J I, THE DAILY EVENINfl TELEGnAFH.-PIT7TiAT)ETiPrnA. SATtTRDAT. OOTOBEU 15, u,r" , I ItEPUBUCAH I RFTAH DRV COOrtQ 1 . 1 w or MitM'oJnaM r. W. ToIIm. itirn 'iin-i . iiiitti i i ir ur iv.it.- . .. . k, k. V, ;r r." V' iuticw, idi or IMViNciuira DtlY 000CS. ... , . ' " f itrFrrri.TT, U HrVI On (lni. ftv mm il . . via S U J m twr GOODS. DRY GOODS. NVEE TO KS UNJ'E?.S-'LT) i . ,VK 1,1 " ""null r'TOlrCd Natiohai. tln.l., MAnirrr Btiisi-t I , , A",oH;,t;-;v v.c,05wU'W4-' rne.U. tro,ia.il thai all will p--el frlimi lhn, lo lh Hal moinoi-ili.lv SATURDAY, OCT0ItK.lt 15. 151. emir or the new yoek pee"s3. leading Editorial from Iho New Vork rpTH ThM Morning. orHtmt. NiitHjfijiH pomtiov. From ika rw.,. The rrpc.rt d li li wm circulated josterJuy on jivim autuor.iy in.ii noitio I H I tiron. captured by nwm, Bin; 10 uuvc csiiki.,1 a littlo CDmnntion among t lie polti painl-ler.. in "Wall drift, but is dhi iiuum-iy to IK3 If no. 1 bit town In fortllW nU itnnIy g irri-o ml, ami not being on SIi.t man 8 ancct line r ioiiiir.iinl,-.iik,r, would not bav been attacked lor the .tirn.vao of Intorrupt ing mem, nor would is o, he Imp ,rtant. Tho story rent, d nxm a reported advance of the. muln body of Hood's army nnrrhwurd ; and if it h id any foundation would la f ict 1 taken to in lie ilo Utat men a movement wns la proirres.. Hut wb uu uui iiuin iimi proi.aoic. The Hciiol l)rpnrtinciit whic'u inclu4e O-or pin and Alt.bania, has lcen put uudnr Kairs gara. Jtixt when florid was supcnicdcd we do no Know, out It is not likoly that tlie now com. mandor hs found time to undertake a now cam. PiKH on a Inr; o i ale. If nol, then all Ihe .teiiei opfniii'ina in Northern ffeurifH and Alabama relate to tho Wl'.iris of Wheeler and J'orrCHt to brcHk up the (.llmttnnooa and N iiti illp ra'licad, and Ibe r-oirniiiiir attemmann tho (.Uattanoona and Atli.nt road. Both tuuso tiiuiia unit iiti n mane ana repulsed. . miin hub inTfn unven uacK a tods the Ten UfiaitM,. A PI H tl.n vmrw . v.. o ... . . , T ,-.. ..... ".J nnuii, m;iiiuv uU Ata- toons on the Oth Instant, by a largo force omler ivm ii, iwuiivu in tin: lorai aete u ot tho Iv-fools, jswa tnoao exricuitions were undertaken at tho moment most farora'ilo for their imc-coss, while General Hherman was concentrated nt Atlanta and before he had rlD'acbed any considerable; u" Prulre"n " tnese railw.iy Hnoa. " hen Forrest cro-sed the Tennessee, few troum could be (tot together at llrst to oppose his ad vanco, yet it was lea than it fortnight before he "whirling" back again. So of the It waa arranged for lust in time. Oonoral Shor. man subr-eiim-mltf t,liiri-ir.t.o.i . m u ..i Bated this attack, aud h.td ordered from K.unn ueocrat .,ore with rcinf.ircumeiita." He hlmsolf reached Keneaaw mounUIn so aa to witness the liua ius enemy losing W9 dead and 100) 7 prisoner, so thorough was the defeat that this Kolwl force hiw not since been beard from in any quarter. And In fact, Korroit Wa driven beyouci the TenncBHee river on tho same day, October 6, that this Al ttoona defeat occurred, so that the two main column of the ""'"i10 vuiw eiutuiianeousiy to grlnf. rorreai. n a riten roortxl aguiu this side the rennesaco, and wo now hare the story about Rome. Km muin j .11 ....,. .i , . ; -f-; - uiiiwo 1J1ISCI1ICI is to be Mt the urc tact that fhennan has had abun dant time to meet all such marauders, to got his KiT , ' -'"i"'"- u" 1'irco", ana though it to impr,ll le to guard every single rail on a line or three hundred miles, yet to delend cffuctuallv the points ol importance that were exposed. He , j """run us, in a despatch of the !)th, th .t 1 HVmI filial - i n r. it .. r ... L. I. . . .. back to Bulla and Van Wirt, nd I am watching film IN tmatt hn tmiita in -.1. I - 1 O Vi...7.iT r i KU ""s,on or KJine. iLi? ,tan .?crfe.ctlr WCH.e 10 Ufl' nd "'f y l bettor oil than In camn.' ' e ao not suppose Hood enn, at that time nor since, have moved M- m . -. ... . JJallaa, which is about lorty tulles northwest of Atlnntj. tun i.r I 1 .... -. . .. . , . .