The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 12, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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All Ajr bVw U front,
i ' T bry kail burn the 8irmih hrnt
w1rt adtanr Mid multli a roll,
1 Ttriul ibe Shenandoah valley.
t TtU t last, (ho bli'iwd enlm
i'f t)i teoiny foil, 1 k ImVtb,
Aid thirr mwd id tha) van, on
JJbm of jitiM, tworilo, and ttHtinon.
With Ihfilr nrldlM In their c'lwp,
And lUeur tabm In their fprasp,
JUe tticT than mch priviiooi alley
ia iLt Jjlienaudoali valley.
Wha, M om c apon tlx brio,
T-on Id woodland, and tbn bwff,
AH mtong tha dnskr thirki-t,
)U:M yell rum Ko))c pirh.t.
Thea, with I.tWIo tightly clanped,
And wf'h (vei firmly frraspe.1,
' Waited they, with benrta aaUrglDg,
for the jsllJ tK-lifclit of charging.
And laoy lis'tnc), while that v!lt
Rauf from Hubcl fflncM and dell ;
lint 00 bu'le snnnclcJ sally
1two;h ttij Shiiian.loah valley.
po they m-H-vollcd, all tht niKat,
llll they learned, at morning lurtit,
Ho Uio-e Krll ucc dnrntijim
llurivd "Cbicugo Nuuiiba.iorii'."
Not tor viot.iry their vannt,
Over bberinnu over Uraot
Vtt for houtitimus Cioys or ntnnon
Hut for str. ijgto Uirougb aukeetruu3ou.
Hebtl thront with loud arvlaitn,
Chf nim Unorgu MoCI.'llftii'i Damg
Comrades! fin worth yoar tally,
In the CTiciianJiwh vul.ey I
A. J. 11. I)foMN,
Jb Csmo.toliMIc IMt., Wiciwinah Va'l y, ".opt. j:,
Situation in irmsa and iwssoni.
Vrywi ocf Me Arts or JWoun.
Juva.M.n 01 illiitNuiirl.
COLUWnua. Kv hm.t. ittt. l;nt-,v nfrxmi.t ...
buli l tlio simiit 011 ot in. 1 tin-) uilmrs trmn
licre a littl Hock (which vvan umdo iii'hs!,! y tiy
the lai-t 11 at a:l u.illiary iiiins have lor U10 l.nt
tronlu l'n coi.t'sln mi. uuil 1 lull ml 11 i. ..i n : .. . .i
fiecuUliunii wi re iuucLim-U 10 ancu.iMit tur miy up.
, ,ivai.ii'u 11111 llilMlf. mUHIl' yillir C(HTIl',.
wit to vauMid the low m.T.-rir u--;i,cln tlmi he
Iim brcu Ho to und 3 nu luu ly bv ilii' Hii. tmii 01
irnurui)i 1 .-iu muni. i;ur cmiin.en 011 butu n,l.
Of the rivr l.nve i.tvilnpeil riioir po.iBy but nut their
wau 111 uui:i, um K.rninr coiuplnioiy bi'luH the
' Ititer. It in i..probubIo tnm our nuliiMiy million
: liea were ever xnurt .iioruut 01 the AmierHl anfMut
! tfann limn they havo 1 iin mr kiuuo we-ika lu
tV&umui aiid T ata-iii'. lius, however, in lint the
malt ot a luck 01 vigorous rooming ami tineoRtiuit
natvlMuiuera 011 their pait, tmtot tlie mm tuat wo
tie 10 Jar outnumbered ty tt:e ltohels that, we aro
mini O li d to 1 t-t iu a deiiuiivu uttiluilo at ovuiy
ioiut. Our advemaneii m-v linn enuu.cil to :iu,.e
ai.d t'me tlinr o u uiuvenientH in accordance w tb
Circuuinaiioee ot liieir ouu creatimi or umier their
wn control, whl e our derations huve been neua-
aanly jioreined by the operaiious, real orappaient,
01 tin ereoiy. Thin will account tor tho cioud ot
BiTMeiy tbai 1h li'iiK itiak..neil nniiiaiy pro.
bdu ga upon and iu the vicinity of io river iiuiie
of DtuLt'i and iiuckkk's dintiiru. H id (rum
which LlUiinj by the iioiihorn unpei-Hi nothing haa
emanated lor ueiriy a inuiiti but vngijo, hail tiu
Lhed and eomrai.ictury reorta.
Ilia poliov of (.fiieral i'Hita In hi raid Into Vlr
jrluia ia 10 aurrouud the tlireit coiuinne nudi-r hw
connxuujd yviih a nebula ot small detachment, wiiich
aae kept continually buy 111 iiiuWihk tmuta on either
Aaiik, and tnu.- ecreen tL uio:ivlm oi tho main body.
Aa far as hiding ht.i own detailed dueiKua is con
erncd, he has ihua tnr been unnuocensiul. or 111-
etauca, duiing tlie earlv pail oi the nionih a portion
el CHKl.av'a column beh'n-urod tluvnU'a Ulull, ou
White liiyert another Ki liel P roe tnreatoued 1'ino
lilnB. od the Alcannas, wh In atili another 10:00 ho
Yeeed around the irout 01 i.lit'o H'ek . lu the moan
time, tast la from tlie luth to the 1 itli, ijimi.Br was
aaovilin ufauiaiu Lodv acrow mo rivoi wlulo liieco
uterauny eoiiiotiia ol MAiiMAUUKK and i'ltic aliio
-ierMed botii the Arkaut-u uud While Rivera lurtner
Heat, the Kinta ai which Hie crosmuf waa eflocted
being faiine and The cntnn force tnus
thrown into Aonhern Arkansas waa about lt.Oud,
' wlik h wnl to rreailr Incnused by the uu?ponnx
Ooneeriptiou that la heunr en.oroi d.
. About ho auioo ilnie that mcicnriul. nud by no
neaus nuiuiportaut eli lueul of the Ki uol urmv, tho
EcrnllhS. oiauppciirod Irom the banks 01 the Wh.t.i
vcr. I tna loi waa 01 itsoli sulhoiout to cnuie our
Generals 10 waie ler tho cone' Mintiou of a-l 01
i'tiCK's lorevs souiewhere. Snch a niovomeut, how
ever, waa already prepured lor, -i a nan of fionend
iJilTn'e ariuv hud Peon toi. t down irom Mnmnlni
" te uiint tn the deli uso of Iiuvall's Bluff. HTKtXH
, waa able to held Little liock aa;uit any foroo Unit
aa available to the cm.iny.and l'n.e lllutfon tho
Arkansas Uirer, waa in tu imminent danger, and
At the tuaie time, ol ievs imponanoo than the omul's,
ilie aeil wo hear ol tlio Uvheln, ilioy uiroateu
' CsceoJa, siiuated (,n tho ili(s.i.ippi, aLuu' so uii.ea
2ove Af uiph a. Two ila.i s uiieiwurd lliov apuoar
, In small loroc at New Madrid, sua meanwhile tho
U iee main evlumi.s move nor.h and approach tba
ktisrinri lice, bun by ben t ou tlm ritrht, and near-e.-t
the llianseii pi, with about 6U00 men, Makva
new a In the centre wiih a ool inn ot about tho
Mine stremrth (inieiidin", Kebe reports say. to form
a joaclien wnh tHtl.BV at. 1'iiol Knob) and i'uits
vn the left wiib about 4CJ0 uion.
At thisjnuciurc the remainder of Genernl Mkitii'8
Corps, sliil at llempfais, waa piaoed on bourn trans
ports as lust as liny came mio port, and sent up tho
Jiver to tit. l.ouia to OMiJierute with Oeuuiul itoiu
OEAsa Irom that point, general aTHiii.A at
kuie orionized a column ol puj-uiit under Hri-radicr-
CeLeial Isowkh, who ataned after tlio itonela at
. ome with a snon; lorue of cavalry in advance,
' which by this time muat Le well up with the roar of
PaioVu co'iitrn. bloomho'd, Misfouii, waa tlie neat
puuit the Hotels approached, the small yarruon
there beicn eouipelled 10 evacuaie Lho p.aoo. lunue
. aialely anerwatus, and iu ramd suotaxsiun, the lamia
at bykestcn, KerUatn aud (.'iiaruaion, all ou the
Cairo and rulton KuiUoad, were auandonedt aud
Hird'e tVolnt foppoaite Csiro), noted In tho early
feist ry 01 the w ax aa one of our chief military noels.
- was inn tH'oonw imimrtant aa markiua the frontier
i aux nalitarv occupation ot that part ot tjoutliea't
' i sMiuri. t. ape Otmrduiu nei.t stood iu daiigor, bat
only a ebKUt uemonsiraiion waa made in thul diree
siun by a sma l utlutliineiit, while the three nia.n
eluanna moved np iu tho intot-ior. t)i tho precino
mule 1 urned L theiie coluiui s. of cou: so bin'i
can be known. Aa J cm writuip, however, it Is
kuown that the a bole K be I torne is in position lie.
twe n kitdericl towu and lMot Jim b. aud about
, aiiirty-live Irom Ibu il.ssissip;.! Kivor.
Prlee'a Htrenib.
From data w Inch I know to he trustworthy, I am
nabted to Live an tstiinatu of tlie Itelwl sLrAiiirih
Bow in Missouri. 'Ihethree columns croesed White
ktrver With au ae'eterate lorca of 14 OllO men. In
Korthem Arkansus they weie Joined by (W) rner-
. rwuiviipieu aa uiauy more ciiuuiia. in
tkmthrrn kfissouit Ihere arvubout 1MK) nuerirlue. at
borne or under anna, who wiil till 111 witn the Keliet
auaty aa it advances, whie at lust aocouuu, notwith
standing ttie ueuerul aiuuiDede into Illinois. noarv
lavai citizens ha eeu pr.ied Into the ouniderute
.rvlee. lu t.i nirul Aiissoun it U suie to sav th to
aretM seen who will rally aroiuid i'ltu a'a san-
m Hinir us ne is huecejtiui. Aue Itvuol loroe
iheii. cannot ho kss Ihsn o.ui.
What (iinpueiiions of our troops have boon made to
anpinie ine tt bois, 11 would not be proper to stab
out we country may reiv u pun lho hist rieliiff proper
in plan and tne latter udeoiiste iu number, even 11
the teleirraph did uoi lie. aid the result belore this
setter is iu print, ror sixu-en Onya I HJ hiis inovol
tliroaah Aikmna and Mir-ouri witlinut ob-trucnon
nd Is now with a Inro toroo iu the State which he
basso olfen sworn to leheve lreni Poiloral tvruuny;
but bow hu is to an t out aeaiu Is aouesttou which he
atouhueea, did not precoii.di-r iu c'uiui'utiou witti th
aarcunmianee'' that iioiv turroui.d him. 'Ihere wnl
bo tiesieiaie tli'hiinir at or near 1'iiot Kuob. ihi re
tail 01 whion, it Is hoped, will be the duitruction of
U.A ifetol aim .
