The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Evening gcTcfltit'ift
For th Svtntng tdegrop
OkirT tohlm who atenu nJ bravo.
The battle' tirrce anil bloidy wave,
I)fi gmnit Truth Willi inituljr niiht,
And truffil nu tor (llsptreil Kiulit:
Who keeps, Wilh t.iltli unnw'd, tbo helm
Wn Treason ' t anrieatu would oVrwhelua
The baron? that honra a Nation 'a freight.
And lavta it from a fciirtiil fa o.
Olory to biro who wisely ncaiis,
1'nerrioir weigh, and ably pirns
In dnnuer'a dark and fetr'rlnb h iur,
Th hop? , and aavlng power
. Tbal IhrvMuua, proiuiaes, und blesses
A p C:o In tin ir deep diatre"'c?l
And from eJepiii to trinmpb lends
By noble and Inspiring deeds.
Ad g'ory, infb as thoo who claim,
hy ata like tlicae, the voice ot liim-,
1 yielded hy the kochI and true,
The mreJ to fnith and ralor r)tn,
Pheiiman, tothic! and cheaply ttorivlit
Are trluiiipha by oucb (oumiii) lYmiiial.
a i.i n,i.... - . -i. y '
...... - , v.ifc tpj,ui CU,
May ba by gratitude repaid.
J.lnk'd to the nation's history,
Thine own linep'iablo shall he;
And patrioia yet ULliorn ahull crown
. Thy memory with a pri-cn renown,
Brighter and purer tliau of yoro
The proudeat ot tho Ciraiirs wore,
Tor while they conquered to enaiare.
Yon triumph but to true and save.
Tne patient Yl.Tils, wasting tolla,
The weary uninli, ami lieico luroioils.
The lofty daring, auii lo eUill,
the Injal zeul, and iron will,
Ttat mark thv Ion? vlitiit luti path
O't-r trainr Bcldi and Ireimin'a wrntli,
Asitire the world what licoes true.
In freedom's name, moy dure and do.
Sat what of him, who weakly quails
At darner's frown, und me.inly In. Is
To ncr, when a bleeding land
DtmandH a hero's heart una hand ?
Who palters with a nation's woes,
- Arid rnurta thi praises ol ! foes ?
HU doom thill be no other worse
A world's coulcnipt, a pati iot's curse !
Godspeed thee, Shkhmam ! in the way
Id j nuble rem ion points, and may
The traitor toe still writhe mid reel
Beneath thy shatp, aveoRlng steel,
'Till, from Atlanta's broken wi.lls,
To Richmond trcason-blaeken'il halls,
Kebellion, crusliM and eowrriuir, yields
To tiiino the arm! that now it wiulds.
And when thy glorious; talk is done,
And f.eidom a Kintf-iougut battle won,
The I'nion aaved, the laws rcittored,
And to its iheath rcturn'd the sword,
A nation's grateful heart shall bwcil,
And tonirue ull eloquently toll
How macb we owe, proud chief, to thee,
1'or Country, Peace, and Liberty !
arssmofrnllv Odlcera of trio Army ami
My on Polltlcitl All'nirw lu Uonunal,
it drnernl Slei'lellun In l'nrtlenlnr.
Let oar fi lends not fail to give tbo widest cir
culation to the document hereinafter following.
It it a stunner :
Lieatenant-Genernl Untnt.
" General United Suites Grant is tho Lieutenant
General CA.mniandiug the armies of tho Union
She hero of DoncUou, bUiloh, Vickiburg, Chat
tanooga, the VililtiU':6, Spoltsylvatiia, and tho
eaiupafln against TiicUmond. Ujticrsil Oruut
ban always boon claimed its a Democrat, and was
even advocated for the Prehidency by prominitit
Democrats. Nevertheless, in a well-known letter
writ: en after the full of Vicksburg, this conscien
tious una modest man declared :
'TTi people of tlic North me! n"t (innrrel ov?r the fu.
atltutlon ut aUvb-y. Wt.nt Vicc-l'rcHilcat 8tt))theiti
acknunUt pen aa the cornir-s;ono ot ttio t'onfcJtTucy is
alrtady knorked out. (Slavery li already, nnii c.iri
ot ba n-urreotcd. It would tako A ktanijlu? army to
auaiu'aln fliavcry In the Houtti. It' wo w ere to t.-iliu pissm
alun, and had auaruntet d to ttio .South nil her e'wustitu
tk' prlvlli'Kcn. IneverwasHQ Ab,.:luinjst ; nil evan
vrmi would la railed aittt-iiuvery; but I try to jtile
fairly and houenly, t,u: it birnno l-iiuuit to my ram.l
very oily in th.i Itebelllnn, that tho (Mirth mid o.uh
aAdaver lWa at peacu wltlt ea :U y.hcr, axrtut a o u
Batten, and Uiat witii'.ut slavery. Ai auxioUM as 1 am
to let iwaca eitalillsaed I wuaid not. ili.'nl iro. be wll Jn
la Ma any atuleuiiiia antll tliiq dupsi imi i. fun viT ..i in.i
Tie position, antecedents, and ch ira Ur of
Omeral Orant no less entitle his celetira'e I lettjr
on the question of peace to profound rcsp;ct. On
the ltith of Aun-t he wrote at follows rogardius
the condition of tho Relie'lion :
"llwlr ei ly Hope iaw la a divMad North. T'lh mlrfht
Irva thfm reli twretratnr I'rom lyrtnMee. Kentiieliy
Ir.' lutd, and Attii.ouri. wta'e It woii'd w,';iKf a tis. Willi
te Crait qUi-kty eiti re-Mi, tbe enemy would rtecouie dea
(oudri t. Ai.d wontd Kiikc but lit'le resistum-e. I liuve
Bosoubrbuc ti e enireyare exr,M-.tlnr'y unlut to ti"l I
fit un III artrr tto election. 'IMicy have
any hoca froui Ita altecta, Thev liopo a ejiu.tur
7trtlu'iou; Uit-y hope lb" eleeit.m tr tlj iicd'e
caacli ali'. In tact, like ' M:eawtir,' they hone tor
vuKiituur o-inm up.- uur leee trien;ls, if tiev epeer
Ltacefr ui aepniuea, are oiucn iiiisUiKen. It woold'uit
a the beginning ,f w.r, with m umihIi of Ni rthern
Bitn iolrlnjr 'be i-in'h of em' di'trnea In a'lowln;:
saiaration. To 1iav M'anee on iniy leram,' ilia rtoiai
would remand ne rialorvllon o' rnolr ttlavas alrei;ly
fre'l;t!iy wenm derniud indemnltv for tones n -.1.
Aid it'ty wold raaand a tre.ity wlileh wou',1 make itie
. rth ilavrlmetera tor ttia Xonth. I bey would il-iom d
JaTrUi,',li" raatoraduu .f avery aiave aicu:,iit tu y.u
Major-fleuoral Nheriunn.
MeJoT-Oeneral William Tecumfeh S'uormm is
Cn,manUer-in.e.hicf of tho Lrand army ia
ueorgia. At the ontbrenk of tho war he was a
btary Professor in Lotiibi ma, and a witnea? of
ihe political ontrago by which that Stato was
coerced into ribw.ion. Wiertuau h.n
iX. ,0D';-'"i'''"" Icmo -ret ml a auldter, and
h.a ,?, JI?, hOi''",?Npt'ri''nc0 ia toC'isiaua. uud
i W?" V' ltro 01 '"PiJ and 1 f-"'Unt
march from .1iuttt,.n ,.. 1 . . " 'j l ik. u
- in t; m " " ....
thcni(nt)y def.n .,, mlst6sippl (so
which - u ov the Copperhead men), in
. nronffiit od' from the cueiuy's tcrnfiry
t!y MO colored luliorcrs.
In his last prest act he confucnted a whole city
(AtlBnts), and yet we do not bear tho Copper
teuds complain i for they claim him as a Demo
crat. AVe shall show tUutOeneral Sberra iulB the
moat tailienl of radicals. It is well knoiVil that
he publicly declared himself in favor of not only
arushiuir ihe UebeUton. but of maklne the Kelml
States pay the war debt. But the following ex-
trneia from Clencral Slicrruuu s letter will be sat-
flcient to o-invert tmy Copiioucail from the belief
that Qenerul but-nuau will Tote for AleCiollan :
Whli 1 aamt for ot-r Oovernnicnt ttie hli'eat military
prr K-iilvoi. 1 aia Hitnfi V . t- nr in iutiQe-mat itolitf-
cal nonaemeof utove rlxh-it, Hlato r!'. lii, liocdrou of coll
aetaiic. fietttom ot pc a, nua tuch otUer U'asU. ' 4tier
"1 cot. .end tiu.t ilie trtawin and rebellion of the uiaater
tVatal uw alava, and the Aini- I Imvi cuiumuded navo
,m u tl t,. huilill IU.U llhro' UlUU th' O t aiiy
.uuiui ortnar ill .uoiv. lauaiiuau ui Uo Maa.uu
7 ... t c ...iUM t
hOovi"iiiiieut ol lliaflnltell fuatel hava In Nnrth
ai.t.M.... ....w n...i nil rti-iim whl.-li thuv cbooie to '-ntoree
In war; u take tbolr 1 Ivca, tliatr lioioea. Uielr laiiiln, llielr
i....u...i. il... w .uiui-o. d.-nv Unit war doci
li. I tbeia, and war la ituiply lwr unreHratni d by
Coiifttilullou or roiul'ct. irtl.ermuu ut aial"r n ai
Huwvflr.uuniBiMlidllia at it untk llle. IB Aunt lust.
" I ba pi:oii ct tlta boalli bavins uuiittaluU lo war, are
barred'iiiln to O'ir CoiiHlilutlKii, which tb'-y
Siavo practically uenled. They have ttJiii aled to war. aod
lunal abide bt Ita rulea auu lav. . Ibu Lnlli-4 mat-i, ui a
teii'Kert-ol pny, elnia.liiir rata In itie aoli a ti.a uUo.iate
overeiMU, have a liubt lo ehaiinetlia poimiaaon. and it
Biy b and ia, both p-'lltic and just that wa nhotnri d'l ao
i.. u.uo. IV ni'ii Lnu lnl-abitunta beralai too lou.
lii boiUinr, It may bo both inline and nula wenhouid
laliikti them arid crtproi-fiatt thrtr lundi Il a nioia loal
and uaellll Dopulatlon." ttlienuan lo Ilia aaiua J
-i .. ti.,.. hoofn to the rlL'htrul taw ana authorltr.
all senileuca and I'urhcaraura, but to tba pennant mid
Serauteut aec- Ssioniata, why. ceatli l imroy. uuj the
julcker l.eoi ilia 1 dlnjioetd bi tUo bellar." tolll-raiau 10
die auiaa.
Hnor-C;eneral BiMKM-ranik,
Malor-tlencral W. S. Kosecrans Is the hero of
the lirst cami.aiun in West VirKiuia. the battles
of Iuku. Corinth. Murfrecaboro, uud the cam
paif-n aiialnst Chattanoofit. His politico-military
record is well known. Originally a Democrat,
the war made him an eurnci-t anti-slavery man,
and bis tersomil led the vuit army on
IKMition to Vullandighum and the Deino-racy
during the last Gubernatorial election in Ohio.
Oeneral Xtosecruns, with bis brother, liishop
ltosecrans. aud Arcltbisbop l'urccll of Cincinnati,
nave lea tno anu-siavcry iaiouiu nvunuieut oi
the West in opposition to the Democratic party.
ltoeeians was the brat general to publicly ex
press hlmxelt In faror of allowiug the soldiers to
vote. His great anti-hlrtvety letter is still noau
au memury. lie is tor Lincoln a re election,
Admiral 1'arrSHfat.