-,,,. L too railroad. It seema pretty certain that tho Reltel leaxlor. though retreating first on Jonesboro, drew eradu' f -Lf "TT." ,he Wet" P"'nt a"d t- T. nr u v iuw nno, in order to reed them. His wagons are said to have been in m.l f k i AVal,u and 08 would, thorufurn, -"e"iein w itio north. It waa furtlier leported that the Iron of the West I oint road was being removed for the conitruc Wonof a new road from GnlHn, on tho M cm ..... ... t.iriui, wnicn mignt racllltiitc a movo througk Alabama, but not to Northwestern - . a? " 1 , " eTI"i now lit'le Oeno- ralUbennan feaiod an attack on K'imo, that ho -ttmmotud om that olace tho division which marched to the relief of Alatoon. U is only necesi-ary to wniark, further, tint . , uK-rs.ions in anerman s rear -r n ........i.,.) .... - , " umvHirs oi course. Hood, or Beauregard, whichever commands in the field, cannot adord to lie still and see their armies molt away by desertion, whilo Sherman Is preparing for a new campaign. They lauit try .,iCU ulw lost wunt was their best chauoe of nilschiof, but It need not bo suppo sed tlcywill give up. Attack upon Sher man s rront is tho ono th nir thev am mil e enough to attenipt, but e.very other racans of iiiug nim.nnweveritcuporatc, mav In looked for. Sherman lroks for it, and has laid his plans b'j. " rtiuiui-iiii nun Atianti it was bis first busiue-s to collect magazines of pro vuions, ami ho is supposed t be supplied for a month without another cr-load from tho Worth He has all Centrul Guoigia to forage la. Ue has a Humeri ius nod victorious army, and he has better head for war than llo id and Bunu regard urn! Hragg and Ravis, all together. Thesa childish apprehemious of disaster, which have no hotter excuse than a Rebel lie, and which are fomented by gamblers and traitors in Wall streut, doservo nothing but rebuke aud contempt. THE I.A1H KLKCTIOWS. "ra-n the Tim ft. Tuesday la?t was an evcutfnl day in the his tory of this cor.tii.cnt. A battle was fought thon Whose result shall retch further than those of any engnprnient fought during this war. Tho Dimple larniir, who, in the valleys ot I'enusylva nla and Ohio, or on the prairies of Indiana, do posited a Toto that day, did his part in duciding a contest whose cfiects shall influence all future his tory. When we look down through Ihe vista of coming time, auu thhik what we so narrowly Cecaped, and what wo probably gained on that day, the miud Is amar.id at tha immense results dciBiltnt on trivial humsn actions. Through the tanner's Union vote so quietly glv. u on th. t Tuesday , we beho'd tho principles of UoustituiioLul Government ruiu't'tted over Oils coiitiiiim ; the right of the majority to rule asbcru-d for all ci.inii.g time i the po.ver of a b isu aristocracy, snppoittd on oppression, broken for evir;aud liUrty made a pos.-.son of nil classes and rare In this Union. Wo eo hippy com munities, millions after millions, from one age t3 another, growing up in such hip. plness, prosperity, and enjoyment of equal rights on the nch fields of this virgin continent, as tho wiu never ucmrr wifDCHSeii ; wo behold the chaiim of slavery biokeu wherever the Uuion banner lloata, and every corner of this lan 1 oiened to the oppressed of Ku rope and to the free and illtcl.iuent lal.orini nnnul .tl.... ur.. ...... see Irotdi-m scattering its blessings where now slavery curses tho soil and tho people, and poace reigning n litre uow is havoc iii.il wr. All this we can picture lo onrt.el.es as the cci tain rosuii, through coming centuries, of that simple act of liatrlotiim aud Unty doae by our funning poiu latiou on Tuesday last. Then, when we rememtx-r what wo probably etc.pid on that cvuitlul tlav: when we look slowu the future and inin;;lne what would be the results of a l'eai-e Demociacy ruling at Washing ton and recognising ihu Ooufed. ricy ; when wo fancy this proud Union broken Into four or five jmring and hostiie Confederacies, ull unity of ad minibtrution and free Intercourse on this brojd contimnt barred np, the Burdcr States become a "land of blood" for ceutunes, the chains riveted anew on the unhappy negroes, and fearful Insur rections following, whlcU should destroy both races and wtistc the soil to a desert, the growth of liberty, civilization, and even Christianity perma nently checked on this northern hemisphere vim e.oiiuus Aiepuuuc uvwmti a mocKury udu a t . V V.