The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 20, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    '.' "i Till.. i
n x
1 1 A
rrn tit. tt
1 lljiLJ
Our Forces Drivon at First.
" Gallant Slicrry" Turu3 tha
Defeat into a Victory.
rorty-lhreeriecos of Artillery Takea
Capture of tlio Rebel Mijor
Gcneral Ram sour.
Union Generals Wright, Ricliotts, and
Grover V7oundaJ.
Despatches from Generals Sheridan,
Augur, and Stevenson,
kuv, r.c, :., ric, ttc, r.ic, tie.
War Department, VTApnixaTox, Octo
ber 20, 10-40 A. M. Major-General Dix,
New York : A great battlo was fought, an J
a splendid victory won, by Slieridau over
Longetrcet, yesterday, at creek.
Forty-three piccos of artillery were cap
tured, and many prisoners, among whom was
the Rebel General Ramscur.
On our eido General Wright and lllekotta
were wounded, and General Biihvell killed.
Tho particulars, so far an received, will bo
forwarded as fast as. the operator can trras
mit tlicm.
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
I'KTII Ktt I'AK I l l I.AT5S.
War Dkpaktmknt, Washington, Octo
ber 110, 10'ij A. 3d. Major-aeneral Dix, New
York : Another great battle was fought yes
terday at Cedar creek, threatening at first
great dii;uiler, but dually resulting in a vic
tory 'for the Union forces, und(!r General
Sheridan, raoro splendid than any heretofore)
Tho Department was adviucd yesterday
evening of tho commencement of thj battlo
by the following telegram :
I't.intt'li frtiin JnrAl Aufr,
"Mr.CTOBTOWN, Va., October 19, 4 P. M.
II. W. llalleck, Chief of Siad : Heavy can
nonading has recommenced la tha valley, aud
ie now going on.
"C. C. Auolt., llajor-Gcneral."
DvNpHlrli from Urnei-Hl Meveuaon.
"UAitj'KK'a Ftiiuv, Va., 6'iO P. M., Octo
ber 10. lion. IS. M. Stanton, Secretary of
War: Firing at tho front has been con
tinuous during the day. Tho direction seemed
to be to tho left of Winchester, as If at Berry's
Ferry, No news from the front.
"John D. Stevenson, Urig.-Gen."
A Teiupornry l?vri.
Harpek'w Fi:iti:r, October 10, 810.P. M.
To II oil. E. M. Siauton, Secretary of War:
Th enemy attacked our army with groat
Impetuosity this nioinlug at daylight. Tho
attack was made on the l-.'ft, the 8th Corps,
sud was at Unit successful, they capturing
some guns, prisoners, and wagons. Our line
was re-formed, aud heavy flghtlag continued
through the day. Sheridan, reported at Win-
chtetcr this morning, wont out to the front.
. The particulars received are not, and
are not favorable, though no serious disaster
could have occurred without direct uews
from General Sheridan. Respectfully,
"JoiinD. STrvi:N.soN,Brig.-Gen."
Matters remained lu the doubtful condition
represented by the foregoing telegrams until
this morning at half-past uluo, when the to I
lowing telegram was received, unoiflcially
reporting the great victory won by General
Sheridan's army.
Whnt Kherltlan Did.
"Harper's FotHV.Va., 0 30 A. M., October
20. To Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of
War : News from General Sheridan's head
quarters, at inldulght, was received to the
I-fleet that the enemy surprised our forces
yesterday morning, driving tha command in
some contusion this Bide of Newtown, captur
ing artillery and prisoners.
B. "Sheridan arrived on tho Geld, reorganized
our forccs,drove the enemy beyond Strasburg
capturing, It is reported, forty-three pieces of
artillery, one hundred wagons, and some two
thousand prisoners. The rout of the enemy
is said to be complete. This is not ottlclal
but I think Is reliable.
"J. D. Stevenson, Brl.-Geu.'
General Sheridan's Rpr.
A lew minutes later, the following official
report of bis victory was received from Major-
General Sheridan :
"Cedar Creek, October 19, 10 P. M.
LIcutcnant-Gencral Grant, City Point::
Lave tho honor to report that my army at
Cedar creek was attacked this A. II. before
daylight, and my left was turned aud driven
In confusion, with the loss of twenty pieces of
artillery. I httffteuod from Winchester, where
Map Showing the Battle-Ground of Cedar
rdimn rfe; -sat 1 v
txzh ;t owVY h-14--
A ;? . tr h M-i iiAk.' 8l,X--ktS. I h a: i T-"- V i '...Jrc s,,J . Ln L -.. 'WASHINGTON-.
V :iiW
Ia ry
I w; s on my return from W.ufliincrtoii
and !
found tho armies between Mtddlctown and
Newtown, having been driven back about )
four lnilci. !
' I here took the afTair iu hand, aud quickly j
unit in, the corps, formi'd a compact lino of
battle just In time to repulse an at tack of tho
enemy, which was handsomely done at about
1 r. M. At U P. M., after some charges of
the cavalry from the lea to the right flank, I
attacked with great vljor, driving and rout
ing the enemy, capturing, according to tho
last report, 4:J pieces of artillery, and very
many prisoners. I do not yet know tho num
ber of my casualties or 1o.-h of the cnL'tny.
Wagon trniiiH, umbulunccs, and rnfosonx, in
urge numbers, aru In our pose8aion. They
a'so b rned some of their train
"General Rauweur is a prisoner in our
bands, severely, and perhaps mortally
wounded. I have to regret tho loss of Gene
ral Uldwell killed, and Generals Wright,
Giover, and Il'cketts wounded Wright
sllphtly wounded.
"Allnirs at times worked badly; but by tho
gallantry of our bravo officer and men, dis-
tr has been converted into a nplonlld
"1 now occupy Strasburg. As soon as ob-
tiined I will tend you further particulars.
"1". if. Siikkidan, MajoMjener.iL
The b.'itllc was ibtiglit on the bumo uay (iho
IC tli of the month) that witnessed Shetdmi's
vietnry iu September. What fmcci and their
numbers were opposed to General Sheridan
are not yet reported to the DepaUment, but
the bolduehs, vigor, and success of tho attack
strongly Indiealo that a heavy rciuforceiuoiit
had been Bent from Richmond with tho ex
pectation of fullllliug Lougstreet's boast to
niue h up Slieridnn.
Longstreet was known to b; la the v.illey
and had assumed command of the Rebel
army, and conlldeut hope of an overwhelm
ing diiOhtcr to the Union a: uiy wero boast
fully expressed for several days b.tck by the
Rebel adherents In Washington and Baltimore.
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
till I'nrlienlrtriiol ;..l.iil fowoll'ii Raid
Il.e Country I.itld Vt'ulo I.oislret
KnI U to tie In Command In the Vuilt.y
lite tv l.lne r 'uiuiitmiltuiliii le
M-eit Mifrllnn Ccn. Auffur opert
Kxrcnlin find Ilsuiitluiut ol
a l'liilii Alliilrx lu tlit) Vnlley li'iiHer
iHilie llfbi Is iu llivir old l'oklliua
nt t'lsli' r'M Ik 111.
