Matbafftflalttaa i n ii nil m -j T.ll.SSlMV, tCTt l'KK 1.1, lnri. IDt J-hlJOU Or LA KOoUEITL. r,.. 1't ' '"' Tbf rcon)rtiil of Orera 1,i!i. t for I tit f''i.r'xl "1 tonis Nvn .i lw,MTti ' -IniH - irm.-e w.ti ii in afcc 110 it .- tl 'omni0it, h.nvo '.oditf nic to ,ti rt w tlr tmt & , mat o' a rt I .,, ,1 ,w. r II: re roirs ? lo Hie .v earu-ite ot I uris, w' P" 4 .(fi'P'xl II oii e liivo-niij.i. .i in ii,, arofY ne of the ci'nU.icjuliu -ytitiin rf pur si, rg sllll.lS. .liBii J'" m ' t Hash h.t rtr Ibr iiikuit July, ymi i in fe n trr tv -tri'n ' j.otir mii', i.ivuu l rri.n;rt tilS't" il' mirt ir fiotii 1'ic lru trl, nA vl .inn v4 l v. 1 t.m., llroui'i fie u''onrf: .sr. Antum: l ilic -i i.--fri.a Tritj. itltfb.fl tn ,lj in R khioh.. jfce irliU'iar.ic'er or thin t.ii'.t I I! ' i.ilf frjm tt il tl'O '"'frrr tticu ulii li tr,: cm ... true 1W!. whVsi tans ho culVw ) in fvity PiTtMm rr)n;;in. 1; 1 mi-. ,,,. -r an) iaiA'li 'I1", calls', ami uIC;i'tt,,i-,i p twi'on) J0" f" Vm i l wli.r. t'' ue: ertxFo'j n 1'w I'diio'Ci J I'rin.-u !;u;ollc, u then ir pieuTw grown m ro po or:y-,:rl 1. ii mH'f? rty 3i'. Tlis :!: ilt trottolr k"ir thv ii4e-Yie;il lu'rums lir, unl llievi.1 1'uri-inn hvei a are tltv.iri'o I ..l jtn t,i iaUono-t-riri hti'l I'tifrn. Alii'le " Mrtlirr or, d-ij tire komI. IjrU'.ii it. r tt I'STtS t.At l!s;l'pC.U.-.l. V il llll I ' ...)( ii at tincam the tunljuKi ex;.cm,tv nf'tli.- tan-to-nig. '1 hi clnro n Hiu in.ire nJJ- n "i He ttv Tine Kctinetto U hiiriHv more tli m ;i pule in 1, unit). Ob Ui otlicr l'icoi'iei; ul.:iril Prin. o Kuiitiio ifie I'li.mitiiot of iho suvot Ijo unncn ioi 1e uy nx Innchtlj. Ornvcstoiii" cro :h, pic liirei rrf rcwutinu tleuth t)io r ivc, vrwi'waatus ol' ivy aufi i,iiui..rt.;ilfl j .:. i tlie til ' Tly hi tli? pran(l-tl jr or' Hie j oor ii .iKV Ue ib -cigiir iiio walks ulourf lUo .rji . fur lii Att time n lu.itor In in itouut tlif jiiH )Unie to mt leiid to h tiii"tn-v. Ami tiK-1 ft I tie rase : it iuus in a traiutit line to e UCl-iui'e, tliu cr lubriitod l'an.slun r.'nivtL'iy. Pnt It "I-" rimi jiuht niKitlior lace oi liurlal, Whb (MtlMrnrr few of the tunny tb.3tia.MiiU Walk aloiif; t)i str x: to i uc U CiKi-p Tiof'i r i otico. Kbortly 1m i ne the oltv "t crc ;s boiilB'inl, two chIdkhiI buil.1 ,i: s , f V4tu . nnoomtoi Wbic ape't i ic cn (;!: t "lo .' it, Tbuy louk lialf nisi us, L.ilf l', and I'lftj walls, run all iiroiiu I tboia. A t t i.' coiiTs Jid oval tlio entrance gmen the 1'H'ty 'wiills are cronJ with turrets, and n'xivc the rntirtor we see tlie vablo-omla of voIoamI bi.iM ' iiiE. vhih on Hie left eitle of ilio stroc: Arc in tiic of a itar. What is the pur, )o(Pi t'n -e tvf-4.Tta bntl'Hnps? The one oa tbe Icll is tlio pifioa fur youthlul ciiminuls fiom tlio au ot e x to twctiLy yiars. It is the only 1 'ii is. .in yri-on wlilcb b a rtiorongUly inhuman t.'f; fu, In its court tr.i cells the silent sysic u is c irvil eut with1btnit extreme severity. Tli'- hniMinif on the ritfht Is only t rrii.'e through the ,iciions who ure ci.niin d in it a. 1. 1 the late ttiat awiUtf Ihcin ; iu'-iilj it pre !s tn.i hnuiune mode of triMtnietit wln. U 1 found in nil I rench prisons, nnil which iiTercNCils tliu pur pufe of UC Imprisonini'ut. It Is tlio prisun ot tht, ' convicts and those coDilviuntd to iloaih, the pSe -of depxxil for the scorn of the j-cpnlation of IVtrls, who wilfVe remove J to the Baltic or Civcnn'.' or nntil they mount the 1 io'ii tbis prison thf re are only two raoilosof rlois?. the muse terrible in hum.n llto the enllcys. and death hy the c.xcsciitionar's hand. '1 ne prion is railed ulier the street that rims p;ist i's ijidted Iron fste. It is known as tbe Prison de 1 1 llo- sinetto, auJ Is of but rocsiit origin, as it wa, bail: In IKH. 1 welly yards from the entrance rite, t.-. ill r.n the Itn-lisnil side ot the street, tlfe pedei rii'i BOtice live ijrjrer atones of a brii'ht eDlor ii tbe p.ivrmrnt. They fumi n ;t?. sTJure, with the til'ib Hone In the ccntic, at tbe poi'i. whucethe d.axonaU of the t iuare interNert i-a:h ither. These live tnsutnilUwnt stones n: i)k tho luont awful iot In lulls tl or nro the eiulioditatnt Of fearful mlnlictooesdJ.tin g b iclit i toe l ist eenlary. These rciuitusurtves drip with blood pain, and tears. In a worj, we are s an iin. Ii:ic on the i pot where the gaillo'.lB'j is cre -ed nt ovt ry execution In Paris. After this terrible in-trument haj visite 1 la the last century the l'laee de la f trove, tho riucode AQtuine, tiic l :uee uo la I. evolution, no.v called La Coueorde, and wandered duriiu tli Hrt half of onr centurv round the Iwriers of unully found a permanent stall m berc Vu years ago. I'.ut il r!cs lroui tbe ei th only snaring ine uurKnos oi HUM, and 0 -K.,rars acaia after eerllest dawn. The Tuillotine ner forma iu leirihle task cro the gnu rises above tho clumpiof tiees ia the Hois de l oulojrue. Tne antut instrament teems lubimud of its eil-teuee In onr cfntnry, which has justly beou r'lri-lueJ mat oi i.nvui.auon, oi immunity, i.1 are tuos asbanxd wtiu pr.mounie sentene.; of ! it Ii on llii lr brothers In this nue of eulubt huioiu This in tic present place of execution Paris nd the Depurtmeiitof the Seine. Tlio coiidoiuued mian either epetius hia last nicht on earth in tli condemned cells in tbe rear of the prlmn, to wuiinir-naii presently conduct tue rcuci-, t r Lrcupht i rota tbe prison in wbieh he tuts li-n oonnned a tew minutes hetorc his CTm atlon inti tbe front yard ol La ivoouette.a i.l delivered to tbe exe. Dtioner. I rant; the bell at tlie filled iron gi'.tc, ii hleh -stnicns into mo ine ue ia Jlo'jiictte. Tlie giite, aiid-tho ma l yard into whleh 1 could lo seemed so ttero. while, outside, the curtU mi glad with flowers and sucshina. The K'oomv rate opencii. l urcoi ia Aran dress and bruht. hued turbABi received tue, and led uie to llm . greircr. 1 showed him mv order, addiessed bv the police prelect to all the prison direetors in till i Department of the Seine, t Bhow me cvory.lnn r and give me every debiil about their funetious i mat ttieir duty permute t Tbe prefect's order a m opened to mo the I-s Roqiietta prison, to whleh A', it very ditt cult to fain admbaion. I be er'HU.or rang a belb aud a - prison oftcusl appeared. I r"iiesied for my t gui le one of the brigadiers who had watched r e ice (ir inl, the fanntioil encmv ot Napoleon, on the last n ij; tit beinre he laid ins luua on the tiloek. ihe gretlier gi-amed my wish, and tho briendier came. "I'id on watch Otsini on the nL,ht before his . . death ?" I asked him. "Yes, sir," the hrlgfirller replied, "f was on rusrd several nights over Orsu.l and Pi.irri, and Kudio as well. As you will be a -vine, sir, .tuuy , paaced one-and-twenty days a' La U jiiuohc. We went on. Tbe Urn small yurd Incirsed by a large, many-storied building, coutainiuif apartments lor tbe olliviu's, the gtiaid-rooni, and the 9om of the exectitiofler. who here reeeives tiie vi -tim of ihe gaillotiw!, w'ui 'h on this day tho Afriefb so diers, in tlu .r picture ue iiuii'e.'iu, ooeufweJ. A see.' u 1 er.ued (into led into S-Uu main buihiiog of the pris'in, tu which live the sleeping wurds i nd workshops of the t'lllcy alnvos slid convicts cihL for tviiusiortaii'iu. Too i fonr, sites of the tlirec-s oiicd building run round A l irge inner yard, u founiuiii.of constantly II m iog water oecupyin;: i'i Cen rc. This laro kiia.ue it. ured r.s an exercising y..rd by the convi t-, aud tlie most eaimenius ii'i.inn are ul:uwel two tours for leeruition lu this prison. lie la I.oipiettc eomaiii'-, mi the nu t m'e, fi jih , debt to nine hundred praontn.