The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 20, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    r. a
JeM .aw1'1 1T1 Mryl''
na ('crate. Meat tlatrylrtncl
AaJoptlnaa f the) Kfw rnnretltuiisaea 1
.!.. Mrrlt ill Intimation of Nlvr
A Mateieleyr R-fa text -Tim rrenslrtwnt
- (MriH" to nnlutmln H tvsirn.
' lite P.HCi Will th" ".
Laef Th Pmldrnt Will T
VV w - ec
TrASiiiiroTOtf, Oct. 10. llio rreehhMit was cr
Mdd, at (lie White Home, to-nlyht, anr, on p
j etutne: st an nxpor window, p. kn as follows, bolus;
jYttjurntly interrupted by applause t
xf wn notlilcd that this la compliment paid mo
j in Wffl MiirTlandeira resident in this dl'nct. I
Infer that the oikii; Ion ol the new Constitution for
It Stato fnrnirho. tho occasion, ami thai, in your
view, the extirpation of slavery conetitutcs tho Chief
fnt of llio urn- Constitntl in.
" Moat heartily ln I conprntu'nto 70a ard Mary
land, and the nation and the world upon U10 orout.
I wret that it did uut occur two ycare sooner, which
am tare would navo uvit (0 he ualiou moro
BeTisy than touM linv met all rdlvato Io in
aidout to tho majeure. It it it Inu omno at last, and
I linorrclv hope H Mouits may full rt-iill.o all thetr
ajiticrations of 00u ro"' It. and that its o;ip
Betitt may, by its effect", l agreeably aud proUinbly
"A word upon anoihor oiii'Jrct. Homothlnsr said by
trie Beoelary 01 tttuto, in bis rccciii upoocli at Au
linrii ha been construed liy souio Into a throat Hint,
Iflahell te hoa'PD at tlieieiecrinn. 1 wi.i, nenve'n
then and the 0 & ' ""X constitutional term, do
what I rosy be alio to ru!n tho (ioTcrnment. others
reaard the tact that the ( hica ji) Convention a 1
Jonced, not nc t'.it, but to meet atiiiu if collect to
do to by particular individual, nt the iiitmintlvii
trt a parposo that, it thiir nominee shall bo clccttvl,
It Hill at onco reiz.' the control ot tho (iovermiinnt.
I hope the good pcopie will permit themselves to
auffer no uneasiness on this point.
1 am tfru(r,7li. j to maintain llio Government,
sot lo overthrow it. I irn itru"l)nif especially to
prevent oilicib linni ovwtUrowniir ic I tiierolore
taythat, it I shall lire, t ha'l rema n rnvmlcnt
iitil the 4th ot noxt March, and that whoever shall
v. .. ..u., 11,, 1, u..! 'od liidrrfur iu November.
bail be duly intlled a? rro-idoiit ou the 4th ol
March) and tbnt, in the mtcrval, I shall do my tit.
no that whoever it to Lo:d the helm lor tiio next
voyairosbaJ etu-twith the be:t po8iblo cliauco to
tavc the ship.
"Till i due 10 the prop It', both on ptincinlo and
Bder the Conitltntion. Their -vlll, constitutionally
exprciucd, in the ultimnic law tot all. II they should
deliberately resolve to novo immediate peneo. rven ut
tkoloMOf their eon' try and their 1 berties, I know not
the 1 oner ertiie ri,ht to re?sl thciu. 11 Istheirown
tu!inc!i, and they raunt do aa they pleno with thoir
own. I believe, liowevc-, fiey aro still ri'silved to
preserve their country and thoir hterty, and m tuii or out, I am resolved to stand by them.
"I may add that iu this imrpoan to save tho conn
try and Its liberties no clatnes of people) sacra no
nearly nnmumoim a tho soldiers iu tho Held and tho
teamen allcat. Do tbey not havo the hardu.'t ot it T
AVbOfhouId qnail whi!o thev do not? God b'eia
tbetoldler and aeamon, with all their bravo coin-
MfiinxA av .vBtt.iT EXi"F,Kir.rn,
The follov.ii'g currospondence expbiiaa itaeif.
It Is only necessary to eay that Dr. Vai Olefin
ia well ini'wn in this cl y, and the statemuuta
made In lifs Ietur have been frcqticntly repeated
JO persons be re:
Ns-wbk. Ocioher 7. lSrtl. Dear Sir: I
Tnunahrr. i:in atu-r yoi;r reti f 1 here irom the Janw vob acltd at tnri'i-'ii fl liiu- Kuntiu.u tla'tiin.
heating Tfu state ttist v.rnvru) JWctTjlUn wn en bmrd
riurti.i: tilt rvtrt-ut of nur a- my to liar U'li i l,,i;!.lnii An l
auruii: me bdtilc ,f lllrucJe and Mau n.'n Hid. itrtvh.
ftnutntl henrd it rotutcJ, 1 take tin Liljuity ot wrlOutf
WCt jou, itruy,
A. V v-J WIWHI.";.
To R H V.itf GiitbOK, 3(. 1)., EortUut,jii, iiui.uiuu h
ULty, M. J.
ifNOliRHTOWH. N.J., Oetnhcr 10, lSBt Aty
Dr sir: Vciurs of 'he 7h Inst, receivi'd In due time.
Jtjr entdv to our r qticat I wdi write the mct eoci-n ln
trtfrsl Mt:l ic inn p'SBeuee on "ourq my i- inn' 1 rv.iutm
altmer ufrsii.vsMell i liuvH so rieilienlly ataUil to ynu
sml niunv i.ihiT ,1 li.v rrifillila tn Ne wurli.
In 10 doiiig I mnit C'-'iiesi. my utter pnrorl"e that my
IctttlDiunv hr.,u;a I'e i t t a'-n io isu.nt'ut,- tiwt. ,r wtr
a ib.ii ..i.l, Hint m, ftitfi, ert ,n. wh.'t It T lie let
wi h tiitn or aaalsttt hiin persoanily or rrmucaily, euu
V.veiiMelt.'lsnhhnsrir. In rlvlt Ms testimony upon
U,l Ktentlrnl iutsui. ml'iii "J 'ti v "
-. litloi.Kii, ipjifii'iv -lniusd 10 n,vr
,, In, re lini'triiifty a t'fll 0
m. in. rv i i imtti r. vou r X 'M c:, i,"l eo rot r. mtin
ki. ltlc!,lli!e t mt.5 h'.vc bu, i:iv Bimii tvii il.'r
Ueri-tr." m,;w is H that tier. - M,t.n hwiikv
i . i.A. AWMti.tMriii,!! uti:li;)tlS tn 1)1.1 1'irKaill
w..i'kfc.iin nftv tiutm me .iii.titiT-Oerk and In tlie oulnn nf
tk Uattna Is to nitetiitrt ly im-xidutnjtil.', tor necsitiitity
... r..rn.c in tlin txtdv. If oerehstie alitit'nt tn .lin miir.t,
and ate, urauk, va.acd, tnuokttd, and tutted like uuy ulti-.'r
All event of inch Imnirtsnte. fit sileh a erlticil lime. In,
an Jou n.ity wed uiiuii. m itididllily Htampil luon my
h i mory us the u tr tn tue nrit (ut:itiun m tiiu'-Snurtor
aiv fives wereeoiifcti'nMj itnun hi a, a d my eari unoil
ti e a t-r.. bitih to o-nin c.f man t..l eat.-li in n- ti.lirnia nt
ih" i tea1 Icr. nf wtiicli we listl n.'i.t uniln-nis lnri-t idin
M v ohKHrvstle' and LnDfeisl ins uwlH. tin" t me. wer
wi .'' n t :hnt time in in, nai.y jt.nrn tl n tw l)iiiri ujiira
ue. from vinxh I v iiu y ou tin; i.ini-nuAl lacia ui i,w C114
mi,l, fttil. nttl'in.
ih mt riiu gef June " 'J,; C.a, ',at that
time (laa snip 01 me i iuajmn, Uy i asr niin an mm
I was on the motility nf ill it il nt oi hn,-e t't liunoi't
a , me ol Ut wuiiivicd who had l.en sen o Hie -Uei "a ik
lor tranniorutlnn ana ait-r lnvnm nutinl on ut.iri
with Cania'.n line kis. Umrtud il.n: anoiUr bdtllo n,
jp-eli d ourinn Hie llfterlioti ol Hie nie uay At) nit .
V M. wo ran to ttm c'lin d r.alitiarir ol t.eiwrs
Mci leliun. C. piuln towcn Item wmii uu atioro, and
alter a -LorL ao-ur.ce lir-ilti.t Mji'li-uuu oiiooatl ull
him II.. was ri-.:eied n tl.i-.i-mc r in una i null .nu,
ind'nai a.--eunn;' ' 1 r-nee d.-J ilttvil.e and hi
' too net Imvt. d others nl l..r note, I n d n it
' anrtictlarly m l.n, u.y wtmie ut;en 1-ni einu-ei-liaied HtCI' lu. ttrar . If. M. i.m. O u.n o.
ti,e Jol'-, tlan Ha lniie.l in tl.a fnn lnii, rcnortal
tnniy ldvaic iik In I irt-t .,t -e um iao K It.-'
W. .,. Mi..i,il,h-K,irl llTllli:'. Wtlll 1V0 COUlddl4-
ln-tlv lii-ar an allm'SI I' cenni.nt totj ol arl;deri', ttniun-d
...ti.1 i-f n.iihkeir v. am iii. r.t:v alt ,nt a inn
4,11 tte Ui-n e..u. niflii d UiioAliM s'lelii ii.wld ( lis
lankt. or ruiher tilniH, br-lnii i.illi- liw') and Ui the I.-II.
-..n " U' nii.tlniii'O 11. ns llriii mull suud,'in (Inn
i.w. n i.d il.e fill i. Inu di-aoau hei; "Mi-t'.iU m
K....UII.1. .-s't uint-r i.-, Iiavii.n u I ard time ' -M.!:el .in
.i i. r. ,ti a f:.,i. :,n fur tl:(- tlrij -aiollt li P. M.
de-l-a rti rt-eennl win lute l!i tliu tvtliliin, "Our m -n
K?armidnn:it ltv.-ai- thai we had he'd onr
pos.t'.eu and eautured nue tlioubaad jnlsouers.
tufd tl.e t.atlle I Him' ale
Vet'l'lla'n a tn mm- on li -nnt, l.i..kinr ul-d, .nulnui
. in l i.r.i.itded ui'ii-'i tin- rlnir
far fLB HarHMin'a I.arditni. Mi-OI-llan uieaiiwlulo. went
in' , U,e" J-li. . t ke a l.f :e -1.. ,.. At U -I. P. M. rl.-.JM-
Inn I-..IHH iron ii;s i;.o.i-.i aim . j.-..-. , - ... . ..
