7 H hv ; Hi A L1 JJLJJLO . " w ' .. I. rt ZZ - '41 -A rmCE TII-REE CENTS.) PIIILAniXPillA, FKIDA Y, OLT01JER 11, 1S(4. (ritlCE TIIttKB CENTo. rrn m2j LATEST KEW8TRTM TEE BOUTH. Reported Orrntiu f Jrinia, Cav. IA f-tcrfwi Attttil'ar. The AinU InttUier of Palnt-tlay rmTlieg fives rrfiiil l a rum f "fmns a viy riie ne toaret," tb..t the Yanktes iwonpiel OhiUu o Friday niornliiir. We p-'-ivfd by Tcv.r i v snail lie Griffin nf Frlil it mornla.., which make no mralinn if snv Yankee fircna an. pn,aibtig. Sinl, Uiu it port mm tie tru 1. u lliu frees! nu prolwh'y p1i ted I burst) ay ere i! g. 4riira f H-ii. ua., by Hi 4 ib, I. 6sprA IS lAa Rmn4 tfntj. AiO'u, OcKitur 8. An crTM 1 d-?n.'rh "tOmi" It'Capa.-'!' lf Horn., O.-o glv. w ib 8rec thmisat-a ii'), A rntio'f if w nm flVen ew simi hihon. Tha Yauk'esd tr.ired I their cornmbs ay a'on s, and iv . j i ir. thll tlBlllriraa tillVtiiltl of lha . .. K .1 !i4aDfralVbcler da-bed I'imm rettn tut! b in ed block of storchoti"", and ao so i. d ih-.e t ant In the pi, o. Forres- la n vl'.trj j fenae- face. Uoihm-iiu is cooped up la Nah,iie. ' Atf'itTH Hfl 4'ttMr..itlU. Otipauk lo A AirWiiW W'.if. ActrtsrA, O. t .lwT 8 I'he yel'ow fever still prevails in Charlenton. Niwcwi dour di'lf. ai1 :o to dosed by a number of clmciii. fue ew nil i km c rii mr C outl ine? rtru 'fc toe write f Ibe "Warner Uiry Boir ri while trv 1 1 r.lil ntT CharlcKion barlhir. ani w m unK on Wo I- ri'H'lnT niflbl. Unn f her cro ilrjte.j h. rnvftioilr, with nil ti.' pa.i'!:i,Mr on D ir . f win; s.ivtJ. ibe st Miuor wj oucd by L'alllo Co. In rrtnf of ltrtnra I'ktkhhi.vhu. Oeiorxr U Y'"i'ar J iy, awit jnoon, the fneriT In fune m'ip J o.i our rip it, apposed, at firiif . for the ourj -c of tuiUinita i ' JpiU' k on onr line. Iirurn.'i ojt t lie ti ,iiiiu Kncre than exiiiKlin r, bf the nmvnv, l tb iir iws on nor rir!it, in omw to nciMini of onr fott work! nrar fore Mvllm. Tin niniv, nr tin mote, n iinoil no.Uing in fio diri'.-tio i of t'u- lUlli-liic. raili'.al, an'l onir pr l -hikhI thir int, arili'(f in fuw vidi'ttcs occipyini,' ilio TOIinit. Ili th tIMilt nnll' nun tit' tlA nnrjM n. t p f ort M;!U" oaJUplt-J iif tin cn-;:nT. Ail n hot o n ii y J w enllier clunuy nni v.srv c ml. ! Tne city euitor of thn M'Av; doi-rt'9 ft trip lown tin' river, rlomiyn: Wcfju.nl onr inn lads in rxcrll 'nt il'itni)? tri.n, m in n' l iili fun r of tn.iTr "t.iri," ;iu. Ki U ilo , int ieu i lut." in( iu foil -ii'htof tbf i'noniv'1 iii.Sict-i, t.j nr othing of Dutlur'l olwervni.iry, fro o lii h n : ly thj inoi itirt in'ur Cliaj u'i, 'mt evt-.n tho iirraird ltiithnn a'wivc DriiyV, tin. .vi'h tU'! vd of A glai-, cNslly bo Ba n. V',j ri-r.iUc.l t enm tbut on Snuirliiy inoruio-f a h iiHln'i mile, named Jai k N:iilr:in, a Y tn'tei: di'vr r, iUi two "tliors o'tho i iiin! 1po. In 1'i I tli'.w 'oiifcderaica, alo of Via era of lha irovdnil IIUhmOHll, Wtl Ic bf O. llllll 8DI.10 KH'ill diry n the no'th b ink of fiu river, t d 'scrt to tho Mt A Nlirrch from llrnriiil llrii roirnnl. rrll A ot'tmtiota I V, CM Cl'.'i.rl. 2.'!f! ii.''. A General Haurai(l iv ia in It.iliili-'i la.-t F'riiny " 1 )1A nit ;,A vA.. n... nl h'.m .... 1 ... mi, r, miu -;im lunnvvi uin nmo i.nu .j i- -nor Vmii c. Uu bin miiul at ori nh iro the iriweifl cloned round hy it thnviu ni' i i t,ns of II aii'i and Ijoik ttexu. 10 cavli a Kllmixe of tne niuortnl bora, hidnc waited uoon, Ocnenl iiamrard presemvd bimst lf on the or pi u. im, und attrr the hiind li "I tinl-nia patnnte k'r, be made n bandionie, cueour.iitiii, c nvtr jttl ipaj yeo li. tie f o we nave nri'n crownca wita many vie rhi; th t we mini look for dome roiurMju. tbu nry ma ha ita tbui , and w aru ever nd n n in irel thi m ; ih t h) never diair, en i tl e mhlRtcf the Hiost u n-ihle lj ttlos: that all U itoii'K well at Richmond and riierniiuri(; thut Jfe muKt endure, hope, and I'tfut, ami our iada- enuence win ne tou -roiaten by the wise ana '(.'Qcucent Kuler of tho VuiveHo. Uenriiiaio ! KviIwiimmI. 'rent thl Autturtv ( ' ) KiL tr. Wo do nit lb 10 ho cl iisod witb tbo-io whi I'onld giveafal.-e eo orimt to our nituit i on, iu rder Iu ruin tun i.eno i Jin)?, oat 1 1 aMiiu khat we do to-day clvo hut the honent eo i vie on of our mind, ''rout .ill th it w j c-i'i at bar. kie iigns of tho' times in and around A-.Un'. i ve promtsa if fJenritia will but ttara-tllT Ql-i- Uarite ber dn'y of an euny rl Id la of o r de vmiit ann vannnng jy. wo o- neve na ui .'tonull-hed nil bu cmi, and do tbo tUo must turn in our leior. Ube hugoeiir tiilei we have hem til of h! in D.nh uiid hii 8u)iln'j are hvu'i.'-dtiiim. Uu- nihud noureen intoriu ui 1 1 it as in v.tv n'lort f Bui'ulii men on bmf rutiu. an I b jrsei yinx by bundieds pur dy. W.'i.vler hii ia icti d A severe blow und-Mi'j'o lif ; an 1, in ire. r, piovemcnti now on loot, In Jii aia soiiedy ork. A "long pn l, a ntrniij; pull, and p ill nl'o niher" will redei in (i"j iri.t lortlrvi'n, wli.in i i:an h ivii i trim I illamin t'ion over tbo re inpiiun of Atl.u.ti. !urptsinv; in hrilliiu: je oti iu Nashville over lit f.ll. eiKELAI, EnTiuD AN'iTARMY. XltMiiiy AtiHtk of fiirrlllitM Month of WlnclM-mlrr Three !! killed, nail TbrM Ollira nul l our M. n b ully Wuuuili'il unci ltolhil I'nplnrA of M Hail I tin t'unntry InfoxttHl nlltl lllooil Iblrxiy ltiitliii Hint MIkIih ivuii ai Maetinsiilho, V:i., OHobor I.'. I h ive juit rrived ai thin pliue, iVom fi'ie, t.) ih's iinny, after itneniu;; onu of tho hi j.)dl''t lit k intielK of uerlllas on liooul, wi.lni o.'i-iir;oil yo-itorday ne milen eouih of Wirn lit n or. l.ioutmaut- 3hnel C. W. Tollei, Chief Quanorui.tnter, at lartinBburg, and Hurgeon Oblsua -her, Medical mpector on General Sheridau'i iLifT, at e ld.'d uiu oi cavalry ot iwemv-ave uion. com anocd by a lieutenant, and acoouipiiuied bv uu a.bnlanie containing a large will, bit Win- ei-ter vmterday mornliie early, tor nuorruu s udinarier, then at Uedar creek, only liiK'tin Ilea duuint. They bad proceeded aevea miles, an 1 bid acbed A point one mile south ot Ticnlou, im u ey were anrprinea oy about mty guerillas, sua tHrlouft to W hiie'ii troops of Moncuy' nnof utlawi. The llobtTa danheJ boldly out nl' a leee ot woodi on tho left of ilia piko, uu 1 ink .g tbe road behind our party, and b iviu '. vury iperlor boret, rUi.rKi.il over nud tlir.j i -u Ciom. jjreaklng and teatlcriu them iu every dir'j'.lon. 