2 SlfPtltttflf .at 1 .A .A fcl SaV 4 .Y. III!! I I'll Til II II OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. rvtet Twaa" P.tCor-r, or inTrCiT I'M W . WMI"' Oairla.,and nsalW-d M lltiha-rtbrl aa, tM a? u m IKu.A Tin Aaansi i ItoU-ll rnm eaT o Tto M.)TM,invrll)rln dvtM aw fM trow! u ihmrm at tti ml rata. A UlxrD saa-i, tor aiMM ineortiraa. T forrnsponrlssas,. Tit fMTiw eaa taliaa of Awinrroniil 0mmilntr.sl'rtti. fMtrwr Ui.i.di-rl for las"rll m most aitm-nil 'al.t hrOtf and ortho writir-r.t nocosssril) lor 1aMtatn, bot as ft aiiai-antr lot ti' r fi'th. VV aasaot oo4mfto to rottirn sr-ireta,! (nuii3iinciiroiis . To Act vf-rtlarrw. rsrs7 trmr Inerrasa fn tha flfssnlsr'rtri f Tit fvait. Tfn.r(.Ai ii, nAntjiHiit n to a'i lo orrss at an artr'!"'' " a"'n1. rrjiirii trat ad. . ii'. -in m, mm shaals" " 1" T1, II Bs.sslo.a. tti a. inrft taaaa aft aaauaa Kj aJI of our fdftl'.ns ' FRIDAY. OCTOUKR 21, 1R.H. Tils'. TM XiT4 t'OC'K KliritinA." The Klchnioiid E.rnmlnrr of tin; 17.h Is Jubilnat OTPr reports i-twit-cil at. li-liel c.iitnJ Umt EAiti.r had drfbatud (Jon-ril Ctu in Uie Shernsiidiuh vnllcy. "A nl tantW Tlctory had perched nprm ttV Cn-fedi-rate banner," ncrordiiig to the h'.r fit in and "one woll calculated tn cut th.' rninli of lh young cock SiiFmnA." Tin 11-bi'ln dlsupproTed of his pithy and Rraphlr il patch In which he said that he thought It he.st to "top On hU march and finish the uuw Itt-brtf Cavalry General Hums Kit. It wai perfectly natural that the Kt-bcl ihonld feel sore over that, from tho fact tint th "young cock Siiehidan" did fnUh BofKB up In o bau.i-.omo a styla that he tu not been able to do anything nlnee. A. good proof of this Is, that the P.icliiuond paper are fiercely denouncing their cavalry, and mourning over the bitter truth that It is nowwery way Interior to the cavalry of the Yankee. Tbte "young cock" In a thorn in the td.lo of those Invincible Jtebel Generals ol the valley. Thej have felt his spur, and have bled freely ovtrU torce. But what will the JCxantner y now, when It learns of tho victory which 8iiKitiDA.N has junt achieved over Lonostbkvt, the successor of "Stonewall" jACKOK,tUe beou Weul of Southern chlvalryi the embodiment ot everything gallant and heroic In the Army of Virginia? Will It toll 1U readers how this "new General" of the Sbenaadoah valley has been whipped worse than ever Eamty was? How he has lot fifty pieces of artillery, numbers of men, Innumera ble wagons, caissons, Ac. Ac? Probably It may a month or two hence, after studying, meanwhile, how best to soften down tho mat ter, and put a colored and deceitful face upon the afl&Ir. SmcRlDAK la too much for the Rebel Gene rals, and the terrific blows which he has dealt the Rebels in the valley, by this time have opened their eyes as to his abilities and gene ralship. The "Young Cock" Is more than a match for the two old cocks, Early and Lonohtrkkt. The former was withdrawn by his backers as a man not up to time, and it is likely that the latter will be served in the tame way. We- can only partially Imagine the mortification of Lf.k and Davih when the news of Lonobtbebt's defeat reaches them. It is something for them to ruminate over. The toils ire closing npon them. Tho splendid combinations of the Lieutenant General begin to reveal themselves to the Rebel chlets, and they see nothing but ulti mate defeat and ruin. Another army must be sent Into the valley, and yet another Bebel force will have to succumb to the Invincible little Phil. Sheuidam "Cavalry Shkbi dan," sneered at by the Examiner as "the Young Cock Shekidan." fl'K EXPLOIT IX Tit K Mil KX IM) 111. "Cavalry" SiiEitiDAn has been doing great things down In the Shenandoah valley since he took command there. lie first gave the veteran Early a terrible thrashing, and now he has sent the still more redoubtable I.oxa aiUKicT reeling back to Hichraond. These victories of the Northern 'Roundhead" must gall intensely the pride of the imperioiu and doughty Southern ''Cavalier." Tho fact that Yankee" cavalry have overcome and put to rout the dashing and splashing horsemen of I the "sunny 8outh," must, we doubt not, cut the arrogant spirit of the Itebels to the very quick. We all know that the young men of the slave States plumed themselves especially on their fine horses and their skill in riding. Each One.of them thought himself a second Alex as TiH tiik Giikat, and based his pretension to regard and notonety In tho dexterity with v bJcb he could manage aud control his own particular Bucephalus, Ihere is no Irony or exaggeration In what re now say. The expertness of the South erner in equestrianism has long been acknow ledged In all this vast country. Ho had littlo else to do but rldo over his Una plantations on a bieery and brilliant morning and see hl.itwn or three hundred black bondmen ut work in tl cotton or the sugar-field. Uu was almost bora on a horse ; for the women of tho South are nearly as skilful in the vi'DiriH as the t en, tnd It would hardly lie straining the P'lint to sucgest that some of the chivalry Were next to born on horseback! Many of our renders must remember that what wore called "U.urnami n!t" regularly closed the fashionable at axia at the watering places la tho Southern 8'atus. Before the war lieg'in, one or in r. Ol' iheae romantic fetes wound up the splendid Biiujiner wassalrles at the Virginia Sprlii'ts. n those occtiMionfl, tlio lists were duly 1 tid 0"t and decorated; the knights vho were to C 'itend or tha prize wcr- form it!;, uu Bounced as competitors; the ladies who'o individual charms wore put in riwilry for th honor ol being crowned us " (Jiicen of Beauty'' by the successful champion, wero placed lu a Conspicuous part ol the " ring ;" and the Joust went on with all the ceremonial of the anciont battle, without any of Its danger, earnestness, and manly heroism The young Southron "bloods" generally won the day and the laurels. Their horses were of tho finest breed, were well trained, aud were ridden by aristocratic gallants, whose gloved hands never knew a rougher service than the wielding of a silken bridle, and whose tender legs grew by use to the em brace of a saddle. They could start, turn, or bait a Btced.by a touch of a finger or a whisper of the lip. They could spring at any gait, or lap with a bold aud Impetuous daring. They could, at full run, take a suspended ring on the point of a spear, with miraculous cer tamtf ; and ofun perkirmed the Tout amU the rlugilr. o, tbe ,pectatorg( wLo wIt ,-2 of their prowess at the t iVB&t J as become of all that brll U7'f I 1-Jf;Pf f L!,e BoulU "Uuckeye" "" J inuo Itip.te o , and h h-u ern valor and too much fur gtlus wo " ti5aK 5 J-5 ST futhe lists; b vja ai r. at- c. v.v m tki t - do not utter any spirit of sectional vanity J we only repeat the declarations of the Rebel press. The Richmond Enquirer of October 17. In a long editorial on tho subject of the Keb;'l cavalry, quotes or refer to a letter from an officer attached to the corps of General F.ablt. In that letter the writer says: " M'hil our cavalrv cnt f awfii'. Th value "f the tarn lun,t, the ctopi drstrnyed, the '' rnttie Ulllo.1 ir cuili.l 1 11, tlio h. r-e u rn, " tin- n'0"cy (iild sri'l silver) oxurtfld Ir -m eon " (lie pooteat farnifr. luiilor the tlirt at of hurn " li f l ! ir tioi.i-is ov. r Ih. !r hea.is, th l.m of " nisi, rinl, ftrd tl e fir renter mid in'irc tuiter lo s " of vitniilt, ik h l Inllirtc.l ' oc us Iit tills " nnorg'ihized, d. niornll.cd, nd ilrinoruliHlnft " .iiniulmivHi i( i'?..lry, won lil n .y for lliu " oi nnnlni :,ri In r. in. Imltrl. sn.l the ni.;.o-t ' ot six ll'oii-sn.i rY.lry fi.r n re. It won I " il.. to 'ih k Iit se.iix'pnats In the nh: i f 'J.ha " 11 irlri mrn,' and 'a tIi-v hkti m riirtulnn ' ilh apple lirnn.iy.' I t II on, cli-nr sir, th. rr Is " noihli h ru: nliiif Ic Ihls vsllet lil.e our cnvslrv inr VH.ii-y ift iioh uui v.i.'ij iiu iiimii.i:i, Tl en- wai- n.me hrm.'lt ,nnd iixnedrii klnif, ami mure boikI living In Hiis mil. y in the ifmrio u " I UK'S of Jm'kki.x than th(re lno:.the to. k, It' I am nl Inl'ortucd, a hundro.l and odd rir.'i !" of ar.ill.Ty from tho Yni.kees. In " il.ls mmpain we hive Xtkrn but Uu nl(c firm the em mv, whiie the (ninluvc uke tliiitj-orc fiom us, which niaket'a htlanrc of Inriity-otic affiuM.