THURSDAY, OCTORF.R 21, 1S0. BriBIT OF THE NEW YORK PBE33. Leading Kdltorlnl from llic New York Tapers This Morula;:. Frm ti Trfrunr. Wo bavc "tuc artiMiionnl official roturtu of tho borne voir, and correct our tallies arrorlinrlr TC .ln .1,1 ....I, . ..r - . i. . . ' " " " " st 'iiirs votes as ara lit Hand, Hio grncial summitry uf the whole iuatttr is lure ftivoti : T11K llu'.ll: VllTI'. OIHI t.u. M fr-nntfrs, (.flidii', Ciron 3i counties, oltliiui, IVniorriit.. 17I.0M 171,111 f, . mnjnri'v tt'is voir. I si.) a. iiiuu iiujurnj nt.r, j car U 7 in, in ion lo-.s on nminritv T'CK'O VotO leaf yen .'. . , Union toic CI. fn year Union loss i,n vote ICtmx iHt c ftn I mi t lT I'cmtx ratic vo e this , llcninrrirlr Ins on vnti 'lotal fa'llriK t."of v.ite.... . r,'H) . 1 !!,'" I . 174,!.'l MAJ1KI11FR Ol FiriAt. ATn li H OHTKII. T'nion nil' j - ritl In .",Oc(in.,tic. l'luiotraiff majorities In U counties ll!'. ixct Democnitlr mnjorltlra Ditlurl I'mon luai'iiitr above 2.t! 1.8'H Perooeritlrtrmnriiy In State (It mue vo'.o). ui.i.ii:ii' vwiE in l Aiir. r or I rutin fninMilaH'S For Dtuiocrulic candidatej Soldiers' t'nion rtmjnrity Ictluct Home Ptiiuxrutic majority! .12.5)2 . l.7."3 .11,079 . CM) Actual Union ninjr.rity thus far 10 .Wl Wo alto have o.licial returns from twclo Con prcmlonal Districts. 1 hero nre twelve m.-nilpr rhoen by cbi-Ii party on the home vote, but four ol tbe Democrats t I ! 1 most certuliilv Ik tea en by the g.i tiir-nT, rti-iktiijr a nin ot four to the I nlon side over the pa-tut Congress, ad possibly of lire. AX I!S UKOKUIA- HOOD'S MOVF..Wi;ST AMI lAII.I'ltK. fram fAe Tiy ri. General Sherman lias been manu'iirritig for nearly tlx months to get Into Hood s rear, or, in other words, to net south or him. Tbo whole campaign which just ended in tho capture of Atlanta, conMstcd of a scries of at'empts on tho rrt of tbe former (o gi t between Johnston and Atlanta, and Atlanta wa not evacuated until he had actually succeeded In getting to tho south of portion of the Rebel army. Ia short, if at any time dm irg the first four months of the c nu psign the news had come that Bhcrman hud fiitrijr rnrcecdeil In putting tho Kebel forces be tween him and CtiatUnoous, the wholo forth would Lave been l.llcil with rcjuidnt. It, therefore, not a little curious to witness tho attempt Of the Copperhead journals, a day or two ago, to cheat HmiU people i . to tho belief that tho news that" Hood with his who'encmy -aa between Sher man and ChattunO' ga," was very dreadful, and ucn as to warrant the most dismal forebodings as to Sherman's fate. That it did not pro lu -e greater i Uect on the public mind is, wo think, a Ignnl proof of the great gain in sense and a,b'. Tuent made by the mass r the poop'e within year or two. Tho absurdity of looking upon Hood e movements a auyihlng but those of a tlespi rate man, is apparent, lo fai t, on a moment's reflection. Ho aud his "whole army" are not by any iiuuft uui w iiiriui'iiiiiie noiv as ttiey were last summer, when Sherm in was driviutr them sontnwnid. ftiey then hud their on country bchiud tbcm, clear communlc itiot with their ba-e, and an ubundaucoof snpplies; nnd vet they were not only tumble to givo Sher.nan battle in the open field, but woro unable to stty bis progress behind loitilteations. Since then, lloon bus lost tho Oeorgiit militia, to say nothing of bis losses by b.ittle, and desertion," and dis. Use: and It rnnv lin mi.'ii.wl wimi n, nrniy is in for n oln.u-.ive movement whiih lik., bis Vina fu l l . .i.:f. " J ..,W. . 0,1 0 , .....vm iu uvivuniiu vaillliniuu ou Its own soil. It must not bo forgotten that Hood has had duiinghis lato movement no bao. He h is no railroad to move along, and no means of pro curing supplies except by iculiig whatever lis finds on the lino of march, or carrying them with htm in wngons. The idea of subsisting an army of invasion in this wav, in such a country as Northern Georgia nnd Tonne-seo, fur anything bore than a raid, was ol course prepnj'crous. As lo his getting on Sherman's communica tions, this is not a uiilicult ihiug to do. Any General of ordinnrv ability can always reach an mm-)' lines by hard marching imd a littlo secieay. '1 his i iioiuing wonderful or drciill'.il. Tbe great problem et ihe nrt of war is not to gut on an enemy's coniiauuica'ions, but to stay on ' them, so as to completely stop his supplies ;' just as, according to Dickeui', tho preat problem of eocial life is nut to "come out," but being out to "( tay out," instead of once moro into obscurity. If Houd could maintain himself on Sliortrnu's railroad, as Oi ant f as done on tho Woldoti rail road, be would undoubtedly achieve a sue. Ctfcs; but what sign has there been that lie ever dicamed of anytiiiugof the kind? Sherman no soomr started in pursuit of him, than he look to flight i and flight iu a desolated coumrv, with no better means ol transport than a baggige train to rely on, Is an exhausting pro as, even If bo battle ,UCx'cd ln C"B1'I" la0 uectssity of giving It is hardly possible that cither Davis or Hood entertained the smallest expectation of porum bently dislodging Sherman from AililUtab- -;, ; wit Is, thutit was intoi.dedoi a demonstration to divert attention from the recent reverso of he Confederacy j or, at all events, lo satMy i o world hat they were not so serious as they aeemedi just as Stuart was sent into IVnnsyly ,. J. . .it',.lhe '"'(lc"f Amietmuln order to show that that hdion was no- a defeat, aud that it left the otledeite cticn-y and enterprise unim paired. And wo shall tec tho .hrewduosa of it iu week or two. Just now the Confi ilera'c cause in Europe is in Lad stato. Thu CMtton loan is "heavy aud declining, under the inlliunce of the fall of Atlanta and Sheridan's victories, but when the mail knives with the news thai "Hood is onSher tnun s coinniunicH'locs witi) hi, whole urtnv "few people will stop to in.pire into tin circumstunce'!, and tbtre vU I e a prodigious outburst of jubiu tion inall theCoiifolcra c circles in London aud 1','i ""'" we havo no doubt, coupled with tho dcslro of uilectlng tho pu'ilic niiud abroad, the still stronger do.i of .ullctiug tho public miud at the North in preparation for the election; and in fact, tho iigerness of the Coppeihtad papers to tin in pot it abroaj as "bad news fiom the Southwc-t." proves howanxlonsir the faction whose opinions they represent ara looking for a disaster to oururm.