Admiral Farrant is the groat naval hero of the
lor bis views upon the questiou of peace,
we eommena the doubting to bis speeches iu
i., J" "oring tba Kusaian Admiral's visit.
hlch T u,i'upiorter of the Goternmeut
Zo? earp, NOrleau.
McCklliui's plX 7 occotdlug w
HJ(seiiria MooVer
Major-Gencral Hooker, u ndi !.!.. a i' . v.
and able GeuerBl. and ?t?9;?.
of the army, is s well-knowu skeptic of OenLi
McClellau's ability uud policy, vtut fu, m-1
Ian, Goiieral Hooker declared Klcumoud mixtit
. have btXiB taken ; and lie concurred with (Jouoml
Jh.woey iu nayiiig thai the first graud faUura of
the w.r wo, Jo, us P'.?"" ""r 0.f f "f
r.l McClellen. Th? C -pr-rhBrV, iu
the army.'W General linker the IJnion
Ltacu of Now York) "tha iltbers wlU fight
well ami wlu T"t w11 A' ,h
bcftinnlng of tb wax General Uooitcr W n
Mnor-t3ni-ait Kirilf.
Major-General l'hlllp Kearney waa one of the
real heroes of the early eampul na. A g;ntleman
of wialth, nn otticer of nnr.vniKd eniuallon ami
rxrenenco, he gave all bis advantages ond
Intents to tho war, and fell a martyr 11
Lis cause nt the b-tile of Chnniliy. Hu
end was rnibitteied by the reflection that be
fell a victim to Innpn-Py, which ron lered
the ( Moris of brave men iVti tlcsa. In auvivnl
vt ell-known letteru he wrote home that the cam
paign was '-being tonpat hy drild i a ;" ' "-t ttio
army was "nmlcr th-- rnntrol ol inh-cllity or
soini tbint! woise," and that, aold r as he wai, ho
cnuld aln'O-t wu-b he was buck mrain to his (plot
borne in New Jersev. One of bis letters ohsi-a
with the rtemonible di clerchm, "I tell you that
MrClclino in burned out !" When, alter the v.--tory
nt Malvirn llill.w n M'.'Clel
lan was i n hosnl the etmb 'n'.thn ord'jr to r.-tritil
to Hurri'Oii'n Lnndmij was recei-ed, Ocncral
Kian ey faul :
M, Fhtt'p Kenniev. an rU ortiecr. e-,tr nv aote-an pro
teat ii.alpil II l order ror r-'trc.-.- : we ouh'. lii-ie i of re
na inc. lo fellow ui lie eiomy mil u,,- H euro ,nd.
Aetl. in It'll a w ol 1 Dir r o .l-tnlii olit ti t
rmir n. I ny to v u a'l, i-ni-n mi orier cii only bj
prouirtid b) rowart,l--i er '.rei u."
Gcncinl Ktnrrey waa a s'atinjh Democrat.
Mnjnr-I. , n rnl aid hII.
Major-Ocneral (i, or? ! A. MeCa I, one of (lie
boioitiol the 1'ei, irihulur i ntn(i lyn, unit the or
g' and unntTi.t tic i'iumu. rcnr-iyivaa1 1
Jlesi rver (Lcmix ratic eainl daietor Congrostivo
Jtars agi-), dcciend 'n u r cent letter :
"I now bi 1 1 ve, ns I ever h ive benevcd, that if
the Union is worth -i t v in, ii ts wortii the
pri feenuon ot the war to a Mi i cksIiiI e inclusion.
With ripird to the viiiduct of th s war, I ciin e
-a) th: t 1 ha-.e apprnvtd, or wnil-l n iw cuih r-ie,
nil the nic sun m t'c.c pu scnt Aduiinisn a'.i in ;
but 1 i itai d any Ailniitnsirati'in tba' will t ner
peii. iy proa i lite, the war m n f iMb'c lu rnn
thnt i iu l..vor of n-i nrrj stu e an 1 ncouvotiiion
ol thti Siuti a nri'il the Maiei in rc h'llnui It iv j
laid down their arms."
2iVlor-l".'owir.'il Ttntler,
Mojor-Ge ui ril I'.epj nnln liutler, ore of thy
nestable and d'.iuiiii-,i. d liicekinri l,;e 1) -ino.
crats nt the outbreak ot the war, has never nl
lowed any doubt a ui his patriotic poiiiioti. In
Ins lutcht i xpre--lon be fays :
an it la-tl.nt ari lino in;n, e"tec!ilVv Ji-'v Ant v
tHekill i'enio' i -lt. can (I1 I ru t left Iti-ver illu.-'it ..lit l it
the hu-.d., ol tho At;, -rs. V di, u.d .luua.
hivim.1, r-i Uton, li"', II., lis, o,l.cs, anil
tlilr ii I us, Ncrl.i lol Huh.' l.o: us
wli'it ih ir 1 1 . l -triii and in-::r c ioiiiitu -s in.Mii.
Ho- wai Is lo be ewrr.i d o:i or If Is no.; h not, thca
a dir.. rat elui uud il s,, tcoiut, c p .ic.., - c -li will bu no
peace mm j,, h uoirin mini o,int. in to ill- r- ault.
Or li eiinl d in. t:.' o h-tih pia l,u m hii 1 cin-lola e, ,i, i-
ll.ed.iil to ll.e ill, I on, l 1. 1 l,i h.lil.r.'d
eololed n en, how i!t,lp, ilur. us, or -i-rvini.' i,e
armv. lln li j lareft to no iii,i,Wd elui-r bv vol. mi,,,, h. ut
ni'iuriki ii tmndnCs r,r inuii.iiis in n-'tiini-es. or in s
dratt t k'ii s li e r.-ounJ of ettaiplalut by tliu ouio
nieto the I Ipvercm lit
"Nn,. !, it 'tii her ihe ( hle.iif,. pt;i, f rm or M sT'le'lan's
Ari e. iio no mis uiij ll.ili.t toe helloes tiro to I.-; ro
ll, n. id lo tin ', roisl.r. i,-'...lii i.r l..i,.,r "n tho other nt.l-.
Jo e-iri run-, il' i. 'onel to ihelr in to-r-, iltry
woold t-a nt ittv seol Into li e ttihel ilie s. uher-- iloiio
m li iop l ha anv v, loe- Lpon th iheo y of Iho
Ch.eoKn p..iriiti in aoo ,),a h hull a 'c. r,.'hlB or
M.itis ' I tin: k it v ..ii'.i l, ii.i do r-sources of ,t,it s.
ffi.oifcltlp t.. ,bow v l.y :h m-uii-i, shoiihl be returned
to their I'ltiucr lunsiers, as. uideto, waa the pr.i'lilja III
tioio ral An CU IIa. V niir.v .
Still further, ih-'-s i.nt ilenernl McrlWNn t', e over III
Ms J. Ircr ai.d lilr.tli -tii , i o i.i-i i.w enna'uu'l'iual itaruu
tees to the li.hts ot Ihe s,,:iili?"
J.Tjir i;i-iu-rnl Wool. Wi ol, an npponci.t of Ibo Ad
trinihtrati' n purly betore Hot Witr, and n veteran
otlicer, unmeet and intolltwn! as ha is sttp ore,
records bin testimony us follows;
1 1 he oim ;t(l :it- r ha e trtlfi u iKlvuntAL'e of this silence
and ap.-.thyol ti e l:e;-u, Im,ius, vittohuvc pria'otised to hu
ailt'l or-crs CI the ivie. end 'trivit hot t'.i,-,l to r, il to lli-ri,-rntiks
the v oil., tt.u i lii i il, ii od the cowardly of tho Ite
p t'.lli aii f'lirlv. n will us m' th" len o- r.i'.te pririv.
witlilii till lA-l two iia. s, hn-.s ove-. It u Uepiihlicins Ln vo
h,i ii B"ii I'M t.ul nrou-i il ti-i in ihtli lellia vv oy the reoent
anccessi's i-i . x li- nel'ill s.lieri: ail. .Notion!:, ror atlK'Ilt
ttiMt I ettli ile,,M -, will save 'I, a Uotoil an i its ll iv.lin-iii-ill
. hm tLi; auiTCissi ft 1 1' i , rant, .in- riunu. Farraitilt, and
"If wii- n,,t tl,e aveoril ol Cii-sne fiat d'.Htroyel the
llhrrtyil K. no-, leit trie o--trl .-.iviics itiat inrorui a Hie
linuio. win ,',.il il- d lo th .lr country's huieir, and
f-ilolled w lUl vxr. iipllon. '
Mi.Jor-fipnorrtl lleatle.
Mi jor-Gem iui Me uie, the hero of Gettysburg,
at d the coiiimhtiderof the A: my of the Putorn ti
Q Di up crut in former politics teitities as lul.o.vs
npalrtt the Denn cr.ttic poace iilaifoiiu :
"!Vr.MMT'C n-T noviletrsr f.i CI en SI. nit qorstloilkas
to tfe r r ktn of tttls wnr. sve hsve dally mul tioirlva-l.
di ores that It e .t' . i.n 1 that it eaa only be l-irmupitnd
tty hard ttkhtii'v. ai 'l l-y i'en rrolnct eihiits to overcome,
tl.c uixiii a iia-tiiKa ef the ifoverniuenu"
Jtlrjir-il-iic ml iliiriiside.
Mi'jor-GtEcral Burnsiile, a Democrat ami a
pi i at mil li itiid of G Tieral McCiellan, ts known
us the uuthi r oi' the amt of Valljndigham, and
tke Kuder in suveral victor oils c.ainna gus. lie
iscreiily in favor of I'lesiilciit Li-icjiu, ami op-ro.-cd
to the election ot General -M..Cl.llua.
Ill fir tj T M) ;
' Wi iild It not ho enwaiil's for tia toaav that rhls Hi-b-'-lion
uip-t, t he i Til-i.e I, tin 1 ttio .ui 'tit-il. i f 'ho li.ivo a
r'CTIt MMal O'T '! 'I'- III Ii y 'oilid hi ijcts I Ol ol' 1 .
'I lii rr ciiri he. nosoeh ilnnv as i-iy uu down cf .-irini, t
ri".siii .on nl I .,t.:il s. i,t ill liii! iiit r.- a.ilh irily ot li e
lioii r: i out l3'.il,'i:;.id hy e',,-ry c,ti,;in of or
Wiriir-f.'fitcriil rii.T.
JlnJof-fifPeral .T-.-hn A. Dix, orm rlySetre
tnry of the TreaMtiy in llu hanttu's Ad.u nistia
tien, sst ;
"1 he,!, ve tltr'.l a ei aif.Ti i f If st'litiei tvo'il.l tealln
vltu uy u;,il .hi.itiy to a i vo.! of iI;o 1 .ni.isen
Miitl s ; a:i.l w I en 1 s.i t'u- I l:. d h ti 1' v e'lit t:iit I cm
hsvi- l,o ptrl in jn i.iilliira! n.o TiivTit o' wh'"h tro
I klru.o l,!dll'0ll!l Is 'tho basis. 0. teltov.l lllZ 'na. ti'.e
i.eli hrjn i I' hci urir, un t h i r.ihic cia a be iO ivhlc'l
ihlill niton- the llnioii anil ihe l,'out,loliou In: t. a
ninity. p. i histt nt, ami u-ir. tnttt-au p:one.-u loa of the war
mini iij pl.iiinij ; mut 1 in-i've tho lipliiieiit ot' every
i ifci.l-luiukinn uctn w ih ai4.ii bna2 Mji to tnls coavic.iua."
