EE IE(&RAFM H HIICE THREE CENTS. rillLADKLriMA, AVEPNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1SG4. PRICE T1IREK CENTS. jjL tJ A Jj .yd. ALARM IN KANSAS. reparations lor tho Invasion. GENERAL CURTIS AFFEALS TO QOVEKNOIl CARNEY. THE MILITIA CALLED OUT. Reports of Prico's Movements. Cor Wten. mall ycslorUy broat;!it Kin IM p to tbu U'th, fr ,m wtiicb a leira that the wboN. Fut! U in hUh r oii-itiion nf aUnn from appn tu'TiMon ol inva ion by's ItolW nny. 1 he Ouvurnor Inn i. m.'1', a rocIuiitt'in cone rnii.t n-puKtu by (icnonil Curtis for tho calling out of thj miiiii.i. Tho irucUraiUiou is an fol o'A : Fiti;if Kavhsi, riVK T)i i-mitm. nt, T 1 h. . - i. t tur , i". - i,-.. na i u p rll. rri. f tnd I' . .f hoc .iri, ,ti ;i ii t rt v- t n. K,iit rati, T r O" i J ti , : (.it -if t t n f e iv thf i I j n."1 v in mil n c ifiitii M tj T tie htjI .'urbifi (V n -n s,li,.i - ill AIXll Ah it.MN Pl.l'ABrMI NT !' K " 1 , ft.r Imu i h . h. to'x-i 1 - Mi F'.i-' hen v, lio ii r ri '- I ,i- m- do f i i iKi i r ti- tt uk rri.-f 4 v mj!f . lur tier v h n ' w"-' Hrt. r.inniii i n- iM'.riui'i. .cm h re idi it' tit r'ltT -nit :ri U1' "U l'? O-ii h T...ti ( ti("'.l( n-'f t'fi'wr Ii "' r'n d y l.r.- Klffl forr i'mtit H( I i'ii ml iWi-iW tr -jit t'i 1r:v nn ImwhmI Kr'tn ciim r n tivi n,s.i will Iniluci' fcl JilKlmtt lOliuWIT Kl fl l l -llM lilul Vi'!l"i'H In t lift 1n t rcvont (hi, n-' loin In . f'riH tn rxptt ih"i" hwi d) ri frum ln' ciiiitry. f ! n- Unit nu vv I i I o.titu' ci.lir uitl't . rr t', with iiicir anr. an t t u'n i'U'i) i, fur it ft ;itut ") t l t a. h tcii mtu n dijI'J h' pfiv itlt mu l ..iii cfn or li i' i n I'i'io .r i mf.irt, mit rt friAwr-a f ii c i)ii k -villi im St i'';nnx'; - t i -u n.r .im nr. I w:ttH C .Is f, f . ii'i!i(. 1 ii fn r,. n -r, 1. 1 nitnt r- . nni- wi it yro Ii t. ik an J ft, j ;i-, , i mi -y. J t ' i ' 't" n. ' t v. a"!. 111 l'i ml tn my ipvv-r( i pr ivii' prTvlcn n d .-b It- l'ti,":iirui'i". l-tjt In.! c , r ni m n -li .it i -r, Mi Id n iii .t it'.ninif, .nci ri'i't tn ittui -! m in ; n mnv rr . aii.lt4'i;' .,l,i n Miire 'n-Iis hi M m hi 'Ji;r(. i.iu Hi u lvt i ,i,' , i,.-.,f tii-v i'i .if - i im tlif uir rt-:1 hi . It i tu irv t- 'ii:iii. i w II' m Ui--1 I u 'i i i ! (' :i r i ' if i- I I ur .irop'-r. . n I rirti- - rvn wlthm tr.o wr.f,. nf iiiiM rip;(l)iN "mr. p d i. limit r rn. ( Hf ,itlivhi , iJii?.iin-.-, rii'it vur 1 (.'uI'.mh y 1 1 ii fell I ul i-it' mm w.l c- ii' ur vi 'i hi" In tli'' r-i .i f ti t rv i mf- r ft'it d .inn ml, int'l m li trt v 10 - frni on a "l a-.-.iht;ii' r, I h ivo th- h ttot rj ti ymr very .'lu ili' iii - r nut. H U rlUtrM, jf.iur-iic-n r.ii .' tpiumii'llii lti-iir!inent. Vntihii Svti h M ri.i r a Y Ti.i.r.itu aiiip Four I,i A i t on i ii. J. l'.'t.'f i. 1 -1 t ( .w t y f ' '.ii ;n- i : -1 t 14 l;tw oui M-lp "f Six .!.. TfiH ill li''a u Hfli- i inum 1m' ( mu-Ow-iy hu'.uli, 11 iirry ni ti t Itirn.i i a t k Mfu rwtv Ti I ko immi, F.ut 1 I t i'r 1 1(. t,' .- H. 1 i I ' ('4r,l v ' - i re t:ru. ynu Inmia nin trail. Let tin- ml i. firii out. If iifl a . ''tl ili'-y w.l , ii im.pif, b-t uis'-'wi, n Ih-r .li h tin. rn.r hoii.o moI" ,. t i-st, 'i pivti an Inp'MsiK to i ,.,! itirt Ir. yitir pr'i Mt rt'p t'i U Ij "," tu n t"i..rc, t't ni;ri' wi Mve .iv.'il thf Ktnlti '-m -b- 'IritfHi. I ft im t1- It tvity 1 i- m nty H nv rcr w- ln:i., :r (1 .1. til is ji-'cte 1 tl tiri' t.t-n" t '1 llWT. I Ti " 1 lit' 111' , l,-llll'M',rtlll t.TVlIU- (cp.l. 1( diy. fn " thej tm mrjvipLr iic;i'lt y wftn irJ, ltlu, u rulwu. s, r.ri'Ki M, M.ri.r t. n.-r il. K v ., r.i'ly! Vou wl I li t, nn yon have fi'wavn fiMnji'l: ton" wh 11 , ,! ) luiv i i-ii invii'lt'il Tiiiivi'l, U;li 1 hri., wl'l nun t vnn I. intop m . KiroiuiT, tmciiMt) you I now ti e 'oi- hi c -k t i i-iut h' vi-hk . ' inon vnn, Met him. tte.i, at tin- 1 fir - Ii -ul , .ml trik. i;Mijr Itrih )" ii;-tn , ,'rtiii'it i. i.i. 11 t II b" nine-h b' 11 i-mU I. Tli" vrrk tn he d -no now Ii tu .flifc" i!i-. St u.j a. 411.M nitiiMii'lc. .ti I uiuislf r. I't.tU I'.t 11 VitiiJlIlit.C I W(t 'UUt it'll l ,1 H'M'llC'f Ulti lifiU R 1iM.T' llltj fcl'ii if K4iin, rr.v ! Our ; low, 0 i vit. nnlt-1 Mow, will I ill 'ht .nvti.J r 111 J y) t W-m f not re uy li te. iht) ufiriiy S 1 11 1 hi no nv -ud lil iioiu ..,' it.w -it-.' 1o ,iPM.tliti ! To .ir in . id tlni trtitctl ilcKl, until the 1-1 ; r, khA'l t hil, 1 ,rj lr sr 1 bc t. fHift :in': I)-I'zl.-r wih Avti r m uad t ofthi .riivr ' ibt'n 4 1 f kHlllitl, and vU'-in t nr t. r or-li-rn. THOMAS t'.MtNI.V' .uvur.iuP. ITi;apqihti:iih Dkcmitmknt or Kw-s, Four I j;iV n wiHTit, Oft ib r 1 , lHtil. Tnc (IrspatcbeB bclovv liavo been ruocwjti boro to il.i) Atciiihov, October 1M, 10 A M. To I i.l r 'fn rii r irilf : Mfin'li .-.t nuvin.- In rnrn ol'tMiu nti tli kf.tiMlli.l ml tit. I..t m ii-n. i. vN i) ttro -it, .ni wl I ri j it lo-iijy. Iiim'in im t Cmu a r.Mit'xn pfrw, h i ni t.r.en p.iuii"i bj tn- in yv .tunl .y and lUAlt lull .' I!, I. TH MH'V. Anit. Provost Marhif. "Wis i until', Orto' tr 13 To r.l Mieii.iiit-C i ont-l Sit4 - 111'- uijiiw.t t a t fii urm nit"- new ill -jo v, by t t'i' M . i'li u h .hi m I- Wfll, a-' I'l'O h'l I il. i'lit'i II v int'l wWI Kliiw Mat on I'ry. 1 1. oMkt t-vn : ttuuini, 1 -I--',ti fr t - -I,- Mut r iu fiv.-r wit Im n i,4 N nr. W ifftt U 1 r.n'r 'U.I. Th c .i niu'ft .ri in rn u nt'i I 11 J.!Mj K"i tin , mil "h Hy. -il! in :er -.n iia-ri i UnMpiiiiK'. ' r . sri, i rni r y "t :l ii-k, tii n:,v .v C.t l.t'! t Ii i't il , IidH IritH.'ti 1 i iriiititini. J. . tiJrrioN, Aiii. it cruvutt Miriul. TC-r'AY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. HPlitl Jrl ilM to Kllllllg Ttill'glMph. Wahiiiniik.n, t l'J. Ci ji;. Tiiis W il'.ue, iclil, ami S-'Iicnfk urfl h.:r. IKntral fviLin'k m u: the War Itop.irt uit..i th! luuruiiii;. fJ..ncril WAlaceUUosliu.ut: ili.ilfl cbarc ol bW ilcp irtn.tiiit. ..iiiIth; II-.. mi tu Vlo. T1.S ANmhI .Slit ' df -uyi that it Il B )'. j -Jt Uc iif.i rt K tlur N'uiv York and Viswt' noKlioi t will Im Hvnt lin iio tit tu e i i iovi:inl'"r. o l'.ivi'riu'inni w.ll bo ti' to uuy St'it'.'. Art'ty ' ; In. Am 'UK tim )r..jj'.-iiii t- u tin; oilii'O of io luurt rriw'rr-J.:iicril, for tlio wc!c onaiug Ctio'ucr 17, . ue tin- l'liowlii(: 'Ijlnr Co., riiilul:l!ii i, P iriylvmiia, iro o,) to l'ti.n.h i.if hiuiiinoi .lyltvreil t.n ve.B. ' at I'ort Ki 'Lniond, IV line vlvaim, :it S'S 12 lrta. C. C'o'euiTi, Alli ;ih' iiy t' ty, l'l nusyl vnula, oft'iTd tj fiirnih from lift to live liuu.troj iuiy wngoii.t i ujcIi. t'nrlllVl.ifc Mii'ttHiMlouli t Hllry. r, IJtul.'oluu :1 Aluxuailor, of tliu l'.ni?i ncrT, Clilcf of St iff tn IUruurd, hisboeu itined to duty with Kliuii.liia, Ut nupcrvlhe tlio furtiiiiutioiiH oi tlie rul ti.i)i, HMi tho eUi) ; llnhment of tLte furtilitU 110-ta almut Suasburb'. HcImI mull llirougl) tbi: .tShoniiml:ih valley into Hwjluii(ldD(l Pciiiihyk in i arc vnilcj. KuUHi,t ( liuulril Wilt, IVtiV ) WiirMlinl Ocuorul Fir hx s'.irHol mndry illstrictB vflilch bii;i)i)BC'l thciusolves out of th druft iliiip'y lieriuiu lliclr quota bvl bo 'it .. dritfiod, by dtciiling tUot ruuiw.iy draltu.l mcu 1 are not to be credl'ej on tlio qiioiu. 