In rivina the avsi'et-le de'ails At the liivaaion of
Mirroori, it mu-t nut be loroTien that tseueral
Htkklk. ct ut Little Kok. is not unoceiimotl.
hKiou'e lnovemei t is hemp; ptipporp d by another
Uiovement liom the souli em iuirt r.f ArkaiMne, but
ui wusi 101-ce or oy wuoui oomiiiin'iefi, naj nm he
come fcuowu wheu your oorreeportdcot -elt that city,
Tlie Duntllle Itiilr:l.
It will he seen by tho Milijuined notice that 1.30
la Uking tlio Dunyille roail
Kkhmond ad Uanvilib Railroau, Sut'Eii
jsimuKb t'b Oi fick, iiiciimoud, (JcP-bur 3,
Notice. The Kvening PuaaetiKer Tntin on the.
Kiehnond aud Uanyilio railroad will lie discon
tinued antil further notice, the trannportatiou of
Covernuieiit freiht re'iuuriug ultuost the entiro
caimcity f the road.
The Morning l'uascneerTtsii! will run as nsual.
CuAkLi-a G. '1 alcot, .Supuriutcudtut.
That Horn, Bill in Richmonu. The P.lch
., JUuBd HAijr swies thut liiUinore nnd Jac'ine KicLruund witbe'tit paying thcu- hotel bill,
iidiU. tthf.Buui lias jus. licu cached by the
T, Kebel Stcretry ef War. err tinreneroulv.
fcwaevtt, Jthe l'li,, omits to add tba pay was and declii'td, ,Bd thut, rvhea GiUmoro
??J 9ue ob.iectuj 10 bcioif c .usidoreJ (rucati
W tbatntcdtrftty, Judge uld flatly refused t i
. awuiw thaw iiuake utynant. Mr.OiUnuirroiiioH
that this ppu,ert courtesy waaacuul
,iuh.inJti.roiuttMuUJr blmaelf and cum.
'Kaof m i obi.Kution to (1,9
7 Wnlfort,,-' ? t" tl'Tu-i Major
Trw " isut.WiOfto,
Thnt elMT,Z,' ,- ' M
Momenta, fiepenrv irl-1 nL'xU'f,it
movea, to make way fr a iri "iJVV k W bu
jrarfltt-flrjrhla Ciifiutvw hi. l. .IZr.ltxsn C'aael
' tiou'of a i rench protectorate lu several uroT.n
of Lower and givct ty hJtVS
STej.1 rninmiu-r'ii.l niivllef... 0 1 v "-teU
rrifsstmii tiMTioii,
Twvinty.artit nintrlrt.
In WefTnoreluiid rmnty, I) iwson, Pen"" r,
for Tenures, has over IH.i) mnjijiity. A lome
cralic Kam of 400.
T'nlh aKlrte.
PebtiylMll couniy iv Meyer Kiruiiso (Dctn.)
172o aajorliy. Union pe d" of .'J lei.
M alls Itlatrirt.
KonninToww, (Ictolier 12. Tho Demoeri'ii:
msjerl y In Motitfrnnafy county ia about 14'0, a
L't uioi rune gain of 1 over h't year's voto.
rinn o-vjsitiAi. m srnit r.
Vfon. M. Ilnxaell Thuyrr l.lecfe.1 hj tba
Horn) Vaie.
vvtsl Th'Htnunt TtltfpH,
noVLrsTOww, October 12. Kosi hat 1000 ma
jority in thia e.iuuty an, with two districti to
kear from, which will rot alter the result. Me.
Thayer, Ihe Union champion, it tbui rctnrnod to
Coufttm by n tnnjority of three yotes. The sol-
diera Tote will liicreao this considerably.
llf MTMt ropNTV,
j.eil o t Tht Btmiug Ttlri.
Wkt'T ClIKSIEH. Oi'tllltor 12 Ib lnrnantrhni
tcr county, full. 21.17; and Delnwire, 13 )1 ITnion
rt.ujnrity. In the Pe District, 34'IS on tho
nai voic. 1 no soldiers vote ougiii toin:rc,m
it frem 8u0to I'.O.
This will make us bolil otir ow:i rvith tlm v.itu
Of 1S03. It certainly cannot be over three hun
dred tborl in its worst condition. Chuiter alone
ban bad nine hundred men mustered in, who have
left the county for tho urmv In tho l ut
nmiuiiM, anu over one uuiKireit nn'i'h.iniiv) h.ivo
folic ciucwhcrc lor inhor.
Vfit'l hi The 1 ttinn Tflftrnnh.
Immana 1 oi.iB, October 12. Tho Union Siuto
chit oem elected bvliitecu tliouwn.l mainr.
ily, nnd six Uuion members of Conrress arc cer.
tuinly elected. ). D. Bfiu:ps.
C'im innati, October 12 Oh'o Ims elected six
teen Vnion nieiubers of Congress, ami probably
Kpreinl Intent, h f),c Ectuhia Trlrorarh.
llAi.Tiwoiir, October 12. The election to duy
li ptogrilnp ejtiletly, and IndlcntloDB arc fRvor-
ablo to tho Union can to.
Tbcro is much opposition to the new consti
tution, but I think it will bo ratified. Many
Secessionists are goiog up to yote, but refuse to
tike the test oulh, nnd the votes are universally
rejecter). They come to the polls with witnossos,
and lustily threaten to prosecute tho judges.
Lut this is all fuetlan.
It now looks as if Mayor Chapman, the regular
Union nominee, would be re-elected, with a
majority of Cbapmun Councilnicn. There Is
much rejoicing over the Union triumphs In
rcnnsylvtinia, Ohio, and Iiidiana. Jeff. IUvU
stock or Copperhead investments havo wonder
fully declined. Wo have no war news.
A Successful Expedition into tho
Interior of Florida,
C'Aiiio.Illimis, October 12. Tho B teumer 67a-
piator, from New Orleans on the 3d, brings infor
mation of an expedition the interior of Flo
rida under General Asboth.
Eucheuou Court House captured on tho
23d ultimo, and twenty prisoners were taken,
including Colonel Torreuco and Lieutenant
Large numbers of horses, mules, and cattle
were captured. Saylor's fTry and all tbo boits
in the vicinity were destroyed.
The expedition, at tho last accounts, at
The steamer Oriental, from Boston, bad arrived
at New Orleans.
The New Orleans cotton marltot wat uusuttled.
There were no sales. Middling was held at 4 100.
Flour was lower.
The steamer JJemphit, bound to Cincinnati,
had 210 bales of cottou, and tho IStlU, for St
Louis, had '28 bales.
Colonel Basil Duke Is reported to have boon
assigned to the command of John Morgan's
Forrest has been promoted to a Llcntcnant-
From the Aruiy of the Potomac
IlEADUl AKTF1UI AUHV IlITlnPimiuii. m.Vi-
ber 10. No event of Importance havo transpired
in front of Petersburg for several days. The
pickets huve been actively engaging one another
the past two or three nights on the left and left
cciurc 01 lue nnu, anu a uumuer 01 casualties
dully oeenr.
Dr. Howard, of tha Regular Army, has raeentl
Introduced valuable improvements in ambu
lances, which will Drove a a-reat hl,ain in n..
wounded. Generals Grant, Meade, Ingalls, and
vt arien, as wen as the principal Burgeons in the
army, highly commend iL and there i nn itnni.t
It will te Introduced cxtenBlvely in the armies
ui iue euneu ctatts,
October 11. Last evening and a n.irt nf na
night tiring was brisk in the centre of the line In
front of Petersburg. Large bodies of the enemy's
troops have been teen moving towards mir tort
the past twenty-four hours, which received the
ticuuuu 01 our gunuert wuenerer they appeared
within tane.
There is nothing new from the Army of tho
v sines, mm army remains lu its lortuor posi
tion atChupin's Bluff, tho enemy not seeming
desirous of altii king the line there. General
Mott has gone North ou a short leave of absence,
Nlw Youk, October 12. The steamshin Euafo
from Havuna 011 the tlth, anivtd at this port
Advices from the City of Mexico to the 9 :ih
ult. had beta received, and from Vera Cruz to
the lit lust.
A report was circulated that five hundred
French and ono hundred Mexican troops had
attacked Tour toui-and Mexicans and defeated
tbero, taking twonty pieces of cannon and one
hundred ana thirty prisoners, and killing five
hundred and blowing up the remainder of Uioir
artillery in the retreat.
It was alio reported in Vera Crnz on the 1st
iiistant that Mutaiaoras had been occupied by
the i'rtuch.
Viculowas reported to have taken Chilapn,
and was expected to take Chilpantiiigo thin
opening communication with the Acnpulco expe-
J.'EstuJfcti itutes thut Juaroa had abdicstad in
fuvor of Ortega.
I'ierrc Boule arrived at Vera Cruz on the 2J..I.
Qulroga aud VidauiTi have publicly givtu iu
thrir udbeion to Maximilian.
lLin said that the expedition to Muza'lnn will
star; soon. . .
Jutt ai the steamer left Vera C'rur, there was a
report. ciroulaiod that Maximilian had been
aMs.iLiiU-i, but it was not credited.
' The fevtr in riavana hoj-br was sjht.
Markets ly Telocrawhi
ft.vt Vokk, October 12. htocks are better;
fLli'h. o sill ll'.ok i. land. "!.", : Ciieiherluliii niMerriS
' I ihiHol,n..i -.11 in II.. TiiinAi-ii...iA.i.iM. IIA
AlHViij.n H,nhiTi. ijv ; ! l (TVuiV C1n1r.1t, It 1 V? Hemll
-... , , .ui i-j iiivnr. H i'.! i-Mtii.ifi 1 '1. 111 11.11 r .11
il, l' i ; One 1 enr Oerlilli ale,, 1H1, ;
It.,, iim v. . ,. ,
i'ji..i.a ... : ""i ' 1""
14 Mv' thoi4t 9t lh Mit mmn tn woiiMa
0i AaMfk. Ifsnrla pint nd tfit, m4 AN tmrnatora
trTt wiU thtl awfitl ?, r'--r-pi. Th'iy try tlst
fh,W.m, and that phjnKton. bol jm I aiM I m rttwr, no
trtiaa4tbf iMtwi htr 4 ihm lha Ivat (rtm f
that taima IHath p trarr rtnrnn Wim;
to tha MWfc Hat(fi wllnfiifi wf t bV Amy nr tbt w.
dtrful cirM at hjyii Uitt'lrby
omkat AMRicfAx iiVHpr.rrA riistM ash nun
An frrrnriifn and wnifien of nruyuminAhi wftrtri and
rpaiui. Thj H In at around P(iatf.t(4,. ut
and hoar thHr tMllm.-n-, Man j of thro wr t?d (rf m
U try t.J tUftth whan a-tltr wu r.,
lit. A i ntii,t pn t miaaiittiM at tli m .f
M l"tiilfrr An.1 'Irllfy.
fid. V-tl.nrir ami )i of lill'p.
