Mmm sue A . .Aid A .u MY TED H -Li L im A rWCK THREE CENTS. The Political Contest. GRIAT UNION TRIUMPHS. mi jo It E T UK NH. itt ornrnRn, A feci err or rtj-rt. Pile On mt r. r,v. jiWiov. ),,.,wi tree i-h. I'nijH. i.f. Tn.... 2t' 1.117 JlflO"" im Keeeiwl. !l7 2M 2IU.I Tboel 114 HM iVoerUi tt. s-s) l.-ii H"i' i no if. io- ud rlxtl W.9 ljfi lt,l H fei.t aira u a vmtj j-r.i jMh W"H nut i.',,.t m nih 1.T i.J U.'7 1X1 I"'1 lilH 2.78 1 1.1st HetiuUi !V, 1444 Mi 1111 Twelith 1..Y. ;,si 1.; J TlilrlMmn SJitil life', an 1.(14 Fmi, tenth Hi to Hi) sum u.a . . ,:4I -o '."ill ftieo xvl Mak-emli M15 lull I met il lrvi niceiitb 11K4 Mu.7 1I7S 2 HI kulibenth Lt.2 UtO 1217 KiiMtouUi sap sv.r.3 iww at; TwintMuh ;wi mi7 I'-U litw Hit 1147 lHi 1147 Iwii.ty-ercnnri lnvl 71(1 ll 'l 7is lwnty-tbjri IXl'l llfl laif) IK 'Iwi nt-olirth IMi', 14,', UUM l(t) Iwil.t', -tilth 7i ll.m 7M 11.', Iwut. -.xl. 1.'0 ll"2 l"Aj 11 a Ttrtui 40 12 uS.tfcl 4K.0H (jj 47j fill ml. 7,f4 maj. coi ntv o . i i.itM. ti.nyr. Kef. mill. CUrkO.C. Hti . suro ir.i 2i;. 1:01" tm 1:117 reci.Iid Vit.3 181-(ft S-.-72 Shot JIM sal'J Thlrii MH7 I4.M llsj 1 f j 1 in uvl loerlb SSI lis-,! Mil 1 .11 s;,7 l(vi f Al , lK'l ia;7 lii'.l 1414 10.0 1114 fUtl:.: 10. X) YMi VM IJ.I7 liVK) 1i':tl fTriiili al7!2 1.1,1 Uti 2172 1:4 lit Eiirlnl 117 1117 ;- liia If., 4 1124 kmtli llri:l l:ili) 1..7 1 t,l li7 1W Teulli llir. 'j:j;2 1121 21-.)l lll'l Klevnith I'M 1114 Ifl 14(7 .vl III! Telitl IMI'.i r:i7 l:ii-.: 12l 1.117 12,r, Thirtcrntli ttiCfi VSI 2"i:) 1HI2 2l'IS i:t7 Fouttmiuh 21 M Uil7 2141 111 2ll'i 11.H ritteiith Hiw) 2L(il ol-) 2V il 311 23ill Piitwntl 1.12 M17 1.1!) li.Stl lift Mil Few tremli MM Id 6'i lli'l V'iM llxl Rhtutl 2HI1 la'3 Mil liiid Zi 1:25 ill 2.MI4 Z'H Sll'l 2.f-'4 1110 i-OT, (Twiuliftl .'till 14 W ::il 2447 2ill 2147 Twiiily-lirsi 1413 1117 14 ID 1147 1110 1147 Ttilicviii(..i :r,s 714 y,i -,14 j, 7 1 4 Twfniy-tlnnl. ... lull) If'.t 1H1I1 l.-.KSI I.TiO Twnity.ioiinh...l:(20 H2J 1HI4 14: 1 141 ltQ Tinv-tilih 7)1 1W) 7i ll,,il 7-rt lir.l rwniily-mxtli 1S13 Ilea IIaI I'd IIB7 Total.. ll'l w,4ju 38, WJ Iloweav nmj. 7 7: S I'lTV rfV.fll.rt. Hull et Il n.i. h. KlliHT WARD. 213) I titorlin.;, U.... NI1.TU WAItll. Ifw6 I M. V. P.uKci, D TUNTll WAIID. 22791 ilompM, D. ... rviow, u. . riVnnin, U ..1370 ..I860 ..111S J. Kforlnf V. 1WKLFTH WAHU Cbe. M. Wngucr,t'';7 I L. T. Miars, D 1356 OUT.Tt:tNl H WAKII. F. A. Vudc'cvc, U....2iCu I "JitolioMon, D 113d VHP1K-KNTII WAHI. H. W. Oray, U 8102 I 11. A. 1'tip, I) ?201 KUTI tXTII WAI1D. J. K.WBinwrlpht, II.. 1110 ,T. W. Hopkins, l...16ai SkVLNTHKNTH WARD U..1172 I I', aiiorn, D 205J KINKTPBNTII WAItD. JC. Hitcliic, U. 24dl I Wiillaiimoii, D TWKSTY-F1KHT WARD. f. T. Jou.d, U. ...1416 I .'Jyti, 1 IWfcM'Y-TUIIlli WAUD. F. filtlciow, U 1811) I Miiinhali, D... ...2m .1140 ...1S83 TWl.NTY-miUllTH Wtllll, W 'Hp11, U 1916 1 .1. W. Van Norton.O.lim llor tLo uiioxpired lerm of S. 8. iliilir.) ptcArrrDLATi'jN. Mivt ( oumil liuiuu ' ik'iuucuiti C amnion lli'iiucli. .10 ri.'.BT WAItD. ...21,')fi I Wil.T, I) Mtetai: no, I).. .1331 w:oo.D WAUD. 6tx. Mianlri, V 22M7 I Wm. Lnuxhltn, D LHivid (jt 11I1 Hi, (J 2U8 I Jin-u Ju:iiuku. 1) .210) .2111 TIHI D WiltU, E. C. UoiiMll, V WW I titxi. Mcliula, I) 14H jrODKTII WAItD. II. 8. Purdon, IT 8f,l I W II. liirnM, I).. D. . .1021 Jm. McMerkiu, (J.... blil Jus. 11. lluhu, HIXTII WAHD, Wm. Ilirrii, V 1071 T. Woliwit, D 1221 8. VLKTH WAHD. Ibo. Utile, V 21i d I J. Mooucy, 1) 1333 mount WAitii. Uorpfr, U 1074 Smi'li, 1) ....1121 NINTH WAHD. W. 8. Btuklty, TJ liia Wm C'rawlord, D.. liW 1KTn WAIiD. E. M. Mnebrttc, U lt IVfrnwcll, I) 10'5 TWK.'FTHWAitU. M. H. Staunton, U. ...13)7 J. 11. Craw lord, D..12M Tllltll'l VT11 WAUD. A.M. Fox, U 2',G2 lm. Dolby, D. ...1324 ... HOUttVKKMU WARD. Jehu Hancock, U. ...212 I Armntronir, 1) Uild Ki. Ouruni, V 2UM . U 11U yiiTKK-xru WARD. Wm. Mathewa, ll....i!ir,2 R.irnrB I) 22t kJI lllilpp, U Ulb Win. J. Villiau...iAll HXTKKXTll WAHD. TLlM. Kuneu, U 1G.7 Lej. J. Uu tat, D. ...I-Slo ivtvatvm wm:d. , V 11W 1 .1. ilu luwi'll, I 20111 ' KtllllTI.KXTn WAItll. Wm. Bauiia, V ZrM J. Vi a soti, I) 12 1 J J MKhTKKMH WAI.D. Co, Di'rl.vuliiie, U..tlK'l I Sutton, 1) ci',2 Mi not, L HM I HuImuuuu, 1 TWIN TIKl'll WAHU. J OA. F. Uarwr, I '. ...U231 Th04. 1', Adanu, L). llVKXn'-lClliHT Wtllll. W. H. SIcipDon, II.. .lll'J I hmitli. U 1U7 ' TWK TV.F1IWI) WAIID. Enoch Taylor, i: liV.H , D 714 ' 1 Vi fc.-N'i'YTH lit D WAUD. CO. WllIlaiuK, Il....l8i0 l 11S9 TWKNTY-Vi.llltTIt iAUtl. J, B. McCuitliv, 1i,..1Djm Kuitl.'Wiill, l 1411 TWKM V-lKril WAIID. I. C. Kvns. U 7f4 L'olluiwur, D lira III'I'A I'l'i'Ut.Al'I'.lN. Coinmon Council l u.ou 21 " 1H I'.iotratii 7 THE NI.W KM.hCT 4'0i:Xfll,. like following 1 a coirfot litt of the iiioiuIxma ut Select Ccmicll tor llio uulLr yt-r, ihoIuiIIhk oleotrd yctlerday. V oid 1. ll.onmn A. littrlotY... K. p. 2. ( ouiluuco K. Katuyrly I't'j.. a. tiuiuta AniMtrouK uoin. 4. Jlcnry Miiicua loin. 6. fetvr Alcldiov Ucin, 6. deorKO b Omnrly Kuo. 7. Gi'orfre lntnnn l;lcb( llnp. 8. Aloxundcr 1.. llodjtdou Hep. 9. Juiiii'E A. I'l-ucnian Hop. 10. Jocliiia iSiiernif lice. - 11. Hiitnuel li. hinir loui. 12. CliurliM. V nnor Kid. IB. Janicit l.ynd Itcp. 14. Kri'tli rii k A. Vau Clom Ki p. 15. Iloni-v W.iirny Hop. 111. J. W.- hopklin I),,ro. 17. l'atiick Miitu I.iu. 1H. Andre w Z.nio, Jr Hop. 111. G'l-oi-o M iUjanwDti Dotu. 2. Joseph Dluuuol K. p. 21. lia.-loti lliouipKon Jonos K. p. 22. I'rixJinck Unirliliy iJoin. 2!f. KdwHiil A. hlinl.orOHn Ilo j. 24. Hiiiiiiiol V.t;altiJ hop. 2u. l'nlnck O'ltoui-ku Ihnu. :u. niiiitiin ri.lKH k H,.i(. V K Tc-pulii;cii, Ki; lHttiucrt, 1J. "'B AOt.LllUI. ('Ily t-urveyor, 1 loTrmb IlUtrli t. oniuo1 L. hmi dU'V, Nutionol Lnkiu Ho beit 1'. l ruilo)-, lH'iuoorut fnit dlci'ii ujkj ril. 1.R73 1,1.1 212 C'ONUIti,!H10AL UIMTKICI'I I -lot Uialrtct. Bllt'lT. Ii audu'l. TT'l i-,i 12.1 1141 HW 71W Tim ircor.d Ward.... Iliird Bld Kourih Ward..,, Klllti Ward Ktti V mrti . utvontU Waru. . Total JiAsdaU't majority,.,. r-riMl DiMrici. FliH Word zVl,"' fT"iith Ward 2w4 l"irh(i Ward in) Mi. Hi Ward v1 hvth Wur.i rciiij ,uth idij ll,Vi:t 7,470 O'Nr Ill's mnrf 4'i'.'il . Tllil-d IlHfWTtot. Mr. t-. Twelfth Ward Iii42 TliiifcvMb Hard x Nxlerntb Ward IAS m Trntwnth Ward IM K chlei'Dtb Ward 21-9 iiiiri sib Ward fV Total io,r3 Rin. IK'S nu 11. C II "i 7475 ii,m yijen' ruarontr. Fourth lliwn l. Klly, FoaHtxinlh Wnrd 1 1.l4i nt.i W arri 1 wmitii'tli Wmd 7 wnnty-hr-t Wind . . . 