devil's dead? Choked to dea'li
with a Quaker's hoid. Captain Urown's bird.
Captain ltrown's a Whig, wcrs a clean shirt.''
This sent tho parrot's a-soeiations to sea, and
she proceeded to heave uuchor with a will, cli mix
ing merrily to sailor songs till an imaginary
storm mint on. Thou sho gave orders through
a spuming tiiimpet, proving she had been
forgotten nnd lett on ileek in a s ptall, and that
she bail not been so mil -li frightened as to inter
rupt the progress of her education. When the
storm was over, site took to the pump, nnd s mg
w itli a tenderness and litir-wcathcr-altcr-u-storni
ScttnesS :
Keck ami full mo over, onr more he,
m- iimre a.iv, my darling.
nt.1 np-re i1.y ;
i h, re. a stet roll tua over,
i Urn ne-rc (lav.
The parrot's usual sharp Imrkiug nnhnmanity
of video was not present in this specimen. Mio
snoke and sang like a music-loving negro of intel
ligence und F.uropean training. Her lirst lessons
doubtless had beeu from such a muster. Uapt.iiu
Iirowu's bird began a running lire of nasty words.
As the Yankees say, "it would not be proity" to
repeat this portion of tho bird's performance. Liko
u good artist, she did not n.luiv her audience to
tiro from the length of any part of her perform
ance. Sho came by sudden transition to the
rehearsal of political contests. She elected (Jene
rul Harrison to the rresidency of tho United
steles with great eclvt, singing:
llsvo ycu hear, I the great cuuioldlf jn,
Mellon. UtotloO,
1 lie ecuntrv Oirenith?
Jt Is tl.e bull a rolilMK on,
for Tliecauue auU 1'jrlur too,
And with tlieiu we li leal hit Vau;
Van, Vau, Is a useil-up man.
The Knglish reader may need to be informed
that General Harrison, then candidate lor the
I'resideucy of the then United States, had once
upon a time fought with some Indians ut u place
called Tippecanoe.
A hero was wanted as caudidate for tho Presi
dency. Tho "Hero of Tippecanoe" was selected,
nud duly nicknamod ''Old Tip," nnd was sung
into oflice. "Tyler.too," became Yicc-Pretident,
because a President involves tho snuitur of a
Vlce-1'icsident. "Little Van, Van," who was "a
used-up man," was President Van Huron nt tho
time of this election, iu the fourth year of his
reign over this groat republic. Tho songs In this
campaign, which wcro all faithfully romembercd
by tho parrot, had a great family rcsemhlanco,
mid were not too reverent to be inconsistent with
universal sullrago und "tho sovereignty of tho
people." One of them, sung to tho tiino of O Su
sanna! alluded to the residence of Mr. Van l!u
ren, and tho product of his kitchen garden, in
the culture of which ho was supposed to have
t;reut i-ails-faction.
1 adivnm the other ni:tit,
W h,li tvurwlnnt; Ha-, stui.
I dreamt 1 saw o'-t Km.lerli. .ok
A roniln down tin- h II :
A e AtjtjMo bti.uip wan in uis month,
A tear wai in his e,
Say he. w e're bea'ell North and South,
llul Johnny, don t yuu cry.
Johnny was President Van Huron's only son,
and a celebrated Democratic "stump orator." Tho
family residence was at Kinder hook.
Ti e next " camp-dun" rehearsed
by the bud waa that in which Mr. Ilcnry Cay
failed to be elected, 'ihe refrain of ono of tho
songs was sung to the tumi of " Old D.m
Tucker :"
(let otit of Iho w:iy, y iirro sM iinhicHy,
( lejr t'a- iniek lur old Keiitiieky !
Millions of men, north, south, east, and west,
had sung the tunic doggerel to the same negro
music, with the same fjo-t of torchlight proces
sions and tar-barrcl bouhres, that the parrot was
now singing in the soft sunshine of early spring,
in tho metropolis of Ihe great republic.
Captain llrown's bird wns a living history of
muih that had not found rec ird elsewhere. When
at last sho ceased to sing, I turned to tho table, to
frd a melted ice crenm and un iced sherry cob
bler awaiting my leisure. 1 paid proper atten
tion to the ligitiinutu fluid, uud was paying my
score, when a young girl, us pretty as young
American girls often arc, brushed past me, and
past her faded an 1 attenuate 1 mother, nt
tho receipt of cash, evidently going to school;
for she hud a book and a porcelain slato iu bur
The parrot cried out briskly, "Maggie, have yon
got yonr geography r" Mio replied, "Yes, I
have," and weut her way. The feminine cashlor
assured me that the parrot knew the meaning of
all she said, and of nil that was said to her. Tho
proprietress believed in her rational powers as
fully as the negroes lulicvo iu those of tho mon
key. "I only wish," said she, "that she would
not sny so many things that are not protty."
should the, age of tho parrot bo correctly esti
mated by na'urulists, this same bird may live to
celebrate a dozen more presidential elections ; or
pei haps the inauguration of an elective monarchy.
Don't llrntr.
Little Mac doubtless thinks that bis prospects
look better
Since Val. took otrenso nt his semi-war letter;
Hut wiser he'll be as o'er thi fiut he broods,
That it's "best nut to brag till you're clear of the
II W."." A. 1. I'uit.
The Minister's Dish Cabinet rudding.
Tho I'ostinun's Dish Trotters.
The Courtier's Dish Manov, hones.
The Diplomatist's Dish Triilcs.
"Ray, vhal s to he d"iifi with thin wiie'ow, drur Jack
'il e cold llishus tlirouhlt nt every eia k '"
1,'lioth Jaeli : o know litllu of eiii ienlereraft I
Isut 1 thlitk, U17 dear Tvilw. vou will have lu through
3e ery taun- luueeM Hie re-t ol do,
'ihut If, you must .-i,or submit to lhe ffraf.'"
Our old friend Iladiali was the leading bari
tone at I'esuro on the occasion of the Hossiui
festival there, and lie sung the part of "William
Tell" as he had sung it here years ago in our
Academy of Music. It is said that "hu sang liko
a young man."
The King of Italy hns awarded Ilossinl a deco
ration, auuouuciujS the honor in this ollichtl
letter :
"I'htstrious Signor: The festival by which
IVsiiro celcliiates the name 'dalla S. V.' has boeu
for the first time, under the leign of Victor lliu
niuiuel, a national solemnity, becnuso the har
riers which held them divided being destroyed,
the populations of all parts of Italy have hastened
hither for olc object, frateruiziug, not only iu
spirit and intention, but by their presence in pay
ing homage to a sublime genius.
"His Majesty the King, who makes himself
the interpreter of every noble nBpira'ion of Italy,
has been desirous on this happy occasion to deco
rate you with the Orand Cordon of Saints Mau
rice and Ijuuj-us, inteuding thereby not only to
render honor to the man whom all F-urope
honors, but to pay a national debt, and to sig
nify, moreover, the love and admiration of Italy
for her great citizen.
"In acquitting myself of the agreeable missio a
of announcing to you this decision of iny sove
reign, and in tiansuitting to you the insignia of
the decoration which has been conferred on you,
1 esteem myself happy in expressing to you the
sentiments of admiration and reverence with
which I have the bouor to sigu myself,
"Your very devoted Uualuino Pkbuzzi."
Conscience is a monitor, but we fear the mo
nitors in most bosoms are iron-clad.
The career of Muller. the alleged railway
murderer, has excited much attention in France;
and lately the quiet inhabitants of that " skeletou
of departed greatness," stately Versailles, were
startled by criers shouting in stentorian, voice,
"Toui k dttaili turl'attmtin MuUtr."
the in.rr.
