(Swcmnrj Slclcrjrapli FRIDAY, OCTOHKIt It 111. EFIkIT Or TEE NEW YORK PSE33. tftillnz frtllnrlitln frtini the rw Paprn Thlt Mwrnlns;. Turk n ui.it' mi ii i; i ani riu run M V NI.VII. 01 111 I Ma. frttm fl-s Titn' .. The excollt nt ltt"r Horn l"ierit! l ir. r,n, we pulili.bel on M..f,i!) , ruti'ii: 9 sn.no mlmr i l.ls reanarl.a on tl.i 1 1 1 t ujri iu ,k litii l c in dllli.n, evoked by the int'tlcn In tiir'i !l f nlille parties fctvc imltilg ii. for tlio Ut fi.f .y ji r, cf C DblJerliiR nitliii;F t.ui ' .iv.iiU'jiiii" in u,9 cht.le offuHdnli for tl.e I'itM.1 nrr. (i-n ral tHi arr bea, mid with yrcif. rcav,, ino.t t.f tli tnlli which now be-et tig totliis mul t.n'..rtiin'i li'ndcnry. Conrttinioui n r r j t . nnj cTpcricos in tho rmitiut t ot i.ut.lic alfiirii," wir. or I nr time nroToae Ur the wr, aluio-t c miiil t a in lerg to pclitlritl hrtvKiic. mrni. A wan no eoorir marlo hli nitrlt In fsnfrress;, or in offli r, than li lost ail ctianco of ren lilnif .bo highest pnLH.al piljo. The (Trent thin wltli I'ODMDtloUM wan to rlo.l ravn for tur-ir no ni;i'- 'Ion who Imd oo tiiidr tncmr.-nit bocviss mey were fttLOitt favorite, l.nl Uccau.so nob ilr i.nt enoacii of tbi ro eithnr to like or dieik ihrm. 1 hl howr-vi r. not no milt b tin- fault f tl.o eiinrontine after all. u of the arcnera popnler contempt for nil trailing ml exoi rirm -a ronvmit firt u in ureal measure, nr tuff circnnit.tani.il In which the cotiatrj- waa plt-e I Purine our Litis etruririi! with tho phvbictt difHrti tir of oorxinilition.il has lwu IhokhI'i'i to eTct a tboroiiL'b division of Klmr. rta-h nun Tina liari to dn a little of pvervtlilnir. Tli fur'tic r Snag bud to do a littlo of the lawyer, and a little 01 tne anuiirr, inn a little of the po'rtirmn, in1 a line or the trm!er. nu.l eoon, uutil AinnnoAna BlMscame fnro.nl nil over tho world hi "jncka of w'l Kite. Now, tins u nil rtry well nt the out t, when we bud so moch tvauh wo'k t ) du ;h it "Mtiantitr wita of more irnporuiaie than quality. Band when oar politual bkiU waa eu munolb that Da child coold a:k over it. But the titnea have changed, and we have : hanged wiib them. We bavc giown into a v.it ud complicated body, with a thousand dciic.iie l.rcblema in Ko'crnmunt to aolvc, with a thou. ud confliriiiig iutcrent' tj reconcllo; and at this inmrnt, added to the ordinary di'll -uitin f ntir ituatl m, we hTe the extraordinary one of a trugftl wbl.'h, we rentnm to ny, h:v more la t to perplex the mul of soldier ami ntntoaman ban acr in vhich any U'ltion erer Itcluru found t'elf eiikKed. 1 ue troaole now la, that many of ua hare come this, work under tlio lnllnence of the tratliliona anded down by the preriona st.ito of tkin(a. he conmry waa o lout; ncciinomod to olAln tUllnff, Ih which neither training nor experience tmm nauy oi any great value, tliat It bait .ptnnl.'y got tu coD.sidvr them of no great ralue uuer nuj vircuiiiMtiucra. no we entereu on tne ar WllU an ill-concealed rontemnt for Writ oint, and an undl-uiMd reliuuce on nuiuhera, otbuslaMTi, and native aaaacilr. During- the ri.t year of the war, we could with dl.ticu'ty nnoumivMui uic notion tnut a largo army aa pimply a larec ntim'.i r of uieu with muaknta. ne bare trot over the minturv nriif th .i.-i.,. Jlon; but Hie Mlitlrtl part of it hanga rounds ou niKny oi ut tun. TLe old worabipof "urailuldldy" ahowed itself nt an mmi r in (bo boatiiitr felt to Mr. Lincoln y a good many well-meuninir men, hocauau Ue ad a good many ent mica. The fuel that he had r four year tuluiluiatered the Uorerninont uring a crinia of unparalleled dllK'ulty, with a uccefea which, if not complete, bad excited the rtonlahment of all foreign critic, an 1 falaliled ac prediction! of dumcaiic tra torn, counted fjr lothing. There were plentv of gool t'oianliU i-aiT to onat him. change the whole machinery I Government, and spread confusion through Bory department uf it, put in bia place a new and ntrieo, ana proDatiir obscure man, fur the elm le renon that be uod not manned to do bia fork without exciting deep ha'red on tho part of RDpir wuom ne uaa inconvenicacca or tllar inted, or from whom be dillercd. Ilow little aad the itiiLlin m Uk Hluir th ftupofSiaio being worked in a bearr ea, and ow totally incompetent a iortioa of it wti to incize itateaman dealing with such pro'ilonia, aa well illustrated by iwe or the faulu found Itk h.m. Some fo ka were evidently of opiul in iaiagood navigator ought to keep a ahlp from er I .l ring or Hhlpping caa, or even lining in e lonat to leeward. Itiore wa bardly anytjody ho ct.u'd out tell yoti of aomething that Mr. ncoln ptiht to hare d'.no dittereotly, and then olved oat of tho dcp'huof tile imag na ima ng llfit oi tloilou" cotix'qtienera fiat woul J hare Itorcd it he bail. That he ahouid have com lited amy e iron wa declared