Mirm.K Military IIivision. in tiik Fii:i.ii,
Octohtr H, A. M. Just at this puitleulsr a
leniuiituiilc Kt 1 1 1 1 , s pr v.nis ulon I lie wuolo lino
ol tienenil'- urmy. Il'jvv lontf this etute
of lui iiury ntm'.is iaav contiii'ic it is hardly pos-i-lljiu
tor any oue to ivll.
The position taken upon our right In unquestion
ably one of preat impm tinier. I: is here t lie Ke:jels
must attempt to turn Uentral SburMan's 11ns if
tiny propose to eni'ii;:e in an cli'euMVO umve
nieiit ; and, falling uftlieir object in the nntnni r
btuu 0, aud tlieie is nnt ihe K an eUauco that with
the force at their command they can lo success,
ful, tbo purrOM ti tf the Rebel leaders will be
cutirely tliwarted.
As I write this despatch lli,iit tkirmishlng is
going on on the right, but nothing heavier.
This morning General limcry sent out a de
taebuient of iliarphhooters l'r.jiu the 19ib Corp,
who entered the town of btrasburg, and were
ln!ormod that the enemy occupied his old foitili
eutious at Fitdiet's Hill. rowr.LL's OH'.BATIOKS on the lkt.
On the extreme left of (ienerul Sheridan's line
Powell's (2d) Cavalry Division litis lieou Kuccess
Inlly cpeiuting from Front luna! iu the uiroetion
of hptri) ville and tlbewheru, that the public will
t eon b( ar of.
Cnptaiu W. IT. Brown, late Quarterma'ster
of General AveilH's Diviklon, bus urea orde red
to report to the Chief of Cavalry for duty at his
heauquuiters. Captain lirown is well known, and
bis promotion meets with great favor.
hao ricitfcus in the arm v.
Here Is a curious fact: Rag men are hero,
buying up nd gathering woollen and col tea ns
cveiy place they ci.n Bud them, and paying ux
the rue as hi;u as eighteen cents per pound.
Tlieet rsi collectors vi.-it the fields of conflict sod
the bospitul, and buy and gather up the bloody
blindage aud bluxxlr cloikes, the property of
wounded foluiers. The woollen rurs are used for
thoddy (and, of course, for the benelit of the
highly perfumed shoddy aristocracy), and the
cottcn and nnun rags for paper.
In the skirmish yesterday afternoon Custer's
Division (Third), had the following casualties '
My en, id Kew Jersey, killed ; Beraeant
William lleyburn, liattory 1), 2d United rotates
Artillery, wounded by a piece of shell In the foot :
priTuW George 11. A. Dull, liattery 1), 2d United
butt Artillery, sculp wound, piece of shell.
FnoNTltoYAL, October 15. The line of cam
niunlcation between Generel btieridua's head
quarter tad General Angjtr (who bcd-
Last Victory.
W-ra ; ! i . v-,.. .--(h,v . -t- rs-i s
qiiorters are on the lino ot tho Manassai G;ip
r.ilroaujis open, without molestation or inter
ruption. The opening and the kipping open of
tlie Manastastiiipii-Hifroad lino the Itebols lcsik
tiion as a grca'er victory than any heretofore
Bt ained by the army of tho Shenandoah valU y.
Tho importance of what we have guinea lu the
rej ect liiemioned c.maot now be explained to
me puinir, ana nenco tno peopio "at iioruc can
not well upprcciato its muguitude. Tims will
develop the w hole.
niONT nnvAi.
to-day is a dingy, inhospitable place, bearing
every i ppearance of decay and neglect.
The lutcst report is that General Imbudcn's
C(niminl is in tt.o vicinity of Milford creek,
Lutuy vullcy. Weaie looking after bioi with a
portion ot l'owe l's cavalry.
Tl c fellow ipg orders are of importance, aud
ex pin in itcrcstivcs :
October 11, IKiM. Tim following h:is Ineu re
ceived, ii ml is jail lished lur the iulurmu'.ioii of the
army :
War Pf.I'Ahtmknt, Washiniiton, October 12,
8 P. M. Major-Gem Ittl ShcriiUll : This Depirt
n nt lenders in thanks lo yon, ml through you
to Major-General Toi hcrt, Generals Mer'riit and
Custer, and the otlieers and soldiers under tlmir
coniniiii il, for the brilliant victories on lut S in
ly liy their gallnnlry over the llcbut cavalry pi
the Mienimlo.ih vnl ey.
Under gallant leadirs your cavalry has becoim)
tie rllieient aim in this country it lua
proved in other counlrie-", an. I is wi'mle;; lv its
e.vp'oit. the of the country aud (i r
etiiuieut. I'.iiwiN SI. Stiston. Seeretary of
Py ci u maud of M.ijor-(le: cral Miiecm..
C. KiM.Mii uv, .la., Aos't Adjuiint-Uen' ral.
sion, tJi'U.hi r li. I'lii.-. ilcfi(u'.e.U will he reA I at
once at iLc he nl of every regiment iu tliii coin
inaiKl. lly ci muiiinil of Maior-Oencral Touiienr.
Wm. It' fn.i, J ii., Ass't Adjip.'itit-Ueneral.
Ktu IIi:Ai) iriiTi;iis, Ahmv op Wrsr Vn.
( Tin: Pihi.ii, O toher 1 1 I hav ) j ist
Uami dtbc i.irlieuiers of auoAu r cavalrv laid,
whith, in point of eonc-.ptlan, skill in executi a,
celniiy iu inoveiiiunt, aud Uarini; eu'ui prise,
niiiv 1 e ranked ainorg the. tirat class exploits In
Ihe Meiory ot the present war.
On th-Jtoth lilt. Colonel Powell, roi.iman lini?
the 2d Cavalry Divnion of General S'lcri.lna's
uin.y, received oiucrs to prepare li.s eoaim iud
lo fu on uii espcditiou to Luruy vnll.y, the cO'-i.i-trv
eattofthe ltloe lii'l'e.
The division left Hari-onbnr fnr I.nray v.illey
on Ihe 11 instant, and pn eeeded to Conrad's
store, a dinunrn of tweiity-tbrec milef whero
Ibcy encauipid for the. u"i;;ht, diMiiins their
cniiip-niurils nr.d pickets to prevent surprise
from il.e enemy.
Tbe orders of General Shciid in to Colonel
Powell were to de-troy all tlonriii-r mill', tmrax,
gruin lactones, and to drive oil all live stock and
rattle that he lound on his route of inarch. Uu
Munday, tbe 2d ins!.. Colonel Powell link.) camp
mid moved to tbe ot l.uniy. As Hie trn ips
.roreeded tiie loads were found lu a wretched
condition, and aiuiost luipracticalile tor the pis
fnge ot the li vfhinti train. The troops ericaiaicd
for ihe night at l.niay.
Wliilu ut the. latter town Colonel Powell onh'red
tiie distinction of hevcrnl harn, well stocked
with buy and grain. While sever d of Ins men
wire engaged in this duty, one ol th m, a private
of the H;h Ohio cavalry, w '.seized liy twollehels
and murdered in lold hloi d Lib tlnoat heinj cut
(rem t ur to car. The bo ly of tbo soldier was
found the next day, and a careful luvcsi nation
was made as to the cau-.c of bis doaili, witU the
cljuve co:ieIusi n.
ovv.Bti i. HKNnrzvoi'i nFsiiiovi'.i).
