11ICUSDAY, OlTnilKIl It. I 'ill. SPII1IT Or THE NEW YSX FEEoS. I1Im rilMorlnH nn t!ie Vv? Vnr. I'iipt r.i T!iN M.irnlii. o linn k si tiii: i'ti."n t v. fris-e tS' T, , . r, 1 1 r I rii f i rt - of I mil tin h a.-t""rl 1 I .a. (inn S to tL- o'f of !. ir -lit f..f I'l-ili-nt. Vr i-.-...-. it-it l,t-r, ui'tr Ktiitu.kv, Mms-imi, lirnw ntitl Nrsv Jr- v :l t- Vat.- tu.i.t liitrly to r i . ! ci w,tp i'ir M ( f i i ) ; .hi ! i ,. : c..r i n I flS C III w ll, ill it III' il L V .' . .. tiiM m; be ri"' t Id 'hi !!.' i. k.-t "til '-. I, r t'ic ni l if I hi Sinn. And ;it t,.r,. ,, , ( Anit'tiniP, :fu ill. tl t,i . n ( M, N u , mil I ii-w ilint fhr rli -...sp 1 .'-n oti, ,o.l,im on ilic sili hi rpxr mom'.. us lii'18 hi me H 1ml tl ,H4 ra.ii-tl y i. un to our I ni A Ui!:-p, iml wlm-l, iMllnMr,itiv,i of l i;; Irtr m) (I o I'Miiim? i nm v Thf 1 nmnivu (, iulii-n-i, . ( 'Inu'lh it tln-v h il tight in li e vi.t, of tin ir 'nine, i a "r.-m-' llnir roinny ir thv ll.-'tl. ami ihv tlipy iumo likilr b ntcil tlmn, iiil. h- il, nninc a or til ire wpi kk line, h :iiul( in in (it tii::h . liar ut'er to V.Miiiii.'lon tn .i id fu.l.iii. hi f'.r ni llm politic fr. in that si it, (ir. if ll cnl.1 not he Bird, lli n for s i iiiiin i.f t'lvm u rmilil be. Ihfy lt circil no partiality im pi. lunir anil ruhiuu tl.cy wNieil rrln.trHs In full , nt himi" Intl. -rtlti. lunch , niul tin more i lie tnttor. Th-ir amtil,. nmliullv welcomed, ncimllicl pnnli tlrntiuilv to rii in.-iilo vlrw ol tha mi Itary m'ii i ilon, and asl.t tl w lictler lie roiiid eonvpio.iti'iui'y adviic tin- withdrawal, even fur a wrck, of eio.ii i.nr ttjiitra-t from the im rvhv. lit) toilii nit rrHjiond all rmativi'ly ; ho (lave up the iii at and wi nt on li if- way. And unr arini.s in tlm liclit have r.ol he, n weakened l.y a sinulo ro-tiineul to atrciifithcii the Inioncauee lor tuo rvuL-nt elcc tionn. A frw aiildior hnvo lippn fcirlonjfhpil, inninljr In.m l.o pitalu ; Imt the InilianlaiiH il -pined of Ihcir ri'U s hr reason of thoir al)cn:e fr.nii home in tho niitioral Hcrvice would h.tvc gin'n mvirer twenty thousnnd tlmn ten thoiiknnil maority fir tho I.Dion tickut. Yet Indltna ii carried h gli and dry by the 1'niotiinti, w!m b ive m ido a cleaner etp of the Stute than any p irty erer made tfnre. Their I'ri sidennal i a'nr.H ir vir tuallir rnded, and they cun htmi-forth holp Ihoir lenii forlui a'e n iclih ira. And all do know that, wh"U Indiana pot 4 this wav, nrither Illinoii nor any oilier Mute of the tree West is likelv 10 go the other. Of Ohio, lesii need l3 hHid, Iicciiiko her l;nionit have iieither been dimriutiul nordis. li-iiMvd. Nobody iiiiatrii.ed that they would anin pile up tuui an pimrniuiiK maioiiiy an that whtrcbyhhe luat year fleeted VaUandih 1111 to atay in Canaiia; but all felt that Mm must iro as MiO went laat year, th im ;'li not aonvprwhalminglv. lint tlie retilt has fur snr.avsod our mo-t xan R.uine hopes. The atri7re.'iitu popular nmi irity cannot tail below aixty thousand, when tlio soldiers' voe nIiu I i have been retained, whilp onr gain of members of Uobgrcvs In ci ruinly ten and may be twrh t or over. In other wordn, we have fifteen to aeventeen Unionints chontu to the next Hoti e, Instimd of Are (to fourteen) in thla ; and the fourteen include I'cndleton, I.oiik, S. t. Cox, and other of the HercvHt loci of the AdminU'ration. The victory i thorough that Ohio. loo, h, heucel'irth prac tically out of the rroiJen inl rontc-t. remipylviinia la not ; un.l jethlie hi ifivon a large Lincoln ninjority at this election, while the votes of her (Treat Union a rongholds Allegheny, Lanrailer, Choter, Indiana, I'.iie, He. Ac, are not nearly polled out, beoatiHo no ail.iiate motive for exertion mis presented (o many I'uion iit. Allechery county wiil Rive ten ihoimaiid majority for I.incn'n, though ae La-, ii"w (exclu sive of the soldiers' 01e-) given mueh less; I,m cmter Ik good lor COOO, ihougu she has nuffiiivcu but IIMK). l'hllaile'pliiu on our Mde, nks on the other, were well fought ; but I'liilud, lphia w is an excep tion to the gen' rai iti'e. When the soldieri.' vote re ail in and counted, the State will he lound to bave given not less than lO.UOtl, an I probably nearer 20 000, nmj irhy f,if the I'uion tiekel, tleiting hixtien to eighteen Cnlon repre-on'a-tivi I In Coi-kicss out of twenty -four, whleh Maud 6'inullv divided In the inherit llonse, and tlu-r- in no umibt of a decided Unun majur tv (n hi; b brauebea of tho .egMntiira. We can do a groat deal littler than this in November; hut this is eiiougli for the present, l'ennsylv.'.nia hus n 1 more idea of voting for McCiella'n thau fur JjU'. Davis himself. I nioiii-ts of all the Ptatef! we can we?p the deck it we will ! NeJerey Is going witU u; Maryland i clearly for us; the hardoa, States to cat ry lor Lincoln are hei t ieky, Dda vare, and Hif'sinii. Hut 1 "i loo wiii soon Ik) hko la l llln fn ra Missouri, witti ball the CVpperlie is uf thit State in his nam ; Delaware will now go right ; and even Kcntm kv will vii-id to the inajostc cairent. It ns r ole to c:inv every St.ite not nudcr ti c heel of Jdl. DavU! Wt c.iuil wc w II1. Till'. . ItlMT A l I" IK,.N -1 TH I'll (I. .Kl:SN AMI I'ltllSPKt IN. Van 7''ihim. The vast line of investment which (ieaenl Grant is forming around the great "intien bid camp" which the Kobels have es'ahlHicd at retcrshurg and Itiehmond, is ceasclossly pro grcuiug towards completion. In tho execution of a tusk so formidable and complex hi tint which the Lieutenant-Qeuerul has undertaken, mueh time is neecf suniy consumed. Tiie draw ing of what coi sti'utes a strh t lino of xirg.i iircund a city, stronghold, or forttx-ns maybe verjr quickly done, as was illustrated in the ea-cs of Vli kburg, l'ort Ilud-on, and r'oit Morgan the only real eases of Investment that we rucall n the course of tlic war ; and the tin l