-.aad how much aervice it would do them. Sweden fluds she has a Bilver mine. The Queen of Spain has kniKhtod Gotlsch ilk. llcnts at Vnshington are " skcrce" and high. Last year three hundred aud eighty-eight rrisoncrs were flogged in England. liutteris selling at twenty-six cents along railroad lines In Western New York. Two Inches of snow fell on Sunday at Bruns wick, New Yerk, ntui Troy. The wool-growe.-a of Wisconsin Jtuve ortfrtn Jzcd o protective association. iladfid hns voted huu,oi'0 rcnli lor a m'mu nicnt to Coluiubns. Liverpool is to have the finest exchange in Europe. The beautiful statuo of Verm, worth j,000 florin, has been broKen. A new steam flour mill, which turns out ono hundred biirreln a duy, is in operation in Newport. Iho New York theep-ftrowers will hold af.Ur in How York about the middle of May. An old lady in Lowell, Mu,s., a widow, ho reared thlitocn children, bus 'Jij descendant. Tho stockholders in the Leeds, England, J!ank fulled nre responsible for three millions of dollars. No great to "bull" that stock. Dummy engines, instead of, are to be tried on tome of tbe railroads leading out of JJostou. -Mil, Samuel Hamilton, of Kempton, Nova Scotia, aud three of her children, perished, a few days since, in a conflagration which destroyed her house. A Cerinun trngcdlan, with the eivcet and simple uume of Hogumll Duvlson, U co;uinij to lull cQuntry from Urteden. TITE AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT. MERCY OF THE WAR. Aprcal from Lojal Soutlorn Men to tbe Governors of Loyal States. DISTHUCTIOi; OF CIVIL LIBERTY IN THE SOUTH. fcolnn Warning Ae-nlnt Itrttrl Mi lit. intinnN In tli. Nnrlli 1, wtn n ail Him W.'Im I l.i Hih rs rtimnsh rl-ol.o- of ( Vnrlh litrrihrow ol Ocmorrnllo lo. MllllillKiit-Rrbi I Aliniiil.mmnit i.r Ihe lxxftlnr ol N(iif ltlhiv xiciirmnt, HiikiirMlr H.'lx llioa M( tt Kuril) run ilj- llni o I Knrniliia sir IUr ( hy ln NiriMiK trm ot M l. lary I'ow er-Tlio lVo).l lt ml j- ur lltv 1 li ln. komk, lieorcia. Di tnlicr 4, 1W Dear Sir: Tb arnlj red condition of the many tlmrts m Is i f I mo n 1 bin the Soutliein .St iu j, bath In and out of tho Kebel army, through tho in Mitiimniwii; or an atisolute and relentless !e- prtli-m, pist es it mo.t complt tely out of their pimc r, ith. ut the aid of tbe United Slates army to i n r repnin the'r liberties. Mtniaine lu'W l lines oat a Tfistice of civil no ni exists, ana it is only when tiio fortunes uf war tl.tOKt us within roach of Federal protection. that wc c, without tho h7id of life, give ex. rr -ien to our Uture for a restoration of tho ti.ion. Compli U ly divested of ail power or Influcnco over our irndii g nun, and in a ftite of a'isoluto yassiilege to tho arbitrary edicts of a military in i it, ouroniy oopo or rtlc 1S0 is up jn the overtlrowof the ambillous men who have tlins CM-luvid us. In aiidtcssing yon, In reference to oar irUv at.cea, we ih lo bo unrieretojd as appealing. otvi.iytu inn v-niti r.xeciiliVL- or the 8'Htc of iMii.vir, uut io me uoTein. rs ot al lhaln. ., Mis, to be ou their guard aainnt I ho iu.idimis v.itrun(.uuiiiui oi ret). ino.i at your owu doors nt,d T(;iir own lirrsiiii s. o t ains wl I be r.o. red t.v nnr l. .lin ri.ia ... ..ii.v, i ipuvr, vvivc, or overawe your ?. mo orniny csinnic s anil clyil s rile, so as thorohy to ui.deriumplcte the dowutall of free govoru n.cntupntbe American coutineni : an. I wn i ir j i-'vi. ,,r m huu usHiug lou iifwriy to warn a uaiisiT wuua we consider lin.ninent, ii ' i-onM icraiinns ol more patty triumph be perml'ted to khui uni i'rn,.i v.- evi u for one moment, the great paramount object the mill rcsMon of ibe Kcoellion. Tell tle laonlf North that wn Imitom dtopthomgio qiiOMion both pro and ron, - and lei I nsunu thiitwewonld not give up the t'uiju lor ail the t.luves on llm fiiise ut the earth. We claim to know rebellion lso.'l.n;..i.. and di pib, its length and brt-ailtn and having, tl roiif b cbnnfrcN wrought by iho fortunes ol wVr, betn placed whire wo cin once more exercise fn e apeci b, wo j fold to the linpulsrs of duty not on y tn our whole eoumrv. hut to thmnmn.i nr liilon nun who are yet held in boiidaso. wr.en woashuie joutliat nolbintt hut thoatmn -r... of military power can ever kubauu it, or d jstroy its liowur for niiMi'Mrf. J And. as a lonlitmation of tl.l. vio. ... i Ieae to oiler tbe following facts and arguments in reterence to 1 11' Ks li. lllon nuil It rrNlTiK. .Pk(jllff ultin:0.ts of thp Rmith. prior loivlwll en. (rlml l'l thir t.ict liiK.-nii.lria i ui M.u.e iim.axt t .0.-.ii irom llic lin,.n hi il m i uprvrtlK-uisc v.. Ai no Inun hvt- tu-r Iih-ii ta.l.n.a wlili kovi-rniiu-m ol r.i,n ,.. ,,pki Is-M- f. a 1 lliiirhau imr ronsldi-r.