The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 10, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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X( FKv, Ftc. rt.. Etc., ,.., K,,f
SJlMffBl Thn rvrnlnc Trlrtnifili.
Washmotos, October FL-Fa, t, the hour of
the di parture of tho mail bout from City I. tint
yesterday, there had been nV tt tia oT.ilio it
on any prt or our lines sine, tho KjVI ttwk
Butler's front.
There was report cnr t Bt City roint tlu,
the corps General VV'ae had been swimr; to
the t xtreme Kit, wh. j4 nut us witi , a
kalf of tbe Sou'hshV rhilrmid. la tho executi in
.f this movement reposition was ere cwercd,
otblng being m, fcm gmilli working ,,4lllcj ol
the enemy.
Erig-dier-O rTterU Ferrcro, rom'r.anliiiT tho
folorrd dWion of tho ym Corps, cama Nor.h
yesterday on lcil-.v.
At City Tolnt. anil hi fact nil alr-pg our whole
line, pevfect qksit n vailed yeetorday morning,
and thyre were no indicat.ons of anything deci
sive r elitg new at hand.
In General Sutler's enag"tr.'nt on Friday the
relative, lossec are stale at General Grant's head
quarters to have been rCniou, two hundred an t
sixty; ami if the Uriels, eno tbnusmd. TUa
affair Is lot kci npess at the front asadoeidcl
access rXir one arm.
lrp1rti fro Pri-tltloiit Lincoln o
Mlavinn ('unit-run.
Wir.iiiO'.nt,, Octirtrr-r 9, 5-20 F. M. iron.
Blmon Corner oa, Thiladelphia: Tbure Is abso
lutely no new hers from tho Army of tlio Tuto
mac not publ Irtted lu'Plamon's bulletin of yester
day and be faro. Tho lino is open, and Y.toro
business do f alettes -are passing over it. Have
1 so alarm oik ceoon; of vague despatches.
A. Lispolh.
Our Troops Hold the New Line.
October .--The 5th and 9th Corps advanced
tbeir lines yesterday a half-mile, driving the
enemy's s'imikhers into their breastworks.
The movement wasfortbo purpose of feeling
their strength, and to determine whether t'ua
part of the line had been weakened so as to
strengthen their forces elsewhere. Our forces
told the ground guiued, bat as yet have tnado no
attack vn the main line.
A few prisoners were taken dcring the advance.
Tbeir statements are merely a repetition of
almost- all the others, vl.., hard times, great
despondency among the troops, tc.
Ticket Bring was kept or all last night. The
prisoners r-a they are ninch opposed to this bar-barons-
practiea, and only indulgo in it on the
positive orders of their officers, but that they
generally fire too high to have any effect.
Their officers believe that thi practice prevenu
many dencrtions, which is trim. Our mortar
firing is suid to be very accurate, scuvcly a day
parsing in which a number of the enemy are not
killed and wounded by shells bunting in their
WAsmNOTew, October 10. As tho mail-boat
was 'euving City Point yesterday morning at 10
'clack, heavy firing was heard on the rigut of
JamtB river, in General Fuller's department. No
particulars are yet known.
The boat brought twenty prisoners to Fortress
Monroe, and ninety to Washington.
Eon. Severely Johnson's Views.
Etc., lilte., l-ltc.. ICto., Kte.
- .'V s S J 1 j-
PJpial to Ttie Kv-laic T-lea:rati.
Saltimoub, October 10. Great excitement
now prevails regarding our election, which take
place on Wednesday next. The UUllculty exists
chiefly in reference to the voting on the ratitiaa
tkin of the new State Constitution. Reverdy
Johnson, in bli published opinion to-day, baldly
dCDh s the legality aed constitutionality f the
new Constitution, and declare the oath it pre
scribes to voters is totally invalid, abortive, and
null and void.
lie therefore advises a'.l persons to tuke tho
oatb, if they so desire, and vote against the Con
Btlttitioo, as it cannot be perjury or a moral
wrong, because the oa h it;lf being without au
thority, cannot be binding. Thomas Alexuudor,
professed Union lawyer, also holds the pre
sort Ud oatb to be unconstitutional and of no
effect, hut does not advine aay one to lake it iu
any way.
Wm. Trice, Esq., United Fu:le District AtUr
ney, thinks the oath legal, whilst William
Schley, an able lawyer, and a McCIeilau man,
diUers from him. Governor Bradford holJs to
its constitutionali:y, and require; the judges to
awear every voter, else he will cousider the bal
lots given without the oath worthless, and dui
caidthem. There iu a warm tuutrovur.-y prc
railing, acd trouble scims to bo brewing.
The judges, however, have agreed to swe ir
every voter, and reject aU who do not take the
osth on the (uestiou. I imagine
many Union people will votu against it, bit nat
enough to render certain lis delev.. There will,
no doubt, be trvnblo upou lvgal itud Constitu
tlonal o.aestions, iavolving iu validity, after the
lection. The whole thing is budly mixed up aud
forutbddowB trouble.
MeClellan politician, it l feared, havj beu
playing foul, in orucr to beget defeat, so as to
lacreat the Copperhead vole.
Our new. l,y to-day's Norfolk boat is favor-
' 77 jus frm tbe fjout spealt mutt an
rae1gly..u4fcaylu,;huioud mu.t certainly
General Warren ha tiee . . , . ,
to aoa IiU family. Wn te, " e
CxiHO, October B.-Th, su, J1
Jxtuit, for Memphis on the 7tu, bring, T5 Ules
Of tottou for St. Louis, and abot mu ollic,
passed up for the same destination during the
week, and landed M tot Ciucinuati.
The receipt of tobacco from l'uducah and the
Tennessee river lor the same tiiuy wore j )i) UUds.
hvw York.
The Trial of Mullcr, tho Murderer.
fArY HixiK, Oetohrr 1.0 The tK.amshi
llama, from KouthHinp;on on the 2Kb, paistJ
this point to-day.
Tde nesinchips .'rrr, ft'jra H Mt ia, iml
llnia, fioio New York, arnrrjj out on the '2,'il.
Tl e steamers lltkjum, from Quebec, and the CUy
of Wmthington., fiom New York, fcrTlved out on
tbe S7lh, a 4 the Urrmnnia on the 2Hth.
The coroner's jury has re urned a vcnlh t of
wilful murder aiiaiiift Muller,ltic li'ilegi d railway
a" as- in.
A. W. Miirtt".i, Iron m.i'l' r, has aij.i m le 1 t
Arurrii a, having towd tiil'.s on the I. : ds H ank
telle atnourt of tM),0(!0.
Alfred Tcnlc, a wimiII it meich mt, h'ts failed,
v.iih lia'iCitii'samnniiCBg to ii),ij i.
The liabilities of the Leeils llmkimr Company
are il.OuO.OOO.
New YnnK, OftalM'r 10. The steaimir i iti
nrnved hi this pen IU .1 1 n'.'l irk iliis in irni'iif.
Walter avn(; Ijinder diedai l'l ireticc tho 17 U
01 Si pt iniier.
'I he report that the ::n,Hiiinc"-)C it of t'ui
Fianeo-liaiii tiea y had be n in lo ro I'm 1'op i,
anil that lie v knl tor eoi'i s t e .i -n t ie n. is
ci nlmned. The l'ow reipin ted nine lor
ration tie fore conininn r.aiii.' lis iinnre-sio.i of
tlio f7e' ;s the new sialc of IUiu ;s iniglil have
upon Uicj Fiipnev.