rc-ult in meh instances is nut iuug in being reiched, as was shown In each of tlm i-ieitos mentioned. Iiut, ht Kic hmoi.d and Petersburg Lee's army arc hinted, and as Giant's army anl lines are located in reference to the former, nothing ino e dillicult in war could be conceived than the dratv iLg of a co: dun Httlituiic around the enemy ' posi tion. Tbo line must beof gicut length, uud must cross rivers and intersect railroads, and must maiutain itself at every point. The advantuKes are larpcly on the side ot Lee. With a powertul army in a centra! position, he can constantly menace and at plcasuic kti ike at any psrt of our long iinc, or at citlur of our Hanks; and if he should t-uccctd in bicuking or pit rang our line, or Wining our Hunk, the consciiiunces might be disasUous to our operations. Hut though he bus made several very furious ai d despt iaic attempts to eilei-t this, he lit in all of them totally tailed. He ttied it ai:aiu-t War ren on onr left tried :t twi c, and achieved DO hinp. lie tried it against liutier on our right tried it twice, ami achieved nothing. Wo have been sttaddy gaining uew positions and extend ing our Uuis, and on each new advance Lee has attempted to drive us back ; but m ail lie has on y soccttded in lemporanl chrckiug u-onee. We refer to the late check of Genual Mead -in his attempted advance on the routh.lde railroad. Kv u there, however, it is evident the chock was but a moineutury check. Our correspondent at the lett, in a letter of esterday, made mention of the reconuoisiiiiQco In foice of thc eutiro otb Corps, and lid Division of tha lUh Corps, on Sunday last, in the direction of the Noutluidu railroad ; uud there i, reason to be I one that nowi of success in that quaiter w ill soon rea li us, even thoiiirli Lee should "move a heavy c ilumn from ltlchmond" to prevent il. Hut althoiiuh the Houthsido railroad were gained, Grant's ta-k would by uo means be completed. There would yet be the Weldon road that niut be reached, and still other and mora dulicult work to lie done. It w ill ceruiinly be a military marvel if, during the progress of these greut and extended opera tions, General Lee shall achieve no important auccess. 11 is post failures have been owing to the admirable dispositions, to the careful movements and superb strategy of the Lieutenant-General. Let Grunt have force enough, give him time enough, and he w 11 assuredly bring to a triumph ant close tho great campaign now in its sixth month. AVhile the whole country watcbe9 with pn ioiiudest Interest bis every movement, It re poes in b m a conlidence as perfect as was ever reioscd by any people in any general. Aw EmtrnorillMHry ftaffarlna; letter. The Mratager tlu Midi itutes that baron do Kothsehild possesiei the most voluminous col lection of begging letters that any linuncier ever received. They form a complete seriei. Among the numhor is one lately addressed to the Karon, containing the very tempting proposition that, for tho bugatelle of Wi.ooof., the writer would engage to show how be could prolong bis life 10 4be age of ouo hundred and tilty years. The following Is the iiaron's reply : "Sir: It .bas frequently happened to me to be threat ened with death if I did not give a sum of money. You are certainly the first that hai ever asked for It In proposing to prolong my lite. Your pro position Is, without doubt, fur better und more humane. But my religion teaches me that we are under the band of God, and I will not do anything to withdraw myself from His decrees. My 1 el 11 sal, moreover, does sot in any way attack your discovery, from which you will not full, I dope, to profit yourself. .Regretting that I can not accede to your proposal, I sincerely congratu late you on the one hundrod and titty ycarl whicli yon are called on to Lvs in this world. "AvCCpl, &C, 1. i JlgiiiltUIiD." Tip. Iirnll mtt the Arnprlmn U'nr, In '.be conr-e of his spe-rli at A vln bty "ii Wednesday, Mr li'4-i:, referring toil,,. A;;.rai Witi.M-, -W11I1 rea'd 1.1 th.) (hi! war ir. An.eiiea, I m ,uld ratl.er not .av nod.. Hut w h--n it tiioke out I was ditiin; -it a 1 h-iaetn-I ihr.k in Mucking. ' '' "i' iet "an in-. ,11'. .,-! , ki--.w 1 ' '' l:pi:i 111 Ann; a. ami .,0k tln ' I ' i' ; -s.'i f-'.t biv...ei,etmv '" ',' ' "! " H"f w - -1 ' .. ',. 1 ri .,nc w r. 1 ' 1 th ,r I' . . dd ;. f, y ' ' "r. llv Ami', .in !n si, r ,i( ' : .d- ft - 1 1 nr .0 I, I;, , v .( y ' 1 1 -;.y 1:, ii .0' ! 1. a I .( ,T ,r, 1 ' Im '' ; r 1 f tl.st n ar I, i.M. .1: fo, a lo ' Mi I . I a' all' n. I II- r 1 ,. ,1 .,. . '' " ' "I ! a .on ,ir, ..) Mm , n-i . .,f '' 11 '-r i" ,11 k I', .: ,,. 1, t o I to t,tri u ' oir,i'',.i' hum art ., 'he erisA-i,.., 0 ''r il, Ii ot 1. 1-,,-! ..; ii.,1 -11, it i, tf t'ie '' 1 '. t n, . ,.1 f :u ,t f 111 pi - n! , 11 ,-aii , 01 tl ' ' il ! I I v 1 to 1 T.t. I u.l , w.,1. tl,- Oill-f 1 he co '( I. ii.1t I w t'i tie.,' cm no,iii,,j mi 1. 'I 1 :ii- - t Ir Ii I -tor l,roi; lit -if 11 th, g.; ... 1 'iii' I 1 j 1: v -. i- 11,, .lot,, -nil. . 1 , sr. Iieat t W ,, r ret 1 l,s i.-, ii,,r oiwhit th'y roll 111 my 11 Ir.inlu r, or . tnt lov sn a iiH,ihei an enio. - ri , 1 -. 11 ,1 1,1 a l i !! iliiraoon b:eaii-,i Mo ir tioiioi r i r- tin,- I or 1 . , '.:i,l rho amy w I icb w ant-. 'o be ii,p'o f d has e-tb i- a si.ili cii 111 run. In r sln.t o. piumolcd, and pear - nalir r. 'ly bikis ) a-'o Lnt the I--in-' In thr Anierlean w.irare va.t and prolotiml, ami it is no' 'o 1 e.i.i,-ed. w lien tnco I nti t into eti nu'i;ii ot timt l.ino. 1 hey w ill tl. ro II im o- blc ai c el.'