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 all mi.lnnu a . . .. .... 1 . v -- " ' . Hi.hiu..D " u lwi ecu uuw ireinen dous a destiny may hang on the depositing of a single vote. It ii true that the success of tho Teace Demo cracy in tho Mtate elections might not havo de feated the Union candidates in the 1'resiilential election ; it is also truo that McC'iellun and Pen. dleton, even it elected, might not be able to bring about tho armistice and peace which their party cluiins. The good genius of the Republic might pre?erve it, cveu under a Copperhead Presiduut. .still, the chances are, that if these State elections had gone against us, the Union party would huvs been discouraged, the Rebels oiated, and possi bly our Presi .eutial candidate defeated. with Pendleton, Vallandiirhain, and Seymour as the advisers of the new Administration, there cannot be a doubt that vacillation of counsel, negotiation, then an armistice, and then peace, would have followed; and the only posslblo result of pence is the Independence of the Con federacy, aud the probable disintegration of our Union. Hut, thank Providence I we have escaped all these dangers. Tuesday's silent battle of votes has decided the destiny of the Republic. Hence foitb, "Union and Liberty" for all classes and races, arc to reign over this continent forever. ,,;. 'V. i . 10,l" WA" 0Mtr for .: ci - k -n "..H.niiii Willi "PTITIII "ewton and Newa:.-, and con'ri'.a'ini I'i- f,c ( on'w,tnl and C her magaiines. - tt.ro.ik of the Ito'K-llion he jined tho i '."".v.''"1' K'')on, and at the time of his i .. the po. ion of fhief Quartermaster In v h Arni C np with tlenoral Htierldm. cv( a w.fo, the dau.Thtor of Trofmsor .' NcnatN. ti I Al it th Ht t t,. "A io na St. The pcoplo of the "ty ' I Ni vada, who v.it. d on (ho new 8 a e :" mil on Ihe 7th ultimo, almn.it n...i 7cm n on- c 'Pi'M.rteil It. '1 h i ir. ., ,...- ol tl c H h ultimo :iv : " Tho o i ,r 1. Citn u it'. Ih P tl o-l Uliaiilmniiu In rJtf ..i- .l.- toiMii.i l. n. The quertion of a Srute Ovorn. nun: I. M.tthd. NcTata is t,. he a .St.fo. wa lioc i' si ico in the I'rosiilentlal o n -t!,.n i-i. .. voir. ; de late iu tavor of I. ncolu and Johii'on. "ifttMAl NOTICES. riiu.Ai)i;i.rniA, ociobkr u, I 1)1 rrhk I lial rnr. lha wlnna.. r il . fit To ( Uy mo " ' A MATCH iASIK OK Itl U.l A1US. tJtoj riJ of tf.e "Nftooorinuu, PRVNSVLVAKI.V mij.MHD ClXB. rwiiunr. IIL'?JKBI) D01.LAM 8Uk ft'Tflif ( llAMf l)H 111' K ii. llnf. nil.l. A a.,. ... - - "" uiiKiMt t htntt. I I a f rk-.lvi. tin. j. .ia.j.ii . s luif.-il lo tl,; " ,r',m HTML!., . i , n itij. Tlllf Tl)titri.n.. AlliflUnt nnVlnnalv ran.TtuI r imiaviv raan, -t m'tn'pnn:- A,Ui !h) funis i . rirn TfhtTi Hunt .at PI (. p. HitiiUi. ner lroi VnA ri n HtfH-Viif- Jk U.'t..L. 1 0 01 H atrrwp, Hon A (..cfN. I'm ft) i is) lt i s . mcitiitie ( (jr, E.tl. kniuht if!,! lm IS) hmith inn no llarriiou A Hvortncyir.'. I.M ID .') ot) U. Utturr At Co I I'fll mm M Jnnnnv lr A rA M IX M (0 M CO ) ) (iHrrrtl MMtlil 1 1 Itf.tristf.i 1 1 H. H. I.ippiDCott M Trott IH) S '. CO iti HO r niif , iirntiiot a uo r f fit on a Huiiih J. HNrdiitaf..(r. i 10 WIUikfDil. Woodwavrd ... W 00 f ftAl ft) IV) Aish... 10 00 ( ah. A li.. V. tl. rLv A i n fi en C. 8. A -I. Cft-inttrH. in m So 00 10 00 W I 1111 II. Vfavinu Pntlf IKUU A It. Iittoit i;tt)-t nt lor a t o.. uo J. N. K!ntV 3 . I i oo WiiJInm H 4 o ner. A. T. Wt.rl A :o.. I'll (A) llenrj 1 1 mi nil A Co Id n W. W. NnfiTiiiN. l O ) KonnMt Aid Mocietv. I k. h . ' 10 IKJ a, no IH-Inwurr Mutual Hftd'tjr luurin. Cihpmit. 6 00 l.n) on Ml.it V.llf.,- ll..k T. IIhIIm'. b-r Mr. W.niiRm.i 61 0.) 