The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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PUlM-fi . -aba).,.
riUldADKI.rillA. M(M)AY, (KTOIUIII 17, isiii.
A -A II J l
1 Li J Li i
Hood's; Great Tlr.nk Move ai out.
ijher.'i nr. Ftpr Kcod H".ivi!y.
label Cavalry Uotuceu Chat
tanooga aud Lui'iyctto.
eiTKPr.isE of a coLonnD
KEGI 1IJJN 1". Conihlont of Victory.
1ai iiit.n:, ).-t)hT l't Vlvi.c- Otit-
tanoogi tint I'-uten int. A. Grnell, n' the
7th Kentucky, led a a 'nut fmvii-1'ivtie,
twenty-three miles Iroin Chan .noo:; i, on We 1
nesdny, drove n small Rebel f ire out of t vn,
Jinrftif d them, mill i apt irc l nine out of eleven
Afterwards be foil iu with h fore.- of I V)) ll- b d
calry and' il. Some of hi prisoners say
t)it Wheeler's vhol-; coium.tiul, enmprisin
Martin's, Roddy's, JoHCs', ailll Patter-on' cav
alry, aggregating from NO'S) to 10,0'W, are all in
the country between Ctuittanoura and Daiton.
The Rebels entered llo-oi ca ou Wediicidiy
norninp, and took the only troop-t there, n colored
regiment, by surpii-c. Tlic llebols immediately
thereafter moved upon D.iltici. On Friday tliero
wa considerable alarm nt Ch ott inooi;i, and
every aldc.hod.'i d hiai was pu' to work on the
t-rUtl. jilIuiik. At the last advices General pit..
pttrlrk with hi- cavalry was lit D ilton.
No apprehcn-lons are nmr felt for Chnttnnoogi
or Kuoxville.
General Shernmn li.n over one hundred d tys'
rations nt Atlanta. Knnxville bos nu iihiiiid.iiico
ol provisions to Maud a six iiiimths' siege. At
Chattanooga, the Oovcinmiuit storehouses aru
full of protieioiis, .111 J largo supplies iK'si'lc-j are
cl th.-. ground, covered with tarpaulins.
iiencral f lihoy in nt Tullali'mm and General
Acholic Id at CJi.u.'unG:j:A.
A private lint reliable account lays, that on
Saturday Hood's Army ttsa botauon Daiton und
Lafayette, maUng for the latter pine, with G un
til Sherman proving In in closi ly.
Prominent military nien any that Haul's list
wove places him exactly in the position closlro 1
l y General Sherman. in cinsidciablct.xeltcinent nt Cl irkaville,
Temnvscc. In cnii8eiiieiic.c of reports of so nun,
tL.I the K bcl Oeneral l.yon iiiMnd'Jd to attick
ttit plrtcv Tho Duvernmi'tit ompl ivoe-i ,irc for ti e additional dcuD -c of CLirlisvilk'.
I'ltwn MllKKMW.N IB'IV,
f"iMtNvn, tiitobcr 17. Tin- ('inamfrciul" JsiiMhville defpa'cli wnieb says th it
i.Kmi!iii' .i' i"ii ii auin open with Sherman.
He w.m at Tilion, iiiuc railcn fiuin I) ilton, on
K-turdy ut r.oon.
On that nft. rmon H.iod lift H.ilton in the
direction of lirlilpcport.and honna.i coiu.nonccd
lOYit.K in the tame tlirecti'm, i-l is on bis rear.
Io liaille hud hi en lought at tins last advices,
and It is pretty certain that Huod has1 nearly li s
whole army with him.
Despatch from Gen. Forrest.
tirilflHl liltlllA lt.")lllli....l HIT. 'Oil Itltf
l-llh iiiNimti.
f, r. I'.r It t' . ...( H ii- -, I 1 1.
There it a;ain it C'luimnti'iii do v. At an
t'Rilj li' ur yusleiiiay tin rum;; u lioavy fine of
the ei cin 'c c-ivnlry mado a ai'in instrtition upon
our lett run k . on the Dai lit to", n r i ul, numc sc n
lidliK fixiii the nlv. w Id lo a tro-i ; I'or-t of iul'in
tr upK'ur il in I out ol our timlu ln't voen the
Dirt.ytoiMi and Ne-Mnarlin mi'l-.
The liosti,o r.ivulry -ti; tn.-t ny 't-iry'n , j-ti.
uihimI. und a I ri'k ir u . i Ii . ti-u u til tue
riillant I h Texas Hi !, x itn !; r por iom. ol
ieldH' l)i ision, met the lnhin'ry nduin e of t'ie
em iny, and i.u:i ii tii ai him a t illiirr lire, in
Hietiug s-evere lii-l. l'uo i :i'tnv! 'V is ci.iti.iii'-I
throughout I lie luienooii, t tir tioups net in.: nil 'ii
didly, und rloicd tow.irli no .n wiih the ti i il
repil.e ol' the fiieiiiy. tnr in' -i nie inr i:di-
ut' ly alier a.tviiin ed, inul p..i:i m .i-er !
aud tort ifi' il it elii-i'ile p-.ii.ts ii..o"t tli'0:iand
reei-Dtly inu ht n er.
tttii ! in this tV-Ut Wiii -li-'it. The lo-s of
tin- tin my wa heavy. v ivr, 1 1 lea' a tint
M.jor W ii Is T. .i.iti. -i, of Keut'.'-Uy, Adriiiut.
tii'iaralot' 1'ii l'i'- illv so.i, wan killul d i ii 1 1
tl.lK mj-iiu. mi lit Ly i in- of tho enemy's simru
thooicm. It v. as cmy i.u Sniidtiv ist' ttnr tu'i
excellent ol-'i.-r ui'i -'ure I u.i:0n: t'l- jail.
Lenrem nt the limeiat ul the U:nenid 'ire;;;.
4.piiei'l l.'i'"x ('.. rint liftiirl.
The loltowintt da.tu U ti re-:ivsil froiu
General last n 'i;ht :
UlAI'Wl AltTt f- A :M I ." '"( ''-S V'"..'- '1,0 ...''?
1 . ll-fcli. J . A. s.-.i ;.(ri, .sr-T -:ir'M W-i A' T
. li" & Hit. i.'.tnai : l e .nrnifil i.i pi t.i niT. m. .)
I.cisi . , ii ti e li:ii;'i 1 1 u -in J 1 ti.i 1 . I ' y is ds, .. it
Ljutliieil in e (.' y ttl.-tnp'.. lit- in hi slu-'i.'.ii. irlit
v ' luaite 'i.t 1 1. M . A ''li: ivl; i-u tij wt..ii. K-ui -lint
tnuhi ilciJ. oe-t'.s. n-i' !!;t.t.
.;.-ii -r.t ki: ret; r .1:1 t:.:: A if t'i -u'm.
riin to i.le.-n . on l'.4 . .i!iil j - il .-.'.I t tj ii
HiatU'i. s ).u,- i-i-. s. t .. j s1 "ill ,t c .1 : ii i'i v
Ii .isi-s ah.l .1 iu- .' '.'(J a il: .. J. 'i , :i ai I .1'. m.uv
Ijlli-il mi J mju.i.uJ. O.i: I . ilijti'. .
I'., t'.. l.l'.L, v.u jri I :aall it':"4.
Jenprnl Al.olli' l.ipe.lllioii.
Washington, Ucto'mr 1G. V epe.-iul djspnttli
to the CV'liiinhui n Sia'.es hit tiio eu iuv's
laiderf, naid to lie com 111 nude J by diurnal Asti.ey
1 A?l)otli), have hnrut the I'ip.H' ooa! liurc':, tiia
liofpitaN, eoini'iiisiry Ueiania'.'iit Imildint,
oir.u' More.anu hoiiieoilierlini'd u,'ut Ma' iatinu,
J loiida. Over titty of the mil tia and c ti -o:n
. were cuptured and Ul.eti o l. Three hiiudi-jd t
rivo hiuidicd neivitij, nm iy c irvuH'is, hoi-en,
and other movab.e prunertv, un i-e (arr.ed od by
the enemy, r bo retired wostw ai i on W'edaisdae.
W'o lost at Maiiii'.ma hik UilleJ aud be feu
wounded, Rl far an U. a.i iroiu. Tho eueaiy'ri
Ion wan lu'ger. is id to Iu
wounded, lbe enemy were repoiui near Camp.
bullion, Florida, ynieiday.
1'orrrxl'a Flu lit ou (lie Trnumiee ttiter.
Moiiile, Oetler 1. The ia'.loiviug Jnpatc'.i
liua tieen icteived Iit Lieuteaant-Oenorai Xajrliu',
who tent it to the 'l'ribuiti tor tuldiealion
Ihri-e V.nke guiitioft'.f ml t'jur ti jii.a'xii v eiiO
Teniu Kafe ill or y..teiaif ur us liiv: l. 'l':i-
l.iuli'd iLuu.ii1 iii.n .n'1 ol artiUe e.
I Liiieimnl (o.ouel KwJv. villi t'jir-t ul.t cu nwuJ, l...
l-.-th 'lennome. .unnibMt ll.e eu.iuv, miuanni ti.n.4
l,uii, tnnili-livu prt.t.u.n, ti.d llnrle 1 .v.i lidn
Ir.d of in. anil-en .ii Uruw ued in allMuptln .' iu hi.
hj k oo iKiki. 'li.. rtr.t .tun lru our b.nriei
iirsotialtd lli tK.lir of on. ol tli. Iiipi.rli, nd m.iiv
tuvawfi. e.iail mill burarf 1 li. boit hai.
you dure th. rrv.r. Om victory
Price Avows Tn'ntion to
Take Lc.ivl.i . orth.
GIN. EC E'. i .
TI t-.U'ilr ti 1 1 11 i.i'il.: w
I'i" T I till i s w ni; i n, t1 in. .1
i"i- ti I- n uti l as ju-i 1 e.-:i
' leu. ral t 'urtu
rr Ka-:hi,
- I I -. :'. I .
-d ny ;.