Mitjiii'-bit-iieritl Mii-li Iiin,
Major Gcncial Daniel li. Sickles, who before
the war was one of ibu mosluistioguishod Djiiio
crntsot the u!t, end who lost, a lei ut tiet y
burg, p tilfies bli laitb in tliese UJblo worus;
''I nrp the Ci n tiTul'Oll iiu-l liwsare'n-.iteit in t le'e
suprehisi y tin it.o-it ilia Html, -ho O .voruno nt sipuiiit
b- col.i.d oto no i'hu.t I tiat h.'.-.itiOo to eiiiidiy uii
Ihe nwiT of the ii.M'oii to put downt e It-re Hion.
''I'tuee lo v '.in. ihri-.c'i he nulile r4spirat-ii4 ef the
pe-'CiO, W ill eXIill illt V I HIS' U liO' Hod OU:lliM.I.' thd
aoiiiiiyeoi ad who iinnor p.tiliiisin .m.l vimr I'eui-a uii
l.i, aid upon ts hv in .iw'et. o'.a noil .irrortlit I e, in
w eulu owe his ui'ilr'l h leu to the i u.i.'riority of his li'r.,1,
bul a ilei.'ei.i i aie ii-i ju'iilt-in. ulrv,if toy ot iheir li eju.i
and frsiStJU of tmrri iiflite.a.s i;nulil ,.nly lust unfit the
--m'oi inaoEii-n cviiii'. i i m cor e.'iitiuu Dijll-
l,ojd lore.-"
'olur-4ei:'rnI I.o.Litti.
it r-., n n! John A. lman. tho ttallant
roips ciiumi'.ini'i r ti"Jl' ' Md'heraon, mill a luml
ing Donnlai Detiioci-H of ll'inoir, spolto the
views Cl till tll Ut'ttfjaia in aiuvu ncivice in tuo
W ent, when Vi ;:.;g!-
The treat, st vl.-t. v of the ;; I"" 7.
MMi'.ish.c i f . iii'd tin r hi pre it. it ' un -Ivi- tlicin
I hope, vvili oe to ecl at the war .'.irlyat iho incjtuius
luinpuinn. '
A loniniittee of M'Cicllmi men wrole to
General lu cii, at Atlanta, h ;V'"R hu toin-
doitc tin- Cbicogo plallonn. He took bis pencil.
and tor uikwit. wiom :n the i a Kin 1 1 is la-t
order, ccnirratnlatlrig bis tnaips upon the ITu oii
victi irus, the nonls "7..ri-.s me: tttiU niailed it
to the ecinuiiitce.
Mnir-U-n-riil .. 3. fciiilili.
Mitjnr-Geneial Andiu.v Jackson Smib, the
licio of l'i rl lie llusav uud i'li' isaiit Hill, un old
I'tiiiisy lvuma lK-iiH) rut, made the lotlowiiig
piceh at 5?t. Louis ;
"Ittbets cotjuii'.'ii ed ft. Is svar. now I t t'leni ftsk for
pi ace! - Ncwr ttt ilie Ni.rib say pea -e ; b it v. h'.-ii
Ihe houtli astis piv cc kl ua lie uti ioMiil. I wnnlu
IHlhel n-e the o'ul flnw ill tier w hich 1 huve b-. II liMn'lllif
su nil lathoins limp hi Ho Mc-uls ,ii t, I hun thai iv e s, ion hi
Six e up ui it sua lor pi'tre vi hi n Mr. Lincoln w
i.l, i li d, tl." bo. no k.ihl ho st a an Ao,iliiioo,st. Weil
t a was. I uiu too. lint Mr. Lini-nhi ne erl a I h ne tro, and
I have IihiI u anv. and 1 iciflu.a 11 fiee. I wuiiM I
Ihiec tiiicitri d ttoioaud mvioes, if I had theui, i-t the
sood ol lay Countij .
Tin jor-Gcnci nl Srhiifli-lil,
Mnjor-Gi iieriil John M. Kchofield, formerly a
Dtmoi rut, vtitiely pr.iimd by the oppo.-i ion
prces I'.uiii g his iiOniiiii-tialion in Mir-anuri, hus
earnestly euib.r.'til the nomiu-ttion of Abiahaiu
Lincoin, iu a i-peeeh ut I'rocpoit, Illinois.
Mnjoi-Gerii rsl Sheridun, also a Democrat, the
liemot Ihe Hi. nuin.uuli, lm ., ia addition t-i bis
brillintit rie'.orii s, t xpi'i.sned bis opposiliou to the
peace party t,y von.', auj tcte.
x3i.Jor-leu(ii-isl 4'nsiey'.
JIiijur-General Ca-e.v, a Dcnm, rat before the
war, is now sin pro tiin I' Lincoln. He
tcstilied thnt alu r tlic battle of r alr Oaks, "if
General McClellau bad posstished ihe enet.fetle
ilualiiit Htiotis ol a Kreat genei' il, we would havo
taken Iticliinoiid.
MHjur-IJentrnl IVelnlxf liiiiin,
Major-Gent ral llciiit - liii hi, another gallant
veterpn, una a i 't mocrnlic supporter ot 1 rusi
(lent Lincoln, tetlilied to the t-juie etlect at tee
buttle of Autletam McClellnn kept llo.if K) aoh
diers lying idle at Wuabmgtou.
Major-lieu ml Suiunen
Miijor-Geueiul K. V. Runnier, the great oUl
veleiitn, who Ut bis life from devoilon to the
cause another Democratic mend to the AJ
ministration testified that at the battle of Mai,
Tern, where Sumner bad to assume command,
McUle-iian was not uoing 111s auty, ana mat tne
Hebels might bare boeu pursued into Kicuwond.
Wajor-Wciiernl T. F. MrB(ther.
General Thomas Kruneis Meagher, the Irish
exile and patriot, the gulliiut leader of tho Irish
brigade in the battle of r'tederickshurg, doclares
that, although be respects General McCIellan for
gentlemanly qualities, ins letter oi acceptance
stamps bitu us umit for President
MaJor-sUcaerBl ItsitiNaiean.
Mslor-Genentl Lovell IL Koussaan, the gallant
na uig Kentucaian, once an twaa of alave.
anr a Tirecklnrldg Democrat, Is hoblly In f tvor
ot Mr. I It r "In's re eieetlon, occupying the aame
gtour d a Uev. Dr. Ilrcckltirirtec, In apurnval of
the policy of emancipation, lie was one of the
Ural to aa press disapproval of the compact bo
twern Gu rral McOlellnn and the Itnliel Il-tch-L
- n, wblcb loyal Kcntusky troop j were kept
MwJor-IJrierrHl M"nntir. Tiuiiiuu S ymour. the hero of 1'ott
Sumter, a tormer DcmoTiit, declares It bli
littir. afur Ino il onineff In Ge'iruia. that th'i
II Ih Irs bnve no hope mvc In tho - ic'esi Of
Gcncinl MeCleHan and bis psrty, and that the
Coiittdeia' y Is lailii g tu ruins.
Hi 'irrH.
Mno -Oiiirra's Warren, Or l, W'i I -ht, Smith,
find Ounioic am opposed to the e'eotpm
of Genual ?! (''' linn. M Jor-f icncral lluin
lihteja (Gb.rf I'.i.guieer iindi Mn(;ii)l
lnii), Miij r Oeni r il . M il-, (irrux, lorbcrr, I tru
lnitii, II niit, unl I'r im e, w ho were om e duvoied
pniti-ut of Geteia' M. ( lellnn, Rio ii i opjio
hi tit of Lis eh ' t.on.
'I be on '. i:ru. t a s of nnfor'ity th it "o for Oene
ral Mct'le liin sre (ictienls Ic, t'rmk, Hdo,
I'ricc, tin ' l'i iifr-at-iniy. pru-e, and General
McClellnn lilniself, bcsiiles ouc or two other
"l iu ed-ou'.' g in r.ils.
t n i t:, t itii.iM t.
1 hrlr t'a pcillf Ion Into Nnnlbweafern t'li'
aliilB Slcit;tiliir I'riisoslfiK Sf iait fi I ial iaa by
,M. Ill I lirr nl Col Itnlllll ItrlKixia
IIhihI lu lliliul I lalll UoIm-U Shoot
rVeitro I'riMum-rs H lilidnitval ut ihe
I'mees 1.0M.M.,, rim lltimlreil.
Camp Ttvi.i i tit Onto Voi.t ntkiiii CwAT.riv,
I'm HtOMit no, Ky., Ociober 10 Deeming it
wonby of n cuel-e reenrd, I artomt't an aneuun'.
of Oeinral I'.uilui fte's raid to the "Halt Works."
'I l is enti 1 1 riM'. lirnt a' tempted in M ly last,
lint was lrutiatcd by John M rgan's piilaurn
ndvi 1 1 Into Kentuel y, hen ne pursued bitu uud
drove I Irn from the Si ite.
AtBit'.ouS, i"nii'(T '.'!), G n' ral Tt jrbri li'i,
with illicit four thotis ml men, -timd from
Motini S i rl nt, K- n'tn-ky.on a r tid into Vjr-liii-ii,
f rtic j'Orp';ac '1 'I 'stroyuiK t'ic e.v'cnslvo
.Salt Worlra Ahlltgilon. Our courun lay
through l'iki to", over the I'urnliei laud Mum.
tail s liy Lev. m l'nrli nntl Caid Pais, and through
llurliai ai county, Vlrii ia.
We tie. v Inn us td by gueriilns nil tho nay from
McCi rtnick'H ip, by le injt; tired upon from un
atniiailo po-l um-, nml by hiiviiiir our way
blockaded vs th fallen timber, which t-oncwhat
rtlnriiiil our jour toy. This occasioned, in some
lust'iitice-', wiiit ', tlreutlel most, trivei n
nn it in n ins in f'nrl; n j'li h. Crossing "iSinoy
iiiili-c" ruiitintiiiu in a ery ilnrk nml stormy
i.tght, right mi n were inatunily kiMc l by run
ring nil pteei, burses mid nil. One iniiii wao
but sli; btly injureit 'c'l f jity fee', and was
,nl!ed up wtib h iit ia and ropes. N'nuu e rtilil see
their file le uleis, tint every voi e along the entiro
lit e oi teil us pi nt by Mucins out ' iliis way."
About, noon ot iSuudiiy , October 2, wj a rived
at Sallville, iskirnilshlni having been hot nil t ;o
iiinrtunj, as we a'caili y diwve them within their
Ais soon us the proper line could be formed ti e
attack eoinui, need throughout. Ttio -it li II Igido,
consisting of the l'.ltli Oliui C -v dry, 1 1 1 1 Michi Cavulry, imd .O h 1'iiit-d .S utes Colored
Cavalry, Conuiel 11. W. Kami!', cotno nnuin', was
tliMiiountcd and posted ou the. left with orders to
tnhealii'1 in their Iron1, tr im which a battorv
ns p aying neon us with elltact. Mm order w:ts
rot two bonis old b foru it was f iliy execu'ed.