"Whither, O whither, lore, shall we go,
For a srorc of sweet little summers or so,"
1 he sweet little ifc of the singer said,
( n the day that followed the duy sho win wed.
' Whither, O whiihe r, love, shall we go r'
And the singer, shaking his rnrly head
1 urned " be snt, and struck Ilia kevs
1 hi re at his right with a sudden crash,
firging, "And shall it be over the seas,
With a en w that Is neither rude nor rash,
Put a bevy of F.roscs, apple-cheeked,
In a shallop of crystal Ivory-beaked,
With a atin s ul of a rubv glow,
To a sweet little F.dru in ear h that 1 know,
A mi untain islet pointed and peaked,
Waves n a diamond shingle dash,
Cataract tnooks to the s iin run,
1 -airily-delicate palaces shlno
Mixed with myrtle and clad with vine,
And over sirei med ai d silvery streaked
With niai.y a rivulet inh against thei sun
The meets of ilii glorious mountains Hash
Above the valleys ot palms and piue."
"Thllhcr, O thither, love, let us go."
"No, no, no
For In nil that exquisite isle, my dear,
There is but one bird with a musical throat,
Aril his eonipa-slis but of a single note,
That it nnikts one weary to hear.''
"Moik nie not! mock me not, love! let us go."
"No, love, no!
For the bud never breaks Into b'omu on tho tree,
Ami a storm never wukrs on the lonely sen,
n.oiii is n.eiu in me lonely wood,
1 hut the liv r and blackens the h
' blood,
auu inahes it a sorrow to bo.
H O O K H .
fsoh mon said that "of making many books
there is no end" in those ancient days, when tho
very best a man ci nld do iu a llietlmo consisted
in seittrtiing over a few goatskins w.tb the
Hebrew alphabetic characters, britli:ig a id hor
rid in their appearance, the outcome of the early
ii'-mef literalurc. What would the jolly old
fellow say, could he peep forth from his sareo.
pliagus into one of tho publiihing houses of our
day in London, Paris, and Lelpsle, or even New
York, Ihiston, anil Philadelphia, whero hj ciulj
sec enough type (of which ho in his immense
w isdom knew nothing) used in one day to belt
the globe three times at the equator, or 7o,iKX)
miles. We think lie would einphasir.o his groat
decision of the wisdom of his day, as "vanity of
vanities, all Is vanity," and scornfully con ludo
that ho did not amount to much after ail.
Still, we would not bethought to unlcrvaluo
tho wi-ilum of the gieat Jew ish scholar und,
for hail he not done his duty lu his day by en
eoiiragi! g literature and art, we should have
lacked tome of the stimulants to our present
results. One age is so intei linked wiih those that
precede It, that care must bo had nlwavs to give
due credit to the geniuses that havo preceded us,
and none their work well, thus setting us a good
example, and laying the foundation lor the com
plete accomplishment of the work they may leave
In the ago of Solomon, when Hebrew litera
ture was reaching perfection, tho Oreeks wero
just emerging fiom bookless burbiirism, through
the genius of Homer, whose songs found no
editor with energy sullicicut to collect them
till four bund nil years utter tho death of the
poet. Hut in the last few centuries of ancient
Greek nationality, the whole circle of sciences
known or dreamed of .in that day was lit up
with the fires of genius that continue to dial
ler go the admiration of tho world, and will
engage the otfec ions of scholars to Into re
corded time. Siill. it was nil
disadvantages, for no printing press relieved
the weury hand of the copyist, nnd, conse
quently, tho multiplication of books was slow,
und the price asked for them was correspond
ingly high; indeed, these facts remained tho
same till the dawning of our own nge ; fi r in the
year l"7'J,woarc told, that a copy of tho Uihlo
could not bo purchased short of liitcen years'
wuges of a common lu'iorcr. Yet Pioiemy, King
of Fgvpt, gathered iu the library of Alexandria
TUO.W'O manuscripts, about one or two centuries
belorc Christ, which afterwards became fuel for
tho religiously crucd Arabs in their capture of
the city, nnd the los of which has never been
very severely felt, for not muny of said volumes
were worth saving, nnd copies of thoso that wcro,
were kept elsewhere; sowesutrer but little loss
by the barbarism of the Mohammedans.
With tho Introduction of the printing press, in
Mi l, books wero multiplied nud che ipencd to
6iii li nu extent that tho human mind is iu no
(lunger of ever lacking stillielent nutriment to
pieveut its riciding back to barbarism, or rusting
quiet without a supply of books as well as oilier of lite. I'niler the stimulus of this
grrut tleniai d for reading, colossal publishing
iicuscs uave spuing up, rivaling tor enterprise
and energy iu busine- s, und pe iuiiiaiy success, tho
merchants of any other culling; and books have
bien wrhten and prin'cd lu such niimb rs as
would astonish fbe old mathematicians. Indeed,
Fomc single individuals have produced mora
copies ol tin ir hooks in a short tune than could
havo been funnel In ull tho libraries of tho world
at any ono period antecedent to tho a;;o of
pi iiitinir.
Kir Walter Scott, as an example, produced
within the last forty years of his lite, near a
hundred dilhreut books, of which millions of
copies have been told, nud lhe iKiuau J for which
still continui s, though he has been iu his giuvo
thiity jeurs.
William Cobbctt, who died in lH.Ti, composed
til out ono hundred tliUcicnt books ; Daniel Deibs
about two hundred, of which owe, "llobinson
Crusoo"(the most enterluliiiiig lie ever writ en,
und which has been the means of sending more
boys to sea and to nn ocean grave than nil the
other books in tho world), has evune down to our
time. And we could give u long list of authors
eminent for tho number of their literary oh spring;
but lorbinr, for we wibb to speuk of a dillorout sot
of authors.
The men who, as writers, most challongo onr
admiration, are those who salt down u whole life
timo upon ono book, and thns secure un undo
uiable iinmortulity. buck was the gnat work of
Copernicus, occupying forty years ot his life, and
the proof-sheets of which lie read on his dying
couch, proving nnd explaining our present
adopted theory of tho solar system. Such was
Adum Clark's Commentary Uion the Scrip
tuies nwoik thut Used up forty years of bis
lilc, and which for its learning and candor
pleases everybody; and the same diligeace
and perseverance could be credited to many
J-.uropean writers. In this country wo have as
yet but one or two noted instances of a scholar's
devotirg his whole litu to tho study of ono
subject und its embodiment in virtually ono
book, nnd those single instances arc found in
Now England, and in tho department of lexi
cography. Noah Webster and Dr. Worcester
(the latter of whom is living), if wo mistake not,
devoted their whole lives mainly to tho study of
words, und both have brought out tho result of
their labors for tho benefit and acceptance of tho
public. And what muy euuso a Ibtle pride to us
Americans is, that while the Kuglish people
lacked a good full dictionary of their language
till about ono hundred years ago, wheu Dr.
Johnson published his by subscription, our Oov
eiLuiciit had hardly got formed, and ihe ashe of
Johnson wero h.irdly cold in the grave before
Noah Webster began bis immortal work of a
Dictionary of tho Fnglish language fur tho
American people, which in all features, excepttlio
spelling of a lew words, has been adopted by the
Lritish public, nnd incorporated into their stan
dard dictionary, thus Compelling the egotistic John
Hull to pay respect to the genius of his brother
Wo believe that I)rs. Wcbitcr and Wore ester
worked a large part of their lives lu tho labor of
compiling a standard work, and wo heartily
regret thut any dilli-reuce of opinion ever sun
dered the two eminent scholars und worthy men ;
but they both deserve the gratitude uud sincere
regard of the American people for their cfTorts to
enlighten the public. Their works nre such as
w ill not be fin gotten ; for a woik of such merit as
a dictionary of ncurly 2uU0 pages, found m every
intelligent man's house, will keep alive from uo
to ago the memory of the author.
