The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 14, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' A t :
f rating gfclcaph
wnr tMiw. tiik lomnupii wto
(MDTnioMt oi THrxiiinr,
a.--. '
fcralr", scritch, a-cratch,
I'laeaetrntris, I to inn, vul fw,
1 t-tii, Talc, anil Kwicvri,
yei'.b h I'licUt-tit hin.1 of hi' .
rrftct, '"retell, aor-itc!-,
yr'i)i a, D'lhm, atvl I)un,
, Iulipv, 'Jis.ip, ami fans,
jfc ii'ent, l'uio, ind Fiin,
f .-ratrri, ncMti Ii, scratch,
:,,V;h a M"onm n ;t" ".,
S'rli h. ortoh, ex-rat,,,,,,
i Hntt Kiot. niM Raul,
Huelc Atl I Ch an-t T'id,
Who 'i "! "Ho ,sa' afraiii:
' ,'i'rti. r- "h, sTitch,
4KurY. Cbai'onite, ami blur,
Of tt of Him i.ntl of H"-,
nvt?nt'rrt, HiimtmR. and Tfctti,
'Ttflly ; f iMbir.n, ani Yoa'.b.
Scratch, scr-itcb, ncrhn h,
ftnlrl'tp, Permon, anil Joko,
Mefaphvatc. KciwHo.', ami H'rutho,
. tlh ope-anl 3'1 crok,
Ruin an ri Vi. and (Miauio,
"Virtue, Honor, actl r am.;.
... crAtclt, svratrh, scral'li.
'It's tnty as n-Mh-ntf to j ."
"1 r-oulrl ilo it hotter than .too,"
Paca Aro the fomni"tits y'm hear.
,To-ii crsid-rid -ijuoor'"
And Dulli'iiiK At iba uJ oi tli
:' ftraU.1l, mratrll, sera ell,
You r .v.rybo-il.v s too),'
Tts rwd'r rails yon a fool ;
'TtJf6'T Is n nss,"
fto says tha critical ma,
i If lh pair tn th'T bowl,
I( li'i a minute to j i.tte thoy grow'.
Bcnfb, .ecrilch, STntcTi,
i Slavs oftha mUh'7 V'ojj,
t Tbt ")Tll"Jomndfl a "inH,"
For (nh'. TlN'rs thu never j-tiy,
01 isn't it jolly, say ?
Ho Silk Goods Are Made in the
United States.
Tbt dleoovcry of tbe uses to wblch the cocoon
fibs silkworm might bo applied nodonbtetlly
ria-iaattJ with tbe Chinese. Twenty-soven htin
airsd years before Christ, m their writ ten records
alt-daft, an empress of that nation was the first
to spi-avsl the fllmy threat), and to wcavo it Into
awebofthininscloth. Whether thu be trua or
aol, it it a well-attootod fact that when the eiit
tnre of tbe illkcii fabric of China became known
la otber countries, tbe innnntucture wax no longer
la its infancy, or .impurficly excuted, but bud
alrrady atlaiued an excellence wblch conld only
be the tu'l of loiii and eaccessful practice.
Eocb, Indeed, was its importance, that the paoplo
aad (Btlr country, in ancient writings, wore
amcd Seres, and Si rica, front the Chinese word
Se, or Her, wbkh inanities i-iik.
Tbe most ImpenVct notions were prevalent in
WeMtrn Asia and Enrnpe in reg.u-d to the true
atare of bilk. Some writers desciioe it as a sort
f downy roattiiul comtieil from tbe lenves of
trees, bnt no one had any real knowledge of it,
shontb ibe silk In its ran Mate was for aKua ex
rrud from China, and niAnul'itetured in l'orsia,
T) re, Berytns, and elsewhere,and thus the woven
fabrics n acbed tbe several ptirts of arope and
Asia. -Tbe fsikteoe of tbe Bllkwerm ws un
kaown except to tbe Chinese and to some few
karicd men in tbe countries to wbiuit tbe fabrics
were exporled. Pliny and Aristotle mention its
exlftmce. and Fllnr osiertcd that it was a native
t K", an is'aad or tbe Grecian Areblpelago; yet
Ike fet tlwt Puraphylia. a native of tint LsUnd.
was tbe lirnt to ravel tbe imported cloths for the
anrpoi e of SDlnninz and weavius them xno into
nahter fabric, as guaie, seems conclusive against
wis Murrnos. -
In loxurlcns Home soTicnutlfal a fxbrlewas
snie to "be appreciated, tbouiih nly tbe. richer
ttiu as could wear It, by reason of the expense.
' Tbe heavier nod were here ravelled and reovon
1st dinner lahrlcs for summer nso. Men were
forbidden to wear it, tliouKb u mixed materUI,
called tub tcricum,. was in nso by both sexes, lis
cost and tbe Uutl.'oUv of otitnnini; it were h i
fiect.tbatln the second' century Marcus Antoninus
ytal auibassadors to China with a view of csU'
Hshlig commercial relations witb that peoplo.
la this be was oiisncresefnl. The immenso cost
f these Yhbrfct mny be estimated by tiie fuct
tbe pis-ession of a silken garment in mentloneii
as eoe or trie wanton prouiarantiesor tneismperar
rielintabalos, while Aorelian refused a silken
stress to bis Kmpress on tbe ground that it would
cost its weight in gold.
Tbe extreme antiquity of the discovery in In lia
and China Is trsliUed by tbe fa,'t that all the
ancient lungangea of that region have named
f r "silkworms" and "wrought silks," andanjoi '
tbe classes of tbe ancient Hindoos nre those niiinud
"silkworm feeders" and "reelcrs of silk."
Tbe growth of silk in China for four thousand
years baa been next in importance to that of rice.
Certain ceremonies in regard to both wore pre
scribed, in the book of rites, by C'onfueiu.s, two
thousand three hundred years ago, and invested
witb religions authority. The Empress annually
coes through tha initiatory process of gathering
leevi s for the food of tbe young silkworm, while
tbe imperor holds the ploriKh at the annual
ceremony of pluming rice. Thousands of year
ago a king was d ilkd for encouraging the culti
vation of the mulberry, and a quoen for itoprove-snents-ia
tbe art of weaving silk. Yet it was not
till ibe middle of lie sixth century that it became
known in . Constantinople and Eastern Europe
Ibat silk was tbe product of a worm. Home egK-s
f the worm were then brought thither by two
Peri Inn monki who bad been miisaioDariee in
China, and bud observed the various processes of
rearing tbe silkworm and preparing the silk.
These eggs, which were conveyed in the hollow
of a taue, at tbe proper season were hatched and
fed upon tbe leaves of tbe mulberry tree. Tbe
monks continued to superintend at Constanti
nople all tbe processes of rearing tbe insects and
oianuiacturing tbe silk. ' And from this small
commencimeut the myriads of silkworms have
prang which furni.-hed tiie material for one of
tbe nioft important ana constantly enlarging of
Modern manufactures.
for about six bandied years the Oreek empire
Continued to be the great European seat of the
manufacture. Tbeuco it was carried to Palermo,
and tbe Sicilians became possessed of the profita
ble art. From Sicily it spread into Italy, and
Venice. Florence-, Lncca.und Milan became cele
brated for the Ik auty ot their bilk and tbe extent
of their manufactures. In Venice, Kucb wna the
estet nt iu which ibe manufacture of silk was held
that tbe brMncts of a silk factory was considered
no degmduticn to the higher classes of the inhab
itants; nnd the tl rte trades of siik manufacturer,
gJUM-maker. and oni?tn were riascu a noiile
employments, r.t l ntiwortny oi tuo ulj;uet ant
Nearly nil the countries of Southern Europe
proved lavoranic tor ttic culture oi tuc suaivonh
and tbe iniinafi.ciuie uud trailla in its uroduc
tions spread with gieat rapidity. lint it woe not
until lino tbnt the manufacture was introduced
into Fiance, which soon supplied not only itsowu
demand, bnt that ot loroit'a ixiutitric. Uac bun
tired yc.irs lutt r, curit g Mime ot tUo wars that ut
that period deo!nted the Low Countries, tunny
manufaeturers and dealers in silk were forced h
fly from tlieir hoiuis, uud fxik refuge, iu
land, renewing there the bnsiuc-s to wiucb tuev
liad been bred, and giving strong impulse to its
fuunulacture. The aoll and climate of England
are not apparently well adapted to tbe cultivation
vi mcuiuiuiiry nor tuo reanugoi tue stiuivonu
liut lor the but three buadred years the uiacu-
fKCtt:reofim;oru J raw i.k has boeu v.:. y exteu
a:ve in that coimtiv.
About ibiity years :-'.3-a ca atttmat wa- ntalu
tointrodiuo bc-rkuit'iie iutotiu t'n!tc-l State.
It proved a failure for i- u(,on that can barjlv lie
adeiLately Amctip tliei-e, lumever, tieie
are a lew pn-min. nt ones probably in ln
eueed the result beyond others, uipb wages and
tbeii(u. ujty of cultivating tie multieriy, which
is not luu.ttuous, audi icuires inticii cure in
tuis cluiictc; Uie iiiidiieu cti.inges in the a;uiu
siiuete, which iffct t!i ttisccta unfavorably, us,
tc guuffurl n(.inst with t reat assiduity ( and a
r'"'ul. I'Uguauee to the banaiicg and treau
.x,f,.L,':iV0,luf'- A a!' vcatn, aflor ft brief
the leaiinn .? ?. .tbe "" mt ienrt(j and
nre conccruvd. t iUkw Min " UvchJ,
TUB AILTllV, an,,.,,;",,,
I Ate exptr:nieuts, however, UoW tw; ., ....
Hornby, tie Uomh,, cynfAAfot."
vroun.can be easily rcuied !u il,,uuJ
proper iwJ, the wibntliut tree, belu radil Jiii
sated here, i m! thr!uect iiiia a!licluui,nroy
to wiib.-l.ind all tiie riii .lwos of our oluul, ni
go through all its tracsionuations in tke opi-n mr
Hithont much care, lie product of tho nil.
worm Is- ucd in China lor heavy fabrics, and
most ol the clolluni; Kbicii is of extreme dura
bility of ibe low't clssfes Is made frOTi It. It
is ordinarily mnvafHCiiired in the form of spun
silk, but exper iments made in 1'ra.n e hnveMiown
thai reded 'ml mnufa. tor. l in tbe ordinary
way it is Mrarly, if not quite, equal In all rcspc.-ts
to the gomds made from the silk of the Homhix
men. This orm, with proper care, produce
'.wo broods n ono season. The nlUniriai is easily
prV''g"i d, both imm tiie seed and slip, an I tho
efits being hatched in the warmth of a b ipse,
tho wnrris need only to bo cirric I to tho plants,
which can bo Sit in hedge or olns'ero, when
thevwi lbv o and moult, ami sp;'i tlm ooas
within ab. ut i'..rtj' dav,, mi l without farther
ntf h'.lo'i.
