x - Icrjvaph TPr.SDAT, OCTOnRU n. IHM. PRESIDENT LINCOLN. H rHUlCV MD ELOQUENT LETTER. Tie Rcw CMtsi Itutioit of Hdiy-Uinl. THE FIX.SICENT WfSMS "All IHM TJ D! FaiE" flarrrr Ori!r Thins Tlml ( onld Wring the Notion to Civil H'tir." riimsor.r, Oof. 1(1. A Tory lorm mrotlnr sots fn-r's'M In Monument ISiunrc, of tlin frinnilt of MM new Constitution, frailer WiLfon was amontt the .poafrom. 1 bo lollon inn If tier li-ctii 1 loiilout I.i.Moi.N was retd rr, sor'at dm: tircniTi Varpiuw, WAfmiwriTm, Oct. 10. Ilor. H. YY . llormAt Mv ilrm Kir A ootirun tor of Msrj !ftinl tins lornifd a new Cmstitntion lor Uitrtair. A pub ic nxi-Unsr In tailed lor Unsr-von-U al l ait murr, to aid in securing tin nttifloaUon liT the pcoulo. Hint von rui a wont from me on Ilio restnm. 1 prvniinp (tie uoly truturo o. tlui luslrii vtnt abt-nt which tltcro is scilojs controversy Is tt.st wl icli prnyitlrp for the extinction ot slnTrry. It aeedl cot fn to a secrot, and I iin-sumo It is no aeeiet (hit I wish mccfn to this proWiitin. I dmlro It en fTry ronaidetatmn. I wish all men to be few. I w'fh the materal prosrierltr ot the already tree, wbiea I feel accoio the extinction ot slavery would tr!n. I wish to see in iroorss of disipicarlna' Hint lily thin which cou d turns; tills nation to civil war, I attempt no arrnmcnt Argument apon thi qne Von ia already cxhauilod by t:o abler, be tcr In fhrmcd and mnro Imrordmie'y tntcrua'ed ao:ia of Marylai d hcrwlt. I only add that 1 sliajl to trrati fed txcetaint r If tlio pood people oi tlio M.ite aaali by their vote raiily tho now Constitution, Yours truly, A. Lincoln. OiriCIAL WAB GAZETTE. FIItST WAR BULLETIN. fnloa and Itcbi-I l.ore lu the l.ale IMoTcinenu WASnmoToi,, Oat. 10, 4 01". M. Major-' General Du.few York : roiei-raphio eommnniea'lon with Central Graht' h'-ad-yuartom has bnen estab lished, and inadeapatoh dated at one o'o oelc thla 1. M.,tbeGeneial reports as follows: "I find our assee the other day were much less limit at Brat 10 orted. Four hundred wi 1 corer our entire loss In killed, wounded and captured, and a treat many eVad tell uito oar bands. The loos o! the enemy oaJd not be leu than ten or twelve hundred. (tflnoed) U. 8. Grant, Uent.-Uenoral. Kdwin M. Stanton. Secretary ol War. SECOND WAR BULLETIN. Our Issues In the Itrccnc Iliittlca on llm Jnmna Kiver. W ASnnoTOx, Oct. 10, 7 W 1'. JI. Major-Oeueral Joan A. Vix, Hew York : Since my despatch, of this afternoon a fuller report has just been turnl'ticd It General Grant of tho operations ol Friday, to yetber with tho ltobjl ac';nowlluicnt oi their Leaiy loss In scneral and field oTeers: - Citt 1 OIST. Va., tlct. 10, 1". U.-Unn. E. M. Etaxtok, bccioiaiy ol Wars Onr euliru ios in tlio nemy ' atusc on our linn on Friday, the 7th Inrt , does not noted three bundled in killed, wjundod and mieiini. The enemy's loss la estimated by General Butlxr, t one thousand. The Eiolunond Whig, of tlio 8th inat., spe:ikiinr of thla battle, has the h i owH?: "Ihe gallant General Gueo'i, eomman'hnii a Texas Brigude. lell in the adyance. Anion oth-r -entnalMes we haye to eport t enoral Brattoh, of Eentb-Csiolita, Ladly wounded; Colonol Uaskki.l, I the fcefenth South Carolina In autrv, seroruly wowaed in the lace, and Major llABCyi, ol the tenth Carolina Artil'ery, bo wound'iil. Humor - Mates that General Giauy had beon killed." Btrte Friday there tus beon no lliitinp; whn'eyor. Wfnd) U.S.Grant, I,ieufouant.(ienera1. E. M. Stastos, .SocreUry of War. TIUKD WAR llULLliflN. "Wiemiio'iON, 0t. 19, 1SOI, 8 30 P. M. M'tjor General Dix, Kew York : Mtijor-eienoral Auuou, ttn.u.tLUiug at Vadiuiirtoii, ha fir tho lint four caM. been on tt.o line towards Front Itoyal, t -which point the rui road was being OKtaudod tor Ul supply of General bii Kill dan. Ateletnun Irom him, dated at Itieliortown, ro pons KiiiRiDAJi't arrival yostorday at Utnubar, lolloped by tl.o iuoiuy'8 civulry, and that HUarp aciionad.r had been heard front that diroottun. Ateleyiam ir.im Uri?aiUor-Jeueral Mtbvki.son, cctrmsudincat Aarper'a Ferry, reports that au en RSKtment took place Tterday, Itotweun the cavalry to s, star ruLer'a Hill, and that the enemy were whipped and scattered to tho woeda ana moanx with the kes or elovon pianos ot atiillery and Uirej hundred and flity pnsoncrs. HAcrir.'e Fbrt. Va.. Oct. Id, 8 30 T. M. Hon. E. M. Stawovi .en. Hhbiuoan Just boanl from. Cnr cavalry attacked the enemy beyond Fisher'a Bill, and whipped them, driving them beyond Hunt Jaatanu. and cautnnaz eleven pieces ot artillery and thice hundred and lilty prisoners. Xlie Rebels scattered into the woods and mountains. Kestectluily, J. 1. Stkvbnboi!, Ilrimlier-lieiiural ( oinmm'uiinir. 20 P. M. Since the toreoinir despatch Te ached the Department an official report Iroro Major-General FaxaiDAH has been received, announcing- the yie tory of bis cavalry over the entiro command of General Koi ku K M. HTAr rim, Secretary t War. rTBASBDno, Va., Sllilnlnht, Oct. 9. laentonant Ceneral Gbakt, Ci y Point: In comma; back to i bin point I was not lo lowed op nutil late yesterday, wLen a )are lorce of cavalry appeared in my rear. 1 then halted my command to Oder battle by attack ttg ibe enemy. I became ratialiod that it was euiy all the Betel cavalry ot the Valley, commanded by loru, and directed Tokbfht to attack at davhuht this morning and flnlab thia "sarior" Ol' tho Valley. Ibe attack waa handsomely made. General 0 Tin, cou maiiulnif tho lbird Cavalry Ulvision, ehataed on the baek road, and Mi rhitt, eommaud Isir the First Cavalry Division, on the Htraabarg ike. UiRBrrr captured five itnns, and Cuktkb nix ITVLS, with tiiulr caissons, battery luran, Ail. Thn two divisions caj tured loitv-seveu sraKous, ambulances, Ac. Anions the wairous captured are the bead qnarters wagons ot Kospkii. I.omax, Wu.'UUAii and Colonel Holland. Ibe number ot prisoners will bo alxml three hun dred and thirty. 1 he nie:ny alter heinir rhuijred by onr valiant cavalry were broken, and mil. Ihey were followed by our mon, ou the juuip, twentv-aix miles, through .Mount Jackson and arun tno Nurih Fcik oi ibeMieiianilcah. I deemed it Lc-t to make fills rl"lay ot oue day berc, and settle this no.v cavalry Guuenil. Tho eleven pieces of anil cry captured to-day Biako thirt -six pieces cupturcd in the HienuiidoaJi Valley since the luili oi f-e)itember. Some ol tlte rtillery vws hew and never had been lire J. The pilots ete uiuiked "irede.'ar Works." 1'. XI. MIKiUDAN, MnJor-t.Mie.al Khrteli of Os-iifPiil Wheolor. Gcncrrd Whtt-lcr, altliotigh chief of cavalry in the Iltbcl Army of Tennessee, is known to be u dead failure. He first flgurcil in Ilosecrnus' rear ait the battle of Stone river, and at one time com pl( tcly cut 08 all his supplies, and destroyed a vast amount of medical stores, lie was tiion a 3Tajor-OeDcrnI. For this feat lie was tendered the tiBirnand of all tiie cayalry In tragi's army a position which be accepted. I rom that time until Boseerans' movement towards Ta'Iahoomia, he hovered bout l'ranklin, Tennessee, but w3 whipped in every general cn;igement. Ills was the command, you will reelect, tha' captured several steamboats 111 the Cttinbarlau 1 river a short time after the buttle of rStone ri' ur. They wire crowded with sick and wounded, and attended to in a great nieasuie by nenroea. H ) ost Inhumanly dragged the mtierers a.lurn, jumed all tiie steumei., and tied the negroes to trees, and barliarously murdered them. Ha is an AiLi.iiriijau. by t,irtu, and a graduate of wt Voint. lie entered tbe Acddoin at liio age r?, '"ltn, and li ft it at the hue ol iwcnty-ono, ai w lommeneement of the secef.ioii njoyemt nt, a7laeedttr','?,'I;led Second Lieutenant, and Ibc war ha"."" '1'?' M trea;.iri cut of lie is a little ttllow about f. r .r . 