The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 10, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 6, Image 6
s.1 1k wSkdmm ii THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 18G4. Anting clcrjtapli MONDAY, OCTOBHR, 10, lKfif. I Tin Mi rii i)ViK(i,( ini(inc. B MART H. Ci BOOTH. I Iriifik I'm dylriK, comrn.le, 1 In- day l a rowing dm k, And lint is run tha loll Vtink, Nor vt Ihn nieaitT. lurk. II mount be tie dlK'snt drum, Ii onni'Ot rw the fi'Vj Fit wliy nhoniil ilrmn cr bii'j U' cilltnn mc from liffl? I do not think I'm wnniifle'I; I cannot fti I n i Anl yet I'" Ti'Iimi, cnirvlo, Nm i r to rte atfuiu. Tin- lust that 1 re iicnl). r, Wr rhariffil i:pin '.'m In-'; 1 hn rcj a fontnl nf Victiiij, Anil ti nt is hII I kiln's", I 'Mnk are mhst livi ronqur-rril ; Vur all U t u p lit I lru,ini: I Tliai I nti in Liiralisi', An m g lli' b i tt. it m "mi 1 ; Anl ilu r il tint Tliiiirr: jf (1)1, t law n lliMinrr wave. Tin- B n l ill tir hi,. I S'rip.'J, my I;?.", (.i'i r Victory aail tlio Urnv.i. Am) ri'iw, I'm iiyinir, c nnr ni.t, Ami 'hire ia Jnlm Itr.o. A-siiimliii-? Ht the tlilili-n (; ,tu, And liu'd fiti mi! a cr.iii 1 I do not hear ilm rKio'olink, Kor t rt ilif drum ntul lite; I only kn-iw t tin voicn nf ijoJ- Is callim- rue from llfo. EEELTK: UNTFB, DEN LIN PEL ht ovonon Ai'oms'1 mi. a. 'Yon won't like Do rim " th M in f Ihe Wund, when ta; truiu s'oiiuil ut llrtins Wirk. "Why snonliln'l 1 like it ?" I returni-,1, In quirt txpcmtal.iffnn. "As a rulo, I like oTiryplu c hre I liave never been before, and f ir tw i d iy t least am enchanted with a str.inifo city. So from dteliliiiiR Ecrlin, it In prohVilo that I shall hke It yery mufti hidred j not only as a city p.-r. fcrtly new and atranire to me, hut as a pi ice con taining a Tnlnililc collection o art tre isariw. and nrooer, as the caudal of n grunt and puissant klnrriom." " TUut may bo nil very true," p irsistcil the Man ef the. World ; but 1 reassert that you won't like Berlin. Cent ua trou." "IIibt been in a (treat mtny cities to wtil!h the fame tincoinplinientiiry objections mtirht be urged, and which are emphatically ugly, dirty, Irous." " Bull !" nuoth the Mun of the World ; " 'tis ot prcifi'ly thnt, Theru are muny town i tio'h Uly and ilir'j, but which me ni've,rtli"lcs pict'ir tu-quo. Take Cnloftnr, fur iiisiaiicfi, t iku II, mi, take Mii ern e. Yon can be ir with them for the wke ot tbeir ca'hidr il, universi ms, old cinlfH, and the like. Hut thir notlnnold In lluil'n. Jl'i nil i " new hh n worklion-c, uml ti tiid'HiM.'' " 8t. IVtcrnliurg in a lie city," 1 do ib inly bitori rwid "Ah yes! Imt Iti irchitoetiinl nriirntleonre lift"- it fioru the level of the eo'iim inpl ici!. II" eldef, I'PTMwnevN and Its e:vili7.iiiMn urn only Ii'Midiom a merw Co it of la"quer. Un'lei-nc'itU Ihete In the (ite it romiiniic Hiilis'.rai'tnro of 'l:i enl trirliHTixai. Ymi reinvin'iur what N m aid 'Netnieh the Kti-Hian. and you will tin 1 the Trtnr.' The veneer of to dnv but. ttii uy ivm i ete rdny' nvnnery, and perhaps ui-imn-iow' dccadcnci' and cluiw 'lien ln c phi l npl'i il" trf,nn : ii;iutu till e'en n-l le v)tin v.' "I mnnt ncvi itlileet". tike the littnrty of oh. eryinK," I went on, "that rop'irt B(w it hishly of ll e eram'eiir and cp'end'T whi 'h ehsra".teriy,a ho pntiiln hni'rl of ll -rlin ; and I h it tint thiiri'Dffhf ire nf 'Un'ordnn I.iniloii' is.jiH iy e, m lirteKd one of the llnent promenndex iii Kurnpn." "I'nter den I.imti-n is jt 1 1 verv well " rh. M , of the World sild, cor IcH'y, 'iiftho'ieh not h ilf to out otiome h t'lreadtiiir. j-or the rem, I -mii you j' J of Berlin ; I am goimr on in K imgs'ierg. Yi u won't like Berlin, I te'l yon. L's a lure." And here lie lie another cigar his tenth, th it mor. b g and relapsed in'o disdainful silenee. The Mun of the Wi.rld did no; like to be contra dicted. It oe nrred to me that tho Man vim w is cer tainly tbe most amusing and origin il traveling conissi Inn, save fie geui il J. w frmi l'oseu, I er nn t with In tbe course of my v in lerin.'s Iiad peihnps ome special and occult reason for dltliSng t lie cap.tal of 1'russia. Indeed, in a Beuntitof confidence, ho had reuinrk. d iiircady tbut be ha I bieii "di u m nr d out ot h.i' f the eiti-'M In Kuri pe ; alihou.'h lor wh it uiisdeeils, oliti- cal, con. mil end, nr social, lie did not yoiiehs ilo ! toexplnin. ! It mT he that we h idwhnt nru c il ed ahroul I dt tiimelra axic tu tMtue'' a conveniently am biguous locution, whieh may mean that you kave coi,fl ired to suVtitiite a I'.r a ui 1 1 arcliy ; fit, tire, you have tu inula itured or pnt into circulation an illegil imitation ot tue rnrri ncy of tbe country ; that you b iv i stolen onivnoily'M spoons ; or that y iu have run aw iv with your tu ighlmr'a wile lloivcver. 'tw is n'lt my fialr. 1 be Mud of the World was very agree able, vi rv en'crtHiBiug, and very noidu; and, us I kail n Ver seen him licit ire. and there was no like lihood, alter that day' journey, of mv ever sei-iui,' bini again, it could not Hssibiy ma'tcr to me whrilieuliew.isa politleiil cnnspiiat ornf the most lua Hi d Uepablic.n or cotnmun'Bticten.teii! i s, p-lices y,a commercial tray, lur, a cA-wi'ier 4'nduflrii a Jesuit priest, nr a Huasian prm o travel log incognito. He might have m en any one of iheae personages, or none of them, lie poke all languages, and was us familiar wi ll I'iccadilly as wnb 1'alermo, with I'inilico us with tbe 1'incian Hill, with Berlin ua wi b Ilerni md ey. And be waa tbe neatest band at turning up natural at Van John (as I discovered to the extent of twenty thsilcra lost bufuro wo reached tiberfelii) that 1 ever bad the pleasure of meet ing ilurii g a spring tdu ni on. We were lunching a' the stition at Urunswl'-k and C4ir.Ruli.llig Mmlrunk anil HtitterbrwU, when tint convi rsation about Berlin fsili pace. We went on, jolting and tumbling as it i the custom of tbe tilow-coach Uerinamc trains to do, all the ilemnon, ami a neat part ol the evening. Aoout 8 o'clock ihe Man of ibe World, who hud disc i- yared a friend on the platform at some sta ion. j tu'eare ihe llerliners ; and 1 like nei'.ner ttieir tbe name of which I lorget, bade me furewi) l.und ; c" nor tlie sinull thcieol'. left me, repeating that 1 shouldn't like llerlin, and The result of an expedition, either on pleasure offering, in ihe handsomest manner, to give mr, or on business, into the Inferior of this Uie next lime ve nn t, my reveng e tor thu twen'y i lerous ciiiiital iuvariahlv is that you aro driven ttialers I had lost to htm at Van Johu. Isippo-e Vii terdin Linden tor a mouthful of fresh, uir 1 bewenton H Kon asberg; but I never siw hi u i won't ocny that this famous walk may well lay more, and have not yet had (iierhups t i mv g e. it , claim to lw considered one ol the h iudoiiie,i fortoiie) mv "revenge tortile score of I'mssian J pnuneniiles in Humpe. It is, h .mover, neither pieces ot which I tound invscll minus. Assured'.y ! so leiicthy m.r so pu tty as the nveniie leading the Man of the Worlds skill at turning up nalu- i through the Champa Kl.