TrilPAlLYJEVENlN latest Southern News GEN. BUTLER'S FEROCITY." GRANT'S NEW MOVEMENT. A Heavy Attack Expoctod. UOSEBY'S LAST ROBBEEIES. Pepfatcles -frotn General Lee. INTERESTIXG FROM G E 0 n ( I A. DEFEAT AT ALATOONA ACKNOWLEDGED. yiic liliiionl Ix-tv I IVi-v SMAISXIPATION OF NEQHOES. ANOTHER DESPERATE RESORT. Remarkablo Editorial from tho 44 Enquirer." t?tc. JKto.. Kto., Kto., IJto. Harm's Ferocity A New T.rf ihe tHcreo. Tees I rtframeau v.n.rner, OI. Id. Butlkr l dcb-minnsl not to I c outdone even ly feMAkT or J-HBB1DA-V. W lul.J llley Content tllCllt- selves with burning t arn, and mil's, he wrenne fiis splta npin the limine ana souls ol tbe unhappy 4 '011 Irdtrate wboeuanee l tall lno Ins bauds. Homo f bit lying 'I1!'' Im imported to lihu tlit wo had. tent one hundred and ton eupiared ueKrotst tn work oo 4fc lervdlcatiniis below the city: be imme diately ordered ihe tamo number ot commissioned e 9) rent 01 Mi4 ouleuoiHtc annv tn bo put to work n tne hutch Hap 'Mini, and Ihore they mrr ot this stay toiling like iraliey slaves. Thlt tie dignities with the tint- 01 retaliation, as tf tnecnvnloTntent 01 piimitiors were a ww thiiii wider fi e sun, anil "y rvdlunctii could bit placed la the retyorta ot bin cowardly acoiite, who. Ilka Edward I. Mi.K)i, never venture wlllim eaunon iuiic oi our lines, and 0 at II": first inti tnatioaot danger. MnU wound sot Vnnki'v no grow to-Work we would he but lollowlnir Northern example. It In notorious laol our (irisouom at iaoup thaw Iihtu built hundreds at aides of Bucndainiited turnpikes In Ohio. A outlntru iron tlenmu has but leuely rvaoliml this oily who declares thai be worked on one 01 these roads lur mi months. It t lunher sinted Iliaf BifTLKR has imtiihsl tho War Dciiartincni liiat tor every 1 ant in d noirio ru mauded 10 his .atv.ui lander, he woied buhl a Con-a-derato ull'cei as In. -Use. and siib,ct 111 in to all I lie tnr.i-hi. of Mavoiy. Hut Uiechmax 01 atrecitv wan rea- hod wlieu Bitt Lk. ordered tlio doiiberaie murder ot" six 4'oniodo rate poMtiora in rotaiiarmii mr the allegm! killing ot lour negroes, hye wifn.sises declare timt this dia bolieul crime wa. porpetratod no inter than lat week, an4 within if ilimui-r almost ot 1 r outworks oe.ow ild city. Ilow toiler will our Ho'dion t'outmuo to plvpq mrtor to HtTTi.ri?fl a!n.-'in? Would they eapiuieaiad ilntt and wi-readdieiul uuicvasiiu', and treat them well? As well do tlmta m ike III j 1 ku m bw'U (irisoneiaot wur. from Mortotk. We relcrred Toterthiy 10 hnormatin ro'eiod diroct iioul Nirloik, 111 roiritrd o ili- fleet now daunt out lor tl e o('tiire id' ihe loria Ih:ow V iliuintiu. Wa .boulil bare aodoil tluit the tliet vonntu oi the iron Ir gate Jrotttiriri. whieh Has Stationed lor hojiu time at ChnrlONtoa, thu now irou-clu'l Mhipol the lino IMr.;atort nliiiK aiiu iiiient la ol thu heaviest culihm and Kieare.t rui.Ke (oine 01 i.or xiiuh arc aaid Ui tbrow .bed wiiiuu a iiaeiiou ot nix 111 Ic-d. Iwo moui tun and an inin. oi, bo niiiniior ol' wtmdon vt ia ol war, ammunition and inckot bouu, 01c. The War News Hip North Side-. from tk iirhmonii Examiner. Oct. K hot a aound lireuki the Bliluiei of onr lilies from the extreme Imt to the cxtrento rirht. Slielliut(, picket GriUK and (liarii-"botiuir bae wiu-ed 011 tlna ceoi the r.vtit at lenai, aud'what thu Yankee call 'a toed toeliua1' (endiioiiM woru In thl oouneution) tx ett between the autuouinu, nlio are now literally lace to lace, both vaitiea are butily euiruffed m pniparatkius lor the deadly mnittie, wb. eh cannot be de ayvd lony. ibo uuei'uy buvo areatiy eiilnrx-d and tiirnitiliei cd the worka at hurt llurri-oii.l.nul BM'iUted ana aud meriaraol tho uumt lurinidablu aVaQiiniiou ; but none of them lii'avior or nioro ditn (eruua than thoeo whie.i huve been ko Inutr uud to taluly oacd aa.ust I'ctersburn and ita circuuivolia bon. it (bo enmy la tuny, our tnrcen are equally mo, ELiuenenise baa lauirut us 10 uae the pick and apidu Willi nearly aa tniich dexlorily ai n-e burn dilehem, mini rt and nappeni npHiartl to ua. It in not tnu Cutoi w.sdom, however, to redii. our men to tiio rolol labui eir, or to name lln ir physicid aireiiutn by xcnve led in I lie ireuuiien. Ihe aoiplyoi lave labor, iu the country, w ample; why evhuiiht Uie meubti and bodily vneraiei ut our vihiietv, mi-i has a new been uiffifing lor throo concuiive w-.-ek withoot a aiu)'a n.Uiinimsioii 1 Wo would ro4tHM" tudy tuiri e 1 to our iinlitnrv autliortl.ns tbu pro- uriety 01 refetvitic eneuvh Ut0ciilar hintinrth 111 uur crave tellows 10 enable them to cuni" vlomu-ly up to the liKUiii.g n i.rk u nci tn,u ibem. The Houtli Mile An ii.tellifti ut observer, who ban recontly llloell!d the litKM neiir 1'eUir-liiir-, exiiresi ureut coii.tilnoeo In our ability to bold uur own 111 thai iiinn ior. itu iau that i tie opinion entertaiiied in the ariny that the tu ot batit e will oeciu sun illaue..ualy on bom aie.on 01 tlie rivet, 111 tie iiciml et o t inlu;oi-oat the one banu. and near the Vouilotide load on tho tber, and Unit l oth will mil. I'us.n rn item l'eie..LuiK report tlml no d luoustiutioii na dool u uue ill. re tor I o 1I.1. s. und mui llm cus- touiary abeibng baa buvii, lor n.iine eaiiMt, piot. r auiuwi. Late Korthrni pa'n ata'e thit noiue 01 MuHriiY'a ft' u dave i-ruMed the I1 ntoiuac and iHUe tru id a conaiderattle d'.tanoe iiitti Muryhmd. pla.iuu liavoo wbt-tever Ihey went. i a onlv bopn llm Yunkisti Uili the tiutb, and tlmt the fallant lihi.uv, uo.v h w in tt:e haOtUu onu moie , will not om avenge Ina unrdeied nun, but teuou the Nortneru people a new vertuoli ot their owu uiii In iMii'uand 111. II tiui'iiliiir . li be will only leave anbea aiul ueatli boliinti him, leavina uo bro..lliiiiK aoim al abve, tneli the inliunl- tautM at Virginia Inav holM to "c the w prcolidueted in a c:t izeit uiauui-r. 1 1 lie fail 10 do rlii, i,e but Invitee the ei emy 10 commit utl niort- .virible u rn eiiieMlu tbe uevuttUi.eii Vaiev. iieuetai I..k hava uot one word about Kaki.v'h detent 01 C auoa, I he Wur iicparliu-jit la xiiu ly aiicut. . The Vote In (!rnm Aenv, lliaerterv, ate., who come from tiUAM'- a-iuy all teeiiiy teal it has voted tin- Lincoln in-kct, me wuik wan done IIiuk: 1 ho otl'em ciicuiuteit anuiinr the men the prouu.-e tiial. all Mho voieil iho 1 irai ticket abould nai e llnilv uaj. liiriuln'h a. Mem as Winter t lit. Victory la Ihe Vit'loy ' luiern ali 11 wan rt cMivni le-re lesit iuay lint: fiHEHUIAM bad aellt t V0 t.olpn. the .SlMli anil ,it. tuenih, to the oarf oi the mom ta ns, ilminvli 1 'teller and 1 iMirulou'a t.apa, aud that Kaui.v had l.n e:i m on tlie remainim? 1 ornn. nutior t oihik. oo1 i)ri Uieiu lioui i'lfiu 1 V .ii;l, ibroujh Miaiburi, a di tauce Ol ten llli'e. With a lieaty Joh ol killed wouuecd, liriftonurH, and unices. Ihe number ol prnoiiein In Mud to tie cl-l bundled, othi-r par- ticulaia aie yet to no incciveit. hui ihciv are 11. t double about the victory. l'u-,in ii.h'm vlm lelt blauutou ou haluruay conuriu theieiiiii-t.ntid -hue that alia, it lieiul (oi: liua hu reuivi'0 11 idler li ber IiuhI ai d, w ho annoui vetj tin- ue-i o 0111 arm and blr owu aah-tv." Anoiliei account i'jre-cnt f I. at, iiotwiilii'andtna tbe 1 aukco aiu:'nii lit- thai tho 'wo coi p loiu pu.teii llirouali the tini ubove uii:niluuii I MtinJi, wav. aie tnentv mil' anari, oue be nv in I'aire uu Ihe' other in H arreu countvl. nine I-. ii':iou to 10 lievo thai tliey passed tiiiouuh eui a to ttiei oi iliol 'Ihorutou'.. All aeeouuts ui:i-e, boivcver, in regard 4o tbe vfotorv, winch lliu-l tteie b-'U a stll'slalilitll ciue. and well calculated to cut the voinb ol tue young; cock, Shi hihax, who baa Immii croiviur ao lurtilv over bia lucky ertt'eiiicut with Uie new ca valry Oeneral Hohkk. W barcviir may be hit lau'ts. fHLY in a dogxed mau, and w etelt aurn be would not real content until be bad wiped out tlie ataiu ot bis late reverse. We await uaiou-'y the paitteu laraol Uiuiniporlaiit ailair. Later. faaaengera who came down Ust evening from Htauntou and liarrb-onburif counnn the oeteat ot Unooa;; aud a mail who waa wounded iu Ihe nirUt ataUs) that n larae atpnitjer of tnouer were lakeu, lirubably at many aa two tbooaait. It u believed that only one ot Kitti.T'a divi4iou waa enxaifud in ton battla, tba reniamd'ir ol Mi loroo having eroded mountain In order to iuturc mt hilKuiuAN'a two onw on their way to Alexandria, where thar will ewbark and to to ORAM1. 