V TIIK DAILY F,VEN"LVG TKLKGR AP1T. PHILADELPHIA , MONDAY, OOTOHKK 17, 18G1. il (grcmnti JTrlrgtaph OFFICE No. 08 sTthIRO STREET. fwH f warn 1'AAfre fnitt, wRrcMTniCtvr I'm ITmcH1 tkrife.eiid bcilled 10 filneilbera at m te CRT t l" TP'.l.fi'. 1'Ar. ATM'H 1 OjfF. TI'iLI. 4K mm ,l.rv(:.aT.e'i Ts kli.s' iMe.ln'i..bl in a.t aiic AAtpV:rl roe-ad M the Hint' rater. A liberal ,at aaaAe tot enVll Ifteanmna. ,yi,MfAieal of Anoi imiii" C-. ;ip""-.f .i.,'.k te-A;e- r fo lafa:. Ifll H-r h.m ri,,n im.sl kt n itl.rl- a'o.I ftr ll" ' a. I1"11 rtrtrii i.r tfc. Ar.tiT-- f ii' . .'ifir'ls '..r eaMlov)en, k''t a. ft trnftrftMpf tor M, ei.'l fn ih. we a,iut wiler .aa. I retain r- .re'ed 'niuunjtiii...li".s ! AH Vfrllmrm. 0ptiy kf ake irreat If-rrrntf iK l'irn!.t'o:l if Tilr. ,iiinrt T"r ..aiii , oofeii-r'lliiif tin to no to lir..- at An now, 1M 'Ar.it.i rt I'nt llihl .dull' eui.'nls mi' v fee hanitnA I as ,,i-if a. I'l o'i'l' : k. It p..,llilt', u in eure k hitfoa in al-' of nor eriliii.u.. MOM'AV, OClOUKIl 17, num m si'iimiia r. Nothing but feme jtrt-at, urgent rii'citi-lty tou'd bAve induced Mr. ,H.i ikhmo Dwis io amis') Ills lata tour tlirniiirli the .South, fcrimitilnjr flic people on tlic fiilcrt of the rr. It l quite nppm-cnt thut thi recent nnwHi of otir amis In Vlrjrlnlt, cori.i, aad elwwhcro, bavo cflou-ly iliturlicil th tuutl equanimity ot the hcud und rlilcf oflh lUMllon) whilr Uie iitlcrnnrKM Into which h btn been Ixitrnycd In tllrcHwn nt varlom tilarM In the course of Mb excursion, nhow oni'mUkaily lilx nulng fiiltli in the power T the to-called Southern Conti'ilcrntc .S latin to much longer maintain tliciniclvcg a;ilu-t tb natlonnl authnrltle. Th tiuth would ct'tn to be tint tho people of the South are fast eoUliig tired of the w.ir. It has been to them a giant caltimlty.uiirelicvod or mltlrated by a ninplc benefit or roifola- lioo. They uo doubt fluttered thcmsclvo at Me pfrlod with the Idea that the rU'iksIi; for thAir kdopendence would bu a pliort though t oTrire one., and that It would end In their triumph. But In forniing those agreeable an'irlpatlons, they certainly relied mora on til Woo and apathy at the North thun on any Mnlttv ability of their own to tight the. Ifebel baa at to a aucceasful concluNlon. And Hiun far tbeir calculations lu that respect ha vo been reallied to a ronhlderablc extent, whilu the Qorernment at YTanlilngton ban had to cou ieod against the open tbc In It a front and the aaora dangerjus, becnuno secret, cnerulca In 1U rear. Theae condltiona, however, are rapidly changing In our favor, and the Southern paople begin to perceive and recognize the (act. Within the last few months a great Change baa come ovei the spirit of their dream. Exhausted itrength and resources, and tho 4enpair of elcctive aid and miccor from any quarter outside of Ihem-ielves, arc telling fearfully on their patience; while alarming ymptoms of a growing disposition to give up the contest, and sue for the I'cU poi-sihle teruiM f peac they can get, have forced Mr. Dayim to make a last and desperate appeal to the cl iTalry" not to denert lilin and his cause In tlla dismal crisis of its fortunes. At Augusta, he told the Georgians that " they mi st leave awhile their wives nnd clilldivu cast their gold to tho winds, and help to drive back the Insolent foo from their border." At Montgomery, the Mull ro lorU Davis as saying: " He voulJ not attempt to conceal the f tctthiit M wf (the UtM) liavc c.vpirienceil great dis " of Isle. The enemy have prussL'd our " atiuieti bk li to the centre of Georgia, threa ":t:ed ti e t rden ol Al .Iwnio, und occupied "'he Uajof Mobile; but the city still stands, " und ftKiul, though every u-.ill und roof " kliould fall to the jt round. He hud been disap ' fofnud in n J J bit cjlculntions in .Northern Owrpia Afttr at-nillng lorward lo the urmvat baiton all ihe rdnti rceim nt, hu cua'd collect " fn m cvciy qusrf r, iiiclinlin the troop from "Nortbtrn Min-iiil'il, lie had cottlidcnt y ex " prried Mirci-il'id atlvmice throuph Tcuiicssee " Dlo Ker.tud.-f. IIhiI be thotiKht that instead "of liie forrd notemtnt our anuy wotitd " htv n inert to A'lama, he would have left ItH "0 4, lumeiited, ittid venLralilo friend, Ueuural ' I'tai, to hive assailed Kiikiiman upon his " (tank by Ni.rih Aialana But he hail yielded "m Ui idianf conrentrution, and the seipiel " wu inTtbisg thau hul lie had been luduced to hope." Dut Oeorgla Is not likuly to be. doludud Biach longer by such expostulations. The ad experlenoea of nearly four years of strife. moulting only In disuppoiutramit and disaster are more powerful arguments than the vision axy pTomuica of the ltebel leaders ; and unless the tide oi war should turn, suddeuly nnd miraculotisly, In their favor, we shall not be much surpi laed to see the Georgian laying down their arms and coiniuir back iufo the Union under Sir. IjJ.nc ot,x iirochimation ot amnesty. ITielr present disaffection must be great, Indeed, to compel Dwis. to ujitku so earnest an effort to prevent the ineuacud mutiny, lie knows the slender thread on which the It ibel Uon now bangs suspended ; und hu knows, loo, bow fetal to all his hopes would bo the giving Way of a single one of the Suites allied lu ibis tuiendous conspiracy against the peace and Unity of the nation. He knows that the with dawal of any oue Male woi.ld bj .-pe.clily fol limed by that of another and iinoi her, until tliO guilty Confedera-y In tre:.-on wa- entirely issolved, and Its fcntanlc undilli els left, ulone and dfensclesti to their fate. Nu wonder, then, that he L aw- I.U capital id goes among tho people of the: S ,iJiv.:.,l V oecblng them, In anxious, Imploring oiv CnU,tO keep up their courage, pivpar-j for 6--li sacrifices, and resolutely Maud by him lu th terrible nitiri)ii-.e In which lie and C'.hur arch-contrivers of the I'.olielllon enndly hivolved them and the whole ouili. J.i-p.T;i- ti m now ui the solo rcuiiiining Insph iliou of t f insuri. "nt caui-e, nod the very a, t: -i!-; of ) H'J Ki'.l O.N L)lri to Ills lili.ll.ell "d I'll- L ers bbn'.v t'aat ho ha I 'M at! a- 'ir il t . ucc ill ihe succe.- ni'the lieb. II, oo. PFSUkVM tM I rOMII il. 