-ees ut I'.iris fruiiihu rals was uiaivelli.ns. l'.uce ne la Concorde t.. t ie Arc d I'Htudc : Ii it Tbe Hotel de ltussle at Ber'ln (hard by the bridce oeertlic eipree, culled tue Sciiioks It'll ke) Is one of the most coinlor'aide ht)te lrieiiin North ern Europe. Tbe landlord is (or w is when I tued there first, several years u, .) a genilem m; tbe waiters were of ra'ber a superior order t f the K' liner genius, being hum ly sons of oiIi t hotel keeiers serving nu upiiren'ieesbii), or "iui provcrship," larfore they went in o business on tbolr own account; ami, being young til n nl means, old not make it the lir-t duiy in life io swindle you. The Hotel da Kus-ie was mil U frennenttd by the liriti-li tiueenV inossen vors, who itrc, under uny circiiiusta ici s, about thu plensantest, shrewdest, atlfl most c. uirteous tr m tlcnien you can well full In with; knowing evi-iy. thing it concerns a i hi. ens of the wm id to l.n j, lcci untii g tbe anecdotL'S, un.l smoking tho best e g. I -. Tin re whs an ulmirable fi'-.V fhutr at the Kussic, expensive, but mvaiiahly provided v.i:h Irish lish, at least, wlieu any kind of plM'ano iiliinent was procu rablo the which is in Germany an almost unheard of phenomenon. A i.eore of Olbcers of the 1'russiuii Guards used ta drop in ivery day to dinner; unJ of male Hug'ish travel rs there whs generally a liberal sprinkling, but English ladies were tew and far between. Tbe ase may be ttltcrcd bv this time, and the British Hater and 1'atci Camillas be permanently installed at tbe litis sic. If sinli be the cane, I wonder whether they have abandoned the sweet uud i imple custom of l.rlnci'i in lighted wax-candles With tbe coUlc, ut which candles all tbe male guest at once proceeded to illumine their ci'.u j. Now and again, at the ltussie, wheu a, stray Knglii-h bad descended liire, I kavcmarj.ed tlie mixture of terror, amazement, indivnutiun. and despair witii vrbirti she Ki legaidedlUe onslaught on the wax-Candies, und the oriiful rush with w bicb she has gathorcd up her skirts and kwept liotu the Contaminated Mji,e-tnal. You cannot iudoctrimitj Ujo llritiib matron with nutluu thnt smoking m her pfeseace is not au di.abu thing. 'I be most devoted uud cuu aiaBrfir W will somehow tu undcr test Uist I only by U'-anc aud uudcr pro aud tbe 'wm V" rur Btutna in Uor apailniBiits j kind in smL the concession out ofjrouia Ob, uxorious bri,kh'ln, 0' ' Pe-" been extravagant 1Q Rivuig it fv""11 yoU hRV9 for l'atagu. Every c,K u,rT"Vl,,M,',,Ue preaem-e of .be wi.e of yoTr.c, of ? wmdow-curtalDs, shall cost you, m M'w The KfirMy of the nnlc' i'e rfhtfe, how ever, ntuhileil hy thn c'ai'ial refiunin!nt of HiiilKh a'e, wa excf.tinK y plea-ant. The IliiMi'i prlnei -, Hermaa (Irillnn.m, ami r'rem h niMnhd I .(Ii oi l no' . ohji et io iMiokluir, The nniiinrled Lull' were not Nupp m , a" ird in if to the deliKh'tiil Co.iitriiMit! u .Rn. n hav.i ny yolee at all in any m ,t er w'mie er. All they W ilj i id ne-i.c m f no inuiiru tlirfr njiiiniiia'N drA , rv, l"l P i-'iy, nlu-.ti ivhori thry ivere .loken I , mi l eV, :a r; V m d 'i I u-ci i 1 1, ,,u a-k ol f'lrthifii. Aftt '."'ll'iju and eK.iri iho o w p.-rti i, u Hit .i cud pi ivlu4, and i hen yoa i i' I j the oer.i, or 1 1 . i Ii 'rc, or k'Oked in at ih-j M'llco,if II ms Ii hind the K vtiiintfi', ii-of i r ". i ih p i'-mI y it -M n i'i U wuh tiuii1 to reiite M r. 'if, 'it' v l t.v f j;,-H-de cveitd Hi 111 ijtiil d t(re a 'Ik. Iliad a rlimp uom .ilor,n of iO n, all pla;''-!'1;," 'iiid cT'in nu willt It it;''h, q i ttm ri'eoini i'o r. -ivi rln i iif! Hie !,., 'Il Vi" 1 ;ike I ir iHt'Tr c roo u .iii I i-l1' Hint' a uf n miC. iimI firwhi.-h I pd l onlvtn I h r-'i-s, 'ir iix K ti ; 1 1 ' n . I'.iili'.h (:lie r 'i iiiai I, iv l bii.ii mis. .', If t'n' ri'il "Hilled I'. i1 'I lnvi,)i h irtlnl, a ilnv. Y in inhvit ini.'ne tin. 'n:h Itiii luxnroui aeeintini'.ta ; n, l1i I VI rct'li" hhine whir, itnd ii-! hi. 'iin utid eivd a't 'ii.l in ' , I .ii ua ha(.ry a the iUv wan iii-.u-, nn I x win found re.i""ii to put down t n) M n o:' t u) Vi.nd, when he n,.. t I .li iiii lu't lilt" Ihrlin, aa an atinbilioiiH lilieller. IhH inittnt in n l, ai (I very p.oaui diiv I hive ti :eu ti e ea-e, had I never rlrrel I'.om til" II .lei de Kuv'iej uml ihre a' wor-ei tti.tnt'i to no, when on ft-tint i a ri ally co ,,f ,r; io:o i'oiei.;n remvat, thin mat inc up murium I n it . bin -e trom its pre. m f. d'iii"fj y mr slay In a li.y tn wliiih on don't know unyti'ilv, n it i jour AinH K.iJur. uml nn1, therel, ,-:, not liki Iv to in; priM iiu d at court; tnu Ian of a Weiiiterliifi ti'iiip'oiimeiit, and iooii i:r-i urcd ot iniMioliliilv, however coniiortililo it ni if tie. I tio iii.t fMiK- hh ttie p itieut e'l'ianrnry of a 'rl eid ot imui , who, win n lie pa to a villain on the Vulf-'a, wheie they wi io lam-iuH for trou', ilei i. led that lie meant to 'tav th'Tn un"l all the trout in the river were renht, and hn h 1 1 tii en them, or un'il the world crieked. w m to Hi'ive ilium', ami nee what i' K 'iuiT on; mi l ti'iheuli mi coudiiion at the Rusle iiii-ht hive been h. Pen anally felieitoni as th it of a stall''. I ox, I Hpii'ibly to ehHte, and fret at hav.n in 'ih ii; to tfiiirnlilc at, and ho took up my scrip nnd iny Mail and Ii. i; ui ti ru.n aliiu. iierlin. An hour's eraniUiilu i m h d not been a.vo n p islicd, h. ton: I admitted, in a rimly v.vuimu'i m int of iii on enied illi,iaei on, tti it th" Mn 1. 1 the World w.i rmtit. 1 didn't like H rlin. Noliodv dnen, I should iui i.;ino; not ev-n t'iu llerlicers. 1 am sure the kinrf mi l loyal 1'mnlv are tint albvtctl towards it; fur whenever tney have a di cent cxeue they are oil' to i'ntida u or ('hurlutteiibiirft. The capital of the kingdom of l'rns 1 1 Is do'i'it h'FS a Veiy luie and exieii n Iv imposing city, ntid has nn e.tenslve anil eoustantiy mere tsnux 1 opula im. 1 inn not siatlHtic.ttty imnded. and tLi n line won't tronblu jou wi h tik'ures to sho.v b"W ninny huuilied tiioiisaudi under a million the kbhI popn'iitlon may tie mnii e'e.i xn li-tn. U Is Ihe dullent, dnifiiesl. hole Ihn niorlnl man ever put Ina lis it into. 1' is a ciiy that haa neeu built loordi r; Uml looks a. thoutrii it h id ou"n run up by contract ; and that, no withstand nn iw no net. has an appearnn -e or luv tni? run hopelessly to seed, as thoi'fth there ha I been a Inlieiilty In lindiiift nolveni tcnniitsf rail thofjr.ind uniislons. In Ihe ueif;hlMirlioo l of the od palace there are two or lliri o tortuous strecia of rusp cia de ani (iuty, datinir. perli ips, from tho nil i lie of (he M' vi Mci nih ccntuiy ; hut everywhere else Hie city is hiid out in Htnc 8 of nuon'.iin; length mid de. ploiable lerlaiifiilentv. Do you rem. ii'ier wh it the inveterate jes'cr, Siiliey Nmeh, said on Ins diMth-hi.'U? "i'liere'n an end to i veryi'ii,i," he in ii rm ii 1 1 il , "except VYi in pole streei." (inner sire-1 or Allmny street would, to mv mill I, b.i mote i xprcssivc of never eie iin;, Mill heui on,; briiks .in t uioilar; but the diaiii;- mt c mount Mi. l'mil'i v-as, iereh inee, loo urisio.:r eie t ki.ow wliete mieh I. uml tie. tlior-ui "til ares as ( ,o vd'H htivet and Albnny tt eet were niiuated. Well, cveiy street lu lluilin h ems aiiout four times the IciiMliof WiuiHild street, uu Is not a tine no cli an. The p.ivement laof a tin ihy, criunhlin, yet ansular It ickuIh ity, as ihnuitU thu side, wa kt, had been Biro wit Kith inn ruiini;led lltita end kidney mtaucH in an ftdvancd st:e of deeoin position ; a pllo-cne detri m le li nfrii f! to an upas erlalncd epoe.l, but roiuctive of unini.iKlu.ueu aiinmh to the tei der tood. Thn Kiuiers are L'nsliinir witii hwiii-roiling tii ii i it nn uu is ua-tiiiessi s. in wet I w. ather evi i v rondwuv ia dead m-n of mini j tint, &s a ru e, I pretcr the mo 8t purioit to the itosu; cited out at h ast in Benin. I hcliev.j tha city Is l.iiilt, in the midst nl n plain of sin I. At all evi u s, wlicin ver l Is not pouring cats and dogs, every strut Is u H.ihurn d. sen ot iin , hot, cho ing dtisr, which powdira your clothes, which gels uo-vn your ihroai, which cricks your h,h, eeiriates vour iiiui-oiih nieiniir.ine, bakes voir toiigi.c, itriU'ia your tm-il-, anl insiuiitte itsi If into your curs, U'ifn.1 il-, oidoves. T iera is no ihadn in Merlin, except Unter den I, mini. Tbeie lire lew