to be rtaratiing, id when to lull it wua added that ho bad mny rce oi.)mn(i.lH, thouaanda wero ready to tlirov m overboard,and 'ook lor a une taoneat uoata iln, who, Laving had no rcaponailii Ur hud tea no oi.'ei:ae, without erer inquiring iutohia her nualilh-utiuna for the .ot. At olhi r aection ot the public i just nw lalni". C nnd'r th a linlm inutlon hIk.uc l'rejidens aklng. bat in tnorr ngtirnvau-d form. The r .rhl of General Mci'leilan Is almoaialtogjtl er ic to IiIp popul.ir ty.i.r lu other words, atip n-ed tri.ilHbllity. Of hia litneaa they know ho- teiy LOtlilng. lie naa never Ulled any civil (Ice, or been placed in any po-itm in wn ch ha ua give me lean eriaence tnat no nad cittior menial or moral uualiiWiloni for tUo m e of .'on tiiuiloual titatr. The htuif whi h ia wiiitea d talked alion'. bia "aiat-.raiinililp." ia the addle of people who Ue not know wh it the nd mean-. Whether be haa or Inn not any of It In hit rnuo-itlon ia mutter of aa nnro apocuUt on ai ii ecMpi.ce of an ro ila In tho aiin.ortliu con uon of the c ntie oi the caith. Ilia viewi up in e niication of einaneiption, aa pnimulatej In a letter tiom )i; rrHoirs j.uuding. aro an lutingly alendut ba-ii for llio ruputaiion th it ia iimcd ior him. '1 Ley ere Uriuly hold, aud tlnctly enniielaic.l, in ner.rly every grog rhop ie iota uciore ut uau cicn lanaeu un tuo ninvnla. t ii r r. t. r. t h h j .v . m Uu TrUmf. V vi ry simple b'utemei.t dinpoaea oi the impu- it attempt of our uVhperate OppiMtimi jnurnal- s to extort "Uvmocralic gains" from thu roiurna the recent elociioua. :'enuiylvahlu waa notorloul cariicd for Curtiu tyear by the rotes of aoldicrt furloughed from Rnp, boi-pital, &c, and kd! home to rote, and lid not have been carried otherwise. I'erhapa tbotitand department eluika at Washington, d other empii)ea ot the Oovernmont, went me for like purpoao; but the army rote did j booiuen. Nuw.ihia rote la cast wherever i toldiura may be, aud of oourae raniahea from ) borne poll to reappear itt the returna from - canipa lu front ot .Petersburg and Hichmond, J bopitali aiouud Wushingtua aud Ilaltlmora, , so. inn ia cue Rule an I utterly deluuve da of the tlaiui wj are exji taiug. )f couiae. the gruut Itepuhliou atrongbolda .ei-heny, Lancaater, Ci.et.K r, Indiana, lirad- d, Krie, Ac have not polled out their lull te. In moat of tbeui, tne o,iKJhtijii to tuc l.'ui.in acta waa meiely nominal, ami you cum l aw out a full vote when no pulpahlo end in to eub'crveil Iherobv. b rks. on the other b.ind. conUated inch by iueL, and the lull atrmimli Rltd out. Hu with Luzerne and moat of the pperhrad Urongholda, Kven in the aterile vcnlb Uiatiict, where the Unioniata stood no ante of fleeting uny one, the vote polled ia a 1 1 cue. Sow, the Oiipoaitlon Journallata know tlieae ts know that Allegheny will give 31)00 and nearer 2000 more majority lor I.tncoln next nth than they have now done, while Berks, une, etc., can do nothing to couattirvail thia Briaiae j yet tbey maunder over their h.imuug ina" aa if they did not know tuelr'a a gone r. Iiut thev du know It. and onlv talk aa llirr l.eciui'e u.ey uaist no! seem to give up tlio Ic t. Yet they are clearly conaeioua that llioy "gone up," and whoever ia nwudtomed to ntiin.e them closely must ace it. lonsider iheir dealiuga with Ohio. That 8Uitq e last year the unprecedented majority of ty thousand on the homo, besidea forty tuoii J on her aoldiera vote, simply aud aolely auae Vailandlgham w.ia the Democratic Can ute for Govern r. But for ihK they could I ave lieeu beaten fitly tliouaand. Uoveruor ugb' vote, lu it...), exceedei that for fresi it Lincoln, in lrMk), by more than tiny -seven .uaand. while VallaudiKhum'i fell below tha l-'regate po 1 of Mr. Lincoln'! oponent by leaa n twenty -lour tuouaauu. i ne uiuo rule ror icrnor last rear exceed, d. by more than aity-tline thonitnd, the highest ever pulled 1'iealdeut a reaun wnouy wunoui paiauoi. i presume the vote jual cant lalla titty .......I lu.l..iv thttl nt' Itut VAMr. An. I hArcin ia il Bole baai of the pretcuse Of "Douiocrutlc " lut inoiana wny not mum laeir peneiu in uipulutlng her return? There bai beau a y great vole polled; the aoldier vute wai pre ided; the Opposition did their very beat ; yet y are routed as no patty waa erer befjre routed Indiana. The Union majority ia unprecedenie i ; gain hugely every litre and on every ticket ; ire la not a ray of Lope, a crumb of uoiulort, for the dlaormfltpd j thrr had no resoutfr at firat Vat to distrnat the rnurn; and oven tbii haa failed tin m. Ibeir omy rolugc ii In blank Hence In dumb dpsir. Oentlrmi n orpoaltp I you are lai I cut. and wall yf.nkt.iwlt' ou have not a c niece led. Kp up a ahow of npht. If yo wlil( to' coosi.lsr )imr poaition.and rrfnin f.