TDE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH.rinLADELPniA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 18G1. ' XVEDNF.SPAT, OCTOBKR 19. i BPISIT5 0F THE NEW TOES PEE33. y - k - tcacjlnK Kdltorlals from tho Xew Tork . ,. - . Tiiptrii Till Mornlm?. l-F.IVXWVLV.VMA. -JPVom far TWuw. ! We rntlier riii us tlmt we lmve pot out of the . aworla m tit the TVnrtivlvanln homo vote. Tin . 1HrW begun tij rl.iiming n'oul .lO.OOO rnnjori'jr ; fire diiya' ago the Peniuiiatii; SUtp Commitli'8 t. eflicialij announce. I that thrjr hnii from 70)0 to . JU.OOi). And protested a doubt whether the sol- M'H would Inrreiwa or diminish ft. AV have beatowad pome atttntinn upon tltn iiim of figurpi tun lubou li.v toll (irnph ami our ex. 'Ininqt-, and linaliT oonntiilo ttmt thn I)ntniiTiit li,iv a m i. ''.lofty on the home vntn (nrcorilinifto rot urns Haiti to 1 otlictal except In four coiinticn) of 7 "il. t lure may be a llitlo variation one w,iy or the Other, lint we tiro willing to cxt' tnl tho much- . JueU. U gunlatHn it hiii It it n lit t the loioo. ..Iiiajiiritr i.l lVnii.ijfivai.ia tinayeur Will prob.ililjr tot tte il to tlmt fur Otvenior Cuttlu year; in fuel, tbnt tn cutiiwiueare of nitticulty in coiMUiOiiicatinf! wkU distant post;, the army roto will he ntuvlt ! - than it w ,11 lie in Nnvemoor, ko tlmt if we pt shoo m jority in the State now we Shall be aaliitlU'd Now thru wo Imvo cipbiri'd out aoinetliing to please the ntupij World, Vyiii it pliiiuo y onr tigurc" and let lis ret len sou t!ii real fact. I.i't litem nt that the I'mon ! t'.tlls otl tills yeir mom in our ttronifhulds; fur insia-ire, In Alio, pheny, lfi'J'i; in Liui'nit .it, vU7 ; lu Krle, S.iJ ; in ltHiipnin, hi i ; in lmrfK, about M) (; in llrudtonl, Huo. and an on, mitt tnon they cm judijo hmv likely th is to bi! tho c-lso in' November. Let - them, furthi rmoro, aee (hat what the WurU hat , held up as ' Uumjct alio giiua'areno in at 11; th t in ibii tv-:wn couu im tho Democratic Tote thin year in 7713 lets than the vote for V oodwHrd livt year. Wo a lmit th it tin- Unljo loss greater, hut a falling oil on our sidu is not a Domocni ic gain, ly any means. Thoir voto this your will bo twelve thousand lens than it was in IM 1, and that, too, when they inado their boit ctnvttsj in order to get the prestige of carrying the Keyatono State, for "an oes lYnnsyivnnia in Oetotior, no poea the Union in November," ii held to be a cer tainty. Ho be it. IVnnnylvania, in O :tobor, lHbl, give a 1,'uion majority of ne lrly ton thou, sand, aa will be amply proved by the o.liciul can vast of their votea. THE DltlTIMI AI-I'KAI. FOR PEACE HOKE IMI-tKI I.NK.MK. Frtm the T.m't. Governor Seymour is made the recipient of a memorial, published in part by us yesterday, from sonic three hundred Englishmen and Irish mi n, prououncing our war ngaim-t tho Southern 8'atvn a wrong, a failure, and a ruin to our repub lican Institutions, and asking Its immediate dis cont nuance. This memorial i headed, and was citculated by Henry do Houghton, Baronet. That is appropriate enough, for it speaks for British clasa interests. It la committed to Horatio Sey mour. That, too, la appropriate enough, for it peakj to American faction and sedition. But though the authorship and tho trusteeship are apt, the mcmorl il Itself is not ao. It is a piece of enp rlative impertinence. The America people ttnderitund their own CO 'coins. Tiiey want no foreign te.iching. They can il o mamigri their own concerns. They want go fort igu ad. ne. Their assurance is that this is a war for m1 -preservation. Their determination ia that it hbu 1 be fougnt through until every hair's tread h of tho republic is secure. That ashuranee au i that det riniiiHtion ard us much ' beyond the i flucnce of the Old World as tho sun in tl-e t eHenK. The Kngliih people or, at least, tho dominant eWes i t the English people have choson to take aides Hgainst our Oovernment and lor the JUl elllon. In the bcginiiing of the war, this waa ngordrd wiih great rev'roi by American, for they had no otli. r than good feeling towards .ngland. Honest and earnest efforts wero mado to change thu English spirit. They failed.- Our people realized the failure, accepted it, and re signed themselves to it. Sinco that tlmo they bave been wholly ludiirerent to British sentiment. bo fur as respects tho positive complicity of the Britith Government and people with the actiml prosecution of the war against us, on the high seas, they have deferred the reckoning till thoy ca:i g ve it i In ir sDeei il attention. Bo far as ropi-ets the misrepresentation and contumely ceaselessly emitted ngain us by tho presses most i atr .u zed in Englaud, wo care not. It is Impotent. These gentry my befool theta sclvos as they like, und ravu us they please within their own liitlo limits. Our only demand Is ttiat they shall lako it out by thomselvos. Lot them keep their distance. Our peoplo want none of thi ir memorials. AV'e mean our loyal people these luilliuus wlio aro governing, and who will Continue to govern Uiit nation. In their namo we tay to the.