. Ki-.iin i In lu It e i nr luinntpnt. In aieitit ku u-ur
Mi-i 1. Unn retureed. w hen we lmi.ti-lia'.el .1 in-d li," tlie
tiv'-r. r.i-i in J h' avs fliKu ai weia std up. e:rt.'a ter
a..b 1. I11...H.1.1.1I tn n iieriei-t roar. .Mel "li II ill. ttl ill - ainnklin? a clanr npnn I'-lit -lllaitnr-dlM-S. aeetued
luxlmn. nn lool.ed in iiiltiin-ly at the rwiial ttllcer, wno
was reei-tvinii a inrBai.-c I-. .ui .num.
In a minute he nan. ted "lu-avv flrir-ir near P.irtor'n )!!
.i..n Min.rrlv after tills, abnjt 4 V. M.. a liift4.(o.-e i-ame
ueii snil 11 : iil ireenc e lu the Held, and (in U 11 u.e ttntl,
t '.VV M., rtrlnn almti.-t tt ..ietl. At 11 I". M ., alel'lel a
ii.-.-i.iiinKiile.l tivlieneial Marcv I ietn-r il tl.-LVet
lan ny'." lllev Ustk one kuii iruui us yesienUi -. Iiut
tii-ii iv we haTe' taken m iiiy nf tnelr iuns and oolnrs."
yea',' said jlarcy, "wo m Meted tlitM like liia devil
to-day," ard with this eii'-ouiu-l' if ai-ai. ranee I retired,
lei line qutie sure that It caaio lloru a' reiUu.eneu'Jt-iuan."
Bo euiltd Malvern llil.. ,, ,
On Julv id hove anchor at dayllaht : shortly after wa
droiiped anchor. vhUli w aliout n A. U ., .Meeielnin lett
ns. At;' J'.AI ieaai-i on bnvd, and niiialnad
until 10 A. U , July .1, lw.i. when ha lelt us liiklua murt
at'kluns than d-aant. Tins was hit last apr sw.
Tlie.e are Hie lacta wlneli, lliouth fura-id en by (leiieral
JHt-Oeil 111, aie well romeuiU.icd by tUe officer ot the
Oat' tm.
And now 1 tnilt I have nfricicntlv raassuretl ynu. If
Vou llliu relulor still, just ask them luaiepdnwu I" Wash,
(union and eonsint tin iJJ-'-"-t of t ie !. nl-od stnu-1
ateauiar halena lor June 1.0, July 1. Julv J. July S, l"d.',
w here over! he ho id signature-it "riehuierf .lohn it'it),:r,''
they will And ample nroot Ol what tin y uincli dread tn
l'iulJ,your friend. R. H. V N G'KSOS, M. 1)..
I.nia Asil'taut surgeon, tl. b. N.
To A. Vax WmaLK, llework, K.J.
ememan's nrasuiT or ncojj. I
tjrnoritl IrilnfJ' " r,.m -rp-tnrs
of Kbl ....A L-rarw
Hoaikef ! Tim"rn Twhcai-RaMtdw'ia
Cemmnnd ; ti.ii-BMl and Rontssal II
I oaen VThol of His) Artlllory Hiotm
rnl ntMfs Rear (rverMhea and Whip
! Iflw Army mm tfi !triaa kmaib-ward-Nbermau
I'lot on HI- H frits.
riiTTAwooo,A, Ortober IS. The luteal new
frcm Mierpiin'e arniy is that thern M intnany
in siht ol bin fi-rcr. Hinail In.Oiea aupr"- to
bave bo n delturbeil from Htxid'a urtitf, are
boTcrlnif arnnnti nur front Ho-nl. with the mnin
l odvot hi arn.y, in supposed to be rctrnatlna
sinitliward. One of our army corps was at
J.aiayiUo. !
Ci!ATi ANoo(iA,()i:tolnr II). Cupt iln March, of
the 4th Vnlteil Smtes IlcfTiilare, ba-t ju't arrivo l
(rum Villenow, wM' h point bo Icli ve-tnrduy.
IIo riiori that C.donol MiniJv'e UriRado of
t'nvalrv bud met tin; enemy In lon o, and, aftnr
n aevi rc lipht, nur trinype rliarrml 11 train Bil l
muled tin Kebcls, i-apturinn ticnural Young and
a large number ol prisoners'.
On the lMi instant tho same cavalry chnriMii
Potldy's conimun-l, ut Hmne, with the iiiro,
killed anil minuted a nnmlicr, tukim; all hi-)
nnillirv, nril fcutttrirg tlio tiinuliidtir of tho
tncniv in aa 1 1 OirtutiotiH,
Ou the 17th our Aiivhtlco Oartio upon Ilood'a
rfBrsunid, and w lipped it Baa drove it out of
Sn ike? Onp.
Yesterday Oetipr.-il Sliermnn atitrtoj In pursuit
of the Helicl-, who wi re retreating southwuid,
via ii;oiimtuwn yulley. (
T20M ABM 7. ,
Itetnrn or Venernl Minnemaii-Unrisriil
MM'riiinit llw the Nolltsm Vt.
A letter to the Cincinnati Cumnurcinl, du'cJ at
Marietta, Georgia, October 3, saye :
"Mejor-Cieiii rni Uimrun II. -t itiemim, one litni
ditd oin ( era un-J four hundred xoldii.iH. y
fxeliHt't it, nrrtv.'-l in A'l-tnM last Wi-ok. A
train ol i urs, conveying the silver hand 01 (ho 3Jil
Mu -Mich nsi t', rci-iivetl them at Ko'ih nnl
Hearty. O" rtMelrnjr, the depot ut A.'lu-ilii, tlio
hend strtn k up I be h. tr-Hiwofrlcil llanucr,'
r m il tl c piai' nt elaiiiiS of Ijotb the iiiisonur utid
then mult- toriunnte
1 i-iiu Gt-ni ral bheiiiiun last 1 httrsiliiy. He
iii Ji'Ok ina i eiy inch the soltlivr his tritiinptu
proi lain, lidu to bii. E ij-ij it-.g excellent bcalili.
kcu aporiipg a new niiiini iii, i never saw Him
indie fci-iiinl. Siit'itkiuu to uii,iulilv nC Mi
ul!h cie, he Kiel : 'I'll is war tins J-ihi coiniiifliit e l,
an,; its n-sufK are tho inysii-ru s ol tlio dim future !'
dpi iniii i-tii ni'iai j. din Lurse relieved
lirii'iiitn r-l.i n ral Willluiu Van Dcvccr of tlio
ti'iMitelnl i.t lt rot! last week. !
Ill i,'.:iili-i-(ii-iii-r.ii Van Di vcor assumo 1 c vn-
mma: ot the Dm net nf M ir'cttu. vc-ierd iv, ru-
litvipg McAtilnir, who noc-t to tlio Misjissippi.
' 'mi u aim s uuds urc on the tivyu-jney conrt-
rn!rti I, r.nw .tl piOi;r- as a: Atl.inla. Timinns has
gune to ChufuiiuCjM on husiucsi rclutin to'tmy nu vi nu nls. M icmn cninn in Is tnu-Uh
Curi p nnil the i-ity of Atl.m'.i. H-iwartl Is livlne;
ii: a wall t- ni at J .mr. i'oint, and ScuolicM id
luiiiliiuiii k a' JAcntnr.
the null It ul Mtri.iiiun in ucorci.i is onanainx
Mtiid v. ititltim: from tho Minihcr of deserters
uixl tctiif:! a tlo kthk; to Atlanta and Muriutt i.
'Mi'tlelli'D 8 l ro-rectx t r "tipport in suer-
tu:; s i.nny arc ovuvt.tiy cnanRcu, lor a vote in
Hi- lo pi nl nt Manci-a, liiuier tsliui-go of Mirireoti
W. li. luiia-r, nf tha -d ldiva, resulted us
f ,1'oivs :
r dcr.-ils l.irtc , n, 211: Met kllan, U; ina-
Jory f'.T,o'lii, z .
Iii lie is lui i - iciiitn, l i : iaiuvutn, i ; uivjorur
for M' i.'U IU n, i:i.
In e-'iiiict tii'ii with this vote let m.; add, the
"ttai-ge lli ti; 1 who c. t his iittllut lor l.itii'ulu is a
Oi in nu, uu l nearly all ut' tliu muu aid wouu led
tolilu vs.
Muny of the hellcs of Manatta havo changed
tbi ir r-ni.e-5 n well as their tunes, Rivmn up b th
lor Yuuku; buiiannt. Is n'ee.ssion a living or
ivery jn-irct: h ?
"All tne macnine snops, sioam tnnnuiii?toric')
ert-'ii.t-" nint upiiiianccs, materials, supplies.
iiiu, h't:cs, nun ptis'iners m war in 'it orgi.t tiave
Ini n removed to'b Carolina. 1'. Is luilicvcd
inhiub niil.taiy circles that the Rohels proj oie
to ahdt don a, I the seceded Suites except Virginia,
North l'i roiii':1 and Ktruh C'uroiint, as they bp,
by so uisasing thuir btreogth. to lie a'lld 10 rvyA
the large biji iesuriavi d g oast tliem."
Et4S.t Etc., Etc.,, t.ia.,, Etc.
f)!r'll to 'Ilia Kvcnlnj Teilptrrnpti.
Waciiinotoi, October 20. Infuiniatlon has
readied here ol a deed of tnoxt lietullsh b trbarity,
perpetrated by Mosi by't gang atniiit 2 o'clock on
Wedneaduy uiornit g.
A pucrilla arty, come live hnndrcd strong,
visited Atinaiiiliiln and Kails thuich. At the lat
ter place they tei.'-d a Northern settler, u niu'il
IUid, a iiiiet, ini' man, and taking bini
lLlo ibu woods, l.rst shot him in cuM blooal, nti J
li en cut h s throat from car to car.
Mr. Heed was a member of tlio home guard,
tind the cueiillin nwote to luunlcr nil of tlio
guard ilicy miebt capture.
Ancgiowas i-liot by tb'.m at tho samo time,
and lelt for dead, hut the ball glanced on bin
fkull.iiinl be was found alive.
This gang of miscreants itolo the liortes be
longing to the bo-pital at Falls Church, ami
ctn; niiitul numerous ideals of wanton mischief
At Anuandala tiny cuptureil four plckots be
longing to the ltitb New York Cavalry, drueil
them to the woods, and cut their throats.
The r'cotindrels alleged in excuse for these cold
blooded murders that some of their gang had
btcn badly treated by tho Uuion troops.
Tlio -lu mc Il4-l4arntliied on.
niMi, Octo'ier 111. Altera long discussion
We hav Wo faml.ltnl with IhfllrnHtlea and f urti, aM
preptrlohep M-a -.lwld h b"Wa thai tlie Jisvy Ds-
parlo, ei.t hits l,. n niiiins" i" - : - -' -the
ii-i-n-nt enit rnn-v. imr torenHerlt a d totlisde n
nl tl.e rlty It. nupinyrii, nra, and inr many mnnrtis have
iK-sn.oryanised'nio a haitalmn. and have alwayli dnna
Ihrlraharr nfdnty wlin in K.l o'e-s" n.i.... ........
of a. tan. f.aj ins riy 1 ant aa larat In number as wa
list e laen Infnri d. ... j j
Its Hints r cnttirs (tavo fnrnlhl Oia enirtne department
With ttinher to repair rallrnada. and llils valna'.ks si-i vka
ha. been arknow I. d d f lh -niiltmer d'parlitieat.