-om p.rtiatinv ia thn rteceiia and kaarerira wblcb, at all tiaarr onjtl flaii.e, are lreit of e. u-e nv ib moral crtitr tbnt farther rt ort te tl t m will lak the palliation c o jt hope. Miof r,i sami fifoaoi. H 1 noa iat n t en his wife lor three r fa nr.nl l.e inrthr at Nashville lau wnk, ti wnloh piint ho wa O'lctrdbl (tcr.frfl Sh.tn.an. An Kioioi-TAST I'imi a.-Th",) la a Vik can. vass god g ( n I,, Ml.aourl in tavor oi M t'iniaa, I "' the oio,it.on wiM f,i. tnat lliey hare to pay a J'.-ice for It. r HoFfi-t i. The M"T'el anltea al ibat thcr have famed it. I hlo Ibl thnna in 1 fr tea. T ia! I- 'oai.r.lliev have eo i.e within ar vca'v tlionatna ot cetry irg the 8 ate. by tlilr i.o a. unt. 1r" " Dwocto I'Lt iii." A pir-y of MiCliilar. men left Not London in other dar it htu nd a nutting at Norwich, ;..nn., a id in the wry i.-at tta captain of the hod t.'ciaap he kppt r.e bar. Th-a Is ann hpr inatmca ..f tha htd fli eta of a "scarcity of the Demo -ratio flald " A SutLa. Little DiNy'a mamma waa trvlng to paniaia to ner tne anpaatag or a !Tie. "Oj, "cM I know," aa d the rhlld; "It ia a rhljperol a laugh." A raaiAar.a Joaa. Only on ef I he Prnil Monrea iiom trie rresr.ytprv or Lorn harm ap. ra aird at the KslaMiabed I'reshi f ry media ua 1 1 urscay wppa. a mpraner remaikcd to him tea "he waa all fir I cm !" CoMrtpaHCa. Tha (lrt time J.'r-nlil aiw a pplebrated song wrltrr, tha latter a ,1 1 to him : t'Dngatcr. nave yon sutllc ent coal Irnce in m i tn lend me a gulaaa t" Jrnld "Oh, yra; I've ii mr cviiiiurui-r, uwi i navcn i tne guinea. A Okxtn. Cut,. uaa A runaway eoepte wru- u.a.iuu h urrma irrn. inaaml'a de mamipd nve gulncaa for hl aervlca. "lliwle tins i a.iui ina iildcno.im. "Hie gentieman yoa last mmned avan-ed me ibat he on y cave rnaj a irtiinea." "Trne," aaid the nmith,"hut he was an Irishman. I have married him lie times. j4 ia a g od customer, and you I may never aee again." DRY GOODS. o r K N I N o , THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., WILL OI'KN 10-DAT A J'KKSli IN VOl OK OK NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SILKS, wirco, t.t cojiK.mtot with tub K.M1KK 1MLAXK OK TIIKIB STOCK Of FANCY SILKS, They w ill oiler at GO to I'l per oent. leita than their present value. No? . 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. la-u t JALL AUD WI8TER GD0D8 JOB MKN'8 AND BOYS' WK.Ut. rusi v AM plain CAHHiMf ratrcr aud m.iRn coatisos, CNIOS 0AR1IHI RK, Uc. tl.ic, AIX AT IttltJOHI) PtttOKH. CURWEN 6T0DDAST 6t BROTHER, . t5v, l-lt.acl 131 X. BBOOSO Btraat, J?Slp Alr wuiw. N I: "W M O U I) H AT LOW PRICES. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., HAVE VOW OrBh A lUU. Aa')TrHT Of FALX, AND WINTKlt DRY GOODS, or THIS 8rA80JT3 IMPORTATIONS, i1hai;ij. Hllks, l)roH Uooda, thn-wlai, C'IoiiKss, lOmlirolderloa, Ulovea, IIiler , afco., tWluCUd with aiaal curs lii t& t!uru. Hln and Auarloait Maraet r.rtl.els.1 Setalllraua.a'd will ha ollerrslat KU.l t'KD l'ni('i;a, .tiir iuaj tt.s Inwiat rU of Oola this sfasn. Nou. 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. I0lt-t yiirri;u is-iiiit v JtlIAII. AM WIIOI.I-'.HAI.K. .1. 9t.- 11 A.lVL.feHJIa. JTo. 902 OHESNUT 8TREET, lla a..w lu atora a fi'li as.virtasiit of tlia oaui.rufad oiaka vl KNdl.lMI IlOSIKltY, i.i BAIRIUUGAN U0ft AND HALF HOSE, BllETTLK S UOE, 6III11T8, ANU UHAWKHH. KM HA HEAVY S1I.K .SIllkTs AND DRAWKBS, IN ALt, SIZHS, FOR OKNTIiEMEN. 10 7 jlALMOJtAI. HlvlU-rU REDUCED TO $3 00. ALL OHAVtM, AT HKDLCKU l'llIOHS. cuwra stoddart & brother, w. tiO, HI4, aad 431 M. fUCOND Steal, Abova Willow. JftVX HO RISK I M HUN NO RISK!!! Vi a refund Ike inonsy, If dealrad, for evory lot of Hklrta wiJcli lU m si.r it.prcl. tl.NK bllllUS, USE niRTS, err LaKOTHWi.K or ar ti.is. Uada ef Yi.ik Mi. a, Mu.iin, uid very Ona Unaa Bonrtois. Only l"78. I'suoJ .jroi til. WuliannavUis alula Ifu.iln, aad una Unaa Buaoma. Only t Ml. I'aualprh-at.V.'a). "a. ohii units H r umikhin'o (looiia. Ot.Mi-tMtN H H'hNIBIItSO ncous. mmi mi it j tcoiia, I-I-6U Ho- UM CtUM , ( Btf,tt, TPgJ)aAlLY ETENIKfi YELEGRAPILrniLADELPtftA, DRY GOODS. XTRA0RDI5ART BAR0AIN8 19 DUKSS GOODS, SHAWLS, n riMvin(. dou:stic too:s, CXmi :Hli U s Ureal a-." rHlsi d'.plar j-a r-4 ai katail, AB at ritirtri Mcutw TP cORRai'OyniV'l fci'lilH 10 VAI.UR OlTliM.lt. HIKNCII l'OI'UNS, MK. HI NO KM, A 1. IMC AH. WOOI, UK I.AINKM ct-o., mf tiiitr. Watava is-iavjsl at airtataanaM a lar OltK.SS (lOODS, A Ul a AKSH.IAH 1RI.AINC!I A Nil fllVTa, W o a .lull mr iirj lav.aat an wtaj wank taa allfaja ar tajMa. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., . t.Jcwa MIMTll Snt AH'JII Hwi, fit I iMM.' HI L. . Jl'JW MOUUNINU WTO HQ. FALL ST0(K. An l-lleojrint Asaort mcnt EREtS QOO DP, CLOAKW, sniWLft, M AVTI.KS, AU MOUUNINU MILiaWKItV. IE ATIKMIOII Of TllltAVIItltmilloiTKO. M. A A. MYKKS A Oil., GRAND OPENING Or TBS ilHW till MAONirtCBNT (rOBB 01 JOHN LOUTET & CO., No. UU M. AilClIl J-H HTKUUTt 09 MONOAV, HK I'TKMIIliK '-M, WTifra wttl n fjant a mt aaamVui aaariaaaat o DRY GOODS, CXA.IiM, AIS1 HIIAWLH, ia tiik oirr. Wa hare ,art Oaa'4 lOK) IW HJ.KH, tlaih Am. rtscr. tsOO I'itsw. MKKINOKH, I'LAltl Abl riUIMiKD. 