'ur tueii, urprn-ea . and panic-stii.'scii, a'nl eing thenipelvvi largely outniinilhri'il, mule ut little deft Dsc, und taot-ltlvura werd .r.m loll It the merey ot lUo cut'liroat'. I Colonel Tollcawti ehotin ih.: bioKofti.e hi ad, Ind In thought to he inurtuliy noun iei. Tha itirileon was Hliot in the letr aiffe. i.iar. l....'iia th.. Heart, and, a ho snys, utter iu bul aurren lere.l Wild deiivereu up ins mm-, ua . sinr repor-td De oe. u. inu ii(.un.iiunt in. one uakn avn) aa kiiov uno i(,ii n:e uu ,, mm ,i hi.o scl l to o oast rtiovcty. Tlirie i. he guard wer.; kiilr.l iitif bl ; m.e nl t'lun1, i ii'i'.jil ,1 or-1 an, of tUo 7lh l'e.misv Irani I tMilr-.' illal four nJliMi-4 oiii, did, vi hili. hut one lit a! li.1. b l viut loanJ ll the Held, Ibe arniiuli.li'.o was ea, .arcd w.tU the mall, id Mucre fniiv i nn oif t'i" u!s I lie benando.ib ver In1; oi d onr r..m. ol jmii.uit, uad the nam t of orlor tnl ii wii Ir . jet unkn iu. had lit hi no the v.il ay l lit mi d'lyu before, id :ia i' w ie:i:nil: K n.- a v..'!in.teer eoarur, itb the mIviu.'.'c :-uaJ.u of u tiniu comirg doivn r niiilli. tills ni!ven -e wes romro.-ed mo-t!v of a lnrfro t of db-ablcd mi l l roken-donu cnvi.'.ry, who t ie fxing to tbe rear to turn in their tionri viee ile artr.f ami bires, and em comiuhr.dcd by nr'aiil Sebovlllc of tue tli Nciv Ifcik CAValrr. -id l.lLU!ennr.t l)K ee. ol llie ad p.v Jnrf,.-r. A i L 4l n IHGI. In tl'il tnli'of M hill un hi-urri 111 i ut wfx tront, atid, Uarking foiviard, i-ooii nn.toui in in Iu.'. r. 'rent, rS.H'.y .1'oh I by nwi ii.'cr it ailed ''iib t'i r.i-b many of lio-tt w:r-.! .ned la. rime is" o.;r uu -i. fi:i':i";," It h lit H 1 l .-Ml It ,i. i..1-!.:! .'Kjil I' UTf.1'.!! tae .'.V(i. 'IU l! l-'i-, in..-. : w:. ii,.i... v .qi .i...;, i i,a iu ii .;. 'i i- ! lo i.tieat '.I tV- a.iji arahce I i invi e i in I '. m I'jiii v. i ii '.an!1 e clisi. U'i:tii' ,11 v. it !i a,l voi , the ci!;..aMH Ih-i ttn-M ol itico a -i u hied 1 1-i'tu t" ..-ta;.C Wl'h l.ttl-j t:ai a i .1 ti(. cai'if tho t..tii.. t ".iie of a !. Tie i'1'iinswno aud ab't onr oiic.-re U.d dr i'it(l it t;l tUc il a'e, uim ioi:b:c!, u:. ' .'i . aijiptti; t.':e tlotlilui.' fcn l ali.ih!. s irotii ta.-.: .nouii umltf our oiy tye. iiaiU oi our ot niiert jiit.n ! .-.t hi- Cio.'i'.y . d h. and ol. TolK' b:i '. b'.i bot ad Ci l aim ruti.lc'sly uu titiu bis person vtuilo he lay iu tl e touii vi.ta'iy v. ni.t.v'l, Ijoio.o vie t.u!d jat ?u:u uovgb to Ttcri.e b in. M'pl-ad b r.td of thr'r; onilile outruf't a c m u'ud ou our prusoiaii tfoie, but never bi.d vc anuiO.y een them v;i:i ar to n ft e, I ton .or.'": .1 nv.h Colonel Toile' Sa d I'r. OuUlraclieT, H;oiitia boibwL.e ulnost ftiiflb'o, bint mv,' an aitibii am o or. v-.j;u io n,vey them to Genua. MavUHi' hc.t.'.'t';Wri, iti.e live uilen diffant. Till' eini.-evalU') i iuf(.u!.'u v. i.a ta: .-e iJUi-.'i !-, nd fcaieily a l:'u or a pan f,"t e to r way nd d' i- hot r 'Ojhf a ai o' or a Uui.ifiooi tboiu. ii r rav.Jit u l ei t so cohi'tii.v.iy ei"i4oyed i.so Ueic at to 1"' uba'drt to utai w.iii tuo lu'aei caut i iluv tic.-iiu', I ut wc believo t'aat (jt aer.u Let id",, it i:l yt f'i'l mia:-. to txtevtiiinatc .(j.. As bt b'a a.ioadT capttireil "vcrytUiog .. .iu. ji,.tii.)i fiMi'i. no uli..u."ir is 1.1 hi- I tiio a..'j r - - - - i.opid that he v. i.1 aoon altiuo to tacw !iu.S'i.K" hat go on lifi. Wrk '1'iiwne. 1 THIRD EDITION VliUV LATISTNIiWS. THE ELECIOHS, lfOMult ti l'nn-.y Ivtinln.. FCUIl TnOUSVND MAJORITY ON TUB IIO MB VOTE. News from Ohio and Inrlizitu Getting Eutlor. AFFAIRS AT C!TY POINT. EUUOEED EEMOVAL OF MEADE AND WARREN. General Sheridan's Oparatleus. GUERILLAS IN TUB VALLEY. LATE FROM THE SOUTH. Reported Cxpturo of GrlM-i by Sherman. SPEECH OF BBAUREOARD. FROM SOTTIIKRV VlT.CIMl. r.te., Kl"., y.lc, k-.i sr.. Kle., Kt. Firii'inth nutrlet. rm.tm r.. VUih r 11. Tho followaig is; tho bill, tnl volo In Cuinherlnn 1 eou i'y : tlosbreuni r II. ifiilar I' jnio r.U), Jiijl ; Ltllov (War iJitnoerni), ,'ilol. Tbe ha tunc of ih.: l)m-'''M cinnfy vow is elected by nn averag; m i.oii'.y of tif'J. Au 4tli.tou I'rotil II MrrlNburti. II HHiriin.io Oeto'ner ii. I rum lniormution rcoeived here this morning, it Ii ahsolavcly i n pj8Mlilo to dctcnilne how .he "tato had gone until the reeeai'lon of offl'f-i! r- 'urns liolb partita claim a s n 11 m ijority, hat the nnexrtetcd reoolt in th.; b' J f No. thern Union ounties rnior it ae tre-iy po-nble to OTcrcoaie tbe large Democratic u iim. In either caso It is a iTiiit ii to it tbe m j iri'y will be email and ean 0'1'y 1 c L.t-rmined by tbo olhVuii vote. The recording of tho s Id.b.'s' v ) h necaa arlly very alow, h. iu d.s.r. aieJ amon tbe varloui couoiiea, and fron. ;h i rc noer la wjleb fiey upps-ar on the 1 1II7 e ip ra, it u imrmsible t make an ngrega'i: urii. iho redrd ismjr) eouiplete. THE SOLDIEIIG' VOTE. ARMY OF THE TOTOMAC. xiwaifnl lo Th" fcvenl-i:" l'"laT'"fi. 111 rivjoui:, () lohi-r 14 O .'-.ool Collla, of tnl 1'oton a-; (Orau ') aruy, aru. ! bjro in thii Biornlnr''a ro-it. He br'nira v, h blm the folio v Ing te-nlts of voting amjtin 'e.y.rl.o raiments of I'eiin')'Iv.-iiiirt Koinicr.s : tl viiltent. I'ni.iir, tl n. 111111. ..'U. Vnl5il. rJ"tl. 1 0-1 JIU I I 7l h 11 II 4'th ... !)- II With. 1.2 60 llS'h 30 Ulth 141 21 f.'lM 7'" 'j ' 9'ih 'H 61 H'lih 11 M I Slt 31 H 142-1 I'M 'It ' Mi 82 31 14'lil 112 a'.! l4o h '17 :l I.JIh (M) '22 ll'h'i ll- .1! l.Mih 27(1 tid . y;iu W 3 110:1 60 32 t M.wom 1 na.. 20'd ronn'ylvania, 3-7 Vnio .. 6Htb I'ean-yivjnia, 71 L'ul n. 21 lib I'ennsylvatott, '.'') l'ul ". 2o!ith Pennsylvania. 131 Ua'i. '20'rh l'ennsy Ivania, iHK) l'ul m, 2d ( orpa Headiitmrtcrs, 37 I.1 i'on. 10th (Vrp lle oliiu irteM, Jl ' uion. Total 1'uion nuijority 17 A Tim Tula In ll:c A rmy ol the Potomiae. ai dt apat'h to Gen-rr vl (' 111 roa, dated liahi uiore, Oetoher 11, y ' overv r-giment in tbe Army of the I'oiomne, a i far i" ''.'jiird from, gives tie Union ticket a in j-; ita . 1 have tbo returns of twenty-n ven rejirn' i'-i th- i give U1 twenty, t-ixhiindrid major. i). 'y 1 -mail vot wua Kllcd on nivocat (.fa ar,:''v o.'.icketa. J. I!. Au.' v, Commi-uioner." Tro to One In I it to. -' titcj I'aiiun. The followinj, leloar ini w- handed to tbe Pro-idem IVom tin-Wi.r in . a tmcnt thii after noon : . Clrv I'-.iKT ile'o'K V - M , Bis l'ei r lvni in lii (.'iiu-'iii drcd and lilty I'J U) S i fie tl.. cuea) and taci ly oiia 1 l-.'l I Dei rT.T. Kckert: Eive nine bun Union ; one bun eratic. II. liMCKWIIU. ll. : Democmt, 20. TliFsM -l H'l I.. I I I-1 1. !'! Tbiijer, l'.,7j I! 01 , l , I. TO-DAY'S WAmSO I'ON NEWS, Kpt' )i'ijiiU Ins to Kt iilitR Telegraph. Vs.i,i.: , WctolKir 14. oiikiliai'l. A(tiilicvt ii,,. liuva-raiinout. Judge Iloit'a & triad r p rt i.,.on the mass of tei-t!iuoTiy furnished lion trim iliflcn-nt nour.'os In ri gurd to tbe ae i i.t 1.1 v-;.:. na and coiiKplru cies B(:ain.-t tin.-Ciovein-i-Lir, 1 ".:ned prlnripally In the Wci'1-to Hmr. , ' ; t.i.a naacl disloyal persons, in .nbilut'd tbi" ioon :,,g. It it- a tboraujjb ex... s( of tue 'VVeatern cciu-pnirR"-, is origin, l ittoiy, i.aait.i; Its orcaulza tion and oillrers; its aiuaod force; its rlti:al, ouibs( all(i interior forms j its wrltton jr'.'iciplc' ; its anceiflc f-ureoses and operations. Mieritlttal Aruiyi Mi joi Mai vin, I'ayinast.r Vu!t'.l 9ti.t.