On the od lust, the troo, or ut !eat a portion
of lUeiii, under laeiitenaut I'eiider.Tra.t, Wero
Kin out c n a re,nnoisance to tue iront iiii'i up
to tie Biuo itidi.u.
where one ol the ll 'tiet
guerilla rendezvous was found; and so rapid
wire the movements of onr troop that they sur
prised a ltcbcl (jiiurd, who had charge of
and other stores, and captured too Hebel army
Wagons. The store captured wero valued at
even thousand dollars. Oue llebul soldier was
killed during tbo
On tbe 1th Instant, two of the prisoners can.
tured, who ronfe need they belonged to llo-cby's
baud of horse-ttiicvcl utul murdeiers, were shot
to death, in ritaliation for the trlhrder of the
Uniou soldier already referred to.
On the same day the command destroyed a
lUbcl Government tanueiy in full operation, lu
which were eight hundred thousand d. liars
worth of leather, and seized throe thousand hea t
of stock.
The command then proceeded through New
uinrkot Gup, cu route for Thotntun's Gap. Ou
this day Major l.aiTahie, with the 1st Virginia
Cavalry, was lent to tho railroad bridge ovor the
Kiipid.iu river, near James City, l'us ing through
Thorntou's Gap, ovor Cedur Mountain, Major
Larrabee captured tho ltebel pe kits stationed
there. They were taken wholly by surprise, as
they bad been led to believe Unit ueueial .Sheri
dau' itavalry bad leen defeated near l-'isher s
Hill the bundiiy previous. The main command
proceeded to Vvoodville, laying waste the country
as they proceeded.
ftOn tbe tith instant, at S o'clock P. M., Major
I.arrBbee's detachment rejoined the main body of
the troops, and the whole force proceeded to
Madi.on Couit Home and Little Washington,
and thence to Luray.
On the 7th crassed the Itauidan river, five miles
below Lnray, aud proeeedud to Milford and
encamped north of Milford croek. Cupula Lsr
rabee, who bad been sent out on a recounoissance,
returned to camp, bringing with him a Rebel
Lieutenant aud eight soldiers as prisouersof war,
captured at tbe Kapidau bridge.
Tbe division left Milford at 7 A. M. on the
8th iuslant, crossing the north and south
branches of tbe Khouaudoah to Front lloyal,
where they encamped on tbe north branch of the
bitter-named river. Colonel Powell remained at
1 root Koyal ; during the lime occupied and de
stroyed several barns and nidls, and then pro
ceedvd to I'iedutout to eouiiuuakat witU the
Creek, tlic Theatre of
troops of General Auiter, opcratimr in that vici
nlty. Prom I'lodniont two Dipi'idrons of the
division were sent to Powell's valhy, whore thev
destroyed blast fiirnaees which wore then
in lull operation.
On the 11th, tlio ipvMon re'ttrn;id to front
Royal ilin.UL'h Cho-ter nap, ami thooce to Sp r
rvvdle. At i h 'ri ton's Gap ilm H l ei pickets ot
Uoi ei's Iteled Hrl'nde were captured. At Spcr
revtdo Coloiel Powell learned that Ge.ierul
McCausbinel's Lrbtule of Uehel cavalry, with
four hundred of Mo-iby's rohhrrs, hid I f
SI ie li -on Court Hi uic on the morning of the
11th, passing through Woodvilln and AmNsvillc,
rn for rialctn, with tho inteniiou of destroy
ing the Sluna-sa- railroad liridgn a', that p lint
Colonel Ponel! at once deei.lcd to give them
lie broke ramp again at eleven o'clock at night,
in feiirrh of the Keiad eoluiun, p issiug turoa i
Gaines' crossroads to Aini-svi.le. General M ;
Ciiusland, on learning that C d 'ticl l'ocllwn
in lii-i i ear, went within six miles of Salem, Ic iv
ing 'lie m.iiu ro id at tlia'. point, passing raiddly
across the eouutiy to Auiissville, ou his return
to VVoodvillo ai d Madison Court Hons.', the
mini re.iigur.rd being only two aud n h df hours
iu advance of Colonel Powell's command,
mi; l'vitfuir aiindoni:i).
Colonel Powell, being encumbered with n
heavy tmiu and having -everal tliousaml ot' cip
t in d Ciitile to ib ivo liefoiu hltn, aud now being
ciiiMiiiitly bane d on his Hanks an I retrhy
Mofehy's gm villa", ga'O uu the pursuit. C ilou, I
Powell tin ii directed bis march to Ounie's cross
touJs, u:ni lioni 'le ro s-nt ow ncouiing parti, s
in the iliiectloit of Little Wa-hing'on ail I 8p 'n y
viil cd'cctlne hor.-t s ami ". otic, and d'istroyiiig
bares and other It "he I pripery. At night tho
Ik ops cnMinped a' Kllnt ilill.
A r eANDY 11 OK,
On the Ulh iimt. the d'vil .n niuehert to Sandy
Hook, run doing t:er". till I o'elo i;k I', yi , in fie
intern in tu ndil g stoi'll de' e h inn's dovu t t ii
hi ad vvatei. of tl e Kapnabiinuoi-k, t rh itplie,.
dcsiroytmr the line ro-idenee, hrn arid outhoasH4,
tLe pro crty of James Clianeel lor, one of M iiehv's
gin rillss, who had murdered n Union soliliei
lew days previous. Returned to Prom it y il 'he
."unie diy. On tho mine of tho rnd tha nn ip'e
exprnsted (T. at curprie, in hi I hem inf I
by iSheridan h id huea driven
down the valley.
The result of the expedition win the capture of
tlx thousand Ova hundred heA l of cat Ui, live
biinilred homes, iho desiriiet.oii of thirty-' .vo
large (louring mill", thirty disnlkrles, fo ir hUit
furnaces, and upwards of titty b if.n.
On tiie trip a Ir. Used, a re -blent of the
county through which Cul 'uel Po-vi II op rited,
ns'tiied that oili er ill it Lie itnns.ii' O iu
Longstreit is iu ee-nnian J of tLe Kebeis confront
ieg Gttieral filicridan.
nsTmcTS i.aio waste.
Co'orel Powell laid wisto the entire conn'ry ho
pns. ed through, Ht.d did not leave food enourh in
Llf rear for ii crow 1 1 suhsi"t on. Uu tho route
lie snlmifted his eointnnnd mi tho rouutry, and
returned to camp to-day, having nirt with (rilling
ls to bis cnmuiiiiid. This rxpedl Ion, and the
muniier in which it win c indn 'ted, roth er. gron
credit on Colonel 1'owell, mid from fiis tluio ho
can take rank as one of our lirst-class ea.a'ry
raiilers. .V. i . llrraid.
Special rcspati'luw Hi Kvcln Tt'lcsr:;pli.
Wasuinotok, O .tiber 20.
Itl'lnru Ol ' e. Si slitou.
The steiiniir h'. ip.t arrived from City Point
last night, bringing up Secret iry Ktanton, f ieneral
Meigs, and Surgo in-G. llai ne, who had
, ,., ,,.,,, ,lf .... ..,,.,. an.i
the James.
Morn OefcCrterM rntni ltebel Armies.
The mall steamer iiVprew arrived this morn
ing from City Point, bringing up another hatch
of Itcbel deserters, anxious to take the oath and
go North.