-, t. bo uie av,iit in; iheii jamoval to the giliejs or n'uoi'l, mid tbey fol)or each other in aiv.'uloni: i'.Iu o ulvoo: txeteLe. At the tiiuonmn 1 virited the yard tnny of 4ba piloners were in- !r, wnlklm; and talking t"etlir lust as they p!e tscd. Tne 1. 1 : Roiuette fr.ison v.-as ble-eJ!y 1,'ni.rniit i.l the g .osa. steu, ' which renders thu mho hour of Itcrcii'ion of the day weaiisonn i:nd f it lin m;, .nd which is found in most Knlinb prisons. "How do y 3u punish j ri-oners w ho are in iuboidinate f ' I akeii iuy romp mi on nt we walked mnon"? '.be (jronps of "Osii ri"T i-'jnv.els. "Hv jtor piiif, their brnr of liberty, trm lo ul, jnud. ineet.siy, removal of luetr f.ed,::uJ lool:- J&g np in a dik tell," be rep..d. "ol'ibes?"l!id.le:l. The tana itotipet!, and loo'.cj at mo ;u .imiko Xi.CIlt. "Lrisbee!" be :!! "la'bes ! I ftipj'i. ox l..ean fith a whjp '' 'Vea. ot cnrsv'.' Tto arirud:er wrj siler.t for a inwuent, but tlitn cmuimied : 'vSIr," lie excla'me 1, "iu l'rance no ni tp is ilo",. : u, no". eu'O a t-'ailey-siave. Arcmca rioted jr wiur eonutry f ioumu-t come lii'tii liuti a, wbre the Knout is used :" "S4, 1 am not a I.uasic,bi;t au Ijiil; U:uuu." TL briKMiicr iookeo at rue iu uruiiet aarui-se. It set.uH'd tu liitn iuexpliei.iiie t it then t et'.J le aipujcr com.v.y t.:J?s Uu it li .tJiu liere ttn wcie tluJed. "lcHf,"li9 repented. "H it i -ue tliu: iieop.e re (...';id in your tvaairv . " ' Oh vts," 1 a'iswt'ltJ ' I ivttit villi u Vj'i.- "oi'r 11 Idles, sai'trs, auJ . ar My w,tbjr tir'gai'.kr romd lint a!;ow f his . icmj.f. SuW'ajf l' b.i'l, iio mt'itcrtJ! u """Kwiii" but w trill hi- tixlh, tuij2 we loii-U.n-1 4 oi.r walk. VVe du! euterel t! e ir'. !.o,i? of tai; con : "'"'li re oa tl. d l.V x.u ti .) J of 1J10 Imw.ik. 'I'bet'were W.y, t e:., ari l fitr, hut bU flrB I VttV pievMtulv tuned wbn they are ratnt.1 a -tw Z' . hut a these gu y woollen Jsclets sod tnivurs were the noit dioueioue ruirlatia In I ia..n.?. l.-.--. of thim hsd li'en eonvii j ; , ,i,.,,y , d)y, kiiJ many bi.U beea tiU. fvi. .-.'! j-, 1, . H w.v, id hi J I vra l . b '. vr r . t'h 1, re T '-rc ' r kbif thr , u, tli .Jiir-re. t b .e. 11. v :" ul 'f v ,1, ,, -. hl'o lli'i' mv eti.' i V n t i in ' I t'.ur-J.v I '.ees, ihe 111 in frii'luini '!' . i ' wnlob, roiioiry and pois m ne, raj e nnO murder, played a pronil!iin' par'. I VK'Hriil yniitif i"0i' ,lei, w uo ha 1 s nru pa- . 1 sliolr wMiti' mr, wi h "' r'lWc I uiir . rird vet tbey a-l already jmlK-M r ivr h i-.. s wrtl t1 r t ,'itrncion I ei mr.s, .',: -baiird n eu. on 'i ? .sr t.. .ll,eyl .d 1.1 1 1 ilri p vn. w I ta-v eyes t ill of vn'm nn. I i sful iii'l'., sad iorobe .tiii on '. . ' i tnui i"'t il.- stanip. bit win .m.-v'.. tlit Vm. p f il'rry ti oniric tiwl wi keoii 1 f t IjIiC niiOibtol ,.n l a', i. d llioir iiteths iu pu-eiim, tin I ten in- v, w eu I ii'it wiiliit; u ilinil.'.." of ilient .to 1 lejuintoi.' ui ' in. I1"! e u tlie-i mini are iret'f.d in tf'i- nn'Si hniii.ui) wnv. even tl.onf"i ihc ban tniiv rj a ned the iurm ol nu n Ti.ey ily ,rld mini H A. M. n V. M ., and t'.i-. hiIh. '.oil's liielniltd I r. -' 'I lie v lit' vnv e'.'l'ep lii-sl, and litest tw . e n vtei' Ttuiiflav am! 8un.liv. The hour- or rest and tbo-e i tier o'e oek oelinifd tt lie'M"1v --, an I tin ) esiiilil emp oy the liine a If.ey plea- d, m workiiy, u.i kin.or n'auiiif.'. T'Tti li lutrnr purpose !ai ttO'ii't " "t a r. .1 a ra'ln r pmi iisIio lib' err. frum wm.-h ( i on vin wss ailmied to bortV'WO Volnine u w.' il . I Lad a look a. the library, In wbieh tiomr: acted as iibrniian. The books 1 look down .' er of h llienry, bl-tiri. l, tr acic.ntilie nuinrp I noticed M'vtVul Iconics .f travel and natnr ii hi-, lory, bile tb e onreliii)US ubu els were r-iri r.v .t i, if fit the conv'is aio allowed' to road in tlei.r -Uepnie re Is till Mle'clo-U. Karli had n a-p i iatrell, with a prosp.-et of the lofty wall whi' h, as I hute suued. tftrms mi Imm-nse 'na Irani'. e roi i.i: ttie r -on. tin wa.kini' wi h my i.r ; e. iil.irg tlie if ml. lies, and hsik'n.) Into s'uiie of : i.' p s, 1 rii !". thnt ibf iron liars were n i. : ! to the winnows, but about half a V t asrav fr i n H em. 'n thiistltig ou: my hnad, I found t i t ilwea ion bio to curry on a eotivers ti ion "'tn the e ihontr in Iho next pell. If he pn; mi: iii heao too I remarked on this lo my c imp ai jn, hiio lie re lf,- " 1 hut is 'pi te correct ; ami It t ikes place hero vprv ii hi frum hull-p.isi nine til1 ten o'clock Tl.k .i f In f re golii'r to sleep is alioned the i-uli.. . ,- men for reernaiion. Win n the pr.-ou ei'ie1 nr kri ten, the sentries po.ue l .it the v.tiM '"l iwn Ihoiii, H vou can see, call out to pot all 1 'jhts out. Then the 'conversation i- nt all end." This whs leii.iin'va piuitrast to some of the j. ris 'l-s which 1 inspected in licrmnuy, where tho senu'ies in tne jarus nau orders to fire a-tne bud iv' ai v prisoner thrust out of a woatttov. bulldin!.' in the larirs vurd his a kcoi d p.isMicc loadinf.' Ui a sintilicr court. In thivrvnue oi it is a iimntiiin sUrnmn ied hv a ltu-s pint mid trees. Ibis yard is inclostd'bv liiiiiilitr.'S two suines hieh. It is verv still nn.l qtiiet here, ai d ti e eoutrast is the more roui ul. ubic It yen hc.vtj just come fr in tho noise and eotifiiMnti of .ha latce vard, with Its snrrouu liiu workshops. 1 too teit this contrast w hen I entered Willi tnr eoninanlon : 1 beard noihlnir hot the pla lni (,' ol Hie loun.ain tailing into a large s'.one has n. Fur wl.nt Is this yard used ?" I .utked the brifii'llcr. It m the yaiu of the to death." I slindd. red fjr a moment. "The yen) of lhoe coudemm d to death." I re peated mcelii.nlc.iliy. "Here Ors'iii and Pierri saw lor tlio hint tune tho blue sky and green earth." Tin. ii; h 1 lird n horror of the fanatical deed of the two Italia!. I could not overcome a feellne: of tneli.nehoiy when I thought of the list mo. n cits 'j1 ilicsi: men, on whom tne blue sky of tho loveliest hind In the world smiled at their birth. yptt were n kli.g about Orsinl and rierri," n y coinpunioibsaid : "this is tho yard iu which tin y sj cm a ) .onion of ti e day." I silently went alnus the va'ks or the Lttiu parden. The niidduy tun piejicd in so gloriously irmu tne r.:'urc Ky, nun tne grass-plot was so exquisitely In mi. All iirouiid was silent o; the water I'lotic plashed in millions ot silvery dvo;ij tipnn the stone. 1 wnl now snow you tne prisons ol those cn- den red to diath," said the brigadier. lie cpi'iied a heavy, iron bound d ioi'. wuich opet cd In ia tlio btiilding into tbo conrtya.-d. ve pa.K'0 tlirouuti it into a passusre which ran UK.unil three .