C nilitior.t of temperature, X , being fivnr
i'hV, tho tirkt Horn. s will be ha'ch t ) it tbrf
10 b of Jui e, ami t:io hocon l at' out tho 31th of
A vnn'.t and the la"t c e ons will !.' spii'i a'nut
the 1-t of Oct,)ir of each ye ir. I)ar:n the vin
ler, loroons disiahed for reproduction must bi
ept ory ai d of nioriomto teniprraturi!, nn I in
tbe later d.ivs of (niitf pl.icvd in v tr u room-.,
h. i the moth will '--d:iy oinorste. Ai the
ftdnnthus will grow on soil uulit I' r j i,
sml s the intlo care r.''i il i d iy tic worms c in
bfl tm ribd by old p.-)p,e, or children, there Is
every reason to 'iippj-c, the c illiva'imt of
iihiiilbu ilk mot so n lie ox emivcly lnT -itint
I. At the present high price an I ncovcitv of
c itton, the Inducements for Its eultti -c ar very
gre:it, as its product would supply tho pli'e of
Ihtt slsple In iimniit'uoturcs of -voaro g Tii'i'crlal,
ard ciuld rie prmluced at a very Mnull iv,.t.
Wuh the exception of the eardimr or oomb ng
machinery, it could be entirely manuf lutured iu
cotton-mill. The fibre .being stronger than tbit
nt't-rl on. it requires heavier curds, which could
be add id to the cotton m-tchlttery with little
ojipi ii-o. 1 bus every indm'inctit is oiro od t
tho A n, er can peop'e to p rist in 'he prod c tio i
jf ,uereo, ns the prod at of the Bonhyrcin'iii
l named. Experiments have already been' made
in l' niisylvenis, and In some of ilie Netv Mo.--snd
Pt-'ites, which prove the entire pr ictl- abtllty
of this branch of forionlttirc. To Dr. 'I hom-i"
H ifwar ls-m, of I'biladelpbln, l due the honor of
having introduced and tcs;ed, nii:rssi'u:ly this
new product.
'The ilkworm, rltirlnp Its brief Insect life,
passes through a variety of transformations. The
ik'gs ol the Mlkvtorm moth are extr. mely small
and vety numerous. The worm is batched from
thfro in nb,nt eight days, and, la about eight
days wore, having giown rapidly, it prepares for
Its first moulting. It remains qnlot for three
days, and Is t aid to lie sleeping. A gummy sub
stance cxndes from it, by which the old skin Is
fattened to a leaf, and then, after a violent
struggle, it crawls out of this outgrown casing.
Again feeding voraciously, it increases in sl.o,
and on tbe ttfib day moults again. I'onr of these
moults occur before it reacbus lis full si.e.
ArrivediOt maturity, the caterpillar Is of a rich
golden hnr, and about three Inches In length. It
leaves od eating, and selects a corner in which
to spin its cocoon. Several irregular threads are
flistpaFcd backward and forward, by which to
fuspend the cocoon. A loose structure of floss
silk is formed, and within that a closer one of
oval shape. Within this tbe worm remains work
ing, nntil it is gradually lost to sight. Taking no
food, and emitting tbit Inrge quantity of silk, its
si.e diminishes one-half, and at tbe completion
of its cocoon it ngain oh mgos its skin, and bo
ccrues a chrysalis or arolia, and apparently inani
mate. At the concln ion of three or four weeks
Huron sej from this corpse-like stitu.and emerges
from the rot oon ;t perfect winged insect tho silk
moth. The moth lives but. a few days, and takes
no food. Tbe female dies as soon as she has do
posited her i ggf, and tbe male docs not long sur
vive her.
The cocoons from which the silk is to he reeled
arc subjected to a high temperature, cither iu the
sun or iu ovens, for the purpose of destroying
the moth, which, in emerging, Injures the thread.
The cocoons are thin placed iu warm water to
aispoive the gnm, ai d a woman, with a wisp of
twigs, loosens the hbrcs nnd seeks Mr the. end ot
tbe tbreud. Then, taking as ninny threads as
she desires, usually lino, she attaches tbem to a
reel, and winds ctr tho silk. This is not wound
regulHrly nion the cocoon, but in patches over
Its iiirfuee, and is often aix hundred yards la
A regular, cvon motion of the reel must lie main
tained, not to break tho filaments, and the tem
perature of the wutcr must not decrease, lest tho
gum harden, In order to make this thread of
aniforni size, treidi cocoons must lie Added before
the old ones arc quite reeled off, as tbo filament
is liner near the inner end. Three fresh threads
added lo two hnlf-wonnd are equal to four fresh
ones. I- everal of tbese threads are then wound
from the reels upon tbe bobbins, and aliithtlr
"thrown" or twisted. And the article, in this
state. Is tbe "raw silk" of commerce. It is with
tills form of the material that our manufacturers
usually commence their processes.
Tbe following Is a list of the articles manufac
tured of silk in America nt the present time:
Ttsiu and, sewing silks and machine
tnists, embroidery and purse silks, trimmings,
cords and ta-seis, fringes and gimp, Indies' buir
U( ts, neckties, beltings, upholstery goods,,
ibiilards, sirsenou, heavy dress and uiantillii
silks, velvets nnd plm-hes, military sishos, car
riage trimmings, and mixed goods iu great
The duty on thrown silk isthlrty-flvo porcent.,
with ten er cent, lidded on all tha: comes from
beyond tbe t ape ol Uood Hope. This includes
most that cornea to this country Italian Bilks
being little Imported and China, Japan, and
llengal furnishing nearly all that is manufac
tured here. Kaw silk, wbieU has not been ilirowu,
is free.
The present tariff, with the high price of cold
and rates of exchange, affords protection to the
silk manufacture in this country ; and even should
coanxo come in tnese respects, tue business
once established, as it Is fast becoming, will bid
defiance to foreign competition. The annual con
sumption of silk manufactured ods in this
country, for mauy years past, has been very largo,
and constantly on the increase. During the
twenty years previous to lbtiO the imports of aiik
amounted to S.170,000,0 0. During the two pre
vious yeara they amounted to flO, 000,00'), equal
to one-third of all tho dry goods imported. The
revenue, during tbe twenty years previous to
irou, on sua goods, amounted to $iM),oxx),ouo.
Tbe wealth to be gained from so large a manu
lacture would add immensely to the resources of
our ration.
In lhGO the annual production of manufactured
ilk in mis country was estimated at ri,000,0)0.
it must nave greuuy mcreusea oy this time.
' We have not space in this article to give any
details of the woven fabrics made in this country,
bnt shall coniine ourselves to a description of the
manufacture of sewing-silk and some kinds of
The law silk, while still in the "gnm " and In
tbe banks in which it is Imported, is brat placed
vpon reels and doubled, that is, a number of
threads are wound together upon a bobbin. Tho
bobbins are placed together in a frame above the
reels, Ibe scvcrul threads are pus-ed through an
eyelet, and thus wound evenly uoou tho bobbins,
to which a slight totary motion is impanel, which
twists the siik. The oneiatiou is called " throw
ing," or spinning. At this staio tbe sill; is called
" tium," and is tbe idling used for woven goods.
If di si; nd for weaving, or making trimmings, it
Is dyed id this sfo;;e.
It is uuaiu reeled imo hanks and cleansed from
tbe ciiin, which is a natural product ol tbe worm.
and which adds to its weight and renders it harsh
and stiff. Ti e cleansing is done by bolting it in
Winer, witb a considerable quantity of soap, for
about ball' an hour, and tbeu washing it
thoroughly in pure water.
it it tlun ; ignin wound upon bobbins, and onto
moie Uotiiiicij una tutowti. luis Is done bv
j'lui ini; tko bobbiLs iu warm ur and selecting
two or three thread, which are pns.sed through
nu tyeai, on a see ot nvors. ravo vinir wit i
txtitmc i: pidity, and thtneo upon another set of
ooouius. ny mis process rue situ ts tw.sted to a
stealer or less oe uce ot tension, as deslrad. It
lor ewing niik, or twist lor sewing-machine work,
or buttonholes, it is tvuoied tightly. Floss sill;
ana eninroiuety t-nu mo twisted but sliirbtlv.
it is tbeu reeled once more into hanks, tho bob.
bins as before btin? placed iu water. Those
banks arc tbeti wound vpon a double set of brass
eyi:uncis, one oi wiiieti ie voices a hundred times
wli'le tbe other revolves but seventy. This is to
stretch and even ti e tlm & i ; and It is then readv
lor the over, l'rcv oi.s to the second twisting the
thieau i1- pn-ct ibrotib a :nu bine pr.-viicei with
a nur.iotr i oouoie.-.ii:;'i oiaucs, like blunt mm i Ivan it f:-m a.l knuta and inipitrfeetMms.
Tbe scwmg-Mili. vc'.tv b i, o: a uiity h hits wl r,
it th.u tei't to the di er.
mi. iovioki-s op livmrn.
Ia the prorcss of c'efiilnu f'om the grin, silk
lose t.uiityiive per con', ot its wei'ibt. when
it parses tbe liaads of the dyer it is subjected
to ore of ti c "tricl;? of ti e trade," which it called
"weiitlning." That Is, certain dvcdufls aie uat d
in tbe eatly proctsa, to give it "body, and
restore tbe weight that bus been lout in clearing
it irom the gum. That this can be vory eiloc
tuuiiy done, and at a i-uinli e-':;eiie, is proved by
the tact that many dyers take sdlk to dye, restor
ing the weight received, and making their proiit
wnuout compensation trom tne owners.
For aiviT tr silk a "body." three articles aro
ptim ipa'lv used. Tbosoaie sumac, nut-gnus, nud
"I'.ivi-oivi." J h" "rst:s the uative shrub, which,
i,f d as a oytutl, Ira par's a dun brown shade to
the silk. The galls are mostly imported from
OU'neni Europe, and tbe "uivi-divi" comes
I'mns I'.-lia. One of these is always Used lis tbe
Joiineauon for black and other duik colors,
'uivi-divi" is not as expensive as galls, but wore
mi Umn munuj, l-.hhcr of tiifcae Bub.amices will tbe .ilk to neat ly or quite Us weight belore
It vius cleansed Irom the gum, and j et, strangely
rnouih.the same tnb of dye may be nsed for
s-i ectid or evenathiid quantity f siik, without
bull g meoh of Its cob n big qnall les.
1 he silk is ibor.mnbly washed from this dye,
and then passed through the mordant. Nitrate
ol Iron Is the mordant used for most of the dark
colors and for b ek. The silk isngsln wahd In
running niter, nt lor being rem ivcdfr 'to the m ir
(bu t, suit ti.eti pad In the dyo. Cor bladis
tl is In n-unliv loawmd Kirmerlv the chins
weie used, bnt now thi extriet, which is not
nitoh nioin expensive, and has tbe merit of
airiiti r ii'iiveni, m e nno CC' taimy as to tmt. Tue
noiii'ul.t i.l l aure a I tbe c dorng m ittnr to I
j.lbin to the ulti, O'tcn leaving neirly p ire
wnt. r In the tub A :: fi t mr; is c.lle I A mor t tor uni-di i be ( oloil.i.j mat er li.i, a ".ruu-j
el id al i Ibi.l-v,
1 1 e yr' nnil of nM tr b- an 1 browns Is m el" hv
r-utiric. llr'iba are elenned fom ibis atvl ilyo-l
in ii' rail t d blue a d aicliii. For browns o!' darn
sbsdi ati I I o is n p'ic.l prevtons'j to ft: sami-N
Yt I1' w sbinb nro ool uii.. d tiy m merle.
"Ni ti'r llcd libit "is e pr par .lion frirn in
digo. " bi in ir bine" is obtom d bv t eating tba
iioJifo wlih "Jlnhiinc a ii', i.nd ihr) hbio js then
1. 1 ii 1 1 u ! I . d" bv an ulkalt. Archil Is a mi", or
It bin, troin ll.e Caiiiuy aud C(-e do Ver 1
I s iHr el . It piocuius, him n used alone, a i-urpl:
eoloi, but i:n nsci- now suier-eded for parp es oy
the maonc or coal-tar Celois.
