THE DAILY EVENING. TELEGRAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 186. ferrutng clfgrapli rati v nrrninuiioit wrwgpirp. Of F!CE M 08 sTTHjnD STREET. vrtM Trf Fr Wt, nr F.wmtvi Cfcv-r. raa JF- par en" farriar, and mailed to .anliwrlbar flit of tfl City W Wrwr Dou Pr Affn-v t fr Dol i.B ajroFfrv Crt t Two Minnie, Invariably m e.lvane 0jf . parted -irdarod. a.i' tuaaaeat rraereed at th uanal ratee. A liberal nrri,ntrent de tor extend, 4 tfinniotii Tea rrrHnil, ay M4(niMllVm of mint in km OirrlMiin!-'ir!--ia.8 hltinr nwi.ilcd Iter in.-rll.M tm-t oa iiotii, n't-atml if the bahi. md aikirAwA ol tit wr.ti-r--mit imvaiiiiii.I) tor Bi-'leanen. but an tma.-Ai.i. lor hli " ,t f.ior.. We lijinot undertake ta n'un) retooled 'fotiiuiumc.,!i To Ail ve-rllif ne. ' Owtam to Id treat tnorAaAe in the ClrcuUtlt- l of Tin frviNi Tei.nAi n. eoiiic:i,t,g u to t: i i-it-n At nn ZLrif aaar, wa arsenaly rAiurt Ih At ah Arr' mrrrn muv k hafl.'ad r TI'K'. If poeelhM), tu accBra anae B kMrLK' In U of onr rdiMi-na fiATVRPAY, OCTOKER 15, is;i c: ' 1 XHK Eir.CTIOiy SFH'H-HIIW If C11K IK MKIHI.' or" FOU ItKII, Our readers wIU romomber how nil of tlio leading publicist of our city cvv?p:iior press nfitxl gralit, tbe other dty, a carl calling upon all chairmen of county executive com irJUe to forward the majorltk-a by co iuth!, U $oon m ascertained, to tha ajt'nt of the Awoclated TYes In tills city. How tlui porformfd their requested duty we aro not going to inquire, but all could obftorve a dotor mlDcd fatality to got returns published from Democratic stronghold first ; and the news of Copperhead gains were poured In upon ui like miniature avalanche, and no word wai given of Union gains. Union majorities woro csree, and almost always doubtful; yet I geetn that, with so many Union Republicans absent In the army, we shall actually carry the State by a small majority on the homo Yt. This way of garbling or selecting news si reprehensible In every way. It Is what gamblora call "edging off" to fcrce forfeit In bets made. It was tried with ncoess last fall, when the State was held In doubt for two weeks, although Governor Comic had a majority of over fifteen thou sand rotes. The newspapers are moving in the matter, and as adversaries of wrong, falsehood, or trickery, we strike handa with them. The Flttsbarg Chronicle says : W hoard a good deal before the election of the extemiveaud systematic preparations being "mad by the Associated Press to tranmnit taily, completo, and reliable election returns, bat within our whole experience, never has it M treated tbe press en abab'illy as at presont. The "election returns come in much slower and more incomplete than ever before, by tUH time the vote throughout tho wbolo State ought " to be known with some certainty, but so i'o reports bare come in, and those so confused " aod jumbled up, that it is y 't Impossible to "judge of tbe general result. Tnu vote has evidently btvn close, compared with that in the Governor Ccrtin election in 13 )3, when CvatiK bad 15,32d majority." How will absent Fhlladelphlaus feel when reading the following despatches from our city to the Western papers all wrong, of courte, and not without a design : Philadelphia, October 11. Fifth' District Doyleetown, bucks county, Democratic ma jority 37 Dcnioeratic gnln 2C. Fifteenth District 1'etersuurg, War Domo CJiic majority 04. Ktxhtoeuth District Six townships, 86 Re publican majority Republican loss 54. The Second Word gives the Republicans 15 innjority Republican K"in, 102. Tourtcenth District Dauphin eounty, Harri oibnrp, 233 majority a Democratic Kaia of 14. As far as beard from, the Republican majority in the Second District is 186. Tenth Ward, Philadelphia offlcld Republl csn majority, 1132 a Republican lots o( 91. First District Klevtnth Ward, Doinooratio majority, 4H8 a RepnMicun gain of 72. Seventh District. Chester county shows a Re publican loss of 218. TIIE PREKlDf-.X TI.IX OFFICE. Now that the smoke of the late State elec tion is blowing away, the party of the Govern ment must go with increased energy into tho more Important contest now rapidly approach ing. The choice of a Chief Magis trate is the highest function of tho people, and If an unfit man Is selected the otlice Itself Is disgraced. And it is first this fact which tho people should consider, since, If they rightly appreciate the dignity and responsibility of the Presidency, thoy will be more careful to choose, t proper man to fill it, instead of one who has been nominated for the place In view of some accidental and transitory condition of sup' poeed personal popularity, regardless of his qualifications tor the duties of the august Station to which ho aspires. It Is not possible to believe that movom juts Of this sort can receive the countenance aud inpport of intelligent man, properly mindful Of their own welikre and the national honor Knd prosperity. Moreover, it Is to be devoutly hoped that the Chief Magistracy will not bo tecklesaly dlveated of Its proper importance by the elevation to it of mn who possess ot moral nor iutjllectuil mont, nor pri Tate nor public distinction commensurate with its hUh trusU and dignity. An evil and dis creditable tendency to lower it in the opluion Of mankind is aheady vltdble; and an earnest effort should be made, by all who are rightly Careful of the public fame and welfare, to pre sent a result pregnant with fatal consequences, It is certain that the degradation of tho most elevated offlce In the Republic would be followed by other dangerous Inroads upon tho Integrity of the Government, und a general degeneracy of political principle and conduct. There is a prevalent ieoling ol coutmunee in Ue secure permanence of this Government; and it certainly has tho advantage in Its Instl tuitions of that experience which tbe faults aud evils characterizing the experiments of Similar systems supplied to thowe who framed U. None can entertuln more sincerely Uuu ire do a hope that the inestimable liiiortius it protects and conveys nviy encounter uo abridgment, and be perpetuated forever. But, fas tha cansos wltich tap the lilt; aud ivah tlio tabllity of Status, like tie rot at tUc core of thi tree, are Uiddau but too often fro a the ey, and "propagata uusoon," wi can uuver ba too carol ui of our safoty, nor watch with too Vigilant Jealousy the Insidious agencies of disaster and destruction, In all the clement of material power and prosperity we have made unparalleled progress. The nation has grown rapidly In population, territory, and Internal commerce, the