1 wrnty-lolirttl V axd.. . l ota! lOlley'a ln. ority B it) Fi'tb l)itH-M. Tlnvr. ', tmi ntv-v. ond Ward '. A lrii.M.tliir.1 Wnnl IMI1 Hom, 1pi ti-iiitJi Waid ?ti I'.ik ki county, itKi tod mat. IL'.I rota I. 4,4 41 v) Iltx-n ninjoiily. THIRD EDITION LATEST UCIli BETURHS lllNPr-iVT- XTSI A. THfnly.tlrU iiki- oKiomtl Tlitrl't. Tr.t! L.tia roiintT Kmi.b Tullir (1'ninn). for Cui jjri.!i, Las 17oO miO'Tity I'nlun loss of 300. I'lKMrruttl lllNtrlrt. I.yrtmlrff cruntv. Ci0 Uuaiocratic mntoritT. IKiiiuciatic gum, 4-t). N vriitrrnlli Iiutrlrt. In twenty illMricli nf HiiptinKilon conntv tin- 1) n.o. ri'tic emn is 4"0. Tno I'lilon majority will UC HUlil.l .1111, AJllllOOI Ul IO Uitlll UI TnentyUrNt I'iilrlrt. . uv. iviuill, l 0 OllU log in r. niarkuhiy alow lruin Alkgbu'.iy 0011 ntv, and the couuty voto U not yet comploto. Tlie i- tiiuu iiiajuiiij mil uwk tmr 1UUOU ,ruui UliVU. Tli .Vorlhrrii Tlr. V- 'a' P'"tfrh to TUt i'ti'ny VfUQropS, )ai:Hisiivhi,Oi tolier 12. Kiom Susquehanna, Tioga, Bradford, Totter, and McKeaa counties, we liave reporn of considerable Union giilns. Subquchnnna givri Union majority, again of over 1U0 votes on Curliu's majority. i:rtlfori, witb tin town-hip to bear from, over 3000 1'nion majority. Tioga, nearly com plete, 27sS. It Is believed that wc have carried the Sia'e by at lea t 20,000 majority on tlio home Tote. We have certainly tlxuen Congre-Bmen, a guin ol 4. Tbo U-uUluturit Is largely Uai n. Vole vf Pmrmylvauia Nolillors Aronnil VVnMliiutiiiiii. AVakiiinoton, October 12. Tin following aro pariiul returns i.f the vttte of renn.Hylvaniii sol- mem ui vj3 ciy HlK'kWj U t. van KIM W.IH l:ut Northrop. 2417 in; 1441 Piitlglas HnnpiUl.. ) 4 Trtviiiry Iluieiu !,2 4 Con puny L, iMh Pa. Voi til U t'an.u riionenuin und (iioeooro 117 34 Mlicihiinie liu.racto 4.'i 0 Ci Di)0( I llupital C4 1 I.ii 1 i,ln Ho pinil (reiiorted ) 20") 4 CI, Itou anil Carver Huspl: ,1 110 00 Ni'vliik' lla'tery .01 19 Can p I 'ry 100 2 Tot.' I W3 13!) lilt: III aiOl.ttltlltV VOTE, AVAMit.oroN, Oetober 12. The followintf are the letuirn of the Ohio sulUiort,' voting iu W&sa- 11); ton ana Alexandria ; Atmorr Hqnare Hospital Cb m p J i-in t)u lion Sit Kelt! llnrrai ks, Alexandria. , . . Miiimion llou-e Hobpilitl (Id Hallowcll lkwpi al Lincoln Uonpual UiiK.n Liyht liuurd Uend iun tors Camibell Hospital Camp Fry C'uivoe ll'jijtiuil 'Jo! :il Rtp. ln. 17 0 n IS 2 23 2 23 0 47 4 lot 1 04 1 12 2 . 4 577 22 'Ihf f,' line 1.1 Ituller' Army. , (iiNt.iiAL III tlkh'n IlKMiiti'AHTUBS, October 11, 'J-lj T. M. The v..tln' In the Army of Penn sy Ivi.iiia rc gimeiits bun piin-ed off very quietly, and ao fur da euu be leurneil the Union ticijot baa been every here sueeeislul. 1 At the hendquirlers of fill army today is Captain Wation's Cii'iipmiy of Pennsylvania Artillery ; out of eighty votei-eoitt for the meintmrs of CoiiKreMflrnui the i-ity of l'blladelpbia, oniy two wtrc east for the Dtmo. r ittc ticVet. 'I'lir 1liiton hi It itrrlHburitT. II h n iKiit no , (jet. ih( r 1 2. The general impres. ion hire is the Ntve h is gone Democratic on the home vo e by from : to fiOOO majority, but lhat the roldters vot'.i w II give from 10,000 10 I 'i.oOO Union majority. Ti e Kb 1 tioii Coiiiinl-Miin r- to the Shenandoah vnlliy have rctinmd. Tsi-i report lhat they were iiunhle to reiv h Sherl I m's urmy. Mr. Lincoln llriwn Ilu- Ii'hii from Feun HVlVHniH rim Ann; V'oAe). Bprrlnl D'lyiMch It Tht turning I.Mfrtpk. Wahiiinotok, October 12. The President lias received a telegram unnoiuii'ing tlio fact that Pentikylvanla has jrone for thj Union by nearly 30,000 mujority. The vote in the Armies of tha and Potomac was largely Union. DotaiU have not yet Iteen recilvc l, W bare only a gem rul deputcb. It 1m tlu.ulit here to-day that the soldier' vote will iuc.eae the majority to 40,000. M VRTI.A.M KI.KI TIO.V. Baltimore, Oetohcr 12. Tho tlectioa for Mnyor Is proceeding quietly. There is a spirited contest between the friends of Chapman, regular Union nominee, and Mr. Stirling, independent candidute. The result is doubtful. There will be a large majority for the Now Constitution. The vote in the counties continues two Uti) 6, uud will not be knowu till ti-monow uifht. rCOIJ LOUISVILLE. The rirrllou Newa- Aoollicr Itttid. I.ot ihvti.t.B, October 12. The election returns from l'eumylvuuia, Ohio, and Indiana favorable to the Administration were received here to-niht, andcutikcd considerable excitomect and much tnthusir.sin. l'assctifcrs from Ciarl.svillc report DuRtrii, with 1200 mounted Men, crossed the Ciiiubertiiud rier 111 ar Uarker's thonls, lun night. Itlovfineulu of Meauivru. 7-3 ' Nrw YoHKjOctober 12. Tlio Etlinbimjh hm anived from Liverpool. IUr inlvlcc3 aio ami, I. pktcd. Boston, October 12. The Asia sailed this niorniiig (or Halifax auu Liverpool, with 40 pas. tengi'ib but 110 specie. Mnrkl hy Telearnpli. Ni:w Youk, October 11. Flour advanced 10(.i 16.-.: i-as ul I (,'A0 l.'il. ; stale, I'-.'KiiiHill, lulilu, a'l-.vv.n 10so;anU houtlii'iTi, HO 'I 14 . Wln'at h.iiaih ud 'ill.; .ali'i Uiilnipi'l'ttuil. Corn ipiiet, bei'f dull. I'ork Itrdi; iniimoi l'i-i lii'in. at a-IU ;.i,'i.'.ii;)i. Laid am, ai 1 ji WtUikydull, I'JIILADKMMIIA, AVKDNKSDA Y, OCIOHKR 12, 1Si4. FIFTH EDITION LATEST ELECTION NEWS. Union Oain in Borka County. ict., no., rio., r.t.,, r, ik.!vI4 r.i.rcrutv. FUrilh tlNlrlrl. rT0F,0ctili,rll2. Wm II. Ileltler f Hnl n), for oni'r p, v7 im'iritv in the cut of itevl'ng. A I), iiiocratic gain of 22. llnk counly. with fourteen townships to hnr from, gives Ancunn t I'ciihxt.I' ) 1777 The I) moiT.iti.' m.iorllT will proo.bly bi about 12l7, a Union g on uf'3.S.i. tlrvrnlli Illatrll'C FiaioN, o.tidier 12 N r'lintnp'on ron:y piv a alii ut the haiuc D. rnoej itic uiijority a. kta yeir. UIKIItlA I l.ttllON. Nfw Yonr, Ot tuber 12. 