Il Is me. i Krnlirvlnn to know these fans, and to snoyy
the pn,i Is 'h it lion, Is no li'ddiinr l''l hy any dfiiaity
m nt, but m it all are duns their duty fully at tl.n taunt,
F' otn Ih II" '..-ii'ii 'f II lot, O.I -" ':
I The Alabama Kcnntchaspasse.dabill putting all
shlu.hodiid r siil.-tii s of lha Htnts, bet sus-n seventeen and
tlrVv yenr. of ant. without eaeeptl .n. Into the so-'.nd-euna
rillltia. and rsn.i'-la'ly ils.-lsri- that me, libera ot lha ia'als
lataie ilikll nut be ef mpted by any aet.
from tl.r Hn-h).t9ni Hxttmtncr, (trl.itfr 17.
Wplinvrgivwl nnthority forsnylngthi cnrtol lias
hem toarer:.i.n extent, res mi, .1. Ai ran.-etnettta hava
l.een liiiml, loe.eluioe Itnun-C Ist'-ly ten llio lslt,l ol til"
an' e. pri-oni-'s tn le,.i 1 1. H,n annan Is In he th.p-ilnt
oi t h.iiiK". iiiidrai.inln Ha ell will leave In a feivdiyi
tor thill i it lo "p rin" nd the whop- attar. T'llanni.-s
will enrrv piailtieti. to anvrisd. of Soul In-ra llri-Ht.tea. f.-t
I's i.r,. mat it uuy oi- t-.o nrelni-e t" tie eieli-m tn nf
c ei v in e of n :r P'-or ti 1 1 ,wt let Pave been ,j loni,- Inn
ei.ttdiliiK III Norlla"-!! tliini'-J.-lli.
Thelit'R-iif trnco sieamcr H'm. IVi.ionwill curry
ilo-vti to Vanna th! niorniil-t helwen t'uur and IW lein
ii, ,.,i .ha. and wmindi-d niloli-d Y.iuknn p, ln-itierj. to r-)
n-ilhwi.r.t. iino,'iintii.'e l-'f th-ite r'-e-.-lif-d hy ui. Am nut
th"in nie l,-rty ei,inr,t"-ioni d olhi-ers. one nf wlwun 1
J.leutenaiit l'i "nel llu. iiliam, who has liana a pr.eO.icr
t.Mio In inr h niili.
J JlClaMIiOr.D'S
rnr ivm fti-terruoa or Iraontlresfioa ef trine. Irritation,
Inflammation r TJteeralloa of tt BMAat or Kktnaya,
PUtittff rrt'trtl Olnnd$, ft tn llkf Maittf,
Ca'r'ilut. hrirkitt Oeisk.arMl all Dlteasea
of II Bladder, Kidneys, and Imnjilcal S-vatllmj.
Ai-MHitll tiiion ll.n. S. H. Cox nt lticii-
iuoii. tnuiKnet.
frew ie Cif t'i'inii (.'nude (!.), 17.
The 11- n. S. S. Ci'x was annailtcd while on his
why id tin- railroad depot in Kielr.uotid, luliamt,
On rdiinrc.ay evening lu-t, by eoino butcher Uoys
from Katoii, imd h.tdiy nrmsu'i. it npimars tu.
a ycuiig n an was in omrnuy witU Cox, WHO
fii f nuii'id tli.k ho b d 1) eu an oi'l -rr iu ihd
llel-cl Hin.y. This caused a good deal of oxci'e
ii cnt, iipil Ir wis determined to tl tl t and putiisli
ib s Ut I el cllicer. Vhilu biimiDg for bitu tlio
h. ys can c arrnes Cas, wluim the load r da
nounced as a ll -ln-i. T.iis led ti) toe csclfinncni
which ti-nlicd in Cox hi in;; kn-ickcd down aa-1
huittn. Hi- tifi-il y escaped Into a s.tlooa near
too deuot.aiitl s-.iue l'liinn citi.cns o ioerviiu n str .n.'ci (:li. v flni not kn nv ;oxl, w n in
ttiail they iuti.ri.:n:d, a ui p.o'.-j-:tc I lii-u leom
(uitliti njiiiy.
To .ti tin i so c tiz Mr. r.oK S'ated teat he
cuif.e to Kii hii or-d that ii'iy, iniending to return
ot, tin cm .nttii; 111 T). In r. -'ai'l tn tlio yoang
man in cou.pany with Mm, ho said ho diu not
know In Mil In en in tuc tt,."iei ariuy. u a un-
deistcod him to b'avu a brother iu the Union
atmj, and be niadti his ac an tintance thrunlia
loiter nf introduction from a friend. Mr. Cos
lelt for boo o on the evening tram. Tub boys
lornd thn lit be i officer subsequently, n t gave
him a blow or two. win n he cr'cducd. When tito
train lelt lor Cincinnati In the i venine, t'icre was
tx.nsidi rnblu ext. itciccnt about the matter. The
a-laek tilioll Mr. Cjx was coadtmn- d by tho
li iztne, and ruucb r.-grct aas CxptcssCu It i'uo
cciutri in c.
the Cniiuiiiuii l'edrTiition lias l.een decided on.
I s mum prmciphis arranged, only details await
m t-cn,cin. 'J he (.'rent ditlictiltj was tho propor
tionate representation (f the colonics iu tho
I pper Hi use.
it is now decided tbnt Acadia, vi.., Norn Sco
tia, Kcw 111 iinswn k,und Frinco Kd-Aard's Island,
Is to have twenty four mcmbirs, i f whom eleven
nie fur Nova Scotia, and ten for New lli'UUHwick,
imd tcreo U r 1'iiiico Ktlwnnl's Island. Non--
I'ont.uliinil Is to have loin-, and Upper and Lower
Canada twenty-four each. Total, seventy-six.
There nie to be selected from nrnoag ttio exist
ing intmbets ( f tho I upcr llou-cs by the CroArn,
which are to lill up vucancics occurring by U-atli.
Representation in the Loivcr House of the
I'cdirul Legislature is to he according to popula
tion, I'ci Ionic illy reai ranged.
Ti e Coiietititticn will be such that tho chief
iowir will retido iu the Cmitiul Lcgislaiura. T'Ua
'rovinccs will bave low acrnratn rights.
It is decided that tbn whoto sciiemo flinll be
submitted to tho existing Parliaments in all tho
i oliiniis, without a direct rclciencc to the pcoplo,
w Inch is a very summary measure, its nono of
llie I'uilinmetils wtra elected with referenco to
th- nut st ton. it is bilicved that special geuaidtut
will be held.
The Local Legislatures will not be
alike iu Ibcir cuhstinitn n. Tboro is no docUiou
as- yt-t whether the Locpl (lovgninr.-l:a'l be iiomt
tatnlor elected. Thia point w ill likely be left
to the Imperial Government.
It is believed tbnt Ottawa will bo tho sont of the
Fid i rut LcKitliitiire. The Nowfuundland delo-
gutcs leave to-day ; the others stay for a week to
arrnngo delails.
The only dililculty remaining is as to the con
stiluiiou and powui of tlio i cilcial judiciary. The
queiition as to the militia or nrmy to be main
taincd by the colonies will likely bo settled by
convention with l-'ngiand.
t Bon. John A. Macdonuld has been tbe leading
mun In tho couicreiite. Ills views havo been
nuoptrd in uluiost all cases. Mr. Gait and Mr.
Curlier arc aUo tuai b looked up to.
iscierul grauu t-ntcrtaiumoius aivnit tbe doic
pntiB in Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto. The
Couiiior-Generul and the Speaker of tue Upper
House give bul.s here, it ia thought the whole
Bcberuu will bo made public ut the Montreal
Kclcnnctl lrlsjoner nt l'mrtrcsm Wonroe,
Fohtresb Monkoi:, October 10. A large num
ber of army aud naval released prl-ioners urrtyc J
bero by tho llng-of-truco boat to-day.
.tint Iff i liy Tt'li'trrnph.
New Y'oiik. Ocrolxr 20. Stocks aro lo ver.
Oi'rmnnnd Itr.ek Island, ss?, : ll'lnol l.'eiurnl, lv.Hi dn.
hoi ds, li.', ; l.uinl'erl.iiid preiei o-d, -i ' i ; M ioiii;an ri.niili
ern, I U: M-w inrk t.Vnirl, llll'i; ifeadinii.llt' il llu l-
II lllvt r. 170' , : Sltnr.i an us, in ; r.ri'-, i-'i.- , io..i
.-rliavaie.sJi; ran-f orties, .',',; Fivo-'fyiouUoi. b'J.'i'
Cenpou tit, l.-e.'a i Cu'd, V'oS.
Vice-Prcsitleiit Eteplaone Denounced
for Lis Peace Sentiments.
I Kk(UXGK 0l(,PR180XEitS 1,ESU.111),
Ilrcia-nlxo. Tbis morning warrants wcro
Issued by the Mayor for the p lymetit of tho city
bounty to .50 men credited to the different wards
(f tho citv. Of this number, the First Ward
received 4; Seventh Ward, 2S; and tho Nine
tcenth Ward, 21. The Seventh Ward only wants
88 men to Mil her uditn. Tho citi.cns bavin.?
chnTfie nf tbe bounty fund arc making tho mint
strenuous elf. ru to fill the quota mi l tbey cer-
tninlv will siicced. luo otin r dellcictit wirds
nro aim wotking nobly and judging from their
urcfi nt f xcr'i-iiis, ih'-ro will be no ucccssi y for a
drult. Since lac c.iiiiiiiei ci.mi'iit of tliu war, tlx to
has t er n but ono dial! In l'hiliUlel;iti!'X, ami our
patriotic pcoido Rro tletermined there shall by no
miirp. (Jur ciiv has dono as much, if not morn.
than any other city toward recruiting tlio army,
and ts still willing to no nor snare uuoiiianny
future ih ninniis lie mane upon uor.
Kven alter tho minta oi' the city Is fillotl. ro
entiling will be continued, although the wards
w ill cease to pity tlio extra oounty of $1(10. This
will make the humify only $.iV in-toad of f7i0,
us is now paid to all recruits. No i.eiv regiments
or t'omiianii s are now beinif rc-'rnlted. Voinn-
tiers aie accented ciibcr lor the Navy, Marino
Corps, or for some of tho old regiments no iu
the io!d. Largo squads of recruits from the
intcrit r arc arriviif? daily at Camp Ctdw il.ulrr,
win re thev ate llll'i e'liiippad, nnd
fpeedily cl spatclieil to the seat of war. Wa havo
only to say thut if tho other render. vou, scattcrad
thniughotit tho North, arc sending as runny men
to the seat of war as Camp Cadwalndcr, then the
urn.y is being rapidly reinforced, and llie de
picted ranks lined up.