-t ro. In Jirknia't i.me ha' liti'c wt I. Mi of (itvajrv on. A. hi, van. if I c;.n fo speak, ai.d the .r,m rs km. n,tet . turned oia hgH bvt us thi ir w. ll cqr.lppe I, weil cj!anl7i'il, wi ll Tnouiifd, well ill-i ipllne I ckv n ry. 1 lint rnvalry wn in the course i.l form t- " tion. hinrc it hns made tt appear mi o on the " sent of wnr we all know what I . ..s li.tppent.t. ' Tl.rv Int. tariied the Hon In lil .Iit; In " tl.e Mihiitbs ol Kichmond, or two titudn. d " mllcn trom it, towards almost every p liut "of the coinpni-s, tiny have d i on tko "of t'.r IhikI, and left behind thm, nnnKlin "ith the smokeof their cunip tiie. I.y which " wire cooked the rnoice-t pieces or th.' poiiitrv " jaid, the Inrder. and the prn'lnif t'r mini, the " hirpi r voliiines of moke nritliig from thne " lip s by which were dturr.yeil i.iitat and (I ,r " eriimi rt property, harrs and nrl'la" s, lieu. and " doiot!.1viJlB(reiiid factories, to inch ao kid umt " that the most ohluse Courieksmanmest now sec ' plnlnly that a cheip cavalry U a rninous thir. " M ill, sir, yon should see some of our civalry " biifiadei-; Il l a perfect mockerr; they mike " even the Yankees lacRh. Jihiiookn's cav.tlry " (Hf It is called) bad better he presented with an " unlimited furMiph ; lor, without any Iradtorous " di aicn on th. ir part, they Kve moie '..i.' and " conduit' to the enemy than traitor and Union " men wdl tier be aide lo give' itrii iiHiKi i iuk luni." Such were the liutt words of a young mur derer before his execution. He stood upon the sen Hold, the rope around his neck, and with but a few moments between him and eternity. Yet Instead of being overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings natural to that awful hour, he took pride in his own stolidity of nerve, and called upon the crowd to mark that "he died game." Brave fellow I He had the courage of a hero I These exclamations, we doubt not, broke from many who perused the narrative of the execution. No, he was not a brave fellow; and It is strange that men should mistake the mere brutal Insensibility of such criminals for that virtue which is the central spring of a noble character. It is not only In the caso of per sons who have shown tbelr capability of com mitting tho most horr'ble crimes without a pang of remorse, but in regard ti certain kinds of soldiers on the battlo-fleld, thst we often fall Into the grave error of dignifying a mere quality of physical nature with the name of an exalted virtue of the soul. A man may be peifectly calm and Impassible while a hun dred cannon are thundering death around him, and yet want genuine bravery; while the noble quality may often be most gloriously manifested In frail and shrinking franes. CnABLKa Jamk Napik.r, endowed by nature with such extreme sensitiveness of nerve that a harsh sound caused him to shud per, and horrified by the bloody scones of war, yet maintaining a clear, calm intellect in the heat of battle, and giving explicit direc tions to surgeons while suffering the most ucute agonies in his mangled body, was an example of true courage. Nbv, walking at the head of the Old Ouard up to the muzzles of two hundred blazing cannon at Waterloo, wan aimjdy an iron machine, Insensible to lenr. Rank, racked with mortal diaoase, and with Dervous fibre almost destroyed, yot deiying the rigors of an appalling cold, until. Uiininp an ascendancy over men stroncer in body Uian himself, aud with unitizing prudenco and sagacity conducting their retreat from a world of night and ice to tho haunta of civilized beings, was brave. McG ai:rt, laboring twenty-two hour at the oar. yet giving way to despair uud-T lejs gufl-t,rjj,g than Kahk endured almost without a murmur, was simply what his coin na.l.ir The stalwart called him. "an iron man.' WlM'HAM.calm and collected amid the horrors of the Kedau, Is called a bravo wan; but we doubt whether he would have diwvd the d to pers or the hospitals like the gentle Fijbi-.ncb N 10 ut inc A lis aud her nssociato nurses. There were strong men ot Noriolk,who would have faced the foe lu time of war, and died game in defense of their city. Cut they fled trom tbe breath ol pestilence, anil left rela tives aud friends uutended and unburlcil, while a delicate woman from Now York took the place they should have occupied. The distinction between true brav.iry and mere physical hardiness Is import -Kit, und It oup;ht to be more strongly insisted upon th in we find It to be in peneral. It is ton much the custom to talk of the courage of crlmiinls if it were a redeeming virtue, w'.il-h thej possessed in common with the great charac ters of history ; and eulogies of tlio nnral apathy of the reckless soldier aro extremely extraviioant. Physical firmness is uu nttributi which men receive troiu nature. Blor.tl resolution-"Ibe spirit to cmnbat ngfilmt ev.ry trial, which alone is true bravery" is a (tuillly of Hie Immortal part, which we m xv all cultivate, even In the biiPil.lew.ilUs of lif.-; and, in tills respect, the w.-uUcit niiv ln c( n.c the inr.-t T.l nir.ibl e in their strength. 'J'in ic is nol a day in the cuveroi ev.ity iii'ia or Hoimin that does not jiii-MOit some t.'iupta tion to be resisb d- some diilluulty to (; over come; uud each uct of resist:tuco, and each victory over obstuth-s that appeared Itisur uiountuble, adds new force to the will, and strengthens tho soul for a greater struggle to maintain its ascendancy in the hour of tre mendous peril or appalling calamity. Tlio brutal liidlll'erence of criminals to their fate Is mean and pultry in comparison with that sub lime determination which presses on to achievement, In spite of the Ills of the flesh, and of dangers of which we have an agonizing sense. The latter Is the virtue that we would teach our rising generation. We would prefer that they should learn how to "suffer and be stron":," raiher than acquire the faculty of "dying game" upon a scalfold. DocTon PuKitiDAN'ri prescrijition for the iutciual disorders of tho Shenandoah Valley, llool-lund Bitters ! It is mid thut tho food of the Gorilla Is strictly vegetable. He don't devour the pejple he kills. That's a comfort. The Knglish biljf J.ouita was scUed by Chinese pirates last eun.mer, and all hands killed. The fact bus just leaked out. During the month of September nearly sixty new works were issued by American publishers. llkWrlesl, biographical, and other solid works ate in the g"-U:st aen.iii.d. CITY INTELLIGENCE. M !on or Tiir. I'ki'h tmiii Cm rcn (N. 5.) Of I'l S.1 L A MA. 1 lit' S OD.I (if Pi l.liay TAIlia toi t en the IHth in t., and . allf .l to order hy IU. Wlllism Ark.rii An 1 he roll lelng called, li. H. II 1lntrliki tho'en M'xliTAt.'r, Pc v. J. (. Ilut tt l. I)., IVrtu ,:i nt C irk, and lic-v. J-. 