4r. (Jkrira and d prn)fa f aplrlia.
ttfi. I'Urrhrt a, wiih Rrif rg.
Ilh. rwin In all part of tht jt'rm.
?tlt. onoir.ptivf iTinprtmnandpatplUatlf-nuf Um liAHft.
frh. (Vugh, wit phim lii tli throne
fMh. NTvpn) fcWOn and want of ilrrp nf nlxlit
lOttt. hfikt, tt aj't'Mdta and voniiUnf.
llth. t)r.hfit dimuPKii of Vinton and kti t litfit.
17th. II-u(U(hc and fii.e;t'rlnt in wiiklnf, wab frtht
Out of tha tfaMijAnd of rafn of dj toipnia thai hae
ttd Vt. TVM.jtrt f rt-iit Ahtrrlr.Mt Iji p a I'hla, not
on of them haa fallcJ af a pr-rfr-ct care. We wArrnt
surf ln pry ra'c, no ma'tfrif-.f tweutj yara atunil
Inir. Hld ly all drut avaryw tiara, and at t.
WlPIIAKT'fli.r.lct, No. 10 KOO.VD Strf ot, ,M,hfJcl
pnla, fa. All exRiiiinuiJona aad i-onnltath)ni fica of
Mia'K). Rfiid fur a ir. ular. 'r $liirhox, flout by
feitUs frt-t oj (haige, on tect-ipt ol utoncy.
LYKPtl'IA-i .rill'SIA.
Mr. WNhart, 1 with to add my ititninj to tht hnn
die la yen ioc-le to the heailng proMnls of your Pine
Tree Tar Conllal. Kr flftevn yrnn a auuernr. ton y'ra
of tlmi time I have Mpt only in iny cltAlr, nut IkUik at Jo
to lie down for for of buiTo utlju. I havn empioyed mven
of the bit ptiy-jlciana In 1'hlUdt lphla, who all prunonncrd
my rnae IncuiaMe. 1 a taken to U.c CniieKO. whoic the
Faculty, having dour what they could, deciareil my din
rate an incurablb cme of AmliDa and Chronic Dyspepsia,
In lln Imt elagf, and Urnt my lunn wire partially gone.
tludliiR one of you' ciruU.ra,my wile procured from your
aure a Utttleof iur Cordial, rorstvciintdy J used ntven
bfttltn, and a box and u hall' of your lypppeia ll!li, wl.en
I fflt that my ii:ao hud holly given way, and the Car
dial had Blvin me new vlor and atrenpth. I cmtluoi d to
Inprove, and for the pint thrwe montlta I have boon able
U tivvp In nif hed nu nonudly an 1 ever did. J am now
well, and have (.aint'O twrnity-flve pounds tn mywUM..
1 am able to work and provide for my rurally. I m-tid you
thin tiuo and fuUhful statement fr the hunetlt of the nuf
erlnR. KHcucIb, call and soe mo, near Otnord Urn roll
l'o-t OOlte, Twiutytnlrd Ward, I'hihKloiphli.. ;
Thin ta to certify that I auiTrred Jo,-fen ?czn wtth t.iat
d rem I litl cicip;u!in catJid dynprpHla. J fuffortd muoh
piUn and tlialreRfl, w ltd g loom and depr'ta'on of uptrltf:
I wua mated by cleht different pb.vih ians for my can
plaiiits, and at tluiea wat mm h better, but then ray old
dht'ac, tt.Mp. pMa, wonJd riutn with nil Its dreadful
rrallfiea, and my whole aysteiu was fait watting uwty.
In tliU Mci and d- lnUta-ed state, I wan handed a circular
oflr. Wl.hnrt a great American Dyspepsia pnii and fine I
Tret Tor Curdlnl, whicb gave a comict dCRcrlptlrm of ay I
anfferlngs. and 1 determined to place myself under tho
Ijoctor'a caro, and take his medic'nes.
As eoon as I commence.! tno into of the tnvdlrlno. I I
tt'K'an to get better, and tto I continm d three months, at
whh htiniel was porftxtly cured of all my complaints,
and pertVcily retslored u health; 1 am to-day a well mu.
Dr. Wuthart, I give yu this certirlcate with a Kratcrul
heart fr Uie bcnjtlt J have receive d from the ufte of your
truly wondenul inedic ties. May tJod blese you and pre
serve yourtruly cseittl I To lor many years. I would say
to every hck person who was i-u.lwrimr at. I was that my
residence Is Nu. l.S KIchniond street, Phll.idelphla, whro
1 will taJte great dellfht in giving testimony to tho great
xjwex ol Dj. Wlsuart's tutnlu inca to cure.
F. If. AL.-Etf.
Pr-WisVarfs Store and Omce.Xo.lo N. SlOCOKDHtrcet,
I.Mohes Kommls,do certify that 1 ws s kit with dys-.
p psla for two yeuarti; I was very sick at the pit of my
stomach, with pain In my breast, side, back and head,
With dizziness and staerlng Iji wulkiiitf.wltliftrnat weak
uets and g neiul dehUuy. 1 auipUood, lu that tliuo. seven
(mhitnl pr.)fclc.kiis, and U.ty did. -red In their opinion of
my disease; Mime thought I lud one disease, and some
another, but 1 vmu all the time gettiug worse an J worse,
nutil I became so low I hat my wit would have to fewd me
for weeks tone:hor. White In this d'eudful oondklon,!
placfd mae)f ucder Ir. Wuhart's treatment, and used
his K'eat American Ijtpptia PilU and treatment for
Dy-pepsin, and at the present time I am pertcetly well,
aud have gained lu tlch twenty-lour pounds, and can
work and attend to my business as well as anyporsouln
Peiinsylvunia, and I am suthncd It Is a perfect cure. Dr.
Vlfchart, you can puhlinh my cahe It you see proper, ai I
want to bear testimony to the great power your medicine
has to curt KyKpt psia. AU perilous are at liberty to call
and see me or write. MOHE1 K.OMM1S,
BchnyKviU Uaven, SckuylkiU connty. Pa.
This Is to errtlfy that I had Dyspepsia In the worst form
for three ye vs. 1 was trcati-d by seven of the best phy-
lrians In Ameiiea; some of them were Frofeasera ot Jef-
fernunCoUVge, Philadelphia, but they did me no good. I
grew worse every month. 1 would be taken at times with
arendful bums In my breast and stomach i so great waa H
that I could neither sit, 11a, nor itaid, but would rove about
from one room to another ; my friends expected to see bm
die, as there appeared to be no relief tor me. In this liope
iofi erudition I placed mscU' under lr. Wiuui's treat
ment, and used bis mullein ai directed.
Thti slay 1 au a well man, and lor three wenka I havo
been on my tVet. and working herd fruin early mora uutil
eleven oVkxfc at night. Mr. WUUart, I give you tiili cer
Ullcate with a graletul heart, foeiiug It my duty to do so;
you may, and 1 want you to publish h to the world, Uiat
very person en tic ring aa 1 waa may have the benelii of
ting your truly wonderful remedies. All sick persons are
at libtrty to caA and see ne. or write to mo, as I want to
render all the good I can to suffering humanity.
JAJilvaH. A.ViXL,
Overseer of Washti-Len Company s
Weavlaj; Kootu, tlluuccnier, 8.
I, John Lynch, do certify that for four m mtU past I was
attacked wiih acute dtp pla, I was so severely handled
that 1 eenld do nothir.g but what It would All luewlUi
dieadful dUlra; my nervous system wai peafovily pron
tntted; my whole irauie soon bet a me weak and troutuiiiu,
with a confuted uolne and dii.liuna in the head, followed
by a ( a plUtU'D of the he.ut aud keueral dooihtvof tlie
whole body. Kvery kind of medtvlno admiuisturvd to me
did uo good, until Uu advised to call on lr. n'Uhart and
place myself ubder his treatment. It is now about nluo
weeks kin ce 1 cumuienitd to ue hU IMls und
Pine Tree Tar t'ordial, and I do ttuthiully and faiUnully
say, that I urn perteetly cun-d oi DytpepbU, aud all other
diiibb arising therefrom, and I can eat three good uie iU
eveiy day, ual feol well In every reipect. I am 7i yours
of axe, and if It wu necesfnry, I lol 1 oadd and would
shoulder Dtysuu to defend the city trow lota-tiuu by tha
KfbelM. All pcitviut aufiermf wiih Dypepsia as I was, are
at Ubeity to call und seo me, for 1 leel H my duty to do ail
the good 1 can lor Mattering numauli.
JOUV i.Yxi-a,
io. Is'H Poplar street, PMlatle'ihiu.
Dr. nlsIIART'B Store and Ofllce, No. ION. HK'JOND
Street, Philadelphia, Pa, All examlnatkns aud consulta
tions frMf charge. 1'sice, $lcrboz. beutbyinalioa
rt ccl t of money,
rr. Wlthart I have hcou a constant suiTorcr with Dvs
pepsia lor t)te Int eighteen years, during which time I cn-
iiot say that I over enjoyed a perfect ly well day. There
were tioioe when tlie hyuijitunu were more ak'ravatt j
Uion at other, and Caen It summed it would be a gieut ro
bot to die. 1 had at all times an unpleasant fuclliw In my
head, but latlorly my sullerJm.'. so much lm-reased that I
became ateoht umlt for builuosiof any kind ; my mind
was cciithiually filled with gloomy thoiik-hts and lorebod
Inga, and It I attempted tu cbunge their curreat by madin,
at once a sensation of icy coldness, la couucctlou with a
d ad we'ght, as It were, rented npon my !raln; a'so, a
reeling of sk kness ould occur at tLo alomae'b. anI groat
pala to my eyes, accompanied with which was the con
tinual fear of losing my reason I also experienced great
LtSHltudc, detnity, and nervousness, which made It dim
cult to walk by day or sleep at night. J became averse to
S'XKty, and deposed only to socluilon, and having tried
tlie skill of a humherof eminent physicians of various.