-bhsof the yard inside, (jn lo this pai-mgc epincii antimfter ol rooms, emiiloyed as a sujrrrj, iMsst'eilng-room, a dea h chanitier, . consuf'lrp-room tor the physicians, and other adiiiiinstrativo purposes. J he hrigadlcr o;en"d two ao ioiiiing rooms and I wcit in. I was iu the pri-t n oi tir-inl and I icrri during tbclr twenty one days' an est In the liisoii de Ja Uooucit. The nvm'F were not nncom bi tabic: thev were spHcii us iisitl lofty, uml Orsun's bad nearly a ipjad.augu ac sb.iic. 1'ierri's room was looker by the r.r'rxitu ot tne passar-es. J he walls were washed with yellow ochre ; tho window, strontrlv gurirdcd outside with Iron bars, was rntlier l.ire, and in the Ujipi r half of the wall. In the corner ot each room stood en iron bedstead, while in the ciTitro ititve was a small chi ui stove, lberewag no furr.iiure m the Toonis but a few cano chai t. The l.ooi was noitrtlcd, iind lienee the ro i i s had liotna g bbotit lliein to reveal their aw.ul deso nation. l'la mums on this nasairu and on the Be -on! floor are occupied by the condemned ni :u t il tiny are led out to exoeutlon in front of the ptison," the brlgadirr remarkol. "At t ic pi e s. i t in mient ihcre is no one in lat K'Miuettc i'Wn't'n the ftuillotitiu. The rooms lira uo: furnished till tier ato Coing to he oecnoie.d. Pieiti w is In tbe room on tbe left. Drain: In that on the nalit. You sec that only a wall divides the two rooms. Kudio wits ou tho itoocr ftoer " "Wcie you often on night-watch with Orsiai and l'iirrl, briendier t" 1 usKed. 4 .Several tipies. I sat with Orslui on tbe night before Ins death." ' Are all the condemned nun watched on tbe niahts befiite their UcatU ?" ('All: you aee tbe two chairs facing the bed. fin ni.A . ilB It tll..Tll..V ..n ttiA I . I. n .. un 1 with tbeir ejos tlxed on the bud of ihecondcmnea man. "Were Drsini and Pierri chuerful anil quiet ttiirmg ine tune tiiey stini couniieo Here : "l'p to the last moment they were cheerful a no even n.ciry. wneu they spoke of the at uni.t they only .regretted that it had failed. 1'ierri sm gat times in bis loom the Marseillaise. or the sonifof the flirondists. Then he would sit tor hours liOkiug through the window at thu sky, or talk wi h his seutry, or knock at tbe wall ami sliuut to iirnnl, who answered in thostue way '1 hey fpent several hours every day in the franleii, but of course separately. They did no: ee em u o.ntr again till tne moriinieot in ir ee. eiitiun. in this pas-uge, w hen liter ciune out of their r oms. 'I-.h bien, Orsiui exclaimed, 'whore is Kudio r' Picrii laughed. I thought that we sbon d have to take the walk alone,' he an wend." "And Orslni'f last hours, brigadier r Uid he slct p calmly r" "('uite calmly for six hours. 1 did not mtice tin t lie woke once. At 1 o'clock he io-e, break lusti.O, and wi:s iuito ehevriul. ltea:;aio alluded to Ihe i t i-inpf, end agnin reireited that be had tot succei ded. Then the pi.est came. Ursini's Otn.eiiLor r inuliud tho saiue-iinn, calm, and el oi i tu'. At this veiy spr.t he saw 1'ierri a-ain, us I jus- told y u, ned tney saluted in -h other in the luartitst vay. If yoii have no objection e will goon. I will show you tho route by which liny went to cciiili. Ur would vou like to see Kuuio'n room r Vou know ihat lie was pardoned by his win's intorces-ioii, was trunr'iiortcd t C'i.yeui,e, mid escaped ther :' ' I km w. I ice! no interest In liudio's room. I pi ns tn, bi ig tiler." Ihe i tlicial locked Ihe doers of tbe two rooms again, mid at ihe end of the passage we wen; in a small l.i; lit of wooilen stans. We found our sclcs in tlie uj i r stoi) , which i y the long y nssiuc, on bntU oides ot which are the leei'liiff celis of the coutiets, and wliieli It.uls iic.iin to the front yaid ol ihe privn. " J bey b: th cninc along here," my r m;. .n'on fiid, ps j w.'.iked along Iho passigc, "l i'erri in I tit nt, 06:i.l tline I'l'fis behind biin, with the irri"-t bv hi'- side. The whole way Pierri sang, 1.1 u lout), echoing voice, the song of the (Jiioii ilttts. Ilisiei did i.ot sing; he only mpc.itJd at liDtts the words 'IJu calnie.' Uoth looketl batighty, uad I might my, detitul." I cmtld reud iulte plainly on my companion's fp.te the winch lua recoliecUon even now ari.u"'Ct ir l.Iui. lie w as silent tor u monii at. " tf -r.t iiif.i-. brignd'er," I snld, "."oti'iiiuo." ' V eli, ooth null banded orer t i thu execu tioner in :he imali yaui oursii.c. lie always waits In the front yerd, and only pnfr. thecvlvt of hi C'iileinm J lueu when the lei ic'i ses t' wnlk or oilfis i ' "1'id'Ortjril tmite tlie woli-knvwn l.t'r to X.i- i!eou r".I f.s'.eii, us Wi .1 ua. '1 hut 1 ci ro-' t tell you," i.i- co'iiony' 1 1 said ; 'the kiiT'clor ol the priwn ofteti rcnaia 1 a louj lin.e i'.h '-o pi itonei i." 1 tire I'.iei.t. while we had reached tho jar 1 of La Ku.'iiouc. "It .as a giej v. irittr's moinio ;," tie brig. (Per :o'fl e, eio 1 awimtsi't . in , "ni t n i 0' jock. t!tU.!ue, tLu twio.e ji.i.lyuig had Uiiued i ul and, !tr i' wo could aee. was beei iio.i lica A loud we-'pit g i nii soMiinj v.-as l c'ni .1 rnior? the ttowd ttlicu Draini nud l'ic.ri ksurO'iid the fctaJloia. ucrn teat nai e.a.'.mg the ilioms of the song of the Oirnndisv . M'iiiji po'ir 1.1 pfttriii, ii-.oiini pot r la pr.'no.' VlllIl M Wc.Ut I'P ' "tOl'S Urt.Ml .lijlltcd : 'Vivo a FiiiLttf-l vie l'it.ilit !' ;ui he sarvin'rd tliPinvdirvrH IL se.-.flUd, Cf h. l.'.ii i:is hi ad ou the pim.k." i n ce mtn I stoou' aloue iu I'r tui of the terrible rtiteo 1 a Jl'. (UelvO, h5 the ipoi 1 ere the seal (old ."eai!id,uud ai 1 V'llli. 1 tip t'.ie lire, t lowitrdii the Plitie tie ia Jt.'Stil.i, I mit in'S- lf llivoli ittau y l uii.i.iiug J.inV alou I tlu iU eil lai e." Iai' l i'y tbe ( w as n i I'VCin" 'l.'t J'C U. i u t. U i4 W j w.uv. j lue. nrip ixrsi-ji i' enc 1". i Vm ftlvnllia's- l-.wltswi I'rl.s, Iu l 'on, M ,.r..r. ioii n c Uerslion" tht il H'r r 1 itnsyt, r !'.! fro Inni orrn S, .s."fli the rttiVr, i V ' "i i. I . i, ef . ' .'i s.) . Aifl tU 1 ' .n . f l PU.libr Ht'n j', im ; ik' 1 1 ".rr. J ll.J.M 1 '1.1' S TLV lLr IKTHA'JT BV'-'IU! Per M tskafMOi arlnlnf frem Knh InJ'tcrttV n. Tte tatUlnlU a oo ailt-cd litt or . '; Wn!nto rombsts Ike aid of msdHtir to Wit? a nd inriv'oralt- Mtf.')lfw, wbkb HKLMHOlJ 1! l."iai'T Ll'i'OJ itlvsriiAly itwi, If no titni :: I t . "t -a in, I-S'lllj IS It l.-'ll''. ii i'.l:.i i)()i,u s Fl.T II) EJ TnAf.T OF BVC1IU, In fllrccilom frc-illsr tu "'si:a.. Is attenuated bjsiiy oll:cr pri'arAllir,d la l hlorotb, or RotenUon, Imf l ltrltle j ; I'flla.'slncs, "r .S.ipprcrlon of Cuttentsry Kvac ealloni; t lesr.'t'1, er il.lri"us Plate of the litufMj Lotichorrh'. a, sr.J ail c a'C'lilnts Incklout to the cs, whether sri-Iii fro: i iiei'iu of Clipatifl-i, rmpmliiclt, cr In the Jr '.bic r eliai'pe ..fls. lIUiAll-iOl-U Ml FlT'IB XX TRACT UL'CSIS A'0 i whir, iv rosn 7Asa VUI r.KtKutij tmtoiarilnatc from I'.c sKt(a Ilt(fceiof llit Vrliisiy Orsaaa arUha fre of Dlstipstloa. 1 Ii Ik f if mw, Itch er an .lux tu aitt, HOi'aconiyniss'sj ort'.i p tttre; compUity Bper0Ji4 those usflrir4iln! Asit iilitca. I ee ito'f , cHif' Tld Jt)-::r-i", in rl' IJ.ef Alt-s-i t. I'Si: IIMLMliOLU'K ILIUE HXTHACr BVCUU In all filmsttsst i' tk ijriii.iry Orctn., whether xasiIw In "ieA"or "dr.sV," r'roi.i v-iUirr ittuxe crtyinuiiAT, and ne hit'Uti' ti A. f.'M' ttuAtUnv, It ig ataasant la last and -.der. '."I'ig'ef.'e" i, or.Voa, aad satr tieustkcnlnritn.'tihnj'of Hie prepar sioii of Jtnrlorhn. Thotc sueoi'ui; fi"ai llrolfn 1 ot u ot iKlfatt fejf.'k )n'., . e 'ii f'.e y.'..yind. ..'ti.- oi 'lb reiia.