1 he line w.its I, imeil and st. iulii.. ttilvaucc I in the
lace ot stipeiior litimle i's, anil ol scrca ulngsiiolis
lrorn two bhiteri h. No olliccr or in m w is seen
tollinh. C'apt .iii SSel v, l'Jth Ohio Cavalry, fell
ht tlic stait, mortally wouiidc'l. (,'utitairi 1) 'gan
tlcld, of lite snine reLMmctif, fell soon tif'Cr,
pit recti by two bal's, though it is hoped he will
Wc iidvanceil il'.wn u declivity before the hill,
every mini a plain murk for the enemy, while tho
latter were untltr cover, lcsted a moiunut in tho
lavine, and then charged up the bill, fully three
bur.cii.d iect bigb, so steep that it could h irdly
he climbed without holding to the roo's :inJ
bushes, and covcnal witu to ilenso nu iiudcr-lou-h
that no reuul ir line could lie maintulued.
picipieiitly Jiebcl und Yankco would eoutront
eath i.iin r no mum tu-.-n t -n f et np :tt, mid then
the ijitir kest i hot was ihe most tornnare man.
tSeigennt Dav.s, irul ,on-ti 'itrcr ot Com;ianv II, t'bio Volunteer's colors, ln ascending, hid
lii'j colors suddenly t-t ized and niadlv to-n ticforo
he conld fain ft pood fnotnz. The scrgea it
nrr;iped his gun, ns the R-bcl had ti me, ami in
the ttrugglo thrust his tl g-stutr through his
oiiverssry, the spctir protruding oa the othtr
'1 be crest of tho hill was gained, anil the Uobels
tlriien front their InlicLchments wi hunt any
bj mitts it it uy be berne iu mind and without
u Vhilile charging line.
Tl.e conduct ot the trnoos on this occ v-lou wns
ti o ceptionubli another at-o-tac on of thcr clli
ih ney. The Kel tls ilispl.iycd their usu il or
bs'isui In .sliooiiug eiery black prisoner they
ttok. Ore of our . crgeant.j, who was tanon pri
k m r, but ufieiwards tscipcd, Saw six negrOwS
t) oi r, col l blood
Dm ion this the other bngitdo.s wcru lifhtinr;
nl.-o; but us Mm -lh llrlgi ie did th ;
lighting nt the May, unit as your readers and wo
ait urns: y ii.tcicst- d iu the history of Ouio regi
1: em , I iiinii my ilrscrip ion.
V c wire s n ordered to fall back ta our
l oin s ai.d mount. This done, end cur woati'lud
tun ltd :n fur as bent to could, wo begin a iout
ih 'ii, ot-r retnut. It had become wauifiist tint
the Hebels bad been strongly rultifor.ic.l
prisuiieis taken said by five thousnud .mil that
our ttiiUll loicc, with no aitilleiy, bat small
niouu'jiin bowerrcrH una wit.i nearly cxtntusted
umn. million, could never succeed.
we r turned in goo,i ortter nut nai spirits,
baling the one hope that possibly y calling rein
fmeemiMH, wc bad weakened tbo euuiny el Bo
wline to our ndvontnite.
W e wete pu'.sned and, of cotirso, bushwicV.ed.
In en bMt gr-' Ln 'ge, tftcen'.iie I It rt Mich gan
(being r- arouaiij) bcci tie eag.t:4 nl, iu wine'!!
Lu ti'in.iiit t oioulI Mason mi ki led, but tuo
unci) y lost heavily in ibci mei unter.
We of i beard a solhi' rot the IMst hero asking,
v. In ti we came in, if wo got tho 'alt w orks.
"W't l'," itplicd Iho one h Itln Ss, il, did not
pet any iait, but we got plenty of tho wo.ks tud
a little pepr-r."
Our lots (lots n.'t exceed four hundred. The
IU-bi-l loss Is thntiKht to exceed that. It cannot
be lets. We drove them everywhere. Wo were
not ilefca,etl. Our 'inc never jmvo way, but always
ndvinitvd. 'I Ik (lay was otiis but tne next might
not have been. (Jolunel Hanson, Coiniuttlding
the Hit Lrigooo iUninii),ivas mortally woiini!t'.l,
A c: uipiu.y hoapiial was urr.iyed there for tho
wounded, ami two compct- lit purgeon left with
ihun-Dr. Jiooduiiui, 11 h MieUigau Cavalry, in
en urge.
Out letreat was conminntiea smety ny uencrai
HobTon, who ia exceedinaly popular with tho
tire diMSion. ( u i -ennui l ea i-r.
'I Hit Villon 4 n:(nt-pil ly lh
The following despateh was received luf-priag-lield,
lditiois, on Saturday last, from which it
(iiC;f that, at A'ut iona, the Htluiad l i ii Illinois
weic captured In the recent a'ta k hy tho Rebels
on that p'acc
"AtATooN.i, Gtt.,0 tuber 0 Governor Yatas;
ILe l ltb uud liiih regtmcuts nro eiiptniod, with
the ix' i tic.n of Cl'ini'aoy A.. The ooys totnrbt
nobly, band to hnbd ; even clubbed their muskets
before sum n b ring (Julie a number killed and
wounded. I'ven thing elso favorable. Please
give publr,itioufor tbo benefit of the friotids of
the reeuntntx.
' Gfoiioe C. llnOFRS, Colonel, Xc."
Ihe vi tcriin ott oris of the 1 lib and l 'h had
been coiicolijated, but niiiuhcri d in nil only a
lew men.
'til litroritin Hilllln.
Tl.c Naeou lnti-iUtjtiuer says it is expected that
the Gi orgia inilitl ,'wb( n they return to camp at
the end of their lurloucu, will be used in future
for the defense of Augusts, Mason, Millf dgeville,
Columbus, or Athens, ns the ono or ti e other
nn.y be thrcutcnid by raids or detachments liom
Shiruiun's am J .
In Lotticville, Kentucky, the other day, a
iniiti, with tbo utmost during, saved four boys
who were drifting over the ful'S by jumping Into
a bout and pulling out to than, und rowing back the current.
J. INAjH h, wa. It , rroltusor if tliu Kn UJ J r.
tri afh all diju.t- 'p-)tiniiinK o hcM Kivf mt iubur wit It
tin uHiioH tuct 'ttM. 'll(B.nsAU from the m t( rt'liuhie
MltllCll III lilt-- Cllt fMU ( aHtUfct tli I (fllkti, Su. till
hirrH. Th Ati-dUiU h nctiltv are (nvitvii to Poinpny
thtti pUtui, Le hu no tecreu lu hi (jrcUce. lo-au
If Ihu Mifiuiiite t'or-oit'tlr hta no e'iual fur bcAutify
It'k. whlicnliif:, ol prnf rvniK the coniplnl-aii It ( f rn
pn4 from tui hJU In nee its uxUiVfiilinairy null
tii- fir i rri niiif the km, meHiif tt iut, tstu, iuuliit
aiwJ triuiiparfiit. It i inuit BOsiihlug aflur ulittvltiK.ctinM
ohateti ftanda nl lipi, teni'ji (iliuplM, tloVfij, Uu,
Vntclcs, or aunbura, und ImpkUU m wy tint to Ui
Uf't, Dick, AfiJ ftrun. I'rtre ( r0, and m cnti, HUMT
A 1 0.,.Ua B.IltVKinaHirt,iMlM.41 H K.lwHTU
fitrMU la im
10.11 Ve. 1611 V. SKCOKS Bu-aat, PhUtdelptiU.
Twclvo Guerillas Captured.
Hi rlnl lo Tins I vcnltiir Tole:ripli.
W ahiiinoton, October I!). A detachment of
t so hundred minrtcrmiiTtcr'a men h ive rooirncd
to Alexandria from tho Manukas Gr.p railroad,
brlneii"! w ill them twelve raptured guerillas
and a dtovo of h tr'es which the guerillas h id
goM'l-il up, uud were endiavorlng to tako to
Kaili'a Bimy. The giterlll is were eaptnrc near
White Plains, und they report that auo'her gang
of I orsc-thietcs iu that vi. initv barely ese ipctl
enpturr at the time.
No guerillas have made their nppearnncn this
side r f White P ains for tcvcrul d iya, thoit.;h
fonio I ave been noticed beyond that, as if recin
lu. bring, und as if not at ail s itlsflcd with the
work being done by the Q'tiirtermaiior's I) p ttt
mer.t In clearing up tho country of timber and
tii.ilerbrusb that haj herttoforo served them as
bid,n,; places,
I'rom MatmsRaa to White rinlni the Q tarter
mnstcr's men have cut down all the timber on
both sides of the rucroad t-ir tho distaneo of half
a mile each way, and dcstioyml nvni ytblng that
would Bllord the least shelter to guerillas. Tho
work is still progrcs-lng, end on M mday even
ring tho advance of tho won l-cu'ters was at a
I oint about two miles above W.hito Plains.
The timber between A'cxandiia and M-inttistts
has not been cut us yet, but it is ckpectod that
tho s alwart Pintisylvania troips stationed l.i
thnt vie Hity will soon m.iko short work of clear
ing up Unit part of the line.
There Is ro truth in the report tt'lctrrit-iiicil
north ef the resignation of Asi-istatit tsecret iry
of the Treasury Field, and tbo appointment of
John Wilson, of Chicago, as bis successor.
Mr. Field bus been ill for some time, but is
now recovering. Sccretnty Fcssetnlcn returned
this morning, on tho levcntie cutter A urt tu rner,
from his trip to the James i iv. r.
'I'be I'iiiihiII-iii a iilti-4ii(f.
MohTuiiA i , October 1!) Lis generally In lie vaj
Unit tho Conference bus Bottled that the Upper
House property qualification is to be reduced oue
hulf. The Acadian provinces tiro to como in as a
group, and are to havo tho same number of mem"
bcrs its Canada. New!'.. undid id is to cottio iu
separately, with a less representation.
Ihe numbers are to bo nominated by tho
Crown. The wbolo house is to be limited to
seventy or eighty members, and the first selection
will prob.ibly bo mitde from the present legisla
tive councillors, Tho co.i.sti'.tuion of the Loiver
House will be considered to-night.
The llecnoit In liitliiimi.
From the ImtiauaVGlU .i.ti fui, O.-fyoc-15,
The members elected to Congress in this State
arc :
First Di-trict Wm. V.. Niblaelc, De.m.icrat.
Si rend Dis'rict M. C. Kerr, Democrat.
TI ird Di-iriet ltalph Hill, Uniou.
Fourth Diptiic John tl. Faniuhar, Union.
Fifth District George W. .luli m, Union.
Sixth District Lbeiiezr Dtimout, Union.
Scvctith District 1). W. Voorhees, Democrat.
Liglnh Distiiit Godlovo S. Orth, Union.
Niii'h Ulstriet Schuyler Coliax, Union.
Tenth Disti tct Joeph JL Defines, Union.
Eleven1 h District Thomas N. Stillwcll, Union.
ln 1M12 but lour Unloni-lst were elected ; now
wc elect e!i ht. Captain l-'tirt;uhar has o-crcomo
n mi jt rity of 2h,il In the Fourth District, and
ges in by abnitt 10!) majority. The gain in tho
Third District Is nearly as great. Two years nijo
Voorhees bad a majority of 2IHI. He succeeds
t ow by mutrcly tho odd btintlreds be bad tiieu.
Ti c majorities iigiiinst us in tbo First and Second
Dititin ts have tu on lurec'y reduced, but pre
ei ely bow muth ve cannot say.
It would have been a gi'ciit'sutisf.ictioii to till
loialnicnif Voorhees had been defett'cd ; but
tic Union people of lnniatiTi have abundant
rkiis uir ujoieiiig that they havo accomplished,
so much.
vmt Hiiii.nt.'r l.nceii.or Areti, or Ctu-hnm miot.
.I'll rCB "Fu- urSfO'd lliieie," ;lt this oltioo. 1:
uie or lo i.t, at llviSNri-i'lltsr and Alf:j
I A V t'.s A- he-N. Is llus duv ,csio'vi:r'. 'j he I, i ilunss will
he si llltd by the un 'ei Icui d, ut No. -B DTK Hi cut.
IIUS V, lis ' i ion, Humvlns I'urtncr,
1 fl'Ifldt'lilt'.lA, Sl'pli:J.IJ,roO. loCi.