1.1.1.. ...a A rran was hung lately in Lw4 who pii'viously auimpud t.,eae tun 1 ,''... I.y cutting his U-tout. V hen he svuug uulfr'iLM ii!lold, the jcikcAuwd the lately scicitj. K4, in his tbioat to open, und he breathed tor nearly nn hour through tnc iipertme. lit. wa, vaa (lovn tti'ior LletdiiJj to Ucaili. THE PI ATII Of WII.TKH K)VK l.'tR. On the 17tli of Keptcmtier ln-t there dlcil at Florence, and amid the seem s with which ho h id been to lung famlliur, tlio aged poet an l ee'Centrie pbllantbmpist, V.'alter Havago In lor. The details of the cireunistanres of his death bare not jtt come to hnti'l. but the mora facv in all th it is essrntiul. The news will surpri-e no one, fur I.aii'tor bad long sinee oiitliveil tlio uatiul span of time sllottcd to man's Ufa. lie wns ti e son of wc Mthv p m il's HvlnR at Ip.kley t'oint, in tie-eon-i v of Win , lve,'t mil, where he was horn In 177 He pn'l ht earlier n'lu iil d:ii a at Kusliy, null received his cillerii idiienlloii nl 'lili iy, Ox or I, rrj .nn,' all tlio tune the i.ilviiiiiiut'' of .i pn'iuc 'n or, mid every oiln r tdiieali'iiiul U i.t.'it iii.it itioti'jy could pro cure. In !Rt 0 hi vine previously tr.ivn'cil oi the ri TU'ln 1.1 l.ain'or d'poed ol his e.tuces in Slaf lo'iishire oiid Warwik'b'iv, which h id be. u In ibe (nriii'y for seven hun'lrcd years. Tiila o:t sbowi d the e cerntrH jty w'ncti niter vnrds tieea no so n nrki d n tenlure in Mr. I.andor's ell ir'-UT ; lor it viss prumpti il by u fei llin? of dWusi wnn oi e ot bis tenm tt who uos-on In I with l.tCK) I.srilnr hml limt.od liini. In IS iH. bo r.iliod a', hts own cpctie. a hooy of troops fur tlio wit in Hpnin. mill ?svc twenty thou-nnd rea's ti the eaiiM , leei n ine for n l these si rvieeH tlio Ibsi.ks of the (liivrrnment and a colonel' eon mission In the Hpat.li-h army ( hut on ibe catitir!ion of the i.illiiil jli hi by Ferdi nand he ici(-'ned bis eoinmi-.soii und returned to Firmer, where he tnutitcd Jiiliu, the d itihler of tbe Huron do Mieueville, a courtier, who hold an apt o n'loent in the hou"ho.-t of I'luines VIII. Mr. ami Mrs. I.ni.dor n suled tnr awhi o '. l'.itiri, in l ia.ire; hut lit or tint hat la of W.itvrioo, loir ir it to tru't tbe gixti faith of Naimleoii, he n tttcd Into I'aly, ami I ei'cil lilmself m V ore n where fir M.veti)tain ho oecnpieil the l'ilir.o Meillei; nnd then lie pui-ehuied the sardi.n and vi I in of Count Ulicrunles a on tlio htiitlita of Fre-ole. '1 be t Iter purr of his li id was ao '"tin F'lorinee; but a lew jenrs bro he moved to Kn(r ai d und took up his tvniiluu. e at ilio el.'U int un J IhsI ionnhle town of 11 a h. His fundueis f ir ilia Italian bi ma still eon"nin d, however, and it vac probu'iiy, on one of iiis tic jUiin viai.s to it that lie died. Mr. Lnndor's literary prodnctlons nro rather tlio'e ol an oecorPilislied literary am iteur of edu ealii n und ntincment ttiun of a profassional author. With every ndvantiine of wealth aud po-itii n to Itiditce a life of Kraeotul but nucleus idleness, it is surprl-lnz that be wrote at all ; and a it i. por.e of bis works boar the deep impress of writers who tauve been ahurpeued or spurred on by iiiibfi riunc or oppression. It is diltl.-ult to inn pine u more (leligniliil lite than Lnndor bus pnesid. Koucatlon and parental care ia youth; nilventtire and rotiianre in early manhood; a middle age spei-t in domestic privacy ;anl an old niie nimniniUil by family and friotius the whole career, moreover, enhanced by tho possession of u fortune which relieved its possessor troia fcitr of tbe future or thought of tho morrow. Mr. ljTdur's tragedy of G'ouiU Julian was the first by which lie becumu extensively known to tbe public; and tnncU of its reputation, was owing to the fact that Kou'hey hailed Its appearance w ith hi any praise. Mr. Landor's next effort was "liehir," an epic poem, translated by hiui into Latin, I nt now quite forgotten, though also much admin d by Simthev. Like many men whose menus placed hlui above want, Lundor was very Imlillcrcnt to tho critical praise or censure of tho prtss;nnd he exposed his contempt of tho re view! is by ullerluit a hot penny roll and a pint of stout to anv critic who would write no of His "l!iini:itn.iv "Conversations." Hut if hodosplsed the critics, it must lie added that tho public were, iliii'e indifferent to him; lor l nndor's writings were not of a character to atmct popular faor, and onlv found real ndniiration in the cire':e of wbiih Soiitiicy uud Coleridge wore the ctmtrul leaiutes. Alter teveral minor poems now seldom read, Lnndor published In 1'lsn In 1H'2 his Littn Myliu .VeioiVu, and in 1HH4 appenred tbe tir-tif the ilvo volutins of "Imauitiary Conversations," snp posed to take place butweeu rcni irkafilo pcrs in iiecs ol the past. In lfi'il ppca:ed a newediiiou of "(it bir, Oount Julian, und other poems ;" in IMG "Pericles und Aspa-ia," and a "Satire, on Satirist;" in 1M7 "Vintumi ron and I'entulogla." ai d in IkID two dramas on Italian and tlungirlau i-nljrcts. ltcn.oviiiji to KnglaniljLanderbiouirlit unt pew seditions of several of Iiis works, addi tional S'laiBftinary Conversatinns" nud "Pooery Kr:tiFh and lAiro itn," ki 18.11 ; "Last Fruit 1 11 no Old Tree" in 163 ; "Letters to an Amerl can" in WM; '-Antony and octavlus" ia 1BKS; and "Pry Micks Fainted" in 1817 'he last book roTitiilDinff personul allusions on a lady of H itti, which created prout scandul, and tor wn.cn i.m dorwas pro-tcuted and obliged to pay 1009 duinaees. He bos also been for many years a coiitribuior to the libcial newapapjrs of KiikI.iiuI, arid fiiiTiieulaily to the I'.iamincr. Ho wrote with iiibe in F nBlitb, Latin, Italian, and French. Tbe works of bl old age showed that thouiro. ha h.id poSM'd the-'Hhrer-core nnd ten,'" his eye was uot otuiiiied nor his outtirat f rce. un ited. TlieruwaB soon thing of the old lit n in his nature, and tiic Uild, coinhiitivo i-pirit oi his you li teenie I tn oomu cnt. with ineteasid vigor in his older days tii uie ol hi more recent n wspupcr article havo been nitukcd by a vig r und sharp acorDicy whli)l is luipabsud in iiunooi his worm atayoungor t'ge. 1 inf rfon savs of Lamlar that "ho Is str.inaely undvrvalui d in Kugiund ; but vo ir after ycar tbo scholar tnufci go back to Lnndor lor a multitude ol elt sunt si HU-iiccS." Mr. l.aml-.r's wit und humor were 01" a vory oiiuinul ehararter. Perhaps In none of his wtiin gs. as Mr. lli.rne says in his -New Spirit of the Aue." "does their Deculiuriiv oecnr no ooa. tinnotisiy as la a suites of letters entitled 'Hili and lxiw Life in Italy." Kvery sarcasm, lroi;y jest, or touch of humor is secietud boneaih tiiu skin of each tingling member ol his sentences His wit and his humor arc alike covered up uniidst various things, apparently intended to had the reader astray, as certain birds are wont to do when you approach the nests that contain their broods. "Or the ma n jc U and knotty poluts of a para graph are planed down to the smooth level -of the rett o. the sentences, so that the reader may walk over turn without knowing anything of the m.aier. All this may be natural to bis gouiut it may i lso result from pride or perversity. fo far from seeking the public, his genius hi.s di tilnvid a sort ot apathy. It not antipa.hy, to pupulitriiy ; therefore the public must court It if thvy would enjoy it ; to possess yourself ol his wit you must scrutinize; to possess yonrseii oi his humor you inti-t advance, 'pointing toe ue. Mich arc the Impressions derivable from Mr, Lundm's writings. In private social Interoourse acHlii! g of the kind is Hpparent, und tbere are few men whose conversutien is more niiaJlected niRBiy. Dleaslm.'