-. Army, wLo uaa . .-t ioturi:t J fjom e-ueritiiiu'a Arm, r ioit.. it i 1 lir-t tat .- coadit.eu, mil t ji.t Un t. ,vi v.- an i tuy ido e iu oaitu n-i ! ! . '3 a.e lt w .1.111. A a joiL't i' of pron.iii- t I t..-:t mj att.'b'j'.ug to t'ao biui lot th u.-w rVtw Hftvrylitutl 4 oi.C:t ii: . in. Adf tua .roui I altaoori.' tlnauior u ,!.;; t it Hie 1.. w C'.:i-.t!tr.'.ii u is uatli;..l by a :-n .i u;;,. o.i-y. I30U BiLTDIOSS TO-DIT. Arui B.'otlf rfl-3elli of Juili Iutiev 1 lie 1 le ou tho Ktfw liylna,t foiitj. Iiviiuu. yftul A'-'.-o'-A l IV .?:r..'t7 T.'rj ;.. hhl'.'.v. jauj, October 11. Allaiii iu th army iii-c wotit cheering, and good be.ltb pruails; i.onie ckituiiabiug oteiij.uuu11, but ui t'.rioi.a tij.bliDJ. Oaf Courts to-Jar are' aT euc,;cd iuf.'g tiiiiute to tbe memory of Judite Tanoy. TLa T lo ou the uew Cuii. tiiutiun v.iii Le clo;e, but ti.o (olilKra' vote, v.'uicb will pij'mb!y add 4 '."J mme to the mojotit for tUj Catiilitu t'.ou, v. ill becure its vuliiication. Tbe stroitg slave coui.tiib are almost unanimous aui.i.t it, but it ui doubtful li their cutnc vjli. wwu'.T cnue Us defeat. GOOD FOR OHIO. Urion M jority Eighty-Fivo ' Thousaud. fiFAEMKCN IMdX (0(,U:MK, ONLY TWO COPPERHEADS ELECTED. I , Cl-ii tMtTi, OrteVr 14. Tbe I'mon ma. .my in Ohio on the bam a votn ia aixiut ilnr.v-t've Ihoarar.d, uad the aoldi'ra vote atiii prahibiy im re.i'e It lo eighty five ih ma m l. HiTt ulei 11 V.'uIjq Conres nen ar". cl J t. Ilia) ImuM'ttsf. 1'nloia vlivj-vrliy tanitrMMa . men l let l- tl. The Cin' inna'i llufr of We Inosd ly nji;- Thr cs innite nf 4i),a majority on t'i ham-) v le, t uiiii-h. ii tn Mouiiav'aii,!.. tie, will notvary tiia'i r aly Ir ni tho iwuil rrau't Tie- I) ino rfii'i have K)I it the r loll vote. Win e -va tiao lost, in e. iim qti' i.ee of the ' Dim 1 o.-e of m p. t jilf, t aiwriaoy in ftnnig l.;ni m districts, in 11 I nitm vi, t ir . fins, hii.I the tranifer of 2 lis) n vot. r t i ih'1 arm y iue Inst f ill a"ount- in ilii'v tor lb-' fading oil from Itr ong 1 a in iior; y. tat aolnt- r'a vole will -we I the afar rii'.e in i- -ity tn ovt r Ml,' oil. Ibe I'dkjii ma, irry oil too u mi j vote will b' Inrieas, d In Nuvmub-T. In reg rd to VnmrieiairH-n, wr hvn ni n i t awi pt tl e htate, ele- tmg arvontron of tn 1 nin-i-treu t'lmitri-hruen. ut tbiit, nxteen ste n t have l e- n eleeied by tli homo vote. Tua fol lowing are the uucee-slul I'mon ean II lates; Ktrt D.nriet, 4. onnilu Kiigie-toa -, S 'P.in l, H. B. Ilnyts; Thiid, K. C. Hent-ncli ; K inn, W.l li. in lar.m ; riixtli. H. W. lin k; riiiveiitb, N.Khelahatg-r; Klfih'li, J It. 11 ih'v.'ll ; jNin'.b, II V. llurk and; tenth, J. M. A-tilev; Kevn b, 11. K. Iiitiiot ; Tuiiteenih, I,'. IjuU.io; K iur teettii, M. Welhtrt fifteenth, T. A. I'linu; Hixtreiitb, J A. Ilinba-n; Hev. ireontli, K. U, K'-klryi hlghtes-nth, H. I'. Saaai.l.ng; Nnij. teenth, J. A. (i irtield. I a Hlond and KincK weaupose Its le rlo'. ad in the Filth and I'tve'dili District by mtjOiities 1D1I the wildiers' vote will nuloveieo n". T nusih id 9. Ealinn will stuud 17 I'nton to '2 Democrats. 1'no jiriftnt th Ii g.'itiun standi II Damorus to,, I'lii n. .1 I'mon gain of 12. Tuis is a ij-atifeing and linpoiiaut result. IMIMV I.l.lit HON'. Tbe niajoriths fjr jvjrtn.'r !u the S:v'ral Conniiiaof Indiana, far asv.eb.ive returns, are as follows : Jloai.i-.', t .i'-tt. w t- .) H.11I1 ah ....!, M"Hr.f M .lH-."i.D, H --n. (. ,.rv Irul A Inn ..J il ir'.h ir...w... li 0 T. '41 J.ISJ t'.ri.. I. ir-'.te ... V -a- .Mark.it.... II. ..' 11.I... Henry I '1' 1 11 an . Jan. Idis. . It.. i. Dt '' ll .. 7"! Mlata 1 a II. mil I, i. IhiO Il.l ua 1-0 'te.:. Inr '"'I K.lkl.tr V.VI HI. Ji in.... S.'J . 0 .... a- ..If JI.O to'ai Koir. n ahead, Ifi.noo. liialiiiiiH- I'nlon vlnlsvrlty lnroajitiva;. FO' in lit Nil, Ind , O. toNcr 13, 11 11 1 P. M. Tbe I n on 111 ijorty in Indinnn inure .a is steadily tut tro it: "o.intit. eouia in. My majori'v is uc irly '.eveti'cen hundred. fi, iii ti.i'K Cjlf),. INVASI0TI OF MISSOURI. Frictr Etiirea from Jeflierson City. HE IC COINC TO KANSAS. Ia'rllijenee was reeeiv'd ut baivl.;iaM 'rs y teidaj, whi h eoniiranej the rumors previjuiiy cotruut, that Trice bad retired from Jclfarsoii City without hatnlitig a regn'ar at:i:k 0,10 a that pla.v. Dig ax erienre nt Pilot Kaon wm sj mvcic that ho was disiii. lin d 1 1 rop:at lha lea on tani lit h m l.y IlivlUh a 11. 1 his coniradas of Fort J .tvl lon. 1 ho ll ' lswifidrew ye.sterj.vy, aiier 1: iving done m more than sklroaisb with our mio UK's, and nine 1 oil in 3 westerly direc tion. 1 All thc'civnlfy'nt hand was" sent b O.'u.i ral l'liaioi.toh in puisnii, tsubtli'j view of bit.'.vss ii g l ,'ir ior. llriUi r-Uenoral ri tnbirn bid et 111 in. 111 I of ihe loree ehar.'ed witit this sarviea. l'ti e'a pies- nt d. ntlna loa may ho I.-avrn-vortb,i r rt, me place in I a vicinity, In K mats, Horn Mlnn -e lie will r turn rapid.y noutb aa soon ns his mar-tiidur ran rll'eet a hasty raid in that part ot tho Wtaite. The route bo has selocied to Kannis will doubtless lie through l.oxingtou, Doonville, Kansas City, A.', lie will liivl na Euhlie atorea In them to tempt blm to stay any Bgth of lime, and all he ens do will be to relieve cnleiie of those places, as be p tst.es through, of such supplies as bu may lind it c juvemeut to takeaway. . We learn from an unoilic ial wmri e tb vt tbe Rebels, utter moving Inivotul JeU'erson, burned two httd:ea this side of C tiihiiuia, anil tore up a portion of tho truck. This rum r is proija dy true, as by doing sucb acta they iieuuwaiily retard Ibe Federal pniauit. W ubo near ilmt busbvtha.keri abitiudel yesterday nhont Glasgow. Tuey have not at tacked the town, nor done any particular mis chief, hut are gathering, pei baps, with the design of crossing to tho sou'li aide of the river, and ioininj; their lo.tiini s to tno.su of tbe l'oi:es uuJor rnce. St. louit HeptUilican, Vith. Ittrr ol IVitnit l H, nirklnajun t(iriterl 4'HNai. - The Detroit Tribune says: One of our most prominent oiti.ens, Into whose bunds It had fallen kindly permits ns to puhliih tbe following char acteristic letter from Daniel S. Dickinson to General Cass : "Himhiahton, September 20, lS-jl. My Dear (ieuen.l ; The Presidential t ainpnign is ugnin upon lis in h arfnl earnest, and 1 biivo no doubt you would unite with me iu piayiug tha', if pot sinle, at Muh a lime as this tbo cup might pass. Hut the iiuestion cannot lie put nsi le, and mu-t be met with nil its rispouriihilirie.. 