enfrs, except Umer den leinlcii; you n.u-t go ti in it r the Itinc-trccN tn linl itny th i'fr toll ruble in tho way of u con'e tiion r', or a 1 1 lfiiiinrV, or a hulvnd sic r's, oiag. tve-sh ip; in met thu h'reucbtnati, wit i his u-u il t. ih nt tor Vein ralir. ng, is nut no ipiarrel e I ivuu in jin It ig down Unter den L nden is ' l.i It i' ie It-im." i"1 woiai pari oi tue city ih, ui ne, its ouo,-. Mv oiluctory nerves ate not ninrii line r stru 1 should tli ink, than those ol oilier people. I have visited a good m-iny streets of thu world on the Continent, and in Kugl.ind, i'Vinc ', and Irehit.d redolent ol anything but su.;i H .vms. There ure closes In Kdlnhur-rli ind Ola g i v Hi it ate not precisely sre'ited like tun ta'i Hons Arnby thu Bhbt. The Ala er Itio-in ai il un'iuig, h 1 lie il the town it-ell is el. an, is not tpute as nice to tbe nose as rinnigie tin mihUe. Constin tinople lias Its slencues; so has Madrid ; an ti n Genua; so has llethnal (lieen But il-nins of Kitiiitaty Improvi men's, defend inn from Ih rliu! It is not so much In the look of the place. The bouses aro tall and severely clu ieal. Tbe streets urn broad, ua well us lung. There are plenty of open places. But, go whitbcrsocver he will, the traveler is bauuted and pursued by an inconceivable (until cxpe rieni i d) musty, fu-tr, sour, sickly smell. I at once confess it to ho lndescnh tine ; but you may arrive nt a luint (literally u I'.tin', au i well uigli a fait. ling) notion of its nature it you will imagine an iimaigmn of old clothes and linen j ist coiuu home fioin a careless wnstierwnm tn with no dry ii g ground ; of stale caiih.ure-soup, and yes er ilay's beer, iind the day before yesterday's to. liac o; of Leather Lane lish-niai ket, uml a work house duy-room; of a ragged s.'IuhiI, anil a econd-ruto mews. I stipposo the II rliuers aro fond of this d. adly perfume, and think it trhrivk. Urh 7n. I know that they gro very nngrv if i you u mue to it m any terms even reuiof ly up. utuiicuing llie une .iiiii inieiilurv. A com eitetl ' it sutp issi s thai worlil-renowned road m tb i la-t i that it is p 'anted with stately and liroa l-fnllagei l.nn-truslii lien nl stumpy siplars and etiolaieil , a-h, and that It is bnrd- red by very s oh mild ' in nsiiins,veiy muny of them real pal ices, and not i with menu lillie shups, Ivim.-ynt and ytr I inM. Jslions indeed there ure l'pii-r den ; Linden, hut the-e are among tho best , provided and most lasliloiiablo In Her In, j end they aro . interspersed with to.ver j log hotels, tho principal foreign enibassiei, I tbe chill govi bunans, uud eiiurelie-, thcutus, and museums in aliuu.iun ii. llisnia : iiiticent equestrian mouiimetit to Frederick tue Ureut Is the nn ipa1 attraction ut the southern ixtrciLity of iha Linden, und the Arch of Tri umph leaning to the Tbierg.iricn with KrjU'.s pretty theatre ntid garden. not so pretty, how ever, as Cremorne of the other. Then there is tbe new Koyul l'ulacc, at one ot whose c iseiueuis, 1 am tnl. I, at present you may see the drill-si i geunt King ol 1 rusula, digging und slaving, 111.0 a clerk at a counting-bouse desk, through retun.s and parliamentary papers. When 1 tirst illei tuider the Ltiiden, however, there w as no king to be seen at tl.o palm e-winduwj. l'oor l'ro Jei.cic William had gone cra-' V, und was in o'.mo piiu n durante at C'hariotteulitirg, wbei.3 he tii;i!e 1 tbampugne when thev would let him piir, poetic, dcinetitej Koi (Jliciiuot! aud siuablileil with h:.s Keepers ana wuidied bit lace iu icriui celli soup, und otherwise made a pit.'otis exhi bition oi himself 1 . i one of (be Lord's auoiuti.'d, a bis successor, William i, the drill-sergeant nonateh, is M loud oi tcljiig his pjo;no Cut he is. Yes; I am five to auti.d al.iu that the nitisdutn of pictures and liitul..d is very grand andvciv iiulile. Kiss's " Ainuou " aud ilorr U niioliiis's fit'i-coes o'its:de, any number ui' piintiiigs by musters ancient and nndern, piand siloous, painted ceiiings, gilded coi uices, Il Jte l c iluuim, ychet drujienes all these ate very gt iiulloss and superb, no doubt ; but, luercy on us' bow deipi lately ae.ny one is ant to grow oi all this g'ml -book sight sticius;. 'l ake one city, if you will Berlin, Munich, Antwerp, Drctuon, i iutenee, Itoint'.Mailn.l and saturate yotu'se-f wli Hsai t tie.imc; but Ibis wandering from place w place, and 1 1 oui gallery to gallery, this vtv-ourageiueut ola heterogeneous jumble of n.nncj aud t.'H, ti Lools andj styles, history and ietire, laudicipe und et.ll liie, taa only lead to couiusiou au i d.' liair, or, worse still, in a bemused and cancelled igtioruuce, prone to make you believe that, bseauie you have seen so niueb, you know everything, when, in reality, you have not admired as much ual knowledge an you would have duue by pur- rhr-slng an n?ravn(r after t'orncllds, or k plai'er cast nl the ' A maon,'' for a c iip e of stnlliM(s. hit I took IJn er den Linden not In th le is( a mhet'cal y, and luifffrt d nrnea Ii the lone trees not t h ifim.obsear, hut a-a eosinophil in (en k ni y. Tt.e pUee is well t n Mf!n. I'lin ntn'tit reireh ritf shados ; there aie chairs and lnelie wh i nii nisy lonnK i at . lnre j there ere unii laiy l-ntiiis and pntad- s to amuse Jen. if von ara find ol ma. i In I ili-pl y, or almim ihe I'ru -i nl i rmi , whleh I do not. All tint 11- rlln has to sin w in ibe wey i f Ii mty and fashion t vhieh is ;t't I' ueh, g-sidue-s kn-w, a ex -co in- fie i hiirn li g I'rineesH I f leriek William of I' n sia, onrt.ndrHrrrinifsii "nvaij .io e gmll.' r den I.I nut n on tine a' cmft n.s. i ure w is,i wasten i.ill.-irs of tun flnards, anl H Viy btiif;' ( is and tronlngiiriletb, n and plutii. il a des (Irdiinp, and hoys' seh -ols and nl. I ,' sen. nils, anil love. m.ik iif? cniielen, nntl sentcr ons ehr-tlr- n i,d hiut le(fi;ed, loin? l-i?i;'-l, n-:eiinj-t .llc-t toe iiiiiii iloyv. Cher to the open h in e Is ihe only shop in Ih rim l ere lmi can tiuv smolmti u cigars, ami he i ti y riitmtftn ,-. or cmitei tl ni ra, -vm-re von Ceii fet vaoilla ices won't umbo you ill. Y in had In st keep nicnillv uudi r the lime tr- es, for o sure as you upprnaeb one ol the sllo-lncis thnt ctoBs ilm Linden a' ilM'i' iin;;lm by m-ores, j i nr Bose will i.e . tlrli letl by the o.t imir.;, r ist , Sick 1 smell eol;,ll,g . w inpitof in RV Tleiie.ill.llieiui? frusiH Ironi tin rest of Hi rliu. If yon wl h u piest rve uiitht if approaching a fivorahtc in-, irissloutif ihe 1' otpital ua str.iUht t' the Linden frnin yonr tio'el, and won llnT" ii itil ii is lime to go liaek to tlm fu.'-tu tt'lwte, or Ui the Op' in, er to K run's.. It' )oiiveniine irdo anv n'linr distii-tof fie btige, i.ud, dusty, sour city, w th in uncivil, s' rni In -I k il. en- eei ed Jiiif nla'i'iu, you will incur a ronsulc ruble risk of being Ii ir-il to deatli. I know I wn near'y , and that I won'dn't n i ha. k to hfrlin 1 had a mouth of it ave under com pulsion, or unless I wis. In loTii, or h I'ulsomely paid lor it. on hiiv account. Unter den Linden is) p.nid.e, hut that in all ; it is the one rich plu n in a mo t n pulsiro uutl indigestible (iermau siiet dumpl n;'. And yet, I dare say, there Is "life In llerlin" lite of the jovial, rollicking, merry go-round i rtti r and there are people resident on the Sin e who think Unit river far upcrinr to Hie Thames, the tV.