'1 tic fjsliiK (if tho rn'c orj.liseount behn It ui'i
ol r rnnee ha- h id an u-fn vtira'ile etlet mi tra le.
A few Iih ian uuiii-irv has In en formci nil ler
tho ) K mdi ney ol lien. Delia Marueiri.
I.mion, W The Siss Nitional
C'rrr ncil have rutitl"cl a treaty of coiuinoreo Oe
twem Kr.ince and S t.erland.
A l'russian army o nceupaiion of 3i),00O men
V. i ' I wlnier in East Jutland.
It was reported in Fans that the Ci ir will wln
ti r at N ire.
Kiots have taken place at Turin In eonseipionec
ot the iruiiflcrot the eapual to I lorenetv I Menty
pi icons v. ere killed mid many woimilud. Anew
Cabinet had tieen formed, Kiel trampii'liiy pre
vails. Kowland hud resigned tho f'rusidaney of
the Council of State.
Ami hican Sici KiTtF.s. Illinois Central fcii l
tipi sharis lnvo receded percent. Krie
tliines 1 per cent.
The Titnlon Money Market is firmer. Consols
b7!(SH tor money.
1 1 e Ki'tiei losn is ipintcu at t'iQt 7I.J.
On the l'aris U iuri-e, French Henics are limited
1M Mlf
l.ivKtiiMioi, Cotton M.hkrt. The sales for
Iwn cays amounted to 11,010 bths, ine uJini?
S.'dO b iles to S oi iihitors and for exjsirt. The
market ! (piiet but uiirh.mped.
Tho llnuchchter market hud a downward
IlKKAiifiTt l i s Flour (hit. Wheat llrnior. Corn
firm. iml a ivauced Id iT iinnrter. Tne IVo
visii n Miule i is dull It m t r Bt ly.
Saks on Friday .i(W0 liules. Market dull and
unchanged, 'i ho following aro the authorized
iuututious :
f.ilr. M,l,ll,nij.
Orleans J'ni. 7d.
Monies asrd. Mil.
Up'aniiH 'jsi'i. 'jr.Jd.
Stork in port, 4i'J,900 bales, Including lfl.O K)
liieaosiulTs firmer, with a slight udvanco.
Fruvi-ioiis quiet and st. udv.
Fo.MioN, r-eptein' cr .'iO Consols closed at 8"j
(ti'j; for money. The bullion in the Hank of
F.npluud has diereiiseil iW.OOO. Tucre is no
chin to in the bank rate of discount.
The market for Auicneiiii securities is dull
and the Jtebel loau bus declined ti(.eN per cent.
ReM Loan Declined 6 1-2 Per Cent.
Sr. Jouks, K. F., October 10. Tho steamer
SVufia has paused here, with (Jneenstown dates of
the 30th uit.
The JU-licl loan declined tlj por cent, on the
reception of the news of Kurly's dele it iu tho
Shcnamloah valley.
The London stock market was very heavy.
The Hunk of England was purchasing gold.
Money was dear, and there was dis
trust. Several failures were taking place daily, entail
ing heavy loes on cotton and produce traders.
Comols iu London on the 2'J.h opened at 87
Qi i iikc, October 10 Tho steamship Jura,
from Liverpool on tho 21th, via Londonderry on
the 30ih ult., has arrived at this port.
The pol.tical news Is generally u:.importnnt.
Tl.ere iscontitined depression and additional
fnilurisin Knylish commercial circiefi, but it is
re polled that no panic prevails.
A lia'uiie-rigged KeUl steamer had been spoken
in the Multu channel.
S'ominrclHl Intpllljrrnm.
Livnii-ooi., Scpteinher 30. Cotton Sales for
the eek li.'i.OiJ hales, including GOOD to specu
lators, una 0 i00 to exporters. Tuo inarketopened
irtiguhir und uull, wuh a decline ol id. on Ameri
can, at. d 4(r 2d. on other descriptions, tut there
was more conlidencu towards the close.
Official Reports of Skirmishes.
St. Lone, October 0. Official despatehet from
Jefferson City slute that the advance of General
I'rice from .Osage river to Moreau crock, ten
miles from JcUcrson Ciiy on the 7th, was spirit
edly contested by our c tvnlry. A considerable
nuniLer of tbe enemy wero killed and wounded.
Our less wasseven kllledand forty-nine wuunded.
On the morning of the K'.h the Kchcis drew up
in line cf battle Leforo our works, but, alter belc
well pepnercd by our hattcriij, moved oir towards
the west, and were followed by our forces for sU
lilcs, receiving sharp punisLment from them.
A detactmcnt of the fth .Misjissijipi Militia,
under Major Montgomery, attacked a camp of
300 Kebels, tinder Hildebrant, at Tyler's Mills,
St. Fraucis county, and killed thirty-one of them.
Epcclul DespitUJics to Kvcnins Telegraph.
Washin stow, Ocvj'ior 15.
i:iclioH Irlebw.
The Copperhead are busy niaufacturis.; fa'.-ie-boods
to ailect the l'tansylvaaia eieLtuu to
morrow. The military news U all good.
How Ibe Moliliei-M Will Vole.
Frivnte advices from the army state that the
Pennsylvania regiments will v.o overwhelminij'y
tbe ltepublicun ticket.
IM-alli oruouernl Brrrkinrtdxe'e Mother.
The mother of John C. BrockiuriJgj d.ei in
Baltimore on Saturday.
CuntriM-t for Brans.
A large contract for beans was awarded on
Saturday at f irty-ciht cents per bushel.
EsrhMuife of I'rifiourra.
Quite a number of exchanged 'prisoners from
llichiuond are here. They were ncurly starved.
A Rloehasc-Kunasr off 'e Htt. '
.,,! J!1'K'N-1'-t October 10. The blockade
tan. ui,' fn,,n Cork on tBa ')tl. l'J
IVcus from Use Soulli.
Important Success of tho Union
Troops in Louisiana.
Increase of tho Union Fleet Off
" L.-ut Mrui to thi Last Ditch.''
We have received c ipi. s of t'l ! Hi :lrn in 1
II 'o' and I'ifidli U of Friday, the 7th infant.
llHriiit I . a. Ir.uii LnnislHiia.
Ftvi: Mi: ks i hiih Cunton. I.i., Oeio'iT 0.
Yi sterd.iy th'i enemy udv mrnl m netvy lor e
from llim u Sain, on the Clinton and W m ville
road. (Vronel S -ott, Willi only on l lv!ttl nil,
Inueht mill drove tlieni lin k o i ttie Jiksii
road lo wnhm two m.l.s of I) ivo i Sua; on.
bi inp I'linked an I tho cie.nv ri'i-T r 'iil'.ir e I .
Colorn I Scott teli b iek on rue Li'i r y M i I. an I
the f ncinv oreupied Wi ic'vlUo yes ei'l.iy cv ;u
lng mid Clinton early tliisiuoruiu0.
Tim Ynlley.
From ifir liirhmiintl Oiyrtih ft, ff- to'f 7.