( It cum iroml-L-01 tl.elr dUn iy tu 1.1-k lour no. .r Ho- o n ,.. foi lln nrlvlUKi-ol liolnn lo ila- l.i-tl.iHturt.. MJnu s k,;i III ( ol)Ln, or Ol Ul'CMlniI Olhur l.lirh nn.l l....Mr... - position. rrr l m lnpf.T tho p mp anil i-! ot mnnarf-h.M ami lor II. e entfil u.n.l ol i , lu.lvtj Ii.ti ,niorr i rn.,l;1t..en .- y i. o.,.-r. in.-., im.i unn no lisil..noo sritn tie lm 'orit roll: I 0r our .oim ol rovfrini.nt Ml.l. h i.. . .. toll.v .ruple ioI.UciU eiualiv. ll.iy lisvo alwars run .i n -! itnirivM a. a c.-oi-ifsiiiM-rlor un.a nn.l.i no nn l tl.f-i.opii, hill iiilli,-d to nil tin- i.Bmnii,.. ... , Imuiunlilrsni a pririhijril clnit. Anil In I srinu' li.r n ha' Ihij coi cdvt- lo ne the vulpur herd tin y ail.lri'Si Ihi-ia as .tauint litem "my ;wjn." as If (hi y id ,u,-ht the .. n l.i'ii ntrd to 'hem Ho accu.loinrd ra tui-y tosuo ik y to a po '"I., ii ai in auuifsaitin ma cimniiun nardworkia ( Iti- 'I' c"""l,lu yt-virr ana ,noii.i tnev lsnthi'p?."an l.yus.n ll.e rol !. ,. ttieold im ccril tlienlri I In. i.r... n, ml. Hull tier l-hor, ug aDU .udualilul cutsa ol p.-no e will tl. I'.1L..I.IiIIiI.inIj " lcc. miania ot ilMi-ewhoweroitlitpp.iinteil in Ihe tlinm ol llnllab aiilirematr over Ilia AitiOilean n.ilu lies, li b i lii.Vi-li b iltt.Jl.uil aame lore ol tnu.ialeliy wiici si- iintru il'iili in-? of '7f-; ana henna tlior iiavo huan ou tlrll'if In r nenrtii ir ararmra-or In ai eking nra.e.vCn, for the nverll r w of American iJeiio.ra''v in Ihir.'.ilie l,l li lailil lieu In ilit.nre. was ae'iiea I'put a-n ilirllllllliln I'M'll.e by the rrl-l rrnrr nl' i-oil'li ('Hio lnn hir ai.ia ol liiililtlCHllnn nml ."' .vi.ii. II-h I'aIi Ini... I'U llm, o.i aalun, In eai ry out their troe.m Unn n ir 11. -fcn. aiiiariit-K under the ri'1'iji.o a.luiii,iie-e.l h .t.Uriw Jackam In hit mou.Oiiile ii'i..u.atl',ii. Him tin- not bis n a riay or an hour an c ivha-i i;,..v ,v lM1i,t JiKveniaaolrrO Ihe I nli.Q enu'd luey have ha',1 a nr. tiat ar. r.lii'n any al.aiinH ot juai tru-ntloii. r r Krnwlp ever i':ai onicnt. il. they e mht ice no ei i.l n I- nl i.'riit u i.i i rit.-n, 1I11.......1 - . I t :iii:i e-a 01 tl.e renpte, nor i-in.l.l lln- i- Oooi A,iy ' na'loMil n aiierTtthiliterxcef.t iiii-Iit a rn .'nr.r. liv, i 'I he liuili, ns a pri-tvxt, in l.iili-.K ll.a ,1', thi-lr next I rfi'.ilv-iis to the ela. erv nmistloii. y, h rh ( ).n, mini nee l-en in Ii l,j n,u e'lnria ,l rieiirvOiav. and ' otli. r anvi i'iue-uf 111 lv inaii.'ln. Inn. ami i.j .,ti.... - nl l erl ain ii hImIoui and less pjtienee who wure ur. n Unn. 1 u.a'e 11I.1 11 lor. 'lliua ill, uni. linr.l, H e ilarery r,uesllon preanr.tej the bs'at piohncct Inr a trill.tul ainoc- nl ill. t or. I, and I'.in lill tiaa aelred with aieliiy bv the nf-ap,,,lni.J ni'lhl.tiH and ill.uiik'liista of Is..-.', a. a'ni.ana ol a' ti e tsiiiuir) , aud eliaeiidailiiK' i.alrtd beiiriiau mo nnh and ein.ilh. 'I hetiiilv iihilai t'rnple emani'lpMmtittt or the Itenia nilli Hat.Wl.i acl.o"! In'i'.itiio tile olii'i-rs ol t'i.iu-uii..v ad nsllt'nallth a lli'itrtn trial luiolv lione.L p( rati.ii, oi the KortU wen. in lm ud In belle. e tl.Hl t r-s- jiiiui..-il i- un . ei.liill' alHiliton ol rhitttel alueiy una nut nuly liitei-aurv to rllem-e Iha illalini.; I.iciluli, but toninUi-: the aim e liiim njM.rer.l n II-1 tine uialiiti-alailnn. N.irlh, cf eviiiiu'hv Air l, nuro i-lt-ve, m-zeu ii..-;ti byihe di initials us a liir.hir prelext I'cr wloei-i-iix the nre trh ; and no iii n -r- tunitv v. aa leu unliuprni to '-- nr 1 , o . , ,;r --1 "M. ' 1 0. a'llfcl IVI al Ihev 1. rn,..A . . 1 ' 1 ' ' -reran,- ai '.'ualll'Xr1 'lr.c.iliuri,..l,n,. V. . . ; ' ' rig l i e, w, r, , (. Slate and All ..yirllm H.a..h. a8T,. i' l Niirlli -n aklnn alF.luiuiii: in the t'l. iii-in l-, lf riic,.e.liiir hbiantmr, ai.iUdillii, l..t..i,.ln ., the r fny .',. Iiona l.y llx n,e nar ,. t,,,.,, !,-. K, .' ,, , 1. anntil ti. i Inliii. e v. Lerever II e. iil.l he ,!.. win, ,., 11:1..-. ml, a wi lp.ii.(i,iarilK i.n.l i.-ih-nu,., .-r ri.nnx 011 1 11 rail, all raon au,.i cteit ..l el,iii,, nimn-nn. ,.!'..? rii","'1, " ln,,'"' "' "'" " h ri, th. rail. Iiii:.w.'ia r Hr.icl, i,,,., -Insthnt ,J Wr llr.e.a. 01 s..m!i 1 urn Ins. i.iei- e tij- H-ii, ,.,.r ! u V fh-Mils. l,.rhtil,- alhico Ion.-Iil In.n; r'".',, MV,' '."'''b ""i" lwiieHtl . an liiiMi.-nrv .ivp r'inlike1 ,u """' Hllclil..r, they de-lrtd h.u. ,n!;k.'i u,V.'l.'',.C,t'1!,lr.? ,h"-V r" '""" lln ,X' . . " i"','"' "" '" th-V were luaii .il. I'lnlol eU v. hen tl,, , waa ni.ll.ln. In .ui Ai, nrlunlty a; turn-it up which .icv deelsnd n;e?r7;;:t,nrVhej,;1ni::nV''liM fcr U'" "OT awn.e lh. y wmihl ney.- ...on. t 10 hll Adinirdiualiuii .mi lheni,.iir it. , t,. e.l 1,01.1 tliu l.iil.n, siid i.n.i.r ki im th. n.... lvea, a..t:,nl lne c .mil i rnn et t:,., r o-v u. li,rin'ti,niioniai.d-u,il'u.lli:,l.,,,,,,,ti,h,,I,1m, Mr. , 1.1,1 I.. ) ai '.. y (ne Lam uiery n a , in t he ler.) waa anllii.riaid by III 1' liireinin -iil al jn.n.ei t.mi. in Hull e aillli i,ri,l.,li,,na t shu ,. y In tin. Hiiiilh p oMilid Nii enn wnu il recsnl-e tin- In.l-'-U. mleuce nl theri -lilhsni tl.ll'e.hrao', ;,..! new,, funiicr li.aln,, l. d iu aa thai a luimuchi lor llm Smih w , i, si. it ti at ar. I itimali, l;an,.,. wllli Krinn o wn. ilia red w,ih iiiuiunllv advaniaifisua terms, lu rcf.-r-enre 1,' Irtide. rnp.'liea nl'e.iliiei. Ni.n Ini'.e d 1. 1 il, eoiuh. haeiint m-ma '. hr lleaai y In vie v.. aim auceint iliulm all nt marcita .h,-e la an ample ,.t p-ior nrec.-ii:-ja i.iun who esu I., U.. .I aa c. mu.un labor, r-. il . can wall In l ui, aat. I .' .-ry, iirovMi'd I hey aucctwj in nialifalnniKtluIr Inii-paLduic.'