THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAril. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OOTOBEH 18, 1331. TLFMAY, OCTfMU'R 1", l1"! SPIBIT OF THE NEW 70RI ?3E33. lv11n? Kdllnrlnls from De V ru-k Piiv-r. ThK Morning. Tin: rsio ah it ,. .,, rin: 0NIIII THIS AH IT 1 fr" fa.. 7V." .1. Therein no end to Coppc rlieni i-hail.ttanr. Iok nt tlie front of Tmnmsn Hail, or Rt llmost '.nj f I hp Ot-pi-frlicu'l banners innj oer tbo treit, urd you e l)ei:i; fh the Jar.ts fac4 ixtriniite of M.-Clcltaia an I IVinrTeti.t!, the Inwripticti " I lie l i.inn u it w.i, nnel tl.o Con tttuton a-. It Is." Till? pMtjr .iivlcr giten to tUav-iniia in (lit very f ix ot tin (liicagn plat iorm, tlie mo-t iriiniiiu-iit feature of which i an tilt n.ate ('inivcntimr i'r the amendment of the Comt'ttition and reconstruction ot tho Lnion. It would seem ne if theo 'i: hc-fvl ijumAirers t.ike the Amr-rd nn pr-lp to he idiots, witliout , u-e enoi::h to heed these shnll'in trick. The Chicngo platform, se fir rait exteinlol, i wit, coi.sistent. In making "a cessation l li'" tilitiin" a pmtT nic.iHuic, tt, of necessity, hud t propose ell Jut n roeopniilon of Crin(edcr'te int.o peiultrirc, or fomo pe-mi.lile mode ot InlngitiK tho Ct utfeltMatcs hark to the Union. Something more than nn oiler of utitverstl amnesty was n cv-sarv. AiMitionnl irti irantot f for slavery avd for Stae riht mift he ti ndcr'.'d. It was to m citc llie.' thai nnow Conatiuiiional Canvcntioa eras propi.ncd, f'r aineiidnieuln to tbs Ci.nstitu tl. a h ill tjo neeeosary to give thun any perrni nent ioree. What eliuultl he the iinal ro-ort in cni-o at li a convention could not areo upon arnen.lmi-iits that would sa'isfy Southern le Bifini.s.or in aaec thrami'inlmeutt- so utrre'ed upon elionld not be nmlied ty time-ton nut 01 tho Statc-a, without which, according to tho print nt Coiibti'utloii. they could li.tvo Do eife-cl, ;he plat form failed to Hpocify. Inasmuch aa It pronounced the war a "failure," tlie fair inferenco is tlmt the only alternative con templated by ita friunors, In such a contiumner, wan a r-ositltc and Iinal recognition of the Jeif. liar's Government. Hut we repeat that, t- far as it went, the project of "an ultinmto convention" for nuituuiug the Conittiimion und reconstructing the Union whs In full keeping with tlie Copper head policy, and in a neccSNiry feature of the party pUtlorm. If the party bad tho least moral earnestness, it , would nick to the measure) it has liblihernteiy apopted. It would moi ti to parade before the people this flagrant contradiction of It, "The I t ion as it was and the Con-lltutiun as It in," v hicb meani nothing elue than No Convention. A patty Is lost to all principle, and is past shame, which can thiif. advertise lis di;pikli;', so that It shall he ten nad read of all mm. The principle of "ihe Uiiioa as it was and tho Constitution as it is," so fur us It Las aur real import, belongs to the Baltimore, and not to the Chicago platform, and can he realied only hy the bucccsa of the Union party. Of cotirso, strictly speaking, the Union ca'i net er again be tthnt it bu been. It hits h.en in a const mt suite, ot (hunge siree its original foiiuatimt. The members which compose it have been onstiintly incieariDg in nuinUr; tho area which it covered has, at iuterruls, received Ymt additions; the lelstive proportions of the free Stntes to the flaye, and the relative representative weight of one section over auoihcr, h no altered again and Attain; the lintcrial interests and the 'political poi cies which have controlled the liotcrmueut of the Union have continually fluctuated. No mar. who talks accurately will say that the Union of 1W0 w an, in all points, the saiiie us that of 1830 or 17'.K). It would be like suying that the mun was in all parts the same as tho hot and the Infant. No human nit could make eteii a siturie man what ho was lite ycirs aire-; Irlir-i ely less could tie make a nation. Wliut in meant is, that the enen'ial iamlitu of the Union Miuuld he preicrvid txat the Union of 1S6 and 170 shall be the teritabie body politic which "as known to tbe wi lid in l.V " and litt;0. It is prccbe:y this thing which the Union patty Intern 8 to secure. The party came into ci-tence lor no other object, uni it support! this war for to other object. Its fundamental creed is, that . the Union cannot be preserved but by the main tenance of national authority ; ai d that there is no way of maintaining this authority hut by crushing all resistance to it. Our opponents are for abandoning the wiir and trying peaceful ex periments, which they will net' even themselves vouch will picservo the old Uniin. It is their Coniciousuem of that inability that prompts them to Ihe cor.BtHtit use of the word t'constrmtion. It is to obtain this rcconstiuctiou to make an end of the old Union, and put a new one in In place that the "Ultimate Cotvehtiou" is pro posed. 