A Hairs in the val ey are not by any means un
iavorulile lor us. The cm my still e miinun ti b1
pie-si d ha.'k, and rur eavnlry now hold posses
ion of the norm hunk of North river, I lie in tin
hod) of the icdvniis haviui; talleu back beyond
llariiMinliurg, at. whu li place tnev h ive a in ule
rute fied ( Iieiirnpliu lit. Tn- irou'er line of pickets
extends to wi bin siuh of the 1011 of lind-r--vwitui
, vt h.cb is six or elht miles somh of II 11-ri-onbutp,
and west ol the valley turuiiike. Fro 11
thnt jioint ttie cn iip of the enemy can lie pi unlv
ii'i'ii. The ir ton e is vannus y estimated at from
twenty to loiry thousand.
At Wayni! imro they destroyed only the depot.
The Hour nulls wero not destroyed, n ir were any
of the private houses. Tho Hour from one null
whs ilistt ibu'i il among the n groes. tlur cav.ilry
charged the FediT il troops in the street, dnvi ig
them 111 conlii'ion, and pur-ued them s i rapidly
llnit they hud 110 time, whatever infill haveiieun
Iheir (h she, to burn private hoiis- s by tho way.
At Staunton tin y destroyed only tho ilcpit.
WI. khain's Cava'ry li. i!adn are represented as
having iiisplityrd conjiicuoiis u ilianlr , being tha
f reiMiM III (Innri'iir rim eneinv in the streets of
Wayncs'airo. l'as-i np-rs by last nnjht's tra.n
leiorr that all is iioiv ipuet there. The (ruins ae
rui ni us 10 within a mile and a half of Ht-.tuiinin.
Thcbriilce over C'iristi iu's ceek was lull slightly
drysted, and is already icpaircd.
Tll KlipidiKi.
F m Iht ILi luwmil In, 1'it, ,. 0.1. 7.
Fas-cngi rs by la-t in Ill's Central train alsi)
ret iit that 11 eavaliy foreo advun e l an t rigaiii
burned the brldyo lit 11 ipidau slntioii ou Wel-ne-dny
ni;hi. Tiny aro said to be advancing on
(loidousv iile, bur. nodiing couiirinarory of 1I10
reports hud been received at the War Uepiluient
1 p to a lute hour last night.
Tlio Army of Teniiewm-p.
from the IU'-IuiidikI I'ityat'h, Ouft-e".
IniportU! t mil tury changes are a'lout to bo
tna e in the Army of Tenni s ee, nnd wo have
every ruoon 10 look lor vigorous nioioiiients in
ihut (piiirter shoitly.
rsoihing iiiiiln line has been heard from Forrest;
l ilt 11 is 1 11 ir on l that short y after It's d tiioii
Mr.itlon sfiainst K'.U's.1 111, a'. I'uiaski, he left mat
Fid. nil i.tlleer in his trench' s and struck the line
of the Chattanooga and Nashville railroad, some
sixi en mill s fiom the laiter pi icv, capturing a
fie gbt train and some seventy prisoners. It is
certain that he in noi idle,
'rowi tht f.ii hmimd Wh-'J, t)r'nUr 7.
Muiiiik, October Ti. I'he At'.rrrtiser has au
thentic anvict s from Forrest's army, vi Uhero
kec, the Otli inst. lie had cipttircd 'hico Unu
0'(U prisoners, four guns, seven hundr-d dorses
and lo tin ii-ainl live hundred mn ill arms
ti'f.-ilii r with one thoii-aml nek'io in -n ail I r itl
dleu. ile h d al-0 couip.cielv d stioyed tuo Ala
bama ai d IViiin i-see imlrotid I'nim Frinkdn to
Deiaur. It is considcrod 0110 of his in os; ,-uc
eecslul raids.
Pii'U friim I'iihI. Tciiuonhi1!.
Hius roi , October 0. Tho enemy have retired in
the din c ion ol K ioxvdlc, burning luor.ulriad
bridge over the Wainiiia at Caaer's stiuo'l.
Gicd ronln-ioit niarknl Hundreds
of Union families left with them.
!trwtt fri.iii Mulille.
From the Jiirltmt'tid H oV '.''e 7.
Mumi.K, October 0. Five vessels are off the
bur. All n.niit in and nHut the city. This
morning four toreigm-rs and one ne'ro wero cap
tured near the obstructions, trying to escape to
the Yankees.
Nf-WN friuil WUlkllBif (oil.
From tht Ilichmotiii iittrh, (vr ,t r 7.
The 'liriitiuu of vestcrd.iy states tint tho
cm 111 sci m to be nia. ii -; prep.iralious to m.iko
a d tciiniiK d attack on Wilmington. I'hey appi ur
to be colieeling a fleet, tin 'ti n purpose, us a 11 11 111
biroi vessels have been adiled 10 those heretofore
1 iug iu ami alitutthe p.. i t.
AIIhIi-n hi i'.'i.rHliii(r.
From the RU-lun ni-(t I'isfi ch, IH'tM-.fl.
I'ns! ct pets urrivinx l"'t evening report all ipiiet,
and no new in v. nn 11 s 011 the pai t of tne e a my
uri;iind Hiehmund. 'J'iieic wero no demons. ra
tions vesteiday hii'cvcr. s ive of tlie spade and
piek, a species nf cinployiiicnt well calculated to
Bid in Vilii il g uwnv the monotoiious h airs of
(Hinp life, fcinee l ooks are 1101 lively to f irm a
part i f 11 soldier's lilt g ige, mi l idl ness is pro
ou. live of di-moi nli.a'ion. A body ot the enemy's
trot ps were sa:d to h tve b. en seen moving doa
tne rivei ye-iciday 11101 iiinc, but theii' ile.suualiou
is nut known.
Tlio Dnuvllln Rnllroml.
Tbe superintendent of the lUchmund and Dan
ville railroad gives notice 10 the Ktcunioud papers
that the evening passenger train ou that road
will be discontinued, "tho transportation of Hov
einmeut freight re.uirlng almost the enure capa
city of the road."
Hlalu Kiiwln A. Mnrle.
From 0te Jiichmond Iti..patrh, October!.
Tbe fileuds of Ciiptuiu Marie will be pained to
learn that this ollleer died in this city ye-lerd iv.
He was ibo victim ot a chronic disea-e cou
tiacied in service, lie was tile sen of 11 m. Jotiu
L. .Maite, of Ficlciiek.burg, a meinour ot tlm
Virginia Assembly. Captain llano was a mean
he r of tbe convention which passed the ordinance
of secession.
The 'nil el si.
Frcm tttf'tmontt ttitK1'fh, O loter 7.
The fiocretary of War his culled intii the
reserve force all the cadets of the Virginia lld.
tury instiiiitioii over seventeen yeurs iifngo, und
invites all under that are to loin also. It seems
a special desiioof the oihVei s of the institute iLut
ihc batialiou should be eatue. More than hi If
the cadcis are under boveuieen, and thev suro.'y
will not permit their battalion of three huudroii
to be hioLcu by their failure to volunteer, uni
thus lose a share tf the laurels which may be
won on the buttle-tield.
How tlie ItebeN I tll their Armltfov The
1 ii-l 111 mi oliii; I ii I me l.nsi lilirh.
AllJlTANT AND lNt:."HC T0H-C iiNEIt A i.'f Orrirtr.
Fji 11 m on 11, October 6, lS it. General Orders, No.