CO T'Am Kr.KuM!l'.-Thn cndorsteTieit tra'a thl day
forn ed a I o .ui I m-r. Jiip uictrr toe arm of I I.l v it',1 IJItll
'fill lis, for the trunsimttoii ot a trcnersl hu.jn ,md
l.reM'roe An, l k r-tre.-i.
i llsUi.ES K IIAV1KS,
Ftli.8, A. UAVH..
ridiaJotphla, October 1, lwi.
V. R. C. rtidcatea pf Indi titdlnehi,, Oll1rter"n!lStr'.,
Yr i.ehers nml ehi-eKs,aad ljoveruuiu..t Sjecurltles s- oo
r:ih , U ei'i t pi d mii. I. ilo-i ira
h in fb 1'uiur riri'l bti' nn Coll iter.i npiiot,:ttl.
Hioilis una Loans huukht uud aoht oa 'Aouil-ii'.iO;
200,000 Mitiri-a I'ur Value, 'at.1.
ri-riaeiu-JOFiN 15. ANDKRSOX.
Thoniaa A. Bcott,
it. Kneu'e,
William H. Freeman,
Itoherl 1', Kiiife-,
Jolm M. ltlley,
thai le. le Silver,
Jamca It. lai.'ee,
T. 0. Mellftwoll, llarriabuqt.
J.iltn W. Hall, d.i
JiiIiii Rnii'v, do
W W. W vlle, I.ini ustor.
William el. Bnuii-, Cutoraito.
1. 1'. iSOUlUVVOUTH,
8ecret:ir and 1'roiisurer.
Klltin No. 3.
AilllienticaU-d aia-eluicus have tii'i c iirocureii fV,nn aonio
cf tin- CtUii'iui.v'fc lodca, and have been assnyt-d by Tro
feiors llouth enc Garrett with t lie mist Kralllylii it r. -suits.
Hrriicriiiliou llhU are now open at the Oitlee of the Cum
peuy, and at the Treasurers Olllco ItevcnueJ,
Nu l.'i CIIL"M'T ftroet, Kuraiors' and Mechanics' li.iuk
Uuiluliiir. lo orUilial suhscriliera $'i Ui pi-r ahare for a
limited uuDibcr of .hares.
Cin-iiliira, iiainplilitK, or litfurruiitl.iii can be obtaltit-d at
the iitlice ol the Company, alter the 17th lust. lc-ll-lin
ANU oiuo ri'.rRo-
li'imi Oil '1 erritury.
M' ne i s lu lee. luiir and a
luilf uiilua aoutli of llurf o
ci'h erctK.
a-s'l acres In fee, near Hiiuhes liiver.
J ill acne In li c, eiul.t nuiea ciiaI o' 1'arkcriburi;, and two
ruih s fioin the Iti.lliiuoic and uti.o Kailrott.l.
All in nil hell, title undoubted, ltli lliiuuidic illonsOfoU.
Trice Uiorterntc.
Also several liberal lae of Oil laud in Waslilujtau
CVmiitv, f linn, for aide.
lor iiailiculai a, address .IOIIM llfrOHKR,
lo Its ui lig. 117 8. WATER btret, 1'l.lladetiihia.
V7 torn, first quality.
d -oatad In ltsanltarv t'liir. Aiiply
at Uie UUu a, 'o lib .S. tit MM II Miol, up stain. 10 15
Wo. 730 OtiESNUT Btreet.
l' S l"TI I It t
'''' RniOFTfl.A,
liUeisfd Kyea, tos of rtalr, rivstinpsla. Fnlarmetlt of
thr Ltrisi-, in.easra of uie K Idm yr , CnuMiriatiiin,
liravi-1, I'llcs, Insanity, KI'l. l'Aral;sls,
IlUlbof ItlOcKl 10 UlC Il'iul,
V liii all ami every fllf are wt.trti 'i, f, at tdr human rx it,
rup-d ftrciualiy hy
MItH. l. i. imoWN-H
ljbift: ajr,,
OrriCKSa-Xo. 410 Altcit tstrret, l.hia,
Hu. Ill IIOMl Hlrei-t, ura, and at
ho. Vi I'ti.Mbl.KIi.i.-v! H-iTiu-o, lloiti-n.
Vr, r ..r lc vlth tntn,n fnli.
o lU.w iKA. in il r nri
null; ti !)( tlic iica)tril nr l-tf H
N i iiy ui 1 1 if n t down 1 1 r-i ti,
'Hi. MKI M'U Ml,.L hMf MV' V
ut v.-lrt.
II! nnsh ev.ry
t i lliul fii.i'i niI in .tt unit ui-, n,i r At h , an I
n- (In I iU'i n N.l's.
'JinH. nitiiitj .nd mpf pr"vn'I; rmrfs l'ii;'r''7
rut i l w 'Hi d .tii-c 'iiec'iiKii Ijr mutt iii'ti.ur r laity Biiiav
Into I'll Ivtuh.
In nil slic i.n'vf ft ft'. In n i'.VIiu' :a fn ..hiWcIt il
!orJ fi et. in t-rrtr n- th tic. lon-i-, and iuoMvom mii
i i-i icd vliii UiO j tiyiiual and incuial wmsiiuuJon ol mo
in- .
'f ftBi titftta rf tltint. In thrt r-'inlf t innTunc-o and
til.Il llH P nn I'iri ui tlw-0 ivho prf ".( ivl nlulitar
Ill-mil. itixt liii' ti. iho -i''jilt-. wliil' m :uc, I'm rnu orl-y
in 1 1 "if ii' ii liiifu the ? j si.? m alttM'ilitr. Alt rhMi( ti-id
t; i lri'lfti i,-- tn tm t:ijv.y'.kj, nJ tun ncvur bo uriiiM-lti-
tl ii 1 1 n r t irutn (hr Hfiini'.
1 Ir fi nr nu'ii niio lunKn ft liu'lnm of Imititi? -i'Ki i
f tr hif-t ."kh. ' hey bn jiara limTnirnunts, too (i.'Irtftti(i
tn tliit.k ot, villi wl.Ith lu i' rirn nt on p-mr tllv vlc
tliuM, ivlm i- t'-en;ih1 L-t ft In !r illy ar tui'Ut.tliy.
t i niidnri m h i-.'(time r imi,t.--ih.
lie w in. crntf d iho Iiuiii.m 'k iIv nhuyn f)i0.ika nf It ftl
a ii'tivlii v w l.oli', and Miv pi.m mii no u kn.ivu o- Co l wlu
iiiii .r.nnii t ta divide tnu nywti in lu. m i t'orf, uud
tr at any ilt'rtsr '.rr,jii( -d'y, irul' i.tixli-iit cf th-i i'rtt or
ttilv l-t w luila to m hi -li LhVj l)t.n.-. AltiU 'li oru;ti Inn
ru irtal 1 1 Tt Out Krow n,.MPrf of iho cm m,; wimt
cvrr 'llni- the wt rul iu mhnii; It n Uuui a vnn honjihal.
'i ho aiai n.'njs; c nUition -f tin n p's .ihyncillv, cnit
t In i.y tr.nyr';!!;.', lie ure old wlihd, :in h. r.)rmli'-y wi- in
tu I ml 'lfi;,tfiftlif withiHirnn-l cxp Th'nrfl ln hiving
tiriM, bnri a. id nt clear hlcnc, Hho havo puicd Into
uiitlini IC-4VI s li btlDL' i cm i'd en.
YiVrin cjii 11'flstnnccn, w ih tnativ othfts which mliflit Ix
m mii. ui d. arr hu lrrtr!t'Me s:it iuIiim t- fu! innplp to
d T'litiul cf fViTT iwnn n hu han thn IKu and houith if itmm
vv And tlii'lrlcv-doiM-i in hit t, and t. und Ik :.nihiti:i:iy
aofilnUir-lini lui-ulfjiHK whifh tli- )-iitl .-nl ib njt niiowe 1 to
know tli- nuinetr wit Mirer, I av umltjrthoiftMrirciiiiii.aiii.'ci
the cn. tr It ave a rUht to dnnuti f nvorv mich
tn iwininh them wi;h a chart oi hi ctinti.--.tnr, tint tin y
lii:iy Knew hii quftlltU aii'.n, .V c., ; linl- u-J v vvrv thvi-cl-i'i
Bhuii'd he i-mi-pi'l c'l t f nvc: 11 Imiijj up In liU odlun
nt n'l hciir. It li only thrnu ;h 1 hit -hANiiM tint t Uu
l-uhiii-1 an hnve nny juitcly nr i'iiaru;iiro tnr j uioiit
(ii'r to ii hm and hi itiih ; ctl.. rtviMj Me mnv ho In tnu
llama cfaii'im txurn finallfli-d for a biAcKi.iT.ltii Uuu u
lit y.-lfMun
ju tt i wny Inherent qua! 1 (loot loni, which am IndUpen
K bn In a nhj siciim. Kin B'.ire tn ho d tnc'rd and ehihl;l.
Wc; tldn unlvi-rsary eone.thnuan Jk would lvavo thNpr
fefMoii w Mi ll iinti.ri' nopr tu ill. -m1 them fur. If nature
in-illtU'S iwd th m he no mitfahin qii.tlii.i'atiou. tv. In
croc tn d-1 t the urM caiifin ol dima n. It In re jiiImMo and
lntii-.-iuatily nfccri'Ty to hilii-iit ffualty. Mt'tiinh
Poui r and t'iiMnn t ctic-i inn' t nl-n he iiiheiU-d
hy all iho iviMihl be uci;t-'ul l'i fiMdinan au'.iduio
r.,pithl cf df t'-ojiptf the caniio of diin-i. There It no
cl .an tn 1 ly v. h t h the cmi nos can Ik n ac hed wiiii leitainty
bui li e out- I rmvc d :nhed.
'Ihen fcro I iaj with cntldence It the world, tht It la
Ihruiia'h liicrhli. th-, n r.ire t'iahin:itl iu i of chbractar
th it I have hem cunLlil fni'et'Tt the iliit cmiof '1H ae.
Te cmiie 1 not. ui many $upve I' ( l v a dmenin; i In
an Inin tecl law hvtwren hru' and oniiy. which, tint Ap Ht
I'nnl i I n tib. In nlwavi v. irriiiK iiKninut eae'i ether. T' la
law siiOn lorth Mupp.uret, tnee t'tiiji-i-ih 'iroJuc? dNeaso
In Jlvcrhiiicfl luimn, ftiirt if dl-t'Ho l c incrl'iK-iitcil on or
tainix rrd with it tnics a firmer yrv ol tho cca-iiUuthm
ami in .ilt piles In cih- r foimn mil oMit Iccdiit'e of tho
b hti'iu, thuadetlro Ing tin- lvholu miohiiiery ol Uie huuiiui
It ni'iider. the rtcmach nnd the T.lver havo ncttdntr to
do with the ca.iiic i'f th- dihtiim?. Tho ttvuMiu ot thtio
orviuir.for I ha cause, lms iotit tullliutu to uu iintiia ly
Wnh cot'fl'lmre I ray tc the norhl that my Mefapliyiit
cal I di ciivi ry In the oiJy romodv ever ciit-rt l lu to; wurld
nht' h will thcrciiKiily ncttlh.hi'e tin-root ct llfcnu-si. Tne
dlciT"ry enp'ilut' ot three olmlnct pr'parntlji?! ; ono fir
the K'nlp, cm f. rthceyi'g, hcJciih u.r the cars. The-.e wcrk
In ci iijui.eili.H, and strike at il o nt of all tJlteme.