'i he .Smith bus rt lied upon throe (riv.'it mainstuvs shivery, cotton, and tobacco. It culculated to support Itself by slavery, to pro cure foreign help by cotton, and to spread discontent among the Northern masses by withholding Its tobacco. In all these hopes it has been difcuppoiuted. The war power of the Government has deprived it of Its slaves England goes to ludia to procure her cotton, and Pennsylvania seems likely to succeed Virginia us the leading tobacco-growing State. Until within the last two years, the experi tiient of Its cultivation In the Kejutoue State td remained untried. The stoppage of tho siud supply from the South induced a few tewutllvtiuU farmers to try the experiment. Tte risult has been eminently successful, and tUe turtuunuj vcAsseiMors of tills year's crops expert torque from two to threa hundred dollars p r acre. Pcniuy Waha, thus Biined anothr-r source or wealtb. Not coutt with l,r vast mines of coal and lion with hr uviug weiu ot M issuing from lnesUAu.Uul. suWrauuw, km' flowing direct from nature's crucltjle, she has adopted Die growths or other cUnu, nd (iomostlcsted for her use the lndt(j!noia pro divtlotw of waruier tone. Tin- anil of Ihigh lkiontwomiTy cotin tiia, vul in 1"I ff jill thiwe cut of tin- Alio phi'iiiwv. ia ik-'itllurly n'l-iiiti-d to tin? growth til tcliaorr,, ntnl wr ilmiM ut Mint, iimltr th riiri fill niirrtirw ol our ttKrlrtiltiir.illsU, thai crop wl'l n'V'li 1 IiIrIi litn of twrfivtiiin, mnl tl.Hl ' v 'II l "t '"I I toll.l' CO on.' of Ull' must ':i,!' Iinslitctitiii.s rf 'In i,y-tt.'irii M.ii". t) ki it 'i;'v I n nr. We ef !l stutoil Inn recent ii-lnti per llml In 1.1'ielon f.lmrc ar scores ot slreoU uliiih ill r'joite 'n the stiiik p.itr iriy iiV, tl h hrt't'-ners seeming lo 'Mat highway iiitich as 'he) lo liighwayiniiii giving Ihoin an nppoila.lon derived from soinu connitm llluslrioiis ancestor, an .Tack Hheppar'l or ll ck Tnrpin nnd only numbering t.'iem occv sloiiitlly as the Hint, second, or third, Ac, in ilisctnt from their prototype. Indeed, the T'jrplns ami Sheppards fare lintler than the slreels. Inasmuch as thtdr ancoitral iiime Is alter all only an oitw, taken lu their honorable emulation of the great original possessor, and because, also, they have I'jvn file baptismal cognomens besides; while the streets are only gifted with one and I the same r.atne, undistiiiKuishod by numbers, letters, or other maiks of difference. John street, lor iastance, in London seems ubiqui tous ; and though n two thoroughfares with this name are at ull alike, or bear even a family resemblance, yet aro they all equally Johns, and only Johns. We are by no means free from this absurdity of reetitlon in our street nomenclature, with only this difference, that our mania seemi to run In reproducing the memory of our de parted great as fiequently as possible, by placing their family appellations on our corners. In our own city we have several Pknn streets, courts, and " places ;" at least two Wahhihci ton ditto, ditto; an equal number of Jkki'kh hon, MoMtK,and Mikki.in streets; a couple of CAW'KNTr.it streets, with courts, Ac, to match ; two or three Ukoikjk ; an indefinite number of Kkanki.itih; and any quantity of tautological offerings at the shrines of lessor personuges, Including the numerous families uCSmltLa Jones, and Urown, fi'J libitum. Now fliis patriotic nnd klnd-bearted way of honoring our ancestors Is attended with con siderable inconvenience, as well as liable to no little ridicule from the sojourning stranger, who may not share our reverence, and who may well turn up his nose at tho Joneses and Thompsons who are so indiscriminately hnnded down to posterity upon the corner walls of our highways. We approve highly of this method of perpetuating the memory of the Illustrious dead.. Let every city, town, and village have a Washinotom street, a Jack son street, a Ci.ay street, a Whiistkb street, and. H there Ik- enough, let the whole host of statesmen and warriors of our past find each a monument In a thoroughfare, but let each have but one apiece in any one community. Let there be no "confusion of honors. And finally, if the munflcenre, public spirit, or other virtues of less widely known citizens, such us the aforesaid Hrowns, Smiths, or Joneses, shall render their fellow-townsmen anxious to commemorute them by street-consecration, whenever there bo more than one duch "noble Roman" in the same town, let them either add the first name or initials, as "O. I). Smith street" or "Timothy Jones" street ; or let them be numbered according to seniority, as Brown street No. 1, No. 2, &c. lienlly.we think that among the various propo sitions for reform, there Is none more practi cally easy, and at the same time of Indubitable utility, than this of street nomenclature; and a thorough revision of our system of names will go a good way towards encouraging further irjni rovements in our city. flie fo'ldW.HS nr? btriUo on tbfr Atlcgheur rtriT Hint irti-ctt ci i . k wr-r.s. hu.'ihwt ruck u wtll iMt eek on tUe Uocnrnn una, ito n t" .'U w J rutiklin. which yunuea iwo oan tlieJ tiia foity hum-! fit tho tirst fartv-oiht i ( ins pumi-inj;. H )i conMde'ea tfooo rur oaa liui arc il iair 1.- per iy. John Lee hat aUo o'k inimdaflowlntf U on ihe Mnrliu rarni,jui mImap tiio Hoover, and netirtr opt wids the Cm-I. ran farm, wh et, lio- OTcr lilty Darren t'.lT OHV- . . . A 1 t W... .ft.A-W n.AS a v.. if-h i J f.i osite ll.p Uoovor we.l, wolt h yiomi e to bt a l-rnt ciR well. It hat not liNJfl t'et 5 t-t. In udd.tivn M thl, ir. ltunu", wu owns a luiite on tnc ciuuii urm, nui umm i u v- Iiti i ow the i-roj-erty ol the AxccNior Oil C'tn ,hv and vho tad ecn pumpiog but t'.nr t-arieit- a dav at tbe di'i-tli of 4oS (eet. unk h well to llie deftb cf 42 f-ct, ami tni k a reia vKen jidrts ! rty burrcir in ,w,Tiy-n'u- umr. Two eood well- have n'o u i'nicK on French . fr . . i ...I. tin Alt I.A JB tl:lU have If'n niROO w.min wu uip, im tJuri arc Tr-pcts ol' a number more iu u hhmt t'tne. CITI IMHjLIGENCE. Rah C'oNVKMiiNci:". It is alt mad f l;non that t!i" Ootlile Rich which iocrci Unlou uvciju, tn the Ores' V ntrsl F.iir, w purclissed I17 tbe rerun.-Wauls ltultr.a'l Cuinpaa fur twenty tl oupuntl ti.! The srcli lm lie n tskt'D to V 1 M 1 niiaui iini.i aim j.iix i nil him . itieit, Vtwctn 'Ibtrliitli .1 Thirrv llrsr, nu t I catiy litct'1 t p 'nr h it n'p us'- i"io'. a near; rmi g sr rules it fnnii Murli' t street, und Ida Dorttitrr. fir.nt . cl'-si-ff t.l;rely. T0 tries, ert laid in tteim l.uildini', an I tin- tu irtnuk; tie 'fuulnr ti si niiif.' tliri.Uf(li ate iiMiiiNla'iiin litis Ii it Vi,t l ii:lutl"l).l i Ins-'j-aJ of isli scn li unit Mi.rl.tt. 'i he ticket i Hict wa r, n,r.i on 8 ui tlni c.enii4', a'i'J leken West l'iiii'lelil'ia. At1. tia.Lk i.t' Itsvt West l'l.ila lcl.hli. Arr.itii. -n.trishii.c tictn time? atitn tbe Mi'ktl t roct rat-SH.nr Hailwki I. n.p .ny t i ruu GiiiMni .'.' nra in in Aim ki. t tucl fruit t-ltcct. W-st I'tnli ( ll.h:a, cotnnii lis iritr (.1 I11.nr l.elore 'he dt 1 :n r:ir- f l 1 acl. Unit. Sunu iy.i suniiJ' p.r.in. nl I .' rli T'i." tl fnici kial't-i mil Mi 'tut firtt:, 10 'oui.ct. rvith tte "!" srul In 1'. M. ru,.i .'