7i.l. All dutnils heretofore gtituted imiJer nu
tho:ityof tho War De'iartmciit, to persons be
tween the ages of elgbts'eu and forty-live yours,
are revoked, and all suck detalied muii, together
vtim tfiose willini the nud uges who holdfur
luughs or temporary exemtitions by reason of
I enuinr applications for dct.iiis, will be iroiuptly
as-emlileU ut the cauip ol ioiiti uclion, uud appro
piiately aligned among the armies for service;
except that iueu detailed ami now actually cm
ployed in manufacturing, providing, collecting,
und fbrwai ding munitions and other indispensa
ble supplies ior the unity aad navy, or in work
indispensaitie to luniiury operation,;, will be con.
tinned in their prcsont employments until their
Oetails su-'Ui lie revised.
2. The Leads of deiiartineuta and chief, nf l,n
reatis will, within the next tcuty days, foi wanf
to the Generals of llcterve lists of all detailed
men In their employment, in the several Kiatns
Seciully distinguishing and certifying those who
aiu c.peiu. iuu iuou aosoiuieiy ludiscnsablrj
tor tho performance of the above-mentioned (Jov
eminent woik and business: and all detailed cm.
ploycs not to certified itlii-j the prescribed period
mill, upon the expiration thirtor, be furthwitU
aliened to tho aimy.
n. All lituous caiica Out bvth s nrdrr. who
iluim exemption on account of physical di-sa-blliiy,
will be examined by select medical boards.
after tin ir anivul at the coups of instruction.
i. All men found 101 light dnlv. a ho are un-
Ssiiut. J, will at 0QCV reputt tv ihy camns of m-
jfi,n"("o the prniil'y of being forthwi li
-ri " to 'he active forces.
l!y (Tiler, M. Coiran,
Adjntnnt and Injpi tor-(ieneral.
frnm ! RsppsimisiieS.
The Yankees are In s'mnis' cavalry Torce at R -I
ahm lei' k statirn. oil ihe (sax and Alex mi ina
rinhosd, where tnev have lieen enir iged tor s irno
1 v- p sr lo re 'iillilinir the hrl ! over thn riv. r.
It Is Int'iinitcd as a pr 'b .bilry thn an r emnt
will i 011 he inane m take anil ho il r Puts file
by Shern'an. who is withdrawing hit fore s fr ina
F. )s front to hriw them suld' nly np intuit
point ; and th t 'h" rebuilding nf tho U ipinh m
O' C bri ge is m furnish immediate eotinnnni -1-t'"nuh
a detail of s iiiplies a. Aiesan Ina or
Ma Aits n.
To elicct this inovi ment, and leave F.arly rut
ofl In tl e vit I It- on a wil I g iise chase afer itinc
nf his rav.ilrv down towards Wluchi l er, would
glr to Shei idan :i nsme n 'li u nchinff inor.)
ibnii ti at K Hher t Wmchei'er in Fisher'
Hill lie T o'.iiu iiering fi.rea tlirounh Si,'
Itun Olio a flay or two si:ice may have ma'j.j
out his cour-e,
Km. Hsfl lit. lino Writ Vlf(li
OHieinl de-pat. he. reeiiiedat rhe W ir Olti -e
y ii'rd.iy 1 1 1 no e Ci gr.-'.,- ne w t,,t
1. 11 '.li e.ii--('uioi'Ct V let 1" iiis letnrn "d 'r i n
an fxpr.'i'ion t'l 'West, Vir'i'i'-i" ( Y itrre).
lie vi'itid!lnn, .1 o l - nvillc, West ever,
l(n l'tino',1. V, Bid, ,,ui e ,i..d Wesom. th' rep ir s
I hi. the rt.t,oyi il 11 in ' Hi n dull ir-' vcoith of -t re ,
cpiiiP'-l i,r. e hui. di' . I pr s ui ts, n .t'i their
hoi sc- 11 ml iMi'iip:iii'i.s '.runic 'it our fi e h un 1 re .1
hors, h nud iwn htinon. I tuef eauie. 11 1 sus-t-ni.ed
110 loss.
tliilitons Ihc I'rr'.s (- th !!evntioil
(f ti.-ftiil'..
F 0'. tlte l;ihi'Oiui .'.If in.', tt lw - r 11.
Tl c tcneiiil oi.ler f ir t ti re.vo itton of iW ails
ill be louiol in t ,:s issue of fit! .' iv",vr. I'ms
s ep t us bei 11 lakeu bv Hie O no, :i 11 oil t ) (III up
the arm) . Il Is 1.1 ccssary and prop r an I if f fix
older is promptly enforetd to; uiercasn of tin
iiimi will be speedy mid d. Wu should like
to see hi! ps ti.ken to p .'IOllv ellf ii-.e tlm hnv of
Coi grc-s for the employment of negroes in thu
iirmy as tcmsters, .e
'Ihe law of Comirc.-s oil this subject is plain,
Ai d, rii(iiieh it does not fir en mti, yer, ov
promp ly 1 i,f .reing iis proi'i-io..s, iminy so diers
wdl lie r turned to ibeir eoui'ii 111. 1, an I the annv
very i;re. illy .strcng'h'Micd. The d tiiN should
come forward promptly; their servi ns are
greatly lit died, un.l, if tiicv aio suen ldy c il
lei ted ami si lit to the front, there will be no dan
gerallticliiu nil, and the eon. li ion of tint dua
lly pi. sel.t tho 1110-t cuenur.itiig u-pe t. it is
ue'ess to seek to cone 'al tlid inoro m n tiro
gituiiy warned. Tito Fresnleni Ins einptiao. ally
a Mn unci d tho startling f iet that t of
the aimy ere a'. sent from the r inks.
'I In re would I c no need of r inlorenmenti b it
for tins moat disgraceful strangling and ilo-ortin ;.
Hut as the fact cxi-i, ind 1 his evil uni t be re
tailed, the deiads are called upon to do scrvi c.
llow long their services wi l lie required cannot
i.oiv be said, hut sixty or ninety d.ivs v 1 1 1 lernii
into Hie active operations of tlio camp liifn, and
tin 11 details may be n sum. tl. li lt at piesuut all
111 c needed, nnd all must come foriviftl. Tnmo
ti at dc'ay or shirk wi I he hunted dn u all I pei
inincntly sent to the uitnv.
Ihe la of Cnngri ss, authorizing tho employ
tin nl of ict roes. if lu ly 1 an led oil', would give
ten thousand men 1 1 tho Army of Nor hern Vir
gin a. ihe i hives and tne negroes can bo 1. u
pn s-cd just as iinv other property, und the law
provides f. r their support and coming, and pays
the owni r soldier's waves.
The law of February 17 mikes all "nnlofrce
tugrocs (with rertnin i xecptl ms) betiveen tin
the ages of rigli'ecn and filty," li.Pilc loneifor.n
sneh duties iu tl.o eruiy, or in c inii I'tlon wmi
tbe miliiaiy defeii'es of tho country, in the way
of work upon for IticMtioits, or Pi lioveriimcut
works, &.., as the Secretary of War may iVotu
tin c to t me pi escribe, aud provides them rations,
cloihiii , and conip lis .tn.'i.
Tbe (Secretary of W-ir Is also nnthori. jd to
imploy tor similar du y twenty thousand m ile
niyro siavis, and th ir owners are guaranteed
neaiiiBt escape or (loath. Tne Se. ret iry is uut'io.'