Behools, Anally came to the conclusion that for thig dliouae
at uy present age (46 years), thure was no cure In exist
ence. Hut, through Uie Interference of Divine Providence,
to whom 1 devoutly otrr my thanks, ! at lit found a aov
reign rttuedyin icar Djspepia ruia and Tar Cordial,
uicn sihu w nave enoctually removed almost the Imt
trace of my long lint of ai incuts and bad feelings, aud lit
their place hea th, pleasure, aad contentment are mr
eytry day cuup.uilons.. JAM hit M, HAUMliKKS,
iK W W. fteoond street, WiiUdelphla, I
formerly of WoOilhury, N, J.
T. WlWllAJiT'fl OiUce. Ko. 10 S. BilLON 1) humi. I'l.t.
I HPErHlA i IfTftPKl'MAt
I, Vr.ei Thla, ?hrtha, Mnnnivry 'em.ty,
Pft lw.' nuffrHt tr abore lUmn ie yr rvt-riSfctrvjf but
d Ui Mvf-K, from thut w ut iV,e, ft It 4 tmypi.
rouloe m thMl t'me flf of the sxtil eititrwnt phvaimjiia)
In l hMart- iphia 1hy d d .ill hfy eould lor me wiih m'-iM-eluen
and eu p ne. hut itil) I was im bfer. I L'reu wil
to the I'MHimfi m i in tittlrltv in .ritr to 4ess mvm1 In
reach ol ttie ieat irHwlir iitkiits loth notmtrv, but tlMr
mrJ.iiieti Uikd to do ie anv hkxI. aid ontiinws I wh-find
f"r di ftth It rH'uvt me ot iny oif'M-Ing), but wmn Ir.
Wlnharfd tire erfe-men t tn the Phiiulse.a,i "ftTUfewi, ' I
drW'rnni ( l to try etr e more, hut with little fAltlt. I rJed
on Dr. Wi.htri,and told htm it I eouid huve 4 1 woukl
im t have mo bld htm, and ttin n4Hied my sufT'TtoKS
U hrm. Ti e Dr. a are I me If he fabed to euro me of
D.vftpvpNl, it wt.uhl he Uie hint rae in two yfaaeo I put
rnvkt-u under his UitMUiisT.t, tn) attriousjii I bjd i en ivr
mtmthi v.'trtnnif pehrry ev.Tvthttin I ule, mv nliUion
wn with wind, and filled lth is.ln bevc-nrt -if fwirMU'Ui,
1 bouvlit a tox of h' Dr-T ,pla Pilli, I u-ej thtvn m di
r rtt-d, artd In ten day I Muid a hearty a aanJ an any
eiTn in the Hi ate oj pnrii UhiiUi. imi n Unrty itay wai
a wj man. I invite any p non nuitiiiff a I was to cu
and see me, end I win reliwe my fntrm-tng and th grvat
core I reeetved. I woiritl iv to an f ynp4ptleN, everywhere,
that Dr. Wlil ;irt In. I tv-tie , U.e oulv neroon eti the MrUl can cnie Dyipf pma with any dK"e t4 r n.urtiv.
MO-trX TOM If,
Chtltrnhara, Moniuoiuerr tJo., i'a.
VT. WIPTIAKT ft CffWe. No. 10 K. HW'tlMh Htr..t
Other h"tint from ! A. at. totP. U. AD exainluaUoua and
cjtisuiut:oni lite.
lr. Wish-rt 1 wnn a trreat sulTerrr w ItH dv)e nU tor
ren je""- 1't flung I me tilled me lih v md and
Ureiidlnl pnm ; jsnt tuv hie wns one ot .-reit itillfrliuT. I
wtn no much nO tried thut It I druna a kIh t ol witt.-r. It
nmiM fo on rtiiin bark in a hentiHl riiM)iti"a I applied
to i very kind rt inelirtt aim) tr itrii'Oii ; hot all r m
p'ii oHe. 1 aw voui a4virtif in nt in the "I.eiUer' of a
treat en re yt ur gre.ii Amer:n y i( plA I'l s mnde.
I ent to mhit itiure am) I'tiiclia-ori t box. and ominit . J
t" iim' llierii : itud I d th.i'ik thin U I mu a well nuin,
nnd ran three uieals per day. I have nent a nntoh -r ol
Vernt'iis aiter your ptiu, ai.ti I gave a yonm man tuat wa
fiiificriiiK wiih dprpi,!a in my n iiiuorlu -mi eitrht (
f.ur piHi,nid ent re! v. . v uuw refer to
me li jon set; prop r. .lAron tlftfil,i,v,
Kmnedyville, Kent county, Del.
No. lnSM (iMVi; Rfrrot, t
PhtlftJelr hU, J.iiiuary 7d. l-i 1.
Dr Wlihart 8t : tt In with mut-Ji pleasure that f am
now flue fo Irihrni you I hut. by Ihe Uhe ot vour grrni
A mer h it n Dyp'aia Pills, I have been entirely cured oi
UiftI niont tUMrt t-ti'in eoiupUmt, Dyopepifu. I had been
fcrlevoiiairy afMciv.l t-.r the :ut tHonty-eli ht verB,aud r.r
tenyeniaof thai tune have nol been Itued froid lt pahl
one week u I a time. I have bad It In its worit lorm, and
have ilntf,ged ou a most miserable exietenru lu nain dav
ami night. Kvery kind of tood tint I ato Ailed me with
wind nnd pain. It manured not how liwht, nr how nuiitlt Hie
qn.tnttty. A ponHnued bHrhJng was sure to mllow. I had
apptftlto foruny kind ol meata h hatover, nud my dio
treuri ffh so k i eat for several mnnths before I heitrd of
your 1'UIh. UiM 1 frequently w isbed for deal h. I had taken
every'Jin that I had in ai d oi'ior DvitpepsU, nltimut re
ceivln any benetit ; hut nn your I'll. s being rocom mended
t" rue hy one who hud been emod by them, I emrlnd-d to
give them a trial, ttltlrOOKti I had no faith m them. To mv
aatoiiishmenr, l hund inyaeif g.-ttrng better before I
bed taken ono-fonrth of a box, and. after taking half a box
1 ii a veH man,ant can fat ay,tnint I tri.ih, and enioy a
hrti meal three Umes a day, without Ineonvenletsce froui
an a. 1 1 g I eat or drink. It you think propor, you are at
bber'y to make thin public and re(tr to me. 1 will eheer
fnlly fthe nil desirable Information Many one who mnvrall
OO me Yonrn. ren etlutly, .lOHN II. HAIKHM'K.
F (ra!e at Dr. WIsilAltTH Medical Depot, No. In V.
FFi DM Sirtet, 1'hilnth h Ma, l a, ree one dollar pur
box. btut b; mall, free oi charge, on receipt ot price.
I, Ri.rauel D. Haven, have been a gn at su'Teret with
chronic dsepla and Inilammailon of tho kidneys for
three ears. 1 emiiloved three or lour of Ui m it eminent
ll.ciieiana of I'hll.njelphla, also of liurllugioti itjinity,
INew Jerney. They did u)l lor uie they eouid, but nil to no
purpottf. I v as rouitantly filled wth awtul pain and dH
tiehs, and with conn taut belching of wind and nouraoid.
My toimue tvhh eovt red with a white coailnv of mucus
u nil) it craeked in Iste furrows, and was dreadfully sore!
Ohl 1 oil time k wlfhtd lordeaih to relieve tue of mv b infer -li)r;i,for
1 had lost hJI hope of ever being well again. I
n aile ItasuLiertof prayer to Ood that lie would diront
me to Keme phirjan or mr-elieinii (hut would cure mo. I
was toid to rend an advertiHeiueut ol Dr. Wlbhart'n, In tha
Philadelphia. ", ol a gjeat cure made ufion Mr. Jnhu
Pabco.-k, ol No. UnA Olive M eet, Ph ;JadoiplUa. by ihe
treat American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to tike Doctor s, and piaevd niyielt under hi tie.ttnirnt. and told him
If ho l.tiled U' cure me, it would be the last eilori 1 would
make. It has been nx wei-ks an:u I coumenoed the use
ot bib meditlne,and I am now a well man, free from oil
pain and, nnd can cat three hearty moois a day
with comfort and Kei per eetly well. Dr. Wishart. 1 want
you to pttbli.-'li my cae. o I want every poor dyspeptic,
fullermy an I w an, total! on me, and 1 will tell them of
the gieat cure I havo received front your invaluable rnedl
HA.Ml'F.l D. UWK.N,
t omer of enangn and Lambert aireeta, near U.climoud
street, l rtnerly Irom VYtighihtowu, tluiliugton couuiy,
tw .Inrney.
Dr. WiHilAJlT'S Office, bfo. 10 N. SECOND Street.
This l to certify tbat auffarlng severely with a dlcae
lahcd Dpfsjn. with mo.'h Ion of weight, mv attention
was directed to Wlf hart's Great American Dypepla PUis
amhenmedy. HavhiK y, Ithin three w eeks taken eleven
Pills, according to the directions, I found myself entirely
cured, at d for two weks iiitce my hraMh Is greatly Im
proved, and I en at without fear of pain or Inconveni
ence, l earnestly recommend tbeaa to all similarly
ad.icttd. Mrs. M. li. TUOMrtioN,
Richmond street, F'Uir doora he low Hanover.
Dr. L. J. ii. HlHtlAKT'b Oltite, Ko. 10 y. HKCONO
fitrcct, Philadelphia.
. 1, lllli abet h l.ransou, of Brandy wine, Del, formerly of
Old Chenur, Del , do cettlly thut for one year and iTiuT
1 nuAt-ied sveiythlug but death irons that awful diaa
called Dyspej-Bia. Iy whole system was prostrated with
wjuktiens aud nervous debility; I could uot uiwotmy
fFod; It 1 ate even a f rucker or the fluiultair, amount of
leod, It Vsould reiuni junl us I swallowed It. 1 became so
vontheiumv bowels that 1 would not have a pasoagu in
leas than irom le-ur and often eight duvs ; under this na
me me surtering my mind seemed entirely to give way.