!, I-;ti t ir. rf a "new ti v. ll erel rr hive groa' h. it.Uii n in '" In 1119 I raiMiol bring myself to l. in w !li ,r we are so mar peace in Amrr'ra a r supposi 1! I ho fa -t i i that th( re tire oernsio,,.! w hen tin dcs'lt.ics of 1 n'lor.s di mm d w.n, when w-nr i. the 01, Ii solu tion ( f c'ltllcitltii - which t-crp'ox tho ordinary p,i ans ot human wit ; ami tho stnii.glc in mctii a is n war of this kind. I do tint look tipr.r. the praie ih lnonsti ntii.ns that we linvi read in tha m 'wspnr-prs. althouuh some h hi a. 1 epted theai as proofs thai we are near a sop i-m nt, as aiir Ibirs than m-rc ccctlonperlnu devii es. V. M 11.11 Ai ib (f.iveinor Mutton ha-, ean.p.l t - be i repaied and published a pamphlet s- tiing foit'i the iiidHi-i im-iits at, I n, . .mi ml ie, by the I niti d Mates, and rspeclaily by Iiii.i ui.i, as 11 home tor etiiinr.nts. in bis miiitim !e ot rla-lv cuti s ai d pi rplexitics he lias not tortot ti n or Inflicted tho interests of the ht i!c in tk's ini 1 ortiint particular. Aud that it m.iv rea. h a n:ost valuuble and useful cla,s oi eniiuiauU It has been ttatislaied it;to the German, and wi I be largcly cik tilated in l'.urotic w herever that taui;uii ;e is fpoktn. AtnoiiR the better el iss of Germans, as well as tho humbler, it will have a ponertul cllei-, and do mueh towards giving us sio h cuil griitioti as shall not merely add to nur (topula- t( n, but bring with it thoe so rlino and solid i hinacteii-tics for which that people are cele liriucd. itiifmioi't statr Ji immh "Hrother Ignatius," the advocate of monas ticism in tiie Church of 1 liKh.lid, -ui o-es taking part in an approiichitig Church CotiLTivs in llns tol, nnd will defend the fvstctn ot mona-tii'lsin, to which he has attached himsel!', 11s being not only consist! nt with the articles and ritual of the Church of Kngbind, but as Iho most likely to con olidatc and strengthen Ler missionary powor. & WRIGHT & SID D ALL No. 119 Market S'r-1 -t HKiwtui m int .iKt) aivO.ND aTH-ea. C. V, , V 1, 11.1, T . : . 3 SIIMi-(., 1) it UOGIST S, !' II 7 S I C I A 3. AMI TOKKK!'PI R4 CV11 lird At fMira: f'liFTnom a ft I fcuwrtuit'T Impo 1 A and iK-nif siCc I'rusiS, Fopumr Put-nt rli!t::nitt t'tn Coal O'l, Wiitow ..Uji, rrorIpt'.')i' Via. .(.'., lot trlr-rn aa griniiii nrst-c.APi (find ao l nUl H K KHKSTI AT Oil S i'or O'liliotRsner., in full viilutv, m -J of t- b1 rt. ty. 'irluTiC.il. KiMirtl Ind'ff, .Mi,lt: Am, 4 n. If .;, Km Ali Alum, Oil of VsfrUil.atniiftttM, 1 '"t'l .rftn, i'. t c: of lAJi'tvootl, tVc.t hrlt ItihlCrt' ti, alv-f. ,l ! n-i, it lowrttt tx't rt-li pi leva. rt n: .smcks I'ou rAMix.r cm-:. (irt'imd exproAljr for our tv unio wliicli wi (a 'It th attenitbu of thou- In wivt of LtMiut.i.' aril' AQ, JM'JGVt b fAH,I, AiL'X'IARIj, a ;., ezin qva,'ity, Ortlrrehy inAtl, or cftr pat, wlli uiot wlu ir'mit ttntion.or aytiAl quuiitlou wai be mromti'l w1.ju r fliiestc!, W1UOHT A STlr Wi.lt".a: Urjti W vif h , riVE-TWENTY 30ID3. 1 UfpMMf (H(tM?TKr. . Wiwuifttrur , Vol bet 1,111. t A nlod oiltMi wul tto rolcd U UK Dpartmnt, qhJ r Uioaotof Cauirc4 priod um 3f, nfl the mxta of riaiAY,Uie Htb (mnt,fyrUond n'tlie liaiJ4(Mi ttf (lit aiaMuit tf tutvf mlUi.vn iv,1';) 01 d-'Mar. Tho tV)m:.oeird will lHar a latarett of tit 4) prd9ntu, ftalle tail-Dii!iai: In co!;i,u (1.9 flrH Iifc-Tlf if ai l iUTtiuhcr, ftnd ulll he ri'Jieiuattci at Die i)eiiirt f tha Go ticiiK-ut aVtr flrj (') y fri, an I paVU (a twenty joar frym Vo -wuhot 1, is:,. tch tiliM bt t"T tSy or i ai't luuMi.ilc f nii duliiu aii'l ir ffcuttttothu sum, inol idiim pi 4111 m, .oiteicit irvAh LtUrt d OulJar, or for Hfiy m ii ttu ,i r 41 ( r no un-ia ll.nii tiny, 1 re ill, cl '.!..' l.'i:f.n:, vxrliiil.iisj Bilum (.1 the Vi'l'a aui Mint liid 1 it by ut ( MC 1. rt iut it drpaiitt1 HiHiant' fjr luiyiico, l iut4.-iititu. It aooptd, niUi tt Trtitrw i .ha nrjutd ?vai, at Wa-Miig-nu, cr wit.i tft.' Aivtani T;a..rer, u .Spw York, limt so, rhradclj Ma, or Hi. I.unU, r w th tu." lit natid dtpt.liny at luiiifii.ir-, l itti'Mir. nxi unati, I.ouilH h ''rfsi-j, liPU-"'it,ur HuitfU'i, m- tl, aity a Uunal l'tO.-it UaUsk i ll IDdl Coba -Qt to trftltsM't tltt tmtt.cfi nl'.!' ut can ; fur l.UM Ju, olu iLlitate tar Uhculfd Will b i 10 th Ct jHUtt tj :iw illt:tr or hauK rtid.T'i.ii thcui.tLa original! f aifh ntuu .ir f r-war-lil wi:u Uj oiKti t tUu dJitt Ml li'it htnU b mao In due liir tha cTMflu' riih tie -tPsr U n-ati. Waihi .tt in not lat-r than :,., uDrninof 0(ito-:r f"ra(d. Xi liter not a."'..ropi lad U7 !t ror Oillrlcfttc w Ip-ioH wit btMfied. H,f( uim and Kiiiitf red rnd Unx'd ut. lar tlii r-r .poial a Ml b of tLa dcnt'ininatloa; ot flrty dollar, ( l undn-d 4 'Uari, flva litimircd doI)ari,and tin thMiirl 0 l in, JtcsilfrtJ Biiudi ci Ave tii'Maitd sjollan anl Uin Uivtland JniUr iU tie t"jufU If reiatrad. AH ortirs reifh -d will bt spa.t tn r,-iJa October It. Thf awaiJi will b madf bv il a racMiaf t u H e Idnhft naicrs, and fiotlci-saf aoifpiancaoi Je- liiutlm will 'j laumeduuiy given to tha repMia ortvaaaa. lu aaa4 ot act-t'ptaoca, iiunda of tha des-riptlun and dvnuiulaatwn prferll will ba fnt to tba tubsctlUira at the Cut of the iJfpartBBt-ut on final payment oi'iiiatahiit'nti. The dpaitof two par cml. will be reckoned in Ilia laat Irutalnient paid, by urcctaiul orTt rcri, and wlU be Immediately returned to thoao whosa oJ- rs may nut ba accepted. The amount of aectptcd 01W1 unit be da pofttiedwlin tha Treanrer,oA)ororUuitk ftuthurizedlo act under thii notice, on advie or acceptance of efreri.aa follow: One-half on the aOth of Cluber, aud the baliuice (in cluding tha premiiiB auduntin! two per cent. dossil) on tiie 3Ut of OetoUr. Tba Bouda will bear Interest from Vovtiuber 1. Interest on depe.iti from that date to stioveiubor 1 wlUba paid by the Ooverntuentlncoin. Oue baii of tba Ont inalnlment. or tweiity-nve por cent, of tbo accepted offer, niay be paid, with aocraad Intorcat to Octo ber 14, la fulled tHiei "Certificate! oi litdt-btedneti;' but audi cwUtlcaUf wlU bo uicd in part payment of tU first instalment only, Cfleraudwthki notice booll ba endoried "Offer fcr Loan," and addreaeedto U.e BeenUryof tlu Treaanxy, The rht to decline ail offen act aonildared advuitageoua to tb Oovarwuiit It fltrrd by tba Secretary. (Slinad) W. P. r4SETjlt.V, M i W iMaf' (U TtttUury. j. jAniYEVENING TELEQKAPII. PITHiAI)F,LPIHAt DRY GOODS. f-ATQUFS, AND 0IR0HL4S3, 01 r u 1 ui run j.ak sin.):?, a : y. r v v k n rule i; ! 