I. d to in.pte-s tin slaves when he can not hire
Ihi m j and ti. ncral Oidi is No.,i j, .Marci 11. IS il,
diieeti d the ei.rohnci.t of tho free negroes, aad
tin ir assignment to the performance of tne dunes
mentioned in ttio net. Also the employment uud
impicssmcm of slaves was ordered by th same
gei.eial orders, and the provisions of ti -neral
Orders No. YM, of the IMrli of October, lstll,
poiiittd out as g ivi rt inu in this ;n iter, ll.ij
this lav und geuciul oner been etu'orcc l t
latest Soul hern News
Union Reports Confirmed
Rebels Say they Took Four Hundred
Prisoners and Nine Pieces of
BURNED BY OUR TROOPS. Monroi:, October !)tli. Tho flag of
truce sieamer Sew York, Captain Ohcsbolm,
arrived this afternoon from Aiken's Lauding,
with IJlty-iive commissioned o:licuis an 1 twelve
Luudred nnd fifty ml'Stcd men, pirolcd at Itle.h
inoml, ou tbe 7th of October, id charge of Lieu-
tcLiint-Coioncl J. I',. Muiionl, Assistant Co.11-
) inis.-i mi r of Fxcliauge.
j Tbe Richmond li uinr, speaking ol thcrooont
t attack on Iiuller's lines says: "An engagement
. took place yesterday on tho D.iroytowu road,
near Un Iuiioihi, r. suiiing in tlie recapture by our
forces of all ti e positions held by the enemy ho
tin en that aud the Nuwiuarkct road, five miles
j below tho city.
j "Wo captured between 400 and 500 prisoners,
with nine pieces of uiliilcry und between 200 ami
300 hoi sis."
"An uihciiil despatch from General Lee says that
veskrdav nioruimr General Anderson attacked
the enemy on the Charles City road, and drove
them from two hues of latrcuchmeuts, capturing
10 guns, caissons, and horses, and a number of
Tho enemy were driven to tbe Newmarket
road, where they were fouud strongly outrenched,
and were not pressed. Our loss is small, and
. that of the enemy is unknown. "General Gregg
died at tbo bead of his brigade."
"An oUlcial despatch from Gondousvillo last
i night states that the Yunkcc raiders bad burned
I the railroad Inrilgo over the II ipidun yesterday,
i "A depaH-h fiom General Marly to General
! Lee (iiiteti ou ihe 7th ia tant. savs :
, "Mieiitlttii's whole force commenced fulling
. heck down the valley last night along the pike,
j The ICu'iMtrrt of the Mb instant say: "All
! the Viiukcc b aval officers, seamen and prisoners
in oi.r him.;.- will lie iornarded North by Uag of
iruec to-iiny.
'i. iiifio nuiiibcis jfnegrocsnreut woikstrentli
enlug tho tortitiiaiious aruuud Lynchburg."
"rskorniuu is .-hut uji in Ailunta by Forrest,
with bis lines of communication so destroyed
that lite Government has net beard from liiui'lo:'
scveuil days, lio captutia! AtluUta but it may
yet provj his ruic.
CiiAiiLKNioN, S. C, Octolitr G Geucrul ITar
d"c assumed coinmand to-day.
The steamer 'umiunre, six il.iys from Halifax,
Iu Mltciuptiug to iuu the blocks .0 last night, xx
u; asm ken wrt-jk and suu.: in five tuiauus.
Ci.yonc nun? as lo;.
"AU is (tii except the usual h Jnient oi
the city ind Fo: l fsuinttr."
'Ibe .Mii)nr Mjti, ( neral lica irocatd's now
depnrfiiit nt includes Mast Lotiisiu:, Mississippi,
Tennc.'iset, Alabtu.-Jt, and (icorjia.
aiiicrcNNlul HkI.I by (iucr.t Iriirl iMc
(nitliire ot Olio Iliiud-4 nuU I lily
Cincinnati, Octsilier 9. General Burhridge,
with twenty-five hundred mounted infantry,
attailied Haltville, in Southwestern Viigiai".
where some extensive saltworks are located, uad
carritd two redoubts, capturing one bund rot
sud fifty prisoners, besides a largo number of
bones, mules, cattle, sVe.
Our loss wus small. Colonel Mason, of tho
Hth Michigan, was killed; aud Colonel Hanson,
nctltip: liiigudlcr -General, was wouuded.
Finding the place strongly fortified aud dc
fended by a large force under Itreekingridgo and
Fthuls, General llurbrtdge withdrew during the
I'h l.t, having bis wounded. Tbe Kebels pursued
loi al.oui eight miles.
Geueiul Uurbridge passed through Covington
(hh klwiLovu ou thv way to U'kiuyion. ,
ritOM "WASHING rox.
ihe Rebel Rams at Richmond.
of Valuable Prizes.
ttt- Kc.( Klo., Etc., r.t.t Me., Kto.
Wimiiki. r v,) Toneii 0. Ti e ms.l ateaner
'wiutf,ri, from City lN.inr, reports that since 'he
ie ubc of tho Kcb.' s by H nicy all his tieen
(iiiet, with the. except i n tha' the euetny, on S i'ti r
(lny iiiornlng, mule a recinnoisnitiee in force on
our ex n mc hf., when some little firing tiok
p!m e, but n thing crew out of it.
The Vitnlviitttn brought up seveir.f-live refu
ges nnd d t-ertcrs, ninongst them a colored tit n
n.'iinefl I)ri w,who for sometime lois been stiiving
on the llebel ram HuhmDitil, as Uapti.n's
lie s iy nnles( the Ilebol fit in the .1 lines
rlivr is brought into action v ry s o i, there vil
not be enouith mi ll to man tint ves.els, so m iny
bic leaving by ilc-erti ou. Tin y arc no v b ireiy
half manned.
The licet numbers seven vessels, three of them
l ii,g iiou-ctad r.mis, cacli mounting four guns,
end c h in inncl by sb u' seventy-five in mi, the
full complement of each bring one hundred nnd
fitly men. Tho fleet is composed as folio vs :
Tho lticlimtmtl, flag hip, and steamer J. S.
Maury, which vessel nas lying below Chupin's
I. lull when Drew It ft heron Monday Inst, the IVr
yimVi, steamer Sluppnrd, and tho I'mUriicibttri,
Comiuandtr 1 loots. The otlicrs are
vvooilen ve-scls, mounting two guns eieri.min
ned by thirty men, the coinplcment being ixt7
men cadi, vim. :
The lleuufirt, ll'itiipf.m, .Vatneioi7, and l)ntry.
Commander Murcomb, of the United States Slmmrwk, reports to tlio Navy Depart
ment from his vesiel in Albemarle Hound, tha
on Ihe '2H h ult., two aimy steamers were sent up
Alligator river to enpturo a party of Kebels who
were conscripting iu the vicinity of that river.
The gunboat Valley City was sent up the Scup
pernoug river at the mine time, to head tho
Ilebels oil should they attempt to escape In that
In crossing the bur at the mouth of tho Scup
pernoiig, the f alley City grouuded nnd waslirod
in ly llcbtls from a battery of Whit worth field
pieces ami by musketry, which tire tho Vallf
City retnrncd end drove the Rebels olf. The ex
pedition proved successful, aud tho whole Rebel
conscripting parly was enp ured by the expedi
tion up tho Alligator river.
