The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 13, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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1 :
: : ( !,,.NTs.j
tJLVAN a "'A,,f! r,r: j'rro.
A ! ( i aiou fro1.!! ILiirisliunr.
Tl.f I t 01 the ssofcr," ' Ire
ll'i'r.lilillt thfc
''il' ,H t,,'.r ;.; -pH'es-.ion Misi'f
i nt- St at Lax trime I
'I 'nmoi ivy hi! the home
hv I'i
'ri'Tniii IH-tli-ld.
flu., (I .ti.-r I.! r.iv.lliir
I'ioop majority, ,1 Union l.i
Tiit V.-vtoiv in rennsylviiuia.
ft Tin KvcliluU' '
ro.v, Octo'ier M.-
New or!t in-
trie here tint since ii is decided thus Mr.
ola i' to be re-elected, they a" maki'i"
m-i. ita lo tiki largely nf the lu in.
.." .'.coiiiinMitil't.itiiylvkuiitii are hero to
I. If..
il..- r iolvP? over Ike remit in your Jit", which
i-' to have rto'ic f..r the Uui.j.i on tii.
It. in f
u by a stnrdl ttpijori'v, vio-IoilsIv p-ti-r
i nn . ic 1 1 ,t i; n .
.on Cioavnntion in Clausula.
.v., s .-., Kl. Kit-... Kit:, Flo.
t'tUtK Cl.ttlfA.
if Oi KuM'.i' i-'i. .Tlif. Union C invention
)' :n i . li.iily, but tlH- t proTi lin,- are ..ept
'vi. If is understood, however, that saoisi n-
''1 .' '"'.; c .'5 Is licii.i; ujiiili:.
nl.'.-r.r-. AililrpWM, llniLrii, W iil'Li y, nnd l;i;.'ncy,
ftvn, York, are here, a'fjiuptiii io ob.aiu n
ftVftif;n-f;.f nil oh! reciprocity li.r wlii.ii
n nT0jf i . Cii 1 1 wiw mule, in the law l .i. li iim-nt.
t K.I It I Vl.llOUM t.
. - l .. -Sl-IHI'II. WCUHKT IJi. 1 IK O nil II.
In No'...!,, has nominated'l fur
u-r.-nuVMcsrs. I'.osmin ! I.i wi. for tn;
.' in .4.
Ti '' ' :.' Pacliii: R Comti.tu; 'a annua!
rtiiMi.t . f.rCJ tliat tlll'T h.lvfc thilV-OUU in ; los of
rfiilrtvo .it .1 ti'Iirrnph In iierutiim.
-i.;!'.i N'l! !. Pii'ine, for lioston.
TriitiNlfr ill' h hsi-i.
1". .. ion, Octotwr l;t. The Seen uvy of
i. Treo u.y lius anthoi'i.cJ tin- transfer to tbu
vy 1i .luitnirntof the revcuue Ijrif; (iim,Vrf.i,
1 ' ii ) ivi.iobai, which hitter l.ijurt!nrnt will
i ui, '.nio, imd lit hor uut tlioi'iiujrhly fur ser
r.ii-jititor r.ulMcy's TcIegniiiUi.: Kxmi.
i i i.lni
tl.c norihcrn c"u? of Amcrle.i and
1 ! Molilln Hi.u.
ii , (MtnlM-r 1.1. Tim gunlHuit ..
..-rivi'd from Munilo , iiitli mlviiT
t''jtio!)iim oil had bucn ilij omiioU'
ju nrl'.i ucttliwi'it of I.oihpoi't, New York.
A limik-Noieiinil Litho rrniil'-ic Company hai
i..'ii m taiii. til In, ivith
cipiiitl of
y .iVrm.
- I'l.tJ irulnrvil puoplo of Chirmfo hftvi!
' ii .1 f naiiLit the excliii-ion of ihotr
I'llilr.'ii iro n the iul)llc seho . of tlint rity.
Tin ii! n S. Cuohmitu, of Jtaytuond, Matt.,
' ''! ihuk-eu wijitu heuuK hist sprtiirf, and lk
J..M'n.:t ,i ihree iiinndM, or 1 1 ,-k;H hci.nn.
Thrco p'fXins in the employ of the eiiujil
nj TtuilrouiJ Cuuipuny have b.'en aiTetud M
iiito l.Mvcr Jntiction, Vi., l"..r to.iliiif? i'rolit
lil IK' on.
--An CJ( i!e nt Newp it, Ii. I., nhieh fonucily
liii'.;ril to ilio late Willi mi Jt it.-h, of N.'W lied-
I'l, . ii.l was o1U hy him for ".soofl, wm sold in
tta re. "titly Ii r .;!','7.
- Ore i f the milln el NciTliiiiyp,,rt I, a, l,;--Iy
..t.,. '.I citl.iu at jil-JO a p.i'.uiii, hi.;b U
oi'ijriiin s Ii i tbiui the corft of uiia' I- i,o v
i nil f.hitn;li Hi. i, iii.ichtii 'ry.
Ti.C I. jiOll- llolll tllL Sulliiltvili-U'.lli lilill-ri
it; Mi'- ilr 't tnr thiilfhi' i;?':in- have tunic 1
I yll, thou-'h not Milih it iiilv lii roi!ii! the
r .o villi i'Xie.'liiti iiiK of some wh. iv..n! to liiukv lai"! irrtn. '
i-ihc ui. -th K-iHiB 1 l-e-hll b'-twenu ttie
rji" l; t.'ill r,d I onell Clulm of II niton, Uil
fk, i'i t the i !iuinpi..n -ilvir li.ill of Nor 1 : ''
' il, um: i,04 hy tUf I- .well Clu i. The 1 1 imp.
if : ,1:ih, of, to try the
'hot lor iiie imii.
-Vt'ii.iX M'l Uuiih K last w.:h to
'no the ii'li ljrafe.l "hors;!) n lc" orraNel
-, uliic'i rniiri Irom iniiiii to the 1' .i.iiN
it, i II.L.4tv of forty or lii'ty imli-i, the Ion .'ost
.ovn m i ii roir ifry. Ho will afuTrt'ifilfj visit
unit l' Pit uml tiie iv gion in Mint vicinity.
-Tl'f ,.V?'.er'n L'nivenity it Mi.Idl. t, Ct.,
i"fli' , 111: totw for a new lihr'.iy. Itxie
h. u) iif.-tujjrfhaei i.roml-cd to put 'ip a lihr y
I IMii'i ; 1 . h : ot !. -k twivuv.iu.. ,ii
''olii il :lip lll.iiiry fund, nou- !,m.r.iit,;v.
I'Uf.n tiioin.a'iil dollun, he Iio'i-iMicI t ) tvv, nty.
' Ih"ii.-Mij 'li.Hurii.
'I'h. If .' 4 I'uivJcr ('..iiipHiiy .;,i'ii ;,te)y
rtli't';.! l.n iiuJuil (Jot hie 1 hiiixb it Ilanid-
li.l't., 1. 11- :'ii, Hu,. ,I their u', 1.
li.-i ill 'l it fJ.-tiiil.-, .iM-lti-tin.- a aoli.l silver
urn iiih.r. . oivke, prcM'ntcii hy tL membera or
rtoi..i itnli'ent in Kw Vork. The churi-U
ifi.i.i 1 1 ,tn i n the Jsili mi. ,y Ui.fUofi WiU
an, of lr Jim '..
-I Hill. IMI
- ' ' T'e I've or 'lure-
o ( i.. the r.o.-luii ; : lai Und
"it n. p- yn...f,f.)r ot' p. mid lioiiur, the
i -on fjievi, r-v ',i his j.'ju.... jun,,. f UUr
.ii- -it .( I io ii;,t., u:e ili i :.ft.i- fn rW
I i'i ( ,t 'oia. iini. . ri..i . il 'Pl. iith..
m.iiv : t n ,.. im .u,a ,lt. ,i,aht,
fii ,.hl W uiuii.' Ujw,i,l.i,v,.tltn!ruoiit.
Hr,.--cj j,;r iiunrui.CfJ thut
i. Mi.n h. in" Hiiiiian.ii.n l anm, lljilnt..
llo.i., i'.;ie Ci.ioa, ui Hi n.inu-e IfonniiiidU
jii iiit nil rhi'i'tiy o i.p.:!i l oi:. e :ti I'l ila
otli , i-i .vau-iita, i r iiie fu.o,u of tnule,"
V inn .' .vi,. Ov'rin.ruM itt,j (i.m ,)(
f.hri. l.-ii tl. is w ill iriiloahti dly reMva.
tli d, 1 ul a 'piynouiieed,' ileoiue In the
o; iiio.hciiy J.ovti."
- (Minimi nnfi-r coloin I ;
il "ficO .re, v.h., wu !- '.auf I lor plij-si. at '
l'l-y .lout e;"fit tr.oi.'tiB firiid, u:'u.1: ,
'r.ahis'j,eiilisti4ii few C4..' 1 u'o i "
fjilt' il'4U;;i,1, reuiiHi m.iu lui.ulied t
' i. in ui. U. Tl,. uut ih,(1.,v,.rii.j,' !.' i;iv !
. Ui t-'-vi Jiim.uu.hori iu;him to r.iL. a hi., i
ii. uf "i.y i." iini;J slmi';.hti.,t0i i
:.f t o i. el ti,.. rur.t-o..!i
DFwVTir or riin.; taily.
i'i Cm. i'. ' t M.i -t IiT-'u-;
II".. lUc.
". .'lnl III I I.
lll'. I I -
lied 't ten i.i'n
lii) re-i hu."' V.
si'ien. It'
y.'. r, hut tin.
' .1 i lll'i'lli'.' 'Ii ,
I), lid iioi.l:o
.lav M'i'i, mid
lii- I i-t b t 1 1 - .
mil.' !
fli'lf riiili.
' ef.ltmti..c T.'uey
i k lat nt at
, a: "'C a.'c of ei.fhty-i!l-
' ; lt'l I'.r i -v .-r il
t.t . ui.! oi" hii de.rh
ti e
T, '. I .' t.) j 1,0 llllllil ,1,.
km . ui H-ent ; it iv. m
ll; I.M.iii ..' o'.y '(tiiiit, II.'. I yi, i'.
I M.-. !i..l,.. this riiy, i, ,u.,.
.' o tuiii ii -e .: the .In o i-e.l, a ; 1
i ' .Ihy Mr. Ilneklervfr. ,l:i-
f.e..iK t,r i,-i.
h?en iu eiri::iii .,
ye'sfor.l.iy he u i
H-e eomini'ii 'f 'l
an.l tli' iii.'m'i-..
"i ii I. rapidly las" cveuiii.',
in h: i'i vo'y who lia I nre.
'. if ii My hce'i f iivi'i:.;! 'oil
city, wore i i!l -.I
to lii.; he l--.le .
H''t. r ho Ii. i-atui'
J to)!, have of him, and no in
n -eu'tl'l.', mil die. I witucfit a
J.h;e "J'.uibv i.'n. i ,'v,: i!ni,;iitit-j, four of
h m Mr. Sti.,i,,ii ..ii,, ir-.1 : ylor, Mr. r.itnp
t'l'. an.l Min"luiu.v cre i ri -ent at the time
of lt,V death, ii.-e:her l:h I.U sm-iu laiv, J.
Mu-on fiinii'l Vl. It i .rrh'blc that, after
the I' foleiiit i ies Iicim, the remains will ho
fal.iMi to V'r.'ih'-h'h, Matyluii.l, i'.r Inici incut.
A r vort wan in eircuh tlou this morning that
there had lcn u I " o' -ct nltai-k on the lino of the
Mntia.M.s liiiihoa I, whli li rep irt seems to have
had mi oiher foiird tioit
iinn-.licrof iiu itii'tii ii'oi-'
int oil :he r.'i.i! il mm
th m the fn-t that a
' i nii'loyees Were sent
T ; to tut dowu the
h.. o ;l,ii,lei! sii.'lier
wo'.iil-i ahnuf tin n...' II t
to ,iie . ilh,.
Flilit irl of 01
liie Ecver B.
t-l't i ll.l If. l,f. I iriiini,
1 1 1 V I . n,. I ..tiiiln'i-
I . If'arihiili.
I i.-Clii. l .IllMiee
J :'tl. s llllli T; I t
.l:,o.! ou Sal unity.
,.'. i: -inr tire 1 ill'. It
" ill 1)0 toinle'li'il to
i'. of Ohio.
l .
tiie' I'olatioiis n.- in hi.-, -aid
Ihat tin! Nsltiiin
Hon. S.-.ln ,., I'. ("In
l'euiisyh .liti.i Union on the, Veto.
Icur lo 'iio Thir.tiMiJ Mnjority
Without tr,e Solilier.
Union Miijciiry in Imliaua 20,000.
Grcnt Union Gnim in Ohio.
TRIUMPL Ol' l-'lilli; rillNCIPLES
ri i Nsi i.t , .
a.f IrAntr .
la j.
b, .In. r.l
II. Ik
IIi.mIi. , Id ...
I'.it. If,
Ctiiiil'lli,. . . .
f '1.1. lull. 11 . . .
P.ll 1. -HI
.'. nit..
1 I., st. r....
1 1. .11. II
1 . '.!..
I iht..
I'l.i. 'I -If
I,'l ..wl.inl ,.
l;i n I., . .Hi,.'
I,, uphill...,
I" 1. ";....
I Ii
r 'i.i
!,e 'll
: '1
. 1
1 s
J.i. m
.; i
:,l :l
1 ..11
ll '.l-'ill '' (l ' Jvf
1 II l.i I.-.; "". J,f,
' 11' 1,' J 11 .... l,e.0
li. .itluial..a .',;; Ms-,
" ' ' Wt i.K ....
''.".'li .... I,... , 1 ....
fl'ifi'aia I t'.' ; : ; 1 ,(,
I'.'il ... .1 4 lift. ....
;" ' 1,. 1 I,....
l-.l"i-.fii :,:. -.'.eii ..ft
1 . -' .... 1 '.'
1.1 ti . ii- :tr " ', k ' , to
j"-'.'"i'"k ::::
V1""1 (!':' III.
'""r :,.',.. ..,i
! 11 j,; j.
- ' ""i1' -. .... '.'.'. a
' ':::::: m
-a? .;;: ',;' -
1 , - l.i-: .... 1 "
i.;... ui
m ;.';;:;..:, ',. ;; - -.
1- a. 1 1 .a. ( 1 , ., :.. :,
j, ::::::: 1 ti: 'r, Z
. :X ?,:;; ' . ;'"
..-ili'.j' a 4,..T V -1
.v.. 1 1" ii:?' i1;1
'"' ' '2 JZ
,""4 ;!;,' "' TiJsT w
1 ity
I'.iU,,! I...
.a.i.f-ta bj 't i-lt it i'.i,
h, Ueuihe, l.i. r.'or.r litis advna.t.,.1
M. w Yo
I . ; -
.-"III. .1.1. u, ..,;olM
It t- ii I : . v.
I ir.-,, ; - .'. . : t,i
. f. ll-el (tul
; '" "'"il en,. V, 1. ..1
.'t l.,ni,li...ruiit ,.: !i.i. nn, iiBiiil
'' ,'"r'1, 1'V'i l'r ul
.-. I -i'l (lull, w !,l,:.y ,f,;l.
(ciolipr HI. Mtarl-s opeiud l.m
'if. r'llc. .-a and I o.k'ui, a.-..
Itl.,,1, .i J .11.4 , Icl.l.s!, tlu'jl
, -.s ... ts.fcf: ".'I'll, le ', ; M
: 1 "' 'ei-. 1." ; l.u ..,,11 lii,,,-, u , ;
' ' ' ' " . ' '" .;, I" 14 til. I ll,' ;
' 1 1. '1
1, .r .v 1
i una.
fv I. w
r 1 11 ' . st
. "trail i
l1 s
1 .. ( .
UBIiV. IN.rT53I0rAl, ) ,r,U II;N.
Tit I'll Hi
Ka o-
Il.li1il - Hi ai v I fAliifi i.niiw' I If ltimi in fr. I limn.
0.'t4.i f i '. l.'t. ;r 'e Mtinty .. f
J' ri:y
i.-n i lirm.i, !'
in-tnid el V " i
T '. ' i"it l.'.i"l fn'i.
.-' r.'r-or.ol. Tk
Ki'I'ii'-It in j
ehet W. W,
lai.ii Mm
h '.-li'if.
I'i u iillt li.i .
I .y. ot.i.n j i 'unity fi I),
ity -., I ' i io. r, ti, -tn (ij i t
l'i"C o'tiify ti'.. - M ' J;. ;
a r. in i-i-. tn- Mir, 6i ; r.
liirl'.i '!i!i"iith I'l iriitdci:
np ii n .ritw
! k rC.
I WPlltll . I.
'Ml;. 'C r 'Pi.-',-.
i-y a 1 1 r.". i
ho HI M(
I ni.'i. i'
p fll llir. ! hum ti
ot I ..Hi). mil ilu
i ity w the ati.'i' i".
If r.
r t k t io
tin- i
f ll t fflin l-f.lllf'll l i.
ft ".I .
i :.w i i,im , . o. '.; .-
ii t. ;
iiii'.lel .1. l: .in .!.:!!. 1' .,
'h .ill " y.'lll, I n on.
I onati' 'v.r-, I i:.i. .
M :lil on ll.'k.'ll v, Uii! '
i. l:-.u!l Th ivt'r, t r .
V. 'I. lai or. 1) -iiir T.-.r.
Ii. . 1"!.K M. r,;...,n,.tl' v
lit . .M'.'enhajji 1.. Ai.e ,n.i,
, i'.'ll ).'
i . . I Ii.kI'Ii ii Me, i us I .in"'.
V . . linwcll Kiiliei' i pin a'ltyl, IMor.
I . ' Vhllip .liihnfiiii, i)i':m ';t." .
Wmthrop W. Hetehiim i proh.t, I nit n.
v 111. riys.cp Mr.reur, I
M V . . (,ibr'p I . 'Wilier ' proi' .iilv I, Union.
.. Adam J. i,h.s.sbren!i' r, 1h oiti rat.
XVI. YWIl'iini II. Ko' iit ' i -oh.), I'uii.n.
XVII.. Ahrahiiiii A. I-; rker . i rob.), Union.
Will.. .''.'I'lieti 1. W'iNoi, I i ;.,r,.
M'e. I lunni W. S,o it; !,!, ':iion.
. . t l.arles . CniV'T, I 'nim,.
X I. . '.lolin 1.. lawsoii, lhn'oe,. t.
X M I . . Lmwi li. M' rln .:il, I nioi..
Mil. . Thomas William,", I'i 'on.
v Xl . i.(oi5-c V. I.a ruiii-c, i nion.
! of the prrsctil (1. .t-m.
Tl e soldiers' vote May ;ivr us m o.-t of the,
ln.ii't i a I uml f.rrl.ips -nine oLutr. Iho la-t
ik',i;-ation Hoi'd 1 and I J. 1ms on. oiurht t
l e I-'- to ii.
Ol'l'l Ml Al I. OI'i'lf.TJiS.
S.'eret ry .4' Ma'e. W illi .m M.iilh.
Sii rciee la.,!e, full term I.titlu r llav.
Snj ieine tlinlfte, lntu- va im y. ...Wt li'im White.
Mui'ivine Ind short viiiiUn v II. Wilder.
Attun i y.tiei.eral.... '. I'. liiehardson.
Coii.pti. ller Mo-cj R. Hrnlli-v.
Cotn. I'lihlie Work-, rail F. HorluV.
C'i in. I al. lie Works, vaeaney I. lo ir.
eiio ri N...'tr
Hist. I..
IV. .
V. .
S ..'
I . .
X I..
I Sen i. l'jTf let ui, Union.
II. I'.. Jlnys, 1,'uion.
li. licit C. Schonek. l'ni'ii..
Win. !.:ti' reupp, Union iprol .)
K. '. I.p lllon.l, J)e:m rat.
I!. W. Clerk, Uni' n p ob.i
M'.ii.l. heli.ihar''.T, 1 nion.
I.:mi l li. Ilnhhcll, I '.lit. i..
lialph 1'. laiiikla.ul, Ui'ion iproh.)
.las. M. Ashley, Lniou.
Henry S. Iltindy, Union fproli.)
Win. K. rinck, D 'lii.
Uoliimbns I'cluiio, I nion (proh.)
.'lai iin t eiKer, i. nion.
. T. A. I'lant!-, Union fproh.)
. .1. V.'. White, I)"in. (p oll.)
. 1'.. It. MeKKy, Union.
. 11. I'. Bpiinliliui?, I nion.
. J.inii'S A. (iariield, I li on.
Members of the preicnt C'onjjt'
imjiasa on h i. mi.
AI.I t V1.1S1ST".,
fiov. ri or
Oliver T. Morton.
Conrad linker.
..NeIon Trtnler.
. .Tiionias MeCe.rthy.
John I. Morrlnou.
. . ..D. I'.. Williainwn.
l.ieuloii.m; linveruor
Secielary of .State....
A ml i'or
Attoiiiuj-Ujiitiral... .
I .
'. liliain ;. Nd'iu. k, li Jin.
Mi. ( . Kerr, Hum.
Iia;;.li Hill, Union iproh.)
(icorge liervy, u r. l .
(iioiite W. Julian, Union.
Ul'umzer Imiuoni, Uuiou.
II. U. 'Walihni ue, I ui'ti'iir b
1 .
X .
i.-idlove N. Cr:h, l iiini
, i'elniyl.'r Coi:iix, Union,
hwepii II. Uflreeti, I uiou.
'f h. an. 13 N. tilwoll, Uni"t
' Member of thopre-cn' Vr
i ai:i' 1 mox ii. unit.
.$;.:. A ;.. rlf ;-.-i:.'..,, t.-.
1'ai lii'Oxa, Teuihcr IS. The result of th
Oiuuieipal alcllonhereIiasi moie triumph
ant than was nnticipated. Chajusnu men ar
crowing lit.tily. It was a clean sweep. The
Henry V iutcr Oasis iniitien . appears to h
The vote in fuor of ihe new ron-titution ttr.
pas-ed all CNpcetations. If the Wl.iir eonutiesof
the Stato, still voting to-day, .io as supposed, tho
new Constitution w ill e?rtalnly l,c ratliled by a
bainldoiiio nin.iority, and Murylaed roielered for
ever fiec from ne?ro slavery. Much reioleln?
continues over our lute Union triumphs render
itii' Lincoln's re-election certain t,ud his policy
approved. McClclkiii iock is very low, and
Oopicrhcnd! seek hiding plu. es.
The soldiers' vote hero in the Ti,
Ohio, and Maryluad elections N nei.rly nil Lnl in.
A laifcO number of Kebtl ..'d'ar.; ate daily
arriviir,' here nnd taking the oath ,.f a'li'yianr?.
They all unlto iu haying that the l.el,"l ciuse is
on its Itt.-.t leys, and LineolnV rce!v!ii,n will give
it its qtiie'.us.
There I no war i, s.
lly to night we will Iwo r. ti 11 - . nonii frnni
the counties In ishow the uw. 01' t.t. NiwCoii.
1 IS4IM F.W llltl i:s.
Kim Vo:iK,()c;ol ir I J. The s.u n.vr
has anii ed with New or lean 11 K eeJ of
1 'IO, .p.
"he .V.h
The Houston 7', , of u.c ?'itl. siy the
I'Oi'Oited netion of Muster Ollliii :h;,tn, in oll.;ri;i','
his services to eoiiimiind a Ycssel at Mohi'.n, w.n a
violation of his parole, : l.d Mill "c id to the reten
tion of paroles for the rem liieler 01' thr "ill", is
confined in Texas.
Time t Idlers of the 11 th X". . Vork I'.iv.dry
were killed at llatou lioinie, on (lie 'id in-tant, by
liglttniuil. Tho Louisiana r.e.islature is In
The Mobile y' i'' ,. is a ritatl".. the sii .j ,el of
eniploj in,", slaves as soldiers.
There is uo military no .s in th,; New i.'rloa-n
Cotton, pro. luce, and provisions' are ,11 rery
'I be SlPltliK'r " l'.nltt..t."', (cti.lmr M. The '.. 1 -i.lWl
. Id; pot t for Loston at i;-: " this morni'i.'.
to.isul Itt'COi; illf il.
Asut.vf -.ON, October I'l. The I're 'ident ha
41 I. ui Tlieophilns 1'Iato, us Consul iv.r t'ts
I Ilaiubur ;, it I'hilut'elpliia.
An Ac. i'i i.i.'.cr a 1 S1..111. Jteeeiviu 1, U'tuV. 1
eye. " ,
V hv is u bridal journey like u s;a viva.'s . '
I'tcuuse it is a ihiu ly-timr ceiir-.lon. '
Vv'hy wl'l it be unnceessitiy to half .' Mui; !,
if fouud cuiltv of tho murder of .ir,' liri-'-f '
I'.icau o lJ-utlt, tho poii'-euiaii, lias "V iti..t 1
hliu uirtindy. ' I
i.iun bcit'j as'.cd v, hat l.o had n.r dl ic.s,- j
roplicd : "A lean wilo and thi; ruin of mati for
.sauee." On boin n.ko I lor nn e.-iplatntloa (t i
npi eiii ed that his dinner eoiisisted o. a spam riij j
of pork rnd apple sauce. ' 1
A young lady was told by ,1 laa-i-iil laj,
that the lual belt, r prci-iidliftf 1,. rself oil' i7..
Nia.,uia Tails Into the biisiu bino .th than luan i-.
'1 lu youn-' lady ici lied "1 would, ii 1 thotioLt
1 1'oulii iiud a iiusouud at the bu.Wt.i !"
A jiiryiuau, kept several dny.s ar his own ex.
t eu.-e, sent a f lend to the Jud;;u tu complain tliat
Ii had been paid notltin; 1. r his atieii.laueo
"Ob, tell him, ' said the i.'lll-' .liu're, "iL 1. 11
ever lie should have to ;.m b 11 ., v j ti c ) ;.n c.i
lie will eC on.; fur Ilolhin:.'."
eK iiTOU OF lvOHEH & TIE', y
l-.T l
'kti 'lut.ev. Chief JntU ot t i
ii'tof t, Vntttd 8tM. dkd if .if
Wa.'hlnyton 1 it
n.i I. .tn h
nicht, abiat l 9'tXA. U
17, 1777. la CrTl cointv.
M..ryli'.nd, h wl i,-, st..t! hi
rWtfatifre .i
prut, d ft . 'tii V'.k'IuiiJ, hbJ (cttird tixiit '.tv!
lo,"' I.
ll v.i ,-di;i".lcl at DkklMa Of'Jfit.j, C.i
M., 'vh-rr he pad at ..J in l'U. I tot spri-'
cf4ribp e tin'ienp.-d tl!e tnv af It si th
iy of tiinapoh -, hcro th prtntxj soart i oi
Maryland wtre ;hen liidd; and wat aii'.a'll-.
tlm har rn I,":". In ihi ha wkiehoMna st.cmh r
i'f to.- Karyland Souu. In 18U ha r65P0vi-J v
l.altiw re, wiiirh whm hu placa o r14.a;l ',
many years. In It wn arpomtl AWo.a ,
ticnriali'f Mnryinuti by th OSTaracf ill
oiin. it.
Il3reigned in liil.whea h wu ap;;!?. .
Atturvey.Oeneral of the Voitcd Stat'i. it.
pirW ho rrsiftneil iu 10, upon batng OjHslat' i
Seer Cry of the 1 rexiury. Hit aoitlB,ik'os ! .r
thisoiliee w.H reieeled by th Senate, as3 Jj - :
Taney returned to practice la Maryland.
lie wa appointed to lurcee Jadge "shti r -shall,
a Chief .Tiiitiee of th Guprrtn.) CkT; -the
Unlli d states, in W and took h ": u
Jatinary, 1? 17. .tiul'.-n Taney wai afpois'"! t,.
Mi "honorable ponitiou by Andrew .1!a;-j;i. :'f
was llret an ultra l ederalhit, thta a Zt:Y': ....
and lastly a Hreekinrislfre Democrat, ml ' '.
old man. His most famous ilecklon trf kano-.
as those of the Dred Keott cat la at 3
Mcrriinua tialt,u torputemin in May, I IS;.
The following ii the otficial roeter of t;.o
preme Couitof the l nited States:
Chief Ju-ii.v M. H. Taney, dead; At.
Justiees, .lames M. Wayne, of; .1 i ..
"atron, Ti iin.'s-ce ; Samuel Neliaa, Hi V r ,
liobi rt C. (irar, IVnusyliaaia; Nathaa Oi'3 r ,
Maine j U. II. Hv .iyue, Ohio; Samuel 11. Mi:,.--,
l'a;I'nvid I). vis, Illinois ; Stephen C. I. I .
Ca ifornliii Clerk, D. W. MlddlrtOD,
ton ;, J. s. Hlck of I'enaJTl7ia'.
Ib n. Salmon p. Cha-e, cf Ohio, is tr3i u .
in the most prominent candidate for apt". 'h;t
lo till the vacani y in the Chief'. i
sides the prrat honor aid Important t:ti:h ;
this high oiliee, then) is a aalary of ?':'..
ntin'in, with numerous fees.
Tin: Chief Justioe preiiif j in the S- it.t'. .
the I'nsiiknt "r Vice-i'resUcalM 110,, i,
Iifiiilf lift. I, tin, limot, annrrn..,
Mm tIiIpii- I ht H Hilary nttAif
1 1.
rhniiajpti Jt itoriil Mherldoa'a !sv-t
lli'l l Ilrllllitnl Supcmsi Tho l't 1 .
Totally It.ittlp.l Sfiaar.rf4.rf. s i.- .',
ttiittirt tl ll.f Kstbttl ArtlUMT.r.
Wasiiim.tov, Ortober 12, 8A0 Y. M.---patch.
Lavo been received to-day froa O .t- r .'
irnnt, fienrral Sherman, and (Jeucrai ilkr 1 .,
but no military iiiot. inent slue my U't l"s- 0
are teporie d.
Tie follow ing detnils of the cayalry cr.ig 'e.! 1
last Sunday arc furnished by General die rl .Ua
"I Iibvc seen no syn of the enemy aiact. '
brilliant engagement of the 9th InsUnl. It m ..
'iinre cavalry Ik'hf, lo which the casay ...
rooted beyond any power to deeerlbu. U lb 1:
tTcrjtliing rnrrieil on whce, taeept ou a .
of artillery, nnd when he was last jreo, h --s
patslin over Rude's Hill, near Newataik't, a .
the full tun, twenty-sis: miles from til P.t.i
field, to which point th pnrinlt was kept a. .
Th battcrymeri and horses, tc, wctii ciptiT; '
The horses were in good condition, tat -were .'
txebiitixed by our tatalrymea for their h: A t
down animals. Tho ruiaaltiea oa tba 9:1. :
Bot eteecd ilrty men. The erne hundrei tt t. i
the Sth Ohio, diiporscd while guardLag :1 brti
over tho North shen.s.ndoh, har cose la, v a
tho S'tllcers."
I-.nwiv M. Sc-vtow, Seeretarj pf "".r.
Um Ivniiij Ivnnlis Hllltard Tt. I i . ..
n t i u of M iiir.r kavanaou at tcz -ka - -
This bdllnrd toitruament, which hs, Uei 1
Ibrouvliout the past week In th.3 :,..
was i pproprlately brought to a cor.-Jtj.oa L:
Tuefday night by a Brand match of on tho 1 ' ' j
p'.lnts np lietwccn Oud'ey KaTaaax'l,;h3 til!;.-
th'iitiiion of tho Unltnd Slatas, aid Vi"..
llsttphe, the iliumplon of Penaiy'Tunl.
The contest excited the greatest interest, it
the hall was crowded in every part wit 'j d-inlr
interestfd sPtators. Fstepheto'ik a cctr.ine -ii
ft b ad nt the start, playiog with eatraoriln.' f
tktll, and ninkini.' runs nnntaally .'arh-, ii'. one of lio, tin1 largest oa revrd at i i .
Hauls m In re the pnth-shot is barred. He , '
won the unit eb by the large majority of 4 ' 1
points in the game of 1O0U up. The il-tcr . ..
deseiveoly iippluuded on his decisiTi ud
may truly say, um spected victory. At Ute v .-- .
Iiiiiiat ou ot the game, a i'hiladilphia gftbt c a. ....
I'ic-er t ollercd lo inatrb KavanagU tc pUj .
imiiar Clinic of l ion points, and w,"ulj ,-1.
sVU'DU to S'lisi on tiie latter winning. Tti.'cr.'- '
let yo ilii Ited no icsnnn'-e.
1 his niuteli gives Mr. Hophe the el-l. 1 " '
golden cuo of the United States, n-1!' 1
Kavaiijih agrees to play a match gac nr';t It.
rcrnsjrlTnnln ehnmpinn for Ite opsilil f.iu .
sion. I'lii'inlelpliia may be proud of c.ti".-"''.'
the grenti st billiard player tn the wor.J.
Onr I'opfi ti Ih'tni'i ii Hlai sntt tt.r. jAtu r.
Yesterday afternoon, General Bratt!y, i'i 'on
nmnd at Url lscp .rt, telegraphed to I'v..'
IV ngner, stating that thegnnboat GsiktuI ? c
had just arrived at that place froc i?ic t.-,
Ala., with a report that our force h7l ciptaw
I (,11 . -1 tiuiii, and ura between km aad t.e
.Sinai Is. I'm rest Is falling back towards th -if."?.
At 0 o'clock on Saturday evening, a i;vi. ler. r..f
ti e n.iinj''f loicea'.ta. ked our force aad'.j (i. 1 .
ral Corse, and ntipr liehting nearly all liny, i, .
cv idrg tho llehe'la beat a hasty retrot,'.-,: .
tlifir hcspiials In our hands, lucludicij -f ? u i;
to hi I) ltet.cls. General Corsa was wontid"' ' ;
also (vernl o h. r prominent otflceri. 1 h'i t.-'. -was
n est (omph te, and entirely iat'T':t r -'.
our n llilarv uuthoriiios. Chuttaiooga
Il. Kii.
tfttsMl lr ava..
1 hir obllitiiig po-tin ister ba receive:) it. . : .
lowing not", which nxplain Itself;
IliiAMifAiiTi 11s Caki-.t' DlVIStOH, C , ir.
sirsi of ion, WAsaistorow, Dc.oir .
1st: l. Drar Sir : 1 tiike t:ie liberty to w.-.t sp .
In behalf 01 Maior-Oeueral Hila Cai-y, ve'l .
prorerty-lioldcr nnd housnholdar.No. 1J 3sf..- .
st'eet, "between Fulton end Atlantic T,:aua
lltooklyn. Is. Y. He wishns yon to btv.
n frittered in Hint election district, ttat t .u
( I'lr.i' there and vole a straight Repnbltowi ti.ik-t.
I am. very resppi'tfaUv, yonr ebsdiaui asrvav.
V.. 1'. Uai tirn, Captain, a A. O.
1'u ii. L. Lire u'.a, t s(j. larssjA-Vfi t .'."..
I ot-l Ni rbu-y ti. c.l ta ralaU a gr.m j-Cj. ;t .
cnitill' 11, eti iv I it. ti. Ve had jstpsrl -.aitf''
Oi tlct.Ui. "Oh titer hit' cried t: ' Ptlnrlt
S'li'icing tl"- .T';d. e, and wtni.tiig a: hi. frj.'a.:
ct!t 'a e the dm I., '.'in done witi yo 1 h '.
let me l.ei'.r eiiotlie-word ont of oi
aOi.'iJ si.y r."yti.;n :, tt) )'a anoid." the I'rififh fhlp fiader I 'l r,
v.. re 1 ciius up vn 19 attack Ihe pcaklae'! f ' '
tl. Ttufal.tar.tlie fiitH linlraant or t: t fr- -.if,
0. t (.t ii;jj roiiu i to ( taat aii batl-i we'
lL ters, i.bkcrvt'J enj of tae re t i devcitty
1. Ltelii.T ct the si ie ci hit (ma. 4o very nuns isl
1111 tittiti .do cc .;i.ig hi snrprje aad enri' t s
asked ti.m 11' l. v a.- uf. a.4 "AJjala I" aot sj'.re I
ti c Ir.r, "l-o. voti" Lei's'; I srasoaly pty:"4 : al
the era ;.i '. e f'.'-t 1.11 J Us dl3tributo4 la t'u k..i,
j.i. ;.; .tloii es tl.c I 1 "t :-naey tar ajt.-4ts- t tn
in. ,6".' liii ' ''.'
Piai 01 Tl
41 ',. :.oon, 1!.
tvr"i'-a To-bat. .
Cr.: V.M.S4. Wind, N
O.' f'i...i; .. :;.i.a.-Th CkHi'.ttU a .v.
I't-.r I'.uil l't. T'B'il fslil cpensd fot wC'J'i'i; ou
the -'tli f .i v:::.bT, ' wbUb tlO fj'JPW.i
be imp j.- iif
rejirtincS. lai ermvi vi: 's
'.ti'i.toji S auljit
-The "i '
i i i T r.o v
-l "T ill
i. I 'M
. II
. I.
, 1 .
1 ..
mi -l"ru.-It.
'. (i i. It.
o 'kin , t).
nerr. O.
las. Am.
V, . '
i a.v
Ii .."1
, - 0.1
Ir.. II.
ist. 1'. ;,
Ue.. 1. it
a. I.. :to.
!.. A. I 1'ia -.:
:;iiiii;. -i i
;. 11. '.v i
"i a M.iii'i.1, K.
T ;mi.'S. it.
V. ! rightly. I),
v -h'll r .'VI.
'. '' Well, II.
. .) '.o oh. II.
l. '. Vol ...
ra.'. I.
.ll.t!, 11.
!'i an. It. ':.
11 .T, It. '.' I.
. : ;.'. H. SI.
I'l- r.- it. a...
i.i. ;t.
I11B n
ill! ).' :p .'I li -M'.t, U; l)i"r,
g'lins 1 or v.- -Ws.'c
:. I rule, r.. I'i. f' t. ,t. Met I)
jla:".;.' ie, II. .'a. ''.. Telford. I .
I. 11. r.f il. 17. .'. Uiill iwl'.' I.
In-. '
) o.
H'itiiI ('iiiithr,' II
'" I Mul 'ii, Ii.
llr.a Iv, II.
". V . i. '.el .l. 1 1. 1M
Vib, li. Jinrnvs. i.
'Trr. Hun) in. It.
1'.). U. Vopnlo W:. Ii.
. ''in I arn"-t, It.
i'.'.i. H'T'iyshir', It.
Si). Tn. I'. Min-r, It.
It. '". II arm ,1, K.
J. .1. B lllii:, .11, It.
?l. W. U. Simp. ;.
.'. Bo -rf U. tiro., I!.
Knn.'h Tavlor, It.
1". '". Wi hi in,- it.
3 '. V. Vaiil.u'li, It.
.'t. J "V. live;,,, in, 1:.
.' W. Mel' ;r,u-. I'
r.iB'.s 1 1 . 1 1 nl-11. I),
'..III' ' I-. Did 11, li.
''. . H ob i t l.
. 'olm '. . da:n', !(.
i iioiiiH-t I ittlc, li.
vx. J. It i . , f r, 11.
'.'.'in. .s. lol-..", it.
is. in - snhf r. li.
1. J. I're.iv I.'.
j 1! Hill, 1).
I.P: llSt.T. .v, I!.
W. t ot,- It.
Aitia- l'rt"r , 1:.
'o'i Ilr.neoi ,; - 7..
Pilrt M. K-.'i, ',r..
.li r nip!', It.
iraiii ; 'It
ahliii'i.s.. . . . ,.:j'i
oliioivor, f
- a .ilr r. ,j
. . . Dem 1
J-i rt IMI..'.
..)' D. ni.e;
o il lien
A 'W i'l I. II, -'.
1' . : I.r- i-iLs-n-
i"il f". del "1
ir. -en'. vi . ie ;
t i..:,
'.' I'iss. II. i .... ,-, 0
1 . I.. ,'.'ll . II,. I'.
.f.-.ll. l.l !,V.
. . ) W. , I'.
' s ',iti Sl.T'i ti'. .. I
l.i a.- IL t .
! .. nil. ' i. 11. !,.
TiiMii'i The
re "leef. 'l to ih.
..' eitv dls'riet. ;
IMsO !.
'11. i. v .
I. fin.'
in so -
t . . f.
' 1 .
'.! I..
, ...
II. '' !l
I.'. I. . f
I :. .1 I .... ,1
II I . I'. II ... 1
U.. 1. It !...' .,
h.. w r.
17. ) .tt, . .1 1,.
I-. .'. 1 i...
, in the Si.t.,,,,,1 j
.1 '.1 V. I'." 1
I- 0--1.1. I,.,.'
K-n.H i;,,lima
4a I 1 1'tfr Tl um:'
'. 'iiirg. i.inni i.'ua,.
' '.' ill the 1 inr lull ikt..i- M',..ri 1
" -ti, it tin
1 .t .wi o
.1 -..' 'ii
, on of .
,' 'I J Ot' to
,11; t i'rl'.'i,.i.
''a. ''Un rr inooi v."
'Ha lo hy Til V fv
itrd" lift Tl). 'on, a '. '.
"..' . il i t the I.iiiti, li 1 '
f , :.'"';'.(,,'fi Weilld t
Ill,' Nl
T. " i
: .. le.i
C thi,.
"e ir..
IS I .
- ." for
'.' tl j
' ' ''-") 1
0..1: j .
a in it
.. r.',iir.
1 1 t:-.
j-rd of ti c Lu
,.' tli? fo'it i f .
n'ji. r. su 111 T'.h. r
1 Oil
I o
o'i'e the A,p
; at 1'.' I . f . .
" 'el;ed as-It 1 1 I '
'. " hit 1.
" yr '' M "4! '. Criiir-' t
in. ' liil'..'. "I'miyl' to 1 riiitniii nil (:
t :r n i. H 0 witnn..4n h-fc'i.
n 01
trr... 11.. S..S 1:1 mc !li.;ili,-)lioo. Wtfl-0
.- s,:ed an i-.oi viia, nU,i fpicial boa's M -ro in
'" "' lor. Ifil rith -itens. At IS M. tho
1 ,- .. oi.,. n .-ciiill.,' .id into tho river amid
'..- " chi ,ri i.-nm ih'.se on beunl and iissemhlcd
' M'.i I ' in ; yard. .Miss Jt-ie I ni'iur. d.ui,'h
r i-t Cap-i'.'i' TurP'T, of the V. . .!,.,,
on t-nnl 1". v - el. Ainonjf thosjou h.i d 01'
u- 1111 -,..,. . . nniiilcr of .lisiiitiiiiih'!.!
';!. ':i.n, ,11,1 ;ii; r.,ih.r.iof tho Italian feign.
''. f'fi-'t i'a rowe.rl'ul v.-ss, 1. ..,,,1 ,, iti
y t. '!?;' io'.;.,i, .-.u0 is .'L'tiitcet I )n. nn 1
n lislM'f.f on mf stocls sho retched tho
i' 10 iti li'.tt. .) 111 tho uliip.ynrd, and her how
. - i nded 0'T the sidewalk on Itieh'n .11 1 itfeo:.
' t Wa i fsrtw.Jlx feet, death cf liold
r.'y fn ir ie v. .".ho v.ill have the' l.-.r.oj, 1 -im-'
ci" .'., f he.l to a vpssel r. ,
' i.i"'n. ...,f ' io ':oiistriieteil tin t she will l.j 0 f
r . spiei'. A eo'liir ve iscl of tha c.v-.e ,i -s 1 ,
no V huilfll.-p :.i tin Navy Yar 1. f ill
. i ri't'.ifin ti.'5 '"i:r,ftoiiii has already I) n
'uii Oietl Ir t , T ti.p.'iiiii it.
' Mill 1 '.o.,!.;.".! Avi 1111. . imif o.etirr.'.l
... .t... public I ,. o," Voter Grim, 04 I r.iu' l
o t
.1, bcfcpy 1 'ih V'. n.etiue, J'0-'ter. iy a.'terr.j in,
ln wtil.'b thr";1 :n n worp sl ot, -lones ivpid
.'-7n a: the horn; nnd thp windov s "innh.j.l.
. lriia '..'.) ; -.icl. over the head wiMi a liillv
jti.j r ' the, p .ril.'j who cuti-r.-d the no is '.
pr tho ' itpi p.-o,"ressed lor ii t'tu , 1
1 ! '.rv I'lO-M: ! from !h iitias.i. I'n's
1 1'-
stiruoied tli.. .: !-:ion of llol.eut illos..,,', t,.r.) a I
. 4;)'.i.'n III tii .'u'li VennsylauK 11 giin.'tit, j
ino'.-n i s ''in in.lor'on (Uuards. and .-.eiaial '
"t :n; nnd lirnre th.y could got in Me house ,k
a'.'ir, loaded 'v tit j';.,:, was lire. I from tli ) y i-d
tp . ontm's 1 ' ire street in tho f ' nnd ne. l: of
.il'-.ipif, ir ! ?'.' i':' . wound v. li!- Ii it h tlicwht
" 1 prov.i inoit 11. !' wun Ac.i to tli.i 1' .is
eowl . lon M . Sfs.iral othev "Iti rn liVcd
i- oi.i the s..,f. 1 u-.rtpr, It '- i"..-ed, si' -'itj
t '.nilinf .iU'i.i Kajtaity . r '. ' a , . I .'.lion.
1 he oli a 'ie .;iia on th a- it. irvl :t 11 111
cioi 'd Clnri-i .ie. 1 an wa tic'..; on tho
c:i.",;'.J cf l".'i'i; .ir'il the gu t, r:nl loci 0 1 up to
a . ., a lie f i"i; :!f looruiiii. 1 oliiie il disc i s
,10 11. it l-i in 10, 1 tho oriyiti i.l tuu diii. -ulty.
11 1 Ct " . . ,..... 1::. ,irii 1.0 .-.Tho v.irioui
t" i.'-Milcrtt an 1 . h -- ible Instiintl ni-t tkroiigliont
i'h ! ity ara . iii.nn.'iii liiij their wor' . 'i'ha severity
ot :V T-a-t Inelenicnt yker tins c.'.lc.l
;'. i' '.'(.o ein'iloyi ! ai nt" these . ci"i on at an on-iiS'i'-'iy
f..rly f. '::.'. Nearly a", t ei treasurifi
re Voplet"!!. 1' "ntitint neee."-.':. to ; ret '.to
""'I UM P" i'' i - : sia'. oii i- it . :s o tho sum
r wir.-d 10 h ir. ' a'o tlu emir t. c, 1 previous
1 n 'tl. In th" sont'iern pci'lo'i of tho city,
ii- Hie ' i' t ", and In I' 0 ." i-.' s .ctions of
ti.r t-'s tunt1' at"' spvontamitli . urds, the wiu-
r " Ite '.. f'vr.t. O . stitirlou and
i-e 0 aru ali '.y .'ppealing for relief. Tho
'. d." d ") li' .!:' .a,'i winter will he so e.s 'ended
'!!.. .il -h.i 'on '.'i'liiti to tiie relief of -uilei im?
1 i?t"r tv'-o .l .houlii e.ii.'fiilly direct tho
1 .: hatlon .'."11 if . i.tiii'iliuti .tis. Sj ni K-li will
i- r.aire.l 1 1 : n ho inisiiiiplied.
l'.'ii3 l' ' ..'. 1 1 : Kovi;.4iu.u Ili.ia itoN.
' pl '.ra '.''t'." 'u 1 'don I,f:ino in'end prep irin:;
i .11' 101 1.' p;i .1 ;.'..; 10 ha reseat d fi l't: a aril
uy C" i'i '"nil 'iiiiiiii thai nil ill une tin!
..'t ir
o: of nt the, I'resiiletiti'il elce
i'"!T the vote poll (1 011 Tin's
V i 1 bo m ule aeeordin to the
il ".' l ords, the great mi r,r.
.11 i In the prize ll ig.
!'. oi' :li!i Ulnil was ordei i.l ir.
. .1 'leetiou of liehar.
; r :'s won l.i the l ifth aril
11 'Ifiv;
XtJt '.I '
:.,' Ilal' a
p I'.rran-' n
i'v'o-. Th'..:
.;' Hid'.
I'fi .'p;o
ie nXt lii thost ward a!
'.' fulberrv, In the "Id city
"n i ''Ui i.l-o ne o.i'.av.l 1...
j greatest liieiiase ot tin
. )
ntj .1
sli.-i '
' i.'-.l . i -.'Ui'li. The l'ifih Lip.
.is, ' '...rcli "1 ' 'r, . pletcd nnd paid lor iie;r
j'. ..j l't 11. -".-' i'.'t', eornor 01' Ulehiee ith and
I -; .10 'In'il.ii' sin.,'4, svill i. .lieatu It this
:' : , .' 1. or . III '1? pi'cti. l,, . ,v thu
''"'.. T:.oni ,s, c. i,l..r.'.m, I'a ;,or of 1..1, 1 ir-l
.-a;-.' '' 7h p I', .-"cf 1 p
' ':o ... s . Uft :it Ci 1 ii' :. .- Jiln "i'i i I'ialn v.cro a.i'tiic.1. In tl.o
-'' s t. '. :nt' Vi'i.'O 1 st. rdi'.y, upr a tl e t in i'f.e of
,t'tic 0"ui'Sr:'pt fr.'ciional tenet c of Ike
th i'.'i:,l.atl'ii. of ,'u'iy cents. Ti.ty i il a.veu
il' c. fiswi. -.i: rrr. ted, und i ( c held lor t
.n l iler, tn. ; states e
- ' ..' "t. Tt.i. itinriiiiig .bis.'pi'. Hoca n v ii-1-
i .- .'.'.Jt 11...1. i'";;1 churccL v. ;tl. the 1;.:
c 'j'u''i., 'I'i,. allc'VAi'in ,. 1 .1.1 ,e v.:
t. ('$; a- 1. I.Hig Int' linuse nrr 1 ivt.t P"'
v i'.l 'J' c'.r.'et.', ".n.! di'rltit tin1 r, -; t s' tlc tl...
' 1 .
' '..l.t. ;-i.m kb
'1 - s'tmr p.
i. iv ova... 1.
A f.J I'.it '
fill' ll W 'f1
f "a. hi ', to Cor
l.rtt of A your;
ll Witt COlllf
111 0 y.hc vi
'.I' e. ('cr inc.:
C . :i i .--;i e
( il ee hu'ldin. ,
M Ti. Ti.". Tup
!i of the Tost
Ml 'iminlslied. Is t 'i
.e ;! with the tv
sir-11 V'orknipf
.'t.-..:. in.- seiiliold
e !' ,ej hi,
of U.C I'lTlit
He flsa,.:s.d
to put i.p ti-c
r ' tji.ceau;
M.iyir .
' 01 . nc
.' t.'i s ."ft 1 .
'1 .-" Avd
. L jf.ll, iOll
'" !-j .en .-.
t.p V'j'.'jul .
1 : 1. r An i
Or.: .tUt. '
' , ' lii li"
iliij vas I.i M !.'
sM'oral Inicc I e
' ."tCl.HT
tiio r . ai
Jianni'., Esi., 1
- v in. 11. Jv re, 1 s,;.
' 1 . hold a inceii'f, r.! the I'.tV.
Sav-nnl aprtptii-s were r.e,.
.; r.i!'.NT. l.y t-j it -..; ilc ,
... r urdnt.1 J, i.l' C ir .ptcy
' ''n.l 'ylva-'.. 1.1 ...t.. . 1.1
.. I Oi camp o'. Hie i-crscvrl
' ". .ilwai. elt,.-, c .ir.t;.i.ui'.:u-
1 i,pp
yru ..
"- 'VI t.t
iljclln 1
;' I
1 ,".k
.. will
il of t " Cl Cll.
.'. titlll i'c.e -.1
' ,'r in" ' .- t:
'.'' a pay .
f i.
LU lit O 'er
j 1.1 ici
e ! ;'ii'
I I' S'vot i.a Anvrivr.fir: A mc t
. n.'l ..nd r n..' talilfl in !ni r of o- t of c ..
' .' .- vol .if so.-lcilea, the most a-il.j tuj l . n ,
.' t!,e city, ht-jly .t hltas.-lf into ; nlc:
:'. I'i p"ii' in-hrople disposition.
.-'a.'r.j l.i I, i'S h j :li"Ufiht,call"d upo.; -.U. 1! ,
, .'a. ."or .iSfis'.me, hnvinit, she said, I . c
ur.?: if its t hue her pnrv), ir ' i.foj nij
Hi., t. lierj" it'. al 1 1 i ro"'ed to l'oiton, vlc:j to;
b "m j h.
Al In ( tvty ilo'ip.-d at a store, th p'"ir:Vt
'f Th'.-li hn.l u ' 'i lent illv nen h -r lulyliip thai
iiip - in 'nft ; itti t -Hrssi f.-ll of inon'i) . A d
. ' .li a th"ii .Irop;. ,1 in, aad l.nme iialc rj.'OJ
ni ' 'I hvr In li's professional c 'p i 'i'v a) an old
vAeiulcr utainst (. tain iniiniejii; rr,;iiltioas.
I'.crr- t...l; ',1:1 looke i e '.ccediiii-'. r fool
b, en J li 1 o- . u v is ro. I -ser. . . L.a
J on nf , r a. I, is ,0 foioid liis wli'j la a
i iv, c k' a.-' o ., :h h. . inj mt bsen iii.'oriued
hyar. I ":i iu t it her imri m
Jr' i'i if ".' t ' ?i ' n :nnu 'iy til o-o 0.'
tl-o iuimi nt' . " .sj-.o t'jt -s ''.!'...' 1 ''.
The f.' i jut ::. io: ly sapi :;, iurV.rits, hut
rff.nv'st ! . ri. n.l, v. lio dio-,,. t.,i t" Irs ''oor, to
t'lre h r In ihe timrirv nnd tlri' 0 her tn the ta
tiou. iH sisas iijieiileU to nt .aca, odd tliey
ilr.ncot. The j.ntle, .1111 wis one of t!.jl.j-t.
I:ni an -iti nt, -nd :w tli'y firof'-t, i''".::tnit
iiniieaoly. :liromtli;li i sireets, ! 0 was s' -ue t ),y
tiie nil).', .li.ui O 'liiiai V B'lciili'iii be to 1,, id upon
Mill. !'"' i.'ii ; tare 1 in apt. a. "U r.'- . -ir ir.t,
an.l yivin : cjuileinen linnoil ro.!iil nr. I ,.;i. ci
Miter tin t, in jve y -t. 'Ot .
1 h.s is .he y 11 ' .1. ': ! ci ,
.:. ;:! Instila.
.'.M e-t. ' -
th j c' -ph n't
: ! i:e pie les,
.. :ii nt
1. 7!
i.-dl "b-
ttoiis i:r"
It-lied la
al Last o
and thi.- t-i
and soe. -t
I'i.' '
1 1
t- en in.
t 0' oryto-'y I"'.
.11 ! ..s 11 1 1
."i..' ,0 ho! ! .
." I" ..1
l.'iiid .
1 .' .: i.'
li:. to ,
'.''.. ir
:!'. .-
al '
T ir.l.-,
" -c !'..
t .
le all
. r
' d
eh e
'led 10 hi
:'io 01 i van tl oi.'iier s a. Id ess in ,- n tl
t -utitr d ou the 1 oo!, in tli io'1,1
.' 1 Ijo 10 nd I' e ; "..:'ni:o is , e
ll I, I'll' I sin i in;, 1 :t u l.tyl'.-
liiie nion nie noted.
. It
l ha ..0.I1 ill'.- iheu .I.:.' 'd
pl" J.'. Hi '. ''MiiMh I!. I'll .'. t
t'; pn.per
ireliotses fir
' P'lp u:io!:s, for
.d ba.Urius aro
i.i.'su cr. 'les a .a iincosinr.'.y ver"
me.- si : Im d.-jj cjii iaiiti :,
r.-pie-eii; at la.e, and ca.h tt
0 U s i: .'.U-
fi 1 t. . e r. n ti. 1. oi: i.ot ni:h
!" t pvp.ry re-:i-n:.i
1. tt articles
-1 i ..; in two
0 1 ..-hi: . i- n.nij
ii .nd. All ap
.eh jaeet'i must I e
n to pro.o the
rient !: i ita iiiii'ioii'Mte Dl:
r 11. 1.1
ni;nu:i ait
I ill!
. in ;
known I j iir.le;
ilii'.'l.'oli lor i'l
a c e,i;i ipicd I
C. 'li li'l. JIM l.'t'
no - -'.ii r.
. 1. 1 li e . I
a..-, r.l
.' . f.s
'.. 1 .-
i-'. ie, :.. ?
:!ei.:hl rr.i I ir-'
-' ' '' '" 1 I'U'.'ut !ti:.nco .. ;' . .1. .,
, ...... tl .' a.d .l.'i-j end snil :s 0: tl .. .
- t liaj ! ed 1111 oil .-'1,! fi'tlc; r . 1
'.' '"i" .: .' )'-'.li' 11a ir.r . the sovc.-.1 cL-.ttis
..'. '. 1 mi. 1 1 a voi-ii t
1 1.
' 1 "' ' r tors . :l. , ' . : i .1.1. 1.
or-'hau r
I.-; 1 j.i-
T.T! 'l(!
in.'.i, ;i at crmi 1. ; 1 . i j.i ,
I.. II
. s
.'11 :
. .- a'.'.iil i'..c '.ppll .1....
i" 'Xt the r.i." .::: . :
1'S 1 1 v, h.
-ale x.ill ; jtvMj ilotl.'n
. 1 -a 1- ' . 1 ll r, be.
1 '
Jit : ill'?
tliu or.
tl t.",
.. 0 r
f:d 1.
-, ui.J
is ' !'ii in . ai, ..ti
thci 1, bat t!;ii re
Ivej or Irl ;dj :.
si no ui, 11 1. .t:njr . i.... is eu.
al-o to send ' h th nn, ; ; 1:.
sil'l", sa li 1:1 r ttj t :t . v j
'.voi 11 li'l e tn p.L .'
an .o t eh: j c.'.'ili'.i'.lc ' . :.
to the Ir"ll line f:'.l'ell - for tlieirodt'Ction
t ll.Js.'i..l
, It. 1
1 -
I .
f. ,l
1. if.
. ml;
ii h rf
. .1.1 tt, ,a ;
1. 'I ; 1
s .1 1. Iv .'
' .'"J
if .-.'
I 1. .- tl.o
1 1. 01, mill
.' t ,'.'l t'O
V C- .,
".f.vii VI
.s.uaa .
s r
-i t
, Voai
,:n !! IIi'i;f t ! 1 ! Th
tl.; 1 11 It! v, n v. tir v- a
1" 1, 11.. 1 v 1 tiy.-i, ... .--
t.'l to If II lli. -o ,;,1'
or-r-r. Y.'o
. .''" t.. : , t
-l . , llu b.-.-la-
'' "
'.'lf u
t.'l I'l'll.
:1 1,
IT. WO I (
I. 1 ill .'i ir i
y.-if's i?ti"ii..
sun, !, a,.,,ri
'"i '!''. e
th. 1.1, ,.i.. -I l,.j
ii'i.e-r ih 1,
l't i.if a. iailmr tli,aiili., u
v.'li. 'i "ll e .1 e.
ia. 'I't'tia. u.,-tti in
a I" 1 ."U n-l. li. v. 1,
sajs ,i I'll. if. us !SI,iV 1 . ,
i.i. .1. I. t.Mi i.lni r. .1 .; , ..- .
1 .v.. 1 r. t ;
.1 1 '-! I'l"
in. ' suit of
..' lie I1.1, ..'- I
,. Oik I'm ',
. 1 -..lii .. !
I Ih-r. rrr 1
I: litis never '
..I, L'!iid 1, 1. ui
, M llila ...if. ,,l I'.i'r. v!
ll litJ. I
& i i..iiii,- ,ur 1.
.1 10 .a'f.
' ITt.'llll.JI
' , I'niien'.i 1 '
' ry HI., re, X ..IKW t
. 81 le,
'It SIIO t.
T.' K
C nil tsrtl-i
' 1 i:"i i:r s"
. I lit I'.o I
.1. T
.. ! I. s ll
ti .1
' ' ' fl''
)". Thlc !t t:
13 rnl
1 ei
In Um
. 1 in'. y nt
I's 1 !
'.'.,. .1 Itlllltt
'.'.' I. kr.ei,
'I - ' I.1.S
' 1 I'.Stl'll
.r-t .-Itl-.ui.t
.1! S.l
1 1
oil si.:. i 1' .. I
".I 1, in .'.t.ii - tl
-Jl itt i-.'-y ; -a.
1 1;. 1 r . i( 1?
se. , , 1 : it..
ai'MC t. it h . a ,
1 j.,1.1 1 e .0. jiaiii,
I'KCtKT. Tints..
f e
-. .1 y -i '..ei!
. m tons;-.11 f rf
. Iu.(l . 1..' . 7.
us I 'm n. -t
'. s.1.1 .'.ii', on: 1 ..,1.. fi ' ot work 10
: i.r tie- Ocaii. aiy, at Ne, ,. sirh.'Mii.t
uu.i'.i Is. .11 si lot nl . 'I.i-s. c.l,
tr.-f t. . '
"''i ' ,( ii.ini,-t oil 1 nn.:.., llu protir.i -c ,i.i-avt
ii- a In u..r,.i ' l.i.- f rei e. Kvery le ..aiUi'i 1. ariauli il
i .'..Hi . ul.ti H-iinr ..i;.- v rc 1. 1 n. ii. Kofliurta
r I-, sttu -I-.. 11, vt Vit, r )"n wltli ti, .i,r. l is,, or 1 .
ir ".'nr. i. soul !i I i, ' -...m .i U) .. on "i , f
imp. el ',. j, '.ii. 1. ; t:ii S...I-I sue 'i.
.no:. ;,i"'-
.'.1 :!r.t'
-si.m sir.t.
I'.'i'C 17'
111'! I V Pt.SL
.No. J'H
1:1. t.v, !e;r ll 'T' -t ! : . 7 rs. Si. AUon
r ..... ill . . . I, . , 1,111'n 1 ..'.i' . ti ,;m ; . ir W'erlil's
aa Ui'tiaiiT mill i yt iltue t ,s, i.r Ii .lr I r. t.lne. anil
y. II.. ii. .a' b,. ui,,. . ei t: .a; hi La' liin.fs Hiattts.
'''ll s.n, .1 -I I 1 sue., (i.itl. ve.- J:..-itsasi it
.'i. ' r. .1 ,.1) a j. r.a.ll.. I l,AI I'.f ailielw
''I .'fs'e.i Hi. . Kill i.-it t .-.i-yl-ilr m
.1 1 l.-r. J ml .. .11;; it v ,,ni., tiUlily mm bun
. st a'.
pr. 1. re tln u. ut any
1 '. , of f no cnccii-
. art., it.i ' .'i.-f, uint
;..!. 41 IM .Bu dir t,
, V r-if, a vn
, t.o. J '.. C.C tuul
. .. a, il .lr.
I'..-. 'a.
. ; ;-.T
t ar l'...i
,1 1. 11. 1 n:i. 1. u.t
.p.l-- udrc,1 '"!;.- '.olml'.
Inn ell nnd . ii l.ael 1 uchs.
cut tc r,.ov r pc sc sioii of
,st ,J. U
. ee
t rar,'. rv.niie. '11 trial,
toy e. d le licet. .'.11 action
t .lelendi. .1 is sf ifity lor rent
'I.. ;: 4 !.-. 1 ef..ecii 'I ivtlfih
7'"ci;se, tV.'i. .''is. i icot si ;nc.l
;;.t s, ciui t ,.s t t.etuity. Jury
' 1 t.';s- '
r. tiiii 1 .
ii. at, tvl i.t
: beiii'.' tv;
-Itj" t '
'il'V .'.11! ai.
is ut an
the Court ml-
-.'t'l'l" The lip
1! tn-il. .;.'. Wil
'.:'; cf inali-
," ' It mil
... ..- ; elt ui..'.
1 r. , I't'.rjro of
. . am' else to a
1: i t ( 01 ncr.
ii li-i .
I S.ill
' TM Ol
i.s on 1
"I'll, is'ith lur-
1 .1 oi ;' rt; 1 el ,.(..
1 1. v '.. i;i.
HI i V.'t.VtVK JtfU'lSK T.
oi's- rr : ,1-. , nil! rnd
a )...i'tM.'i'''-.
rr-. ' '. ie' . v ;..-'.i of ,..'.
' w f .
'. 1 !'.:. still eoe;-:.
,1 tui. i, iny u(.,,i t i'
it. i!i prices. Ti.e
1 wliM-vf. tort)
i.e Ic:.U" i. TI.c t i.s er
1 e loi'i . bet il"C'( i: much
ra 1 r. ttfti se'.reei;' sy
"efrt In 11 e ast ("0 or :
! r. il t i er.- i'C ci.t'ie a sale i f it few
f 1 t.j .'.. t-ii" lily f. i'0 i-' l.l.i. j
f p li ';i. t . toi.iii.cci t . fcpp'y t'ao '
5." ti- ! ,r 1 1: ;n. -serial . '' ; W '-' lor I
:i.. 1 ' t. v'l.' Ii r trucy nraudl as ,
I'v '1 1 o Ti a tm. .ru S.vttl no
k' : :s 1 t'ci-e-'y light, und
':';;. 1 ..' 1 '. i.l.Vl l eva
'.. ; 1.:!: 'c::, c l."i I ,t ecit.
C. -1' , r-d i-LI:c ri ? -' .""(if
a-:. r.; ' re -..i::i.i tt ,' 'n1. Corr.
: e.'.'..' t" 1 act'.. r..te, and
he!; . :'!; 'ic.U reperiod
;'C ; select i". i:t for .' cuiiti.
Itk e .' ' t." '. I ltd etr. I n-ley
' t'i "" l-ti..'! ' .ttiu Laiity
: 1 iii ' 'l.i".l y. A e
'1. t .- r.l , l-",i.',
Omn ev Tr ai am Tvsi-iT-tj
lans.Ovt,OT . ,
The w.i.-kl wa annuitd jtukfci mi-Iti
fOnf.eltBpj 1 a mors al t U ratWt k Urns J"'.'! -.
bat tonardi tTtnlsg, a IhentaiM bau to show
axoi deeded rata for h Vnto ticket, tho
. tttkstloth her and hi Keir Taik as-umcd at
cat S!tt ilrenjto. ihaaia; Uw elosel tba
t'-pital of lb eallnm I Idsndjed wftfc tbc su:ee?
-I th Ooeramnl. Tba Nw York hck rose
,.a 1 per t en!., tad Raiding mm la demand
- - pit cent. adTaa, aalUryt at th close at .',
-;er.a Th. partis laM.wTssik who have
-a toueiToriB! to ni fmvU kll
-..Itadeelddrtbaf. a&laitix....
rtbaf, k&d ail itxs .
Of COi-IVKn., u BtrasAUU aad
At the 7 Iftk Avena. BomS last ar,tng the
" f i",""1- H4".''teaw- la the
:uornlng U.4, .old at 1 Kl atltf; Uoadi .i
al C2, and th whole kstwaiap. . ,
llcforaToard tk kt,a m '
arge porctiasc. of Rradln Tb advice,
hy telegraph show a Tory rvapaal market tlr
w'.th Ktie at 36. PaiMe waa kava ka nailing
...1 l.e Idea era dtfeat of tba etjMtanaMBt la th
r:eiat election ara aowr U bnavy
save thomsrlvtj from terloai lasse to the aptvard
br.nnd in shares, and the ansonr aaal' trr
the leading capitalists la the tJtruiMextlngai.b--icut
oflho Jt.'hsliion.
A dorntch from 'rTaMklPaTtc'a thli mornlnj
"ys: "The ujcrlpticmj to the aesr 7-30 loan,
"ivf-ried at tt Treaary fepartaamf, jr ta
'.i "t two H iy, e-aciat to f?5?,M?. " " "1
The raw 6 ;o laaa of HlO.Ofa.OCO will ' hs
r-jtsjaii to-tLortow, Ocubar 14. rarlti thd past
fe d tys rxniiaerblIatrrthaabaa awakouod
tmiong private cepltaJUt at well a with the
fatlciinl Vsr.ks : th bidding pranlaai to be oa a
iih-ral scale. Tho lean will draw ( per 01 nt. !t
teiest in t-oid, payable sUaaaally. The boad
wU'ibe llu!:-! Vt-'siil.r j, at, ta raa twjut
cars. .
Thero ' , t-tUt feflfcg la in, StiieJi'M.irket
thb mo-rJ-;, a;;d ptleiMi kr aa apvaril ten
dency. Ooswinta-w kiuin at attar, with salo
of r-::s it lot coapattf off. of i.yiv Kr,
i;tiotcd at ICSffllOil, 7-U9 at MUl.wr."''
P ! i Railroad shares there b aaor daiog,' wVtt
sdes of leading at eli624, an advutie ' of
1 ; Pennsylvania railroad at AS; Hiaehall at0
c.-lh fcnnsylranla at 311, wblck 1 aa advance
U.ituwlns, common at 17f 41s, an adranei o( 1 5
. hilaJ'.Ipbi.iandKrieati(4aod LitUe Schuyl
Mll at J ; ViO was bid for Camdaa aad Auihoyj
1 71 for Caiawlssa preferred; and 67 far Phlladcl
; hin and Ocrmantown.
r?misylvanla ft are selling at fs; and new Ckr
s at l' S, which it an advance. ' . ' '
llCity rassenger Railroad ( raatfniio dull.
' " wa bid for Second and Third t 15 f,ir Thtr
Menth and Fifteenth j 38 far Bpraoeaasd Vine; IH
for Arch ; "9 for Orten and Caate and 2'JJ fotf
Oirard College. , i- , ... , rt.n
Coal Oil aliure ar mar active and price ara
rather hotter, with sale or OU Oraek al 4 ; Dens.
nioro at ?J ; McLThany at 1 Nobla aad Dolaina
tcr at 13; und Rock Oil at 44. , -nJ
Canal Hhares us steady, wktk sale af ScUuyU
Mil Navigation preferred at iti; aad common ac
ll'.', w hich is an advance; Hi was bid for MorrU
Canal omnon, M4 for prfrrd; asid U fct
."ssqrehanna Canai "
Hank fSarrs tj Urrnly kld, bat tharo Is llttlu
or nothlne doing. HI was bid for rhlladelpbla,-'
! for Fur.-aen' aad Machaatc; a9 for Ko
t!,rJc ; 46 for Pean Township ; 81 far Western ;
for MancfactBMt' aad Mackaaie';. i70fcf
Tradescicn ; V,i far Coofolsdatiaa, und H so j
fluid continue dull, and there to vry Lftle dolor
in the way ot sales opening at a4j tell off anil
sold at SOU at 1 1 o'clock t advanead aud sold at
r q at 12; and I? 1)5 at which ij ao -il'.iu. ?
ot i per cent, since last eveutaf.
ttsportetf bj Ctarasaa CtK, Bmaan. JTa. in a. Thlrtl It
.it.- . BeroKB fiOAaoa. ,
fliti Hettllnf ....e Sj . m(a PMaa 9m ", '
--a "' i I luosa Duttu w,l ...
do tilOS'J IIS) U f 'o ! '
UesU O.J...WIM'.sl tfusa ll.," "0
. . th .!,... Ofa fi f.,fl r. Kla.fttMe.y. k) St. 4
'.)a :)... stCoa ti I 1CJ ak Stacws r wj
uv. 1 7eOsaKetUbi.voil.
.'.3 es
- 'j e
' :0 Ppr
s. ct-.-. t-, . . .
" C"r rt, mi
: 0 i:
.C LA .- .rt t,
s.' sh K, w Creek
HA) Ik Rto. Mar oiu. t
Uuiaaw Har nr.... ,c
M , it,,.. 1,1'
-41. kJIBii
I3 '? iu-'.l at
r. .a MiMam. ui
100 ik KorUll'.ll.Ulj .11',
S ll Cauwlai H. . . I r -i
IM skrkiLii.ii in..,
im n n,ei. a rsiiu 1 1
rak Uimk og....... t.
Usaiu tsok a'"., si?
IftCsacataw.a ,ii ;
.. 1
4 nh ,"J ;t..ry sas.
. "su
i'.'f iisr-i z:.d rs
... 0 ra jit Muat
114) b t'U CI V
1 .1.1 OU ... t 14
iu.q 4?.
to so Dfcamf-r .. t5 aJt.
Cnotat.'cns of Gold at tk rbiicsfajphfa Oold
" ' :h.-.n?e,;:'i.3l H. Ttn-d strcsst, sswoad ory
-. A. .1-1 a.?J 1 F.kJ so.-.
.iirketstrocff. . , 1
Quotation of the priadpal Goal astd Coal Oi.
leeks at 1 o'clock to-day ,
e a. Bid
Fattoa IV.J. a
. 1
1 7
l'U 'totinmn Oial. b
fffSraOsiu.. S .
a OU. ite
(msn iti. Coal.... 414
.'. ( arbonrtaa.....
.' iw CrrU 1
' ' inton Co J. ...... IX
Ortaals OSI....... '
rtaakiksOlI ..
Ucwsi'i aijy oil
Irslaa OU.
rpa rana OIL
llUtlOt ,
SsMlU on.
urn mas J
a a Ualaiaatar. li
Hraav I ',
Fatrotoam Oaatra, tli
Uouolataa 7
AU.irtit), Wrar
ruu ouiavst.. iu
liuurr ioai,,., j,u
Infirlf-in Kaolin.. 1
I run attaint mi
t ouiirctlcul ....... ,. Jf
Ksrilon Ztne.... 5V its
Kli-eltlorOU ll at -Ml
oiK 1 is 1 1
f iDllnsntal 1
T"-rrfU asK I
e I L'rfsk s tt L
self) ifflias 01l..l':tt, 17
:. 'alntock OU.... s, Vi
: ssrr on 1 .
' m ral Oil S IX ,
, TMune Cll I i
St I
iiera rum.r...... 4 s.
1M1S t
The tollowing ara the reeelat f Coil Oil i J1
-his port to-day ; Crude, MO Wralt; Kjitnet,
'JO barrel. , , .,
The following are th Noelpt of PI mr au'i
r-iiu at this port to-day : rioir, li '1 r.v.. ;
,'h-ut, ti'.ou basheii : Corn, UM bushel ; Oat... '
700 bushels. .... . .-
The Cblcage TV-trims, of Kondav says: "Vi: j
crk closes on a auiet mooey, witb uoud.leu s
i illy restored, ho man now qaettkotis tho s:a
Vility of onr leading bank tare . aud tho a4ie;aiJ
leposits wltli them to-day ar larger than t'u.'
' live been at arv previous time divnnf fin l.i't1"
. ! months. ' .- wants bat those of a lagitiiu it
'' u'stttr Kill ro:e:s their rseogiitii'.n. i uis a
"11 nndersl jai, sui dosi a ra; with peivju-i
-. tfusu!." '
The f.'ew York 711WM till taorninp says '
" 7 he sttcm; t of th ,'opperhead sheets t'j intiUe
t Ike pull.c ijjbt It Increasing at the rate of
. ree million dollars per day, in contradiction c '
' ;';'.ihl statements, tasrely an tha groaud of tho '
' -pro'T.aiiO'is that bave bren, woi.oJ ,
.' '.rilly cescrve BOt'c but for the fact that tkev
diavor ts do this tyon tie ijat. i-ct.Tcicl.
t'ata furnished by tha annual Ooarrcs! iona!
'PI ropriai i at, ad, quoting tbee, aa.-up-e thut
Ut entire ataoent is raised by lroui"i isncr-
: the ffcrt that tags lumt of rcuney are. laii ,
i y tsxstion. Jatrrna' Kevrrt rrccnts ftto 11
turns, and oibcr soarcse. The arern'e Intrcfia .
rf the pat.'lc dsbt slur July. Idal . in, t.f Ji ,
. i&lf d a dav er two sloce in the 7 vlt . '
' 1,.' !)P,CC0 res d', aad 00 more. If the fr.ct '
tliat tbe AdaiDtsaatioaapeods less than l ; appro-
I'l.'ktrd by Jaw Is a feather In their cap, the, Ot;.
) eruttiis are wleoa.l wear it."
Lni:?T C13KJLSS DrTKLLIlii:.CK, ,
d:r.'BC) thib ktoawrwii.
fil-.Toeifsiea. JnUui, I.1-ij(4.C'ids nroa.
I I tit. (". (.cr, uti'.oj.TaiBva I y. t . W ii'.'. til:,:,
I Con I w .'ar, sua Jaouro, Haritui Hi e.
I J'l.t klsrn; l.oS'.Jt .twill, U.vaaa, ll. .8ui4un ,e Co.
1 f ci.r J . A ti. K. i,Hivusr. ran Uayal, .
i l1.i C H. lie.,-! r,l,ansly nj na, H. A. 40-a.t. ,
I a. I.f V . k' it. fuatfl'.. n...a a u..,'.....,
bekr ULt.tija, Kiwkarr full, Usiitata.
aasrvrn -raw Koajtrriro.
Far.'.us ri.ati,sltkav,U dajsstsa&tiiiv, it ' ii i.T ao;.
H. l.r O. U. uru. ", M.X,t tars Iroia UsAstttrt.lf I-
:. i 10 1. a. sieMii a 00. , ..
Ptl.t hurtit, lis, ilasfrna ronlaal, wn't tiu.-f
:'nwi.lC..V'i.. ,,
1 ' i t 1.1, ei.',t'.),4ayiftiji ot"S.
r.otf 11 a L'-junt.
1 f .r 1 i.n n: t-, lit, I aars
I. 1 iuwOrt V tl. W. ut.1.
Jr 'MCioe; t ;