,,. AH'nlr nt tlici Front.
We learn that the position of ad'alrs remains
uncharged In the Army of tho Potomac. Tho
Hebel Cavalry aro still in force In front of Gone
rat Meade's left, and occasionally small incur
sions are made In tbe reir of our left, but as our
cavaby are on the alert nothing has been
accomplished by tbe Kebcl cavaliers.
Wsrrru's Corn.
General Crawford remains In tho command of
Warren's Corps, in the Army of tho Potomac.
The ItM-rut Arrel.
A good deal of fccllug exists in referonce to
tbe arrcet of prominent nierehunts here Jand lu
Baltimore. Mr. liana promised yesterday that
the trial should speedily take place. The
prisoners are not permitted lo have any inter
view with their friends.
Public Bale.
A largo public sale of real estate in Alcxaa
dria will be made on Saturday next.
Tbe Maryland NvMUmV Vle.
The rtory that the soldiers' vote is to be thrown
out in Maryland Is false.
The Vermont Holders
Blkumotok, Vt., October 20. Eight of the
raiders who entered Bt. Albans, robbed tne banks,
and murdered citizens yesterday, have been
caught, and $50,000 ol the stolen money recovered.
They wero caagbt at Stanbridge and Farnham,
in lwer Canada. The rest of the gang have
been on tho road, and will probably also be ar
rested. m
Loi'iaviLti, October 19.-Csptaln Freeman,
representing himself as commander of Jesse's
rearguard, appeared at Georgetown, Ky., to-day.
There Is a great excitement frou) tho Bear ap
proach of the Rebels
"Cavalry" Sheridan's
Ill iVItl t TIVK I'lltK
THfiilytlirpe Iturlii; llorxo nnrnnl.
1 oston, October 20. The stahlesnt tho Hiver
side Trnt'lng Park, Brighton, were destroyed by
lire lust right, with twenty-three hors's, imlud
ii F home of the best trotting sto.k iu tho coun
try. Tho following are tome of the famous horses
lost :
Yi urg Sutton and May Kimball, bo'h owned
by J. K.Mr.' nard ; Helled' llarlor I, Lady l.i'ch
fu Id, well known horse Prince, aud a splendid
buy LorsO. Six of the hoiscs belonged to Mr.
lleekwith, of Hartford.
Plack Hawk and Telegraph were owntd by
lu uheu l'.uia ; fiiicbanan and IV, oivoe I by Mr.
Osborne, ol New York j Grey Kagle, owned bv
C. II. ltlari. b rd,of U ton; Albany Maid, owned
by Wllieonib; a niiigiiitiecnt by gol liug owned
by Stephen Ilayesj a lire colt belonging to Mr.
I'liHum; the gelding ltapi I, which trot'ed ou Ihe
trai k yesterday in a five nii'e race. The loss of
voting and valuable stock was also great. The
llsnii s s pu ad so ranldiy that very few horses in
tho stables could be saved.
rlnrkdlH by Tolrirrnnh.
Nr w YoiiK, October 20. Flour Is dull; sales
nf'WIl ta Mml III fr Ml.,': S'l-T .'.iJUl Ml lo
lll.lti: mid till tilt Hieiil, tii. wtii-it Un!t:m!.'s
tin in), ut .lit ll'irn ndvnncM t ecit wi'li .in ill
11. M dull. P'nk Arm: id-s f ImO iK.rel. bt tilt)
ii .ni. I.urd uulcl ai -M v haikji il.ill.
Fritish supply of cotton, this year a.-IO.OJO
Anewronlralto,Frldade Oebole, has ipo nod
in New York.
Kieiimond papers are short of editorial mitt.-r,
bcciuso editors and printers are defending the
1 mi.AI.n.rlll A THAMtt HKPOKX.
Tviii-i av, OcteVr JO.-t'olton rontlii'ics eicta.lvol
u I. ai it 'ik-i . are a n. in vt.
k IJU. itliren lUrk I, ((alut but Urn M 111 t'.ll.
TIiti- Is vt ry lute CluvcrHiif-tl o ami a- In.Aiat it U hut
IlilV lliiiilna a t;r. Wo all itn 4t i'l 7 ur til 'bi. Ti a
thv Is ,'ilvl ai ta UI. MsoeJ raiM'.'i iroin il li to I .'5
T bs rrovimon Is sxtru'ly iul9tiheT4 behw
leureely any tleiaund trots say innrfr.
1 he 0"iai.i! lor Fl.-'l'ti h. been'ly ',li;lil. anil
0. i re Is .1' : le .T n J casus to r-i :nrd in pn.a,. l auiu
qiiuy li.r i xeurl en. Leea ra ..lly t ilia si t i u.lll sale,,
sfc .iiitiat .',,11 lens K.iia '. to::n i.'i, 4'iu r.virs
(sniuvai SilmS 1 AO, I'll -sle. I'm tha .anal i' of tli.)
Ik nie ii.nie o iu akiug ut S1W lor tu1 ran
uu M II. tan. la.n .... m ,a.lity.
N .ttiaig- dt'ii; tu Itya
1 It. in er l or'i S"euir-n ,r"'Oi.
Il.e ttu.lia s-: w i till tia, i-er.' I' il t'i Watit Vf irk it f .r
MTlit' ll.ll ft ia.t St'll t-illliull aiel 'be e t, t-t:r ,..'ea II.
l.nt.11 ta, on de it.rl or gui ' ri .nic seber. lo uoar'ti. , iia
lull ale lo li"tl e I. sl.mlt I'm b 'St.e'i Saut'iera r. I at
Sv' .'t'J: we nuo't! t'ciinil I vaii -a rial ttl S-SO.t.ii.1 waliejit
I I.1 Vl.l, ttnbout fSI.1.. lit-.' I. In H'eidv ' jn...'. ut
Hm ('..jii is tiiiii unl h.s tive'ines; ao) up n. aiotv
w, re tilsiit'M , 1 oi h.' si Otits ure rcilnii; .tetvly
lltrlt; Hioloyuail Ult are H'llet.
Ptath or THUKMOMaTsa to day. Hix A. M.,
13. Noon, oOl. Ono T. M., 50. Wind, W.
Ao.ux Oi'ENEn. OnSa'urday, Oatobcr 22, the
rcopenii g of tho Ontsido Lino of Steamers, be
tween this city and New York , will take place.
This lino is under tho conduct of Sle-srs. Win.
Taylor & Co., of this city, No. 210 8outh
Wharvs. The new and substantial s'e&mers
7.'. f. Kniqltt and Joh (lib on have been ex
prcsslv bui't for this rout.', ami will make regu-
r ..'i i.'.. Tt,.. t...tjl t.." lit,., f ie.
lur lll-wevnty itt,. uv '.
n erly so exteusivi ly patr.mi.cJ liy our meroh 1'its,
v as iu Cessna ed to close., iu oonsc'iuonce of tno
Government having withdrawn the ves.-els fr un
the Ipie; and wo are glad to announce tint Phila
delphia merchants have by their eutorprise sup the want so long existing.
MuiiDEii. An Italian named Antonio Cereehlno
has been arrested upon the chargo or being acces
sory to tbe murder of John Williams, as stated in
Tin-. Tt LnuiiAi-it. The prisoner was engaged In
tbe light, and was the party who nourished a
pistol and threatened to shoot. The blow of the
Jtnifo which struck Williams nnd caused his
death was aimed for Ccrechino, who Jumped
aside, aud avoided the dunger. Tho party who
used tbe knife is still at large.