1 uit may acoouut lor the act that no official iuiinuaUiiu ot Lakl' yiolory ba reoetved. Wilia)ln-te. JPV' "Polled aiukmf of the lankoe puu-boat zyty'?1' 'hell thrown from oue oi our ballerina aLuYTi ?T w ""uitrton, i baaed upon Ibe atale laaahia r;eut4"' l Cooled rate veaael, wliiett -VulieV. iri'""'''"- o be bowd that our The aaok il!fluml,T "te in their aim when uaoat rea4TiruriioUl"-.,,'t",,"M,,uo,u4,i' yoani genilemair L ?1 ""V IU f"-uuii. A taa thit IbenoTT u U uTr,'?.5,?l'ilk- ""ora" 1-itb. and not by '""" no aecrvt of loe uuatia a ' u,k ay they do net care 10 mJT J1" ber avmenti aU lbe waul la I. w .,"''",'1 aorta aa ftier nave done at MoC... "rtr-00 Wit kortolk more fnaa a week a. ea a. i'l'-i""' Heo very nearly ready lr" '"""" lvee'a Iateel OsletaU Deeoatrhea. iVaaa Ik4 incAeMad Dot trammer, O l. I. Ihe Avgntt (Oeorrta) aayai " It ia tgoaii thai Oeneiwl ilu-io ia in tbe rear 01 hhu, JiaT ij oiy j tliat no car b 1-v4 ViW tW, ini read for ten day", ",'Jh,JI.'"'.aw,(i tmppli's arc inib'elv cut t bv that ro f , h M.iMnery Api rol avi "A r po' Nuanwul by c.u.-le Ibat oar r ueeeolol in rtwU"v me the t1'''' tnt aevontaeo anile, about li hhaely, Ml th road ou r rtday." "H'i. M, ta.)4. 1 J. A. rmnnon, fleoreUrf tr artOn the 14 ln. Tolonel MneKeT ttruek tha liatiinf and Mblo Kallroasl at Uuflie o, Oeetmylnf 'nitod Hlafoa mail train, ooiis-stmg ol loomllo 'live and lea earai twenty priaonera and bitten hoiaon were captured. Among tlie ri"oncr virre two laynHurtem. with li 1 10 In i,overnia nt foml. fifrieil) M K. I.kf. lion-'ral." I he (laftt-truce ati amor M'm. A li.on wiU rarrf In at'iia tl'tn rooming be:woou lou.-and fiye uun ilrid nick ami wounded nirolod p Loours, , o .i rtb. Aiuoiig tiiem ia Lieu enanf-i 'fennel ltritn li m, who ha bs-n l.vice a pr aoiivr In Mir hand. ''I he piison rs at I untie lliiurt'or linve Iw'ii do prtved ol the ib-li viui.iln horn en's. tie fmrtirs fiv n rec lit oriler, ami are now l.tniieit absoliiMly im tho I liroll lalions. ll.i' hj-umrr aav: ' W e bav rood auflissiv b'r savim' fiat 'ho t I likr I wi, 10 a cert oxle.., rosuuud trrm i n.eniii havn l-oon ioihi" to oxi'naii v Itfi n-sl at.-'iy. ten iliou-ainl 1 aiiko prliMiie rs, ul hava ninb, teor gia, nnl t iipiaui il T n ivill cave in atwd'yvti .u etvi.teuii the wioie alia r. me to ibo mine! 011 of tin" erintitr of rerks in Ille hi. hll OIHt I'.MI I UllO', invito." ol their dirn-a in I r lit, lie- ilelivi ry H ill op'll nt I'l A M . till li t , aim el en Itsiiu 4 Iu til'. i Kriih tlirov' nehiieiiro oifh aiiowo'i I ho t.nmnrr, ol Ibo 1Mb instnnt, av two hlin drnl a-d a v-nl) -oi, lit ankoe ileseiioi-v who eAiuo Inio our Mm a under the nlMirvm iu ,1. rilor (s,ie e si) No. lift,' were .iai oil, estornv, tor n imtnt in II 1 .r onn Iiiiim, llilottifii whieh tbov enu pa-s an. I frrad Y aidtro anil aiiaiu. -I pwiirdn ol five Itif nlrt-1 (IfserleiH I111V0 I eon tliioetl ol 111 oolllormity with the Mipa alioua of tin n-.ier, and aito ti her il lias fail a iiet nainlarv olbso in pionioiinir m.l .ut-.ea-- III IT ill ml ;inl.a lioni tin lUliks ol Ihe eiioniy. iw. I:ih. ih4 10 lion. ,lu.t. Si on n, 8eerctr ' in W nr: At 7 o'clock, tins A . M ., in ene liiv 'iioeavered to tiilveneo bovoou ibo liarhviowii and 4 buKesf itv but were ropnle'd In'oveiy atiinipt.. I bo most n.i-i'iiiioiis ell'.iit iviis imi in 4 I . M ., alter w hit b ho t iihdrc w, lea hn. lnuii ili-d. :lir b M was very 1. uht. S(iC1) "I!. I. I ir." Kill Sort "Spy. lr Ri' m"Hii r'rm I ar. I . Sin i:n mi cmniu.tled to the I'n h' on .'ilitr--da , buv uir l oou sent from iliinovtoii, Nor ft f mo hna, bv t.oiicml t iii'iiMi, in uiuiniitiid He n.. uieiu Ibe ehuriro ot tioinir a aukon iv. i ho chareo iiml ei.oclitcjiitoiie arruiuet bun bav) not yel hiciidivolirou. 1'alfliat' il." Mav.. rr m IK- aTv;o' tr o fie IsA. The liroprKitinn to exUiml the (;ns.'r;r'. Iw t ) the ravof ot' the rtnts wits timl formerly twl vanixil by tbe .'N'mror in tins unfile, uf tin) HU Intiutut. t-iuce thul urun, we huve nt' civud innny nijMiriiiioit of its tM)iAilur lit-vor, und none w'tat cvt tt oppueiilon to it. Wo burn that tho piaattm in the cxlicvic Svutliern SuUos fnvor the pinpi iiitistii, eml i.ouie linve miutiol their r';mli iiens to free live, ton, or IHVen of their .sliivj, if tliey vvill oilier I lie uriny-. 1 he nour njiproiicli of tliu trino wbt n the. CsinnreAS niects aum roiiiirus tbiit i picsMon by f to 'lie aeiititiionts ol tho country upon thin iiupui'niii nicasura. Wc tlicro-foi-e cira-tly invite ita 'itciiKii(m,iinil op in our colinwns t oiiivnn ntB i well as irieiid'; vC tho ircpoi-itioti. 1 be n suit of tlie lute rleiliona ia Mill In ilou'it, tml wbeilicr Lincoln or McClellmi will be cieeiod it is yt iinyx i,ili to to detcrtnluc; hat tliero in no iiuitiiiiity hh to ibo Muo-tion of enrrviiiK on thu war. Wbetlii r l.lm.olii Dr MiClelluu ho the next I'lCsit'eni, the vweo, nr,d the almost unauiiniiin voh o, nf tl.ut H'ot)io is lor ii viitmous pineecntion of the wur. 'i be duty of iirvrauiuir t ) meet that iesiiv will be btluro the pr uicniui' session of the 4'otilcderate Cony-resa; thitt b nly willj huve iK'it're i , for ojtisiueruiou, the w.iysaiij moans, an well of intu ua of uioacy, for ouir."iu ou the nr on our putt. 'I be war ory of tiro enomy "No parley w ith rcliollion In I lie field ; no compromise with slavtiy in the touiljunliiieui" fully informs our penp'e lltnt, iu plain vernacular, the wliitiM of thone States tire to bonntijupt'cd to aJtvory, anJ tliiir Bluves n diii i J tn tli inisirabk' eonditiuu of Vnnki'u five negroes. Tina is the view of tho peo ple ftmtiTii our onemies, nnd this w ill be the result uf the war, wlie'licr ended by I.tnenln or MeClellan, if the people of these States permit li t nifclves to lie completed. 'I be eonnoiiptton ol tie'!rees should ho atv om piiiiictl with li teUi'i'i and tue privilege of reinnln ibg in the States; this. Is no, part ol nlHillii niisin, it is the cNcr. ite by the ma-tcr of the uii'liicstii liable right of ntanuniission ; it in n iiuineratiBg those who defend our I'liunu with tfce piivihue of lreeilotn. NorsUoulil this impoit ant .'Uhieit be pri jiid i ed w ilh ipiesiions about puttli the nejiro oniine'iuality with our friends, biotbcrs, and lathers. Many of tho soldiers in tl eir childhood were fondled and nursed by faith ful i.i K'O nurses, and yet no iuetion of eii.iltty was ever raised Msnyatnan big iiianuniilied fluves wilhoutever lieii ft m'yectcd tj tuo suspi cion of hems un alioli'.loni-t. 1 be it mh s invuiveu in this war are too exalted in their importance and character for us to permit them to he compromised ny Deiuy ucraiieit to a (pjestion nt propel ty. Tlie liberty und freeihim of ourselves nnd of our children, the naiiouality of our itiunlry, tl.e nuht ot enjoytrj!; uny Kind ot pn pnty, tne bouses over our beads, ii'iu inevery jfrnvtsol oiir f.b-.lilreti and, are invmvd in Ibis sun). K c. t aiinro nuiKen sieves oi an, while and black; m' s ail of ptopei ly, real ;u d jursiiiHi; tltviiks our funis unions nur cm- linn is, w no win pioii;ii up tne v.'ry iravi s m our lie. id as i'rtilii"l cMuifl Mr miki i' . Wo bare in our n.iil-t a lull riullnniul n'li'iit,' material wuiWl Is proHTt..v ahall we use l!mt pn perty for the n inmoa ca i e f liitice and fomiu lioncy iieinanu inn wo ii.nka net im n of tho: o wlio ll jiit for freed "h. Wc coiiseript the master nnd we I'liprciN his tor is, catt-e, win at, and uveiy oh. r pio,ior y t'X i pt s'uves. This very exception Is an impu'a- tion ti nt ibis war is tor slavery an t not lor trce- iii ui. llv eiiDst lipiinn tlie negroes we show to the world the earnestness that is in our people ; we piove to our em nm s tlmt at tuo moment ot our Minn nscd exhaustion, in tbe llith year of tho war. we shall meet mom wnn tarter armies man we bavo bi tore vai-ea ; uni we oxpiona me r use act tisntiiiB ibiii we arc in:ntm' iur slavery, or a slavehoiiltie Conlcdiraey. I lute are tlio-e who iiontit wnetiicr sounn policy wi uld It ut, t M uroes w ith aims. We aio not ol thote who entertain any Tears tian that snlnci't. Dull nnd di-eiiiliue nuke uluablo Kobiiois ol' ticrfs, ami no nt Rrm's in States aie o ignorant and oruiai us those sens, Betivcon fervieo with the C iifoileiacv and with tl o Yuiikies, between living niiinii;' us Willi all their un hit local iittaelimenn, und uoin uinnnu MraiiLirs, bo are now op-, my tniym and selling tin in to recitiiunir. i.iu.".eT", our iaves win iriu n1 ilirbi upv in ciiooaiiiR. Aiid.wnen once it is un ilcisti i.d that lieeduin and a home In tho South ute ibe privlleis olleied by the Cjiifiderato luiilidi tii s, while tin- eiumv evteml the bt-')',irly bo ita ilics of Yankee philanthropy, noi only win ue i moil iroiu our r.nins w iin'reiiont, bur ti e iiiiiiicu ncerocs oi me at uiics will cxrliaiice fvIVKts. This subject addresses itself to tho consider'! lion of mil people, at this pnrtirular tiniu, with (in at force. 