'Ihe Union party oppo-es ai! such schemes, and will ever remain, t..:thti:l to too old Union. If itbesttld that the Union party i aernins' Slavey, and intends, if possible, to (u.tke au end thereof, this makes no hing tigunut the fact th it 1b still for perpetuating tliuold Union. The iden t ty of the Union is not taken an ay by purging it of slatety. In hit, thoso ttho biougut tho Union I. o htirg had no coueepcion tbat sluvery would long co: tinue in it. They believed, as all con temporaneous historv shows, that sltivvry wai at vat iauce With the spirit of the institutions they weio loutdlng, and that it would graduully yield and die out. The removal of slanry will not trins:biro the Union, but simply purif) it. All ol the old Constitutional organs and func tions will remain, but only optiate with more healthful vigor. Even if a Constitutional ati.end mect be finally resorted to in order to make tbe i O'Oval ot the cuise more speedy and complete it will be done strictly aecoiUing to the method provided by tbe Constitution tself, nnd it will involve only the addition ol a single btief section, 'eat ng he b.xiy of the instrument untouched, litis i im tidiueut would be secuieu through the Si ar. to action of the MmU-, loi tuiotigh 1I14 u.i re uistaibiug and penlous uiouo of u ,,'ixcr.d cr-nvet tlon. frncb a convention of all the slates, as trnposed iu tbe ChicafO platform, would unduiuke to mranie the whole instrument, 111 orair to uitke it n ei the demands of the Kcbcilicu. It rvoiild, in fait, resolve the Union ino its original element", juit as A. U. Sicpheii8 advocatce. and recoiistruet sn thet on tome such basis us that of the Mont gomery Constitution. Ktiu then, there is every reason to believe, the Reliols would not accept it, ui lossNiw f nuiaudwuc' excluded, aud also a doal aecudv- were provided for, one Southern and the other Northern, each to huve a veto ur on all Congiessiouul enactments, In other words, the work of tbnt convention would le 10 change 'tbecurulnal principles of the Constitution, and the essential elements of tho Union. The party which gees for sach a convention knows that it could leud to no other lesult. In cry ot the "Union as it was, and tho Constitution as it is," is the most Impudent of mockeries IT A II., JlaBl LAKOI from tht Tribune. No inertly partisan triuuiih ccnld awaken the joy w herewith we annouuee the accession of Marylard to the sisterhood of free (Mates, In creasing their number to twenty, ai d carrying their Southern boundary down t tbe Pototiae, Lelaware thus isolated from the slave region, must sooa aEslmll.ite tier iuitl'utious with those of her Immediate neighbors; her remuaut of s aver) having for years been returned by means fit an apportionment which gives to one-half of her Ireciuen living in tbe ami slavery county of Newc4it!o I at otio tlilrd of the iepreenuktiou in cither brunch of her Uegismture. tvtry one in Delaware has loag known that be m glit lo be a free btate ; but slavery Is her one bond of alliliatioa with the Democratic party, so the Democratic paity has insisted on keeping her a slave State. We trust she is about to be delivered of her incubus. The redemption of Muiylund will powerfully hasten this coitsum- - rrotlon. Had the nnti-slavery men of Maryland but known that they were to be stubbornly resisted, They nvght have largely ineteased their vote in I'nltimore and the western and upper counties, tut how could they suspect it ? The Convention prescribed that only loyal should void n.:y, that every voter should take an oath that he hud never aided nor sympathized with tho Itebel !lon and this debarred iroiu voting at least two thirds ot the white males of tit. Mary's and 1'rlnco liiorge's, with half those of Talbot, Somerset, Anne Arundel, Caroline, und Worcester. Iu tact, not hail tho men who have just voted against the now Constitution can truthfully swear that they are not Rebels at heu-t. lint lteverdy Johnson who last winter voted to abolish slavery throughout the Union by consti tutional amendment, declaring that he had been untl sliiverv the.