. liini- 11 Him Iji.inkini. A s.i.l c ii) ..f Oi.t'l' I. r.i 1 t!. I'ti.-K '1 ii tt ni.' i.irt e 1 1. 1 . .! 'i tin. itliiii't 11 ri i lit- C. r.'ticr ii Sjttu- . . A n nu''. 111 r me v iptr li w n. ( .un-l il.-it I l-y t i:uii 11 Maty iil,u:.'ii i" H' tic it li , 'ii. r:'lin ii i ' .1 I' ll'I'i rl.''-. I'll'! t i .Mil'. M'U lli'l t,! i.pfi if iliiiif luit it ht-ky Antl tin-i: ir i ijjf tl.ut sL'' uthen i iretit tin Kuttcis. il. r tti 1'iiira'ii'v tur u tM.'U I'ft-t wits u icitiniMii''e cc tuic, t:.U iiiiU terrii.le, ami tcstifyttiK to the fat il contietucnceHuf iuloxicatiun. She lubuliiied the locality of hixth and Ucdlbrd streets, where cases ot exiieiue poverty uud wretchedness, caused mostly Ii v I'xress in ililnliliiK infjxtCiitiag bevr ut'i 9, arc ot cumiii'm occurrence. UiiAiii or A 1 hi!.aiu:li'iiia Juvunamst. Colonel John 1'. Sanderson, formerly connected with the newspaper preaB of this city, died re cinily in fie. Louis, Missouri. He was a native ot Litnimiii comity, nnd for one term hold a seat In the .State .Senate. In lH'il he was appointed by General Cameron Chief Clerk lu the War le- pi.rttni lit, nnu sunruy niter wus i-uiiiunssii,iii-si Ll utenniit Colonel lu'the n-itulur army. Iu 1m;3 lie was a) pointed J'rovont Marshul-deneral of tho Mifsouri Llstili't, with the rank of Colonel. Hu was an ii'i'o political writer, and In 18 io occupied ttte position of Chairniau of the American Klute Cen ral Committee. Kixrwtimi. This morninc the mayor Issued wairants for the j ajniiut of the city bounty to twenty-six men. The deficient wurds are all paying ?1'W) bounty, which, together with the City und (Jovcrnmeut bounties, utukvs the sung Utile sum of ;.30. Swell A decline or three cents in sugar ii noted since last week. A further de.line will evitl.ntly tuke place. It Is stated that there U enough sugar bonded in FhiladelphU to supply this city fur the next two ycurs. Binday Oinkiko. William Why and WU luiiu Mi Curdy were both arrested in the Twenty thUd Ward ysatcrilay for gunning. They wore Aned by Alderman lloluies. The practice of guutlny sunn in thk locauty U to he broken up- O' a I'eiiMC S inr l ow, 11 sny, ritiMuf the Vslrm prc-'nt a mote pirlu-f. i i apin-aranni M the ejeef astranfir ibM I'l-lla :tj hla do.s wbrn vh wad fiom ("oirtnoiiut IUnn. The regu larity so r tllrtilid tiy fotcv'tncrs ttdd. in t- iyiu mrlry. Its trid, rutitiln? to Hie four r iriiina pt nta of the tini -, r finli'e, s Trnlo;.t; kith mi l'. ( d alien tiMi ," wiiilt the gneii verdure of ils Ht!rt 1 i cllt v s tin t d utn ot 't- red !ir irk lvOt"H It is (till pill po-S to SH lik ll our f lihi.e oiitmres, unil to i Kniinac into 'hi ir risi ut r ot.ili tlon and pr(?iiiii- use. lo roB.nuiiir Ihe Ihi(c I plcn tno ground 01 oer ciiy, il e I'h' h, ' hut mill. tin- eio-t x tciiuve Slid ino-t I c:i tn 1 1 n ly situated ih' tin', ta tH'iih tke p ei t tlriit . lltvtous lo l' purchase by ci'v tt-e locality no Mil n n a tin I nrlt tiiisW', e t to thi 'i 'On -l leu en till1, si d iH" the ri stttetifc i f one ol our wtnlihitai mnl inn-l icsi. rtcd cilleii. Tho an in n Is bisuiilally rilu itcd l r n .;ioic n ort. h a cri(litif-' t(ir nit rt thati thn lnu' tlm of a nle aking thfl Si hu; H i I river, and hi.hly situs i d, llif pn si nt i from it cniluai i a mi! i nly the i tt r, I tn aoo tin wonts a Ih'lestt the cm n trj. In fact, just Midi a landscape us thei yoof tl e business-Horn cltien, a1 h ux t'h the iriRro Of btti ks, atitl tillnl wtth the tiitstol the strtt, would Invo to dmcll upon. 1 Hiring the u m no r months a tire military hnnd i. in alleudHiice evrrj a'tci noon, ami idtrottr-es sweet sira ni for the c.iteriBit ini nt ol ad ho may wtb to uttcnd. T'hst ho'h the I'atk ai d it- urronntlinfs arodiilv api itM'iated by oi r rilmens Is attested by the crowns tba imily rlock u re-t hoiicaihttic9bads of lis br.iiichicff trees. l,0ftt Niusre, sititsted at Kuhtcen'h and Vine Straus, dsn In en n iKleicd hi-tuilc or the holding then it ol the (r at 0 rttnil I'sir. Wbea the his U rv ot this Rebellion ihidl ne wrltti n, asoriated ih the tlorioiis monument of patriotism, coupled nitb VUlshmp, Atlanta, and Mobile, i Mill fimi the name of I. pno 8 irc. V'ici were proof of the ioiaity of our inliitiry ; it it t. -t Diinj io tb.- patriiiiimu of our rmc popu iMii n. Pctore Iii pan S 0ie became a public p e-isorc pround, it n i.ieJ as the l'otter's 1'iold , and n.ai'j ol our risoets will remember, nt the t.tneof the planting of lbs prca: Mg. staff, the FO'hmt n tsnie upon a human skull, sad relic of Ih" fornnr use id that benuliful loi ality. The itinre It, at Hie present time, in a much ii'jiitt d condition, ftom the i ft'ects id the imnieu-1 builnings that have so lately covered its grany surface; hot lene;ith the cartful nurture of its Super'nundt nt, we dniibt not tkut It will be, by next spring, in a condition to justify the popular pii.illi'illonk for Ibts p!'sbnt rusort. With the oecr snd the fowls will leturti our clti?em and tl eir families, and tbe place once more become a pi: jflieuou fur chiluau aud a nsliux spot for tht'weary. Ii.urpeiidence Sipture 'J a spot too dear t tlm rnind as veil an the heart of even AiiiciUul to nceo any sketch of iu history. Tiadli'oa still Ei ims ortthe place wh' re the observatory erecti d I rankiin ntaid, from which the Heel irutiou Of lndt pi-ndtr.ee was read to the people. We c m otiij protisi as'.dn t the wiuirln d condition in whicu this (acrid sMit is at the presrnt time. We know tot to whom tbe blume be OLi, but we do know that it is a Uia grsee to tbe lionnr of oi.reliy to have that square, to which moat stuMion sht uld tic ptld, left in the coni itlon of a public common, with the prass trodden down and Ihe wains covered with tiicka and leave, w hit h would be aisra -eful to any fnrniir's field. Now is the time 10 remedy the evil; let ihe ground be ploughed up and frruss replanted, aud by tho crsiilntf spring tho sijiiare wotiiu rtecnio tne ot lutout Hrpearaure wnicn u has, up to tbe present time, alwnys preserved. ImWAM H OK AN AsTLCM FUR t'OUN IM MOS. The Hoard of Guardians of the Poor, iu their late report on the deaths in tba CI ildren's l)e partniint of the Almsht u'-e, have furnished a nx st Iniportaut arpiimint in favor of the erection ofaraltahlo building Inwhl'h the foundlings and tomelcHS children of our city could be pro perty provided for. TLc statistics show that from Jtui7, lH61,(o June, IBM, the number of found lings sent to our Almshouse was upwards of I'm), and if thin nunilar 11N d'ed, being