1 have no attiicbinent o either of the eatnlidatcs, nor any unlipa b e against them, to move 111c a hair either way ; and I tun so tilled w-lib dia -.i-t ut tho inena seillflmi s.s, the prevailing littleness, and down right kuavery of political parties, that wero there 110 0 no-turns bnvond those of ordinary niotuent, I would not cross the street to turn the scale for ur aitam.st tilh.i. Dut 1 regard the present siruiglc as vital ani e-ocniiul to nu'ionsl houur yes, exiU'iice. ll a cius luut liultimorc anci Chit ago have l.unic J is-uts for 11s, and Mi. I.lnet ln mid Uineral M. Cleliait urc and must be the lepiesentailvt s, rcsre-'tively, of these urt at itntagoukin.s, and thut us a poop'e we n tist stand or lull by the re-n!t. However mueli Mr. l.lcrolu niuyj-retend to he pi me or (jeucrvl MeCTeilan to be t "r before e.ection, we all kuoiv that good fiiilb aud ronimon btnesty wi l force the ont e'ettedtocarry otit iii the administration liocttints laid c.owu by lb'.' Convention which plnctd liim iu nnmiualion. Should (iencral Mc t'lellan be elected, all will, iu wyjudgmont, be lost. Tbe patrii.tic, stif-stistaluiiff, reliant foeling of the V cion men will be ovei thrown and crushed onl : llche'lion will 1 rauipaut and lulovirtited w th .ucio-; ti e worst elements that tbe loyal t-i:.t s eaa o'tmu' e wilt be iu site tttarka: tor ...,:! 1 : j.'j.'-'iap'-, sad iote ytt i iten'. rc.eB w i'.l cii.t 'aitli iw; its ii 1 i u te ul -nsoleaee, aud. c r tn iret."ise su;-1114 the eiiu.-i"U 01 1, in '1, w i;: tiMt-t'.y tia .tK' us I b. pa yo-.t w.T it'vir in toy idea (bat it is the nuty of every I ntie 4, and ot' none more so than Den.ucr.tts 11 tb- Oit'.l.s-n S' hoot, to e 1011I vtanuly tL ; X uion .-ido. A'ad I bene yottv.iil le: yot r voice b1 i.ttir I a;.J j o r viok known st a.t ear'y dsy. I Mil t'lic- llify rt'l ee:t jowi.rlui o.ii U.A.'.iiv ini'ueoee ti;wii tiie publ.o mind. 'I Kad'joa l.iiew.tb a ..l.cteb of some re-initi-'.s made ly nae recent' t a taklu.T the cLtt r at a Vid"D muss ruc'!i.2, and tiot i tiiam yon uiiir gatbor my ipiuions tome what 111 erieo. I have ut'.a Libd.y iaviuai u Djtrolt, aui if I t.n tied t.aiC let u bi:ci li.p, 1111 aa to aicipt; but II i vtty tincfrtain tuiecd whether I rau do so. "(sinccrciy y juis, D. !j. Ukkinsom. 'll:l. Lev. IS CaSJ." HlUt lKI'.l llKOi'K. Ilstii'.vx, October It. 1 lie ateamihip f,v,, fiotn Lher.io.lO'a tbe 1th, put la tbi po.t this uiorningi a b gh fc'i'lc blowing. ller tiCWfWil! be telegraphed aj ri n ob taiued. To Whom it May Cose 1 its. What iia pu'olic or special dinner when the evening is enlivened by toasts und songs ? It is a nursery bi.ro di uuUardi germinate and grg-iv. ti it'tice. CITY LNTELUC CE. STititirTaivsnsiTH Torst Kit A.M., "i N '. One r. M..M. Wind, N. ELECTION RETURNS. Tho Vote in Thilidolphia. TIIE OFIIOIAL STATEMENT. NFET1NQ OF RETURN JUDGES This trornlng at 10 oVlne the Hcturu J.iJ a of Ihe several wards asae-nld.-d la tbe Supreme Conrt room for the purpose of coauling the I otllelal vote of the el'y of Thlla lelplda. Mr. PamaelP. Hancock was ebo.sfn lempirvry President of tbe Board. s llobert II. Btatty and Kol-t T. Gill war choaen ItBipTary Clerk". A j ermnnrnt org inlr vtion wivseff ' te 1 bye, t irg Mr Hancock as President, a .d Me-srs."lJov.:y and 4)1)1 Clerk". Henry Bunker wis select d as M J-Scvigor, an i Georpe C, Clt od, Doorkeeper. As usuil, several of tbe Jii ls r I I to makQ the r appearance, and tbe busl less ot tha 1) tard was fonirci'icBily much de'ayed. 1 he votee we're then read otr br w.tr.l, the C .ligrcssionai ticket baiug brat ia ord t. rofjnr.isiosi ii, vote. nitsT btNTiiiiT. shc inii nisriiit r. M'S'Si. Kill r. IK li 111 In') fi g-(ir,i.. O V. ill. 'I. lti.i: i. 1. ! 2 2.V31 o pi.) 1 1911 71 i l,l7f, 1,446 7 2.1 1,'IVi 4 "13- l,H7N H 1 1.12.1 6 1,100 1,W 9 ,VU t.22 e l.nesi 1.2.34 lo a,r.) i.ii) 11 Vs'7 l,4r -26 1,-1.12 l.livS 3,oi7 l..Vl 11,32) 7,li)l 1 7,387j 7, lot Maj- 2,lti7Mij. 4,loJ THIHO Dial Mr T. rot urn ntsTKit: r. II ir f,.iir, (. . I). H'lii.ll Htllen V.Sjrthnt.n 12 1,312 13 y,c;Vl ll l,ii:ii 17 1.IH1 IH 2.3o4 HI 2,1411 10, Wt Msi. 1,105 M.i.J. yi l,j;,7 14 2.241 a.iol l,.it"j J.3-.3 l.tilh 1.2IH. 2,33! 0.MI'. 16 20 21 '21 '2,221 2,1 U 1,3!') 1.1 y.i'ii 3,1.13 I, ti' III 2.2. Hi 12.(70 0,1'Jl m ij. 3,'.r' iiviii niTnti-T. TAairr, ll. i)s7 ....1774 tC 4(.7 ?7!2 a, r. i.ii I3-.I 121S 3712 Maioflty 9'jA llu.'Vs county is yet to be beard from Tiiims m:j a rKi ti. nisntu r. .... I,ii6 1,077 l71 l,.1t 7 !.! ..... 1.1M6 2,311 ..... P'7 li.. 11.. K. . Iti., 17.. IH.. Total.. MOncvan't majority , ! , iKJisi.invK on:. l'ttiST T)iaTicT Poster, V ,3112; M ckle.D., I'.Wl Majority for Fo-tr. Ili4. .Swomi Disrmi T. R'ldditn ii, XJ., 2-177 ; B.vr ger, I); 2170 klujorlty for Kudditnin, 3 17. TiIihd DisTRicr. Josephs, I)., 314)0; H ill, .-, U., 2100. Al tjority for Jostiphu, 1tSl. I'Ut KTH DlHTIllCT. -Wstt, 0.,2!ll M US, I). li'i'ii, Mujoiity lor Watt, 10)1. I in 11 Iusthict lhom is, U., WIS; lirj aer, D.. '-'bii2. Majority f..r Taomas, 12 1. JsitiB DisTuicr Krueijorn, U.,'22ll Mc.Ma kln, I)., ItioH. Mjj irlty for Kroebn-n, 13 i. h t i:nt 11 1) is in 11.T. Ci.'liran,U. ,30. 13 ; Packer, D.. 17.10. Majority t'or (Jochran, 12 n. 1'touiH District Kern, 1'., 3:)itt; Cook, D., 10 l7.i Majnri-y for Korn, 1130. Niktii DiHTHicr. ijulglev, D., 2-i2); I'o-ter, V., lb-10. Majority fjr Quigley, 7'.W. Tni Disiitu r. Pan -oa-t, U., 271'j; l'ry, 18i7.; Majority for Puncoa t, TJ9. I U'Vcntii DixTiiii t. Htenier, U.,273!; Dol li mi, I)., 22i.H. Majority for (Sterner, ttiH. Twklitii PiMTHiiT Sutphin, Jr., U., 7879; Vaughn, D., 2127. Mejority for Sutphin, 762. TiiiHTHJMii District. Pouneily, D., 2713; Rei ner, V., M75. Majority for atenner. ll.'W. OlHTFUNTIl Disiuict. Hood, V., 2S10; Arundel, D , 2116. Majorltv for Hood, 696. l'lVTKKNTH DlSTIIICT. De II ivcn, Jr., U., ""' ?;Si": ;;! , D '.0. ni y Or DjH wen, 3"3. i riix riijTH Disthict. S111I1I1, U., 2727; Wolf, D., 1701. Majority tor Smith, 003. rsl.VVINTCaNTH DlHlKK.'T. V ., 26H1 ; Barnes, D.,2180. Majority for I.-e, 40. Kioiiikinth PiirrmcT. Miller, IT., 0H1I; Arnold, Jr., D., 2101. Majority Ur Miller, 62 1. 41TV orn iiR.. t,:;'M 1.222 l.lb'J 1,2 .1 I07 2,"41 1,2. KI 10,1'J3 9,17 ... Mi j Kt'i-UIVUH TAXI S. SI I V i.'o.il Is'a t trVaif. Mrllou. oiiti,H.Jv'ini. H'.ov'-. l''.e '. Jm t".ina. lem. First 1!K9 HK'et l'.'Ot 10,"0 Hecond 2273 2118 2J!I7 2IH6 Thitd 11KS 14 a) 1IS2 I4i Kouith '. l!KI HH.S paw Fifth, 109S 1406 10.14 1101 i.tbl....' lO.'aJ 12.1.6 10,1 1211 Sevemh 2108 1318 2101 1'I62 Klgbth lVxi 1120 1V7 1121 Ninth 110 1303 1610 13 18 Tenth 'illO ll'-'l 2.HNI 11 11 Flfvemh ftVJ 1470 S67 1 4 SO Twelfth 13--3 1202 1364 12i0 Thirteenth. 2018 131i 2012 1312 Foniuentb 2281 13.) t 2281 1323 Fillceinth 3180 2I'M 3108 22 k) Slxttenth 1016 K.20 ltltn lf.27 SevcnUeiith llhl 2(1 17 1173 2 h',1 Hgbtcenth VMl 1212 2!') 1217 Nineteenth 2408 2322 2401 2",23 'Iwcnticih 3J1I, '2IS1 ll.'o.' "2 ISM I'Utv-ill'SI Iil20 1327 I0I8 1.427 Twcntv-sicond 2n6l 1134 20 ;." 