1 he I'wt a id '' ii 1 1 bnve the following speeial : IkuianaI'oi.ih, October 12. Tho T'tilon S Uo ticket is elected hy l.'i.OOO to 20,iK)J nuioriiy. Six t'niou members lor Congresn Aio certainly elected. TIIK MISNIStN N'I'KATIKH "!lO A SISM. f." Nkw Youk, October 12. By tho steamor E ijlt that left Havana on the 8th ins'ai.t, wc hare im inU lligft cc tiTtlm mtasitir; uteiiiior li iik. The premimptii.n unniug tho Oilloers of tho : g r l Hi ,t she has been c.tplurod by hoi' pis ttil,iti. XAIII.K I)ISSVKR. Nr.w Vohh, October 12. The steam ililp re ported a horo by the tmfVy Hurt: proves t.) bo the lno(.'c, fiom New Y"ik for New Orlems, with tn o s. Mm Is H-hoio ut Cedar Inland, 1) miles r.oilhof Cipo I.iHikout. Tho v ease I and im st i f the ctugo aie a total loss. Time were live men drowned In the surf, whilo the icit got ashore in safety nu Cedar Island. SHERIDAN'S ARMY. Hi-iixii'Airrt.lts, Fihui ii'k Hii.t, Mkknan iioaii Vallkv, October !, evouirg. I'he ln-il-linnt nrhxvimeiits of our raviilry to-day h no crowned Oem ral Sl.i'ri lan'11 viet irles In the vulit y. General Custer'a and MorriU'a OivUbus of Ueueral Torliert's Cavalry Corps hnvo d-jfen'e I mid driven tho cm my ovor twenty miles ot jjri und to day, capturing eleven gnu1-, four ciis- soiis, Arly-ievi n Wilsons and ambulances, and about tour haudied prisoners, and it herd of cattle. The enmy. defeated nnd demoralised, Is once more in full reirent up the vu ley. In his recent triumphant trip up the Mlicnand.iali, Ooncial Sin noun (In! not pao-e in bis pursuit of K r y until he hud iluveti hint completely fr n :n vhIIcj'. Mier dan hud gono no fir that tho mio sisliiiiee lor his urmv had to he hauled ill w W ins a distiinee of almost a hundred miles, llivmir d tented Fairly, and upset the Hebel plinj for wiittciiuR an army in the valley, Sheridan com miuctd retirltig neurir his sources of supplies. On his wny he de-troyed what reiu.iinoil of the harvest ol'the valley. Waving ticlds of yellow grain have been m elo n pel Itet waste, ami ovei buidenud barns burned to the gi' Many mills uud burns have 00,1.1 buini'il wnblii the hint lew dnys. Almost evciy thing ksve private houses bus burn dostrove l. Tie iiihatiituntF, Inyul ami dialoyal, have Hale to subsist upon. They antleip,i:o 11 good doil of mi-trv durinir the iipproacbliii.' winter. Some who liuve liinetotoro en syed every luxury, are tin, by the inexorable demands of war, com;KUod to beg their breud. Mieridnn's policy practically illustratos the Im portant principle that private interests must be subsirvictit to public good. Many families h ive followed our urmy don tbo valley, sumo g iin ( to their friends northward, and some co:niu simply to tibtuln stibslstenco. This bi been rei.oered necessary by the f t that, c tnpiir.i tively speaking, the smiling valley of Vi -ginia is now a desert for uinity m le-. When Hheritlun ro:uuienced bis ratr.igr.ulo movement down the nil ley the enemy mani fested no disposition to follow. Nothing m ire than a few Iteliel cavalry appealed bovvriui; iibout our rearguard until yesterday, wncn u large fnn'e, under the Heiml Oererul Ho.sitr, was lound lolloviiuK us ().. 11 tiio oiioaaiijili. Vc teidity, when .Merrill ' Division was eanilng down the turninke, the enemy auditelouely all 'mpted rm attack. The engagement took place near Crubill's Mill,onasmall mountain stream known us Tom's brouk, 1 be cannou of the opposing parties was posted on the surrounding bills. A spirited artillery duel bu rned a prominent feature in the operations ol Ihe day. The reverberations of the guns were heard among the mounhtlnsun'il evening. Cuter had some skirmishing further to the left. After 11 n interesting little tight, the enemy was every where handsomely repulsed. The enemy, how ever, bivouacked lust night not far from where tbe tight clo-cd last evening. This morning General Sheridan, having hilled the principal portion of bis command In the vicinity ol Fisher's Hill, instructed Oennral Tor bert to attack the enemy and drive bim uway from such close proximity to our rear. Torbert went to work immediately, and carried out both the letter and the spirit of tho order. Accord ingly Custer's and Metrltt's Divixions main a vigorous assault 00 the enemy at an early boar this morning. On the right, Merritt's Division occupied a posi. Hon near the T om's creek, on the Winchester turn pike, about midway between Htriv-hurg and Wood stock ; and on the left, Custer's Division occupied a position near the same stream, on tbd back ron it, about two miles closer to the mountain. Custer advanced first with bis cavalry and bore urtiHtry. He made a bold attack, and drove the enemy h ick nbout u mile to a strong po-ition 0.1 the brook. There the euemy iu, a deujriuiuod smnd. The Rebels were advantageously posted on a commanding hill. Barricades and Wust works of rails and stones contributed considerably to strent'then a position which was niturully'for midable. General ( ustor, however, throw ia bis whole command, made three inaguiiieuiit charges, and at last carried the position by ass iuli. At the same time a junction was formed with General Merrlit on the turnpike. Sharp skirmish ing in the front did not seem to indicate anvthim; decisive until Hevius' Bi ignite succeeded in stnk int; the enemy on tbe (lank. This produced c m steruKtion ill the Hebel ranks in Mcrritl's front. The whole division line then pushed forward and followed the enemy, who was now in full retreat. 1 ho reti oat was soon turned luto a perluct rout. Custer and Mcrtitt pursued the Hying fugitives, rapturing guns, caissons, wagons, a herd of rattle, and several hundred prisoners. Amoug the wnfjous captured aro several ammunition teutons, and those toutiiiuiiig the bagae be longing to the Rebel (JcuuaU Wickhtuu and Loinux's hcuilquariors. Home of the cannon Hcte new o-inch rltled guns, just lrom the louiidry in Richmond. 