Litigation. Day after day wo are called upon
to record the most trivial lawsuit!, happening
btfoi-o justices of the peace nr.d our criminal
courts, w hich In nine cases out of ten mi'bt ba
adjudicated nmong the friends of tho parties thus
applying for so culled satisfaction. The moment
each uilairs C'tmo before the tribunal! we havo
cited, thev furniiih m iter! il for tho daily news-
pnncre, and food for the public appetite. Assault
and battery cases, threats of attacks upon person,
made in the heat ot passi m, cnctoi trespass,
fvc.. which have no boariua on any but the Dir
ties directly interested, two thus mado subjects
for public discussion, nnd bring tho persons so
accused into an unenviable notoriety.
Lut there arc other can-s nioic serious in thoir
nature, and moro seriously iiirectiog the per
sonal character ot our citizens-, wlucu aid unity
brought before the police and other courts, and
which) entail a st:gma that tunc mono c in Uisai
pate. These arc breach of promise casos, those
of reduction. Ate... that we bold mi3lu in m uiy
cans bo amicably settled to tlio satisfaction of
both parties, did the proper fooling iniluence those
prilerring the charges, in extreme c vses oniy
should the law bo lct-orted to.
Tho pnb'lcity given to tho di.sjnstlug dotails.
chiuactcrlBinB many or tucm trian tontoiu over
balance the ifood results hannonlntf from tlio
exposure. Tho court oath that you will tell tho
truth, the whole truth, and no'.bing but the truth,
is a ilcatli-knell to the character of those whose
reput'ulon may before havo slood unspotted
bcloie the world. One cannot sit an hour iu tiio
(Juurtor fusions without acknowledging tiie
tiutb of this assertion. And ono cannot think,
w k.n tho hour of three o'clock has arrived, that
nut of ilia u n or iwentv cases that have apiioaro J
before tho court, that, tbreo-lburtbsof tlicut mwht
bavo been conipromised in ten minutc.i by tho
partes thus seeking uu imaginary justice bciorc
a nu ni ic rotirt.
I'Ynmui. of Or.Ni'.itM. BinNBY. Tbh dlstln-
guithed oiilcer will be. iuturrc.l at Woo-aland
Cemetery to-morrow nf'.ernonn. The funeral
will movrt nt 2 P.M., from bis Into residence,
Nn. linen street. As mauv civic and mill
tarv l.odies have Miitnlii"! tlicir liitcnuo-.l ol
attending, we presume then will bo :l largo
enrteee. Full ilutails of tho atranaeiueuts which
have been made will appear iu the papers of
to-morrow morning.
cr Vi'taknr ei arlftrs ftom KsceiBlva Indlseratlon. Tha
n.UlutlononcaafrccliHl Willi Organic tVraknru reat!trc
the aid of medicine te nfnitff !n ami ineignrate llie njtttm.
which Hi;iJltIi)M'8 r.XIllACT Ilt'OUU liivaruily
does, If no treatment L) aulunlttod to, vioinnaipuao or
lusnulty n.n7 enaue.
JOHiS O, llAK' R ft C'-
Ka. 71S atARKEt BTwRRT,
kr rw reiliitkelr itieprX fre.k fnna tM shrr.
TM fnalerlty of their Ol L In syary rstpwl, bsa aln4
fnr n a rspuuOon and aake hay or. d any xiier fson4 Ih tha
Tcaialntatn M, lhay ase datmJned it anppiy an artieia
that aaay be antlrely called on tot Iraahiut and parity,
ftaa laattmotiiAla irf Piafraaora of Medleal CoUsaaa. aall
jiirr. vnir.TN wax or anttmw.-
Srn, whiwnlnif, imI pri'-rrvi iif Uv i n U tn pru
fnrtA ftnm imv int- w"1" , n mV r tron1ir j yi tit
ttit f r ! r! Hit unlit. in.ii u rm. , mriao-.,
nnl trivmpe. i Mt. II If niot -(Kfhli g Mr "iir,, tnv.itrc,
r))Hl hiiritt Bin. IU.-.v- nivfn i, ml-, iMn.r,
rrtiiki. or Fiitih'TD iii'l Imi art i.ri tint n tn
( , ftrV. ti ft ir. (Tlr-ilH ,M tn l 7'i .wit ft. !(' S V
i O..ho. LtdH-hK-VraNTH rttrtt. nlNA.41 H. RI.MTI
Htit. yn
11 K ALT il, AND
W r. A I.T II,
If to ruin jtHmHv f y' i
it tn rftii )mvM 'I.r'i
If I hs Moi';tiinf rt-mcr,
I itVLii, it isifa in i l lu u' - Bl M rt I
Ir t. tihTA h- r.t of rlol'U
If for lrt 'o mu;
II xth hi; b ix-ri V"1 wM:
It murblf t-tHitu hi n valtf!
If to II vo tiirre.!crr And tn.
JsTinitwi il e n '"i.k
II tn live ft llffl f fit' (
If tO 0l K W 1rcil-flMU.TH t
If yon wmh lus ot Miwuitjii ;
i If m viufc l'i. wi-riO ' trw4iifi
It'irrr wnik)it joo wouln no.
Ta. i '1v.ti; and lh Ui ihtt.
ltn, hRvtnt Hta(h. Wtiiltti and n.auty,
Tou'U i (irti-arrd fi-rv't.v
fTriurn-ial t.t 1 r. WILLIavi 'i.:s'i; h Nw
HmtIi, TIIK IMAMIttA'lK ..MIK. whN-h .hOu.(. h r-l
LjevtryyBf Hold hj Htttt.HaH n gn-mi, nJ at tt
IKM U,r$ '!cc, Ko. W ri hCCK hThRKT; ,t'- Jh
Ti a n o TT'o fu iTi' v ti
On and an- ffVI'AV. Of t- her lt IftH, Ut TtekM
on-it t i iv ii"' I' an a It . ir -ad w-.ll l.e tha Pssea
B T l ;.n. THI-llr.' ll aud M VI'KKr Straeta, Wt
riaasi . -..Ida, ai.'tt' a . -.,.
leiai i s .
Va!!Tr-,in A. sf.
I'.'k ,,kr..,.i..s...i ; J;"""
" 1 1" '!.' .
I amr.l.u.e Irani, Vo l ' " r,1'
llaril.hi.iH A.'i-ia..t-.i.t.!n'i"n M a. 11
Ih-i A, , i.inui iilaluni .
I'anl In " 0 "
hue i. up, .,:;!..;. "
I lill.l.lelpln.i I ipr- " 10' "
AM) tl'.KIVK
I tie T .1 .res. at 4 fO A M.
I i ll piai t M.n .1 " r" "
I .1' loi'im a.ilna ' S ,0 '
I'.rs. hi. I . ir. - i. tin. Iti'int.Ns. 1 " .'d M
t...t i ti m.n "
I nn -f . I ... II " IF: P. M.
I ai.e.lai e N't a " .'..'H "
Mill I I'll " ! I"i "
llairi'-'ii'i. At niiii.i'.il.iunn II W "
liitde'plra P. -es !
, . 1 1
'('rt Sntur.laya.
Dii. in tom:o'B fim.DKX rit.i s i on rrc .i.i.t.,
lalld.ts In eorreelln, r-mitaunir, aim rrtn-iv n a. I
eb-lrtietlnn- intin ivhat. ver cins a nmlaiivava
snroiasf il ai a prevonilve.
These mil are rinttilnir new. and t-sve hern u t"d v te
Inr inr many vests, n .in lu I mil' i sun -iti h i.-i
tiripatalleiiil Btieei-ss In ev, -ya""-; hols t 1 "I
any Inoii'ai.u liimea w no laivn , a'v; ni'ia, ei..--.
-tda pi Mi'' for ,h" ail-i i.i'i'-n m .mt, imv it-i a
brr'.tliarilies whatevi r, an well ai In preien' .1-1 lu
ll a." ol tatnily v.iieri- fir., win n n i-i-niu n n- n
riiltarls sitn.isl, t.rf'-n e Miiipieiti'i 1'ietn-c v'-t ... n.u
i-auiliH ed aimiusl a'ln Ih e l lie In that ennalilnn.
tl e pit.pi lelor aisnnias nn reip'nis.oi'ny m-' r mu n.i..i
:ni 'lll-ll-l., ai'.l.nui ll llieir uiilueena ti nii'i i'i-;.. ni ,.nj
i.rli-eftn l:"-ltlth . nfet w. ::,e Pills a--' -eem al ndfid.
Knll and espllcit d-ieeilni a tennipsnvli'rf esh h,i.
r t leu al Ot kin ooxi sir a i. ouin wnuicsnia una rv;nn
l,y Ihi il in. win-
r.llltll. V full- ffllV, is it. i.n n. r ,1111111 n.iei.
Wilt lit .tt li..l.-ill. Nn ll!l M.rket 'ret
A siar-ltiU.c rtier nf l td teenth sti'i '.farlial fllre.-ti.
.elfcler A hnitih, enrner nf Sa-.-enil a-al llreen str-jci .'.
lijoll I II , 0. i'i .W H,i-.,inl sll it.
Jehn- n. Ilelliai'ty , C,,'i leii, and
H. I!. Hi larnnr. I arn'ten.
At ictatl hy all diutgista.
I. a,lle.,hy.o,-.dl.ff:iTvR
Torlthera-fTit.Ciin h.ivc thn
I'll IM ht- h r HJMHN. Il la l.l ,
Ilf mall, to aiijf rl of tte c.'jr or unu'jtry, ftoc of
In atTocliont pccnUar to "FavtALKs," la untsiualed by any
other preparation, aa In C'hloroila, or tutentlon, Irreg-n-larhics;
ralnfulnesa, or R up pros -don of Cintemary Evao
natlcaa; lilcarated, or ftchinoua Plate of the Ctaxut;
Iieuehorrhna, and all anmplulnta iBoldent to the aex,
Ti lii'lier arising from habits of dissipation, toprudenolc,
or luthe dicllne or ehaniie of hfe,
mrnovED rose w abb
Will imbcally txtennlnato from lha ajatara Dlaeaieaof
the OTnaty Organa orlilng from ll.ihl'i of Dtaslpitioa, al
li'.'lfe a;Yiiie, HifKortoiAontyafn d(ef, noiicu.nxrnlcnca
or e a; enre ; completely tupersedlng tjicae Knj.liuiaaf onJ
iuniii-mi f't'tncdtw, Coisiirti 'id Uinm y. to all thane.
lire tu last
!. IiOSH
And an
, Osneril
s,tllll,0t)0. . ... .
The rittsbtirg Chionic'.e fay?: 'On Faturday
tiifht tl c wiiteliinnn at the tack factory of Messrs.
Chess, Smjib. & Co., iliscovcrcil names issuing
from tbe both r-vonm, whicb eprend with great
rapiillty, in n slmrt taue enveloping the whole
building. 'I be liie communicated to the rolling-
mill ni tin bod tn tl 0 factory, belonging to tho fu 111, vibich was also entirely ddhtroyed.