-r bic 1-e a ra li.;tl, ri ws'it rlli. .loalm the a'.ia. k of u.e asjvt iiaae, it It. certain t..iffiret.;t A ., H-..M -t.'rr, li t, i-ji, e'lif i,h. sV ti.V;. nifi' ias6,i a.ri ti: Mirier. V-'K li h isfjPF'''T'l.T 01" INOiiiiDIliKT.ii. iibb'.ioi i a jrui'i r uuoint In i ati "1 e' '.i. si , 'i ' "i ' 1'V'' -IC'Ti.':' . n. tectea wl'.a cr t ter - t. - 1 (:ea. i.t 'u ractio kf H I. l.'IH,I.!'lil.D, r;iiia sudlh.oj.t ortito!D riin'ti. pvl ma i" '' rltj ot raUi4ir'tia, aal aw p.-jiirl'jsi t yl'it mm: hi "irad of ti e fiica)', aj hava Utoa 4 Inlnttl lo use in t . ' I'n'l -1 Pt'.'t Are. aui are a'.i(n vn j fi.-'si I'.-i i." Sti'e if ';i!! ill a.ij salolc Saui.a- Jr. tttiit.i t ih-v.usl oul tlie IV'.: i II iwiu.. or St.. I' i. l-ollvima lo a:i' ., s c,rs,..ial.,J '. et Pik '! .&' . I'sttklt hralo S to JiVLVHOl tl Diritaiia Cnou.l :i iraiefoais, Ifo. 59 Bre-ntiTSv, Hoit York, Oi roiLyno: n . m.i -u beiui, K. ltt B.TsuUnt .,r;illaiil;ilua. Bi' of vui.tart.l!i. Atk br liei.Mipjr.D 8, and take ni. ott.or. HiysU-tati I i atteadaoe fr' m t CvwV A. M. to 8 P. U, (f.'v'l'.k, .Ulfjj) W-;t . IVU'llnlta , TTt'O UCKXT. ; "-Il r,!PKs!T Alt !; I I AM !1 M . S. ,r 1 1. i s . f, i ' pi.i'-iii). "t. .. s : !;i v joi IN v v, ' t .1 .N'-bSs' L. I OHALi TU 11i:i'. rMS r tai r,. in. I '..HII IIA b. rnil i:l'S.IV:iAl, lt.-..vr C.u . Il i i I; V. i ST. i'TS. i, ir.. r, W l: J., 1 l. '''mrl'-t II .Snjnar, 1'.. J .hi. '. I HoIktI I' 1 ' J. t. i;. oml. I'M ' . 'ii S. Mt in, "til, m, 4. rviiiisi i r: k -n, 5. Mart in ". .I' nl . . '.ar.. i at 1 1 in , I. 10.1., n I'srlts . .Vlllw.i. I I f, e. ,loli ti , in. 'n. 1, lM. III. 1. tnl II '.l . 1 1 II. - ,l inl .li Hi , Ii. cii)i" t . k p.. lie' HI M..v.iinlll V, I I mi HI .'. . ' .1-, 1'.. 1 'e Iwn, 11. i ii.i '. .. " it i -I "I-", at. Hearer,) ., ., ? ' J lin I' 'rtur. i 1 hi.,-.., '.' .1 P., ik J. tin tr. Ill, is l y order oMI.a f. ale Onaira) it lhjuh'S. hi m ox .,AMi :i:f)N, j-l i ll'.tiiitJ l. piNRSYLVAKIA RAILBOAL. llHiUOVAl). Ouaad niivr siNMI, Co''inr K, V..t, he T'. et fifl'.ce uf llic IV iimj!.ui l lllOf, 4 .ll to nt t v rt ieiaor lioiot, Tlili'.Tn'.rt! vd V ia. t, I Kiln.uis, wv.t rbliwlci Ji.'a, aed the PASSENGER TRAINS Vrli.t. S I AUT I'llO.ti I."C WEST PHILADELPHIA STA110K, .s Kl'M.Cn'S . - .Ma". Train, ul , larkeikers I'r.i.n, No. I, .a Pvt Line, i rarkasl.nrs Train, S".l,i' barrlthtirir ActunimuilHii. n, ' Lancaster Accomnioilath.a, at raoll Train, at Krle a'xiirosa, at fkila.telphlu Esi rets, nt i-lD A. M 1.-K1 Mil " l t-i i r. m. i-.Ht 100 '. 1 00 S (10 Ill 1 AND ARRIVE t- Erie Kxprt , at l.-i A. M ftllatlilphla rpr-s. nl ; 111, " I'aoll Aceouimi, nt 5 :il " rarkeglltirs ACCSUUleilillti'li, he. I, at t1 111 " t ail Line, at.... Pi 20 ' l.aneaittr Train, at 1. :t'j 1. M. yarkebarx, No. ?. at :.') ' nail Train, at -.1, " ilarrlihurK Ace. iitniotiait"ii, nt 11". " Philadelphls Kxiaess leaves tiallr. Krle Kipresi. It.i ve-i itn'l . extei.l a,itni-.lyn. All other 7 ralin. itnllv, ej.ceia HtnuViy. The ltriot nl the Corueir or l'.IovPatSIt ntul ' Ksrhet Hlrrt'ls will Ite flotl niter St'tt KtAV. l.'tlh limtiutl. G. C. FRANCtSCUS, KUP'T. Pl'll AJ KI.PIIIA DIVimON, PA. II. It. West i'1'ia, October 12, 1(M. 1'' U-nt AM) riCTL'KK FRAME MAN L" FACTO UY. WM. II. MOHOAN, 1-0. o V. MMDI tiTi: l.'HT. C-ittt Os iil l'lMitrt;io 1U lCrmiie h s10-tiin tUNi'.tMM ON Il.tNli. iX)llMi'X"T.Iltli. H Ins lu imht mott of mjr materU' Ufi ra the lute ittAt rliw, I not oniirletl te nit. r lay sick of lnnST-TLA FUKMT L' ld; At a p&iall a.tvat..e i:i i.k'. ).;Ioi-:, 1. 1.IJTZ, Mll.-.itii Ko. It . KU:V Vilf tsTKUET. rfw mo:; i : v t i a n y a m o r vr io an i : d I W I iiD'ni llOuivuii!!", W.itclmi, Jti.vlrr I'lfcte, afl Nl1-tliUii. Ae ,a jf W .lO vr.S t X. H ,il.l rjtr Mli.I1ID.ll UAs' OFI !"-, t. .riief ol llilltll and OA sell. L Srrll, 1 1.-1- v L,.. ,C ml. II .-HHIOSllS, WATOilKN, JtWLLkV, tlOSeJ Ae., for ile at KEM.UIKAHIA 1.0 V PPICJirl. tu',- fiCHavat PIANOS, CO i'TAUK K.VCLL PA.' ..J el"i" Orif.ins, Htuteonlnui-., and Mclo- I! ! i; .!. in lC-7-Sia IAR-IIi a MIHIC R'lOl.'E. So. IHU I'lIKSM ) sir. et. KIN-NK-NO-NH-AW INDIAN SMOKIMJ TOIUOfttil TU, wortd-renownuil I '.ini -e Is riiiiiilcttired iroin Iho r'INEsT LKHI', And earnestly recci.inieii.lit p-eli in all O;ntltiuoti o lain iiriou. Taste. Meld wk'-laallo ami retail at Hl'.NTB I't'PI'LATIflOAH aTOTSE. 'u.Ul I'llKsNlT unset. If -1-Oaii) opisislle atato House. CToVFTT'S TF.A WAKKHOl'f K. ESTA J bU-hei)l:l ls.XI. PnlKirternnU 'eal,Tln rin'e Tens, W'luot, and IJnu-vs. Cliotoe lUAiana Clears, Ureas ,c Itlaek w-ol i Pli Vlei and Baueet, Vot'llsh and 8is.ti:h Ale ami l'-.rler. l anneil afoate, Train. enp, ae. sn y Meee. : rut up whh ear. At Ao. US R. sniyiNfl street. J-.N-ly J'irtHfA II. IWI SIT. yoTATK OF ANDKKW COMSTOCK, M.D., Ji deeeavd. letters Te-mtiieuinrv upon the eetate of ANrtltKW ''.MS rtslK. il. P.. U' eensed, linvlni' Ui ee (?i-ui.le.l to tlie UiidatVpiM'il, all persons Indeliteil t i said estalu are ro ,iiaited tom&ke pavineiit, and tlinae has ine. clalim a-alnit lh" s.m.e, li. pr. -seiit Hu ll!, wltlm lt d laj , lo J.HMITII II.UiltlM. Use nl..r, K". Ill S. I nl K II. slfet. Oil" lite Alton ee. DAVII' M II AMULbTOM, S. SIXTH Mrtel, riulaCtlpbla. VlS thl t QF.O,lJ MTITjfcJW. JII., If AKC;FA 0TUEI1TG MACHINIST AKI hNOlNEKU, I- ur L--ICK, Kfj. '" N KHONT T1KRT, ni.Ahi i rin . We r pr part's' m. n:i urtlurt 10 any -tMit fu our wet I mr . MMiiiNxm m: corroff awd woolf mills, lilt I .'uir nil if t i-i tr"vciuiiiii tu CoiAaiim, finauik, til W-un irik' 1'ivitv tin :s. iti q iiAtavjitotiircrt (w ccrUa P ti MS'Tktt. 1 : 1 ALntRD JUNM I COM JRi TOhilUf CAIvrAr. AND OWNKkfi. Tin hi, !ir-i..d hrtvl-uf Wov ile K EH M l f'lif.kV J t H'U av lo ni-jfru hi ft-!..! end li e I-i(r. ii- nl o I..- ;,(k.t Itfl Ih prr;.J 'f ioercii ! j IDllt- IO sUrf'tUli.tHievW Ol-Wf ll.rlft V Jffcoi iNf4 or r u.iin l, ,ti ilr .j ft',M ctip-wixMiUr ftn4 -f-tailk'tr, uiJi iive j-is3tAl ittttjittin yj.itk xmivin wi trt -.I. tl it' iiitti ii. r cai-f.' , -, .J i - - (ai fliifc cr A'iub. aU-rarrAiteni.iind Macbs..l'j t.-aiiiif vrtsicii o ri'u(r, tin- sulitltcl W C Vi.r - linvlni- ihe Mivrn v f -r ths i-.ilo of ,Wuturttt$'1 fdt.dil J'.i .ilK tunijetxjf40t,"or vpp;r aini, Irx t;ie priervRe tlfr .r trufiV litiiU4Hssur u. c tyl imi; iiuptUwi W . 9 tin n. n.ivrjrfi'rr, tal'I-tf Osdl&VtafM1? aVvvMhCftUi -'C L(aWa U6tC MtLITAlSy fwOTICgS. , rtv.tsa r.n IIil tti.iic a nt in lc.rU I'aif i (lW.fct aM..i-J- i f Kt. (r, IV r Vpi'i, L- ttttr Cii i B Uon thun tru irjii,r, AU, vHu UK tL uul M "nUJ 'i.; iiHi ei.Ut aaU in.rli'(" r-- iv rr1- M i . i vr U fai.Lsf lniniAiion ft.lj- t Kt tuitlrv lvn'n , u r, ' K.i'l ft. Klin NT t'i&thnv9$tx''t.rvi,-btwi-u U w iuiu tl I' il . .'riw'l.'. " " ? - c o nfn'vri jr. r.:-tf ' ! riT!titir,TT Or leer) nnd soMters vl.t'os Ihe city on ferlouieTi. tWtdltlr ANII tITillK AllV "If 1 vdlHsj Are hiT'tad tic ist-iitli e sMXiTAtTt Kli'U KTABUUH3Vf . HANSOM SfJ'JtKirr i I A 1 -1 , , e.VMsOJt Sircet, i.irvu Hir.t'i kiuut. PREfiFNTATWN 8W0UDS Msflr I.' o-il. rnt th l r,rtel i!oiee,whl h f-?rl' ' did 1-:.nitv. n e ci.sllelil' sia.e'l ion, 110 titter 1 ".'i' lu It e e-'iit IV e, u.i.'n,.,,. l,e M .t'r l'l I! Kl sr.l J 11 V .tl.Htt yiud iii ,'iiu. ui. .Ur i viw AWUi- . Yi T.'.N VIM Ivri'iPPiTiBE WISE? ?.u '! o I ttio '.sTiS cf ' u.'-irt a-e ape-it ja.lj, ,1.'. :. i.- -In it tiiui snoS' ef the a it aaew and wen'on of ...len.i In. 