1 he prospeci of lour nioro yo:m of war sue before our peoile; tbu enuiiiy will not tven ''iai ij" with us without iiniondi fiiin 1Kb r, tho fruits of which would ha the con llscatitn i full pionerty, tlie ucairtution of who'e oi in in i ' ii it U , the dciad.itioti of llio p ople, and i ne ( omiiiittion und tjianny or iiniiee m isters. I In lc cm be no r t'orstrui'iliin which does no' cinbrai e a Miiicudcr lirsl, which will not permit eonfnsi ation uliei wards, whieh dons not insure enslaving the whi o, without freeing the bl.teks. it litre aie uny uenk kmcd people who In, sub. c Ho v i . in tave ibelr propiitv by ree in Siiiicl uit, let Ihoin f'liily the rsliibboleih of all pur ls in the I nilid .Suites ".No puriuy with re on i ion in uir neiti ; no euinitoiiu.-e wilu lniiy in the arjustnifiit. I a ouuiliuiial sui n iul i s lii-t ilciiiuiided before even a parley 0 are to my iii wn our in ins una suhuill to tli Hiuinen ol ibe Jiutlers. Crniiti, .SheribaiiS. au Mieridnns; to the fate ol New Orleans, tho eon, iilili n of ibe Vi lify, the unsery nf Atlnuta, and alter all tlmt dcciudntiou, to five tin till our slaves in the adjustment. Ji there mo any reann i irp.nnst tMell dli' Itie coiiscriiitioti to sluves, we hbould like to have tliein st ue.1 ; but wc arc I'lCidcdly of opihion that the whole country wi.l ane to tl.e pro osition, and that at en faily uuy the i ixt ( on3iessi,i ,e uilnt upon to piviide tor it by law. I row eori(la. The ilnuk moveuieut ot General UooJ upon Atlanta lias so far becu completely gucctastul. The railntail from Big Mi ante to K '.lignum ha been utterly destroyed, eveu the cuif. iille l up, and all the garrison) along that distance captured. On last Wednesday, rienrh's Uhisioii, of Stewait'a Corps, made au aiurk upon Aluiooua, whiiU la led. The despatch adds timt the w ho e corp f uboC'iueuily went to his assistsnee, when the town was carried by assault, and 4CHM prison eis taken, together wllu an luitueue quam;iy of materials of wur. 'i b is evidently a mistake, lecatise, if trus, we would before this have hud aome otiicial coa fu million of it. Oor aimy was on the Kijjto:i an J It onio rail road at last accounts. Oeucral Ueauregard is wi:h Ceosral UodJ, near Itorue. SiCK um's 20th Army Corps now hold Atlanta the rest of Sherman's army lias gone up the roa J. 1 here if no cavalry at Atlanta whatever. Oeneral Iverson cajHured East I'outt tbe other day, taking fifty wagoiu in good conditiou, and the w recks of a good nuinr more. Iversou'spiiUctjata within one mile ot Atlanta, and either kill or capture every Yaakoe who venture outside the luaiu rrorkj. Sbcnnau U beyouj the Chattahoochee, cut off from his nuun army, and I houias it ia coutuaaad at Atlanta. 1 he evtAcuaUon of Atlanta U iookei for erory dav. 1 be noumr nave no stock with which b naal artii.ery aud rommiesarloa, and no railroad. It la iexorted brie that the advance-guard of yux aty ttudv, ayonM I9 Uhi y,4 tb . t ..... .i rinoior'a lanuiosP. I ana mar h tor Middle n a--r. the troop-, aro kellrvod tv. ' remotndrr of Ootirral lhiodi be.l.ue- -.dly followln,-. . , .n - . 'n are tupixm-d to be fi. ro .) below Romo.-w Tho ponfrK'Ti train ban 1een lirnkon from the Cbaltaheioeheo ae.1 or.ioroil forward to the Tn nraarr, arid kN mall unatti r and bsgx mo diros'ted rtjl'o iionl Vi the dln eilon of Tnsrinnbiii. Aedrow .lohnwn bvi ci'lrd out the m Itia to tbe lnvaion of the Kebele. Anolheir t'lalit lii t't Tfnaf-wti., f'! V.mi'lia a.iprarst i be itivlna She Y li tres in l-:al I etiiii'sscc no r si. Ua Wednesday, as bori'toi nsi :inn'i?tn,e1, fiys tie l.vtn h'iing IlifiiNien. he wrhirp"rt tliem at ' roonville, md on 'lliin-tl iy ni'iroin.; ho ft, .lit caino u,i wrh II. t in cu:bt miles tviv;: i f tb it o, mid i.'ave thu'i another h m-tr-mie tlrtibt vg, CAptinliig tblily priso' i rs, "i' OTM wagons and aiohulan-e", ai d a i!o ul mm jr :"r , liesi its kiliin.rt ronsid er.ible nuiiiiei. The enemy left the.r doelon t'.ie II 'hlimd r-.r jtK -il in oonlimbin towards Hull's tiup, (.-clu'ini , tl ,-,'in pnr-UIBit. Mtrwil friM iwiirlniloii. .I.inv s .-T woiie i (i..f t';e ''i M, Tresi- flint; A.V,. I'.o-y (ol ibe rv..,.,j V i e.l'i.'si dint; Nathaniel Vy li r n ;ln .i'ioi-.tI, Kc.ord ilii.' .''t,r.'!:r;' ; 1'.' II. tlibinn, (icneril Asoii. Ml t vrrosr'-idiri Se,Tetarv ; It. I". Walker (of the r-.'t.Me'r), Tiraiinvr; 11. M. Stnilit, if he SiHliirl, "V . )t. A llef-i o, id the i'miiiirnr, John M. Tlatiiel, ol the mmiimr, and J uno A. ( owiirdln, nl'the MwtAVi, Directors; who, with tbo nb 'v,'. i.i. i or-, t !n 1 1 have charge uf i'ue a!) lira cf the Avua i.uion. The riajirii tor if any now sajor In the Cou fedemry may I a r.n luber of this Association liy ContrKititifii; tioe dollars per m snth in advuii e to the treasury, anrl'ierwanling In the ROner il ar-nt all inpor,iiti' now from Ins 1 irality. Any mem ber niuy wit'i'lnc, fioni tho Association oy giviiii fme mouth's nctlee to thu rresulent, and pivim; up all his ccs. 1 be general a;'ent,at thu esit of HijvcriiiniT.t, will forward la all members of the Associntii'ti, tiO' e-sible by tolr'rapli, all important news from this pliiee, together Willi syn nues of liitcwstirir Co'-Kiessioiis1 roi-oedinirs. Tbepre ol each city or town will mr.i'tgo for its o vn neeiicy, itid pay all charges fur trausiu:tn'nj mt-v ar,es to themselves. Sale sr Tllle. The Ni wTotk Il ralil of the h'h Inst int nn noun'Ts tho unival in Clo'.'.i ilil of the vori'uble H. liXirsay Ogden, who has, during the pa-' fi w years, figured so consf ieuoitsly, iuc inrt arid nut i;f court, in tho (Joni'iilcrate tsiules. Wo sup nose 'C shall next hem of him appoarinr? at tho flowery as "Mao(k'heth." carryini- out "the liu nmrtiil poet's original idea to the very li.itor." Wc ciimnieiid the Count to Ibo f.ivoranle eon shlrration i f the ctiti'fim of iho New York press. .Aa tlie "l lntni) of C iwdor" lie is emphatically what the r.ovvery boys would eharaeterive us 'mint" "nice boy with a ulif-s eye." And then, wlii u be ai inys liimsclf "iu gloss of i.niuanil glimmer of pearl," be is certainly ''Stunning," and no mist ike. A few weeks in (lotbani, and lhen,"lio! lor nierrio Kiiglund," and un oriM",e nunt at tho Ai'ciphi or Ilie ilnyinaikct. Ku runs the world away. a'niidirvtl. A rumor was e-ionsively eir iil.i'ed yemr.rdity, lo tlie Hi ct that John A. Jlotiley ( latoeoniiuand ant of the llcnly K.itt.ilmn) nnd Charles Mr Hue, both members of tho Departineirtai lluttiilion, now on duty below hichmond, bad des trted to tbe enemy. We aio iiiformed by a gentleman ol' veracity ilint tbeie Is not one word of truth iu tbe statement. Our itiforinaiit states tlmt a mea nt pc lias been roc. i od from a Yankee oiiloer, staling that llculy und McKac, while on picket, uncntiscioii.siy wandon-d iuto the oneiny'a hiies, and were captured and sent Mo th as piisoisers of war. t'lry in War. The series of brilliant victories achieved by Sheridan has directed the attention of the people to the importance of mounted troops. The lloslon Cuninu icial says tho Micccsscs were In a largo measure won by eava'ry, the rightful Use of which the victorious leader appears well to un derstand, as well as tl.e time whon to employ it with most cfl'cct. Not that Infantry and artillery were not well employed by him, and with a skill that has never loen surpassed in this war; but it was to horsemen that was assigned the delivering of that coup ilc graft which really decided tho for tunes of the day. The fact is remarkable, and tlcsirves especial notice, us it Is onoofthovory lew iiccasions In tbe wars course in wmou cavalry has been put to such m-eas it was raised lo servo, and as it demon strides the excellence of that arm In spito of the use ot arms of precision, and of the existence of peculiar diiiiculties in tho physical character of the country in whieh most ol our military operations havo been carried on. When wo tutinii tliat wc nan got into a great war, there niueb discussion of tho m umer in w hich it should be wnge I. Orvut dilloronco of opinion there was on a most all points, ami soldiers und civilians found tiieuis,,lves arrayed toifiilier n all sii'cs oi every tiucstioii. one ol the iities- lions discussed was this, ".sh.a'1 a lurg-i cavalry Ion c be ruined and employed .