THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 18G4. A Mar apterwooj Kr.wnri.rr.. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Pile taaaCamt ruOnrr, r RinKTarsCaxT Pn mm.maM,M Oarrtar.and nulled to .nl.crlhers ei r mm onr Doum r akktm im Don.. mm Tim Cww i mom Two afnifrHaJnearlafcty Id adeeaoe p, tn ported eraer-ad. Miwwu BmerkM at the natiel rate. A liberal Wm! ma, aw a tended maertkme. 1 - T torrraaMsis)Bt. "V ata-var b lMt.V4 for ln.Til 'ii mut be amli .n i.ated b, tutaaaaa aw Ui. writer not necea.anlv hr ll.rUen. kwt M a auarame.- for til. emK faith We - - - w iwimin bu tJotaiaiinioatlouf To Art vi rflNf-r. 0W,,?..!!,J ln-r, h 1'hve.tathvt of Tna Vaa.BsaArH.emneellii.ei.. m. .. ..... k.kamted haa eea , 16 nvlrw-n, ir poe.ibie. to ei-cnr saaaaalnaartaaa In all of oar edition eicre TOK8DAT. OCTOBKR II, 18'H. CM' im trial ('(immlll,, Koonia. j 1KJ (HUH NUT Street. PHII.AaLI-HIA, Onhibcr t, 18H. ' Tonreronjt or PftHKATLVARrA We tave re-elrad daawwiallnB wbtNi makee 11 believe tkat an attempt will -wtaiad ky Haw Voaa polliMana to Halt iha ballot-bokce ia oertala In Hits Mate. ' How waca'l wa allt'nlon man, an.l .11 olhrr porann. V beHer ! fair dea'ln, and bond voting, to tr-urh. ' fvmr4, uVfeef, - heTa-resd and bro-i,tii to trial ami aunl.hfnent a an mayaaKaae Id an audi ruianoni f-ectlca. TV raoef eertalo arceentlv lo fraud, of thla kind Ii 1.1 ttar an out.kte tally ki-pt at each election pull. Let thla he duo at aeery place. mvtow CAMr.KdX, Chairman State Central Committee . jUueti A. W. BaaxBiOT, Beere-ary. Canon- Stat Ckxtkal Oommittf.k, ) No, 1106 Chebnut Sthkkt, Philadelphia, Oct. 11. ) To th Editor of (As Evening Telegraph. Dbab Sin: The return of the State ' Election will be announced from the Union 'League Houm, No. 1210 Chesnut street. Simox Camebox, I Chairman State Central Committee. ' ' A I.ANT APPCiL. Thla- paragraph may meet the eye of a . :tUeo who ha not yet voted. To him we addrea the appeal to repair instantly to tbu i polla, and deposit big vote for the Union j UcteC . Do not neglect It ! A single vote may eauae the Iom of a member of Congress or of the Leglslatare. Do not rest satisfied In the belief that "the city ticket will be elected any how," but remember that it Is of vital import ance that we should secure friends of the Union In the next session of Congress. Give one hour In a whole year to your country and . your Government, and a cheerful conscience will be roar everlasting reward. nOKSIKOUM l'RAITD.0 ATrCVPIEn. Thefrars which honest men have entertained that the Copperheads would not allow their candidates to be beaten without resorting to every peclet of fraud and v'Jlany, are now being realized. It Is known that In several wards large parties of New Torn "rouprha" have been colonized, and that the dens and jianel-bouaea or Fine alley and St. M try's street are "packed" with "Governor Set- - mcuVb friends," for the purpose of voting under the name of absent soldiers and sailors. Aj a proof of this we invite attontlon to -the following telegraphic despatch received tide morning by a responsible citizoa hare: " Nkw Vobx, Oi toer 10. To Jimkb AnK, ' COmei WaiiifitnD arcrne aDil H venth -tree-: .. bUnj Coprxiibtan Ii ft thn Sixth ('".th) W.ird " today. Look out for them fn Phik.lcloiila. " Jamks BAUOAiiurs." BOWOOENTIIE riUIITT At tbe hour of our going to press the Inti mation all point to a large gain on the voto of last ear for the National Union ticket. From the State the accounts are most cheer ing, while In tbe city we think the majority for the Union ticket can safely bo estimated to reach ton thousand. Ihe leaders of the Cop perhead Democracy wear long faces, and many of their most sagacious wire-pullers -frankly give up the contest. The Republican and War Democrats are working shoulder to shoulder in favor of the Union ticket. We have heard of hundreds of Instances of llfe-lung Democrat indignantly spurning the proObred Copperhead ticket at the polls as though It had envenomed fangs. It gives delightful assurance oi the future of our coun try to stand hear an election window and "Wi-oees the hearty hand-shaking of old grey haired mt n who have had the courage tho true -manhood to resist the whip and spur of party drill and vote as their own hearts dictate for the candidates of Freedom and Union. Ia the Tenth Ward a scene of Intense and thrilling Interest occurred, which brought t ars to the eyes of several of the bystandors. A venerable citizen approached the window, whose whitened locks and furrowed chucks betokeoed that he had passed the paalmist's allotted term. As be luuuc-d on his staff sui Twying the group at tbe polls, an otljjious .wuipper-Jn advanced toward hi n with a mlrk, and hsudured him a ticket, Haying Jauntily "lleie is an old Jackson D.-mocrtt he always votes straight ticket." The old nta opened It with trembling tiii"ers until he hai re .done or two of the uumus, when he lluu It iibul hiui wilu lcjiliiiig, .uid tiihig lib clear blue eye on the abashed vote-hunter, be said in a voice husky with emotion : " I despise " you more than I hate the Bebel who sent " hi bullet tlirough my dead son's heart. You " miserable creature, do you expect me to dls " honor my poor boy' memory, and voto for " men who charge American soldiers fighting " for their country with being hirelings and " murderers." Turning away, overcome with xcitouwut, the Ua'on ticket was given him, and loom was reverently made for the true hearted old patriot, by the hushed and admir ing knot around th, window. A MINKBABLE ,,,.,;.,,,. A Democrat wa heard to sa, thl morning : - Iam whamed of being h, , wretched a M cause which prevent my exulting at the u announcemeait of the victories of our gallant " soldiers, and compel me to rejoice at every " repulse of our troop, although my own " brother ina be stretched on the battle- Held." WHin.tct. We have always had an admiration for a elonr, shrill, tuneful whlMlcr. A belated podns trlan, plodding along of a frosty winter's night, beeulling his way with cheerful variations oa some popular song, hai often unknowingly given tis a pli-asurnblo thrill as we listened to bis Uren sfacrato notes cutting through the sharp air up to our chambor, when we woro wauling the midnight gai ovar rom nsvor-to-I'e-ai'prpciatod edltorWl. When we worn an urchin, we too delighted to whLttlo, and worn no mean performer In that way. Wo oreo wiilkel a mile thrati ;1! 