. lidivilii'im e achlevcl, and iin.iiurri,r t-slahlls'ie I. the hir.dt arv nubility and arlalmrncr cm rlr tr Ir a pour iiii-n. hnih biai's mi l wlilio.ull ihe ai r'....i tterwa.n and what aaaiirun. o to tli.1,1 ol cheap labor fur lln lr aK .7 .1 I .1 , . ii ca 11 a an mlo-lx or tile la 'I tnut, IhrollKh Ihe lll-trnn, is jr. la KJ nun. In.- ..I Uen h,io h, ju and will k.- cutuiilfely linp.ivorlal,i .1 and 1 .elr tuin li, a reduced to heu.irv ; and Leaul, a tnls, tln v know il. .1 tt.eaoolili.iii i.lhuilel alavery h aves thinner i allllliiacnnuitMlii.1 alneot poverty, and placss him and np.,n ih, a.ime r-ii-i-uon level a. lira aril . .. .1 u'..i:iiacuiia.ti-ni. ati-iriiiiiK ample opi .i.-uiu i.v m ui .in- ..a,r, o'uck and Hliltc, Urnlr l.civc'i ui' Wnoa anil lira were m wnlm. Tlu.i me le iilnm Hchrla and iil-unkmlsts .if iho H i.H -'ure i i:ii,.',. hi n wn ', nut mi- I' d pr..i,vti.ui ..f ohtiu-l aiav r 'inr tl we , aii aa Hire vou ., I'.oiu fi , t,' m uuin, a tniu.Uliiat), Ini' a war lir tin uuie..s I inn ., m it, ri, .mi ,. ,. ,,i... ialie In. II all'. in, H'l I e.l.t ,1: ii., , . linn li.e:,' rutiiB a iioc.iiiiii'iit ui pmp HH,i fpiiin-.t' Hied i,l,i!,,y; l ,u,.v, .rlil.(-oa. euwii.i-,'.ii linuiiiiiil c; anil or perp.-'.u , c-i-ai'm nl ol'P'.v, i, . , ruu t-, ami wnncliciueas upon the t-t. I nl. eml aitiiln-tl. li.on ihsilel a ia.-. rv would l...f ni Ili'ree .iise.iiei,e :n ll.e-ri lll.n It ia to KlljUud, nit. ii. il l.aa i.-llil a-l-cu he. II ahi-llsiieil. i lie li-iiaitii.' -.Dili., ol' relM-i.i,ili have nlr..dil.- ran ..II I r'; li-a lUi'Uli.e. luiiew m u"n. ,n I .n..,i rt,-,i c..uiLel, ., as ;n mid In l-iclr klnv l .iii the Suilriein M,it.-s i, a luat as they can be prei.ircl lor I .e th ni.e hv KadeWiiS:;. t'iV. il""'":?"'1.1:"'' " Iriiit-i ra'n i I " 7 ir, B ltl TTV. ttuil. tvit tvi'A f.iutt li t i utTTv m r'nt -v HIT rVnril'll'tm.,.! j t ill, ..i a . i . m , e n wi.n-n r.,1 cu t r.y perceive In v,,ir midst i and to a lU'iw llm il.e ni.,iir.,BiIV ,.,,, M ' ai...'.l i..A.i.,,..lnliii .oibo p.rmiluJ ,0 j l ituBol.tLons IntooiutJraus. ai"-i-. m I'raolihiii lu tl.eMoulh. In conclusion, as repeat fiat TUK I'Kiil'i P op tup KOI 'HI Ahi: J.t,W t ' N 1 1 K K A ill: I Lie. 1 Nil UP T.n i I- le.M. Will. II HDt Chll.LTV A N I. KIXKN iVl'ii UAIIIIAHII HAS NO I'AHALLKU IS TllK 11 .s ', ui v Oi WAMil.N0, and that lliey Have b. on ire'l m la' by .li.ellli.l iin.rr.iaet llrst and c..,)rc., irt.r" warila, Ihn.nnlia e-jnacrintlon. 'Itey.un ilia llmr oi U,c laie.tal el..Ci l'n ul ,',.i ui ll.aaeveralllouibwnrllaU't, 10 o.'ciile ,ui,, 1 1, ieuied ui m. a. a ul nnlreaa i snifl inn ureal crime oi Mi 1..I.C .11 ill j triinlllilL.' hmiMiU to be eluded 4o. nr. II nu in It.e .,t ll.c Oi.iialilu.ion. Sal.l :. m-eiiun!. , , I plenary powei tu act. Willi no prlvileae ever Bivc , ti, tl.a p. ,'l'le lo ratny or rejicl ll.elrnr .M-eudlnia. Ada i.l i v , tun a ale lioviiniuent was oaluli II- h.lut aloi,', a, d war waa liiansiu-atcd b il-i,, upon ITotl Siimltr wlltcint cvtr penaliUiiM n. i0 de, idi' aa Uis puijitioo ol Uieau rerluUvuurr prvwetuueti u.r TU11T EVENING TELEGRAPII. PHITiADKLrnTA. hS'e erer.f a mnmmt, hart th, nnr to cnaDtervrt tl e n viji.t oitarr rnri t nl our les-lera. Tl Ir varano iint el, a, ha. Iiean frnin the he:.,n - il e ...... ... ... , ,, ,,.,,,,,,,, , cl) )lH.rlv ML"" i" U" I'US-aull Of this .IUD. nl IIS " " n,.ri.min ana in rntreitles aniser ni.-na.le ih.m mm It Th. J .a aoio nt"1 '''V I '."11" "'"'' 1:1 'l r 'r.'.ii-r.t term, kmmn in ire I n. . -h lentuse, 10 never, under anrenvuni. j.lnss, lo A nm t Ini,,,,,,, In-i-.'noiir r.n. eian a Mire nn llist.nn'li .h ir ' i.... v. ..inMi.M. i. .ii'sut at'-a i,r ti.e eoere e v i rt m, vv ,. i. ill riein li,. eli her iVn ..r rvnnion. ... rr. ui tor po tpie rnlna.etl -r mi tu, r - -. , . ix. n hi . r. .i net iie.iiati' lo nc-e .t an v 11-1' n.l I on. rabM rr inlnn. for tan luo.b -l u niii,. ,r ivra-mi-in r "ll ,d "" l,n ,,'r exvrci.o tiiia pn- Thii rrssldenrr. H e 'rnrirV foeil.e I'reiinenrr of ihe mile. I Sn'es at II lijn i I -.or . n, i; rl.i n.l. ii., aa.t woelnnnt "' "l- i "i i in ou m )on i., ii ,. ii. n i i . o, v o i n.i i-u r. oi parti en-nt lo b,.,.t 1 "e io. mi .itr .in. .uni o i ,,r f .eji.. nn.' -imi.i en" i."n.i.kii,M nn. l.-i ,K hl, w i '' i C. I I. r s ileti I" or. ., r till- I nf. ni l n l h i ' 1 1 ' si f I. . O" 1 ( ., i- t" hi i lie ln a ol II,,' tt ,.,. -i " "i n n o e nir i I f v( I I It , ,,f ev,.ir M:tt, .... ..- w ... .... e- "' 1 . "? .oisii' oe i , e-l In 'i, on, l-i Kl ,lr or. l,,ar .w. r, if n,,, a '..J r. 1 1 a il- n a' n rr .in, r o( n In-lil.tti. J A. H i I hT l: me. lla. M. f. lll' K-i, l. It I mioa VI. s WM.II XVII II. Ksn.'eh h nu.ny v, ill eer .air, i Hii'-I 111 M. I1H I IN. mi r , "i t i vt rc. a. A V .I.iiu m ri li i l li, tl. 'I o Ilia l -rr,,n, j n or Kiel a d l ate., 0 l,l,n;,i i ji "ire. - The la'c Jo hua Hu'es left OO i 0J0. ' I'propcsris pay Jt.l to JL7 pir pjitnd for Clii- nt PC liiros tii'iita. -Jiv-cth H. flosa, of llath.'l, Maine, cut Ills tuior.t in n i sr to ear in Chicago, l'riduy. A fl-l.ano trotting horse is j-jst dead In riiif. tn'O ol heart ilisiaeo. 1 here has been a snow storm in the She-nan- drah vnl'et. -Uri-uiiful StaU-, Verntont butler polls nt cr n's a pound. - White women woik in the cotton fields near Bkmpl i- Stven'y thousand dollars bid fractional cur- nnry lia- In-cn seized In New York. Ap't-ntcrln K.ntncKypald $ a'O for a sub. Mittitc for his slave who w is conscripted. DRY GOODS. n o m t n xj ! ATM AMOTION H.VI,i;H, AT UllDUCKD I'Utt Eg. IXTftA QUALITY TAUIS KHNCLES. AlL Wtit)!, KMTRKSS CLOTHS, CHOICE SI1ADKS. CUOICK OKADKS SILK CHAIN l'OI'LINS. rAIlIS 1'RINTED Ml'.KINOKS. I'akim'lintf.hmoussehnedklaines. FKLNCH MEKINOES. CDRWIN ETOPDAET h BK0TI1ER, n stoil, f.Ti, anil -154 N. HKCONIl SriiKKT, IA-3-: Above Will.iw. (JIJANI) OPENING 01' TliE VhW AHI) MAaVtKlCENT 8T0UB OK JOHN LODTEY & CO., Mo. et w. iukjiith tnTitiarj-i:, MONDAY, SKl'TEMHKU yii. Woere UI be found a moat beautiful aaaortment of DRY GOODS, Wo have Jnat Openod 1000 I'i.