Wo trust thut iu no great distance of timo wo
may chronicle tho completion of another lifo-woik
of un tinlnei t New Fnglnnder tho great, uuri
vieled, unabridged history of tho United states.
The wurrlors of the Revolution can only live us
the great men of antiquity live, pteserveJ or em
balmed in tho genius of tho bistoriuu who labo
riously and lovingly works to rescuo the in from
oblivion; and muy he who now is working at the
history of his country return to Into into heaven
thut he may, like Copernicus and Webster, see his
work fully accomplished, and a grateful public
uttering benedictions on bis name.
We designed to say something of the great
publishing houses of F.uroo and tho W lilted
Slates, but shall have to defer it to a "more con
venient season."
T Know tuat Voick." A young minister
went into the country to preach, and observed
during bis discourse a poor woman who seemed
to be uiuch atrecU'd. After the service he resolved
lo pay her a visit, and see what were the iuipree
sious on her mind. "Well," said be, "what were
you so affected about during the aervice " "Oh,
sir," said the woman, "I'll tell yon. About six
years ago me and husband removed to this place,
and all the property we bad was a donkey. Hus
band, be died, and then me and poor donkey was
left a'oue. At last donkey, he died ; and, to tell
you the truth, your voice put me so much in mind
of that dear old critter , that I couldn't help taking
on aud crying about it."
Marseilles and Nice will soon be connected
by railroad.
Cat the occasion of the anniversary of tha
coronation of Alexander II of llnsslu, at the Rus
sian Chapsl at Fans on tb" 7th of September, a
strange incident oceutrcd. While all In the chapel
were on their knees In profound silence, a dee p
tt pulcliralvolee rxe'ieirned, "Ixmg live Poland!"
Fvrry body was frightened excepting the priest,
who went on with the service.
It Is stati'd that the Prince and Princess of
Wales aro favoran'c to shortening the long morn
ing si rvie-e.or rn'ln r three services, of ihe Church
id F.nghmd. Win n the Prince is at his foiin'ry
sat he does not cnbr tho little parish church of
Sandiitigham till the second service (the Litany)
commence; nnd, so well is his practice imde'r
MidiI, Hint the c crgymnn has occasionally watte 1
for him a short time belorc commencing thit
(Ieneral Montaubnn, "whr took Pt kln," tho
Paris papers Inform ns, has been appointe d to the
great itimmand at Lille. riVe- Marshal Forev.
triirsterred to Nancy. Tho appointment is not
like ly to be popular iu the French urmv, und is
probably meant ns a compensation to the Count
ile Piilikuo tor tho rejection by tho legislative
bi e!y of the bill preiposing tei confer nu endow
ment upon him and his heirs.
The OerniRiis, like other nations, havo their
own peculiarities In the choice and Irratme-nt of
(li nn-stie animals, whether of the useful or orna
mental cliiss. Knhbir.K are nevnr eaten Iit lhe, n
A Oera.nn has us great a horror of a rabbit pie as
an F.Pglnhn an would of a steak or sausage of
bene flesh, which (icrinans. like llelgians, never
fie I niraid of, but re gard rather in the light of a
le iruey. 1 he rabbit, like tho guinea-pig, is lu
Oirnuiny only a child's plaything.
All the Paris journals havo devoted several
of their columns to a sketch of the life of Cap
tain Sprke, una puss the highest cti'ogiutns on
his character, acknowledging in strong terms the
eminent services ho rendered to seienc. In two
ol the papers there-mark is ma le-that the F.ncllsli
public set m so entirely engrossed by tho trial of
Muller that they aro almost oblivious of tho
eliuth of their ilistinguishcel e-oiintrvman, which,
us is irulv remarked, is not very creditable to
their (lisectnmctit.
The Pr. let ile la Peine has given orders for
the demolition of the narrowest and most an
ile nt passage in Paris Passage dc Moussv to
pi'tnut of considerable additions being nnideto
the Piotfstunt schools attached to the Fgliso ilea
Hillettis, one of tho largest of the tuirtv-two
Protestant places of worship In Paris. It was
built on the site of the ancient Monastcre des
liilhttes, some of the cloisters of which still re
main attached to the present church.
An earthiiunke was lately felt in tho north of
1-nphitid. At Manche ster it lasted two seconds,
and was nevoinpanied by a low rumbling noise.
At Leeds, Skiplon, Silsden, Rochdale', and other
places the peculiiir sensation resulting from the
shoe k w as fe It. In some places persons were
awoke by the tremor, nnd various descrip
tions of the phenomenon are given, some coin
pniing it to thunder felt but not heard, others to
shaking, rocking, Ac.
An ecclesiastical commission has lately boci
held iu Paris to decide on tho increased tariff for
thr-t hairs hired to Indies In the churches and
chapels of Puris, It having been provod to demon
sttation that in a spneo which, ten vcars ago,
accommodated a hundred persons, hut thirty
seven can now find sitting-room. Naturally an
enormous deficit In tho chun-h revenue lias been
the result. The conclusion of tho board of In
eiuiiy has been, that as one crinoline takes tho
pliu-e of three indivielnuls, tho rent of chairs ought
to bo raised in proportion. In achurch in Alsace
it has been already decreed that wearers of crino
lines should pay ono trane for low muss, and one
and a hall franc for grand muss.
lied tnpc in F.nglnnd involves such olllcial
documents a the following, which was read at a
late meeting of the Folkestone Town Council, in
a ease connected with tho Cimue ports, of which
i.orn ruimcrstou is trio l.orel warden : "Right
Worshipful Loving lirethren, Coinharons, ami
Friends; Wo send unto you, und so, nothing
doubting of your care in tho pcrlbrinani e of tho
promises in every respect nppcrtnineth, wc com
mit you to (bid's protection nnel rest. From
Hastings, the .Oth day of August, ono thousand
eight hundred und sixty-four. Your verv loving
bre thren, combarons, uud friends, the 'Mayor,
Alderman, und Council of tho borough of
There is a trouble in tho Grand Duchy of
linden between Church and State atHint a law
rclutii'g to public schools. liven tho Popo has
interested himself In the matter, nnd has written
a note about it, in which ha declares that "ho has
learned, not w thout gicat trmiblo of spirit, from
various reports, that in tho Oiand Duchy of
Laden the directors of tho public schools havo
prepared new decrees which tend in various ways
to dangers in instruction and education, nnd from
eluy to ilny lead more and moro to alienation
from the wholesome superintendence and euro of
the Catholic Church." Thero is. however, it is
said, no fear that tho linden (iovcrnmeiit will bo
frighte ned from its enlightened procedure by ull
the influcnco which Ihe clericals can brills 10 bear
ngninst it.
During his visit to Copenhagen thi Pilnco of
Wules went to tho opera whit his wife and the
rovnl family of Denmark. Al ter the performance
tho roval cortege moved at a walking pieo
through a vast crowd of people; "and thus," says
an eye-witness, who seems lo havo boon infected
to the verge of snobbishness, "without a single
soldier King Christian moved In the darkless of
night slow ly thruugh tho enormous manses of
his subje cts, nnd, w ithout n thought of fear or
suspicion, not only confided his own royal per
son to a body guard of his people), but also
trusted amongst over twenty thousand of his
citiens the dearer beings who accompanied him,
his tlueen, his two lovely d iugh ers, tho heir of
his hopes, the brother of his heart, and the guest
son-in-law fiom the distant island, the heir und
the pride of old Jiuglan l."