1. Muppi.i.l, 'liiiipoiuTj- tluk. liev. Ir Mi.Hu wiu cvci.s d fr i u .ttlcri n ne up t' o h l It B' i-rri'd ttiht tl- h.i'y commrnion 'lioul.l 1 1 arm in- n ml on 1 ,in-r. , s- 7', r. i j i o n eoioa ol the various I'm .i)r-r.-in. vd niiu tni'ii'-d to tlio iij , ri(Miutc wrtc '.'III!- 111 S. ' - 'ti "i h. s- a oiTi;:i-,- w h rin'i I'v l.'cv. I' I', u h, .; ) j., A r. p. it.,?, the M hi ! rn I It, ; r I'm , ret r ul i.i a ..iil cou.ti itne. i . nil-' ;r. ; ol II, . r-'.( -r,. hi., ph. r.J ;n... lt,., ii. -, m,,j :i.i.-i A Licesd. Iltv li.'t.iT T)irl n:', !i. I)., a'e of t'li- i- 'v, liow of All F.'V, Wit (,(. H i, v, 0t B, Cor , ,.,.,n,'. Ira i-cmlw. Comiinll.f t ti C'hnr h rrcrtlr.n v pir! "I, nn I n ccmmem cd tlio rcnp( ointniout of tho c i.iiin t tce. Anot(0. 1 lie hji.o.l ri't'omiiicud ti ll miuNti-n mil (l.mrl.Fs it' fcib n on the ul rt ot thu rti U ol Am. i aim and I'lirilnn ('i.iir.'li Union. K. Jiirnra T. Mitc h. II rod an C'ay on "1 iilnir Itillf i. nii Si nue." i....i, ....,..!. ui.i.r. i..u.i.i. . .. ......... (n tn ml Ah. iiihiy, on the N' ltpi.f the countrr be .loted, tho yens and na.is bing ordemd vh icon. !lv..fMilT Inl .uli'-ra Hal.ltlfn, iroTi.,t.-4 t,rrwl. f m i.n.1 1 i"ii 111 tl- (l-lrnv and lurli.aiunn ,.f hntm. .'i l.i.'ira to llo ita. .r a alnat u.'j liberal aa4 ;.i It ai. 11. iri,. iitoi tl.e . n.ted la cn; an,l II '. -a-'i", l! I... .n ." Hit- (tiiiich..! 1'l.rli.tln uttor no :r ; a 11 vtUr In if ard to s l-'sliI rnh.io fit. t, an iitl rml ,. ai.fi i)ienUk!J a(K-iai.Hl wi,li ita lutereiti th.-re. lure ','i -V-, f, Tl'st we .'. rdiiill ii,ho!rf I hp ( inven'mpi.t with -,u no Hh'c fc'-.l .a.. In lit .'i.Ofk'l'c ell.. n. t..T Hii- ..I n hm ii '.l it,l nio.-l eaii.pl.-t.. an.1 wlplied R"Iiui.,ii, aim I... all I l.r-Miao. lo n train from wfSKai.iuu tl.e a ('r.'ii.ot tin- A'lni.lii'tratii.n t' lll-oin.d eomftlalnu ,rt i,..n....i.tar. p.Iim ilnl -niltv tipl eviiit Oiil, In .in. I. u i-Im,nI1 i-t..m. and a. tloa wtin h ti-ud t (lltren-iica .li.Hiid be ktu.i.vu-ilj' a.oiunj lur l.iu anke of il.e c .mmoii WH.I. He call of the yeas nnd iv.ts rcsitlled in a unan inoiik a.l ption of the rewiluti'nis. Dn. ini; the ii.iPtion, when the name of the Iter. Mr. Ilunr.i'.g, of Haltin.nrc, was culled, ho to spoudi d : ' !'(., Jive tintr! I nic frnm a frre Stntr." The t Meet was olectri,-. I' or ome cleri cal Rrnvlty y'eldvd, and tho hou-e gave a bur"t of applaUfct fur f rtr Mm ylantl. Hev. Allint llnrnis "olt. rcd a thsnksivlug prayer lor the unity ol loyal filling evinced hy the h) nod Hev. Daniel March read an essav on the rela tion of the .Sal Oath School to the Church, and a speebd ccmuiituo was appointed to report on the subject. 1 tie special committee to apportion nmo(t the churches the sum ol ' 200,00(1 fur tho Publication Fund, reported, and their repertjvits adopted. Iter. Hi brt Adair rcud an essay oa "The llnd of the Trtstnt Ago." Adjourned. THIS MCRNIMU'S PUOOHBI.INOS. Synod n.t this morning, pursuant to adjourn mtnl. Half an hour whs spent in deroiloaai ex ercise. 'the Committee on Narrative of the 8tute of ItcliKhm ri porU'd that, during the pa..t year, the iiotiu I'ow. II strt ct chi.rch has. been hnihed ami dedicuted; Ihc Islior Cliiirch comoletcd, hut out fuiniaheu; and the Olivet aud Wharton lire V , hcr. hcs mailT completed. Dr. Ilriiinsrd spoke on tho subject of nation d (-.ociation for lienevolent piiro-f s. He stated that In tndeiivorlng to procure tunds for tho Christ mi and Siuiiutry (lommbsi ms, we bam calkd up before the pulilic mind all tbe touching and ayonilPft incidonts of the war, to excitu their sympatbiti and open their pockets. We have thus been guilty of discouraging enlist ments. 1 he public mind Is now morbid cnoinjb on the subject of the war, wi'hout the clergv doiriK their art in aidmft this feeling. The Kov. Doctor proceeded to deliver a ctittinff nnd analy i..g address on tho subject ol aiding the uecdud mmistcrial ens ot the fund. The Hev. 1 r. Robinson offend a series of rcso lutu ns, l.nrlily piitriotic in their character, dc noiinciDg the Rebellion as wicked aud causuless, calitrft upon the people of the Presbyteries to do their port in aiding the Administration, allirmlng the lud belief in the band of Ood governing the nation, ami puurdlng in it Its hour of trial. Com liieiid.iip to the y nip.it by of Christians thbsick and wounded soldiers, aud exnrctMng their con flik'DCC in the United Mutes Christian Commis sion. A debate on the cencral state of the country enKuid, in which lteveiends Whitwoll, barnt-s, Willis, and fslepherd ennam.i, i.U pledini; (heir devotion to the, CloToruincm, and favoring tho adoption of the resolutions. Mr. l'er-iicr F. Smiih favorod the ajim'ioti ! of measuus which will compel ail church nienil ts wbo are hlaveholders either to free thuir sisvck or leave tho Church. If s.jtnc member.- of I your congregation wero ruinseliers, would you I Hbsti'ln trom opposing intrnipernnce i M us a -t 1 like lo; h1 men uud hit tho cuui-o of rebelliua in ttc head. V.r. Wiswell, it Delaware, who had previously doubted tie poiriety of such a mention of slavery In Del' ware, as tbe Cnurch had no com plicity therevti h, now chau.'d his vit , and atmriply Kitpponed the following amendinont, otleied by Kuv. Dr. Brainard: i.r'i it). Tint thh S)nu'l ratiirn. ih.nkvL'lvin to (lud trr I. p lue. lit u.-tl' n ot a p.t...r eitHle In el.'irli.a' lUbl' lien f. illKi-e. melH-itv lih Ii.in.h'i alhv.-rj, ao -.bat, with ,hp pan i.n evePI'll.' 0( s r. mnnia 01 tl.P corrnet aynlpin in il.t Hta.e ol Ut.Rws.e, U,.a Muua covura uu bruuui lru-l m .la... It further resolved that these resolutions tie read in the various churches and publi-hcd iu the various secular papers. Alter tarili. r bu.-iuo-s of no public iutcrust tiie I Syr.od adjounieu me nw. 1 "(inn ValtAts OcrOlu Comm ni.pb." The ! folic wing extract from a letter, written by a pri vate in toe 11 hi. ji -gun cut i-enusy lvania volun teers, now in service ut tlio headipiurtors of the Ai my of the l'ot mac, near Petersburg, to his f..thir, a lite-i' i " Democtat of this city, iu.lic.ites pictiy ciarly what sort of rnermcr the aoiukrs biivo lor the "l.illle .Napoleon'' : "On labt Tties.lav the ( 1,-t'ou eaim i.tl in our rea man, I ati.l itie..el' .r..v. ti.ut tlii- lieiii.-crau w ie ii.iaIip..-. I "1 1.0 wlK-:f I UUiL-ci of v.ilto p.iUa.l va, ift7 , jt' v ;..ch i.-t 1 vi. eus rut the K. i.iil.iiraiia. a-ii. ' lo t!e 0. ujorrat ; 1 ii.al l.. a mi...orit i.f lu.' tor li.o Ki'im'-'k-au tl. aot. lu I ..iu.l pi l.e iiiu.'oiil wli: l.i, aiili r. al.-r, .,a tln-ie wrira ; aoni.-M. iio w ...ih l.n.e volil tl.e- I'.ei.iil.liea.'i tieaftl l.ut .' i-r ens' li-1 i l'ii oo'..iint ut ujt l.s.iiitf their t.i j ". ll.T, Ti... K. tl," T-l. Ill I tion-Tl olM.n Iwt.ni at ir.e n-.ti eiec ti in, 1 unl you 10 (I ml. el : '.- ir mii.wl.i. lia t.p, 11 i lor o. ti.f arjiy tn... H ti I. r t'j t'.ittil . , a.d .l.eti out y- tir vote 111 lor t'i. -it- Ats ( I. m. jp ti- ll..- at .ui'tt, 1 . for In- i, iho .ni'y ma... to H tm tl. to s.'lli' '.. tin t it. tlio 'il ;l.l 1...1. In U1.1 niii-t .l-' .' Oi.-' , . ,1 e It I- wy rtej.li.. II :.t . 011 1: iva ! I1.1 y..iir ii.'i't.v mii'"i't ut lii.lu(,sr.U w .