'o dr .fio I miin It rrcditvd uukm bo U aciuully mustered in. riLOM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Bpfcittl to Uit The Ecch ing Tvl'jrnph. UiLiiMoitu, Outober l'J. Tho nomination of ThcuiM Bwnnn for Governor oT Maryland, by the Union party, gives unqualified satisfaction, lie II a brother of Dr. Hwunn, of Vkiladelphla, will the belt Mayor Ilullimorc ever bad, and t!io mail who, at resident of the Baltiuiore nn J OUio Kailroad, jiuxhcd it tli rough to tlio Obio rivor. A. dozen of faceleii luoiiuiuentit and grand reforms aro erected to his memory In D.ibiiiiorc. The ciitiro ticket, including Dr. V. C. Cox, for Lion tenaut-Uov(riiOr, could nut be beaten. M iiyluud nn y now claim the K'oiy i f heln numbered with the lice ImuIc", Ub the in w Coiutitutioii has becu ratitii d, fuiever willing out the incubus o; tlavcry. U'he new iusirument gott lulo operation next month. Olllcers high in iituk, who ucrived tins niorninK In the Norfolk boat direct irom Grant's and Dialer's heudquurtcrs, inform me all i well . vith the nimy, In health uud spirits, men, mual tlotia, conifoiti, aud hopes. The fall of Kicu moud very loon is considered absolutely certain There ire no more Kcbcl guerillas or robbers In Maryland. Moicby bus been, obliged to tkeduddle. Harkcta b T-leeriU. Kaltimohb, October 19. Flour is heavy, with a di't'linliiK ll:di'DL7 ; ejtlm, $10 74; 1I(.mji Htreol tunuilim . lli 8T.. ( "II' e mail) ; IU" ban or llic ai ' Shv. Hunk., owtnK to lie- iLellue In fr.d. WSInk UUll, .IIU MUOlUOUIlfe UUILIUKI HI I .O.B UUCIinC Ql II.'. Mkw Yhhk, October l'J. Flour hat advanced i.nrvie . : tan. ol lc.twu l.m l l ia'hw: w i.,r ht.mj tMHioll-.'u lur Olilo: aud llu-i'wlt m tor Hngihuru V 6 alH'i d ?c. ; .air. iiiainponalit. l ull) llrw, wall Hi. .0 If.. Ilnldull I'ork Hi ra ;.!" ol ll"l ti.rroi. mni ui.t.i.i. I.ard duU l ".".'lo. Win. 1 dull, hsw Yon. Ocuilwr l'J. lckt are belter. t'b CaHOai.d RVck Island. hUW:l.'uiAlrfM-laBS nr.rfrr fM.': lUinol. (Vntral. 117: altrliian h. : Jlr.l. 117 '.. Hi nd Hf l i Hu.l.i.u Hirer. IJliV ; (.'anion J ,8a; Miaa..uii a.n; Crki. I'J. ; Oua Vaar l vrtlrl..t i. !r , it L A V,"' f"a l. vi THIRD EDITION Latest War News, LEE'S ARMY REINFORCED. llood's Movement an Election eering Schomo. GUERILLA RAIDS IN KENTUCKY. Gen. Sherman Pursuing tho Rebels in Georgia. riuu: moving into kusis. THE MILITIA UNDER ARMS. Interesting from Baltimore and Washington. MOVEMENTS OF OUR GENERALS. Grant Trcparing for Battlo. MORE ABOUT TITE SALTVILLE BATTLE. Tlif. F.KMYI.Vt!VI I I.FITIOX. IIahiikiii ho, Oi to'ifr t'.l. Tim oilliiil Di'ino crmic majority In A lnmn oomity i 111, lioiii a Di mocrHtlc gain or 1H1. Fulton county, o.lli I)cmocrtic majority, ; Diino 'ratii'. loss, 3". Tbe otlkiul voto of tif-y-nlnn comities h w been reliably tabled here, which a Domooratlo pnin of lfijyj, nnd L'nlon gniiis of 2'U!), ovor t!ic Qtiher rati rial voto of lw;.1. Ibf cxo- of f!iiiu9, 13,3!'3, deducted from the Union majority of 18ti3, viz., 16.3J5, leaves a t'ulon majority of l!'.'i2, with the counties of Clarion, Forest, JclfiTfon, Mercer, Vonanyi, Wyominc', and York )ut to be beard from ollici.illy. LATEST FROM THE FRONT. Heavy Cannonading on our Left. Rfiorliil to I'Ik. KvenliiaT Ti'lt'iErniiti. 'WA1I NinoN. October 10. Tin) mnll ttuimcr II biter, liora City l'olnt, reporU th it early ye'. terduy morning tho RcVels opentd a lively can nnnu 'c on the leftof our liue,wbi.:li was uctlvely returne 1 b Fort Sednick uud other batteries in tin- v.ciuity. No purti.ular damage was done on cither tide. Trie Wel iUr brought up tho bodies of Captain Williamson, of the Maryland Purncll Legion, C. p'a n J. W. Kimball, Firdt Massachuscttj llovy Aitillery, und Bergeaut Hunt, l'20th Now Ymk ttato Militia, recently ki.led in front of I'ett mbarg. 'When Sergeant Hunt was killed l.i. time wii out, nnd lie was to have been mus tered out the lollowing day. Fiivuto liitciliKcnco from Richmond represent t a , n bis boldicis n telling bio v upon the Y'ankecs speedily. They buliuvu him to have some iinpurlait movement in hand. HAVANA, TINrSCLLii, AND TEXAS. . . ... Arrlrnl of III. Sluniili-r " t'oliimbln." Nkw Yoiik, Cctolnr 1. lly tliu arrival of tho Ftc mtr Columbia, llavnni dates to tho l itli iiisiant have bc-n rocchod. Tho revolution in Venezuela, so f.T ns tho blutes of Aragrca and Oiiarlco aro concerned, is at an end, the loyal citizens having driven tin rebilmwt. Tlio Ktato of Unayain.n still holds out, dcninu'ling to be recognized a.s an imlcpcn dont Power. There Is no news of lntore-t from San 1)j- iniifo. The etcmner VnriWu arrived at San Nazuira with S.OO'i.OOo fi'iin'3, l.OI.O'iJ beiu for tlie French (Jov: ruincni, the lint fruits of the inva sion rt the Mexican Republic. The yellow fever was Oalveston. Two blot iiiulc-runiicru not in tliera on tin 1st iiiftunt. Colonel Ford is s.ilil t bo mill In greU hopi s of ruupturing llrownuville. The anxiety coiiccrulng tho sleanior Rxiwitt is incrca-ed. It is eonll lently asserted that she h is been captured by her Rebel passengers. t.nerllln Heprr.lnttoiiMln Kcnturky Tli l:xiloslou urilio Mciinier J.I. Ir win. Lot ihvii.i.k, October Is. Tno New Alliany (Ind.) ,'irof this evening gives a report, which it diems reliable, that from ten t'i twelve bandied eucrillas, under Hinds, liuvo concen trated in ilHMiciahboihonil of llran lenuurg, Ken tucky, und a portion of them had entered the town and robbed the citizens of largo amounts of goods and other valuable propirty. The same paper ."ays tlio steamer . C. wi'i, lying at lidgtvillc, at the tow bead of the Cum bcrland river, exploded her boilers, making a v reck of the boat, and killing a large number of persons, including Captain J. 1. fmitli, John D. Elliott, nnd Mr. Hurri'On, tha pilots ; Mr. Graves, the mate; Mr. Ferguson, a passenger, aud twd deckhands. Five paiiengc-rs and a soldier aie mitsing. Tlif) lts-bcl Inviillon of MUxoiirl. S r. Lot is, October 11). ClitFgow, in lion ai J couuly, was captured on Saturday by a lurgo Rebel force under General Clark. The pla'e was held by six companies of the 13d Missouri (twelve months' men), uudcr Colonel Harding, who fought bravely for fivo hour", but finally wore overpowered by superior numbers and surren dired. The enemy had four pieces of artillery. Tho steamer It 'esticard, which was lying at tlio wharf, was Mink, and tho City Hall aud several other buildings were burned. The town of Rldyely, In Plat to county, was plundered by guerillas on Sunday night, and Smithvlllo, iu t'luy county, was burnoJ on Monday. Thornton nnd Thrallklll, notorious guerillas, entered Platte county with a lurge force of Rubelt on Friday, and business was suspended at St. Joseph and Kanas City. Leuvouw orth is being fovtihed. From New Urlau. New Yokk, October 18. The steamer Conti nental, from New Orleans on the Uih, arrived at this jKirt to-day. fiho ban on board the Rebel General Pago aud many other Rebel prisoners. No papers Lave been received by tho Cun tintiilal. Rfituru of Uosllue'a Zoniiv. IUltimohk, October Id. A portion of Oo line's tZouaves left tills city at 8 o'clock tint morning for Philadelphia. The rust of the regi ment had re tn listed. Coaa-sfeaioaMl NoutlnttUon. Boston, October 19. J. S. Sleeper nut been nominated for CougreM In the Third District by the Democracy. TDE NATIONAL ITSUE. Appeal Wrn liiflln.d fn v. t(..ltr..t -IXIer froirt fror. Nnhnn. Hor, II' r v J. Ha mnd Dear sir . Tn n in irownin .. D .nidway nn.uibus, vi stvr lav. 1 found m 'i ll ii .-in to niic of j our m l wealtin citi ' . i II known for tho o ogn ;ce of his iVics, his courteous bciirin", snmp'umis s'yln of living, i n bis Inti'lilf'i'ncn in runllrt ma't rs, i tti at hntne slid niiroiif. In the c mi sii "f n lni t an I often lnterrupicd roiirer it! in. ho s iil to me that Mr ruin nnd m ral M Clrllvi h 'ingrq ial y it il tn r nt to bun. froin an ciMa1 want of e ni dence, on bis part, In their litnrss lor the Prei -n. i" , i.e liniilil iibs tat m I'mm voting; and in it tr km w niKiiy i.eisous uf h s way of tlnnking, who would do tne sntne. Now, tlionirh no politician, nip rty ma-i. never having raiffd my voice to give a v.i'io, nor to in lliicuce til" vnte of otliers, iievertlicle-a, th il. e i ratunof th s Ti ntn man. on bis o vn pirt, ami that of Ins a.