-tt forty years suddenly ctmo 01. t tor McClellan, and of course became an up holder of slavery. On tbe eve of the election, lie publicly adviBed the pro-shivery meu to take the 0.1 ii und vote, saying it wus unconstitutional, ' t en fine id' no validly. They but e generally taken his advice ; or rather, we piesimie, they huve duhed the rciiuiremout of the Convention, und, iu the counties und pre C net under their control, have re I used to admin is er(li oath, and voted everything that wears nspeuileiH, luw or no law. Thuy huva thus rolled up enormous majorities In the lower counties major itits which evince the serfdom wheraiu the poor v hites are held by the slaveholders rather than their untramniekd coavicttous. The pro- slavery party ha polled a great vot It all their tiotighol.'s a vote whn h rmboities their wrath, thi Ir batnd. and tin Ir desperation. It is a burning shai.m that Kalbciore, Frede lick, Alligb' ny, &c, .c, had not been polled cmt as thoroughly. ftiirtiioi.saiKlsdoBbtlessheld HI liirauEc, having all their lues voted what was commendid as tbi Democratic ticket, which wsi Iv . pro-siavcry, they did rut choose now to 1 ne s,. ni tii 1 rccniuc uir possibility ol their Old parti's truniph throoeh McCiellsns election. Im; ip,ed slavcrv dead, vit lntlid to throw me s'oi e that most kill it. This t lam-nbtl.le, 'ml, l iippl y, nut Intnl. The r.i w Constitution is iibpoil; Mciylanil is hotcelotth a tree State ; mid tho Hi hellion it fln!!y ilriveo frota hor bin'. I?, l t ns thank Hod and tikeconrage, fi r :bc t:n tisilu) aptro elies. Vtilniosie oiotywhere : a welcoming clovr t ' l :i ' Mairiauil. DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF' S:;(fff Ex :ii-d;tioiis of Qe;ifl'.'h As'xitii, Diiia, aiitl A. L. L-, OCCUPATION OF MAItl ANNA., RAID INTO FAYETTE, MISS. Capture of 1000 He ld of Cattle, Guns, Arms, Pri-D.iiip, Horse-j, Etc. REBEL BK!Cll)i:STKi:rAlSOXKR. Genoial At'ooth Slightly WounJod. Hr.nrarAHTvns M.mtaiit Division m Wmt Mississii rt, Nut, I, a., Octolii r 8. An expedition Into West Florida, tinrlor com mand of Brigadier-(ieneral Ashoth. reiched Marianna on the alternoon of the 7ih o( Sep tember, rapturing that place after a stubocra renisUnco of Several hours. The result is the rapture of eiiihty-onc prisoners of war (ainong-t them a brigadier-general and a co'.onel), nincty (jve stand of arsis, large quantities of qmvrter mastcr's and commissary's stores, over two hun dred line homes and mules, and four hundred head of cattle. Our loss in killed ami t.ouudcd Hinoiints to thirty-two; ot the former, Captain M. M. Young, 7th Vermont, and l.icut 'nant I'.. W. Aver, lid Maino Cavalry ; of the latter, ( icueral Ashoth himself, who had his left chcek-boue bioki n nnd his left nrui tructured in two places. An expedition sent by Major-General' Dana from Ilodtioy, Miss, (cmposcd of Colore d cavalry and Inlantry reached liiyette on the 2d instant, capturing C00 head cl (ine'cattle, a largo number of horses and mules, and several p;io:icr. A cavalry expedition, under llngdier-ficneial A. I.. I.ce, reached Clinton on Thursday morning at 7 o'clock, capturing some thirty prisoners, the llebcl mails, telegraph otllce, Sc., and a consider able quiintity of stores and aminuni'ioii. Amongst the prisoners tap'ttrod is l.icuteuant-Colonel Pmckney, Provost Marshal-fienoral of the Dis trict, Installed ia his 1 ftb c a few hours hcfoie tbo nrrival of onr troops. At hint nenoun's, General l.ce w as ten miles cast of Clinton, st !1 mot ins onward. Nkv Om.FtNS. October!'. fi'etieial I.ce'j Civ alry Division moved from ll.iton Kiui','!' on Wed nesday morning, for the purpose of demontratin,; what could be done, amid mud and unpropitions weather, to the diseomtituro and conl'osion () tho Itebcls. One hiiudic"! men of the Hli Wisconsin Cavaliy, disguised as Rebels, had the advance in entering the town of Clinton, nt daylight on Thurnluy rnorninjr. The town was occupied witbi ut tiring 11 shot. Lieutenant-Colonel Tiiielnry, I'rovost M ir-ihal of Clinton, and about thirty Keoel suldiers, worn captured in the town, toge hcr with a large amount of arm stoics and supplies of tarious kinds. Gencrr.l Hodce und Co'onel Scott, in cominanil of Rebel forces, narrowly escaped capture. They certainly would have been brought in as prisoners i t war il they had cot turned ml towards liayou Sara the day previous. A Rebel mail wus captured at Clinton. General Lee, after tarrying an hile at Clinon, pressed enward in the direction of Liberty, Miss. General Dana sent a cavalry forca fro-ji Kort Adnnis, surprised and captured Woodvllle, Mississippi, on the same morniug that Li e entered Clinton, and of tbe two hundred and titty artil lerists who were in the town, he killed forty and captured one captain, one lieutenant, and' fifty four privates. He also cap'.nrcd thtco pieces of aitilleiy that belonged to the bu'tery, and a largo Hi til mail, with lute Richmond 'paper. Our less was nothing. General Hurlbc.t, the depai tmcut commander, is quite ill and tumble to attend to ciicc fn-ini -s. Lieutiiiant-Ce-Ioncl Ii