pursuit of art, science, and literature, and, Indeed, In all the energies and resources of physical and octal happiness. But no discerning eye can tail to see that In political virtue the Confede racy has visibly declined from that pure and taaltod patriotism which distinguished the Character and conduct of IU founders. But for that decline the present Rebellion Would bv been Impossible, while no conaloV erabU pcau of tne people In the loyal North Could hav symprthUed with the traitors, and Cmbadthe rational authorities In their Nor thonld we now hava a party.formldable la numbem, reeking to ehng Adminis tration In the midst of a gigantic' cWll war and choosing candidates for the PraicWi rrbo ar notoriously inlinkal to the poUej t aoaqueriflg th Itebels by armi, rather tbaa gnu., Uaeiat, by A3 annUUce andiic.otiuUon a ponce Tint wwild be at once dinhonoraWc to, ami diMrtruotive of, the National Oovornmont. Nor would the Chicago Convention, In ninkin'T Its ticket ftr the Fresldnncy aud Vlce rnnldency, have aolecUvl for Its candid ile two gentlemen who, It w.w supposed, could command the laririwt jmpular vote, thoug!i not otherwise the worthltwt per.iont whom (lint Conwtillnn might bvo nominated. In a word, wo aroo entirely with 0 nera4 Drx.of New York, In doproJdtln? all nomi nations for any public oiTlie on the scora of "avnilnblllt.y" alone; aud as rospecU tho present lYtssldentlalj contust, wis endorno every scntenco of the following edilorUl reinr.ikg ol the Now York Time on tho lottor of Gent ral Dtx. Tho Tim said : " The oldwomhlpof 'HvnilttlMlit' ahowe.l itself " liht mi in nut in tbe Uostthiy It-It to Mr. l.iwotiLN " liy a phkI many well-rin aiilnK men. Iiecsusehe " had a (jowl mai.y eui mtcs. The fact that he had " tor four year ailintiilteied tiie Ooverinnt-nt " duiiiiK a clf is ol uupnrHlh led dttflctilty, with a " f-ucccdii whMi, If not comph te. hal excite I the " axtonlKlinient of all foreign critics, aii'l falsltled " tho rctlictii.fis tif tinn :ie traitors con 'ited f ,r " noiliing. Tien) were plenty of good Unloiiins " n adv to out him, change the whole machinery " of (iovcttitnent, and uprcad confusion thro igu "every department of it, put In his pMceannw " iird untried, and probably obHctirn man, for tho simple reason that he bad not man iged to do his " woia witkoutcscitingdcep ba'redoii thopsrt of " people whom be had inconvenienced or diutp " j oiut. il, or from whom be liltenid. ' Another section of the public Ii jnst now lahor " Iiik uoiiir this hallucination about I'ro-.i Ipiit " making, hut in a more agr.iv.tiod form. Their " worshipof General fc(;LllLN is aim istalto ' gcther due to his popularity, or In otlior words, " suppofed 'aviill.iblllty .' Of his fitness they know " absolutely nothing, lie has never fllled any civil " otllee.or liecn ulactd iu any po-ition in which he " eouid g'TC the least evidence that bo hud either " til" menial i t moral qualiilaatioiu for the role of " aConhti'utional State. The stuff which is written " and tull.ed aliout his 'stateHmanshlp,' is the "twaddle of pouplo who do not know what tho " word means THE SUIT PltlZF. II CI nr. The late English papers received inform us that the final preliminaries for the fight be tween Mack and Cobubx have been con cluded, and that the contest will come off in Ireland on the appoluled day, unless the police should interfere. A curious phase In the growth of a taste fir prize fights is the moral and respectable ground upon which tho advocates of such re fined recreations attempt to place them. Nothing is more common than to find, in a certain class of newspapers, long articles in ihvor of boxing, on the score of Its improving the bodily strength and promoting such men tal and moral virtues as courage, endurance, etc. Very weak-miudod youth, like those who saunter along our streets, are often convinced by this logic, and It is not at all uncommon to hear Cassandra like predictions about our country generally, based on the neglect of this Indispensable In gredient In a nation's safety. More than this, some of our readers will doubtless remember the remark of the Duke of Wellington, when rovieitlng his old school: "On that play ground," said ho, " tho battle of Waterloo was won." In iact, the whole prosperity of Eng land is ascribed to the pugilistic practices of her boys, and the " manly art of sclt-dofeuse" is pictured as bringing In Its train all the noble qualities of mmhood. This Is not one whit overdrawn, and there is no use in shutting our eyes to tho tact that able and persistent efforts are made to create such a sentiment in this country. As a tree is best known by its fruits, it will be well to point oat the beuul'es of this regenerating amusement. Two men, distinguished in the sporting world, incited by others or their own ami i- bility, arrange the preliminaries for a trial of strength and skill, and begin straightway a course of training for tho contest. Here is an interesting, if not improving, study at once. They who bad surronderod themselves freely to the dictates of their passions, now sacrifice their lusts and appetites to the direction of their trainers ; and, thirsting for glory, they give up all that might thwart their ambition. 1'hey walk enough to carry them across a continent, they strike hard blows enough to fell a forest, and practise enough asceticism to entitle them to rank with SU Simbon Str- LITKS. Having reached the proper point of perfec tion, they meet, with a party of select friouda, at the chosen spot and proceed to work. Tbe good moral effect of such assemblages might be inferred from the intellectual and reflued countenances of thoso present, as well as from the charges, made on every such occasion, of foul play, etc. That a high degree of security Is also felt in the peaceable Intentions and characters of all, is apparont from tho profu sion ol bowle-Unlvea, flroarm3, and other plea sant playthings. Still another proof of the value of prize lights is found in the practice or betting of all means of making money the most conducive to the good of the fortunate individual and the State. The accessaries of the struggle, however, aro insignificant when compared with the light itself. As the interest concentrates In the scene, so cheering and so creditable to humanity, so from (hat the strougest and highest lessons of Instruction are to be drawn. Stripped to the waist, with hair cropped close to the scalp, lest the magnanimous opponent may take a hold thereof, with hearts beating high with hope and emulation, and