-e iu:crmuddiers, B.iek tu your pi ee. Was there ever sueh impudonce ? Wo are told that "the Southern people lire, only following the precept and example of your fathers and theirs." This bcllbh llehellion, conceived without tho faintest semblance of a just cause, planned only for the behoof of human slavery, is styled the countctpart of that revolution of 1776, which was Jirovokcd, as all the world agrees, by the most uloif ruble wrong.x, and which from tho begin ning conseciuted itself to the establishment of a Government lnuuued on the eternal principles of justice and liberty. Tho-o people have the audacity to invnke the Declaration of Indepen dence. The declaration sets forth that governments are instituted aaiong men to secttro lifo, liberty, ai d the pursuit of happiness; it recognizes the right of rev lu.ion oulv "whenever government b ci'mes destructive of those ends;" and almost tie entire compass of it is devoted to a spacidca t on of "a long train ot abuses Rod usurpations," against w hieh all petition and remonstrance had . bscn ti kvainng, anj ftOiit wliiuh. i(9rJWHno o ci pebut in breuking ail connection with tie liiiiinh Crown. These Southern Rebels have bod no grievance nor made an attempt to set forth amy to the world; and so far from justifying their revolution on tlie ground that tho Federal OoTijri mcnt wnsd"8truotivoof liberty, they have, in the plainest terms, avowed that their object whs to eie -i a Government, the eorner-atoue of vbich should behuuiau uavrry. The comparison of t 'us H beliion lo the Revolution Is the foulest indignity to the memory of our fatheia. The memorial asserts that "tho war has swept away your freedom of sieeu, your free press, and yi.ur Inestimable right of habeiu rorpiu. From M line to Kannis.'Copporhcud stump orators are beh bing forth runker abuse ot the frosident than was ever before hcurd of in our political history, and we are told we have no freedom of speech. newspapers aro strewing the land as tniek as the leaves of autumn with lir-els and provocations, and we are told we have a free press no longer. One mm in a million is refused the liabcaa corpus, on account of some flagrant act of hostility, and wo aro told that the writ has pirished told so by poople who bolong to a Government which has suspended that writ a doxen times during this century, and which did - so tor ail Ireluud onlv fifteen years ago, with the unanimous vote of Parliament, on the occasion of a reliclllon that was but a ma iuito bite in con n irison with the one now striking at our Vitnls. This is sheer insolence. We are told that we may "f.nd out, when too Inte, that the pillars upon which rests your repub ltcuu lorm of government bavo been violently torn down, and that your own liberties have been buried in the ruins." This is the most Innilting of all. It is arrogance in the shape of pity, im pudence in the garb of hypocriy. What do these people care about our "republican form of gov ernment," except to bate it, a:id to do their utmost, as they have been for tho last thrco yearn, to stab it under iu lii'tli rib ? Tho memorialists are also exercised becnusa we "have never been permitted as yet an oppor tunity of consulting in general convention, for the puipose ot nukim? known your opinio is and Vii-hisubout the war, or any of the lest issues f rowing out of it." I,, t tlieuu possess their soul ii patience for three weeks, and they will bo re lieved. W'e Intend, on the 8th day of November, to make known our "opinions and wishes about the war," in terms tint cannot be misunderstood, even by tho most perverse race of men on the face bl tho earth. Though it is said that there is a stupidity that bnilleseven tho gods, there will lie lightning next month that will strike tome sense at least into tho braius of those islander. lxt them siiuut iu their fog, und bide their rol.l.OW T11F.M IP, frvm thi Tril lin. The most glaring fault of our generals In fie earlier half of the war was their manifest icdW posit'en to hurt the enemy, if they could move blm back a little, they wero content, and betook to writing roseate bulletins, Instead of following up their successes and turning fhem to the YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, (rreatest possible account. This, according to Major Key, was "not the game." Unionist of every State I you tee how strongly the tide runs our ay ; Improve It I Push no the columns everywhere j arouse tho sluggard, quicken the laarrl, and resolve that our Imt vote shnll be bronght ont. Our I'ra-idnntlal tlrket is safe enough j but wn mnit have two Ihirds of the memliers of tho House tu Innuro the pasfage of the constitutional amendment. One vote may decide that we cn pass It, or that wo cannot ; we must not fall for the want of that vote. l'erfcrt your rounty and subordinate organiza tions; circulate documents fr.'cly and systemati cally ; srrutmbn your rrgMrle", 'and be ready for an overwhi-lmipis'. cnnciulve Union triumph at the November election. v rcspetrnl:y sugot that wherever an ellieient, working Union organ int'u doca not already e,xlt, tln ro bo a inenting of the T'lilon votei-R of the township or elrnlon district to crca'.e a lorn) orguTrration, and prep iro to bring nut onr Inst vote on Tuesday, the tub. of November. Let not one voto be lost! mi NicAi. jorriSGH. Ttoislnl, who does so many neat things exactly adapted fur newspaper Item, has wilttnn In Adeline l'atti'a album a tew rnmplimrnUry words, as follows : "My good Adelina; Noihing ran he mure easy for me than to insert an idea in your altinm, an idea which lilis my head 1 cherish you as an adorable ere itme, to admire your enchanting tslcnt, and to be forever your friend. G. Uossini." A new honor has iWn added to those clus tering about the name of Ootts.lm k. Tho U ieen of fpaiu has made him a knight, it is ceriiinly an agreeable conrti ay ; but It is f ir ho'ter for "a man to tbink that he wrote the .ir tlnpr, th I'aftorelln It Caralirrt, or even the Slarrh At Xuif, than to po'sess a doien kn'ghtly orders, (iottschulk tliuK enjoys a double, sati -f iction, and should confer on our public the additional ono of letting them hear him iu the concert-room before leaving this country. Carlshcrg's orchestral concerta are just now the mus cal attraction In llerliu. The orchestra comprises fifty lirst-c ass musicians, and gives a concert every Friday in Sommer's saloon In i'ots dam street. Tho mHnnger and conductor, Mr. Cnrlsberg, who resided for somo titao In Nnw York. Is said to have cfieeted an arramrement with I'llumn, hy which he will be enabled to in troduce to tho Berlin public in tho cotirso of tno ensuing winter, in addition to his orchestral con certs, the following artists in a series of musical ctitertnitiiuents: Oarlotta l'atti, Vieuxtemps, Julius Stehhins, llrassin, Jaell, the baritone i'ci ante, itoger, and llorr Schnorr von Caxols feld, the tenor of tho Dresden Court Theatre. M. Bernard, of the French Academy, has contributed an importaut paper upon the action of opium npon the system. This pliy-i dog 1st conducted a large number of experiments on dogs with the various alkaloids contained in ordimry opium, and be baa drawn tho following conclu sions: Tho alkaloids of oplnm posse s throe distinct propertios-(l) that of producing sleep, (2) that of being convulsing or exciting, (3) that of being poisonous. Iu the soporific division comes, firtt of all, narceiue, then morphine, and next codeine. In the excitant division they are ranked thus: 1, thebaine; 1, papa verine ; 3, nurcotine ; 4, codeine ; 5, morphine ; 8, narccino. In the poisonous ordor they rank : 1, thebaine ; 2, codeine ; 3, papaverine ; i, narcoluc ; 5, morphine ; 6, narcotinc. Thebaine is the most powerful poison of all; a decigramme (ab mt a grain and a half troy) of tho hydrocblorate of this alkaloid, when Introduced into tho veins of a dog. killed the animal in tivo minutes, whilst a very much larger quantity of morphia, wheu in jected into the blood of another dog, failed to produce any injurions eifect whatever. DRY GOODS. ryAOQ ft 11UO., CORNER OF TENTH AND J PINK, open litre til' i from mini m, 'I lot Ladirt' flu Krewh do h kIovam, HAc to $1. - " " sauntlei'5rtiHi$l V" black, nud cfUreil,"Jouvin Hjiifin" kill Ktovri,$l50, 1 lt mutia' merino to ?4 ln..6'2'-Bc. to 1 " " Mcoti h balmornl skirtii, -J . 1 a) k ilorv.liutri glove, 40c. 1 14 bntTalo ball ba- k, eombt. &k 1 ' hair rruliCH,,ilo ., oii trlt-. 1 11 brown an a drab "Vi lUimuiitic," 200 ynrdi ipool C'tt"n,l:c. 1 lot Mack oilk, raarhlnr ipnol tvrntt inc. 3 lots l.Uti roiort piahl boi nut iitbon, diic. and f I, 1 lot litvTi colors plairt vchti rtbl-nn. No. .f 1. 1 " (.'nU'l Inrn shirt btiiomo. o'tl prir, ifOc. 1 " lmlifB'7 In hfmititr.l:rihdka.iiUr. 1 ' ladln' wide (ai-ea, boht imlltr hp iklft, ' (Nmblo-w U li bUk 'aNhiuer(ii,6'.'Sc. 1 ' biKb l(ivtr Uack alpaca), S1l. 1 bluett rrapa PartsiontM-s. for uinurning, 121. 