11 e-e ure now universally used by silk dyers
fi rail Ibe brilliai.t tints of blue, purple, m lure,
crimson, Ac., and tbe processes are mneb lose
Inheirions acd mr re t-uiihfacioiy than tney were
lorn crlv. '1 hi e colors are still expensive, bow
i vtr, and thin fact a conn's lor all il!is ind ri-j-Imns
of what a e called toohiiLally "high c ilors"
comni.mrliLg a higher pi ieo than thuvj of su'i
dui d lm:s.
Alter dyclnr, tbo illk Is tboronghlir cleano 1,
fomctinns pashing thronis'h a mixture of water,
soap, ai d nil, to elve h I II su y. It is thsa dried
nntl 's ringed," or stretched an I shaken, an 1
put up in bands. A bund is a hunk of silk c n
tainlt g a hundred skeins. A skein Is slx eoi
Oli Is take tbo ske'n", countlt g the thrcsdi and
doi.liln g tbi m and tj ing them ill a slip-knot ii
the com re, as we find them in tho shops. Hiring
this ptiH'isi Ibcy ure also n-soited. I'miilly
tbiee or four grades of silk aro found in the sime
lot. 1 he tli.e srtl even skeins are separated from
thoe tbnt arc cosrser, or that are In any way Im
jrrfecf. Tl oy are then put up In package by
weight pounds, half-pounds, nnd ounces and
lain IU d lor ti e market. tSnioo of the sewing
silk is spooled instead of being made Into skeins.
F.mbtoidery Slid saddlers' silk is always skeined.
Ten and twelve ounces of scwiug-silk is culled a
Machine twist nnd buttonhole twin aro made
of the best quality of silk. They ure twisted in
the opposite direction to sewing sbk. and are
always ibree-tbreiided. They are usually spooled,
hut buttonhole twint is sometimes wound upou
balls in strands of four or live threads.
No bcticr sewing-silk than the America-) is
made in tbe world. A few years since, tho Italian
hud the preference, in this market, bnt is now
enlire'y driven from it. As the result of various
Improvements ami of experience, our native
niHnufucturo may bo said to have reached por
ted ion.
I'aterson, Now Jersey, Is the principal seat of
the sewing-silk manufacture. There urn nu
merous large factories there, each sustained by a
capital of from fifty to one hundred thousand
dollars. Newark, Now Jersey, lias alno a largo
trade in sewing-silk, uud large quantities aro
made in the New Finglund iSuuoe and in i'hila-
Most or tue uumr in scwing-sux mins is oouo
by women and girls. Tbe hour are u-uaily from
a quarter be tore seven to a quarter past six,
and tbey close at three o'clock on Saturday. Tho
average wocs of the female operative is from
tnc to eight dollars per week, uuiieiren or ten or
twelve ) curs earn from two and a half to three
dollars per w eek for some of tho least important
processes. Some girls work by tho pieee at wind
ing, and if skillul a lit iu exceed the regular
wages. The overseers of tbe different departments
earn eight dollars. Spooling Is mo-tly piece
work. D ers earn ten or twelve dollars a week.
At most of the "ilk-mil s tram nnd
arc niudo to supply the trimming milkers aud
weavers. They also make "supple," which is
raw siik, or tram, dvt d in the gum, aud used by
wcavcis lor heavy fillings.
Trimming makers ti-e very large quantities of
tram and boss siik. mo euros ut va-iuus sues
in upholstery, and iu tbenmliiugof tassels, gioips,
&c. are niudc of cotton covered with tram suss.
'I been rords nf coiton ure stretched in a Ions
linme and slowly twisted, while n tnau witb a
"tack" fastened round bis waist moves ulonir the
line and coveiB them wiih tbe threads of snk that
he holds in his baud. Tbe jack ts a wooden
frame wlib a number of spools of silk placed in
it, und revolving upon wires. Tbese cords aro
then doubled and twisted, once or nine, a
required. For biavy ornunicnlul cords, or for
girdles, there are usually three of these stiands
twisted together. '1 be Uuer cords are made into
tassels, or (.imps, or a variu'y of other forms, us
fashion die tales. Worn od trimmings aro made
In tbe same way, the worsted taking the pkco of
(Jut of tlicso materials, with wooden shape?
covered with the siik, sewing-silk, jet und si eel
beads, sn endless variety of ntutemeiuerie goods
nre made, buttons me cov. rod with the tram
silk, or worked in a variety of stitches wiiU
k wing silk, w hich is n'so made into tassels.
It would bo iinpossiblo toenuincrato tho variety
of forms in which silk enters into tuo manufac
ture ol tr. minings. They are constantly chmnting
at the caprice of fashion ; but the product is in
itself so essentially beautiful that no sabstbute
for It can at present be found ; nor is it likely tbat
any will be.
Cbenille is a very beautiful species of trimming.
made from silk. A few threads of cotton ure
placed lit regular distances in a frame or loom, as
warp, and woven with a filling of tram, of any
desired color. After the weaving is completed,
the filling is cut between theso threads, a strong
cord run through tbem, and by tho aid of a brash
tue article assumes the sou round form ot tho
In making trimmings, men do tbe covering of
cords, twisting, and hesvy tassols. The rest is
done by girls, many of whom are employed, and
make from four and a half to seven dollars per
week, working but eight or nino hours. Men
make almut fifteen. A. I". Jict ning I'oat.
Has bean created fu tha neighborhood of Ntula aoj
ChoiMit ttrectt, by e-rowdi of wcll-raniea' moa
Of airaidl 81 OAR STOUEoutho upr-w Dido of CUKSt
KtT Btret, bo'.ow Ninth. J t a) i purs ttw profrteter Has
here ttl'ITINO DOWN tae price ol hit Cteaars aad To
kaico, to per cent, on alltua atock, width by the war's
frsre coUeciion, tbut (sc-ft-tf
On bit ie,,tk fv.r tbe boat-It of bin euttoinws, who always
I1 1 1 M
IL,1:U H Al-'13 VAUETH,
S. L.Cor. TniEDaml OHISNUT Su.,
Under I'. S. Telegraph Office.
di It 1 HAMULI,
I'M. leK.i.u'e J o J i'and hiv:T t cea reuo,attd anl
tlwlian.:;.' ri tlf'.d w'.'e '.ueet l:ie.iia-?t sun'iia of Aiea
ai doi.uhe I.I,U',ii b, tiie cilj . 1 1 pioi-rieior tneltt tha
public to give liiii i ill, roDt'.dim ai t.tieul tuetr ap
ptova!. 3d 'u-.yr Uat
;uxAiii nc
1'iMi.' jn In Dua
Tt rtiu
'.ri'.u-t t.ft in i -,
I. ltd ."TilJ.." li.iitlli ,
. Sli.t !
v. . v ,:r ,' o-is.
ill 4 lu.
No. 122a CilEN'JT STKCT.
52;- TaoucAJiiis or 'Izlij
Peteiil e.ijiHel 1 1. ,uew lnvnllin, a iiei .lu f.a
veiiiMe H- ir ad;u.llri Aait-ty Valve t lnieilsr, 0,r kitmln
Itteiluii N.iro-.e t xl t lirf. i.i utra. l i ; '.- -'.u :out
pain. T. Dn:y ne. te Uat u.e tia :o M acosarly aa4
:! aianai,'.i-s-t
UK. CJ. 1,. Mt'NN'M,
3-lJ Im N 1. J.I SPtt'tOB aTBr.Br.
are a'W rtuMn,, 'Ji -ir.upl-b a i'rua buta Uia lUiuilei.
Ilia ii,perl.:iiiy ol tlmlr Olt. taaverr 1 eeiienl, hi. gemed
flir It a reputa'.los aud sale be uad any other fouu4 lu tbt
saaitet. '
Taauamtala M, tkay are determined ta snjtply aa artloia
that fuej be euluel) relied on for tie.onem and piirtty.
Sec tettiu,iailai pi refeor f ale-Heal OouVf-oi. aall
Tho Capture of a Train.
13 A I t; vi Ot ler 11. A party of gnu--i'IIch
inplund tie YUsbrti bound ti.uu
l ight on tbe IlBllirr.ote and Ohio railroad,
r Ibid the jRsserf;ers and burned tho on.'.
No other partli ulats have been received.
rrcf-cnt'ition of Battle-Flag3.
oeli, f., ,. K.veolna IVIeiTilHl,
Wasiiiijiiton, Oi ")'ierl4. A g is of il ie
bv's gmrillas, somo four hundred TO g, yes'.or
d.iy Htiaeked an outer picket o ei : it iii-d nt
'White 1'laiDS, on die Manama i a0 and cap
tured them, wuh thetxerption of O ucn.
The mm belonged to the flecimd Din'rlit RagU
mrnt, and werecommanded by Liiuicuant Josepii
Kmitb, bo was shot through tbo leg, aad left on
Ibe yrouud for dead by the gueri'las.
Afitr tlicy had stripped him of his c'citbio;; And
robbed him of fourteen hundred dllars,eiurusted
to Llm fi r lafe kn ping by bis nu n, be " ros
cned by a body of our troops, who started in
pursuit of the guerillas.
Tbe ectLo of this lie lie 1 eiplolt is the sime at
wbkh tbe toerlllas mutdcred tbe rail:o:d t:Q
plo)t es on Monday last.
Tbe gutrida gang also Committed other one
rnges jestirdny I ttween Aceotl-b and K irke's
titntlon, and near the latter plain killed Will am
13. Moore and another private of the -Sixth
Heavy Artillery, and wounded ono or twj more.
Tbe active tnensures now in progress of execu
tion will previ nt a lepetition of tbt so outrages.
Tbo mall steamer iiaAoKu(i, from City Point,
repoits un unusual dcgicc of quiet prevailing at
the frot t.
Tbo battle-llsgs of tbo tlth Virginia Cavalry,
and li2d Uintnlioii Virginia Cavalry, cap'urcd by
f b tldnn, were presented to tbo War Department
today. '
Cai-k Hacp, October 13. The steamer CalMo
nia, li em Olasgow, , with datesto tbe6.h instant,
passed ibis point this ufb rnoon.
The Itrimh news is not important.
1 ho gn at pri.e light bos t.oen posipone.d.
Tbo stiamer fella takes tho pine of tbe
Aihmtn, anu will leave London for New Yuik on
the nth.
Livuiii'ooi., October 6. Sales of cotton for
Ibiee tlnvs, la.(WK) bales. Tho market is dull,
wi'h a declu.e of 4d.
llnna-iulis uie nrnicr. Provisions steady. Pro
duce quiet.
London, October 5. Consob closc.1 nt
Ufi fur money.
A BEiiKAN frocKs. Illinois Cen'r il rallratd,
i&l discount; Erlo railroad, 4U')1).
Heavy Fobliery of snlisprmsfflmiwaf.
BaMiMonH, Oct her 14 The oftine of AJ.un-i
Express Couipany at O rat ton, West Virginia, wai
rohbtd on tbe night of the 6tb Inst, of a pvkigl
containing notes of the First N d oiial I! ink of
Pub burg, of tbe denomination of $10. Tbe n ilos
were uucut, in sheets of four uot.s to cioh sheet,
be ng two hnuJied sheets.