. ami instructive." Tbe saHic inner remarks also that ''Mr-Landor ia nut at all the product of tho present age; he tci reely beloi.gs to il ; he has no direct inlluenco in on it ; but ho bus l.ocn an inlluenco to souie ol its lot teachers, und Ui some of the most rcliued illus'tutots of its vigmous spirit. Fur the rest for Ibe duty, the tune, or the favor of posterity when a tuci eshion of publics bliall have slowly aei uniLiiitcd a residuum of 'go ikti opinions iii the slmpe of pine, admii tug verdicts of compcb'tii iniiuls, then on y, il ever, will he atula Lis ji.et csiiii,iu;i in the not uboj-c-bcr imieitial roll f Ihine. It eer f the n o'da fell from the pen titid it e Biuuiy vci e oi nun to wnoiu ttiey weie uppiico serins to call I rem ins o.vn clcur altitude 'Let the wi nls icmain.' l or in the tcuipljof toslentv lucre have hitherto uhvais upti -aroi urn e :n tin r lu it ir - r likli had better luivo Imrnud out, v. bile some gieat works, or names, or liotb have l ei n Biniucd lo dii't away into oblivion 1 hut n. cli is likely to bo the fu'e of the wil.iiij ol Wulli r buvuge'Liindor nobody can tor a in im 1 1 In licve ; but Here it so tlestiiKil, and be (on Id li rrsi c I he re-tilt, one enn liiiagnie Ins taktti a seen t j.lcusnre in this resolution of bin works into ibe i j.riiiiiti.e cumeuts. The i-s nii-loii in India bonvts 176S native corivcits. The missions in MiulnRti'-car are einiet und mfe, although there are tumors of civil disturb' ant e, und oi the dethronement of the Quern. The Vnion Trcdiytory of F.ast Tennessee, with thiity churches, bus come buck into the I.I..OII. In SweJen IliecIiJUren who have whonpinR ccugii aie tent lo tho us noil.- to iuliaie tlu u:r I (iic purii'ytn uppuratus. The MlniMri from tie Court of M ixlnaiian lollie Coi.tt of l'iu a is fjcimr D m '1'hojuas Murpliy. i Hr, Ilcnun, tbe leiin-'clo p .ftorof t!iel'ir-t rreslyterian flirrch at Troy, and now SO years of life, is about to retire lo I.l.noi., there it spend t.ie runiiiuder ol bio Unys. TlieLr.i don Cnurt Jeurnxt lvforriiLr ,'o 'lie via t of the lin.prcuati) bwa.bat'b, tay$ Tiil wh'cis of hwi orch urc I tir.un all ovtr Continental Kurt-pe for flu ir gintie ititiuir-t oier tho u.jiyh 1 pjii ou ol the fair sex ; Indeed, the futaous Kle tirunneu (or ii:a:r.8gj spt inc), to which the youthful mu trors cf every clnss, fmm tho Lepras (j the pea.iBi.t woman, crow i In sorb numners during tlie season, is stiict.'y forbidden to the tinmnriicd ; a I'd it is one of the merry fciglitb of fcwulbn Unato heboid tl.e liiir biaidcnd looKinif cn with euff in sad md Uoluted groupi, m liile the jcyous luu,;htoi of n.etry inatuus (lutlund round ihu aouice. foi.o' s wdh rtrpinff peals throt.tli the rovo, und tbu j'nglingot the f int-, and tl.e couliJcntiul wb:.'Veiint;s Koltv on botivien the sly voiariea of tins tinueui llvcor, giro to this aitieular lln.nnen tbe a -pe t t one f those elm-icul toi iiu of ancient tircece vrhenro tue sparklnii; wuuia e.hiiaiaicJ thespiiit, and pitnlt.i i d obh v Ion ui pust sorrows, wi'h tiiihtaud pleamiui? bov of tlie future. Is it to lUis pat iicu.ar louut thut bit Mul,.0ly i,n, hii,d i DAILY EVENING TELEGRAFIT.--Pit ILAtjlLfll tl, TUESDAY, OOTOBKll 11, 1801. HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. II IXUID EXTRACT BU0HU Pnr Nor-lltmtfii or lnonttnnn of Crhv, IrrttfttWn, Ir t1minlron or UlcrU. nt tt Dld4r r KU3ny fntmt,4f t4 Frv4tratt Otandt, Atom in lk4 fHJUry ri' '. Orortl. or f)Uk lu$t A; 4ivd all IMitrmn of tr.e IllAitOt r, KmIih y 4hd Dnii-ticl wWllnit, iii;1jMjjol.u'h ttvw kx tract bvciiu Per VMkDnenftiitDR frin Kxcoislv lndivrton. Th consttiullon onen affected with 4rjnnic Weaknu nqnr Ibe a td of irwdtcln QUrthgth'nandintigorm.tt ihe tyttem. whlcb IIELlinCiLD'H KXIRaCT lU'OHU tnynnablj do, If no trfAtnwnt n submitted to. ContutupUn or Inpanltj tttiT c&fHie. 1IKL.M JjOLiD'B rLL'lD EXTHACT OP BUCHU, la affections peosllar to "rsALs," Is aaauualed t rj any otliar preparation, at an Chloro.la, or Retention, Irragti larltlet; Palnfalness. or Bupprtsslon of Cutloma ry Bvao nationt; X'lccraiad, or Pcbinont PtaU of tl TJIrat Lauchorrhota, and all a..mpUinU IncUeat t the am. whetber arising from bakltt of dissipation, hnpgndauolea, or lu the decline of chanfc if Ufa. ' llELMUOLD'S FLUID EXTBACr EU0UV ANU IMFH0VBO BOBtt WASH Will radically extormloata from the system Dltatueaof the Urlnaiy Organs arliiiuj from Uablttof Dlsatplon,ot Hill yieni, UUI4 ar ao In dart, awinaonnnrie er'0iiM; conipletcly tupcrtadlng taoaa unpleasant ud rfanjeruai rcdiat Csie il Jwev, ta all tUos diseases. USE llELMUOLD'H FLUID EX1HACT 13UCUU In all tibeaMs of Uie Urinary OrKani, wbeUtaraxiitugbi "ifuVs'' or "r'Mtiafs," rem whatwtr causa triginaiinv, avil no mailer 0 heu long standing. It 1 alaaaant ia tas and odor. "Jmmetliaie" in actiun, aad mora strut) gthcnlntf than any of tha preparations of Barlor Iron, Those snnailruj from Brolen Voir or Delicate Cfulllu l,'cnf,f rarure (as Hcthfdy at .nro Tha reader must ba awara that, bowaver sllgtd Bay be the attack of the above dlsoaats. It la certain to aSset hU HoJHy Iltalth, Jtt,tut 'eirrrs, JJapi inn, a.if Ai Fat liritv. PHYSICIAN'', PI.EASC b'OTICS. W E MAKK NOEKCKKT 01' INOREUIKNTS. BELUI10I.l t LTID FKTUATI IIUCIIU la roiniioicd of Ituchu, Cubtbs, aiiff Hii'."ft' Hfrriti, sa icotod with great car,) and prepaiel Is ncuj by II T. IILLMHOLD,Hr'iutit and C lttuilit of elxlcoa year' tx pcrlou.'s In ttlis city of Plilltitlnlila, anl oisr rrpuu,H by Uie niciitcmuignt of II19 faculty, aud iura beca ad mitted to use la tha UniU J Slatss Army, sn l kts AJiMa varr icaeral u9 lu Slats If)plUi an J public Biultury la.UttiUjnl Uiroohout lbs tan J. rilci 1 per halUi, or li for i. DsUvsted to tny J Jrcti, f ja.l)in!;J Or 4a p'.lell dirsctlooi. Idrsot Itsttari t IIFXUB91I 1 Driiffsul Cln n';jl Wltslu'Jts, Xo.Dtttllrosdiray, How Vhi, Or lltl.UU JI.t) 8 litll tl Dspot, o. 101 .TautUliMt,rUddel.lita. Bewtrs f coanterfclti. Ai fr HU.MUjl.D 9, tul take nc other1. riiyslclan In itloEjm.