Honors to tkr Late Gexebai, Bibney. In
honor of tbe diUinguished services of the lato
Major-General David B. Birnuf, United States
Volunteers, who died on tho ISth instant, of
disease contracted la the service, It is dire-ted
that from meridian until sunset on the 2lst iu
etiiut, the national Hag be displayed at half-mast
at the several military post in this Department,
and during the same that hulf-hour guns bo
fned at Philadelphia, and tlio lHJnuarters of
the Depuitnieut. i
To us Removed. The hall at the corner of
r.lglitu and Vine streets, a portion of which
recently camo down, will all have to be removed
except tho Vine street front, which is thirteen
iuche in thickness. The Klghth street wall was
not of sulticient thickness to support its ow
weight, homo one will loose heavily by this
mishap. The manner ln which this structure
was put together is a fair illustration of false
Kbckivimo Stole Goods. Nathan Fried
man was charged, at the Central Station yester
day, of receiving goods stolen from Spley & Co.,
of Harrisbnrg, about three weeks since. The
principal witness was a colored man named
Bhulti, who testified that a parly of men, himself
among tho number, received the good a few
miles out of tha city, and conveyed them to
Friedmeu's store. The hearing was not con.
eluded, and will be continued ou Wednesday
Tub BoiMEiia' Vova. This morning tha
soldiert' vote footed tip HI3 Union, and 307
Democratic. This is about one-half of tne Phila
delphia vote. Tho vote thus fur gives M.Rusnsll
Thayir I majority of ill. Mr. Thayer's election
is secured beyond doubt. His majority it is
thought will reach 200.
Tn Truth Waud in Motion. Tbe TJnioi
citizens are hard at work orgaiUIng the ward for
the approaching election. Block Committees
have been appointed, consisting of three ae-Ivc
gentlemen ia each block, for 'he purp n of m Ail
ing an active canvass of every houe in the ward,
and briuglng out v tos. The Kxer.utive Com
mittee mtet sevoral ev nl.igs in the week, nttiio
In arltinsrters, corner of 11 road and Uiren r.v ts.
Sheriff Howell is tbi Pn slden', Charles Jewell,
Mcretar) , soil frUrauel P. Hancock, Treasurer
I te msjorllv at tin last eleetion was l.M i. It
will probably be near 20XH) for Line. do and
J hi, ion.
Ata meitlng of the Kxecntlve Cotnml tee of tha
t'tn ti fart, n ii. I , p.h Wurtl. n.'ltl .el T ui'ilv ..v. bii.k,
Oct t r is. IsM. ths i.,IIoiiii r. solution wh. n.lnotmt ;
.tt,,l, Tl.tit Inr lbs t'ir... ol ..-ii-lii? t-vsrr I titr.ii
vote ni. rt.y ol tse I'.'-nltlfnlisI eleet-.nt, llir .1 m: be
ii tt.tmntil. t.r llti.i' ircnt.t in. ii iinlctl in e-i.-h l.,.-e In
It,,- t. rrt. btMif ttle f II - hall l-e l. . -uivii.t, ai. h'ot-k, "ittl
10 lilt' .1 .lr llliint.1 rntlrttv. r lu hsv. every Union Voir,
T lb a n tiie tt.ty .ti- eal.m. Ttie r.'llawlii Ke'lllJtiitMi
fi- ..lKMMril, vU. 1
Ursi I i eel' c: - A. It Of II ivrn. A!.'sn !?r nr',!. rit.'-l'
N. Holer. J K. Va.nU'ie. .toseah lllle., T. II fShfrirl irt.
m- te .1 1'iei in.-'.- Ill ek .fioni It. co to Vine. frni M afU
10 Montli len-et., li' twine Jons., WUILiit V. Htitb Tt,
Jol.ll JH'li-w, from It.ett ft i.te, tram klia'ell la
Mn h tlr.rt s.,T.inie. v. Sl'.ke., Itttbert V. Horn., Moxan
tit r Join son. lllock.troiii Arch to Kwe,, from Nin a l i
'I t n It, l ieerke All x mitler. I ir. J. M. I. e.m. Ster.inv ll tti .tiU
1 I'rt eltu-t. liloek, f om Arth to Koeo, from CfnOi
to r.a ten Ii. II. W . I'.n ii,.l. II. II n.idl, u. II. ItolTn..
loo k fr. m Hrtie to in.. Iniia Tenth in Klevr-nth .In-te..
.Itil.n H . hi ii I I I f tna Tbotii. U'l ,'... II lo -k.
f 'tio 1 act lo lnernm Kleeenth o Twelt b ftreet., W. A.
Due. 1 Im m... Al.iujn, I rein I. Itl'i'
Iti.oth I'm em a llt.i-k, Irom Ic ice to Vla, fr ittl
Twe'l'h 10 lbtrlrrnthl K.tlwftrtl llftvis, Atlihti Itt'.
'i , er . 'I lion u. Moolh.n'l. II nek, flo.n r. li m ItM;.,
f, u T'si llll. lo Tlnnt with .tfet.i., 0. II. ti,H,re., J.i-iif.
Ki rr.,l l silt . I.. Wi -l. II it k, Irifi Ar. T t" It ici,
"om 1 let eitlh to 1 rvelfdi ttreel., I'r. lieorKC, A
It rcr.l-et.rKel oplniitl.
if r, I'r. t it ct - b'ot 1 from R tee to Vine, Tht.e"-ilri 1 1
1'roii'l ttr-eis. H. L. Hntiler, Jut.ii H'tltiek, ana t.'a.'tra
linn.. l.'.e to V iae. lire x-i t.. Kidot-nia
ireeo, l.t run (Iks it. I'b.r e. liiivK'T, II. V. I'uli. III. ten,
f sen An 11 : t, I lartfentlil.t ll'tUtl .ur-ct.ii .lultll .Mtley,
I i l.-i limine, sn.' J. W. Mer..illlli.
lth lilt t k, in.ia Hire to Vtitrs,rr-m flf
tifi.lti to aixlt-enlh .Ir.'i'l. W. .1. I'ttseo.'. H-the-t I'. Im.
.lo'it llrei ' I'.. Illoek . Ir m Areh tt, Ka.T, llro.a lo f'U'
I ri lti vrtrf. .1. l'.rlh"loir.ctv, I?. P. Itfc.rts. r'urlt-s
AVetketly. Illce, , from Ar.-h in II ice, from l-tnoaalh i.i
Mixtc. tab ittitati, A. II. l'loat Si n., i:. Tftii y,J ic..ti Lo'itl
en.lnirtr. Ht.velllh' I'reclnet.- II lock, ltnre to Vine, from H:terMlMl
to Heveiiitti-'tlli slriMt'S.tlo.h Ht.-rliiir. J. M lletrsrl, rt II.
M .mm. II ock, lltii'e 1 1 Vine, lr in hevei t.'.-nlli In Kl' a.
lee-ah slleets. I ti trl. . Vnrtl. 11. I. 'Klilrr, 11 II. WYolwr ml.