- will iiti!) liim lurl- ir tb'- a-oi... 1 Such 1 the al:ii()-t utdversnl smtimenc 01' those who aie pallituny exposing their lives every .uy at 'the lr ut." as shown by the re-ult uf tiie reeot't vo'infi lu camp, and ty tin.' ihonsaiiils of lettns wl ieh h ive rcaehtdoui-eiiy within a wo U. siii.i.&i' in pi.iioit lo the one liomuh.eh the uhove titrsc. is iaii r. I'oi.ii iit. A itr nn-eting was held list l.'plit at the I'uinn l.i :.(. ue II ill. I'Mwrtrd Slii,. pi 11, Kr'p. pusli cd, sr. (I Colonel Tower, 01" I'otts villca1dJul.11 f'( (or h, 1 I" thi- city, addressed the iii.tt nH. ibeir .eiu.iiUa were received with ioti.l app'iit'sc. Tl.: li-vii.i'iblth i.rnd d last n'gltt through s.v.ii'OI tl't priticipil plurt.s. Tin v pr.?si"iiii 1 a I'm : 1 pi Kr::m .. un.l In.ve ri iched a reiuai k.t lil stute ot pi 1 'ii en. 'ti in on, I ll.iri A. b. V n.i .ins, ol this city wdi. I.y re 1 1 11 , si iit ( Hi., i.s ol IniimKi', M .lilv' uncy eoi.iite, nihil.:.- tin 111 to-iuoriov eve.'ti' ou tiiu p. li 11 hi isl,(S of the liu.v , Tin Sot. 011 .i;s' on . This ni. 111. in.' the 'e 1111 lis .f ll.e '.'.Hi. (Ii ish' luitn. nt. formerly com 111 1. Hue .1 bj Colonel Jui-huii X. Utven, weieoptir.ed at ti e otticc of the l'rothonoiary of the Court of Common I'lens. 60 votes were east, of winch 7 were Demoi rutie, and 5 I'nion. '1 his is thu only i'hiladelpliin regiment that gave a Democratic niu.ioiity. The total vote, as counted up to this morning, shows liillfor tho Union ticket, and 17- a,'iunst. IticaviTiNO. This morning the Mayor issued wiur.uits for the payment of tho city bounty to oti men. Of this number 15 were credited to the l'irst Ward, HI to tbe Seventh "Ward, and l:t to the iineteintli Ward. Kecruitiug hits been looking up w ithin the lust few days, and soon our city will have furnished its full ipiotu under tho lust call, vviih some of tho wards fur iu excess. Nsw Coi NtiLMUN. Mr. Joseph Crockett, of the Sixteenth Ward, aud Mr. J. II. Coleliuiver, of tho Twenty-tilth Ward, wero both sworn into office yesterday, as memborsof tbe City Conncils, to till the place of resinned members. The former oecitpicsa sent lu the .Select, aud the laotur iu the Common liritneb. Witi-iinsKuvtu Compliment. Mr. Thomas M. Coleman, who has devoted much of hi) time to the caubc of the Union by delivering addresses in almost every part of the Hutu, was seienidod ut bis lesiilenie, So. WM Drown street, lust ne0'ht, by tbe Republican Invineililes. Mr. Coleman made a short reply to the party. MiHTAiiY. Colonel Thomas' regiment of one hundred days' im u is expected to arrive homo on Sunday or Monday morning next. The 6 h KcuimcntufMassncliUaetuonetiuU'lred days' men, 'lor several Uuvs stationed at r'ort Delaware, have left for homo. The regiment wusteu VW men. fill 'l fn - KIIIVIMI - (1,1 (he l"'i iKIant, thf i:il,'nof ol lh l,i il, 4 I itl,r, l,r t!i lU'r. Ha ,.., I.I Tin ,, , da I I M . A i 11, I 'I II. "I U 1 1.1. h in, )' , to KI.1Z Mlhnl KKlKVIMI.ul (nrii.ni'.i, I'a. N Car.l. i.'m K wooii stHitm rr. ai hi tm,' ninvb, n Hf Mill 1,-hiwii ll ' h'.r.l , III.- .Mil lWa.it, l ' tl." It. . 1,1,1mm! 1,'ti. I l.,.,l...ni.i .li, -Ir. I.i.l.l. ! I.'M hWl, nil ,,r I er'l .".inlv lil, t,tliNll T(niHs..ai .mm i.ti-rnf II. , hum ..,i'l i.r.ili Ai r,'t,'M Rll.i.llrt.... n. N'ntanl'. kill KH K NKA4-I. .Hi lv;. 1.1, i.Kiai.1. to' t'i .. I 'U.iti .ln nl-OMI l l , Hr.J. IK -. It. ! 1.111 0. Mlai HAIIAll i,I;htui in ,..i .! ,! .i'.o r ,i n. V. liM.'ja, Ka , hi. tl. of )um rll.v. "AMltHH I II M AI1K On the :M.I .v Vd. Iiyllm luv. .1. il. 1-.Miliar.', r. .11 III . . . v III K 1 1'. I . 1 ( ali MA HUH I. V Mill. .11 11,1 . j . 11. I IION -On fha moroOiK M II I;. . K, y.,11.1 .est "H or .M r. -I i.lm tl- 1'im in! at, mi. . n... M.I, at II 1 1 . I .,ii. ra' ,ll I. .In- t.l urn e ..Hinl, O ' . k, Iro.ii No ld HpT'in- nr.. u IIIIANt. on t p t.if-la ti'i.I-.. fi,-.i,pp mm bi Kl 111: V A .N 'I ol (Ma p.lr. 'n Hi" -!'l!i T- nr , l l,- a thi' iiiiull,' an.l lripnl ar. In.'i. t to .ift.'tij Inr fun. .-. I, iro.ii t! ti r-.-lil . in oi Mr-, li. i.ii i.lp. ,,. t J S flic i. ... .0 .....i -.. oiiitiiy r-nrni'iiT ."it .it ll o'clo. k, llli HON . On th. oi Aim ut tail, .tl OUI.K '.V. V . V.U: hH'.N, in 11,.- Mm, .-i.r ol l.- hp .-.,,n.-1 In III" 1 lioiilank l.'ivpr. lln- rn..lv rr-...,ri l ami linrti-.i eoni tl.r is- ili.pni-- ol Mr, .li.l.n ril.l.ll, ,. lo-nLin, I am II . .nnity, M i. I' ' I.'I KT.-on Wa.to.nlaT inor-i'nff. Oolohar I ai hi, lr. I Al.lll lt It. I'AI Itltr, wl 6 ji Willlani II. I Jl titi, in i tip (iltli pnr of l.i-r a ,o I r r ' lit V. a anil 111. int.- art rc-pprt full 'ivltro to l I' li'l h-r tu ...nil, irotn lip IIp i-piiiph.-p, No. 'Ian l'.r,,o hIiip atrp.1,011 hamnla inorillns, Hip lint , t In ii'n... k. i in ip it.- nr. top morning of Thnr.'tar, Ofttohpr 1 ts. . l-( A K V A I an-I.J, iiiiIt .,,.. I s lllia.n r, nuJ l ,ia. II. i o.. r, In th Pali r.-nr of l.i au.- I lit rilaO. p- an.l irlpiun oi tin. fain 'I irp hivttprt t ll.-ii'l iti- ti.it.-ra , trom iin rt'l Ipih..- ol I'N i.ar.'nla, No. IS S. 7pill(tb allP.'t oil Sun-lay p!torrtfnll, all o'( li.pk. 1 o r.jc...sj to ( ptlar Mill t phi. trry, Fraok or.l. I'KMKIA tin ). Kith lli-ti.nt, MNMH MC.ll l' .!a.K:,tpr., vv II lain P. and Julia 1-,. lvola, skp'I 1 year, an.l U oinnih.. Vt.NAl N. At t'smipn. S. r.n Wsilii.. ta Ihs 1'tl. mam J1. l.PII li. I l.tNAiiAN. oult noli of Itor.eit I., an.1 t-arah li. ) lanaaii, In Hip i .to oar ot hit Suo. II n lal'vpA an.l frlpno. nrc rpi.npptf.ill? InvltPfi lo at. ti-ne Iim ii iierft', itmii tl, r.-.t l.-ie-p i.l 1 1 lailipr, N. H'. roin.T ot hvpomt an.t SIhIp -.'p.. on Sinutaviait'-rs., -ti. At I oV in-... I un.TMl to i.r. o.l lo I l..'ip.nr e turutl (:pmi t. rv Cl.rlftian, alx.v.- Tl.lr.t tr. -t. I.KOIH.K.- net lonly, on ilia nth ln.tan'.. of h'-arl 1I-p,-a- tu N.-w Vora, HA11AII, r. It! oi lliplalp roloti.it ,'ol.n (1. l.t-'Tup. Jnloriii. nt at l.auri'l IIMI Cpin.'tPr, 1.1.1 .All - Or ih' iinsjnh's ol tl.t '.Mil In t.. (.1 M A v I S P.. l.KI M:, ('. I... an. H, :'! l'riiir l. ni.in l:i-..,v i-lil-l'i . k m ot ' ,.tau. H. r,r Lf-inr, li tl e vll. j.ai .it l.-.n .'. RCl I mS.-Orj tlif'lh hint., RICIAUn ROIlr-BTS. aipil M carn. Jli- nsaiiTC sn.l frloniU of tha family, nnd Itn ,a Lo.Ikp. 1, o. of O. t ., are rp.l.actltill.y liivltpl to Alton.l II11.11111..01I irorn hi In e r.-al.lpiieu, o. f2 I'pnn -( r..-t. on patiir.lar nilumooo. st I o'tloci. lo procPOJ to .v ij. tual ( cun t. .rjr. KritAl .is.-On hMth intsnl, Mrs. 1 l.lZ.tnt'.l II Si IIA'IT.IN In tl.p Ik'.th yoar 01 lipr ai;.-. Ilpr relativ.-H an.1 Iriouilr-. anil tl.oo ot tlio faml'p, sra ri rini-ctlully Ifivit.-n to altpinj ll.p tnnnnil. .roui h..r lain rptilPnt o, rpar of No. ll.,l Voiitiorn air." t. on Niiielay, 11.., 'iM IriHtwut, Rt I o'clock, without lurtlipr ootn p. PV I Til -on tho li.ih Inxtnm. or woumla ppppItp.1 at the balllo naar Wiiiehi-sler, Vs., VAt'l, ,V. SMITH, Color llpftriTOf Compnu C, Onp hutxlrpd-anrl-tlilrt v -piwlitli HPidmi-nt Ti nnHylrunls Volunteer. In the 'iJ.l eur of his 1111P, pltlp.t pon ot (.porco M. an.l Matilda Smith. Tlip lalallv.-s an.l trim. Is 01 Inp tamllj, an.l inonirtora o' hLa rei'itna'tt oft dutv, rp ra.iiprtiuilr invitp.1 to aft"nd tlip luLwut, from 1I10 rps.Cnncp ol lilt parania, iNtKnio pir.-et. l.rntMP.'it. Montyoiiii-ry count. 00 Similar si temoou. tlie'Jiil Inatatit at 1 o'clock. BUSINESS ITEMS. ! wry A Co., 4 lothlnif. Third mi.t f li. ,. .nr. frmtV CO , niotliln. Tninl .'lranl. I'KI.'