1 bad o rend of horror und evil forehodlnra. I
that ever body hated vnr,snd I hated eerybolr; I could
nut bear my husband nor my own children eiverythlug
appeared to be honor-stricken to me; 1 had no amUtlon
to do anything: 1 lot all my love oi tumliv and h-nue ; 1
would ramble and wander from place to place, but e-uld
tot be contented ; I leit that I waa dmed u, hell, and that
Ihere was no heaven for me, and was otleu tempted to
commit suie de. Bo near was my whole nervous system
ueittroeu,aTLd fiho my mii-d, from that awful complaint,
l spesia, that mv friends thnuvht best to have uie pia ed
In Dr Kbkbride's lioepital. West Phtiat'eiphia; I remained
there Uiuc weekn, ai it thuUKht I was a little belter; but In
afiwdasmy dreodiul eomplaiut was roglnif ai bad aa
ever. lU-arma of ihe wotolcrfiil entmn tvan t. .r-m..t t.. ii-
w' tab art s tlreat Ameiiean Jnpepsla Plila.and his treat
n.entol Djfipeptia, niy hushrtudcalled on Dr. Wishart, and
imru nty ease to nnu. tie flam ne find no doubt lie eouid
cure me. ho in three dava alter i eaUed, and placed myself
midir the lxn tr treatment, and In two weeks I re-an to
oifceht ni loi'd, fed h It that my dlsesne was tart giving
way; ana I e nlmueil to reratver for about three months,
and ut ihe or duie I emov uertuct h ar.h of imvIw ami
I niind. und 1 moht kiiueielv retiiru nty tbaiiks to a lnerctial
Mii,iMji-i, nmiian.auu ioiuh tiieat Ainerha i Dvpfp
sia I'd n and Pim- 1 rce I ar l otdlal, that saved me from an
itif&ue usMnin md a piemature itrave. All persons sul
leniig with Dywptp'.iaare at hbtrtv to call on me, or I oui wlub'b to do ail the Kood 1 can tor euderln,:
liiiiiiupity Kl.l.MlK TM Mt ANSON
DiHiuivwInv.De'awarc, loituurly o d Chester, Delaware
county. Pa
lir. VlHHAK I Ofllce, Ko. 10 N. REC0XD Street.
Philadelpl iu.
1 hi above are a t w among the thousands which this
great rnm'ti l us ai e 1 frm an tintimely Krav. We have
Li m red of let ei 4 irm pU) lit laus and drugista In all
pHtis ! that tbay have m Vt-i preserlU'd
oi boh a uic.iu'iiiv hicb gave sueh uiurersslsaustaotlon.
1 he it ?ledlr;h" ate prepared only by the proprietor,
No. 10 K. SECOND BTEEET, PlulaJdpliia,
V'hirstirrsn bp rlthsr arsftiialtr or by lsttsr,
(li'e.f cute. 1 t.vy sr. s lil bvilrtiyvi.t.stil Hosiers
avrriv.-ui; st vlioii .sis bj all Jiew I uik auj 1'1'iiuilei-
JJI1H. M. u. nnowieaj
ion DEAl'NIiBM,
-..h. CATARRH,
ISr asthma,
THROAT D I F 1" I tTLT I K 3 ,
Jdsessed lyes.IM of Half, Dyipejta, Knlarvetnent of
Om Ltei, DMeaseseftbe K.blfter.ti.4'ipel!oa,
irawl, riles, InaonMy, FHs, Paralysis,
Itufbof Bioc to the Ik ad,
With all a iid every dtecefc wblch hirsts the bumna body,
cured etrteioally by
RJllCE fj,
Or'F.i Kg -Ne. 410 ARril IMrt, PlillAilelphia,
Bo. It: ItONH H:rft, Wrw Yrrk, and
o. m PKAIHP.HTOS Bguare. Hosu-n.
No tif.rlnn with ln"lnmeiitt.
No I'MiM it i n the i ara.
No niittint. up the noairIN or Utrodii' Ing wtrtig.
hit pom inv tit- die tiet down tto
The MKTAPIlletJCALt IHH(XtVAn will rra-h evrrv
T-oi that drugs and iinirumenl willr.-a- h, and tliou
saiiuiiot ilaeei Itnindfa.
Truth ix uiitr-hty and must prevail; error h Imrirer
nat. d wttttdeath ovuie-.ucn ly muat sooner or later sink
Into oblivion.
In all the nnfverne trere 1 nothing no eorn;ilctolv swal
loivi d up tn error as the fans, foro.-n, and iotiveg cou
neied wl.b Uie physical and me at si cot.iuioUo:iof the
TM 'iiiUlB'i f tbint-li the r-iiU f lK-n.MTi'0 and
M nil ihc- en the pin ot thoe who pr f to ad nli'lmcr
health nnd life to the peop:p, while in fae tha inaa-lif
ignore t.d irom the aiviiteiri allot; her. All I'hvilca find
ti elreviitetiee In meti-ph.Vhlcs, and c:.n never be unlor
Sto l ui ttrt lr- in tLe mme.
1 h' r- are n. en who make a bu'-'ues'- of Ireu nt! fK' t
'H di hi- ,w.s. 1 hey pn pare Instr b, too b irba-Oii n
1othli. ot.with which to expi-riiaiTit on pi. or sillv vty.
tlniH, who have BtienKih, neither phjsb ally nor lutnt ii:v,
tu undergo sin h tiwth tlf'tUmj t. iir-ifi.
' He who erat'd ihe human body ih avs ii-enlM or It as
a mUhty whole, and the man must be a knavu or t ta who
wf.iiui aMetnpt io divide (he -vM- ui Into teutons, and
treat anv iiImihuo specifically, Independent of the rstu or
mighty whole to w hich iht-v belom;. All ucb piattl ton
ers treat h-kkiitw, but know nothing afthe luraic what
cer. Thus ti e w r:d la noili tij; I.-pu than a vast iiosphol.
'1 he aimiDtm. fondltion of the pet p pbvs callv, e-e-rlally
tbejo.iiiv, w ho ate old w'lh disuse bi ore:hcy hewin
to bud tnto llle.b ge, her with our nad exp rionr e In having
been ben avi d of dear IrtenJh, who have pieed Into
nntiinf lj rav a bv bung- peved on.
IheheeirciJOsNTeiiceu, with many otliers wliloh might be
mentioned, are an Irrenlfi tibia Htluinlus to the noonie to
duuaud of tn ry tann w Un hatUbe litti and health ot lwtn
aeiven and t heir loved o:.e In his hand. and I" eontimin'ly
auniin.htetliiN meuieitiea which the paih ut is n it allowed to
know theiiauieori.attireof.l sav undertl.enecircums'anees
the eot le have a th ht to o mand-.f everv ouvh phyt Joinu
toiornl-h them with a ukart of hin charaner, that thay
may know hi yuabfl. aU..n-,A c , An. ; itxiccdcverr n'iyi.
ct in Bboii d be oompel d to have It hung up in bli ottlce
at al hours. It is only through this channel that the
public i an have any safely or guarantee lor what is raot
dear tu it-and health ; otherwise hf mav bo In the
hands ofautau more iuallQeU fur a blackumUu a
In tt way Inherent quaililuatlona, whb h are tmllBe'i
nable In a pby meliin, are sure to h deteced and'ed.
" ere this nnlversal'y done, thotiauda would iruce the'pm
lesion which nati.n rner inailiieti tnem for. It' naturo
jtiiihrtes not there oitn be no suitable ijuallrleatlori, an, tn
firmer to delect the tlrnt cause ot dKeaiu. It Is reiuui and
lndtBj-eiiai:ly neceiairy to inherit Casualty. Moaphr
sieal Powfr and t'oiintructUer.oi.f. must aluo re InherMml
by all who would be Buccenfttul In finding an aoild'te
rap:tble of dfr-troytng the cause of dlieae. Tlier.' N no
channel I y which the caus'-s can berca- hod with certainty
but il e one i have d scribed.
Therefore I fay with confidence D tha world, that It Is
thrcuKh Inheriting tht-r't rare ciu.bliiHii Ui of
that I have been enabled to delect Mao rtritinie,of ll.nn.
The cause ! not, aa n.a iy ji pis It to ti t, a disea-e; i: Is
an lr.n.ted law between, soul and body, which, tl.ApiLe
1 an) t lis ui, ih always w nrrlng again) ecn T.ils
law heiids forth MtoppHf,-es.t'ieae st.inpajres prolneed'suiBe
In divermtled bums, and If dliease in experimented on or
tampered with tt laVei a Oriu-r (inpof the coHltuiloii
ar.d muIt'p.teN In other Itrms and other localities of tue
J,vlnj ,UUi destroying the whole machinciyo! Uie human
hcm-Tnt nr.thePtnmech and tho liver have nothing !o
do with the eatise of the dease. The treating of the-ae
organs, lor the taune, has cent millions to uu umimoiy
V tth confiduire I say to the world that bit Metaphysi
cal Ducovery lb the only remedy over oilen d to the World
which will thoiouahry aitnihliate the root ordinate. Tna
discovery roiudattn ol three utitlnct preparatl-ui ; oue I r
tlie seeip. cue ft r tlie eyes, and on for ilut ears. Tttee work
in eoiiiiii eiiou, and atrlke at tr.o root of all iliexao.
h ii I i all, I ineau every disease that cvor laraaied
the human body. u
Frm tha DilQn -lournal.
.lt LVi,,M,i.i,MrB. Nancy Wo. Warraa
stre..t, hnnebtown, dooeibty that I ha-e tvien adl-e ed
ferlen yfurs. My right ante wa so paraivzed tht I
could not He on it. During that time I sintered fioin ca
tarrh, sere throat; would cough from one io nve hours 04
a time; was t err net vou ; seldomeould nicep at uikUI.
1 t ad a lung lever two years since, wbie'i reduced ma to a
skeleton. 1 had all the nrndieal adv. and maaiclnoa
nume could procure, but all to no purpoic. I was last
BiHMrtd in the lit Mage of consuinpiion. I woe com fined
to bed when Mrs H. t. Dr.wn's Metaphysical Discovery
wat ent ft i. It wss app!ifl areordiug U direction, 1
tell no better, but rather worse toe some time.
My fneiitW waimd me te gle up, saylug I would kill
m ; tnat I w at too far gcte aud too w oak to try anything
u.ote Dut my mother said I would die If I did not find
relief In the 1 Uo. ery ; and as It was the 1 ut trial to cure
me she would continue it. We soon t ood Uiai it was tlie
circulation which was nulling Into my t stem which was
taking eflect. As the circulation kept incuaasing mv dis
ease bean to break up. It was st weak afW I bo.:an
to npidy the uiedielne before 1 could gather strength to iro
Into Doston to see Mrs. af. U. Drown, and then I nod to
haeh)n. The second t me I ventured f went without
help, ana the third time I found my way without any dif
ficulty. 1 begau the us a t4 the Metaphysical Discovery tn
Mav. and the ronnlt la on taia V7tn of Jul v, that iHiaUb aud
atreuKih Is fmt returning to my emaciated frame.
M paralyzed aide la restored to uror; lean now rest
well on It. My catarrh la gone. M y cough, my nervous
ness, and sore throat are tone. I Bleep well. All invlr
renularitiea have disappeared, and 1 mu-t ackuowled
thai, by the tuovtdenee ot Ood, I was nlrected to the une of
Mre.M.M. brown's Metaphyleal Dlseovery, and by It
taken from the month ot the urave and restored to mv
lauiUy and friends 1 knew m diueasua are gon, aad a
general Uietilat Am has taken place, but expect II will lake
time to regain my lost flesh and strength.