1 i;-r.; ( ! c:i .( akh or w r x ki 31 1 a rt & i; rtOTH El, ,. 1 .1 , 1 ". i, v ,1 i 1 , f r.. r tki r, I- 1 -' Alw Wi'l or 1 1 : in i in u . i T,T. IIA7LE10II, ) 1 y. 0 :i t, s n u t t it e l t, ; f i, - n 1 w 1 n 'rr. u i) 1: 1: x ii- o t i) h, 0:, 1I0NDA7, OCTOSEtt D. m ji',.- ,c N.OIPK AN I'aUtK, IinvNLT TAl W.I AS, COl.fihM) TAPIM'.TA.-, And I'OVl.T IK 801 K.s, VKI.oUR OITOMAX Hll.KS. l-i ll tl l'Liilth, w'idtrM atf srtAj m k i VS'C'OI.I.i' N AMI MI.K . AND WOKlhI FADKIC3. J t.U Uk- j... A-u.v 111 lUtliU .oth KK All. IK A.M. th at 'ip I l n 1 't t hi its? Iti Irind'iiii hit Tini.r;utimt a; tM.Ce.C" ,n Vn i::c ro-t ( 7 III It! Y -THUI K TKIi l;K,NT. l.t.A tier, tl nt ntW-kh a la-ff if.rtl.n ( rortl-j-i t.. l hav b(ti ?nt 11 the tn trk t Ihn UJ .f v?h'i h i) be i d a ( 'W or 1 cr thii) t j vaini -vdv ran be i!f' t 1 -1,.. in. 7 r.t j l;)l I Ii; JLOlNCi Mil A.WJL.HI, IX CUOICK n-lMGNS, at i.ow rnicrcs. OURWEN BTODDABT & BROTEER, l-'-l- it Atp-e wtttow. IMS Mr.Tll l.t-iHTH M'KKi:r.-H!. N'n.M l.. il-tir Aiuf . '.iepjt Ut lut -,n i' c r -r lm'" v i'k i h'Hi.;e r.. Kmc; rlinmiiu.ciiii- ii f-t: tl hi It .tint tn .si 11 1. D4 lo HS.rt imM ot U'um luc-' tii.ufc. tiiinniliiv;, Oriin int nt. ar..l Uutti'iiN of our t-vn ninke aud Im p rfH'wi. .'IN suit Mifhi't S atN, all f.i' c ilk nt'd Tl t iiiilf th ad lri- i-m ; Si-na efit-npiT tlmn i'li-f-l.ar-; l;u, H 1. 1 hips, ni t It .If Uuitt.fi. C'.tth M-r".;t id ' ci K 1 i'. t . t tt.t- hrt 11 akcr. luae',. uu t ' ' l"i l V"if,l.i.w un.lMtnrl l.ni h, ml whitiiH ; micv It-1 m 0 t iv (t inbs, Mik I-(-)t liiliU'iis, Jet. htei-i, ami (. It l i t iMr. k 1. 1. !'.ik 1 a, ,.. rf nit o I t rtn.l 4: ; Via (t- ltu:tiii.' ol nil in.-a a d Uv at nrfii'Iy Hi:m ft) . : H unlit 11 (iiinrlv, .sotila.', .Ntibuii, Hi i di . Ii4 ln i", liii.'r' 11 , and vi-" ta MuCpilUrit at ri.ei.j prici-s ; M.'tr Itmln. Wnti-rta1' It; Pi, ui.J Vifi-r-tA I Nci t-t mil iw 1 impriu , ,) Mpi n rt- ; II I a' It aul . fiftt I.iti's 1.1 all nritifi- Mid it vie-; Itim i, aid '.nsl V p,ct It 'ts. '.j i,- i:f vnnt t v ai r-ituciii prlc-n , I.ndit'" -.- d ('ii:' N' ktl. t., hi f.u-l vr!al, ovm mely cnnp.Ac, V .. Ac. L ui 1 pi n ' , 1 e aril iM, mi ) (':iv trie yniirielTi ii bi'fViv l.u j.rf viaow I . f, iliiti it i im a v iith u. 1 our vwu li't"n l t 1 pi'ii-. it 1 in Trlnin'ipji at ll.e V t 1 St'iro if Hli, IMM i.OXM Ui All KK, .s., h. n. Kii.lUll huwt, '"Lt' t't'Ci n'.i'ii' A ' cti. ii nt io 1 Itc 1 vtitif , l:t-4t Tl f I'St.fxs OY KVKUY tVitAnvfAT "ruicKi X' 1 v tnvli vi waitant br irr,or luwcr, thuti thay vn Ii Ul U' ! Dulii rVc re Mllnii a kh-mI rthlrium, wiiit.lt :,.l (i ii.s i-iT ; ard ; ' viae H -:rfln;a; l-twi.t-, h" c eft. Niw ur M-ltN. Wili'iin lilt, Witm-mtn a hnr.i pr! e-. Allihw Lmi ?n ik nf Ma.vv .iM f uu J: f t:i.i In 1 S jurd wide, l.-. j aid. firdt, a'4, a no ;t ai -if n I c. Tiiblc ens l-r ,r urd ; .-rf lilit l nlilfl I (hit n In vital TmMv; I fit. 11 Hhttr Jtitr , Hll ii'iillhen. lowfJiuK. Nmicy iaaur, Nituktui, binrtiiitf. i.-l I'.l im 1 i ii.,. Ar. I I. A KK I - Mnr Hlnkrtft were bm :M U-t Tr. We a: e . iiii v a mi-hI It ai i-t ni 7 per p ir; uu tin 1 Kiankeia w 0 tii a,- ilit ' piircli4-4t'i ptr pair, ti -nl t n.uiivrt-tnt- St Krisi ill. 4,'tiilU, u ,.(J tnt ll. Wi niti -! jii y Urt 51 r-1 , W- t'iijf, tn i1 nn nt4 $ .0, tt.i t t ji ' 1 uu ii , I 1 iii h tii(,,tir il : tln n 't'ie ..f (pii ureal v 1 Vif-vniiis r I "Ut uic'ii lti.c un.l fmnrelt ..f all hli U. It. . W. II. I'liNM LL, I'f.'l MU-HMr ttUrH'.h.'ioW l.k-vtnth. Il H mnili it J'ALL 1) V.IhTES G30D3 VOK MKN'8 AND HOYS' W'K.Vtt. KA( i' ASP J'l.AIX CASSIMHtE., TAJstV AM M1H) I'O.ITIMji, UM's c-ninti;.s,.-. c. tc . ALL AT lirlUUKI 1-ItIOKB. CUSWEN ETODDAET & BUOTHER, .. 1,0, I", 1, tnl -131 N. HIX'ONI) .Sireot, )o-;.' i aik.v wiii.iw. IM'llK 11UUIKUV Itl.TAlI. ANI VlItI.i:SAr.K. tl . M. 11 AI'LLIOII, No. 002 CHESNUT 8TBEET, !lna a v lu 4. 'ix ft r-.ll ai.Kr'oiut of !Le cslfSratod UiSh.-, i;Ntii.isu iiosii;uy, IS ri.ll.tlili.f.AN' IflSr. AM. H41P H-E, lil.tlll.l. tu-t, KHIICTS, AN1 I.UA.TI.B3, KA1KA IliAVk .S1I.K (shiklSAMl llRAW KK.l, IN AM, hIZfcS. FOK Ci V'.K'I IjKMKN. 1-I-7 OF ALL WILTB3 AND GRADES, AT lilUCCM) 1'UICES. CUllWES STODEAET & BBOTHEE, Kos. 410, 4 54, and 4,34 N. SECOND STHLET 10-13-31 Ali ve Willow. REDUCED TO $3 00. ALL OHAUtS, AT HEDl'C'KD PlllOKH. CUBWEN STODDABT & BKOTIIBR, Xos. 43, 419, sod 434 M. RKC'ON D Btrest, 10-1J-M Absvs Wllkiw. M EH1NOKS, I'OPLI NS. Jtt-i., jLniHHn i mu rutiwi. A)Miou., Mvhuif., ami uiliir llrrssi ritXH., Ill l JAb.ll. I AMI'MKI.I. O. H. ChUi at 07J7 I'HKSKirr Mtre. I. s ILK3, SIIAWL8. Jfcpi-lmm l. loini. ijduvvf.i.iiirna, una wnnrilooaf. Ckeap at JAH.X. CAMl'liKl.i, a CO. R, No. m CIIBWNI T Slr. tt I.'LAUMKLS, I1LANKETS. 1.1 uca and CoUua Hhtin. Cheap at JAM. K. CAl-IP.I.t k CO. S, WQ.7V7CH CM N I T .11 reft. 4 IX WHO WANTOOOU DHY OOOl33 AT il. U, vcr lvwiat wluas, can AiiS tksni at JAlJ.lt .CAM I'll f.I.LrxVSI. 10 U .JJ7 Ciltaj(V'l8ttvvl, J DnYGOODS. XTHA0H0DIABY BAEGAIt;3 t DIIHSS (iOODS, R II A VV L 8, I TRMSHIAt; AM) HrtMKSTH' (,00!S, "i"i'"i' tart' a-1 S'-i.- at .p a. t.. yf. a '. an I. .'.sj ,'. c i, :,s r.c.i.vv. iiik imk'ii ii'-.i:,. i 1. I" ( ' tl VAI.i.t . tl, !,... I i:i'.Nt"ii I'Oi i.iss. mi-;i:ior,s, ALPACAS, V. (!I, III. I .A IN KM ,(s VPBT tllSIV. V -l ( r 4 St jrwil .riS.t ft ltr, i aiwtl 1 M ,i rm j ii. liHKSS H)()1)S, A Allt.;l AN DBUAINKM A tit TMNTs, WI i,-l, . ,1 all 0(T,r r,,r h,ftn, r wwl w-jril, lli. ifcn'.it'a at 1-u.voi t. J. COWPI'RTEWAIT & CO., 8. It. corner Mint and AltUII Str.