- I here wero two i-u'es lo this iUe-lion, a-1 1 ;.ll others; but and tho is a most, extraordinary mio almod ci t ry u l male of .In: po -itijn lii.v. a lai gJ avali y lorce t-1. 1 n i . i ne rai-i tt w .is a nvnuin, u in itiioosi vi rv ailvot ate oi the opposite opinion w is a fco'.ilkr. Tho iJie, p!i ms weic oiil; siii'il.ui to ike tl.e rule 'rliv.i-'W app:'.rti. 1 ids wa-, us wo have said, exir.vordin try ; fur iflhtrc I e cue arm ol the military -o: vie; ino.-e triking than all the other arms tliero . I, it n avalry. It is tho cbiv uric arm. It is thu arm that mod sli ihes tbe imnvinuiion. li is tin: ar.n t lint is moft closely ussociared with dash and bnlilnci-s, and with great aud strikiu.i ilo;ds done on great and striking Ileitis. At leas',, thus it is as nluU'S to modern wariare, lor one lias only to mention tne uiecK nopnies anu pc u'Sts, tno Maceuotiiun pra nu.i, and tho Itouiau legions, to iinUirstanil iDnt tiiiiintiy bad llm bigncr jousnle- latiort in classp al war. lint so it was, the support era of itilniitiy lu re hcine uiaiulv toldiers, innpitc ol the ut.iaeiiucs pri'seuted oy cavairv. 1'ne ptioiic li-teiitd, be ird, und read, and shied with tlio' military vvritttrs. 1 his was natural, lur it is an 1 Ann rican habit to deter lo auiiioriiy ; and niiil tury men were lunc'.i more likely to uinlorsta i,l milibiiy mtilh rs t'nan a pa -k of civilians, who itot their know ledge in ui books iilone.more theorists, who could not spi nli pincticilly un tlie subject winch tncy di-i .ii-scd Yet the military men ami the public nerol'i thew rnn!', and tor unco at least tbe the iristj vrorv in the ricbt, if they so beforii add . arc never to he so ueaiu. The mi liary men tn- j un phed, I in onr annus uniu';. 1', was fmi id Hint cavalry were jii-l lis nei essary una' und hero as Ihi y had Lei n in till oi nn r wars ; ami so we i hiiin.'.eil uir ue'ion, tind went to work to get u, J a cnii iti nt cuv. In lorce. lint mouths of pro- J i-it us tin e bad hem lost, and that nuv-r e m'd be ' rci.'ained. Our eav.ili vlnis hardly, to tliis dav, got hp uloii'tsnle uf Hie oiin r arms, becau-o of tl.e del; y licit li.-l pcrie-l in orgaiii.tic; ;t. At hist It ts I eiiinning to ted on ihe event ol the w ir, und Willi its iisii il cite. i. We -lionld not now bo rejoicing ov r Oeneral tsht ndau's vlutorii . and iu be lon.tlelaycd re di inpnon i like alley ot tlio .Sucn.iudn.ui, li nl not our leinler been trolg In e ir-e, who are nntt iby coniinlileid. Ho was well usej by Oenecil ( nut t, who piand hit iuimcuiaio orders most ol tl.e caniiiy tiiut belong t hie army. Ibe use lie made of it !ioas that Gem tat Unfit knew his liciif nant well, and '-'uie Idm the rl,:Ut nicnns with which to ijCinte nt t no ngiit lime, and In the right place, lis sue c sl'ul r, -licit ,oa is a. 1 the more lioui'iaclt' tons of tho fat t that tho .Southron have always o uitued to l.e the bctttr nn n us rava'ry. Ae-or 1'mr ti us at lea -t equality iu ii mii'rv i.n l urtiii' ty, ttn-y bavo iitsistnl uin n their superiority as lur-1 men. They wete the chimin', wh it nrc ciicvaia ra will out lioivesr MTiut bus ui-t t:iic-ii p u e sbuivs Iiml tin ir i iaiin was -cot .so we'd loii'iib d ns it In in lit bav c b. i n ; a ml il i iiunot no do.ib: i J lliut tliiir livciais are nil the more ,;a ling In tinui bie.iii.-e ilu y are owing ,o a uriai -:i.n '.o lli utiluU of Norllirru cavalry. OyMter-1 Hlluu In lris. The Londou Timn' Purls corrcspuudent says : "I thiuk it was Mr. We'Ier, who, when diivitiij through YVhitecbapel, pointed oat thd curious fact that 'poverty and oysters u'.ways go tog' Ttue as tho tenttuk may lie iu Lou don, it will not app.y in Paris, to which th coarser deeciiptiOus of thai agioeuole do not lind their way, and w hore cheap oyster-stalls, with their tin eiper-oustors aud petioiaud vinegar coiks, niuy bd s iu ht ia va.u. The cost of the oyster in this capital cou'ines its consump tion to tbe better clacses. tsotwithgiaadiug, however, the huh pin j at wUiili it u .old geuisfally from 8d. to 10J. a doiCtt, enormous (jiiauiitii are eatesi. It has been i iiiculuted that 71) to SoO) a is kets are dslfy emptied in Fans, livery binkot con tains IM oysteci, so that ueariy l.W.ikf) are daily oiiened aud swallowed in tins greody capi tal. Thirty-six millions ot oyster a mouth, or two bundled and eighty-eilit nnliiou. in (tie eight ruotitbs o'' 'h year to which the coanmp tioa of that uiLliak ued to be limited. Now many peramu eat oysters all (he year round, un dor the belief that, owing to the unproved culti vation of tba bub, they way always 1st had in a nt Itata Rsr food. Although mini are uaod iu cookery, this is ma eh leaa the case than in En rope, ri ri oyator tauee i common with rarioua h-ia."'0 turkey, beofsteali, ie., ar.d the ne mSnd for rtewed aad scolloped oyatert li large. Hue ihe oyster ia uauully eaten raw, before or adcr soup, and a groat many as (lie brut diu Of UlJ a!fv U4 Want." Kill II I II IMII I 1 1F1H bl s v m y M SHERIDAN'S GREAT VICTORY. Full Details of the Fighting. CALLANT CONDUCT OF OUR TROOPS. The Reasons for tbe RcW Attack. Etc., Flo., Flo., Mo., Kir., i:t, Kto. snETvIMS'S GtrAT VICTORY. iiiteifM.Y inn Ktsi iMi nr. riu.H. On tvih Fii i p, Oiober 1!) F. M. Another battle has bee n fijugTot and another victory won a victory rained tliut ia of more Importance ami nunc brilliancy than any heretofore achieved, bec iii-e Ibe eiriny 'in the otfrot on this occasion w ns the alt ii i mr party, and Intended, as said a despiif, h whtrh wo captured, loom Oeriral I .ongstrret to ( Farly, to "crush fhcriian re t of tl.e valley at once und at all hazards." HOW 7B 1IATTLE COHIirjl.Rtl. It was moonlight, and nil around wan drear mi still. The picket performed bis duty nnd tho liru(iiinrtor' sentinel walked slowly up aud down bis boat. creek, and not far from Mbblletown, on the right hand side of the pike, was located the hea fpiiirti rs of Major-General Sheridan, but the O 'uoral hjm cll was not there, having lelt for Wa-hiinUon ciiy a few days previously. Next to General Sheridan's lieuda,uuitors were tho lioadijuariers of h.'cvct Mujor-Oeneral Crook. Fussing over an open spate, and but a short distance, too, t'.w.ttd ; 'a itar creek, was the weH known Major Ocn'iral Kmory, having his beadiiu irturi there. Vi e will now in-k tbe rcsderto travel in imngina th If. method of travel, 1 can as-nre tuo reader, much resorted toby philosophers, correspondents, young men Irom borne, and not a lc vol mankind generally) towards Front Koyal, the scene of so many encounters, victories, defeats, rotrogr.nle, and "otherwise" lii'ivements. Here wo Und l'owoll's Division of Cavalry, the cavalry lately Commanded by Ooneral Archil, of "lihtinj" no'oiiefy. Two of Towell's mins are posted on a high hill so as to cover the lord of the south fork of the Shenandoah river. The olb :r two gnus ( i por tion of W ier's Hutlery) tiro so arranged as to cover tbe ford of tbe south fork of tho tilion.m doah river. Near by Is one briga.lo of tbo divi h n now commanded by Colonel Cophart (1st Virginia Cavalry i, within supporting dis'..l.ieo of H e artillery. In frout of tlio artillery and the main body of oavalrv are picket posts, extend lug across both blanches of tbo Mhenumloah river, so as to pro vent a surprise from three thousand of tho enoiny's cavalry, said to b located at ur near Hilliird, In tbe Fairny valley. F.xtcntling from l'owell, who has his hcadiiunrters oa the line of the Front Hoyal and Winchester pike, across the I'.idge rond to i.'uckton's