1112 Twentv.ihhd 1700 l'Mt lnl'.t 13S) Twenty-fourth 224HS 1777 2-280 176 Twemy-iiith 8i7 l.'IO 7'w 1223 Twenty -'.iu I8ill lltfl lli.il 11!". Toiil 40.9..4 3.1,314 4.1,710 .V0S 3:',..14 3t,.10 7,010 ins.1. 7,118 intaj. H X CV OI I C4 CHH. l.i.oisruu ui 1 i.i ns. or w ills. oti.n.coiur. sin nit r, i 15 t',' is i r, r,''U i.oo.r 2,o;-i ',iss 1,1 s7 1,4 "nl Hi I I ,(s l.'i-l 1,4' 1 4 1J7 I, '-37 2,1. .0 13-.-, i,ri 1,121 1. r.'i i,.'08 4,.... i,12i 0 -- 1.1--5 1,.;59 1.271 2,011 1,:m 2. L-.I 1,833 3.11 ' 2.1M4 l,i,l! 1,018 1,170 2,d'S 23! 1 1,214 2 (7') 2.32! 3. -;, 2,i..i 1,1.10 l.lvM 2,(,'l 1,127 1 77,1 I,:ni2 2'279 1.77S 811 1.212 i,sa 1.1' 17,008 i',U7 i ',lo7 Tnl ; J.'';';1 tt-i 1,'02 .2,1'. .l..'tl .l..r'-'7 .'.,34 . S i 'j .!;o. .',0il .'2 ,1.4 1 ,!'''2"2 .1,01 .2 : p.' 2,lo'l .:',21l .1,117 .2,1 '2 .1,773 .2,'-4 - . "' -s f.1104" 2.1'.'l 1,4 a I I,"'.' i i,;."7 1 ,'.:I1 l,:i.l2 l,li l.iur u: i, '-'i 7 I 2.174 1, Cl(t 2 0K LLtxl 2 , : -8i 2,4 sO 1.3NJ I.I2J 1, ;' 1,772 1,211 1 ,18'l l.'.Mj" 2 21! list 8 11) l.Oi'l 1,0' in 2, 1. "7 I, "72 1 1 1. via 2,017 2,277 .'i.lW 1,032 l.ISi, 2. ;!)s 2,4'i9 :-,21 1 1.818 21S8 l,76ti 2,2S 1 810 1,8)0 I.!!-' l'ti 12".. 1 I,' ill 1,117 1 '"''! ill .2 1.171 i.'-7o 1 'Ml 2.180 1,021 2,11 "it 1,216 0 322 SilS.! 1 .'. jl) 1,12.3 1,376 1,774 1,21 i 1,18) 1.. p:i i.. 1,830 47,0!'3 :-'.'.i'.7 47,003 33,4 il .7.1,431 7,572 Mi'J 7,720 s.nrvejor-1 levrulli DUtritl. fSmcdley, V., Uji ; Ftalley, D., 1101. Majority for (smedlay, 190. Aiijoumtd lo luect ou tuis day two weeks. ot Cnlaitirl ThnrvtMa na'ltvs'nl. "tierlff-Howell V. 177 1 MrKlh .cn (D.l 4:. IU .I ter of Wilis Adams tU.I, ls.i; Al.' an I. r . I) ), 3 i. Clark of Orphans' Couri Merrick tl'.). IPO; M'is y (11.1,37. K' c ivcreif T nn t O'Neill (U.), 1M; Me!loy I .), 3.1. (1 j Cm Tint loner D. kson fU.l, 177; Joha soti (D.),40. . rt"t tseaator libercsrd I.V.), 11; Donivan (!).. ( iivsmmiristL.-First District Lu ler (U.), 33 1 lian.t.'lKD.I, 14. Nf ond Di-trl -)'Neill ft'.). 72 ; Flllev (D.l. is. Thhd DWtri.t-Mycrs lO.), 32; 11a kw.il;e (). 11. liinrih District Kclley (V 1, ; Northrop (P.), 4. Fjilk District Th:vvcr(U.I, 20; ns.i(D),0. Tuk Dim rw Pittunsi run. Hie drvft In Ihe i..ond District, which was ao'io'jnc.l t-i have taken p'ace at coou to-day, b is been rjos-,. poned for a hort time, so that auo her e(T rt m ty he nude to obtain Ihefm'-n hy volunteerinr. Tbe drhcifiit ward In bisrildrlet are the Kirsla nl Twtnty-slxth Ward", whers th. r.i Is a dellelea.-v of 4i), aud the Seenth Ward.wtie e 110 inn are ti quired to till the quota. Tne urate ' to o 1 11 luence the (tiaft was rrceived by Provost M irs ial Palnur yesft niav, and upon the recip of tlis order In thia c'ty, a coniinisteo stirtedfir vyish li g'oa to have 'the draft postponed. I: is most likely that induct ee this ooiiutiil re hr iught to bear utmn the au'horities at Washiut jii, etl'eeted the p latponciuent. I'm iTtt t. Lit evening a large tn c'lni w 11 held !n the hall of the Uuioa 1.8 ig 10. John Price Wctherill presided. HpBi-cbes w-sre made by Rev. C. W. Der,viltin, a Chaplain In the Army; Mr. Needles or Cheater; Thomss M. Colem in ; and Mr. Ntlrllrigef the Tenth Ward. The ll'ipiiii'letti Invinclbles are ordered to bol l themselves iu reinllnesa to parade at short notice. Aclve pre prnii.ns are being niado for a vigorous Prasi deniinl campaign. Tbe I.lucoln ond Johnson Cmna''-n Club of the 1 wi lny-lourth Ward Intend hwing another rade. A large meeting was held last evenin at the Club Uooins, Market street, above Thirty (hlrtl, for the purpiveof making the. nce-ess try preparatloiis for the turnout, rhe I ite victorias will l e celehratcd by several ol'thu VV'd Ass I'i.t lions of the party Iu a becoming manner during the coming week. Tub Lath Oknkkal Bohlv.is. The resalu tions adopted by Councils In regard to tbe death of Oenernl Henry Bohlon have boon beautifully rngrotscd and framed, and will be sent to the Immediate family of tbe General in Holland. Nothing eoiihi be handsomer than the execution of this tes'lmonla). The leiterlng is perfect. Dim parallel lines ere aubstlmta.l for tho ordinary shading, and the artistic finish of the memorial Is lai.tcful and appropriate. A por'rntt of General llnhlrn la th centre-piece. Tuis dla Inrtalshed ofllin r wa a German, and owned lnrre estates In Knrope. He had received a lincral military edu cation, and In tbo commencement of tbo war volunteered bis services and bis stvord to tha Government, lie fell at Brandy Sta'aon, on tbo lUp aliannot'k, at the head 01 his m -n. Tbb IlBVD-nofBK The public buria'-griunj, is ltK ated on tbe Lamb ttwern toad, baiug a lar 40 lot several acres in extent. On the lot and lacing the rnd Is a small onf-s'ory, brick "t'ue Uro, wlii-h is u-cit us the doad-kouse, where bodies are sent by tho Carone-, to await recogni tion. At times tb.ro are from ten to tlitoen bodies iu this -trin tiiro, and the stencb arising tbcrefioia Is most di'gus'nig to passers-by and to Ihosf residing in the ncighborhooJ. Tha Hon d of Health have declared tha plaeo a nutsaneo, and the matter has been laid before Cjtin -lis. I' is prepi aed lo erect a small bnl'ding in thn centre ot tbe lot, off from tbe road, with more sultahli Conveniences than the pre-ent strn tare is pro vltled wlib. Tbe cot of the Improvement ts ial enisled at about $KI0. Tbe dea-l-house is nlo used by the Coroner's physician to bold p vst mortem examinations in eases whare detth Is npposed to have been caused by violnoea. The pret-i nt s'rui'lure ia by no uieans suitable lor these pniposes. MiuBiJso ArraiR. This morning a man named David Malby was arraigned before Aidjr di an farter upon the charge of using a knife npen Jeremiah Katon. It seems tbrt an alter -a-tion toek place last n ght between tjiuinin front of a tavern at Fifth and Badford streets, known as the "Bugle.'' Tha origin of tlia itl'or Ik not known, but il ia thought to have h.vn tiia resn't of arvuing on politics. Kito'i was st.a-v'iad in three places, oue of tho wounds being ast-rioas one. 1 he stubs ant ia tho breast, shonldar, an I bark. The wounded man w is taken it) tb : H as pitul. Malhy was committed to await tbo result of tbe Injuries Inflicted upon Eaton. Tiik Dm awake Ti'RariKs. The attention of City Councils has been called to tho bad condi tion of tbe Delaware turnpike, near WooJIsnd CemeWy, lately transferred to tbe city. Tho Turapike Company itnte that the city, when they accepted this portion of tbe road, pledged- them selves to kern It In thorough repair, anil f ir neglecting Ui do so are liable lo a prosocuti ia for damages. " IIohhe Stkalino. Yesterday afternoon, sol dier named Come Itn Fine had bearing bo'oro Alderman Beitler nt tbe Central Station upon the charge of stealing a horse and wagon from W ro ll. Belger's, Third and Wood streets. The ace I'ed