-e frm 7 o clot it A. M. lot P. tl. tl'S.i by prnteUtl ircrynlicig. It iutli 14 RATIONAL UNION TICKET. COUNTY Ol TICEItH. aiiMRtrp, lir.Nk? (;. nowri.L, BFOIsrHR or WILLS, rhKliKltK K M. AHAMH. CI.KIIR orT'li: OlirttAN' COVBT, KIIWPl A. VRIIItll.'K. CITY OFFIOKIW. bk:i.ivi:b OP taxkr, CI1ABI.KH) O'NK.ll.U CI I V I'OUmSrtlONI.IU T1M1M 3 IlH.'KSOH,. .M NfHlK'f. iis Tiisirvt ion ji. imtt.r.n. . fund lllftll t I HAH O'M'.II.L. Third lllJinel I.B0 A A HI) MYKItM. routtti IllilH t WI fl.LIA li. Kill LlvT. PI lb lil.trl.it Vt HV'RHI.I.I. TIIIVEK. SKNATOK Ttntii) risrnicT, 1NA A. SlililT Altl). It l lltlflliNTATIVUB, rhst IMstrk'l... Hirciad Dbtrti g Third IlistrtC rwirtb Msi r..... Firth lilst ,rtt. Pmh fit ssijt Hsventh iiinrtii.... F.UIiih ipHtrlet Klnth D'lstTliil Tent' a rjiuurtot mnth Dlatrlet... Tw srtflh'Jllslrlct.... " (liieantti District. WlLI.IAM i-ohtt:b. WILLIAM n. HIIDDlMAlf. llll lIAKI) I1UTI.BU. W. W. WATT, .lOSEPtl T THOMA. JAMES ntF.EcXlltX. TIIOMA4 IHH'UKAN. JAMEt M. KKKNJ. CHAItMSS rO.ITER. BAMLKL B. PASOOA. UtANKLlN D. HTEUSKR. I.l'KE V. HCTl'UIR, Ha. NOB C. BBNNK.lt. ihurtoafiUi IM.Irkt. KKAN'IH Ut0f. ritteanth District lxtath IHit l 1 evmaeiith VMrU I.. fElJ.trcDth Plattiot.., .OKHK.E DE HAVEK, J. .WILLIAM F. SMITH. ..KPWAHI) O. LKB. ..JAMES JULLKli- -tVt TJIA.'nOHAL UM10N TICKET. toil 1'BKBniF.XT, AJUtAlIAM LINCOLN, Or ILLINOIS. 011 VlttK-l'Ill'.SlDENT, ANDliKW JOHNSON. OK TF.NNKRSKE. ULliCTOHALi TICJItliST. HKNATORIAI.. attlllTfiN Me.MK'IIAM.. l'hllailrlplila. T. CUMMiL AM, Bravar Cuu.itj. BKfllESraTATIYII. 1. Botwrt V. Klnit. 2. 11 Morllseli t:out:l, 8. Ilinry lililiiin, 4. WllliNlii II kern, b. Partnli II. JanKs, it. ( limn-, u n.nh, 7. hotirt Ptrla. 0. w ullam 'I a lor, 9. Jotih A ll'.kiaml, 10. Iti. hill) II Ci'H. II, 11. Fdonir llsll'i.av, 111. cbailei . keau. 18. Kilns W. Halo, 14. 1'h.iriea 11 Blirlnar, 1:.. John Wist, r, iltl. David Mi:ltiinautliy, 17 llavld W Woods, !M iKflac llenaou, ,r John eatton. VII. Harnuol B lilik, KvarurJ tUen-a, li'2 John I". psrnv. '.el Kliencer Me.lunstn, 94. Jnf.a W. lllanohard. By order ot the S.1M1 Cvnl.-al ComuilUoe. tsIMON CAMKItf N, -8 ClIAIItMlV. MILITARY NOTICES. llKADQUAKri-US PROVOST MAIL. Bob i.hi.1. ri-i-t iM.tr. ci. ra..No. 'J4j H. TUlKli fitrMt, liliailrlpliln, Aiuiml II, InM. To IllMiir lifouilil ri' Ht'fl 10 (Ui qneniitiiiB onorniiiatrj aulijt-C foniit-mt'tl Mi Ilio r.nruliii'-ni. Jmfl fcxunui lien ..laMu lft f lr.itt. Crtiillts and AotuijTi' of iuoa ftirnirth d. it'it n trt r.'.i'it .teil V ruuku .iiU' tl-m t)i I'nrvott Alr hl ol th (Vmyn-anonal IHstrtot for iii luturu.uiiun, aud uol to Uie riuvtwl lUarnntu ujuuai WaluiiitH'n. liv order Os'tlin rrovant Uanrtal-Opnrnl. Wll.I I AM K i.KIIMVH", an1?-tf Cnuiain und 1'iovoii Mumlial. WOTiNTY KOU MARINES. WANTED for tha littitcd Simuiii Murine tinrpn, aMe-luid ad mua neriotm th t!'H!fn of a ((Idlur at our Nnvy t ania, aim vn board iuiku huim .tuii-ui-war un loruura tMt.tiia. 1 tBriu of nirTl, rmr Year. HettiT tutfnptnrttion 'han tnr amiy. AM. TDK M :a IKil' NI IKri vaid apoa c-illatuif nt, Mftriiii' rrfive irlw Monnv. I-or all fun her uifriuatiuB api'ly at the Hocratttnff itenoezvouit, ho. 311 8. Kltt) NT Htrfct, below flpruoo Street, betwem Uj tiours ol 1 aud 9 o'clock . O. O. MoOAWLRT, au.Vtf Maior and Uinj'iuuuai OtTloer. puiiraorij un. Officrm and mWh rs vlltlnn the city on ftirVouvln, ncllnf HWORL8 AND OI Hl.lt MILITARY R'iV'U'MEN TS, Are tuvltad ta tbe exunelve MAN I'KACl'l It I SO E sT A1ILIBU MJ5NT GEORGE W. SIMONS &. BROTHER SANSOVi HTJIKKT IIAl.Ii, BANSnM Street, above fsUth Htreat. PEESIKTATION 8W0SD8 Made to orrifTitt t n slu-rtoat wotloe. which tr MhneM and na(rn)t1r-tir fl.nlU-iiiw rcmixtiti"!., no o'hiT bonny In tha eounirT cowbinitit. tl o M AVUKAO riTRI'( JcVYfcLKu WITH Tli It l'W.t ill AL riWOIU MAK kJL 1 tt UOUHA IID JSC. CO.. APOTHECARIES, Ininlere la nne Di'UK. Xei-l'tim ry, 'I'o let A-rtloloB, and Hpeelultlesw HtUVblt'S, w 1 h i,,lo soW only lr Medicinal pur. posaa. (te-8-Ua Nij. 1223 CMCSNUT STREET. yuiiK : tl Tliis rs.i li.S. whli.iiliii', :o -p.n-d fttiiii 1 un nn I. r i.nisi n 1 aud ti aiiisji.ii 1 1 cha neil tliiMl. - ' 1 I n-.', li or 1 '11 la. e ri cs, a- .1 A 1 !., bu.l - Sllwl. jjT'OlS . I V WAX. OF AMTILLK-J. ' I'smstlc Las no eiunl fer bnaullty- erilnif tne ootup exliin It Is pra- . v. .in , livn -o 11 . extraordinary iiiu II- ..in. inaklna tl suit, lair, stuootb, 1 ott soolhli g alter slim la sc. curas 1. , removes inru.'li!s, blotrlie,, tn, ....il Imparts a nuls tint 'o Ilia ilea ;ie, .'.(i, and ) cents, lit; NT . .111 Sinn, andko.41 t) Klull'l it 1U S Jul r TITUS", .III.. . J RING MACHINIST AND . ".INKElt, SECOND Street, Pldladelp: Is. TAIV BlilLLSliUKO MACHINH 'WOliKS, (SH( K, Ko.MK. FliONT oTKEF.T, i :uli l.l.eillA. We srcpiqi:.reJ tolul oijru to any cs'.sat for oar wall snuv-ii UAl'IIINFKV MP. COTTO.H AMI WOOI.KS MIL1,, liicleuiPK .11 ri'ceu' ixmvuitnts la La diu, A;i.iiaiiis, aiul VI I KMOfT we invUo the stlcnttittof oiinuis:turere to ourtvUm fiif utk. 1-11 AI.l'HIi JKVKB 4 SON --y. MONLY TO AN Y AMOUNT LOANKI fJr tiii.si llisuiun 1.1, VaUnei. To4iry l'late, rfi nif lolhlin;. ae.. al 3 J .l.l.MMI 4 f'O.'rl , oLt rsTAHLitnir ii i.'iN' orrtniv. Oil tier Of llllitil ai .1 OAhlllLI, (jlru.-H, lirei'v l.suilianl . K n.-WsMON'o-r. HAlOULrt, JkHALHY, 'HJ.fH iv. t. r s.le al 1 KAl:k Ai.l.V I.0Wrrtirt3. eeC-Va PIANOS, COl'l AtiE LXOKI, cir i)i(,'au, liaiuioiuiii, ad daoii, .it U.tttflt'4 f't'SKt SIOItK. ho. ilj i.lltd.Ni'1 AUi-t. in 10-7-im Tr IN-NK-NO-NK-AW K INMAN HMOKINt; TABirrrt! 'u, , wojU-rtbOwued 1)inco i miuiuuo-tured ico.tk ili'i I l.NtSr LLAt . And earncCy roc-nimnni ii.ni lu a" )u..9;uou o 1 iisiirt''ij Tte. M f 1 a l OCULAR OhlAH 1HV., H. Ul CHNl V b'Jtt, p .taj o..,.4UaH-U0lJl.'' jOAT'TION A IX I'ERSONS ARE FOR RID Vj tnir-Mut; ui) of tt rrn wi.t tl IttUUli i .ip l'"ll-A I1 1.IMI1A, ( Hitirtm l-wil. irom J.n-eriH, to. no d-tt, of V, ir rouiiai it.; w II. ' V "' tti'- I'Mijilu t.ro-.-i.iviio'. yplZS WILL IHE PEOTLE BE WISE? ttuaoVeds and thensands ef eollara a' srn yoarty. and aoadruls ar d ihoo.aeas of tha Wst mn an-l weman f AiM'I'a llnsr la pain, ami die, aii ll prama'ars wtd- il at awful clsae. I'jupep-ie i trj ir mn tijslclan.and ihat ahjslol.n bit a as I a'asl no rtllaf. no care i si.d the lull near m iim u"'l " " Ikalb a na fWmnh'iii-s e trava .r latnrf we say d . .Irk ll.at ttie 'lno.i stvo ll.ll .l ue; wou Ctrlulcui'l f lijipttfsla n a.lcty DH. WIMIAUT'S nl.F.AT A.MF.Il.CAN IlYfrK.PIA PILLS A SO P1SB TKK.E 1 AK CORDIAI, Are fmuimm and wom.nnf miiai,tlriaM worth and r.pvalon. Tney live In an art.jsd PbllvUte ila. ) and hear tn-lr io.llm. tiv- Msnynt tti-m ' ' I" no vtrj ia s ul ui sth a ban a I in ps was aono. tTFPtrniA iiiRHiE mu.o'vma yviiiomi- 1.1. AriiBstsnt jln vt auea'iness at Hie fit of Uia au.niaeli. td Klatulen-a wl seldlly. 3d. IVisihena-s anil Vsef aptwtlle. 4th. tttooni ai.d drures.lon of liiirtta, hh. lilatrlNea wliri srli.li v. Clh. Pain In all part, el tlir sis-m. yrli. Con'ari p'lve .ytni.ieni. and oalpltatlnnof Pic heart. S h. lili. frits ptiiivm In tin tnr., at. Pttu Hirveus atteetk n and w.at of ili-.p at nt .t- lfith. 