wiu, Assist jut Aitjutant Oeiirnil of the 10th Army Corps, has re-signed, und his resigi ation has been accepted. Judge Atocha, formerly of the Provost Court, has bien In mrest lor f illing to account for all Ins orerntii ns connected with that court. The curcmetit of hail in the amount of twenty thou sand dollars releases him from arrest. The Ike oi i, formerly under another naiae Known as a fnst --iiiliug steurjer Jitying between New Orleans and Mobile, hits probably been run into Galveston. She has lately been uuprolitable, and her movements have been regarded with so much suspicion that she wus twice seized and brought back to New Orleans uftcr li.'r clearance for Malumoras, and before she bad got cut of tho river. Toe third attempt to sail wus successful, und the Me Dim did go to Matainor is, but on her teturn from tlieie was captured and run into Gulvcston. Her capture is said by those who conversant v. ith shrewd isper itlon-to have lei'n a part ol the on gramme, and the ameunt i f force used to con vi it her into a Rebel steamer is not cons, di red to hare beiu large. Her c hange of ownership is reanled as .tomcthr.t nominal. The otlicers of the Ihih New Ycik Catalry Itcgiineut are to he examined before aiitilit.iry bourd, which will determine their iu.ilitie.etie a and lituess lor the raLk they now hold. Hon. Jl. 1'. Flanders, ugent of tho Treasury Department, will be introduced to his siic.ces-i'r in a short time. It will not tic Colouol l iankl ,. Howe, ot your city, it Is said. Cotton declined vestonlny to one dol'ar, aril there were co puichaBets etci at that price V. Y. Ucrahl. lied predominated in the Russiau ladies' toi lettes; notliirg could be more appropriate. Red and yclltw are autumn colors. At the ceremony of Ibe beatification of a yom g man in Rome, lately, the expeuse for lights, pictures, flowets, etc., for the occasion, was 812,000. Miss Lai kworthy, a young Rngllsh lady, wiu full in lote with a llor.'iu, and went to an Italian convent, has returned 10 kurlaud with her r !a tites, who chased her up. DriOODr GlvANI) OPENING Ol TBE NTW XJl.J U&ii.N'IS'luSNT Memf! Of JOHN L0UTE7 k CO., No. :J B. JU1CJH Til WTIIIJIJX, OH MONDAY, SKl'TKMUKIl 'Hi, Whir will be fuund s most bsautitul stior mtut of DEY GOODS, CLOAKB, A1NI SIIAAVLS, I Tin: CUT. W have Just Open.l 100O i'iMop. fclLKB, rLXlH AMI FASCY. 60O I'iece. MER1NOES, ' tLAia ABD IlllUI. 860 Piec. FBKNOII POPLIW, BT AM KIUUHEU. SOO ric WOOL 1E LAINE, Dutls and 8Ui(U Wllth, riala aud S'ljtirt. 150 rieoe, MOHAIR A1.PAOA, Plata sua Klsurcd. 100 Pioena ENGLISH MEKINOEH, Alio s lsr Stock of Fancy and ttapl 1) HESS OOODS, t il In DRY C00DS. OF ALL 7ILTB3 AVD OltlDES, AT KWlUail rTHi CUE WEN TTiJDrAlT i BE TZnS, ; Ni fil, tts, it , :. st C)tr siKnr, ir:9 - i t. Wt's. T, W. EVASS k GO. WILL CONTINUE TO SKLii Hr - r v v' ' 'i t IMPORTATION Compri3ia all the Textures of t'.ie Se-noa, rx ORl'sAT lii;DU(JTR)X of rjii(.Ji:s. Ns. 313 dc 320 CaESKTT 3TBEET. pALL AND WINTER GOODS FOR VKN'.s AM) lloVi' .VK:t. KAfcl l' AMI ri.AIN f AelcJMi PK"S . I 'Cr AM) MlXKii Wtn.'ilt, USI'lS CAHimritKS, AO ij. 4.: . ALL, AT U!UUCKI PUIOKH. CURWtN 3T0DDA2T & 3R0THE3, at.. te), 111, nl III ;r. i!C )NI M-li Als,o Wlliv. SILKS x. REDUCED PRICES. WE APS .0V CFfE'.'iSQ OtR NEWEST 3TYLE3 OK SILKS Greatly Esducoi Prices. THOS.W. i:ANSi: CO., No. 813 i 3:0 C3ESN0T STREET. 10-17 St IN CHOICE AT 1 ,OW l'HICKS. OUEWEN STODDAET & BEOTflEE, Vos. ISO, 134, and 4T,I N. SECOND BfKEUr, 10-1S-3I AbovsWUlow. Ift'l NORTH KIOHTII STREET. 10;). Ke-cond 'itoot bIhjvu Arrh. Ilrtrat ltednrtln la our llAiae-n.e bteck ut Htl)l and FnnuflrimnUnif,coio piiniiK U,e U.l and most im.mU!,i .ort mrlit r l.aijifs' lirc.s (lo Trimmings, Onnt Hunts' and liuitoas vr our own uiuKa and Im BTliliili. ISIU and Slrrliio Mcufi, all .lil'l uf bLk ud Ctirnills II.. (I lire...,,; Ne,t. cliimiiw tli.u el.a wticra; ltUh-leSi mpj and 110(11 Buttona.l'Mll Mnrtnoaml Hi k illovn, kid Ulovsi ol tin be.t makars lllack and CokTtd Vt!li,nuawl anil Nuarr Hordsri, all widths' rmc Ha. a iti.d Hdei 4'oruba. Milk. IH-lt Kil.boi,,, J.-I, Hiil aiiS tlt ll'lt Buck t'kial Tasae'la of all ioln aid aiylaa; Mavlv Kuiniuiia ol all nui and it.ii at iulr re.luird i,iici'i W'oollni luda, aa Ho'ntaita, Nubias lliwdai li1ua',('hlldru'l, and Mixta' Htocklnus at thi e'biial irtc. i Unit Holla, W alm tall Kolla, and Waif r failNetn of our own tniprovfd oiatneilai Hlw k and Whlls I.IW) ol all xredra anif alykis; Ilia, k and Color d Vallal Hltibona.ln trim varlnly at I'diirrl lirlcra i ladles and iieuts Nnktl:,lnioat varltty, oxirvmoljr sniiap, Ae., Ladies ooinp, one And all, and convtnos yoarioWf i betbra buyingotarwliwa, Uiatii la wall worth 10 yunr ownint.T.u to nun lw jasir Tiluiuilnns at th C'haau Siors 01 WIL LI M MM. 6 KK.H1 AlrTICI, No. la N. lilmu Hlraai SetUj Mf b'W Aiv'li, utH W tbe cgrusi, iv DRY GOODS. JMMKNSK UKDUCTION tX T 1H1C llrsj l)Jt Y OOOUH, JiMES R. CAMr3EIJ. & CO,, tV, 727 llMT 8THKKT, oi'Siz i:iv.u r.NiinK htock ov DRY G00D3, c ')ns:v;iu : im?.i or y is-of a, l i i lis aad K) ? 