ford, aro a chain of petrols, w hose business it is to communicate with Colonel .Moore, commanding a brig ido of tho 21 Division 1 1 Cavalry, stationed at and near the last nuun d lord in qui stion. From Moore's over to Crook's Infantry ex tended another patrol, tho w hole for the purpose of keeping up ctur.mnniciUion between tho ex treme Id; (the cavalry ) and tho infantry, and Ocutriil Nlici loan's hcail'iiiarters. It has now been shown how the cavalry nt Front Koyal (and by f he way ills well lo add that from our position at Front lloyal we ''omnmnicated directly and almost, duily with Oeneral Augur's forces at I'ledmont and Rectortown, on tho line of thu JJanussos Oap Railroad), c with the infantry (Crook's) who were on the loft of tbe infantry lino and on tho lelt of the pike road, between M im In sier und Sira-sbtng, A glance at tbo map will at once give to tho reader nn exact idea of the position occupied by not only Crook at t! o time of tho atta "k, but by the other eoipsuud cavalry divisions of thu ariny, together with the position taken by the army trams and reserve artillery, nnd the artiliCiy in line m position lor action und iu front on the ro r of the pike wns located the I'.bh Corps, com mandi d by Major-Ooneral K nory. On tho left id' F.mory's line, near tbo plko, were in position the 1st Maine and what is known as the lUiodo 1-l md or Clnise batteries. To the right of Finory was Custer's C tvalry. In rear of Custer, General Mervitt, with his cavalry division bad taken up a position. Ne ir Mcii't, and in leur (partially j oi tbo I'.'ih Corps, tuo bill Aru.y Corps (Wright .-) was held in reserve Not a glial ilistanco i iDlii ihe piko wi lc tlio bc.i t i.unrieis of (Jeiieral MieriJait, in the yard of an old Virginal mansion. Near tilts in nr)'i, and on nn npin Held, were the army trains (nuuitmi l inii ana i ihriw.-c) and Uie Unserve Artillery. In licnil ( rook bud some artiliery (a portion of it bell g Ibe Mill I'ciinsy Iviiuii llattery an I f ur puis of a to; ub'.r b.ttcry) iu po-iiiuu so as In i over Ibe font at and the bridge over Cedar in k , while General binoiy bad some more eril li iv (the 1st Maine liatb ry, tho Clntso Rhode I - :li il Uatt.hiis, and some otlic,'-,) i l pojiii nt to tlie I the bi; Iil..ii'ls on the op;ioitc aldti of Cedar net I the 1 i;;hlamls acri ss tho ere U iu (root of tl.n 1 1 si iini In: occupied. Ouster was watehing i he j i, lit hank nt ihe army, with ai tilkvy in p 1- linn, to pivvi nt n surprise or advance from tint uiveeliivn. Merrill was in readiness lo step art Ciister, und the (if h Army Corps is In position to move to either liauk where more or most needed, 'ibis was the position the army occupied a: thu tin e v the attack a. is muilo. This As I have previously stated, it was nnonl',';'it, uiiIhII around prevailed the s'iilness nsual in ilnit hour of the nn rning. While this stilluu.-H was prevailing, the enemy Imd rioisdi ssly mussed a heavy colutuu of troops btbii.dthe lulls on the southwest side ot Cad ir creel., nnd diret fy in front of tho positions occu pied by uur exir u e pickets. Atagiven signal (as we albrwi nls hniriicd), the enemy nJvaii ed rapidly in solid columns uf rci'iionts. Our pickets weie chai :i d some of t hum oa itnrotl, u 1 1 1 1 si me ui ineiii tirivou in nanny lie tore tney I had time to discharge thjir muskets. In f ie oi nlint lew pakels did Cume In, the enemy can e in so soon ul t l ami so close to them, Unit it wits ticur a tie as to w hich parties warned the sluiuls'iiiig cmnp o. iho army of the dauber near lit l.Hllli. Having diivui In or cAptiirrdour pickets on Ihe lelt c.f the lino t f tin; Infantry of the army, tbe t in ray bui':ed ncii -s Cedar cicek at the lord, and very soon alter on the bridge over Said j stii.iui, und rendu .-1 the side of the bill und bieiistworks ucoiipiu-i by Thorbuiu's Division of ! tin Sib Aimy Corps Crook's. Th U -bijls hesi- lulidiii l, but pies--d ou us a dasluug cataract . ov rail battier.., completely surprising mid in a im, i-hc staiupc.tliusl the left of Geuc.dl huoil I nun's ui e. l.y i Ins auc -ess the enemy gained some in til lory I In iieve the lltb Pennsylvania iiaiici y nnd some pieces uf a re'juliii battery. i I l i -udileuiiitssoi the uttuek and its wonderful ' aiicovks lor a elio.t I ine bowildered the troops so ' mm ling. Many ol ibein wore taken prisouers. but b) lur tbu plain- poriion got away, and with tlnir anus. 1 bo o,l r division of Crotik a Corps, w l it b was allowed - nine time Inform, did so, aud we- si i i .ioii.ed in 'iue by tho remaining portion i ol 'j lit.. bum's All this while tho enemy Ut'i t pressitot un ,ud pouring in upon our iuvii a r. i in mid in ir l ions fire, a tire from utuaV try, is a so In in ui a nlciy posted upon the hills on tlio i'l in -i e si''e o' i 1 ' ir ereolt. H it, ne iiii'itiM a column agiinst Crook's fi rustl e c'.u.iy iuIok!y turned his attention iinwii'i -ilie li-t .t of me pike, wiiero the l'.Hh Cnri s (o ral at I nory's command; was guttou into lit ., at d bis a lilierv to work ut short ni'iuc. At tiiia Huio a l "id cUBi'go was made by the enemy un. er cover of his tuns to capture 1 tnoiy's aitillery. Iu a mcasuie this charge was aiieiei.-fnl, altbough it was resisted wuh great vtgor and by a fire that would have done credit to the best of veteran uudor the must trying cii' cumstanccs. In Uie charge tlio Ilebcis took one or two pieces of the 1st Ma;ue iiatterv, and 1 be'iio.e a j o: tii m of the Chase Uatb rv. Vi hat tuost helped the Rebels wa tlie es.act 'range wliiih t iey got ot our pieces tbe ones raptured Irotn tlictiie vat;d, toniuiaiidiiig posl.iou on the opposite side ortltc cie.k. A. soon as the light commenced and it was known how the left had an mired, the Oth Corps passed from its position of leservo over t-o wut e the Hi!i Corps was located in tho cotuuiunceuicut of the engagement. . The train.., too, were got out as si.cedlly a) pos sible, the pike road to Wiuchojui', w'm (bey utrivel in satoty. The enemy discovering tlio success of his sur prise, and believiug that it was now for him only to triumphantly advance (and by the way I must mention that it was now broad daylight), brought b.i columns and aitillery across Cedar ir-'ci., to pie-1 the pursuit with vigor. While this was beiug done, and a brief lull pievaikd, our line was contracted, and com menced slowly falling back. Tho enemy pressed the pursuit rapidly, and with great persistency. OENKHAl. SHKHIilAK'S AKRIVAL Ul'OK TUB FIELD. We will have the movement as it It, to now turn the reader'! attention to Oeneral Bheridau himself, who o gallantly, and fortunately, und t'romptly turned the tide of victory and the toes of the stockings of his men, lor he turned those mii turn wm toward! the euviny, whvre they 6w" " WHAT 1KDI CEO TH 1 BrBRL jrT Ptrcraldayi "go the th Corria Mnt t Front Royal. The rnmor then prr,iem that It was about roovlng to (),,nerB rant, and this rnmor reacf(, tnemy,n rt wblcu, no iiiiiio., iu . lh, ttncii mail,; npon (irneiai nneriuaua 'ReaTtot a great while tw. in ceiiiH iiiui'-, man nimca inenin c-orpv was rt railed a'jd yjiaeed tn tire res xve position shown upon ll-e map. After the rati Corpi had readied the position named, en. Khcriil in "one evening'' prrncirkil to its') heathiuarifrs ol Colonel l'owell, I'limmanding "iho 2d Division of ( avalry, then ii'ur Front Tmyal, and stu lied out a pi in with Oeneral Tcttxrrt, Chtof of Cavalry, fur one of tho grandest cnvalty movements ol the war. hortnis lutirr Tinrpos-e Morritt's ami I'owell's Cavalry Divinions, during tbe aanie night, were moved aor-va both bnnclios of tbo Khenindoih rivr. heiore morning a despatch was ruptured fror.i (ieneral Ioitptreot to Oeneral Karly, Iho former informing the Infer that siilllcient, reinforcements were on their wny to join him tn enable Mm "to crush Sheridan cut ol t lie vn b y." In ronsonioncc of Ihe capture of Ibis d "spati b, the cavalry movemen' wis Bbnmlorrt d, I'owi II remaining near Front Hnyal, 6r the lelt of Hheridan's line, and M'Trllt mov ing bnck Bgiin tiwarda tbe ricbt of the "annv line," In the rear of Ouster. Next morning, lif er the abandon mem of tbo cavalry movement, Oene ral tibetidaii look a small escort nnd some of his stall', and proceeded rapidly to Piedmont, where he was met by Oeneral Augr,r. Ho then sent Ids eoirt back, and proceeded lo Washing ton direct. From Washington hi next moved rapidly to Martinsbitrg. Here, leaving the rail road lino, he mounted his horse and "piked" it up to Winchester, arriving thereon tho evening oi the lHtli. During tbe whole time consumed by bis journey he was engage!' in tho most Im portant manner, and towards tho accomplishment ol an end I tret I dare not now make public. flUMrRAL SMI.ltlUAN AT W INCH KHTRH. Arriving at Winchester, the Oeneral rem lined tin re lor the night. He did not do so because ha win tired of traveling, but because it was neces sary he should remain there for purposes atten dant on a consultation "on the spot" ot distin guished oilicers who accompanied In in from Washington. Ou tbe morning of the lllth Oeneral Sheridan beard the booming of cannon iu tho distance, towards his front line of battle. He remained but a short time, nnd then "took horse" towards the scene of conflict. lie lelt Winchester about half-past sevon in tho morning, and reached the field of battle iu two iiours inter wards. 