Woes , sreb t-t II .ef , IT -m Sixleejtb 'o Sevenn-iMilbpliTcts,
11 W I I m. d it, I' It Kit net, W. V. Mil, h II,
Areh lo Hair, s.vetieenfh to KlKlileen'li stnwts,.t. II., VV. s. I'cir, ,. I', i 'o'.in in. It lock , Ar. ti to Htro,
Kls-hte nth to Mneteentll .treet., Joseph Oo, Clisi le.
Oat. Trotnta" in H i..
Kifli'li t'cctrcl tlteeV. Ari-h to R.ce, from Vlne'eeitb
t t'l'ivfiitii'tli .ireaSs.J. II. Soiilb worth. A.K bnaii..l.o4
T re aft I'.t, ck.An I, In Ita, e, rrtiniTweinl. -Hi
fl.Bt xtretts, lirnnima l.evcrln, lleoriro Howard, il A.
Miller. Itloe.ll. Art'll It, Ha- e. f'.IMt TwC'ttv-ltM' to TwttlOV-
st'e' tirl : treetn, l.sxo Baliter, Willtara Atimore, B1. tlr"n,
III. ck. A ich In lijec. Irian Tvt eO'T-.t colitl lo Hie river,
Wl'lotm I'., sv. H. PonNo'i. ttoltcrt rntt-r..iti.
Mntlt I'r.t met I'.'oek, Irom luce to Vliw, frtea s'.:,c.
Ircn'b itiT.v..n.leri .Ire.-fx. Ravroontt MimlI, ,1. 1). Krsor,
li. Holbetijiel. block, rrom H, ico to Vine, e,.. Ttventii.ttt
t.t Twenty-lirt stree's. II. I,. Jewell, Syh-e-ter Sir.iOi,
lew). Lciels lllo-k, iroal USl-ii to Vlnn. fiotn Twon'v
lir.' to Twenfs-iieton.l s'retes, Hiram Ilnrle-, I'nl J.
r.sloit.r'. M P.'orels. Illtek, ftoiu Itucn to Vliw. fioia
1't. tutt .second to river, C'lturku tlrailoy, II. It. lloagbloi),
Dtl 1,'Nlnl n TotM.
Ai ti mv. Now that the leavos b'gln to assume
their autumnal tints, and the shadows are length
ening over the everlasting hills, quite a peroopti bio
change in the habiliments of those who throng
our public streets is noticed. Clothing of llglr.
textuto and color Is b coining le.n and loss fa'
ipietit, and tln sii of fnintro hue hao talion their
p'nee. At early morn and eve ponplo walk along
with considerably more elasticity in their stem,
and a gentleman can wear his overcoat, or a lndy
lur furs, occasionally, without danger of bjing
laughed at.
Thine who live nut of town roach the city In tho
niornii g niiitllcd up in shawls and overcoats, end
red noses nnd cluttering teeth are not uufre
iuent. Frost is abundant, and the sight of ice
reminds on of Ihe Arctic regions.
1 be Fcnson of winter gsyc.ty is abent to be in
angurulcd. Our different places of amnsetiiriifs
ore filled nightly to overflowing, aud the "light
fartnstie toe" Is again receiving her nsiitil ranks
of votaries. Mirth and gayety .prevail on all
Hrward op Vanity. A vain Jerscyman Is an
auomaly, for, as a general rule, citizens of Now
Spain have nothing whereof they can boast. Bat
Sir. J. Downs forms an exception to our rule ; and
yesterday the eyes of our citizens ached from t ao
tflict of the brilliant llashos of sunlight reflected
from tho wheels of Mr. Downs' new cnrrUign.
Up Chesi.nt street and down Markot Hew the
glaring turn-out, until the exlsteuce of Mr.
Downs' new carnage was generally known to the
Inbnhitfltits of the (junker City. Finally tbe
trout of a store, in Market street was selected as
the point where the purchaser should rost, and
ihe owner proceeded to screw the storekeeper out
of If cent, per yard for two yard of ciliro.
While the process was in opora'ioa
' A wixon cmuc down like a wolf oa foM,"
pnnicd for a moment against tbe Jersey turn-out,
nnd then proccded peacefully on its way, leaving,
lu wevir, a load of rubbish on the curbst iuo.
Tlio repreientative of Mpaiu having successfully
com bided bis bargain, came out ami found three
spokes of a wheel und soma ollclo'.h in placo of
his brilliant carriage. The driver of tho Ameri
can Juggernaut was at once seiiud upon, and
after being cared for by Alderman Weltlln;?, dis
parted minus the priea of a certain equip igj,
while Sir. Downs returned to Spain with more
sense aud less vanity.
Patents Granieu. Tho following is a list
of patents recently issued to parties residing in
this city :
ltobert Cornells, for improvement In Instrn
mcMa for lighting gas by electricity. Antedate !
Auaust'20. ltv. J.
Charles I'.uh iui, for Improved fruit and vege
table press.
liouert A. Tarrish, Jr., for Improvement In
valve arrangements lor h'jso. Antedated Decem
ber 12, lSii.t.
Jidward Tiiicus and George Rehfiis, for Im
provement in pun: hes for uttaoliiug buttons by
Georgo Goewey, assignor to himself and Wil
liam Pulley, for Improvement in corn shelters.
John D. Hall, assignor to himself and Ostiorne
Conrad, for Improvement iu railroad car wiudoiv
Mclehlore F. Maedioco, of Philadelphia, Pa.,
assignor to himself and Abraham Aiidcisoujof
Camden, N. J., for Improved furnace.
roiiTicAL. A large and enthusiastic meeting
was he'd last night ut Union League Hail. K lwlu
Orelile, I'.Bq., presided, and introduced Charles
. Lex, F.?q., tbe orator of the evening, who was
received with loud applause, and delivored an
eloquent and pn'riotic address, which was lis
tened to with fixed attention. At tho conclusion
the midii in e rose to their feet and gavo three
cheers for tho speaker. K. Spencer Miller, Es f.,
followed iu a telling speech, after which Ihe meet
ing adjourned.
A Hug raising took place yesterday afternoon
at the corner of Washington avenue and Twonf.y
first street, at the establishment of Messrs. Camp
bell &. Pollock. The whole affair came off with
great eclat.
A Reti-knino Reoimrnt. The members of
the 9.1tu Pennsylvania Heg'.ment (Qoslluo's
Zouaves), who did not re-enlist arrived home
last evening. Tho men were handsomely enter
tained at the Cooper Shop Refreshment Saloon,
then marebed to Independence Square, where
they were dismissed. The returning party number
seventy-eight men, commanded by Captain It an
dali. Gen in aL Cadwaiadhk's Hovsb ox Fibe.
Yesterday at 24 o'clock P. M., the resldouce of
General George Cadwalader, No. 925 Chesnuj
street, was discovered to be ou tiro. Before the
lire companies coiuu arrive me wiioio ruui
in tiauies. liy the activity of the companies,
however, the tlamcs were soon subdued.
Reiiel Black Flao. Lieutenant U untie ar
rived last night from General Sheridan's army,
brieging with him the celebrated black Hog,
und.r which thev gave no euaiter. It has In the
centre of tbe black field the word "Winchester,
and "no quarter" inscribed thereon. Tho Hug Is
o be presented to the city to-day.