Khtn 1 R' nl',lDican every diacitsu tiiat evtr InUtttod
the huui'iu boiU'. d
1'rcn thft I'..i"tort .limrnnJ.
ili i.v .'7, ixil.-l, Mrn. Nanry Sl-in, of K. M Wanvn
rvtri'i'i.t'hrli-nicwa, flccitify thnt 1 hae U'on od.eid
ftr'm eri. My rifjht wMe wm no r'tir.ilvr.od thu 1
cmiiI.uioI he nn it. lHirniK thnt tinm 1 nntforcd from ca
t.'uiii, m le ihtodt; Huiild Cotiult tioi.i imo ti livd huum Ht
a time ; wim rv iicrvms; b-'MImu cnud nh-up at niht.
I 1 iii ii Iniiy lover two yi-rtr itu o, w ih- i r-. dnrr.,i my lo a
t-,)i leton. 1 had r.ll the nioliuiil tijvlte am medxine
iimh c cotl'il -n cue, hut nli tc nn piirpi'se. 1 w It it
h V i"if m i ho )at faturo ol consiii'p'ion. I wan cm lined
tn huil vi'hon Mtm H. tl. Urcvvn's M''ttinhy-ileil Wurivcvy
v,ttv wo-iit 'ci. It wan npi'Ue 1 ac'-..ri1in t' direction. I
IV If im hi'tttr, but raihor vorrin tor mum- time
My fueiiiln want fil me to fo up, m.ylnif It wonld Mil
nm; ttat J wn tto far 111.0 &nd too ueik tu try am think
11. c o Hut mv n.Mrior s-il I I woulil illo If I d! ti'it ii-hI
ri'ltei In it.e hire eiy; and nt It wan the List tiUI toenre
ui'' i-) n wi niil eoiiUime It W e hciu'i f ,umi that it wn ih
cii t'liliiihni v.lli li iv 1: rn-li'ni,' 1iiio inv Hti iu u'hh-li wan
far iPiM i'i'ot. As On- cli'-ii'mlun kipt hii'4usii) mv d
vim l" i an lolin ik uu. It witu 11 rvookn afur f tv n
to ti'iil tin' incJk'liH: hofi're I rcnU t:a ln r "tionj.'f n u iro
Icic r.uticn lo md Mm Id ti. Itro-vn, aij linn I tia-l to
h- vi-hilo. Tho st ':ofd t ine 1 Viii'urttl J wont wtili ut
help, hi d the third icuu I tcimd iny way vliti nt ny dif
fl1.t1.t3. ' hei;i:n Iho nfe -f the let ip!t n"cai IHi'ovurv In
if. a .und thu 1 u Milt (11 r.i, hln i;t:i nt ilnlv. tnut health and
sin 1 ki.i I f.-t r tmiili) Lo tuy vKiiichitt d fcuirn .
Mv prra'yi-,1 sliip s remornl Id vi,rr; 1 can row rvt
Vit-V 00 It. aiy catarrh m (fco. fy ou'b, Jiiv n. rvo .i
iioMaj, fc-rg f rQtl ru ivnnt ! ',"op well a!.' uv ir-
. .y,.ii!iriMt-J lia-.o (i-.lpp"an d, nd I in.iit ftrKnowlwIii)
(l af, h thu prcv-dinc-' ot ii -d. I w.11 dliLCfo-l to tin: iisti cf
,rn M.t Hrcin'n Me'sii'iyt l)l-ir-o cry, Ltid hy it
tnk'-n frctn ihe mouth cf the vr vo iind re-ilo cd tu my
Inn Hv find lriei,'n. 1 know m . dinf a-on are unrie, aw I i
1'i.n. rul riu niaiaVi hm t-ik'-n pltin. hut eptet 11 will la 10
tiuit to rii,ain tuy lost llcah and atreiiHtli.
VK xlin' HTAN1H Mi.
I,.TlinA Kewcomb, cf Quim-yAdo I hAvo
lid n entirely doai In my h-t r mr tcr ia o-n tni H, and for
the fik irt n.y rht nr h:is b-.'-n' ih'.if 1
ccii;lr.'t hear iMiHiu.iii-n or pnloic Kpc.ikhiK ot un
kind. 1 ri.iiUI nut htar Ihe church hi lln liii-; while 1 was
utti-U' In ti t uhnrrh. J hnvo nn been tp'ii -ir-a tnr a num
ber id turn Ith 11 v(-ry ncre thrii-tt, m thai I n 04 o'l H4
to 0 1 f up li i;1':). In t-r inch, lor I had Icit my vjle. I
fcaiii trt'4l trcuhl In my livad, terrlhm iiih 1. sin oil to
CiiiiiP. My l end HI; l umb and ftuj-ld, aj;d vu a
fcomve nf ccnKtiiit irn; hie to rnP.
I trie il iciy if me ly that c-nhl hf t'lotK-ht f. I went to
am 1 .lh ; hut hm tlu wiinied to un l,i .ininicnts I wtili
hu vi' MiMiirf tu do wlih thtiwy, Anoit cn.' 111 intli uluoii I
ihtniiiri' tr-iwn n rti-tui h I liscovor , and
neii tl itci 4o I'll to the 'cc tim,t. un t e h itth-i. And th'i
I T -1 !t lh t'llil I l'i lit II '111;. Of Owl U iiir ib U 'let 'IV r.'Mt.fti d.
I mi th, it 1 cm hear un weil'a. .mv inan. i lu- '.at tr 11I1I0
Hi im 1 .ia m i'hiiii ij u"ii'. an no. in i1 l it; ru'rn i'iy eftiv
lirnt ut fi t V- tJucut, w U h was :o ali-eiiseit, h. c'it!n ly
m ied, mm I ha e n. cveic t my 1 nliv au'iln. 1 w-mM not
tiiV cue tl.' 11-iind iIoIIhi h !ur the l neilf I hm . rei-cived
tu thv uto ol All 4. liiivwu'a Meta,diical In.iojvery.
ItKAfAUKAnTE fil'IiE fP DlSriHAIti'lK.-l KKOM THfi
I'.AK, MhhA-Shi) K Jk.SU LOtiA OK 1.M1X
l.Kt'T, l'Mit ami t.i MiaV Henlfmbcr 7, 1MI. t, Henry Murvllla,
JetU-rhdii Niieet (iit-nr Mr. Hrawnh iMt ecal yard), f Jei -iiu.ntcwn,
do certify that tuy ncti Jt-Bhun tnk briuu fevur
uitd cutarrh on the I reait, wtdch it ft Mm with disrhuM
licuithce'ir and diM'Uned fyes. 'ihe clicliareu uev or
crHHCd Hih cur beciuuo unite laiy and unnatural,
covered with m at. 1 tie iilllows hud to he clianed Juria
tlc lil ht, lo saturated were they with the ilitrhargiw ; ft
Vclili be lli'la-iiikible to 1 escribe tin COiclm mi cf hu ev,
My fnu-lJy phynlciin r-ald he Wuiiid ko Mihd. Ili Intellect
albO bt( nmu Unpaired, thft l.e cared not to be, or pUy
nh .hitJreii. lie lock no not tee ni anything aroiiml huu.
hone but the iKreiit cun tell what our lutlcriuj wr to
lock mi out child iu thin cou1ltlcii.
Mont i:i,vli.'ciitlllyt ubout one yetir afri, I saw Mn,
Jl. ti, 1'ii'wn s "&e!iiihyilLal HUeovery' d crtKet.1 In
t!,e .!(; 1 went lo the OHl.-e, 4!l Ar.'h Mruet, and
.n ci r il the medc lue. M v wlft atled it talt'duliy and
(tej si erikly. 'll.e medicine wo-kej ut the
leuiuiiiin;, but still we iwrm vcivd, and tho result In that
on! Kfiti 11 entlre) cured of hh aheaaeij. Jit. -t lnti'leo'.
ecun lo hjve awakened out ol tli niisen cf d iitli. He U
coiihi'lcii i now n blight ami lntvilirvunt boy. The tlli-fhai'-ieii
ircm hlso.iri have ci.tlroiy cenMtJ. and hU turn
have bvconie hiunll airnt nnltiral. Jll eve are and
birniiK. Uy wtfo iiuilujynolf aro woll haUMu-J whh tue
tin at curt nerf.nued on our child by Mr.. M. ti Hmwh'
6'. -tapiij ii ui lJljcovtry, and must bcartdy cotutuuud U to
Mrs. M. ci. Brown a CulebrateJ Poor ltlohard'i Eve
V ater.fl per IndUc; uiii nliiib cvoti. bcaii KyQuVA-
rAKimcoA.C. W.July 1(,14. alri. Al. i. Jtrown:
I-eur Uadntv 1 have beii yuitc bhnd in my riht ey for
eveu year. 1 have ummi to kereral doctora, wiioui
heard fcuid rotUire my toy t I-at, but tiiey uever done ioo
anyood. l iiMHit Urvumi of money In travi hnKto
win-re 1 beard mere were doctor who could iM iieiit me,
but none 01 Uieui could do me any good. 1 thought my
cane boueloiia, unUl nld by a frieiid you could n-Uove me.
1 evot by a trltnd and piorurtd your 'Meiaplift4cal Ini
covery,"ajid in tuty-lbur koure after tlie tlrm treat
ment, I cwuld tee quiui OUiiiictiy. 1 aw rory UiauiAil tor
luy dviiorahr.
lrtiualoyoun, truly.
The Celebratod roof Bichar J'l Water, $1 1 imaU
Fo. ilO ARCH BtrteC I
BcJpeiiftvator( fl,
inf. CMF R4)KKK M RDU.'INB?.
(MroiTiF.D rnoM boots, b air , and lewbs
Hi irrat ImlUn DlnrrtM
enra mU or tn VM W
titlnary nritanfl. tnvh i tn- MM M4
vi.tinnc if Uie lirn.
ltd mm ion 4i thr Klmldtr,
ftf1ammAitoa f tl Kt
n. Htina m th R,ftdiirt
Htrlciur. Orvl, oiMi,
it nmrkii A, t4 Utct
hI j rwmitntfiM.I inili
r-i of Kmir ("r
"WHffH tn ir ') wt.trtj
il Hit ol4 rftMiit xufrill
luo Lk rikf).
l hf
VMM vf
It Bror-l In hiuhi
rnecn' rnt d itui, th drt
tin) t'Hntf rVm ntif yiw ir
p;nnihii tiy tini' p-r ilar.
It lioitirrtlu mul h tnrHtivf
In Un iicttmit rurlfjinff And
ctfnnailiK, rnn-d'tK
It tn dew tn nil Un orifriaAl
purity and vigor; ttn rtiii
vinr rrom tt, )ytifi ill pr
titv!.i iihi (riilrU ia m-
VVXi'W "
CI! Cf
( '
rrrv vtv
1 1 1 1 In liiili'Wsl M An ftily
f.r n-nUtn-tt t. tht niKKO
K K K HmrTKry. nl Hmmd
Ii u4 m ixtijonK.n wuh
thtvt mlinf In ;l f ! of
r-aforriiT , KMiof
Allinn r Whl. It tirll
r hihn. ofhtn)r, unit
itn.iiii-fiil : mOTldK all
ca.flmfl h'-aU, t ri a, tnd
tjv n lt'"'1 nf ft'1 hnrninf
nri't almofil nn.rdurit. puin
ti Af in mm rl nrM wtih
H'url All U cJitAp rjUAt
llVil lk hi.
y k
TtT th rme nf the rTTKWO
KK k ItlCMKl'Y aid t'tlK
MiKKK lNJKUn')S-ihe
two m"l'ria'i ai the lame
ttinA- all Improper
eharce are rem-nfl, and tn
WfKenti or. ani ate vee1
ll v rr.irrtl to Ml ttjear and
Kor fell particultr tet our
prtmiihlit tmtn any dnnt
tore in the cou 'ii ry, o"
write m. and wo will uia l
frf 10 airy ftJdiCbt a luli
nil vrt
mirnin miiiiiih
1 1 m mill mi ti 11 1
rurnoKFB f:rrtr,.An
Ti'.fall'njr cure for Brrrmn
tcrnifi a, iSeiniiml W'n'irciti,
Xci.ttitnal hii'l'tlcni, and
all il. e.i.meil ly Me If
p 'Union, fiifh at ,cn of
Mirnorv. i:niveral !,
tnde. aitm In the I tuck,
iin.nem ol Mcn, 1'reiua
t .re Oirt Aa-e, Wial. Nereif
?.(V nhy ef It enthln ,
Treint'hi'ir, WriiiMiinet,
h rnoticrik on the y , in 1
CciiniePHiirc. (un aril v, t.'oii
imnitill' ti. and all ihe'ilitclul
rcinpiaintn eun! by ds'fiTt
liitflrotu U'ejjutli of nature
Il Jr
M) DI)
Mi Hit
M Till
Thin mMlelne Ii a )mr?e
vecetib e ft tract, and
on wlikh ail can rely, ju It
bui bien lined in our
tlcn fr many yearn, and
whli thouiAiide treated. It
rm not failed In a aiicrlo
Inxfanee. It curatlvo (io t
em rtuvn been euriielont to
yam victory over the mo it
tuhborn cm).