Siakmno Aiimiiisof K riiopc. By the follow
ing table wo see that in Lurupo alono uo less than
4,fi!)4,uui) men aieemploye-l as solelicrs. The total
nnniinl cost of these establishments is not fur from
t.-l'.'j.OHO.OfO :
Country. J'of'il'itinn. Arinv
Austria 3), IS" 1,000 17ii,oo)
llelgitini I,.ru0,".') 100,000
Dcumuik 2,;noooo '2:1,000
France ,1.'i,00d,0(i0 7-W.000
Oermnnv 4.r,(f),(i0!) 6d:i,l72
(,'rcut Britain "M.ftiO.ooO 1!S,0 ki
Oreece l.noo.ono FS.OOO
lledlund :i, Ildo, (MO ,07,O'S
Italy 21,oiiO(KHI UOD.fkjt)
Poilugal li,. MM 1,1 100 lli.lilll
Prussiu 14,100,000 2oH,oiki
Ku-sia 7:t,'lii, nod
.Spain lei.liOO.OOO 1.71, 000
Sweeten and N01w.1v l iii.ouo
Switzerland V.iio.imhi SH'
Turkey 3.3,0.10,000
3Jr,t;oo,o'io i.cdi.iwo
OiunlhnllhUI lu Kui-oiies rtiiel Atistrullit
The German papers publish a frightful story
about a man named Conrad, who murdered a
w idow while sho w as ou a religious pilgrimage in
"W hen charged with the perpetration of the
murder he at once confessed his guilt with the
utmost readiness aud indifference, and took tho
police to bis lodging, where be gave up to thorn
the clothes he bud stripped from the murdered
woman, with her umbrella, and live florins in
money. Ho was immediately taken beloro the
local magistrate, and iheu made the fullest confes
sion of his crime, relating its most horrifying de
tails with the greatest coolness. According to his
own account, he wished to marry a young womau
to whom ho was engaged, and intended to gain
his living for the future by the help of u barrel
organ, for which, however, tho llconso was
refused, as the police would not give him the cor
tificutu of good conduct requisite in such casos in
Austria. Hereupon his 'bride' deserted him and
married another, and liis thoughts were now only
bent on vengeance. In this stuto of miud he
went out towards Quiuuu at C o'clock on the
morning of the Nib, and resolved to murder the
first woman ho met, whoever sho might bo.
Chnnce btought tho uged widow Conrad across
bin path shortly after lie set out, and ho at once
compelled her to go with him into a lonely purt
of tho forest, wheie, after committing violence
on her, be took her life by throttling her with
his bunds. Shu died in three miuutes. lie next
stripped her to the skin, cut off votoub parts
of her bodv, us above particularized, and
curiied the fragments of humuu flesh, together
with ber clothes, the umbrella, aud live florins
with him to his lodging. The next day and this
is the most hideous part of his story he boiled
the human flesh with some potatoes, and con
sumed the whole of it, with the exception of the
fut, w hich he skimmed from his cannibal stew
aud poured into a bottle. Tho latter he put In
bis pocket, and then weut coolly to his work as
usual, which he pursued until bis arrest took
place, three days suboeiiueutly. The remains of
Ihe unfortunate woman were interred in the
churchyard of Komohen, a!raost all the inhabit
ants turning out to follow in the processiou. Uor
murderer t.s escorted to the prison of Kaabon,
whero he uow awaits his trial.
An Australian paper gives some particulars
about the feats of a patty of four bundred of the
Idiull tithe:
' Onr Informant states that on the occasion of
his visit they were celebrating the victory f the
day before by broiling the carcase of a defunct
Miall, who bad met with tho severe misfortune
of LtrvUig a native spear driven through bis heart.
The cannibals like their meat underdone. They
are dainty epicures. The deceased wreU-h was
distmbowellcel, in the first pla--c, and bis entrails
placed in a 'dilly hug," which was inimeeliatelf
shouldered by a native bag. A flro waa then
kindled, and tho body wnsthnwn thereon. After
fr a, ling lor a few minutes, a common descent
was made upon II a cannibal scramble, in fact.
The cutca-c wus se ve red into lifty parts, and in
its raw cotdiiion was devoured without the
slight! st aflcciation or sympath?, nausea, shame,
or indignation. The bone's were pieke-d very
clean, aud Ihe result wns a splendid skeleton."
A P.ui iiv a Pkoinnkr. Q. When
Is a slop's sail most tit to be s del in a linen-draper's
shop? A. When it is toin 10 ribbons.
A Scene 11 Wniow. The clerk of a large parish
not f ve miles from Ilridgcnorth, Scotland, per
ceiving a fe nialo cresslng a chtir liyard, in a
widow's garb, with a watering ran nnd bundle,
had the curiosity to follow her; nnd he discovered
her to ha Mrs. Smith, whoso hnahaml had not
lorg been lutein d. The following conversation
took place: "An, Mrs. Smith, what are you
doing with your watering- an )" "Why, Mr.
Prince, I havo begged a few hay sends, which I
have in my bnnd'e, and am going to sow them
upon my poor husband's grave, and havo brought
a llttlo water with mo to make them spring."
"You have no occasion to elo that, as the grosi
will aoon grow upon it," replied tho clerk. "Ah,
Mr. Prince, that may be ; but do you not know
my hnsband, wlio lies now here, made me promise
him, on his dealli-bed, I would never mirry
again till the grass hail grown over his givc ?
und, having a good oiler made me, 1 dmua wish
to break my word, or be kept as I am."
Jeremiah H. L'llsworth, of Avon, M, com
mitted suicide a few days ago, hfenuso he had
made a poor trndo In swapping farms.
Just as the cheering news from the elections
reached the village of Acton, Massachusetts, last
Wednesday, a largo Amcrieaii eagle, of fino
plumage, perched upon the top of tho flag stufT
which preijccts twenty-five feet above tho cap
stone of the Davis Monument, a granite shaft of
seventy-live feet, in tho centre of tho vitiligo.
The eli aft in Ohio and Indiana played stiango
freaks. Of a fam ily In the Sixth District of Ohio,
four sons wero chosen, nnd their nearest neigh
bors In nil directions escaped. In ono lnstan -o a
preach r nnd his next-door neighbor wcro caught
at the same time. In Coleruin tow nship the only
son of a widowed mother, aud the brother of four
sisters, was drawn, while the two sons of a family
next niljoining escaped.
fOR TK'F-rUlvfilDRST,
i'ORTOV Mi'Sllcnart,, I'htte.tilplila.
1. CLJIMMIIIAM, Uisnverlcmuty.
Rut rrt P. Kln,
el Morrlpf 11 Coatf
lit eery liumtn,
Wlllneui II kera,
ltniteili II. Je-ttkB,
( liailrs II. Iluuk,
Hoi, nt 1'srte,
William 'I eylor,
John A. llii'ntend,
lllrlinid II. Coryell,
Kilwaret llalllcav,
Char lee i'. ttvaa,
IS. Kline W. Hale,
I I. ( hsrle-i II NUrtnew.