-'iuaintnticea, thinkinir as he d j-s, is to in. xpili.iiilc, in a eti, the oii in which the rornirv n .w limi'i Itu'lt'. It'c.ei tfiere Wrts n loiidiliini of Ihinva, in any land, to .vbi :h Ihe lnv ot Hoi, n tin- pronounced ih'- man wli iu a xi 'lit ton, stood aloof and took I' irt wl h in ill rr Mile, to lo dlboDoie I and h s.'. was sppli' iilile, surely it is lli onu in wun li we nn-l nni'. elves at present. Try to blink this que-tion as we nny, to do I re it, to g, t round It. we are sri I nu t wi'h tin' a ' r lluiive, wur to tho hiin-r end, lor na'.'on .1 mfe gtuy , hiMinir " a e and the lulure proim rity aud lie. ijotn nn IiSi'i oi the biiin in t v ; it, aa inmislirr, then diMininn. then a rhrnnie at in ()f w.r wltuotit, witli anarchy with hi, then r.ii:ir. trv-dc-pntiht", a tor-e, II iit cm be, thin s avery ot tbe w l.itj raco and the general sercid of that Jl' the Mil. k. That nicn, intellli'ent men, thinking mn, who In their w.iv inte id well i,y t'l.-tr ciiintry, who have even given largely of their means w "iiv'niii the (Jovcrtitnrnt In the great struggle nmv rfnin on, do not see this thing, is to mo ineoinjrrelien llile. W hy, my dear nr. to uiy iippreheiiHinn, no Miuheain was ever clearer. That any one, wii knows a 1 do, J. th r-ou I) . vis, Uo, llrag, lleim riard, nr.d other otl'.iets oi" l:k -tamp, in ml)l lli'ii a,"a n-t their tinnier .sovereign, should lie llevc that, whoevi r nmv bo elcotnl Pre-i lent, he can tif pot into a pea n with the South onany other terms than thomi of separation, and yiehliu ; to ili luaml- that nin-t degrade the loyal Stiles hi the eye-; oi the n st of the nations of the iv.irl l, and dot snot ace thb, is moro than incjtuprc h( n.-ihle. Who are there men ? Aro they low, ihuilllng, tiicky p irty politicians, wno are "playin.; a miser able gamu lor the spoils-of party ? N.i sir; no. They arc Hebe's, It is ti ue ; determined, desperate Rebels j but with nil their sins, they urn acting cnrnenly, in tood f 4.1th, for they aro, however wrong, inenol integrity In their way; blgh-'onod, lionotabie gentleini u. of sterling Individual pnnty. Their past lives attest this ol them. It is useloss for men to deny it. It is narrated of I.leutJin'int Gei.eral Scott that, on "ooieon ailon. when Jetfer ron Davis w::s nceii'cd of dlhnnnrab!e prnlice Iu his presiTKtc, he replied : ".Sir, Mr. D ivis is a gon tlinmn, a mil Icioiis gentleman, If you pleisc, a tuaiignant gei t einan, but i f the in'llions th it nmv have i -afit'il through h's hands. 1 do not be l evc that the leat particle of t ictr du"t has stuck to Ida lingers." No, llii-e men arc not pi lying a merepceuninry pinne, nor n paltiy paitisan game. Tneirs i ttin gunie ol Lucifer ru e or ruin, is'o ono ought to know this hetier than olllcers who have -erved with them. No one better than they ought o know that thoe men mean what they say, and tlnit any attempt ut diplomatic overtures, which aro not ba n d upon tho ncktiowlcdgiiicut of all t nt is claimed by the .South, would he d.r.dd by these men, aud will only subject thoso who mnlie them to their contemptuous Miners. V'lnit giiglenicn who, like myf'ii:nd la tho omnibus, aieVor pluymg neotrall y bewocn tln-e who are. lor war nlonu, nnd tboVo who are for peace at any price, hope fur, iu the foturc I am at a loss to conjecture. Deforo the Reheili o wa wcro a united, powerful nation, although with only an army oi moihc In teen thoimand men, and a llritof a few Teasels. Pence with tho South, aril consequent disunion, would leave us Impov-iri.-lnd in population and in wealth even were the loyal Htaies of tliu North, East, and West to cling togciher wlh the neeensiiy of miiinniiuin an ai my of nt lenst one hundred thousand muu, und a large licet, on a peace establishment, to curb the restless, encroaching spirit winch has ever animated the South; even if these could pievcnt cullinion be'ween us. Hut it is umiIcs inn.tir ug n this theme, the cinscqiiencos of which all who are not wi fully blind, or lor sheer party put poses have determined to cotlosco with the Smith itgiimt tho loyal butca, cannot fad to sec lor inciiiioivo". 1 hat ai y man not blinded by party pn-ion or Fl.tcr K-hishni ss, hopes that pea. e, at any pi h e to mo nam u, win at lenat si euro to HUD Ins posses sions, tlocs not see that Ji llerson Davis nnd tbosu who fo'.lnw his lead in the aspiration of fonidiii, a great empire, wiili -lavcry as a basis, to b i gov eiiicd by an oligarchy more exebmivo aud arro gant than that of England, inasmuch as they will seek lo nui-taln tliem-elvcs by military foreo alnnc, having ntaked their all In tins Kiibcllioii, uud made up Iheir minds to abide the Kmc, will I ot cone. de an iota that shall, in tin) lo im, unr theto ospirat'on', can only bn aeeouutod for on the supposition of infatiiuiion In wiui i one idea; or of itolal ii'dilfcrence as to the re-ult. I'tueel Who does nut groan for pcaeo ? ear ncstlv pray for pi acu ? Hut who, tlist has studied this Rebellion, that h is analyzed th , c.iu-.:s that b d to It, that knows the U elim.'S that aetua'.e tliu controlling (Hii-s in Hie Hoiith, tnat h a person aliy known the leaders of the Rebel army, is so deluded as not to know that iln ro cin be no piuce until the loyal States or the South cm dic tate it from aomu impr. gnable vantage ground. Until that moment arrives, it mini bo war, war, war. To talk of armistices, t talk of cessation of hostilities, to talk ot diplomacy as a step toward reunion, before that paint has been roicho I, Is to hold out worse than false hopes It Is tn piopnse to the loyal States self-degradation, n i lional and political suicide, come from whatever quarter it may. '1 lie question has been often put to mo by ex cellent lo.ial nun: Hut in seeking ti obain I'cnro In your way, wonld you ruin t'm South? My answer is unhesitatingly Yes, If It Is n cc nary tin reb to mve the na'l ni from dismetiibcr mt iil. ilut I am not very credulous on this ruin theory. F.xcoilcut loyal persons thought Ku r land ruined when Chai In I was brought to tho Miill'old ; others when J, aues II fled be: ore W.l Mam ot Orange. All lluropo lauiiglu Frtno mined when Louis XVI was guillotined, and all the nobles either shared the same la'-J, wore murdered, or went Inn exile. Many excellent persons In Maryland, and in that nappy inV fur men! class in il and Vir ginia, ko felicitously described in "Swallow llani," l John P. Kennedy, who u lives are ono lon holiday, that live iu to manv of the Sleepy Hol low nooks that ate sprinkled so plentifully along the shorts of ttin Kiia'j th, tho Nansemon 1, tin Jiiine,the York, the Potomac, and th ) two sii .s of tho Chesapeake bay, look upon Virginia and Msrylnnd us mined. And as the v:;w it, fo they are. Hut there lies the fair portion of earth railed by these nuuies j the soil tcemlntr with fertility ; the interior of it inexhaustible in Its mineral rii lies) its rivers alive with luxuries, both id' lish and fowl, that epicures purchase at any price ; its climate unsurpassed by that of Greece, in all that mates brilliant, versatile men; und now, with the burden, which their forefathers called a curse, partly lifted otl, are they ruined i In ten years, how many of the names, even of thee excellent persons, cow Rrouuiuy over this ruin theory, will be remembered ? In ten years from nnw, what a glorious tido of prosperity may not be sweeping ovor this evcr lii' tiiig herllu.'