1I1K 11IIR OK nlTTI.G Tl HSI.I). His presence npon the field waa indeed ncedod and desired. He found the army la anything but a pleasant position. In anything but a posi tion suitable to tho interests of tho country, and certain'y tn the wishes and ambition of a com manding general. On bis way up tlie Oeneral met a "suing" of tenuis going to the rear, th it would bavo bad a tendency to discourage, in a ineasuie, even a Napoleon. Ho loimd the road full of stragglers and wounded men men without arms ol the body, nnd many more men without arms of the United Mtates. He found a scene of skeiladdlelsm. lVessiugon towards Iho front he found that soma considerable degree of opposition w as being made to the enemy's advance, which I can unsure the remit r were not of the must tender, but un doubtedly of an "all enfolding" character. I'Juickly passing along tho line, be sccinod to comprehend the true state of nllairn at a glance, und at once, and without hesitation, proceeded to remedy the evil that had already been brought upon us. How cheering this was to those who witnessed the General's movements. There w ere cituens upon that battle-field who s iw tho opera tions of tbe day, who had lelt their families anil their In iiiiis to rcticatwith the army; tor they knew that by staying behind they would meet with nothing less than death, and by going on they could meet with nothing more. Jiow cln ering, indeed, it must have been to them to w in. ess the change which followed Oene ral Kheriduu's an ival a ebiiuge as if made by magic, nnd yet only nttributiblc to the iu loinit ali lo w ill of a persevering lnan a tried general a man of nerve. bis forces, then seemingly more given to a leireut than un advance, he promptly chauged the aspect of our military allairs ami turned the tide of battle, so rapidly growing towards a diostruiis deleft, into a glorious victory. The cavalry was sent upon tho right, the 10th Corps placed next to it, the Hth Corps in tin: centre, und the filh Corps on the left, with I'owell's D vision, which was lur a time cut otf, on the left of all, aud a ehiirgo of the enemy resisted nnd an advance made successfully udmirablT As 1 clone, mis despatch the army is again ad vancing tiiiimphautly forward. I see by its v.nrulr and its numbers, and by the do'eriuin , tion of its leader, that nothing h as than a signal victory can attend its labors. We have the men and the numbers ot tl) cm to whip tlie Koliels, and 1 cannot sec any good reason why we should nut alwcys do so. I close this debpateh as the army is again ad v .neliig, leaving It reports, which will pn bably teach you before mine will, to record tho liiitbcr operations of tbo day, and Timiin lem inn it to the other Ih rahi corresp n. cuts W illi this army to give the details of the movements ntid transactions of each army corps undji uvuli v uivi-ion engaged. On Tin: Fn.i.n, October lil, V. M. Our losses r heavy. We b ive lost rather heavily In oilie r. The Iti bels seem to be gi?iug entirely a'-vvy b line uur advance, and the ico'ialulilv Is we will j cap me all ibeariillcrv lakau from us in tho morn, i lug, nnd very near nil our men who fell into the i nemy's hands. 'i bo tide ol battle has certainly turned. WiNCiiitHTi.u, October 20, A. M. The enemy lias retired to the Fisher's Hill position. Tin's position is a lortilied one. nnd naturally very strung for defensive f 'rations. The enemy b is becu lately prepurlnu it lor this latter kind of work. WiM'iittsTi'.ii, October 111. Another great vic tory bus been gained by General ISheriduii over tbe reinforced Rt bel army id tue valley, d arly gained It is true, but nevertheless thoro'igh and complete. The Ucl el uriny, for the fourth ti ue within the last Unity days, has been sent whir -ing up the valley, and ou this occasion with the lo.-s oi bet a i en forty and liltv pieces of artillery und between twenty live hundred and three thousand prisoners, exclusive of wounded. TMK A ri'M K. At tlayllei this morning ot mile a lurious all n k on tbe left uf our posiM in nca Striisbun.', whit h was hold bv ( to ik. liiia'.ii. k was sin cc-slul. We were diivcn trim the ground wiin ihe loss of a number of p :ees of hriliory and mine prisoners. S'imult nn ousiy with ihe al'a k on the left., a furious cb.ii'iewiii nuido on our cn're an I right, and we were rumpclied to fill back be.vou J Stras bnrg. At t' creek our army baited, and w is Ibeie joined by Me lidun, who was un hi. return from Wasbingb n. Our broken lima wo o ipiio'ily rc-fi rmcil, und alter repulsing a furni is cu.ii';;-t of the em my, a-suund the ohct.sivo, coniiile: Iv ruuting the enemy. Our cavalry is now in hot pursuit of the tly tn-f enemy, with our infantry following aa fist a they can. Tlueo Rebel Generals are knovn to be wonnded, vi.. : Oiiitrid Raniscur (who is a pri soner), hoiM ix, and another general whose n line I am uiiabl" tonsi" rtain. Our losses uie e-tiiutited at live thousand. The lihh Coips fonglit splciinid'y. hi tins, as in all the recent ligh's in the villi y, the Clival i y played an important put, and, as usual, acqiiiitcd themselves nobly. 1 risoinr- enpiiirvd sav Hint "l.oni'-treet lost tlirce loui'liB of his artillery. V. I . 11,-rabt. TATLNTFD JCLY lfl, IVA.- i 0 S K P U X ktOITKT. Elove ilo Vnrls. KreniJi 8teaia llvsliy and siiouilvs on uny kind til' weifVinu apparel, Igr I.UIci, ltiti, ami I In!- lu. rntsiit -n.u il'i. lor slieti'lihu rants n- ui nee In five be.'isi. No. 7 al K lt;E Htre. Unuiuti g.iiijii.MMii oiront. I'tnlaUtiputa. aua-Sia DEAI' NFJsS, BLINDN ESS, AND CATARRH. -.1. M.tlt S.ll. I)., rri.lsir of tii l ye and bar, boats all ajipiytaiiilns a ike above uiemlMra vitli the utiutiit sucteti. 'iv.iun unal. liutu Uie moil rella'ila soiucia in Iks citl can ua tinea at Ills uihi e, No. Ml 1'lNs; htri't:;. TSeMeilUal t actiltv are iiiviutl to aceoaiiiany tiiou patieuts, as he hat ua lecmts iu hi. pracUii, ln-sil W'lllTE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. TT till. ax'iui..teCo.ailii ha. niiS'inal iiir beautify. It'tl. whit limy, ami prekeiruu tbe ciituali'aioll. 1 1 i re iaiei rtuiii pm while was, li.nce Its eitrajrJittaryiUMll llrtS lor pireervins the skia. uitina It sou, fair, rumili, ami traiiiiiari-iit. ft i. utoel oolhlug atlei- hIiai uig, cure cmii;ie l hauls anil hpi, reiueve. iniiipiu, blotches, tau, fuiaiea, oi uithuia.aiitl ImiiaiU a isiariy unt lo Uie la t. ni'Ck, and anni. I'rit-e 'Ui, td, anl 7 , oeuts. mi t A I O., aio. Ilk. D.HM'i'.M It g mot, and 0.1'liiUTlt oi met. l i -isio WFALTM. HEALTH AND a. v Ifloeaa.ii lnvltllon. sVhst 1 1 u !e a blooiiiinr San er, t auini, dyimj ia an ham-fla.iui r I If to eavi a hast of Meals; li hir vice to avatt atnsnis . Ii wlih tc,n-s,a kloo4 la wail i li a uisrki. tiont wata al-WiALTt K to live tgreaaeer as a lea, WifbuiK uie aa l.mj ai aln l II U lift a IK. of SIMMS Ir to die aad o to arta. Ka lira I If ya with a Ufa of plaaauras ; If yen vaiaa tuia,'s tmaaures; II every eeiulucl yon woelil era, Tata aiy Mi at. aa wuU uU 'Ar. Vkeiv, kaving Htalik, Wealth, ana Btaak, Voa'k kt piaparaa fW avoir Suit. WILUAM routt'f Mew i. 1HR ISAkklAOH UUIUIt.,v.hMlithkall ke reati ky every oat. tela b-r liaoktalitra (entrailv, aai al Uia liai iora ais), e. aU arauuii ovaaari prtoa v evai. iv ae. ; JATIOUAL UUIOJI TI07LET. roa raiii)MT, AJIHAIIAM LINCOLN, r It.l.lMJIS. ton vifp-rnMinvnr, AMillliW JOHNSON, tr TKNvnavf a. KvamniAi.. ri'iifv w jkk'Hah.. mna'MfMa. 1. ll f''.s.BASM, Heaver Lienuly. si nuiFHtAnya. I. IteliKiP Wln, 'J. 41. MnfTlMiTi f'lialtl, !, llf.ry itrmm, 4. Wtllnito II kern, A. IHI,, n II. ;rli, . lit is. M. Hunk, V, Hf'S-wl Ftrke. Wllllaai 1 1tkir, 9. Julia A. tis.taa4, 10. lllekaril II Uury .11, 1 1 . ril-Aanl lltll'eay, II. Charles t . kitd, l. FJI.i W Hate, ;14. I'hitrlee II SOtrtnar, III,. V. ta Wl.ut, 'lit. David M.l'nnanvhy, 'IV. I t. Id IV Wm as, 1S. I.aae Ivanton, V' l"hn fun a. I'iO. ttsmiBtl n fits, jjl. V.trar I Hlervr, hi. Jtrtin P. Ptstiev. 