-ooai t Ii KH. PLAIN AND FANCY. 000 Pioc-nai MHUNOKH, l'LAIH AMI I'lllORr.D. Sr.0 Pi.-ooai KKKNCII rOPLIM, U&e AM) r iulBtu. !3l)6 IVcea WOOL. UK LAINK, lir.oblo and Single Wlcth.rialn aud 1 njuroj. 160 L'i.-t.t. MOHAIR ALPACA, l'taln and Fltirtd. 100 Plooci. 1- NOLlBli MEIHNOE3, Alo la-gr Rtock of I'anry and Htaplo i) ii iz a s ( o o l s. Sl im J) It K H H J O t OH, 1'itOM TI-IKI. ATK AtJOTION SAL.KS, AT ltKDUCEU I'ItlC'K.1. IJKKSS GOODS AT 40 CKNTS. HUi:.-S GOODS AT 50 CKNTS. Dlll-SS 0001)8 AT CO CKNTS. Dltl.SS GOijD.S AT 05 CKNTS. nOULLL l'OLD DHLSS GOODS AT 7. CTSr CirRWI.N STODMCT i fiSOTHEE, ir.O, 4.1!,, ami H I X. 8KCOV1) flTHI'.KT, 1 f-S"-St Ah-ive Willow. ( LAK AN1 MANTILLA Mnnufai torv, aud Shawl Emporium, N. V. Curntr AliCIt aad TENTH STREETS, l'lltl.AIllXI'iUA. y. wki.sii .t co., t here you can r ee a 8.lci dld Aisirtrnent oftho CHOICEST NOVELTIKS, Wl eee run can i.ei t' best Mannfaciurnd Uarmonli, -. nui.rjii.twi I'l-'liuie .ne i.tMiM. ritour CLOAKS, At the LOWEST l'UIUKH. I ailte. w ill tied II to their Interest to purchase thou "'". "no r.naw ia aa u.ia csuiuiiaiiiUfnt. k-MI-lvt.'is-ra H. WKI.3H A CO. YyTATIE-IEOOE CL0AKI1IG8, at r;i',Di;ci;o imciis. Tl.e brat gra.lca at lea Uian usual prlcee. CTJHWEN STOLDAPiT & BROTHER, Sum. 4flO, tad t.M X. BKCOND STHKiir, S io-ro-.ji Above Willow. 'ARIIUUTON afc HON. No. 10O1 CHESNUT STREET. To MQIlrin, Prcasniikcrs, Mtrclaiits, ANTIl OrilFJIrl. We!. it' 'Hi d cur l'ALL STOCK OK CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, or fury cI.m rlj'tl. n nnd variety, to wl.l-'h wo Invite attention. Onr prlee an aa Iowa, cm be found lu tiK ilty 1. 1 llr-t-clana lieu-!.. A iit'tr.,1 discount t" Wlio!csalo4)nylri. WA2EL7STCN & SOU, io-l-ttutlilm Ko. loot ClUiflNL f Street tLOAKING CLOTHS, CF ALL DESIRALLE STYLES,' ' AT 'I Hi; LvWi'iT TKIt'tS. ! CURIII STODDART & EROTHEE, K"i. 430. 3 i an! 15 K. SETONO rilEET. AbOVD Willow.' DRY GOODS. Xj A O It HI1KH Or ALL WIDTHS AID QRADE8, AT KEDUCED riUCRa. CUE WIJ. STODDABT & B20TIIEI1, :No. i: -0, i:,t, and 4,-l N.hwomi R:nt:i',r, Jlf, AVO Will. piMIONSK HH)IHI(JTK)N IN TUH or UK Y (JOOUH. JAMES E. CAMPBELL & CO.. Ko. 727 fHESMJT 8TRKCT, OFFKU TIIEIH ENTIKE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN TAUT OF VKftrvorn, run imi imn RKl'S, kl'IMll km. CLAN II.AMH, l I'.M Art ami MfllHUi J'.LACK ai.J I.OCI ku.KS. an twr.s, (it,oT.a, I.INKNa, lllri. ll.l los, t...- ,'LAN l,-. Ill.tsKKrj, ... 1.1 XI ami l'l 1 1 TO hllK I lisii.s. KLrr.I.LANTH, and CI.UAK.1M1 CLOlllH, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. W b. I leave to aaaure la publle that wa have mark irsnvr aiUchs Inotir tos-k.ano: now have It In oar poer to o'ler liAKE BA It GAINS. 10-t lm WHOI.K8AIK HO0M8. VP HTAIK.t, fALL AKD 'WPSTEI. GOODS FOIl MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAK. FAKC'Y AND ri.AIV CABailKBRil, FANCY AMI) MlXRIl COATISI1S, CKiON CAHHMKItGN,e. 0. Ac., ALI, AT IttliUCKL PUIOK3. CTJHWEN 8T0DDAET & BUOTHER, Wo. 4.10, A in, ajiil 491 N. 8KI-ONO Btreo!, W18 31 Abnra Will N i : w o o o i) h AT LOW PRICES. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVK NOW WES A Fl'LL ASSOKTJrr.KT OF FALL A.isr Avirvxiut DRY GOODS, Of THIS SEASON'S IMPOETATIONS, iMftnAciNa SlUkfi, lrrH (Jnodn, Hbnuls, Kmbroldcrlog, Ulovotla lloMlcry, o.. Peletted v llh meat care In the Kuropoan and American Ala kela r,.rOiebti.t lii tall Trade, and will be offered at liKlil i KI) I'ltlcr.s, f,my e-juaj ,0 ,ho lu,vtllt nl0 of Hold thla bcaaon. Nos. 813 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. 10 U-fit jmocHii LONO HIIAWL.H, IN CIIOICK EhSIONS, AT LOW 1'llICES. CURWIN STODDAET & EROTHEE, .'u,. 100. iV4, and 431 N. BblCSKU H" ' itEBT, 10-.s-3t Above willo LANK E T H, HOUSE KEKI'LUS, TAKE NOTICE, J. 0. STRAWBRIDQE & CO., FOIIilEltLT COIVI'ISIITHWAIT dl CO , K.W. Corner EIGllTir atd M ABKET Streets, Arc now otTulug the larye.l slock of UUnkota to be found la tills city, at moderate prices. IlliKXH JIIA.lVItiaTrl. til III IlLANKKTiil. CBAULK XJ1-.A.NICE3T4!", 1SIM 1IL.ANKETH, all Hlzes. To dealers we offer the best ssiortment of all the loading mnkes. l3--tutlui-lia liny Korlynml Ravn tho Advanoe, L eACQUl'S, AND CIE0ULSE3, OE ALL THE VOrt'LAH STYLES, .Made In the teat mamier, AT KEDUCED PRICES. W ATKK-l'KOOt'' (JI.OAKS In Kri.a'. variety, CUEWEN STOD DART & BROTHER, No, 4 jO, iry.l, and 13 t N. BKOOXI) STHKKT, 10-lti-Jt Above Willow. VTEIUNOFS, 1 OILING. ,IX ll. pa. .p'nmiii--a, i'lan Plaids. Ali aaa, Jac-utiira, aim uini-r ureas l.oons. Cheup at JAb. li. i A M I'lil.l.l. -t en So TJi t'Hl.SMC'l' olnet. 4T-ILKS, RIIAAVLS. O liipelhilltt'l. hs. Olovet. I.liieiii, aii'l W liite ttoods. tbtap ut JA.i. II. CAMI'iiKI.I, Cd.'S, fco. I.I ClUis.N I- r 8:r.'ot. 17LASNF.LR, BLANKETS, l ima and C lien "Inclines. (Ticap ut J Aa. srnri.L sr cri.'g -No. iii CUava-NL'i' ALL, -WHO WANT GOOD DRY GOODS AT loo veo kiiieft price., can iVnd ttaein at JAB. It. CAM I'll KI.L X CO. 8, 101-tf . eSu-lJi VlUej.N01'tjUet, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20,1864. DRY GOODS. TEAOSDENaT BAEQAIE3 ; i DKESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FrP.XISn.IVG ASD DOMESTIC GOODS, Conversing the laeteit l I rholco.t yet etTerssl at HetaU, and at ritrcKi v.n.ovr Tnr. ooRRKsroxDiBa HKIH'cr,I VAtVK Of OOI.D. FltKNCIt l'OI'l.lNH, MKIUNOKH, Al.l'ACJAH, WOOL 1)K I.A1NKS ibo., oiFar. w f have rccriTod at a groat aacrlilcc a large Htoek a Itedieui-tnceil DUKMN (K)ODH, A Job Lot of AainiJICAN ntXafNES ANII I'ltlNT.H, vn i. li we ihallotTar very low, ami am wt-U worth ilia aticiitfoe of tsijeri. J. COWPEETHWAIT &' CO., . E. corner MMrn and AltCIl Mtreeis, PII LADKM-IIIi. HKTAIIa AND WHOIiKHALE. J. M. HAPLK1GH, No. 902 CHESNUT STREET, Has now Id s ore a full aaaortmont of the celebrated of KNCHelSII IIORIKHY, IIAXnUKIOAH HUHt: AND HALF UOSB, ItltHTTLli'S IIOHK, BIURM, ANI1 DltAWKRH. EXTRA UEAVV BU.K SUIlaTH ANU DRAWKR.1, IN Al.ta BIZKS. FOR QKNTLKMEN, i-r JTN NO KISK!!! UUN NO RISK!!! W'C rfllhj the nidflPV. If tl.lrid. ftir rtvnrv n( OKIM. lilolt Uti In Hny n'liii'ct. KIXF. SHIRTS, MHOC (if Kl"W V.lTk Ullllei II 11.1 1 r. ...rf -a.