.tl' A CO., Ciollnoii. Tiilr-l an f'hi'n..t. 1'J- I: It Y A Co , ( 'otti'lm, 'I .ilr'l oit Clipsnut. I KK'il' A ( II , ( lotl.'n, Thirl and ( '1.' imit. 1USI.V jt (o ( rofilnu, Third i dChp.nnt. I'HdlT A ( , CiotMim. TMrd and C npocl. 1'VllhV . 10 ,CV. k n-.TSIril ariChPiiiiit. 1'Ki.JiV . ').,Ci.'li'i p, Third and :tipi,.it. p!:i:i:v ( ( , O oihiiig, Thiol and ( brinni. I'll.llY A ( ).,(Tolr,;i,K, 1 Mro ai d (.h. ii.iil. fl.ki: A (')., W.h., T h r'1 m I CPssn.it. I . k'.r A ('!.,( l.-tl. Ion. Third si.d .'hi anut. lH.i'.V A CO .Cloll li.f, I hlrd a.i.l rhp.ni.I. II- li it V A CO , CIoiI.Ihk, Tl .1.4 and ( hiinut. I'IUI;V A ( O ,( loll li.K.TI.Inl and :lnMiiit. rt ItHlf A CO .O Ii.Ii g.'M Ird ar.dCh .nnt. I'KFItr A tO .CI.itl.ii.ii.Ttilid and niioi.nL PMtltY A (O .CMhi. Ihn-d nd ( Mmii.t. l-h .KKT A tO , Clotldi'3. ItllrrJ and '.Aainnl. Itnr.-nl 1n 4 InlJilw. Ita.'aiea m lotlnBif, liprplr.n ,11 (Toih.rif ilaiga.tia ia ( I' U '.nr. At OiiAKV r.H Urm.i' Old Snail. At i;as yn ..a hi oa if V Old Slku 1. At HK O ,1 1.F 111 1, a hi' ( d HI a' d. Ai i:4'. vi 1.1 a S. oki:,' ..ild Hi afi i. No. "pi ( h'pnt trp,i. No. CI. on. in atrpt. o IK ( beni 11: strt l. Sot) tt.um.t atr.t. Flim Old Port Wlnr- liiiiio.t t paoh'hi liar Mi'vllna; ..iirtioapa. rtr wA.9 S ilaM A Uli.o ,:ina. Arli an.l I . nlli. niciiY. lO'K am mvk: A Wl)lil 10 TIIK W.KK IH A'l Jlh fin &niiii"-n, ! th Ac'itii kni chronlJ, wrirtps tli?r in t;itlity U(l to TnH, an pfnunntiiiiff rant.b; vi,m,i;et ftt Ni XJU'tVALMOl itr.et, I'hilft ltijr.l. M.d i -ft'' of ft laiiru!.t aiOALobiUiiAUtnaliullct, 11 ? ct;rtz .1 rr -.1. Kl.vtr'c! Int'ii uii n, et&lUhtMi thut llvo jetti k l IT"lfcKi.'i 1101.I E.H. ttfcd Cli A c1hs oT inf IaJIimi prevaltn to fcarfii' tnt fn otm ntuniile, 'jinU tnj,0r4) of b,tb tiitmatl lu an ewl Ra t. The? ai'ai art vrrf iniaori'Uf uiuUfUjtl. Th'-ir etWrnal mwiifrnlall'im or apiom4 are nrvoui d-bilit. reNLtaUon, ami prut cnhaiiatloii, Uiaraiinai. o? wanting and OoiiMiuiMitlfMi of tbo tlmtiraof tho whole body, s) Mtnii of brdai-hlng, or too hurr1o4 lseKlnt on swecn-l'ii? a Mil or tlitfta -f ttalri, yaipltaUon of Hit bfart, atthrrta, brun--.tU, and a dry, tore Uiroat, treml.iii.ic aol ibaktii of ana and low or limUi, avAriiim to tooiety, iMulrv!. and to atudy : oMftime (lluuei.tf of U. '''M'ii, h4t of maiuory, diialuawt 1 Ue Xitut, itura)ia. pain in varioua iar,i of tba hriy, pain ir. the lank and luwtr Uinta, lomhaito, dyi- pip bin, ftntitjiiati'n of tli bit), deiaiiRed iwuetMna of tlu- aldMi. and uiaajr other flamU of tu body, aro dufli (t vtr'.iD n dmrap ' mltutli male dtirt fla.il; liao v,! ilo, hiterla. and Uit'ai ut ftnm ot norvoua paiDia. Now , tin n, nln'y u'nv ca?e out of every hun tjrtl ct nil t.'ia atove ttaiirvi (hacA4, aud a iuitt of vtimra riit .'iBinetl, uj ooasmuptin of U'ft Iun:. it uf the;dnal n-rei. i mw tb'Wi orUm lit tint uilvfe vmcra, hauuu Uto wat t of tttj-jufih by any tti lite old m'Uoal aytJituot itacrice. PISKAftKh OK KlfMii.r. 1 rc-'aimna Vtrit i.diK-f'rra. Atatfitorrliva, and lyo -mtrionti.t a AIJ tin att- i3itt aa ottitr (ifoi-tua tii.iiiiiii tb have tht ir orittn in a ! ii tiie vital iHirur tin i. iilj. Nr-'Uil t on ly iniuri, e.omtuj, Uiuary hr.l it v I tr ,!'! abun'i, itUntn,aritl tin- ui riiwriii RvOlr.t.i . .ut i f the I.;ulUr ty rtpkfir.a Ms rtrnKiilir , .ulk .,nu.i, .li4 :41lJ ,... ..tki..ki tu iimu ait,'. (Kttxn-- Uuuot and ileUillly tt.ttMihout theutitlre t u 'I l-o nt!t :u iru.ttivl tfini uef tioiiiiiwe D.i,',ii nrr n'ruqut niultlti(('i:it. Cuiiantiip'ti n. ! x ita. Nftiiai.la. i'irul ila, l aftie, lalibJuetm, tlia, tJ I i'(ti'ity , nod '. v 11 tiUi'C.v.aro wt nnt'o mmni. . i lucluti' t.i . .mt.lt roinC'iy ha evr been fn ind 1W tin tf i.t'iiiit Ot'T.i, litttt til' Ut lair iliav-m utf In tU u o. I.U otrtcti 1 in Uh t a(Cr.a cc with i-ie- p -i'ivt and (ifuH'a 1. iaii.aiu 11 01 tiic turn Or,atu. Wt nnr UU in :iniii ii j ilit atvt- .tttt rm it tai can of un r 0 "1 n ij.'. nif tit , or m itv lit n It ol the pari AV- I iJif-ii, Ihi'-. -i i'i at ( spe-ttfuco ai.'l uMlity.wll! ( .tiit. i iirtrt of trcatiiii, in ti-- lail. ' ipai'Munt- Col .tlillft' tl t ll.xt. i . li. U t! ! l.:mrrr. ' It. Jtrivi ,M.1 , 1'. .Hi.trt.l, M- l , H l' 'Lniin, M. i'. . U ft. :i',l fnv to lr. W 11. 11KUV S, So ViJf SAiU: ; Mutt, t .IU" ihta. i lMfiiitiii! IMMaott Sli'K.. el.s MA SON HKbKKrt IlitOH tnvii. ''1 SSI .1 a' iL.S-'-slwJ., 1V' 11 f soS H V -'l .N 't '.'I.IVf.T oi... St. 1"V .1 ...j . (-'. C O M M O N W K A 1. T II ll A N K. j'.io .a. I.' iii.,'' i..i.i ir, w;i. 'Hi.- aiu.iial .-'ocll.-n i"i' IHrerlnrs will he ti. !'i s( tli ltunkiiu lion... on .MONIiAV, ll.e VIM ly ' MoiuuilK-r u..l, lain, en Ihe l.oars ..I'll. A. VI anil J !' M. '11,, aiiinil rL.:. Img ol tin. StneWl...lili-r will he lii'M at tiie I!ni,alnii.iuuse up aUl'.8I.VV,liouiiihfr I, !.'!, at Ja o i l.,, k A. M 11. C. J 01 Nil, lu-i'l-aiwMlit I'aaluur. 100,000 VMON TASSKNGKR It All- WAV (UUI'A.NV A ll'JMIS rote hire ' I he U11I1.11 ransoiiui-r lmllwiiy ('oinpany oner fr sale nt p..r .me I11111.I1. .1 tli iiisiiinl il.-ilsis nf m .. r c. in. eouiHUi l.uu.lb, clew 01 u.l tUJ.es, iSaUoliiil, Suite, and Mm- "'V'esi lioiuls are secnrcl tyaflrtt niorlu-une of three I'lilntred tluiisaiut il.lliua oil tint road A'.tl 11 ilftili ln es. '1 lie truants are I lurelii 1'. ( lark 11 ml 'I'll. miss A. Hr.ilt. Iliev uru Isatnd In si.u.i 01 t K and can In- lunl mi u)i r le in'iii ut the ullite 01' the 1'ouip.my, N.U. WuS bouili OI I: I II ntrwt. ., lii-.'l.l.t Wll, 1,1AM K. K KMItl.K, Treasurer. yt I)EXTER'3 C0NriCTI0NE2T, No. 21 j S. TlFTEliNTH STIIKET, You will fled Iio Cream l luc sin) t'uiicjf C11V.es of iili-li,r iinallty. l'AKTlKg Bt'M'MED TO OKDIIt !( MADAME DF.MOIIF.ST'S MIKHOB Or" l ASHIO.N KOB NOVKMnKR. P1TC1IKKH. 10 21-2t Jto. 80 CIIKBNUT BTKEKT. AUMY, NAVY, AND CITIZENS V3V folliiiia t;mhrulUeied. aioulrtoiatrape. WroaiAS, c, Insijla uuui...d,l ssrmaiwapri'es- Mereliant Tailor, Ka i tilSTU SUuel, awm V"vnt, ic:-?ia (J A tt I . I Will. OfKHt t l M i f It I i S V ( O IC OF LACE CURTAINS AT voKTlf 1 I t ( !r :m!'is I'A'tJ'" I. E. WAL3AVEN, lo '.i.s.HH.Hi t) w. a Laaart., VI,S)MlO lf.Vl.l-. So. 719 OflESSUT 5t.--.rt. No ? mi nrasuT SiaHFT. NJITINOHAM AND .SWISS 1 .ACl'.S. Km lijlf-a. window .sirAPrw,, HKW STV1ES1. j HBW 0 0 1. OKU, 1 Ai ma I MAHUKACH KI.BS, ! Mo. TiJ KELTY UARRINGTON & 00. CUISrTTTT BTRK.t.T. No 7'. I riAo ;ovKn.s, C'UKRNUT L.Mt.'.Kfl STOCK IN TIIK Utt. RtRlKT. AT LOW rttlCKH. AMUSEMENTS. MllS. JdHN DRKW'b NiiW AUCH ST. I IIKA1 III Oi.N I'INt'KI- HI Cf l'.SMI l'.K.S. I II UK V.SIV.M,t. H.'Y.'t. dentil an.l at i.l ..lit hut . n ol 111 I. lil.AtOMO. l OMIllllT (I rl.la? l.lirt.Acr'.l, IIKL HKSIONIO. With new fktnery, hew Iireasek, Sm Maerinsrv, Ao. AMIKLK VK I'VAl.l In v "if s lie win lni; "VOtt ASM TIIH HTA K." and "ItltAV K. MAIIC ." tion nil. oir Irorn hi to 'A. Vl.slVALI, TIKI, HKMOVIO, rv'K'IT flt.MT. Minday. flrsl lime, C.AM I. A. VKW CliKKNOT 8TKKKT TIIKATI'.K. ll LKONAlm OHOVKB A IIXIAM K. Bi.NX. it.ea nr.rl Maliai'era. tills (irl.ia ) ;VKS'"H,,Oct"lr3l ls't, I'AIII t F.l I. HKSt.l IT 'If MK. ltd WAUUr.H. T'n iieruiniiarr.-will . (iniinn. e with ti ( omrdv .,f MWt.t.lHKAKIH AMI ttlVKS. BU ) I.avAsCty Mr. W.n. Warren t i f '. n!s Ml. a oi.' orton Aito.' wtik ll U.e -ean ins' 1 aire of l'OOK r.l.LIWbUY, I .r Pi' ie. .td Mr. Wiu. W'irrea lo c..i.c.ie Willi HIUMi WAKKKN. Hulurdav Alt.'ri.Aori, 1-4(111111 UltANI) KAMI I, V MATIVt'F,. YMLUICAN acahkmy of music. MCOONO (rltAJilV vCAr A Nil l.ssl IM.Mt.N I AI, CO Hf 'Kit I', I niier tli Manaseioent nf the NT.W Y'lltK Jt.Wrl KU' ASSOCIATION. 