1. John A Newcomb, certify that I have
betaeutirely deal iu ny left ear for twenty years, and for
the pan sixears my right ear haa btx n so deaf that I
could not hear ronerath n or public spt aklug oi any
kind. I eoulo uot bear the church bells rt-i while 1 was
slump in ti e church. I have also been ironbld for a num
ber ol ears wiih a wry sore throat, so that I waseidigad
to kite un iti fc'ng In chureh.tor I had lost my voice. 1
bad sresl trouble tn my head, lerrlbiu noise, aliuont to
cialntbs. My head lelt uumb and stupid, sud was a
source ol eon ut ant (rouble to me.
J tried every letuedy that could be thoupht of. 1 went to
auriii but as they wanted to use luhtruiuente I wauld
have I oll.liik' to do w Ith theafe Abuut onenontti sima- t
obtaliisd Mrs Drown vlivtaphyslc il Di-coverv,aud
uted it uccouiing to the r.irwtior.n on ti,e bottii s. And the
reMilt is that the b"aiiiic ot boih can Is perfeuiy raHtore,
so that 1 i 'ui i hear an we'laa auv man. The rtiut tr-uliw
In my l ead is entiiely tonc. Mr head feels peitectly easy
und at reil. My Uifoat, which wai dlieiufd, U enti r(,'y
I'Uied.aiiO 1 have i-ovred my vote? again. 1 would not
leAeone thousand (to-lari lor the teiiitt I have ree-ived
iu Uie uie ot Mrs. Hrowu s Metaph; sh al Dlscurery
l i.ii.u.i i i im, fM tvember 7, ls-D. t, Henry MarvlUe,
Jeflerijou sueti (neur Mr. Or.iwuholdt's eoal yard) (
mantown, doemtifv my -n J.mhua tooa braiuVever
and catarrh ou ihe bre-tst, which left him with diSi-Aargos
Irom the eir aud dik ased eyea. The uncharges never
ceased. Hin ears Uoamu (1uiie laii,e und unnatural,
covered with scab. The pillows had to he chained d urine
the iilght, ao saturated were they Kith tho discharges it
would be tmpusMble to doserlbe the conduiou or his eyes
My lumlly pl.ysielau uid he would go blind. His Intellect
au-e became Impaired, that he cured not to be, or pluy
wiih chlh'ien. lie it .k. no notice oi anything around bini.
Nona but Uie parent cau tell what our sulIeruKs were io
lo"K onom ebiid iu tht condition.
oit piovuient ally, about oue yoar ago, I saw Mrs.
M.tjt. UruwD "kieifiphyalcal DKtovury" adventaed Hi
tlM Uti'irr. Iwn t to ti.e OdUe, 4H Arch street, aud
proemed the medicine, ktvwlieai.p i.dll faliliiully and
uerm venatflv. The niedieme wo ked slowly at tlie
hessiniilPK, but stilt we perfeovered, and Uin remit U that
Our fon is entirely curd of his disease. Ills luteiii-ct
het-iim to ha . e awakened out of the aleep of death. Hi U
eonbldered now a biiiit and Inielllijuut boy. lite dia
i harties irun bbeam have tti.tirbiy etaed, and his earn
huve become small and natural. His eye-, are clear an 1
strong. My w lte ami uih'-lt am well naiMWd wiih tho
grist cure portonuod on our child by Mrs. M.ti. lirown's
Metaphysii ai Discovery ,aad uiaht heartily comuioud It to
all who miller.
Mis. M. U. HroHii'a (Vl.bntttd Poor Itkhard's Fv
Vat(-r.$l per bottle; muatl aUel!5 cents, hua'p i'e-uova-toi,
il pet boltle.
a ltFM-wtKATu r. cvnr. or w.rMvpfM.
"an 11 1 in; a , C. w . July 'if f, lfV4. Mrs, M. i. Itrowtt
Dear Mh tj -in have bt i-u ijulte blind iu mv rtglit eye for
soveo yeais. I have baeji Ui Several dolors, whous
beard could restore my oyt.lrht, but tiiey never douo me
any M"d. l-ent lainoum of monev In traveling tj
wu-iel heal d there were doctors who could heuerli ine,
but noneoi tl otu conlil do mo any good. I thotignt my
t-aac- l;tpekss, until told hy a friend y.i. could redeve me.
I sent by a friend and pi, .cured your 'Mel,inhM.:al Di
ro.cry. an in twenty-fot.r hours after tf.n first treat
u i ilv "e QU,te dliUucty- I u very thaukful lur
1 runala yoori, truly,
The Celebrated Poor llitUurd'i Tye Water, $1 ; imulj
He, :'0 etui. ;
Ho. UO AUCII Street.
S sip Kenavotor, $1.
ttiO-ws -wiu J;o. UO ARCU 0titl,
J 8C4.
1 Tlilt'HnlOM'l MKIilC'lNRi
Ike c !! Indian Dtvretsa
ewras AH Maes or the MM MM Vfef MM
wtpar, vgOBa. BOarh a In- JHM JHM MM MM
ojtiiaaa f Uie trine. MM MM MM MM
IriUaiin ef tW 8tadW, MM MM MS MM
Innaiwmaih'a ef tl e Ktit- MM MMMM M
J. Maw 'n ht B.aaiOr, MM S M M Vf Mat
Alrtciara, OfT., ,-el, M vt MM tlH M4
antrha, and lsefU MM M ilMt MM
aPy reaeraifii('ed tn tl oie MM MM MM MM
rss irf fTn'.r Arkos fi-r MM MtfMtl M ft
Whiff rn siraaf) where
si1 Dr I' d aaMBtMtuS nitui-
eltes Lave failed, Tt la prepared In a MpMv
tn t'ff cr neetidNtt'd form, the dots
' fHCCJl tf enl i-alng f-rm one t two ta-
f : 4j aiKinruis t riH tJm a p. r iiar
; f: it isc lor'", h: and aterat'v
: In Ms a-ti' n; p-rrfvine and
11? vH-i.Bln the bluol. caa1ra
K tc ll'-w in all Ha original
" piiry ami vagor ; ttiai rmo-
im; vn rrm ma Btt.m l) oer
i ' ' ; n rt. u rni w u ica r,av e i
v nuced uiBsase.
V n K It V K . K INJM
THN ( lourUid a an any
erasitant Io the t HKHO
KKk, KKMFDY, aiHl ahotod T r.RP.K.rr F.r.f.
beared lu com arte .oa with KKK KLU&K&mI
that Helreltte In alleaesrf lK
DrMrrhn-a, (.test, P-ner tK
Alhoa or VU'e. fts e3eic f.KV'f,
are hesihif, BetMrg, ard P KBHfl
dannilrftnt ; renvtr g oil V.K
mitjua heat, rairde, aad I rt
pa n. of the hum ng Y.VTT,WrV."r.
a'laijnt it uptadHrab.s pi-In hi.Ra4-Jtl,t.k.l&
list is etmrtstwed wth
sarlv ail Uia ahaae uuacA
Miens. P? ne r.f th Cfltnn
KiiishK. I JRO. JON-lhi
Ml D1' two nied 'l.K S at the came
fii nu time -Oil Imptvtntr ste
Mil li il e bar pee are reaioved.and uie
i"i nn w.'l,'ie.i ..ra-iB ara m 1
MIMKII riTTMHil Uvr.-t n.liyj full vigi-r and
KHt.D..l1HI.Ktl itreiiHth.
I'll Mil lur Till paMleular get our
" j'uraji'ijri inq ay Qrug
' 'i lav - o ib i ft e etiu 1 1 try, o
HU JiH write us, n1 v ill ma
fr-a n ajiy iiJrtrejs a fuJ
mrnAy t ft (t'UV-An
nniaiui-g run for Bpertna
lorrt.ti a,Hen nal WeakretS,
Koet. raal KmiBBkKa, and Jt'TrMiDD
all 'llear9 ca.irrd by Nrlf lDliDDDD
polniieti, nieh as ,.ii4 ot IM DO
Mi wot . I'mvcrral i.ifol- Dl Dl
tini', Ff.i) in lie Ma-:, i'l' I'D
Dlmnecs of Vtihn, lriua- I'D li
tnreliM AfC. Weak Nrnos, DD DD
Diftirtiity of lietrpn', DD dm
T.eoiblli . WsJetulMSB, DDDTDiiinij on the a-e, ! a e IHUii)l D
Con ti'ert. nee, l!ar.ll v.Con-
SMuptK n, at d all it. a 'tlreiu,
nai'Bli fBKii.-1 l.vdeioiit-
ing in iu tl e path ol' nature. Th'B mvc ne tc a "(upV
Vew'i'b e a ti nci , and on-
eu wi.leh all can rely, an It
nai iin.-n oaen iu our pi c
t.e f r mnv y ar, and
CFVFFFVr. vl-h tlion-atnlt treated, It
h I t LJCMCK ha- not faiHd in a Mincie
r t, tn-!anee It c rathe no
rK e.n hvc b-en Biitflek -it to
F1H gln vb'tnry ever tho m iit
r r.i.r si onirn ra.-f.
e.K 'l o l'iowhl hsTr- trftl'MJ
TV. with tliefr conaMi nt ions liiitli
t I I r.rv vrw. iriev tbi'iK themsrlva- Ims
fcltki.iJltifcX yond the reucu m ne'i'
ad. we wo'iid av DRHI'AI It
on the t,':ii:n(!vK
C'l'RK will r'Htore you u
hiuJth, nnd vuor. aud af sr
aii-jtiatk UoCaora huve failed
Drt. M-moTiTH urn.
Kssfjice ol l.litil liepai.d ....
trm pure eg table Ka- J J J
trucfs, eonta:mug nelhitig :'
iniurlouj iu the most tie..-
The liejiivenaflng Elixir !!
Is tbe ruli ol iiw.d.rn
db co ei lea tn ihe veget a- ...
bis kingdom; being an !!
entirely new and abs'rai t !!!
method bi cure, iitfiH. 4114
tivet-f all tie eld aud Worn-
outsysums. This medblne has been
touted u tlie tiiod eml
ueot im dlcal sn-'n of ihe
nay, ami by thm nro
nounced lo be one of the
greatest medical discoveries
KrsnitKitKitK it the aire.
1 l.ltliKblnK Ono to tic will cure Gene
ltltit Kbit ral iehil.ty.
M-.U It kit a lewd, scl cure HyfllerlcJ
nnu nun in r etoaien
Hit Ititnnitbil One bottie enres palplta
liKIt K;lt n f the Heart.