.'e of a swiftly flitting race. I would ruin the South as I would ruin Ireland, by un loosing the grusp of tho English oligarchs upon hcrtbiout; us 1 would ruin England, by forcing (Ms sell-tame small, soUisli fraction to do justice to Ihe working classes, so long down-troddou. I wi uld tuy lo tho few hundred thousand wealthy nluvc owners, "Your rclgu is over;" and cull upon tho while nou-slavelioldiug population to mute for themfeSes und children those institu tions which, in the free States, have raised tho workingmau to the Intellectual aud moral level that culth onee claimed as its exclusive domain. Look at England ; what is she uow, aud what might the not be now, as the Stuarts full or rose ? Look at France ; what she was before her great revolution, what she Is now, and what she might lie now, had that great political flood not havo swept away king, noblue, aud feudal institution. llndMicnot then rinon op, in her unexpected might, striking, like a young untrained giant, wild blows on tue foul that sought to diainumbor hir. where might she not uow have been No. I have no faith in any ruin theory hut that of the necessary anarchy of disinomlrniBnt. That would be ruin. That would be woe. That would wring a wau irom every Dntrlot'a In-ei4j.t more heait-rendiug than the cry that arose from the en-lavid Jews, as tlioy cast back their lut Elanre on Jerusalem at too uaorionisu cantivitv. Think of this, ye genUemen who are tor sluing with folded bands, aud exclaiming with notable equability, whilst this uiomeutoul question is pending : "Trot Tyrtuirt nUbl aulle diiorlmUii mxtur." Remember the declaration, that to whom much Is given, ot nun mull niucu also oe reriulred. Very truly yours, D. H. Maua.K, P oimi, Friday, OcWbot 7. 10I. News from the Sontli. LEE RECEIVING LARGE REINFORCEMENTS. Devastation of tho Shenandoah Valley. LATE REBEL CAVALRY REVERSE I.arcfi Rrinfrpriiinl of Drtalloil Men lent to From M.' Rcmrntt kn ; hira. , tht'brr 14. The In tul Male', with the of tie) wcr.d (ipen lo theru, rmplov H0,iy(K) mini In tin) I u-ii ess, while under Ihe charge of ihe Ni'rj and Mitnig Pun an of tho Confederacy, it onip oys but luM'O. Thi so employes of the N.tiu and Mineg buna a aro composed of near til'U ninicaand WOd whites. Its operations on the lioniirr, und utten wiihln the lin-s ot th 1 enemy, have compelled lis ntlicvrs to withhold fa'ts tin', would have corrected misrepresentation prev.nlcd grof Injustice. This bureau wis called upon by ut to revise its li-t of doituls and send ad it could spare to the front. We are advised mat out of its conscript force of foui thi uhund men over ono thousand live bundled are, and for a month hav i been, doing civicc at tie front. At Nattiilii tin y ft, in; m won the commeudation of their oili. ers for g ,.id coi duet. In i ennesfee, Ueorgia, and Ahl'ii ui, they have repeatedly re-ponded to tho ciil lor troopa, and have invariably done the service credit. The locality whera tho principal operations of tins lain nuaie mostestensively carried on w:ll n it peitiiit the empinyiuentot slaves, und every cil'.nt to procure In e negroes lias failed, nolwiibsiind li.;; reistatid tcquitinus made lor them. Our pur) (.so wa- not iu intimate tun that tins iiiifa a whs withholding men irom the front iinpr iperly, but merely to Impress upon its Int-Ihgeni eln f Ihe n. ce sily of tho most caiefiil se.utiny and rigid iuspeetain to see it be, too, eoui-4 not render additional s rvu e to the ciiy to tho.e inv ilu.i de and iinlis)cial):e scrvi' cs be and bis sulmrdi nates have reieh red to the whotc country. Ve are most aratilied to bo ahlu to announce th it lilteen huuilrcu men luivo been scail to the front from the employes ol this bureau, and the public will nmlcistauil that the nicessilusol this somen require that no greater drain should be madu upon lis employ us. 'I bo prompt ruponso which all don irtmeuts aud bureaus arc malting to the call for men has already changed tho ass'ct of affair below Rich mond. The activity, zeal, nnd energy of Major Gt neral Keiiipcr has already hurried to the front, a lining reitiiorci incut of men ; and daily, almost hourly, tho tido of defenders pressing to tho front Hows st.adily by. The liit of "indispcusa bli s" has I ei n contracted throughout all the (I: parlminls of Ibe (inverntuent; and It is sur prising to see how few men aro absolntely neces sity out of the nrmy when tlio eui my aro thunder ng at tho city gates. The )veoplo, too, are itlive to the occasion ; they come forward with aliicrny ; and s, ,n the country behind tho army will be too hot lor deserters, stragglers, and tkniki rs to hldo from duty. The noblo women of the country are ilin liu-t polieo to send back: nu n to tho army. They will not permit strag gling. ta.-u. rnl Wtcklinm'si t'rtrrwcll Addrcisa to lain Itriiado. from the Rithmonil II '. V, "-Mtr IS. The Lynchburg injiniun has been furnished wilh a ropy of Wl.kham's farewell ud drcs to Ins brigade, pr. paratory to taking his seat In Congress, which, assemble next montu: tetji l; t mm I.i t.'s rwtlev InvHioy, 0.-t.'i'r I, In. I - 8, liners or ley lln i-ie: -IHitlcuil.Hii whli Ii I In rnnoil inevittis tn mi aiieieirmeiil as your eomui.uiilHr lini.iMi utsiu luoiiuii.'i ttluenleua no loutr wall io-i-r e-y n.leet Ii Ii wlm hinecre rejrret tlml I sflvr my connection wtm a c inniand thai lias leial. rt"l iu li eiheiei.t .ecvlie to lia counli y to it Hiniineil .ut Ii citviauu r.itniLitl.oii. 1 slisll wad h yntir litlllic i'iim-iT ' I'll as iniicll liilfrrtt a i It ( Llill rniiiiiiaiiileil you. ami "hud lot It fur a reiMjlitmn of Ihn.ii tlt'viis . i und ..kill wleeli havo already reudeied your oiinm lni(cili'l..ilili:. It itn rvret that I fuel at I'uvliu yim to Vnnw lliat I i-i, In a .I'h. ia In win Ii, ramlllar wit i yi.ur want. a. I 4i3. I may I'ti ubtn in aavate-.e ll. uilere.ti. uf n i v c, ana ortHiue le.ailauou lo wiuoa you aie jii'll, .iniet'l. Ii. Ii U'tiliir liei I'ari'W-ell. It H Willi ttie kindest with., fir filial iridlll llie ntin'i'l lt.(J ..I ..o o. Slant day n l.tiiicratile I'l-iiei' tvlll I'tmltle ynu tti i. lurn to .tour 1..1111 lli and r nn (lii'-r rewind, anil tnWltuti ro.t w ai-ti y..a lute well fir- .il In ilie I'tiri i'.ic .iirvlre nl y eir country. Vi M. C. Wte'h HAM. llrUoiJi' T-IJcuural. Alhilin In tills Klienaniliiiili Vulley. Vein lt? Ri- h iiuitj lhl-tlt'-h, O' tvbsr 15. Pubsengcrs from tno valley by last night's train report uo news whatever from Sbendan. Kvory day, However, recoris some new ueveiopmeut or his Inlerual nctiuns. The iiou works of John T, Itwis, near lli on's Gup, wcro di Htroyeil by Sheridan's troops, and D. h. Lewis, a son or ttie proprietor, nnd all nor- bi ns conue-lea .Lit tho woiks, wuro taken prisoners. Fi vtn the Hi hinouJ '.roiai'st'c, Cl. to'- T ft. The Charlottesville Ch.-oni 'e e its somo pir- ticuhirsof our lucent to -called "reverse" in tin) Vttilcy : Ja.inax (execnting Iniiiouen s lirigaiic) wr on thc main pike, and Hos-ur, comuiaiitliu l'i i larii's Divitiun, wat on the middle ron I, parallel with tin) pike, near the base of North Mountain. i'.acti uivisioii was unveil oaeii, anil eaeti lo.t home urtilh ty. Uos er's command fell ba :k In good order. The eiien.y did not cutuo 1'urtUer th in Mount Ja hsou. It. Ihe light of Friday la-t, wo learn that Ilossor fought Uu-ter's llrig ide. Heciptured fifty-hIjc nri-oneis, nine forges, three wagons, tiiree amiiii lauecs, and killed and wounded an unusual pro portion lor a running f ght. The Yankees told the citizens in tho valley that they would go back to Harper's Ferry, aud thence scud oil' the army of the valley, for warding cue corps to Giant, one to Missouri, aud another to Washington. Hit) Iirvmslntlou of the Vulloy. from thi- itiVAmnii. H'h;., o. ., r 1.'