1 anl pant a country graveyard, after dark, to hear a coloied amateur, who was said to po.etjm tho faculty of whistling out of both cornnrs of his mouth at once; and wn did lic;tr hlin, b it he had so much mouth that we could nut, for the life of us, keep our eyt on more thin one corner at a time, and thoMore cannot vouch for the truth of his fitmo. One of the swnUwt munlcal treats we evor enjoyod was listing to a gentleman In Washington, who whistle! wonderful hlrd-oigan-Uh melodlos, and arermpanlod hlmsolf on tho piano. We Hire to hoar tho laborer whistle at his w k ii .. . " n work, the SchooMoy whlsllu at his play ; n.iy, ' we do not even object to the steim whlsLla nt a safe distance and the whistle of the wind has a peeullnr charm for us whon wo aro by the fire. But there Is a time for all things, nnd afro a time In which things should not be done. So there are occasions upon which even we, with all our partiality, are obligid to admit that whistling Is Improper and Im pertinent. One of these occasions Is that of a public entertainment, more especially of an enter tainment wherein the ears of the audience play the most important part, such as a read ing, recitaUon.or oratorical efforts ofany kind ; and this brings us to the point We recently attended a lecture givon by an instructive and entertaining speaker. The audience was large and attentive, and his remarks were enthusiastically received. But there wore a few youngsters overstocked with carbonic acid gas, which they felt It a duty to discharge from their lungs from tltn3 to time, In a series of vibrations through the entire whistling gamut, very much to the speaker's discomfiture, and the annoyance of tho "larger children" among bis hearers. In espe ciul, there was one juvenlscent piper Imme diately In front ol us, whoso mouth assumed the most excruciating pucker every few minutes, and gave vent to short, sharp trills. He whistled when the gas was turned olf and when it was flaming; when tho lecturer joked and when be was in the midst of scien tific explanations. In fact, we feared ttiat biy would get the lockjaw, with his lipj flxod in a stony pucker forever. But he did not, for he went out at last, in one long, triumphant note, and when we readied the door tho echoes of his whistle were dying away up tho street in variations upon ltaily round the Flag." The speaker was once obliged to stop In the midst oi a sentence and request that tho whis tle obligato might be dispomed with. Bit he looked right at tho wroii" boy, an Inuocent little fellow, who had sat as stld as a niouje, all eyes and ears; while the chief cuiprit quickly prepared to re now bis elforU with gleeful exultation Boys, if you must really oxoroUe your Ian" , ., . ,.. . , ., , In this manner, either take a good loo- wUis- tie, or choko It down till tho entertaln.nent U over, and then let it come with u will, till yo.i ...... . . . , . fulily whlsllo yourselves home ami into bad. We shall not propose to you a third remidf, viz., to slay away fron tho entortalamaat ' nltogctber. We are not so selfish ai to wish t i .1 1. this. But we do earnestly beg of yon no; to "ulwt vnnp tvhlutJii" unnn thn nnrviu rt Utl your WIIISUO Upon ma norVOS Or am lent es at public places oi amusoiuent or 11 il.HtrUCtiOU. m AMI NKnKVri. Ni fiimstT Stbbbt Thbatub Tbo War- ' ran tii-ure ae.f-ajd In tna weil-knuwv auinedjia t'l He fM rtmtiry, WetrenbeinKof enurae. tUe'oiliiiaa elaak " We cannot look iipoa tliU eharaoler a at at favor, hi to Mr Warren, we cli not aspect from hi a Uie bliftooiifrj witb allien "Amlnedeu ' Hat b eo inraaied t) tlie Tartmik low ci-mcdtana who have atte aped t-ia pnit; but we coim-aie tma to hi. compeer. It irloii, a .4 Mot ihai he ia h aiiui u. unctoouau. a. ami, wli ,1 13 injro. lie doe. not doloi theiroaa aclnahaaaa the 1 ve 'if the . tul 1 liliifc1- ol Ha W'iriii, Ii, lt- a wiu'liuii. hy inilio. Waim uinliea "Anilna ad" a dr7 , tiaril. aourmi, aa 1 or i.t llr.etiaii, ihal i not a. all a.uuiia air -v.rr a hai, a bi-i au-, a 11 pule 101. Im low v.'Uli- 1 In it iit ia, Ii it a. jvi.biai ..a. eve a cu Inm wir irfi'lui iimi li lima-. 01 a liiali v'.uii o : In. "ear t'tli-r I'i-aio ' ia a. yin 111a anua u- ina 1 i-ito i. air va am ii b-i,.ui;a t .Hie very tiitui.t ach"ii nf co ue y. alio vi 11 wl.tu a a-iaa not u.oiUi nun I at 1 a ooi usicibe o.tii.'iu hi ti Ms i-xijii'.i't; ty 1.' a. ol ua-iior, 11. i-ll ai ('ior a Im ma ln.Mira 11.1110 alllitc. Ml. .u . ttyrr m-n - Laoi I'liaimy" tw innct ..tid ia.tHo.i.h. -lad) tJiaaujl' n m 'i w ol raua. anil no na-ll a. .nil f. 1 vi 11 hi l ei 1.I0 . 1 l.y tucii a ? a- 1 4 ai-ie m tin' .Srri j riii'if'i. ili.i Mi-.t.jre''a '-I.W r i-ni' " na tu I .1 d liaav( 1 nt at au e.iual to Mt. 1 tini r n tipn enla.ii 11 ot Hi- r. amcUT. Ar - At.. iirin'l j lii-.i.ii'in-' Alius (..latr i-n wa. tlnelr in d lllot tie in. tl.i iln--hru; xl e lai o m-.oli e e uil vhai il. 01 II e .iiiit ihui we alni'isi lor.lve tie wa-i nl rt aiicnii- ii.''i bi lil.incou.eiy. Mr Itirrora -alure'i ala-iii- t.. aeuin.eit iai ure ll- .p i... 11 '.in. I; 11 lii' a o 111 -o In- a 1 n '.Ii .1 w u rttiit'l'li-. f h:iiiii' n ai i'l har Ir:.- ma-t''ilii-.n, u l 1,1-duic ti tin- l-rli. ant ' vv ,i o . ou.oibIii ' u diQ'i r u a -1ri Inula an ia a .uit 01 eri-; ut tit towa.roua i.i:way w tl, rt'Ki ru t-' t..e no-Hi-a--to t al I.. Ilir..- bal nlnir In Iho i-a-i,-. ii cai-li I tV'-iitiai'iioi a-I.e. In e d, te w; ole ily wc-t on 111 1 it i-uln-il malinir, I ia Hta a il-i-ui.. 1-0. pi-ili.u Hi- ii.iliu-ut-i' if ilie 1 i-illcicnui by ' ti l! lit- ao .linoun. itfil -line (111.. .iu-. , .t ha. nml rh.i-ii ii-.t.ri-r, li,.- ti-rin-iiia mlnak',. 111 pioi unuia a 11, anil i.e bail.llaol J;e .itt... d .ii'.i e i all n'ra t I ' t f n.r,, lituM i i"l. J.I- It- 'Kva i.rr. i.." atl- a h .a Ur. wn- wa - lira. hi- I aa a liauio lieMe al a oi lomiial. 1. e..e 1 lai j . i.i...r t .t-li. 111a Di-ient, a.ii lii'M il u t nu liniril 10 iiii.ii on i.m .t -wb "f a III .t Cla.atliri (i l I al 1HII Wr .al 01 Mr. aW-ll. tlial we l.nvf ni't hai-.' He. i.'O. kilonli! l.a liamancil. anl !.irr bt.l oi.a df, nu lu'ic- li"ind Hot ba tUru.t fir war it.r pai.e a. i v liua . ta..c. al a. lit -on aiicur. in t-ie .'i-r. ecti' ii of tirr ape.-lal ta i pi. in tii' i. .' c -j- .V.o . ry C - it Lire? t, iii-pan a .on o' 'Nan " t-a , oil-.i.r-i.n I On . wen are .1 a i'-ol. waren,et a 'Ni r.a." a. -.Irj a. a. Hi fin .y. I'd i-i I a e m art.,!" ii t i- a.i'ii.1 a-1 .li .?). i' I'vtiaie hfojrua I..u.nua. 'hi pie'iic li.'i I-; ii ui-i.: f t l.' i- f.i'.n. Miss I'aii.inh I,' i miman will appear thti v. i in. , at A-.i-nin:y I'u l. lu.-a. and r-!a-e a -r parj a. 'li'H:uni la t luiit t-.