1 1 si ot api cuts anl vi.mitirii. ltth. Dixvletn., ilin.tifs. of vl.Uiu and lost 01 sUht. Ivlh. Iliailache and uapim lu walsms, w.ih great w.aklirs. t iui flf tha th'iuranil uf enro. of dv.u psla thsl hive neil Dr. Wh hart's fin at Aneir cail liysi"ila I'tilt. nut one (U iheio lisa fiilnlaf a perfect c ire. Wo wa nut a run In rvtry rase,n mat tar if 4 twenty years' slaiul Itia. B..lil by all drus.uis evsrvwhora, and at Ir. WlHIIAllT'tli.tnce, No. 1U M. sfMVI) Htrise, llilia l- lila, I'a. All exuniintttiori ai.d i'nnm.t.ill'inB frca nf eharsa Send t..r a circular. I'nca 1 pr box, wuiw liiud, Irt-e i.f rliatKC.vn iceeipt 01 money. DYSPKI'MI V-DYrri:l'MI V Mr. Wltharl, I wM, to aM my le-tim-ny to the hun- dtelru H'ctlvo tothe bwailnK prprilt of your Pine Tim 1 ar Cordial. For lli'ern yviun a iMiileiw, Un yri ot tlml t D11 I havd ftlrpt or.iy lu my chair, out b-H'K aMo to lie do d for ft'or ot nulIocHtU'n. 1 bave employed aevrn or tte bo nt pbyhlclatii In t'blUdilpbta, wnoall prunumucd Hi ' cas4 lnrurLle. I was taknb Utv CUk. whwre tha Facun , liavinit donewbat lby oa.d,deciareJ my dli fHiena ncuraiilc caae of A'ltiiti and Obronlo l kp9hU. InlnUifl iUK. nU that m Iuiik wt-re paiialiy k h- tiiduir one of your tin a art, my wife pmrurtid fntin yoiif itorc a bottle of your CordUI. I'erf vtirlnitly I ncd sftven bottlPM. ai d a box and u half of your ly-.pepia I'lll. wtieti (elt tbal m Uiicu.c bud w bully given way, and t Cor dia' had givur mo new vlitor uml trentti. 1 c milimod to luiproxe, ttnd Tor tbepant tbte monltn I h&vv btenab.f to ailcop In mi bod as mim;1y ax I ever did. 1 aui now v eW, and hae K'ncd twenty -Ave itounde la my wclnht. I am aMv to woik and urovidu for my I u mi I v. I ac.id y-'U tint true and faithful nuieuu nt for tbe brueiHof tliemir- erlitit. I'rlcnds, call and t-eo me, near 0(ord Clurcb iM.t Odice, Twi'iitj -third Ward, I'hlladli'hbi. Id .VAC UCI.IKUM VN. DH. WmiiAAT'8 CIEEAT AMTBIOaK PY.4riif.SIA l'll.LH. Thii ! to certify that I BtifTorcil fur ten yran with that diemltiil complulnt cailid eypinla I fliiilt'nd mnrh puluaud dltrt'sn, with Koom ai:d depression of spirit; wue ir aicti by clht ulflt r n piiyeii luni lor my t jiu- p'aiiiti, and at times wan niut h better, but than toy o:d diktat', ilviKpsia, would rttuni wita all Iti drcadfu' r alilis and my whole BiUm waa Tnst wattittjr uwy. Ik thU n.-k and d- tnllta ed ta.e 1 wart hiuidcj cirtulir d lir. WMiart Krvat Amvr'i an lysiwp:ii fi.U aiid I'me TraoTv Cordial, nhlcti Kve a coir:t dcscriptLni of uiy Mini'iin, and I deu-rmiued to place myit.li' uadtr Ue Loclt;r caro , and '. aao bit medicine. Ai PC iti m I conimtMico.t tuo uoc of ttie nv dilno, I bo;itii lo ifvt b' tltr, ami ko I continued tmcu mouth., at wlikh tliuu I wan ijetKHjtly enrol of ml my cumplalitts, and pe: ft c'ly r. 'stored to buAlth; I am tu-diy a well mm . Dr. YYtMhait, 1 k'vo you this certirlca'i) with a Ki'ateiul b art lor the bentfl' I h ire itirelvi d 'rom tho unu of your ti uly wotidcrlul mt dic nen. Muy Ood bluaa you and pro li'ive your truly uaetul life for ninny yeun. 1 would nay to cvtry k It peivoa w ho wan hollering a I wa that my renidviice lh Nn. Ixf Klchm nd tr.tt. l'hUudolphia. wiiore IwIIUhKo ttrvut dcitht lnyivhitf tistlmuuy toiiiCKr powtrui Dr. W it hart a modiclues to cure V 11 AI.LF... 1r Wlftr arfu Store anaomcc1No.lON.bKCONJiirt.ot) J'hlladolpliia. liYHl'EP.SIAl DYSPKPSIAt l.MohCS Komuil,dfl cortity that 1 w.ia sh kwlth 4yn prpKU lr two 3Citr; I wue very .Irk at Uib pit of my lomach, Willi p bin In myb-eat, ldt, buc'rt aud head, with taUZ'taOH and taMkirlog in wa hing.wittiKriat weak lit mi Mitt I iiur.il dutiUity. 1 employotl, n VUai time, eoven cmn. tin jihyolcinis, and ti.i-y diinrvo hi ibnir opltilonof luy diht ate ; mi me tl-outht I hnd ono dii-nc, and boiae an I) it. but I all t l.o tlmu Kfituirf worse anl worse, uiitil 1 b ( atf p to low Hint my w.to Wuuia have to fou l iuo iorvsiii.H torc bui. White In Ibis d eudful con Jl:lim, I plactd niist'tl utdur lr. Wtthart'a lxoiUuijiit, and used biR treat Au.erli:au lfcp pa I'ilU and treatmoit tor lyrpci lia, unu at tbe prtm nt ttmoJ am pariuetiy well, ai d l av f; allied in (lush twenty-four pouodb. aui v.m work and attHd to in) but'Btkii an well aa any pernou id lhUb)lMtuia, and I am lati fltd It li a peifitct cure. Dr. Wlhbart, oii can pubhbb my iee ll ouot) proper, as I went to b ar tci'lmooy to the great power your med clno baa to cur l)pop6ia. All poraontf are at iltwny to call an aw mcT wrile. MOnKS KiiMUId, btjb.iyll.i11 Haven. Schuylkill counly, I'a. liYSPKI'tlA, I'YHPEPflll. TMi la to certify tbat I had lyniopiia In tbe worst form for Uiree yours. 1 waa treated by kovtm of tbe btiit pliy aui&ua bi Amoika; kome of tbem were Proaasora ol Jof f ertrun i'ollego, rhlladetphia. but tliey did ue do good. I grew w oi e e cry month. I would be taken al times with dreadful palua In my breast and stomach laovreat waa tt tbat 1 could Beitl.i'r ait, be, nor stand, but wotdd rove about from one room to auetborf ay trloud expected to aae ma die, a there appeared to be no relief for me. In thla I tope lews omditlori I piaeed mystlf uudtr Di . Wlauart'a treat Bent, and tlked bla Btedlclnca aa di roc ted. This day 1 aui a well man, aud lor three weoka I have beou ou my fott.and working hard from early morn until eleven oV Ioek at ruht. Air. Wiahart, I tvo you thla cr Ultcate with c grattful boaxt, feelluif It my duty to do no; yoo may, and 1 want yon tu pubbnh Jtto uie world, that every prMu a u tiering aa 1 was may have tbe benefit oi Uii, jour truly wonderful rtiuedKa. AU aluk proris are at liberty to ca.l and kxxi uu, or write to me, aa 1 want to render all tbe food 1 can to a ull nrti.fi bu inanity. JAMS 11. ANUKIX, Overacer of Waaliln.ton Jdunulachtrlug Coiupanye Weaviry Uuom. Olouocater, 21. J. DYHn;rniAi pv.srjcrfliAi J, J oli u T.jneh, do eerttfy that tor fmrnvnUUJ pflt I win attacked with acute dytxpniat 1 ai so aeer ly bandied Uiat I could do uothiittf but what It would till mowlUi ditadlul 4UMicaa ; my nenou atwn wai perfectly pros tratua; my whole litimesoon becamu wt aa aud treiualiiu;, w itb a contused ioie and diliu xa Lb the head, till wcd by a palpitation of ti e heart and Kimral debility of the w bolt- body. Kvery kind of modicino aaJmluUlured to me did uo feocd, uutll 1 v advlMw.1 to tall ou lr. Wishart and pUco layac'l' under bia trentincut. It In now about uino wu)ku fclnto I et muuiu ed to uw; b!h D aja?piU and l'iim Tree Tur C'ortllal, and 1 do tiullifuily and falibiutly aay, lunt 1 am pcrfeutly cured of lapopMa, and all otbur dlbiuiaCk urifc.ii g Uierefrtjin, and 1 1 an rat thrue pood me il ecry tly, aiitl UdI will in every roipt':t. 1 aa 7J yean ot an", ai.djf It wa MtenMiry, 1 i; 1 c -nld and would sbcubUr Uiyi'.m to tit f.