upwards of four-fifths of the whole number enured ;.u the tKKks of that institution. Our (lity Councils in lHuJ prnuti'd tbe Hoard of Ouardians autho rity lo i net a building espccisllv for the recep tion of ili schitsof unfortunates, and an appro priHtion was mails tc Haras il fraying the ex penses of its trection. In accordance with tho rcipsnce, the Hoard procieoed to receive plana for soch a bui'ding, and selected one, the itl niaud rt st of which was, at that time, iff KI.OOO. Tbc icniatisof thu bou e wcic enplc.vi'd in lit iii'clion, so lar us tuocuring the stone and Blad ing tbe sliecie concerned, ltut before the bailtlinat was in an advanced state, suflljient for tbe employment ot skilful niccbs.nl the great I acviiiici of pricis rendeied an exira appropria- tion, neaily equal to the oriitmil, mcessary. i iSucb an appicpi'ialiou haa not yet been pre ' cured, and tnretlic matter has rented. Theitn- pur at'CC of si.rb n insli ution cannot be over estimated, and the. attention of Councils is uiu t cari.cstl:f lailcl totht matter. TIIK 11 HI HA Oil, oniMYF W EST VI KOI MA. Cajntal, 3lt(K'0-00, divided Into lOrt.OX) sharcii at $ 0M-r li Hi)berlptbtn prloe. $1' 0 per shtre I hln CV'iiiiai. y own q ftot thfl inoit valuiblA U1 ani I lMti in ii-" Kan.vlia Vllef. lni' liurkt Ko Riifl ; ( an.iitirli'a Hiiq hri th of JiuH orebk, and wllhm fv I DiHois of the Ol.io rlvr. ! Oq Il'.ne e:V Itan ootaMiy owom? well, whit h it now , piiu tn; twr.t -Ui.re linrM-U of oil tr dy. T1it w'H il 1 only It.iPA hundred and twenty-steven ftd lMp. Tli HurC rlt. l i d it ! now prrpaitQg to bc-ie to Uie dii h jf Itit otti- r wo. I aurrounliiig a, wliloh erf producing tram oi.r hur.tlfd io one hui.4ied end fclti ttkrrela of oil ptr d. , wheu wc n ttt'lillcd wocau pr tducc a like io mot ( -ti'jilier well m llorve Nock, now lortd two huitilno : tl lkt fl. fiftt witu about iluil) feni of U In 'he weil. The laud on which this well it liMaUbd In oa poiita! lotto Tht Hull Orwl Cnuipinyown a mw tliliU lnit iKti, ( ui ctBtj.aiiy hvr llinb lUitceuf two-thlrdi. At t BDiihttli'- run thu (nuipai.y itmiu In lt a trct o thh-U.r' ftcri , cci aide i9 1 by uei'ii.iitt mill iniolni; eiuftrM'; the hint ull tettl:i-(m ihe Hi. to. The great TaV well, lluwtnjc bntired b,rH, Jj't'. thin pruptrt Jtoukh of i.iiiuri lpil.'M ar now i.' ta at the ''uji y' Oilit , r.tou. ho yt.Mvn. lnn i t.xi.liai'r A )o iloi ituol'or .1' il:ir.s oil.t will tt hold. JulIN 1, KltOilhU, Trraurir. 1 1 ui Hie "1 itul tiiii I 'ilb Post" of H"j)loiut.ct J, W't. "(hi hi in u it - 'I l.a 'Wtiu. lu.x ItiU'l. Rpii.'or' aty,: Vt'f It.n li.inaiiiiii.iii.il win A-rif.-il .''i,riUy t'rul rt' A.aiit isuiii ilnii on MtinS y Uiu llnrt'iii tl t'.mi.'Ai; mi' k a wi h mi llui-.u Nis.'h.ln iIiai c .unlj , Mti. ten will j l. J a tl. ..I -aim' '.'nu-l, ' I nil fnr aay l', an- l. irt vt.- ti uisiit -.ii tin- hi.fiit In it I. vicinity, aiM ike oil !avtr I. jin urii.ti I., a I. ihi. ealeut." j mirrimi -wm..liT.-t... in. U.b i.t at m. Mattlitis' , , ,..,,. ,,v ,.,,rt ,. ...,,NZ , ,. ,..v. ; .ir. il linitnn ri' to .iiim.I IIINK A., OAiittUtrr ol ilia lull- fiiiii:ii'l t riuht, oi nil. illy. ! I I l.l.t X llll -Ml ltllll I.I. On tlie 1311, Inst , t. tl lv. llulHirt l-iliiil.l". Air. WM.tl. Mill I'LL IL liil to Alb.., AliMi Mill llll. 1., t.otk 01 till I'ltv. inssra 1'OWMAN'.-' n t'.a lAili Instniil., at tlie re.M n, o of I lie Ihti oioni'l Li n isini.i liu'w. Lor ull vrii4ii, Vi.sa Ii In u MAliY l.nVt .'ii.N i..f.l lit ymn. II r liitiiily m .il irlunls nre ini li, tl to ntteud hor hitu-rrl, on l iici-iiHt in..riiiui,' ueAl, at ll o'llo 'k. I. nl Kill. V. tin MittiMlnv niiiniliii . the 1,'nh lint. .of .1 plulii' In I:AI Itli'.i. yi'iini.e-t tlf.iiiiliti-r ol lluiijAiiiin II unit i.im Hue 1-' t.uAiii'.v. hi eu ti yi ur. 1 urn rut ut lu u'riiii k on l uania.v iiitn-til.ic, tne lsth in i .,1. ..in ll.e r. H.ilrii' e ut lu-r (inri-nls, Mh.iIu'ii.i atr. i-t ami T i.nsh.u I.uip ri-ail l.eriu.'iiiii.wn. c rnui.s will l.'Uiellll' lu.ll. ' Ol '.I'l' , IHIIlllrttln'r, "Jr. JuL.OS ,'ll'l.l, .i. 1 s I l.. .tn-et. at h o'i lu.'. t I I 1.. Mill, lm tin 1 Hi li .1 , I VIil A t'.Mlll Vltll, w il. oi A. ,ini i el ti.'.iil, In i lie i.l.l ye.ir .,l luu uo. ln,e l ollt-i- nfil be ii. v. ti oi tin- liiui'i.il, I I 1 I'l 1 -On the I Hi fust., lu tlie fill jouroihla k-e, lir W.. I'l l'l'l- 1!. '1 lir rtliiliiiA mnl Irn nils ol tin- ilt-eeusi-tl ;ire hit ire J lu attt'tiil tin' liini'riil, f.om his lAte ri-.''eti. , at c:ii'Si ut III. nil M'i'iIiii ...:iiv In. rulntr, Otitot.ur lutli. UI 11 o'tluuk. i'u jiroori'il 'o l.uiirt'l iltll. jrgT- UtNION IiliAtU'li 1IA1.L, CliKBNUT Sl'ltKKT, ABOVK TWELl'IH. A rand rally cf Cliictia tn ru.inil's'.st ttit'lr attU'-l.tnont Aiul fiijiport ui tho UonatitbtloD aa.t l.uwi or' our f lorlo'.n Union will tuka pbico THIS EVENING (MONDAY), AT O'CLOCK Lot all who can atti'tid. JOM.1'11 SHllTKN, KS'l., VILI.IAM MCIIOLSOX, Es.i.and WILLIAM 11. KINGHAM, Of Uradloril couuty, W I.L ADDHESS TUE MEETIS.I. It "I I AUrtH TOR NOVEMBER!! -A- IttAliV TO-MUllltlW MOIt.VI.N'O. PlTOIIKRa. It No. HOS Cllttl.NL'T BTKEr.r. "IN THK OltrUANS' COURT IN AND 10R, X the City unit County of I'tillAili-lphlA. rt il of JAMK.rt liltAII AM, iliraAsril. V li An 1. lor ai'oiiitid by tli Court to aii'1,1, .tuna, aiul adiu.t the hi ciuiiti.f rii.Atit.'IH l.KAIIAU Aituiiui.liut r of JAM1--I tlliAHAAl, iji'1'..'neil, will mwiil ilia t.urtif s In Intarmt At tlir tl Mti. rll. U. .11.0,00 I KI HAY, Ko.nuil.iir , Is 4, at 4 1'. Al. 110 17 aoUit DAVID W. BKLLCHU, Auditor. R l7l) WH BAT WHISKY; V l.-sca.a urolsl WUntWM.r.y, or aal.: l j lD-11-sil' c A. II l t n i. rnR vr i : l i k n H 1 O O It LACE CURTAINS AT rOKT PSa !SNT. IilOesH THAN !- I ' r iy. 'i"r: aiios I. E. WALPAVf IN, SlIJ K.BHSOa I W. B Caxevi.. MASONIC) J1A1.I . So. 713 (JH!3!IUT 3tt COUETNEI fit WILLI1T3. VN.ss. 14 n.iil M H. Hfc.Vl.NTHH. ril'LAIHI.1HI4 BMOB Cl ;r ST BHAVTIFII. COTTAdll I UKM l UJCi:. tni ovwlj rnklf n s iiitasur Alto, Itia'tw nun VniaHnt ol Hsliil, tntntl mil, r4. l nKl.iti BUSINESS ITEMS. Perry A '., t lothlDic, Tbiril Ad h 'num. 1 t ItltV a f'O .Ciollilwt. Tlnrl sii CbMnut 1KI:I(V CO. t.;li.ilns. 1 ninl aii-i Cftrsni.t. K I It V AI'O.l itn In;, 1 Irit 'in Csc ,i,ut. I l SJiY A 1 O , ( lull' iiiq,1 'in 1 Ai.it CI r,iit t'l lll.v A ( o . f'li,l.,itii. Third Anal lif.mil. T,i .