filled with love for all mituklud, especially the specimen Just opposite, this triumph of clvlllzttlou, this, perfect man, begins to beat, batter, and brube his adversary. As the result of tliL-, the "human face divine" In noon rendered a pulpy uma of bloody jelly, and the body mutiluled and dis figured in a style quite equal to the lacen tioiiH and wounding attending railroad ucel dcnts. TLn appropriateness of tho name "mlf-dofcum ," applied to the "manly art," is obvious from a recent exhibition of the kind, I whun buth uiun liad tol carried from the I ground after an encounter of twenty minutPa' duration. That it would put an end to KKSufuinuUous Is easily shown by the late of some dozen or two In the last few years, onioDg the gentlemanly crowds attending these displays. It is useless to comment further on the advantages of prize fights, and we may solely lay It down as an axiom, that, considering their influence, on the community, In the way of choice literature, humanizing topics of con versation, and worthy models for imitation, and on those more nearly concerned in the culture of their minds, and the graceful ame nities of social life, In the extinction of Intem perance, rowdyism, malevolence, and bru tality generally, they should be encouraged by every lover of his country) and his race. Two Infantile roosters of tender years and flesh never exhibited more bravery than did Mojikibky and Krjf o : but truth compels us to add, a pair of bull-dogs would have shown far more pluck, while, still better, two iui- kenny cats were once bo Buccessful that nothing was llt of either but the tails. J-t us hope that they will do better next time, and that their good example may be followed hiring all coming years. We tell our chil rn that Vinoii, Is the prince of poets, and w all know 10s choicest passage Is that , dencrfblng Uie combat bo'ween Kutillm and Dares. Ilead, and own that poetry is of no race or na : " lt'f, e. iH-iilml, the h)"ws nre dfslti hioiim.! " Their hollow fiih t'ie rttltni; thiinpi c-oittnl. " A ftnim of striken, wdl inenit, with furr Hie, " Ard rrm a'otit their tcniil, enn., mut eye Nor always err- t rofttlio if tmul. t il.i A awecp ng ati okc along the riai-Llinjj jwt. a " The paiintlrt fight thus ended, fi im tlio ah im, " His taitlctul Incnils utiliippy Hires lMjr"j " II ta motith ami nostril xHirfil purnle ttovi, " And pour rlxl tectlt c.wi rushing with hli blood, ' 1- nmlly hrat-pitcrcd t'ntnigh the hissing Mir jh, " Aud I Ul'g h.s head :in tiaticd his n!oio(." A. ii. NT? I'lir.w iur ov ii;k c, Th lel.Ur wldr.h we publUh In another ctHuniu from Uie Vlctv-l'resld-nt of tho so tslled Conlederacy, U one which will altiMtt general attention. As an electioneerlnz docu ment (or the Union party, It Is Invaluable, and eomee at Hie right 'ime. According to 8rKPHKH' lot;lo, there can be no peace tintU "the sovereignty tho ulti mate, alwolute svvrrelgtity oftbeHtaW b ac knowttidgeKL This he considers as tho key-note, "the only key-nota to peace perm inont, Ing pt-ace consistent with tho security of the public liberty." This is the Idea, the principle concerning which he writes at such length, aud for which he pleads In so specious a man ner: That the States are sovereignties U thrmselves that whenever any one, or two, or more, feei aggrieved or become discon tented with the Ojuerul Government, they have the right to sock redress by withdraw ing, If necessary, from the Union or Confede ration. Ills whole argument amounts simply to Uils. It is the one grand idea of the Southern leaders In this Kobelilon. It is the fundamen tal principle which lies at the base of tho great movement Inaugurated 'to overthrow our institutions and destroy tho country. To acknowledge this right is to recognize the right to dissolve the National Govern ment, whenever a refractory State dooms it proper to ronounce her allegiance U that Government. Can there be anything moro destructive to the exixtonceof law, order, and governmental rule, than this abhorrent prin ciple? And where, in tho history of the world, has ever such a disintegrating doctrine for a moment been entertained? Stephens Is happy to see a ray of Ugh from Chicago. Tho principles there enun ciated send a beam of gladness to his heart. He discovers in It something akin to his own feelings. He realizes that there is a party In the North in sympathy with tho doctrine of secession, and ho breaks out in this semi pious and scmi-MLltoulc expression: " Hail, holy lljdit, otf'priug of Heaven, first " born ot tne eternal co-ctcrnii Dcaut. mar i ex ' prcMt thee uobiamed, since UoJ is light.'' No doubt STKruKNS is encouraged to hope that the peoplo of the tree North may listen to his abominable ideas of State sovereignty, when he knows how similar to his own are the principles of those advocating the Chicago plutiorm. That platform accords with his own doctrines and those of his partners In their treason against the Union, and honojs hla jubilation and cheer of heart But Mr. STKPiruNH Is in etror. The people of tho froe States look on this " idea" as in urrectionary, as encouraging that insubordi nation which has plunged the country in civil war, and they will have none of it ; thoy scorn and repudiate it as a heresy begotten of the Gnit prreat seooder, when ho revolted and attempted to overthrow the high authorities of Lkiavea. It la certainly fiat taring to the Northern people whon Mr. Stephens urges upon his rebellious followers to bear in mind that they sliould Instruct the peace party in the Union "in these great fundamental principles aud truliis." Taken altogether, this letter, if it was Intended to aid and comfort the peace men In tho free States, will tall short of Its aim. With all Its clevorly-worked plurases, the fact cannot be concealed that Stephens Is advocating the very doctrine which for four years has caused the nation to pass through an ordeal of Ore aud blood unequaled in tho annals of time. Aalh-r I.IkIiI-IIohs. lmui 1 tJ tha KtlVlH. On the morning of the 6th instant, a pnrty of erventeen men tram tho Rclicl ram Atbemartt came donn in a launch with tho iatentiim of ! cuimiriug ticpauh liont plying between tho 1 Federal Hot t In Albemarle b lunii and lt j iuoko Islanu, and albO Intending to tilow up a puwjor ' schi oucr Ivn g close t ; l;ut our forced hearing I ot tne plan, tiu.itimod th in ; ther, however, tiac- cv.di.din dci-iro) iug the C'roa au light-hoae, sttuHttd fignt uiiloh north of R mnnkc llnii l, in Ctoslun biittud, aud inking tho liht-koeper and bis wilt piisuueri-. Kirlnl. iDnrriw. IV- t." W 4 V Tla. Tmir.tuu IIV,J, ll ... 