5r0 Pir-svs. FKKNOIl I,C)fI,It, Rcr amd norar-v. aOtr Pleor, WOOL. m', I.AINE. IKsutxa aud Hiafl Wlilk.IMala and K.-htv. ISO 1'iMNsi MOHAIR Ald'AOA. Plala anl fsjirtst. 100 l'.s tNOLISM MKMNOBH, Ak a lair ftnek f raao ai4 maple I It K H H O O O L H . 'I In MMKNHH lthbl'UTlON IK TH! r DKY OOOLtt. JAMES R, CAMPBELL & CO.. H", T27 CDIXNUT 8TRKKT, OFFER 1HEIB KNTIIiK STOCK Of DRY GOODS, CON81STINO IN I'ART OK ".indoor. I i. i.i Ma aid BKri, I HMU.IMS, CLAM ILaI H. I.I' At AH and MOIIA1RA I LAt iv aa I am r Bil.E -t, m:wt.9, oi.orRc, l tS'Ksa, wi.it a iHi nd, ft an ri.s. ii u a mk a rd, Mi'N n coirnN mi -ctimis) KLI-KI.I A.Ma, ai J t I.OAMM. ti.orud, AT IXTREMELY LOW RATES. "t i.i ttairr iu uia .in iuki wa utrs eu afeTauaai downevor) itlc!r in wr uktn4 no Kte It la w pc WW to OtTff m liAIU: BARGAINS. ID-a im wuoiiaati iioom i i-staikh. M UtlNOKH, I'f'I.IN.S. lc...l'.piiidliiis,CiAn PlaMs. A I i.ni Mn. AI i.l.u.r. o ll.sr llr... riA.M.. ( l.tsi, at JAIt.K CAMI'IIKI I. a IX) 'It, K7i. I If l.lMUTaHraet. Jl.hS, KUAWI.8. ' Jll'pW.llit l I..H... lllt.tfa, l.ln. nl. anj VhilAll..U. Cluap at JaH. K. (iauI'i'.I'.i I .1 CO 'ft, Itu. CIli.M.NL t MuvH. 1 ;iJVNNKI.K, I1I.ANKKT8. i.mra auu v'.ii'.n nueeiir.rs, ciicopat jAi.K.cAwi-HKr.r. co.'H, So. m Cllk-S.N tT Ulreot. AIX WHO WANT GOOD DKY OOOD8 AT u.a vot kjeal pru'ca, can find them at JAB. H CAM I'll KLI. CO.'R, 10 Mf 0.J7CIIKSJilIslr.t. M. A. J O Mid CELElinATED NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS J! tVEKI fRIHT WAIll! ANTED AND Kl.PT IN 0H11M FREE CE CIUR0E. 10LC ONLY AT No 17 If. EIGHTH STREET, (Over Fartrldt-a'e Trimming Store.) MOHB DKNl'INB t'NLase OUR NAMK AND NUKUIER IS UTAJirRD VIO.M TUB WAISTBAND. tSTBA LESOTn RK IHT8. and with any slat wal.l, made Ui aider at ll.e sUuru.l outke. OLD KITi MADE OVKK AJID RBrAJUED. fcml lu ilttw, ' MISHES AKD ('IIIIUHKN B HKIiiTS, ,f Ul alia aad aljiaa.cvuauutlj oa aand. Ulllm TOO HOOP HKIRT8 .no OO Manuiatry,o.ti ARCH itreef, 00 Atwia aiis.il street, ftuiaUeiuula, Waola.aie aad Retail. Tne air)t aeooplete assortment T Ladlea', atlaeea', aad Cl.iklien a Hoop tlrle m Uie cUr.Mi e.ery respect (lt,. clau, wiuch fer .trie, finish, dursBUtt, aad aJieai ueaa, aave B(se.,ual In U.s asaraet. Hkirss ujHle le erdn.aJlsf.d,' and rspalred . W-i Wl,.y.lllfKI, DRYOODS. 11113 TJHU UAH C'UMK. THE TIME H COME. I HE TIME HAS COME. GREAT INDUCTION ist Tim FRICI3 OF DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL & 00., No. 20 8. SECOND STREET, ab tow orrRRiN j nut ftrocc or SUES, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, CLOAZS, VELVETS, &o., Far Be!9w tha Present Gold Prictw. Ai we hare had the eJanU et rwaUaaal i iao ia Ibo prlctt of oau Stock Jurlug tlx) projren of the war, we row propoeo to give ir customer thetdreaeafjlorthe FALL IN PRICES. ALL flTATLH OOODH Rl'.OUOKI. CALICO AND U.USJLIN4 FLANNKM AMD TABLK L1MIN4 RtUUUKD. BLANKETaf, AND ALL aOUSr'.&SKI'CXa 000DS Ri:m 'OKD. K. B.We roopfctfall ix.liolt from (tie IatiM and ether en rxamlaattun ef our SUxk beforo parcliaalcf i eonrlacaxl, aa w are, Uiat we hare OSI OF THE BEST STOCIS IN THIS CITY, And will be told ns low, It' not lower, tbfto anr Iioute will tell tlie siimo (iVALITY ANI HTYLE, N. S.-gavaral Iota foda from tt Iarre AUCTION BALES HEED IN NEW YORK TIIK WEEK, UNO WUX BE SOU) YtBT 10 V, FJIIDAY, OOTORKR 11, 161 SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. 1 AIMtM' i;lAUM, -a 4 eACXJUr8, AUD CIBUULAE3, ALL HIK rort'LAR 8TTI.K.. Ma le la ll b.l aianner, AT ItRDVCKD r R I C K fl. v. a ri'it-ritooi ci. ks Iti arai varVf. CDEWIH BTODHAUT & BROTJIES, Mi . din), l.vi, aid til .v.aiwisn aTR'.;r, 1W AVeW:tow. FALL, HT,W!K ( FALL. iwii. (sow n bTouiil i. EDMUND YARD & CO., ITo. 617 Ohesnut mJ C14 Jatb Strati. IMrOatTERia AM) tOatKKH Of SLLKS AND FANCT DRY GOODS, HUAWI.H, I.INKNH, AMI) WI11TK OOOUS, LAK0R AKD HAN!SOMK STOCK Or DKKHS OOO DM. FULL LINE Or FOREIGN AND D0MK5TI0 IIALHOKALM, lirci.mia ae-ui ItBUNmH AND OTUIKH MAICKH. jmocjuxa long miiawj,h, IX CHOICE designs, AT LOW IMUCKH. OUBWEN 8T0DDABT k BROTHER, 1 01. IK), 4.14, and 3 K. SKCJND IrKKET, Above WUlnw. Ift'J NORTH EIOHTH 8TRF.KT. 10:t. It '.I hrrond d.r atsive Arch, ttreet ltedurtl,.ti In oi.r tame rtiiKk of Hiaple ami t auvy7trmiiiiiiA,,iMni r1la the b.st and mod lasl.l. aenle s-..rt-msrt f l.aais' lirssa Cloak Tilaiiulnce, Orna Birnta and llutu.n. of our own mttke aad tin b. nellnn, Nlli and Msrlna H.eif., all stilot of rllh and triirniile H-ed firsts. : Sett, ehnper than else. tecei Havle f.linpe and Hajite Hullons, IMI Merino and Hi k til, vts, K'd tllovee er tho tmst makers, tllaok end Coforsd TsUshawIa andNesrflk.ntersU wlotliej Fanr llai a ar.d M.le Combs, fUA lirll Kll.buns, Jet, Nloel, end full fis t Iturtke. ( S.sk Taueia or all eolnr. an.l l)lei Mask Miit'lijus of all aia and styles at arpatljr rdu. e.1 pi'cos; W.M.iieri ii,mm1.