-'i: v a t' i , ois'tia. i sitif An-', eiietnui. t l I; I. V A (.0 , 1'ti.ill lu.Tmril At i I h' lent I'S.lilV A 1 ('..lleller,, 1 hl'd Ai.4 ttlMl, rt'.Uhlf A CO .ft iillill.K, Thlril Biirt ( k utiilt. I'l liY A ( o ,t Irtt' ii.K,'' lure And Cli 'innl. risiitv A co ,i i' t',ii , i ii i.i ai I (;iiiut. i'l K It ' '!.. l"tl.lr,Tl.ei1 And 'lifsnilt. I I M(Y A CO ,t'loll'liii, 'lrilril Anil t b".nul. t'l It It Y A I O .1 ioOiiiii., Tl 1 J ni'it ''lishul. I'l Hit'.' & 11 ,( 'i.tt..li2. Tl.uil win! lit oiut l'l 1:1:1' A en , CUili li.ft T r lot at if Cli snnt. I KHIt r A I O , I'lOii" k. 1 l.lt'l Al il I 'l.A-l 'II. I'SltUT I O ,t 'Mills. TSinl lid f l snnl. 1'Fl.UY ji ( O , '!'.t t.l i it, 1 U' rn auU ' I.Ai.i'it. rnrftlf ft 4'loti.lu.v. Man '.11. n ( lortifng. Itn ptt.H in f'ltiitt g Rata l ntlnl lr.fr Iiil . AtVH 'l.rNriaAlt4' I Mr Htt.1'1. I ) t: .( v 1 1 i. n hiiMhi' ( M(J tti t. At Jilt. Sr. niU t Ht' d. V. htm tt(t, a ft if t hrnu( rt No 'H 'M hf.ii.uv .n -rt wyt'ieiiuuliati.'-i'l. Hd Uovrnrnrnt And nil the in "i Oounitlv mii hnnd tf 1V1 ltt"tlArtsj 1? Ii E C TRICITY. 1'J LiOK AaNT mve; simi'iiaisi t IS AU JieeaAcd ooriliUoni, both acutt a-'d ch?oot, where th.Mi U vitality n-iir n leO. t react, are permaneciilf r.urol.by wa.rar.tee, at N liJOW Al NUI Htraei, Phtfa- tic ijiiiU. aad In c ot a failure 'n uioet e4iUnata naiadlcf, n t chant la auade. Klet irloal loa'lttiMeH, eetahuahetf h ul flvs eri a.o by I'roOuyr HOLLtLi. Ua4 the fallowing : A data Of maUJIea prevalii it a frfnl evtAnt In aom- tnjoltlee, docoiloi; MO.onu jiuih, of t,tli aeaea, aaiivally tu en early grave. Hieie dteaa-a are vry iiaeerfroily tmd''riilojtl. ThHr ekttfruai manlteatatona at aiajttoron reD'rvuui d'Uillty, rekuatloa, ainl grat eahaueitoa, nia'Btinma.or wanting and awuumptUMt of the tUauneof the whole body, ahwtneNa of breathing, r too hurrh-4 Ueathlng on ai oei'ug a of Might of ataire, paUadtta of the hart, ant-ma, bruiiohlUa, and a dry, a tf throat, frinhMng anl i-haling of the rmi and hrwor lltnl-i, etiiUiu tt B.MSiity. bii"lrpaa, aixi to etyjv : avunilime tlluineA.1 vf th yeb(.ltt, lnsa of i.'siim-y, dicclneua al the L" tt, 1 i uiai(jia paia In rafoui war a ef the k j, palni in tht baok and lower Umia, liiinhaxn, dyi ijvia, cnhMpaii-'n of tha hoi'U, derai ged mMjreUisiia of tho hldiH'Vb, in J maay o'hor glanle at the h-d, pr d'irti -vlnittnt ,lla a" Inhotk luaMa and f.ialet ; Uke- nM 'piliay, ti)a'iria. and dll!cr-ot fmrtna of nervona apavfua. Now.ihon, nlnM; iiki' raif otit it every hun drad of ail the alsjve nanted dianaea, and a b'ta. of other 4 not nnmed, a counimpu n of the lun,.-. 01 of Uteaj luai ii 'i-vja, likvr th 'tr orU in ht tiupilvl: Msrera, hence Uie wa.it i'jocoi ti' an jf tl. old UK'i?el yiUaiH 01 pracMoe. Mhrahkh or Kr-MU.ri Vreiapaua I'to-i, Lourwrfciiria. Atut-noirh aa, and 1; BiUiorr).(.a All tie above inaaaat-a ana oxen Umrtnl (ftt'uaiaintfi havr Un-lr or. 1 ton lu a 1 at 01 the vMal powr ot 1 'Jin t "Jv hrnUilit en b? Imur.ea. exoesate. a dnntarv J hilitta. pernnnal abua a, atni"n,anJ toe imp of p warfiu Hffi. Ikiiiuu tLe pvooiur inun are ui tv(a(i)sT and radii, emltnitii M the Hioua, J aj limor and dt bilily ihronchuut the oailre Av ilari,. Ilia AtleclA nri'iicr ' fr.m Uiaa Iroill. ..! aiAlAdle. Are AlniOAl mo iiiimIiihiua. OiMiiiitiip:!n, !..- pt'l .IA. UialHl. I'AlaO.IA. II"AIII.I, ttllUdliail., ana. All 1 lll.AIII' V. Af.a t Vfll 1.IK.C.V . ATH Mill linCtl AUI'lQ. r- i oliAeliiAlor n''lAlli' ifiinH'iy AAs ovar k.un fs.unj fer UiiAe AlA' Diit.t: eoiiii-Ulli'A HI' our I Ate r.lar-ovorjr in Itie uia ot KlfHStrloit r Hi .trice accera c. vitn 'n a.ihiva ar. TiCLHllsa o..JArAnlliin of IhA l.'lerll.e Oran. We nf'KA" fnit In curiiiAt allot tlio aoiiva iltr.a.'s, .ot.t In cam of onsn r n. r...ir.'iiit.iit. or aev.r ikmiiIm. ot tl.a pada Ai t. ri.lu.il, a 1aiI i'l sreAi cxia i.nua and Aiantjr.wLU tive pi.tltv rhArge of trrAtms ui '-lie lAd:t.' aopAruiiMkt. COLAUIUII.''! li.si I'tOf. C. II. HOU.KH I acturer. w R.Browr.M.li , f. Mhesltl, M. D.. H. W. Kxkwlik, tu . n A ill ess aM IfllT, to IT W. il. IIIIOWN, No. UlS llU,l, bti jei.l Mixlt'.iflila. l i-M I'lnuosl PlianoNt 8 1 1 E i CO MAH3N H AM I.I 8 L A.,'Nt.T Oi'll sS. WA803 At DAAll IN I CAI.1NC? OM.ANS. I PfAVIIS. J. S. fiOt'1,11 ii!ti and L'beiaui .arsAi.. FOR SALE AND TO LET. A DEMRAISI.K TiWPI.I.INO ale or.to l.t, at liVtMl i-TKur ai- r"tllt II sii. . 10- A ( Aiiu.-iiKi.riiku . co, riuii'Kir. J '1UKA IIK Cl'.MUll. 1 SI Hot, sv .1,11 on tu itotitfii. in ii'K-Nll' hli.ll.TIi:' i .! v lit: si i ai. ros r uri i'-K. i mii. i, i.ni a. : A 1 tiiii. : s, o.i ii.t ...i, in Cl tin' I'.u Hi- pri-.ii. to it-. Ir mi- u 'ir.i.n Intnl.. ai:u I-ii'iiQ., ti.i :r 'iiri.it.i n.inks IL-..I '1.. i Ti i'. i. ..I. l ii.ii'. ;:i. r .ii-ij l.i Ntnv,f ,1 ; au4 pi. In e lo A..J 1 1 1, r Lis i A't'kt t,.i a A'U nu. r'M nifil. si. n i it- f-.' ?re. -Ai'.r t' to.. 'I I' a fl ti'ifil inrt Al.l )-r UO 'A,. 'I Ol li. .ttl.. i ,-ij.SOl ri, I All", I i.i tu.l vim t.' i ' I! ri in-: t i.mim; t. mi'ak.., I ?. ll".i s, I' Vlil l..e.,S. - .,s, Hl.i.M.I, .i Mu.bA, ri al I.MS J-tsrt. t.iLs, . ."."I !'." ( ,i. i m .t ,.n ,si-i ii e i ut A- i t i, : I . I'm . s Hilt ' J .'.al .'.. I y'.il.'Sl ii.rniH', an l :i.K prli s at W. Til I. Kit M, l'J lr-lt Ko. ?q ts. KOt It l ll Xtreet. MON KY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANKD ution lliAinntiils, Watcliui, Jcwiilrs .i'lato, .'lull.lnu. An-., Ht JIIM.I A CO '8 if.l) K.STAIII.IHHKIi WUK OFIIt'l", t'oriiir ot 'JiilHD and (JAHKlLli Siro' ts, Hi'low Loiub'ird . K. It.-MAVOMlS, WATCUKts, JLWELHV, (ilTNU l:i;VA'itK.?iil.V LOWPItlCKS. aeHJm J JOOl'Kll'H ALII VAUX.TH, S.E.Cor. THIRD and CHISUT Sts., L'lulcr l'. S. Telegraph 0:V:co. 01.1) STOCK ALE ALWAY3 ON HAND, em m;amii'.8, WixtJ, CI.V9, WUIAKIKS, CALIFORNIA CATAWBA WINKS. S-CvTCIl AND AMERICAN ALES AND BROWN 6T0LT. Tl.'! M-ltliratf 4 old atand havlrg baB rcoOTatutl an4 tlioroi.(:l.!yri lwd, with one of tliaflnoal alocka of Aloa anl ciiolca Lhiuora lu UK clt, the proprietor Invltei Uie rut.Ui to ite huacll, cobfldeat aa kelaof Uielr ap pioval. -ao ftiiw Ua WANAMAKER & BROWN, tUhl tVIUI' " CONTINENTAL HAT," x.aiii;h ainj mimi:h. WOOD o CARY, sTHui'.r. r fl.-fij v- rt- ioim o a.Ii 5 I'll I'AI" AS'I nymo'ia i s,iis,4 (()! t CAltY, AMUSEMENTS. A to'' Kl1 AS AC A Dl' Mi Or Ml. .SIC Hr.COM l.ltlMl CONtUtT, Tlfl'f i!is Mulls''!!'''" il O'S sifw 'HK jl.wri.i.tts' A 'sjci atio. SiOMiaV I:'I.vin 4,0(tliw il.lv I. Mr I.. M I.OI TSI IU1.K ll ii.".. l Ar'nln aic f auAest, u:ntr nrif" s'li'i it K'U f Mr AHOI.I II l.iR'.l v.l.l., Mtiil 'Al I'irArtcf. TK 'iP.Irt 11. iroliit' lic f iw fill fr -r-j 1 U -'09, re 1 ; 1 an ai tiic il -p t, t m.f " 1 ntti(. 