510M.AV tVI.NIN ,Octubi,r il.ls.-l. lr. L. U OOTTSCtlAI K, Sunor flHStriTO WO.Nl.tAUI.IVI. Trtna 'I'er.ore Ir in ' l Fenl.." stlla.'i Ilia flri'. hearanc tn America. d. HSNltll'.rTA ltHIKK.NS, Sir. TilEO. AllltKNIV Mr. .U'l.Ka HOLsri'KQr. 1IIK flit A Ml ORl liKHTl'.A. Mr. Al'ULI'll Illb'll Ki ll, Mniiusl Director. Til 1ETS l ch,(ohl-hna at tlieOtrlee Ns finOIIKa Nin htreet. Itixi-rverJ seatH may 1 hsd at th.' Ara.nmT ni M ;sic. wltli'.nt extra el r; e. on tl.e flay r ihe 0 mccrt, i. n iir.'a"iitati.. a of Oi.' t c u-ta tiarcbased nt the ull!r. 10 '.li vt J. TltKIN. Aotuarr. tSEMIiLY BUILU1NOS. LABQK HALL. I,iiatwikef the (hasmhiK and pstrlotle M'n MA JO It I'AI LtM CUmIMaN, 'IUK It.VIAI.K UNION rtl'V AMI hOOUT, wlio haa nuhtiy appeared tu larce and laai.liir.at ie auct.-t.rvi all ot ahnu prmioiim-e Iter tiie leioineot tin i.ree;.t .lav. hra will rulaie her tirliiinj encsp. a rVt in the Ki-b -a, witn anerdutea ..l prumiueui tit bt.i Olt'Cirs. Tke llrai.it Slert-m.tioon nlalitlf. MAllAt.KH ON Wr.ONl s-I.AY ASI HA rtTUDAV. ei'iiiiiii iii tun at 't o'olaok, at Matlur.e prii.es ',' cents t.ia.l ear a ol Hail, t'hlt.lien I..eenta. Evenlus.Coniiiieiire at h. Wis-urv i.an diirlns tiie duf. lu is St SPECIAL NOTICES. aiPTIBLIOAlf I8VIH0IBLE3. NAllOrlAt, HAI L, Piiii.ADKi.i-ina, jctober'.l, IS.) I. 0KIKK NO. I. Ti e piuh nlll a-aemrle at (' air Mead iiiaHm, at P. II l.ie.oely. toirom.a tu WKsl Oil jih I'M It. Ieriivl- .a.i.s, to .oHI.'lie l.IM'OI N ASH J itiNsns. (lamon- iiiiioii to I e tielu there, 'HIIS I VIMN I Tik,.u rar i:ie niirl trip One l:-o lar, to i s had at t'ie Hell at .S I'.M, i. 'lu-pmeiiU are cw read, sail tor eata ai tiie liall. tl; eiiltiof SMITir, l hlef Mi shah ATTEMIOU, VETE2ANSI ADDrtKSSKS WILL 1)K Dial VKKKD 4tas ACADEMY OF MUSIC, t)N KIIIDAY 1'IV KNINtl, Oi',N. JOSHUA T. OW'KN, MAJOR HARRY WHI1R, (A I'.'lraed I'rlacner fn.m the lajutlii, aaA HON ALKXAMjKR K. MoCLLllE, Ta tiie 3olditr ami Citizens of Ponnsylvania, oa U.a ISHH1.S OF TIIK DAY (iOVKHNOU A. (1. cuiain WI I jr nd.i i the ii.s. tiCSITs 1 l;f !'. tfej t bad-r..m Cei.il r.O.Bll- I'.-lA. -.1 U, "I,..,, t ,.. .I.M .- II At... I ... JetiL M li te, h.tq , the Oui in L-ia.itie ileum. Salwusl l LltBlfiju ll 'Uk. , Bi.u e niu. ti44.ea.1u oi.iijji. I t in . er '1 Olt'MvI, nil.UAM A. GKAY, lu vi .'i t i .hui.ni ..f I'jiiiic :iei'tingt. II A 1.1. ll ' '1'llXd UMON LEAGUE, CHESNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH, Tiie fol'fWir.ij oatlcmcn will a.l.lr. i the puWlc thu week THIS KVKNINO, AT 8 O'CLOCK. HON. A. K. MtCLVKE. BATl'llDAV. COLONEL H0WMAN, of Delaware. TIIE LAMES ABB 1MYITED T9 ATTEND. 10 Is H rjjij- OF1ICP- PWATARA FALLS COAL r ' lompaiiy.Ko. tush rot UTU street. flllllli.ti.,,1. .lnl.,l,M. M 1A.14 The Tloartl of THrectors dave this day declared a IMvl oendor HVJC(.'.) t'KST. ouluf the nal earnings of li.aC.'inpany (o the Ut or October, ta value vu auU alter tl.elil.si 111. lam, eirar of State tax. 'Ihe Tramitj-JUos will liv closed from tl.e J'.il. to the iilil 1 1 1 a t u 1 . 1 . i, m Ji'lLllKItT, lu-ati iJ U Treasurer. DIVIDEND. THE DIRECTORS OF tliesiobleaii.l livlamater FetroleurnCorupaiiThsTe ill - Z flcilared IheU" aixlli monlhiy diel.leud of TS N Ir.K ( E NT, from the eainiiiys of Hileiutr, l.ayat-le, free of Slate la.,oulue aVUi Instant. Hooka close ltli aud r-0enalt. (IKi'ltl.t W. lil'SITt.M, V.lH U.ljiA, nir-UStJ Becrsiarr- j ATIT MOVKI.TY. "OOtirie'.TNTAL HAT," IA11I- AINO MISSION. WOOD & CARY, IIKSNUT Sl'lXIUKT. f H. .'Ill V !i- -e n. iinete ms.ls jr lit ifsisanl H-aiti-'-j 1 I' is-l WOOD A- OAItV. I'.FAL 1'HTATH. URAL SSTA13. );KAI, KSI'ATI',. ItF.AI. KSTA TK. M'.Al- 1 S1ATK. KF AI- BlsTATK. r.w niiif 'iti.v i atai ,ix.ii. ji.iTi' our. tW WCM lit Y ( ATAI OuUK Jill OUT M W Me 'I lil T CATAI O il E .U ST OI'T. I'dll (.i-SIL'lT'.l 8 DISTRIPI TI.VSf luii (ie vi t notis I'lHTiuituiroN F'lB CU'. I t 11 Of 8 1HST H1 III TIUN (O.NIAI- MAR ;.Ai'0 WOKTII eHlNTA!S MCA It V.UK'.CV WOltTII. tOMAIva NKAK OntlfO WOKTH. ej FOR fSAl.il.-NO PhRSON IN UL'KST OF Heal Fsuie, el'.ler for luvestmei.t or cccupipcr. alioiild Ivll I g i '.i i'.;.l'i ultra Cti ali-frue, Juat out, en- reef 'ng In liu-i. t.sie t,, bu era anything of tfia llto ever pnt-IUhed In thia '.i;. , no matter tr whr-m. 8aid C'nial'ia'ue contains a vaat amount of flr.t-clas cllr j-rcperty, of all descrlp Ions, sul.i.. 1'An n,aLS:ona, builillng lots, An. A'so 'or sale, on my i silfi'er, a great number .if flrit-.lea l-rro'i. wtto apt ....t i Matikkins, at prices rarTirut noui iUMKotJ.-,".'1 ' all S'l (. aiaW)i;jf or .eadyouraddraia. lIl 'MU.i; C. Mil. I, Kit, Practi. ai Heal I'state Onerattr, No l',4 N. 81 TH Street. OfrVl l.sL-a.f.o 11 A M mt!tl'r.M. BANK NOTICES. r.VVrv L? .SOKTIfERX LlPsKlCTItS I'iiii.Ai-i-i.i Hi, h l tinT JHri. Notice is h.r-'t-i i,iu." eM to uuiii of th act f Uif den- r il A ' mitla of the C'tDim(nwftth of srenu- sylvnnla, ' UtitU o n ;i'.t iiintillrnr liMikiff tii Coiannrfi Me.Hltii tc tatrotr.c AshOiatlons fur (tie purpose of liAQkmff tinner tl.e oi (l u Lnli'.U SitiieB," approved the Vid layot A'juu -v. a i- 11, mat vt rttock(ioi'ur of tie I'-utik ( f Nt'ttht n l.iofrtlfli tiavA ihli da ord to become imi'Ii an asu ii.and ti.at it 1 ii ectora htw procird (hf Hit)'Oiii' of 'nt- itwni of nil' re ttii.ii two-tliln'a oi tiie (. aii'ai fit ' k t-i .'!...M'itTT-:uHcai3 roiuir-'d th)rft'ur lj it. ii'Wf oi Ut i . ut ! ntatei. Ill -lil JUt W. 'n'M Mr.PK, ahii?r. KO'i ICE. Hr-A,' c t XCUANUK BANK. Ph. i b i l'Hia, 0( tittr 9r), 1hM. K;4Ic ' litrr-l' -iaix. RKtcfatilT tn Mctmi il ox" the art ot tte . rnl A; . tiibJ oi tlx (' miiitor wtfiliti rf 1icq n Ivftnia. t tit:(lrti "A:i'act cicablini Haiikt of thetoui inonvcal-n ttt l."Ccnx.e Aior1ati fur tne puronof Jijiitkliij iiiiit r i' e lufi vi ti.e t nitc-cl Mtite.i." npiiivt;i thi' aT-ii cuy w ahl;um , . lit io' umi tuc nu unoni'm oi tut Oirti KvciiHitLf lUuk oi fhiialeiplna Lave taimonj vot4 lo txoo e ' K an A-iriniMn ; and that its il c 1 r liave pio hi M t1 e authority of tiie owner ot more tit an t rtct-ttni .ii ti'-1. api'a. ni. rn toixnnruiB ceiin oxiv iiro: thftftfo inr law of ii i niiid mati-n. in-vi- a J. y. Ti;iiKV,iaHh.fr, trit" TI C ft. ,IK 1 1TV NK ri.n.AiKi.'H.A. Ootober?0. i4. t Nrl.c- f: I hon, aKrcrtl'j tu neci on i jf th. act i:l ii. 1 1 vi! lui t lit 11 jr sji i tn.-finrntHiwrtuin or I'rnu y utilu, 1 1 tut" "An itci i ii lui, ItaiiBif of late Com in in- nr."ii loi'tucii . Aui' 4ioiJt iur me nur-no oi KaiuiKg iii.i'e: titliwfci.t tin I.n:ii.d hlatPh, nppruv4 the jM t.v.t Aii.'iiht.. .P. I-., tint tiie NtorkhoUit'ia of it.e t it I .hi; V. I n p not oy vtien to bocoive Kucb an aitBfxila- itoQ : fii'j in', n ihri'otof m tmvf iiTociuoa tne ambr.riLy or A a ont i. ol n".r 'ban iwiv-iiiird ( t tl.e t.apital fMock t aibtc ti.i eiiii. .ic i.iulr:i llitrtfor t the la ol Hie In 'i .41 O. ALI.KKT IRWT, Caihler. J N O T I U K. I hU:i T N HNK. !H THE COUNTY i hilauki i hi 4, October '1. lutl. 'ot!ry ti TuTct-v K'vliii -real ly to kctim ct the art nf ll,' iiineral . a.b.y cfi)e i-oniruoiiwuM b of renii h sum, ?' ttt! !"