3 M I-..L 10 OS S 00 7 -0 00 to) SO i; on I. isnrai r. C ni psi.) ol Nurtli America Luilwlj, Ki.ffl it A Co ' addillMiiif iiufxi. iiifuiirmiii a ,;o..., ftii.li Ar ICnrl. .it.1l.ln..ul n o oi t'W M loi) no l.pl. UftAr.lniAti M Wl. itiiiiaii ichiik Mi,i.r Prln. Ai I 'n ) OU M.ntl A H.B.y.V too oo likl Ik) ID.) uO f Jsrro'son, liraily sc Co M irniuck A. t o. .1. II. A K. H l'Mllti 10 IX) . tttia Ai A.i.i.ii.n H (JO loo uu .l.ihn.. V.frrx A. r'n llnvis, Kemiiton A i'o .sjltlonal ion oo 7S M r imRuii. n irKaam vo too oo i nllit. flf Altemus.. i onrail At Hortlll 100 Ol) I. I. tl Ilk) ! Ilk) Oil FrotltinvfiHut a sy.-ii!,. adJuional, iio.iibi a.ni-.i.i. A 'J 74 1)0 75 01 1 10 01 t ailDiir) A Hliimd Hamni'l S Hcolt Kuri..i.i., Brtiile.v. A Vo 60 fO fiilsa, Whart. n A to ht 0) 60 04 60 (O 60 01 ') 00 (0 V.) Ml o I.roiinrn A HaA...r. H. Iiouannn llnnimA U......II Vliltii-y A l.awrehcn An.inwa, Wllklns A. Ci J M ..t.n.A. .Ilu..,.'. oi) OA !r Courhcy ll Atullton A Krans. () oo Wl .10 60 00 i. Hid, dt , (i , , ft. V. Mnrf.m. A. , A W. A tl. It. Kalauel. M) on 41) HI T. A F. K.aiu. I . 00 " 00 ? ' 00 I anil oo iM.uRhl. ti. bfnhl.ar tf WilVliu! i, '6 ii ni. n. nirwari at to.. Do Oj M M i. f... Ai ll.r.L - .loiip. VaiiMir A Lo. li u.'IcCWII A Co (l. liirrtili A Oreiiiweli z- o.) 00 A On s tki 0.) 00 91! Ik) Kiliom A oli;owan.. A. H. Jeiiki W. T. H. l.uncan T. n.Oialg A t o I). W. Ilrown A Co.... A tel. W ? ay ft ,'o Julin H. Il.i n A Co... VV'. II. A A. II. i,o'e .. Cmli I'lUlo. k A Cunclht-rry Hliarpillatura A Co... CO I '. 00 1, 0,1 K o on a., o na Km. i In Hull. C. modi art A Itruthar... Jotin W. 'I ti;mas I 'aah. per A.J. IHasa... h. 11 Kry Ca.h Jiimiili llar,k RI. AiaudFii J. A W. .. Wood .lohu ltewol John lliij.ird Cl.i-aj.m.i- A Co Ilcniy frliialine Ca.b Kn.hn. Ilcii:erai Kaliu... K tt.it- A lliedui.a toiin Mem Cast .1 Bi li, lullnc a. Ku.ail Mr. Itliiuit-iul.ii) t". ColllIU fault Ml.) Silie-!7r 'I t.r d.. 1 1- W al. Aiiyiiii'ua Stliioidrr o ou . uo ? m On 1" oo 711 W) 10 no ID 0.1 10 Co 10 Ol) A Ik) 6 11) 0 UO 0 Oil .-. OO 5 Oi) 6 00 r. iio tkj '- fo 3 1.0 O) 1 Ml v On 1 no Tali.'. hllMUNii'AVVu'' I.T-. . liw i.or, .Levi aiisrl. !) li, 'I Dor' lo-lfi It , lM'i-;t WIA1M CtlltlSTIAN C JM.M1H lu O.-.i iXl&l kno"",J"""' r Uio ..i iia I.iii.I- ' t lirisllitr. l 'oi!iin!.lo:i, pr.iroi-ls of a l-'slr li.-lil al .-mi fr.inolaoo. t al , (an .. ui n c , j i oiii , tiniiiiioniii . t'lirlai an Coum.liisioii, l eona, lli.'.' ' par ' Wui lll'.'l..llH r Anm Ciin.nilii, , tiov. Iu-.ij,"6'li "o" i,Vr il'.'il Maltiar, 'Iron. foilKHIuu at .ewtmrtth. N. V.'."poV'h! "u'viii I)iir An toniinlit.a, Portlaji.l,' tliV.' 'p'r'i iiouiia iL , i'iiiLViVi'.L'i-'iii'A.' l.ii'Iloa ChrlKtuin i 0111 ii.l-inn, toofal M. K t'liurcn porMlrts oli.ry I. ray l.o-lliV Cliiuti.ii t'..miiii.iii, Jmia K.-loriiii'J 1'ie.hvtt-rlali t'liurcli CoiilrlbiiNoiik rroi'iv. d lu Mowur Hospital, U. ;.s,0ia-0ij 5,111!) 'l 1.0W-30 l,vi-oo 100 01) aoo-oa I I 'M Lai'ics' C'lirlsilan Corijiiil.-loii, alorumm I liiin l. pi-r IIlv. A. II. lu-lnko llif. A. Alvor. ' DO 6D.) I'M 6-00 Sts) 5- IJ 6-00 ! ,WfH Hnlii.atl. Nchoi.l flr-t lia;.tlst liur.-.li Iil.ii.l.iltili In ii... 1..... il.i. ... tt'oii .i -I'---'.. I" " ..' .... II. I IIKIII1.,, Snhballi 8. liool I list rroat.yti-ruin South arte. t. I llurulV, ioiiui.- onvot Irur.r Vi....Iiii( .,ir,. f;. fhii IWi n fabl.atlt Mr I.... Cash Amount ac.noivlo.liM!. I als. wl'iorV in ' rVl'lii'lous pa-.M-ta " Stl,1-7J sis .4 .1.1 Amount prrv;uuly . knowleil.i-d. Trror In soknnwlmlfcliw reuilttau. iron) Or-W,'0'MW '"u ..-3-M JOSi-.PH PAlTEItSOX, Treasuror. ,'"'""' M th. f Diu.d Htuli-a Cbrtitian Com niisaion during toe w.-ok en.iinu tlctobsr li.lo.!- 2 boo. Church or tho t'oTciniiit. I boa. 1 burml, 1'oim Klinl Socioty. 1 packaua. ir. Ur. Mltoh.ll. 1 nwkaue, VI i Jackson, ouior caso aokuowledVed oloewhcre In follijloa. pa- ' 0E0K0E H. BTUABT, ChaJrinan. 17. H CO, No. II HANK Htifft, PMlMlalplJa. t,TSLK.E.NSJNGT0N BANK IN THE Kia.'r?2mlLb5 i?A lW Jtf..t,r.f of tao Htoak. fi 1 iif"h uf )"b.r, at U o .lock A. St., to dt.to. oa 5..fS"'I"y " ?BV""lf Ibo Aank Into a National fiiiii:!!' . " ao of Conyroa. approvod iuno S.1W4, aiul Uka aocli olhr actios aa uu Im DMoa- a . ..aai CTn'if a, th. ...... . . ' a-ssf avAAAjvA.iAjMto- MatfYIINO. V-v lillHiHS' ANII Uniuiai..., L "ra-'MaFii-ii' HANa, ..r.ii n iia.