II i a iiqr iri i ii. Sr. I or '. "l.ier 10. Pr
m.xi ii,. ntn are no: i nrnvii, h I i Ii n ix-n v 'd :ii
mt iitam ol j-iir.? to !, i.e-i .
t: y thiH it will era ile oir i o it
ami iniTli, antl our r.iv.vrv. t"
llllll III. I.'S lt li I.'V Will s i
ni,d n reteb out f r -ri'M t n
i vil-y e..n hiilly "r;ke t 1 . 1
enltiiii'i. mid hint a il l t
ir 11. I'' h will
o under M iwer
. Ih"s jen Itiein
" .-. Tb :y sp c-i l
. thf .l't' rl y.i'ir
tie.s o.' fi r
mm 'i. I
ti le raph Inn aie -o lir.err i". ,1 that il Will I
ilitll. ii.t li i I'liiiiiiiiin-ii'e wi'li ) mi.
W. S. II ikh H..SS, ; ,j jr (;.:n..-r .1.
II i M'i. I Ml I l.lia 1)1. -'A HI HI r O" Kls.ll,
luiii I I.AH ' oil : n, ll't,.l...-i ,'). full :',i.''
1m ' r:m hnn jus: tic it re o I :
Hi ii.iii iitii-.Ms. sr. I oi is, ii-:i.t..i- lil, x,,
M.iior Hi ' ('iiriN I i")i; ,i tli I.-nv, :i
woitli fiapern a di sp it. ;i lo yon inini Oaii T il
Hiovi aiynijf tln.t tin- Ke'o :iii. -pt i.u l I'jar .ni,
trmti K iii(.., i,n.l a: 1 1 i ,i"n .f . ut irly li;, en
tin eotimianil. I am b.ippy t . i:it in i von tint
KwitifT ni n e 'iid his, iitn.-.H oi hn i' ins
uiid U)s eirire eciiiiuaii.J.
W. S. itos, i ii v v , f ij ,r-U Ml Til.
I'.iirnliiK l l.niuiir. Iln, l..i Hip Klrlx.
Hi .Mini i im:m liri-ii- i or hisniu.
Ki ll i i.i i i n on i n,Ui toiiei i I Tlie follosvin;
telegram li in-t hi en reeene i :
I't'HT Si. nr. lli-tuihT H l".- f ir ' i.Mioral
t'urtis : l.ainar, .Mo., w:ih lj.:rr.-l l.i",i niuht en
thi not a bt.ii-a lett. Mipp e d o I o d.'ne liy a
l:ii i'i' loiee of IhmIiv. litt'-Kerii. I ,a nar id l'ury-a.x
miles aoutheiist of b' re.
('. Ii.. 1 1 1. a in. t'oioncl.
Hi ltn!f llfTi i:s, Sr. l.o. l-, ( i '!,lier II. T.i
M ajor-t ionornl ' 'nrt'H : 'f 'iceii. me is mom retren.
in towards seilalln. He will h Vullowed hy a'l we can g.-nd after bin:. II iv II l.avo i,i move
low or stretch out. In the t !;; r eae wc will
fli t a li;:ht out of him ; in the le"'er. wit'i your
hcln. we n ill cut iiim up and in i1 l:. n drop his
plunder. W. S. Kosci imvs, M ijji--0en"ral.
Pi. I.orts, (li to'i. r 10,11 .. k. To M-i.Wr-'.eiiernl
Curtis : l'4ii e b is i,.t .I 'I'i r :n c'nv,
mill iti moving West. I --h.-iM t'o'l i v Idm wher.;
t vei' Ije irocs. V. S. Rimi:. kans, jr-ijeii.
I.liK kl Iroiu Iho l't tins.
II i. M.ii;' Mi i i.iih Pri'M:iviNi ir Kivjus,
Four I.i:ai i Nwoir. n, ( letoliui 11. The follow
inf? telpsruni has th's motnetit lu'eu reeeViiil :
Ti m i n, Octolh iT0. M ij lr-ij.' C irtls :
rapta.n Niehol", :id Colorado t'aialry, m priseil
and killed ten tmlimi.s Cheyiimes eaptu "Ittg It
ixinies and 11 mule?, this morninir, near alley
(tiitinn. Wcwlll clcau out tli.; country between
the l'latte and Arkansas direellv.
J. M. Chivi-m.ton, Coloni 1 Cointnarulin.
It l.iilcxl-Itrlrrnl ninl t'lirsiill or lrl'P.
Sr. I.ot'id, October I'i. Tim lu..ttr,;tt pub
lishes A special despatch fran .li.'U'eri in City,
saj iiig the Pat iiic rdlroad Is iu riinnin;: ord t to
I.inilne bridge, and troop- i.r-j beln rapidly
sent there.
General Fisk illl leave in V morntnj on an
iiuportiint rerionnois-ancc. Central l'ieasnntou
will start for the front to-nvcro v and t,ik co'it
rjnind of the cavalry. It is bo'.ieved that if ir
luoiiiited force moves rapidly I'. i'c's train will be
IMcr'n force U divided, c''her p-.vt of wlii-U
cm bo ci-ily defeated if ovf ri cien. tsaai) )ru'3
Cavalry is in hot ptirsui'. of Jet;'. I iioni' -: jii.
They Plot to Seize tho Ship.
Ni w Yonn, dcto'ier 17. l'.e ih'i arrieal of tho
tennier l.ilxrl fiuin II iv en, ii.h dates to tho
l'-tb in-tnnt, wc Icat n that li -. as cirrontly re
ported that the .stcMins'.ip wiroiovo wis
captured by twenty-six It.d.eN, amoiijj whom
were Lieutenant lira nc, alias ,l .lin-on, wao cap
tured the ?. .uiw'e, and 1 1 - engineer of the
lien ii t I nil' , ii ho was to t .!..- char.'e of t'ie.
liiHVioh 'a- engine-.
sit i. real - i ii i. - h ii vsoi. I .
Tlie fears e.) d for tho MI'etv of the
I'll. t. d f-fcilcii sle urn t !, c. .. have fettlDil int.)
a coi.ii:tion III it she Ins b -ti iptur.-.l by her
1 as-( ns!T while na Icr voj ;- t this p in. Our
scp.nti r rcl lt!i a uenilcin o. who has
just arivi'il from II. u n a, Mho s ys tlut previous
to '.he ailinn id tlio .ih,m.i , .' .pt'iiu Drew was
li'toiniid that hln pa-s.-i cer ::-t eontjined tho
in. lues of a nniiibi r of liehel s- iiip:ilUi.ers, mid
n i n who w. u it do almost am inn,1, ia the name
ol - la :r Comeih rii' y. Cip'.i m l)ow express d
Inn si if uhiiud.iin y a'.le tot 1 c-ic of biJ vease.1
i ! hi ft any i tta. k so m n a i i ii'ier o! paison
; is i olid make. Wit Ii this a ; mini? ho pu'. to
e. i, undoubtedly mi ia the fidelity an I
mi 'lib oi Ii miwii Hi'. I ll'- pro) ihilities are
tin t Mmu ot hi. own ic'n in n' liaro beun In the
plot, mid very ma'. lial'y a:. 1 iu the coii um
n.iiiii'U of the oli.e it oi ti..' pi. i s.
ha' ili-rosiliim tli. piru'rs ay liave ina le of
tl.e itlieias and crew can i n'y la' con.; V'tur-'d ;
p .s.sili'y a fate ni' t tli.iu nm ii.;lihi which
t ill II the poor -ec nd a-- s, i:: cii'j'iiicjr of the
I ''tW'yl .('.
It was hoped tb it by a 'nt i rival at H ilifax
fn In I'llmiiil-l told in.iiii .ioi ti,, vonsel lll'i'lit
have bet n iilituiui d, an I m- I'i. : couv.ivaT e u is
tailed to brim; it, we may ! 1 ir news flora her
l.i tl.e la M . ri ii .il ii oni Na- u.
'Iho lr.i,)u.'.r whs built in '', and is a sid't
wl eel 'te:.mirof 1071 tin , n , I of the fjiln'.vir.
i':mi'i..slons : l invpli, I !e' ' ; beam, foet;
depth of hul l, l i lect. l)ii:ii u the present Hum
liar .-he was extcn-ivily ovi rlinutcd and pii 'tialiy
ichul.t, to that filie was iu l icl almi-t as pnod u
a raw et-el, and on her brut trip to aud tioin
Havana she uiado a veiy nipid pas-sj.':, wliuU
attracted general utteutiuti.
It is beli vod her captut'? was D'nutied iu New
ot k, nad that a vessel with ioi', guns, and
s'oies wus to iiuet h r at one of t ie siu'.U is au ls
ol the llalunim-, i.h.' w .al l be tntej out as
a private, r; and it may not be Inm; be.oie we
he ir of her in a new line o. ousiaj ,s, i re iliiiij
uavoc aiong our coast.
IK (HI M.tV OKI.KAriS IA (AlKtt.
Cuj'.o, Ocubei 10. TUesteiuner fjr,:,rr,, from
New Orleans oa the 10th,aniei lure :hi- nixn
in?, with 6t bale9 of cotton.
The Cotton Matket was
A letter from Natchez, dated the 'dtli, nays that
the thirteen Ibigsreiaptuied by Lleuteaaat Carle
while being aoiit to the Rebel headquarters oa
the ca.t lido, uiouly iMilimged to laJ.aua reji
meuia. The mall captured at the fcaiae tiius cou
tulned full retarns of the Rebel forces oa tho
west tide of the rier, and a letter from tha Rebel
Ouveruor of Louisiana to the Couieuetitte Goy-erniuc-nt,
reiomniend.ns the armlajof nejroej.
t'aptnia J. H. Odlln, Oeneial hrayman's Adju
tunt, charged villi bHhery, has been lionorably
ac iuiited by court martial und restored to duty.
T he steamer . C In-me exploded her boiler
when near Kddyville, on the Cumberland river,
yesterday niorulng. Six or seven of bur crew
were killed.