'I o th"m) whn hive trUhid
with their conntltutlnni until
they thin a theamelve Ire
yond the reart of n.eli.l
aif,we would i.ivDKii'AlK
OT! Iho rHKKOKi;iC
UKf5 will rMioro yon t.
health and vi.or.and afmr
all iua.k doctor bave laikd.
b K
rn. "wmoHTfl keju-
ffenre ot I .Ire ! Itearea
from pore Vegetable Ka
Iracta, ttonlairitngr nothing
IniotloUi tu thu uom deli-
The RelnTeriatlnir Kllilr
le the rmult of nunn-ra
(li.coveiitB in the veKta
ble kltinlcui ; bclnft hu
tnHrely new id ahnr.'it
method f cure, irrrpm
tlieof ad tltoold and wui n
out 8 bit wa.
TbH medleluc hat be-nt
tested by tue 1no.1t euil
Hunt medic id mn of the
day, end by them pro
nounced to be cue of the
u re tent tuudlcul discovering
of tho ave.
One t o tie will cura Ceae
ral lbd ty.
A fcwdoicicnreUyfetcrlce
ln Females
One bottle rurei palpita
tion ol the Heart.
A :ew dono reetort the
on: .ins of trenrration.
From ono 10 threo bct
tltg rcsuire ih tu an li
ne nn and full vigor of
Klilt ItKR
HUK JtlLll
It tt I! 1!UK
hlllt ItHK
jt'ut nun
A few doii rcetoro tbo
'i hrc e hot H if cure tbo worst
CflRC rl ltrpcttncy.
A few dobos cureltho low
one bottle restore! men
1 11 1 newer.
A tew doses bring the rdco
to the cheek.
Thin mcdlrinn roHloren
to maiily vigor and rohui-t
health the poor di blil
tsiiud. vtfirn-ilown, and doa
PRli im- , devouo of letibiial
TTUR KLTXIK cnreillyj
(erla.tienoral PaMliiy, f'.il
p'ttlon ot thu Ucart, and
JmtK-teiicT. It rontoroi mrn
tai (Kiwer and tne aii'miltc,
aud eAiisn tue roan lo uiourit
the cheek of paiior, uud Hie
d)Miittted nmu or wcruau
to feel vifftoroMH and T.imr,
the uuu(, jiud am I'
blood to couro tsurcuh
eiery vein, the nftrvei to
boooi'ie iriDK. idQd th4 Sum
of rev life uud vi;or 11 ro
aidniato the entire Lc-ly,
b'llMtiiv tap ibo eonnMtutio i,
rcN'ouuK or and lii tommy
a hbU auddaleutd flieiiJo.
Ot ')
rx o
(J 000 00
OlTrfOKKE VlTT.fll
fi ;ak coA'iri)
ITVAlF. JI '.;.!. ATOTt,
l or iho Jieiroval of ib
BM'Lctfoim. and tru lnenr
anc rf l.'i'tit li-rlty ln the
pKnrTeiice of llio Montiuy
bey cTiro or obvtite llime
iiun.eione HeaRa that Kfrout liTtaulKiltr, by
I'u.cvipu the inetuianty
They euro Supprjnd,
Excf-'fttvn, and Pamiui ilon-
'j'iie.v euro lrecn flivk
( ;Chl riH1i)
They euro HJerv4i and
Pplnal Altest'oM. i'alns in
tnu Htuk and lower Dttrtu
K li
of the ito.iy. ll-vl ipt 1,
hii KK
rai-cuo on ntiKii heriej,
fd'ALlon of U19 T'twrt,
J,noe of iSiiirlin, Ilvu'e
r a, hick. Ucauu-ra, tht.1,1
ti , &c, In 1 nn.-J,
by Temov'njf tin irMu'erlty,
titi reinovo the ea -ne, An I
with It nil 1 fu- eilrtcti Uat
ptiruif IrOaUi U,
rompenedof plmp't veto
tahin Migcu, tmy contain
ii-ihii g doletfril' ui to a y
coiitUiitlcn, however dell
oitc,tl elr function IkUik to
cu.dltiiieitrciirth for -nfc-Dcn,
vliirli, wlitn oroperjy
tiht d, tht-y never lull lo do.
Hi-'y uiiy be enfcly ued
at muy eve nud at any poi led,
rice ft tturmsj the lirtlthve
fc m i, (lunnn wloct) tho
uniflM'T naim" ot theirae
tl -ii uulil iT.fnLl.bly i iut-
tLim ur KnarcT
r.t rf.r.vr.KK
r'Kl .Er KXi-A'X
FKr.r 14
I:i tLe('Hi:KOKKi: .MP.til
CI.i I, tie iiufofii.naio lll
bud a (uy of iltitxetanca
iri ia sut'i and pain. A
ilny inlcnold aud nloriouu,
v hen they shall no lo ikoi
Hurer without cekin'ion or
re-LHe, edher throiiffh mer
cennry (iiiackB or tic Ineiil-
Vrlfo of Ihe CheroVeo
Idodh-iueittierokee Keino-
dy, J tti e.uf J bu:i.en
f ir Cherokfo Itneciin.
i a Dottle, or a bottletfor
9 . t.unroki-o Curv, fi
bottle, or it boUes for 5
Jr. vtrUiits h.ia'r, l! a
brittle, or 3 tot.iea for ft"..
Ohcro:ee Fill, fnr f-uiib n,
ci' OinueoLl irvp-ra-
'1 he TherckoeMtjdlclnM"
accomplish their raiuom
ihelr eutancleation. An
iiu( -i' u ad
inirt.h)e, and io I'luUtlv ot
Lniti-rai pewd. These niedl
clres will frove. in any and
every ruc, fui'btul and
r cr-'il! nir fvicndt la tbt
t.Uic oi KCwU. WeieniltaJT the f'UKKO-
KKF. Mr-WINE? bv K-t
iireaH (txeept the Cherokee
l'Uie. tru e are trot bv um i
free oltGt4xj), enrvcHut ot
i Ki EF.rrF.r.F
H l.l.l.hi.Ll.C
1 I.Ll.fc
t.KFF,r.KKi:i r,
rrli e. to any rt of il.c :vl-
luta woriu, iccuniy par Ktl
In .urh a manner tlir. iic
one through wiiose bandi
they may aa would know
tl.e contents,
J.Tnliitti or gentleman can
adilriooj u in ponict comi
uence, and wo will tu U
canes frunkly atuwor Hk-.f
iLttord, Hint ipveour opinioti
nl ettch Individual ciikc. We
proeutiue no uiiLe:al
VI NKS ure frold by nil entur
brisirt" dnu'Kinti in thecivl-
Ii'.mI world. Home uiipnn
cijjfed dca!?ri, bowevtr. try
tu ai il worthleia cojuxain1
In line of thefie thoiv
vbl'b tlrty can kot at a
cncuri price, and make more
money by sellirr than ttx-r
4tn vn t)e CHKKOKKC
ir.I'KlM.ti. Afjyouaii
yttti htahl. ae,Uio htaltn
of yoi.r otisprlh-Jo uot be
dfcititd by kuclt un)irln
riled druici-dhU. Auk, fur
Tl.hSE alKMUKLri, aud
tiiVv no others.
.st-m H
f3 HH.-4
b H89
raUtuie addresilnx ns ilt pleaK write Pout Office,
Con nti , btate. ar.d iietua of wrtUrr, plain, aod tndvae pot-
aeniAinp tor repty.
Iftitel-niKKi-u will not buy Chen for you, Mod to tu
anu e will neua u.wn to you iy fcxireii. raruat aa
drtMt.lni ue ebould etaie the disease and symtoms, und
full iiurllciilaiat In rt,lnl n Ihair luiaoa Iraaal till till,.
eutaiia ot a chronic uaiute In malu or female.
Falieuis living at a dittanee noed not hMltate bee sine
oi ibeir mammy to luitus. vi e nave iruaiea suvovse
fully pntlents in all portions of the eJviliKcd Kl b.
We wlh te send every reador of t-bia payur ourtidrty- au Wtterw and ordere to Tr. W. K. WatWIN fc
CO.. No. LIltEKTr Htroet.Kew Torif.
Hold wnole.ale aibd tetall by DYOTT Cp;.
- - A V si. -J
No. 110 Mnrls-Pt Street '
C. T;. . ulnar. r. aicnaXl..
Dill' GGlSTiTl,''i SICIANS,
r.i:vHr. aTnnrKHF.rF.t,
Csn find at nurr.f liiiit irsnl a ital assnrtmaatof rmtvirlad,
and linitiastlc limva, Fi.pii'ar ratrnt Meittiltnas. Patnta,
Coal oil, Wimtow tilass, I'rr-crlrition Vla'a. tc , at aa k)r
prices as ar nulrii- firrr. rla.a (. n .Is ran tn- solrl.
FINK r."f.vTI si. 011,1
Far I'l-rtirtliniTs, In r.ll rnr1''ts, arnl of tha ba.t nnalttr.
Corliliii-il. Il" Inil ... M.Ji'i r. l'i Ash. I'aittirar,
an'a Ash, A n . i ill .if viin-,1 An,.ats, ropimraa, K. sir art
cf l o-iwonj, 4r.., Full liYKIU' uaa, alwaji
lowest n:t cari prki-..
rt nr. M-iri.ts roti fa mi, y i-he,
irnunil capreasly mr our mi s .mi to winch wa lavlia
llif a'tention nf tl,osa in warn of rK'ialilci arllcl..
Crrti-rs tiy matt, ir rKr rssit, win maat with irnnirit -
trottnn.rir ipri-lnl qnolatlnnl wtll be furnished wna r-
Vrltltltl r it Hl)
lvtio;.ai Dririf Warahisiisa,
Jall-ly No. lit" NArtKF.T strict, aiHiTe Fronl.
(;uiiuaiii ."fc co.,
lioalcn In Ana
rrollot A-rtloloe,
mul Hpcclnltleisi.
7tr.KDIV,s, W I KK,. li-., sill) only fur Ml-Urlnal r"-
posrs. to 9-lm
ate now rfeelliii.'th Ir supjilles frexb from tha fl ihe net.
The eupcrUTity ot their OIL In every respea, ha gained
for It a roputailon and lak beyond Any othr found ta -be
buiu kul.
TrniAlntaln It, thoy are determined tn snpply aa artkla
th.nt may be entircl. r- fit rt oa lor frphnin and purity.