!i ' t enal u Hik ii the ' ommn WiHlih t.i Ntoijii Akt 'latiriMf rtnpaipovafi Itaiikii.f . under tli' ' 'in lulled htnteii,'" uppruvMt tiie t'A 1;v of ATUUit. A lHtt4, t iat ttw itock holder ol the KLDrtnuU-'i 1m i ii tut o mi iy I'htlxiclcIiJ-i, havegiii tjayvutidta bettu.e uoh an A-sorlat'on , nd thut Its ir cti'.'n l.t-vi- t '"(tirfu Hi auiDonijof the .iwnanof nw rf ihii tw ' i'sl' t Ida 'i:nj tiiock te make tne i-ertJik'ttte ro-iut- l KLuvt b theUwe ol the Uui(l h'l!t!'n O, T YEKKLS. CaUlor. K,T- NO'! I C K AM MKOHalVirr 5A1C. Pun aio i.i hi v. ootuUr io, IHU, ertHOiv to -.ecfcioii i o( the a't i D'bi iif tlif Couitnonwaaiih of laii ":i net tin h i inn itaiiie of the Cjtu A, onaiioim (or the purpo4 f - la of the , .'nited State1," anproved uu. A.I' that t!o- htotkhl(Jir il jli-clianxa" Htuk of PfilUiltJplila have t w.9 utn au Aishoc'auon ; aud that i.r"-ur-d -hf a-ittn-rit oi the owners i It .It of -bt- C'H)iial Mu ck to mk the 1 iitr-K-r b tie lhw$ of the United KAl K. llee lalu'r. .J of the (..'i.e. a. i. svl. si. la, cm. in I ,iKiiwe.l'.li lo liaiiklni. ui.di-r i. ,h ".. ll.V Ot A IU ol'Uie a'.sllliers e. Ih'S ds v.t) I" ' lilie-.-r lis , l n:i te Ibn tv . oertinaie te'ii aiana. i:)-.ii-,n W, ItttsIITOS, JB,. f'ahler. r I t: K. H'lal. HANK OF rF.SNSVI VASIA. rim auk! rniA.iiclolier 'A, ltx-t. ..,v,'i.. aartt nl.ly to at-otl .. t ofiliea 'l l-lulilv ol Uie Comtuoowealth ot t's-nii-'-.'.., A.'l ...i.l.iiu llauaa ot the Com--line ais.-ciai's t..r the purpose of luffs .ilh.1 tii.lt,-.! male,' aipr.vv.-a i i . l. ISfl, U.at the sl khol.ler r.iink of i'ei.i.s.v.vai.ia tiave tali d.y .i .. a'. Aso. la 1 r. ; Kli.l tliat Its l.'lreel- N 1 i" fOM 1 Kit!., is li.-iei of the (n-m-rel ' -avlvan.a, ei.t.n ' ni.Mie.ci.nri lo I lta..Hin; ni.Ci-r (' -. (Ii- -.'M cav of ol tl.e (Vniti.i-rc,..1 Vwtid to l.i-r. uie run l.ae r.n.cu. .1 tt e au'liorily oi the owners of mon t. a:' ah ttiir.t. I (.. I ji. la. ntocs o initke u.e cor m- -r ny tl-i laws of the linHer?. Nutoa. .'..tats bits. kl.fl.ti-rh fsn aoolv to is l . l-AI.Ml.li,Va.llrr l air r".'ieil ti e I- ,r luill.cr pi 1) 91 )! ric'f- KOI 'OK. l'lill AliKI fill V, Ol't-nSer 1, Hill. N.itloe L. 1 erot'i "..rn, agie. al' to aecikn'. of the act t'f li..- (ic-r.wa! a..- ...' I) .1 Hie 1'c iiiinor.wea ill of r. on i.i:aii!ii.ni;tlo.i "An .t ensli ng I'.a.iks -f tiieCoin mol.wi a li t.. t -. in" Asn cia Ions for the purpo.a ut ItdliHIll. liliuprii- ................... the 3il itat ol A A O 1MII, ll, ai the Hn clilviileri ol ti e l'.anl. (I e n ; ancii an A.i.ial..i th ant.. i r t.- "i ! . Cai ital Hl tr " ti.e av., ot Uie t . i Ui-'Jl Ml a.. 'a. thia .lav oted to 1. tenia . ami that lis liiuDtors have procur.l w.. r' ol' n ,.re t .ai. two tit id. ol tl.e e ii: ' i-erlirliaie r-4iilii-'l theiclor i'i u' n'.ates. .I01IN A. LEWIS, ( ashler. 1o'" N0TIr AT A OKNFItAl. MKl'.T-a- (Jin ol tl .siocllioldera of "'the Hank of Pviin lawrikliio ' in H ", ni.iv of rMlaiieiplila, lioM at tl.e l a ikli.a h..ute,l:i .itc l: of I'nlla-ltlrl.la. on 'Illl'ltS IiAV ,(ctoi.er Jo. is.,i.tlo loliowii-goreauolt andrtsolu i, vieie ossi ed r .i:Iii.h-js1 : Wln iniH Irie in. xton i f tne Hank ofl'eiin TowmWp, iuthe county of 1 lli.uvli.hiu. l ave ptooured tl.e wrluea aull.orl'Tof tl.e ov. i.,i ot t wo-ia-l'ds ot tl.e capital sink .1 the siiht I'.nnls t" iii.ike Ihe crtlllcat ri'.iiire. hy ll.e law of the t'liliasl Mtaloa lo ehance aud convert the Mid Hank I mo a Niui.inal Association tor carrjnig on U.e Dun u. ssel haiiklnu; tlinelme, h.-solvud, 'ihat Hie of r.'tin Townsbip, In the c unity ol I'hllinli'll'lii.i. shail ln'come, nnd the saose Is lid.-hy chuinied and convcrie.l lito an msnciation f,,r i nrri ll," on tlio hnslneis ol banking undor the laws of tne I i iuU hu.lee. intni. d "An act to prov i.le a iiatl.m.il cur n licy sciuii'd l-y n pleilK' ol l int.'. I Mates Honda, an l to nrovi.le for the circulation and redemption there..!,' ap !,r.,v.d .lunc il. ls,4. And the iiituio ol t lie said iiatl'iuul li.fi- utl'.n shall be H1K I'KNN KAI'IHNAL HaSK. And the Hired- rs ol the st.1.1 Hunk arc lierol.y uutli.-rizcd lo do unJ p.-rlorm eiery act, nialt.r, and thlrg iccossaiy t,, be done to carry Into lull uud oouipl.-to eltcct the iiueu- liuii ol mi" ri'si.iiiii.'i. "'i" '"" s ..(..... ti.a ti.vic.if tor tinny days. In the "Nnrlli Aiucr.i un and (nili dr-tatcs liiiclti',' a new.pui.er.il' theciiyol l'hila. il.-lpiila, unci send Ukc printed notice, by mill1 or otherwise, to ea. Ii kUk kholder, asreeably to the pruvisloua oi an a't of the l.tplslallire. the (.'uuiiuonvvellUi of fennsvh unl.l, i-i.tliii-d "An uct enabling the Hanks of tills Coiiudou wculihto become Ass.. ciu'lons f. r tl.e purpose ol lla.ik Inu. uinier lie laws of tne lliiuil States,' approved A "Ju-t '', lsot. JAMKS jlUclHKi.l., laA-.vt t'ltslner. -rr, OIHAKO BANK, TllILAJJliLl'IIIA, ai-S October l'i, 1M.I. A fen.ral lneeilns of tiie Rto "kholdira of this lUnk salll be held at the Hanking-house on MONIiAV, the Vlst dy of November next, at 1'-' o'clock M., lo consider and decide wl. ether this Dank shall be come an AisoelulUil for the business ol llunkliu. under tbe laws of tn I nlted Hlaicsi and win tlier It sl ull exerclsa thu powers con ierre.1 hytl.aActol tl.e Lcirlsla luiool this Stale, enntled "An Act eiiaiiliui; the banks of tins Cooiiuotiwei.lih to become associations I'.r hanking uedcr ti e lawsot the I nlted Kl.itcl,' uppioved '.'M Au gust, IMA and to t.ike any lurtker action tnatuiuyb iii'.'ussary. I be ele. Uon for Iilrectori will be hell at Hit lame pla. ou the same d.iv, Movtuiber 1, bstwceu tiie botua oi 10 A. M. and -J r.H. , ., 'Ihe animal uintlng of tiie Utockholdcrs, nni'.cr tin charter, will he held at tl.e Hanking House, ou HM HA, tin 1st dayol Noyciuoer, " '"ye Ur K E H . t RELIGIOUS NOTICES. I V f" YOUNO M K.N H CIIUISIIAN ASMf. ' "' elali, n. Tr e repnlar Vontl y M.C ma or tl,. aa-a-Kisti-n wil I riei.t In tiir r r-imi on MO MM f net i. '. i 4, at 7S I'. M , tn xll.h tidies an. r.-.p -r n illf li. si' n, Th. Ites.O Is. SKr. rr' will dsu.rr an rasar i n 'Tsn persi CI " i.Mie.1 mil ("f .ll sr Us .,.!(, n -,,,ai slii- r li. el h.islness In are irdanrss w lib iha tsa -hlaasof (- t ;nV a. ii;u i w. fit' a. s.i.iil,-. a'i else burg -l"el. t, tVosii !,.' d'Stigset Ih i. l.-a-i arfs." The .i.'itor. 'I ..il i -! s to sr : r tor t - I a I ear will ta'.o ; ls ... Tl.srs wti. N. '...' an.l li'Sli' in.i let niii'V h ai it -ml ,k. I 10 i-n wan rt. ft 1 l 1tNts.ll I I) ItOI.SK WANTRO," IM w.ai Walom 'i 1.., usl , or Ai-h, or ( b".nnt .ira. . Ov- "y ., r, ..hi'.' !(., us. ." at 1 1. is o'l' "a, .)t fOK SALF. AND 10 LET. 1)1- MH a IM.K inn ,MM 't)i JL.M rn i.r.', i 'I V liM V , r, ll , M i.' v J f'M. A.Mi 1' II !' A i lu.s" v.: k K a, I i ;'i!il rt'- t a-' No. "i . n -m- ti:.-ygtiia ';i ' 1 n si ii ,1 I, ni. A- . i 1 1 ll 4 AS.I-,I:T.)W rrnr t k lt'Al NVi.VAMA CKMKAlT RA II.. t i.i : ami "in k o ri nsui'f.',.."vi kh r i V P Hl I CHAl.M. LA-.. Tin: hi nn i i w. lif i i y, I Al i, I'LiAlr IN I UK iii.fa.Vi Vl.r T , f ..f (l.a i I AM t ItNTH lis i i 1.0 l f t't'V I V ' a' tit -W I'n-Sf f. f .,, , . i . I .'ivrin,, hlll.I.l.lli ANU MAIii.l'.l .V ClilLMl 1.4'ltIA. I WU tilt Tlf K ITS i h , t.i- pr.K t-. n i vr.i an ill, I Shi N a mix. I .HI, (iHCM.o, I y.w i.nhiiih, Mnviti;, Ml I'AVI . MS-i'S, I All:-, I c!A VI t'8. wntKi.N'. Ai l ill ,'ti.i -tfal p -nu ItrlUaHh-' ill.. I, I'd ttt K -1 ill -a Li tl. riiIl AlI I.T'MM 1Ni I I'lK UVLK.H.), riu''.;1)!'''! i rn-' 1 .1 ni.lf. with' ui t r, uv.-.- nf Oata I 1 i f''orfi'-, ju it'K . ti'Hl t f t T'liilt, Oil, lil OIOV (,f 'i'K.NNi I VsNIAt I III M All. Tl! All, at A V , IAr ow nwift f , l,ancfiit-r, ( ti diit, -iinf . I I'itt il'Mii, aix' .til Int rmfiji';.i t -IM , , 1 1 v. i C'i Hi Ctti.ti at Mitrriphm .