1'iisoucrs say that this whs the lirst occasion on which those xuus bad been used in the Rebel service. I ho enemy was driven In rreal disorder through Woodstock, through Kdenbur'', und 11, Mini b Mount Jackson a distance of more tlikii tnontymlies from the scene of the com ineni einent ot this morning's operaiious. 1 he Rebel Lionel al lnuax had a very narrow cscupe Uoin capture, one or our cavalrymen wes ciitismg two it-cuoi omccrs, who were ndiug sine iv siue. M bin he reached the ollicor who wore tho hiigliter uniform, uaturally suppoaiug him to be the more important peisonae, hia horse was Itiiit h txhaust'd in the ehuso that be could not catch tho other ntllcer. it was subse rnenlly esccitaiued that be hud captured a rajitaln of urtilli.ry, and that tlio companion of tbo captain who made his tlight cUixtual was the Rebel Cierertil Lomax. General Merritt was In hot pursuit of another gun, the only one which tho enemy seemed to have tcm&inlug. A thousand dollars wereollored lor the gun, out it win not captured. T he operations of to-day have been of tho most brilliant character. This evening the troops are exultant over the victory, and the bands uro din. couisii'i: palmitic and inspiring mii-ic. (iuerilius continue to infest the country ; but it is belicted that no organized Rebel totces will have the temerity to show themselves whilu UvuenU bheiidua is in the valley. A'. I . lluukl. rAJOR-GEPJERAL Ol" lMIILADKLI'lIIA, Ccn mandins Tenth Army Corp3, Army of tho Jomo3. The Hero of Deep SSottoin and Darbytown. iVVOOO. ss V S?iiv J 7w. ' , .j. . "V "S',' -' x:.; V MAJon-nKKRHAt, IAVIU IV. HIRvKV. Vi'e iu gratified in being able to-day to present our readcn with an excellent likeness of General Birmy a Philadelphia of whom we aro proud, and one who takes rank with Hancock, Meade, Nellkand other distinguished military loaders from this city. General BIrnoy was born in Alabama, and Is now in the primo of lifo. He was the son of a rich planter, Jutnos B. Bir ncy, who, although a Soirherner by birth, aud a slaveholder, became n runVal abolitionist. Ilu carried bis political creed In'ji practice by comi'ia; to Ohio aud em.iuelpa ing his slaves. H Presidential candidate in ISM, when Ilcury Clay was the Whig nominee, and is said to haeo de feated the cVrtion of the Utter by dividing tlie. Whig party. Clay nud Birnoy toother bad a popular majority of m no than twenty four thou sand. General Iilrney was doing business In rhUddelphU when the pressnt war b g in. In Angnst, 1861, he took the field as Colonol of tho 23d Pennsylvania Volunteers. F; om a C-lonol, Birncy was steadily promoted until he was ap pointed Mujor-General. Ho eomiuaudod a division in the 2J Corps of tho Army of the r'otomac previous to assuming the e.iui' 1 o the 10ih Corps. Geutral Blrney has proved to be 1 military genius In this war, and Las been uniformly s 'lo res-tul in all his engigcmcuts. He bis g ained the respect of bis commanders and tho lovo of his mm, by bis soldierly bearing, lis brivery, and his great ability. His gained at Deep Bottom aud Dorbylowu during tbe ptofent month. tlrnrrnl Mierman's Ulllrlal lleporl. General Sliertniin'solliclal report of the Atlanta j, ..,!.. j, .:t,,,., in , iii,.i ,rw,y au .tint Uu.iUa ul this v.eck. It is dated Septein- btrlo, Mid tills twenty colnmns of lhat paper. He estimates tho enemy's streuitih to have Puui betwien forty-live ihou-aed and fifty thou-and jufsntry and artillery, und tn tiiou-and cavalry. iitnfiat r-ni iiiinn savstuatnc maintained about the Karnes treiiutli during the campaign; ilionutn 1i r of men joli.ii g from furloiiuh and ho-pitals tilHiut cotupensatiug for loss in battle and from sii knits. The report Is romiso rd In General Sherman's terse aed trem haul si vie, and orrus a most into leiiii g history nf prrhaps tbo most brilliant and n mplete emupaign of the war. He terminates his recital with tue toiiowing reserved tribute to bis siiboidiuate commands : ' .My ibree armies in the field were ommanded 1 y abie olllcers, my (ipials iu rauk and experi ence Miijur-Oeberul Ueorgo U. Tftomaa, J. M. hebohe:d and O. O. Howard. Wlty such com munileifl I had only to indicate tbuobjuet desired. and they aeeonipli-hed it. 1 cannot over-estimate their Fcrvict s to the country ; and must express my deep nud heartfeit thanks that, comiug to gether tr- m dilli rent ticlds, will) dille'rciit niter- ts, tliev have ro-openitod with a harmony that bus I cm productive i f the greatest amount of sui cess aud rood foelliig. A more harmonious ui my docs but exist. I-attly, In Ixindon, a young woman, who w witbissieg the p rtormunce iu tho ravilioii 1 In atie, sudiienly rose trout her seat and loll buckwardi-, exelaimln;:, "Ob, my heait!" Win n ineoical iwsistuuce uirived, she was found to be no. I.a-t year no less than four hundred and thiity-two viierH wcru killed ut Port bourbon, Alio tuiliiue, tbe femalos Deing Iu the proaoition of two to seven. Thiny-eiitht eirtrs was the liicliest number fouud in a nest, and nine the leasr. Vi hen two young viiiers are In one cgir, one of them is always yellow. The remains of lacu-tial habltat'ons have been discovered in t'.e old bed of tbe Like of Fimon. four miles from Viccnza, Ita y. A uutu- ber of Hint Implements, omers made of bono, the rm sins ol sta ;s und other atlmals which have now oi.