4, 1 .N'.l is) S, i I t is I'LAt ia, AI I tl ant V 1i I '4 i.l.ACS. auu . A.v.l .IJ hii tsn a. ri' nt r.i, Wnl rK l.ii.ilis, 1 I i.ttll,. Ill ikM.4, I isit.V aa I ('"tH'M iiktims, Fl.r: 11 a.sih, u,i ii.o.vkiM, i einm, AT ESTREMELY LOW F.ATES. IT"t Wav to MIU Ui pi Ml.- t!it r . W ' I vl - ko ir fti'.l, 1.- m yit f, n, , anl v br t it a ui in, we: a vt: KAK15 AK GAINS. lllln WUOL1 liALK OVI. If ST ltK IS1 ; v a o o i n LOW PRICES. THOMAS 71. E7ANS & CO., .IA.K S '., l'i S A I'll t '.)') ttMt NT OK fall vrxi virsTi:it DRY GOODS, TUS. 3EA30JT3 IMT03TATT0N8, rvntiARiX') tlK-s., lire's Cioorl'S, Hlmwls, Clmiln, X: mrflitorlc-, Olovcs, lie-.ler.v, .to., ltl1 s.!: ir- -At !t tlis) rurtp-i.i and American Va-k:s r ; t I'.- t B.-tail Trada. a 1 wit ba onvndat n.i.i i in, ij ;- ii to the t.)wstt ra:c cr C. !J thl , dvs. No-!. 313 & 320 CHESNDT STREET. w-:i- FALL, j FALL, EDMUND YARD & CO., Nh, 817 Oaesuat aaJ C14 Jiyae ScreeU. iKroirvem J vd ospess 0 SILXS AND FANCY DRY G00D3, Hll.VWI.S, UNKNS, AND Will IK OOODS.'j: A:m it an '.".some 3to?s or DUliSS ti O 1 J I) 3 . F'j:.l. LINE 07 F3?.EI0X D0ME.TTI3 IIAXiMUKALH, prttt'si aiMtot BRUNtRH AND OTHER MAICKSI. LANK 11 T 3, KOV-iLKKiU'EUS, XX'xZ NOTICB, J, C. STRAW3RIDGE k CO., ct;v:i.i,.TairA:T x cj . N.W. Corner EIGHTH an IM ASSET StueU, Are now orTer'sxtha Iar')t stKL: cf DlaekU t) VjfounJ la Ul) ctl;', at aj-jdsrats pr'os. jii:iith ULArvicirrH, CllIII JJXAiNIt 1. 1H. CIIADLE UleAMCCTd, lti:i ltLANKl'.TH, all Ble4. I) laltr. we )Ior J14 . luiontufall the !"idtn( maisi, ;) 17-t-tlislai Uny Karly n 1 S te-'s tti-s Arte-ano". ".r AI11IVBTON Jtc HON, Ko. 1004 C1TESN-UT STKEET. To Milliners, Dressmakers, Merchants, AND OTHEBi. We lisvo Ju.t ufi'iicd our FAI.Ii STOCK OF CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, Of rt fry di-scrlptlon and variety, to widen we Invite attention. Uur price's aru as low ui can bo found la Uu eltjr tor lirst e)i tlooita. A liberal dltcouat to wholesale bi'veri. -WAEBUSTON & SON, 10-l-atutMni Ko, 1004 CIIEBNUT Street QJ.OAlt A.MJU MAIN TILL. A. Manufactory, and 8hawl Imporium, N. W. Comer AIICII aaa TENTH STREETS, rillLABtXiUIA. H. WKIaSII CO., Wbcre yuii eaa see a Splendid Assortment f the CHOICEST NOVELTIES, Wbera you san (at the best Manufactured Oarnca's, and wbero yom cau uroe-uro tbe OtKCIMB WATEB TROOF CL0AK1, At lb LOWEST P KICKS, laitleiwlll Had It tothetr Intenet to purckaje their Cloak, and li is al bu KUblibawut. I JO-tuibs-ipi B. Mlim CV. DRY GOODS. I? DKKSS GOODsS, SHAWLS, IT.MaiX(. A?!D lWMESTK tDts, i-n ruhij U.1 laij st a' 1 'hol'it d'ioer(st T'il at It AK AT I S t:I.Cl THR e'')BPSltSIll X I hi ni'CLO TAI L l: 0. (Hi.rt. ikknoh i'oi'i.inh. mi;uinoi;m, A 1.1' AC AH, OOI. li: I.MNI'.S ,V.i., vi 1 1 owr ai w. t.i, r-' u e esl aa'-rl. itr. k . trl '.1 DHIISS OOOI-, a ; b t,o! y AMEItA.V OI.I.AINKA A.s..) ri'Lt.i, ti: I e sl! ( rt.r .or ow,an ar: M -ndi IM al'.ratifta cf t,. i ., J. COTERTHWAIT & CO., . E.iwm.r MSTII and AltC II nunt-t, P'l!I.A"K.i "Tl . iri.'i.ii Kl:i'AlI. AND WIIOI.I-.SAI.K. J. M. IIAILliKHI, Us. 902 CHE3NUT BT 3EET, Has aiw Iu a'ore a Ml ato-tr ai'M of b -i.inai,M nik4. i( r.Nci.iait hohikuv. IIS HALiui,a.vN ii'isr. a.n j iitir uiie., BRK'ftLL.s Lei:, H:IIIIH, AT lr.A"t8H. LVTRA IICATI Htl lt. SUIKTS Ah!) HIISIII) IN ALL mS.HH, FOR CI l.NTLKMEN. 17 K UN NO KISIv!:! RtN NO UISK!!i We refimd tbe monrj. If ifiirfj, fjr cvofj lot f SU'rts .ueii lull in tii'T iMaa -rT. MM 1.11111 1't, KI.VE HllIRTI, Cf'T I usiiTliwue or Ml', its. Mad. nf V. w Vim.. Mule Mns'ln, and terv flai Kfea rtftoma Uniyts-7A. I: .ual price Sii. WiiiiameTiiii. Mills M'l.nn. aad One L.Lfu Uieoiui. Onl $1 ,1.. INoal prtre AV.O S II 1.XS1HM1 coot. a. e.ESTi.KMK.N A ri'hISllIVfj llOODsJ. FM1TH A JAOOIta, - f.m N?. IJ tIIKM, f u-et. JJ A . J O N la a CBLKHRAT7D NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 1 IVr.KT hKlV.t WAltltANTm A SI) Kkf-T fifOBJit ai. MONTita, HIKE OF CIIAROK. Olt) OM,T AT No 17 N, IIGHTH SHECT, lOter rklrldge'sTitaimlif 8 :vn ) MONP. OBNVINS 1NLA4A OVR NAME AND NUMBER 13 nTAMl'KD VVOS 1UI: rYAIMTOAND. E.TTiU Li .NOTII with an-ile wal.1, mvls lo urJir at tl.e alie'.teit nil e-j. OLD "Mil", If AlAl'K OVKB AM) MttAIf.K.0. k. Jal to ,tov, A..-.-HIS AM rrilt.DIIAKN PhlliTA. f all a'tas aaJ Bt."l?i,c-oiu:au!y oa band. s..i ;O0 IK-OP SKIRTS .-)0 UfcO lsl-uftjt.rj,aa.