Tl.e naihiiiciy ai--I sluek in the lack fa-tury
yurc it 1 l, nil iim-Ii s-. but part of that iu tho
rol'ing-mill is unii juiod.
'evi'ial btiibiinge du it. d neartb ) factory tn 1
roliim; inill were taved.thr. ue;li tho t Hurts of the
tiitn en, w ho weri' mi the gii.und in the shortest
iot-sible lin.e. We lonru Irom Messrs. I'lioss,
SniMh & Co., that tbilr luss will pr abd'ily reach
i ne bin ilitd tlioutniul ilullars. mu n will U they
have nn innir .tu i -of Mxty-thrco tlmusand dol
lars. Tbe istiil.llfliinciit ivns ono of tho most
csilei sive in tic ulv or vi- ii it v. The tack laotory
h the only iinu uliie-nry i t the kind this aide of
li e n.iairtuiits. and lu c mtii cimi w.tb tiio rolling
mill rnpiijtd a 'ar. o L'amVar d liuntls, who
wi'l, In ri'iise'iupni e, be thrown out of employ,
rr.ent, nnMI li e Imildn K nre rebuilt, wbicli will
pioliiibly I e dot e in a -iioit timu,
ftaval MtrannU.
.".Admiral David P. Porter, Commander-in-ket
Cuptum, Lieutenaut-Comuiander K.
waM,'ilirlSu'rlou, J.L.Fox ; Fleet Pay
, ' M, Hwkke11 i Eugiueor, T.
mauatar M .0rt!" OIBcer. Ueutennnt-f loiu
LkuteuantM w s',',Jt'! I-ieutenant,
tenant B W'elV'1 Ueuu Oltlcer, Licu-
J. M. Allien. 'W. rirl: li tl'LU"'5 1"'
Cooper, Clank, C. 8. Potu! ' tt BttlM' w' H
A lady In Jersey City the other day aarungUit
hex iufaut aud tben bung herself.
A Miss Harrison, an Qthushut, who bad her
maid arrested sod imprisoned for refusing to
attend cburcb, Las Just died lo England.
Ar'friiiiiN Vnril IIIn ('iti-rl.
Artrmns Wind (J. F. ISrowne) has opened bis
"MoTnitm Shnw," In New York. His lectures nro
funnl'y illustrated by panoramic views: Illlliard
nnd Jlot'rier, pmjrit. The following is bis maui
feBto to tbe public :
in i.fs or tiik liotsu.
I. Atti rnus 'Ward Is compelled to charge one
tlcl ur for tet-erved seats, becauso oats, which
two tears aao cst HO ccuts per bushel, now
cost $ 1 j buy U) also jfl-75 per cwt., formerly rs)
11. Persons who think tbey will cnioy thciu
selves more by leaving the hall early iu the even
ing are leuuented to uo so with as little noise as
ill. uiiiiurcn in arms noi aiiutiieu it inu arms
aie louded.
IV. Children under one year ot sgo not a liuit
ted, unless ucroinpaiikd by tlicir parents or
v . ii any ut ncr vmpioyca in uie uan snouiu
assault tho auuicutc, no wi,t lie rcprimaudci
If tl:e same conduct he lie'iueuliy repeated
be will be discharged without a ceitURatc of
VI. Ladies ana gentlemen will please report
any negligence or uisoiieuience ou the part ol the
VII. Arteiuus vV ard will no' lie responsible for
any money, Jewelry, or other valuables lelt with
Lim to lie returned in a wcck or so.
VIII. Tbe manager will not be responsible for
nriv debts of his own coutrucuux.
IX. If the audience do not leuve the hall when
this entertainment is oyer they wiil be put out by
the police.
Mrs. rartinjrton wants to know, if it were
not intended that woman suouia anve uieir out
bands, wby are they put through tbe btldui cere
niouy r
"That's a orettT bird, arandma. said a little
boy. "Yes," replied tbe old dame, "and be never
cm a. "ihat s becanae he s never wanea, rtj
Joiucci the youngster.
,TiPi?m 'll,B'' Hungary.eome Information of
tl r f H , " '""'-"Ko mere tuu year, t ne
aoaoiy wiue win tuerelott) be ssavrcs.
from thr Riitaiioivl )iiin a, tlrlul" r 17.
The letter ot Hon. II. V. Johnon on tho poaeo
rcinHilr.-iia Wi.leh we have. n-f. y,a Uuen enl'jnsu to pu'j
h, b-.t M I.K ll llail Inutl M.luil aj a Iteluru llie pahlle, is III
tiikti'ir eontrast vviihthc le n rt ut' Messrs. rft tili'.-na and
li'iwn, nl lie.. ik at, it ml Mr. I '.n.l ee, nl suitih I'arilliu. .Mr.
,lul.lisen ia us aiiMiiut t'tr peii,-e us eltliiil' of llit-ai.- geiule
li,en ; uu', una-r th eai-,lliaiaiii.'ei, i u eati see ui vny in
uL-'.aili il. As we are llie parly ll 'lllnt i.n tint ueiatistvu.
Ihi Yunttesare sllt:,artthe I, ive he.jn lr,.iii lha
j-iniaiik', .la- i..'ii'K. ri. l. d ,oi lett ltiaiv it ai;i)ii:iier
LtiaaiiniL- in n la mal.e llie llrsi plna end
rlaniid w-t, linn ei t r. put nur jikii iv in our packet, ami
it It rvvuid us a aiii Pii int. lit. -ie i. un ain aiaaee ol pr.i
ahrlly lliat VI '-nnuiuU ut. t in the i;i i .1 nf peace. Da
Il.e . cntiarv, renseiant,' Irnui everylhin Unit has u;:.
i. tn a In tin- eciiiiii t...n. li.o.e l a ir itia-
l.ii ty i.ay, taeie is un nhMiliiio L.-na t.ti taut otii- mo
tiiia ss ill he talirely luiftCaiiKli'.io 1, aii-1 ur
lippri-uehts si ill i, e aitri-.tneu ta if.- r. i ne iri'pas nn UT
.,neiilloiimi:et. nun .leiiuior aiuiisiina neeiueti uis-
Ul'l-liiial. JiitenlliMe ill un en-lice eetvvi eu u auu uu
l ai, mil auri enuer in an w niive ui nn ii iiinv. nn .
W e e.-ani'it too liiuhiy ai',.l.uii; llie inu.tly t urn and mririiK
et'inii-'iiii sense vieWi i,r .-.einiior .1. .niis. n ; un l iiiey inn
pni-eiatd in llie pin. lie at lae. p iil.e ,,ililL il lime ill
ti li ii tlay are nn -t Tin"1!-.!. Ke.etit il.-vcnaai'- iti in t'l at
i.i.rt-r l ae pre.aurii pauiliu iinptea' n.i in u aula.
I I.e Ii Iters I'.Me,i rt. rt'ej.l ens nn I lie- ee. u'l-t tli.l ivlivlo
e l.iii 1 1 i,t tn.vei tint' '.iiiii ii. b.ia li t: hein .j.ilea.artu to
11 iitiairo l.s. At nie i very tl.inu eltu, tin-u las hei'i e
trenin enneelTI- lu u.n nn M reitser t. i n Ut lltwl Hint tai"-n' hi- ini -.l t'l h. in. el. i e Itili.e lv,i Mule I;:! Weill
mil i, il.e I l.H'll, ar.d I'm rled tla- ii'.l-i ri muu.: .villi tuiau,
In beltli lautters w lai li.a etli-iiiy. ailU i-iv e ui!e;r SiuC''-.
nliu leit llie I liluu later, lim bai;to hold i I'nr tit it Is llie
aiiu.iiiil nl il a.l.
I'erialn are to m ike Ihelr pen: (tint is wliut It
llu nur ), lo reliirn lo inakliis emli-n nnee maru. 'I ho
urn et s hai n y theni ni I In ir hands, ure ihen lo take their
satisfaction nut ui IrkitiiUi and that it Hill iss a hnti-r mi j
evtibi.tiy nil well iiii'ler.aaua. 'llies't enili-ui'ii m.iy
iIIhi.iiIii' tiit n iiil.nliiihfl us they i.inyitu' i- lh.-lr naijet
In-in. I il. Ilinr inltrse leads luevlttlhiy t' It,
aral Senaler .Ji'lint-ou a le'ter U inure ii,e.'ilai.'.; tram its
piiivlli' Il.e entiaselMd' Ihe.ulueu till) mil shared by
nil in Dial tecllun ft II e e - Miitry.
It btins to ui t list Messrs itri.wn, Mteptient and llayca
prep. .he a veif elenisy niaeliine t'nr ellectuiK inelr nha-ef.
Jku'liiti can he easier than to reluin to Hit- hnhum ol' the
l ul-.n I.uioclu l lmtell tea u. how It can ba a, me. Lay
d'.wnyour armslu the llr.t ilaee. Aeauovledke that
there an un riKlita as Htate. rima and that the
Tederal iinv-t-rliuiufit I foieridh and sapteine. Couless
Unit the aitetnlit tn estal'ltttl a m-pariile iudepetidencu Is a
tvltked and 0 iittblu rihelltnn. i cSmnvh d:-e tbal uu,
aa ere of It ii bet or, are liabla to alllne penalties udlxed
to lee hih crlua-of niii.un .
Aiiin i tl.ut a t'resldenl ol the United (Mates has a 1 1 .-ht
ti. m 1 all the nenri e.- ul the K..uth I ee hy hi. prinlaia.aii.a. ire eiiiihtitnlaiii of liiulint.d Mah s pi-nMl.lts
foiareas ir,iu pssmiii; bills cl' allalin'-ur ur rur, iill"ii nl
blui d, liduill, in vcltllelei.. tnal all the Inn til' I'm tenure
pinti h lla- Yankee Cm. (tre,-, and which oiierata iu:'e .. I
i Ika-liisllv t, un llltaliidel- at e cnnstitaili-il'l', tititl Halt all
tla- pri-pettynf the t'i, I pluinTly CiatlUeuU d
tl.eiet'v. Applaud the ' nl oi Ihe Vai'Vee auldiery 111 ol.-y-inv
lla-ir otaei In rial, burn, and murder.
In a iv erd, bul'tiiit tjiileiiy to Ahralaiai I.lne., In. and let
haii du with yt.uuhat he tint. k best, lie ss III not , pariiaua,
in-e jeu ii ry badly, lie will ,uf comic, laaisl tip.,o han.
il 9 all ti e leader ; but, aa i.e la known lu be ol' a men aul
d'!pi.ll on. .eil,ats he u-.ay he Blltu-d iv ah a e'ltiple nf
l unOied, Ol'uoui.e you eaiiimt be alluneJ la retain any
pi'.lM tlr. 'Ihat vfunlU c.-iuli-t with Ihe I tws "f I'nnere..