1 " plaid Paris Tandem. kl!k plaiJ, 70c. 1 " plain c lora pm n p, $1. 1 xtra hetvr wnir bla-k bonnf ribbon, 7fc. Alan, lauiuv and (tnti' koaa, Klovei, heavy tulrts, and uniwprt-, notkiiB, Ac. WANTKU-Aa Kit RAND BOV. Keferonoe required. 10-iU yt REDUCED TO $3 00. ALL OHADE9, AT HEDUCIiU lJHIOKH. CUKWEN STODDART A BUOTIIEn, Hot. 50, 45, and 151 M. BKCONI) fltrMt, 10-ld Jt Above Willow. GRAND OPENING OF THE "B W AKll MAOSTFICENT 8TOKE Of JOHN L0UTEY & CO,, No. au hi. KIQIITII HTIl IIiX1, ON MONDAY, SEl'TKMUEU Uti, Whtr will be fcuna a most Hindful aiwrtmtat of DRY GOODS, ! ci,2Aifg, And 1ST TDK CITV. W hav ot Opue4 lOOO Pi.w. FILKH, FLA1H AKI Jl-ANCT. 500 X'i.-oi MEKINOKB, I'LAIH ASH i'lOU-klCD. 50 P1im5c FKKNCII POPLIW, BET AKI rmi 8Kl. 200 Pino.-. WOOL DM LAINK, Double and Slngls WUth, Plsla tail Kljjiiroi. 150 Piece. MOHAIR ALPACA, ruin aud rigureo. 100 Ploo. ENGLISH MERINOKfl, Alio a laTgc Stuck or Fancy and Stapl li 11 K S S O O O L) S. I 51-Jin JAIJIIiH' CLOAKH, SACQUES, AND CIK0ULAK3, OF ALL THE FOFULAU STYLES, Idsde In Uic best manner, AT REDUCED TRICES. W ATKK-l'ItOO I'' OI.OAK3 In irrutt'. vaiK !. CDEWIJ ET0DTAET& BSOTHES, N. I'U, lYt, and -131 N.hp.CUND aTKKEr, 10-lS.Ht Above Willow. 103 KOltTH LIiWITII F 111 T. 103. 01 r n..iatnse b'.ock of 8:dj!e and J-'nncr' rimnitiiy-.cyiu-pii'iiiy the btt nitj iiiu'-t (tti.iumible atmrt-im-nt of J.ilbV lnvH Clust Tilmiultigii, U:u nunri r;j liuttt'iH of rtiir own mko and In PTUtif.n, Hllk iujI Moriuo rttarfs, all of Mlk uiitl Chemlle lh-ad Iirfust:.: Vir.u cueaper than el.e wl.eie; iu .ilu liltui uiul UnvW Hu'ti.iu, flutU M-:niii)ftinl H k lilme, Kid Ulovi-a of the best ii.ft'.rri, Ulark a'lil OM.rid VfibJ.'hawU j.n.1 Scirf Monlcri.aU wlatbi ; Fancy ilu a and fci io C uiba, Hilk Dt it Hil-boin, Jot, Mm'I, und .ilt Vt-it Itm-klea. l;uk Taafis of all colore and MakIc liuTiiiuyr- vi a'l hivi end it!r at natly reduced .Ticca; Vtndlfii Cioodsi, Hun ,:, Nubiiii, lifod ; Ladl s''Ireu a, arid MNvoa' Sbickiuifg ut tho cbt'djieiti prici ; I.dr .tolu, Watorfjiii holla, und W.itt-r-lailNclH ot our own Improved method); HI ark und Whito I.HC ti oi aU KrudtH ami Htlui; ititv k and t'olurvd Veivo In Kreat vartvty t Ittutt d prlctj f LadlfC tid len(a' Ncektka, In variety, extrvmcly ciitaji, Ao., Ldiea e"me, one and nil, and convince yottrtf-ryo hofnrv bu. lit;-tUew here, tbnt It U well worth te your own lnt. rl to pnr vonr Tilininlnrit at the (.'heap Siore of Wil 11AM IsONkKKHIAOTKli, Ko. MS M. FKiiiril H(ret bcrutiU d.or above Arcb, m xt to tho corner. l't h WALKING COATS, DRY GOODS. JIAC!1C HIIiKH OF ALL WIBTES AND GRADES, AT HI'-.DUCKI) riVICK8. CTJSWES STODrABT & BROTHER, Nun. r.C, and N. HKIWNI R BKKT, 10 18-.ll AS4V. Wtitoir. T. W. EVANS & CO. WILL CONTINUE TO S E L L THEIR ENTIRE IMPORTATION OK DRESS GOODS, Comprising all the Textures of the Season, at a GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. Nos. 818 & 820 CHESKDT STREET. 5'KW HOITHNINU HTOim. FALL STOCK, An IZlOKtint AsHortment DEXS GOODP, CLOAKS, SWAWLS, MANTLES, 'ASU MOURNING MILLINEliY. THE ATTKNION OK T(1B LAUIEt 19 80MCITKD. M. it A. MYKUS & CO., No. 00 CHF.SNUT HTUKKf. J" ALL AND WINTER GOODS l'OH M'LN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. FANCY AND ri.ArH CA8 JMF.RK3, TANCV AVI) MIXKI) COATINII8, UNION CAKUUEUEB, Ac. 3co. Ac, ALL AT IttWUOKU PX;ICK3. 0U1WEN STODDAET & EROTHEE, Ho. 50, 4.V4, tnl 43( N. SKCOND Street, 10 IS 3t Above WUhw. SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. WE ARE NOW OFFERING OUR NEWEST STYLES 01'' SILKS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. TIIOS.AV. EVANS & CO., Nos. 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET, IH CnOICE EESIGX5, AT LOW PJIICES. (HIR'WEN BTODDAST & BR0THE2, Voa. 450, iY4, and 451 H. SECOND BrilKET, 10-18-31 Aliovs willow. VERY LOW PRICES, DRY GOODS. L4 At M FOURTH AND ARCH, WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVERTS IT TirCOMKS Kl'.Ct'.ssAUY TO URDUCK DRY GOODS TO MEET THE V1EV7S OF BUYERS, VE ARE AI.WATM RRAHTTO 10 83. Ad w are tvw ftM uT'ni O-I.l d iwn a oloia at o ftil lowrd l, ay, ttii UaRoMtlme for eonautaori to come In and bay NEW FALL GOODS. Eofit Stock of Ljous 4-4 Velvets. Bost Stork of Morinoes. Best Slock of Toplins. Ecct Stock of New Silks. Eon Stock of Nobility Plaids. Eest Stock of Dress Goods. Ecst f tock of Black Goods. Best Stock of Wtito Goods. Best Stock of Lace Goods. Eest Stock of Blankets. Bebt Stock of Cloaks. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. r. H.