Sailivo op tub Itamak Faro at. Tho
Italian frigate rrincipe Vmberto sailed yesterday
for Genoa. During their stay both oflleers and
crew were much pleased wiia tiit attentions
bestowed apon them.
Wochdbd Soliubbs. One hundred and
seventy soldiers arrived In the ; city last ; night, and
were attended to by Ur. Jtendetdine, Director of
AeciUEKT.A man named John Davis, forty
fivs yearaof age, had UU right arm crashed yes
tetday by being Jammed between the bumpers of
two caw in West Philadelphia,
sciecilos flroui enr stock ol Kt.iii-aiis W
(.inmi soetfs giMl Hi Osfe, JU, twit an maUriat,
frm 'A 1. fre I'cr eenl. lewee than k. now oliarit fur lb
a3. g.od. nisrto to oiSer. Wo havo all styles, .lies, and
nc. u O'ouuus Me s, VeuUi s, aui Utus'. Aileaa be
tulletl wilboal Aelaj el troubkt.
BiiiniTT 4 Co.,
Tewat BaU, V e, US sUraot atievi
Thr Ton. op Aovs wAn A RmATroi awtj
a I' rn. Vtbta w rennet . ihe oua. baTtss
xs roii. hi int.. n 'he ibvlt:M) conxtltiit-on. ihroueb airs., bp
the bealrb rt .trorloe dm of tbe ae-rllo. w iel a lu.t
rtlea.ure anil pneo la aolntltir ihe mutton lo Oi. bOAelleen
re a. ay itrtM hletl In to PlnrerMm Awh$ MucMten, ealil at
No. S'lS rhexnut street, below He.en'b. Reary ono t
tlo iwlebrail m.ehlnes kt .nirriV alth a oHarnexi
Reir-.ew.r," a mo.t valuable a, by which tho)
wr rk I. ii l'-dtrecled, wll'ioin tho lea.t cere or tr inlrie to
tiie oeeritior. All tbe.e nunilae. are eo'il with a anareis
tee to kivc cnttre ..tlttl.' Uoll. or tho rn Hit.y I. r4-arne4t
.o Unit U'cliasers mve.t Ihefr mon.y In tbe Plnreao
eltt.outa pailieleof ilk. Person, n w vl.'U-n tae e'ty
.l.oiud not omit caltloi at toil eaUbU&huiait aa.siotiiia
"Ecomomt Am, tiii: Go." One mm adyer-
ti.rx Mm to'-.ttt,. onr dixicIi t anil temper by"prirrt t ,e
ln tr n fertile e. brktj'- ane.her M an t
("t by n.ln si. unr aa remant i and anotnar. wit i a
new nii'r. i. k. I.,' , ,, , .ur .- N ,w tr.,,,!,
Hit. I..I sdvir lite miai M aoriieahte of any uiinu
we have lalel) .. ru in v im. We com ni n.l II to thot! ho
r .. ,I....T, wh.ihefwar h ri,i,tr ae " Mont la
"V. ""'' """"J'. et dial can Is ainohy
?.. 7 r'rer.i t'ia y.i'irrsoihe. xt lb. exe-.rlee storoof
I b.rle. Htokce ii Co., uotbr Ihe "Cenuaeaial. . ,
Mb. A. P. Pchoikmaw, Gbs-fltUr, No. 537
"''x h r ebvtViici"y"',t ,K""' """ m"hoJ "SU
1 i.e iw. ket i, ineSe la a hbrtity ornsmenlal utte, an
foinix n no' et mil useful K4. nxlnre.
T ie I'rseket csnlte.eeaia operaUoa br aaUAac attba
i.titbli.limeui In issri tu. ' "n
Tub result of tbe eleetion ia Penasylva-
ntn .nil xe. ms In be hae.lmr In the bxtinoe of aaaer.
i tlittvosio tbo oi the majorllv on the house votet
Ian tlnTi' Is no mi. 'i t'n.'cruintx tnacttlnn tbe q.,.tloil mi
towlia fell, the li. .ianil caepat : mi. That boaor ha
lt i. . in mir eTcriir'sinii townsman, W, W.Aite. gaa .
J.O.SV) N. Nlntii xtrei t. . w . a..ier, Mj ,
OsrPoTTt k Din Ir. That Is the "TtpresiiloTi
of inery wh.i lm hil their grey hxtr rex to red to tl
t a n i al c.i:.r. entl ile lr b-tl 1 ai.iL caver-;. 1 wit i h nr. aIor
li.lni' one boi'le of Mr.. S. A. Alien's tVanrr. Har Ba
.tcrvr gird ll:r iir, x.lrir. Ir I. not a tbo, it ran 40 ao
harm. Kvery ope txht be nd IbetH. preparaiton .oeak.
lis tl in lli r nr.,,,11 If you wb tr restore your hair e la
vrnr.h anil rel ifn It lliroesh llox, wliliout delay ppocuro
tu.e pre; aroiioiix. Ail tUngir'.it. Itoup rliem. ,
riioTOOBAVia, llfe-rfie, eMored in oil, Ivory,
typ.. . nf mo.t extimxlte Ouish, and posseln .tf lex Partos do
i t... i II e sc. u'.i U In arUallc nuuiitir. II. K. JUiuiar, .
li'.i Alcb stre.l.
Omet or Tna Bvaxmsa Ttaym, I
Thuray, October Mt.-X i
Gold has declined 3 por cent, since last even
leg, under the glorious newj from General Sheri
dan ; opening at 2llj ; foil off and sold at 239 at
11 o'clock j 'J0;iatl2; and 207 at 12J. Market
weak. '
The Stock Market is very doll and unsettled
Ibis morning, and the transactions are United.
Government bonds aro rather lower, with sales ot
G-SOs to notice at 1011, coupons olf; As of 181 arsj
quoted at mi ; and 7 '30s at 10sl(s10i. , .. .
ltailniad sbaros contlnae qaiat,wlth tho excep
tion of Keading.w hii h is more active, and sold at
Cf'O'COJi Mint-bill at 5'.l; Catawiss preferred
at ii.s, and common at 18 J ; li.ij was bid for Penn
sylvania railroad; 4.3 for Littler Schuylkill ; 69
for Philadelphia nnd Gertnantown ; 32 for fhila
dclphfu and Kric; nnd 4! for Long Island.
City Passenger Railroad shares ejntlnue very
dull, and we hear of no sa'es. fjoj was bid for
Second and Third ; 20 for Green and Coatee; and
20. for Girard College; 50 was asked for Taenia
nnd Eleventh ; 3;J forSprnco and Pine: 67 for
Chesnnt and Walnut ; and 18 for Arch. .
Coal Oil shares are inactive, and prieea have
derHncd, with sales of Oil Creek at S ; Noble and
Dciauiuter at 12i ; Rock Oil at lj ; McCUntock
nt Ci; Maplo Shade 16A; McElbeny &J; and
Densmore 8. ' "" '
There is little or nothing doing in Bank stocks,
but they are firmly held. 1U3 was bid for North
America ; 56 for Cemmorcial ; 39 for Mechanics' ;
47. for Ponn Township ; 28 for Manufacturers'
and Mechanics'; 37 for Consolidation 471 tat
Commonwealth ; aud ki for Union. -
. In Canal shares there Is no chango to notice).