( ee feaiter., Ntible., U.Kds; ral,-a',CMIdnB a, aud Misses' Nbwalara at (La h'spest puce; llslr Rolls, WetrrfWII Hulls. nd Wstsr raJINeta ot i.ar own Improved methods; Hla-k end Whlta l.tiw ol all arad,-e and styles ; ItUch aod C4torvd Velvet h:l.h.tis, Ui N'sst variety et r.du.-ed prlose i Ladlea' at.d mia' Iseoxtiea, la great sarlelj, amreiueijr alicsj., o., Ladt-a ornio, one and all, and convlnoa ronraelvos berore bu wok elsewhere, that It Is wtll worth lo n.nr ownlnterst to piir.-j.K.e your Trlnioiltiss at tlie Cl.cai 4ti.ro of Wll, 11AM I.OSSKHHI Atrl Kit, No. t M. Kiuliril Htreet, Hsrf.d deor atxv Arch, i.s&t iu tae corner. Iv-a I'liifl iiavcx3 to uuy LINEN GOODS. J. C HTHAWIIUIDUI 4tfc CO.. BJUIUWBsT 0OIIMIR E101ITXI AND MAEKET 8TIVEBTS, Bee Uwaj. Ins'ock a full Una of MCOTCH TABI.Z LUtKBH, IMmMt aad Hjsat. 1UHH TAHI LI.1KNS, ramaek aad Root. BAKMiLKY TAK1.E I.INUm, axtra heavr, TOWM.H, N Al'KINH, AND UOYLIKH. 8HKETIN0 AND TILLOW LINENS. Liberal Inducements to Uatelj, Itoardirsj Hahaota, aad arrkaKra af lario bsla. 7-aasrt lot JJ L. A. J It HIIiKH OF ALL WILTBB AND GRADE8, AT Bf.DUCED PRICES. OUR WO ETODDART & BROTHER, tfoa. 1 -V47, , and 4-14 Sf. HfX'OMU HTHKH I l.'sW Aoova Willow. Jk.JllZH' X'A.PaCfV FUIltf. JOHN FAREIR A, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AiOVK HLVCMTH, ar in olo BarAki.ietiKu aiosa, Impotter aod Manafacturer of L 1) 1 1: 8 ' AND CIIILUBEN'S FANCY FUltS. Jr aaeon mailt of FAKCT fURS for Ladles and Cnlldre a la new ceaipleta, aaakraolae EVERY VARIETY THAT WUX BE WORN DVRINQ THE COMIKO SEASON. kem. irl.e r tha lama and number. JOHN FAREIRA, N. 71H AHCH RTUKhsT, Above AevaLth, I IIAVK KO rARTKRB, Oil CO S XKCT10.X WITH ASV OTHKRMTOIlKIN THE CITY. 9--4nl FASHION. Email Profits. Quick Sales. HATS AND CAPS. NEWEST STYLES. Loweet IMcoa In Ilia ell?. UOUUNH, aea.fmw.8oi Ho. 10 K. BIXTH ITRtET. THOMSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, ork.ur. pcaa Kane, for lamlllea, b.ela, or pui.l.c Inslilulions.ui is.mr dlllorvnt atiee. Also, f'ni,. dslphia ataDin.s. ll'jt - sir rurneus. ln..l.l ltatrni.Ixmdown Ursue, rirvboard Huea. Maih 11 ..tore, huwbnli' rlates, Hrollers, Coosioh istovea, o., at whole sale and retell, bjr lite uautifertun re. CllABK. Ml K1'C A TRoirtnw. Haj fjiw Oa i, ,Vv ei Hi.VV-f BMei, jTit (in. niV'r Ot fl'll t'.K. f-- I I K K cTr O It .rt nnw wn ijaw mii i waro. isAarri. It. rim i.ifr. JOHN u. mii nrir ., isatra m artRiana. t. t riTTurtAt i, IRRAM. MICHrvhR, TTiOMAS Al l RM. V efstsoMptlin I'.ok is tl.s sieve Cewau la ,. rasi;tl the I sek'i lloo-s or tairhsel decl s. Ho fs R.I llllll. s),hll,iiHa. .re the Dr -'(, 'mm ati,nJ bsksiivite ;r u latoiwataa oea -scalne tt.e 1st J.. Ao. f .,l,ari'.tii H pf she. ti e Is'eal otVe. and a a"e. a, ...te. HAMUH. AT.T.I-N. roaTtav. r-li!j..R.-H.l. Ocsj-lwr t. ItH. Itll M CAMPAIGN FL AOS, Itl'NTINO, ANU H1LK, r tvrai ntncumosi. HWOKDH, SABIIEH, IlKt.TH, T.st'k.sr wnh a f,J aseuftsnseil of t: ILITARY OOODS IVAH8 & EA33ALL, r-loi a. 1S AROn RTKHRr. l. UVtiUi-H A. MOM. Bfantifaatarara at I I N J V. w i: l, K Y. Ku. lot's rnKflKUT aTRHKr, rnti.AHt,riuA. r. r. n-jBosj. w. a. Dcitoj. WHOLKPAIiK AND RKTAH.. Va'.cb.a rsa.red and warranled. r-ft-laa J A M E H HA II U III U'H wuoLaaai as aavan, OI.OCK tHTAllLIHHMUNT, . K. aeraar SI.COM D aad CUr.fVVr Btreata, rallad'a. aoaaor rot Tina nnuw riV AUr.INO THIwTT-DAT OWXiRjt, A very ferabla artlela f) Cknrohea, noiala. BaaAa. Ooanltac lloeee. raiiors. Ao. -, " s, AMo, MAMt rACTllKKK Or sTRl (KH.P PWBfl. OLlM aa KRHAlkKI) AMU W AKstAR I lai. jaU-I j IU look Trtasauiuia uf averj deeerlpueaw WH. A. QUAY, N. K. CORNRR OF RlXTtt 11 and MIHi.R titreeta, baa Lllaawmda. WaseiiM. M4, stiver, eni l osmtcKota. wawuea, 1II08H Ifl WAST OK MOttkT CALIa. AB buAlLasa eoaddantJai. aul) fca EHTV'H COTTAOK OKC1ANH, Kot enlr tlUPACr I LED but CkaVjVAI,LRf la fwrlttr r. desHined e.veelal.y far Uharensa end H..ools. but fistntt to be ejeellr we't edapaed ttba farlof aad svawiaj IsevBi. or ease aalr b M RRIH1R, rTo. I W. BKVRMTII Hansea. Abe. a esmnlt asaottioeiit of the t'ornoa Mekveooa onsianilf oahand. aaa'l-Joi MAUl'BTINUM. PRICES REDUCED. Eerrr arUrle 'a etjxk wll' be .old at tta rare taweel aiartet ratsj, I' OK OA Hll. 2ELVE L. KSIGHT & ZOS, 19 Mm Wo. BOX CHRkMlT BTttRarr. Jfli M ONDA, BO U , CO.. 00MMI8EI05 MER0HA5TS, A'D SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK bTUKUT WUAKK, riuiADEi.riiiA. awimvw a. ao?oga, te Mtnsro Dsrrr. a--aii.Ra r. s,itj.B. i