- Ii u.e e Croatia. ei. t u.lnu.'ii i. a v a. i aliii.'1-iit. , o i .it. i'ii n .'l.oiue. Mias TitoMi a-isi "iv. nr of li -r o-st an f swf.ta. cLaa.iir tl.i. e.ciniin, at the Walnut atrcnt 1 to at' " AT m Am-ii, Hi! Drmmio and Vntvall drsv trwu.o i.obtc. i it, ti ai.hA uii,iiinptror h VIII.If . Capital, fl.OnO.Win, tlivlilrd luro 1(,0' aharei at S 0 per .hare. Suliacrtptl-vU price, Sl'Ou par ri ira '1 bl. t'ouipai.y own . iu a oi tliv va'uoli la'i I aod laaaea In the Kanawha Vallty. altuate on lloria Neot and Campbeli'i Knn brarcbei of Hull crock, and wllhia Ave lull, of the Olilo rlaer. Oa tlorae eck the eonpany own one well, which la now pouipln. twenty tliree barrel! of oil per day. TUIa well Is euly Uirea hundred and twenty-eeven feet deop. The Super lutenikiit la now preparing to bore te depth of theothtff walle aurroondlni aa, which are prodncltur rrom one hundred to una hundred and araty barrula of oil per day, when we are .aliened wa caa produce a like aawuuL Taenia another well at lloraa Keck, now bore two hundred and laiy-nve feet, with about thirty feet of oU th well. Th land oa which thla well ii local ad ! oa a perpetual leaae Th UuHCn ek Company own a eno- tntrd lutcreat, our eompauy have the balance of two-UUnla, At t'auptcil a run, Ilia eouipanyowa In fee a tract of thirty-three acre, eoaiidered by koooiIUi nd lalnhif anglneaia th beat oil territory la th Ntat. Tbe ureal Tack welt, Bo win Sv hundred batreln, adjohta thla property. Booka of tubirripfloa ar now open at th Oompany Office, atooa Ho. S, Merclianli' tichauf. A Uaarual auanber of ihare oaly will be eold. JOUN i. KKOaISB, Treaaarar. free the ''f iltiburj Dally Poet" of Sei'Uniber 9, 1W4. Oil Stbibb Tea .WhavUna Intelliireneer' aaaa:- We Icara tron a lantiaD'an who arrived yeaterilay troal r.u.i county iliat eu at ooday Uie Miirum (ill ( -ompa-iy liimlia.ll on lloraa h-ck-ln tliat onanty. which will ytei a thowaaad barrele ol oil per day. i rare I. irri-at atit.Biit on tbe autneci la tkia iklmo. and Ui oil lerar a pia.aiuna t a kaarui eaunt." fioIl.0.Tl7roltl!eu,r ' th" AuetrUa Catholic daamJ ""V1'1 ' hi. p.riahio.iers, who theTs charcb, to b, forihly bitiugUt CITY I:LLIQENCE. Coi.iacTioM or Uattom Monkt rr rv lo una. Il ma? nc4 bu unlntereatlDg to the ; till rs In this city, who are at)cnt 00 furloughs, to know that the ration monay due on a tnriough tan only be rolk:ttd by the sot 1 1 or to whom toe furlough be onfrs, except in tonia kprclnl case., bi tK tie Mhl:tr Cnnnot atond. Thoio excop liutisare ia e y nindo. Th rulos of tho olflce, t ore ihi p 71111 al of cotninutation of rallonn on furlough It nutile, rejn ro that It saoulil he pro. n t.uJ in fx r-on, for tlio -eon th it it is Dt'Ciw : ry tl at the n.oner tie rrtu-lp'r.l f,.r, t'x a r hnv'i.cto utm iiuplira u rixt'lil-nillit bufore he 0 n titTnit hl psy. In orHer to conatitnto a furlough a proper ti m i ) -tiki lr, on which Ci ni'innatioo of rttioiu tnr 111 11 it n KiV'-n hf cnmu'l'nt vt'f.Mi-y, ana VeeTHie nee of that laet nm-t ha m tt luri. u ii; e)'nl!y, iijere anii il.l alxt bu en.'. r-.1 on it iii c. nl iho comiitnv or n plnvpTuI olilecr that f.r mn retcirnail 10 it 11 v t hin the time, nr at the expira.lon of tno fur liii.i ti ihi rfo i innm hi rivuii on whlrb ih' ta tit it mriHtl. It 1 ii- man Iih lieen nvor hi- iian, iha r 1 itiiaieali'iiilrl ata-e that anil-r n tnry enli-n ba Nen luimlird win hn dl'J not rnturn at the up ration ot tit titrtosigh, ami that bo Is not coroi 1 ri-t it th H-rter. A furlough pnuitrd by "romoetcnt authority," ai d piopeilv e, d- raed by tho uiUcor that tifl rt- liniil 11. an haart'ltirnid toduiv within iiiatiia. or at th" exptruii'n ot ,:d furlouRh, 1, lot'M r n .. or tafc-romluH lor aai-l man from oi:r 11 in mi' mi r j inn hi an im chitracu-r itf e iitii it txy omhii mo'My.voucber, on will :h a rer am a- o in f twine.? is due to the man, and b hr 0 its fai-e the data on wmcb the r.otniiiitv iKni Inti mi uunt dun is bie-d. anl any blink or Mu'iia hill d up 0I1T the furlough hat been fj by any other in-r-on than tlio ono autlio nr.i o 10 f,lve the furloHgh, will vitiate It. School Mattkiis The liosrd of guhnol Con trol ts have bten Informed of the olociion of J. Morton Ihoma-, Prim-ip tl of tbe lloya' Grammar rclnol, 1 wi niieih Section; ot Il irrinon Walun, I'rncipal of Rutl.dgc Undefined School; and of Mi sen 1'itrc.-, Principal of tho M mauwaa Ua clnio. fit d School. Tbe comm'ttee on nnnrtcrly reports made a re port In o the small attnmlaav in n any ot the c!ioots, It tietng i.elow ne required avrrsgo. Among thoae named were tao follow, in Oininniar Sehoo a : WeCi-ai-on, bovs; Jack sou, bota; hlufmuid, boys and (tlrln; Mou ht-mt, glrla; Nor hea t, b and girla; aireot, (trrld; Maili-ou, gins; and the 1'iioe Oirla" Or n nmr KeuiHil, A r.aolution was sppeudoil to the n port ti the effect that uul. si tuo schools ro d to fie b -low the average b-. broubt up 10 the fctaudiird by the tlr-tof November, th'. tiavler bu dispensed with in eaeli. It wjs adep ed. N TttANHi-ABBNOv. -This morning the front of ti e Common" eal'b Iiuildlng was ornamen ed by tbe adul'h.D of a tsauiilul oil painting. The trau'pari ney consists of two portray, ono of Mr. n, ihe other of Mr. Jot non. Tin y ocnpy thn 'wn v. luga of die pitinriog, and beiwoun, abore a nest ivroll wmk, are tbe mtincs: Grant, Knrrssu', Sln-rniHii, and Sharidan, Our Pence Coin mi. sinners. Tbe new transparenc) will pro.-ent a boau'lfal spp urnnie wbeu lighted up. Fatal Rkhult. The aoldior named Patrijk Mulhattan, who was injured a day or two atm-e by ibo Uermaiitowu cars, as staled, baa siuee dud. Ahmt Ilosi'tTALs. D.iring 1 nt week U.'O s;ck ud wounded wddiera were admitted I ito the va-kiiik aruiy hopilals la this departinent, and 1279 it turned to duty. To PcwmtASB CioTiiiNO av Low Piuchi, make a a-le- ta. n noir-1 tir itk or SKAir-MAia (l.nnrn-a We aieatliiiiii Ki4tna iniuiiI Insryf- yb, miln mi i mm ftal, ttmt VA In ! per rmt. I ver !hari I. n-iwnliarael t'urt'ie aane simi. nuila ti-odi-r Vehaveal -tr a, alxa. aid l-tii ut C othmn Mm.'a, VuiiUra. anu lluva'. Alleanbe aulttd alti oLtdclay or trouti e. 1 BKXNKTT A Co., I Tow-r Hall, No, bis Markei etrect. . Tnit ORKAT rAIIATlB ON Sati-ruav Nioiit - Ow 1 ft 10 a pre.aor oilier mailer (a tna eilHiir salt aflar -a n-unaMir to wl-a a fill- vi-r-itm. In oar last t-atR-, of all tl-a !rniai encea ti-i-d on tlie -ca-lua M uli ol th' ui wan- 'n -rai.iarpTit ill -t tlin oijaa wai i-a-tly i-i en tlui.uli cwiieca'li wl era a hr'c.nai had Ueaii tlin e,ri oo e AinoRH tl-a moi-t alilklml in-t'ue. and ...II. 11-n Ihn inl.. h.ii I l.a IikIkmi Inn .- "n II .. am n"in v aim c n.n -., ; on I'.miiirv.ana l' 1 a liiiuin one tii eilrinihinKi""A romiany to 111 1 all ti ...1 aH ti a. tv.nmaiir, I'l.-tn'rr.. unier i- : ZVwn."" iU" r" '"'d "r ' ,. ... IiioM ItHimTr Aim, ami Chmap Hi sk, Hair, aiii tinutrunu, ai w. iii-mr Patieua No. nun l:,""' T,,,' I'"'-" "itt of the wheder tV Wil-on a!wtiik n.aciiii e l Im-i-i evinced tT i-a enr-nnrt-a in 1 ojin- a an i ii.uia-i.K .a:i. or ia n ie,ntai-a a.t ato r..l '1 1 1- l-h-i c 1 r- w Inm aw ema J fni-11 a-, llie m ma 1 rai Ka. ih t', 1. i., ai a inii i.triai r.i- ' 't Ptrl.. lino at Kian: abin-a, r u- I h nt aari'a B arc M ne with iiulvnmal v ma-a ?' T"r.'; "" ''V!""' '" hl "'""); i--ta-d no Im-' an arnini ) tm.'il Ui .innii-rr t-mn tliai wli'i-h 11 ! b 1 rr. r ml hi- Whiter A rfilwi a--wl-a in loulna fur i au ti r j t r ml o h- r. f r taai It ii.h,u nt ior pourral t muni'fn tu'li-i pni-ae I 'I h W !.. ler A W I-B a t-b l.-mi-nt, at Ni. Tc4 Otiia. pni in i, nil 11- ii- .0 w 1 uc 01 10a w-e1 ioiiiAr iuiiiu- fiviip fi ttii afH-lphUa t Oktat Hitri.iini.u BLi'.HrtiNO. We rajr rofly tfctinitn ml t' nm r a't-r- i o heave imt vit (tunaot hit v Im v.liip thn wclurf of Aonie. -o . nt oiif ti So, i f'i i-t u t , tjTuI pra iir - it K.oitfic'' Ma vti .j m (. ehl tc 'Duo "vu-Mini m h itiun Mta ttiti in t)e d ii.f ' kt ln of iMih'ly nt wt'in tori I'D trcirif(jri CtAMiHf ihi-wi rotiiiiurlMiii It , r'n rut a tfifHisr v.ti t i if tlft iv o'her "itc ttii-, mil tirrl6-ni. li le(tit , Ni'fl t ory 'rl :n ; m irhine ur i Is nir(.u.i4 to five hiin(iic.i',ortlM' oiitt ey ii l3 r.ifutuleU. . CurUlr.,! d L'i'hoUlt r fttitre, No 1HM Oliinut tret. rnnTnunAPi.i, inwrtnr in !c, qu il'tT, ex?