T he nob on each were dcnomlaitcd by tbo
loiters A, B. C,und JC.and inch note on the suai')
shci i belt gnombcreJ uli'tc, co.ninaiiciQ' wi.h 8J1
to 1CC0 inclusive, making 800 notes, amounting to
$10,000. lb-sides this several small packages were
taken, containing money umountln;; to $ !'J0.
Tbe public aro warned ag'dust receiving any of
these notes, as they arc the projwrty of the Adams
Express Company.
1 Le payment of them bos boon atoppod at the
I ank , and a circular describing tbem ia detail baa
bet n issued by William II Dinsinorc, ibe President
of tbe Company, and has been sent to brokers,
bar ks, anil postmasters, containing s special
notice against receiving said note.
Tbe t'nuHdlnn Confederation.
Qokukc, October 11. Tho lutorcoloulal con
ference combines to meet with closed doors. It
is nnderstood that an invitation b ts been sent to
tbe Taeific colonics to join the Confederation,
The discussions yesterdoy were in reference tu
tbe appointment of u head Confederate executive
and governors of tbe several provinces. A pro
position that these should be appointed by the
Crown Is said to have been favorably received.
Tbo delegates arc receiving invitations to different
cities. Tbo removal of tbe seat of government to
Ottawa bas been much embarrassed by tbe stop
page of the Ottar. a railroad on account of legal
St-t'ul lo the IV Xvi'Hing TtUgraph,
AvjsiiiNuioN, October 14. Kiehraond papers
of tbe 12th Instant received here show that the
Kebels bad not ut that time heard the result of
our elections. These papers contain no news Trout
llootl's or Let's armies.
UAniiimii'iKi, October 11. The eflielal voto
1 of Ha-ibhiu county shows a TJulou majority of
CiiAMiititant it.., 'October 11. OotfrotU (Demo
crat) has SB ni- joiliy in Franklin county, uud
600 majority in the whole Sixteenth District, on
tbe home v.dc.
Li ba.nom, Oi- ' or U. Tbo olBciil RcnuUl.
c ni m i J i it y in l : antn county Is 71(1.
hi vi l: VI. AMI l.I.rCTIO.V.
I'.si i.sii;;: , 0. Uber 14. The rnlums of the
t'orsti.idic ic: i i ion come lu very slowly, and
the rent;: I- iloui- i',:l.
The fx 'er. Js oi' :ln Emancipation ticket tUlak it
will La adopted by a Muni! majority, unless tbe
slaveboldit.'g ro'-intios give a latsor majiity
aeuiun it tlinn tbey anticlpabi.
Markets Iby 1rloxriili.
II M rinoi:;:, Oi 'toiler H- 1 ion' la- m i.l-
r,i e r k ti'i.e.fl.'i ' ; O1 e - ' '-., . ',l ,' "i i I .
U:sn 'ii a ae. n. vi v .-1 ad a' ti'TS.
N: w YoM .Oet 1 !. f 'b;i !':' u.ei l;.v . I ,.a;i i.
fi-- limiljiirltoi u 1' i.h 'rei, ill1,, 1. -l-i is l--e.!,
If-. 01S Icu'oli ti, . . i ',; J, vs' i . ...;,l,
ll;S illt !:.'.' 1 -s.'l.ll :n. 7. i; .1 e K. 3 -.4 1 , . I n J -
I'm, i'-'lli, .i.e.";s; tin i ,i. i. ' ,.' .I ' c , :
l a il.'b i ,.H' nay. : ; Vic s, -,l . ! , . L-'i w. . e,
Oi o.c.l.s, Cl-I Ja '., i'Jl-; 'e, J.'.'l .' ..
fJ) -Jlll I .TUJlln. Wt..S. liltllir Ul'l,
IM-rl 4 Cova
Dt.b KHT.t.'.l.lail '.a i lls' WI'lvC.
OVa.ior o. 1J1 Kl t i l C '. '.k.!,. uu.-iil,
)t:-i-.V I.Milinni.
N. H.-M.HiOMjs, WAielmn, H.WUAX, i'Si
Ac, ivr .le.e M
1-ajtAi.aAiiM LOW PtttOlsS eefi-lia
ai.ii e:fiaoa. JaTiuoiuniai, au- Mc.j-
io.ll. et . T .... .
W4R.iI 3 MI'MC htOlt...
-NO. iloi eilt.S-N'.'t ''-..
IV imaiAN ntJ'.'tiiMi Toittoco!
'i l voill riu-wi. iS t .cii '" la mai.i.f-e'-utl lr-M tun
Uhsn't' LI'.AS.
Abd samratly ren ui le li'iu to all UiiUu:ca o
I uxcri-niiTaaie.
o:dlii!c,ali- nrd retail l . ,,,,,....
iM S fol'ULAR tit a f Oltf.,
u.ll I'liKsatl'T Mieet,
P- ( fDI wplslcili- iStnle Jl-olaC.
No. ltO W.,.ikfst. r-'
Jlt TWFr.a fitt'K? AKb asXO.Ml HTliKRTH.
B. w. waiakT. "'"cei l..
' D II V O O I H T H,P H 11 S IC I A N S,
f,Kvfol, STiRi;iltKlr7a,
CinHr.4 al n ire . a 0:11 as-rttiit--f mprt' 4
i Is n smj 1ol,, P i,xi'r Patent Meili-ins. I'alme,
eel 0'f, Whi-'o V OIiir., IVn-rrHitlen V,als. Ac . l a- 1
piii ci at fcf iiuino flrsi-clase ifr -ii ran t-s "".Id.
For C'(frtln"-v In f i'I tsrli!) . and if (tie be.' itially.
Cerhinent Mei,,-al ln-1 m, sta.lder, fiA Ash, ( O'0-ir,
Pie a A.fc, A in in. Oil of vii rt. I. a aua'.to, topp.rA., Kvtraot
or lo,-woed, A? , f oh IiYKBa' tue, aWaja
loiveat net neh P'l'
i rt Mi HfH'1.8 FOR FAMfLY VST.
flreard ei r 'ss'y f T our inl.. and to wturti we iliT"e
t!i. aM.iii'u er tho.1 In waul 1 1 re'tnl.l ankle-.
Al.o, JtlllflO, .irHCll, JUI STAKI), At., "f txh-a
Oril.m by Mail, er rl'.v aeet, win iaei wl'h eri nv'tal
f.nih.n, or .) 41 44m,iatf,ae wUl b' rnrtilih d fi;.n re-
wtiole.aK limy Warebonea,
jail ty to, 119 MAflKET HtrMi.atiove Prunt,
I ). A I'lN KS, Vl.lN DNKSt, ANT) CV rAKTUF.
J ' -J. I A' H, to l , riotf-i'r ti th r.y nni f r,
ti"iti tit nD Aip'. iainiu 1 Iwi itortimrii .kIi
It r Ut n ct iirf T llm ravnN f ont 'hi ni it' r.,.f
nmitn tj f ril? run pfl a' ott'c' No Mlt'lNK
ft it. iheMfti'iJ r aii iro inviu-l in aoiu-miv
Uu ir ibti utn, i tit: ha nu t; rtn in In ir--nv- . 10 ruf
li'Ui atiwf If'TMinui ntfirift
If ts b tt tilvoniiOK llrvtr,
rA(lit-t, tl.vle In i hir Pbai ttI
I' bi knv ft hott of 'rttnd ;
Ir tt ti f mil avn nfl.:
If Wttll h-vb TU (roxl to wJ(1;
I. mtirbtw 6t4'Ti ri,adft'w4i,Tal
If to bvn thrteWfirTi ftn ten,
tihirir ) roiiH &tflQ ;
li to IU ft if ol pjAtfi;
ir to Ut ftnd mo ff BiAi.Tn I
If yu w'nh a llf nf BlMiiroi ;
It you vftiur ftu wirlti irAitiK;
It mimrj fwitnfni t T"" "olti ,
Talk! m Mvit:, aad with utt .At rf.
Thn, tiavinif Halih, Wah,anrl Bnty,
' , You'll V pre prcit for cvtry tl ity.
Trfttnrrftilpruti uf Ur. WILLI am YOITVO'S Nfw
li. i K. Hit. MAkHMdK (i UK. wh .fl .houll t rorid
by irty tm ftolil by Moa-rU 'rn (fnfi-iity. and at tin
idMUir'i nl? co, ho, M HFhUCR MTUKUT) prtea 'ih
cMiii. auA V
1'iiaiHiM1 In i-orrrcttm, rKiiltlnj?, an 4 rotaHT'nc Ail
iljptru Hun t'rtin wh.itvor canif fimaiiyaB
nuct-tft lul ft ft prtYfiiHi.e.
Tl rr.Ii roihi(r nr-w. anil hare b- on oirt by ti
l)i ctor for many joai n, b-tU In Kmiirn ii iont tt'i, wttn
in p tfalofn u iiici tii In rvr'-y can; ami hu ia vnod b
in injr tiioiiaii'l Itt'iion b ho nivo ua-iiJ Uiro, t txc a
ri'Ji pt ' 1 1 for )hn allnviettroti V t)i')wj "MirTiitf from
u Urt,iiiar In whrttvr, an at to p'wcii' nn hi
cuaT of nmll bir hpalt i will uai ponuit It. Featla
jn'Ctillmlj fiiUi1ct, nr tlnse ipnolriK tH'ina!vei no. aro
cttuHoi p-ij &k linn u-lti" th''( pi i Mlo In t!ui iii1IiUim.
n li prop (Mir a inmo n rcp nv bliKy fT tin ah.
ai m.-iiiu-n', i'honih tdrlr nuMufMA woi'ihi prnr.'ttt. mv
in, ih vi io IfitUh, ottTwl ti o I'liln ftr r'T'iiiiifntietl
Full a ii. 1 1 m licit d fvctio' ..Osxnipin. lux oatiti Ik.
I rlo.' tl. v Mjb'iMil r $'. Hultl wholesale aud rt'ta II
by tlit? I'rwiP.- 1 r MfK I44 :
riltrlt Wt ' A Co , No. AH V. fourth tr"ft.
"rVitw-.ii .V HitlJatil, No Uf Mnrat t.- I
A Vur-tmll.c rr.prnf l iil , eoth aud MarVf. atrfta.
cirUt lt l-until, oorrier of a ftml (iroci. tirci;u,
l jottAl'o, ISn K Hfd'untl Atrt-vt.
JohnM i, lit Uovray . rowUi n, anil
H. U. in our. 'injlpn.
t b all druitxiaia.
J.aJir ,Lj SfntJtng
To either a.'f n(, ran hnvtt th?
i I'll I.H hi K ' (iNKITlLS I IAI.I.Y,
!' mall, to any lMtt ol U.u cn or enmity, firt of
0-22-2ui Xo.Vti, W.'IlIIHTV-ftlXTil airct,N.T.
2ZnEcIs FOi-l, loi'c'i'nir at yueolmti wn, Cora Harbor.
li.i ivi-il kiini. o .-eatiit'ia of Uie Liverpool, Nn.Yii.l,
aud Ptiiieii'ipiaa Mimuusbip Compaay ara loteuded to
eai' ae toliofie .
1 T M A, -anireey. October 111.
I PIMU'lnl, Hi oribiT.Oetoher M.
II TV Or WAa.llNll lON.Maliirilay.Oetoli-!.