- r :n th' lr,i t 4 i-( ih" N -r ! r,n K oitrni Ht; n 0r Huif.-irj . W it i Bin's no 1. 1 irk H avert, J ai tile Knp'Tt, Itlo-'Oifc'irK, lli-c -I. lluvc n.S' imhwi&f . I 'j ni'iU'l' . Mi x-toii, W v.Hjit i.', I lttt n Hci v i .u, K''n!fa, liuflHli., itn li'k,'r,( a'lfiniiavtiH, Mngnr.i K.ilii. No ctmnj 0 ( 1 urn l.t-iween 11. 1 KttS 'f M 1 a- d Lvk Iln r With tlifl ( umUfrinn'' Vall. Itaiiroad rr(5ar-itj.il- (!v Mir.txTHbnrii, mi 4 ltNutt htnw n. Ai ( 'hnnl.a, ii h fh- V' rk m.1 Kfif huvliJe l;J!a it-r Voik, Hanover, aud TIIK FAHT MVK. it 11 40 A M .fr rinl.uru and the ct, niftku ronnar t.on at iartfttli'-Mli.1 wtth tut- l.moniH and CttitiinNia Jin ioau fi r i.fiijita, I te, iii.i Up- .im At I'lirdthutj, whfc tl'f 1 imt!eili.d nif aii't .Norilitrn Oitral l.alwaa l I (aiiU, Willr rti-((, j.pc'(ifHr, hfl In hat rove, ftun- tnr.flC. At 1 lltshur Willi tl.K Qah tlulli Ctl ftl t .t'verv'lri.' n.i frmii v at ix.n.t- i tti 10 tho Like, Wat to tin Mif ;ind tlif Mfsf ur' rU ra. noil bOtlUi auf .t u'liwc-t U ail r'tn'f- hi rfMDli lj Itailr.a1 TIIK HAIiUlSUI. lit. AO OM.0AnOV, at 211 I'. M , nun t-ta t n'uni ila, v hori-c inr.eutlon l oada wiUi lite Itvk and W.-lsiltt ll l.atlrt'ti.l ttr ttrk, lano- of, hi id 'ftt)-inirrf 1 hit train sio.n n all liitfrrujiat Oli;i, ai d ri nrJi.1 Harrixi iiii nt 7 t' I'. M. thk rim? rnK', at P. M , rutir. thn.ul, ith( m ci.iinke ( rat-t, for ( linrv. Ntirttiuntt.crlnnd. 1 rtl-hurtt. Miitrn, Wiunnlown, I ifWar, Jftniiti.(n.rv, Vuncv, W ! Urn port, JCnov( Ihvkh)'T, nt. :try . Wairt-n. ( -irrr, Wa'Tf.rd. Kt f, rtr. At (Vrry conntN tion l inatl with (Ml Crrt k Kai rott T'i Tittif tlu ni .tl Sl,i.ner'i, and wifi th AUantto anl (.fiHl Wittern nallroiid f. r Ir.fiKim. Mra-tvl Ie, a" 4 1taui'i',M. Ihik train cuime t at HarrUbMr wiitt tlf Kaiiian'r' I.jl press fur lituturg and all wet Lara TflK PIIlIaAIiKLPHTA rXPRKDH, at l'r.. V. M , nirt i!irUMh hi. out rhamjt- of oart ( I'ltt.l'Ui'i, it nd tin ro connects lth nil divvtuia rnnrfa, Worn., toatli, antt West Met plr. c wa run th ouh wiilt th.s tiriln t i'itu;ui(i. A through car f.r Wiltianaapor an.1 ln' rntfdiau hh- fa attached to tr.is tsraia, ul fvucl.iM Wlllhiiii8,.tirt at 7'-Vt A M. 1 in- I'l tlndt'ipt ia I'mpitM !eup dallji. Tf t f;rff KLre?n lcav( dal , t ii ei't .1 .turd, A 4tilitr train ici-? m-I 7. vxt -it Huada. ON M M. AY tl- rarn of tnf Markt .Hintt I sj.it. k at Railway will la Kikl th mirtn at 7 !" I. M . to connect with tho hr a Ki p'tffri.aiid at li' I M. tocAQiirct with Uift rfcU4etjfcift hprtr at tiif Philadf IphU dei t MUCIMO Tilt WKCK, etrot-t ft ti t.. .ti'ftarn.f Ui Mttrkt .ytr-at rsif hall a. wi.l !i avt- Kiont tirtft i' very two ninuHtiMa utiu'irft (! tour preioi to tht time uf doartur ot (tn U -lalh, an I th ln-t car wll lrat thirty m niitf prior ' to the ita;tlt time of each tram fiam tlio 1'UUaJelpalA dlHjl. MnfTIlIA- ( OVMl 'i ATION TICKRH, for tl.t accnroiiifKlattun ol pcruont Ur n cut of tow orlottU'! o'i r nrr ne f I n t tr . ratl. wa? be pur chase J at Ion ratfttg'od !ur fifty fcur Ulpi, If mad wiUUft the iboutli. FAMILY COffPOlf TlPRCm, at red'irM rntt-n in.m local Ur. anj good Ar twalva uiOMtlm from diti-of Uaiis. for iwentv ia trips ktwaa an two I'Jinti inr asi lltaor btivinc tt'Bi. lit. N'rjDOli 7ICK1S, for tli p ith ol kcholnr utuitdinv fcch.-ol In Ui fitf.tft very low ritf-t.AP'l cBuitlng hcjldr to Altrlpi,!! uto4 dm ids a Diontti For f.ir'.her loformatlr.n. pply at the T aispner HltUa Co ta.t t,l Ihlrliatli ar.1 Mtm( stKwtn.rm a mlahla. JUI1N K. UM1LB Jr Tickot Agaot. WK8TFKN FilKiHATlrtlf. An mli.rnt fcoo.iuO'atioti T-ain iBAVat V. UT Ihn-k. tie 1 daily (!ui da-i axe. pud), at I P. M,,oHVrij a cniftrtHt'le nn tie of travel tofaiaill a tcoliijt Wett.atoua ha;f tl.e tuna! raw af tutv. I'ai ncuUr atioDtlon la aaid ti. ba t'ir vtii.cti . hecVfc sra glan, bud b4&g Ird by aarai tra n with pai!M.0er. I Jt full mi'.rujuii .ii, Hp, iy fn l HACla FtHK.Ft.l(raot Au?nt, MAWS ltOttA(.K FXPHKSS The 01 JHttm l:n.'i;a?t i xpr- it I clj st tha iC-jtLi-anU orrmr l K.l.KVi- Mil int M AUK K r streets, wi tie a i frdi m lor tio 111 tvpravni oi I'.i.Kni' "dl tae lv nmn pi attf'iti n An i ' f this telinle KipriMS rciuptny will pan Hi r,.tih each 'rain ha'ore rearktnf tha tit pot. am take 11 i cecH nnd deliver h.tai.ti any p vt of tho o.ty. The triv ellc uubllu are aiUaved that s( s entttc'y r?.')onii7c. 0 THE FENN8YI VAIA KAII.ROAO COMP1NT ill r rt BckiiK e ait) rik for bavKare, e.pi for wearliNff apparel, a;iu I mil tlitJr ra poi 10 orte Pandretf Jmiiarf In alve AI. Ima-'e eart 'fni tliAt Sfw tuot la alue will he at tbe rl k of tiie ownM.urlcss takeb fcttvlal roTitiact. I RKKillTH. Py thlftrmite fre"la rn a'l ut jT.pll n can be fjrwaMad lo ft'nd tr.'H sr ro ut on tt e railroads t i'oa, Kiatuccr, lb'liana liliniMrt-WiNi iiiikln. lowa.or Ml ist iiit, b ranroul niitt.t, or to ait) polrt on the navtKubltt rivers of tka Went b sicauiera liouiFittsburft.or to all laae poi u tjr steamsa rt no l.i ie. 1 It cAtea of iVelsht to aud from auj pelut In Ue Weal I.y tbe l eoi ivh Hi .a ( ei.tr il l.al rol are at all tine a tnurnbl m are arfied by othrr railroad ctvmranl-a. alar 1 bk'ith i.d kLsppei liriusting vhe iritiitpo'taiioii t l iMHr fri(iin toti'UiotcpAny cm taljr wi.b confideitve pa tia apetsly transit. Kor irt kM c nlrfr'i or uliippliiL- dlrectltns, appl U M ddrerth th'- (.en s ol' the 1 ttuiianv b. I. Kl.N'.hTi, Jr., 1 httatlt-lpl Is. 11 h. uotmroH, Oer.-rm Kre ifltl A-,' nt p'tltadeiphlp. IIKinT W.t.WINiHt, enteral 'ticket Ac nt, I'Miadelalil. ( rerai rtup-i litUnJut, AJUtpfia, Pa. 10 21 OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMEES NKW YOlllv. tub rOA'si wifB ATRiMtuir coMrAHt s uur rikNt CLAMS HCUB1T bTtiallltr), . K. C. liKltaiT. t aptnta sisllaKhr. JOHN UlltNUlti, 4 aplasia Huwfl, WIU mati a 1 .Mils trl-wMklj Una, cotBaaaoUaf SA1UBDAT, eorOBEB 22, 1884, i.eiinc ruti.Aiiii piitA .r&tr TCESDAY, TUIBSD.1T, 1 SVWRDAT, t ram tt.e ( nuru y t wharf, first aliore Rao ilraat. AT I'ri O'OI.OOK M., tair;tuV-m-t., riu 11, Kortk nvar, oa aata daa;i, A'I' 3 O'CLOCK i M. Tics new and aulislar.ijil sttaoitra sr.ia built eK-fre.al;- fur this mate. t mla-I.t retlvi.l dallr, handled lb tl molt OSJcfal BLU Dr, aud OdUvaied witb IKa utt ost oapatcli. I'or lu.llisr iiliculaii, app'j ta WILLIAM J. TAYLOE 3t CO., No. iI0 . WIIAI1VES, PHILAl'ELPIIIA. nj lo-ao-tit I'iku li.iroiiTii bivf.r, MEitr yqkic. -w MON i: Y "I'O AN Y AMOUNT LOAN K 1 fV ii poll siuiiion.ls, Waiclics, Jvnetrj l'lata, n Atiuiuim, o., at laT tJ .lOSI'.B CO.'rJ OI.W F.STaltl.lBllKD I.OAH OKK1CK, Cormr ol TIIIHU ami OASKII.L Strati, 11. k.w runliarU. JI.Tl.-V.lAMONli!j, Alt' UU, JtWELBV, OUSS A... t'.r sal at ... HKalAltkAHl.1 l.uw l'lluB. " T XIKSOIX'I'ION. THK CO-l'AHTNKItRIIIP J ' l.i'iit.ifi.rn axlstli.g iinilcrtlio rlrru of HAMI'tL M. I.AV KS Jt blN, is Ifiis t'ss" dlssolvi'd. Tiie bilslnass Klat tie Batattll by U. tiilri,;nr'l, at Nu. titi lult'K Hlr. at. ' fllAH. E. HavlKrl, BuTTHint faxtiila TLilaatltirilAi Unjiu-mbtr nu, l"t. rO PAMirKllHllP.-Vlia on.W.Imea tTi tW"r ftirmi.l a 1'o purti.er.l.lp linJer tl.a llrm of HAVla.1 l" TtlKUB, for tl.a translation of a vn.ral liaaamii iu.a..,ai T'hAVlES, 1'KIt.lt A. PAVls-d. rhllaU. liMa, Octolr 1, lull. n H (KrtlAcaui of liid.l.l'lns.. Qllartraaaatrs 'I;m.V'.3lo.. n ron.t.rl, n,,lrtoa. G iiAsurAcnmiNQ MAonmisT AsP KNOINKlilt, 10-19 Ko. l'.'-'l ". BECOSD Bluet, rtiiJVJ- :i-Z-! s",;' vafS "B