Admiral Furrn tut reports the captnro ofT Texas
of tho blockade-runner Jvin, with eighty-one
bales of cotton ; also the capture of the blockade
runner Oieytin, in Diloxi bay.
Tho Rebel guerilla, Captain Cheatham, who
visited Sandy Spring, Maryland, on Friday night,
attempted ou Sunday morning to plunder a,
live mil. s north of Roekville, but was driven off
by tbe farmers around with 6hot guns.
Another Account r Hie Niivtl 0iim
ikii.n In Albciiinrlu nuil .HiHiNxlpitl
Washington, October 10 A communication
has been received at the Navy I) partmeut from
Commander Macomb, commanding the naval
forces in t lie sounds of Nortli Carolina.
He savs on the 28ih ult. ho was iiifonned
by Colonel Wardrop tbit the latter Intiudid
sending two army steamers up the Alligator
river that night to capture a party of Rebels
who were conscripting in that vicinity, and bo
rcipicMcd Commander Macomb to send a gini
hi ut up tho Scuppernong river to head oir the
Rebels, should they attemi to escape that way.
Commander Worrell, of the Cu'eoiee, was
oidercd to send the I'alicy City up the river,
accompanied by the Martin, to to her oil' in caso
she should get aground, and a double-ender was
also stationed oil' tho month of tho river.
In crossing tho bar a: the morhof theScuppsr
nong, the Valley City grounded, and was fired
upon from a battery of Whitworth field piecos,
which she returned, nnd drove the enemy olf, lint
by the time she got afloat it was too late to pro
ceed further.
The army gunboats, however, ascended the
river, and succeeded in capturing the Rebels.
The Navy Department has received Information
of the capture recent y of the schooner Orcyon
by tbo t earner Xarcijttus, in IJulo bay, Misjis
sijipi Sound.
Monhay, Octolicr 10 The erratic movements
in gold and cxi haugo, us well as the election,
attract the attention of the merchant, and trade
moves slugf ishly.
Cotton is nominally bold ut 2'13(ii.2-'.Ol but
there is no demand.
Clovcrsccd is selling in a small way at fcD'To1
S10 4("(il lbs. Timothy ranges from S-60 to
90 per bubhel. Small sales of Flaxseed at
In Quercitron Bark nothing doing j bnt holders
continue to demand $'44 per ton for No. 1.
Tbe Flour Market Is dull, and prices rule irre
gularly, bales oi 2000 bhls. City Mills, extra and
fancy, on terms kept secret, and 6(oit00 bols
low grade extra family at frit) jJ bbl. The sales
to the home con-umers take a wido range, say
from JJ-MI to 12 Ad for eouiinou aud fancy lots,
as in quality.
Rye Flonr Is nominal at For Corn Moal
prices are entirely nominal.
There is very little demand for Wheat, and
prices aie drooping ; sales of K( 10,090 bushels
red and amber at rOta 210, but lower figures
would now be accepted; 1000 bush, good Western
white sold at fjfci 30. Rye has declined to T-0i.
Corn is in steady demand, and 2000 bush, yedow
soid ut fjtl-eu. Oris arc dull, and 2o. per bashul
lower; sales of 2000 bushels I'cunsvlv.iula aud
Delaware at VGc. In liirlv nothing doing, barley
Mult ranges from $2 to $-$0.
Coffee, Sugars, and Molasses are Inactive.
In l'rovisions the onlv sale woithy of nolico is
.K'0 barrels Mess Reef on private terms.
Wbif ky. '1 he demand is limited; small gales
of Ohio barrels ut S'KS; aud Drudge ut l-'i.
rilll.AIIF.M'lllA CATTLE tri.lltUUT.
Monuav, October 10. The receipts of Beef
on ttie continuo large, and the market is rather
lirinor, but prices remain about tho same as last
.pioied. llxtra me selling at 10(o li;(e.; a few
choice at Ifljc.; fair to good at U('t loJe.; and
common at from 0ln;13c. por lb., as to quality;
lot) head, sold to go to llaltiiuoro, at from G to
74c. per lb., gross.
Tho following are the particulars of the sales :
1 12 head, Martin, Fuller & Co., Western, HoaHO.
2k"t head.lloouey & Kmltli, Western, l i(reii.
10 head, Jones McClcse, Western, 12(n'l'i.
I'll head, K. McFillon, Western, Ufr-loj.
lnO head, Joseph McFillen, Western, lopclrj.
'JO head, 1'. llathorue, Chester and Va., 14 in" 10 1.
10 head, Christy ft Rro., Western, 10(ml4. "
100 head, F. McFillen, Western, Fiifa lO.
121 bead, Owen Smith, Western, 13(u)15.J.
41 buad, li. C. Ualdwin, Chester Co., l:.(ii 1 1.
40 head, D. llranson, Chester countv, lofrrilll.
110 bead, H. Hood, Chester county, i2("'16
37 head, Chandler & Co., Chester co.Mfr'lfl.
20 bead, 1. '1 odd, Chester county, HfrrlSi'.
no neuu, ii. uiiam, Pennsylvania, i.'kvuio.
Wiccp. There is a firmer fueling In tho market
ant' pnecs are rather better; (itk)O head arrived
and old at Iroiu 6a )i c. pur lb gross for common
to cxt.'a.
Cows are without change. About 110 hond
nrrived sold ut from fc-'OfV .ft 10 for springers,
ami ifyr0(i',.v'i0 per bead for cow and calf.
Hogs. I'rlL't remain about the same as last
atiot. d; about il'"1-1 bead nsiived and sold at the
.lluent yards at fipm up to frIV Ihe 10K lbs.
littt a to tiuulity.
Fcspatcbps frm Gr.uit, Hmvann,
Sheridnn, Thomas, Burbride,
RoRecrans, and Others.
Gen. Sheridan at Woodstock.
General Sherman All Ilislit.
Burbridgo's Battle at Saltvillc.
Affairs in Gen. Butler's Front.
Rebel Gentrals Gregg Killed and
Bratton Wounded.
Etc., J'-to.. I3to., JUo., i:to.
Washington, October 10, 1 1. M. To Major
Geneiul Dix, New York : Reports have been
received by this Department from Generals li it
lcr, 8ht rnian, Thuimis, Sheridan, and llirbrid'c,
(bowing the f.ivorablo condition of military
affairs in their respective fields of operations.
1 he purpoco of Gencial Grant's visit to Wash
ington having been accomplished, ho returned
to his headquarters on S iturd iy, but there has
been no telegraphic commiiuicatiuu since bis
arrival there.
JXahiivili.b, 7cnn., October 8, 11:10 F. M.
Secretary of War: Have not iheard direct from
Shirinun, but General Corse, ut Alutoona, in
forms me ihat General Sherman is at Keues.iw,
repairing tbe railroad between Atlanta nnd Aln
toonu. Ho has plenty of provisions in Atlanta,
and, so fur us tho main nnuy is concerned, feels
Genorul Uoiisseaa reports that Forrest his er
ouped bin. by crossing tho Tennessee In flit-boas,
above and below Florence on the 0th inst., while
he (Rousseau) was detained by hiith water in Shoal
cret k uud Elk river.