-Ino, or the Arno, ami the, cipltal list II a hive of perpetual delights. I.e. the-q keep tin lr fond opinion ; I don't envy them in the h ast. I won il nooner have the II inlcvnrd (It s Italiens or the shady sldo of I'all M ill, or the suiinv side ol Kcgenl strict, any day, thau L nler ileu Linden. How n rlillosiher Lived. I UK I'lllVATK MP OF KANT. In n rceer number of the CornhiH Jimnzim we fnd tl.lsac mint of the piivato life of Kant: "K .in i lived in a modest and retired hoii'c, In ll fiiic' stiect hi hind the old palace, liveiy no'g.w inter and suminer, the old soldier who . is hiH servant caiiin into bis bedroom ut five n iniili s lo live, in d said, 'It is time.' The pld'oHipher lose instnitly, dressed with wonder ful rai idity, and by live was seated in his brcik fitst table, where he ilrutik one or two cups of ( a nothing more smoked a pipe, and collected Id- ideas lor the work of the day. At seven ho went out for his lectures, und on returning nt W work till a quarter l one. l'recisely ut the tpiarter bo dressed lor dinner, took a glass of wine to Incite bis appetite, and was ready for the guests whom he had invlied. He tit'vi r dined a'oue, und ulways break fasted alnne. liianer was the rime when he liked to receive his liiendn. At bis breiiktalt he whs so much ucciis oinetl to solitude that when rmce a friend dmppt d tu sr. that hour und asked to si arc his ineul, Kunt was cinb .rrasscd, ami i lull d by asking his friend to Kit where be could not see h 1 1 n, r n ing Hint f t more than half u cou ntry I e h id in vi r seen a soul near him w hile he dniiik Ins tea in the morning. But at dinner lio 4'niild tint bear lo be left to himself. Ho alw tvs tniik cure to invito somn of his fi l imls before hat d, Slid one day when none, of them could ci me, he sent but servant Into thu street to pit k lip the first passer-by und brim; hi in in to diiii i r. ilo could not bear to tie kept wait ing, l'nr this reason he, detested ceremony at t able, ind his most lien euliln gust was the one who took a dish wi'lioil' nlfeniig it to others, so that Hie turn ot the ho-t came the more quiiki). It niu-t lie reinem'w red that K nt had iiitfn in. thing nil the luoruiinr. uul hail be.iii working steadily. Dinner liu-ted two hours or Ii. etc, ui, t! whs u veiy pleasant iiieil.the g'Ctt nt nil hysiciun tulkiiig in a simple and popular style on nil Mi'j'c s of the Uny, e-H:cially on poiities, ot whicii ho wes n dilig nt reader. Him passion lor ihem was -ueh tliailiosuiiieiiuies (lung hinitelf niecr.y on Ihe newspapers in the ninrii it g, which one would have thought n prolan i tinn. Ki r Ins stuny was ii suiiciiiaiy , h icru I to intellectiiiil latiors, mid nothing mundane was t vi r In aid iu it,. N .t till the guests hud ipii ted Hem iii slid entered the dining rnnii did IC iiit u lux his phil' sohic giiiviiy. Ai'er tlitincr ho took his n guliir wa k up an I down it small alley of 1 mi s, which 8 c.illi.l the I'liiio-nplier's A II-y. His walk wus annus soliiurv, except on rainy uml ihri iiteniiig days, wh n his servant lollowid Mm 'with an nmbielli, iin ler Ids mm, and with a restless ami v gl ant look, an exact Imuge of 1'rovideiice ' Kj ,t intil two leesons fur ualking alone: hawinied to tl iuk, in. i) be ilid not waul to open his iii iuib. He iboiight llnit by breathing through his nose the in would l.o iiiltniited gradually lo his lungs, and that he had less risk ol inking cold. (In euii ii g hiin.e he read the papers. In the evening he iiuii e no cs lor lectures the tn xt dav, or Inr his writings, rend and mi'ditu'ed on what be rea l, winii g dowu nuy ideas that struck him. At ten be went to bed; a quarter of nn h uir bcfoni retiring lie suspended all occupations, mi I cleared Ids mind of ull thoughts that might prevent biui from sleeping His heel room wa, never tieatuii, bs windows were always kept shut, summer and wmti r, uml the light was as carefully excluded as the u.r." Lucille "iVestern is playing nt Pike's Opera Huuse, t'iuiinnuli. "Anything to pleiiso tho child," as the nurse said when she let the liuby crawl out of the nur eiy window. 'ure (ItiUl, tbe play by Tlr. Marston which opt n d tho present season at Wallack's, is having u succiss ut tho Theatre Royal, Brighton. M. 1 '.in i.e de (Jiiardin is at work on a drama, in three acts, to bo culled 1m Suiplice tl'une t'rmmt H Is expected tint it will be brought out ut the Vaudeville Theuire. A new ojiera-housc, to seat three thousand people, is' in course of erection at Baltimore. It wdl be reudy for use next spring, and will bo called tho "Concordia." lime, the story taken from I'etrella's opera, is a diatn i to he pro lin ed this week at tho Metro politan Tbeiitie, Buifulo, with Charles l'upo iu tbe principal part. Mrs. Vrnnees E. Hoggins has lately di d of apoplexy in L.ugluinl, uged sixty-three ye irs, having l en an actress sinco her tweltih year. Her line was "old women." J. L. Toole is now, sinco the death of Fred erick Knlmon, tho iniibt popular low comedian Iu I.iigluiHl. He is soon io appear in a new pi iy written for him by OxentorJ, uud called Strjilwn Jhytira. There Is talk in Paris of cs'ubliMhiug a Bib Heal theatre, w hero will be played onlvpiices drnmntiaul trom the iu. -blunts of tbe Old Te-u-nient. A French paper thinks that .Solomon and his three bundled wives would furnish excellent subjects fur light Vaudevilles. Tbo following despatch went through by telegraph a month or two since : "Charley and Julia met ut 8 's, yesterday quarrelled und putted forever met a'aiti this morula;, ami purled to meet no moie met again this cienimr BLd wcie maided." A cockni y tourist met n Scottish lissie g ,ii) Imrclool towurils Glasgow, "l.isiie," sa.l he, "I should like to know if ull the people iu tkese pin ts go barefoot "Fai t of em do, uud the r-.-t ol 'cm mind their own business," wus the mllicr tottlii'g ii ply. Among tLo dramatic attraction!) lately nllered to the Boston p0ilo are, still H'riOii Kim D r, pliived at the Boston 'I beutre by H. L. IJtvenport, J. W. Wallaik, Jr., and others; Pornh'in'ifi, ut tbo Tremont ; and l'nul'3 It hirii.m tbe Mttsettni. Mis. General Lander, who, before her mar riage was bliss Juan M. Haveupuit, rcturn.'iig 10 the stage. .Sine her htishand'.s death iu the early part of t'r.i war, site Lnu been nursing sick uldicis in our military huapituis. tsucb a wi man, on her return to the stngc, should bo reccivrii with ft more than ordinaty wjloome. "I wi:-h you would tiot give mo such short weight for my money," said aeusiotuertoagrorer, who had an outstanding bill against him. "nd I wish you wouldn't guo mo such a lou wait for mine,'' replied tho grocer. "Ab,"s,ii I Dr. II loniLiaug, tiieoting a put i tit, "I need not ask you the cause of your being out again; you billowed my pie ciiptions." "No, I didn't, doctor. Il l hud, my iricuJi wauid have ioiiowed me to the grave." Old Muster Brown brought his fotule down, bis face was augiy and rei. ''Now, Anthony Clair, go seat you there, along with tbe girls, "ha said. Then Anthony Clsir. with mortilie l air, and his chin bent down on uisbroust, civpt slowly awuy, and tat all day by the gl.l that loved him best. A gentlcmku of great wealth received from his uephuw, wbu was his leputo I heir, a iplendtd pbeatiant, to eujuy which he invited his friuuds to partake. The dinner was gay, but ut the dessert one of the guests remarked that be had uottaitud it (La dainty bird. "Ah !"said he, "to tell the truth, I was fearful ttiat UitjfUt be potsvuvd, coining from uy htu," r A"TI T. lh "utter" nio-t pans of the ear:h aro aitn petd to te the Jiirtb vvbero thoro aro mjst Woneti -My lid," laid it lady to a boy firrym a mail bug, "are yon Ihe mail boy ?" "Yoiidoosn't thiiik I'm a boy, dis s jo, ina', a " In one of the C"niW lately there was a long and learned ili eusskm aa to whether a wl nei boii'd he. allot d lo ' r tue qunstiori, " vVuat did Mary nay i" I'hrea j idi'es gaw long and C ala rate opinions in tun atlirmatlvii, and the ttii s( on bung r prated, Ilia auovor .n, "N Jt a Word " One bmidr-'d and eleven tnflnibers of the Vt ate So- iety have sln 'O las! April tli-rontl in A iteming wall tin ir pisry-eooK on the ground thnt they In lieved he dealt in warlike mores, lieiHTcnf tlic ins -rii'tl. ill in hn-wln.or, "DahH Suplilif d." l-'iist young brother homo from I-'. 