Admiral Porter has seat for some f but best
oaictn to joia bin, la u but 7au4l.
Adoj t.iov of ii.'1 ?i
: C',M st'.f. t:on :
i !,C'... ;ii
hp -eu. I to Ttiv VtniiliiK T IvKr-nil.
IIa! i iH.'Ki , O o'ltt 17. II . irn. .f i(,e :
ili.M t-' W 11.1 s 'a e v a il ni'i: tli it the r.e
Cnst'tul i-u Iwhien ril! .! r bi-ilj- U ) j
majority. t- 'icrn.r I'- ilf r.) will thriiv o .: no:' ---r- s wuj d: I not t !
the ten oath. It. hO' ' r, the v te .s t'l isso j
ilose, there "oil he grent .out. iti 'ii by Cic ('.,. I
l'Crhi,i.. and '.hi'i a'! 'i -i it' ;. . i t. ui(i:rit tl.e
,'n who r. lose I d -ir ue., l-i t.-.l.T til'i
!i.!a. tl.e . le ' io it.d i!. ;'' l.i.- j l' i .s' lil
ilcn. A hviyti uc cv pe i- i, ri I i i.i 'i 'it
poo-: pi- ki.iK ior uwyers.
M ,' ) h i- t en : :a!.y run it. ol M y ' .n I,
wltbth' liu. ..' b s t: 1 .-ri , iu '. i oii-t'h"a i'e
nuini . r of pri-ov. rs. A ..ii.i s from t .r nil
i'Ui'1'tir..i,- i
SlMi ',(' Of Eisil:3-S Hf'i'C.
luil.i iry AutLoiTtT'
Ha i 1 1 mi ii r, u-iiibrr 17. V : -i'..iv.t'.i.i
was irc.ited here til id n.orn m. 'iss J hy Iho
simultaneous tieKure, by the. ml lil ny a'i'.'l ir t-.'s,
vf a number of larto husi.ies . boil -es, a id cl '-:'.;;
ol the t M.i'iii-liinen's by a itu ,r I of -ildl ti.
Tlic seizure is un-lcr-t ki 1 to be pui iu m: to
orders from the W ir Department.
NothitiC ilelinl'e is ku i-vu as to the elii'g. s
which induced tho soi.ures, Im'. It is imdorsl nl
to be " tradc"a:i.l lt ''.e! ,ini' ra-rv ti
The housi s th is far soiled tiro as tollo v-:
Haiullt. n, 1" ist 'r X Co., dry h ) 1, 11 1 :i u ue
(barbs K. Water- A Co., h r.i.var:, No. I.'.
Chnrlc , lurct.
Jordan A H se, i l iih or-, I! iu v. r .i-t.l I! il'i-
more s: reels.
1 wo a an houses ni N'. e.senfeli!- S Co.,el3rh' r-.
liilllilll. 10 -'l'.'Ct.
At the Threshold of Richmond.
1'i.n i hi ss MoMioi:, O 'toiii-r Jo. I'he Norfolk
!;,,! of to-day s.ij - :-'-(l:i Thursday, the llUh
Inst., the HHh Corps, of .. nor il lluller'a com
niaii.l, feneiraie 1 the Con 'Vde.rate lines, and all
but entered Uicbin'md. It is a liltlo provokiiij
that llii in y's ue n do not ;m to tiio Spottswood
Ilomie ; i,ut tliiire is a ri ason for nil tbini;j."
Wc lost about ,'iou men In Thursday' ti-iht;
the ou -my lost TO1'' met).
Tlic H'civ, elfht days from Now
York, tninud to (,"ity l'oiiit, irriied at Fortress
Monroe t-i-day, le.ikin.'. Her c iriro, onsisiing
(if oa's, is in a ilamatd MStc, and will be dis
charged here.
The I'nited States IiuhjviuI tteamor H'o'c.i
ilttn p'l'h sailed for New York to-day, with IVJ
Wound' d soldiers from the Hampton ho pll.ils.
The follnning arc the dia.hs in ItiuipUm
hospital sin -c tlic Inst report:
John Curry, Tilth l'cnna.
(Iiist ivus Fri nert, oth l'ctiii '.
The ImPpiUil sle. mier t.'.oiye . ur; h is arrived
I'uiiii .1. ones rUer wiih n'mut i0 hick and
iv ouiii'cd soldiers.
iir t..iiuiil.
Miisk 1 1 ii t no on run rnoST.
lit a. ml in i inTi.sTit Ahhv Coui-.s, fli'. io'm
III- ii miMi, OeiolKr I I, riidui ibt. Aiioilier day
nt ai tii it) lc.ivc-this ivjnimaiid in the s.nn i pisi
ti n it has ma n'.iiued sin"e its on 'ha
j orth siilo ot the James. We Ii ve been more or
leks bo ly ciiK.ik'ed with thi) enemy since, 1 ty
bn nk this in"ri:in ; have lost a nuiu'ier ot bravo
i iiil f'ooil men ; buvo inlli le I iniu ti loss u i n the
Itahelej have discovered their ue.v po-iti ins und
t lie i barai tcr ol their Works, :m I ure iw iiu oe ru
pyii'K their old c. imping ground ready fur another
i unimoii. to battle.
Yihterday afternoon orders were received by
General Terry, lomporii' ily cieim tnd ng tho
10th Corps, to inovu out iwo iHn-ious io tliu or Darleyto in road, and re onuultie Iho
ei.emy, who were reiort d to b t throwinc up a
new line of wo.ks iu tint vicinity. The 1st
Division (Terry's), temporarily in mini iide I bv
liriiniilicr lieiii ral Ames, an I iho Hd to oied),
coiiiiiinuiled by llr-gadici'-Oeiier il Wilbim rfir
ney, wile si leeted lor tho expedition.
Tho men eageily re-pond d io tue e ill, and
werciiii: klv In line re:tiy for d'ltv. i'key were
started on the mar, h, and had barely re iched the
line of i ur winks north of the Newmarket raid,
vihou un order was receive I to halt. It h id h :oii
diseoicii d that a II ig of truce w is mil so u j.viiero
ou the 1 II ol the line, which rendered an oll'eii
bivc iiiovciuint iinpropir. In s was an untor
tnnate eirciiiiistauce, us tho movomeiit al.ii.idv
Commi need bad til ed the country wi li cl .lids of
iliist, pi. ink leieaiiiiM t the lleiiels mat 4 ui .ve
il. ent of si me naiuie was in progress.
I-mm various parts of their line tlicy had no
diiliculty In observing tho liiiection of the move
ment, wlii.e the il. I iv gave them inn lie tiiu.i 1 1
coned, late iheii fi'ieea mi l p'Cp ir lor i'. I'bo
hilt lon-umed between threo and tourhoirs,
during villi h tiice, very ouuor iiiielv, a he ivy
storm. of linn cuine on, r mlmi i,: the loads mm h
more i mnfort ble for ti'.ivcling, and fa ilit it n,',
cy settling the dm', tb: co u " il n nt of tlie
route ot luiireh. Hut ic had now become too Lite
in tho dav to jroc ed, ui.d the whole plan was
iilaudcm d,
anoi iipr m.rrtov.
fsoon after niiilnl;;bt hi t l i-'ht :bc orders f r
i he r eouiiois-iiin o wi re teti w. d, and at four
o'clock this inoiuing the troops were again In
nu lion, the di sign being to rueli the nvmy H
iosilion in time to ut act at d ivli rht, wi'h a
i w to a possible -inpii-e. Moviiig by inniro
vi ed mails, tbroiigh woods mil ncro.H tlelds,
lo i pi i g Hell to the right of our line, the column
Tossed to the LVntrul road, sti l ing that ih t-
oufililare in the uiriii ol Dr. Jobn-on, i .tiii - ly
oci upii d by 0 in ral limn, ll. ie thev ni 't thu
i nun) 's piclii't, and, nt't- r a slight skirmish,
'hove them up the to un til m id into the woods
that marl, the tush in lino of Johnson's farm.
I IMS 01 K' 111 I. Toll II 111),
tipin r.'.l Terry iii.tucdiiit dy formed n line of
battle iu the upeu lie'., Is, giving General Ames the
ii:!it, mil Oenetal lliruoy tho left, General
Kuitt.'s Cavalry covcrluij tlio ri?Ut ilank and
pro'.oii'iiig to the (.'liarlej City road a skirmish
line that vvasa lva'i. e.l in liotu of tho infantry.
A lilies Je ot X'o.-ter'- Division was depl iyod m
skiiui-khcrs on the loft of out main line, ts make
the connection with our fort. tied po.-itim ou the
Newniniket load, thus perfecting a coutiiiuouj
line from the James river atAik.u's laindins to
the C'hai les City mad, u liistanca of full leu milts.
'lilt IDVJ.VU-A. bKlUMISU.
When the e Ji-positionj had been iierlect 'd
Geiieial Terry oideied the advance, aud his skir
mishers moved suadiiy mrward into tuc woods
on cither side of the Central road. Tue moment
they advanced the sharp craikini; of luukeis
deuoted the pre.-oace ol Rebels. A brisk skir
mish ensued, u:cn ronntcu m tue of the
ItelK'ls and the neady a-ivauce ot our inou.
'I .ii) 'a ma.nlliOOl Uiutlctheu advauced iub tin)
edce of the wood.
lhe skirmishers, scarcely tliree hundred yards
in advance of the line of b.ittio, quickly dis
covered heavy slashing Covering a line of earth
woiks occupied by heavy mmtes of Rebel infan
try, who pouied sue a a doadly volley of musketry
iuu tbtiu that a turlher adruueo was impolitic,
if cot nupiacui ah'.e.
In rrosridence, Rhode Island, last week,
some laborers who wore digging a cellar turned
tip a piece of gold bar about three Inches iu
length, eighini five aud one half ounces, and
three or four Portuguese gold coins of denomi
nation of about tweuty dollar each, two of which
bore the date of '1693" and "lo97." There
were tlfo two or Unea tlfter com.
nunopnAN NEWS.
'l' tit V, A'sHIViTov IT t l''l!K.