-a. dl II l..e.-m OiilrlUi. iMialprteegJ ' Wiiiiain.rilie Milt. M.iailn, and Hue Linen Boaome. unit ft fsi. ttaual price g-'.-.'si Uti lLUilKN rl U RNirlHINO COOOS. ut.Mi.iiMhN n Ki'usianija noons. . . MM I I 11 & JA JOIIS, No. lAli CIlKSNUr SlroeL A. . J N K M CBLSIIRATRO NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS ! I EVERT BKIBT WAItRAWTKn ANT) KfcPT IM ORULR HIX aiONTHrl, FllEE 01' CHARGE. SOLD ONLY AT No 17 N. EIGHTH BTRECT, (Over rartrirlno'i Trimming Store.) honk or.miNE VNLnas OUR NAMK AND NUMUER 18 HTAMPBU VION THB WAISTBAND. rXTEA M.MiTFt SKIKTH, and with anr.lza waist, made In ordor at Uia almrtaal lintlcu. OLD BK 11.13 AtAliK OVFIt ANO liEl'AlaEI). .iual to Hew. MISSES AKD rilli.HUKN B HK1KTA, of an .Izaa and tjlcs.ciiotaiilly on hand. V-Jl lm (J28 HOOP PKIRTS mo alat.ufaulorj'.Ho. 6JS a m il Street, UO auoro hi si n atreet, , . I'UiladciiJiia. Tinaileaale and Itetall. The mnit rnnpii i,. aaeortment of I.adlea', Mines', and triulren'a lliop SKIrla lu the city. In .very reaneit llrat t'laaa, wlin h r.,r alvlo, tlniah, uur.ibllltv, aud clieanneal. bare no eiiunl In Uie tnaiket. a trie made lo oider.allered; SDd rmmlred . -r WM.T. HOl'KINS. X'A-NCY WHS. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, V AMOVF. REVEKTn, AT 1118 Oljs SSTABLtiillRD 8TOR0, luipoiter Md MamiJaoturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S fancy ruiw. tlj uuonmeut of FAHCT FUItS fur Ladles aad Children Is now complete, embracing EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORN DURING. THE COMINO SEASON. ltecucmlior ibe name and number, JOHN F AEEIRA, No. 7X8 AliCII 8TIIK15T, Above Sevetitbt I HAVE KO PABTNEtt. Oil C0S1.NECTI0S WITn AST OTUKBSTOKKISTIIECITir. J-30-tm L A.H11ZH' PANoy r-uns. JOHN A. STAMEACH, imi'0rti:r asd manufactukes op LAjDIEfS FANCY T'TJIJS, No. t- ( A11C1I STREET, HULOW .NISTII, CHEATEET PLAOE 13 THE 6ITY To ecieci (Sun a rlrt-cla aiaoituicnt, Conslallag of HL'DSON DAY AND MINK SABLE, ERMINE, CHINCIIILI.A, GERMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, c, lladc Into all tlic lattat style Theae good, were boiigiu v, hen go'd ranged from liii) to 170 and an belli,- auld at (Uiall advauce on coat at Lha rate.J KVtBy AliTK'I.E WAHh.VJJTKD TO 118 AS HK- tlMaiUiUiU. , KstlfMUoauAiaiiied, . ' IP-Jl-Hltlu 3a FINANCIAL. Qirfioia roil Tnja , BAL.K OK NATIONAL. LOANS, No. 114 B. TnyRD BTUEET, rou.Di'.r.riirA. IN Vi W UNIllil) STATKS 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. The anh.enhera barinr txiea (he .aeceaafiii HHer. for a porth-ti o the NRW T. H'Jt rru tl il. i. ItRaiilNd !.0s.N. arepiepared t offer II oa larnr-bie Iclnnto their rnainrt its, In larsc or imall mimi er dei.t.iii'naUuna ef '.'ala, l, KAM, and I (no. belli iti.laterid and conp-ina. Tin mureit rs.uinieic.i on he lit of Ravenber next and la parable la gold, eentl, on the 1st of Ma AUvtticrlovcnimiiH(curtit4ion band and fcraalt). JAY GOOKK Ho. Ill S. ft CO.. TIItKII rlTRKKT, Id lVIa rhllatfolptua. TEW HDNDBED t?IIABE9 Tarr Homestead Oil Company FOB 8AI.B. HE HAVEN di BROTHER, la) Uet . so 8. Tinttn srut.RT. J71IIHT NATIONAL. HAMt. NEW UNITED STATES 5 20 SIX PER CENT. BONDS. Tills Hank has now for sale these vetjr popular and desirable L'nltrd Sialealloud., which have riVE TEARS to run ftom Konmber 1, laot, beloie the Uorerniaaat has tlic rrrt ttege ef redetupUon. INTEREST, 6 TER CENT. PER ANNUM, fajable Seral-Annuallf In WIN. O. II. CL.AltI, ritBalDBNT. lai.-.-ut Moi-ton MoMlohoel, Jr., CAfllllKIt. gTOCItt AND BECUHIT1E8 DOUOIIT AND 80LD ON OOMMISHION. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, No. 0 8. THIRD 8TIt IK 8 8 gMiTir effc IlAMIOLl'U, Ko. 18 S. THIRD STREET, BANKKltS AND liUOKICHS. Biicclo.Rtockt.QnartijrmaaU'it' Vouchor, and Che ik., and aU Ooromment Hecurttloa Unoi ht and Sold. ml.U QlAJUJ.t.fesON 5c CO, 11ANKKKS, No. 121 B. THIRD STREET, rmLAwartjiA. Oorernr.ient Becorltlcs of all Issues rurclissed and for Bale. Stocks. Booda, and Uold bought and Bold ou Cout Uila.ion. IMTEBE9T AJiLOWrn OS DEPOSITS. Collsctlons Promptly Wsd, I"5-" O JL. JD, GOLD, GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVES & BEOTHEE, anl-tr 0. MO S. THIRD BTRBBT. JpX(IlIi;. HTEUII 5C CO., liANJiKUa, Ko. 30 S. THIRD STREET, BUT AND SBLL OOLD, SILVEB, AND GOVF.BNMtJsT SECl'llITIES. STOCKS IIOUCUT AKD BOLD OH COMMISSIOV. IM N LOAN. NEW LOAN. U. S. 10-40s JAY COO IC 11 c CO.. OKHJU FOR 8AI.K THE IfEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, HEARING riVE PEIl Cf.ST. INTEUKSI IN OOI, redecmablo aior UtuoaltorTES the pleasure of the Government, and naalile KOUTlf i'EAJt4 alter date. BOTH COUI'OX AND BE' IISTKREIJ BONDS are li.ui'd for this Loan, of saute denoiuluailoa ae theft-2iis. The Interest on t..Ua and $.K's pnjuble yearly : on all other di'imilr,', half yearij. Tha lii-l:l b u t) ara ll.itcd Miircb 1, il-il The h Ul -viilrlr lllere-t (ul l'ia ,!,, Heptenib.irl and Slarch 1 of each year; until 1st .Si-i'teoi-bor, U-.e acorucd Intcroat from 1st of March ls required to be paid by puri. hater, ln or ln ir tr. rraui.ii.'v,add Ipv rlltj percent. Inr premium, tint 1 fun hfcr ilnt'ce. AI.I, OTHER CiiJYr.n.NJllENT riECL'ltlTlE BOb'.illT AND S01J. JAY C00IE L 00., 129 tf Ko. 11 8. Till i I KTI.EKT. u. s. N K W 7-30 LOAN", ubrvcrlntliias recoJv4. ud tilt Nctfi CKOiKJU J. BOYD, Ji tinker, lin-?M No. 1B8.TH1KU oil ot. O ILSTOCKS uouoirr ai Rnr.n VJI t. U II II I ciii, li taiaOllUE J. BOTD, iii..Sor, auJ-ta ' Ko. lSS.TilmubBuot. A'1 CARD. UELCHKB -1 CO., I'llOPUIE- US III' ll.Mll.ll. F.ATIMi Ili.ll.sK A S II uimmi nil.. mo, isn. .'