admitted driving the horsa and wagon to Balti more ; bHt said be was drank when be did It, und a'so drnnk when ho sold Iho whole concern f ir SH.'O, which was worth 900. Tho prisoner was committed. . , , 6tahbim and Snooixo Case. This morning at 1 o'clock a serious disturbance took place at Ttn :b and Pan om street, between tho proprie tor of a tavern named Owen Pettlt and William Wbitm y. Tbe Lust named person was stabbed la the body and is seriously Injured. Pet tit was shot through the shoulder. One is alleged to have indicted the injury upon the other. B th were arrested, but Wbitney being dangerously wounded, was taken to bis residence. Dim !iiiAcr. im a Crux. An elderly man, named F.. D. Gardner, confined ia cell at the Central Station for drunkenness, was badly beaten yesterday afternoon by fellow.prisonor, who wi.s locked tip upon tho samo chargs). His he id Was severely cut. Henry .Smith, tho assailant, bad a hearing ltefore Aldermau Beitler, and was helJ to tin-wor. Nkw MrMiuTis 01 Coi ncils. Mes'i-s Henry W. Gray, James A. Freeman, Saiuuol W. Cal ti 11, were aworu In as members of S.'lect Conn 11 yei-tertlny, to All unexpired terms of new in-m-tiers. In Common Council Mcs rs. T homis 11. Gi 1, Thomas Potter, W. A. Simps m, were :vlsj snoru in to hli unexisreJ tcims. Fali.ino Bi iliiinom. A roi-olulion was pasa'd in Coiiimon Council yesterday, ilirrvtin the P.uHdliiK IiiS ,'lots to report, a' the n":t meeting 01 Councils, w heiber the building nt the noit-i-we-t comer of Kl;;btb and Vine sttoets w .s In pected In a.cordaiire with Inw, und a.o to uport the cause of the falling ol the same. 8111.1. A litk. Capuiln Kobert Gsllospy. who was shot dining a disturbance iu front of tbe tavern opposite the Socoud and Third Streets Kailway Depot, Nineteenth Ward, is still alive. Ho is uintiiu'd in the Fpiscopal Hospital, auT was able this morning to set up in bed. RfK Ovf.k. This mosuiiig, about 10 o'clock, Juuies Monabnn, aged eixty years, redding in Church sticct, was run over by a ferai 'r's waoii, and ba I one ot bis le.Ts and two ot hi l bs hro '.i. T he nutlcrcr w as taken tt the Ki-iscapal Hi ;.ita'. r.Kvi'.i-nixG. This luorainj recftiitir.g was -onicwbut brisk. The Mavor aiifue.l warnti's i -r the pavinviit of (lit city batiuiy t foity-tar 1 mtu. Foi-Mi Diiow mi i Tb s iii.ira'nt an u linos n whit.' man was foend drow ned in tbo I) .lawa r), ..t l i -c .-treat v. I aif. The Cot'ouar son', ur to Lo d an in jue't. Pi rkonai. Mr. Jj.-oph Stuart, firauriy a wcll-Lrowit (timber merchant of this city, died tistiriiay. liis iuuural wiil Uka place iu,s uiKinoon. Mketino or th Ban T.'u mruaor, of tbo liar of this city will bol l a m!!n.r to niorro-, to take siaau ou the d.ax'i of CUuf Jaiuco Tp.'i..-y. f-iiocKtNO Acciiient Mxhiiel fitiai'y, nge.l 40 yeius, bad bis right baud lorn oil' at a hint) laeUaj , K',htbi d WAsUinttlii streets. Ua was taken to the hospital. Vriukii. The Mayor has vetoed tiia 1.U1 da- t'tiing tbe eleetloa divb',010 of tua 'i ivcuty-iint S urd. - - Dh akh'UB or a Coi.ouuu Rkoimi st. Tha 41i-t lieginient l u.ttd r-uatea Colored Vuiuuteera left yesterday for tbe seat of war. Fatal Ukbi i t. Henry Devlin, tho carpenter who fell from a building la hecond street below Cuibuiiuc, as stated, Las Since dud of but lujiuiy,. Bsriss Il.JssR Aisn Lsnnsa Covtrvsiv. A 'i.nin nnlcatlon was received in Councils ye ier rlty frnin the Fmplre Unok snl l.ldr;'7jn p tv. a-nlnt: tnat tB pi sent appn iris-ton ffun ISe 1 Its Is no a-illi.aeiitly large. R:furre.i to tsa ("nam l'ti e ou l ire and I'ru-t. T CunisTiAis Htbv.bt IloariTAL. The old Moyametislng n.l, In Christian strict, orinerly n o i'B a hop'tal, has Seen vaeaier'. To - G .v enmnt now nertilsalon to ni thn Its I f -r Ihe Provost llarra ks. The matter is before Count, Is. IsHm Tmrv Yeatcrdiy afternoon Miry Haints, a'iaa Hutcbinaon, alias rrlmroae, arras t d a ht rt time ilnee on the charge of larcenv, ha I a final bearing at the Cmrtl K atlon. Nev'ai-al aiticles were iti n'lned by Mr. (ieorga M. J ibn ami. In whom faimlr the a eused resided. Tha prisoner wt fully eommlttvd. To PeliCHAai Csothisio AT l.o w Tru Ba,mOtA ai.k. 11, Btlniai rr .t.-k nl aitm aim llirn n t a-aa-lniia semla eqaal aa tyi. Jtt. aiataatii ata'a -ta), re 'A to Ni ere cru. If, r :hn is rnwivivat l.iftia an f la aia.la ti. r 4rr. W-nvval .tv a. Hian, a it r-Fl-T uf (1 atliini' - Mm, a. Ymittt a, ana iltita'. Alloailua aaitad a-io,ot.talj ur trvutea. B.svrttSr.i., Tcwar Fall, Vs. .'us VtrSel tin t. Window Suani-a. Patten's Wind iw Hhtlc, Ciirtnln, ai 4 I'l-bol.t.-ry St.ira, Vo, Ifs) Jh.'anut atratl, Ktf.wart'r (the Dry G.md Klne) pilars In Flftrt at antia in'in. Is ba tha aim act nf oi'irh .ea tul ui-n aia..iu ti. t in in sirw I ira eitv I'nu ills arj u ' in' 1'iiia-.-li.arhle, an4 alnaa a.t f JlkJprri, a.iJ iliartia. sr. iif itnatne aiiu iisien-. Home ot tha itr't l.ne rtt'sn I antlrnt telr -s tre .ws'tivt In tha raieiila-'n a. 1 1 it-i a inan anealt ran liv at-t-'imm -JslniJ In Om ttrit-fla i-r.i. it ; ll.a Eiin.b.T 'ii 4HJ I" nllns.al. allnwlitir t..thra. t bj nt Itioiln.a iraasu, v as i aa all Snow aia very astrttva aar.t as r'naraa ar-Hi:', ano'tier rv.t.iin whv wv.'r'.i.lv iii..iii.i dr.. a la Vi. at)ie tf atttsii-r atd at Ctiarie. Rtuka. a Cs.'a one prlca, uadtir Ilia Cauiti-aaul. Irow Budstfaiir, ao Cimvr Ht su, II MR, ami vie-a Vlatir..-, ai W. llia, Pat.oii a, So. tits I'lKaiiBt auetb A GRV.AT Hfvi tatio-s. There has never Wn any Invention alsett tt ISe wrid tthloh In tha a aa pari. til ul iloie an aili'Ctnailt sol Ita stty nt.i ll..'eral i.i..sr as tha " ll..ranca" Hawlnit Msclttn. aa.d In Oils elly at N t. tvtC. IM.rnr.iit stf. t. All who exaiutna It art tliclit'ca "I n tt e nianni-r l'i tsh'ali Ii oimrataa. It tn tlta ni l. thts f..r tlini'r.'iit stli.'livH, sn.l exa.iuUia all Soi ls ut I., nils Mftinit with ntsitiies., aitr-ilillliy, and daapstrh, Kerry mt.il.lnu s.t.l la warraa'ad to alva aaliar.tctluil. or lli'u Money w ill be returned to the purchaser. Wintiow Stttrii's, Ci'itTAiws, Br.nniMn, vo Urhntstrry, at W. Uenry t-aticua. No. Hum Onatnai alrsat. FiiOTOonAPHs. Those la want of pictures ure dlrejl'-il lo It. K. Ilami.-r'a. No ti.'l A-.-h r.'' llls'iti. aie ptiotrttrraplia ia oil, Ivorytysa, And tarUii '1c tiute ra unauri)aast'4. , i Tub attbmtion of our readers Is called ton flna bia-'li roar", sveu y-'a-a at.l In tie. -p 'lu.r, I lian Is leah, or tlisel.b'na.l ItlaeA Ifatfk atit-Tli.M tx-.uld S. Vi HO tile c.il.ll.itfiie. at H'TrtlietC HiAi.-, titutiinia' niornfna-ar 11 oviecs. Very antublc fbr a erlt ata ijnilh or a physician, Jiit. J. S. Rosk's Dvsvkptic Ciivi-oi-nti will eora all forms efrtvapi-n-la an, I llvar e-ip mil.. Prien so cenis H 1 ii atita, l)j tut A Co., No. 