P.; nt inv on Ucnrd tho "C'iiy cl'
V. r IT MlvriliMO.
Ni w ' , I . I .'.fr ,7. Tl.e stia aslij .1.,
vf I ..'.! 9 fi.iiu I iv rpixil, v a (J.ieens' w i,
oa thi C'li iuft., air. al at this p.T'. -ii-ng.
Hie pibtic il news is iiuimportan',
Mls siidell and M. Frlan.-en had been uni
fied at Farif. The ce.remon'is were a::eu led wi h
wiueh pomp.
"1 he i t. w of tl.e i it. i f tni.k::n In 1 inn: nlc !,
nnd .'ol n-on, the third mate, w.- n d, iu
llillib. Tho w iu. ul was not serio .s.
Tim pri.e fighter Mice ehrgs Coourn with
ncv. r linen. ling to light, and cVuis th t.:ke.
I'I e only ud liiionni failure reimrt' d is tint of
A. al'imon, a Manchester vsaiehousenian. II. s
is'hivi hsu dis ippear. d, wi li dctM atijiis a i.J
forgeru s aiiuaui'liig to t '0,0 s) sterling.
'1 lie ste uuilup ( t'tf vf Cork avr.ved out on
the nth.
Coiiinirreliil liit' tlliienre.
l.ivniinoi. Corr.'s; MHHh-. Tba ih's of
cotuiii lor twod.iys an. mint to 12,'KU b lies, the
m.iiket ebiMiig firmer, but w ill imchttng 1
pinis. The -ales to specipafrs and expjrters
H I II Ills ill lull. S.
Umi a usi i 1 1 s clo-i:il iiniet, bnt s'eady. Pro
vis, huh in i. UTe. Tallow is eisler. I'rdii.v
s. aiiy.
I.omion Miisi'.v M MiKi.r. CoihcIs clmed at
KS;(.i .sjj. stocks ipilet, but steady.
MntiiK InK'llltfeairr.
Anin d fiuin I'lilbule.plr.a, luripie (.'mi .( n,
ul 1 i hioikIi.
Tin; "huiimu" it ritiiKu roist.
I'unin l'iu, O.uiber 17. The ft nn-lnp
ii.uAC'.t, Uoin I ..i erpool on tins of.ii, ii l.o'i
ili'ii.ieity ou tjc 7tb instant, bus passed this pi u e
hound lor ijiu Ikc. Iln- udvi e4 me mi" dav
biter th un those broii;;ht hy the CiVy o' ll'ii'i-
i.m in not., o. 'tuber 7. Tue political news
in n nii-i pot lant.
'I he In Ik I loar has dc lined t ) fi7(.i. 'i.
The steeau rs I'cintih uuta and 1. ,.... ,i irriv. I
out on the liih m-taiii, and the i V . .." W : i
(. i-1 n the 7tli.
Cotton falea for the week 1!i,0i: ,itCR Includ
ing i'i,'i,i 00 to speeiilatoi s.ii id I'J.'.O'Ha eXimte s.
l he market opi ncd dud, with a il lino of id.
(. 1.1. hut closed flnnci.
Sales on l'riil. iy,.'iiKiiJ b ilea ; the mirket closing
(l it, with small In pi:rv and weak prices.
Tl.e follon in:j ure the authoricil iiuotatinns :
fill', llMO'.W.
llrtr.ns 5Hj. -.s:J
M I 'JiS. .1.
I !' I
Slock hOO.OUO bales, Including 12,0.l A ne
rienn. The Manchester luuki'.t was lrr.Yu'r, and
g'eds and ynrns had declined.
lire dstiitls Heady; Wheat advanced Id. on
Provisions dull, l ard firmer.
l.nMiols, Oi to'xir 7. Consols elo'ed at tpi;.i iSj
for moniy. The bullion in the IJaiik uf 1. 1115. and
bad iln riiised l.' l,0'S.
Ainiriciin ito. ks irregular.
'I'lio " IViioiiIi" nl S'nr Hsee.
Pr. Johns, N. F., O-tobcr Id, v. Ku kvilln, N.
II , October 17. 1 he, from .Si)iuJiain,
on the lith, pns-ed this point I'l-ihi.e, hound lor
.Ni 1 ork. Her news is anticipated.
tin: un HMOMi r t reus ov ot it
l i.rri io.
A it wl hf alcti l V if Hiu n-mi T .7i'niS.
Wm iMiins, O. iober 17. Itichinon I pp rs
of Naturilny last, received here, c mtain no news
wluitivcr. They hnvc enpions extra, ts from
New York and FhibidelpliH papers, elainilng
laige I 1 1 i. i ) ini'ioriiies in Ohio,, and
Pi nn y vunia.
The cdilnriala, however, make no o'bor com
ment upon these elections than the. simple sen
tence: " Tim I' I NNSVLVAMA lilllC IIONH AUI1
Ily the arrival of the mail-boat from City Point
wc limn that uiiu-u il quit t prevailed along our
Hues on .Sutnnlay. Private C. II. Xewliij, com
puny II, Necoiid Iinliann Yoluntuurs, wus shot
for ikseition on M.tturday.
Mtt i tiienli ol ltfi-kiitfi-ltiiiiiii.rsi.
N'i.h Yoiik, () toiler 17. The bloeka ln-ruuiicr
.Si.oooi'i ariiieil at ll.ivana on tlio PJ h Instant,
fioni Gaivc'ton, with .'CO b ile, of cotton.
The Jusir sailed for Galveston on the 11 tb.
'1 b,' niMKcts in Havana were dull.
lilt. J'l V.NSl I.VAM V I. I.I.I HON.
I ahov, October 17. The olll. i il vote of
l ueii e county fhows a Deinociatie ni ij trity of
PVI, a l ulnii gam of IS')!.
i ii i: siiiio l i l l l iiiv.
Civoisnati, October 17. The returns from
h vi i 'ty. three counties in Ohio jjite a Union
Ull .ioiit) of ,i7,-S-i.
. i
-I i OMi I M Al l:V 1 ' I VIMoN o l!N. Colli I.I 's.
11 1 A i.o i a li 1 1 11s Ml i 'I'M: Mill imiv Di vi. -ltis,
Ot tobtr 1-'. t-nee the 1st of October this d'Vl-
inn In s b on eii'i'.t,cd in destroying propeity iu
tl.e l.iiruy va'.Iey, In accordance with Ucneial
Gnii.t's i u!cr. It captuied three thousand head
of rut :1c und slurp, destroyed a number of mills,
aa quiiiitity of wheat, hue, o.its, aud
com, and .so.),oo0 worth of leather.
Threo hundred men irom this divisioa madi! A lo the Rapldati, destroying the railioad
bridjie over ha d fit cr aud captuiiuja uuuibor
of pi. soia l's.
The bod " or twenty saven ol our tain were
found near MtiaiGp,suppo-l to hive be jo
mil ru ered.
The I'lvi.-ion is tiow ensued in a very Imp'irt
init uiovcmeiit, which will no doubt develop it-elf
to ti c public in a lew tiaye, and with a jra-.iiyinj
i emit.
Cstita n C. VV. Lee, Provost-Marshal of Oeaetai
Custer' Div it-iou, an oibeial rep n t as tol
lowsol the l apturesoysaiddivis.on ia thu action
ot the 9th : One hundred aud six prisoners of
war six piiveeof art.llory, tivecaissous complete,
twelve aimy wa,ou.s containing ordnan-e aud
ordiiauio stoies, two spnug g us "lateiy"
beloiifing respectivo f to the lidiurteri of
Oiucfuls Huinir aud Lonux, fourteen ambu
ianr.s, loitv-seveu horses, forty-om sets of
artilkiy Uarae:s, forty-olght mules, audhaiacu
for thfid.
One uiedkih its n, hclng tn ne captured
fiomGenetalV.lsOaatr.oams station.
Two wagons wuijuuing aminunitien, aud two
auibulanus, burneJ ; twa caissoni bunio.1.
I Ittv.siii thousand rounds of baarp aai usual,
tion, a'ud several boes ol arms.
Desks, and private and ottiaal book and paper
from Umax' and Boeser'e head jnartsrs, con
lidnmg an order of October 6, lot assigning
Geneial Rosser to the commaad of T&t Lee'
Division, aadtb following order:
BaaiMHiAitiis.'- toMAB's Cav a i.m Bi, Ail-rust .
llvrvJ.-lUl'lJ)vvavl I liaavlvM ''ilw
' i'i. ,'-ti-i.
i i'i.)
1 li ni tt. . iOi t. ii.o.iirr i''r!
I. 1 . iio cf .lun- . f or i-oilr w,-'.n Iheeent 'rt ie
0 '. ..Iii-I . . Ii...' iiiirl.-t ..sts'D, i. - .pt'ir. I, r l.-.
anil. .ml WAum .r ,1 lurtn 4 ov.i lo ttiv f. ll . 1 1 1 I t-
1 . 1 1 . 11 -1 ii .1 :. " h . li
' t .. ' " .'i.t ' 1 h r"l; l i-V it'll In 'll . tl . n
t " . . in 1 wl .n v.. 1 1 ni.ii nlinc.f i'lfil-tif.-twr r,
v Ith : In . r. 1 I ,n . I !' 1 111. 1 . 1 lt,r 1 ts 1, yii
1 i.i' ..' t, -.It.' tne . n- lit , 'Art. .111 1, tu Uir l't if mI.
II. ,s.''al) A., r . t. IO" H . Ill' 4 'I " I.OfriO.
i'..u 1 I . II 0. I , SilltiK A liM'sn'.-tl.ll r.l.
The priprivr r d ti In the u'i ire R. bel
0 d.i i- euiii n ii i nil1 (' r's po- s-lou.
I HOI 1,H1 v to. .11 11 hi 11.