tf PROPOSALS. KPAKTM1- NT Of PDHLIC HIOIIWAYii I OlUoa ti. W. oornor of WaINIT aad rirTli Btraota. rntt iw.iwi, rvtober Is.Uitl. KOTICr? TO CONTHAlToiia. Reeled Fni.asls wul be reoe.ved at t'.ia Office u'.ill tlirre o tl.wk T. M Ou MOft'lAY, thI7Ul Inst.. Psr the rla.i.'g of feart sneet from Klliss. tk to ftHvetHoe-.tli an. eta, In lie Kliieenth Waid at aomucb per square jar ., and la ecorr'anoi-with speclar.ilone to beseem at ml. On. e, W Mksli as ill be su'cll a.tlrsd to. T 4ibdswKl.e I I e d at slit time aud place ai ei a named , anu all i.dlesa are iliit,-l to be pre.ent, and ihi; loere.l kl.'der will coiaa fo.werd within ti.rrs daya th, rentier to eieouie aoootraoi, or consider bis bid wlthurawa. . . 'A. W. W. NMKDIJtr, J7 Chief CoMtalseloaar of Hubsraa. aTW Cf ; ARTKRM A8TEH - OKNERAL ' 8 43l OfTie, rusi lilslsloa, Wssnisma Orrr. Oetobar l.tNi. nOKHRH I UotutKMII H.lltKK.s:,! n.srsee suitahHi lor Aril Urv and Case rr eerrtce will be aorrhased st (.IKoliOMO lit IDT, Inuoea market, tul anllr i.laaa. Horses wlU be d.JIrersd in Captain I,. Twrrlfnora, A. id- fd , and be sui,:eoted to the aatial tsovaruMsBf. InsiHOttor bett.rv llna eooefled. r-lceof LavaJrjr Il. rsrs, tlTA eaeh. frtee f AiUllerr llorsea Bl.anea.ik. t'eiuu. I will beiuea K.I at (6 aad more. 1 Aat Krs A. RKrif. . . . Coke, Klrel 1'lsl.l sl, lo ailil QaartsrniaetM tKaerai aO.Bca. QVAKT1.KWA8TKRH OFFICE, PHiieosi i ui. I , iviober , '44. hra:ed rropo.a'j ssl'l be received at this otllia uaul II o'tluk . on kli.MiAV. October 17, l;i,for ll.e Irame. Olslt ,1ei:vrrs at Ihe I l.ihsl auiee At -re-llnuse, llsuoisr Km et V l.arf. of tl.e fbi.owfi.g aitlclaa, vlx.i l'Slftvends soldVr. It' kes (1'" loe. earh) V-lnoh ho. a nnta, amuirht. 6 ki.s il. il ll.e. eeon -Uien hole aula, wroushu a krsis nrrjt,s cat-hi ,S'-:n h l.ole nuts, an.uskt. f.k. (li loe. ee. ii) lu -Brh hole nuts, wrouaht. k . illVtl.a. oerBI ,-liKh hole washers. & kess niOlhs. eacl.l -lncb bole washers. i kess (lltj lbs. eerli) .-lnoh hole washers. H. iio feet 1-lroh, aquani edgixS, etaoal whiu aak Inn. her, beet quality-. un rest ls-lnch, aqQara-odaed, seaaoaed wklu oak lun.trf'r, b,-st qnelllj. 'l-JJM loet I t Ini U, a. tilead, saaaoaed wUiw oak lim ber b.i o,wsl't-. bfi,i4i reet 9-larli, not diefiioaeonadwbtteoak lomber, tost qilMllly. jr-.t. " feel i-luok.noi edged, seasoned wklie aak luai- ls-r. pest ttlellt, '..,u..feet 3-iiirh,aot fded, seasoned while aak lum ber, bst qaalltv. '..ts'iisoi ;.s4.ncR, aot edged, aeasoued white oak lum ber, lH-sl quallij. W.uei,ei4 ineh.aot ed get, aeaaoaed white aak Ian ber. best qostttT. 'f, list ft-e4 VlJ.c!i,equere-eded( seasoned ask luaaber, bt.t ualtl . VOA't'it-et Its-lLch, square-edged, seesoaeil a.h lumber, best qie.it . 'A. iss; le. t i-tncli, aquaro-edtfed, aea.oned ash hunber, lie.t (i..llf . Mavh le, t SVlmli, sqnare-edfred, seasoui-d ash lunibar, best quality. 'jr. u il I, ri 1 Ini h, aquara aded, aeaaoard aeh lumber, Best quawty. K'o iM-t t-lnch, equate eJa-ed, aoaeencd a.h lumber, be-.t qiiulHr. '.'t wo leet I H'-lueh, aol rdfrd, aeaaouesllilrkorriamber, best iiua Ity. (si.is.i i et a Inch. But edted. aeasonad IJckorj lumber, best qoellry. ,.is. re, t VS'-lack, sot edged, aoaaoned hJckonlluuiber, best quality, bu ions VH hr K Iron, tlra. I. 1 tons I ', by Iron, lire, btons I.S by i 111, In.n, tlra. 10 tons k in tourid Iron. 6 tons ! round I roil. t tons k. round Iron. lb u-iia 7-10 roui.d ir.m. 1.'. ton. 1 square hiituiuered Iron. I'D bundles No. vti sh'-ut iron. lu biilidles bo W shoot lism, H'.i lu pguii.ls wlnie li no. Lewi.' puro. S M-llll'l. rmy Turki'V I iiib.ir. All ol ihu above .liist-rll.e.l to bo of the bet qii.tllt',and subj. oi to ti e Itispu.-tK.n o! ua ibipccwr uiqiviultid on lb. put I .f the tli.veriiiiii'i.t. Hi.Hiers will a'aia tirloo, bolli In wrltJi.fr and fuinres, and the eujoiint or quslitity ft eecliarilcl,' bid lor. ta. k bid Dust be Kiiaruliteud by two responsible pev aons, whose .IgnaUirr-s must appeBSed to the uarautta and oerlliie.t to aa hclnt: aon.l ana siiittcleut security tor tlieemuliiil IPVi.lved. br the t olled HUtes lll.trk:! Ju.lsa, Auorai y.oi C'oiu-cior, or oil. of publig villiior, vtharwlsf wo v.m wn, no. ue cuusuiereii. '11.1 Is r.wertcd lo re'ect all blda de.'kied toa nU'h. and nu bid from a ikiiauiiiuM ooauaoior will be re ceived. By arder of Colonel Herman Bifrga, Qaartarmastor a raiUuetlt, t. H. A. UKORCIB R. ORMR, lfJ-10-f.t cspuuo aud A. vl- at. T)ROIJ03AL8 IOR TAl'ER. X Navv liirinnmii yr. 1 BUBEAU Off rHOVH.lt).!. ANl C'lofHl rmtoi.l.. ltkrl atnil mnAonoA ''Pruuotiiil. Cur fiiper, will lie rvcrlMd til tMi Hurt) a a until!, o clock P. M ou Lh flit titiv ui Ot iohtjr iimikftiit. for rumijhbm and d'-livorhtg At Ui v 1 Art at lii wlvja, H. IT., tv Uimtlrditaiua uf I'apur. Tha itapar to ba whita. UH lnohf fcjM'( Inch to Weitfh Iti jK.anCi lu Xite rrttui, aad Ih uiailtj uf llnwi ittxli ( ttj U ruled H on atn-h Itaaviiii, s)imi incli but v in at (L i4sf auti ixtuoi. ai! lvta ftio at aavui. raj7, hrrinlg of (.ffaUtr and tif of tha paur may b aa at Ilia Oihet. of ihm Ifiitieaolur lO CiarKof Lb Nawv Vmrd at Hciioo, H9W l'uarkt anti I'tiUHavlyUta, aud at tuti I AUCTION SALES. WJ'R.L8 A0TIOJf ROM.J, 'Ka. tH$ ataarr fVret e',"71KL',r"eeoeea'aat ' r,. nV e 1 "r'' ' aiwHiiaa. At ina r.uIu".'i,e,A" ": .... "'.'i;" MitOftAVDiaw " ' I'lto'i'JuJZ!!'"" '" 4"4 " lriaarlafJ jCtN.A,ZAAR' N,NTH ""antT 'iii'io'ii v..