-SK, a ......i V". I'Maioor-JO. !. itrAHK' cowidorauon. and docliHi on M oiiMtfta wbitKor or aot th. a.w Hank .hail uocomoan A.KaHstha? torcirrtal on Ui bu.Uia.aof Ua.ikias undar Ui Law. 0I alio vZtti 81 it... and f ..on-laiBg powors oonft rr.it hi 0Z . . . Dl'' mi. s)inmoaw..allh, .nil . a """"'a " a. 01 Una Vouimnawoaiiku . i i rarpMOOf Bsnl(la UDOTtr Uia Law. of tbe Ln.li J Huin," ai.prov.d Ui. Aid da. oil Aiiaa.k li.;t ; awl to tak. auch actaju lu regard lui.. Ity or.Ur of Ui Uuftrd ot lrsx-In tuft-mn. W. liLHllTOM. Chlof. WALKING COATS, IV "S'.K.A1 V f ' K N I M,, , Sick " .. . . '",'i' to (olnlbf Chili an ro-piMlMl to -r. .nit llifDi-iv. Ii,i.ili,i .I, , , h.. asilanisl to a roui tl) and lo .-rt.ct Ih. m .. hr,,li, tl,.. dull woi(r,Tv;ii:i,!::4,r,,j - I1,',' " ( !IARI,K.a W SMITH. T11K rilll.ADI-.l.lMUA I! N K . A K-rrral bn-IIb, i ii ai.-kl ..l.l. r ,,, lli r'l-llnl'.l lb.a Hank III ha held at ilK-trll.iiiklni: llo ,- Tnri,J liAT,il.an.li.!a) of October t.k.,i in ,:,.k . I. , " tl r run .1.0 01 laMim into ronaidorali. u mi 1 J H'lln'-hl .iui-.il. svhrlkor Uia .aid Itank l,li o,v n, ,a ! l II , t titled Htat.n, ami ,. OM-ri-lunt Ih,. Dnr. ..n-errfd by the an 0: Ih. ,l. AxemM, ',,, r.,rnealih, anLUM 'An a-l anal.tmK tlia l:ni. ri I., a.- 01 hankies under tho taws ,,j t'n- CnlloJ is-.i..-"!'" M' ir-M -lav of An lf.;l, to ,k, ordProflua lti srd ot 1) r-c'ors -L"Ji'jL?n. tl II COMH IVS.fs.t.i... t??r" V1IKN. THK DIUKt.TOKS Ol' fn-eof HUio tai.ontie JOUi luilant Il..l,, c;.,' fcj'nZl lrNOTICK.-COMMJinCIAL DANK OK laanajlvania. . , ., r.M.anipm, aaptom'iar D, IM. t .?JJ.a i; ,! ""t-cl.in. tlia ,w..r, oi..nioi..a.ht. b..uio Aa.wl.il.,,,, f.rt.o pllru,,i,T ...kin, nn.lor tl,.l,w.,f ih. Cltd Ht.lo,, -P.r"; I Umi V5.I day of A..s i.t, 1 .-4, aod To lako u-i, ,!uull ll II, or.1... nl Ik. 11.1BF.1 ni n 1 r 1 ... .... it .. . 1 .tamer. STOCK IIOI.DKRN' MKKTtNQ COIIN KM IMMIK SK, s "i ..."ouM-anoiatr. 01 uie Corn Ks- han. ltak ol Ph,.a.l.IUa .ill he hald t tixlr llai.k- ..1. .....r, on , ill. kkpai . thn th Amm . al lo fork noon, for O10 a iro .. 01 t.k.n lino i. ' L..r.n "'''""ftrwon tlx l.ia.tion wh..lhar or not tuoaatd bo.io,.. o, . ?" v'j" c"r n .nKi7' A,"'"'l'1J"'f,,'l"l'om'ni'l t,initl.4"Ao aa .....I.. . T,. ,,"-" "" 'Miiiiioiiweann to oai-oma .o ilo N., ,hr,Pn"i'of bm.kluc under iho law. of tho . . -i -,-t.w .... ,iu iibj- 01 a iitfu.t, ihftl, and ."n.oc'r" " " '" """' Ulm b0 aooeasary By ordr of tlia Board of Dirorlora. " m,H J. w. Tonitr.Y, Ca.hlar. Kf CITV TRKASUK Klt'fl Ol'KIChV Pi'" l'l nil. OrlolHir T. IL n n -r ti, r TV t n . uu... ..u..- - - a,.rrr i .... .n .'..'..'r."',,'.r'."?r' ")' Tr- tSTn, ,AUY NAV AND CITIZENS , j wUUMA,nSVUt Ht sjl y TVUUCftl prlCfrl. 10 s-tm a i ninth sim.1 . DRY GOODS. !0 I' 13 N I N O ! THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., WILL OPEN TO-DAY A I'ltKNU INVOIOK OL' NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SILKS, which, is couNKcnox with tue :XTIKE HALANC K OF THIilU STOCK OF FANCY SILKS, Tlicy tlll offsr at JO to iO pet cent, less thau their prencut value. I Nob. 818 & 820 CUESNUT STREET. 12J12L JMMICNSK KKDlfOTlOM or KY GOODS, JAMES E, CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHIaSNUT STREET. OFFER THEIK ENTIKE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CONSISTING IN TART OF writisoF. t'OI'I.INtt and RK.rS. 1 1 IMII.INK.S, (IAN ILAlOM, al.l'At'AH aod MOItllt, m.AK. a.,a 1'Af.cr mi.es. ..s1a..H,i?.''?'-?yl. L-i 1. 'iuii)a, t ,. ....VSR;?.?.!.'"?.''. AT IXTEEMELY L0T7 RATES. " tCIt lt'iVi' to Ufa Ill'C 111 nilhUf trust wa I,-., M.i tiow c tvRO twilcle Hi our Kck,nd now I,mtU1ji oir KA It 11 H AUG ATNS. lfl I in W1IOI KliAl E RO0M.1 UrnTAIIU. N M W Ot) l)H At LOV PRICES. THOMAS W. EVAJSS & CO 11AV E NOW Ol-KN A I'l'LI. A1S.Jttr.Mr.N-r Of FAUa A rs WINTER DRY GOODS, OF THIS SEASON'S I1TP03TATI0NS, KMliRACLStd lrc4 Ooo(l, ehawlai, ' CloaUs, Emiji-olUoric, Olovos, SakotadwlthsTtstetrshi tb Karoatsn ,n4 AmerfDsn Marb.U for Ui. ban) St.tall Trado, and will bo otfer.dat HEDDCXD PBICE8, fully S-inaJ Ki tb. kwstt rate Of Gold toll (SMoa. Nob. 818 & C20 CHESNUT STREET, )- VERY LOW PRICES, IH OUR MOTTvill OWEN FaVANS & CO, N". 