-We are fto to ftcLLawlmStf. wt h.v .old (.M ftl btfih w Mnbodjr. therefore wtte.a alTurJ lo ill ,u lew tnj bwljr. nii 1m JMMINSK KfcUHKJTION I! TUB or DHY i O O I) B. JAMES R. OAMPBELJi & CO., No, 727 fHESMJT STREET, OFFEK THEIR ENTIRK STOCK OF DRY GOODS, consisting; in tart of MKIdXOr.. I'nl L1NH .od UK.I'-f, triNUI.ISK.M. I'l.AN r-l.A I K. AI.I'At'AM onil MOIMII JiLACK. utd tAOVX Bll.KH, HI1.4WT.B, Ol.OVEH, I.INKNH, M'HITK (ID.1KS, n Mei,. Di, iitKm, I.KKN uni COlTON MKTIiW, UtrKLI.Ailtl, ki d CLOAKiMU t'l.Ol'llM, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. Wc L r Uavr to aaittro th? puhllo that w hava markM doncvor article incur a lock, and bow hare It In our ixwar to oftt-r liAKE B A II GAINS. 1M-Im WHOLKBAIJt BOOMS UP STAIRS. N 13 "V (J O O 1) H LOW PRICES. TEOMAS W. EVANS dc CO., HAVE SOW OI'EV A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL yVTNI) WINTEll DRY GOODS, or THIS SEASON'S IMPOETATIONS, r.HBBAcnca feliawla, Cloaks, Kmltroldorlog, Olo-voft, Herniary, Xco., Uttltyilwl vlth ffieat r,re la Uie European and American Mt'kru rortliebct Detail Trad, and will be otrcr. dat H IH'I'IU l'KK'th, luli iual to Uie raw ot Nos. 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. lu-H-ct FALL, I r FALL iho i. ) NOW U STORE.) lwo A EDMUND YARD & CO., Hoe, G17 Gkeanut and Gil Jayna StseeU. ' inryKiuts ikii J0BDEK8 or SELES AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 8IIAWI.H, LIN10NB. AND WIIITK OOOUS. LARGE AND HANDSOME STOCK OF D It ESS GOODS. FULL LINK OF FORK ION AND DOMESTIC lscti'viHa Do-?ia HRUNFR'H AND OTHER MAKK8. M EiuNoi.s, ron.iNS. 11. -, 1 pi ii.-iiiien, Clail ri.iUln. Ali.Nt.ih. Aloluur. ttii.l olUor llri'lB flOn.M. t AMi iii I.I. .; Hit al LUIisUL 1 SltiHt, ILKS, SHAWI.9. 7 lUpil'niit flt-lfi. Oiuiea, I.Iimui, and WMlf Onoda. Cheap nt JM- i'ami'iiki.i. ,t cn. s, ho. lit CIU.SM. I Dtruet. ."LANNFLS, IiI.ANKF.TS. 1, Into and Ck.lli n She. linn. CbtAP i J AD. K. CAM rllF.T L CO.'R, o. m 11IKSNI T 8lre. 4 IL WHO WANT GOOD DRY GOODS AT tAMPIlKl.LAjCO.'ll 10 -tf Hl. Ill CI1LSHUT Dlreet. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. DRY GOODS. TTBAOBDIHAI.Y BASQAIH3 DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FTRMSHING AD DOMESTIC GOODS, Ccm rinlng Uie lrrit a"d r!inleit dliplayj-et offireJ at Betall, AST AT TKirX4 TI1K CORRKSPOHIUHJ H:ilH'KI VALUR Ol' CHILD. I-TtKNOlI l'Ol'LlNS, MKUINOKH, AI.l'AOAS, WOOI.DH I.AINF.S ,to., VKV CUE IP. Wc have rccolTcd at a anvtl eacnao? lare ftuok a lUitoi-iittM DUKSH HOODS, A Job Lot of AldKlUt-AN niil.AINI-.S AND J'KINT., WhK h tre itiall offer rerjr loo, and are welt worlli the atuiulioa of btirora. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., B. B.eoraer MNl'll and AKCII Rtrueta, ri i.tnKi.-'iiu. 'JJlIfci 1JL.AJ13 TO 1IUV LINEN GOODS. a. C BTUAWIIUIUUK A c;o., NORTHWIST CO UN SB EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS, Dare aJwej i In atock a full Hne of PCOTCII TABLC LXNBKD, !irauk ant Spot. IUIXU T AH LB LINENS, Hamaak and Soot. BAKNgLl-.Y TA1U.K I.LNRNH, axtta hearr. TOWKI.H, NAI'KINH, AND DOYLIIiS. SIIKETINQ AND TILI.0W LINENS. Mhdral IndueemenU to Itotela, Hoarding Hohooli, and pun liaaericr lame Ma. ITrnvflm w IIKTAIIj AND WHOLESALE. eJ. M. IlA"JL.E;iC3II. No. 902 CHESNUT 8TEEET, lias now In ore full aaaortmont ot the calobratod uaKes of KNC1LIS1I HOaiKHY, IM nAII.KKiOAS IIOHE AND HALF HOSE, UKKTTLED llOfiit, 81UBI8, AND llKAWKltg, EXTRA UEAVV B1I.K SU1LT3 AND DBA WEBS, IN AI.L. SIZBH, FOR GENTLEMEN. 10-7 JUN NO IUSK!!! HUN NO IlISKH! We n-fiind the moniT, It de.trod, for evoT7 lot of Dhlrta laell lalJ Iu an;- njii'i -t, I IMS Hlllltl'S, riKK HtllRTH, 1!IT I.KKOTHWt.r (IF mm. IN. at ado rf N-w wk Mill. Mi'i-lin, and Tory flno l.lnen Uo.pia (inir f r7e. I'iiii.i pricn Sti WliitNiraviiii. Mule MukIIii, and unft Llnon Boaoma. Onl) $1 Ml t.'tnal pnrc t''"-'ai Ut.lliaiUt.Mltl.KNHIIINI) rioont UKMUiUKK-a l'i ItDIDIlISO OOOD8. HMI I'll JvOOrtH, i-l-tm ko. liW UilltDNU F Dtreot. J A , JONM3 CKHKBATHO NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 1 EVUtY BKJRT WARHAKTKO AND KEPT IS0BUKB FKEK OF CUAIIGE. auLD PHt AT No 17 N. IIGUTir BTSfeEf, (Orcr Partridge'. Trimming Store.) KOMI OKNUINE VNLISD OUIl NAME AND NUMBER IS NTAMl-BD VVON TUB WAID1BAND. KXTBA I.KaVOTn HK IliTH, and with any ( walat. mad (ft urilar aat tri OI-D DKreUD 1A1K OVKK AMD ' BKPAJHBr. a..inal tii N i, up. MWHIS AMD rrnir.DlthWS hkiiitS. of all aire, and UwO Manufactory, Mo. Ojn ARCM street. UO Aovve aixin .ireM, iiiijai;iiia. The mint rx. rapid,- aaoruu.iit ..( LaiUea', Mlau', and Cnildren'a lloi 11 Halna Iu la. city . ia everj itr.t tia.., whii h fur atvle. rttil.h, auablUty, ami cueapneM, WTr nvr.UW III ui.i ui.rn.c. hairu made to ordur,altorei;and renalred . f4 1j WM. T HOPKINS, l'AHCY lUXlH. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SEVENTH, at nis otn EgTAiaiBnr.D btobe, Iuipoiter tvnd Manuractuier of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S My aaaortment of TANCT FUflS for LadK'a aud CUD Jren la now coKclole, cmliraclng EVERY VARIKTY THAT W1U BR WORK Dl'RING THE COMING 6EAS0N. lit iuenii.f it lABQf) and oumbwi JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 AIICII STREET, Abova Sevantb. I DAVE 0 PARTNER, OR COS SECTION WITH AST OT11EK STOKE IN TUB CITY. -U0-4ra OVERCOATS CHEAP, FINANCIAL. QaTITICJa FOU THIS HAl.E Or NATIONAL. LOANS, i No. 114 6. TfllSD BTEEET, rniLi)KLTim. IN 11 W UNITJ2I) STATKS 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. Tie Ruhicrttiera having tiea tha eiicce.rul ntjrfora far a portion of the NFf ft-tOH X ITU CKST. llll,'. I K.l.lMi I OHN, are preoarcd te utTiT It on rarer abie tirma to tlirir enatoirm. In large or .mall arjounta, la HoMta of aenomlnallone ef !., 400., and 1W0, biith rrvtleMd and ooiiiioat. Th.lnLr.t mmmtro'i cn th. lat of HoT.flthor next and la ratable U ol(l, aroil apnnalh , on the 1st of Mar and Novrmlxir. All utt.rrOoroniniert BocurlUe. en hand and foraale, and Information glv.n concornuij laTeaimcnti, at our onto. JAY COOKE A CO., K.. 114 8. THIRD HTBr.KT, 10 1'i-lm riillatfolltla. FEW RUH DEED BIIABES Tarr Homestead Oil Company fOB 8ALB. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 19 IMt Mo. 3 8. TIIIKII Snil.F.r. IH8T NATIONAL. HANK. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 BIX PER CENT. BONDS, Thi. Ttaak hai now for .ale Iheae Teir popnlaraaa dealrable United Biat.. Honda, whlea aara rrVK TBABS to nm from November I, 1804, before the Oorernment ha. Uie prhl'oge ef rtdiniptloa. INTEREST, 6 TEE CENT. TER ANNUM, r.yaWe Bcmi-AnanaUf- la GOIM. C. II. Morton MoMiohoel, Jr., CAB III EB. CLARK, ritKSlDBNT. 10 13-lM s tochh anu tmovximsns Bouairr ajnd bold ON COMMISSION, DE EAYEN k BROTHER, t-a ho. art s. Tiiiui) btu '.et. gMlTlI a IlAINlOL.L'lI, No. 10 S. THIRD 8TRBET, UANK1CIIS AND UllOKKltS. Bpeole, Stock., Qnarternaatera' Vonchor. and Check, and all OoTwnment BoonrlUe. Bought and "ilJ. miill QLaAJLtlUdON eSr. CO., 13ANK1S11H, No. 121 8. THIRD BTREET, rillLAJJEU'IUA. Oorernment Recarltle. ef all I.sne. Pnrchaaod and for gale. Stock., Bond., and Uold Bought and Bolt on Oom- Bola.lon. 1NTEEE8T AIXOWUD ON DEPOSITS, CoDaetlona Promiitlr Made. feJ tf G OlaUl O SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE EAVES & BEOTECEB, " aol-tf Ma. BO B. THUD BTRBGT. JpHI0ii:. HTEKH A CO., UANKEUS, No. 30 S. THIRD STREET, BUT AND aLl GOLD, BILVKit, AKO UOVBBHUKKT eBCUaiTIEg, H T O O K S BOUOIIT ANT) BOLD OB COMMISSION. fl-U N jew LrOArv. rvuw loan. U. S. 10-40s. JAY COOKE a CO., OITKH FOR BALK TIIK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BBAitrNo rrvK i-eb cent, intkukst in cors. redeemable anj time after TEN TEAKS, at tliepiKasura of Uie OoTerument, and payable FOUTi YEAltS altor date. BOTH. COUTON AND BEHiSTEBED BOND are limed furthi. Loan,ofaame denomination a. tho O-DOe. Tho luUroat on .'u and SlOue payable yearly; on all other dt-notnlaatlou., half yearly. The 10 -ko bond, are dated Martb I, lbW. The hnh'-ycarly Inture.t falling due hi ptembir and alareu 1 of each year; uwil lit .SiipUm- ber, the ai-crurd Intereat from lat of March I. re-puri d to be paid by puivhaaere In chin or In Lint. ruuHaNL-r, add. Iuk nlty per cent. ftr ireiuium, until furt her nutlce. ALU OTHEKGOVMOMENT SECLUIT1KH UOLf(;ilT A-SO SOLD. JAY COOKE & 00., ndiW-tf No. lit a. Till Kb Hl'HKKT. UQ NEW 7-30 LOAN. . k. ncelved. and th. Note. furniehed u ee at ail utuu,., by Hanker. aan-lra Jfo. 18 8. Tlllliu o 1 li STOCKS JJOUOHT ANI ffM.n ilB I DM MIMIIIM, By CtultUE J. BOTTt, Broker, anx3-lai Xo.US.TIIIuUatniet ATTENTION I POLITICAL AND 1'ATENT rUihl men; aim' manufacturer, of t'lreworka, call and iro the 1 .r. at I'ulllial cawpuut'i lUuouuatora. Terrtlouoa lor aaw. AuVlroe, I.EAOH, 10-1J iii American Huu.o, I'IiUmuoIuIiIa. WANAMAKEB. & BROWN, AUCTION 8ALE3. MAC7KRY-8 ADCTION BOOMS, Nov. IM MAJtaVBT BteMa. O. O. V A T T . Aiwtteeioer, anVa1a eoe)rfniVfrl. at txioiiit, waiirs, AVI atc(AimH, Orad kirut.. a pnbl c aaue at hi. AncUon Bouau, aad a erlll aHead ferannally k aalea of -,j bhtaib AlfB BTOCBJ At tha ExehanMi, . IIOIIRCHOLD rURMTrUBB At DwelUaira. end rOI-BK Or MBIIOBAMDIBB At tha .r. ul th. iiwi eta. Caeh win b advaaoed when dealred M eaaukria't fooda for aai4M tale. f OOR Rai.a;. ..... . . " w'"""l.yniirhl, At TO rlicV. a larre nnmlrot Valaaiile BnoV.. fmm'ATil1. tiu .TV "",,,"ul, WedHaf, AtTCTION SALE OF CONDEMNE yi aaTKHiAtT-Hainiiui.