'rin p.n, a ul il.a, tnJ ena priaajra ,1 - l'.r t v is' I I't' ' , Oyio "i tie. Toer t-y tint ,1.) i-. n. a il '' l pi j '.V 'tn, l"t lxs t alna I ni relief, no .ur- in 111. i .! we ..e ef t' ia ih'trkave .iie"io ti IK iei" Crm wlieti :o io ir.rv-.'' t er.ii.nn." W-1 to l it t n . I i" H'll' ' "s l.t' S tMt da of !! 'on .It ir . O yp '1 tl . i-: iJlt. " ' i J I I IT'S to, r . -'in : ii'vin r.i.M avd nsu 1 lit.'.. : i: i.o'.nt.' l. Ta fi'm n 1 AH'l c 'ri u ir "--i1 .'r-ihlo H'T'?! nn.l i . -a . tl I . ...A . A n II. .Irstrs) . 1 t ' r flr.-"'l. in yii'f i i m ,.... ttjt.i ,. n- ih- i: (Mill,, , . t Wj n c? --ir r du- il fr in t. ', I 1, i:ir ) Ii. i ' "lit til p -1 .'tt'l -'.'v. j, I I.' t'V 'H' H'Kl !l 41 Ot !.' Si ,ih. inofii t.. 'l ' r ' r fti 9y' Ut .'' . Marriiti i, will" ,tr p'k. r'ii In nil peM-f. Oi' ilo fit ".. 'tt'. t'oii'Uiiiti'lw vptorv tic (.vi;ila urr lienrl. hlh. ('-"ill I., 1- I' h I hi ; v 1 flic t'-Tt r.t. ti. r on' ft'ir.'i'm hn Vint of -iKop at iiltit, IP.h. I.osn of ncvHle ft. id i f.n r 'Tig. Il'li. ,)il',ri, ilim-'C-t';' of 'rluu hliI Join flf nlirTit. ;tli. II' n, , ilt it lu r 'V'iiK, with ft rut fa II""-. Oi' - f t' tin hcihI r" . a, ' , f ibsp'P'i tint I r . V, .r' s ::.' At.-rlo, o (rj'-p I1IU, n it m- : n 'int I'm lM : r. i .'f ct o"t. We whitahI h ni7irf 'Mtt i'Hr, n iff 'rir.f tcnt onrn' utmvl Inir. H'.M by hl fir c-. w lie r, -' nt Ir. W mi Alt. rt . in.-f. No. 10 H. Ki'-jVU tH.rMt, J'hil&v1!. I In. i, A I t vninlr; i'fr Mil r i: U'l"ltlnl ' of .iiarj p. .nl f.T a I. .i I'rl. , rb-t ? i.t..y ."', r oi . :k m i. - irvr-:' n- 'v-i'i,r-.ti. Mr. Wl-sh.iri, IwMi'ii artrt my . frnt my to iV )mu iTrelt3)u f lot) : hsMi'lnR pi'(-itorM? of ymir Tina Trr Inri'' r-tlr.1. F' f '.r -it yfiift 5iiTfrr. t' rt vrt cf ti-it tlii.e 1 hMi hl f.'- In my cKlr, But bulnj, nitt to !! dov n f r 01 :i. . Urn. t l'vc craiiivyp't cn f l Ik- l t pl.y-li Uni ); rhtt-uU H'.ti , who nil ppnyinm -I in) f t.nt iiK!irllfl. I Rit tftVi n o the Ci lltr-'i, whTe tha Kii.uKy, l aving .lour v hut tlt;' t --'iil'i,UecJor)l my J1m iu miMirRi'lc crtac of A tU tJhrcnlc l'nioii.'la, hiiihlfiit tiHKC, attrt ti." mj lunsi vcre pai Mttlly t(K. 1 iTi'ltnu niic "t'yniir c i."v'i'r, n'j- v. if" prruM-d fr;n ymr tof f. i'M! uf yotir C'..'iti .I. Vr rinilyl u-rj Mvcn l"lil(, attil a tiox aii'l - lir -fntr Ij nppp"ia I'itli, win 11 1 frit that in) lis Iv l r a-ly .tvetMvay, and Ihe Cur dial had tf.vfn ine i.ev t i unJ .itr -t'gth. I ronlhim d ti liapruv't anil fr t)i(.-,'- ttt '-t wo tiLi I l.avf hern ublo (0 l tp in ur hcil nn ro'Tiaily in X rvnr tlW. I Aift nw veil, itiifl lar i,tn"i Ui , ly-f( r onntts In mywoli'ht. I nn 1 tihlv tu ftnr). auJ p.o- t k lor toy fanilly. I si nU you lM true uml fait hint f , j..:.iiutl 1 r te bcivcttl of tin- nut (Ttn;. 1 1 1 1 tu! t i t!, . est) ix, l.'-ar (JKluril Church J OrM Oltta, 1 ffi HlJ i'nrf), t Uii ll"lohla. ISAAt? IIBIJ.CKM VK. 1R. . l-HAliT'. t I P, IT A IV LA, : l.i:X IfYMPKi'M A for trn yearn with tlmt sl.i. I fuf' rifl Mill ! i d"irr ;lon of dpirl'-; r.-ptUtii lor niy cotu- TM ts in ' . rl.fy M i I diei'Tui ii)liiiiL if'Ji a J il's-trcei, n iili J 4. nn In 'i by .-Ii. hr i-: : . trc- p!aintn, ami at Um a : , it n li t . 'tor, b'lt then my o'rl 'tUrn-' , ip i'!, w i'lu n mi. a n ith nil ltit dreadful r alul1 , and my v.Jio'. si.'(iu fmt waftlnK nvvty, h- tlili Mi a tnui tl' hiir.n cl r, ;, I wdn lmnd t a circular ot !r. WllnTl'e fcivat . r .nima l ' i, r:a HIIN and I'ine Tre- la (kirdml, whi-:a ' 4 c' .rt -t deiorli'ti'.n nf uy ml rli'gs, and I dpi-'rrmied to l..ce my jell uiidci t'tc "k. tor's car-?, :ii d ink" lii ir-cttf in:. At hui'n ai J oiun'tncid li.t t si- of the rnid rluo, I Nfcun to Kt In.1 tier, mid t,Q I coitiinucd three inonthfl, at which ttroe 1 wnn pt r '; llv ciro.1 01 nil my cnnptaiiitH, nd I'Ciit-ttly ri'itortd ;o hf -jUIi ; J am to-tUy a uiaa . Dr. Wlsl.urt, I ive cti tliii tivilMCito villi a i;rHUMul heart for the brut-tt1. 1 rr e tOv- 4 iroiu the use of your truly wild rful medl.mK. Alt j Hod b'.CHi you and prw B r e your truly usotuMti., 101 niny years . I would uy t'ieierylcU jen. ni lu. wm .iTrrin', ts I win thitt my rtKHb:no Jk No. 'i It . lnw-Mid ilrc 1,, whero IwHItHrtn rnmt d-'H ;'if t;i atviuc tMt'mony to the fcroitf licioi r. Vlijl.jrr i.'vM .it.t.t to cum. 1'. H. ALLR.. TrAVW..rt ft;..K-..-u n't -;,No.l i . HiiCwNO .Sin-ot, l't uli lj lna. iiVf-rLP-jA: yvM't:rtiAl l,Must- Krmifj,vo u -rlli t' 1 wna sick with dy--popftla for (wo Jsjfun; 1 tvu Vfry;li.k at ttiu pit of uiy toina-'h, with pn In In my hr-Nast, side, back and hoad, with dUiir"i a,nd ti ( if'.. $ lii'ivalklwUbKruat weak in n and k Hfirnl di't.iil. 1 emploToJ. lu Uiat time, seven cuiliienl ithj bklans, iiJ 1'.' y uiilcrcd In Uielr oplniui. of my dleeti-o; toinu thci-vot 1 hi'd cne dlsoas;, and aoiuo another, but I vh nil ii iimo i"tt:t4 wonc aud worse, until J botairif o low l!i:t U viic would have to fec i mo forwo-uKs tomuhcr, Vri In H1I1 diCHdful condlil n, I placed iuj-i lf iiiid. ri'r. Ui-h rt'sj trculment, and tmcl his Kicat Au.ctU-an ' v-n1 p la I'iHb and t.-autnumt for I: n'p'j'a, uad rt ihi yr nt tiuiol an perfectly well, and have vrilnrd I'nJi twi, poundn, and can ork and alt nd to ui our-o.ivi h rd as any pertion tn rcansylv.'nia.Aiid ui-. .-ti-il Hcd U t-j a pca-fct cure. lr. M'i' can pobV111" i.y asjlt yu eo proiier.usl want t luar tetiinom m i:.8'capowr your medicine Ima tu uira lyp' l'ltui. All p'V oiM) are ut liberty to call aitdace li.tjor wriu. TOSlS KOUMIS, tfiiii. .ih JiriM i, S-huylklllcuunly.i'a. M'VHPI rrlA. hVftMfll. Thl l to eertiiy tbn' 1 huJ liy-ppf i-ila In the wnr.-t form ft.rthrtH) years. 1 tr.-'icd y u'svtnut the bt-st phy aMani In Ameriea ; noiui: cf tbau wcia t roft iora ft Juf ftrioiiCulh ge, J'lillai'.f.i, bin tiiey did me no xo4. I grew w uric v ery uoiitli. I 1 1 Id t e taken at timet with uradful ti; tns In my brrot ntd itoiMr-ehtao yreat was K that I could n JtUr bit, lie, p- r .tnJ, bin would rovaabttut Iroiu one fnorn to onoifif -; ia,- itlcadi expevUd to ee uw die, at tliftrc appeared to re 11c r 111 lor mi. In this hope Km rendition 1 plated iio'." ,iu!er. I r. WisWiarl u truat w cut, and tiist d hU ni.uioH.ii dn wcud. This An 9 1 am a woM anin, d ft t':rn wtnt I have ben on itty Ket.nod vi r!v jijf i-tid Ir.-w wly morutiuiu elet eu oVlttek at nljjlit. :'i. V. tti.u, 1 ,flvj you th'i cer tiiicate with a m-Mt fiil he 'll, ; J a It my duty to do o; ytU tnay, and I want ii-iiin pi-Mr ) It to t'ne world, that every Prou auD'-rlnt; nslw.n met have' ttia benttltof tins your tnly! rnil n All 'lck perimnii are at lib. rty to ia 1 ui'd -t a,-, n r,lt-! uo, an I want to render all the iru'd 1 t tc i.f--T'ii.:I:i-lnuany. J-,( -i;S H. AM.KLL, Orr?ew of Wa-t.' I.i Vai'n.V-lj'ns Company n 90iVl Kit Hi. Olotrt. ir, . J. J, ,loVin l.i ucli, do i hy tln.i ri r foior nit I aq attack cai , iJi at tile j ipfpiia ; 1 an io severely liuni'.U .1 tli at I con Ul do li'ii v. It would till niuwltli drta-itul .'1 lrt"i my rr rvoi.n .-( ir. van pctft'Caly pron Craw A say v hoii Itnu n :.n h i,u'iij a "k una trembihij, with ft K-niu t0 roiif r no d i ' in tt.a Itoi.J, f tinned by ft pa l liation of the h- mi ah' ',i-rn r:.l debltit v of tno whole body. I-: very k'ou ol v . Jl'.-it e aduiauliin red to un did 40, 1 -Mil I ( i.i'fe' to 1 41 II ou IrAVI-hart and I'lf-eo iu4e!r iivdfr hn ir.tinrit. I( U i.v uhoi t nlue vek tiiniii I t! mm' nr'eii t n l i- "i.eps;u Tiltt and lint Tree 'i'ar I'ori'li 1. I dv t nlhtnlly and faithfully a: thitt I itiu ptiittv;-. : r-.t' . .i-jt.