Ai.d evirv euei'aedLiis ttarUa, at ajon, trura I'ler lo
44 North tllvir.
Tir.t rb!i ShiOOO mrir , i l
V ri'l Cebin to 1h mlun t7i0O Huar.e I l.onilou... IH iiO
list '. a I" I'arla.. lHU ll Htemae lo I'arie H llrt
Mi ei Cehln loll-iour !s, (III Hlemve to Uumh r. 74. m
la-s-niTe nlso fornardeil to Havre, atreoiea- ftn
terileoi Aiitierp. Ae , al i,uaUe tow ratoe.
l-aree Ir m U.erjMi. I or liioeuetewu - P1-et r-Aniu,
fi.'C, fro, sjio Hievraoe rrom LO-eciiool and Qneous
ii,T.ri, s;o. 1 hone wii, wish u send for tlieir nUu le ooa
bb ta !.'. iterc at ij.eio rau-a
ivr luitiar ui-oriuaiaiD apelyat Ue Compaar'a ofttoes.
J.lilN l). H.ll.K. Afc-en-,
i Ko. Ill WALNI T Biroet, Muladelputa
Ptonnj.l'lr l.lno. aullliui fr m each oort oo
1 1 JtuAYH, m,u Arstwhar' abnsa l'INK isiittot.rinla-
tleiplia aid Ixiiiii Vilieif, Hoston. Irom rlret niiuit HNS Hntx", on Haiuidav, Octobers, 1HM.
Ilia sienniNliip SAXON, Mutttiowe, will eniilrAin Phlla
d'lelila for lloaton.on Hamrilav. Ocieber H, at lu o'el-rfili
A It t aad the eoaiu.liiii M)Blt,M, ltkar,rroDitlj4oa
for l-l.tlaOuli.taa. on eeuio day. At 4 r. .
't'tit-eo new and eubetaiitial eteameliipe form a regular
line, aa'lsr.a bom each pert pnrcinnitr oa Haiordaye. nra e-a wivcted at ona AaU Uie proudum oliarsed oa
sale vcsm'le.
Fr,-I, l ie laaen at fair ra'as.
Hhipper. are rt-oiieeied to aoad Blip aVcelpta and Bias
Tadlni wllh tllc'lr iromle.
for Viaisht ur l'aaeage (havinp fine arooramodattoite)
aprlyto hkjkV Wivshk ace.,
.al U" Xo. 303 .1. HKI.AWAKB Areoue.
aT'iileaei'in- Uwltl.ure Lm.e, via Delaware and
l.ina.ui tinal. '1 he itenmcre of these linea aro laavnuj
daily at 12 ccloeie M ., aad Ii o oleck t. at., froat toud plot
alHiva Walnut etert.
For trelvlit, which wPl he taken on aeiorowv dating
eruis, epplT tow I I.I JAM at. 11A1UD & CO., Ko. I'il M.
.a. auaa-iuaeina. nAii.HwAis.
ciiANOK of uorns.
' On and alter MuNDAY.tX'ioberls. ItM,
Paiaenper Iraliia leave t'hllaampnla for
haittinnre at 4 an i F,pre,a. Aloudaya enooptoil), S'OO A.
M., IV Al..'.' .i a-0 lu ,TO I'. M.
Cm-ater at 8 Ui, 11 16 A.M., l'CU, U'l'0, 4-C0, iKA and I l'w
P, M . ....
Ft limlni'tna at 410 (Mondays excepted!, 8 l. 11-14 a,
M., 1 Hl.S':!U,41i0, !:!. 10 aland It-US P. M.
Mt-wi'u.iie at lifts A. M. and4'etir.M.
lsever at H-iv, A. at. and t'OU 1'. M.
Mllfoid at SO.", A. Al.
Bababuiyai sir. A.M.
bcare n.ui.uioie at S'4.'i, u Id A. al. ef-vn"-"). t ie.
i-Jt and 10"'.'. l V.
Wlhnlaxtnn at 1 48. 710, Of. A. at .li -t.l :, 14.'., '!),
4'.' t no ui.d J lu 1'. Al .
Mallibury at U'4'" A M.
Wllioril ut 'J 'ill 1'. M.
Issvarat li ; A.M., au. 3-1 P. M.
Jiiwro.tli at r-10 A. at. ami Hi DP. at.
Cheater at b'li.B ft-'i A. M-, l lw.ii l.".,4 le, r,-l,7 '.''i !M
Leave Ttaltluwie for8allbb:ir an l Imci'iiie ban- nati ui
at lo wr. M.
Leave liaiinnoro ii lovr and lutoruiedlaia a ailon. nt
TEA1MS ron BA7.T(M0i:E
Iave flu iter ale -ISA. Al , U-.Ci aad 11 1 I'. II.
leave WiluuaKlon at & S J. il., i 44 nnd lt-SO
lrelgiit Tralne, lilt l'aaneiwor Car aiUebd, will roa
ae ftiio a
Leave AN Hiftluitoa orPoir.vvU'oaH'liuWiriiiAa.a'e-plaoea
SI Nl'Al S:-Onlvt I SD A. M..10 :P.M., from Phila
delphia lu Italtl'iiore.
From I'Miudi lubla to WUmliijitjn at 4'W A. M., 1D',
anil ll-Mi I'. VI.
1' rem Utr'n 'ton to t'b'.ladi-ipWa nt 1-41 A. M. and il
V. Al. Ouij ai lif.'i P. l , from ttaiti-aoni to l'l U.-Ui-'uliia.
al It. r. KKNNtl, tfaportutalldeul.
On aud after HtUiAY,AMill,Lvj4,UieTraIaa-tfl leave
a-l toUow.
I 'm l'liMdelnk!a from th Ilc-pot, oom.r of TJf.HTT.
I 'lC-r ami UAJtKMt Htr-Mta, S 1. M , 11 Oi A.M.,i'JS
P.'.ltadtlphia Uopui clnumed frjni r.biHTI'.KNTH and
slAl'.Ke'i' siieau to TiUiillf-iittur a.i JlAlkialiir
laif in We'll fiMter, frm tha neiwt on Eaat MAt'.KKT
Strrat.a' I'SU A.a4.,7-4." A. M.,11 A. M ,'J 1. M.,l i,P. M.
1 l.v '-un, of tnu Weit J'lulalel,.l.ta I'anaior Itali.ep
C. m;,ji.y Mar.'t all .-'. v.l-t l'a,.uajte t au4
li .m tin- i'bii4 iei,iii a Illicit.
t ,- p(!i4liliUi at t'MI A.M. ,i ! -aT. Vf.
l.-ove V i-ji e t-ri'lA it and I 'i M.
1 a- .. .o hi : PI ll.i . t S A V J..J CJ) r H,
a.i ;V t'-"' ai :-4- .4. V. io.i 4 i i ,,:,, .
t .'. .r.'ni .in III- I li, ai.lpu.a oni ?l i. .uil nt
;v rnJlirl'i' i 1 (1 tnlei .iti .Lai p. In e.
. at -' f 1IL.M.. , v)')Ii, iceaais, -iwpiaatai'-l.nit.
KC.'K KA'I.liOITl. ItT'l.
' 'ii infiKonei ti.u Jirin aad Koviliwat
C'.uiclr, W P.-nm- ivrtL.a tn Vie eay nf Kr oo La'.. 1 Kit.
T" ""d bytJ'arP.SM-.VAS:A UAtl.K'IAD
t OMPANY , an ut.di-r tl.atr u:i lit'.i u Buu
up "Unite jiyi.oiil lUentnv L:itk '
'.t lao .w m i-e e f....- i-., 4 Fretrttt biulueil fr.e
llai-reUi rr u I mivlui.l is U).. ,i , ,M y..MtT-, itrt-eia-i
au.i uetj aulc.i t Lil. j7i auiti), oa U.e WmU'iu
'"""i"'. :' t i.t. ax pi!itwaiwiAr
Mall Iran lowe, -l-M A f
!"e. Toon lea- i'I to- jj!'!m.
I a.e nuitbni'iib w.-n m.t fu,a b'.tli wayl ou tlun
llii tiuiiie and lc. ti.v en.
Jfiiy ia- S prpiuw Mai. oa the tapreM Vrt'n botb wart.
r H liilon.iattnti ll-.o ,. in, J'.ei,r.vel' Imhc: apply al
.r...mi.rf LU-iVeaTH at .A MAltKbT Hiiooea.
auit !! rc.rlit be ii-ea. o' tee t.saupiiity'e Araiiti,
.1?' . i ',",';' '"idr-iSomm HlAIiit-M'taud AlaJteViiX
Itre. U, )'lill.,le pi ii.
J. v I: we. e,,
d. U. lariu, 4. Jut, M K C, R Balllmore.
,' rieu'-ral yralifbt A-.'i'iit, bhiiieibcimia.
1.P.W1M L. IIDL'P'I,
QcueraJ Ttelit Ani-nt, Philadelphia
Jiiaiil'U 1). Pol r,
i"l-tf Wacral Maimer, WlUiaaiepa
JOlV. Mo ions llM. IM) I,
The CtemlWa aa aesbep aad Plnkeaelrihla Sad Trnslne
aihoaa tl aeaaaaaa' libm Hrvrn Plallol( aa Bow Fort
and aj pia. e
wl'l leave ae fel owe. via. : vans
ill a A a ,t iCimS-B and Anboe , C. and A. Aa-
raainda!ha t2 8
A' s A. M , via fjatnd.n and 'IU, Meralns Si
At IV at . vlaCaoideo and Aaaboy.i; and A. A.iara-
i allon X .5 '
All P.M. via Canutes ar.d irmiiO-, C. and I. F.-
pr.i. t
At 1 P. M.,vla Oaoid.a aid Aml-oy, Accoina..',la Ion j
(Ir.ltblaid Pae.etiearl 1 7e
At : f St., vial anilH-ll .el AmMir, A.v,rt.niOla-loB
(I riiii and r..Hi"Tlt laes I a Set Its I
Id i laa de I Iw i
At7t,P .. ela Ceindi n ana Aoihe mii la- I
tleii le-lvielit and I'eMaeerl, 1.1 lllaea TteSet. ... r.'l
t t in-. Oo 1 '
lorMee'-h fhnna, Alkentrwa, nithl'l.e-n, IlohWiJTi,
f.u n. l.emhertvllle. I Ivmlaeten. Ar , Ta . M.
rer l,anibertvi le at-4 le rracVete action., at s P. it
l.a Mount lloll1, S vaneviile, l'n.berloa, audViboeo
lev. a. ei ii A. M , 'and . I'. It
I or I ri-elreld at S A. M. and P.M.
F-r l eli'iyra. Kherlen. llelaneo, llovtrtv, riiorHni;ts,, tr. Ilid. nl. .vrn. A . , .1 6 A. 11.. li St., I. .1 . .'.,
ardP H. 1 1. ;i w a 1 ;, P. M. !., ne, .hieel ihm ,nh
IV Tr aton.
ler p, aiyra, Rlvenoa, lielaaw, HaveriT, and Purtlnx
t e it i r , ii
Me.mlioat Trttsi, ar P-l' -1, Hnrl'-irliii, "evarty,
Tone, rai. a i eeony at v . A. M. aadl 111 IV.
I I M S rU'Sla? aKHrilillilOW MtaVT
win sr. ai f(.r..,v
H a M ,iniMi via K.n"'r.t,n ard veer vn-a,
W aili't.rO'ii and New 1 ork Mail IIP 'IS
Al H IS A. M., vui and Jvn. I II r J
pieae )
Ai t eo P. at., via Keaelna.on and trf Cltv.Ka-
pre., 9 OO
Al ti-! P. K., r I: eti.'neO'D and Jeraip CMy.