'on; ". My A n h , yon are niir'u d ll fv,ptftri Mow, wi.y will you la) fiartic-; ;.,ry ,..V k i-f,.ir.-i i ter (iilushii ;,.. o'wiiit non ense, ha can I tell, silly B0V p.. Kt yna,itf h'Olhur: Wly, l'r,.iu0 you'll hu Aiiuni-uiu'cd (aui inut.,u) lote Hire.'' Atmut kirsw llniinna. Tturfirr't Mtnaxmr, for October, hnsa i iah-rrist-irgft'ticlcon the m inuf ictura of triw bont.nta aud hats. Straw bonne.' and hs's wcro ori'n ally made In Italy. The Italian, or as they no ei niinonly called, the "Lcehorn" hu's, are made of eh nder straws from a np-'eics of heirdcl win at, which is grown cvprcssty f )r the hat manufacturer. The, making of these h its gives etnplni iiietit to large numbers of thn Italian peasantry. The Italian hat was introduced into I'.nglsnd a little more than A hundred yo irs ago. Th.s 1nt consisted of an enormous circle of straw, wi ll a central skull cup of the same material. The inconvenience of sneli a hat was iti a measure obvianil by fastening down the si tes, und thus forming the so-called "Gipsy-nn'." "Varioua unsuccessful a'tempts wero male to n ocifv the ugliness of this form of hat, bet uu tndlcul change took place until about tho year 17!HI, when the hinder part of (hn brim proving troulilestuiie, smne wnmrti ol ta-hion iu n tit of sphen rut it oil. Tbus a second advance towards the iiuiC.irn bonnets was mail. Alter this ii u in i riuiB new shape of bonnets or h its heeau to appear. Fiom all tlie-o eiiiiu tes the Icgtii maie iKinnet euliie out ti iiimphanl, uud notitli st iiitiing its ptou.'un characiei', the variations in li.e aid st upe, has ret, ntied the t.uue cs-cutial cbi nu n risties ever since." Ihe first straw bom et manufactured in (his coin. try was in IT'.W, by Miss B tsey Meicalf, of l'rin id. nee, Hhoce iKiatiil, now Mrs. Ilikcrof I ) ill Bin , Mi l. She saw un imported Iliins'ii'ilu bonnei in ft sbop in 1'rnv.d., uud like her s Hlers of tbe pn sent day (for where is thu woman thai is nut urn acted b a pietty lion net ?) earnestly longing tor xnc like It, shu itlti mptcd uu uuiiu tuili. "taking some oat stubnle Ironi a held where hi r fa ber's laborers had been reaping, she split the struws w ith her thumb nuils and ma la her (list aticmpt ut plaiting. Alter several fail ures she aueci e'letl in imituiing the hraid of tbe admiied uifiir iu the shop, and madu herself a b" rbo was tln u but twelve years of age. Oli I Mrs. Betsey linker, under whit u load of oblig tioi s lias your youthful ingenuity placed our wives and sti rs ! "A facsimile of Mrs. Baker's first bonnet is preset v. d in Hie r suns of the Rhode Island Hocii ty lor tho Kncoiiriigcmeiit of Domestic In dustry. Wi can readily fancy the excitement that bonnet made among the mends of Betsey Mete, ill's Ian, l y; the eagerness with which mothers and litiiplit, rs handled this straws, in striving to imi un hi r plaiting. Iheurtwas rapidly developed Miss Metealf was f-i i. emus and learned her Inends und they, in llit .r turn, ii.striich .1 their friends, and soon strnw braiding bci umc tho "crochet-work of tho day ;" to much o tin. some pious souls began to sie in it a great ivil. as It. pimlered to the Tunny ol the women. In lHJoa Dr. .Stanley wroln un" lot the Mnnnfui tiiionl -Straw Ilouneta," in winch he mi l a I kimis of evil r. sit is at the door ot straw braids. But, notwithstanding his Ikons 10 the contrary, tho niuiiiilueture of braids uno bin nits rapidly increased, until now largo establishments exi-t for their muiiiilactiirii n ostly eonlined, however, to Sont.he istern Mas lai hu'eits, avide liotu two Iu Connecticut, uud two or three in N't w Yink city. A i'i a n towns lu Southeastern AltisRnchtisotts rely upon the bonnet factories for their principal nn si sof'sni port. Twelve thousand persons nro in pii yi d t y them, mid they send nwtiv unnually t ear e ght liiinioiis of Imuncis and hats. The Union Straw Works, which wero estaiilisbed by tint Mes-rs. G. & C. Carpenter, in 1SVI, at Fox lion ugh, M issachu-ens, sre thu largest of tbo kind lu this country or Kurop". Tho value of its goods nunua ly m iiiulacimcd is ten minion dollars. The plai'ing a id sieving is mostly d me by families in their own homes, while the ure paiuiiou of tbe straw and ihe liuishing up of tho I linnets und huts is done ut thu lactones. 'I lie ItusNlini I'.iiipirri-Ollieliil NtilisHe. The Central Commltten of St ifistic at the Ministry of the Interior nt H'. Petersburg has publi bed a dcscriitlou of tbo Uussian Kuipiro, from which the following figures are taken. Tho ixtn t of tbo different parts of tho ompiro is rated in square miles: "Siberia, 2G7 7'-4 ; Caucasus and TruiiseancasiiH, 6.rX,0; Grand Duchy of Finland, 6870 j kingdom of Poland, 2257; Hnropean Ittissln, 87,120. In thi'so lust numbeis are not include 1 thu parte of the Government of Perm ami of Orenburg, situ ated hi yonil the Oural ; however, they contain the (invert meet of Stavropol and the lands inhaiiitcd by thu Cm-neks of the Black Sea. According to tin' census of lMiS, the total population eni'm ts to 74 271 ,-.'0-1 iniliviilniils, whereof ::(! 8 4,1 HO are men, and :i7,'177,l2'i are women. The density of the population differs very much in ibe uilleient pans of the empire. The average is : In Po'nnd, 21 ID inhabitants to the s pmro mile ; in F.uropeun Ku-Ria, (1S7 ; in the Caucasus, 6112; in Siberia, 15. It the den-l'y of the opu lution of K ti rope an Itus- la be cimshleretl, its maxi mum will be found round Kiell' mil Mjscovv, the two scats of ancient Hiissiati i ivili.ation, und it dim iiislies according us tho concentric .one with draws fiom these Iwn towns. I'hus, the G overn ment of Moscow contains ,'l,i0(l inhabitants per mile; the Governments of Podoli i.Tonlu, Lotirsk, Kit If, and Poltuna more than 21V IU inh ibimnts per luiie; Is, a popuiutlon just us dense as tbut of the north ot Genu . my and of the Slavonian coun ti n sol' Austria. The Governments which are more d'stinr fiom the two centres, such us Penza, Tain liofl, H nnn, Jaro'lay, Kulonga, Noronege,Tatier li'kotl, and Khurlmll, have an average of from lohU to 2d0U iiilibbiianls. At a still greater dis tance the averugo is from l.loi) to lOOtl; for in stance, in the government of Twer, Vadimir Nijtd, Novgorod, Kasnn, Smolensko, Polhyula, Livonia, ai d Coi.r'a .d. Tho Gnvcrnmeuts of Vistaca, Vi'otnk, Minsk. Kherson, and Taurida, wline the ltiis-inii populntion is mn rtnix. d with foreign elemetit Finns, Liilimmitins, and Tar lurs buve uu aver ge number of inhabitants vur ing from Uleo to ii'M. Lastly, tuo d- creii e finds its lasi limits in the Governments snua eilut the i-Mieiiiilies. Astrakan bus only l.!l) inhabit rmts lor every sipinie mile, and Archatigel only 211 inliiil.ltaiils. la Siberia the population varies trom IO 1 1 b-7 iuh ibitan's por mile, it is concen treted in the loeall ie liuiCeiing on the great postal n ail. In the Caucasus the population is vi iy flense, Inn ;i!so Tcry vari dile. 1 bus, whilst the district of i'ei bcnt contains 2titS inhabitants Inr iu.1 , that oi -'Stavropol has only uUd." All Auk rlemi Iflen l'niiisiluu(el. A London paper says : "The private and com mercial postage stamp system of America ia gradually being introduced here. A short time since n company of rnrrlors started lu Loudon fur the purpose of convey lug smul! parcels fiom one end of the metropolis to the other nt the extra ordinarily low price of ouo penny per package. A spruce conveyance, i;h a driver und conduc tor, stopped at your door, leccived tho parol, nn J theu canii J the same to its ih situation for tho coin mentioned, 'ihe company do;s not lake money, as much time is lost in giving change suino people never having any other coin than a sovereign to pay far the binalle-t olij'jet, but they issue stumps, Value one penny, and tucso cs n l e leudily u'l.xed at sny time, and th'j d -!ay alli.u'eil to (litis prevented. "The btumps ure very similar to the '!'