-uppeakd from these part", show that tl.ctc dwellings date lrom thu " ago of stono." An impciiul establishment has j'ust bocn founded at Odessa, under ihe naino ot the Unit versitvof New Itussia, and which is to replace-" the College Richelieu. There will be tlnce facul tiesone of history aud philosophy, another of rutttrul philosophy uud uiiithciuaues, aud the third of Ihw. The generally received opinion that most inalignaut diseases icre tho result of the develop ment within the blood of certain animal or vege table fttiiii, hi s lately roceivdd conliriuution by the iui.uluib otM. llavuine, a French taran, who procuitd a qnautity of the pus from a uiaiUnaut pustule, und placed it under the microscope, when it presented thousands of thoso vegetable lonns knowu to botanists as bacteria. To assure liiuiseil that no wisuike bad oeeu made, ho dried the remainder ot the liquid and introduced it luto tlie blood of an animal, aud the la'ter wao uttuciitd by disease of the spleen and died in fiio C:iy.. An eamiutiou of its blood showed punu'iius bacteria. Muller, tho alleged railway murdorer, ha4 indirectly beeu the cause of another death; for, according to the I-ondou Spectator, a las', Jolt Jiartlctt, an upp'i'nticc to a pi inter, working in uti otlite in Clituitii , j l.iae, has lost his life from tho effects of atooreinuto pre-Rnphitelite imaglim. tit n activclv engaged in working out Muller' career to iib'fniil bi'tne. It appear, that the boy 'n mind hd inttugedltbell leos with J.'uller's guilt than h!s assumed destination to the gallows. Ho bad endeavored to form for himself avividini pn saion ol the sen-atiou of hangin..', and tkougli a lud of t lii'i rful disposition, had even allowed bi intellectual 1 iithtisiusin to carry him so far as to expiifs wish to lie banged himself. He thud in.-titiitid a series or expeiiments with a roie attached to a ventilator in the olliee, and, his foot slipping on some glass inlaid iu'O the lloor to light the room below, hi) lutidiYcrk'ntly fulllllcd hU tWU IfeU wish, DAVID B, BIRMEY CITY DiTELLIQEiOE. Rr.joiciNO Over tub Victory. This morn ing Chesnut street, from Third to Sixth, was alive with excitement. Lnre crowds gathered around the various newspaper establishments and political headquarters, to loam the "latest" from Ihe interior. There was a general rejoicing over the great Union victory that hsd boon achieved. Salt liver tickets were uoun.lnnt, and those who bad voted against their country bung their heads iu shame. A delegation from the Second Ward made tlitir appearance on Chesnut street with a bell placed in a furniture our. As the ear moved slowly along tho boll was tollod, mnoU lo the delight of tbe spectators. Abive thu bell was tbo inseiiption : "Wiieoiid Ward, 100 majority." As this ward hoa always heretofore gooe bom.K'railc, the tejoicing over the triumph achieved was by uo moans out of place. The excitement throughout the city put night, af 1 r the closing of the polls, was uioat lnins. 1 here were largo crowds gathered in front of tlie hea(l(iiartors of tho polili al cluos, and the an miiino mi ut of tbe returns was receive I with cheers by tho respective parties. At the Uuion League House) an immense crowd was 0 illootod A kie tran- pan ncy wan used to give the return from tlie city und 1 late. In front of ths heiulqa irters of the Union Citin paiyn Club. In the Cummon voiiHh lluilding, a lurge ciewa assemoiou ai an early nonr n the evmir.g, ami continued there until lun after miiltilgl.t. I'he returns were atmmncod from the windows as fast as received. A procession, composed of citizens of the Tenth Ward, with music, torches, and banners, piosed down Chesnut street bulweoii !) and 10 o'clock. The Union pnrty of the Beoond Ward, hiving carried the ward, also turned out In pncM lou. They carried with ihem a large transpareucy, rrpn sf nting a shot tower. li e Kepiii'llcan luvlnoibles turned out very strongly. They passed down Chesnut street. At Filth street an attack was made on the proces sion, but the disturbance was soon quellod. The went around by ho 'ient otlloe, ami calls were made lor M. Forney, but lhat gentleman was not present. Mr. John D. Sio?kton un nctineed that a grout victory hud been galued both in the city aud State. "He also stated that tbeie was eveiy reason to believe that Indiana had bun curried by tbe Union party by 10,0)0 nmjoiliy, and that the Uuion (tain in Ohio over Governor llrough's vote was large. Loud cheers weie then given for Indiana, Ohio, and Linuoln. After one or two more speeches tho proce-slon moved on. Tho Fourteenth Ward also turned oat sironuly. Thcv paraded with numerous transpa rencies and a band of music. Mr. O'Neill, of the Sicoud CougriSoluiial District, was serenaded by his frit nils. Tim Police ItkTi'nws. This morning tbe various Lieutenants of Police made their returns to the Mayor. The returns show but very few atresia for ilotous or disordi rly conduct, tho only cases of importance being the following: William Richardson was arrested in the Second Ward for Illegal voting. Jobn Love and John Dougherty were arrested upon similar charges, and held to antwor by Aldcrmsu Cattt r. About 2 o'clock yesterday af.crnoon a pirty of rough- nude their apjiear.inoe at the election poll Filth and ( streets, und assault -d Alb-trt Hi.niiu. Several arrests were made, aud the dis turbnnce r-onn quelled. Robert Young was arrested at Twontioth nnd Walnut stret t, last night, lor a-saulting a police cfticcrwi'b a knife. He was drunk and violating the public peace, when the oillcer remonstrated with him. Ho drew a kuife aud made several desperate tluiistsat Ihe oillcer, who finally lodged him in the Station House, and this morning be was commuted to answer. Rudolph Stuli I was arrested at Eleventh nnd Ox foi d streets, and had in his possession a heavily It ailed revolver. Joseph Wallace was anvsto.l by Lieutenant Bowers, of the Sixth Ward, upon the charge of illegal voting. Ho attempted to vote at twj dif ferent nn clue's. He was comtulttod by Aldcr 11 an Vi eldlrg, in default of 1 j.10 bail. Joint s Cunningham whs also arrested nt tho Filth l'rcciuct ol the. Second Ward, with a loaded pistol Iu bis possession. During last night several of the Union proces sions, in mtirchiug up and down Chesnut street, were uttucked by the roughs, nud a number of anebts made by the Reseivo Corns. Among thoae aire-ted were John Blair, William Pierce, Thomas Mourn, Henry McGiath, William B. I'uti) in, Jutnos Buuyun, John