- rt'tl D Mil ttti tit hn ( itDf , K K. KHm-r't tV pfaQ Okrt, tin lii oli " l f, lvui VIli .mi crio tl , v.lo. m JSt. iUi a ut' fet fet, f 1 cokomv vlioul! I if prttcMw'd h overrhndy in ft'l t' hijia. (nc (1 l ar rrn(i-i now In jmrrtm Inf a IWt'e of l nf f xptrurmit li tdwA irtil'l with t litS'it rniia h or hiriTBfo.t ur te 'hrott m; tlit 6xoiU( f fttwifi-'k Mil A nt'tu jtfit t tiili ..ftpn eitli In oufiini,iijou V lia.iit m of tie Hn n ot ll.e Hlutl injt. Ihe yiurt tn ui wiiiuli r mirti h o-vt nnd t jtstln In IM r r'nt.wiJJ -wn ihi I, tUt-m (h vrtit if tuo'.on. Id li'vii' hull, i day. iteU; mty ):ituU morttl) Of ii'lT-rnL'. IjI he aHiicifU t y t ooca J.vit0'i Kt -lorant. It U a a ,d iru tm-i , an 1 i t enr4i(va do wert ItMvn lt i t-aC-J hj iliiu-t nU of i-r ut wfai b.v rrrti.v-rfwl thfir licaUh by it. u a The Ktttectoraat and all of ! jv' t .i'j K mliy MnJIciuet ar ruar.a only ai IS o Hi I'liea nu: ;. t TtFN whi him Ao n Th nitsi woirlorful rrsii ute p u Kfil hy tnr us of Mr. 1. A. A Ian Wurid'i in -toii-r m l ZviobH tiii'iiu, ur ti-r lr in -. ili-j fvr 'ill .o ruttK, inviu r, tnJ I'(aiiiii itifhAT, youiti n-uv!-!). Mt iii'ir Kfny liir. Tf htlr (.4 f(tftt Ml ltd -I'"' ' l'll,lar'4 t 'I.OVt itllg.itl(il navrHiiflfe You . an prucnri tiem a tu Uruin'm. 1 r J. 8 IComk'm l.i'KcrouNT vrill rnro C(uMt,s). C '., C 'iiauaitt'ltin. an t n lritt- cf tut I tllUMN I' IC- ft.. HM lUII, IfjUkt til, fit J. atil'i jf, Ht'4fi.J ktret-t. WlNI.OW 8HIF( Cl 1ITAINH, DKIHilMCft, AMD 1 t t Imi nifijf. at W. Uui'rjr l'lifiig. .So. 1 lori Cu..nut , vtrttit. H'U'UOKH - ( OO.'KU -At the rniiflonea of John I rucii. In tilouci- tor Llty. on tho ili lint., or Kuv. 1 1. . rarmai. Mr. ('HaKLm C HlL'ttl.KS to Him l.u.Aiu ia .v LUUi iiU. bam ot ruxiauei AT KX ANbKK. On the monituy ot the nt, i iiini wiit vi juiiu Airiiutr. utana-ii ytjiira. I TUe re'utivc Hint ti tei.thi ul tin tmitiiy rtt nt,ectt!iljf hiviitd ti ftlifttd her tunt ral, lnm lr tiUM'ia.iC'ii r 1. tl iicn Nn, 1: .1. Arch kru t. tu Mliinlav ujru.fu .jlltUiKlati at 10 o'clock, withojt furtU'-r iiuilce. HiAI.LIKV Kl.U-a. t u tt.e rt - J -it w!.( th r,iiit -Li; ptioi r-jHO-lt'. at Jbp n i HiHir. -m ihu ijJi hit ,u, tam'riir.ol'OKK 111 AJ KLrtV , Aui V V. V Mia- rVA.v and lrlnU r roji 'cimiiy tiivitt-i to aitvuU tii luittiraL. in ilm l-'ih Uhi. at 1 u cl ick, iroia lai rKidBct), In ChehUT, Pa. Train kavt- Mruatl umi J-r I u.e atrt.-li at 11 li A. Al. ' rAKUKIX.-On tbe avenlug of the Itb la-tanLWrt BAH A It KAHHrXL. Kuoeial lrnn the rMfdcoco of William B iru b. near Uettia, thin day, 11th tualaul, at 10 A U. intruwut at WotidUud Ceuititerv. HAH l.-lu Nt-w York, October 7ih, BYBON UAttF. U. l.. HuruKn In U. H. Ann. fuut ral inm the njloiu:e ul bin father, at HarUrlllp, en Wcdnewia.y inonilnif, at IA o'cluck. KfUtlvii and (ripuda invitvii to a It ml the mi oral, without iurUi iiotlcv. HA M FTtfLT. On tha Iwth lmniant, Mrtv liARIA II A ( UaL Y , ia br 4 lb y t ar. KYLK. On th 8th tustaiit, of dlNfaae contracted ubile In tbe u nrlre of hi country, HOUr.KT K H Li;,ul CounMiiy , t'Hiii iti,linnt, Ktulm kv Voluuteem.iivtHl mn son ul tlie Uie Oavld and ilanit Kyle, nra.iuW aon of tbe lata Jubn aiid buaji WetbtirllU aadart'At randon ot tbe lata Hainuel and Hatab Wetbeillll, lie wiuoiij uf Uie nrt to rfuno tvd to tbe call ludhnteuf the t iilon, m rail y round the diur, and oartlcluatod In reral battle under Grant Hhnuan, lialit a arid oibra. To Uie lant be was dpljr ltiU!rMi4 io Ui cau for which be nacniVed health and life. The rvladnM and friends of Uie ttuni yar r sportAitly Invited to attud the fuueraL, from th iwddDeo of his inotber, Vii Mount Vrnou iiuel , on Wodnuadaj aiUir tioon. at 9 o clock. lAf?OHKAD.-On the tth -nut., after lrnjreriniin VMM Mr. J.LLZA.bICTi d. iXU011KAit la Ui Vd oaf ef bar aa. Tbe reiatirea ad rrUnd ol the flunllr aro iiiwtiuHy Jnvlied to attend tbe fuuorai, ttvm u. rMitdtinoa of br l-Mtber-tn-iaw, II. liavls. Jr., M. laai Oirard attuiao, 00 Tburwlay aHemooB, UUt nut , at iH 0'o.ouk, PANI'OAHT. On Hunday moruini, th mat, JOSEPa C-l'ANt OAHT, in the WHb jrear olbisa. Ills relative and IrU-ivU, ai d thnae of tlie fanlly. ara rt-itpwirully invlud to atu-nd bts funeral, without further Bolico, irou bis it reaidwnce. No N. Tnntjr-t4touii4 strt-wt, b-liiw OriMin, on Wedneaday mornmir, ctofr lith, at W g'clocA. To viocod to .viount Munah leuo tvry. fARJCCB. -October 1, 1861, ANNA M, wile of Cbarlet I'r-r. ruiwral from the rerfdflnra of her husband. No. 03 1 la ttrnt, oa Wa44ivda anernooo, at i y't.t. A. It I), 1 wii,t orrp.B mv I'. N T I It M H T ) CJ K ( I LACE CURTAINS at rouTr it.r fprr. IiKHH Til AN OOHT or ivi'oki Anon. I. E. WALRAVLN, BtKXTKHSOB TO W. H. CAKRTh. MAfSONIO HA1-1,, No. 719 0HT8S0T Street. BUSINESS ITEMS. I I L I E'H CH1LLCD-IR0N SAFE. TnE ENEMY VOVS NOT UESPOND. HT 1 11 ANOT1IKH KH'OllT. PniLAiiKLi'HtA, October 10, 104, To ?aritt Kmn$,of the firm of Krant A H'fi.ri:-- Dkak Hut AMoiablv to jirAviout nnuounnrmint, wa no noi' y. n that on ret 'I'htimcnv, (be Mih Instant, at HWxhbrk A. M.,ehaM havtia Nath-n-il Itank HK on Kline. en hri, th first wiiarf below luok etrwt, rrtsdj ir a PI'MLIC 1 K T ; hIu t'at we have Jn-t fur ttprid a tiiFH liana Haft to Msre. W im am Ptnar A bBiikt rs, h. IU' H Thlro strt, wl lc wtll .o be totidy for a pnhlio test at Uie sa ne time, ani thai we nhili fipoi't yen to be ureMint and test tlmm ua your new and linllie p'ii.rtpi, as nuo lely ennoHiirod That we bate th- nlt v ihos oall upon u we ur.smt Uie Mlew In; iii-ftntrttf tbe rostadiik rir.u.- You pun Icly announced that UlUe flafei were ne tnrr fire r or burfir in of. .rcfitK. Ida. ou tuid i-pcD any Vafe Llllle had In use In two hours. Tiiid 1 ht tou would ir It a hole through LtlMe'i Msfe, t KnrsA Watson's oftlcA, ever mortilDK at 10 o'clock diiiliH Uie moiiih ; salmr. also, that as vou hail driiUd one iu u'a drl'l nvy othi of l.tlhe's Hn'of ; tlm niacin (.iii'-lt vc u ttrllj a pablic luslruc'or In the art ot open Inv I. Ilie'a hale. Now, a w have mot yo publicly, at a'l point, an 1 otlt n d oput l.ihie'a Male aaJiii Kvans and Wtu a's n t qual u i ma s a riro-orooi ai d ns a biirvinr-prooi . to ul" iou oi.e ha I advaciaue in t me ac:e tm your own turos In al oiht r rmrtB at the jii tiuo ua Inn that It you rttit notcinnd nee loimi R btW, and h atson'ti Hate tKAinit I.tiM v we ouid fiimiKh yon rtitlerent Haffi uf LilHe's and of yntor i.wa e ci'tkui, and Rive yon t n-e hours ln Hrhdvt two (the Hu e you a-l.el).tn oeii tosm, ehnply B-klra 'hat jou si t uld ut up a nrp.ctalle enta with as, to ro to ihv whilnit party Am you hve no ren)Mnid',d to any of these promltfoni, th iM,TvnT is plain that ytm Uari nH rtk any amount on thi' re tut. Tnat yi.ur honesty and slnceMly In maklnvvour state im-i'i a to th nineC' ruy oi LUlle's arei uiar be fttrly tried, wo n w cull uinn ) nu to te t b H lei entlrnlv at Mr rtX damili a hat uur poHitlnn H pubde irutrwtnr rvNulifh It ; that Uie vuh'le i aa Hi rutht to demand It, and that we I.avf the f ight to Insist iiDm It Vouta.Ac . LKWiH HOK. M O HA.lU.KK,Affent, Na. alrt nKVKN Hi niroei. 