8i.Uu!' M K..t.lurcil.l. Ilic Rev. (S It h. ii.J ill HLrl AMITON, aaiila it A tt,.rney.Ucn-rt V H., ci WrKin,,.ton, to IIAAA1I lt.,daugnMr ol Win. WaaeB'au.orioiaiitr. I l:i:OT KNOWLR8.-Oa tl.o l'lth Inat .at theTaher nacl (,'hur, h. iv ll.iv. D. O. KtlUy. D. CilAltLUt I'. I'i.Huv to MAllV, daugbtor of Levi Knowles Leu.., all ol Ui la city, HI VAN-oll I II -On the 9th lint , hy Rev George liiatoO., Mr. THOMW HUi aud Mum t-UiA W. fii.T. Ii, all ol tJiu citr. HAIK.I ANT-MAI.1N -On the IStli Inat.. at the Prea- bytonan Ci.urcH Tonih anil Arch mreaU. by Itev. David t ki,in. 1) It., ot thih dir. II FN KY rl.VUOKA.N 1'. K,l. Jol.lMlown, l'a., 10 klma HOP11IK II. MALIM, daughter 01 Uie on cuil, m clergmau. ft.I. IH.lin; LL.-On Ilia lllli IDHI., KM.1LY, daU-ihUrot tiie ime WilliMiu and Car hue l'.orrcll. 'I lierolativi-a and iriembi ol the family are ttupsotXallr Invltmi to atu.ud the funeral, From Uie ridenca of M r. c iliiiaie No. ruo Cliatbaut atruet, un Sunday after noon, at t o'oloi'k. l:UAI.I.K.-iin theioih lnt., JASIP.8 M. UOALKB. la Uie tin yuarol hia age. Hie uiale r loiuia aud rolativca of the tanlly, alao the Jouruovuii ii Oak I oopor Axaool iti.iu, ol Phiia,lalphla, art n-aii, ctlully Invited to attend the litn.'ral. Iroal hla Into raluenci'. Auntnolia (late Vernonl atroet, above bb,,pcn, un SuuUay atti-ruoon, at 3 o'olook. CA.tltl THKlo,. On Ilia liin Innt., Mr a. ANN K. CAItltr I IIKH8 mlict ol tne late Julin Carrutliura, la UiolUib yor ui ii -r a .e. Iter r. ;at,voe and irieuda are reanectfullv invited to at-ti-nd the luucial troin lirr lain rnaivieuce, curner ol Krankluril roa I timl tlrlonna atroet. 'I'weiity-ltltli ivaid, on Mutulny aiuuuooo at a o'ciock. 'lo pruoaad to li'rttiiklorii. Mct'uNNr.r.L.-On the l;tli insl., JDII.S, aon of Naal and Mary Mct.'oininil a;'eil Id your. The rnUtivi'a mill lrie.!il are r,'Hiectfull.v invltod to at ti nd the luncrul, inno tho roalilencc ol liln parenta. Ann tript. below Mdvule (Twoutv nllh Ward), uu Hun liy nrti-rnoon, at S o'clock. Sorvloea and intonuoat at St. Aniirt'i. Church. Ml'LKOltU.-On the l:th raf..OEOBOR WASniSU TUN, aouol Uuu. no Vi . and Mury aluliunl, iu tlio Ud year ol his nnu. 'ihe relative and frlenda. and Templar Lodg., No. 248. I. O. of o. F., axe rutueotiu Uy Invlttnl to atieud hie lunrral, froui hla parenta' residence, No. U 8. Klftb trert, on Hundnv atteraooD, at i o'clock. To prvjeea to Laiuyotte Gruunu. PIKKNON. On Weilrmailay evenlrui. October Mth, Mr a. mi'HKLUfclMON, daughter o7KHJali Urlaui, iu berMlh your. Hie irlcuda of tbe family are reaoecually Invited to at tend tlui lunvral, uoin Uie roaiucnoai uj nor bunhand. Julin T. picreon, Hridgeboro', N. J. , on 8ubhatii next, hiih inat., at 1 o'clock, P. m.t and al tha liupuat '-hiircb at MuoreaUiwn at i P. M. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. rj:" ST. PAUL'S gJHtiCOPAL CHURCH. ' To-morrow Iielng the tliird Sunday In tiie month , tliie Church will be opeu for DlvJne8crvu;o iu Uia evtmmg, at 7H 0 clock. CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL Church.-Itev. A. L. STONE, i. 1).. ol Baafon. will preaoli atCosct.llT HALL to-morrow at lta A. M. and )j e. M. Hcala tree. WAONER FREE INSTITUTE OK 1,-ki.a.i. iDl.rMillA Avanuc and hkVilli. TF.KM'H.lHrML Praaehing to morrow Afternoon at f o'cliMk b Ki v.Mr i.iXilinKI,!., a rtUngM Iruin Mono Carol na. 8M, k School at 2 oc'Wk. rTtS.OHl LDHEN'8 CHURCU.-TIIK NF.XT r Harmon to the Vounr on ' lllble Ml UlcavlBua" will pmaihed In tho Church of the Aiwruoon. Sorvluo at a o'clock. Itplphaiiy, To-morro Ut union m. e. cucrch. Fouirru htkkkt. AMJ beluw Arch Mabbaih, Octuhor lam, Kov. JolIJi 8HIKLD8 will preach in tha morning at in H o'clock, aud Uev. J. If. tUAl'LAIN at IH o'clock lu tue evening. tjSf CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT. IV' Eav. H. Wataoal, P D., Mactor.Tho rapaira el the Church of tne Aioaeuanl batng vurncaantiy oota- Elfted. tha Chureh will ha raop.nad fur Hivlue 8i,rvlca on CMlAr NfXt, Octobw IH. 8crvtona ln the morniiii( M 10 eiuilatua ONvBiug at IX cloek. 10-lt-A J' A1THT MIVl.l.TV. 14 CONTINENTAL HAT," roe i,adu:h yvrso mihiih. WOOD c CAKY", No. Ti Oil KN I IT HTHKliT. r. a.-Old VaKat Bennata niaa oer. felt HaU and ItonnMa rria4e4.. WOOD A OAKY. c A it O I WtU. Olr V.B MIT II N T 1 It I'l H T O O It V LACE CURTAINS AT rORTC PUR X.JMH THAN COST or mroKTAvtOiv. I. E. WALRAVtN, BUOCRSflOK TO W. H. CA.KRVX, MAKONIO IIAL.I., Bo. 719 OHESHDT Street Mo. 73 caasNirr STREET. NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS I.AOKB, New Style. WINDOW SHADES, No. 7 a a HKW 8TVLBH, new ooLoaa, AT TIIK BiAHUKAClUKERS, KELTY, OABRISaTON&OO. CU8SNUT 8TBBBT. Mo. 7S3 cnxfitriiT 8THKET. PIANO COVERS, LAlWESr STOCK IS TUB OITI, AT LOW PAICE3. re If IsK. MdUktl BUSINESS ITEMS. Jonex lotlilDs;, N. E. Tor. fievonth and atAittv r.r. JUNKS' nothing, 8. V, corner Seventh and MarkaU JUNKH' (tiothlrg, H. F. corner Hcventh and Market. JONKH' t kilning, S. K eoan.rHevaaili and Market. JOS KM' (lot'ilnn.8. R. corner Koran ill aud Market. JONK8' Clothing, 8. K. coraor Seventh and Market. JUNKH' (TloU.lng. 8 K. conier NevnnUi and alarkoL JONKH' Clothing, 8 K. comer Maventh and Market. JUNKS' Clothing, 8. K. conier Koveulli and Market. JONKM'Oiothlng, 8. K. oorner Savenlk and Mn,et. JON KM' drilling. 8. r. oorner Snventh and Market. .lONKH'C nlhlr.g,8. K. corner H.ivanlh and Market. JONP.H', H. K earner Sovntli and Market. JDNKS'Cloihlim, 8. K. corner Heienlh and Market. JONKH' Clothing, 8. R. conier ventb and Market. JUNKS' Clmlilng. 8. K aormr Bevenih and Market. JdHVH' Clothing, H. K. corner Heveath and Market. JUNKH Ciotl.lng. H. K cortier Moventli and nlarke!. ,H)NK.S' CI itlUng, 8. K c imcr Hoveatli and Market. rnrKftlam In I'lothluK. Itariraii fe in Clothing. ItHri iii.ia in f'lothli a Rarga-na UiCitMng. At fliiNvn.i.i 8iiikh' Old 8ttn i At tlRAitviixa HriiKhM tlld Htanl At (liiAMi li.i.h HruRh' O u Hta AlJ.iviLi.K Sroaia' Old Sianil, J JJ-22 n""1"! I c.!,e",". No b 9 Cbeannt atroet. ho. 609 Clw.uut atroet. Iturnlnr Alurin TNegranh The Pnblle art' intorcn.i that 1 tiava auocoedea in obtaining the ayency of thia vlu aile iuveuilon U title city and vicinity. It la oneraled bv eleetrl cliy,tl,eaaiuea. aliotliei telegraphe i.nty the v Iron are not vlalble Kch window and door if an operator. It la introduced wi hout doiacing the uouae lu the lettei. a burglar tnuai tflegrarh to yonr rontn ; he cannot avoid it. in aix year, 1 exiwrtenre in Mia ork it haw not iaiI.hI. If It la an ob- I Jed to ireti'ot,be)oiid a doubt, the wintlowi and diora of I your Inin o, it cau be done. Cll anl aee it. JOHN . Mt'ltPHKV, Wo. HI. CUKHNUT (Hrevt, Hue llnvHUin) 1rnr gKillRH. ItAvia A RinHARIM, AltCH AMU THNTII, liave jufct received a new UuHirtatlui of liAvaaa Ciuaiih of the el oioat btaiulw ri'UY. CtMINO CAMPAKiV. I ItAUtlKN, K1KI.:M8, rtN8. MI.DVL8, & IlAliOKS, fc.MHU.513. PINS, Ml',1) VLH. c Hit ii e loPr sn',riuit-iii t.i tune I'taJiTM Mill fltlJ li.O btatl kt lcl. ftrnntilAt v;ir1utv un I W. TIf.l.KK'rt, I l"-ir-:tt Nf ari s. Ffn;ut u s.rnei. MAGJiK'.S KNVia.OPK MAtJF0 Ton Y. WAtiKK H per Htoro, No. 