-iV rtfi or noRnr.. tARiAiir.. fan.. Vn Hsu :,t.. Inoiami ...t. ' AlWerlr,x af,sh,s ni ifv hoiiaim. f .it rs.r-rif.j, ns.' a.e A..o a lsne t lerv o'dssireiiie new anl en4. hM ce.r .. ii.iii .ae ... wua wu ok ua aai v ia roji , or ai.o. ... f .a nfc.'nsH. aaidlaa, k ldlea. welav onv.-, ..fcu.B e t. ,., mr,.t t-a aora.'nt e srestssr. ....""'" bi...i,. .a w mm, dar ant ' a. la,,, i ,, i, -'i 'li.iKas.ir H A:Mt V" BALB 0K WN-UKX.11II. si sira -a.ai.-afF:fl, f FUST ll.i.IK 1 win k-.,.. ""Tne Urrv.unsWa Is 4 ... Or.ctrM. af., OSE HUH, Htu 1AVAIRV xIlRaM 1 fK HA , IV, bee '.'I 1K4 n.. . "0Mrtir.ll CAVaLkV ('huhi TSsee I s-.', h.v.h.1 oeodemeed ml h. - JhLF " ' "MirHd baralaaatar lli 'ssa sold alnaiv. mllSuUA. m" L""4 IMBtfj) Ock.ael.laeliar.el.t' V.'l O. "I 1 KAIIQUARI rlRlTTS NlaTYrViriT A I Multla, Doartf master flenerel a l) llsaiu.ni a ., re ,tt..bere Isfrt. Wi I be sold at fnbllr Ano's.n la tne ki, lert ski iefTle erertsnce wl'k eel of A sertnb v, atsvvv 0 Ass.t n . n "i we aieie Artet.ey, llasrU"arr aa 71 rai'Ar, .he Mm dsv ef Co-thcr, o .iaie iciu at a . .'' . "-""'a orii.ec. mul m lrtae. tlie pn perls oflhe Mlsre ef l'sar. lv.ua 'irnapoun.er. Iirsss i'an.m, oaauoc rniea.d-te lral to it H ; srelshi elmil .Mil u.u.l. . KIjM a i. M..if,. lien Caun .a, ca.tlnjrof lUdaad URTi ' iM ahooiami n..tin4. f.rs as i. 'a.h.k . . . . . u rnd. " "w " ;n lloe Iiarrali (old rasllnc), waUat aaeot H pt.nl.d.. i uu ramatje Aaiea.weUhtakoal paasMla. do Tn".. v ls.,.aa. do ll.il, rlsre. do V aeends. d. Rtraa-Imn. d lllaeaada. Rflraf lron,well.l .oout srj assaads. 1 he above will be end In lote a,r eask. ' a aolseni beaks, and the anlrle. burrbaaedmaalbefMolfl tafmlvaT ''"' lUUr'41"1 "lu l aiae'a .. aaa .,, Jaafra 1.. RRrwnrjiB 10-sl U.t.if k Qaartarmaater-Ueaorai mi faaaa. viusitrraMAsvan-OaaaaAi.'a rvrrtw, I k .asT ISivteeiia. I . .. . .WsmoTOCiTT.t)e.ee I.UM.V WIT! be sold el rul. Au,.. m k. ,u . . . . . Ul, tin, .Nl H.l.M BIMI h.L. . - . t auaruji, f RMri.vAMia. THORtar. ' r fMober la, laiH. WILMIMtlTOM, nKLAWaitri. TUtJkftTrAYY 11 o.tor jo, iwta. rojtK, rcNsmviAAMA. rnuBBOAr, ' Wrtober tl. lU - it, tWO H031iKFD CAValkk HUESM AT CA(M piArra . Thee Fj'.s. tare beea oadeauas) aa aaM aw Baa eas alrr ten w a' the era.. ibLsa "d '""""l rurpoeet nan food banjaUs aaay ll.sr.ee aold sUial. Selee b oowneaoa at IB A. at . sjarn,aCsh, In f'nlted eiste. I'.rrsra, Borderof tlirsiuanemasier-"e -aiai. Aktan a rrrv, Co wins I in ehame riret u.n.isa . 10-l-toM slosnirmaster-UsMiwal a usloa. , CALE OF CONDEMNED HVLH. Cwirr QiAiTaaaasraa'a Oertra. lleesiv f.s UTtasikaMV w, , Wswiann,, l O..Ootoara,lM. Obserrainrv in tee city of Waslilaittna, ea WlUldaa- mrm . , tn.-w u , UUS, a PI w MUIM. oedemaed at aatlf fnrwabiie aerrtoe. , . T. rtneCah. la Uoverauserit fuoda. air is ewaiaaenoa at 10 a'claek A. M . II.H. ROOKBR, ErlgadJar-Oeoeral aad (ihief Vaarieewaster, j lT-4Jd lisisot cf WkuMVea.O a PROPOSALS. 'V BUILDERS. kTatCDTIMI DtlPltrValr. I B'-aled rroMMakt wlii im rooetsod at this oiiloe aaiaT at . iiaisb' rgitiui, ir.ionerD. iwt a'tloskor 11 KNiiAI,l.wh In. lent, for tba eaeoaiieaaf ' tl.e pnixsKvd okten.loa of the Capitol Building. , Bnarlly b.onr-llnrth of the auieunt of thu wsrk wilt ka r.s)i.ire, and eaoi b'ddee mast acoonpsiir Ms ainaii.al J wtih the litunee of hie aeenrltlae. I Ui.aof ihaestei sl..icsn be aeea at this offloe. whara areeitlralli ns ran also be bed on applloauoa. 1' as a,u,l be atdrrssssl "Pros sj lor aataaalaa at Capitol." A. a CTRTIW. Oavaraor. ,,tli JAMRil r. BtRsl. a.r.Ueaelal. -7-It imjsiiY l.afiXa..tliaia iraea. F1ICK C1P1KF QUARTP.RM A8TE6 C.lN('lnsTI,Ohle, natee, T, TlaM. rYepo.alaarelovf.fdoy ihe ui dershmed a .Ut Tltt'M IAt , urber vo. uu, at IJ o'oioek kl., fur fuaniakioa faaa li.Lsrtme. t fl j roiitrsn; wlih . tioo; M I.LaNKK rs, Armyataedard. ' Alro, lor the Itrn-sU'sU deilvarv ori . ai Alll k i.i si KH, Arm fundard. And the feliewl n.