(ls ARi II lrM, OwO Aliose tit. lb street. I kjials cnla. frv-eie'e aM P:ai!. The m-oat ormpl-t' a soitfn.i t nf LaAlaa', Mlfsee', and Clt'lrrl' . II. Sfcir'a Jl tr.. c'ts.ln rny n.aaot lint ct. t, wnirli rr .it:, titiUl , (.urabillt, aad e-'ieej.U'.! , tutvf D .,iial In ll'c. Qiarkl. bk'iu uiaJe to eidtraiure!; anl rratrad M It WJi T.B'WITT. adii;h' i AiN v vuiw. JOHN A. SrAMBACH, uroi.-.'R tvi, h im i'ACT;?aa or LAUIEs' FAINCY FUJiiS, M,... H'J.i AI'.CII STKiaJT, iiirtw t ijn u. CEFAPIiT TLACE IN T3C CITY ttfl :t nje-a s .i-at 'is.- t . "m 'at, Cjciljt aj :f IilDSON DAY .NO MINK 5i.nUK. Kl'.MINH, ClilNCHlLiA, OVItMAN VITUIT, SIBERIAN QUIRK EL, lc, If at. Inic a 1 ,U UU,t .i.-lss. Tt.p.e i,c di str fcej ut r t tn gll ranged from i'AXA l'ai.d a:e Iit'i:j ?ol 1 at atua'.l alvaace ja soet at :b rate; tv::i.Y A-,.T!c:.i: wiui.AMa.r- to kk as int- lkl.'-AMKI). g.-.i.fif ( c gjirsn'-e I, lo-fl ita L ADIKM' I-ANC'V l'UHH. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AIIOVK SLVEVTU, AT HIS OLD KSTAIlLialll.O Impoiter anl Manufacturer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANOY rtXJtH. ktj oaaorlaieutof rA!iCTL';8 for LaJkt and Calldrea Is sow ceait lete, ambraolai EVKIVY VARIKTY TIIAT WILL BE WORN CURINU 1UE COMINCI SEASON. Bedcmlier tbe aams and number, JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 AKCII STREET, Above Bereata, I HAVE K0 FARTMKB, OH COIINECTIOK WITH A.Y ejTUtabTOJttUIHJCC'lTV. J-)Aa FINANCIAL. 11" IT I C 14 rou Tl I u HAI.K Of NATIONAL LOANS, S lit a THrBD STttCET. fHII. kDRLJMU UNITED STATKS 5-20 SIX PER CENT. LOAN. T'te .., rider, ha'laf be.a UV eavesaful BIWori for a portion or tbs Iv:T 6-fo mi l'Y.K CtXt. OtI,r M.llilb(i LOAM, a-Mp-eaared Uoffer It oa referable; t'imeto tbeir demean, la la--t or snail aaa-tunU,Ui hfn1 of dpn-mieaiions ef (to,, ltKs, t'i, tad l'jnti, both ir.-tatared ecd ciABt. Tbelntere.t c-nnmen-ee ea the let of Ho'estber nstt end la a.abl In goll.eeiil ennialtr.on the let of Me sad Nevemlier. Al! o'ler Oot ore not t Saonrltlee cd aaat and fereale, end lar'.'raia .'cn e,'ea c-.c-.-ruinf lasseument,, : our o:tt e. JAV OOOKE A (JO., ST). Ill 4. Tllllill ST?.EKT, D ! - t w PlUadsluhle. FEW HUNDESD KIa2E8 Tarr Homt33teo.j Oil CV-npia rot SALE. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, w i ; "e. m . Ttinta sritF.i T. F I1-X NATIONAL. II AN IK. NEW UNITED STATES 5-20 SLX PER CENT. B0ND.. li,.e na lee oaw far eae tbee trwf s(iiilaraa4 d.-s:rable t'aite-l Biatee Itooile, wal'b base five TKAB.1 Ionia from Noteul-cr 1, M.isnKstbeOorei-ia'.eutbM Uie piMI -j er red ta iMi.r.aiT, g run CRKT. pup. annum, Viu.s nrov'-AcnaJ la C'lf C. II. CLARK, PBHltlDlh'T. Mortott &tloflioha.-sl, J., CAiiIIIEa. It) U-tK gTOeitS AND HKCUH ITlIiHI DOUaUT AND SOLD (J tl COMMISSION, DE HAVN k EE0TEC3, IA K. HO . THIHb Bl'a '.Rt. gMITII A ItANUOL.1'11, fr-. I.; 8. THIRD 3TKEKT, HANK KISS AND IiltOKKrtS. ai.-!t. 'si'Ae, 3-t'ttiojaateia' V)Uulidrea..l t.scks erd all OeveinaMat AiMwltiee aVwib(. Raid Cm-li QXAiiliJrwOlN A. CO., RANKKRH, t-'j. 121 8. THIRD STRKltT. YUlLAriaMPBLA. 0seraii-at Ae-srttlea of aH Is-nse P?rhas4 aai tar a.e. Hiocka, B4, and Uoid B4ujt sal s4MC)av a4ieuu 'TiAjar ALlV)WKi) ox diioa -. C-.UttMBtnmpiT Made. rV.-tf QOLU. U O L I). UULDi SILVlCIt AND BANS NOT 113 WANTED. DE HAVEH t BS0THS3, aal bf 5 snrmn J71112II. HTlASII at CO., IiANKKltW, N 30 .-I. THIRD rt T R li li T, 'T 1Kb ai.i G L1, X, All J GOVl: T iBl.'-f T.'E.i H T O O K S 5-1 uir am. A'H t o coykinniox bi n JeTUVV loan, hew loan. U. S. 10-10 JAV I'UUUU A. CO.. Qtrr.t. I jit asi.t nm NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, hafiW'. nr ti crtit. ivTrarir iv cm, rsdi-smaUa arr tiae ater TCS YI tl.t' 'er. of lb. Oossmaita'., and serabka 10UTT f.At;a a-ut d ita. BOTH COITOH AKt) BKitl sTf UED HOND'1 are ..ie4 f-rUiia Lati.of .aiue dea -ru-aation ae lite 3-)e. Ibe tnti-re.t r.a -i-'a and Itoue 'kvable lverljr! oa all ftlier d.-a-nitiail.n,t balf carlf. Tbe lit-AU boJ. are tUUd atar-k 1, 14. The kif j.arl latere.) laUutd ie hepteo-berl and MaruA t ut ea.b aar: autU lat rterWiai ter, tl, a.rraed latere. t froial.lof atarth la reuliml to be ra d bf sur-Laaera la,s or In i koax eeiuw r,a-M-lnv A" b ' si'ut. f-r prviutuiu. Haul r.rt anl ire. AI L UTlir.ll tK'V) HMaLM HKCt kl flt.A UOIMilT AND JAY 0O0ZE & 00., s tit H. T'liH!) 11 r.Xr.T. UO NRW 7-S0 LOAN, a k. a .ba, nru-'M reeelsed, aad tbe Ketas iuiu.le.UMM au ekaias., b m. OrOUliE i. r')TD, Hankfr, aan-tes bin IJ s Tlltnu o 1L S1UCKH Dtbi'iiiir awd bai.d bj oAuAiiK J. Brim, Hi ,kr, r Ha. 11 1. TU1KD Mvaet, ATTENTION 1 t'OI.ITIfAL AND PATKNT rlnlit man; also aiaauia- lureie of Ktrework., tail ,,,! see ll CI.I-.I lltuuinalor.. J'lv.::,,u" j.o.itACH, loij-ti- , Aaurlcaa Bou.e, ri,UadiuMa. 