-iAj. ;.., ant" all nth. r dlM!-'1! tl rti.u,!i. , 1 ur. lut turct J,-aJ UP.:U t-V4iy t'ny, ami ft il ttis'l evirv 't; p- (, I am ; year. ol aid'.fndtf it viis, r-. -c ny, hdlroLld andnould ahoaliie.- it yKtu t.. h j mm! etu- fr. ra liva.ion ty Ihe IU Ul.'. AM p.'i i. n- i u 1 4 i.i, fjiaat i.u , ftro at Ub 1 i'i y ia) al 1 ii tl ?" it .' , 1 It u.y Jul; t'j ui, all til tjO'-U . f-'U t 1 !. i.,,l j i.iji' . 11 y . .' US' LVNi II, N" 1 I ! ; 'i r..ft, rMi;t.l:phm. Vt. IV IS 'A 1ft M".Tat.l yn.. r, n. Jok. Hl.i'ONtr Htrctt.rhjLai' Ma, ' a. Mi rt,..Ta;nnti mi; and ton.-ulta- tiuru Itvtt,.! cbftifce. J'imc, il ar in.. wt by ta i-tvi. ot u.i4y. Jit:rHFMA I I'4VKIMA! Jr. 1 1 I 11 y uucrer It!; liys a in ..- litv In! 4-.eMonj y-in, ii 1 hti -f vhicti tiiiio I can-r-jt try V ai I e epio; ei pwlot ny wvll day. Tiiu4j .m tl'HM wlitMt tl.i tu.i'iei'iM vieio Luoro ftf-feravtUtd 'Jti; ! i.ih re, inn: (iuc it h aiactl U tvoiUU be a (jioat ro lui to ..!.. 1 l.rtd at nd tti utt nriil-aimit feolliirf In lUy I.i atl, bt t ):itti rl iuy -i i.tjiiu-, muoh lucictt-.wj tiu.t I " e.-t-'tu- i i iit f-T hiltie.5of any kind; my in-u vi"- 04-i:..ii: lit lil'td-, ; !...i., j,M an(j Jvrcbj. . "'i' ; I !UxMi'i ( . ci On h i umntby rciriin., at omen fri'in-ati -n if ly c.ild:' w( In councctlon v lib a ajuvi':,(.ii I: h Ti-, rivJ ujii Liy brain; ulio,.i ftx-'ii-t ot fthknt-gj would .'ccor at the .lma.-h, autl gnai j'aiiA to ev-,4, at jfjiii, hlcC " It'i wlUib. vrat tlio con-tiiiUidii-rrofl.jiL' i.. n.'-.o, I a'so epcrluiwed roat It.fblttde, d hiMtv, imd rtryn w AO nad-j it dfrtl- cuittofti'l. (li'j rr I'-'! ru.lht. 1 hcurae avense to iMeliy.M.d dposd oi h .i hCihi-lou, audliaui tried llm fcMlof a ncml-rtf mnant pliytielane of Tarlm .-lio)lt,fltiAll cuan to the foj-tcli: forthl dtsfaie atii-ypriiut ae ;r yar.M)it;eit wai no ctireJn ct-st-l; tt.ilnt.itgi t,el.".t. rflrfnceofIWineProvid.-iiee, to whopi 1 ouil 6f . r tuy liun.i.!, t at la it found a . tfeUn Miaedvln 3(tir ly,wpim riUj nd Tar Cordial, whK'h hetu tr. hive tff.-Tiaiiy removed nliujat the lust trace cf my lwugiUt-f r iimt-di and batafeeltntri,arnl lu tluir health, il.aiitut, tud contontmont Jire my fTirj tiuj i-omp.iiiiiiief. J,!,cks M. SAUNTUinR, Ny. 4 .; V. Scorud atrot, FUUdilhla, J'oj irteriy ai' WitoAhnry , X.J. . W IUL1 ., No. o ej' fX0 nwvft.r'-i- T, lf"f Trr-ti,, f t"heH4ih-.m, nr. t m-v --iwrf, j t . wiitifrt'd f.r ii'-ro inau 'rtH onr iTrro,sr bui il nth iia rioia fiat ai ul .i.-vajr, rm! J j ., vnn. I f fnil-'Wd In that Uin' !! of th !. .: '-rutn fi i , wit H HiUP'Ulphlft. Tl ey dirt 11 ihfy 1 .r nv m llh nif-U- oiiti and cut 'ni. hnt null I wm nn I t imi w. nt 1 to the l i ntiiih atna Vul ert-Wjr in . rl r to i la. in f -all Ui i r-nafii fr tlif iieit mrilt ai tak pU In tho rruntrvt hut tmlr ' .e.tlrni' f-falh-il to any iff' "!, no. I Ihk h I ij ; tr d"iith ti pelieTo me of my nureThMt, hut 'fin fir. ' Wl-,,t a.tti ttfteno nt. In the D'Ha-h li'ti-a ' ll'ii'-tiu, ' I j it't"m ti .ell to try rvn-o M'.r", Mit w iih I uJu it-., ! u. 1 ;...:! d n Dr. Mhrt, nn.Hold him If I i-ouM h.i e.ied 1 t.ij I nit tronHid htoi, rnd fen rtU:-l ny iT .iri.a ' t' htm TI o lr. ft's-errd mn If he tall' l tu- iro j -). la. It w.iuld tie the first en.- In Iho vt tin, so I p t la? mil und'-r htn treiifnaitt, and alihoiLftli I 'hud h n fat Dtof.tfis vmiliinu nenrlv evirvthmaT I ale, my t'niaiJi iWt.Tlrn with wind, ami nMcd with na:n b win 1 .01 :( itiii- n, 1 bnrii ht a box of hi. Iiftpepair. t'illH, T ii'.od thru, ai dl- l i u-d, and iii t n day -7 could eat ,n h. jf y a ni .il it .tnr prr".n In the Ntato ot I'tnc l tttia.n il tu tin. i I 'y .vu a Kll num. 1 Invito .toy p rnou ioih4nf h j 1 v, u . , ,u awl ie me, and I will retii'e my miouti nril ihp fat rnre I refiv d. I iAtHd nv to all Dy iH-'pth r rv hrv, that Jr. Wiah.irt in, I bvhe'. e. tie otilv p t..n t.n the e.artJi cu euie J'yhprpria Uh aj-y d ,T''o i.i ti. ! n v. MOM' tOHl, r'hflC'nhftm, V.itKti .n-fr Co., I'd. It. WlHllAltTt Ofiire, N. 10 N. fK MNu ttriv-f. (fiice htiiiTH mini ! A. M . to & 1. M. Ail e.vnmhiatl' ui a'ul tWiiitatlou tue. PYHPU'SIA! I)V-PrrflTl It. Wii-h irf-I w is a '. mitfi ier I'y-peil. i'r frv. u vt'itri. r.verythln,,' I iie lilh d nie-Mihwlnd and il read ui I pntn : and tny Hie wan nr ot nient shiI'itIi.i. I wa io mueh aiHt. tod tlmt It I drank a irlnn ot water, It vooM m mi return biK'k In a lu' it d contliiioH. I npi'liod tntvervkind of no llrh.e and tfitiiunt; t-'it .ill lo iu piirpnt'e I -aw your fdvertiM'Tiient In t'.v"! .t" h' vrt at inre your Kf'at American I ph' Pt'la ha.i mndo. I Atnt to your ptore and purclm d a bttx.and rom-m-m .'d to ii mi tin in . and I do thank (. d thlt ilay 1 am a well m .ti, aud 'ti c it three ni"nl p. r dny. 1 l.n - Bt .it .i nunih -v nf pernon- niter onr pill", nrnl 1 ueve a yonn ; nvMt that wh inifieilnK with ilvppepula in my n.-i hbrrh.M elpht of our tiiiio, and they cutt.l him i ntut-'v. ' u m;u reicr to lue il tee propt-r. .lA' Ml: liliiiihi;v, Krnnf dyvlllc, K nt cuitnty, Pel. A positive t tfti: Fot nvsi'Ktu. HI .K WHAT a' It. JOHN II. I.A1.COCI-; XXfit Ko. Itjh OLlVi: !trcft, t Phliulelp'oa, J wiUary ;.J, It. WltTiart- Sir : It ia w Uli tmn-li pleaMivn Ihat f nm row pl'te to Intorin y.'it, by the um' nf vuir t-' Atnt'iiean lypepala Pltla, I havo boon enilrety einod ni U at iiuiKt ilitrt'hisl'iv' .'omp.aint, liynpei .(!, ( ,, tio-n irrlrvoitUr nlllirted tor tin la.-t tvont -e'0hf m a'"i, n nd fi-r ti n venm ot that time hnvi' not b en fa-ed foo lis .itn one vm i k at a tlin. I hrfve hfltl It In It;, w.irt ion i, and h.ive on a moft ni .eable t-xflffiiro In r-ein l .v amiiovht. Kvery kind it lotttl 1 :to llUi-i m. v.ith wuiu t'nd pain, It nintteitd not h v II lit, ur ho.v m.iII t' e qumitity, A ci'iit inn d leii hi?it: wns snro to j'ut'ow. 1 had noap'.rrif) for any lin.l o( tneutn whati'v i-, ni( mvdtn trtibu iis so j: tor t'ivet.U luonth-i bn.-ie 1 heard of your 1 111, that 1 frriim iifiy wihhod f'rdr:,ih. I hid taken eM-ryitiitif.' thnt 1 hnd In ,u d ot' :or I' fi" j Birv, ro ch iuk; any bi in i,t ; hiR m, ;.om l'uin r.if reoommonUed t" m4 by one v. ho h."d Iwen cmei : t li m, I r'.neln.l.-d t t"ive tlit-in a trial, uUliooii I hi d n't fuhti ti ti.uiu. To my afstniils.l,iijLnr, I found lnLt ll .iTellin.; b' itor hff.jto I had tat en (ne-foUltli tt' a box, aiil, ntli-Y t iln-r ii.yli a ho I Ui" u u.ll mi-n,nuti rin eu.' ai'ffnff I f('i, mi1 unn-, a hi arty ineal three times a djy, wii iit.ntdiir. u -j'll :uco iYoin an) thtntf 1 iat or drink. It .u th.nk proLt.r, von aio at liberty lo m;.ke tJ.1 public and ixilT to ino. I will i.-ho.r-fkillv frtve all desiiMhle HiioriLatlt.ii tn any 1i.iu-;iv fad ou ine. Yours, rt-apeetftilly, JOHN (1. HArC"tK. For sale at lr. w ISIIAUT 8 Modl.-iil Lep t, Nu. hi . KK OM 1 . fi Pht1adwl,tiia,Pa. 1'nru o..-j 1 ,tlar pet box. St'nt by mall, tree oi chaise, an r u. I; t oi yrli e. TiYSpKPNIM DYPPKl't-lA! I, R-'li-tiel It. Haven, hftJO h?oil li fit )u ,-(-. n h clifonlc 1 r-pepaia aud Iniiamtnath.n ot' th'.i (.i.tnrya for three enm. 1 employed thrr e or four ofiho u.ohi eminent pM BU'iui.s of Phlladt'lphlia, also ot I'-nrli'istoii couuiy, Hew .letsi v. They did j. t,r u..