Gf.okob II. Thomas, M ijor-Goncral.
At.atoon A, October I), 180-1, 8 V. M. Maj ir
Gciicral Hallock, Chief of Stall': I reached K nc
Baw Mountain October (!, just in time to witness
at a distance the attack on Alutoona.
I bad anticipated tho attack, and h id ordered
from Runic General Corse, with reiuforcemeu's.
The attack was met and wu repulsed tho enemv,
losing some 200 dead and more than loOO
wouuded and prisoners. Our loss was about 700
iu the aggregate.
Tho enemy captured the small garrisons at
Rig Shanty and Ackworth, and burned about
seven miles of our railroad; but we have at Ala
toona and Atlanta an abundance of provisions.
Hood, observing our approach, has moved rapidly
back to Dallas and Vauwcrt, and I am w.itchiug
him, and in case bo tries to reach Kingston or
Rome, Atlautu is perfectly secure to us, and this
aimy is better olf out oi than in camp.
W. T. Shkhman, Major-Gem
Wi.oiiktock, Va., October 7, ISO I, !). F. M.
Lieuti Dalit-General U. S. Grant: I have tiio
bon( r lo report my command uc this point to
night. 1 commenced running link from Fort
Republic, Mount Cruwford, 13i idyoivatcr, and
Harrisonburg, yesterday morning.
Tho grain and forage infioiiiof these points
bad ptevlously been destroyed. Ill m:icing bick
to tlds point the whole country, from tuo Illue
Ridge to the Nortli Mountain, has been made
untenable for a Rebel army. I Imvo destroyed
over two thousand barns, tided with wlisal, hay,
nnd farming implements; ovor seventy mills,
tilled with flour and wheat; have driven in front
of the army over 400 bead of stock; and have
killed and issued to the troops niore than 3000
This destruction embraces tbo Lnray valley
and Little Fort valley, at well as the main valley.
A large number ot horses have been obtained, a
proper estimate of which I cannot make.
Lieutenant John R. Meigs, my engineer ollloer,
was murdered beyond Harrisonburg, near Day
ton. For this atrocity ull the houses within au
area of five miles w ere burned.
S.nce I came info tbe valley from Harper's
Ferry, up to Harrisonburg, every train, every
small party, and every straggler has been bush
whacked by the people, many of whom have pro
tection papers from commanders who have been
hitherto in that valley.
Tbe peoplo here are gettiug Mck of tho war.
Heretofore they have bad no reason to complain,
because tbey have been living iu great ubun
dance. I have not been followed by the enemy
up to this point, with tbe exception of a small
force of Rebel cavalry that have shown theru
lelves some distance behind my rearguard to-day.
A party or 100 of the Hth Ohio Cavalry, which
I bad stationed ut the bridge over tho meuth of
the Shenandoah, near Mount Jackson, was
attacked by McNeil with 17 men while they ere
asleep, and the whole party dispersed or cap
tured. I think that they will turn up.
I learn that fifty of them had reached Winches
ter. Mi Neil w as mortally wounded and fell
into our bunds.
This was fortunate, as he was the most during
nd. dangerous of all tbe buslawacLera iu this
section of the country.
1'. II. Sheridan, Major-Genera!.
General Burbildgo makes the following report
of bis operations :
Caitlksiiluu, Ky., October 8, 10 A. M. To
Hon. K. M. Stanton : Forcing tho enemy from
Clinch mountain and Laurel Gaps, after heavy
skirmishing we met the enemy three aud a half
miles from Saltville, on the morning of the 2d
lnstuut, aud drove blm to bis works around the
alt works, where ho wus strongly iutrenched on
tbe bluff in heavy force, under Kchols, Williams,
Vaughan and, is is said, Rreckinrldge.
We nt once attacked hlin aud drove hint fr.uu
bis works ou our left and centre, aud held him
in check on the right; and, finally, la spite of
aitlllcry aud buporlor numbers, whippeJ hitu at
every pt.i ,t, . in. for .1 htm In A to l.ii o'vtl
In Ihe e.cnlug our a-nmonition gave out, and
holding the p ositi 'n Mken until mi lnl;ht, 1 with
drew the command i i excellent order aud spirits.
Tho oceup I'io'i el the v.rk themselves, was only
proven?" d by tho f.i mrc of tho nuttntinitPin.
From the p.i-oti. s 1 :e .rn tha' tho enemy's fores
w in m en boon 4tii ."lino, nnd that Itreckin
rlilpn ws pre in' with 4 to from Lynchburg.
My foice nni' un til m 2 V)0 engaged.
It is ( rriapi his force g" ally oiiiniini'tered us.
A ilctai lino n -cut to F und Gap fined Its way
tl rough, and drove Fr n i r, wpb u superior
force, from l is works at (ilu I. sville, capturing
t'veral pri'inu rs. n no inter of small arms, ami
one pice ot am iny.
Our wounded in nil Is ah nt three hundred
ami lit y. Tmu of tho onetny is more. I will
report inuro fully by m p.
On the morning i f ",. t received an order
ftonl (let Miit'm t i tet irn.
" l ':' Il It'll I M") ".'-ietl'sri:.
1 e tel. cr .p'1 Pi .: I .a ve u Fortress M irorj
end Chv 1'oio' v. .w ' roki n lon by a ! i"irtn,
iiinl is in t j ct rennir "I.
Ilielntc-l in:li art tiri ll iuen "' from there is
the f" lowing , ,, .-, i ti !, M ,j r-' ien..,-,; Ha;
ltr; Fl M tl 'Alll Ills 1 J I 1' i ,t . tl I VI Ol Vul'IIXI.V
ami Niikiii I't , Oct 'in r H, is., Llci-
t M.i.t-lieiK id f'r n' 'Itir success yesterdiy
was a (lei i,. ed t i.e, altli .u :i ihe Re.uls c aim a
ii tor v.
Tl.ey u.lni't (ieio i i (. r k i: ed end General
Lrnttioi wouiidcd. hi i.eral ti.-t.twas in cim
Inciul nf Field's Division.
'1 he Rn hui'iud l.T'in-iih r of thU morning con
tains an oil), tlesp .ti li i rum ( irtion-villo last
nlj li', sbeiru Ih it a V I'ik'.'e cava'ry furee yes
ti t tiny bni i.t tl tht: i.tiiro.ii bri i,e over tlie ll.i(ii
dnn itii'l iht ir cs a,ic.
No int vcinet't on the Petcs'iurf side. No
more in o, is have be. n s nt over from Lee. Tlio
Movement vcs'.crdi.y was made under his eye.
II. F. lit, Major-General.
No recent inted'cn c bus been receive 1 front
Muj(.r-Gi i.eral Canny, but by his last report
dent Steele was moving in force upon the
rear of Free towards M.ssoiiri.
I'.iiwjm M. S i an .us, Secretary of War.
Kf'f'iiuri'i'N froin Itli'linioml.
Wasiiinoton. October 10. The steamer 'fan
huttaii urtived this morning and brotght up
sotenty live refugees and desi rtcrs, and one pri
soner of war. Among the party is a colored
barber lamed K.T. Drew, who for some time past
has been serving on the Rebel rum Richmond as
captain's steward.