-u, ? s Hi t iii:i.' tfi i. GKANL) oriLMNG OI THS NEW A.1II XAilNip-ll'RVT HTOl'.K UI' JOHN LOUTEY & CO., Wo. .'OH, UIU1ITII HTKEI1T, M ( N I A Y , H 10 I T h.MUKll'ii, Wh rcailitK-f und a uwl hpai.tiiil a.iorttuict 9f DRY GOODS, CLOAHK, AND HHVWLH, Its' TIIH CITV. Wi has. ,m Op 'nnd 1000 l'i.c frlLKN, PI.AIK ASH USt v. fiOO I'l-(' MKltINCKH, t'LAIaf ANr t I'llMlltU. M.'K) l'i -,- FHKNCU I'OPI.Itsf, ItEP AND Hot ' II. GOO l'iro WOOl, UK I.AINt:, lioub nj Hin jl. H"ik, Palu and I l'irid. 150 MOHAIR AIjI'AOA. l'l.ln n1 rikUtM. 100 I'i . KNCIL.ISH MKltlNOKH. A;., ft la:,". at'ick of l ancy ftn.l Stftpli i) i: 1', s s a o o l h. i i.u 1 M .V I ,NS1 1 UKiP UO'L'ION IX Till fltlt'llM r 1) li V GOODS. E. CAMPBELL & CO., 14. PsJ No. 727 (UKSXBT 8TKi:i:T, OFFEK Taunt ENTIBK STOCK OF DKY GOODS, (ONSISTINO IN TAUT OK Hi ti'vor?. I'i 1 I.I VS nnd l:l.I i, IJ'i 1 IM.is, I I AN rl.sl.'H, AI.I'AI Ah 1IUI VnilAtRA l,LA.h IMtAM l nll Kil. HHtWI.1. lll.OVCf. I iM.sa, wiuri. im jus), I t A nKl.s, III KTi, S an.! ('illlt)M NIIKr'TloiliS, l;Ln I.I.A.VJ t, Lj I LUAkllsil t LOTUS, AT IXTKEMELY LOW RATES. Wo I c Ii'avp to anture I be public that tre have markc4 d mil tr aitivlt lutur utk, and now liHreitia oir poTver to or It AIM. 1AU(jI A1NS. 10-4-1 'n WH0I.KHAI.K I.OOall, UP ST.tlKH. JU ISO KIMIC!:! KU.V NO RISK! II W ri-fui-d the rnuny. if di'.ippd, for o.ery lu Sblrts v l.li-li fall in mi, r rt.-.p. rt. tlNB HlllUTS, VINR MMIRT8, I'I'T I I'MITI' w l.i ii- Mr-It-. Mslta cf N.-w York M'la, .liihlln, and vi'O Uu. I.lnoa Itonsms flnly(l 74. I sua! irl(e V uhaniavbi.' Mills Mtijtiu. a,t tlu IJoea ltvaonu. Oi,ft.l. :ual (irlc I LKiTLKJlLA !s II UN. SHI VII COt oi.-Niu.aii.N'.i 1 1 usimitvii noons. KMl III ,v .1 t lillli. 5-SJ-.D4 ho. Ifi CI1I..NM 1' airnri. M. A. . JUM3H CBLMIIUAThD NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 1 tVLI.Y HKII'.T WARRAHTl.ll A Nil K.H' IN OR II Ut Ml A Alu VI 1 1 a, FREK OF CHARGE. ROI.O ONLY AT Ko 17 H. EIGHTH STREET, (Over Partrldno'a Trliniulua; Slurs.) KOHK OKNI INr. UNI BSS Ot'R NAMK AND NUMII1.R IS bTAAll'tUI Ul'U.V Tilt: tVAISTUAN'U. IATRA LOTn SK lltTI. and Ith any t't waist, mad to urdur at tLe aiioru.t ti.tiu s. OLD BK1RT3 14AI1K OVKII AMI KKI'AIlltl), K'lUftl to Ni'H. Missn AJfD rim rjitr w s kkiktu, ut ail him and ltla,ouuatftiitlyun liand. S-l lu JOQ lI00P SKIRTS f no UisVO lBtiftlry,Wo.tiW AK( II ltret. UO Abvvs Bislu atreet, I'luladciplHa. Wkobual and Retail. The moat eumpli.tr asaurliavnt oi J.a.lte.', Mtnaea', and Oiltdren'a Hoop aklrta ui 111 tllv, In every rvii.ut Lr.t-L-lans, Willi h fur .i.le, flnl.h, diuabdity, aud vhuai'Ue.l, bve noe,,ual tn the luara.l. ran i. wade to eidm, allured' and reprtlred . fel-lj WM.'l'.BOrKI'sia. DEAKNESS.BMNDNKHS, AND CATARRH. -J. IKAAl H, M. II., rrtifeaanr of tl.. Kite aud tr, ti. ata all duraaia n,.-rtll,llik' w lUeabof euieiuli.irj wllh the utmost aucc.aa. Teatiiaotrtal. from the uiu.t rvllal.le ttoiiiL-t-a In (he cltv ran be aen ut hli oitiL-,', JS.i. Ill I'I IK Hirvot. The Mi di, al Katully are Inviti d to ftccouinauy tli.ir patients, as lie has uo secrets lu bis practice, lo-tit!' "WHITE VIRGIN WAX OF ANTILLES. V V 1 Ills ez.iulsita I'oiaieuc hai no eqiial for twaunly llig, whlteoiutf, and preaervuiK tbe cuiiipl.Muil. it la pre. psied from puie wluui wat, l.ence Ita intraiirillnary.iuull lles for preerrvlnstiiesliia, makliis II lott, llr, auiooth, and tranaiiftreiit. il ia mual aoulliing alter aiiitvtiiu-,ctire. eliappoil nil n. I. ftnd llpa, removes puuplea, blotclioa, Uu, fres ilua, or anubiirn, and liuparla a p.arly tint to Uie fa. e, utck, and anna. I'rlre in, a), and 70 cntn. ill's r CO., J.0.UI H.OitVt-M U bUe ftodHo.il S. KIl.HTli but. lct-a-Jni -llEUDINtiS, PARTIES, AND FAMILIES W furnwhed oBine uiest reasonable frnia. Paxilciuai attenlUm Pftld. UHOBi.K T. HILKV, lir.i Ku. lilillAl Klilruot. OLD WHEAT WHISKY. l,V0caes pule old Wlieat "liky. r-oraalebv K. f. mtinr ETOW, W-Ut Ho. N. I KOM u-t, AACTIOW. ALL FERSONS ARE FORBID V Ini.ting any 01 Uie crew of the llrltHU St.ip HIILA 11 1 l lll A (tamais Tool, fmin Llverpil,aa uo debta of ll.eir eouUectiii IH be pa. .1 by tl. apUtn or ooiialKne , Wti-ei JUViUJJ SUVavu.sv.- " w i eNjat. THURSDAY, OPTO HER 13, SLl K ANP DRY G00DS JOBBERS. FALL, I HTOCK ( FALL EDMUND YARD Si CO,, So. G17 Clieautit qJ Cll Jifaa Btreeta, ivroa ! IMi Ji.M1KP.KS o SILK?, AND FAI,TCY DRY GOODS, KH. NVl.S. i .1 n i n h, a :: l W I I I I I ', OOODM. I.K"K. AMI MANDSOMK BTOCH 01' HRKSH OOOILS. TVl.l. I.1M4 OF FORKI(N AMI n J.MEST1C iiAiinitAi,M, ini i.i'oit, aa:i)-taft KKDNMtH AM) OTHKR MAKHH. yy a. n n v n to n c mom. No. IM CJnWNUT STREET. Ta Milliuera, rrfssmikeTS, Mei-chaLU, ANII 01 111-SI We liftve.i'iat opfliird our KAI.l. HTOOII or CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, Of every t-orlHI-Jii iaiiA Tarlety, tewMrh wa Invite attmti.ni. Our prl.v in- a-i low a can bo lound In tho ilTjr fif 11 rut ila (.mN'fl. libetj diat punt tJ wbtlaa;e b jvri WAEBTJBION 4; SON, It ) MiKlilm N. tk.l C'llKasifT Slltwt. li A N It 13 T M . UOl'SKKKKl'KRS, TAKE NOTICK, J. C. STRAWBRIDQE & CO., rOKMKRLt iVWI'EKTHirAIT dl 0O-, N.W. Corner EIGHTH atd MARKET Streets, Aif new edeiii( the largest tool, of lllank. U to br founJ la tkls ell, at underat prices. mini lnArsiicjyi'H, CItADLJ' lllAN ltliTH, lli:i llLAPiltUTH, all rjlr.oi. Te dealers weoflii the twet ex.-trtiaentsrall U,s leading ' (o JT-loUis lm It")' Burly nnd 8vo th Atlvnuon. QI.OAIC A.tVl MANTIt,IiA ManuCtctor;, and Shawl Emporium, N. W. CornorARCH aal TENTH 8TREETS, rillLADKM-IIIA. H. WEI.HII A (J)., Wliore ru ran tea a RflendM Ai.erUa.iU ef Uie 8110ICE3T M0VELTIK8, tvaeee ne on itel the beat Mftaatkolarod Qftnoaats, aai wbore you can proenro tlia (Jf-MIINU WATMK I'KOOF OLOAJtl, Atllie I. OWHHT IMIIOWH. Ladas will flrd u to Uieir interest ta puretiaso their CkseAe and Mnawle M 101. f:.lftbll.aas.4il. wMutu-fa b. trnun oo. L AlkllH l'ANCY irvilei. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, AUOVK 8UVK.VIU. AT HIS 01.11 IvBTAnUSUHD STJUI, Importer aud Maaufuotarer of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Mr ftuonineHt of FANCT FUltS for Lftdlee and Children le now romplte, embracing EVERY VARIETY THAT WILL BE WORN DURING THE COMIAO SEASON. Uoaii-njliei- Uie DsJiie su.d uuniber, JOHN F AREIRA, No. 71S AllCH STHKIdT, Above Bevsilh, I HAV It HO rARTNF.lt OK CO.NNtCTlO.t WITH AAY OTIU'RSTOItF.I.V THE CITY. !-) tm Ii A1)I1:m' l'ANCY FUHH. JOHN A. STAMBACH, iiroitTi:i: and ham t Acriitr.B of LADIES' FANCY rUltS, No. H it V AIIC1I STKKET, HEI.OW KINTU, CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY To Kite, froui a Ir.t-cla.s Sotortuieut, CoualitUig of nUDSON EAY AND MINK SABLE, ERMINE, CIUNCniLLA, GERMAN FITCH, SIBERIAN BQVIRItEi, Ac, JJaile Into all the latent ityles. Tbcse goods were bouglit when gold ranged ftem ltIO to 170 and are Dting told at email edvaact oa cost at Hi 4 rate.) EVX1Y AKTICLli TV1KRAKTED TO I AH HE rUtSEMtl), Ballifaclka gutrutced. lOll-iafii 0t PHILADELPHIA SUKGKON3' rlAVHAl.tt IJJ.1TIT0TK, Me. 14 JiorU MS TH Mftretit. altva U . .V w IftOlcftlly Qr4 by h 41. tVHJllsTT II rveinluai T.teat OrftilueUa.g rreaeare Troas. aapri feJaetia a sill.. Kia.il huiebsngs.itappMbMs, BiwaWes Ufaees, IMbapeat vrtw. Cruteftes, 4M. l8di. tTAIl -ii ( (i.M'NV oi i'itil.i:M.r!iiA. I' t It K (l T O H 8 . H' V iiJ.law sin I iKH, . t-IMl ILK lllll.llia, joiis. ,i. MK iiesn:, JA VVa M AHHIMIM. I". N. nr.tirKAi i., laitAiii. MiniKM.it. tllUMAa At !'. Tislal.priptkn II, ek t tl,e a--.. f .n.pnrli -., re.') ai t'ie It.nk'i e lof ,,f M .ht-t J.w.s K,r a.Tini;i Mie".i'tiii.e,M,, w' , ,a utvin n.e-.ed lMit ta give any lautmat in c-in ernug tin. Iftri?. . Jt-. S.s. i!.ti,,ii tl prt sliaie, li e OfU'nftl cire. i,4 nan v-ai- nt,. HAM UE La AM,! V DiXhr.lARI. Ki" i-iiii.Oc.iVf l.lss'i, LV i ( J,'l.A4iMl I'1,A('SII CAMPAIGN FLAGS, r.WNTINCl, AND Hfl.K, Or F.TP.1I I'rai'KtlTtiJf. a uie, HWOKIIS, HAMU'.S, liKl.TS. Tuej,lSer erlih ft full eae irftnral of MILITARY G(K)IS. IVANB 4 II ASS ALL, 9 :-) m hi. 414 AKOII SriiiET. JV ! lUItMtJ A HON, Mftnufaetarert of 1 I N 1J J H W I', I. II Y. No. 104H (lltCSMIT MRErT, -IILAr,.lfMlA. k. p. noito'-j. w. ii. dcbojsi. WllOt.FHAt.K AND RI'TAII,. 5ftt.-ties rpsired ftnj warranted. t-SI-lni T A. ftl 1C M II A H 11 IU H rj v i. MuLme.i.a .kt aarau. CLOCK KHTAHL.1KHMKNT, B. C. ooroer RtCOND aad CKHrtNl'T asreeta, railad'a. A.;itarr roa ma patbm E'JUALI7.ISO THIKTT-MAT OLOOM, A rerr disaltabie ftrtirle ft.r Canrokea, Uouia, aUaaa, Otnntlnx IIoum,. I'aib,ra, Ao. Also, MAM fAI Tt'KKK OF rii OOUI rvtl. ( XOI KH i;ll AIliKI) AI41I HAKH I I SO. JftU-ly llooli Trimminas of every dnaorlpuoa. lrM. A. GRAY, N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH 11 and MINOU Mnl, bue Ulaosonds, Wftvcbea. Oold, Hll er, anil l oan Tl"keu. luven iji nam or MUHbY OMA. All bualneas confidential. ftats ft. EHTY'H COTTACin OUUANH, hoi only Wbt XCKI Mill but UNEQUAI.LriMo partly f Tone end I'oa or, Uee'gned e.peo.alljr for i'hwroii and Hot'ooin, hot r nnd to ne einall we J adapted tsrtAe fftrlur aad liraenng Kooni. I or .ale only t W BHinia. lf II K. BKVCNTU exraea. AUe. fteraipteta aaeortruent of (be l'artx MeSoSeoa eooatajitly oa hand. aaiS-Aial fiAlll'IlTIrtGH. PRICES REDUCED. F.verx artiole ta our slock Ui Se sold at Ue v.'rr letrest faartet lalee, I' OR OAHII. SEXVE L OIOHT k BON, 10 l ira Ho. HOT CIIWtNUT BTBavr. QULVEE'S HEW DEEP SAND JOINT II E AT Ell , WILL Dl'lltf LB -id COAL. AMU MAK.S MORa MBIT AN! FURNACE IN USE. COOKING ItANClKS OF TIIE MOST APPROVED PATTERNS. UtlUlHTKlta AMI VKNTILiATCOlty, roa SAtJi by eifltL.Ii-H WILLIAMS, lAetu-lol Me. 1131 MABaVBT BTCKHT. JDMUNI) A.. MOTJIUJll OC CO., O0Min3&I0N MEE0HANT3, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK ST11KKT WIIA11K, Mill. AliL:i. PHI A. StmiND tl. SOT rEl( AlJ MltlAF.O Oh I IT eitu-HKtf t. uuvvkn 14 tf PROPOSALS. ra, wvijin i nan noit.ll -uracil A. I, a r.t' . nT, r, . umwan r-. . . . . a a WAMni.uroa oirr.netnber 1, L-.I4, nORHP.8! HllltaKHII IIOaMK.IIII limes snltatile tor Amur, and avalrr semtoe will be pnn-lianed at (.IfcallOKO lCIur, luovea oiftrael, till oaeml.r 1, iatte. Ili.l..-. will oe delivered to Captala L. Lewry M.wre. A. v). M , and be .ntijoeied to the usual (.vernaaoal lnapvctlon beiore iwlna aci ,-d. frlce of Cavairy llor.sa, f I7A eaeh. Priee of Artillery Horaa. Sluiearli. I'aj weut will fee made tor els l and more. JAM Kh A. KKfV, Oolmiei ra-at lilviat -a. If t"l CJ'iartern)tr (l.n.raJ ifl,. QUARTERMASTER'S UFFKiK, Pan aur.i.ruiA, I'a , Oi-tobar . 11SI. t-ealnl FtoimssaIs will tie received at this oftlre onCI M o'ck,k M .oii MONIIAY.Ort.so.r 17, IWil.for the Imiu,--dlau- tei!vvr at the 1 niti .l ht.ie. at. re-llouM, liauover Hit ret V linrt, ot tl.e loiiowiiig at titles, vii.: 1(0 Kuniia .sldi-r. It- kt-us ( I'll in., earn) '.-Inch bnle nuts, wrougi.t. ., k.Kn 1 1' l ll'. oaoh) H-tiu-h liule iinu, wrought. f kt'K. tl'O 11,.. em li) l.-in.-h lime uut.. viri.uuiit. f. kija (IM) is. euctii ti-lli--a. il itolv nuts, wiuugut. b tv tjta HO lt.. earn) '.-Itu ti holu waslier.. fj koK. f II 0 Hi., each) iiu-h holo wftahers. Miet s ( it 0 lb., each) t.,-lm-h imle we.liera. rso.iaa'i reet 1-ir oil. a'luaro-edgi-d, .uasooi-d white oak lumber, beat ininlli . lit". 00 leet l'l-iticlt, siiiare sded, seasoaid white Oftk lun.oer, o-!,i iiihiio . ''..(AAI levt 1 iui-u, not edged, aeesoDi-d while oak luiu ber. b"iit nuel.tv. m,ui reel 'i-inch, not edged, lea.oued while oak lumber, bs-.t 'iniillty. 20.ix leet Uil. not edged, seasoned white oak luui- la-r. oe.i ijii.iiiv, :r,.tauaiot :tlu,h,not edged, seasoned white eak luuv b.r, beat nuallty. foot :i'?-inca, not edged, seacoued white oak turn per, o4si utiaiiiy. ai,iilii4 Incli, not edf id, seasoael white sak lum ber, be.l o.iality. jo.too feet l.Vuicb, square -edged, aeauaed ash lumber, beat iiuullly. 