11,1-uthe touutiy ia tn be sold out auu aeak-Juuhv lan
ketk and i.eiroe. litit that, ofeniine, ynu tasdeyour
uiiial up to w lim ynu ased lu be lakea back.
leu ttsik Into enna.deratloD. t'si, nudnttht. that tha nnhta
pauiut wno haia lallea in Ud war aio to ha atlsiuatund
at tinitnra and thetr ariivea and tueuiorii-s Inreverdls
benured. 1 I a ainall matter. Ynu certainly cauuot
expi-et in aluv here, at least, md all nf yun. Kienis'li nmy
alay to bt-rve as uieiiluls to the neitroea wlio i-ccupy your
e. rales; tl a rest mast on" tn a nitnr.a, away otf in Uia d.
recUi'Ouf MoriuonOnrn, wbtra Abe baa da.ena U aetde.
Ale.uder baa a b.barla, w t.y should nut AbrakaiA have
Dialers In llu
X ruts I.
Toilet Articloa,
nnd Hpoolaltloda
MltAVBlKP, WfIH9,.tc.,aoldotdyfor Ifedlolnal tjinr. j
i ri Hiiwk.
Do 2lf. W. TITIPTY KIM II rstr.-t
C U il Ii
X CAN PI'. He l.ll l) Oh I
JIKVRlt w -l-l l.-l'KI-.I
HUKd NOT N ll'SK Tlf-1
Id Sl'i'tyiliv IN A' TlOS
VO f'lfArilK OK 1)1 KT KK.i'l lltKDl
I)?K1 Ttor IV I Kill 1 It' I'll lll'SI Nl- ss I'l dirrt'-!
CAN UK I n r I) WII1IUI f 1)1. 1 BU I lo.s I
Ptlee V. .Milieu.- r'enmli.
Hint by tuuli to any atldress.
II..Y '.'...' ?-.t i nr. e.
cleAepf, DVlirr ,t i t)..
KM tulli; Sn.2!U M. HtSOnNI) Street.
8aM lltrrtN S f':K'!.
P A M A lil PAN'S) I I'lll:.
HA sill I'AK'S fit e.K.
hAM A ttl I A N'd CUM:,
HAMaHII'aN'sJ fll'IK.
H A M All! r A It t IltlK.
HAM Mill AN d Ol'ltel.
Tha nntv aura and snfo retnulylnr tl'innrrhnsa. Oloaf,
Htrtetnic, iVo. Cure. In all custra in from two to al.t
J'lMt jnaat Or f emaie e-m ttj man.
IHOir A CO., Sole Afc-ints
MABirAN 8 rCItR.
BAMaKI I AN t'liliK.
gAMMfl'AN t t't'UK.
HA.MAntr. sf is im'uk.
HAV.Altl PAH") lll'SK..
HAMAItl'I'AN'.S Oltlli;.
HA ivl A It IT A s'H t'llltH.
HAMAIll I'AN'K I'M I' I-:.
Hi nniial iseakni'ss. ilonnrrnu a. i.ieni.
Kaeh box euiilalns KD 1'Ula, and will cut In from two to
alalia. a. I'rlee 'J
it Is altocertiiln to relnretone ann pnwer ut tnnse wno
fire 'nbilantiil nv e.eet.i or any oilier caan, an t w u
teitiile all lo full v-ip-tr nf ynittll. vvhi-n Ihe Pdu ar.) oad
w ahent tl.a Inieellun. lu mete eaaoa, one rni iur a uiuoi
a day.
tutut ny mauj
C. PUICB ItOSK. Proprle'nr.
iinx liiai t'istiillka.
Bolo genta, UVOIT .t I'n..
No. rj N. b LOO N U 8 reeU
Be anrc and nsV fst
HAMAH'.TAN S f'tltlR.
hamAiii i a n'm tii mi;.
OamaIutan h pi mat,
HvHUlTaN t'Dlli,
RAMAIII I AN H l'lll-i.
HAM Altl'l AN fl ll'H "'.
b i.MAHlTAN rl Olt'tK.
JSAMAMII'AK t l iti;.
KAMA il l AS H Cllllll.
His' IIITAS'U l't'l.1'1.
FT It ftp DGBK'OHl). Sltl'i" PF. ItlO'iItr).
f.V.ll'1' II.-: UU tlKD. H) Kl'P III Ill.JilltiJ.
hv t til' lu'. ititaino. my nur in: ai Klin.
fYKI'l" I 14 hlt'llt. II. HYItl I' IH Itlt'lticll.
I-Vl.t F Id-. 1 Iron). Htlll'l- ill.. Ills'-:!
fcYllUF 1EK1 l'HI HVIttiF HE KU.Olil).
fviit r dp. ituaiiii).
H KtlP liK. Illl'.iilll).
HVItt'F lis. ItliUKI).
HVUi r UK Itll.'OKIi.
HYIf'P TE KKI llll). HV KI'P f)F. RICOItD.
M-ltl'V OK Klia.KI). HYlti'F KB RH?OHt).
avxlIP He-, lill'tllltl. HViltll' l)f. KILOItl)
HVIil'P 1)K 111! f. III). MVKl'l' hRKIeJill).
a ri.rtain eu.-e fur ,iH lurma nf Veneieal llt.e.-es. Use
tn the lumpeun Uofiptiaia, ana tlt aiiulua tlirouxUijiit
Knn pe and Anierit a.
Tins nr. u. rat p. n las n auntl as an erAdleafnr 01 fl1
funu ol 'li.ease. Ht-d ueiii;'li-'li II." eoi.sll' allnit jei-erully.
ItwtllMtie all H. in. Bin s, I'llualFa. 'le lers. nr a"V
iu.. no Uitiiui Uiua wuat cau..e ur nnw i 'lis st'.uu-
1 ) J. m t i'H, M. 11 . Piul't sttur t.f the l''..v and Far,
lieiitt. nil Claeili appejlatliliiil lo -hnaai'V.ilu.'inbjr with
ti n ul!n..-t etitei-as. Tn lim-nlftls hoaith ni.isl
Minuet In the ell v can be seen at his onlee, Nu. Ml IM NK
Hlii et. The M. ,ll nl Fa. ultv are Invited tn aecuinntn.y
then (atiitits, us he baa nu lecrets in hi prueUee. ld-nll
lien tninre exiatit'jf iniiirthti ll-iu nl' haMI'KL S.
1 AV F.I A SIN, Is lias day itisinl'. i e. 1 ins nui.lnr will
be acMlei: by the nniierrU-tit d, at Nn. v.'', ll'Ti 'K Mtris.-t.
UltH. F, Dsvil'.d, bui-yii'in0' 1'uitDur.
rilllodelplila, l:epte.uiii.r.iO. P HI.
rO-VAinKr-IiMllII'. The t.iiilrrsttned hava this day
furu,' d u l.siiuttiieivlilp miller the ur ui l DA VI Lid UKO
Tils.los, tl.e tiiiiis.iillmi nf a ueneral iaallUiig ulnl
llruLira.e llu.iut'sa, at bo, "-'fi I'D Is etrei.t,
rllAl:.,Krl F. li.WIES,
1'tIi.U A. DAMLH.
Pblladi tplili, Oetuhcr 1, 1WII.
11. H. CeTllfteatea of Indeliledness, Qutrterxut.t, ra Cheeks, .11. d Cl'O UlUllieLt tsecuilties l,-llo
rui'v. b uielit ai d mid. I l''-l- tin
iii titr eea 1 nper and lu.sea un Cntluteia1 iics.tUafsl.
Siuek and laians b-iti.l-t and cold on Cuuiiutusuui.
1 bate are tha tarma Aisa oflera. They are the terms
wl.ieJi yuu win iut by guiau inu a couvuiiUoa. V Sy tu
ttiouac lha eaaiveiitii-a at allV
View Hit JticAfROaa) C inutrtr, Orfoear 17.
lbs duty imposed by the present emergency
open all c aasea of tha pa?ie, and a nan all danaruoanta
and buieaua ol tha I iovernlaeut. to Mbd tu Ui. iruut uvry
man that tan. bv tha alrleteat eonnuniy, be aparud, in
duetd u lo call ue'h ilia av-y Ut-palliutut torvkpbudto
tha 4iasctatluiia of lint aouiitry.
tllARTEIIKt) r.Y 8T1TJ-. 01' rEHS'sTliVASlA.
200,000 Rlinrea Vr Vitluo,
Piosidi-nt-JOI-lN Ii. ANUEl'.SON.
Thomas A. Heotl,
It. Kueuia.
Villi am ti. Fraamau,
Bobert r. KhlK,
Jabn II. UII' y,
Charles D Hllver,
Secretary and Treasurer.
In all rdieaset of Ui Cruiary Onyans, whathor cxl.tlo.- In
"Jat' or "r"i'e," Jrom vhatntr cauu originating,
amltio tni'liT o hum long ilaniling. It la plaaaantln
tu to and oiur. "Immediate" in attion, and mora
atroiiethei.lng than any of the preparation of llarkor Iron.
Thute nuifailna from Jlrvktn Doirn or Diliiatc Cmititu-
tivui,jirocar Ih litmctly at onco i
The reader mint awara Hint, huwaver alUiht mayka
the aMnck of the aliovo diseases. It Is certain to ntfeat hi
:oiHty 11 xllh, iltntal i'otrm, llatpint j, od ii Polarity.
Jauies r. Maeee,
T. ' Mi Howell, Uarru'jurj.
Juha Vt'.Itall, do
John llraily, do
V. W. Wylie, Lunetstnr.
V llllaiu O. Shute, Colorado.
Authentlcatod aiieclraana have bceuproeured fruol aotne
of lha Company lode, and have leu asayed Oyrro
feiaora Uooui and trarrett with the ino.t aralltying raults.
SnbaoripUou Uu are now etu at the Oriloe ol the Com
pany, and al the Treaur'a Oflloe (Internal Kevenuej,
Vo. ill CHtK ItT Btreet, rariaer' aud Mechanic' Haul,
building. Te orisinal aubtortbera 3 t por ahare for a
limited noaBbar of aharea.
Cliculara, pamphlet, or Informallon aao be outa!u4 at
Uor offlca sf the Conipaay, after tl.e 17th lint. 10-lt-lia
J tona.lirtQUlHlv,d.alattoanltaryralr. Apply
al the Oiltea, e. lie H.Hh, tti IU ewevt, uy telrt.
Ia composed of Suchu, Cabcbi, and Juniper Berriei, se
lected with great care and prepared In vacuo y n. T,
UFajduOLO , Drugglil and eitenuat of alxteen year' ex
perience la (Ihe city of Philadelphia, aad sow prescribed
by tha moitemlnaat of Us faculty, aad have beta ad.
anltted to use In the United States Army, and are at la
very isoeral use ut Slat Iloepluds aud pablls Sanitary
laatttttUoeu throtartioul the lead. Prise SI per bottle, air
sU tor 14. Delivered to any addxeei, aocoupaotod by ex
pUtH dlreotloiu. Direet letters te
BKJUIBOIiD'S Draf and Obemlcal Wareboaes,
So. S9 Broadway, Xew Tart,
Or HBLICBOLO'S Medical Depot,
Vo. 10 S. Tenth atraPtittaielphia.