.. Sbeiidan n ports to Grant, that In moving down the valley to Woodstock be Das burned ovor tw o thousand barns Idled mill wneat, hay, and farm ing implements, and over seventy mills lillud with Hour and wlioat. Thii was donu by order of (I runt himt elf, commander of all tho Yankee nrmlos. It is only the execution of part of tho order to destroy everything in tho valley that will sustain lite, i lie leu worn is si n going on. Now, it is an idle waste of wonU t ) denounce this sort of war. We havo simply to regard it as a practical iini'.ier, and u-'t ourselves now is 10 no met. There is one ellectual ay, and only one we know of, to arrest mid prevent this and every other sort of utiocit, und that is to liuru one of the chief cities of the enemy, nay lloslun, Philadel phia, or Cincinnati, and let its fate hang over tno oilier as a wuruiug oi w uat may uv uoue, uuu will be donu to tin in, if tho pieocut system of war on the pint of tho enemy is continued. If we ure asked how such a tiling can be done, we answer, nothing would bo easier. A million of dollars would lay tho proudest city of tho enemy in ashes. The men to execute tho work nre nlieudy there. There would be no difficulty In llmllng tin re, here, or in Canada, suitablo persotiB to take charge of the enterprise and nrrange its details. Twonty men, with plans all preconcerted and means provided, scloctlng some dry, windy night, might lire Hoston in a hundred places uud wrcp il in flames from centre to suburb!. They mlht retaiiato on Richmond, Charleston, &c. 1-el them do so if they dare. It Is a game at w hich we can beat thorn. New Yoik is worth twenty Richmond. They have a dozen towns t" our one, and in their towns Is centred nearly all their wealth. It wuuld bo immoral und barbarous. It is not Immoral or l arliurouB to di fcud yourself by any means, or wiih uny weapou Ihe enemy may employ lor your duMructiou. They choose to substitute tho torch lor the sword. We may to use their own weapons os to make them repent, literally In sackcloth and ashes, that they ever adopted it. If Ihe F.xeeullve Is not ready for this, we command the matter to the secret dolibcwtloiut of the Cviu rtts ahout to meet. Ilood'H liiTiwIoti lo lh) Rosmlt tlT llie Ivlei'llou In ftvTeniber. from the kiebn.otid Euauirtr, Moher It. On the Tuesdoy next after tho first Monday In Noitmber, which will be the bih of that mouth, an election for President of tbe Unitod States will take place. At present all the indications that usually precede such elections point to tho doclion of Mr. Lincoln. The Pennsylvania elections, which took place on Tuesday last, the 11th of the mouth, have not yotbeen heard from. For twenty years as tho October elections in Pennsylvania have gone o has the Presidential elution. If the present stateof public attain bat not entirely dismomlerod parties, we may in a day or to bear from that election, and be able to form au opinion at to the result in November. FvenU roust tuke place between ow and the Presidential election which wiU greatly aliect the result. Penasylvauis way have goue for the Kepwhllwm on last Tuesday by an ovefwholin ing majority, and yet Moril amies in Oeorgia and V irginla would chanije ti e aspect of attain in the Unit4 Statvl to cwa pleteiy as lo uturly tleloat Llncola. The tiTKS'ffnl.itT whlrh hanei over tha fnt" of F her in an bss not been porulltcd to mi k i ll lo ihe )0 le lit tbe Gil led W sU'S; the am horn les ,.t W .hlinloi keep I nan ihe public the t.ic that Si Ci in 111 Is 'h'i- up In Atlanta villi a i arm v Is" ween lln and Cmi'tann ga. Tney p b i-h I'll I I'tlns to'how that P er-t b it hr ie l the tc' grsp'' nnd ra trends, and preveut't d"s pi'che. fn in AHaiil.l IV nil h. Ing ro-'iovcd ; they rs'lii ve flip public anxiety bv war g'lzett s fr nn Stanton, tha Th' m and Morzau. and Rius sr an h ive corneTi d F'Kr t aed driven Mm oil"; that the to'ccrnph would be rep tired lo Alatoo-ia that ctrninp ; tl a- Sherman was believv t ubo it to iut'iet tome terrible blow upon limit. A II tuch stud I-merii whlsn ng 10 keep their rour. ft" t'P'. 'he Ws-.hinir'.'n -nt'i'irtiies nt wa't ing fur s. m hint' to tarn tin that mtu b lo 'he n out. Should Ihe present sl'untion In OeorgH Im come more, nnd s-rcn'er disasters ho fall Sliciu an tlian those rniMirtcd alroidv in HI' h irond; shi nld Shcrdnn l e with. Ir .wn froTi tho vallci by the i:cccs-itle of (Ir int ; sliiinld Griut fisfau'taiid b repiils. il at 111 -hmo'id any or all of there ('Isnsiers' are po -si'iln tne res'tlt of In" I'n 'i''o' tial flection would plauo MjC'iellaii iu tl o White House. Thii rise In th ionli .1 ol ii i lira nli, I loam of the, Alnliitmi I.eallHtnr. V . the ii.-.'tiii'in.t A. lio'-.t,() ter It. Whi rr is, this General Asu'inb'y did, on tho 7tli , t nu,l, su.:l, a,t,.pt Its Iw.l r.'l 'Intl. ill. tel'ntvhij, la wit.- 1. li i i.'tc K lly ths e.'iiain aiM ll-.ii.s at H. ;.r n'a- tlv. . orilie H'ft.' ff Alsh on I la U.'-ter ti i'ithro-i-v.'.d. O'-iT tt ti ivnr nntv I.. Ii a t ,ieeit lln' n- '!ni and iri...r;v tn Ih. t'onle'l'ra'e Slit.'., tiy fis I' illf I h at.'.. li unip"Vi k"il au 1 'on i.i, ana i. h'lin o iilie 'f-1 ttv " r '-I'l-ti'l. . m inter t!-ref ira "I llie ni nii-l ''"-' vv'ii (i .lnai Id rniinl ,Hx rik'nlate roil pil w il 'a--'': Oiat nif -n-I. nea purr r n -t u snniuli fo b ol ' n r il" n i n. ni' n ll at unr ial.. rv.- n-a n ai.r'i'iil iii'i'l ' mv w .'it .,r iit'o-ie .rir si.-r il'-" in "i r ip or nnr lira' . nrail.--. slinnt't u a diseaiira-.'n ear ir"tle ar npi I i s dniilit. a. lit ttie .uei-c. ; and I'ult w lirresv tt-'-l to Hi" t' lii-enf iii'lDnr. Iitn'tt an I iiirtietnil .niiitrali m finin ( e latiii'd muic a all the rtiioiiieat of ilia Hlaio o A l.i b una. 'J. Its it f'ti-thrr lfili ?it, T1S, In nr-tpr try li.-tr.. t .lirilf trniniitli "f niirrai..i and llie rtrm p.t t'lll-ti-w-nt (il i nr inilria uil','ic'. ih Hip naru'iiaa it dal. of .ivarv .'in as I In the r,niir.l' ii'n "tliri to a-tin. Iavi., ail I fiel r f fTrrllt e a' r t'a'l.tiii ft rmi". lo itn- enl es tent 'if in. alt' III v, I'V ere "ir-n. .1' .' ''nll-iin,' tn. Iiv -iiriii-'iln i H'in.i.'eiif.p i.i Ir e liiiiilllr. ..I" the ."'itliT. at frci.- eoneait in llnir ivi'n thn in an. ef - a Ii I iinul'--. nn.t nv Uii'toi niu III- rrad t una , " i , r tli - ,,, -". a., a e ' luv rniu-n ; ind tli t e.'.r i n t' e rn"-eil" an t tra ..Cillers at n"i i"1 Ilk.' it.l, to . nii-i'lile I la- .nrln. or a,-'i,iii x d -U.-if.iv fie .l i-i.-ity r.nie-l'elo is.o .ui erl'ir t . tha pret.iiie of adyura ' etr-euiiil.iii-eB. ia to s'rllto ihe m it I'l.i'i'.et i . an I rot thi nn .1 Liety at llie v,-ry '.if.' ol the VitifediT'i'-y M. nil iiiu; lM'. rlers I'liriiiiirli t lie I.lnea Fi ma 'hr Hi ft.'uia't A'., it miner. (J.-to'r II. Several hundred Ysukeo deserters who have been for some time held at Salis'mry, N.C, were received in Hicbinond agiin Tester. I iv for tlio purpose of being sen through the ll ihol lines tj their native states, under tho recent ordtr of tin: Government. fit Is vcrc singular that tho Rebels return our desoiteis thtougli the lines to its. Eo.J CITY INTELLIGENCE. Ptat or TiiKnMOHKTKa To dat. Six A. M., V,. Neon. 57. Ono P. M., ,17. Wind, N. N. W. Sai h op Rfal EsTAiK, Stocks, F.ic. Tue following real estate, etc., wcro sold at auction to-day, ut the Philade'phli Exchange, by Jam I A. Frrcmun : 7r t ar.a -in k (vn'iimnn) Itiiiitin.Tou and Itrfiad Tap ltttl'ri ad ( t tni'itiiv, t In per .lui.e. 1 llll'mo. (ll'iird Mtnini' 1 i'inp mv. 1 wn nhnrei, KtocK lii ihe K ('n-iinwuui snit Oxford Tnra- plke ( 'mi. i 4ii) , .Ml per Hlari', liwiuiiai :o, 'Jill Catharine , tract, lot W by 81 feet, lle.r SU.O. 'I'l e li'ti.r f,;roii id an' .oven tiri.-lt thv.ll'nu. ths-aan, BtcealK tr. .'