1C-H 3t pLBOTUICITY. I.(OK AND I.1VEI A WOUD TO TIIH WI8R IS 8ITrKH!IHNTI All dUeaarc eondttlons, both aonte and chronlo, where there Is vitality enough left to react, are permanently cured, by wa rantee, at tin 1W0 WALNUT Htreet. Thlla delpltia and tn case of a failure 'n moat obsUnate malaillos, no charge Is mtde. Electrical Institution, established stvwt live )an ajtQ by Pruleasor HOLLBti. Bead the following:- A cIps of maladies prevails to a frarfhl extent In com munities, dofniins; liiO.oro youths, of tHith seaea annually to r early arava Those diseases are very tmaerfootly andcTstoo 1'belr eaternal manifestations or symptoms are nervous debility, relaxation, and great exhaustion. 1 uarar.nius. or wsst-na and eonsumiitlon of the tissues of the wbo'e body, shortness of breath Inn, er too huril-4 ' braUdngon atoeiid'pg a hill or flight of stairs, pa' pit a Hon : of the heart, asthma, bronctiltls, aud ft dry, aore throat, I ti(mbllit and hssirur of Uie anas and lover limhe, av(usin ro Sioiet, buslooss, aud to studv : rmUae I dniiiieos of Uto, lost of memory, dliaineas er j the hed, Muiaifia pain In v annua parts of the ' UhIt, a'ns In tht baok and lower hmoa, hJmbsro,di ' p pala. conktipaiion oi u bowrts, draoyd stsie lus el 1 tho kkJniys, and msny other glands nf Uie tvtdy, aro , durl' (! vlruleiu diseases In both aia'es and f -nMlO" ; like , Trvie ipilu.hy, h;klt-na. and dii.brut forms of nor out spahins Now. then, ninei -n'tifi ca osoutof evorybuo ditxl U all the sltove named dlsea s, and a host of others ! not iisn.ou. a ciiif-uniptlon of the luiihk,of of thos.dnal timea, haveiheirirtitln In the pv-lvio visce a, heiie the ' want of tiocea by any f UrO old inodtoal ystomsof practice. PISKAHF.H Or KKMILR I'rotspsns lit oi, Arauorrua, and Iiys-nit-ioiihua Ah fa aoov uisvsoa a ! ui or U ttrit.e dbipiNiiiU hw ihttr mi la n in a I s o the thai puw. oi tin- iMtiy broui In on by lii.ur o, ea.oo-s, s deutary brtMm, i-nrkoiial abuais, airilt n.aiiu l.n- uw irf'p twttft'm S'filn I'f. -Miii.ei r U' peooliar st uipMna are drsatXHis paiiis m-oiu-h ifm hi nni iaoa, wnaknra ol tfie linos, asu i-xiri mn Udkuut and d a lit mroiKhout heaijra b))ietti. 'lite Diot'U priMiuoet trow ihtu to'iieoine luaiNiiies ate aunosi luultnudlno (lonauuip hm, !-p-ttiala Neui a'Kia, I'HialyaJs, liainess, Ithud.iesa, Kits, and Itir-ant-y, ami tven Idiouy, are aot to aai'iu. ho ei'wtiial or r lain) lemeoy na over 0-t o found for tin w aia nli'K ooiml tint tin our laio ntarovery in tu ue ol hleruicny In sirtot atorda ce with h pMi'lvx and i lariatMi'on of me litems- uraaoai. Wu anvi-r fn.) in vnniiK ah ol the o ,ve lisMa, a, '-xoeiit Hi caye of ore an e r-iaf'nl,or severe inmrles ot tins pans ars r'hoii, a laili oi frai i-kpe la'e and aol ity . will Ihv- fii'ire hariiM of trtai np tn the Udlas' -lepartuiunl- CoLsuitation tni raOr. r. P. HOU.Ki Lecturer. rilYsi fN.s. w. It, 1. O., S. f . Bock wit a. Vill ous a'l letter to !r W WaI,!1 U 1 Hi'Mt, fbUado pnla. 11 11 OWN, N l"J0 10 1-X 1'Iiivhi I itltlof'lioriilHlw .VIM A HUJllAltOi, Atrh ad 'Ifitih met I, t htve now in stoieaauppty of tne i Itl NT ItKUHA, Coflo e hills and 1 brNitH OkoOiilitm. IMsiboh! BTKI A CO B MAbOM A HAMLIN'S CA itiKt OllUAhd. MA HON A BAM' IV'4 CAiilwr:T OLUiANa. DKOlkKJi IlltO pUNOri. PlANO-l. J. Bevcntll aud obeauut arfeeta. PERSONAL, r O MY FUIKNDS IN IHCUMO"- (). V.- j i I am Willi Mia lltanrutt ! vnfv ilok llttr h i what nil 1 Rilila priaonerol war and ahewliihss that air. N1hI mnn wt.usd pay the tw&a and ol w. the runt of uor ii t -c r s pr rty till alte 1 able to rfiurn Ith lun i d "Kniiuiter ' plaasa copy ; hUo" Anxlesjor " lO-lf LKW14 w'll.rvi.tilt "1R W m ir r'KK.-I H'ISti YU WOULD 111 tt, tht- in of tUv property. 1 will but: lit a!l ihs c a ar i n r th i hndrcu sni f. I wmh y -a wunt settls Oiv- b it lib Vr O 'iider. Tnc amount i fiom titoU; .ltd I will ifttlc v-lth vuu Ua- Drt oppnrttiulty. 10 10 ii. Lr.lS'iCNil. liid u.yr d "F.uoulrir' and "A x-'Uer" iilva.ia wpy OlaD W 11 F AT WHISKY. l'-Ocuei dmic Olt Wheat WhltVy. Korsalcby K. V atiniiLKTON, 10 U u' Nu. & N. KKONT dtreot. Obi UN liUOWN UKEAD, FHKSS DAILY. 10 8-3i OKOKOBT. HUJlY.No lllo KAt'E Ntrett. IATBNTED JULY 19, 1864. JOSEPH atOTTKT, Eleee de rarla, rreach Hteam lijaln, and tkvurbia un any Uud uf wearing apparel, kir L.diee, tlenta, auil t'hlluren. fatent apiiaratiia lur Htretcntnf panta fri ra ere to fly tn-liee. tta. T,l HACK HtraM. hrasah alo. 'Ml 8,111m IU Bueet, I'hilaUelpnla. auS-aul T 18fi0LVTI0N. THE CO-PARTNKHcThIP J ' ki-trtufere eilalliif uinl.r the Brui nf HAMI'Ki. N. l av KM hON, ia Una ilaj dlaseivid. 1 lie b'l.lne.a will b aettled tij the umltr.iKiied, at No. Tt& IK 't K Htreet. CHAN. K KavlKS, BunrlvinsfartiiiK. rhlladelpbla, kaptuaber au, lafti. C0 PAH7K'!111P.-Th anihnttmi9 hT thlilay fi.nrfil a l0 lartnt-r.lilp under Uie Urln nf UAVIKt UUO Tlinin, rnr Die traunactkm ot a ymaral liaauii aud tta. 6 nth'K aucal. tHAUl.KS K 11AV1S3, j-ait a. v a via. riiiiadelikla, Otttlier 1, lt!l. V. 8. Otrtlloale of Ind.btedneae, QnarterButt.ri oucliart and t'liecfca, aud (ieverutuent bevurlllea fene allj, laiuiil t and aold. I lU-l- lut huaieeat Paper and loan on Collateral naitoUaied. Block an Loana taiuaUl aad aold on Oomnilaalen. QIAIIItJHON eft: CO. 13ANKHRS, 0. 121 S. THIKD BTREET, roiLAXilOI'lUA. SecaxlUel ti BIae funkaaad an for ale. toea,Beal, an OoM anh and Bl4n0nv Bikatea. IXT1JHST A1X0WED OK DEPOSITi. i-J CoDeaUoa. tcfaUj atad. a)-f c NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS I.AOKH, New Nti-lra. VTMK)W PnADKS.i N. f 'A'A mj;w HTvi.iss, 1CEL1T " 1 att,,1;0 " jOARRlH-TOH 4 00. MAMCPAClllKKnM, I (JUeHifTIT STItKKt. .'.No. T'a.'l HI IIKKT. I'LANO CJOVEIW, I .11ll.Hr BTIK'K IN TtlBCITI, AT LOW r&ICES. AMU5EMENT8. MItR. JOHN UUIiVVS NKW AttCU HT.i ' IIKATBK. Bi'.f. liRMfiNIOI OVFBPt.r-Wlvrl lintlaKt, air. n I Wtea ol the neat VKSTVAI.II Tl-MOIIT, NH t'VTIItV NIOIIT. MKL IH M'INIO. Wnfi new irencrj. Hew lirc.aea, .,,. NfW Mie' lni-r. A-o. AMIIP.LO VKVI'V IM. I n w-ioti .lie will .inn 'VIM' AR '.TIIK BTK." anil "IlltAVrl MA It -0." H:IHA - Bit l VAi I H IlKNKKiT VKW CIIKSNIIT HTItKKr Til K ATltK. ll I.K'lSAllli lillUVKK A H II.LIAM K. flLNfl, Lei .ti a and MaiiauiTa. i.i.Kat siioi-k. a OK TIIK WAKIlfr. OuMKllV t.'ilMIIINArtON'. Tllla iTui.ilnr) KVKN Ml, rtil ar 1 1 . HI I, Tlit- iirfnrn ai ni- Will I'liinmaiii'i- wtih the t'oinadr of TIIK li t 11 I S IM I lls Wiltlll. Jinmiati lt In Mr William Warren I .!) n ai-ih' lliialiti. Mi,. J,(. irt..o Mam Im a Mr.linarle. ll.rron ' Mlaa Kmllr Mitanr Tn mi rlnita will, .r. n MK KIVK Sill I.I.I Si It . H'l llliIHY Ar-TF.IINilON, ilrand lamllj M'lni, when tin' NKA lit Ii:k wid be pronentcd lor poalilrelr th InM lime, at re'luo.d pnoea. 