Bewsrs Of CoantcrfeHs, Ask tot DXIAIBOLD 8, and
Phyeleiac la atteBdaacs Irom T e'elook A. M. to 1 1. K,
U4 W PfUfaJt fTsrywlsra. I U lata. I
f lice i pet ootiw
Bele Aeeits,
tanc Aii'iiib,
Mule Agents,
C. IUIC3 BO-F '07:,..',r.
r,VTT a ct.
Illt'l 1' X CD.
DVii'l T .V. I'D.
So. J.UH, HF.cuVn st of.
eiid.)-tiit'i s an
! o'l'' r Treiut dal'y, eieepl d-itnlay.
Thr Cnrs nf t'is V'niket N-r-' t I'ssspapsr Hsltivfty will
lei-, e K ll-h en' al T I.' I'. M . I i natie. I w Itll Ihe Krle
iKiinsi. aial ut lu I'. M. . in r. neeet .It n tne i'hlla Je.pala
I Mat ps at il.e i hi 1'ial i,ii l, hai llepnl.
hi lilsii HI;. Ai.l-:. IA' r .1 SIJXDAYd,
T re I an of tl.. M AUK 1.1 si I.I.I T PtJIsK.Nl 1KB Ktf
WaY will nave r r. ai. s riet iv.-rv inmate, nun n-lng
,pe hui.r te c nuts tn the tune oi deoanaie ofenei train, It e in -1 1 ir w ai i.ave thin v in In ii i ' tn ih i tart
llu l line i 1 ' 't' ti I' a In 'I.e '"e.t I'hil i le p'tU .Xpoi.
Tl e Ot! , e 1. 1' MANN.s IIAH-i V.K F.l"tV' will ho
1, rated a' tie Si. .. ClltM-.U l'i' l:t.K.VKSel tsi
al Ah K F. I' Mire' s htid he sfi'l cull f'-r and de-iver Ba,'
ir.irnii'l e t ,r .i i 1 1 a ns a- 1 '' "f iTe.
e ..... L'tr. ant i un
III I ' I ,t i ' I II I 11 r. ' ' ' I .- i.-i v. i.i.r. . -.,. , ,i , . i.
VMM-r STI'l.l.'ls M il. I. 111. I lAlllil) AH Kit
.t'l UHHAV, l"th lostetil. ...
'I. I . I ttssi IS I s.
it I, I-hil,lel-,i:a Hlvi. on P.-nun. Ka'lr'tat,
Vi'est I'til,s.l-I.l.ia,h l b r II, 1st I. I a-1. nt
X M.ltltlr-IOWN 11 s I I.l.'O A I .
I '.II. 1 l'i' IV
tin and a.1r M'JM'A). luj "', u-s. nam wirmef
colice. .
l-lllt lil-.h.M it I"' . .
T..uv rMl'd l-nia C,, 7, s. I lu II, l'i A X.ll,I.HI
1 , i .'. .'. '..'.. a, .". ii. i r M.
iaavel.. itn.inl..wn.i 7, T.I'.'.Sjn II, In. 11,11 A.M.
a. l. . , '-. o.SS. . s. n, in 11. sun ii r. a.
I ht s lidjv n. ant; me a , ana e.'i iraina up, w nt iw
O't the O'-r in int - . n t t a.'f i .
I'lll -M l llll 1. It.tll.lKJAI'.
I.env" I'nl'aid' l lia.B, V, to, li A.M.; S, OV.'.M
l'.'.avef tt'-tiiiil Hill, i'lii, S, 9 Id, I1--U) A. at. i ImO, I'tS,
4.i,fi'H . s :n, lira in in I-. M .
lOM i OMSI I 'I'll I N AND NOBKlPTOWsT. I'l.ihiuiiph.a il.saa, II I-", A. M : 1X.1.4',
i . s I..'., aa 1 1 1 r. M .
"l . -se Nnrristonn, t,1,'. 7, 7'W,!I and 11 A.M.1S,IX
l, aial .11'. M.
li e .'.', irniii oi, -s-til amp al is. iiiuceon, .-nanayana
ai.,l I iiti.h.i. '..en r'-lv.
1 tut :i isflii.siv.
I ..eve ri,iiilein',i... fi. ,.:-, il '' A M., IS. S.dX.tX.
t;i,. a t-i, ana list " M. ...
la- .- Mi.ll)liak,li.. .yi.M-aii, v;., n m.. a,., t,
andi'Sr.M. .. .,...,.
II. It 1 JI nrT't.11 nuxiu tri....
nn;;l Ii-t')t M I II D id t.tlKKM !4r'tl.
1 llllAI'Kl.t'JM A in IllCUtvua,
On nm Hftvr V'imia , nniBii, rrnui win its at
h; o IAK Siiiit. l'li:iiuu-:Mii4, vvvry moi ninj at 8 A.
U)ic nd hiirtlfuj Mm. ohsa ktto hny KaiintaVlH to I'.trt
Mi. tin .'tuili, ulnl i. '!)' Cs iit. i'xli iuh i'fanisr juaJB-s ij.ivx,
.. i. m .if A i 1 n ; 1 1 ' i e,f i.At 1 .riMik i n : rftti.r.tinir. lOalvd 4t- 1
lftntic Strott V 1.,-iri " tcrv Uu 0'fuiidaf. tatepptrd). M U -
A M " " . . a a . 1
rxi I'iftvf prt', Ut r !ir- ifir pnss. n'Tj and frajiiftit b-
Yr a r . UK ir r I i I f. iifcrai ou)ienuiwuvnt.
Jl CAilUr.N A.N1) A.'.UtOV ItAILUOAD Oatl'ANIia'S.
NU I'll 'IS.
On aid after MONIi A v .January I, Ifii'd. the Train a for
Ntw Vtna. leu-. nut Ki-UJiiKtun l).-put, Flilladolphla. at
3 l'i A M (tllt'il ), ae.1 1 Si .' M . and the trains teavlliK
New Ynrk a H A Al utid 7 0 I". M., "Ill hoieaftat be ran
exclusively f r tTe itiilted Mat-ja Malla and Ha York
and aei.)i h'od i'lineiiuers.n.'id will oot utke ia nor let .
eul any panenvi rt le-t-' een sai l etllts. ;
li t It' A. M. nn i i. .i"i' v 'ii i.iuai i I'm no. . ni .
Wnrilietnn. and Ihe II .'SI A Al and & P. M. Liana frona
vVaehli ktnu to Meiv Yiak, w:a iiintluue aa at present, and
entry ti and tlieliitennooiaiealalerin and
lis: , in n i . iM-tiisnii'. ii, "i i i ii. .
N. W ililtK.
I.lnea leave Phllad-'p Is, fi' in Kenslnirtna Depot, at
li'tb M ,4 HO and tl i.t 1'. M ., and IV i'0 DiidnUnt, aner
rrr-m W nlniit Htieet Whurl' via Csluden), at li andSA.
At.. VI ti.. 4 ard II I M., tin New Y.irs.
tiidhuves New Yoix, tram fed of CourtUndt street,
at 7 A.M.. 10 A. M , IK M ,4 mil P. M , and at IS mid.
ni. ht, and from foot of llaxday Btreet at . M.. and!
p M. V At. A. OATZMBU.
jai-lf Axunt.
llliKAT lltl lR LfNII
1'ItOM Pini.Alll.L HI A fi) Till', INTKWOR OP
l'. lva-ia, nn-: ii in'YLKiLi., hij-
Ul'KilANN't C( lllRlil A NU, XSU
Wlt'MIMl YAl.LhY,
Leave the fMin anv a I). l, .l, at TIIIHTP-KfrTI and '
( .M.I.liV, I1IIJ. blii. lt. Hi !a,li.aniia, ul Ih foliusrutg (
heilta- il
Ate'lK) A. M . fnr Kiailine, l.uo.iimn, Eohrata. Lltl.
I: rtniiiria. lnurnoiiiK, l'aii,il, l'.ue;,Tove. i'aiuA.pia, -
Pa.i.lairy, Vliliih-p" t, " tn ra. i-",-li"- ti r, Hill' uu sl a, '
llullalu. A Her ti", u I ki-Mnirie, Pltbitun, Yorl, Carlule, 1
clniiao-r, bt.r. , Hkerttoivu. a e. "
the trs.u cciineeii at i KADiSI tatllH East P tnnsytva
nla Ks-irt'ii'l truaia a)r A -e-.tiiw. . Ae.. tlia ilaailng id
Ceitin laa h alrua 1 mr i'.par s. 1 It t Jn-1 C'lhim-ea and
yi h the l el, ,n Vail, y ira n f.i II im-b,it, o.;all"tlf.
l l,iM(l.V I-i. Cniiiv. it,. s lvi.1 i.ia.l iiains i t 't itkes a-ro, '
In. in. .ri. Ion Ilaviu, Kiiu-ta, Me.; at lIAUttit- 1
rl'ii'l wall 4 N.iiisein C'eiitt ..." "Cuint-erlann Yallity, '
aid "Sen.sllnli aetl Suniii' 'ia .ns" iriui fur N-'rt tura-1
Wrlru,Vlll:kn) p i1 berslnim, P.nsiIMV. '
Leaves Plillad-Ipaia ut IM f. .vl. fur Knadlmt, Pdlaa
vi b , I'uitvnivo, ll ii rhatiTH. Aj , cuiiK'etl'ie. st Uaeria.
batp svllh I'ennsylviinla IVtilra' trains f.,r Pilisliars, ve..
s.urll.ern C- btnil It ttl road irslns t.
Htinhu'-v, sinrtb'iru-
Himi le any adihe-a.
1R. J. 8. IUISK'S fitJLl)l-.N I'll. l-l.
1 ' I pto llila llll dtemul'B h -nil. iklr" t by
I'e.sill.a, Alilnnilli.ll Hilppn t. r-, A'aj , tor '.n euro 0.
tallli u of thuWiiti-n rd t-!iii' t'l'l 'i.v, wincn ui .an
nuel.lj prjV pallia' Iv. II not iniiai.'in. t.'.eu. iir.
Jli.ea patient niisa teen nr. k . -. --
nlrio I.n o ioni i nu, ai.d ihcr-by id, am a ss i-l-el
euie by tl a use of nelv a f' iv b,.e. Fur tlie.e ooni-
' Hint i ni,e IH. X 11 iiiirui .in e.i mt j.eti.i ..e." - -
lice. Ml tints per box feUo Aii-n.a, I) L'I' i' A t.' ). V.t.
I" i-rCM) St iittv .'.(.''-.! ''I';n! .
LaViiponl loin l.lnu otl,'uei nsu wn, Cor ll. rlsu-,
- Ine vv.ii kie.w n i" aiinro ul l' u laie.piKil, vi-' l nv,
nd Pbiladi lei la hieuuiH.ip Lonipauy are inieunva i
Bail as fnle.-ivs :
Flil.MU lill. isnleriiav.ui iu"t r .-j.
i i v in- W Aetill Ni .'I o N. Hainrtlny, Oediibor !.
4'1'IV Ol-' MASCIIFM'I-n.Hatuiilty, Nuie,ati"rS.