.. IV'iitl Ward, tfi lit an (i'r, clear. , n). TLref-.toiy nr i k dwelling. No. 7ia I'lo-er -tract, 'iol w U u stun. Ion utt-nne, II1, li a t ,'iear, t-yaj. Twnat'irr l.ri-l ilw I in(. V... 10 1 vliitio III fVie ? Int lie. l,v in trel 4 In, hr.. e. (ear, e.'6.i' 'l he '! mot v brlrk re-Id n. e. N..!iln i-'ransiln street an 1 In' .' l,y 111 i", t, sulieet to SI'iO per aiiLUin around runt, 7 0. (ioi'lnr! rent of I-'IJO per nnnnirl.etit nf a lot wPh tni-friiv-ni. nts. Crow n i.ieel, b-ttv.-eu Kace and Vlnesire-'f., a.i..TiM.i. K-on ami il" ' til ip. ollt'iwe-t i-nrner of Fautlth an 1 Lo-cii-l sire, li, fret l.y II V fart A two .tiny lirli'k dwelling, alinp. ,te., parlhea.t of tiai'l.-n nut Nub 0 llruets, No.HJ'i, l-' feet tiy IG liie', Clear. I r. A iwo-atnrv brick ilel"n and l it, No. S.'3 Snble itro.)', ll lift tiy III lute, rlnar. SI7nn. A rent nrn k rottiea. Ko. I7tl N. KloventU St. n t, HI Itei bv tli fuel elo o.tM l.'.l). A ti.ri-i' Ht.ii y br rk dtwlUtif, so. lvt w. Front .irea, almve .leltara. u, 'JO tif SS lo".; Mili.ccl lo t j 6d sroaiid reiii.ansi. He ihrea atrry lirp-k rlwe'lln and omn. No i. S, S ami MIIN fourth atr.e-, botwi'i-n tl ro -v au I r .. a rei i. In Ii. I'l li et to HjllO'il atret't ; i.ili.r'et to t ) aToae-l r"ni. $7.Hl. ;:isac-es of Coal, ll-oa-l Top fteiflon. (I-. tf r I a. an'y. ihe e-tulu or J.kll) .ll. I ' .III d".ia taed. Ii7 .. A liarl of 111 .rr." il tl . inr ti--a Ue 1. lie t-l Can town-tini Itcdlord couuly, rewrv lif the cod, the sutd ra-ate liO fillet et O.rre. and 117 p-relies nn 1 alloai lit, 1 jotnins. b'-loruintt to Ihe aa,iv e.rale, 9J 0. l'oi.mi At,. A largo au iiuueo assembled list night at Conceit Hall, to listen to tlio a Idress g of John Ilibbird, Ftq., of Del twaro coun'y, mi l Thomas M. Coleman, Ksq , of this city. J. R. Fly, Kk , presided, and Mr. il rger out jrU u.' I the aii'iicneu with natl inal songs. Charles E. Lex, Esq., will sneikat the sani place this evening. It is on'y nec.ess try 1 1 tn ike Ibis annouiict mint to secure a cro.vdal ho i-c, Mr. Lex's patiiotiHtn und ability Leiug wild known in this city. Major Harry White held a livee last night, at the rooms of the Union Campaign Club. II i addrpsgxd his soloier friends on bis cxp'TirniV) at tbe lloicl de Li .by. M ij ir While's conli'ieuiont Ihcrewas the eiuoof tno non-org ani. tuou of the Ktate Senim f r two tn mHis, In wiirer. A i.liico n nnd Johnson tl ig was ilir iwn to thi nice zo last evening, at the c imer of Hute'iiiiso i street and Guard avenue, a.nidst great en thufiaim. Governor Plerqionf, of Virg nla, nnd G meral I.amott, cf Delaware, will ddibesl tho citiaeus of Ciuudeu tiiis evening, at ihe Court H u-0. Tun PoLi. ii. This morning the police raturn wcro barren of all Items of iti'crcst. There is quite a dearth in police newt ut ihe presont time. Tbe city, thanks to the police depirtm ant, is quiet and orderly. The only cases of uow reported this morning wcro tho folio ving: Matilda Johnson, colored, arrested at Twentv second and Market streets lor the larceny of clothing. tiiz i Williams and Kll.a Walton, hot'i colored, aud retidingat Sixth and Iludfmd B r.-ois, were am; sled upon a similar charge. bavin ; obtained Ihe plunder, one of the thieve rob'ntd the other of her share. The di satisfied Party complained too loud, tho police ho r.l of luo theft, and both weio irctcri. Michael Primie.r was nrraiened this morning b fore Alderman Tolaud, ctmrgod wiih pissing coiinti r:olt li'ty-cent fiaettomil cnrreiiey. 11a had pas ed tev. nil, and had almut twen'y in his possi sslon when arrested, ilo wat commute i in default of SH'on bail. Numerous assault ami hn'tery rises of no pub lie interest whatever wcro also reported. Fatal Tkiiminatioh of a Row. This morn ing Ihe nun named WTli inn, who wai stmbej on Saturduy evening lar.t, during .1 row at a 1 iger beer Baloon.nt Iho sontbwest corner of Eighth and Christian streets, died. A light occurred among a party of thoso congiegnted in thesaloun, during wui. h Williams was stabbsd. If) w.n conveyed to his residence, No. loll Bedford trcct, where ho lingered until this morning. TUo Coroner was notiiied to luvestigate the m ittdr. It seems that the saloon is kept by an Ituli in, and Is a resort for that class of people. List Snliii day right two of tho Italians got hit i a row, when a third one Interfered, and attempted to make peace. Tho latter finally bocimo exaspe rated and secured a gun and threatened to shoot. One of the Italians drew a knile and made a tbrut at the third party, who jumped aside, and tho weapon was thiust Into tho stomach of Wil liams. The deceased was a cox-driver, aud was a quiet and inoffensive man. Sk i and Wot.'NDEnSoi-niEiw. Last evening, 3 wounded aoldieis urtived iu a train from Pultimore. They wore properly cured for by Dr. Kendcrdine, the Medical Director of Transporta tion, ami aie to bo removed to the Cheanui Hill Hospital. Hie onky Pennsylvaniuns in the lot were W. J. Hums, Co. K, 1-lth Cavalry t David CamplieU, K, ln'nh Regiment, and Fred. Slaloy, K, 137tii iUgimunt. ALDRiiurrt'ii Fines. Aldermen Planklnton, Cloud, Welding, and Paucoutt are the only magistrates who have complied with the law requiring them to taund over to the City Treasurer, monthly, tho atuouut of Hues aud peuaitie re ceived by them. FVKKIUl. or MAOa-GkKBRAL Bihkbt. We are pleased to learn that the City Troop, and Compmles A and I of the Gray Reserve Rcgi. ment.vrill form a part of the funeral escort of tho late Major General Dlrney on Frlduy uext. St icini! by a Bolbirr. A loldlor named Rcaiick OutUtig hutig Wtusolf In the guard house yesterday, where be was confined on the charge of carrying concealed deadly weaponi. Citt Taxi. Tha num. of 13,155-21 wtt received last week from Uxel. Thlt is rery mall. After November a penalty of three per cent will be added to all niTpaid bills. Asm HaoxKK. Jame Hagaa. a lad, wa admitted into the hospital yesUrday with a frao turvd am, caased by !. Tim Foi.ntKas. The return of thd so'dh-rs, to e are coming In slowly at ihi otTi -e of the Prothonoti y of th C ort of Can mot Pie', and upon being counted show Increased ITriion nn jor ti. . Vp to thi morning the vot, a cuiiiile I, 'bowed 710 Union and HVl lm rttic. T he louiriis thus tur received In. tiro the ele -t on ( f M. Kii-'ed Thaier, member of '"ongress f-uu thi II ihDI-trlt, without doubt. The bono Tote itands at lollows . Rer (I.O.IS 1,1 11 1 I'l 1.218 Mu 'kseonntr 'I weiitv-s. coli.l Ward.. Tw nly-tliird Ward.... Tweiiiy-tifih Ward Total IO.iJU il.ii.r,0 19-512 Ross' minr ty on home V' to 3i 1 bo soldi, re' io n, as conn ed up to tilts m iru Ii f, shows 11.1 f ir l'lmyer, anil 17 fir ll i s. Tim git.a Mr Thsyer, thus fir, a nnj iri y of AH, which will l e la g-ly Incn oscd when a I Hie vo'es uie c Minted. At) ml 1UU packagiS uf soldiers' vo'rs are yt tin be coiinied I tie wors 1( hetntl performed by Mr. Thorn is fl. Reeves, of the Pro Ibot.otary's olll.e, to whom this arduous task hut been assigned. Foil Kv):kvHiHH Wheeler St Wilson"! High est premium Lock Stitch Sewing Machines uro tbe simplest, cheapest, nnd best. They are lighter and ni'ler to opora'e, simpler to learn, quit trr in action, and less liable to get oat of order than any other Sewing Mm bino. They o-e Use than half the cotton of in i-t other M 1 rl.ioes, and do urn li b Iter and finer work. I. deed, no human testimony could be stronger than that which has been accorded the Wlidolcr Wilsvn Sewing Maehiuo for superiorl y over nil others fur lauiilv use, and for general mantt fac.turii g purposes. To show tliu Immense and grow ng piqularlty of Ihe Wheeler H Wilson Mai blue, we would stato tint OTcrJ-W.O H) iifthem will havo been manufue ured this year, and over 6UIKI have