-nJ tlie cltv from iovaPn by tbo ltft ch. All i k rat nk anfler.i f with liyipepfcta aa 1 waa, are at libfiiy to call and ace uie, iWr I icd It tuy duty U do all the tct-d 1 ta:i Wr ftuMehn.' buuiHiilt . JOHN' LYNCH, No. K,l P-plar street, rblla.ie'phla. Dr. TA'l.sflAKT'B Store and Office, Ao. 10 N. 8KM)ND Htieot, Philauelpbia, l a. All oxutuinatlona aud oonnulta tidii ft ceut cnaitoo. Price, llycrboi.. btut by mull ou rect : ot money mSrilPSlA I !YHrKT!tIA( Ir. Wtl.irt I have Leeu a constant snifter wlt'i D.. I "paia lot U.c Nut eiglttoen years, iliTin; v inch time I uaa iiit bay It at 1 evtx1 enjoyed a pcriecily well day. There were timet when the symptom were more acravatL'd Cit-o a! Dlbti h, ai.d Uirn it iu-uumI H Wt.uld be a .;ro.i; re 1 uf to (I.e. I b id at all tlmut au unplcatant feeling la my hid, but latterly my Biitlei trigj so much increased that I heiaine abauot unlit fvx bu.iine8of any kind ; my mind wits L-oiiNtiimlly HHad with gloomy tUouIits and lai-b d litfia. and Li I attempted to rhatve their current by rending, at oiice a n ueatlott of icy tuidne, lo cotittoction wlttt a ddweght. a? it were, reettd upon my brain ( also, a icciiug oi alckntaa would ocnir a? Ihe stomach, and reat pain to my eyv .i, accoaipanied w ith whikb was tho co tiia nl icar ot lo!ngmy rcf.aon. I alio experienced r rx at Iiih-ntHle.dvb'iiy, aoa ncroUinnas, whll made it dhl cull to walk by day or altep at night. 1 bocame averse to society, and disposed only to ee-hulon, nnd having tried the skill ol a utir.herof en Jm nt physicJaua uf various chuoli, fluall cainu to U.c conoluuiuu that fur thla disease at my proaent se (i?, ymra), Ihure was no c ure lu oxUt cu e. HuUui.u;;!i iheiuterfcrenoeot Ulvlnc Provldenos, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I at wot found a Buy er ei remedyin jr lijspcpula PllU and Tar Cordial, wbitli sein to l'.ivo eiTectuaily removed almost the lait trnct of my Ion if lit of alnnonts and bud feelings, uhi lu their lu.c heutth, pleasure, ard cntt ntment are my Ury ua; coaiiauljn. J AMI'S M. 8AUMJl.l;3, No. VdX. 6occud strtet, riulftdelphia. loiiuerly of Wootibury, N. J. lr. Wldliin 4 OOice, Hio, I (J BUUNU Mueet.PUt-ludULUk. I, Veai T'trtv f fn-iHM'lwa. Mmiti-nmi'TV eftnnty, Pa hrtvt uflf i ro for ni ir than mi wrytitw out d Nil- ItlM'H. tOIL lhatt t'll tl- . 0lk 0 P.V'W"1' i rnipwitre n tl hi titn- 1v nl the aiat enitnrnt iihytKlma in 'h lt..ltfua I in y d d il Uiy mium f4r u.e win iivll rtiM nd rit tie. hut till I tN-tmi. I ttirn w.nt tn ihr Iviiimi h ana I t.tv-t t in i'r l tU'-e inveit m rm-n ot tii '"! ot it.i. al tupa-mi lu tti- cHiinr, lint t.M-lr i il in Im iitts aiifKntMi aird bluiiiit. I wifM d fin dtaiti tUt' mi! ol v "iifwiitits. mil ni irr H 11 artu advn, tin ni nl In t l'hMiwl li-tna It u l .in. I dM-rnin rrt to try nt mor, Imt wiin litlk- 'aim. I calhtd on lir. Wifthan. Hnd told hnu if I viiiil have d.t-d I would nrt hi iroibiid hint, wnd then r in! my milfnnaa b TMnt Tic lr. a- nrr-d me It he talirrt inrnre mn of lvn nnl. It would ! tnr firn eae In two eun, I pnt m It umift hi iikiiio ent. - nd a Uioi h I hu n-h mr nn nitif mitiDif teaiiy eerMhi' K I ta my itoin tnh iW'.lb n win, wind, anil tlilwt w it h iin bftmn if crii'n. 1 honth' a ho or h' lyr.-i-a :ii, I n-mi thiwn a oi- rt-rtrti, ai d In n n darn rourd ent at hofiT a ia-ai anv pmoo in the H'nte ot rrnnnvivMiiiat.aMii in imriy mm wna a w man. I Invtt any ptTon nd'"iini n I w to f-atl and .- mo, nud J wilt rata e mv nuiirnnt and Hie irnat enrr I n- -ofPI' onUt anv t ntl IviHirt(-a. rvrwliprt. thai lr Win hart la. I rwitt a. the onv pnin on le eartn UiM can ourv Ity apepata with any dfK r curaoirT MOHKH TMitlf, Chitentinm. Mnntaomrrr t'o.. Pa. " Tr. VfFIIAKT S CtV.ce, h. 10 N. HKAMVn Htrcet. CfU e h( ntt (ron, 9 A. M. to 0 t. M. Ad examlLaUns and coi.eu ut.ona lioe. DYBPK-rSIA I DYSPKP8IAI Ir. Wishwt 1 wnsaitTfHt sufTerrr with dvpepla for aettn LarH. tnrthmK I ate tilled me Milt win-i and drt-ndiul pain ; nnd my IP wa onr of (tfet autVrli it. I w to mui n atMcito h it U I dritiu a triads ol water, it would a on itturn narh in a heated condii.u a I anptied to i very an d oi mHltciue and treiimeit; but all to nt pzupoae riw iur at-Vf-rtl-rment in the "l-f dor" of a urcat enrr v ur wnt American I p pi'a Vi 'a hai mnd-. 1 wri t to our otort anc purulmm d a tmx, ind ctiminetu-d to nt tlirtn ; nnd I do thaiH Uud i)il day 1 am a U man. and ran ct tine m itln per day. I havo ae tt a nuuih r of in ia iih atti r oiir pi)N, Hi.d 1 prave a younv man t'iat win aiifienn-f with dvpepata in my nik'buorhod eijflit of voiir pilla, and tiiry cuif d him ent relv. Y v mav refer to ie it on aao piuutr. .Iai:oi UititiLKY. Knncdy vlile, Kvut couuty, ich A POHITIVE CURE FOR DYSt'KPeiA. Ill'.AH WHAT ilK. JOHN II. DAUCOCK 8 AYS, Nn. Mm OLIVE Rtreet, I Plriludelphl. Jimaary Ad Pr. wlahart Plr: it i wiin niueii pleasure that I nra now able to Inforui you ihat, by tbe ue ul your Kicat Ameiican 1 pepula Pllia, I havo Ih cn enltrek cured ui tlmi tno-t ili.-rre-ii.lntf complaint, hyHpeptm. (had tcen Krievotiplt atiilrted lor tho iait ttvnnty-elvbt yeai'a.and fur ten eais oi that time bavo no beon ireeri fi.miiuuain one werk at a 1 1 iiii. 1 hitvu tmd It In it wont tonn, aud hnve dnKbed on a m"t mter ihlo i x'eneQ-tn nm day and nikfht. Kvery KUid of rood tl at late tlUed uo with w uoi nnd pain. It maitei c I not bow lUht. or how aiuall tne qui'iitny. a connniitii Dno-nnik was mi u io uhiow. tna noapprthe for any kind ol meats w tiatev(?r, and mv d's- tres- wan ao iont tor eternj moiit'n b"tre I hetrd of ymir I'IIIp. th'il I rreiiienily wiariedtorde.itn. I had taa.cn ei'rr.b'i k Hint l had hea d ot lor liyapci i, wl hout rn ceivinir any ttenefU ; but on your I'ilU niiu rocoiuniend'id to uu bv one who hud been cmeil hy lb'in. I Oonclud' d to trive Uieni a trial Biiipouj'li I had no faith in tnrui. To my amonl-hmen. I toiinn mykeii eetuntr oetter oero'ft I hud taken one-lour' h of a b"X. and. allef taking hail a hox 1 am n trcw man, ami ran for any King trtsn. ami tnjov hearty mealthree t'niea a day, without lnoonvenieno iroin anlbtt h I eat or drink. Il you think pruoor, you are at liberty tu mttke ths public and reter to me. I will flier fully tlve all duirHdle Inlormatloli to anv one wtmmrtvcall on ii f Yotim. re-iM eti'nlly. JOHN li. HAIKMM'K. fornHle at Ir. WIsilAi.T'HMrdtfiil depot, no. 10 N. 8fr.( OM H riet. IM:i1ilrh hla. I'a. Price one d'.ll.u-pur tMfjt. eeut uy mait, uec oi cnarae, on receipt oi price. DYSrRrMil DYSPEPSIA 1 I, pumtiel I. Huvrti, have leena(Teat anfTorerwith chionio dvarcptia and Inua Ntnaiton ot tiie hliiueva f r three eaa. 1 t nit ioed hire ur lour uf Umi moHttjuiiii' iit tl, aii-iuna of l'hl adeiphi, a a i of Huriinmum touuty, rw .lerbiy Ti ny till a l lor ine they could, but alt in nu uurroae. l waa eonsiantty tnua with awiui pain and uii truss, and wtth conn taut beleniiiB of wind aul aouraoil My tonuuewita eoirdwith a wlilto coal hi k n mucus mull ii crnrel la laae lu'rnwH, and waa dreadiiilly aru! a 1 1 1 I oft t mo a whd lor deutn to relieve me of mv antfer hi lh, for 1 bud tift all rtipi' of ever ben u wll -wtiu D.tatw It a fcuhitet of prajer toUi.it thai Uo woultt d I reel mo to n bit b Bjcao or in. d cine Ui .t w tuid cu'vimi. I wa. lold ir m.d n aOvprliitmeiit nl l)r. Wi-hariV, in tn Kbiiadeiphla "I.eiUr, ' ol a great cure made upon Mr. Jntin likii-tscit, ol No. lo.H Ollv) Ktiet. 