'J:t0 S saco id ..tri- I. i.i:jai iVTKi.r.ir.4 e. l)isTittcT Coi kt No.l Julge Hare Henry Smith an I llo to Hie use of aahl wli'o vs. W 1 liaui Lad', rty. A feigned bsno under the Htienirs Interpleader act to test tbe ownership of c;rtaia ptonal piojieny. On trial. , . John It. Durfd. vs. George Kiniiucll and Mil hael l'u' lis. An action of i jcctina.it. B. foro re ortcd. Verdict for plaintitl'. James Woool'ind vs. William L. Mad lock, a staekholder of tbo New York Me imlcss Ttt'io Company, ah action to recover on boon account. Verdict for p aiutitril,81-6'j. t Coi vt or CJt AiiTrii Skshions JuJga T'io np son. l'rbon cases of no sicclol lurcre si o icupied tbe scision of tbis momma-. Tbo cbarcos ware tor assault and butteiy, and petty larcenies. NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Forty Millions Taken at a Premium. : M-rlnl lo ftii) F.vcutiiic Telts;rnphi. ; Waruimsitom, October 14. Tbe bidding for tho new loan to-day is very spirited, and t vera seems to be no doubt that tbe whole of it will be token at a very handsome premium. Tbe eonnilence in ibe Govurnment Iu li iauclal circles ia increasing hourly over tho prospects of Mr. Lincoln's re-election. The first bid for tho new lo in from tbe First National Hunk of New York is for seven mllli jus, ut thirty one onc-buudredtbs per contum pra inium. Thompson & KetcUmn, of New York, bid for twenty millions at par, by Llvonuore, Clews, A Co. Jay Cooke & Co., and others, take twelve rail lions at one and five hundredths premium. Fifty to sixty millions are bid, and tbe average will not be tar from 1 per ceuU premium tor the wholo loan. 1 FINANCE AND COMMERCE. . Orrici or Tas Kvajrota TTtLina tpn, ( Kiiday. octoassr 14. ( The excitement in Oold and Stocks, yesterday, exceeded anj tbmg we have seen for some lime. Tbe shorts were scared, and rushed In to bay, pell-mell, one over the oth.r ; and the consequence was that fold rose very rapidly for a few hours nnder the strong pressure to buy, and at one time reached 210. Wc have not much faith in permanent rise of gold, for two reasons .one Is that there is very little if any demand-owiug to a plethora of exchange bills in tbe market for foreign shipment ; the second reason is, that large blocks are held, walling for rise, in ord-jr to enable tbe oaneii to get outut a reasonable Ions, and parties who lost their chance to sell will take advantage of any market made now by the pur chases of the shorts. Tbe theory that gracu Wks will fnrtber lnllate the currency it exploded, for no new issue will be made the policy of the prcient Stcrtturyof the Treasury being rather towaids contraction than expansion. Gold, at anything like p-.eseut prioes, is a dangerous com modity to own ; for it la liable to a sudden fall on any good army news, And, he-Ides, It eni'iu nothing. It is ditl'er. nt with sound diiiikitJ onty-tiiy- securities which have been depressed beneath tbtir rets! vnlnc. Hence, the shrewdest capitalists ate buying railroad -hares, mid selling gold. Any sale of gold host will pay a prollt within fort' iiht, and the long headed brokers are tbe sellers loi Intme dellvt ry. Panle In New York, how tver, who t-o'd ( vert tl.ins; fbort to mat u piuie, nie ; aving henvy differences on gold sold at li ), ar -I t.uj in;; Erie at 07, which was sold short a! 81. This is paying tbe p'per for tho scces. loo dunce iu WuU stioot, ami we rather tbiak tbe peoplo who own tbe burned fingeri will fear the fue hereafter. Nothiuj makes men so peniteut as a Utile timely punishment. It is, however, ultnost b-0 bad to whip tbent in Ibe Held, at the polls, and on 'Change at one and the same tirao; but "tl.o way o the transgressor Is bar J." Time is liiui.r feeling iu the Stock Mark, t this iiioinltig, auJ pticcs have an upward Sen deny, owing to :5t advuitce In gold. TheMou.-y Mm Let is 'easy, at.d loaus on call Vm fietjly od'eied ai o,,.' 7 per cent par annum. G'.viritiuent bond are steady, with sales of 5-,-Os at 101 J, coiyous bJ, uud Ov of Iwl at 1151 C". ! ... - i ItnilroaJ shtu-es are better', with soles of Head, lug to notice at 02 '.ri.fi2J, an advance of i i Lehigh VaiK-y lalixoaJ at 77i, aa advance of 1 j Camdea aud Amboy nl 160 ; Pennsylvania railroad at Ca; No itstowu at 59 ; and C'atawissapreterred at which i en aJvance; 41 b Wi to Scbuylkilli 31 for Konh rennsylvau; U tor Cauiw lssa common and 32 for Philadelphia aud Eric. ' " New City Cs urc cU nc' at 1 oli t 91. Iu City Pa.-oU4cr raviioai ahare tuere is 4try liltle doing' C9 was bid for Second and Third j W for Grcca aud Coates; ni forO'rari College. Coal Oil shui'ia conliuua tteaiy, wliU sales of Oil Creek at f:i("ij, which Is au advance; Mln.aal Oil at 24 ; Daliell at 1'i ; McCUutotk at 0 ; D.'.u ruoiv t b 1 i ai McLUivDy tl d.'o'j, Csnal aharea are mre if V, iti srtrsi s.r( n r titer bei cr. with aa'ea ef SeliB) t U Navitfsiloo . e -ininonat 58 j prfe'red at 37, wkleh It 't"t advan r ; an i Sua n 'bsnni dual i tj mt l id for Mon Is Canal oomn.on, at.4 Tvfr loult !).,, NuV g.tttD. ' , ' ' . rtlt B.ik th trrs are firot'y held, bnl Itjre is li(te) ' "3 er o-hlng do ng Iu the way of aaies.- 141 was) ' - h'd f r Pi.lladelphia; .5 for CaraiaeriU 1 13 for Northern I." title. ; 29 r0r Msbaalcs; 2s8f for MaBurac nrera' and M rhAnleVi 44 for Cm- ,, Bionwealth ; a id 4o f ir Ua o i. . . , ' ' '",T Tho Cjngrts-I'inal ee iious in th S ato of. . PenB-ylva da. (ihl ., and la llsa plv-sihi n.iw 1 aaikmsl banking syatem beyond lha vntln- " (.tncy cf ri'i-s , or alvar-e Umjerlog vlvh tart - s, present ac. Tbe sew Cjngrras will n over-" 't wbelmlngly for the banklag syaiew, f.jr tbe pay-''' J it.eai of gold l.iu r. st on tae fauded p tblla 'dab',',' V ana for tbo m il atean:eof an ala-pviia syilsiA . ia of cliMoms reveaioa, and taternal Us ttt.a . . Of ' - ' the lllty-fotir mnubors tlected to the rami Cjilr '""' gn is in the three 8 atcs refer d W, from tVirly.',, j ti(illt to forty w! I supptrt the .B-vancial .aval '' banking poT 'V of tbe pre-enl Ai'slaanratKrai " 1 Go'd has udv , nvd seven par oeat. sluas last k'J evening Opening at 2W, steadily a Iva ieosl ail , ( sold at 21 H at 11 o'clock i 2121 at Uiavdslll - t al 124. Tbo advance Is attributed to coss'Jieatlon oX New Yo k speculators, rillLAOKLI-lllA MUCK CXC'HAN.IB ft ALBA, 07T.14." Isportad by Uarkaoa A Oa.. H ma art. a, ui TaM u HKS-OKB BOABOA. ! 11 h R-S'ltna H . .bb eJ i luisi taiaaop..b'n SV U".'. hi',, in l lamer... b 1 I O alt is a ,k II L. il . 1'il.t, o I i res 1 0 -a run a (Jo. .... ail Si l.-i.n nn,. oa - v an as Jtaiassvaa ,.aar !"?".. " -l BJa So.. . WS.DtOhiurtrt S-il riasT BOAtn, tllloU. C. 11. . .i. )lJkMa"t!lntoak..M -.'