IS. Jelin Winter,
III. lievld Mne .iiieiuhT.
17. Havttf W. W.kiO.,
1H. Iaaac lleiieou,
1!'. Jehu t'ntton,
yo. Hemiiel II. I 'lie,
tlti. hverarel Hteerer,
'tei. Jntia I. reitllwT.
ti Klieneeir MJankln,
ti. Juta w. nuuoiua.
Vf oreter of the State Central CoBunlttee.
- CUAlltMAlT.
fe vJ X () T I c '..
I'llll em I I 11 1, lie! Jll, S,I.
Keille-a Is horeliy riven ,m.reielily to .r.-tinir.' 111 lhe act
el the- lii-ne-iid As-e-mtdv ui the e'nuimonwculth ef I'ciill
.y l enlie. e-iiUUe el "An net e iuehllnn llauks ur (ho Coiniiioii
wi .tllli lit he-eneue Asseee-lai ions ler the tmrpuse nt' llAtikinif
Ulie'e r the Inws ef the) L'alle-I HIilit'B, Silrjvel the id
.lajol Ituoist. A. li. l-sn, that the Heickhulilers ol Iho
Pitiik 01 Noiihi rn l.iherlles tiuee line eluy voted Ui hesrnme
fileli un iiss, e-l.uloti, end thai Us hireclere li.ivt-procured
the aiilhortly ef lhe owner ol more) than two-thlrele at Ilia
Cepilnl Me, k to tu-tke the ceitilieato re-ipilri-el Iherelor by
11,1 Invrs 01 il.el I nlted Mutes.
IcKI ;lt W. Cl'MMERB, Cashier.
a---- CUH.N fMilANlii: HANK,
I'iiii.aIjpi em. Ui loher 20. ls.14.
Nellie is herehy elven, enri-eMhijr lo Neeaiuu J of the set
of II e 1 .eht-l-il As, intily ot lhe ( olntiienweallli ol feiia-
Iv mnu. e ntitled "An act euahlnu Hankie ul tlii'l'oiu-
leiniv, enllU to tiecnnie AsftoelHIioiiH lur me liu-piiaeor
II.iiiSm.x utlili-r tt.e liievs ol ti e I inte-il ht lies." approved
ll.e-Aal .HO of Auieuit, A. 1). IW.-I. that the Mockl.olurrH of
the-Coin Kcliaue llank ol I'luliiiteiphia have Uns day
eon l 10 hecoriie aneti an Association ; nud that Its IMioc
lors have pioeuml the aulhoniy ol tliei owners ol more
III an tw o thiol - ol the- Caneal .si n-k toinnkoilie rorllllealu
re.pUreMl therelor I.J Itivluves ol the ( lute el Mat,.,,,
le Jt-:st J. w. luiiiifcV.i-njihler.
P-T ; -J NOI1 C K.
run ein.ia iiia, October 20. Is-Vt.
I Keth-r lo eretiy lvcn, aeire-e-ub'y to section 2 of tlm aet
ot tl.e eienelal iiihly 01 U e e omitioiiwo dih of I'l iiu
s h leiila, 1 i.tlUU "An aet rn 1I1 Inn Hankie ot u.o Comiu -u-we-al'li
lo laconic A ence.a.lone tor the purpose ol Itanium
limler ti.e lav, of llie l iilte-el Unites," approved the '.hi
day el AiiKUst, A. II. Isell, tint the site:kholde-rs ot the
( He Hank have- ileie day voted b become lelicb all associa
tion 1 ami Diet lis lllrectors have procurud the au'horp y of
Ihe five tiers 01 more- than teeo-llilrds of lhe Capital retoek to
make the ee-rtllleuto rc'lulrL-d tlie-retor by the laws of tho
Limed N-nies.
10 .lot (1. ALIIKUT LKW'IS, Caehler.
i-r ,- N O T I V K.
Or' I'llll.. VI. S I, I'lllA.
Pull, a lie i i-uiA, Octoher '.Hi, 10I.
-Vollee Is hereby s'ven, a- reeatily lo suction '2 ol'the aet
of the e le Ill-nil Asstuibly ol'tho (oliiiiieiievenltti of 1'enn
syleniila, el lllle d "All aet eiiaililiie Hienkeol the '.'omiuon-Tie-ullh
to beeome Assoi latioiifc frthepuruoeol haiikltnr.
umier lhe law k ol the I nllod Hlaiee," approred tlie'.'d
cay of August, A. D., ISeH, Iho Mockholders ul the
fveiielnkloii Its nk In the county ol I'iiilitilcluhU, nave line
etay voted lo beeonie euoli an Ansoclatlon ; and that lie
litre dels liaet procured lhe authority ol the owuon of
uiore than tvt .i-Mdids of Iho Capital Htouk to make tho
rerlillculei reipilivU lUe-relor by the Uws of the liuiu-U
lu-'Jl C. T. YCKKKS.Caihler.
t-rsr- N O T I C E.
1iiii.aiiki.i'io.. ortob-r ), Iseit.
iVdlee lh hereby etvm, aii-eblv lo section of lhe aet
of the- e,eue-ral Aeee iiibly ot the Cuiumoiiv, uallh of l'eun
nelvimlil, elilitled "An act euuMliitt llanie of ties Coui
U'oiiv.ullll lo Inhcodio Aseoela'lons lor the purpose of
ItaiiMiik- in ehr (ne la of the, Culled Ht-i.ius, upproved
the 'i'.'d day en Aiisiist, A. 11. Im.4, lliat ihe stocklioldt-rs
ot die K.itmers' nnd &lee-haiiic- itank or l'hiiade-lphia have
Una day veil d to bee uie su n an Aisoe-aeiou ; auei ttiat
lie Inrociers have procured ihe authority oi the oevm-r
el on le- Itllili tvtiellilnls of the Capital sltock to maki' tho
certliuatu re iuueid tiiereier by tt.e luvva ot the I tilioU
lei-al- lot V,'. lirHMTOX, Jit., Caehler.
r7-'" HOII C E.
l'ull. Apia. I'lllA.eiclohor il, Wd.
Kotlre Is hereby s'tven, aare ally to seottJiii ofttieaet
of the- eieiie-nil Abseiuhly ol the e'olumoav, eiellh of I e-iiu-
Iviinla, enlilled "An Act eunMltiu llatiks of the Com
monwealth lo beceute Assetciailona tor the purpose of
HtilihlliK under the lawe ol the Cnlled Hiatus," approved
the Mil elay ot Aiu-iist. A. 1. ltiol, that thu Hto -ktioldurs
ol the- e Vu.ii.e-rchd itank of Pennsylvania have this dsy
oti-d to became su li uu AsHen-ladou and that Ita Irlruct
ors have proeured llie Allihurlly of the owners of mere
than twe-tlilrileef iheCiepital sttock to iimku Iho cerafl-e-ate
re'iulri-el Ihere-flir by the- lawn of the I'mlcd Slalea.
Kot- itnlher perlkuiars bloe-k holders e-eii apply Ui
lo VI-Ct B c. I'AI.M L'lt.Caehler.
Is-T,." NOT I OK.
I'lin.Ai-i.i I'm a , Oelotter J0, 1-eitl.