1 lATKNTEW JULY 19, 1864.-J O 8 K P H X btetlTfT, Eleve de rarta, FrelKb Kleam I'reiiuj aud ftaurliig en any kind of wearing at-paral, ar Lad ee, li.i'U, aad I budrra. 1'atout atistrai-.a i-r stteuriuj eai t. fi-ta one u Ava V-.. ?.a) atke'k; e-trt. Ir.ueA -vV-ltlm bueei, l'b'a4sivta- - AUCTION 8A1X3. fACKTJ AUCTIOK A'A. . HABCST avMt. f. 0. If AfrT. AnethwaOT, e"-s. seieaaal of m-oi-a. etaaaA. ami, sjau'HaiiMa. nrlikite. mm .aleukia Aanetoa Ataoaas. aaetke) ertti Bttftad pereallr Sn sabia of . I14L BATA1H A.f rtOOK At tbe enhaoe. A IUUSHOLD rvebrrrrri At DereUtats, end miwuka nr MBitoiuvrMAS Al the ..-"e of ll,o ewTH-re. taah will be adeanoed srbea S-elred en mtnmmt tt fr)i tit aalxx! eaAe. s rtv i aur ra t-!rfrJ., naM, At f ft'rt'-k . a latae riti-b.r ol Valsiw e ri4"k t VA'alMmirll? f'"'ieai,ou. laeadAr. jjUiAUCTION 6AI,g OP CONDtMNKB V aar." -lmrast a Oerroc, r la.T l.lviaioH, . . Wtsnrvoio. t in .Octal-er . IMII ) aZV, " uH . V"' McUO '' (iv. 1r"l"'''tiilr.iw, ON 1111,1111 t'At Al.RT HDkSM. b,1 1" tni r'veee aaaaj re4 karsaiaa aaa HrrM eiW aine'r 'Krma.'a.h In tnll.'d at. ree et U A. at . A'ee carrmce. tale be ceaa- 1-l.H t Ccloael, In ehar., 1 .u.m,, 'J'q. lirIi"I0N 8AIE 0F CONDBMNK Omi, k Ifiaat lmim, t Wll' t-i anld at Poblle A.-n hi Ut-.' uni- and pieree namrd 1-H. w.Tla ""ee, ea at I) k ua, rt MNYl.VANiA, Tatrae.Bi.r. fh'totr IS. Ij;4 ' WILMINGTON, KKLAWaltr., TbVKSDAT lVtotere,lM6A. TOKK, raMlMlYLVAMA. THtKSDAT. 1)Cf''tMT 97 1 tV)4 1WO nCVDKFD CAVAIJIT H'iSAS At A A Cat PiAt'K ,ha F-rse. ba ben eor.dcmited as bnflt for Ska fa' airr f -jee of the army. ' read and faiiniiic aurpaaee ataiva-oad banauu be bal. 11,-rme eoM .Iair Kalee In reatraeeyte at Id A. at. Tenna t'a.h. in fnlNt Mate. Carroto. 8 order ot lheUaarteraiaeler-"eneraL nut a rarrv, Colnnet la charge t ires l.irl.lea 1 J-toJS gaarterautster-Oeaieral'i Ofllce. PROPOSALS. ImorosALu rou papkr. NkT flPTTMT. J Itvaaar or raoviaiuse 4hb Oi.oTiiiaa, October a, IS!. Pr,ipial,, arali-d and eadorsed '-Preo-Hala f-w rape," ti: be r.-celved at thta Ilnreau nntll I o'clock P. M oa ah iat .la? ot Urtoher Instant, tor fnnilablnc aad Aellrertnc ai tl.eSat la-d atlinvk)n,ll.I.,riTeUanarAaaaaa of 1 aner. Tl.e Better to be white. 13 Inehea kf IIV lackae. b eth 16 l-eunfe to tbe ream, aad be otade of Unea etocA to oe rtalcd -JS boce oti each pa, leaving one taoh aaainrtei at the too aud bottout, and boik eloos af aatolk base. itamoiee or quant? and elae of the eaeor nar be eoea at the lirtice of t!,e ln.c.or lo chart:, of tbe Na.r Yard at t4wo, New York, and Fblbvtebla, ana as in a) 1A-A-1H SUBSI8TF.NCR FFICK, UNITBD STATES . AUaijr, o.Ol TH Htreet, . . HeLnv-u,Md.,OctoharIs.lSA. Healed ProooeeJa. f duvlvmtt, will be raoeleod ae this enve antai It hi., na ajOMOAY. October st. 1A44, ar nMBulijia the Valted eUatas aabeteMoto l iiiii aial roRTHOt'aANr)(nnit) irrAr) or rntrr cattisj, on Ihe boot, deli.ered at the Htate flattie Scales at Baitf b mt, Md la lot. of (Hun) one tboe.and eak ttt (lis) leu date i to be weighed within one and a half dare elter arrlval, at its eioen.e of tbe ooauraclor. Tber atael a.ereie about ( IS-.n ihtrteea hundred noands araee w-esgtiit all fkllrrg abort ot ( Im") one lli.-aaand a-anj. gnee we, hi, HuUs.Hlaira.Okea, Oowa, Ilelfere, aad Hornless CaUeev iU lie reiected. A deduc'.loaof tea (lt aoundewtn be made freea Sha wel.klof sack Hte.r eoveaied nnW this ooatraet, tr. s-ined the autrnal does not ataod in the peua two and one. half i asa ben-re being weiglwd, or la aot weegtead laaaaw dlelelr after removal I rum Uiecara, Hlank forma tor srTiHale can be bad on arriiloatlett at th'a oOloe, el titer lo teraea,trf mall, or telejgtaeh. rre-io.als by telegraph, or ether Irreguutr, latoraul p-f-rosala will not bo c-ni-ldered. Tbe Government wll claim taa rbihl of wetabbng aane one enm al aetarate, II Iu anaearanoe htdasalee esea webiht tl.ea 'tt. minimum mentlo-ted abovei tbe oa peaiaeal wHgrung w IU be paid b the eartr errunbiled--aiai-t. lueh Mil. to secure consblemtlen, ma,t eonteta a srreV tsi. guerantre of two re.ponelble persons, ae foAewe e We , of the Gouarv of , (Mate of , an bsrekr awatantee la (or an.) able to filial a eonbrart ta a.n.rnanre with tbe lenne of bla (or their) sroaoalUoa, and should hta tor their) sropoeltioa be aoceuted, he (or they) will at oaoe enter Info a eontraot ba acoardoawos therewith, and we are nrooared ba boeoaao hie seoatitloe, glvliwi good and sufllclent bond for Ita felnimeati, There.aonaiblllir of the guarantors must be abosra bf the official eerttttcete of tbe Plark or the hmimi iM.aruie ( ourt. or f the United steAea Dleulet Abtonier, be ke ea- losml WIU. UvebkL Blddrra aauat ba present to retoonl to these bids, ana treoierea to give bonda and eaam tbe eatraos bafiara lev -.a U eW. Th DovernmrettreiereM W Meelf Aa rlat bs reieet aav or all bide oonatdervA unrea.oltaaie. 