KHrt itHU A 'e d..nes restore the
I KK Kt. it orin or (feneration.
kltU Kitn Fr-in cue to three bt-
nen rent re tho manti-
tievs and lull vigor of
A few doscc restore Ihe
an elite.
i Lrei bott1e cure the worst
cace f f Ihipoteney. fXlOl'IJ
A lew doses ctue.thekiw O 0CC''tf
spirited. t'C 04'
ne tottle rcstoTei men- CO tc
tal power. fC
A tew riotee hriruj tte rose 'C
to tbe cl.etk. . IV
1 his b.edlelie restore a C ' XJ
to muuly igor aod ry.u t CO fx1
hialtli the uor deblli- CAUt'OffJ
laud, wcru-dow ii, and oen- tXVtX
pan t,k .devotee of siuiuiial
I liuMite. Till ELIXIR cures Hys
teria, General Dtbihir. fl
p. talk u oi tlm Ucart. aad
invotetivy. itreivicsnien
I't OO ta uower and It.o aouetltu.
CQuOOO audeat.s the rosa tout Mini
OOu OOO the a of i alier, and the
vixi MfoiiniiMo man or woman
'-OJ m feci viKortnii and
4( 4J'0 thj yoattg, jind ainriiu)
' COD b'ood to c-jurse tnri.uh
OOO Hi eery vein, the nerves ht
otjo nocoiue strong, and iue area
O'H'ODO of new life andvuvortn re-
uww animate tho euUrr
buil bn up iho constitution,
rs.eriitg lovundUieto mmy
i iw i.vnrr, mi imi a nu j)u UHtllUU H IV HI US.
For tie Kenoiai of Ob- nn
tructlons. and the tasur- im
ance of HeKUiirity In trie itif
l.'fciirrence of the Monthly llll
FerlodM. mi
1 bey cere er obviate 1 hose J i'i
mimnroua titneasxa that x I'll
f pi U I-frem Irrrgubtrltv, by till
ittLoving ho irregularity
Itpcll, Tbfy cure 8nnpresBa4
Fx:eMve, ejidroiufui Mea
atniatioa. They cure tlreu fticit-
VLC KK uvbs iCUl.T.i)
KK Klv They cure Jservaus and
KK K Fpinal Airections Fains iu
KK KK the Daek and lower parts
KK KK f the Horty. Ueavu-s,
Ut KK Fativn- on b.lj hi KitiH.m,
KK KK Faigitatlou ol tbe Hoan,
ri nn. iaid uvm oi eipmiS, Itysl'O-
KK KIT r:a, Hick Beadaelio, Dd t.
KK KK ness, Ac. At;, in iwd.
KK KK byremovlngtbotrresrlty.
uifj remove ine cace, aa l
with It all Die edects that
iepmif from II.
Composed of bHup a vete-
taloe eMAeta, thtiy contain
Dolhiisg deleterk u lo a y
coiiHUtuiion, bonerer t'elt
eale.trvlr function tving to
snt Utu:e i trength Ur weak-te-B,
which, wt.en properly
ued Ihe never fall to do.
N1 Nt Nit
itiey may Dt saieiy ua in.h KM
at ituysM' and at anj peri- d, MS )f HH
Tcst I'HriMg the fir it l.f h S if N S M
-VMtifA, during wh eb Uie hS hh3
nut .Ihi.p nutue of their oe
tb'ii would ii tad.bly i ua-
m prvKBa'.c IVoes of Ihe ''hemkee
it- r r.r K FRF PI M."ih-mo t'bervltee Mame-
FKiJ'.Ki.k.i K dy, tt eiiLe.ur 8 hotUua
Kb t.r$.. Cherokee Inleetion.
FR 9i a bo iia.ur a ln. ties fur
.rKKE hottle. 0r s bo I es ior
FK Jr. Wriv'ht c KUir, $i a
FF, In itio, or 3 hod as far i.
KFTFFFFB1 K Oheiol.eo Fills, fr femaloe
K lik.tKFKtK Slahui.ortbuaesfbr:,
In the CHKKC F FK Ml.rl-
cluei, thi uuforiuiiato will
find a C ay of deiiteraure
irt u Butw ring and pau. A
duy fpl ndid aiid giurioiiM,
when tloy shall no lo -ger FFFKFKKF :K
sutler without cessation or KKM.Ffck FFfci
repoe, eilner through mer-
ceuar (.urlis ur ILu 'fcciM-
cbiH) ofuauhcouc prepaa- KKVI i:
nuns. ut- i;fi;
The "Cherokee Medirlnes" r.i;
acct uij lisn their iauaoui FT.
thtlr eu'ai cipatiun. An Ft F.FRFF KF-R
eiiini etpaiJou sokr ad- FFiiKFECFI K
mliable, uud so pi'ollttu of
tililverai tood. Theiu medl-ciiH-t)
w in prove, tu any aud
every eane, fun hi ill and
i eur lAii ng lrltuu iu il.e
tluii-oi bceX We semi all Uie CllFltO-
nrens (except Die Cherokee
1'llls, tin se ore sunt by mailt
...-T ....-. lrceoiKntage), onrucelpt ol
P it ELI K1.KP pnre, to any part of the clvl
1 I 1.1 .l.F 1.1 .k. u .ed world , securely packed ,
r K in such a manner that no
FF , one through whose hamU
FI.FFE Uiymuypa.s would kaow
Fl hl-li U.e contents.
I F DadiQa or gentlemen can
Ft' adaraisiB un In pericti coufl-
l i F.F1 l.i:i:i U donee, and we will lu u
LI. 11X1.1, eaeaj irunhly anwer their
letters, and give our opluloti
oi each Indn id rial easo. We
picsciibeuo minerals.
CIM'M uie Boltih) allouter-
filmug dnif-'tiibth in the mi
.d wond. tSomy uinuni- RsS
cipled dealers, l;oe er, try HSbfcS.SS
to sell worthless compoundi HSS H
III place ol these Uh'bo bHS
wluck Uiey cut) get at a .SHI gtS
chcHp price, nnd make more SkS
money by suiheg than they hS'JI
ran nn tie DIUltflRLK S B.-W
MKMt 'iNhts. Ah you vab 0 M HH i
your hcaitl ;,e. tl.- lu-alili isS 8Sd
of jour otti-prli -g- do hot be syssflfi
deceived hy aiiiib unpi'U- b&
rtpled dri 1 1 .s . aw for
UlFrtK MFniUMuS, and
tuk' no other .4.
FaUiutrt aodreitsltig us will please write Post OiMce,
County, Msec, ar. I Laiue yj write i', plain, aud Inciose post
age t. tamp for reply.
If the 1 YiifghnVntll ntt hay ttiuro for yon, send to us
and we w ill Mend U eru to you by Kapress. l'artles ad
diesiingus should state the disease an J ymptom, and,
lull piiriit-ulaiB lu regard U their cen. We DtaialldtS
enn(i oi a chronic itaiute In male or female.
I'aiieuta iivli g at a dManoo roed not lteittite becnuia
of thulr Itial'ihty to viatt uj. We have treated success
fulh pailJiiU iu all portions ot (he civ al 'tu-
W a jh 10 bend evci v lmtilur ul Lliin o-cr uiir thlrtv
twopuepu p i, et live.
AJ..M as ai: loiters and orders to Dr W. ft. llEKWIN li
Cll.. Nil. 1.1 l.l l-..'.l.'I . iit..l
. U It .uitsuaifluil i.y liYOTT il (",' I
ri.sli'rs la Ha
I'orOinM ry,
'.Toilet A.rtloloa,
anil Mpevlaltlef).
IHtANUits, UlSei",-., wW.:ilrftr Xraiol.,1 ,,r.
I0 '" tv im
Ta 1H0UGASD3 or TCErn
Patent applied for. My new Invention, a Doable Ka
vrib,e f. If s-iirxtlng Miifety TalvM Inhaler, for admin
Ittajinir .ltrr.tB ( jtt.l.. and a -.ti .lonng ath wiUm4
Pi,'., l rr oriTBir(. uattho (.m ar, b pteperly aa4
safely administered. '
MIMra It0-?,l "Pit VCR BTRFRT.
JOHN O. atlAKgR ft OOn
Ko. Tlfl M ARK FT 8TB "CRT,
are new reoetvlnp their snpphes frek from tSe tVherl.
The ujver'.-tity of their VtU In evory reapett, has gained
ft.r K a rjputaiK-n aud sale beyond any other tautd lc tiaj
7oiidlrdala tt, thy are determined le supply aa orticla
Uat may be ci.tirsly re'ird on for f.eihnsts and purity,
flee lesUuionle oi Fiefessurs of Medieai CMlecec. anil
i'f FD'F At Drua Htre, N. W comer FIFTH and tAK
lt.SThlt H reiu- U Drug hiore, S. W. corner rirTil
am' ( .MiPI Ni rH Mitch.
A WOUD OF Al'v'H K-Tn thom ftiTTerlng w1h Frlvt
I'si BfeB, ard are atK-ut to put th-ir,lt.'B under maiteal
tieatnn nt. It la a (act Hint tbooiuuds tin teUfy to bv
tl.eir t ai . of sniT'-ruik'. thai near I ver v one mat advrr
tiM b tit cure prh ate di n-e, in-tc:ol ut ' doing hat tticy
rrpreB4 nt, ru u their pnth nti' 0"iitlintit,ns by ftliinir their
.yi-trm w It n mn ury and other nib eral inite, tuen by ra-
ie i in-1 i m h.r 'be priArnt. n-it instead of c iring them, st
bnl d;e ihe ibhcitc lii'i. Die sviietn, no that the la"t
At'0un hi b i s It out ii .iln wi-rf than rn-fbre. The steond
aie i hte w iio w ith nn- Mini ,it rn-li l" irnfiMiB cnr at)
kiu'ii o hinet Ins- a lo any en-bie ierain It must
B' i ni hln utd lor in il'iMor to preset Ibv tlie same thing (of
nt leant bait f f the T1b much ti a? Cie-o) Duarks prole. a to
i ore. WlMle In home ernes mild rt-reediss answer, In
ihfs, wln-re tbe cae hat be-u of hmg Alanine, will
rejiilr povorful i.noi to reach th- m, which can only bs
Miiwr. L bavftu' the be-t nu-dic.ll a.i c. Tbe reij.tdiea
ned by Jr. F.AHK'IT am v. ifdable, hli ara wn tn nnnther d' ri'r In tin' eitv in nlmf th'-m no
'han. eni diet fa roomrcd. I'erBon nurh Tina wiU do well
to i iiiinnu oi iiMiit ti.e (ii(j!.i.r. a ii iiiv e e twm year
o: Btc'i r.iiv. I'f cn t.e lotin i ;i hi oiib-e at nil hours of
tre day rend enlfg. uiof the 1 lith and blatn street
l.i-c pr ifr ti e 'l.t'tf.