!xpivs' stump of New York uud Plulitiiulplini. (some of our Liuidiiii lallwuyx now inopo ic to iisiie slumps for the coin oi mice of hinall paii.nges aloug their lilies, I rem stutioii lo -tutioii, (l,ia value to i.o deici mined by distance. '1 hits, lioui any one htutton to aiifiiher within a length of bfty miles, 2d.; Olio hundred miles, Id.; ouo hundred uud tifiy Diilcs, id , or some such division. 'Ihe Caleduniuu railway bus already comtucuced the issue ol liirthiug slumps lo pay for tho truusiuis Bion of newspu-'is along its loiito. Tho stauipi ure perforated und gummed lil.e our ordinary postage stamps, uio sold in sheets containing a dozen. Ike stump bears the luipiess, 'Caledo n an liuilway, No. . For one newspaper only. To l,o calied lor by consignee at the Station on tbo Caledonian itailwuy to which it is ad dietsid.W A ceitniii lady hiipnenlng to express a wish, in the presence of her son, a bev Uve vears old, that she bad something to read thai.' she had never read before, tbe boy exclaimed, "lakvyem Bible, njotkir!" Pretty sharp, that. FINANCIAL. gMlX'JI L IIANIIOLI'II, Ko. 1 S. THIRD STHEF.T, UANKJ;it!H AND IMIOKIMIH. apeiii; ,tet 1 1, Quarlermiilf rl V ictiri sad tirlj,anif IS mti-rnmeil "KiirHiN BoarM snd a H. nihil JJANIti;H, ho. 30 S. I n I Bl) 6 Til BE t, HIT and aau. (OLD, ftlMKJt, K3 KVliMHST SRCl'itlTIBfl. H T O C K H uri f-ttT iUP aoi.o Ot (OMiailON. 13 M QX-.AXHil-sHV O'O., UANKKUH, Vo. 121 8. TIIIKD STTlEIfT, ritll.Allr,M'UM. Ocvrrnmf ( Brtllrf of all tvioie PnrrfiaM anil air Hahr austli, UtiBa, and llola nonyfll ual Mold cu t'oio sstnloa INTKBMT JtLlOWFIT) ON TIItPOflTB. OtiilsciiMi Pronvinly yiul. ss5 U U. S. 10-4(f. jay coo it ia A CO., OFTER rOH fist.ft TIIR NEW GOVERsMMENT LOAN, nr.ARiKn rrvR fkh tknt. tNTKKRsr in vnisJ, rd'i rtisss any lime srtsr TKN VKABs. at the t Irunra of ibe Ooveramtnt, and partil lOltrr VKvltS alter dats. tumi rOt'l'OH AND ItKUIHTkBED BOND-! ar Isnsed forthla Loan, of saint) osnora nmlon as the -'i jus. The Intwrat m MH and (,00s payable yea-ly; an all otlis-r li i,, half jtarly Tha 10 Ml bonds are dutrd March 1, 1SSI. The half Jta-lr loujre.l lalllnii Uu fsi-ptnubor 1 and March 1 of each year ; until lat Heiit-ira- bar. the acorucU Interval rroao lnl of March la raauired tu be amid by pnivfiaterN In aunt or In i.anaL ccubnct, add sns flit) per csiit. avr prt-inliira, unlil fun har nutsre. A1X OTIIKHUUVkUNMENT HKCUUITltB HOtJliUT AU fiOI J. JAY COOKE & 00., aliW-tf No. lit H. TIII1U) STIllB'.T, 1llll-iT NATTONAIj iiA.rvis.. NEW UNITED STATES fS-MO LOAN, S40,O()0,O0). This Hank Ii jut parwl u isKelve the nllniaary f.f Two per auit., en aeeunut of this I.oaa, required by tha advertif tuenl of lb secretary of tha Troasurv, dated Octobir 1, IttCf, and lo ktme receipts la dtiplicata thcrufur. This flank will bo rrprcienied a( Iha opcDlng of lbs hide on Uic Kih inat., by ona o( Its oillivcra, ami anyone deitr lag tu participate in the gcncra bid of Ui Bsak eau do so wnlioul chairc. Funiwr Infuruatlon will ts slvanon l l'tkatkin at Hie Hank. C. II. CI.AKIC, fHKIilUiSMr. Alorton iVToMieliiiel, Jr., VAK1IIKU. 103-lOt I Q O 1, O JL, I, C O IL. X. WLVKU AND BANK NOTES WANTK1). DE EAVEJI & BfiOTHna, aul-tf M. UO . THIRD 8THHS. Jll-W U. H. LOAN. HO.000,000. Hfft rrfug to (lie advcrtltemeatof tha Baorataryof 11. a Trcaisry for rnorosALs for the NEW U. S. 5-20 LOAN, Wa will Include In oar kid for tlie same thoac of any lartlci w Uhlaj Ij laaaa aip,lcatl.a for any pari Uieraol, WITHOUT OllAIUJK. lufei matlkB apply to JAY COOKE k 00., 11ANKKKS, Ko. 1 14 8. TUIKll RTllEBr, 10 4 9i rblUdelphla. gTocritw A iv i) i-j:e i7itiTi n--s BOUGHT AND .SOLD ON COMMISSI O N . DE HAVEN & BEOTEER, ' Ho. 0 8. TIIIKD KTR'.F.T. o IL fs T O C K B liUlllllT ANU RilI.D ON CllUMISHIilN, ii utoaoit j. norn, -, vt-fm Ko.l8 8.TUIRUBir.-art. rtTVy MONEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED I "Y lions Dlini.otiiti, Walcliiii. Jowalr-r .rial, (5 iSCkilbhig, An., al J .iosk8 k oo a F.STAIIMlilJKI I.OAV Ori lfF,, CVjln 01 'llllUll and OAHKI1.L Htroatl, liv-iiiw Luinhard. K.B.-lJlAMONDM. WATCIICb, JKVTELBr, (ilf MB fit I., i-ir salt- al KKMA11KAUI.Y l.OWrRIUKR. seft-aa THOMSON'S LONDON KITCIIENSR, oi lairopenu Kkuku, lainllii-ii, Imtuia, or p ililiu i 1 1 a t it nl lull n . Jli twenty dilleteul ales. Alan, Plillu doliilna llunut-s. Hut -air FuriiaeeK. Hunubli llvatiira, l.owd.iwri fjratua, llri ljiianl htave, nAt, H, Hlers, hti-wliiile 1'ialutf. Itr'iilers, ( '..okins Stovisi, Ac, al wtiulu ,tlv and lululi,hy Uu- uiatllitaetiii,-rs, I'll.tsK, StlAI'.PK TnoMROof, 9 Stl-fniw-Cm ho. HI)' N. hKHOMD Sheet. fa-r PIANOS, COTTAOK EXCKL t -!en slIjTS hi ir iirtfaiia, llaiiuauiiitaii, auj Molu I fdll deiiis.ut ' MtHstl'S MUSIC RTOItK. 10 7-Jlll NO. 11111 t'ULMN'U f .Slic .t. KIN-NK-NO-NK-AW llslllAN aMOKINIl TOItAOCOl llua world-rcuotNiiid 'I'-.tiui o'i la maiuiUuturail froul the KINCKT I.KAK, Aud earnestly rocoinmriuii losit ta all anutletuea a huxuriinu Tsito. Sold wtiolcilti' and retail at UUM' B I'UPIILAltriO AP RTOttK, o.lll CURsNliT htriet, I t-Cui oppiiitte atatc ll iiiss. JOHN OltUM CAlPr.MTBB 1WD RtnxDn. Mi). Ill l.'llxllt gTRRRT. A larta hro of kaildu-n hbbX'iIcs ot all branch e alvrara oa hand. api -wataalaa POSSESSION OIVKN OF A SIX fiX rtauBit'4 CoUne- YrU s. $4. FINANCIAL. u PT I 'V J '3 1 W T A T W 7-30 LOAN. lerlttfotti will M rwl4 tot Conpon TrMimi j ffnin), M thr ywir from Anirnit IA, iw.l. witn int mat) lntirfiii M h fu nl ivcti ftiul ttm-umh pr 9AHt fr sim, principal tod Lntrct boU to M pud I lAOTfUl tTHJtltJ. ThMDoitfl will Da onvtrtrbl ftt U option of th kiMrr at taiiirilr mtr ' Pr otiit. iM bvunriM tvin-l. fjbl iot ItM Uio At nor imr than twenty yvrt frvt ihtxr ih .irr.innt tntj eti. TWj will b ipffii4 In den.m.tMttmit nf WO. f UKI. "-''. !'))), and aMt, .ad aH nibicr.rttm ntut if t tlif dwtUart or malltvla of Wli dollar. Ai th ta draw (at trait frma A newt. IS, Braoa asa-itf dMMiifi Mtvcnmit to that dita mmH pay a latatmt avaiutd frarn dM vf Mlal da: of dotio.tu BrKCIAL ADVANTAGKfl OF THIS LOAN. It j a IVatiokal Haviwr.ii nn, offrrliia a higher rata of tnlrtt lhaa aay oUirr, and lAa r Mrunfy. Auy tavtriKi bank which payt Ha drpMlUirt In United Hut Motaa comldm Uiai it ta partiuf In the txttt clrcniathtff Biailtam f tba Atumiry, and k enmnmt aay In a'lTihinv tattrt, for Itt own aiiain arv aatr,r tn livftrniiu-nt tour Uaa i la tt or bouda payabla IB iiiiveruuient papar. COKVBIUIDLE INTO A PIX VV.ll CKNT. fi-20 OOLD BOND. In addition to Ilia vrj UbaraJ tntaraat on thv not ft Air lit ft yrart, trtta prltikita vf a HTtvilon li itow wnJi alHat thra par cent jar annani.fnr Ua oanvnt rmi- for 8-f.J Hi "i'd ia tuA thaa nint pr tent. ; retmum. und Ih lnr Uic war thr prcnlum on til prr oiiL (Inlicd rttawc Hltjckc wat ovar twenty prr oattt. It wlU be taa'ti Uiat the aatuai profit on this loan, as Uta pruecnt market not laac Uiau ftta per cnl. par aiinnmi. ITS EXtMmON FRO.M BTATE Oil MU NICIPAL TAXATION. Hit alde from aJI tha adTantafra we bare en m orated, A epeclal Act of Coiifiruei eximpt alt bumU am Trmury nottsfm Ucai taxation. On tha a vur axe, trUa UKirop tion ta worth about two f,er cot. prr aitiinm. acrordiiif to tha rata of taxation In variolic para ot tbe country. It la beUTel that no aacnrlUce tTor so grait Indura menu to tondura aa Uone Ucurd by tho (Kvtnunint. In ali otLw form of lndi-btvdiiesc, ttia faith or ability of private partifa, or cttick conipanlfa-or ipauie couitoiml ticc, only, ta pledged Inr pamant. wiiiiu tha wiioie pro perty of tc country tc baiu to cecura (l dUol-arye of nil the oblUiatJona of Uie fulled tttau. Tjp to trie lth of Pei lijulifir, tho antnTlptloui to loan aneuatcd to over PiTBafHiTTKiwi wnxfBri Rkcriv id by the TfoAwrrer of the United flraten, at WaniilnKton, the eovural AdaiatJiiit Trvaiurarc ana UtclKBuivd itviiotitarteis, and by the FiitHT national uanr ok finiMHKiii'iiiA, pam fttOM HATIONAL HANK OK til I LAOKLli 1 1 A, l., llllhl) -WATItiBAL KAN. Of rilll-AlH.I.CHI A, KA., J-OIKTU N ATIO AL HAM K OK I'll I LA I'KLl'HI A, F l.