'ilo IK.-iNUT idrent. j "1AOKK HAS MILLIONS OK KNVKL- MAOKE SUPPLIES CITY AND COUN'TKY btorvkcopera at lair prleea. AOEE, NO. 316 CHESNUT BTltEET, wuoleaalea and retails at fair priooa. AGEK, NO. 318 CHESNUT STREET, haa Itlanka el'varlooe alaea. MAGKE. NO. 316 CHKSNUT STREET, BianuniCturoa Plank Booka to order. MAGEE, NO. 816 CHKSNUT STREET, keapa a general aaaortiaeut ol Stationory, wholo taia anil retail. It Ho. 710 CHESNUT ETBEET, Save the pliAtare to announoe that tho; aro bow pre pared to furnlah A NEW STYLE OF GAS FIXTURE, B CITABLE rOI DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, &c, WU1CHCASB8 10-lS-lo I.K11ITKL) IJY KLROTIIICITY, WANAMAKER tj. BROWN, MaaA i G KKAIi P.WTATBt RRA.L KHTATKt !t At. BSTATK. BKAL K.STATK. BKI. RSTATK. KRAI. HSTATK. SOB SA1.K. Sv.itKI.O'ia WORTH. ron hame, bfiru,nn woaru. run salk. si.un.ouo wouth. P.vort anon tn fliiiml ff aar Caoription ot rHrnmartr, rl'IMY tot iliirc.rtiui'iilor 0cutaii("r. ino'iid nt fail t.i f All oil ni at one. AKOItllK 0. Mil. I. tit. rrasltct Bnal Ktata Oa ra'nr. No. I N. HIXTIt Htr.nt. A, TO it It A I. RSTATK OVVNI',118.--irarllM sewlroiM or dMiHrtlnt ir Uual l:alato inl.l Snd tha ry ct flrat cl.iaa nial Krata Armor in Uilorl'r. b ra tlimon IIK'IIHIK. 0. Mil, I.Kit, Ni. 1IN. SI XTII Hinol Hi. cval n ti acri pt iiiorty at pnMie aaH A now Monthly fliUa iuil i ' n w b-lns cmniill! tront IU pi' cull tninip .iljr. Is oril'ir tu avail lli"nalvci of Ilia alanusu (f the O-ami inm.ul Mtiii'n. roit HAI.R.-Niitantlit Aril-'-lvi atla-rart Dni tin. on Movai:t, alKiva Hutlonwona attail. LHtlfuul frjut b 110 IW di p. Tnoalli'O linmalla'o Bfl.oiil'i'l. Knt lfilllng (now rninlyi. N't. TU llriwn :, fwrlvo room. Lot IH r I rloa HOO. f truant Dwolllnra, witk atilm, Km, Tus ml no Itra'n atrnal. I.Ma IS by R root. Prior 1 H). epRanM ax'a-yard twtllinft.ta4t Id'1 of Kr mMin rat, abnra roii:ar. Twilva roona. Frioa Stl.m:'). Vary ai4ilor S .IH tw. IliiiK, eMt at. of FYiiitkl'a atrf K, north of foliar. Twi-wa ri,in. I'rtoa 9in.oio. Y' or olnsant atdayard Itwotjua-iton rilt.'4-iila tr.ot. a Oatord. Iflta Ii by luo lit, ai.d Jl hy 171 toil doau Inaatreot. Twtivt roorai. Prlcta fiiO auil 7.l. Tliroo cloaatit lwnllina on Urowti straat, woal of Hl(- tor nth. Imabla front daora aud whlv halU. i, iu In by DO a nival I'rloo $ 'i50 oaeh . rirtt-clnM lante double Mmlon on Obiflnut atrcr-t. flM lara ahlr ynrd and lot 17K font doop to a tia.'l. hiui n tin: lrloa tO,Jl. Very wat h,illinit. north alio of Wa'Uoe, watt of wntiotli atraot, Twnlro roorai. Lot W by ir,. Prh-o JU. Imnidlale po.ialloo. SplonilMly built brown atouo front DwiilUou on llpruco Hmt, wa.t of .i-avonteonth. Prlca 12,00. Rlntant fonr alory lwelliiir, en Vine troKt, wntt of Horantnanth. marble up tlia flrat itory. 1.M by 124 fwl ,w a itrmit. Prloa $10,'00. Vory axcollcnt flur-atury brown atona Iron! Dwelling on Woat l.oan e'loarn. Ii tea JtH.Onl. Krai liweUtns, with aidaon Arnh Htraat, wnatofl'wcitty- flrat Kour alory. lx)t 18 by 119 fbat. I'rtco Watt built, Boat, four-itory Owalllni, Mo. I7i Baca riftaan rooraa. Lot il by 1H0 root, rrloe lm. Iinmrdlale poaiawlon. Vwy beaullfallF located thraa iiuartor Dwelllnn, No. IfllO 8iiminr attaot. Lot aodbullilllin as faat frant ; depth 111 fi i Hiring tlrrmt. lTtrell roaaalon ilron. Vary ehgaitt.a'elUihtiiliy koate4 liwellitifi, aouth aide of Green atreei, want of Twen'.y.Uilrd. Twelve rooini IM IS k; 117. mea act1 0. ronaiilon gtron. Moat DweUlnf. No. t-4 M. Twetrtli atraot Hrloc IViOO. To a It rati any day at 1 o'clnclt. Now emiity. Sploodid manalon, north aide of Ureen atreel, weat of Twenty-aoooud. Lot ii by 170 feet deep. Prion t.,,0)0. Saw amply. Meat DwtUlofca, eauth aide ofSprtni!(lardu alrtiot, woit of TbJrtccn h. Prtcea 9000 aud IM.MO. Kataatiiiaible front aide-yard DweUlun, aouth sldoof (Ireao itroot, wuat of rifiacutb, aril home Hit of the church. ftplerdld new Dwvllloff. aouth nldaofCaatoe ilreot. woet of Minoieeuth. Prloe $o.'00. Now empty. Two neal throe-atory Dwelitnits, Twantl.'tli itroot, aboTe Ooalea, baring Uiroa-atory baca buUOInjti. Lota 11 by 100. Price tViflOO each. Throe aplendldly built new afita-yard Dwellings, aouth lUU of Urooo ttreet, weat ot NUietconth. Prloe HiuO. laBtMdlate potaMPlos. Aa offer la wasted for the property, Ho. IIS Race at.'fct. Lit l by SO. Neat Dwelling, Ho. Ill I Mount Vernon atrcet. Twelve room,. Lot in by rrli Vuco. Store and Uwrlllnj, No. 1401 Callowhiu itreot. Iiot IS by so ftat to a atreat. Price JWl cloar. heat OwotlUur. aait aldeol KraDkltn.abore Fofilar twotre room, rr ce ij;ui, clear. Vory excellent bualnnca atand Mo. 110 Arch afreet. Uiroo alorlea all Uaroiujh. Lot 17 by 101 feet deop. Price $0700. Now eaaotr. Hletraiit Dwolllns on Rtovecth aircet. aoiilh of Mtleti. Urowa atono iniumlitKe and maattc front. Lot 17 by 90. Price turoo. Very luoorior built Dwolllutt. No. SI N. Truth etreet, twehro rootna. Lot 17 by 120 feet deep to a itroct. Prloe tr7C0, oioar. Iinmodtote poMeaafoa. ftpkoilld bualnoaa atand, N. K. oornor of BUth and Hut- toBwood atronta. Lot 90 by 90 reet. Three atortei all throuRfa. Price 9S0CO . Only 9W00 wanted. Kacellent Itakary, No. 399 8. Third atroot. rriee 000 Neat llweiliiif. No.7o7 8. 