45 IT. ET3IITU firUEET. Tli 1.1Im ,t oar o wd. am rodiiMx! tha lowoit tLMIvjt ., r., iL,., ,Bl M ,iu , H, GRAND AND OR15AT KUSK TOE OHEAP C03D3! ; W are lallina ofTsi ., to loll loss than w d. k.ri.jsrdlMsl f nt-Mow no i-na euuAi imiiss uoons liKDllOMD!!! 3 P. lrcM Good., tlao iitulity. worlh All odors .11 Wool Da'alns. worth T5. radi.e.1 to t'otita. r.tipUCf Doubla-wkliU liolalno. at a rdoctloa of ccdu a yard. ncnoontiui wools mr h-is reJuoe-l t-.SU.l: ikAt i. etionp n.i.....i . . .... ... An...., urn we ao-.o for 7 cants, ro,lnca,l tot, l.olor.,1 aiuaras that w, ,Qr a. na,.. ,71 Kill lima at our OrENING. ON TUESDAY MOHNINOJ ft TINE DEE6S Q00D3, For I'ifijr lr IVut. l,t than thp,- bavo boon HIIlus;llt m a. Tttm Bnitll Carroaut will, bom flf Ure, g el,, c,.Toarloza--Sol,rtlch riaid with Slllk Stria,, Miopnti. ItVO pes. Alnturo-a Sola, l)i)uMo-ihJ.d pui.i. -1.1. t. i. .... t,i arrM.87', oents; latoat atlosopauoj. 6 10 poa. Tartan, para laluo Sootcli Cloth ,ltaid,. doabla- wl.tto,ntlrolToow,for CUUlrsa'. ciotklaj or Dnw.cs, ll'OJl.-. l'pc. PooUm, mo.t han,l.ouw.7loHljai Unlal this teasou, at W per cent. Isit than o,t. BLACK AND COLORED TDEE83 I8ILK8. Wo have a few loft yet that iron lo.n ur at ;rr.Tt r.iu -non, aud the laiio. aU . tho art vor , ohoai.- BROCHE AND BIaANKET: 8IUWL9. Woars aol to bo nadenoll In RhawU.aaJ you can h ir thorn at tU roduced prions, groat barsaliu. lOOSiroJ Brocho Shawl, rolucoj from )toti. 'Ths abOTo are olinap saougli to lajrli :vl U wlioia gU dollar. cuTUlatd aala. Ualmorala, XaIuoiis. Wintrr wool lt.lnwt.il rods, o J from 1 1 1. tl -JJ. 1 to... IlUck aud wlilte plalil DlutTala only ) 76. rirrantaa w sin, a. SUrtlng Lliirn-i, Metnt. to tl. KoJnooJ. laiuortod btuiit.om. ttyl. Baiaiorat. ti up to IGS, Opcacd on TuokJf. Mea'u Sliiilins Glotiia. Ijattii-w' ClonUii, Olothsi. h'n.m Ihu loimonii. amount w. 19II of those Oood. run mliilit tUiuk wo i.U thorn cl.eaii. t-' TO. I MKN'S ANB U0T 8 0A8SIMKUK8. CUKAl'l KTJBLIKS, 0ALI00ES, rLAOELS. Itoduc.d all ouratu.tlas I... thau w. am to out and vuy tncDi ror, ju.i to rat.e m inojr, WlilUrairtll. and Mow York Mill., at eouiMitltloa prlc. That Dioaa. jou caa buy of u. In., tltaa .Uowli.re. Fins all-wool Plaantl., rcdoeM Sj cents to T UallardTaki t lana.ui, Ot cats, woi 1 1. - 1 T.rd-wldo Ballardyal. Plannol, 81 cot.. Kda.od frotn tl Shaker Flnonel, un.br'nk.Ulo, WS- coats to tl. Boduoed All we ask of jou t. to look at onr good., and buy them at the chcoiicit placo. WE WILL OrEJf ON TUESDAY, 100 ocs. Kcw ityl.,drk col.riCaMcioj.ajc.wortlijT'f. lOVpci. Mew ityki, dark color, Cblutj, 38 vts., worth 4S. 100 pc. Kew style, dark color. Chlatj, il oti., worth M. Ve still continue to reduce our soodj, while msnyar BiaikltK on oa account of the late rise. OMEN EVAXS & CO., CUSAP UAUM01H PltT OOOD 8 DOLIE, No. 43 N. EIGHTH STREET. P. B. Soltlnj eff oti.ap.wbltf oodi , while Jaonoeli and Canbrkxi colored Cambric. IN sent,) Ujob Skirls, and Llii.n D.DAkerelilef.i at bargalai to close out. THE CIIEAVEST FLA E TO BUY 00DI)S. Jtcccllct iitvet to bt nndcnold Is oar moUo. CASSKLEltBiV, It Ho.l .H.KIOnTa Btr .t. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. hortii Niirrn street, ARorn AMoir, TLAJitELfi, rLAlELB, FLANNELS, AT UHQUCHn rsicM. AI.I.-rf)0L FLANNHLS, 40, M, 86, 0, 70, 7H, ana ev mite. llEAVr ALL-WOOL SIIAKKU FLANfE1.3. VIDE POMtT FLANNELS. HEAVY IUID AND OKEY TWILLED FLAN- UK US. FINE QUALITY PLAIN RED FLANNELS. IJlcnoiiea mul irmleacliol CANTON FLANNELV5, At re-luotd orlcoi. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. netTT i-ard-wlds Itlaaefead Mu.lla aa ,..i. . i mm i or iu oooca a yaro. UNM.KACIIED MUSLIN8, 3J csuU a yatd up o oo conta. 