Kotlee Is hereliy pie cn, agreealily to ee, lion 'J of the aet
ef ihcelene-rnl Asstiuhly ol the ( oiiuuouwca Ui of l'eun-eyleuiihi.i-ntitluil
"All aet enahhoi: Hanks of thel'oiu
moiinistti t become Asiociuiione for the purpose of
llaiiklle: under the lows of the llntte-d Hiates,' apiu aved
lhe avel etay of Auiilisl, A.M. lse',4, that the SpKlkholdera ol
the Hank of Couimuiue have UUa day voted to lieuouio
kucii an Assi e-latieil ; aud that lis Olreclora have procurud
the- authority ol ihe owne-ra ot more than two third, ol the
Cepllal r-le-rk to leiiike the ce-rtilltate required theied'or by
the laves ot U:o I titled Mate.
lu ai n JOIIIJ AI.KWIS, Cashier.
b--r' baj, oi il,t. istockholderf of "'lhe Hank of Pens
T.wtistlu." lu tl.u couuly of rhllade-lptila, ntdel at lite
ba.'ikli.k tioute.lii Dwelt) of I'lilladelphla, ou IllUlta.
1AY, Detober ), lHe,l,lhe foUowlus pre auiule audreeolu.
ilea w ere pissed unniilniout-ly :
W heiei... 1 inroctoia of the Hank of Pen n Town.hl;,
ire the eouiitv of Fhllselelplila. Lae e proe-ured the wrlttsa
uthi'rltrot Kiuowbei's ol two-u lrds of the capital iteck
erf (tie said Hares to make the certiaeate miulied by the
laws of the Untied (jutes to etiarme and convert (lie said
Hank into a Mailoual AesocUtlou for tarry iiva un kue bu.l
uests ( banleliik : therefore,
UiMolveel, Ihkt iho Hank of Pena Tuwmhip, la the
county of rUlladulplila, aiiail become, and the saiee Is
hereby csiaiis-ed and oouvesrted lito an asaoclatlou for
carrylus on Ibe bu.lneie ol' bauklng uurler Ute lawaoftbo
Culled biatea, entitied -yAa actio prevlde a national our
rency. aeeured by a plcdse o( (lulled eiate-a Bonds, and to
provide tor the e erculallon and redemptiisei theres'f.' ap
proved June a. lso4. And the name ol the aald nutioual
aaaoe'aUon absll be 1 UK rtSN NATIONAL HANk.
And the liree-bre ol the aald Bank aru hereby authorized
to do and perfcHTti every act. mailer, and lideg seeeMary
to he done to carry Into full and ooinplete efleot trie lulau
tlon ol UiU reeedulton. And (lie Cabler ihati publtab uo
tU teef lor tbtny da)e. In Ilea "North American and
I'nltedMateaUnxette," a uewepaoeerof tAecllfor PAna
despliUt. and aeud Ukv printed Bottoe.bynar or ibererbee,
to each etock holder, agreeably to (lie prov eeiona of an act
of ibe LetilBlatureol the CommonwealUi of peeiBiylvanla,
ootlUed 4An set enabllns the Hanke ef tble eVetnaaou
wealtli la beeveene Aafcoclaiioiul fe-r the purpoee of l.auk
ln, under the laws Of Ins Untied Miau i." approved
AiaruM n, loot. eAAtW fcejssia.i.,
10 U-m Caehher.
No. i N. EIGHTH 8T11BET,
.- -.-ViVJ-
Wersipee-ifully Invll ipeelal attentive to onr tlennt
aateHirnent of
(Vmprtstna HOTS', OIHLB', ISFAJITS', and MiaR8'
Cloihlee In ererr variety, In the latest rtylee, and of luj-a-rtor
wen kmankhtp.
Hpeclal atunuon paid loMISHK.8' HHKH8M AKINlJ.
Tbe public are Invited to call and axanlue.
ae7-win Ira Xo. 4 N. F.KlHTll BTIIELT.
-M No. 73Q CJIKHNUT Htroen.
Vi V ' CtKAtu, llaruiuuiuuu, aud W lo
ll I !''JUl,at
10 7-Jiu No. 1101 ClIKHNt f Itireiot.
Kot only rireTi I fd bnt tmr.or AM.r.n in rnr
0' lane arid I'ov, err, etekleueil enpfNaally for eMitirche and
hrhoedn, tieit f nnd lo be equally well adapted to the rarloc
and Llrawuvf keeolu. fur aale only by
tS M. VltHCB,
Vn. 18 K. KKVKNTII Mereet.
Alee, a eemplete assortment of tbe ret tec t lieUxieoa
aoneiantly on band. auln-m
Ever j article In our itock will bo sold at tho very loweit
market rates,
10-l-Itn Wo. S07 CHKHtrUT STREET.
Tho largest assortment to be found la tho city,
Eheppard, Van Harlingen & Arrison,
house FitiXisinNo hry goods stoke,
10-in-tutiik-ct so. loon ciiEssirr stheet.
arilAlllVlUH WILLiIAMa,
9 50 tliatu-m Ko. tlU'e) MAKKET STRI'.KT.
QOIllNXil-eleUiS Jte 1IAKK11,
Have the plcaunro to aniionncc that they are uow pre
pared to furnish
WHICH CAN BE 10-15-im
Haa been created In the neighborhood of Ninth aal
Cheauut itrccte, by crowds owefl-droaeed uioo
Of a iraall BKOAR STORK on the upper .He of CUKS
M'T Street, bedow Ninth. It aiiueara the pruuiiotor baa
been CUTTINa DOWN the price! ol hie Seuiart and To
baoeo, Ml por cent, on alible flock, which bj llie wajla
f rare oolJccUon, tbui aetl-fe-tef
On bit nrofua for the benefit of hie cuelouiori, who alwaya
'J itu worH-reuowiie-el Tohm-e, la mauuiaeitured front tho
FlfcKST l:ak.
Ar.d eamestljr recriinne-nite It.eif to all Gentlemen o
Luxuriolli Taelo.
Bold vi holeiaV anet retail at
No.oll (MIK-eNCT Bireet,
CuiJ oppoalte atate llouia.
jUMUNl) A.. HOUUliUictCO.,
ooinnsr.ioN meechants,
irioiu a. auenaa, a
AUi H I a A I. D 01 Tit
aiai uuM t. aejooau.
leal tf
J Ulabed In UUD. ImiKirtM ami leealer In
I uio 1 eaa, W uieea, and Uiinorl.
Choice Havana Clear,,
( roea A lilarawttia PtckJee and Sauced,
F.ugrUb aod Scotede Ale aiel fonor.
C'ai.uod Atealt, Fralta, Soap, Ac,
teavj Meeioi put up with care,
At o. 1M S. HKOOb1) atteet.
I tx It jodtinA u. teit'STr.
J ' boietotoro eaiitlnf uuder tbe firm of HAMUKL N.
liAV.KS it HON.ia Uui day dlaeolered. The baeloeaa will
be Milled h the,iKue-1. at Mo. rift teoeja Itlroet.
CHAS. li. DAVlKel, Burvlriu I'artuor.
I-hUadeitihU, Sepleatuber iu. LneH.
OO-rARTVT-etmilP.-Tlie onoSeralinted hare thiidar
fbrm.d a Uo-paneeernhlp enJor llie ana of UAVlEa BU -1'UKUS,
for the Uaaeaeelon of a yeneial llaaaloa aud
UreAecae ilUaUMH, M ieo. t l0 K kueet,
fKIlUt A. DAYU64.
rtittadcli!, October 1, Ittat.
V. S. Oorltacatea of lnMteelnOM, Qeeeartoraaaetene
voucheca and L'beeke, nud Uovenuaeut beevrltiee vwae.
raaj.boiurMaod aold. (ltaJ-lia
Uiulneei Peper and looaa on tVTtaterlll netootueteed.