Drew was tormer y ctnploved In this city, and
semis to l.e qti'te intriligcnt. He Ftates that
unless the Rebel fbetin James river is brought
into action very soon, there will not be men on
board lo work them, so many have left by deser
tion. The fleet numbers seven vessels, three of
them being iron cl id rains, inch mounting four
guns, und manned by ubout 7o men ouch.
Ihe full complement is 1 il) e toll, viz : The
lliehmnml, flagship, Lieutenant J. S. Maury
which Dtcw Iclt on Monday last, she then being
below Chapin's Blulf; the Virginia, Lieutenant
Couimnndcr Miepp ird; nnd tho l'redi riiksburg,
Commander Thomas Roots.
The others are wooden vessels, mounting two
guns cncli, manned by thirty men, the comple
ment btlng sixty each, viz. : the Dcauort,
lluiujituri, XtiiiseiHuntl, and Drury.
Urn. William D. Keiley, of Fhi!;.de!plii.i, had
an inbrview with the I'rosidcnt this morning.
A cunvnss of the hospitals hore shows that Lin
coln and Fenton will reccivo two-lhirds of the
votes of New York soldier-i.
FouoF.iiv in tiir Film Wahi. The decllni-A
tion ol A. Wilst n ll'-nszey, as a rindldate for
AbleiHian of Filth W r i, publi-hod to day in tlie
first edition ol in ii Tki.i.oum'U, Is a forg ry. lis
insertion was orderi ii hy James Gaw, t noto-riou-ly
linsernp Ioih opponent erf the In lep u,
diiit ticket, in this a id ttie lint' 'in.
itoiiKiir F. Kimi, Ch iir.n.iu.
Jons D. W atso.n. Secretary.
on .i s or the Pte- siso Tr: phiaph.
.Iloliavy, (tetitti- l'l
Government bonds arc firm, with sales nf o-'iOs
at 1074, and 101 coupons oil'; (is of ISM are
quoted nt lOlipi iO r; new City 0s aro selling at
101 1, aud old do. nt OS.
Ruiliond sh ires are steady, with sales of Read
ing at CO(iiO(lJ; Fennsylviiiia railroad atfi'Jl;
Little Schuylkill at 4 1 ; Philadelphia and Krie at
l-'i, which is nn advance; and Long Island rail.
road bonds at 100; loO was bid for Camden and
Ambcy ; 07 for Philadelphia and Germautown;
SSj for Minehill ; 20 for N.nth Pennsylvania ; 174
for Cutawissa common, and 304 for preferred.
City Pussengcr Railway stocks continue quiet.
Chcsnut and Walnut sold at 67; l0 was bid for
(second nnd Third; 20 for Arch s'rcot; anil 21.1
for Giiuid College.
In Coal Oil slocks there is less activity, but
prices arc steady, with sales of Dalell ut Hh' :
Noble and Delameter ut 13; Philadelphia and Oil
Creek at 1 1 ; and McCiiutock at Uj.
Rank shares are firmly held, but there Is vory
little doing. Union sold at 4(1; 140 was bid for
Philadelphia Bank, w hich is an advance of 4;
44 for Fenn Township; 87 for Western ;, 28 for
Manufacturers' and Mechanics'; and 27 ior Con
There is little or nothing dolug in Canal shares.
28 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation, common, 1
354 for preferred; 1334 for Morris Canal pre
ferred ; and 14 1 for Susquehanna Canal.
Baportad by Ctarkxoa ii I to., tirotsrt, Ma. Ut 8. Tblr Ut,
. 3(0 lh lt'oa'UlK
1UI III KUtlillE It M't
It4isn 0i.,
lio.h do . lu..
1.0. h du..
ltosh du..
Jll -h lu.... 1'?
.... en
...c 10
... A"
NS) in I'nioo fst...
It n h Mdtlumx-k..
luoik laUlloU..
Ttl US -'.. .
I"7,j V h Phil. AOIIOM . l'f
ai'io il'i.cuuii (
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4il 111 k;.lns K SO
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lo i.h de..U5 4 i.,t ia)
lio.h du bjo mt
loci li tlu I si An 4
1 ih Panua HB....0 i'i
Ui iti I. It Sell K 44
90 hflill. JkBrlo.MO :f
JS sh ( litis Walnut hi
4S h Mine'llll w
b all -'d JJ nil. .5 du 1.
ini du'iiAt
t'tusiCitv I'.s, over IU. tt
." U 'Iu H71,'
"fll tl' Illll
t ' . iiCltr lit, new. ... 01 '4'
(I'd) I,. I.ij-I Vsl Inf.. .IIS!
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IVnaa WI
lush email Ilk 48 imucii (in .... sV
J.o ,b X. tilei liol Ml 1:1 I
ic:i th tfo t10 13 1
Quotations of Gold at tha Philadelphia Gold
Exchange, No.31 S. Third street, seeobd story:
04 A. M 17 12 M 197
U A. M K'8 1 V. M lvsj
jiiurnii strong.
M. Sl-hlltz & Co., No. 10 S. Third street,
report tlie following quotations for foreign ex.
change, per steamer llama, from New York
leu. Inn, so dy' light, 'JI-.'V.'U; 1tndon , !) days, ?IS
l'liti-, " uiiis kiiii, -a i.'.-.t. (i'a; 1'arli, a Java,
'li. '-.'"' ii. "si, Aunt orii. w any, ilK'il. il. Isl; lira
11. an, nn da).' ilsla, l-'si; llaiahins, 60 dava' alalit,
IV; C'ulumie, f.i'l ic, lli-rllii. t;o dnva' ii tit, li,
r. il'.; Au.iierdaai, riaukinrt, 60 daya' ilsiiL g.j.s.'
Market uaJy. I
Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
tli a iik.i hii Atk.
Filltr.Il Con!.
it ll'iauon Oil 1
Ilu Mountain Coal, .'i
Mki. t'uai.. 1:1
Green Ml. Coal..,. 4
N . Cmooiidaltj..... i
XivClii'L ','
cedar liaiu Coal. .V
Clinton Coal ','
I'utlel l,l
J'laua lid ( oal ifOAi
Aaierl' itii kaoua.. 1
IV111. Hilling 17','
( 'ounecdeut ....... H
Ki)ton uio.... 2'u
bl( Tank I'.
Cuutliiouial -
lrell '
(ill (
M.pla hhatle OU. ,H
MtCiiul'.ea "II.... Olt
I t'iiii.vlvuitla 1'tt.. ..
I'.ny Oil S-i
Mile ml Oil
K.n-t"U.' Oil I
Vwii-ui-biai if
I UtoUJ. VUvtVUa, 'i li'J
li baauca Oil lia
llii Orkuic OU V
;e4 Krankuu on
8 llowui KddrOll.. ..
1 ilrvlug Oil
1 l'c larui Oil ,
1 li It ns 111. ie S".
11 HaUflKHi S
.. AlehUiany li)a
j' llt'tttjtla OU ,.
,, .O.'iustttad i
I M,,tiif i IMawetar.l.'i
914 llibtiard if
1 Hlory I arm 8'J
8 .llruuar j
1 'rvtruleuui Csutra. I
ll'sie l.lau.l
ft .Alloiilicliy ..
17 t'urtin 41'
1'; I'lnla AOIIUruvk.. 1
S I bull Cruuk 4'y
4l,'i(ii'rti,aina r
if ' I'oro flalilttj- a
Hki1 .
4 i
' I'lisl UK
I Itl,