Anr."C the nrt.eles p-npertT r . ipt ire l nr-
t', f .lion. IU' 'I -I O of the pic 'es ot an.l l"l V C 1;)
tin il f . .111 I Wll on nt lliims' stitot;
ttriietal 'llol,'s tivereoat, tien.ral Ch'ipiit''
lalise und ovi r -C' I, lien. Wilson's brad ,n irters
w- 'gen and pud ine agon, nn I scv.-ril arm
un- .ts ; a cue In whirh ten. Coster had oa h
ki ic i c pi turc of Ins w le, en I which the s 1.11
I111I pre.-, nt. il to tie 11. Caster on the oe 'a-lon ot
tl'.'ir iiiMiruig". or soon atti-r; me commission ft
Man 11 den. ral Drew, t in iron C ivalry, lo.t
1 iii'i,K lie KI pn'rlek li ih; at llii. klati I's'Mil s,
11 t.ii ei lo- k ng gltias and a inn piekot hanliur
t hil t-, l oth ti,,. t periy of 1' i'O't"! Pen uug o
I ni ed Ni lis Army tho bit '.or w tli Hood C 1I0
i:i I T. 'I'. Mnniforil's u imp ou then 111 1 a iu 'Ss
cti. st "l iii Iv " n-ed by C'cncia! Wi kiian, tbo
p'oj'.Tty 01 (.1 n. ra Custer.
iiiinht i.-nv rmr.
In lool inp our the capture 1 t ne-ra and pro.
peit) generally we lie I tpi t an us'. n-iv.i c ir-
I I spoiiil. n. e nt llvnrv Cl.iv P.u-o (1' ilou-l 5: b
K bid V iiguiia ( .iva ry ), of K ins is n, as
a ii inler incian, and u p iril.i ioof Colj.i.d V. S.
Mill fitil. 1 nut ui 111 11 g bis priv i'o orresp inl'il''.e,
'ic In sue . f h tlet s from ileai y A. Wi-e, ( i.iveruor
Let. In r, (ifiii'ial Hotter: K. ly c, lloverly I'ueker,
and other well knosin pcronug. s. Here it 111 iv
ic well to note that Colonel Muiiifonl "lost
hi ai )." ( Paic just be. 11 pr.;oi.U'i with one of
Ms .i 1 kct h iinlkereh efs, which, Iit the war,
Hid 10 very well for po itj soj.ely if it wero
nut nuite so "rough."
The fnllo.vir;; is lhe ntVici. l list of wnund 'd in
the ,iil ( '.ivalrv Iln i-i .n, 1 leto'ier 0 and 10, l'!l :
JdiilO. Di'ils, II, .1.1 New lers-y, seal,).
Jot: n Thomas, A, H'b I'. n'i 1., b n-k, sever"')-.
Tli'in ns M1111-011, C, II I New jer-i y, chin.
Coo. Davis, L'd C. fi. Art , shell wound of right
tbih, atiii'Ul.i i 'l.
A milt Ia lit, II, 2.1 T.T. S. Art., shell wound of
In tb leps.
John I'lriek. f .Id New Jersey, luclr
M'in. P. Hngl es, ( IHih !, tiielc.
M m. S.iyii-, c, IS'b Pa. 1 sa'ire noni'.d of he id.
The following explain itself:
lit- Mni a:, ifi;s l'ii4i.i:i f'oiifs, Minnie
In. im.'S, 11 Mlit'r II, Im.i - I i tl'lner n: i; .vnlrv ilnsir "
t ' . .1:11 r id n:e li e oitl '. r. and 10011 .if lhe rsv.ilre ot l 10
M.ii.lle .Vl1.1l.1t1 I'I' i-Mll I' r t'l Ir;. rit .-.I si, -,
1 In. .' iln- In- -,, nins .-i" 1., tun. I' il,;il III lite iil- y .11 lie
hn.fjinl.i tl..
1 1' j ! in .' I".1' 11 1 t 'lei! up in t-i rri'liiro nt my itriva'i uis
lot lirt i sliiji. m -t I li- l..t V n.-iii I. .1 le iv,' n i'i.i h -rilo
10-til i 'i.' m. 1 .'. . it-ary Ii. In.tiri' In ..ii 1 1t c lielur.i'S ivnli-lt
1' oe in nei. imir ell ii".
In i'i- Inul,' il lit' ll'lti uf S;itniiiti.-r, jen nut
lent' il III.- .tl.'lnvs r.v.l try, bill 1 illiinl I y I'ltn-.'i'd I'l.'ir
i.n.ii.try, lir.ike linen nuti isieiir.-l iiiniv li.ioar.'tl
J.ti. hi. i i, till!. '.lMr4, ftll.l ii nuns. Pie. Sill ' 'H, lot
I-... I 'iy fiiiu'tilitrf innr. -tti's a:nt tinmssl. nlriins.
ritel fi' i lino sail i-s Willi an i-l.T Visll.tlt l.te, s nt
niism ! in mm' tiiiire.' .it'm.'i nehiiaiee'itN i ilt.'-.iii
ul H.I..I,, r. 1. hen, li.ivtmi lir.-ki'ti lilt) fii.lrv It t.ljr ol It, ih
r.i. .illy. . un .h Sill lltvlr nml'-.l columns u, er tvv.niiv
liillm, euin .iring .leien nl.'C.-s ot a. itH.-ry. Itsi t nnl.trt.,
I.. mi) n .s'titeis, ami Oi-'lr I'litni! trsut, m ti'ri. -orit wlile't,
to II i' lilt sains it' I led, hns i'' a lli'lt I., tl.o ro .tnvu
i.i our nun- .ml ilic -uc-.'-s of nttr e.ntsu.
Hi .' I ..f llr.'v"l Miiinr-ll-ii.-ril TOR IKT.
Wiiiiam Hi s-i-i i , J.- , Usixr asl Assistant A.ljnl int
I. I'M i si.
R iati! or Tui KUOMKum To-dat. Hix A. M.,
Hi. Nik.ii, it). One P.M., 61. Wind, N. .V.
PiUiihn Poihkra. Richard Taroton was nr
ri sled at tho depot, Uroid and Prime streets, last
liipht, upon the charge of pieliing po iky s. Hj
was In the trnlii coming np from I! iHI noro, and,
whin mar llavre-dc-Graco, picked the p ickut of
ilu ot the ps-seug. rs of a wati:h. Ho was
iiiriasled Vsith bis hand in the'passengor's p tcket.
He was conliind in the b tggagn-cir until the
in rival of tho tram in Plii-atluipliia, when ho was
handed over to an olliecr. This morning ho Was
sent buck to II ivic-do-Orace for trial.
I'lisha Foley, an Inmate of tho Cuyler hospital,
at O. rni.inliovii, was m rested on .s.iindiv upm
tho charge of robliiug his Ibllo-v-sol.lieri of
nnmi y. 1 he soldiers of this hospital h ivo, within
i lie lust few un nibs been robbed of three or f i ir
tliouscnd dollars. (Suspicion policed to l-'oley,
who wus in rested, anil, upon being sc irehed. a
large mum of money, together wiih several kn vo ,
tl.e ptoperty of sotuc lit tho soldiers, w is round
on his pirson. lie was commit'ed for In il. WtsioNM. This morning Junes
F.rny, a New Yorker, was before Alderman Jones,
cliargul wiih caiiying c .ncealcd deadly weap ins
He was iirre-ted at l'.leveiith aiul M irkot streots
last, very uincb iiitoxlcn'ed, having In his
pit-session a heavi'y lovl'd revolver, lie bid
in.-, luiim d two loads in the s'.n ct, a 1.1 w is about
lb inn oil the others when urrentod. He was scut
John Wells was arrested npon a similar charge
at Front uml Spruce streets. Ho was committed
10 answer by Alderman Welding. Tho pra-ties
ol t inlying coneenled deadly weapons it not only
ihingiioiis, bnt Is most cowardly.
Pol t i ic ii.. A iin etingof the fri ndsof !hi
Kali mil I'nion party was hold on Saturday
nijilit, a: Conceit Hall. Speeches wero imi by
l i.t. 11. Contes, 1'.. II. L'niao, aud I too. W.
.Ii bust' il.
'lhe First Ilatta'ion Union Club bil l a l.irgo
incelli g on Sa'urtl y niitb', at which there wore
nu ny sidilii i s and sailors i res' nt. Sever il in
teii s it g addreii-'es were tieliveied, nud the
greatest t iiibiisinsin prevailed iu view of tho
gient I'liioii victories lately achieved In thi-and
other (Utiles. At the clo-e ol (be adiiressos u
series ol resolutions were adopted.
l)n. Jaini.'s Haih Tonic, eh g.intly perfuruod,
can be had in white Hint alasi lnittles, with gl :s.
s'.oppeis, snitiililc for tiio toilet table or dres dug
l.tirniii. The iim'l'les of this t olebr.Vetl prepiri
tH'iiiiro 'O mil known as to scir 'elv re pi'ro
11 u ii i it hi ; but we will say, If yoir h ad Is I) Id or
partially so ; If your hn r is b ir-b rind dry, tailing
nil in tinning giey, or If your head is cot -red
with iliiiii riitl, hctiif, or skin dl-e.iscs, J.iyne's
liair Toiiie is the uriie e to remedv ihese evil-;
ii. il to prove il, you hive only to -' ao it t ri tl .
Pn .:iicd by Dr.'l). J lytic fv Son, N i. 'Jli Ches
Mit t-trci.
lini.i.i n An in-titit ion located at Ta'Cilty-
thiid and 1-lington lane, liniitn ss the "Soldier's
llii) py Home," which wus visited by the police a
si nit time sin, e, and a number of disorderly men
und women taken Into eutody, was ro'tih'd on
S.itiiiihiy night An entrance was cli icted by
I: l.ii.': the ci.i.-soutof tlit window, mid rinsing
the -ii-h. The thieves i sri icd oil' a1) up tout teen
gnlloiis ol whisky, tea of iggs, porter,
minimi water, beef, and potatoes.
I.Ai-i i:n v. Michuol l.cufy was arrested a
'linili aud Thompson streets on Saturday night,
clt:ii(,i'd with the lai cei.y of a policeman's badge.
Ou election day Leafy had n scullle with an
olhier, dining whiih the luttor lost his bidge.