-,arrtoa, 1 riT 1ivi.iim, -,, . . I"iTOCiTr,Ocir.lJII n. . .T'' "'! aocilon, to the hieol bidder, at Clr.boro, !... nn ritinAV, Oc'nher 14. O.VB lll'Ni.lti.Ii CA valry rtORAEB. KifIA, lrtohor JI.IH04, OrtR IIUMlKKl! CAVALKV UOBSKH. ...rJT haei oundomned aa unfit for tha OB.iry aervk-e r-l th. army. be had. " 'm" pnrpoae. many food baraaini ea7 ll.ea mid ain.iy. m?n'".'t I" A. i". LDlU "' clm- l"-l .) Cr.lon.. In eharirt14,-, ,-. AUCTION SALE OE CONDKMNKI uww. Ut-aniKKKAlTait-naKn..'. n.- a KlMT Dirt. I, , ( Wilt K. ftw .. "".'"nTn" 0lIV- ,)r"'r I, ISM. 't tU 'i.V'- TDKTRSOAT, WiLXiniimih, iikuaVau'k, tntTKiDAr TOkK, I'aDNilVLVAMU, THURSDAY H-Mlier 7, ls44 ' TWO UmilltBD CAVAl.RV H0B8U AT AO ll.AtIB Thee Po-... have boon rondeau u enflt fr that fax airy r-erT'ee of the army. r "r road andfarrnui, nurpoeea aaany aood bartaau aaay be had. ll..r.-e .old hiiy. Balea to coatneaoe at l A. at. TemiaC.h, In tnlt-d M.ile. tJarranry. ByortleTof Uw VarterTnaler-o'waL JlMKN A r.KVt, Cnlnnal fa charite Klrai lO-.Vto'. UUMtcrruaaMr-Oeooral. Orooa, PROPOSALS. OIUCK Or ASSISTANT QUA RTK RMA8 Irr. Military ln.trlet of PliUadelpaia, Mo. IM OIKAKI) Mie...()rl .h.r IH. 1(4. Xraini fmpoaaia will be roaelred at thla afleeaiallt roon ot r Klli. , Il.i In. I. nl, fur the Immediate datirery at t.'ualaiier hairai ka. of f lei Hemlock Boarda, 1 Ineh. la feet, nod naalrtr. :' in no f lark. IC feat, 4 do H :anlllnr.i.4 Mfewt, da (Ml lial Pine Wivli .it0lnrh., do I 0 feet White rine Nidiaa Board., X Inch, da lkiaKriMi.htNaJla.ltdM do ktve.Vlnch Hplaea, dm To be aptvvted, after adlTery, by Ui. Halted BUtaa lpa;iector. ho prrnnaala will be rorelred eaeeot thoae proparty Ailei In hlarK. turnlrhed at thla ottloe. The I'niied Mat, rnaerrea tlie rwht to aeoept parte at blfe and to reject u btua aeeoae4 Inn.mpallkl. with Hal tntcreata. ALBERT B. A.Tttf RAD, W !- Caautn aat A.l. W- HIDES AND BARRKL8. OFFICE DEPOT Commlaaary of Bnb.latenea, WAaiiiNoroir, October 17. IMt. Will be aolil at public aueuoe, on Tillll:!)iAr,Ootoher f7, Mil, at 1 o'clock A. M., at Hlath a met wharf, rTaa. laUu, 1). C. MIO Halted Rldea. i-.'i iry iitiira, more or leia. Alao, loo.) Hiia-ai Huaahaad.. WO Pork llarn la. tuw Flour t 1:U '"fl. do 111 H hlaky do ly. Il.n do 17 Viiarkea. . Boxea. Ac e. Ao. Term. Caah, In Trcaaurr note., at the time of .ale. 10 Il'-M. O 1IKLL. Lleau-Ool. aodO.B. R01'OSAL8 FOR LUMBER. Cnisr QvAaTitMAirram'. Orrrca t ThiroT or Wajiiimitvk, WaahJnaton, Oct. 17. Uk!4 Bealnl will be reeelved at ihl. OIHce natal H AT ll BOAT . Ov'ober V. 1h4. at 13 o'clock M., for d-tlr.ry at itila depot ot Lumber .a tkefoUuwtoi aflaaaau.kiadaa and di'a':rlptlopa, vU l,tx'.l o tret 4 4 or 1 Inch White fine eeouaati Onltlnitt. U)Mlectti-4or lS-mck White rue aoaumOaaV liiica. 1 W.nro fret K-4 or i-In.h White Pin. common Cathnre. 10C,XJ Iret 4 4 or 1 Inch tougued and froored rToor Inpa fK)trei Ji4 ITemlooa BcantUna. II feet 'oaf. . yr,i.4) fet a4 lifmloek Bcanlilnf. 14 ieet loa. -Si .l") lii'mlook Hcainlln.. 1 nrt l .nj. " 011 tutteet a4 HrmhKik roanttlnf. IU teet torur. ' 2-.(10 fi4 Himiook Rcuitiln. 0raetloac. : VA.I4XI teet i'.xS Henloca Joint. 11 fhot tone, W,,l1 r.xt ll'mloi-k lat, 1.' feet lon. !ti,(j ton Sxii Ilomioca J 'l't, 1 te.t lnrjf. .vi w reft oak ift-miorA joiat. vvi rwt wne. ITV.OiiO f et :iaa Hemlock .lolat, 'H ret lonit. f V f. vt v H' Uilo. k Jout, 14 feet lone. sat 0 feat a fll Hem ock Jol.t, 10 feet loiwt. l.i 1 Of Itcl aa. tii-mlora Jol.t, la lent limit. W.KA fret Hemlock Jol.t. 1'i fret kn. V.'.JUXJ I. ci and lo Hemlock J il.t. It fuel Inrut. !li,t feet H ai.d IU Ueimock Jol.t, i0 feet Kn. M.i fi .t Ux: and IU Heiolot-k Joiat. 'It teat ton.. l,Mm la. 1 No. 1 IH luch aawrd WUU , blunta. l.MO.Ol 0 beat iua'.ll aaered Cedar Sulnifle.. Son t riasierini.' I.uihe. Banipiuaoi abiwiieaaiid lath, propoaed atr will be t qulred. Hide will bo reoelred for each kind aB nuaniliy aa above apecltied.or for tha whole aiauartei vertiaeii for. All of the above de.crlhed to be pood merabantabla Iniiiher, auoicot to the In.pertioa of an luapootur appointed oh the .Hit ot the tiovemuieuu A u 01 the lumber contrivteii fot ti be dalrrarad'wltbia thirty ..'I') d.y. Ircm date or contract. f'icoiai t orn aitloyiil partiti u-ilt not hf etmtidrrfd An oath of alle.Janro to ilia United Statoe G.rerameaA U11. at aoci ni am eaih iiropoaltlnu. T heaiiilitrnf the blddt-r to ft. I the contract, ahotild at Lo awan-eil him, rou.t be puarameed by two reaoaal- Lit-prMii.a, Uo.e aluttiurui utual oe ajipeuoo. to ana gva'antfu. 