Lehigh Navigation sold nt7C;aud Susquehanna
Cunal nt 1.5 ; 201 was bid for Schnylkul Naviga
tion common, 3.1 for preferred; and 97 for
Morris Canal common. ' ' ','
The Money Market, as we hive noticed for
Several days past, continues easy; loans on call
aro freely ollered at fig 7 per cent, per anuura;
good paper is very scarce, and quoted at 9l6
per cent.
tenoned by Clarkeon A Co.. Brcktrs. So. 121 B. ThM Bt j
11 l shCorn Plant.-
I s.;i KejrxtJ02'eS
.1141 h Un.,
xVxi.h da,..
ib do d,i blO
4io.ll o 10
,',i I) tSt tin man
tl1 " sit da
IM'xti It, b'l
inn sli t'nl.. n I'ct
JOjsIi do.....
4'KixnRK Tens...
liUxb Itcatlln K..
1-h Morn, l.'au.
ano .bMu.lUraeb.
ti II !i llt.ux-ea.1...
1.0 ib Kxeele'rOII.
... OS
M v
... w
... 1 x
: a sh .to
l'U nil Clinton Coal... 1
ice eh Uruiiur..
t'W V q 5-2.'S . I '-. ism eh Rcadlns B
... 10
sseitt ny ox ir,'4
y.'ti.b Ntos Trcek .... 1 I
lttm,l Oil i riik.. a
(eibMt.bleAllcl.... 1.1',.
lti so Itock ml... bio 4;
.'Oxb Mil llnl'Hk.... S'.i
2.t h Mann, sti.juo .. l,.'j.
liu xb Mcl.Uieiiy os,
4' SI sb Ut eS, t
VII sll I.ebich N.iv.... 7ll
tun .n
...CAP 0
.bOkint ml
, .1 en
una so i,
itn ' .a
inD .a
l.o ,h
'.hm in
luo.b Ruxti. (ha It
11 fb Mlnehlll ttlxf
loDsb K... IS '.I 4U0.h MstlhenyOU.
Unotations of Gold at tbe Philadelphia Gold
Kxcbangi, -No. 34 S. Third street, soooud story :
PA A. M 2114 I'-i M ., 3074
Pi A. SI 20J I 1 P. Ai 207
Market weak. -. .
Quotations of the principal Goal and Coal OU
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
Hid Ait.' Mi Atk.
Fulton Cord H nrxanlo Oh jbf
ltitr Mountulli Cosh 6
r riinkl n Oil ii
U.YA MU.i:oaJ..l.'
Oret-n Mi. Coal....
H. rarbontlale .... 2
Nov. Creek 1
rdor Dam Coal.
Clinton Coal
Iliulrr Coal 11
liltiinolid Coal 'ol
Hw.i.ra 1
PenliMlnliif H
Keislolie Uio.. .s ..
S xecl.ltir OU s ..
Pan Teuk ..
lit note, naiuyvu.. ..
t Irvbni Oil 7A
II l'eite raras OU.,
I '4 I'en.innre..
1 S'i
4 ti
a k si i5
1 palxelioil.,
1.. Mccabony.
14 Knoert. OU.,
'il ti inaumd a )V
1J K ibteAOelaiuatar.liVf U.'Z
Hlbnard Is, ii
Htirv Karua 3
1'i Hniner Ix(
1 , i'etrtileum Cuuo. S l.
2 l--..letrt JA,
1'; ilIos I.Uad ..
rt.nttueuial 1
Oil Creek.
-1(1 '.' Alianhony Hirer.. It
..f 1) f.s, I'nrUn 4
: art'it Hh.ile Oil. .1
K:ilUt.M-l Oil.... li.'t
kt i in,, xttii vtfwva.
H'i Hull tlreek. .,
1 enli.j ivanla 1 01.. I
4 Corn Plaalar.
?' IJr.Kts
1J Rock Oil
1 Terr Sariu...
IfS IHn'H)
) Sob. Oil t!o..
Minim) OH
K?vanr Oil
cmuiffft Oil ,
f 'nlon Pctrokutn..
1 If cod oil.,
Btmita Oil,
14 t.'iiper ro;ouiaiiy..
The following are the receipts of Flonr and
Giniu at this port to-day Flour, 1600 bbls.j
AVbeat, 7100 bushels; Corn, 2900 bushels; Oats,
SoOO bushels ; Barley, 3HK) bushels.
The returns of the Bank of Englaud for tho
week ending October 5 compare with tho stiua
nient of the previous week as follows :
neineiuoer veteoero.
. 17.0XIJ) S A,(JI
. l.'.onsoei
, ll,"S7,U!l I0.'7AI4
, 2a. KM IK9 2l),i MO
. jn.aio.ii'Ai 2i.vs,ei5
, la. I Jl, ina UMM
Pnblte deposits
tlovenmieiit si-curltt..
O tber M.e 11 rilies , .
Note. In circulation.....
speck aud buUioa
Prln J. M Sawvor, liourne, S. W. Pass, Curtis A Knujht.
Hit! llurmab, rfbenuaii. Newburyport, Tweds Co,
Hclil C. rib, Well, Kcrt llarruneua, do.
Hchr T. W. Ware. Mrewer, WnBhtinrton, FI. A. A da alt.
HhrC W. Clark.IluiiUey, Uaiuplon Boa I., do Kl1i lira,on, Harden, WoUileet, liuAl.toa, Oraeff
ittr ll'. Bl.ekmsn, (lantly, Norfolk, Tyler A Oo.
Buauier Kocklaoa, baaerolt, 'rtrss Muuioo, X. A.
SUaiuuVbUci! Warrior, Fowler CltJ Point, fo-oa
Brls Matlltla (sued.), An.l.ron. rrora St, Martins 27th
ult.. Willi ml' to Jaurelclic Lavocne.
lil-ik 11. r. Ward, britse, u dayslxoui Mew Orltaas, with
UrwTr Cam.ll, frMa Oeorgotown, In ballast
tbt"nr !bVrlh.m l.hjtat, Iraland, froBI rortroas UoBroa.lO)
ball.ltoJ.U.ll. S BeituUer.
Hrlir t lnytoa A Lo lur, Jackson, 1 cay rroea Smyrna.
Pol., w ith grain to Jane L Hew Icy a Co.
ttebr kobet ea. Boaa, 1 day front Low, OaL, with grain
to Jam L He ley A Co.
Stlir Cora, ftpenee. 1 day from Brandywino, DxiL, with
cor meal to K. M. la.
Steamer AUda. l eunkt, hours front Sew Tork.wll
aidM. to W. P. Cb do.
aieamar Bainson, IiunnlBs, 24 hours from IW Vert,
wlia nde lo W . a. Clyd.
bktciTketi. J
TL sobr Mary Browu, llriiuwa, hens tot "T"
leaiix, w lib coal, when oiT W uojiliiton, Dol ! "
aad ratumed tuia tuotain for reealre,
TMtwittTATinNrl, '
KiM th, w'',Blwi t,ot sett S
kbUT tea eld Iroa 7 baltte V""".'.' t kbl. I da
turtle sheila Idt doa ale.i ail ", ,w vKjr 1 bo. mjtv I
eoi oer t kes. bra- J d. . p" w, w bkk, laMW I
do notuiiei. I tk,.t .lo
be, .fr -eW ""
.. j
Ev ii
.... x
.... IX