Waahhiiflen and N Vork Lapre.. 1 (M
Pol .la) Nn.r liav. at 4 A. M. and ).', P. M, 1 hare will
be i,a hi e at I A. at. ( i.n Memlari.
F.r watr Jep, a-riudptni s. r.aaton, 'rilli n bar-ra,
Mentre.e. llenri. Men. h rhnali. All. cowii, He hie
In an, Ilele Id re, F Aetna. I.suilierlrtile Flaailnalon. Ae., at
716 A. M Tlile line r. timet1 vr.U tl.C fealn loarlas Ciitoa
Ii Menrh i'I ni.K ei ,1 in P Nt.
P. r bembertvllie end IntrtineOIVa elatti. al t P. 11.
Put tirieiol, TraaioB, Ac, al ;l.ul II IS A. AT, a.iJJ
P. M.
I ,sr Hotnn ibnnr. Taron r, Wb-t- oininv Tt Sd-t'iirv, and
V-.i VlCr.l .is A. 4.,0.61.'i, and Sr. M. 1 heS A. M. Una
pens niietol.
.-ler Mew York aad Way f.lnee leavtim Kcn.fnirnin
i.'p4. tiie on I'itih soeel. ab.ive M alnnt. hitir an
henrliet'iie .lenart'ire. Tli t'nrs run Irte the Jt-p.a, aud
on arrival of aeeh lrln ma (rem ihe
Filly m untie of bai nii. e enly allOM-ed e-c-h pas.enver.
I'ae-enieie are irrohit-itvo rrnro taSintr enytt.ine ne beraa
but ttelr wtatlni apparel. All bairaee o-'a fifty pomi'lt
te be paid ler antra The t ompmy limit their r..prtii.l.
b'Ptv for beevee e lo One IKdlar per p md, and vMl nil be
liable fur any aiaount beyond I lis, aaaopt by apoolal eoa
trast tirat-am'e tlarceva Fiprees will eallfr and deltviw bnt;
paee ai He lnpiae. Cr.J.r- n bo lea at lo 3 walnut
Heel. OATJltll, Aiianu
Fren foot of ror.rtian I nre. '. at ti t. and 4 P. M., via
.len.v I In arjfll'amden; ai 7 and IV A. M.,S P. M , and
19 ( is'u hi) via Jerei-y Cilv and a em liwl'itl
Frotn 1 ""t ot Harclav .treet, at A. Jet . aj.d 2 T. M., via
Ar-ihny and Ceaniien.
Pram Tier No. 1 Njrth BOer, at 1 M., and HP. li.
fr'rc'ib! and Paseeiwerj via Aiutxu- and Catndea.
i;iii:ifT mm:s i ou nkw youk and
I ail (ti4? urailont ou tl. v-'a'uika difniroy uul c m
uediOn luiloadx.
Tho 1a)dn and Amhnv Hallrotvl axd Trtnpo-iaHrMt
C'tiu'-any t-reikrtU I lni f r N"w York will kav Wautm
ati'-vft w tiarf. on am aitor January b. uauj I rtiuina it
U f.) at 4 0:lo-k 1. M.
turi.iiiif. the above Limfl will Jae Ktw York atl and
4 P M.
l runt nnmt no iieuvtrou tar. re if.'.i' re rT- ir e iaiiii 'lay.
Krviflit tor Trt iiton. rrlnofton, inLrBtn. N-v mum-
mlck. tid all polnti on tho Can-ton an-l Amiwy Uailroaa
un eti Ibe H'h ttl-ro. In av ni'', ml Ho niiwln, too Ner
Ji rcT, Hit k rofl.'ild and tdairariburtr. and tin? IturMnKtoD
and M'ltmt Moilv Kullroa'Ki. r-'.-etvo'l und riTwarU'l up to
ly.ViVlofk I'- rtiiuti patveiaoii lor Mount liok rucutvod
up to ? o io.-k p. M
'i he lUlvniore be I aw ire Railroad connects fit Vbllllpa
hnr-t viil. the l-fhljiti VaKoy l.'ailroml. TJ !.'t J'my
Ntillroad rtiiinpt ?a nt biin nib wtin tin- N-r .rrrntiy
i'antral Kailroa.L and ttt IShwhjIi with tli Morris and
ktc Kail road.
A filp mMnoraniinm. plfln(f tbo warltti and nm
p4riv atitoporn and ooiiiib'n'-i i, tuunt In t'ry liiktnnca b
atnt h i avh load of k"', or no rrotpt w bo lvon.
Inrrvan'M iwin'lrt if Irov bjn nia-tf vr tht- 'TAnsnorta
tlon of LIVK HTOCK , L ovrn are lavitd to try tbii rout.
Wlion Vr trk i ftiniiano! In 'intnti l-n of T rVO 'H
I a) ei itH r moro. It will bo d-ltvart'd at tho foot of Fortieth
itrv-rt, rn-ar tho Drmn Yards, or at Pier No 1 NorrU
iva-r. an ti ihlppvTS may dftitnaio at tho tlm ttf tie
BhiHtiit. -VALI KU KliKKM AK, f"li:ht A nt,
'o. VflM 8. Irla vari avcim, PhUtiiloiplu.
4,k:o. B HA MONI, Krotk'ht A"it,
Jil If I'itr Ko 1 North Klvor. New Xwk.
On a:.d arirr VtVPV. Janoiuv 4, 1H. faa Trdnt for
Few Yorh. livlii(f KrF. Kton l)tot. PkUadeiphla, at
91!i A, M (Mtht, and W f. M., and tn traina laT.OK
Niw Ytirk a. 8 A M. and 7 i0 P. M., briAr bo rua
er!iri,.-ly f. r tfe tnltt-d Htatva Mailt jm1 New York
and Ha.liliiytoa wiX uq ,alvt lu Dor Kt
out anj paf-tfnfcvTt btw4 pn atl citl-a.
1 li o A. V . .md 11 Miduluht Linoi f-am Wow Tork to
WaniilT trton.and tho 11 M A af and fr p. M. LIiwk from
Wfcfbtvgtbii lo IHow Tr rk, will vonUaue an at prooenl, and
rarry passiiTtdfrr M and from tho IntorinadUwe ttatltrua and
Hiltiiinir', H attbliivton. a"d fitsw York.
hin lftT Pbilado'piiia, froi ttf n-!fl(rt-.n T-r-jvit, at
11-IA A.M.I Ob, tid a P. M.,ard II Ml midaia-dt. and
from Walnut Htteot Wharf fvia Camdwn), at ti and d .
ai., 1 M.. 4 ard (I V M., for Mtw York.
And Iv'itti hw Yoik, from fi-t oT Cor.'lUndl il't,
at 7 A. M . I" A At , IV M .4 .md. P. M , and at $ mill
nl. bt. and frum fcet of Uarciwy at'"! at V M au-lt
Jofl If Atfcitt.
IT O'l. t'KN I ttkU KAH.H(JAI. I Am
r.iiulpiiii'nta and fa, lor tl infa, pprcdy, and tvioi-fniub-c
:iii.poita ia.n of pafiengtra, luiearpiBw-ii by any
routf in tho friiiirtry.
Tr.ima I-as c Hie ut LLKVKNTU aud MAItHtT
HttMta . lolit'v;
ball Train ft! T A. H.
rati' ijn( ut r. 11 H 4 M.
Tt.rn'Kh I 'preKiat 1) .'I0P.M.
PftrKti ru Train, Ko. 1, at low . M .
rnik-i.DfK Train, No. 1. at .. li)?. M.
Ilarri.lai x Acnotr.aiodatloji at. .... 8'JtO I. M.
LaiK Antur Train at t Q)Y,H.
1' at at AoroiiiUvXlatkin (learea Wvl PlnJa1ol-
Pliu.) at frOrtP. M.
Ihtouvh Paiti-ntiert by tho Fast 1,1m reach A:t(Mufur
inppcr, wh-re will br found .'x-rni ftooowiuMaiioni ftr
tJio nliiht at th IoKft House, and in Vt morDlitg ioy
take fltbor tha I'lilladv-lprilaM llnlUinoro K.xpr4M, eMb of
watch niBkfi t.nottvnii at MittburK ftr all ouito. A
dallfiht vlrw la Uiui afoniedof tho anUra lino audita
ui-jilllriiit anory.
Hie ThroiiKh Laprtat Train run dally; ftll tho cHL-J
trains daily, extent Nonduyi.
Tbo Mall Train, rait l in, and Through Kxprooi eon
nt ft .xt ruthu'K w ith 1 1-ron nil traiiia on alt divinruit nadi
from Uiat pilut, Nonhtotlio Lakoa, Wait to lh Muili
tippi and Mifisoini Hlvt ra, and Aouth and H.mtbvvont io ail
pdui.ts acihBtbl4' by railroad. ThroiiKh TUfctts to Clove
lar.d, Pvtiolt, ChkaKO, M I'aul, t'4uinhua lndiauapoita,
ht Jiui, Leavoiiwotih. Kanaai, WIweJlnK. l'avlon, Oin
cmniitl, louli.ailt,, and nil other piiuc lpaJ pointa,
aud bAkxaao hf kid limiutth.
Throii(.h Kiprefoi l. avtur at 10 ay P.M., connerta
ai )nilrtl!e iotemwUon with ft train on thu road tf
ItlairtMllo. IndUia, Ar.
1 he 'Jlirouuh Kxprr nn Train, loavlnn at ill iW) P. M ,con
ni'ctp. at Cn -t aon. at I' A-JM.i with a '.ralu on tha road
for l hfthiirif. A Uraln alto ka on OrBiiii fr lkunlurg
at 8'io P.M.
Tlir Mall 'J rain a? 7"3.' A.M., and TluoHgli KxprOfif at
10 V) P. M., couo"rt at Alto4tna Willi Lraina lor UuUtdaya
bifv nt 7 V r kt. and H3t A. M
Tbt' Tliruiiifh Fxi ri'M Tram, ifavlntr at 10 M V, M.. oon-
ne.lft at Tvrtuo with a train for Handy ItUWio und PhiHlpa
1 n .'. und by liaUl V. y Valley HihroaU io- 1'ort MaUrua
k(j-!'itra, ami lit l;e vntr.
Tho 'I iiini'j'fi kl press Train, leaving at lu li P. M , oon
ntut at lUn.tHndi-n w itb ft nam lor ilovcwoll and BWodf
Jhtii ftx A M
M'hiiltJ.S t i.N 1 1i All AM) PUII. AOKLPHIA AND
I I 111 ItAll IOmiH.
Pot Hiinl'Dy, Wnliaintp rit It'k Hft'on, R'mira, Ra
ihft - r, liiinal ... ami ikara I alii, ia.'itp;ri inAm(( tbo
MailTr.tln at ? A. M., aud tl Tiinu:-'li Kipruna m
I' M., tlft l? l itt pt dUot tl. titrouih,
wi h .tit i l.r ,o ut' vara b''(netn Pbiladt..piita and WU
Ktir YtiLK.H.AKuVF.l!. and the tralua
h-a tin? nt r. A. it. antl L' ;l p. U., eenntt at Culuaubre
wi'h trpilit M.t Noit'iurn Ci litrul liftllrorvd.
I'rii'Wii i inm ill 7 '.'5 A. ami ihrmi'li (Apri-ji a
3 ' 1'. M.,t ''.v1rci ftT Hrri.iOiiri; w4tU iruliu lor Car !.!,
',.ianihi,r,-h tr, and Htm if t u.