1 he full name and poat office addrca. of each bidder mnat be leall'ly written tn the proooaal. ltuiida in a turn .'iiial to ball ol toe amount of tha coat tract, alKiied by the contractor and both of hi. (narairkira. wl.l beronutiodof Um auoceaalnl bidder, upon aaiu that contract. . Tlieri.littore)ectanyor all bida that may aa durai tao hath ta ri-aervi-d by tl.e lepot V4uartrmater. Pnipe.aia uiu.t 1 plenty andr.eil 00. 4Ua a,TAlop "rruimaala lor Limner," and adaraatel a- ,h, andar- algned. . PkeHar-GauerM nVch'w - lOt Depot ol Waahliifioa. lft-V 1uoroeAE: Vok eaper. iavt itarARTvairT, i Bloac or P.on.ioaa ad ijL.iTiiiao. Ooion.r S, 1L I Propotala, .ealed and endoraed "Propo.ala for fapor," will be n-eoX d t thla Bureau nnUi i o eiooa P . kf oa aha aiat "aro.Ooloherlintant,IOr fu rata hlna and doUerm Suy laid at Brooklyn, M. l.,riwllanra4Beaaa yi2fpenor to ba white, 1H Inchea hylli htcheija) -"h it) pound. U Iw fim. and be made of Uneo atookj on eaua ,ai.. utavuis v. im and TnrtU aie A aaol to ba ruleo .. at tha lop and bv.M. "-a.! .' Pai e. a aa,, - Hampie. of qnaMty and .lie of tha paper ma, the Oftioe of tha lnaic;or In Cham, of the Mary Tar at ltoalon, ow lork, and 1'tuiadelpUa, aad at thai "ur"u- 10-aViat SUB8I8TKNCK (rFFICK, UNITED STATES Army, So.) SOtITU Street, n ... BALriMoua, Md.. October 10 lfgu Healed Propoaal., fn iuplv-atr, will be recelved'at tfcU ofllc. until U M.. on ViONltAY. Ootober Tt.lM l wh"1 ( " Bute "'"wa lMuutaaa rOWRTHOt'8ANi(4ftnO) iTRAI) Or Bltrf CATTLB on Ih. hoof delivered al the Htal. Cattle fcatu atBalu-' "". '' ' loU . (low)) one Ihouaand e:aliry m,it 1". 10 J1'" ned within one and a half daya attar av.raw about! Iai) hirfeen hundred pound, aroea watwui all falimt aliort ol ( li one th.,u.and pound. iroaawilha! . " ' '" mi. wirai-ior. i t., mual Will be rejected. ' --". .tun.. Btare. iiaeai. aioir.. Muir. .n.i 1 . . , - . . " A dMltiellon of ten tlfri aonnlta artn ha m.l. . wetiibt of each Hteer aocfatrd und.. u,i. Tlilod tie auluial doea not aland In the poua two and hall' lioura before beloa nr l. ... .. .""T alter rt-tnoTal frum Uieeara. Hlank forma for proiHivtla can be had on anallaatioa at th'a olltoe, either In peraon, by mall, or telarapk, Proioala by toierapb, or other Irreauiar. Infbrmal propoaala will not be eun.ldcred. " The Oorernmem wilt claim tha rhrht ef welahln art one anu al aeParate, If Iu appearanoe tnmeatea loea Wftwht than the mintmam nietHinned above 1 the ea penaa ol wetuuia wul be paid by aba party erreof In Jadai. haoh Md. to .ecnra eonahlevallAH. mna. t.i. . ten auaruutf.e of ttvo reBpoualhle pei.ona. aa leaowa W tK. f'.inn,. n. . . . 1 . .. , . uamntee that la (or are) able tu fulrll a oooaraet lot who tne lerma 01 alitor tnetrf proaoaltun, and ahoutd hla (or their) propoaluoo bo aceepuad, ha for I1m- wul at oor. ejib-r itiui a oootraet tn aocordoaoa theruwllh, aud we are preliarrd to beemoe hi. eecinrluo.. all tUK aood and .nflicteut booila fur It. fvuiluieua. i lie rr.ioii.iDiiHy ot tne iruarauwa muat be anoww ny the nnlt lal certlncate of tiiet.'l.ik of tlie uwareet Utattlct Court, or uf Uie l otted Skate, lilatricl Attorney, to ba an. cio.od wltii Ua hid. I.nhi. r. niunibe preai'nt to re. pond to thotr blda. and prefared to uitu bouU. aud al.n the eonlraut before luav il n tne iiiiu-e. 'Km- Uniertiment reten-ea to ft.Mf the rlirht to reluct anv nr all bldi ciuuliii.ri.d uurcit.uiiuble. 1 l'ayuienta to he made alter ea. h dellTery In euek fanda aa may Ik on hundj If none on atuid, to ba uuulu aat aii'ti a. ricele I. l'niio.ul. uiu.t be ena,.red nl.tlnctly 'Pronoaala for llri'l t atilf." uil a.lilreasid lo Capuilu J U . titiiuau. O. 6., La:tmHire, MrUnd. Il a hid la iu the name of a firm, their nitnea and their boat ottice aiklrcaa tuuat apuvar, or they will uot ba coaw aiCered. Bin h peraon or ever, member of a An. ottorlmg a pro pouiUlUHt avoouipaiiy li wi.h an oath of alh'uuiucu lo tba Ciilli il Htalca Ijumuuiolit.if he ha. not already llled VU In Ihn i.lfke. A ii Kidi not eom King tridlu wilk IM farm, a Mat ad- ... uii.aai, 10-15 71 Captain and C.B., U. B. A. lilTAUTKRMAbTER-OKNERdlL'B BBtTm a J Olilkti, rii--l lMa.ii, WAMIlr.wrOH ClTT. OltOita . lftfi. nORKKHI iiOkrfl HOUKKHlU llnrnM iiitHhlt ttr ArtlHnr 1.11 d tirvtoA will be purt dHit il At (aKttilOWO li&JVt luuyua Uifcr-jkji, (14 liorv wm Dwamverea to ruptaln L. Lowry Moor; . (.'. M . tt BUttlMted lO ilka. Umlllki t.WArt.ealB4 riu'c tu t a tury liwr.uf ( $r.a vetia lr.i ol Arttilr, Ihuuach. r.j iaiil vill ttrviiaaa lof iu (t) and mor. l AM r.M al. BRJK, tl.lalHaal t irat llvlal'Iae 108t31 QuarteriuaLr-Ucitrai uinv. SIXTH AND MARKET STMXT9.