1'tula.ie t ma, by iim firt-at American J)Hiepma fill. I wric tniln- 1) ett.r a .ili e, aini pui t-d iu)en umiei hh trentmrnt. and told him II tu tailed i cure me, It wouic ti tho iat eih.r 1 tmd nmke. Il ha been aix weL'Kp sine- J commenced theur i hi n edicim , and 1 am now a well oiau, free froii all I m in a' d diet lean, und ran tat llm o heartv iu"M' a d iv with comfoTt nn n ei per ecth weil. Hr, tt'lnhait. I want vnit to puti'ii-h m cuo un I vwmt evei-v noor dvniMj frUftertnH aa 1 at. tot ah on me, and I will iU thoin o, tlie ateat euro 1 huvu recoiveu iroiu oi.r l.ivalnaoit' inudl riuc. HA MI'K.i 11. HWKtl. t'orner of Venorm ard Lamttert atroeta. near H c'nu ud r-treet, r rn tr!y iioui riuutt 'Wn, isurllunton oouuiy, 1. Wiaii!uiT'H Omee, No. 10 K. 8PX.0ND Street. liYnrErflAI lYBPtrHIA ! DYNPZP8IA! Th'a la to rertlf that aunnni; severely with a diseaie eali-d lpepata, with suuch loan of wciyht, inv atteit.i m waadiivcud tu w laiiart ieat Ameiican iyaoeuaia rill a il.t t uiedy. Ilavinv wUMd threo weeks latmi eieveo fill. accordioR Ui ihe directiona, l lound uycielf entirely euied. and for iwo weckn amce mv health la Breiiiv nn- t roved, aud l ran cut without fear of pain or Uioonvt nl- vDi fl. 1 earnently ncou nteud theu V all iml'arly it btcd. Wra. M. li. 1U-iMI'N, Hkhmond trert.F-iur dtre be ow Hanover. Dr. 1. Q V WISH AKT'fl Olhce. Mo. 1 W. MUX)2iD flU-oet, Philacciplaa. PYHPlTfelAI lHPi:i'SlA! DVSI'KI'SlA I, Kllralieth It an son, of It randy wine, Del , f.inu-rly of Olc Chester. lel , do ceitlty that ft r one year and a li.t.f 1 n; lit-1 I'd tveij UiltK but ueath Innu that a vim di.icme calhd liyapepaia. iy wholr nystem waa pMtraud with wtakiiea and nenous dehtilty; 1 could uot uis'oatmy pid; It I ate even a crnckor or the mnaHeftt amount of ftital, It vsould return Mint hh I aw allowed il. 1 hct-anc su cofitive in my bo el iba I Would not have a panftafte lu lean than riom tour ano ofleJi tlht tinva ; undo, thin i n tner no aufleiliiii my mind aeemtd entirely t Ive war. I had dread of horror and evil foreliodiiU'W I thought that e r l-ody ban d Cie, nnd 1 batod e.vvry b-uly ; 1 c.uld not t ear toy huxlinnd n rmv own chl'dn-n evorythla up)M.tied to Iw borrr-at'tcken to uie; 1 had n aiuMUun tti uo an.Mliti'i," 1 bit all tny loe ol family um) I mi me; I would -ran i He and wautlertrom piace to piac-T bit' otild l ot be contented ; I ft li that I smh uoomed to hell, and iliat theiv was no heaven ti-r me, und waa of en tmuptt d tu cnmmli auleide. ht ner waa my wtiole m-rvoua yftejn Ci st i ovi.d, end abo niy ml. d, fit tin that av fill coui.daiui, l)apejjrvia, that my Iricnda thought lt to hau me placed In lir Klikhnoe'a Jtotptiat, Went rrPianolpnia; t remained tiicru nine Htekr, u. t th.uv;hi I waa a litthi be'ter; hut In a it w nays my dreadful eotuplnlut was rauu ai bad as evi-r. Ileariiiir of he wondt-rt'tl cntea iturtonned bv Dr. tVlnhart'a (treat Amerlean lvaprpia iMlla.and hit,treat n ent ol lMf-plft, my lauo called on lir. W atiui, and aimed my enbe to him He aaUl ho h id no douht ho cou d cure me. ho In ilnoe tiny, alter I . ailvo.and placea inyiulf uiiib r the ! tor .reitmi,t. and In two w t, 1 1 e. an to uioFit niy fuMi, and P It that my diiee wan tt .lvint w av ; anu I n-ntiuiicd f recover tor ah tut I'irra uiontlin, a mi at the preaent time I en:oy peiibrt h'-nlth ol body and lull it. and I int'M ineeielv return utv tnaii&r to a ne r-tlul t. ol and lr, Wml art, and to hi (roat Aiueri.au li sp.-p. kit I'll s ami fine I iee 1 art trdial. uat saved me trotu ai I lit nne as lum ai d a p;enjature nrae. Al' SK-rm:ts auf fi riiK wl'h Iivipfprna nio at litteitv lo cad on nm or w i.te. a J am Htlima to do ail the stood I cuu lor audnriu i l.umunlty I.1J .,vltl.TiI Hit ANH I.N. iruiitiywine,DcUtwarc, firuierly o d Cboior. DuUvvuro com ty I'm lr, V.IHnAliT 8 OfUca, Ko. 10 N. StCOND Street, 1 hll'dclpiila. The aboe are a few aui on Mho thouanda wh'i h lli' so at ren.eit ban save i tr m au untimely ira"e. w e have bun- rid of l t'erirom piij -li Jun and dru.rfa In ail pari a t! the et i i:t ry.au u k that ttity have u vei p." ii n'x-d or sold a 1muU1cJ.il- wLicu .a.e such uuieriiJ sa-uiaulvn. Tl.c.c Medlriiies are j.repsrrd only by Uie proprietor, mi. i q. c. wiafiAitT, YHOSK Ol i-'ICr 13 AT Fo. 10 K. EECORD BTEEET, PLilaie-pliia! rilKNSYI YANIA. t'lierc he can be consulted either pdraouU!y or by letter, (l oe of ceaiec. De me aid I y In utjuia jJ lears vorvvJ ci e; at U.-U aale Uy AU lia tj.Lt'iJ Ptuladdl pi.ta VtlaO'itask liiit:s. lu-4-itw MLDCiTNiL COD LIVER OIL, JOHN O. HAK "1 Ot, lo. )IS MAItKKT SI1IKT, ara ow realvlnOiti supplw frea from um rUIWftas. Tr.e aoprVsrtty of their OU. In arwy rasiaKt, bat f ata4 for H a rvputaikia and tal bejand any othar ftinad la t4) tnarsrt. lomalntaia II, tri.y ar datarmlned to anppty aa ardeWt that mav he snllrsry relhd rm fnr fr'Bhnas and parity, tw isatinmnlals of PiarVtaors of .Msdtaal OaUisias. a all U. BAFSFTT H IMtlVAI li " K IH t A li KH'K-OK. HAH.KI T fKl v i K ir.in;ij ( r YH t -At hriin Hwt N. W c-rnrr MMH imi i 4K ',KTMI -rM-ti-l lrmr Htor, H . W . cotixr FITTU rm 1 h TKN f I It M'Mi . w . A WO HI I uK AiVtt, -To th" iiffrr!'.-' wln Pna H oi -t, a ,1 am afNiut t iut it. n t'Ufi-i ntmrr mtpral tra iiifnt. ! U 11 luit tli it tlio it.uid C f-'.'f to by tl Mr . nf diitT.-rlm'. tha nt?rl cvr nn tht aslw-rr-t ni-p t. riirr irtV4ta tlH, ami. lnKM'l ol doMif ht lf rrpc irDf. rn d ttVtr pn'tt n' e-n" i i I n WiUnt thif Mttn Ith ok rvuf ) aivl t(..T 'iiUit-ral drnt7, tn-rfh m iihiv i' n t.T ih tiivaxrnt. ) t niitcat) nt ciinna trwni. II Dit'i nrtv" th fMn tiro tlir t tin. rha th ri i1 nr to' t( It nut trmn wt.r-41 ti tn tfO'Q. T a tt."tr whu hii frf kutti .. Bia-it- Inr prit'otn V cw9 ail ptlHlK i H rTft lnra 11. 10 v -nulr-ia nr -n It m-iH ' aiurd t'nr atij doctor to rir- in- ih naiotf thlmt nt tr at bait ' f tlir I'm 'i f at tlicn unni'ii f,rtrfi to riifi'. W till In pome rt niiri tiinrdi atiKwar, In ,t'i . whfTO th la tw-n f lo' nml'ii f f)iiir rM,,rf,,l ! to ra h thnm. wl.i eao atr ktWM hv I av In thf "'t m (Ho-il miv T'm riiIii ; u'rd n IT lut'Tii 1 urp pnr. iv fpt an artj I nr n'to ro rtt'ifr d '-r In fh city in ntna- ih"m iv ' ihanicof ilrft i rt ibiM'd I'eifuni mififiniitNo In n 1 oopnlt tli dwtf r. a It m i tvr t m im ; if Kuri rni. I'1 cao bo tmiin at iM oitlce a' hii tiourinf ' t iIai t.nd rviritnrf. Can of tUo Mali and bUU. itraat v !H ..prnp r'fi d nr In tha conntrv. br dctWnj? v, i'r ind Ir r ti i no '2t w Ul H'Ci iva iha mt) s In iIiSm refit""' iht-y m (llrKt. MMI-"! WKALT11, 11KALXH. AlTD BKAirr. If to aala almlriet eyra: ' . A If to cause Invl-t mh hlkha( H tr lie i:ooiiiinp flow r, I'adiiif, dylna In an hour BaAt TTl If vt have a boat of frtenda ; If for vice to mate lunei.us ; 11 Willi hiL'b-boro b n id to wed: If a marble atone when d ad vvtAWl If to live threescore and ten, Wlahtfiir ll e a Ion a.aln; It IO llvr a IMe ol pi a; II to dM aou Koto (rrrfo uaaistal If yon wati a life of alraauree; If you value thta w nd a irvaaures; if evrry o.imih.t you wyild eo. Take mv advice, and wlah ati ArrM. Then, navinn ueaun, wwhu.mu ihvi k Too'll be preparerl for ayert doty. B PvaearefnliHniaal of Ir. WII.U M Y017TO'fl Hewf Bowk. THK WAhKIAOK OlMI'K, which should be a1 by every one. Bold by r-ooaaeic ra a ene-any. aa w r lif.rlr.ri olHea. ho. BfatUCfi HTklXtlXl prtcO A cents. - A CARD TO TIIE LADIES. MTONL'OB OOLDKN PII.L9 TOR FEMAIJA Dlt. InialllMo In coriTrtiti. rsnnUiln, an. reiiln alf wistructloii. imiiii