He testiinonlAln nf riofiis.irH of Meti eii (lollrnei. aall
Tf to vain ailTrl-iri: evr:
li' to - anu. ir. m' ou nVhi j
It tr' ts) a I'looiinn,- ti r,
ldirR, dyi. In an hour TlnArTTl
I U bare a rvontof 'riends;
If for vim to bia e -oa tutii ;
If irlth h'tib-'m b o-d to wedt
li a maihki si-ipe wh ndtad VViAtial
1' U live thrc enerre end tn,
WI-hlnkT ti e a lorn epaln ;
li ui llvfl a Me ol immci
Il to die anl ko to HvaLTnl
If yon with a life of r leas nrei ;
I; yuu value linn wnnd h ireAsnreii
If ercry onifjit joi not. Id mm
Take mv advice, and wtih au ihre4,
liven, having IlciUth, Wealth, and Uoaaty,
oull ho prepared fir ever? dnry.
Tly 8 careful perusal n Dr. Wli.IJAM OUVO'S Jfew
Hook, nil. i!.M(lti.ii: in !iUM wnnh -iiouil be rood
byeeryo2'. Mld bj r Rcne-nlly. and at tha
I'O'lurs oClee, Jto. 416 til'tiUliS hlKKKT; price 2b
cent. eiiAti
ltn"aliihlc in correcting, rcnlitin.', auu removinii all
obAtructloiu from vvh.ih vt i van. en and ibwaje
succcs-lul nt a preventive,
TheiePlIli are norhinfi new. end have been med by tha
Doctor lor many ear,, buth hi ami Au.eiia, with,
urpnralieitd unci cm In fv- i nn ; and lie i aifod hy
tnniiy lhnni.Hitd ln.iit fi n no hrivn n-(J tbem, 1 1 Catf 'ia
l'i fls pulllc lor 1 hj alie .uiti.-n of thoie fufTcnug froi
any Ijro-uiailuei wh.-Mttvt r, a- vct: a to prcnr an in
ii cam ot (aiinily v.1 1 Ti tii'.ik- will nui purmit It Femtlee
pri'ulhirly eiiiinfe l, .r tl oe inr.pO'.tTM thcm-elrei o. are
canUor cii ok'iiinHt tiMm th ht imiih v riiic in that cmidi'lon,
an lite prop, le'or At.unn n 1 1 p na biilty ahv-r tne aoova
a'imoniiioi., although tlu ir tti-hlneM wouhl prevnnt any
lt'ifci'hfcl in hi'ulih, rthi-rwf' e u l'ili aro rcc-mi mended,
K ii 11 and ex'tHc' irtcctio $ "conipmi-lug; eah Mr
I'rice 91. o rl bnxtn f r R ', Hold wholesale and Mt U
by the follow ip lirnt fil'l? :
Illicit. Uhtv A Co .No. m v. Ff.nrth street.
V itl;ht A Slihl-ill. No UU MirHet itrrcf
A MarohHll, c rner of I hl ti enih ami utreetf.
eittlcr A (uiith, cor nor of :-a oni and titcen itreuU.
Iott A i o , o. V.ili N Sici.n.i htrct.
J- hnn n. lh llowny tr (Vmilcti, uad
H. V. Ik lAiour t'n len.
At idtnll by ad dr utists. scndluK
fiNK 1-Ol.LAH
To ellht r ocent. run havi' the
1 11 L.i MM t ONKHiKM IAM.V,
Ity mall, to any part of lie cry or couutry, free ef
poet u.
H n 110 WR,
9 -'22 ?m Ko. 21.1 W. T1IIHTY BIX I II flin-t, N. T.
H Wi HIYA s r,y 1!
tSA.MA'M'AN'rt t.IrT!
Thi: Mcrt Cim ms t i m. jai-u i;..:o.
i en. b p .b'U. c cm- lor
fn-KoHHmr.k, .i.t-kt. siitrcTcn-", .tu,
Cotitttuib ii o it.ini i hj. no it, iln.. nt. i u Mcriiiry
t 'j.l.v it n pull tic. iftl'i n . i it7 jf t rurp.
Cuiee ii. ir-m two to to"; d'.v-. ami recrnt -a'i In
"twemy-lour h iiire." rn'pir- d i-y a atr idua'c of the in.
i ersH cf ii'iniy .inl i, in.t of the moil eun.ietil Uoctorn
am) ChcinltiH of tne ur' Hcni ca' .
mi i-xi o t in:, mi nii.t i i.i , i cmvnr ivictkvkr,
I. nt thi'Ht! who ii.avo d-pii rvd o 'Ketiu c-tred, or u bi
biive Ictn pureu i. b liul-itu. C p-iis u, ci Altrgiiry, at
once liy thu
8 I'M 1 III TAN 6 til FT.
Kent by mMl n a p!:iln :,veloie.
i'lke, in uie pac iium, J i- tiujtei, $3,
IiI.OODIll Bl.OrtOIi:!
bCliOMLA, l H iHrS, HP 018, TKTIKU8,
S J.M.K-, I. on,;.
SYrillUS Oil Vtl 1; r'.i. lHt;AMl5i, AC, Ac.
"A M A i' i r S A
HOOT AM Hl l'lt Ji HT.9
Is i lit n t t!,i iiti 'lic as pi.Htit cii',
FVP'tH S lK Vr Mr ItK U f'l -K VK i Iho AAMi
BIl AN't Itoo-p AM) Hi Lit . f I'll V., 'n th in if noi.-nt,
ceitnlr, nt "' f rcciiiai n nn ; ever prrmTbi-rt t l""Mit:Ba e
and traoicaiei wt p. mi o ( I'm oi uteal ooi'ii, a
ll,a thi c .ic nt ihcM.u :h ..n.t p. riunnt-it. 'lake Un-n of
till! prfit mja p no-i.'y und b hcikil, n 1 do u tti4nmt
to your p-ilvfitj that orvrlikli jou mv rvat la aAur
Althonph you mnv bo pn nn ni'-cd ineit,'ab!e,the flAMA
1 11 A N't JUjT and lili-till Jll'ii.wll. r-uwve a vary
vi'Min'of luipuil lii'iota iho b.v .teru, ai well as all lh
bud etcs ol Uicrcnry.
In many uilcctlons with whinh nuTtihors of Funnies
feuiVttr, tl o B'Ki AM IiIKIi Jl iC'iujuo nio-t Impoily
Bdr.ptid. in I tccrn'id I'tcnid, In LtMcor h'Pti. In be..rtiikf
('own, r ullinii ol thu Wuinb, 1 iMdiy. and f'jrallcuuipfainu
i'U!i nl io ihe h,
bi.m by cpn-3K Frh e tl a trdtle, or 6 Iwules for $5,
H M Al.ll : V ASU
Ii. In cases Afvp iilln, iii ! In coun- ct;on with tba Root
ami Hei b Jnlcm k idi uirurti nn. I rice centi.
'1 ht- crhviicy oi V:v- r nu li-" in ahka acknowled. ed by
hfclilanh mid'- ii;. :lu y itri ustd in ihe I nUed
hti'ucs j!o-p'iu1-, thui rcstoijVt.i JnoiUi tu uiany ofour
brv fK hln rs.
roin li e hrltln.o o'"
B.vaiAKir . rt ni .ut: ms: t
'- i Hiisi'iMi.. Fttitr M L, I
'ita tniH n. M J., i Yhruary 'ii. Iil.
I have irri at Harstiaiti n lu nt uiiig that I have ne1
"J'ho buniiiriiaii Kt-im-c ;u' f-r Vi-mrc-il itiseaM tu In
mont cum i inA-y fori::' ; tLttt I h:ivc no d thetu witi. Jud
nunt, d fMti.;i, end i rovt., n! Iiuve found tMem
respond to my ai-ilt fitPnii p otnu'ly and cfteetnaH v.
K ru wmi.' lli-ir vonipobit'tui, I liitia the lullee. oonthunca
Iu their eOnacy, atui as .nr as uiy . se of Uioia vjttecAe I ii. t ut sinuily,
"AT.FliF.D O. T(0t7EH,
"Asrilsl'tnt Purtwni i-h Vew Vora Vv U."
Let It be nndcrniiMiil that t!nve rtnie(ile are as neonl
luciiilid, and will positively cure the diseasoe fr wlucb
th v are t llcrtd,
ISohU'y P.r.nPIIM,
Ifo.Sftfl FI'lHTII rt'reet.
ie-li lio Dili HACK ttifuet.
Dool. loutlitlil at Ouei-nstf'SSiri. Cork Harbor.
- I I..- t .1 -kut' u sltalnuia 01 Ilia i.lvnrtooi, nnw mn,
and I'hili-rlcii'liU bteiuuiLii IVbipuu ar luluoiiiM l
aall as fiilliissri :
tHISI'l Kli.lSnliirrlaT.Orliibar 23.
CITY HI ll'.ltslilNiiTUN.tiaiiiruay, Octobers.
CI'I Y OK M AM'ili;sTl.l;. rsatiiiduy, Noh'uiIj-t 8.
Atui eii-ry siiixeiiliiia baluiilay, at n on, frum Pier Ko
4s Is'orili Ulit-r.
Flr.t I'ahiu tuwlio HiiMri'KO i;ii iV)
Klint CaMii tu I.ntiJiiU 1 71 t'U Kiiera'.'ii to l.niiitoii... CS'ial
Ursl rr,n In I'aila.. ItaMai Htni'iiiK.- to 1'ar.s HD-IU
I Ii .1 CiJiln to llniut.r'nlisi'K' tstci'i ft In Uiiuilmrir. 7I.ISI
J'lis.ttiuui alro tuiwanloU tu liavra. IVruiaea, ltot
tiirilnui, Autnoip, &c ,at oiiuull riilua.
l ares ll'i m l.ivflrnv)l or ilienstnwii First CuWn,
aifiii, tl7d, Ir'llo Hti'iTHiri from lilvi-riniol and yiitiniia-town.l-70.
'I hoaa who wuli to aauii for Hiauiia caa
tuv UcKiiti liart ai tiii-si- rMita.
i'os luitliur Uitoi uiatlon aiiply at the Company', urTlcoi.
.tniin it. iAI.K, Ak'iu.
Ko. Ill WA1M.1 Btros-t, lMilladl ltlila.
Aut.miila l.tne. aaltliic fnim aach nort oa
kl.At Is. flrom Hr.t wlru-r alKiva ft S K Blrea .rtilla-
di-liilii.. and lmn Wbarf. ho.ton. Kroia tlrsl wliarf
abo-.-p PIKK Biresit.on Satuidav.Octobar W. lHrtl.
Tha itamsliii BAAOK, Maliiiewa, will aalllram plilla
dili l,la for Hi, .l.n. on HamiJ.T, (KUibar W, at lo o olook
A.M.; and tlji t.ainsnt. MOKMAN. liiar.ltoiaBoaloa
(ol l l,llauul.lila.0il aauiadaj.alll'. af.
Tbiaa new and aubaunnal atmunauioa a regular
Hue, i.illf'K from each port ruiii iiinlly i.a Baiuriia . ailaciml al ona-baU U.a iismu1ui uartd oa
uc vvrols.
rnUlitaukmalfmlrratM. wm. ... i.
6lilniuraareisiujailuiaa4 BVt ooelpll ani BlllJ
awnlyto o .V.'I
Mo. Ml tt. lAKLAWAkS Ar.uaa.
TJOiaC-'SCand wiruura Lln.a, Tta lieiawara an
iri.iau t nual. T he aLaiuera of Iheae Uuea are laarlnc
d.ny at Do'clook M., aadtocloci t.U.,Uvm UiU4l
kliove Walniit alr.rt.
lor, lilrh win b taken oa aoosmnodatJu
Wruil,a.,lr IoWIUJAH M. JIAiliD A CV Hit. AM A.
btXAVI A1UC Ar.ruia. '