It was found in tho possession of tho accused,
who hud retained it ever since, and was exhibit
ing it among his lueuui a- a tiopuy. Luii'y was
lolil to ai.nWU'.
New Bankino IIoisk, The l'ii-t National
Ilaali of this city have had the row of stores
situated in Fiaiikiia Place, above Che.-nui street,
ri moted, and intend erecting in their p ace tiio.r
new iiiiuU.n,' house. The entrance will be on
Cliisnut sneet, and the front rooms will be usoi
as oilicis. The liaali at preson; occ.t:t'.c the old
St. Louis hotel.
Citv Moit'ivLiiv. The v. hols nutu ier of
deaths reported at the oltko of th'l ld.os.rd of
Health last weok was of wUicli wera
natives of the United Stated, 42 foreign, la un
known, 6 (rom the Almsaousa, V!;; p.iop.o of color,
and '-'0 from the country. The deaths aud inter
ments ot soldiers amounted to 11.
Union Lkaocb IUi.r. Wayne McVeagh,
F.sri., the distinguished Tewylvania orator, and
Chairman of the Union Club of West Chester,
will tpeak to-night at Concert Hall. An able
address may be expected.
Daov.Mii) Soldieh. The body of TUoma
Matruire, a member of the 7'2d Ue jiinout, was
found drawtiL'd yesterday in the Delaware- at
Washington street wharf. The ducene-d was a
resldrut of this city.
ANtvtSAnv. The Twenty-urst Anniierjarjr
of the Howard Sunday Schocl, at Fourth and
Skippcn streets, took place yesurrdav. Tue
number ot scholars at present Is about 009.
Bi does Dkatw. A lady named Mary Sharp
died yesterda-r, while sitting in an arm-chair, at
her late residence, boventh sad Federal streets.
Lyle, the present Chief Kngineer of the Fire Do-
I'VliBtJot, bM bee ooaiaiv4 (( ro-iicotict.
ief" 01- ' I'. ri' Iiuet, '.f I f
I o ' l.i in .1 I 1 110 I r ., I...
I'.''' r. I'isi,-1 nun g-vinf tt'9 nunc of
John M'lirai tine h rorn A'll.rni-i Fii' i on
B iturdsy, cb tfg.'d w in tuirplary und lar, euy nt
lhe dwelling i f Mr. T. I! f'ugh, .n tin tht of
Januiry 4, D'.S. At thi- t in-', tue ac,ns,lw,,
eoaonii I'd t.r te lie- T.1-". Pcfoie A detnTin
Thompson, about the same tl'iiu, ibe ate.iseil wa.
ilifui4 ith burglary, said t have :. pel oe.
trili d i n the ni.' ti ' rf the 2 I of J uimti-y. Oil this
eh. nee ke sdinl ted to bail. In conmt
nienl if'tseil by Keco'dtir Fuci was"io-t, in si ild
or sin en," and tlic pro n r ni I lu :ii c-.ap :.
(hi last fuinliiy work the a cn-ed hud i b tiring
le'o e Alileriniiii Delt'er lip m aouu t t'lmg
i ba'co, an I wus -ei l to pr -on. De:e live Ue rgc
( all.iiiau t'-'ieg iuto-im d nf M irrav's e i ii ii.i
tiii in, t ism d the j in on S itn' lay, and on t n er
ing ti e re'l w here the prisoner i as loiilliie l, nt
oi.. c i.ieniiitfd taint is the -:.iie p-rson who b i-l
be. u a li ste t tor the r. l l.'iy of l-. Pus'i. C.i.
liuia't bail 'be pri-'it. r .iaiu t.eiitro the lli t'irder,
tiirl the e .i-e w .ui fully liiv.Mii itn.l. Tuu i'iu
brut .-r to whotia ibe uni.r otiTe 1 to pawn the
watch s'nlen from .dr. Pu: h fnliy i l. niiiied tli
acensed iu the most posit. ve lim.mcr. M array
w is ' otiiuiiued to nn-wcr at tho present tci iu of
the C ' Uit.
A Doirit.K Cn ih e. This morning, Imlsn
11 Sim s, resiling nt No. I, ut street, ws
el .lig'd 1 fntc Alderman Jones with larceny.
It serins lliiil the n cased haj about twenty-twi
do'lars In money stolen from her, which alio
a cuo d her laiidl idv, Sar ih l.e v.s, of taking,
lu nnbr to "cut sipiare," she took several
Ires-es fretn Sfirah, unit Iho laucr aeortliiig.y
pnli rrula charge of larcenf. A, the hearing
ibis inornicg, the mother of l.nulsi m ule her
npl eai-.'iiee, and accused S irub of being the pro
u U tress of a disordi riy house, and with having
Inu bored her daiml.ler. 'I he Alderman ai-tsird-incly
held With to answer n' rourt Sirali in
stpiiio bad for keeping a bawdy house, and Louise
In fcfiOO biil to nnswir the chirr,.- of lareouy.
The lait. r Is a ia:r-looki:ig nissof only seventeen
Ilhi 1AI, Mi Rncii On Friday night last, nn
Irblinan by birth, an employee of the Camden
und A in boy Railroad Company, murdered his
wife by beating her about the head Iu tho most
horrible manner, lhe a'lalr occurred at Deep
(ut Ml ni ton , some, three nrlcs above C luilt u.
The murderer was imnie liu'ely nrre ''ud, and an
Investigation was held by the Coioncr. The caso
coiues oil bcfoie theraud jury of Camden ty-day.
To Pi'nriiAsiiCioTHiNo at Low riucis,uiko
n si-li Hi n . ur -in-'li oi Hi ci ms in'-n's Wi
it ..llllll- S'hhIi e.tilrtl 11 '.... fl, n..ilatil .n4ej,if,
I rum '.'.'. In ) . .' n:. n-. r limn 1 11 tw i-liarp 1 tho
t in r f -ol i.-'lp In .It ttn'.ioo si. -s, sio-s. .'id
l-rirep .if i.' iliiiij M .'it s. 1 e.iili , ana Hot. AUoaudu
stilt. tl di'loi . r lri'U'',e.
II. .111 T A- I '.,
Tower II..11, Vo. .!. tliiikel s,,.,..
f.i.s no mi n's II ti s. All tl.e l itest styles at
( Inn Us C'sli 'nrtl 4 Sen s, t'eir iu ntul H.e.l.
Wisi nw s'i tiii.s. Patten's Wind nv Sha lc,
I urt.itn, ni it t'il'i'll. rj sti r Vy. IIS Jt. Hunt suet t.
Fai l Ci oiiitvo.
t l.ilbii'ir lo S"rt tl.f r.ll nf th V.-.r.
I I 'It. ll.S It' .Hit ll.Q I'l l nl'i i.'d.
I I' ll.l' s In .nil ill" f. I ef lu I.".
. l.e t. its In kiitl in.' t.i 1 .if til in tl,
I 1.1 I :li.' I" .till ' tl' IB'1 O! III 'I II. mil.
...ttlllli.- t'l tnil 'lie Ittll ..I II. ti ilr.
I l.eliini.- Ii s ill I i t ill nl .'n'trl. .'im.
t'lethnie Ir. ni-.It l.tlloi rl... of auvlHid.-. ut Oi.srles
Httl..). A C'o.'s lue I'iko, r Lit.- U.iiilllie in al.
I.AiMMN' FbiiH. Aii elegant iissortmcnt nt
t'l .noes Oukforil A, t-.m s,it'i,i'iii--nal 11 ,ti-l.
Ikon II tf lis I E t IIS, AND Clllttl' IIllsK, Htll,
i.t Mn- Msitr. s-, W. Il .:i v I'atieii's, No. 1 I ts
I'tiusnui strost.
"A Few Moiik Plain Piers." More of the
Mtir. ii "tt Aiaeliin. s are n.ti In lee llisn a:l oilier sewiin,'
tin;. Mnfts .'.ithtiliiMtt ; .rsi,':ini ure not snl.l ti a j ear: fill II
are nnt lu us i in I'lill iittiiii'il.i. Hut ltn.'ru nm i-iioua-Ii lu
lit to e.l.i' I's siiitei'iurlli ull olh.T fnnltr
ma. limes, ....I h'uin lor It a vt tnt-nit. win) riviirll:
... li e t.'n. .oi ot si. vin ,tl-l)tti.s. ,Vn ttt'it i-iiMi 'ilno
I'.tvor. -o liiru.' a rsnvo ot work as tl-o t lomtorf. Inn
-ules nl in.' El'irrof" dm. its I tie l.r-t yar I, i . e uoon to ire
tli.ii dnitlili' mo t any .tt'i-T sen his lua' hi io il.r a like
l,t mo, sl.o.i nip thai a d's. rluthiH'1114 jt'ii.tir . .n iimltl.i
ul'p.t i i.iie tic it.l. nntus. s nl' lhe 1 i.ire.ii-ri ni ?r .ill o:Srs.
hull liisirui'tloiis ulvcii n Itltotll clnirye, wln-ihiT yntl wlsti
lo inir.-huse ..r H wfv ni:u:li'iie I ti eive
.'iiilr.- suiim.i'ilini, or lit.-1111111.9 teliirii.'d. Ol.l1 it? la.Iy, lili or m II-.nil nn.ciiiiu-s, tt n to anr inn ill'
Hih t-lty, ltv Dip iluv ..r .v.-cl,. I'.ll or send o ir n: iters to
Iln' Kino uoe Sl-uliiK Maol.lne l'S)uiuiil, So. i.J0 Ci..-,uiit
l.Aini a ami Ci'it.niii n'h li tis. I.ttteit stylo
al I 'liurli-s Oiu uml A.'s, l o'ltinoiital Uoiel.
WiNl'iiw Siiuii:m, Ci'Iithns, linmtNO, An
i'i hoi.u-r). ul W. Henry I'.il. 'tn. o. lliu I'ni'iitul
in 1 1.