M- Hlil'lKi UliANCl! K AIT.10AT.
Tlir ir:i. It .iv in-, at if i A. M. ft' d '4 J P. M., ounnwt
a' lu.Tnii.iiU-Mii Willi trtviaa uu Uua ion ! to VVayiiaauai.'f
riVtl 1 ii ; - in ' ,y.Mt Ma lui).
J- oi tnttvcv Im'oiu jiMi-in apply nt t': Pj'aon.n-r fctal.un
S. K. CtJli.;i oi LIIVKM 11 and M AJ;Ki. l Hliin ti.
.VAktKH i VWln J,'ilt,kct About.
Pur 1, :i, 0,9, it lii uitiutha, ut very lw rato. f r tho ao-
Uiintjv'ai.on of poi-C'in, IKijtiOUt ut iyrvU.Ol iocutttl tr
or iiMAt U.o Ul.o ul ti'4' loftd-
C'ol poN T!KFTS,
Tot tiHpn tt wr en ftuy two polnta, nt aloat two cuU
pci mile. '1 Uto iicXvt tj iutt'udad for Ui u.e ol tnuiiltu
trrtvcliu tn-tjiu'i'tly, and aia of iiiuut ud aulaife to yoovuf
naJlaaialll OVCtt "iOllUl tTlpi,
hi 110L TirKFTH,
'or one nr ttfe umlii.iur the tuc w acholnriattautilni
achul lu lUc dir.
An Fm! ran Acoi.iiiiiioilrt'.inu ti;tiij lritvo-4 No. I '17 no' k
': e. t t ni -i'.t c-' i 4 oM't-'i'tcii) nr 4 o'.-iotl P. M , loiiUaj
m i' o i) 1 1 1 1 m .. . it) tu .c oi tiatft'i u ittuiilii't a'li'tt !.-. ai
LII-'-IkiJi ti.v li-,. l lattuOt futO. l'ai'tt-3 11 lax MUt-llUull 1 4)
pA'd t - l-e4t i,'.ii', lot v j.:o.. oiatfrK ar giv u, and ba,!
b :a jr..t-trani iili p:t.nCiKt-raa
I jf iu i iiu.'iiua iiiii. v. iiiy to
in.VNv'U i l'M". Fmivant Apvnt,
i f7 DOOit. buoot.
V NN S RArJA'.B l.XI 'HKSrt.
An ofvMit oi th.i ro tAUld Kpia ('ouipauy wilt pan
tttioitgh fliivii tiMiu b.ti-it' reutiiio thedopot.a'id uho up
fliv'i-ni an J lt -..V'T by-'a.rue to i.ny pa't of the c .t . litit,.
g4ii;' will I" cni- d lor promptJv when orders arc left at t.a
i'aiotif'i IK'i-oi.l-.iavuii.h itJ MttrkL-tairiN-td. Thu itavof
litt puuhc ait a.urcd tnit it t entirely repOhti'Ae.
Py tlth route (Vplpxlit ot ail d.irrlpt!ini can b f r
Wttsideil to and trcui any pouiia on tlio iallMndi of Oli.e,
Kont'icl-y. indtMia, lltlnolit, WUroniiin, lowa.ur Mi.ssotai,
by railrond ulift,t,or to aiiiy point ox the ttasiiabift yfmXu
otVit Writ, byatcim-jri from Plttnimnj.
The raffj of fm., j to aiidlioui ai.) point In the Weal
by the Pur I'ltjlyi-iiiT Central litttiroad aro at all Line aa
favorable fts are chart,.! by etiifr Kx.ii-t.aJ Coiui'auitt..
Wmxiiiuiu and al ipp-r en'riietiuf ttio trunsporiatlon (
tholr (rt-'llit io tin tjuiupan cui rely wllb gjuilJuuco ua
Its upt-vdy trail m.
l or Ireiht Contract or shipping diicctioai, to or
kllran tl . AxniM ol the Couipiuij :
M. B. UNusinv, jr., PbllttdulpbU.
1). A. SI K v AitT, Putsbuxg.
( LACK A M)., Chit-mo.
1 1 K' ll A 0.tK. 1 AjtorII "ie,or Ko. 1 8. Wi..Um
atrv?t, Now York.
1 I Kt H it CO., No. 77 Wui'ilnyton atroat, Bobn.
1,1AM hliDUN, No. hvnih it i i.e., it4-Jiyr
Auout ty( Ultra CtiutraJ 1; airway.
; Gonaral ITreldht An.Mit Pidii-M: it.
M W1H L. U'H IT.
Qonaral Ticket afnt. phnu-ii J .hift.
(ivitiiiU u, eiiutendtut, AUooaa, Pa.
1 .l'.'I AlM'l.rillA. OI'.RMANrO'iV-N, AND
1 .ClkslOl HAll.lKMI'.
TlMK r M4I.1I.
fin and nVrMOMiAl, May Id, 1SS4, ants farlhac
ron fiPrilt.l mv.
l-'a-e rh'l.,1.1,1... i., ,, s. lii II, 13 A.M.l,t,tlt
.1 ,.,",1".,,. I. r
LvM.triinatt tv. ii, , i ,i'.. H !,, in, 11, IS A.M.
I v. I. ' i t's ,vi (. 7,, in. it, ami i -j r. m.
1 1n 't j ii ff'iv it, (tnd ihf tuid i trains up, do aypt tin
on the U-Hmai't n Hram h.
lil.- M l" I II I, II Il ItOAD.
l.arK Pili.d. tji,ta, , ii A. M.t , V,R'.,T.t
.ii.. i 1: P. M.
Ifvp ''hrvint fl'Tt. :T,B,i) 4f, II 4fl A. M. ; 1 0, 1 ft
ft t'H V; .1 10 4- .-. M.
MDf r()HI'oii(i'K kN D " H ?tlTOTV.
rMn.ii-'ph'A a,j;, u u a. ii.; iH.s.i.ES-
r',. "... -in) II v. yt M.
1 .-a - Viirrimo-.n, r. t 7, T f", 1 ard H A. M.i 1,4,
fi, 1 1) V. M.
I . Vi t riil i mi, vtll afop al 'iiiah.kon( kfaiuyank
ai'd t ':b,h itii oi 't.
hjii n n wt'N'K.
I. PhUfM-iphl.i.fl.h .Ifi, il k A M , W, !,,.,
li1, . i 4n. 1 1 'V M.
! r Miin.yoiik.t.,',, 7,H :0, J,ll. A.M.,1,1, 7,
and ;,', 1'. M.
11 F.MlTn. c-vurrat "iiportrtondent.
n Ol D: y'. Ij;J 'I a;d UKrJCM Htra4f.
NOlllir II N NsVi.V AN I A UA I LUO A D,
I tilt BK TIU.KHKM. DJYi.lSrilWf,, K AH n N.
?i1 I I II - It" NH i ii WIl.KltHBAHUL. WII--
KOI. A MR t Ni .1", MKNTR,
OnAF.iaiar M".nd . n'i-"inhr i( l;, V
Trimid will Irave !., NKW I B r, l HIRIi MtnMrMTO
Tlt'irp'Oti, I hllniii-lphU, daily 'flumlava oxceptedj, at
i ? ,.o A M. iFpr''w) for ni'thlahem( AUentewn.
Uii'h MiiiM., VA'iik "laiir-, W .1 niiMt-i.rt.
A' A. M. ( A vominotU. ion) .r linatnwTi.
At iOIi A. M. Aonni.O'tft ion) for Ko-t WaMhlnffifin.
At VI .ta P. M. ( Ar-'oiicno la'ion 1 lor Do: Mutown.
A l .( lfl I". ki i K prt ) ) lor I Ut! 1 1 lit ni, KaiVoii, to.
'I in train rnt 'hoi l',ht n itti in M., and m-(ia) rloe)
c niirt "H'in w tli th No JfMPY t r"iral r Kew lorh,
Ai 4 1 P. W- tMaiii f"r DnU--.t'.wn
A j !!. VI t A'Vnonno'hiUoii) 1 jr Ilet hl"htrm( Allen
t l , and Maiich t'h; h.
li I M ( inn.' dt'n ,) f i- Uto.
Il P W, ( A'ftonm. d i'I'T M"r run W.iiliinifton.
t htiMih Tit'ki in lvpi t h.' pro '.iiii. t at tho Ik kt t OT.CI,
TIIIKI' N.ii" , ..r Ul.KiA.l Hi.e. I, in oid T iu itcureib.0
U'wi t ratt!!' of tnn
I e-ivp RfhlHiaMn a. fi m A M , Pi l,r r.'WMi.and VU" af.
I. - .oat 'wn a' h ,:0 A . M., J P. M., and S 9 P. M.
J.i.tfi'Viip. nt i. 'hi A. M
ort Wft'-binytnn at l"-" K M. and I P. M.
ON HUNI) i.h
fh liniMphla f-r R-ilikh-m at H A. M.
J'I.HmU imi la hr Dt 'MO'Mi at d P. M,
I'l.'st.iM n r I h la-1 h.iiU nt - 'JO A M.
hulih h. m for I'hl'adelphlaft'.d P. M.
Hiiltnm'n Bur. itpn r:.prai will rail f'f and dlTT
hrm tv at tie tiot-t. (rilri may be Iff; at Ho. Hit
H. a lilliU tStrteta
li.l:, EIXIS CT.ARK, Aifent
9 Kil, ltAIMtOAD, tl'KN TO OXKUfUV ril'IUNO
on ai d "ilvr k BIDA Y, April 1, IMM, the tralue wlU Jeftv
WIAllOhH. A.M. P M." H I A TIOK a. A.M. P. at.
O.Moid . y- 8 i' Ptiia.,tlphlA.... Ht) , 4id
Wll.roVP ')7 . 2 Wn i Htr... 7 W 4 Atl
Avnrdiile 7 W
4 m w,v, JuueUon,. 0 ' fl-il
4 17 iW"rri 9-'H -14
4 41 t liablrrt;rd,... lr-41 . 14 ,
6" 4) Kt-iintt lOiO J1
f 1ft Avoniae ,.10?1 ' r,H
It-id Went .roT0..... .i ' 7 W
fl.LOOxft.rd 10 Mi ' f
Kfimett 7 VO
( hod a ord....7 I'i
r.. n. tii
W.c. di, notion.. H-!A
I'h'.lndt iphla 'Iti
w oti t i enipr....!' v
t'A,ai.iiua.r Ii.-i-aot in P!it lnd-1 oh ia ban bo4ii chanirfd from
FisltfH mil Htid Marl ft wCr-Ma. lo nilllTY KIllrtT and
l Ah K K.T Ktn-vte, W.'itt Pi.lln 'l bia. Market S treat
PtiRfienrer Railway t.'ara convey Paanentxart to and freak
the iH.pot. ' (.
I )- 114(tT IT" IlirOU' '1 iviTPitj-ii riinniru m CaTir.
HKNKT WOD, Snperlutendeni.
J ' itoi 'I k I
V A M A . 'i:N I It A la AND WKH LfcKeS KKW )UKKk
liv Pi ilo ulnhla nnd Ttoi.tnti Railroad, ReMdere, and
Di la whii) Ktn ad. in lawart1, Iitjiawanua, and Yutorn
brtilit ail. ai;d YtU HtU v.
(.illy iwv rim; ;' tctu?. n rbi'adrli hla ftnd RutTalo.
Ko fhainKlnw tn tho ntvht.