- they .vuU, b it all t- im purpose. I wan r.ui.tnily filled wlh ".M-fnl piin antl hi trefcs, and with ennetaut LuiclUiw of wind ami nour aj'd My li tint in wua covered mth awhile, eoai'nu ol mLojii.-t until It rracked In larto (tirmwH, f,.:d wa.i dr- & l:'nlly i ir.'! t 'hi I oiitinieB wilu-d for death to r.dJevn m- oi my "uiifr lnirf,for 1 had Utt iii ho.fOiu evor b lin,' w H f-rji-i I taiaue U a subject of prayer to C.od that Jlo Wuui.l ilif'-ct tne to fonie pli ielHU nc ini'dlclne th.-t W"iiM -'itr" h !. I was te!d to read an adverUieuieut of 1 r. ft lrhiri', in the Pi (huh tphla "Ledifer, " ot a ni i at core m.'Ue ui. n Mr..l-hii Ha'aoek, of So- IdtfS Olive utteet, a, h. fh3 freat American lyi-eiila VJH. Iwrntt-ith" let,.ri ollce, and plaeed inytelt nfitr r li'i troatmftnt, :ml t.M hha U ho ii. iled lo cure me. It would be the la-t i tT rt I wouhl in he. It hilt Itetu B1V Wseki am" 0 I couoiliMiei d Ih um of Mb int Heine, and I nm nw n mJI mun, ft. e irom all pain and illctr and can oat throe lirnrty meiln a dav v (th romfnrt tiftd ltd p-jr n'tly well. Ir. Vln:art, i want you to publish my e.iMi, a-. 1 want evci v purr d ..!', u , riif.erinu iih I v .in, to call on m-i, and i v. lil tell tlr.Mi ot' he fjioai t uit I Unve roccrved tVora vonr tnviititaM" on tl-cm-. Ait i:ia H. H.WKV, (jrni r of Venai'co and l.anihei-t stioeis. nea.- ii ehmoiid alreet, Itriouiy lituu Wi-fcitt-Howii, Liuii.iaioii Dmmj, 1. W JMlAltra 0Hv, So. 10 N. KKCOVD Him t. DYKlTaPflAI UYBPLPSIA: IYS lplvt Thin N tw certify that BiilTwrlny aeveruh with a dUtvaxe t ailed ltyspepsla, with mu. h losn of w- i'-'li. mv atten.ln v at dirtw ted lo Witdmrt tJrent Aeieiicau Jjy-,;Kjpiih l'iltn an the r loisly. II av in if it It bin ihree eik t;il. n !..v,n Ptlla, nuiiijV Jin to the diieetloim, I found (mtn If eiutiviv cur d, ml t' r i o weeks Min e my Liaiili ia irivitlr liu provttd, ami I can cat without ftartf pain or Itieniivenl nee. 1 ijarut-Miy ri toti)tmiid them tci all MHi:)arly ftflll'ted. Mra. r. 11. TIIuMI'SON, Hb hmond utret, JPniir d 'urn bjin,. Ihi-iowr. Ur. 1. Q ! WlhllAlcT ri Oli'ce, No. 10 V. Hl'.i H KD Stp et, l lltladt iphla. I'Mpiphia! iYHiM:rs. i-Yjri:fSi I. l.ll.-dseth HHnon,ff Rrandyv. tne, r.l, f rmrlv oi" Ole Chosttr, l , do reitlly th:n lor oi.e ye n- .m l a fi 1 1' 1 m ffeifil tM'rvtliint hut death from thi.t a'.viul di. ' i'Mllcn liynpei'h.a. My vliOle ,-ysti m w:i- j ri-.-ih.ili d with 4Vjkii"-6 and I'lTvmii hliiHty; I could not M :.-tniy Tu : It I nieew i. a cvaeWr or ihe s.i.; II. t au'-Hiiit m' i. imI, It vitfld reiutn ,un-i us I HWHlioweii it. 1 became so iitntiM' in piy bowel- limt 1 vnnJ.; not huvu a pa.i:e iu h ha than Irowi tiinr and nftiji tf.-ht aavi; UTidt r Hit- 1ji jmi ne Mitteiinj, my mind K.-uiiied niitirtly liti e war. I Iwid oread ol' horror end evil li-ri i n-v: s 1 th u-Jl that i T, hoitx 1 alio me, and I h.Uci. eieibt lyj I could I't-tleur my LnshtH'l iit ni vv n c'.ll.ii'. ii 6mt thii r at pemt .1 to he hmmr-bt' h-ken ta ine; 1 1 a i no a ilbition to ti an: itdnj; I 1"it a I! my lo e ui t.uuiiy mi J homo ; I v. on id lumi'le aitd w.iiuli r iron! p;;.tv it pi.n et im u .uld rot be on d : I hit that I Wii m o na li I n hLii, 1 1, ore I'll.- li" Iii avt n lor ine, alid Wuh ni:ei t;ui;l''d to -4'BI!!ilt Nltk'll.'. 8i V.ilS n.y V.l.nk' HT r- M -a'telil oetitio en, umj ul mi mi inii J, lroui iii.ii av. tul toiiiUiut, hh la, tl itt m ti leliil t!.' f -i t U '. ti f..i e , ;e id e.l In In. kiil.litiui'fc lUisphal. V.'ei-i 1 i.ilu. f'l. h. a; l ieamiu.;d tltsvie iniie v tt'ki, atiK lin'O.i.t I '. a a he t. i-; but iu Blew iiavi-my diiatltul vmnp: .it.t wns lu-lnv a-bail ai ever. I r urn ot :he Woi:ih Ui 1 eui. ieit.,:,,id hy I'. WUhait k l.i't al Anielit an,i J'nl-.i.nd Iiin Ir.'.-it-li-eill I I .. tiepiM, toy h. .al..;t".hei on i,r. VV 'i h.iri, .md tiittn in en, lo httit. lie -a. ah- p.iii li t:.n;:,i i,f ooii :.i 4 i ne i e. h. I'i .hit- i'u h !' i I ih-v. i ii 1 ;.! , ii,v-e!l i ndt r O f it Pa :'ii...o:t, utnl i:i tvo wi oks 1 I fjdii to f'llfilfil IU.V !'t"d, t. It li: I. ;" V-as li't '.hill vw.t ; ai-it 1 ewtuii'eil to lor a'.i'iit i ijie, hio'C.1.-, at tl.e ri fCl.l t'.ue I u" peit.r. h ar-h ol h.i.iy :tid ii. intl, a tal 1 uiom fiin- ir'y r t 'ni l ta:i . tn n lii-r-'it'dt i. od. r"u lir, ;!,.. 1 1, in In- ( Am- m .i l","p. n iw Jii.f ami p; o I rt-e i an 'i-i.l';i, ti-rr j.;tv,-.i Me troi'i an ho-i hi i l; It in u: d a pu upline r r .e. V p, ri n,s i-' i li rli tm IiM.'i'.'i.i are m 1 b-rtv In eai on t i or w : it ,s I mn v 1 tit- to do all (he t- "o u,r h nn'i'iu hi.u.n.ity i;i,r. vj,;: i tl v. i;r:.i.oj win,, I'i !mu:v, mi ai. ;i o d ''l.e -i.r, li-,,,t arc cnut'iv Pa in, WlMtAI:T8 Ou'.vv, IU N. si;c".d filiwtt VI ludelpl ia. i he io v nf a few amongtho t!fiiian.n ,,!. hh th'i Erx at reim .h ni ttive-t fr nu .m tint inn l ; r.r V, t, . n uin ied of lttteri lroni py hi. un a'lj tir.'.rfsii hi all paiU ni the or i i.tiy,Mnlr:. that thiy l.,iv.' u. v" or. m 1 r ttJ-l -i i i!"hu wtil-;h ; e hUih uinMir. ii ta'.i ("t -itt-n. Tla . Mi .'le.itM jri'piire.1 only b.. tlu i pi'-: jr. j:7i. I. Cv). C. WISH. MIT, wiumi: ui i ioii is at Ho. 10 N. EECQM) BTEEBT, IJUlu'Witliia, PIINXSVLVASIA, V!re le l Ii tilted t liher I'.Tio i.i'i i'.e...:j i i lr. b ail ii;v jik i Iree.jf ai. . 11 . v ivv i eio; ai I nu c; .!! Alt! ; V L T 0 T 13 1 (; A H 1 E !",... lete II: ' o 11 fit IIP, ' rcrl'iimeryi Tollcst. Art 'flirt, i lttli 0-Ill I I' , I i' a Mi:.-, V IK KM. -., saiilen'r r M Un v.i S.". i No- 1228 CHE? NUT STRCET. TH0UPASl,3 OF TLETH i ' LX'I KAl.TM) WITHOUT TAIN. ra ai pile.l I'.T, Mer InxTH.a, a li 'ttr:. I serin le s - n. .,) i .k e; .nt , Tal- a. I li.l a. r, ll.r p.:. I t let It, k M-r-i' t fx..e 11. al,l et. a.iI.i, a. . tit a- ' 1 . .:.. e. ai ;.tlii. Th, '.ri.t ir hlu it tl.e i i Ciin oe fcr.fa; r wtj .;,:, iri,"ni. UK. O. I,. WNN'f. -1 -ll No. Til RP':i "; T8' J. EL10INAL COD LIVER nt. joiin c. luicn co.. . TIB M.MihKT Illl'tP.r, are B.w reelelnir C tr urf i fresa ttun tla t,-'t. Tlie iv nftti' Ir 01 1. In ertry r,,i4 tn 1 1 . r 11 a rrjuti.ikii auit tale jautf any eilnr aiu.,4 1.. i r marl. t. Ti. nuiliitala H.fliey ari Seti-miliM 1.1 tipi-ly ar rt .t It at irer Se entlti'l; rtilt.I ... f'.rfr?htiee atid ri rf'.y. bt tuti Itiu r ials or I'l.'s.fSfre e.M. iliraiOi.iirM. V V. A LT II, 11 HALT 11, ' Nl' Iftoga'n alnlrlnt ej-: If tn Cii'lUe In IA t un fthhi tf u t a hlonmtnv fir- r, Kadinai, dyiiiK In .in hour - Hr'nv! I'tt have ft hoat of -tndt; IftV r toe io ma te era' ro!' ; H"w ilo hi h-boa I 'oAtl to fi; If ft finiTble Bto it Wh' rt i' :ad 'A't-Ai ' 1 1 if to lh e tr i-eMe-tr' ftnd t- n, v7 sl.intf ll e aa enat aaatft; fM" ltv a lilt of ptucet Ji to die ftad o to 'jrctt'e ttr. tk nil If you wiFli ft life of pleanirep; If ,ii ah: I d Wnrid' lr'p.varet t every .nmtvrt ; uii oul I a-., Tako n y advf-o, iud wlh iW '.hv. Ttkcn. h.w Itiu Ueahh, We alfh.and lUaMji, Ton II b pfsrptafftt frir over duty, pv a enre'-rt -rnal r.f Vr, W ILLIAM ol' N-w po. it., 1 III. MAKlii AUK MrflK, vwh h theul t h .-4-' by eery nil. hoi: by Hn.keilvii iene-ally. and l tfe 1'Ot tnr ol).i , u. ltl 81 UUCS MltKKl'i p !':) -v ceiiti. a'.'' if A C.4UD to Tin: i..u.iiv.i. 1R. l't I ONTO f Oor.DRS Pit.I.'t rOK Hit VII". Iiil.tllllili In roire.')n. re.!nlin.'