Ahiiev.rv luiutn-dum Satiinlay, fu maul, trout ln)r .NO
,t Nona iiiv.r. ,. , .,,.,.
ItAlf.SiC'F t'AMIllir. rtinni.i. ia vi uin.-iv ..
F I ChI-iii Its) li Mttarrace s. .n ill.
K'rsl Ciibin to U 1'dnn 170 lO H'earato to latutloil... CS Hi)
ir.t I an n III I'aila.. l:U HI litneram to i-aria -" " '
FifalCahllltollauil'rKM'bO bnar'neui U .uill.ini. i4.ll
I' also lorvvariieii iu, uiriuwi, .u.
tnrdam. Anllverp. Ae . ul .Us!! low rate.
Fare Irmi Liverpool ur kiueeuatnwn . Flrtt I aljln,
SI.'SI SI 70. Sill) Huerase frciu Liverpool and IJuiens
luHii.t'i). Those who vlh to .end for Itiolr friends can
buy ticket here al these ratie.
F or wither uiioimatlun apply at the Company e offlcne.
JOHN l. DAI.K, Aiteiu.
No. Ill WAI.Ml. T Hireot, I'lU adclphla.
Hl..nn,.li1n I. lite. ailtiiff frma Aeh on nn
1.1 il M 1 1 A V H t.-i m llttilwIltUT alalia II .r. r.trvnitaiiiia-
di lph a. ai d lao.ii A hurt Hoatoa. Fruin rtrsl wbai f
a'jmel'IKK Street. on rialurdav.Ouiober ll, 1"4.
'1 le aienitiialilp 8AOM, ilaUhew, wUI aillrro Phtla
d had. lur liuatou.ou Haiurnay, Oi-tnbi-r ii. at lu o ol
A.M.; and ihe ateainslilp NUkMAH. lUkar.rroui Baaloa
liir Flii'adel',hut. en aame dny.ut 4 P. M.
'iheae ntw and suhfetiiiiiiul leathsinpi farm a reaular
Hue, iu'IHii; fruin eaeb purl punelually on Sattirday-a.
Iii.uraucea ell led at one-bad the pnsuduiu ona and oa
Sule se.sel.
L ...l.l.. al rule eal.a.
ttlili peia tire ri tiiiettid to send Blip Beeelpta and Bid
l.aOiiii.-vvlth Uiolr eunds.
Fur Fieiuutorl'as.aue (having line aocorauiocatloue)
appiyto ni'.MtY W'SMiis; CO.,
'i1... livl IWllt Aanlilia.
..e.n uwmvntte 1st." O TS TfU
. B,l a, runnr.n ii'iva. ni.i aw
iStSatJWCaiid eiwtftaure Line, vta lielaware and
i... ui.ul. Tin- ttt-uuier of ilwaa line aro leavtiis
oaliy ui l'i , cluck M and t o olocs r. at., iron muu ptor
Fur (rtifht. svhleh arlll be taken oa aecommudiUnii
term, aj.plr to s ILLlAJs At. UAUiD A CO., bio. Let ti.
Dl.LAM AKE Ayeuue.
beiaaml, 1 Inani. Ac., ami a' Port f 'Union "nth OatawUMA ,
KallroadtiuliikforAlillnu. tVilhantsorl. tUutlra. lluir.lo, '
ltRsliINd ACCfiMWnllATIOW.
I..a,yes Retnt-i w a nio . M . .mpprtur at all WAyt'.Sr',
tut ami I' k m i I llAi.e.'l.hti ai '.lull . H. '
hetiitiitiip. h aies i-bilaiieiphfa a' Vi.) p. M. ; arrtvea fa ' V als H'P M.
T. iinil..r e.iil.iji l. iilali avelta.Tl-t'tiritst?'?) A.M .anfti
Point die ut s la A. M .ariiima lu eiiiUi.iuitiiit at UN
P. M. At rnef.n r.ilns lliifrls nem at 1 40 P. al.,.,
1'ititivllie at 'i-;s- l'. M.i ur, ivttu tn I'ltl fidil"tila at 7 P. at. -
vi ..i... ....... : i. a nn..., u, i e.e ali-ha.1. l-'SV-
"lfVl ltaill. ! e" . . .1, ".,.,i...l
JiU K-' hi 1., ii".Mi. nun ininiiiukw---; .-
V fnr W ill' ''' " .' f i
A' trie H'.ivt: ir.iiii rnv. hh-iv, xnnntya f Awjiiru.
HuiM'a ithiu lfiive I'olit. tl'e st 'r'oD A. M.,tU Philv
1 Iti .ll.i. vat.i.L.1 ivrt luiem". ,
Pn.teiu-eri, Inr Inn n'tn.l.,vvn mill intet tnealaa points
tal, the HIP A. Al. and i ' 0 P M.t-alns mi n I'lilianaipiua.j
reiurlulik- Iruin llnwid 'atnveu It h It) A. it.i auu IJ !
is I-. r.
LesvesKew Vork am A. .M. and 7 P.M.,psin tlsadlm.
inn uilf-h. it' d I an !' !.. and eouiie.tnav Si lUriia-
t nrj, vial. I', mry'i a"-!. Itil-rutnl r.xMies kraina for ntl
buis. Ci t'-uin. ui rl tho ic,.j'.
Lilnri.a r.spri sh ir ,tn i'irniui,ntas amvai in
tl.a i'ei'tn liuiiia hst,re Imiu paist.ura; at ais) a-ull
7 .Mi A. V , p.n-ita- Ke.nliiii; ul 4 a7 and 1) W) A. ,M . audi
iirr'Muc at Si w Vort at l'i A. ll. and 4 .1) P. M. Mlenp-i
it a Cais aeion-pati) tee tralri tiirituhtbetween Jjraty-
(,'liv and i luat tlrii, sv uliuul clianae.
Mall tiaili lui Ne rnl'k I. uvea llam.iiiric ai t r. at.
at. 1 train f..r llnm-diui j ' a- i . New York at li M.
Tealns h ave I'uti.i die o, K ill A tl. and H al P. M , rS
tu, ninu Irui.. I li.iurnia at s r,i A, M . and 4 W P. 11. t
PtJil Ih ILL AM- F'. rv.'. Js.iASisA Itat-I.KOAD. at ill.'. A.M. f.r Plnes'ruve ultd
llsrrlibiire.and .it p.-dl p M t ir t'lneiir ive unly ; rst-irn-li
eiroei li.,rril nr utl -an I'. M.,aud rrnta Ploegrove at
J'tA A.M., P. M-
Thruu -h (Irat-rlata tt.ketsand emlirrant tlelieta to B
Uie pin elpsl point, lu the North and tVeat and email.
1 he t.,i, inu lu-keu. aaa htaiie.elnoiilv at the olll mul
S I'.KAliFl'hll.ltta.Uier. Kn if.. 14. FOCKI'U sftroel, p ht. or of 11. A M''0I.LS, Oenaral Hiiperliiien
dt nt. Id auliiV '--
At'.'B per re. -t. dncunl, binneen any points oealred,
foriaiuliu and tltmt.
(lend 'ur WO mile", between ad points, at ;a to eivca,
fur fauilbes and innit. ....--J.AO.V
Fnr t ree, 1, twt lvo umuUia, r holder oaly,
to all Pulnu, al rtdured rate .
Itealdlniinn tho line of Uie mad will be fnrnlihed wllb
caads, entitling tlieuieelvee aud wiv-ea lo luixol atuall
rrmn Phlldelp!-ia tn principal atailona, srwvd Par Batnr
dav. mii day, ut,d reduced faro, lo he had ouly
at ilie TlsAitOtlte,alT UlllThLri IH aad CAJXUWiUU.
Coed of all d.-crlttlun furwarded to an tha above
po i.ttilrnm ine Cuiupany'a new Irtdahl depot, liJtOAAi
Leave I'liilad. lphlu dully ut 6 A. M., 1 P. M., and 6 P. M.,
f. K'-aillim, Lebanon. Hurrtsburg, I'otuville, i'ort CTUt
ton, and piiut beyond. R
Cluae at the Philadelphia Post Offlea for all placeeenthe
rad and lis branrhe at 4 A. Ai., and for the prutelpaJ
auttou only ai J l P. at.
On and after 1 KliAY, AiiU 1, looi, U.e Train win lwira
i anv fi-Am tha nDut. eorrtf ofTHntri
FiiiHT and HAKK KT htrewla, A. U , 11U4 A.U..,
It U at, (1.1 u j il-A(. 1 U
Vhi'l'adelihl'a iVepid ehaneed from PlflHTF.ENTH and
MAllKLT buiteu to lULUlY-FlKST and MAKKtfT
I'tavi- Wut Chester, from the Depot en Eaat if ARKKT
Street, S W A. M., 7 46 A. M., II A. M ., 1 P. M., i ti . P. al.
llie can uf the West l'bltad.l.Uta ItallwaJ
Caunanv i stark, atrtravtiwiu ceavey faaeiara be aasf
ti wu tlie Phfladttajdiia Depot.
Leave pldladalidiU at " SO A. M. and P-
la-ra tA eatl heslee at S A M. aud 4 ah r. M.
Trains leavlua Philadelphia at S A. al. ?S"Ji:,ZJ
- ... ........ -. .... XI . . IOr. ., OOllltWJt
wlih train, on the Philadelphia and Balldaaore Central
atallneid avr Oxlmd ana Intenuetuititt piii,a.
M U JIKtiia WOOD.ilssueraJSuijeisjatendeiii
I uie yreai line travel e the Aurtlieni and '""h,71
COMPAKV, aid under their auaploea la le4u rapiaiy
op. ned IhriHte-hnut IU entire I.tiath. fc-.ta . r.
It i new iu u.e for paa.ena.-r and rrab .""VVe??
Harrl.buru lo 1 mpnrluni. (1 mil.'.), on lb. "'
loa. aud from Bbeineld to Brie t7 axllee), Ue Western
U'vUt;. or raaoaa Tiui.aa ruiLAD.Lrtnii.
Mall Train lease iiaao p" m
c'.u.XSKw.VlV.iCT Ita.'"
i,V.&lC"l ' Loca Uavea. and ketweeti
bSrU.epr,n? uSfVut-lh. Exprea. Train both wa,t
Vi lulorraalduii isnpeellnf Paiier bu.lne... appky al
tha? t""' of KlaV Esfril aud at AHk T Streak.
And fur Frelsht bmU.e. of the Cnup.i.y' AaenU
B ll. Ktoe'.-, -r .eoruer blATtbii lli aud MAJULE 1
atreeU, phliailelplibl.
i. W. Kirau'da.Erta).
J. U. In IB, Auwit, JL M. C. B Balttoinre.
it. wouassow,
Oeaeral Prelfht Arent. Philadelphia.
LK vvm L. Iloupr,
Oeaeral Ticket Auent, Piiiis'ielj'hia
JOHHI'll D. PlirfM.
Ja4-tf tteaeral Maiiaaor, W uilaauirS