2.',,c. feet la-lnch, kquars-edged, aeasoacd ash luiuoer, beat 'luality. leet a-tnib,saiiare-edged, seasoned atb lauber, best qniillly. v.'i.uuoietiV,-inch, Biiuare-edged.teasoaedash luiaher, .'i nto ft-eis-Inch, square-edged, seasoned ash lanttior, " ,,,..nj. .,iu tert t-lnch, square-edged, seasoned ash lumber, best quaiity. :'t.u.i l.-t 1,',-lach, lot edged, seasoned hie kurylaoiber, tiO,meireil Inoh, Bot ed.ed, loasoned hltkory lumber, tiv,-,, iiiauiT. i,.tii"n., I .',l;-ln, U, sot edged, soasoncd hlokorjllumber, best qualltv. on tuns vS by K Iron, tire. 1". ton. 1 ', by J. iron, tire. t tuns by IM lr.,ii, tire. u ton. Il- lii round Iron, 6 tons IH rounil iron. 0 lona ', round lion, ltl tous 7-lli round Iron. lf tuns 1 ). square hammered Iron. !i0 bundles Ko. W .hi-el iron. in biimllei Ho. 'JO slie.-t Iron. JO.iKU pound, white lead, Mwlt' purs. S pound, raw Turkey I'aiber. All,i'tlioaioved.a'iit.eiltobunr the beit qanlity.and subi. et to Itir inspection ut aa luapoitur apimuilod oa the part of the Unvernute.it. liitldors will slate prioe. both la wrhsns and dguros, and t).e am.Mjat or quantity oeat h urtlcle bid for. Kaih bidniliat be guaranteed blo aoapeaslWe pet fton., w heee aigaaturra mn.t be appi.aaeU to the iroaranli e and oertilled to aa kelng eoo.l and auuleli ot aocurlly for the ataint Involved, br Ui. I'alt. d Htale. lililrtct dadue, Aiiei-ney.nl loilecior. or oiker iiubiis esUiiar, tiUHsrwUe Die hid III not be considered. I ke rurht is reserved te releet all bids deemed toe klga. and uo bid n-uu a Scttuiuu. oouUatlor will be Kr- "i 'v e'rder af Coloaei Human BiKSa, Qaaiiemuter s B- artautiat, V, 8. As ..,,., ;t-0Hlt Catuaa and A. d at. AUCTION SALES. ilt' S MI ' 0. C. A'-arr. A-H-V,,ar, eotl-fe snlirn-eafe Sf IIM'I.H, W A HP A, )l I4KKI!HAPIHi4K1, en k..i..oubi-e. aiaa.hie Auctloa lu-imf, aad be) I ' stlc I i"H a It i ,.)., ,., Itr.l, k-slAIH ASD BTOt'Ki at the t t er." .... .. ' '""nioiiu roKHnuKt. At l)w llirir. n l act.-.Ka op MKKOtfAjifi'aft Attl,.i.M. .f ii.,-.,.r,. 4 a.i, wim-aadvanerd aban , slr.,1 en .-usiurnntisnW a Sf. o.t p-.'l.oe ..la. ,e, A( CIiON 8ALK OK COW iBMNR yD l "J is -i. y utiisi-.irf-li'Miii sAi-nts, I Fn ,r li i-ii.a, l a sHiMftro f ,?, (,-.-.? a. Iietl V w h b, rut,,a mu, lHm , j , ,lttr M l i . tv. I', t . i ri.-iiiAr, iar ,4, (u 0-B iniN-iuir i'Isair) .t-iitr.s l it l , Ik-Vhrr Jl, 4 ObY. ItfMlltF.H ( AVAt.Kl H.ltHKI r.V r"' "" i rea cot.J.m.i'd a, aaut for tax he hi""' "J P"'r"os niftnyodraiiassf Il -.see i it elna.1 . "'wiilvi"' "'" "'' c,r"n'''' tecest--L- j-'i!!iv'"'''' 'n thar,e lit t-lvwl,T, r M it J. nulla. e..ne., , mZ YAt,lA W ,. be .md a, TZ'ZVZTXV eriire.a. wnh ert of ..rniVv,.vr. 'i m i, heoioa si. at u, at.i. i,Lr, " i" "" . A M . IK, l.,l. u.se,,,ce., ord. ir."!!! "V 'a,Mp:, pr"i oru" I'ean.VaTTs" .'S;Saw'" .d UITT, porrli. " rt"""'" t MS ptd.!" """" (4 "'Utt'' "' 4 ' I l.uo rarrlaio alee, w .sight sbeat V peaala. d Tires. A. llJT",l!' do )i..i.-rieee.a r..n.t,; d H'rae.lrta,,1 "llseaada. B-ip Ir .a, weight abonl iM ssaa4. 1 It atMve will be aie In kit. for eash. ' ravm-at. to e aiade In iail, aal or 4ia mtrirvt lvenl beaks, and the arilrJea purckaaed meet be rrmoi'l wlih Stat Ube d.lar. aad will be at buyer s risk aaus reib.ivfti. iiafM t. KHTiroLDB, I) 4 touf -St Oaftrtetauuiar-Ueaeral ofroaia. AUCTION SALE OF CONBKMeiHlr ig' AHraRMAsrsa-naaaRAr.'j nvpfv, ft Piaar llivf.a. C W 1 XII.T,,. , A. r . I . 1. 1 , a .... I Win be sold at Fahlie Aaeii a, k the higbeel biddsr a the i n, and pa.. naineU beloer. via. SllFtUB, f MlavI.VANIA, THVlllBAr. fietolier IS, W,4. WILM1S&T0N, likLAWAH',, TRUtSI'AY. Oclerec , 14. rOkK, PKNNsvl.t ania. TIIVBSOAr. . t.,-toirf rr. its4 TWO HB.NDUID CAVALRY B0B8C4 AT RAO! Theae Po"M. have been coLdeenned ftj snM far Had Cftv.irp N-.v ceo'iheftnuy bo'bIiinMJ ,,rmlu purposes many good bargains aaar li.,r.ee sold shitty fUi isjinwn, at It) A. M. T.rnn-'.,b. In I nltest KUte. L'arraewv. eider t tiie ljuftrierina.lex-ne secftt. JAM, d Far IW, . . Oal.eeel Is rhaige Flrat lnvi.l.a 1?.!::"0,S.- yjrmftsteesnspai a Outre. OA EE OF CONDKMWKD BlTJLI. Ciiiitt (I'lAa-nan-Aft-rio's Opvma, llKPOr OP WaAHINUTOV, WAaHtNnri.N. fi r 11,1 tol Wit be Sold at Itulille ane.UAn- ml t.a rSA.1. m1. "i'y.'Z' 1 ','". O1rof Waeldaaton, oa WKOftad MHI.KB. con teamed se unlit forpobiie service. Tf ia. i:ah, la Ooveinavont funJl. a.e lecoBiiaeaoe at loo oloek A. M. D.II. RnrRBsV Orlftdir-0ifai aad fhlef tveanerma.lV. o T-tU lieaea sf Vaabiagiaa. 1. 0. PROPOSALS. 'V 9 BUILDERS. A KxacoTivK rsvPAJtTMi rr, I IlAniatio, Oeeonepn, lie)4 ( B'Ble.1 rpi po.ala will be received al this olfiee aatd ft tutkNl 1 t'KaHAV, lstb inatani. for ire eaeeviimaf ti e proposed eiteralon of the Capitol Bnll.llng. ,nrtiy to one-tourth of Ike amount ar the work will be) . penimed. end ea.Hi b'dder must aeoesaaaav his a r. r . at wnh the name. 01 hla aeenrtties. Mans of ilieevtetislnucmn be irea at Ibis oftloe, when r' 'jh.iii'm. can a.fcn av n.o on appiieatHrtl. Hids niastbe addressed "rresjesia lor a "rrapftia tor nlaasiea BT Capllol." A. O . CT-BTI. Governor. .. JAMlia F. IIAKK 8ur. aeaaiftl. I1-'-!'1 llr.MiH U.MOOKB.Btate rreas. 1IROF0SAL8 FOR PAPER. Nvr IiiPArrnprr, 1 HPftaAr oplitovuioa axis (ti oraiaa, O.neoera, IWI. V ' rnsrie.al,, sealed aid endorsed "FropMals rur ras-sr wtl! be rooeh esl at this Hurrtsii until o'clees F. M on tka t st ray ot t'OtMier Instaat, (br lurnhthing aad drsllwaaeT at tiie Wavy 1 a;d al U rook I. a, M. I., Fire Hundred Keaast pfrapar. Tte piner in he while. Wf Inchee by 18s, laehes.to welj.h Iti pounf to the ream, aad be made of linen atook i le be rnlea IN Him-s on eaeh paae, leaving tiae lack aa.ru n at the Up and botinta, and both sines of eetje. peua, ewmplee of quality and site of the aioer may be sees ad lbs (Mtiee of tho In.ioior lb rbarKenf ttt Navy Ward at llnetoo, tiew Yotk, aad Philadelphia, aad at tka Fijors.; 1 'Ms-I Ot OFFICE CU1EF QUARTKRM ASTER, CtHCuslsATi, Ohio, OetisberT, lit. Frrpesfttl re Invited by Hie ui demurred a " 1 1 TMUnd tiAl , ia ui to, IMA, at 11 o'oloek at., M tuanlakiita v-'a I'reanniai.t thy m.iuaot) with: tv'OfLI. is i.LaMK I a, Army Standard. Also. ftr Uie imtnduit delivery ot : BTAHI.K Flint KH, Army Htandard And the lol.aaloa material lor Trimmings, to be Mead. Its samolea which can ba .wu at till. t.M.v M.I K HiANHr.l. I.INlWil, r.r sack Coats: CANVAS I'AI.IHKn r.l.l,... V KH W MUbUJii (liani), for Back Oeat Sleeve Llnina.i J, Uliow.y MU.SUSr IhraTy), tor Jacket Bieev at'ii'lirf. ; (.aKl II.ANNKt.,orIiomt Lining Par JarkMa. ti.mp.ea mey bo ao.it at the Orbos est ub.lkinf aad K'.ii,fti-'e ut , lia oily. To tie dr"vered Ire of ct-ftrne at Uift T'nlted Bfetae la. apes-liou wantinn.e la tlili etty.in good new packacesu with tne tiameol the party fuml.hlng, 11,11 ilnd a, tf queaw lity 01 ibotls di.UnaUr marked ou each artloks aad p.rksie I'aillr. nPerlna goods mull distinctly state qi their bled the ,Usn'. Uiey pr.ipcee to luruuk.U.e price, aud Una of d. Usees, handles, wlien submited, must be marked aad aaai- teien 10 coi resp.,nd with the protmsa., and the pftiuas tnt-nsin mesl gutrntit. thicl ti e toodi ali.U 1, laovor ra.iiert aqitiilto Army Standard, otlierwue Uiapre.eial "111 lift be ooaaldond, . . A gtiftientoe, higned by two responsible sjersoas, asset secomoeiiy 1 a, li hid, f.uaraliloelng tl.at tue bidder wit eupt.ly the art'rlea nwardetj to him under his proposal. 111,1s will he opened on 1 haradar, Ort.dwr II . Idl, al i r a-k I. at , at taia odloe, aad bidders are rraaesisd k be prt seut Awards win he mads oa f'rtdav, Oetober lit, trail. kinds ts ill o. rwiitued Dial the oonlract will be laltVuSar fsind. . Telei rea, relstinc 10 I'rtposali will not be uotlond. Iiiaa. forma ot proposals, c'ouuaots, aad iioude atay bs oiaeiot at tins otfico. 1l,e tgbt to tejoct an bid deemed sareasonabl as reseived. Fndorse eavelope "Froposals for , and adJi.i. (oi,snl 'il.l.lAM W. U11SJ.W, to-l Tt Chief guatermaster.CincluaftU Lieaoi. OFFICE CHIEF Q1JARTKRM ASTKIL I'I mjinnati, Ohio, Hrpteiaoa. SS, !Sv4. l"ropm. I. a- Invited bt the undef.waeu uatil TUHd !' t .Oct. bar In. Itl at Jo clock r.M .lor the ieamaalae deals eiy 10 this !i'.artment at' itr.oh I eaili-ie tr has. army standard. Uel f iall.ei -!-JckvW, do Keylee firlats. do 1'roa.ed t-aiinoa for Ha s, a, I'piar.t-o haiiiee lor rials, do Ht.nl, tea ll.is, do C oiiipanv Floret, ftssortd, de Chdvri.iis. Ardil.C) Hesyesnte. aruay staadarl. )io torp.arala. do Kftllooftl Cidors, lafauuy, do HeKla.iiail.,o!ors, do aidoitl. do liiiiui buares.aets. a.. Hatiiph a 01 which u,ay be seen at ti e Oftice Jl" CbHHiagt Ml -t 1.KS- M UK. 1.1. J. 1 o Ik delivered free of charge, at tte U. B. laapaolloak Waiabon.o in this city, fn aood now tiaokacea. wits rata name oi tiie party furnishing, the kind aiid qua.tlty od gunds, dlfltlnotl) markeooa aaolt article and packewe. rarnc. nnarliai find, utual otaUiu-lly .late In tatslr bids the quantity the propose to rurulah, tLe prlee, aad Uie) linie 1 1 deilv.y. eiftiiipleM, whoa submitted, meat be a-arttsd and nam bared to correspond with the proposal ; and the pertlee) tin reto mual auai anlee u.at the ,001 s ettali belaevaty resiuot eiiual to ariny alaudftrd, olUeraUu tho preposai wu. uo. tis' coast. lareti. A soarMitee, .h-'iitd by two roap)nlble perstins, must aeroiup.iiy each t,lrt, kUftranteelitg thai lite blddar.wfll auppiy Hit ar-ich s esstatr. cd 10 hiut t.uder bis proto.Ai. illds will he opened 011 'lussday, Octubw IS, laal, at tw o c,o-k I'. M., al this oillce, and bidders are raquaatad le be pieaeut. Awarda will be made on Wednesday, Oesoher 10. !S4. Iiouds will e u-quired liiai the uouuaol wdibe CailUiaib fuJndid. Tclitiirama relating le proneaala will not be noticed, ltiauk f,,rma ot iirc.posiiJe,couiraeu,and hoods may bet obliuued al tlds othce. ... . ... . 'ii.. right to rejict any bid deemed anrcasonabk) la Wudt'rso envelops "Propoeali r sad address ehaiei WILLIAM W. M,-k.lat, 10- 4-10t Clil.fm.arlenuitaier.ClDc nnatl Ksipot. 1U1EF QUAETEKM ASTER'S OFFICE, i'i. laMHATi, Ohio, deptembartel, laM. Proposals are Insit.d by the uiajvr.utued. uaiil k.V DAY, October 17, IN-4, at J o slock, V. X. nir lite uuuie dialedeliservlolhlsDeoanairtlo: IKHI.i.l UAJt jaOWBtltd, vl any ookir except UaJkt . k'HantiJes w be rarnl.ked by Uie fftrtJes offertng, who wM stato In their hltle Ihe qnaaUty O.ey propose to funush. Die price, and Uiueef delivery. ,.i. a,., T be J.-iiver.d treo of chsnre at the failed Stales) Ia.pectl,n Warvluuss.ia this city, lit good new pack awos. with the name 01 the parly nirnisbJng, the kmd und aiiantltytd avods, disUuelly marked on each article audi "(Samples, when suhmlrted. most be marked and nnm beredlo e,.rreeiond with the proposal : aad the perllen Iheroto must guaraotoe that ihe good, shall be, lu every respvet.equel u eaiaijle, otiiaiwlae (be propo.al wi I nut, Vlds'wil'be'opsinad on Ifonday, October 17, lMl.at t O ct" A I'. M., al ihl. odloe, and bidders ait) requested te be pruMnt. Awaid. will be made en Tuesday, October 11. 18.4. ,. 'I cIOKrauis relating to propo.aie will not be mlloed. Hiank torms af rruuosais uay be obtained, at Utla tllce. The right to reject an bid deemed uareftaonabld hi reserved. Kudvrss snvsloiis "FroKisals for w ," and ad- 1NS Col. WllXlAM W. Mk-RIaf, Chief QuanorBsasier t-lnctuuau l.i -!-Ut IJATKNTEO JULY 19, 1864. JOB KPtt aiOTTr'.T, Elevs de Farts, Vrenah Hiaara J'ralad aud heourtug on any kJud of wearing apparel, Ar Lid-as. t.el U, aad I'budraa. Fateut arlrai,ts far .u.i-i " panu train us u Sva Inches. Mo. I'd a Aid UtsiieA) esesJeeVtiUIXift Bueea, fftlla.le'l".. "