1VB P.litn.i'r II Jeatdn, 'St. Ji.ka W. Py ardtr ef the KttK r.rtreJ Cei amlltte. HIAiON OAiMKHON, S-S CHA1KXIAV. J JAUJMIIN AM) COL.OIIAUO GOLD MINING COMPANY. otARTEiiitn I'T fTA'tr. vr txssivlvasia. CAPITAL STOCli. 1, 0 (, )) 800,000 Miatreo Prr Valine, .V. P,-o-i,l. i,i-JOHN If. ANUKUSON. Diiiifitt, Tliomn. A. Bcolt, N. II. Kiiea-a, William H. Freeman, Robert I'. Klnft, .Inhn At. Klley, Charles De Silver, Jantta R. Mutei, T.C. MtDewoll, llArrishiirtf. ilnhn W. Hall, ilo JohnHriily, do W. W. Wjlie, Unrosler. William ll.siliutc, Colorado. 1). 1 SOlJTIilWOIM'lI, becretary and Tn -isurnr OrriOE. No. 423 WALNUT ETHIET ROOH No. . Aiilhentlenled sierluit nt have b i n prtvnreil from tonto of the Company's leilee, and havo bceu a-nuy.-d by Itd fesiiiri llotith and tiarrett with the most sratlO'lni nstitts. Hiibierlptlon lists are now open at the offlce of the (turn. pany, and at tbo Tnamrar'a Ofilec (Internal Revenue', -No i'Jl UHESJiLT Mtruet, Farmers' ami slei hanlrn' Hank hiilblliiK. To original suhierlliera '; M per share fur a limited number of luircf. I'lrruliirt, painplilett, or ran he etitslned at the office of tho Company, aiKtr the 1 Jfli Intl. 10-1 1 -lm QUO Visit Jte 11A U.UU-I-, HIGHEST PREMIUM SKWINO MAO II 1 N hi f, -n No. 730 CIIEBNUT Htiwi. PIANOS, COTTAGE EXCEL tier (irstant, Uaruioaiiiius, aud Melo deont, at HARSIt q liran RTOItK, .ne. Hid (lIKMNi; 1' Hi net. l7-lm iwrv'H COTTAOl'; OltOANH, Kct oaly mMCFf IKTl but DKOfAU,F.r In purity of aad Fovi or, 1f nanail atpeeiati) for Ubuieliet and Hohetut, but f nnd to be equally well adapted to Uie Parlor and iirawlnii ateosn. 1 or tale only by C. M. RRIsfK, Ke It N.KKVltsniI Hlreat. Alte. a eeeitdete aeaartKtnl tit tka Feneet kleknieon eontlaally on Land. auls-Om ('ihAGH I 1XAOHII CAMPAIGN PL AGS, Ll'NTINO, AN'I) H1LK, Cf tviukt liast kii-TtuN. Aim, SWOHDH, M A HI 1 1 IS, HKLTS. Tofttter w lib a full aa ortinent of MILITARY GOODS. IVANS & HAS3ALL, t a-im e. 41 18 A IK' 11 sraXET. j tIi I.A S-.M AM) ITCTUItE FRAME WAN 17FACT0RY. VM. II. MOIiUAN, Xe. '0S1 N. MN1II srntitr, C-lilt Ox-iit 11iiitiir myili Vi-nliic,. te'.fi ; 1'OKfTAJiH.V ON II ANU. Ri' l!hn liii(tit DtAftt of my i.ttri!t be'o- tli titvmi i la, I ait timljlad U 1t r ut ktovi if Fl RSTM'LASS VV UN IT I! it K At a sn,al aAvanis. un old istlaii. I. Lll'I., sell' iho Mo. Ml 8 1. 1. KV KM II M'I'Hi'tF.T. ll IKIf-Ci A ftO.X, ManufLinrars of i i n ,i w ii i. i: v, .No. 10'JH I'llKSNL'l klRtsKT, li.ll.AI l.l.l'tlll. . p. Id iiCsy. W. II. M HOSij. AMIOI I'.I-AI.K ANU KKTAII.. Vatt Vt repaired and warrautisl. 9-iM lm Jl JVJ. Jl r-i It A It 1 IU 11 ' M wuoLaasna auk kKTAiu J l iiOCtK tiiHTATIIjJHUMhlN T, 8. E. renter SKI OM and UIICbM'T Bireeu, I'hbtil'a aesM'T roa tiik rATisr cgi'AUZiSiO TiiimY-lAY ci.rx'K, A very desirable article fur Ckurukcs, Ilotela, Bauka, Counttra-klt ase. I'srkirt. Ac. A t i, WASI FAt'Tl'llKR OF F!nt, OOT,!) FRVS. (bin eta KKI'AIKEI) A.SU W A UK I K ' kb. Ja1t--y Cluck Xriininliiat of every detuiljaioa. -IV'M. A. ORAT, N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH IV aud UlfiUB Streets, bays liiauiuidi, WaliUca, told, sjllvtr, ami loan Ticket!. 1 slosh IU WAkT Or MO.StT Coi-t. AU business ooanltnUii. ali Sia J001EIl'fc!l AL.1 3 VAFLTrs, S. E.Oar. THIRD and CHE3NUT 8ts., Under U. S. Tclesrap" Odiee. OLD STOCK ALE ALWAYS ON HAND. Oil) I1RA Mum, vTOfEi, 1iIM.1, WlltSKIL-l. CALIFORNIA CATAWHA WINta. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN ALES Al'l llROWN STOUt. This eeltbratet Idsteae aavtaf been reaevatsl aud thoroughly reSittd, with oot of (tie finest sucks of Ales and ohetoe laiuora in the oety, the proprletitr Invites the ptibdi to ivt biatacaJI, coudieut as keltof their a pteval. -3 fiaw-lm BRIDESDURO MACIIINK WORKS, orrtci. sta.GeiP. raos-r oTREET, rHULAata.oWA. Vfe are prepared toM orders to any anient lor onr wtH known aiAiviwrttv for rorrov at woor.eif tLbi Inotmitae an receaH laityoevoBieuia tn Utuautf, apniaiust. atid Weav nag. Wesnivtte ekl kteeoutn of aitanfttlia-ert to onr eveteo aVvawiaskn, RAILFOAI) LINES. it II A K li E O F U L F O 1 I rrusnvi-VAMA railiioad. rFM'IV 41.. io and nfif l M'.M. Oefehsr Id, IIM, tl- Tteoet on. e the iviiievlvanin Ms lrotd will lie a' the Patn Itr luj", Tlii'tilFlU ant MAltkCl titrceie, treat I'lills. eiphia, and tl e ,.,. FAssF.NuK.R 1HAIV8 mi i .lAKi nun ina Vct-IT iiill.AI'Kbl'llll 8IATI0H At o.i o - . Vail I tiln SOU A. H. .. " lOsti .." II II " .. 101 p. M. HI " ..." 4'im " ,' e -o ... " s n " ..."lO'lli ' ... at I -si A. M. ... " 7 nr. " ... " ft) " . i i tsi ' ... mve " ... " l.'.n. I'. M. " ... " .-. is " ... " il i " I'.uki .nam Trtin, No I Fus' Ilie I'f ke-l,u-n I'fft'n. So. t llairUl'iirs- A ionii.inl.i l-ni l.t'K at'tr Act 'iinuieital.ou I'ue.i I rain , l.0' - I'liiiatlelpl.,. 1 keres AMI AKItll F t rio F.xlire." I'1..1stj-.iliit Kvpr.t 1 Hell A i-r.HIIfneClltHlll I'.rlehiiri; An uniiiiu'lalinti, N. I Int I. 'lie t.ti.eister Tia n I'tresluir(i. No, 'i Mml Traill Ilutrbhiir,: Ai-CtiniuiniU'ltiil rtiiladi-mh. lisp. ess li a- i s il.nly. Kih- " " fi -eta aatu.-iluys. Ail other Tialn. tliil y. ese. pt Numlay. ON so MilY Thef'trsef fie MiuUiil. H'rot'l t'u. tenner RtlU ay will levvt- l.iirli h tneei nt 7 l.'i P. .VI, I ninntal-.h Ihe Kris I .pn ... a- d at In P. M.. to e. iiee. t vitn Ute I'.siia te;p im i.i liieie al the W. .1 rmtndclphla H"rsit. Ill ill Ml 1 MS, I r.K. I.i S.i'l HIHflAVSl. Tl e l ur- ef tin H V Ilk 1. 1 I ft 1.1. r I'AH llt.M.I 11 It Atr W AV will lean' I runt .ir el . vi ry mlinite, f iem.ieliii one hour Pfe" ion. in Uie lime ot tlip.ntlio of, Utl l, mui ihe la-It ar a hi le ive thh t s tiilnntoK prior to the start- ilirfliuit ol i-ai ii tlain trien ihe W'esi I'tnl iilelpitU .itjot. MAVNH r.Atl'IVill. FM'lil sMt Tf.e Orllee of MANS M II V a , V I K FAfltF.. will he I. i ate.l at Ibe H. K. t'tlllNKI! Id KI.F.VBNril AN1 MAKKI.I' Htrn-e, iM, i, will call fir and deaver Ua yl'.r III .it, C i''T nil 1 1 S' t" as le 10. el'-, re. I III nH'nT A l TIIFi'til.M'll "I FI .FVF.HTIt AW VlllKIT NTflSFTS IV 1 1. 1. UK l.llHK'l AI-IKIl SAlLhllAld'a (1. C. FIIAV lSf'1'H, ml. rhtla l. li let lih en Puin.i. i:.i.iriw1. Writ l'liba.lelCila, Oi l. b rll,l-'1. ln-li n 1)IIII,AnKLT'llIA, OKUMANTOWN, AND MiltUIHIOWN HAtl.HO Al. Tl .M K V.Mlfft. On and after MOM'Ai, Usy lfl, 1K-4. anul 4kirlhar nut ice. FOR i:r.VM inTOWV. Leave rtillndt'lnsia II. i, s.n In II, 1? A. M. ; 1,1, i It a',, 4, ft, -I'.k. 7,s,!i, in, II, li 1'. M tenve lleruianuin, 7, 7 .'P. H, 8 JO, 9, 10, 11, II A. M 1.-', a 4. V A, ,,. 7, ft. tl. III. ti, and I'l I'. . TheS 'iilriown, and Ihe ll1,' and tralnt up, do net tto 00 Uie Ueruiantw n llraiieh. CIIKSbl'T llll.t. RAILROAD. Leave FMItdi iphia, , , in, l'i A.M.) J, S.ViSViT.t amllir. M. Leave Chetmit Hill, 7'lo,a,9'40, 11 40 A. M , l lO, I . B 4ii,0 40, s If. ann in in P. M. IOK t ONBnnlliu hi.M AMD NOnRI" rOWH. T.rnvel'lillailrlpMa 6, s ok, II Is. A. M.i 1S,3,":,I'( SJ .S eA. ami II', P. M. Ia bnrrituiwn, i'f, I. 7-&n,l) and 11 A. U. ; l)f, 4d Si, am II I', M. Thee1,' irntnnn, will Hop at Wistaldcaon, afanayanlt and C'oiishockeu only. HJR MANAVrVK. I.tave rhlladi lplila.S.SJe,, U UJA at., l'i, 9,4H,tM, C!,.Sli4aiid IIAf 1'. M. Leave M:ina;unk,e'4,,f.'20, O'i.Wi A.M., T., I'. Al. IT. K. UMITH. iteneral nupertrtenflenl. mini Iieisit, Mts l it aad iniLfca autaeta. VEV RAILIIOAD LINE NORTH. IV MllLAIiRI.I'lllA TO lllitlOKI.Va, TIIKUI (ill IN I'll s: llolJUH. F A UK J. KNCl'IIHION Tlf'KF.T fj.noil!) FOR TIIREF. DAVH, Un ati.l alter MuNllAV, va.u at 1, ls.4. Uaint will leave fisit of VIM". Sireet, rhilaile'ehia, every morning at 8 A At. fBiiiiiltyt em-epieil . the' re hv ihe f'atnilen and At lantic and KAtltrUi and lielawtre ilav Kailrr.adt t. rert Abiniiuiiilh, nml by the ceunnoilioiit aioatner Jette Hoyt, to h ot of Ailuntie tliaet. Iirookl t n ; i eturmnii, leave At funic Htreet Wharf eiorydny (iSundaye eicsipudj, a4 11 T tave'ert to Die rlty ef Kew York are notified not to npnly f.,r passime h tli to hue, tlie same of New 4eotey 1 avlrp trained to the Camden and Atnboy monoesy iho c. M lntlve prlvllae of earrj ins: r'S-.nnuiTS and frelrlit be twna the edict ol Phtltiiiilitn anil New V.