Heatie, James McAkvr, William Cull, John Collins, Ocorge Riipp, Jnmes C. Kelly, Lewis Tossaek, F.d. Dull tenn, Piter Magoc, John Faulk, Joseph llovlo, Pavld Orubb, lletiiy Omerly, and Mat. Bu 01 11 Motiiu and Ruukiu hud coucculcd weapons In their jiossession. About five o'clock yesterday afternoon quite a rtiMiirbtince oceurrod at a lager bcor s ilooit In Richmond si net, near Palmer, in the F.iglituentli Wind. It seems that a number af partios had la en plticrd upon the extra assessment list from the house, but yesterday their votes were rejected as illegal. The meu returned lo the house, and as some seloiers aud young men were passing tiny were ttred upon from the windows. Two lads, naini l Bicrly and Glenn, wero wounded in the face, but not seriously. A general row en rued, end a nuinlxr of persons were considerably biui-cd. The houso from which the shots were fiied was pretty well gutted. A s quad of police men mis sent to the scene and quelled the. dis turbance. Several arrests were made. Pmi( i s Arcmi.KT. This morning about 10 o'clock a carpenter, named Henry Devlin, fell from a iCuffoid ia Second stroet, below Clueen, nnd was very seriously Inmiod. It seems that large stone fell out of the gable-end of tbe build ii g, striking the seatlold and causing it to tilt. The unfortunate man resides In Carpenter stroet, below Filth. It Is feared lhat he is injured luU'tnally. Th Nbw Sc TaAJt'M DirAaTtmr. Ia making the necessary alterations at the Custom IIoae for the as of the Stio-Treasury Depart ment, six large brick arches bad to be removed, which did not a.-em to bave been constructed to strengthen the bu lining, at might bavelmen sup posed. No provision had bees mwlo for lighting the for,t pait of the building, and tho rooins to be used by tha TTcevory Department will be. Ibrhleil from the roof. The entrance to the Cus tom House will be, as formerly, from Chesnut bireet. A Savaok Fan a in. This morning Frances Jones, a female as black as ebony, was before Alderman Welding, charged with having cut Cft'cer KendricV, of the Klitta Ward, with a case knife. She was under arrest for disorderly con duct, and while being conveyed to the Sla'lon House drew the knife from nttder her apron and rearly severed the ollircr's thumb from bis hauJ. She was committed to anawnr at Court. Orncm Bkatk.v. Sergeant John M ige was struck on the head a few days since, and so ba By Injured that he has been confined to his homo ever since. He had mad.' an arrest ot Fifth and German street, and while conveying his prisoner lo the Stat on Hou-e was struck on the lie 1 by some party who walkod quietly np from behind. One man has been arrested upon the charge of committing the cowardly act Taid Orr. An Interesting scene took place at tie Philadelphia Iavy Yard yesterday dis charged sailors from several of tho United State! ships were paid rfT. The S'vnc was quite dif ferent from that formerly wpnesicd at the ysrd when sailors nere paid otf. There wero uo land sharks aliout, and very little drunkenness. The sailors were generally young men, and their be- uiiviorwas unuxrcpiionatiie. iNTiHr.sTiNO Sale of Pfws. A sum almost sufllciint to liquidate the debt on the North Bn ad Street Bap'ist Church was realized yester day from tbe sale of Its pewt. The premiums obtained tanged from fto to 7i. Oneurbtof the pews the preinlutn obtained oiuouuled to 5:i27i. The Laik Bu.Uvrd The late bll. llnrd touni'inu nt for the Championship of Penn sylvania was brought ton rloso last nljht Mr. Es. tephe In lug declin ed the victor. Ho gained .I'.t l points, and mode a run of IN7 without pushing shots. This is considered something txlraordl- nary. Thb Kb Monitor. All tho frame of tho monitor .S7iirouiojtt, building at the Navy Yard, I up but about thirty-live foot, aud that will be ralfed in tho next two weeks. TIM finishing of meat of the vessels nnder renair has enabled tbo force on the new work td be In. crei.sed, aud tho building of the St-wkamaro win progress more rapidly in Ihe futtuo. Ready ion Lai-ncrinii. Tho L'n'ted Rtstcj Mgato Chattanooga, built at the Kensington ship ynrd, will be ready for launching to morrow n orninc nt eleven o'clock. This vossej is" 3,10 feet long, 40 feet beam, and 24 feet depth ot hold, and will curry twenty guns. Sad CATAStnoriin. A lad named William G. Hamilton, aged nino years, wai run ovcryos. terday by a car at Broad and Primo streots, and bad both ft ct so b ully ernhed that amputation was found necessary. Ho was oonveyod to the Hospital. City Councils. Tho now City Councils, according to tho latest returns received this morning, show that both branches will stand ait 10I lows : Common Council, 3'i Union, 12 Demo- 1 rats; Select Council, 17 Union, 9 Democrats. Hecbuitino. This morning warrants were Issncd for tbe payment of tbe city bounty ti thirty-eight men. These men were all recruited yet terday during the excitement over tho elec tion, l'hiladelphians can both fib'ht and vote. Tub ELBxnoif F.xcitbmknt. T TIIK SARD Or TOWSR BAIL. Oh, oTr dkl Uie Mum's rhyuM Altemtit to colebratA a Urns Of more (vehement ancoatrollM, 1 Kau. iMtweea politics anU war, VrawllUKB at bomo and utrlfoa afar, VVt new ara fated to heboid I ToreblUjbt proeemlons sweep along, 1 0 show eaub party's nuinbeni stroiiu-. And dally, through the crowded strret. From vehicle which bear tbe natnes Of eaadtdates with rival claims. Tours martlAl music load and sweet. 