6-4 and 10-4, BLEACHED MBSLINS. Bust quality AME1UCAN CIIIMT2K8 AND DKLAINKS, At tha Ivwtat market prtoei. LADIES' AND GENTS' LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. H08IEBY, HOSIEBY, AT GREATLY IIRDUCED PRICES. LADIMS' AND GENTS' SILK rLIEOY-LLSED GLOVES. LADIES' AND GENTS' O I. O T I GLOVES. LADIES' AND OEMTS' MERINO L'NDERSHIliTS AND DRAWERS. PEICE & WOOD, XVo. 113 JV. NINTH Htroot, iN. B. BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES, PLAIlf AND SnrOIIRD nAOK4. 10. jj L a n it t rr h , HOUSKKFErEUS, TAKE NOTICE, J. C. STBAWB2IDGE & CO., IrOltMEUI.T COWTERTHWAIT A 00., N.W. Corner EIOnTn aLd M 4.BKET StreeU, Are now offerU th. laraott .took of Blank ot) lo bo found la till, oil, at aaoderai price.. i nana ii hiaAnkkth, emit iixAVwiiEx?. 11XZJ Jtl.AMtKTH, all tlltoa To dal;r. w olTtr th. but as.ortaioat of all Um leadluf aAsa. ( n-Uith. 1m lt"y Karlr and Savn tho Advansa, r Alt 11 U 11TOIV Oc HON, No. 1004 CilESKUT STUEKT. To Milliners, Er-8smakeTS, Mei-cbaLta, AND OTIll-.ltlS. We have juat opoaed our I-'AIaL. STOOIC or CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, Of tVTT dAAtr rill Inn alliil vaHstlw Ia hih -mm inmUmm It i-ii t Ion. Our prlc arc u low i cu txt found lu Ue oltf libnU dUcount to wbolia! buyers. WAEBUBION & SON, 10-1 stutlilai Mo. ld'l nirstlVT Sinxt QLUAK AND MANTILIaA Manufactory, and Shawl Emporium, IS". V. Corner AIICH aad TENTH STREETS, miLADSLl'llIA. H. WKLSII & CO., Wlicre you can see a Bp leudld Aa.crtment of tho CHOICEST NOVELTIES, Where you can get th. best Manufactured Oarmentf, and wh.re you can procure the OZSVJUlt WATER-PEOOF CLOAKS, At th LOWEST PltlCKS. I.adk. will flad It to their liiUrast to purchase their t'h ak. and nl.awis at thl. JCstabll.kiu.iit. io-tuihe-aas 8. WKI.BII A 00. MEItlNOKR, 1'OrLlNS. Jt p., P.pliiaSlnaa.l'lan Plaida. AJoacas, JSohaira, and oil. or Dr.. fhwlf . ChiUjiut J AH, It. t.'AMI'lir'.IX A CXI.'fl, MtilA'il.'UKHJItTMroat, SILKS, SHAWLS. Ji.ptllaJil I'loih.. Utvro., Mora., and White Oood., Cheap at Ms. x. ciawi-hkm. ,t co.-g, Ho. Va7 CI1BH.N 1 1 Sue.t. ILANNELB, BLANKETS X louts aad Uolion Hliaiilinaa. t1l6J)M JAS.K.CAMI-KF.l.lArO.H, No. let CUKNCT Bu-.t A LL WHO WANT OOOU DRY GOODS AT a a Hi aVWaT-l pnfW, Tllin tlttt. ftt 104-tf av. Mm - ifliwriir.iij T tn.t. B, ho. TJ C'lltS NUT Htrue. OVERCOATS CHEAP, I!t DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FrnM8II! aixd Ro.nmic GOODS, Com. cuius li larjost aril rhotot dUplay rot ai no.au. ah at rmcrs T.v.jam tub cOBitK'fosms.i S1KDUC1J) taluk or OOCD. I'lUNDir PfllM iwu MI'aIUNOKH, ALrAOAH, WOOI, Did IiAtNKH &o. VKT OIF.AP. Wa haro irraivd ai a ah. t . . . - . , . u. -.-"-..iitw lanjswo,!. .... i.rn, DHIOH.S OOOIKS, A 9ok Lot of AME1UCAN DKLAIVKH AND TBIIfTS. Whloh mt I hat I oflW rory tow. ana- ant -ji rtr.i. .... mwuiw. oi injtwf. J. GOWPEKTHWAIT & CO., . K.o.Knr NHTTIf and AJtCH StrMta, - W-at ,ri riiiai r i . GKAND OP15NING I 0F TDE KS W AJttl auaermcssT BTORB OC JOHN LOUTEY & CO., No. 30 H. laiCJUTII HTUUKT, OH MON DAY. hEl'TKMUI'in IU, Whets) wUI bo found a moat tua.uNul aaiortaieut of DRY GOODS, CI.OA.ICH, iVlNl) SHAWLS, IK THK CITr. Ws liaro st Olu4 1OO0 1'lisv. f-ILKS, fL.UH AJfl TAttcr. 500 rt,.c MtrtiNOfcH, I LA1SI AND FIOIMEED. Pieces FRKNOH POPIaIW, BCP AND rtausKo. l'ioooaj WOOL IMS IaAsINC, IouW ana SlniM WMk. FUla ana I'kjoroo. aso 180 PtoM MOIIAIR ALPACA, Plata and Fiur4. 100 Piooo. KNQLISH MERINOKS, AJ.o a largo Stock of raaer and 0taal. 1 K E S 8 a o o t a . hiim If)? NORTH KI01ITH 6TKHKT. 10. A'J KMsfU.il 'sl,ua A s. a . .. . .. raJaTx: 5Kas ?'' and " button; "if , , w ' J "aM S trtauon. dllk and MorUio H,,fa7 iiriea at r.it "l'i!"'. .fc ' OUivaa nf tlM) host uiakara. Illaok aud Out ?ft S S"'!"