8IUenth ttreet. rrloe 1 1090, atcat alx roomixl Dwelling, No. 7U9 M aetor atroet. Prloe lare.alear. VeryaxoaUentDwaUluf, No. 1011 Lombard itroct. Price SSToO, oloar ; poaaaaalon given. Meat, well built Dwelling, No.4 York itroet, Ueiiaiaj ton. Prloe moo ; tnhjact to $7i ground -rent. Two very largo Dwellinga, on out aide ol Seventh treot, above ataater. Priooa tWOO and tMCO. Noat tlx roomed Dweltlug.oaat aide of Quince atrcot, aeoonddoor below Walnut. (Quluco atroet is welt of Klevrulh.) Prioettfoc.cloar. Noat elght-roouicd Dwelling, aouth aide nf Itrown itroct, weat of Jiidaon; lot 11 b60. Price tMOiiubjoet to SiiO ground-rout. ai i ui.aait, Ho.VM ST. 81 XT 11 Street. BAUOAIN AGAIN NEAT DWELLING, ANo. 1U4 Ogdea and No. 1U6 Myrtle atroet, In tha roar, on tho aame lot. rrtce $100 for both. Kent for $900. Neat Dwelling, No, 614 Lorain atreat, a nice atroot, near Klghthand Green at re ; nine roomt, hot and ooll baiti.gaa.Ao. Prlee $21100. One hundred houtiee alwaya on hand, of which Immedi ate poeaeaalou can bo had. Prlcoa ranging from $1000 10 $Wil). Kvory anx loss porwon thotild t ill at onoe. OhOltGK 6. MILI.BIt, riactteal Ileal lintalo Agent and Hrokcr, No. U,4 N. 8IKTU atrcet. LARGE DWELLING. NOUTH SIDE OF oti atroet, oaat of Sixth atieot. Wou'd make a apiendid atore. Lot ta by !iS6 foot deep to Chorry atrcet, wlto axcclkiut atablo and ooacb-houae oil Uiut frot. Prloo I'&fiOO. PoaaeaaioB given lu 60 daye. Onat bacnflco. Throe ava-ioootad dwelling!, on Tar ker ttreet (Kanalngtna. near Frankforlroad). l ot 40 b 70. Prion $100, clear for all. Meat eligibly located DweUlag, No. 408 N. Twelfth tieotilot vlfeetfrtnt. Immediate poeaeaiion. Immediate poai.caalon. elogaot aldo-yard dwollluf. Frtuklui atrcet, above Poplar, price Un0. Mount Moilah Cemetery. Two iploadld Lou at a aaorl- floe poalllvely. OneOdd Fellowi' Cemetery Lot. MILI.RIt. . toO, No. 1M V. 8IXTU Slieet. Mi: A NEAT, LARGE MANSION AT Duya lano ataftoa, Oormantowm contalna tarelvo rooma, flvo on flrat flori atable. coach-homo, ele gant garden, eto Lot 114 foot from by J18 foot doep to a ttreet. rrk-e 'A. M1LI.BB. No. 154 K. 3IXTJI Stroet, J FOR. PALE. LARGE FACTORY. NEAR 'Oertuautown, oa tho Railroad. Largo Lot, with Switch to eon uect with ltallroad. Stream of water run a through tbe premnoa. Steam Bngme, Shafting aud all (v-mplote. (.argil BDeAdlBj, Ao. P(etiou ,'iroq, rrisa $10,000, clear. WEST PHILADELPHIA tO'ti FOR SALE ' CHEAP. -Oua 80 by Uio feet, at l par foot. Oua 10V by 100 feet, at $1 par foot. One U.'.by luo fee, at $1 per foot. All ouruor lou. But little money required . FOR SALE GREAT SACRIFICE. SIX- roomed Dwelling, No. 7l Jefferaoa atroet, $1700, clear, liargnii, poaliivaly, Dwelling Ho. litO Citron iiieet. Lot K b 60, with house oa reir, timX), clear. Store and line ling, No. 'JiH CallowhUi (treat. Lot 11 by a-nro. ttciidea handreda of other bargaiui. FOR SALE. NEAT TWELVE ROOMED -bA Dwelling, Ko. V6Q N. Seventh tire!. Lot It by US. Fric- $300. Kllglhly located Btore and Dwelling. 'o. 1M N.SHtu atroot. Lot neaiiy 100 fvot dooa to a atroet. P rloo $-AX0. tHaidea buuilreda ofofaerfreportlea. OKOKGK C. MI .LRU. No. 14 N. SIXTH Street 3l FOE SALE, CHEAP, INDEED. NEAT DweJMeg, No. Vine aUeet, twenr reoou. Lot 18 feet i inohoa by 1)8 lent, toaaioct. Pil;el . Ituui- tlaK pvaacatlon, MILI.KR. Ne. 1M S. 81.XTU SUeet. ff NEAT COUNTRY SEAT OF IS ACRES, "-en taejll aver ford read, iX tulica from U Market treat ki Mge. ror aala or icliaim. m KORSALE.-SPLENDID MANSIONS and Farm of $3 acrea, ar tsllet from BrUtoL Elegantly located. TLa Manalon mil built by one of tho flrtn of Stewart A Co., Mew York, farming ntentUa, As., go wltb the title. Trie $12,000. Fint-claaiFarmor 44 acraa, only half Bile fromth tutloaatTrnton,oathoPenajylvalB aid. Baitxoel lent large fratue luiprovtmviiu. Prlo $10,o00. Imntedlat potaetaloa. MILLK8, No. 164 N. BIX ru .Itreet. N. B -AU tli country property adverUaed bym (at ny tin) la aiwayt orat-claaa, a I take uo other kind to cttapohe of. FINE. CLOTHING, ItHAL BSTATB. Rf.AI. FUTATVi l-.RAL RiTAT f. FAUMS. FARMS . FAllMM. I'AKMH. KaRKH. r a It M S VAUMS. PAKM1. r tsy. n K0 FOR HA 1,1.;. I-'I UST CI.ASS Y AR M aoma, I'd) ne mCe from We , teat'ir. ry anpr-rior lm Pneo !'JlrK. Mini be e-n to be epiiir-riMiit. Vtrj auieilor r' .' -n of f arr,-. ongh limits of Vi .1 t,:.icr. I ,i imt r.uM'drt of tlui b it t lArt.0 Miaul-in. H.rn. c. ANn.ltanl Prloe tMs.tO;. Very excellent r ami i,r i icr... ; no tinmv'iienii, but a number of t l,o:c,i Ioiaj only ono niiM rrona WoatChonlcr. P..,,' M'Hiptr acre. Neat Karon of Pi ne-V' . new ti.eainc loclity aa a'Krre. Priii l..0 or .-r... Ktr'-t-ralo Ken.: i.f acrei. Hire. irt'ti f "in Wa-t Clicator; gor.4 Im; i.,ie.,iniits, anl on a ini'illc roa4 I'rloe f ion por acre. Very eiocllcn' I arm or IIO acrea, ovity 1 1 nillea frc,n a etntl-'il on U'C l rnna(vanlaCentialral M:,d, ali.iiit twenty mlloa fro in Hi tlty; hn ;,J iniiuovomouta, nuw barn, Ac, Price i- r acta. SiilK'rlor 1'arin r,f K.T ar.r.; ftrsi-rat.i ln:.d. and nolenlij Improvemnta; il'i.ale.l In Marlborough lowoihi Ch.'-tT count), about tviity t'.fo ulna from the tlty. I'ttoe SI JO ior aee. haatlarmoflarrfa.'ii; ralVi fro.a F.ll.lew lUliiin, on the lialilcvuc and llilladflplita tallroad. ITS let aim. htt Farm of 7'. acn , I V mil"i Irom TtiWiniiB a'atli n, on l'bl;,M,hla and Balllmare rallread. I' $101, ficr acre. Vt r neat Kami ot UK aera, Iu We t Nottintbam. aaar Oxfi rd homugli, CI cator county, al too very low Ufturo of Hi. 0. ltraidr h a gTcit nuiubcr of othera, lafurmat'. a of wbi 4i tol. tt I ad at ti.e ul.'lce. (IKOIIOK C. Mtl.LRK, rrictlcal Keiil Katate Operator, No. 11 N. HI VI u Street. aJMl SUTKUIOK F111ST-CLAS8 FARM, TUN a-fcmlloa from Uio city, on tie I'ennaylvania Central Kailioad, ooutalnlng (4) aorea. 1'ilna DOtv). okuiiiih a. Mti.i.nn, Real Satata Agan and llr kaf. No. Kit I. SIXTH SU-cOL I'OK fiALR. FIRST CLASS A No. 1 Farm of acrea, near lowaingtown, Olmator ootuity. Bicollunt Improveruentl, AO. l'rlce Sii.aOO, Tlila la an extraordinary opportunity to got a good farm. OKOItUB 0. MIL Lit it. No. 1M N. SIXTH Street. Noat new dwiilllng, No. I MO Morvlne atroet; lot in by 90. Friae 2'i clear. Now empty. Great Sucrlncn. KaoeUnii Dwelling, No. til M. Front afreet. LotSObjRS. rileoWI. K.inailont Bakery, No. WO I.awroner atroot, and No.f. Orchard etreet, in the rear, l'rlce t K'hiO clear. Nearly now neven-roomed Dwelling, No. 8111 Tnaker etreet. Lot lflb lvo. Piicc.iW)orloar. Sli-roouird liirclllng, No. II JcrTeraon atroot. Price (17(4) clear. Noat txoellen' MwolUng, Marahall atroot, above rarrinh. Price tioOO. K vhtrooma. Keat ilx roomrd Dwelling, No. 8105 Winter atroet. Lot It by 44 foot, rrlce I1M0. Neat acvm-toomwl twe ling, No. IMP Wood atrcet Lot 14 l,y M feet. Price $17110. NPataix-roonicd dwelling, No. (Vie N. Sixteenth atroot. Lot 10 by HO fact. Trice $16-0. Thrco very noat nearly new I)we Huge, norla aide of Priuid) v. Inc atnet, west of twentieth. I'riou i-moo eacli. Ilcaidei million of dollara' worth of other prnportv, con- atatlng ol flrat-claaa t'arma (no others!, Uanalona.CoiuiIrT Heata, Ac, all tvitliln thirty mllea of the city. OBUBOH C. MILI.BIt. Practical Real F.Afate Operator. No. 161 N.8IXTII Street. fli FOH BALK, ELEGANT, ENTIRELY LKew Dwellinga, Nub. 8,t01, MOT, Utfi, U( , 