( By ail -National iiauM whlib are dopueUanaa ut purato motey ; and tf-ii-1 2 J ALL KRHFECTAIiLlE IUKKI) AND BANKEItS Throuffhont tha.oountry will tfva farther tnformtlnn and AKrOKO KVKKT AOILITY TO ML'MrttUUhEKH. riVE-TWESTY E0ND3. TRKAMJRT PlPATMK.r. ( WAbJllftiT01.,0uL0bs)l l,trV4. fUUd ttr rt will be racalved at thta Dcpartiumit, uwlt-t tho acl of CuiicrcM ipprovrd Jnn 30, IHiJI, untl tho mon of rHlDAY.the 14Ui Uctantor fx.ndr, of the Uii.tid Htntec (o Uio Aoiount of forty mtllluoc (40,iX)0,rui)) of dolhirc. Tho bomli otTered will Ih at an laterentof lix (A) per csntiiin, pajahle ir ini-anntmllr In coin, on the flrntdto iof May and S'nmtcr, aud will be redeemable at Oto plamiro of Uio ioTinimfit aAor fire (A) yearn, ard payiiblo- la twenty (nj) yrare from Kovemher 1, ltM. Kach otTnr m or t-o ft.r flfty or oma multiple of fifty dollars, and Mit-tatc tl.a mm, Including premln n, ;:Tor!d forrarh hrDdrwl ilollArc, or fr fifty wl.en the otlur U for no mure Uan fitly. Two percent, of the principal, oxxliullnrj pro mi am of tha who la amount bid fur by each bidder, tntrnS ho drpoilud goarantee for payment of tibiTlpOiinc, If accepted, with the Treasurer of the United Htatos, at W ant In ton . or with Uie Aiclitant Traaturor, a; Xvw York, Hoc ton, Philadelphia, or 8t. LouU,or w Uh tlni .lail nated dipoiltory at II ull I more, IMttchurtr, C'ln.'.unaU, IxulaUle, t'h caKO, Dvtrolt,or Ituifulo, or with any K. tlonal DepoiiU Hunk which may cnucent U trnjot tha hue in ef a wltiiont cliariro;fcrwl.tclidoiioiltcUjjilluata ear tiAcatf will be Inued to the deiiosU4n by ttio oill. cr or Bank r real v in g tbera, tha orllnale of w hkh muit be for wardtd wltb Uio offvra to thli daunt. All dfpocltc ihotiJJ be made In time for Ui Ofrtiflcati'j with the offers to reach Waftbliikton not later Lbau tho taorulu of OotUer 14, ac Afureiald. No oiler not accompanied by lie proper Ceitltlcate ol lxpoklt wlJ.baooniidered. the Coupon and heuifctrm Poiidfj Ultied under ihU prnpnial will be of t0 d-ntninaUca ol fifty dollar, one hundtud dollara, Ua bnndrisl di)llari, and one thouannd dol arc. Ki-tflctcrcd It on d of Ave thousand dollar and tea thousand doikt't w ill ht' leaned tf repaired. All ofltr received will be opened on Friday, Octobor U. The awards will be made by tha riOfretary to ll.e hlnhett ferers, and nolkec of acceptance or drrlinatlon will be Uumtiluittly givtn to the recpecilve oiVerca. Is acetic o( acceptance, bonils of tho dace rip tl on aud deiiiiilnaiUn pieferif d ill be sent to the -ubucillxirs at the Cult of the prpirtta nt on final payment ef Inctalmenti. The diiucltuf two per e.-nt. will be re'k nid In tho lant liutalUHOt paid by cucieciliU OiTcrors, and will bv. Immediately returned to thuaewboke oilers utayiwt bo accepted. Iho amount M aitaeptod odurs lutiat be do pontttd v-1th ilo TrttaMuror.otnceror Hank au'.Iwr.xud to act uiuli r this notice, on ad Woe ot au;iipt-4iiic of oil era a t ful!ow s : Oue-Iialt oil tho 'Mix of, ami the balance (in cluding Ih. premium aud original two por coot. Jtipy iK) on tlie 311 oi Ootobor. Thu Itundc whl haar liHaie-ilCr )w Kovoiuher 1. Intciost ou dupcwltc iYjuj that dto lo Hovcmutr 1 will be Uy the QuYoniuitMiUnojin, Oao ball of tha Hi at lnctwlmont, or twenty (lrt p ucnt. of (hi accepted offer, nuiy bts palJ, wltb accruttd Int "rasl t0 t -bcrlt, In ty nitod Utatea "CeiliiKatoi of Iudibtodnoc .' bnt such leiUlkad'c will bl aci d !u part 1J tnout of tbo first Initalmu! njly, Ofleit uudr thi uolice suouU be eml tsod "OiTcr fur Loan," and addrtaai'd to Uit Actrutary of tiiA Treaaury, Tin? right to due hue all ofTo. uot oonsldored tvlvantiitfooutt to tbe Government Is resorvad by tho Secretary. (Hl?ued) W. P. FKSSKNDKN, 10 4 lOt Saoretary of th Treasury. UC NEW 7-50 LOAN. tO rHiibaciiptltius racWved, aui tha furDialiodiiaoo. ail chaigas, by OKOm.L" J. BOT!, tankr, ABX-tca . o.wi.imKitat. PROPOSALS. UrAltU.KM AST Klt'S OIU'-K, i'h 1 1 m r mi i, fa . ocfohAf a4 tw, H rtlrrt Prrpntfl'S Will !' rrr y, .1 nf (t N , ftr nn' c Vlor k M Mi 'M . "r I , Ml i iif n.f 1"i tUic (l- t -ry nt tt I ' jitf 1 r-t i 'I ri- 11 ue, H m-im-i'i 1 1 : i rf . i.f ti n rol: arti U, viz : I ra i .fiuniii nuufT. I -in- 1 Mit, r- ti if f, n'ltn, wrom ht. nn-. w rtu '!it. i ii't't wioiuh', .'i 1 . T h ho n n I'M l I." II' '1 il'. -n it I- Mm." HMI- Mem ('"lit,, ( I' " lb, Vi ij u rt l-u flh lumber, hftit Hi;!'!' v S'tiAf' edia-ci fwti ffrt I ' i - lech, jii elt;f tl, m-a jrn.j j, if biinli'T. h it ly fh r 1 1 S lufh n-it cilne 1, cc"'ir whit m her li--it iu i ty .V ' 'Mn h, not edc.!,. n. wj,lteoak him be-i finmiiy. V." 0 tn l ."'lLOot c aipi.nnrd white 1 bcr hft i) rj v. ?:.o (ifrn : in hn. I e-ii- ,eo-H d whUe oak I bi. I a t 'irsiliv. irvr:-.:(;.,:;i,.,i;v,','h' n,t . whuaoah . ,V i , h,n,,t Tgei. crirniMwhlta OnU ' ) f ltt ijiiHhu tf?-i 'tiAii'r. vr.," i I.... 1 1 . b-i 'in;itv. .1 , iiia-'-e lure I, e i-oned ach lun h, i-im; rilgfd, uM Ash Inn In it tln h, vfiam-etlKed, cc.ionrd ath lun V' ".o,.' i3-fnh, l-i'ire !(. d. faonrd ash lao ben . fUtHI ( y.',' IX ( . f 4-ln- b, ' ten nm lliy 'Jtt i n 1 1 (i 1 1 inch hp si f;l,' i' V. ii fim . n i inch i t--t Ml It l i.irf rd,.rd, ens .nrd oh Int a.t cdKMl, fi- nr-. hirk-.rylB' it f ne. mned hickory Ir.n j:,t Hi ! t I ' j - LIS. h, llut fllf,:, be nnojii' . eaas.nod hicko. lui; : Inn- V't by S, Irnn, tfff. 1,. tot 1 Nt l, irm, tir.. ' t itn i.'fi hy t l.i. i -.ii, nro. n Cmiis 1- loiii d ir-'ii. tn i rip 1 4 riifnl Irnn. U tnn p'liml lnn. in tin 7 I'i rnin d iron 1' Ion Ih sipim Nmm"rH lion, in luind i s N .''i !). ' ir.'n. i' huniHr-i So W h-f in . lc.t .-n p iint v tiife lend. Lew I' pure. .' iiiii U rp-vr Tnrncv rmltf. AH l Id" -"ivf d-ncnl'Cil to b nf tho het r.n.tllv uhicMot e hii -cii n of an iusccLor up'ivHn'.vd o nttrt t the ()-.vcriinn i t ItMilpra wil c atr p lc. b-th In wrMr.g snd tfur Ilir en i. nnt or iu -ntitv .if ueh mti Iclr r,,i for. y a 1 bill must kiiiiriinlr'l fn two r'spnnsth'e nm KhuiK aiifi tnr. inimt ln rtri 'n4ifltitii uimr anrl ierililr.1 tn uh hi-tn.F ("! mid 'itn.-'nt ni'f!iri' tb- itnoant Ii vmHi-.J. h th I n tnl tit'" !ttrlct J Attrrn-v. tn Con. error, nr other f.uhlio otl'cer, othei tlie hid will not b- T1 e Tiirl t I-. r r'il to re o-t A'l bbls decsne htvti and no bid frum a dctaiiitiuf contrac tor will l c ied. It oidiTof '.ibnel Herman llk'KS. ttftrtennastor ' paittuetits. L . ti. A. (EOHflK H. ORVl 10 10-t;t C'upuitn and A. VI OH ICK CIUKK Wl'Ain KUMASTKU. 'M INNATl.t.hlo, tlt'rUr7, ,v Pr.ipocli ure Invf'ed tiy Ihf m .It-riatin-il u nil 'I H IAY , t.'hT V", k.i. hi -. o'chu k ,M.. f.T liirnisli 0 )i-P trlhiPi.t t'V onfrn'!) with : f W'OUwr N I.LaNKKI s. Army Kia"dard. i Al', tT th1 fmin- l'nte d'"lprv nl : ' HT .Mil. K I- KOI Krt, Army Ntnmlaitl. Ati'i tbe fol 'm tntaT m iierlnl ! 