8nMULY bUILDINGS. TONIOHT. VIHH Mt.l"H PAtil.tM! ri'a H.roln an1 Iteantiliil tlirl-I'ne remnua llliimi H,j and Hoont, whuae 'Ihrlllui Advemur.-a are ao weu known, will appi-ar In MA.tOK-H tlNIVORV. And relate her axiH-rieni-e whlln In "Dlalo," her caittare, aenleiice, and ti-cailiiiv, and aiioln!m"titas i:ai'Tain or t'AVAi.BV. ISnttl N'aht of lllk W(iMiKllKt;i, nTEtlKOITtflO. Tirki-t ,Vi cenia IteiiTvi-d aaata nil oeiita t'nui'naiioe at H o rlnck. Hi-e di-.TIi'ITp iroKraiiimi-.. it- in HI 1 II It 1 S T KKJKCIKII, ' Tlie areat and oetibrau d picture tij Weet, t'i chef d'u uvre of llie am.!. IH NOW OM KXHIIIITIOV AT TIIK ACAHKMY UK ris'K ARTJ. No. HVH CMKMNIIT KTKkHT, In addition tn iha K.N lltK Art t aieriion of the Ar.demv. Adniittunoa.ttioeiitai Meaaon 'J u htte.ouceuia. li-tt-lui fj" 1 1 M ti Ii 13 A. 'V "Pictorial Campaign Dial" WILL liK ISSUED TO-MOKItOW, PEIOE FIITEE5 CENTS PiR COPY. OKPlt'.r. ho, i( K. TIIIKIt BTKKBT. If lTAlt Oil. COMPANY OK PUILADKI.raiA. I I It K t! T ( It tt . HOST. W'l.I.lAW Mil l.WAKIt. HAMITVL K PIUI.Lira, JOHN II. MK', JaWKH M AltltlSON, R. N, ItkAKL MIUHKNIia, THOklAn AIXK. Tlie Fubaerlptlon Book la the above C impan It now ready at th Uank'mi Houm of Allrhaet Jacobi. No. 4 8.1 HIK'jH'rr , "hllade pkla, wkrre tne Uirecton wiU rntet.and bebaaprta ,ltro aujr Inlwmatloa eoiicarnlnf ti land., A. Huiikci Iption II per than, tl oriflnal price, and no'Ut. BAMUEIi ATjIj N. bKUuKTARr. PlilLAUKlrlilA.Ortuber 4.I1W. Il 114 UC NKW 7-JO LOAN. I - RiibacrtpUon received, and th Note urnteked frei all, Ur UKOKoe t. bovi. Hanker, ae'iVtoj No. IB . TIIIKI) .street OIL STOCKS UOUUIIT ANU KOliD OS otiatMlti4iO, Uf OfcOKUK J. BOTH, Knaer, au-tat Ho.UH.TUIUUB)trei, PROPOSALS. Ol'KICK CII1EF QUARTdtM ASTKR, I t?iN0iNKATi,chli, oat-Kiei 7. i.sel. Propoiaia are Invlud o the ui dur.nriital u nil Tliuit IiAV.tKtnbervO, IHlrt. at Uo'oiock al., for furnlthio, till lie"rttn. t(h rmilrarl) nlili: 0O:,tN I LaKKKIH, Army mandard. Al-ti, ti r the Irnni-diate do'iverv ot 6IAI1I.K f IKllKt, Arai) Ntandard Aim the toiaaiiiK n-aieHal liir 'I rlmmlaiir, to he equal In .ample, wi-n-li can be e -eu ai thi. olllce- IU. I K H. iNNKI, I.I .IMI, na-aaca Ooatll ' CaNVa. I'Al.l IMl.Toi Jacket. lii wn Mi.oiIj (H8''t, for Hack Coat Mieeva ljnlntia; 1'Kt.WN unstlN (boavj), for Jackft Steer l''nna. ; 1 CHKV fl.ANNKI..nrloine' l.lnlnafi-r Jacket', m he ettu at 1 110 UiBc ul UlotMnr and X uipaie In hi. city. ( 'iu tie de iviri-o free of oiiai-re at the 1'nited atatea la- eiiicii. 11 Waie nine In till, n.w packet;', v-nh llie name of U11 p.rt fuiniiiiurf, the kind and ijuan- itt 01 fooda diinoUt marked on tack article aud paika. i aillra orrrtn, 111 od. mml dUllnolIy ttate In their bill thenu ti'l y n,e pmpcee to turui.k.the price, uud time o' 01 il.eiy. H.niplt v.l-n aunmit'ed, mu.t be marked and Bum l-reii o cot'riwpiiuil with tl.e, and tile partlii in. reio uinat auaianl e l"t tho (.owl 1 ahaU be, 111 every i'.H-! eijiial in Ami) HiandArd, oiuerwiee tlie p opotai w III not be C'li.lderi d A Hiiaiaiitet. kianeo by two rnapon.lM peraona, mitt ao-. nuiaii i-ai-h bid. anaranieeicft ti'at the biouer w.ll aupply tin- uri ch-a nwaiili-u In him und- r hi. Itiu. will ne iipeni-d "ti lhar.i!av,U.t-iliervt, Hit. at 9 r't K?a P. M , at tkiatifflje, and bidder are reQue ml u ne im-ei'iit Awari. will be madeoo Krid.y Octi-ber?l, Ii.. im. will b- rniuiieil that Hid c -ntraot will be falthfuU f.itl.lid. Telei ran a relattn to I'rnpo.a'a wl I not be noticed. hiank fnrma of rojio.ale, Couirauta, and Honda way b bi'tali ed al Ihi. onict-. 1 1n r hht 10 tenant any b'd deemed unreaaonable 1 re.nrv.d K.'d' re envelope "l rnnoala for ," an aildu-ia t olonel WILLIAM W.MujilM. H-ll7t Chief guanruiaaler.Cuiciuiiaii iopot. r1 KOrrsAI.S FOK PAPF.K. Nar 1'KI'Ahtm r.HT, Ittiaaau or PHOVlatoaa H tlLi.Tllll IIH'l, tt. InMt. O-ianera. Prr.Do.ala. arah-d and endoraed "Propn.ala fur Paper. will be rvceleil at till. Bureau until 'i o clock P. M oa th .t ' ot Lctniier lii.tant. tor lumLhlna and di-liverln at tl t rtavy Yaidat Urookl) u, N. k'., rire liuitdt ed Iteatua of 1 apei 1'le piper to be white, 11. Inche by lf Inches, to wi-l-li lb poanr 10 the ream, and be made ol uueuetockt to in- nilco vt linrti nn each pave, leavma- aue Inoli marala at the top aud bottom, and both eMee of aaou pHie. haoipita of quality and alze of the paper may be seen at be OII10 of the In. pec or In charaeof Uie Nary Yard at HnaU'ii, hew loik, and Philadelphia, anil at till llureau. 10-9-llt aV- QUAHTpKMASTEK-OENKKAL'S Jfji Othce. ru.t IiivUIob, Vta.MiaoroaClTT. October 1,134. HDkriKH! HtiK.SKhil lilt8Kl II Horn. .nraLi l,.r Aril lary and t'avalry aervloa WtU be i,r. I.e.. J at lilKHltOUO UEt'ur, luopen market, till Ko. uui r I. In.;.. Hnr-.i, wiu ua.Uvfied tn Captain h LowryMoor. a ij ai , auil bi- .ub ectod to tba uauai tiovwunaeni tin I'.i'tioi Im-i, re li.-iua aci ei t, d prki-iy t'a-'atrv, ,17k each, ren nl I'D IIm,. ,IHiiJw:h. Paj Uit-i-t w Ml De mail Wr eta v" ftnd mora. JAM KM A. IKiy. Ooh.ual 1' lr.l Illvl.lnn, lo i'.iJl Qiiaituruiaatur-Uei.eral'udlo. OFFICE C-HIEF QUARTERMASTER, t'lariNNiT1,Uhlo. Heplemoet SS, 114. Propoiaia are Invited br the uader.lKBtid uutll TI K8 II Y.Ovtuber 18, lee at 3 ot lock P.M.,kir tne iumedlat delivery lo thia lli'tiartlueut of G.uich K.aiher ivr lia.a, army atandard. Hat rrather Mockel, do p.a(lea li.rlial., do f'lo.eed t:annon fur lie's, de Omened Hahrca lor Hate, do llUKleelnr llala, do t;iuiiBwy PlKurt a, aaaorted, do Ibcvroua, Aruilery Her.i-anU.aruiy itandaxd. I m terror!, do llenICiilor,Iaanlry, do KialmiutalCvivri, do tiuidoua, do lruui Muare,seU, do Pauipieaoi whic h aiay ti teen ai U OIBc of Ctothiiif anil Kiiil'B.e In Hit city. To be dtiivared free of charg, at th U. B. Inipaetlon Waiekeu.e Ui Uil eliy. In twin packaaee, wltk Ui name of Ilia parly fnriilahlnk, tbe kind and iiaanllty of (not!., duilnclly markea oa each article and nackaaa. rartlea ellerln iood must dlatlnclly alate ia Uieir bid the quantity they piopoaa Iv furaUn, th nrtv. and th iltue ef drllvery. Han, pie., when submitted, nimt bBiarkdand nava eered to corre.pond with U.e propoaal; and the partle Uirreto maat (uaranle that Ihe aooo. (liaH ke In every reautct eiraal to amy staudatd, vtherwla th ureyotai will aot be coaeidereit. A suarant, alaned by iwo rceponslbl eermaa, unit accoiupauy eavb bid, fc-uarantet in tliat the bidder will sufply Uie article awerfed to hlin auder hie prnaoaaJ. Bids will be opeued en Teeedey, Ot lobar 16. inaa, al two o'clock P. at., al Uu oUK. and bidder ar ra.uaalad to be praarat. A waul, will b Bikde on Wednesday, October 1. li-t. Kmida will lie rwiutrvd that lb oulratwUllfJUuiilr fulan. d. Talearams relatra, te prepoaahj wtll not b not', PUuk furm. of prnpo.aje.coMtractai aad bends way b obtained al this office. Tea rtnl w reject any bi deeatad snxeaaoaabl i re.erved. JXudon nvtlov "rronosala Air - ," and addroai I'elouel WII.I.IAM W. Mi KIM, 10 4-101 Chief ,uarteroutr,Clac:anaUapot. Ke. 7w.'l (ItBaNUT M nuirr. QIlirVI !AllaV, or 1S IN IM T3TH, LADIES' AUD MI88E8' HATS. pirtnoN i, i t owpR , wr rKATiiRr..,, KO'ITM