-ie-isi; r M . KT, 1 1 1'- 1'l.bllK Ilk-MilAL 1-Ori'f OFHCi:, llll l..D k I.l HI A, i A. leudwi, by uicitinui ol the pubhe pr.-.-a, lo 1'ielr -in. Ii.eii.i.a p., Ucn. and Itlenda, tnelr wniuu-al llm.U.a l',,r llceial .IKOI'iuiieiiieiit keni-ronslv n.-.tnt.-.!. ..... pri4inee lo add aim further a.lra. and tuenu and uae every ttideator to lueiil ll.e coiuuiucd souuori and paironase of Uieseueial nutilluoi' l'i,li.,ui,,i.i. ..... AUCTION SALES. SWJ, If, Ja'A. MAJISKT ttlSM. O. 6. V.' THY. Aaesliaatner. eel-sSe asm alira meats t Ml.llH, WAjtRH. f JIKaUIIArllIH, oran kiaeta, a nM e aarta a. hM aVaouoa Sinan. aaad a Vlllataeiidase-enaailr ar. aalea of .... . . """a. MTAtB AJfU TOCIU a hi. e.aiaiaa. linilivnii a arrraarawarssaa air-.,. '-:' " ' --.-. v-.- ei-eiir... inn astiilta ar wanna. a.-r.ri.B. AI the aloes a y lar owtw .. ra.h win t ae!.aol when deelrad an eMfatat t trorala w aliba (ale. , .. J?L ,l,Ar,;,CTI0N SALE OF COXl?EM!III t,uxaiT.aria-asiM tre, f K.ioit Iririet.iBl, . . "I r-iiMie An j B a,nt t dderTat toe tune i, p a,-o. n.iard ae-loe;. rli. - M.tri,., : (.!.. I.VaN.. lMttUSOAT. c oner IJ. !) WIl.klN'. ton,, TnaDar, VOt K, rH X syi.v MA, TIICRetDAT, WO HDMlsKD TAVA'.li't HOr8 AT BAOel Tl... a . ''' A'"1! ra VI ewJ'oiaad as nt far 1.12 1 """""bt be I a.i "J-aiaJOiiut parapet auaorgood ka'vaLai aaaf t"?-,"" at to A. at. cwdWr lietiuer'ea,;;.!,,'- lfXIcH Onlnail le chsr,, rirtl l.irlsloe x iare rmaaiac-Oeneral-e Udlee. FROPObALS. Qt'AUTERM ASTF.R'S OFFIOR, . . Ym aVkBITUa a. . A dkatH Nan.a... nrpoiin4aCat NaUi.lM. lull ISO Irsirt "asiQ hi .! Ml id. . 'l. a. 7d. 61. d. f. (I "d. n. o.i.r. wnl ale p lee. both la arrf.e; aad flgliras, aad Mia aa ..l.tii or r,a allt- rt e.el, .rnele K',U " r a.-t tild tenal Ire iuarsnls-il nr rrra m... ...i . .u enrie. wrs. e ainreeroiinh,. anpeaaMHllo eae aMarantea ano .er'ine.1 tn aa li-ln.. W.HI . u Hie i aii ant I. mired tit-ih - t't t.-d siale. i.iatrlr: Jm4n. o. I'oilen or, or mht Laolta usTaer mtMtwmtH U..b,e.lll, bee,.n.ldtre.l ' fciZ.'". ".,,a !. " ai kMs dsaaaaad has) MSI' aad as. kid rruaa a rtelauMIH aoaiU'aeliar .1.1 kai - ' r.l - By eider or Colonel 1 terra as BrSfm.rMerOaKrtarn.wuar. lS-M-tll UHMKlaaa K. llltsa, fauia aad A. VJ. at. rFFlr;K OF ASSISTANT QUrVRTERWAeJ- Hr,r.vrv,,7r.s.,,i4i'i',,"'e,',',u' im aui'i'.'li.r!?"f,1!.w"1 ' alieeaaH IT?.' V . " '"" ln"M, lor tin Immediate dell r ere at ttadaalaiter Harracaa. of i ' fcon leel lleaika k noarda, 1 H Inch. IS fee,goodiaaUtr. ... d2 lacU. isteat, is da Hran'lin.4 wieeu id. 5l.'Jfl'-Jrineahln,i .'uinel,, ' l.'sfl fijet While i-iiie Himng ttoaras, X lark. i v I km on.uKl.iNaiu.mi., lat'aalX Inrh Hpiaea, 1 ' li a"cc7orl'l'n"1' t"v,r'' br tlie Hailed dtatea No rr puaaliwltl be received exeent taote Drooenr nilsal In upon 1,1. Ik. turulrfee.1 at 11,1. oillee. f" i,J.h,'.l.''i".",J ti e in ht to arreiX earts af biits and to reject all be., dreusd UaiotapatiMe with Ma ALDSRT 8. ASMVtat, Captain aad A. Q. at. 10 U-2t HIDES AND I) A R R E LS. OFFICE DEPOT Ctomuilfaarv otfinin-lalence. ....... .. . , WasniMlTOW, October U.1MI. W 11! be add at pnl He anciinr., on Tiitrn-t( s f .Ortoksr luiton Ij'l' -CU,Cl1 A' ll" ' " '"' W,M- iiflnSal est Hides. 1 es 1 HliM'a. mere or If IS. llaai eniaar Mnaaheads. Alee, MO for. Ilarraia. nsi Kioor ro err. di ' IIS Whlakr do 17'. 1 l.n do 17ft VI. ecar Kegs. j0 Bosea. Ac As. o. Termi Cash, lu '1 reentry mite., at tha tlraa of tale. lu "'''t O. llhU.. LteuiCol. and C. S. J)R01'0SALS FOR LUMBER. . rnitrOisnraniAsTaa'sOrirtca. Dai'iiT nr WAnlilKtiTok, Waalilnnon, tlct 17. liiot ( Feal.d enipsskia wnl h reee'red at i hie omee aaotl BA1 t'RllAT )c'otK-r'JS, 1HT.I. at Wo'el k K..for deltTs.-w al ilil-o'l-et oi Luoirnr rf tlie lol.uwiug amoseia. kiaula. and dee.riptlore, all : ' "e l.W'i.o (.licit 4 oi 1 loch White Pine eomniB CntUagt. eOe1 00 leers i or lS-'nch shlie flue oomnrna UiiU infia. lfO.rso feetH-4 or lneh YTH'e Pine common Callings. lODitSHlii et 4-4or 1 Inch tongued and grooved STar Inca " , il. I riemloca Mcan'tlng. IJ lest 'on g. l)etaS lleaaieca rli-amd'ig. 14 esti louv. 2U lU'l.i tUxl Mean liliv. ill ra.-t Una;. W HS' Irel 34 ll.O'Uu a ecantltog. IB. real lona. V...1. 0 l-oi S..4 ti. in ock line. 20 (eat Wng. f.'.-tle net :-xa llca.l.ica Jo-.t, lseeet.'ou.. S..HU I.ei tlxii II. n-lo'a J 1st, It feet Innr. M.i is. lei i sr. iiuni'iK'H j im, jr, it.. I .ng. '.'. (s ci t :ixi-' lictnieca Jolat. 21i fart ' W.lsilf ccsa llemiK-a Jon 24 i.e'l.n. " I n.iii' r oi s7 M.-ii.liHk Joiat. 14 l-el..ue. is it fee' :ix7 Hem oek Jnl.t, li; leet long. 2-Ml I el tlx. Joist Is test Ion.'. fn.MS' le.l ;lxs lleinti.,-1. J.nst. IK f. el lonit. .'