-k. fytW-fct Vi. '. mill Hl'1.1, Ieneral HiiptrinUaulMiL llHILAIiELFIUA AND TRENTON AND 1 C A, Ml) L.N AMI) AMI'.OV It VlbllOADC'U.di'AMa,. liOI'll K. On aed after MONDAY ..lanuaryl, 1S4. tbe Trilnt for Kew Voik, liaving kinsnstun lHlsit, Fhilailelvkla, at .". li A. Al. (NiiihO.andi .m r. M.,aiii the ualnt leaving Isew York at S A M. and 7-1.0 I. M., wlU htereerier Iss nra est In.liily f, r at-e United hlatut Mailt and IU cat York alid W'athlOKtoc I'atbenKert, And will ool lake in nor let but any passengers between tain vttiee. 1 he IU A. M. and 111 MldiiUUt Llnet from New York ka Washington, and Iho II !) A M end 0 P. M. Llnet from Wa-hii'S-Uiii to New York, will continue a. at present, and curry pastenyert lo and from the Intermediate tlabout aud Itsl'tlnofo, W ashington, not! New Vnrk. AMltAiMIK.ME.ST.N llr.1WF.KS 1'IIILADELPIII A AND kKW VOHK. T.inri leave Pliltadeip iia, fiuui Kensington Ivpot, al lriiA.M ,4011. and Ok'.P. M.,atid I'f -si iiiliinn-tit, and rroni Wulmit Htreel Wharf (via Camden), al S audSA. kt., Ti M., 4 anil fl' M, for Kew York. Andloiivet New Yoik, from fo a of OotirtUndl street, at 7 A. M , 10 A M , I'.' M , 4 i.n.1 n V. M , auil at li mla nli ht, aud froiu tstof lliirclsy at reel nt 6 A. M. aad! 1'. tl. VYM. A. UA1.MKH, jaU-tf Asiini. J EASING R AlUUiD. 41HFAT Tltl'VK T.IKB HlOU Flfll.AIiKL III A ro V1IK ISTKHIOR or I'KMislLVAMA.IIIK H' 'II I VLKli.L, st!8 Cll LllAN N A.l'l MIIS'KI.A Vi, ANl WlUillVli V.U.1XY, fOIltll, NOllTHWKill'. AND THE CAN ADAS). I'AHKItvoi lt TltAIVI Leave tie frmi any t In pn. at TlllltTVXN TH an I AI I i. UILI, blnllt. I'uiiaili-ailila, at thu renewing kouit VORNINd M tlL. AIS-OOA.lf., for Ktail-inr, I ej-u.-.n, Flnhmla. TJfla. Csliimbla. ll'irmhnrg, l'o-.l.ville, Pan-srove. 'iamt'ina, liimhtuy, W'llhaaivpeii, hlimlrn. Knche.ter, Nltir.-va Falls, lluiinl'i. A Hi", In iv, , Ml kesbarie, 1'ilutou, York, C'arbtle, Aliuuilieri-hiirv, Ileyerstoivn, 't. 1 he train coiinecta at fi l:. In N'1A with Rut Prnntyrva llla A ulriMil Iriimt lor Aeenl'iwn. A;c.. Iho lleajhig and I'l.iiucbia HullroAd fur Kchra.a, lal't, and Cuiniutiia. and with the l. hanuii Villi. J Irula fia 11 irri-.bui, -tie. ;al rHf CLtlSTON with C(itii it,sa It hi'- -iirt trains lev w ill ,t arre, W llhtiioiH.rt. I.oia llaien. F.'tnira, Ac. ; at llsUHitl lll 111: allb ' Northern Central," "t 'inuiierlAnrt Valley, anil "Srlo.litlb unil siQsijiii ha.ilie" tralnt for Norl iura beriand,Vi illJAm.p rt o;k.t'lia .,t.i rshiirK, Finognjve.oAi, AITiHNnilN i:I IILSH Leavet I'l llu.l. Iplila at .1110 P. M. for Reading, Potte villi , l-iueriiie, ILirtishurii. it., conneetliiK al Harris, hull; Willi Pennsylvania Ceii.rai i alnt for Puislouy, Oe., C.-nlral Hallrontl Irjins 1'i.r Nuntiti-y, siorlhuin l.t'Mtnil, Ithuira, .It-., irnl at Port 1 Unt'iii wan i'.itawltsa Itnllioad baluster Aiiituu, 14 uiintn.orl. tUiulra. buiialo, Ac. T . 4 1 I f.'O AC n M M i ) 1 1 110 N. Li i.vtN Beuihi.s at ( 1 A. vi., stopumii t: all way sttV t tent, arm mi in I liliioli-iplua at n imi . M. ltetiiioliiH, leaves i bilaitUp lea a: w iw 1'. M. : arrlv-ei la Ilea .' nl s ti p M. Tm his for l'iiU.nielihtsli ave llnrrl-tiarif st7:tn A M ,and I'nt'sville at s ll A. M .airii liitf in PhUnJuluhta at li 10 I'. M. Artiinsiii iraiut l.nie Ibirrisiitiru at 1 4A F. ST., I', at 1'. tl., urnim., in I In udelihla at IF. at. t.irkei Iruiiis. wit'i A pn.-.L-ng r i ar al.aelitil, Wav -l'l,.htt'elilihi at 1 I'. Al , lor and ail wav slat-Inns ; leave,' at p.', ucnii. tmil llintnllig-towaat liiAJP. U.ior 1 i.ilit.liii l.i. una uli way .l.iii.nis. A II Ihe atol e t roll .fully, e teeptitd. Htuwiav ir.iin. i. iiiu I'od.ilile ul 7'oUA. 54 ., aud F klla ili 't.hl. aU '-' I' M. (Ill hi IK VALLF.Y RAILROAD. Piissoni'tr. tor 1'ohiiimsI..ii .. and Intui-niesiate pelnta take tin- h i u A M. anu 6 00 P. AL irain. rrota l'.iliailtleila, retiiriiiiig fioui liowuitiaifwn at S HI A. at., nad U if n.i'iu. 1.LW Yt'RK I.XI'llCIS FUR fill illl'R-J AND TU . WI-.ST. l.t .Vet New York tit f A . II. ml 17 I. Af ., pissing Heading at li iiiiomiihi uiul 1 w p. M., mm eoniie.-tlnii' at llarris linr,v.iUi l'i mi.'y u iisls Italiroiid atApiii.t irain. for rlua kiii. 4'l li ajo. ai.l Ihe wtst. li. '.iiriiit i. Ksi'res. tr.itli U-avii. llart ttb-irKoa arrival 04 the JVnntylv ama 1-Mire.v liuni I'ltikiiurg at it 00 and I'.sn A. M , pa. -i Hv lies. tent at I 17 ana t AA A . M., tnd arinaiie at N.w lo k al In A.M. mi I til P. M. sn.p 1, g iTaii ae oiuiiiio thesii iraini I it..UtU(sa4iVttji Jarae f.'llr and I'lttti.nrii. with. an cnat ten Mail train lor New York k-uvet li-irrlt'iarg at l'4,'i r. M. Alail Halo fur lluiri.liurii le.iies Now Vnrk tl li At. Mill I IK 1 1 I. AI.I II 1,'AILIHi All Trains h ave 1'ui'ti iite ai n'lii A.M. ami ti M P. at., ro tut o 1 1 is Irmii 1 uaeainra ais A. M . ami 4 .IB f. Al. MCIII W.r.11.1. AMI Bl' H.lANN.l K 4 si. at) AD. Toi.ns Uave Aut.iirn ut 11 So A. U. fur !'mt",rove and lliirrl;btii-L-, anil .it I'-sl I" M f.r I'lui'r-ne nniy i relarn In i ion: II im-htir nt l-Ji 1'. M ., a;.d friHA ITntaroie at 71.'. A. W.. ami d 1'. kl. TII k K I H 'fhromih tlret class lloitct a and entlsi'ant tickets to an the piii.ihial poll t In li e Si itii w ml West atot I'.ininlat. 1 ho fulloviits th-Ket-are tihlal'i.u.lo onlv al the oflleaot SI l.liAlil tlllb. Treasurer. No 17 Si. SOI Hill Hussut, 1'Mla.le pi la. or of li. A. MiaiLIVs, Ueatrai buiaMUilau- d. -ut. Hi aJln:- IXIMMI'TITION TICK El . Att'B ( er co t. dhcoiint, kiaatssu any paiutl desired, lor ian.n.c. and Aim-.. AllLFAUK TK'KETI, r.ecd Iif-SsO neie. htteven all iMKiitt, at &o eaak, tor luluihiMi lirruH. shsason tht;kts, For three, tls, niue.or twelve uiotitl.s, for holders only, 10 all pubitt, at rviluci'il latus. til 'UliYIIBt Pt.ldlnp 01, itio line ot U10 road will be fernlshtd with cards, tuilutiia iheiuaoivei aud wives to tickets aitnile fart. FVCUKIlIOX TICKETS From Philadelphia to prltiriptl tutioiit, good fbr Batur dav, Minus) , ueii Uondav, at reduot il lata, to be bad only at ihe Th ket I 111 tllKtN 1 H aud CAJJLO WUlLb ftueou. FRKIIIHT. tloadt of all desnrlphont forwarded to all the ahnvo points, from thel'ouiian's new lrtibl depot, liitl).Aa and Tl li.l.OW bueett. FKKIllHT TAIX9 Leave Philadelphia dt'.ly at S A M , 1 P M ,tnit n P Af , t s Ki'AJln, Leotuon, liarrlabaidi 1'otuvula, Fort C'bu toa, and pilult beyond. VAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post tMTtre for alt placet on tbo rood and itt brain he. at It, al., and for the prliielpta nations euly al tl 1 P. M. vOf4j 1'lllLADELPHIA AND 10,' liMM. F.KIK K.llLltOAO. lOVH. '1 hit gleet line Uie jriorn and rloririwest Coaiilte 1 Peiin.) ivtma 10 the city 01 trie en Lake Fat- It has keen ht.ed b the PKNNSV I. VAN 1 A kAlLttOAU COAIFA.NY, and auder their atisidcua U tlttUid rapidixr opened tlirouahoyl su eutire Itugtb. It is now in lite for ratti-tiger and Freight bnslnetl ftont ilarrltharg to Fniiiorlina. (Wi udlotl.oa tba Basleni lilvl sioii, and from lo ka-le i7 sal ta), ou ska W tattoo. llivOioa. 1 isia no r tonsGia taaist ar rtuLADaLFHta. tl all Trim Wav. oj A- . (..ijirttt t rtln leaves - Rr' V Dare inn Ibn.ank without eMaa boU wayt on uoto trthiallwoeo I'luiaaeJstt and Look Uaveo.andkelwotni llaltimore aod Look Haven. . . . Vieganl eenllig Oara aa Uie Kaiweae Train both ways. r-or lulormattouretDO. Uiig Ft.Kiuissrbutvnet.appk, ia 8. .1 Kl.VcVkNTll auslklAkklCl Hlrtau. And lor FrotjIiC u.laott e th. Coomany 1 A(eul. : "h.Iim.".. V.eerut. iHAttdl.-Stland ktaattAf trti-ta, I'laitleipiila. (kMierai FrvJtjOt Aienl.l'hll.a.lui.ia. LktAia L. ItnuPT, 9ioaral Ttckel, I'ltlladiliikta .inaiini r Foxrs, Jil-W wat) Hausnvl, WlioaaVrV