. H Ft-! -otti ieBid.iv; lu t?e dee,-ib,n(
IK -r est'-, itu !i c ft m J, wlj niw uu ,ue niCaK ine ihy
rcipilre ns they mi.y i!.r. -1. l(kll-2i
r--a BKAl Ti.
ftogta aniinneeves:
irtoai- iiivid'. ui hi.hB;
Jl b be a 1I' -in Irm,
Fudii g, th liiif in .ui hour Ma rri 1
I't i have a Imnt of iienN;
It tor vice to mne ameudu; '
If with bl.h-brn b:o-jJ to wed )
If a iJi.uL)e at. no whin d saP-WialibI
tf tn live threesiwre and ten,
vlnbit't; J e ai loi.g a.- tin ;
It to live a life of rH'attei
If to die a d vo to grne Balth I
Il yon wish a life ot pleasures;
If ycii a nu ttiia world s ire.jureat -If
every comfort you would see,
Tuku my a i ice, aud wish alt iKrt4.
TUn. having FUaHh, Wealth, and Beauty,
You'll bt prt pareil for over? duty.
T.y a c sreftd ptrnsal of Dr. tVIM.iAM YOVittrB Hew
Hook, 1DK MAKhI.(JIS UFIkiK, which BhouM be ra
by every op 8001 by hoosncilcrs gencall , aad at the)
Doctors tillcc, hu. ld M'hUt'K hTKRKIi prVe u
Cftf.s. a.i.-tf
Infallible tn forre'tn-, rerrnlaiin:', and rf moving ail
obstruction-, fiom wimtevcr eauBa,and always
aucciasiu as a prttvuuUve.
TheePllli are nothltir new, und have been used bt the
l).etor for many year, lWh In Frunea and America, with
i:i pajal'ekd attet eaB in every aie; nd lie is nrged by?
many thoif-atid lftUi"s n bo have i.gv.i ihia. to luake lh
Mils pi, I he for tho aiiewstuc-n oi those from
any DieMoaritieM whstever, ai ell as to prevent aa In
cttnM oi family where health will nt permit it. Pemalo
peenliarly Mtiutei), crU.o-e upi)ONinc thenmetvea so, are
cuuiioi cc aguiiifei iititiv th ae pi. is v l ib- m tnat eondltlon,
an 'l.e pr pitefnr asHimie! no re-p-ni.bldtv a.Vr ttic above
adni nl: lo.i, although their mildness would prevent any
miLchiei tn h.enlih, otbt rwue tue Fills am recmmiiKleti.
J uil aitd 'i.xpLictt d levt. iM .tccooipaiiylng each boa.
Frlet $l,or six boxia.1 t .. twid wholMoia aud retail
fcy tlif fMVwim, Drtei tn :
Flllett. White A Co , No. M V. ronrtb StrcOt.
Will bt A Hiddull, No 1 ire Market street
A Marfbail,oornor of TlDn enth nnd Marl' at streetc.
ir.eigh r A t-mith.oorner of e -ond and w.een streets.
I yolt A Co., Ko. 'Jtt'i N Stroud street.
Jobiifon. llolloway A I'owdeii, iud
h. ('. Debicour, t'aD'Uen.
At I: uil by all UUfcjj'S'S.
Ladles, by sfindlnrf
To either nrnt.cati l.i.i: the
By tnall, to any purt of Cm cuy or couutry, free of
Ko. m W. TIIIKTY-blXTU Street, W.T.
Tut M'ifrCntiAi.s t i ju. lyuh t'fc.o.
m, a (m Bith e cure (or
Contn'Mt no itinera', no .i..lsnm, t.o Mercury,
Only un pills to be inken to efli ct a cure.
CllieS 111 two to liuir ilis. mm mr.nt In
"twenly-tour hours." Prepared ny a graduate of the (Jul
ierBi;vof fnnBytviinl!t,oi)eoi tho iust eminent Dojtorg
uu vii' iiurii in iue ir
ho rxrohtnK, no ikit'ri:, ki niAVnit wiutivkh.
Lot thehe who have d.ipaied ot Vetting cored, or wh')
hae Let n purged wPh Daisam tXpaiva.or Mercurv.nt
orce tiy the
Pent by mall In a pluih envelope.
Frlce, diuic packages, $i Females, H.
htJM.K, I.OII.M.
Is efferrrl the pni lic us a potitlve core,
FYPnil.If OU Vis. Kvit l 4 i. ttNS ikivikl mtMk
BITAN 8 EPOT AND IIKIfb JFIi'K, Is the m .at potenk
ccr'aio, and cfteciual n im dy ever preacr.bed; It reachea
ara eradicates ewry panlcie af the venereal polon, ao
thai the cure Is thorough and permanent. Take then of
this pi rifynut remedy und b.-healed, and do art transmit
toyourpcsleiUy that or which you may rapentlnafur
AlthOtlL'h VOU mav ( nrrnnunrml ininnhU ka lllll.
Kl'i AN H K'OT and liKKIl jrH'K- will r. mva ovurt
vei.tu:e oi luipurlMeB from the sybleui, aa well aa all tha
v cutv.i ui mercury.
In lusi'V aflitlons with wht.S nnmlmri .r
snllsr. He luo'l A Nil l,Kl;B jl'iitKN ars m.nt hspplly
. inci.i'H i it-run, in i.eni:iirinii;i in nvtinna
i!p it. ( slllns nt th. Wumlj.i.tit,Ur. snd forul eomt,l&iiiiii
laciiicnt tu ttis .ex.
Hrui tiy Prli c SI s Ik.u In. or S bottles fur IS.
l. In is ofHvnhill.. utl In connection with tha Ban.
aniJ llr.ib J liters. I'ull itlriK'llons. rrlos 'JO ontn.
Iti. rfllcurv ol trifsi' ruuii'illu. Is sliku iktiowlHilia hw
tliynlclaii.and pirfiri.iii. Tin y lire und in th l ulled
isiss tionpiittic, iiius msiuiani liualih tu oiauy of (our
lu Stlkllrrs. ,
Iroiu lue iiilttnioio"Siiii:'
WHAT Till: Ht-Ki.KONS R Y or THE
'i'liM' IIiim ITAI., KullT atAUSIUIX, 1 .
"Jlu tiniorn. Aid., etTiiary M. lhol. (
"I l.nve trt liiiii.ljcli. i, in iimiiiik Uml 1 live 0"4
Till' MiniSrllsil ll.uiLClsi' fur V.mriMl Iim... In Its
nuint cii.'i-uiai- rorni.; tust 1 hsvu ti.-id tii.oa with )udi(
mint, d'.rri lii'ii, s'nl iroriv. snJ hsv. tun ml Uieo,
lclld lo my antic puil'ins proiiiu'lj snd elTucmsllr.
Kiowmi; llielr cmiiioMi on, I tmie Uis conad.nca
In llinr i-ft tim t. anil s. ;ur udivmuu .xi.s.. I
rccou .aiuud ti.tin stmri;:.
' AljFlirilt. IlllWCH"!,
"Aml.tsnt Wilmwin S:h Vsw Vurt Vols."
It It tw unili-i sfii'd It at tlii1.. ivut.diw sr. ss rMOin-
mendiid, and will una. lively curs 111. dlacssn. for wluck
tkii-y sic vucrrd.
BcliU.' H.C.TTPIUNf,
N'o.-JB a. Kl'ltll il
JO-IK HB-l'm Ha. aid KA( B Bire.t.
pool, touching at Queenstuwn, Cork U arbor.
- 1 i.t. - well-known stetuneis of tbe J.UerponI, New Fork,
aud I'hlladetohla hioauibbib Company arc Intended im
sail Sh follows :
Fi A, Pttitirdav, Octonar in.
1 . hi Mil Mi. htiturda , Oflober M.
CITY OK WAHIlISt.TON. HaturJav, Octolwy.
Ami Avoi v mi iu tutilim. Matiinlai.v. aaat nann. jfruin jViaf Vn
44 North Jther.
l'ir.-i Cabin i-0 Ml Siovrage ':0 (V
Fli nt C bln to London l7oft hieorsi:e to I.oudou... bn-iat
I-imt Catxn to Fans. l'' W) Htei'ragu to l'aris Hi'ta
tlrtitCabiiitoliambi glrt"iii Biecn a to U nubuiu. 7 1 amJ
raheit'cis nhu lorwauii-u io uavre, tirciucn, Itot
tunlum, Antwori. at eooallv low rates,
lure in in lavcuiuol or (-tuoeiistown : First Cabin.
t' Mi, if ITo, .'10 8iiai'0 Horn Liver; and O.Liccus
U w n. $7). Those who wish lu seud for their liieuds cim
buv tickets 1 eie at Hi ere rates.
lot lUiUar uiiotiuaUuh apply at Uie Company a ofllcet.
.1011 V O. DALE, Agent.
Ko. IU WALNUT Htioet, Fbjlatleipliia.
bjSb5v''Xs Bteamuhlp Une, sailing fmni each port oa
b-Vl i HDA i M, Horn ttrit hai1 sle i'l N K htieet,Fhila
(leipitia. and long Vttn.rr, .o.iton. Irom nxB wbaif
,'iove t mroei.on natuiaar.,ui looer b, iH.
1 be -'e'un-.uD bAXOS. Maiti.ew.. wiU lallirem PMta-
d. lj'Ma for liosteu.ou Hatuidav, October H. at 10 o ol Jt)k
AM; ami tlie si a'tuhtp NOKM S, Dakur.uutn Bjaiua
o fl'i!adc) Ua, on asme day. at 4 V. M.
ii. iso new ana BUtiBtatit ai aiemsiiipB ionn ia"
Hi e, .ail ng froa. ea h port purctuall) on Haiurdave.
Do-ura'HCS educied at uuo-bU ibe prcudum eba.ged Oct
jl ct.els.
r relpbts taken at fair ratea.
flhii)uersarh.jutieducad BHp Kecelitg and BfO
For 1 ia gU or Fae.-ge ("fvSr i f ????!Jon, tn IlKivKI winuit a ( u..
api'lj W w U III I AWlrfK star.,,, ...
-i.iWV-.end Hwiftuure Lines, via Delaware ami
1 . i o i t..ii. J tiv sU'Minem of itieite hues ore leaviuaf
oaiiv a 1' o rlci. bt., aud d ocIols r. AI., Dou tbLud p.tar
aooe Walnut attest.
ior fji-Uht, whivh will be tnl.-n on acporutnoditlna
teio.. an; -y lo W IL1 I VM N. DALiiD A imi.. v., us i
.-wv my OHHi.Wtf.SZ.
PLaUAiiaavlX Aviuua.
V;t -tli-vlll