;M wll.K- OP BKOAD OAlTilK!
51 -tnifl.'t'm Hlpi-i'li'g t'arH -n thu nUht end nf the route.
if ii in Knrih. l.mivr I'liiia-lelphia at 7 ir A. M., from tho
Kf I'MULton Depot ot the I'lillmu phla and Tmiiton Rall-
ir iti : rnanire hi MHiiunKi t.finirt io ine rtn-ati t if. nso fare
oi'tlif lit'lti wan-, I iH'.Kuwani'A, and WoH'eru Hailmatl, ftntl
ai Ot oat lit ud to the F.rlQ l(allv.;if ariivinic at PuUaluat
.v.' A.M.
lluti.-.Ioat lPi.')P. M.;t'hanwMti:rvtliei)d to tbo Dei-
f'htink to tho Hi iidit' Delnwarc Italiroftd train, wbki
g 1 1 1) rotii h to Phtlatlolphr.. itrrlvlnir at 8'1 P. M.
PiiMHt-ncera poinw north dint' at Dole ware Mutton o
th' DeUvwire, Latk.Avuitfia and vVwmth Railroad, at tit-eft
P. M.. td h ivn ilnie tor tti pin-.- at Ureal, wtit-M
tbe li if t hiiik " u rtiiidf at ti'-rn P. V. Thofto roIoh Bootrt
li ak ihe (It t cl anifi- t itroat H- nd. at JW A. 41.. ftnd
hiivt'tiine f-.r hiruKiaxt beore akli;f Delawaro. Lnnkft
wnnr a tind TVebtt ru Mailroaad tiulQ, diao nt Dal w aro nl
140 P. M. ,
Trroin-n T coie to ara rrom ttniiftio itnnKirir, Hocnei
t- r. l- iiuira. Iihaca. Oawevo, Hhixhmnpton, OnM Mead, '
bn aii'M), VA likukoarre, De'awflrt' Watt-r J:.PAa.
!. re hit cm l-hilinli'lplilu and BulUlo, U,
) for iK-kem via Gr ,t ik'iid.
1 -liu WM If. OATZMER, Agent.
TilKOLtill IS KIVK 110 U 11(4.
tn ard aflor MONDAY, AtiMiet 1, 4, tralna nil l-aa
foot of VI NK Street. Phtladtphift, every nMrnintf at 8 A.
M. (HtiDtl. ys exi'i pteti) ti er c by the Camden and At
ltnilo and tt.trltan and Dpluiiurt) Bay Railroads to Port
kUninonrh, and byih et nimndlms ( earner Jeaee Hoyt,
to ft ot of Atlantic: strftet, Brooklyn; rtitiirnmr, leivo At
liuitio Mruut V Um( veiyday (.Sunday axooptad), at It
A M.
Trnveiertt to this city of New York are not I fled not to
anply for passuKO b thle Hue, the Hlate of Near Jotaoy
cx.'ltiilvn prhllt'K' ol coin Ion pasnt-OaVt-rn and Irel(rht ba
twit n ll.e oft let oi Ph'lud fnb i u. Now York, tynvt
W. P. OKIKK11T4. (iviifral Huperintondent.
flllF.AT TlttlNK UN '
UfEll A N A. t!t ' M I1KKI.A t U, A-NO
AND ' '
lave tlia Ccnii any a Di p-n, at TlllllTEE'vTH aad
CAl.l.mVllll.L buetita. PhilaittLvliia, at Uia fulioarlita;
hum a .
At S CO A. II., for Itredtiiif, 1 . 1.111. .in, Kphrata, LIUa.
C'.hiinsia. tiartistmnr, l'oitavitle, Plnetrrova. Taiaa.tia,
Hiinl'iir , WllUamipoi t, Fimlra, ltuclietiter, NlaKara Flla,
Ilnl HU1.AUe1U.w11, wt keebarre, PiibluB, lota. CarUala.
CliawiH-rsburii, ijaiereloivu, c.
The train connect, nt HI A til NO with Rut PaBnaylva
rla Rnllroatl trmna tor Altantown, Ac, tlia Keadlns and
Ci'liiinDlu Kallroaa tor r.ptirat., i,it'a. autl uoinintjia. ana
with Ihe Lehaiitin Valley train (ur H ini.borr.Ae. ;alPSP
CLlNTOK wlji CauiwL.a halil'Aa tialna lor WUfct''arra,
Williemsport. lo,l Haven, K'.mlra, Act at UAHKlS
I'.liliii vlih "Nivrthani Central," "ISimharlaad Vallev,"
ami "Pchuelliill nnd Hn.)iir.ia.ina" train, for K-iitnina-borUud.lViIliumsiKirt.l
I.t acei Plilladi Iphla at ll'.'tl) P. M. for Readlna, PHta
illc, 1'liii'Krov., llnrrtetiuri!. A-e , cBiiectliiK at llarrla"
btHK vrlth Pamityhania t7tnlral tralne for Plttebure, Ac,
oitl.ern l Vniral Kallroatl train, tor Hmibarr, Narthiiea
berlard, KliinrH, .'.-c, and a' Port Clinton witn Catavrleea
jiuuroiui uaine tor aiuiuri. iv iuiamb0ore. r-iuura, juuiv,
I,r.ivrs Bisilii s at 11 PO A. M., loi'pnis at aU waj ata
tleit e. amtira In I'l.tlmlelplila al IMln A. M.
Kciiiriilin.l' iiv. s riiiUilelpluaatfc'WlP. at. t arrtvat ta
He.nliiip al H'U P tl.
Tralna for l-iillnilclplilalravellarrl-bnmat7-S0 A.M .and
Putt. villi ats l.i a. M .arriving In r-hlladeaputa al lie)
P. M. Ai eniiKtu lllua leave ltiirri.burK at 1 46 P. af
l'cit.vll.e .1 '.'mi p. i., arrlvini: In I'hliadulehla at 7 P. at.
Market irain.. witn a pusei-nfnr raj attached, leav
rti.iaCclplil.l at 1 P. U ,lr Keaitini: and all way etaljona;
lcavi It'-bdini' at ii, noon, and Downlu.:uwiiailldOa.
at tor I'l'llnilciplila and all way rlatlone.
Atl tiie ntov train, run ilaiiy, Hundaya eveeipled.
Him Jar tt I'ln. H uva f utiivUo ai 1 mi A. M.. aaad Phlla
delplilaal -'''-' I' M-
I'll I-N 1 I'.K VAI.I.K1 KXILHI.ATe.
rae.einrera tor lc winnKCiwn uud Intertna-ilat. points
take tin 11 A M. ana .1 ID P. si. tralna froia Pulladelphla,
retniiilns tioiu iti iiinuiowa at b4S . Id, aud IS'lar
in 'on.
Wt T.
T.eavee Kcw York t"A. kl. atitT I'.M .paa.Ing It eadSng
at li'ininnU'lit uud l'C8 V. M., and uonnaoilaa ai liarrta
buric tsirh I'vuiieilrahla ttallroud alvprae. iraiaa lorPlMa
bunr, Ct'lcavo. and ilia Went.
ttriuruun Evprt-se trnln Iravae It.-rleburtroii antra! of
the Pelin.yivaiiia F-xprt'a fnini I'ltUliurr al 8 IIS and
A. M , pas.nui iluinllns al 4'87 and W A. ai., and
arriving at hi w Vort at 1" A. at. and 4 40 P. at. Hi. ..p-li.St'aiaacroii-paiir
these tralna Itiroiifc-Bfcalwaea Jaraer
City and I'lltfeliur;:, wllbonl anauwe.
M..1I train lor New York leave, lltuniitinrx at 1411 P. M.
Hail train lor llnrrl.bttra leave. Neve York al II M.
Rl'llt I Kit. I, V.M.I HI KAlLllOAIl
Train. Iravc PotievIPe at S l U A M. aud SO P. M., r
tninlM' from Ta-carorn at s r.. A. M. and4-UA P. M.
HClirt i.i.ii.l. A ni m;.sti kam.koad.
'tiaini leave Anlcnu al ;i li A.M. for PinoKrova an
IlliiT'.-.bii'-c, ar.d nt l'Ml p. M ft.r t'jiiciintv. only I return
li u nvin Hrrl'.iir- in l-M p. U., an-1 irota Pluesrora al
7 .. A. At., aud'.l M.
TIir"Ufh flrit-cla... tlckcta and emlerrant ticketa to al
tt.e principal po'lit-. Ifl Ine Noitli and Wont and Cun-ldae.
1 .e tolii.w itiK tniketa are ol.lulcnt'li only al the oilloeol
.1 ltliAl,t'lltl,Ti'eaaiil'ar. No WT B. hOI'KTH Hlreot,
Pl.ilu'ie,pl la, or at u. 4. MLV1.L-I, Ueaoral SupetLuun-
Ue-lll, KnadltilC '
Ates creel t. dl'couut, Utttneua any points dcilred,
foi laoiUic. and fl tua-
ilood fl.rSfltvi ni.le.,betneeu all points, atlM W cuch,
for tiiull'a-i and Uima.
--I.ASOS TK'KI'.r.S,
T"' tkrce, ti, nl'.ie.or iwrlve- uc'iili., for hoMe.l onlf,
to al. ii'.iata, al re Juci il 1 at,-.-..
( '1.1 Kt;YtKV
l:c.-i1l'c; 111 tt'o lice ol tli ro.iu n.ll be fnrnlaliad with
teiui, U.viuaiiive. ai.d v-ivufi to UCota at li.eii
Frcm HiilAdi'lpUa to prtiit ipnt stn'li-ne. pood Per Hfttnr
dr. Mm..:.' , iu u hi .i if..v, nt ililiiC .1 lii.e. 10 be hid ou.v
at the 1 i tat Omen, at lU'lltTtXN'i U and C4UdVVUI (X
bUi.'0'j. ,
fl'Kk.t. of all 'le"i'ijp.,oiia lomarded tn all the abov.
ponitu, ticm id. ui -iipaiv'a l.e' lti:t depot, lii.J-UI
a.iu fi u.l.urV S.ri-'-is.
I cave Phllado'nliia da'.lv at li A. M ., 1 T. M.,and it P. AT ,
1 r Kcaali t. Lao-uou, Urrliiuri , I'olltvill., 1'iut Clui
ton, and pO'Uta imi oiivl.
C'I'iaa at tho Philadelphia V .at ntf -m for all ptaoee on tha and it. branch--, at It A. M aud for the prmrpal
UU,'iioli;.v al SC16 1'. M. .
ViV Aliiiiiu'ioent.-on enJ ailor MONIIA1,
0.-t,er id. lrl.,1, Uua. will leme from Walnut Bl.eol
' i utC I'Um) Tnd and all ptoc" south of Miilvlllo at 9
AF.!r .Mllhilie, Brldkaeon, UjI.ui, and all placae aouth of
Ti'i 0l "l5 a4 It A. M- tltS P. M.
lor Vroul' iiip, Oiouvietur, &-,a,9A.M.iUM.,
S P. 11
Ltnvi r .pt Slavat IO'.ai A, ll.
si :i iv a. 7 A V ii'to s P. At.
.. . ae ;t,Mav4l atT'llA. W .!. P.M.
" Ntiuui nt T A. M.. and 'i P. M.
" W onabiir; al 7 and S 4T A . M .. unit aiidt'l" -P. M.
J. V AN UtN.SsKI.Al'lt,
J-! lln In., 0. t. 10, 1- it 10 - J HuporLuttmlei't.