10 17-M f nri.i, Arii.hiy. M1 1118. aTOHN DUl.W'S NF.W AUUIi ST. TULA! Kt. rUMAJlrL' i t'i.f.; Htinc1.da TMTiirt. AWhy Mttl 1 'llliltl Ulkk or fTtft.I. TI M.l. HKIK Or ML, M.ili"IO lO-MUHI, AM KW.IM NMIII, ItKI l.KMOSli' Whh rew' aVencrr. New New Maot,if.T, iiM ti ' '1 Al.l In wMcl, lit1 will iln- llt(r UK TIIK hTAR." and "lii:A K MAIU'O,' Ujx t Ti r opr. tntai in to 3. V.M1VAM, Ttl. I. Df.JiWi'-., y. K,; V KTf.HT. IiW CHKSMTT MRRKt T!!hATUK. I,KONAUl '.hOVtlt v WILLIAM V, slN;sLt- a end lVlana',ra Phl 1 1 y I KHV V KK OK THI'- VAKI1I N CorU.l'V ''MlvMN Ul'lH, TJll- ( Vor.la KVKVM..fM...rer K. 1ti. 1 he peifuitiiaiic v In ion enti mu th? line old Oi-fuedy. inr. iiriu ai Lin, iKwiatr ranflhtaa Mr, Wm. WtTTn niek jmwin .tr i tii. ita'Ton ( Ir.fllv Hontnpan Vla .10 t'rtn J-ai- I'uberly. Miaa fc.miiy Ja-iaer l .io a tiole to t-n' iucci wi a UiOU IMUl Dl'I'V. M. f-I ItlUMAKl '.lt V CO., OnELLEEiTS OLOTHIUO EMPOEHiVr, Nj. 1 N. EIGHTH 8TH.1'.KT. ril LAJIKI.flllA. ilrBf'i Wa ronK-o'futtf tu-. lta t ;lal atunU U or t'.srAot AAlOMDJAIkl of CllII.UltJINS CI.OTIIINt. Oemprttlnit l;0b', OlltlS', IsrANT', ail Mlssucs1 ( loililn !n erer? rlety, In ;h Uleat .tiei, aailoi a-ioe- r'or wo ktuAaAtitn. HpM.Al alusllnlAl4 UMISSX8' DUKSSM AKt Ilil. Tha aulilic ara isvttM to call ami aAainlua. M. SUOEMAKEUtH CO., fT-tViiaiSs 1 H. KHiyn ATaKKT. RATION A.L DSIO!!l TIOELT. I"R I'Rf.nlliliiM'", ,;itAIIAM l.INUOI.N, or u.i.iNwti f "iR riCh-l'UKAlKBMT, AMlir.V J()1INS(.N, Ok TKMNkSSK ULJilCTOltAIj TICUIOT. IRNATHBIAL. k'l'tlON W ktlCHAKt.. ri'lA4Ali'liU. :. I l t.lM.li.lH, ,;i-ar Uuanty. Bui-uaaPMTATiva. r.itort r. xios, 11. viioa w. HaIa, u. Aiorr.s..'. CoA'.a, ll'-ery r.Hnim, ai tl'inm II Kern, f.rtuli H. J . ( :...!. . H a . u., I t .rt I . , f ll.lMll I Ai'IO ', .1, I ll A ll.l 'IA' il, Itirl srO 11 t'.. n V, I i - AH' Itn l'i Ai, t I :',. 1 . '..AO. II. t lirita H Miirtnar, 15. John WUtir. M l'A'ld McConAQfhF, jr. I'll, s wahU, 14. I. iao riAfiAon, I'l Jol n ratlua, v). K.muil S. I'l.k. !. K.s.i.rl KlrAA, ? .'..I B P. P.ni, :)!3 r.bfii.'per ktcJanVtil, 2A 4 tum H . aiAUCtlACI, Yy ,.ri.fi oi ii. S i" CchtaI Committee. MMtiN (JAMECON, :'- CHMItMAH. MILITARY NOTICES. Ji'irMY FOR MA RISKS. WANTED 'or ti I nt'eit etAt.-. Vjruie Co: jis, a'ili-l'ilie.l m io penonii tlio iluiles ol a M.lUiur At our Navy Yarda, and on board tulu-d HUta aiupa-of-war oa loreuia .lAIMfUI. 1 erm of aeniee , Tour Year.. ltt'tti'r comricnautkm than the Armv. A I.I, TIIK LOCAL ItOONTlKS iAld Dpon eullitment, AlAtiiiu. riiri'lve rrtie klonov. or Ail lurUiot lutoriuailoB AU'ly at tba KucrulUcf IteuUeavoua, Hu .sll fl. FKONT Btrent, kelow Bpruoe Street, Detwcea ILehoiura ol V ana a o ctocu. c. o. MiCAwr.rjY. aari-tf Malor and K -riiliiiiaj oorcer. pXJJtlOUCJIIH. Oltlcerii and inljitri vlilting the city on furleairl'i, nedlng PWOKDS AND 0Tlll.lt MIUTAlti EiJl'lfMEN li. Are Invited te the extt-tiilve MANCFACITltlHa ESTAllLISUllgNI OF CEOr.GE W. SIMONS & BROTHER, KANSOM STJH5J0T JIAI.I.,, 8AN80M Street, above Slatii Btroat. rEESrSTATION BWOEDS IfadatAOrdftrat the aibortrit nolle, which r rlchncti and litauDiiicriK-ti cIiHiWntitt outoit)tition. 110 o'btr bonis In Ida oouiurv rnmi'inuttf lli . M'rAUI U III Nil fjen Tal.rAia Wl'JU 'JilK rKAt Tit AL HWOUU NAKhK. I DATliNTKD JULY 19. 16C4. JOSEPH J MOITI.T, MfYi- tie PariH, Froni-h H(oma ITliisf ana m-ourtiiK fn any alud of waivtiriK Marcl, lor Liuiee, benta, ami LUnien. I'ataiit ahryaraiua tor nuai I1U14 iianti Ir in one to flva ImJ.ei. Ko. iM RAt li Miroou liranab ato. nu H. AiMTll hireet. I'blUulolptiiA. auw-, FINE CLOTHING, umm j. vr r--. : i 2 Mo. 713 oiastnT NOITIN QHAM AND SWIM I.AOl'iH, New Nlrlma. W1NTK)W 811 N l . t sl J KELTT OARBINQTON A 00. R K W 0 0 A T Ttl I Mtriiraci'.' KU-. i ClirSsT'lT 8TRK.T. nx covkiw, ' ' isr STIIIK IS T1R C'lTI . at i.ow raicwu. ft. 7 . :i tiiMStrT trSfrgH, vis) hULM SP C1AL NOTICFS. li;- lWN'iY-IC)DKTtt wAED. lu.n "it I :f.tti r ! t.i iv, r.KM.uwin II n.itv.s. i in !; ' i '-.ll isaau . ncAit, ni iLT'ii in I imi.tr r.i ,,, . i ., r ( rmsslaa ''" b. i -o'r iisan.iny - M fs 1 T r-" t. ' s Tsirti -isirn, nu s rviie l.fu mi-l A. tSuianct I'Ulle Ai. 'rnil. I ll A K 1 . K S li.TIIFIS. V It': .n, PrikKrut lns.iiu CouniV. s . rt--j ; ti. II A 1.1.. OI' 'Villi MAH f ' fll ! T ' T. DHLOW TUIitTF.'lNTIt. ti ini- n ri ist or i sn ci i s. liCN. U.I.IAM D. M'.I.l.l'V, (AM A.N A. II. COI.tl'JbrV. HUN. J M.oCOVI'.U Wltl Ai iias tun rnin.i'T EVEMJJO, eOTQBSR IT, AT t O OLlX'C, pf.lt., tvn1. II V-H ON MOST Al Are n TIM". 1 KhASTJKHK OK TliK. Hi.M) .rficvt lis .tisi"s"l iM'ohl i.f CI.Am'ri,urA I rr-ii-ii tes r -nu it 4 a.'V'Uii; aiue r.i, iani ri-n in i.f.i-pt 1 .'tlj.... ...', "II JiluC Mtii SO l r, i ki I t ii: lie IVi JI" KI llll OH lis. KI I'm is. IM is: lrf tit .'. i li A 111 Ml Nl ri III jit ti. hnf .t Cl ' 'I I' Mi.:l, . psr i -rv t t ' .'i si. ni.i ,Hi ri Ai t ;? . I'. M I'l .1 - t! -... H : C" ,lsti,: s i CAf.t'ii a t." t . M. ..II' iianIii.i ft im , 1 n ia A I.. " I''" II. in I;, r A Cc Arcl it ft It.'CM' ifii h -no !''.' , ' " I'JH HIAS 1.. I .l'i'i :-l .. .. I'll K mi tn .AO- it A Ali u: 11. HnOt.ri.Ai :i. 11 t.it..ffsi: . 1 - '. l.ilte. Itnitfifr A 1 1 eT.011 1 A r- i .t .'.', nil s.'i IP t: no V - no lt;-IlM...'r '.'' IX) Wit. Kid II. 4u-.U" s I. '..' K i 1 AS! 10 no i nr Cash .' IS Ti ttl V I 10 " 1 I 'Al M HI fl. s. .1 "' ' Wlllln-n li VfAi. '1 IMn.s A IV : JC of" tlm It'l A ' r. fsi no .1 M. Kl.i tV..I'.r. II o " t . . A 1. ,rl it. lor '-; r) lifii i - A Co. I'l KI I' . HI W, v.. Ni-rr 'fltlf', Ai( b' 5 ri I -.. no IHiavl l.'(3 Mi nl. t.. Insu ai,i. (.' ' iTit.-n ' ... M'ft raiiiij i 'a-If. 1 fuii-j, I- " M V. V..V M "i'l tm A ;,.'IUA III' nf N..riu A.'nAitcA 'o Allilitl il.Al a t.o 10 '0 ki ; i on :) iai I'-' Oil 'aati Iniuiarf t'tati p-i'-i::ei, Wrnil A. )-.: Itutd lio; 't ;:Lt A l r i 0 I'm 0 Knali A Kuri .. ll i.hI , ,'n. woaniii jc wj arion l'J lJ I'M I U lit! Jt I mik Nitr. I'fk-f A Co. lun ki I'm tsi lun no 1I ki l'i no inn no 1.1 is) 7.. !H) 1''0 IS) 10 ) on Phi Oil UK) 00 -;. on 76 10 7'. Oil lis) 0) Mi tt r-i) mi !) Oil w no w in tin no in mi rn no M) s) In 'll M) 'S) ,vi i a Vkfwd. Alr.t-h A rnn J Oitrei4itt, trai. to RI v 'irni.;( K a u J. H. A r . h IT ! f 1 ittlt- a A taii'bi n Ji.lu., IVn; A. i Iti vh, Kr.nplAifi '.in. aTum"iM.,. Kariidr.nt KiiUI't'ti t (.iitin AMmhu- ( una: A Ksnlli Uti it Hi-.ubt -r Fnjtit.r..ni'm a- w i 4, aann;'fi....( I'.Ktria. oi.'-ttt hi,t itoCc, r.Nnlni; it I h:.-l- . Ml '-v Hiiii.Hl n Hoti M Ta ; Wt , I.r.'llQ.i , A Co ,, V ile, Wl Art' ii A ( o tit r1 A l.-l -r h. ltoi it ? n l.'iM.t A Wm .1 Ml lli . ft I i rta, ill '' A t'o , I cl".. A f mils it'Ml dt PlVAIl., 1 tx.'Cfci'.. Ilti .(i.i 1 .' . i ... . I'. V i-l.n. . ' . IS' 00 4U m 2 DO t no rn i 'l IK) i nu V to I)!) 'I . no .'.' is) "' ' 5-. 0) ts) '.'f, i) 1'. "0 i : ns a-. () OS m :t: no W A ll K f.A't "!. VI HI. Xl iO!'U" 1 al . 