been sold in I'hil.nli Iphia alone. Iislrtielion given at tho resficmes of pur ehasi rs Kvitv mnehino warranted nnd tho nioLey rclurued if not ontlroly sic 1-la lory. Ue advise all to go lo toe eleg iut s tlesrooms of Winch r ft Wil-ou, No. Vl'l Ch-simt s'r ct.and see these wopderfiil machiu -s in operattoii. Our trie nda out of town shouid seal lor a circular und apeeiuiens of work. Ri.n rn oi- a Ri:himi:nt. The 9'ith. Regiment rctinsylviin'a Voliiuteirs (Oosllae's Zjuive l, will arrive in this city this evening at ok o'clock. BliTTINO ON Till; nr tur nsitn nr ntsrita nn.t PoBDS Well. .IrsKlTs, nilnn'a a dolefal caetj Two hiinilreil lost by Unit raih bell And ueltdioor lluows I 1n.1v eni'iraci) Iu the same Hat wherein I'm set. I know bo was on the same si la IfJi n'e, and that bn liette I too; l?o that If cannot be denied Wo both have cause our conra to rue. Dnows Friend lionua, you alittlitly do tul.fa'iei True, our side lost hat 't's mz claa Wben these election bet. I make, T o on the other min. Theu. it tlio enoaiy we beat, My loss Is southed by trlujipb f.y, An t, 11 we sutler a detest, Ti e money's won uiy gifrf to pari JSMiISS I envy not vonr policy llorc than 1 do what T)obhs lias lost, t ucb sport'a too doaperulo tor uie. And purchased at too grc it a uost. A certain profit I have aoitttht. And mindful of tiriin wlnter'a power, I 00k my anrplus va-li and houWit A i.ilcndM latt at lin-ineti's 1 owcr. We can fit nny one from our stock of ukaoy mad Qasuln i. nt ouce, without deljy or t.oubie. a. wull or better than ha can Im fltto t to o'.lnr. l.i so id oj ial In every rrspret-lfy V, mut -rt ,1 nn-i teork tanhip -f- any made to ineasata. at to 60 per cent, lower prion. We have ail il.'.lruiiin styles ol k""ds in all aUes, Men's, Youth.' una Hoys'. Tuwsa Hall, No. 918 .Market street. JiKSSSTT fc CO. Ginti.i:mi.n's Hits. All tho latest styles at Cbarlei Hon'., Comm. ntal llutaU SoMl.1 H1NO LIKH A "Dl'AD HoitSP." .Toll' Tll9 (loverriln. rl new, InMead of paylni; S.V'.rSS) a e r ir Ink Ins awav Ihe tie nl h-irsel a uuiid W.ts1iu,;tnn. I sir it. an. ll.."'Viikl ' la pay it 'il,"iiO fur llie pilvl: , i taking tlieni. boi ln tlifin down, a d tlritina llieir on n otl. I lie tale of these -li:ed. s".ll, very uiaca Hie poe.M .1 ItiAf r ui lie ir rla ts - 1 hr Ir lined .word, rust, Tln'lr ttredt are .fli'l, AuJ iticlr .oui. are with tha saints, we trust.'1 Il no .le nld r.-.el l ilia : "Tla'lr f in la ,iol'e t, Their nieetls aie b .11. d. An ' Hie wat i tn y r.i tene Is nlcly oiled." Thlt I. the ontt M. ad lio-ia'' ieh thttw-.t eeer heard of that paid A e'li-le. si.,k,i A Co. a ro-iel 'e I' ilnif tun-, under the C aitlno uat, (hero aio no ' duail horao" jelii. T. a m fh' Fciih. An e'egunt n-sortmont at Cliurlte Oakfortl tt Sen a.Ciinl nuiltal II Ut'J. Mr. A. P. Sciionkman, Gas-II Iter, N.i. .137 Itai e atteet. has lust shown U( no ue'lto I oi Ua-hling ,'i'- hi . let ll ir iiy. T lie far irket la made Ina hu-hly orniiinetgal style, anl ferta. a lire ,-l and ilns'i,t K,a llatine. 'I I.e llrackel e ill lie aura 111 opr-ratlon hy Ol'llnrf at till eitubll.lia.ei.; in paracn. CimiKfiiAxn Srot T Mis Pauline Cmbmnn, the Wt'oui tr Ilia Ouilibarland. will g va a luailuea tl ma'inlily llnl'dlill's tin. rt'ieraiirin. H e will til-ia tin. eseiima. Co and hear the Diajor, and sue hlcieutclCin. Ho! Ho! Yor'Mi: Oi.tiino Dii.ii, aiir You ? Well, that is a iuil'".-i ino, and a crime ; hut in re iwiiln Inild when S i (liie an iip.ioriiiiifrv ..1'T. t-i r'-.tnrl vniir hair, by a 'nl'hliil ami I ueol use of Dr. II. Java.-1 flair 'lo .le. I. bur llltln .hnn . I'.'iline. Thi, val'i tbltf r"rn l ariillnn .x.-lies the arnlp fo a new and lit tlibv iti'-l'al, cletoiM.a It lion, acirf uil aniidriill. .ri'.vint. fin nnir Irnrn fs'liiiu .iff enre.tlia e erupt. ve di-ea-if. wli e'l el'len Hpiniar on ihe hesil, and In a niaiirity uf prii'lu.t.'s a line hi'i ih i I'm w liitir. Ii alai liirn ilie h tir a rici anl heatlf ffnl apneariim-e, lln. quail, d by .injlliins ol' the kind, rtepan-d only at N.i 'Hi ( iitsiiut aire'a' ClIltliKFN' ClOTIIINO. liny. Hinia. liireru.'Cj.ilhlnif. I llot V Oyertmaaa. The laree-l and hi-.t Ssaertueiit In 1'ie -Hv. At. Jl Co., ku I .N. K.-bu. lureet. Ladies and Cim.pnin's Hatb. Ltitcst Style St Cl arln Onkroid s, u s, l onllnental liotel. PipciiAsnns may rely upon petting the host Fun al Cbarlea Oaklord .k sou's, C'oiuliitu.tai ItolcL. riiOTOOBAi'iia, )k nuli'iil styles and life-like pVlnrt's. ll. K. le.-lruer flne'y eie'-nred porlrald, llfu-st.a I'll. ln.alei.IOi s, iMtrj type, aud wuriaa da Vl.ltu. (Jlieiy , fto. i.-'-l An Ii sireel Mm. M. O. P.nowts' " Mi'tnphvtlcal Pit. eotaiy." kills lh rn.rt of av-v dlaease. I'rlee as. No. 110 Aieh I'rtet. bea advHrli.riuent lu auothar ooluiun, i.MsAi, iMi:i.i.nir..v(E. Dimtiuct Coi'HT Jii'lg" Shnrswood. Catha rine Hilu arimd Andrew K 11. ll .c-. aim nl.iralnrs n- J.ihq Fln-ei. An a tl"n In recover fur rent In arroari. Verdict lor plain. Ill tor M.H no. Ai arllra I'al.ihorp, trustee, va Benrnir kfuehleok, Araeiii.n lo reete ei rent I he Ueleuse tll.Dnlaa the cor nel. ie'. of the ainnnni elalined. DihiiiiiT Coirt Ju lge Hare. Williams At fifokra vi. taulkuirav Hooper. An action eu a boos slcvuuI. Ou trial. riIII.AIi:l.l'IllA t ATI I.E MARKKT. Wftinehdav, October 19. Cotton is extremely quiet. Holders demand $116 for iiilldlln. Uuerrliron Hark la riniot. Iu tin absence of trauiac tlnni, wa quoi al m pr ton. Tbe .demand for Ck.var.eeil la mnderat , and thsr It very little orrt-r'nv.. It la worth i'M.i,a-J6 y ut lb.. Tlmutl') - sell , la a small way, at HW. I'laxsved Is firm at I.I 'aSii 3 i.'. per bsithel. The Klour Market Is estremelv quiet, the de. line In tjold and iiarliiiK bavins a tendeu. y to l.m l Iran. aeti iiii, anil boll, buyers aud sellers are ap.rl In ll.elr view.. The de- mana inr ep.rv is u. mn ..i-, n-aice liMltili hhla.l'.w srade aud g'sjj aura at SKI'S lu jb; nxtia lan.ll) al lli...ll Hoi and fancy lota at tli i ,; tie drained Iron, the retailt-r. and bakers U steady at loan 'e7t. inr U erlllie up In Sii -'s) f u b-Uer liraiola. aa lii Duality. Itye Haul aul Coin Meal ara without e,iu tlu t liunee. , '. i.-u a..,. m.rkai la oulet. there bains learcelr any deuiaud fiom unt aonree; pi litis are weak, Ihe .ales are routined lo list) buah Pennsylvania red al .'), and H iulhenil-' M. Kn isle of whi'e bava boeu reported. W ou.. I the aril' I "t ll'"l' "v K m builied .l...,i.udall (a. lorn l. le.t litUe aousUt aiir. Alter the cloie of our report saala of WSSI ha h PeunayWania n.ied W ealt lii wa. icporled al II . II wa oiTr.d Uns n".min at adi cllueol 1 cents, hut without lalol. OaU are .in rl ra.i buaU. I'eoneyli auta aold at le., aud fiou, "'iv il' U in limited demand at l'7ejl-7i fcsr Pa. hull. : UIVAT MiBINEIWELLIGE.CE. CiatAKED mm "OBHrifO. s.t r i( iirunton, Herrlck, n ..te. A. "ouder A Oo. Scilr la', ""rk. li..'". HewturyesKb Aon Co. 4ttryKITHIII 0KHT1H. Bits a E. K"Jdy. M XtA "iT... cltU-w,lk ia- WirlM baUaal a?b,' j'iVn atock-, "i. fr V. I Uit to ihr'iiiswfi . raorr, aJeoM, tress WMluastoa. la bTl'y&'&'b',' saa't.U baluwrt ebr'aeadlnf Railroad Ko, U, BDArth, ttMa (Sataryi, M4..H baJUst 1 lS ala, FINANCE ANDCOMMERCE. , Ornoa or Twa Kvera Tsuariarsi, f Wdaay, UHoltm IU. I The fluctnatlont In gold and itoek yesterday artcrnoon were Tory violent, the contest being rnrrkdon with great earnestnnst o both aides). Gold touched 210 several times, and rebounded to 210 as often, but the tendency daring the day was manifestly to lowerflgare. Tbe sltuatlow of army ai'alrt b tween Sherman and Hood point lo an rarly vlc'ory of ihe Union arms, and Ih most violent bull has grim foreboding. Henc the) lapld fluctuaions In price, which yarlo with each rhrnot from t to 6 per cent. A decided itS ccts will knock gold below WO, and if Grant f hould follow 8h. rman with a Tictory before Rich mond, we tbould tee It below 180 lo short metre. Stuck were unsettled, and prlcee varied each hour. In New York, Erie fell from 96 to 94 and ro-e lo tin in a few hour, telling flnslly at thej Filth avenue at 93, and Heading wa a lively at the mcrohry In a thermometer, confounding tha udgmcnt of bulls and heart. The old operator stood still, but tbe outsider kept baying' and telling all day long, without apparent profit tn any transaction. It Is not win to operate lo toeb. markets, for the hourly changes defy alt ealcala tioiit ; and except broker, wno bag rornmunton. nobody is benefited. The tendency of goad dividend pnying stocks Is upwards, and holder have but to stand Hill nntil this bullion war la ovi r to n ap large returns for thoir Investments. The rl.-o in gold ha put np th prk'4 of petro leum oil, and the moro valuublo of these share show an advance in price. ,' It is staled that Mr. McCalmont, the lar owner, iu F.ngland, of Reading stock, arrived yesterday by the .Scotia ; and holders look now for Mime ai Hon In regard to the January divi dends, as ho has a voice In the matter "potential as a Duke's." Th large earnings of the year warrant large expectations, and the disposition, on tbe part of tbe management to gratify the stockholders Is known to be favorable. Ovr $1,mio,(XjO bas, we understand, bee deposited tat the Mint, at 5 percent, by tbe Company, reserved to meet the forthcoming dividend. v TUo Stock Market continues very dull and nn lettled. Government bonds aro rather better, wlth'saule of 5-20s at 101 l'iil02, coupon off, aad Cs of 18S1 at in.,. In Railroad shares there is very Tittle doing. Heading sold at A0J, which Is an advanse; Mine bill ut !); and Lehigh Valloy Rjilroad at 77 CthJ was bid for Pennsylvania Railroad) 45 fo Little Schuylkill; 30 fur North Pennsylvania; 18) for Cainwiiaa common; and 64 for Pniladtl phia, Wilmington, snd Baltimore. . New City Cs arc selling at 102. ( City Passenger Railroad shares are very dalf, and wo bear of no tales. 21 was bid for Oroea and Coated, and 20 for Oirard College; 70 wa asked for Second and Third ; 50 for Tenth and Eleventh; 37 for Spruce and Pine; and 57 for Chctmit and Walnut. Coal Oil shares aro quiet, and prices unsettled. Oil Creek sold at 6 ; Irviug Oil at 7; and DaUdll at (. J. Hank shares are firmly held, bat thd transac tion nre limited. Farmeis' and Mechanic' told at (Mi; 103 was bid for North America; 130 far Philadelphia, which I an advance of 3; 68 far Commcrciul; 08 for Northern Libortie; 29 for Muchanicr.'; 85 for Western; 28 for Maautac Hirers' and Mechanics'; 70 for Tradesmen's ; 4tsj lor Commonwealth ; and 40 for Union. t Canal shares continue dull and rather lower; Fu-qtichanna Conal sold at 15, which is a decline; was bid fur Schuylkill Navigation preferred; 97 tor Morris Canal common ; and 78 for Lehigh NuTictttlon. ' I he Monry Market continue easy. Loam en tall aie freely offered at IS J?7 per cent, per an num ; best paper 1 tolling at from OJf 10 percent. Gold is more active thlt morning, and price have declined. Opening at 211 ; fell otT and sold at 2(17(1 it 1 1 o'clock ; advanced aud sold at 209 at 12; and 20!a tit 121. i . rWl.ADKLriu.l BTOCK EXClIANOK flAXS, OOT. 19. Boportcd by Clark. A Co.. Rrottri, N. Ill 8. Titrd Ot, HEFUKBJ UOAKOH. tISJ rdlCoin rillltt'l.. '.' U.h ltia.llii(H..rr. S0V o h do : m'i h i' rh in rh 7lli all ia sti 1' ii all n li n Ii (III) VK i nn '.li.h 4'e.h HO ah im all lUJall Ion an .'f.ti ill ii .a a -n no .a do. urn o-' Co... no,.., U.'..., d de... lo... d.'... de... d.i... d de... do 60, do oio si ....'Id ....1)6 .'.'.'.''''( ... .la ftn l.'s. lb do 8C-V tro.h McF.ltlonyOII... S'J ' 'J sj o'4.....ni9 e.a .sown b.1 T.l Vsn do MO l' an Keyiton uaa. t' ... 7'i .b-1 7', laj 7x1 lao.n uaueu uu.... tx FUtlsT IlOAKt). rycon. s. -ol 1117 inn .h Irwin on. l.''llt,b 6 s 101 l:4'(l (I ti'4.1 I), yif.0 do new. ml tliiOf'lty nil new ....lai1 lii'i.i I'ii it m .n Hi) 1 0 sh ou Cieek wish iraiaou va.... avian ii.aa...auai..c. 10 14 -h Muiehtl! 6) U .11 lai ilK-h Valley.. IVi 11 ih II. A H.rop. .. M lOO.n lUaalaut a.... titu Ouolatlona nf Oold at tho I'hiluilcliUU Gadd F.xchungr, No. 31 H. Third street, sucoud story : HA A. M 211 12 M.. ,......m 1 A. M .'07i 1 P. M 1MI Market tteudy. Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stock at 1 o'clock to-day : , - fl.a au. Mi JM. Frjlton coal 7 '4 n namea 011 iH 1.14 hill Mountain coai. ! 04s orsauie v... .. jl K.Y A Mid. Coal..!.' l.'i Franklin Oil Orrru Sit. Cal.... 4j t'i Howe . F.idf Od, ca-bi tiualc .... i S Imiut Oil. ...... , Kew Creak 1 l1. Few ram Oil... tieedar liain Coal. 7i lien.mora Clinton Coah Hid 1 Dai.ellOi:.. liuller Coal II 14 Uclvlnaor Main, nil '.0 31 Km-erta Oil ' ik , V i lK le , 'a . 1 1i fiwaiaia ICS, JIN, o instead Allieil.all Kaolin.. S Couneellcut .11 Kraltiiie Ziuc... 27a t at el.iorOU 1 '. a K il'leat OelauuuaT.l'l. W lilOliaixl I 3 Hlory F 1 li rtruner. His Tank 1 m I 'I'etmleuaa Caftlra. S.' Cnnlliieiiial l V Kcharl. , Fat reil.. . Mil Creek .'J, lll..a l.iand . S Al etfheny Klvar,, l.t2 0 1 ktaple Hhade Oil. kleClinmek Oil... Fanri.ylvau.a 1'al. I'airy Oil kllneral Oil Keyatune Oil Venanso Oil t'nlon la(roluia. jr jcnrtln el,' I'M la AOllCr.ak. Hull Creek 1 1 i-w l.'i 4 itlermaiila I Vi a1. 'Com Planter TV IS Knek on 41, 'Keb. Oil Co L! L'per Economy. .. 72 1 ik 9 llcacop DU... iJa The following nre the receipt of Flour aad Grain at this port to-day : Flour, 1140 bbl. ; Wheat, 6100 bubhels; Corn, 4'JOO bushels; Oats, ClOO bushels. Compara'lve monthly statement of earning of tbe North Pennsylvania Railroad Comixkny : Earnings in September, lSti4 $14 IM-Stl do do 18C3 49,171'2d Increase. 24,9.11 tW Earnings In 10monfht,endlug8ept.30, Itvbl 9l2.1,fM28 do same time lost year 414,633-37 Increase 208,526-2l The New York rniuns thi morning says : "Money is quoted easy at 0('t'7 per cent., chiefly the laltur, 011 call, for commercial bills ther i uiore ale, and upon better terms. Host name Hfrrtt per cent., and secoud grade lOoilJ. In some quarters fears are expressed that ihe pay ments on the loau are to make mouey dearer. The Ooveniment does not take five per cent, notes in payment, but exacts legal tender or N alional Hank notes. The pay meuts to the arauy are showing themselves npon the amount of capital tn the commercial centre, but the supply from that source ha been underestimated. It now stated that the army has bought full 15 -Owo.OCO of 7-30 notes, a paymeut which greatly diminished the e of currency, and take froia the market an element which wa expected Vo produce nuusaal ease." -5i-. G I HARD BANK, PUILADELI'UU, IdLV Octtibar Is, 1SC4. A mural m. en rut of th BteckDolders ef U'.s Daak will be bald at th Hanklna. Itouae on MONDAY, u vial day of ovember aei.1, at l'l o'clock II., to r.a..,dr and docida whUtur Uil Batik abaU tsa- eoniidar com A.ioeiatioa Per Ui bualnaaa ol llauklul. iina.T the law. of lb United iSlataai and wliethar 11 .half esarel. (be powera ooul'erred by ths Act of Hi tl.l turt'l Lhla Hlate, entitled "An Act anal. 11114 the ban,, or tlill Oouuuouwaallh tu becotua aaaotaaUtuta It baakia Uldet tbe law, of UieL'ulled Rlutnl," approved JJ Aa iruat. lsM and to Uk any funaar aailioa 104 uaj H el7eueB for Wrectors will b held at th Mia rdacj on Ik aeaecaj,aoviul4f al,lelo lb kvi4 4" A. M. audi f.M. . , .k4u ,pjev lb Th annual tuteUDf of tin toboiot. " JL4. w 1.. L-ia -1 ,i,a UaiikUil ll.'W5. HAS .tli Ut Oar ot 44Vtiil, al H l')viArFE. 10 laVwha-aell I I f