1311, W l:Klo, ard 1T7 N. Twelfth atrei t. All thr. e a lory front, and having Urge Uirre atory double buck buildlna, with all tho modem Impmvamenle in full I'rlcea $T0iJ to $0100. lxta 17 feet $ Inuhca by 37 foot donp. Alao, the flrat lour new propcrtlca on llio north aide of Thi mpaon afreet, eaat of of whioh it a Htora aud Dwelling. l-ot 17 foot C lucnoa by Co lent docp. Trice, $4i:0U each. liroad street, ro th of Oxford, woet aide, are four neat lour-alory, uevr aide jam iwtuiuui. rttco $l.,ouv each. llroad atroot, tooth of Oxford, west aide, a'O two neat four-atory dwolllnga, hating Plciou atone front up to the ll . at atory. Lota 20 feel by 300 fact d oep to a atroet. Price $10,000 each-$i5.D can remain. llaaldea ninilona of dollara' worth of olhT property. Kvary porton wlahing to purchaae Seal Kctate ahould call at ouce. New Monthly Catalogue will be otrt in a fear dayt. OROBOK C. MlLLta, Practical Ileal r.itatc Operator, No IA N.8IX1U Street. i NKAT DWELLING (FOUR STORY), pN0.7rj cimeicenui atneti tot iinyiuo reri. rno $oCC0. Now (imply. OKOItOH C, MILI.BIt, No. 161 N. HI X Til Street. COT THIS C01.LTWN OUT FOlt FUTUKK UKr KftKMGK. WANTS. FbRNlSUKD HOU8K WANTED, IN Lii- wiat Kali, ui. or Locuai.or Arch, or Chceuut atroiU AUiircaa "Kumit'iied Uouae," at thia olllro. lo-A FOR SALE AND TO LET. FOR BALK OR TO LET. llWF.IXIMtiS, No". Mi'Ua and !el08 AKCI1 STIll'.KT. U 10 0t 1UANGE OF l)EPOTI PENS'8YLVAN1A R.MLUOAD. ItRMOVAL. On mid oftor 8UNHAY. tvf.htr 10, IW, the Ticket Oliico of the rental IvAi.ia Itu'lroad win lie at tne ra..Non- gi-r -utfot. llliitiiciu auu aaAivuthi oireeis, neat f l,iucili,u.a, ami ii e 1' inane ti n i. hVAitr ritnM TIIK V'tST llillJtlir.Ll'lllA 81'ATIOJT Ae loLLowa: Mall Train at 8 f0 A. 1'iiikcbliurg Train, No. 1 " lot HMt i.ina -- Ai'ao aikinliu; " 1 uo r. M. liarnibuig Accouimoiifl:ion " y ,io,aetei Accoiuniodation 11 4'IMl Taoli Train " U'liO Kilo tloo " BOO I'hUadolphia hr-vif " 10'1 Ann Aunii r. Krte Exprcaa at 4'?o A M. 1'IUladclplila EAire " 7 (n ' l'ooli Aciionixaoilaiiou.... ' 8 10 1 1'r.rkcrhurg Aocouiuiotlatloii,N. 1 " ' Faat " m I.aucaaiar Train " M'S'i P. I'arrenhurg, No. I " b .'li) 1 Mull Trail 6 1'. liarriaburg Acci.luuiodatluu " 11 UO Philadelphia Exnieaa lcaroa daily, lirlc ' " ex ,t Sutmdnyj, AU other Tiaiiil dally, except Sunday. TlieCaraof tlio Market Hired I'uaienger Kallivay will leave Kignih atteet at 7 l.'i P. M,. to counei4; vtlth the Krla Kxprtiaa, and al lo P. M., to connect nlth the l'hiladoiplila Exiinaa al Ihe Weat riilliidt h hla in put. DCKING TIIK WKKK, KXCF.IT HUNDLYS, TlieCara of the MAJtKKT hTHKKT PA8 HAIL WAV Will leave Fruu; Aircet every niiuiito, oomnimiclng one hour pie. ioua to the time of departure of eacli train, and the laxtcur will leave tlilrt vrnlnulu, prior to tha atarl Ingtluiaofeach tiain torn the Weat l'hlladelpklit Depot. MANN S liAOOVJB EXKKKSSl ThoOffloeof MANN 8 ItAtHlAOK KXFKK8S will be located at the 8. K. COKKK OF liLKVF.Niil AND MAKKF.T Streota. and ha will call for and deliver 1)- gauo m tin e ror all trame aa TIIK 1IKFOT AT TUB t'OHNtK OF F.I.F.VENTII AVD MARKT HTIIKF.IH WILL B& CLOMliD At'ltK 8ATUUDA., ..ulant. fl c FRATPIRCUS, Fuil, Tnui'lphla Divia ou Puuna. kaUroad. Weat PlillaAlcliilila. OcujJ.r H, lso4. 10-1 ALL OF T.T'T.T.OCrf & CRENSHAW'S 8 ugar-coated Pills anil Orannlel fpr le by Roulheaat corner HBOAD and l'AltlilrlH titiiAt, 10-14 lit Piilladinplila. TTENTION ! POLITICAL AND PATENT ru,ht men t also mnnufacturera of Fireworks, call and ee the tireut I'outlcal Cauip.ngn Iiluuluitlora. Terntortoa lor Aic. Adilrwa, . J. O. I.FAT1. 10-LoV American Uoiiiie, riillndelptila. OLD WHEAT WHISKY. 160 casea pure old Wlieiat W Idbky. For aale by K. P. MrDBLtTON, 1011 0t No- N- FKONT Hlreet. T1SBOLUT10N. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP J ' heretofore eiiatlng anderthe flrui of HAMl'KL N. DAV-K8 A 80N, la Uila day dUnolved. The bualncaa will bv aatlivd by Uie uailvralKiied, at No. '."A DOCK Mtreet. C11A8. E. DAVIK8, Surviving Partner, rbiladelphla, Hcpioiulwr WJ, IbW. iO-PAnTNEBHIP-Tlio analeralrneil have this flay turmi d a Co-paruierahip under the flrut ,,f HAVIkS Ulill-THa-.l(8, tor the tranaitailon of a gimaral Bauklng and Brokerage Buaiuom, al No, KV DO iK htreet, " l'IlAUt.F.8 K DAVIBa, FAXHM A. DAViKS. rtillade.nlita, October 1, Wl. U, 8. Crf locates of lntkbte.lneM, Quarteraanatera' Vouo),era anil Ch.-ka, and OoYorumcnt bocurttiea ruily, uougtit and aohl. 10al-lua Buaineaa Fapar and loaaa on doll&terale negotltiteU. Htocka ana Loaua bottatit and aoldon Coumiinaloa. u. s. MEW 7-80 LOAN. SiibucriMkiae recalvod. and lb Kotei furnialwd ixe oi all oLargea, by OE0BOE J. BOYD, Banner, kan-vra Vo. 18 8. THIRD lr,t. o 1L STOCKS UOAJOIIT AVD BOLD OJN CtlHUlHlll?!, By UltOKUe 3. BOYD, Broker, ell-Sa Vo. 18 8. THI HO burnet. REDUCED PRICES, PFAL FSTATK. mAL BSTATK. RKAL r,HTATK. AUCTION SALES. M ACKRT'8 AUCTIOM KCKTMS, Me. SM KAJUtBT Stnai, O. 0. MArntftV. Ana'tnneer, altotta oool"rrta at O'alt tlnda, for iHibrc aale al hla Auetk.a KooaU, BBdaaS wi attnad rafifially to aai ra II r.f ! r.l a J Pi A. 1' r aii.-nft At ll.a Vv.Iiam. m. Iiot'Sr.tiui.i mRniroaa Aft TlwJllaoa. anil H;itn,Kn ur air.i'iiianiioffi Af II a ara r n. n rora Cent; . iii t o a.lvauce.1 wlien duairtax on eottaigaoaanu r foiita tor fi.jl,i.i aala. fi MTN irrra or ..Kirt.ltT tNn AkC'RinAaT Wlllir. tl.tANITI. AN l tOMMDI r.AltT'lEN- W A it h. Ac Or TuA'lv M iraliir. I' o'ol'irk. At ria. ..xv a i,o rooua No W4 Uar kit ti-CAt. 1 ' c Htuioii m of uti and erniitrv retail atorekeeoera la oi-ii. o Pur. I lACrw r-,r'rv pan t thlr inwl earerjUf p Kta ai ti c UUUI.HI rui'ina. Ol.' milsS MAnKKT STRKEV. Ilia.tW THIltTERMTJt. RT INVITATION OF TUB 0I.U. EON. TV1LLIAM D. KELLEY, CAFTAIN A. R. COLHOUN, HON. J. M. tXOYEL, WILL AIORR4V TUB riiHMf f I ON MONDAY EVENING, 00T0BER IT. t i AT 6 O'CLOCK, 1 Tt ltd r InvltCilla altod. 10 un lOAL FOR SAI.K.