1-a.vmente t be male artor eavh delrrerf la seoh faaaw as aia; be on hand; If Done oa bead, to ba aaadja aa eooa ae reoetveot . t r. poaaie must be eadoraea dlttlacllr "rropoealg anr Iteef tattle,"a:d eddreaeed to Caotaui J. Ik. tauat4a,0. a.. Itaiumste, Maryland. It a bid ie in the nante of a arm, their names aad about ot otfloe addrees meet arpcar, or Uey will aetbeeoev eii'ered Itaib person ereverr member of a Arm ffbrbag a mr uieat aeoomnanv u wl Ji an oatb ofa!l-ieace la tko UollMl Ntatea torerumat.lf ae baa aaa air-soar nled om In ibts oflice. Ar km rori.f',Vin7 Hrictlv w4t IA. eareu IhU mA. Vrrfisreneru ttttt in reyr-cteet. . rt. UILMSS, lo Li 7t Castata aad CI, tl. a. A. O FFICK C1IIEP QUARTKltMASTF.R. CiKCri.KaTi,Ohlo, tetor7. IK4. Fn-poral, are bruited by tbe ni der.igned until TilUKA 1AY .e bfr 1H.I, at Vi o'clock At., far fujuisuiaa taoa iH iarft-ei.t (hj contract) with : V COM N I'LaNKKTN, Arrry Rtar.dard. Al,-., fer the tmotrdlate delivery ot BlAbl.fc. t etithH, Army ntanilard. Aud Ute ibUew tng tnatertal for Trimmings, to be etaae to sami'lt-s wl'kb can taeea at thla office: I' ILANNI.L LlxlHH, lor back Coats ; CANVAH 1'AI.MNa.fbr.lacketa. K lilt ,WN MUhlil (ligi.t), lot Sack Coat Blear L!l.tnf;s ; U l-KtWK WTJbLIH (heary), far JarAet Sleeva ilmngs; On) I LANNKL, or Demel Llnlnrlbr Jacket. n. ii.pi,, may be seta at tbe Otbc ot Cbrtklnf aa4 tiiiiita.-e In ibla eliy. To be jeiivered fr.-e of eharee at tie I'alted ataee la srNutlou Vaiebtue In thl, city, la gor4 new packafca, null the nan.-' of the party funiinhing, the kind and Quen tay of tootle dltinoti asaiked oa eacb article aaat paeka. I'aities cf -ring gcod, matt distlactlr itate In their kid the ouanilty tboy propose to fumun, the price, and llaas Idslliery. baiiih-i, vi hea submitted, mtit be marfcod aad nn. teieil le com sp.and with the pr-iposal, and the partlea thrreto meat euaraliMe that ttie goods ehall be. In ovnrf tusi-e-ct. e-jual to Aimyb'taudard, oUiorwute tbe pray oat will hot be'f.rd. A guarantee, signed by two responsible persons, meat -enu,tntiy each bid, Rtiarauteetcg that tbe bidder waA euppty tlie articles nwArded to blm uuder Lie propoeal. Hi-Is will Le opnel nn 7hara.lar, iKtobor HI, )dl. at ?o rlnckP At , at tbls oAce, aud bidders are rAueetaa ta ke preaeiit. A aids will o made on FrMgy, October ?1, 1MI, Itr-i dt w UI bt rc-iulied that the couuacl will be lAltaruBey fi.ifl'ltd. Tie, rates n-latlnglo Propor-aU will not be rvotioed. lilanh forms ot pt,,posal, Contracts, and Bonds utay ka 01ta.;.ed at this orhre. , Tbe nht to le.ect any bid deemed anreaeoaabki If rase vd. .'.latitat snveK-no "Proposals fbr ," aad aJlioe f'o'imel Wll.r.lAM W bteKtSf, ft C hiaf y uarerinastar, Citietaaall Depot. T QVARTBRMA5TKK -OKNEBAL'aJ JS . OUleo, mat I-l.lal-aa, H'e-Hi.wrrxOirr.iXoher l,lAt, HOknirsi lluKAKail IIuusihi:! Fmee suilab.e rcr Arrtilerr and (lav airy serrte vrfll ' r r-"- istrJ at '.ICHHUKO lifcrXir, In open market, tall Ko-'-'ntlr . Isae. noises will be delivered to Oa.-eata L. Iwrylloora. A. g. Al , ami be sub..ecd to U tut'.at ti-.teruBU.ea) li-ii cetlon h rere I ehig ar.'t'.d. frb-e ol cavalry H r.o.," eeek. ir:o ol A.'.tl-.ry, Alrlt'eacb. l'y x mt w'.U b-. aa 1 owr aa. (el, .tr.t! more. JAVKr) A. BkrfBf, Cok'liel Klret Hinalim, IV lei 1 Qiiartrrnater. Oansra. OOloa. ;iMsUNI Ae HOUDEIlctCO., COMMISSION ME2CHANTS, AND SHIP AND STKAMBOAT AGENTS IJOCK STKKKT WIIAItlT, risiLADELraiA. arut-vo . sot-naa, 1 as- mi aai d ot-Tt t . eii uaa T. aotPSa. 1 M-lf CAOl'S'IVS TEA WAKK.UOU8K. ZSTA- L-il.hodlalStO.--)iriporteranJ lsierln riud leua, Wines, and LUjaor. Choice Havana Cigars, i-r.. A Blarkw.A) s Pickle and auoe, Sng'.Uk and Acotok Al ai.d f .srter. l eaned atnati, Krultt. Boap, Aov Hat r Metirs pat us with rare, ' ' At ho. ll BKOOVD t:et. I rs ly JeJdlllJA a. Celt b IT. IN-NF.-NO-NF-AW USDIAN auOKIkt) lOBSOCIYt 'ikiastoibl-reuowurd T.-hsrto is niauniautund bora tb HbtMT LKA', And earaeslly noouimencie li" ll to all Gentlemen, a insurious Tasta, fluid wbuleeale end i tutll at liVAIk JVPl'tAHPinAH 8TOBT!, CllllrlHI't Htroet, 10 t (& oppoalte Stat Uouan. G uonui: HTITKS, an., IuA3l7rACriTJMHQ MACHC5IST AMD KNG1NKKH. lo-W Me. lu-il X. BJSCOXD Street, rkUtdelfhla. BUlDJiSULKQ MACHINE WORKS, oiitir., So. MX. IT kon t nhZILt, j PHlUtn.Li'Hia. . W. kr prepared to Aa esovra le auy sr atAri'lMa-BY 0B fOTOlf Af "'''1,t?m'Jl luclo.l,., all resMal laut.ovon.ouu kltri"- l""-o '"J v.,1,' . . u.raclaram ear euttasa ntn,nuauwwi." Ke ,k. IU i t