AMKUICAN 1URDS, Aan OTIIKK NOVELTIK8, WOOD A. OAIIY, No. TW CIUKHNUT STUKMT. P Old V1H Benneta made over at a rwderal coat. Frit rial aid dceiaota re.t1a4.en. WOOD IS OAKY. WANTS. U' ANTED A FRENCH OR A SWISS Nuiae.le take cart ot a child. Mn.t come well recommended Apply at No 1700 l.ilTAT Htri-ct. ll-i S FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED, IN MuiX wietWalrut cr lw-oat, or Arch, or Oneenut sLiaH. Adireaa 'Purciaki'd tlnaae," at this oille. Ii k QIXV l'HXVT, V1RCJINIA. Atiiuai 7, met. Ortlvlt LKI'OT OP HBI'AlltS, AUMIK KJ 1 (11'P.ltATIHU AUkJNHT BIO II MOB WANTED. UOO T iimlors, 5 "W'lxovl.wrlnHts tvtlit OO UI.IOU"IitllB. Who wilt receive th hujheet rata of Oovernmeat pay, rations, and mt d:cal attendanco. Tranaportatlon fwrnlahsf by apatyin at K. Ill PKNJ..SYI.VANIA Avonuo, WaahJiuJton, O.O. l'J. J. HTKANO, OAPTAIB, A Q. U. JAMK8 M. K12L.L.Y, Ira QUAafKltMASTRIt-S AORTT rOK SALE AND TO LET. FOR SaLE A NEW MODVRN TI1HKE-Ei-i story Dwi 1 tna, on, uoar Miuetcenta strot-4. linniidia eDvShtaa oa. Al'plv 10-U at ho. 1 8. POUBTU Jltrt 0FOR 6ALB OR TO LET. WKI.I.IM(id. , Mos U ant SS108 AKi:il HTaHHr. 1 W-r iEA FN tSH, BLINDNESS, AND CATARRI. t -J. IBAACH, at. It , PioteO-r 1 f th. Ky. ea li-, tit-ala all dlai-ae appei lamina io heaMiveuieniber. .1 k tiieulDKin.ur ... Te Ua mala treat 'he tnoet rnilabls eou.oee In the rn v oan be tiro ai hla oINoe, Nn kit PINK Mveet. TkeatellcM P acuity are In. 1 ted ta aoootaa.ny their patient, a. he ha. no .ecreu m am pracuoe. la-8tf 1B0U8AND8 OF TEETH EXTK ACTED WITHOiTT PAKf. patent aiipiien lur. ty nw i.,rcnta.n a lioabia 8a. r.ratbSill aiji.iii' Ha et Valvad Inbalei-, for a'tni'O laleilnk attroua aide tl.a. and ee'raenna vent wlllio-it pain Tbe only ovale Uatth Uaa van a. properly and safely adutlnisiered. UK. O. L.. MUNNS. 1 l-l ra ' Wo.T81 gfltfJPB BTSKAT. x'llILAUEa.PUlA SURUKONS' tt.' iiAni'Aua tiitti irtrrr., na is eiort MKTI1 Btreet aoove Market. Boorore rauically eond by B kVKKBTT'tt Premium Patent itraduatHut I re-.. ire Tru... Hnperlor P.laata B.lta. Biaaue Htockli... Bup.ort.ra. Bboaldar Braoaa. Buipao sorlea. Cru'cte.. Ladles attaoord by Mr. B.O. BVRBBTT. mrt-ly VEDDIN(.H, PARTIEi, AND KAMI LI 88 II fUiiilitedoBtuenietre.i'Oiiahu.ierma. Parttoular aurniloti paal. OMU-UKT.KI ,.Br, JOjIM Wo. Ill UAiia d.reet. "VOTICM TO CONSIGNERS Till SHIP 1 mi.Jil;L llla.u.e.alo Pl. from U eiau., is ii"w nad) 10 tilaihuau at 0 out nt eet auarr C n-slnea- wlilpien... ..nd Alia odi 1 o'. permitted m foriy eiirht nnum wid be sent to pah to st re. UIOo. atlUilAJUiaUM A o- , 10 8t Agents. SftCIAL NOTICES. REPUBLICAN INYIXCIBLE3. KLI:CTION ItlCXTJKISTt Will b, aanounoed at Ilead-quartert, NATIONAL IIA.LL, tMAUKKT, lilsLOW TUIltTKSHTtl 8TUERT, ' This jHlveikinz. CKO.INHAN R1CHK, President. Waf . L. FOX. Ja., siaoretary. iW EI AlDQTAETEES OF THE CITY EXECUTIVE (COMMITTEE, NATIONAL UNION PAHTY. LINCOLN, JOHNSON, AND 1 HE WHOLE TICKET. Th rturo fr 110 KACn WABD, aa soon ai made, will be asnouaead at Iheae Ueadquarten, CHEBNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, FraparaUaa for th asm bavin, been mad. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, President. it 13$ TO TAX PAYERS AND PROPERTY OWNERS. In autwtr t lniulri mao as to th manner to wlueb In It tvent of bit election to lb Mct ol DECEIVER Of TAXES, I mean to dlnLaric my ilatlei.I will state tlii I shall not arpi print to myitlf, bat will account to lot public for nil, of tt, Sv, per teat, conimissloas now autborloed by law (0 tcllttcOB the lisp kid taxet kt th adof Athyari and that I will put iK p to all abuses (oucklnf xpense, kt advcrtlshi, Skarlff'i COti. and other Ukial saactkns. 10-10-Jt JOUM M. MaXLOr. KSf- ARMY. KAVY, AND CnZ! IS Clotl.ln Aaahreldered. KSuul.-rtrare. Wreauu, c, a My! nsurr. "" nau"4"'mUru, afarehaat Tailor, U 1-3BJ V KIjTTll Btreet, abvr fltewrol. TICTXTJI TATII. lDepD(lent Candidate for Ooramoa Coanoil, ia--jri 8AMUKL J. f.MtKHWK.I.,,,. rStf- TO TIPK PHOfl.K OF T H R FI FTlt wV at l .ih.lirallirank A tin Mil. - , .... " '' ' ' .' I" aim ti lrtHrff p-noirt liti'i Ii liiiw r "1 fl.r ynnr aaf-frai-a till tl -c ( f 1, nil ni !.(; tl-ri' ) mi w I' t i 4 it ay wfriliy r jfouf a p," t. It ba tn ko rtt, ttw of a iy, ail ttf.f witt' an y u ft i ), m, i ,uli rttt'ol'K. itfiil ihr n.r.,r,. t ..tifit la rs .uprla. 1 !, .... a 1 aril-at. tirnft. Ii hsn nriitli n . ... "T'i t i-ri , .,.' , , o tn IM '.II I atlT. INt'OIB. II. aiwl Cdfrinat &n ft to .liff I f ii.iin r ft .tl r.,t Tm ( rin-'l.ini In- v it mt. J a r ail .,r'n .( t-lvti n. ravl I'ai'M wi!' I al t'Tiii, r 1 M. r iiumIm, ol fin. Id- h'ti .aa ami 'h rt i tt j liO' t a i 1 rr.m' I M rn ,rar r th?r !) tauuil lor hmii n-in trir r nn v . fi,iriti li e, fi i r f.-tb rr-t In il .tr MA-.n t,rrrM.hnn .rm t ft an rn'f Itii' at ihia llm tut . t -,v fn,- wi-f lt t Kar l en I an Ht ih) win r.'llcot Irttitln,, pia.iliun utavelal roii rf 'I Kr'l. .'ii. H f (' vol .on. tlmn. nifn cf lh- Kift VVarrl.tnlaf a-hlc m tt. Mif a I i-.irtt aa j.t -fiiko, tt-.i, K, tar at iit rf',fcfW r rrai tTU r i-r im. rn ii,iind a.n-rn.-n i i i -i) ' a1 v ot. -urnit W I n wn ta..r, u, ,cb. h.S' fl1 iSih MjM l iocra.i1 ttll I cm toI a Mar- lin muni ii. riir.fVTi 'ti v r.. -t II a bj i Ifa Mfk i iih ni iiitniina v'i'U in ootmi uii.u - m iwittil ? ati ytvr -n'lrnt,! , llinw-cH'rn'i,firr thfi mili ilim i .t nul. nt 'It pH. int 'It pH. ;jt onloi of the Indrrtd',tit r.:rrt(T r-nninitia It 1'. Kl.Nu, iMiaitaaaa. INI'f.rr.Ni'F.NT WAIIHTri KKT, Al.IaRILMi.K J A V K h ! ' H F If , A. WILHOM HU.Ni.rtT. t O -TAH,;. aJ Wll.i ' W.I LARK H. li P . I I., ri'i, i a : i ; I lVta B. TI'!TI Kl.liKii. ij;. fi.r mtr jrtar. iNHaUN Ksr,iti iv.if"iri. r. .i. KKNNi-r, i JOHN CAvlN. Tor thr- yrar. 1K. J. ft.. AN'.NKT, af NOW ItKAbY-C) t AT $7 fiO lKfl 1 1 - 1 H K. O.NHUMI I'-V alUfl'AL OOiti C nll'iM arc tn-v U IlkMlint i'. l lr nil tr. r O-JiUftti t'otilc.,' . n the r?itorau-l b-iilinoir fDl la niuoth tttfaft at tUf 1t)uc:M. rati a ; - 1 ii Mnn.rt h fm, tf trn tl ft lu Nimi mib'-i-pl-v-rn. (r ton 'to Thti" ravin ft ' pr fn o M-fn kho'ilri lifHiia tall ravlii", tin rt will tw a dlvion t ntiauai'r on u p rlt'ta t I (.mi Mluliiy.of nt K avt hi l-HJ,m P 'U II A. t la, 'i i.iat al1 r lr rlrat leaf (HtocKhuu)om w I not onij gai their ;-ial rr t'lnn. but will al-o p'-f.Ui y wlva a f mail ditirVnil on U.nw Mtock. 1 do lfa-e runs to' ) ra at loar rot nltj tor al.t?4ri yntra. Tha t-ii doiian yf lmr al row in br it e who tna nf tba . Tt.t p'rtrnt "apottr ot th Miiti WJHHVmm pt 7 or one tan iar harr. rhit wiJ anon la lncrea4 to LMa tni, ft..