1 rlmmincs, lo V- to i-pinph'! which can h' s-i n at f lit- o'tb : l l.t K 1 LA N V LL Ll ilN,., for HucaOntta; (,'A.SVAS I APlUNti, l-.r.l i- UU. U WW WN MI'ULKH (hunt), for flacK Cont . Liutnu ; )1 l-.lioW.V MUSMN (heavy), for .Tackt Lin ni ; MtLY 1 LANNT.L.or Hornet Mnlntr f- r Jacket. Nitiiptrv nn.y Uf seen ut tbe O lhe of Cbth(ns K iuipake In this city. bf ili"ti reil inn nf etiaric at tho ignited Statr, speciinu Waiot (mac In iMk city, tn 'n'd new psc w itti the iiHmc ol th' p it l turn I bin 4, tlx' kind and tit) of kOods illtinetlp ni.iiacd uu each article pHl hHl-e 1'uitnn nfcrlng K'i'd xxmnt d'tfnctly ctato In tbei. the iiiuM j they pr-jpc-SL' to funiith, tUo tiri o,(uil ot uiiry. A r httiiipii s, w hen tibnilt'e!, must be markociand A t Sfi il 1(1 COI refill ill! I Mil ll tilt' nrnlHIIal ami 1'iM liU tli rc!o 111 i t giiuniht t; lh-it tlie f nods obsll In, in 't J rc-i'cct eniu-il tn Armv KtiiinljnL utliorwis th n a !r w til not he c'lMsiihTi il A KiMirHntcf, ii(iK'U by two roipotmltt'd persons, 1 Bo ('lummy Cli li h.d. 1 iiurntiii'i'tiM t ut thi- b ddor Htipnly the itrtrb s nwnnh .1 ( irni und r bis pro pom limn will i.e npi'iiiMl n 'ihurMlnv, Oct bcr vl , b 2 a r ock K. al , at this ftloe, und tnddfrs aro iej.jt.B ' be prt sciit. Aiviriii, will bo niB'lp on l'ridiy Orfnbor 21, Ufil, Hoin'n w ul be rcipuiod Uml the coniritct .U be Uill fnitillid. Te.lei ran.s riOatlng tn I'rnpna'i win not be noticed. liiunK forms ot fx-poaum, Couuucui, suui Uondi ui 1 ol'tuii i d ut iliii nfli. 'I he r i,bt 10 ! cut any b'd dt'cmcd unrcasorja n-nrrvi il. Kf(l rce cntilopo "Fr'po,'ftis for -- t" a.liln - t"oIonl U II.LIAM W.McM.M li;-JU-7t f'bief tjiidi rniaio , ijiia-lnuatl Lei OF F I C Y Till K F d V A 11 r K It M A S I !Nt'ir.NATI,tbl . S-plt nilM' Stll, 1 rropoMiln nre Invhci tn the uii'li'rK :n -4 tinUI 'V I) , Oc I tx'r IH, (Kill nt Vtu ci m;K t. M ,Iur thu IllllIK llcilvciy o tills Lcparinifiit of otnrh KeathiTs rr Ma , urn y st.tndcrd- lint I i' ai her HocketH, do tntit'K Kirr-aiH, ioMd Caniiun f't Mac, 'r'Bx-.r Hu'iics ror Hits, llLj I CM III? I! 4f H, i iiinanv t lann c. assorted. do do Cl.cMuns Ar-illtiy s. iiriny Nta,nUt d Ifo Jrprl 00 yatlonnl t'dors. 1ni.tiur , Oij It. 'iil'iK-mc. i'olors, l- I.IHCOU), do In int. .Hi'crei, hi'tx, no Hau'i.h s i which nnv bo teen at tie Office of Cie' iinl-fpi pak' lu Li's iliy. To hi d livi fod tie of charL'P, it the IT H. Inu' Wa'i:nirii In tlila civ, fn giodn- p nK -fi, w( imu cot thn pun Hirniht ing. tin; t'lid und ia t yiHiiin, illNilncliy nun kc . 011 c;icli cptcit a nl piit''n I urllcs i ttcrhty oO'lH mils' oMmcly mate l i th'-lr tte iiusntiiy ihty pmpo 0 to furuiih, t..e price, ami lime . t drllvoy. ' H.111 D e-i. vhen siihrnffted, nniit be trsrked and n ber"l to correcpnTid with 'be "ntyo!!1 ; nnd tfio i thereto mum jruaninteis ti at Itm oi'hall be In t rt up ci eicai 10 army btatidurd, otherwise the pn j w III nu b coOfidcrcd A tuermiti:". Miym d bv tveo r -in ul hla persons, acconipiniy each bid, susriint!' inrf tlilt tbe bldriii 81 pp)y th. ai teles iivtsr cd tn him mb-r h's protionn 1ml h v ill In op nt n on 'I nmdi.y, c"ifi r hi lKti, o'clot k I'. M., ivt this oillce, uml bUtlcrc aire rcviueai be jncirnt. A wards wlif bo md on WwdnesdHT. O -iAlnr If. 1 ' ItenrJs will required that the contract wbtba fattt fnlhll d. 1 cjciurns rolatlnK tn propoith will not bj nott;cd. IM'ink ftirm ol propon;iit contrtiots. uud hi iiJh in-, ohtnineil a this orlii-v. Ibe riKht lu rejtct any bid docmsd onreasonah rest-rved. I'.udirse envcloie "Propof aU for - and addr Oiiou-! Wll 1.1AM W. M- Kid 10 4-lut Chlet giiurturiuus'er. Line nnsu Ut'i rVFFICIi OH IFF QUARTKRMAST V t'lN Ihnati, Ohbi, Septetnlwr 4 I rroprsas are Invited hy the undcrtiiciied um 11 TIO IA V ,0 lobar l.i, 'io uiock T. At., fur the iuim deitveiy to tlil" 1'cpartiiiCiit ot : h't t" K I Ni HArutv Numtard. M.LH 1 I'A NH Army H uiMlmd. bmtVKI.H Arin jtitui iuid. jilt IMS. compile Army rtiailaid. I t'tiLKH, with fxtru ino'ith-i bc error Ptsndur 1 M'aLL 'IKNTH, r..inni'U Army ntaudard (IL mi.y state w hetiiur tlte proi-OHo to fiirotch h 04. or J jn aim w tieiiir 01 .-iit n 9 linen; IIOtl'ITAL'l LSTH-Armv Mu'iiUnl. V l(HTKl H a NH K Arm R'anriurd. hump u ol wliiah uiay he cecu at tho Ortlee of CW and L!U)puf-.'e In this city. To be lli.i-rrt fieoof churue at the II H Ifmp War hoiiM' In thm U , In fnd. new pckai-'a, wit . Hume ti tbo parti furni-li nir ttia ktnd aud quant gxdi dUhl.eth uiHrked t it eiuh nr icie ano puckui- I'a ti s "f(t rim, uood" U'H-' oi-'lnutiv mute in their tlie niiudtity they piopose to fiiruisb,tht) price, and ui deh ery. Hniuplei, when submitted, nvist he marked and f ber d 10 errepoiiti wtt'i Ihe pr-Hol; uinl the p. il. un in munt xuarant ' thai ihynf.ds hii he, In rt xpict, eiital to Army Htuudard, oiiierwiie tlie ptu will 1.01 bee-nsidt nd. A tv-uaranteu. Miviied by two rcispon)! i'a pofna. 1 accotiipnny uneii b d, it imr-i'iH iuik' that tuo bidder hiipl' tie urtcltit itwurtlrd to li.ui ut der h propo , Itols will b.-open-d on I'ninsuuv. b i-ifor I t. iMrti n diK'L r M at tills Jit1cu, uinl Oidoora aro requect b pi cent Aw Midi- w(M b nisde 111 K rirtai , October M, 14. HomU will La required that the comrct will be f full) linlllled. J 'i eli .nini lel.ttlniv to proposals will uk 0 no' Iced Iwjitik foi iuh .-I tioposalis. t'oiitiuc--i.iivf Hon lis h'Ullltd UE lhl oil. CO. l ieriKbt toren . tunv bid deemed tmn asoibia 1 grrvirl. hMtorse envel -po "rrop.icals for , adtUtss folonel WILLI M W. M. KIM V2H -lit t'hic. suar.i-riuuxu r Cincinuuti Oci 11II.F QUARTRRMASTFR'S OFFIC V tiMisNAii, Ohio, Hi pieinbor ii, 1 1'mp.iMla nit' Invited by tti iiit.lernni'il. mn II IlAi.Oii. Ltr ;. Ini.I. at'i, 1. At., for the li 1 inle Jt liv civ lo tliiu Jiepui tuiebt of licit Ki .1 LA It 1 UUWhhl.M, of uny color except hint or grey. t umpire tu be rttrolhl.ed Ly the parties ofTering. wh s'ate in tt.elr bhii- (he ijiuntity Lioy prop to fui ll.e urlce. and time al' dulivei v 'J v be JdiVertrd tree of chance at tlie fulled h Illtpui'l.oli V urulu ie, in lliir. cl'v. In food newt am, w Ith tbe ns me ot tl. ptrt fntniHhliig, the kind tjuuniHyuf good, Uisiiiiutiy waiLOu ou eacn Aitici pin aui;!1. h.unpics, beii subiuitteil. iiiutt be marked uud b"ie to i-onemi'ii J vsitii tn pioposnl : aud then 1 ti eieto mi. st Kntruntee that 1 1 1 uoodn shall b lu 1 jvi. ct t, e ,i"il to '.iultlc,otu-iriio the proposal wi be e' luutecii, i'ui.N nil bd jteie.l on M.Hiilttv. October 17, li o'ck'ck 1. M, ut thif ullicd, aud bidders aio roiitsi be 1 rtM'iit. Awuitih w ill be made on Tutt.vlay, Octotier H, li;L '1 e.c-'iiiim relutji. ti Lroo-UiA Vi ill liul bu n diced. i: a:-k l irtuc cf J'r ipukuli tu;iy b3 obtained at Olliee. 'lot r-tiht to ii)cet any bid deemed uareaitouub i , i t i a. I.ndu'su f uve! ic "PivpOjals fjr an ffiei. (01. WILLIAM W. McKlM i-W-ln i-'f.u'i (jiurtermi.tur Lluciiiuau 1 1 LilrAItTFUMASTKU -GKNFUA 1 0(1 ..,I:iii.t 1'ivUH'H, W sui 1 roK City, Octotr 1, Tli ilf ifc'4 1 ( ( iii m l 1 I III )USM ! ! 1 Hordes siiitiibhi Aiii l-ifv uud Cuvulre Crvlc he purchased ut MIl.biiOKO It&rof, luoputi marks) s I....- I Hotm-s wjlt be'd.dlvcred lo C aftin Lowry M A. (i. M .and be suhjeoted to the usual uuiisr ItiipeMinii bU re bi'lur urecUcd. l iu itul Cnvaliy .iirfses,l.'f I'lioo ol Artillery lt.u .,, w' ai:ii. I'a vmi nt w IU be made I V IV Colon J Mod Olvlsloii Quartermastor-Uvnural a on 10 :i3l TkOTICK TO CONSIGN KKS. TUB ll fUlLAl'l 1 f HI A.Osptcrn I'ool, from Liverpoii i.ow toady to ilittclisiue at HMith Hl'ett Witirf ( eitjime- will please send tlieir pei wits on huard. All 4 rm panunitd iu loriy lit liuuih hIU i ctnt to im, 1 1 1 , Kit ilAitl'SO.S lit St