..",11;' Wn., J.t,H.;.,aud V. L tl IiujkkM. Cloak TshoI. of aU oolor. and iylo.i H.slc Kiinunaa of aU iiaa. and ti. at mltir UIWT aon1"' ' ftnn'M." tTb.... "od.i Ladits'.tlilMivu's. and Ul,rea' HUkliur. at tha cail.iloMi1,Uoll.,Walrfall Holla, aadWausr! la.inoi, o oorown Improvm ui.tu.Hlat Ula. k and VTIilio JiA? ?a" ir'."" - UlAtak and (Joined tlrit f.Ai." vwVi.. i f ' pno. Ladle.' and " o?,klk"'lullr,t varloty, aatrouiol ohuap, Ao., Laak-a coni. nna ar.d all, and oon.lnoo yon'aalTii, bsforo tiuylim ol.her,ilial It la wrll woith lo your own Int-ioat i.i.m iNKKKHiAiiTaa.Ko.na . Tiouru HiroiL UerviKl dovr abuvo Asch. uoal lu the roraac. ID S JAIIEtJ' FANCY FU1W. JOHN FAREIK A, No. 7I8 ARCH STEEET, AUOTK SEVF.NTir, AT U18 OLD HSTADLISHHD S rDBK, Impotter and Manufacturer of LADIES' AND f II ILDR E.S IT A1NCY FUllS. Kya.aorim.nt orAMOT PURS for tadloe and Child I. Dow oonplote, oasbraolas EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORIf DURINO THE COMIJiQ SEASON. Uemrnitiei' the n.aia and number, JOHN FAEEIRA No. 71H AllCH STREET, Abora BeroLth, I HA VB KO PARTNER. OB 00 UNBOTIOaf WITH AaTT OTllKRHTOItKfN TllKClTf. 9-Mia JADIKH' I' A IN C V 1'tUItH. JOEN A. STAMBACH, IMPOKTEK AND MANU FACTUKEB OP LADIES' FaVNCY FU1TS, No. H'Hi AliCII STREET, HELOW KISTH, CHIAPIST PLAC2 UJ THE CITY To lol' vt from a flrst-clasi atsoruueat, Comlatlsg of HUD8CN DAY AND MINK SABLE, ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, GERMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, C, Made Into ill the latMt ttylos . These sood. w.ro Sousht wh.D sold ranfe! flroniasto 17 sn an belnt sold at iniaii sdraaco oa soet at tha rate, ETEKT AET1CIJ! WARRANTED TO .BR A3 IX- I aacas i t). B.M.f actios toaranteea. lo-st-tathi 3 m WANAMAKER & BROWN, L4 1 rO'JETH AKD AECH, WHEN IN THE C0UK8E ? Of ETJJfAlT EYESTTS ro4 IT BECOMES NKOESSART TO REDUCE DRY. GOODS TO MEET THEVIEWS 0FBUYEE3, W 4,8 Al-WAtS BF.ABTT0 D9 10. As w, an now 0rJ t uw.t. NEW FALL GOODS. ' Beet Stock of Meriuoea, Best Slock of Poplins, Best Stock of New Silks. Beet Stock of Nobility Plaida. Boat Stock of Drew Goods. Boet Stock of BJaok Oooda. Bert Stock of Wtite Gooda, Best Stook of Lace Goods. Best Stock of Blankets. Beet Stock of Cloaks. EYEE & LAND ELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, P. 8. Wp are IYm f awktw.iM a. . . wsj MT.Hant a. httb a. ai.,bod,, th.r.foi. caa altera to atU aow 'iiWUX. t W sjmm-b lata 1,A., BIIP.. CORNER OF TENTH AND i I'INK. OIll Ranalna fW, ....... oU Ladlaj Am Kraocb oloik Io.,.'m, to tl- ) m . uuu iiarun ao. st-ss ana ai'trw . 1 Lit nilaauksi masHn a.a- aa a- a . l m ''''lm.wataklru,J.io;0,,, i aJL. J'1 ',,w)'-'"'l sIotos, Do. J" tmffk)oilli.okooinb.ao. ' k.i. 1..,,. "ri"' ...... .....S(.,H , vi pr.ora. alak luAtra black alpaca., SI-IS. , t. - - . Mi.acaa, oi-io. 1 ptoM Part, laarlo.. .IU Plata, TOO. f,,,W- : I '' plain color, plaid rop., si. aiLV a? ."VI "' buvk bonnat rllon, TSe. d;.i?lo,,,,'' ". as.T,ahtrtf, .at WAMfK! LKH AND BOr. Boorsaos) raqiana. ar - 4 ltDTAir. AND VVIIOLK3AL.B. ' J. M. XXA-FIaSIOII, i Ho. 602 0HE81TUT STEEET, ' Has aow la store a f.H asaortmoat or the ceebrat4 BlSJtf. of FaNOMSII II08IHUY, n ' UAinrtlOOAhT H08B AMD HALT HOSB, BUeriLE'S B0D, 8IUT8, AMD DBAWEU. EXTkA UEAVT 81LK MTiaTi AND OSAWBU, -IN ALL, BIZHS. FOR OENTLEMElf. QVFlOXi COIl THE AI.K OF NATrOlSTAL. LOANS. No. 114 S. THIRD 8T2EE1", PurtiDKLrniA. IM E W UNITED STATES i &-20 SIX PEE CENT. LOAN. : The anbcrlbfr. harln- bora tha sasoeuful Bidden Bar a port'oa or the ifEW -t0 BIZ PKB CENP. OOLt. VSAKlNa JX)A!f, are prepared to offer It aa ffeTonaala tnrini to th.tr eanotac-r., la largo or eaull asaoaata, at Bocids of donomlnaUona a inaa. ma. aw- .ha both mtlitorod and eouponj. ' The InterMt eommenoi.. on u.a la. r wA.a. - and la pa5-able la gold, ecml-annaair m ii i . and Nasr.Dsbor. AU otbfsr Oonrnmart BAMirlHaA am s... aha i .... . uu ihi aano aud lafotmillea siren ooacerotn. larMtmauu. ai ' onto. JAY OOOKE A CO., Bo. it a.Tinito sratan, " '" PMIaMtkla. TEW HUNDRED CHASES Tarr Homestead Oil Company ' tOU 8AXC DE HAVEN & BROTHER, ' Mo m a. Tuiaa anaM. pillHT AilONAl, IlaVlHK. NEW UNITED STATES 5"2 0 SIX FEB CENT. BONDS. This Bask has now for sals these rary popular am o.lraUe tjalted State. Condi, wbJck hare FIVE TUU to rua from Norember 1, 18C4, beiore the aortnxffleat has. the prtvlir . of fedcBifUoa. INTEREST, 6 TER CENT. TER ANNUM, rsyalls Bttal-Annual r la Com. C. II. OLARK,' Alortou MuMiohetttl, Jr4 CABIHUt. tl li-JBt , - i.j. SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS ' YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, ! iaa)aamaBsiaMaaKaSNasHamaMn