-!, fl aiva tlio tVminany liW.tXJ t-iia to In iut"l() r tt r'U tn'at narkf ir'r. TIIK PKOPI 4 KI:OM W i ff 'II HiLI UK MVlIKl UtNii II i BKH KIKM I'KKh. Hiu-cripiif ua to tho Sto"k (wMf-h may it b raada at u pr al an ) will c rvc:vt-i at tii itiin-o ( iha joaa l-any, o.fH H. rti 1 11 Htn-t i, .nd irjr. IAM-H tlMi, Praildant. Tnanr r-J-)HlAII K IHTl.KliOCK, ho. 1X41 Mil K KT attt. HiitiTOI.6r C. STONKS, No. tWt H. TUIaV laf.Mli KtJEVie. in tii orous: JVr r,TN'l, No AS S rtmth atrt. r liWaXKU JNKtt, Nu. oil rcjart. IKMC. H. PAII1., ho 4i: Walou at rt, I' K i:Ia rtlN. Po IkVtM 1 :.ul rHrru. lit M AH 4AKhKI, Nu liChp-atiutatroat Fnm tlm Hat f Hocaholdnr.t w a-leok tU fnipawlBf e l-kiicwn and li-nhly reiiMM,talt nam.inticatl'iaf or ao titii (fi) tlu,ft wan have aliradv rpM'ovd ihoir OaU. and who run Iwar wltnea to I a iipr1r fjualuy, Taa mcKk la tuff oif vory raf idiv- a I ctatttta ol thaoofaraa nl. aioitil 'f( di-foacd io aail tlimfvo of Ita aiva ttKf"' A ltre iiunUpaf-of jative. art einlir irod amoat omt h-'iitrT-. a id there la yi-t rini fo- mum Willi. in .1 Tii.r. Heuiy Mainia. It ( ADliOO, Curtib t.'ia inn, N. 8. Law rtn,, SWllllam alritliUia. Itnh'itll H mi t'.li, William Cutita rii-rK! U't'Mtl, J H wiieHor, M. n.iinr, tClia-r- M Morn. l ath Htaiwagon. W II. -ih fiiau.kur, WiMlBlD Hie, Mr. li MwarJs, K K Mi'tMklia, John Met any, V C Panlii a. Charaa Peak, Vt in. aicttiiij, ltd. I II. Ituattr. Joi n c'atVt, ItvH.jantin II HaJnea, H4 BrtliCt, if: A Mvrm-k, K M llntti.ra. (lit my K. Wal'ac. Hnutlicl N Cov.i, 'aniutl Kilfirlck tVarru a. Davlf, H- bert It. Ha-l-r, 5 Win M llhlcr. b4M(i) K. ointrijr, tui V. IIJ:, jNine W. I ta e, Ci aires Anva aro, La- k-l H Kt er, Jamea Zimnn rniari, C M.t aipautor, J. It. Pt'tib. Aoiatiarn ntewart, tVia t.Hnialt, .tiAta acr, MitckUi 4 hlttUJ Oa- rg' rtifp a, 1 avid W Heil-ra, Hory II l'-iu, (fioifv w Havi-k ntau, Wui,t.rn fr'BUsHn, K. J L'., AllnO V unir. William Aloarger, $i aK.t-ana, . nn M Hl i'T, It A. rt. rows, a4Htr6 rJICr OU, Biaitl w l ttiaujr, I'UkIi -Mc'ooieii, Win W. HmeOs57a W ni o HaliK!, H'UiiaH A. MlLker. V'm. Edtiwi. SJ. V niiktnat a, Urttn Ali'HirvQ, ! K Um, J.-iin 0 tikut, A. I. CauilrlBoJl, J II (U'aia. Jobr W-rallold. JaonbH Hrtuk, OliMiktMi I sUey, John A 1 i r, C'larl-a Jnncal, Ii H. I oy &(. D. Cbftrlfut, J keph af 1 houiai, Wm oiaJ-lT. (JoortP i- rator, W . b Morar, J. II Anmi a, J PMldhaii, it'v 1 avUir, LVa.te. K. Itm-d, hatu.fl ii. Wood, 0 H C avfilti, ltohen Mot.reitor, 'I lioaaaou A Bn. , Uli it klOM-li AJllkOO, fvV H am Hur, K M J. no-, w. W. K.a, U. J. Ortir.. Jar b t Ueninn, Kdward PradK, S . It. Matl'tewa, . W.lowiiaoiiil, be I . hn-rkp-Kon. ,lrt-ph 'I , Itowaad, WII iaui A. Ho In, WV U 'lalloiaitli o, (hi.riv'w 1 Matneyi, rrderlek T.aiaa, Jp. h '(fin let, o ii I win, M (nllniul am. IHiainU. Mitlin. hlct-a'd U. MUhv, 'thxttiaHt;. Ito and, iiilert Ifnlxuu, Jol.n HtNl, Wi,lani lirioa, hi. Iti ror, A. larrttt, WiIIiudi Moltoy, Janira Hamnden, alallen Mi lw ' .tt at icliaei 1 rary. 1 hroiaj . Kt iuU. U. W. (.auil. johp J. Kiomar. JannaH Mttvent, Itinjaniin P.tiiiiU It. iHtoit, Jr.. K. I. So, t J. K. M- iMk, l'lnlip WlUoii, J-anirl WmI hiii, M ax A. Jt-nka, liavid Horn, S(ie.-r,'a Keller, Win. J. 1'bill at, h-. a. M Jei y, Kev. Ir I'atu.u, Itttv- I'l. WarliD, It or, C. W. lieiilaoB, Pakf tunia WUliaiaavtt, (K. t Kairy, II. H. Hhi'Ungf.ird, (Martin lwyar, 'Jolin Klein, gM.C.Cadmua, Mohn K. 'I aylof, K A. Waiaou (i. F. tKl- fiK. A. Lradheatef, i lliooiaa Ituatoa, Jfkhn t Havana, t,phrn Kfti.ei, ;C1iiarle('nrail llru'y s4rnl.. IfeJoho MrK. htHL II. H. K alley. H Prihl4n A C fcK .! Htianaiar, '4 V Mu piiy. ;Joan P Hair. .Jaa. MaiMioa rradoy, V. a. a. toil, (t4in i to llrooka, Aug Mtapnck, l l' Kirn t ibp) r . v ppaML ('Tiu U Ihiilv-, wKit-H-rich OadmHa, Pu.Kt,a r, at i , iolin M -it. rt'in. tl. hanula, K bert Jrtlan, yJanie ti O art, iJ al. Unauia, John tl. Ark fcay, VV. M, trnnoL K. W Hindar, W.Toiaplaa r ranoiM Hruntn, Kiia ard r oi at an, Wlit.ia Jewell, AC. ft, AJolpbna eraa, flu una. M-nHnty. Jotr .UcKoa JJacobU. Ileramffl 5lavia Apiitvwatw, ltvyiaoiu ihuianva. Ul i U lavwfci. 4 So-a, bJotia tr- a, SittiirrO f on air. i w ii iam Jonaa ' W a toa. Jantaa iMirittJ. naniuol It. Hi. want, Witnaa M. Aoatay, Kdvart O loo, ?.uito Moa ner, P. Huut i nti. tlCoTKO I Min.r4 K 4 tUua d. Inato Hi. I i.m er, Jriiwen J. 8oot(, Anilu Hiake. uJaraa. WlMt'lntoa. iltia loa a. H O UiiuuhtMi, J Lid' .rn. A. K liaa. J. Kraak. M. H, I'-warx, Ai' art R iiiier. KaraT ii e'oi, .lotin ftrttlior t dfta, Kr d. vi ii.-im. David U. 1'Qotn J. Moiu'o Wu.iM;anTa. John Hin, Jntiu rraxar, lleury K M.irr W, HaujUPi Hlmoaa A. A Ol bert, iO Itnu aliiittioflar, a u. Aiburatar, .Itobert Koi. 5 lt ti maa. Uh.riea (fra.aar, Alfrtd vVhimiai, lot) me ary, Kdwf P'tMiy, ' , Hamuttl ft. ahroa, (Ni'tlruf H. Andria Wi Utu li. K-oa( laaiw K rper ilon hK, l.riidail. Jot rt (k ktor.b, Hum Pa M. Wniia-n l U.aeaa, (! M. n--rr, M.J Rriulr. W W.tiardiior. T D.lMka, Jespe I.a-ra, I Paul J rifld, ilia- r J Kei-, ;Juha Me rtaura Alfred II , ' jl-red 19. Hwotpe, llriiwia Kent!. .laioea H 4 swart t 'i arit a Cornell, r an or nrunt. Tnnia P Ot.Hirlv, ' wunaia ar tar Ht Villlaoji andaaa. (Joha (iiUo d. Jam. .1. All urn, t wiliiain ir. Taylar, Ttioaai uT'poliaaa .ltnn H PI otiaU, knot Hnd-r, Jtihii hraKliitstoav g.pua Pli'llla, fc.J-oteh J thBaoa, 1 HODOT1 II U III, 'i'nn'e IVMtaiaf, N N.I ok.i (H..) kHunis B Ohew. Joto al i.iiu I J I'liontrta C. r. T. Plorw !r li. laaiiii, klotO U I.llUl'lrl- V &lai. wroa, W. P.huui -, I -. am . lieiMllv, tlletiry H. Piel.l, HKJvard Hlddla, llhartM Hat, lK. K. Hnlah, iSr'nuioia Thole, IT ElwiMrd Cliapoika, Honr llottrlck. Walter (.venaon, altciiavl McCaiUua, P. 8 Morila, WlUUm AdAlr. 4'taac Baka, iKOtiarlea M Kvans, Juhn McDyrreU. Jr., ibbuoiuol liniify, IJohn &. (JtUatta, Ll. Monk, ' ijani Wlnnannv. ty, af. Need lea, Tbe'drltvary of foal In afanarunk will be in charjfa of Mr JuHN AUAMH, who will ba ready to cuianwuea ,-aTuil'Bi on Tl'K81)AY next. Arrantferaeote ara aiMjut being uiada to aupply UKkUoldcrt io (Ivriaaa tawu. lU-10-Jt rZ8T TIIK KEN KINGTON BANK IN THE COI'HIY r PHILAI'KLPHIA. PhilaiIv-TiiiA.fvt-pttiiubar !. A ftut-.tU Muetlag vf toe NUvk--boltttra will be beld at ilia hankli.g lluuie.on THUHd I'AY, tlir Wth of October, at 11 ac'oih A. at., to dcla oa Uie expedleucyof eoaaartlng tna Bank Into a Mauoaal Aaiouailoa, agreeably to an act oi luBMTaaa appraved June fl. IV'rl, aud lake sat-h vihvr a.-iinn aa may tut aary. My tidor wUK board of Director. H 0. T. YEUKE8, Caabieff. (TET" CITY TEEAkSURF.R S OFFICE, HOT ICE TO CITY L0ANIIOLtEKH. Tba City 1'raa anrwilpay.on prautation, all i It Lvna auturiiig jauaary 1, ia,, viu. utxt w 5itY hOanfM, t'Ua Treaeurer. fiiiLALiai rniA, HepUuDar W. ltraa. A .aeralMMtingaf tha Wt-xkltolrtera ol Ik raxu.ara' ,1 ate Uaak of PbUadelpUa will be beid at ther A 7..!,..- Hoaae oa tUVUthAr, Uie AKk day of (atobar 1 ari.1. ai ; 11 o clock A.M.. for tba parpoae of taklajf Ink ClltlUl-VU, aaaa a.-.. :.-m era. - 1-a'. . eva. n llftnai , sot Uie aaid Bauk atiaU become aa Aaiot.-I kUua for carry tos f OB Ut DUaiaaaa oi dmiiiui wia nn iawi m u ubiww K,toa. aidof aaerclainK lite power conferred by tua Act of lite (leuaral Aaavaibty of thla Oommoawealth, aiiUtaaU MAa Act It ni Uie llanka of Una VoiaawnweaitJi tK-4kBie Aaaoclaitoaa for ua PariPf-a of Haukliut unaarl tba Lawa af ibe Liattrd Ata4a,u acpi-wved Uie 'ivi day af Auaat. 1M4; aad to take auib actio m fagard UiafHa aaj ajay ba Daoaaaary aad proMir. ItyoidnralUtdJevaidof lkaHora, Pmv!