. da an On V KS-'j-ia.. t tn de liii.V..iiri sr. . .I'jn ..i-m c.i.n o.n-aava asc H.o aa , J Hsl.b VioKitan, ..Kt) t2 'is) ah a ItOan .If.nrT.nia I ia 31 lOsb do 8'i i an do as) it HSI.n liVM. Cull.., 1SJ I IM!., a Anv,,,.IM ( V ah eanna BB an Tosh's .re.to-.ti B.. Kt 101 as BMlina .... tl 4 1 slab S VS) stst ,-I inri.a at.. ti-.int si2 liahihValar..-?;J ' l 40 ak I'ataw. nr., ...a as -2 ' sosk Buaq. Col... 1) -" ..HI s . . UlVt Slit.ii an. a tt SliaVirtlt iia, over 70. -atta Sllltl'liy tia. na-a....l4ia t 4' Am. I. "Id SHI ' ' (toll Nv.kVrti. .. ta $1V 01' to... ho. HN fin,i rt. etip S CS' l ion. A a 1.8. h Not I nsik.,.,1 1 ia il vb oil crock. 'si 0 do bin ' li ah do blO li.l.h MlnaralOII..,. Mitnb Italian Oil .... Gaotntlona of Gild at tbe Fhila-islphia Gild Fxeliange,No.3t 8. Third street, seeoad svorv : ' A. M .20H 13 M ml" H A. M 2111 1 P. M 2l.,l ; itinaaei airong. Jsv Co 1KB .t Co. ooote Govemro'snl Seeurl ties, Ac, to noon to-day, as follows ; . 1 Sl. Mag. ?. r. ar.s. i88i io,i . io,t,, o 11. H. 7 3-10 Notes lOil r JOlJ , Certitleatcs of Indebtedness, new... 9lJ 96 Onnnerniaster's Vouchers 93 '' 94" Gold t 207 ( . Jt'J ', O 6-211 Bonds 1071 , a Quotations of tbe pnaclpivl Goal aad Coal OU " stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : ......... ... ,.ir-.-t . . BUI Ant.' t. .. -t TS At . wtai ail. t ' rnrtrai t-nnt tt'fc a-; rri;atis Jn. ...... I Wi II lit .o' 5 nii'sioumainvotu. tf k.v a Mij.i'..ai..ia Urn a Ut.O al.... a K . 4 a-lienc ala 'i Vom Cri- h 1 as a ranaitn .m . IS llasraa Klar Oil.. .. S), Ir.ina Oil .4s( I, v a u . . - jvi S' Iwnaiaorv B " t'f ' Ivaiiar Uam Coal. 1 UauallDl..., , ',,A 11 Uo.h. t 1 ."frill ttlliitonl'nai 1 IHnniciid Coal lilt,' Mwaiais Auierli-an Kaolin.. .. PmnMiiilna 18 . t 'omttsa lent ....... .. Ket Ninra Zibo.... ?tf at l or Oil 1 ' Ilia lusk lit ('ontirittuial , Fairail Oil IVrak 6 Hnp'a Hhula Oil.. U S M.-t llni'.tk (nl., sa I at'iiaylvanis I'al.. .. Pairs Oil S Mlrrral Oil JH kiM-toar ou , X teranvti Cttl S I i li.a l-alroiauin.. Vi Heroi, till..,.,,,, ., bal.aia Oil l.S 8f (II.'HJ tlsa .... 14 Oovtaad IV ssj "Di.laA IMaia.iai.il ij 13 ,,.,iw, ... : VR-ory rass I - Ds.4ra.iar Jvl . I .', i"asSaia rankra, 3ks t RWban ...... 1st lil .,,,4 . . . 63 ll.iaa l.lsad lii , oltirtm a i.Siv 17 'IteatAonc-iasW.. .. 1st 8S, Hull t'raaa. ....... 4 ' .VA . r-Panl...... 4tf 6 ite 4 Bnaaa ........... l esf 5,44 JH H -tk -Rt 4i ' , 1 ,Tarr Kna...... SJ 1 1 U 1 'Oolx. 1 l-J , H tan on Oo I!f Uki. n ' I lprr Kaoi.ouij... . T0 I he billowing are the retvipta of Ooal Oil at . '. I this p..ri during tbe past weak; . ,, , . - , 4 rude bh'.s Keliieii. bids 5vjs(); ? t Tbe following are tbe reealpiaof Floor audi 1 " d Grain at tbis port during Ihd pttal week; , : , Ftour, 1,1,1s ;il.31. ' W eat, bushels...... 63,000' ,J ( urn, do ...s.. ....... 2-i.HiS) , it) Outs, uo 3J.70J , . , ' 1 lie 101 owiu nrc tne in-p-.ctioua 01 riour anil Meal for ibe week end ue Uctolier 13 : .....-.- L . . . . Hull barrels siiperllue..... .....a 1 1-V - 1 lt.irn.ls snp-.rtine 10,8s3 ' line 18 Kye F.onr - TJ r' 1 Coin Meal,... ,......a ' HVi ' . coiidtmned.... ,.....a, ; al?t Total Jot 11,443 -V 'l Tbe following shows the amoant of eoal trtntv.) u J potted on tho Phil idelphLi and Reading Hatf) 3s ll !uuu uurjug inu wvva eutiiii votouvr id, 17 i ; C"''f:Tf Fruui Part Carlion.., " 4'ottavilla " 4enulktll Itaveu. ....... w Attl.iirt ' 1-ort I llnf n ilairhburg and .. auoliio .........., ., lb -11.4 6 . , ' 11 1 ' W J i.mal 04 i. ,1, I.;i 4a . 49 ! 5?.oo-x Traal AutliraeliaCnal far Hwh H Hurra-burg total Ii11u11.la .ua eoa) 'a -o-.o.. Total of all klml. for week .11 JM 04 l'rovkiusiy UiU yaar .aa,3 Is I .no 3 Total J... I S 4 V i7J '.'' To the aame llmttlaat vear ..2.6-U.I.-.II St 1 . . Coal toiiuageof Ibe H bnylktll Navigation u) Company! -. . - Ta-aa. ., t?... .1.. . ni u...v a 1.1 ':a A ... uo j rrvm nv-M. ......... ...... , . came week last year. ai.oi 3-ecrease 12,54 reduction In the wages ol the hands wbo re working for the Govern -nent coatrtvtor', but ail others' wages are loduc d la Scbuylkiil county ; hence the continued " strike." pnil.AISCI.I'UIA T HAD 15 BtBt-Oal. Fkipav, OttoW 14. Q'lereitron bark is iulet. The late decline hat njt improved ibe market. Cloversecd sol's in a small way a. $?7o (J' 01 lbs. Timothy Is held at i-6. F.ax-Kv,d ' in B small way at J V0)i.i VIO. There la a firm feeling in the nurkot fir Flan-, tint very lltle doing. The dent v.id fir exirv '.s nmcb better, and tbe silcs a.e ondned !- 00) t.bls. piiod lViitisylvinik cutia f ttnily at If ' .j JI10 60 ij' bbl. f2 Mi0 extra, at J1); anJ l !:. family, al 512. Sklea are imin' t tbe retaTofS und t'ttkers at from J 60 an t- ??I2. IViejs o." Use 1 lour and C iru Meal ate esi're y B n u 1 . 'Tbe otfeiings of Wheal sllll ou'iuas e-'Jd-inKlv light, hut Ibere is a Iwaer tijjbug ou tb ' part ot liuvcrs and aellers to oiwrvw. . t'ao . ; are s.iiliuc.l to iluoO barrels .V'tis.'B ' Atieri laa) ut J H y'l'iishul. Iu fx ai.C l .O vl' salii ,v tliioic white st V2 I0f" '.' 46. In I've price are nncbaaireX Cora Is bet-r, end tiiOO bubbels yellow sold at aa advano of , 2c. over yesterday "s ajjua-s; 3000 bushels sold at fSii'OiV 1'02 tf '' bush. Oats are firm, at 82c far 1'eniit.ylvaniu, with sales of 2000 bushels, and acme small lots at 8 to. Bailey tad Malt faro ... qUwil-v continues dull. We .uo Ohio bWi. ' htS-TaS." . Markela by TelH'Svps. Ni.w Yobx, October 14. Flour baa a-irancod. - ft,..: . f icto t'l.is ; State. s'J'rfsi Obis. ik.j. 1 1 , au a RoallK ro, 10 uu.014 W baal liaa a.lvaa.:ad aitM, Sale, .'i,i,''.i,m.. C-orn !.. adits "'X (.si - M..lt t ... rl Vll II UUk UUUt "V--I apa- L.lTtST MIBI-Mi IXTCLLICESCE. .vi . . 7T. ? ATtFI THIS MOKSflSO. Aelir A'gnirar, ivsit,Naur'a.4.;. Ilr.l.-y Co. ; .. (km At lir jwa, Ilaiiln.toa, liuw Oikaui, t. A. Sua Its A t'u. . (i -hr U. PaVor. V4 i'isr. Vtviiana, do. a.lj tosi. I dv.aid. W'eeka, Ak xandrla. H. A. Ada.ua lt.U It I., fay, )tt-iuaii,llouin, Avoiiai, UaldwaU A C. 1 la A Vt'iai,' a I. III. lat, ila. u.,. , St. r Kai-tioi Ji.aa, Uuath, Sorwti-h, I.. AaAenrlad 4 C4. ' ) . va kc'.u Vauliwoiili,l'.aker, lioilou, iVn A Co, -u 1 -,).', ' AHRIVErv TH18 MOHHrtlCI. ,- . ,.a Hr I rtnjlat, Caller, 14 tla)i Hum 1 vruaodloa, 1 Dal-' la -I Vo tai'-aui. , ' S tc' litis t)c. iin W'avs, f'ow-, 4 tlsvs from Fa'J Rb'er, la til!- , Ian lo l. k biaiaou A Oo. ... . 1 , 8Aii.i n . T! a 1..1. i.a-. ap'l' 1 iiiii.i1 u. 1, cuiuain "" 40W- peol. a..tiad nl lu o'clock lhi ut'sraiiia 1,1 w 7 a 1 1.1 a. bl.c takia aut l. o e.i.in aud lr ,, J( 0,a,. au-t iaj.. vn-a. iii'ia, and ilia "'"''"''',' .j.i haJ.. baik, Bot.r, IT-i Las. oil t-.ka. 4s.'. ban. (.luiruio, 'rie 4ib,..,.iitM',s boat's Lf.;"a -;,.ii..-a-. ci......aiiii.duull. lSta.ra i'l' w M,ntaOo4. W,.. lltiui. c.,d. U.r "' J.,.b II. V t; wztiitfl'r- UU, fiat's AvuuvJ, vl 4-u4. I I A r4 i .. 4 ,, i 74 a A . H i i c . . ,W r It -I 0 Va i' 1 : 'vn -I il !.-.s ol -.1 !..' t -i