. anil ri-i.t'.s-lita all 01 -ti n.'iioi.. Iti i. 1 1 h.. . r et!s'i,ii"ii ,ilt itj aiu.cta-iul a a irivi.ii'i., Pllti nre nfiliina neie. nnil han Vin ttte hy tl-.-I'm tor li.t lurtiiy .t e;ir. but it In I ma., ami Ami-i laa, vrl.K i'1'lutral.i'le.l snrf'i f s In c". rr.s, ; holt ti.a'.l lit"' tl.i ii-aiul In Mrs t hf. i:s--U tti.'m, ti iiao ti-ir l ilts pi. 111.- f..r tlio a'l.n-hitlf.n i.i nti-rln.? 'r.-ne pn Irix-iiiarltiua w l.ara cr. a, tell a. i.i rr.iv. nt an In. rs Ci.-c ol I.U...I l.t-re l...lti wiil ntt Hntiit It. jUrsU .. cnlurlT sitnttnl, orihu-e ttiiniosiiw ttii tiist-tve ti, r. cniitltihf .1 .i; .ilnt usIhi. lh -si- juila In tliat o t-)t i : t m, t. i l.e ir"ii Ift'T acsuine. no r,.,p.:ti,.llllti a'l.-r th? thnrt a ilii'iiiliioti, altlioiivli 'liclr tiill.liiir.,N would firerrnt .tne l.tii. l.lcl to li.tulili, otli, rivl-a t no fills at.. rc'c.ioiiw.-nJ4. J- nil in.. I s-clillcll '. 1,'clli.i s .Rv..i.i..nyt'iL'! '.nr. I'lktr l, ol six bn,s.i .r f .I, hold wli'ilts.10 at.'t -I tin t, Hi. w.ii:. iri'.Klts : t Mlolt. M lulr C , No. ftl V. Kotirtll stri M. Vn. lit A s.ilil.,11, So. ill Mtrk-t .li.-i ii'l. r -rri I' Mil 1.,-n'li .1110 'Irirle' ' It'i'l .1 -l.ilti, norm r of 'f.n.l ami I .ii'vn strt' i. IVMi't .v t'o., No.vti S. S ...ii.' sti.s-1. .i.i.iic..ii. ll.iiintMir A Ootvilcit, iin.l . I". I'tl;, ruil'.len. .Il K'tltil ll ell l.'ll-i'9. L.ulie,tiy n lulhi ON K rOLI.AK T.. rill.i r it .' nl. lisv.- n I'll I M S'KNr I'd-lfll'KN I I M.I.V. Ily mull, to any pin "f tii,- cuy i.r t.iunii.f, rt -t ri'tiiii'. N. U Hl.UT,, 9--?ra Vo. jr, W. I HIltl'Y-Bl i 111 Biree'.S.V. SAMAHITAN'S C U Ji. K . H.tMAIll TAK il I I IIC. sM tut I'A VM CI UK. A -"aiti r.'.v s f i- n. M tKI r.4N'.-l t i i.i:. KASIAKITAN'H I I Mi. s A ,T.l:l t tN-it t'l UK. havaiutan t rum HAM A It I r.tSM I'l'RK.. SA.MAIlII AN -I 1.1 Itfl. '.nl.' ffri ii.iil sale r.iittli lor .l. tnTtli.. it. t.)-t. Sine ute, c. Ciirt-a in all trauma Hi Ituiu Is., in 'i duss. i'ltae .Mate or ivmale sent hv tvt, lilDI I A LS'le '... AVARTTAV S CVP.r.. HAWAIllT AM fi I'I'llK. HAMAHII'AW 4 I'.'UK. -AM Alii TAN ti tit; UK. MMAHl TAN n tlt'ltll. H A M AUI TAN 4 CI lil' M MAUI I 'AN Cl'lir.. SIM AMTtK 8 11 '11C. a, M .till I'A s. S I'tu'Kll. BIM.I'ITAJ 'fl:. TIIS tll.'MT flKilllO Hilt SKllltlT ttftl. tfKS, b t.ilnnl ticalnt-s, i...ii..rri... u. lili'i:. .t-. Tfirh box rontjiits jit I' will rttia la fro-i. su 'e '..!!.. PrMsr til. It iMil-oecTtalu lo reiiore lone a"i1 ft..wr lo ft ost, 'vl a orr i.i bilniiieit by ix.'eaii or miy otnar lante, and ivill lnturi-' all tol'iill ilirur.'l yonlU. wh"tt tna Till, a . u eU wltlrfillt Uld Itljeilluu. In ll.l'tt' i ll-tB, .in,; I'lll li..'. '. i .i, f 11 ltv. l.-ii'. by waJU C. riiii'l. l:or.. I'r,.ri.- .r. :... .si-'il I' . i'i . ... Hsilt, Agonfa, liVl' I r X I'.'.. No.'.' i N, fcilvIM' -f. r. Be .ure an,! nr. (or HAMAKI IAN I ( TUB. .M.tltlTAV"t til nr.. AMAItlTAS'H CI l!B. Mil IBirA. 1 CliHI.. .-AMAIII i ts H CI Htl. -AHIAJI1TAN H I I H i K..M ABITAS s) Ct HI'.. AM Akl T tR S I t'lill. H vWAUIIAN 8 CLU1 f A.AltlTAN H I I I: I'. MKi'r j k Bit n i it ii, murr i'i. iicuni. Vnl f Tin ItlfiWll'i. 1 HI P li5 irio il.ii. t t't l UK IlKXiKl). KMItU' DK Ill.'OliH. hmii T Li: i:ii)i Htk. vi: p imm. si:it N III P Ml UHXlHI). RVULT UK Itll.'li.T). KVIH I UK. HI l'lHD. h III I I.K llli'OI.I-. M III I' DR l lt'UKll. Hi III I' UK Kl' Oltll. s V It I P I'lt Ill'XHtll. NVIUI' I IK. 1(1' 'OKI). -Mil P IH KlOultl'. MIHT DE Hit.'. .1(11. SVH'I' 1)11 irti'i'trli. I' IU. llllMHll. HVItIT UK l:li.,i.l'. Hi Kl'l' 11'. Itll.'dltU. Hi llt'l' UK lill.'n'.l.. Mlll'l' UK Iticultl). Hi III 1 UK IIIO HI). A ci'liaiU rure l'.,r all torm f 'ii, i'.'al iltv,.s. la tl.e InioiHHfi llt.spiiai,, an. tla a-taiea tUrcjiui it r.nx.'iie aud AiiiitU. 'ili: pi. p,riiili.n I a-n eitiol an an era.!'. r.tor nf P nn of tl.Bi asc. mid 'rrnirMi.'ns thi' .-.n.' iimi'.i y. rr- . It M all hotM, Ha:a. piuiplra, Tt .litt, ot t yiiona, no u.Hiier Iroin taliat ean.e or him I i,a tUii.t- li'.' Mco! ptr bi.llk'. C. PINC? IIO.-P., Pr.rrt.'ar. i 'Mil f A, I'll, In J IT .; (in. I'lOTT .ti ro. Xo.'.'-J y. H .' AVI) rs ;t. an m-t' s ... .-. !! Aire' Is. Sole As.-nlt. Ai'i iits. Hteti Ii a-iy ad'tis th. rp II K S A M A K I T A N ' 8 n r 1 I AN III". KM. IHU ON I jsi vwu i aii.s t ;t hk: uui-i nut s 1 1 -i: ri.: is Ki' is- i. r. : Nil I'll VilK or KIKT tt Ii- il iti-r : l't-Ki xor in i kiii nm. ith ur-iNti-si-i us, a 1 1 r CAN' UK I -111) M 1 HID. I Ui. I Kjl I. Ik 1 I'll.-.. :. .M.ili'i-I I ilium. . . .-ti't l.y null tn any a.l.lrt r. PKi''B H'.tr, '. .' is., of .". ilHIl I' I !.. H. .iKO 'Ml ana u Ht ! tiM In, i ) I l.m '.lu. I ' I tO tl 1. I' ll tt ft Utul'-S ilU' Ij.l 11 ll.'l. . 11,.. t.. I.J li'.ftrl,., Aidm.iln.ll S.-pp). u r, .1 , lor ine :tc ef I . 'II l.k i I ll.a It .mil. and ei . 'ti 'i"i'.t' wl.'.-h nt 'ase tar cBly prnu palliative, li net In - tn. li.t.a. Miie.r nr. l;r.M a j nutntt inn. .eu tisi. g t in li a'ji'iri:lus f;i. ? . rv.yiti In ti il,-n 1 Mi, in .1 tii.:').v ot. aii.i . oi i-uip l..v tlie ip ofinl) ii f v aiv.'.. I or t!.- .c o..iu jilt ntf ont l.f-x it w iirll. a Inind td A I. 1. uit I u. '..'. -.i-'si. I rl'f . io it i. is i i boa hiiv Ak. me. Ul U I T .u l . Vo.. '. ;.' sjili a.ivel. Id 1-u.t.ia sW.A .J:A l. i' STKAM WKKK.KY i) nvi'.it. aae l,,H I, I "'f "I I Ul'l U V M H, IU I II O-r'a u i v, t " n. n i rineia or tin I p.tol, Mn 1 wi k , mi d ti ill i)ei ' I a tM auiii.ip t'oinpiiny n. hit' itird i n- fillowd : J I'NA.rntiudav.O. tohfrle. 1 I'ISl'.i VM. .-.niv.iai ,U br fiTA Of W SHIN 'TO:,. J-.: :r.Uy, Oi.' Ana er. auKe d "n? Satur lay, at O'-on, from Pier , H S. .lh Kivi'. 1 . i-i' rA:iiAuK I'ViAMi.t JM -"l Ul:l NOV. 11: it CV'.T . Mj ,-ti.- aci.' f " I 'Tii Oahln .i !. ' "H IV" l? .,e-a a t I on n.n. .. o.. 1 ii -t n :.i I I j n ti'.ei-i-.m.' it I'wn ,mm i li t lii.iui lollrtuiht .-! - Ki i jr. - u U-.nibuiv. I.UI'' I'SMtenur aVo itiiiv.ii.loJ to lift1 re, lironua, hu t- !. :n, Am ne: ;i, A' ., ai e ji y 1".vim' i, Td.oh mi" I. viTuiMii r!i V ' M u,i..', v-i'. wr:rui;n tioni l(l rtel a-.t) (,"-'-i.ti, ). "k.'.aa ... i-: t. t'.-iiki iu" Ut-if Ui-i. -o, i j i ' t i,r t : t." - r i.i 1 o . i'i Ui r lUiiu.a;' t a"'v a t rt'roanv'a rt . ' .' JOl'N i. ii.ii. h, .i :euf, j. i ;l tV...s i. I it. 1 ui ail' van. jlSftTrtfvi, ICVi'0;J AM rjULADKf)li!lA Zm Pter iii'iuo Mix , Bi'i! ;iK in tu each p i t on hTTT Kh.x .toufl-'vV?'arl ah e 1 1 M'. Sre -.l-.tila- ' I'e-pi a, aid i.u .' narf, lotion, tiut fchJi'f ft '"M 11 IS . HUc .1. on,H1 IrtiHt. 'liH "i't4. , H. VJ', ;iai1.lnwj, will 1 1 u -1 1" IU d !, Ii.u f l V- 'oii o.i Hn'iii'iiv. O i t" . a1 lo o tl r. A . :J I n1 -t e uteai iif ip H HiVAN, li ker, iVora 0.i.iex ff.r 1' i.aii 'is'hia. i n v 4 1 1 fti ie um Aiid t. jbiiftii:J fcsii uh tV-rni u regular Ui o. a io t f. . n Cti-h p"1-! panel t jh r'at-irdu - In.- sruiiee i ih cti i uiciu'-iiajruit- yrt .tui'm otsis'd ot I io! i.t. ul.fti at f.tlrraiea. H.ii;.f:-.a.i rt.iitiii'e'l ao .- BUf Ee. --Ipt " Luoin,.' will, tin Ir ( 'd. 1 , s 'jati'f Ko. ".UI.l-.nVAKG AV...U.. , " rfiii'rvV WI OUK. llF.f l'.'.TCR ft',i,4la.''anit uwtiirni Liner, r!n Ue'av.j-a a") f ". i. i.i 'll. tfci... of u i- I"'"' tn Ih.ivi.. ti ,n ul U oiLsta a., auu ws. . . .,.vj.u .....j yiw I, ... lj . V.-l i . i . . , r a-ii . wli.i U ain no I)'.' n or. r 'jni.,! 1( .i I'.AiPU x 10., No. l 't a. . I I I . J MM li