Piioroi. ha ens of fine styles aud superior exe-
. ill,. .n. H. I . It' Intel A It r -Ite I'i.- loct' ii" In i' i e l.r.s,
1 1 "I. VI I ", .-tl.d t.'ilt'li-fc itc Vi.llfl. He iljtcsltB .' I. uis.le ut
N.t. ell l Arch siret'l.
Pi lu iiASEiis mav rely upon g"fitt'r tho best
I in i. nt Caurle. Ouster dll s. n ., coin on ) ... ll.n.-l.
Cim miiin's Ci.oriiiKo.
tm init'l'l.tiblne.
Hoi it' OvertM-MSs.
'I tie l.r.e-t and lu st a-sort-nrnl In IVi. ' Isv.
,M , Siioi.MAHi a Al Co., No. -I N. lj,:. htt, alro-t.
Thv. Oit. Frve.ii. We do not wonder (hit onr
efipit ills'- .re llfi nnilPK t. 010.11' On till- Stlltirol of "I "
TnlH ur. a' n.llie nf nrulili U )i'tlnllit til'sncy. I h 'ltnAt
It. -I tlnni; to IU '! 1-' tt In pur -li isll a'l y.t ir
I'. .1 a: tin-is'i'.ilar yard of W. W Atir, S'-.U .; V Ninth
.Hurt, luu will tuve ui.iney and sot tu. b.-sl atilil..
LKWAI. I.VTI l.l.Hlf.'NiT-
Distiiii t Cm mi Judge Shnrsivood. William
cby vs. John C Gross. An ation ou book
acioiiiit, to recover for goods sold and delivered,
lhe i.elin-c set up that the aeeount was barred
by the statute of limitations. On ti i il.
Disiuii T Coi iir .liidgo Haro. Smith v.
I nllerty. llefore rciorled. Verdict for plaiutilf
illiiuu Tin aup on vs. Isaac Morris, F.xccutor
of Joseph P. Monis. An a -tion on u promissory
in-Ill. -No diffuse. Yerd et lor p'aiiililf sIho ii.",.
Ji hn SiiK tlitir-l vs. 11 11 i iinoi Jaiuicson. Aa
iietlin ou it promissory note. Dulcn-e that the
l.nle tins a forgery. On trial.
CoriiT op Com HON Pi. has Judge Alllsou
llf l it i in in G. Hill vs. W.tllu.:.- I.iipine nt. An
in "ion to ic over for work and labor. On trial.
Atkinson vs. Fisher. Action ti recover for
damage to plaintiff's horse. J.idb'.uent tor
plaintiff, !").
Ferguson vs. Scott. Judgment f if plain-ill', io.
l',.rki r vs. (iod tt. Jii.lguieuf it:lii uied.
Gnlbich vs. Miller. Jiidgmeiit ullii me I.
Gotbecb vs. Mulluillnud. Judgment iitlirmed.
It. er vs. Kimes. Judjmeut iiiiirmed.
Id tho OctiiTrii Skssions the ciir.sitl business
in. i.iiug canicd on lids luorniug. Thoic was
nothing ut apc.ial iiitcn -l.
in aiiii rm in ni-. nitui:r.
MoNii.tT.Oct. 17. The Ca'.tlo Market Is rather
lin'ie tielli e, but prii-i-s rt lliAhi iln. t..Di') a. hilt
mol d, lit laie riii iiilnS sate, nl -.n 1:', d ill, fur
I' .ira IV ist -)li aula .nil tt'e-t. Till II .' pa. ernlt Or lair
In ;i-nd 1 and 10" PI cents ni oui.iitt.ili . ns to .ii titty.
'1 hi 1' I 11111111; are ill? piirtl -uliit I. nt I'n la'.-i
us. Man ii, Puller A ('., tvinte n H s.
tu I in si. .1ln.itil.ei u, Vl e .10 'It, 1 " 1 '.
1 il JI ol.. IS nl'li. Il'ilj. 11 i I' 'ti.
)io t in. n a i o. i hfl-ter co .itiv, II ' ' h'V
t... K.Mi-l 1 It n, l in li'-r i .nn ly, 1 1 ic
1: . ,l.iu-s .M.-l il.en. i et-rn. 1 1 ' I...
..a A I- ly, tt e.l.ln. I.'m' 14
l-.t 1. .M' I ii!ii, t rsiitii and i ni'-ier c-nnty, l""-t'i.
1-sl 1. 11 I i.iw.y, t'. -i. i n and l I1--0 I'e.elll v, I I J Ii.
Iln I on ct M lilt, Wi-.tiTii U'nl I'licitl'.'i' C'liuy, loil.
..: Ii. O. I'.ulilwln. i.iiobior eottuty. L uilll.
lO J t. Ill mi -on, I 'In.-let v'.i ml ? I'i i 11 .
fill l Y 'I , . demand l -.neid.und liiliss aif w.O.t nis' II
l.i 11. d : abnltt le ml art 110 ) and sold tin. o--ll .1 11 iul
iv s :, e. 1.11 evil., and lnt 7-..c. l il 1 onittioil In 1111'.
I'uH T'li-rt' U 110 ci.tuise l' a .11 :0 ; si-out Psi UMdl ild
nl SJUIOior .'jriu'ii.'is, and j 1. pir nvaa lor 1 dw aud
lint;.- lhirt's ronisiu ahoitt the s.-inte at tut itlit-J ;
I 110 t.i-n I ai-iPe I and sold ut irnui ' Iks' ue uouildl,
l,t;t, ai U uiiAlily.
Moxdav. October 17. In Breadstuff) there is
mw aci.i ily, aiul, uuder th liuliieacs of tlio uinvard
luotruient hi S"'.J ad exi liuiuo, bolJors lis di-iauiilaf
an aiiaiui) of LcVt-'l. '1 he sulei naU TIMbWi.,
tui lu.lins 1iOI'jU Ohio eatiu launly at Hl-.'i ib:il.,ani
ilVJ b')U. W. B.'lh'Huat' and Bo liloue, oa terms ksft
scen t. "In lulei t un roUlleri aodbuA.n taka awlds
iauio,aaytrin3,Sforsiiinliis ui) to UK seier fast t
Ion. as in niislity. Rye Klnur li acarcei a fM'iU tall 1 at .
Iheei.. .lull Iniiulrylor Wheat, an prieei ar.&o.r;
bu.h b!shr. a. 01 Soon tui.ti. V.frtltlS'f
at ), and win.- Ktntiicky wlui. , at . '-7if "
Il llfur lor av.ry itiolee lot. Hmll "'"f
SI iT orn I. ia lair r.-iui-.t. an .uO.-i 'fiX I' ilia
aoldll-n. Oalf srs uuiSani;tsl. Msl uss. nua.atra
ao'd si Mi . I" Uuj1 aa M-ll uelttin diSu,.
1 .m n I-di t
Iiark u .uaJi. widwki.d.0. i g-isrouro
V.r award nioi em.nt recorded I. Kava le.ora. for
Ohio tiurrei. al ?
Tha amount of flour and grain In store at
C'hita on baturday, October l.Vtoi, wa
Flour, bid Jt'iMM
vt keal. bu.hels bHi.lCvS 735,721
cJluV.. nl,"2d -Kia.470
6n,Wl7 619,2e
II alley 2.61S 109.8P-4
iiy,.,, liO.lU iiflii
Orrvt or T r.mwnn Ttn ra., llclosw 17. (
The Goi 1 rxcltement still ra-es, and all c'anae
fire riishli g into the maelstrom. Not alone the
bullion hn ker, fpicn'ruive sceessionlsta.and poll-" '
tlciaiis, bnt many merchants and tradeainon,
who have Ia?i n canght with largo s-)ckJ of mer- .1
cl.anibso, are assisting the riae by purchases of '
thepnilnis metal. Well, the end U at hand. .
We shall wvtnfs shortly hosts of rained men,
whose Infatuation has tempted them to forget
tl.eir love or country and of mankind. We hi-IJ
nut be n ry lor it ; but It Is melancholy to reflect
that the renf u'mirr will e.-ape, for the abrewd
men who orlglnntid this rise by getting up a '
act.ri', have nif-iicity enough t.i get out before th
ttiuiblc enmcf. In fact, many of them aold out
in New York on Saturday at ID, and Ibe Data
who have followed In their tvike are left to eu- -.
tuiii tho mnrkoias t,t they may. There will be
a aimoilic etlort to do doubt, bat the
tii t Hash over the wires of a Unlin Y'.ctory will .!
in..ugurattt a panic which will bring ruin and -'
disa-ter to these speculators, In an henr's time.
The Stock Market is dull bnt steady thi '
morning, with the exception of Oil ahares, which
nit more active and on the advance.
Government bonds c mtlnne firm, and price '
arc rather better, with (ales of th'iOt at 102, con
pons ell, and 0 of 1SS1 at ldotj'10 "j.
In liuilroad share the transactions are limited,' .
but prices ure without any material change. (
Reading sold at 6i, which it a slight dooJIue; ,
Lehigh Valley railroad at 7"J i Catawlsa pre
fined at :W; ITiiladelphia und Frie ataWSIj
and Caimlon and Atub.-y at l.W. f.f wa bid
for Pcnns) lvaida railroad j lo for Little Slhoyl- '
kill SS for Philadelphia and Ocrmantowa ; J "
fi Mmehilli 32 for North Pennsylvania; and '
ltt.J for Catnwissa common.
1 hero Is more activity to no'.leo in Coal Oil 1
si-fires, and prices arc better, with talei of Irving i
nt 7i!("7A; Dalell nt 9JalO, which i AH d i
vanre, and Dciismorc at "J, which 1 alo batter t-?
C-j was bid lor Oil Creek, an advance ol 4. i r.
City Passer.gcr Railroad (lock cootlnae very ,
dull, and wo hear of no ( ties. CO was bid for ,
Pcccnd and Third, lb for Arch Snoot, and 3C for
Clrurd College. "
Ciituil fluiros arc also dull, and rathor dower. .