1. i.. I .i.:i I ii I li. 'jfr. '.ir. I't ns .s V I.. A. Hi.v t,t i A Wehln.... yu.? ft A 1 1 C k -. . . Jol.i". , V s. I ' l t- l.sli'ie I.": I . . (.. n.ui il ft Cri s i 1-IJ t'ils H M;Co .ID . A. H. i'l - W 'I . ll V. no:.. T. r:.f.ai .. c- It. h. r.i'.nt. or . I. .Hi a. ' iy A ' ... lift h. Hairy At l flair Ar A. ll.l V .11. A sl .'OH A '....... ISI 'll l& A.) 1.0 oo a. no '. i jo on lc do 7o IS) In tin lu 0) 10 no lo no 1 1. 5 no A HI ft 00 U on .'. no t 01) A to !. U) ;i ne i in a io i li' 1 on i oo I 0) '.Mll..lll'll'( A Lu-. lu Mall C. Hl.s.. All .V I.. Ji i n Vi . ibt'Di.e "i A. i. ' H. li l if Ia.-Ii 'rrinl H.iify... M. Mhoi'ic J. ft Mc. .lOli.A Kfl. l'l : h.l Hi'. r Ard . . (".cAsnilie A- Co Henri Ht:,Uu.-.. 1 Ail Kalib, l0;ar i. Kil.-ir A Im'li'tl- .roi.n Me.n ..... , CasI' ,1 . h(ir itillm'.. . . H. Kins,, it, Mrs.ltu.il .'titl. V. t-i;n.a. Cull Mai s. '.eM ll.u.Oi 'v i . a ytis.tta Ctra. , . ,7.Vi Wl i J'siltAl) A. HJliJMk. Tri-uurr, IjocK htrrot whrf. TIIV KI N'SINOTON BANK I H TUB COI till or lHILskHK).MH A. P.Ml.lKL. blrna will lie I J at Uia HmWIutt ll.uf,OQ TllUK- I'AV. U.i 'jt ih i; ( c wt,r, at 11 o X A. M.. to ti-oirt on uifi ( kij1n nc ! "(jToruiie tlm Hank Into a National Aav:kOCaitoo. atr. ii.ly tm an aut of ConKraai appro. eJ Jtm A lfa4, hi '. ittv a uoh othr pction a maj bo neon- ai v. Kv urau cl uo tiuard oi inri-aior. tJt V. T. KKH.K.!f, l,aIHtT tsr STOCK tiOT Drns' mkkti.nu, aV IAl; v ;.i! AJIl MKC'M INK H IVIC. 1 liiI.AA-' i-iiia, Ho utuir . IV A. A Bftifra. rae' ri ci tit Mtockhc Ulnra ul tha Ka-inera' at il .MtohaiiKt' I :iv o' PMlaaoiphla wll' bt he d at tioLr luukion. ll'MH-f .". ' hi ' UN I jA Y . tlieVhk day of I'Ctotter n ji.ai 11 o'cl' ?'- - M , ltriha pinvoa or irIok lnU tiiin!lviat.oii. ai u i'cniik' 011 Uiu iiiii-Dnon nnemur or not tit intl hanl ' i! Ircomfan Aii" 1 itlon toriarr-lrtK on tte tiilacta f i'.amviog under lha Lawi oi tae tiimavl Ht ta. and nt a."- !in"- ttn 00 ra D'-of'-rrati hy ti.e Act I oi tha takv-iit-ra! . " 1 (iiTor tr.la t'ommon a ih, enrltiwd 'An A "t r.'ir'jir ; ihe uhai. or u ia sUoni'ri"Hciti,oj(j iMcrna Asot in' j.i f'-r tho Furr"a ot lUiUtaJ untdr UieLana-'! tr- t '! aopruvud tL i.'ii Jay f Aiiuati. IMA: aiu ij take autii vcuou m rfc'fu tuofa.o aa 90-fii O 0.1 o w l:l HllTOH, Jr., Cashier. 9rZrf THK riiUaAUl.I4'lUA. II A IN K,. -Ey t-iiii.Aii-:i.i'niA, Hfjitemi'.!r ifn, A Cf no ral niPPtiii-- ot tin- Stockholdir-i ol the rhll;iJil- ihia Hunk ullltif hdJ attltolr ItuiiKuu linusc, on 1 jii liti JAY, tt 0 'Jith dav ot iictotii-r nuxt, at 10 o'clock A. M., i r jmrtosi of InKiiif into couniileriltion unl d 11 hllii: tlie ilut'Mltiii hi-iher th enid linuk BiuiU biuouie an Asot la- ttOU lor furry 1HM on Uiu uumnni tn uuiiniiiK uiiiatir luu hiwa or tin- I aiii'il Mntti'a, and of exiTi it-lni.' tho porter I'uiiterii'il hy too a:l 01 l(io i.eio'rjii Asm-tnoiy 01 niiv troiii monweulth, t'litilled ' An actaauMnitf the Itauki of tlili Cioiio'UMriitii tu income aisociationt ior tno iur- rokc 01 tmiiaiiiK niiaisr tue kiwh 01 inv i miru n.au'-t,--rti provfid tlm -'.M day 01' Atuuit, 1H04, und to tuka Hii ti ft iu u lu rtiy.ird liitrcto u uiu bo liccijsary uud pi'cuor, Hv onlrrol the Uuardot DirMtors. 10 1:1 1. A K. H . t'OVE 1YR, r ,iiir. prrf- Olir'ICK l'RKSION COAL AND IM- vmcntLwAi.wrRti. , pjiii..ibi.riiA. Mi HU'Uihr'Jrt, lw;4. I IVlIiKKD. The Jtuant of KiivTor!! h-ivo title iUy dt .i irtMl ailivl.l. nrt of TWO Pr.lt I'KST. on ttm i-ptt.a lo-k oi thu ( oii:o:iny, payatlj to hlocWHoUii in ou uii4 utter October 'afo. '1 ho Tiaihtier iiooaa viH bc.clotcdiiuuii Oi loM r 3 to Octoher A, 10 J uiwi at 1!. T. BUTIEII, Bix.rdAry. rsr DIVIDFNI). TIIK " DIKKCTOKS OF aV3t t'loKobl'utd iHrlaiuiiterPvtrokuiiit'ompiiyh'ne titlit tiay dert.in d tlMt math monthly divhlWid of TKM 1'llK CFNT. from Ihe rarnl:Ka tl Htiti'iiihi'r, iiayablo, in-cof Mine la,onUc Juio iununt Hooka clot-' l .th uud i-a-ouen atiht. liK.1IH1.ti W. Ill NIKK, Xlob-i I'J.lCt. 10-i:i nt) Hccroiary. rP AUM Y, NAVY, AN 13 CITIZKN'S ciolhlni-r tmroidied. Hoould.-rrltrupi, WreatHn, Ac., Iufctia uuDkUi.awd,at arid4Kitaprirt. A Lit, Merohaiu Taik.r, l.o. 10 KIUTII SUoal, aiv u Chc.uut. F.EDUCED PRICES, WAffTS. P Ailill Kl'RNIilH HOll.SR WAVTKI), lf ftlt WAlrift rr lsonit, IW Ar h, 9T I h"Ai ItfHA "rr Ai4 Him,," At Oil ortlf. In I lHMI,UlIOr. TUB corAHTNKitsnir .1 h,:stnr AlitUnc UAilAf tti fln el HAW II KL ST. I'AV A SON.I, till. Sir dlt!ri4. Th, Sliln.tl a bf wtUisl Ij Uio and.rsimMl, a Ni. Ti I' 'OA Hi ims. (HAS. K l4 1 1 e.S, nurrttiu FArtaar, rtuiAtolpblA, SptMIMT as. 1M. '0 rAavsmBAIIII'.-Tss n.lrnlini1 Sa tkiaftr ! rm..l i n . Ailttr.Stt lis-lsr tt.s nrnt I A V iri HK'i 111ltS, f'T lllS UAniAISlun tl A IP'SSrAl ilAaUAf AltSl llri.korA, tluinMi. Al fa. tf- ' K I IHIti r K I'AVISS. I tC.II A. IIAVIHS, rsiitd. v.'s. O'hitifr 1, 11. tl. a (YrttanAtrA of d't.l' itli Al , OneSIMMl rf V i.rs.r ..( eiuk. aoJ oo -i .mi"..t irii.ns. k-' rs.iy h .unl t .1 ,oi. ill.'M I'. i . I-ai r unit InA- IS fnllAO'lAM -S.tl AI -Al. M rfk. Anu I... i.B I...... . ,n.i n'i I' .'ni'i u J )A VUIMIIIN ATX I UUlidltAUO COLD inm'3 CO'JPANiT. f tlM-ri.'i.o lit HIlf!llA. f.:AriT.M.;si d(ji:. i, , i.' -, i.s stint ss-I,tr Vi'.'ni', H '. -JtJ- N I).,-., AN1M .UStN. T vna. A. -4:M, S It. K ? , IT. 4. (I. Krf n. H.-hJt I K.ag. ; i n if. at -v, K li i' l-x I i r. J tlll'M it MEaII), T .J. .Vfi'iceil, ilairlibit(f. j.ihn W llAll, o ,1 hn lira ly, d f w . VT!. I a.K-,t.-. vV.jiii p u i.uia. f olirn-1 I. 1'. irioiri 1 i WO Kill, isfr rHiry a itl TreAiurer. ornoi; No. 423 walnut btbiet noon iso. rt. A-!l.fiit!.'(iI NSl'rjni (" b pntntA 'rm oia i-Mi-r-k lrni odtirr'Hi wihcm'tlr(tyurl,. hi, r iti.'ii l.4ti n-Jl t-e oi'n ,! ou Ai.tl AruiM&lf ltAV,I,vh n'ri ' tli Otilre "f fhi vmiKn, ftid 4 tl Tr. atufir 0l:co (ln'-mfti Kwii . Nu 4t7 0HSl M r htrcnt, rnrniWH aiiI Mohftnibi liik bH4lM Ti (iriatim! fil -;tii'Ti W pvr 1jx UmXtoi mm t.i't .i lnrf. (?i f il n 1 ,inv np-iif, or lnfrmtln etr ot)Ula4 4 tlu- uiti - 01 IN'' Donif 4ny, afTcr thy lTth tnU 10 It-la OA L FOR SALK.-ONf OR TWHMTT ii- Oi f, N' 111. H.b.tV I NTH titrtni, up i.i9. U U OW UVAIY-eOAT. AT Sl'M PKR IHS -'I UK. iO-NHI MMl'H' MVi-UAl iAPA M MI'aM. '( nriv C. 'ci'nrr)I Irnin th f Oftkta4 Co.. if" .oi ilct c,etrusl bki'lmcr nn4 Mammsiti rNMt al liic I'laiiwtfikTrfit' S, T'Miikci ,tM rt, pA"r n WW To N hi Niit-t'r'Tistrt,i'r ti.n U Thlls (irlvlBaT $4 V Jt lHI IO li IOK .f)iUr. Tl4y.tt4 Miff AVI if, (j !.,! vi.l U dr. Urnd tiiHtiaiiv on l o rttk, m tt.l probiibihtr, of dt l itt MIX 1MM.1 Wi PTtt Ml ARB, ho ins utiar th" tint rar Htchiidrri will ant omif gai liiiir Ci il f.