-,pi-i v . i . - . u lo srmi.les Which csa be seen ar .1.1. m. ' " M.I K KI.tNWM. l. sINII, fhrrt.okfjoata: ' 'i CANVAs I' AlI.h(l, lor Jak.s. annua (.ubi), iw sack Ooat aloara : iltbv Isln'tiasi OKI I LAKNKL,arlkometLlnlnifer Jeeketa. HsBialea easy be eesu at Iha Omoa of UWLhinj aA E'lti.pase In this oily. T.k, ri.ilvtMS .1 ah.M .1 Ik. .... . . . . I atH'otioa Waiei'f.asv In mis city, to teod nr asoa arise. I with the i sn,ool the party ruml.hina, the kind and quaa- , hvus wa .sea arvow aael psrks.e I'aitlea afrertag goods mast dlatlaetly atate In then- kWa U e.,u.i.'l they prouoee to funush,tua vrtoe.aaa Maaa i d.usaiy. Hsaipit't, whea aukatted, mast be marted aad awm bared ta rorruspoad with the proposal, and tne battle Ibi-mo Boot esaraut'-e that theaaisdf abaB ka, la aeea reeiMsst ,,i ui Army HiaaUard, vtkarwiaa the naea.ei w 111 not be oon.l.lers d A guarantee, signed by two responsfbt. raraeaa, wiasRi amniieny ea. Ii bid. auaranleelng tnat tha bldser seat aoriily the arfoli's swarded to tiian under Ills arepeeal. Rl.l. Wrlll ....-F..1 ,d SI.Mr.f-. .U..I ..1 I-.. t o r oca Y. M., at laia offloa, and bidders are roaaaatas! aa be pieseai. Awards win be made oa rrlday. Oetobertl, tfwl, ItondswiUbervquirad Uiat ll.e ounlraot wut be faJtafaEw ftiinud. TeiKraws relating tn PTopasats win n.s) he natloail. Hlsnk forms ol Proposals, C'onlraou, aad Haada mar aa) nbta.ped at this efllee. Ihe n(ht ta le,ect any bid deemed aajaassaakla ki reserved. I rd. rsa eas elope ..froposats ftir . aat address (ali.ael II1U.IAM W. MofflSI, lu-llf-Tt wiuel guaii riuaslsr.Lluclnaau OFF1CK CHIKP QUARTKUM ASTKtt, (IlKMHNATI.OhlO. Ht-itjmrtJt V, 14. lr.ipMaU ara Inv1ttr br th uadrita-e4 anUI TtlfUl ! I , OctU-ar 1H, ItM at l o cloca at., lur tkm ImutlM aell tu Uii ix pariaaul 4 mcla KtAtiifrT Ptr lla a aaroiir lUMularl. Hat f raJhttr n.BcJitjtj, da Ka(la -VH-frata, ao i tu.BsMj t'tutiH a for Ha a, a V(4m1 Httttreti fur ilaU, i Hl.Ht- fiat Hajts, tl Vmuptij rtarurr. aiMlilxl, do C'hu roa dlrJUtM AarveaikU, trwj atai4ar4. la OtrrHycaia. 4 Ff.tlooi.(ri,.r, tnfnu, da fcfprttisi ntai Coiora, do Urn dcMi. da lrum tfDanp,a0, H H-u.pl-tofwt.it a a ay aa acau at Uia 0ttc4 of CMUmM and KfiA.ii a- In )M city. Tn b dull vend fw r fhanra, at tha X. 9. aavaottaa. Wk't-taonie ta thla c'ly. tn iroad uer pao , wlti ttwa ' mtmmvt tata pttrt ftiinUbmti, tho Ulad ana taaivap a CtKa'4ldKilnctl inafi.au hi tutt art tela aad ftufctt. Jartlca nnVftiat; mutt dlHiiu tly mala ia tttnir th tiuanttiy tttcy ttoptfl tu naTrUb(ti ptiua, and tha) tltua A di.vi v. Htmp'Mi wii aiibiaJUad, mint ba tsaf.ad ana aja traffMt tu coirvEptanl TritU Utt prupotal aad tha aatt-aa ttu-rrto nittft irtiarnataa-irinl thr loooi iliail aa lu avrr rti' oi H(tai to annj atautlad, otlttralta tha aruaHMai rhino tw coftiUr-. A auaraiitaa, Kli:nt4 by two rtwpnnlbla paraonf, aiat aaa omp.ujr each hid, vutrantf-ina ihnt tit bitldar-wltt aupi'iy th ar klia auamrit-d in him uair hia anpufMl. lihU will be oik in.--4 ou 1 uatUay, iV.tbar Id l". at tw o'cloc-a Y. U., al thin aio. u4 biddfra ara raiiitMiatl U ' 'n.i'wtll ba made on Wednaadar, 0u' 19. im$. Bond will tc ratiulred that lha cvoti -o wLULf b.ULiUt$ Tevk-Arraini ralatlac U pronoaaU wttl aot ba notirad. Mtu.k forma of rupvMU(coiUriacU.aBd bwudi uimj b4 Obtaluad at tlda orTlca. Tha riAjiu to rjct any bid deeaad nnrtaaonabla ta rcscrvt-d. , , a . KDdtvrae nvelot "Propoutf- r and aMrati ('olJiifl WILLIAM V. McKlaf, 10-4 -lOt ClUaf Vuartarmaalar.CU-c nnatl p. filllhr gUARTKRMASTKR'S OFFIPB, V j Cut iN.Ti.uhiaj. KtiUfmbar it, Ih.4. r ri-opnU ar InTlf WML WUaVr.ioel, tuuU h ,uubw 17.lNi4.ataoi-l.ici, iwu tlntf tjnlivory to tlila D-partrufBt of: iKiiKtiljLAK UtOWotlt.s, vi any wlvf Jtcopt 1K blue or frt-Ve Shun-ifa to be fnrnlhid by th partfci olTcriii, who w Hi Rtatj In tiir bUiu ttiu 'luaatiiy (bay pro ti fuxuiah the pric.'. and Uina af delivery. 'J w ba tit-livar.d lYf of chart at tha Vultad Btala lDBp4H.-i.on Warrhouav. la thu city, lu food uw it.:l,-av-a. with ha nauir or the party furnUhlna, Uw kind htwl itian'Uty vi g' ilUiivUAAArkad wi atch avUclaauJ pHvt fcHf e. hf-iiipifaV wMn iiihmlttatl, mnti ta mark ad and nrntv. barl lo corra-potid with tba propoaal : aitd Ui pari fkdrru) uiURt i;uAU-.rite ihmt ih woi ihatl bo. lit av4V r.pK:t, vsjuavi iv uuij, otharwtaa tha fropoaai wl 1 uvi b conaidaared. HUit jUi ba opnad on lfouday, Oetobar 17. lH6t,ai t o'cJock F M. at thia olllt,aji4 bliidert ax ra uaa tod Ut Da prnnt. Awardtj will ba ua4a on Taaaday, Octohar H, Uw'rtt l irtfraiiia nJatiiw to proiu.Mia w.U aitt D'HlotKl. leiajik Kma of Vfupiaaia tuay ba obiaunod at thim ffflrt. Tha HkM to ru)ct any bid aaemad uuraaaoaabW to AuikjaTia cnvalooa ProaaaavU ftar - - - ..a .... auvaa Col. WILMAM W. McKiH, ChMf QuaoraaaaUir C'locUiimU L e 1)ATUNTED JULY 19, lbM.-JOSEFtf MOTTKT, Klava da fartt, Tr Mttvua I and bjourtii on any hind of waarfcii aipari, w lai U, and t huaitia. FAttjot akV,-" , 12 tut a rrout ana lo flra ln.htja.N-. ? " "T" ( . i -1 .ill i, s I !,..( .. I . r, ,1 . . il t ' i i i i .1 i.' if I I !! : i I i s i - f