1 bauab one election aow b pt, 'J be sreateal one comes, neat aad tail, Aud (or "old Abe" and "little Mao" Many a IneklOM aoeo wlU blued; Bat. reader, do oot Mm proored Tpoa Ibat.inad putfnaoioas t.ack. You Jast as weU may aast your vote Wlihoot blaok'd vm. or a torn coat. Or If, already , yon bave met Tbis last mlrbap bi some sacb way, Be wiser aow, end haete away, Vew clotnee from Tower Hall to sri. Py making a e lection trom our itook 01 Rainy HADa UtHEKTs yon will secnro cooda eqnal In Hale, fit, muAs end mofrri'it le Any wiade to order, at 'is o St) ptrctnt. lever pnett. Towaa Hall, Ho. 418 Market Hiroet. UaasiTT A Co. Hliiiia! Hi rra!. Hcrra!!! Tiger-r-r. Wo koew our rasa would rreMll We wereeven wlllinstobet im hjDi, aiinough uur lam ly phynicun sujs we are uo bet. dr. We have a secret to tell these poll iciaii to suide tin ia la their judguieni, better thaa a aooku copy ot Wn Sear's returns. wLen you aee a cananlate at church the middy tH'ture the election, tiresaed In a new suit of rlniluiiK rrom tep to t'e, you aik Mm wl:ere he IsiukIiI Ibem.and If lie sa at Cbura eiiokes A I'o.'e One Price, unUur the Cealluental, you may reel nmiureil It he Is un elecied lie wai cuine w Ittuo one 01' It, provided ihureare nuly iwocAailldates ruuniiib lor ike office. It bas never biu knowu 10 faU. Winnow StiAiita, Ci'ktains, BniiMNn, and I'tlio'iiery, at W. Uenry fattens. No. lsea coemut Lnot. I.adifs and Ciiilhrmi's IIats. Latest style at Charkts Oak told A skin a, I'euliutulai llo.el. Chiidbin's Cloiuimo. Iti.yd-Hnat. larants't'tothln. liny' Ov.ireii... The larrast aad bi-rt assortment In tlie rltv. At. Mioaaial o.. No. 4 N. K:bhUi tlroct. Window SiiADEa.'-Patten's Window Shade, Curtain, Slid L'pholsti-ry Hlnre, Ao. )4(S Jhesuut street. T.Aiiir.a' Fens. An e'egant assortment at rhartei Oakford A Hoti's'oni niaiial il.iti-l. "A Stitch in Timk Savks Ninb." This is a food iimiIIo at all 'linen, but P. apiiilea wild nrtaoiel furee In tiiirebaslna a-- Ins ruai-h.neiH t"r tlun read ,11 buy Ihe 'Ii rei.i-e," sold at N.i.SHI f'lirsniit etreet, l'hiladi'lihla, tu preiert-nre to any other. It I ib t Ikmii uwnia: machine In the wurlit, aad ia so nono.ine.-l hy hund-iila of Hie moKt prsuiliient fuiutlied la ihe clly, wbi now I at tleiii In ae. Kvory ini-lilne euhl le warranted to Iveeutielae'lf.n.orlhe money will hr refunded. Numerous laiiiilii'i, Ir, varl.iim p'.rtltuiH -if the pounirv, afier tryHiii niai.y other, neve ileciilcd tbat the "Florence" u, beyond eomparlsuu, Ui bust lauilly uiauhlae In tlie world Iiion Bhuhtkakb, and Ciikap Hl'Sk, Hair, otid Hoi. Maure.bO, al W. Ui-liiv Patlau A. Mo. I4tl i kettiut airoti. Go to No. 621 Arch Street, B. F. Rkimeb's Hall.'ry, Ui have your l b itoerapiis iiis.te. Hi ble-NUe I'l n In oil colors, Ivoryti pel, and i'arleedu VPue are uiiiivalied. Gknti.emkn's IliTS. All the la'est styles at Claries Uuklord A Hoo's,C'outla.nlal Hotel. Gi.oHioig News. The news from all the military cloiiai-tm-ulb aie molt gr.ittry1UK, And ne lens tivauti tig pilK.uiukeQpiTS te tiie lut'Oliceace tliat Mr. W. W, Alter, at his (iiuioum New Yard. N0.H.11 N. Ninth street, Ii seillnir ihe pureHt and bent Cua) In the clly al (As lotetti i'ricc. Uivc biui a Uial. l't'iicitAsr.KS may rely npon getting the best Kurs at cbuilis Oakiord A rtnu's.CoaiiueiiiiU ll.ituL Mns. M. O. Brown's " Metaphysical Dis- eoriv," Mils the root of evarv dfseafce. Price S'l Ho. 410 Aicb sireet. boo advertiaeuitut in another ooluuia. 1XUAL I.Nrr.I.LIUEStE. DtsTitiCT PovbtNo.I. Judge Hare. Nahum Jolinson vs. Job Bartlett. An action ou a pro missory uotc. No defcube. Verdict for plaiutitX $.100 71. Ann Donahue vs. Thomas Morgan. An action to iccover damages fur assault aud battery. Jury out. ItihTRicr Coi-BT No. 2. Judge Sharswood. Aldtidge & Co. lo the use of Kvan Prowattan vs. Isaac S. Ksbelman. An action to recover iur a bill of goods purchased by the brother of the defendant from Messrs. Aldridge Co., for which the defendant gave au alleged writtea guarantee to pay. Befure reported. erdict Tor plaintitl 705 0. v, 1 . Jesse W. Ramsay vs. Mary Ann Kohler. An action on a promissory now. No dolense. tr dictforp!sliilltry1R3. Coi ht or Common Pleas Judge Allison M'ilsou vs. Dugan. Action on book account. Verdict for plaintitl $7 20. Prowattain ve. Han'er- Befort) rciorted. Ver diet for plaiiitids,l 16-82. Boll vs. Berry. I'lulUUsOry 00'. erdict for pittiniirr, 70 so. lleckii.aii vs. Wilt. An action to recover dam ages for an alleged malicious prosecution, loo charge being larci ny. Jury out. Tut; Ctlxuiuol Court was not la sejpiou I j-day. FRICE THREE CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMERCE, Oriioa or Tna Kvaima Tm.Ara. f , Octet JJ. i The Stock Market Is rather dull this Baontia and the transactions are llnltd, bat arloaa a4 ftcady. Government bonds eon tint Arm, wvtft rales of 5-20 at 101 1, conporn offj Ci af im ar4 1'ioted at lWir-jlOfrli and 70tM lOiTJ.or, which Is an advance. " ' , : Railroad shares are quiet at abont former ratal with sales of Reading railroad at 61 1 ; Nortaant Central at 61 ; Cmdtn and Amboy at 151 1 Penn sylvanU at CStWW,; CaUwtoso, preforrad, at 3f Ci38, which U an advance; and Little SebaylKU at 44. 67 was bid for Philadelphia and German town ; 6sj for Mlnehlll ( 304. for North Psuayyl ranle ; and 17 for Catawba, eommoa. New city 61 are selling at 101 Ia City Passenger Railway Stocks there is so) change lo notice ; Ureea and Ooatet sold at 2941 30, and Arch Street at 30; 70 was asked foe Second and Third ; 37 for Spruce aad Pine and 67 fur Chosnut and Walnut. ' , Oil stocks continue dull at aboat former rotas' with sales of Densmore to notice at 84, ; McdU heny at 6 ; and Kgliert at 2). Bank shares are firm, and there Is mora dolog. Second National Bank told at 110; Farmers 0o4 Mechanics' at CI ; and UiiIjo at 44. 164 was bkf, for North America, and 60 for Commorelal. Canal shares are rather better, witb tales of Schuylkill Navigation preferred at 364, n ad vance of I; and Lehigh Navigation at 7.5j; 33 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation ormmcm;!kf for Morris Canal common, 134 for preferred ; on! 16 lor Susquehanna Canal. . . There is very little demand for money, and tbl rates remain about the same as last quoted. Ixans are offered ut 6a;7 por cent, par annum. Best p iper is selling at 10 par cent Cold is more active this morning, and prices) have declined, opening at 2o2ji advanced and! soldn(203atll oclock; 204 at 12; foU off and sold at 202, at I J4. rttlLADELVHIA 8TOCR EXCllAJtOB HIM, OCT. Jr; Ksportsil b CUrkioa A Co., Broken, N. ul a. Tab tti pr.ruKK BOARD. - 600 Tan llAniratiiuil w s linsj sh Itermanla . nla 1W sa rOiLbie W 1 M 12 is-o .11 eninn 1-01..DWI vi i) M Cimi 1 iio.ri ao I1,, lunan tun h Oil Cm k 4S 100 bA am it, Drlgyi till as- FIRST BOARD. 