..iss. i. ei HVJ and Id I'e nlook J -l.t. IS feet line. i li el ilxs a. d In iieot'imk Joist, .'0 leet long. ... .sr.alSanfl lllHeniloik Jnlal, . net lung. ...aJf,1' No 1 sawed Hint I'ne uliaslrt. l.t n.o It Ih si tuaU' aawed cedar ShJeilce. i'.'s. U. 1'iaaieili.a J.a'l.a. tsainpli a ol mm, ea aud lalhs aropoied tbr arlU ha ra. qutled. i lea will tie received .eparat-lr for each kind sag luai.ili.t ra above aiiet lUed. or lor the wlioie atai.u.tad- toil sen inr A.I ol tl.e alKire dn.erll.ed to lia rriwwl meeMliant.k'A liitiiisii-, anijii ci in tin. ln-pactiita of an luapuctor appdiutei ei. tl.e ait m the Onvemuu-nt. II nl ll,. lumber contracied fol tl be delivered wllhlai tlilrlv ) tin), in, in ila eo' comrait i loaael. raia ri..cya. ;'in.e irilt Hot oaronj.etererf. An oaih nl allt-Liance in the United suiea 41. Teiumenk un a acci tn ant eat h propoalllen. 1hrai'iln .it the bidder to HI Ihe contract, ehould It te aaaned him.tnuat be Kiiarantee-i by two respoasl ble ptr.nt.e. whuae algnaturva must b appeadul to tua gna aiilee. I he full nutne and poet office address of each bidder Bili.l be teKlblji wrltteu in the proposal. Iti'i'da In a rum eiitial to hall oi tie amount of the esia tract, alKi.ed hi the coulrai'tnr and both nf li. snarant rs. wl I tieienulied of the auocesaful tnddnr. npoa awaing Uas contract. The rieht to reject .snv nr all b'da that mar be deemed! ton t.tah ia reserved br il.e llepot gnartermuatcr. Fri-iora'a n.uat te plainly endorsed on tbe eaveaaesi, "rrei'iiaala lor Lautber," and addreaaei to tbe aador- 'B"ld- r. .. , it. si. -1- e.r. n. in ft , ""J"'""-- - Vtarterma.ti,, - '"POtc-l rVfabilkgltlit. SXIIlKIriTENCIr, OFFICB, VNITED STATES Army, ho. 90 SOUTH Htreet, . , . . BAi.rii.a.Md..Oct(nriri.iflg4. Healed Proimeals, n Uunl.ratr, mui he reeeSred at tola office until la M on aiOSliaV, Oiti.her i isst a? rur nishing tie United Slates Subalateaos n- ' l'liVR THOUSAND (VilOl IIEAI OF PRKf CkTri.B on Ihr hoof, neliveted ai the H.aic Caltlo Scales at Haiti more, Mil., In lota or i ll is.) one tni.uaand each erery(W) ''"";; to Imi weiahed wlil.ln one and a half dara altar arriial, al ire ripitn-e of the era rector. They saiiet averiiiie aumtdsisi) tnrtren pound, erne, weiahtt all falling ah.,-1 ol (lias ) one ilmusand pound, groae wetahll lliilla.Mln.,(lxUii, Cowa, llellora, and lloruleu Caltlav will be reieeled. A dcouciionnfton (M aonnds win be made from the wenbl of as.-h Hleer acs-epird under ihl. oonlrael, prw srliled the antieal does not aland lo Hie paiu two and ooaa nair nonra hf. re helnr weighed, or la U9I wawtaed 'nan cliately alter removal irem lhacars. Itlank femi. Inr brelKMala can be bad on at,nltA..k. m Ill's ortlee, el.her .n peraou, Uj mail, or letesrapb, l-roi-Oaala br tesearanli. or i.tbar lrnu.' pmeoaala will no4 Im . -nattered. Tlie llovemmenl wUI claim the rmrht of wel.l.m. ... one animal aei.araie. If lie appearaneo Indlcatea leas wwlKht tt.nn Hie tulnimnin nieirilotied above; the ex pense otWalsbUis wUI be bald br tha nartr arrlnirln lua. auent. " ' Each bid. to secore conatdeaaUnn, muit contain a wraV. ten guarantee of two reapmiaibw peraona. aa lollow. i We , of Ibo Count r of . rstata or n.. iw-n-a guarantee that la (or are) ahle to fulrtl a Contract us aeeiipiauee wilt tha leitna of hi. (or utair) prop.,lilo. and should 1.1. (or their) prupoaluon be a-oep ed, be (or they) wUI at once enter into a contraot la aoonrdaaos therewith, and we are prepared to bess-uie bla aoourttee, glrlng gtMKl and aiirtlclent bonus lor lu ml'llnieot. The re.pi.nailiiilt.r ol the gusranlora mnat be sborra by the olllcial ceil 111, ste of ihet'lerkof tlie n arest lii.t let ('niirt.oref tl.e tailed SNtloe DsUlul AUotuey, to be u e.o.ed nltti the l, id. Itid-ters mu.ii be present to respond to tbelr bids, and Crepared to aiva bonda aud alga Lha contract before loav .e tlie oilice. 1'he tioveninieut reserve, lo It.elf the right to reject aoj or all bid. cunspl.-ri-d uiirenaniiable. I'aymenta lo be made alter each dellvory la such fanda as may been band, ff nou en band, to be luade aa aeon aa received. 1'r. p-.saia uin.i be end'.rsed dUtlnctly "Proposal, rag ltn-l' t stile." ami addressed to (Japulu J. li. Olitttau, O. B., Ilahiii.nre, ilsriluiid. Ilabi't inn il.e tiuiue of a firm, tin Ir names and their poi t elttLe andrca. niu.t appear, or thfcy will not b. ooa-al-'end 1 ..i h pcrsen nr every n.eniti.'r of a firm onrlng a pco re'.-ni i.iu-l acv' -n vsiiv It vi h n.i c:iih ot'ai '.kilnu.-o t.t tha i.iiiiuMii' i Oi uc iiise uul aJicaoy filed ou in il l. ..'1.. e. itu V'' nfi e."',p'i'inc itricll-j a-..' tha ttrmi uf thu aut- nil t. .-,:. 1.1.1 rrju:-.ii. J. n. OILMAW, ;fl:-7t CapUtln and C. U 8. A. TV-, -irit-i OT'ARTFRM ASTER -GENERAL 8 Oilier, First Pi-uien. siiuTOCirr. Oetnbcr l.liuu. irf IKrtliS I UORhirstl JIOHMKHIII Horses' ! r Ai 'lilirv and i avatry eorvlce wfll he im liated al lll.aI!OUO i'EPiJl', luopuu marktit, tUi vi lut.i r 1, 14. llrr-.s will befillvared to C'.,t,!n T. I.owry Moora. A. O. M , and be suhiecte-l to the uunl Uuvcruuekt 1.. . Liu re t -'liii acs-i , t d.; l'.i; s.i.v II. r.--,$75 cich. prfte oi ,s rtlil-.-rr II -i. a. fl.ieih, la. intuit. ..J be made lor it (i ail mora. JAVr.n a. EKPs-, ..... , Cluiiol 'Ital li,vl. "II, "t '1 iJ'.iirUriuastar-lieiiiral a oinoa. 1C6TA1M OF ANDREW COMSTOCX, M.D., J i tl.cta-cd. Tesisn entarg Huon tho ett of AKIntF-'" 4'OMSTl.OK, kl. Il..l!u,wt. havll". ti.'eii gm. t.-J u t'" millers K'l. il. iill peraona lu.ko'.-J li a.ild e"."" Mi ..ten e i .i.i un.l t!. ".e ma i.ij''i - ,1 ll.i n.e. 1,. pre. -nt tt:,-,n, wttli'. il ,1. . llAblllri, lcnu,r, hii. .' I Is a li Jr Ait ri i v, I .W i li m ll.vni I t '". "'' ' Mrett, 1 hlUdclphuU j ,ui a t. )i. el ra g IS u ot I .. . '.TT ...... m ,e.-1" be cured In a ahort jL l'llvat. Maeasea. ., 'u"4 a tji.en.i, at lime aiid at 'I '.',': ,'.; t5!. L' io;iKa" Slofe,tia IU blt-u M-Ke-a