Stooaj aa4 Loaile boejalai and Bold oat Oooaoileeloea.
mm IM.eeoode, Waeveboo, iwT fbMo,
f OUeHua.Ae., at
OLD BSTAlll.taUEU IX) A IT Ofnfl
Ouraor Of T11IMJ) aod OAMeOJU, fetneia,
lietew IKiiliard,
Aa fa .alM aa
iitafAHA ablt low rutau.
jjwe. m. g. imoww'H
Maeaied F.j-ei. Lot of Ilalr, Drepepela, EalarfeaMat f
Uw Llrer, Dlieaaee of the Rletnert, Uoaatlptatioa),
travel, I'Uea, Ueanliy, Mi, Faraljeee,
Reib of Blood lo tie Head,
With all and every dl.ea.e wbkh Ihfr.u the bunaa K,
eured efleetualir bj
orriCES a-Ko. 410 arcii ilntu rhitvwpM,, 1
No. Hi HOM. Rirwt, v,w Tort, and ot 4
No. If. FEJlDLKToN e luare. Booloo. .
No boHniT vrttn In.lntmenif.
No !Jeie iiim in the earn.
N enuntntf lip the noilrlta or lalrodtietnc ertret.
No poiinnir meillr nei down the lliro.u.
Hie MK1AriM.le'AI. lilHe-eiVKii V will reaeh ererr
poi H at drne and Instrumenu wiUreaeh, aa Ihos
niole r place. heiloYe. --,- uiew-
naT"!iti'"i",!f'"'""l """" """""I rror fe hnnreer-
tnio ot. ivioii. e-... uio.. .ooeiur or later (ma, .
in all the urUrena tlerr l nothln ao oompleteilv ewal-,
keeil up in eiror as Hie faeie. fbreee, and mouree mi
' 'ureical and menial coneilwuon of ia
TMoadetatoef thtn,. It therettili of teetomaeo and
i,.!!;!" ,y.'nuV". U lh".' wh" r-f'ew adrulnletar
beaill, n, life- to the peep e. while In laoe, Ihe maiorttr
l,otol,,;lfimtli.;.l,iU alloteei,. All Hhyeici and
lli.lreel.te,,c..n i.i,tph,.ic., and can never to anelec
tooel uart irotn lhe ,aiiie. "w
1 h,re are nun who mate a bn.tneie of treatlnr nrt-
l,!'ti!!li.,'or -'h1ilJ! '"""'"
Jotlillk ot w,ih vehlcb lo epeinei,t on poor aellv Tie.
lime, who have .tien-lb, neither pl,,.r.ll, aj'
lo nude rKo neh Jralli ej,ay tspermtnu.
lie who create el he luiniau In.dr alwave ipealie of It aa
a nilnhty whole, and ihe man muil be a knave or fwol who
would lo divine lhe jy.leen lato eeclMu. al
treat any diteaeo pes-incally. Independent of the porta or
niehty wbnlo to which ibeybele-ue. All eueh pracel Ion
"''"' "im-tb, but know nelhlue ef the oal'eo what
over. Ihu.lliewe riuu noth.n, le.a than a vaat heeuleal. -
I healainilnaconellUon of il.e p..,p . phyt caleTieBil
oially the joeinn, t. ho areold wllh dl.'aee teemraTKj! Mela '
..m ,eovior wunoareaoeip.-rleoAOinhavlnei
tn-en bereaved e.f dear frieiue, who have Veuald Ini2
Ulllnnelv frae-et by belnae peraled on. .
Three cirriiruKtanci'i. v.lin niaur ntliert whllh muthl bo
mentioned, are an IrresUtlhlo ollmeiluo to the oWnleto
Ui uianil ofeee iare who ha.the lire, and health of tbern
aelee. anil their loei d one. In hie hande.and la eonUenaile
a.lm miMe; Ii.b nievll. luoe which ihe pailenl it n il allowed ut
the iro, le have a ruiht In Oemandof ever, tack Wtveiclao
lofe.rnlsh ihcnmlih a rhart of Ma cliara-ier u,at thee
niay know his iualu1callone, o.,lc.l lueleed evorv hveu ehou d l.ecouipel e,l lo baee It liiiiut up In kle eoVe
at all houre. II la only Uirnuirh Ihle channel that IM
public . an hare any .lely or Kuorantee lor what j, m0.t
dear to it-life and health i nthrrwiea Ufa may be In iTe
IiimIi ufa mail wore guajined for a bbtckamlu than Z
plf -ielau. tumm m
In tr ie way Inherent iiuallflcatlnne. whle-h aro Indieooa.;
p.o .- in a pi,. linen, ate tnliJto lie Uelec'ed and OvhiMued.
Vt o e thle'y done, thonande would leave uat-pro-e
le,aion tehlch nali.rr never iiuadileit them foe. If ruiiare
luitlltlei not Uiereonn be no aultahle qualinrallon, at ha
order tei el. led lhe drat came of eluea.e. It la rouuUMIo and
InitiKpi'inably neeeriary to Inherit e'aaualty. yeeanhr-ale-al
Power anrt f ',i.,rii.-tlv.n... ...... TJJTT -
- ... - mi.u iv raimriuni
Iiynll veho woiilil be lurceintul In rinding an aa tide to
r" "..rojiua eoe cauie oi uitea.e. Tliore lo no
channel by which the cnuiei can be reached with corialnu
Out lhe one I have U. .epllu.A.
Therefore 1 la) wllh oonttdenoe to tho world, that It la
threnik-h IM oetiii.e three rare cuenbinatl ni of charaoter'
tlial I tiave bc-eu cnalileMl lo detect tho flretoaueeofdlaeoao.,iNr i. noi, ae enane ivppoit It to be a elieeaje; It lo
ao iiirHiieu taw oetwceu eoui ana oooy.whtch.lbeApoetlat
l aiil telle u, l ulvravt warrfuir eialiint eaoei oilier. Tbia
law eendi foith "toppairef ttieiee prod nee etleeaoo '
in dlver.lflcd forme, ard If fllii-aee le experimented on or
'""l"" m.n k nieeinmerfnpne tne eonellluUoa
and muitlpilee In oltier ftreni and other locallliee of the .
ev.te-ni,tbuadeitroluf ihe whole machinery of tnohtuaaa
uooy. .
Itememtier, the fltrDiaeh and the T.lver havo aolhliurlo
do with tbe e-aneeof the dieeaee. The Ireallnf of tbeeo i
omune, for the e-aeibe, baa aent miuiona lo au uatbrvely
w uh confidence I iay to Ihe world thai my MetaphytA
eel nueovrry la lhe only remedy ever ottered to Ike world
which v. m thoroualily ennllulate ihe roue of dleeaae. Tho
dlecovery ci-neleu of thre-e ulittnet preparatljoet oeae for'
the scalp, one- fe.r the- e) ee. aeidoue fortheeara. The he work I
tti coiiliiucllea, and e.rike at the root of alt dleeaae,
V hen I aa all, 1 tuoan every dtieuse that ever laleeled
tbe human boeli'. d
C'UMtU. ,,
rrem tho Beaton Journal. "
Jn.rV7, Iren.-l.Mr.. Nancy Sloan, of No. MWiirel ;
elre-e l. ( hn neiiloivn, do ratify that I Ieea been alllicteet
lorl.n jenre. My rllit .,. wee eo paralyaod thai I
coulet not lie on it. IioniiK mat time 1 mil. red from ca
tarrh, sere Ihronl; wontil ennch from one to free houre at
atliue; wae ve-ry nervoue; ecleloni could ab-epet nlsht. -
tiaii a Iuiik fever tevo venri alnce. Whtell mlneerf m ,n a
ekelelon. 1 had all the nualical advice and aiediclnei ;
i" , .vit.u io - sui ,-, no, u io no piirpoee. I wm faet
elrhirir in the last static ofconBiimptlon. 1 waa eondncvl '
lo heel lieu Mr. It. li. lirown e Metaoliyalcul Diecoeery
wan aent let. It waa applied aeeorihnu to dlreetioB, i -
ie-lt no In iter, hut rather ejeoreo tor eeune timo .