20 was bid lor Schuylkill Navigation commoa,
;ii;; for preferred ; 7 f r Lehigh navigation; V7
tor Mums Canal common; and 16 for Sas jae-
buuiia Canal. :
Hunk shares arc llrmly held, but there I lll'.le -,
nr nothing doing. I l.i was bid for Philadelphia;'
(IU for Farmers and Mechanics'; faH for Com-
mcrciul ; 21' lor Mechanics'; and 4o for loion. :(
(iold Is more nctivo, but prices are unsettled; .
Ojsning at 210, ndvam-cd and sold at 221. ( at II 3
o'clock ; 22-: 5 ut 12; fell utTand sold at 21j at 12.
rilll.Aliia.l'lllA STOCK l.VCILAJilifc, MAjJCa, OCT. 17. 1
Ke-joned Oy C larl-oa A Co., llrckeis. H: lit a. TUrd It.
leu sit Pi trCenlro..,c :', si' nil Ktrtort Oil Vi i
::.m sli K" -I .lU'.iln:.. ! l n nil ?re.'S e
iniuti Itiuiilii'j It.... Hi i tun U amry farm....
li-O.h a. e Oi , loi sli L) la.dl oil ... ft,
Kni.ii do si'-, lOo sli I'nion ret 9ol ' uo. ..Ic-diiiii nr..
7M U S-Jt'l PU Urn .h Irwin OU 7
Hi.i ik lli." t'sis.1 do M 1
l m( ID ti, oier 70. tr.1; j si sh Daii.ll oil. . . .
sa il ilo us . inn -in do MO J
f .On U. H. lis, '81 1" "!-; itf.ii sh neinmow
.sno do c llsl
IIMI .11 KO..I10. K..B1A- .1
s.IlllC.ilil. A 11- s.l lot
i; sh bo'!l,-Ii Vallfy.. T7' .
f .i., ti.' I.lan l I lm aii I .nutui'iaof Wi as
01 I
4i IV.l't.e-ter Jt.7..1Vi , ll.lslil'liilAttl.UO it 1,
en -ii tviishrii. tins f jnv-s UJSi
ll Ah I ulma l oal.... sV lot! All Ills Moilut S
Qu.itiitli.iis nf Gold at the Philadelphia Gold
lCxcliunie, No. ') I S. Third street, second lory :
HA A. M 21'-' 12 M., 222J
14 A. M 2211 1 P. M 2it
Maiket weak.
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal OU
stocks ut 1 o'clock tn-tlay :
if "i a. . tu Jtlk.
rmton Coal tnvanle On ., H
His Motiinuin Co.l. .. o.'v 1 lanklUt till 1!
. V.Ai MM. Ci'uL.U .. IIooa MnyOll., ., 1, MI.C. at.... f. Irvina O.I 7 j
N. Cli'-lniiulal.l 7 T ' lleitiinnie ,,
Nowrn.-k I I'I llamll.ti: 'f
1 nsler lm , I .tlitineu- s-J
('lininlllotal .'j 1 uj.irtA Oil.. U
lli.llrr Colli 12 II ,l.ui-t-Md 2
In. inn nil I out III'.' '.'I Nittle A -V 11,
Wiiata.a I'I 'llilmard llf la
Atneili-tili Ka.illn.. .. J '., 'hiory I'arm 13 il
rnniiis'iifjiii : iirnitttr ' ,
Heysioiie Inc.... l ,. rh I'eu.tleUQi C'eoirs. 3w a '
f sei lsiorOil I1, 1,',' KKbert a i
bin 'I;. nk It 'I llisjia Island W
taireil i'i .. A..KlMuy Itlvsr.. l' 1
(t'll'r.i 'i'i II ', Cunui 4s7 s7
lisp e t-iiiil.- int.. M 17 lMHia Ailil'JroeS.. 1:H 1 ,
l.s:iin'..ik Oil.... i;'. Hi,, llnlll'roo 43 IS I'i
I oiinsyli unia l'.l.. .. 11 Uertunnlii ,. u
I'.rryllll I 4 I Torn Planter t' !
Mlnenil Oil n V llrisss J w 1 .
Kevstoae Oil 1 ItiiekDU 4l
VenaiiKi. ill ', V: 't rana UK ft
I itli.n retrou-urn. . '.', 'J 1 ..
lieaeon nil Is Hcli. )i iv, f
buneia Oil 1, 1-, Lnuir Eton.nay... ., 1
The export of gold and silver from New
York, fiom January 1 to October 15. am "onls"
to l'i.440,'JOO i
Agaitiit wuno time, loiid i7,Jj-l,0.s)
rct rt to date fl,9fs4,0U0
Tlfe reftirn from lhe Rank of England tor
ti e week ending the 2S;h of Sep.em'ior g voa th
following resuit, when couipaied with the pre
vious week :
liesl f:l,ti'i,IKI IncmaAt.. 1,&iJ
Inl li. itiiiiAtl. T.Ssl.D IniTeUss.. A.S.:i47
Ollitnt. inIIA l.'..Vs :rj . IDs jL'J
linitrini.tntl a iiiiiUs le,7'i7,U'.'. Ntic'taitsa.
itlhir-n tiiilles V i. -UU ASH In r.aA.. . UKiAH
Xol.-s tiiii'inpi.y.-.l S,sil.i,irft lucr.-ass., tsl,7'
Thi amount ol notes in circulation isJl),240ft2.),'
l-c ng n decrearoof i'Ji.H.'O; ami the dock of bul
lion in both depnrtiueuts is ild,12l,12J, showing
a decrease nf i-P,l,HSI, nhen couip nod with tho
pucidiiig return.
1 he New York Tribune this morning say :
"Money is very abundant at 7 per cent., and o
go d deal has been done tit ti per cent. As nany
as lo A. M . large balances were offered about
i be .-It cot. Mercantile pupcr is un changed, and
may be quoted nt 0 for bent and l-;nJl i lor good
bills. The advance in gold h is helped this kind
of into Miiuiit moderately. (Stirling bills remain
ut I nn for gold lot bankers'. MurJiai.t
Statement of the approximate earning of tbo
Muiisita and Cm innali ltsilro.ul Coui;x.ny lor
the nrst Week in October, 1.101 :
1SH4. 1KH.1.
Piis.en an $lii :ll M,s.-i h
li.'S' t s n-7 a.ii 24
Hull, s.r s. nud ti'i-',i.i.i I.I.-.IUI 1,111. oo ...
... tl'.'ini i.) $i.'.A:i27
T'ltnl nu 1 1 I .' sly ear c uitiii tl- lilt,'
.7.."07l 4l"7,SHtW
I'smtte titv Hii'i-.m, Ailett, l'. tikucola. II. A Ada'n. lii.t, li..r.lii.A, htw tirle.iiA. W'.'rsui.n a i'i.
l.l'l. I'. t . tl I, . I. litis, l houiis.ii, 1 unil'U U.,..iji.
I.i ii. Hysil. . Ilerrv, Huit.iid .s. .l.te ei-'no ai l'ii 'C te.
S l.t l . I . Kul. Ill, 1. trior, Hn. tun, Hay Hu ldte. Jl
IS. ) i Mniy l'liiu hei, l'rui,v, Houuin, Tel:s A i .
M. lir sail it li. in. I'.rl U.-t ul, Trier X c'o.
H, l.r fio..w 1 juke, iiL'k', Wu-iiin-ton. ce.
Bshr iinauil.-Vnrloi', Hoau.". J iv. llaley '-.
I'.ar .nr Niii.-ien. .si uckpoiv, ti a.. i.oai DostJl., to t .1-
'"liils J' lVti. Jitnuh . i from hew Loudon, la bal'.ait
to 1) s. sielsoii d: Co. , . , ...
Hi l.r ll.Cioi.oy, lions. ' fwi waihlnsun, ia
hallasl titctil'tiun.
hciirldmnllif.litiooiH'aed, 7 dais fl-oa Boston, 1
l.i' u.t to lluuiutte.l, t ul Itusen A Lijst.uiuii.
ts. nr li. K isumpson. Hiuks, ii day. fro I'ortlaad. with
TiS wiu.,. from Warwick, wl
'ie'fiXIl'f'ilaadJOd.y. from C.laU. w.U, lam.
" ht'ar1 (ilbbs, I day. from Kew Bedford, with
'aJ',?l)Xr. )iui.lOda7srai 8aoo, wldilisadlnn to
VauMisen. li.mson 5 day. fto. Ilattorai
' t'l,' aiu,."! uM5Sta& baliaat
'"sTh'fw.'Vanne.ii.n, uar). ay froas Tort Boyal,
'"bl'sr V! i". T bih tf tliidau, e da1 from Boston, with BriM
Urer8ie..CMh,6 XS flroia Albaay, with m4s
to8ifc"!iiiAH,rniil. Blr, 8 front rMvlnosUiwa.wlth
MitirMsif i i.ik, Uiau.r, ( days from Jiawbaryport,
with mde 10 ueoin. n. .tiio .i.
tv kr A H. Cm, UiBiuiiiu, 6 aays from Qulncy Pouit, U
kallasl locaiHam. .
kaiirMaruoaiiMi. neiiiey, iu aajs iron roruaaa, was
id.e lo K. A. bouder Al 0.
8ekr t. H. Aiwooil, UloU.6darl from Uota, wilt
tacrowoll l olliii.. . ,
a.hrJ.M.ruiuuau,t'ala,7day ftaas BsteB,iakl.
last L rain.ia. , . -
a.SK mm-oa. Small, 11 days froa UiUskoro, wltl.d
. l'. .alke
car joddie, komiu, ivaays irwa i-aua.
Hour am Wirr.n,, t Uyf Cm""-
UL p-alaloJaaAAta Hairall. n.jAa8r-
Uiaiiuer AoAonca. V lid.o, houts ini iJ .
waier.havlas towed la l K L, rr Bv Wt'
Touawanda, lor ,l.lvil ,;'la f",
baAoots Meant, lor b.ulu-t; '"; uuj.j AlunA,
andAni..fot r1-1;" , , ( SerUofS ASvarx"
TUA Wmiavw L,,uut,
ti i1