1 I iflfl U 5-2CS 101 V. jto ill Slab Wav f.l S'UO do KM M.k UabioMk t S.'.ti Pa. Si, wsr lomi.lliA a "h laitilshCA M.. 7,.W 1 $h Cam a Aia....Ul Ion ill I'anna Its mt ' liOihCiitaw srr.... it 1(1 do bl 100 ihPhil. AXris..tvv l'O th do b) ,ti Ik do t illf 111" sh Onrn AOoatrs ej 100 lb o tsiO JO MOCItr'l. rnv i.t-aiiuifr mis 4M. . lot SUSO Keaibns il 44. .IK) In sh Vfl Nal. Ilk. ..110 null Kr A MecUk.. Hi lisish lirn-niuro KV snh .MeElheiivOU... 6 1(1 mh K.ifhert Oil 9v' 100 1..N. ItnUul .... a) I Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : JiilA'i.' 314 Fnlton Coal 7 7' Beeeoa OH..... f Bin Mountain Coal. "iV M,Y.etMld.l,nal..lX'i tlreen M'.CkI..., 4'J N. Ca'tHindale a New Creek J M Henoea Oil PS OTvaale Oil 6 . Franklin HI .4 I Howe s Kddyoa.. ,. 1 If Irving Oil t 1 Ppe Kar OU.. .. IS' Ih-nsmnre SV It , llAlieUOU ii It iMcBlneey t er jiam uoai. Clinton Coal. llliller Coal.... 1 if amend Coal. , 11 Nwalata , Amerk-en Kaolin.. Comtocltcut ....... .. Keyelone 7lne.... ')Jfi KmelnorOll 1 lliy Isnli 1 Coutlnenlal laireil t (hi Creek 4'( Maple hhade (Ml. .IS MeCllnterk O'l.... li( Pennaj Ivajua 1'eb. .. I'erry Oil 4 Mineral Oil a Keyalone Oil 1 Vetuunto on n Vnlou Petroleum.. .. ):4 1 Koberti Od i'i US oimnleed i, M.KillUoMI4r. IV buueier.llV " ...1" If XX llieMTd.... I Niorr rarm S S IHnonrr.. f 2 IPetnaeuia Oeutre. 'JM Ksberl H 4 ', llnire Island 16', Ailesneny Klver.. ... Ii', Ctirtin 4 ' 3V 1'hlU AOtlOraok.. IV 4V Bull Cremk 4V 4-a .,rn rianier, Brle 1 iKor.k l)U...., SMITarr Farm.. Quotations of O old at the Fnlladalpltia Gold! F.xchatige,No.3t S. Third street, seoond story fi A. M 2021 12 M H A. M 203i lr.U 2n Market strong. The following arc the recelots of FVmr and Oruin at this port to-day : Flour, 1610 bole. ; Wheat, 11, 330 bushels; Corn, 1708 bushels; Oats. 6400 bushels. - The New York Tiuut this morning ssys: "The last mail from tha other aide advice of the protest of about 24,000 bills, drawn) from New York by a concern In this rttv maenrlw engaged In gold and exchange speoulataoo. The) loss on the bills, we bear, will be dlsirtbutett among several banking booses who pnrchaaecl and remitted them. ' The mircaniiio failures and threatened bulk ing troubles in F.ngland will probably lead ta the earlier withdrawal of a portion of tha large) American balances for some time in London, llnin would othejwise have been brought home. The hazards of the sta'eof war on this side begin to look small in comparison with tha risk of leaving money exposed to the wildest operations of tlie London Stock Exchange, and tbe sargea ol'the Liverpool cotton market." u The New York 7Viiune this morning says "The dry goods sales to-day do sot show an improvement. The description ot goods o tiered were seasonable of which there were) tno large sales by Wllmerdinge A Mouat. and Van Wyck, Tuwnsend & Co. Toe atteod ancc was quite medcrnte. The sula opened! with little spirit, and the goods generally went heavily, on) y samples in many oases being sold. Ia Chsppeile doeskins brought yil l'y : tea'bue doeskins, 4'12j; Esquimaux, 9525 Moscow. .'r.')0; castors, 2 25(aM-o24 : eatuimores, 1t rloakings. Si 60, Ac Many lots were pasewl. and the sale continued dull. Nearly tha same) may lie said of Ihe similar anlc of woollen goods by Van Wyck, Townecnd & Co. Tbe attandaooa was meagre, bidding spiritless, prices low, ao 1 the result ansitistactory. Wilmerding, Hognot A Co. hod a sale of ribbons, which was wall attended." rillI.AICI.PHIA TKAOK MKPOHT, Wednfjdat, October 12. There was a sHra attendance at the Corn Exohange this morning', tbe desire on the part of the public to obtain lbs) latest intelligence In reference to the election being so great ss to divert the attention of the) mercantile community from hnslnese, and cois. qnuitly there bas been very little dona In My depaitment. There Is very little doing doing ia Brk. la the absence of sales we quote No. 1 Quercitron wt J45 4)'ton. - . 1 There ia little or nothing doina in Seeds, a4 prices are nominally unchanged. -. The Provision Market is devoid of activity, i there Is very little change to record in price. , . The Flour Market has again been eaaesvely dull, there being very little demand from any source. No sales for shipment hive) come under our notice. The sa'es have bees) chiefly confined to the wants of the home trada at 502.i(390 for superfine, np to fl012 rot fancy brands, according to quality. Rye flour; and Corn Meal still contlnne quiet. There is rather a firmer fueling in the market for Wheat; but tbo offerings are extremely light. The only sale to report is 7600 bushels am bee Western at 42 0o(a210, afloat ; ws quota white at 2-35(a 2'45. Rye Is firm at 1-60. Corn is in limited demand at $1-0 for yellow; a sale of 2000 bushels mixed Western Is reported on secret tonus. Oats bave declined ; we quote DelawarQ at60ii8ic. Barley and Malt are qtilot. Whisdy Is In limited request, with Sulci of Pennsylvania and M'estorn bbls. at $1-78(31.80. LATEST MAKISE I.VTELUCESCB. ARsrvED this M'jRrrso. ftclir Lacun, Uskec.S daje itoui bo. loo, with mdsg to caiHalu. i . t.r II. 14. Boj-ntnn.Ilerrlcki.l days fram UloucesWr. wilt. tadto tieorge B. Aerloot. i:acblJane,UoaUi,( days flom Kew York, wltk niJic tot). C'oopor, ' ' ' 1 It Is said that the ax-King of Naples is ahout to raise a loan of twelve million francs on tha security of the remains of his Roman property. The pi tests are said to lie negotiating this business', and Spain it likely to advance the rvqi The Ulrollift of tlie youngest ilsnghf ot the king of Saxony, the Prineese t'"1''' her cousia-german, Charles, Duke of l'--been roceuiiy annoiineod. 'J b J""" now suted, will take place l i'ro.ue the end vi the year. 1 ' 4 3