My f,icnd anted tne to itlee up, Baylnit II would kin'
mett'.a' I wiih too far iioi.e aud ton aeak to try annhieeef e
u n e. Hut ui mother etetd I would die If I del not Uoel
rellel in the Inecovery ; and nn It was the laat trial le euro
nil- ft) e eeoiiUI cmitlniie it We soo.-l h und ehat it wae uio
clreuluil in whl. li wna iii-leiw Into mv as turn whlek wae
In, if'V ellect. Ae llie circulation kept tacMaalun mydie-t
e.iae bnan to hre-k up. It waa elx week, after I bcttoer
to uply me nieevetni heroi e 1 could (aiher etreuutu to
Into Hoslon lo nee tire It. (I. Iltown. and then I bad ten
bee e help. 'I heeeooiKl tune 1 ventured I went wtuaeat
help, at.d the third tiu.e I torn. d my wav without any dtf
flcu ly. I heaun the uee of the Metaphysical IHeeovery Ml
M .iv. and the result te ote this -Jim ot July, that health aavi.
atrenaih la rkat returnfnv to niy eieueieted franae. 3
My paralyzed Bide le reelored to lor; lean now rota
well on li. eiy catarrh Ib froue. My coua-h, ray nerroeta
ne.B. and Bore ibroet are eeone. 1 Bleep weeil. Allaaykr-t
rei;nlAritl"B have dl-appeared, and I mini acknowledge
ttiat, hy the niovidouee ut l.od, I wa directed lo the nee of i
Jit i a M. O. drowns Muiahylritl Ul.oneery, and by It
taken Aviii Ihe mouth of the Breve and restored te an I
faielly and tner.e's. 1 know a- discuses are vone, aaMl a
fveneral clre-ulatirm has taken place, but eapect H will toko
Uuiei to rea'aiu luy lat ili-sii aud alreiii;ili.
BEMAKKAEI.E rt itv. or rrAFNr.ns cr twemtt
iKaIIH' HTANUlNll. ,
I, John A Niwcoiiih, of ej ui n,i .lito certify that I have,
been entirely de af iu toy left ear for twenty yeare.nnd Bur
the paat six years my r'gtil ear haq been so Ural that I. ,
could not hear conveieati n or imhllo apeakler eel any
ku d. I e-onlu not hear the church llls while I woo :
elltinir In Il.e church. I huve also been irour.lcd for a neeea
ber ol years w llh a very sore throat, so that I wae eohued 1
to flee up bIicHik In crutch, lor I hail leal any voice. I
had ureal trouble in my bead, terrible nolaee, alinoette'
cruiliees. My liead felt numb aud sluiild, OLd woo o
aoureo ol eonataut trouble lo me. .
1 tried every rcmrity that could be thotteht of. 1 went ko
iirlala ; but as they wanted lo nse liihtruenente I would ,
have nothing Ut do wllh thieer. About oiiementh s trace 1
obtained Aire. M. el lereiwu sMetaphyslcal lliaeaiewry, a4 a
uaed it aceoiil rut lo llie e-aTeciione on ue h.utlea. Anb Ihe '
re, tilt Is that thu hrailnic of both ears Is ecrfoolly restored, ,
so tltMl I cau heur as well.'as an e man. The great trouble
lu my fiend Is entire ty none. Mv heud facie perfecliy wtj '
and al rest, kly tliroaf, whicfi wan so diseased, IB entirely J
e-uied.ano I have ren eiveieei uiy "olee- UKHitl. I would svot
tale one thouaand dollars for the leiu 't f have received,
lu the use of Mrs. ltrown's klrleiphyeical lilae-vvery.
1.AII, DlMtAShil JC V lb, A Nil U'B3 Ol' lNIKlV
Fnii AiiKi i-uiA, Pep ember ?, 1KCI. r, Henry MarvlliOa.
Jefferson street tne r -ttr. Pnwiiti. 'hit's ceial yarel). Oe, -manlown.
do certif) tiat my son Joshua took brain fever '
and enlarrb on the hreaet, wnleli lofe bim with dischargee '
fium the eier and eliaeaied eyes. '1 he olaoliargee neveir e
ce-nard. His e.irs bee.uoc iul!e her.e and unnatural,
covered with scab. Tt.e olllews ha t 10 he i hanged durinat
tt ninht, so saturated were they with tbe dleel argee ; It '
would lie iitiposaiblc ui deaertbv ihe cotid'th-n of hia uvee. -My
fiiniUy physician aald he would go hlmd. Ills Intellect .
oi.o hernniu liofialrrd, Uiat be cared not to be, or rlay
with children, lie took no nouoe ot atiyilunir aroond nun. '
None hut ttie puretit ceu tell what our autferiaVatk Were to)
li k on our child iu tbls coudltloa.
Mo.t ptoe hieiitiallv, about one year agn, I laer lirg.
Til. el. llrowu'e "Mc-apliyeie-al Discovery" odvertlaed la '
the Ltiijer. 1 went lo the Office, 4111 Aroh etreet, oo4 '
piocorvd tbe iuedo-lne. Mv wife appded it rattlifuiiy onA
iiem-veriiiKly. 1 f-c nieulielne veo.ked slowly at the ,
bi-giniiluR, but Btiflwe iertove-red, and tlie result la that
our son b, entirety cured ol bia dlaeasua. Ills tntelUeet '
Bctuis to have aHokeued out of the Bloe-p of death, lleio
considered now a biUlit and InuUiKuut boy. The dla
ctierKe's rroiu his oars have or U rely ceased, bad hie enro
leave become small aid natural. Hts eyes are clear and
eeroieg. My wife and Ulself are well saUaUeel with tno '
I'Te-at cute performed ou our child by Mrs. M. el. brown'a -AtftAphysl
ai llsuuvery,ajid must heortUy coaunenel It to)
all who sutler.
Mrs. M. (I. Brown's Celebrated Poor Blchard'g ys
eA'aie-r, $1 per boitlei email aueitaS ewnu. feuealu JteaovaW
tor, tl p bottle.
CartieiouA.C. W. July 13, lhi. Mrs. Id. G. hrowat '
'wo aaauaau . nave oreee eieuie ouna m my rutht eye fee '
oven years. I have been to see ear el docUira, wUoui ( ,
i . -r . u..; uam aioaie nasi
any good. I siient larve sums of money In travehno tea
where 1 heard there were doctors who oonld beoeui saa, '
1 vvuau uu ane asiy gvoa. A UoUHUt mat
case hopeless, until mid by a friend vou ooeld relievo cava. ,
I IMl llB a IHMtd .na Un-nhJ .. W , . ..
- - - -- - - i . j u. via.ajaiiae MJvt
eovery." an lu Iweauty-fnur houre ofleav tbe tUettreatt- '
Deent, I could see eBito diaunclly. I am van ' ili '
Bif dssUvmrauoe. ,
I rcnuakl oori , Uuler,
Ti.e Ootetyratot roar Ktetard't Eya Water, II 1 aa
Mxeli ocesta. a
Mot A19 AatC'AI WlOeeV I
fkialpEeeuivator.ll. . -
e.eveo- . CO aUK- '