-OMB OR TWBNTT V ' tone, flr.t qua U. it,, natid to .Saaltarv l air. ABotr al Uie t.if1ir, No 1 la S.H1&V tis CU Htreet, up etair. U-I4 TVJOW 11KADY-COAI. AT S7-S0 FFiK 1 TfiV 1I1K CONht,'Mr,H8' MTtlllAI. OOA8. (' MI-ANY are now udivorlni Coal from U.4rOaklaak4 Co.iici i .on tlio celebrated Sklduor and Mammoth vela. allhc follow, rnt rate.; To hmi.aci it-i ru, pre- ton ft -to To Ni.n 8iiliNrnhera.nor ton UO Tluia ativliiL' tl0 m-r tou to HtncahoMAra. HeHlaea MiM s v aavlu. Uiore will tic a diviiterid aaanallr on the tatock ail prul.aUillty, of at leant 81X NOI.LAK8 P8K HHARKV aot'ial nOcr Inotlrat viar Htookhotdora wilt not only gea tliuli- loal for noUifng, but will alao probably reoctr ainaH dUlir-nd on thelr.stock. The leaie nina for Out ppw noit low loyalty for alxteea yeara. Hie ten dotlar po ahare r-nl now la for the wbo a term of tlio Icaae. The nrcaent capaoltr of the Mine la MVnoo tone per year. or one tun tier aUar. fhla wIU aoon be lnoroaa4 to UOIo toliM, which wll glv the Company loO.O Ml tone t to outoidi-re at market prtona. TUK PKOFIT8 FltOSt Mlll' ll WILL UK DIVlDtD AM.QHU tiLS MllCklXll 8. Huoactlpuoiia to tne r trai nonoa may ana d nun m 1 nor aliaci, at the Slltceof tha t'ompuny, No. t V SIATIl Htreet, accond aiory. lb next aerlea wtU b$U por ithare. rroaieort oaihi-.o lii... Treaauror J8IAil KlalKItllOl.'K, No. 1U1 MAI- K1VT atreot. twictiny johh c. tjivnuu, u: it a. this- TF.F.NTll btreet. riiai.oroua : JAMF.8 LTND. No AS 8. Sixth atreit. KDWAttD K. .K1NF.8, No.gil Area atroet. HKNKV 8. i'AUL, No 41!) Walnut at-ecl, p. r. CLaVION, No 164 N. Third atreot. HlOMAM HAItSiF.D, No liaj Chi-anut etreet. From the hat of Stookholdora we aoloot tha lOUawirjir well. known and h'gtiiy respsntASo namea, ALL, OF WHOM IlaVF. KBi F.IVF.D COAL, and to whm w confldot llr refer Inquirer. ThA itock aiKilni.'otl verv r Apmiy aucuiaaeaoi anooaaa niiiuliy aeeuil ig dinoAcd toBvati thenaaajvea ofita advaaa- lAgua. A laraa a iinuar w ir- w, .in viaiwacm i htockholilere, and tnorc 15 J t'v room ror mure -.- Itotiert atoKweu, IF.. T. Pierce. v m u. -i aynr, Itev. A.M. Jelly, F.dwin at. Ilaiflah, Ueneral WUllaul F Bojall Thomaa Wnolmatl, .mmn aria, John Ivea, .loha I'hllHiK, Alart,n ifreyer, A In aliani .Stewart, CharlAB M. Murrla, John l. riio.-pr. 1'homa.C. BiU. K . 1 . Croaaoii. F. IMg ikit. John tlifrbrl. II. W. I ay, liaito, lolui llraaMlngton, il. F. HoutliwortU, Youni., ,'ianoi. Itraiim. -lauiiiel F,,rder, T'lonira W. FrtoA, IF. Hm tk. rhai'ioa klelianlanaA, Kev C W. IK-Biaea, A. HoTy, : Thorn la Allea, D K. Aakton, A. F. Heiidixaoa. M. A. F .r, F.van Fox, fcurgaO low, V. M. Carpeater, Jol.n tlulliver, Dr Jiiaeh T. Rawand, Kobert l'boiaai, I ,ovl ivoUera. John S.JenkiA, c tO-o.taer, Itev M C.8utpuOB, K ibort Roatty, N. W konett, U, W.lwta, O. b. Sonter, David Wcarh'rlr. ,1 ll. HciinmaAer. V. Onftitha. T. i. DllKa, John F. 1 Ajior, ,1. a-onk, F. M. Brcdlol, tioorgo w. Mooney, N. h. l.awTtniLC. Th.-maa Iluntoil, J. ll.O'Ilara, 11 C Young, CIirtntninKl offer, Aug. F.mcnck, (ieortc I. Keller, K.lward Oilne, Lewia Kenali, J. II Walton, K W. l-taiitcn, Baronol Nln'ona, Ihontaa K Uaraod, M hioraker, 11. J Keen, J, hn (.. alli-rimer, K. J. Hp.niiler, A. V. Mtiri.liy. CAptain J. M, Fral'oy, li Dr. Wliaon Jewell, Dr Oeorfc-e I. UUvcr, ('. D.Talmano, Itr.nri H. run. H,,n. Jodge Alll.on, ll F. Faria, M.r.Cadnilia, (ooine I'ctii-Mtn. Oe -r.e L. MUlor, J Kl.ln, Vi'aHar ll-edl, J. Vi m . Jouca, Jfl.r, li. Aikle;-, J . Frnnk, Jcneph K Torr. L dwarda, K.C.i-iij dir. tioorxe F. OmnrlF, WIU.C. Shul r, Jaiuea Whlttlngtoa, Charles A Make, Win. Ar.dreee,' C. D. Sheckeiion, F'.ed. rtck t:ailmua, K. W. Moriliou, 1'. F. C Utloll, V l Hani ftioii, Vi m. hupcr, Jonn Mutr, Iredi-rtck PartAtt, CM Iiuahainfa, Hum y McAuaily, , vr . Haoa, li. T. K.-n.ll, CliAliea liar it. JoKeph 8 For, juiiu. iieuier, Fiederlok y.alaa, John 8 Wl inn, .lohn Mi-Arthur, 'l lioroaa Haaiaia, Preittm l'onaJiigun, .fame A. Derruitfef, W. P . Bpow, I'harlo II. Uoipl, Cliarl la Welk ink. i iiomaa uraiiain. vi iu. laaaria, K.F.Prentla. Jnmea II., w ua iiarmer, K. W Aldnriloa, Klcjiard Stofcea, ije.irge wi aain, C. M . Bcrrr, Joi. 8 Fl-ker, Chaa B Uleklnj, lo P, O'aipn'. Yhoi.ll.raanoa, A F. Hawa, 9i N. BwAot, CtnnamuuBtL N.J. Tho Wool man, John Praoal-n, tli-o. IfawmAcaly, .loa. M. Beai-haH. , Col. John r Hi!lor, . , i tleorite W tlreger, . . lAino-i 8 . Taylor, Waalururtoa llAil, - ' t'harlc. M. Kvaul, It. J. Orlgg, i loorge J-.llF. Henri E. Wallace, J. 1. liuop, W. II. Bei net, A. W Totn;.lilna, 11. L llal owcll, Wm.Fotilt, C. Fni.lden A Co., J. C. Iliinimell, F W. It!, ii r, John 1'. W'v'f, 1 ai Id Ai pli-uale, Jonepli Jotiusou, Jul, a Oid, liunni Voimg, CiiarleaT Mallievl, Rnntiel Kllpattlck, J. P, Wlikln ion, Wilihun I' fetliaiilt, Johu 8 Filclie I. llcurv B. Chew, William Sio oua, F.D.ll. Klihardl, Fiiviard Bidille. O 8. OlatUn, ) K. w . Mill. O. P. Walilron, W M Cornell, rhar'eaA kurlbauv. Tl.umaaS Skoomnker. Juda wear, Jainee FoAter, Knoa tnvdur, W. F. Aoioa. John McKi Itht, hilt. Kifl.ertT.8o. Ao ni In hfAnaTlinY Va tl.ll N ADA.VH4. Coal ( arte can llnd atea.i.. OOTPlOj went at O ir TaTal. No. 1617 CALLUWUILL Hr,ct. 10-U-it I)EGULATION8 FOR THE APPOINTMENT t ol Cadet Eiwlneera ln tiie N avy. In pur.uunee of the third and fourth aectlioa of aa aot panted at the orat aeatlon of tho 'I hirlv-cm-lith Congaoaa, approved Ju'y 4, MA, " To aulttvriie Ihe nerrtlary of Iht Jiutylo provide for ike tduealioti of Xuval C'ontlruetort and Bttam Engineer', and for olklr pur-noaca," appll c.itloiu will be received by tne Nuvy Doparuaent tut U apiKnutnirnt of Cadet klngluera. ... - The application la lo Ui ad.lreaeed to the Beeretaryof tlieavy.and can be made by the candidate or by any pemon for blm, and hla name will he placed on tit rt'Klaler. The rrgiatry of a name, however, glvaa uo aauranc of an hi,ij Intreent. and no preference will tx given in tlio ar lection topri.itlty ol uppllcatloii. The numb T of Cadot Kugineera la limllod by law ttt fldy. Tli candidate uuat be under elghtaan yeara of;, and hla application mini be accompanied by auUilaelory evidence of moral character, uierhanki-al aptitude, and or hit having been employed at loaat two yeara In tha actual fubrlcatltiiiot'aluain machinery. Before receiving an ap pointment, he niuat pata a wedicul eiuuiinatltn of hi phyaical 8tneaa, and an ncadeiiUo exauilnatlon of hi uiental itualiAeatlona. lie will then be admitted to th Navnl Ac Ad. my in the claa ol Cadet Koirinw-r, n linvrded every mean of itouuirHig a acientibc and prao tlcal knowleilge of the prluclplea of mcohanii a noceaAary ror ditcharging the dutlea of a Steam Cugtaeor lu tlui Jtavy. The'couraeof atudy will comprls two acadumle yoar. All cailrta ho graduutt- wui he luuneaiaiaiy w.- r, . bb Aealtlant Kugmtcu lu th Navy, lu pay o a v.v win at thi TAeaAerav th Cad.ta wl bo oxamlnei, fromm'lKierdCV, iClN.5ln,o7.dSrm reVor-cV Jfln-iAwiin receive permlaalen vrtll preeent Ihea " v f Academy to. !' " . ,h voth and tKiih of September, lor exauuuatiou a tottiew inaUneatlooaforadniUalou. t- rcililra. giving fiirth.riBiunnatlon, may b had noon appUcatlon to Uie Navy Departuieat. 10-16-at SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS.