IL jr, I: VUrc:i TUVA EV3ENI 1 : JIM. : : ( !,,.NTs.j :,l.)LAT)i:LrjA, I TIH JISOAY. OC'WfJEll lG-i. rUlCB TLT.OIi CHNTS. ft tJLVAN a "'A,,f! r,r: j'rro. I'KIUM T.IA.iO iLTi ON T.IK HOME VOTE. A ! ( i aiou fro1.!! ILiirisliunr. Tl.f I t 01 the ssofcr," ' Ire ll'i'r.lilillt thfc ''il' ,H t,,'.r ;.; -pH'es-.ion Misi'f i nt- St at Lax trime I 'I 'nmoi ivy hi! the home hv I'i If 'ri'Tniii IH-tli-ld. flu., (I .ti.-r I.! r.iv.lliir I'ioop majority, ,1 Union l.i i.l ini'f'ED CONFIDENCE IN TKS GOV.EIlNP.tHNT. Tiit V.-vtoiv in rennsylviiuia. ft Tin KvcliluU' ' ro.v, Octo'ier M.- rptPirriiiili. New or!t in- trie here tint since ii is decided thus Mr. ola i' to be re-elected, they a" maki'i" m-i. ita lo tiki largely nf the lu in. .." .'.coiiiinMitil't.itiiylvkuiitii are hero to I. If.. I IM il..- r iolvP? over Ike remit in your Jit", which i-' to have rto'ic f..r the Uui.j.i on tii. It. in f u by a stnrdl ttpijori'v, vio-IoilsIv p-ti-r i nn . ic 1 1 ,t i; n . iO III -I A TIONS INN M VADA TF.KliITOUY. If- .on Cioavnntion in Clausula. .v., s .-., Kl. Kit-... Kit:, Flo. t'tUtK Cl.ttlfA. if Oi KuM'.i' i-'i. .Tlif. Union C invention )' :n i . li.iily, but tlH- t proTi lin,- are ..ept 'vi. If is understood, however, that saoisi n- ''1 .' '"'.; c .'5 Is licii.i; ujiiili:. nl.'.-r.r-. AililrpWM, llniLrii, W iil'Li y, nnd l;i;.'ncy, ftvn, York, are here, a'fjiuptiii io ob.aiu n ftVftif;n-f;.f nil oh! reciprocity li.r wlii.ii n nT0jf i . Cii 1 1 wiw mule, in the law l .i. li iim-nt. t K.I It I Vl.llOUM t. . - l .. -Sl-IHI'II. WCUHKT IJi. 1 IK O nil II. lurty In No'...!,, has nominated'l fur ilivoi'- u-r.-nuVMcsrs. I'.osmin ! I.i wi. for tn; .' in .4. Ti '' ' :.' Pacliii: R Comti.tu; 'a annua! rtiiMi.t . f.rCJ tliat tlll'T h.lvfc thilV-OUU in ; los of rfiilrtvo .it .1 ti'Iirrnph In iierutiim. -i.;!'.i N'l! !. Pii'ine, for lioston. TriitiNlfr ill' h hsi-i. 1". .. ion, Octotwr l;t. The Seen uvy of i. Treo u.y lius anthoi'i.cJ tin- transfer to tbu vy 1i .luitnirntof the revcuue Ijrif; (iim,Vrf.i, 1 ' ii ) ivi.iobai, which hitter l.ijurt!nrnt will i ui, '.nio, imd lit hor uut tlioi'iiujrhly fur ser r.ii-jititor r.ulMcy's TcIegniiiUi.: Kxmi. i i i.lni tl.c norihcrn c"u? of Amcrle.i and 1 ! Molilln Hi.u. ii , (MtnlM-r 1.1. Tim gunlHuit .. ..-rivi'd from Munilo , iiitli mlviiT .v:iiit. rlEWS JOTTINGS. t''jtio!)iim oil had bucn ilij omiioU' ju nrl'.i ucttliwi'it of I.oihpoi't, New York. A limik-Noieiinil Litho rrniil'-ic Company hai i..'ii m taiii. til In, ivith cipiiitl of y .iVrm. - I'l.tJ irulnrvil puoplo of Chirmfo hftvi! P'lli- ' ii .1 f naiiLit the excliii-ion of ihotr I'llilr.'ii iro n the iul)llc seho . of tlint rity. Tin ii! n S. Cuohmitu, of Jtaytuond, Matt., ' ''! ihuk-eu wijitu heuuK hist sprtiirf, and lk J..M'n.:t ,i ihree iiinndM, or 1 1 ,-k;H hci.nn. Thrco p'fXins in the employ of the eiiujil nj TtuilrouiJ Cuuipuny have b.'en aiTetud M iiito l.Mvcr Jntiction, Vi., l"..r to.iliiif? i'rolit lil IK' on. --An CJ( i!e nt Newp it, Ii. I., nhieh fonucily liii'.;ril to ilio late Willi mi Jt it.-h, of N.'W lied- I'l, . ii.l was o1U hy him for ".soofl, wm sold in tta re. "titly Ii r .;!','7. - Ore i f the milln el NciTliiiiyp,,rt I, a, l,;--Iy ..t.,. '.I citl.iu at jil-JO a p.i'.uiii, hi.;b U oi'ijriiin s Ii i tbiui the corft of uiia' I- i,o v i nil f.hitn;li Hi. i, iii.ichtii 'ry. Ti.C I. jiOll- llolll tllL Sulliiltvili-U'.lli lilill-ri it; Mi'- ilr 't tnr thiilfhi' i;?':in- have tunic 1 I yll, thou-'h not Milih it iiilv lii roi!ii! the r .o villi i'Xie.'liiti iiiK of some wh. iv..n! to liiukv lai"! irrtn. ' i-ihc ui. -th K-iHiB 1 l-e-hll b'-twenu ttie rji" l; t.'ill r,d I onell Clulm of II niton, Uil fk, i'i t the i !iuinpi..n -ilvir li.ill of Nor 1 : '' ' il, um: i,04 hy tUf I- .well Clu i. The 1 1 imp. if : ,1:ih, of, to try the 'hot lor iiie imii. -Vt'ii.iX M'l Uuiih K last w.:h to 'no the ii'li ljrafe.l "hors;!) n lc" orraNel -, uliic'i rniiri Irom iniiiii to the 1' .i.iiN it, i II.L.4tv of forty or lii'ty imli-i, the Ion .'ost .ovn m i ii roir ifry. Ho will afuTrt'ifilfj visit unit l' Pit uml tiie iv gion in Mint vicinity. -Tl'f ,.V?'.er'n L'nivenity it Mi.Idl. t, Ct., i"fli' , 111: totw for a new lihr'.iy. Itxie h. u) iif.-tujjrfhaei i.roml-cd to put 'ip a lihr y l.i I IMii'i ; 1 . h : ot !. -k twivuv.iu.. ,ii ''olii il :lip lll.iiiry fund, nou- !,m.r.iit,;v. I'Uf.n tiioin.a'iil dollun, he Iio'i-iMicI t ) tvv, nty. ' Ih"ii.-Mij 'li.Hurii. 'I'h. If .' 4 I'uivJcr ('..iiipHiiy .;,i'ii ;,te)y rtli't';.! l.n iiuJuil (Jot hie 1 hiiixb it Ilanid- li.l't., 1. 11- :'ii, Hu,. ,I their u', 1. li.-i ill 'l it fJ.-tiiil.-, .iM-lti-tin.- a aoli.l silver urn iiih.r. . oivke, prcM'ntcii hy tL membera or rtoi..i itnli'ent in Kw Vork. The churi-U ifi.i.i 1 1 ,tn i n the Jsili mi. ,y Ui.fUofi WiU an, of lr Jim '.. -I Hill. IMI - ' ' T'e I've or 'lure- o ( i.. the r.o.-luii ; : lai Und "it n. p- yn...f,f.)r ot' p. mid lioiiur, the i -on fjievi, r-v ',i his j.'ju.... jun,,. f UUr .ii- -it .( I io ii;,t., u:e ili i :.ft.i- fn rW I i'i ( ,t 'oia. iini. . ri..i . il 'Pl. iith.. m.iiv : t n ,.. im .u,a ,lt. ,i,aht, fii ,.hl W uiuii.' Ujw,i,l.i,v,.tltn!ruoiit. Hr,.--cj j,;r iiunrui.CfJ thut i. Mi.n h. in" Hiiiiian.ii.n l anm, lljilnt.. llo.i., i'.;ie Ci.ioa, ui Hi n.inu-e IfonniiiidU jii iiit nil rhi'i'tiy o i.p.:!i l oi:. e :ti I'l ila otli , i-i .vau-iita, i r iiie fu.o,u of tnule," V inn .' .vi,. Ov'rin.ruM itt,j (i.m ,)( f.hri. l.-ii tl. is w ill iriiloahti dly reMva. tli d, 1 ul a 'piynouiieed,' ileoiue In the o; iiio.hciiy J.ovti." I - (Minimi nnfi-r coloin I ; il "ficO .re, v.h., wu !- '.auf I lor plij-si. at ' l'l-y .lout e;"fit tr.oi.'tiB firiid, u:'u.1: , 'r.ahis'j,eiilisti4ii few C4..' 1 u'o i " fjilt' il'4U;;i,1, reuiiHi m.iu lui.ulied t ' i. in ui. U. Tl,. uut ih,(1.,v,.rii.j,' !.' i;iv ! . Ui t-'-vi Jiim.uu.hori iu;him to r.iL. a hi., i ii. uf "i.y i." iini;J slmi';.hti.,t0i i :.f t o i. el ti,.. rur.t-o..!i TillR!) KiMTLAN DFwVTir or riin.; taily. i'i Cm. i'. ' t M.i -t IiT-'u-; THE r A MIL' AND THE FUNERAL. II".. lUc. ". .'lnl III I I. lll'. I I - lied 't ten i.i'n lii) re-i hu."' V. si'ien. It' y.'. r, hut tin. ' .1 i lll'i'lli'.' 'Ii , I), lid iioi.l:o .lav M'i'i, mid lii- I i-t b t 1 1 - . mil.' ! fli'lf riiili. ' ef.ltmti..c T.'uey i k lat nt at , a: "'C a.'c of ei.fhty-i!l- ' ; lt'l I'.r i -v .-r il t.t . ui.! oi" hii de.rh ll., in ti e T, '. I .' t.) j 1,0 llllllil ,1,. km . ui H-ent ; it iv. m ll; I.M.iii ..' o'.y '(tiiiit, II.'. I yi, i'. I M.-. !i..l,.. this riiy, i, ,u.,. .' o tuiii ii -e .: the .In o i-e.l, a ; 1 i ' .Ihy Mr. Ilneklervfr. ,l:i- f.e..iK t,r i,-i. h?en iu eiri::iii ., ye'sfor.l.iy he u i 1'iorp. H-e eomini'ii 'f 'l an.l tli' iii.'m'i-.. "i ii I. rapidly las" cveuiii.', in h: i'i vo'y who lia I nre. '. if ii My hce'i f iivi'i:.;! 'oil city, wore i i!l -.I to lii.; he l--.le . H''t. r ho Ii. i-atui' s;rii";lc. J to)!, have of him, and no in n -eu'tl'l.', mil die. I witucfit a J.h;e "J'.uibv i.'n. i ,'v,: i!ni,;iitit-j, four of h m Mr. Sti.,i,,ii ..ii,, ir-.1 : ylor, Mr. r.itnp t'l'. an.l Min"luiu.v cre i ri -ent at the time of lt,V death, ii.-e:her l:h I.U sm-iu laiv, J. Mu-on fiinii'l Vl. It i .rrh'blc that, after the I' foleiiit i ies Iicim, the remains will ho fal.iMi to V'r.'ih'-h'h, Matyluii.l, i'.r Inici incut. A r vort wan in eircuh tlou this morning that there had lcn u I " o' -ct nltai-k on the lino of the Mntia.M.s liiiihoa I, whli li rep irt seems to have had mi oiher foiird tioit iinn-.licrof iiu itii'tii ii'oi-' int oil :he r.'i.i! il mm th m the fn-t that a ' i nii'loyees Were sent T ; to tut dowu the h.. o ;l,ii,lei! sii.'lier wo'.iil-i ahnuf tin n...' II t to ,iie . ilh,. THE CI1IL Flilit irl of 01 TUSTICESHIP. liie Ecver B. Ir.i. v. MR. CHASE HIS PROBABLE SUCCESSOR. t-l't i ll.l If. l,f. I iriiini, 1 1 1 V I . n,. I ..tiiiln'i- I . If'arihiili. I i.-Clii. l .IllMiee J :'tl. s llllli T; I t .l:,o.! ou Sal unity. ,.'. i: -inr tire 1 ill'. It " ill 1)0 toinle'li'il to i'. of Ohio. ?pi: l . tiie' I'olatioiis n.- in hi.-, -aid Ihat tin! Nsltiiin Hon. S.-.ln ,., I'. ("In THE ELECTIONS. THE GKEAT NEWS CONFIRMED. l'euiisyh .liti.i Union on the, Veto. KPAHLY soon IN TIIE CITY. Icur lo 'iio Thir.tiMiJ Mnjority Without tr,e Solilier. I I.IRCK UM IX TUG (OIXTKY. Union Miijciiry in Imliaua 20,000. A GRAND MA JORITY OF 30,000. Grcnt Union Gnim in Ohio. TRIUMPL Ol' l-'lilli; rillNCIPLES IK MAR YL A. WD. ri i Nsi i.t , . is An,l,.av... a.f IrAntr . la j. b, .In. r.l II. Ik I'-I.ilr IIi.mIi. , Id ... I'.it. If, laiili'i Ctiiiil'lli,. . . . f '1.1. lull. 11 . . . P.ll 1. -HI .'. nit.. 1 I., st. r.... 1 1. .11. II 1 . '.!.. I iht.. I'l.i. 'I -If I,'l ..wl.inl ,. l;i n I., . .Hi,.' I,, uphill..., I" 1. ";.... I Ii r 'i.i !,e 'll ';,'KX. : '1 . 1 1 s J.i. m .; i 1,'UI :,l :l l,ni" I'.iiV. l.a'ii, 1 ..11 ll '.l-'ill '' (l ' Jvf 1 II l.i I.-.; "". J,f, ' 11' 1,' J 11 .... l,e.0 li. .itluial..a .',;; Ms-, " ' ' Wt i.K .... ''.".'li .... I,... , 1 .... fl'ifi'aia I t'.' ; : ; 1 ,(, I'.'il ... .1 4 lift. .... ;" ' 1,. 1 I,.... l-.l"i-.fii :,:. -.'.eii ..ft 1 . -' .... 1 '.' 1.1 ti . ii- :tr " ', k ' , to j"-'.'"i'"k :::: V1""1 (!':' III. '""r :,.',.. ..,i ! 11 j,; j. - ' ""i1' -. .... '.'.'. a ' ':::::: m -a? .;;: ',;' - 1 , - l.i-: .... 1 " i.;... ui m ;.';;:;..:, ',. ;; - -. 1- a. 1 1 .a. ( 1 , ., :.. :, j, ::::::: 1 ti: 'r, Z . :X ?,:;; ' . ;'" ..-ili'.j' a 4,..T V -1 .v.. 1 1" ii:?' i1;1 '"' ' '2 JZ ,""4 ;!;,' "' TiJsT w V rue, 1 ity I'.iU,,! I... .a.i.f-ta bj 't i-lt it i'.i, h, Ueuihe, l.i. r.'or.r litis advna.t.,.1 M. w Yo I . ; - .-"III. .1.1. u, ..,;olM It t- ii I : . v. I ir.-,, ; - .'. . : t,i . f. ll-el (tul ; '" "'"il en,. V, 1. ..1 .'t l.,ni,li...ruiit ,.: !i.i. nn, iiBiiil '' ,'"r'1, 1'V'i l'r ul .-. I -i'l (lull, w !,l,:.y ,f,;l. (ciolipr HI. Mtarl-s opeiud l.m 'if. r'llc. .-a and I o.k'ui, a.-.. Itl.,,1, .i J .11.4 , Icl.l.s!, tlu'jl , -.s ... ts.fcf: ".'I'll, le ', ; M : 1 "' 'ei-. 1." ; l.u ..,,11 lii,,,-, u , ; ' ' ' ' " . ' '" .;, I" 14 til. I ll,' ; ' 1 1. '1 1, .r .v 1 i una. fv I. w r 1 11 ' . st . "trail i l1 s .1'' 1 .. ( . i,.. UBIiV. IN.rT53I0rAl, ) ,r,U II;N. Tit I'll Hi lrol: Ka o- Il.li1il - Hi ai v I fAliifi i.niiw' I If ltimi in fr. I limn. 0.'t4.i f i '. l.'t. ;r 'e Mtinty .. f ll.till! J' ri:y i.-n i lirm.i, !' in-tnid el V " i T '. ' i"it l.'.i"l fn'i. .-' r.'r-or.ol. Tk Ki'I'ii'-It in j ehet W. W, lai.ii Mm h '.-li'if. t'r.' I'll. IT;. for I'i u iillt li.i . I .y. ot.i.n j i 'unity fi I), ity -., I ' i io. r, ti, -tn (ij i t l'i"C o'tiify ti'.. - M ' J;. ; a r. in i-i-. tn- Mir, 6i ; r. liirl'.i '!i!i"iith I'l iriitdci: np ii n .ritw ! k rC. I WPlltll . I. 'Ml;. 'C r 'Pi.-',-. i-y a 1 1 r.". i ho HI M( I ni.'i. i' p fll llir. ! hum ti ot I ..Hi). mil ilu i ity w the ati.'i' i". ...In If r. r t k t io tin- i f ll t fflin l-f.lllf'll l i. ft ".I . i :.w i i,im , . o. '.; .- ii t. ; ii ii i iiii'.lel .1. l: .in .!.:!!. 1' ., 'h .ill " y.'lll, I n on. I onati' 'v.r-, I i:.i. . M :lil on ll.'k.'ll v, Uii! ' i. l:-.u!l Th ivt'r, t r . V. 'I. lai or. 1) -iiir T.-.r. l. Ii. . 1"!.K M. r,;...,n,.tl' v 'I!. lit . .M'.'enhajji 1.. Ai.e ,n.i, , i'.'ll ).' i . . I Ii.kI'Ii ii Me, i us I .in"'. V . . linwcll Kiiliei' i pin a'ltyl, IMor. I . ' Vhllip .liihnfiiii, i)i':m ';t." . Wmthrop W. Hetehiim i proh.t, I nit n. v 111. riys.cp Mr.reur, I M V . . (,ibr'p I . 'Wilier ' proi' .iilv I, Union. .. Adam J. i,h.s.sbren!i' r, 1h oiti rat. XVI. YWIl'iini II. Ko' iit ' i -oh.), I'uii.n. XVII.. Ahrahiiiii A. I-; rker . i rob.), Union. Will.. .''.'I'lieti 1. W'iNoi, I i ;.,r,. M'e. I lunni W. S,o it; !,!, ':iion. . . t l.arles . CniV'T, I 'nim,. X I. . '.lolin 1.. lawsoii, lhn'oe,. t. X M I . . Lmwi li. M' rln .:il, I nioi.. Mil. . Thomas William,", I'i 'on. v Xl . i.(oi5-c V. I.a ruiii-c, i nion. ! of the prrsctil (1. .t-m. Tl e soldiers' vote May ;ivr us m o.-t of the, ln.ii't i a I uml f.rrl.ips -nine oLutr. Iho la-t ik',i;-ation Hoi'd 1 and I J. 1ms on. oiurht t l e I-'- to ii. Ol'l'l Ml Al I. OI'i'lf.TJiS. AUI N lOM- I S.'eret ry .4' Ma'e. W illi .m M.iilh. Sii rciee la.,!e, full term I.titlu r llav. Snj ieine tlinlfte, lntu- va im y. ...Wt li'im White. Mui'ivine Ind short viiiiUn v II. Wilder. Attun i y.tiei.eral.... '. I'. liiehardson. Coii.pti. ller Mo-cj R. Hrnlli-v. Cotn. I'lihlie Work-, rail F. HorluV. C'i in. I al. lie Works, vaeaney I. lo ir. eiio ri N...'tr Hist. I.. II.. II!.. IV. . V. . VI.. II.. Vlll.. .. S ..' I . . XII.. Mil.. XIV.. XV.. X I.. XVII . I Sen i. l'jTf let ui, Union. II. I'.. Jlnys, 1,'uion. li. licit C. Schonek. l'ni'ii.. Win. !.:ti' reupp, Union iprol .) K. '. I.p lllon.l, J)e:m rat. I!. W. Clerk, Uni' n p ob.i M'.ii.l. heli.ihar''.T, 1 nion. I.:mi l li. Ilnhhcll, I '.lit. i.. lialph 1'. laiiikla.ul, Ui'ion iproh.) .las. M. Ashley, Lniou. Henry S. Iltindy, Union fproli.) Win. K. rinck, D 'lii. Uoliimbns I'cluiio, I nion (proh.) .'lai iin t eiKer, i. nion. . T. A. I'lant!-, Union fproh.) . .1. V.'. White, I)"in. (p oll.) . 1'.. It. MeKKy, Union. . 11. I'. Bpiinliliui?, I nion. . J.inii'S A. (iariield, I li on. Members of the preicnt C'onjjt' imjiasa on h i. mi. AI.I t V1.1S1ST"., fiov. ri or Oliver T. Morton. Conrad linker. ..NeIon Trtnler. . .Tiionias MeCe.rthy. John I. Morrlnou. . . ..D. I'.. Williainwn. iii'viMi:... l.ieuloii.m; linveruor Secielary of .State.... A ml i'or Trcusurer Attoiiiuj-Ujiitiral... . Cist. I . II. III. IV. V. VI. IMIIth IMS' '. liliain ;. Nd'iu. k, li Jin. Mi. ( . Kerr, Hum. Iia;;.li Hill, Union iproh.) (icorge liervy, u r. l . (iioiite W. Julian, Union. Ul'umzer Imiuoni, Uuiou. II. U. 'Walihni ue, I ui'ti'iir b MI III. 1 . X . M. i.-idlove N. Cr:h, l iiini , i'elniyl.'r Coi:iix, Union, hwepii II. Uflreeti, I uiou. 'f h. an. 13 N. tilwoll, Uni"t ' Member of thopre-cn' Vr LLtOTIOK IN MABYIiS.-BT. i ai:i' 1 mox ii. unit. .$;.:. A ;.. rlf ;-.-i:.'..,, t.-. 1'ai lii'Oxa, Teuihcr IS. The result of th Oiuuieipal alcllonhereIiasi moie triumph ant than was nnticipated. Chajusnu men ar crowing lit.tily. It was a clean sweep. The Henry V iutcr Oasis iniitien . appears to h broken. The vote in fuor of ihe new ron-titution ttr. pas-ed all CNpcetations. If the Wl.iir eonutiesof the Stato, still voting to-day, .io as supposed, tho new Constitution w ill e?rtalnly l,c ratliled by a bainldoiiio nin.iority, and Murylaed roielered for ever fiec from ne?ro slavery. Much reioleln? continues over our lute Union triumphs render itii' Lincoln's re-election certain t,ud his policy approved. McClclkiii iock is very low, and Oopicrhcnd! seek hiding plu. es. The soldiers' vote hero in the Ti, Ohio, and Maryluad elections N nei.rly nil Lnl in. A laifcO number of Kebtl ..'d'ar.; ate daily arriviir,' here nnd taking the oath ,.f a'li'yianr?. They all unlto iu haying that the l.el,"l ciuse is on its Itt.-.t leys, and LineolnV rce!v!ii,n will give it its qtiie'.us. There I no war i, s. lly to night we will Iwo r. ti 11 - . nonii frnni the counties In ishow the uw. 01' t.t. NiwCoii. Uiutiou. 1 IS4IM F.W llltl i:s. Kim Vo:iK,()c;ol ir I J. The s.u n.vr has anii ed with New or lean 11 K eeJ of Instant. 1 'IO, .p. "he .V.h The Houston 7', , of u.c ?'itl. siy the I'Oi'Oited netion of Muster Ollliii :h;,tn, in oll.;ri;i',' his services to eoiiimiind a Ycssel at Mohi'.n, w.n a violation of his parole, : l.d Mill "c id to the reten tion of paroles for the rem liieler 01' thr "ill", is confined in Texas. Time t Idlers of the 11 th X". . Vork I'.iv.dry were killed at llatou lioinie, on (lie 'id in-tant, by liglttniuil. Tho Louisiana r.e.islature is In sossion. The Mobile y' i'' ,. is a ritatl".. the sii .j ,el of eniploj in,", slaves as soldiers. There is uo military no .s in th,; New i.'rloa-n papers. Cotton, pro. luce, and provisions' are ,11 rery iluil. 'I be SlPltliK'r " l'.nltt..t."', (cti.lmr M. The '.. 1 -i.lWl . Id; pot t for Loston at i;-: " this morni'i.'. to.isul Itt'COi; illf il. Asut.vf -.ON, October I'l. The I're 'ident ha 41 I. ui Tlieophilns 1'Iato, us Consul iv.r t'ts I Ilaiubur ;, it I'hilut'elpliia. An Ac. i'i i.i.'.cr a 1 S1..111. Jteeeiviu 1, U'tuV. 1 eye. " , V hv is u bridal journey like u s;a viva.'s . ' I'tcuuse it is a ihiu ly-timr ceiir-.lon. ' Vv'hy wl'l it be unnceessitiy to half .' Mui; !, if fouud cuiltv of tho murder of .ir,' liri-'-f ' I'.icau o lJ-utlt, tho poii'-euiaii, lias "V iti..t 1 hliu uirtindy. ' I i.iun bcit'j as'.cd v, hat l.o had n.r dl ic.s,- j roplicd : "A lean wilo and thi; ruin of mati for .sauee." On boin n.ko I lor nn e.-iplatntloa (t i npi eiii ed that his dinner eoiisisted o. a spam riij j of pork rnd apple sauce. ' 1 A young lady was told by ,1 laa-i-iil laj, that the lual belt, r prci-iidliftf 1,. rself oil' i7.. Nia.,uia Tails Into the biisiu bino .th than luan i-. '1 lu youn-' lady ici lied "1 would, ii 1 thotioLt 1 1'oulii iiud a iiusouud at the bu.Wt.i !" A jiiryiuau, kept several dny.s ar his own ex. t eu.-e, sent a f lend to the Jud;;u tu complain tliat Ii had been paid notltin; 1. r his atieii.laueo "Ob, tell him, ' said the i.'lll-' .liu're, "iL 1. 11 ever lie should have to ;.m b 11 ., v j ti c ) ;.n c.i lie will eC on.; fur Ilolhin:.'." eK iiTOU OF lvOHEH & TIE', y I. l-.T l 'kti 'lut.ev. Chief JntU ot t i ii'tof t, Vntttd 8tM. dkd if .if Wa.'hlnyton 1 it n.i I. .tn h nicht, abiat l 9'tXA. U 17, 1777. la CrTl cointv. M..ryli'.nd, h wl i,-, st..t! hi rWtfatifre .i prut, d ft . 'tii V'.k'IuiiJ, hbJ (cttird tixiit '.tv! lo,"' I. ll v.i ,-di;i".lcl at DkklMa Of'Jfit.j, C.i M., 'vh-rr he pad at ..J in l'U. I tot spri-' cf4ribp e tin'ienp.-d tl!e tnv af It si th iy of tiinapoh -, hcro th prtntxj soart i oi Maryland wtre ;hen liidd; and wat aii'.a'll-. tlm har rn I,":". In ihi ha wkiehoMna st.cmh r i'f to.- Karyland Souu. In 18U ha r65P0vi-J v l.altiw re, wiiirh whm hu placa o r14.a;l ', many years. In It wn arpomtl AWo.a , ticnriali'f Mnryinuti by th OSTaracf ill oiin. it. Il3reigned in liil.whea h wu ap;;!?. . Atturvey.Oeneral of the Voitcd Stat'i. it. pirW ho rrsiftneil iu 10, upon batng OjHslat' i Seer Cry of the 1 rexiury. Hit aoitlB,ik'os ! .r thisoiliee w.H reieeled by th Senate, as3 Jj - : Taney returned to practice la Maryland. lie wa appointed to lurcee Jadge "shti r -shall, a Chief .Tiiitiee of th Guprrtn.) CkT; -the Unlli d states, in W and took h ": u Jatinary, 1? 17. .tiul'.-n Taney wai afpois'"! t,. Mi "honorable ponitiou by Andrew .1!a;-j;i. :'f was llret an ultra l ederalhit, thta a Zt:Y': .... and lastly a Hreekinrislfre Democrat, ml ' '. old man. His most famous ilecklon trf kano-. as those of the Dred Keott cat la at 3 Mcrriinua tialt,u torputemin in May, I IS;. The following ii the otficial roeter of t;.o preme Couitof the l nited States: Chief Ju-ii.v M. H. Taney, dead; At. Justiees, .lames M. Wayne, of; .1 i .. "atron, Ti iin.'s-ce ; Samuel Neliaa, Hi V r , liobi rt C. (irar, IVnusyliaaia; Nathaa Oi'3 r , Maine j U. II. Hv .iyue, Ohio; Samuel 11. Mi:,.--, l'a;I'nvid I). vis, Illinois ; Stephen C. I. I . Ca ifornliii Clerk, D. W. MlddlrtOD, ton ;, J. s. Hlck of I'enaJTl7ia'. Ib n. Salmon p. Cha-e, cf Ohio, is tr3i u . in the most prominent candidate for apt". 'h;t lo till the vacani y in the Chief'. i sides the prrat honor aid Important t:ti:h ; this high oiliee, then) is a aalary of ?':'.. ntin'in, with numerous fees. Tin: Chief Justioe preiiif j in the S- it.t'. . the I'nsiiknt "r Vice-i'resUcalM 110,, i, OriluIAL WAR OAZETI" Iifiiilf lift. I, tin, limot, annrrn.., Mm tIiIpii- I ht H Hilary nttAif t 1 1. rhniiajpti Jt itoriil Mherldoa'a !sv-t lli'l l Ilrllllitnl Supcmsi Tho l't 1 . Totally It.ittlp.l Sfiaar.rf4.rf. s i.- .', ttiittirt tl ll.f Kstbttl ArtlUMT.r. Wasiiim.tov, Ortober 12, 8A0 Y. M.---patch. Lavo been received to-day froa O .t- r .' irnnt, fienrral Sherman, and (Jeucrai ilkr 1 ., but no military iiiot. inent slue my U't l"s- 0 are teporie d. Tie follow ing detnils of the cayalry cr.ig 'e.! 1 last Sunday arc furnished by General die rl .Ua "I Iibvc seen no syn of the enemy aiact. ' brilliant engagement of the 9th InsUnl. It m .. 'iinre cavalry Ik'hf, lo which the casay ... rooted beyond any power to deeerlbu. U lb 1: tTcrjtliing rnrrieil on whce, taeept ou a . of artillery, nnd when he was last jreo, h --s patslin over Rude's Hill, near Newataik't, a . the full tun, twenty-sis: miles from til P.t.i field, to which point th pnrinlt was kept a. . Th battcrymeri and horses, tc, wctii ciptiT; ' The horses were in good condition, tat -were .' txebiitixed by our tatalrymea for their h: A t down animals. Tho ruiaaltiea oa tba 9:1. : Bot eteecd ilrty men. The erne hundrei tt t. i the Sth Ohio, diiporscd while guardLag :1 brti over tho North shen.s.ndoh, har cose la, v a tho S'tllcers." I-.nwiv M. Sc-vtow, Seeretarj pf "".r. Um Ivniiij Ivnnlis Hllltard Tt. I i . .. n t i u of M iiir.r kavanaou at tcz -ka - - I ION or TUT. KKTSTONK TATJ. This bdllnrd toitruament, which hs, Uei 1 Ibrouvliout the past week In th.3 :,.. was i pproprlately brought to a cor.-Jtj.oa L: Tuefday night by a Brand match of on tho 1 ' ' j p'.lnts np lietwccn Oud'ey KaTaaax'l,;h3 til!;.- th'iitiiion of tho Unltnd Slatas, aid Vi".. llsttphe, the iliumplon of Penaiy'Tunl. The contest excited the greatest interest, it the hall was crowded in every part wit 'j d-inlr interestfd sPtators. Fstepheto'ik a cctr.ine -ii ft b ad nt the start, playiog with eatraoriln.' f tktll, and ninkini.' runs nnntaally .'arh-, ii'. one of lio, tin1 largest oa revrd at i i . Hauls m In re the pnth-shot is barred. He , ' won the unit eb by the large majority of 4 ' 1 points in the game of 1O0U up. The il-tcr . .. deseiveoly iippluuded on his decisiTi ud may truly say, um spected victory. At Ute v .-- . Iiiiiiat ou ot the game, a i'hiladilphia gftbt c a. .... I'ic-er t ollercd lo inatrb KavanagU tc pUj . imiiar Clinic of l ion points, and w,"ulj ,-1. sVU'DU to S'lisi on tiie latter winning. Tti.'cr.'- ' let yo ilii Ited no icsnnn'-e. 1 his niuteli gives Mr. Hophe the el-l. 1 " ' golden cuo of the United States, n-1!' 1 Kavaiijih agrees to play a match gac nr';t It. rcrnsjrlTnnln ehnmpinn for Ite opsilil f.iu . sion. I'lii'inlelpliia may be proud of c.ti".-"''.' the grenti st billiard player tn the wor.J. CAPTURE OF rOBBEST'8 Ti-A' Onr I'opfi ti Ih'tni'i ii Hlai sntt tt.r. jAtu r. Yesterday afternoon, General Bratt!y, i'i 'on nmnd at Url lscp .rt, telegraphed to I'v..' IV ngner, stating that thegnnboat GsiktuI ? c had just arrived at that place froc i?ic t.-, Ala., with a report that our force h7l ciptaw I (,11 . -1 tiuiii, and ura between km aad t.e .Sinai Is. I'm rest Is falling back towards th -if."?. At 0 o'clock on Saturday evening, a i;vi. ler. r..f ti e n.iinj''f loicea'.ta. ked our force aad'.j (i. 1 . ral Corse, and ntipr liehting nearly all liny, i, . cv idrg tho llehe'la beat a hasty retrot,'.-,: . tlifir hcspiials In our hands, lucludicij -f ? u i; to hi I) ltet.cls. General Corsa was wontid"' ' ; also (vernl o h. r prominent otflceri. 1 h'i t.-'. -was n est (omph te, and entirely iat'T':t r -'. our n llilarv uuthoriiios. Chuttaiooga Il. Kii. tfttsMl lr ava.. 1 hir obllitiiig po-tin ister ba receive:) it. . : . lowing not", which nxplain Itself; IliiAMifAiiTi 11s Caki-.t' DlVIStOH, C , ir. sirsi of ion, WAsaistorow, Dc.oir . 1st: l. Drar Sir : 1 tiike t:ie liberty to w.-.t sp . In behalf 01 Maior-Oeueral Hila Cai-y, ve'l . prorerty-lioldcr nnd housnholdar.No. 1J 3sf..- . st'eet, "between Fulton end Atlantic T,:aua lltooklyn. Is. Y. He wishns yon to btv. n frittered in Hint election district, ttat t .u ( I'lr.i' there and vole a straight Repnbltowi ti.ik-t. I am. very resppi'tfaUv, yonr ebsdiaui asrvav. V.. 1'. Uai tirn, Captain, a A. O. 1'u ii. L. Lire u'.a, t s(j. larssjA-Vfi t .'.".. I ot-l Ni rbu-y ti. c.l ta ralaU a gr.m j-Cj. ;t . cnitill' 11, eti iv I it. ti. Ve had jstpsrl -.aitf'' Oi tlct.Ui. "Oh titer hit' cried t: ' Ptlnrlt S'li'icing tl"- .T';d. e, and wtni.tiig a: hi. frj.'a.: ct!t 'a e the dm I., '.'in done witi yo 1 h '. let me l.ei'.r eiiotlie-word ont of oi aOi.'iJ si.y r."yti.;n :, tt) )'a anoid." the I'rififh fhlp fiader I 'l r, v.. re 1 ciius up vn 19 attack Ihe pcaklae'! f ' ' tl. Ttufal.tar.tlie fiitH linlraant or t: t fr- -.if, 0. t (.t ii;jj roiiu i to ( taat aii batl-i we' lL ters, i.bkcrvt'J enj of tae re t i devcitty 1. Ltelii.T ct the si ie ci hit (ma. 4o very nuns isl 1111 tittiti .do cc .;i.ig hi snrprje aad enri' t s asked ti.m 11' l. v a.- uf. a.4 "AJjala I" aot sj'.re I ti c Ir.r, "l-o. voti" Lei's'; I srasoaly pty:"4 : al the era ;.i '. e f'.'-t 1.11 J Us dl3tributo4 la t'u k..i, j.i. ;.; .tloii es tl.c I 1 "t :-naey tar ajt.-4ts- t tn in. ,6".' liii ' ''.' Piai 01 Tl 41 ',. :.oon, 1!. tvr"i'-a To-bat. . Cr.: V.M.S4. Wind, N ls. I ll O.' f'i...i; .. :;.i.a.-Th CkHi'.ttU a .v. I't-.r I'.uil l't. T'B'il fslil cpensd fot wC'J'i'i; ou the -'tli f .i v:::.bT, ' wbUb tlO fj'JPW.i be imp j.- iif rejirtincS. lai ermvi vi: 's '.ti'i.toji S auljit -The "i ' .ilo.vfi i i i T r.o v -l "T ill i. I 'M V-:. . II . I. 1. I. , , 1 . 1 .. i". 17. I IM. I'l. '.'0. mi -l"ru.-It. '. (i i. It. o 'kin , t). nerr. O. las. Am. V, . ' I" I'etil' i a.v Ii .."1 , - 0.1 Ir.. II. ist. 1'. ;, Ue.. 1. it a. I.. :to. !.. A. I 1'ia -.: :;iiiii;. -i i ;. 11. '.v i is iiehle.-ll. "i a M.iii'i.1, K. T ;mi.'S. it. V. ! rightly. I), v -h'll r .'VI. '. '' Well, II. . .) '.o oh. II. l. '. Vol ... ra.'. I. .ll.t!, 11. '.'I. '.. II. IV. i.l. !'i an. It. ':. 11 .T, It. '.' I. . : ;.'. H. SI. I'l- r.- it. a... i.i. ;t. I11B n ill! ).' :p .'I li -M'.t, U; l)i"r, g'lins 1 or v.- -Ws.'c :. I rule, r.. I'i. f' t. ,t. Met I) jla:".;.' ie, II. .'a. ''.. Telford. I . I. 11. r.f il. 17. .'. Uiill iwl'.' I. In-. ' l. ) o. H'itiiI ('iiiithr,' II '" I Mul 'ii, Ii. llr.a Iv, II. ". V . i. '.el .l. 1 1. 1M Vib, li. Jinrnvs. i. 'Trr. Hun) in. It. 1'.). U. Vopnlo W:. Ii. . ''in I arn"-t, It. i'.'.i. H'T'iyshir', It. Si). Tn. I'. Min-r, It. It. '". II arm ,1, K. J. .1. B lllii:, .11, It. ?l. W. U. Simp. ;. .'. Bo -rf U. tiro., I!. Knn.'h Tavlor, It. 1". '". Wi hi in,- it. 3 '. V. Vaiil.u'li, It. .'t. J "V. live;,,, in, 1:. .' W. Mel' ;r,u-. I' r.iB'.s 1 1 . 1 1 nl-11. I), '..III' ' I-. Did 11, li. ''. . H ob i t l. . 'olm '. . da:n', !(. i iioiiiH-t I ittlc, li. vx. J. It i . , f r, 11. '.'.'in. .s. lol-..", it. is. in - snhf r. li. 1. J. I're.iv I.'. j 1! Hill, 1). I.P: llSt.T. .v, I!. W. t ot,- It. Aitia- l'rt"r , 1:. 'o'i Ilr.neoi ,; - 7.. Pilrt M. K-.'i, ',r.. .li r nip!', It. iraiii ; 'It ahliii'i.s.. . . . ,.:j'i oliioivor, f - a .ilr r. ,j I). It. . . . Dem 1 J-i rt IMI..'. ..)' D. ni.e; o il lien A 'W i'l I. II, -'. 1' . : I.r- i-iLs-n- i"il f". del "1 ir. -en'. vi . ie ; t i..:, '.' I'iss. II. i .... ,-, 0 1 . I.. ,'.'ll . II,. I'. .f.-.ll. l.l !,V. . . ) W. , I'. ' s ',iti Sl.T'i ti'. .. I l.i a.- IL t . ! .. nil. ' i. 11. !,. TiiMii'i The re "leef. 'l to ih. ..' eitv dls'riet. ; IMsO !. '11. i. v . I. fin.' in so - r t . . f. ' 1 . '.! I.. , ... II. '' !l I.'. I. . f I :. .1 I .... ,1 II I . I'. II ... 1 U.. 1. It !...' ., h.. w r. 17. ) .tt, . .1 1,. I-. .'. 1 i... , in the Si.t.,,,,,1 j .1 '.1 V. I'." 1 I- 0--1.1. I,.,.' t". f. K-n.H i;,,lima 4a I 1 1'tfr Tl um:' '. 'iiirg. i.inni i.'ua,. I ' '.' ill the 1 inr lull ikt..i- M',..ri 1 " -ti, it tin 1 .t .wi o .1 -..' 'ii , on of . ,' 'I J Ot' to ,11; t i'rl'.'i,.i. Sc'aoiiehi. ''a. ''Un rr inooi v." 'Ha lo hy Til V fv itrd" lift Tl). 'on, a '. '. "..' . il i t the I.iiiti, li 1 ' f , :.'"';'.(,,'fi Weilld t Ill,' Nl T. " i vt!!y : .. le.i C thi,. "e ir.. IS I . - ." for '.' tl j ' ' ''-") 1 0..1: j . a in it .. r.',iir. 1 1 t:-. j-rd of ti c Lu ,.' tli? fo'it i f . n'ji. r. su 111 T'.h. r 1 Oil ttit. I o 1, o'i'e the A,p ; at 1'.' I . f . . " 'el;ed as-It 1 1 I ' '. " hit 1. I. " yr '' M "4! '. Criiir-' t in. ' liil'..'. "I'miyl' to 1 riiitniii nil (: t :r n i. H 0 witnn..4n h-fc'i. lio n 01 trr... 11.. S..S 1:1 mc !li.;ili,-)lioo. Wtfl-0 .- s,:ed an i-.oi viia, nU,i fpicial boa's M -ro in '" "' lor. Ifil rith -itens. At IS M. tho 1 ,- .. oi.,. n .-ciiill.,' .id into tho river amid '..- " chi ,ri i.-nm ih'.se on beunl and iissemhlcd ' M'.i I ' in ; yard. .Miss Jt-ie I ni'iur. d.ui,'h r i-t Cap-i'.'i' TurP'T, of the V. . .!,.,, on t-nnl 1". v - el. Ainonjf thosjou h.i d 01' u- 1111 -,..,. . . nniiilcr of .lisiiitiiiiih'!.! ';!. ':i.n, ,11,1 ;ii; r.,ih.r.iof tho Italian feign. ''. f'fi-'t i'a rowe.rl'ul v.-ss, 1. ..,,,1 ,, iti y t. '!?;' io'.;.,i, .-.u0 is .'L'tiitcet I )n. nn 1 n lislM'f.f on mf stocls sho retched tho -h i' 10 iti li'.tt. .) 111 tho uliip.ynrd, and her how . - i nded 0'T the sidewalk on Itieh'n .11 1 itfeo:. ' t Wa i fsrtw.Jlx feet, death cf liold r.'y fn ir ie v. .".ho v.ill have the' l.-.r.oj, 1 -im-' ci" .'., f he.l to a vpssel r. , ' i.i"'n. ...,f ' io ':oiistriieteil tin t she will l.j 0 f r . spiei'. A eo'liir ve iscl of tha c.v-.e ,i -s 1 , no V huilfll.-p :.i tin Navy Yar 1. f ill . i ri't'.ifin ti.'5 '"i:r,ftoiiii has already I) n 'uii Oietl Ir t , T ti.p.'iiiii it. ' Mill 1 '.o.,!.;.".! Avi 1111. . imif o.etirr.'.l ... .t... public I ,. o," Voter Grim, 04 I r.iu' l o t .1, bcfcpy 1 'ih V'. n.etiue, J'0-'ter. iy a.'terr.j in, ln wtil.'b thr";1 :n n worp sl ot, -lones ivpid .'-7n a: the horn; nnd thp windov s "innh.j.l. . lriia '..'.) ; -.icl. over the head wiMi a liillv jti.j r ' the, p .ril.'j who cuti-r.-d the no is '. pr tho ' itpi p.-o,"ressed lor ii t'tu , 1 1 ! '.rv I'lO-M: ! from !h iitias.i. I'n's 1 1'- stiruoied tli.. .: !-:ion of llol.eut illos..,,', t,.r.) a I . 4;)'.i.'n III tii .'u'li VennsylauK 11 giin.'tit, j ino'.-n i s ''in in.lor'on (Uuards. and .-.eiaial ' "t :n; nnd lirnre th.y could got in Me house ,k a'.'ir, loaded 'v tit j';.,:, was lire. I from tli ) y i-d tp . ontm's 1 ' ire street in tho f ' nnd ne. l: of .il'-.ipif, ir ! ?'.' i':' . wound v. li!- Ii it h tlicwht " 1 prov.i inoit 11. !' wun Ac.i to tli.i 1' .is eowl . lon M . Sfs.iral othev "Iti rn liVcd i- oi.i the s..,f. 1 u-.rtpr, It '- i"..-ed, si' -'itj t '.nilinf .iU'i.i Kajtaity . r '. ' a , . I .'.lion. 1 he oli a 'ie .;iia on th a- it. irvl :t 11 111 cioi 'd Clnri-i .ie. 1 an wa tic'..; on tho c:i.",;'.J cf l".'i'i; .ir'il the gu t, r:nl loci 0 1 up to a . ., a lie f i"i; :!f looruiiii. 1 oliiie il disc i s ,10 11. it l-i in 10, 1 tho oriyiti i.l tuu diii. -ulty. 11 1 Ct " . . ,..... 1::. ,irii 1.0 .-.Tho v.irioui t" i.'-Milcrtt an 1 . h -- ible Instiintl ni-t tkroiigliont i'h ! ity ara . iii.nn.'iii liiij their wor' . 'i'ha severity ot :V T-a-t Inelenicnt yker tins c.'.lc.l ;'. i' '.'(.o ein'iloyi ! ai nt" these . ci"i on at an on-iiS'i'-'iy f..rly f. '::.'. Nearly a", t ei treasurifi re Voplet"!!. 1' "ntitint neee."-.':. to ; ret '.to ""'I UM P" i'' i - : sia'. oii i- it . :s o tho sum r wir.-d 10 h ir. ' a'o tlu emir t. c, 1 previous 1 n 'tl. In th" sont'iern pci'lo'i of tho city, ii- Hie ' i' t ", and In I' 0 ." i-.' s .ctions of ti.r t-'s tunt1' at"' spvontamitli . urds, the wiu- r " Ite '.. f'vr.t. O . stitirlou and i-e 0 aru ali '.y .'ppealing for relief. Tho '. d." d ") li' .!:' .a,'i winter will he so e.s 'ended '!!.. .il -h.i 'on '.'i'liiti to tiie relief of -uilei im? 1 i?t"r tv'-o .l .houlii e.ii.'fiilly direct tho 1 .: hatlon .'."11 if . i.tiii'iliuti .tis. Sj ni K-li will i- r.aire.l 1 1 : n ho inisiiiiplied. l'.'ii3 l' ' ..'. 1 1 : Kovi;.4iu.u Ili.ia itoN. ' pl '.ra '.''t'." 'u 1 'don I,f:ino in'end prep irin:; i .11' 101 1.' p;i .1 ;.'..; 10 ha reseat d fi l't: a aril uy C" i'i '"nil 'iiiiiiii thai nil ill une tin! ..'t ir o: of nt the, I'resiiletiti'il elce i'"!T the vote poll (1 011 Tin's V i 1 bo m ule aeeordin to the il ".' l ords, the great mi r,r. .11 i In the prize ll ig. !'. oi' :li!i Ulnil was ordei i.l ir. . .1 'leetiou of liehar. ; r :'s won l.i the l ifth aril ;ior 11 'Ifiv; XtJt '.I ' i.?!ltd :.,' Ilal' a p I'.rran-' n i'v'o-. Th'..: .;' Hid'. I'fi .'p;o ie nXt lii thost ward a! '.' fulberrv, In the "Id city "n i ''Ui i.l-o ne o.i'.av.l 1... j greatest liieiiase ot tin tf.S. v, . ) ntj .1 sli.-i ' ' i.'-.l . i -.'Ui'li. The l'ifih Lip. .is, ' '...rcli "1 ' 'r, . pletcd nnd paid lor iie;r j'. ..j l't 11. -".-' i'.'t', eornor 01' Ulehiee ith and I -; .10 'In'il.ii' sin.,'4, svill i. .lieatu It this :' : , .' 1. or . III '1? pi'cti. l,, . ,v thu ''"'.. T:.oni ,s, c. i,l..r.'.m, I'a ;,or of 1..1, 1 ir-l .-a;-.' '' 7h p I', .-"cf 1 p ' ':o ... s . Uft :it Ci 1 ii' :. .- Jiln "i'i i I'ialn v.cro a.i'tiic.1. In tl.o -'' s t. '. :nt' Vi'i.'O 1 st. rdi'.y, upr a tl e t in i'f.e of ,t'tic 0"ui'Sr:'pt fr.'ciional tenet c of Ike th i'.'i:,l.atl'ii. of ,'u'iy cents. Ti.ty i il a.veu il' c. fiswi. -.i: rrr. ted, und i ( c held lor t .n l iler, tn. ; states e - ' ..' "t. Tt.i. itinriiiiig .bis.'pi'. Hoca n v ii-1- i .- .'.'.Jt 11...1. i'";;1 churccL v. ;tl. the 1;.: c 'j'u''i., 'I'i,. allc'VAi'in ,. 1 .1.1 ,e v.: t. ('$; a- 1. I.Hig Int' linuse nrr 1 ivt.t P"' v i'.l 'J' c'.r.'et.', ".n.! di'rltit tin1 r, -; t s' tlc tl... ' 1 . ' '..l.t. ;-i.m kb '1 - s'tmr p. i. iv ova... 1. A f.J I'.it ' fill' ll W 'f1 f "a. hi ', to Cor l.rtt of A your; ll Witt COlllf 111 0 y.hc vi '.I' e. ('cr inc.: C . :i i .--;i e ( il ee hu'ldin. , M Ti. Ti.". Tup !i of the Tost Ml 'iminlslied. Is t 'i .e ;! with the tv sir-11 V'orknipf .'t.-..:. in.- seiiliold e !' ,ej hi, of U.C I'lTlit He flsa,.:s.d to put i.p ti-c r ' tji.ceau; M.iyir . kt-Olf. ' 01 . nc .' t.'i s ."ft 1 . '1 .-" Avd . L jf.ll, iOll '" !-j .en .-. t.p V'j'.'jul . 1 : 1. r An i Or.: .tUt. ' ' , ' lii li" iliij vas I.i M !.' sM'oral Inicc I e ' ."tCl.HT s;.fvel.c.: tiio r . ai Jianni'., Esi., 1 - v in. 11. Jv re, 1 s,;. ' 1 . hold a inceii'f, r.! the I'.tV. Sav-nnl aprtptii-s were r.e,. .; r.i!'.NT. l.y t-j it -..; ilc , ... r urdnt.1 J, i.l' C ir .ptcy ' ''n.l 'ylva-'.. 1.1 ...t.. . 1.1 .. I Oi camp o'. Hie i-crscvrl ' ". .ilwai. elt,.-, c .ir.t;.i.ui'.:u- 1 i,pp yru .. j;sri "- 'VI t.t iljclln 1 ;' I 1 ,".k n .. will il of t " Cl Cll. .'. titlll i'c.e -.1 ' ,'r in" ' .- t: '.'' a pay . f i. LU lit O 'er j 1.1 ici e ! ;'ii' I I' S'vot i.a Anvrivr.fir: A mc t . n.'l ..nd r n..' talilfl in !ni r of o- t of c .. ' .' .- vol .if so.-lcilea, the most a-il.j tuj l . n , .' t!,e city, ht-jly .t hltas.-lf into ; nlc: :'. I'i p"ii' in-hrople disposition. .-'a.'r.j l.i I, i'S h j :li"Ufiht,call"d upo.; -.U. 1! , , .'a. ."or .iSfis'.me, hnvinit, she said, I . c ur.?: if its t hue her pnrv), ir ' i.foj nij Hi., t. lierj" it'. al 1 1 i ro"'ed to l'oiton, vlc:j to; b "m j h. Al In ( tvty ilo'ip.-d at a store, th p'"ir:Vt 'f Th'.-li hn.l u ' 'i lent illv nen h -r lulyliip thai iiip - in 'nft ; itti t -Hrssi f.-ll of inon'i) . A d . ' .li a th"ii .Irop;. ,1 in, aad l.nme iialc rj.'OJ ni ' 'I hvr In li's professional c 'p i 'i'v a) an old vAeiulcr utainst (. tain iniiniejii; rr,;iiltioas. I'.crr- t...l; ',1:1 looke i e '.ccediiii-'. r fool b, en J li 1 o- . u v is ro. I -ser. . . L.a J on nf , r a. I, is ,0 foioid liis wli'j la a i iv, c k' a.-' o ., :h h. . inj mt bsen iii.'oriued hyar. I ":i iu t it her imri m Jr' i'i if ".' t ' ?i ' n :nnu 'iy til o-o 0.' tl-o iuimi nt' . " .sj-.o t'jt -s ''.!'...' 1 ''. The f.' i jut ::. io: ly sapi :;, iurV.rits, hut rff.nv'st ! . ri. n.l, v. lio dio-,,. t.,i t" Irs ''oor, to t'lre h r In ihe timrirv nnd tlri' 0 her tn the ta tiou. iH sisas iijieiileU to nt .aca, odd tliey ilr.ncot. The j.ntle, .1111 wis one of t!.jl.j-t. I:ni an -iti nt, -nd :w tli'y firof'-t, i''".::tnit iiniieaoly. :liromtli;li i sireets, ! 0 was s' -ue t ),y tiie nil).', .li.ui O 'liiiai V B'lciili'iii be to 1,, id upon Mill. !'"' i.'ii ; tare 1 in apt. a. "U r.'- . -ir ir.t, an.l yivin : cjuileinen linnoil ro.!iil nr. I ,.;i. ci Miter tin t, in jve y -t. 'Ot . 1 h.s is .he y 11 ' .1. ': ! ci , .:. ;:! Instila. .'.M e-t. ' - th j c' -ph n't : ! i:e pie les, .. :ii nt 1. 7! i.-dl "b- ttoiis i:r" It-lied la al Last o and thi.- t-i and soe. -t I'i.' ' 1 1 t- en in. t 0' oryto-'y I"'. .11 ! ..s 11 1 1 ."i..' ,0 ho! ! . .'Ho. ." I" ..1 l.'iiid . 1 .' .: i.' li:. to , '.''.. ir :!'. .- .." tl al ' 1 T ir.l.-, " -c !'.. t . Il' e,,... le all . r ' d eh e 1.1.1:, 'led 10 hi :'io 01 i van tl oi.'iier s a. Id ess in ,- n tl t -utitr d ou the 1 oo!, in tli io'1,1 .' 1 Ijo 10 nd I' e ; "..:'ni:o is , e ll I, I'll' I sin i in;, 1 :t u l.tyl'.- liiie nion nie noted. . It :d id Idc:: l ha ..0.I1 ill'.- iheu .I.:.' 'd pl" J.'. Hi '. ''MiiMh I!. I'll .'. t t'; pn.per ireliotses fir ' P'lp u:io!:s, for .d ba.Urius aro i.i.'su cr. 'les a .a iincosinr.'.y ver" me.- si : Im d.-jj cjii iaiiti :, r.-pie-eii; at la.e, and ca.h tt 0 U s i: .'.U- fi 1 t. . e r. n ti. 1. oi: i.ot ni:h !" t pvp.ry re-:i-n:.i 1. tt articles -1 i ..; in two 0 1 ..-hi: . i- n.nij ii .nd. All ap .eh jaeet'i must I e n to pro.o the rient !: i ita iiiii'ioii'Mte Dl: aij al..' r 11. 1.1 ni;nu:i ait I ill! . in ; known I j iir.le; ilii'.'l.'oli lor i'l a c e,i;i ipicd I C. 'li li'l. JIM l.'t' no - -'.ii r. . 1. 1 li e . I :'.t a..-, r.l .' . f.s '.. 1 .- i-'. ie, :.. ? :!ei.:hl rr.i I ir-' -' ' '' '" 1 I'U'.'ut !ti:.nco .. ;' . .1. ., , ...... tl .' a.d .l.'i-j end snil :s 0: tl .. . - t liaj ! ed 1111 oil .-'1,! fi'tlc; r . 1 '.' '"i" .: .' )'-'.li' 11a ir.r . the sovc.-.1 cL-.ttis ..'. '. 1 mi. 1 1 a voi-ii t 1 1. ' 1 "' ' r tors . :l. , ' . : i .1.1. 1. or-'hau r I.-; 1 j.i- T.T! 'l(! in.'.i, ;i at crmi 1. ; 1 . i j.i , i" I.. II . s .'11 : . .- a'.'.iil i'..c '.ppll .1.... i" 'Xt the r.i." .::: . : 1'S 1 1 v, h. -ale x.ill ; jtvMj ilotl.'n . 1 -a 1- ' . 1 ll r, be. 1 ' Jit : ill'? file wi'.shin. tliu or. tl t.", .. 0 r .'or f:d 1. -, ui.J is ' !'ii in . ai, ..ti thci 1, bat t!;ii re Ivej or Irl ;dj :. si no ui, 11 1. .t:njr . i.... is eu. al-o to send ' h th nn, ; ; 1:. sil'l", sa li 1:1 r ttj t :t . v j '.voi 11 li'l e tn p.L .' an .o t eh: j c.'.'ili'.i'.lc ' . :. to the Ir"ll line f:'.l'ell - for tlieirodt'Ction t ll.Js.'i..l , It. 1 1 - I . f,;o f. ,l 1. if. 11.. . ml; ii h rf ii0.'!-' . .1.1 tt, ,a ; 1. 'I ; 1 s .1 1. Iv .' ' .'"J if .-.' I 1. .- tl.o 1 1. 01, mill .' t ,'.'l t'O V C- ., ".f.vii VI .s.uaa . s r -i t , Voai i.l-'K 'It. '1 :i- ,:n !! IIi'i;f t ! 1 ! Th tl.; 1 11 It! v, n v. tir v- a 1" 1, 11.. 1 v 1 tiy.-i, ... .-- t.'l to If II lli. -o ,;,1' or-r-r. Y.'o . .''" t.. : , t -l . , llu b.-.-la- '' " '.'lf u t.'l I'l'll. :1 1, ..Ufli IT. WO I ( I. 1 ill .'i ir i y.-if's i?ti"ii.. sun, !, a,.,,ri '"i '!''. e th. 1.1, ,.i.. -I l,.j ii'i.e-r ih 1, l't i.if a. iailmr tli,aiili., u v.'li. 'i "ll e .1 e. ia. 'I't'tia. u.,-tti in a I" 1 ."U n-l. li. v. 1, sajs ,i I'll. if. us !SI,iV 1 . , i.i. .1. I. t.Mi i.lni r. .1 .; , ..- . 1 .v.. 1 r. t ; .1 1 '-! I'l" in. ' suit of ..' lie I1.1, ..'- I ,. Oik I'm ', . 1 -..lii .. ! I Ih-r. rrr 1 I: litis never ' ..I, L'!iid 1, 1. ui , M llila ...if. ,,l I'.i'r. v! .ui ll litJ. I & i i..iiii,- ,ur 1. I....II .1 10 .a'f. IVlM... ' ITt.'llll.JI ' , I'niien'.i 1 ' ' ry HI., re, X ..IKW t . 81 le, 'It SIIO t. .U'I'tl., T.' K C nil tsrtl-i ' 1 i:"i i:r s" . I lit I'.o I .1. T .. ! I. s ll ti .1 ' ' ' fl'' )". Thlc !t t: 13 rnl 1 ei .116 ti t i.l! In Um . 1 in'. y nt I's 1 ! '.'.,. .1 Itlllltt '.'.' I. kr.ei, 'I - ' I.1.S ' 1 I'.Stl'll .r-t .-Itl-.ui.t .1! S.l -tlul '.uaic 1 1 oil si.:. i 1' .. I ".I 1, in .'.t.ii - tl -Jl itt i-.'-y ; -a. 1 1;. 1 r . i( 1? se. , , 1 : it.. ai'MC t. it h . a , 1 j.,1.1 1 e .0. jiaiii, I'KCtKT. Tints.. f e -. .1 y -i '..ei! . m tons;-.11 f rf . Iu.(l . 1..' . 7. us I 'm n. -t '. s.1.1 .'.ii', on: 1 ..,1.. fi ' ot work 10 : i.r tie- Ocaii. aiy, at Ne, ,. sirh.'Mii.t uu.i'.i Is. .11 si lot nl . 'I.i-s. c.l, tr.-f t. . ' "''i ' ,( ii.ini,-t oil 1 nn.:.., llu protir.i -c ,i.i-avt ii- a In u..r,.i ' l.i.- f rei e. Kvery le ..aiUi'i 1. ariauli il i .'..Hi . ul.ti H-iinr ..i;.- v rc 1. 1 n. ii. Kofliurta r I-, sttu -I-.. 11, vt Vit, r )"n wltli ti, .i,r. l is,, or 1 . ir ".'nr. i. soul !i I i, ' -...m .i U) .. on "i , f imp. el ',. j, '.ii. 1. ; t:ii S...I-I sue 'i. .no:. ;,i"'- .'.1 :!r.t' -si.m sir.t. I'.'i'C 17' 111'! I V Pt.SL .No. J'H 1:1. t.v, !e;r ll 'T' -t ! : . 7 rs. Si. AUon r ..... ill . . . I, . , 1,111'n 1 ..'.i' . ti ,;m ; . ir W'erlil's aa Ui'tiaiiT mill i yt iltue t ,s, i.r Ii .lr I r. t.lne. anil y. II.. ii. .a' b,. ui,,. . ei t: .a; hi La' liin.fs Hiattts. '''ll s.n, .1 -I I 1 sue., (i.itl. ve.- J:..-itsasi it .'i. ' r. .1 ,.1) a j. r.a.ll.. I l,AI I'.f ailielw ''I .'fs'e.i Hi. . Kill i.-it t .-.i-yl-ilr m .1 1 l.-r. J ml .. .11;; it v ,,ni., tiUlily mm bun ", . st a'. .ah. ion pr. 1. re tln u. ut any 1 '. , of f no cnccii- . art., it.i ' .'i.-f, uint ;..!. 41 IM .Bu dir t, , V r-if, a vn , t.o. J '.. C.C tuul . .. a, il .lr. I'..-. 'a. . ; ;-.T t ar l'...i ,1 1. 11. 1 n:i. 1. u.t .p.l-- udrc,1 '"!;.- '.olml'. Inn ell nnd . ii l.ael 1 uchs. cut tc r,.ov r pc sc sioii of ,st ,J. U . ee t rar,'. rv.niie. '11 trial, toy e. d le licet. .'.11 action t .lelendi. .1 is sf ifity lor rent 'I.. ;: 4 !.-. 1 ef..ecii 'I ivtlfih 7'"ci;se, tV.'i. .''is. i icot si ;nc.l ;;.t s, ciui t ,.s t t.etuity. Jury ' 1 t.';s- ' r. tiiii 1 . ii. at, tvl i.t Pi : beiii'.' tv; -Itj" t ' 'il'V .'.11! ai. is ut an the Court ml- -.'t'l'l" The lip 1! tn-il. .;.'. Wil '.:'; cf inali- ," ' It mil ... ..- ; elt ui..'. 1 r. , I't'.rjro of . . am' else to a 1: i t ( 01 ncr. ii li-i . I S.ill liMinr ' TM Ol i.s on 1 "I'll, is'ith lur- 1 .1 oi ;' rt; 1 el ,.(.. 1 1. v '.. i;i. HI i V.'t.VtVK JtfU'lSK T. oi's- rr : ,1-. , nil! rnd a )...i'tM.'i'''-. rr-. ' '. ie' . v ;..-'.i of ,..'. ' w f . 1 '. 1 !'.:. still eoe;-:. ,1 tui. i, iny u(.,,i t i' it. i!i prices. Ti.e 1 wliM-vf. tort) i.e Ic:.U" i. TI.c t i.s er 1 e loi'i . bet il"C'( i: much ra 1 r. ttfti se'.reei;' sy "efrt In 11 e ast ("0 or : ! r. il t i er.- i'C ci.t'ie a sale i f it few f 1 t.j .'.. t-ii" lily f. i'0 i-' l.l.i. j f p li ';i. t . toi.iii.cci t . fcpp'y t'ao ' 5." ti- ! ,r 1 1: ;n. -serial . '' ; W '-' lor I :i.. 1 ' t. v'l.' Ii r trucy nraudl as , I'v '1 1 o Ti a tm. .ru S.vttl no k' : :s 1 t'ci-e-'y light, und li.:". ':';;. 1 ..' 1 '. i.l.Vl l eva '.. ; 1.:!: 'c::, c l."i I ,t ecit. C. -1' , r-d i-LI:c ri ? -' .""(if a-:. r.; ' re -..i::i.i tt ,' 'n1. Corr. : e.'.'..' t" 1 act'.. r..te, and he!; . :'!; 'ic.U reperiod ;'C ; select i". i:t for .' cuiiti. Itk e .' ' t." '. I ltd etr. I n-ley ' t'i "" l-ti..'! ' .ttiu Laiity of st llo't .te.l Lj ft : 1 iii ' 'l.i".l y. A e '1. t .- r.l , l-",i.', FINANCE AND COMVCRfr. " Omn ev Tr ai am Tvsi-iT-tj lans.Ovt,OT . , The w.i.-kl wa annuitd jtukfci mi-Iti fOnf.eltBpj 1 a mors al t U ratWt k Urns J"'.'! -. bat tonardi tTtnlsg, a IhentaiM bau to show axoi deeded rata for h Vnto ticket, tho . tttkstloth her and hi Keir Taik as-umcd at cat S!tt ilrenjto. ihaaia; Uw elosel tba t'-pital of lb eallnm I Idsndjed wftfc tbc su:ee? -I th Ooeramnl. Tba Nw York hck rose ,.a 1 per t en!., tad Raiding mm la demand - - pit cent. adTaa, aalUryt at th close at .', -;er.a Th. partis laM.wTssik who have -a toueiToriB! to ni fmvU kll -..Itadeelddrtbaf. a&laitix.... rtbaf, k&d ail itxs . iral Of COi-IVKn., u BtrasAUU aad (.rt..'. At the 7 Iftk Avena. BomS last ar,tng the " f i",""1- H4".''teaw- la the :uornlng U.4, .old at 1 Kl atltf; Uoadi .i al C2, and th whole kstwaiap. . , llcforaToard tk kt,a m ' arge porctiasc. of Rradln Tb advice, hy telegraph show a Tory rvapaal market tlr w'.th Ktie at 36. PaiMe waa kava ka nailing ...1 l.e Idea era dtfeat of tba etjMtanaMBt la th r:eiat election ara aowr U bnavy save thomsrlvtj from terloai lasse to the aptvard br.nnd in shares, and the ansonr aaal' trr the leading capitalists la the tJtruiMextlngai.b--icut oflho Jt.'hsliion. A dorntch from 'rTaMklPaTtc'a thli mornlnj "ys: "The ujcrlpticmj to the aesr 7-30 loan, "ivf-ried at tt Treaary fepartaamf, jr ta '.i "t two H iy, e-aciat to f?5?,M?. " " "1 The raw 6 ;o laaa of HlO.Ofa.OCO will ' hs r-jtsjaii to-tLortow, Ocubar 14. rarlti thd past fe d tys rxniiaerblIatrrthaabaa awakouod tmiong private cepltaJUt at well a with the fatlciinl Vsr.ks : th bidding pranlaai to be oa a iih-ral scale. Tho lean will draw ( per 01 nt. !t teiest in t-oid, payable sUaaaally. The boad wU'ibe llu!:-! Vt-'siil.r j, at, ta raa twjut cars. . Thero ' , t-tUt feflfcg la in, StiieJi'M.irket thb mo-rJ-;, a;;d ptleiMi kr aa apvaril ten dency. Ooswinta-w kiuin at attar, with salo of r-::s it lot coapattf off. of i.yiv Kr, i;tiotcd at ICSffllOil, 7-U9 at MUl.wr."'' P ! i Railroad shares there b aaor daiog,' wVtt sdes of leading at eli624, an advutie ' of 1 ; Pennsylvania railroad at AS; Hiaehall at0 c.-lh fcnnsylranla at 311, wblck 1 aa advance U.ituwlns, common at 17f 41s, an adranei o( 1 5 . hilaJ'.Ipbi.iandKrieati(4aod LitUe Schuyl Mll at J ; ViO was bid for Camdaa aad Auihoyj 1 71 for Caiawlssa preferred; and 67 far Phlladcl ; hin and Ocrmantown. r?misylvanla ft are selling at fs; and new Ckr s at l' S, which it an advance. ' . ' ' llCity rassenger Railroad ( raatfniio dull. ' " wa bid for Second and Third t 15 f,ir Thtr Menth and Fifteenth j 38 far Bpraoeaasd Vine; IH for Arch ; "9 for Orten and Caate and 2'JJ fotf Oirard College. , i- , ... , rt.n Coal Oil aliure ar mar active and price ara rather hotter, with sale or OU Oraek al 4 ; Dens. nioro at ?J ; McLThany at 1 Nobla aad Dolaina tcr at 13; und Rock Oil at 44. , -nJ Canal Hhares us steady, wktk sale af ScUuyU Mil Navigation preferred at iti; aad common ac ll'.', w hich is an advance; Hi was bid for MorrU Canal omnon, M4 for prfrrd; asid U fct ."ssqrehanna Canai " Hank fSarrs tj Urrnly kld, bat tharo Is llttlu or nothlne doing. HI was bid for rhlladelpbla,-' ! for Fur.-aen' aad Machaatc; a9 for Ko t!,rJc ; 46 for Pean Township ; 81 far Western ; for MancfactBMt' aad Mackaaie';. i70fcf Tradescicn ; V,i far Coofolsdatiaa, und H so j Union. fluid continue dull, and there to vry Lftle dolor in the way ot sales opening at a4j tell off anil sold at SOU at 1 1 o'clock t advanead aud sold at r q at 12; and I? 1)5 at which ij ao -il'.iu. ? ot i per cent, since last eveutaf. fUILADElJ-UIA HTOCK BXOIUJIOa BALEa. 03T.1J ttsportetf bj Ctarasaa CtK, Bmaan. JTa. in a. Thlrtl It .it.- . BeroKB fiOAaoa. , fliti Hettllnf ....e Sj . m(a PMaa 9m ", ' --a "' i I luosa Duttu w,l ... do tilOS'J IIS) U f 'o ! ' UesU O.J...WIM'.sl tfusa ll.," "0 . . th .!,... Ofa fi f.,fl r. Kla.fttMe.y. k) St. 4 '.)a :)... stCoa ti I 1CJ ak Stacws r wj .urit"-:? tl uv. 1 7eOsaKetUbi.voil. i. .'.3 es - 'j e ' :0 Ppr s. ct-.-. t-, . . . " C"r rt, mi : 0 i: .C LA .- .rt t, s.' sh K, w Creek ..Ml HA) Ik Rto. Mar oiu. t Uuiaaw Har nr.... ,c M , it,,.. 1,1' -41. kJIBii I3 '? iu-'.l at r. .a MiMam. ui 100 ik KorUll'.ll.Ulj .11', S ll Cauwlai H. . . I r -i IM skrkiLii.ii in.., im n n,ei. a rsiiu 1 1 rak Uimk og....... t. Usaiu tsok a'"., si? IftCsacataw.a ,ii ; .Us ..1SJ .115 .. 1 4 nh ,"J ;t..ry sas. . "su i'.'f iisr-i z:.d rs ... 0 ra jit Muat 114) b t'U CI V 1 .1.1 OU ... t 14 iu.q 4?. to so Dfcamf-r .. t5 aJt. Cnotat.'cns of Gold at tk rbiicsfajphfa Oold " ' :h.-.n?e,;:'i.3l H. Ttn-d strcsst, sswoad ory -. A. .1-1 a.?J 1 F.kJ so.-. .iirketstrocff. . , 1 Quotation of the priadpal Goal astd Coal Oi. leeks at 1 o'clock to-day , e a. Bid Fattoa IV.J. a (tk I . 1 1 7 7 1 l'U 'totinmn Oial. b :.'.Y.aUltl.Coal..l0 M fffSraOsiu.. S . u a OU. ite (msn iti. Coal.... 414 .'. ( arbonrtaa..... .' iw CrrU 1 ' ' inton Co J. ...... IX Ortaals OSI....... ' rtaakiksOlI .. Ucwsi'i aijy oil Irslaa OU. rpa rana OIL Itauawifs, llUtlOt , SsMlU on. urn mas J a a Ualaiaatar. li Hraav I ', Fatrotoam Oaatra, tli Uouolataa 7 AU.irtit), Wrar tSarWa, ruu ouiavst.. iu it liuurr ioai,,., j,u i'tvatsra Infirlf-in Kaolin.. 1 s U s t) I a.. I run attaint mi t ouiirctlcul ....... ,. Jf Ksrilon Ztne.... 5V its Kli-eltlorOU ll at -Ml Mi oiK 1 is 1 1 f iDllnsntal 1 T"-rrfU asK I e I L'rfsk s tt L self) ifflias 01l..l':tt, 17 :. 'alntock OU.... s, Vi : ssrr on 1 . ' m ral Oil S IX , , TMune Cll I i St I iiera rum.r...... 4 s. 1M1S t m-ii The tollowing ara the reeelat f Coil Oil i J1 -his port to-day ; Crude, MO Wralt; Kjitnet, 'JO barrel. , , ., The following are th Noelpt of PI mr au'i r-iiu at this port to-day : rioir, li '1 r.v.. ; ,'h-ut, ti'.ou basheii : Corn, UM bushel ; Oat... ' 700 bushels. .... . .- The Cblcage TV-trims, of Kondav says: "Vi: j crk closes on a auiet mooey, witb uoud.leu s i illy restored, ho man now qaettkotis tho s:a Vility of onr leading bank tare . aud tho a4ie;aiJ leposits wltli them to-day ar larger than t'u.' ' live been at arv previous time divnnf fin l.i't1" . ! months. ' .- wants bat those of a lagitiiu it '' u'stttr Kill ro:e:s their rseogiitii'.n. i uis a "11 nndersl jai, sui dosi a ra; with peivju-i -. tfusu!." ' The f.'ew York 711WM till taorninp says ' " 7 he sttcm; t of th ,'opperhead sheets t'j intiUe t Ike pull.c ijjbt It Increasing at the rate of . ree million dollars per day, in contradiction c ' ' ;';'.ihl statements, tasrely an tha groaud of tho ' ' -pro'T.aiiO'is that bave bren, woi.oJ , .' '.rilly cescrve BOt'c but for the fact that tkev diavor ts do this tyon tie ijat. i-ct.Tcicl. t'ata furnished by tha annual Ooarrcs! iona! 'PI ropriai i at, ad, quoting tbee, aa.-up-e thut Ut entire ataoent is raised by lroui"i isncr- : the ffcrt that tags lumt of rcuney are. laii , i y tsxstion. Jatrrna' Kevrrt rrccnts ftto 11 turns, and oibcr soarcse. The arern'e Intrcfia . rf the pat.'lc dsbt slur July. Idal . in, t.f Ji , . i&lf d a dav er two sloce in the 7 vlt . ' ' 1,.' !)P,CC0 res d', aad 00 more. If the fr.ct ' tliat tbe AdaiDtsaatioaapeods less than l ; appro- I'l.'ktrd by Jaw Is a feather In their cap, the, Ot;. ) eruttiis are wleoa.l wear it." Lni:?T C13KJLSS DrTKLLIlii:.CK, , d:r.'BC) thib ktoawrwii. fil-.Toeifsiea. JnUui, I.1-ij(4.C'ids nroa. I I tit. (". (.cr, uti'.oj.TaiBva I y. t . W ii'.'. til:,:, I Con I w .'ar, sua Jaouro, Haritui Hi e. I J'l.t klsrn; l.oS'.Jt .twill, U.vaaa, ll. .8ui4un ,e Co. 1 f ci.r J . A ti. K. i,Hivusr. ran Uayal, . i l1.i C H. lie.,-! r,l,ansly nj na, H. A. 40-a.t. , I a. I.f V . k' it. fuatfl'.. n...a a u..,'....., bekr ULt.tija, Kiwkarr full, Usiitata. aasrvrn -raw Koajtrriro. Far.'.us ri.ati,sltkav,U dajsstsa&tiiiv, it ' ii i.T ao;. H. l.r O. U. uru. ", M.X,t tars Iroia UsAstttrt.lf I- :. i 10 1. a. sieMii a 00. , .. Ptl.t hurtit, lis, ilasfrna ronlaal, wn't tiu.-f :'nwi.lC..V'i.. ,, 1 ' i t 1.1, ei.',t'.),4ayiftiji ot"S. r.otf 11 a L'-junt. 1 f .r 1 i.n n: t-, lit, I aars I. 1 iuwOrt V tl. W. ut.1. Jr 'MCioe; t ;