nlialinur caimss.ana aiwaja auccrshiul a. a iirtrumlva. nils arc rnthlnir new. and haye heen nied by Off l)ocior for many yearn, both lu r ramie and Ainerlaa, wih uiinnraiiett d mtceeaa In eve-y rae ; and he le argrd byf many tiM'iiand ladlra who have iiird thrm, to maxe th I'nl mildic for the alleviation of thoae aurTeriiiar fron au breutnarltirs whaievt-r, aa ell aa to prrwent an to- icnxr ot tamlly w here heaiti win nt per.nit it. iiibm i iMicullarl) aituted, orUiia iupoolnK thumeive so. ar citutioi ed aKiilnat uilnt' tluae pl.ia wi,nc in i"ai conaiiron j aa iiic propi reior (inoriei no niHiiiiuiii v aivr mt . atimont'iOL, autiouwii inetr mininena wouiu prevni mnrw n,in lnefio h altti, otf-ei wl-e ti.e I'ula are reenimaaHledJ& Full and explielt d-iex-tio- accompnitlnir each box. I I'rloetl.ot six boxis.t t HmIU whuleeaie aud reU-T bv the frPowihu DriitKl-ta : I Mllult. White A-Co., No. M N. Fourth street. f Will, lit A Hutdktll, No II!) Market itnet , ft A atari-hall, c -rnerof Thl leenth ano Market streets. eitiler A Hmiih, comer ot so t.n.l ami f iioen treetj. I'yott A t o , No. N Htcoml atrL-ut. ,). hn mih. Ilr.ll'tway t ('ondeu,and H. (.'. In Inrour. Caiml. n. At letail by all drufegiaia. Ludlea.by sending ONE IfOLLAH To cither ace nt, can hnvr the I'll I.H hl-.NT i'4iNriiKNTIAT,I.Y, Hy mail, to any purl of u.e ciy or country, A 00 puatitku. S I HOWR, "-33-9m No. 24 W. THIRTY-SIXTH Htroet, M.T. s AMARITAN'8 CUBE HAM lltlTAN d t'tttCR. HAMAKITAN'H tM'UB. SAMS III fAS'8 CI'nK, hAMAblTAN'S) I'l ltB. tiA M Alt I r A N'8 I'l'liK. DAMAltl r IN'rl CI'HK. KAMAHITA S UltK. MAMAI'.irAS'S t l.'KE. (AMllllTASS CUllK. Ttis oply ttire anil sum rameity tur tionrtrrhrsa, Ohssi Rtrlutm., Ao. Cura. in ail C4isi in truui two w as. KJS. I riaa t'J Malo or Feina'a ssnt by mall. DVO IT A CO , Sole Axcnts. HAMABITAN H t'UIiB. BaMaUITAN M l Ki-:. S4MAH1 rAN S t'tJItll. SAM Mil TAN H CIIKK. HAMAiiir- N S rmiK. H.iMAllI M l C LB. HAMAKtTAN'N t'l'ltK. SAM AKITS tl t'l'ltlt. HAM Aid I AN H I UKI-:. SA.M.IKII AM H Ci i'B. TI1K OHr.AT Sl'Kl'IKIC K'lR KBl'ltET PISBASEI n.iiilnal v.oii! r.e s. tlotnTriiu a. fllsa , A'.t. Farti 'tiua c mtnlni. 1'iUd.unil wl,l cm. In Uroia twot- alx I'lia. ITIrr aj ll is al'OOvrtain to restore tono and powar t. thus. wh. art-tli tililaiti. ov est'e.a or unv otlit-r eau.j, anJ wil if.ti if all tu full vliu.r ul vmith. win n Iha I'tli, aria.. without tli. lnjttloii. In tlwnu caiisu. i'UI Ihro. liifi. a tlay (btnt by mailj C. TRTCri ItOSE. rrourl.tnr, llm .siw f i,i iitlca. Role Agent,, liYOI r Ai i!i.. t No. i tl M. Hn.CU.SU il.rixl. Be snr and as f" HAMARITAN'R rUltB. HAMAKI1 ASi'H Ot HK. AM4lllTAN H lMKtC tiAttAfcliAN S CIJIiK. SAMAIil I AN'S t t'HK. SAMARITAN H t't Hii. 8 ,MAKl TAN H I' II I K. HAMaltlTAB I DRB. 8A.MAKI1 AN 8 C'llKlt. HA Ms HIT AD S VVtlK. HTitttr ik mciiiii), b. riii" nn mconi. tiYUt1!' 1'KK t'OKl). B.Kl'P 04 ItliMIHU. BVI l'l" IlK. KICOIlU. BY KL'P I)K KliSiKD. BYhl V UK ItllXMtl). BYltl'l' HB Hl.tlllD. SiYHI'P UK MCOItl). HYIll'P DR KKXIItD. HYiai' DEKli l'Rl HVKLf Dlt R11X)1U(. HY M'l' DK RHXlltl). , HYHttp IlK KI' OKI). HVRI'P HE Kil l llll). , BYKI P UK RlttlKO. HYHIJP l)H ItlCHRII. I KYRr'P T)K KIO.IIUI. HYul'P PE RrCOnO. ' I.)!'!' lit Kn Dill). BYltl'P ns KltXlltU. BYhUP lis. Rlt'ORI). S.VHIIP UKKItDRO. DYHI'l' HE Hit tllll). HYRUP LiB Hlfc'ORD. A ci rttnn i-tire for sH Inruia of Vtitinral Dlsaasas Us In the t-uini'tian llosiiiiaia, ana tli. aruaios tkmagtioa Kumrif aud AmtiriCM, 'I'ln, prp.raiion ha. n. ariual as an ararMrator thl forinot ilist-ase. and slruir'liMn. ue iionstitulion seMrallj1 llwillcur. all Hmtia, 8.ms. I'itnuica. Tatter., or an eruptions, no uialtar flora what causa or bora king .toad ins. rrlcttl par not lie. C. ritU'B KOR. Proprlator. MeAperta. DYtrrr CO. Bole As.nn, HVOTf CO. Buk) AnnlB, IIYOTT CO. So.SJl . HiKUNIl Hiraet. Bant to any adilrauk auJO-hiUi aBS T II E SAMARITAN'S CUUI' J. CAN ill' ltKI.IK.il OM KKlti; r AII.H TU Ct'llK! llOtd N"T N st'SKATKI IH Hl'KKOY IN ACTION NO CIIANUK OF 1)1 KT ll K'.'t ' III Kt I UOKH MIT IN 1 Kt:l kill' WITH IIUSIN KHs PHKSl'ITfl CAN IlK IM Ii WirilULI Dl.lBCriOkl Pilt-t' Muifor leinaie. i btnt by mull tu any address. C. PltlCB HOSB,, Una Ai Post nlu. Pelf Ain.ts, tjvorr . co... Ill 1 and, in Do. 2Di H. KIX.VN1) Hlrwt. TK. J. 8. HOSE'S GOl.DKN VllXSi. ' l'p 10 this rrr! tl friruaK's rtavah.ea hDDll)tl.ca I bf l.s.n.s. At ttufiilnal hu;iii)!tt r., Sin, for tna aura ol railing il ilioYVouit. sai t'i.rui ivi.l Ity, srhlcti umbi ctiititlj pr i-.iiia-h s, if not In.iuri. 'U,. n.iiio of ir. ltits.a I'Silfnti lima in n tml' v sm'ti afr.iiriliilea The, rt-lr'B Iim tA.ld.ll tills, an. I tli. i. by ub aln eltarfect cut by tu. uso ofi.nl a fi:ir tsmua. Fur Liia.nia jjiaiutt (iie bi x ii Moitl. a liiu.tl oil Aii Ji'mlu.l su(inrars. Price. .'-'I ft li'.. "T box bile A.n-.s, liYtlTT K CO. Bfo. Sii'i . HH.1 H.iet. ' ID 1-tuiaalin SHIPPING. tWSt PTE AM WKI-KLY TO LIVER aa'aiil na I'""1 tom-l.lnir nt l.iuei linti'Sm, Cork Harbor iii t.i il-ktuiH n sti-aiiit ra ot tlio l.htrjiool, N'w Voia and I'liiisiltliilJa tiicuiusiup Couipn ai. lnuml.il ta .ail si fiii tss: KTNA. t-atnrdsv. Ortiiber 15. i.li Mil l:ii.hiiiiirilsv,Oi'l.itM'r Ti. ri'l'V t' WAhtll SiiTiiN. Hatnritsf. Octotierofl. And everv succeidint Saturday, at avion, ftoia 1'ler Ka Uu??J'lv'iinr: pavaki k is ctTRRRVOT. I ll'il t .bill ' el'il'lA) Slteffrse 1 j i i,.i CuLli t.) l.nrdun ITti is) Mi-erae t-i I.otnlon... ti1.!) 1 irl I in. u t.. 1 ..!... IU' tU'i iu. to I an , hu ll"' l li-t Cud. Mo Itsiutir'ulsu-is) Hts.r t'l ll.iuliliu. 7I.'' l-it'.sriii'ors nl..o luiHaiilt-d to lluvre. Ilieraeu, Uol-' to- il.ii'i, A ul u ei ji, i: ,l.t eiriislh' l- w r.rtt,. lues lnui i.ivilMMl or yiiosiisti.wii -First Csl.I;l,i 1..", iru, j'll" s i-rrinc frou l.nviii-.ol ai d iji.-jms-i t-n.T0. Tl.ose wl-o w'sh to seuil tor Uwlr ttutuds buv tn'ki'ts boiv ai slinse rut'-s. 1 01 luiUitr lUiuiluiUKii apiily at tli. C'lmnany a om. ,101' N ll. DAl.H. Airrnt. ho. Ill WALM 1' Birnet, I'lUiadclplila. ! BOSTON AND rUTLATlKI.rill K. 2jLLii Btaam.l In Line, sslllmr fr m esch port on h.i it lil-Al H, in.rjllistul.ari i.u.. ITSK street, lluis. detail a. aid U.:is Ylh.irf, l!i -Ion. From first Uttati, I aim) e MM. B'lC- t.i n S.lu:dsl .Hrll'bsr 3, l-.l. Il.e auatii.-i.lp HA ION, Matin. Ms, a 111 sail I ram Pijlla oYI,.l,la f-ir Hi st.if.on Ba'tiwav. oi..'.ir 8. at 1" o ol'nia A.M.; sn.l tlie.uaui.lii. ISOHli.lS. U.k.ol-.u;olilIjatJU. tur Hillnucli.bm.i.n ..n,adi.y,i.i 4 r. M. ,.,,., Tl.es mir an-l snli.lam.al " jni mI 7. ti 5? C llt. . hiUii k fiw aeh ! .un.-iiii.ii.' ' "'.. ItiMirni cvs iimitou iaoB-l.'ii'.pr"'-' '' Snle m-i-kcIs. Vi'rVi.isUt 04 l's.s. (bavtitar n; aseommrirlstlons) III.MtY WtNrtull a CO.. api-iy to jal-tf Xo.tot. HKI.AWAIUS Areuua. ...... .niiiri'r.iit. ... r . - nn r. riMi ni.. 1. 1 1 j 11 iv 1 1 1" 1- 1 . ra J ai.d ttiJisnro Lues, ria litlawaia ant ITj-ii 1 tn-ui. 1 1 e ie.i!u..i .f t i.e Inc. aiu 'uvlui1 at 1- 11 tlocV. M., ana tt 0 line t. M.,lrviu tblid olur f at ii) e M alma r ui.-t. , lor lu-v l.t. t.t. II sl'l be f.in'n tm arrom")inlttlne r ti r-n. .1 I lv 10 vt II I.IAJI U. U.U1.IJ at CJ., Dio. lis o ULLAWAillS Atiuua.