-r ic Uitnt) . but wtii ilso pi-i''l.y rxxtit a niaill dl irtiMi on tliu Htora. The ltf mm Hf tla pm mi t lov ruii ir intfi-n u. 1 tie ti do4iart ic iihiiri fi nuw u ' t tii' who ferm ot tlit l ite ptvuuit rap'lt!i- ot tJte M;n It ft j0 turn put ne t"0 r s,tuu-4 'i hu will ttonn h mTe4)4 to lt,ttikf Uiin, Hlu U mti i(l( ! (;Mitutiy lutt.tM) too at H ft ui'lil.TH . tin U'h.'at niiik.i iirl'-. llll riUfl f KUlM WHIMI HILL ItK llVllht AMil4i ItlM HT'ct MUM I KBS. MitMicri.iK in to th. Tint BtIai mayitlll foa mala ai .li' p?r titimn?, ui tlit? tli- o ut Mi t ompMjy, Nox t ft. Sl'1 11 Mlroet, mcoO1! atorf. Ilia noit aeriM vrilt Im lift PiM..d,m-JAVVH I tNrt T il i-JWrti Ail kl1KICllO. K, iVt MAI- V. TfllB- nniiCrnifM: JAMI.ft LTNU. o -S rt..-iEk.li atraat. HWiK r. ,10NK.f, fto.ml aremvriHrt. liKftHV t. PAUL, So 4I ftaJoti, attwi, I r. i La ION, Nj l'a H Lunl 4tru 'I IiArt 1AK-.F,I'. Nci Hl Chfi iut U"M. V'TMll tl'- llftiof HMxKllitl'Jf r Wd dfltXH tJlAHlalRf wll-kii'-wn anJ li'Kli'y raipwrta-ila tiaiari, all OP Wltt'M lliL l tt KIVI1 COAL. Aati to llta Wl cotirtdi tl' rdfr tii'Miirrn The slot k U ivoIukoi) vf ry rnpkllf- all oUi&m af ihoaaa mwnlty roinl .(t dNHl t- vn! tliomaiNat of it aiva trK"a A laie tiiiinliar of lh aiv einlroM amotj aatf koUort MoKnta, K. T. Pierre. tn C. l a h r, ltt. A. M Jtiiy, lbBiui ft oonafin, alhrim hrti, ASiahaoi rttfwn, Ohaih 1 M. at mm. K T ( rfoii, u. w. u av. J n. h-h nut'or, A .MUtr l.r ftMBI. T. 1. DilM, Ji mi h-. Tatlor, .1. LV'.nk, V. M, AvMlei, lia'K,." w. hi i n, . f. l.aw vnrj, TIk jna Milfoil, J ll. O UaiA, II C otiiitf . O. Bri tinMi .raf, A iiK Xinrl."h, 1-M.rj.e I. Kfi.A, I UlO Claf I, Lewm H ci-ii'l, 4.1! tthlKip, K w UMitoa, HtUltUW btUiOsti, Tiiii an Ii (ra;4l, bt Mnrah.er, M.J H". Jt hn t :chaT, h J, in ei, A. V. 5iUM Jir, Captain J. af . Tral', FJWlB fl. lllllflltl, t.oneral Wlldaui r. OmeU, Koieri Keya, Jiiiin !ve, voha PliiiHaa, i'ltoDia C. aVlte, J' :n tiitfur 1, lia4j Italnr, J'hu Hia-IUrTWJt, l P. iHOithiteilb, . thn Vouni', l anclt Hrohai, --iiiuH P kf .lar, T tjuu T. price, ,t V - KMlltll, 1'harl.is htcharlum, 1 Us C. W. liiNtltfilM. A iioJy, '1 iDiuAa aJ!ft, it K Action. j .1 Y . I Mi A A. P TV, U'.vao Ft a, jtifsianfpu irttsr, C. M ta'-er.tiM, I .loll a uo ltvft t l.r 4f T. Uaarau4 j P.otari 1 nvmiJ, l,av,HclU.r. J. .ha Jnilai, l' K tAAr, lUr U C rfutuboft, U hrt i'Muy, .M. W. Lk-iloiL H. W. Il, ij. b. fiitr. Oafid cnttirHj, Ii -my Mr Anady, 'A.' Wool, jlt.T Kcu-ll. ;Cli4Wi-M llarut, J -t ao o) r .iihi)H Hni er, Krrink .tin, John ii W ,, '.loan UcAriliur, Ttioioai Haitian, IlTAHton Peuniiiiotasi I J attic A. Ierrt..fr. iw. P. diiaftr, ' i hartn H 10 iui, ( I ail m wC:bna( i'honiai tira.aaiA ' V IT.. )', th K.PrtaUo, ,Ttmer. 11. tt ai, Wm llaraier, y w A.araiok), k. hari Htoaa. Ir WHi.-n.TowoH. lir 1 e 1' oilv-r, I . I. Talmato, lit h-nil, H- n. Ji 06 AlllMm, li K . nu, W.C.( toJi t, tuaMire t f ti rm a, tto r.o L. Mi. ir, J KlHU, WaterlirMl. J . Vr HI . Jutif a, Jodr M. Ariifi ,1 . Kthb., Jo,, pti V. Tfff. Win.lt. 1 ilwftM, K-1-. Mi.1 d'T t.tL.-k y Mm.C SSul.r, Jatufft ULl'..iJitari, Cl ,ulai A l..iU., Win. Aidrft.it, t i. htiet ik K'a, kvl'tirk tl-lmul, K. W .M. Til Gil, V-1 Lam rftt, W to, u'r, ,!olin atui IrtHlih ratrt, i . Al iluAbaita. litpnn K. Uai'a- 9, J-1 ar,, V. , ll bet aM, A. W Tom, k.:,i, 11. I. Hat. .'Will, Va. Prl'il, C. tt rii'ljen t ' J. ('. llllllia)ll, 1 V. I. r, Jt bn P Woir, Ittivid Aitiiecat. J'lit.lfM ,)uti.l)ill, .ioha i ; J, lH'l D l (.'tar;!, ("I an T Mm ;, Shu ucl K.ioairi ;k, .1. t', Vt klnin, UiIi.miiaI' i:iJ'!t, ,1 I t f 1 It. t t t. Uti7, H ( ht-ar, Wultcm Sip o.j, r. i. it. Kuh.rJi, 1 Jitfird H thair, n Ma'hi i'it. iiwurKo Wi bam, iierrr, J..A H .Kh' icnaa B liiAiiaa. lit P. Cioee. 1 ho 11. 1'eoaoa. A P. bftwi, n waa viBiuauofAa li. J. Woolinta, !.) lm Kraakl n, 0. hnvintnt. .!. M. BloaJt, i, a)I Jtiir r hai lar, !eore W (itt .Ulna V . Tay.or, W .i1'.aTt' IUI, ( liar!r U. MraiAj, It . J UrK(, Hafurb'Oj 17, i f i'lailln, IR.W. Hi. 1. !) p Vatdro, Irt M ( ruell, ' 1 -lar'n K K iribitim, 'tHimaaS Bb(e maker, ,)nda m ear. Manic I oitikT, it notrnyder, I V A tbo , KkUiti 1 . Htea. Mr. j 111 K AlAMtt. A in Mai ay 'ink - ( oal ( arif cdn no j iii,tv eup tvuAut at 9 ir t ara No 1"W C'ALU1IU.L r-IrjM.t. lb- n T ) I.GVLATIONS FOR THE APPOINTMENT Jk otCudt-t Eunli.iter. in tf.e Nit. In purnuiif ol itie l bird and lourtli aeotlona of an aot lias.cu al tlir nr.t sesilon 01 lue 1 tiiriv-rlKiiiu UoanteaA, l.pi.rovd Ju'y 4, lisiil, " To auti.oi i:c tt. Art retat ti ui tht .l.t. . tfi. ot'iii' Iui- ih (duration of .Vui fl Contlructort mij ,S.'(u;n KniiiHtrrt, and for othrr purpows," appll catloua will bo roci'lved by tin, Nav llei rlniuul tor Uia ai't'oiiilnii'iit otCudi t lUitflne.ra. 'Ihe at'i'lk'utlon la lo be u,lri'ieil to the Ri-cretaryor tlio Nuvy.aiid iu bo mudo hv the i uudldntn or by nyy prrsnii tor him, and hie mime will he plu-i'd on tl.o r,::isi'r. Thu ri'aintry of a haiui', however, lve no a-iniiruni', ot' an tiiipnlntniorit, and ne pi'fli'rt'nuij will bar aivon lu the tli'tii.u toprlorlty ol uppUriiilon. Tlio niinibi r or i:,i,li't Kiniiu'r-r. In llaiitrd ny law to fifty. Tlie I'Hiidlilitte must be iiikIit eilits'ii year, ol a;o, and bla iiii.lii'Utl'ii iiiinit bo ui'diiiiiuiiiid hy .titi.ractoi-y L'liiliMici'i.r moral I'mrart.'r, lui'stiaui. al atititinle, mill of his hHitniJ l"en i-niployi..! at least two years lu the aetual labrleatluti ol teru uiaelilnery. Iliiii riirelvinn an up pointuieut, he luuit p.isa a meiluul examination ol Ins plij.ic.il fitness, ami an ncAil.'iulc exainlna'-lon of hte menial iiuahilratlulia. He IU then bo admitted to Hi av.il Af-uileuiy in tho elus, of Cadet Kuwhu'ere, aud ailordeil esery ineuim ol' iicoulriniT k .eicnilllc and pra;-tli-al kiiowkilge ot the prliiLit.l.', vf mectianl. s lieci nBlsry for d tiliai!ii. tlic duties ol Htiain tiltiincer lu tks Tlie'eoiirs,efetnflwin eonsjirlai Iwo ai-adenite year. Allcud"ti wl.o (mutual.- w,U la Imuii .liaialy 'arraiitea ;n Assistant r nuni'in in th Xuvy. 'lie pay of k Cadit la (..si per Annum. ... - While at tl.a Academy the Cn.lela wl'l ba aramlned. from time to tune. ac. ordm,! to the leKnbillnus pre i:rll.eil by the Navy Department ; and ll fou iil d. tl. ''"' at JM rxauilualli.n.or di.ml.sid for in'.eo.ifliiet.tney " ' bj cniinued In tho Aiiul.myor uavul s7Jl,J 2 tbemto, tuitipl upoa rovuuaiiaouou by Ika Aiad.uu ''cilAte.wl.a rrvalva rJKZXlZ: aelv.atothe Buparlnlrtiduvt fl II". Ml aimcik ly twe.u the '-Oih ami uh of hepiembar, lor eA.uiiual.uu AA. .UBIKatki" tu lu" lpartuieul. 10 SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS,